University Avenue 2050 y 2050 University 0-University of Dubuque C-Colt Drum Corps install 4X8 temp sign on 2 steel fence posts BP 15566 7/7/89 N/A 0- University of Dubuque C- Schromen Excavating demolish 44x44 frm gar. BP 15739 8/7/89 $N /A 0- University of Dub. C- Conlon Const. fodtv, walls, - fir system, roof, institutional bldg. BP 15797 8/17/_89_-$228-,100.00_ 10- University of Dub. C- Inter -State Contr. school dorm, repair flat roof, BP19536 11/1/91 $500.00 0-University of Dubuque C Inter - State - Contr. repair flat roof on dorm, school BP20803 8/10/92 $500.00 2050 University 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP36354 11/5/96 $n /a 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP36447 12/4/96 n/a 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner install temporary sign BP36513 1/8/97 n/a 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP36557 2/5/97 n/a 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP36639 3/18/97 n/a if 2050 University 0- University of Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP36756 4/11/97 n/a 0- University of Dubuque C- Conlon Const. erect addition for network hub bldg, school BP38634 5/14/98 $73,460.00 0- University of Dubuque C- Rafoth Sheet Metal reroof using old tiles, school BP39109 8/6/98 $85,000.00 0- University of Dubuque C- Tschiggfrie Excavat. demolish block-garage-located-on-corner-of-Pearl & McCormicl BP40474 7/12/99 n/a