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Kirkwood Street 0975
975 Kirkwood St. 0- B.F.K1ou4a C- Geisler Bros. Reroof fr. hguse B.P.59 4/18/32 4450.00 0- Russell Candee C -Chas Klaas Alterations to Interior of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 80 2-16-65 100.00 0- Harriett Kolock C -DISCO - Rer- of-- SF —f-r-. dw -H-g-BP-6-83 6/266 - 39 - $5400.00 0- J_2hn_Hickey CLnter__St ate_Jont_r. t %o, reroof SF BP34852 5/16/96 $5900.00