Morningview Road 2155 A 2155 Morningview Rd. 0 - Iowa - Co. C- Sumner S. Sollitt & Co. Erect S.F. Mao onry Dwelling B.P. 298 7/10/17 $4902.01 B.of At. Art. Sect. 3 b, addition to side& Rear of present dwelling. Granted Docket No. 60 - 66 3' from side lot line. O. Robert Hueller C. Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc. Reroof S.F. Masonry Dwelling B.P. 1110 12 -2 -63 289,00 C-Ken Schromen J- ddition to side & Rear of S.F.Masonry Dwellg.B.P. 410 7 -1-69 1,500.00 • 2155 Morningview Road 0-Bob Mueller _ C- Dubugue Insulation & Sic ' C . Res ide Gable to S.F. Rfasonxy Dwellr.B.F. A67 7 - 21 - 70 0- Robert Mueller C- Mettille Roofing Reroof SF fr. dwllg. BP 515 5/29/79 $500.00 Board of Zoning Adjustment Docket 40 -81 Variance from side yard setback requirements - Approved 11/19/81 on conditions - not closer than 1', meets bldg. code • 2155 Morningview 0- Robert Mueller C -Dub. Insul. & Siding install portiko SF brk dwllg BP 4038 1/20/82 $705.00 0- Robert Mueller C- Disco Bldg t /o, reroof, awning, SF BP 285/8 3 -28 -95 $2425.00