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Main Street North 0320
IOWA STATE HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF HISTORIC DUBUQUE, IOWA Architectural Survey Photograph e Inventory STREET ADDRESS BUILDING NAME PRESENT OWNER Address ~ "l-D W . ~.A. b n-.l ~,'~"'-"(d.t;.'\'n l'u.~"!1l! (...) fl,jl,,__,<~~.,.." ......'."'II' l~{t:._ c;..., - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Cl'r"( W1 , N '7...01 of' I " I l,A.iT9 DATE OF CONSTRUCTION Source ARCHITECT/BUILDER Source PRESENT USE \.W1~t,.,.! Af'i: f - DESIGNED USE CtrYwv\ f~(II~'l", 'P..i,O(/~ Source ACCESSIBILITY STATUS BUILDING MATERIALS Foundation ~V Walls geX~ ((P(t"O\J'.'::'I)/~'1't.".:.~'; Trim ~~-c..vu~ Porch/Storefront f)UTtt-P-::n Eaves/ Cornice B(tiC"V., W U-lt,~ Roof ~/,.J.:)-r Chimney(s) NV C ! C~.r' ~UNR/NO c:@'UNO/WP CONDITION 1 2 3 4 1 2(j) 4 1 204 laJ34 12Q)4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 234 DESIGN FEATURES I " " Style ~hC,~'''1''(!I:i., "/).J)tV. (P~)...:) Details of Note: Interior Features: Site Features: Evaluation I QUALITY Aesthetic Historical Rarity II ENVIRONMENTAL STATURE III CONTEXT Immediate Broad IV INTEGRITY OF FABRIC 1 2 3~ 123 1 2 34 123 0)234 (1)2 3 4 1<:;>3 4 e Architectural Significance PROBABLE ADDITIONAL AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS Dt)-r PRESERVATION 1978 1979 ~ ~ ~ Roll 1--. Frame ---2- 5' CJ:l t-t t-3 t:t:l ~ t:t:l :::0 Facade N/S/E/W By Date MODIFICATIONS/ADDITIONS: ~ 'l...or_tC r>(t.'/, "1' SUB S "'i'..h, ~.;~.. i~ '~t c..{ f.),J.J(, '''I''. t"'d) (\).Jour) e -1 3 11,..)\'::' !_L J~" rift.-. ~ t... /2'; \ 'f1/'_ -'" is rJ1' ,~(Ji' '(.Hi : b! : ~~ i~ - SL..t.:,S q.!~C'L ': CJ:l t-3 :::0 t:t:l t:t:l t-3 ./ ~!~. E: ~CJ:\(?t ~lttQll~ [j t:::l COMMENT: A P!.../.)l l-ll Ol,,()'Z.vt.., Cu'I'~~C,I/)(~ ~ CJ:l ~U!u)l\~~ IJOw f'..I:" !W't~1.3I'1AL rr::.ru( CJ:l :::f" fJ C:J'. ( l-~IJ 1,.J"'t S \.':+-()1 i=- t CA"f'I',,;(J I,.~ COMMENT: S""1 Oft F. F( (2~ ( [::>-::: -r tU. Co,? 1 Cs J( ~.) 1 U')) l.J c., \ S. r:.<< "k AN ! ;':;7/:..1...." i'2, , F ~ <;> i..()L ~ . ,. r?4:....'7 CJ:l t-3 :::0 H ("') t-3 ~~~4@ HABS/NRHP SURVEY CONSULTANT: Bruce M. Kriviskey, AICP Date .-, 1/ /,'J ./.1 Supplemental Information ~ STREET ADDRESS BUILDING NAME ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: HISTORICAL INFORMATION: RESEARCH MATERIALS/SOURCES/LOCATION: HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS/LOCATION: RESEARCH COMPILED BY: Date Statement of Significance By (If necessary, continue on additional pages.)