5 08 12 City Council Proceedings Official_SpecialCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 5:30 p.m. on May 8, 2012 in the Historic Federal Buildings, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Braig, Connors, Lynch, Resnick, Sutton (left at 6:24 p.m.); City Manager Van Milligen Absent: Council Member Jones, City Attorney Lindahl WORKSESSION University of Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities Project PRESENTATIONS 1. Sustainable Dubuque Indicators Sustainable Dubuque Coordinator Cori Burbach introduced presenters Tim Christensen, Medora Kealy. A. Methodology B. Results: strengths, neutrals, weaknesses, C. Recommendations 2. Renewable Energy Asset Mapping Project Vice President of Existing Business for Greater Dubuque Development Corporation Dan McDonald introduced presenters Nick Benson, Robin Fennig. A. Project Scope B. Building and urban -scale methodology C. Solar mapping (incoming solar radiation) D. Wind Mapping (parcel specific mapping) E. Ground source heat pump mapping (geothermal) F. Business Energy Demand; Sampling partnerships G. Return on Investment Procedure H. Interactive Map — renewable energy by parcel I. Renewable Energy Zoning and Historic Preservation Impact and Recommen- dations J. Access to Renewables K. Critical Facilities Policy Analysis 3. Portrait of Poverty Vice President of Programs for the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Eric Dregne introduced presenters Tom Gross, Rose Phillips. A. Project Statement: Obtain an understanding of poverty in the community Notable Research components B. SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) C. Recommendations: increase outreach efforts to attract low and moderate in- come civic leaders, make successful programs high funding priority, invest in key 1 programs, expand Sustainable Dubuque services for low- and moderate - income residents 4. Green and Healthy Homes Initiatives Vice President of Programs for the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Eric Dregne introduced presenters Zach Panoff, Brian McDonough, Linnea Graffunder Pro- ject scope: Green and Healthy Homes Initiatives: remove lead, eliminate health and safety hazards, repair and rehab, and improve energy efficiency A. Project goals B. Fall 2011 recommendations C. Spring focus D. Methodology E. Priority Model (why, what, and how) F. Recommendations: identify subsets in need G. Renters and Landlords: recommendations 5. Local Foods Dubuque County Extension and Outreach Program Manager Jason Neises introduced presenters Erik Sampson, Stephanie Lientz. A. Connect local food producers with Dubuque colleges and universities B. Project Deliverables: C. College and University Relationship Building: Foundation for institution - producer relationships: Networking events, goals, information sharing D. Marketing and Resource Materials; compilation of marketing messages E. Resource Map: "driftless" area processing facilities and resources F. Action Plan available on Dubuque Extension web site Guide to creating and implementing a local food program at a collegiate institu- tion. G. Recommendations City Council members had brief discussion with project team members following each presentation. Ms. Burbach concluded by recognizing the partnerships and value of the recommen- dations and long -term action plans presented. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 7:54 p.m. /s /Kevin S. Firnstahl City Clerk 2