Merz Street 0813 813 Herz St. /
0 - Joseph Gruber Sr. -
Add. to front of S.F.Fr.Dweflg.B.P. 459 7 -23 -58 2,000.00
B.of Pet*,. _ for Var. of Art. 111, Sect. 3 -e, to waive
rear yard requirement for er ection of addition to rear
21 from rear lot line. Granted Docket No. 13-66
O.- George Gruber C.,Art Bast
Addition to rear of S.'.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 579 5 - 23 - 66 1,000.01
- 0 -Geo /Dolores Gruber C- Zephyr Aluminum Prod.
siding, soffit,_gutte wind._ ,_door casing -.SF frm
BP 9600 2/5/86 $9416.00
G i
813 Merz Street
0. Joseph Gruber, Sr.
Erect Addition SF Fr Dw11g B.P. 459 7/ 2,000,00
0. George Gruber C. Art Bast
Erect Addition SF Fr Dwllg B.P. 579 5/23/66 1,000.00
Erect Addition SF Fr Dw11g B.P. 38 1/24/74 4,000.00 _
813 Merz
0- George Gruber C- Zephyr Alum.
t a 11—p a i o roof ; w4 -sow, S F -r-e-s BP 18619 -2 -2x-91 $41".f
: -. - org-e--G ithr Y C- Owner
erect is#p roof over bathroom Sf res BP1936O 9/25/91
0- Delores Gruber C -M & D Services
t /o, reroof, $±800:60
C -D° • •t - -. . ' • .,
t /o, reside(alum)install patio cover SF BP36O25 9/20/96