Mt. Carmel Road 0897 897
840.- Find_829 Mt. Carmel Road.
0-Lr. L. E. Qooley C. Harry Schiltz.
-'rect two story brick veneer Dwelling.
B.P. 245 7/27/37
B.of p. Est. Bldg. lines. 25 ft west of the
V est Property line or 44 ft Test of the west curb line.
Docket No 682-36
0 -J. Roshek 0 -Ralph k+Jueller.
ri,_ di ti on to U.F.. reme Dwellg.B.P. it 594 10 -9-47
0. Edward Babka C. Giese Roofing Co.
Roof SF Fr Dwllg B.P. 5 1/2/73 693.00
897 Mt. Cernel Road.
0 -Sohn Ro sz ek.
Petra. E.of A. to waive side yard requirement for
erection of addition to dwelling. Dense Docket
No. 55 -47
0 -Mark Falb C -Town & Country Builders
Remodel SF fr. dwllg BP 631 6/19/79 $3000.00
0 -Mark Falb C -Town & Country Bldrs.
- erect 14x36 add to SF frm dwllg 2nd story BP 3742 9/14/81
• 897 Mt. Carmel Rd. 3
— O =Mark C. FaTb
erect add to SE brk ven dwl l g BP 7936 11/9/84 $34504 _ (l0
0 -Mark Falb C -Town & Country Bldrs.
panel basement, ceiling, SF res BP 11820 5/19/87 $2300.00
0 =Mark I-alb C -Town & Country Bldrs.
replace roof rafters,sheeting, reroof, SF e . _
BP 14184 8/23/88 $3500.00
0 -Mark Falb C -Town & Country Bldrs.
er eu L 8x12 wuud dcuk on r clout, S - :e e el
0 -Mark C. Falb C -E.J. Hinz
- t/ u , rerc r SF B P 35567 7/2 $fteeime
897 Mt. Carmel
0 -Mark Falb C -E. J. Hinz Const.
erect 71'x21 3 rook place of deck, SF BP41818
— 61_1412000 $17,000.00 -- - -