11 21 11 City Council Proceedings Official_Special and RegularCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 5:00 p.m. on November 21, 2011 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members, Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Sutton, City Manager Van Milligen; City Attorney Lindahl Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council to conduct a work session on the Family Self- Sufficiency Program. WORK SESSION Family Self- Sufficiency Program Housing and Community Development Director David Harris introduced staff members Carroll Clark, Erica Haugen, and Ermina Soler who provided a slide presentation on the Family Self- Sufficiency Experience, the Bridges Initiative (Bridges Out of Poverty, Getting Ahead and Circles). Topics discussed included: Family Self- Sufficiency Experience • Family responsibilities • Program coordinator responsibilities • Section 8 Voucher participation; contracts and case management • Program initiatives, education and employment outcomes Bridges Initiative • Bridges Out of Poverty; training programs, funding sustainability, continuing education and employment success outcomes • Getting Ahead L i Program initiatives, education and employment success outcomes and graduation • Circles L i Program history, initiatives, demographics and success outcomes Measuring changes in social equity and real -life impact Resources, partnerships, case studies, and reporting measures There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 5:38 p.m. /s /Kevin S. Firnstahl City Clerk CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. on November 21, 2011 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members, Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Sutton, City Manager Van Milligen; City Attorney Lindahl Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a regular session of the City Council to conduct such business that may properly come before Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION Major Tom Mason, Salvation Army SWEARING IN Fourth Ward City Council Member Lynn Sutton Mayor Buol presented the Individual- Career Award from the Iowa Emergency Medical Services Association (IEMSA) to Fire Captain Roger Wernimont. CONSENT ITEMS Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, and dispose of as indicated. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7 -0. Minutes and Reports Submitted: Airport Commission of 9/12, Cable Teleprogramming Commission 9/6, City Council Proceedings of 11/7, Historic Preservation Commission Education Task Force of 11/2, Housing Code Appeals Board of 7/19, Housing Commission of 9/27, Park and Recreation Commission of 10/11, Zoning Advisory Commission of 11/2, Zoning Board of Adjustment of 10/27 Library Board of Trustees Update from Meeting of October 27, 2011 Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Notice of Claims /Suits: Jason Duggan for vehicle damage, Christina Forsythe for vehicle damage, Roger Ruh for vehicle damage, Betty Tigges for property damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and referred to the City Attorney. City Attorney advising that the following claims have been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, the agent for the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool: Jason Duggan for vehicle damage, Kenneth Miller for vehicle damage, Christina Forsythe for vehicle damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and concurred. Wingate Place Subdivision — Acceptance of Improvements: City Manager recommending acceptance of the public improvements that the developers, GNZ Properties, Inc., Larry A. 2 Miller and Delbert G. Miller, have recently completed in Wingate Place No. 3 and Wingate Place No. 4. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 374 -11 Accepting public improvements in Wingate Place No. 3 and Wingate Place No. 4 was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 374 -11 ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN WINGATE PLACE NO. 3 AND WINGATE PLACE NO. 4 Whereas, pursuant to Resolutions 152 -10 and 360 -10, certain public improvements including street paving with curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and stormwater detention facilities, catch basins, and street lighting were installed by the developers of Wingate Place No. 3 and Wingate Place No. 4; and Whereas, the improvements have been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and has filed a certificate stating that the same, except the stormwater detention facilities, have been completed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council and in conformance with City specifications, and has recommended that the improvements be accepted by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said public improvements, except the stormwater detention facilities, in Wingate Place No. 3 and Wingate Place No. 4 be and the same is hereby accepted. Section 2. That maintenance of said public improvements shall be the responsibility of the owners for a period of two (2) years from the date of this resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Water Pollution Control Plant Construction Camera Documentation Services: City Manager recommending selection of Multivista to provide construction camera documentation services for the Water Pollution Control Plant Modifications Project for a proposed fee of $65,985, and approval to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Multivista. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. HiB Technical Skills Training Grant — Letter of Support: City Manager transmitting correspondence in support of Skill Up: Up- skilling IT in Iowa & Wisconsin proposal submitted by Northeast Iowa Community College in response to the H1 B Technical Skills Training Grants program. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. ABC Supply — Amendment to Lease Agreement: City Manager recommending approval of the First Amendment to the lease agreement with American Builders and Contractor's Supply Company, Inc. (ABC Supply). Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 375 -11 Approving a First Amendment to the lease agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and American Builders and Contractor's Supply Co., Inc. (ABC Supply) was adopted. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 375 -11 APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND AMERICAN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR'S SUPPLY CO., INC. (ABC SUPPLY) Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa (City) owns the real property located at 10 South Main Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, City and ABC Supply have negotiated a 5 year Lease Agreement for the property located at 10 South Main Street, a copy of which Lease Agreement is on file at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 13th and Central Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, City and ABC Supply have agreed to amend Section 1.1 of the Lease Agreement where ABC Supply waives all rights to terminate the lease; and Whereas, ABC Supply agrees to reimburse the City for an amount agreed upon for converting the existing wet fire sprinkler system to a dry fire sprinkler system; and Whereas, the City Council believes it is in the best interests of the City of Dubuque to approve the First Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The First Amendment between City and ABC Supply is hereby approved and the City Manager is authorized to execute said amendment on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Voluntary Dental Plan — Acceptance of Renewal Rates: City Manager recommending approval of the premiums for the dental plan, which are paid by the employee. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. Delinquent Water, Sewer, Storm Water, and Refuse Assessments: City Manager recommending approval to certify delinquent water, sewer, storm water and refuse charges to the Dubuque County Treasurer in order to establish real property liens for collection of such charges. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 376 -11 Adopting the Schedule of Assessments for delinquent water, sewer, refuse and stormwater accounts and directing the City Clerk to certify the Schedule of Assessments to the County Treasurer and to publish notice thereof was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 376 -11 ADOPTING THE SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR DELINQUENT WATER, SEWER, REFUSE AND STORMWATER ACCOUNTS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY THE SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS TO THE COUNTY TREASURER AND TO PUBLISH NOTICE THEREOF NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That after full consideration of the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto for delinquent water, sewer, refuse, and stormwater accounts which Schedule of Assessments was filed in the office of the City Clerk on the 14th day of November, 2011, the said Schedule of Assessments be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. That there be, and is hereby assessed and levied as a lien upon the real property, the respective sums indicated. 4 That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to certify said schedule to the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, and to publish notice of said certification once each week for two consecutive weeks in the manner provided in Iowa Code § 362.3, the first publication of which shall be not more than fifteen days from the date of filing of the final schedule. On or before the date of the second publication of the notice, the City Clerk shall also mail a copy of said notice to property owners whose property is subject to assessment, as provided and directed in Iowa Code § 384.60. The assessments may be paid in full or in part at the Utility Billing Office, City Hall, 50 W. 13th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at any time within 30 days after the date of the first publication of the notice of the filing of the Schedule of Assessments with the County Treasurer. After 30 days, unpaid assessments are payable at the County Treasurer's Office, Dubuque County Courthouse, 720 Central Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, and charges shall be collected in the same manner as general property taxes against the respective parcels of the property set opposite the name of the property owner. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR DELINQUENT WATER, SEWER, REFUSE AND STORMWATER ACCOUNTS Customer Name, Service Address, Acct Balance, Admin Fee, Total Balance Aaron J Lincoln, 704 Caledonia St, 53 18, 5 00, 58 18 Allan R Brimeyer, 327 Klingenberg Ter, 196 55, 5 00, 201 55 Amber M Fleege, 3056 White St, 54 68, 5 00, 59 68 Amy J Shepherd & John E Hulsizer, 922 Garfield Ave, 21 73, 5 00, 26 73 Angie Grimes, 2695 Dove St, 46 07, 5 00, 51 07 Anna M Riniker, 2528 Jackson St, 106 68, 5 00, 111 68 Antonio G Conley, 1104 Riverview St, 50 71, 5 00, 55 71 Auto & Truck Parts Inc, 3000 Jackson St, 364 09, 5 00, 369 09 Barry F Landolt, 911 Garfield Ave, 74 62, 5 00, 79 62 Bayview Investments LC, 30 W 28th St, 3815, 5 00, 43 15 Bill J Finn, 1860 Heeb St, 50 91, 5 00, 55 91 Bill J Finn, 2010 Shelby St, 131 88, 5 00, 136 88 Bryan R Glanz, 2995 Hillcrest Rd, 478 14, 5 00, 483 14 Charles J Massey, 209 Dillon St, 100 82, 5 00, 105 82 Charles W Wehrspann, 3870 Creston St, 60 90, 5 00, 65 90 Charmayne M McMurray, 1855 Rhomberg Ave, 57 90, 5 00, 62 90 Chris C Clark, 2411 Rhomberg Ave, 45 71, 5 00, 50 71 Chris F Curfman, 82 Alpine St, 23 42, 5 00, 28 42 5 Chris J Feldman, 1675 Amy Ct, 139 14, 5 00, 144 14 Christopher J Mayne, 1001 Garfield Ave, 135 96, 5 00, 140 96 CK Concrete Construction LLC, 7869 Commerce Park, 176 64, 5 00, 181 64 Colleen Gerhard, 1085 Roosevelt St, 43 05, 5 00, 48 05 Colon Bobbitt, 501 Obeche Ct, 229 14, 5 00, 234 14 D W Geiger, 2600 Central Ave, 523 89, 5 00, 528 89 Dale B Walker, 830 Valentine Dr, 40 60, 5 00, 45 60 Dale F Walbrun, 2300 Jackson St, 157 02, 5 00, 162 02 Dallas M Kalmes, 1038 Bluff St, 398 60, 5 00, 403 60 Daniel J Pfeiffer, 510 Angella St, 40 79, 5 00, 45 79 Daniel J Siefker, 1838 Central Ave, 588 04, 5 00, 593 04 David & Laurie Vonah, 2320 White St, 47 38, 5 00, 52 38 Dean W Miller, 604 Rhomberg Ave, 78 93, 5 00, 83 93 Debbie L Feldman, 739 W 8th St, 249 69, 5 00, 254 69 Deutsche Bank National Trust, 475 Valeria St, 193 76, 5 00, 198 76 Don D Heim, 596 University Ave, 105 28, 5 00, 110 28 Donald S Rogers, 749 Wilson St, 101 81, 500, 106 81 Donovan J Nelson, 1684 W 3rd St, 432 53, 5 00, 437 53 Doris Mantrenach, 369 Clarke Dr, 316 52, 5 00, 321 52 Doug Wolff, 2020 Rockdale Rd, 75 33, 5 00, 80 33 Ed F Davis, 971 Bluff St, 246 19, 5 00, 251 19 Fred J Husemann III, 2926 Washington St, 188 13, 5 00, 193 13 G C F, 295 Bradley St, 264 13, 5 00, 269 13 Gary A Hansen, 2060 Ellen St, 10 83, 5 00, 15 83 Gary Bernhard, 1110 Roosevelt St, 79 34, 5 00, 84 34 Gary Bernhard, 1100 Roosevelt St, 207 31, 5 00, 212 31 Gary E & Susan M Bay, 1805 Jackson St, 317 10, 5 00, 322 10 Gary E & Susan M Bay, 1815 Jackson St, 377 26, 5 00, 382 26 H & R Properties, 1586 Washington St, 189 63, 5 00, 194 63 Ivan P Divino, 345 W Locust St Apt 3, 288 89, 5 00, 293 89 Ivan P Divino, 522 Rhomberg Ave Apt 1, 3918, 5 00, 44 18 Ivan P Divino, 520 Rhomberg Ave Apt 2, 46 83, 5 00, 51 83 Ivan P Divino, 345 W Locust St Apt 1, 5335, 5 00, 58 35 Ivan P Divino, 345 W Locust St Apt 2, 5710, 5 00, 62 10 J Foht, 723 Peru Rd, 207 31, 5 00, 212 31 James J Healey, 2435 Coates St, 18 90, 5 00, 23 90 Jamie J Miller, 2450 Merfeld Ln, 40 82, 5 00, 45 82 Janet Udelhofen, 2139 Central Ave, 433 50, 5 00, 438 50 Jay C Close, 689 W Locust St, 252 61, 5 00, 257 61 Jayme J Mescher, 2577 Glenview Cr, 270 80, 5 00, 275 80 Jeffrey J Welter, 695 Kane St, 51 17, 5 00, 56 17 Jeffrey T Smith, 1265 Thomas PI, 216 51, 5 00, 221 51 Jeremy D Shireman, 2225 St Celia St, 116 73, 5 00, 121 73 Jerod F & Sarah A Bennett, 750 Kelly Ln, 157 02, 5 00, 162 02 Jesse Rans, 2008 Foye St, 118 33, 5 00, 123 33 Jody & Jason P McCarty, 2170 Deborah Dr, 233 60, 5 00, 238 60 Joel F Cabral, 24 Milwaukee St, 81 96, 5 00, 86 96 John & Sally Jo Herrig, 2119 Rhomberg Ave Apt 2, 76 08, 5 00, 81 08 6 John A & Megan R Glassbrenner, 555 W 17th St, 492 82, 5 00, 497 82 John H White, 955 Jackson St, 19 46, 5 00, 24 46 John R Barbee, 3085 Oak View Ct, 243 10, 5 00, 248 10 Joseph Healey, 1012 Wilson St, 107 41, 5 00, 112 41 Josie M Hagensten, 9 E 26th St, 246 19, 5 00, 251 19 George E Salser Jr, 514 Angella St, 48 57, 5 00, 53 57 Judy A Beecher, 55 Milwaukee St, 157 08, 5 00, 162 08 Julie Leclere, 2491 Hempstead St, 10461, 500, 109 61 Julie Leclere, 2489 Hempstead St, 142 36, 5 00, 147 36 Kathryn A Schrauth, 410 Kaufmann Ave, 75 97, 5 00, 80 97 Kenneth A Ginter, 2662 Ogle St, 121 54, 5 00, 126 54 Kenneth E Keller, 2054 Jackson St # 2, 307 11, 5 00, 312 11 Kermit Jackson, 1875 Clarke Dr, 24 34, 5 00, 29 34 Kevin J Klein, 2422 Washington St, 207 49, 5 00, 212 49 Key City Land Investments LLC, 3270 Dodge St, 71234,500,71734 Key City Properties LLC, 3125 Cedar Crest Rdg, 258 67, 5 00, 263 67 Key City Properties LLC, 3131 Cedar Crest Rdg, 317 28, 5 00, 322 28 Kress Industrial Facility LLC, Seippel Rd Commercial Park, 242 61, 5 00, 247 61 Kristi M Eppler, 2305 Queen St, 8811, 500, 93 11 Kristina M Williams, 2161 Washington St, 186 90, 5 00, 191 90 Larry Oglesby, 712 Hill St Apt 1, 116 50, 5 00, 121 50 Larry P & Cheryl A Conley, 2512 Broadway St, 22 87, 5 00, 27 87 Laura & Toby Benson, 1625 N Algona St, 347 24, 5 00, 352 24 Lonnie L Allen, 2565 Front St, 169 48, 5 00, 174 48 Lynn F Schmitz, 1040 Roosevelt St, 165 24, 5 00, 170 24 Lynn F Schmitz, 1030 Roosevelt St, 347 44, 5 00, 352 44 Main Street Development Co, 100 Main St, 801 90, 5 00, 806 90 Mardi Gras Estates LC, 2588 Central Ave, 60 48, 5 00, 65 48 Marie E Gerhard, 16497 Middle Rd, 104 57, 5 00, 109 57 Mark Krolich, 743 Louise St, 155 61, 5 00, 160 61 Martin Schadl, 3170 Keokuk Ct, 27 83, 5 00, 32 83 Mary B Mellor, 3110 Sheridan Rd, 330 52, 5 00, 335 52 Maurice A Kirchberg, 396 W Locust St, 85 82, 5 00, 90 82 Mcstac Properties LLC, 2276 Central Ave Apt 1, 38 27, 5 00, 43 27 MCSTAC Properties LLC, 2335 Garfield Ave, 38 50, 5 00, 43 50 Michael Dennison, 595 Angella St, 292 97, 5 00, 297 97 Michael J Schetgen, 3922 Inwood Ave, 20551, 5 00, 210 51 Michael Kane, 2222 Washington St, 168 37, 5 00, 173 37 Michael Lloyd, 2046 Morningview Rd, 102 67, 5 00, 107 67 Michelle Scott, 607 W 8th St, 38 10, 5 00, 43 10 Nadine M Banfield, 932 Merz St, 16 37, 5 00, 21 37 Nathan B Boyes, 977 Cleveland Ave, 12415, 5 00, 129 15 Nathan B Boyes, 1402 Lincoln Ave Apt 2, 170 57, 5 00, 175 57 Nathan B Boyes, 1402 Lincoln Ave Apt 1, 213 02, 5 00, 218 02 Nina K Nelson, 520 Lincoln Ave, 289 49, 5 00, 294 49 Ocean Rock Investments Llc, 915 Thomas PI, 324 12, 5 00, 329 12 Patrick J Norton, 2739 Burden St, 198 75, 5 00, 203 75 Patrick R Marsh, 158 Bluff St, 83 26, 5 00, 88 26 Paul B Breitbach, 523 Southern Ave, 155 79, 5 00, 160 79 Perry D Sopina, 116 W 13th St 1st FI, 34 95, 5 00, 39 95 Perry Sopina, 116 W 13th St #2 2nd FI, 21471, 5 00, 219 71 Philip F Schromen, 713 Peru Rd, 220 85, 5 00, 225 85 Quattro C Properties LLC, 2670 Raven Oaks Dr, 156 41, 5 00, 161 41 Quattro C Properties LLC, 2674 Raven Oaks Dr, 49 35, 5 00, 54 35 Randy Mills, 3055 Brunskill Rd, 60 28, 5 00, 65 28 Rebecca A Stover, 2875 Argyle St, 165 65, 5 00, 170 65 Rebecca S Brandenburg, 1404 Lincoln Ave, 598 19, 5 00, 603 19 Richard D Ames, 2337 Cherry St, 153 81, 5 00, 158 81 Ricky J Hurst, 3975 Inwood Ave, 207 31, 5 00, 212 31 Roger Richard, 1598 Washington St, 229 29, 5 00, 234 29 7 Ron Rudiger, 590 Angella St, 216 22, 5 00, 221 22 Ronald L Houselog, 716 E 22nd St, 34 49, 5 00, 39 49 Ronda S Carpenter, 2655 Beverly Ave, 221 58, 5 00, 226 58 Ryan A Neuhaus, 355 Kaufmann Ave, 27 75, 5 00, 32 75 Ryan P Hickson, 743 Cleveland Ave, 76 36, 5 00, 81 36 Sandy L Hefel, 1289 W 5th St, 40 84, 5 00, 45 84 Sara J Hines, 2169 Elm St, 229 12, 5 00, 234 12 Scott M Bries, 735 Kirkwood St 2nd, 135 35, 5 00, 140 35 Secretary Of Housing & Urban, 2224 Francis St Apt 1, 26 05, 5 00, 31 05 Secretary Of Housing & Urban, 2224 Francis St Apt 2, 26 05, 5 00, 31 05 Secretary Of Housing & Urban, 2222 Francis St, 29 79, 5 00, 34 79 Sherrie L Jones, 2790 Andrew Ct, 177 46, 5 00, 182 46 Steven J Kaiser, 3405 Jackson St, 111 07, 5 00, 116 07 Thomas & Martha Blake, 2414 Windsor Ave Apt 1, 40 19, 5 00, 45 19 Thomas Cunningham, 1576 Locust St, 5421, 5 00, 59 21 Thomas J & Martha J Blake, 357 Kaufmann Ave Apt 2, 138 48, 5 00, 143 48 Thomas J & Martha J Blake, 809 W 8th St # 2, 186 09, 5 00, 191 09 Thomas J & Martha J Blake, 2301 White St Apt 2, 193 31, 5 00, 198 31 Thomas J & Martha J Blake, 2214 Jackson St # 2, 229 53, 5 00, 234 53 Thomas J Wernimont, 1328 Jackson St, 11616, 5 00, 121 16 Timothy K Manning, 1552 Locust St, 145 98, 5 00, 150 98 Tina M Pluemer, 890 Pleasant St, 106 08, 5 00, 111 08 Tom E Connolly, 2900 Indiana Ave, 229 00, 5 00, 234 00 Tom J Ede, 3951 Inwood Ave, 207 31, 5 00, 212 31 Tri -State Property Management, 665 Jefferson St, 85 41, 5 00, 90 41 Tri -State Property Management, 663 Jefferson St, 76 96, 5 00, 81 96 Tri -State Property Management, 539 Pickett St, 77 22, 5 00, 82 22 Tri -State Property Management, 773 N Booth St, 132 38, 5 00, 137 38 Vicki L Rako, 1017 Bluff St, 159 71, 5 00, 164 71 Vikki L Vondran, 2490 Green St, 142 93, 5 00, 147 93 Walter W Mclaughlin, 689 W 8th St, 53 49, 5 00, 58 49 Wayne & Allie Ross, 556 W 17th St, 20231, Wells Fargo Bank Na Trustee, 1683 Wisconsin 5 00, 207 31 Ave, 187 56, 5 00, 192 56 Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE): City Manager recommending approval of the 2011/2012 Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) agreement between the City of Dubuque Police Department and the Dubuque Community School District. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. Plat of Survey — J.J. Kemp Place: Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval of the Plat of Survey of J.J. Kemp Place (408 Hill Street) as requested by James R. and Jo A. Edwards. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 350 -11 Approving the Plat of Survey of J.J. Kemp Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 350 -11 APPROVING THE PLAT OF SURVEY OF J. J. KEMP PLACE IN CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a Plat of Survey of J. J. Kemp Place in the city of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey provides 0 feet of frontage for Lot 1 and Lot 2 on a public or approved private street and 2,362 square feet of lot area for Lot 2, where 50 feet of street frontage and 5,000 square feet of lot area is required by Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and had its approval endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the City Council and they find that it conforms to the statutes and ordinances relating thereto. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is waived to allow 0 feet of frontage on a public street or an approved private street for Lot 1 and Lot 2 and 2,362 square feet of lot area for Lot 2. Section 2. That the Plat of Survey of J. J. Kemp Place is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon said Plat of Survey. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Plat of Survey — McNamer Acres #3: Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval of the Plat of Survey of McNamer Acres #3 (west end of Manson Road) as requested by Marty McNamer. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 378 -11 Approving the Plat of Survey of McNamer Acres #3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 378 -11 APPROVING THE PLAT OF SURVEY OF MCNAMER ACRES #3 IN CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a Plat of McNamer Acres #3 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa ; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey provides 0 feet of frontage for Lot 2 on a public or approved private street, where 50 feet of street frontage is required by Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code; and 8 Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and had its approval endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the City Council and they find that it conforms to the statutes and ordinances relating thereto. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is waived to allow 0 feet of frontage on a public street or an approved private street for Lot 2, where 50 feet is required. Section 2. That the Plat of Survey of McNamer Acres #3 is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon said Plat of Survey. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Final Plat — Knepper Addition: Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval of the Final Plat of Knepper Addition (1834 Creek Wood Drive) as requested by Buesing & Associates. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 379 -11 Approving the Final Plat of Knepper Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 379 -11 APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT KNEPPER ADDITION IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk the Final Plat Knepper Addition in the City of Dubuque, and Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas, said Final Plat provides 0 feet of frontage for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 on a public street or approved private street and 2,744 square feet of lot area for Lot 3, where 50 feet of frontage and 5,000 square feet of lot are required by Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code; and Whereas, said Final Plat has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and had its approval endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said Final Plat has been examined by the City Council and they find that it conforms to the statues and ordinances relating to it. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is waived to allow 0 feet of frontage on a public street or an approved private street for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3, and 2,744 square feet of lot area for Lot 3. Section 2. That the Final Plat Knepper Addition is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon said final plat. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Mines of Spain — Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Grant: City Manager recommending approval of the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant agreement with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for $200,000 in funds to be used 9 toward acquisition of 52.19 acres adjacent to the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center and the Mines of Spain State Recreation Area. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 380 -11 Authorizing REAP Grant Agreement with Iowa Department of Natural Resources for land acquisition for E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center and Mines of Spain was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 380-11 AUTHORIZING REAP GRANT AGREEMENT WITH IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR E.B. LYONS INTERPRETIVE CENTER AND MINES OF SPAIN Whereas, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has allocated $200,000 in FY 2012 REAP (Resource Enhancement and Protection) Program grant funds for land acquisition of 52.19 acres (Bottoms Property) adjacent to the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center and Mines of Spain; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque has entered into a purchase agreement with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation for acquisition of said 52.19 acres (Bottoms Property) adjacent to the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center and Mines of Spain. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The Mayor hereby is authorized to sign and the Planning Services Manager is hereby authorized to submit the REAP grant agreement with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for $200,000 in REAP grant funds for land acquisition of 52.19 acres (Bottoms Property) adjacent to the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center and Mines of Spain. Section 2. The City Council hereby provides its written assurance that the completed project will be adequately maintained for its intended use in accordance with state requirements. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Smart Planning Consortium Update: City Manager transmitting an update on the October 5, October 26, and November 9, 2011 Smart Planning Consortium Meetings. Minutes of the October 5 and October 26, 2011 meetings, Housing Goals and Objectives, and Smart Planning Public Input Meeting schedule are also provided. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Demolition of Flood- Damaged Properties: City Manager recommending approval of a contract with ECIA which utilizes FEMA Public Assistance funds for administration, fencing and demolition costs associated with the flood damaged properties at 1580 Old Mill Road, 1658 Manson Road and 1654 Manson Road. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. Iowa League of Cities — Audit Committee: City Manager submitting correspondence that Finance Director Ken TeKippe will be serving on the Iowa League of Cities' Audit Committee. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. 2011 Sewer Cured -in -Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project: City Manager recommending acceptance of the construction contract for the 2011 Sewer Cured -in -Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project as completed by Visu- Sewer, Inc., in the final contract amount of $94,363.75. Upon 10 motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 381 -11 Accepting the 2011 Sewer Cured -in -Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project and authorizing the payment of the contract amount to the contractor was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 381 -11 ACCEPTING THE 2011 SEWER CURED -IN -PLACE PIPE (CIPP) LINING PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT TO THE CONTRACTOR Whereas, the Public Improvement Contract for the 2011 Sewer Cured -In -Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project (the Project) has been completed and the City Engineer has examined the work and filed a certificate stating that the Project has been completed according to the terms of the Public Improvement Contract and that the City Engineer recommends that the Project be accepted; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The recommendation of the City Engineer is approved and the Project is hereby accepted. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby directed to pay to the Contractor from the General Storm Sewer Repairs, Street Program Related Sanitary Sewer, and Sanitary Sewer Lining Program appropriations for the contract amount of $94,363.75 less any retained percentage provided for therein as provided in Iowa Code chapter 573, and to pay such retainage only in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 573. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION OF THE 2011 SEWER CURED -IN -PLACE PIPE (CIPP) LINING PROJECT The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby certifies that he has inspected the 2011 Sewer Cured -In -Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project, that the Project has been performed in compliance with the terms of the Public Improvement Contract, and that the total cost of the completed work is $95,963.75. Dated this 15th day of November, 2011. Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer Filed in the office of the City Clerk on the 15th day of November, 2011. Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Dubuque Audubon Society — Letter of Support: City Manager transmitting correspondence from the Dubuque Audubon Society in support of the proposed Overlooks and Floating Island enhancements for the Lower Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Cottingham & Butler, Inc., Amendments to CEBA and Enterprise Zone Agreements: City Manager recommending amendments to the CEBA and Enterprise Zone Agreements for Cottingham & Butler, Inc. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 382 -11 Authorizing the Approval of an amendment to the CEBA and Enterprise Zone Agreements with Cottingham & Butler, Inc., was adopted. 11 RESOLUTION NO. 382 -11 AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CEBA AND ENTERPRISE ZONE AGREEMENTS WITH COTTINGHAM & BUTLER, INC. Whereas, the Iowa Economic Development Authority's Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) was designed to assist in the economic development efforts of local jurisdictions; and Whereas, The Iowa Economic Development Authority approved Agreement Number 07- CEBA-13 with the City of Dubuque and Cottingham & Butler on May 7, 2007 for the expenditure of Community Economic Betterment funds; and Whereas, The Iowa Economic Development Authority approved Agreement Number 07 -EZ- 021 with the City of Dubuque and Cottingham & Butler for the project to receive Enterprise Zone funds; and Whereas, Cottingham & Butler desire to amend the agreements and have requested to extend the job certification date to December 31, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the amendment to extend the job certification date to December 31, 2012 for the Community Economic Betterment Account program and Enterprise Zone program on behalf of Cottingham & Butler, Inc. is hereby approved. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the amendment and the City Manager is hereby directed to submit said amendment to the Iowa Economic Development Authority together with such documents as may be required. Passed, approved, and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Mediacom Communications: Communication from Lee Grassley, Senior Manager of Government Relations for Mediacom Communications Company, informing the City of rate adjustments. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Creek Wood Park — Alliant Energy Grant Application: City Manager recommending approval to apply for an Alliant Energy Foundation grant for development of Creek Wood Park. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project — Acquisition of Lot 351: City Manager recommending the acquisition of the W '/2 and E '/2 Lot 351 East Dubuque Addition (Junnie & Rich's Coin Partnership) through the process of eminent domain at the appraised value of $66,950 for the Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 383 -11 Authorizing the acquisition by eminent domain of certain real property owned by Junnie & Rich's Coin Partnership in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 383 -11 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY JUNNIE & RICH'S COIN PARTNERSHIP IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, the City of Dubuque (City) intends to acquire certain real property owned by Junnie & Rich's Coin Partnership (Owner) legally described as follows (the Property): 12 W' /2 of Lot 351 and the E 1/2 of Lot 351 in East Dubuque Addition, all in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining the Bee Branch Creek, a stormwater management project; and Whereas, City has made a good faith effort to negotiate with the Owner to purchase the Property before proceeding with condemnation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The City Manager is hereby authorized to commence proceedings for the acquisition of the Property by eminent domain. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Property Acquisition of Excess County Parcels: City Manager recommending acquisition of five excess parcels that the Dubuque County Treasurer is disposing of. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and approved. Abstract of Votes: Dubuque County Board of Supervisors submitting the Abstract of Votes for the General Election held the 8th day of November, 2011. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Signed Contracts: A) Contract with Mark Fondell Excavating, Inc., for demolition of 2263 and 2275 Elm Street; B) 2011 -2012 Americorps Grant Application; C) IBM FOAK Agreement Change Request Form. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. Liquor License Applications: City Manager recommending approval of annual liquor license renewals as submitted. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No.384 -11 Granting the issuance of a Class "C" Beer /Liquor License to Double Shot, Bridge Restaurant; a Class "C" Liquor License to Cookin' Something Up; a Class "B" Wine License to Sam's Club #4973, Iowa Street Market; a Class "WBN" Native Wine License to Kwik Stop Food Market, Plaza 20 BP /Amoco, Freddie's Popcorn Co.; and Resolution No. 385 -11 Granting the issuance of a Class "C" Beer Permit to Iowa Street Market, Kwik Stop Food Mart, Plaza 20 BP /Amoco, Sam's Club #4973 were adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 384 -11 Whereas, applications for Liquor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Laws and all City Ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued the following named applicants a Liquor License. Tim Specht Raysan Corp. CLASS "C" BEER /LIQUOR LICENSE Double Shot +(Sunday Sale) Bridge Restaurant +(Sunday Sale) SPECIAL CLASS "C" LIQUOR LICENSE 13 2093 Washington 31 Locust St. Cookin' Something Up Sam's West, Inc. Iowa Street Market, Inc. Cookin' Something Up +(Sunday Sale) 1640 JFK Rd. CLASS "B" WINE Sam's Club #4973 Iowa Street Market 4400 Asbury Rd. 1250 Iowa St. CLASS "WBN" NATIVE WINE LICENSE Rainbo Oil Company Kwik Stop Food Mart 2320 Hwy 61 R Future, Inc. Plaza 20 BP /Amoco 2600 Dodge St. Glen Stillmunkes Freddies Popcorn Co. 1066 Main St. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011 Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 385 -11 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted and filed to this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved: and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Iowa Street Market, Inc. Iowa Street Market +(Sunday Sale) Rainbo Oil Company Kwik Stop Food Mart +(Sunday Sale) R Future, Inc. Plaza 20 BP /Amoco +(Sunday Sale) Sam's West, Inc. Sam's Club # 4973 +(Sunday Sale) Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk ITEMS TO BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1256 Iowa St. 2320 Hwy 61 2600 Dodge St. 4400 Asbury Rd. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, set the public hearings as indicated, and direct the City Clerk to publish notice as prescribed by law. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7 -0. General Obligation Bonds: City Manager recommending setting a public hearing for December 5, 2011 on the proposition of selling not to exceed $9,000,000 in General Obligation Bonds for essential corporate purposes. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 386 -11 Fixing date for a meeting on the proposition of the issuance of not to exceed $9,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (for essential corporate purposes) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for publication of notice thereof was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:30 p.m. on December 5, 2011 in the Historic Federal Building. 14 RESOLUTION NO. 386 -11 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE FOR A MEETING ON THE PROPOSITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $9,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (FOR ESSENTIAL CORPORATE PURPOSES) OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, should issue General Obligation Bonds, to the amount of not to exceed $9,000,000, as authorized by Section 384.25, of the City Code of Iowa, for the purpose of providing funds to pay costs of carrying out essential corporate purpose projects as hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, before the Bonds may be issued, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code, and to publish a notice of the proposal to issue such Bonds and of the time and place of the meeting at which the Council proposes to take action for the issuance of the Bonds and to receive oral and /or written objections from any resident or property owner of the City to such action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That this Council meet in the Historic Federal Building, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at 6:30 o'clock P.M., on the 5th day of December, 2011, for the purpose of taking action on the matter of the issuance of not to exceed $9,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, for essential corporate purposes of the City, the proceeds of which Bonds will be used to provide funds to pay costs of the construction, reconstruction and repair of street, sidewalk and streetscape improvements, including those costs associated with the East 7th and Commercial Street reconstruction and related improvements, two -way street traffic conversions, and Historic Millwork District "complete streets" improvements, and the refunding and refinancing of the General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2010F, dated September 20, 2010. Section 2. To the extent any of the projects or activities described in this resolution may be reasonably construed to be included in more than one classification under Division III of the City Code of Iowa, the Council hereby elects the "essential corporate purpose" classification and procedure with respect to each such project or activity, pursuant to Section 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa. Section 3. That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause at least one publication to be made of a notice of the meeting, in a legal newspaper, printed wholly in the English language, published at least once weekly, and having general circulation in the City. The publication to be not less than four clear days nor more than twenty days before the date of the public meeting on the issuance of the Bonds. Section 4. The notice of the proposed action to issue the Bonds shall be in substantially the [provided] form: Passed and approved this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds: City Manager recommending setting a public hearing for December 5, 2011 on the proposition of selling not to exceed $5,000,000 in General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds for Greater Downtown Improvements. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 387 -11 Fixing date for a meeting on the proposition of the issuance of not to exceed $5,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (for urban renewal purposes) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for the publication of 15 notice thereof was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:30 p.m. on December 5, 2011 in the Historic Federal Building. RESOLUTION NO. 387 -11 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE FOR A MEETING ON THE PROPOSITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $5,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (FOR ESSENTIAL CORPORATE PURPOSES) OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREOF Whereas, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, should issue General Obligation Bonds, to the amount of not to exceed $5,000,000, as authorized by Sections 384.24(3)(q) and 403.12, of the City Code of Iowa, for the purpose of providing funds to pay costs of carrying out essential corporate purpose (urban renewal) projects as hereinafter described; and Whereas, before the Bonds may be issued, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code, and to publish a notice of the proposal to issue such Bonds and of the time and place of the meeting at which the Council proposes to take action for the issuance of the Bonds and to receive oral and /or written objections from any resident or property owner of the City to such action, and to publish a notice of the proposal to issue such Bonds and the right to petition for an election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That this Council meet in the Historic Federal Building, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at 6:30 o'clock P. M., on the 5th day of December, 2011, for the purpose of taking action on the matter of the issuance of not to exceed $5,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, for essential corporate purposes of the City, the proceeds of which Bonds will be used to provide funds to pay costs of aiding in the planning, undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal project activities under the authority of Chapter 403 of the Code of Iowa and the Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, including those costs associated with the construction of an intermodal transportation center, and the acquisition of real property for public or private redevelopment. Section 2. To the extent any of the projects or activities described in this resolution may be reasonably construed to be included in more than one classification under Division III of the City Code of Iowa, the Council hereby elects the "essential corporate purpose" classification and procedure with respect to each such project or activity, pursuant to Section 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa. Section 3. That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause at least one publication to be made of a notice of the meeting in a legal newspaper, printed wholly in the English language, published at least once weekly, and having general circulation in the City. The publication to be not less than ten clear days before the date of the public meeting on the issuance of the Bonds. Section 4. The notice of the proposed action to issue the Bonds shall be in substantially the [provided] form: Passed and approved this 21st day of November, 2011. Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 16 Roy D. Buol, Mayor BOARDS /COMMISSIONS Appointments to the following Boards /Commissions: Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission: One 3 -year term through October 1, 2014 (expired term of Cawley). Applicant: Wayne Klostermann, 2636 Queen Street; and Julie Beck, 1390 Glen Oak (Additional Applicant). Upon roll call vote of 4 -3, Wayne Klostermann was appointed to the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission for a 3 -year term through October 1, 2014. Sutton, Braig and Resnick voting for Beck. Human Rights Commission: One 3 -year term through January 1, 2014 (vacant term of Gloss). Applicants: Nickie Blume, 2523 Washington Street; and Miguel Jackson, 631 University Avenue. Upon roll call vote of 5 -2, Miguel Jackson was appointed to the Human Rights Commission for a 3 -year term through January 2014. Lynch and Resnick voting for Blume. Zoning Advisory Commission: One 3 -year term through July 1, 2013 (vacant term of Stiles). Applicant: Eugene Bird, Jr., 3357 Arrowwood Lane. Motion by Braig to appoint Eugene Bird to the Zoning Advisory Commission for a 3 -year term through July 2, 2013. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Request to Amend Planned Unit Development — Asbury Plaza: Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval to amend the Asbury Plaza Planned Unit Development to allow for a right -in /right -out access to the Northwest Arterial and to amend the list of permitted uses, height and sign regulations. City Manager recommending additional amendments to the Asbury Plaza Planned Unit Development. Correspondence from O'Connor & Thomas on behalf of the developers requesting that the request to amend the Planned Unit Development for Asbury Plaza be tabled to December 19, 2011. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and table to December 19, 2011 a proposed ordinance amending Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code by rescinding Ordinances 4 -96, 44 -99, 97 -02, 41 -03, 51 -05 and 65 -06, which established regulations for Asbury Plaza, a planned unit development with a Planned Commercial Designation, located at the northwest corner of Highway 32 and Asbury Road and now being amended to allow vehicle sales and vehicle service or repair as permitted uses and amend regulations for signage and building height. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. Upon motion the rules were suspended allowing anyone present to address the City Council. Request to Rezone — 2155 Rockdale Road: Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval to rezone property located at 2155 Rockdale Road from R -3 Moderate Density Multi - Family Residential District tO C -3 General Commercial District as requested by Joe Sack, Triple J Land Co. LLC / Daryl Bircher, DSD Properties. Citizen petition in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Citizen petitions in support of the proposed rezoning. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and table to December 5, 2011 a proposed ordinance Amending Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code by reclassifying hereinafter described property located at 2155 Rockdale 17 Road from R -3 Moderate Density Multi - Family Residential District to C -3 General Commercial District. Seconded by Resnick. Business Owner /Developer Daryl Biecher, 7762 Wildnest Lane, spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance and addressed issues raised by property owners. Planning Services Manager Laura Carstens provided a staff report. Richard Cheney, 2270 Jaeger Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance on behalf of area residents and cited increased traffic, the impact of proposed residential development, commercial property, the future Southwest Arterial, and detour issues. Table Mound Elementary School Principal Brenda Mitchell spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance and cited concerns related to the school and the presence of children. Motion carried 7 -0. Grand River Center — Exhibit Hall Carpet Replacement Project: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider approval of the plans and specifications for the Grand River Center Exhibit Hall Carpet Replacement Project and the City Manager recommending approval. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 388 -11 Approving the plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the Grand River Center Exhibit Hall Carpet Replacement Project. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. RESOLUTION NO. 388 -11 APPROVING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST FOR THE GRAND RIVER CENTER EXHIBIT HALL CARPET REPLACEMENT PROJECT NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the Grand River Center Exhibit Hall Carpet Replacement Project, in the estimated amount $ 156,000, are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of November, 2011. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider an amendment to the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan and the City Manager recommending approval. Correspondence from the Long Range Planning Commission recommending approval of the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan and finding that it is consistent with the 2008 Dubuque Comprehensive Plan Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and that the requirement that a proposed ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be passed be suspended. Seconded by Resnick. Motion carried 7- 0. Motion by Connors for final consideration and passage of Ordinance No. 50 -11 Amending the existing Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan pursuant to Chapter 404 of the Code of Iowa. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7 -0. 18 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 50 -11 AMENDING THE EXISTING OLD MAIN URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 404 OF THE CODE OF IOWA. Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has previously established the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area by Ordinance 87 -2002, and Whereas, the City Council finds that the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area should be revised to encourage residential uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance 87 -2002 establishing the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan is hereby amended. Section 2. That the Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan November 2011 Amendment amending Section 5.2 as hereto attached is hereby adopted and approved and the properties within said described area shall be subject to the provisions of said Plan. Section 3. That said Old Main Urban Revitalization Area Plan November 2011 Amendment shall hereafter be on file in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa. Section 4. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November 2011. /s /Roy D Buol, Mayor Attest /s /Kevin Firnstahl, City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald Newspaper the 25th day of November, 2011. /s /Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk University of Dubuque Geothermal Line — Bennett Street Easement: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider granting an easement under Bennett Street to accommodate the geothermal system for the University of Dubuque Performing Arts Center and the City Manager recommending approval. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 389 -11 Granting easement for private utility to University of Dubuque for an underlying portion of Bennett Street. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. RESOLUTION NO. 389 -11 GRANTING EASEMENT FOR PRIVATE UTILITY TO UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE FOR AN UNDERLYING PORTION OF BENNETT STREET Whereas, University of Dubuque has requested a "Grant of Easement" for Private Utility for an underlying portion of Bennett Street for the supply and return lines of a geo- thermal system; and Whereas, WHKS has prepared and submitted to the City Council an exhibit showing the underlying portion of Bennett Street, running between Lot 2 -15 and Lot 1- 1 -2 -14 both in O'Hare's Subdivision, for the proposed geo - thermal lines; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has determined that the portion of underlying Bennett Street can be utilized for this geo - thermal line crossing of Bennett Street, as shown on the Exhibit A, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the "Grant of Easement" for Private Utility for geo - thermal lines to the University of Dubuque be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. 19 Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Upon motion the rules were reinstated limiting discussion to the City Council. ACTION ITEMS Multicultural Family Center — 2010 -2011 Annual Report: Multicultural Family Center Director Tara Velez and Board President Gil Spence, to present the Center's 2010 -2011 Annual Report. Motion by Connors to receive and file the information. Seconded by Jones. Ms. Velez introduced members of the Center's Board of Directors and provided a slide presentation on the mission, history and programs of the Multicultural Family Center. Motion carried 7 -0. Urban Mobility Coordinator: Motion by Jones to receive and file the information. Seconded by Braig. Director of Transit Operations Barbara Morck introduced Urban Mobility Coordinator Michelle Huseman. Ms. Huseman provided information on her professional background. Motion carried 7 -0. Neighborhood Watch Program — Safe Community Task Force Recommendation: City Manager transmitting information regarding the Neighborhood Watch Program as recommended by the Safe Community Task Force. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the information and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. City Hall HVAC Improvements Project: City Manager recommending award of the contract to the low bidder, Tri -Con Construction, in the amount of $684,323, which includes the base bid for $669,451 and Alternates 2 and 4. Motion by Braig to receive and file the information and adopt Resolution No. 390 -11 Awarding the public improvement contract for the City Hall HVAC System Improvements Project. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7 -0. RESOLUTION NO. 390 -11 AWARDING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE CITY HALL HVAC SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Whereas, sealed proposals have been submitted by contractors for the City Hall HVAC System Improvements Project (the Project) pursuant to Resolution No. 339 -11 and Notice to Bidders published in a newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on the 7th day of October, 2011; and Whereas, said sealed proposals were opened and read on the 3rd day of November, 2011 and it has been determined that Tricon General Construction of Dubuque, IA, with a bid in the amount of $684,323 is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project, including Alternates 2 and 4. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That a Public Improvement Contract for the Project is hereby awarded to Tricon General Construction and the City Manager is hereby directed to execute a Public Improvement Contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the Project. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 20 Roy D. Buol, Mayor Request for Proposal - Automated Red Light and Speed Camera Enforcement Program: City Manager recommending implementation of a Red Light and Speed Camera Enforcement Program and the issuance of a Request for Proposals to select a vendor. Restated motion by Jones to receive and file the documents, approve the issuance of the Request for Proposals and schedule a work session on the topic for January 30, 2011. Seconded by Connors. Extensive discussion by the City Council included concerns over the need for safety, requesting more research and input from staff and citizens, the relationship to the Council's goals and priorities, and the program process. Responding to questions from the City Council, City Manager Van Milligen stated that the Council would have three to four additional opportunities to review and vote on the recommendation. Motion carried 5 -2 with Braig and Resnick voting nay. Family Self- Sufficiency — Program Coordinator: City Manager recommending funding of $26,853 be provided in the current fiscal year to continue the second Family Self- Sufficiency Coordinator position. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Resnick. Motion carried 7 -0. Central Avenue — Two -Hour Parking: City Manager recommending approval of an ordinance to remove the two -hour parking on the east side of Central Avenue from East 24th Street to a point approximately 225 ft. south of East 24th Street. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and that the requirement that a proposed ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be passed be suspended. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. Motion by Jones for final consideration and passage of Ordinance No. 51 -11 Amending section 9- 14- 321.602(C) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for two -hour parking by deleting certain portions of Central Avenue. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 51 -11 AMENDING SECTION 9- 14- 321.602(c) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, PROVIDING FOR TWO -HOUR PARKING BY DELETING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF CENTRAL AVENUE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF THE DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by deleting Central Avenue from Subsection (c) of Section 9 -14- 321.602 as follows: "Section 9 -14- 321.602. Prohibited on designated streets or portions thereof." (c) Time zones designated. Two Hour Time Zones Central Avenue, east side, from East 19th Street to East 24th Street. Section 2. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding Central Avenue to Subsection (c) of Section 9 -14- 321.602 the following: "Section 9 -14- 321.602. Prohibited on designated streets or portions thereof." (c) Time zones designated. Two Hour Time Zones 21 Central Avenue, east side, from East 19th Street to a point two hundred twenty -five feet (225') south of East 24th Street Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 2011. /s /Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: /s /Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald Newspaper the 25th day of November, 2011. /s /Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Proposed Contract with Nancy Richardson: City Manager recommending the City enter into an agreement with former Iowa Department of Transportation Director Nancy Richardson to provide advocacy services related to federal transportation policy and funding. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Braig. Motion carried 7 -0. Request for Work Session — Intermodal Center Design Concepts: City Manager requesting scheduling a work session on the Intermodal Center design concepts as soon as a date is available, but no later than December 10, 2011. Motion by Braig to receive and file the documents and schedule a work session for December 5, 2011. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7 -0. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS Council Member Sutton reported on the upcoming Festival of Trees on November 26. Mayor Buol reported on his attendance at the recent National League of Cities Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, and the amount of interest in Dubuque's sustainability efforts during the sessions he facilitated. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 8:44 p.m. Kevin S. Firnstahl City Clerk 22