Mineral Street 2356 2356 Mineral at. / 0 -Joe Lukens. JIrect S. F. Frame Dwellg. 1 '.r. 659 11 -6-47 7,000.00 _ 0-Ed. F. O'Neill C- Raphael Strub _ Alterations to S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 798 9 -14 -61 7,200.00 f 0 Ed. OtNeill C-ItaricEd.Koerperick Cont. interior fire place to S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 956 10 -14 -63 500.00 0 - Ed O'Neill C - Rafe Strub Erect patio SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 267, 4/5/78 500.00 2356 Mineral St. 0 -Ed O'Neill C -Gary Koch Const. enclose exist.deck to make screen rm,SFfrm dwlg BP21725 4/8/93 $4575.00 0 Edmond O'Neill C -E.J. Hinz t /o, reroof SF BP36198 10/10/96 $6000.00