Mercy Drive Prof. Arts Bldg J
Mercy Drive
7' :
0- Graham Invest. C- Graham Const.
erect fnda system for future const. BP 5194 11/22/82 N/A
0- Graham Invest. C- Graham Const.
erect mas. comm. bldg. on exist. fnda. BP 5312 2/1/83
0- Graham Invest. C- Graham Const.
int. finish work on ground level mas. comm. bldg.
BP 5433 4/6/83 $N /A
10- Graham Invest. C -Frank Hardie Adv.
10" baked enamel letters BP 5734 6/3/83
0 .7 r. ;F P
Mercy Drive
0- Graham Invest. C- Graham Const.
part. finish int. mas. comm. bldg. BP 6103 8/16/83
0- Graham Investment C- Graham Const.
remodel int. mas. off. bldg. BP 6426 10/25/83 $6000.00
0- Graham Investment C- Graham Const.
alt. to int. mas. office bldg. BP 6553 12/19/83 $23900.00
0- Graham Investment Co. C- Graham Const.
alter. to int. BP 6578 1/12/84 $27,750.00
1 0- Graham Invest. Co. C- Signgraphics, Inc.
wall mtd. 15" neon illum. metal channel caduceus
BP 7097 6/4/84
Mercy Dr. c,,, rs r'l i .i
0- Graham Investment Co. C- Graham Const.
alterations to int. masnry off. bldg. BP 7507 8/9/84
0- Graham Invest. C- Graham Const.
alt. to int. masnry comm. bldg. BP 7924 11/7/84
0- Graham Invest. Co. C- Graham Const. Co.
remodel int. mas. off. bldg. BP 8148 3/14/85 $35000.00
0- Graham Invest. Co. C- Graham Const. Co.
alter. to inter. masnry office bldg. BP 11116 10/30/86
Mercy Dr. /4.1-5 J
0- Graham Invest. Co. C -Mercy Medical Center
alter. to inter. masnry off. bldg. BP 11866 5/28/87
0- Graham Invest. Co. C -Tim Pancratz
remodel 2nd flr. offices, off. bldg. BP 15487 6/23/89
0- Professional Arts Plaza C -Tim Pancratz
renovations to 3rd flr. office BP 15902 9/7/89 $10,000.00
0- Professional Arts Bldg C -Frank Hamel & Son
inter. alter. to make med. offices, BP21600 3/3/93
0 -Mercy Hospital -Med Assoc. C -Frank Hamel & Son
alter to inter. to med. offices BP23294 1/26/94 $25000.00
Mercy Dr. Prof. Arts Bldg
0- Professional Arts _Bldg C.= Ii_m_Pancratz
inter. remodeling of all of 2nd flr for med. offices
(Gannon Center) BP40683 8/23/99 $3