Morningview Road 2094 2097. Morningvie'W Rd.
0- Iowa Impp. Co. C- Suiiner S. Sollitt. & Co.
Erect S.F. T.lasonry Dwelling B .P. 313 7/10/47 4 ,274.00
B.of A, Petn to waive side yard requirement for erection
of car port Granted provided written consent is obtained
from adjoining owner. Docket No. 364)52
0 -K. L. Hartman
Erect car port to side of S.F.Masonry Dwelling
B.P. 4 75 7 -11 -52 90.00
Klauer & Associates 5000
di to rear of S.F.Nasonry Dwellg.B.P. 417 6_1-61
2094 Morningview
0 -Ken Hartman C -Dick Koerperich
repair carport roof SF frm dwllg BP 6804 4/18/84 $700.00
0- Trieweiler /Germain C- Owner -Bob Nauman
erect L shaped addition side & rear SFbrk BP23538 4/6/94
0- Gary Germain C- Top All
New roof, sd, SF BP27161 11 -15 -94 $2884.00