Kimberly Drive 3387 3387 Kimberly Drive O. Schiltz Cons Co. Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling 858 9 -13 -63 11,000.00 0-Theodore Johnson Construct Open porch to rear of S,F.Frame Dwellg. B.P. 190 4-24-70 350.00 0 -Ted Johnson Erect entryway to SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 362, 5/10/77 0- Michael Oberhoffer C -Owner 500.00 replace 8x16 wood deck rear SF frm dwllg BP 9913 4/25/86 $675.00 3387 Kimberly 0 -Mike Oberhoffer C- Gloebel Roofing tear -off, reroof SF frm dwllg BP 11855 5/27/87 $980.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 54 -92 for variance to construct carport 4'8" from side prop. line. Approved 7/23/92 0- Michael Oberhoffer C -Owner erect 20'x14' open carport, Sf res BP20889 8/24/92 $1475.00 0 -Mike Oberhoffer C -Steve Schnee t /o, reroof, SF, fas, sd BP 31943 8/8/95 $2200.00 4