1969 June Council Proceedings
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Regular Session, June 2, 1969.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (D.S.T.)
Present-Mayor Pregler, Coun.
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau.
ley. City Manager Gilbert D.
Absent-Councilman Schultz (at
roll call).
Mayor Pregler read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this is the
of the City Council called for the
purpose of acting upon such busi-
ness as may properly come before
the meeting.
May 28, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
We have received a petition from
Mettel Realty & lnvestment Com-
pany to install underground street
lighting on Tyler Road and Erie
It is recommended that three
175 watt mercury vapor lights be
installed on 20' standards.
It is recommended that this in-
stallation be permitted.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Meyers moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by Councilman McCauley. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Scbultz.
May 28, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
We have received a petition
from Dick Loetscher, Inc. to install
underground wiring for street
lighting on Eden Lane and SI.
Anne Drive.
A total of four (4) boulevard
type lights on 20 it. galvanized
".andards, 175 watter mercury va-
por luminars will be installed.
It is recommended that this in-
stallation be permitted.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Couchman m 0 v e d
that the recommendation of tbe
City Manager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Meyers. Car.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Scbultz.
May 28. 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit Rental-Lease
agreement between the City of
Dubuque and Hilton Homes cover-
ing a 40 x 20 foot Portable Class-
room. Also attacbed, is an option
to purchase same.
Gilbert D. Cbavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Pregler moved approval
of the agreement. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
May 29, 1969
The Honorable Mayor
and City Council
This is to advise that I bave ap-
proved the following bonds and
policies, and desire to have your
approval on same.
Adrian C. Swift, d/b/a Swift
Plumbing & Heating Co., The
Ohio Casualty Insurance Co.
James Hennessy, Iowa Surety Com-
Richard Magnall, Insurance Com-
pany of North America
William O'NeiII, Merchants Mutual
Bonding Company
Percy Construction Co., Inc., Mer-
chants Mutual Bonding Company
Saffran Construction Co., Mer-
chants Mutual Bonding Company
James J. Scholl, Merchants Mutual
Bonding Company
Kenneth Schromen, The Ohio
Casualty Insurance Co.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Pregler moved tb.at the
policy and bonds be filed subject
to approval of tbe City Attorney.
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Seconded by Councilman Meyers. delia Cross and her attorneys in
Carried by the following vote: the amount of $5,000.00 and a war-
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- rant payable to the Clerk of Dis.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau- trict Court, Dubuque County, Iowa
ley. in the amount of $26.00 for court
Nays-None. costs, and to transmit the same to
Absent-Councilman Schultz. the City Attorney for delivery to
Proof of Publication, certified to the plaintiff's attorney upon reo
by the Publisher, of Statement of ceipt of duly executed releases and
Receipts and a list of claims for dismissal with prejudice of said
which warrants were issued during cause.
the month of April 1969, presented Copy of original notice with pe.
and read. Councilman Meyers tition attached, said action being
moved that the proof of publica- designated at Law No. 38439, is
tion be received and filed. Sec- herewith returned along witb pho-
onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried tographs and the notice to City
by the following vote: advising of the fall originally filed
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- with the City Clerk.
men Couchman, Meyers, Mc. Yours very truly,
Cauley. R. N. Russo
Nays-None. City Attorney
Absent-Councilman Schultz. Mayor Pregler moved that the
COUNCILMAN SCHULTZ EN- recommendation of the City Attor-
TERED THE COUNCIL CHAM- ney be approved. Seconded by
BER AT 7:37 O'CLOCK P. M. Councilman Couchman. Carried by
AND TOOK HIS PLACE AT THE the following vote:
COUNCIL TABLE. Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
May 28, 1969 men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Hon. Mayor and City Council Schultz.
Gentlemen: Nays-None.
On November 12, 1968, original Communication of Dubuque In.
notice with copy of petition at- dustrial Bureau submitting are-
tached, wherein Ordelia Cross is quest and recommendation pre-
plaintiff and City of Dubuque, senting their views concerning
Iowa is defendant, was served on the Washington Street rezoning
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and matter and requesting that tbe in-
wherein the plaintiff claimed that terests of the industries in the
on or about October 31, 1967 she area proposed for rezoning he
allegedly fell as the result of stub- protected, presented and read.
bing her toe on a cracked and Councilman McCauley moved that
raised portion of the sidewalk in tbe communication be received
front of the address known as 1389 and filed. Seconded by Mayor
Locust Street and as the result of Pregler. Carried by tbe following
said fall she suffered loss of earn- vote:
ings and injuries consisting of Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
fracture of hone in the left foot cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
in addition to contusions and ahra- ley, Schultz.
sions, and that said plaintiff Nays-None.
claimed damages in the amount of Communications of Cyril H. Wis-
$20,000.00 pIus costs and interest. sel dated April 9th and April 14th
Said original notice with peti- objecting to the proposed rezoning
tion attached was referred to the of the N 1/5 of O. L. 490, situated
City Attorney who thereafter made at 19th & Jackson Street, and sug-
an investigation and filed the ap- gesting that the present zoning
propriate pleadings and at this of the area remain, presented and
time said matter having been set read. Mayor Pregler moved that
for trial before a jury, the de- the communication be received
fendant made an offer of settle- and filed. Seconded by Councilman
ment in the amount of $5,000.00 McCauley. Carried by the follow-
and it is the recommendation of ing vote:
the City Attorney that said offer Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
of settlement be accepted and that men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
the City Auditor be instructed to Schultz-
draw a warrant payable to Or- Nays-None.
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Communication of Dubuque Area
Legal Services, by Paul Fitzim-
mons, attorney, submitting a peti-
tion signed by 133 people, request-
ing support of the original peti-
tion for rezoning of the Washing-
ton Street area, from 8th street
south to 20th street north, and fur-
ther requesting consideration of
the petition before making a de-
cision on rezoning, presented and
read. Councilman Meyers moved
that the communication and peti-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Couchman. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of Dubuque Cas-
ket Company objecting to the re-
zoning of their business area from
Light lndustrial to Multiple hous-
ing, stating that they have been
in business on Washington Street
between 17th & 18th since 1892
and have enjoyed the best of re-
lations with the neighborhood,
presented and read. Councilman
McCauley moved that the commu-
nication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Meyers.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of Dubuque
Electric Motor Service lnc. located
at 1250 Jackson Street objecting
to the proposed rezoning of the
area and that their expansion
plans would be terminated, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Mey-
ers moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman McCauley. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of Excel Photo
Service objecting to the rezoning
of the Washington Street area,
more particularly the area north
of 18th Street, because it would
cause an undue loss in asset value
and create a hardship on the com-
pany, presented and read. Council-
man Couchman moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Meyers. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of F. H. Uelner,
tool and die maker, located at
1845 Washington Street, objecting
to the proposed rezoning of their
property due to promises formerly
made by the Building Department
that the area would remain light
industrial and as a result they ex-
panded from time to time, and it
would also interfere with future
contemplated expansion, presented
and read. Councilman Meyers
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of Eldon C. Wil-
wert of Wilwert's HarleY-David-
son Sales located at 240 East 19th
Street, objecting to the proposed
rezoning of their property because
it would interfere with future ex-
pansion now being considered, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Pregler
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Communication of Hac k n e y
Welding Shop objecting to the re-
zoning of the Washington street
area due to the fact that property
was originally purchased under
the assumption that it would re-
main as a light industrial zoned
area, presented and read. Council-
man Couchman moved that the
communication he received and
filed. Seconded by Mayor Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz-
Communication of David G. Mor-
row, owner of the property located
at 1198 White Street and 129 East
12th Street, objecting to the re-
zoning of their property because
it would decrease their property
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
value, prohibit the resale of the
property for anotber commercial
use, deprive him of his livelihood
and would prohibit future expan-
sion, presented and read. Mayor
Pregier moved that the communi-
cation be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Couchman.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Councilman McCauley moved
that the rules be suspended in
order to let anyone present ad-
dress the Council if they so desire.
Seconded by Councilman Couch-
man. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau!ey,
City Planner Don Gilson posted
two plans showing tbe areas pro-
posed for rezoning, the one show-
ing and outlining the area as rec-
ommended by the Planning & Zon-
ing Commission and the other out-
lining the area common!y known
as the staff plan, that coincided I
and recommended by motion of
the Council at their meeting of '
April 7, 1969, being from the
north side of 14th street to be-
tween 19th and 20th street alley
between Central and White to the
west side of Elm Street.
The following citizens addressed
the Council as being opposed to
the rezoning in one form or an-
other; Les Hartley, Felix Uelner,
Eldon C. Wilwert, Charles Arthof-
er, Harrison Lochner, Fred Apel,
Bart Grote, various emp!oyees of
Uelner's die and tool Shop, Wm.
Maus, Chester Staheli, George H.
Peters, Charles Mette!, Bernard
Fahey, Jim Miller, Margaret Stei-
Attorney Hal Reynolds repre-
senting the Mettel Realty & In-
vestment Co. as owner of the prop-
erty located at 14th & White SI.,
addressed the Council explaining
the present status of the property
as commercia! as of now has no
non-conforming use.
Attorney Charles Kintzinger as
a representative of the Casket Co.,
Exce! Photo Service, Uelner, Hack-
ney Wehling shop, Link, Dubuque
Electric Motor service requested
that the recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Commission
from 14th Street to 18th Street
be honored.
Attorney Jim Reynolds stated
that the original petition was for
a much larger area and was op-
posed to tbe present proposed
plans. The Gruen report called for
the entire area for Multiple use
classification. He further claimed
that 40% of tbe business in the
area is deteriorating. Rev. Sig-
warth stated tbat 80% of the resi-
dents in the area are home own-
ers. Also that the Board of Ad-
justment should exercise leniency
with the various businesses in the
area. Mr. Hank Waltz was of the
opinion that the whole area from
14th to 20th should be rezoned to
Muitiple use. Mr. Joe Thurston of
1837 Washington made quite a
plea for the rezoning of the area
due to nuisances caused by his
next door tenant, such as noise,
smoke etc. at all hours of the day
and night.
Mr. Paul Fitzimmons spoke in
behalf of renters and tenants in
tbe area from 8th Street to 20th
Street from a human rights stand-
point. Of the 133 names on the
petition for rezoning of the area,
as previously presented, it would
affect fifty families and one hun-
dred seventy-six children. He ap-
pealed to the Council to think
of people.
Mr. Dave Morrow, owner of the
property located at 12tb & White
Street requested that the zoning
of his property remain as it is.
Mr. James Platt of the River
Valley Community Action Program
expressed concern mostly about
renters and posed the question
"when are you going to hear peo-
ple from 14th Street south?"
ln rebuttal Fred Apel stated
that the majority of property own-
ers are opposed to rezoning.
Mayor Pregler moved that the
rules be re-imposed. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Councilman McCauley moved
that tbe recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Commission
be adopted. Seconded by Council-
Regular Session,
man Couchman. The vote was as
Yeas - Councilman Couchman,
Nays-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Meyers, Schultz. MOTION
Councilman Meyers moved that
the area from 14th Street north
to the alley between 19tb & 20th
from White to Elm, referred to
as the staff plan, be rezoned to
Multiple Family. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, Schultz.
Nays-Councilman McCauley.
City Solicitor Russo stated that
if the rezoning would go to Court
he may have a difficult time de-
fending the action of rezoning the
area other than the Planning &
Zoning recommendation. However,
if challenged, be will give it his
best effort.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisber, of Notice of
Public hearing to amend Zoning
Ordinance No. 3-34 so as to change
various properties from Business
District Classification to Multiple
Residence District Classification,
(in the area commonly referred
to as the Washington Street neigh-
borhood area), presented and read.
Councilman Meyers moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Ma-
yor Pregler. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
An Ordinance Amending and
Changing Ordinance No. 3-34,
known as the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa so as to change I
certain property hereinafter d..
seribed from HBuslness DlstrlctH
classification to HMultlple Resi-
dence DlstrietH classification,
(Washington neighborhood area),
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the I
Council meeting of May 5, 1969,
presented for final adoption.
lot 7i all In e", D,b,q" Addilion
t, all In e", D'b,q"
e", D,b,q" Addmon
and adoptod lhi, 2nd
. S,"",tz
.. Movm
-..-.. M. C,"ohman
L,o F. F,"mm,"
City cr""
P,bll"'d omolally In Th, T",.,aph-
"""d N,w,pap" Ihl, 6fh day 01 J'n,
Loo F. F,"mm,1t
City CI".
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the Ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisher, of notice of
public hearing to amend Zoning
Ordinance No. 3-34 so as to change
various properties from "Light
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
the no,'" ... feet of
teel of the Sooth ..
the We"" teet of
feet of lof 21,
the S,"lh .. feet 01
- 145,
-... ;90¡~IO¡J:"e¡'-ISínEa'tDo-
boqoe Additon.
Pa,..d, applOved and adopted "'" 2nd
dav of J""e 1969.
Waite, A. p,egl..-
Svlve"e' MoC",Iev
Me,lIn F. SOholn
Donald R. Mev'"
Gavlo,d M. Cou",man
..-. Leo F. F,ommelt
S,"1h Middle 'IS, City Cle'"
lot' of the Pobll,hed ofllolellv In The Tel..,a"'-
lot 2 of the "I In City lot Hetald New,pe..' "'I' 6th dev of Jone
>109, of D "",,lvl,lon. 1969.
Ail of CIty Leo F. Flommelt
All of CIty CIty Clerk
~:: ~ g~ 11.616
Alio~: ;~:,v.'v"'on, all In O,lglnel Mayor Pregler moved final adop-
North 35 feet of the North 'IS, tion of the ordinance. Seconded by
¡g\.'L~.2t':¡etN~:t:he'hN'i,\th'h'.iS'NOrth Councilman Schultz. Carried by
w 115, the following vote: .
all In Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of notice of
public hearing to amend Zoning
Ordinance No. 3-34 so as to change
Lots 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3,
in Block 4 and Lots 1 and 2 in
lndustrial District" Classification
to "Multiple Residence District"
Classification, (in tbe area common-
ly referred to as the Washington
Street neighhorbood area) present-
ed and read. Councilman Coucb-
man moved that the proof of pub-
lication be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schultz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Nays - None.
An Ordinanca amending and
changing Ordinance No, 3-34
known as the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the city of
Dubuque, Iowa so as to change
certain property herelnalter de-
scribed from "Light Industrial
District" Classification to "Mul.
tlple Residence District" Classlfl.
cation (Washington nalghbor.
hood area)
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of May 5, 1969,
presented for final adoption.
lot 4,
lot 2 of lot 5,
lott of lotS,
lot 6,
Sooth 25 leet of 7, ell In Mlne..1 101
100 of the City of Doboqoe.
NOtth J3 feet 01 lot 22,
North'" feet of the Sooth .. feet of
North J3 feet of 10121,
We,t 26 feet of the North 40 feet of
the We,t " feet of "'e Sooth"
feet of lot 21.
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Block 5 and Lots 2 thru 11 in
Block 6 in Westchester Subdivision
from Multiple Family to Single
Family Residence Ditsrict Classifi-
cation, presented and read.
No written objections were filed
and no oral objectors were pres-
ent in the Council Chamber at the
time set for the hearing.
Councilman Meyers moved that
the proof of publication be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Schultz. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Couchman,
Meyers, Schultz.
Nays-Mayor Pregler, Council-
man McCauley.
An Ordinance amending and
changing Ordinance No, 3-34
known as the zoning mop and
zoning ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change
certain property hereinafter de.
scribed from "Multiple Family
Residence District" classification
to "Single Family Residence DI..
trict" classification,
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of May 12, 1969,
presented for final adoption.
Yeas - Councilmen Coucbman,
Meyers, Schultz.
Nays - Mayor Pregler, Council-
man McCauley.
Publication of the above Ordln.
ance was withheld for 14 days
due to absence of Mayor's slg.
nature in compliance with Sec,
366,5, Code, alter which time it
became operative.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by tbe Publisher, of notice of
public hearing, to amend Zoning
Ordinance No. 3-4 so as to amend
Article lV, Section 2 (h) thereof
to include Lots 3, 4, 5, of Block 5
in Westchester Subdivision in
which professional offices may be
permitted, presented and read.
No written objections were
present in the Council Chamber at
the time set for the public hear-
ing. Councilman Meyers moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Couchman,
Meyers, Schultz.
Nays - Mayor Pregler, Council-
man McCauley.
An Ordinance amending Ordin.
ance No. 3-34 known as the Zon.
ing Map and Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by
amending Article IV, Section 2,
(h) thereof to Include certain
described Real Estate In which
professional oHices or studios of
a physician, dentist, architect,
engineer, lawyer, rea/tor, insur.
ance musician or similar pro-
fessions may be permitted,
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of May 12, 1969,
presented for final adoption.
.--. lowe.
. ""d, apPlOved eod adopted "" 2nd
day of J""e '969.
Me,iln F. 5<O0ltz
Donald R. Meven
Gavl"d M. Coo"'man
Leo F. FlOmmelt
City Cle,.
Pobll'hed offl"eilv In the Teleg.....-
He'ald New,pa.., fo;, 19th dav of Jone
Leo F. F"""melt
CIty C/e",.
It. 6-19
Councilman Meyers moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schultz. Carried
by the following vote:
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
that it would not be appropriate
to permit professional office build-
ings on each of the corners and
for this reason it would not be
appropriate to permit an office
building at one or two particular
The Commission voted, unani-
mously, to recommend that the two
requests not be approved.
There is a large amount of land
in this general area that would pel'-
mit construction of office buildings
and, thus, the need for additional
land in this classification is not
P""d. ~o'P'ove.;~ .nd~ odo.ted thi. 2nd
\ dOY oi Jon" 1969. M"lin F. ""uli'
Donold R. M,m-
Goyl"d M. Cou"'mon
Loo F. F"mm,1i
Publi,h,d C~¡;lcf.',ï~' in !he ToI...e""
"",Id ",w,"o"" ihl, 19th daY of June
Loo F. F..mmeli
City CIe"'.
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of tbe Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by the
folIowing vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Couchman,
Meyers, Schultz.
Nays-Mayor Pregler, Council-
man McCauley.
Publication of the above Ord.
inance was withheld for 14 days
due to absence of Mayor's sig.
nature, in compliance with Sec,
366.5, 1966 Code, after which
time it became operative,
May 29, 1969
Honorable Mayor and
City Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
~~:~i~~0:av~asp:oe;:~7:: i~~l~:'~ I
in the Professional Office Section'
of Multiple Family District.
One of the properties is located
at 2105 Kennedy Road and is occu-
pied by a four-unit apartment
bouse. Tbe petitioner asks that this
property be included in the Pro-
fessional Office Section so that
the structure could be used for of-
fices, as well as residential units.
The second property is describ-
ed as Block 19 in Key KoolIs
Subdivision. This property is un-
At a previous meeting the Com-
mission reviewed a request to have
three lots, described as 3, 4, and 5
in Westchester Subdivision includ.
cd in the Professional Office Sec-
tion. This property is located at
tbe southwest corner of FoothilI
Road and Kennedy Road. This
property, and the two properties
mentioned above are in the same
general area.
It is the opinion of the Com-
mission that the situation at the
corner of Kennedy Road and Foot-
hilI is no different tb.an that at
many similar corners along Ken-
nedy Road. The Commission felt
Respectfully submitted,
Don Gilson,
City Planner
Councilman McCauley moved
that tbe recommendation of the
Planning '" Zoning Commission
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Meyers. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Mayor Pregler moved that the
rules be suspended in order to let
anyone present address tbe Coun-
cil if they so desire. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Attorney Robert M. Bertsch re-
quested the Council to consider
holding a public hearing on Block
19 ir. Key KoolIs Subdivision. By
the Council motion on the recom-
mendation of the Planning & Zon.
ing Commission in which Block
19 was included in denial of the
request, it would indicate his re-
quest was denied also.
An Ordinance amending Ordin.
ance No, 33-49 known as the
"TraffIc Code of Dubuque, Iowa,
as amended, by adding a new
subsection 4, to Section A of
Schedule III, and by adding a
new subsection 17, to Section A
of Schedule III, thereof, to pro-
vide that Eastbound and West.
-.... vehicles must stop before
_ring the inter_tlon of Fill-
more Street ancl Adair Street,
and Eastbound ene! Westboune!
their property located at 22nd &
Central Avenue, presented and
read. The City Manager presented
a report showing that everything
possible is being done to stem the
tide of vandalism. Mayor Pregler
moved that the petition be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Sehultz.
Petition of Building Department
requesting permission to issue a
building permit to erect at 48' x
32' masonry addition to the Con-
rad Plumbing & Heating building
located at 1917 Jackson Street,
presented and read. Mayor Preg-
ler moved that the petition be re-
ferred back to the Building De-
partment. Seconded by Council-
man Couchman. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Petition of Dubuqueland Food
'N Fun Expo requesting that
Fourth Street be closed from the
Sixth Street Extension to end of
Fourth Street Extension from June
11th thru 23rd, presented and
Councilman Couchman moved
that the petition be referred to
the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by the
folIowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Petition of Dubuqueland Food
'N Fun Expo requesting permis-
sion to hold a fireworks display at
Petrakis Park on June 21st, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Pregler
moved that the petition be ap.-
proved subject to approval of the
City Manager and Fire Chief. Sec-
onded by Councilman Couchman.
Carried by the folIowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
ley, Schultz.
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
vehicles must stop before enter.
ing the intersection of Thecla
Street and Crissy Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Couchman moved
that the reading just had be con.
sidered the first reading of the
Ordinance. Seconded by Council-
man Meyers. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Councilman Couchman moved
that the rule requiring an Ordin-
ance to be read on three separate
days be waived. Seconded by Mayor I
Pregler. Carried by the folIowing
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Leo F. F""'me.
City Cie'"
Pubil"'", offi"aliy In The Te"""'h-
""old N,wsoo." thl. ,th day of June
Leo F. F..mmeit
City CIeri<
11. '"
Councilman Couchman moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car-
ried by the folIoWing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Petition of Hartig Drug Co. ap-
pealing for aid in the protection of
WHEREAS, Philip A. Powers
and Martha F. Powers, his wife,
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
have conveyed the following de-
scribed real estate:
Lot 1 of the Subdivision of
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
"Powers Farm" in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa
to the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1, That the delivery of
the Quit Claim Deed, dated May
21, 1969, executed by Philip A.
Powers and Martha F. Powers, bis
wife, conveying to the City of Du-
buque, Iowa the above described
real estate be and the same is
hereby accepted.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to record said Quit Claim
Deed in the office of the Dubuque
County Recorder.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 2nd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
compiled with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Ciga-
rettes within the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted a permit to sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Louis J. Winkler, 698 Central Ave-
that the bonds filed with the ap-
plication be approved.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined: NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following applica-
tions be granted and licenses be
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of the
Dubuque Golf and Country Club,
1800 Randall Place
Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust
Pete S. Sfikas and Gust Karigan,
401-405 Central Avenue
PhiIlip R. Love, 1701 Central Ave-
Dubuque Jaycee's Beer Tent, 4th
Street Extension
Bernard F. Skahill, 400 Central
John Hall, 2616 Windsor Avenue
Virginia Hos, 241 Main Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of June, 1969.
Walter A- Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
Councilman Me y e r s moved
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this I
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the Manager be and he is hereby
directed to issue to the foIlowing
named applicants a Beer Permit.
D~~~u~~~ ~~~cecountry Club, I
Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust
Pete S. Sfikas and Gust Karigan,
401-405 Central Avenue
PhiIlip R. Love, 1701 Central Ave-
Dubuque Jaycee's Beer Tent, 4th
Street Extension
Bernard F. SkahiIl, 400 Central
John HaIl, 2615 Windsor Avenue
Virginia Hos, 241 Main Street
that the bonds filed by such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of June, 1989.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Couchman. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
WHEREAS, applications for Li-
quor Permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVED, by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the
following applications be granted
and licenses issued upon the Com-
pliance with the terms of the
CHAPTER 123-as amended by the
60th General Assembly, 1963.
PhiIIip R. Love, 1701 Central Ave-
John Hall, 2616 Windsor Avenue
Bernard F. Skahill, 400 Central
Virginia Hos, 241 Main Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schultz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
WHEREAS, applications for Li-
quor Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAs, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be issued
to the following named applicants
a Liquor Permit.
Regular Session, June 2, 1969
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Phillip R. Love, 1701 Central Ave-
John Hall, 2816 Windsor Avenue
Bernard F. Skabill, 400 Central
Avenue I Approved
Virginia Hos, 241 Main Street
Passed, adopted and approved I
this 2nd day of June, 1969. Adopted
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Merlin F. Schultz
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
tbe foIlowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Mayor Pregler submitted the
foIlowing names for appointment
and reappointment to various
Boards and Commissions; Eugene
Hingtgen of 1020 Kane Street and
William Woodward of 495 W. 7th
Street to the Citizens Advisory
Commission for three year terms.
Frank Glab and Lester Streinz for
reappointment to the Planning &
~r~~g t~o~i~lon M~~;~iv:r.;;~:[ I
mann and David L. Hammer for I
reappointment to the Library
Board for six year terms to 7-1-75.
Mrs. James O'Brien and Gerald
McAleece for reappointment to
the Recreation Commission for
three year terms to 7-5-72.
Councilman McCauley moved ap-
proval of the appointments. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schultz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
There being no further business
Councilman Couchman moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Meyers. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
Attest: """"ciiÿ"ëi~~k:-"""""""""'"
Special Session, June 19, 1969
S_lal Session, June 19, 1969.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (D.S.T.)
Present-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
City Manager Gilbert D. Chaven.
Absent-Councilman Schultz,
Mayor Pregler read the caIl and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and tbis meeting
is called for the purpose of grant.
ing various business licenses and
acting upon such other business
as may properly come before a
regnlar meeting of the City Coun-
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
complied with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Cigar-
ettes within the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted a permit to sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Herbert E. Althaus, 1575 Central
Linnie Dunbar, 504 Central Avenue
Earl G. Corbett, 408 West Locust
Dubuque Golf & Country Club,
1800 Randall Place
Eagle Store #109, 200 South Locust
Eagle Store #130, 1800 Elm Street
Eagle Store #144, 3033 Asbury
May's Drug Store #204, 3049 As-
bury Street
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
Co., 1101 Central Avenue
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
Co., 2685 Dodge Street
John R. Hirsch, 206 West 3rd
Carl Hirsch, 800 Central Avenue
George R. Hunt, 229 West 8th
Holiday Oil Distr. lnc., 605 Dodge
Holiday Oil Distr. Inc., 400 Rhom-
berg Avenue
Holiday Oil Distr. lnc., Loras &
Central Avenue
Knights of Columbus No. 510, 781
Locust Street
Karigan's Restaurant, 401-405 Cen-
tral Avenue
Phillip R. Love, 1701 Central Av-
Mercbants Hotel, 304 Main Street
Carl E. MiIIer, 1096 Central Avenue
Thomas Oeschger, 815 West 5tb
Bernard F. Skahill, 400 Central
Doris J. Tigges, 2776 Jackson
Mrs. A. J. (Marita) Trapp, 1266
Central Avenue
Wareco Systems of Iowa, 700 Rhom-
berg Avenue
Merlyn L. Weber, 1904 Central
Carl N. Brant, 2600 Central Avenue
Canfield Hotel, lnc., 36 West 4th
Theodore J. Ferring, 385 East 13th
LaVerne Felderman, 1889 Jackson
Wayne Johnston, 255 Locust Street
liP Giant Food Store, Inc., 2644
PennsYlvania Avenue
Lil' Giant Food Store, lnc., 1100
Rhomberg Avenue
Mescher & Tench Grocery, 1233
Rhomberg Avenue
Edward Bailey, 1298 Main Street
Joseph Bell, 263 Main Street
Charles Cushing, 1091 Main Street
Elks Club, 701 Locust Street
Mrs. Adele Fens, 210 West 1st
Kenneth & Patrick Fenelon, 3168
Jackson Street
Vincent Ginter, 3003 Asbury Street
Donald Jungblut, 404 Locust Street
Eugene L. Kopp, 951 Main Street
William J. Lynn, 424 West Locust
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., 12th &
Pine Street
Cyril N. Meitl, 1555 Central Avenue
Russell E. Myers, 1618 Central Av-
Thelma Mardauss, 410 West 8th
Thelma Mardauss, 1091 White
Dorothy M. Olsen, 1097 Jackson
Ray Papin, 2635 University Avenue
James M. Plein, 30 Locust Street
Robert Potter, Dodge & Bluff
Donna Rezac, 115 East 22nd Street
Kathleen Wedig, 1399 Jackson
William Baum, 1121 University Av-
DAV. Club, 2600 Dodge Plaza 20
Carl Fredericks, 1281 Dodge Street
Special Session, June 19, 1969
Josepb Ginter, 342 Main Street
Lorraine Gordon, 2327 Central Av-
Anthony HelIing, 701 Dodge Street
Holiday Inn Motel, 1111 Dodge
Clara Johnson, 1543 Central Av-
K-Mart, 2600 Dodge Street Plaza 20
James Kachevas, 493 Main Street
Francis T. Kohl, 1700 Central Av-
Donald M. Love, 250 West 6th
Herman J. Meyers, 2600 Dodge
Mercy Medical Gift Shop, James &
Peabody Streets
Donald Plumly, 5th & Locust Street
Michael Pusateri, 2560 Dodge
Joseph Potier, 2672 Dodge Street
Louis A. Ring, 1183 Dodge Street
Ricbard J. Ring, 115 West 11th
Randall's Foodarama, 2600 Dodge
Street Plaza 20
Mr. Steak, 2660 Dodge Street
Fred Weiner, 1101 White Street
Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa
Francis F. & John George, 1481
Dodge Street
Hartig Drug Company, 730-736
Main Street
Hartig Drug Company, 1st & Locust
Hartig Drug Company, 22nd & Cen-
tral Avenue
Donald Kies, 2620 University Av-
Dennis K. Manahl, 3201 Central
Kermit Meyers, 338 Main Street
National Tea Company, 1313 Dodge
National Tea Company, 2013 Cen-
tral Avenue
Raymond Ney, 2186 Ceutral Av-
Warehouse Market, 190 J. F. Ken-
nedy Road
Riverside Bowl, lnc., 1860 Haw-
tborne Street
Donald Arthofer, 532 East 22nd
Karl J. Ball, 1080 University Av-
John Burgmaier, 2401 Windsor Av-
Ronald Brayton, Asbury & Am-
brose Streets
Leo Diener, 35 Locust Street
Leo Grass, 1105 University Avenue
PhylIis Licciardi, 889 Iowa Street
Catherine Lester, 1322 Central Av-
Martin Oil Company, 280 Locust
Pride Service, Inc., 2175 Central
Albert J. Ney, 1842 Central Avenue
Nelson Norwood, Sr., Bunker Hill
Goli Course
Denise O'Neill, 55 Locust Street
R. S. Ruegnitz, 629 Rhomberg Av.
Sears Roebuck & Company, 300
South Locust Street
Dr. D. C. Sharpe, 1630 East 16th
Joseph W. Sutter, 3195 Jackson
John Steffen, 690 West Locust
Sunshine Circle-Finley Hospital,
1480 Allison Place
C. P. Welu, 20th & Jackson Street
Clark Super 100 Service Station,
1005 Dodge Street
Florence E. Chalder, 113 Main
R. J. Cremer, 731 Rhomberg Av-
Dubuque Packing Company Retail
Store, 16th & Sycamore
John F. Glynn, 760 East 16th
Jobn J. Heiderscheit, 1278 Central
John J. Ludescher, 1897 Clarke
Earl J .McNamara, 1046 University
Shirley Mihalakis, 574 East 16th
Minnie R. Radloff, 1395 Brown
Super 20 Drive ln Theatre, John
F. Kennedy Road
George K. Arvanitis, 1958 Central
Donald C. Brimeyer, 1100 Farley
Marshall R. Birch, 62 Locust
Joseph HiIIard, 431 Rhomberg Av-
Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Central
Karl H. Oleson, 1701 Asbury Street
Helen O'Mara, 1397 Washington
Joseph E. Reisdorf, 601 Rhomberg
Frank Schwind, 2297 University
Mathais A. Schneller, 2372 Central
Special Session, June 19, 1969 251
Allen E. Tressel, 2528 Central Av- Passed, adopted and approved
enue this 19th day of June, 1969.
Raymond Tschiggfrie, 1190 Dodge Walter A. Pregler
Street Mayor
Roger D. Williams, 1027 Rhomberg Sylvester McCauley
Avenue Donald R. Meyers
Robert E. Cabill, 402 Locust Street Gaylord M. Couchman
Harold A. Casey, 655 Clarke Drive Attest. Councilmen
Marcella McCarty, 2093 Washing. Leo 'F. Frommelt,
ton Street City Clerk
Catherine M. Meyer, 530 East 22nd Councilman Meyers moved adop-
Street tion of the resolution. Seconded
Richard F. O'Hara, 70 S. Locust by Councilman Couchman. Carried
Street by the following vote:
Walsh Stores, 1301 Central Avenue Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
Carl Van Duelman, 590 Clarke men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Drive Nays-None.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Absent-Councilman Schultz.
that the bonds filed with the ap-
plication be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers I
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined: NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following applica-
tions be granted and licenses be
issued upon the compliance with
tbe terms of the ordinances of the
Nelson Norwood, Sr., Bunker Hill
Goli Course
LaVern G. Kieffer, Riverfront Soft-
ball Fields
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
cil; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occUpied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
tbe Manager be and he is hereby
directed to issue to the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
Nelson Norwood, Sr., Bunker HiII
Golf Course
LaVern G. Kieffer, Riverfront Soft-
ball Fields
that the bonds filed by such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
SYlvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
the following vote:
Special Session, June 19, 1969
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Scbultz.
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for
Liquor Permits have been sub-
mitted to this Council for approv- ,
al and the same have been exam-
SOLVED, by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance witb the terms of the
CHAPTER 123---as amended by the
60th General Assembly, 1963.
Dubuque Golf and Country Club,
1800 Randall Place
Aristo Foods of Iowa, Inc., 1111
Dodge Street
Carl N. Brant, 2600 Central Avenue
Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa
Lorraine Gordon, 2327 Central Av-
Donald M. Love, 250 West 6th
Cyril Meitl, 1555 Central Avenue I
Mrs. Dorothy M. Olsen, 1097 Jack-
son Street
Denise O'Neill, 55 Locust Street
Riverside Bowl, Inc., 1860 Haw-
thorne Street
Joseph Edward Reisdorf, 601
Rbomberg Avenue
Merlyn Weber, 1902 Central Av-
Arthur W. Pins, 2699 J. F. Kennedy
Joseph L. & Bernice M. Hillard,
431 Rhomberg Avenue
Florence Herburger, 2987 Jackson
Passed, adopted and approved
tbis 19tb day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Ccucbman
WHEREAS, applications for
Liquor Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant there to and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be is-
sued to the following named appli-
cants a Liquor Permit.
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
following vote:
Dubuque Golf & Country Club,
1800 Randall Place
Aristo Foods of Iowa, lnc., 1111
Dodge Street
Carl N. Brant, 2600 Central Avenue
Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa
Lorraine Gordon, 2327 Central Av-
Donald M. Love, 250 West 6th
Cyril Meitl, 1555 Central Avenue
Mrs. Dorothy M. Olsen, 1097 Jack-
son Street
Denise O'Neill, 55 Locust Street
Riverside Bowl, Inc., 1860 Haw-
thorne Street
Josepb Edward Reisdorf, 601
Rhomberg Avenue
Merlyn Weber, 1902 Central Av-
Arthur W. Pins, 2699 J. F. Kennedy
Joseph L. & Bernice M. Hillard,
431 Rbomberg Avenue
Florence Herburger, 2987 Jackson
Passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Special Session, June 19, 1969
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of tbe resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Meyers. Carried
by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Scbultz.
June 19, 1969
City Council
An offer has been received from
Bradley 1ron Works, lnc., 2345
Kerper Blvd. to purchase Lot 2,
Block 16, Riverfront Subdivision
No. 3 measuring approximately
313.46 feet by 384.74 feet by 314.23
The offer includes application
to purchase a vacated portion of
Marshall Street abutting Lot 1 of
Block 16, measuring 25.2 feet by
50 feet.
Tbe land is needed by the firm
to continue the expansion of their
operations in lndustrial Park.
It is the recommendation of
tbis committee that your honorable
body take the following action:
1. That the above described real
estate be sold to Bradley Iron
Works, lnc. for 20 cents per I
square foot, and surveying of
the plats be done at buyers ex-
2. That all operations and con-
struction at tbe site be in con-
formity with the conditions pre-
valent in the recommendation
by the Mayor's Iudustrial Com-
mittee, and all belongings,
roads, signs, parking lots and
storage of lnventory and equip-
ment be in conformity with
city codes and ordinances.
3. Tbat expansion of operations
and improvements to the land
be made within a reasonable
period of time, and should
Bradley Iron Works, lnc. elect
not to use all the described
land for expansion, the City of
Dubuque be given first right
to purchase said real estate at I
prices prevalent at the time
of disposal of said land.
4. That the City retain any exist-
ing easements for water lines,
sewer lines or utilities with
right of lngress and egress to
repair, inspect and maintain
Respectfully submitted by:
Walter A. Pregler,
Vincent J. Kaiser,
Chrm., Dock Board
Robert Dorothy,
Mgr., Industrial Bureau
Councilman Couchman moved
approval of the offer and referred
same to the City Solicitor for
proper proceedings. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
followiug vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Councilman McCauley moved
tbat Paul Gisch be appointed to
the Human Rights Commission and
Mr. Owen Riley to the Citizens Ad-
visory Commission. Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Mayor Pregler moved that the
Clerk be instructed to transmit
the names of those appointed to
the Human Rights Commission to
the City Solicitor for a resolution
on terms of years. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
At 7:45 P.M. Mayor Pregler
moved that the Council go into ex-
ecutive session to discuss items of
real estate in the Urban RenewaJ
area. Seconded by Councilman
McCauley. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
The Council reconvened in spec-
ial session at 10:03 P.M.
There being no further business
Councilman McCauley moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Preg-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Special Session, June 19, 1969
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk.
Approved ....................................1969.
Adopted ....................................1969.
"""""""""""""""ë'~-;;~ill~~~"""" I
Attest: """"ëiï~"'ë'i;;;:k"""""""""'" !
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Special Session, June 23, 1969.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (D.S,T.)
Present-Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
CIty Menager Gilbert D. Chavenel.
Absent-Councllman Schultz.
Mayor Pregler read the caIl and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is caIled for the purpose of CON.
and acting upon such other busi-
ness as may properly come before I
a regnlar meeting of the City Coun-
Printed Council proceedings for
the month of March 1969 present-
ed for approval. Councilman Mey-
ers moved that the council proceed.
ings for the month of March 1969
be approved as printed. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Communication of City Board of
~~:~~w C~~~~~n::e B~~% ~~w~':i I
commissioning a firm of real es-
tate appraisers to up-date fair as-
sessment of all properties througb-
out the City, presented and read.
Councilman McCauley moved that
the recommendation of the ReView
Board be implemented. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
June 11, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the 1966
Code of Iowa, the Civil Service
Commission conducted Entrance
Examinations on May 14, 1969, for
the POLICE DePartment.
The following have passed both
the written and physical examina-
tions and are hereby certified for
appointment to the Police Depart-
Galle, John C. 74%
RespectfuIly submitted,
Louis F. Fautsch,
Gerard B. Noonan
LeRoy H. Giles
Civil Service Commission
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before
me tbis 11th day of June, 1989.
Eugene J. Berens,
Notary Public
Councilman Meyers moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler. Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
June 11, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
As you know, a few weeks ago a
retaining wall immediatelY adja-
centto Heeb Street collapsed. This
caused a potentially hazardous
situation for both residents in the
area and also vehicular traffic
attempting to use the street.
In order to eliminate this highly
dangerous condition, informal bid
proposals were received in my of-
fice on the morning of June 11,
1969 for the construction of a new
waIl along Heeb Street.
Alternate bid proposals for con-
crete and stone type walls were re-
ceived. The following are the tabu-
lated results of the bids submitted:
Bidder Lump Sum Bid
William Becker & Sons Stone Co.,
(Alternate No. 2-Stone) $16,460.-
(Alternate No. 1-Concrete)
K, W. Gaber Construction Co.,
M. F. Goerdt Construction Co.,
After detailed analysis of the
proposals was completed, it was de-
cided that the contract for the wall
construction should be awarded to
Special Session, June 23, 1969
the lowest bidder on Alternate No.
2, William Becker and Sons Stone
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
Mayor Pregler moved that tbe
recommendation of tbe City Man.
ager be approved. Seconded by
councilman Coucbman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Schultz.
June 10, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I submit for your consideration
a proposed contract between tbe
City of Dubuque and Northwest-
ern Rell Telephone Company for
a Public Emergency Reporting
Service for the Fire Department.
Chief Dunphy bas reviewed the
proposed installation and recom-
mends that it be installed witb
the construction of the new fire
I recommend the agreement and
request authority to sign the con-
tract on behalf of the City.
Gilbert D. ChaveneJ1e,
City Manager
Councilman McCauley moved ap-
proval of the Manager's reCom-
mendation. Seconded by Council-
man Meyers. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
. Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent - Councilman Schultz.
June 16, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I am returning to you the letter
of Mr. Russell T. Walker and a
copy of a letter report from John
Wbite concerning the 12th Street
dike removal problem.
I believe that the problem will
be resolved in a couple of weeks
and that everytbing is being done
to ease the situation until the dike
is removed. The alternate solution
is for the city to contract for the
removal of the dike. I do not recom-
mend this alternative.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Meyers moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Couchman. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
June 19, 1969
The Honorable Mayor and
City Council
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bonds and
policies, and desire to have your
approval on same.
Dubuque Food & Fun Expo, Hawk-
eye-Security Insurance Co.
Fondell & Sons, lnc., Bituminous
Casualty Corporation
Carl Blosch, Merchants Mutual
Bonding Company
Kenneth Palm, Merchants Mutual
Bonding Company
Fred E. Smith, Western Surety
Gilbert D. Cbavenel1e,
City Manager
Mayor Pregler moved the bonds
and policies be filed subject to ap-
proval of the City Solicitor. Sec-
onded by Councilman Meyers. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Schultz.
June 19, 1988
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit the reports of
tbe City Treasurer, City Auditor
and Water Department for the
month of May 1969.
Respectfully ,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
Mayor Pregler moved that the
reports be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Meyers. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schnltz.
Special Session, June 23, 1969
June 19, 1969
It is the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission
that the classification of Lot A,
Block 22 of Key Knolls Subdivision
not be changed.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Gilson,
Director of Planning
Councilman Couchman moved
that the recommendation of the
Commission be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman McCauley. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Mayor Pregler moved that the
rules be suspended in order to let
anyone present address the Coun-
cil if tbey so desire. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Mr. Don Gilson, Director of
Planning, submitted a layout of
the zoning classification in and
around Lot A Block 22 of Key
Knolls Subdivision. Mr. Richard
Hansel requested tbe Council to
table the recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Commission
for further study rather than
deny it at this time.
June 20, 1969
To the Honorable
and City Council
I am enclosing a letter which I
received from the Lutber Manor
Corporation Board of Directors re-
questing a street light on Hillcrest
Road near Luther Manor.
The City Electricallnspector has
viewed the location and it is recom-
mended that a 175 watt mercury
vapor light be installed on the ex-
isting pole at the southwest corner
of 2003 Carter Road.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Couchman moved
that the recommendation of tbe
Manager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
June 20, 1969
Honorable Mayor and
Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has reviewed a re-
quest to reclassify Lot A, Block
22, Key Knolls Subdivision from
Multiple FamilY-Professional Of-
fice to Local Business.
The property is located on the
east side of Kennedy Road. The I
property directly south is occu-
pied by a dental office and the
property to the east is undevelop-
ed but is zoned Multiple Residence.
Access to this property is from
Kennedy Road. Property across
Kennedy Road is classified Busi-
ln planning this area Kennedy
Road has been considered to be a
logical division line between com-
mercial development and residen-
tial development. All of the front- I
age along Kennedy Road from
Hoover Elementary School, north,
to the fire station has been classi-
fied Multiple Residence.
Block 22 of Key Knolls was in-
cluded in the section that also
permitted professional offices.
It is the opinion of the Com-
mission that the present zoning of
this area will permit the best de-
velopment for the area.
Honorable Mayor
Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has reviewed a re-
quest to have the foIlowing streets
and aIleys vacated:
a. All that part of Main Street
lying southerly of Railroad Av-
enue in ths City of Dubuque,
b.All that part of Railroad Avenue
lying easterly of Main Street in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
c. AIl of the aIley which extends
tbrough Block 28 of Dubuque
Harbor Company Addition to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
The General Development Plan
proposed that the North-Soutb Ex-
pressway be routed through the
area where the right-of-way in
question is located-
Special Session, June 23, 1969
The Urban Area Transportation Notice of claim of Frank W.
Study has proceeded to a point Reihle of 650 Wilson Ave., in an
tbat 1990 projected traffic is being undetermined amount for property
assigned to proposed 1990 street damage to his home as the result
networks. Wben this is completed of a fallen dead elm tree on June
a final network can be developed 4, 1969, presented and read. Coun-
and preliminary design of the cilman Meyers moved that the
expressway can begin. notice of claim be referred to the
It is the opinion of the Com- City Solicitor for investigation and
mission that no right-of-way should report. Seconded by Councilman
he vacated tbat might be needed McCauley. Carried by the follow-
at a later date for expressway pur- ing vote:
poses. Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
It is the recommendation of the men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
City Planning Commission that this Nays-None.
request not be approved. Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Respectfully submitted, Notice of Suit of Du-Trac Credit
PLANNING AND ZONING Union, in the amount of $140.01,
COMMISSION. for car damage as the result of a
Don Gilson, fallen tree limb on December 12
Director of Planning 196B, while said car was parked
Councilman Meyers moved tbat at 794 Clarke Drive, presented and
the recommendation of tbe Plan- read. Councilman Meyers moved
ning & Zoning Commission be ap- that the notice of claim be referred
proved. Seconded by Mayor Preg- to the City Solicitor for investiga-
ler. Carried by the following vote: tion and report. Seconded by Coun-
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- cilman McCauley. Carried by the
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley. following vote:
Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
Absent-Councilman Schultz. men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Communication of Lyle Dewey, Nays-None.
requesting a speed-up in the pro- Absent-Councilman Schultz.
cessing of his claim for damage Notice of Petition of the Eagles
to his daughter's violin as the re- Building Corporation located on
suit of a fall on an ice covered S'h of Lot 100 and the West 94'
walk on University avenue, pre- of N'h of Lot 100, praying for dam-
sented and read. Mayo~ ~egler ages in the amount of $90,000 in
moved that the commumcatlOn be tbe condemnation of tbeir proper-
referred to the City Sol!citor w!th ty under Urban Renewal, presented
mstructlOn to commumcate with and read. Councilman Meyers mov-
Mr. Dewey. Seconded by CouncIl- ed that tbe Notice be referred to
man ~ouchman. Carried by the tbe City Solicitor for investigation
followmg vote: . and report. Seconded by Council-
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, CouncIl- man McCauley. Carried by the
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley. following vote:
Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Pregler Council-
Absent-Councilman Schultz. men Couchman Meyers 'McCauley.
Notice of claim of Thomas L. N ' ,
Richmond of 1895 Floraview Drive, ays-None.
in the amount of $5.00 for wrecker Absent-Councilman Schultz.
service expense incurred to lift Notice of Suit of Dorothy K.
his car out of a hole in the should- Freeman vs. Tri-State Convales-
er of the roadway near Grandview cent Center lnc. and the City of
Extension on Kerrigan Road on Dubuque, in the amount of $5000.
May 24, 1969, presented and read. for personal injuries received in
Councilman Meyers moved that tbe a fall on a defective sidewalk at
notice of claim be referred to the northwest corner of intersection
Citv Solicitor for investigation of W. 3rd and Burch Street in
and report. Seconded by Council- the Spring of 1969, presented and
man McCauley. Carried by the fol- read. Councilman Meyers moved
lowing vote: ['that the notice of Suit be referred
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- to the City Solicitor for investiga-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley. tion and report. Seconded by Coun-
Nays-None. cilman McCauley. Carried by the
Absent-Councilman Schultz. following vote:
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
June 17, 1969
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On the 31st day of December,
1968, the Ditsrict Court of Iowa,
Honorable John C. Oberhausen i
presiding, rendered judgment in
the matter of the Appeal of Marg-
aret Birch against the City of
Dubuque, Iowa in Equity No. 80887
relating to the levy of special as-
sessments against the respective
parcels of real estate owned by the
plaintüf in connection with the
"Fremont Avenue Hot-Mix Hot-
Laid Asphaltic concrete Paving"
ln its decree, the court deter- I
mined that the following specified
assessments against the following
specüied parcels of real estate
were excessive in the respective
amounts hereafter shown, to-wit:
Description Assessment Excess
Lot 2 of Min-
eraI Lot 122 $ 5,483.61 $ 3,583.61
Westerly Part
of Lot 2 of
Lot 4 of Min-
eraI Lot 122 4,823.08 823.08
Easterly Part
of Lot 2 of
Lot 4 of Min-
eral Lot 122 10,047.66 6,047.66
Lot 1 of Min-
eraI Lot 122
said two amounts from the date of
levy to date, together with the right
by the plaintiff to make currently
to date and thereafter make said
payment of the assessment in in-
stallments for tbe remainder of the
ten year interval.
That it is the recommendation
of the City Attorney's office that
said offer of settlement be ac.
cepted and that the City Engineer's
office be instructed to prepare pro-
ceedings for the levy of assess-
ment in accordance herewith and
that the plaintüf be permitted to
pay the amount of said assessment
up to date, together with interest,
and that she be permitted to pay
the remainder in annual install-
ments for the remainder of the ten
year period.
Respectfully submitted,
R. N. Russo,
City Attorney
Councilman Couchman moved
that the recommendation of the
City Attorney be approved. Sec-
onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, MCCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
An Ordinance Amending Ord.
Inance No. 31.52 by repealing
Section 21 thereof thereby
eliminating the requirement
that tank vehicles delivering
Class I Flammable Liquids
to any Service Station be lim-
ited to e cepaclty of 2000 gal-
presented and read.
Councilman Meyers moved that
the reading just had be considered
tbe first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Councilman Meyers moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
be waived. Seconded by Mayor
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
$20,735.09 $10,454.35
That the said order prescribed
that the City Council levy said as-
sessment in accordance with said
decree, that is to say, in an amount
of the levy less the eXCess decreed
by the court.
That after the entry of said judg-
ment, that the matter was subject
to Post-judgment hearings which
Were overruled by tbe court and
thereafter, appeal to the Supreme
Court of Iowa was made, and trans-
cript of the proceedings was order-
ed prepared.
That the City Attorney has re-
ceived an offer of settlement from
the plaintiff to pay the amount of
the actual assessment determined
by the court, plus the SUm of $1,- i
400.00 together with interest on
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Petition of Dubuque Commun-
ity School District requesting per-
mission to use aerial shells during
the course of four bome football
games during the 1969 season, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Pregler
moved tbat the petition be approv-
ed subject to approval of the
City Manager and staff. Seconded
by Councilman McCauley. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Petition of Mrs. Rosemary San-
ner et al (17 signers) requesting
sanitary sewer installation on
Edith and North Burden streets,
presented and read. Mayor Pregler
moved that the petition he
referred to the Engineering De-
partment for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman Mc-
It. 6/27 Cauley. Carried by the following
Councilman Meyers moved adop- vote:
tion of tbe Ordinance. Seconded Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by tbe men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
following vote: Nays-None.
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- Ahsent-Councilman Schultz.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley. Petition of A. J. Rooney, Secre-
Nays-None. tary of United Transportation
Absent-Councilman Schultz. Union, requesting removal of
Petition of Jennie Pescbang re- weeds and cottonwood trees in the
questing relief of high rent pay- Industrial park along the railroad
ments for the older citizens of the tracks, presented and read. Conn-
City a good many of which are cil~~n McCauley .moved that. the
living on fixed incomes, presented petItion be receIved and flIed.
and read. Mayor Pregler moved Sconded by Mayor Pregler. Car-
that the petition he received and ried by the following vote:
filed. Seconded by Councilman Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
Couchman. Carried by the follow- men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
ing vote: Nays-None.
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- Absent-Councilman Schultz.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley. June 17, 1989
Nays-None. . To the Honorable Mayor
Absent-Councilman Schultz. and City Council
Petition of the Dubuque Park Gentlemen:
Board requesting a bond issue, due In regard to tbe communication
to allowable action taken by the received from Mr. A. J. Rooney
State Legislature, to pay the cost of the United Transportation Un-
o! removal of dead trees on public ion, tbe problem of cottonwood
property, presented and read. Ma~- trees on lndustrial Park, the mat-
or Pregler moved that the peb- ter has been referred to the Dock
tion be referred to the City Man- Commission and Mrs. Lang advised
ager with Council approval to con- that arrangements will be made to
sider a bond issue. Seconded by have the trees cut.
Councilma~ Couchman. Carried by Respectfully,
the followmg vote: Gilbert D. ChaveneJle
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- City Manager
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley- Councilman McCauley moved
Nays-None. that the communication be re-
Absent-Councilman Schultz. ceived and filed. seconded by May-
Section 1. That O,dinance No. 31-52
be and the ..me i, he«by amended by
,epealing Section 21 the«of and by ..-
numbe",.g the ..m,ining ,ecUon' the..-
Pa"ed, app,oved and adopted thi'
",d day of June 1""9.
Wait.. A. P..gl..
Sylve,t.. McCauley
Donald R. Mey""
Goylo,d M. Couchman
Leo F. "'ommelt.
c;ty Cle,k
H::~?3~:~,~~~~~a¥fu;~7t~e dr:I~¡:':,'J'.:'~
Leo F. F,ommelt,
Citv Cl..k . ..... ..
Special Session, June 23, 1969
or Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-COnncilman Schult....
Petition of Dubuque Park Board
requesting that another effort be
made into the cleaning up of the
Andrew Fondell property on Shir-
as Avenue, located across from the
entrance to Eagle Point Park, pre. ,
sented and read. Councilman
Couchman moved that tbe petition
be received and filed. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Petition of Dubuque Downtown
Merchants Assn. requesting per.
mission to conduct sidewalk Crazy
Day promotion on JuIy 18, 1989,
presented and read. MaYor Pregler
moved that the petition be ap-
proved subject to approval of tbe
City Manager and staff. Seconded
by Councilman McCauley. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Petition of Richard A. FoeckIng I
requesting a refund of $375. on
the unexpired portion of Liquor
License No. C-6136 as he bas dis-
continued business on May 15,
1963, presented and read. Council-
man Meyers moved that the refund
be granted and the Auditor in-
structed to issue proper warrant.
Seconded by Councilman McCauley.
Carried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Petition of John CaVanaugh re-
questing a refund of $50. on the I
unexpired portIon of Class B Beer
license No. 91, as he has discon-
tinued business on June 1, 1969,
presented and read. Councilman
Meyers moVed that tbe petition be
granted and the Auditor instruct-
ed to issue Proper warrant. Sec-
onded by Councilman McCaulcy.
Carried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-COuncilman Schultz.
Petition of Patricia Mulgrew re-
questing a refund in the amount of
$100. on tbe unexpired POrtion of
Class B Beer Permit No. 11, as she
has discontinued business on May
3, 1969, presented and read. Coun.
cilman Meyers moved that the peti-
tion be granted and the Auditor
instructed to issue proper war-
rant. Seconded by Councilman
McCauley. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of uotice of
public hearing to dispose of in-
terest in a grant of easement
over and across Lot 1 of Lot 10
of Block 4 of Riverfront Sub. No.
2 to Hodge Transit Warebouse Co.
and Tbruput Terminal 1nc., pre-
sented and read.
No written objections were fil.
ed and no oral objectors Were pres-
ent in the Council Chamber at the
time set for the public bearing.
Councilman Meyers moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded hy
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, pursuant to resolu-
tion of published notice of time
and place of hearing published in
the Telegraph-Herald, a newspa-
per of general circulation pub-
lished in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, on June 2, 1969 and June 9,
1969, City Council of Dubuque,
Iowa met on the 23rd day of June,
1989 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Central
Daylight Savings Time, in the City
Council Chamber, City Hall, Du-
buque, Iowa, to consider the pro-
posal to dispose of interest of the
City of Dubuque to a Portion of
real estate in a GRANT OF EASE-
MENT to Hodge Transit Ware-
house Co. and Thruput Terminal
Inc. for industrial SPur track in,
over and across Lot 1 of Lot 10 of
Block 4 of Riverfront Subdivision
No.2, designated easement "A"
on plat dated March 10, 1989 pre-
pared by A. A. Rhomberg, profes-
sional civil Engineer and land sur-
veyor, and
Special Session, June 23, 1969
WHEREAS, City Council of Du-
buque, Iowa, overruled any and
all objections oral or written, to
the proposal to dispose of inter-
est of City of Dubuque, Iowa, in
the above described real estate by
way of Grant of Easement to
Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. and
Thruput Terminal, lnc.
Section 1. That the disposal of
interest of City of Dubuque, Iowa,
in real estate by Grant of Ease-
ment to Hodge Transit Warehouse
Co. and Thruput Terminal lnc. for
industrial spur track in, over, and
Lot 1 of Lot 10 of Block 4 of
Riverfront Subdivision No.2
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
designated as easement "A"
on plat dated March 10, 1969
for costs of publication be and the
same is hereby approved.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to deliver the said
Grant of Easement to Hodge Tran-
sit Warehouse Co. and Thruput
Terminal Inc- upon receipt of
costs of publication.
Section 3. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to record a certified copy
of this resolution in the office of
the Dubuque County Recorder.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 28rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman McCauley moved
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Couchman.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
PRESENTS, that the City of Du-
buque, Iowa for and in considera-
tion of One ($1.00) Dollar and oth-
er good and valuable considera-
tion, receipt whereof is hereby ac-
kuowledged does hereby grant un-
to Hodge Transit Warehouse Co.
and Thruput Terminal lnc. an
easement and right of way in,
over and across and to the real
estate hereinafter described for
the purpose of ingress and egress
to the respective properties of the
Grantees by means of railroad
spur track located on:
Lot 1 of Lot 10 of Block 4 of
Riverfront Subdivision No.2
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
designated as easement "A"
on plat dated March 10, 1969.
This easement shall terminate
in the event that said railroad
spur track is abandoned or the
use of it discontinued.
By: Walter A. Pregler
Leo F- Frommelt
City Clerk
State of Iowa ss'
County of Dubuque'
On this 23rd day of June, 1969,
before me, the undersigned No-
tary Public in and for the County
of Dubuque and State of Iowa, per-
sonally appeared Walter A. Preg.
ler and Leo F. Frommelt to me
personally known, who being duly
sworn did say that the said Wal-
ter A. Pregler is Mayor and the
said Leo F. Frommelt is Clerk of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
that the seal affixed to the above
instrument is the corporate seal
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
that said instrument was signed
and sealed on behalf of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, by authority of
the City Council of said City and
the said Walter A. Pregler and
Leo F. Frommelt acknowledged
the execution of said instrument
to be the voluntary act and deed
of said City of Dubuque, Iowa by
it voluntarily executed.
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public ln and for
Dubuque County, Iowa
posed of Walter A. Pregler, Mayor,
Vincent Kaiser, Chairman of Dock
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to publish notice of
intent to dispose of interest in
real estate as is by law required-
Passed, approved and adopted
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Special Session, June 23, 1969 263
Board, and Robert Eo Dorothy, Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500,00)
Manager of Dubuque Industrial Dollars as down payment is here.
Bureau, have recommended to the with acknowledged by the City-
City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, C. That construction of saId
that the application to purchase plant be commenced within one
certain real estate by W, S. Shep- (1) year of adoption and the pas-
pley & Co., of Dubuque, ~owa for sage of this Resolution and shall
the purpose of constructing and be completed witbin two (2) years
erecting thereon a warehouse of date of adoption and passage
building in the City of Dubuque, of this Resolution and upon fail-
Iowa, and ure so to do by the purchaser, W.
WHEREAS, the City Council of S. Sheppley & Co. of Dubuque,
Dubuque, Iowa has examined said Iowa, said real estate shall auto-
application and said recommenda- matically revert to the City of Du-
tion by the MAYOR'S INDUS- buque. Iowa and purchase price,
TRIAL COMMITTEE and find that less damages, shall be refunded
the sale of said real estate should to the purchaser.
be approved, and D. That the construction of all
WHEREAS, said real estate buildings, yards, parking lots and
sought to be purchased by W. S. fences shall be constructed in con-
Sbeppley & Co. of Dubuque, Iowa formance with existing City codes.
:~~e~h:":t~~w:e as;latted, de- E. That the City of Dubuque,
Lot 2 of Lot 1 Block 6 "River Iowa r~taIns a perpe~ual eas~m~nt
Front . Subdivi~ion No.3" in ~~~it::;st:~erW:~b~i~;.",ex::~
the ~l~y of Du~uque, Iowa lines and for utilities together
contaInIng approXlmate~y 3.16 with right of ingress and egress
ac~es more or less, subject to to repair, inspect and maintain
eXIstIng easements. the same.
SO~~D W~~i~?~M~o~~ F. That all u~iIi~ies and services
OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE to proposed bull dings be connect-
IOWA: ' ed at buyer's expense.
Section I. That the application
of W. S. Sheppley & Co. of Du-
buque, Iowa to purchase a parcel
of real estate in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa which real estate
shall hereafter be platted, de-
scribed and known as follows:
Lot 2 of Lot 1, Block 6 "River
Front Subdivision No.3" in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa
containing approximately 3.16
acres more or less, subject to
existing easements
be and the Same is hereby ap-
proved upon the following terms
and conditions:
A- That said real estate be sold
to W. S. Sheppley & Co. of Du-
buque, Iowa for the construction
of a new building thereon contain- I
ing approximately 20,000 square
feet for the purpose of a ware-
'house building in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
ß. That the sale price for said
real estate shall be in the
amount of TwentY-five Thousand
($25,000.00) Dollars for 137,850
square feet and the receipt of Two
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman McCauley moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Scbultz.
WHEREAS, City of Dubuque,
Iowa has negotiated with the Chi-
Special Session, June 23, 1969
cago North Western RaIlway Com- !
pany for the granting of a license
for the construction, maintenance
and uæ of a sanitary sewer on the
property of the railroad company
the location of which is shown on
the colored legend on Exhibit "A"
which the City of Dubuque re-
ceived April 15, 1969, and is con-
nected to Resolution No. 62-69
WHEREAS, the City of Du-
buque, Iowa deems it in the best
public interest that said City of
Dubuque enter into such licensing
agreement with said railroad com-
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That license agree-
ment by and between Chicago and
North Western Railway Company
and the City of Dubuque, Iowa
which license pertains to the con-
struction, maintenance and use of
a sanitary sewer located on the
property of the railroad as shown
on Exhibit "A" which the City of
Dubuque received April 15, 1969,
and is connected to Resolution No.
62-69 said agreement be and the
same is hereby approved.
Section 2. That the Mayor and
the City Clerk be and they are
bereby authori.ed and directed
to execute said licensing agree-
ment for and on behalf of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that
the payment of One Hundred Dol-
lars ($100.00) therefore, to tbe
said railway company be and the
same is hereby approved.
Passed, approved and adopted
tbis 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the foJlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councllman Schultz.
June 2, 1969
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
The instaJlation of the Eighth
Street Storm Sewer 1969 has been
completed in accordance with the
plans and specifications by Jim
Schroeder Construction, Inc., of
Bellevue, Iowa.
I recommend the improvement
be accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Cbavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Meyers moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by COuncilman Couchman, Carried
by the foJlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz,
Whereas, the contract for the
Eighth Street Storm Sewer 1969
has been completed and the City
Engineer has submitted his final
estimate showing the cost thereof
including the cost of estimates,
notices, inspection, and preparing
the assessment and plat, now
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $ ..(I. of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
property and $15,814.60 shall be
paid from the Sanitation Fund of
the City of Dubuque.
passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester MeCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the foJlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-CounclIman S<hultz.
Special Session, June 23, 1969
(A Resolution Accepting
WHEREAS, tbe contract for the
l\vhth Street Storm Sewer-1969
has been completed and the City
Manager has examined the work
end filed his certificate stating
tb.at the same has been completed
according to the terms of the con-
tract, plans and specifications and
recommends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that tbe recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted.
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby directed to pay to the
contractor from the funds to be
realized from the Sanitation Fund
upon the above described improve-
ment in amount equal to the
amount of his contract, less any
retained percentage provided for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Water Mein Extension
bonds for the purpose of provld.
ing for the payment of the as.
sessed cost of City of Dubuque
1968 Asbury Road Water Main
Project No. 1,
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the
City Council has ascertained the
cost thereof and has determined
that $7,590.70 DoIlars of the cost
thereof shaIl be assessed against
the property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ing for the payment of the as-
sessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been
held, pursuant to such notice and
all objections made thereto have
been considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay.
ment of the assessed cost of City
of Dubuque 1968 Asbury Road
Water Main Project No.1 from the
west property line of Lot 1 of Lot
1 of Asbury Park in Section 21,
Dubuque Township, Dubuque,
Iowa, to the westerly property line
of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of SW¥.,
Section 16, T. 89 N. R. 2E, there
shaIl be issued water main exten-
sion bonds in the amount of
$4,224.75 DoIlars in anticipation of
the deferred payment of assess-
ments levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called
water main extension bonds; and
shall bear the date of June 4, 1969;
and shall be numbered consecu-
tively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for
such maturity dates as are shown
in the foIlowing table:
No, Bond No,
1. None.
2. 1484, $500.00, June 1, 1971.
3. 1485, $500.00, June 1, 1972-
4. 1486, $500.00, June 1, 1973.
5. 1487, $500.00, June 1, 1974.
6. 1488, $500.00, June 1, 1975.
7- 1489, $500.00, June 1, 1976.
8. 1490, $500.00, June 1, 1977.
9. 1491, $500.00, June 1, 1978.
10. 1492, $224.75, June 1, 1979.
3- Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of five per cent per an-
num, payable semiannually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
Special Session, June 23, 1969
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shalI provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shalI be in sub-
stantially the folIowing form:
No. ..........
Series No.
Water Main Extension Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the bear-
er hereof, the sum of five hundred
dollars with interest thereon at
the rate of five per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annualIy, on
the presentation and surrender of
the interest coupons hereto at-
tached. Both principal and inter-
est of this bond are payable at the
office of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque, in the State of
Iowa. This bond is issued by the
City of Dubuque under and by vir-
tue of Chapter 396 of the 1954
Code of Iowa, as amended, and the
Resolution of said City duly passed
on the 23rd day of June, 1969, be-
ing Resolution No. 156-69.
This Bond is one of a series of
9 bonds, 8 for $500.00 numbered
from 1484 through 1491, and one
for $224.75 numbered 1492, alI of
like tenor and date, and issued for
tbe purpose of providing for the
anticipated deferred payment of
assessments levied for the con-
struction of: City of Dubuque 1968
Asbury Road Water Main Project
No.1 from the west property line
of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Asbury Park
in Section 21, Dubuque Township,
Dubuque, Iowa, to the westerly
property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of SWY4, Section 16, T.
89 N. R. 2E as described in said
Resolution, in said City, which
cost is payable by the abutting
and adjacent property along said
improvements and is made by law
a lien on alI of said property. It
is payable only out of the Special
Assessment Fund No. 1278 created
by the colIection of said special
tax, and said fund can be used for
no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that alI the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap.
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the as-
sessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the fulI
end diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
City of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this ......
day of ................, 19.......
CIty Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the .......... day of "-""""""-,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to the bearer, as pro-
vided in said bond, the sum of
.......... DolIars, in the office of the
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, being ...... months' interest
due that date on its """""""" Bond
No. . ........ dated .....................
CIty Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City Clerk
be and they are hereby instructed
to cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book kept
for that purpose and to then de-
liver them to the City Treasurer.
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provIded by
law, the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1278 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the Ma-
yor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
Special Session, June 23, 1969
after the payment of interest due,
the City Treasurer is directed to
calI these bonds in the same order
as numbered.
10. Notice of election to call
these bonds shalI be given by reg-
utar United States mail addressed
to the last known address of the
purchaser. Passed, adopted and ap-
proved this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M- Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution- Seconded by
Councilman Meyers. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, Pride Service lnc.,
has granted a perpetual easement
to City of Dubuque, Iowa, in, over
and across the following described
real estate:
The westerly portion of Beat-
rice Foods Place in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa as delineated
in red upon the attached plat,
marked Exhibit "A" and by
reference made a part hereof.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the grant of per-
petual easement by Pride Service
lnc., an Iowa corporation, to the
CIty of Dubuque, Iowa in and to
the real estate hereinabove de- I
scribed be and the same is hereby
Passed, approved and adopted
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council.
meu Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz-
Authorizing the advertising of
bids for the demolition and site
clearance of certain parcels of
real estate in the downtown ur.
ban renewal project, Iowa R.15.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
under date of July 26, 1967, en-
tered into a Loan and Capital
Grant Contract with the United
States of America providing for
financial assistance to the City
of Dubuque under Title I of Hous-
ing Act of 1949, as amended, for
the undertaking of the Downtown
Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15;
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
pursuant to such contract and to
implement the Urban Renewal
Plan for the Project Area bas ac-
quired and is acquiring certain
parcels of real estate; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide
cleared land for redevelopment
and for certain public improve-
ments: now therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to publish "lnvitation
for Bids" for Demolition Contract
No. 1-69 for the demolition and
site clearance of certain parcels of
real estate in the Downtown Ur-
ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15,
in the form of Exhibit "A" at-
tached hereto and made a part
Passed, and adopted, and ap-
proved this 23rd day of June,
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Demolition Contract No, 1-69
The City of Dubuque, State of
Iowa, will received sealed propos-
als for Demolition of buildings
and structures and Site Clearance
Special Session, June 23, 1969
for the Downtown Urban Renewal
Project, Iowa R-15, until 10
o'clock, A.M., Central daylight
Time on July 11, 1969, at the Of-
fice of tbe City Clerk, City Hall,
13tb and Iowa, Dubuque, Iowa, at
whicb time all bids will be pub-
licly opened and read in Council
Chambers. This project wilI con-
sist of approximately 24 major
buildings and other improvements
that may in fact exist upon any
of the parcels to be cleared. All
improvements are to be demol-
ished or dismantled on the site.
Contract Documents, including
drawings, technical drawings and
forms are on file with the Direc-
tor of Urban Renewal.
Copies of the Contract Docu-
ments may be obtained by depos-
iting $10.00 with the Director of
Urban Renewal, Suite 1O-B Fischer
Building, Dubuque, Iowa, for each
set of documents so obtained. Each
such deposit will be refunded if
the documents are returned i n
good condition within 10 days af-
ter bid opening.
A certified check or bank draft,
payable to the order of the City
of Dubuque negotiable U.S. Gov-
ernment bonds, or a satisfactory
Bid Bond executed by the Bidder
and an acceptable surety, in an
amount equal to ten percent (10%)
of the estimated cost of Demoli-
tion and Site Clearance exclusive
of any deductions for salvage,
shall be submitted with each bid.
The successful Bidder will be re-
quired to furnish and pay for sat-
isfactory performance and pay-
ment bond or bonds.
Attention is called to the fact
that not less than the minimum
salaries and wages as set forth
in the Contract Documents must
be paid on this project, and that
tbe Contractor must ensure that
employees and applicants for em-
ployment are not discriminated
against because of their race,
creed, color, or national origin.
The City of Dubuque reserves
the right to reject any or all Bids
or to waive any informalities in
the bidding.
Bids may be held by the City
of Dubuque for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days from the
date of the opening of Bids for
the purpose of reviewing the Bids
and investigating the qualifica-
tions of the Bidders, prior to
awarding of the Contract.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Date: June 30, 1969
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Sehultz.
Authorizing the Purchase of Cer-
tain Real Estate in the Down-
town Urban Renewal Project,
Iowa R-15
Whereas, under date of July 26,
1967, the City of Dnbuque and the
Umted States of America entered
into a Loan and Capital Grant
Contract for the undertaking of
the Downtown Urban Renewal
Project, 10wa R-15; and
Whereas, there has been pre-
pared on behalf of the City of Du.
Duque independent appraisals of
certain parcels of real estate to
be acquired for the project; and
WHEREAS, the appraisals have
been rev i ewe d, recommended
prices established, and the ap-
praisals reports and certain sup-
porting documentation submitted
to the Department of Housing and
Urban Development for their re-
view; and
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
has received from the Department
of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment concurred - in acquisition
prices for certain parcels of real
estate in the Project Area; now
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City Man.
ager be and he is hereby author.
ized and directed to execute
Agreements of Pnrchase and to
do any and all things necessary
and requisite including the affix.
ing of the City Seal to certain in-
struments to purchase the follow-
ing described parcels of real es-
tate in accordance with the Down-
town Urban Renewal Plan at theIr
concurred - in acquisition prices,
at a total cost not to exceed
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Parcel No. Legal Description
1-6 East one-half of City
Lot 254
City Lot 25
City Lots 246-247
Lot 2 North one-half of
City Lot 22
South 44 feet of City
Lot 21
Lot 5 Weigel's Subdivi.
sion of City Lot 180
and South 11 feet of
City Lot 179
North two-thirds of
North one-half of City
Lot 740 and all of City
Lot 751
South two-thirds of
City Lot 748
North one-third of City
Lot 749
9-11 Middle two-thirds of
City Lot 750
5-5 South 63 feet 7 inches
of City Lot 68
All located in the City of Du- ,
buque, Dubuque County, State of 'I
Iowa. Passed, adopted, and ap-
proved this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Prelimlnery Estimate, epproval
of plans and specifications, form
of contract, for construction of
Restroom Facilities in Veterans
Memorie' Park, at an estimated
cost of $23,701.00, presented and
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun-
cilmen Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
Absent-CounciIman Schultz.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre.
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following.
1. The Type of Improvement.
2. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stat.
ing the same for each different
type of construction and kind of
material to be used.
Restroom Facilities - 1969
Be It Therefore Resolved tb.at
the City Council on its own motion
or upon petition of property own.
ers, deems it advisable and nec-
essary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final con-
sideration of this proposed resolu-
tion have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived
all objections thereto.
Said improvement sha11 be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk- That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment shall be paid out of the Raf.
ferty Park Property Fund-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M- Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved ap-
proval of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler- Carried by the
following vote:
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
(Fixing date of hearing)
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 160-69 given its
preliminary approval ou the pro- I
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for the
Recreation Department, Veterans
Memorial Park, Restroom Facilities
WHEREAS, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
noW on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection,
that on the 4th day of August, I
1969, a public hearing wiIl be held
at 7:30 o'clock P.M., D.S.T. in the
Council Chamber in the City of
Dubuque at which time the owners
of property for tbe proposed im-
provement may appear and make
objection to the proposed plans
and specifications and proposed
form of contract and at the same
time to the boundaries of the pro-
posed district, to the cost of the im-
provement, and to the passage of
the proposed Resolution of Neces-
sity and the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to cause a notice I
of the time and place of such hear-
ing to be published in some neWS-
paper published in the city of Du-
buque, the last of whicb shaIl be
not less than two (2) nor more than
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed
for its consideration and unless
property owners at the time of
final consideration of said resolu-
tion have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed improvement, they shaIl I
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at wbich
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision tbereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
the foIlowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Councilmen
Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
(Ordering Construction)
BUQUE that pursuant to a resolu-
tion of necessity No. 161-69 wbich
was duly passed by this Council,
for the Recreation Department,
Veterans Memorial Park, Restroom
Facilities-1969 be and the same
are hereby ordered and construct-
ed by this Council upon its own
motion and with or without tbe
petition of property owners. AIl
the work shaIl be constructed in
accordance with the plans and
specifications heretofore adopted
and now on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
that the cost and expense of the
said improvements will be paid
out of the Rafferty Park Property
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby ordered and directed to ad-
vertise for proposals for the con-
struction of the various improve-
ments herein provided for in the
manner provided by law, the said
improvements shaIl be completed
on or before 60 days after notice to
proceed is issued.
tbat this resolution being deemed
urgent and of immediate necessity
shaIl be in force and effect from
and after its passage and adoption
by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of Juue, 1989.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Couchman moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
Special Session, June 23, 1969
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by \ Passed, approved and adopted
the foIlowing votc: this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Councilmen Walter A. Pregler
Couchman, Meyers, McCauley. Mayor
Nays-None. Sylvester McCauley
Absent-Councilman Schultz. Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa hereto-
fore passed, approved and adopted
Ordinance No. 8-69 known as the
"Dubuque Human Rights Ordin-
ance", and
WHEREAS, by virtue thereof
and pursuant thereto a Human
Rights Commission consisting of
nine (9) members appointed by
the Mayor with the advice and
consent of the City Council should
be created.
Section 1. That the foIlowing
named be and the same are hereby
appointed as members of the Du-
buque Human Rights Commission
for the respective terms for which
they shaIl hold office, to-wit:
"For one year term expiring
January 1, 1970:
Paul Gisch, 20 Fremont Ave.
Joseph Hanson, 1365 S. Grand-
Gerald Sjobakken, 120'h Kauf-
mann Ave;
For two year term expiring
January 1, 1971:
Dr. Virgil Cruz, 1556 Auburn SI.
Mrs. John (Jane) Graves, 2355
Brendan Forrest, 1586 Mt. Pleas-
For three year term expiring
January I, 1972:
William Fuerste, 1360 S. Grand-
view Ave.
Frank Hickey, 1370 Belmont SI.
Janet Jones, 1951 Alta Vista St."
Section 2. The Commission shall
elect from its own membership a
'chairman and vice-chairman. It
'shaIl also elect a secretary who
'need not be a member of the said
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
tbe following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Councilmen
Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
posed of Walter A. Pregler, Mayor,
Vincent Kaiser, Chairman of Dock
Board, and Robert E. Dorothy,
Manager of Dubuque lndustrial
Bureau, have recommended to the
City Council of Dubuque, Iowa,
that the application to purchase
certain real estate by Bradley Iron
Works, Inc. of Dubuque, 10wa, for
the purpose of expansion of their
operations in Industrial Park in
Dubuque, Iowa, and
WHEREAS, tbe City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa has examined said
application and said recommenda-
tion by the MAYOR'S INDUS-
TRIAL COMMITTEE and find that
the sale of said real estate should
be approved, and
WHEREAS, said real estate
sougbt to be purcbased by Bradley
Iron Works, Inc. of Dubuque, Iowa
described aud known as:
Lot 2, Block 18, Riverfront Sub-
division No.3 and the vacated
portion of MarshaIl Street abut-
ting Lot 1 of Block 16, of River-
front Subdivision No.3 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, subject
to existing easements.
Section 1, That the application
of Bradley Iron Works, lnc. of
Dubuque, Iowa to purchase a par-
cel of real estate in the City of
Dubuque, 10wa wbich real estate
is described and known as foIlows:
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Lot 2, Block 16, Riverfront Sub-
division No.3 and tbe vacated
portion of Marshall Street abut-
ting Lot 1 of Block 16, of River-
front Subdivision No.3 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, subjeet
to existing easements
be and the same is hereby ap-
proved upon the following terms
and conditions:
A. That said real estate be sold
to Bradley Iron Works, Inc. for
expansion of its operations in
lndustrial Park all of which
real estate contains approxi-
mately 121,000 Square feet.
B. That the sale price for said
real estate shall be twenty
cents ($ .20) per square foot,
and surveying of the plats shall
be done at buyer's expcnse.
C. That Bradley Iron Works, Inc.
shall pay for tbe Southerly 200
feet of said Lot 2, Block 16,
Riverfront Subdivision No.3
and tbe vacated portion of Mar-
shall Street abutting Lot 1 of
Block 16 upon receiot of Quit
Claim Deed therefor. Tbat Brad-
ley Iron Works, Inc. shall pay
ten percent (10%) down of the
cost of the northerlymost 114.23
feet with balance of said pur-
chase price to be paid on or
before one (1) year from date
of delivery of Quit Claim Deed
conveying tbe Southerly 200
feet of said lot and the portion
of vacated Marshall Street.
D. That all ooerations and con-
struction at'the site be in con-
formity with tbe conditions
prevalent in the recommenda-
tion by the MAYOR'S INDUS-
buildings, roads, signs, parking
lots and storage of Inventory
and equipment be in conformity
with city codes and ordinances.
E. That expansion of operations
and improvements to the land
shall be made within a reason-
able period of time, and should
Bradley Iron Works, Inc. elect
not to use all tbe described
land for expansion, tbe City of
Dubuque, Iowa shall have the
first right to repurchase said
real estate at a price equal to
the price for which said real
estate may be sold by the City
of Dubuque to another prospec-
tive buyer. In no event shall
Bradley Iron Works, Inc. be
required to sell for less than its
purchase price from the City
plus taxes paid tbereon.
F. That the City of Dubuque, Iowa
retains a perpetual easement
for existing waterlines, existing
sanitary sewer and storm sewer
lines and for utilities together
witb right of ingress and egress
to repair, inspect and maiutain
the same.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to publish notice of intent
to dispose of interest in real estate
as is by law required.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk.
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
complied with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Cigar-
ettes within tbe City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted a permit to sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Beecher Co. lnc., 2399 White Street
Beecher Co. Inc., 1691 Asbury
Robert L. Becker, 2418 Central
Robert Beidler, 1122 Dodge Street
Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, 880
Locust Street
Harry Gantert, 1301 Rhomberg
C. Maxine Hoag, 103 East 22nd
Virginia Hos, 241 Main Street
Arsenius Hanson, 107 Locust Street
John Herbst, 535 Hill Street
Theodore G. Kanavas, 1689 Elm
Catherine McEvoy, 775 East 6th
Special Session, June 23, 1969
The Office Grill, 7-B Suite Fischer
Palmer Drug Store, 2600 Dodge SI.
Plaza 20
Gerald E. Miller, Jr., 2417 Rhom-
berg Avenue
Andrew Poulos, 926 Main Street
Roshek's Department Store, 700
Locust Street
Stampfer's Department Store, 8th
& Main Street
Donald Sand, 24th & Washington
Paul W. Schollmeyer, 176 Locust
Francis Shannahan, 960 Dodge
Lawrence Schwartz, 500 Rhomberg I
Jack Siefker, 1081 University
Mrs- Helen Weiner, 709 University
Doiores Weiner, 201 East 22nd
R. Williamson, 320 Main Street
Florance Deutsch, 45 West 13th
Creslanes Bowling, Inc., 255 South
Main Street
Mrs. Anna K. Laury, 498 North
Grandview Avenue
LaVerne Hennen, Asbury & Ken-
nedy Road '
Harry Kopple, 1098 University
Elizabeth M. Krajnovich, 239 West
6th Street
Jack M. Kritikos, 720 Main Street I
Montgomery Ward & Co., Kennedy
Ray McLaughlin, 2222 Central
L. G. Schaffert, 1900 Washington
Melvin A. Spiegelhalter, 1029%
Main Street
Richard N. Stecklein, 450 West
Locust Street
Brammers, Inc., 1306 Delhi Street
Gerald Kirchberg, 3165 Central
John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln
Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, Davis
and Windsor Avenue
Mrs. Alice Erschen, 2617 Univer-
sity Avenue
John L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street
Josephine Burke, 531 Main Street
Lester and Marie Eichhorn, 1725
Delhi Street
Louis Winkler, 698 Central Avenue I
Earl Schumacher, 22nd Central
Earl Schumacher, 2850 Burlington
J. F. Thompson, 250 West 1st Street
J. F. Thompson, 3200 Jackson
J. F. Thompson, 744 Main Street
J. F. Thompson, 3301 Pennsylvania
that the bonds filed with the appli-
cation be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1009.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Couchman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined; NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following applica-
tions be granted and licenses be
issued upon tbe compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles iF 588,
6th and Locust Street
Navy Club Ship iF 67, 342 Main
Theodore G. Kanavas, 1689 Elm
Elizabeth M. Krajnovich, 239 West
6th Street
Melvin A. Spiegelhalter, 1029%
Main Street
Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central Ave-
John L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street
Donald T. Sand, 2364 Washington
Arthur W. Pins, 2699 J. F. Kennedy
Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main Street
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Dorotby M. Olson, 1097 Jackson
Catherine M. Meyer, 530 East 22nd
Mrs. Helen Weiner, 709 University
Leo B. Grass, 1105 University Ave-
Thomas Andresen, 320 Main Street
Robert L. Becker, 2418 Central
Earl Schumacher, 2850 Burlington
J. F. Thompson, 250 West 1st Street
J. F. Tbompson, 744 Main Street
J. F. Thompson, 3301 Pennsylvania
Passed,. adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Meyers moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Couucilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
cil; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, that tbe Manager
be and he is bereby directed to
issue to the following named appli-
cants a Beer Permit.
Fraternal Order of Eagles # 568,
6th and Locust Street
Navy Club Sbip # 67, 342 Main
Theodore G. Kanavas, 1689 Elm
Elizabeth M. Krajnovich, 239 West
6th Street
Melvin A. Spiegelhalter, 1029'12
Main Street
Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central Ave-
Jobn L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street
Donald T. Sand, 2364 Washington
Arthur W. Pins, 2699 J. F. Ken-
nedy Road
Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main Street
Dorothy M. Olson, 1097 Jackson
Catherine M. Meyer, 530 East 22nd
Mrs. Helen Weiner, 709 University
Leo B. Grass, 1105 University Ave-
Thomas Andresen, 320 Main Street
Robert L. Becker, 2418 Central
Earl Scbumacher, 2850 Burlington
J. F. Thompson, 250 West 1st Street
J. F. Thompson, 744 Main Street
J. F. Thompson, 3301 Pennsylvania
that the bonds filed by such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Pregler moved adoption
of tbe resolution. Seconded by
Councilman McCauley. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
uor Permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVED, by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be
granted and licenses issued upon
Special Session, June 23, 1969
the compliance with the terms of
ACT-CHAPTER 123-as amended
by the 60th General Assembly,
Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main
Mrs. Josephine Burke, 531 Main
Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, 880
Locust Street
Harry N. Gantert, 1301 Rhomberg
Albert J. Ney, 1842 Central Ave-
Raymond McLaughlin, 2222 Cen-
tral Avenue
Michael F. Pusateri, 2560 Dodge
John L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street
Paul ScholImeyer, 176 Locust
Donald T. Sand, 2364 Washington
Richard N. Stecklein, 450 West Lo-
cust Street
Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central Ave-
Helen Weiner, 709 University Ave-
Tbomas Andresen, 320 Main Street
Alice Erschen, 2617 University
Passed, adopted and approved
tbis 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Dnoald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Coucbman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman McCauley moved
adoption of the resolufion. Second-
ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
uor Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
, with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by tbe City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be issued
to the following named applicants
a Liquor Permit.
Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main
Mrs. Josepbine Burke, 531 Main
Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, 880
Locust Street
Harry N. Gantert, 1301 Rhomberg
Albert J. Ney, 1842 Central Ave-
Raymond McLaughlin, 2222 Cen-
tral Avenue
Michael F. Pusateri, 2560 Dodge
Jobn L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street
Paul Schollmeyer, 176 Locust
Donald T. Sand, 2364 Washington
Richard N. Stecklein, 450 West
Locust Strect
Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central
Helen Weiner, 709 University
Tbomas Andresen, 320 Main
Alice Erschen, 2617 University
P",sed, adopted and approved
this 23rd day of June, 1969.
Walter A. Pregler
Sylvester McCauley
Donald R. Meyers
Gaylord M. Couchman
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman McCauley moved
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Meyers.
Carried by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCau-
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Mayor Pregler moved that the
City Solicitor be instructed to draft
a resolution to establish another
liquor retail outlet in the City.
Special Session, June 23, 1969
Regular Session July 7, 1969
Seconded by Councilman McCauley.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Mr. Robert Bachman, an attor-
ney from Wisconsin, addressed the
Council as a representative of Am-
bulance Associates lnc. relative to
operation of ambulance service by
private enterprise, rather than by
the City. ln Menasha, Wis. they
operate ambulance service tweuty-
four hours per day, in an area of
approximately twenty miles, in
wbich area five or six hospitals are
located. Their services were made
available if and when the Council
might be interested.
There being no further business
Councilman Meyers moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Couchman. Carried by tbe follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Coucbman, Meyers, McCauley.
Absent-Councilman Schultz.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk.
filed, and made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Meyers.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council.
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
Attest: """"'ë¡ïÿ'ci~~k""""""""""'" I
Leo F. Frommelt
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 30th day of June 1969.
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public
Mayor Pregler moved that the
communication be reeeived and
Regular Session, July 7, 1969,
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (D.5.T,)
Present-Mayor Pregler, Councll- Honorable Mayor
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley, and Council Members
Schultz. City Manager Gilbert D. Gentlemen:
Chavenelle. The City Planning and Zoning
Mayor Pregler read the call and Commission has held a public hear-
stated that service thereof had ing on a proposal to reclassify
been duly made and this meeting from Multiple Residence to Bus-
is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEET. iness District, property described
INe¡ of the City Council called for as:
tbe purpose of acting upon such City lots 101 through 108 and
business as may properly come all of City lots 137 through 140.
before the meeting. This includes property in the
Communication of Mrs. A. E. Block bounded by Fifth Street on
Bourgeault of 2165 Suzanne Drive the south Bluff Street on the west,
commenting on tbe absence of Sixth Sb-eet on the north and
park area in and around their place Locust Street on the east, and is
of residence, presented and read. referred to as Tract "A", and the
Councilman Meyers moved that the half block bounded by Locust
communication be received and Street on the east, Fourth Street
filed. Seconded by M~yor Pregler. on the south, the alley between
Carried by the followmg vote: Bluff and Locust on the west and
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-, Fifth Street on the north, and is
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,: referred to as Tract "B".
Schultz. : Tract "A" is occupied by a fill-
Nays-None. I ing station, the Federal Building
June 30, 1969 I and a rooming house.
To the Honorable Mayor Tract "B" is occupied by a fill-
and City Council ing station and repair garage and
Gentlemen: six residential structures.
. ~ accordance with the pro- It was the opinion of the Com-
VISions of Chapter 365 of the 1~66 mission tbat this was in accord
Code .of. Iowa, the ClVll ServICe with the General Development
Com~lsslOn conducted Entrance Plan for the City of Dubuque and
Exammabons on May 14, 1969 for that it would permit a logical ex-
the FIRE de~artment. tension of commercial develop-
The folloWIng have. passed b.oth ment in tbe downtown area at the
the written and physIcal e~amma- present time.
tions and are hereby cerbfled for . h
appointment to the Fire Depart- It is the recom~endation ~f ! e
t Planning and Zonmg CommisSIon
men Kenneth J. Link 78.3% that this proposal be approved.
Respectfully submitted Respectfully submitted.
Louis F. Fautscb ' Planning and Zoning
Gerard B. Noonan Commission
LeRoy H. Giles Don Gilson
Civil Service City Planner
Commission Mayor Pregler moved that the
recommendation be referred to the
City Solicitor for proper proceed-
ings. Seconded by Councilman
Couchman. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council-
men Couchman, Meyers, McCauley,
May 1. 1969
..........................1969. I
Adopted ......................................1969.
.- - - -