Mt. Carmel Road 0777 777 Mt. Carmel Road 0 -Dr. Elvin Olin C- Richard Const. Co. Erect S.F.Br.Ven. Dwellg.B.P. 413 6 -14-5 30,000.00 C- Richard Const. Co. Reo.odel int. of S.F.Br.Ven.Dwellg.B.P. 763 9- 2- 60 400.00 Const. Swimming Pool Rear S.F. BR.Ven. Dwelling B.P. 616 7 -17 -63 6,000.00 Add. Side S.F. Br. Ven. DwellingB.P. 503 8 -1 -65 2,000.0i 0-Elvin Olin C- Richards Const. Co. Alteration to front entrace of S.F.Br.Ven Dwellg. B.P. 42 2 -1 -70 1,000.00