1969 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1969 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1969 COUNCILMEN WALTER A. PREGLER, Mayor GAYLORD M. COUCHMAN SYLVESTER McCAULEY DONALD R. MEYERS MERLIN F. SCHULTZ City Clerk. . .... .. . .. .... . . . . . LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor.. .. .. . .. .. ... .......... R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitor. . . . . . . . WILLIAM A. CONZETT MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES FRANK D. GILLOON JR. KARL KENLINE Municipal Court Clerk.... . . .. . .JOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court Bailiff """""""""""""" ................. . ELMER D. JOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Administrative Assistant... . . . . . GEORGE A. LIPPER City Treasurer Planning Director GERALD HIRD DON GILSON City Auditor Building Comissioner A. G. HEITZMAN DONALD BANDY City Engineer I . I JOHN L WHITE E ectrica Inspector City Asses~or LUVERN C. NORTON JAMES J. GREGORY Health Director Chief of Fire Department KENNETH K. HAZLET, ROBERT N. DUNPHY M. D. Chief of Police Milk Sanitarian PERCY LUCAS A. J. ROTH Sup't. of Water Works Sanitary Officer J. J. HAIL LAVERNE GOERDT Street Department CLETUS ALLEN Food and Restaurant Director of Recreation Inspector RICHARD J. SLATTERY MILDRED KENNEDY Urban Renewal Director Plumbing Inspector GENT M. WITTENBERG RICHARD J. FEYEN Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. 'C'" . Feb. Mar. April May June 6-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed oUicial depository of public funds. ........................".......... 6-Agreement between tbe City of Dubuque and the United States Army Reserves, terminating a lease on property located at 5th & Iowa Streets. 6-Airport Dubuque Municipal, requesting funds esti. mated at $122,000 as a share in the cost of constructing Instrument Landing System and Approach Lighting System. ......................".......... 6-Arlene's Cafe, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No.9. """"""",,"""""""""""""""""""""" 6-Altura Drive Storm Sewer 1968, completed and accepted. ............................................................,....... 6-Agreement Between the City of Dubuque and the Celotex Co,<,oration for Sewer Service. ............ 27-Advisory CommIssion, requesting permission to be heard at Council meeting. ................................".. 3-American States Insurance, Notice of claim on behalf of Marie K. Fangman. ................................ 3-Aid Insurance Services, Notice of Claim on behalf of Patrick Graze. ........".......................................... 3-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. ..................................................."....... 17-Annual Report of the City Auditor for the fiscal year of January I, 1968 thru December 31, 1968. 17-Ahlers Edwin J., Notice of Claim. """""""""""""" 17-Airport Bonds In The Amount of $125,000.00. """""""""""""""""" 60, 95, 105, 107, 125, 126, 158 3-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Humane Society. ................................,... 3-Althaus Herbert E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Agreement between the Chicago and North West- ern Railway Company and the City of Du- buque for granting of a license for the con- struction and operation of a sanitary sewer on the property of the railroad company. ........100, 263, 264 7-Armed Forces Day held on May 16, 1969. ............".. 109 24-Annual Report of The Recreation Commission For The Year 1968. ................................"...................... 24-Atchison Christine, Notice of Claim. ............".......... 24-American Legion, requesting permission to conduct a poppy day. ............................................................ 7-Altman John R., sidewalk bond. ............................ 5--Asbury Road 1968 Water Main Project No. I, com- pleted and accepted. ............................196, 198, 226, 265 5--A-l Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting permission to excavate at rear of 395 Main St. ................ 5--American Legion, requesting permission to conduct their anoual drum corps parade. ........................ 2O-Advlsory Commission, submitting report on City Government Facilities. ........................................ 26-Anderson-Weber, requesting permlssloo to con- struct a loading dock on the west side of Salina Street near Railroad Avenue. ........................"...... 2-Agreement between Hilton Homes and City of Dubuque covering Rental-Lease of a Portable Classroom. ................................................................ 19-Althaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits. """"""""""""""""","""""""""""""""'" 19-Arthofer Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 19-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Artato Foods of Iowa, Inc., granted Clasa "C" INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Å JaIL Page 3 9, 295 10 12 14 26, 214 30, 93 31 43 46 51 69 82 109 113 117 135 202 203 214 233 237 249 249 250 250 1969 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Å J~y Liquor Permit. """"""","""""""""""""""""""'" 23-Andresen Thomas, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 23-Andersen Thomas, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ............................................................................ 7-Ahern Regina Susan, Notice of Claim. .................. 7-Ace Muffler Service, granted Cigarette Permit. 7-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit. """""""" 21-Audit Report of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1968, submitted by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks. ........".. 21-Amvets Auxiliary Post No.2, requesting permis- sion to conduct a White Clover sale. ................ 21-Agreement between the Dubuque Municipal Air- port and the Federal Aviation Administration, Amendment by deletion of $201,215.00 and sub- stituting in lieu thereof the amount of $202,459.80. ...................................................."........ 21-Airport, Dubuque Municipal, advising the Council the Federal Aviation Administration will as- sume half of the cost of strengthening runwar 13-31 with a 3 inch layer of asphalt at an estI- mate of $200,000. ............................................296, 21-Adams Realty Corporation, condemnation of prop- erty located in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project area. ...................................."...................... 26-ANNEXATION PROPOSITION FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969. ..................................................".. ...................... 304, 306, 307, 346, 346, 419, 28--Avalon Street, improvement with bituminous con- i{;,"i~ t~ug~C~gpfr.~f ~fr:'e:'š ¡dd:~io~b3~'? 28--Alt':,r;.".t~::'ia~:~7:;"::~~~ :? f.i~t'~~~~sDri"v':; to the W. P. L. of North Grandview Avenue. ............................................................."............. 315, 28--Auburn Street, improvement with bituminous con. crete surfacing from the S. P. L. of Dexter Street to the N. P. L. of Lot 179 of Woodlawn Park Addition. ................................................315, 4-American Rehabilitation Foundation, requesting J¡>ermission to conduct a .fund raisjng drive. .... ll-Agmtsch Ambrose Mrs., Notice of ClaIm. ........"...... IS-Allison Henderson Park, request of the Park Board to regulate the closing hours. ...."...................... 2-American Veterans of World War II, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ......................."....................... 9-Agri":;~U;:i~~ ~:~~~i~~II~J'l~~:~\~fi~'::f L~ acres or more. ....................................................".. 9-Alrport Bonds In The Amount Of $100,000.00 to pay for the cost of resurfacing the runways with a three inch asphalt mat. 404, 406, 439, 22-ASPHALT PRICE FIXING, motion for court order directing notice of hearing on dismissal of com- plaint of price fixing by Union Asphalt & Roadoils Inc. ........................................................,... 22-Ammari Farah requesting rezoning of Lots 8 & 9 in Brunskill's Addition. ........."......................... 22- Ag~i'o~ e~~ d b~~"~l\/~ '¥f'u ~ ~ q :Ouil ~ nlh e C¡ ~~:-:g of Sears Roebuck & Co. Subdivision No.2. .... 29-Ammari Farah, Notice of Claim. """,,"""""""""""" 29-Abeln Abstract Company, offer to purchase prop- erty located in the Downtown Urban Renew81 Aug. Sept. Page 252 274, 572 275 260 268 268 Nov. 292 295 296, 491 404, 406 Dec. 297 465 481 376, 481 376, 431 376, 431 324, 352 353 359 395 400 444, 445 421 423 423, 424 457 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page Å Oct. Area. ........................................................463, 507, 508, 565 6-A1lison Henderson Park, petitions of area resi- dents requesting police enforcement in and around the park. """"............".............................. 6-Agreement between Fischer Investment Company and the City of Dubuque concerning grant of right of way for the Flood Protection Project. 22-American Legion concerning juvenile delinquency. 3-Agreement between the Illinois Central Railroad and the City of Dubuque for the construction and maintenance of a sanitary sewer pipeline. 3-American Veterans of World War No.2, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................................"...... 510 3-American States Insurance, Notice of Claim for re- imbursement of a claim paid to Paul Tressel. 513, 571 17-Alta Vista Street, installation of street lights recommended for the intersection of Alta Vista & Rose and Alta Vista & Martha Streets. ........ 520 17-Ambulance Service for City of Dubuque, proposals and recommendations submitted by the City Manager. ............................................................521, 522, 545 17-Althaus Emil & Thelma, Settlement of Suit. ........ 525 S-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" S-Are~~~:s Sl~:e¡,~~~~~ ~~ th~e£'~t'~w~wIT;¡'~~ Renewal Area. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" S-Alba Crusa A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... IS-Airport Commission, conveyance of property to the Iowa State Highway Commission. """""" 29-Andresen Thomas, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 167. ........................................".......... 29-Alpha Street Sanitary Sewer, certification of cost of construction, and establishment of connec- tion charges. ............................................................ 573, 574 470 473 495 501 520 538 543 558 565 572 1969 Jan. Feb. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Mar. B 6-Birch Margaret, Equity Judgment directing a reo duction in special assessments. ........................". 6-Ball Karl J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........".. 6-Bell Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 9-Bonds In The Amount Of $2,000,000.00, Sewer Rev- enue 1969 Series. .................................................... 27-Briggs, Lorraine, petition for light in alley between Rhomherg & Garfield denied. ........oO..........."..... 27-BroÍro:eg:'~~gGst::\u1~tif~e ~n~n4~ ~ mann Avenue. ........................................................ 27-Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, request. ing refund on Class "A" Liquor Permit. ........ 27-Butterfield Road Extension Storm Sewer, com- pleted and accepted. """"""""""""","""""""""'" 3-Black & White Cab Co., liability policy. ........",..... 3--Bonds In The Amount of $14,222.25 for the 1967 City of Dubuque Sidewalk Project No. 1. ..".... 3--Bogas Demetra, condemnation of property for Ur- ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. .............................." 3--Ball Karl J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .." 17-Buechel Louis, requesting permission to excavate in Lincoln Avenue. ..............................."............... 17-Rournias Louis T., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 51. ........................................".......... 17-Brayton Alan, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 142. """"""""",,"""""""""""""""""""" 17-Bonds In The Amount of $125,000.00 to pay for the cost of Airport improvements. """""""""" .."................................ 50, 95, 105, 107, 125, 126, 158 3--Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ 3-Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .....................................................". 7-Bonds In The Amount of $565,000.00 for the pur- pose of constructing a new Fire Station at the comer of 9th & Central. ....................97, 104, 126, 128 24-Birkett Maryel M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 119, 423 31-Bies Subdivision, approval of plan for the vacation of portions of Daniels, Bies and Kebbie, and for the residential development of areas having access to these Streets. ....................................,... 7-Bee~~'rtr:~:ni~~ :~~~s~~1!e~j~~~nK~~:J; Road. """"""""""""",""""""""""""""""""""""'" 7-Bandy Donald J. and Iona R., condemnation of 7 - Bur~~oY~~~á':e,U ~~:::d~eê~::,l ,!,¿~j~:ë'; "¡;ërmiï: 7-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ....".. 14-Board of Health, Regular Session. ........................".. 14-Beaves Richard, resignation from Board of Heat- ing, Ventilating and Refrigeration. ............".. 14-Bradley Iron Works Inc., requesting an easement across Marshall Street and Lot 2 of Block 16 in River Front Subdivision No.3. ....".............. 14-B,P'~å!o~; ~~~~, th~q~fJ~~~J',,~~~.I~~.~~.~.~~~~..~ S-Bahl Alfred, sidewalk bond. ",,"""""""""""""""""" S-Budget Amended by increasing appropriations in various funds. ........................................200, 202, 227, S-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 12-Burke Leonard, Notice of Appeal in matter of con- demnation for Urban Renewal. ........".............. April ~:,y B 2O-Bies & Kebbie Drives, installation of street lights recommended. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 26-Baumgartor Robert, requesting refund on an un- used building permit. """""""""""""""""""""" J~e It::~~r:y ~~~, ~~;~ c¡}i~-::'\\~ þ~~t :::::::::::::::: 19-Bell Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. """""""""" 19-Baum William, granted Cigarette Permit. ........"...... ~t::~~g~~; J of:,n~~~~~~~:'~1~~i-Diii:' .::::::::: ::: 19-Brayton Ronald, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-Brimeyer Donald C., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Birch Marshall R., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Brant Carl N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 19-Bradley Iron Works, Inc., offer to purchase Lot 2, Block 16 in Riverfront Subdivision 3, and to purchase a vacated portion of Marshall Street. ............................................................................ 253, 271, 369 23-Board of Review, requesting the updating of all properties throughout the City. ............................ 255 23-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond. """""""""""""""""" 256 23-Birch Margaret, Settlement of Suit relative to Fre- mont Avenue Paving project. """""""""""""" 23-Beecher Co. Inc., granted Cigarette Permits. ........ 23-Becker Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 23-Beidler Robert, granted Cigarette Permit. ........".. 23-Brammers Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit. ......., 23-Bailey Edward A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 23-Becker Robert L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 23-Bailey Edward A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 23-Burke Josephine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. July 7-Bourgeault A. E. Mrs., relative to the absence of park area in and around Suzanne Drive. ............ 7-Bow and Arrow hunting sling shots, stones, pro- hibited. ...................................................................... 7-Bowen Robert, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 95. """""""""""""""""""""" 7-Bridge Marian J., granted Cigarette Permit. """" 7-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit. ....".. 7-Brenner Jeannette, granted Cigarette Permit. ....",. ~=~\~~~ :~~rtM.,gr;~~d C¿f:~~~~e r;,":r~~. :::::::: 7-Baumhover Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit. """" 21-Becker James G., sidewalk bond. ............................ 21-Barton Aschman Associates, Inc., contract with the City of Dubuque for final design and pre- ~:t~~~tr~~t cd~~~~~':: l'o~anJie s~~:c~~~ Pedestrianway, Downtown Urban Renewal Pro- ject, Iowa R-15. """"""""""""""....................".. 21-B~::f ge,°l~~~;' ~~ha;;~s~e~:J~~aW:¡ ~d George Rider Burden, condemnation of proper- ty in Downtown Urban Renewal area. ............ 21-Bray Dorothy, condemnation of property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal area. ............ 297, 398 26-Braconier Plumbing & Heating Inc., requesting a refund on plumbing permit No. 33809. ............ 28--Boge Dauiel D., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28--Boge Daniel D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 28--Boge Daniel D., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 28--Berkley Place, improvement with Bituminous Con- INDEX - BOOK 99 Page 1969 SUBJECT a 15 15 17 21 28 26 27 so 37 40 43 58 58 49 82 83 122 141 150 153 153 155 156 158 168, 188 183 231 204 208 Page 219 233 249 249 249 249 249 250 250, 572 250 250 252 259 272 272 272 273 273 273 274 275 275 277 281 263 268 288 268 288 288, 423 288 292 296 297 310 318 318 319 1969 Aug. Sept. 8 ~r'r~t sr:t~n~. t¡.~'t t~~ 'òJ~r~.tÒ~~e~l~ 4-Bia"l Cof G~:::~je~~~å;;~i::".~i~:.3~, B~ ll-Bissell F. E., submitting resignation as member of Planning &. Zoning Commission. ........................ 18-Budget for the City of Dubuque for the Fiscal Year 1970 presented by the City Manager. ................ 2-BuFglaF Alarm system for the Police Departmellt completed. ........................................."..................... 2-Burns Dennis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 9-Bonds In The Amount Of $100,000.00 to pay the cost of resurfacing the Municipal Airport l'UlI- ways with a three inch asphalt base. -"""""'.." ........"............................................ 404, 406, 439, ~, 446 9-Bonds In The Amount Of $100,000.00 to pay the cost of Fire Department Equipment. ....."......... ,,"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 408, 4W, 440, 446, 450 9-Bonds In The Amount Of $200,000.00 for Dutch . Elm Tree Removal. ....410, 412, 441, 452, 454, 456 9-Bonds In The Amount Of $200,000.00 for the pur- 3i:; g¡ 8'u~~~~ti~~..~.~.~~~~.~ÃfI,s i:l~d ¿'If, 439, 442 22-Berwanger Boiler Shop, objeeting to a eity em- ployee bidding against them. """""""",""""""'" 22-Buechel Louis, liability poliey. .................................. ~t::~::r'e; ~ir~~ i~n~~ni;i8ag:~~ ,fi~~e~"Pëñiiit: 22-Baker William H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Brown Irene Ann, Notice of Suit. ................................ 6-Bitter Joseph J. relative to rezoning Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Davis Farm Addition. .................................." 6-Brimeyer Donald C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 8-Brandt Albert et. aI., objecting to conditioo of building at 2621 Fulton Street. """""""""" 487, 512 3-Boy Scout Troop No.7, presenting the City of Dubuque with a flag of City. """'.....".............. 8-BeecheF Co. Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 8-Bu-rgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 3-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit....................................................................... 3-Bartels Place, Sara S. and Edward R., recom- mendation of Planning & Zoning Commission to reclassify from Loeal Business "B" to Busi- ness classification. ............................................513, 17-Blakeman Ronald, grallted Cigarette Permit. ........ 17-Blakeman Ronald, grantted Class "B" Beer Permit. 17-Blakeman Ronald, granted Class "C" LiC 'IWr Permit. 8-Behr Funeral Home, requesting permission tc> con- struct canopies over entrance on Main alld on Fifteenth Streets. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Bies DFive Sanitary Sewer 1969, preliminary plans 8-Bro~ E~:~~c~t~"::.niëïi'Ciä;;š';;B~'ï3ëë;:"¡;ë;:¡;¡¡i: 8-B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 297, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ....................................,....................... 8-Budget Report of The City of Dubuque for Munici. pal streets and Parking. """""""""""""""""""" 3-B.P.O, Elks Lodge No. 297, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Brewn Edward G., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. IS-Board of Health, Special SessiO1\. ................................ 29-Brown Edward, granted Cigarette Permit. ...."...... 29-.....BIUlm Wil1iMn J., graMed Class "B" Beer Pernñt. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Oct. Nov. Dec. Page 376, 431 421, 457 352, 393 362, 400 384 394 419 419 435 436 436 458, 513 470 478 499 510 510 511 518, 544 534 535 536 548 553 557 558 549 558 559 560 577 577 \if!". INDEX - BOOX99 1969 SUBJECT Page c Ian. 6-City Council, Regular Sessioo. """""""""""""""""" 6-Cbavenelle Gilhert D., appointed City Manager. 8-City Council, advising Council of his appointment of all employees under bia supervision direc- tion and control. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 6-City Manager, submitting an ordinance allocating ~:.. m:,~~s~fr::rv~~~~n:oro~x~:nW;::::s af~~ City Government. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 3, 6-City Manager, requesting permission to execute an agreement with the Army Reserves to termin- ate a lease for property at 501 Iowa Street. .... 6-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Cedar, Elm, Jackson and Washington Streets, between 7th and 11th Streets. ............ 6-Chavenelle Gilhert D., bond. "...................................... 6-Celotex Corporation Sewer Service Agreement with the City of Dubuque. """""""""""""""""""" 9-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 27-City Council, Special Session. ............................".. 27-City Manager, recommending denial of petition for a street light in alley hetween Rhomherg and Garfield Avenues. .......................................... 3-City Council, Regular Session. """""""""""""""" 3-CoU~~ ~~~'c~~~~ngt:;e"p~~.ti:gt~ ~~~;t meetings by the City ~uncil. """""""""""""" 3-City Manager, reporting on rules relating to Air Pollution Control. """""""""""""'.""""""""""'" 3-City Clerk, authorized to sign papers in absence of City Manager. ............................................,............. 3-Collins William P. on hehalf of Steven P. Collins, Notice of Claim. '.."""""""""""""""""""""""" 32 3-City of Dubuque 1967 Sidewalk Project No.1, schedule of assessments. ........................................ 33, 34 3-Cha1mers John K., Naudain, Duct Youngquist, Ed- fo~trtanC~~::;:í ~~~:'Ir,n:~: {l-\l~.:.~~y 17-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 17-Clemens David L., relative to purchase of property owned by Matthew and Agues Olansky. ............ 17~Council proceedings for the month of November 1968, approved as printed. """""'.""""""""""'" 17-City Auditor, City Treasurer and Water Depart- ment, reports for the month of Decemher, 1968. """"""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""'" 46 17-Cody Merlin J., Notice of Claim. ................................ 52, 308 17-Col11'ad Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting re- zoning of Lot 2 of the Sub of 1 of 1 of 1 of McLean Heights to Multiple Family Residence. 24-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 24-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Departtnent, re- ports for the month of January as well as a list of claims. ........................................"........................ 24-Claims for the month of December, 1968, proof of publication. .............,................................................ 24-Chapman Wilfred Mrs. et. aI., objecting to street conditions at the intersection of Dove and Meggan Streets. """"""'.....................................,... 3-City Council, Regular Session ........,....................... 3-Claims for the month of January 1968, proof of publication. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-City Manager, requesting authority to sign contract 1 2 4 14 17 20 Feb. 21 29 29 30 30 39 45 45 45 58 64 64 64 68 69 69 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT c INDEX - BOOK 99 Page 1969 SUBJECT c Page with the Dubuque Humane Society. .................... 3-Commodity Warehousing Corporation, purchase of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 5 "River Front Subdivi- sion No.3. ................................................................ 7-City Council, Special Session. ",,"""""""""""""" 7-City of Dubuque Street Finance Report For The Fiscal Year 1968. ...................................................... 7-Chict':t~~tN~1: ::s6i~ ~¥>~~q~~:nf~:~h:g~~: struction and operation of a sanitary sewer. 100, 263, 264 2O-City Council, Special Session. ................".................. 104 2O-City Manager, authorized to execute and file all necessary documents relative to Emergency Flood Control. .......................................................... 24-City Council, Special Session. ................,................... 24-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department re- ports for the month of February 1969. ........".. 24-Conlon Construction Co., sidewalk bond. ....,........... 24-City Manager, requesting permission to execute a lease for office space In the Fischer Bldg. for the Urban Renewal Department. ........................ 24-Council proceedings for the month of December 1968, ap'proved as printed. .................................... 24-City CouncIl remanding the Citizens Advisory Com- mission to investigate and evaluate operations of City Government outside of City Hall; ex- amine present City Hall for space implementa- tion; contact the County City Authoritv for statistics and pertinent iuformation on facilities. 24-Can¡~~wPi~u~~i~~c~:}oit"sq~~t~~Sf~~\"on ~~ south side of 8th Avenue. ............................117, 123, 124 31-City Council, Special Session. ................................".. 121 31-Council proceedings fo rthe month of January 1969, approved as printed. .................................... 31-Claims for the month of February 1969, proof of publication. ..........................."........................... April 7-City Council, Regular Session. ................".................. " 14-City Council, Special Session. ......................."....... 14-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Police Department. ............................................157, 176, 255, 459 14-Curtis Straub Co., requesting permission to exca. vate in Terminal Street. ......."........................... 18--City Council, Special Sessioti. ..........................."....... 5--City Council, Regular Session. ""","""""""""""""'" S-Civil Service Commission, advising the Council that there were no applicants for position of Electri- calInspector. ................................",......................... 176, 220 5--Civil Service Commission, submitting report of pro- motional examination for positions on the Police Department. ............................................".. 176, 293 S-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of promotional examination for positions on the Fire Department. ............................................177, 293, 561 5--Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en. trance examination for positions on the Fire 5--Co~~faG.~là\t:' 'äi:;' 'ö'b jëëïiiiiï ïö'ïïi~ 'rë~iiiñ'i 7Ji Lots in A. P. Woods and McGrath Subdivisions. 5--City Treasurer, Auditor and Water Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of March 1969. 5--Claims for the month of March 1969, proof of pub- lication. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5--City Auditor, requesting permission to destroy various old records. """""""""""'.....................".. 5--County of Dubuque, requesting permission to in- stall radio antennas and equipment on a parcel of land owned by the City. .................................... S-City Manager, recommending the amending of the budget by the transfer of monies from one fund to another. ................................200, 201, 202, 227, 231 5--Cushing Charles R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 204 324 S-Cushing Charles R., granted Class "C" Liquor' Permit. ...................................................................... 12-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 12-City Manager, reporting on the feasibility of heating and pedestrianway in the downtown mall to remove snow. ............................................ 2O-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 20-Council proceedings for the month of February 1969, approved as printed. .................................... 20-City Manager, submitting a contract with the League of Iowa Municipalities. ........................ 2O-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for position of Water Plant Oper- ator. ............................................................................ 220, 293 2O-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for position of Electrical Inspector. 220 26-City Council, Special Session. ................................ 226 26--City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, re- ports and a list of claims for the month of April 1969. ................................................................ 26-Colt 45 Drum & Bugle Corps, requesting permls- 2-City s~~~ito~~~f.~r~~~siöii:":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-City Manager, submitting an Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Hilton Homes for Rental-Lease covering a Portable Classroom. .... 2-Claims for the month of April 1969, proof of publication. ......................................................"...... 2-Cross Ordelia, settlement of suit. ",,"""""""""""""" 2-Conrad Plumbing & Heating, granted permission to erect an addition to their present building at 1917 Jackson Street. ........................................ 19-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 19-Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 100Cushlng Charles, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Clarke Super 100 service Station, granted Cigarette Permit....................................................................... 19-Chalder Florence E., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Cremer R. J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 19-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 23-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 23-Council proceedings for the month of March 1969, approved as printed. ............................,................... 23-City Manager, recommending that the construction of the Heeb Street Retainine Wall be awarded to William Becker & Sons Stone Co. ....".......... 23-Clty Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports for the month of May 1969. ............".. 23-Carter Road, installation of a street light recom- mended. .................................................................... ~,ay 69 81, 146 95 99 108 109 110 110 110 110 111 June 121 121 135 135 156 170 175 277, 459 181, 207 1112 183 191 195 204 206 206 214 214 219 226 233 237 237 238 238 245 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 251 251, 572 255 255 256 256 1969 4-County-City of Dubuque Authority, audit report by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks. ............ 4-City Auditor, Treasurer and Health Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of June 1969. ................................................................ 4-Claims for the month of June 1969, proof of pub- lication. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4-City Lot 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 of the Original Town of Dubuque, approval of plat. ........330, 331, 332 4-Central Addition, Sub of Lot 2 of 2 of Lot 10, Lot 2 of 10, Lot 1 and Lot 2, Lot 2 of Lot 9, Lot 8, Lot 2 of Lot 8, Yest 40.4' of Lot 6, Sub of E. 14' of Lot 6, Sub (}f Lot 2 of the E. 14' of Lot 6, Lot 2 of West 40.4' of Lot 6, Lot 7 and Lot 2 of Lot 7 of Central Addition, approval of plats. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 332, 333, 334, 335, 336 4-City Lots 260 & S'h 261, approval of plat. ........ 339 4-Civil Defense Warning Siren-Plaza #20, prelim- inary plans and specifications for the construc- ti<>n of. ........................................342, 379, 380, 391, 555 4-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 7-City Council, Special Session. .................................... ll-City Council, Special Session. .................................... ll-Chalmers, Mary Louise Bradley, condemnatioo of property for Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. 18--City Council, Special Session. .................................... 18--City Manager authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Dubuque, a public entity established under laws of State of Iowa, for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under Disaster Act. """""" 18--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1968 CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO.2-IOWA STREET, completed and accepted. """""""""""""""'.........................,... 18--City Manager, submitting budget for the fiscal year 1970. ..........................................................362, 400, 402 25--Cily Council, Special Sessi(}n. .................................... 368 25-City Auditor, Treasurer and Health Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of July 1969. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 25--C1ayton Charles Mrs., Notice of Claim. ................".. l-City Council, Regular Session. .................................... 2-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ........"""" 2-Claims for the month of July 1969, proof of publi- cation. ........................................................................ 2-Curtis Straub Company, liability policy. .................... 2-Conrad Vincent, sidewalk bond. ........................"...... 2-City of Dubuque, conveyance of property in Du- buque Harbor Co's Add and Booth's Addition to Fischer Investment Company per flood con- trol easement agreement. .................................... 9-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 9-City Manager and Police Chief, requesting that Donald Thilmany be appointed to the Police Department subpect to final certification of the Civil Service Commission. """""""""""""" 9-Clin-Que Inc., objecting to the barricading and ob- struction on Bies Drive. ..................................-..... 9-City Manager, submitting a list of parcels of real estate consisting of ten acres or more that would be eligible for tax exemption. """""""" 9-Chamber of Commerce Budget Committee, submlt- INDEX - BOOK 99 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Page SUBJECT 1969 c c J~y 23-City Manager, submitting report relative to cotton- wood trees in the Industrial Park. """"""""""" 23-Cavanaugh John, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 91. """"",,"""""""""""""""""" 23-City of Dubuque granted a perpetual easement by Pride Service Inc. """""",,""""""""""""""""""" 23-Cruz Virgil Dr., appointed to the Human Rights Commission............................................................... 23-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 7-City Council, Regular Session. ........................-........... 7-City Manager, recommending denial of petition re- questing a street light in the alley running from Schiller between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue. ...............................................-.... 7-Claims for the month of May 1969, proof of publication. ........................................."................... 7-City Manager, recommending denial of petition of Grandview Park Plaza Corporation for the pur- chase of property along Rowan Street. ............ 7-Cadigan Charles H., requesting vacation and con- veyance of property lying off of West Third and Cardiff Streets. ................282, 496, 499, 549, 550 7-Colt 45 Drum & Bugle Corp, requesting permission to use aerial fireworks. ........"""""""""""""" 7-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ..................................................................".. 21-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 21-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- . amination for position of Water Plant Operator. 21-Conlon Construction Co., requesting permission to excavate in alley behind the American Trust & Savings Bank. ................,......................................... 21-Cavanaugh John, requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. C-3458. .................................... 21-Cross Richard J. and Arthur D., condemnation of property located in the Downtown Urban Re- newal area. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 21-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO.1. 299, 353 26-City Council, Special Session. ...."""""""""""""""" 304 28--CITY OF DUBUQUE ANNEXATION PROPOSI- TION FOR 1969. ........................304, 306, 307, 346 346 23-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 308 28--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROJECT NO.1. ................310, 370, 372, 430 23-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 HOT MIX-HOT LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO.1. ......................................................313, 373, 374, 432 28--Central Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the E.P.L. of Fulton School to a point 100' north of 32nd Street. ................................................................313, 23-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 BITUMINOUS CON- CRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO.1. 315, 28-Cerro Drive, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the E. P. L. of Mesa Drive to the W. P. L. of North Grandview Avenue. 315, 376, 431 28--Corto Drive, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the S. P. L. of Cerro Drive to the south end of street. ............................315, 3711, 431 4-City Council, Regular Session. .................................... 321 4-Council proceedings for the months of April and May 1969, approved as printed 8;Pt. 260 2111 267 271 273 277 278 278 280 282 290 292 293 294 295 297 373, 432 376, 431 Aug. " 321 Page 321 321 322 344 346 352 356 359 360 361 368 369, 487 383 384 384 384 384 391 397 398 399 400 1969 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT c ~~t. ting review and general approval of the City of Dubuque 1970 budget. ...................."...................... 22-City Council, Special Session. ................................ 22-Civil Defense Director, submitting a review of op- erations..................................................................... 22-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of August 1969. ............................................................ 29-City Council, Special Session. ..............................."... 29-City Council, Adjourned Special Session. ................ 29-Canfield Hotel, Inc., offer to purchase property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. ............................................................................ 461, 6-City Council, Regular Session. ........................,....... 6-Claims for the month of August 1969, proof of publication. .............................................................. 6-Clinn-Que Inc. No.2, approval of plat. ........".......... 8-City Council Special Session. ................".................. It=8~1ar C~~~~~ i~fi~~\io;es~io~, strëëï'ï¡gïii"~ëë~m: mended. ............................"...................................... 15--City Clerk, submitting list of persons who will serve as Clerks and Judges of Election for the Primary and Regular Elections. ................,........... IS-Conrad Plumbing & Heating, requesting permission to excavate in Dodge Street. ................................ 22-City Council, Special Session. ","""""""""""""""'" 22-City Manager, submitting contract with the Iowa State Highway Commission for the maintenance of Primary Road Extension. ................................ 22-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of September 1969. ................................................ 22-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to conduct a Santa's Parade. .................................... 8-City Council, Regular Session. ............................"...... 2-Chalder Florence E., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 3-Claims for the month of September 1969, proof of publication. ........................................................ 3-City Manager, submitting report concerning condi- tion of property located at 2621 Fulton Street. leæ~ 8~~~~H: ~~:~¡~ ~::¡~~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 17-City Manager, requesting that he represent the City of Dubuque at a Water Pollution Control meeting..................................................................... 17-City Treasurer and Auditor, reports and a list of claims for the month of October 1969. ............ 17-Cullen's Subdivision, Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1, request for rezoning to Multiple Residence denied, (Ab- bott & Lowell Streets.) ........................................ 17-Callaghan Elaine F., Notice of Claim. .................... tj;¡l~ ~~~~~~, ~~~¡;f ~:::¡~~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ................ 8-Council proceedings for the months of June and July 1969, approved as printed. ................,........... 6-Claims for the month of October, proof of pub- lication....................................................................... 8-City Manager, retaining O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt Brooks to audit the books of the City of Du- buque for 1969. ........................................".......... Nov. Dec. INDEX - BOOK 99 Page 1969 SUBJECT c 401 419 419 6-Center Grove Properties Inc., requesting permis- sion to construct a sanitary sewer on Lot 1 of Sara S. Bartels Place in M. L. 243. .................... 6-Chew Pat & Frank Kelly, granted Cigarette Permit. 15--City Council, Special Session. .................................... 15--City Manager advising of approval of request of the DACCCR for December 13th. .................... 15--Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex. amlnation for position of Housing Inspector. 15--COMMUNITY SHELTER PLAN, intent of the City to participate in the plan which is to be funded by the Federal Government. ............................".. 29-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""" 29--City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of November 1969. """"""""""""""""","""""""""'" 29--Claims for the month of November 1969, proof of publication. """""""""""""""'."""""""""""" 29-Conzett William A., bond. """""""""""""""""""""" 420 438 457 507, 564 465 466 478 481 468 468 468 491 493 495 495 496 499 510 512 512 516 520 520 521 524 526 537 538 540 540 540 541 Page 549 557 561 561 561 562 568 568 568 568 1969 Jan. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT ~;b. D 6-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed of- ficial depository of public funds. .................... 27-Dubuque Oil Terminal Company, Notice of exercise of options to extend their lease on real estate fronting the Mississippi River. ............................ 27-Decker Lawrence, Notice of Claim. """",""""""""'" 27-Dubuque Advisory Commission, requesting permis- sion to be heard at Council meeting. ................ 27-Digman Eldon, appointed to the Metropolitan Planning Commission. ............................................ 3-Dubuque Stone Products Company, liability policy. 2-Davis, Jay Emerson, Notice of Claim. ................ 3-Dubuque Summer Festival Inc., requesting permis- sion to close off Hawthorne Street from Kefl'er ~~u1~::r:d t~~=~~~e.;Ji. a~~..~s.~..~~..~~~~~: 3-Dubuque Municipai Swimming Pool Bath House Renovation, completed and accepted. .........." 17-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., liability policy. 17-Dorweiler Delos A., objecting to proposed rezoning of Kennedy and Foothill Road. ",,"""""""""""" 17-Dubuque Electric Motor Service Inc., requesting that the zoning classification not be changed in the 1200 block on Jackson Street. .................... 24-Dana Drive, vacation of portion between Kennedy Road and Woodland Drive recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. ........64, 79, 24-Dubuque Blacktop Company Inc., Notice of Claim. 2.4-Daughters of Union Veterans Mary Agard Tent No. 35, requesting permission to conduct a tag day. ............................................................................ 24-Dubuque Kennel Club, requesting amendment of Dog Ordinance. "",""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 3-DOGS-Agreement between the Dubuque Humane Society and the City of Dubuque. ................"...... 3-Diane Court Sanitary and Storm Sewer 1968, com- pleted and accepted. ........................................73, 3-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 7-Du Trac Credit Union, Claim denied. ........,............... 7-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Daugherty W. J., Claim denied. ....................."..... 24-D'Annio Maria, Notice of Claim. ................................ 24-Dubuque Sand & Gravel Company, release and assignment. .............................................................. 24-Dog Ordinance Amended to provide for control of rabies. .................................................................... 31-Dubuqueland Food 'N Fun Expo, requesting use of Industrial Park. ........................................................ 7-Deininger George, Architect, addressed the Council ~r~ e t~:' t~~ a/.¡ ¡;:J. ~ r B á~ åïn ro ~ ~ ~~~ .., ~~~ 7-Dubuque Community School District, requesting permission to excavate in Rosedale Ave. ........ 7-Deininger George, reappointed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. ................................................ 14-Dubuque Urban Area Transportation Study sub- mitted by the City Planner. ....................",......... 14-Dewey Lyle, Notice of Claim on behalf of Linda Dewey......................................................................... 14-Dubuque Arts Council Committee for Young Pen- 14-DoJ~ie~e¥,~~~~n.tP::::;à~ %f~~~ o':t t:\~ã: ing permit. ................................................................ Mar. April Page 3 20 22, 420 26, 214 28 30 31, 183 32, 203 41 46 48 58 140, 141 65 66 67, U6 69, U6 74, 145 82 91 101 101 112 113 116, 155 123 135 141 154 J~ 158 157, 258 157 158 Aug. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page D May S-Dubuque Citizens Advisory Commission, congratu- lating the City for their fine execution of the Flood Control Plan. """""""""""""""""""" S-Dubuque Tot Lot Association Inc., liability policy. S-Driscoll Wilfred J., Notice of Claim. """""""""""" S-Dubuque County Historical Society, requesting per- mission to place a plaque on the old City Bell in front of the City Hall. .................................... S-Dubuqueland Food 'N Fun Expo, requesting per- mission to conduct a fireworks display. ...."...... 203 12-Daughetee Lyle Sr., Notice of Claim. .................... 208, 467 20-Dubuque Citizens Advisory Commission, submit- ting report on City Government Facilities. .... 2O-Dorweiler Delos A., requesting that the lot located at 2105 Kennedy Road be rezoned to include professional use classification. """""""""""""" 2O-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 26-Diener Joseph L., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 62. ................................................ 28--Diener Joseph L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 2-Dubuque Industrial Bureau, sumbitting a request and recommendation concerning rezoning of Washington Street area. """""""""""""""""""" 2-Dubuque Area Legal Services, submitting a petition supporting the rezoning of the Washington Street area. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2-Dubuque Casket Company, objecting to the rezon- ing of their business area. ................................ 2-Dubuque Electric Motor Service Inc., objecting to the rezoning of their business area. ............"" 2-Dubuqueland Food 'N Fun Expo, requesting per- mission to close the 4th Street Extension. ........ 2-Dubuqueland Food 'N Fun Expo, requesting per- mission to hold a fireworks display. ................ 2-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2-Dubuque Jaycee's Beer Tent, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 247, 283 19-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 249 19-Dubuque Golf & Country Cluh, granted Cigarette Permit. """"""""""""""""""""..........................".. 19-D. A. V. Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 19-Diener Leo, ¡!ranted Cigarette Permit. .................... 19-Dubuque Packing Company Retail Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................",..................... 19-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Dubuque Food 'N Fun Expo, liability policy. ............ 23-Du-Trac Credit Union, Notice of Suit. ........................ 23-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Dubuque Marina Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 7-Donovan Melville E., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 7-Dunne William F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Deutmeyer Duane D., granted Cigarette Permit. 21-Driscoll Earl Dennis, sidewalk bond. ........................ 21-Dubuque Theatre Corporation, condemnation of property located in the Downtown Urban Re- newal area. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 297 28-Dillard Palmer J., Notice of Claim. ................"...... 308, 467 28--Disabled American Veterans, requesting permis- sion to conduct a tag day. .................................... 18-De~~s;Kr~~a~e~Î-i~:¡0~~' o~ft':,~~~f. ~~e~u~".'::'J 177 183 188 191 214 June 221 224 233 234 238 239 239 239 245 245 247 249 249 250 250 252 258 258 273 268 288 2.88 288 292 309 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT D the planting of new trees. _m.."""-"""""""" 13-Dubuque Association of The Blind, requesting per- mission to place vending machines in city buildings. .....................................................-""""" Sept. 22-Dalton Hugh, requesting street light on Mt. Loretta Avenue. .............................................,...................... 22-DUb~~~o~sf'oc~~~~~c~f a~."n:~~e"'.~~:'..~..~~~: 6-Decorah Street, request for installation of street light. ......................................................................... 6-Donath Walter Paul, granted Cigarette Permit. 6-Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................................................... 6-Donath Walter Paul, granted Clasa "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ Nov. 17-Dubuque County Tuherculosis and Health Associa- tion, requesting permission to have a bangle day. ............................................................................ Dec. 3-DUb~'lY~n A~~:~O'::~~~~do~~n::iti~ p:~~~~ taxes showing what portion goes to the City, County and the schools. """"""""",""""""".""""" 3-DeI Farm Super Market, complaint of Michael Remakel concerning the erosion of alley in the rear of the SuJer Market's property. ........"...... tt=ß~~ c"ffe~~qu~ti~i~~~~~~e~~~~;[ac~~ 29-DUb~~U;o~~~~WioJ~~:;ego.~~ia~llity ~~fi~~:...:::: 29-Disabled American Veterans, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........................................................ Oct. Page 3fiI 359 422, 465 422 466 478, 546 478 478, 546 533 540 559 561 582 569 578 ..............- April J)ple J::ly Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 3- Eas~~ss~~~ toS~~~J¡; c£ ~r ta~ri!. ~ I e. ~.. . ~ ~l ~~:... ~ .~: 3-Eighth Street Storm Sewer, from Iowa Street to Main Street, preliminary plans and specifica- tions. ....................................................................77, 142, 264 3-Eagles Lodge No. 578, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 83 7-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 101 7-East Dubuque Addition No.2, Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption on Lot 1 of Lot 349. 24-Edwards Construction Company, sidewalk bond. 7-Eagle's Building Corporation, condemniation of property for Urban Renewal Project. ............ 14-Elks Club, requesting permission to install a can- opy over the sidewalk. ............................................ 168, 188 2-Erie Court, street lighting recommended. ............ 237 2-Eden Lane, street lighting recomended. ....,............... 237 2-Excel Photo Service, objecting to the rezoning of Washington Street area. .................................... 19--Eagle Stores No. 109, 130, 144, granted Cigarette Permits. ............................................"...................... 19-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 23--Eagles Building Corporation, Notice of Petition in the condemnation of their property for Urban Renewal..................................................................... 23-Erschen Alice, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23-Eichorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Permit. 23-Erschen Alice, granted Class "CoO Liquor Permit. 7-Eagles Club, granted C ermit. ........".......... 7-Evarts Eugene C., gra tte Permit. ........ 7-Ellis Victoria, granted e Permit. ...."...... 7-Evarts Eugene, granted "C" Beer Permit. 21-Eisbach Susan, condemnation of property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area. 21-Edmonds Cecil, appointed chairman of the Citizens Assistance Committee for Urban Renewal. ........ 23-Ehlinger David & Sharon, Notice of Claim. ............ 4-Election on Annexation of unincorporated territory to the City of Dubuque. 304, 307, 346, 348, 419, 25--Eska Company, to purchase 3.47 acres of land in Block 5, Riverfront Subdivision No.3. 368, 6-Eleventh Street & Kerper Boulevard Sanitary Sew- er, certification of cost & establishing con. nection charges. """""""""""",,""""""""""""" 476, 477 IS-Election Municipal Primary to be held October 21, 1969. ............................................................488, 493, 494 3-Easement "B" for Roadway purposes in Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of NW¥4 of NEV. Section 23 T89N, R2E of 5 P.M., approval of plat. Bies Drive area-named Kebbie Drive ...................... 505, 506 3-Erschen Construction Company, sidewalk bond. .... 511 S-Election, Regular Municipal held on November 4, 1969. .......................................................................... 516, 517 3-Enloe Arthur, sidewalk bond. """""""""""""""""" 540 3-Electrical Board of Examiners and Electrical Board of Appeal, discussion concerning the fact that the same personnel serve on both boards. ........ 541, 569 3-Eisenhower P. T. A., requestin~ street light near School and Spring VaHey Road. """""""""""" 3-Estes Corporation and Harvey Zuckerman, convey- ance of property in Downtown Urban Renewal Area. ......................................................................".. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT E Mar. Page 73 94 110 150 239 249 249 258 273 273 275 288 288 268 269 297 302 309 465, 481 393, 474 549 555 6-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk. ................ S-First National Bank, appointed official depository of public funds. """"",,"""""""""""""""""""""" 27-F & C Auto Mart, requesting a permit to construct a garage at 1330.1334 White Street. .................. 20, 51 27-Fischer Realty Company, requesting permission to a boiler room exhaust duct into the alley in the rear of the Fischer Bldg. at 9th & Main Streets. 3-Frommelt Leo F., autborized to sign papers in absence of City Manager. ............,....................... 3-Fangman Marie K., Notice of Claim. ...........;............ 3-Faber Music Co., Notice of Claim. "",""""""""""'" 17-Federal Engineering Company, advising the City concerning chlorination of sewage emanation. 17-Fifteenth Street, installation of a street light recommended........................................................... 17-Frank Robert, withdrawing petition requesting re- zoning of Lot 29 and 30 of Union Addition from Two Family to Multiple Residence. .................... 47, 46 17-Fleckenstein Doris et. aI., objecting to the preval. ence of rats in the neighborhood of the 2900 block between Keokuk and Burlington Streets. 17-Fischer Investment Company, objecting to any change in zoning classification of property located on 8th and White Streets. .................... Mar. 3-Fitzgibbons Angela, objecting to meter system of operating taxicabs. ..............................."............... 3-Fenelon W. G., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 56. """""",""""""""""""""""""""'" 3-Fens Adele Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 3-Fischer & Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Fire Station Bonds In the Amount of $565,000.00 for the construction of a Fire Station at 9th & Central. ....................................97, 104, 105, 128, 128 7-Foecking Richard A., granted Cigarette Permit. 101 7-Foecking Richard A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """"""",""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 101 7-Foecking Richard A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 102, 261 20--Flood Control, authorizing the City Manager to execute the Assurance form and to enter upon land emergency flood control and file and sign all necessary documents for the duration of the flood emergency. ......................................108, 360, 574 24-Flynn Coal Company, liahility policy. ..............."....... 110 24-Freese Clara, settlement of suit. ...................."...... 112 24-FIOOo~ ~~b~~':tc: t1~~~:t~~ ~~J~~~í~s~~a~;e <¡~ ministration Department. ...................................... lI8 April 14-Fire Department Headquarters Building to be constructed at Ninth Street and Central Av- enue. ..................................163, 164, 192, 222, 223, 339 IS-FLOOD CONTROL PLAN FOR 1969 submitted by the City Manager. ................................170, 172, 360, 574 S-Francois Gregory S., requesting to be heard on the subject of rezoning Woods and McGrath Sub- divisions. ............................................................181, 206, 386 S-Fischer Charles T. & Kristin, Notice of Claim. .... 188, 495 20--Foecking Richard A., requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 25. """""""""""""""" June 19-FeITing Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit. .... " 19--Felderman LaVerne, granted Cigarette Permit. 19-Fens Adele, granted Cigarette Permit. ..........."... 1969 J~n. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT F Feb. May Page 2 3 26, 115 30, 384 30 31, 183 46 47 57 58 70 73 82 82 101 lI8 Oct. 221 249 249 249 Nov. 19--Fenelon Kenneth & Patrick Fenelon, granted Ciga- rette Permit ............................................................ 19-Fredericks Carl, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19--Fettgather Ramona, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Finley Hospital (Sunshine Circle), granted Cigar- ette Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19-Fettgather Ramona, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Fondell & Sons, Inc., liability policy. ........,............... ~Vo~~~~n ?~~~~~, ~'ó:;~f~t~f c~~~~';;¡iig"ïiï~"üii~ sightly condition of property. ............................ 23-Foecking Richard A., requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. C6136. ............................ 23-FoITest Brendan, appointed to the Human Rights Commission. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Fuerste William, appointed to the Human Rights Commission. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Permit....................................................................... 23-Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 568, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 7-Friedman Leona R., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 7-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 7-Freund Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 21-Fifth Street, improvement with concrete paving and integral curb from the west curb line of Central Avenue to the east curb line of Locust Street. ....................................................................,... 299, 353 28--Flora Park play area, improvement with bitumin- ous 'concrete surfacing. ................................315, 376, 431 4-Frommelt George, sidewalk bond. """""""""""""" 321 4-Fire Station, 9th & Central Avenue, transfer of municipal parking lot property, and to be used for street purposes and for a portion of the Central Fire Station facility. ................................ 4-Fettgather Ramona, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-Frommelt Leo F., authorized to sign papers in absence of the City Manager. ............................ 2-Fischer Investment Company, conveyance of prop- erty Harbor Co's Addition and Booth's Add. by the City of Dubuque. ............................".............. 2-Friedman Leona R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 9-Frommelt Building Corporation, requesting per- mission to construct an extension to their build- ing on Huff Street. ........................................399, 423, 424 9-Fire Department Bonds In The Amount Of $100,000.00 to pay for the acquisition of Fire Department equipment. ............408, 409, 440, 22-Fries Cyril John, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 22-Ferring Theodore, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 22-Fries Cyril John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 22-Fries Cyril John, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Fischer and Company, Inc., offer to purchase prop- erty located in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area, 8th and Locust Street. .............................. 6-Fischer Investment Company, conveyance of prop- erty by the City of Dubuque, Flood Protection area. .......................................................................... S-Fire Department, requesting permission to adver- tise for bids for an eighty-five (85) foot elevat. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT F J~y ~~. Sept. Page 249 249 250 250 252 256 258 261 261 271 271 272 273 275 288 288 288, 370 340 344 384 391 394 448, 450 435 436 436 436 462 473 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page Dec. F ing platform. ....................................................520, 566, 576 17-Friloux Edgar L., Notice of Claim. ........................ 526, 542 8-Flynn Company Inc., liability policy. ........................ 540 8-Felderman Laverne, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 556 --.. J~y Aug. Sept. 27-Gacoletto Gini, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 262 """""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Gas Rates, increase of new rates to be filed with 8-Gr.,;;tÞafA~~: Ñöïiëë'õi'ëï8i¡;;:":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. 3-Gemlni Inc., requesting permission to conduct a sidewalk art fair. """"...................................."...... 17-General Drivers and Helpers Union Local No. 421, requesting a meeting to discuss wage proposals. 17-Gross Ray, Notice of Claim. ............................",..... 17-General Adjusttnent Bureau Inc., Notice of Claim on behalf of Edwin J. Ahlers. """""""""""""" 8-Giese Sheet Metal Co. Inc., Notice of Claim. ............ 7-GriUin Pipe Products Co., copy of claim filed with Merchants Mutual for material furnished to Smitty's Excavation Service. ................................ 24-Gruber James, requestinJr: opportunity to purchase Lots 314 and 315 in Lennox Addition. .............. 117, 219 24-Gavin Vernon, allPointed to the Pianning & Zon- 7-Goe~ ~':u~~~n "ëöDï¡;äjiÿ:""iiä¡;ï¡¡ïÿ"'Pöïiëÿ: ~ 7-General Adjustment Bureau Inc., Notice of Subro- gation rights. ........................................................ 7-Glese William, reappointed to the Heating, Venti. lating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Board. 5--GemiDi Inc., liability policy. """""""""""""""""""" ~randview Park Plaza Corporation et. al., request- ing the purchase of a portion of Rowan Street. ~antert Harry N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ~iunta Marco, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 26-Green Dorothea Mrs., reappointed to the Du- buque Advisory Commission. ............................ 8-G1ab Frank, reappointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19-Ginter Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-Ginter Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. ........".. 19-Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-George Francis F. & John, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 19-Grass Leo, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 19-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 19-Gisch Paul, appointed to the Human Rights Com. mission. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 253, 271 23-Graves Jane, appointed to the Human Rights Com. mission. ............................................"...................... 271 23-Gantert Harry, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 272 28-Grass Leo B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...... 274 23-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 275 7-Grant Raphael W., granted Permit. """" 288 7-Golinvaux Charles, granted Permit. ........ 288 7-Greenwood Ben W., granted e Permit. .... 268 7-Giunta Marco, granted Cigaret Permit. ............ 288 21-Goerdt Excavating, sidewalk bond. """""""""""" 292 21-Glynn John condemnation of property located in the downtown Urban Renewal area. ................ 28-Golinvaux C. J., Notice of Claim. """""""""""""" 28-Giunta Marco, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 4-Gavin Delmar A. et. al., requesting rezoning of area on Cummins Street from Multiple to Single Family Residence classification. ...."...... 323, 468 4-Ginter Vincent, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 344 2--Goetz Concrete Constructiong Company, sidewalk INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT G Jan. Feb. ~,ar. ~!,ril l1.ay June Page 27 29 31, 207 32 47, 90 51, 185 111 70, 2(Y¡ 94 138 154 183 221, 280 224 224 235 248 248 250 249 250 250 250 252 297 308, 385 318 1969 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT G Oct. bond. .......................................................................... 2-Grass Leo B., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 9-Grutsch Julia Geraldine, Notice of Claim ................ 9-Grand Opera House Inc., conveyance of property for Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. ........ 9-Grant and Easement to the Northern Natural Gas Company to operate a measuring station and appurtenances, Airport property. ........................ 22-Griebel Harold, requesting permission to excavate at 1470 So. Grandview Avenue .."........................ 29-Grant Company, Notice of Suit ..."..........................'" 6-Galusha Gerald, requesting street light on Decorah Street ........................................................................ 6-Gierke Glen E. and Gloria de S., conveyance of property to City of Dubuque, Lot 1 of 1 of Block 3, Riverfront Sub. No.2. ............................ 15--Gamble Store, requesting extension of time for going out of business sale ........................".......... 22-Glynn John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 2-Glynn John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 3-Garfield Avenue, installation of a street light rec- ommended ................................................................ 17-Glynn John J., granted Cigarette Permit .............". 17-Glynn John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 17-Glynn John J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 5--Grant Raphael William, granted Class "B" Beer PermIt ...................................................................... 5--Grant Raphael William, granted Class "C" Liquor PermIt ...................................................................... 8-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 15--Gartner Cletus et. aI., objecting to the rezoning of property in Davis Farm Addition from Multi- ple to Local Business "B" classification .......... Nov. Dec. Page 384 395 398 403, 472 417 421 458 466 472 490 498 510 512 534 535 536 538 539 558 .562 J:¡ne H 6-Hird Gerald, bond ....".................................................. 6-Herburger Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 27-Hanover Harry J., submitting resignation as City Assessor .................................................................... 27-Hartzman Harold N. and Daniel, dismissal of suit 27-Hansen Harry W., NotIce of Claun ............................ 3-Haase Building Contractor, sidewalk bond. ............ 3-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................ 3-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- , mlt ............................................................................ 3-Hirsch John R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.. 17-Hansen Vincent C., Notice of Claim """""""""""" 17-Hanten Salome, Notice Claim .................................... 17-Human Rights Ordinance ............................57, 86, 24-Hutter Ethel, Notice of Claim. .................................. 3-Haugen Tilford & Mildred, Notice of Claim .......... 3-Heiar Ann, requesting witbdrawal of her signa- ture from petition requesting rezoning of the Washington Neighborhood Area ........................ 3-Hanson Arsenius, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 7-Hennegar Albert, Notice of Suit ................................ 24-Hoover Elementary School, thanking Council for a traffic survey...................................................... 24-Hickson Madeline, Notice of Claim .......................... 24-Heritage Manor, requesting approval of a pro- C~~d R':,~d~ ,:::~n ~~~~Irs'hi~hge ~a~~~~ti~ charge ..........................................118, 130, 131, 195, 552 31-Hamel William L., Notice of Claim .......................... 123 7-Hughes Alfred E., desiring to purchase real estate in the Urban Renewal Area on Iowa Street south of 8th Street ................................................ 138, 176 S-Henningson, Durham & Richardson Inc., approval of specifications for Test Wells, Piezometer Holes and Test Well #1 Pump ............................ S-Hayden Lane, installation of a street light recom- mended .................................................................... S-H. Concrete Construction Co., sidewalk bond .......... S-Hamblin Charles L., requesting permission to ex- cavate in Pennsylvania Avenue ....,................... 12-Henschel Richard C. & Mildred L., conveyance of Lot 10 in "Peg-O.Mesa" to the City of Dubuque 2O-Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting rezoning of Block 19 in Key Knolls Subdivision to profes- sional uses classification ...................................... 30-Hodge Transit Warehouse Co., and Thruput Ter- minal Inc., granted an easement for industrial spur track in Riverfront Subdivision """""""" 2-Hennessy James, sidewalk bond """""""""""""""" 2-Hackney Welding Shop, objecting to the proposed rezoning of Washington Street area .................. 2-Hartig Drug Company, appealing for aid in the protection of their property at 22nd & Central. 2-Hall John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 2-Hos Virginia, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 2-Hall John, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ 2-Hos Virginia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 2-HingtgenEugene, appointed to the Citizens Ad- visory CommIssion """""""""""""""""""""""" 2-Ìlantelmann Merlin, reappointed to the Library , Board ;...."................................................................. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT J~. Feb. lI!:u-. April May ,"'- ... Pa.ge 8 15 20 22 22 30 43 43 43 51, 185 52 191, 226 65 70, 207 72 82 94 110 113 175 182 183 203 212 221 222 237 239 245 246 246 247 247 246 246 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT H 2-Hammer David L., reappointed to the Library Board ........................................................................ 19-Hirsch John R., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 19-Hirsch Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 19-Huot George R., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 19-Holiday Oil Distr. Inc., granted Cigarette Permits 19-Helling Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 19-Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 19-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits 19-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit .... 19-Hil1ard Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ..".......... 19-Hillard Joseph 1... & Bernice M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........................................................ l_Herburger Florence, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 23-Hodge Transit Warehouse and Thruput Terminal Inc., Grant of Easement by the City of Du- buque for the purpose of an industrial spur track .......................................................................... 23-Heeb Street Retaining Wall, contract awarded to William Becker & Sons Stone Co. ...................... 23-Hanson Joseph, appointed to the Human Rights Commission .............................................................. 23-Hickey Frank, appointed to the Human Rights Commission .............................................................. 23-Hoag Maxine, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 23-Hos Virginia, ¡¡ranted Cigarette Permit .................. 23-Hanson Arsemus, granted Cigarette Permit ......".. 23-Herbst John, granted Cigarette Permit ................., 23-Hennen LaVerne, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 7-Hunting with sling shots, stones, missiles and bow and arrow prohibited ............................................ 7-Hancock William F., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 7-HalI John F., granted Cigarette Permit ....."........... 7-Healy Myril, granted Cigarette Permit ............"...... 7-Herburger Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 7-Hantelmann Richard, granted Cigarette Permit .... 21-Hahn Stanley, granted pennit to sell potatoes ...... 21-Heeren Karen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 21-Heeren Karen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 28-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., requesting rezoning of property in Westside Manor Subdivision to Local "B" classification ..................................".. 28--High Bluff Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the N.P.1... of Farley to the S. P. 1.. of Fengler Street ..................315, Aug. 4-Harlman Construction Co., sidewalk bond .........." " 25--Helbing Douglas E., Notice of Claim ...................... Sept. 2-Hanson Arsenius A.., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 2-Her~t ~oso"l'~¥. ~: ~~er:¡e~~~~e~~~ ~ N.R. 2E of the 5th P. M. to the City of Du- buque to be designated as part of Pennsyl- vania Avenue ........................................................ 22-H & B American Corporation, bond continuation certificate ................................................................ 22-Hillcrest Investtnent Inc., requesting permission to install boulevard lights on Kennedy Circle 8-Highland Subdivision, rezoning of a portion of Block A, Block C and Block D from Single Family to Multiple Residence recommeDded by Planning & Zoning Commission .................. July Oct. Paøe 248 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 250 250, 548 252 252 2G5, 261 255 271 271 272 272 272 272 273 281 288 288 288 288 268 292 301 3OZ 310 376, 431 221 369 394 403 419 422, 466 469, 528 H 6-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................ 6-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Pennit ........................................................ 8-Husemann Mike et. a!., requesting traffic lights at AI¡¡ona & University Avenue .............................. IS-HendrIcks Mary T., Notice of Claim ....................".. 22-Helling Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................ 22-Helling Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Class "B" Liquor Permit ........................................................ 3-Hines Cecil R., requesting a quit claim deed to alley hetween Bennett and West Third Street, adjoining Lots 13 and 14, Hodge Subdivision No.2........................................................................ 17-Heiderscheit John J., requesting permission to connect to sewer and water at corner of Eu- clid and Jackson Streets ...................................... 533, 541 17-Hillard Richard T., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 534 17-Henry John Richard, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 17-Hillard Richard T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 17-Henry John Richard, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 17-Hillard Richard T., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit ............................................................................ S-Hantelmann Richard, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 8-Huseman Richard and Louis, sidewalk bond .......... 8-Higley Howard, reappointed to the Board of Elec- trical Examiners .................................................... 8-Hermanson John P. & Claire, Notice of Claim ...... 8-Heaver Lloyd W., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 8-Henry John, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 8-Heury Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 8-Hirsch John R., granted Class "B" Beer Pennit .... 8-Hoag C. Maxine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 8-Hantelmann Richard H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 29-Hird Gerald, bond ........................................................ 29-Hirsch Carl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Nov. Dec. Page 478 479 487 488 497 498 514 535 535 535 535 538 540 541, 569 543 557 557 557 558 558 558 568 577 1969 Jan. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Page Feb. 6-Iowa Legislative Research Committee, requesting copies of precinct ordinances and a precinct 27 -Iow,:n~at~' "Ïië¡;ärt;;:;~-;;ï" ~i' ïiëäi ïii;" 'šü¡;~ïttiiig'" ä copy of the rules and regulations concerning Air Pollution Control............................................ 17-Iowa State Highway Commission, Bureau of Pub- lic Roads approval of relocation and improve- ment of Highway No.3........................................ 24-Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission, recom- mending additional chlorination or other pro- cedures to reduce bacterial concentration in the Mississippi River during the recreational season ...................................................................... 3-Iowa Street Traffic Signals, from 4th Street to Tenth Street, preliminary plans and specifica- tions ......................................................................78, 144, 193 12-Illinois Central Railroad, requesting the vacation of portions of Main Street and Railroad Ave- nue ............................................................................ 7-Iowa Commission For The Blind, granted Ciga- rette Permit ............................................................ IS-Iowa State Comptroller, approval to levy the emer- gency tax in the amount of $93,944.50 to be transferred to the Public Safety Fund .............. 22-Interstate Power Company, contract with the City of Dubuque for supplying electricity to the Iowa Street Parking Ramp .......................... 22-Iowa State Highway Commission, Contract with the City of Dubuque for Primary Road Exten- sion Maintenance .................................................. 3-Dlinois Central Railroad, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the construction and mainte- 17-IOW:a~t~~eob:p~':-t~;ri"t ~fwH~lm:~I~~~~;;-ii¡ëätiöii relating to Air Pollution Control........................ 17-Iowa National Investment Co. & J. H Schiltz Trust, requesting rezoning of property in Byrne Subdivision and Bonson & Stewart Sub- division to Local Business "B" classification .... S-Iowa Street Storm Sewer 1968, completed and ac- cepted ...................................................................... IS-Iowa State Highway Commission, purchase of property owned by the City of Dubuque and used by the Airport Commission Sec. 22, 18.9 acres for right of way. 20 45 64 Mar. May July Aug. 209 288 366 Oct. 495 495 Nov. 501 520 Dec. 532 550 566 .. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page J Jan. 27--Jobgen Gerald, Notice of Claim . April 7--Jacobson Ida E., Notice of Suit May 5--Jones John C., liability policy.................................... June 19-Johnston Wayne, granted Cigarette Permit .......... " 19-Jungblut Donald, granted Cigarette Permit .......... " 19-Johnson Clara, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 23--Jones Janet, appoitned to the Human Rights Com- mission July 29-Jefferson Park play area, improvement with bitu- minous concrete surfacing ..........................315, 376, 431 ll--Jordan Robert Mrs., requesting refund on market license ...................................................................... 354 5--Johnson Clara L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 538 5--Johnson Clara L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 539 23 138 183 249 249, 548 250 Aug. ~c. 1969 Jan. Feb. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT 14~r. K 6-Key City Bank & Trust Company, appointed offi- cial depository of public funds ............................ 6-Kuehn Archie T., requesting a restricted plumb- er's license .............................................................. 6-Kennedy Road Storm Sewer 1968, proposed plans, specifications, form of contract for the con- struction of .............................................................. 6-Key City Investment Company, conveyance of property to the City of Dubuque which com. prises "Wacker Drive" which is dedicated for street purposes ...................................................... 6-KENNEDY MALL, INC. and ROMAC INC., con- veyance of property in Hawkeye Stock Farm and Easement A in Sections 27 and 28 in Du- buque Twp. to the City of Dubuque to be used and dedicated as "Wacker Drive" to the pub- lic for street purposes .......................................... 6-Kies Donald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 6-Kies Donald, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 27-Kerper Boulevard, a proposed ordinance to estab- lish a 35 mile per hour speed limit .................. 3-Kehoe Rose, Notice of Claim .................................... 3-Kenkel Albert, Notice of Claim ................................ 3-Kretz Josephine K., condemnation of property for Urban Project, Iowa R-15 .................................. 3-Kintzinger David, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 .................... 3-Kirchberg Joyce A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 3-Kirchberg Joyce A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 17-Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, installa- tion of Traffic Signals ....................................46, 17-Kamentz Dorothy, Notice of Claim ............................ 7-Kluck M. P. & Son, sidewalk bond ............................ 7-Kieffer Eldon, Claim denied ...................................... 24-Keas Cecilia, notice of right of redemption and for taking tax deed ................................................ 31-Kennedy Elementary School established as the 17th Voting Precinct ............................................ 7-Konzen Eldon J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 255 ...................................................... 7-Kachevas James P. and Irene, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project ................ 7-Kopp Donald, reappointed to the Heating, Venti. lating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Board 14-Kelly Frank, issued a building permit to erect an addition at 1990 Elm Street ................................ 20-Kramer Jerry R., requesting a street light at the corner of Pleasant St. & Stafford Ave. .... 29-Kebbie & Bies Drives, installation of street lights recommended .......................................................... 2O-Kaufmann Avenue, installation of street lights recommended .......................................................... 2-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 19-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit.... 19-Karigan's Restaurant, granted Cigarette Permit.... 19-Kopp Eugene L., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-K-Mart, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 19-Kachevas James, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-Kohl Francis T., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 19-Kies Donald, granted Cigarette Permit .................... April May June Page 3 9 10 14 14 15 16 25 31 31, 186 39 40 43 43 387, 426 51, 93 91 92 111 121 142 150 154 156 218 219 226 246 249 249 249 250 250, 435 250 250 ........ J~y Aug. S:;pt. Oct. Nov. Dec. 19-Kieffer LaVern G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 251, 399 23-Key Knolls Subdivision, Lot A, Block 22, petition for rezoning denied .............................................. 23-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Cigarette Permit.... 23-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 23-Kra¡novich Elizabeth M., granted Cigarette Per- mit """"""""'........................................................... 23-Kritikos Jack M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 23-Kirchberg Gerald, granted Cigarette Permit .....-... 23-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 23--Krajnovich Elizaheth M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 7-Kissell Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 7-Kehl Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 7-Kunoert Walter J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 7-Krajnovich Elizaheth Mae, granted Class "C" liq- uor Permit .............................................................. 28-Kennedy Road, improvement with Hot mix-Hot laid Asphaltic patching ................................313, 373, 432 25--Kressig Donald E., Notice of Claim .............-........... 369, 466 2-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 394 9-Kennedy John, requesting permission to excavate in Kaufmann Avenue ............................................ 22-K & K Heating Co. Inc., requesitng refund on air conditioning Permit No. 18589 .......................... 22-Knights of Columbus, J. F. K. Council, requesting S~~i:~id~O~o ..~~~.C.it...~.~.s~:'"....~~~~...~~:~ 22-Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer for 1969, from Kaufmann Avenue to the Old Timers Athletic & Supper Club Place ..............428, 429, 502, 29-Kuefler R. J., Notice of Claim .............................-... 29-Kennicker Marvin, Notice of Claim ........................ 29-Karigan Andrew D. & Gust, offer to purchase property in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area ..................................................................460, 509, 565 6-Knapp William, appointed to the Planning & Zon- ing Commission ...................................................... 6-Kennedy Circle, installation of street lights rec- ommended ................................................................ 6-KoppIe Market, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 8-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 3-Kingsley Allan R., resolution of condolence ex- tended to his widow.............................................. 3-Kebbie Drive, approval of plat of Easement "B" in Lol 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of NWV. of NEV. of Section 26 for road purposes ........................ 505, 506 3-Kress Raymond, requesting a street light on Gar- field Avenue .......................................................... 29-Kunkel Alberta, Notice of Claim INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT K Page 257 272 273 273 273, 472 273 273 273 288 288 288 290 399 422 422 503, 551 458, 542 458, 570 465 466 479 479 501 512 572 1969 Feb. Mar. INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT Page L April 3-Locust Street, replacement of street lights recom. mended by the City Manager .............................. 17-Law Day U. S. A., proclamation by Mayor Pregler 17-Luber John, sidewalk bond ........................................ 17-Loney Kenneth R., settlement of claim .................. 3-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "B". Beer Permit ...................................................................... 3-Love Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 3-Lucky Stores Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits 7-Link Construction Company, sidewalk bond ......".. 7-Link James F., Claim denied .................................... 24-Linden Donald C., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 176 ...................................................... 7-Lusch Harriet Booth, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project ................................ 7-Linehan & Molo Inc., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project ................................ S-Loetscher Dick, sidewalk bond ................................ S-Lions Club, requesting permission to hold a Circus on the Industrial Island ........................................ S-Liquor Fund, transfer of $123,780.00 to Urban Re- newal Iowa R-15 Fund .......................................... 12-LiI' Giant Food Stores Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................................ 20-League of Iowa Municipalities, Agreement and Contract with the City of Dubuque .................. 26-Licciardi Frank & Phyllis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 234, 510 26-Ludwig Richard, reappointed to the Dubuque Ad- visory Commission ................................................ ~Loetscher Dick, requesting street lighting on Eden Lane and St. Anne Drive .................................... 3-Love Phillip R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 2-Love Phillip R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 19-Love Phillip R., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-LiI' Giant Food Stores Inc., granted Cigarette Per- mits .......................................................................... 19-Lyon William J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-Licciardi Phyllis, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 19-Lester Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 19-Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 19-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Cigarette Permit 19-Love Donald M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 23-Luther Manor Nursing Home, requesting a street light on Hillcrest Road ........................................ 23-Laury Anna K., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 7-Liquor Store, City Council requesting the State of Iowa Liquor Commission to locate a second State Liquor outlet in the City of Dubuque .... 7-Langas PhiJIip, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 7-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 7-Lester Catherine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 7-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .................................................................,.... 23-Leytem Arnold J. Notice of Claim on behalf of Christine Mary Leytem ........................................ 28-Laury Anne K, Notice of Claim .............................. 28--Lombard Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing ..........................................315, 376, 431 4-Lorimer's Subdivision, Lot 2 of 4 of Lots 1 & 11, Lot 2 of 1 of Lots 1 & 11, Sub of Lot 4 of Lots 1 & 11, Sub of Lot 1 of Lots 1 & 11, Sub of Lot 118 150 ~~y 150 183 191 201 213 219 June 235 237 246 247 249 249 249 150 250, 509 250 250 250 252 257 273 July 285 288 288 289 290 Aug. 30 45 46 50 82 82 82 91 92 308 308 ~pt. Oct. Nov. Dec. L 1 of Lot 10, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 10. and Lot B of vacated alJey in Lorimer's Sub., approval of plats ..................................................336, 337, 338, 339 l1~Link Kenneth Mrs., Notice of Claim ........................ 353 2S-Linehan Edmund John & Doris Z., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project .......... 381 2-Leppert Ray, Notice of Claim .................................... 385 571 2-Lott Herman J. and Marcella S., conveyance of real estate and grant of easement in Shiptons Ad- dition to the City of Dubuque """""""""""""" 9-Link Realty Company, requesting permission to install street lights in Horizon West Subdivi- sion ............................................................................ 6-Langas Phillip, requesting rezoning of property at 1105 Loras Blvd. .................................................... 3-Lil' Giant Food Store Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 17-League of Iowa Municipalities, request of City Manager to pay the League for City's partici- ¡>ation ........................................................................ S-Licclardi Frank J. & Phyl1is, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........................................................ 8-Linehan Edmond and Doris Z., conveyance of prop- erty in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area .... 8-Luksetich Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 29-Lynn Wil1iam J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 29-Leibold Tom & Associates, submitting a proposal to purchase Parcel 10 of Block 10 in the Ur- ban Renewal Area INDEX - BOOK 99 lU69 SUBJECT Page 391 399 470 510 524 539 555 557 577 578 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Me Jan. 6-McCauley Mayor, comments concerning the fu- ture of Dubuque ..................................."............... 27-McCoy Edmund, requesting change of zoning in the Washington Nieghborhood Area between 8th & 20th Streets ...."..........................."""""""'" 3-McCarten George L., resignation from Plumbing Board of Examiners .............................".............. 17-McCarty Kevin K., Notice of Claim .......................... 3-McDermott Fay B., Notice of Claim ........................ 3--McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................................................... 7-McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., Notice of Claim..94, 111, 24-McEvoy Catherine E., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mlt.............................................................................. 7-McCoy's Subdivision, denial of petition to rezone easterly 35 feet of Lot 3 ...................................... 7-McDonald George L., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project ................................ 14-McNamara E. J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... S-McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., Notice of Suit ................ 26-McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., requesting the cleaning up of debris created by the Flood dike on East Twelfth Street """"""""""""""""","""""""""'" 2-McAleece Gerald, reappointed to the Recreation Commission .............................................................. 19-McDonald Mfg. Company, granted Cigarette Permit 19-McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 19-McCarty Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit ....,..... 23-McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., relative to dike removal problem on 12th Street ...................................... 23-McEvoy Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 23-McLaughlin Ray, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 23--McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 7-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit ................................................................".......... 7-McDevitt Michael & Carl McCarthy, complaining about sewage backup in their basements ........ 21-McCauley Howard F.. granted Cigarette Permit .... 9-McLean Charles, Notice of hearing relative to mat. ter of trust property to the Carnegie Stout Library ...................................................................... 8-McCoy E. A., requesting refund on peddler license No. 243 .................................................................... 3-McCarty Marcella M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit Feb. Mar. April ??oJ June July Sept. oct. Nov. Page 20 29 52 69 82 122, 187 118 135 150 167 187 233 248 249 250 251 256 272, 548 273 275 290 290 300 398 487 510 April May June 6-Mayor McCauley, ~omments concerning the future of Dubuque .......................................................... 6-Miller Bruce J., Notice of Claim """""""""""""""" 6-Mulgrew Patricia A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ 27-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 3--Maus, Alice Brown, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 .................... 39, 40 3--Muntz, Harold A. & Delores K., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 17-Manderscheid, Mrs. David N., settlement of claim 17-Menke Caroline T., settlement of claim .................. 17-Michael's Restaurant Inc., granted Cigarette Per- mit.............................................................................. 24-Miller Robert, Notice of Claim .................................. 3--Mattes Joseph, relative to use of meters in taxi- cabs ............................................................................ 3--Miller Delbert G. and Frank E., conveyance by the City of Dubuque, Block 4, Block 5 and Block 6 in C. J. Bies Subdivision ............................74, 75, 360 3-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending the sale of Lot 1 of 1 of Block 5 "River Front Sub- division No.3" to Commodity Warehousing Corporation .............................................................. 81, 148 7-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co., authorized to transact business in Iowa .................................... 7-Mount Carmel Feeder Main Project, completed and accepted ......................................................98, 7-Municipal Street and Parking Report For Fiscal Year 1968 ................................................................ 7-Manahl Dennis K., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 24-Menning Robert A., requesting rezoning of prop- erty at 1015 West Third Street to Local Busi- ness "A" classification ........................................ 24-Middleton Harold J. & Sara, requesting deeds to clear title on Lot 2 John Breitbach PI. ............ 7-Murphy Charles Joseph, Ann Cody. Mary Reilly, Imelda Piekenbrock and Ellen Flood, condem- nation of property for Urban Renewal Project 150, 309 7-Morarend Lois M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 153 7-Morarend Lois M., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit ............................................................................ 14-Mettel-Byrne Addition, approval of plat of Block 1, 2 and 3 ................................................................ 18-Mayor's Proclamation declaring a state of public danger or emergency by reason of flood wa- ters of the MissIssippi River .............................. 172, 175 S-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending the sale of Lot 2 of 1 of Block 6, River Front Sub- division No.3 to W. S. Sheppley & Co. ............................................................182, 262, 324, 325 5--Møriarity Raymond J., Notice of Claim on behalf of Greg Moriarity.................................................. 187 S-Montgomery Ward, requesting permission to make an additional curb cut .......................................... S-Majerus Jeanann, granted Class "B" Beer Permit S-Majerus Jeanann, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 12-Montgomery Ward & Co., granted Cigarette Permit 26-Mayberry Karen M., Notice of Claim ........................ 2-Mettel Realty Co., requesting street lighting on Tyler Road and Erie Court. """""""""""""""" 2-Magnall Richard, sidewalk bond. ............................".. 2-Morrow David G., objecting to proposed rezoning INDEX - BOOK 99 1989 SUBJECT M JaB. Feb. Mar. Page 1 8 15 28 41 49 50, 293 62 65 70 90 99, 113 99 101 117 118 154 162 192 204 204 212 227 237 237 1969 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT M July of Washington Street area. ..........."....................... 19-May's Drug Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ........".. 19-Merchants Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit. .........." 19-Miller Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-Mescher & Tench Grocery, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 19-Meitl Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit. ....".. 19-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit. ....... 19-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit. """" 19-Meyers Herman J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Mercy Medical Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit. 19-Mr. Steak, granted Cigarette Permit. ....".............. 19-Manahl Dennis K., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Meyers Kermit, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Meyer Catherine M., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Meitl Cyril, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .." 23-Mulgrew Patricia, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 11. ................................................ 23-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending ap- proval of sale of property to W. S. Sheppley & Co. ..................................................................262, 23--Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending ap- proval of sale of property to Bradley Iron Works Inc. ................................................................ 23-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 23-Montgomery Ward & Co., granted Cigarette Permit. 23-Meyer Catherine M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., concerning rezon- ing of property located at 14th and White Streets. ...................................................................... 7-Majerus Jeanann, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Morarend Lois M., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Myers Russell E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 28--Moldenhauer Wayne A. et. aI., requesting that parking be prohibited on the west side of No- wata Street, closing regulations for Allison- Henderson Park. ........................................,........... 29-Mesa Drive, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the S. P. L. of Kane Street to the south end of street. ............................315, 29-Montgomery Ward parking lot, improvement with bituminous surfacing ......................................315, 2S-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending sale of property in the Industrial Island to The Eska Company. ................................................ 2-Magnall Richard, sidewalk bond. ....................".......... 2-Miller J. P., complaining about weeds and brush on Windsor Avenue. ................................................,... 2-Mid~~~~nJ':r. ~: *~o':l'jes~~nga::'d t~~d~~~gï.n§u~~ from Two Family to Multiple residence. .... 2-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending ap- provalof sale of property to The Eska Company. 2-Meitl Cyril, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """" 2-Marburger Leona, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 2-Marburger Leona, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 9-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending ap- ~~:}e~f C~~p':yP~.0.~~~...~~...~.~...~1, pm Aug. S~pt. Page 239. 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 251 252 261 324, 325 271, 389 272, 572 273 274 278 288 288 280 309, 370 376, 431 376, 431 388 384 385, 398 386 393, 474 394 394 395 425, 504 Nov. ~~c. 22-Mt. Loretta Avenue, requesting installation of street light. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 422, 465 29-Miller William J., Notice of Claim. ........................ 458, 569 6-Mayor Walter Pregler, submitting a statement recommending and urging the support of the voting public on the annexation proposal. .... 6-Murphy Mary M., Notice of Claim. """""""""""""" 6-Miller LaVerne D., Notice of Claim. ........................ 6-May C. J., requesting permission to address the Council concerning the rezoning of Lots 24 & 25 in Westside Manor Subdivison. ............,....... 469, 572 6-Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting per- mission to conduct a fund drive. ........................ 6-Moldenhauer Wayne A. et. al., appealing for law enforcement in Allison Henderson Park and on the streets surrounding it. ................,....... 22-Mescher A. R., requesting that the intersection of St. Ambrose and Rosedale Avenue be made a four way stop. """"""""""""""....................",..... 496, 524 3-Molo Oil Company, requesting refund on furnace permit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 514 S-Myers Russell E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 538 8-Mattes Joseph S., Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption on Bertha Trieb property. ............ 8-March of Dimes, requesting permission to conduct a "Mother's March". """""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Miller Gerald E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 8-MihaIakis Shirley, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 8-Miller Gerald E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 8-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. IS-MEASLES-Report of Board of Health Director iuforming Board members of preparations for immunization program. ........................................ IS-Mount Carmel Pumping Station, completed and accepted. ....................................".............................. 29-Mahoney Daniel A., objecting to any rezoning of Wareco Oil Station property. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT M Oct. Page 465 467, 570 468, 542 469 470 543 549 557 556 558 558 560 563 572 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT N 6-Noel June, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 6-Neumeister John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 3-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 17-Nort~~~iJ~rnto ~:~/~~~~;~u~~' ~~~d~ni~~sf:~ across Dodge Street at three locations .............. 17-Nagle John A., conveyance of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 ................................ April 14-Ney ltaymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... " 14-Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... May S-Navy Club No. 67, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 75 ................................................ " S-Navy Club No. 67, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit ............................................................................ June 19-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits " 19-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ....".......... 19-Ney Albert J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 19-Norwood Nelson, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 19-Norwood Nelson, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.- 23-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 23-Navy Club Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................................................- 23-Ney Albert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 7-Nebel Leonard C., requesting permission to exca. vate in East 22nd Street ...................................... 7-Northern Drug Company, granted Cigarette Per. mlt ............................................................................ 21-North Ann Ryan, Richard J. and Arthur D. Cross, condemnation of property located in the Ur- ban Renewal area ..............................................- 21-Nagle John A., condemnation of property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal area ............ 21-Ninth Street, improvement with concrete paving with integral curb from the west curb line of Biuff Street to the intersection of Hill Street, University Avenue and Eighth Street .............. 28--Nowata Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the N.P.L. of University Avenue to the S.P.L. of Loras Boulevard....315, Aug. 4-Ney Albert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... " 2S-Nagelmaker Marie, requesting permission to con- nect to sewer and water services ........................ Sept. 9-Northern Natural Gas Company, grant and ease. ment to construct, erect, maintain and operate a measuring station and appurtenances at Mu- nicipal Airport ........................................................ " 22-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, request- ing permission to excavate in Bryant Street .... Oct. 6-Nabors of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 22-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...................................................................... .. 22-Nabors of Iowa Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................ Nov. 3-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to excavate in aIley between Wilson and Center Place .................................................... S-Nash Finch Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit J~n. Feb. July Page 15, 283 15 43 45 59 167 168 203 204 250 250 250 250 251 273 273 275 282 288, 548 297 297 299, 353 376, 431 344 370, 541 417 422 478 497 497 515 518 Feb. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT 0 Jan. 6--OrdiDance No. 1-69. An Ordinance allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and other S<>lU'Ces of revenue to the expenditures for City Government in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1969 and end- ing December 31, 1969 and authorizing certain transfenr of funds. """"""""""""""""""""""""" 6-Ordinance No. 81-68. An Ordinance Classifying and Designating certain recently annexed Territory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as "Local Busi- De" "B" District" classification which real estate is described hereafter. (Clin-que Addu.) 6-0rdinance No. 2-69. An Ordinance amending and cloanging Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change certain proper- 13' hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Family Residence District" Classification, (Lot 1 of Outlot 723 and Lot 1 of Roman Catholic Graveyard.) .............................................................. 27-Qrdinance No. 3-69. An Ordinance to provide addi- tional information retating to the sale and issu- ance of $2,000,000.00 Sewer Revenue Bonds of of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to ratify, con- firm and approve prior action as to the sale and issuance of said bonds, including the adoption by said City Council of Ordinance No. 82-68. 27--Ordinance No. 4-69. An Ordinance Amending Ord- inance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque. Iowa," by repealing section 19.10 thereof and enacting a new section 19.10 in lieu thereof to permit studded tires. ............................ 27-on1inance No. 5-69. An Ordinance Amending Ord- inaDc:e No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing sub- section 12 of Section A of Schedule IV there- of which limited the parking of motor vehicles fnIm 9:00 AM. to 6:00 P.M. on the north side of West Fifth Street from Bloff Street to a point 196 feet West thereof and the north side of West Fifth Street from Prospect Street to Needham Place and enacting a new Subsection 12 of Section A of Schedule IV thereof to limit parking of motor vehicles on the north side of West Fifth Street from Bluff Street to a point 196 feet west thereof and on the north side of West Fifth Street from Prospect Street to a point 196 feet west on West Fifth Street. ........ 27-Ordi= ~S;:ñth=':.:c'k~~fn~~ as the "TraUic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended. by enacting a new Sub-Section 101 of Schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on the West Side of Pinard Street from 29th Street to the Northerty term- inus of Pinard Street. """""""""""""""""""""" ~'~96f~~ .f'¿:~~b~q~~;::ki~~b~~ 17~'CcmIør Brooks. Ahrendt and Brooks, Audit of Water Department for year 1968 ........................ l7-Ordimmce No. 7-69. An Ordinance establishing a SiD8le Ward for the City of Dubuque and clivid- Page 4 8 9, 32 23 24 25 25 29 46 1969 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT 0 Mar. ing the same into Election Precincts, establish. ing such precincts and defining the boundaries thereof and repealing all Ordinances and Reso- lutions in conflict herewith. ........................"...... 17-Ordinance No. 8-69. Dubuque Human Rights Ordi- nance ....................................................................57, 24-0rdinance No. 9-69. An Ordinance Amending No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by enacting a new Section tt to Schedule 11 thereof to provide that Bur- den Avenue from the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue to its northerly terminus be designated as a through street ............................ 24-0rdinance No. 10-69. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by adding a new Subsection 18 of Section B of Schedule ill thereof to provide that northbound and south- bound vehicles on Washington Street must stop before entering the intersection of East Seventeenth Street ................................."............. 3-Ordinance No. 11-69. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33.57, as amended by Ordinance 40- 65, by repealing Section 12 and Section 13 thereof and enacting a new Section 12 and a new Section 13 in lieu thereof respectively, to provide for establishment of metered rate serv- ice and to provide for the fixing and establish- ment of rates and prices for transportation of passengers by Taxicab. ........................".............. 3-Ordinance No. 12-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to change certain prop. erty hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District" Classification to "Multiple Family Residence District" classification, (pow- ers property). ............................................................ 3-Ordinance No. 13-69. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Res- idence" district classification to "Local Busi- ness "A" District" classification, (Powers prop- erty). .......................................................................... 3-Ordinance No. 14-69. An Ordinance vacating a por- tion of Dana Drive now platted as Lot 14A of Block 2 in Westchester. ........................................ 24-0rdinance No. 15-69. An Ordinance amending Ord- inance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amend- ed, by adding a new Subsection 6 to Section C of Schedule 11l thereof to provide that west- bound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of James Street and Mazzuchelli Heights. ...................................................................... 24-0rdinance No. 16-69. An Ordinance amending Or. dinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by adding a new Subsection 6 to Section E of Schedule 11l thereof to provide that eastbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of James INDEX - BOOK 99 Page - 52 I 85 86 65 SUBJECT 1969 Page 66 0 Street and Langworthy Avenue. """""""""""" 24-0rdinance No. 17-69. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Section 19 of Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Section 19 to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on the south side of East Twelfth Street from Jackson Street to Elm Street. """""""""""""""""""""" 24-0rdinance No. 18-69. An Ordinance authorizing Fischer Realty Company to construct exhaust duct in alley on the west side of Fischer Building. ""............................".............................. 24-0r~~:~: ~~'. ~~~\~e~~~¡::;,:c;e~:::,~~i~~e~~f and enacting a new Section 7 in lieu thereof to provide for the special procedures for the con- trol of rabies. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 31-Ordinance No. 20-69. An Ordinance authorizing the Caradco Division of the Scovill Manufacturing Company to construct and maintain supports and platform for transformer base on the out- side of building D-I0 on the south side of Eighth Avenue about thirty feet east of Jack- son Street. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-O'Rourke Catherine, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. """""""""""""""""""" 7-Oleson Karl Henry, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 5--Ordinance No. 21-69. An Ordinance Authorizing the B. P. O. Elks Lodge No. 297 Inc. to con- struct a canopy over the public sidewalk. ........ S-Ordinance No. 22-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change certain Property hereinafter described from "Busi- ness" District" Classification to "Multiple Resi- dence District" Classification, (Washington Neighborhood area). """""""""""""""""""""" 189, 241 5--Ordinance No. 23-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to change certain prop- erty hereinafter described from "Light In- dustrial District" classification to "Multiple Residence District Classification," Washingion Neighborhood area). ................................................ 189, 242 S-Ordinance No. 24-69. An Ordinance Regulating Conduct in Public Parks of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa: Providing for enforcement thereof: and prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof. """""""""""""""""""""" 190 5--Ordinance No. 25-69. An Ordinance amending the budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1-69..... 202, 227 12-0rdinance No. 26-69. An Ordinance Amending the Budget as Approved by Ordinance No. 25-69. 208,231 12-0rdinance No. 27-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the ~f~~&u~;~, ~~~a~~~i~sg t~~~~;:~~":iJ~e p~~ erty hereinafter described from "Multiple Fam. ily Residence District" classification to "Single Family Residence District" classification, (West- chester Subdivision). """""""""""""""""""""" 208, 243 114 115 115 116 April 124 150 153 71 May 188 72, 139 72, 140 79, 140 114 i96D J)!lle INDEX - BOOK 00 SUBJECT July 0 12-0rdinance No. 26-69. An Ordinance Amending ~tf'i~~~~tò';,¡~::n:~h:s ci~ :t~~~u:~ Iowa, by Amending Article IV Section 2. (h) Thereof to include certain described real estate in which professional offices or studios of a physician, dentist, architect, engineer, lawyer, realtor, insurance, musician or simllarprofes- sions may be permitted, (Westchester Subdi- vision). ........................................................................ 12-0ak Brook Subdivision, request to rezone Block "A" to Multiple Family. ........................................ 12-0'Neill Denise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-0'Neill William, sidewalk bond. ................................ 2-Ordinance No. 29-69. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 known as the "TraUie Code of Dubuque, Iowa, as amended, by adding a new suhsection 4, to Section A of Sehedule ID, and by adding a new subsection 17, to Section A of Schedule ID thereof, to provide that east- bound vehicles must stop before enterin~ the intersection of Fillmore Street and Adair Street and eastbound and westbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Theda Street and Crissy Street. ............."..................... 2-0'Brien James Mrs., reappointed to the Recreation Commission. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19-Oeschger Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-0lsen Dorothy M., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-0'Neill Denise, granted Cigarette Permit. """""" 19-0leson Karl H., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-0'Mara Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-0'Hara Richard F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-0'Neill Denise, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 19-0lsen Dorothy, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 23-0rdinance No. 30-69. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 31-52 by repealing Section 21 thereof thereby eliminating the requirement that tank vehicles delivering Class I Flammable Liquids to any Service Station be limited to a capacity of 2000 gallons. ................................,....... 23-0ffice Grill, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 22-0lson Dorothy M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Ordinance No. 31-69. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 78 by repealing Section 40 thereof r~~r~'¡;¡bl\n~~ti~ :i~~~~h~ c\~ l~~e~t~ bow and arrow. """""""",,"""""""""'-""""""""" 7-0rdinance No. 32-69. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 56-61 known as "Building Code" of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Sub- section 5 of Section 503 thereof and enacling a new Subsection 5 of Section 503 thereof pro- vidin~ for restrictions on height of residence building of semi fire resistive constructioo and ordinary construction and noncombustih1e con. struction and further providing that wood frame construction and unprotected metal con- struction shall not exceed three atortes in height. ..............................-.........................,............... 7-Obnsorge William J. et. aI., objecting to the soil erosion of their property along West 32Dd and Gillespie Streets. Pa¡ e r ~, 243 209, 352 213 237 I 1 245 248 248 249 250 250 250 251 252 252 259 , 260 273 274 280 261 282 Aug. Sept. Oct. INDEX - BOOK 99 tOO9 SUBJECT Page 0 7-Owen Court Right of Way, approval of width. .... 283 284 7-Osco Drugs Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ '288 21-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, Audit Report ~f the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year end- Ing December 31, 1968. ................................."..... 4-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, Audit Report of the County-City Authority for the fiscal year 1968. .......................................................................... 4-Ordinance No. 33-69. An Ordinance amending and Changing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change City Lots 101 through 108 and all of City Lots 137 through 140 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa from "Multi- ple Residence District" classification to "Busi- ness District" classification .................................. 323, 385 4-Ordinance No. 34-69. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change lots 34, 35, 36, 83, 84 and lots 90 through 98 all in A. P. Woods Subdivision, Lot 1 and Lot 2 in McGrath's Subdivision, and the westerly 76 feet of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Kirkwood Place, from "Two Fam- ily Residence District" classification to "Mul- tiple Residence District Classification." ............ 323, 386 25-0rdinance No. 35-69. An Ordinance Amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change block "A" Oak Brook Subdivision in the City of Du- buque from "Single Family Residence Dis- trict" Classification to "Multiple Family Resi- dence District" Classification. ....................369. 421, 457 2-Oeschger Thomas A., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 29-0rdinance No. 36.69. An Ordinance Authorizing the issuance of $200,000 Sewer Bonds and pro- viding for the levy of taxes to pay the same. 6-Ordinance No. 37-69. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, as amended, by enact- ing a new subsection 102 of Schedule VI there- of to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on the West Side of Nowata Street from Loras Boulevard to University Avenue. ....".................. 15-0rdinance No. 38-69. An Ordinance Authorizing Fischer Investment Company, Dubuque, Iowa, to construct a Planter and Umbrellas at City Lot S 13' 3" of 75A and City Lot 76-N.W. comer 2nd & Main Street. """",,""""""""""""" 15-0rdinance No. 39.69. An Ordinance Amending and Changin~ Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change the hereinaft- er described property from "Multiple Residence District Classification" to "Single Family Resi. dence District Classification" (M.L. 89-90-Ham- blin Sub.) .................................................................. 489, 527 15-0rdinance No. 40-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zonin~ Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change all of Block "C" and Block "D" and the following portion of 292 321 394 442 471 488 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT 0 Nov. Block "A" in "Highland" in the City of Du. buque, Iowa, from "Single Residence District" Classification to "Multiple Residence District" Classification. .......................................................... 3-0rdinance No. 41-69. An Ordinance vacating a por- tion of an alley known and described as Lot 6-A of the subdivision of Out Lot 724 in the City 3-Ord~a~~~'W~"4~wa. Äñ"ö~;¡i-;;;;nëë"iiä;;ï¡;;g"Ë~šë: ment "B" for road purposes in Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of NWV. Section 28 T. 89 N. R. 2E of 5 P. M. which is a track of ground 50 feet wide and 300 feet long lying 300 feet east of Bies Drive and running north of Daniels Street. 3-Oleson Karl Henry, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-OIse~~¡~ S\r:~t t¡;ci~~~~gl\~~ a!~rMf~!~: 11th Street between White and Jackson Streets. 5--Ordinance No. 43-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the ~ln¿~~u~~~, ~~d a~o:::ncÍt~;~n~iel o!f t~r~i~ and Edward R. Bartels Place at Center Grove In M. L. 243, from Local Business "B" District Classification to "Business District" Classifica- tion............................................................................. S-Ordinance No. 44-69. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Residence classification (Lot 1 Sylvan Place) ...................... 17-Ordinance No. 45-69. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by enact- ~~~ : ~:: :~::c'iŸoo~ 3~9ót S::~o~~s~i~~e~ ule IV to limit parkin!; of motor vehicles on streets hereinafter deSIgnated (E12th, E13th, El4th) Streets .......................................................... 17-Ordinance No. 46-69. An Ordinance Amending Ord- inance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by enacting a new subsection 5 to section C of schedule X thereof, to require eastbound vehicles to yield right of way before entering the intersection of Forest Lane and Booth Street. """""""""""" 17-Ordinance No. 47-69. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by enact- ing a new Subsection 6 to Section D of schedule X thereof to require westbound vehicles to ~~~l10~i~~tF~~e~aL~~f';.'.:'d ~~rhn~t:~:t. i~t~~: 17-Ordinance No. 48.69. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by enact- ing a new Subsection 104 of schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking of a motor vehicle on the east side of Elm Street from 19th to 20th Street and on the west side of Cox Street from Kirkwood Street to Loras Boule- Page 490, 528 499 506 511 514 518, 544 519, 544 529 529 530 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT 0 I vard. .......................................................................... 17-0rdinance No. 49-69. An Ordinance prescribing regulations for the use of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Street Municipal Parking Garage, fixing ~::~~ru~~ ~~~~~~Íi~~e~h~~~:ilt~~~~~ g~~i~ ing penalties for violation thereof. .................... 17-Ordinance No. 50-69. An Ordinance Amending Ord- inance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Section 16.9 thereof and enacting a new Section 16.9 in lieu thereof, prohibiting the Parking of Motor Vehicles in Bus Stops. ............................ 5--O'Mara Helen Mrs., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 8-O'Conoor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, Certified Public Accountants, retained to audit the rec- ords of the City of Dubuque for the year 1969. 8-0rdinance No. 51-69. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Lot 2 of M. L. 242: and Lot 1 of 1, 2 of 1 and Lots 2 through 11 inclusive, in Brunskill's Addition; Lot 4 of Block 15 in Steg- er Heights from Single Family Residence Dis- trict to Multiple Residence District Classifica- tion. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Ordinance No. 52-69. An Ordinance Fixing and Establishing Rates and Charges for City Am- bulance Service and Repealing Ordinance No. 17-59. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-0rdinance No. 53-69. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change the Ely 55' of Lot 25 in Block 4 and the Ely 55' of the Sly 124.85' of Lot 24 in Block 4, in West Side Man- or, from Single Family Residence District Class- ification to Local Business B District Class- ification..................................................................... 29-0hmert Donald L., liability policy. Dec. Page 530 531 532 538 541 545 545, 546 547 569 14-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting report of tþ~- D\lbuque Urban Area Transportation StudY........................................................................ 14-Peoples Natural Gas Co., requesting permission to excavate at 665 Dodge Street. """""""""""" 14-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block I, Block 2 and Block 3 in Metlel.Byrne Addition. .................................................................... S-Powers Phillip, certifying cost of the Powers- Hillcrest Road sanitary sewer. """""""""""" S-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial Of petition of Westchester Inc. to rezone Lots 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 in Block 4, and Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 and Lots 2 through 11 iri Block 6. ................................................................ S-Planning & Zoning COmmission, recommending w:,~~ 18: :::~ aTIz~f3fty °L,~itisl1~J~ 140, from Multiple Residence to Business Dis- trict. ............................................................................ 180, 385 5-Planning & Zoning COmmission, recommending the rezoning of property in A. P. Woods Subdivi- sion, McGrath's Subdivision and a portion of Kirkwood Place, from Two Family to Multiple Family Residence. ................................................ 181, 200 S-Pendley Laura, settlement of claim. ........................ 185 5-Petrick Phil M., Notice of Claim. ............................ 187 S-Park Regulations and the Enforcement Thereof. 190 12-Peg.o Mesa, Lot 10 conveyed to the City of Du- buque by Richard C. & Mildred Henschel. """" 2O-PlellS8J1t Street, installation of a street light recom" mendlftt....................................................................... 2-Pen:y Construction Co. Inc., sidewalk bond. """""" 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition requesting rezoning of I'nroî:~~~l~;,°t, Kh'.~e~ro~~e:~~.r~d~~ f~ tile Professional Office Section of Multiple Famlty District. ........................................................ 2-Powers Pllilip A. and Martha F., conveyance of Lot. 1 of the Subdivision of Lot :I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Powers Farm" to the City <>f Dubu- que, Iowa. ................................................................ 19-Papin Ray, granted Cigarette Permit. """""""""""" 19-Plein..James M., granted Cigarette Permit. """""" It:~r~=-e:~~~~f:.~t¡~~~~t~e~ii:"::: ::::::::: 19-Pusateri Michael, granted Cigarette Pèrmlt. """""" 19-Polfer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 19-~de Service, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ;....... 19-Plns Arthur W., ~anted Class "CO' Liquor Hermit. 23-Palm. Kenneth, SIdewalk bond. ................................ 23-Planning & Zonin¡¡ COmmission, recommending that the classification of Lot A, Block 22 of Key Knolls Subdivision not be changed. ........ 23-Plal\!ling & Zoning COmmission, recommending denial of petition requesting the vacation of part of Main Street southerly of Railroad Avenue and all of the alley which extends thru Block 26 of Dubuque Harbor Company Addi- tion. ............................................................................ 23-Peschang Jennie, relative to high rent for the older citiz!ons of Dubuque INDEX - BOOK 99 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page 1J!6 1 SUBJEcT p Jan. p 6-Pregler Walter A., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year of 1969 .................................................. 6--Pauly Thomas J., complaining of poor TV rec.eption 6-Powers Philip & Martha, requesting rezonIng of portions of their property along Kennedy Road and Powers Place ..................................................9, 48, 139 27-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition for the rezoning of Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Westchester Subdivision .................... 27-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Burlington Street .................................. Feb. 3--Peoples Natural Gas, filing new gas rates as re- quired by Ordinance ............................................ 3-Parking System Audit for the year 1968 ................ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that portions of Sylvan Drive be vacated and recommending approval of plat of Sylvan Place 17-Plan,ri~~1 ~f ~~mr!n f.,",:-,~~~~0~t:ei~~::de~~i~1 Union Addition from Two Family to Multiple Residence .................................................................. 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of proposal to reclassify property' on east side of Kennedy Road from Single Family to Local Business "A"; and to reclassify prop. erty on the east side of Kennedy, from Fire Station south to Hoover School, from Single Family to Multiple Residence ........................48, 139, 140 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of reclassifying from Multiple Family to Single Family, lots 2 through 11 in Block 6 and Lots 1 through 4 of Lot 3 all in Block 4 of Westchester Subdivision """"""""""""""" 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of reclassifying from Single Family to Two Family, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Shiras Terrace Subdivision .............................................. 17-Poire Catherine M., Notice of Suit """""""'-"""'" 24-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending vacation of Dana Drive lying between Kenoedy Road and Woodland Drive .................................... Mar. 24-Prutch Henry, objecting to the proposed rezoning of the premises located at 1800 Washington Street ........................................................................ 118, 121 " 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plan to vacate certain streets in Bies Subdivision which includes portions of Daniels, Bies and Kebbie ...................................................................... April 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de- nial of request to rezone the easterly 35 feet of Lot 3 of McCoy's Subdivision to Local Busi- ness "A". .................................................................. 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition for the rezoning of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of McLean Heights to Multiple Resi- dence ........................................................................ 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting report of review of petition requesting rezoning of certain properties in the vicinity of the Wash- ington Street Neighborhood ................................ 136, 278 7-Police Protective Association, requesting a hear. ing concerning proposed wage increase """""" 142 2 7 21 26 May 29 Z9 41 47 49 J~ 49 52 64 122 135 138 245 249 249, 491 249 250 250 250 250 252 256 257 257 260 Page 156 157 162 178 178 212 218 237 244 1969 July 23-Prtde Service Inc., grant of perpetual easement to the City of Dubuque, Beatrice Foods Place ...... 23-Palmer Drug Store, granted Cigarette Permit ..".. 23--Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 23-Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 23-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 7 - Pla~n~ ni~ ~~ h g.o ~s~~ ft:u~ ::S~ä ~~~e~it~tk'~ I~Ih ~~gh ~4,?št be1n1l;}f~ Streets ................................................................."... 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, reaffirming their recommendation that property located at the northwest comer of Fourteenth and White Streets not be rezoned .......................................... 7-Peoples Natural Gas Division, 1968 Operating Statement .................................................................. 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Loras Boulevard and in two places on Clarke Drive ...................................................... 262, 294 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Lot 25, Block 4 Sunset Park Subdivision 7-Peterman Harold, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 7-Pins Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 21-Palm Cletus, sidewalk bond ........................................ 21-Pixley Tenny, appointed co-chairman of the Citi- zens Assistance Committee for Urban Renewal 28--Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with concrete curb & gutter ..................................................311, 370, 430 28--Perry Street, improvement with concrete curb & gutter from the alley west of Grandview Ave- nue to the E. P. L. of Rider Street ............311, 28--Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with hot mix- hot laid asphaltic surfacing ..........................313, 28--Perry Street, improvement with bitumInous con- crete surfacing from the W. P. L. of Grand- view Ave. to E.P.L. of Rider Street ............315, 376, 431 4-Pete's Coffee Shoppe, granted Cigarette Permit .... 343 ll-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommendi1!ll the rezoning of Block "A" Oak Brook Subdi- vision from Single Family to Multiple Family Residence ................................................352, 368, 421, 457 l1~Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap- proval of plat of Block 18 & 19 in Steger Heights ...................................................................... 18--Park Board, requesting amendment of Park Ordi. nance to include Allison Henderson Park in the regulation of closing hours .......................... 2-Police Departtnent, completion of the burglar alarm system .......................................................... 2-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 9-Pape Transfer Company, offer to purchase city owned land on East 12th Street ........397, 424, 425, 504 9-Police Departtnent. requesting permission to ap- point Donald Thilmany subject to certification of the Civil Service Commission ........................ 9-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Balke Street .......................................... 9-Park Board Bonds in the Amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose of paying the cost of removal of trees infected with Dutch Elm disease .......... 410, 412, 441, 452, 454, 456 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT p ^;)lg. Sept. Page 267 273 273 273 275 277 278 280 283 268 268 292 302 370, 430 373, 432 354 359 384 394 398 396 ¡ , t ., Nov. Dec. 9-Papin Madeline, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 22-Pbillips William L., sidewalk bond .......................... 29-Patterson N. A., Notice of Claim ................................ 29-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in West Third Street ............................ 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Cummins Street from Multiple to Single Family Residence .................................. 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, failure to reach a unanimous recommendation concerning the rezoning of property in Lots 24 and 25 of Westside Manor Subdivision ................................ 468, 546 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of property lying east of Kennedy Road and south of Eisenhower School in High- land Subdivision .................................................... 6-Packers Tap, requesting street light at 16th & Cedar Streets .......................................................... 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Sunrise Heights Subdivision .......................... IS-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- vate at Loras & Main Streets .............................. IS-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Clarke Drive ........................................ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 2 of 2 of 2 of 2 of the NE¥4 of the NEV. of Section 28 in City of Dubuque, Iowa ................................ 3-Pla~~~~~s~ffcOa~\~~ ~1~ls~i~f' Æ~~~:m:i:.~en1r~';: Single to Multiple Residence classification ...... 512, 544 3--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the reclassification of Sara S. and Edward R. Bartels Place in M. L. Lot 253 of Section 27 from Local Business "B" to Business classifi- cation ........................................................................ 513, 544 3--Pfohl Earl et. aI., requesting sanitary sewer to their properties on Asbury Road ........................ 514 3-Pins Arthur W. and Margaret C., requesting rezon- ing of Old Timers Supper Club to Business "B" classification .................................................. 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition for rezoning of property in Cullen's Subdivision from Single Family to Multiple Residence ................................................ 17-Plan&engre~n~~ni~l p~~~~s¡~n'B::~~~I¡.:n1~':f. and Steger Heights from Single Family to Mul. tiple Residence ...................................................... 525, 545 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition to rezone ¡>roperty at 1105 Loras Boulevard to Local BusIness "B".... 8--Project Concern, urging the City Council to set up a Housing Authority. 8--Peoples Store and Stella Zuckerman, conveyance of property in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area .......................................................................... 8--Peterman Harold, granted Class "C" Beer Permit INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT p Oct. Page 416 419 458 459 468 . 469 471 475 490 490 500 514 524 525 555 558 Oct. 1989 INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT P.... Q 22-Quinn Frank P., requesting street light on Samuel Street 485 ~. Mat. Apri1. May INDEX - BOOK 99 1189 SUBJECT Page R J~. 6-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor. .................... 6-ROMAC INC. and THE KENNEDY MALL, INC., CONVEYANCE of property in Hawkeye Stock Farm and Easement A in Sections 27 and 28 in Dubuque Twp. to the City of Dubuque, to be used and dedicated as "Wacker Drive" to the public for street purposes. .................................. 27-Rooney Margaret, settlement of suit. """"""""""" 3-Roling Gilbert, sidewalk bond. .................................. 3-Renier James J., Mary L. Orvis, Janet A. McQuil- lan and Pauline A. Jewell, condemnation of rfKe~~....f~~...~~~~~....~:.~~.~.~.~...~.:.~~~cij¡, IO~~ 208, 209 3-Rhomberg Anthony, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. .................... 3-Recreation Commission, completion and accept- ance of Swimming Pool Bath House Renova- tion. ............................................................................ 17-Riley Owen, submitting resignation from the Plan. ning & Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Dubuque County Metro- politan Area Planning Commission. """"""""" 17-Report of the City Auditor for the fiscal year Janu~ 1, 1968 thru December 31, 1968. ............ 17-Rats and mfestation of rodents in 2900 block be. tween Burlington and Keokuk Streets. ............ 17-Ruan Transport Corporation requesting amend- ment of ordinance prohibiting the unloading of 8000 gaIlon tank trailers at service stations. 3-River Front Subdivision No.3, approval of plat of Lot 1 of Block 5. ................................................80, 81, 148 7-Russo R. N., bond. ........................................................ 91 7-Report of the City of Dubuque 1968 Municipal Street and Parking. ................................................ U-Recreation Commission, Annual Report for the Year 1968. ................................................................ 24-Roeder Marcella, settlement of suit. ........................ 24-Recreation Commission, requesting that if proper- ty in River Front Subdivision No.3 be sold that the proceeds be transferred to the Recrea- tion Fund. ................................................................ 31-Restoration Inc., requesting extension of time to restore residence at 425-429 Loras Boulevard. 123, 141 31-Retirement Investment Corporation, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the extension of a sewer main to Heritage Manor. ........................ ....................".................................. 118, 130, 131, 195, 552 7-Rainbo Oil Company, Notice of Subrogation rights of General Adjustment Bureau Inc. and Trans- america Insurance Group. .................................... 7-Renier Realty Company, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. """""""""""""""" 7-Ridge Motor & Machine Company, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. ..,......... 7-Roseliep Louis and Joseph Shannon, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project, DfB/ A Dubuque Office Equipment Co. .......................... 7-Roseliep Louis and Cathryn L. and Joseph Shan- non, condemnation of property for Urban Re- newal Project. ........................................................ 14-Reese John L., Notice of Claim. ................................ S-Rettenberger Tree & Landscape, sidewalk bond. .... 2 14 22 30 40 41 45 46 57 58 99 109 112 117 138 150 150 151 150 157 183 S-Rohr Earl Jr. et. aI., requesting sewage service to 32nd Street & Brueck Road. ................................ 2O-Riverfront Subdivision No.2, approval of plat of Lot 2 of Lot 10 of Block 4. .................................. 26-Rang Rita, Notice of Claim. ........................................ June 19-Rezac Donna, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ " 19-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 19-Ring Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit. ...c........ 19-Randall's Foodarama, granted Cigarette Permit..... 19-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit..... 19-Ruegnitz R. S., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 19-Radloff Minnie R., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 19-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 19-Reisdorf Joseph Edward, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 19-Riley Owen, appointed to the Citizens Advisory Commission. ............................................................ 23-Richmond Thomas L., Notice of Claim. .................... 23-Reihle Frank W., Notice of Claim. .................."...... 23-Rooney A. J., complaining about weeds and cotton- wood trees along the railroad tracks in the Industrial Park. ...................................................... 260, 294 23-Recreation Department, Veterans Memorial Park, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of restroom facilities. .................... 23-Rosheks Department Store, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 7-Riekena Doris, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 7-Remy Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 7-Rettenberger Max, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Remakel Michael, complaining of the washout of of alley in the rear of the Del Farm Store on Dodge Street. ..........................................290, 345, 357, 559 21-Rezac Donna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 301, 423 28--Riggs L. C. and Associates lnc., Notice of Claim. 308 28-River Valley Community Action Program, request- ing funds from the City of Dubuque. ................ Aug. 4-Ryder Marion J., ordered to repair or dismantle rear part of a building located at 233 Main Street. ................................................................322, ll-Raterman Henrietta, appealing for continuation of present bus service. ................................................ ll-Riverside Bowl Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ Sept. 2-Ruden Richard, sidewalk bond. .................................. " 2-Randalls Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ........ 22-Reisen Ralph A., sidewalk bond. ................................ 6-Richard Andrew J. & Marie E. approval of plat of Sunrise Heights Subdivision. ................................ 8-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. Nov. 17-Robinson Barbara R., the City Manager and Treas- urer to compromise the special assessments levied against the estate of the deceased. ........ 533, 534 Dec. 8-Report of the City of Dubuque for Municipal Streets and Parking for the year 1970. .............. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT R J~y Page 203 221 227 249, 423 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 252 252 253 258, 292 258, 420 289 273 289 288 288 310 388, 568 353 357 384 394 419 476 478 549 Feb. Mar. April INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page 5 Jan. 6-Storm Sewer Kennedy Road 1968, proposed plans, specifications and form of contract for the con- struction of. .............................................................. 6-Storm Sewer Altura Drive 1968 completed and accepted. .................................................................. 9-Sewer Revenue Bonds 1969 Series In The Amount of $2,000,000.00. ...................................................... 27-Storm Sewer, Butterfield Road Extension 1968 completed and accepted. ...................................... 3--Steichen Robert G., appointed to the Plumbing Board of Examiners. .............................................. 3--Saffran Construction Company, liahility policy.... 3--Schmitt Leo, Notice of Claim. .................................... 3--Shaffer Helen & Harold, Notice of Suit. ................ 3--Schueller Gerald, Notice of Claim. .......................... 3--Sidewalk Project, City of Dubuque 1967, schedule of assessments. ........................................................ 3--Sullivan, John D., Desmond, James B. and Angela H. Schlimgen, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa B-15. .................... 39, 40 3--Sigman Allan E., condemnation of property for Ur- ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ........................ 3--Swinuning Pool Bath House Renovation, completed and accepted. .......................................................... 3--Sylvan Drive, vacation of a portion of recom- mended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. 3--Sylvan Drive, approval of plat recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission. ........................ 17-Shiras Terrace Subdivision, denial of reclassi- fication of lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, from Single Family to Two Family Residence. .................... 3--Schueller Mildred, objecting to metered system of operating taxicabs. .................................................. 3--S.0.S. Club, requesting permission to sell candy in the downtown area. ................................................ 3--Sisson Harry, requesting rezoning of property at 504 Bluff Street. .................................................... 3--Sanitary and Storm Sewer for Diane Court, com- pleted and accepted. ..........................................73, 74, 145 3--Sylvan Place, approval of plat. .................................. 75, 360 3--Storm Sewer on Eighth Street from Iowa Street to Main Street, preliminary plans and specifica- tions. ....................................................................77, 142, 264 3--Steak Mr., granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 82 3--Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 7-Schumacher Earl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 7-Schmitt LucilIe G., Claim denied. ............................ 7-Street Finance Report For The Fiscal Year 1968. 24-Smitty's Excavation Service, Notice of claim filed in amount of $3,799.36. .......................................... 24-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting permis- sion to excavate in alley in rear of 1360 Iowa Street. ........................................................................ 24-Sarris Patricia, requesting refund on Class "C" li- quor Permit No. 1540. ............................................ 24-Stackis Emil, appointed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. .............................................................. 31-Scventeenth Voting Precinct established at the John F. Kennedy Elementary School. ................ 7-Schuster Alfred and Lourdes, condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. ................ 14-Swift Adrian, appointed to the Heating, Ventilat- 10 12 17 27 29 30 31, 183 31 31, 184 33, 34 40 41 41 41 49 70 73 73 82 82 92 99 113 117 118 120 121 150 1969 May ing, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Board. 5--Sanitary Sewer costs certified by Phillip A. Pow- ers. ............................................................................ 5--She~f~fócr 6SR~e~oFr~~~rS~bå~~::,a: N~V .~f..~ .................................................................. 182, 282, 5--Smith Construction Inc., liability policy. ................ 5--Schwers Construction Company, sidewalk bond. 5--Stuart Gary, Claim denied. ........................................ 5--Sinclair Oil Corporation, construction of a loading facility by the City of Dubuque per agreement to obtain a floodwall' easement. ................."..... 5--Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit....................................."""""""""""""""""""" 5--Sharpe Donald C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 12-Showalter L. Patrick, "bjecting to the rezoning for a proposed apartment complex for Blake Street......................................................................... 12-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 26-Sebmidt Ken Mrs., reappointed to the Dubuque Advisory Commission. ............................................ 2-St. Anne Drive, installation of street lighting rec- ommended. ................................................................ 2-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., liability policy..... 2-Saffran Construction Co., sidewalk bond. .."............ 2-Scholl James J., sidewalk bond. .............................". 2-Schromen Kenneth, sidewalk bond. ..................."..... 2-Sfikas Pete S. and Gust Karigan, granted Class "Boo Beer Permit. ............................................................ 2-Skahill Bernard F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 246, 283 2-Skahill Bernard F., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ............................................................................ 247 2-Streinz Lester, reappointed to the Planning & Zon- ing Commission. ...................................................... 248 19-5kahill Bernard F., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 249, 263 19-5ears Roebuck & Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 19-5harpe D. C. Dr., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 19-5utter Joseph W., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-5teffen John, granted Cigarette Permit. .............." 19-5uper 20 Drive In Theatre, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 19-5chwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 19-5chneller Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit. 23----Smith Fred K, sidewalk bond. ................................-.. 23----Senior High School, requesting permission to use fireworks at home football games. ................".. 23-Sanner Rosemary, et. aI., requesting sanitary sew- er on Edith and North Burden Streets. ............ 23-Sjobakken Gerald, appointed to the Human Rights Commission. .............................................................. 23-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 23-Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. ........."..... 23-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Cigarette Permit. 23-Shanahan Francis, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 23-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit. .." 23----Siefker Jack, granted Cigarette Permit. .....-........... 23-Schaffert L. G., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigarette Permit. 23-Stecklein Richard N., granted Cigarette Permit. .." INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT s June Pac. 150 178 324, 325 183 183 184 194 204 204 .July 207 213 235 237 237 237 237 237 346 247 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 256 210 260 271 273 273 273 273 273 273 :¡'7a 273 273 INDEX - BOOK 99 .. SUBJECT Pa¡ e Aug. S 23-Sa~ JolIn L., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23--Sc1twnacher Earl, granted Cigarette Permits. .-.... 23-Spiegelltalter Melvin A., granted Class "B" Beet- Pennit. .......................-................................-............ 23-Savary Jolm L, granted Class "Boo Beer Permit. .... 23--&md Dootald T, gr- Ctass "Boo Beer Permit..... 23-Sch.umacher Earl, granted Class "Coo Beer Permit. 23-Savary John 1., granted Class "C" Liqoor Permit. 23-Schollœeyer Paul, grærted Class "C" Liquor Per. mit. ............................................................................ 2~ Donald T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ~ein Richard N., granted Class "C" liquor Pennit. ...................................................................... 7--Smith &bert Mr.., requesting a street light in alley runniag from Schiller Street hetween Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue. ........ 7-S1oan Distributing Co., ordered to correct the dan- gerous oondition of building located at 45 Sllields Street. ................................................279, 329, 568 7-StaudaeMr James R., N"tice of Claim. .................... 280 7-Sunset Park Subdivision, approval of plat of Street dedieation in Lot 25 of Bloek 4. .......................... 283, 284 7-Sarris loannis, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 288, 359 7-S1tike Rieltardson Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 288 7-Scherer George Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 288 7~1 Judith A., gr- Cigarette Permit. ............ 288, 354 ~~~m~:~jl1: S~d~~\ ~~l..::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::: ~ 28-Sch~omen Construction Co., requesting permission too excavate in streets and alleys. ........................ 310 23-Swtnyview Drive, improvement with bituminous cOlJCl'e1¡e surfaeing from the W.P.L. of North Gr8ÐC!view Avenue to the W.P.L. of St. Am- brose Street. ..........................:.........................315, 376, 431 28-Sfikas Pete S. & Gust Karigan, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 319 4-Siren, Civil Defense Warning Siren on Plaza #20, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of ..........................342, 379, 380, 381, 555 4-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 345 l1-Steger Heights, approval of plat of Block 18 & 19. 354, 355 l1-Stevens William K., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. .............. 356 28-Slattery Richard J., recipient of merit award frOJ!l the Iowa Park & Recreation Society. ................ 25--Sehmldt Alfred, Notice of Claim. "'.....................".. 28-Sertoma Club International, requesting permission to sell light bulbs. """""""""""""""""""'...."... 28-St. Anthony Messenger, requesting permission to solicit magazine subscriptions. ........................,... 28-St. Peter Lutheran Church, requesting permission to conduct a hunger march. ................".............. 2-Scherer Emma M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 9-Sewer Bonds In The Amount of $200,000.00 to pay for the cost of constructing certain sewers in the City of Dubuque. ........414, 415, 438, 439, 441, 442 22-Strub Mark, sidewalk bond. ....................................".. 420 22-Sanitary Sewer in Terminal Street, bids to he received for the repair of sewer that was dam- aged from the flood waters. ........",................. 420, 556 22.-Sanitary Sewer in Kennedy Road from Kaufmann Avenue to the Old Timers Athletic & Supper 273 273 273 273 273 274 275 275 275 275 278 310 ~pt. 388 369 370 370 370 394 5 Club Place. ....................................428, 429, 502, 503 551 29-Stanton Thomas John, Notice of Claim. ................ 459, 570 6-Sixteenth Street, request for installation of street light........................................................................... 6-Sunrise Heights Subdivision, approval of plat. ........ 6-Sanitary Sewer in Eleventh Street and Kerper Boulevard, certification of cost. """""""""""" 476, 477 15--Schulz Edward G., Notice of Claim. ............................ 488, 542 22-Samuel Street, installation of street light recom- mended. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2-Stoneman Road, recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission that no access to it from sho in center be permitted. ............................ 2-Strub I H., sidewalk bond. """""""""""""" 2-Sylva ndation of the Planning & Zoning ission to reclassify Lot 1 from Single to Multiple Family Residence. ....512, 519, 544 2-Stecher Amelia, Notice of Claim. ............................".. 513 5--Schrup Thomas G., to fill the unexpired term of Allan R. Kingsley on the Park Board. ........ 518, 526 8-Salvation Army, requesting permission to erect a booth on Main Street. ........................,........... 8-Steger Donald J., Notice of Claim. ............................ 8-Streets and Parking Budget Report for the Year 1970. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Storm Sewer on Iowa Street for 1968, completed and accepted. """"""""""""""""""""""""............ 8-Sanitary Sewer Bies Drive 1969, preliminary plans and specifications. """"""""""""""""""""""""" 8--Schaffert Lincoln G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 29-Sanitary Sewer in Alpha Street, certification of cost of construction. INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Oct. Nov. Dec. Page 471 475 495 500 511 541 543 549 550 553 558 573 6-Telegraph Herald Newspaper, appointed official newspaper for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ........ 6-Traffic Signals at the Intersection of University Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, completed and accepted. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Traffic Signals at John F. Kennedy Road and Penn- sylvania Avenue to be installed. ....46, 387, 426, 427 17-Telegraph Herald Inc., conveyance of property for Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ............ 24-Tressel Allen E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 3--Taxicab Ordinance Amended to provide for taxicab meters. ...................................................................... 3--Traffic Signals on Iowa Street, from 4th Street to 10th Street, preliminary plans and specifica- tions........................................................................... 7-Thurston Joyce Ann, settlement of suit. ............"...... 24-Tri State Paving Company, liability policy. ............ 7-Transamerica Insurance Group, Notice of Sub- rogation rights. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Trewin C. B., condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. """""""""""""""""""""""""" S-Tschiggfrie Excavating, liability policy. .................... S-Transamerica Insurance Group, settlement of claim for Laura Pendley. """""""""""""""""""""""" S-Tri.State Convalescent Center Inc., requesting per- mission to excavate at 923 West Third Street. 2O-Thruput Terminal Inc. and Hodge Transit Ware- house Co., granted an easement for an indus- trial spur track in Riverfront Subdivision No. 2................................................................................... 2-Tyler Road, street lighting recommended. ............ 19-Tigges Doris J., granted Cigarette Permit. """""" 19-Trapp, Mrs. A. J. (Marita), granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 19-Tressel Allen E., granted Cigarette Permit. """" 13--Tschiggfrie Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. 23-Thruput Terminal Inc. and Hodge Transit Ware- house, Grant of Easement by the City of Du- buque for an industrial spur track. """""""""" 255, 261 23-Thompson J. F., granted Cigarette Permits. """" 273 23-Thompson J. F., granted Class "C" Beer Permits. 274 7-Test Well No.1, Pump Installation, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of. ................................................................286, 287, 326, 329 7-Trausch Bakery, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 268 21-Tri-State Paving Co., sidewalk bond. """""""""""" 292 4-Total Structures Inc., sidewalk bond. ........................ 321 4-Thi~I.r,::roÓ~~d~~iS: ~;rt~~l' ;~;w~~ti~f ~: Street, abutting Lot 15 in High Street Sub- division. .................................................................... 324, 354 IS-Tax Levy Tmergency, application with the State Comptroller to levy a tax in the amount of $93,944.50 in the Public Safety Fund. """""""" 366 2-Traffic Signal Project No.1, John F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, Loras and Grand- view Avenue, and Dodge and Bryant Streets, preliminary plans and specifications. ........387, 428, 427 9-Tax Levies For The Year 1969, the taxes to. be collected in the year 1970 and used for Munici. pal purposes of the City of Dubuque. ............ 22-Terminal Street Sanitary Sewer, informal bids to be received for the repair of sewer that was INDEX - BOOK 99 1Ø69 SUBJECT T Jail. Feb. Maí-. April ~y J~e July ")Ii' Sept. Page 3 13 59 67, 251 70, 71 78, 144 94 110 138 150 183 185 202 222 237 249 249 251 251 366 402 ,T damaged from the flood waters. ...____....420, .. 22-Traffie síj¡na(s at 3200 Street and Central Â'Ienue, completed and acce~d. -"--'-'--".'--.-' 4Z5 6-Tigges Eugene, requesting permlslÎ.OIl to excavate at 605 West Eleventh Street. -,.,--"-""'" 470 6-TIgges Doris J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ÐI 6-Tigges Doris J., granted Class "C" Liquor PermIt. 498 3-TresseI Paul, claim paid by American States ÞIsUJ'. ance f<>r ear damage. ..-..-.......-.........-....... 513, 571 3-Trieb Bertha, Notice of Expiration of RiIiIt of Redemption by Joseph S. _tes. ".'----' INDEX - BOOK 99 11169 SUBJECT Oct. Nov. Dec. P8III M1 ~-. INDEX - BOOK 99 JI8 SUBJECT Page u 6-University Avenue & Pennsylvania Avenue TraUic Signals completed and accepted. ........................ ~ RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, con- demnation of parcels of real estate. ................ ................................................................38, 149, 297, 356, 381 17-United Spanish War Veterans, General Fitzhugh ~c!~~¡;ï¿~1riv':.~~:~t~~~...p.~~~~~.0.~...t~..~.~.~~ 58 17--URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, accept- ing delivery of deeds to certain parcels of land in downt<>wn Dubuque. ................59, 285, 403, 472, 555 Mar. 24--Urban Renewal Departtnent, moving offices from the 4th floor of Fischer Building to the base- ment. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 110 April 7--URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, auth- orization for the issuance of Project Loan Notes in conoection fith the Urban Renewal Project. ....................................151, 172, 210, 392, 433, 575 5--Urban Renewal, transfer of $123,780.00 from the Liquor Fund to Urban Renewal Iowa R-15 Fund. 12-United Spanish War Veterans, General Fitzhugh Auxiliary, requesting permission to conduct ,a tag day. """"""""""""",,"""""""""""""""""" 2O-United States of America, renewal of lease c<>ver- ing 0.85 acres in Ham's Addition which is used for Naval Reserve Training Center. """""""""" June 2-Uelner F. H., objecting to the pmposed rezoning of Washington Street area. ................................ 22-URBAN RENEWAL, Advertising for Demolition and Site Clearance Bids. ................................267, 23-URBAN RENEWAL, Purchase of certain Real Es- tate in the Downtown Urban Project, l<>wa R-15. July 21-United Fund of Dubuque, requesting additional funds from the City of Dubuque. ,,""""""""""" 21-United States of America Federal Aviati<>n Admin- istration, Grant Agreement Amendment with the Dubuque Municipal Airport. ........................ 295, 491 21-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, Main Street Pedestrianway, contract with Barton- Aschman Associates fnc. for construction plans and specificati<>ns. .................................................. 21-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, amend- ment of schedule of fixed relocation payments. Aug. 4-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, ap- proval of method of fixed price sale of certain land in the downtown urban renewal area for redevelopment. ....340, 341, 460, 461, 462, 463, .................................................................... 507, 509, 564, 565 Sept. 22-Union Asphalt & Roadoils Inc., notice f<>r hearing on dismissal of complaint of price fixing. """" 421 " 29-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, chargeoff of delinquent rentals. ..................................."........... Oct. 22-United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, proposal for Munici- pal Information Systems. """",""""""""""""'" Dec. IS-United States Government Community Shelter Plan, intent of the City to participate in the plan. ............................................................................ 29-United States Army Corps of Engineers, submitting Supplement No.2 to Right of Entry in con- nection with Mississippi River Flood Pmtection Project. Jan. Feb. 13 110 May 201 209 214 239, 309 268, 351 268 294 296 298 460 496 562 574 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT v 6-Vyverberg Fred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 40. ........................"...................... 6-Vyverberg Fred, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 258. .................................................... Mar. 7-Vize Joseph E., Claim denied. .................................". " 24-Voting Precinct established at the John F. Ken- nedy School and designated the 17th Precinct. May S-VanDuelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. June 23<-Veterans Memorial Park, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of Restroom Facilities. ..................................................269, 325, Aug. IS-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to hold a tag day. .................................................... Sept. 29-Vyverberg Richard Mrs., Notice of Claim. ......."....... Oct. 6-Valentine Drive installation of street lights recom- mended. .................................................................... " 6-Vietnam Protesters, requesting permission to conduct a parade. ........................".......................... Nov. S-Voelker Joseph, reappointed to the Board of Dock Commissioners. Jan. Page 9 10 91 121 204 326, 327 359 458 466 470 519 6-Willging Anna, Notice of Claim. """""""""""""""" 8, 91 6-Wacker Drive, dedicated to the public for street purposes. """""""""""""""""""""""""""'.........".. 6-Wirzbach Robert C., reappointed to the Board of Electrical Exanuners and the Electtical Board. 27-Westchester Inc. and Conrad Construction Co;¡ withdrawing request for rezoning of Lots 3, and 5 in Westchester, and requesting rezomng of Lots 3, 4 and only a portion of 5 in West- chester. ................................................................21, 178, 209 27-Wi1liams Richard J., Notice of Claim. .................... 22, 186 27-Walsh Stores, Notice of Claim. """""""""""""""""" 22, 186 27-Westerneld Martin & Esther, granted Cigarette Permit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" s-we~ t~e ~¡t~°Co~~~a~ ~~~c::;~~ f~~~eth~~~:f; Attorney and Attorney General. """""""""""" 3-Williams Marion Louise, Elinor Clara Williams, Fred W. Goff and Evelyn Goff Pearson, con. demnation of property for Urban Renewal Pro- ject, Iowa R-15. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Water Department, Audit for the year 1968. ............ 17-Westchester Subdivision, approval of reclassifica- tion of Lots 2 through 11 in Block 6 and Lots 1 through 4 of lot 3 in Block 4, from Multiple Family to Single Family. ........................49, 178, 208, 243 17-Widemann W. B., Notice of Claim. ............................ 51, 184 17-Williams Roger D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 62 17-Williams Roger D., granted Class "c" Liquor Per- mit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 62 24-Weis Louis, requesting a building permit to extend Laundromat facilities. """""""""""""""""""""" 24-WAGES, discussion of wage proposals between Teamsters Union and City of Dubuque. ............ Mar. 3-Weber William B. and Charles Arthofer, objecting to the proposed rezoning of the area from East 12th to East 20th Streets. .................................... 3-Washington Neighborhood Area, petitions for and against rezoning between 8th and 20th Streets. 69, 72, 89, 109, 118, 136, 156, 189, 238, 241, 242 7-Wernecke Dale, requesting rezoning of property in Woods Addition to Multiple Family District Classification. ............................................95, 181, 206, 386 24-Williams Kendrick G., Notice of Claim. .................... 113, 220 24-White William J. B., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 119 April 7-Welter John P., sidewalk bond. ................................ 135 .. 7-Westchester Inc., conveyance of Lot 14A of Block 2 of Westchester which was formerly part of Dana Drive. .............................................................. 141 7-Williams Danwerth Perkins and Thelma Perkins, Condemnation of property for Urban Renewal Project. ..........................................................................150, 285 7-Wedig Kathleen L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 153 7-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 153, 548 14-Wissel Cyril, obJecting to proposed rezoning at 19th & Jackson Streets. """""""""""""""""""" 156 S-Water Department, approval of specifications of of Test Wells, Piezometer Holes and Test Well #1 Pump by Henningson, Durham & Richard- son, Inc. .................................................................... S-Wilmlng Art, granted building permit to erect a garage at 1715 Washington Street. .................... S-Water Main Project 1968 on Asbury Road, Com- INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT w .~. Feb. May Page 14 16, 569 28 29 40 46 64 66 69 141 175 192 1969 June INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT w J~y 26-WiJk\~~et,':;¡~ .t"~~J:~~~d 'ëïäš;";;B';""jj;;ërl~é~: 26-Winkler Louis J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 2-Wissel Cyril H., objecting to proposed rezoning of property at 19th & Jackson sts. "'.""""""'" 2-Wilwert Eldon C. , objecting to the proposed rezoning of property at 240 East 19th St. ........ 2-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 2-Woodward William, appointed to the Citizens Ad. visory Commission. ................................................ 19-Wareco Systems of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit. 19-Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit. ....... 19-Wedig Kathleen, granted Cigarette Permit. ."..... t~ ~ ;~~~:,;e~'ar~~~~ ~~~n ~i3'gfi~retr:tpnï.~i:" :::::::: 19-Welu C. P., granted Cigarette Permit. ......."...... 19-Williams Roger D., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Walsh Stores, granted Cigarette Permit. ....."........ 19-Weber Merlyn, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 23-Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. ....."..... 23-Weiner Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit ..".......... 23-Williamson R., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23-Winkler Louis, granted Cigarette Permit. ..............- 23-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 23-Weiner Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 23-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 23-Weiner Helen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 7-Weipert Sam P., Notice of Claim. ..................."....- 7-Westchester Inc., Woodland Arms Inc., Asbury Square Inc., requesting permission to excavate 7-Wat~~ 'ri~~1:'t~e~r,;r:li;;'i~:~ W:~ri~:;-(ï';¡;ëë: ifications for the construction of Test Well No. 1, pump Installation. ....................................266, 7-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ...."...... 7-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-Wong Chuck N., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 7-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 7-Welter Harold B., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 7-White W. J., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 7-Winkler Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit. ""." 7-Weiner Fred, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 2l-Wells Violet Butt, condemnation of property locat- ed in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project area. ............................................................................ 28-- W ac~~h~~~e ¡,i~!ri~~~~~~. ~:~~.. ~~~..~~:.~~..~~ 22-West Dental Court, requesting permission to exca- vate at 988 West Third Street. ,,""""""""""""" 6- W es~~i tt~~~o:ná'~~~~~~~in~¿u;~;:::ry ~zot:~ Business "B", failure of Planning & Zoning Zoning Commission to reach a recommenda- tion. ............................................................468, 546, 6-Wahlert High School requesting permission to con- duct a parade. ...................................................."" 3-Westside Manor Subdivision, approval of plat of the Sub. of Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 2 of 2 of 2 of 2 of the NEV. of the NEV. of Section 28 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ..................-................... 3-White Francis, Notice of Claim. ........".-.....-..... 17-Wolf Robert R. Mrs., Notice of Claim. -".--"""" Sept. Oct. Nov. Pa¡ e 226, 285 234 234 286 239 246 248 249 249, 548 249 250 250 250 251 251 252 273 273, 423 %73 %73 273 274 275 %75 280, 569 263 326, 329 2116 288 268 268 288 288 268 289 297, 421 373, 432 422 547, 572 470 500 514, 543 526, 571 INDEX - BOOK 99 1969 SUBJECT Page w Dec. 8-Water Departtnent, report for the month of Octo- ber 1969. ..............,................,.........,..........,.............,. IS-Wareco System, requesting rezoning of property in Cook's Addition from Local Business "A" to Local Business "B" classification. ..,..................,.. IS-Water Department Test Well and Piezometer Holes and Aquifier Test Program, completed and ac- cepted. .................................,........,....................,..".. 563, 564 29-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 577 29-Welter Harold B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 577 540 562 . 1969 June INDEX - BOOK 99 SUBJECT x 23-Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Per- mit. y Mar. 3-Y.W.C.A., requesting "Youth Government Day" for April 15, 1969. ................................................ Sept. 22-Y.W.C.A., requesting permission to place leaflets under windshield wipers of cars. .................... Oct. 22-Y's Men's Club, requesting permission to conduct a Halloween Parade. ................................................ Nov. 3-Y.W.C.A., requesting permission to hold a door to door hake sale. 27-Zoning of Washingion Neighborhood Area between 8th and 20th Streets. ....................20, 69, 89, 109, 118, 156 ............................................................189, 238, 239, 241, 242 21-Zaimes Patrick, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 301 ~~:c'k:n::¿o~a~~:Ii~r~les "Cö;:¡;::"'~-;;;;Ÿëÿäiiëë 511 of property in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. z Jan. July Nov. Dec. Page 273 73 422 496 514 555