Merz Street 0710 710 Blierz St. B.of A.Petn. to erect enclosed porch. Granted Docket No. 31 -41 0 -0 Fuerst CGBen Schueller Erecting stoop and canopy on frame dwelling B.P. 215 5/19/41 :460.00 O. Robert Buelow B.P. 242 Remo_ Fr. Storage Bldg. B.P. 5 -2 -69 250.00 v= 710 Merz St. 0 -John Fuerst C T. L. Hansel & Son 800.00 Addition to rear of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.F. 921 3 -27 -50 "- Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co. R side S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 404 6 -13-56 1,400.00 0-Bob Shireman 2,600,00 Addition to side of S.F.Frame Dwellg. 3. `. 826 -3 0-Ers. John Fuerst C- Robert Shireman Erect Concrete Garage B.P. 583 8-11-67 1,500.00 710 MERZ `y 0- Brian Moore C- Owner Reroof, sd, 5F bP &583 =23- 9510 — 6= Brian - Moore C- Owner Sidinano (v) sd, SF BP_2861L3 -29 -95 $35OQ.00 •