Washington Street & 26th Street 2600 Washington 4 0- Klauer Mfg. Co. C Geisler Bros. Co. reroof comm. bldg. BP 12913 11 /25/87 $8972.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 30 -92 for Conditional Use Permit to allow off-premise parking lot at Elm & 26th Approved 5/28/92 with conditions 0- Klauer Mfg C-Advanta Sign Co install 44 "x40' alum sign over exist sign west wall BP 24538 _ 8/24/94 $N /A 2600 WASHINGTON 0- Klauer Mfg C- Geisler Bros Install new roof sys, remove old, EPDM, comm BP 31201 7/6/95 5119,971.00 0- Klauer Mfg C- Geisler Bros Remove exstg roof sys gelow barrell, EPDM roof, install new, comm BP 31202 7/6/95 $12,131.00 0- Klauer Mfg C- Geisler Bros Remove exstg roof sys - West bldg, install new, EPDM, comm BP 31203 7/6/95 $66,637.00 26th & Washington O-Klauer Mfg. C- Conlon ,Const. Co. erect veh. storage bldg (stl) BP36384 11/13/96 $100,000.00 O-Klauer Mfg C- Blackhawk Sprinklers install backflow prevention devices, comm. BP40848 9/27/99 $16,812.00 0- Klauer Mfg C- Blackhawk Sprinklers install 6" backflow on fire main, comm. BP41107 12/2/99 '$6025.00 Zoning Board of Adjustment Docket 3 -00 for Variance to construct a wireless communications facility with tower 150' high, in LI district. Approved 1/27/2000