1945 May Council Proceedings 81 Murphy, Van Duelman, 1945 men Moffatt, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Leo Nauman et aI., owners or tenants of real estate within an area of two square blocks of 908 Rhomberg Avenue stating that they have no objection to the granting of a license to operate a tavern at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to John and Catherine Vondrall nor to the rezoning of this property lo~ cated at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to Local Business Classification. pre- sented and read. Official) Regular Session, May 7th, 1945. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Pre s e n t -M a y 0 r Thompson, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Thompson stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof. fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel man, 'Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing anyone pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the fOllowing vote Communication of the YMCA Soft Ball League, with attached peti- tions, requesting the use of the Mu~ nicipal Ball Park, known as the Athletic I,Field, to the YMCA Indus- trial Soft Ball League for night soft ball under the lights during the coming 1945 season, presented and read. Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication, with attached petitions, be referred to the Play- ground and Recreation Commission with Council recommendatioil that said petition be given favorable con- sideration and further requesting the Playground and Recreation Commission to take action, if pos- sible, on this petition within a per- iod of one week. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Nays-None. Mr. Carl Dangelmeyer et ul. ad- dressed the Council objecting to the rezoning of the property located at 908 Rhomberg Avenue for the pur- pose of operating a tavern at said 908 Rhomberg Avenue. May 5. 1945. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Dubuque, Iowa. Regular Session, May 7th, Council Communication of Louise Hoare submitting a statement of expenses in the amount of $386.00 for injuries sustained in a fall at 17th and Main Streets, presented and read. Gentlemen: The Dubuque Plan- ning and Zoning Commission re- spectfully recommends to your Hon- orable Body that the petition of John and Catherine Vondran ask- ing- rezoning of their property at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to Local Business classification be denied. To grant their request would in- volve the rezoning of a single piece of property which is contrary to sound zoning principles. RespectfUlly submitted. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By R. V. McKay, Secretary. .' :1 l~ t: I i. " Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga. tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of the PlannIng and Zoning Commission be ap. proved. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, ~ Ii Counci I . il ::1 !:! ."1. I~ 'I !I Ii 'II , i; I i ity C i i I ! 83 men Moffatt, Murphy. Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn dUr- ing the month of March, 1945, pre- sen ted and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of Publication be reo ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. - Nays-None. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Proceedings for the 1945, presented Council month of February, for approval. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1945, be ap- paved as printed. See 0 n d e d by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the following vote: 'i , Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci. men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of the official publication on April 26th, 1945, of Special Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1-45. An Ordinance granting to The Key City Gas Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to retain, extend, maintain and oper- ate its gas distributing system in the City of DUbuque and to lay and maintain its gas pipes and appur- tenences thereto, in, under, through, across and upon streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, parks, highways and public places of said City and addi- tions thereto for the period of twenty-five (25) years and regulat- ing the same; repealing all existing franchise ordinances heretofore granted to The Key City Gas Com- pany and requiring the surrender of all rights thereunder by the grantee therein; and providing for the submission of said Ordinance to a vote of the legal voters of said City for approval, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the proof of publication be received Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3~34, designated "Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque," so as t.o extend the present "Multiple Resi- dence District" of Cardiff Street. Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated as "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to extend the present "Multiple Reside-nce Dis- trict'. of Cardiff street; and, Whereas, Notice of such proposed change has been published as provid- ed by law and an opportunity offered to any and all interested parties and citizens to object thereto at a pub- lic meeting held at 7:30 P. m., April 2~, 1945, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall; and, Whereas, no objections have been filed or made to the proposed change. Now, Therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sf!c. 1. That the Zoning Map and Zomng Ordinance 0:1' the City of Du~ buque be and the same is hereby amended and chang"ed as follows: By extending the pre!"ent "Multiple Residence District" of Cardiff Street as follows: 1945 Beer Permit No. 105. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried -by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the Massachu- setts Bonding and Insurance Com- pany submitting Power of Attorney issued to C. C. Douglas authOl'izing him to execute bonds of all types on behalf of the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the Power of Attorney be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. "beginning at the northeasterly corner of Out Lot 732 on West Third Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of West Third Street to the easterly line of James St.reet; thence southerly along the easterly line of James Street a distance of sixty (60) feet; thence easterly to the easterly line of Out Lot 732 along a course sixty (60) feet south- erly of and parallel to the southerly line of West Third Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Out Lot 732 to the point of begin- ning." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be In force and effect from and after its final passage. adoption, approval by the City Council and publication as by law provided, and when t.he cost of publishing same has been paid by Petitioner. Passed upon first day of April. 1945. Passed, adopted final reading, this 1945. J. 23rd approved on day of May, Clerk. The Tele May 9th F. W. THOMPSON. Mayor FRANK VAN DUJ.>JLMAN. ALBERT WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY. W. W. MOFFA'!"!'. Councilmen. City J. HHEA, Cit:r Clerk. Concilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the fOllOWing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Co unci Regular Session, May 7th, Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Miss Hilda Dieterich stating that Stout Street has been filled in to the end of the lot line of 2249 Harold Street, thus preventing free use of said street and asking the City Council to take action in having said Stout Street made passable, and further that the surface water from said street be not allowed to flow onto her gar. den, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following "':ote this reading _4. ttest SHEA, PublishE'd officially in ~raph-Herald newspaper, 1945. J. 5-9-1T. Petition of Gordon G. Grot john re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit as he is discounting business on May 7, 1945, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50.00 in fa- vor of Gordon G. Grotjohn to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 111. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 6-45. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34. designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to extend the present "Multiple Resid8nce District" of Cardiff Street, said ordi- nance having been passed upon first reading on April 23rd, 1945. and or- dered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adop- tion, presented and read on final adoption. ORDI NANCE NO. 6.45 An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning :.\Iap or the City of Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50.00 in fa- vor of George N ardin to covel' the amount of refund granted on the un- expired portion of his Class "B" i I , , , i ,! 82 and 7th J. Petition of the Huff Lumber Com- pany requesting that they be auth- orized to continue the occupancy of their property known as Lot 1 of Min. Lot 362; Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of Min. Lot 362; Lots 2 of 1 of 1 of 2, 2 of 3, 1 of 6, 1 of 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Fink's Addition; and Lot 1 of 9 in Gillispie Subdivision of Min. Lot 361 for a period of two years in ac- cordance with 5 of Article 2 of Or~ dinance No. 3-34, presented and read. Petition of George Nardin re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 105 as he is discontinuing husi- ness on May 7, 1945, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred ~o the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. I , I , , I ! i II Ii 81 men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, iI Coune ity C Petition of Leo Nauman et aI., owners or tenants of real estate within an area of two square blocks of 908 Rhomberg Avenue stating that they have no objection to the granting of a license to operate a tavern at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to John and Catherine Vondrall nor to the rezoning of this property lo~ cated at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to Local Business Classification, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Due man, .Wharton. Nays-None. II Communication of the YMCA Soft Ball League. with attached peti- tions, requesting the use of the Mu- nicipal Ball Park, known &S the Athletic 'Field. to the YMCA Indus- trial Soft Ball League for night soft ball under the lights during the coming 1945 season, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication, with attached petitions, be referred to the Play- ground and Recreation Commission with Council recammendatim.1 that said petition be given favorable con- sideration and further requesting the Playground and Recreation Commission to take action, if pos- sible, on this petition within a per- iod of one week. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, CouH~il- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Louise Hoare submitting a statement of expenses in the amount of $386.00 for injuries sustained in a fall at 17th and Main Streets, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lOWing vote: Official) Regular Session, May 7th, 1945. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Pre s e n t -M a y 0 r Thompson, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Thompson stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing anyone pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Mr. Carl Dangelmeyer et :11. ad- dressed the Council objecting to the rezoning of the property located at 908 Rhomberg Avenue for the pur- pose of operating a tavern at said 908 Rhomberg Avenue. May 5, 1945. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Dubuque Plan- ning and Zoning Commission re- spectfully recommends to your Hon- orable Body that the petition of John and Catherine Vondran ask- ing- rezoning of their property at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to Local Business classification be denied. To grant their request would in- volve the rezoning of a single piece of property which is contrary to sound zoning principles. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By R. V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, , Counci i I I ~ , 1 I I ~ ~. -TIll 83 men Moffatt, Murphy. Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn dur. iug the month of March, 1945, pre~ sellted and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of pUblication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Connei men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. . Nays-None. Proceedings for the 1945, presented Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1945, be ap- poved as printed. See 0 n d e d by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays~None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of the official publication on April 26th, 1945, of Special Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1--45. An Ordinance granting to The Key City Gas Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to retain, extend, maintain and oper- ate its gas distributing system in the City of Dubuque and to lay and maintain its gas pipes and appur- tenences thereto, in, under, through, across and upon streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, parks, highways and public places of said City and addi- tions thereto for the period of twenty-five (25) years and regu!at- ing the same; repealing all eXisting franchise ordinances heretofore granted to The Key City Gas Com- pany and requiring the surrender of all rights thereunder by the grantee therein; and providing for the submission of said Ordinance to a vote of the legal voters of said City for approval, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the proof of pUblication be received "beginning at the northeasterly corner of Out Lot 732 on \Vest Third Street; thence westerI:r along the southerly line of West Third Street to the easterly line of James Stre€t; thence southerly along the easterly line at James Street a distance of sixty (60) feet; thence easterly to the easterly line of Out Lot 732 along a course sixty (60) feet south- erly of and parallel to the .southerly line of West Third Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Out Lot 732 to the point of begin- ning." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption, approval by the City Council and publication as by law provided, and when the cost of publishing same has been paid by Petitioner. Passed upon first reading this 23rd day of April, 1945. Passed, adopted final reading, this 1945. Council month of February, for approval. approved on day of May, F. W. THOMPSON. Mayor FRANK VAN DUJ!1LMAN. ALBERT' WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY. W. W. MOPF_1\'l"r. Counciimen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clf;rk. PublishE'd officially in The Tele graph-Herald newspaper, May 9th 1945. J. HHEA, City Clerk. ConcHman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councf and 7th J. 5-9-1T. " i'l I l -.. Petition of Gordon G. Grot john reo questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit as he is discounting business on May 7, 1945, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war. rant in the amount of $50.00 in fa~ vor of Gordon G. Grot john to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 111. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci. men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 6~45. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to extend the present "Multiple Resid'3nce District" of Cardiff Street, said ordi- nance having been passed upon first reading on April 23rd, 1945, and or- dered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adop- tion, presented and read on final adoption. I r I , ii :i 'I il II Ii: i:. , .:i 'j, ;!: ;,1 :: I , 'I 'I, I' I'. I.., ! 'II I' ,I' II il I I: , Ii ,; I, ~ I'li"il i' . ,II,: ; I I I " I . 'I' i, 'I ., "1 I: I'!: Ii I II, :' I"!i' i,I',,',', i Ilil: ' 1.1 ili'll,l" I II I .," III 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3..34, designated "Zoning Ordi- nancaof the City of Duhuque," SO as to extend the present "Multiple Resi- dence District" of Cardiff Street. Whereas, it is deemed advlsable by the City Council to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. ~~34, designated as "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to extend the present "Multiple Residence Dis- trict" of Cardiff street; and, Whereas, Notice of such proposed change has been published as provid- ed by law and an opportunity offered to any and all interested parties and citizens to object thereto at a pub- lic meeting held at 7:30 P. m., April 22, 1945, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall; and, Whereas, no objections haYe been filed or made to the proposed change. Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COU:-;rCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sttc. 1. That the Zoning Map and Zomng Ordinance of the City of Du- buque be and the same is hereby amended and changed as follows: ily extending the pre>,ent "Multiple Residence District" of Cardiff Street as follows: 1945 Beer Permit No. 105. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays~None. Communication of the Massachu- setts Bonding and Insurance Com- pany submitting Power of Attorney issued to C. C. Douglas authorizing him to execute bonds of all types on behalf of the Massachu.3etts Bonding and Insurance Company, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the Power of Attorney be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Regular Session, May 7th, Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be receiv9d and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following ":ote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Yeas~Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Miss Hilda Dieterich stating that Stout Street has been filled in to the end of the lot line of 2249 Harold Street, thus preventing free use of said street and asking the City Council to take action in having said Stout Street made passable, and further that the surface water from said street be not allowed to flow onto her gar. den, presented and read. 82 Petition of the Huff Lumber Com. pany requesting that they be auth- orized to continue the occupancy of their property known as Lot 1 of Min. Lot 362; Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of Min. Lot 362; Lots 2 of 1 of 1 of 2, 2 of 3, 1 of 6, 1 of 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Fink's Addition; and Lot 1 of 9 in Gillispie Subdivision of Min. Lot 361 for a period of two years in ac- cordance with 5 of Article 2 of Or- dinance No. 3-34, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred ~o the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote Y eas- Mayor Thompson, Counci men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of George Nardin reo questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 105 as he is discontinuing husi- ness on May 7, 1945, presented and read. ORDINANCE NO. 6-45 An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50.00 in fa- vor of George Nardin to cover the amount of refund granted on the un- expired portion of his Class "B" - 85 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, I - ment or products authorized or used pursuant to authority ot this ordi- nance. The City shall pass suitable ordi- nances as may be necessary pro- tecting the Company and its prop- erty against waste and unlawful use of gas. and the Company through duly authorized employees Is hereby authorized to enter the premises of its customers at all proper times far the purpose of reading meters, disconnecting customers. inspecting pipes and all other gas appliances and for determining the use of such gas by such customers. Section IX. Before the work of tearing U1- or excavating in streets or public places is begun tor the pllrpose of laying gas pipes. said Company shaIl file with the City Engineer an applfca- tion showing the streets or public places where the proposed work is to be done and said Engineer shall thereupon, without unnecessary de- lay, a;;sign the location for such pipes tn such ~treet or public place. and the Company in laying its pipes in such street or public place, shall follow such location. No excavating for the laYing of pipe shall he done until a location is assigned as here- in provided. Section X. The said Company shall, at Its own expense, place and maintain on file in the office of the City Engineer, a complete and accurate map showing the size and location nf all mains now in the !'ltreets, alleys anel puhlic places of said City and private Rights of Way. and such map shall he correr>t- ed antl amended on or before January first of each year to show all new installations, additions, extensions and removals of mains. Section XI The Company shall at all times cause its pipes and appliances to conform with established street grades, either ai'l the~' now are or as they may be hereafter changed. "\Vhenever the Citv shall determine to construct, repair or Improve in any manner, any street in the- City, in or across which pipes or appliances of the Company are laid, making- it necessary to lower, elevate, change, remove or relay any such pipe or ap- plirmce in order that such puNic im- provement may he constructed, the Company shall, at its own expense, make such alterations, hnd the de-- ....i..ion of th", City Council al'! to the necessity of such alteration or remov- al shall he final: provided, however. that a reasonable notice of the in- tention of the Council In this respect and the work required to be done shall he given the Company. Section XII. The Company shall install a service pipe to the property line fa:!' all build- ings on the lines of its mains, provid_ ed written application is made by the consumer agreeing to use gas, Said Company shall also extend its mains into any street or territory provided it can obtain one consumer of gas for every eighty (80) feet of such ex- tensiOl Rut the Company shall not ance sheet, property account with additions and retirements in the same detail as furnished the State Tax Commission for the preceding calendar year. Upon request of the Councll a similar statement will be supplied any July for the preceding six months, Whenever any controversy arises over the question of adjusting or fix- ing rates and prices or in any pro- ceeding for that purpose the Com- pany shall afford the Council or any person or persons authorized or em- ployed by it, free access to the books and records of the Company re- quired to establish the adequacy or inadequacy of the rates then in ef- fect or prOPOsed. SectIon V In making excavations in streets. alIeys or other public places for the purpO!'le of renewing, extending or repairing gas pipes. said Company shall proceed with such work ..,0 as to cause the least possible incon- venience to the public. While the work is under construction the Com- pany shall properly guard and pro- tect such obstructions which it may cause to be made in the streets, sidewalks and public places by plac- Ing at or near the same suitable barriers, guards or lights. After the work has been completed the Com- pany shall replace the streets and sidewalks and public places which it has torn up or disturbed and ieave the same in SUbstantially the same conditions they were in be- fore and remove all surplus ma- terials at once. Should the Company fail or refuse to do and perform the thing;:. herein provided, the City may perform them and charge the ex- pense thereof to the Company. In cnse any suit or action at law he commenced against the City of DuhuQue upon any claim for dam- ages ".rising out of any loss, injury or damage, charged to have been caused - hy any obstruction or exca va- tion in any street, alley, sidewalk or public plaee in said City, and which obstruction or excavation was made or left in, under, or upon such street. sidewalk. alley or public place by said Company, its agents or em- pJoyee.'!l, upon heing notified by said City of such action or proceeding, said Company shall appear and make propf'r defense thereto; and if any judgment or decree shall in any such case be Tf'ndered against the City therein. said Company hereby agrees to assume and pay such 1udgment or decree, with the costs thereof. Section VIII. The said Company agrees that It wIll at all times comply with any and all rules and regulations which the City Council of the City of Du- buque may make applying to the puhlic generally with reference to the removal or replacement of pa;ve- ments and to excavation In the streets. and to uses of the streets, not inconsistent with their use for the purposp.s contemplated In this Ordinance. fhe Company shall in- demnify and hold the City harmless at all times during the term of this grant from and against all claims for injury or damage to persons or property caused by the construction, erection, operation or maintenance of any structure. appliance, equip- 1945 the City Councll of said City, but in no event to any greater extent than is provided for In this ordinance, :.~ Regular Session, May 7th, 84 $.ectlon I. it Is further provided and agreed that the heating value of manufac. tured gas supplied and' distributed under this grant shall he maintained at a minimum of 560 British Thermal Unit!" per cubic foot of gas, which heating value shaH not drop below this 8tandard for more than three consecutive days and not more than six days in anyone calendar month, unless the City Council shall by resolution permit the supplying of gas of a lower heating value. It Is further provided and agreed that the minimum pressure of manufactured gas supplied and distributed under thi~ grant shall be maintained at three (3") inches of water column at any part of the distribution sys- tem. As evidence of the maInten. ance of such pressure an accurate recording: pressure gauge located on Main Street between Sixth and Sev- enth Stref::ts shall show a minimum pressure of five (5") inches of water column. The City Council express- ly reserves the right to make tests from time to time to ascertain the quantity, quality and pressure of the gas furnished and the Company shall furnish the City, or any officer employed by it for that purpose, full access to its plant and whatever assistance may be necessary to properly make such tests. SectIon IV. Meters at the effective delte of this ordinance in service shall be sye- tematlcall\' tested with a meter prover ao'd compared with an accu- rately calibrated standard test me- ter and adiusted to register wilhin tWO pEir cent (2%) of accuracy in such I1umhers so that within each five year period from and after the effective date of this ordinance all meters in service will have been tel'ted and/or recallhrated. However, the City Council may hy resolution extend the period for such tests. Section V, The priee of gas furnished to the rity for public lighting, for lighting public buildings and for other pub. lie purposes, and also the price of RaB furnished to private consumers shall he subject to the control and regulation of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: provided. that such flrice~ or rates shall be reason. able and compensatory and shall not he so fixed until after reasonable notice to said Company of the in- tention of the City Council to exer- cise the right to fix the same; and further provided that the control and reg.ulation of prices and rates shall be subject to any statute rela- tive thereto now or hereafter en- acted. Section V For the purpose of keeping the City Council informed as to the net earnings of said Company in all its departments and from all sources the Conmany agrees that on or be- fore the thirty-first day of each May It will file with the City Coun~ cil a report showing the revenues, expenses and charges in sufficient detail for reasonable examination arid determination thereof and bal- and filed. Seconded by Councilm&n Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Ordinance No. 1~45. An OrdInance grantlng to The Key City Gas Company, its successors and assigns, the right to retain, extend, maintain and operate its existing gas distributing system in the City of Dubuque and to lay and 'dlaintaIn its gas pipes and appurtenances thereto, in, under, through, across and upon streets, avenues. aileys, brIdges, parks, highways, and pUblic places of said City and addItions thereto for the period of twenty-flve (25) years and regulating the same; re~ pealing ail existing franchise ordi- nance;; h~retnfore granted to The Key City Gas Company and requiring the surrender of all rights thereunder by the grantee therein; and prOVidIng for the submission of said Ordinance to a vote of the legal voters of said City for approvai. Be it ordained by the City Councl of the City of Dubuque: Section I, In consideration of the faithful per- tormance and observance of the con- ditions and reservations hereinafter specified, the right be and is hereby gran ted to The Key Ci ty Gas Com. pany, its successors and assigns, hereinafter called the Company, to rp.taln, extend, maintain aad operate its present gas distributing system and to lay and maIntain its gas pipes and appurtenances thereto, in, under, through, across, along and upon the streets. avenues. alleys, bridges. parks, highways and public ph.ces of th€' City of Dubuque and additlons thereto for ... period of twenty-five (251 years following the fulfil1ment of Section XVIII hereof. Section I In consideration of the rights grant- ed in th€' first section hereof, the said Company agrees and binds itself, whene....er required by applicants in good faith. to furnish a good and suf- ficient supply of merchantable gas for Illuminating-. cooking, heating or power purposes to the City of Du- buque ~nd to inhabitants thereof. in all cases where the buildIngs to be supplied are equipped for the use of gas Rnd situated on or aiong the Hoe 'If the streets or alleys in which the gas pipes of said Company are laid; also, in all l:!uch cases. when- ever required to make the usual meter connections necessary to sup- nly buildin~s situated as aforf'sald with gas tor the purposes herein specified; the expense of furnishing the consumer with proper meterl'!, meter connections and service pipes to the property lIne to be borne by said Company, The Company also to make. from time to time such exten- sions and additions to iis gas mains as may be reasonably required by Nays-None. SPECIAL ORDINANCE i I I I . I I: i i I I I " . 1 , 'i, ,I' II II I II II I, :1 'I , I 1." i I" Iii 1,.1, 'I I" I;' II '. I! 1,1 :1: .'1 .1 I I , , i I II II ~ n h ! L Ii -:: Ii I , , , , 87 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May, 1945. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public. Councilman Murphy moved that the report of the Civil Service Com- mission be received and made a ill a t t e r of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Cou:1cil. men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Gentlemen: Referring to lhe at- tached petition to Jas. F. Lee et aL, property owners in Cox's Addition. asking vacation of the northerly end of Ellis Street from the northerly line of Lot 51, Cox's Addition ex. tended, to the northerly end of the street, also the vacation of the al- ley between Almond Street and Seminary Street from the westerly line of Ellis Street to the easterly line of Foye Street, the Planning and Zoning Commission respectiul~ ly recommends to your Honorable Body that said vacations be allowed. The property is worthless to the City for street purposes due to the impossible terrain. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By R. V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of the Plan~ ning and Zoning Commission be ap- proved and the City Solicitor in- structed to prepare the proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. May 4th, 1945. In re: Claim of J. J. Callaghan. Honorable Mayor and City Counci City of Dubuque. Iowa. Gentlemen: r'From my investiga- tion of this claim for $250.00 on ac- count of an injury sustained in a fall on a sidewalk on State Street May 5th, 1945. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Tele- 26th, ty-five (25) years as provftled and upon the terms and condItIons stat- ed in the ordinance adopted by the CIty Council on February 5th, 1945, a copy ot which is prInted hereon.... Passed by the City Council upon fIrst reading January 25th, 1945. Passed by the City Council upon tlnal reading February 5th, 1945. W. W. MOFFAT'r. Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON. FRANK VAN DUELMAN GEO. R. MURPHY. ALBERT WHARTON. Councilmen. J. J. SHEA, City DUbuque, Iowa, May 5th, 1945. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 289 of the Code of Iowa, 1939, the Civil Ser- vice Commission conducted a pro- motional examination, as of April 19, 1945, for those seeking promo- tions on the Fire Deparament. The following are those who passed with the highest averages. All promotions on the Fire Depart- ment should be made from this list. Average. .92% ..85% 76% .90% .84% 83% 82% .81% .78% .77% .76% .76% .76% .71:% .92% .88% .80% J. SHEA, City Clerk. LIEUTENANTS. John Schadle P. M. Casey. VI. E. Blaser . E. Strohmeyer. E. J. Flick. H. C. Hocking .................. N. Rauch M. Cahill John Connelly L. Donovan Otto Larson ENGINEER. John Ratterman Elmer Lynch Ray Slaght Respectfully submitted, DR. JON. B. MURRAY, Chairman. C. S. HARKER, E. B. LYONS, Commissio~1ers. J, J. SHEA, Clerk. Attest Clerk. {Seal of the City Of Dubuque) Published offiCially in The graph-Herald newspaper, April 1945. J. 4-26-1 CAPTAIN. Name. M. F. Bennett John F. McCann Vincent Kluck J il , II 1945 tIon or mixed with manufactured gas, then, and In that event. the Company hereby agrees, at lt~ own expense, to make all necessary changes and adjustments. including all labor and materials. in all domes- tic and commercial customers' appli- ance!'! which can be reasonably chang- ed and adjusted to the end that such appliances may properly and effect- ively utilize the gas so furnished. In the event the Company electg to supply natural gas mixed with man- ufactured gas the said mixed gas shall be supplied at 9. minimum of 800 British Thermal Units per cubic foot, which heating value shall not drop below this standard for more than three consecutive 1ays and not more than six days in anyone calen- dar month. unless the City Council shall by resolution permit the supply- ing of said mixed gas of a lower heat- ing value. XV This Ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and atter its passage by the City Council. its ap- proval and ratitication by the legal voters of the City ot Dul:ouQue and the acceptance at its terms by the grantee or Its assigns in writing and its pUblication in The Te]egraph~ Herald, the otficial newspaper of the City of Dubuque. The qu~stfon whether this Ordi- nance shaH be approved and the fore-- going franchise take effect shaH be submitted to the legal voters of the Cit), of Dubuque to be voted on at a special election to be held on the 2nd day of April, 1945. Shall the following public measure he adopted, NO "Shall The Key City Gas Company. its successors and assigns, be granted the right to retain, extend, maintain, and operate Its exl8ting gal:; distribution system and to lay and maintain Its gas pipes and ap- purtenances thereto. in, under, through, across, along and upon the streets, alleys, avenues, bridges, parks. bighways, and public places in the City of Dubuque and mldi- tlons thereto tor a period of twen- question Section XVI This Ordinance. when duly ratified by the electors ot the r::ity at Du- buque Iowa. and accepted by The Key City Gas Company, shall be con- stru"ld to have the force and effect at a contract between the City ot Du- buque and said Company and to be mutually binding on hoth parties and it is understood and agreed by and between the said City of Dubuque and said Company that upon the tak- ing effect of this Ordinance all fran- chise rights and prIvileges granted theretofore by the Cit) ot Dubuque to any ga~ company, person, tirm or corporation. and theretofore owned or held by the said Key City Gas Com- pany. or in which said Company has or had an Interest. shall terminate as ot that date Section I. YES At such election on this the torm ot ballot shall be: Regular Session, May 7th, Section xv. The distributing system or any part thereof at said Company now be- ing operated by it or which may be hereafter installed shall not be aban- doned or discontinued except with the consent ot the City Council. In the event ot any failure on the part ot the Company to render the gas service to the City ot Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof as con- templated and provided by this Or- dinance when such failure is not due to causes beyond the reasonable con- trol ot the Company, the City Council shall have the right. on reaflonable notice to the Company. to declare this Ordinance and the rights and fran- chises granted thereunder forfeited. Section gas becomes Compnny de- distribute the natural composi Section XIV As soon as practicable hereafter and thereafter during the term at this grant and in consideration theretor, the Company shall have prepared reasonable rules and regulationl:l not inconsistent with the provisions ot this Ordinance with reference to ex- tensions of its distributing system which rules and regulations shan have a uniform application throughout the City and a copy of which shall be placed and kept on tile with the City Clerk Section XIii. Whenever an application for an ex- tension ot its distributing system into unimproved territory is made to said Company the extension, including serVlce pipes to the lot lines, shaH be made by said Company provided that the cost thereof shaH be paid by the aplllicant therefor, an estimate at such cost being furnished the appli- cant by the Company. When the prop- erty abutting such extension Is im- proved and there is a consumption of gas through the service pipes con- stituting a part thereof, such appli- {'ant shall be entitled during the peri- od of SlOven (7) years following the making of such extension, to a re- fund, at the end of each year, of all sums received by the Company for gas sold and delivered through said Sclrvice pipes during the preceding year; provided, however, that In no case shaH the total umount ot such refunds exceed the sum of 35.00 per one thousand (1000) cubic teet of av- erage annual gas sales through said service pipes. nor exceed the amount received by the Company for the making at such extension. Should said Company tail or refuse to make such extension, the conditions provided tor In this section having been complied with, the City Council by resolution may order said Company to make same. be obliged to extend its mains as above provided unless written appli- cation is made by the prospective consumers agreeing to commence the use of gas as soon as the mains are ~o extended and the servIce pipes are laid into the property line. XV in the event natural available so that the sires to supply and same either in its 86 " i 'I II 'i " II II . 'I II i I" .111 II I , : " 'I 'I i Iii II i; ! I 'I I 'I I II I' I.! '1.1 , I' ! 'I! 'I I II I., , ' I .1 II I, 'II ]1 I! 1.11'1 ii! 1'.1 II' ,II i,j 89 cessars and assigns, at its own ex- pense, agrees to defend any and all claims or actions which may be made or brought against the City because of the construction and/or maintenance of such heating tunnel, and should the City be required to pay any sum as damages, ~aid Stampfer Building Co., its success- ors and assigns, agree to fully re- imburse the City therefor and to hold said City harmless from any damages. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, its South :1;3 of City Lot 31 with Lot 1 of the Subdivision of City Lots 170 and the East 43 ft. of 171 and the North 2 ft. of the East 43 ft. of Lot 172, in the City of Du- buque Sec. 5. Should the rights and privileges herein granted be re- scinded or revoked, said Stampfer Building Co., its successors and as- signs, at its own expense and upon receipt of notice by registered mail, agrees, within 30 days after receipt of such notice, to remove the struc. ture herein authorized and to reo store the alley in as good condition as it was before said construction. Sec. 6. This Resolution shall be- come effective and the rights here- under shall accrue to Stampfer Building Co., its successors and as- signs, when this Resoltion has been passed by the City Council and ac. cepted by said Stampfer Building Company which acceptance shall be endorsed hereon. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of May, 1945. THOMPSON, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. W. F. and Iowa Streets in the rear of store building, conecting the And, Whereas, said petition was referred to the City Council to view the ground, And, 'Whereas, the City Council viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that the said request should be granted. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City C:mn. cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Stampfer Building Co., its successors and as- signs, be, and it is hereby granted the right and authority to place a heating tunnel below the surface of the alley between Main and Iowa Streets and between Eighth and Ninth Streets, said heating tunnel to connect South ~ of City Lot 31 with Lot 1 of the Subdivision of City Lots 170 and the East 43 ft. of 171 and the North 2 ft. of the East 43 ft. of Lot 172, in the City of Du- buque in accordance with the tached to said petition. Sec. 2. That such construction is to be done under the direction and supervision of the Building Inspect- or and City Manager, and under any rules and regula tons they may pre- scribe. Sec. 3. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Acceptance of Resolution No. 39-45 Stampfer Building Co., having full knOWledge and understanding of all the terms and conditions of Reso~ lution No. 39-45, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with all the terms and con- ditions thereof. May, STAMPFER BUILDING COMPANY. By Thomas M. Stampfer, President. Attest day of 10th this S~ne("L 1945. That the right to con- struct and maintain said heating tunnel shall be SUbject to the con- tinuous control of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to impose restrictions and conditions upon the enjoyment thereof as may be reasonably nec. essary for the protecttion of the pUblic interests, including the right to revoke and rescind the ~rant hereby made, if at any time the pUblic interests should so require. Sec. 4. As a further consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, aaid Stampfer Building Co., its successors and assigns, assume any liability for damages to persons or property which may result from the construction and/or mainten- ance of said heating tunnel, and said Stampfer Building Co., its suc- at plat 1945 receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec~ onded by Councilman Murphy. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. May 7th, 1945. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. of City Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved and that the agreements be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by (he fol- lowing vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counci. men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. , Resolution No. 39-45 Whereas, Stampfer Building Co. has filed with the City Council a Petition requesting permission to place a heating tunnel below the surface of the alley between Main Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Louise Hoare, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon Ii . I Ii:: 1;;1 I:' ,,;1 'i Regular Session, May 7th, 88 near Grandview Avenue, I am of the opinion that there is no legal liability and recommend that the claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Gentlemen Herewith submitted are Fire Protection agreements co~ vering properties outside the cor- porate limits. As provided for in Section 5766.1 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, these agreements ex- tend the jurisdiction of the City for fire purposes to the following prop~ erties: Hillcrest Baby Fold; St..Jo- seph's Sanitarium; Bunker Hill Golf Club; Home of the Good Shep- herd; Mt. St. Agnes Novitiate; Brunswick Industrial Block; E. E. Frith Co., Inc.; Geo. A. and Geo. R. Burden; Ed. Bartels and Sons; St. Francis Home for the Aged; Im- maculate Conception Academy; Sis- ters of the St. Francis Convent, and St. Mary's Orphan Home. The agreements are continuing in form from year to year unless no- tice is given by either party ten days prior to the anniversary date of March 31st. In this manner, the protection is afforded on a continu- ous basis upon the payment of the annual fee. recommend the approval agreements by the I these Counc Councilman Wharton mov3d. that the recommendation of City Solicit- or Kintzinger be approved. Sec~ onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- Murphy, Van Duelman, Gentlemen: I find from my in- vestigation, that Mrs. Hoare fell near the southeast corner of 17th Street and Main Street whan she stepped on ,some cinders near the curb, at which time she fractured her shoulder in two places. That because thereof, she was compelled to incur medical expenses, hospital expenses and expenses for a phys- ician and surgeon; that the ex- penses up to this time run some- where in the neighborhood of $350.00 and she is still going to the doctor. That in this matter I feel the ques- tion of liability is very close, but she has agreed to accept $100.00 in full payment. men Moffatt, Wharton. Nays-None. May 4th, 1945. In re: Claim of Louise Hoare. Honorable Mayor and City Counci City of Dubuque, Iowa. I am of the opinion that this case should be settled in that manner and recommend that a warrant be drawn to her order for $100.00 and that the same be delivered to her upon execution and delivery to the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. I I 91 Dell Warren and Ralph Warren, 1700 Central Avenue. Martin Meyer and Vernon Meyer, 530 East 22nd Street. Clarence Barton and Mary Muell- er, 2319 Prince Street. George C. Deyoe, 469 Main Street. lFrank Reis and Kathryn Reis, 509 Eighth Avenue. Michael Burton, 435 Central A venue. Robert J. Bowen, 1105 UniversIty Avenue. Martin A. Miller and Stanley Block, 431 Rhomberg A venue. Harry Gantert and Lucile Gan- tert, 1301 Rhomberg Avenue. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Madeline Tobin and Ray 450 West Locust Street. Robert J. Bowen, 1105 University Avenue. Martin A. Miller and Stanley Block, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. Harry Gantert and Lucile tert, 1301 Rhomberg A venue. Tobin, Gan- Dubuque, CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. Rod 'and Gun Club of Iowa, 1103 Iowa Street. Dubuque Metal Trades Counci Club, 290 West Fourth Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. Rod and Gun Club of Dubuque, Iowa, 1103 Iowa Street. Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 290 West Fourth Street. Longview Ski Club, 4th and Cen~ tral Avenue. Carl Street. Van Duelman, 590 Seminary W. Thompson & Hogan (F. Thompson), 55 Locust Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of May, 1945. W. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business, Councilman Wharton moved to ad~ journ. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: THOMPSON, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. CLASS "C" PERMIT. F. Attest CLASS "C" PERMIT. Seminary (F. W. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of May, 1945. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 43--45 Whereas, Heretofore applications were filed by the within named ap- plicants for Beer Permits and they have received the approval .)f this Council; and Whereas, The premises to be oc~ cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the fOllowing named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 605 Main Street. Carl Van Duelman, Street. Thompso'n & Hogan Thompson). 55 Iowa Street. 590 Attest the total amount stated in the tax certificate including all endorse- ments of subsequent general taxes. interests and costs requires the written approval of a majority of all tax~levying and tax-certifying bo- dies having any interest in said general taxes; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuqu'e. Iowa, that the sale of said property to Fred O'Connell for t he sum of $90.00 in cash be and the same is hereby authorized and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of May, 1945. 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 40-45 Be It Resolved by the City Coun~ cil of the City of Dubuque that the following. having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City, and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on be- half of said City. , r " ~ I I ~I I I 'Iff:: II " I I I II I II II I, II II I I' ,I, ,I , ill J"I I;J}" " .'11:111 I I, 90 F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor. r'RANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson. Council- men Moffatt. Murphy. Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Whereas, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore. Be It Resolved by the Council of the Gity of Dubuque that the fullow- ing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms 'Jf the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Central Name. George T. Vrotsos and Coven, 605 Main Street. Dell Warren and Ralph 'Van'en, 1700 Central Avenue. Martin Meyer and Vernon' Meyer, 530 East 22nd Street. Clarence Barton and Mary Muell- er. 2319 Prince Street. George C. Deyoe. 469 Main Street. Frank Reis and Kathryn Reis, 509 Eighth Avenue. Michael Burton. 435 Avenue. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Resolution No. 42-45 Address. Spiros D. Attest Address. University F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by CounCilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council~ men Moffatt, Murphy. Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Whereas, Lot 4 of Lot 229, Union Addition, in the City of Dubuque. Dubuque County, Iowa. was sold on February 3, 1936. to Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, by the County Treasurer of DUbuque County, Iowa, for the delinquent taxes and unpaid taxes against the real estate for the years 1932 to 1934. inclusive, and Whereas. The said Dub u que County, Iowa, desires to sell the above described real estate to Fred O'Connell for $90.00. and Whereas. The sale of said !lrop~ erty by Dubuque County, Iowa. to Fred O'Connell for a sum less than Name. Robert J. Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted this 7th day of May, approved Resolution No. 41-45 II05 and 1945. Bowen, I: I ' ~ :'j Iii 93 the fOllowing Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Counel" men Moffatt, Van Duelman Wharton. Nays-None. (Official) J. J. SHEA, ~i ! Absent-Councilman Murphy. Communication of County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer in the amount of $50.00 on Lot lA of Krayer's Sub. made by Edw. B. Tegeler. presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Van Due 1 111 a n Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Murphy. Dubuque, Iowa, May 25, 1945 Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg, has called our attention to the petition, filed with your Hon- orable Body on April 23, 1945, by James F. Lee and others, pertaining to bus service on West Locust Street. The petitioners refer to "two-way transportation as provided in the original franchise," evidently refer~ ring to some provision in the fran- chise in effect prior to the franchise under which we are now operating, as our present franchise makes no such provision. You are probably aware of the fact that when street railway service was abandoned in Dubuque and bus service substituted therefore, the Interstate Power Company, with the approval of the City Council made n u mer 0 u s changes in its bus routes to better serve a greater area of the City of Dubuque. One of these changes in~ valved out-bound service "erving the northwest part of the City to be routed over Madison and Seminary Street to a junction with the former route at West Locust and Seminary at the Senior High School. This gave one-way service over Seminary Street, which had not been served by transportation facilities up to that time, and one-way service over Session, June 4th, 1945. met at 7:30 P. M. Present-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Van Duehnan Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg, 4bsent-Councilman Murphy. Mayor Thompson stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Notice of Claim of Frank Lam- bert in the amount of $16.17 for damages to his car caused in strik- ing a loose manhole cover '.m Lin- coln Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun~ cUman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, CouneL men Moffatt, Van Duelman Wharton. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Geneva Harker in the amount of $81.50 for injuries ~mstained in a fall on a faulty approach from the sidewalk to the street at the Southwest cor. ner of Jones and Locust Streets, presented and read. . Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote Thompson, Counc Van Duel:nan Murphy. Communication of Mae Clark, Li- brarian, calling the attention of the City Council to the fact that the terms of Dr. Alderson and Mr. Frank Huftill, members of the Li. brary Board, expire on the first day of July, 1945, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van 1945 Duelman. Carried by vote Regular Council City Clerk. 1945. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Murphy. men Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Yeas-Mayor Moffatt, Regular Session, June 4th, iI Counc Approved ! City 1945 Regular Session, May 7th, Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. 1 1945. City Clerk. 92 l Adopted Councilmen Attest: , I I' I j' , ii ! , I I I' II 1'1 I' II 'I I ,I 1'1 I. I,I I Iii "1 ". II 'I I, Ii ill I.. ,;1, 1,1 ii:; ',1 ..... :' .1 L