2004 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 2004 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 2004 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ...............................................ANN E. MICHALSKI COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ...................................... DANIEL E. NICHOLSON COUNCIL MEMBER FIRST WARD ........................................JOHN H. MARKHAM COUNCIL MEMBER SECOND WARD ..............................................ROY D. BUOL COUNCIL MEMBER THIRD WARD ...................................... JOYCE E. CONNORS COUNCIL MEMBER FOURTH WARD ..................................... PATRICIA A. CLINE COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITY MANAGER .........................................................MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN CITY CLERK ......................................................................JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER CORPORATION COUNSEL .....................................................BARRY A. LINDAHL DEPARTMENT MANAGERS ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ...................................CYNTHIA M. STEINHAUSER AIRPORT MANAGER .............................................................. ANDREW D. PERRY BUDGET ANALYST ....................................................................... DAWN L. LANG BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER .....................................RICHARD R. RUSSELL CITY ASSESSOR .............................................................RICHARD A. ENGELKEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ............................... WILLIAM J. BAUM FINANCE DIRECTOR ...........................................................KENNETH J. TEKIPPE FIRE CHIEF ..............................................................................E. DANIEL BROWN HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR... DAVID W. HARRIS HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR ................................................... KELLY R. CARSON LEISURE SERVICES MANAGER ................................................... GIL D. SPENCE LIBRARY DIRECTOR ............................................................SUSAN A. HENRICKS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANAGER ...................... DONALD J. VOGT PERSONNEL MANAGER .........................................................RANDALL K. PECK PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER .....................................LAURA B. CARSTENS POLICE CHIEF ............................................................................KIM B. WADDING PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST ...................................... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER. MICHAEL A. KOCH TIL 4120104 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER (ACTING) FROM 4121/04 GUS N. PSIHOYOS WATER DEPARTMENT MANAGER ....................................... ROBERT M. GREEN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MANAGER ........................ PAUL J. HORSFALL Regular Meetings of the City Council were held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 6:30 P.M. INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(1/19)(3/1)(4/5)(5/3)(5/17)(6/21)(7/6)(8/2)(9/7)(10/4)(10/18)(12/6) .............................................................................2,15,69,107,164,180,228,245,275,303,341,350,389 A & B Tap, Carol Meyers, 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/5)(6/7)........................125,215 A & T, LLC, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Beer Permit. (4/5).................................................124,125 Abandoned property – 409 Burch St., John White, City acquisition started. (12/6)....................404 Abatement Policy, Sidewalk Inspection, revised policy re: defects etc. (12/20)..........................438 Abstract of Votes for Baseball Stadium Election. (1/5)........................................................................6 Abuse – Substance, Services Center Report. (2/2)............................................................................32 Access to NW Arterial, temporary, for McDermott Exc. For Holliday Third Addn. (7/19)............256 Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies – Police Dept. reaccredited. (9/20)......................340 Achievement Award for Economic Development from International Downtown Assn. (10/18)358 Achtemeier, Rev. Dr. Katherine, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church. (6/7)....................................209 Acme Glass & Auto Parts, eminent domain of property for University Ave. Extension. (11/15)375 ADA Compliant accessible ramps – downtown sidewalk design discussion. (11/15)...............373 ADA requirements – Minibus, fare increase discussion. (12/6).....................................................401 Adams Co. G.O. Capital Loan, American Trust, relocate: Industrial Center W. (1/19)(2/2).26,33-40 Adams Co. relocation completion, Council’s Management Agenda. (9/14).................................318 th Adams Co., demolition permit for 100 E. 4 St. – industrial building. (11/15)..............................376 thth Adams Street, Plat of Survey, between E. 5 & Ice Harbor Dr. – formerly E. 4. (8/2).................278 Adams, Sandra G., claim; referred to Insurance. (6/7)(6/21)....................................................209,228 Addy Award – Advertising, to City, Logo Design. (3/15).................................................................102 Administrative Services Agree. Express Scripts, Inc. City’s drug, pharmacy benefits. (12/20)409 Administrative Services Fee Renewal, Worker’s Comp. Alternative Service Concepts. (9/20)320 Administrative Services Fee, Health Choices. (6/21).......................................................................228 Admiral Sheehy Drive & Dubuque Greyhound Park, temporary stop signs. (6/21).....................241 Adult entertainment Business– zoning, buffers governing location and separation. (10/18)...356 Advertising Awards – Addy Award to City for Logo Design etc. (3/15).........................................102 Affordable Housing Program funds, application Federal Home Loan Bank, Des Moines. (3/15)94 Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application, Gronen Properties, 1798 Washington St.(11/15).387 Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program Application, Gronen Properties, Upper Main St. (1/5)...4 Aggie Street renaming to Oak Park Place. (1/19)................................................................................27 Agreement -- 28E, Eastern Iowa Clan Lab Task Force, - Police Dept.(6/7)...................................212 Agreement -- 28E, IA DNR, fishing pier at Heron Pond; amendment. (2/16)(8/2)....................56,279 Agreement -- Purchase of Services with RSVP – Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. (4/5)...122 Agreement – CDBG with HUD for programming year 7/04 & ending 6/30/05. (7/6)........................24 Agreement – CEBA Loan for Shepherd Co. relocation to downtown. (1/19)..................................17 Agreement --Crompton Corp., auction of Brewery. (3/1)...................................................................69 Agreement – Dubuque Humane Society, Purchase of Service Agree., next five years. (6/7)....223 Agreement – Dubuque Nursery & Landscaping on Jackson St. – UDAG Loan. (4/5).................134 Agreement – Fringe Area Policy, City/County Planning, pre-annexation agree. (3/1)(3/15)....77,94 Agreement - Grand Opera House Conservation Easement Agreement – Historical Div. of Iowa Dept. of Cultural Affairs. (8/16)......................................................................................................296 Agreement -- Hillcrest Family Services for Murphy Park for Lighting Display. (6/21).................230 Agreement – Housing Enterprise Zone Program, IDED, Gronen Adaptive Reuse – 1000 block of Main St. (8/2).....................................................................................................................................277 Agreement – IDOT, preliminary design of Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial. (7/6)(11/1).........246,364 Agreement – Interagency between City & County Bd of Health, swimming pools & spas. (7/6)246 Agreement – Lease & Parking Use Agreement, Dbq Casino Hotel. (7/6)......................................251 1 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement - Lease with Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home for parking – Jackson Park; objections by Attorneys Hammer & Simon. (4/19)(5/3)(6/7)........................................146,173,211 Agreement – Purchase of Services Dubuque Main St. Ltd. (4/5)..................................................123 Agreement – Purchase of Services Greater Dubuque Development Corp. (4/5).........................123 Agreement – Purchase of Services Helping Services of NE Iowa, Inc. (4/5)................................123 Agreement – Purchase of Services Operation: New View. (4/5)...................................................122 Agreement – Purchase of Services Project Concern, Inc. Foster Grandparent Program. (4/5)122 Agreement – Purchase of Services with Project Concern, Inc. – Information & Referral and Child Care Referral. (4/5)...........................................................................................................................122 Agreement – Purchase of services with St. Stephen’s Food Bank. (4/5)......................................122 Agreement – Release & Indemnity, City no longer has claim against Conlon Construction or St. Paul Fire & Marine for Main St. Buildings litigation. (2/16)..........................................................56 Agreement – Service with TRICOR Safety Consulting – hazardous communications training etc. – Operations & Maintenance Dept. (7/6)......................................................................................247 Agreement – Shot Tower Grant for Phase I restoration. (1/5).............................................................4 Agreement – SW Arterial, IA Hwy 32, Supplemental Agree. (5/3)...................................................165 Agreement --Tri-State Modelers, Lease for portion of Roosevelt Park. (4/5)................................107 Agreement - United Clinical Lab – Memo of Understanding, VNA, HUD related lead grant related services. (4/5)...................................................................................................................................108 Agreement – VNA, IA P. Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement. (7/6).........245 Agreement, Administrative Services, Express Scripts, Inc. – (7/6)................................................246 Agreement, Collective Bargaining – Operating Engineers; amendment. (7/6)(8/16)............247,294 Agreement, Development for Westbrook Subdivision – affordable single-family housing; revised Agreement with Callahan Con. (4/5)(6/21)............................................................................108,228 Agreement, Dubuque Main St. Ltd. – IDED. (9/7)..............................................................................303 Agreement, Dubuque Professional Firefighters. (5/17)...................................................................180 Agreement, Gaming, Council’s Management’s Agenda. (9/14)......................................................318 Agreement, Grant, Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (12/6)............................................................393 Agreement, Grant, Relocation of White Water Creek Bridge, agreement with State Historical Society of Iowa. (12/6)..............................................................................................................392,393 Agreement, Grant, Save America’s Treasures, Shot Tower.(12/6).................................................393 Agreement, Howard R. Green Supplemental No. 2, University Ave. Extension. (5/3)..........165,166 Agreement, Lease – Dubuque Greyhound Park - Dubuque Casino Hotel.(6/29)(7/6).243,250.251 Agreement, Lease, Alexander Co., Dubuque Star Brewery Building. (3/15).................................103 Agreement, Lease, for Patio Area, Peninsula Gaming Co. (4/5).....................................................124 th Agreement, License for Monitoring Wells at 375 E. 9 – former Eagle Window facility. (6/7)..210 Agreement, Loan, Historic Pres. Revolving Loan Fund $200,000 G.O. Loan. (12/6)(12/20)396,429 Agreement, Mediacom Franchise, Management Agenda for 2004-06. (9/14)...............................318 Agreement, SMG, - Five Flags Civic Center, amendment. (10/4)....................................................341 Agreement, Staffing, Dubuque Iniatives for administrative & accounting services. (8/16)........295 Agreement, Vision Iowa, request of Mayor for extension of Agreement provisions. (9/7)........304 Agreements, assignment of CIGNA ones to Prudential Financial, Inc. (4/5).........................121,122 Agreements, Utility Franchise , Aquila & Alliant Energy, Amendments. (3/15)(4/5)..95,96,131,132 Agri Grain – Cargill Lease Assignment – assignment of leases. (2/16)..........................................59 Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating – Mechanical Code adopted. (8/2).................................290 Air Service & Emplanement Strategy, high priority item – Council policy agenda. (9/14)..........318 Air Service links between U.S. & international markets, Letter to DOT. (10/4).............................343 Airport Capital Improvement Projects - 3, FY 2004. (2/2)...................................................................42 Airport Commission applicant Teri Hawks Goodmann; reappointed. (8/2)(8/16)...................28,299 2 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A Airport Commission new Council Member – Nicholson rather than Markham. (10/4)................349 th Airport Inn, Ethel Schwartz, 574 E. 16 St. Liquor Lic. (7/19).........................................................260 Airport Maintenance Workers – Bargaining Agree – Teamsters Local #421. (5/3)......................165 Airport restaurant operation discussion. (2/26)..................................................................................67 Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility – IA DNR inspection report. (6/7).....................................212 Airport, Dubuque Regional, CIP program – expansion of Americas Hangar. (9/20)...................322 Alcohol Ordinance amendment, request by College Presidents; drink special prohibition discussion etc.(8/2) (8/16).......................................................................................................284,300 Alcoholic Beverages Ordinances, prohibit buffet of alcohol and underage time change. (9/20)(10/4)(10/18)..............................................................................................335,346, 347,357,358 Aldi #30, Aldi Inc., 2160 Holiday Dr., Beer Per. (10/4).......................................................................344 Alert System, Emergency, FCC, review. (10/18)................................................................................353 Alexander Co. – Draft Agreement, Lease, Dbq Star Brewery Building. (3/15)..............................103 Alignment approved – Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project – Design Elements. (12/20)......436 Alignment Study, Bee Branch Creek Restoration – Building Permit Moratorium. (1/5)...............13 th Alignment Study, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Proj 24 St.- Garfield Ave. (11/1)(12/13)369,408 Alignment Study, Bee Branch, letter from Laurie Bartolotta. (10/4)..............................................342 All Star Community Award made by Iowa League of Cities. (10/4)................................................341 All Systems awarded Base Bid #2 for Police Dept. Remodeling. (6/7)............................................22 All you Can Drink specials at bars prohibited. (8/2) (8/16).......................................................284,300 Alley – Alpine & Nevada, No Parking request; Ordinance. (9/7)(11/15)(12/6).................304,386,406 Alley parking, fine increased. (3/3)........................................................................................................85 Alley vacating petition, Salem St. area, by Randy & Pamela Davis, Ben Mueller and Marg. Mueller. (6/7)(6/21)...................................................................................................................................217,237 thth Alley vacation from 11 St. to 13 St. – between Central & White St., for School district for new Prescott School campus etc. (12/6).......................................................................................401,402 Alley vacation of S. Grandview, Altman & Whelan St. for various neighbors. (3/1)(3/15)...71,98,99 Alleys, City Street, abutting property at 777 Seward, for Penhollows. (3/1)..............................71,72 Alliance, Iowa Health Buyers, letter of support, Federal Mediation & Conciliation.(7/19)..........257 Alliant Amphitheater – Rotary Club, Beer Per. (6/21).......................................................................233 Alliant Amphitheatre, Four Mounds Foundations, Beer Per. (7/19)...............................................259 Alliant Electric Co. rate increase, Council objection to Iowa Utility Bd. (3/15)(4/5)..............105,123 Alliant Energy, was Interstate Power, amend Utility Franchise Agree. (3/15)(4/5).....95,96,131,132 Alliant Energy Agreement, install Outdoor Warning System, E of Julien Care Facility. (11/15)379 Allianz, renewal rates for stop loss insurance for City’s Health Plans. (6/21)..............................228 Alpine Street & Nevada St., alley, request for No Parking. (9/7).....................................................304 Alta Vista, 1339, petition for landmark status by David & Jeanne Moessner. (6/7)(8/2)......218,283 Alternative Services Concept – ASC, worker’s Comps claims – Administrative Services Fee Renewal. (9/20).................................................................................................................................320 Althaus, Harry and Mary, request to purchase property, Tanzanite Dr. (12/6).............................389 Altman Street (aka St. Joseph St.) & Whelan St., vacate portion of alley S. Grandview Ave. for various neighbors. (3/1)(3/15)................................................................................................71,98,99 Ambulance timely response, questioning emergency service by citizens. (6/7).........................223 Amended & Restated Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area. (1/5)...............................................8 Amendment to FY 2004 Budget. (4/19)........................................................................................146,147 Amendment to FY 2005 Budget. (9/20)........................................................................................332,333 Amendment to Lease with Historical Star Development. (8/16).....................................................295 Amendment, Utility Franchise Agreements, Aquila and Alliant Energy. (3/15)(4/5)........95,131,132 America Communities Award, Preserve, Application. (1/5)................................................................3 3 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A America’s River Museum, EDI Special Project Grant amendment. (10/4).....................................343 America’s River project – Cities Examples of Programs for Cities Database, National League of Cities congratulating. (6/7).............................................................................................................213 America’s Treasures, Save, Grant Agreement – Shot Tower. (12/6)................................................39 American Heritage Streetcars for transit link between Port of Dubuque & downtown. (4/5).....135 American Legion #6, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/21)..........................................................................233 American Main Street Awards Application of Dbq Main St. – city endorsement. (10/18)...........353 American Public Works Assn., John Klostermann, APWA Leader of the Year award. (12/6)...407 American Red Cross thanking City for Emergency Response Vehicle funds. (6/21)...................23 American Trust & Savings Bank authorized for city funds. (1/19)...................................................17 American Trust & Savings Bank - Adams Co. G.O. Capital Loan Note from American Trust for relocation to Dbq Industrial Center West. (1/19)(2/2).........................................................26,33-40 American Trust & Savings Bank, Dbq Yacht Basin Lease Assignment, from US Bank. (7/19).255 Americas Hangars at Dubuque Regional Airport, CIP reallocation, FY 2005 funds etc. (9/20)..322 Amoco Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras Blvd. Beer Per. (8/16)..............................................297 Amoco, Cedar Cross, LB Metcalf, 1200 Cedar Cross Rd., Beer Per. (7/6)....................................248 Analysis, Structural, RFP’s for Iowa and Locust St. Parking Ramps. (4/5)...................................123 Andaluz, Bruggeman, Inc., 253 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/6)..................................................................396 Anderson, Richard A., Mayor of Asbury, work with Dbq City Mgr. – annexation parcels severance. (6/21)(8/2)...............................................................................................................232,275 Anderson, Rick – Anderson – Schaul Carwash Corp. re: Cedar Lake Planned Unit Development zoning. (9/20)(10/4)..........................................................................................323,345 Angie’s Bar, Angela Mangeno, 1401 Elm, Liquor Lic. (9/20)...........................................................322 th Anglin, P.J., 5130 Dunn Rd., E.Dbq., Il. Objecting to closing of 12 St. (12/6).............................402 Animal Ordinance update for consistency with State Code. (6/7).................................................225 Animal Shelter – Dubuque Humane Society, add’l funds request, Purchase of Services; approval of five year Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5)(6/7).......................................................134,223 Annex (City Hall) roof replacement project, completion. (7/19)......................................................258 Annexation agreement for tax exemptions to property owners. (1/5).............................................10 Annexation of 704 acres west of Dubuque, objections, discussion; review by City Development Board; City Development Bd info.; ruling by City Development Bd.; resolution of support of Bd’s approval of annexation of 704 acres & sever 6 parcels to Asbury; IDED submit Findings of Fact &Conclusion of Law etc.. (1/5)(2/2)(3/1)(4/5)(6/7)(7/19)(8/2).......9,33,69,107,213,254,275 Annexation Status Report to City Development Board. (10/4).......................................................342 Annexation, Voluntary, Extension of benefits to non-consenting property owners. (4/19).......155 Annexed area – planning, zoning services etc. – high priority items. (9/14)................................318 Annual Action Plan, CDBG, FY 2005; Public hearing; amendment #1. 1/19)(2/24)(5/17)..19,66,183 Annual Action Plan, second amendment, CDBG – HUD. (1/19).......................................................18 Annual Budget, FY 2005, Adopted. (3/3)..............................................................................................80 Annual Performance and Evaluation Report – CAPER – CDBG Prog. (9/20)...............................321 Annual Products Report, Government Performance & Results Act – GPRA. (12/6)...................395 Annual Report – Federal Government Performance & Results – Nat’l Parks Service. (1/5)..........4 Annual Report, Mediacom 2003. (7/19)..............................................................................................254 Annual Report, ECIA, 2004. (12/20).....................................................................................................413 Annual Report, Human Rights Commission. (12/6).........................................................................395 Apartment facilities reclassification from commercial to residential, moratorium, legislative correspondence. (4/19)...................................................................................................................143 Apex Concrete, LLC, rezoning requested for intersection area of Hwy 61/151 & Hwy 52, 4 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A objections of neighbors etc.; no traffic study by IDOT. (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)................12,24,25,32,42 Appeal of Decision to deny City’s claim for pumping costs for floodwall. (11/1)........................363 Apple Corps LP, Applebees, 1395 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (6/21)............................................233 Applebees, 1395 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (6/21)..........................................................................233 Apples for Students Proclamation – for St. Mark’s – School Supplies. (7/6)...............................245 Application, Grant. Historic Resource Devel. Prog. relocate White Water Creek Bridge. (1/19)16 Applications for voluntary annexation of territory with non-consenting property owners. (1/5)..9 Appointments of Council to Council boards and Commissions etc. (10/4).................................349 Appreciation by Iowa Arts Council for City’s interest in the Arts. (8/16).......................................293 Appreciation from Schools. playground equipment improvements. (9/20)..................................340 Appreciation voiced to quick Fire & Police response to Archdiocesan building fire. (8/2).......292 Appropriations Bill – property tax credits, Legislative correspondence. (4/5)............................108 Appropriations Bill Regarding Property Tax Credits, legislative correspondence. (4/5)...........108 April 2004, financial reports. (6/7).......................................................................................................209 April 2004, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (7/19).............................................................253 April 2004, Proof of Claims & Revenues. (6/21)................................................................................228 April 2004, Proof of Council Minutes published. (5/3).....................................................................164 Aquila – Peoples Gas, Utility Franchise Agreement Amendment. (3/15)........................................95 Aquila Gas Co., Water Meter Reading Contract. (5/17)....................................................................182 Araeipour, Marie, applicant, TV Cable Comm Teleprogramming C.; appointed. (4/5)(4/19)126,151 Aragon Tap, Myra Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(11/15)...............233,381 Aramark Educational Serv., Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic. (4/5)..............................125 Arbor Day Proclamation. (5/3).............................................................................................................164 Arbor Estates, Final Plat, second phase. (4/19)................................................................................154 Arbor Estates, Kivlahan Farms, 10’ wide right of way easement. (419)........................................146 Arbor Estates, next phase – Kivlahan Farms, Agreement – exchange of properties. (2/16).......57 Arboretum Drive – Parking, denial of “No Parking” request of J. Frick of Arboretum Bd. (5/3)168 Arboretum Drive – Sidewalks, John Kivlahan requesting removal of need on N side; installation required. (9/7)(11/15)................................................................................................................306,386 Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Project. (8/16)(9/20).................................................299,335 Arboretum Property, exchange of properties, Arbor Estates – Kivlahans. (2/16).......................57 Arby’s Q-Mart, Liberty Station LLC, 10 S. Main, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7)...........216,307 Archdiocesan building – fire response, appreciation to City Fire & Police. (8/2)........................292 Architects, American Institute, Eagle Point Park Pavilions – Shelters, nominated as notable th buildings of the 20 Century. (9/20)..............................................................................................322 Architectural – Historical Survey, Phase V, State Historical Preservation Bureau will be funding Grant Application etc.; Jim Jacobsen as consultant for Phase V. (1/5)(3/15)(5/17)......2,93,182 Architectural & Historic Resources in Dubuque, Iowa 1833-1955, National Register of Historic Places approval of Multiple Property Document “The (6/7)......................................................224 Arends, Michele, claim.(11/15).............................................................................................................374 Arensdorf, Pamela, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(12/6)....216,396 Army Corps of Engineers, Senator Grassley, FEMA, floodwall pumping stations during flooding of May 2004. (10/18).........................................................................................................................352 Art Museum, defer payments on Downtown Rehab Loan – Stoltz guaranty. (5/3)......................167 Arterial, SW, First Amendment – City, County & IDOT – addendum to SW Arterial Environmental Assessment. (3/15)............................................................................................................................93 Arterial, SW, Phase I Consultant Selection – Earth Tech, Inc. – with Durrant Architects, Preliminary Engineering Design; Consultant contract. (9/7)(12/6).........................................................305,394 Arterial, SW, request add’l funding – Dbq Metropolitan Area Transportation Study, County etc. 5 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A (12/6)..................................................................................................................................................395 Arts and Cultural Organizations – letters in support of funding etc. (9/7)....................................304 Arts & Cultural organizations, DRA grant etc. (9/7)..........................................................................305 Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission ordinance. (9/7).................................................313 Arts & Culture Funding, letters from various individuals & organizations in support of. (9/20)319 Arts & Cultural Advisory Affairs Commission applicants; appointments of applicants: Wm. Intrilligator, Amy Link, Rebecca Fabricious, Jane Kenworthy, Paul Kohl, Susan Riedel, Mark Wahlert. (12/6)(12/20).....................................................................................................401,416 Arts and Cultural Task Force recommendations & direction to apply for DRA Grant. (8/2)......288 th Arts Council, Dubuque, 500 E. 4 St., Liquor Lic. (4/19)..................................................................146 Arts Council, Iowa, appreciation for City’s interest in the Arts. (8/16)...........................................293 Arts funding request of Melissa Hancock. (12/20)...........................................................................409 Arts Policy & Funding, Top Priority Item. (9/14)................................................................................318 Artwork for Grand River Center, Deed of Gift – Kay Norman. (3/15)................................................94 Asbury Annexation – City Development Bd. various notices; Ruling by City Development Board; support from City Devel. Bd. to sever 6 parcels of land from Dbq. to Asbury; Asbury Mayor to work with City on plan of action. (2/16)(3/1)(4/5)(6/7)(6/21)(8/2)...............55,69,107,213,232,275 Asbury BP Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co. 3300 Asbury Rd., Cig. Per. ; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7)...215,307 Asbury Plaza No 11, final plat. (2/16)...............................................................................................55,56 Asbury Plaza No. 12, final plat. (10/4).................................................................................................348 Asbury Rd., petition requiring sidewalks on N side from JFK to NW Arterial.(9/20)...................322 Asbury Road – NE Corner & NW Arterial, rezoning – Tim Quagliano, Buesing. (3/15)................98 Asbury Road Widening at NW Arterial Project. (10/4)(10/18)............................................344,345,356 Asbury Road, 3860, plat of survey, divide Lot 1, Kitchen family properties. requested by Schneiders. (7/19)............................................................................................................................254 Asbury Road, approval installation sidewalks, N side of Asbury,JFK to NW Arterial. (12/20)..438 Asbury, City of, suit vs City of Dubuque & City Development Bd. (9/7)........................................303 Asphalt Joint & Crack Sealing Project, IDOT notice, Crescent Ridge to Devon Dr. (10/4).........342 Asphalt Paving Program, 2004. (4/19)(5/17)................................................................149,150,200,201 Asphalt Paving Project, 2003, final acceptance. (11/15)..................................................................377 Assessments for Kennedy Road Reconstruction Proj. (3/15).....................................................89,90 stnd Assessments for White Street Reconstruction Project – 21 to 32. (4/5)...........................110-121 Assessments, 2003 Sidewalk Project. (2/2)...............................................................................43,44,45 Assignment of Cargill Lease – Agri Grain. (2/16)................................................................................59 Assignment of CIGNA Agreements to Prudential. (4/5)............................................................121,122 Assistance Funds – Homeownership, app. – Affordable Housing Program funds. (3/15).........94 Assistance Program, Employee, with Mercy Medical Center. (9/20)..............................................320 Assistant Planner position requested at budget hearing. (2/26)......................................................67 Associates Dr. request vacation, The CU-LINK, final plat approval. (9/7)(10/18)............................................................................................................307,308,330,331,351 Assumption Agreement & Mortgage Subordination Agreement re: Mortgage interest in E. 40’ of Lot 85 in City of Dubuque.(10/18)..................................................................................................352 Athenian Grill, 1091 University, Liquor Lic.(5/17).............................................................................185 Auction of Personal Property at Brewery, contract. (3/1)..................................................................69 Audit Report for 7/1/02 thru 6/30/03 Closed – HUD. (3/1)...................................................................69 Audubon Summer School Reading Program, Cp2 funds. (5/17)....................................................183 August 2004 Financial Reports submitted. (9/20)............................................................................319 August 2004 printed Council Proceedings approved. (9/20)..........................................................319 August 2004, Proof of List of claims and summary of revenues. (10/18).....................................350 6 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE A Ausenhus, Dennis A., of Hy-Vee, acceptance of Lot 1A of Eagles Place in Dbq. (9/20).............330 Ausenhus, Dennis A., of Hy-Vee, acceptance of final plat of Hy-Vee Subd. (11/15)....................377 Auto Glass Center owned by Elm Real Estate – Fair Market Value, needed for University Ave. realignment. (3/15).............................................................................................................................91 Auto Junk Yard, northend, expansion, objection. (6/21).................................................................230 Auxiliary Power Project, Ice Harbor Pump, Project. (8/2)................................................................275 Avenarius, Debra Ann, claim; referred to Ins. (1/19)..........................................................................15 Avenarius, Milt, Claim; settlement. (9/20)(10/4).........................................................................319,341 AveNew, The, 1700 Central, Eric Vigen, Liquor Lic. (12/20)............................................................415 Avon Park, request for replacement of benches, light poles, waste receptacles. (6/7)..............213 Award – Achievement for Economic Development, International Downtown Assn. (10/18).....358 Award – All Star Community Award by Iowa League of Cities. (10/4)...........................................341 Award - Economic Development from Int’l Downtown Assn. – Achievement Award. (10/18)...358 Award – Excellence in Financial Reporting, Government Finance Officers Assn. (11/15)........380 Award – Grand River Center, Addy Award – Advertising – Logo Design. (3/15).........................102 Award – Masonry Project of the Year, Grand River Center. (11/1).................................................362 Award – Michael Van Milligen as City Manager of the Year. (1/19)..................................................28 Award - Operations & Mainten. Super. John Klostermann, APWA’s Leader of the Year. (12/6)407 Award – Preserve Americas Communities. (1/5)..................................................................................3 Awards – City support of application of Great American Main St. for 2005. (10/18)...................353 Awards, Grand River Center. (10/18)..........................................................................................358,359 Awn Stop Mart, Inc. 1998 Jackson, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/19)(6/21)...............................19,233 7 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE B BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5).............................................2 Babka, Ed, in support of City & Arts & Cultural organization. (9/7)...............................................304 Bahl, Bill, in favor of being annexed by Dubuque. (1/5)......................................................................9 Bakke, Rod, applicant for Five Flags Civic Center Comm.; reappointed. (7/6)(7/19)..........249,260 Bald Eagle Court, parking prohibited, Eagle Valley Subd. (12/20)................................................438 Balmer, Ronald A., accept Ord. 27-04, Chair, Grand View United Methodist Church, rezoning etc. of 419 N. Grandview etc. (4/19)......................................................................................................153 Bandy, Chuck, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.; appointed. (9/7)(9/20)..........................310,323 Bank account information & make transfers, city employees authorized. (1/19)..........................16 Bank depositories listed for city funds. (1/19)....................................................................................17 Bank depository information, city employees authorized. (1/19).....................................................17 Bank Franchise fee to cities restoration requested, Legislative correspondence. (2/16)............59 Bankruptcy Court – Eagle Food Centers, Inc. (1/19)..........................................................................16 Banners – Mercy Health Center request permission for 125 years; replacement banners to recognize nursing services credentials. (3/15)(12/20)..........................................................91,411 Banowetz, Del, claim; referred to Ins. (4/5)........................................................................................107 Banwarth, Francine, re: Eagle Point Bluff Study funding comments. (9/20)................................320 Bard – Apex Concrete, Dennis Their, Pres. zoning concrete plant US 61/151 & Hwy 52. (1/19).26 Bargaining Agreement, Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329. (6/21).....................................229 Bargaining Agreement, City & Teamsters Local #421 – Airport Maintenanceworkers. (5/3).....165 Bargaining Agreement, International Union of Operating Engineers. (7/6)...........................246,247 Barge (Dbq) & Fleeting Service Co., Newt Marine Service, contract Heron Pond Fishing Pier Pro. (9/7)....................................................................................................................................................312 Barrington Lakes Subd., access drive, re: final plat Stone Brook Center Second Addn. (2/2)...50 Bars – prohibit underage late in evening, request by college presidents. (8/2)..........................284 Bartalotta, Laurie, of Bee Branch Citizens Advisory Comm., discussion of alignment study. (5/17)(10/4).................................................................................................................................179,342 Baseball – Rising Stars Independent League Days Proclamation. (6/7).......................................209 Baseball Dreamers LLC, Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Per. (3/15)........................................................95 Baseball Stadium Election, abstract of votes. (1/5)..............................................................................6 Basket Expressions, Mildred Dolter, 474 Bluff St., Wine Permit. (7/6)...........................................249 Bauerly, James, claim.(12/6)................................................................................................................389 Baum, Bill, Economic Develop. Director - will continue to serve on GDDC Bd. (6/7)..................223 Baum, Bill, Proclamation honoring him at his retirement. (12/20).................................................409 Bee Branch Citizens Advisory C.-ESAC support stormwater management rebate. (11/15)......374 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study, Building Permit Moratorium; extension of moratorium; communication of Laurie Bartalotta. (1/5)(7/19)(10/4).............................13,264,342 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study Work Session, letter to Jim Patchett.(11/15)387 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project Council worksession. (12/13)..........................................408 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Design Elements Standards approved. (12/20)..........................436 Bee Branch Restoration Align/ Study; Citizens Advisory Comm. recommend. (5/17)(8/2).179,284 Beecher Beverage, 1691 Asbury, Beer Per.; Wine Permit; Cig. Per. (5/3)(6/7)..............168,169,215 Beer sales, buffet sales prohibited. (10/18).......................................................................................357 Behnke, Joseph, objecting Dbq Industrial Center West PUD amend. for expansion. (12/20)...419 Behr, Brian J., relocation of Apex Concrete at US 52 South. (2/2)...................................................32 Belcastro, Frank, 385 N. Grandview, opposition to proposed Zoning text amendment to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)....................................................384 Belcastro, Joan, demolition District – Grandview Avenue Parkway. (5/17)..................................202 8 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE B Bell St. and Fifth St. intersection, traffic control signage; addition & deletion of stop signs; deletion of yield sign. (6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)...................................................242,251,252,264,291 Bell Tower Productions, 2785 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (8/2)..................................................................280 Bell, Gina, resigned from Housing Comm. (8/16).............................................................................296 Bench, Shelter, & Sign Design for Trolley Stops, Historic Pres. Comm. approval. (6/7)............213 Benches & Waste Receptacles in Avon Park etc., Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn requesting replacement. (6/7)............................................................................................................................213 Benefits of annexation extended to all non-consenting property owners. (4/19)........................155 Benn, DanEl’, claim; settlement. (2/16)(3/1)....................................................................................55,69 Bennett St., 2184, rezoning from R1 to ID – University of Dbq. Request. (9/20)....................326,327 Bequest from Jeannette Kavanaugh estate for Keyline Transit promotion etc. (8/2).................279 Berzins, Mirdza, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20)..........401,416 Best Car Washes, Ltd., Compensation, property, University Ave. realign. by Theisens. (5/3)..166 Best Management Practices to improve water quality & stormwater runoff, design criteria, staff directed by ESAC. (2/16)...................................................................................................................63 Best Partnership Planning Effort Award Downtown Dbq Master Plan, Dbq Main St. (10/18)....359 Beyer, Ryan M., claim; denial. (8/16)(9/7)....................................................................................293,303 Bichell, Ken, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm. (12/6)(12/20).............................401,416 Bichell, Mary Loney, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; appointed. (7/19)(8/2).................260,283 Bichell, Mary Loney, Mississippi Mug, 373 Bluff, Beer-Wine License. (4/5)(4/19).................125,146 Bichell, Mary Loney, Zoning text amendment to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)...............................................................................................................384 Bicycle Police, COP, Community Oriented Police Target Grant App. laptop computer. (4/5)...108 Bierstube – Europa Haus, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/1).......................................................365 Big 10 Mart Car Wash, Molo Oil Co., 1875 JFK Road, Beer Per.(11/1)........................................365 th Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co, 9 & Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(12/6).........................215,396 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 2100 JFK, Beer Per. (2/16)........................................................................60 Bill, Transportation, letters sent to legislators @ objectionable language. (9/7)........................305 Billboard, Hwy 61/151, David Hartig address Council @ this. (6/7)................................................226 Billboards, off-premise signs, Julien Dubuque Drive PID, zoning allowance. (5/17)..................186 Billing changes for Utility bills, praised by Mayor. (5/17)................................................................206 Binge Drinking, new Ordinance to curb. (9/20)(10/4)(10/18).............................335,336,346,347,357 Bioterrism Preparedness & Response Act, US EPA, City fulfilling requirement. (5/3)...............165 Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day Proclamation. (10/4)....................................................................341 Bird Sign, Flink Drake, Inc., rezoning to allow off-premise signs – billboards, amendment to Julien Dubuque Drive Planned Ind. District. (5/17).....................................................................186 Bird, E. Eugene, applicant for Zoning Advisory Commission; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6)......235,249 Bisdorf, Mike, claim; denial. (9/20)(10/4).....................................................................................319,341 Bitter, Attorney Tom, objecting to Dbq Industrial Center West rezoning.(12/20).........................419 Bitter, Joe, Attorney, for property owners, N. Grandview Estates final plat, utilities ext. (12/6)404 nd Bittersweet Lane, N of John F. Kennedy & W. 32 rezoning, R3 to PUD & PR, Kivlahans.(1/19)21 Blanche Avenue, request to vacate from John Lanser & Jean Mastin. (6/21)(7/6)........234,249,250 Blewett, Margaret J., request vacation & disposal of S. Grandview alley between Altman & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15).................................................................................................................71,100 Blind Society – Tri-State Independent, Fun Festival – Beer Permit.(6/21)....................................233 Block Grant Application, 2004 Local Law. (8/2)(8/16)...............................................................275,298 Bluff – Boulder Slide, former Tollbridge, 2800 Rhomberg, request of citizens to investigate; comments by John Brennan; request for committee to investigate; information submitted; stabilization issue questions by R. Vorwald- request for proposals. (3/15)(7/19)(9/7)(9/20)(11/1)................................................................................102,272,312,320,371 9 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE B Boarding Facility in Port of Dubuque for transit passengers, costs. (5/3)...................................177 Boards and Commissions, continued appointments of Mayor & Council; discussion of procedure for appointment. (1/5)(10/4)....................................................................................14,349 Bockes, Bernard C., claim; settlement. (11/15)(12/6)................................................................374,389 Bodega St. & Adams St., plat of Survey – Adams St. (8/2)..............................................................278 Bodine’s, 1445 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/19)..........................................................................................146 Boekholder, Amy, claim; referred to Ins. (11/15)(12/6)..............................................................374,389 Boffeli, Lynn, Helping Services of NE Iowa, requesting funding for their org.; info @ 2 new Alcoholic Beverage Ordinances. (2/26)(10/4).........................................................................67,346 Boge, Steve, Kane Development C. requesting acceptance Pink Knoll Subd. improve. (6/7)..209 Bonds – TIF Revenues, Urban Renewal Tax Increment – to support Lower Main Devel. (5/3)..170 Bonds, G.O. Series 2002C, reallocation for new Municipal Services Center building. (10/18)..354 Bonds, Tax Incre. Rev. Bonds, Lower Main Develop. Weber Paper building. (5/3)(5/17)....170,189 Bonson Road Watermain completed by McDermott Ex. (4/19)......................................................142 Boulder Brook Court, final plat of Stone Brook Ctr. Second Addn. (2/2)........................................50 Boulder Slide of Eagle Point Bluff, former Tollbridge, 2800 Rhomberg, request of citizens to investigated; comments by John Brennan; request for committee to investigate; information submitted. (3/15)(7/19)(9/7)(9/20).............................................................................102,272,312,320 Bovee, Arlene, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7/6).......................................................................................245 Bowling and Beyond Dubuque, Inc., 1860 Hawthorne, Liquor Lic. (1/5)(12/20)........................7,415 Bowling Lanes, Dubuque, J. Ferring, 1029 ½ Main, Liquor Lic. (6/7)............................................216 Boynton, Robert, claim; settlement. (10/18)......................................................................................350 Bradley Operating Ltd Partnership, property on US 20 for widening pro. (2/2)............................42 Bradley, James, Prudential/Friedman Realty, rezoning, 419 N Grandview, former Methodist Church. (4/19)...................................................................................................................................152 Bradley, Michael A., wants S. Grandview alley between Altman & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15).....71,100 Brandenburg, Rose, claim – referred to Ins. (8/16)...........................................................................293 Brannon, Mike, applicant for Five Flags Civic Center Comm.; reappointed. (7/6)(7/19).....249,260 Breaktime Bar & Grill (Kalmes), Michael & Theresa Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (5/3)..169 Breezy’s, Central Tap, 1046 Central, Liquor Lic. (5/3)......................................................................169 Brennan, John, 1432 S. Grandview, condo project Eagle Pt Bluff, 2800 Rhomberg; request investigation. (7/19)(9/7)..........................................................................................................272,312 Brenner, Jesse A., claim. (9/7).............................................................................................................303 Brenner, William, claim referred to Ins. (9/20)...................................................................................319 Brewery, auction for personal property – Crompton Corp.. (3/1).....................................................69 Brewery, Star, on Council’s Management Agenda. (9/14)...............................................................318 Brewery, Star, roof replacement, amend lease with Historical Star Redevelopment. (8/16)......295 Bricktown – Cooper Management, 299 Main, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (8/2)(8/16)............279,297 Bridge - White Water Creek Bridge relocation, HRDP grant application; Memorandum of Agreement with Fed. Highway Adm., State Historic Pres. Office, Dbq County & City; County Bd of Supervisors approve relocation; Grant Agree. (1/19)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6) 16,351,374,392 Bridge repair over Catfish Creek, US 52, IDOT. (7/19)...............................................................255,256 Bridge Restaurant, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (11/1)................................................36 Bridge, US 20 Julien Dbq, projects included in new transportation bill, Legislators. (4/5)........108 Briggs, Wayne A., for Radford Road Real Estate, acceptance of Ordinance rezoning property at NE Corner of Radford Rd & Radford Ct. to include indoor restaurants and drive-in/carry-out restaurants. (12/20)...........................................................................................................417,418,419 Brissey, Lisa, claim; referred to Ins. (9/20)........................................................................................319 Broessel, Patricia, Corner Tap, 2093 Washington St., Liquor Lic. (5/17)......................................185 Brown, Helen, re: No Parking in alley between Alpine & Nevada Sts. (11/15)..............................386 10 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE B Brownfield Grant, State, contract for petroleum cleanup in the Port of Dubuque. (6/21)...........231 Bruggeman, Inc., Andaluz, 253 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/6).............................................................396 Bryant & Table Mound Elementary School, new playground equipment. (9/20).........................340 Buchholz, Wayne, Park Ranger for IA DNR, objecting to zoning amendment to allow Billboards – off-premise signs in Julien Dubuque Drive PID. (5/17)..............................................................186 Budget Amend. Economic Develop. Initiative Spec. Proj. Grant America’s River Mus. (10/4)..343 Budget Amendment, FY 2004. (1/5)(1/19)(4/19)(5/3)...........................................7,23,146,147,173,174 Budget cuts by State, letter to Gov. Vilsack. (1/5)................................................................................5 Budget for Travel, Markham wants separate discussion. (2/9)........................................................82 Budget of Landfill – Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency – tipping fees etc. (1/19)........15 Budget Transmittal, FY 2005; Public Hearing and adoption of FY 2005 Budget. (1/19)(3/3)...28,80 Budget, FY 2005, amendment No. 1. (9/7)(9/20)..................................................................308,332,333 Budget, FY 2005, Operating & Capital Improvement Pro. (2/16).......................................................61 Budget, FY 2006, Hearing Schedule. (12/6).......................................................................................407 Budget, FY 2006, Policy Guidelines approved. (12/6)......................................................................407 Budgets of various departments discussed. (2/9)(2/23)...............................................................53,65 Buelow, Michael J. applicant for Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. (10/18)...........355 Buesing & Assoc. & Jim Gantz, Lime Rock Springs Co., Plat, Forest Grange Subd #3. (6/21).229 Buesing & Assoc. & Paul Fahey, rezoning, 4039 Pennsylvania Ave., Kwik Stop. (6/21).....235,236 Buesing & Assoc., Tom Larson, temp. access NW Arterial, Holliday Third Addition. (7/19).....256 Buesing & Associates & Quagliano, rezoning NE of Asbury Rd & NW Art. AG to C3. (3/15)......98 Buffer zoning various districts , adult entertainment establishments, (10/18).....................355,356 Buffet sales of alcoholic beverages prohibited. (10/18)..................................................................357 Bugalski, Richard, Mgr. of Dubuque Golf & Country Club, request for fireworks ok. (4/5)........107 Building Code (International), amend by adding section for installation & completion of site plan requirements prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy. (4/5).........................................137 Building Code, adoption of International, 2003. (7/19).....................................................................267 Building Demolition & Clearance – Port of Dubuque, final. (8/2)...................................................278 Building Dept. budget discussed. (2/12)..............................................................................................54 Building Permit Moratorium, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Align. Study; ext.(1/5)(7/19)...13,264 Building Permit Moratorium, Downtown Neighborhood Conservation District – Ord.9/20)336,337 Building Permit moratorium, during consideration of a rezoning or text amendments. (9/7)...315 Buildings and Building Regulations - moratorium on permits for construction in Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study. (12/20)...............................................................................436 Bulletproof Vests replacement for Police. (2/2)..................................................................................46 Bullock, Rev. Jeffrey E., President of University of Dubuque, rezoning of University of Dubuque ID – allow extension of University Park Drive. (7/19)....................................................260,261,262 Bunker Hill Golf Course Architectural Analysis; Renovation Proj Discussion. (2/23)(5/3)...65,163 Bunker Hill Golf Course Management Agreement. (2/16)..................................................................56 Bunker Hill Golf Course, City of Dubuque, 2200 Bunker Hill, Liquor Lic. (3/15)............................95 Buol, Council Member Roy D., sworn in for City Council, Second Ward, again; appointed to River Valley Initiative Foundation Board of Directors. (1/5)...............................................................2,14 Burch St., 409, acquisition proceedings for this vacant property of J. White’s. (12/6)...............404 Burdt, Teri A., River City Gift Shop, 137 Main #100, Native Wine Lic.; Wine Lic. (6/7)(10/4)217,344 Bureau of Primary Health Care, in support of the Tri-State Community Health Center.(6/21)...228 Burgart, John, Supt. Schools, Downtown Neighbor. Conservation, non-building Dis. (9/7)(9/20)............................................................................................................................313,336,337 Burgart, John, Supt. Schools, thank City playground improve. Bryant & Table Mound Elementary School. (9/20)...................................................................................................................................340 Burgart, John, Supt. Schools, , thanking city for new cul-de-sac on Tyler Road. (10/18)..........352 11 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE B th Burgart, John, Supt. Schools, vacation 12 St. & nearby alley, new Prescott School. (12/6)..401 Burlington Trailways Contract, Bus Service, termination of Greyhound Bus Service. (8/2)......277 Burning material for land clearing &Ag land & agricultural land burning 2x a year. (4/19)........160 Burr, Alan, of University of Dubuque, rezoning of PUD to allow new parking lot. (6/7).......218,219 Burr, Alan, of University of Dubuque, purchase of Lombard & Collins St. portion. (10/18).......352 Bus – Burlington Trailways Contract – after Greyhound Bus Service termination. (8/2)...........277 Bus – Keyline Transit, Jeannette Kavanaugh bequeath $19,644.77 estate to Keyline. (8/2).....279 Bus – Transit Division – Budget presentation; Greyhound Bus Service. (2/26)............................67 Bus – Transit, 2 diesel Streetcars, Transit Link betw. Port of Dbq & downtown. (4/5)...............135 Bus – Urban Transit Contracts: Area Residential Care, Mt. St. Francis & Sunnycrest Manor.(1/19) ..............................................................................................................................................................16 Bus Drivers, PT, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 329 – W. Strohmeyer, benefits. (9/20).....319 Bus Shelter System, Keyline Transit, & Boarding Facility Port of Dubuque, discussion. (5/3)177 Bush, President George W., visit to Dubuque – good security etc. (5/17)....................................206 Busted Lift Special Event - St. Patrick’s Day, information & direction, John Finn.(3/1).............78 Busted Lift Outdoor Service Agreement with John Finn. (6/7).......................................................213 Busted Lift, The, Davey Robertson’s Public Bar, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/5)...............................125 Byrne – Nelms, Cynthia, in support of City & Arts & Cultural organization. (9/7)........................304 Byways - Scenic, Dbq County Historical Society Subgrantee Agreement – Great River Road Interpretive Signs & Brochure. (7/19)...........................................................................................257 Byways – Scenic, Grant Application: Design & Construction of Exhibits for interpretation of Great River Road at Museum. (1/5)...................................................................................................2 12 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(2/2)(3/1)(4/5)(6/7)(8/2)(10/18)(12/6)(12/20).................................2,32,69,107,209,275,350,389,409 CABLE TV TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(5/3)(5/17)(6/7)(7/6)(10/4)(10/18)(12/6)...........................................2,164,180,209,245,341,350,389 CARNEGIE STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES UPDATE SUBMITTED: (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)(3/15)(4/19)(5/3)(7/6)....................................................................2,32,55,87,140,164,134 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, REGULAR SESSIONS (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)(8/16)(9/7) (9/20)(10/4)(10/18)(11/1)(11/15)(12/6)(12/20)....................................................................................... 2,15,32,55,69,87,107,140,164,180,209,228,245,253,275,293,303,319,341,350,362,374,389,409 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, SPECIAL SESSIONS: (1/5)(1/26)(2/2)(2/9)(2/23)(2/24)(2/26)(3/3)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/1)(6/29)(9/13)(9/14)(11/1) ........................................................................1,29,31,53,65,66,67,80,139,163,179,207,243,317,318,361 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS MINUTES SUBMITTED: (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2) (8/16)(9/20)(10/4)(11/1)(11/15)(12/6) (12/20) ..........................15,32,55,69,107,140,164,180,209,228,245,253,275,293,319,341,362,374,389,409 CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSIONS: (1/5)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/29)(7/19)(8/16)(9/20)(10/18)(11/1))(12/20) ..........................................................14,78,105,138,161,177,206,243,272,301,340,359,361,371,443 CITY/COUNTY JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(3/1)....................2,69 CITY CONFERENCE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/1)(4/5)..............................................69,107 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETINGS MINUTES SUBMITTED: (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/15)(6/7)(7/6)(7/19)(10/18)(12/20)..........................15,32,55,87,209,245,253,350,409 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SUBMITTED: (1/19)(4/5)(4/19)(6/7)(7/6)(9/7)(10/18)....................................................15,107,140,209,245,303,350 C. H. Meyer’s Addn., vacation, Sac St. & 2 alleys N Seward St. Penhollow request. (3/15)100,101 Cable Franchise Fee Payment Analysis – contract with Lewis & Association. (3/15)(11/1)103,368 Cable Franchise Fees, Mediacom, Payment analysis. (11/1)..........................................................368 Cable Franchise Renewal process with MCCIowa, Inc. – Mediacom; Extensions; confidentiality agreement. (2/16)(2/23)(3/15)(6/7)(6/21)(7/19)...............................................64,65,103,217,238,258 Cable TV Community Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Marie Araeipour; appointed. (4/5)(4/19) .....................................................................................................................................................126,151 Cable TV Division departmental budget review. (2/23)......................................................................65 Cable TV Regulatory & Teleprogramming Commission, resignations of Kevin Nekvinda and Don Wilant. (4/19).....................................................................................................................................143 Cable, Mediacom, Confidentiality Agreement to allow examination of records etc. (7/19)........258 Café Manna Java, LLC, Sidewalk Outdoor Sale, 269 Main, Liquor Lic.; (6/21)(10/4)...........234,344 CAFR- City’s Comprehensive Financial Report, Certificate of Achievement in Excellence. 13 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Cain, Leroy R., Claim; approval. (11/1)...............................................................................................362 Calendar Year 2003 Urban Revitalization Program Applications. (2/16).........................................58 Callahan Construction Develop. Agreement Westbrook Subd.; revised Agree. (4/5)(6/21)108,228 Callahan Construction – Develop. Agree. Westbrook Subd/ – Callahan Construction. (4/5)...108 Callahan Construction, awarded contract for Westbrook Subd. Water Main Ext. Proj. (4/19)...153 Calvert, Daniel J., resign from Environmental Stewardship Comm. (2/2).......................................33 th Campbell, Dave, in favor of W. 16 Residential Parking Permit District. (5/17)...........................188 Campbell, Marilyn, claim; settlement. (4/5)........................................................................................107 Canam Steel Corp., Grand River Center Bid Pkg. 2 Project, final. (4/19)......................................141 Capital Improvement Program for expansion of Americas Hangars. (9/20)...................................32 Capital Improvement Program, Five Year, Adoption of Budget. (2/16)(3/3)..........................61,80,81 Capital Loan Notes, $200,000, Economic Devel. Revolving Loan Fund. (12/20).........................439 Car Wash, Inc. Compensation Est. US Highway 20, realignment of University Ave. etc. (5/3)166 Cargill, Inc., Assignment of City Leases & Agri Grain Marketing LLC to Cargill, Inc. (2/16)........59 Carlos O’Kelly’s, Liquor Lic. 5 day at Riverview Pk.; Regular Liquor Lic. (8/16)(9/20)........307,323 Carnegie Stout Public Library Annual Report. (1/19).........................................................................26 Carnegie Stout Public Library Board meet with Council – renovation of Library plans. (1/26)...29 Carnegie Stout Public Library Board of Trustees submitting updates: (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)(3/15) (4/19)(5/3)(7/6)(9/20)(10/4)*11/15)(12/20)...............................2,32,55,87,140,164,245,319,374, 409 Carnegie Stout Public Library Community Survey report. (12/20).................................................443 Carnegie Stout Public Library Decisions Packages request for funding. (3/3)..............................80 Carnegie Stout Public Library Department – budget discussions. (2/24).......................................66 Carnegie Stout Public Library Director & Trustees meet with Council @ renovation. (1/26)......29 Carnegie Stout Public Library Emergency Back-Up Lighting Sys. repair, replacement.(6/7)....214 Carnegie Stout Public Library Ordinance amend. personnel matters for assistants etc. (4/19)154 Carnegie Stout Public Library Ord. amend. Process, removal of Librarian by Bd. (4/19).........155 Carroll’s Wine Co., Grape Harbor, Sidewalk Cafe, 123 Main, Liq. Lic.; Wine. (6/21)(9/20)..234,323 Carstens, Laura, notifying Council of Wm. Felderman’s resignation from ZBA. (12/6)..............394 Carter Road Detention Basin – Utility Easement. (3/1)......................................................................72 Carter Road Detention Basin Project final acceptance.(12/6)........................................................390 Carter Road Detention Basin Property from Delbert Miller & Larry & Kathy Miller, FMV Established. (2/2)(3/15)...........................................................................................................45,87,88 Carter Road Detention Basin Utility Easement, vacation over Lot 2 Whites Place. (3/15).......101 Carwash Corp., Schaul, Zoning, Cedar Lake Plaza PUD. (9/20).....................................................323 Casey’s General Store, 2699 Rockdale, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (5/17)(6/7)........................185,215 Casey’s General Store, 4003 Peru Rd., Beer Per. (5/17)(6/7)....................................................185,215 Cashier position certified by Civil Service Commission. (3/15)..................................................88,89 Casino Hotel Lease Agreement, Dubuque Greyhound Park, Special Session Discussion; Lease & Parking Use Agreement. (6/21)(7/6)..............................................................................243,250,251 Casino, Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, temporary stop signs at 3 way intersection of Admiral Sheehy Dr.& Dbq Greyhound Park Rd. – construction traffic. (6/21)...........................241 Cate, Paul, for rezoning of SE Corner of Old Highway Rd & Cousins Rd. (6/21).........................236 Catfish Creek, US 52 Bridge Repair, agreement – City & IDOT. (7/19)...........................................255 Catfish Festival, Dbq., 1850 Hawthorne, Beer Per. (4/19)................................................................145 Cathedral Urban Revitalization Area, applications for Tax Exemptions. (2/16).............................58 th Catherine St. - Cornell St. - Residential Parking Permit District petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, th Pickett, May Place & 15 St. (2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(5/3)(5/17).................................32,55,70,169,170,188 Catholic Worker House, R. Mihm & Mary Moody, object to Jackson Pk. lease to Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home for parking lot. (5/3)............................................................................173 14 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Cats etc. Animal Ordinance update for consistency with State Code. (6/7)..........................225,225 Cats, Dogs & Other Animals, Contract for collection of strays, Ord. (6/7)....................................226 Cavanaugh, Gary, 9250 Bellevue Heights, concerns @ rezoning for Apex Concrete; claim-suit vs City & Southgate Devel. (1/5)(3/1)..............................................................................................12,69 CBG Communications, Miller & Van Eaton, Cable Franchise Renewal. (3/15).............................103 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant – CDBG - Annual Plan. (3/3)................................81 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan, Second Amendment. (1/19)..........18 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Agree., HUD, year 7/1/04- 6/30/05. (7/6)...247,248 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Funds FY 2005 Annual Action Plan. (1/19)(2/24)(5/17)....................................................................................................................19,66,183 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Funds – Lead Based Paint Hazard Abatement Program. (1/19)...................................................................................................................................18 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Prog. amend Citizen Participation Plan. (8/2)..288 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Pro. No. 1 Curb Ramp Install. (4/19)(5/3).............................................................................................................................148,174,175 CDBG – Community Development Block Grant Project No. 2, Curb Ramp Installation. (9/7)....309 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Projects for FY 2005 – Program Year 2004, Notice to release funds. (4/19)...................................................................................................................144 CDBG - Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project # 2. (9/7).......................................................308,309 CDBG #1, Curb Ramp Installation, accept.(12/6)..............................................................................392 CDM – Stormwater Utility Consultant – Credit Policy & Procedures Manual. (3/1).......................78 CEBA Contract – Shepherd Company, relocation to downtown Dbq. (1/19).................................17 CEBA funds to assist Prudential in expansion project. (12/20).....................................................435 CEBA Program, successful completion of Project with Swiss Valley Farms, IDED.(8/2)...........279 CEBA Project with Trilog, IDED congratulations. (7/6)....................................................................245 Cedar Crest Subd. final plat of property N of U.S. Highway 20 & E of Cottingham Road. (6/21)239 Cedar Crest Subd. Preliminary plat, 15547 Route 20 West in County. (3/15).................................91 Cedar Cross Amoco, L B Metcalf, Inc. 1200 Cedar Cross, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(7/6)215,248 Cedar Cross Road, designated as a through street. (7/19).............................................................265 Cedar Cross Road, Hwy 20, JFK Rd. intersection, comments by Dave Meyers. (12/6)..............395 Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Develop, Rick Anderson & Schaul Carwash Corp. – rezoning. (9/20)(10/4)(10/18)..............................................................................................................323,345,352 Cedar Ridge Farm Place No.7, Final Plat - Nemmers. (12/20)..................................................433,434 Cemetery, Center Grove Methodist Episcopal, part of property for US 20 Widening. (2/2)..........41 Center Grove Methodist Episcopal Church & Cemetery Subd. property to City. (2/2)..................41 Central Alternative School & City, grant app. Dubuque Shot Tower History Pro. (12/20).........410 ththth Central Ave. & White St., 12 St., also alley from 11 St. to 13 St., vacate & dispose to Dubuque School System from City of Dubuque.(11/15)(12/6)............................................................381,401 Central Tap, Breezy’s, 1046 Central, Liquor Lic. (5/3)......................................................................169 Certificate of Occupancy Standards – amendment to Code requiring no occupation until site plan improvements have been made. (4/5)..................................................................................137 Certified Local Government Annual Report of 2003. (1/5)...................................................................3 Certified Local Government Grant App., Phase V Architectural/historical survey. (1/5)(3/15).2,93 Cesaretti, Paul, Claim; settlement. (1/5).................................................................................................2 Chamber of Commerce in support of the Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)........................................49 Chamber of Commerce Report, Grand Excursion 2004. (12/6)......................................................394 Chamber of Commerce, tourism verbal reports by Sue Czeshinski and Steward Sandstrom. (2/2)(2/26)(3/1)(4/19)(5/3)(8/2)(10/18)(11/1).......................................31,67,69,154,164,284,357,368 Chamber of Commerce, Dubuque Area, 300 Main, Wine Permit. (12/6)........................................396 15 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Channel Inn Rest., Carolyn Fonck, 2010 ½ Kerper., Liquor Lic. (10/18)........................................354 Chaplain Schmitt Memorial, new leaseholder, improvements. (6/21)............................................230 Chapman, Linda, RSVP’s activities. (2/26)...........................................................................................67 Charhouse Rest., Kostas, Inc., 1575 JFK., Liquor Lic. (5/3)............................................................169 Chase, Chad,, Youth, Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed.(10/4)(10/18).345,355 Chase, Jeffrey & Julie Ann, purchase part of Gay Park. (5/17).......................................................187 Chavenelle Dr. Repair Work, - Dbq Industrial Center West., accept $8400, McAninch. (3/15).....91 Chavenelle Rd. Ext. – IDOT RISE grant application. (8/16)(12/20)...........................................294,419 Chavenelle Rd. Ext. contract IIW Engineers, Dbq. Industrial Center West Third Addn. (6/21)...231 Chemical Compound Building Renovation Project, final, Eagle Pt Water Plant. (5/3)................165 Cheung, Margaret, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/1)..................................................................................69 Chicago Tribune, article @ Dubuque & Grand Excursion event. (5/17)........................................206 Child Care Referral – Purchase of Service Agreement with Information & Referral. (4/5)..........122 Child Passenger Safety Week Proclamation. (2/2).............................................................................32 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, funding, VNA agreement. (7/6)......................245 Children’s collections – Library, budget cuts etc. (2/24)...................................................................66 Choo Choo Charlie’s Pizza, 1895 JFK Road, Liquor Lic.(8/16).......................................................297 Choudhry, Waseem, AWN Stop Mart, 1998 Jackson, Cigarette Per. (6/21)..................................233 Christ, Craig, Claim.(7/6).......................................................................................................................245 Christensen, Todd, of J.P.Cullen Co. & Sons, present Masonry Project of Year Award for Dubuque’s Grand River Center. (11/1)...........................................................................................362 Christianson’s Greenhouse, rezoning, 2635 Windsor, for Moose Lodge. (7/19)..................262,263 Cigna Retirement Benefits to Prudential Insurance Co., Memo of Understanding. (4/5)....121,122 CIP – FY 2004 for Airport, 3 add’l projects. (2/2).................................................................................42 CIP Program for FY 2005-2009. (2/16)...................................................................................................61 Citizen Guide for Downtown Master Plan. (8/2)................................................................................278 Citizen Participation Plan Amendment – adoption of new, CDBG Program. (8/2)......................288 City and County Assessor offices combining, discussion brought up. (11/15)..........................388 City Clerk J. Schneider evaluation by City Council. (11/1)..............................................................361 City Clerk’s Office, Departmental Budget discussed. (2/9)...............................................................53 City Council Minutes – proofs of publication: (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)(3/15)(4/5)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)(9/7)(10/18) .....................................................................................2,32,55,87,107,180,209,228,245,253,275,303,350 City Council Priorities – Federal Initiatives, requests for funds, trip to Wash. D.C. (1/5)...............5 City Council, School board members, City Council, County Supervisors and Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10).................372 City Development Board, Filing of Appearance, Voluntary Annexation – annexation with Asbury with non-consenting owners; Ruling on Motion to Dismiss. (2/16)(3/1)(4/5)...............55,69,107 City Development Board & City, suit by City of Asbury. (9/7).........................................................303 City Development Board, City Resolution to approve their annexation request of 704.5 acres and sever 6 parcels from Dbq to Asbury. (6/7)...................................................................................213 City Employees FY 2005 Wage Plan & Compensation Pkg, Non-Bargaining Employees. (6/7)211 City Hall Annex Roof Replacement Project acceptance. (7/19)......................................................258 City Manager of the Year Award for Michael C. Van Milligen. (1/19)................................................28 City Manager’s Employment Agreement, thirteenth amendment. (7/6).........................................247 City Manager’s Office, Departmental Budget discussed. (2/9).........................................................53 City of Dubuque, Bunker Hill Golf, 2200 Bunker Hill, Liquor Lic. (3/15)..........................................95 City/County Fringe Area Policy Agreement – pre-annexation agreements etc. (3/1)....................77 City’s Claim pumping costs floodwall: severe flooding during May & June 04. (11/04)............363 16 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Civic Center – Five Flags, Renovation, RFPs; Durrant architects for design. (9/7)(11/15)..306,380 Civic Center budget departmental review. (2/23)................................................................................65 Civic Center Comm. Apps: Brian Hutchins, Bryce Parks; appoint B. Parks. (9/7)(9/20).....310,323 Civic Center Commission applicants Rod Bakke, Michael Brannon; both reappointed. (7/6)(7/19)....................................................................................................................................249,260 Civic Center Commission, Five Flags, Gary Dolphin submitting resignation.(6/21)...................232 Civic Center, Five Flags, discussion @ private management; special meeting @ privatization and RFP’s requested. (1/5)(2/23)(4/19)(5/3).......................................................................13,65,139,177 Civic Center, Five Flags, Paint Exterior Façade Project. (4/19)...............................................140,141 Civic Center, Five Flags, request for public ice skating sessions on weekends. (12/20)..........433 Civic Center, SMG management, designated employees to sign checks etc.; Management Agreement & date of change for Manager Paula Jo Wolfe. (7/19)(10/4)...........................259,341 Civil Service Commission certifying Sanitation Driver position. (12/20)......................................414 Civil Service Commission applicant Dick Wertzberger; reappointed. (4/19)(5/3).................151,173 Civil Service Commission certifying Cashier position. (3/15)...........................................................88 Civil Service Commission certifying Firefighters. (7/19).................................................................253 Civil Service Commission certifying Lead Mechanic position.(7/19)............................................253 Civil Service Commission certifying Police Officer position. (7/6)................................................247 Civil Service Commission certifying Public Safety Dispatcher. (6/7)............................................211 Civil Service Commission certifying Solid Waste Agency Administrator. (3/15)...........................88 Civil Service Commission certifying Solid Waste Agency Administrator position. (3/15)...........88 Claim for pumping costs denied by FEMA, (9/20)(10/18)(11/1).........................................322,352,363 Claims and Revenues of various months, Proofs of publication. (1/5)(1/19)(2/16)(3/1) (4/19)(5/17)(6/21)(7/6)(8/16)(10/18)....................................2,15,55,69,140,180,228,245,293,319,350 Claims and Suits filed: (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)(8/16)(9/7)(9/20)(10/4 )(10/18)(11/1)(11/15)(12/6)(12/20).......................................................................................................... 2,15,32,55,69,87,107,140,164,180,209,228,245,253,275,293,303,319,341,350,362,374,389,409 Clarence Arlen Place – Carter Rd Detention Basin property FMV established. (2/2)....................45 Clark, James K., Claim; settlement. (1/19)..........................................................................................15 Clark, Shreeji Services, 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7) (8/16)......................215,297 Clark, Tanner G., claim. (6/21)..............................................................................................................228 Clarke College in support of Ordinance prohibiting underage drinking. (8/2)(10/18)..........284,357 Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic. (5/17) (7/19)(8/2)..........................................185, 260,280 Clarke Crest Drive, designated as a through street. (7/19).............................................................265 Clarke, Timothy G., claim referred to Ins. (7/6)..................................................................................245 Cleanup, Petroleum, in the Port of Dubuque, Terracon selected. (4/5).........................................135 Clear View Drive & Crescent Ridge, deletion of stop signs. (7/19)................................................266 Clearance Project, Port of Dubuque building Demolition & Clearance Pro. (8/2)........................278 Cleek, David, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd. (9/7)(9/20)...................................................310,323 Clerks of the Finance Dept. – Melissa J. McGinnis & Cheryl L. Steckel, authorized to make bank transfers and obtain information. (1/19).........................................................................................16 Cleve Place, Lot, part, conveyance of property to City. (2/2)............................................................42 Cleveland Avenue, designated as a through street. (7/19).............................................................265 CLG Certified Local Government Grant App. Ph V Arch. /historical survey. (1/5)(3/15)............2,93 CLG, Scoring, Grant applications, State Historical Society. (7/19)................................................254 th Clifford Enterprises, Dempsey’s/Molly’s Pub & Grub, 395 W. 9, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/3)(6/7).....................................................................................................................................168,215 Cline, Mayor Pro-Tem Patricia A., special session re: Downtown Master Plan. (1/5).....................1 17 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Cline, Patricia A., sworn in as Fourth Ward Council Member – second term; reappointed to Operation: New View Board; appointed to NLC Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee; GDDC Board of Directors. (1/5)(6/7)................................................................2,14,223 Close, Dawn, Claim; referred to Ins. (10/4)(10/18)......................................................................341,350 Closed Session of the City Council: (1/5)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/29)(7/19)(8/16)(9/20)(10/18)(11/1))(12/20) ..........................................................14,78,105,138,161,177,206,243,272,301,340,359,361,371,443 Clubhouse, The, M. Spiegelhalter, 2364 Washington St., Liquor Lic. ; One day outdoor sale. (3/1)(7/6).......................................................................................................................................70,249 CNL Funding 2000-A, L.P., deed for U.S. 20 Widening Project. (2/2)...............................................42 Code Supplements to City Code: No. 60; No. 61; No. 62. (3/1)(4/19)(10/18)....................70,143,353 Collective Bargaining Agreement, City & Amal. Transit Union #329. (6/21).................................229 Collective Bargaining Agreement, City & Operating Engineers; amend. (7/6)(8/16).....246,247,294 Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & Teamster’s Local #421. (5/3).........................165 Collective Bargaining Negotiations, Management Agenda item. (9/14)........................................318 College Presidents – Loras, Clarke, UD, want Ordinance prohibiting binge drinking and underage from being in bars at a certain time. (8/2)......................................................................284 Collins St. & Lombard St., purchase portion of street/alley near University of Dubuque by the college; disposal of City owned property to UD.(10/18)(11/1)(11/15)..........................352,365,384 Colts Drum & Bugle Corps Center, 1101 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/16)..............................................297 Commercial storage containers, outdoors, prohibited. (12/20)......................................................435 Commission – New, Arts & Cultural Affairs. (9/7)............................................................................313 Commissions & Boards – Council review their own process and review time. (10/4)................349 Communication Engineer Co., contract, video conference equip., Grand River Ctr. (8/16)......294 Community Attraction and Tourism, CAT, letter to legislators. (5/3).............................................164 Community Development Advisory Comm. , Michael Gukeisen; appointed. (3/1)(3/15)......74,98 Community Development Advisory Commission applicants: James Giesen & Paula Maloy; reappointments of Giesen & Maloy. (2/2)(2/16)........................................................................49,61 Community Development Award for 2004 to City Employee Joleen Patterson. (11/1)...............365 Community Development Block Grant – CDBG - Annual Plan. (3/3)..............................................81 Community Development Block Grant Agree. HUD for year 7/1/04 & ending 6/30/05. (7/6)247,248 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan, Second Amendment. (1/19)...........18 Community Development Block Grant Funds, FY 2005 Annual Action Plan; amendment 1. (1/19)(2/24)(5/17)....................................................................................................................19,66,183 Community Development Block Grant Funds, Lead Based Paint Hazard Abate. Prog (1/19).....18 Community Development Block Grant Program, amending Citizen Participation Plan. (8/2)...288 Community Development Block Grant Pro. 1 CDBG, Curb Ramp Install. (4/19)(5/3)....148,174,175 Community Development Block Grant Pro. 2Curb Ramp Install CDBG Project # 2. (9/7)..308,309 Community Development Block Grant Projects for FY 2005 – Program Year 2004, Notice to release funds. (4/19)........................................................................................................................144 Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Study, contract with Paige Chapel, co- funded by DB & T bank. (5/17).......................................................................................................182 Community Development Week Proclamation. (4/5)........................................................................107 Community Economic Betterment Account, CEBA Shepherd Co., relocate downtown Dbq. (1/19) ..............................................................................................................................................................17 Community Economic Betterment Account - CEBA funds to assist Prudential in expansion project. (12/20).................................................................................................................................435 Community Economic Betterment Account - CEBA Program, complete Project with Swiss Valley Farms, IDED.(8/2).............................................................................................................................279 18 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Community Economic Betterment Account, CEBA Proj., Trilog, IDED congratulations. (7/6).245 Community Oriented Police Program, Target Grant application. (4/5)..........................................108 Community Partnership (cp2) Grant – Subcontract amendment, Four Oaks Housing Education & Rehab Training. (7/19)..............................................................................................................256,257 Community Partnership Grant, VNA appreciative, Elderly Based Oral Health Program. (6/7)...209 Community Partnership Program, Cp2 Funds, awarded for FY 2005. (5/17).........................183,184 Community School District & City, partnership Traffic Signal Middle School. (8/2)...................288 Community School District accept contribution for Neighborhood Resource Center.(11/1)....362 Community School District thanking City for new cul-de-sac on Tyler Road. (10/18)................352 Compass Co. apply, privatize management services, Five Flags Civic Center.(4/19)(5/3)139,177, Compensation Estimates for 3 properties – Frost, Best Car Wash, Inc. & J. Stark & Colonial Terrace, US Highway 20 – University Ave. Extension. (5/3).....................................................166 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAFR, Cert of Achievement for Excellence.(11/15)380 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (2/16)................................................................................56 Comprehensive Plan, Dubuque, adoption of Dubuque Downtown Master Plan. (2/2).................49 Comprehensive Plan, Long Range, okayed Greater Dubuque Urban Renewal District. (4/5)..123 Computer Terminals, Mobile, Purchase, for Police Dept. (7/19).....................................................259 ConAgra request to build 2 storage tanks for storage & transfer of liquid fertilizer. (8/2).........280 Concrete & asphalt thickness, public street standards, Engineering report soon. (7/19).........257 Concrete Repair Project on Kerper Blvd & N Grandview. (6/7)......................................................212 Concrete Section Repair & Overlay of Samuel St. Project. (4/19)(5/17)..........................148,201,202 Condominium complex – 2800 Rhomberg, S. A. Sutton, rockslide concerns & action. (3/1)......78 Conduit Project – NW Arterial Fiber Optics. (10/4)...........................................................................346 Conference – Travel – Professional, Budget decision. (3/3).............................................................80 Conference, Watchable Wildlife Conference Planning Team, praised by Council. (10/4)..........349 Confidentiality Agreement – Mediacom Cable negotiations. (7/19)...............................................258 Congress of Cities, National League of Cities, voting delegate Nicholson named. (9/7)...........316 Conlon Construction Co., Release of City Claim – Main St. Litigation. (2/16)................................56 Conlon, Attorney Jennifer Clemens, need for add’l funds for Humane Society. (4/5)................134 Connection fees – Southfork Interceptor Sewer Phase IV Charge. (1/5)........................................10 Connection to City Sewer if health threat by private on-site sewer. (6/21)...................................240 Connections, Illicit & Discharges to Drainage Systems, prohibition. (4/19)..........................155-160 thth Connector, E 9 & E. 11 St, renaming to Elm Street. (3/15)..........................................................102 Connors, Council Member Joyce, reappointed to Operation: New View Bd.; reappointed as rep to REAP Committee; thanked Fire & Police for response at Archdiocesan office fire. (1/5)(7/19)(8/2).......................................................................................................................14,267,292 Conrad, Ron, of Glenview Motel, claim settled. (2/16).......................................................................55 Conservation District – Downtown for Dubuque Schools. (9/20)..................................................336 Conservation District Process – formerly demolition district – proposed process established – for Historic Preservation Comm. Direction etc. (8/16)...................................................................300 Conservation District, Dubuque, re: new downtown school location. (8/16)(9/7)........300,312,313 Construction Traffic at Dbq Greyhound Park Road, temporary stop signs. (6/21)......................241 Consultant, Engineering, Dubuque Indust. Center W Third Addn. extension of Chavenelle Road. (6/21)........................................................................................................................231 Container, commercial storage, exterior, prohibited. (12/20).........................................................435 Continuum of Care Prog, application to HUD, renewal of funding homeless assistance. (4/5)124 Contract – Burlington Trailways, for Bus Services after Greyhound Bus quit.(9/2)....................277 Contract – Lead Hazard Reduction Program. (3/15)...........................................................................94 Contract for Auction of personal property at the Brewery. (3/1)......................................................69 19 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Contract for Phase V Architectural / Historical Survey / Evaluation. (5/17)..................................182 Contract for State Brownfield Grant for petroleum cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (6/21).............231 Contract with Aquila Gas Co. for Water Meter Reading. (5/17).......................................................182 Contracts, Urban Transit, Area Residential Care, Sunnycrest & Mt. St. Francis. (1/19)...............16 Controlled access facility in Dbq County & City, U.S. 20 Reconstruction Agree. (6/21)..............23 Convention & Visitors Bureau – Purchase of Services Agree. (4/5)..............................................123 Convention & Visitors Bureau, report by Sue Czeshinski - tourism. (2/2)(2/26)(3/1)(4/19)(5/3)(8/2)(10/18)(11/1).......................................31,67,69,154,164,284,357,368 Conzett, Harold, Stonehill Comm. Assn., removal of sidewalks issue. (8/16)(11/1).............295,368 th Cook, Drew, awarded contract for 26 St. Storm Sewer Extension Proj. (5/17)...........................200 Cook, Drew, finalization of Concrete Repair Proj – Kerper & N. Grandview.(6/7)........................212 Cooper Management LLC, Stonewall Lounge, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. ; Liquor License – special day event. (4/19)(8/2)(8/16)...............................................................146,279,297 COP – Community Oriented Police Program, Target Grant application. (4/5)..............................108 Copper Kettle, Wagner’s C. Kettle, 2987 Jackson St., Liquor Lic. (3/1)...........................................70 COPS – Federal Grant Opportunity, Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy re: Meth Task Force etc. (4/19)...............................................................................................................................140 Coriell’s Dubuque, Hill St. area, dispose of portion to Mary Ransdell. (1/5)..................................11 Corn Growers Tour, Iowa, comments. (8/16).....................................................................................301 Cornelius, Kathy (& Steve), Claim; referred to Ins. (3/1)(5/3)......................................................69,164 th Cornell St. - Residential Parking Permit District petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, Pickett, May th Place & 15 St. (2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(5/3)(5/17)........................................................32,55,70,169,170,188 Corner Tap, Patricia Broessel, 2093 Washington, Liquor Lic. (5/17).............................................185 Corporation Counsel evaluation by City Council. (11/1).................................................................361 Cosmetic tattooing, request by Tana Tigges for City to allow. (7/6)..............................................251 th Council Meeting – July 4 holiday, changed to Tuesday. (6/7)(6/21).....................................226,241 Council Member At Large Ann E. Michalski sworn in. (1/5)...............................................................2 Council Member Second Ward Roy D. Buol sworn in; appointed to River Valley Initiative Foundation Board of Directors. (1/5)...........................................................................................2,14 Council Members appointments to various Boards; clarification etc. (1/5)(10/4)................14,349 Council Proceedings, approved as printed: Nov. 03; December 03; January 04; February 04; March 04; April 04; May 04; June 04; July 04; August 04; September 04; (1/5)(3/15)(4/5)(6/7)(6/21)(7/19)(8/2)(9/7)(11/1)...................2,87,107,209,228,253,275,303, 319,362 Country Club, Dbq. Golf &, Fireworks request for 2004. (4/5).........................................................107 Country Springs Condo Homeowners Assn., claim; settlement. (7/19)(8/2).........................253,275 County and City Assessor offices combining, discussion brought up. (11/15)..........................388 County Board of Health, funding Childhood Lead Poising Prevention Program & VNA Agreement. (7/6)..............................................................................................................................245 County Board of Supervisors request Transit Div become certified HCBS Transportation Provider. (6/21).................................................................................................................................232 County Board of Supervisors – Zoning of HWY 151/61 Intersection for Apex Concrete, request tabling. (1/19).....................................................................................................................................26 County Board of Supervisors etc. School board members, Council, County Supervisors & Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10)....372 County Board of Supervisors support relocation of White Water Creek Bridge.(11/15)............374 County Conservation Board Grant Request, improvements to Massey Station. (6/21)..............241 County Conservation Board Grant Request, improvements to Massey Station. (6/21)..............241 County Historical Society Lease Amendment – insurance requirements. (2/16)..........................59 County Historical Society Mississippi River Museum, 350 E. Third St., Wine Permit. (4/5).......125 20 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C County Historical Society Subgrantee Agreement for Scenic Byways Grant for Great River Road signs etc. (7/19)................................................................................................................................257 County Supervisor Jim Waller honored with Proclamation. (12/20)..............................................409 County, request funding for Engineering Design for Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial. (12/6)....395 Courtesy parking ticket program changes. (2/24)..............................................................................66 Cousins Road, SE Corner of Old Highway & Cousins, rezoning AG to R1 – Paul Cate. (6/21).236 Cox, Terry, City Adm. of Harlan, IA, resolution of sympathy for death of Dubuque resident Pvt. Michael Deutsch. (5/17)....................................................................................................................185 Coyle, Mike, Atty, rezoning of 3366 Crescent Ridge., Burt Steve & Sons Garage. (9/20)..........324 Cp2 Funds, Community Partnership Program, awarded for FY 2005. (5/17).........................183,184 Crack sealing project on US 20, IDOT notice. (10/4)........................................................................342 Crawford, Merrill, Cable Franchise Admn. re: Cable TV Regulatory & Teleprogramming Commission, resignations of Kevin Nekvinda and Don Wilant. (4/19)....................................143 Creative Touch Gallery, Inc. Ooh La La, 3460 Hillcrest Rd., Liquor Lic. (6/7)...............................217 Credit Policy – Stormwater Utility – Adoption of Policies and Procedures Manual. (3/1)............78 Credit Union, Dupaco, depository for City Funds. (1/19)...................................................................17 Creek Realignment Study, Bee Branch, Building Permit Moratorium. (1/5)...................................13 Crescent Ridge & Cedar Cross Road, Eastbound, deletion of stop sign. (7/19).........................266 Crescent Ridge, 3366, rezoning for Burt Steve & Sons Garage. (9/20).........................................324 Crescent Ridge, designated as a through street. (7/19)..................................................................265 Creslanes Bowling, Inc. 255 S. Main, Liquor Lic. (6/7).....................................................................217 Criminal History Check by Police, service charge added. (4/5)...............................................136,137 Crippes, Gil, object to UD extending University Park Dr. (7/19).....................................................260 Criss, Mary, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/5).............................................................................................107 Crist, Craig W., claim; referred to Ins. (5/3)........................................................................................164 Crompton Corp., agreement for auction at Brewery. (3/1)................................................................69 CU LINK Inc., The, request to purchase property in Associates Park; approval of plat. (6/7)(9/7)(10/18)...................................................................................................................209,307,351 CU-LINK, The, requesting to vacate & purchase portion of Associates Dr. abutting Lot 8 of Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. (9/20)...........................................................................330, 331, 332 Cue, Deborah, Claim; Referred to Insurance. (1/19)...........................................................................15 Cuemasters Billards, W. Kramer, 900 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(12/6).........215,396 Cullen & Sons, Inc., J.P., release of funds for Grand River Center. (3/1)........................................78 Cullen & Sons, J.P., claim against City. (8/2).....................................................................................275 Cullen & Sons, J.P., R. Thor & T. Christensen, presentation to City of Award by Masonry Construction of Year for Dubuque’s Grand River Center.(11/1)...............................................362 Cultural & Arts Organizations – support City funding Arts. (9/7)...................................................304 Cultural (& Arts) Affairs Ordinance, setting up Commission etc.; interviews/appointments of applicants as Commissioners. (9/7)(12/20)...................................................................313,314,416 Cultural Affairs, IA Dept. presentation of Grand Opera House Conservation. (8/16).................296 Cultural and Entertainment District Application – downtown Dubuque. (8/16)...........................296 Cultural Districts, Dubuque named one by Iowa Dept. of Cultural Affairs. (11/15).....................379 Cultural Grant Comm. – IA Community, NE IA School of Music – letter of support for funding of full time Office Manager. (3/1)..........................................................................................................70 Cultural Resources Memo of Agreement,, Consultant Agreement – FHWA, IDOT, County, City for SW Arterial. (11/1)(12/6)..................................................................................................................364 Cultural Task Force (Arts and), ask Council direction, to apply to DRA for grants. (8/2)..........288 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project # 2. (9/7)(9/20).....................................................308,309,333 21 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE C Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project No. 1. (4/19)(5/3).................................................147,174,175 Curb ramp installation re: downtown sidewalk patterns discussion. (11/15)..............................373 Curb ramp installation, 2004, CDBG #1 Project. (12/6)....................................................................392 Curoe, Sr. Bernadine, petition for non-discrimination – sexual orientation. (5/17).....................180 Czeshinski, Sue of Convention & Visitors Bureau, report to Council. (2/2)(2/26)(3/1)(4/19)(5/3)(8/2)(10/18)(11/1).......................................31,67,69,154,164,284,357,368 Czeshinski, Sue, Convention & Visitors Bureau, funding request, Purch. of Services. (2/26)...67 Czeshinski, Sue, presentation of Addy Award for Grand River Center. (3/15).............................102 22 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D DOWNTOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)...........................................15 th DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W. 4 St., Liquor LIc. (10/18)...................................................354 Daniel, James A., claim-suit vs Peninsula Gaming Co., City & Fischer Excavating. (4/5)..........107 Danielson, David – for Timothy, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/7)..........................................................303 Date of first meeting in July changed to a Tuesday. (6/21)......................................................241,242 Daughters, President Ken, of Emmaus Bible College, Invocation. (3/1).........................................69 Davenport officials and Dubuque staff, workshop, thank you by Davenport. (11/15)................379 Davey Robertsons Public Bar, The Busted Lift, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/5).................................125 Davidson, Sarah, resign Human Rights C. object Keyline & minibus fare increase. (11/1)(12/6)....................................................................................................................................363,401 Davis Place – Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area – Amended & Restated. (1/5)................8,9 Davis, Randy, 825 Salem & Mueller’s, request to purchase alley by their property; plat approval, vacation & disposal. (4/19)(6/7)(6/21).............................................................................140,217,237 Davis-Bacon Labor Standard Requirements, new Municipal Service Center, Building. (8/16)296 Days Inn, Dubuque Inn Corp., 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/15)..........................................................95 DBQ Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge, Beer Per. (2/2)................................................................................46 December 2003 financial reports; proofs of claims and revenues. (1/19)(2/16)........................15,55 Declaration of Restrictive Covenants IA DNR – lead contamination at new Municipal Services Center – new City Garage. (12/20).................................................................................................411 Deed of Gift of Artwork for Grand River Center by Kay Norman. (3/15)..........................................94 Deeds from property owners for US 20 Widening project. (2/2).......................................................40 Deer Meat – Deer Management Food Program, Purchase of Service Agree. with St. Stephen’s Food Bank. (4/5)...............................................................................................................................122 Deer Tags – Health Services request to purchase second tag, Budget hearing; continuation of Deer Management Plan. (2/24)(3/3)(3/15).............................................................................66,80,91 Deer Valley Drive - & JFK Rd. in County, plat of survey of Ege Mueller Place. (2/16)...................56 Delegate to National League of Cities named – Nicholson. (9/7)...................................................316 Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts to County Treasurer as liens. (12/20).......412 Delinquent sewer accounts to County Treasurer as liens. (12/20)................................................411 Delinquent Storm Water Management Accounts to County Treasurer as liens. (12/20)............412 Demolish one-story concrete addition to the Star Brewery. (1/19)..................................................15 Demolition – Conservation District Downtown, School placement, Historic Pres. Request etc. (8/16)(9/7)(9/20)...........................................................................................................300,312,313,336 Demolition – former United Rental Building, 300 Main St. (3/15).....................................................93 Demolition & Clearance Project – Port of Dubuque. (8/2)(8/16)...............................................278,295 Demolition District - Conservation District Process – formerly demolition district – proposed process established – for Historic Preservation Comm. Direction etc. (8/16).........................300 Demolition District, Grandview Avenue Parkway, discussion, denial of same; Chris Wand of Historic Pres. – communication. (5/17)(6/7)..........................................................................202,213 Demolition Districts, Building Regulations, amendments. (8/2)(8/16)....................................284,300 Demolition Districts, Conservation District, establish, expand etc. (8/16)...................................300 Demolition Districts, Process for establishing. (6/7)........................................................................225 th Demolition Permit – Adams Co. industrial building, E. 4 St. (11/15)............................................376 Demolition Project, Flood Hazard Mitigation, Phase II. (3/1)(4/5)(6/21).................72,73,133,134,230 Demolition Requests, Main St., Gronen property, Historic Pres. Comm. comments. (5/3)........167 Dempsey’s/Molly’s Pub & Grub, D. Clifford, Cigarette Per. (6/7)....................................................215 Denny’s Lux Club, B. Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/3)(6/7)........................169,215 Dental Program, VNA funds, CP2; VNA letter of appreciation. (5/17)(6/7).............................183,209 Department of Inspections & Appeals, IA, 28E Agreement, Sec. 8 Rental Assist. Prog. (3/15)..87 22 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Department Natural Resources, IA Land & Water Conservation Fund, Grant Pytigorsk Park. (3/15)....................................................................................................................................................92 Department of Revenue Technical Corrections Bill, legislative letters. (4/5)(5/3)...............108,164 Department of Transportation, first amendment to Agreement with IDOT, City, County, for SW Arterial Environmental Assessments. (3/15).................................................................................93 Department of Transportation, Iowa, rezoning for Apex Concrete at Intersection of US Hwy 151 & 61 & 52. (1/19).....................................................................................................................................26 Depositories for City funds set out – banks and credit unions. (1/19)............................................17 Dept. of Natural Resources Wayne Buchholz, oppose zoning amend. to allow billboards – off- premise signs – Julien Dubuque Drive Planned Industrial Dis. (5/17)....................................186 Design – SW Arterial Supplement agreement, removed from Agenda; agreement with IDOT for design of SW Arterial. (5/3)(7/6)..............................................................................................165,246 Design & Construction of Exhibits for interpretation of the Great River Road at National Miss. River Museum & Aquarium Project – Scenic Byways Grant Application. (1/5)..........................2 Design & inspection work –intersection improvements with new Middle School in partnership with School Dis. (6/7)(8/2)........................................................................................................212,288 Design Center, Inc., Julien Inn, 200 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/6).....................................................396 Design criteria for new construction sites & Best Mgmt Practices to improve water quality and stormwater runoff, ESAC direction. (2/16)................................................................................63,64 Design Elements & Concepts approved for Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project.(12/20).....436 Design of Iowa Hwy 32 corridor – SW Arterial, Consultant services. (11/1)(12/6).........364,394,395 Designation of City Rep for FEMA Assistance – Disasters – City Manager MVM. (9/7)..............304 Desmond Associates, contract for structural analysis of the Iowa & Locust St Ramps. (6/7)..214 Detention Basin Project, Carter Road, final acceptance of project. (12/6)....................................390 Detention Basin, Carter Rd., property acquisition FMV of Miller property. (2/2)(3/15).............45,87 Detention Basin, Carter Road, Utility Easement. (3/1)(3/15)................................................72,101,102 ndnd Detention Basin, W. 32, purchase of properties - W. 32 St. (1/5).................................................5 nd Detention Basin, W. 32, extension of building permit moratorium. (2/16)...................................63 ndnd Detention Basin, W. 32. St., purchase 827 W. 32 property. (5/17)............................................184 nd Detention Basin, W. 32 St., Request for Proposals. (12/6)...........................................................394 ndnd Detention Basin, W. 32 St. purchase of 695 W. 32 St. property. (12/20)..................................409 Detention Basin, Holliday Third Addn. – QHQ, fee services $62,250.(6/7)....................................211 Deutsch, Pvt. Michael, Death in Iraq War, resolution of sympathy from Harlan, IA. (5/17).........185 Development Agreement – Second Amendment DAIDC, TIF funds to be assigned to successor, Walter Development. (9/7)..............................................................................................................305 Development Agreement Westbrook Subd. Callahan Construction; revised. (4/5)(6/21)...108,228 Development Agreement with Lower Main Development, Inc. (4/19)............................................154 Development Agreements – CIGNA to Prudential Financial. (4/5)..........................................121,122 Development Board, City, Voluntary annexation of properties near Asbury etc.; resolution in support of Bd’s conditional approval of voluntary annexation request & also sever six parcels of land from Dbq to Asbury. (3/1)(6/7).......................................................................69,213 Diamond Jo Casino Portside, 400 E. Third, Liquor Lic. (7/6)..........................................................249 Diamond Jo Casino, 400 E. Third, Cigarette Per. (6/21)...................................................................233 Dickinson, Rick, GDDC, promoting Dbq Industrial Center West expansion zoning. (12/20).....419 Dickinson, Rick, GDDC, requesting & appreciative of funding. (2/26)............................................67 Dickinson, Rick, Greater Dubuque Development Corp., gave quarterly report.(1/5)(6/21)....12,238 Dickinson, Rick, requesting City Council rep for River Valley Initiative Foundation Board of Directors. (1/5)....................................................................................................................................14 Digital Drive & Lake Eleanor Road, Yield Sign deleted. (7/19)........................................................266 23 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Digital Drive, designated as a through street. (7/19)........................................................................265 Dip Tap, C. P. Mihalakis, 1689 Elm St., Liquor Lic. (6/7)..................................................................217 Directional sign at Dbq Technology Park, ribbon cutting. (6/7).....................................................226 Disability Employment Awareness Month Proclamation. (10/4).....................................................341 Disaster – May 04 flooding, request for funding help FEMA & Army Corps of Engrs. (10/18)..352 Disaster (Pre) Mitigation Plan adopted; changes from State. (1/5)(3/1).....................................11,70 Disaster Assistance, FEMA, designation of City Manager Van Milligen as contact. (9/7)..........304 Discharges, Code amendment prohibiting non-stormwater related ones into City’s system - & also geothermal pump & dump heating & cooling systems. (4/19).........................................155 Dispatcher, Public Safety, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/7).............................211 Dispatchers, Public Safety, four ten-hour days, amend union agreement. (8/16).......................294 Disposal property to Randy Davis 825 Salem & Mueller’s, alley their property. (4/19)(6/7)(6/21)............................................................................................................140,217,237,238 Disposal of interest in Lot 8A of Medical Associates Subd. No. 2 to THE CU LINK. (9/7)(9/20)....................................................................................................................................308,331 Disposal of Lot 1A of Eagles Place – Lower S. Locust area to Hy-Vee. (9/20).............................330 Disposal of portion of Blanche St. – Lot 136A Maple Leaf Addn. to John Lanser & Jean Mastin. (7/6)....................................................................................................................................................250 Disposal of portion of Lot 13A, Lot 16A & 20A in C.H. Meyer’s Addn. to Gerald Penhollow. (3/15)..............................................................................................................................................101,101 Disposal property at Lombard & Collins St. to UD. (10/18)(11/1)(11/15)...........352,365,366,384,385 th Disposal of property – 12 St. & alley from City to Schools for new Prescott School. (12/6)....403 Disposal of property – alley W of S. Grandview Ave. between Altman & Whelan St., to various nearby property owners. (3/1)(3/15)....................................................................................71,99,100 Disposal of property - Hartig, David, Old Mill Rd properties lease agreement, open green space. (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)....................................................................................................................19,46,47,62 Disposal of property by lease agreement – Dubuque Racing Assn. for operation of Greyhound Park & Casino. (6/7).........................................................................................................................220 Disposal of White’s Place, Lot 2, Utility Easement – Carter Rd Detention Basin. (3/1).................72 DLEC – Dubuque Law Enforcement Center - Police Department Remodeling Project. (4/19)(6/7).....................................................................................................................150,151,221,222 DM Sports Bar Inc., Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(7/19)(11/1)........................................................................................................216,260, 365, DMATS, request funding for engineering services for SW Arterial design services.(12/6).......395 DNR – IA Dept., letter - Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility. (6/7)............................................212 Dodge St. – Hwy 20, compensation estimates for property for realignment of University Ave. from Ethel St. to US 20. (5/3)..........................................................................................................166 Dodge St. – Hwy 20, widening of highway, purchase of properties. (2/2).............................40,41,42 Dodge St., 3230, rezoning for RJS Development – R. J. Smith from CS to C2. (7/19)................262 Dodge St., U.S. 20, IDOT Notice crack sealing & asphalt repair Devon -Crescent Ridge. (10/4)342 Dodge Street – U.S. Highway 20, City, County & IDOT, controlled access facility. (6/21)..........232 Dog Gone, Inc. Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (10/4).....................................344 Dog House Lounge, Dog Gone, Inc., 1646 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (10/4)...........................................344 Dog kennels – storage facility near there, request by Dbq Racing Assn. to construct. (12/6)..392 Dog Track – Dubuque Racing Assn. Greyhound Park & Casino, Expansion. (4/5)....................135 Dog Track, DRA, request for add’l storage facility near kennels. (12/6).......................................392 Dogs - Animal Ordinance update for consistency with State Code. (6/7).....................................225 Dogs, Cats, etc, contract for Collection, Protection & Disposition of strays. (6/7)..............225,226 Dolphin, Gary, resignation from Five Flags Civic Center Comm. (6/21)........................................232 24 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Dolter, Mildred, Basket Expressions, 474 Bluff, Wine Permit. (7/6)..............................................249 Domestic Violence observance on 10/17, attendance urged by Connors. (10/4)........................349 Donahue, Mike, stated UD needs more security. (7/19)...................................................................260 Downs, Randy, Hy-Vee Engineering Dept., in favor of rezoning of 300 S. Locust. (9/20)...........328 Downtown Area & Port of Dubuque, Transit Alternative Analysis, Streetcars. (4/5)...................135 Downtown Conservation District – new downtown school building removed from district; discussion – Historic Pres. Comm etc.; adopt Ordinance. (8/16)(9/7)(9/20).....................................................................................................300,312,313,336,337 Downtown Conservation District, Dubuque, request for new downtown school as to placement etc. (8/16)(9/7)........................................................................................................................300,312,313 Downtown Dubuque Master Plan – Award, Best Partnership Planning Effort. (10/18)...............359 Downtown Eagles Country Market, 1800 Elm, Beer Per. ; Wine Per.; Cigarette Per. (9/7)(10/4).....................................................................................................................................307,343 Downtown Elementary School (Proposed), Traffic Study – Central Ave., White St. etc. (6/7)...212 Downtown Elementary School Neighbor. Resource Center, School thanking City for $250,000 contribution. (11/1)..........................................................................................................................362 Downtown Master Plan discussed at special Council Meeting; discussion – adoption; citizen guide transmitted. (1/5)(2/2)(8/2)...........................................................................................1,49,278 Downtown Neighborhood Conservation District – Demolition – Building Dis. (8/16)(9/20)300,336 Downtown Neighborhood Council, amendment of Purchase of Service Agreement. (11/1).....362 Downtown Rehab Loan to Dubuque Museum of Art, request, payment deferral. (5/3)..............167 Downtown Rehab Loan to Heartland Financial, DB & T, – old Walsh Store renovation. (5/17).184 Downtown Resource Guide, amend Project Concern Purchase of Service Agree. (12/6).......394 Downtown Urban Renewal District, Greater – combine Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District and Downtown Dubuque; amendment to C-5 Business Dis. – re: off-street Parking. (3/1)(4/5)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21).............................................................................73,123,151,152,186,234 Downtown Urban Renewal District, Greater, Tax Increment Revenue Notes, $182,000, Urban Renewal, Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (5/17).............................................190-200 Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Amendment, acquisition of Stealth Race Car Property. (8/2).283 DRA - Dubuque Greyhound Park, 1855 Greyhound Pk., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/7)....60,215 DRA – Dubuque Racing Assn. Lease Agreement thru 2014. (6/1)(6/7)..................................207,220 DRA Loan Documents for renovation of Greyhound Park & Casino. (6/7)..................................223 Draft Agreement – Alexander Co., one year Lease – Star Brewing Co. (3/15)..............................103 Draft National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit – NPDES. (9/7)...........................306 Drahazal, Steven, questioned Council on delayed ambulance call. (6/7).....................................223 Drainage – Discharges, Code amendment prohibiting non-stormwater related ones into City’s system - & also geothermal pump & dump heating & cooling systems. (4/19).....................155 Drainage Basin Master Plan, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project Alignment Study; nd acquisition of 805 W. 32 St. (11/1)(11/15)...........................................................................369,379 Drake, Flint, Attorney, & Bird Sign, Inc., object to amendment to Julien Dbq Dr. PID to allow off- premise signs. (5/17).......................................................................................................................186 th Drew Cook & Sons Exc., awarded bid for 26 St. Storm Sewer Ext. (5/17)..................................200 Drew Cook & Sons Exc., final, Concrete Repair Proj. Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview. (6/7).........212 th Drew Cook & Sons Exc. finalization of 26 Street Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. (11/15)......................378 Drink specials – alcohol, changes in Ord. affecting bars and taverns etc. re: underage & drink specials. (8/16)(9/20)(10/4).................................................................................284,300,335,336,346 Drivers, impaired, funds from Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Application for detection. (2/2)...45 Drug – Eastern Iowa Clan Lab Task Force, 28E Agreement – Police. (6/7)..................................212 Drug Task Force, Methamphetamine, Federal COPS Grant Opportunity. (4/19)..........................140 25 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Drugs, pharmacy benefits, City employees, Admin. Services Agree., Express Scripts. (12/20)409 Drum and Bugle Corps – Colts Center, 1101 Central, Liquor Lic.(8/16)........................................297 Dubuque American Legion #6. 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/21).........................................................233 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau, report by Sue Czeshinski - - tourism. (2/2)(2/26)(3/1)(4/19)(5/3)(8/2).........................................................31,67,69,154,164,284 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce re: Downtown Master Plan. (2/2).......................................49 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, 300 Main St., Wine Permit. (12/6)...................................396 Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corporation, second amendment. – TIF benefits to be assigned to successor – Walter Development. (9/7)..................................................................305 Dubuque Area Labor Management – Tents, Town Clock area, Beer Permits. (7/19)..................259 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Services Agree. (4/5).........................123 Dubuque Area Lifetime Center, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5)........................................123 Dubuque Area Substance Abuse Coalition - Alcoholic Beverages Ord. changes. (10/4)..........346 Dubuque Area Workforce Recruitment Campaign, Steward Sandstrom letter. (12/6)................394 th Dubuque Arts Council, 500 E. 4, Liquor Lic. (4/19)........................................................................146 Dubuque Bank & Trust – DB & T, depository for city funds. (1/19).................................................17 Dubuque Bank & Trust and Paige Chapel, contract for assessment re: community development financial institution need. (5/17)......................................................................................................17 Dubuque Bank & Trust, DB & T, Downtown Rehab Loan for old Walsh Store. (5/17)................184 Dubuque Barge & Fleeting, Newt Marine Service contract Heron Pond Fishing Pier. (9/7)......312 Dubuque Bowling Lanes, James Ferring, 1029 ½ Main, Liquor Lic. (6/7).....................................216 Dubuque Casino Hotel, LLC, Lease Agreement – Parking Use etc. (6/29)(7/6)..............243,250,251 Dubuque Catfish Festival, 1850 Hawthorne, Beer Per. (4/19).........................................................145 Dubuque Community School District partnership – neighborhood resource center at new downtown elementary school. (8/2)..............................................................................................289 Dubuque Community School District request City help fund intersection improvements near new Middle School on Radford Rd. (6/7)(8/2).......................................................................212,288 Dubuque Community School District thanking City for Tyler Rd cul-de-sac. (10/18).................352 th Dubuque Community School District, vacate & dispose of City property – 12 St. between thth Central & White and alley from 11 to 13 St. (11/15)(12/6)........................................381,401,402 Dubuque County Bd of Health, Interagency Agree., inspection swimming pools & spas. (7/6)246 Dubuque County Conservation Bd Grant Request – improvements to Massey Station. (6/21)241 Dubuque County Fair Week Proclamation. (7/19).............................................................................253 Dubuque County Historical Society – Cp2 Funds for Ryan House Accessibility. (5/17)............183 rd Dubuque County Historical Society – National Mississippi River Museum, 350 E. 3 St., Native Wine Per.; Liquor License – Museum. (4/5)(8/16)................................................................125,297 Dubuque County Historical Society Subgrantee Agreement for Scenic Byways Grant – Great River Road Interpretive Signs & brochure. (7/19).......................................................................257 Dubuque County Historical Society Sublease, Audubon Society – dock Lily Belle. (6/21).......232 Dubuque County Historical Society, National Mississippi River Museum, Liquor Lic. (8/16)...297 Dubuque County Supervisors request City Transit Div. become certified HCBS Transportation Provider. (6/21).................................................................................................................................232 Dubuque County, City & IDOT, US 20 Reconstruct. Agree. controlled access facility. (6/21)...232 Dubuque Cultural and Entertainment District Application – downtown Dubuque. (8/16)..........296 Dubuque Discount Gas #2, 2175 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/19)(6/7).......................19,215 Dubuque Discount Gas, 3270 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/21)...................................232,233 Dubuque Discount Gas, Inc., 4110 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/21)....................................................233 Dubuque Glass Co., completion of Iowa St. Ramp Skywalk Improvement Pro. (5/17)...............181 Dubuque Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall, Liquor Lic. (5/17)....................................................185 26 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Golf & Country Club, property – alley W of S. Grandview between Altman & Whelan St., disposed of portion to them. (3/1)(3/15)............................................................................71,99,100 Dubuque Golf & Country Club, request permission for fireworks. (4/5)......................................107 Dubuque Greyhound Park – DRA, Lease Agreement through 3/31/14. (6/1)(6/7)(6/29)207,220,243 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino renovation, loan documents. (6/7)......................................223 Dubuque Greyhound Park Expansion Project – letter of support to IA Racing & Gaming Comm.: temp. stop signs during renovation. (1/5)(6/21).....................................................................14,241 Dubuque Greyhound Park, DRA, 1855 Greyhound Pk., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/7)......60,215 Dubuque Human Rights Commission, include sexual orientation as a protected class. (6/7).213 Dubuque Humane Society contract, termination notice for animal shelter for City. (5/3)..........175 Dubuque Humane Society, funding – Purchase of Service Agreement; five year Purchase of Service Agreement finalized.. (4/5(6/7)).................................................................................134,223 Dubuque Industrial Center West – Chavenelle Drive Repair Work. (3/15)......................................91 Dubuque Industrial Center West – Phase III – Management Agenda. (9/14).................................318 Dubuque Industrial Center West – PUD Amendment- extend Chavenelle Rd.(12/20)................419 Dubuque Industrial Center West, Third Addn., RFP – consultant for design of next phase of development; Engineering Consultant IIW contract. (5/3)(6/21)........................................167,231 Dubuque Initiatives Staffing Agreement – administrative & accounting services, one year agreement. (8/16).............................................................................................................................295 Dubuque Inn – Ramada Inn Place, Lot 1, part for US 20 Widening proj. (2/2)...........................40,41 Dubuque Inn Corp., Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/15)..........................................................95 Dubuque Inn, 3434 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/21)...............................................................................233 Dubuque Internal Medicine claim; referred to Ins. (11/1).................................................................362 Dubuque Jaycees, various tents, Beer Permits. (5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(8/16)....185,216,233,248,297 Dubuque Jaycees, with KDTH, KATF, etc. request for fireworks on 7/3/05. (7/19).....................263 Dubuque Law Enforcement Center, Police Dept Remodeling Project. (4/19)(6/7)150,151,221,222 Dubuque Lodge #355 – Moose Lodge, 1166 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/19)(5/3).............................146,168 Dubuque Main St. Ltd. Best Public Improve. Project/ New Construction Award, Grand River Center. (10/18)..................................................................................................................................359 Dubuque Main St. Ltd., and IDED – Program Agreement. (9/7).....................................................303 Dubuque Main St., Ltd., in support of the 2005 Great American Main Street Awards Application. (10/18)................................................................................................................................................353 Dubuque Main St., requesting & appreciative of funding; Purchase of Services. (2/26)(4/5)67,123 Dubuque Main Street Ltd., reappointment of Ann Michalski to Board. (7/6)................................251 Dubuque Mechanical Code adopted – Hearing, Ventilating, Air Conditioning. (8/2)..................290 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency – tipping fees & FY 05 Budget. (1/19).............15 Dubuque Middle School on Radford, request for sidewalks. (8/16)..............................................300 Dubuque Mining Co., The Apartment, Ltd. 555 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Permit. (2/2)(6/7).46,215 Dubuque Museum of Art, Uptown Recreation Program FY 05 Agreement. (4/19).......................141 Dubuque Museum of Art, defer payments on Rehab Loan request. (5/3).....................................167 Dubuque Nursery & Landscaping – UDAG Loan for a new nursery, 2813 Jackson. (4/5).........134 Dubuque Professional Firefighters #353, Tentative Agreement with City. (5/17)........................180 Dubuque Racing Assn. Greyhound Park DRA, Lease Agree through 3/31/14. (6/1)(6/7)(6/29).....................................................................................................................207,220,243 Dubuque Racing Assn. Dbq Greyhound Park, 1855 Greyhound Pk, Liquor Lic. (2/16)................60 Dubuque Racing Assn. request grant funds arts & cultural orgs. operating expenses. (9/7)...305 Dubuque Racing Assn., City request Arts & Cultural Comm. To apply for grant funding. (8/2)288 Dubuque Racing Assn., Dubuque Greyhound Park, expansion plan approval. (4/5).................135 Dubuque Racing Assn., storage facility near kennels request. (12/6)..........................................392 27 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Religious Center, 923 Main, Wine Per. (1/5).........................................................................7 Dubuque River Rides, Nancy Webster, requesting lease extension. (10/18)(11/1)..............353,369 Dubuque Southgate Development, suit against them & City by various individuals. (3/1)..........69 Dubuque Southgate Investments, Dan Mueller, rezoning Hwy 52, 61/151, Apex Concrete. (1/19)....................................................................................................................................................26 Dubuque Storage and Transfer Co. claim; referred to Ins. (2/2)(2/16).......................................32,55 Dubuque Technology Park directional sign, comments @ ribbon cutting time. (6/7)................226 Dubuque Technology Park, purchase from IDOT, Patent No. 5159. (11/15).................................377 Dubuque Technology Park, purchase of Lot F from IDOT for sign. (5/3)......................................168 Dubuque Water Ski Club Lease – Schmitt Island. (4/19).................................................................145 Dubuque Yacht Basin, Lease Assign., US Bank to American Trust & Savings Bank. (7/19)....255 Dubuque Yacht Club, Julien, Michael Woodyard, No Wake Zone in Mississippi River.(5/17)...206 Dubuque, Your Hometown, Your Future campaign, UDAG funds.. (9/7)......................................305 th DubuqueFest, 7 & Main, Beer Per. (4/19).........................................................................................145 Duggan, Mayor Terry, absent from Council Meeting. (2/16)..............................................................55 Duggan, Mayor Terry, on GDDC Board of Directors. (6/7)...............................................................223 Duggan, Mayor Terry, swearing in of Council Members Ann E. Michalski, Roy D. Buol, and Patricia A. Cline; also Dan Nicholson as Mayor Pro-Tem. (1/5)....................................................2 Duggan, Mayor, request part of grant dollar increase for operating expenses of arts & cultural organizations. (9/7)..........................................................................................................................305 Duggleby, John, request arts funding. (9/20)....................................................................................319 Dunn, Dr. Catherine, BVM, Pres. of Clarke College, Gave Invocation. (2/16).................................55 Dunning, Bob, Asbury Dubuque, LLC, approval final Plat of Asbury Plaza No. 12. (10/4)..348,349 Dupaco Community Credit Union, depository for City funds. (1/19)...............................................17 Durrant Architects for design services for Five Flags Civic Center renovation. (11/15)............380 Durrant Architects, & Earth Tech, Inc., consultant, Highway 32 (SW Arterial). (9/7)(9/20)..305,336 Durrant Group, Jim Kolf, approve expansion of Dbq Greyhound Park. (4/5)...............................135 Dwelling License Fee increase, Rental – Housing Code Enforcement – Budget hearing.(3/3)...85 28 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE E ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/1)(9/7)(12/6)..............................69,303,389 ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES? (2/16)(8/2)..................................55,275 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(3/1)(3/15)(7/19)(10/18)(12/20)........................................................................32,69,87,253,350,409 thth E. 11 St. & E. 9 St., roadway connector name changed to Elm St. (3/15).................................102 thth E. 9 St. & E. 11 Sts., roadway connector name changed to Elm St. (3/15)...............................102 th E. Ninth - 9 St., 395, former Eagle Window facility, Monitoring wells installed. (6/7)..............210 Eagle Country Market, 1800 Elm St., Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cigarette Per. (9/7)(10/4).........307,343 Eagle Food Centers, Inc. Bankruptcy Court hearing. (1/19)..............................................................16 Eagle Point Bluff Rock Face – request to have a public hearing. (8/16)(9/7).........................30,312 Eagle Point Bluff Rock Face – RFP’s for engineering firm to examine; discussion. (8/2)(9/7)(9/20) ..............................................................................................................................................289,312,320 Eagle Point Bluff Stabilization, Request for Proposals. (12/20).....................................................433 Eagle Point Bluff, Boulder Slide, request investigation; discussion. (3/15)(9/7)(9/20).102,312,320 Eagle Point Bluff, condo project, comments by John Brennan; discussion. (7/19)(9/7)(9/20)....................................................................................................................27,312,320 th Eagle Point Park Pavilions - shelters, Architectural significance for 20 Century. (9/20)..........322 Eagle Point Water Plant ADA Elevator Renovation Project. (6/7)..................................................220 Eagle Valley Drive and Eagle Valley Subdivision Parking Restrictions. (12/20)..........................438 Eagle Valley Subdivision – Roosevelt Rd. Phase II Water Main Extension Proj. (6/7)................221 Eagle Valley Subdivision, final plat. (10/4)..................................................................................347,348 Eagle Valley Subdivision, rezoning property E of Roosevelt Rd. R2 & R3 to PUD. (11/15).382,383 Eagle Valley Subdivision, Townhomes, MidAmerican Housing Partnership Application, resolution of Support for IDED (12/6)(12/20)........................................................................406,413 th Eagle Window facility (former) at 395 E. 9 St., Monitoring wells installed. (6/7)........................210 Eagles Club, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1175 Century, Liquor Lic. (3/1).........................................70 Eagles Place, Resolution of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1A, Hy-Vee – S Locust area near former Eagles. (9/7)(9/20)................................................................................................307,330 Earth Tech, Inc. consultant, design Iowa Highway 32, SW Arterial Ph I. (9/7)(12/6)......305,394,395 Easement, Carter Rd Detention Basin, Millers, object eminent domain. (3/1)(3/15)..72,88,101,102 Easement request, Vernon C. Van Cleve, of 2542 Marywood Dr., easement for access. (9/7)..306 Easement, ROW, 10’ Arbor Estates, Kivlahan Farms. (4/19)...........................................................146 East Central Intergovernmental Agency submitting 2004 Annual Report. (12/20)......................413 East Dubuque Savings Bank, depository for City funds. (1/19).......................................................17 East Fifth St. – plat of survey of Adams St. & Bodega St. (8/2)......................................................278 East Fifth St. and Bell St., addition and deletion of stop signs; deletion of yield sign. (8/2).....291 East Sixteenth St., Smithfield Foods plant, training site for Police. (11/15).................................379 East West Corridor Study, Policy Agenda of Council. (9/14)..........................................................318 Eastern Iowa Clan Lab Task Force – 28E Agreement, Police. (6/7)...............................................212 Easy Street, Jason Winter, 431 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/17)(6/7).............185,215 Eberlein, Carol. J., claim; referred to Ins. (4/5)..................................................................................107 ECIA Annual Report, 2004. (12/20)......................................................................................................413 E-Community Program, overview Mark Henning & ESAC recommend endorsement. (12/20)..411 Econo Foods #471, Nash Finch Co., 3355 JFK Road, Beer Per.; Wine Per. (2/16)........................60 Econofoods #471, Nash Finch Co., 3355 JFK Road, Cigarette Per. (6/21)....................................233 Economic Development Department – Michalski – maximize Port of Dbq. (2/24).........................66 Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Proj. Grant America’s River Museum. (10/4)..343 29 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE E Economic Development Projects, Tax Increment Financing Report, 2004. (12/20)....................411 Economic Development Revolving Loan Funds (RLF) Programs, establish 2 Programs, $200,000 G.O. Loan Notes etc.(12/20)....................................................................................................439,440 Economic Development Services, Purchase of Services funding with GDDC. (4/5)..................123 EDC Corporation, finalization of Parking Enforcement Software project. (5/17).........................181 Eddy, Char, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/16)(9/7).....................................299,310 Education & Conference Center – Grand River Center, Bid Pkg. 2, acceptance. (4/19).....,141,142 Education Week, Responsible Gaming Proclamation. (Gambling). (8/2)......................................275 Edwards Concrete Contractors, Inc., claim/suit.(7/19).....................................................................253 Ege Mueller Pl. Plat of survey, N of JFK Rd intersection & Deer Valley Dr. in County. (2/16)......56 Eichman, Robert, request public hearing Eagle Point Park bluff face condo project. (8/16).......30 El Paisono, Inocente Rubio, 1543 Central, Beer Per. (2/2)................................................................46 Elderly Dental Program, VNA, Cp2 funds; appreciation of VNA. (5/17)(6/7)..........................183,209 Eleanor Roosevelt School re: nearby rezoning for restaurant on Radford Rd & Radford Ct.(12/20)...............................................................................................................................................417 Election Results, Abstract of votes for Baseball Stadium. (1/5).........................................................6 Electric Utility – Alliant Increase, objection letter to Iowa Utility Bd.(3/15)(5/3).....................105,165 Electric Utility Agreements – Maquoketa Valley, Alliant.(3/15)(4/5)...................................95,126,127 Electrical Cooperatives, Utility Agreements. (3/15)(4/5)......................................................95,126,127 Elementary School – new one downtown to take the place of Prescott, neighborhood resource center etc. (8/2)......................................................................................................................................289 Elenz, Mark, wants sidewalks in Harvest View area. (9/20).............................................................322 Elevator Renovation Project, Eagle Point Water Plant. (6/7)...........................................................220 Eleventh Street, West, Historic District, nomination to National Register of Historic Places; put on National Register of Historic Places. (6/7)(9/20)...................................................................224,319 Elm Real Estate property, Fair Market Value established. (3/15)......................................................91 Elm Real Estate, L.C. – Iowa Glass, eminent domain, University Ave. Ext. Project. (11/15).......375 Elm St., 2524, complaint @ junk there by J. Osterhaus. (7/6).........................................................251 thth Elm St., name for Connector between E. 9 & E. 11 Sts. (3/15)....................................................102 Embassy West Drive, through street designation. (7/19)................................................................265 Emergency alert system, review, FCC. (10/18)..................................................................................353 Emergency Backup Lighting for Library, repair – replacement. (6/7)............................................214 Emergency Communications Center budget review by Council. (2/12).........................................54 Emergency Management Division, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan changes. (3/1)...........................70 Emergency Medical aid, letter of appreciation by Wm. Fuerste. (4/19).........................................145 Emergency Response Vehicle, appreciation for funds by Red Cross. (6/21)..............................230 Emergency Services ambulance response questioned by S. Drahozal & Mark Kressig. (6/7)..223 Eminent Domain for properties for University Ave. Extension Pro. – Elm Real Estate – Iowa Glass & James & Eunice Newman property. (11/15).......................................................................375 Emplanement Strategy & Air Service – Priority Item. (9/14)............................................................318 Employee Assistance Program Service with Mercy Medical Center for FY 05. (9/20)................320 Employee Recognition, Joleen Patterson of Housing & Comm. Development, 2004 Community Development Award for Exemplary Service. (11/1)....................................................................365 Employees, City Finance, authorized to obtain bank information. (1/19).......................................16 Employment – Hire Vets First Proclamation. (10/4)..........................................................................341 Employment Agreement, thirteenth amendment, City Manager M. Van Milligen. (7/6)...............247 Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources Committee (NLC), appoint Patricia Cline. (2/2)...51 Engineering consultant IIW for Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addition. (6/21).....................231 Engineering design for SW Arterial, request for more funding etc. (12/6)....................................395 30 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE E Engineering firm – environmental, remediation petroleum at Port of Dbq. (1/5).............................5 Engineering firm for Eagle Point Park Rock Face, RFP’s. (8/2)......................................................289 English Mill Road & Crescent Ridge, deleting it as a Stop intersection. (7/19)............................266 Enterprise Zone #1 & Enterprise Zone #2, IDED, expansion requested. (11/1).....................369,370 Enterprise Zone Contract for Gronen Adaptive Reuse, - IDED, 1000 block of Main St. (8/2).....277 Enterprise Zone, Memo of Understanding & Assign & Assumption Agreements – CIGNA to Prudential Financial. (4/5)...........................................................................................................121,122 Entrance Road Construction Project, Arboretum. (8/16)(9/20)................................................299,335 Environmental Assessment, SW Arterial Design, First Amendment. (3/15)...................................93 Environmental engineering firms solicited for proposals for remediation of petroleum at Port of Dubuque; selection of Terracon for remediation services. (1/5)(4/5)...................................5,135 Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., receipt of City materials to fulfill requirement under Public Health Security & Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response Act of 2002. (5/3)..........165 Environmental Stewardship Advisory C. Needing applicants for Youth position. (7/19)...........258 Environmental Stewardship Advisory C Youth app. Chad M. Chase; appointed. (10/4)(10/18).................................................................................................................................345,355 Environmental Stewardship Advisory C. design criteria for new construction sites etc. (2/16).63 Environmental Stewardship Advisory C. applicant Sr. Mary Clare O’Toole; appointed. (3/15)(4/5).......................................................................................................................................97,126 Environmental Stewardship Advisory C. applicants Michael J. Buelow, John T. Nemmers; reappointment of both. (10/18)......................................................................................................355 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission endorsing E-Community Prog. (12/20).....411 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission resignation of Daniel J. Calvert. (2/2).........33 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission, support of stormwater management rebate program – Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm. (11/15).................................................................374 Enzler, Jerry, Historical Soc. Sublease for docking of Audubon Ark – Lily Belle. (6/21)............232 Enzler, Jerry, request delay of demolition of Adams Co. (11/15)...................................................376 th Erickson, David H., Lucky 13 Tavern, 385 E. 13 St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic.(6/21)(9/7)..23,307 Ernst, Paul A., claim; referred to Ins. (8/16)(9/7).........................................................................293,303 Erosion Policy – NPDES Approval, Policy Agenda Priority Item. (9/14)........................................318 Ertl, Fred F., III, comments: Human Rights Ord. inclusion of sexual orientation. (12/6).............389 ESAC recommend endorsement of E-Community Program. (12/20).............................................411 Ethel St. to U.S. 20, realignment U.S. 20, University Ave. Ext., near Theisen’s. (5/3)..................166 Etheredge, Randy, comments – Arts & Cultural Affairs funding. (9/20)........................................319 Eunice’s Unique Traders, eminent domain, property, US 20 University Ave. Ext. Pro. (11/15).375 Europa Haus, Inc. – Bierstube, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic.(11/1)................................................365 Evaluation of City Manager Michael Van Milligen, annual. (6/29)...................................................243 Exchange of properties W of Arboretum properties, Arbor Estates, Kivlahan Farms. (2/16).57,58 Expansion of Prudential Retirement Insurance & Annuity Co. (12/20)..........................................435 Express Scripts, Inc., Administrative Services Agree., for employees drug benefits. (12/20 ...409 31 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE E 32 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE F FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(4/5)(6/7)(8/16)(12/6) .........................................................................................................................................2,107,209,293,389 Faber, Dennis, 2835 Carter Rd., oppose text amend to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)................................................................................................................384 Fabricious, Rebecca, applicant, Arts & Cultural Affairs Comm.; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)401,417 Façade, Five Flags Theater, Paint, Project. (4/19)............................................................................141 Fahey, Paul, of Kwik Stop, rezoning of 4039 Pennsylvania Ave. (6/21)......................................235 Fahey, Paul, request to purchase city property abutting 2297 University Ave. (10/4)................343 Fair Housing Month Proclamation. (4/5)............................................................................................107 Fair Market Value for acquisition of property owned by Elm Real Estate – Auto Glass Ctr., for University Ave Realignment. (3/15).............................................................................................91 Fair Market Value property of Eunice & James Newman – University Ave. realignment - Hwy 20 near Theisen’s entrance. (5/3)(5/17)....................................................................................167,202 Fair Market Value for property part, Charles R & Beverly Pullen at 19299 Riverside Dr. wetlands mitigation – University Dr. Extension. (7/19)................................................................................254 Fair Week, Dubuque County, Proclamation. (7/19)...........................................................................253 Family Mart, Inc., 3201 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (6/7)(9/7)(10/4).....216,307,344 Family Self-Sufficiency & Homeownership Prog. Coordinators, apply to HUD for funds. (6/7)214 Famolo of Iowa, Los Aztecas, 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/16)........................................................297 Fare increase for minibus, discussion etc.(11/1)..............................................................................366 Farley, Iowa, fund Heritage Trail Connection Proj. IA Federal Recreation Trails Prog. (9/20)...322 Fat Tuesdays, Richard Hirsch, 1121 University, Cig. Permits; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(9/20)........233,323 FCC – Federal Communications Commission, letter to Chair M. Powell, - review emergency alert system. (10/18)...........................................................................................................................353 February 2004 Financial Reports; Council Proceedings approved as printed. (3/15)(6/7)...87,209 Federal Communications Commission, letter to Chair Michael Powell, - review of emergency alert system. (10/18)..........................................................................................................................353 Federal COPS Grant Opportunity – Drug Control Policy, Meth Task Force & 1 Officer. (4/19)..140 Federal Government Performance & Results Act Annual Report – National Parks Service. (1/5)4 Federal Highway Adm., Hist. Pres. Office, City, County, White Water Creek Bridge relocate. (10/18)..................................................................................................................................................351 Federal Initiatives – City Council Priorities & request for appropriations. (1/5)...............................5 Federal Legislative Priorities approved for City. (12/20).................................................................410 Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services, Iowa Health Buyers Alliance, application. (7/19)...257 Federal Recreation Trails Program, IA, support Farley’s for Heritage Trail Project. (9/20)........322 Federal Recreational Trails Funds for Water Works Park, Phase I, IDOT. (10/4).........................342 Fee payment analysis, Cable Franchise, contract with Lewis & Assoc. (3/15)............................103 Fee renewal Administrative Services for Worker’s Compensation. (9/20)...................................320 Fee, Administrative Services, Health Choices. (6/21)......................................................................228 Fees & Permits, adoption of 2003 International Residential Code. (7/19).....................................270 Fees & Permits, adoption of 2003 Plumbing Bode. (8/2).................................................................289 Fees FY 2005 Budget, Fire Sprinkler Services & Parking Meters Fees. (3/15)(4/5).......104,105,135 Fees, Permits, International Building Code Adoption, 2003. (7/19)...............................................267 th Felderman, Bob, oppose closing of 12 St. for new school. (8/16)(12/6)..............................294,402 Felderman, Pat, Management Agreement for Miller Riverview Park. (3/15)....................................88 Felderman, William, Claim; referred to Ins. (6/7)(6/21)..............................................................209,228 Felderman, William, resignation from Zoning Bd of Adjustment. (12/6).......................................394 FEMA Assistance, City Manager Van Milligen designated as City’s representative. (9/7).........304 FEMA reimbursement for flood related damages, letters to legislators. (9/20)............................322 32 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE F FEMA – Sen. C. Grassley contacted them @ costs for floodwater pumping stations. (10/18)..352 FEMA - Homeland Security & Emergency Management Division, Iowa, Appeal of Decision re: non payment of pumping costs for floodwall in recent flood. (11/1).......................................363 Ferring, James, Dubuque Bowling Lanes, 1029 ½ Main, Liquor Lic. (6/7)....................................216 Fiber Optic Conduit System Project Phase I, reject bids & reorder. (11/1)(11/15)...............366,385 Fiber Optics Conduit Project, NW Arterial. (9/7)(10/4).......................................................309,310,346 Fifteenth St. Cornell to Fairview, Residential Parking Per. Dis., by Loras. (2/2)(2/16)(5/17).......................................................................................................................32,55,188 Fifth and Bell Street intersection, Port of Dubuque, traffic control consideration; addition & deletion of stop signs; deletion of yield sign. (6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)................242,251,252,264,291 Fifth St., East, plat of Survey of Adams St. & Bodega St. (8/2).......................................................278 stnd Final Assessments for White Street Reconstruction (21 to 32) Street. (4/5)....................110-121 Finance Assistance – FEMA, City Manager Van Milligen designated as rep. (9/7).....................304 Finance Dept. budget discussed by Council. (2/9).............................................................................53 Finance Dept. employees McGinnis & Steckel authorized to get bank account info. (1/19)........16 Finance Report – Street, FY 04, for IDOT. (9/20)...............................................................................321 Financial Assistance for McKesson Corp. (1/5)....................................................................................6 Financial Assistance, State of Iowa Brownfield Project, Port of Dbq Petroleum Clean-up. (6/21)...................................................................................................................................................231 Financial Commitment to Vision Iowa Grant Agreement affirmed by M. Gartner. (11/1)............365 Financial Report – CAPER – Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report from 7/1/03 thru 6/30/04, CDBG. (9/20)..............................................................................................................321 Financial Report – Comprehensive Annual - & Parking Facilities Report for 2003. (2/16)...........56 Financial Reports for various months: (2/16)(3/15)(4/19)(6/7)(6/21) (7/19)(8/16)(9/20)(10/18)(11/15) (12/20)............................................................................55,87,140,209,228,253,293,319,350,374,409 Financial support requested for Grand Excursion 2004.(6/7).........................................................223 Financing Report, Tax Increment, 2004 summary, support economic development. (12/20)...411 Fine Increased for Fire Lane Violations. (4/5)....................................................................................135 Fines increased for Parking Violations. (3/3).................................................................................84,85 Finn, John, The Busted Lift, Special Event, St. Patrick’s Day, info & direction. (3/1)...................78 Finn, John, The Busted Lift Outdoor Service Agreement re: ROW. (6/7)......................................213 Fire, Open Burning of Land Clearance Materials & on AG Property, new Ord. (4/19)..........160,161 Fire Dept. & Police Dept. thanked, Archdiocesan building – fire response. (8/2).......................292 Fire Dept. budget discussed by Council. (2/12)..................................................................................54 Fire Lane Violations fine increased. (4/5)...................................................................................135,136 Fire Proof Vests for Police, replacement. (2/2)....................................................................................46 Fire Sprinkler Service fees, amendment to Ordinance, FY 2005 budget. (3/15)..........................104 Firefighter, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/19)......................................................254 Firefighters Assn., Letter of Understanding payroll deduction services for FIREPAC Check- Off Program. (7/6)..............................................................................................................................247 Firefighters, Dubuque Professional, Assn., Tentative Agreement with City. (5/17)....................180 Fireworks permission request by KDTH, KATF, KGFF for 7/3/05. (7/19).......................................263 Fireworks permission, request by Dbq Golf & Country Club. (4/5)................................................107 Fiscal Officers of City – Finance Dept. employees authorized to get bank account info. (1/19).16 th Fisch, Bob, 722 W. 11, appreciative of Loras Blvd. Historic Lighting. (4/5)...............................133 Fischer Companies, J. Pfohl, request approval of Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)..........................49 Fischer Excavating, James A. Daniel suit against them & City. (4/5)............................................107 Fischer Lanes, Plastic Center, Inc. 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (7/6)...................................................249 Fishing pier on Heron Bond, construction – IA DNR 28E Agreement; start of project. 33 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE F (2/16)(8/2)(9/7)...........................................................................................................................56,282,312 Fishing Pier, Heron Pond, 28E Agreement with IA DNR. (8/2)........................................................279 Five Flags Center Renovation design firm selected: Durrant Architects. (11/15).......................380 Five Flags Civic Center - SMG Co., proposal for privatization of Five Flags Civic Center; approval of agreement with them; amendment to agreement. (4/19)(6/21)(10/4)......139,240,341 Five Flags Civic Center Budget discussed. (2/23)..............................................................................65 Five Flags Civic Center Commission resignation of Gary Dolphin. (6/21)....................................232 Five Flags Civic Center C. applicants Rod Bakke, Mike Brannon; reappointed. (7/6)(7/19),.................................................................................................................................249,260 Five Flags Civic Center Commission, applicants Brian D. Hutchins, Bryce Parks; appointment of Bryce Parks. (9/7)(9/20)............................................................................................................310,323 Five Flags Civic Center privatization, concerns of M. Gibson – Fly By Night Prod. (2/2).............32 Five Flags Civic Center renovation, request for proposals. (9/7)...................................................306 Five Flags Civic Center, Paint Exterior Façade Project. (4/19)................................................140,141 Five Flags Civic Center, petition for weekend ice skating times. (12/20)......................................433 Five Flags Civic Center, requests for proposals for privatization – management; special session of Council discussion & request for RFP’s; management Agreement with SMG. (1/5)(2/23)(4/19)(5/3)(6/21)......................................................................................13,65,139,177,240 Five Flags Civic Center, SMG Food & Beverage, 405 Main, Liquor Lic. (6/21).............................234 Five Flags Civic Center, SMG, authorization to execute checks.(7/19).........................................259 Five Point Mart Sinclair, 405 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7).......................215, 307 Five Year Capital Improvement Program Budget adoption. (3/3)................................................80,81 Five Year Street Construction Program. (3/3).....................................................................................81 Flint Hill Drive, through street designation. (7/19)............................................................................265 Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Project – Phase II. (3/1)(4/5)(6/21).......................72,73,133,230 Flooding, severe weather etc., City Manager Van Milligen designated as rep for FEMA. (9/7).304 Floodwall Pumping Station Improvements, RFP’s, 5 improvement projects.(12/20)................411 Floodwall pumping stations, cost incurred, Sen. Grassley contacting FEMA etc.; appeal of denial; info etc. (10/18)(11/1).....................................................................................................352,363 Fly By Night Productions, concerns @ Five Flags Center privatization. (2/2)...............................32 Flynn Addition, Plat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2. (12/20)........................................................................410 Flynn Co. finalization of John F. Kennedy Reconstruction – Spring Valley to Barony Dr. (2/2)..43 Flynn, Donna, Claim; Referred to Ins. (5/3)........................................................................................164 Fonck, Carolyn, Channel Inn Rest., 2010 ½ Kerper Blvd., Liquor Lic. (10/18)..............................354 Fondell Excavating – finalization of Napier St. Storm & Sanitary Sewer Ext. (4/19)....................142 Fondell Excavating – finalization of In-Line Skate Rink Project. (6/21).........................................229 Fondell Excavating, awarded contract, Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (9/20)..334 Fondell, Debra, applicant for Civil Service Comm. – withdrew her app. (4/19)............................151 Fondell, Mark, accept Resolution No. 386-04, Eagle Valley Subd. Final plat. (10/4)(12/20).348,414 Food Bank, St. Stephen’s, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5).................................................122 Forest Grange Subd. #3, preliminary plat; final plat. (6/21)(7/19)............................................229,263 Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Services Agreement with Project Concern. (4/5)..122 Four Mounds - Four Oaks Inc of Iowa, Cp2 Funds; Subcontract amendment. (5/17)(7/19)183,256 Four Mounds Found., Summer Day Camp Prog. FY 05 Amend. Uptown Rec. Prog. (4/19).....141 Four Mounds Foundation, grant application to State Historical Soc., repair Grey House. (1/19)16 Four Mounds Foundations – Alliant Amphitheatre, Beer Permits. (7/19).....................................259 Four Oaks Inc of Iowa, Cp2 Funds; Subcontract amendment. (5/17)(7/19)...........................183,256 Four Seasons Buffet, 3305 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (6/21).....................................................................234 Fourth St, 100 E.., demolition permit for Adams Co. industrial building. (11/15).........................376 34 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE F Fourth Street, East, name change of that St. to Ice Harbor Drive, in Port of Dubuque. (6/21)...239 Fourth Zone Water Tower Construction Project, accept. (8/2).......................................................276 Fowl – Animals, code change – update re: collection, disposition of animals. (6/7)..........225,226 Franchise Agreements, Utility, Amendments. (3/15)(4/5)...................................................95,126-132 Franchise Fee of 2% - Peoples Natural Gas. (4/5).....................................................................131,132 Franchise Renewal Process - Extension, Cable TV, MCCIowa, Inc. HUB Site lease – Mediacom. (2/16)(2/23)(3/15)(6/7)(6/21)......................................................................................64,65,103,217,238 Fraternal Order of Eagles, Eagles Club, 1175 Century, Liquor Lic. (3/1).........................................70 Freedom Rider Members, - Tour de Dubuque Proclamation for Hospice. (8/2)...........................275 Fremont Avenue Reconstruction Project. (2/2)(3/1)(3/15)...................................47,48,75,76,103,104 Frick, Jack, Bd. President of Dbq Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, withdrawn petition for No Fringe Area Policy Agreement with Dubuque County – Planning, annexation etc. (3/1)(3/15)77,94 Fritsch, Doug & Dianne, comments @ annexation to City. (1/5)........................................................9 Fritsch, Doug, objecting to expansion of Dubuque Ind. Center West.(12/20)..............................419 Frontage Road, Eastbound, S of Hwy 20 & Cedar Cross Rd., deletion of stop signs. (7/19).....266 Frost, Thomas T. & Lee Ann, sale University Ave. prop. realignment of road, near Theisen’s entrance, Hwy 20. (5/3)........................................................................................................................166 Fuerst, Steve, IIW Engrs., vacate 20’ utility easement, Southgate Center Second Addn. (11/1)363 Fuerste, William C., 1360 S. Grandview, appreciation for Emergency Services. (4/19)..............145 Fuerstenberg, James, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/6)...........................................................................245 Funds for Arts & Cultural Task Force – City tells them to apply to DRA for grants. (8/2)..........288 Funds for support of Grand Excursion 2004. (6/7)...........................................................................223 Funds release Notice – Stealth Race Cars Property EDI Project. (9/20)........................................320 Funds, additional, requested for Dubuque Humane Society. (4/5)(6/7).................................134,223 Funds, CDBG, FY 2005, Notice of Intent to Release. (4/19).............................................................144 Funds, UDAG, for Dubuque: Your Hometown, Your Future. (9/7).................................................305 Funeral Homes, divide Lot 1 in Kitchen family properties, 3860 Asbury requested by Dave, James & Sharon Schneider. (7/19).................................................................................................254 Furry, Norma, Claim; referred to Ins. (1/19) (2/2)...........................................................................15,32 FY 04 Budget Amendment. (1/5)(1/19)(5/3)...................................................................7,23,24,173,174 FY 04 Street Finance Report. (9/20)....................................................................................................321 FY 05 Budget amendment, first. (9/7).................................................................................................308 FY 05 CDBG Annual Action Plan. (1/19)...............................................................................................19 FY 2004 Airport Capital Improvement Projects approved, additional. (2/2)....................................42 FY 2004 Budget Amendment, hearing set. (4/19)......................................................................146,147 FY 2004 Third Quarter Report of Substance Abuse Center. (5/3)..................................................164 FY 2005 Annual Action Plan, CDBG; Amendment #1 – CDBG – Cp2 partnership. (1/19)(2/24)(5/17) ..................................................................................................................................................19,16,183 FY 2005 Budget – Free Ordinances – Fire Sprinklers & Parking Meters. (3/15)...........................104 FY 2005 Budget Transmittal, FY 05; Public Hearing and adoption of FY 2005 Budget; budget amendment. (1/19)(3/3)(9/20)......................................................................................28,80,332,333 FY 2005 Budget Transmittal. (1/19).......................................................................................................28 FY 2005 CDBG Annual Plan – Program Year 2004. (3/3)...................................................................81 FY 2005 Comm. Partnership Grant, VNA Elderly Home Based Oral Health Dental Pro.. (6/7)...209 FY 2005 Legislative Priorities. (6/21)..................................................................................................241 FY 2005 Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program Budget. (2/16)..................................61 FY 2005 Wage Plan & Compensation Pkg. for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees. (6/7)..............211 FY 2006 Budget Hearing Schedule set out. (12/6)............................................................................407 FY 2006 Policy Guidelines. (12/6)........................................................................................................407 35 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE F 36 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE G G.M.S. – George Stephenson, Mgmt Agree. - Bunker Hill Golf Course. (2/16)...............................56 G.O. Bonds, 2002C, Reallocate funds for new Municipal Services Center. (10/18)(11/1)....354,368 G.O. Capital Loan Notes, Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Programs – RLF. (12/20) ............................................................................................................................................................439 G.O. Loan Notes, Premier Bank, $200,000, Historic Pres. Revolving Loan. (12/6)(12/20)...396,429 Galle, Dan, claim; denial. (5/17)(6/7)............................................................................................180,209 Gambling, Responsible Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/2).........................................275 Gaming Agreement – on Council Management Agenda. (9/14).....................................................318 Gaming, Responsible, Education Week Proclamation – Gambling. (8/2).....................................275 Gannon Center Transportation – Mental Health Skill Devel., Cp2 funds. (5/17)..........................183 Gantz, Jim – Lime Rock Springs Co., prel. Plat Forest Grant Subd. No. 3. (6/21)........................229 Garage for City – new Municipal Service Center Facility, Davis-Bacon Labor Standards Requirements; Major Project for 2004-2005. (8/16)(9/14)....................................................296,318 Garage, new Municipal Service Center, reallocation G.O. Bonds. (10/18)(11/1)............354,355,368 Garage, Municipal Services Center, Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for IA Dept. of Nat’l Resources re: lead contamination at site. (12/20)......................................................................411 Garbage – refuse, delinquent accounts to County Treasurer. (12/20)..........................................412 Garbage – Solid Waste & recyclable materials, fees increased. (3/3).............................................83 Garbage pickup problem questioned by Scott Runde. (12/6).........................................................407 th Garfield Ave. – from 24 St., Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project Alignment Study. (11/1)...36 Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Plan, Amended & Restated. (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)...................8,42,62 Garner, Daniel, Jr., claim; referred to Ins. (2/16)(3/1).....................................................................55,69 Gartner, Michael, Chair of Vision Iowa Bd., Terry Duggan request extension for completion of components of City’s Vision Iowa Agree. (9/7)...........................................................................304 Gartner, Michael, Chair, Vision Iowa , letter City’s financial commitment, Vision Iowa. (11/1)..365 Gas Co. – Aquila, contract for reading water meters. (5/17)...........................................................182 Gasper, William M., applicant for Zoning Bd of Adjustment; reappointed. (3/15)(4/5)...........97,126 Gay Park, purchase portion request by Jeff & Julie Chase. (5/17)................................................187 Geothermal pump and dump heating and cooling systems prohibiting being discharged without consent of City Mgr. (4/19)......................................................................................................155,156 Gerhard, Brenda, 4950 Northrange Ct., re: Cedar Lake Plaza PUD. (10/18)..................................352 Gerhard, Curtis, Knickers Saloon, 2186 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(7/6)........216,249 Gerhart, Karen, objecting to proposed annexation. (1/5)...................................................................9 Gibbs, Connie, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/7)(9/20).......................................................................303,319 Gibson, Michael D., Fly By Night Prod., Five Flags Civic Center privatization concerns. (2/2)...32 Gibson, Michael, claim. (11/1)..............................................................................................................362 Giese Sheet Metal Co., finalization of roof replacement, City Hall Annex. (7/19).........................258 Giesen, James, applicant for Community Development Adv. Com.; reappointed. (2/2)(2/16)49,61 Giesler, Mary Janice, sidewalks for Radford & Pennsylvania; recommended. (9/7)(11/15)304,386 Gifford, Ted, 3100 Eagle Point Dr., objecting to SW Arterial Project cost overrun. (3/15)............93 nd Gillespie St., 775, purchase from Tim Widmeier, expand W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (8/2)...279 nd Gillespie St., 785, purchase of property, acquisition re: W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (1/5).......5, 6 nd Gillespie Subd., 815 W. 32 St., purchase re: Detention Basin. (8/16).........................................293 nd Gillespie Subd., Lot 1 of 1 of 7, purchase of 827 W. 32 for detention basin expansion.(5/17)184 Ginter, West Dubuque Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (4/19)...........................................................146 nd Gioletti, Denis & R. Hatton transfer mortgage etc. to J. Jackson for 231 W. 2 St. (10/18).......352 Girl Scouts, talk by Council Members Cline & Michalski. (1/19).......................................................28 GIS coordinator position requested by Chris Kohlmann, Inf. Services Mgr. (2/23).......................65 Glenview Motel, Ron Conrad, Claim; Settlement. (2/2)(2/16).....................................................32,55 Goal setting sessions of Council. (9/13)(9/14)...........................................................................317,318 36 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE G Goddard, Charles F., certified, C. Service Comm., Solid Waste Agency Administrator. (3/15)...88 Goen, Timothy, applicant for Historic Preservation Comm. (6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)..235,249,260,283 Goetz’s, James Goetzinger, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (2/2)............................................................46 Goetzinger, James, Goetz’s, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (2/2)...........................................................46 Golden Eagle Drive, final plat of Eagle Valley Subd..; parking prohibited on part. (12/20)...413,43 Golf & Country Club, Dbq., 1800 Randall, Liquor Lic. (5/17)...........................................................185 Golf & Country Club, Dubuque, property to them & other alley on S. Grandview between Altman & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15)..............................................................................................................71,100 Golf Center, Tri-State, 1095 Cedar Cross, Liquor Lic. (8/16)...........................................................297 Golf Course Architectural Analysis of Bunker Hill discussed. (2/23)..............................................65 Golf Course Renovation Project, Bunker Hill, special session for discussion. (5/3)..................163 Gonzales, Horacio M. and Rose J., claim. (2/16).................................................................................55 Goodman, Catherine, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm. (12/6)(12/20).............401,416 Goodmann, Teri Hawks, applicant for Airport Comm.; reappointed. (8/2)(8/16)...................283,299 Government Finance Officers Association, Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. (11/15)...........................................................................................................380 Government Performance & Results Act (GPRA) Annual Products Report. (12/6).....................395 Government Performance & Results Act Annual Products Report to Nat’l Parks Service. (1/5)..4 Governor’s Traffic Safety Application, add’l funds for detection of impaired drivers. (2/2).........45 Governor’s Traffic Safety Grant application .(3/1)..............................................................................70 GPRA - Government Performance & Results Act (GPRA) Annual Products Report. (12/6).......395 Grace St., 2018, rezoning for University of Dubuque. (9/20)...........................................................325 Grady, Jim, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20)..........................401,417 Grand Estates, prop. to them & alley S. Grandview bet. Altman & Whelan St.(3/1)(3/15).....71,100 Grand Excursion 2004, request for financial help. (6/7)..................................................................223 Grand Excursion, article @ that in Chicago Tribune. (5/17)............................................................206 Grand Excursion 2004 Proclamation. (7/6)........................................................................................245 Grand Excursion, Nicholson offered thanks for successful celebration. (7/6)............................252 Grand Excursion, Best Promotional Event/Partnership Effort Award. (10/18).............................359 Grand Excursion 2004, report from Dbq Area Chamber of Commerce. (12/6).............................394 Grand Opera House Conservation Easement Agree. Historical Div. IA Cultural Affairs. (8/16)296 Grand Opera House Foundation, 1155 Locust, Liquor lic. (8/16)...................................................297 Grand River Center, Bid Package #3 Retainage Reduction, J.P. Cullen & Sons. (3/1).................78 Grand River Center, gift of Artwork by Kay Norman. (3/15)..............................................................94 Grand River Center, Graphic Design, Addy Award. (3/15).............................................................102 Grand River Center, Bid Package #2, acceptance. (4/19).........................................................141,142 Grand River Center, video conference equipment by Communication Engineering Co. (8/16)294 Grand River Center, Platinum Hospitality Group, 500 Bell St., Liquor Lic. (10/4)........................344 Grand River Center awards; Masonry Project of the Year awards. (10/18)(11/1).............358,359,36 Grand Tap, James & Janet Kohl, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/20)....................................................323 Grand View Place, and S. Grandview Place, portion of city property – alley, disposed of to various nearby residents. (3/1)(3/15)............................................................................71,98,99,100 Grandparent, Foster, Program, Purchase of Service Agree. (4/5)..................................................122 Grandview Avenue Parkway Demolition District, discussion, denial; communication of Chair Chris Wand of Historic Pres. Comm. (5/17)(6/7)...................................................................202,213 Grandview Estates, developers R. Henkel & S. Williams, questioning Zoning Adv. Comm. Process; final plat of Lots 1-40 & Lot A. (6/7)(12/6).....................................................226,404-406 Grandview, N., 419, 439, 485, rezoning of Grandview United Methodist Church. (4/19).............152 Grandview, North & Kerper Blvd., Concrete Repair Project, final. (6/7)........................................212 37 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE G Grant - Economic Develop. Initiative (EDI) Special Proj. Grant America’s Rvr Museum. (10/4)343 Grant – National Scenic Byways Grant for Design & Construction of Exhibits at Nat’l Mississippi Museum & Aquarium Project.(1/5)....................................................................................................2 Grant - Police – 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. (8/2)(8/16)(9/7)...................275,298,310 Grant Agreement for HRDP Funds for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (12/6)...........................393 Grant Agreement, CLG, Phase V, Arch./Historic Survey. (3/15)..................................................93,94 Grant agreement, Vision Iowa, Letter to M. Gartner of City’s Financial commitment. (11/1)......365 Grant application – Historical Society, Preservation Bureau funding CLG Grant Phase V of Architectural Historical Survey. (1/5)................................................................................................2 Grant application Save America’s Treasures, for Shot Tower. (5/17)(12/6)(12/20)182,393,394,410 Grant application, Target, for laptop computer for Police COPs Program.(4/5).........................108 Grant application, Dubuque Shot Tower History Project – with Central Alternative School – Save Our History Grant. (12/20)...............................................................................................................410 Grant application for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (1/5)..............................................................4 Grant application re: White Water Creek Bridge relocation, HRDP grant application; Memorandum of Agreement between Fed. Highway Adm., State Historic Pres. Office, Dbq County & City; County Bd of Supervisors approve relocation; Grant Agreement.. (1/19)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6)......................................................................................16,351,374,392,393 Grant application, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau. (3/1)...............................................................70 Grant application, IA DNR, Land & Water Conservation Fund, Pyatigorsk Park develop. (3/15)92 Grant application to repair Grey House at Four Mounds. (1/19).......................................................16 Grant Application, Federal COPS, Drug Control Meth Task force etc. (4/19)...............................140 Grant Application, Federal Recreation Trail- Phase I – Water Works Park. (10/4).......................342 Grant application, ISTEA, Water Works Park Phase 1. (10/4).........................................................342 Grant funds of DRA requested for support of arts organizations. (9/7)........................................305 Grant Jim & Lee, re: no Parking in alley between Alpine & Nevada Sts. (11/15).........................386 Grant program of DRA, Arts & Cultural Task Force urged to apply. (8/2).....................................288 Grant request, Dbq County Conservation Board – Vision Iowa – CAT Application for Massey Station Improvements. (6/21)...........................................................................................................24 Grant, Cp2, Four Oaks, Subcontract amendment. (7/19)..........................................................256,257 Grape Harbor, Carroll’s Wine Co., 123 Main St., Liquor Lic.; special Wine Lic. (6/21)(9/20)234,323 Grassley, Senator Chuck, letter @ SW Arterial funding. (4/19).......................................................143 Grassley, Senator Charles, City oppose Internet Tax-Non Discrimination Act & support for Internet Access Tax Ban Ext. (5/3)................................................................................................165 Grassley, letter from City re: Transportation Bill. (9/7)....................................................................305 Grassley, Senator Charles, FEMA reimburse. flood damages. (9/20)(10/18)(11/1)........322,352,363 Graves, Judy, objecting to rezoning – Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development. (10/4)....345 Great American Main Street Awards Application of Dubuque, request for endorsement for inclusion in their application for Award. (10/18).........................................................................353 Great River Road Interpretive Signs, Cty Historical Society – Scenic Byways Grant. (7/19).....257 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District – combine Downtown Dubuque and Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Plan. (3/1)(4/5)(4/19).....................................................................................73,123,151,152 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. Amend.; Stealth Race Car prop. (6/21)(8/2)..234,283,284 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, Issuance of $182,000 Revenue Notes – Urban Renewal Project. (5/17)............................................................................................................190-200 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, Long Range Planning, consistent with Comprehensive Plan. (4/5).............................................................................................................123 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, Tax Increment Ordinance. (5/17).....................203-206 Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, text amendment to C5 Business – off-street parking. 38 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE G (5/17)..................................................................................................................................................186 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., reappointments: Council Members Nicholson and Cline and also Mayor Duggan & City Mgr. Van Milligen and Economic Development Director Bill Baum also serve. (6/7)....................................................................................................................223 Greater Dubuque Development Corp. appoint Markham to replace Nicholson. (10/4)..............349 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/5)..........................123 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., report by Rick Dickinson; request & appreciative of funding. (1/5)(2/26)(6/21).......................................................................................................12,67,238 Green space, open, Old Mill Road property lease with David Hartig. (2/2).....................................46 Green, Howard R. & Co. Supplemental Agreement No. 2, City & Howard R. Green Co. for University Ave. Extension Proj. (5/3)............................................................................................165 Green, Jim, Claim; settled. (1/5)..............................................................................................................2 Grey House at Four Mounds, application for grant to repair. (1/19)................................................16 Greyhound Bus Service, Transit Division discussion with Council. (2/26)....................................67 Greyhound Park – DRA, Lease Agreement through 3/31/14. (6/1)(6/7)(6/29)..................207,220,243 Greyhound Park & Casino, Casino Hotel, lease agreement & parking use agreement.(6/29)...243 Greyhound Park & Casino, Dubuque, meeting place of City Council special Session. (11/1)..372 Greyhound Park Expansion, support of City; loan of 22 M for renovations. (1/5)(6/7).........14,223 Greyhound Park Road & Admiral Sheehy Drive, stop signs. (6/21)...............................................241 Grommersch Place, Lot 1 of 3, dispose of part of Gay Park to Jeff & Julie Chase. (5/17)........187 Gronen Adaptive Reuse, Enterprise Zone Contract for 1000 block of Main St. (8/2)..................277 Gronen properties at 1798 Washington St., tax credit application. (11/15)..................................387 Gronen properties on Main St., demolition requests for various buildings. (5/3).......................167 Gronen properties on Main St., tax credit application. (1/5)............................................................4,5 Gronstal, Senator Mike, MVM letter re: Cuts in State Aid, Senate Impact. (2/16)...........................59 Ground Round, Jamis LLC, 50 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/15)...............................................................95 th Groundwater – Monitoring wells at 375 E. 9 – old Eagle Window facility. (6/7).........................210 Gukeisen, Michael, applicant, Community Development Adv. C.; appointed. (3/1)(3/15).......74,98 39 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(2/2)(3/1)(3/15)(4/19)(5/3)(6/21)(7/19)(8/16)(10/4)(11/15)(12/6) ..........................................................................................15,32,69,87,140,164,228,253,293,341,374,389 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(2/2)(3/1)(4/5)(5/3)(6/7)(6/21)(8/2)(9/2)...................................2,32,69,107,164,209,228,275,303 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(2/2)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(5/3)(6/7)(7/6) (8/2)(9/7)(10/4)(11/1)(12/6)..................................2,32,69,87,107,164,209,245,275,303,341,362,389 HOUSING TRUST FUND COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(9/7)(10/4)(12/6)....................................................................107,140,164,303,341,389 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(2/16)(3/15)(5/3)(5/17)(6/21) (8/2)(9/7)(11/1)(11/15)(12/20).........................................15,55,87,164,180,228,275,303,362,374,409 Haas, Henry & Maryjo, Jr., Claim; denial. (7/19)(8/2).................................................................253,275 Hall, Richard, applicant for Arts & Cultural Affairs Commission.(12/6).........................................401 Hallahan, Robert, denial of claim. (1/5)...................................................................................................2 Halloween – Trick or Treat Proclamation. (10/4)...............................................................................341 Hammer, David L., Attorney, object to lease for portion of Jackson Park. (6/7)..........................211 Hammerheads Bar / Billiards, 2095 Kerper Blvd., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/16)(8/2)......60,279 Hancock, Melissa A., arts funding request. (12/20)..........................................................................409 Hansel, Jeff, developer, comments @ Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Develop. (10/4).............345 Happ Olson, Christine, Four Mounds, Grant app to repair Grey House. (1/19)..............................16 Happy Joe’s Ice Cream – Pizza, J. P. O’Hara, Inc., 855 Century, Beer Per. (10/18)......................354 Happy’s Place, P.M.S.T. Inc. 2323 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (9/20)......................................................323 Harjehausen, Gary L., applicant for Park & Rec. Commission; reappointed. (6/7)(6/21).....218.235 Harkin, Senator Tom, oppose Internet Tax-Non-Discrimination Act & support for Internet Access Tax Ban Ext. (5/3).............................................................................................................................165 Harkin, Tom, letter re: SW Arterial funding. (4/19)............................................................................143 Harkin, Senator Tom, - Internet Tax Freedom Act. (6/7)...................................................................211 Harkin, Senator Tom, FEMA Reimbursement for flood related damages. (9/20).........................322 Harlan, Iowa, sending Res. of Sympathy to Dubuque – Iraq War death of M. Deutsch. (5/17)...185 Harpy Eagle Court, parking prohibited, Eagle Valley Subd. (12/20)................................................43 Harris, David, Housing Dir. Thanking Linda Wilson, $4,000 for Housing Trust Fund. (12/20)..411 Harris, David, Housing and Community Develop. Dir, to HUD, volunteer Dubuque as a site to assist in development of a revitalization strategy. (12/6)..........................................................390 Harrison St & W Locust – Railroad St., request of Hy-Vee to vacate & purchase portion.(7/6).248 Harrison St., through street designation.(7/19).................................................................................265 Harrison Street – Railroad Ave., delete stop sign etc. (7/19)..........................................................266 Harry, Michelle, Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm., Study discussion of alignment etc. (5/17)179 Hartig Drug Co. - #4, 2225 Central, Beer Per.; Wine Permit.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/7)...................60,216 Hartig Drug Co. #2, 2255 JFK, Cig. Per. (6/7).....................................................................................216 Hartig Drug Co. #8, 1333 Delhi, Cig. Per. (6/7)...................................................................................216 Hartig Drug Co. 157 Main, Cig. Per. (6/7)............................................................................................216 Hartig, David, Old Mill Rd properties lease agreement, green space. (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)19,46,47,62 Hartig, David, oppose zoning change to allow off premise signs – billboards in Julien Dubuque Dr. PID; request to address Council, response by City Mgr. (5/17)(6/7)...........................186,226 Harvest View Estates Fifth Addition, final plat. (3/1)..........................................................................76 40 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H Harvest View Park Construction Project. (12/6)................................................................................400 Harwood Place, portion from WCB Hotels for Hwy 20 Widening Project. (2/2)..............................41 Hatton, Richard & Denis Gioletti, transfer mortgage to Jeff Jackson, 231 W. 2nd St. (10/18)..352 Hawkeye Stock Farm, portion from Kennedy Mall for Hwy 20 Widening Project. (2/2).................41 Hawthorne St. Extension, Beer Permits to Jaycees. (8/16).............................................................297 Hawthorne St. Peninsula, Water Works Park, FY 2005 REAP Grant app. Phase I. (7/19).........267 Hazard Mitigation Demolition Project (Flood), Phase II, to Top Grade Excavating. (4/5).....133,134 Hazard Mitigation Grant Prog. Old Mill Rd. Lease Agree David Hartig. (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)19,46,47,62 Hazardous communication training for O & M Dept., TRICOR Safety Consulting. (7/6).............247 HCBS Transportation Provider – Dbq Transit Div. request by County. (6/21).............................232 nd HDR Drainage Basin Master Plan – acquisition of W. 32 St. area properties. (8/16)................293 Health Board – inspection of swimming pools and spas. (7/6)......................................................246 Health Buyers Alliance (Iowa) application Fed. Mediation & Conciliation Service letter. (7/19)257 Health Care Committee – Point of Service Plan for City. (5/17)......................................................206 Health Care Program, Oral, Elderly, appreciation for funding, VNA. (6/7).....................................209 Health Choices Administrative Services Fee. (6/21).................................................................228,229 Health Plans of City – approve Allianz for stop loss insurance. (6/21).........................................228 Health Services Department – discussion at budget review @ City paying for second deer tag; final hearing. (2/24)(3/3)..............................................................................................................66,80 Healthcare Cost Containment Strategy & Action, Management Agenda for 2004-2006. (9/l14)318 Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control, assist request HUD, revitalization strategy.(12/6)389,390 Heartland Financial USA, - Rehab Loan former Walsh Store., Letter of Commitment & Add’l Actions. (5/17)..................................................................................................................................184 Heathcote, Carla, 2529 Stafford, against changes in passing Zoning Ordinances where ZAC has recommended disapproval. (11/15)..............................................................................................384 Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning – adoption of 2003 Mechanical Code Bd. (8/2)...............290 Hefel, Dale, claim; settlement. (6/7)(7/6)......................................................................................209,245 Hefel, Randy, final plat of Ridgeway Park Subd. (1/19)......................................................................27 Heiar, Garry, re: changes in Alcoholic Beverages Ordinances. (10/4)..........................................346 Heiderscheit, Julie, claim; referred to Ins. (1/5)....................................................................................2 Heiderscheit, Marvin, changed position re: Grandview Ave. Demolition Dis. (5/17)...................202 Heiderscheit, Patrick, Claim; referred to Ins. (6/7)............................................................................209 Helen Ridge Court, final plat of Lots 1-40 & Lot A of N. Grandview Estates. (12/6)......404,405,406 Helling, Jeanne, Claim; referred to Insurance.(8/2)..........................................................................275 Helping Services of NE Iowa, request funding; Purchase of Services Agree. (2/26)(4/5).....67,123 Hemmer, Paul, Arts & Cultural Affair funding comment. (9/20)......................................................319 Hempstead High School, nearby Rosemont St., Residential Parking Permit Dis. (2/16).............60 Hendricks, Ronald, claim; referred to Ins. (12/6)..............................................................................389 Henion St, 1401, near Loras College, Residential Parking Permit Dis. (3/1)..................................70 Henkel, Richard & Sandi Williams, Grandview Estates, concerns with Zoning Adv. Comm.; accept Res. No. 471-04 final plat N. Grandview Estates. (6/7)(12/6).................................226,406 Henkels, Ellen, applicant for Arts & Cultural Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20).............................401,416 Henkels, Pete, Seippel Rd., objecting to annexation to Dbq. (1/5).....................................................9 Henning, Mark, E Community program overview submitted by him, ESAC. (12/20)..................411 Henricks, Susan, Library Director, Annual Report; Library renovation meeting. (1/19)(1/26)26,29 Heritage Trail Connection Project, support of request of Farley for funding. (9/20)...................322 Heritage Trail Extension Project acceptance. (6/7)..........................................................................210 Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs Grant Agreement, Third phase for Riverfront System. (12/6)393 Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs, Historic Resource Development Program Grant App. (1/5).....4 41 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H Heron Pond Fishing Pier Construction Project. (8/2)(9/7)........................................................282,312 Heron Pond, fishing pier construction, IA DNR 28E Agreement; amendment. (2/16)(8/2).....56,27 Herrig, Eldon T. & Marjorie E., disposal part of Alley S. Grandview Ave. between Altman St. & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15)............................................................................................................71,99,100 Herrig, John – for Moose Lodge, rezoning of former Christianson’s, 2635 Windsor. (7/19)......263 High Priority Items listed – Council Policy Agenda. (9/14)..............................................................318 Highland Farm Addition, fair market value of property near Carter Rd Detention Basin. (2/2)....45 Highway 20 – 3230 Dodge ST., rezoning for Robert J. Smith from CS to C3. (7/19)....................262 Highway 20 – Compensation Estimates for 3 pieces of property for realignment of University Ave. from Ethel St. to US – entrance to Theisen’s. (5/3)............................................................166 Highway 20 – Dodge St. Widening project, warranty deeds accepted for ROW. (2/2).............40-42 Highway 20 – University Ave. Extension, eminent domain for Elm Real Estate – Iowa Glass & James & Phyllis Newman property.(11/15)..................................................................................375 Highway 20 N of access Dr. for Barrington Lakes Subd., final plat of Stone Brook Center Second Addn. (2/2).....................................................................................................................................50,51 Highway 20, Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (12/6)......................................................398,399,400 Highway 52 South & Hwy 61/151 intersection area – rezoning for Apex Concrete, objections etc. (1/5)(1/19)..................................................................................................................................12,24,25 Highway 61/151 Billboard – David Hartig requesting to address Council & Mgr. submitting more info. (6/7)...........................................................................................................................................226 Highway Design, IA 32, SW Arterial, Request for Proposals; IDOT Agreement for preliminary design. (4/19)(7/6)(9/7)(9/20).....................................................................................143,246,305,336 Hill St. property, settlement agreement with Mary Ransdell. (1/5)...................................................11 Hill Street Plaza, Inc., Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill St., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/2)(6/7)........................46,216 Hillcrest Family Services, agreement for Murphy Park for Holiday Light display. (6/21)............230 Hire Vets First Campaign proclamation. (10/4).................................................................................341 Hirsch, Richard, Fat Tuesday’s, 1121 University, Cigarette Per. (6/21).........................................233 Hispanic Ministry of Dubuque, objecting to rental fee for Jackson Park. (11/1)..........................363 Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn. request: Avon Park replacement of benches, waste receptacles & light poles. (6/7)......................................................................................................213 Historic Cites – Shot Tower Grant Agreement. (1/5)............................................................................3 Historic District – modification to sidewalk paving patterns. (6/21)..............................................241 Historic District Public Improvement Program applications. (8/2).................................................288 Historic Lighting Project – Loras Blvd; final acceptance. (3/15)(4/5)(12/6).......................96,133,392 Historic Preservation Comm. - Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn. request for Avon Park replacement of benches, waste receptacles & light poles. (6/7)..............................................213 Historic Preservation Comm. Council direction for demolition districts; amendments to demolition regs etc.. (6/7)(8/2)................................................................................................225,284 Historic Preservation Comm. demolish United Rental Building, 300 Iowa. St. (3/15)...................93 Historic Preservation Comm. approve demolition concrete addition to Star Brewery. (1/19).....15 Historic Preservation Commission – pulling Agenda Item – Warehouse Neighborhood Demolition District. (3/15)...............................................................................................................103 Historic Preservation Comm. 1339 Alta Vista Landmark Status – David & Jeanne Moessner; tabling request etc. (6/7)(8/2)..................................................................................................218,283 Historic Preservation Commission applicants John Whalen, David Stuart, Timothy Goen; reappointment of Whalen & Stuart. (6/21)(7/6)....................................................................235,249 Historic Preservation Commission applicants Mary Loney Bichell, Timothy G. Goen, Matthew Lundh; appointments of Bichell. (7/19)(8/2).........................................................................260,283 Historic Preservation Commission approve nomination Multiple Property Document entitled 42 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H “Architectural & Historic Resources of Dubuque, IA 1833-1955 to National Register. (6/7)224 Historic Preservation Commission in support of add’l Planner position. (3/3)..............................80 Historic Preservation Commission, demolitions on Main St. – Gronen properties. (5/3)...........167 Historic Preservation Commission request Council keep buildings for demolition in Downtown Neighborhood Conservation Dis. & to amend conservation district regulations. (9/7).312,313 Historic Preservation Commission, State, Memorandum of Agreement – relocation of White Water Creek Bridge. (10/18)(12/6)...........................................................................................351,392 Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund & Homeowner grant Programs, amend. (4/5).......124 Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund, $200,000 G.O. Capital Loan Note offer by Premier Bank for 10 years.(12/6)(12/20)...............................................................................................396,429 Historic Preservation Week, Proclamation. (5/3)..............................................................................164 Historic Preservation, National Trust, re: Restore-O-Rama Workshop in May 05. (12/6)...........394 Historic Resource Devel. Prog. grant application relocation White Water Creek Bridge. (1/19).16 rd Historic Resource Develop. Program grant 3 Phase Interpretive Signs, Riverfront.(12/6)......393 Historic Tax Credits, letters to legislators about qualifications. (4/19).........................................143 Historical Division, IA Dept. Cultural Affairs, Grand Opera House Conservation Ease. (8/16).296 Historical Society - Grant application for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (1/5)...........................4 Historical Society – Adams Co. building demolition. (11/15)...........................................................37 Historical Society – Subgrantee Agreement, Scenic Byways Grant for Great River Road interpretive signs.. (7/19)................................................................................................................257 Historical Society - Sublease – Dbq County Historical Society & Nat’l Audubon Society to allow docking of the Audubon Ark. (6/21)..............................................................................................232 Historical Society Lease Amendment – insurance requirements. (2/16)........................................59 Historical Society of Iowa notifying that West Eleventh St. Historic District & Langworthy Historic District has been listed in National Register of Historic Places. (9/20)...................................319 Historical Society of Iowa, CLG Grant App. for Phase V of Architectural/Historic Survey. (1/5)...2 rd Historical Society River Museum, 350 E. 3 St., Liquor Lic. (8/16)................................................297 Historical Society transfer liquor license to Taste of Dubuque site. (7/6).....................................248 Historical Society transfer liquor to Ham House 7/4. (6/7)..............................................................214 Historical Society, CLG - Certified Local Grant Apps, scoring process in support.(7/19)........254 Historical Society, Dbq County, transfer liquor License to Taste of Dubuque site. (7/6)...........248 th Historical Society, State, W. 11 & Langworthy, nominate Nat’l Register of Historic Places. (5/17) ............................................................................................................................................................185 Historical Star Redevelopment, LLC – Star Brewery Building, amend lease. (8/16)...................295 Historical Survey – Architectural, Phase V, funding City’s CLG Grant App. for Phase V; CLG Grant Agreement for Phase V & hire ECIA to provide GIS support. (1/5)(3/15)................2,93,94 History Grant application for Shot Tower…Save Our History. (12/20)..........................................410 History Pays, Jim Jacobsen, Consultant, Ph V Architect./Historic Survey/Evaluation. (5/17).182 Hoefflin, Linda C., Claim; referred to Ins. (2/2)....................................................................................32 Hoffman House/Midway Hotel, Cigarette Per. (7/6)...........................................................................248 Hoffman, David, White House, 450 W Locust, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(12/6).........233,396 Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home, Lease section of Jackson Park; objections. (4/19)(5/3)(6/7).......................................................................................................................146,173,211 Hoffmann, Paul F., applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; reappointed. (6/7)(6/21)....................218,235 th Hold Harmless Agreement, Police use Smithfield site (16 St.) as a training site. (11/15).........37 Holiday Inn Dubuque 5 Flags, 450 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/6).......................................................396 Holiday light display, agreement with Hillcrest for use of Murphy Park. (6/21)............................230 Holland, Theresa, claim; forwarded to WC Stewart Construction. (9/20)......................................319 Holliday Drive designated as a through street.(12/20).....................................................................439 43 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H Holliday Drive First Addn., Quagliano requesting acceptance of public improvements. (6/7)..209 Holliday Drive Third Addition – Detention Basin Requirements. (6/7)..........................................211 Holliday Drive Third Addition, final plat of Lots 1-8 & A & B. (6/7).................................................224 Holliday Drive, final plat of Third Addition. (6/7)...............................................................................224 Holliday Third Addition temporary access on NW Arterial. (7/19)..................................................256 Holy Family School & School board members, City Council, County Supervisors and Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10).................372 HOME Program funds, construction of affordable townhomes in Eagle Valley Subd. (12/6)....406 Homeland Security – changes to Dubuque Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. (3/1).............................70 Homeland Security & Emergency Management Division, Iowa, Appeal of Decision re: non payment of pumping costs for floodwall in recent flood. (11/1)...............................................363 Homeland Security, US. Coast Guard, security Rivers Edge Plaza not enough. (5/3)................168 Homeless Assistance – HUD renewal of funding on Continuum of Care. (4/5)...........................124 Homeowners Grant Program, amendments. (4/5)............................................................................124 Homeownership Assistance Funds, application Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program to assist qualifying home buyers; approval of application etc. (3/15)(6/7)........94,214 Hometown- Dubuque, Your Future Campaign, fund for 5 years. (9/7)..........................................305 nd Honeysuckle Lane, rezoning of Kivlahans, N of JFK and W. 32. (1/19)...................................21,22 Honeysuckle Lane, sidewalks, Kivlahans request to remove requirement. (9/7)........................306 Hopper’s Nursery, 2813, renovation for Dbq Nursery & Landscaping, UDAG Loan. (4/5).........134 Horsfield Construction, Inc., claim of Nicole Munson referred to them. (9/7)..............................303 th Horstmann, Doug, of Dbq School Bd, new Downtown school & closing of 12 St. etc. (12/6).402 Hosch, Charles & Vonda, claim; referred to Ins. (6/7)......................................................................209 Hot Mix Asphalt Joint & Crack Sealing Project – US 20, notice from IDOT. (10/4)......................342 Hotel, Dubuque Casino, Lease Agreement & for parking. (7/6)...............................................250,251 House File 686, City opposition. (4/19)...............................................................................................143 House of China, 170 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (7/19)............................................................................260 Housing – Enterprise Zone Contract for Gronen Adaptive Reuse – 1000 Main St. (8/2)............277 Housing & Community Development employee Joleen Patterson, 2004 Community Development Award.(11/1).....................................................................................................................................365 Housing & Community Development, hearing – annual Action Plan public hearing. (2/24)........66 Housing Advisory Trust Fund Com. applicant John V. Walsh; reappointed. (9/7)(9/20).....310,323 Housing Assistance Program, Local Housing, compliance with financial & program requirements. (9/7)..........................................................................................................................303 Housing Code Appeals Bd applicants: Wm. Kinsella, Robert Schaub, Edward Swift; all reappointed. (2/16)(3/1)................................................................................................................61,74 Housing Code Appeals Board applicant Thomas G. Swift.; reappointed. (3/1)(3/15).............74,98 Housing Commission applicant Angela Mozena; appointed. (9/20)(10/4).............................323,345 Housing Commission applicants: Char Eddy, David J. Kapler Dorothy Schwendinger, OSF; reappointments of Eddy, Kapler and Schwendinger. (8/16)(9/7).......................................299,310 Housing Commission resignation of Gina Bell. (8/16).....................................................................296 Housing Education & Rehab Training, HEART.Community Partnership (cp2) grant.(7/19)256,257 Housing Month, Fair, Proclamation. (4/5)..........................................................................................107 Housing Partnership App., MidAmerican, DED, HOME Prog, townhomes Eagle Valley S.12/6)406 Housing Services Department budget presentation. (2/24)..............................................................66 Housing Tax Credit Program Application – Upper Main, Gronen properties. (1/5).........................4 Housing Tax Credit Program Application – 1798 Washington St. (11/15)....................................387 Housing Trust Fund Award, appreciation sent to Linda Wilson of HUD. (12/20).........................411 Housing Trust Program release of funds – Lead Paint Hazard Abatement Program. (1/19)........18 44 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H Housing, Affordable, Program Funds, for Homeownership Assistance Funds. (3/15).................94 Housing, Section 8 Rental Assist. Program, investigations, Interagency 28E Agree. (3/15).......87 Howard, Jamie, Mayor Pro-Tem, Davenport, thank Dubuque officials for workshop. (11/15)...379 Hoyne, Jeff, claim; settlement. (9/20)(10/4).................................................................................319,341 HUB Site Lease - Franchise Renewal; Extension, Cable TV, MCCIowa, Mediacom. (2/16)(2/23)(3/15)(6/7)(6/21).........................................................................................64,65,103,217,238 HUD – amendment request to them, Stealth Race Cars Property acquisition. (8/16)(9/20)295,320 HUD – Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control requesting assistance. (12/6)......................389,390 HUD – Lead Hazard Reduction Program Contract. (3/15)..................................................................94 HUD Continuum of Care Program for Homeless Assistance. (4/5)................................................124 HUD lead grant-related services, Memo of Understanding, VNA & United Clinical Lab. (4/5)...108 HUD notifying City it is ahead of schedule – Lead Hazard Reduction Prog. (9/7).......................303 HUD, CDBG Agreement approval for 7/1/04 & ending 6/30/05. (7/6).......................................247,248 nd HUD, U.S. Dept. of, CDBG Annual Action Plan, 2 amendment. (1/19)..........................................18 HUD, U.S., Audit Report for 7/1/02 thru 6/30/03. (3/1).........................................................................69 HUD’s Bruce Ray received Fair Housing Month Proclamation. (4/5).............................................107 Hughes, Alfred E., objecting to proposed Grandview Ave. Demolition District. (5/17)...............202 Hughes, Attorney Al, for Olympic Heights residents, oppose North End Wrecking rezoning, 55 W. nd 32 St. (9/20).............................................................................................................................323,324 Hulsizer, Rev. John, Dbq. Law Enforcement Chaplain Coordinator, Gave Invocation.(9/7)o....303 Human Rights ADA Paratransit Review, Transit Fare increase discussion, hearing. (11/1)......366 Human Rights Commission annual report. (12/6)............................................................................395 Human Rights Commission applicants: James Jarrard, Gary McAlpin, Lou Oswald & Bill Ross; appointments of Jarrard & McAlpin, reappointments of Oswald & Ross. (12/6)(12/20)401,416 Human Rights Commission requested to include sexual orientation.(6/7)..................................213 Human Rights Commission, resignation of Sarah Davidson. (11/1).............................................363 Human Rights Day Proclamation. (12/6)............................................................................................389 Human Rights Departmental budget discussed; final hearing. (2/9)(3/3)..................................53,80 Human Rights Ordinance, Fred Ertl requesting that sexual orientation not be added. (12/6).....38 Humane Society request add’l funds/; new Purchase of Services Agree. (4/5)(6/7)............134,223 nd Humke Road, Paradise Hills 2 Addn., Roger Schueller, preliminary plat. (6/21)......................239 Hummingbird Dr., through street designation. (7/19)......................................................................266 Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month Proclamation. (11/1)............................................362 nd Hunters – Deer Tag, discussion @ city paying for 2 deer tag. (2/24)............................................66 Huseman, Hope, Olympic Hghts, object to rezoning of North End Wrecking. (9/20)................324 Huseman, Mary, dismissal of her suit/claim. (9/7)............................................................................306 Hutchcroft, Sandi, Emergency Communications Budget, Council discussion. (2/12).................54 Hutchins, Brian D., applicant for Five Flags Civic Center Comm. (9/7)(9/20)........................310,323 Hwy 20, JFK Rd. & Cedar Cross Rd., intersection, comments by Dave Meyers. (12/6)..............395 Hwy 32, SW Arterial, Consultant Contract for Design etc. (12/6)....................................................394 Hy-Vee #1, 3500 Dodge, Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cig. Per.; Class E Liquor. (6/7)(6/21)(7/6)...............................................................................................................216,217,233,249 Hy-Vee Gas #2, Hy-Vee Inc., 2435 NW Arterial, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (10/18).........................354 Hy-Vee Inc., Hy-Vee #2, 4800 Asbury, Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cigarette Per.; Class E Liquor; Beer Per. (1/19)(6/21)(7/6)(12/20).........................................................................................19,233,249,414 Hy-Vee Stores request purchase of portion of Railroad Ave between Harrison St & W Locust St. (7/6)(9/7)(9/20).............................................................................................................248,307,329,330 Hy-Vee Stores, rezoning of property at 300-400 S. Locust; final plat. (9/20)(11/15).............328,376 45 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE H 46 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE I INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(5/17)(8/2)(11/15)....................................................................................................32,180,275,374 IA 32 – Southwest Arterial, re: Nussle, included Transportation Bill. (4/5)...................................108 Ibrico Inc. Fat Tuesday’s, 1121 University, Liquor Lic. (9/20)........................................................323 Ice Harbor Drive designated in Port of Dubuque. (6/21)...........................................................238,239 th Ice Harbor Drive – formerly E. 4, Adams St. plat of survey - & Bodega St.(8/2).........................278 Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (8/2).........................................................................275,276 Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District & Downtown District combine to be Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (3/1)(4/19)......................................................................................................73,151 IDED – CEBA Loan Agreement for Shepherd Co. relocation. (1/19)................................................17 IDED - congrats for City CEBA Program with Trilog. (7/6)...............................................................245 IDED- Congrats for City CEBA Program with Swiss Valley Farms. (8/2).......................................279 IDED – Dubuque Main St. Ltd Agreement. (9/7)................................................................................303 IDED – in support of the Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)......................................................................49 IDED – Iowa Dept. of Economic Development – review City’s request voluntary annexation of 704 acres, review by City Development Bd; Findings of Fact & Conclusions. (2/2)(7/19)33,254 IDED – Local Housing Assistance Program report compliance. (9/7)...........................................303 IDED - Main Street, 1000, J. Gronen, Enterprise Zone Contract, Gronen Adaptive Reuse. (8/2)277 IDED-- MidAmerica Housing Partnership Application. To Dept. of Economic Development, HOME Program Funds for townhomes in Eagle Valley Subd. (12/6).......................................406 IDOT Agreement for preliminary design of IA Hwy 32 – SW Arterial. (7/6)(11/1)(12/6).246,364,395 IDOT - Agreement, bridge repairs, US 52, over Catfish Creek. (7/19)............................................255 IDOT - City Manager letter, : increase air service links with international markets. (10/4)........343 IDOT - communication re: traffic at Hwy 52 & Hwy 61/151 re: concrete plant – Apex. (1/5).........12 IDOT - no traffic study for Apex Concrete. (2/2).................................................................................42 IDOT - Notice Hot Mix Asphalt Joint & Crack Sealing US 20, Crescent Ridge - Devon. (10/4)...342 IDOT –RISE grant application – extension of Chavenelle Road. (8/16).........................................294 IDOT – Street Finance Report, FY 2004. (9/20)..................................................................................321 IDOT- letter sent to them re: Saturday morning closing of Wacker Dr.(10/18)(11/1)..............59,364 IDOT - letter from R. Kautz, re: US 20 intersection improvements. (11/15)...................................380 IDOT - meeting in Decorah, SW Arterial; explanation by IDOT re: engineering consultant for SW Arterial. (6/7)(9/20)....................................................................................................................226,336 IIW as Engineering Consultant for Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addition. (6/21)......231 Incident Tracking System – Management Agenda item. (9/14)......................................................318 Indemnity Agreement & Release – No longer have claim against Conlon Construction Co. or insurance for Main St. Buildings litigation. (2/16).........................................................................56 Indian Rest Room Renovation Project, Park Dept. (12/20).............................................................415 Industrial Parks, marketing, Purchase of Services to GDDC. (4/5)...............................................123 Information Services budget discussed. (2/23)..................................................................................65 In-Line Skate Rink Project completion by Fondell. (6/21)................................................................229 Inspection policy for Sidewalks – Abatement policy, revisions to Policy. (12/20)...........................4 Inspections & Appeals, IA Interagency 28E,Section 8 Rental Assist, Prog, investigate. (3/15)...87 Installation of Sidewalks mandated – Ordinance established requirement. (12/20)............437,438 Instant Replay, Pamela Arensdorf, 1602 Central, Liquor Lic. (12/6)..............................................396 Insurance – City’s health plans, Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance Renewal. (6/21).....................228 Insurance – Worker’s Compensation Excess, continuation of Safety National’s. (8/2)..............276 Insurance requirements, Lease Amendment – County Historical Society & City. (2/16)..............59 46 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE I Interagency 28E Agreement, City & IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals, investigations Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. (3/15).................................................................................................87 Interagency Agreement, City County Health Bd. inspection of Swimming Pools & Spas. (7/6)246 International Building Code, 2003, adoption. (7/19).........................................................................267 International Downtown Association, Achievement Award Economic Development. (10/18).358 International markets, letter to IDOT increase air service links between U.S. & them. (10/4)...343 International Residential Code, 2003, adoption. (7/19)....................................................................270 International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758, Collective Bargaining Agree. (7/6).....24 Internet Tax-Non Discrimination Act, Legislators oppose letter Senator Harkin. (5/3)(6/7)165,211 Interpretive signs, Great River Road, Dbq County Historical Soc. Scenic Byways Grant.(7/19)257 Interpretive Signs, Heritage Trail, agreement with State Historical Society. (12/6).....................393 Intersection improvements, City & School, , new Middle School area Radford Court. (6/7)21267 Intersection improvements, US 20, IDOT, letter from R. Kautz. (11/15)........................................380 Intersection of Fifth & Bell St. in Port of Dubuque – request for traffic control. (6/21)...............242 Intersection of US Hwy 20, JFK Rd., & Cedar Cross Rd., comments by Dave Meyers. (12/6)....395 Interstate Power Co. – Alliant Energy, Utility Franchise Agreement amend. (4/5).......................131 Interstate Power Co., Alliant Energy, rate increase, letter to Iowa Utilities Bd. objecting; Letter from Iowa Utilities Board; response from Iowa Utilities Bd. (5/3)............................................165 Intrilligator, Wm. Dbq Symphony Orchestra, support Arts & Cultural Affairs funding. (9/20)....319 Intrilligator, William, applicant Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm.; appointed.(12/6)(12/20)..401,416 Investment Oversight Comm. applicants Stephen Reisdorf, Gary Ruden; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6) .....................................................................................................................................................235,249 Investment Report, Quarterly. (2/2)(5/3)(5/17)(8/2)(11/1)(11/15).....................32,168,180,279,363,374 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, 2150 Twin Valley, Beer Per. (1/5)....................................................6 Iowa Arts Council appreciative of City’s interest in Arts.(8/16)......................................................293 Iowa Community Cultural Grant Comm., for NE Iowa School of Music funding need. (3/1)........70 Iowa Corn Growers’ Tour comments. (8/16)......................................................................................301 Iowa Dept. of Cultural Affairs naming Dubuque as one of first 8 cultural districts. (11/15).......379 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. CEBA Loan agreement for Shepherd Co. relocation. (1/19).17 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. - IDED – Dubuque Main St. Ltd Agreement. (9/7)...................303 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. - IDED – Housing Assistance report compliance. (9/7)........303 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. – IDED - Main Street, 1000, J. Gronen, Enterprise zone Contract for Gronen Adaptive Reuse, IDED. (8/2)......................................................................................277 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. - IDED-MidAmerica Housing Partnership App. Dept. of Economic Development, HOME Program Funds, townhomes Eagle Valley. (12/6)............406 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. - IDED congrats City CEBA Program with Trilog. (7/6).........245 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. – in support of Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)...........................49 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. – review of City’s request for voluntary annexation of 704 acres, review by City Development Board. (2/2)...........................................................................33 Iowa Dept. of Inspections & Appeals, 28E Agree. , Sec 8 Rental Assist. investigations. (3/15)`.87 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources 28E Agreement for fishing pier at Heron Pond. (2/16).............56 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources, inspect Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility. (6/7)............212 Iowa Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement, VNA. (7/6).....245 Iowa Dept. of Transportation meeting in Decorah @ SW Arterial, report by Markham. (6/7).....226 Iowa Dept. of Cultural Affairs - Grand Opera House Conservation Easement Agreement – Historical Div. of Iowa Dept. of Cultural Affairs. (8/16)...............................................................296 Iowa DNR – Dbq Regional Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility Report. (6/7)..........................212 Iowa DNR – REAP grant funds for Phase I of Water Works Park.(7/19)........................................267 Iowa DNR, 28E Agreement for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Project funding.(8/2)............................279 47 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE I Iowa DNR, Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, re: lead contamination at new Municipal Services Center. (12/20)..................................................................................................................411 Iowa DNR, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System stormwater permit. (11/1).............36 Iowa Federal Recreation Trails Program, City of Farley, support of funding. (9/20)...................322 Iowa Finance Authority, application for tax credit for development of 1798 Washington by Gronen. (11/15)................................................................................................................................387 Iowa Glass – Elm Real Estate property, eminent domain for University Ave. Extension Pro. (11/15)................................................................................................................................................375 Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Application for funds for detection of impaired drivers. (2/2)....45 Iowa Health Buyers Alliance, application, letter in support, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service. (7/19).....................................................................................................................................25 Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial, Earth Tech Inc with Durrant as consultant for Phase I Preliminary Engineering Design Services Pro. (9/7)(9/20)................................................................305,335,336 Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial, IDOT, Agreement for preliminary design; request add’l funding.. (7/6)(11/1)(12/6)...................................................................................................................246,364,395 Iowa League of Cities - Patricia Cline appointed to NLC Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. (2/2).............................................................................................................51 Iowa League of Cities award – All Star Community Award. (10/4).................................................341 Iowa League of Cities Board appointment of Nicholson. (1/5).........................................................14 Iowa League of Cities nomination of Dan Nicholson to Technology Committee. (11/15)..........387 Iowa League of Cities request that City Mgr. M. Van Milligen serve on Policy Comm. (12/6)......39 Iowa League of Cities, Ann Michalski to be a presenter in the fall. (6/7).......................................226 Iowa National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials, award: Employee Joleen Patterson. (11/1)...............................................................................................................................365 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede, 2150 Twin Valley, Beer Per. (1/5)............................................................6 Iowa Potatoe & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/19)(6/7)...............19,216 Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission, letter in support of Greyhound Park expansion. (1/5)......14 Iowa Street Ramp & Locust St. Ramp, Structural Analysis Request for Proposals. (4/5)(6/7)......................................................................................................................................123,214 Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement Project finalized. (5/17)..........................................181,182 Iowa Street, 300, former United Rental Building, demolition request approved. (3/15)................93 Iowa Utilities Board, electric rate increase. (5/3)...............................................................................165 Iowa Utility Board, letter in opposition re: Alliant Fee Increase. (3/15)..........................................105 Iraq War, death of Pvt. Michael Deutsch, sympathy of Harlan, IA Administrator. (5/17).............185 Isenhart, Chuck, Dbq Area Labor Mgmt., update & request for funding. (2/26)............................67 ISTEA Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funds Grant Water Works Park Phase I. 10/4)342 48 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE J Jackson Park, part, Lease Agree. Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home. (4/19)(6/7)......146,211,212 Jackson St. – West Locust St. Resurfacing Project. (8/2)...............................................................277 Jackson St., 2813, UDAG Loan Agree., Dbq Nursery & Landscaping, W. Klostermann. (4/5)...134 nd Jackson, Jeff, 231 W. 2 St., transfer of Mortgage Subordination Agreement from Denis Gioletti and Richard Hatton. (10/18)...........................................................................................................352 nd Jackson, Jeffrey, transfer mortgage from Denis Gioletti & R. Hatton for 231 W. 2 St. (10/18)352 Jacobsen, Cheryl, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm.(12/6)(12/20)...............401,416 Jacobsen, Jim, consultant for Phase V, Architectural/Historic Survey. (5/17).............................182 Jagielski, Lynn, Claim; referred to Insurance. (2/2)............................................................................32 Jagielski, Lynne, Small Claims Suit. (5/3)..........................................................................................164 James Insurance and Consultants, eminent domain of University Ave. property for University Ave. Hwy 20 Extension Proj. (11/15).............................................................................................375 Jamis LLC, Ground Round, 50 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (3/15)............................................................95 January 2004 Financial Reports. (2/16)................................................................................................55 January 2004 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (4/5)..........................................................107 January 2004, Proof of Claims & Revenues. (3/1)..............................................................................69 Jarrard, James, applicant for Human Rights Comm..; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)...................401,416 Jaycees, Dubuque, request for fireworks display on 7/3/05 (with KDTH etc.) (7/19)...................263 Jaycees, Dubuque, various beer permits for various places in City. (5/17)(7/6)(8/16)..185,248,297 John F. Kennedy Rd., Hwy 20, Cedar Cross Rd. intersection, comments, Dave Meyers. (12/6)395 Joint City/County Fringe Area Policy Agree., Planning & Annexation services. (3/1)............77,78 th Jojanara – Bob Felderman, oppose closing of 12 St. for new school. (8/16).............................294 Julien Care Facility, outdoor warning siren, Alliant Energy Agree.; Easement.(11/15).......379,380 Julien Dubuque Bridge, U.S. 20, included in Transportation Bill – Cong. Nussle. (4/5).............108 Julien Dubuque Drive, PID, zoning request to allow off-premise signage – billboards, request of Flint Drake & Bird Sign. (5/17).......................................................................................................186 Julien Inn, Design Center, Inc. 200 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/6)......................................................396 July 2004 Financial Reports. (8/16).....................................................................................................293 July 2004 Council Proceedings approved as printed. (9/7)............................................................303 July 2004 Proof of claims and revenues. (10/4)................................................................................341 July Council Meeting date direction – holiday; decision to hold first meeting of July on 7/6.. (6/7)(6/21)...................................................................................................................................226,241 Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, Brandon Merrick, refund of liquor Lic. (3/1).......................................70 Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, DM Sports Bar Inc., 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(7/19)(11/1)...................................................................................................................216,260,365 June, 2004, Financial Reports. (7/19).................................................................................................253 June, 2004, Council Proceedings approved as printed. (9/7).........................................................303 Jungbluth, Mary, comments @ mediation session, Sunnyslope property owner & QHQ. (1/19)15 Junk at 2524 Elm, complaint by J. Osterhaus. (7/6).........................................................................251 Jym’s Bar, Jymie Lyons, 1700 Central, Cigarette Per.; refund of Cig. Lic. (6/7)(7/6)(9/7)......................................................................................................................217,248,306 49 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE K K & L Properties of Iowa, Don Lochner, acceptance of Plat of survey of Kehrli Pl. (11/15).......376 Kalmes, Michael/Theresa, Breaktime Bar & Grill, 1097 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/3)(7/19)....................................................................................................................................169,259 Kames, Louise, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Comm. (12/6)(12/20).........................401,416,417 Kamp, Mary Lou, Noonan’s Tap, 1618 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/5)....................................................125 Kane Development Corp. S. Boge, request acceptance improvements Pine Knoll Subd. (6/7)209 Kane, Attorney Brian, for Apex Concrete, LLC, rezoning requested for intersection area of Hwy 61/151 & Hwy 52, objections of neighbors etc. (1/5)....................................................................12 Kane, Attorney Brian, for Del and Larry Miller, re: property needed for Carter Road Detention Basin. (3/15).................................................................................................................................87,88 Kane, Attorney Brian, rezoning of Radford Rd & Radford Ct. area for inclusion of indoor restaurants etc. (12/20)...................................................................................................................417 Kapler, David, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/16)(9/7)..................................299,310 Kaufman, Richard, Apex Concrete rezoning. (1/19)...........................................................................26 Kaufmann, Paula Ann, claim; referred to Ins. (12/20).......................................................................409 Kautz, Richard, IDOT, Apex Concrete rezoning; no traffic study. (1/19)(2/2).............................26,42 Kautz, Richard, IDOT, letter sent to them re: Saturday morning closing of Wacker Dr. (10/18)(11/1).................................................................................................................................59,364 Kautz, Richard E., IDOT re: US 20 intersection improvements. (11/15).........................................380 Kavanaugh Estate, - Jeannette Kavanaugh, bequest of $19,644.77, funds to be used for marketing & promotion of Keyline Bus System. (8/2)................................................................279 KC’s, Knights of Columbus #510, 781 Locust, Liquor Lic. (4/19)...................................................146 K-Chap Foods, Inc., Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, Beer Per.(6/21)............................................233 KDTH, KGRR, KATF & Dbq Jaycees, request for fireworks on 7/3/05. (7/19)...............................263 Keating, Phil, owner of men’s store at former Grandview United Methodist Church, in favor of rezoning of 419 N. Grandview etc. (4/19).....................................................................................152 Keegan, Michael and Sandra, settlement of tax assessment appeal. (10/4)................................342 Kehrli Place, Lots 1 & 2, Plat of Survey. (11/15)...............................................................................375 Kelleher, Kevin, suit against City & Dbq Southgate Devel. (3/1)....................................................669 Kelly, Michael P., applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.; reappointed. (9/7)(9/20)...................310,323 Kelly, William, back pay claim, settlement. (6/21).............................................................................228 Kelly, Steve, claim; referred to Ins. (12/6)..........................................................................................389 Kenline, Michelle, alley property on S. Grandview bet. Altman & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15).......71,100 Kennedy Addn. No. 2 (John F.) Correction Plat, Flint Drake & Kopp Family Invest. (3/15)...91, 92 Kennedy Mall Ltd, property from them for ROW for Hwy 20. (2/2)..............................................41,42 Kennedy Mall, claim; referred to Ins. (6/7).........................................................................................209 Kennedy Rd. & Deer Valley Dr. in Dbq. County – plat of survey of Ege Mueller Pl. (2/16)............56 nd Kennedy Road – portion of W. 32, for Steve & Judy Selchert. (1/5)........................................11,12 Kennedy Road Reconstruction Project acceptance; Assessments. (2/2)(3/15).............43,44,88,90 Kenworthy, Jane, appreciative of City’s interest in Arts; applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm. ; appointed. (8/16)(12/6)(12/20)...........................................................................293,401,416 Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview, Concrete Repair Project accepted. (6/7)........................................212 Kerper Court, new garage project, grant funds. (5/3).......................................................................177 Kerrigan, John, for Loras College, in support of Residential Parking Permit Dis. (2/16)............55 Kerrigan, Dr. John E., Interim Pres. of Loras College, gave invocation. (2/2)................................32 Kessler, David, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Comm. (12/6)(12/20).........................401,416,417 Key City Properties Plat No. 2 – N. Cascade Rd., Dave Schneider etc. (10/18)............................350 Key City Properties No. 2 – Final Plat, (11/15)...................................................................................386 Key West Conoco, Rainbo Oil, 2150 Twin Valley, Cigarette Per. (6/21).........................................232 Keyline bus drivers, parttime benefits, Union Local 329. (9/20).....................................................319 50 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE K Keyline Transit – Fare Increase discussion. (12/6)...........................................................................401 Keyline Transit Division departmental budget review by Council and integration of Project Concern etc.; also discussion @ Greyhound Bus Lines. (2/26)................................................67 Keyline Transit Office, grant from state to expand existing waiting area. (5/3)...........................177 Keyline Transit system, bequeathed $19,644.77 from Jeannette Kavanaugh estate. (8/2)........279 Keywest Conoco, Rainbo Oil, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Beer Per. (6/21)............................................233 KFXA-TV Tower Rental lease, antenna for Police Dept. mobile radio system. (9/20).................322 Kieffer, Rosemary, 70 N. Grandview, oppose Grandview Demolition District. (5/17)..................202 Kim, Ann, 1195 Thomas Place, rehab deadline extension. (3/15)....................................................91 King, Martin Luther, Jr. Proclamation. (1/5)...........................................................................................2 Kingsley, Bob & Kay, re: No Parking in Alley from Alpine to Nevada St. (11/15).........................386 Kinsella, William J., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed. (2/16)(3/1).........61,74 Kinseth Co., proposal for privatization of Five Flags Civic Center. (4/19)....................................139 Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn Dubuque Five Flags, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/6)...................396 Kirkwood St., through street designation. (7/19)..............................................................................266 Kitchen family properties, 3860 Asbury Rd., divide Lot 1, request of Schneiders. (7/19)..........254 nd Kivlahan Farms LC – rezoning N of JFK Road & W 32 St. (1/19)...................................................21 Kivlahan Farms, Agreement, development of next phase of Arbor Estates. (2/16).................57,58 Kivlahan Farms – vacate 10’ ROW easement, Arbor Estates, Kivlahans. (4/19)(5/3)...........146,173 nd Kivlahan’s– Arbor Estates 2 phase, final plat. (4/19)(5/3)......................................................154,175 Kivlahan, John & Doris, requesting removal of sidewalk requirement for Arboretum Dr. (9/7)306 Kivlahan Farms Sidewalk Request to eliminate requirement of installing sidewalks along one nd side of Arboretum Dr. & 32 St. (11/15).......................................................................................386 Klauer Const. contract for Eagle Point Water Plant ADA Elevator Renovation Project. (6/7)...220 nd Klauer, Attorney Robert, for proposed rezoning. 55 W. 32 St. – North End Wrecking. (9/20).324 Klauer, John, Realtor, sewer problems at 335 Klingenberg Terrace. (5/17).................................180 Klein, Ambrose J. & LaVerne D., accept Ord. changing zoning for 419, 439, & 485 N. Grandview – United Methodist Church. (4/19)....................................................................................................153 Kleinstiver, Janaan, Realtor – sewer problems at 335 Klingenberg Terrace. (5/17)....................180 Klingenberg Terrace, 335, sewer problems. (5/17)...........................................................................180 Klingenberg Terrace, Quit Claim Deed. from USA Bank – retaining wall. (5/3)............................166 Klostermann, John, Operations & Maint. Super., APWA Iowa Leader of Year Award. (12/6)....407 Klostermann, Wayne, - Dubuque Nursery & Landscape, UDAG Loan Agree. (4/5).....................134 Klostermann, Wayne, comments @ traffic flow re: Bee Branch alignment for storm water control; communication from him @ Bee Branch study etc. (5/17)(11/1).......................................179,369 Klostermann, Wayne, Council address his concerns re: Bee Branch alignment etc. (12/20)...436 Kluck Construction, final acceptance of Chemical Compound Building Renovation Proj.; awarded contract for the 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project No. 1. (5/3)......165,175 Kluesner, Loras, 440 Maplewood, request ice skating times. Five Flags Civic Center.(12/20).433 Kmart #4018, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/7)..................................................................................216 Knickers Saloon, Curtis Gerhard, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(7/6).................................216,249 Knights of Columbus #510, 781 Locust, Liquor Lic. (4/19).............................................................146 Koch, Tom, Inc., Paul’s Tap, 176 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (6/21)......................................................233 Kohl, James/Janet, Grand Tap, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/20)......................................................323 Kohl, Paul, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm.; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)...........401,416 Kohlmann, Chris, Information Services Mgr., need for GIS Coordinator position. (2/23).............65 Kohn, Brian D., claim – suit. (10/4)......................................................................................................341 Kolf, Jim, of Durrant Group, in support of expansion of Dbq Greyhound Park. (4/5).................135 Konrady, Cy & Ione, re: No Parking between Alpine & Nevada Sts – alley. (11/15)....................386 51 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE K Koob, Richard E. objecting expansion of northend auto-junk yard. (6/21)(9/20)...........230,323,324 Kopp Family – Correction Plat Kopp’s JFK Addn. No. 2. (3/15).......................................................91 Kopp’s John F. Kennedy Add. No 2. Correction Plat. Flint Drake/Kopp Family Invest. (3/15)91,92 Kostas, Inc., Charhouse Rest., 1575 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (5/3)...................................................169 Kowalski, Donald, Claim; referred to Ins. (5/3)..................................................................................164 Kramer, Faith, Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Committee, preliminary alignment rec. (5/17)............179 Kramer, William, Cuemasters Billiards, 900 Central Ave., Cigarette Per. (6/7).............................215 Krawczuk, Ferninand “Wally”, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/20)...........................................................319 Kressig, Mark, questioned Council @ delayed ambulance emergency service. (6/7)................223 Krohn, Sharon, Claim; settlement. (4/19)...........................................................................................140 nd Kunde, Roger, close residents, object to zoning North End Wrecking, 55 W. 32 . (9/20).323,324 Kwik Stop – Jill Reimer representing, for rezoning of 4039 Pennsylvania to allow Dairy Queen to expand and have a Drive Thru. (6/21)...........................................................................................235 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(8/16).....216,29 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 2390 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/7).................................................216 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 1401 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(6/21)..............216,233 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 2297 University, Cig. Per. (6/7)......................................................216 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 2335 University, Cig/Per.; Beer Per.; Cig/ Per. (4/19)(6/7).145,216 Kwik Stop C-Store, Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania Ave., Cig/ Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(12/6)...216,396 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil Co., 2360 Central, Beer Per. (10/4)............................................344 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2120 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/5)(6/7)................6,216 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.(12/6)....................................................396 Kwik Trip Inc., Tobacco Outlet #504, 806 Wacker, Beer Per. (4/19)...............................................145 52 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE L LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(2/2)(3/1)(5/3)(6/21)(7/19)(8/2)(9/7)(12/6) ..............................................................................................................15,32,69,164,228,253,275,303,389 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMIISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(3/1)(4/5)(6/7)(8/16) ...................................................................................................................................32,69,107,209,293 L & L Investment Co. , Players Sports Bar, 1902 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/16).................................297 L & M Wharf Corp., Michael’s Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/20)........................................415 Lab – Easter Iowa Clan Lab Task Force – 28E Agreement – Police Dept. (6/7)...........................212 Labor Management County, Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/5)............................................123 Labor Standards Requirements, Davis Bacon. new Municipal Service Center facility. (8/16)...296 Lake Eleanor Road & Digital Drive, yield sign deleted. (7/19).........................................................266 Land and Water Conservation Funds, Grant App for Pyatigorsk Park. (3/15)...............................92 Land Clearing & Ag Land, Burning of material allowed. (4/19)................................................160,161 Land Use – Fringe Area Policy Agreement. (3/15)..............................................................................94 Land Use authority of local governments, Legislative communications. (3/1)..............................69 Landfill - Dbq. Area Solid Waste Agency, tipping fees for FY 2005 & budget summary. (1/19)..15 Landmark Status for 1339 Alta Vista, requested by David & Jeanne Moessner. (6/7)(8/2).218,283 Landscape Gateway Projects, major project for 2004-2005. (9/14)................................................318 Landscaping – Dbq Nursery , 2813 Jackson, was Hopper’s Greenhouse, UDAG Loan. (4/5)..134 Landscaping Project (& Sign) at Port of Dubuque, finalization. (7/19)..........................................256 Lang, Thomas J. claim; referred to Insurance. (11/1)......................................................................362 Lange, Thomas J., claim; referred to Insurance. (11/1)...................................................................362 Langworthy District Neighborhood Assn. for historic improvements, Purchase of Service Agreement Amendments. (11/1).............................................................................................362,363 Langworthy Historic Dis., Nat’l Register of Historic Places. (5/17)(6/7)(9/20) ...............185,224, 319 Lanser, John M., request to vacate Blanche Avenue from Vivian Ave. (6/21)(7/6)........234,249,250 Laptop computer for Community Oriented Police – COPS – Target Grant App. (4/5)................108 Larsen, Beverly, Denny’s Lux Club, 3050 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/3)(6/7)........169,215 Larson, Tom, of Buesing & Assoc. for McDermott Excavating, request temp. access to NW Arterial re: Holliday Third Addn.(7/19)..........................................................................................256 Lass, Dale, Principal of Washington Jr. High School, in favor of No Parking on part of Lombard St.; oppose rezoning of property across from new school. (7/19)(12/20).......................265,417 Lau, Dan, of Camp, Dresser, McGhee – CDM, Stormwater presentation. (5/17)(12/13).......179,408 Lauzon, James, CEO, VP Maquoketa Valley Electric Coop., Utility Franchise Agree.. (4/5)128-130 LaVista Court, 2496, Sidewalk Request, request time extension, Joe & Gail Mond. (11/15)......386 Law Enforcement Center - Police Department Remodeling Project. (4/19)(6/7)....150,151,222,223 Law Enforcement – Police Dept., Reaccredited. (9/20)....................................................................340 Law Enforcement (Non) Criminal History Check – Records, service charge. (4/5)..............136,137 LB Metcalf, Inc., Cedar Cross Amoco, 1200 Cedar Cross Rd., Beer Per. (7/6)...............................24 Lead Based Paint Hazard Abatement Program & Housing Trust Prog release CD funds. (1/19)18 Lead contamination, new Garage site, Municipal Services Ctr., Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. (12/20)...........................................................................................................................411 Lead Grant Related Services, VNA & United Clinical Lab provide HUD related services. (4/5)108 Lead Hazard Control- Healthy Homes, HUD, volunteer Dbq as a site in development of a revitalization strategy. (12/6)..........................................................................................................390 Lead Hazard Reduction Program Contract, HUD; performance report by HUD. (3/15)(9/7)..94,303 Lead Mechanic individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/19)..............................................253 53 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE L Lead Poisoning Funding contract & agreement with VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn., - IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood. (7/6).......................................................................................................245 Lead Poisoning Week, Childhood, Proclamation. (10/18)...............................................................350 Leadership of the Year Award for John Klostermann from APWA. (12/6)....................................407 League of Cities meetings – Michalski & Markham questioned reappointments. (2/16)..............64 League of Cities, IA, Council Member Michalski to be a presenter in the fall.(6/7)......................226 League of Cities, IA, City Manager on Policy Committee. (12/6)....................................................395 League of Cities, IA, Council Member Cline appointment. (2/2) ......................................................51 League of Cities, IA, Council Member Nicholson appointment. (1/5)..............................................14 League of Cities, National, congratulating City – America’s River Project in City’s Examples of Programs for Cities database. (6/7).......................................................................................213.214 League of Cities, National, Delegate named: Nicholson. (9/7).......................................................316 League of Cities, National, workshop re: City & School Bd. (12/6)................................................407 Lease – Dubuque Water Ski Club, Schmitt Island portion. (4/19)..................................................145 Lease – Tri-State Modelers, part of Roosevelt Park. (4/5)...............................................................107 Lease Agreement Patio Area, Diamond Jo, Peninsula Gaming; 1 mo. ext. (4/5)(11/1).......124,363 Lease Agreement with Alexander Co. for development of Dbq Star Brewery Building. (3/15)..103 Lease Agreement with Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home for parking lot, Jackson Park; objections by Attorneys Hammer & Simon. (4/19)(5/3)(6/7)........................................146,173,211 Lease Agreement, Dubuque Racing Assn. Greyhound Park & Casino. (6/1)(6/21)(6/29)(7/6)...................................................................................................207,220,243,251 Lease amendment, Historical Star Redevelopment, loan complete roof replacement. (8/16)...295 Lease Assignment, Dubuque Yacht Basin, US Bank - American Trust & Savings Bank. (7/19)255 Lease City property, ConAgra Foods request, build 2 storage tanks, liquid fertilizer. (8/2)......280 Lease of Old Mill Road property with David S. Hartig, Jr. (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)................19,46,47,62,63 Lease renewal requested by Dubuque River Rides – Nancy M. Webster. (10/18)(11/1)......353,369 Lease to McCIowa, LLC, - Short Term Extension – Mediacom Franchise Extension. (6/7).......217 Lease with KFXA-TV to rent tower space for a Police antenna, mobile radio system. (9/20)....322 Leaseholder, new, for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial, improve accessibility etc. (6/21).................230 Leases assigned between City & AGRI Grain Marketing LLC to Cargill, Inc. (2/16)......................59 Leases, assignment, City & Agri Grain Marketing to Cargill, Inc. (2/16)..........................................59 LeClere (Thomas & Rebecca) Agreement sanitary sewer to 1195 Thomas Place. (1/19)...........15 Lee’s 76 W. Locust Mart, Lee Potter, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per. (2/2)...............................................46 Legal Department budget discussed. (2/9)..........................................................................................53 Legal Department Intern thanking City. (9/7).....................................................................................304 Legion Aires Drum / Bugle Corp Colts Center, 1101 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/16)..........................297 Legion, American, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/21)..............................................................................233 Legislative Correspondence – Land use authority of local governments. (3/1)............................69 Legislative Correspondence – various bills. (4/5)(4/19)(6/7).............................................108,143,211 Legislative Issues, property tax credit to local governments, TIF Districts and land-based gambling operations. (2/16).............................................................................................................64 Legislative issues - School board members, City Council, County Supervisors and Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10).................372 Legislative issues for 2005 list submitted. (11/1).............................................................................371 Legislative priorities, FY 2005. (6/21)..................................................................................................241 Legislative priorities, Federal, approval. (12/20)...............................................................................410 Legislative visit – commend City staff. (8/16)....................................................................................301 Legislators – FEMA reimbursement for flood related damages. (9/20).........................................322 Legislators – Letter to them re: reduction in State Aid. (2/16)..........................................................59 54 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE L Legislators – Letter urging support of funding property tax credits to cities & restoring bank franchise fee to cities & counties. (2/16)........................................................................................59 Legislators – letters of concern @ Transportation Bill. (9/7)..........................................................305 Legislators – meeting: Council, Supervisors, School Bd & Holy Family School reps. (11/10)..372 Legislatures, correspondence @ various issues. (5/3)...................................................................164 Leisure Services Mgr. G. Spence – privatization of Five Flags Civic Center. (2/23)......................65 Leland Consulting, Downtown Master Plan presentation. (1/5)(2/2).............................................1,49 Lengeling, Randy, in support of Arts funding. (9/20).......................................................................319 Lentsch, Sister Kathy, VP of Sisters of St. Francis, Gave Invocation. (10/18)..............................350 Lentz, Bob, from Earth Tech, consultant project for SW Arterial. (9/20).......................................336 Leon, Jasmine, claim; settlement. (3/1)................................................................................................69 Letter of appreciation from Wm. C. Fuerste, re: Emergency response. (4/19).............................145 Letter of Commitment & add’l actions concerning a Downtown Rehab Loan to Heartland Financial – DB & T, former Walsh Store. (5/17)...........................................................................184 Letter of support to IA Racing & Gaming Comm. – Expansion of Greyhound Park. (1/5)............14 Letter of support to IA Racing & Gaming Commission – Casino Expansion. (1/5).......................14 Letter of Understanding – Dbq Professional Firefighters Assn. – payroll deductions for FIREPAC checkoff services. (7/6)...................................................................................................................247 Lewis & Associates, Hollywood, FL, Cable Franchise Fee Payment Analysis. (3/15)(11/1)103,368 Lex, Alan, objecting to expansion of Dbq Industrial Center West. (12/20)...................................419 Liberty Bank, authorized depository for city funds. (1/19)................................................................17 Liberty Station, LLC, Phillips 66/Arby’s Q-Mart, 10 S. Main, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7)..216,307 Librarian, removal provided by new Ord. – Bd. of Trustees responsibility. (4/19)......................155 Library – Washington Neighborhood Tool, Purchase of Service Agree. (4/5).............................123 Library Annual Report. (1/19).................................................................................................................26 Library Board meeting with Council – renovation of Library plans. (1/26).....................................29 Library Board of Trustees submitting updates: (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)(3/15)(4/19)(5/3)(7/6) (9/20)(10/4)*11/15)(12/20).........................................................2,32,55,87,140,164,245,319,374, 409 Library Decisions Packages request for funding. (3/3).....................................................................80 Library Department – budget discussions. (2/24)..............................................................................66 Library Emergency Back-Up Lighting System repair – replacement. (6/7)...................................214 Library Ordinance amendment – personnel matters for assistants etc. (4/19)............................154 Library Ordinance amendment – providing for removal of Librarian by Library Bd. (4/19).......155 Library Sidewalk pattern discussion. (11/15)....................................................................................373 th License Agreement - Monitoring Wells at 375 E. 9 – former Eagle Window facility. (6/7)........210 License Fee – Rental Dwelling, increased , FY 05 Budget. (3/3)......................................................85 th Lien Oriental Am. Food Store, Oriental Food & Gift Corp., 115 W. 11, Beer Per. (5/3)..............168 Liens put on property – Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Accounts; Delinquent Storm Water Management Accounts. (12/20).....................................................................................................412 Lifetime Center, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5)...................................................................123 Light poles in Avon Park, request for replacement. (6/7)................................................................213 Lighting project – Loras Blvd.; finalization. (3/15)(4/5)(12/6)......................................96,133,391,392 Lighting System at Library, Emergency, repair – replacement. (6/7).............................................214 Lily Belle – Audubon Ark, Historical Soc. Sublease to dock. (6/21)..............................................232 Lime Rock Springs Co., Jim Gantz, Forest Grange Subd. No. 3, plat. (6/21)................................22 Limitation on reduction in State Aid to Local Governments request to Legislators. (2/16).........59 Lindahl, Barry, Corporation Counsel evaluation by City Council. (11/1)......................................361 Lining Project, 2004 Sanitary Sewer. (12/6)................................................................................397,398 Link, Amy, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Comm.; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)...........401,416 55 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE L Link, Bill, opposition to rezoning of North End Wrecking. (9/20)...................................................324 Lippstock, Jeff, 1792 Rosemont, for Residential Parking Permit Dis. Rosemont area. (3/1).......74 Liquid fertilizer – ConAgra request to build 2 storage tanks on leased City property. (8/2)......280 Liquor Ordinance amendment, banning drink specials & underage after certain time – discussion etc. (8/2)(8/16)(10/18)............................................................................284,300,357,358 Litigation – Main St. Buildings, Release & Indemnity Agreement. (2/16)........................................56 Loan – of Dubuque Museum of Art, defer payments, guaranty by C. Stoltz. (5/3).......................167 Loan – Rehab former Walsh Store, letter of commitment & add’l actions- Heartland Financial – DB & T. (5/17)...................................................................................................................................184 Loan – roof replacement on Star Brewery Building.(8/16)..............................................................295 Loan Agreement - Adams Co., American Trust & Savings Bank. (1/19)(2/2)......................26,33-40 Loan Agreement – CEBA Contract with Shepherd Co. relocation downtown Dubuque. (1/19)..17 Loan Agreement – Dbq Nursery & Landscaping, 2813 Jackson St. (4/5).....................................134 Loan Documents – DRA borrow $22 M renovations to Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino.(6/7)..223 Loan Fund, Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Programs. (12/20).........439,440 Loan Fund, Historic Preservation Revolving & Historic Pres. Homeowners Grant Prog. (4/5).124 Loan Fund, Historic Preservation Revolving, Premier Bank, $200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds. (12/6)(12/20).......................................................................396,429,430 Loan, UDAG, Medline expansion project – IDED, IA Values Fund Forgivable loan. (5/3)...........177 LoBianco, Dan, Dubuque Main St., update, request funding; in favor of Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (2/26)(4/19)....................................................................................................67,151 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Application, 2004. (8/2)(9/7)..........................................275,310 Local Non-Law Enforcement Criminal History Record Check, service charge. (4/5)...........136,137 Lochner, Don, for K & L Properties, accept Plat of Survey of Lot 1 & 2 Kehrli Pl. (11/15).........376 Locust St. to Harrison St. – vacation of Railroad Ave. for Hy-Vee. (9/7).......................................307 Locust St., W & Jackson St. Resurfacing Project finalized. (8/2)...................................................277 Locust St. Parking Ramp, Structural Analysis RFPs; contract Desmond Asso. (4/5)(6/7)123,214 Locust, 300-400 S., rezoning from LI to C3 – HyVee; plat approval. (9/20)............................328,329 Logo design – Grand River Center, Addy Award. (3/15)..................................................................102 Lombard St. – No Parking Ord. – along Washington Jr. High property. (7/19)............................265 Lombard St. & Collins St., University of Dbq requesting to purchase portion; disposal of City owned property to UD. (10/18)(11/1)(11/15)...........................................................352,365,366,384 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. – Garfield Urban Revit. Plan ok. (2/2).....................................42 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. adopt Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)........................................49 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. request for add’l Planner position. (3/3)................................80 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., review Five Year Capital Improve. Program Budget. (3/3).81 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. approval Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. (4/5)...123 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. Charles Winterwood; appointed. (6/7) (6/21)................218,235 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm.. denial request, Landmark Status, 1339 Alta Vista. (8/2)...283 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., applicant James Prochaska; appointed. (8/2)(8/16)...283,300 Loras Blvd. Historic Lighting Project – Initiate; finalization. (3/15)(4/5)(12/6)...........96,133,391,392 Loras BP Shop, Mulgrew Oil. Co., 1450 Loras Blvd. (6/7)...............................................................216 Loras College Pres. In favor of City Ord. prohibiting underage from being in bars late. (8/2)...284 Loras College Pres. John Kerrigan, in support of nearby Residential Parking Permit Dis.; names removed from Petition for same. (2/16)(3/1)...........................................................................55,70 Loras College, Aramark Educational Serv., 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic. (4/5)..............................125 Loras College, re: new Ordinances re: Alcohol – curb binge drinking etc. (10/18).....................357 Los Aztecas, Famolo of Iowa, 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/16)........................................................297 Lot One, 100 Main St., Liquor Lic. (5/3)..............................................................................................169 56 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE L Lott, Allison, claim for property damage referred to Ins. (1/19)........................................................15 Lounge, The, Phillip Love, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/5).....................................................................7 Love, Phillip, The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/5).....................................................................7 Lower Main Development, Development Agreement. (4/19)...........................................................154 Lower Main LLC Tax Increment Financing Agreement, former Weber paper Co. building, 137 Main St. (4/19)(5/3)....................................................................................................................154,170 Lower Main – Weber Paper Co. building - Tax Increment Revenue Bonds – Lower Main Development – Weber Paper Co. building. (5/3)(5/17)........................................................170,189 Luckstead, Jon, Tamarack Business Park final plat of various lots. (10/18).........................350,351 th Lucky 13 Tavern, David H. Erickson, 385 E. 13, Cigarette Per. ; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(9/7).....233,307 LuGrain, Lana, PJ’s Tap, 500 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (3/1)...............................................................70 Luksetich, Tom, Dbq Casino Hotel, support Casino Hotel & Parking Lease Agreement. (7/6).251 Lundh, Matthew, applicant, Historic Pres. Comm.; withdrawal of application. (7/19)(8/2)..260,283 Luther Manor, claim; settlement. (10/4)(10/18)...........................................................................341,350 Lux Club, Beverly Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.(5/3)(6/7)......................169,215 Lyness, Karen, applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.; reappointed. (6/7)(6/21)...............218,235 Lyons, Jymie, Jym’s Bar, 1700 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; refund cig. per. (6/7)(7/6)(9/7).......................................................................................................................217,248,306 Lyons, Robert J., claim; referred to Ins. (8/2)....................................................................................275 57 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (11/1)(12/6)........................................362,389 Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj. rebidding; contract to Top Grade; final. (1/5)(1/19)(12/6).........................................................................................................................5,20,391 Main St. Weber Paper Co. area, Tax Inc. Rev. Bonds, Lower Main Devel. (5/3)(5/17).170,189-200 Main St. Award, Great American, Resolution of Endorsement requested for application for 2005 Great American Main St. Award. (10/18)......................................................................................353 Main St. Buildings litigation, Release & Indemnity Agreement. (2/16)............................................56 Main St., Ltd., Purchase of Services. (4/5).........................................................................................123 Main St., Ltd., reappointment of Ann Michalski to Board. (7/6).....................................................251 Main St. Ltd. Agreement, Program Agreement approved – IDED. (9/7).........................................303 Main St. Ltd., Best Public Improvement Project – New Construction Award for Grand River Center & other awards. (10/18)...............................................................................................358,359 Main St. Upper, Revitalization Project. – John Gronen. (1/5)...........................................................4,5 Main Street buildings – J. Gronen, demolition request for various ones. (5/3)............................167 Main Street Pattern – sidewalks.(11/15).............................................................................................373 Main Street, 1000, J. Gronen, Enterprise Zone Contract, Gronen Adaptive Reuse, IDED. (8/2)277 Main, Lower, Development, Tax Increment Financing. (4/19)........................................................154 Maintenance Workers, Airport, Teamster’s Union Bargaining Agree. (5/3)..................................165 Make a Will Month Proclamation.(10/4)..............................................................................................341 Make A Wish Week Proclamation. (4/5)..............................................................................................107 Maloy, Paula, SVM, applicant for Community Development Adv. Comm.; reappointed; Gave Invocation. (2/2)(2/16)(4/5)....................................................................................................49,61,107 Mamali, Ioana, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Comm. (12/6)(12/20)..................................401,416 Management Agenda for 2004-2006 set out by Council. (9/14)......................................................318 Management Agreement for Bunker Hill Golf Course – G.M.S. Inc – G. Stephenson. (2/16).......56 Management Agreement for Miller Riverview Park, Pat Felderman. (3/15).....................................88 Management, privatization, Five Flags Civic Center RfP’s; approve agreement SMG; first amendment to Agreement. (1/5)(2/23)(4/19)(6/21)(10/4)....................................13,65,139,240,341 Manager, City, evaluation by Council. (6/29)....................................................................................243 Mandolin Inn, 199 Loras Blvd., Wine License. (8/16)......................................................................298 Mangeno, Angela, Angie’s Bar, 1401 Elm St., Liquor Lic. (9/20)....................................................322 Manna (Café) Java, 269 Main, Liquor Lic.; Outdoor sale etc. (6/21)(10/4).............................234,344 Maple Leaf Add. vacate & dispose to Lansers, Mastin’s, part Blanche Avenue. (6/21)(7/6).............................................................................................................................234,249,250 Maquoketa Valley Electric Cooperative, Utility Franchise Agree. (3/15)(4/5)...................95,126-130 March 2004 Claims & Revenues Proof. (5/17)...................................................................................180 March 2004 Financial Reports. (4/19).................................................................................................140 March 2004 Printed Council Proceedings approved as printed. (6/21).........................................228 Marco’s Italian American Food, 2022 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/5)......................................................125 Mario’s Italian Rest., 1298 Main, TM Inc., Liquor Lic. (11/15)..........................................................381 Marion Realty, Inc., Warranty Deed, purchase Wilson Bros. Place for Hwy 20 widening. (2/2)...40 Maritime Security Act Plan for Rivers’ Edge Plaza approved. (1/5)...................................................5 Marketing of City’s Industrial Parks, Purchase of Services funding to GDDC. (4/5)...................123 Markham, Council Member John, questioned appointments to League committees; attended IDOT Meeting in Decorah @ SW Arterial. (2/16)(6/7)..............................................................64,226 Markham, Council Member John, appointed Mayor Pro-Tem; appointed alt. voting delegate Congress of Cities, Nat’l League of Cities; took meeting. (9/7)(9/13)......................303,316,317 Markham, Council Member John, objecting to DOT closing of Wacker Dr. on a Saturday morning. (10/18)...............................................................................................................................359 58 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M Markham, Council Member John, as Mayor Pro-Tem, took special meeting – Evaluation of Corporation Counsel & City Clerk. (11/1).......................................................................................36 Markham, Council Member John, on Greater Dubuque Development Corp. Bd., replacing Nicholson. (10/4)..............................................................................................................................349 Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (8/16)(9/20).................................................298,334 Marten, Bobby, petition for sidewalks on N side of Asbury Rd. – JFK to NW Arterial. (9/20)....322 Martin Luther King Jr. Days Proclamation. (1/5)...................................................................................2 Martin, Marguerite, claim; referred to Ins. (4/5).................................................................................107 Marywood Drive, request by V. Van Cleve, easement to gain access to back yards. (9/7)........306 Mason, Rev. Tom, Captain of the Salvation Army, Gave Invocation. (1/19)....................................15 Masonry Construction Project of the Year Award presented to City by J.P. Cullen.(11/1).........362 Massey Station improvements, City provide matching Grant – CAT application.(6/21).............241 nd Master Plan – Drainage Basin, purchase of 815 W. 32. (8/16).....................................................293 Master Plan Downtown, Council Work Session; adoption; citizen guide transmitted. (1/5)(2/2)(8/2).............................................................................................................................1,49,278 Master Plan, Downtown Dubuque, - award Best Partnership Planning Effort from Dbq Main St. Ltd. (10/18)........................................................................................................................................359 Mastin, Jean M., & John Lanser, vacate Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. (6/21)(7/6)....234.249,250 Mathy Construction, River City Parking, awarded contract, 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. (5/17)..201 Mathy Construction, River City Paving, completion Jackson & W Locust Resurfacing. (8/2)..277 May 2004, Financial Report. (6/21)......................................................................................................228 May 2004, Printed Council Proceedings. (8/2)..................................................................................275 May 2004, Proof of claims and revenues. (7/6).................................................................................245 th May Place - Residential Parking Permit District petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, Pickett, May th Place & 15 St. (2/2)..........................................................................................................................32 May Place, adding from Cornell St. to its westerly terminus, Prohibiting Parking.(5/17)...........189 Mayor Pro-Tem Cline took special meeting. (1/5).................................................................................1 Mayor Pro-Tem Nicholson sworn in. (1/5)..............................................................................................2 Mayor Pro-Tem took part of the meeting due to conflict to the Mayor. (6/7)................................224 Mayor Terry Duggan swore in Council Members Buol, Cline, Michalski and Mayor Pro-Tem Dan Nicholson. (1/5)....................................................................................................................................2 Mayor Terry Duggan on GDDC Board. (6/7)......................................................................................223 Mayor’s letter to Congressman Jim Nussle in appreciation of identifying IA 32 – SW Arterial and US 20 Julien Dubuque Bridge to be included in transportation bill. (4/5)...............................108 MCCIowa, Inc., Mediacom Cable TV Franchise Renewal; Extension. (2/16)(6/7)(6/21)...64,217,238 Mechanical Code Board applicants: Chuck Bandy, David Cleek, Michael P. Kelly, Sean O’Malley, Paul Papin; appointments: Bandy & reappointments of Michael P. Kelly & Paul Papin. (9/7)(9/20)...................................................................................................................................310,323 Mechanical Code Board, revised & reenacted. (8/2)........................................................................290 Mediacom – CBG Communication & Miller & Van Eaton, cable franchise renewal. (3/15).........103 Mediacom, analysis franchise fees to City, contract, Lewis & Asso. of FL. (3/15)(11/1).....103,368 Mediacom, 2003 Annual Report. (4/5).................................................................................................124 Mediacom, Franchise Renewal Process, MCCIowa, Inc.; Extension. (2/16)(6/7)(6/21)(7/19)....................................................................................................64.217,238,254 Mediacom Franchise Agreement – Management Agenda for 2004-2006. (9/14)..........................318 Mediation – Iowa Health Buyers Alliance, application to Federal Mediation & Conciliation service. (7/19)..................................................................................................................................................257 Mediation - Sunnyslope residents & Quagliano, rezoning, Mary Jungbluth comments. (1/19)..15 Medical Associates Subd. No. 2 vacate Associates Dr., CU-Link. 59 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M (9/7)(9/20)(10/18).................................................................................................307,308,330,331,351 Medical Emergency response thank you from Wm. C. Fuerste.....................................................145 Medline Co., UDAG Loan, IDED. (5/3).................................................................................................177 Memorandum of Agreement between Federal Highway Adm., State Hist. Pres., County & City re: relocation of White Water Creek Bridge.(10/18)...................................................................351,352 Memorandum of Understanding between Federal Highway Adm., State Historic Pres. Dubuque County and Dubuque City re: White Water Creek Bridge relocation. (10/18)..................351,352 Memorandums of Understanding Assignment of CIGNA Agreements to Prudential. (4/5)121,122 Memorandums of Understanding with VNA & United Clinical Labs, HUD Lead Grant Related Services. (4/5)..................................................................................................................................108 Memorial Day, Public Safety, Proclamation. (9/7).............................................................................303 Menning, Kevin, Liquor Ord. changes, curb binge drinking & underage. (8/16)(9/20).........300,335 Mental Health Month Proclamation. (5/3)...........................................................................................164 Mentoring Month Proclamation. (1/5).....................................................................................................2 Mercy Health Center Banners, 125 years, request for banners. (3/15)............................................91 Mercy Medical Center, agreement for employee assistance services for FY 2005. (9/20).........320 Mercy Medical Center, Replacement Banners to recognize nursing services. (12/20)...............411 Mercy Year Proclamation. (1/5)................................................................................................................2 Merfeld, Rick, of University of Dubuque, new Ordinances re: curbing underage & binge drinking. (9/20)..................................................................................................................................................335 Merges, Sarah J., claim; denial. (8/16)(9/7).................................................................................293,303 Merrick, Brandon, Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, refund of Liquor Lic. (3/1).....................................70 Metcalf, LB, Inc., Cedar Cross Amoco, 1200 Cedar Cross, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(7/6)....215,24 Meter, Parking, Ordinance, new 40 minutes time limit. (4/5)..........................................................135 Meter, Water, Reading, Contract with Aquila Gas Co. (5/17)...........................................................182 Meth - Drugs – Eastern Iowa Clan Lab Task Force, 28E Agreement – Police. (6/7)....................212 Meth Labs – Federal COPS Grant Opportunity, 18 County Drug Task Force. (4/19)...................140 Methamphetimine Clandestine Lab Drug Task Force, 18 county, Police to participate. (4/19)140 Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, budget & tipping fees for FY 05. (1/19)....................................15 Mettel Link Addn., conveyance of Lot A of Blk 8 – Tyler Rd., Warranty Deed Accept. (9/7)......304 Mewbourne, Sara, sewer problems at 335 Klingenberg Terrace. (5/17)........................................180 Meyers, Bonnie, objecting to Transit Fare Increase. (12/6).............................................................401 Meyers, C.H. Addn., dispose of property near Seward St. for Penhollow’s. (3/1)(3/15).72,100,101 Meyers, Carol, A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/5)(6/7)......................125,215 Meyers, Dave, 835 Council Hill, re: intersection of Hwy 20, JFK, Cedar Cross Rd.(12/6)...........395 Meysing, Pastor Steve, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (6/21).............................228 Michael’s Bar X, L & M Wharf Co. 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/20)............................................415 Michalski, Ann E., sworn in as Council Member At Large; questioned appointments to League Committees; comments @ article in Chicago Tribune – Grand Excursion; a presenter at the Iowa League of Cities; reappointed to Dubuque Main St. Board; Gave Invocation. (1/5)(2/16)(5/17)(6/7)(7/6)(10/4)..........................................................................2,64,206,226,251,341 MidAmerica Housing Partnership Application, resolution of support for application to IA DED – Eagle Valley Townhomes. (12/6)...................................................................................................406 Middle Road residents objecting to expansion of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (12/20)....419 Middle Road, South of, East of Seippel Rd., expansion Dbq Industrial Center West. (12/20)....419 Middle School at Radford Rd., intersection improvements direction. (6/7)(8/2)...................212,288 Middle School at Radford Road, sidewalk installation. (8/16)(11/15)......................................300,386 Midway Hotel – Hoffman House, WCB Hotels, 3100 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (7/6)...........................24 Midway Hotel – part of property for US 20 Widening project. (2/2)..................................................41 60 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M Mihalakis, Clyde P., Dip Tap, 1689 Elm, Liquor Lic. (6/7).................................................................217 Mihm, Rick, object to lease of Jackson Pk to Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home. (5/3)..........173 Miller and Van Eaton & CBG Communications – Cable Franchise Renewal, expansion of services. (3/15).................................................................................................................................103 Miller Riverview Park, Liquor Lic. For Carlos O’Kelly’s there. (9/7)...............................................307 Miller, Beverly, Sid’s Beverage, 2735 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/7)..................................................216 Miller, David, L., Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Mgmt Div., re: denial of City claim for pumping at floodwall. (11/1)...........................................................................................................363 Miller, Delbert G. & Larry & Kathy, property, Carter Road Detention Basin, FMV. (2/2)(3/15)....................................................................................................................................45,87,88 Miller, Delbert G., claim. (8/16)...............................................................................................................29 Miller, Del, vs City of Dubuque, settlement. (11/15)..........................................................................374 Miller, Frank, of Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm., discussion. (5/17)........................................179 Miller, Mel, of Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, in favor of rezoning. (4/19)................152 Miller-Riverview Park Management Agreement with Pat Felderman. (3/15)...................................88 Mills, Martha L, claim; forwarded to insurance. (7/6).......................................................................245 Millstone Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates Fifth Addn. (3/1)...........................................76,77 Mineral Lot 156, disposing City interest in Lot A of Lot 2 of Lot 2 to University of Dubuque. (10/18)(11/1)(11/15)...............................................................................................352,365,366,384,385 Mineral Lot 246, correction plat of Lot 1, CNL Funding, deed for US 20 Widening Pro. (2/2)......42 Mineta, Norman, letter to him, DOT re: air service links increase. (10/4)......................................343 Minibus fare increase discussed etc.(11/1).......................................................................................366 Mining Co., Dubuque, The Apartment Ltd., 555 JFK Road, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. ; Liq. Lic. (2/2)(6/7)(6/21).........................................................................................................................46,21,233 Mississippi Mug, M. L. Bichell, 373 Bluff St., Wine Permit; BW Liquor; Class C Liquor. (4/5)(4/19)(11/15)................................................................................................................125,146,381 rd Mississippi River Museum, 350 E. 3 St., Wine Per.; ECI Special Project Grant, amendment. (4/5)(10/4)...................................................................................................................................125,343 Mississippi River- request for No Wake Zone by M. Woodyard, Julien Dbq Yacht Club. (5/17)206 Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II & Amenities Project. (4/5)..............................................................124 Mitigation Plan, Pre-Disaster, changes, Homeland Security & Emergency Mgmt Division. (3/1)70 Mobile Computer Terminals, Purchase, for Police Dept. (7/19)......................................................259 Mobile Radio System Police Dept., KFXA-TV Tower Rental, lease for second antenna. (9/20).322 Moessner, David & Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, request for 1339 Alta Vista as City Landmark; tabled request. (6/7)(8/2)..........................................................................................................218,283 th Molly’s Pub & Grub, Clifford Enter., 295 W. 9, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/3)(6/7)..........168,215 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 1875 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(11/1)......................215,365 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK, Beer Per. ; Cigarette Per. (2/16)(6/7)..............................60,215 th Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9 & Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(12/6)........................215,396 Molo Oil Co., Puff n Snuff, 1101 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (9/20)..........................................................322 Monarch Summet Bulletproof Vests, replacement for Police Dept. (2/2)........................................46 Mond, Gail & Joe, re: extension of time to finish sidewalk at 2496 LaVista Ct. (11/15)..............386 th Monitoring Wells at 375 E. 9 – former Eagle Window facility. (6/7)..............................................210 Montgomery Watson Harza/Thiele Geotech, Inc. Monitoring Well Installations – former Eagle th Window facility, 375 E. 9 St. (6/7)................................................................................................210 Moody, Mary, object to lease of Jackson Pk to Hoffmann Schneider Funeral Home. (5/3).......173 Moore, David, in support of UD Amend ID – University Park Dr. Ext. (7/19)................................260 Moose Lodge, Dbq Lodge #355, 1166 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/19)(5/3)........................................146,168 Moose Lodge, rezoning 2635 Windsor from C1 to OC (former Christensen’s). (7/19)........262,263 61 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M Moracco, The, Inc., 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (12/6)..............................................................396 Moratorium on issuance of Building Permits for Construction in Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study. (1/5)......................................................................................................................13 nd Moratorium on permits for work in W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (2/16)...........................................63 Moratorium on reclassification of apartment facilities from commercial to residential. (4/19).143 Morey, Audrey, Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm. – preliminary alignment discussion. (5/17)179 Mortgage Subordination Agreement, Assumption Agreement – commercial property transfer of nd 231 W. 2 St.(10/18)........................................................................................................................352 Motsch, Ellen & Leslie, concerns @ Eagle Point Bluff condo building. (8/16).............................300 Mound City Bank vs City, claim – suit. (10/18)..................................................................................350 Mozena, Angela, applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed. (9/20)(10/4)...............................323,345 Mt. St. Francis, contract for Urban Transit – Buses. (1/19)...............................................................16 Mueller, Dan, property Hwy 61/151 & 52 inter. rezoning for Apex Concrete. (1/5)(1/19)........12,26 Mueller, Ege, Place, Plat of Survey, N of JFK Rd. & Deer Valley Dr. in the county. (2/16)............56 Mueller, Rick D., claim.; claim referred to Ins. (7/6)(7/19)............................................................24,253 Mueller, Ron, Margaret & Ben, 855 Salem, purchase city alley. (4/19)(6/7)(6/21).........140,217,237 Mueller, Thomas J., claim. (4/5)...........................................................................................................107 Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury Amoco Foodshop, 3300 Asbury Rd., Beer Per. (9/7)............................307 Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras BP Shop, 1450 Loras, Cigarette Per. ; Beer Per. (6/7)(8/16)............216,297 thth Mulgrew Oil, 16 St. Auto/Truck Plaza, 1215 E. 16, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/19)(6/7)...145,215 Municipal Services Center – Operations & Maintenance Center – City Garage, Declaration of Restrictive Covenants – IA DNR re: lead contamination on site. (12/20)................................411 Municipal Services Center - Operations and Service Center Construction Project – Street Dept. new Garage Building; tabled to 6/7/04; awarded to Portzen Cons.; David Bacon Labor Standards info; identified as a Major Project for 04-05; reallocation of G.O. Bonds for use on this project.. (4/5)(5/17)(6/7)(8/16)(9/14)(10/18)(11/1)...............125,200,222,296,318,354,355,368 Munson, Mark, Transit Mgr., remarks @ needed Keyline fare increase. (12/6)............................401 Munson, Nicole, claim; referred to Horsfield Construction. (9/7)..................................................303 Murph’s Southend Tap, Pamela Murphy, 55 Locust St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)........233 Murphy Park, Agreement with Hillcrest Family Services for Holiday Light Display. (6/21)........230 Murphy, Pamela, Murph’s Southend Tap, 55 Locust, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21).......23,233 rd Museum - Mississippi River Museum, 350 E. 3 St., Wine Per. (4/5).............................................125 Museum & Aquarium Pro. Scenic Byways Grant App. Design & Construction of Exhibits. (1/5)2, Museum of Art for Uptown Recreation Program, FY 2005 Grant Agreement. (4/19)...................141 Museum of Art, Dubuque, request to defer payments on Rehab. Loan. (5/3)..............................167 Music & More Tents A,B,C, 600-800 Main, Beer Permits.; Hawthorne St. Beer Permits. (4/19)(7/19).................................................................................................................................145,259 Myers, Susan, claim; referred to Insurance. (11/1)...........................................................................362 62 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE M 63 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE Mc McAlpin, Gary, applicant for Human Rights Commission; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)............401,416 McAlpin, Gary, Assistant Pastor of Faith, Center Grove and Rockdale United Methodist Churches, gave invocation. (12/06)..............................................................................................389 McAninch Corp., acceptance of settlement from them. (3/15)..........................................................91 McAvan, Nathan, claim; referred to Ins. (5/3)....................................................................................164 McCall, Jane, Exec. Dir. of Humane Society, in support of five year agreement with City. (6/7)223 McCann, Steven R., review of annexation request, IDED; Findings of Fact & Conclusions etc.. (2/2)(7/19).....................................................................................................................................33,254 McCann’s Service, Inc., Bruce & Dawn McCann, 690 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/19)(6/7)......................................................................................................................................145,216 McCarthy, Angela, claim; referred to Ins. (5/3)(5/17).................................................................164,180 McCarthy, Sister Jeanette, objecting to rental fee for Jackson Park for Hispanic Ministry gatherings. (11/1).............................................................................................................................363 McClain Excavating awarded contract for Roosevelt Road Phase II Water Main Extension Project; final acceptance of project. (6/7)(12/6)...................................................................221,390 McCullough Creative Group & City’s Logo Design Committee. – Addy Award for design for Grand River Center. (3/15)..............................................................................................................102 McCullough, Lynn M., settlement of tax assessment appeal. (12/6)..............................................389 McDermott Excavating, temporary access off NW Arterial, Holliday Third Addn. (7/19)............256 McDonald, Mr. John, III, opposing rezoning for Apex Concrete. (1/19)...........................................26 McDonell, Jodi, claim; referred to Insurance. (6/7)(6/21)..........................................................209,228 McDonnell, Jodi, claim; referred to Insurance. (6/7)(6/21)........................................................209,228 McGinnis, Melissa J., account clerk authorized to get bank info for City. (1/19)...........................16 McKesson Corp. Expansion, financial assistance application. (1/5)................................................6 McKinlay, Michele, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Comm. (12/6)(12/20)..........................401,416 McLean, Howard & Dorothy, object to rezoning, Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development, PUD, District. (9/20).........................................................................................................................323 63 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE N N. Main St., through street designation. (7/19).........................................................................266 N. Grandview, 419, 439 & 485, rezoning former Grandview United Methodist Church. (4/19).152 Nadeau, Evelyn, applicant for Park and Recreation Comm. (6/7)(6/21).............................218,235 thth Name of connector between E. 9 & E. 11 Sts. to Elm St. changed to Elm St. (3/15).............102 Napier St. Storm & Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, final accept. (4/19)........................142,143 Nash Finch Co., EconoFoods #471, 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Per. ; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/21)........................................................................................................................60,233 National Assn of Housing & Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), award to City Employee Joleen Patterson. (11/1)...................................................................................................................365 National Audubon Society, sublease to dock Audubon Ark (the Lily Belle). (6/21)..................232 National League of Cities Conference re: City & School Bd. cooperation. (12/6)....................407 National League of Cities congratulating Dbq on America’s River Project on League of Cities’ Examples of Programs for Cities database. (6/7).........................................................213,214 National League of Cities Delegate Nicholson appointed. (9/7)................................................316 rd National Mississippi River Museum, Dbq Cty Historical Soc., 350 E. 3, Liquor Lic. (8/16).....297 National Park Service - GPRA Annual Report.1/5).......................................................................4 National Register of Historic Places approval of Multiple Property Document “The Architectural & Historic Resources in Dubuque, Iowa 1833-1955” (6/7)..................................................224 th National Register of Historic Places, W. 11 & Langworthy Districts nominated. (5/17)(6/7).......................................................................................................................185,224 National Scenic Byways Subcontract for Design & Construction of Exhibits. (1/5)..................2,3 nd Nauman, Herman, object to rezoning of 55 W. 32 St., North End Wrecking. (9/20)..............324 Nauman, Mark, applicant for Five Flag Civic Center Comm. (7/19)...........................................260 Neighbor’s Tap, 1899 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (4/5)......................................................................125 Neighborhood Conservation District, Downtown, (9/20)....................................................336,337 Neighborhood Resource Center – School & City Partnership with downtown elementary school; School appreciate $250,000 from City. (8/2)(11/1)........................................................289,362 Neis, Sarah J., claim; settlement. (3/15)(4/5).......................................................................87,107 Nekvinda, Kevin, resigned from Cable TV Regulatory Comm. (4/19)........................................143 Nelms-Byrne, Cynthia, support of Arts organizations. (9/7).....................................................304 Nelson, Dean, of Area Substance Abuse Coalition, Ordinances to curb binge and underage drinking. (9/20)(10/4)......................................................................................................335,346 Nemmers Cedar Ridge Farm Place No. 7 – final plat. (12/20)......................................433,434,434 Nemmers, John, applicant for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. (10/18)....................355 Nemmers, Sister Michelle, for support of Arts organizations. (9/7)..........................................304 Ness, Mary Lou, claim. (3/15).......................................................................................................87 Neumann, Richard & Connie, claim; referred to Insurance.(12/6).............................................389 Nevada Street S to West Third St., No Parking. (9/7)(11/15)(12/6)...............................304,386,406 Nevada to Alpine Sts., No Parking in alley requested; Ordinance for No Parking. . (9/7)(11/15)(12/6).....................................................................................................304,386,406 Newman, Eunice & James, property on University Ave., Fair Market Value, objections by Newmans; establish Fair Market Value; eminent domain of their property for University Ave Extension project. (5/3)(5/17)(11/15).......................................................................167,204,375 Newt Marine Service – Dbq Barge & Fleeting Service Co., awarded contract for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Construction. (9/7)...........................................................................................312 NEXTROP, LLC – owners of Stone Brook Second Addn. final plat. (2/2)..............................50,51 64 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE N Nicholson, Council Member Dan, sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem; appointment of Iowa League of Cities Board; took Council Meeting – Mayor absent; took Council Meeting – Mayor absent; Mayor Pro-Tem at meeting when Mayor Duggan excused himself; took special session – Bee Branch Study discussion; reappointed to GDDC Board of Directors; ribbon cutting times of day questioned; thanked everyone for Grand Excursion celebration; appointed as delegate to National League of Cities – Congress of Cities; replaced on GDDC Board of Directors by Markham; appointed to Airport Comm. In Markham’s place; on Technology Committee of Iowa League of Cities. (1/5)(2/16)(2/24)(3/15)(5/17)(6/7)(7/6)(9/7)(10/4)(11/15)2,14,55,66,98,179,223,22,252,316,349,387 NLC Energy, Environment, & Natural Resources Comm. IA League of Cities, Pat Cline appointed. (2/2).......................................................................................................................51 No Parking for portion of Lombard St. by Washington Jr. High. (7/19)....................................265 No Parking alley Alpine & Nevada Streets; designation by Ord. (9/7)(11/15)(12/6)....304,386,406 No Parking request for Arboretum Dr., withdrawn. (5/3)...........................................................168 Non-Bargaining Unit Employees of the City, FY 2005 Wage & Compensation Plan. (6/7)........211 Non-consenting property owners, application for voluntary annexation – 704 acres; benefits extended to them. (1/5)(4/19).............................................................................................9,155 Non-discrimination sexual orientation Ord. petition by Sisters of St. Francis. (5/17)(6/7)180,212 Non-Law Enforcement Criminal History Record Check, service charge added. (4/5)..............136 Noonan’s Tap, Mary Lou Kamp, 1618 Central Ave., Liquor Lic. (4/5)........................................125 Norman, Kay, gifted her Artwork for Grand River Center. (3/15)...............................................94 North Cascade Road, 12463, final plat of Oberbroeckling Subd. No. 2. (6/21)..........................229 North Cascade Road, prel. plat Key City Properties Plat No. 2, Dave Schneider. (10/18).........350 North Dubuque – Dispose portion of alley, Salem St. to R. Davis & Ben Mueller. (6/21)........237 nd North End Wrecking, 55 W. 32 St., requested rezoning, objections etc. (9/20)...............323,324 North Grandview & Kerper Blvd., Concrete Repair Project, final. (6/7).....................................212 North Grandview Estates – final plat, Richard Henkel.(12/6)....................................................404 North Main Street, through street designation. (7/19)...............................................................266 Northeast Iowa School of Music, letter of support for funding Office Mgr. (3/1)........................70 Northend Auto – Junk yard expansion, objection. (6/21)..........................................................230 Northview Drive & Crescent Ridge, Southbound, Delete stop signs. (7/19).............................266 Notice of Intent to Release of Funds – Environment & Stealth Race Cars Property. (9/20).....320 November 2003 Council Proceedings approved. (1/5)..................................................................2 November 2003, proof of publication of claims & revenues. (1/19)............................................16 November 2004, Financial Reports. (12/20).................................................................................40 No-wake zone in Mississippi River, J. Dbq Bridge to RR swing, Yacht Club, response. (5/17)206 NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Permit, A DNR. (11/1)369 NPDES Approval and Erosion Policy, Priority item in Policy Agenda. (9/14)...........................318 NPDES response to State’s draft. (9/7)......................................................................................306 Nursing Home Week Proclamation. (5/3)...................................................................................164 Nursing services credentials, recognition banners at Mercy Medical Center. (12/20).............411 Nussle, Congressman Jim, Mayor thanking him re: IA 32 – SW Arterial & new bridges as projects to be included in transportation bill. (4/5)..............................................................108 Nussle, Congressman, letter @ language in fed. Transportation Bill. (9/7)..............................305 Nussle, Congressman Jim, letter # FEMA reimbursement for floods. (9/20)............................322 Nussle, Congressman Jim, letter IP enabled services are interstate in nature; and also letter re: Representative Pickering’s letter. (10/18)............................................................................352 NW Arterial, Ray Taylor objecting to stop lights. (1/5)................................................................12 NW Arterial Project, Widening of Asbury Rd. (10/18)................................................................356 NW Arterial & NE Corner of Asbury Rd., - Quagliano & Buesing, rezoning of property. (3/15).98 NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Project. (9/7)(10/4).........................................................309,346 NW Arterial, request for temporary access off that by Buesing & McDermott Excavating for Holliday Third Addn. (7/19).....................................................................................................25 65 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE O O’Hara Inc., Happy Joes Ice Cream/Pizza Parlor, 855 Century, Beer Per. (10/18)........................354 O’Malley, Sean, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd. (9/7)(9/20)...............................................310,323 O’Neill’s Addn. to North Dubuque, dispose of Lot 179A, Lot 180A, & Lot 181A, - Randy & Pamela Davis, Ben & Margaret Mueller. (6/7)............................................................................................217 O’Toole, Sr. Mary Clare, Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed. (3/15)(4/5)...97,126 Oak Park Court, Lot B of Oak Park Place. (6/7).................................................................................214 Oak Park Place, final plat. (6/7)............................................................................................................214 Oak Park Place, new name for Aggie Street. (1/19)............................................................................27 Oakland, Rev. Jerry E., Pastor of St. Luke’s gave Invocation. (7/6)...............................................245 Oberbroeckling Subd. No. 2 – final plat, 12463 N. Cascade Rd. (6/21)..........................................229 Oberfoell, Dona, Claim; settlement. (11/15).......................................................................................374 Occupancy Standards, Certificate, structures not occupied til site plan improve made. (4/5).137 October, 2004, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (12/6)......................................................389 October, 2004. Financial Reports submitted. (11/15).......................................................................374 Off-street parking regs, Zoning Text Amend. Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. (5/17)..186 Oky Doky #1, TFM Co., 250 Bluff St., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/19)(6/21).......................146,233 Oky Doky #14, K-Chap Foods, 1050 University, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/21).........................233 nd Oky Doky #2, TFM Co., 51 W. 32 St., Liquor Lic. (8/16).................................................................298 Oky Doky #21, TFM, 2010 Kerper, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (1/5)(6/21)(12/20)7,233,414 Oky Doky #6, TFM Co. 1256 Iowa, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. ; Wine Per. (6/21)(8/16)............233,297 Oky Doky #8, Hill Street Plaza, Inc. 535 Hill St., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2/2)(6/7)...............46,216 Old Highway Road & Cousins Rd., SE Corner, rezoning AG to R1 for Paul Cate.(6/21).............236 Old Mill Road properties lease agreement with David S. Hartig Jr. (1/19)(2/2)(2/16)19,46,47,62,63 Olson, Chris, 1090 Grove Terrace, in support of Loras Blvd. H historic Lighting Project. (4/5)133 One Flight Up, 44 Main St., cigarette permit; Liquor Lic. (9/7)(9/20).......................................306,323 Ooh la la, Creative Touch Galley, Inc., 3460 Hillcrest Rd., Wine Per.(6/7).....................................217 Operating Budget, FY 2005 & Capital Improvement Program. (2/16)..............................................61 Operating Engineers Collective Bargaining Agree. amend, Dispatchers 4 10 hr days. (7/6)(8/16)............................................................................................................................246,247,294 Operation: New View Board appoint Council Members Patricia Cline & Joyce Connors. (1/5)..14 Operation: New View, Purchase of Service Agreement.(4/5)..........................................................122 Operations & Maintenance, emergency action plan, Agree. TRICOR Safety Consulting. (7/6).247 Operations and Service Center - Municipal Services Center - Operations and Service Center Construction Project – Street Dept. new Garage Building; tabled to 6/7/04; awarded to Portzen Cons.; David Bacon Labor Standards info. (4/5)(5/17)(6/7)(8/16)...... 125,200,222,296 Oral Health Program, VNA, thank you for FY 05 Cp2 Grant. (6/7)..................................................209 th Oriental Food & Gift Corp., Lien Oriental Am, 115 W. 11, Beer Per. (5/3)....................................168 Osterhaus, John, object to junk at 2524 Elm. (7/6)...........................................................................251 Oswald, Jan,1440 Parkway, oppose proposed Zoning text amend to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)....................................................................................384 Oswald, Lou, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; objecting to Keyline Transit – minibus fare increase; reappointed to Human Rights. (12/6)(12/20).......................................................401,416 Otterbeck, Peter or Paul, claim, referred to Insurance. (1/5)...............................................................2 Otto, Deacon J.C., Sacred Heart Church, Gave Invocation. (8/16).................................................293 Outdoor Exterior Storage containers prohibited. (12/20)................................................................435 Outdoor Warning System Easement Agreement for Siren E of Julien Care. (11/15)....379,380,381 Owensby, Ray, present award “Seven Seals Award” and Statement of Reserve Award – to military employer, City. (4/19)........................................................................................................140 Oxygen, Praxair, Supply Agreement, item remove from Agenda. (8/2).........................................280 66 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 1-04 Establish Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees, Connection Southfork Interceptor Sewer Phase IV. (1/5)....................................................................................................................................10 2-04 Amend Ch. 11 Buildings & Building Regulations add new Section 11-58.5 – Moratorium on Building Permits, New Construction, Bee Branch Cr. Restoration Align. Study Area. (1/5).13 3-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning reclassifying property W of Honeysuckle Lane. R3 to PUD with PR District & Concept. Devel. Plan – Kivlahans. (1/19)...........................................................21,22 4-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning reclassifying 1700 Block Radford Rd. AG to C3 with conditions – Steve Schueller. (1/19)..........................................................................................22,23 5-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning reclassifying property SE Hwy 61/151 Hwy 52 Intersection, C3 to MHI, with conditions – Apex Concrete. (1/19)......................................................................24-26 6-04 Renaming Aggie Street to Oak Park Place. (1/19).................................................................27,28 7-04 Establish Amended & Restated Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area as Urban Revitalization Area Re: Chapter 404 Iowa Code. (2/16)...............................................................62 8-04 Amend Ch. 11 Buildings & Building Regulations of City Code Adopting a New Section 11- 58.4 Reestablishing Eighteen-month moratorium on issuance of Permits for work in the West nd 32 St. Detention Basin Area. (2/16)..............................................................................................63 9-0 Amend City Code modifying Subsection (a) of Section 32-397 Rosemont St. , Pennsylvania Ave. to Creston Ct as Residential Parking Permit Dis. (3/1)..................................................74,75 10-04 Amend City Code Sections 44-83 (a) (2) and 44-83 (a)(3)g Establishing Basic Sewer Rates for Residential & Commercial Uses. (3/3)......................................................................................82 11-04 Amend City Code Fixing Water Rates, Residential, Commercial, Industrial etc.. (3/3)......82 12-04 Amend City Code Section 40-37 Paragraph (a), (b), (c) & (d) Establish Charges: Collection & Disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials increase Fee. $7.60 per dwelling unit to $8.50 & Fee Single Use Solid Waste Sticker $1.05 to $1.15. (3/3)....................................83,84,85 13-04 Amend Section 32-279 of City Code – Parking Violations – Fines. (3/3)..............................84 14-04 Amend Zoning Ord. reclassify NE corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., AG to C3. (3/15)..98 15-04 Vacate N’ly part of Alley West S. Grandview Ave. bet. Altman St. – aka St. Joseph St. – & Whelan St. (3/15)................................................................................................................................99 16-04 Vacating Sac St and two alleys north of Seward St. in C.H. Meyer’s Addn.(3/15)......100,101 thth 17-04 Name Road Designated West 911 Connector, E. 9 St. - E 11 St. to Elm St. (3/15).102,103 18-04 Amend City Code Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Services – Charges. (3/15).....................104 19-04 Amend City Code Parking Meters Fee Schedule. (3/15)................................................104,105 20-04 Grant Maquoketa Valley Electric Coop. Electrical System to operate in City. (4/5)...126,127 21-04 Amend Ord. No. 58-03 Establish Franchise Fee of 2% of Gross Revenue of Interstate Power Co., sale of Electricity. (4/5)...............................................................................................131 22-04 Amend Ord. No. 59-03 Establish Franchise Fee of 2% of Gross Revenue of Peoples Natural Gas Co., sale of Gas. (4/5).......................................................................................................131,132 23-04 Amend Sec. 32-337 Parking Fee Schedule of City Code. (4/5).............................................135 24-04 Amend Code Sec. 32-269 Fire Lanes, Prohibit Obstruction of Fire Lanes etc. (4/5)........136 25-04 Amend Code 38-31 Service Charge Non-Law Enforce. Criminal History Record. (4/5)...137 26-04 Amend City Code Sec. 11-2 International Building Code, amendment require installation & completion Site Plan Requirements before issuing Certificates of Occupancy. (4/5)..........137 27-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by reclassify 419, 439 & 485 N. Grandview Ave., R1 to OC Office – Grandview United Methodist Church property. (4/19)..........................................152,153 28-04 Amend Section 30-54 (a)(4) of City Code providing for removal of Librarian by Library Bd of Trustees. (4/19).....................................................................................................................154,155 29-04 Amend Ch. 44 of City Code adding New Article VI. Illicit Connections and Discharges to the Stormwater Drainage System. (4/19)......................................................................................156 67 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 30-04 Amend Section19-34, City Code Permits required: add new Suparagraph (d) requiring a Permit for Open Burning of Land Clearance Materials & New Subparagraph (e) Requiring a Permit for Open Burning on Agricultural Property. (4/19)..................................................160,161 31-04 Repeal Section E(3) of Ord. No. 17-84 & Enacting new Section E (3) in lieu thereof re: Off- Premise Signage, Julien Dubuque Drive PI Planned Industrial District. (5/17)......................186 32-04 Amend Section 3-3.5(G)(E) of the City Code by revising the Off-Street Parking Requirements in C-5 Business District. (5/17).....................................................................186,187 th 33-04 Amend City Code of Ordinances adopt new Section 32-400 for Designation of W. 15 St. th from Cornell St. to Fairview St., W. 16 St. from Catherine St. to Fairview Pl., Cornell St. and Pickett St. as Residential Parking Permit District. (5/17)...........................................................188 34-04 Amend Section 32-262(d) of City Code prohibiting Parking on May Place from Cornell St. to its westerly terminus. (5/17)...........................................................................................................189 35-04 Amend Ord. Nos. 30-82 & 66-89, Each, as previously Amended – Property Taxes Levied & collected Each Year on all property located within Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. be paid to a Special Fund for payment of Principal & interest on Loans, Monies Advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds in connection with the Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (5/17)............................................................................203-206 36-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by providing for amendment of Ordinances 48-02 & 840902 – regulations for University of Dubuque & approving Amended Conceptual development Plan for UD Institutional Dis.(6/7)....................................................................................................218,219 37-04 Amend City Code Section 7-20 City Manager’s Authority to contract for collection, protection & disposition of Dogs, Cats etc. & Section 7-24 Disposition of Unredeemed Dogs or Cats. (6/7).....................................................................................................................................226 38-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying 4039 Pennsylvania from R3 to C2. (6/21)236 39-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property near SE Corner of Old Highway Rd & Cousins Rd. from AG to R1. (6/21)............................................................................................236 40-04 Vacating alley bet. 825 & 855 Salem St. from Roosevelt to Salem. (6/21)..........................237 41-04 Extend term of Cable Franchise Agreement & Hub Site Lease of MCCIowa, LLC to 12/31/04. (6/21).................................................................................................................................238 42-04 Rename a portion of Street named East Fourth St. to Ice Harbor Drive & designating a new Street between First St. & East Fourth St. as Ice Harbor Dr. (6/21)..........................................239 43-04 Amend Ch. 44, Utilities, Section 44-55, Abandonment of Private On-Site Sewage Treatment & Disposal System upon availability of public sewer. (6/21)....................................................240 44-04 Amend City Code Subsection (b) of Sec. 32-214 – add Stop Signs at intersection of Admiral Sheehy Dr. & Greyhound Park Road. (6/21)..................................................................241 45-04 Establish Date for first Council Meeting in July, 2004 as July 6, 2004. (6/21).............241,242 46-04 Vacate Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. West 250 feet. (7/6)..................................................250 47-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by amendment of Ordinances 48-02 & 84092 re: University of Dubuque Regulations & approving amended Conceptual Development Plan for UD Institutional District. (7/19)...............................................................................................260,261,262 48-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning reclassifying 3230 Dodge (US Hwy 20) from CS & Wholesale Dis to C3. (7/19)................................................................................................................................262 49-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying 2635 Windsor C1 to OC was Christensen’s – now Moose Lodge. (7/19)...............................................................................................................263 50-04 Amend City Code Ch. 11 Buildings & Building Regulations add new Section 11.58.5 Adopt a Moratorium on Issuance of Building Permits for Commercial & New Residential Construction in Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study Area. (7/19)......................264 51-04 Amend Section 32-262(d) City Code Prohibit Parking on portion of Lombard St. (7/19).265 52-04 Amend City Code by adding streets to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for 68 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES designation of many through streets.(7/19)........................................................................265,266 53-04 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing for deletion of Stop Signs at various intersections as described. (7/19)..........................................................266 54-04 Amend City Code by modifying subsection (b) of Section 32-216 providing for deletion of Yield Sign at Intersection of Lake Eleanor Road & Digital Drive.(7/19)...................................266 55-04 Amend City Code by repealing Section 11-1 & Section 11-2 & Enacting new Sections 11-1 & 11-2 in lieu thereof adopting the 2003 International Building Code for Dubuque & for issuance of permits & collection of fees therefore.(7/19)...................................................267,268 56-04 Amend City Code: Add & Enacting New Sections 11-5 & 11-6, adopting 2003 International Residential Code for Dubuque & provide for Permits & Fees. (7/19)...............................270-272 57-04 Amend City Code Ch. 11– Building Regulations, Demolition Districts. (8/2)..............284,285 58-04 Amend City Code Section 37-1 and Enact New Section 37-1 – Plumbing Code & providing for issuance of Permits & collection of fees thereof. (8/2)...............................289,290 59-04 Amend City Code Section 24-1 Enacting New Section 24-1 pertaining to revising and re- enacting a Mechanical Code and providing for issuance of permits & fees therefor. (8/2).290 60-04 Amend City Code modifying subsection (b) Section32-214 providing for addition of Stop Signs on East Fifth St. & Bell St. (8/2)..........................................................................................291 61-04 Amend City Code Subsection (b) Section 32-214 providing for deletion of Stop Signs at intersection of East Fifth St. & Bell Street. (8/2)..........................................................................291 62-04 Amend City Code modifying subsection (b) Section 32-216 thereof providing for deletion of a Yield Sign at the intersection of East Fifth St. & Bell St. (8/2)....................................291,292 63-04 Amend City Code Ch. 11 – Building Regulations, process for establishment, expansion or alteration of Conservation – Demolition districts. (8/16)....................................................300,301 64-04 Amend City Code Adopting a New Ch. 8 Arts & Cultural Affairs Advisory Comm. (9/7)..313 65-04 Amend Sec. 11-3 Building Regulations by prohibiting Building Permit Issuance during Zoning Reclassification process or Text Amendment to Zoning or Subd Ord. (9/7).....315,316 66-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning reclassifying 3366 Crescent Ridge – Burt Steve & Sons Garage, R1 to CS & Wholesale District, with conditions. (9/20).......................................324,325 67-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying 2018 Grace St. R1 to ID for UD. (9/20).......325,326 68-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying 2184 Bennett St. R1 to ID for UD. (9/20).....327 69-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying 300 S. Locust St. LI to C2. – HyVee. (9/20)......328 70-04 Amend Section 3-4.2(D) add Retail Sales & Service as Conditional Use in HI Heavy Industrial Zoning Districts. (9/20)..................................................................................................329 71-04 Vacate Railroad Avenue from Locust St. to Harrison St. – Hy-Vee. (9/20)..................329,330 72-04 Vacate Portion Associates Drive, abut Lot 8 of Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. (9/20)331 73-04 Amend Ch. 11, Building Regs. Downtown Neighborhood Conservation Dis. (9/20).......336 74-04 Amend Ch. 11 – Building Regs, Conservation Districts Demolition Districts. (9/20)337-340 75-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning amending Section 4-8.3(1) regulations: location & Spatial separation of Adult Entertainment Establishments to provide for 1200 foot separation of School properties from Adult Entertainment Uses.(10/18).......................................................356 76-04 Amend Ch. 5 Alcoholic Beverages of City Code enacting new Section 5-9 Prohibiting Buffet Sales of Alcoholic Liquor, Wine or Beer. (10/18)............................................................357 77-04 Ch. 5 Alcoholic Beverages of City Code amended by adding Definitions of Restaurant & Kitchen Facility to Section 5-2 and amend Section 5-7.2 prohibiting persons under legal age from remaining on the premises where alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed thirty minutes after any restaurant on the licensed premises is closed. (10/18)............................................358 78-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning East of Roosevelt Rd/ R1 & R3 to PUD with PR & adopting a Conceptual Plan, with conditions, for Eagle Valley Subd. (11/15)....................................382,383 thth 80-04 Vacate 12 Street between Central Avenue and White Street and adjacent alley from 11 69 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES th St. to 13 (12/6)................................................................................................................................402 81-04 Amend Section 32-262(d) of City Code prohibiting Parking by adding alley from Nevada St. to West Third St.(12/6)....................................................................................................................406 82-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning property at NE Corner of Radford Rd & Radford Court to amend Ord. 86-02 that established PUD with PC District & adopted an amended Conceptual Development Plan, with conditions. (12/20).........................................................................417,418 83-04 Amend Appendix A – Zoning by amending Ord. Nos. 14-98 & 07-02 by reclassifying property E of Seippel Rd and South of Middle Rd. from AG to PUD with PI & adopting an amended Conceptual Develop. Plan for Dbq Industrial Center West. (12/20).................419-429 84-04 Amend Ch. 11 Building & Building Regulations of City Code by adopting a New Article VII, Exterior Storage Containers Prohibiting the Use of Exterior Storage Containers. (12/20)..435 85-04 Repealing Ord. No. 50-04 & Amend City Code Ch. 11 Building & Building Regulations by adding new Section 11-58.5 Adopting Moratorium on issuance of Building Permits for Commercial and New Residential Construction in Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study area. (12/20)....................................................................................................................436,437 86-04 Amend Ch. 41, Code, Streets, Sidewalks & Public Places, adding a new Section 41-100 for sidewalk installation & by retitling Art. V, Sidewalk Installation & Repair.(12/20)..........437,438 87-04 Amend Section 32-262(d) City Code prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions by adding Portions of Bald Eagle Court, Harpy Eagle Court, Stellar Eagle Drive, Golden Eagle Drive and Eagle Valley Drive. (12/20)............................................................................................438 88-04 Amend City Code by Adding Prairie St & Walnut St to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for Through Streets. (12/20).........................................................................................439 89-04 Amend City Code by adding Holliday Drive to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for Through Streets.(12/20)............................................................................................................439 70 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(3/1)(4/19)(5/17)(6/7)(7/19)(9/7)(10/4)(12/6).............................32,69,140,180,209,253,303,341,389 PLANNING COMMITTEE – DOWNTOWN, SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19).......................................15 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/5)(10/4)..........................................................107,341 P.J.’s Tap, 500 Rhomberg, Lana LuGrain, Liquor Lic. (3/1)..............................................................70 P.M.S.T., Inc., Happy’s Place, 2323 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (9/20)....................................................323 Paige Chapel, contract for assessment. Community Develop. financial institution need. (5/17)17 Paint Exterior Façade, Five Flags Theater, Project. (4/19)..............................................................141 Paisono, El, Inocente Rubio, 1543 Central, Beer Per. (2/2)...............................................................46 Palle Place, rezoning part, 4039 Pennsylvania, Fahey & Buesings, Kwik Stop Exp. (6/21).......236 Papin, Paul, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.; reappointed. (9/7)(9/20)............................310,323 nd Paradise Hills 2 Addn. – preliminary plat on Humke Rd.; final plat. (6/21)(9/7)..................239,315 Paratransit Review, Human Rights ADA, Transit Fares increase; discussion.(11/1)(12/6).366,401 Park & Recreation Comm. worksession discuss Golf Course Analysis for Bunker Hill. (2/23)..65 Park and Recreation Commission applicants Gary Harjehausen, Paul Hoffmann, Karen Lyness, Evelyn Nadeau; reappointments of Harjehausen, Hoffmann, Lyness. (6/7)(6/21)..........218,235 Park Maintenance Headquarters Roofing Proj. (11/1)(12/20)...................................................367,433 Park Reservations rental fee objections, Hispanic Ministry, J. McCarthy, Jackson Pk. (11/1)..363 Parking Off-street regs, Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis, text amendment. (5/17)........186 Parking Enforcement Software project finalized. (5/17)..................................................................181 Parking Facilities Report for FY 2003. (2/16).......................................................................................56 Parking -Port of Dubuque, needs for usages; parking lot renovation & resurfacing. (2/24)(11/1)....................................................................................................................................66,363 Parking Lot at Sixteenth & Sycamore, Lease Agreement, Sully Transport. (4/19)......................145 Parking Meter Ordinance amendment, forty minute time limit. (4/5).............................................135 Parking Meters Fee Schedule increased; forty minute time limit. (3/15)(4/5)................104,105,135 Parking on Arboretum Dr.(5/3).............................................................................................................168 thth Parking Permit District - petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, Pickett, May Place & 15 St.; Loras College in support of. (2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(5/3)(5/17)...........................................32,55,70,169,170,188 Parking Permit District, Rosemont St. (2/16)(3/1)..........................................................................60,74 Parking Prohibited on May Place from Cornell St. to westerly terminus. (5/17)..........................189 Parking Ramp Structural Analysis Request for Proposals; contract with Desmond Associates for analysis of Iowa & Locust St. Ramps. (4/5)(6/7)...................................................................123,214 Parking restrictions, Eagle Valley Subdivision. (12/20)...................................................................438 Parking Use Agreement – Dubuque Casino Hotel. (7/6).................................................................251 Parking violations – fines increased – FY 2005. (3/3)...................................................................84,85 Parking, Arboretum Drive, petition for no parking withdrawn by J. Frick, Arboretum Dr. (5/3).168 Parks, Bryce, applicant for Five Flags Civic Center Comm.; appointed. (9/7)(9/20).............310,323 Parks, neighborhood, deletion of fee for rental (except for Washington Pk). (11/15)................387 Paro Food Mart, Sahanjanand Enterprises, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (4/19)(6/7).145,216 Partnership – City & School, for Middle School Traffic Signalization – on Radford Rd. (8/2)....288 Passenger Safety Week (Child) Proclamation.(2/2)............................................................................32 Patchett, James, Conservation Design Forum, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study Work Session. (11/15).....................................................................................................................387 Patent, No. 5159, Acceptance of, Technology Park, ROW along US 61 & 151. (11/15)..............377 Patio area adjacent to Portside Building, Lease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming; amendment to lease. (4/5)(11/1).......................................................................................................................124,3 71 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Patterns – standards for proposed sidewalks in various areas, Historic Pres. Interest. (6/21)241 Patterson, Joleen, award: IA National Assn. Housing & Redevelop. Officials (NAHRO). (11/1)365 Paul’s Tap, Tom Koch, Inc., 176 Locust, Liquor Lic.(6/21)..............................................................233 Pavilions – shelters Eagle Point Park, nominated by Architects as Notable Buildings. (9/20).322 Paving thickness & base stone, request waiving street standard by Roger Schueller. (6/21)..239 Payne, Clark,. Of Turnberry Condo Assn., object Cedar Lake Plaza PUD. (9/20)(10/4).323,345,346 Payroll deduction services for FIREPAC Check-off Program – Letter of Understanding with Firefighters. (7/6)..............................................................................................................................247 Payton Drive, final plat of Holliday Third Addn. (6/7).......................................................................224 Peach, Pastor Jon, of Hope Evangelical Church, Gave Invocation. (7/19)...................................253 Peak Financial Partners vs City Housing etc. (9/20)........................................................................319 Pedestrian Signage Project, major project 2004-2005. (9/14).........................................................318 Penhollow, Gerald & Christine, City to vacate alley property near 777 Seward St. (3/1)........71, 72 Peninsula Gaming Lease Agreement, Patio area adjacent to Portside Building for 2004; extension of lease through Nov. 04. (4/5)(11/1)...................................................................124,363 Pennsylvania Ave. & Radford Rd. recommended. (11/15)..............................................................386 Pennsylvania Ave. & Radford Rd., Mary J. Giesler request sidewalks; recommended. (9/7)(11/15)...................................................................................................................................304,386 Pennsylvania Ave., 4039, Paul Fahey & Buesings, rezoning requested for Kwik Stop. (6/21)..235 People’s Natural Gas Co., Franchise Fee of 2% added. (4/5)..................................................131,132 Pepper Sprout, Inc.,378 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/6)...............................................................................396 Performance & Evaluation Report, Consolidated Annual, CDBG. (9/20)......................................321 Performance Rating, High, for Section 8 Program by HUD. (12/6).................................................394 Permits & Fees, International Building Code, 2003, adoption.(7/19).............................................267 Permits & Fees, International Residential Code, 2003, adoption. (7/19).......................................270 Permits & Fees, International Plumbing Code, 2003, adoption. (8/2)............................................289 Permits, Building, prohibited during consideration of rezoning or text amendments. (9/7)......315 Permits, building, prohibited Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study. (12/20).....436,437 Perry, Gene, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20)........................401,416 Personnel matters at Library, Ordinance Amendment allowing Director to handle. (4/19)........154 Peterson, Sister Joy, President of Sisters of the Presentation. (9/20)..........................................319 Petition for landmark status – 1339 Alta Vista, David & Jeanne Moessner. (6/7)(8/2).........218,283 Petition for public skating sessions at Five Flags Civic Center- Loras Kluesner. (12/20).........433 Petition submitted in support of non-discrimination – sexual orientation. (5/17).......................180 Petroleum cleanup in Port of Dubuque, Brownfield Grant. (6/21)..................................................231 Petroleum Plume remediation in Port of Dubuque, RFP’s; selection of Terracon. (1/5)(4/5).5,135 Pfab, Tammy, demolition district – Grandview Ave. (5/17)..............................................................202 Pfohl, James M., Pres. of Fischer Co., approve Downtown Master Plan. (2/2)...............................49 Pharmacy benefits City employees, Administrative Services agree. Express Scripts. (12/20)409 Philanthropy Day Proclamation. (11/1)...............................................................................................362 Phillips 66/Arby’s Q Mart, Liberty Station, 10 S. Main St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7).....216,307 Phillips, Keith, claim; referred to Insurance. (8/16)..........................................................................293 Phillips, Rev. Murray, Ex. Dir. Of Dubuque Rescue Mission, Gave Invocation. (11/1)................362 Pickering, Representative, his letter not signed by Congressman Nussle. (10/18)....................352 th Picket Street - Residential Parking Permit District petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, Pickett, May th Place & 15 St. (2/2)(2/16)............................................................................................................32,55 Pier, Heron Pond Fishing, 28E Agreement. IA DNR funding; construction. (8/2)(9/7)..279,282,312 Pier, Heron, construction etc, re: Watchable Wildlife Conference Planning Team.(10/4)..........349 Pine Knoll Subd., Steve Boge, Kane Development Corp., ask to accept utility improve. (6/7)..209 72 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Pitz, Amy, claim; forwarded to River City Paving Co. (10/18).........................................................350 Pizza Hut, Prospect Pizza, 2075 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (5/17)..............................................................185 th Pizza Hut, Prospect Pizza, 320 E. 20 St., Beer Per. (5/17)..............................................................185 Planner, Associate, request for additional one by Zoning at FY 2005 Budget. (3/3).....................80 Planning Services Department budget review by Council. (2/26)....................................................67 Planning Services Dept. budget discussion, request full time Assistant Planner, contract with ECIA for GIS mapping, etc. (2/26)....................................................................................................67 Plastic Center, Fischer Lanes, 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (7/6)..........................................................249 Plat approval of proposed vacated Sac St & 2 alleys N of Seward St. in C.H. Meyer’s Addn. (3/15) ............................................................................................................................................................100 Plat approval, vacated part Associates Dr. abut Lot 8 Medical Asso. Subd. No. 2. (9/20).......331 Plat approval of proposed vacated Railroad Ave. from Locust to Harrison (for Hy-Vee). (9/20)329 Plat of proposed vacated Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. West 250’. (7/6)...................................249 Plat of proposed vacated portion of Lombard & Collins Sts. (11/15)............................................384 th Plat of proposed vacated Twelfth (12) St. between Central Ave. & White St. & adjacent alley thth from 11 St. to 13 St. (12/6)..........................................................................................................402 Plat of Survey, 3860 Asbury Rd., divide Lot 1 Kitchen family property 3860 Asbury Rd. (7/19)254 th Plat of Survey, Adams St. & Bodega St. bet. E. 5 St. & Ice Harbor Dr. (formerly E. 4 St.) (8/2)278 Plat of survey, Ege Mueller Place – JFK Rd & Deer Valley Dr. intersection. (2/16)........................56 Plat of survey, Lots 1 2 Kehrli Place. (11/15).....................................................................................375 Plat of survey, Flynn Addn, Lots 1 & 2 E of Schloth Rd in Dubuque County. (12/20)...................41 Plat, final, Arbor Estates – Second Phase. (4/19).............................................................................154 Plat, final, Asbury Plaza No. 11. (2/16).............................................................................................55,56 Plat, final, Asbury Plaza No. 12. (10/4)................................................................................................348 Plat, final, Eagle Valley Subd. (10/4)............................................................................................347,348 Plat, final, Harvest View Estates Fifth Addn. (3/1)..............................................................................76 Plat, final, Holliday Third Addition. (6/7)......................................................................................224,225 Plat, final, Hy-Vee Subdivision. (11/15)...............................................................................................376 Plat, final, Oak Park Place. (6/7)...........................................................................................................214 Plat, final, Oberbroeckling Sub. No. 2, 12463 N. Cascade Rd. (6/21).............................................229 Plat, final, Medical Associates Subd. No. 2 – for CU-LINK, Medical Associates Realty. (10/18)351 Plat, final, Ridgeway Park Subd. in County – R. Hefel. (1/19)............................................................27 Plat, final, Riverwalk Sixth Addn. (6/7)..............................................................................................224 Plat, final, Stone Brook Center Second Addn. (2/2)...........................................................................50 Plat, final, Tamarack Business Park, Lot 6, Lot 7 & Lot C. Fourth Subd. – Jon Luckstead. (10/18)..........................................................................................................................................350,351 Plat, preliminary, Cedar Cross Subd., 15547 Route 20 W in Dbq County. (3/15)...........................91 Plat, preliminary, Forest Grange Subd. #3, on Kennedy Rd. near Rustic Forest Rd. in Dbq County – Gantz – Lime Rock Springs & Buesing. (6/21).........................................................................229 nd Plat, preliminary, Paradise Hills 2 Addn. on Humke Rd.; final plat. (6/21)(9/7)...................239,315 Plat, final, Key City Properties No. 2. (11/15).....................................................................................386 Platinum Hospitality Group LLP, Grand River Center, 500 Bell St., Liquor Lic. (10/4)................344 Players Sports Bar, L & L Investment Co., 1902 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/16)..................................297 Playground equipment at Bryant and Table Mound Schools, Schools thanking City. (9/20)...340 Plaza 20 Amoco, A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/5)(6/7)......................125,216 Plaza Drive re: final plat of Asbury Plaza No. 12. (10/4)...................................................................348 Plumbing Code Ordinance, 2003, Adopted, also new fees & permits. (8/2).................................289 Point of Service Plan info – Health Care. (5/17)................................................................................206 Point Restaurant, 2370 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/15)....................................................................381 73 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Police – 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Application. (8/2)..........................................275 Police – 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. (8/2)(8/16)(9/7)................................275,298,310 Police – Eastern Iowa Clan Lab Task Force – 28E Agreement. (6/7).............................................212 Police – Local Non-Law Enforcement Criminal History Record Check, fee. (4/5)................136,137 Police – Purchase of Mobile Computer Terminals. (7/19)...............................................................259 Police Department Towing Contract to Wenzel Towing. (1/19)........................................................26 Police Dept. – COP’s, Target Grant Application for laptop computer. (4/5)..................................108 Police Dept. budget review. (2/12)........................................................................................................54 Police Dept. gained re-accreditation status. (9/20)..........................................................................340 Police Dept. Professional Services Agreement & Payment– Steve Ulstad Architects. (9/20)...322 Police Dept. questioned @ staffing levels by Council. (2/12)...........................................................54 Police Dept. Remodeling Project. (4/19)(6/7)...............................................................150,151,221,222 Police Dept. staffing questioned with new jail needs. (2/12)............................................................54 th Police Dept. training site – Hold Harmless Agreement for Smithfield, 16 St. site. (11/15).......379 Police Dept. Vests, replacement, Second Chance Monarch Summet Bulletproof Vests. (2/2)..46 Police Officer, 1 FT, Grant Program, Federal COPS, Meth Labs Drug Task Force. (4/19)..........140 Police Officers certified by Civil Service Commission. (7/6)...........................................................247 Policy Agenda for 2004-2006, establishment at special Council Meeting. (9/14)........................318 Policy Agreement, Two Mile Fringe Area, City /County, Planning/Annexation etc. (3/1).........77,78 Policy and Procedures, Stormwater Management Utilities. (3/1).....................................................78 Policy Guidelines, FY 2006, approved. (12/6)....................................................................................407 Policy, Sidewalk Inspection & Abatement, revisions to policy. (12/20).........................................438 Pools, swimming & spas, inspections, City County Bd of Health. (7/6)........................................246 Port of Dubuque, RFPs, remediation of Petroleum Plume; selection of Terracon. (1/5)(4/5)..5,135 Port of Dubuque and downtown area, Streetcars – Transit Alternatives Analysis. (4/5)............135 Port of Dubuque building Demolition & Clearance Project, accept. (8/2).....................................278 Port of Dubuque cleanup – HUD, amend Grant Agree. Stealth Race Cars Property. (8/16)......295 Port of Dubuque petroleum cleanup – contract for Brownfield Grant. (6/21)...............................231 Port of Dubuque property needs to maximize usage discussion, parking lot project initiated. (2/24)(11/1)...................................................................................................................................66,363 Port of Dubuque property usages, comments by Sr. Margaret Willging. (1/19).............................15 Port of Dubuque Sign & Landscaping Project acceptance. (7/19).................................................256 Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Extension Project. (8/2)(9/7)....................................................281,311 Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Improvements, Ph IV completed by Tschiggfrie. (11/15)...........378 Port of Dubuque, traffic control signage at Fifth & Bell Streets. (6/21).........................................242 Portzen Construction awarded contract for Operations & Service Center. (6/7).........................222 Portzen Construction awarded contract for Arboretum Entrance Road. (9/20)...........................335 Portzen Construction awarded contract: Widening Asbury Rd at NW Arterial Project. (10/18)356 Portzen Construction finish Port of Dubuque Parking Lot. (11/1).................................................363 Portzen Construction, finalization of Port of Dbq Sign & Landscaping Proj.(7/19).....................256 Portzen Construction, finalization of Wartburg Place Reconstruction Pro. (2/16)........................57 Pospisil Painting, Inc. claim. (10/18)...................................................................................................350 Potter, Lee W. Sr., Lee’s 76 W. Locust Mart, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per. (2/2)...................................46 Potter, Scott, Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Plan, Amended & Restated. (2/16)..................62 Powell, Michael, Chair of FCC, review of emergency alert system. (10/18)..................................353 Powers, Karen S., claim; referred to Ins. (12/20)...............................................................................409 Prairie St. & Walnut Streets – designated as Through Streets. (12/20)......................................438,4 Praxair Oxygen Supply Agree. at Water Poll. Control Plant – removed from Agenda. (8/2)......280 Pre-Annexation Agreements – Joint City/County Fringe Area Policies. (3/1)................................77 74 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan approved; changes. (1/5)(3/1)..................................................11,70+++ Pregler, Walter A., Chaplain Schmitt Memorial letter. (6/21)...........................................................230 Premier Bank authorized for city funds. (1/19)....................................................................................17 Premier Bank provide $200,000 Historic Pres. Revolving Loan Fund. (12/6)(12/20)...........396,429 th Prescott School needs, vacate & dispose to Dubuque School District, the 12 St. between thth Central Ave. & White St. & adjacent alley from 11 St. to 13 St. (11/15)...............................381 Prescott School, new building – Downtown Conservation District. (9/7).....................................313 Preserve America Communities 2003/2004 App., commitment to historic preservation. (1/5).....3 President Bush’s visit, security praised. (5/17)................................................................................206 Price, Lisa, claim settlement. (10/18)..................................................................................................350 Printed Council Proceedings: November 03 approved; December 03; January 04; February 04; March 04; April 04; May 04; June & July 04; August 04; September 04; October 2004. (1/5)(3/15)(4/5)(6/7)(6/21)(7/19) (8/2)(9/7)(9/20)(11/1)(12/6) ..........................................................................................2,87,107,209,228,253275,303,319,362,389 Priority items for City – set out in special session. (9/14)...............................................................318 Privatization of Five Flags Civic Center, Request for Proposals. (4/19)........................................139 Process to establish demolition district, Historic Pres. Comm. Want Council direction. (6/7)..225 Process to respond to State’s draft National Pollution Discharge Elimination System – NPDES permit. (9/7).......................................................................................................................................306 Prochaska, James, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; appointed. (8/2)(8/16).....283,300 Professional Services – SW Arterial Consultant Agreement, IA Hwy 32. (11/1)...........................364 Professional Services Agreement & Payment– Steve Ulstad Architects, Police Dept. (9/20)...322 Prohibition of building permits during consideration of zoning or text amendments. (9/7)......315 Prohibition of building permits re: Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study. (12/20)...436 Prohibition of discharges into City’s system – including geothermal pump and dump systems, without consent of City Mgr. (4/19)...............................................................................................155 Prohibition of outdoor storage containers along businesses.(12/20)...........................................435 Prohibition of underage individuals being in a bar/tavern from 9:00 to closing time. (8/2).......284 Project Concern Purchase of Service Agree. Amend. – Downtown Resource Guide. (12/6)....394 Project Concern, Inc. Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5).....122 Project Concern, Inc. Information & Referral & Child Care Referral, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5)..............................................................................................................................122 Project Concern, Keyline & Greyhound Bus service, integration, discussion at Transit Division departmental budget review. (2/26)................................................................................................67 Proofs of publication of list of claims and revenues for: November, 2003; December 03; January 04; February 04;March 04, April 04; May 04; June 04; July 04; August 04; September 04. (1/19)(2/16)(3/1)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21)(7/6)(8/16)(10/4)(10/18)(11/15)................................................. ..............................................................................................15,55,69,140,180, 228,245,293,341,350,374 Proofs of publication of various City Council Minutes. (1/5)(2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)(9/7)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6)(12/20) ..........................................................2,32,55,69,87,107,209,228,245,253,275,303,350,,374,389,409 Property, Warranty Deeds, various owners for US 20 (Dodge St.) widening project. (2/2)...40-42 Property – Old Mill Road, Lease Agreement David Hartig , open green space. (2/2)(2/16)46,47,62 Property acquisition in Port of Dubuque, Stealth Race Cars Property. (8/2)(8/16)...............283,295 Property exchange – Kivlahan Farms – Arboretum – next Phase of Arbor Estates. (2/16).........57 nd Property purchase at W. 32 St., acquisition program for detention basin. (8/16)....................293 nd Property purchase 775 Gillespie, Tim & Victoria Widmeier, W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (8/2).279 nd Property purchase, 785 Gillespie re: expansion of W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (1/5)................5,6 Property purchase for Bee Branch Creek Alignment time frame discussion. (12/13)................408 75 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Property purchase for realignment of University Ave. from Ethel St. to US 20 – Theisen’s entrance, 3 properties; Newman property. (5/3)(5/17).........................................................166,202 Property purchase from IDOT for ROW along US 61 & 151 – Technology Park. (11/15)............377 Property purchase from IDOT for sign, Dbq Technology Park. (5/3).............................................168 ndnd Property purchase of 695 W. 32 St. for W. 32 St. Detention Basin Project. (12/20)...............409 Property purchase request Hy-Vee - - Railroad Avenue; vacation; plat. (7/6)(9/20).....248,329,330 Property purchase request by Jeff & Julie Chase, part of Gay Park. (5/17).................................187 Property purchase request by The CU Link – Associates Park. (6/7)...........................................209 Property purchase request University of Dubuque, corner Lombard St. & Collins St. (10/18)..352 Property purchase request property abutting 2297 University from P. Fahey. (10/4).................343 Property purchase request Althaus for Tanzanite Dr. area previously sold to the City. (12/6)..389 Property purchase request, alley abutting Salem St. by Davis, Mueller etc. (4/19).....................140 ndnd Property purchase, 805 W. 32 St., W. 32 St. Detention Basin Project. (11/15)........................379 Property tax credit to local governments, legislative issue. (2/16)..................................................64 Property tax Limitation Bills, legislative issues. (4/5)......................................................................108 Prospect Pizza, Pizza Hut, 2075 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (5/17)..............................................................185 th Prospect Pizza, Pizza Hut, 320 E. 20 St., Beer Per. (5/17)..............................................................185 Prostruct Construction & Dbq Glass, final Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Project. (5/17)...............181 Prudential Financial, Inc. – assignment of CIGNA Agreements to them. (4/5)......................121,122 Prudential Retirement Insurance & Annuity Co., CEBA App. assist in expansion. (12/20).......435- Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa – of Iowa Communities Assurance Pool, claims referred to them. (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/1)(4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)(8/16)((9/7)(9/20) (10/4)(10/18)(11/1)(11/15) ..................2,15,32,55,69,87,107,140,164,180,209,228,245,253,275,293,303,319,341,350,362,374 Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agree. – VNA. (7/6)....................................245 Public Improvement Program Applications, Historic Districts. (8/2).............................................288 Public Library Board of Trustees Update. (2/2)...................................................................................32 Public Safety Dispatcher, Collective Bargaining Agree. Amend.10 hour day work. (8/16)........294 Public Safety Dispatcher, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/7)..............................211 Public Safety Memorial Day, Proclamation. (9/7)..............................................................................303 Public Skating sessions for Five Flags Civic Center, petition, Loras Kluesner. (12/20)............433 Public Street Standards, thickness & composition, Engrg. Report soon. (7/19).........................257 Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil. Co. 1101 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/20).................216,322 Pullen, Charles R. & Beverly, FMV property on Riverside Rd for wetlands mitigation.(7/19)....254 Pumping station improvements, Floodwall, Request for Proposals. (12/20)...............................411 Pump and dump heating & cooling systems discharge waters prohibited from City’s systems without consent of City Mgr. (4/19)...............................................................................................155 Pump Auxiliary Power Project – Ice Harbor, accept.(8/2)........................................................275,276 Pumping costs at floodwall, floods, May & June 2004 denied, objections to denial by legislators.(11/1)..............................................................................................................................363 Purchase of Service Agreement - Project Concern – Information & Referral. (4/5)....................122 Purchase of Service Agreement - Project Concern, Foster Grandparent Program. (4/5)..........122 Purchase of Service Agreement - Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. (4/5)............................122 Purchase of Service Agreement – Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau. (4/5).....................................................................................................................................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Dubuque Area Labor Management Council. (4/5)................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Dubuque Area Lifetime Center. (4/5)......................................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Dubuque Main St. Ltd. (4/5).....................................................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Greater Dubuque Develop. Corp. (4/5)...................................123 76 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE P Purchase of Service Agreement - Helping Services of Northeast Iowa, Inc. (4/5)......................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Operation: New View. (4/5)................................................122,123 Purchase of Service Agreement – St. Stephen’s Food Bank. (4/5)................................................122 Purchase of Service Agreement – Substance Abuse Services Ctr. (4/5).....................................123 Purchase of Service Agreement – Washington Neighborhood Tool Library. (4/5).....................123 Purchase of Service Agreement Amendments, Downtown Neighborhood Council & Langworthy District Neighborhood Assn. for historic district public improvements.(11/1)......................362 Purchase of Service Agreement, request add’l funding, Dubuque Humane Society – animal shelter; funding & five year Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/5)(6/7)........................134,223 Pusateris, 2400 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/2).............................................................................................46 Pyatigorsk Park Development, Land & Water Conservation Funds Grant. (3/15).........................92 Pyatigorsk Park, on Management Agenda. (9/14)............................................................................318 77 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE Q QHQ – Quagliano – mediation session, comments by Mary Jungbluth. (1/19)..............................15 QHQ – Quagliano – rezoning of property at NE Corner of Asbury Rd. & NW Arterial. (3/15).......98 QHQ – Quagliano, final plat of portion of Holliday Third Addn. (6/7)......................................224,225 QHQ – Quagliano, Timothy, requesting acceptance of public improvements in Holliday Drive First Addn.; final plat approval (6/7)......................................................................................209,225 QHQ Properties, Holiday Third Addn. – City provide detention basin services. (6/7).................211 Qwest, claim. (8/2).................................................................................................................................275 78 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE R Race Car property – Stealth, possible acquisition site for Urban Renewal. (8/2)(8/16).......283,295 Racing – Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino Expansion Project. (1/5).................................................14 Racing & Gaming Commission, IA, letter of support for Greyhound Park Expansion Pro. (1/5)14 Radford Road intersection improve. new School & City effort; intersection signalization partnership. (6/7)(8/2)...............................................................................................................212,288 Radford Rd., 1700 block, rezoning from AG to C3 for Steve Schueller. (1/19)...............................22 Radford Rd., new Middle School., request sidewalk; recommended. (8/16)(11/15)...........300,386 Radford Road & Pennsylvania Ave. sidewalks, request from Mary Giesler. (9/7).......................304 Radford Road & Radford Court –Zoning – PUD amendment, Wayne Briggs etc.(12/20)...........417 Radio system for Police, KFXA-TV Tower Rental. (9/20).................................................................322 Rafters, Inc., 2728 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (2/16)................................................................................60 Railroad Ave. & Harrison St., East bound & westbound, delete stop sign. (7/19)......................266 Railroad Avenue, request to purchase Hy-Vee; vacate & dispose, (7/6)(9/7)(9/20)248,307,329,330 Railroad to Sixteenth St. – alignment for Bee Branch stormwater control. (5/17).......................179 Rainbo Oil Co. Key West Conoco, 2150 Twin Valley, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/21)........232,233 Rainbo Oil Co. Kwik Stop C-Store, 2335 University. Cig. Lic.; Beer Per. ;Cig. Per. (4/19)(6/7)...................................................................................................................................145,216 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop C-Store, 4039 Pennsylvania Ave., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(12/6)..................................................................................................................................216,396 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Store, 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(8/16)..216,297 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Store,1401 Central, Beer Per. (6/21)...........................................233 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (1/5)(6/7)(12/6).........................................................................................................................6,216,396 Rainbo Oil Comp., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2360 Central, Beer Per. (10/4)......................................344 th Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W. 4 St., Liquor Lic. (10/18)...................................................354 Ramada Inn Place, Lot 1, J. Van Duyn, property for US 20 Widening project. (2/2).....................40 Ramp – Curb, 2004, Installation Project; final acceptance. (4/19)(12/6).................................147,392 Ramp Skywalk, Iowa St., Improvement Proj. (5/17)..........................................................................181 Ramps – Parking, Structural Analysis, Request for Proposals; contract with Desmond Associates. (4/5)(6/7)................................................................................................................123,214 Ramps, Sidewalk, discussion of various standards at special meeting. (11/15).........................373 Rampson, Dean, 1198 Bluff, street car downtown – Master Plan discussion. (2/2)......................49 Rankin, Rev. Ron, United Methodist Church, Gave Invocation. (11/15)........................................374 Ransdell, Mary vs City of Dubuque, settlement Agreement for Property, Hill St. (1/5).................11 Rate Increase – Alliant Energy – Interstate Power, City letter to IA Utilities Bd. (4/5)..................123 Raysan Corp., Bridge Restaurant, 31 Locust, Liquor Lic. (11/1)....................................................365 Reading of Water Meter, Contract Renewal with Aquila. (5/17)......................................................182 Reallocation of General Obligation Bonds Series 2002 C: Municipal Services Center.(11/1)..368 REAP - Resources Enhancement & Protection Program, approval of FY 2005 REAP grant application for Phase 1 of Water Works Park at Hawthorne St. Peninsula; reappointment of Joyce Connors as Council rep. (7/19)................................................................................................267 Rebidding of Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (1/5)...................................................5 Recker, Ann, of Leland Consulting, Downtown Master Plan presentation. (1/5)(2/2)................1,49 Record – Criminal History, service charge added by Police for same. (4/5).........................136,137 Recreation Division budget discussed. (2/23)....................................................................................65 Recreation Programs, Uptown, FY 05 Agreement – Dbq Museum of Art. (4/19)..........................141 Recreation Trails Program, IA Federal, support of Farley’s funding request. (9/20)...................322 Recruitment campaign, Dubuque Area Workforce Development. (12/6)......................................394 Recyclables – fees increased for that & solid waste, FY 2005 Budget Hearing. (3/3)...................83 Red Cross thanking City for Emergency Response Vehicle funds. (6/21)...................................230 79 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE R Red Ribbon Week Proclamation. (10/18)...........................................................................................350 Red Violet Drive, through street designation. (7/19)........................................................................266 Refrigeration – updated Mechanical Code adopted. (8/2)...............................................................290 Refuse (garbage) pickup problem, his apartment house questioned by Scott Runde. (12/6).407 Refuse (garbage) delinquent accounts to County Treasurer as liens. (12/20).............................412 Rehab Loan, Downtown extension of loan payments, request from Dbq Museum of Art. (5/3)167 Rehab Project, Rental Housing, Upper Main St. Gronen Properties – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program App. (1/5)...................................................................................................................4 Rehabilitating Abandoned Properties – support urged to Legislators. (5/3)...............................164 Rehabilitation of 1195 Thomas Place. approval of agreement with Anna Kim. (3/15).................91 Reimer, Jill, of Kwik Stop & Dairy Queen, rezoning request for 4039 Pennsylvania Ave. (6/21)235 Reisdorf, Stephen, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6)...235,249 Release and Indemnity Agree. Allen & Urbain City no claim against Conlon Construction for Main St. buildings litigation. (2/16)..................................................................................................56 Release of CDBG Funds for Community Development Block Grant Projects for FY 2005 – Program Year 2004. (4/19)..............................................................................................................144 Release of CDBG Funds for Lead Paint Hazard Abatement & Housing Trust Programs. (1/19).18 Release of Funds for Stealth Race Cars Property EDI Project. (9/20)....................................320,321 Religious Center, Dbq., 923 Main, Wine Per. (1/6)................................................................................7 Relocation of Historic White Water Creek Bridge. (1/19)...................................................................16 Remediation of Petroleum Plume in Port of Dubuque, RFP’s; Terracon. (1/5)(4/5)..................5,135 Remodeling of Police Department – Project. (4/19)...................................................................150,151 Renovation - Carnegie Stout Public Library, Council & Library Bd of Trustees meeting. (1/26).29 Renovation of Five Flags Civic Center, Request for Proposals. (9/7)...........................................306 Rental Assistance Program, IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals, Interagency 28E Agree. (3/15)87 Rental cost of Jackson Park & other mini parks changed to No fee. (11/15)...............................387 Rental Dwelling License Increase – City Housing, FY 2005 Budget. (3/3)......................................85 Rental fees for park rentals, objection by Sr. J. McCarthy, for Jackson Pk. (11/1)......................363 Rental Housing Rehab Project on Upper Main St. – Gronen Properties – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program Application. (1/5)......................................................................................................4 Rental housing, 1798 Washington, Gronen, Affordable Housing Tax Credit App. (11/15).........387 Repair – replace Emergency Lighting System of Library. (6/7)......................................................214 Repair & Overlay of Samuel Street Project. (5/17)............................................................................201 Report – Annual Products – Government Performance & Results Act, 2004. (12/6)..................395 Report – Certified Local Government Annual Report. (1/5)................................................................3 Report – Convention & Visitors Bureau – Sue Czeshinski. (2/2)(2/26)(3/1)(4/19)(5/3)(8/2)(10/18)(11/1).......................................31,67,69,154,164,284,357,368 Report – ECIA Annual, 2004.(12/20)....................................................................................................413 Report – Substance Abuse Services Center Quarterly reports; request for Purch. of Services funding. (2/2)(2/26)(5/3)(8/2).........................................................................................32,67,164,275 Report, Greater Dubuque Development Corp. – Rick Dickinson. (1/5)(6/21)..........................12,238 Request for Proposals – Interrelated Floodwall Pumping Station Improvements. (12/20).........411 Request for Proposals – privatization of Five Flags Civic Center. (4/19)......................................139 Request for Proposals – structural analysis of Iowa St. & Locust St. Parking Ramps; contract with Desmond Assoc. (4/5)(6/7)..............................................................................................123,214 Request for Proposals – SW Arterial. (4/19)......................................................................................143 Request for proposals – Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Update. (11/15)................................387 nd Request for Proposals for design services for the W.32 Street Detention Basin. (12/6).........394 Request for Proposals for Five Flags Civic Center Private Management. (1/5).............................13 80 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE R Request for Proposals for Remediation of Petroleum Plume in Port of Dubuque; Terracon selected for cleanup. (1/5)(4/5)..................................................................................................5,135 Residential Code, International, 2003, adoption. (7/19)...................................................................270 thth Residential Parking Permit District petition for, W. 16 St. – Cornell, Pickett, May Place & 15 St. (2/2) (2/16)(3/1)(5/3)(5/17)...........................................................................32,55,70,169,170,188,189 Residential Parking Permit District, Rosemont area, between Pennsylvania to Creston Ct., Residential Parking Permit District. (2/16)(3/1).......................................................................60,74 Resnick, Dave & Mimi, re: No Parking in alley between Nevada & Alpine Sts. (11/15)...............386 Resource Guide, Downtown, Purchase of Service Agreement Amendment with Project Concern. (12/6)....................................................................................................................................394 Resources Enhancement & Protection Program – REAP, approval of FY 2005 REAP grant application for Phase 1 of Water Works Park at Hawthorne St. Peninsula; reappointment of Joyce Connors as Council rep. (7/19)................................................................................................267 Response to NPDES approved: Nat’l Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit. (9/7)....306 Responsible Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/2)............................................................275 Ressler, Msgr. Wayne of St. Raphael’s Cathedral, Gave Invocation. (5/3)....................................164 Ressler, Rev. Mark of St. Joseph the Worker Church, Gave Invocation. (12/20).........................409 Rest Room Renovation Project, Indian Room. (12/20).....................................................................415 Restore-O-Rama Workshop, hosted in May 05, National Trust for Historic Pres. (12/6)............394 Resurfacing Project – Jackson St. & West Locust St., (8/2)...........................................................277 Retaining Wall construction, Klingenberg Terrace, Quit Claim Deed for ROW. (5/3)..................166 Retaining Wall Construction, Villa St. 2004. (8/2)(9/7)........................................................280,310,311 Retired Senior Volunteer Program, request funds; Purchase of Services Agree. (2/26)(4/5)67,122 Rettenmeier, Michael, claim; referred to WC Stewart Construction. (8/2)(8/16)...................275,293 Reuter, Jeff, claim; referred to Ins. (9/20)...........................................................................................319 Revenue Bonds, Tax Increment, Lower Main Development. (5/17)...............................................189 Revenues, Proofs of publication of list of claims and revenues for: November, 2003; December 03; January 04; February 04; March 04, April 04; May 04; June 04; July 04; August 04; September 04; October 04.(1/19)(2/16)(3/1)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21) (7/6)(8/16)(10/4)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6)....................15,55,69,140,180, 228,245,293,341,350,374,389 Revitalization strategy, Lead Hazard Control, D. Harris volunteering Dbq as one of 25 sites for Safe & Healthy Development.(12/6)................................................................................................390 RFP – Request for Proposals for Eagle Point Bluff Stabilization. (12/20).....................................433 Rhomberg, 2800, rockslide, future condo site, S. Sutton request action; J. Brennan comment. (3/1)(7/19)(8/16)(9/20)...................................................................................................78,272,300,320 Rhomberg, Father Thomas, Gave Invocation. (8/2)..........................................................................275 Ricker, Ann, of Leland Consulting, Downtown Master Plan presentation. (1/5)(2/2)................1,49 Ridgeway Park Subdivision final plat for Randy Hefel. (1/19)...........................................................27 Ridings, Karen, applicant for Arts & Cultural Advisory Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20)...........401,416 Riedel, Susan, applicant to Arts & Cultural Affairs Comm.; appointed.(12/6)(12/20)...........401,416 RISE Grant application – IDOT for Chavenelle Road Extension. (8/16)(12/20)......................294,419 Rising Stars Independent League Days Proclamation. (6/7)..........................................................209 Ritt, Mary, 1531 Cornell, in favor of Residential Parking Permit Dis. (5/17)..................................188 River City Gift Shop, Teri A. Burdt, 137 Main St. #100, Wine Permit. (6/7)....................................217 River City Paving Co., claim of Amy Pitz referred to them. (10/18)................................................350 River City Paving Co., final accept. of 2003 Asphalt Paving Project. (11/15)...............................377 River City Paving, claim of Thomas Sharkey Jr. referred to them. (11/1)......................................362 River City Paving, Division of Mathy Construction, awarded contract for 2004 Asphalt Paving 81 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE R Project; final acceptance of Jackson St. – W. Locust St. Resurfacing Pro. (5/17)(8/2)..201,277 River Rides, Dubuque, Websters requesting extension of lease. (10/18).....................................353 River Valley Initiative Foundation Board of Directors, appoint Council Member Buol. (1/5).......14 River, Mississippi, request of M. Woodyard, Julien Dbq. Yacht Club, “No Wake” zone. (5/17)206 River’s Edge Plaza Security plan does not meet necessary. requirements. (5/3).......................168 River’s Edge Plaza, Maritime Security Act Plan. (1/5)..........................................................................5 Riverfest Special Event, Beer Per. (1/5)(8/16).................................................................................6,297 Riverfront System, Heritage Trail, Interpretive Signs.(12/6)............................................................393 Riverside Road, 19299, property of Charles & Bev Pullen, fair market value. (7/19).................254 Riverview Park Management Agreement with Pat Felderman. (3/15)..............................................88 Riverwalk Phase II & Amenities Project, accept. (4/5)......................................................................124 Riverwalk Sixth Addn., Final Plat. (6/7)................................................................................................22 RJS Development, Inc. rezoning of 3230 Dodge from CS to C3. (7/19).........................................262 RKM LLC, Ron’s Discount Smokes & Bev., 1701 JFK., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7)216,307 Robertson, Davey, Public Bar, The Busted Lift, 180 Main St., Liquor Lic. (4/5)...........................125 Rock face of Eagle Point Bluff – RFP’s for engineering firm to examine; RFP’s Eagle Point Bluff Stabilization.. (8/2)(8/16)(9/20)(12/20)............................................................................289,300,320,433 Rockslide at 2800 Rhomberg, A.J. Spiegel development site for condo, old Tollbridge. (3/1)...78 Roeder, Ken, present Seven Seals Award & Spirit of Reserve Award: military support. (4/19)140 Ron’s Discount Smokes & Bev., RKM LLC, 1701 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/7)(9/7)...216,307 Roof Replacement, City Hall Annex, completion. (7/19)..................................................................258 Roofing project, Park Maintenance Headquarters. (11/1)(12/20)............................................367,433 Roosevelt Park, lease agreement with Tri-State Modelers. (4/5)....................................................107 Roosevelt Road Phase II Water Main Extension Project; acceptance. (5/3)(6/7)(12/6)172,221,390 Roosevelt Road, rezoning of Eagle Valley Subd., (11/15)...............................................................382 Rose Street, through street designation.(7/19).................................................................................266 Rosedale, from W. Locust to N. Grandview, through street designation. (7/19)..........................266 Rosemont St., bet. Pennsylvania to Creston Ct., Residential Parking Permit Dis. (2/16)(3/1)60,74 Ross, Bill, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; reappointed. (12/6)(12/20)..........................401,416 Rotary Club of, Dubuque, Amphitheater Bell St., Beer Per. (5/17).................................................185 Rotary Club of Dubuque, Alliant Amphitheater, Beer Per. (6/21)...................................................233 ROTC Offices – rezoning of 2184 Bennett for University of Dubuque. (9/20)..............................326 ROW Purchase from IDOT for sign – Dbq Technology Park. (5/3)................................................167 ROW Easement, Arbor Estates, Kivlahans. (4/19)(5/3).............................................................146,173 ROW Purchase along US 61 & 151 near Technology Park, accept Patent from IDOT. (11/15)..377 Roy, Randel J., claim; settlement.(12/20)...........................................................................................409 Royal Oaks Condo Project – Eagle Point Bluff area, information etc. (9/20)................................320 RSVP – Retired Senior Volunteer Program, requesting funding; Purch. of Services Agreement. Rubio, Inocente, El Paisono, 1543 Central, Beer Per. (2/2)...............................................................46 Ruden, Gary, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6).............235,249 Ruling on Motion to Dismiss from City Development Bd – voluntary annexation of Asbury within urbandized area of the City. (4/5)...........................................................................................107 Runde, Scott, question garbage pickup problem for his apartment house. (12/6).....................407 Runoff of water & stormwater, design criteria direction by ESAC to staff. (2/16)..........................63 Ruppel, Phil, re: UD amend ID District, extension of University Park Dr. (7/19)...........................260 Rush St., through street designation. (7/19)......................................................................................266 Rusk, Dave, Chair, Downtown Planning Com., present: Downtown Master Plan. (1/5)(2/2).....1,49 Rustic Forest Road – preliminary plat of Forest Grange Subd. No. 3. (6/21)................................229 82 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE R 83 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-04 Accept Improvement National Scenic Byways Subcontract. Design & Construction of Exhibits for Nat’l Miss. River Museum & Aquarium. (1/5)..............................................................3 2-04 Final Estimate National Scenic Byways Subcontract for Design & Construction of Exhibits for Nat’l Miss. River Museum & Aquarium. (1/5).............................................................................3 3-04 Indicating Commitment Historic Pres. “Preserve America” Communities 2003/2004.(1/5)...3 4-04 Authorizing Grant Application HRDP Funds for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (1/5).......4 5-04 Authorizing Agreement Historic Sites Preservation Grant Prog– Shot Tower Rehab. (1/5).4 6-04 Authorizing Endorsement of Gronen Properties Application for Federal Assistance for Rental Housing Rehab Project on Upper Main St. (1/5)..............................................................4,5 7-04 Reject All Bids for Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext/ Proj.; re-ordering bids. (1/5).................5 8-04 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate Located at 785 Gillespie St., in the City.(1/5).......6 9-04 Authorizing Filing App. Financial Assistance from State - McKesson Corp. (1/5).................6 10-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/5).....................................................................................................6 11-04 Issuance of Liquor & Wine Licenses. (1/5)..................................................................................7 12-04 Directing City Clerk to publish amendment & public hearing date FY 2004 Budget. (1/5)..7 13-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Ph. 1 Pro. (1/5)....7 14-04 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Ph. 1. (1/5).....7 15-04 Ordering bids for the Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Ph. 1. (1/5)...............................8 16-04 Set Public Hearing, amend Ord. No. 38-02 establish Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area. (1/5)..............................................................................................................................................8 17-04 Approve application voluntary annexation with non-consenting property owners. (1/5)...9 18-04 Approve & adopt Dbq Pre-Disaster Mitigaton Plan. (1/5)........................................................11 19-04 Dispose of City interest in Lot 15A in Hill St. Addn & Lot 27A in Coriell’s Dubuque to Mary Ransdell. (1/5)....................................................................................................................................11 20-04 Dispose of City interest in Lot 1of Arbor Estates to SGT Investments. (1/5).......................12 21-04 Authorizing Grant App. HRDP Funds, Relocate White Water Creek Bridge. (1/19)...........16 22-04 Authorize Finance Dept. Employees for Bank Acc’t Info & Make Transfer of funds. 1/19)16 23-04 Adding State Central Bank as add’l authorized depository for city funds. (1/19)...............17 24-04 Authorizing Execution of CEBA Loan Agree for $100,000 for Shepherd Inc. (1/19)...........17 25-04 Authorize Notice of Intent to Request Release of CDBG Funds for Lead Paint Hazard Abatement & Housing Trust Programs. (1/19)..............................................................................18 26-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/19).................................................................................................19 27-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (1/19)...........................................................................................19 28-04 Set Public Hearing Program Year 2004 (FY 2005) CDBG Annual Action Plan. (1/19)....19,20 29-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Extension. (1/19)............................20 30-04 Award Contract for Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. (1/19)...................................................20 31-04 With Respect to Adopt Res. of Necessity Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (1/19)20,21 32-04 Amending Current Budget for FY ending 6/30/04. (1/19)........................................................24 33-04 Direct acceptance of proposal to purchase $500,000 G.O. Capital Loan Notes. (1/19)26,27 34-04 Approve Final Plat of Ridgeway Park Subd. – Dubuque County. (1/19)...............................27 35-04 Approve & Authorize Loan Agreement, issuance of $500,000 G.O. Capital Loan Notes, Series 2004, & levying a Tax to pay the notes. (2/2)................................................................33-40 36-04 Accepting Conveyance of property being a part of Lot 1 of Wilson Bros. Place to City - U.S. Highway 20 Widening. (2/2).....................................................................................................40 37-04 Accept property – Lot 1 of Ramada Inn Pl. – Van Duyn’s – for U.S. 20 Widening. (2/2)40,41 38-04 Accept Conveyance of property a part of Lot 1 of 1 of Harwood Place in Section 27, Dbq Township, to the City – WCB Hotels – Hwy 20 Widening project. (2/2).....................................41 39-04 Accepting conveyance of property, Lot 1 of Center Grove Methodist Episcopal Church & Cemetery Subdivision to the City. (2/2)..........................................................................................41 83 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 40-04 Accept Conveyance of property being two parts of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm in Section 27 & 28, Dubuque Township, to the City. (2/2)......................................41 41-04 Accept Conveyance of property being a part of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Correction Plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246 to the City. (2/2)..............................................................................................42 42-04 Accept Conveyance of property – Lot 1 of Cleve Pl. to the City. (2/2)..................................42 43-04 Accept Improvement for JF Kennedy Road Reconstruction Proj. (2/2)...............................43 44-04 Final Estimate for JF Kennedy Road Reconstruction Proj. (2/2)...........................................43 45-04 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments – JF Kennedy Rd. Pro. (2/2).......43 46-04 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule for 2003 Sidewalks Assessment Project. (2/2).43,44,45 47-04 Est. Fair Market Value property of Delbert G. Mille. Carter Rd Detention Basin. (2/2)........45 48-04 Est. Fair Market Value Larry & Kathy Miller property, Carter Rd Detention Basin. (2/2)45,46 49-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/2)...................................................................................................46 50-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/2).............................................................................................46 51-04 Intent to dispose of interest in property by lease with David Hartig, Jr. (2/2).................46,47 52-04 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. – Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (2/2).......47 53-04 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (2/2)....47 54-04 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assessments – Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (2/2).....47 55-04 Of Necessity – Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Proj. (2/2)........................................................48 56-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity – Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (2/2).........48 57-04 Ordering bids for the Fremont Ave Reconstruction Pro. (2/2)..........................................48,49 58-04 Adopt Downtown Master Plan, component of & consistent - Comprehensive Plan. (2/2)49 59-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Westbrook Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj. (2/2)........................50 60-04 Award Contract Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. to Callahan Const. Co. (2/2).50 61-04 Approving the Final Plat of Stone Brook Center Second Addition in the City. (2/2)......50,51 62-04 Approving the Final Plat of Asbury Plaza No. 11. (2/16)....................................................55,56 63-04 Approving Plat of Survey Lot 1 of 2 & Lot 2 of In Ege Mueller Place in County. (2/16)......56 64-04 Approve Prel. Schedule Final Assessments White St. Reconstruction, 21 to 32.(2/16)..57 65-04 Accept Improvement for the Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project. (2/16)......................57 66-04 Final Estimate for the Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project. (2/16).................................57 67-04 Approve Prel. Final Assessments, Wartburg Place Reconstruction Pro. (2/16).................57 68-04 Approve Agreement Kivlahan Farms, Exchange of Properties West Side of Arboretum Abutting the Next Phase of Arbor Estates owned by Kivlahan Farms, LLC. (2/16).................58 69-04 Approve Residential Property Tax Exemption App’s for Property Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas & Transmittal of Applications to City Tax Assessor. (2/16)........58 70-04 Consent to Assignment of Leases with Agri Grain Marketing LLC to Cargill, Inc. (2/16)..59 71-04 Requesting a Limitation on Reduction in State Aid to Local Governments. (2/16)............59 72-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/16).................................................................................................60 73-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/16)...........................................................................................60 74-04 Set Public Hearing: Residential Parking Permit Dis. Rosemont St. Pennsylvania Ave. to Creston Ct. (2/16)...............................................................................................................................60 75-04 Setting Date for Public Hearing on FY 2005 Budget for City. (2/16)......................................61 76-04 Setting Date Public Hearing Five Year Capital Improvement Prog. FY 2005 - 2009. (2/16)61 77-04 Disposing of Property by Lease with David S. Hartig, Jr. (2/16)............................................62 78-04 Adopt Supplement No. 60 to City Code. (3/1)...........................................................................70 79-04 Issuance of Beer & Liquor Licenses. (3/1)...........................................................................70,71 80-04 Of Intent to Dispose of Lots 8A, 9A, 10A, 17A. 20A of Grand View Place & Lot 1A of South Grandview Place. (3/1)......................................................................................................................71 81-04 Of Intent to Dispose of Lot 13A, Lot 16A, & Lot 20A C.H. Meyer’s Add. (3/1)....................72 82-04 Of Intent to Dispose of & Vacate a Utility Easement over Lot 2 Whites Pl. (3/1)................72 84 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 83-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Proj. Ph. II. (3/1)...72 84-04 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Flood Hazard Mitigation Demo Pro. Ph II. (3/1)73 85-04 Order bids for Flood Hazard Mitigation Demo Pro. Ph. II. (3/1)..............................................73 86-04 Of Necessity Finding that Area Included in Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District is a blighted area and Rehab & Redevelopment is necessary.. (3/1)..........................................73,74 87-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (3/1)......................................75 88-04 With Respect to Adoption of Res. of Necessity Fremont Ave. Reconstruct. Pro. (3/1).75,76 89-04 Approve Final Plat of Harvest View Estates Fifth Addn. (3/1)..........................................76,77 90-04 Adopt a Fringe Area Policy Agreement with Dubuque County. (3/1)...............................77,78 91-04 Authorize Release: Retained Funds. J.P. Cullen & Sons, Grand River Center. (3/1).........78 92-04 Adopt City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 2005 Annual Budget. (3/3).............................................80 93-04 Adopt City of Dubuque Five Year Capital Improvement Program. (3/3)..........................80,81 94-04 Adopt Program Year 2004 (FY 2005) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Plan. (3/3)............................................................................................................................................81 95-04 Adopt Five Year Street Construction Program for Fiscal Years 2005-2009. (3/3)...............81 96-04 Approve increase in Rental Dwelling License Fee. (3/3)........................................................85 97-04 Authorizing Acquisition, Eminent Domain of Property, Delbert G. Miller’s. (3/15).........87,88 98-04 Authorizing Acquisition, Eminent Domain of Property. Larry W. & Kathy F. Miller. (3/15).88 99-04 Adopt Final Assessments John F. Kennedy Rd Reconstruction Proj.- Spring Valley to Barony Dr. (3/15)...........................................................................................................................89,90 100-04 Establish Fair Market Value, acquisition Property Owned by Elm Real Estate LC (3/15)91 101-04 Approve Correction Plan of Kopp’s JFK Addn. No. 2 in City. (3/15)..............................91,92 102-04 Authorize Grant Application to IA Dept. of Natural Resources for Federal Land and Water Conservation Funs for Development of Pyatigorsk Park. (3/15)................................................92 103-04 Approve First Amendment to Agreement: City, County, & IA Dept. of Transportation, completion of Addendum for 1999 Southwest Arterial Environmental Assessment (Project No. STP-U-2100(627)-70-31). (3/15).................................................................................................93 104-04 Approve Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Agreement to Conduct an Architectural / Historic Survey. (3/15)................................................................................................................93.94 105-04 Authorizing Sponsorship of Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for Affordable Housing Program Funds. (3/15)...................................................................................94 106-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (3/15)...............................................................................................94 107-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/15).........................................................................................95 108-04 Set Public Hearing, Franchise Agree., Maquoketa Valley Electric Cooperative. (3/15)....95 109-04 Set Public Hearing on Amendment to Franchise Agreement with Aquila. (3/15)..............95 110-04 Set Public Hearing on Amendment to Franchise Agreement with Alliant Energy. (3/15)96 111-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Loras Blvd. Historic Street Lighting Proj. (3/15)..........96 112-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Loras Blvd. Historic Street Lighting Pro. (3/15)......96 113-04 Order bids Loras Blvd. Historic Street Lighting Pro. (3/15)..................................................96 114-04 Prel. Approval Plans/Specs. Westbrook S. Water Main & Service Line Ext. Ph. I 3/15)..97 115-04 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. Westbrook Subd. Water Main & Service Line Phase I Ext. Pro. (3/15)....................................................................................................................................97 116-04 Order bids, Westbrook Subd. Water Main & Service Line Extension Ph. I. (3/15)............97 117-04 Approve Plats: Northerly part of Vacated Alley West of South Grandview Ave. between Altman Street (AKA St. Joseph St.) and Whelan St. (3/15).....................................................98,99 118-04 Dispose Lots 8A, 9A, 10A, 17A & 20A Grand View Pl.; Lot 1A of S Grandview Pl. (3/15)...............................................................................................................................................99,100 119-04 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Sac St. & 2 Alleys N of Seward St. in C.H. Meyer’s Addn. (3/15)......................................................................................................................................100 85 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 120-04 Dispose of Lot 13A, Lot 16A, Lot 20A in C.H. Meyer’s Addn. (3/15)..................................101 121-04 Dispose of Utility Easement over Lot 2 of Whites Pl. in City. (3/15)..................................101 122-04 Approve a Lease Agree. & Loan Agree. Former Star Brewery Between City & Historic Star Redevelopment LLC. (3/15)...................................................................................................103 123-04 Award contract for Fremont Ave. Reconstruction to WC Stewart Con. (3/15)................104 124-04 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule, Wartburg Place Reconstruction. (4/5)...........108, 109 125-04 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule, White Street Reconstruction, 21- 32 St. (4/5)109-121 126-04 Memorandum of Understanding with Prudential Insurance Co. – assignment of Enterprise Zone Agree. – City, State & Cigna Retirement Benefits Services. (4/5)...............122 127-04 Accept Improvement – Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II & Amenities Pro. (4/5)...............124 128-04 Final Estimate – Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II & Amenities Pro. (4/5)...........................124 129-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/5)........................................................................................124,125 130-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (4/5).........................................................................................125 131-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Operations & Services Center. (4/5)......................125 132-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Operations & Services Ctr. (4/5)...................125 133-04 Order bids for Operations and Services Center. (4/5).........................................................126 134-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. Loras Boulevard Historic Street Lighting Pro. (4/5).....................133 135-04 Award Contract for Loras Blvd. Historic St. Lighting Proj. to Westphal & Co. (4/5).......133 136-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Flood Hazard Mitigation Demo Project – Ph II. (4/5)...............133 137-04 Award Contract Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Proj. Ph II to Top Grade Exc.(4/5)134 138-04 Approve Loan Agreement with Dbq Nursery & Landscape. (4/5).....................................134 139-04 Confirm Terracon, Environmental Design & Remediation Services for Petroleum Cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (4/5)................................................................................................................135 140-04 Accept Improvement for Five Flags Theater – Painting Exterior Façade Pro.(4/19)140,141 141-04 Final Estimate for Five Flags Theater – Paint Exterior Façade Proj. (4/19)......................141 142-04 Accept Improve., Education & Conference Ctr. Grand River Center Bid Pkg 2. (4/19)..141 143-04 Final Estimate for Education & Conf. Center (Grand River Center) Bid Pkg. 2. (4/19)..142 144-04 Accept Improvement for Bonson Road Watermain Extension Pro. (4/19).......................143 145-04 Final Estimate for Bonson Road Watermain Ext. Pro. (4/19)..............................................143 146-04 Accept Improvement for Napier Street Storm & Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (4/19).142 147-04 Final Estimate Napier Street Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (4/19).........143 148-04 Adopt Supplement No. 61 to Code of Ordinances. (4/19)...................................................143 149-04 Authorize Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for CDBG Projects for FY 2005 – Program Year 2004. (4/19)..............................................................................................................144 150-04 Issue cigarette permit. (4/19)...................................................................................................145 151-04 Issuance Beer Permits. (4/19).................................................................................................145 152-04 Issuance of Liquor License. (4/19)..................................................................................145,146 153-04 Of Intent to Dispose of ROW Easement over Lot N Arbor Estates, being a part of the SE ¼ th of the SE ¼ of Section 9, T89N, R2E, 5 P.M. Kivlahans. (4/19)..............................................146 154-04 Set Date of Public Hearing on Amend. No. 4 to FY 04 Budget. (4/19)...............................147 155-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. 2004 Curb Ramp Install. CDBG Proj. No. 1.(4/19)......147 156-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs 2004 Curb Ramp Install ,CDBG Proj. No. 1. (4/19)..147 157-04 Order bids for 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project No. 1. (4/19)................147,148 158-04 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Concrete Repair & Overlay of Samuel Street. (4/19)......148 159-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Concrete Repair & Overlay Samuel St. (4/19)........148 160-04 Order bids for Concrete Section Repair & Overlay of Samuel St. (4/19)..........................148 th 161-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for 26 Street Storm Sewer Extension Pro. (4/19).....149 th 162-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for 26 St. Storm Sewer Extension Pro. (4/19)149 th 163-04 Order bids for 26 St. Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. (4/19).............................................................149 86 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 164-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. (4/19).......................149 165-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. (4/19).............150 166-04 Order bids for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. – FY 2005. (4/19)..........................................150 167-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. remodel Law Enforcement Ctr. Police Dept. (4/19)...150 168-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for remodeling of Law Enforcement Ctr. (4/19)150 169-04 Order bids for remodeling of Law Enforcement Center. (4/19).........................................151 170-04 Approve Urban Renewal Plan for Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. (4/19)..........151 171-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Westbrook Subd. Water Main Extension Pro. (4/19)..............153 172-04 Award Cont. Callahan Construct. Westbrook Subd. Water Main Ext. Pro. (4/19).....153,154 173-04 Authorize Execution of Development Agreement with Lower Main Devel. LLC. (4/19).154 174-04 Extend all benefits for Annexation of Territory on West Side of Dubuque to all property owners, including non-consenting property owners. (4/19).....................................................155 175-04 Accept Improvement – Eagle Pt Water Plant. (5/3).............................................................165 176-04 Final Estimate for the Chemical Compound Building, Eagle Pt Water Plant. (5/3).........165 177-04 Approve Supplemental Agree No. 2 between C & Howard R. Green Co. for University Ave. Project (STP-U-2100(623) – 70-31). (5/3).......................................................................................166 178-04 - Not assigned. 179-04 Accept part Lot 2 of 1 of Subd. Lots 138, 140, & 142 L.H. Langworthy’s Add. . (5/3).....166 180-04 Authorize use of Compensation Estimates for Acquisition of Temporary Construction Easements on Property Owned or Leased by Thomas & Lee Ann Frost, Best Car Washes, LTD., University Car Wash Inc., James E. & Linda Stark, & Colonial Terrace Animal Hospital P.C. for the University Ave. Extension Project. (5/3)..........................................................166, 167 181-04 Approve Purchase of Lot F of Dbq Technology Park. (5/3)................................................168 182-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/3)...............................................................................................168 183-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/3).................................................................................168, 169 184-04 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 1-3 of Grommersch Place. (5/3)............................169 th 185-04 Set Public Hearing on Establishing Residential Parking Permit District on W. 15 St., th West 16 St., Cornell St., and Pickett St. (5/3).....................................................................169,170] 186-04 Fix Date for Meeting on Proposition of Issuance of Not to Exceed $185,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes, Providing for publication of Notice. (5/3)......170, 171 187-04 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Eagle Pt Water Plant Elevator Replacement Proj. (5/3).171 188-04 Fix Date for Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Eagle Pt Water Plant. (5/3)............................171 189-04 Order bids for Elevator Replacement at Eagle Pt Water Plant. (5/3).................................171 190-04 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. – Roosevelt Road Phase II Water Main Ext. Pro. (5/3)...172 191-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. – Roosevelt Rd Phase II Water Main Ext. Pro. (5/3)...172 192-04 Order bids for Roosevelt Rd Phase II Water Main Ext Pro. (5/3)........................................172 193-04 Dispose of Interest & Vacate 10’ ROW Easement E Line of Lot N Arbor Estates, - Part of th SE ¼ f SE ¼ of Section 9, T89N, R2E, 5 PM in City. (5/3).........................................................173 194-04 Amendment of Current Budget FY ending 6/30/04. (5/3).................................................174 195-04 Adopt Plans/Specs for 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Pro. 1. (5/3)......................174 196-04 Award Contract for the 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Pro. 1. (5/3)......................175 197-04 Approve Final Plat Lots 12-19, inclusive Block 5, Lots 1-10, inclusive Blk 6,, Lots 3-5, inclusive, Blk 7, Lot 1of Blk 8, Lot 1 of Blk 9, & Lots H thru N, Arbor Estates. (5/3).......175,176 198-04 Approve UDAG Loan $62,000 to Medline. (5/3)....................................................................177 199-04 Accept Tentative Agreement Dbq Professional Firefighters Assoc. Local #353. (5/17)180 200-04 Accept Parking Enforcement Software – completed by EDC Corp. (5/17).......................181 201-04 Final Est. for Parking Enforcement Software. (5/17)............................................................181 202-04 Accept Improve. for Iowa St. Ramp Skywalk Proj. (5/17)....................................................181 203-04 Final Est. for Iowa Ramp Skywalk Pro. (5/17)................................................................181,182 87 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 204-04 Approve Contract for Phase V Architectural / Historic Survey /Evaluation. (5/17).........182 205-04 Authorize Submittal of a Grant Application for Rehab of Dbq Shot Tower. (5/17)..........182 206-04 Approve Amend. 1 to FY 2005 (Prog. Yr 2004) Ann. Action Plan CDBG Funds. (5/17)..183 207-04 Authorize Award Community Partnership Program (cp2) Funds Fiscal Year 05. (5/17)183 nd 208-04 Approve Acquisition of Real Estate Located at 827 W. 32 St. (5/17)..............................184 209-04 Authorize Letter of Commitment etc: Rehab Loan to Heartland Financial USA. (5/17)..184 210-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/17).............................................................................................185 211-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/17).......................................................................................185 212-04 Approve Plat of Lot 1-3 & Lot 2-3 of Grommersch Place. (5/17)........................................187 213-04 Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1-3 of Grommersch Place, Dbq. (5/17)..............................187 214-04 Institute Proceedings to take Add’l Action Issuance of Not to Exceed $185,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes. (5/17)..........................................................................189 215-04 Authorize Issuance of $182,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Notes. (5/17)190-200 th 216-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for 26 St. Storm Sewer Ext. Project. (5/17)..................................200 th 217-04 Award Contract for the 26 St. Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. (5/17).............................................200 218-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Project (FY 05). (5/17).....................201 219-04 Award Contract for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. – FY 2005. (5/17).................................201 220-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the Concrete Section Repair & Overlay of Samuel St. (5/17)201 221-04 Award Contract Concrete Section Repair Samuel St. to River City Paving. (5/17).........201 222-04 Establish Fair Market Value: Property of James E. Newman University Ave. Ext. (5/17)202 223-04 Intent to Dispose of Property by Lease, DRA, Ltd.- Greyhound Park & Casino. (6/7)....207 224-04 Authorize License Agree, City & Thiele Geotech, Inc. – Monitoring Wells on ROW – th Former Eagle Window Site, 375 E. 9. (6/7).................................................................................210 225-04 Accept Improve. Heritage Trail Ext. Project. (6/7)................................................................210 227-04 Final Estimate – Heritage Trail Ext. Pro. (6/7).......................................................................210 228-04 Accept Improve. Concrete Repairs on Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview. (6/7).....................212 229-04 Final Est. Concrete Repairs on Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview. (6/7)..................................212 230-04 In Support of City Development’s Bd’s Conditional Approval of Voluntary Annexation of Territory to Dbq. 704.5 acres & support to sever 6 parcels of land, Dbq to Asbury. (6/7)...212 231-04 Contract, Desmond Associates, Structural Analysis of Iowa & Locust St Ramps. (6/7)214 232-04 Approve Final Plat of Oak Park Place in City. (6/7)..............................................................214 233-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (6/7)................................................................................215,216 234-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/7)...............................................................................................216 235-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/7)..................................................................................216,217 236-04 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 179A, Lot 180A, & Lot 181A of O’Neill’s Addn to North Dubuque, Dubuque, IA. (6/7)...............................................................................................217 237-04 City’s Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of an Existing Cable Services Franchise & An Existing Hub Site Lease to MCCIowa LLC. (6/7)............................................................217,218 238-04 Dispose of Real Property by Lease with DRA – Greyhound Park & Casino. (6/7)..........220 239-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. Eagle Point Water Plant ADA Elevator Renovation Proj. (6/7)....220 240-04 Award Contract Eagle Pt Water Plant ADA Elevator Renovation Proj. to Klauer.(6/7)..221 241-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Roosevelt Road Phase II Water Main Ext. Pro. (6/7)...............221 242-04 Award Contract to McClain Exc. of Peosta, IA for construction of 1,950’ of 12” Ductile Iron Water Main with Accessories Along Roosevelt Rd. to the Eagle Valley Subd. (6/7).............221 243-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Dubuque Police Office Remodeling Project. (6/7)..................222 244-04 Award Contracts for Dbq Law Enforcement Center Remodeling Project . (6/7).............222 245-04 Adopt Plans & Specs for the Operations & Service Center Construction Proj. (6/7).....222 246-04 Award Contract, Operations & Services Ctr Construction Proj. to Portzen Con. (6/7)...223 247-04 Approve Final Plat of Lot 1 of Riverwalk Sixth Addn. in the City. (6/7).............................224 88 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 248-04 Approve Final Plat: Lots 1-8, Lot A & Lot B, Holliday 3 Ad. Quagliano, QHQ.(6/7)..224,225 249-04 Approve Agreement, amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329 ND. (6/21).......................229 250-04 Approve Final Plat of Lot 1, 2 & 3 of Oberbroeckling Subd. No. 2. (6/21).........................229 251-04 Accept Improvement for In-Line Skate Rink Construction Project. (6/21).......................229 252-04 Final Est. for the In-Line Skate Rink Construction Project. (6/21).....................................230 253-04 Accept Improvement for the Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Proj. (6/21)................230 254-04 Final Estimate for Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Proj. (6/21)...................................231 255-04 Authorizing Execution of a Brownfield Project Financial Assistance Agree. for 142,655 for Petroleum Cleanup in the Port of Dubuque. (6/21).....................................................................231 256-04 Authorize Contract IIW Engrs & Surveyors PC: Design & Engineering of Dbq Industrial rd Center West – 3 Addn. (6/21).......................................................................................................231 257-04 Approve Predesign Agreement: City, County & IDOT, US 20 Reconstruction.(6/21).....232 258-04 Issuance of new Cigarette Permits. (6/21)............................................................................232 259-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permits – renewals. (6/21).................................................................233 260-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/21).............................................................................................233 261-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/21).......................................................................................233 262-04 Intent to Dispose Lot 136A Maple Leaf Addn. – Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. (6/21)..234 263-04 Of Necessity Finding that an Amendment to Urban Renewal Plan for Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District is necessary in Interest of Residents of the City. (6/21)............234,235 264-04 Approve Plat: Vacated Alley bet. 825 & 855 Salem St. from Roosevelt to Salem. (6/21)237 265-04 Dispose City Interest: Lot 179A, & Lot 181A O’Neill’s Addn. to N. Dubuque. (6/21)237,238 266-04 Approve Final Plat Lots 34-116, of Cedar Crest Subd. in Dbq County, IA. (6/21).....239,240 267-04 Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Property by Lease & Parking Use Agreement with Dubuque Casino Hotel, LLC. (6/29)..............................................................................................243 268-04 Authorize City Manager to sign Contract with County Bd of Health & Agreement with Visiting Nurse Assn. (7/6)...............................................................................................................245 269-04 Approve IA DOT Agreement, Prel. Design of Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial. (7/6)......246 270-04 Approve Agreement International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758. (7/6).....247 271-04 Authorize Community Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD.(7/6).................248 272-04 Issuance of 2 Renewals – Cigarette Permits. (7/6)..............................................................248 273-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/6)...............................................................................................248 274-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/6)..................................................................................248,249 275-04 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Blanche Avenue from Vivian Ave. West 250’. (7/6)249 276-04 Dispose of Interest, Lot 136A of Maple Leaf Addn. to J. Lanser & J. Mastin. (7/6).........250 277-04 Dispose of by Lease & Parking Use Agreement with Dbq Casino Hotel, LLC. (7/6).......251 278-04 Approve Plat of Survey Lot 1, Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 1, Kitchen Family Property. (7/19)........254 279-04 Establish FMV property of Charles Pullen for wetlands litigation, University Ave. Extension Project. (7/19)................................................................................................................255 280-04 Consent to Assignment of Certain Leases with Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. to American Trust & Savings Bank. (7/19).........................................................................................................255 281-04 Approve Agreement with IDOT, repairs to US 52 Bridge over Catfish Creek. (7/19)255,256 282-04 Accept Improvement for Port of Dbq Sign & Landscaping Project. (7/19)......................256 283-04 Final Estimate for the Port of Dubuque Sign & Landscaping Project. (7/19)...................256 284-04 Authorize Four Oaks. amend Subcontract, Four Mounds Foundation, Housing Edu- cation & Rehab Training Prog. (HEART) Comm. Partnership Prog. Cp2 Grant. (7/19)..256,257 285-04 Approve Sub Grantee Agreement & Contract: Professional Services with County Historical Society for Scenic Byways Project. (7/19).................................................................257 286-04 Accept Improvement: Seippel Road Water Main Extension Improvement Proj. (7/19)..258 287-04 Final Estimate for Seippel Road Water Main Extension Improvement Pro. (7/19)..........258 89 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 288-04 Accept Improvement City Hall Annex Roof Replacement Proj. (7/19)..............................258 289-04 Final Estimate for the City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replacement Pro. (7/19)..............258 290-04 Authorize Employees of City & SMG to execute Checks on behalf of the City. (7/19)...259 291-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permit. (7/19).......................................................................................259 292-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/19).............................................................................................259 293-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/19).......................................................................................260 294-04 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-6, of Forest Grange Subd. #3, in County. (7/19).................263 295-04 Authorize a REAP Grant Application to IA Dept. of Natural Resources for Phase I of Water Works Park. (7/19)...........................................................................................................................267 296-04 Accept Improve. Operations & Maintenance, Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Pro. (8/2).....................................................................................................................................................276 297-04 Final Est. Operations & Maintenance Dept. Ice Harbor Pump Aux. Power Proj. (8/2)....276 298-04 Accept Improvement for Fourth Zone Water Tower Improvement Project. (8/2).............276 299-04 Final Estimate for Fourth Zone Water Tower Improvement Project. (8/2).......................276 300-04 Approve a Housing Enterprise Zone Program Agreement by and Among the Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, the City & Gronen Adaptive Reuse, LLLP. (8/2)..............................277 301-04 Accept Improvement for Jackson St. – West Locust St. Resurfacing Pro. (8/2).............277 302-04 Final Estimate for Jackson St. – West Locust St. Resurfacing Pro. (8/2)..................277,278 303-04 Accept Improvement Port of Dubuque Logging Properties – Building Demolition & Site Clearance Pro. (8/2).........................................................................................................................278 304-04 Final Est. Port of Dbq Logging Property Building Demolition & Site Clearance. (8/2)...278 305-04 Approve Plat of Survey of Adams St., the El’y Line of Bodega St., Sl’y Line of East Fifth St., Northerly Line of Ice Harbor Drive & Lot B of Lot 11 in Indust. Subd. No. 2 . (8/2)278,279 nd 306-04 Approve Acquisition 775 Gillespie St. – near W. 32 St. Detention St. Basin.(8/2)........279 307-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (8/2)......................................................................................279 308-04 Issuance Of Beer Permits. (8/2)..............................................................................................280 309-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/2).........................................................................................280 310-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. For Villa St. Retaining Wall Pro. (8/2)...........................280 311-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Villa St. Retaining Wall Pro. (8/2)..................281 312-04 Order bids for Villa St. Retaining Wall Pro. (8/2)..................................................................281 313-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Port of Dbq Storm Sewer Improve. Ph. IV Pro. (8/2)..281 313-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. (8/2)............281 314-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. Port of Dbq Storm Sewer Improve. Ph. IV. (8/2)........281 315-04 Order bids for Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase IV Pro. (8/2).......282 316-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Heron Pond Fishing Pier Construction Pro.(8/2).......282 317-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Heron Pond Fishing Pier Installation Pro. (8/2)282 318-04 Order bids for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Installation Pro. (8/2)..........................................282 319-04 Approve Amend. Urban Renewal Plan, Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. (8/2)...............................................................................................................................................283,284 320-04 Amend Citizen Participation Plan repealing Existing Plan & Adopting New Citizen Participation Plan for CDBG Program. (8/2).........................................................................288,289 nd 321-04 Approve Acquisition of Real Estate at 815 W. 32 in the City. (8/16)...............................293 322-04 Endorse Submission of a RISE Application to IDOT for Extension of Chavenelle Road West from Dubuque Industrial Center to Dubuque Industrial Center West. (8/16)................294 323-04 Authorizing Filing of Amendment Request to HUD. (8/16).................................................295 324-04 Authorize Execution of First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Historical Star Redevelopment LLC for Star Brewery Building. (8/16).......................................................295,296 325-04 Consenting to a Conservation Easement Agreement between Grand Opera House, as Grantor, & Historical Div. of IA Dept. of Cultural Affairs, as Grantee, for Preservation of The 90 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS Grand Opera House. (8/16).............................................................................................................296 326-04 Establishing the Dubuque Cultural and Entertainment District. (8/16)......................296,297 327-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. ......................................................................................................297 328-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses...................................................................................................297 329-04 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (8/16)298 330-04 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans/Specs. Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (8/16)298 331-04 Order bids for Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (8/16)......................................298 332-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro. (8/16)299 333-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro. (8/16)299 334-04 Order bids for Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro. (8/16)..................................299 335-04 Designating City Manager as Representative for signing & filing documents to obtain federal/state Finance Assistance Under Disaster Relief Act – FEMA. (9/7)............................304 336-04 Accept Conveyance of Lot A of Block 8 in Mettel-Link Addn. (9/7)..................................304 337-04 Support “Dubuque: Your Hometown, Your Future” Initiative & Pledging funds. (9/7)..305 338-04 Authorize Execution of Second Amendment to Development Agree with Dbq Area Industrial Development Corp. (9/7)...............................................................................................305 339-04 Issuance of Cigarette Per. To One Flight Up. (9/7)...............................................................306 340-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (9/7)........................................................................................306,307 341-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/7).........................................................................................307 342-04 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1A of Eagles Place in Dubuque. (9/7)..........307 343-04 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 8A of Medical Asso. Sub. No. 2. (9/7)...........308 344-04 Setting Date for Public Hearing on Amendment No. 1 to FY 2005 Budget for City. (9/7)308 345-04 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Prol. No. 2. (9/7)309 346-04 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans/Specs. 2004 Curb Ramp Install., CDBG Pro. No. 2. (9/7)......309 347-04 Order bids for 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Pro. No. 2. (9/7)..............................309 348-04 Prelim. Approval of Plans & Specs. for NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (9/7).....309 349-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs for NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (9/7).....310 350-04 Order bids for NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (9/7)................................................310 351-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Villa St. Retaining Wall Pro. (9/7)...............................................311 352-04 Award Contract for Villa St. Retaining Wall Pro. (9/7)..........................................................311 353-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the Port of Dbq Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. Ph. IV. (9/7)...............311 354-04 Award Contract Port of Dbq Storm Sewer Improve. Ph IV to Tschiggfrie Exc. (9/7).......311 355-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Construction Pro. (9/7)...................312 356-04 Award Contract Heron Pond Fishing Pier Installation to Dubuque Barge & Fleeting – DBA Newt Marine Services. (9/7)............................................................................................................312 nd 357-04 Approve Final Plat of Paradise Hills 2 Addn. in Dbq County. (9/7).................................315 358-04 Authorize Publication Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on Environ. & Notice of Intent to Release of Funds for Stealth Race Cars property EDI Project. (9/20)`320 359-04 Authorize submission of consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) for period from 7/1/03- 6/30/04. (9/20)...........................................................................................321 360-04 Approve City of Dubuque FY 2004 Street Finance Report. (9/20)..............................321,322 361-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (9/20).............................................................................................322 362-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/20)................................................................................322,323 363-04 Approve Plat of proposed vacated Railroad Ave. Locust St. to Harrison St. (9/20).......329 364-04 Dispose of City Interest in Lot1A of Eagles Place in Dubuque. (9/20)..............................330 365-04 Approve Plat of proposed vacated portion of Associates Dr. near Lot 8 of Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. (9/20).......................................................................................................331 366-04 Dispose of Lot 8A of Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. to CU LINK, Inc. (9/20)...............332 367-04 Amend Current Budget for FY year ending 6/30/05. (9/20).................................................333 91 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 368-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the 2004 Curb Ramp Install – CDBG Proj. No. 2. (9/20)..........333 369-04 Award Contract for 2004 Curb Ramp Install. – CDBG Proj. No. 2. (9/20)..........................334 370-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (9/20).........................334 371-04 Award Contract for the Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (9/20).............................334 372-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro. (9/20)..............335 373-04 Award Contract for the Arboretum Entrance Road Pro. (9/20)..........................................335 374-04 Approve First Amend: Management Agree. With SMG, Five Flags Civic Ctr.(10/4)341,342 375-04 Authorize Grant App IDOT, Fed. Recreational Trails Funds Water Works Park. (10/4)..342 376-04 Authorize Grant Application to IDOT Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funds Water Works Park. (10/4).........................................................................................................342,343 377-04 Provide Budget Amendment to Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Grant Agreement HUD for America’s River Museum. (10/4).....................................................343 378-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (10/4).....................................................................................343 379-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/4)......................................................................................343,344 380-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/4).......................................................................................344 381-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. – Asbury Rd Widening at NW Arterial Pro. (10/4)......344 382-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Asbury Rd. Widening, NW Art. Pro. (10/4).........344 383-04 Order bids for Widening of Asbury Rd. at NW Arterial. (10/4)............................................345 384-04 Adopt Plans & Specs., NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (10/4)..............................346 385-04 Award Contract, NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (10/4)..........................................346 386-04 Rescind Resolution No. 346-03, approve Final Plat of Lots 1-4, inclusive, & Lots A-B, inclusive of Block 5 of Eagle Valley Subd. (10/4).......................................................................347 387-04 Approve Final Plat of Asbury Plaza No. 12 in City. (10/4)...................................................348 388-04 Approve Final Plat of Lot 6, Lot 7 & Lot C Tamarack S.E. Fourth Subd. (10/18).....350,351 389-04 Approve Final Plat: Lot C-1, Lot C-2 & Lot C-3 Medical Asso. Subd. No. 2. (10/18).......351 390-04 Authorize Assumption Agree & Mortgage Sub. Agree. re: Mortgage Interest in E. 40’ of Lot 85 in Dubuque. (10/18).............................................................................................................352 391-04 Adopt Supplement No. 62 to Code of Ordinances. (10/18).................................................353 392-04 In support 2005 Great American Main St. Awards App. of Dbq Main St. Ltd. (10/18).....353 393-04 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Hy-Vee Gas #2. (10/18)......................................................354 394-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/18)...........................................................................................354 395-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/18).....................................................................................354 396-04 Fix Date for Meeting on proposal to reallocate certain unspent proceeds of G.O. Bonds, Series 2002C. of Dubuque, IA and provide for publication of notice thereof. (10/18)....354,355 397-04 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Asbury Rd Widening at NW Arterial. (10/18)............................356 398-04 Award Contract for Widening Asbury Rd at NW Arterial. (10/18)...............................356,357 399-04 Accepting Improvement, Port of Dbq Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing P. (11/1)363 400-04 Final Est. Port of Dbq Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing. (11/1).......................363,364 401-04 Approve Consultant Agree. Federal Highway Admin. FHWA – IDOT, County & City for Cultural Resources Memo of Agreement, Hwy 32 – SW Arterial Corridor Improve. (11/1)...364 402-04 Approve Consultant Agreement among IDOT, City, IIW Engineers, Professional Services Ground Control Survey for Highway 32 Corridor – SW Arterial. (11/1).............................364,365 403-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/1).............................................................................................365 404-04 Issuance Of Liquor Licenses. (11/1)......................................................................................365 405-04 Of Intent to Vacate & Dispose of Lot A, Lot 2, Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 156. (11/1)................366 406-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Fiber Optic Conduit System Project – Phase I. (11/1)366 407-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Fiber Optic Conduit System Pro. Ph. I. (11/1)...366 408-04 Order Bids for the Fiber Optic Conduit System Project – Phase I. (11/1).........................367 409-04 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (11/1)..................367 92 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 410-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Park Maintenance Roof Pro.(11/1).....367 411-04 Order bids for the Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (11/1).................................................367,368 412-04 Instituting Proceedings G.O. Bonds, Series 2002C. Municipal Services Center. (11/1) 368 413-04 Approve National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit As Authored by the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources (IDNR) for the City. (11/1).........................369 414-04 Authorizing Filing of Application with IA Dept of Economic Devel. Re: Enterprise Zone Certification of Expansion of Existing Enterprise Zone – 1 in the City. (11/1).......................370 415-04 Authorize Filing of Application with IA Dept. of Economic Development Requesting Enterprise Zone Certification of Expansion of Existing Enterprise Zone – 2 . (11/1)............370 415A-04 Authorize Acquisition by Eminent Domain of Certain Real Estate owned by Elm Real Estate LC in the City – Iowa Glass & James E. Newman Property. (11/15).............................375 416-04 Authorize acquisition, Eminent Domain of Property by James E. Newman. (11/15)......375 417-04 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Kehrli Place in the City. (11/15)...375,376 418-04 Approving the Final Plat of Hy-Vee Subdivision in the City. (11/15).................................376 419-04 Accepting a Property, Lot F Dubuque Technology Park, to the City. (11/15)..................377 420-04 Accept Improvement for the 2003 Asphalt Paving Pro. (11/15)........................................377 421-04 Final Estimate for the 2003 Asphalt Paving Pro. (11/15)..............................................377,378 th 422-04 Accept Improvement for the 26 St. Storm Sewer Extension Pro. (11/15).......................378 th 423-04 Final Estimate for the 26 St. Storm Sewer Ext. Pro. (11/15).............................................378 424-04 Accept Improvement Port of Dbq Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase IV Pro. (11/15)378 425-04 Final Estimate Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Improve. Phase IV Pro. (11/15)........378,379 ndnd 426-04 Approving Acquisition of 805 W. 32 St. in for W. 32 St. Detention Basin. (11/15).....379 427-04 Adopt Final Assess/ Schedule 2004 Sidewalk Assess. Proj. Bid #1 & Bid #2. (11/15)...380 428-04 Authorize Issuance Of Liquor Licenses. (11/15)..................................................................381 429-04 Of Intent to Vacate & Dispose of Utility Easement over Lot 1 of 1 of Southgate Center Second Addn. in Dubuque. (11/15)...............................................................................................381 th 430-04 Of Intent to vacate & dispose of City interest in part of 12 St. (11/15).....................381,382 431-04 Approve Plat of Proposed vacated portion of Lombard & Collins Sts. (11/15)...............384 432-04 Disposing of City interest in Lot A of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 156. (11/15)..............385 433-04 Reject Bid Fiber Optic Conduit System Proj. – Ph I & Reordering Bids. (11/15).............385 434-04 Approve Final Plat of Key City Properties Plat No. 2 in County. (11/15)....................386,387 435-04 Of Support for Development: Affordable Housing Project on Washington St. (11/15).387 436-04 Accept Improvement - Roosevelt Rd Phase II Water Main Ext. (12/6)..............................390 437-04 Final Estimate – Roosevelt Rd Phase II Water Main Ext. (12/6).........................................390 438-04 Accept Improvement – Carter Rd. Detention Basin Pro. (12/6)..........................................390 439-04 Final Estimate – Carter Rd. Detention Basin Pro. (12/6)..............................................390,391 440-04 Accept Improvement – Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (12/6).................................391 441-04 Final Estimate – Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (12/6)............................................391 442-04 Approve Prel. Schedule Final Assessments – Madison St. Sewer Ext. Pro. (12/6)........391 443-04 Accept Improvement for Loras Blvd. Historic Lighting Pro. (12/6)...................................391 444-04 Final Estimate for the Loras Blvd. Historic St. Lighting Pro. (12/6)...................................392 445-04 Accept Improve. for the 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Proj. #1. (12/6)...............392 446-04 Final Estimate for 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Proj. #1. (12/6)..........................392 447-04 Approve Historic Resource Development Prog Grant Agree. relocation White Water Creek Bridge. (12/6).........................................................................................................................393 448-04 Authorize Grant Agree for HRDP Funds for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (12/6).....393 449-04 Approve a Save America’s Treasures Grant Agreement: Shot Tower. (12/6)................393 450-04 Approve Consultant Scope of Services and re: Earth Tech, Inc. to complete Preliminary Engineering Design Services: Improvement Iowa Highway 32 – SW Arterial. (12/6)....394,395 93 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 451-04 Authorize City Manager to Request Additional Funding DMATS & to request that the County help in the local match to fund the Preliminary Engineering Design Services for Improvement of Iowa Highway 32 (SW Arterial). (12/16)............................................................395 th 452-04 Requiring Removal of Traffic Signal at 16 & Sycamore Sts. (12/6).................................395 453-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (12/6).............................................................................................396 454-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/6).......................................................................................396 455-04 Fix Date Meeting on issuance of $200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Note of Dubuque, Iowa, & Providing for publication of notice thereof. (12/6)...............................396,397 456-04 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro. (12/6)......397 457-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro. (12/6).397,398 458-04 Ordering bids for the 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project. (12/6).....................................398 459-04 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. for Hwy 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (12/6)398 460-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (12/6)....398 461-04 Resolution of Necessity for the U.S. Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (12/6)399 462-04 Fix Hearing Date Resolution of Necessity, US Hwy 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (12/6)399 463-04 Approve Prel. Schedule of Assessments, Hwy 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (12/6)..399 464-04 Order bids for US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (12/6).........................400 465-04 Prel. Approval of Plans and specs. for the Harvest View Park Construction Pro. (12/6)400 466-04 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Harvest View Park Devel. Pro. (12/6).400 467-04 Order bids for the Harvest View Park Devel. Pro. (12/6).....................................................400 th 468-04 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated 12 Street between Central & White St. and the thth Adjacent Alley from 11 St. to 13 St. (12/6)...............................................................................402 th 469-04 Dispose of City Interest in vacated 12 St. between Central Ave. & White St. and Adjacent thth Alley from 11 St. to 13 St. in the City. (12/6)............................................................................403 470-04 Dispose of City Interest & Vacate a 20’ Wide Utility Easement over Lot 1 of 1 of Southgate Center Second Addn. in Dubuque. (12/6)....................................................................................403 471-04 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1- 40, Lot A of North Grandview Estates. (12/6)............404-406 472-04 Of Support for Affordable Single Family Townhomes in Eagle Valley Subd. (12/6).......406 nd 473-04 Approve Acquisition of Real Estate Located at 695 W. 32 St. (12/20).....................409,410 474-04 Approve Plat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2 of Flynn Addn. in Dubuque County. (12/20)........410 475-04 Authorize a Save Our History Grant App. Shot Tower History Proj. (12/20).............410,411 476-04 Authorize collection Delinquent Sewer Accounts Section 44-83 & 44-86. (12/20)...411,412 477-04 Authorize collection of Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts. (12/20)....412 478-04 Authorize collection Delinquent Storm Water Accounts. (12/20)...............................412,413 479-04 Rescind Res. 386-04, approve Plat Lots 1-4, Lots A-B, Blk 5 Eagle Valley Sub. (12/20)413 480-04 Issuance of Beer Permits. (12/20)....................................................................................414,415 481-04 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/20).....................................................................................415 482-04 Prel. approval Plans & Specs. Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (12/20)..........415 483-04 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (12/20)415 484-04 Ordering bids for the Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (12/20).........................415 485-04 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for the Authorization of a Loan Agreement and the issuance of $200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes (12/20)........429 486-04 Approve & Authorize a Loan Agreement & Authorizing and Providing for Issuance of a $200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Note, levying a tax to pay the Note. (12/20)430-432 487-04 Adopt Plans & Specs for the Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (12/20)...................................433 488-04 Award Contract for the Park Maintenance Roof Proj. to Stumpf Construction. (12/20).433 489-04 Approving Final P(lat of Cedar Ridge Farm Place No. 7 in City. (12/20).............433,434,435 490-04 Authorize Filing CEBA App. Prudential Retirement Insurance & Annuity Co. (12/20)...435 491-04 Approving Entire Alignment of Bee Branch Creek Restoration Pro. (12/20)...................436 94 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 492-04 Approve Design Elements & Concepts: Prel. Design Bee Branch Creek Proj. (12/20).436 493-04 Approving Revisions to City of Dubuque Sidewalk Inspection Policy. (12/20)...............438 494-04 Institute Add’l Action, Authorize Loan, Issue $200,000 G. O. Loan Notes. (12/20)..439,440 495-04 Approve & Authorize Form of Loan Agreement & Authorizing & Providing for Issuance of a $200,000 G.O. Capital Loan Note, & Levying a Tax to Pay the Note. (12/20)................440,441 95 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S S. Grandview request to vacate alley, bet. Altman & Whelan St., disposal. (3/1)(3/15)....71,98,99 S. Locust, 300-400, rezoning from LI to C3. (9/20)...........................................................................328 S. Locust, 400, final plat of Hive Subd. (11/15)..................................................................................376 Sabers, John, Claim; referred to insurance. (1/19).............................................................................15 Sac Street, near 777 Seward St., vacate property for Pen hollow’s. (3/1)(3/1)....................71,72,100 Saele, Arvid, 12695 Cousins Rd., rezoning Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church. (4/19).152 Safe Ride Program, Darren D. White clarify program. (6/7).............................................................223 Safety Consulting Services – TRICOR, service Agreement, for O & M Dept. (7/6)......................247 Safety Grant – Governor’s Traffic, grant application. (3/1)................................................................70 Safety National – continuation of Workers’ Compensation Excess Insurance etc. (8/2)...........276 Sahajanand Enterprises, Paro Food Mart, 3200 Central, Beer Per. (4/19)....................................145 Salaries: City Employees FY 05 Wage Plan & Comp. Pkg Non-Bargaining Employees. (6/7)..211 Sale of Gay Park Property requested by Jeff & Julie Chase. (5/17)...............................................187 Salem St., alley nearby, R. Davis & Muellers; plat & vacate. (4/19)(6/7)(6/21).................140,217,237 Salsa’s Mexican Rest., Salsa’s Inc. 1091 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/5)....................................................125 Samuel Street Concrete & Overlay Repair Project. (4/19)(5/17)...............................................148,201 Sanders, Ray, Sugar Rays BBQ Rest., 951 Main, Liquor Lic.; Refund Liq. Lic. (4/5)(6/7)....125,215 Sands, Gene, 1516 Central, oppose closing Twelfth St. (12/6).......................................................401 Sandstrom, Steward, Pres. Chamber of Commerce, presentation of Convention & Visitors Bureau; in favor of Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. (2/2)(4/19).............................31,151 Sandstrom, Steward, Chamber of Com., Dbq Area Workforce Recruitment Campaign.(12/6)..394 Sanitary Sewer Agreement with Thomas & Rebecca LeClere. (1/19)..............................................15 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Madison St. Project, rebidding; award to Top Grade Exc.1/5)(1/19).........5,20 Sanitary Sewer Extension – Westbrook Subd. Phase I. (1/5)(2/2).............................................7,8,50 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Hwy 20 – Initiate. (12/6).............................................398,399,400 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project. (12/6)..........................................................................................397,398 Sanitation Driver position, certified by Civil Service Commission. (12/20).................................414\ Save America’s Treasures Grant App. Shot Tower. (5/17)(11/1)(12/6)(12/20)..182,370,371,393,410 Save & Healthy Homes Community, Lead Hazard Control, City one of 25 sites, HUD. 12/6).....390 Sawvell, Theresa, Claim; referred to Ins. (11/15)(12/6)..............................................................374,389 Scenic Byways Grant Application, Design & Construction of Exhibits for Museum. (1/5).........2,3 Scenic Byways Project, Subgrantee Agree. Grant: Great River Road interpretive signs. (7/19)257 Schardt, Ron, Arts & Culture funding comments. (9/20).................................................................319 Scharff Weisberg Systems Integration accept National Scenic Byways Construct Museum Exhibits. (1/5)....................................................................................................................................2,3 Scharle Subd. Lot 2, amend Garfield Place Urban Revit. Area. (1/5).............................................8,9 Schaub, Robert, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed. (2/16)(3/1)...............61,74 Schaul Carwash Corp. Zoning: Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Develop. (9/20)(10/4)323,345,346 Schaver, Amanda, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/6)...................................................................................24 Schedule, Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Hearing Schedule. (12/6)........................................................407 Scheideberg, Paul, 2542 Stafford, opposition to proposed Zoning text amendment to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)...................................................384 Scheideberg, Paul, sidewalk inspection & replacement issue at 2542 Stafford. (11/15).....385,386 Schlichting, Reverend Merlin, St. Peter Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (5/17)....................180 Schlosser, 1589 Cornell, in favor of Residential Parking Permit Dis. (5/17).................................188 Schloth Road, East of, in County, plat of Survey of Flynn Addition, Lots 1 & 2. (12/20)...........410 Scmidt, John, Arts & Culture funding comments. (9/20).................................................................319 Schmitt Island, Dubuque Water Ski Club Lease. (4/19)...................................................................145 Schmitt, Eric, Claim; settlement. (2/2)..................................................................................................32 95 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Schneider (Hoffmann) Funeral Home, Jim Schneider, Lease Agreement for part of Jackson Park; objections by Attorneys Hammer & Simon. (4/19)(5/3)(6/7)........................................146,173,211 Schneider, Dave & Key City Properties, Plat No. 2 – N. Cascade Rd. (10/18)..............................350 Schneider, Jeanne, City Clerk evaluation by City Council. (11/1)..................................................361 Schneiders, Jim, Sharon, David, divide Lot 1 in Kitchen family properties. (7/19)......................254 School Board -& City, Nat’l League Conference about cooperation. (12/6).................................407 School board members, City Council, County Supervisors and Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10)..............................................372 School Board Rep. Doug Horstmann, : new Prescott School, closing Twelfth St. (12/6)..........402 School District vacation of Twelfth St. for new Prescott School etc. (11/15) (12/6),....381,401,402 School District appreciation for playground equipment at Bryant and Table Mound. (9/20).....340 School District appreciation for Tyler Rd cul-de-sac. (10/18).........................................................352 School District Partnership neighborhood resource Ctr, downtown elementary school. (8/2).289 School of Music, NE Iowa, letter of support for funding for Office Mgr. (3/1).................................70 School property buffer re: adult entertainment establishments. (10/18)......................................356 School Reading Program, Audubon Elementary, Cp2 Program. (5/17)........................................183 School, new Prescott, closing – vacation of Twelfth St. (12/6).......................................................401 School, new, Middle Rd, intersection improvements; sidewalks. (6/7)(8/2)(8/16).........212,288,300 th School, Proposed Downtown Elementary, Traffic Study – Central, White & 12 Streets. (6/7).212 Schools, Downtown Conservation District – Prescott School building etc. (9/7).......................313 Schroeder, Carleen, in support of Loras Blvd. Historic Lighting Project. (4/5)............................133 Schroeder, Dave, 1493 Cornell, in favor of Residential Parking Permit Dis.(5/17)......................188 nd Schueller, Roger, 16150 Humke Rd., prel. Plat for Paradise Hills 2 Addn., request for waiving thickness of concrete standards. (6/21).......................................................................................239 Schueller, Steve, for 1700 Radford Rd. rezoning from AG to C3, with conditions. (1/19)............22 th Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, 574 E. 16 St., Liquor Lic. (7/19)........................................................260 Schwartz, Stan, of the Red Cross, thanking community for financial help. (6/21)........................23 Schwendinger, Dorothy, OSF, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/16)(9/7).....299,310 Scoring processed supported – Certified Local Government Grant applications. (7/19)..........254 Second Chance Monarch Summet Bulletproof Vests, replacement for Police. (2/2)....................46 Secretary of Dept. of Transportation, N. Mineta, Letter: air service links increase. (10/4)........343 Section 8 Housing Program Assessment, High Performance Rating from HUD.(12/6)..............394 Section 8 rental assistance, IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals, approval of Interagency 28# Agreement. (3/15)..............................................................................................................................87 Security & Emergency Management Division of Iowa – appeal of Decision re: non-payment of floodwall pumping costs. (11/1)....................................................................................................363 Security Plan for Rivers’ Edge Plaza, Federal Government’s Maritime Security Act; does not meet requirements. (1/5)(5/3)......................................................................................................5,168 Security praised for President Bush’s visit. (5/17)...........................................................................206 Seeb, Patrick, request for funds for Grand Excursion 2004 event. (6/7).........................................22 Seel, Chuck, Iowa Utilities Bd., rate increase for Interstate Power & Light – Alliant. (5/3).........165 Seippel Rd., east of, +& South of Middle Road, rezoning Dbq Industrial Center West. (12/20).419 Seippel Road Water Main Extension Project acceptance. (7/19)............................................257,258 nd Selchert, Steven & Judy, vacation part of W. 32 St. at J.F. Kennedy Rd. (1/5)............................11 Self-Insurance – Safety National, Workers’ Compensation Excess Ins. (8/2)..............................276 Self-Sufficiency, Family, & Homeowner Prog. Coordinators App HUD for renewal. (6/7).........214 Senate Impact Survey, Letter to Legislators re: State Aid cuts. (2/16)............................................59 Senate Study Bill 3169, legislators, date 2 years, qualifying State Historic Tax Credits. (4/19)143 September 2004, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (11/1)..................................................362 96 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S September 30, 2004 Proof of claims and revenues. (11/15)............................................................374 September 30, 2004 Quarterly Investment Report – Investment Oversight Comm. (11/1).........363 September 30, 2004, Financial Reports. (10/18)................................................................................350 Service Agreement with QHQ, City provide detention basin services $62,250. (6/7)..................211 Service Agreement: TRICOR Safety Consulting to provide hazardous comm.. training & emergency action plan for Operations & Maintenance. (7/6)....................................................247 Settlement Stipulation for David Stuart – Tax Assessment. (9/20)................................................319 Settlement Stipulation for Michael and Sandra Keegan – tax assessment. (10/l4).....................342 Seven-Seals Award to City, Employer Support of Military Guard & Reserves Group. (4/19).....140 Sewage – Wastewater, IA DNR report of Dbq Regional Airport Wastewater Facilities. (6/7).....212 Sewage treatment onsite, City Code order connection to City Sewer if health threat. (6/21)...240 Seward St. vacate property by 777 Seward, Gerald & Chris Penhollow. (3/1)(3/15)..71,72,100,101 Sewer – Madison St. Sanitary Ext. Proj., rebidding of project; award contract to Top Grade Excavating; project finalization. (1/5)(1/19)(12/6)................................................................5,20,391 Sewer - Southfork Interceptor Sewer Phase IV Connection Charges set. (1/5).............................10 Sewer – Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Extension Project. (1/5)(2/2)..............................................7,8,50 Sewer Lateral Break near Tri-State Pregnancy, requesting financial help to fix. (3/15)................87 Sewer problem at 335 Klingenberg Terrace. (5/17)..........................................................................180 Sewer, Public, availability - Sewage treatment onsite, City Code to order immediate connection to City Sewer if health threat. (6/21)..............................................................................................240 Sewer Rates for residential and commercial users increased. (3/3)...............................................82 Sewer, Storm & Sanitary, Napier St., acceptance. (4/19)..........................................................142,143 Sewer, delinquent accounts to County Treasurer. (12/20)..............................................................411 Sewer, sanitary, agreement with Thomas & Rebecca LeClere. (1/19).............................................15 Sewer, sanitary, repairs at 1195 Thomas Pl., Anna Kim, extension of time. (3/15)........................91 Sewer, sanitary, Sewage treatment onsite, City Code order immediate connection to City Sewer if health threat. (6/21)......................................................................................................................240 Sewer, sanitary, Marshall Park, Extension Proj., start; award: Fondell Exc. (8/16)(9/20)...298,334 Sexual orientation, petition: non-discrimination; Sisters of St. Francis requesting same. (5/17)(6/7)...................................................................................................................................180,213 Sexual orientation as a protected class in Human Rights Ordinance, Fred Ertl III letter. (12/6)389 nd Shannon’s Bar & Grill, 521 E. 22 St., Liquor Lic. (8/2)..................................................................280 Shelters, Benches & Signs for Trolley Stops, Historical Pres. Comm. approval. (6/7)...............213 Shelters, Pavilions at Eagle Point Park, Architects nominating as notable buildings. (9/20)....322 Shepherd Co. – CEBA Contract loan agreement for downtown relocation. (1/19)........................17 Shot Tower Rehab, Save America’s Treasures Grant App. (5/17)(11/1)(12/6)(12/20)......................................................................................182,370,371,393,410 Shreeji Services, Inc., Clark, 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per. ; Beer Per. (6/7)(8/16)...............215,29 Sid’s Beverage, Beverly Miller, 2735 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/7)...................................................216 Sidewalk Assessment Project, 2003. (2/2)...........................................................................................43 Sidewalk Assessment Project, 2004. (11/15).....................................................................................380 Sidewalk Design Standards for Downtown, special Council Meeting. (11/15).............................373 Sidewalk Inspection & Abatement Policy, revisions to policy. (12/20)..........................................438 Sidewalk inspection & replacement issue, 2542 Stafford. Paul Scheideberg. (11/15).........385,386 Sidewalk Installation Ordinance, require to install on all public streets for which building permit or site plan approved. (12/20)................................................................................................437,438 Sidewalk N of Stone Ridge Place & W of Windsor, ask to remove by Stonehill Assn. (8/16)(11/1)(12/6)........................................................................................................295,368,369,404 Sidewalk Patterns, standards for Downtown – Main Street Pattern, Side Street Pattern, 97 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Washington Park & Library Sidewalk Pattern, & ramps etc. (11/15)........................................373 Sidewalk Paving Patterns, proposed standards, Historic Pres. Etc. (6/21).................................241 Sidewalk Request – 2496 LaVista Ct., Joe & Gail Mond, extension of time to finish. (11/15)....386 Sidewalks – 2004 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project No. 2. (9/7).........................................309 Sidewalks along Arboretum Drive, Kivlahan’s ask to remove requirement. (9/7)(11/15)....306,386 Sidewalks for new Middle School on Radford Road. (8/16)(11/15).........................................300,386 Sidewalks recommended N of Pennsylvania to Asbury City limits & Middle School property northerly on west side of Radford Rd to Asbury City Limits. (11/15)......................................386 Sidewalks request for Radford Rd & Pennsylvania Ave by J. Giesler. (9/7).................................304 Sidewalks requested N side Asbury Rd. JFK to NW Arterial; approved. (9/20)(12/20)........322,438 Sids Beverage Store, 2727 Dodge, Wine Per.; Beer Per. (8/2)........................................................280 Sign and Landscaping Project at Port of Dubuque, finalization. (7/19)........................................256 Sign at Dbq Technology Park, purchase property from IDOT. (5/3)..............................................168 Signage at Fifth & Bell in Port of Dubuque, traffic control. (6/21)(7/6)(7/19)...........242,251,252,264 Signage Project, Pedestrian – Major project. (9/14).........................................................................318 th Signal, Traffic, at 16 & Sycamore Streets, removed. (12/6)...........................................................395 Signalization – traffic at new School, Middle Road, intersection improvements. (6/7)(8/2)212,288 Signs – Grant application for HRDP Funds for Heritage Trail Signs. (1/5).......................................4 Signs etc. for Trolley Stops, Historic Pres. Comm. approval. (6/7)................................................213 Signs, Interpretive, for Great River Road, Dbq County Historical Society. (7/19)........................257 Signs, Interpretive, for Heritage Trail – Grant Agreement. (12/6)...................................................393 Simon, Angela C. & David L. Hammer, Attorneys, object to lease, part of Jackson Park. (6/7)211 Simon, John, 1820 Rosemont, in favor of Residential Parking Per. Dis. – Rosemont St. (3/1)...74 Siren, Outdoor warning, East of Julien Care Facility, Alliant Energy Agreement. (11/15)..........379 Sisters of St. Francis petition for Non-Discrimination for Sexual orientation. (6/7)....................212 Site Clearance Project & Building Demolition – Port of Dubuque. (8/2)........................................278 Site plan improvements must be made for Certificate of Occupancy. (4/5).................................137 Six pieces of land severed, Dubuque to Asbury, IA Devel. Bd. – Dbq annexation request of 704 acres; plan of action etc. (6/7)(6/21).......................................................................................213,232 Sixteenth and Sycamore St. Parking Lot, Sully Transport Lease Agreement. (4/19).................145 Sixteenth & Sycamore Sts., removal of traffic signal. (12/6)...........................................................395 Sixteenth St. West, Residential Parking Permit Dis. (2/2) (2/16)(3/1)(5/3)(5/17)...........................................................................32,55,70,169,170,188,189 Sixteenth St. Railroad Ave., alignment of Bee Branch stormwater flow etc. (5/17)(12/13).179,408 th Sixteenth St. Auto/Truck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil, 1215 E. 16, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (4/19)(6/7)..145,215 Sixteenth St., E., former Smithfield property, Police Training Site, Agree. (11/15).....................379 Skate Rink Project, In-Line, completion. (6/21)..........................................................................229,230 Skating, Ice, public, petition requesting weekends by Loras Kluesner. (12/20)..........................433 Skyline Construction contract 2004 Curb Ramp Installation, CDBG Project #2. (9/20)..............333 Skywalk Project, Iowa Street Ramp Improvement Project, finalization. (5/17).............................181 Slot machines storage and unloading, Lease Extension with Peninsula Gaming. (11/1)..........363 SMG Co., proposal for privatization of Five Flags Civic Center; approval of agreement with them; amendment to agreement. (4/19)(6/21)(10/4)................................................................139,240,341 SMG Food & Beverage LLC SMG, Five Flags Center, 405 Main St., Liquor Lic. (6/21)..............234 SMG at Five Flags, Authorization to sign checks for various bank accounts. (7/19).................259 Smith, Peter, 755 Sunset Ridge & VP of UD, request extension of University Park Dr. (7/19)...260 Smith, Robert J., RJS Development, Inc., rezoning of 3230 Dodge from CS to C3. (7/19)..........262 Smith, Steve, acceptance of Ord. – rezoning of 419,439, 485 N. Grandview – Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church. (4/19)....................................................................................................153 98 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Smithfield Foods plant, Police Dept. Training Site, Hold Harmless Agreement.(11/15).............379 Smithfield property re: discussion of Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project.(12/13)...............408 Smothers, Brenda, claim, referred to Ins. (5/3)..................................................................................164 Software, Parking Enforcement, Project finalized. (5/17)................................................................181 Solid Waste & Recyclables, fees increased, FY 2005 Budget. (3/3)................................................83 Solid Waste Agency Administrator Charles F. Goddard certified by Civil Service Com. (3/15)..88 Solid Waste Agency re: pickup problem at apt. for Scott Runde. (12/6).......................................407 Solid Waste Agency, Dbq Metropolitan, Agency’s tipping fees & FY 2005 budget. (1/19)...........15 Sorenson, Rev. John, Pastor of Lord of Life, Gave Invocation. (4/19)..........................................140 South Locust, 400, final plat of Hy-Vee Subd. (11/15)......................................................................376 South West Arterial, SW Arterial Prel. design, IDOT Agree.; consultant Earth Tech & Durrant for engineering design for Phase I. (7/6)(9/7)(9/20)(11/1)(12/6)...........246,305,335,336,364,394,395 Southfork Interceptor Sewer Phase IV Connection Charges set. (1/5)............................................10 Southgate Center Second Add., D. Mueller, vacate Utility ease.. (11/1)(11/15)(12/6)...363 ,381,403 Southgate Development Ltd., claim - suit against them & City by various individuals. (3/1)......69 Southgate Investments, Dan Mueller, rezoning Hwy 52, 61/151, Apex Concrete. (1/19)...............26 Southwest Arterial - SW Arterial Memo of Agreement, Cultural Resources Memo. (11/1)........364 Southwest Arterial, top priority item – Policy Agenda. (9/14).........................................................318 Southwood, Brian, Dbq Greyhound Park, in support of expansion of Greyhound Park. (4/5).135 Spas & Swimming Pools, inspections, interagency agreements – City, County Health. (7/6)...246 Special Sessions of City Council. (1/5)(1/26)(2/2)(2/9)(2/23)(2/24)(2/26)(3/3)(4/19)(5/3)(5/17)(6/1)(6/29)(9/13)(9/14)(11/1)(11/10)(11/5) (12/13)................................1,29,31,53,65,66,67,80,139,163,179,207,243,317,318,361,372,373,408 Speck, Ruth, suit against City & Dbq Southgate Devel. (3/1)...........................................................69 Spence, Gil, Leisure Services Mgr., Five Flags Comm., privatize Five Flags Civic Ctr.(2/23)......65 Spiegel, A.J., condo develop., 2800 Rhomberg, rockslide info & request for direction by S.A. Sutton. (3/1)........................................................................................................................................78 Spiegelhalter, Melvin, The Clubhouse, 2364 Washington St., Liquor Lic.; Outdoor sale. (3/1)(7/6)........................................................................................................................................70,249 St. Columbkille’s Catholic Church, property damage claim; settlement. (3/15).............................87 St. Joseph Street - Altman St., vacate & dispose alley to various neighbors. (3/1)(3/15)..71,98,99 St. Mark’s Community Center – Kid Connection, Cp2 funds. (5/17)..............................................183 St. Mark’s Community Center – Apples for Students Proclamation. (7/6)....................................245 St. Patrick’s Day event request by John Finn, The Busted Lift. (3/1)..............................................78 St. Paul Fire & Marine Co., Conlon Construction Co., Release & Indemnity Agreement, Main St. buildings litigation. (2/16).................................................................................................................56 St. Stephen’s Food Bank, Purchase of Service Agree. – Deer Mgmt Food Program. (4/5)........122 Stadium, Baseball, Abstract of votes. (1/5)...........................................................................................6 Staff thanked by City of Davenport for meeting with Dubuque.(11/1)...........................................371 Staffing agreement – Dbq Initiatives, one year, accounting & administrative services. (8/16)..295 Stafford, 2542, Sidewalk Inspection and replacement issue – Paul Scheideberg. (11/15)..385,386 Standards – sidewalk paving, patterns etc. Historic. Pres. Interest etc. (6/21)............................241 Standards for Streets, thickness, composition etc. Engrg. Will report. (7/19)............................257 Star Brewery on Management Agenda. (9/14)...................................................................................318 Star Brewery, demolish one story concrete addition. (1/19).............................................................15 Star Brewery, One Year Lease Agreement, Alexander Co. development of Brewery. (3/15)....103 Star Brewery, roof replacement, amend lease etc. (8/16)................................................................295 Star Redevelopment, Historical, amend Lease, roof replacement Star Brewery Bldg. (8/16)..295 Stark, James E. & Linda, compensation, property, University Ave. Extension Project. (5/3)...166 99 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Starlight Drive & Cedar Cross Road, Eastbound, delete stop sign. (7/19)...................................266 Starlight Drive & Crescent Ridge, Westbound, delete stop sign. (7/19)..........................................26 State Aid Cuts to local governments, Senate Impact Survey, letter to Legislators. (2/16)...........59 State Budget cuts, letter to Governor Vilsack. (1/5).............................................................................5 State Central Bank, authorized as depository for City funds. (1/19)................................................17 State Historic Preservation Office Memorandum of Agreement re: White Water Creek Bridge relocation, HRDP grant application; Memorandum of Agreement between Fed. Highway Adm., State Historic Pres. Office, Dbq County & City; County Bd of Supervisors approve relocation; Grant Agreement.. (1/19)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6).......................................16,351,374,392 State historic tax credits, letter to legislators. (4/19)........................................................................143 State Historical Society, IA CLG Grant Application Ph. V of architectural/historical survey. (1/5)2 State of Iowa Homeland Security Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan changes. (3/1).............................70 State of Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Div. appeal of non-payment of floodwall pumping costs. (11/1)....................................................................................................363 State Strategy, on Management Agenda. (9/14)................................................................................318 State’s draft National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit (NPDES), response; approval IA DNR. (9/7(11/1).....................................................................................................306,369 Statement of Reserve Award, Employer Support of Military Guard & Reserves Group. (4/19).140 Statewide Transportation Enhance. Funds (ISTEA) Grant – Water Works Park, Phase I. (10/4)342 Status Report, Annexation, City Development Board. (10/4)..........................................................342 Stealth Race Car property in Port of Dubuque, possible acquisition site – amendment to Urban Renewal District Plan.; release of funds for property.(8/2)(8/16)(9/20).............283,295,320,321 Steckel, Cheryl L., City Finance Dept., authorized to obtain bank info & transfer funds. (1/19)..16 Stedman, Don, applicant for Transit Board of Trustees; reappointed.(7/19)(8/2).................260,283 Steffen, Charles, Tony’s Place, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/16).......................................................60 Steffen, Jane, 14480 Middle Rd., object to expansion of Dbq Ind. Center West. (12/20)............419 Steffen, Joe & Shaunda, Claim; referred to Ins..(6/7) (6/21)............................................................228 Steinlicht, Jason, claim; referred to Insurance. (3/1)........................................................................69 Stellar Eagle Drive, parking prohibited, Eagle Valley Subd. (12/20)..............................................438 Stephenson, George, G.M.S. Inc. Management Agree. Bunker Hill Golf Course. (2/16)..............56 Steve, Burt, and sons, Garage – rezoning of 3366 Crescent Ridge. (9/20)...................................324 Steve, Marie, oppose towing contract of City to Wenzel Towing. (1/19)........................................26 Stevenson, Rita R., Claim; settlement. (6/21)(7/19)............................................................228,253,253 Stewart Construction Co., W.C., awarded contract for Fremont Ave. Reconstruction; awarded contract for Villa St. Retaining Wall Construction. (3/15)(9/7).....................................103,105,311 Stewart Construction, claim of Theresa Holland referred to them. (9/20).....................................319 Stewart Construction, W.C., claim of Michael Rettenmaier referred to them. (8/16)...................293 Sticker (Solid Waste) fee increased – FY 2005 Budget. (3/3)...........................................................83 Stierman, Timothy, Claim. (3/1)..............................................................................................................69 Stiles, Jeff, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6).........................235,249 nd Stiles, Jeff, Chair Zoning C. proposed rezoning 55 W. 32 North End Wrecking Co. (9/20)....324 Stiles, Jeff, Chair of ZAC, opposition to proposed Zoning text amendment to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15).............................................................384 Stockel, Luvern H., claim; referred to insurance. (1/19)....................................................................15 Stoltz, Charles E., Personal Guaranty for deferred payments Dubuque Museum of Art. (5/3).167 Stone Brook Center Second Add, by Hwy 20 N access drive for Barrington Lakes Subd., final plat. (2/2)........................................................................................................................................50,51 Stone Ridge Place, north of, request to remove sidewalk. (8/16)..................................................295 Stone Valley Drive, final plat of Stone Brook Center Second Addn. (2/2)..................................50,51 100 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Stonehill Community Assn. – request to remove sidewalk W side of Windsor Ave. N of Stone Ridge Place. (8/16)(11/1)(12/6).................................................................................295,368,369,404 Stonewall Lounge, Cooper Management LLC, 299 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/19).................................146 Stop lights on the NW Arterial, Ray Taylor objecting to more. (1/5)................................................12 Stop Loss Insurance, Specific & Aggregate, renewal rates Allianz City’s health plans. (6/21).228 Stop signs – three way intersection of Admiral Sheehy Dr. & Dbq Greyhound Park. (6/21)......241 th Stop Signs deleted at E. 5 & Bell St. (8/2)........................................................................................291 Stop signs deletion at various intersections. (7/19).........................................................................266 Stop Signs on E. Fifth Street; E. Fifth & Bell St.. (7/6)(8/2)................................................251,252,291 Storage Containers, Outdoor, prohibited by Ord. (12/20)................................................................435 Storage Facility near dog kennels, request to build, DRA. (12/6)..................................................392 Storage Tanks, two, request to build, ConAgra Foods. (8/2)..........................................................280 Storm & Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Napier Street. (4/19)..................................................142 th Storm Sewer Extension Project, 26 Street; acceptance. (4/19)(5/17)(11/15)........148,149,200,378 Storm Sewer Extension Project, Port of Dubuque. (8/2)(9/7)............................................281,282,311 Storm Sewer Improvements, Port of Dubuque, Phase IV Project, accept. (11/15)......................378 Storms & flooding – City rep for FEMA is City Manager. (9/7)..........................................................30 Stormwater consultants, presentation on Study, Bee Branch Restoration Alignment. (5/17)..179 ndnd Stormwater Detention Basin, W. 32, purchase of property at 815 W. 32 St.(8/16).................293 ndnd Stormwater Detention Basin, W. 32, purchase of property at 827 W. 32 St. (5/17)................184 Stormwater drainage, prohibit illicit connections & geothermal discharges. (4/19)............156-160 Stormwater management – Bee Branch Creek Restoration – Policy Agenda. (9/14)..................318 Stormwater Management Account, delinquent, to County Treasurer. (12/20).............................412 Stormwater management rebate prog. ESAC for Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm. (11/15).....374 Stormwater mitigation activities – acquire property at 775 Gillespie St. (8/2)..............................279 Stormwater Permit, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, IA DNR. (11/1)..............369 Stormwater Permit, NPDES, IA DNR. (11/1).......................................................................................369 Stormwater runoff – design criteria for new construction sites, ESAC direction to Staff. (2/16)63 Stormwater Utility Credit Policy and Procedures – by City staff & CDM. (3/1)...............................78 Stray Dogs, Cats & Other animals, new Ord. updated for disposition.(6/7).................................226 th Street closing – 12 St. & nearby alley for new Prescott School. (12/6).......................................402 Street Construction Program, Five Year – 2005-2009. (3/3)..............................................................81 Street Department new Garage – Operations and Service Center. (4/5)................................125,126 Street Finance Report to IDOT. (9/20).................................................................................................321 nd Street Standard waiver, concrete thickness, R. Schueller, Paradise Hills 2 Ad. (6/21)...........239 Street standards for public streets, thickness, composition etc. Engrg. Will report. (7/19)......257 Streetcars – transit link between Port of Dubuque & Downtown. (4/5).........................................135 Streff, Chad, Whiskey River, 1064 University Ave., Liq. Lic., Cigarette Per. (4/5)(6/7).........125,216 Streinz, Jeffrey A., Dbq Discount Gas #2, 2175 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/7)................................215 Structural Analysis for Parking Ramps; contract with Desmond Associates. (4/5)(6/7)...123,214 Stuart, David, applicant Jackson Park Dis., Historic Pres. Comm.; appointed. (6/21)(7/6).235,249 Stuart, David, spoke for John White, 409 Burch St. upkeep & eminent domain by City. (12/6)404 Stuart, David, Tax Assessment Appeals Settlement. (9/20)............................................................319 Student school supplies – Apples for Students Proclamation – St. Mark’s. (7/6).......................245 Study – Community Development Financial Institution Study – CDFI. (5/17)...............................182 Stumpf Construction, awarded Base Bid #1 for Police Dept. Remodeling. (6/7).........................221 Subdivision Ordinance Update, process approved. (9/7)(11/15)............................................316,387 Subdivision ordinances, text amendment, prohibit building permit during rezoning. (9/7)......315 Subgrantee Agree., Dbq County Historical Soc., Great River Rd Interpretive Signs. (7/19)......257 101 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S Sublease Dbq Cty Historical Soc. & Nat’l Audubon Soc. allow docking Audubon Ark. (6/21)..232 Substance Abuse Services Center Quarterly reports; request Purch. of Services funding. (2/2)(2/26)(5/3)(8/2).........................................................................................................32,67,164,275 Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/5)...............................123 Sugar Ray’s BBQ Rest., Ray Sanders, 951 Main St., Liq Lic.; Refund Liq Lic. (4/5)(6/7).....125,215 Sula, Carol & C. Winterwood, request investigation for boulder slide at Eagle Pt Bluff. (3/15).102 Sullivan, Eileen, VP Student Development, new Alcohol Ord. curb binge drinking. (10/4).......346 th Sully Transport Lease Agreement for portion of 16 & Sycamore Parking Lot. (4/19)...............145 Summer – Uptown Recreation Program, Dubuque Museum of Art. (4/19)...................................141 Summer Day Camp Program, FY 2005, Four Mounds Foundation, Agree. (4/19)........................141 Summer School Reading Program, Audubon Elementary, Cp2 Program. (5/17)........................183 Sun’s Corp., Yen Ching Rest., 926 Main, Liquor Lic. (10/18)..........................................................354 Sharkey, Thomas, Jr., claim; referred to River City Paving. (11/1).................................................362 Sunnycrest Manor, Transit – Bus Contracts. (1/19)...........................................................................16 Sunnyslope property owners & QHQ Properties, mediation session comment. (1/19)................15 Sunset clause for slum & blight TIF – opposition voiced to legislators. (2/16)..............................59 Supervisors - Fringe Area Policy Agree. with County, Planning, annexation. (3/1)(3/15).....77,94 Supervisors, County, School board members, City Council, County Supervisors and Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting, special meeting @ legislative issues. (11/10).................372 Supervisors, Dubuque County, for relocation White Water Creek Bridge project. (11/15).......374 Supplemental Agree. No. 2, City & Howard R. Green Co. University Ave. Extension Proj. (5/3)165 Supplemental Agreement, SW Arterial, taken from Agenda. (5/3).................................................165 Supplements to City Code: No. 60; No. 61; No. 62. (3/1)(4/19)(10/18).................................7,143,353 Survey, Carnegie Stout Public Library Community. (12/20)............................................................443 Sutton, S.A., 1875 Custer St., 2800 Rhomberg – former Tollbridge, recent rockslide & City action; request for public hearing. (3/1)(8/2).......................................................................................78,300 SW Arterial, 1999 Environmental Assessment, First Amendment – SW Arterial Design. (3/15) 93 SW Arterial – Cong. Nussle, included in Transportation Bill. (4/5)................................................108 SW Arterial funding – letters to legislators. (4/19)............................................................................143 SW Arterial, Request for Proposals for preliminary highway design. (4/19)................................143 SW Arterial Supplement Agreement with IDOT; removed from Agenda. (5/3).............................165 SW Arterial, IDOT meeting in Decorah, report by Markham. (6/7)..................................................226 SW Arterial Preliminary design, IDOT Agreement; consultant of Earth Tech & Durrant for preliminary engineering design for Phase I. (7/6)(9/7)(9/20)(11/1)(12/6).....246,305,336,364,395 SW Arterial, top priority item – Policy Agenda. (9/14)......................................................................318 SW Arterial Memorandum of Agreement, Cultural Resources Memo. (11/1)...............................364 Swearing in of Mayor Pro Tem Daniel E. Nicholson. (1/5)...................................................................2 Swearing in of Council Members: At Large Ann E. Michalski, Second Ward Roy D. Buol and Four Ward Patricia A. Cline. (1/5)...............................................................................................................2 Swift, Edward, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd; reappointed. (2/16)(3/1)...................61,74 Swift, Thomas G., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed. (3/1)(3/15)............74,98 Swimming Pools & spas, inspections, interagency agreements – City County Health. (7/6)....246 Swiss Valley Farms, CEBA Program, IDED congratulating the City. (8/2)....................................279 Sycamore St. & Sixteenth St. Parking Lot, Sully Transport Lease Agreement. (4/19)................145 Sycamore St. & Sixteenth St., removal of traffic signal. (12/6).......................................................395 Sympathy Resolution from Harlan, IA re: death of Pvt. Michael Deutsch in Iraq. (5/17).............185 Symphony Orchestra appreciative of City’s Arts interest. (8/16)...................................................293 102 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE S 103 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/1)(4/5)(10/4)(11/1).....69,107,341,362 T.M. Inc., Mario’s Italian Rest., 1298 Main St., Liquor Lic. (11/15)...................................................381 Table Mound School new playground equipment, express appreciation. (9/20)........................340 Tags, Deer, second tag, Health Dept. budget; continuation of Deer Plan. (3/1)(3/15).............80,91 Tamarack Business Park final plat – Jon Luckstead. (10/18)...........................................................35 Tanks, storage, request construction, ConAgra Foods. (8/2)........................................................280 Tanzanite Drive, request purchase property previously sold to City by Harry Althaus. (12/6)..389 Tanzanite Drive. Through street designation. (7/19)........................................................................266 Target Grant Application for laptop computer for COP’s. (4/5)......................................................108 Task Force, Arts & Cultural, recommendations, request they apply for DRA grant.(8/2)...........288 Task Force, Eastern Iowa Lab, 28E Agreement – Police. (6/7).......................................................212 Taste of Dubuque site, transfer of County Historical Society liquor lic. (7/6)..............................248 Tattooing, cosmetic, requested by Tana Tigges; response etc. (7/6)(8/16)...........................251,300 Taverns – Bars, discussion on prohibiting underage persons from being present late. (8/2).284 Tax – Internet Tax-Non Discrimination Act, oppose, legislators. (5/3)(6/7)...........................165,211 Tax Assessment Appeal – Stipulation of Settlement – Michael & Sandra Keegan. (10/4).........342 Tax Ban Extension, Internet Access, legislators. (5/3)....................................................................165 Tax Credits to cities, Letter urging support of funding. (2/16)..........................................................59 Tax Increases, voter approval, legislative letters. (5/3)...................................................................164 Tax Increment Financing Dis. Ord. amend Ord. Nos. 30-82 & 66-89, Urban Renewal Plan for Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (5/17)..............................................................203-206 Tax Increment Financing Districts, limitations, Legislative Issues. (2/16)......................................64 Tax Increment Financing districts, oppose retroactive sunset clause. (2/16)...............................59 Tax Increment Financing Report, 2004 summary support economic develop. projects.12/20)411 Tax Increment Financing Report, 2004. (12/20)................................................................................411 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Lower Main Develop., Weber Paper Bldg. (5/3)(5/17)......170,189 Tax Increment Revenue Notes, $182,000, Downtown Urban Renewal District. (5/17)........190-200 Tax Limitation (Property) Bills, Legislative Correspondence. (4/5)...............................................108 Taxes reduced for properties newly annexed. (1/5)..........................................................................10 Taylor, Ray, 10880 Rio Vista Dr. object to more stoplights on NW Arterial. (1/5)..........................12 Teamster’s Local #421, Collective Bargaining Agree. Airport Maintenance Workers. (5/3)......165 Technical correction bill, Dept. of Rev., city objecting to legislators. (5/3)..................................164 Technology Committee of Iowa League of Cities, Dan Nicholson appointed. (11/15)................387 Technology Park, Acceptance of Patent for ROW purchase along US 61 & 151. (11/15)...........377 Technology Park, Dbq, IDOT property or sign; ribbon cutting time question. (5/3)(6/7).....168,226 Temperly, Joanne, claim; referred to Insurance. (4/19)...................................................................140 Ten Pin Tap, D. Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (1/5)(12/20)..................................................7,415 Termination of Dubuque Humane Society contract for animal shelter services. (5/3)...............175 Terracon, environmental design & remediation, Port of Dubuque petroleum cleanup. (4/5)...135 Terrorism, Bio, Preparedness, US EPA, receipt of City materials. (5/3)........................................165 Text amendment – Zoning, separation of adult entertainment establishments. (10/18)....355,356 Text amendment requested for Zoning – HI District, to add retail sales and service. (9/20).....328 TFM Co. Claim for property damage; referred to Ins. (1/19)..............................................................15 st TFM Co. Oky Doky #1, 250 W. 1 St., Beer Per.; BW License; Cig. Per.(4/19)(6/21)......145,146,233 nd TFM Co., Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 32 St., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (4/19)(6/21)(8/16)145,233,298 TFM Co., Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kerper, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (1/5)(6/21)(12/20)..7,233,414 TFM Co., Oky Doky, 1256 Iowa, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. ; Wine Per. (6/21)(8/16)...............233,297 Thank you to City from Davenport officials for recent workshop. (11/15)....................................379 Thank you from Schools for new playground equipment at Table Mound and Bryant. (9/20).340 Thank you to Police & Fire for response to Archdiocesan building fire by Connors. (8/2).......292 103 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE T The Apartment, Ltd., Dbq Mining Co., 555 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (2/2)...........................................46 Thein, Corey. 1764 Bennett, rezoning of 419 N Grandview, Methodist Church. (4/19)...............152 Their, Dennis J. Pres. Apex Concrete, rezoning of property at Hwy 52 & 61/151. (1/19).............26 Theisens Store Entrance, US Hwy 20, of new entrance, property compensations. (5/3)....166,167 th Thiele Geotech, Inc. Monitoring Well Installations, was Eagle Window, 375 W. 9 St. (6/7).....210 Thirty-One Hundred Club, WCB Hotels, Inc. Hoffmann House, Liquor Lic. (12/6).......................396 Thirty-Second St., Arboretum Dr. sidewalks questioned, Kivlahan’s. (9/7)(11/15).............306, 386 ndnd Thirty-Second St. W. 32 St. Detention basin, purchase of 815 W. 32. (8/16)...........................293 nd Thirty-Second St. W. 32 St., 827, property purchase, expand Detention Basin. (5/17)...........184 Thirty-Second St., W., at JF Kennedy Rd. vacate portion for Steve & Judy Selchert. (1/5).....11,12 Thirty-Second, W., detention basin, 785 Gillespie purchase of property. (1/5)................................5 Thomas Place, 1195, extension of time to repair/install City Sewer. (3/15)....................................91 Thomas Place, 1195, Tom & Rebecca LeClere Agreement – sanitary sewer. (1/19).....................15 Thomas, Diane, Substance Abuse Services Ctr. update & funding request. (2/26)......................67 Thor, Randy of J. P. Cullen Co. award Masonry Construction Proj., Grand River Ctr. (11/1)....362 Three way intersection Stop signs – Admiral Sheehy Dr. & Dbq Greyhound Park. (6/21)........241 Through Street – Holliday Drive. (12/20)............................................................................................439 Through Street Ordinance – Prairie & Walnut Streets. (12/20).......................................................438 Through Street Ordinances, changes to stop & yield sections consistency. (7/19)...................265 Tierney, Thomas, suit against Dbq Southgate Devel. & City. (3/1)..................................................69 TIF - Tax Increment Financing Districts, limitations, Legislative Issues. (2/16).............................64 TIF Districts, oppose retroactive sunset clause. (2/16).....................................................................59 Tigges, Tana, PCC, request Council allow cosmetic tattooing in City. (7/6)(8/16)................251,300 Tilton, John, applicant for Arts & Cultural Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20).................................401,416 Tobacco Outlet #504, Kwik Trip Inc. 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/19)(6/7)......140,216 Tobacco World, Iowa Potatoe & Produce, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/7)...............................216 Tollbridge, The, old site, 2800 Rhomberg, rockslide. (3/1)................................................................78 Tony’s Place, Charles Steffen, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/16)........................................................60 Tool Library, Washington Neighborhood, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/5)......................123 Top Grade Excavating contract Madison Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (1/19).........20 Top Grade Excavating, Inc. contract for Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Project. (4/5)......133 Top Grade Excavating finalization of Flood Hazard Mitigation Demolition Project.(6/21)..........230 Toreros Corp., 4031 Pennsylvania, Liquor Lic. (7/6)........................................................................249 Tott’s Tap, 3457 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (5/17)......................................................................................185 Tour de Dubuque Day Proclamation. (8/2).........................................................................................275 Tourism, Community Attraction, funded, legislative letters. (5/3)..................................................164 Towing Contract, Police Department, awarded to Wenzel Towing. (1/19)......................................26 Town Clock area, Dbq Area Labor Management, Beer Per. (7/19).................................................259 Town Clock Inn, 799 Town Clock, Liquor Lic. (2/2)............................................................................46 Traffic – Fifth & Bell St. Signage changes. (6/21)(7/6)(7/19)(8/2)......................242,251,252,264,291 Traffic change - Stop signs, three way, Admiral Sheehy Dr. & Dbq Greyhound Park. (6/21)..241 Traffic changes – designation of Through Streets – Prairie, Walnut & Holliday Dr. (12/20).......439 Traffic changes, through streets, stop intersections, Yield signs. (7/19)...................................266 Traffic concerns with rezoning of property at Hwy 52 & 61/151 for Apex Concrete. (1/19)..........26 Traffic flow concerns of W. Klostermann – stormwater alignment recommendation. (5/17).....179 Traffic flow re: Bee Branch stormwater alignment. (5/17)..............................................................179 Traffic on NW Arterial, stoplights, objections by Ray Taylor. (1/5)..................................................12 Traffic Safety Application – Iowa Governor’s – funds for detection of impaired drivers. (2/2)....45 Traffic Safety Grant Application, Governor’s. (3/1)............................................................................70 th Traffic Signal removal at 16 & Sycamore Sts. (12/6)......................................................................395 104 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE T Traffic Signalization project at Middle School on Radford Rd. (8/2).............................................288 Traffic study denied by IDOT for Apex Concrete. (2/2)......................................................................42 th Traffic Study requested, Downtown Elementary School area; 12 St. closing objection by Bob Felderman. (6/7)(8/16)..............................................................................................................212,294 Trail Grant Application, Federal Recreation, Phase I of Water Works Park to IDOT. (10/4)........342 Trailways Contract, Burlington, take over after Greyhound Bus service left. (8/2).....................277 th Training Site for Police Dept., Smithfield Foods plant, E. 16 St. (11/15).....................................379 Transit, Bus, Burlington Trailways Contract, after Greyhound Bus Service ended. (8/2).........277 Transit Alternative Analysis, American Heritage Streetcars downtown area & Port. (4/5).........135 Transit Board of Trustees, applicant Don Stedman. (7/19)(8/2)..............................................260,283 Transit Contracts – Bus – ARC, Mt. St. Francis & Sunnycrest Manor. (1/19).................................16 Transit Division – budget discussion, Greyhound Bus Service. (2/26)..........................................67 Transit Division requested by County for certified HCBS Transportation Provider. (6/21)........232 Transit Fare Increase – minibus, hearing etc. (11/1)(12/6).......................................................366,401 Transit Passenger Boarding Facility at Port of Dubuque, funds. (5/3)..........................................177 Transit Union Local 329 re: part-time bus drivers benefits. (9/20).................................................319 Transit Union, Amalgamated, Local #329, Collective Bargaining Agreement. (6/21)..................229 th Transport (Sully) Lease Agreement, Parking Lot, 16 & Sycamore Sts. (4/19)...........................145 Transportation Bill, Mayor appreciative of Cong Nussle . (4/5)....................................................108 Transportation Bill, letters to legislators @ objectionable language. (9/7)...................................305 Transportation Enhancement Funds Grant, ISTEA, Water Works Park. (10/4)............................342 Trash – garbage, increase in Solid Waste & Recyclables fee. (3/3).................................................83 Travel Budget discussed separately by Council; request that it be funded. (2/9)(3/3)............53,80 Trees re: sidewalk removal request by Stonehill Comm. Assn. – H. Conzett. (11/1)..................368 Trick or Treat Proclamation. (10/4)......................................................................................................341 TRICOR Safety Consulting Services Agreement for training & plan for O & M Dept. (7/6)........247 Trilog, Inc., IDED congratulating City re: completion of CEBA Project. (7/6)...............................245 Tri-State Community Health Center Application, letter in support. (6/21).....................................228 Tri-State Golf Center, 1095 Cedar Cross Rd., Liquor Lic. (8/16).....................................................297 Tri-State Independent Blind Society Fun Festival, 3333 Asbury Rd., Beer Per. (6/21)................233 Tri-State Modelers, lease agreement, part of Roosevelt Park. (4/5)...............................................107 Tri-State Pregnancy Center, nearby Sewer Break, request for financial help to fix. (3/15).........87 Trolley stops, Historic Pres. Comm. approving design of shelters, benches & signs. (6/7).....213 Tschiggfrie Excavating request Text amend. add retail sales/service to HI District. (9/20)328,329 Tschiggfrie Excavating, final acceptance of Heritage Trail Ext. Pro. (6/7)....................................210 Tschiggfrie Excavating, Port of Dubuque Storm Sewer Improvements, Ph IV. Accept.(11/15).378 Tschiggfrie Excavating, Inc., final acceptance of Carter Road Detention Basin.(12/6)..............390 Tully, Tom, President of Library Board, meeting with Council @ Library renovation. (1/26).......29 Turnberry Condo. Owners object Cedar Lake Planned Unit Develop. Dis. (9/20)(10/4)......323,345 Tuthill, Greg, claim referred to Insurance. (12/6)..............................................................................389 TV Cable Comm. Teleprogramming C. applicant Marie Araeipour; appointed. (4/5)(4/19).126,151 Twelfth St., Central, White St., traffic study Downtown Elementary School area; object to closing Twelfth St. R. Felderman; close street, etc.. (6/7)(8/16)(12/6)212,294,401,402, 403,409 Twelfth St., Request to vacate portion between Central Ave. & White St. & adjacent alley from thth 11 St. to 13 St.; plat approval – vacate for new School. (11/15)(12/6)..................381,402,403 Twenty-Fourth St. - Garfield , Drainage Basin Master Plan Bee Branch Creek Study. (11/1).....369 Twenty-Sixth Street Storm Sewer Extension Proj.; final. (4/19)(5/17)(11/15)..........148,149,200,378 Two Mile Fringe Area Police Agreement – City – County – Planning & Annexation etc. (3/1).....77 Tyler Road – warranty deed acceptance from Dbq School for ROW. (9/7)...................................304 Tyler Road, new cul-de-sac, School thanking City for construction. (10/18)...............................352 105 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE U U.S. 20 – highway widening project, deeds. (2/2)..........................................................................40-42 U.S. 20 from Crescent Ridge to Devon Dr., IDOT notice of Asphalt & Crack Sealing Project. (10/4) ............................................................................................................................................................342 U.S. 20 Highway work - IDOT- letter sent to them re: Saturday morning closing of Wacker Dr.(10/18)(11/1)............................................................................................................................59,364 U.S. 20 Intersection Improvements, IDOT, communication from R. Kautz. (11/15)......................380 U.S. 20 Julien Dubuque Bridge, Congress. Nussle including in transportation bill. (4/5)..........108 U.S. 20 Reconstruction Agreement, IDOT, controlled access facility. (6/21)................................232 U.S. 52 Bridge Repair over Catfish Creek, IDOT, Agreement. (7/19).......................................255,256 U.S. 52 south – zoning for Apex Concrete, IDOT – no traffic study. (2/2).......................................42 U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, River’s Edge Plaza security not sufficient. (5/3).....................168 U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development – City’s Lead Hazard Reduction Program. (9/7).303 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - receipt of City materials to fulfill requirement under Public Health Security & Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response Act of 2002. (5/3)..........165 UAW Local 94, United Automobile Workers #94, 3450 Central. (1/19)............................................19 UDAG funds, expend $4,425 year, Campaign: Dubuque, Your Hometown, Your Future. (9/7)305 UDAG Loan Agreement, 2813 Jackson, Dubuque Nursery & Landscape. (4/5)..........................134 nd Uhlrich, Paul J., oppose rezoning at 55 W. 32 St. – North End Wrecking. (9/20)...............323,324 Ulstad Architects, Steven, payment for Police Dept. remodeling. (9/20)......................................322 Underage persons being in bars, prohibition requested by Colleges (8/2)(9/20)(10/4)(10/18)..................................................................................284,335,336,346,357,358 Union Agreement, Operating Engineers, Local #758; amendment. (7/6)(8/16)....................247,294 United Clinical Lab Memo of Understanding VNA, HUD lead grant related services. (4/5).......108 United Rental building (former), 300 Iowa, approve demolition request. (3/15).............................93 United Way Campaign Time Proclamation. (7/19)............................................................................253 University Ave. Ext. Proj., compensation estimates for properties entrance , Theisen’s. (5/3).166 University Ave. Realignment at JFK, establish FMV for Newman property. (5/17)......................202 University Ave., 2297, request by Paul M. Fahey to purchase City property. (10/4)....................343 University Ave. Extension – US Hwy 20 Project, acquisition of property of Elm Real Estate – Iowa Glass & James Newman. (11/15)...................................................................................................375 University Carwash, Inc. compensation for property for University Ave. Extension – by entrance to Theisens. (5/3).............................................................................................................................166 University of Dubuque President for alcohol Ord. amendment prohibiting underage from being in bars late etc. (8/2)(9/20)(10/4)(10/18).....................................................284,335,336,346,357,358 University of Dubuque requesting to purchase portion of street at Collins & Lombard Sts; property disposed to them. (10/18)(11/15)............................................................................352,384 University of Dubuque rezoning, amend Institutional District to allow a new parking lot. (6/7)218 University of Dubuque, amend ID District to allow extension of University Park Dr. (7/19).......260 University of Dubuque, rezoning for 2018 Grace St. (9/20).............................................................325 University of Dubuque, rezoning of 2184 Bennett St. for ROTC Offices. (9/20)....................326,327 University Park Drive extension, zoning, amend ID District. (7/19)................................................260 University Realignment at JFK, establish FMV for Auto Glass Ctr. (3/15)......................................91 Update on Annexation west of town with City of Asbury. (8/2)......................................................275 Update on Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. (11/15)...................................................................387 Uptown Recreation Program, FY 2005, Dubuque Museum of Art. (4/19)......................................141 Urban Renewal District – Greater Dubuque, combine Ice Harbor & Downtown; consistent with Long Range Planning Comp. Plan. (3/1)(4/5)(4/19).................................................73,123,151,152 Urban Renewal District, amend. Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District Amend. (6/21).....234 Urban Renewal Plan Greater Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. Tax Increment Ord. (5/17)...203-206 106 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE U Urban Renewal, Tax Increment Revenue Notes, $182,000, Urban Renewal, Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District. (5/17)................................................................................................190-200 Urban Revitalization Area, Garfield Place. (1/5)....................................................................................8 Urban Revitalization Area, Transmittal of applications to City Tax Assessor.(2/16).....................58 Urban Transit Contracts – Mt. St. Francis, Sunnycrest, ARC. (1/19)...............................................16 US Bank authorized depository for city funds. (1/19).......................................................................17 US Bank to American Trust & Savings Bank, Dbq Yacht Basin, Lease Assignment. (7/19)......255 Utility Billing changes, commendation by Mayor. (5/17).................................................................206 Utility Easement vacation – Carter Rd Detention Basin. (3/1)(3/15)...................................72,101,102 Utility Easement vacation, Southgate Center Second Addn., Dan Mueller. (11/1) (11/15)(12/6)..............................................................................................................363, 381,403 Utility Franchise Agreements Amendments - Electrical. (3/15)(4/5).................................95,126-130 Utility Franchise Agreements, Aquila & Alliant – Interstate - Energy, amendments. (4/5)...131,132 Utility Improvements at Pine Knoll Subd., Steve Boge, Kane Devel. Corp. requesting acceptance. (7/6)....................................................................................................................................................209 Utility relocation on vacated Twelfth St. & nearby alley re: new Prescott School. (12/6)...........401 107 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE U 108 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE V Vacant & abandoned, 409 Burch owned by John White,, acquisition proceedings. (12/6).......404 th Vacate & dispose of property 12 St. between Central Ave. & White St. & adjacent Alley from th, 11 St. – 13 Dubuque Community Schools for new Prescott School. (11/15)(12/6).....381,402 Vacate & dispose alley, S Grandview bet. Altman St. & Whelan St. (3/1)(3/15).............71,98,99,100 Vacate & dispose alley by 777 Seward St. Gerald & Chris Penhollow. (3/1) (3/15)71, 72,100,101 Vacate & purchase request part of Blanche Ave., J. Lanser & J. Mastin. (6/21)(7/6)....234,249,250 Vacate & purchase request of Hy-Vee, Railroad Ave, lower Elm St. (9/7)(9/20).............307,329,330 Vacate a portion of Lombard & Collins Streets for University of Dubuque. (11/15).............384,385 nd Vacate portion of W. 32 St. at John F. Kennedy Rd. – Steven & Judy Selchert. (1/5)...........11,12 Vacate for CU-LINK, Inc. part Associates Dr. by Lot 8 Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. (9/7).307 Vacate utility ease. Lot 1 Southgate Ctr Second Ad., D. Mueller. (11/1)(11/15) (12/6)..363,381,403 Valley, Lynn, claim; referred to Ins. (2/2)(2/16)...............................................................................32,55 Van Cleve, Vernon, 2542 Marywood, request easement access Marywood backyards. (9/7)...306 Van Duyn, Jodell & John, property from them for US 20 Widening. (2/2).......................................40 Van Etten, Arnold, Accept Res. No. 386-04, final plat Eagle Valley Subd. (10/4)(12/20)347,348,414 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager of the Year Award. (1/19).........................................................28 Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr, GDDC Board of Directors; July holiday meeting. (6/7).....223,226 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, evaluation of his professional competency; thirteenth amendment to Employment Agreement. (6/29)(7/6)............................................................243,247 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, designated as City rep FEMA Assistance. (9/7)...............304 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, on Iowa League of Cities Policy Committee. (12/6).........395 Vehicles – Child Passenger Safety Week Proclamation. (2/2)..........................................................32 Ventilating – Heating, Air Conditioning, adoption of 2003 Mechanical Code. (8/2)......................29 Vests – Fireproof, Police Dept. replacement. (2/2).............................................................................46 Vets – Hire Vets First Proclamation. (10/4)........................................................................................341 Vierkant, Erich & Sheila, objecting to Grandview Demolition Dis. (5/17)......................................202 Vigen, Eric, The AveNew, 1700 Central, Liquor Lic. (12/20)............................................................415 Villa Street Retaining Wall, 2004, Reconstruction Proj. (8/2)(9/7).....................................280,310,311 Vilsack, Governor Thomas, state budget cuts letter. (1/5)..................................................................5 Violation – Fire Lane, Parking, increase fine etc. (4/5)..............................................................135,136 Violence - Domestic Violence observance on 10/17, attendance urged by Connors. (10/4).....349 Vision Downtown – Downtown Dubuque Master Plan. (2/2).............................................................49 Vision Iowa budget – some payment for Port of Dbq Sign & Landscaping Proj. (7/19).............256 Vision Iowa Grant Agreement, City’s financial commitment letter to M. Gartner. (11/1).............365 Vision Iowa, request of Mayor for extension of Agreement provisions. (9/7)..............................304 Visiting Nurse Assn – Elderly Home-based Dental Program – Cp2 funds. (5/17)........................183 Visiting Nurse Assn., - IA Health Childhood Lead Poisoning agreement with VNA. (7/6).........245 Visiting Nurse Assn., Memo of Understanding, provide HUD lead-grant services. (4/5)...........108 Visitor’s Bureau, Convention, Purchase of Services Agree. (4/5).................................................123 VNA Visiting Nurse Assn Elderly Dental Program Cp2 funds; VNA thanks. (5/17)(6/7).....183,209 VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn., - IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding contract & agreement with VNA. (7/6)..........................................................................................245 VNA Visiting Nurse Assn., Memo of Understanding, HUD lead-grant related services. (4/5)...108 Vogl, Father Robert, of Loras College, Gave Invocation. (1/5)...........................................................2 Volkens, Inc., awarded contract for NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Project. (10/4)................346 Voluntary Annexation of 704 acres west of Dubuque and various objections etc.; extension of benefits to non-consenting property owners. (1/5)(4/19).......................................................9,155 Vorwald, Richard, 2921 Washington, opposition to proposed Zoning text amendment to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)....................................384 Vorwald, Richard, Eagle Point Bluff condo building concerns. (8/16)(9/7)(11/1)...........300,312,371 Votes – Abstract, Baseball Stadium Election. (1/5)..............................................................................6 108 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE V 109 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE W W Fifteenth Street - Cornell to Fairview, Residential Parking Permit Dis. near Loras College. (2/2)(2/16)(5/17).......................................................................................................................32,55,188 th W. 11 St. Historic District – National Register. (9/20).....................................................................319 th W. 11 St. Historic District, considered by State for Nat’l Register of Historic Places. (5/17)(6/7)....................................................................................................................................185,224 th W. 11 St. Urban Revitalization Area – approve Program Applications. (2/16)..............................58 th W. 15 Cornell to Fairview, Residential Parking Permit Dis. near Loras College. (2/2)(2/16)(5/17) ..................................................................................................................................................32,55,188 W. 16th St. – West, Residential Parking Permit Dis. near Loras College. (2/2)(2/16)(5/17)..........................................................................................................................32,55,188 nd W. 32 St., portion of at John F. Kennedy Rd., request for vacation by Steve & Judy Selchert. (1/5).................................................................................................................................................11,12 nd W. 32 St. Detention Basin expansion, acquire 785 Gillespie – Lot 2 Widmeier Place.(1/5).........5 nd W. 32 St. Detention Basin Building Moratorium extension. (2/16)................................................63 nd W. 32 St., 827, purchase of property – expansion of Detention Basin. (5/17)...........................184 nd W. 32 St., purchase of 775 Gillespie St. – Tim & Victoria Widmeier. (8/2)..................................279 nd W. 32 St., 55, rezoning requested by North End Wrecking. (9/20)...............................................323 ndnd W. 32 St., purchase of property at 805 W. 32, for detention basin expansion. (11/15)..........379 nd W. 32 Street Detention Basin Request for Proposals. (12/6)......................................................394 nd W. 32 St., 695, purchase of property for Detention Basin. (12/20)........................................409,410 W. C. Stewart Construction Co., awarded contract Fremont Ave. Reconstruction; awarded contract Villa St. Retaining Wall.. (3/15)(9/7)................................................................103,105,311 W. C. Stewart Construction, claim of Michael Rettenmaier referred to them. (8/16)...................293 W. C. Stewart Construction, claim of Theresa Holland referred to them. (9/20)...........................319 W. Sixteenth St. West, Residential Parking Permit Dis. near Loras College. (2/2)(2/16)(5/17).......................................................................................................................32,55,188 W. Thirty-Second St., part by JF Kennedy Rd., vacation for Steve & Judy Selchert. (1/5)....11,12 W. Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin, acquire 785 Gillespie. Lot 2 Widmeier Place. (1/5).........5 W. Thirty-Second. Detention Basin Building Moratorium extension. (2/16)..................................63 W. Thirty-Second., 827, purchase of property – expansion of Detention Basin. (5/17).............184 W. Thirty Second., purchase of 775 Gillespie St. – Tim & Victoria Widmeier. (8/2)....................279 nd W. Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin, purchase of 815 W. 32. (8/16)..........................................29 W. Thirty-Second St., 55, rezoning requested by North End Wrecking. (9/20)............................323 nd W. Thirty Second St.., purchase 805 W. 32, for detention basin expansion. (11/15)..............379 nd W. Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin expansion, purchase of 805 W. 32 St. (11/15)..............379 W. Thirty Second St. Detention Basin Request for Proposals. (12/6)..........................................394 W. Thirty-Second St., 695, purchase of property for Detention Basin. (12/20).....................409,410 Wacker Dr. closing, letter of objection to be sent to IDOT. (10/18)(11/1)..................................359,36 Waddick, Robert, claim; settlement. (10/18)......................................................................................350 Wadding, Police Chief Kim, re: Police staffing levels at Council departmental review. (2/12)...54 Wadding, Police Chief Kim, stated new Ordinances prohibiting binge drinking etc. are needed and can be enforced. (10/4)...........................................................................................................347 Wagner, Tracey & Alan Burr, of University of Dubuque, in favor of rezoning to allow parking lot; in favor of amend UD Institutional Dis. – University Park Dr. extension. (6/7)(7/19)......218,260 Wagner, Tracey, for University of Dubuque, rezoning 2018 Grace St. (9/20)...............................325 Wagner, Tracey, for University of Dubuque, rezoning 2184 Bennett, ROTC Offices. (9/20)326,327 Wagner’s Copper Kettle, 2987 Jackson St., Liquor Lic. (3/1).......................................................70,71 Wahlert, Mark, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm.; appointed. (12/6)(12/20)401,416 Walgreens #03777, 555 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/7).......................................................................216 Walgreens #06154, 2260 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/7).....................................................................216 109 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE W Wall, Retaining, Villa St., 2004 Reconstruction Pro. (8/2)(9/7)..........................................280,310,311 Waller, Jim, County Supervisor, Proclamation honoring. (12/20)..................................................409 Wal-Mart Supercenter #2004, 4200 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(9/20)216,322,323 Walnut Street & Prairie Street, designated as Through Streets. (12/20)..................................438,43 Walnut Tap, Craig Weiner, 709 University, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(7/6).................233,249 Walsh Store, former, downtown rehab loan to Heartland – DB & T. (5/17)...................................184 Walsh, Connie, Adm. Dir., Tri-State Pregnancy Center, sewer break cost, funding. (3/15)..........87 Walsh, John V., applicant Housing Advisory Trust Fund Comm.; reappointed. (9/7)(9/20)310,323 Walsh, Tammy, Dean of Students, for UD Zoning amend – University Park Dr. Ext. (7/19)......260 Walton, Roger, IDOT, process of RFP’s SW Arterial Prel. Engrg. Design Service. (9/20)..........336 Wand, Chris, of Historic Pres. District, re: proposed Grandview Ave. Demolition District.; letter concerning Grandview Avenue Parkway Demolition Project. (5/17)(6/7)........................202,213 Warehouse Demolition District, agenda item removed. (3/15).......................................................103 Warning Siren, outdoor, East of Julien Care Facility, Alliant Energy Agreement. (11/15)..........379 Warranty Deed acceptance, Tyler Road, from School District, ROW. (9/7)...................................304 Warranty Deeds for properties for U.S. 20 Widening project. (2/2).............................................40,41 Wartburg Place Reconstruction Proj Acceptance; final assessments. (2/16)(4/5).........57,108,109 Washington Jr. High area, no parking on part of Lombard St. (7/19)............................................265 Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Purch. of Services Agree. (4/5)...................................123 Washington Park etc. – sidewalk patterns discussed. (11/15).......................................................373 Washington Park, fee for renting continued. (11/15).......................................................................387 Washington St., 1798, rental housing develop. by Gronen, application for Affordable Housing Tax Credit. (11/15)............................................................................................................................387 Wastewater Treatment Facility of Airport, IA DNR inspection report. (6/7)...................................212 Watchable Wildlife Conference Planning Team Conference, Nat’l, praised by Council. (10/4).349 Water – stormwater runoff – ESAC recommendations for design criteria. (2/16)..........................63 Water bills – Utility bills, new, praised by Mayor. (5/17)...................................................................206 Water Main - Westbrook Subd. Water Main & Service Line Ext. (3/15)(4/19)...........................97,153 Water Main Extension Project, Roosevelt Road Phase II. (12/6)....................................................390 Water Main Extension Project, Seippel Road, completion. (7/19)...........................................257,258 Water Meter Reading Contract Renewal with Aquila. (5/17)............................................................182 Water Plant ADA Elevator Renovation Project, Eagle Point. (6/7)..........................................220,221 Water Pollution Control Plant, Praxair Oxygen Supply Agree. – removed from Agenda. (8/2)280 Water Rates for residential, commercial, industrial, etc., increased for FY 2005. (3/3).................82 Water Ski Club, Dbq. lease, Schmitt Island. (4/19)............................................................................145 Water Tower Construction Project, Fourth zone, accept. (8/2).......................................................276 Water Works Park Update, conceptual design approval. (12/20)...................................................443 Water Works Park, REAP grant application for Phase I – Hawthorne St. Peninsula. (7/19).......267 Water Works Park, Federal Recreation Trail Grant Application, IDOT. (10/4)...............................342 Water Works Park. Grant app IDOT Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funds. (10/4).....342 Watermain Extension Project – Roosevelt Road Phase II. (6/7).....................................................221 Watermain, Bonson Road, accept project. (4/19).............................................................................142 Waterworks Park – Pyatigorsk Park, Management Agenda. (9/14)................................................318 WCB Hotels – Midway, property for U.S. 20 Widening project. (2/2)................................................41 WCB Hotels, Inc., Midway Hotel, Hoffman House, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/6)(12/6)...248,396 Weber Paper Co. Bldg.,137 Main, Lower Main Tax Inc. Financing Agree. (4/19)(5/3)(5/17).....................................................................................................................154,170,189 Weber, Dolores, Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic.; Liquor Lic. (1/5)(12/20).................7,415 Webster, Nancy, of Robert’s River Rides, extension of lease requested. (10/18)(11/1).......353,369 110 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE W Week Without Violence – YWCA, Proclamation. (10/4)....................................................................341 Weidemann, Terry & Linda, owners of Stealth Race Cars in Port of Dbq., City’s intent to acquire property. (8/16)................................................................................................................................295 Weiner, Craig, Walnut Tap, 709 University, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(7/6)...............233,249 Wells Fargo Bank vs City – claim – suit. (7/6)...................................................................................245 Welu Drive, through street designation. (7/19).................................................................................266 Wentworth, Bruce, Dbq Greyhound Park, support expansion of Dog Track. (4/5)......................135 Wentworth, Bruce, General Mgr. of Dubuque Greyhound Park, dispose of interest in real property by Lease with Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd.(6/7)..........................................................220 Wenzel Towing, awarded contract for the Police Department towing. (1/19).................................26 Wertzberger, Dick, applicant for Civil Service Comm. (4/19)..........................................................151 West Dubuque Tap, Donna Ginter, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (4/19)..............................................146 West Eleventh St. Historic District – National Register. (9/20).......................................................319 West Locust Mart, Lee Potter, Sr., 408 W. Locust, Cigarette Per. (6/7)..........................................216 West Locust Street Resurfacing Project – Jackson St. too, accept. (8/2)....................................277 West Ridge Third Add., Lot A, FMV property by Carter Road Detention Basin. (2/2)(3/15)...45,102 Westbrook Subd. Development Agreement; amended. (4/5)(6/21).........................................108,228 Westbrook Subd. Sanitary Sewer Extension – Phase I Pro. (1/5)(2/2)..........................................7,50 Westbrook Subd. Water Main & Service Line Ext. (3/15)(4/19)...........................................97,153,154 Westphal & Co., awarded contract for Loras Blvd. Historic Lighting Pro. (4/5)...........................133 Wetlands mitigation, FMV for portion of property owned by Charles & Bev Pullen(7/19)..........254 Whalen, John, applicant for Historic Pres.; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6)......................................235,249 Wheeler, Msgr. David, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Gave Invocation. (3/15)..................................87 Whelan St. & Altman St. – S. Grandview, alley property vacated & sold. (3/1)...............................71 Whelan St., Alley W. of S. Grandview Ave. by Altman St. sale to nearby owners. (315)..98,99,100 Whiskey River, C. Streff, 1064 University, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/5)(6/7)...................125,216 White Cane Safety Day Proclamation. (10/4).....................................................................................341 White House, David Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/21)(12/6).........233,396 th White St. & Central Ave., vacation 12 St. & alley for new Prescott School. (12/6).....................401 White Street Reconstruction Project final assessments. (2/16)(4/5)...........................56,57,109-120 White Water Creek Bridge relocation, HRDP grant application; Memorandum of Agreement between Fed. Highway Adm., State Historic Pres. Office, Dbq County & City; County Bd of Supervisors approve relocation; Grant Agreement.. (1/19)(10/18)(11/15)(12/6).16,351,374,392 White, Darren D., address Council regarding “Safe Ride” program. (6/7)....................................223 White, Elaine, objecting to expansion of Dbq Industrial Center West expansion. (12/20).........419 White, John, his property at 409 Burch St., City acquisition proceedings. (12/6).......................404 nd Whites Pl., Release Utility Ease. Lot 13 West Ridge 2 Ad. Carter Rd Detention Basin. (3/15)102 WHKS Engineering, requesting to be consultant for Hwy 32 – SW Arterial design. (9/7)..........305 Widening of Asbury Road at NW Arterial Project. (10/4)(10/18)...............................................345,356 nd Widmeier Place, Lot 2, purchase 785 Gillespie, W. 32 St. Detention Basin expansion. (1/5)......6 nd Widmeier, Tim & Victoria, property 775 Gillespie for W. 32 St. detention Basin. (8/2)............279 Wilant, Dan, Cable Teleprogramming Comm., resignation. (4/19).................................................143 Wildlife Pier, Universal Accessible, at Heron Pond. (10/4)..............................................................349 Will, Make A Will Month Proclamation. (10/4)....................................................................................341 Willging, Sister Margaret Ann, proposals for Port of Dubuque area. (1/19)...................................15 Williams, Garold, suit against City & Dbq Southgate Devel. (3/1)....................................................69 Williams, Nancy, claim; referred to Ins. (7/6).....................................................................................245 Williams, Renee, suit against City & Dbq Southgate Devel. (3/1).....................................................69 Williams, Sandi, developer of Grandview Estates, time frame for subdivision plat & zoning 111 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE W process questions?; final plat of N. Grandview Estates. (6/7)(12/6)...........................226,404-40 Williams, Vincent, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20)...............401,416 Wilson Brothers Place, conveyance of property for Hwy 20 widening. (2/2)..................................40 Wilson, Angela, Legal Dept. intern, thanking City. (9/7)..................................................................304 Wilson, Linda, Project Mgr. Housing & Comm. Develop, thank you for $4000. (12/20)..............411 Wilson, Roseann, objecting to annexation to Dbq. (1/5).....................................................................9 Wimmer, Margaret, 420 Burch, objections to 409 Burch abandoned property. (12/6)................404 Windsor Ave., west side, & N of Stone Ridge Place, Stonehill Comm. Assn. requesting removal of sidewalk; approval. (8/16)(11/1)(12/6)........................................................................295,368,404 Windsor, 2635, rezoning former Christianson’s for Moose Lodge, John Herrig. (7/19).....262,263 Wine, Beer, Alcohol, prohibit Buffet sales. (10/18)...........................................................................357 Winter, Jason, Easy Street, 421 Rhomberg Ave., Cigarette Per. (6/7)...........................................215 Winterfest Weekend compliment. (12/6)............................................................................................407 Winterfest Weekend Proclamation. (11/15)........................................................................................374 Winterwood, Charles, applicant Long Range Planning Comm.; appointed. (6/7)(6/21).......218,235 Winterwood, Charles, M.D., request investigation of bluff boulder slide, 2800 Rhomberg; of Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm. – discussion of alignment etc.; recommendation for alignment of Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project. (3/15)(5/17)(8/2)........................................102,179,284 Winterwood, Charles, oppose Zoning text amend. to delete super majority vote of Council to override ZAC denial. (11/15)..........................................................................................384 Woodin, John, applicant for Arts & Cultural Adv. Affairs Comm. (12/6)(12/20).....................401,416 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, 1103 Iowa St., Cigarette Per. (6/21)................................................233 Woodward, Bob, Arts & Cultural funding comments. (9/20)...........................................................319 Woodward, Mona, Pres. of Bd of Humane Society, re: increase in funding needs. (4/5)...........134 Woodyard, Michael, Dubuque Yacht Club, requesting No Wake zone on Miss. River. (5/17)....206 Worker’s Compensation Adm. Services Fee Renewal Alternative Services concepts. (9/20).320 Worker’s Compensation Excess Insurance, Safety National as carrier etc.(8/2).........................276 Workshop with City staff and Davenport officials, thank you from Davenport. (11/15)..............379 Workshop, Restore-0-Rama, City hosting in May 2005. (12/6)........................................................394 nd Wrecking, North-End, at 55 W. 32 St., rezoning requested. (9/20)...............................................323 112 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE X 113 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE Y Yacht Basin, Dbq., Lease Assignment, from US Bank to American Trust Bank. (7/19)............255 Yacht Club (Dbq), “No Wake” zone request for Mississippi River. (5/17).....................................206 Yardarm Restr., 1201 Shiras Ave., Liquor Lic. (3/15).........................................................................95 Yen Ching Restr., Sun’s Corp., 926 Main, Liquor Lic. (10/18).........................................................354 Yield Sign deleted at E. Fifth & Bell St. (8/2)......................................................................................291 Yield sign provided at Lake Eleanor Rd & Digital Drive. (7/19).......................................................266 Youth Appreciation Month Proclamation – Optimists. (11/1).........................................................362 Youth position on Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. Available. (7/19).....................258,259 YWCA Week Without Violence Proclamation. (10/4).......................................................................341 114 INDEX - BOOK 134 2004 SUBJECT PAGE Z ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(2/16)(4/5)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21)(7/19)(9/20)(10/18)(11/15)(12/2) .............................................................................................15,55,107,180,209,228,253,319,350,374,409 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(2/2)(3/15)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21)(7/19)(8/16)(10/4)(11/1)(11/15)(12/6) ........................................................................................15,32,87,140,180,228,253,293,341,362,374,389 Zelinskas, Tony, of WHKS Engineering, re: SW Arterial design etc. (9/7)......................................30 Zelinskas, Tony, of WHKS Engrg., closing of Twelfth St. for Prescott School. (12/6).................402 Zoning Hwy 52 – near intersection Hwy 61/151 - for Apex Concrete. (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)..12,24,25,32 nd Zoning - property N of JFK and W. 32 – Kivlahans. (1/19)........................................................21,22 Zoning - 1700 Radford Rd from AG to C3 – S. Schueller. (1/19).......................................................22 Zoning – renaming of Aggie St. – Oak Park Place. (1/19)..................................................................27 Zoning – request for additional Planner for FY 2005. (3/3)................................................................80 Zoning - Fringe Area Policy Agree. Dubuque & County, Planning, annexation. (3/1)(3/15).77,94 Zoning - NE Corner of Asbury Rd. & NW Arterial, AG to C3 – Quagliano and Buesings. (315)...98 Zoning - Apartment facilities reclassify , moratorium, legislative correspondence. (4/19).......143 Zoning – Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, 419 N. Grandview etc. (4/19)`............152,153 Zoning – Julien Dubuque Drive PID allow signs, billboards – Flint Drake/Bird Sign. (5/17).....186 Zoning – University of Dubuque, to allow parking lot on campus. (6/7)................................218,219 Zoning - 4039 Pennsylvania, Paul Fahey – Buesings, Kwik Stop & Dairy Queen. (6/21).....235,236 Zoning – Ice Harbor Drive designated in Port of Dubuque (was E. Fourth St.). (6/21)................239 Zoning – RJS Development for 3230 Dodge St., from CS to C3. (7/19).........................................262 Zoning - 2635 Windsor, former Christianson’s, for Moose Lodge, from C1 to OC. (7/19)..262,263 Zoning - 300-400 S. Locust, for Hy-Vee Stores. (9/20)....................................................................328 Zoning – 3366 Crescent Ridge, Burt Steve & Sons Garage. (9/20)...............................................324 Zoning - 2184 Bennett St., rezoning for University of Dubuque ROTC Offices. (9/20)........326,327 Zoning Text Amend. for retail sails & service conditional use HI for Tschiggfrie. (9/20).........328 Zoning - 2018 Grace, from R1 to ID – for University of Dubuque. (9/20)......................................325 Zoning – Eagle Valley Subdivision on Roosevelt Rd.. (11/15)........................................................382 Zoning - Radford Rd & Radford Ct. for inside restaurant near new school. (12/20)....................417 Zoning – Dubuque Ind. Center West PUD Amend., extend Chavenelle Rd., objections.(12/20)419 Zoning Advisory Comm. applicants Eugene Bird & Jeff Stiles; reappointment. (6/21)(7/6)235,249 Zoning Advisory Commission recommend denial of text amendment or zoning reclassification, City not have super majority vote, not enacted.(11/15)......................................................383,384 Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant William M. Gasper; reappointed. (3/15)(4/5)............97,126 Zoning Board of Adjustment resignation of Wm. Felderman. (12/6).............................................394 nd Zoning change requested for 55 W. 32 St., North End Wrecking, objections etc. (9/20).........323 Zoning change to allow extension of University Park Drive. (7/19)...............................................260 Zoning Change, Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development – Rick Anderson / Schaul Carwash Corp. etc. (9/20)(10/4)(10/18)..............................................................................................323,345,32 Zoning Ordinance text amendment discussion & denial re: eliminate need for Council super majority vote, re: ZAC’s denial of a text amendment or zoning change. (11/15)...........383,384 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Appendix A – Zoning, provide for separation of adult entertainment establishments. (10/18)..................................................................................355,356 Zoning Ordinance Update process approval; issuance of RFP for update of Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance. (9/7)(11/15)......................................................................................316,387 Zoning process questioned by R. Henkel & S. Williams. (6/7)........................................................226 Zoning, mediation, for Sunnyslopes & Quagliano, comments by Mary Jungbluth. (1/19)...........15 Zoning, prohibition of building permits during rezoning or text amendment. (9/7)....................315 115