Monroe Street 0321 321 Monroe St.
B.of Petn. to erect garage. Granted provided not
closer than line drawn iron bay window to edge of
Next dwelling. Docket No. 36 -46
0- Ge.o .—Kah1.e - -C - Owner- -
Erect _concrete_b1adc_g rage B.P. 502 10`266-- $375.00
0 -Norma Denlinger C- Mid -State Co.
remove porch, repair siding, SF res BP 10711 8/25/86
0- Michael Pottenbaum C- Owner $1000.00
,dew roof, sd, SFfrm BP26253 10 -19 -94 $1400.00
- 0 -Mike Pottebaum C -Owner
-t/o exist. porch walls, rebuild 16'x9' 4- season room SF
-BP 41429 4/4/2000 $2304.00