Rhomberg Avenue 1928 HISTORIC SITES FIELD SURVEY DUBUQUE, IOWA f' ~ Common Name Map Key ~2Cj ~ c..- 7~ Year Built Address Present Use ~ Present Owner Present Occupant Zoning ~f- NATURE OF SITE Building Area Site Other '" ~. '-'URCE OF INTEREST Historical _______ Architectural ~ Other ARCHITECTURAL QUALITY Exceptional ~ Excellent Good .. Fair Poor URBAN DESIGN VALUE Great Moderate Minor y. SIGNIFICANCE Neighborhood -A- City State National ~ :l,i ~ m~\MN\.U lctt Material~ STRUCTURAL CONDITION Foundation Walls Roof Windows Comments MAINTENANCE Structure Site Adj. Bldgs. Adj. Prop. Vicinity Comments Significant features Is si te threatened? t\n Additional information 'N\~~ - G.t(f\ ~ ~"'\ tJt..J v t),. ~ ~ Date of Field Survey --S4~ Inspected by L..l5 Photos X. - 2D Mapped E-)3 IOWA STATE HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT, DIVISION 0F HISTORIC PRESERVATION ~ DUBUQUE, IOWA 1978 ~ ~ Architectural Survey 1979 t-< . Inventory Photograph Roll & 1t7 " Frame ':'-'1.:\ STREET ADDRESS 115 N, !',)l.PIN~ BUILDING NAME CIl H PRESENT OWNER H t%j Address ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION S t<:l :::0 . DATE OF CONSTRUCTION Source ARCHITECT/BUILDER Source PRESENT USE DESIGNED USE Source ACCESSIBILITY STATUS BUILDING MATERIALS Founda tion DeGl ::-:1 N'1j~. Walls '( A'. C(1"Of;;itt;) Trim l),JO"I) Porch/Storefront /:l_I1:(f!c(i) Eaves/Cornice VJOUQ Roof (),~;,(?Hf'.A'7 Chimney (s ) I,] \/ RES/UNR/NO OCC/UNO/WP CONDITION I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 C,., \000 ~:\~'~~t ~'.'. It -t;:-.A!'l:.""',,, ,_, l~_,~ r2~F:(.,>,\ i,) ~r-.~' '-:~l",':,~ DESIGN FEATURES Style (~)U2;f.W 1~j.JLJ~ Details of Note: -cA:> (.U'C.vL I PtNt n \ Interior Features: Site Features: Evaluation I QUALITY Aesthetic Historical Rarity II ENVIRONMENTAL STATURE III CONTEXT Immediate Broad IV INTEGRITY OF FABRIC I 2~3 4 I 2 4 1 2 3 4 I (2) 3 4 Q)'t34 0)234 1@3 4 . Architectural Significance PROBABLE ADDITIONAL AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS SURVEY CONSULTANT: Bruce M. Kriviskey, AICP Facade N/S/E/W By Date MODIFICATIONS/ADDITIONS: C,\ I .' r , 'S GO'"",..... ". ':,,11_ ~ ~ I!'" {"'~ ~,...~~" \'. , ",' ,.-...J} '>..0. ,.J ;....... '. . (t.:J \.",t"~ "T~\ ~J; "Ii' t, C,' ("'-L:'/ ('(r t; ", COMMENT: p(l..{S(~j:lO( ~1 /). L.-.t~ -Cr:A......- V:'("r-~ I":' {~l..:r:c. r~IJ( (i.' \ n I ;~ -n'\tJ/Cr/C.. ( H 2l,M.-\ F- ( ?()C.lr~ '') · COMMENT: ~Ij E':<(::' L ",;' L~( r:- 't NA'v{?lt. Of- !~ CUYI;\AAi}~ So 7 '-( ( IN n l~ f f).0 t\.--Uti'? (n (41"'( I VI-J t . ~~3@J@ HABS/NRHP Date ') ~A L''-1 i' '1 CIl H :::0 t<:l t<:l H > t:l t:l :::0 t<:l CIl CIl t:l H CIl H :::0 H ("} H Supplemental Information ~ STREET ADDRESS BUILDING NAME ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: HISTORICAL INFORMATION: RESEARCH MATERIALS/SOURCES/LOCATION: HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS/LOCATION: RESEARCH COMPILED BY: Date Statement of Significance By af necessary, continue on additional pages.)