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2005 Index Council Proceedings
CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 2005 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ANN E. MICHALSKI COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE DANIEL E. NICHOLSON COUNCIL MEMBER FIRST WARD JOHN H. MARKHAM COUNCIL MEMBER SECOND WARD ROY D. BOOL COUNCIL MEMBER THIRD WARD JOYCE E. CONNORS COUNCIL MEMBER FOURTH WARD PATRICIA A. CLINE COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITY MANAGER MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN CITY CLERK JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER CORPORATION COUNSEL BARRY A. LINDAHL DEPARTMENT MANAGERS ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CYNTHIA M. STEINHAUSER AIRPORT MANAGER ANDREW D. PERRY BUDGET ANALYST DAWN LANG BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER RICHARD R. RUSSELL CITY ASSESSOR RICHARD A. ENGELKEN CITY ENGINEER GUS N. PSIHOYOS FROM 1/25/05 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (ACTING) PAMELA MYHRE TIL 3/21/05 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVID HEIAR FROM 3/21/05 FINANCE DIRECTOR KENNETH J. TEKIPPE FIRE CHIEF E. DANIEL BROWN HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORDAVID W. HARRIS HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR KELLY R. LARSON LEISURE SERVICES MANAGER GIL D. SPENCE LIBRARY DIRECTOR SUSAN A. HENRICKS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANAGER DONALD J. VOGT PERSONNEL MANAGER RANDALL K. PECK PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER LAURA B. CARSTENS POLICE CHIEF KIM B. WADDING PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST MARY ROSE CORRIGAN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER (ACTING) GUS. N. PSIHOYOS TIL 1/25/05 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DONALD J. VOGT FROM 1/25/05 WATER DEPARTMENT MANAGER ROBERT M. GREEN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MANAGER (ACTING 1/17/05 TIL 9/4/05) JONATHAN BROWN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MANAGER JONATHAN BROWN 9/4/05 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MANAGER PAUL J. HORSFALL TIL 1/14/05 Regular Meetings of the City Council were held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 6:30 P.M. in the Public Library Auditorium INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE A AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/21)(3/21)(6/20)(7/5)(8/15)(10/17) 38,83,249,267,314, 380 ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:\ (2/21)(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(6/6)(8/1)(8/15)(10/3)(11/7)(12/19)... 38,56,109,167,231,297,314,365,396,427 A & B Tap, Carol Meyers, 2600 Central, Liquor Lic. ; Cigarette Per.; refund of Cig. Per. (4/18)(6/6)(10/17) 157,238,385 A & B Tap, DDA Enterprises, 2600 Central, Cigarette Per. (11/7) 400 A & T LLC, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per. (4/4) 142 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Charitable Foundation, request to name Water Works Park; Park; named A.Y. McDonald Park. (8/1)(9/6) 309,341 A.Y. McDonald Park — Agreement with IDOT for trailhead facility. (10/17) 384 A.Y. McDonald Park — Boat Ramp & Trailer Parking, Grant Agree. With IA DNR.(10/17) 384 Aaron's, I.D. Associates — Wacker Plaza PUD sign regs amended. (8/15) 320 Abonmarche Group, consulting firm for Transient Boat Docks Feasibility Study. (3/7) 59 Abstract of Votes for City Council Election and the Municipal Utility question. (12/5) 418,419 Accidents downtown, vehicle, increase, cell phone usage contribute. (6/6) 247 Account Clerk I, Petition for Bargaining Unit Amendment — Operating Engr.'s Union. (5/2)168 Accountant position testing results certified by Civil Service Comm. (10/17) 383 Acquisition of Project- Eagle Valley Site. (6/20) 249 Acquisition of property at 645 Gillespie for detention basin expansion. (4/18) 153 Acquisition of property of John & Pamela Gartner, County residents, FMV for sewer lift station for Arbor Estates, discussion. (12/19) 433 ADA Symposium Training funding for Engrg. Assist. (3/8) 74 Adams Co. building, Economic Development Amend. #2, either demolish or reuse. (6/6) 235 Adams Co. 2n° Addition, exchange of property with Peninsula — Lease Agreement etc. (6/6) 240 Adams Co. property, Project Amendment #3 to Contract with EDA for $2 mil grant. (11/21)411 Adams Street — both sides from Ice Harbor Dr. to Fifth St. , change in parking. (3/7) 71 Adams Street & Fourth St. — Now Ice Harbor Dr. — Ordinance changes Stop Signs. (3/7) 69 Adams, Greg and Nancy, 243 Valley St. rezoning. (11/21) 412 Addiction Recover Month Proclamation. (9/6) 325 Administrative Services Fee renewal Worker's Comp Alternative Services concepts. (11/21)409 Administrative Services Fee Renewal for Flexible Spending Plan — Health. (11/21) 408 Agreement 28E Mutual Aid Fire Protection — Dubuque County. (11/21) 410 Agreement Acknowledge/Settlement & fine, Clark Retail, Inc. tobacco penalty. (10/17). 390,391 Agreement Alley improvements Agreement Mike Mulgrew, near 1144 Rosedale Ave.(9/6)326 Agreement Arts and Culture Grant Agreements with various organizations, FY 2005. (6/20) 252 Agreement Bargaining Agree., Teamsters Union No. 421; amend. (1/17)(4/18)(6/6).... 12,152,235 Agreement CDBG, with HUD for Program year beginning 7/1/05. (7/5) 268 Agreement Consultant Update of Zoning & Subd. Ordinances Lane Kendig, Inc. (4/4) 109 Agreement Cooperative Winter Roadway Maintenance with Asbury. (12/5) 421 Agreement Dbq Community Schools — Police School Resource Officer. (1/3) 1,2 Agreement Dubuque Police — DPPA and City — Union. (6/6) 236 Agreement Grant Close -Out to HUD for EDI Grant for cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (7/18)282 Agreement Hazardous Materials Response 28E. (1/3) 4 Agreement Ice Harbor - Stealth Race Car Property, Terrance & Linda Weidemann, FMV their property; Offer to Purchase & deed of County property. (1/3)(3/21)(4/4) 3,87,142,143 Agreement Management for Bunker Hill Golf Course, GMS, Inc. G. Stephenson. (2/21) 40 Agreement Neighborhood Resource Center in new Prescott School, 28E Agree. (11/21) 409 1 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT A PAGE Agreement Purchase of Services — Project Concern, Inc. Foster Grandparent Prog. (6/6)236 Agreement Purchase of Services — St. Stephen's Food Bank for Deer Mgmt. Prog. (6/6) 236 Agreement RISE, Bergfeld Farm/Chavenelle Road Extension Project. (1/3) 3,4 Agreement Sublease, DRA & Peninsula Gaming LLC, Extension. (6/20) 251 Agreement with ARC for Litter pick up services by skate park at McAleece Park. (4/18) 154 Agreement with City, Operating Engineers Union, amendment. (6/20)(9/6) 251,330 Agreement with Hillcrest Family Services, Murphy Park, Lighting Display. (9/6) 330 Agreement, City Manager Michael Van Mil!igen, Employment, 14 h Amendment.(7/5) 269 Agreement, Dbq Professional Firefighters' Assn, Local #353, contract. (9/6) 333 Agreement, Lease, City & Peninsula Gaming Co., Second Amendment. (6/6) 239 Agreement, Sanitary Sewer Replacement, 1195 Thomas Place. (5/2) 168 Agreement, Star Brewery Lease Ext. Historical Star Redevelopment; Amend. (3/7)(9/6) .. 58,335 Agreement, Supplemental, IDOT — maintenance of primary roads in cities.(11/7) 396 Agreement, Supplemental, No. 3, with Howard R. Green for University Ave Ext. (4/18) 155 Agreement, U.S. Cellular Service, City cell telephone service.(9/6) 334,335 Agreement, Vision Iowa Grant Award, Amendment, Extend time for project in Port. (3/7) .. 58,59 Agreements City Manager authorized, easements ROW projects less than $10,000.. (12/19)433 Air Attainment Program, Iowa Clean Air, IDOT, funding, US 20, Devon Dr. to Menardsl).(3/7) .56 Aircraft De -Ice vehicle, CIP request by Airport Comm. (10/17) 381 Airport — Water Compliance Report — IA DNR. (3/21) 85 Airport CIP Request for Aircraft de-ice vehicle. (10/17) 381 Airport Commission applicants Douglas Brotherton, J.K. Hanson II, Michael A. Santillo; reappointment of Brotherton & appointment of Santillo. (8/15)(9/6) 319,337 Airport Commission membership, new Ordinance. (12/5) 423,424 Airport Commission resignation of Council Member Dan Nicholson. (8/1) 299,300 Airport Commission to get Declaratory Ruling @ membership. (8/1) 300 Airport Commission, change CIP's Equipment Schedule replacement.(11/7) 400 Airport Department, budget hearing. (3/2) 55 Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, 574 E.16°i St., Liquor Lic. (715) 270 Airport Master Plan, Work Session set up at Dept. Budget Hearing. (3/2) 55 Airport parking, request to put parking tickets in plastic wraps. (2/28) 54 Airport Self Fueling System, CIP, payment. (8/15) 317 Airport Updates submitted. (4/18) 152 Akin, Val, Dbq Main St., in support of funding. (3/2) 55 Alcoholic Beverage Division, Bricktown Liquor License Violation hearing. (9/6) 343 Aldi #30, 2160 Holiday Dr., Beer Per. (10/17) 385 Algona St. & Bennett St., NW corner, rezoning for UD for new academic building. (3/21) 96 All Systems & Stumpf Construction, final accept of Police Remodeling Pro. (4/4) 109,110 All That Jazz Fests, Dbq Jaycees, Downtown, Beer Permits.(6/6) 239 All -America Professional Basketball League Contract for Five Flags, item withdrawn. (2/21).50 Allen, Anthony, applicant for Housing Comm.; applicant for Human Rights Comm. ; appointed to Human Rights. (8/1)(11/7)(11/21)(12/19) 304,402,412,434 Alley behind 157 Locust, Hartig Drug wants lease of a portion. (11/21)(12/5) 409,420 Alley behind Courthouse, No Parking. (2/21) 50 Alley improvements on Rosedale, Agreement, M. Mulgrew, near 1144 Rosedale Ave.(9/6)... 326 Alley near Stewart Street, Richard Hartig requesting to purchase. (4/4) 142 Alleys etc. Vacate portion of Stewart St., portion of N. Grandview, University, & alleys between Delhi & University for Dick Hartig & John Knox — The Finley Hospital. (10/3) 370 Alliant Amphitheater, River's Edge, allow dogs for special events. (12/19) 445 Alliant Amphitheater, Four Mounds Foundation, Beer Per.(7/18) 287 2 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE A Alliant Energy, Easement in Port of Dubuque. (8/15)(9/6) 318,319,338 Allianz, Stop Loss -Carrier for City's health plans. (9/6) 330 Altenhoff, Joe, ARC Design Resources, Inc. — Sam's Club, rezoning of 4310 Asbury. (11/21)413 Alter Scrap Processing, request to rezone 190 North Crescent Court. (12/19) 436 Alternative Services Concepts — ASC, Worker's Comp. claim Adm. Services Fee. (11/21)408,409 America's Older Communities — Reinventing, City Mgr speak at Fed. Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Conference. (11/7) 411 America's River Corp. request for funding for Grand Excursion II for May 05. (1/3) 10 America's River Corp., Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 America's River Museum — EDI Special Purpose Grant—from HUD, closeout. (10/3) 366 America's River Project — Best Development Award. (6/6)(6/20) 246,247,249 America's River Project, amendment to Agreement with Vision IA Bd. (3/7) 59 American LaFrance fire engine, 1969, disposal by Antique Fire Club. (4/4) 148 American Legion Post #6, Delhi St., Liquor Lic. (6/20) 254 American Trust River's Edge Plaza, allow dogs on it for special event. (12/19) 445 AMOCO Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras Blvd. (7/18) 287 Analyst — GIS Coordinator, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (11/21) 408 Andaluz, 253 Main St., refund of liquor license.(7/18) 287 Anderson, Brent, Parking Ramp Restoration Proj., contract to Brent Anderson. (12/19).438,439 Anderson, Jerry, Anderson Design, spoke to concerns @ Moo Java Coffee Shop. (10/17)390 Anderson, Richard, Mayor of Asbury : intersection change at Asbury Rd & Seippel. (4/4) 111 Annexation of properties to City of Sageville. (512)(7/5)(8/1) 168,269,300 Annexation, Dubuque Voluntary, 704.5 acres, letter from S. McCann, City Devel. Bd.; filing document with City Development Bd. (2/21)(3/7) 41,59 Annexation, Voluntary, of 40 acres owned by Joel Callahan. (4/4) 110 Annual Action Plan, FY 2005, CDBG, allow fund changes. (2/7) 23 Annual Action Plan, FY 2006, Program Year 05, set for Public Hearing; Public Hearing; Amendment #2. (2/7)(2/28)(3/8)(11/7) 30,54,75,399 Annual Financial Report, Comprehensive, CAFR, FY 2004. (1/17) 18 Annual Report — Human Rights Commission 2005. (12/5) 420 Annual Report, City of Dubuque, for 2005. (7/18) 287 Annual Report, Mediacom. (4/4)(9/6) 141,334 Antique Fire Club, 1948, restoration, fundraising. (9/6) 333 Antique Fire Club, disposal of American LaFrance fire engine. (4/4) 148 APAC Customer Services closing operations & laying people off.(8/15) 315 Apartments reclassified from commercial to residential, opposition to state legislators (3/21)86 Apartments, The, Ltd., Dubuque Mining Co. 555 JFK Road, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/7)(6/6) . 30,238 Applebee's Grill/Bar, 1395 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (6/20) 254 Apples for Students Proclamation for St. Mark's Community Center. (7/18) 280 Application, Iowa HOME Investment Partnership Program. (12/5) 420 Appointment of 2nd Ward Council Person to fill term of Roy D. Buol — Buol appointed.(8/1)297 Appreciation for Council Member Buol (resigned 2"d Ward seat to run for Mayor). (11/7) 404 Appreciation of City's military help, Navy Seabee B. Schueller presented Naval Coin. (12/5)417 Appreciation stated by Dbq Arts Council — City's support of Arts. (11/7) 400 April 2005 Printed Council Proceedings. (8/1) 297 April 2005, Proofs of publication of Claims & Revenues. (6/20) 249 Aquarium & Museum, Nat'l Mississippi, Highway Destination Signs. (2/21) 40 Aquila, Alliant— Utility Companies be involved in GIS process. (2/15) 36 Aragon Tap, Myra Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/6)(11/21) 238,412 Aramark Educational Services, Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic.(4/4) 142 3 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE A Arbor Estates Sewer Service, - Gartner, John & Pamela, County residents, FMV for lift station property, discussion. (12/19) 433 Arboretum Drive, sidewalk on west side, Jack Frick letter. (9/6) 334 Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Project, completed by Portzen.(9/6) 329,330 Arboretum Drive Entrance — sidewalk installation for both sides etc. (11/21) 416 Arboretum — Japanese Garden Gate, Arts & Culture Grant Program. (10/17) 390 Arby's/Phillipps 66, Liberty Station, LLC, 10 Main St., Cigarette Per. (7/5) 270 ARC Area Residential Care presented Keyline Drivers with award. (11/7) 398 ARC Area Residential Care, Claim; settlement.(1/3)(1/17) 1,11 ARC Area Residential Care, Inc. — J. Romaine, 1170 Roosevelt St. — parking issue. (5/2) 167 ARC Area Residential Care, Inc., supply litter pickup services, skate park, McAleece. (4/18) 154 ARC Design Resources, QHQ, rezone 4310 Asbury, Sam's Club. (11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 412.413. 423,439,440 Archeological Survey, Shot Tower, HRDP Grant Application Grant from State Historical Society - HRDP.(1/17)(9/6)(11/7) 13,331,399 Architectural — Historical Survey, Phase V Evaluation, Report. (7/5) 268 Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Area Labor Management Council, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Per. (7/5) 270 Area Residential Care, Claim; settlement.(1/3)(1/17) 1,11 Area Residential Care presented Keyline Drivers with award. (11/7) 398 Area Residential Care, Inc. — J. Romaine, 1170 Roosevelt St. — parking issue. (5/2) 167 Area Residential Care, Inc., agree to supply litter pickup, skate park at McAleece. (4/18) 154 Arensdorf, Pamela Barry, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Liquor Lic. (11/21) 412 Arling, Peter, Dbq Storage & Transfer, object to Conservation District for Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co. Property. (11/21) 414 Armbruster, Clarence, for son Richard Kremer, claim; referred to Ins. (8/1)(8/15) 297,314 Armed Forces Day, Am. Legion recognize City, Employer of the Year, military support (5/16)(6/20) 229,249 Art Museum, Dbq., Grant Agreement from Arts & Culture Comm. (6/20) 252 Arterial, Southwest, IA 32 — RISE Application.(10/3) 369 Arterial, Southwest, Project, letter to IDOT re: funding.(10/17) 38 Arts & Cultural Affairs Advisory Comm., approval of 12 funding requests. (9/6) 341,342 Arts & Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission, recommendations for funding; Fly By Night Productions thanking them. (5/16)(7/18) 227,282 Arts & Cultural Affairs Comm. applicants solicited Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation.(7/18) 295 Arts & Cultural Affairs proposed funding requested at Departmental budget hearings. (2/15) 36 Arts & Culture budget, urged approval by P. Kohl. (3/8) 74 Arts and Cultural Initiative, Arts Task Force, Recognition of Dbq Main St. (10/17) 380 Arts and Culture Grant Agreements with various organizations, FY 2005. (6/20) 252 Arts and Culture Grant Program for Special Projects. (10/17) 390 Arts and Culture Month Proclamation. (10/17) 380 Arts Council appreciation of City's support. (11/7) 400 Arts Council, Dubuque, Paula Wolfe, appreciative of City funds. (12/19) 433 Arts Task Force for Arts & Cultural Initiative — Recognition of Dbq Main St. (10/17) 380 Arts Trek Enhancement Program, Dbq Museum of Arts, Arts Grant Program. (10/17) 390 Asbury Plaza Business Park, expansion, Wendell Corey & Jack Leaman, Motor City etc. (3/21)99 Asbury Plaza No. 3, Lot 2 — rezoning for extension of Plaza Drive for Motor City. (3/21) 100 Asbury Plaza Phase I — Accept Public Improvements — Rubloff Devel. (10/17) 382 Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, final plat of Asbury Plaza No. 14. (8/15) 316 4 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE A Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, rezone NW Asbury Rd. & NW Arterial, modify max. building height. (8/15) 321 Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, rezoning of NW corner of Asbury Rd & NW Arterial, amend Asbury Plaza PUD re: building heights. (8/15) 321 Asbury Road & Hwy 32, rezoning for Arc Design Resources, - Sam's Club. (12/5) 423 Asbury Road & NW Arterial, rezoning for Sam's Club. (12/19) 439,440 Asbury Road & Seippel Road, four way stop request etc. (4/4) 111 Asbury Road Sidewalk Installation Project; QHQ Properties input. (6/6)(7/18) 245,293 Asbury Road Sidewalk Installation Project, final accept. (12/19) 428 Asbury Road Widening Project, finalization of project; amended project. (6/6)(7/5) 234,269 Asbury Road, 4310, ARC Design Resources, QHQ Properties, 4310 Asbury, C3 to PUD- Wal-Mart — Sam's Club rezoning. (11/21) 412, 413,421 Asbury Road, 4310, rezoning for Kevin & Nancy Conlon. (6/20) 258 Asbury Road, 4616, rezoning for Chuck Nauman & Maxine Roussel. (2/21)(3/7)(6/20)..47,67,261 Asbury, intersection Asbury Rd & Seippel Rd. four way stop & speed limit decrease. (4/4).111 Asbury, City of, Winter Roadway Maintenance Agreement. (12/5) 421 Asp, Tom of Virchow Krause & Co., Municipal Utility Feasibility Study. (9/12) 349 Asphalt Paving Project, 2004, acceptance. (12/19) 429,430 Asphalt Paving Project, 2005. (4/4) 143 Assembly & Parade permits, if less than 25, not needed. (11/7) 403,404 Assessment Appeal, Tax, Settlement — Gerald & Kelly Lazore property. (1/3) 4 Assessment Appeal, Tax, Settlement, Kress Industrial Facility. (2/21) 38 Assessment Appeal, Tax, Settlement — Michael & Rita Klein. (11/7) 396 Assessments for 2005 Sidewalk Project, Bid #1, final. (11/7) 397,398 Assessments for Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project. (3/21) 83,84,85 Assessments for Fremont Ave Reconstruction (Dodge to Simpson). (9/6) 329 Assessments for Pennsylvania Ave — Radford Road Sidewalk Installation Pro. (10/3) 367 Assessments for Sidewalk for Asbury Rd., JFK to NW Arterial, final. (12/19) 429 Assessments for US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (10/17) 381,382 Assessments, Final, 2004 Sidewalk Project, Bid Pkgs 3 & 4. (2/7) 28,29 Assessments, Final, Madison Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj. (2/7) 27 Assistance, 2005 Justice Assistance Grant. (8/1) 299 Assistant Fire Chief individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 285 Assistant Fire Marshall, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 285 Assistant Planner, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (9/6) 334 Assisted Housing Program of Housing & CD Dept., FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 72 Associate Planner position, Long Range Planning in support of. (3/8) 74 Atrium of Clarke College & Kehl Center, pedestrian crossing corridor on Clarke Dr. (7/5) 267 Atrium of Clarke College, Liquor Lic. (8/15) 318 Audit report for 7/1/03 thru 6/30/04, HUD, closed. (2/21) 38 Audubon Elementary School, Parent Involvement Nights, cp2 funding.(6/6) 232 August, 2005, Proof of Claims & Revenues for month. (11/21) 407 August, 2005, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (12/19) 427 Auto accidents downtown increased — cell phone usage. (6/6) 247 Auxiliary Police foul weather clothing, discussion at Police budget hearing. (2/16) 37 Award Certificate of Appreciation from Medicare & Medicaid re: educational events. (11/21)410 Award — Ruby Sutton Humanitarian Award — Kelly Larson, Human Rights Director. (11/21).. 411 Award for Keyline Drivers from Area Residential Care/ (11/7) 398 Award for Paul Schultz as Recycler of the Year. (11/7) 398 Award, Best Development for America's River Pro. (6/6)(6/20) 247,249\ 5 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE A Award, Best Employer of the Year Plaque from American Legion. (6/20) 249 Award, Community Award, to Matt Cornwall & Tara Nelson at Diversity Conf. (6/20) 264 Award, Ken Kringle Historic Preservation, to City. (6/20) 249 Award, Main Street Iowa, to Council by Dan LoBianco. (5/2) 167 Award, National Trust for Historic Preservation Award. (3/7) 56 Awn Stop Mart, Inc. 1998 Jackson, Beer Per.; tobacco penalty issued; Cigarette Per.; Second compliance violation re: tobacco sales penalty.(1/17)(5/16)(6/20)(10/17)14,226,253,391 6 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE B BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17) 11 Baker, Dave, Pres. of Teamsters Union, concern @ advertising for Transit Mgr & Transit Management Firm. (12/5) 420 Baker, Dave, Union rep., positive effect on labor force — condo project on Kelly's Bluff — 600 Mazzuchelli. (12/19) 437 Baldwin, Shawn & Celethia, settlement of claim. (6/20) 249 Bank, Federal Reserve of Philadelphia, City Mgr. to speak at conference. (11/21) 411 Banners, Clarke College, request for installation on public ROW by Atrium. (11/7) 400 Banworth, Francine, objecting to Kelly's Bluff Condos — A.J. Spiegel Devel. (12/19) 437 Bar Association, Iowa State, Barry Lindahl is speaker. (6/6) 247 Bar X, The, 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic.; refund of liquor lic. (3/7)(6/20) 60,252 Bargaining Agreement — Police — contract. (6/6) 236 Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local No. 421. (6/6) 235,236 Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local Union No. 421.' Amendment. (1/17)(4/18) ...12,152 Bargaining Agreement, City & Firefighters.(9/6) 333 Bargaining Unit—Operating Engineer's Union Petition, amend to exclude certain classifications; include Account Clerk I. (4/4)(5/2) 110,168 Bargaining Unit—Operating Engineers, amendment to Agreement. (9/6) 330 Bargaining Unit Amendment Petition — include Lab Technician I. (6/6) 234 Bartini's on Main St., DM Sports Bar, 253 Main, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Basic Programming package for Mediacom, Cable TV; offered by Mediacom. (2/24)(6/6).53,237 Basket Expressions, M. Dolter, 474 Bluff, Liquor Lic.(7/5) 271 Basketball League (All American Prof.) — contract with Five Flags, item withdrawn. (2/21) 50 Baskets, hanging flower, along Riverwalk, recommending in Budget. (2/22) 52 Bauer, Stephanie, Claim; denial. (5/2) 167 Bauerly, Jim, claim settlement. (1/17) 11 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study Report, respond to Wayne Klosterman. (2/7)29 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project, purchase of 514 Lincoln property. (5/2) 168 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project, RFP for property acquisition services. (8/15) 215 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project, purchase of 503 Rhomberg. (7/18) 286 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project, purchase of 2311 Prince. (9/6) 331 Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project — selection of Graham Land Acquisition Asso. as consultant for property acquisition. (10/3) 367,368 Beecher's, 1691 Asbury, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Bees, Rev. Tim, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Gave Invocation. (6/6) 231 Belcastro, Frank, objecting to increased traffic with condo devel. On Kelly's Bluff. (12/19)437 Bell Street & Fifth St. — Ord. providing for parking by deleting certain portions. (3/7) 70 Bell Street Construction Project with IDOT. (7/18) 280 Bell Street & West Road South Port Connector, Dbq Main St. Recognition. (10/17) 380 Bell Street Extension, property acquired by Shot Tower — Railroad. (12/19) 445 Bell Tower Productions, 2728Asbury Rd., Liquor Licenses. (8/1) 300 Bell Tower Productions, awarded grant from Arts & Culture Grant Program. (10/17) 390 Bennett & Algona Streets, NW Corner, rezoning for new building for UD. (3/21) 96 Berg, Kristen, applicant for Youth position on Environmental Stewardship Com. (10/3) 37 Bergfeld Farm—Chavenelle Road Extension, RISE Agreement. (1/3) 3 Bergfeld Farm rezoning — letter from Atty Tom Bitter for A. Lex and L. Steffen.(6/20) 261 Bergfeld Farm, Dbq Ind. Center West, G.O. Bond Issue, $7,265,000. (2/21)(3/7)(4/4) 42,64,121-132 Bergfeld Recreation Area Development contract to Drew Cook & Sons. (6/20) 259,260 Bergfeld Recreation Area, White Water Creek Bridge relocated there. (11/7) 399,400 7 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT B PAGE Berzins, Mirdza, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; appointed for Old Main Dis.; applicant again for Old Main Dis.; reappointed. (1/17)(2/7)(6/6)(6/20) 15,31,242,256 Bessler, Bruce, in favor of condos on Kelly's Bluff, A.J. Spiegel project. (12/19) 437 Best Development Award for America's River Project. (6/6)(6/20) 246,247,249 Best Western Dubuque Inn, Dbq Inn Corp., 3434 Dodge, Class B Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Best Western Midway Hotel, Claim, referred to Insurance. (12/5) 417 Bibelhausen, Keith, President of Hartig Drug, lease part of alley at 157 Locust. (11/21) 409 Bichell, Kenneth, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm. ; appointed. (10/3)(10/17)... 370,378,387 Bichell, Mary Loney, Mississippi Mug, 373 Bluff, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Bickel, Rev. Nancy, of First Congregational Church, Gave Invocation. (6/20) 249 Bickford Transformer Processing Facility — remediation costs of $1000 paid because City sending equipment containing PCB's to processing facility. (11/7) 403 Bids Rejected for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Project & Re -Ordering bids. (8/15) 322 Biechler Electric, contract for Miller -Riverview Park Electrical Service, Phase II. (10/17) 389,390 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 2100 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (2/21) 41 Big 10 Mart Car Wash, 1875 JKK Road, Beer Per. (11/21) 411 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 9°' & Central, Beer Per. (12/19) 434 Bike Safety Month Proclamation.(5/2) 167 Bike/Hike Trail, Phase I, REAP Grant Application to IA DNR. (8/1) 309 Bike/Hike Trail, Iowa 32 — NW Arterial, SAFE -TEA Grant application for Phase 2. (10/3) 365 Bike/Hike Trail — IA 32, NW Arterial, REAP Award Grant. (11/7)(12/5) 400,421 Billing of Utility bills — printed & mailing now done by City. (4/4) 142 Bills, Carrie, Claim. (2/21) 38 Bipolar Disability Awareness Day Proclamation. (10/3) 365 Birch Heating & Cooling site plan approved on Cedar Cross Rd. (3/21) 107 Birch Street - Burch Street, 409, nuisance and purchase of property from John White; Update. (6/20)(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(12/5) 262,263,283,309,332,368,398,417 Birch, Stacy, Claim, referred to Insurance. (12/5) 417 Bitter, Attorney Joseph, for Bricktown Liquor Violation. (9/6) 343 Bitter, Attorney Tom, for A. Lex & L. Steffen, Bergfeld Fame Rezoning.(6/20) 261 Bitter, Joseph, Atty, Northend Wrecking, Roger Kunde, enforcement issues. (6/6)(10/17)246,389 Bitter, Joseph, Atty., John White,409 Burch Street neglected property.(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)283,309,332 Bjornstad, Rev. Greg, Chaplain of Luther Manor. (2/7) 22 Black, Wm. M., Steamboat Restoration Project, funds to County Historical Society. (9/6) 336 Bleacher Replacement Project for Five Flags Civic Center. (3/21) 90 Blocker, Virgil, of Resurrection Church, for Sam's Club Rezoning to their west. (11/21) 413 Blocklinger, Mark, claim; referred to Tschiggfrie. (11/7) 396 Blocklinger, Tom, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; reappointed. (6/20)(7/5) 255,275,276 Bluff St., 759, letter of support to Dbq. Main St. for Challenge Grant funding for Step by Step to locate housing accessible to disabled; appreciation by Sarah Davidson. (11/7)(12/19)400,433 Bluff Stabilization, Eagle Point, scheduling of work session. (11/21) 415 Boat Docks Feasibility Study, Request for Proposals; approve Abonmarche Group for Feasibility Study. (1/17)(3/7) 18,19,59 Boat Ramp & Trailer Parking, Water Works Pk., - A.Y. McDonald Park, IA DNR grant. (10/17)384 Boat Ramp and Parking at Water Works Park, Grant application to IA DNR. (2/7) 25 Boating Infrastructure Grant — Ice Harbor Marina Project — Port of Dbq.(1013) 366 Boge, Alphonse H., applicant for Housing Comm. (8/1) 304 Bond Issue, Dbq Star Brewery, $1,150,000. (2/21)(3/7) 43,44,67 Bond Issue, $4,270,000 G.O. Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 2005B — Dbq Industrial Center West. (3/21) 106,121-132 8 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE B Bond Issue, Dbq Industrial Center West, Bergfelds, $7,265,000. (2/21)(3/7)(4/4)42,43,64,121-132 Bond Issue, Stormwater Projects, $1,750,000. (2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4) 44,45,64,106,112-121 Bond Issue, $9,015,000, & Approving Electronic Bidding Procedures. (3/7) 65 Bond, Performance, for MCC Iowa LLC - TV Cable Franchise Agreement. (8/1) 300 Bond, Performance, MCC Iowa LLC, Franchise Agreement — TV Cable. (8/1) 300 Bonds, Performance, Payment & Maintenance & Improvement Contracts, Rosedale & Nowata Reconstruction Proj. (9/6) 336 Bonds, Performance, Payment & Maintenance, Miller Riverview Park Electrical Service, Phase 11 Project & Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro. (11/21) 411 Bonds, Performance, Payment & Maintenance, Third St. Overpass Railing Pro.; Port of Dbq. Recognition Wall Pro.; Cedar St. & Dog Track Wastewater Pump Station Rehab; Five Flags Center HVAC Phase II Pro. (10/3) 369 Bootlegger's Pub., 689 Elm, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. ; Cigarette Per. (1/17)(2/21)(7/5)14,41,270 Born Avenue, 1615 & 1595, possible new street, objection; City Manager response to email of Roger & Sara Poling. (4/4)(4/18) 142,154 Botsford, John, objecting to condos on Kelly's Bluff...A.J. Spiegel Devel. (12/19) 437 Boundary of City, annexation papers filed by City Devel. Bd. (3/7) 59 Bowling & Beyond Dubuque, Inc., 1860 Hawthorne, Liquor Lic.(12/19) 434 Bowling & Beyond Lease for volleyball teams, impasse. (4/18) 165 Boxleiter, Teresa, & Daniel Fairchild, Claim; referred to Ins. (8/1) 297 Boyes Auto — J. Gronen, rezoning request for 1798 Washington St.(5/16) 214 Boyes, Nathan, vacate sanitary sewer easement in Emerald Acres No. 2. (6/20)(7/5) 254,276 Brachman, Andrew, Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn., request funds for former W. 11`" St. Elevator area for landscaping, benches etc. (3/7) 68 Braig, Karla Glab, sworn in as Second Ward Council to fill term left by Roy Buol as he runs for Mayor; Abstract of votes- 1,721 votes to win 2nd Ward for next 2 years. (11/21)(12/5)407,419 Brasco International, vendor for Bus Shelters, Keyline Transit. (8/1) 300 Brauer - Feldman, Yolanda, Claim; Denial; approval of claim. (7/18)(8/1)(9/6) 280,297,32 Break in sewer main liability questioned, response. (2/22) 52 Breakey's, John, Dubuque, disposal interest to Allen & Connie Rowell. (10/17)(11/7)386,402,403 Breaktime Bar, Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 Breezers Pub, 600 Central, Liquor LIc. (1/3) 5 Brehm, Clarence M., Claim; referred to Ins. (2/7) 22 Breitbach, Craig, in favor of Kelly's Bluff Condo Project — A.J. Spiegel. (12/19) 437 Brent Anderson Associates, Parking Ramp Restoration Project, contract to them. (12/19) 438 Brewery Building, Dubuque Star, G.O. Bond Issue, $1,150,000. (2/21)(3/7) 43,67 Brewery Neighborhood Conservation District, Chapter 11 Building Regulations amended; Update by J. Gronen. (11/21)(12/19) 414,444 Brewery, Star, Lease Extension with Historical Star Redevelopment; Third Amendment to Lease Agreement re: tenant acquisition. (3/7)(9/6) 58,335 Brewing and Malting Building, 30th & Jackson Sts., Gronen, John of Gronen Properties — request Conservation District. (11/21) 414 Brick sidewalks, Locust & Bluff Sts. Downtown Neighbor. Council request Historic Pres. (3/7)69 Bricktown Liquor License Renewal, service calls info & license authorized. (6/6) 246 Bricktown, Cooper Management Co., outdoor service, police calls — liquor Lic app info.; violation hearing etc.; outdoor service info & update. (8/1)(9/6)(10/3).... 311, 312,332,343,378 Bricktown, Cooper Management, 299 Main, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. Outdoor Service. (6/20)(10/3) 253,378 Bridge Restaurant, Raysan Corp. 31 Locust, Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Bridge Washing projects for Julien Dubuque Bridge & City Island Bridge. (1/3) 1 9 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE B Bridge, Hwy 20, Work Session scheduled to discuss design issues etc.; special session to discuss new Bridge etc. (8/15)(11/7) 324,395 Bridge, U.S. 20 across Mississippi, new, ROW purchase for same. (3/7)(3/21) 61,62,104 Bridge, U.S. 20, warranty deed from Murphy Family Enterprises for ROW. (12/5) 419 Bridge, White Water Creek, relocation, RFP's for design. (9/6) 331 Briggs, Wayne, & Platinum Development, rezone 701 E. 16`" St. from HI to PUD. (3/21) 92 Brotherton, Douglas, applicant for Airport Comm.; reappointed. (8/15)(9/6) 319,337 Brown, Michelle of Maria House, in support of rezoning for SLO at 2080 Elm. (8/15) 322 Brown, Richard, claim; Referred to Ins. (11/21) 40 Brownfields Public Information Meeting — Port of Dubuque cleanup site etc.(6/20) 252 Bublitz, Lois, Claim, referred to Insurance; appeal denial; Claim.. (2/21)(4/4)(916) 38,148,325 Budget FY 06 — Operating & CIPs, (3/8) 73 Budget FY 06 & Capital Improvement Program. (1/17)(2/7)(318) 19,30,31,73,74 Budget FY 2005, Second amendment. (4/18) 158,159 Budget, CIP, Long Range Planning info.(3/8) 74 Budget, FY 06, Amendment. (10/3) 373,374 Budget, FY 06, Assisted Housing Programs and Community Development Dept. (3/8) 72 Budget, FY 06, Departmental budget hearings. (2/15)(2/22) 36,52 Budget, FY 2006, & fee schedule for Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. (1/17)11,12 Buesing & Associates, construction administration contract for Synergy Court. (9/6) 332 Buesing, Ken, Final plat of Woodland Estates No. 3. (4/18) 152 Building Code, 2003 International, Mike Connolly requesting adoption. (10/17) 385 Bullock, Jeff, Pres. UD, rezone NW Corner, Bennett & Algona, new academic bldg. (3/21).96,97 Bunker Hill Golf Course improvements outlined. (2/24) 53 Bunker Hill Golf Course, Management Agreement, with G.M.S. — George Stephenson.(2/21)40 Bunker Hill Golf Course, City of Dubuque, 2200 Bunker Hill, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Buol, Council Member, reappointed to DRA — Dubuque Racing Assn. (1/3) 10 Buol, Council Member Roy D., resigned from Second Ward Seat to run for Mayor.(7/18) 295 Buol, Council Member Roy D., to fill 2nd Ward Seat until his vacancy filled by election. (8/1)297 Buol, Council Member, resigned so as to run for Mayor — thanked at this last meeting.(11/7)404 Buol, Roy D., received 6,823 votes for Mayor — won election. (12/5) 419 Burch Street, 409, nuisance and purchase of property from John White; Update. (6/20)(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(1117)(12/5) 262,263,283,309,332,368,398,417 Burds, Darlene, oppose rezoning of 2080 Elm. (8/15) 322 Burglar & Fire Alarms, monitoring no longer provided by Emergency Comm. Ctr.(7/18) 293 Burlington Street and National Streets, Stop Signs. (6/20) 263 Burrows, Lori, Claim. (1/3)(1/17) 1,11 Bus Department, Keyline Transit, Request for Proposals for Management Firm & Mgr. (12/5)420 Bus Operators, FY 2006, Compensation Package — salaries.(9/6) 332,333 Bus Shelters, Keyline Transit, selection of Brasco International as vendor. (8/1) 300 Busted Lift, Davey Roberson's Public Bar, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Busted Lift, Miller Enterprises, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (6/6) 239 Busted Lift, Miller Enterprises, Lease Agreement — 5 mos. outdoor service. (6/6) 232 Busted Lift, Refund on Liquor Lic. (12/5) 422 Butler, Robert R., Sr., Claim. (6/20) 249 Butlett, Randal J. & Jodi M., property to City — Rosedale Addn. (11/21) 410 Bycroft, Don & Tanya, rezoning of 2025 Radford Rd from R1 to OC. (5/16) 223 Byrne, Edward, Memorial Justice Assistance Grant application. (4/18) 156 Byways Grant Application —Scenic, Historical Society. (1/3) 4 10 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE C CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (6/6)(7/5)(10/17)...231,267,380 CABLE TV TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (6/6)(10/17)(11/21)(12/19) 231,380,407,427 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, REGULAR SESSIONS: (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(10/3) 10/17)(11/7)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 1,11,22,38,56,83,109,152,208,231,249,267, 280, 297,314,325,350,365,380,396,407,417,427 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, SPECIAL SESSIONS; (217)(2/15)(2/16)(2/22)(2/24)(2/28)(3/2)(3/8)(6/13)(6/27)(8/1)(9/7)(9/8)(9/12)(9/28)(11 /7)(11 /21) (12/17) 21,36,37,52,53,54,55,73,248,265,313,347,348,349,363,395,406,426 CITY CONFERENCE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/7) 56 CITY GOVERNING BOARD OF MUNICIPAL HOUSING AGENCY, Special Meeting. (3/8) 72 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/21)(4/18)(6/6)(7/18)(9/6)(10/17) 83,152,231,280,325,380 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CITY COUNCIL: (1/17)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(5/16)(616)(6/27)(7/5)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(11 /7)(11121)(12/5)(12/19) 19,51,71,10,150,229,247,265,278,324,345,362,404,416„425,446 COMMUINITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17)(6/6)(11/21) 11,231,407 COUNCIL MINUTES SUBMITTED: (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(10/3)(10/17)(11 /7) (11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 1,11,22,56,83,109,152,167,231,249,267,280,297,314,325,350,365,396.407,417,427 COUNCIL MINUTES, PROOFS OF PUBLICATION: (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(11 /21)(12/5) (12/19) 11,22,56,83,109,152,167,231,249,267,280,297,314,325,365,396,407,417,427 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, APPROVED AS PRINTED: December 04; January 05; February 05; March 05; April, 2005; May 05; June 05; July 05; August 05.. (2/7)(3/21)(5/2)(6/6)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(10/17)(12/19) 22,83,167,231„297,325,365,380,427 CLAIMS / SUITS SUBMITTED: (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(715)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(10/3)(10/17) (11/7)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 1,11,22,38,56,83,109,152,167,231,249,267,280,297, 314,325,350,365,380,396,407,417,427 Cable Communication system, letter to legislators urging to vote No. (3/21) 86 Cable Community Teleprogramming. applicant Pauline Maloney; appointed. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 11 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE C Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm. applicants George P. Herrig & Sr. Carol Hoverman; Hoverman reappointed & Herrig appointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Cable Community Teleprogramming Commission, PEG Access Equipment Grants.(9/19).... 354 Cable Regulatory Commission applicant Charles Ellis; reappointment of Charles Ellis and Michael Pratt. (1/17)(2/7) 15,31 Cable Regulatory Comm. applicants: Ronald Tigges & Walter Webster; reappointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Cable Right of Way Ordinance. (4/18) 158 Cable Television — MCC Iowa LLC, Letter of Credit changed — Franchise Agreement. (8/1)297 Cable Television Franchise Agreement with MCC Iowa, - Mediacom. (4/18) 157,158 Cable Television Franchise with MCCIOWA LLC, Request for Renewal, Mediacom. (1/17) 18 Cable Television, Mediacom, offering limited tier of service. (6/6) 237 Cable TV Division, report at Council departmental budget review. (2/24) 53 Cable TV, Mediacom offering basic package. (2/24)(6/6) 53,237 Cable TV — re: vote Election vote on City Utilities. (12/5) 419 Cafe Manna Java, 269 Main, Liquor Lic. (10/3 370 Cafe Ordinance, Sidewalk. (6/6)(6/20) 246,263 CAFR — Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2004. (1/17) 18 Caldwell, Teresa, 1633 Elm, re: zoning of 1798 Washington. (5/16) 214 Calendar Year 2004 Urban Revitalization Program Applications, tax exemptions. (2/21) ....39,40 Callahan Construction, Westbrook Subd., Parking restrictions. (1/3) 6 Callahan Construction, Inc. voluntary annexation of 40 acres owned by Joel Callahan. (4/4)110 Callahan Construction, Westbrook Subd. Water Main Extension Project, final. (9/19) 350 Callahan, Patrick, 180 Cardiff, objecting to rezoning for Spiegel's Condo's. (12/19) 437 Cambridge Temp Position Employee objecting to adding Sexual Orientation to nondiscrimination code. (1/3) 1 Canine Unit at Police Dept. questioned at budget hearing. (2/16) 37 Capacity Constraint Issues on Minibus. (3/21) 107 CAPER — Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report — CDBG. (9/19) 351 Capital Improvement Program & Operating Budget, FY 06, Submitted. (1/17) 19 Capital Improvement Program & FY 2006 Operating Budget. (2/7)(3/8) 30,73,74 Capital Improvement Program - CIP Program review, Long Range Planning info. (3/8) 74 Capital Improvement Project for Airport Self Fueling System. (8/15) 317 Capital Loan Note, $200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Note. (1/17) 14,15 Car Sales, Used, rezoning of 1087 Cedar Cross for Pat & Liz Tobin. (4/18) 163,164 Carew, Atty Allen, for John and Pamela Gartner, object to property condemnation. (12/19). 433 Carew, Gregory A., Claim; Referred to Ins..(7/5)(8/1) 275,297 Carlos O'Kelly's, Miller Riverview Park, Beer Per.; (9/6) 336 Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican Cafe, 1355 Associates Dr., Liquor Llc. (10/3) 370 Carlson, Paula, Dean at UD., in favor of UD academic & administration building.(3/21) 96 Carnegie Stout Public Library Proj., Exterior Renovations; accept. (2/21)(3/21)(12/19)45,103,430 Carns, Rev. Richard, Pastor, Grandview Heights Baptist Church, Gave Invocation. (3/7) 56 Carriage Tour, Rustic Hills, fourth amendment to Lease Agreement — Colleen B. Lindstrom etc — former Dock Board Building. (4/18) 154 Carriers, HAB, claim, referred to Ins. (3/21) 83 Carroll's Wine Co., Grape Harbor, 123 Main, Class "C" Liquor Lic.; Liquor Lic. (2/7)(10/17)30,385 Carstens, Ian, requesting funding for Young Adult Dept. at the Library. (12/5) 421 Carstens, Laura, Planning Services Mgr. award — Best Development Award for America's River Project. (6/6) 247 12 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT C PAGE Carstens, Laura, Planning Services Mgr., award National Trust Historic Preservation. (3/7)(3/21) 56,107 Carter Road Detention Basin property acquisition, Lot 2 of Whites Place. (9/6) 325 Cascade Cycling Club request support letter, paving shoulders on County Road Y13. (4/18)154 Cascade Rd., N., final plat of Key Cities Properties Plat No. 2 in County.(10/17) 383 Cascade Rd., N., Woodland Estates Final Plat No. 3. (4/18) 152 Casey's General Store #2420, 2699 Rockdale Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Casey's General Store, #2421, 4003 Peru Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Casino Hotel - Assignment of Parking Use Agree & Lease Agreement between DRA, Dbq Casino Hotel & City — and also DB & T, security for loan; Third amendment.(8/1)(9/6)299,333 Casino Hotel — Hilton Garden — Houlihans, 1795 Greyhound Park, Liquor Lic. (10/3) 370 Casino Hotel Lease Amendment with City; First amendment to Parking Use Agreement; Third amendment to Lease. (3/21)(4/4)(5/2)(8/1)(9/6) 87,111,167,299,333 Casino, Diamond Jo — Portside, 400 E. 3`", Liquor Lic. (6/20) 253 Casket Co., 1798 Washington, National Register of Historic Places. (10/3) 368 Casket Co., Dbq., 1700 Washington, Washington Ct Proj., Notices: Environment & Funding. (3/7) 57 Catfish Charles, sublease, Dbq Yacht Basin Lease; placement of a sign for restaurant, Lease Agreement. (2/21)(7/5) 41,269 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG), amended & restated FY 2005 — Program Year 2004 Annual Plan Amendment 2. (2/7) 23 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) request funding support. (217) 26 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan, FY 2005. (2/7) 30 CDBG Community Development Block Grant FY 2006 Annual Action Plan hearing. (2/28) 54 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Fund, City Letters in support. (3/7) 58 CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan FY 06. (3/8) 75 CDBG -Curb Ramp Installation, 2005, CDBG Project. (3/7)(3/21)(8/1) 61,104,298 CDBG Program applauded by Historic Pres. Comm. (4/4) 109 CDBG Programs, FTY 2006, Notice of Release of Funds. (4/18) 155 CDBG Agreement with HUD for programming beginning 7/1/05. (7/5) 268 CDBG — Comm. Development Block Grant Program — CAPER Report. (9/19) 351 CEBA Wage Guideline for Vessel Systems Development Agreement with Marke. (9/28) 363 Cedar Cross Amoco, Liz Metcalf, 1200 Cedar Cross, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (7/5) 270 Cedar Cross Road, 1087, zoning, amend PUD for Used Car Sales Pat & Liz Tobin.(4/18)163,164 Cedar Cross Road, parking prohibited on narrow part. (5/26) 228 Cedar Cross Road, site plan approval for Birch Heating & Cooling. (3/21) 107 Cedar Lake Plaza Site Plan Review, Vision Health Ctr— P. Norton & Durrant group. (11/21)414 Cedar Street & Dog Track Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation, engineering services — WHKS; approval of contracts & bonds. (8/15)(10/3) 315,369 Cell — Cellular telephone service Agreement with City. (916) 334,335 Cellphones, vehicle accidents, increase. (6/6) 247 Central Ave., between 7th St. and 8th St. alley behind Courthouse, No Parking. (2/21) 50 Central Coast Hospitality, Ranchero's Mexican Grill, 4840 Asbury, Beer Per.(8/1) 300 Certificate of Achievement, GFOA, award for Government Finance Officers Assn.(8/1) 299 Certificate of Appreciation from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to City. (11121)410 Certificate of Completion & Grant Closeout Agreement for 2003 Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Grant to HUD. (7/18) 282 Certification — City Manager Michael Van Milligen as ICMA Credentialed Manager, Intl City/County Management Assn. (12/5) 422 Certified Local Government, 2004, CLG —Annual Report. (8/15) 315 13 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE C Challenge Grant Application, Dubuque Main St., Step by Step. (11/7) 400 Chamber of Commerce - Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Report by Sue Czeshinski. (2/7)(4/18)(7/18)(11/21) 21,164,293.403 Chamber of Commerce Bd of Directors membership, Mayor Duggan request Council Member be on Board. (11/7) 404 Chamber of Commerce object to Storage Container Ord. (7/5) 278 Chamber of Commerce, Convention & Visitors Bureau, presentation at special meeting. (2/7)21 Change Order for Improvement Contracts — procedure set out. (8/15) 323 Channel Inn Restaurant, Carolyn Fonck, 2010 'A Kerper. (10/17) 385 Chapman, Linda, RSVP, Purchase of Services funding. (3/2) 55 Charges for Collection & Disposal of Solid Waste Materials. (3/8) 78 Charitable Foundation — Cultural Affairs of Dubuque, Inc. — MCC Iowa — Mediacom, notifying City of same.; appointment process for members — start process. (4/18)(7/18) 157,295 Charitable Found., A.Y. McDonald Co., Water Works Park now A.Y. McDonald Park. (8/1) ....309 Chatfield, David, oppose rezoning of 2080 Elm St. — M. Mihalakis. (8/15)(9/6) 322,341 Chavenelle Road Connection Program — RISE Agree., Bergfeld farm.(1/3) 3 Chavenelle Road, rezone property N & S. AG to PI & CDP, Vincent & Luella McFadden property.(5/16) 216,217 Chestnut St. Reconstruction Project acceptance; final assessments. (2/7)(3/21) 23,83,84,85 Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation. (4/4) 109 Child Care Lasts A Lifetime Campaign, Empowerment Proposal to ISU — Quality Child Care Forum. (6/6) 235 Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement, VNA — IA Dept. of Public Health. (7/18) 283 Children's Zoo Boosters, lease agreement- Roosevelt Park. (6/6) 233 Choo Choo Charlies Pizza & Ice Cream, 1895 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic.(8/1) 300 Choudhry, Waseem, AWN Stop Mart, 1998 Jackson, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Christ, Martha E., applicant for Zoning Adv. Comm.; reappointed. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Chuquin, Carmen, Indian Weavings, 555 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per.(1/3) 4 CIP Program — Capital Improvement Program & Operating Budget, FY 06, Submitted. (1/17).. 19 CIP Program review, Long Range Planning info. (3/8) 74 Citizens' concerns, revisions to City's Sidewalk Inspection Program. (11/7) 403 City Clerk's Office, departmental budget hearing. (2/15) 36 City Council — Appreciation of support by Dubuque Arts Council.(12/19) 433\ City Council Compensation Task Force, study salaries for Mayor & Council. (3/8) 74,81 City Council & Mayor's salaries increased. (3/8) 81,82 City Council Election & Abstract of Votes. (12/5) 419 City Council Meeting Dates, Ord. establishing. (12/5) 424 City Council Image discussed, also successes & accomplishments. (12/17) 426 City Council Members and Mayor, Ordinance establishing Emergency Succession. (12/5) 424 City Council Second Ward Seat — resignation of Roy D. Buol; appointment of Buol to fill interim vacancy. (7/18)(8/1) 295,297 City Council Strategic Planning, FY 07. (6/6) 246 City Council, County Bd of Supervisors, Dbq School Board System, Holy Family School re: legislative issues. (11/21) 406 City Council, departmental budget hearing. (2/15) 36 City Development Board - McCann, Steve, letter to IA Secretary of State, filing documents for annexation & Dbq's boundary change. (3/7) 59 City Development Board of State, 704.5 acres voluntary annexation. (2/21)(3/7) 41,59 City elections & school board elections, combining various precincts. (8/1) 309 14 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT C PAGE City Hall and City Hall Annex & Housing re: Cleaning Services for City Hall & other offices, private services to be replaced with Part-time employees. (3/21) 107 City Hall Third Floor Structural Repair Proj.; contract Tricon Con.; final. (4/4)(5/16)(12/5) 145,146,226,422 City Hall, Lease with Schools for Kephart Bldg., relocation of Engineering staff due to 3'd Floor Structural Repairs. (7/5) 268 City Island Bridge, IDOT notice of bridge washing. (1/3) 1 City Manager Michael Van Milligen, praised by Michael Gartner. (3/7) 71 City Manager Michael Van Milligen, Annual Evaluation, Closed Session of Council. (6/27) ... 265 City Manager Michael Van Milligen Employment Agreement, Fourteenth Amend.(7/5) 269 City Manager Michael Van Milligen to speak at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Conference — "Reinventing America's Older Communities." (11/21) 411 City Manager's Office, departmental budget hearing. (2/15) 36 City of Dubuque Annual Report for 2005.(7/18) 287 City of Dubuque, Bunker Hill Golf Course, 2200 Bunker Hill, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 City of Dubuque, McAleece Park/Rec Complex, 1801 Admiral Sheehy, Beer Per. (4/4) 142 City of Promise Proclamation received by Jane Steele. (7/18) 280 City/County Management Assn. — Intl, certificate for City Manager Van Milligen, ICMA Credentialed Manager. (12/5) 422 City's Water & Sewer Service connection — Friends of the Mines of Spain — E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center. (11/21) 408 Civic Center, Five Flags, Bleacher Replacement Pro. (3/21) 90 Civic Center, Five Flags, HVAC Project. (1/3) 5 Civic Center, Five Flags, Renovation Pro. (3/21) 90 Civic Center, report for budget hearing. (2/24) 53 Civil Penalties for Tobacco Compliance — Paro Food Mart. (6/20) 252 Civil Penalties for Tobacco Compliance, settlement, Walgreens #0377. (7/18) 283 Civil Penalties for Tobacco Compliance Settlement Lucky 13 Tavern & Dbq Plaza 20 Amoco. (8/15) 318 Civil Penalties for Tobacco Compliance — Clark Retail. (10/17) 390 Civil Service Commission applicant Merle .1 Duehr, Jr. (5/16) 214 Civil Service Commission certifying Traffic Signal Technician II individuals. (4/4) 111 Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Captain position. (7/18) 284 Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Equipment Operator position. (7/18) 284 Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Lieutenant position. (7/18) 284 Civil Service Commission certifying Lead Applications/Network Analyst — Information Services Department. (7/18) 284 Civil Service Commission certifying Water Pollution Control Plant Operator.(7/18) 284 Civil Service Commission certifying Assistant Fire Chief position. (7/18) 285 Civil Service Commission certifying Assistant Fire Marshal position. (7/18) 285 Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Captain position. (7/18) 285 Civil Service Commission certifying Emergency Medical Supervisor position. (7/18) 285 Civil Service Commission certifying Medical Officer position. (7/18) 286 Civil Service Commission certifying Assistant Planner position — individuals.(9/6) 334 Civil Service Commission certifying Account individuals. (10/17) 383 Civil Service Commission certifying Engineering Technician individuals. (10/17) 383 Civil Service Commission certifying Utility Billing Coordinator individuals. (10/17) 383 Civil Service Commission certifying Records Supervisors (Police) individuals. (11/21) 407 Civil Service Commission certifying GIS Coordinator/Analyst individuals. (11/21) 408 15 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE C Claims & Revenues, Proofs of Publications. (1/3)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(616)(6/20)(715)(7/18)(11/21)(12/19) 1,38,56,83,231,249,407,280,407,427 Claims of Lois Bublitz & Dianna Stonskas for water main break, appeal denial. (4/4) 148 Clancy, Sheri, Claim; referred to Ins. (2/7) 2 Clark Retail — Civil Penalty for Tobacco Compliance. (10/17) 390 Clark, Sheri Services, Inc. 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(8/15) 238,318 Clark's Sub 2, Lot 1, 966 Liberty Street, dispose of interest to Roger Pickle's. (2/21)(3/7).. 42,63 Clarke College Banners requested for Clarke Dr. on public ROW — near Atrium. (1117) 400 Clarke College Construction Agreement — pedestrian crossing corridor. (7/5) 267 Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic.; 1 day outdoor sales. (6/6)(9/6) 239,336 Clarke College, Quigley Gal — Wahlert Atrium, 1550 Clarke Dr. Liluor Lic. (8/15) 318 Clean Air Attainment Program (IA) — ICAAP — Funding. US 20 Devon Dr. to Menards. — Traffic Signal & its Intelligent Transportation System Improvements Project. (3/7) 56 Clean Air Attainment Program, IDOT, application - funding Dbq. Hwy 151161 & Maquoketa Drive Intersection — ICAAP Funding. (10/3) 368 Clean Air Attainment Program, IDOT, application - funding Dbq. Traffic Signal Improvements Priority 2, 3, & 4, US 20 — Devon Dr. to Menards. (10/3) 368 Clean Air Attainment Program, Iowa, Agreement with Howard Green Co. for US 20 Fiber Optics Interconnect Project. (11/21) 410 Cleaning Services for City Hall & other offices, private services to be replaced with Part-time employees. (3/21) 107 Cleanup, Parking Lot in Port of Dubuque, E of Diamond Jo & S of Grand Harbor. (6/20) 252 Clearance Project, Site, - United Rental Building Demolition. (11/7) 401 Cleek, David, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.(5/16) 214 Clifford, Deborah A., Dempsey's & Molly's Pub, 395 W. 9th St., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Cline, Council Member Pat, reappointed to Operation: New View Board. (1/3) 10 Cline, Council M ember Patricia, reappointed to Greater Dubuque Development Corp. (7/5).278 Cline, Council Member Pat, questioning eminent domain process & costs. (7/18) 295 Cline, Council Member Pat, as Council Liaison to Long Range Planning Adv. Comm.(8/15) 323 Clinical Site Usage at University of Dubuque — Nursing Program — Memo of Agree.(7/18) 282 Club House, The, M. Spiegel halter, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Code of Conduct discussed for City Council at Work session. (12/17) 426 Code of Ordinances, Text Amendment re: subdivision regulations and bonding. (11/21) 413 Code Supplement No.63 to City Code of Ordinances.(9/6) 334 Coffee Shop, Moo Java Expresso Coffee Shop Loretta Thompson, espresso drive-thru behind Dbq Discount Gas, by Wal-Mart; objection, Traffic Study?; approved. (10/3)(10/17).. 376,390 Collective Bargaining Agree. City & Teamsters Local Union No. 421; amend.(1/17)(4118). 12,152 Collective Bargaining Agreement — Operating Engrs. (9/6) 330 Collective Bargaining Agreement — Police. (6/6) 236 Collective Bargaining Agreement — Teamsters, contract 7/1/05 through 6/30/06. (6/6) 235 College Street & W. 5th, Corner rezone The Finley Hospital, (2/21) 48,49 Collins, James, President of Loras College, Gave Invocation. (12/19) 427 Collins, Jeanne, 243 Cardiff, objecting to rezoning for Spiegel's condos. (12/19) 437 Colts Center, Legionnaires Drum & Bugle Corps, 1101 Central, Beer Per.(7/5) 270 Columbia Telecommunications Corp., & Vernon Research Group, Municipal Communication Utility Feasibility Study. (5/16) 227 Comiskey Park Tennis Court — Skate Park Project; Bonds & Contracts approved; accepted (6/20)(7/18)(8/15)(11/21) 254,292,318,408 Comm. Development Block Grant Program — CAPER Report. (9/19) 351 Communications Utility — Opportunity Dubuque, request for Letter of Support. (8/15) 322 16 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT C PAGE Communications Utility, Resolution of Support. (9/6) 340 Communications Utility, outcome—Abstract of Votes. (12/5) 419 CommUnity Award given to :Tara Nelson & Matt Cornwall at Diversity :Conference. (6/20)264 Community Chiropractic Clinic — Proclamation of Kids' Day America. (4/4) 109 Community Development Advisory Comm. applicant Janice Craddieth, R.J.Sullivan; appointment of J. Craddieth. (2/21)(3/7) 47,63 Community Development Advisory Commission applicants David Oliver, David Shaw; reappointments of Mr. Oliver & Mr. Shaw.. (2/7)(2/21) 31,47 Community Development Advisory Commission resignation of Walter Pregler. (2/7) 22 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan, FY 2005. (2/7) 30 Community Development Block Grant Fund, City Letters in support. (3/7) 58 Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan FY 06. (3/8) 75 Community Development Block Grant Fund, Curb Ramp Install, 2005, CDBG Project. (3/7)(3/21)(8/1) 61,104,298 Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) request Council's funding support. (2/7)26 Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG), amended & restated FY 2005 — Program Year 2004 Annual Plan Amendment 2. (2/7) 23 Community Development Block Grant FY 2006 Annual Action Plan public hearing. (2/28) 54 Community Development Block Grant Program — CDBG — Jim Nussle re: funding. (6/6) 231 Community Development Block Grant Program - CDBG Agreement, HUD programming beginning 7/1/05. (7/5) 268 Community Development Block Grant Program - CDBG Program applauded by Historic Pres. Comm. (4/4) 109 Community Development Block Grant Program - CDBG Programs, FTY 2006, Notice of Release of Funds. (4/18) 155 Community Development Week Proclamation. (3/21) 83 Community Health Center, Health Care Funding, letters to legislators. (11/7) 400 Community Oriented Policing Services, 2004 Safe Schools Grant.(6/20) 251 Community Partnership Program (cp2) Funds for Fiscal Year 2006. (6/6) 232 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Fund, letter to Congress. Nussle. (3/21) 85 Compensation claim handling, Alternative Service Concepts, worker's comp claims. (11/21)409 Compensation Package, FY 2006, Bus (Keyline Transit) Operators. (9/6) 332 Compliance Inspection Report, Water, IA DNR, for Airport. (3/21) 85 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report—CAFR-2004. (1/17) 18 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Report, ECIA.. (8/15) 316 Comprehensive Plan, Kelly's Bluff condo's — not consistent with plan. (12/5) 422 Computer Dept. Lead Applications/Network Analyst individuals certified, Civil Service. (7/18) 284 Computer disaster recovery questioned at departmental budget hearing for IS. (2/24) 53 Computer System Upgrade- Pentamation. (4/4) 142 Concerts = Grandstand Under the Stars concerts at the Diamond Jo, comments. (4/18) 152 Concession Operation at McAleece Park& Recreation Complex.(4/4) 111 Concrete Box Culvert Extension — University Ave. Reconstruction Project. (3/7)(3/21) 58,60,105 Concrete Box Culverts — University Ave. Reconstruction — US 20 to University. (3/7) 60 Concrete Section Repair & Overlay Project, Samuel Street, final. (1/17) 12 Concrete Section Repair, Grandview Ave. Project; Accept. (6/6)(7/5)(7/18)(12/5) 241,277,292,418 Condemnation of land by School District, Dbq & Jackson Co. for land for new school. (1/17) 14 Condemnation of rights in land for improvement of Hwy 20. (6/20) 251 Condominium Project, River Pointe Project, 600 Mazzuchelli Rd., on bluffs, development by A.J. Spiegel — Royal Oaks Development. (10/17)(11/21)(12/15)(12/19) 387,409,422,436 17 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT C PAGE Conduit, Fiber Optic, Phase I Project, award to Volkens. (4/18) 163 Conference, 2009 IA League of Cities, naming City reps: Nicholson & Gehl. (1/17) 19 Conflict of Interest, Mayor or Council Member. (3/21) 92,107 Congress of Cities, voting delegate & alternate requested for Nat'l League of Cities.(9/6) ....345 Conlon Construction Co. awarded Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Project. (2/7) 32 Conlon, Kevin & Nancy, rezoning of 4310 Asbury Rd. (6/20) 258 Conlon, Sr. Mary Patricia, of Ecumenical Towers, traffic concerns at 6th & Locust Sts.; dangerous pedestrian intersection at 6th and Locust. (6/20)(7/5)(10/17) 264,270,392 Conlon, Tim & Conlon Partners, 300 Wartburg PI., Links Glen Residential Development. — rezoning.(7/18) 290,291 Connection Fee — Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Extension. (7/5) 275 Connollly, Mike, adoption of 2003 International Building Code. (10/17) 385 Connolly Construction awarded contract for water/sewer North Grandview Estates at Grandview & W. 32nd St. (10/3) 375,376 Connors, Council Member Joyce, attended Iowa League of Cities meeting.(9/19) 362 Connors, Council Member Joyce, reappointed to Operation: New View Board; reappointed to the Convention & Visitors Board; appointed as Mayor Pro -Tem. (1/3)(5/2) 10,167 Connors, Council Member Joyce, 2,232 votes & won Third Ward Council term.(12/5) 419 Connors, Mayor Pro -Tem Joyce, plaque to outgoing Mayor Duggan. (12/19) 427 Connors, Mayor Pro -Tem Joyce, taking the meeting; taking portion of the meeting. (6/6)(7/18)(918)(9/12)(10/3)(11/21)(12/17)(12/19) 231,293,348,349,365,414,426,436 Connors, Council Member Joyce, at National League of Cities meeting. (12/5) 425 Conservation District for old Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co. property. (11/21)(12/19)... 414,444 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report— CAPER for CDBG Program.(9/19) 351 Consolidated End of Year Review for Program Year 2004, HUD, was satisfactory. (12/19)433 Consolidated Plan for Housing & Community Development. (4/18) 164 Constitution Week Proclamation.(9/19) 350 Construction Administration Services, Synergy Court Project, contract with Buesing. (9/6)332 Construction Contracts — Biechler Electric, Miller -Riverview Park Electrical Services, Phase II, Project. (10/17) 390 Consultant Design Contract — IA 32, SW Arterial, Agreement with Earth Tech. (2/7) 25 Consultant Selection, Design of Floodwall Improvement Projects, IIW Engrs. (3/7) 56 Consultant Selection of MSA Professional Services, W. 32nd St. Detention Basin. (2/7) 34 Consultant, Lane Kendig, Inc. update Zoning & Subd. Ordinances; Agree. (2/21)(4/4) 41,109 Consulting and Actuarial Services Agreement, Administrative Services Agree. with Gallagher Benefit Services. (7/5) 267 Container Ordinance, Storage. (5/16)(6/20)(7/5) 227,250,278 Contract — Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) Contract — City, Public Schools, Holy Family Schools. (10/3) 366 Contract A Mass Grading Project — Dbq Ind. Center West Third Addn. (3/7) 62 Contract Award, Engineering, Iowa & Locust Street Parking Ramps. (8/1) 298 Contract Change Order approval, procedure. (8/15) 323 Contract for Ride -Along Training, NICC for Fire Dept.'s EMS Training Pro. (7/5) 268 Contract HOME Investment Partnership program, funding agreement expiration date. (1/3) 1 Contract of Dbq Hockey Inc. with Five Flags Civic Center. (9/6) 330 Contract with Dbq County Bd of Health & Agreement with Visiting Nurse Assn. — Childhood Lead Poisoning. (7/18) 283 Contracts and Bonds, Authorize City Manager to approve; approval by Council. (8/1)(10/3)(11/21) 312,369,411 Convention & Visitors Board, reappoint Council Member Connors, Mayor as Alternate. (1/3).10 18 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT C PAGE Convention & Visitors Bureau Presentation, Special Council Meeting. (2/7) 21 Convention & Visitors Bureau Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Reports, Sue Czeshinski. (2/7)(4/18)(7/18)(11/7) 21,164,293,403 Convention Center — Grand River Center, Courthouse, etc. Visibility Corridor. (4/18) 156 Cook, Drew & Sons awarded contract for Grandview Avenue Concrete Section Repair.(7/18)292 Cook, Drew & Sons Excavating, awarded contract for Comiskey Park Tennis Ct — Skate Park Project. (7/18) 292 Cook, Drew & Sons, awarded contract for Comiskey Park Tennis Ct/Skate Park Pro. (7/18)292 Cook, Drew, & Sons Excavating, awarded contract for Bergfeld Rec. Area. (6/20) 259, 260 Cooper Management, Stonewall Lounge, Bricktown, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.; Update of Police calls re: Outdoor Liquor Lic. (6/6)(6/20)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)246,253,311,332,378 Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agreement — City & County Road upkeep.(9/6) 330 Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agreement with Asbury. (12/5) 421 COP Community Oriented Policing Services, 2004 Safe Schools Grant, Justice Dept. (6/20) 251 Copper Kettle, Wagner's, 2987 Jackson St., Liquor Lic.(4/4) 142 Corey, Wendell, Jack Leaman/ Motor City, Asbury Plaza Business Park Amendment.(3/21).... 89 Corey, Wendell, Plaza Drive No. 3 — Lot 2, rezone extension Plaza Drive, Motor City. (3/21)99-103 Cornwall, Matt, and Tara Nelson received CommUnity Award at Diversity Conf. (6/20) 264 Corridor Visibility between Courthouse, Grand River Center, Convention Ctr. (4/18) 156 Cost Share Grant approved, IA DNR - Water's Recreation Access. (9/19) 354 Cottingham Road & Seippel Rd. NE, rezone Tri-State Development & Jim & Doris Graf. (9/19)359 Cottrell, Jerry, concern @ rezoning of 1798 Washington. (5/16) 214 Council and Mayor's salary increase considered. (3/8)(3/8) 74,81 Council liaison to Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. now is Pat Cline. (8/15) 323 Council Priorities — City of Dubuque & Requests for Federal Appropriations. (12/19) 446 Country Club, Golf and, Tax Assessment Appeal. (6/6) 232 County & City, 28E Mutual Fire Aid Protection Agreement. (11/21) 410 County Board of Health, funding Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. (7/118) 283 County Board of Health, Interagency Agree. Inspect swimming pools, spas. (7/18) 282 County Conservation Board, priority project, Heritage Trail pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Hwy 52/3 for DMATS.(1/3) 6 County Conservation Society, D. Leifker, Southern Ave. green space be preserved & not sold for building lots — also questioning future of Maus Park. (10/3) 366 County Extension Director Everman speaking of their programs.(6/20) 261 County Extension Multicultural Center, Cp2 funds. (6/6)(11/7) 232,399 County Extension, grant agreement for rec programs, Uptown Rec. Program.(6/6) 233 County Fair Week Proclamation.(7/18) 280 County Historical Society — Nat'l Mississippi River Museum, Liquor Lic.(9/6) 336 County Historical Society, Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration. (9/6) 336 County Road Y13, Farley & Cascade & Aitchison Rd., Cascade Cycling Club requesting support letter for paving. (4/18) 154 County Roads — Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agreement. (9/6) 330 County Supervisors agreement Prel. Engrg. Design Phase for SW Arterial, IA 32. (1/3) 4 County Supervisors, Abstract of Votes for Council & Communications Utility. (12/5) 419 County Supervisors, City Council, School systems, meeting © legislative concerns. (11/21)406 Courthouse Dome, visibility corridor, Grand River Center to Courthouse gold dome. (4/18).156 Courthouse, alley behind, No Parking designation, 700 Central. (2/21') 50 Courtside Sports Bar, 2096 Holiday Dr.,, Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Cousins Road residents objecting to rezoning of Hwy 20 property for landfill. (5/16) 215 19 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE C Coyle, Attorney Mike, for Bill Denlinger, objecting to Exterior Storage Container Ord. (5/16) 227 Coyle, Rodney, objecting to landscaping business at 2813 Jackson — rezoning. (10/17) 388 Cp2 Funds - County Extension Multicultural Center, Cp2 funds. (6/6)(11/7) 232,399 Cp2 Funds, Community Partnership Program, for FY 06. (6/6) 232 Craddieth, Janice, applicant for Community Development Advisory Comm.; appointed; concern re: rezoning of 1798 Washington. (2/21)(3/7)(5/16) 47,63,214 Crandell, Dr. Alan, Campus Chaplain of UD, Gave Invocation. (5/2) 167 Crawford, Merrill, Cable TV Franchise Administrator, departmental report. (2/24) 54 Creative Touch Gallery, Inc., Ooh La La, 3460 Hillcrest Rd., Wine Per.. (6/6) 239 Credentialed Manager - City/County Management Assn. — Intl, certificate for City Manager Van Milligen as an ICMA Credentialed Manager. (12/5) 422 Creek, White Water Creek Bridge relocation. (9/6)(11/7) 331,399 Crescent Ridge, 190 North, rezoning request by Alter Scrap Processing. (12/19) Creslanes Bowling, Inc. 255 S. Main, Liquor Llc. (6/6) 239 Criminal Complaint for Municipal Infraction — replaced by Notice of Violation.(10/17) 391 Crissy Drive & Marywood, Intersection, replace Yield Signs with Stop Signs. (9/6) 344,345 Crooks, Les, SMG Interim Mgr., outlined improvements to Five Flags at budget hearing.(2/24)53 Crop Walk Day Proclamation. (9/19) 350 Cuemasters Billiards, W. Kramer, 900 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/6)(12/19) .. 238,434 Cullen, J.P & Sons, complete Grand River Center Bid Pkg #3 Project. (4/4) 111 Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation of Dubuque, Inc. — MCC lowa — Mediacom, notifying City of same.; appointment process for members — start process. (4/18)(7/18)(8115).. 157,295,319 Cultural and Entertainment District — A. Walker from State, urge support for current historic preservation projects in Cultural & Entertainment District — tax credits.(7/5) 269 Culture — Arts & Culture Grant Program for Special Projects award grants. (10/17) 390 Culture — Arts & Culture Month Proclamation. (10/17) 380 Culvers, nearby sidewalks, responsibility questioned by Cline. (8/15) 324 Culvert Extension — Concrete Box, University Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (3/7)(3/21) 58,60,105 Culvert, Samantha Drive area...problems with stormwater runoff. (10/3)(11/7) 376,403 Curb Cut, Sixth Street -from Locust St. to alley west of Main (by Ecumenical Towers).(9/6).. 344 Curb Ramp Installation, 2005, CDBG Project. (3/7)(3/21)(8/1) 61,104,298 Custodial (Cleaning) Services for City Hall, now Part-time employees. (3/21) 107 Customer Services, APAC, employees laid off, discontinuation of business. (8/15) 315 Cycling Club of Cascade request support letter paving shoulders County Road Y13. (4/18)154 Czeshinski, Sue, Convention & Visitors Bureau, presentation. (2/7)(4/18)(7/18)(11/7) 21,164,293,403 Czeshinski, Sue, Dbq Area Chamber — Convention & Visitors Bureau, update — Purchase of Services. (3/2)(11/7) 55,403 20 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE D Dalsing Place No. 3 — Final Plat in Dbq County. (3/21) 85,86 DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W. 4"' St., Liquor Llc. (10/17) 385 Daoud, Jean, President of Dbq Health & Fitness, presentation. (6/20) 261 DARE Contract — Drug Awareness Resistance Education, City, Schools. (5/2)(10/3) 169,366 Davey Robertsons Public Bar, Busted Lift, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 David, Laura, re: Lois Bublitz appeal of denial of water main break claim damage. (4/4) 148 Davidson, Sarah, appreciation of City support of Step by Step housing Project. (12/19) 433 Davis Place, Scott Potter, - zoning of 601 Garfield Ave. (6/20) 256 Day Camp Program, part of new Uptown Rec. Program, Grant Agreement with Four Mounds Foundation. (7/5) 267 Daykin, Kim, applicant for Park & Rec Commission - reappointed. (7/5) 275,276 Dazey, Susan, 2835 Washington, requesting Tri -States Veteran Museum. (10/3) 376 DB & T Bank Loan, Assignment of Lease Agreement between Casino Hotel — Parking Use Agreement & Lease Agree. — DRA. (8/1) 299 Dbq Casino Hotel & DRA — First Amendment to Lease for Hilton Garden Inn; Third amendment to Lease Agree. (4/4)(5/2)(6/6)(9/6) 111,167,239,240,333 Dbq Casino Hotel LLC, - Assignment of Parking Use Agreement & Lease Agreement. — DRA, re: Dubuque Bank & Trust Loan security. (8/1) 299 Dbq Casino Hotel, Hilton Garden/Houlihans, Liquor Lic.(10/3) 370 DBQ Inc. Shot Tower Inn, 390 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 DDA Enterprises, Inc. A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Cigarette Per.(11/7) 400 Dean, Ralph, Mayor of Sageville, objecting to annexations by City. (6/6) 231 December 2004, Financial Reports. (1/17) 11 December 2004, Proof of publication of claims & revenues. (2/21) 38 Declaratory Ruling requested, makeup of Airport Commission. (8/1) 300 Decorative Railing Project, Third Street Overpass; awarded to Tricon. (8/1)(9/6) 302,339 Deed accepted for real estate in County from Terrance Weidemann's. (4/4) 142,143 Deed accepted for ROW from Murphy Family Enterprises for roadway improvement. (12/5). 419 Deed Correction for Tyler Road, Lot B Blk 8 in Mettel-Link Addn. City & School. (2/7) 24 Deer Management Plan for 2005-2006; Purchase of Services money to St. Stephens Food Bank for deer meat program. (4/18)(6/6) 155,236 De -Ice vehicle purchase for Airport — CIP Request. (10/17) 381 Delegates to National League of Cities, Council Member Nicholson & alternate, Council Member Michalski. (9/6) 345 Delhi St.& University, vacation for Finley Hospital & Hartig Drug.(7/5)(10/13) 271,370,372,373 Delinquent Garbage & Refuse :Collection Accounts submitted to County Treasurer. (12/19) 432 Delinquent Sewer Accounts, submitted to County Treasurer. (12/19) 431,432 Delinquent Stormwater Management Accounts, submission to Treasurer. (12/19) 431 Demolish Adams Co. building — or re -use proposal. (6/6) 235 Demolish historic buildings re: Downtown School. (6/6) 246 Demolish Stealth Warehouse, Historic Pres. Recommending. (6/6) 232 Demolition & Site Clearance of Iowa Street, 301, former United Rental Building. (11/7) ..401,402 Demolition and Site Clearance Project, United Rental Building. (12/19) 437 Dempsey's Molly's Pub, Clifford Enter., 395 W. 9t", Liquor Lic. ; Cig. Per. (5/2)(6/6) 170,238 Denlinger, Bill, of Heartland Storage, re: Exterior Storage Container Ord. (5/16) 227 Denlinger, Carol & Bill, walkway overpass, NW Arterial, near new Middle School. (2/7) 23 Denny's Lux Club, Bev Larson, 3050 Asbury Rd., Liq. Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/16)(6/6) 212,238 Dental Plan, City of Dubuque, acceptance of renewal rate; Renewal rate.. (3/21)(11/21).... 86,408 Department of Health and Human Services & City, prescription drug coverage. (5/16) 211 21 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT D PAGE Department of Justice, re: Police Department — Community Oriented Police , 2004 Safe Schools Grant—Secure our Schools. (6/20) 251 Deployment Study, Municipal Fire & Emergency Services Response. (11/21) 410 Deppe, Barbara M., Claim; forwarded to insurance. (7/18)(8/1) 280,297 Design & engineering contract amendment, IIW, Dbq Industrial Center West 3rd Addn. (2/7) .. 26 Design Center, Inc., Julien Inn, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Design consultant for IA 32 — SW Arterial — agreement with Earth Tech. (2/7) 25 Design issues for Hwy 20 Bridge Project, Work Session scheduled. (B/15) 324 Design Resources, Inc., QHQ Properties, 4310 Asbury, Sam's Club rezoning. (11/21) 412 Design services — RFP's, White Water Creek Bridge.(9/6) 331 Desman Associates, contract for engineering services for Locust & Iowa Destination Signs — National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. (2/21) 40 Detention Basin expansion, purchase of 715 W. 32"d St. (1/17) 13 Detention Basin expansion, purchase of 685 W. 32nd St. (4/4) 112 Detention basin expansion, purchase of 755 W. 32' St. (6/6) 232 Detention Basin expansion, purchase of 745 Gillespie St. (6/6) 233 Detention basin expansion, Carter Rd., purchase Lot 2 Whites Place, Steven & Michelle Whites. (9/6) 325 Detention Basin, W. 32"d St., Design includes 2 wet ponds. (10/3) 378 Deutmeyer, Kelley, Ex. Dir. Of ECIA, Alternate for City Mgr. on ECIA Council should be Economic Devel. Director David Heiar. (6/20) 252 Deutmeyer, Kelley, ECIA — FY 2006 Unified Work Program & June 05 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. (8/15) 316 Development Agreement — Tri-State Industrial — Heller Family Realty Co. (7/5) 276 Development Agreement N. Grandview Estates — Richard Henkel & Sandra Williams. (4/4)110 Development Award, Best, for America's River Project. (6/6) 246,247 Development promoted along Hwy 151 between Dubuque & Marion, IA. (5/16) 228 Diabetes Health Foundation, Finley Health Foundation, cp2 Program funding. (6/6) 232 Diamond Jo Casino, 400 E. 3rd St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/20) 253 Dickinson, Rick, Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Verbal Report; appreciation for funding; verbal report. (1/3)(3/2)(6/6) 6,55,246 Dickinson, Rick, appointed to Executive Committee promote development Hwy 151. (5/16) . 228 Dickinson, Rick, requesting Council appointments to GDDC Board. (7/5) 278 Dickinson, Rick, in favor of A.J. Spiegel proposed condo project, 600 Mazzuchelli. (12/19)437 Dip Tap, refund on Liquor Lic. — Clyde Mihalakis. (2/21) 41 Disability Employment Awareness Month — October 05 Proclamation. (10/3) 365 Disposal of Lot 1 Clark's Sub. 2 in City — 966 Liberty St. to Roger & Ann Pickel. (3/7) 63 Disposal of Lot 25 of Finley Home Addn — Lease Agreement. — MCC Iowa, LLC. (5/2) 200 Disposal - sale of John Breakey's Dubuque to Allen & Constance Rowell.(10/17)(11/7).. 386,402 Disposal of Post Office Building, 350 W. 6th St., available for sale to City. (2/7)(3/7) 35,68 Dispose of property by lease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming Co.(6/6)(6/20) 240,257,258 Dispose of property to Nathan Boyes — sewer easement Lot 29 Emerald Acres No2. (7/5) .276 Diversity Conference Award: Comm Unity Award to Tara Nelson & Matt Cornwall.(6/20) 264 Diversity Training & Welcoming Committee — appreciation for sister city relationship. (9/19)351 Diversity Training for City employees, RFP's. (9/19) 351 Dixon, James, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20) 242,256 DLEC — Police Dept. final acceptance of Police remodeling project. (4/4) 109 DM Sports Bar, Bartinis on Main., 253 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/16)(6/20) 212,253 DM Sports Bar, Jumpers Sports Bar, 2600 Dodge, Liquor License. (9/6)(11/21) 336,412 DMATS - Conservation Bd requesting Heritage Trail bridge over Hwy 52/3 be a priority(1/3)... 6 22 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE D DMSL request for funding - Dbq Main St. Ltd., requesting $50,000 for staff etc. (3/2) 55 DNR, IA — grant, Boat Ramp & Trailer Park, A.Y. McDonald Park - Water Works Pk.(10/17).... 384 DNR, IA - Iowa DNR — REAP Grant application for Phase 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (8/1) ..309 DNR, IA, REAP grant for IA 32 — Northwest Arterial„ Bike/Hike Trail. (11/7) 400 Dock Board Building — former, lease amendment for Rustic Hills Carriage Tours. (4/18) 154 Dock Facilities in Ice Harbor for Riverboat Gambling, Ground Lease for Parking etc. (6/6) 239 Documentary filming, approval to do on City property by Superfine, Inc./Jackson Films. (7/5)270 Dodge St., U.S. 20, Devon Dr. to Menards, IDOT application for Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System. (3/7) 56 Dog Gone, Inc, Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (10/3) 370 Dog House Lounge, Dog Gone, Inc. 1646 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (10/3) 370 Dog Track Pumping Station for Wastewater- & Cedar Street, WHKS & Co. selected for design & Engineering etc.; approval of contracts/bonds. (8/15)(10/3) 315,369 Dogs — canine unit, Usage by Police, questioned at departmental budget hearing. (2/16) 37 Dogs on Riverwalk, Dbq Humane Society request they be allowed for special events. (12/19)445 Dogs, Drug -sniffing, Schools, D. Patton want Council support school use.(4/18)(5/2)164,165,170 Dolan, Denise M., elections, combination of various precincts — school & City. (8/1) 309 Dolter, Mildred, Basket Expressions, 474 Bluff, Wine Per. (7/5) 271 Down Payment Loans, Washington Neighborhood. Rehab Assistance. (11/21) 410 Downtown Cleanup successful. (5/2) 207 Downtown Eagle Country Market, 1800 Elm., Beer Per.; Wine Per. (9/6) 336 Downtown Neighborhood Council — D. Stuart requesting historic replica traffic lights on Loras Blvd. — Historic Dis. Public Improve. Program. (3/7) 69 Downtown Parking Meters — portions of Main St., Ninth St & 12`" St.. (8/1) 310 Downtown School — Prescott, demolition about that. (6/6) 246 DPPA - Police Department — Collective Barg. Agreement- DPPA. (6/6) 236 DRA Board, same appointments of Mayor Duggan, Council Members Buol, Markham, and City Manager Van Milligen.(1/3) 10 DRA Dubuque Racing Assn., Dbq Greyhound Park/ Casino. (3/7) 60 DRA - & Dbq Casino Hotel — First Amendment to Lease for Hilton Garden Inn etc.; third amendment. (4/4)(5/2)(8/1)(9/6) 111,167,299,333 DRA Dubuque Greyhound Park/Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park Dr., Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 DRA Sublease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming Co. (6/20) 251 Draft Preservation Easement for Dubuque Shot Tower. (6/20) 250 Drainage Basin Master Plan, purchase 645 Gillespie St. W. 32nd St. Det. Basin. (4/18)(6/6)153,233 Drainage issues — problems, Samantha Drive area; add'I info. (9/6)(10/17)(11/7) 341,385,403 Drew Cook & Sons Excavating contract, Bergfeld Recreation Development Pro. (6/20) 260 Drew Cook & Sons awarded contract for Grandview Avenue Concrete Section Repair.(7/18)292 Drew Cook & Sons Excavating, contract, Comiskey Park Tennis Ct — Skate Park Proj. (7/18)292 Drew Cook & Sons, contract Comiskey Park Tennis Ct/Skate Park Pro. (7/18) 292,293 Drive — thru Coffee place, behind Dubuque Discount Gas, 3270 Dodge. proposed drive-thru Expresso Coffee place — Moo -Java by Loretta Thompson. (10/3)(10/17) 376,390 Driver of non -motorized vehicle, new ordinance for licensing etc. (4/4) 148 Driver recognition, Keyline Fixed Route — Area Residential Care. (11/7) 398 Drop Off Parking on Sixth Street from Locust to alley west of Main.(9/6) 344 Drug and alcohol testing & substance abuse program & prevention policy, City. (7/5) 267 Drug Awareness Resistance Education - DARE Contract — Drug Awareness Resistance Education Contract, City, Schools, Holy Family Schools. (5/2)(10/3) 169,366 Drug Stores — Pharmacies — zoning text amendment to allow as a permitted use in the ID Institutional District. (2/21) 48 23 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE D Drug Task Force (Dbq)...request of D. Patton for City to send letter to schools to allow drug dogs in school. (4/18) 164,165 Dubuque & Marion, Iowa, Executive Committee formed to promote development. (5/16) 228 Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, re: sidewalk on Arboretum Dr.(11/21) 416 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, Purchase of Service Agreement.(6/6) 237 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Town Clock Plaza, 2 Liquor Lic.(7/5) 271 Dubuque Area Lifetime Center, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Dubuque Arts Council — Winter Jazz & Blues Festival, Arts & Culture Grant Program for Special Projects. (10/17) 390 Dubuque Arts Council, appreciation of City's support. (11/7)(12/19) 400,433 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. Loan, Dbq Casino Hotel, Lease Agreement assignment DRA,(8/1)299 Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service, accept Heron Pond Fishing Pier Project. (2/7) 26 Dubuque Bowling Lanes, James R. Furring 1029'/2 Main., Liquor Lic. (6/6) 239 Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co. property, 30th & Jackson Sts., request Conservation District — John Gronen; Discussion, efforts to save building. (11/21)(12/19) 414,444 Dubuque Casino Hotel & DRA — First Amendment to Lease for Hilton Garden Inn. (4/4) 111 Dubuque Casket Co., Washington Court Project, Notice of Environmental Impact & Release of Funds; info on funding & park update. (3/7)(6/6) 57,235 Dubuque Catfish Festival, 1850 Hawthorne St., Beer Per.(5/16) 212 Dubuque Community School District — condemnation notice, property for new school. (1/17)14 Dubuque Community School District — DARE Contract with them. (5/2)(10/3) 169,366 Dubuque Community School District, clarification of Warranty Deed for Tyler Road property, correct legal description. (2/7) 24 Dubuque Community Schools Agreement — School Resource Officer, Police. (1/3) 1 Dubuque County Historical Society, Nat'l River Museum, E. 3rd, Liquor Lic. (7/18)(9/6).. 288,336 Dubuque County Conservation Board for Heritage Trail bridge over Hwy 52/3 as a priority. (1/3)6 Dubuque County Extension Cp2 Grant for Multicultural Center. (11/7) 399 Dubuque County Extension Director Nancy Everman @ their programs. (6/20) 261 Dubuque County Extension Multicultural Center, cp2 funds awarded. (6/6) 232 Dubuque County Extension, grant agreement for rec programs, Uptown Rec. Program.(6/6)233 Dubuque County Fair Week Proclamation. (7/18) 280 Dubuque County Historical Soc. EDI Grant EDI, HUD America's River Museum. (10/3) 366 Dubuque County Historical Society, amend Grant Award Agreement Vision Iowa Board. (3/7)59 Dubuque County Historical Society, requested funding by Arts Comm. (5/16) 227 Dubuque County Historical Society, Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/3) 5 Dubuque Discount Gas, 2175 Central, Beer Per. ; Tobacco penalty; Cig. Per. (2/7)(5/16)(6/6) 29,226,238 Dubuque Discount Gas, 3270 Dodge — behind, request for proposed drive-thru Expresso Coffee place — Moo -Java. (10/3)(10/17) 376,390 Dubuque Discount Gas, 3270 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20) 253 Dubuque Drug Task Force: D. Patton request City send letter, allow drug dogs in school. (4/18)(5/2) 164,165,170 Dubuque Family Restaurant, PACR, Ltd., 2600 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (12/5) 422 Dubuque Fraternal Order of Eagles, Eagles Club, 1175 Century, Liquor Lic. (3/7) 60 Dubuque Golf and Country Club, Liquor Lic. (5/16) 212 Dubuque Golf and Country Club, settlement of tax assessment appeal. (6/6) 232 Dubuque Greyhound Park/Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park Dr., Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 Dubuque Health and Fitness, Jean Daoud gave presentation. (6/20) 261 24 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT D PAGE Dubuque Heritage Trail Expansion — IA 32 NW Arterial, app for funding IA Dept. of Transportation. (5/2) 169 Dubuque Heritage Trail Expansion — IA 32 — NW Arterial, application for Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funding — Phase Two of Bike/Hike Trail. (10/3) 365 Dubuque Humane Society, request to waive "No Dogs" rule on Riverwalk. (12/19) 445 Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addition- RISE Funds Chavenelle Rd. connection. (1/3)3 Dubuque Industrial Center West 3`° Addn. — amendments # 3 & #4 to contract with IIW for proposed 150 acre expansion. (2/7) 26 Dubuque Industrial Center West — G.O. Bonds for Bergfeld property, $7,265,000.(2/21)(317)42,64, Dubuque Industrial Center West 3rd Addition/Contract A Mass Grading Project. (3/7)(4/4) 62,147 Dubuque Industrial Center West, G.O. Bond Issue, $4,270,000. (3/21)(4/4) 106,121-132 Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addn. amend contract IIW Engineers. (4/18)(9/6) 154,333 Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addn. Contract B, Paving, Drainage & Utilities Pro. (5/16)(6/20) 213,214,260 Dubuque Industrial Center West 3r° Add. property disposal, Heller Family Realty Co. (6/20) 255 Dubuque Industrial Center West 3rd Addn., final plat; Synergy Court. (7/5) 268 Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addn., sale & private develop. Heller Family Realty (7/5) 276 Dubuque Industrial Center West — Synergy Court, Street & Utilities. (7/5)(8/1) 274,307 Dubuque Industrial Center West, Fourth Addn, final plat. (8/15) 316 Dubuque Industrial Center West, floodplain mapping, IIW Engineers. (11/7) 399 Dubuque Industrial Center West Ribbon Cutting. (11/21) 416 Dubuque Initiatives, funding for new position — purchase of Services Agree. (6/6) 237 Dubuque Inn Corp., Best Western Dbq., 3434 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Refund of Cigarette Per.; refund of Cigarette Lic.; refund of Liquor Lic. (2/7)(4/4)(6/20) 30,142,252 Dubuque Jaycee's, Port of Dubuque Tents, Special Beer Permits. (5/2)(5/16) 170,212 Dubuque Jaycees — Town Clock Plaza Tents, Beer Permits.(7/5)(7/18) 270,287 Dubuque Main St. Ltd. Historic Pres. Comm. fund sidewalks Old Main Historic Dis. (3/7) 69 Dubuque Main Street Challenge Grant Application — Step by Step funding for housing accessibility at 759 Bluff. (11/7) 400 Dubuque Main Street Month Proclamation. (6/6) 231 Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. recognition to City Council, for Arts & Cultural Initiative & City for Bell St. West Road — South Port Connector. (10/17) 380 Dubuque Main Street, Ltd., National Trust for Historic Preservation's Trustee Award for Organizational Excellence. (2/21) 39 Dubuque Main Street, Val Akin, for funding add'I staff at Purchase of Services hearing. (3/2) 55 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study, add'I funds Highway 20 improvements — University Ave. Extension. (4/18) 954 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation System, Conservation Bd request Heritage Trail bridge over Hwy 52/3 be a priority. (1/3) 6 Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, final plat of Lots 1 & 2 landfill. (5/16) 209 Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, rezone Hwy 20 property. (5/16)(6/6) 215,246 Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments Ltd., 555 JFK Road, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Dubuque Moose Lodge, Carl McCarthy, giving their donation to help with Greenwood MS Hurricane Katrina damage. (11/7) 396 Dubuque Moose Lodge, permanent transfer of liquor license to 2635 Windsor. (3/7) 60 Dubuque Museum of Art, requested funding by Arts Comm.; grant given. (5/16)(6/20) ... 227,252 Dubuque On the Move presentation by Christine Sinsky. (7/18) 293 Dubuque Packing Co. property, old, 701 E. 16th, rezoning, Wayne Briggs & Platinum. (3/21)... 92 25 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Plaza 20 Amoco, $300 penalty — tobacco penalty. (8/15) 318 Dubuque Police Department, — Collective Barg. Agreement- DPPA. (6/6) 236 Dubuque Professional Firefighters Assn. Local #353 — Agreement. (9/6) 333 Dubuque Racing Assn. — dispose of property by lease amendment — Ground Lease for Parking & Dock Facilities in Ice Harbor for Riverboat Gambling. (6/6)(6/20) 239,257 Dubuque Racing Assn. - DRA - & Dbq Casino Hotel, First Amendment Lease for Hilton Garden Inn etc.(4/4) 111 Dubuque Racing Assn. - DRA — Sublease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming Co. (6/20) 251 Dubuque Racing Assn. & Dubuque people thanked by City of Greenwood, MS for help with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. (10/3) 378 Dubuque Racing Assn. Board, same appointments of Mayor Duggan, Council Members Buol, Markham, and City Manager Van Milligen.(1/3) 10 Dubuque River Rides License Agreement for 5 Years. (5/2) 206 Dubuque Star Brewery Building, G.O. Bond Issue, $1,150,000. (2/21)(3/7) 43,67 Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, want funding by Arts Comm.; grant agree. (5/16)(6/20) .227,252 Dubuque Voluntary Annexation 704.5 acres, S. McCann Letter, City Devel. Bd. (2/21) 41 Dubuque Yacht Basin Lease — Catfish Charlie's; new lease. (2/21)(7/5) 41,269 Duddeck, Ruth & McKeon's, final plat of Woodland Estates. (4/18) 152 Duehr, Merle J. Jr., applicant for Civil Service Comm.; reappointed. (5/2)(5/16) 175,214 Duggan Drive — final plat of Knob Hill Grove No. 4. (4/18) 153 Duggan, Mayor swore in 2n° Ward Council Member Karla Braig. (11/21) 407 Duggan, Mayor, absent from Council Meeting. (6/6)(10/3) 231,365 Duggan, Mayor, concern that Council needs seat on Chamber of Commerce Bd (11/7) 404 Duggan, Mayor, on DRA Board; altemate on Convention & Visitors Bd. (1/3) 10 Duggan, Mayor, thanked Council Member Buol for his 2n° Ward representation. (11/7) 404 Duggan, Mayor, received plaque for years on Council. (12/19) 427 Duggan, Mayor, thanked by Bud lsenhart for his service. (12/19) 446 Duggan, Mayor, turned control of Meeting to Mayor Pro -Tem. (6/6)(7/18)(9/8)(9/12)(10/3)(11/21)(12/19) 231,293,348,349,365,414,436 Dunn, Pat, of RDG Planning & Design, re: new Mississippi Bridge design. (11/7) 395 Durrant Group, Pat Norton, Cedar Lake Plaza Site Plan Review Vision Health Center. (11/21)414 26 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE E ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/21)(616)(8/15)(12/5) 83,231,314,417 ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (7/18) 280 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/18)152 E. 16th Street, 701, Old Dbq Pack Co. rezoning, W. Briggs & Platinum Development. (3/21).... 92 E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center, expansion, request for City water & sewer.(11/21) 408 Eagle Country Market, 1800 Elm, Cigarette Per.; Liquor License. (6/6)(9/6) 238,336 Eagle Point Bluff Stabilization Study results. (11/21) 415 Eagle Point Water Plant Elevator ADA Renovation Project, accept. (2/7) 25, 26 Eagle Point Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Project, accept. (6/20) 252 Eagle Scout commended for project. (3/7) 69 Eagle Street Sanitary Sewer Extension (& Lindberg Terrace), Project. (6/6) 244 Eagle Valley Site Acquisition Project — environmental notice & funding notice. (6/20) 249 Eagle Window and Door shift change causing traffic problem on Kerper Court. (11/7) 404 Eagles Club — FOE, 1175 Century Rd. Cig. Permit; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (1/3)(3/7)(6/6) 4,60,238 Earth Tech, Consultant Agreement — Design for IA 32 — SW Arterial. (2/7) 25 Easement - Gartner, John & Pamela, in County, FMV, lift station property, discuss. (12/19) 433 Easement, Alliant Energy in Port of Dubuque.(8/15)(9/6) 318,338 Easement, Draft Preservation, for Dubuque Shot Tower. (6/20) 250 Easements, Temporary, Acquisition Agreements, City Mgr. given authority to do. (12/19) 433 East Central Intergovernmental Agency, David Heiar is alternate on ECIA Council. (6/20) 252 East Central Intergovernmental Agency - ECIA app. Economic D. Marketing Grant. (2/21) 41 East Central Intergovernmental Agency ECIA proposal, grants to rehab Shot Tower. (1/17)13 East Central Intergovernmental Agency, ECIA - FY 2006 Unified Work Program and June 2005 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Report. (8/15) 316 Easy Street, 431 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Eberhardt, Auleen, request for street sign in her honor. (9/6) 334 ECIA - FY 2006 Unified Work Program and June 2005 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Report. (8/15) 316 ECIA proposal re: grants to stabilize& rehab Shot Tower. (1/17) 13 ECIA application for Economic Development Marketing Grant. (2/21) 41 ECIA, re: David Heiar is City's alternate on ECIA Council. (6/20) 252 Econofoods #471, Nash Finch Co., 3355 JFK, Beer Per.; Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/7)(6/6)29,30,238 Economic Develop. Adm. Amend. #2 extension for usage of Adams Co. building. (6/6) 235 Economic Develop. Adm. Contract—Amend. #3, assist Adams Co. relocation. (11/21) 411 Economic Development Marketing Grant, ECIA, application. (2/21) 41 Economic Development Dept, departmental budget hearing. (2/28) 54 Economic Development Dis. Kerper Blvd. Industrial Pk, amend Urban Renewal Plan. (7/18) 289 Economic Development Strategy Annual Report submitted by K. Deutmeyer, ECIA.. (8/15) .. 316 Economic Development, Housing Enterprise Zone Prog. Agree. Washington Court Pro. (9/6)332 Economic Development HOME Program funds for women's SRA facility, 2080 Elm. (11/21). 415 Ecumenical Towers at Sixth & Locust, traffic concerns. (6/20)(7/5) 264,270 EDI Grant from HUD, closeout for America's River Museum.(10/3) 366 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) application. (4/18) 156 Edwards Concrete Contractors, Inc., Settlement of Tax Assessment Appeal. (9/6) 334 Effective Competition Mediacom petition, opposed by City, Miller & Van Eaton Law. (3/21)107 Egan, Karen, Claim, settlement. (11/21) 407 27 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT E PAGE Ehrlich, Paul & Bernice, rezoning of 1501 W. 32nd St. (6120) 258 El Paisano, Inocente Rubio, 1543 Central, Beer Per. (217) 29 Eleanor Ridge Estates Subdivision — Preliminary Plat; final plat. (3/21)(5/16) 107,227,228 Eleanor Roosevelt School, ROW purchase for turn lane. (6/6) 234 Election Municipal Utility for City to be on the Ballot. (8/15) 323 Election in Nov. of Council Members & Mayor, resignation of ed Ward Council Member Roy D. Buol so as to run for Mayor.. (7/18) 295 Election, November, discuss new Council members & Lyle Sumek facilitation time. (9/8) 348 Election, voting urged by Mayor Buol. (11/7) 404 Elections — precincts combined for City & School Elections.(8/1) 309 Electric Line Easement - Interstate Power & Light Co., Alliant Energy, Easement in Port of Dubuque.(8/15) 318,319 Electrical Code Board applicant Dan Hammel; reappointed.. (811)(8/15) 304,319 Electrical Code Board James Dixon, Elaine Reiss; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20) 242,255,256 Electrical Code, 2005, National, adopted. (12/5) 423 Electrical Service, additional, for Mississippi Riverwalk. (1/3) 4 Electrical Service, contract for Miller Riverview Park, to Biechler. (10/17) 390 Electrical Services — Miller Riverview Park, Improvement Contract/Performance. (11/21) 411 Electronic Bidding on Bond Issues authorized. (2/21)(3/7) 39,65 Elevator - Eagle Point Water Plant Elevator ADA Renovation Project, accept. (217) 25,26 Elevator, W. 11d' Elevator area, landscaping, benches etc. request for Historic District Public Improvement Program funds. (3/7) 68 Elgin, Jeff, State Rep., Letter re: IPERS contribution rate increase. (2/7) 27 Elliott, Michael & Viola, Claim; settlement. (11/7) 396 Ellis, Charlie, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed. (1/17)(2/7) 15,31 Elm St., 2080, rezoning SRO, Michelle Michalakis & Gronen. (8/15)(9/6)(11/21) 321,341,415 Elm Street Real Estate, Iowa Glass purchase, University Ave Ext. Project. (2/21)(3/21) 40,87 Embassy West No. 3 & QHQ property — stormwater problems, Samantha area. (9/6) 341 Emerald Acres No. 2, vacate sewer easement, Lot 29 Emerald Acres, Boyes. (6/20)(7/5) 254,276 Emergency Alarms - Burglar & Fire Alarms, monitoring no longer provided by Emergency Comm. Ctr.(7/18) 293 Emergency Communication Ctr, no longer monitoring for Burglar & Fire Alarms. (7/18) 293 Emergency Communications Center budget for FY 06. (2/16) 37 Emergency Management Office budget for FY 06. (2/16) 37 Emergency Medical — EMS Training Program, Contract for Ride Along Training, NICC. (7/6) 268 Emergency Medical Services University of Iowa Healthcare, contract — Fire Dept. for preceptorships for students. (7/18) 282 Emergency Medical Supervisors, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 285 Emergency Repair of Stoneman Road, J.F. Kennedy Rd. Storm Sewer.(9/6) 335 Emergency Services Response & Deployment Study, Municipal Fire & Emergency Services, RFP's. (11121) 410 Emergency Succession Ordinance for Mayor and Council Members. (12/5) 424 Eminent Domain — acquisition effort, County property of John & Pamela Gartner for sanitary sewer lift station to service Arbor Estates. (12/19) 433 Eminent Domain discussion for 409 Burch property, John White.(7/18) 283 Eminent Domain, question @ passing on costs to current owner.(7/18) 295 Employee Contribution to Health & Prescription Drug Plan Premiums. (9/19) 351 Employees for concession stand at McAleece Park & Rec. Complex. (4/4) 111 Employer of the Year — City Named for military support. (5/16) 229 Employer of the Year — Plaque from America Legion for military support. (6/20) 249 28 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE E Employment Agreement for City Manager, 14`" Amendment. (7/5) 269 Empowerment, City as a partner with Child Care Lasts a Lifetime to IA State University. (6/6)235 EMS - Emergency Medical Supervisors, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) .285 EMS Training Program, Contract for Ride Along Training with NICC. (7/6) 268 Enderson, George 0., applicant for Transit Bd of Trustees; reappointed. (10/17)(11/7)... 387,402 Engineering Assistant — ADA Training. (3/8) 74 Engineering Contract Award — Iowa & Locust St. Parking Ramps, Desman Asso.(8/1) 298 Engineering Department, FY 06 departmental budget hearing. (2/22) 52 Engineering Dept. requested re: 3 critical intersections & historical traffic lights on Loras by Dave Stuart — Historic Dis. Public Improvement Program. (3/7) 69 Engineering Design Phase for Iowa Highway 32 — SW Arterial, agreement, County. (1/3) 4 Engineering Services, RFP's, Locust & Iowa Street Parking Ramps. (6/6) 236 Engineering Staff, City Hall, to Kephart's Music Store while City Hall remodeled. (7/5) 268 Engineering Technician individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (10/17) 383 Enterprise Zone Legislation changes, letter of support.(1/17) 13 Enterprise Zone, legislative correspondence. (4/4) 111 Environmental Impact Notice & Release of Funds for Washington Court Project. (3/7) 57,58 Environmental Notice & funding Notice Eagle Valley Site Acquisition Pro. (6/20) 249 Environmental Protection Agency, update, Peoples Nat. Gas Superfund Site. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Board — applicants Kirsten Berg, Claire Miller, Wayne Klostermann, Mary Clare O'Toole. (10/3) 370 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm., Phase II of NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permit process. (4/18) 156 Enzler, Jerry, comments, 4310 Asbury rezoning for Sam's Club. (11/21) 413 Enzler, Jerry, offer to write grants for Brewery Building. (12/19) 444 Equipment Operator, Fire, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Equipment Replacement Schedule, Airport CIP Program.(11/7) 400 Erickson, David, Lucky 13 Tap, Liquor Lic. (9/6) 336 Ervolino, John, in favor of RFP's for City Utility. (3/21) 107 Espresso Coffee Shop - Moo Java, Inc., L. Thompson, espresso drive-thru by Dbq Discount Gas, by Wal-Mart; objections — request for Traffic Study; approved. (10/3)(10/17) 376,390 Europa Haus Restaurant, Inc. 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (10/17) 385 Events — Special, in Public Rights of Way, policy established. (8/15) 323 Everman, Nancy, Dbq County Extension Dir., talked @ programming. (6/20) 261 Excavation Permit Fee & Pavement Replacement Costs for Excavation Work. (3/8) 74 Executive Committee established, promote development, Hwy 151 — Dbq to Marion.(5/16)... 228 Expresso Coffee Shop - Moo Java, Inc., Loretta Thompson, espresso drive-thru by Dbq Discount Gas, objections — request for Traffic Study; Shop approved. (10/3)(10/17).376,390 Extension Office, Dbq County, Nancy Everman explained their programs. (6/20) 261 Exterior Renovations, Carnegie Stout Public Library Project. (2/21) 45 Exterior Storage Container Ordinance repealed; Bill Hendricks appreciative. (5/16)(6/20)227,250 Exterior Storage Containers, Steward Sandstrom of Chamber to talk. (7/5) 278 29 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE F FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(2/21(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(11/21) 22,38,314,325,365,396,407 Fabricius, Rebecca, applicant & appointed to Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation Bd. (8/1)(8/15) 304, 319 Faces and Voices activities commended by Council Member Michalski. (1/17) 19 Fair Week, (Dubuque County) Proclamation. (7/18) 280 Fairchild, Daniel & Teresa Boxleiter, claim; referred to Ins. (8/1) 297 Family Mart, Inc., 3201 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(9/6) 253,336 Famolo of Iowa, Inc., Los Aztecas Mexican, 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (9/6) 336 Fat Tuesday's, Ibrico, refund on cigarette license. (3/21) 88 Faulkner, Sue, objecting to rezoning of 2635/2641 University. (6/20) 256 FCC — MCClowa LLC — Petition for Special Relief for Determination of Effective Competition & Revocation of Certification. (3/21) 107 FCC Opposition — Mediacom Reply, Effective Competition. (6/6) 235 Feasibility Study, Port of Dubuque — Transient Boat Docks, Consultant. (3/7) 59 Feasibility Study, Municipal Communication Utility. (5/16)(9/6)(9/12) 227,335,349 February 05 Council Proceedings approved. (5/2) 167 February 05 Financial Reports. (3/7) 56 February 05 Proof of List of Claims & Revenues. (3/21 83 Fedderson, Marla, object to rezoning of 243 Valley St.(11/21) 412 Federal Boating Infrastructure Grant Program, RFP's for Transient Boat Docks. (1/17) 19 Federal Building - Post Office, 350 W. 6`" St., interest in City purchasing. (2/7)(3/7)(9/6)35,68,343 Federal Communications Commissions — MCClowa LLC — filed petition for Special Relief for Determination of Effective Competition & Revocation of Certification (3/21) 107 Federal Initiatives — Council Priorities — approval for Federal Appropriations. (12/18) 446 Federal Legislative Correspondence, re: elimination of federal funding. (3/21) 86 Federal Legislative Priorities, Revised — City of Dubuque.(1/3) 4 Federal National Mortgage Assn., Claim.(8/1) 297 Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Conference, City Manager speak on "Reinventing America's Older Communities." (11/21) 411 Federal Transportation Bill — funding for bridge & SW Arterial, letters to legislators. (3/21).... 86 Fee Renewal for Flexible Spending Plan, Administrative Services Fee Renewal — Total Adm. Services Corp. — for flexible spending plan. (11/21) 408 Fee Schedule & FY 06 Budget for Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. (1/17) 11 Fee Schedule for Excavation & Pavement Replacement Costs. (3/8) 74 Fee Schedule for specific lots, Parking Meters. (3/8) 80,81 Fees — charges for collection & disposal of Yard Waste, FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 79 Fees — Electrical Code amendment. (12/5) 423 Felderman, Jack, his vacancy on Library Bd of Trustees. (7/18) 295 Felderman, Jack, real estate agent for Dbq Brewing & Malting Co. building. (11/21) 414 Felderman, Pat, Agreement, Miller Riverview Park Management. (2/21) 41 Feldermann, Laura, claim; referred to Ins. (6/6) 231 Feldman -Brauer, Yolanda, Claim; Denial; approval. (7/18)(8/1)(9/6) 280,297,325 FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. (4/18) 153 Fencing — Anchored, for Sidewalk Cafes. (6/6) 246 Ferring, James R., Dbq Bowling Lanes, 1029'/: Main, Liquor Lic. (6/6) 230 Fiber Optic Conduit System, Phase I Pro. (3/21)(4/18) 89,163 Fiber Optics Conduit System, Northwest Arterial, accept project. (12/19) 428 Fiber Optics Interconnect Project, U.S. 20, ICAAP Agreement with Howard R. Green. (11/21)410 30 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE F Fifth Street & Bell Street, deleted from portions of City Code. (3/7) 70 Fifth Street, 155, - Stealth Racing building, demolition, Historic Pres. Comments. (6/6) 232 Finance Department budget, mail courier a good idea. (2/15) 36 Financial Aid Clarification for sidewalk installation. (7/18) 295 Financial Assistance Funding opportunity — New Sidewalk installation. (*/1) 310 Financial Reports submitted: Dec 04; Jan 05; Feb 05; Mar 05; April 05; May 05; June 05; (1/17)(2/21)(3/7)(4/18)(6/20)(7/18) 11,38,56.152,249,280 Fines changed for speeding violations.(3/7) 68 Fink's Subdivision, Lot 16, City buy 645 Gillespie for Detention Basin. (4/18) 153 Finley Health Foundation — Diabetes Foundation, Cp2 funds. (6/6) 232 Finley Home Addn., part of Lot 25, Mediacom — MCC Iowa, dispose of property by lease between City & MCC Iowa. (4/18) 158 Finley Hospital & Hartigs, vacate request portion of N. Grandview & alleys Delhi & University. (4/4)(7/5)(9/6)(10/3) 142,271,341,372-374 Finley Hospital, rezone SE University & Grandview Ave. & SW W. 5r" & College. (2/21) 48,49 Fire Alarms - Burglar & Fire Alarms, monitored no longer by Emergency Comm. Ctr.(7/18)..293 Fire and Emergency Services Response & Deployment Study, RFP's. (11/21) 410 Fire Captain position, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Fire Chief, Assistant, individual certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 285 Fire Club, Antique, dispose American LaFrance fire engine & funding 1948 Seagrave Tiller fire truck. (4/4) 148 Fire Code, 2003, adopted. (1/3) 6-10 Fire Department to provide preceptorships — EMS Training, contract with University of Iowa Healthcare. (7/18) 282 Fire Department, request for firefighter teams, assist Hurricane Katrina relief effort. (9/8)348 Fire Departmental budget hearings, questions @ new station, response time etc. (2/16) 37 Fire Dept. EMS Training Program, contract for Ride -Along Training, with NICC. (7/5) 268 Fire Equipment Operator, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Fire Lieutenant position, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Fire Marshal — Assistant, individuals certified by Civil :Service Comm. (7/18) 285 Fire Prevention and Protection Ch. 19 of City Code, adoption of new. (1/3) 6-10 Fire Protection Agreement, 28E Mutual Aid, Dbq County. (11/21) 410 Fire Protection Assn., National, 2005 National Electric Code. (12/5) 423 Fire Sprinkler Services, Fixing Water Rates, FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 76 Fire Station, new, questioned feasibility at budget hearing. (2/16) 37 Fire Truck, 1948 Antique, restoration, fundraising. (9/6) 333 Firefighters Grant Program, FEMA Assistance. (4/18) 153 Firefighters, Dbq, collective bargaining Agreement. (9/6) 333 Fireworks Display request by Jaycees, KDTH, KATF, KGRR & The River for 7/3/06.(7/18) 287 Fireworks Display, Radio Dubuque congratulated. (7/5) 278 Fireworks request by Dbq Golf & Country Club. (4/4) 109 Fischer Lanes, Plastic Center, Inc., 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Fishing Pier Project, Heron Pond, accept project. (2/7) 26 Fitzgerald, Cindy, re: 2080 Elm St. rezoning for women SRO, good project. (8/15) 322 Five Flags Civic Center Bleacher Replacement Pro. (3/21) 90 Five Flags Civic Center contract with Dubuque Hockey, Inc — Dbq Thunderbirds. (9/6) 330 Five Flags Civic Center departmental budget review. (2/24) 53 Five Flags Civic Center Equipment purchase: Ice skates & fire curtain trip mechanism.(11/7)398 Five Flags Civic Center HVAC Project, Phase I; accept project. (1/3)(2/7)(11/7) 5,32,397 Five Flags Civic Center HVAC Project, Phase II; contracts/bonds. (8/1)(9/6)(10/3)301,302,339,369 31 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT F PAGE Five Flags Civic Center Renovation Project. (3/21) 90 Five Flags Civic Center Theater Tuckpointing Pro. (6/6)(7/5) 240,241,277 Five Flags Civic Center, SMG Food & Beverage, 405 Main St., Liquor Lic. (6/20) 253 Five Flags Civic Center, submission of FY 06 Budget by SMG. (4/4) 148 Five Flags Holiday Inn, Kinseth Hotels, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Five Point Mart, Inc. 405 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (10/17) 385 Five Point Mart, K. Husemann, 405 Rhomberg, Cigarette Permit.(6/6) 238 Five Year Capital Improvement Program adopted. (3/8) 74 Five Year Street Construction Program for FY Years 2006-2010. (3/8) 75 Flexible Spending Plan, Adm. Service Fee, Total Administrative Services Corp. (11/21) 408 Flinthill Drive, no semi -parking requested. (9/6) 334 Floodplain mapping for property in Dbq Industrial Center West, hire IIW Engrs. (11/7) 399 Floodwall pumping facilities, Consultant for design of Floodwall Improvement Projects. (3/7)56 Flora Park Water System Project. (8/1)(9/6) 300,301,338 Flower Baskets, Riverwalk, Port of Dubuque, funded. (2/22)(3/8) 52,74 Fly By Night Productions, recommended funding by Arts Com.; approved — Agreement; Thanking Council for funds. (5/16)(6/20)(7/18) 227,252,282 Flynn, Elmer, claim; referred to Ins. Co. (6/6) 231 Flynn, Thomas L., Flynn Ready -Mix, conditional support, zoning change at 701 E. 16th. (3/21)92 Fonck, Carolyn, Channel Inn Res. 20101/2 Kerper Blvd. Liquor Lic. (10/17) 385 Fondell Excavating, contract, Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction. (5/16) 224 Food Inspection Cost Reimbursements, Letter to Legislators. (3/21) 86 Foreign Languages, 2005, Year of, Council Member Connors mention. (1/3) 10 Forrest, Brendan, claim; Referred to Ins. (8/1) 297 Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 236 Foster, Patricia, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/5)(12/19) 423,434 Four Foot minimum width of sidewalk re: Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance. (6/6) 246 Four Mounds Board, appointment of Council Member Michalski.(1/3) 10 Four Mounds Foundation, Alliant Amphitheater, Beer Per.(7/18) 287 Four Mounds Foundation, Hist. Pres. Comm. fund directional signage & kiosk.3/7)(12/5) 68,421 Four Mounds Foundation grant app to State Historical Soc., Grey House Porte Cochere.(1/3) .1 Four Mounds Foundation, Grant Agreement- Day Camp Prog. Uptown Rec. Program.(7/5)267 Four Mounds Foundation, Historic Dis. Public Improve. Prog. Policy Guidelines. (2/7) 34 Four Way Stop, Visiting Nurse Assn. want 4 way stop intersection Iowa & Fifteenth Streets. (12/19) 444 Fourth Street — now Ice Harbor Dr., street names changed. (3/7) 69,70 Fourth Street Ramp low occupancy rate, dept. budget review. (2/28) 54 Fourth Street, both sides from Third St. to Sixth St., parking prohibited. (3/7) 70,71 Franchise Agreement with MCC Iowa LLC — Letter of Credit, amended. (8/1) 297 Franchise Agreement between City & MCC Iowa LLC. (8/1) 300 Franchise Fees, Utility, meeting with legislators. (2/7) 35 Franchise, Mediacom — Cable Co., Request for Renewal Proposal for Television Franchise with MCCIOWA, LLC. (1/17)(4/4)(4/18) 18, 19,110,111,157 Fraternal Order of Eagles, Eagles Club, 1175 Century Dr. Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (1/3)(3/7)(6/6) 4,60,238 Fred Jackson Tuckpointing, contract Exterior Renovations at CSP Library. (3/21) 103 Freedom Properties, LLC, Claim; referred to Ins. (2/21) 38 Fremont Avenue Reconstruction Project; Final Assessments. (7/18)(9/6) 281,328,329 Freund, John D., of Sageville, notification of property annexations to them. (5/2) 168 Freund, John W. III, claim, referred to Ins.. (12/5) 427 32 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE F Frick, Jack, Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, sidewalk on Arboretum Dr.(9/6)(11/21) 334,416 Friends of Iowa — Best Development Award for America's River Project.(6/20) 249 Friends of the Mines of Spain - Letter of Support requested of City Council for Mines of Spain for expansion project. (12/19) 433 Friends of the Mines of Spain, expansion of E B Lyons Interpretive Center & connection to City Water & Sewer. (11/21) 408 Fueling System, Self, for Airport, CIP Project. (8/15) 317 Fuhrman, Mary, in support of Evelyn Nadeau for Park & Rec. Comm. (7/5) 276 Funding approved for 12 organizations, Arts & Cultural Affairs Advisory Comm. (9/6) ...341,342 Funding for Arts & Cultural Advisory Affairs Comm. recommendations. (5/16) 227 Funding for CDBG, legislative letters urging continuance. (3/7) 58 Funds for FY 05, HUD. (1/17) 12 Funds released for Downtown Neighborhood Council- D. Stuart, brick sidewalks.(3/7) 69 Funds released for Eagle Valley Site Acquisition Project. (6/20) 249 Funds released for FY 2006 CDBG Programs. (4/18) 155 Funds released for FY 06 Cp2 Programs. (6/6) 232 Funds released for Washington Court Project. (3/7) 57 Funds, HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds — application of Scott Potter to IDED —12 room SRO for men. (11/21) 415 Furuseth's Sixth Subdivision in Dbq County — David Schneider & Les & Pat Furuseth, preliminary plat approval; final plat approval. .(4/18)(6/20) 164,262 FY 04, Housing Choice Voucher Family Self Sufficiency Program, HUD. (2/7) 29 FY 05 2005 Arts & Cultural Grant Program for Special Projects. (5/16) 227 FY 05 Budget, Amendment No. 2. (4/18) 19 FY 05, HUD, - Housing & Urban Development, U.S., City's funds for FY 2005. (1/17) 12 FY 06 Airport Capital Improve. Prog. change equipment replacement schedule. (11/7) 400 FY 06 Annual Action Plan, CDBG. (2/7)(3/8) 30,75 FY 06 Arts & Cultural Affairs Advisory Comm. funding. (5/16) 227 FY 06 Budget & fee schedule for Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. (1/17) 11 FY 06 Budget Amendment. (10/3) 373,374 FY 06 Budget Public Hearing; Adoption etc. (3/8) 73 FY 06 Budget submission for Five Flags Civic Center by SMG. (4/4) 148 FY 06 CDBG Programs, Notice of Intent to Request Release. (4/18) 155 FY 06 Community Partnership Program — Cp2 — award of funds. (6/6) 232 FY 06 Compensation Package — Bus Operators.(9/6) 332,333 FY 06 Financial support requested D. Thomas, Substance Abuse Services agency. (11/21) .409 FY 06 Guardrail Replacement Program. (4/4) 144 FY 06 Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program. (1/17)(2/7)(3/8) 19,30,31,73,74 FY 06 Operating Budget, Assisted Housing Programs of Housing & Comm. Devel. Dept. (3/8)72 FY 06 Amended & Restated Annual Plan, Amendment 2 for CDBG Funds. (11/7) 399 FY 07 Police Guidelines approved. (11/21) 416 33 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE G G. 0. Capital Loan Note, $200,000, Historic Pres. Revolving Loan Fund. (1/17)(2/7) .14,15,31,32 G.M. S. Inc., George Stephenson, Agreement for Bunker Hill Golf Course. (2/21) 40,41 G.O. Bond Issue $4,270,000, - Dbq Industrial Center West projects. (3/21)(4/4) 106,121-140 G.O. Bond Issue, $1,150,000, rehab Dbq Star Brewery., (2/21)(3/7) 43,67 G.O. Bond Issue, $1,750,000 for Stormwater projects. (2/21)(3/7)(4/4) 44,64,112-121 G.O. Bond Issue, $7,265,000, Dbq Industrial Center West — Bergfeld farm. (2/21)(3/7) 42,64 G.O. Bond Issue, $9,015,000, & approving electronic Bidding Procedures. (3/7) 65 Gaherty, Keith, of Conlon Construction, rezoning of Links Glen, Wartburg area. (7/18) 290 Gallagher Benefit Services, Consulting & Actuarial Services Agreement.(&/5) 267 Galle, John, American Legion Cmdr, present to City Employer of Year award. (6/20) 249 Gambling — Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/1) 297 Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/1) 297 Gannon Center closing, request help by John M. Ward. (12/19) 446 Garage, Old, - Operations & Maintenance at 925 Kerper., Redevelopment — RFPS. (11/7) 403 Garbage - Litter, pick up at various parks, Agreement with ARC. (4/18) 154 Garbage - Solid Waste, Fee Schedule changed for removal of, FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 77,78 Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts, Delinquent, to Dbq County Treasurer. (12/19) 432 Gardner, Michael, Ass't VP, Wal-Mart, accept Sam's Club zoning, NW Art. & Asbury. (12/19) 443 Garfield Avenue, 601, rezoning request for Scott Potter/Davis Place. (6/20) 256 Garfield Avenue, 601, 12 room SRO, Scott Potter, HOME Funds, IDED. (11/17) 415 Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area Plan, Amended & Restated. (12/19) 434,435 Garfield, Alan, Member of Temple Beth El, Gave Invocation.(10/117) 380 Gartner, John & Pamela, County residents, FMV for lift station property, discussion. (12/19)433 Gartner, Michael, praised City Manager Van Milligen's leadership. (3/7) 71 Gas Superfund Site — Peoples, EPA update; second five year review. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 Gassman, Mary, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; withdrew application; reapplied; appointed to Human Rights. (811)(8/15)(1117)(12/5)(12/19) 304,319,402,423,434 Gateway Landscaping Project. (6/6)(7/18) 243,282 Gateways to Home, local Housing organization, purchase 382 E. 21st St. (4/4) 111 GDDC Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Rick Dickinson, reappointment of Council Members John Markham & Patricia Cline. (7/6) 278 GDDC, Greater Dubuque Develop. Corp., Rick Dickinson, Verbal Report.(1/3)(3/2)(6/6) .6,55,246 GDDC, Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Gehl, Randy, Public Info Officer, City's rep, IA League of Cities Conference in Sept. 09. (1/17)19 Geisler Brothers Co., awarded contract for Five Flags HVAC Replacement Pro. (2/7) 321 Geisler Brothers Co., awarded contract for Five Flags HVAC Phase II Pro. (9/6) 339 General Services Administration, GSA, Post Office building, 350 W. 6`1, for sale; City acquire — application process approved. (2/7)(3/7)(9/6) 35,68,343 Geraldine Dr. & Valentine Dr., stop sign recommended, southbound vehicles. (4/18) 164 Gerhard, Curtis, Knickers Saloon, 2186 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/20)(7/5)...253,270 GFOA Certificate of Achievement— Finance Officers Assn. (8/1) 299 Gibbs, William J., applicant for Zoning Bd of Adjustment; appointed. (2/21)(3/7) 47,63 Giese, Tom W., applicant for Mechanical Code Board and reappointed..(5/16) 214 Giesen, Judy Haley, Chair of Human Rights Comm., Human Rights — Human Relations Ordinance to include sexual orientation. (2/7) 33 Gillespie St, 645, purchase of property for W. 32nd St. Detention Basin. (4/18) 153 Gillespie St., 745,purchase for W. 32" St. Detention Basin. (6/6) 233 Gilloon, Attorney Art, for Bowling & Beyond, lease for volleyball leagues. (4/18) 165 Ginter, Donna, West Dubuque Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Girl Scout of Little Cloud Council, Girl Scouts in Need, cp2 Funding. (6/6) 232 34 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT G PAGE GIS — Geographical Information System, Water Dis. Contract: Missman Stanley & Assoc., update maps etc. (2/7) 26 GIS Coordinator—Analyst, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (11/21) 408 Glasson, Wm & Joyce, Claim, denial. (11/7) 396 Glen Oak Street, ROW portion of Rosedale Addn. from John & Marion Wilmes. (11/21) 409 GMRI, Inc., Olive Garden Restaurant, 3350 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (4/4) 142 Goal Setting session of City Council with L. Sumek, Special Meeting.(9/7)(9/8) 347,348 Godspell production at Hempstead praised by Nicholson. (3/21) 108 Goetz's, James Goetzinger, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Goetzinger, James, Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Goldthorpe Hall, University of Dubuque, amend Zoning Institutional District, construct Science Hall at SE Corner of University & Algona Sts. (3/21) 98,99 Golf & Country Club fireworks request. (4/4) 109 Goodmann, Nick, re: Granger Creek connection fee schedules. (8/1) 304 Governing Board of Municipal Housing Agency meeting, adopt Budgeting. (3/8) 72 Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement. (8/1) 299 Governor's Traffic Safety Grant for 200 Hrs OT funds & in -car video systems. (2/7) 26 Grading Proj — Dbq Ind. Center West 3rd Add/Contract A Mass Grading Project. (3/7)(4/4) 62,147 Graham Land Acquisition Associates — consultant for commercial property purchase of land south of 16th Street— Bee Branch Creek. (10/3) 367 Grand Excursion II for May 05, request for funding from America's River Corp. (1/3) 10 Grand Harbor Resort — Water Park, 350 Bell St., Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Grand Harbor Resort, S of & E of Diamond Jo, Parking Lot cleanup — Brownfields. (6/20) 252 Grand River Center Bid Package #3 Project, completion. (4/4) 111 Grand River Center naming opportunities & for other city property. (9/6) 343 Grand River Center visibility corridor with County Courthouse. (4/18) 156 Grand River Center, meeting of Council, Goal Setting session & review. (9/7)(9/8) 347,348 Grandstand Under the Stars concerts at the Diamond Jo, comments. (4/18) 152 Grandview — University, Zoning text amendment to allow pharmacies — drug stores in ID Institutional District. (2/21) 48 Grandview — University, R. Hartig purchase property near Stewart St. (4/4)(10/3) 142,372 Grandview Ave Concrete Section Repair Proj.(6/6)(7/5)(7/18)(12/5) 241,242,277,276,292,418 Grandview Estates, North, Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Proj. (9/6) 336 Grandview Estates, North, Development Agreement — R. Henkel & S. Williams. (4/4) 110 Grandview, N., & Delhi & University, property purchase, Finley & Hartigs. (7/5)(10/3)271,370-374 Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Ext. Connection Fee; C. Klein object. (7/5)(7/18)(8/1) 275,287,304 Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Extension, revised notice sent to property owners. (10/3) 369 Grant - NOAA Weather Radio Grant, distribution plan.(1/3) 3 Grant agreement Four Mounds Found. Day Camp Prog. Uptown Recreation Program.(7/5)..267 Grant agreement with County ISU Extension, Uptown Recreation Program. (6/6) 233 Grant Agreement with IDOT for Federal Recreational Trail Funds for Water Works Park Trailhead- A.Y. McDonald Park. (10/17) 384 Grant agreement with NE IA School of Music, Uptown Rec. Program, music lessons.(6/6)233 Grant application request by Historic Society, Scenic Byways Grant Application. (1/3) 4 Grant application to IA DNR for Water Rec. Access Grant Boat Ramp & Trailer Parking. (2/7) 25 Grant Application - Boat Ramp & Trailer Parking, Water Works Pk., A.Y. McDonald Park, IA DNR grant. (10/17) 384 Grant app. State Historical Soc. Four Mounds Grey House Porte Cochere restoration. (1/3).... 1 Grant application, 2005 Justice Assist., Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assist.(4/18) 156 35 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT G PAGE Grant Award Agreement, amendment, Iowa Vision Bd, City & County Historical Soc. (3/7) 59 Grant closeout Agreement to HUD — Economic Development Initiative Grant. (7/18) 282 Grant closeout, EDI, HUD, for America's River Museum. (10/3) 366 Grant for Shot Tower Archeological Survey — State Historical Society of IA. (9/6) 331 Grant Program — Federal Boat, RFP's for Transient Boat Docks in Port of Dbq. (1/17) 19 Grant, 2004 Safe Schools, Secure our Schools, Community Oriented Policing. (6/20) 251 Grant, Dan, in support of rezoning for condos — River Pointe project on bluff. (10/17) 387 Grant, Dubuque County Extension, Cp2, for Multicultural Center.(1117) 399 Grants for Dbq Brewing & Malting Co. (12/19) 444 Grants to stabilize & rehab Shot Tower, ECIA request. (1/17) 13 Grape Harbor, Carroll's Wine Co., 123 Main, Liquor Lic. (2/7)(10/17) 30,385 Grassley, Senator, letters re: Community Health Center.(11/7) 400 Great River Rd Interpretive Signage Proj. Improvement Contracts/Bonds. (7/18)(8/15)(11/21) 288,289,322,411 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 237 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Rick Dickinson, reappointment of Council Members John Markham & Patricia Cline. (7/6) 278 Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, Rick Dickinson, Verbal Report. (1/3)(6/6) 6,246 Green space along Southern Ave. — question by David Leifker. (10/3) 366 Green, Howard R., Co., ICAAP Agreement, U.S. 20 Fiber Optics Interconnect Project, (11/21)410 Green, Howard R., University Ave., Supplemental Agree No. 4 engineering services.(12/5)418 Greenwood, Mississippi, sister city relationship — help with Hurricane Katrina effects; thank you from Mayor of Greenwood, MS; Proclamation of Thanks. (9/6)(10/3)(10/17).. 345,378,380 Greenwood, MS, sister city relationship, check from Dbq Moose Lodge, #355 for their hurricane relief efforts.(11/7) 396 Grey House at Four Mounds, grant app to restore Porte Cochere. (1/3) 1 Greyhound Park & Casino, Council met there with area legislators etc. (11/17) 406 Greyhound Park & Casino, DRA, 1855 Greyhound Pk., Liquor Lic. (3/7) 60 Gronen & Michelle Mihalakis, Zoning change 2080 Elm St., 20 room SRO. (8/15)(9/6).... 321,341 Gronen, John — Boyes Auto, rezoning request for 1798 Washington St.(5/16) 214 Gronen, John of Gronen Properties — request Conservation District for former Dbq Brewing & Malting Co., 30th & Jackson Sts. (11/21) 414 Gronen, John, in support of Dbq Brewing & Malting Co. as Conservation District; clarifying ownership etc. of Dubuque Brewing & Malting. (11/21)(12/19) 414,444 Grothe, David W., applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.; reappointed. (5/16) 214 Ground Lease for Parking & Dock Facilities in Ice Harbor for Riverboat Gambling. (6/6) 239 Ground Round, Jamis, LLC, 50 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Grove Terrace & lower Grove Terrace, request to install historic street lights & bury utility lines, request by Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn — Chris Olson. (3/7) 69 GSA — General Services Adm. Advising Post Office building, 350 W. 6th, is for sale; City acquire — application process approved. (2/7)(3/7)(9/6) 35,68,343 Guarantees, Improvement, Sec. 42-24(a) City Code Subdivision owner provide.(11/17) 413 Guardrail Replacement Program, FY 2006; final acceptance.. (414)(12/19) 144,427,428 Guns, Diann, applicant for Library Bd. of Trustees; action tabled; appointed. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5) 242,256,275 36 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE H HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(317)(8/15)(9/6)(10/17)(11/21)(12/5) 22,56,314,325,380,407,417 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(6/6)(8/15) 22,231,314 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(6/6)(8/1)(10/3)(10/17)(11 /7)(12/5) 1,11,22,56,109,167,231,297,365,380,396,417 HOUSING COMMISSION TRUST FUND COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/21)(317)(4/4) 38,56,109 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(7/18)(8/15)(11/7)(11/21)(12/19) 22,38,83,152,249,280,314,396.407,427 HAB Carriers, Inc., claim for vehicle damages. (3/21) 83 Hall, Richard, applicant for Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation Bd.; appointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Halloween — Trick or Treat, Proclamation. (10/3) 365 Hammel, Dan, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; reappointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Hammel, Dan, in support of River Pointe, A.J. Spiegel's bluff condo project. (12/19) 437 Hammer, Attorney Dave, 720 Laurel, objecting to bluffland condo size development. (12/19)437 Hammerheads Bar, 2095 Kerper, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/7)(7/5) 30,270 Hannan, Thomas A., resignation from Housing Code Appeals Bd. (3/7) 56 Hansen, Roy, Principal of Table Mound, pedestrian Safety issue on Rockdale Rd. (3/21) 83 Hanson, Dave, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/6) 325 Hanson, J.K. II, applicant for Airport Comm.(8/15)(9/6) 319,337 Happy Joe's Ice Cream, J & P O'Hara, Inc. 855 Century, Class B Beer Permit. (10/17) 385 Happy's Place, PMST, 2323 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (9/19) 355 Harkin, Tom, Senator, communication to him re: Broadband Investment & Consumer Choices Act; letter @ health care funding. (9/19)(11/7) 354,400 Hartig Dr. Co. & Finley Hospital — request to vacate portion of N. Grandview Ave & alleys between Delhi & University. (7/5)(9/6)(9/19) 271,341,355 Hartig Drug Co. #4, Tobacco penalty. (5/16) 226 Hartig Drug Co. 157 Locust, Beer Per.; Wine Per. (6/20) 253,254 Hartig Drug Co. 2225 Central, Beer Per.; Wine Per. (2/7) 29,30 Hartig Drug Co., request to lease portion of alley at 157 Locust St. (11/21)(12/5) 409,420 Hartig, Richard J., to purchase Street & alley near Stewart St. (4/4)(9/19)(10/3).. 142,355,370,371 Harvest View Estates Sixth Addn, final plat. ((/6) 342 Harvest View Park Development Project, award to Klauer; acceptance. (1/17)(8/15) 16,315 Harvest View Subd. residents request sidewalks N side of Asbury, JFK to NW Arterial. (9/19)354 Harvey, Jon, of Stott & Associates, development of River Pointe Condo's — 600 Mazzuchelli, timeline of A.J. Spiegel's condo development. (12/19) 436 Hauber, James, rezoning of 4755-4855 Old Highway Road. (12/19) 435 Hauder, Becky, applicant and appointed to Library Bd of Trustees. (8/15) 319,320 Hawthorne St. Water Works Park Development awarded to Portzen Con. (6/6) 242 Hawthorne St., Water Works Park, naming as A.Y. McDonald Park. (9/6) 341 37 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE H Hazardous Materials Response 28E Agreement. (1/3) 4 Health — Flex Spending Plan, Administrative Services Fee Renewal. (11/21) 408 Health and Fitness, Dbq., Jean Daoud presentation. (6/20) 261 Health and Prescription Drug Plan Premiums, Employee Contribution. (9/19) 351 Health Bd , County, Interagency Agreement for inspection of Swimming Pools & spas. (7/18)282 Health Benefit Reinsurance Assessment, Iowa — payment. (8/1) 298 Health Care (Home) Providers, Residential Parking Permits for them. (10/17) 391 Health Care Funding — Community Health Center— letters to legislators. (11/7) 400 Health care measures high priority, Healthwise Handbooks, dept budget discuss.(2/15) 36 Health Center — Health Care Funding, letters to legislators. (11/7) 400 Health Department, State, playground equipment inspection. (3/21) 86 Health Plans for City, Specific & Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance Renewal. (9/6) 330 Health Week, Public, - Proclamation. (4/4)1 109 Health, Public, IA Dept. — Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement with VNA. (7/18)283 Healthcare - City of Dubuque Dental Plan. (3/21) 86 Healthcare, University of Iowa, Fire Dept., students in EMS Training Programs. (7/18) 282 Healthwise handbooks not funding, departmental budget discussion. (2/15) 36 Healthy Homes Grant Application, HUD, Washington Neighborhood Revitalization Area. (6/6)234 Healy, Dennis, applicant for Library Bd of Trustees. (8/15) 319 Heartland Storage, Bill Denlinger, re: Exterior Storage Container Ord. (5/16) 227 Heeb Street Retaining Wall, letter from Dean Konrardy. (6/20) 250 Heiar, Dave, appointed to Executive Comm. to promote Development along Hwy 151. (5/16) 228 Heiar, David, named as City Mgr's alternate on ECIA Council. (6/20) 252 Heiderscheit, Julie, settlement of claim by Public Entity Risk Services. (12/5) 417 Heim Enterprises, Inc. Hudson's Classic Grill, 2345 NW Arterial, Liquor Lic. (3/21)(4/18) .89,157 Heim, Dave, 2480 Knob Hill, re: 600 Mazzuchelli, Spiegel's bluffland condo devel. (12/19)437 Heller Family Realty Co., dispose Dubuque Ind. Center W. property for Tri-State Industries building. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Helling, Wm. D., applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Helping Services of Northeast Iowa, Inc., Purchase of Services Agree. (6/6) 237 Hendricks, Bill, appreciate repeal of Exterior Storage Container Ord. (6/20) 250 Henkel, Richard & Sandra Williams, N. Grandview Estates development. (4/4) 110 Henkels, Ellen H., apply Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation Bd. (8/1)(8/15)304,319 Henkels, Ellen, 890 W. Third, object to Spiegel's River Pointe Bluffland development. (12/19)437 Henrichs, Merrill P, Claim; referred to Insurance. (4/18) 152 Herdegen, Randie, Legal Intern, thanking City for work. (8/15) 317 Heritage Trail Hike/Bike Trail, IDOT, SAFE -TEA Grant app. Ph 2, Iowa 32, NW Arterial. (10/3)365 Heritage Trail Hike/Bike Trail, Iowa DNR — REAP Grant app. Ph 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail; Rec'd grant. (8/1)(11/7)(12/5) 309,400,421 Heritage Trail bridge over Hwy 52/3 designated as a priority, request by Conservation Bd. (1/3)6 Heron Pond Fishing Pier Proj. acceptance.(2/7) 26 Herrig, George P., apply TV Cable Community Teleprogramming; appointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Hess, Cory, 775 W. Thirty Second St. property to City for detention basin. (8/1) 297,298 Hess, Vickie, 1661 University, objecting to rezoning of 2635/2641 University.(6/20) 256 Hibiscus Lane, final plat of Arbor Estates Subd. Phase III. (9/19) 360 High Speed Internet Service recommended for Dubuque, Municipal Utility Feasibility. (9/12)349 Highway 151, promotion of development between Dubuque & Marion. (5/16) 228 Highway 20 Bridge design issues, Work Session scheduled; Work Session to clarify. (8/15)(9/19)(1117) 324,362,395 Highway 20 Improvements Proj., Phase III University Ave. Ext. — add'I funding. (4/18) 154 38 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE H Highway 20 Landscaping Project, Phase 11, STP Funding, IDOT Agreement. (12/5) 420 Highway 20 property, rezoning request of Dbq Metro. Solid Waste Agency.(5/16) 215 Highway 20, IDOT notice re: condemnation of certain rights of land.(6/20) 251 Highway 20, Dbq Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency request rezoning of Hwy 20 property. (5/16)(6/6) 215,246 Highway Planting along IA 936 & US 52, IDOT, Gateway Landscaping Pro. (7/18) 282 Highway signs to Nat'l Mississippi River & Museum, project. (2/21) 40 Higley, Joan, Claim; denial. (9/6)(9/19) 325,350 Hike — Bike Trail, IDOT, SAFE -TEA Grant application for Phase 2 of Iowa 32, NW Arterial Bike/Hike Trail. (10/3) 365 Hike — Bike Trail, Iowa DNR — REAP Grant application for Phase 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail; Grant received.(8/1)(11/7)(1215) 309,400,421 Hill Street Plaza, Inc., Oky Doky, 535 Hill St., Beer Per. (2/7) 29 Hillcrest Family Services, letter of support for HUD funding to provide services. (5/2) 167 Hillcrest Family Services Agreement for Murphy Park for holiday lighting display.(9/6) 330 Hillcrest Rd, from Asbury — Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction. (12/5) 417 Hillside Estates — Prel. Plat— Dean Hoffman — River City Develop. Group. (3/21) 107 Hilton Garden Inn, Houlihans, Dbq Casino Hotel, 1795 Greyhound Park Dr. Liquor Lic. (10/3)370 Hilton Garden Inn, Lease Agreement amendment with Dbq Casino Hotel; Amendment to Lease Agree. (3/21)(4/4)(5/2)(8/1)(9/6) 87,111,167,299,333 Hirsch, Jeff, in favor of bluffland condo project of Spiegels. (12/19) 437 Hirschy, Loren, Senior Pastor, Word of Life, Gave Invocation. (8/1) 297 Historic Bluffs Neighbor. Assn. Andrew Brachman, funds for former W. 11`h St. Elevator area for landscaping, benches. (3/7) 68 Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn. — C. Olson, fund historic street lights and bury utility lines along Grove Terrace & Lower Grove Terrace. (3/7) 69 Historic District Public Improvement Program — 2005 applications & recommendations.(3/7) 68 Historic District Public Improvement Program Policy Guidelines — revised to include local landmark sites — Four Mounds etc. (2/7)(3/7) 34,68 Historic District Public Improvement Prog. funds for Four Mounds kiosk & signage. (12/5).. 421 Historic District, Upper Main Street, nomination. (2/7)(3/7) 25,58 Historic Places, National Register — Dubuque Brewing & Malting, 30`11 & Jackson. (12/19).... 444 Historic Places, National Register, Nomination, Dbq Casket Co., 1798 Washington.(10/3) .... 368 Historic Preservation, Ken Kringle Award to City commitment Historic Preservation. (6/20). 249 Historic Preservation Award — National Trust, presented by L. Carstens. (3/7)(3121) 56,107 Historic Preservation Comm. applaud Staff, options to demolition of historic buildings for new school. (6/6) 246 Historic Preservation Comm. ask Council notify State Legislators in support of funding. (3/7)68 Historic Preservation Commission — parking options for new Downtown School. (10/17) 390 Historic Preservation Commission applaud City for CDBG support. (4/4) 109 Historic Preservation Commission applicants Christopher Wand & Mirdza Berzins; reappointments of Wand & Berzins. (6/6)(6/20) 242,256 Historic Preservation Comm. for 6th & 7th St. & Washington Park Renovation Pro. (4/4) 145 Historic Preservation Comm., Mirdza Berzins; appointed. (1/17)(217(6/6))(6/20) 1,31,242,256 Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund, $200,000 G.O. Capital Loan Note.(1/17)(2/7)14,31,32 Historic Preservation's Trustees Award, Organizational Excellence, Dbq Main St. Ltd. (2/21). 39 Historic Resources Development Program — HRDP Grant application for Shot Tower Archeological Survey; letters to legislators © Grant. (1/17)(11/7) 13,399 Historic Tax Credits current historic preservation projects, Cultural & Entertain. Dis. (7/5)... 269 39 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT H PAGE Historical Plaque for former W. 11th St. Elevator area, funding requested, Historic Pres. Public Improvement Program. (3/7) 6 Historical Preservation Tax Credit, increase in funding request. (3/21) 86 Historical Society — amendment to Grant Agree, Vision IA Bd, City & Historical Soc. (3/71 59 Historical Society — America's River Museum, close out of EDI Special Purpose Grant. (10/3)366 Historical Society, Dbq County, funding recommended by Arts Comm.; grant from Arts & Culture Comm. (5/16)(6/20) 227,252 Historical Society, Dubuque County, City as lead applicant Scenic Byways Grant App.(1/3) 4 Historical Society, Nat'l Mississippi River Museum, Liquor Lic.(9/6) 336 Historical Society, State, Grant Agreement for Shot Tower Arch. Survey. (9/6) 331 Historical Star Redevelopment — Brewery building, Third amendment to Lease.(9/6) 335 Historical Survey, Phase V Architectural — final report. (7/5) 268 Hockey, Dubuque, contract with Five Flags Center, Thunderbirds. (9/6) 330 Hoffman House, Midway Hotel, WEB Hotels, 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/6)(12/19)238,434 Hoffman, David, White House Tavern, 450 W. Locust, Cigarette Per. (7/18) 287 Hoffman, Dean — Prel. Plat of Hillside Estates in Dubuque County. (3/21) 107 Hoffman, Diane, claim, referred to Insurance. (5/2) 167 Hogan, Valerie Sue, Mississippi Mug, 373 Bluff, Liquor Lic.(9/6) 336 Holiday Addition, QHQ Properties, acceptance of improvements. (2/7) 24 Holiday Inn Five Flags, Kinseth Hotel, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Holiday Lighting display agreement- Murphy Park & Hillcrest Family Services. (9/6) 330 Holy Family Catholic School System — meeting with Council & legislators. (11/17) 406 - Holy Family School — Spanish immersion, compliment by Mayor Duggan.(1/3) 10 Holy Family Schools — DARE Contract. (10/3) 366 Home Health Care Providers, Residential Parking Permits for them. (10/17) 391 HOME Investment Partnership Prog. IDED, contract extended, funding expiration date. (1/3)... 1 HOME Investment Partnership Prog. IDED, extension of completion date. (8/1) 300 HOME Program Application — IDED — Step by Step Project. (12/5) 420 HOME Program Funds, IDED, Michelle Mihalakis, woman's SRO at 2080 Elm St. (11/21) 415 Homeless families — supportive services, letter of support to HUD for Hillcrest funding.(5/2)167 Homeless Persons' Memorial Day Proclamation. (12/19) 427 Homeownership Assistance — Washington Neighborhood, purchase homes there. (11/21)410 Homeownership Program Coordinators — application to HUD for funds to renew Family Self - Sufficiency Program Coordinator position & IA State Funding for services. (5/2) 168 Honeycutt, John, claim. (9/19) 350 Hoppman, Jim, for Helen Hoppman, 2224 Grace, objecting to UD rezoning, lack of parking in area. (3/21) 96 Hormel Museum, info requested @ Dbq Packing Co. Veterans. (2/21) 51 Horse -Drawn carriage, Ordinance covering such Vehicles for Hire. (4/4) 148 Horsfield Construction — awarded contract for University Ave Extension Pro. Phase II. (8/1) 308 Horsfield Construction award contract Dbq Industrial Ctr West 3rd Addn, Contract B. (6/20)260 Hospice Care Month Proclamation. (11/7) 396 Hotel Lease agreement amendment, Hilton Garden Inn at Dog Track area; Amendment to Lease Agreement. (3/21)(4/4)(5/2)(8/1)(9/6) 87,111,167,299,33 Houlihans Restaurant & Hilton Garden Inn, Dbq Racing Assn. Lease Agreement amendment, Dbq Casino Hotel; Amend Lease Agree. (3/21)(4/4)(5/2)(8/1)(9/6) 87,111,167,299,333 House of China, 170 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (7/18) 288 Housing & Community Development Department, departmental budget hearing. (2/28) 54 Housing & Community Development Department, FY 2006-2010 Consolidated Plan. (4/18) ..164 Housing & Urban Development HUD, Section 8 Funding shortfall issues. (2/7) 34 40 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE H Housing & Urban Development, selection Dbq funding for FY 2004 Housing Choice Voucher Family Self -Sufficiency Program. (2/7) 29 Housing & Urban Development, U.S., City's funds for FY 2005. (1/17) 12 Housing and Urban Development, HUD Audit report 7/1/03 thru 6/30/04 closed. (2/21) 38 Housing Choice Voucher Family Self Sufficiency Program, funding, HUD. (2/7) 29 Housing Code Appeals Bd applicant Sandra Moore; S. Moore appointed. (8/15)(9/6) 319,337 Housing Code Appeals Bd resignations of Thomas A. Hannan and Robert L. Sampson(3/7)56 Housing Commission applicants: Anthony Allen, Alphonse Boge, Jr. Wm. Helling, Julie A. LeClere, Angela Mozena, Harry Neustadt; reappointments of Helling, Mozena & Neustadt.. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Housing Division — claim/suit by Heidi Stierman. (2/21) 38 Housing Enterprise Zone Prog. Agree. Community House Initiatives Washington Court Pro (9/6) 332 Housing for low-income, disabled, Tara Winger comments. (10/3) 376 HOUSING GOVERNING BOARD special meeting; Proof of publication. (3/8)(4/4) 72,109 Housing Programs — FY 2006 Operating Budget for Assisted Housing Programs of Housing & Community Development Dept. (3/8) 72 Housing Section 8 Funding shortfall. (2/7) 34 Housing Step by Step Program, HOME, IDED Application, IDED; appreciation of Sarah Davidson. (12/5)(12/19) 420,433 Housing Trust Fund Application to IA Finance Authority for Washington St. Neighborhood Initiative. (3/21)(4/4) 87,111 Hoverman, Sr. Carol, applicant TV Cable Comm. Teleprogramming; reappointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Howard R. Green Co., Supplement Agreement 3 for University Ave. Extension Pro. (4/18).... 155 HRDP - Historic Resources Development Program — HRDP Grant app Shot Tower Archeological Survey. (1/17) 13 HUD — CDBG Agreement for program beginning 7/1/05. (7/5) 268 HUD — Closeout of EDI Special Purpose Grant for America's River Museum. (10/3) 366 HUD — Consolidated End of Year Review for Program Year 2004 was satisfactory. (12/19)433 HUD - Healthy Homes Grant App., Washington Neighborhood Revitalization Area. (6/6) 234 HUD — Housing & Urban Development, U.S., City's funds for FY 2005. (1/17) 12 HUD Audit report 711/03 thru 6/30/04 closed. (2/21) 38 HUD funding, application for Family Self -Sufficiency & Homeownership Program - & funding with IA State Extension for homeownership. (5/2) 168 HUD funding, Council letter of support for Hillcrest. (5/2) 167 HUD- Housing & Urban Development, selection Dbq funding FY 2004 Housing Choice Voucher Family Self -Sufficiency Program. (2/7) 29 HUD Section 8 Funding shortfall issues. (2/7) 34 HUD, Certificate of Completion & Grant Closeout Agreement for 2003 Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Grant to HUD. (7/18) 282 Hudson's Classic Grill, Heim Enterprises, 2345 NW Arterial, Liquor Lic. (3/21)(4/18) 89,157 Hughes Court, Kress Ind. Facility, Tax Assessment Appeal settlement. (2/21) 38 Human Relations Ordinance, discussion re: add Sexual Orientation. (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)..1,11,33,34 Human Rights Commission 2005 Annual Report. (12/5) 420 Human Rights Commission applicants: Mary Gassman, Marcos Rubinstein; appointment of Marcos Rubinstein. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Human Rights Commission applicants: Anthony Allen, Mary Gassman, David Loney — Mary Gassman withdrawing application; appointment of David Loney. (11/7)(11/21) 402,412 41 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE H Human Rights Commission applicants: Patricia Foster, Mary Gassman, Vincent Vanden Heuvel; all appointed. (12/5)(12/19) 423,434 Human Rights Commission resignation of Gary McAlpin. (7/5) 267 Human Rights Commission resignation of Lou Oswald. (10/17) 385 Human Rights Day Proclamation. (12/5) 417 Human Rights Department, departmental budget discussion. (2/15) 36 Human Rights Ordinance, discussion re: Sexual Orientation. (1/3)(1/17)(2/7) 1,11,33,34 Humane Society, Dbq., waive "No Dogs" Riverwalk for "Strut Your Mutt" fundraiser(12/19)445 Humanitarian Award to Kelly Larson, H. Rights Dir. rec'd Ruby Sutton Award. (11/21) 411 Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month Proclamation. (11/7) 396 Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, Firefighter teams requested. (9/8) 348 Hurricane Katrina, request for and to aid sister City relationship with Greenwood, MS; appreciation from Mayor Smith — City of Greenwood, MS. (9/6)(9/8)(10/3) 345,348,378 Huseman, Jennifer, Claim; referred to Ins. (2/7) 22 Husemann, Kristina, Five Point Mart, 405 Rhomberg, Cig. Permit. (6/6) 238 HVAC Project for Five Flags Civic Center, Ph. 1; final accept. (1/3)(2/7)(11/7) 5,32,397 HVAC Project for Five Flags, Civic Center, Ph. 2; awarded to Geislers.. (8/1)(9/6) 301,339 Hwy 151/61 and Maquoketa Drive Intersection improvements— ICAAP Funding, IA Clean Air Attainment Program funds. (10/3) 368 HyVee #1, Hy -Vee, Inc. 3500 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(6/20) 238,253 Hy -Vee #2, 2395 NW Arterial, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Hy -Vee Gas #2, Hy -Vee, Inc. 2435 NW Arterial, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/6))(1117) 238,401 HyVee Store, tobacco penalty. (5/16) 226 Hy -Vee Subdivision, accept improvements- sewer & water main. (9/6) 326,327 HyVee Wine & Spirits, 3500 Dodge; Beer & Wine Per.; Cig. Per. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5).. 238,253,254,270 42 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(8/15)(11/7) 22,314,396 I.D. Associates — Aaron's, amend Wacker Plaza PUD for free standing sign pole. (8/15) 320 IA 32 — Bike Hike Trail, REAP Agreement for Phase 1 of IA 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (12/5) 421 IA 32 — Northwest Arterial, REAP Award Grant from IA DNR. (11/7) 400 IA 32 — Southwest Arterial, Amendment to RISE Application. (10/3) 369 IA DNR, Dept. of Natural Resources, John Steger, fill activities near 11775 N Cascade Rd. (2/21) 38 lbrico, Fat Tuesday's, refund of cigarette permit. (3/21) 88 ICAAP — IDOT Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program US 20 to Menards — Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System improve.. (3/7)(10/3) 56,368 Ice Harbor Area - Ground Lease for Parking & Dock Facilities in Ice Harbor for Riverboat Gambling. (6/6) 239 Ice Harbor area - Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC, intent to dispose of property by Lease Agreement - including future interest in Lot 2 of Adams Co. 2nd addition. (6/6)(6/20) 240,257 Ice Harbor Drive, change in Street Names, Stop signs. (3/7) 69,70 Ice Harbor Marina Project — Boating Infrastructure Grant, Port of Dubuque. (10/3) 366 Ice Harbor Property - Stealth Race Car Property, Terrance & Linda Weidemann, FMV of their property; Offer to Purchase & deed of County property. (1/3)(3/21)(4/4) 3,87,142,143 Ice Harbor Rd — Ice Harbor Dr., Motor Trucks over 10,000 lbs. prohibited. (3/7) 70 Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Construction Project, acceptance. (7/18) 286 Ice Skates replaced — Five Flags Equipment Purchase. (11/7) 398= Ice Skating at Five Flags, petition for time by L. Kluesner, response. (2/21) 41 ICMA Credentialed Manager, City Manager Michael Van Milligen award. (12/5) 422 IDED — HOME Investment Partnership Prog contract agreement expiration date extended. (1/3)1 IDED — HOME Investment Partnership Program Application for Step by Step Pro. (12/5) 420 IDED — Home Investment Partnership Program, funds for Step by Step. (12/5) 420 IDED — Housing Enterprise Zone Agreement for Washington Court Pro. (9/6) 332 IDED — IA Dept. Economic Develop. Home Investment Partnership program amended. (8/1) 300 IDED— Iowa Dept. Economic Devel. HOME Program Funds, Scott Potter, 601 Garfield, men's SRO. (11/21) 415 IDED — Iowa Dept. of Economic Development — HOME Program Funds, application of Michelle Mihalakis, SRO for women at 2080 Elm. (11/21) 415 IDOT — Accepting Bell Street Construction Project. (7/18) 280 IDOT — bridge washing projects Julien Dbq, City Island & Peosta Channel Bridges. (1/3) 1 IDOT - Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Add. -RISE Funds Chavenelle Rd. connect. (1/3) 3 IDOT — Federal Recreation Grant Agreement —for Trailhead Facility with IDOT — Water Works Park & A.Y. McDonald Park. (10/17) 384 IDOT - Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program — ICAAP, US 20 to Menards — Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System improve. (3/7(10/3)) 56,368 IDOT - Landscaping Project, Gateway, Application & Permit to Sponsor Highway Planting along IA 936 & US 52 with IDOT. (7/18) 282 IDOT - Landscaping Project, Hwy 20, STP Funding. (12/5) 420 IDOT — Mayor's letter to them re: SW Arterial funding. (10/17) 380 IDOT — Not of condemnation of land for Hwy 20 improvement. (6/20) 251 IDOT — ROW purchase from Murphy Family Enterprises for US 20 Bridge area. (12/5) 419 IDOT — SAFE -TEA Grant for IA 32 Bike/Hike Trail — NW Arterial. (10/3) 365 IDOT — Supplemental Agreement — maintenance of primary roads in municipalities. (11/7) 396 IDOT — U.S. Highway 20 Improvements — University Ave. — DMATS funding, etc. (4/18) 154 43 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE 1 IDOT — University Ave Extension Paving Proj. Phase II. (7/18)(8/1) 288,308 IDOT — US 20 Bridge, ROW. Purchase Agreement & Quit Claim Deed; Work Session to discuss Hwy 20 bridge project. (/317)(3/21)(11/7) 61,104,395 IDOT —Project, University Ave Extension Paving Project, Phase II. (7/18)(8/1) 288,308 IIW Engineers & Surveyors, amend contract, Dbq Industrial Center West 3` Addn. (2/7)(4/18)(9/6) 26,154,333 IIW Engineers & Surveyors, Floodplain mapping in Dbq Industrial Center West. (11/7) 399 IIW Engineers request site plan approval Birch Heating & Cooling on Cedar Cross Rd. (3121)107 IIW Engineers, selected to services for floodwall improvements. (3/7) 56 Illinois, State, re: Hwy US 20 bridge, IDOT — ROW. Purchase Agreement & Quit Claim Deed; Work Session to discuss Hwy 20 bridge project. (3/7)(3/21)(11/7) 61,104,395 Improvement Contracts and Bonds approved. (8/1)(10/3) 312,369 Improvement Guarantees — Subdivision Res — owners to provide performance & maintenance guarantees for public improvements. (11/21) 413 Increase in Rental Dwelling License Fees. (3/8) 73 Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Project; accept. (2/7)(6/20) 32,33,252 Indian Weavings, Carmen Chuquin, 555 JFK Road., Cigarette Per. (1/3)(616) 4,238 Indiana Subdivision, final plat. (7/18) 293,294 Industrial Center West G.O. Bond Issue —improvements to Bergfeld farm. (3/7)(3/21) 64,106 Industrial Center West Third Addition/Contract A Mass Grading Proj. to W.C. Stewart Co. (3/7)(3/21)(4/4) 62,63,106,147 Industrial Center West, Dbq., ribbon cutting ceremony. (11/21) 415 Industrial Center West, Professional Floodplain Mapping, IIW Engineers. (11/7) 399 Industrial Sewer Use Agreement, Interstate Power & Light, Dbq Power Station. (2/7) 27 Information & Referral & Child Care Referral, Purchase of Services Project Concern, Inc. (6/6) 236 Information Services Department FY 06 Budget, departmental budget hearing. (2/24) 53 Information Services Department - Lead Applications/Network Analyst, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm.(7/18) 284 Inland Protein, long term sewer use agreements. (2/7) 27 Inocente Rubio, El Paisano, 1543 Central, Beer Per. (2/7) 29 Instant Replay, Pamela B. Arensdorf, 1602 Central, Liquor Lic.(11/21) 412 Instructional Support Property Tax levy of school district — Itr to legislators to vote No. (3/7) 57 Insurance Grant, Special Events, to Riverfest. (9/6) 333 Insurance — Specific & Aggregate Stop Loss, Allianz as carrier. (9/6) 330 Insurance — Workers Comp Excess, renewal rate approved by Safety National. (9/6) 332 Insurance Assessment, Iowa Individual Health Benefit Reinsurance. (8/1) 298 Intelligent Transportation System — Traffic Signal, IDOT US 20 — Devon Dr. to Menards. (3/7) 56 Interagency Agreement, County Health for inspection of Swimming Pools & spas. (7/18)282 Interceptor Sewer Extension Connection Fee — Granger Creek. (7/5) 275 Interconnect Pro., U.S. 20 Fiber Optics, IA Clean Air Attain. Prog. Agree. Howard R. Green Co. (11/21) 410 International Building Code, 2003, adoption by Council.(10/17) 385 International City/County Management Assn. Certificate for City Mgr. Van Milligen.(12/5) 422 International Fire Code, 2003, adopted. (1/3) 6,7 International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758 Agree. Amendment.(6/20)(9/6).. 251,330 Internet Service requirements — Municipal Communications Utility. (9/12) 349 Interpretive Center, E.B. Lyons, expansion, connect to City water & sewer. (11/21) 408 Interpretive Signage Project, Great River Road. (7/18) 288,289 Intersection of Marywood Drive and Crissy Drive, stop signs to replace yield signs. (9/6) 344 44 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE Interstate Power & Light Co. — Dbq Power Station — Industrial Sewer Use Agreement. (2/7) ... 27 Interstate Power & Light Co., Alliant Energy, Easement in Port of Dubuque.(8/15) 318,319 Interstate Power & Light Co., claim. (8/1) 297 Investment Oversight Adv. Comm. applicant Charles Spielman; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20)242,256 Investment Oversight Advisory Commission Quarterly Reports. (2/7)(8/15)(11/7) 22,314,396 Investment Partnership Program, Iowa HOME—Application to IDED for funds. (12/5) 420 Investment Report, Quarterly: (12/31/04). (2/7)(8/1)(11/7) 29,299,400 Iowa - Illinois, State, re: Hwy US 20 bridge, IDOT — ROW. Purchase Agreement & Quit Claim Deed; Work Session to discuss Hwy 20 bridge project. (/3/7)(3/21)(11/7) 61,104,395 Iowa 32 — Southwest Arterial, RISE Application amendment. (10/3) 369 Iowa 32 — SW Arterial, consultant design agreement with Earth Tech. (2/7) 25 Iowa 32 — SW Arterial, Mayor's letter to IDOT. (10/17) 380 Iowa 32 —Bike/Hike Trail, SAFE -TEA Grant for completion funds — NW Arterial. (10/3) 365 Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program — ICAAP, US 20 to Menards — with IDOT Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System improvements. (3/7)(10/3)(11/21) 56,368,410 Iowa Department of Economic Development - HOME Investment Partnership Program contract agreement expiration date extended. (1/3) 1 Iowa Department of Economic Development — HOME Program Funds, application of Michelle Mihalakis, for SRO for women at 2080 Elm. (11/21) 415 Iowa Department of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement with VNA — Visiting Nurse Assn.(7/18) 283 Iowa Department of Transportation wash Julien Dbq, City Island & Peosta Channel Bridges. (1/3) 1 Iowa Department of Transportation - Dbq Ind. Center West Third Addition- RISE Funding for Chavenelle Rd. connection. (1/3) 3 Iowa Department of Transportation, Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program — ICAAP, US 20 to Menards — IDOT Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System improvements. (3/7)... 56 Iowa Department of Transportation, condemnation land for Hwy 20 improvement.(6/20) 251 Iowa Department of Transportation - IDOT — Accept Bell Street Construction Project. (7/18) 280 Iowa Department of Transportation - Landscaping Project, Gateway, Application & Permit to Sponsor Highway Planting along IA 936 & US 52 with IDOT. (7/18) 282 Iowa Department of Transportation, University Ave Extension Paving Proj. Ph II. (7/18) 288 Iowa Department of Transportation - IDOT — Supplemental Agreement — maintenance of primary roads in municipalities. (11/7) 396 Iowa DNR Dept. of Natural Resources, sewage bypasses City failed report. (5/2) 168 Iowa DNR Dept. of Natural Resources, Water Access Grant boat ramp & trailer at Water Works Park. (2/7) Y5 Iowa DNR — Dept. of Natural Resources, Water compliance inspection report, Airport.(3/21)85 Iowa DNR — REAP Grant application for Phase 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (8/1) 309 Iowa Glass, Elm Real Estate, property purchase, University Ave. Ext. Proj. (2/21)(3/21).40,87,88 Iowa Highway 32 — SW Arterial, Prel. Engineering Design Agree. With County. (1/3) 4 Iowa Individual Health Benefit Reinsurance Assessment. (8/1) 298 Iowa League of Cities Conference in 2009, Randy Gehl & Nicholson as City's reps. (1/17) 19 Iowa Liquor License Violation, Bricktown. (9/6) 343 Iowa Main Street Award to Council by Dan LoBianco. (5/2) 167 Iowa Potatoe & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Beer Permit; Cigarette Per.; Beer Permit.; Cigarette Per. (1/3)(3/21)(6/6) 4,88,238 Iowa Recycling Association name Paul Schultz as "Recycler of the Year." (11/7) 398 Iowa State Bar Association, City Attorney Barry Lindahl to speak. (6/6) 247 Iowa State Legislators, letters @ various issues. (3/21) 86 45 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE 1 Iowa State University Extension, grant agreement, Uptown Recreation Programs. (6/6) 233 Iowa State University, Empowerment, City as partner with Child Care Lasts a Lifetime. (6/6)235 Iowa Street & Fifteenth, Four Way Stop. (12/19) 444 Iowa Street Parking Ramp, RFP's Engineering Services Locust & Iowa Street Parking Ramps. (6/6)(8/1)(10/17) 236,298,386 Iowa Street, 301, former United Rental Building Demolition & Site Clearance Pro. (11/7) 401 (PERS contribution rate increase, letter to Legislators. (2/7) 27 Irrevocable License for McKesson Loading Dock, alley between Locust & Main. (11/7) 398 Isabella's at the Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Class C Liquor Lic. (10/17) 385 Isenhart, Chuck, Dbq Area Labor Mgmt Corp., request funding, Purch. Of Services. (3/2) 55 Isenthart, Bud, thanked outgoing Mayor Duggan, Council Members Markham & Nicholson for their service. (12/19) 446 46 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT J PAGE J & P O'Hara, Inc., Happy Joe's Ice Cream, 855 Century Dr., Beer Per. (10/17) 385 Jackson and 30th St., former Dbq Brewing & Malting Co., Conservation District. (11/21) 414 Jackson County — Dbq School District, condemnation of land to construct new school. (1/17)14 Jackson Films — Superfine Inc., approval for filming on City property, documentary. (7/5)270 Jackson Street, 2813, River Valley Nursing, rezoning for W. Klosterman. (10/17) 388 Jackson Tuckpointing, Fred, contract CSP Library Exterior Maint. Proj; final accept. 3/21)(12/19) 103,430 Jackson, Jeff, 2849 White St., object rezoning 2813 Jackson for River Valley Nursing. (10/17)388 Jaeger, Jeffrey J., withdrawn his rezoning request for 1960 White St. (2/21) 47 JAG & Byrne Grant, federal funding, letters to legislators. (3/21) 86 Jamis, LLC, Ground Round, 50 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Janitor for City Hall, Housing & Annex, change to Part time employees. (3/21) 107 January 2005, Financial Reports. (2/21) 38 January 2005, Revenues & Claims, Proof of Publication.(3/21) 83 January 2005, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (3/21) 83 Japanese Garden Gate at Arboretum, Arts & Culture Grant Program. (10/17) 390 Jaycees, Dbq. & Radio stations — fireworks display on 7/3/06. (7/18) 287 Jaycees, Dbq., All that Jazz Tents, Downtown, Beer Permits; Tents — Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permits. (6/6)(7/5)(7/18) 239,270,287 Jazz Fests — All that Jazz, Dubuque Jaycees, Beer Permits. (6/6) 239 Jochum, Pam, State Rep., letter encouraging NO vote re: Open Meetings law. (3/7(3/21)).. 57,86 John F. Kennedy Rd., plat of Survey of Yiannis Place. (2/21) 39 John F. Kennedy Rd., Yuan Place, Plat of Survey. (2/21) 39 Johns, Barbara, Claim; referred to Ins. (10/3) 365 Johnson, Sydney, 2666 Beverly, objecting to 2635/2641 University. (6/20) 256 Jones, Connie, claim; settlement. (7/18)(9/6) 280,325 Jones, Ric, received 7,733 votes winning At Large seat for City Council. (12/5) 419 Juergens, Steve, Attorney, for A.J. Spiegel, positive comments ® 600 Mazzuchelli, River Point Develop. — condos. (12/19) 436 Julien Dubuque Bridge, IDOT notice of bridge washing. (1/3) 1 Julien Dubuque Bridge, letters to legislators for funding of add'l 2 lanes. (3/21) 86 Julien Inn Hotel, Design Center, Inc. 200 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Jumpers Sports Bar, DM Sports Bar, Inc., 2600 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (9/6)(11/21) 336,412 June 2005 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (10/3) 365 June Dr., 998, Jim Romanga requesting no sidewalks. (9/6) 334 June, 2005, Financial Reports submitted. (7/18) 280 Justice Assistance Grant Application, 2005 E. Byrne Memorial Grant. (4/18) 156 Justice Assistance Grant, 2005. (8/1) 299 Justice Department, 2004 Safe Schools Grant — Comm. Oriented Police. (6/20) 251 47 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT K PAGE Kalmes Breaktime, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 Kalmes, Theresa, Kalmes Breaktime, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 Kamp, Mary Lou, Noonan's Tap, 1618 Garfield, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Kane, Attorney Brian, development of W. 32nd St area, comments. (6/20) 258 Karwoski, Sister Carol, OSF, Emergency Shelter Coordinator, Gave Invocation. (11/7) 396 Kass, Jeff, positive re: condo project at Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 437 Katrina, Hurricane, effects on Greenwood, MS — Dubuque help as sister city; thank you from Mayor of Greenwood, MS; Proclamation of Thanks. (9/6)(10/3)(10/17) 345,378,380 Katrina, Hurricane, relief efforts, Firefighter teams requested. (9/8) 348 Katrina, Hurricane, relief funds from Moose Lodge presented to City. (11/7) 396 Kaune, Carol, claim; referred to Ins. (1/17) 11 Kautz, Dick, IDOT, re: Highway signs to Nat'l Miss. River Museum & Aquarium. (2/21) 40 Kautz, Dick, IDOT Dis. Engr., new bridge project over Mississippi. (11/7) 395 KC's, Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 K -Chap Foods, Inc., Oky Doky Food #14, 1050 University, Cigarette Per. & Beer Per. (7/5)270 KDTH, KATF, KGRR, & Jaycees etc. re: Fireworks Display. (7/18) 287 Kehl Center, Clarke College area, pedestrian crossing corridor.(7/5) 267 Kelly's Bluff Condominium Project, River Pointe Development, 600 Mazzuchelli, by A.J. Spiegel, Discussion. (10/17)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 387,409,422,436 Kelzer, Tom, KZ Investments, accept Res. 426-05, final plat of Harvest View Estates, Sixth Addn. (9/6) 342,343 Kendig Lane, Inc., agreement re: Update of Zoning & Subdivision Ordinances; Work session Zoning Ord. update; Worksession discussion. (4/4)(6/13)(8/1) 109,248,313 Kennedy Road - Emergency Repair of Stoneman Road — J.F. Kennedy Rd. Storm Sewer.(9/6)335 Kennicker, Robin, development of Olympic Heights area. (7/5) 267 Kenworthy, Jane, 490 Alpine, Chair of Arts Comm., appreciative of funding. (5/16) 227 Kephart's Music Store, Lease of City with School District for Engineering staff displaced by City Hall remodeling. (7/5) 268 Kerper Blvd. 925, old Operations & Maintenance Garage, RFP's for redevelopment. (11/7)403 Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Develop. Dis., amend Urban Renewal Plan. (7/18)(9/6) 289,337,338 Kerper Blvd., 2550, United Parcel Service requesting purchase of portion.(8/15) 317 Kerper Ct., traffic problem when Eagle Window & Door has a shift change. (11/7) 404 Key City Moving & Storage Lease, SE Corner of Rockdale Rd &Twin Valley Dr. (11/7) 397 Key City Properties No. 2, final plat. (10/17) 383 Keyline Fixed Route Driver Recognition —ARC presented an award. (11/7) 398 Keyline Transit Bus Shelters, selection of Brasco International, Inc. (8/1) 300 Keyline Transit, RFP's for Management of same. (12/5) 420 Kids Day America Proclamation. (4/4) 109 Kieffer, Ken, claim; denial.. (2/21) 38 Kincaid, Reverend Kristian, Gave Invocation.(9/19) 350 King, Charles F., of Mediacom, gratitude for City's openness to be served. (4/18) 157 King, Martin Luther, Jr. Days Proclamation. (1/3) 1 Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn 5 Flags, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Kiosk at Four Mounds Historic District, Historic Pres. Com. Public Improvement Pro. (3/7).... 68 Kiwanis Club Month, Downtown, Proclamation. (2/7) 22 Klaas, Shane, - Bricktown Employee, Liquor License Violation. (9/6) 343 Klauer Construction Co., contract Harvest View Park Development; accept. (1/17)(8/15).. 16,315 Klein, Charles, oppose Granger Creek Sewer Connection Fees. (7/18)(8/1) 287,304 Klein, Michael & Rita R., Settlement of Tax Assessment Appeal. (11/7) 396 48 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE K Klosterman, Wayne, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Align. Study Report response. (2/7) 29 Klostermann, Wayne, reappointed for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. (10/3) 370 Kluck Construction contract Marshall Park Rest Room Project; accept.(4/4)(12/19). 146,147,430 Kluesner, Loras, Ice Skating petition at Five Flags Civic Center. (2/21) 41 K -Mart #4018, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/6) 238 Knickers Saloon, Curtis Gerhard, 2186 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic.; Outdoor service. (6/20)(7/5)(10/3) 253,270,370 Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Knob Hill Grove No. 4, final plat— located on Duggan Drive. (4/18) 153 Knob Hill Subdivision Sidewalk Installation.(8/1) 309 Knox, John, The Finley Hospital, support Grandview/University rezoning project. (2/21) ...48,49 Knox, John, The Finley Hospital, City vacate portion of N. Grandview & Delhi & University; vacation & purchase of Stewart St., N. Grandview & alleys. (7/5)(10/3) 271,370 Koch, Tom, Inc., Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/6) 239 Kogoutiouk, Igo & Ulyana, oppose rezoning request from 243 Valley St. (11/21) 412 Kohl, Paul, from Loras, urging Council approve budget for Arts & Culture. (3/8) 74 Kolz, Beverly, consideration for Library Bd., recommended by Mary Strom; applicant for Library Bd.; action tabled; appointed. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5) 236,242,256,275 Konrardy, Dean J., re: Heeb Street Retaining wall. (6/20) 250 Koob, Richard, letter @ Northend Wrecking rezoning request. (6/20) 250 Koons, Andrew, applicant for 2nd Ward Council seat; 511 votes — didn't win. (8/1)(12/5).297,419 Koons, Father, of Peosta church, positive @ A.J. Spiegel's Kellys Bluff condos. (12/19) 437 Koppes, Angela, rezoning request for 440 Loras. (3/21) 91 Koppes, Ronald, claim; referred to Ins. (2/21) 38 Kotz, Albert & Madeline - Zoning — 4755/4855 Old Highway Rd. — from R3 to C3 — J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Madeline & Albert Kotz. (12/19) 435 Kramer, Donnabelle, claim; referred to Ins. (9/19)(10/3) 350,365 Kramer, William, Cuemasters Billiards, 900 Central, Cigarette Per.(6/6) 238 Kremer, Richard, claim by Clarence Armbruster.(8/1) 297 Kress Industrial Facility, LLC — Tax Assessment Appeal, Settlement. (2/21) 38 Kringle, Ken, Historic Pres. Award to City for commitment to Historic Preservation. (6/20)... 249 Kunde, Roger, Northend Wrecking zoning enforcement issues update & Atty Bitter letter; Mr. Kunde spoke clarifying rezoning & property. (6/6)(10/17) 246,247,389 Kwik Stop C Store, Rainbo Oil Co., 2335 University, Beer Per.: Cigarette Per. (4/18)(6/20)157,253 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 1401Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20) 253 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2150 Twin Valley, Cigarette Per.(6/20) 253 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(12/19) 253,434 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2360 Central, Beer Per. (10/3) 370 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2390 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Kwik Stop, Rainbow Oil, 2255 Kerper, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(8/15) 253,318 Kwik Stop,Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(12/19) 253,434 Kwik Trip, Inc. Tobacco Outlet #504, 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/18)(6/6)157,238 KZ Investments, Tom Kelzer, accept R. 426-05, plat of Harvest View Estates, 6th Addn (9/6) 342,342 49 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE L LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING UPDATES: (1/3)(2/7)(2/21)(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(8/15)(9/19)(10/17) (11/7)(11/21) 1,22,38,56,109,167,314,350,380,396„407 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES. (3/7)(10/17)(12/5) 56,380,417 L & L Investment Co., Player's Sports Bar, 1902 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/15) 318 Lab Technician I position, request to include with Operating Engrs. Union. (6/6) 234 Labor Management Council, Dbq. Town Clock Plaza, Tents, Beer Permits. (7/5) 270 Labor Management Council, Purchase of Service Agreement.(6/6) 237 Laboratory Week Proclamation. (4/18) 152 Lafrance Fire Engine, 1969, disposal by Antique Fire Club. (4/4) 148 Lammers, Brian, Tri-State Develop. Co., withdraw zoning request for Seippel Rd.(10/17) 380 Land condemnation — Dbq Comm. School District for new school. (1/17) 14 Landscaping, W. 11th St. Elevator area, funds, Historic Pres. Public Improvement Prog. (3/7) 68 Landscaping Project, IDOT, Gateway, Sponsor Highway Planting IA 936 & US 52. (7/18) 282 Landscaping Project, Gateway, award to Portzen. (6/6) 243 Landscaping Project, Hwy 20, STP Funding — IDOT. (12/5) 420 Lane Kendig, Inc. consultant Zoning & Subd. Ord. report. (2/21)(4/4)(6/13)(8/1)...41,109,248,313 Lang, Lynn, claim; denial. (6/20)(7/5) 249,267 Langlois, Pete, 263 Valley, objecting to 243 Valley St. rezoning. (11/21) 412 Larson, Kelly, Human Rights Director, rec'd Ruby Sutton Humanitarian Award. (11/21) 411 Larson, Beverly A., Denny's Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Law Enforcement Center, Police Dept. accept remodeling project. (4/4) 109 Lay off of workers & closing of APAC Customer Services, Inc. (8/15) 315 Lazore, Gerald & Kelly, Settlement of their tax assessment appeal. (1/3) 4 Lead Applications/Network Analyst, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm.(7/18) 284 Leadership/governance session with Lyle Sumek. (12/17) 426 League of Cities, IA, Nicholson named as President -Elect of the League. (8/1) 312 League of Cities, National, voting delegates Nicholson & alternate, Michalski. (9/6) 345 Leaman, Jack, Zoning Asbury Plaza No. 3 future ext, of Plaza Drive for Motor City. (3/21) 99,100 Lease Agreement — Adams Co. also. (6/6) 240 Lease Agreement—Cable Franchise. (4/18) 157 Lease Agreement amendment for old Dock Bd building, Rustic Hills Carriage Tours. (4/18)154 Lease Agreement Historical Star Redevelop. Star Brewery Bldg.; amendment. (3/7)(9/6) 58,335 Lease Agreement with Miller Enterprises of Dbq. The Busted Lift. (6/6) 232 Lease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming, 2nd Amendment. — Ground Lease for Parking & Dock Facilities in Ice Harbor for Riverboat Gambling.. (6/6)(6/20) 239,257 Lease Agreement, Dbq Schools Kephart Building, City Engrg. Staff while remodeling(7/5) 268 Lease Agreements, Second Amendments, DRA & Dubuque Casino Hotel - Hilton Garden Inn and Houlihans. (4/4) 111 Lease Amendment — Dbq Casino Hotel; assign parking use agreement & Lease Agreement DRA, Casino Hotel & DB & T — loan security; Third amendment. (3/21)(8/1)(9/6).... 87,299,333 Lease portion of alley behind 157 Locust St. by Hartig Drug Co. (11/21)(12/5) 409,420 Lease with Bowling & Beyond for volleyball teams, impasse. (4/18) 165 Lease, City Moving & Storage, corner of Rockdale & Twin Valley Dr. (11/7) 397+ Lease, Dbq Yacht Basin with Catfish Charlies; new lease. (2/21)(7/5) 41,269 Leaves & Yard Waste materials, change in collection & disposal fees. (3/8) 79,80 LeClere, Julie A., applicant for Housing Comm.(8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Lee's 76/W Locust Mart, Lee Potter, Sr., 408 W. Locust, Beer Per. (2/21) 41 50 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT L PAGE LEED certification, Letter of Support of Nat'l Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium.(9/6)333 Legal Department Intern, R. Herdegen, appreciation for opportunity to work.(8/15) 317 Legal Department, departmental budget hearing for FY 06. (2/15) 36 Legion Post No. 6, recognize City as Employer of the Year for Military Support. (5/16) 229 Legion, American, Post 6, Delhi St., Liquor Lic. (6/20) 254 Legionaires Drum & Bugle Corp, Colts Center, 1101 Central Ave., Beer Per.(7/5) 270 Legislation — changes to Enterprise Zone, letter of support.(1/17) 13 Legislative Correspondence approved. (2/7) 27 Legislative Correspondence re: sales tax exemption & rebate — Enterprise Zones. (4/4) 111 Legislative Correspondence — property tax limitation bill. (5/2) 167 Legislative Correspondence, Shot Tower Archeological investigation. (11/7) 399 Legislative Issues & Priorities for Dbq for 2006 Session. (11/7) 403 Legislative Priorities, City, revised — Federal. (1/3) 4 Legislators — Historic Preservation Comm. asking for notification of funds. (3/7) 68 Legislators — letters to them from City on various issues. (3/7)(3/21) 57,86 Legislators — special meeting with Council, County, Schools. (11/21) 406 Legislators — worthwhile meeting re: utility franchise fees. (2/7) 35 Leifker, David, County Conservation Soc. Southern Ave. green space & Maus Park.(10/3).... 366 Leisure Services Dept. to give assistance for Mississippi Valley Promise group. (4/18) 155 Letter of Credit amendment, MCC Iowa LLC re: Cable Franchise Agree.(8/1) 297 Letter of Support of Nat'l Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium LEED certification.(9/6)333 Letter of Support requested of City Council for Mines of Spain for expansion project. (12/19)433 Lex, Allen, Bergfeld Farm rezoning.(6/20) 261 Liability, potential, Bickford Transformer Processing, remediation costs for sending equipment containing PCB's. (11/7) 403 Liberty St., 966, Roger & Ann Pickel, to purchase property. (2/21(3/7)) 42,63,64 Liberty Station, LLC, Arby's/Phillips 66, 10 Main St., Cigarette Per. (7/5) 270 Library Board of Trustees applicants Dennis Healy & Becky Hauder. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Library Board of Trustees applicants Diann Guns, Beverly Kolz, Michael Shubatt, Kristin Smith; appointment of Guns & Kolz, terms of Shubatt & Smith extended. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5) 242.256 Library Board of Trustees resignation of Mary Strom. (6/6) 236 Library Board of Trustees, vacancy of Jack Felderman. (7/18) 295 Library Funding for Young Adult Dept., requested by lan Carstens. (12/5) 421 Library, Carnegie Stout, Exterior Renovations Project; acceptance.(2/21)(3/21)(12/19)45,103,430 License fees increased for rental dwellings. (3/8) 73 License, Irrevocable, McKesson Loading Dock, alley - Locust & Main, 7th & 8th. (11/7) 398 Lien Oriental American, 115 W. 11th St., Beer Per. (4/18) 157 Lieutenant, Fire, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Lifetime Center - Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 Lightcap, Joel, applicant & reappointed to Transit Bd of Trustees. (11/7) 402 Lincoln, 514, purchase of property for Bee Branch Creek Restoration Pro. (5/2) 168 Lindahl, Barry A., speaker at IA State Bar Assn. Annual Meeting.(6/6) 247 Lindberg Terrace & Eagle Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (6/6) 244 Lindstrom, Colleen B., dba Rustic Hills Carriage Tours, lease amend former Dock Bd building.(4/18) 154 Lining Project, Sanitary Sewers, 2004, contract Visu-Sewer Clean & Seal; final. (1/17)(8/1)16,299 Link's Glen Residential Development, 300 block Wartburg Place, rezoning Tim Conlon.(7/18)290 Liquor License permanent transfer of Moose Lodge from 1166 Main to 2635 Windsor.(3/7).... 60 Liquor License renewal for Bricktown, 200 Main. (6/6) 246 Liquor License violation — Bricktown, Shane Klaas employee. (9/6) 343 51 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE L Litter pick up services by skate park McAleece Park — ARC Agreement. (4/18) 154 Loading Dock for McKesson Co., Irrevocable License, alley — Locust & Main, 7 & 8th.(1117)398 Loan Agreement & issuance of $200,000 G.O. Capital Loan Notes — Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund. (217) 31 Loan security, DB & T, Dbq Casino Hotel —Assign Parking Use & Lease Agreements. (8/1) . 299 Loan, Capital Loan Note, $200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Note. (1/17) 14,15 Loans to purchase homes Washington Neighborhood, Rehab assistance. (11/21) LoBianco, Dan, Dbq Main St. Ltd, comments at budget hearing Purchase of Services. (312)... 55 LoBianco, Dan, Dbq Main St. Ltd. Main Street Iowa Award to Council. (5/2) 167 Locust and Iowa Street Parking Ramps, RFP for repairs. (6/6) 236 Locust and Sixth Street, traffic concerns, Sr. Mary Patricia Conlon. (6/20) 264 Locust St. alley —157 Locust, lease portion of alley behind Hartig Drug. (11/21)(12/5)....409,420 Locust St. Parking Ramp & Iowa Street Ramp, RFP's, Engineering Services for Locust & Iowa Street Parking Ramps; award contract to Desman Asso. (616)(811) 236,298 Locust Street Parking Ramp — Garage Restoration Pro. (10/17) 386 Loetscher & Truebs Subd., Dispose of City Interest to The Finley Hospital.(10/3) 373 Lokeijak, Pastor Austin, for rezoning of 2155 Rockdale Rd. (5/16) 216 Loney, David, appointed to Human Rights Commission. (11/21) 412 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. motion that Kelly's Bluff PUD not with 2002 Dbq Comprehensive Plan. (12/5) 422 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., applicant Shannon Lundgren; applicant Lou Oswald; appointments of Shannon Lundgren & Lou Oswald. (11/7)(11/21) 402,412 Long Range Planning Advisory Comm., Council liaison to be Pat Cline. (8/15) 323 Long Range Planning Commission resignation of David Rusk. (6/6) 231 Long Range Planning Commission, Mike PorIzen not reapplying.(7/5) 267 Long Range Planning review of Five Year Capital Improvement Budget. (3/8) 74 Loras Blvd, 440, rezoning request by Angela Koppes. (3/21) 91 Loras Blvd., request for historic traffic lights, Historic District Improvement Program. (3/7)69 Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista, Aramark Educational Serv., Liquor Lic. (4/4) 142 Lorenz, Dave of Players Sports Bar, explaining Police calls.(8/15) 318 Los Aztecas Mexican Rest., Famolo of Iowa, Inc. 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (9/6) 336 Lot One LLC, 100 Main St., Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Lounge, The, Phillip Love, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/17) 1 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/17) 14 Loyal Order of Moose, Dbq Lodge #355, 2635 Windsor. (4/18) 157 Lucas, Eric L. of United Parcel Service requesting to buy portion of Kerper Blvd. (8/15) 317,318 Lucky 13, David H. Erickson, 385 E. 13"' St., Cigarette Per.; Tobacco penalty settlement; Liquor Lic. (7/5)(8/15)(9/6) 270,318,336 Lucy, Nick, 783 Fenelon, comments @ condo devel. At 600 Mazzuchelli. (12/19) 436 LuGrain, Lana Kaye, P.J.'s Tap, 500 Rhomberdq Ave., Liquor Lic. (2/21) 41 Luksetich Spahn Development —1501 W. 32" St. rezoning request. (6/20) 258 Lundgren, Shannon, applicant, Long Range Planning Comm.; appointed. (11/7)(11/21) 402,412 Lundh, Matthew, applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.; applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm. (6/20)(7/5)(9/6)(10/3)(10/17) 255,275,337,370,387 Lynch, Kevin, 2,446 votes for Ward One Council, won. (12/5) 419 Lynn, Dave, claim; settlement. (10/3) 365 Lyons Interpretive Center, E.B., request for connection to City water/sewer. (11/21) 408 Lyons, Jymie M. refund, Liquor License. (1/3) 4 52 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT Mc PAGE McAleece Concession Operation by City, create seasonal positions. (4/4) 111 McAleece Park, City of Dubuque, 1801 :Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Per. (4/4) 142 McAlpin, Gary, resignation from Human Rights Comm. (7/5) 267 McCann, Steve, City Development Bd. letter to IA Secretary of State, filing documents for annexation & Dbq's boundary change. (3/7) 59 McCann, Steve, of City Development Bd., City's annexation of 704 acres. (2/21) 41 McCarron, Michael, objecting to 243 Valley rezoning. (11/21) 412 McCarthy, Carl, of Dbq Moose Lodge, present check to City for their sister city in Miss. For Hurricane Katrina relief. (11/7) 396 McDermott Excavating awarded contract for Lindberg Terrace & Eagle Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (6/6) 244 McDonald Family tribute at Museum event. (7/5) 278 McDonald, A.Y., Charitable Foundation requesting Water Works Park name change to A.Y McDonald Park; Park name changed to A.Y. McDonald Park. (8/1)(9/6) 309,341 McDonald, Sherry, of Maria House, in support of rezoning of 2080 Elm for SRO. (8/15) 322 McFadden, Vincent & Luella, Memo of Understanding to allow industrial rezoning of their property. (2/21) 40 McFadden, Vincent & Luella, rezoning of property W of Dbq Ind. Center & N & S of extension of Chavenlle Rd. from AG to Pl. (5/16) 216-223 McKeon, Mark & Staci, final plat of Woodland Estates No. 3. (4/18) 152 McMahon, Kasey, claim; referred to Tschiggfrie's. (11/21) 407 McMullen, Kathy, Gen. Mgr. of Mediacom, commitment to TV Cable Franchise renewal. (1/17)19 McNamer, Marty — Timber-Hyrst Estates, street size & parking info. (12/19) 444 McStac property, 503 Rhomberg, sold to City for Bee Branch acquisition pro. (7/18) 286 53 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE M MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/21)(10/3) 38,365 Madison Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, final assessments. (2/7) 27, 28 Mail certification by certified mail required, Weed Ordinance Revision. (8/1) 310 Mailing & printing utility (water) bills, taken over by City. (4/4) 142 Main St. & Locust St., alley between, License for McKesson Loading Dock. (11/7) 398 Main St. Ltd. recognition of City for Arts & Cultural Initiative, Arts Task Force & City for Bell Street & West Road - South Port Connector. (10/17) 380 Main St., Dubuque, Ltd, Purchase of Services Agreement.(6/6) 237 Main St., Dubuque, Ltd., in support of City funding for add'I staff & projects. (3/2) 55 Main St., Ninth St. & Twelfth St., Downtown Parking Meters. (8/1) 310,311 Main Street Challenge Grant Application, Step by Step disability housing at 759 Bluff. (11/7)400 Main Street Challenge Grant App, Step by Step, accessible housing at 759 Bluff. (11/7) 400 Main Street Iowa Award made to Council by Dan LoBianco. (5/2) 167 Main Street Month Proclamation. (6/6) 231 Main Street, Dbq., support nomination, National Trust for Historic Pres.'s Trustees' Award for Organizational Excellence. (2/21) 39 Main Street, Upper, Historic District, nominated to Nat'l Register. (2/7) 25 Maintenance Agreement of City & County, Winter snow removal. (9/6) 330,331 Maintenance Guarantees for Subdivisions, new Ord. (11/21) 413 Maintenance of primary roads in cities, IDOT Supplemental Agree. (11/7) 396 Make a Will Month Proclamation. (10/3) 365 Maloney, Pauline J., applicant Cable Teleprogramming Comm.; appointed. (6/20)(7/5).. 255,276 Management Agreement for Miller Riverview Park with Pat Felderman. (2/21) 41 Management Agreement with George Stephenson, G.M.S., for Bunker Hill Golf Course. (2/21)41 Mandolin Inn, 199 Loras Blvd., Wine Per. (7/18) 288 Manson Road Rezoning — Martin McNamer = NCR Developers. (10/17) 387,388 Manternach, Gene, positive © A.J. Spiegel and his condo project at 600 Mazzuchelli. (12/19)436 Mapping, Floodplain, in Dbq Industrial Center West, IIW Engineers hired. (11/7) 399 Maquoketa Drive Intersection improvement — Hwy 151/61 —application to IDOT for Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program funds. (10/3) 368 Maquoketa Valley Electric Cooperative, claim settlement.(11/21) 407 March 2005 City's Financial Report. (4/18) 152 March 2005, printed Council Proceedings approved. (6/6) 231 March, Rev. Nick, of Resurrection, Gave Invocation. (7/5) 267 Marco's Italian American Food, 2022 Central, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Marino Project, Ice Harbor, Boating Infrastructure Grant. (10/3) 366 Mario's Italian Restaurant, T & M Inc., 1298 Main St., Liquor Lic. (11/21) 412 Marketing Grant, Economic Development, collaborative, ECIA. (2/21) 41 Marketing Money for industrial parks, Purchase of Services Agreement with GDDC. (6/6)... 237 Markham, Council Member John, reappointed to DRA Board of Directors. (1/3) 10 Markham, Council Member John, reappointed to GDDC Board. (7/5) 278 Markham, Council Member John, Abstract of Votes for Mayor — 6,332, Not Enough.(12/5)419 Markham, Council Member John, presented plaque for time on Council. (12/19) 427 Markham, Council Member John, thanked by Bud Isenhart for Council work. (12/19) 446 Maro, Jerry, Dbq Landlord's Assn., object rezoning 1798 Washington, enough low income housing. (5/16) 215 Marshall Park Rest Room Project; Change Order; accept project.. (2/21)(4/4)(12/5)(12/19) 46,146,147,420,430,431 54 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE M Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (9/6) 326 Marshallese House of Praise, Triple J Land Co., rezoning of 2155 Rockdale Rd. (5/16) 215 Martin Luther King celebration activities, Face & Voices, Michalski appreciation. (1/17) 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Proclamation. (1/3) 1 Martins, Brian, in support of condo project on Kelly's Bluff — A.J. Spiegel. (12/19) 437 Marywood Drive & Crissy Drive, intersection, stop signs to replace Yield Signs. (9/6).... 344,345 Masartis, Russell, Sublime, 3203 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Matheos, James, Claim. (2/7) 22 Maus Park, future plans questioned by David Leifker of Conservation Soc. (10/3) 366 Mauss, Deacon Bill, Gave Invocation. (4/18) 152 May 2005, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (9/6) 325 May 2005, Proof of List of Claims & Revenues. (7/18) 280 Mayor and City Council Members, Emergency Succession set out. (12/5) 424 Mayor and City Council salaries increased. (3/8) 74,81 Mayor Pro -Tem Connors sworn in; took meeting. (5/2)(6/6) 167,231 Mayor turned control of the meeting to Mayor Pro -Tem. (5/16)(616)(7/18)(918)(9/12)(10/3)(11/21)(12/17)(12/19) 215,231,293,348,349,365,414,426,436 Mayoral Election — Buol and Markham, Buol won — Abstract of Votes. (12/5) 419 Mazzuchelli Place, 600, rezoning of blufflands for Royal Oaks Development—A.J. Spiegel — condos; lengthy discussion. (10/17)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 387,409,422,436 MCC Iowa LLC — Letter of Credit, Amendment of amount.(8/1) 297 MCC Iowa LLC — Mediacom, Cable Franchise Agreement. (4/18) 157,158 MCClowa, L.L.C., request renewal for Cable Television Franchise. (1/17)(414) 18,110,111 MCClowa, LLC — Performance Bond approved for Franchise Agreement. (8/1) 300 MCClowa, LLC, filed Petition, Special Relief for Determination of Effective Competition & Revocation of Certification. (3/21) 107 MCClowa, LLC, Mediacom Cable Co. RFP's for Television Franchise. (1/17)(2/7) 18,22,23 Mechanical Code Bd applicants: David Cleek, Tom W. Giese, David Grothe, Sean O'Malley; reappointments of Tom Giese & David Grothe.(5/16) 214 Mediacom — Cable Co., Request for Renewal Proposal for Television Franchise with MCCIOWA, LLC; formal renewal proposal response to City's Request for Renewal Proposal; Performance Bond. (1/17)(2/7)(4/4)(8/1) 18,22,23,110,111,300 Mediacom — Cable TV Departmental Budget hearing & discussion. (2/24) 53 Mediacom — K. McMullen committed to franchise renewal & enhancements. (1/17)(2/7) 19,22,23 Mediacom — Tier of Service offering to Dbq. Customers. (6/6) 237 Mediacom Annual Report filed. (4/4) 141 Mediacom 2004 Annual Report filed. (9/6) 334 Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation Board appointment process; applicants etc.. (7/18)(8/1)(8/15) 295,304,319 Mediacom filed "Effective Competition" petition, City opposing it. (3/21) 107 Mediacom reply to FCC's opposition to filing re: Effective Competition. (6/6) 235 Mediacom, MCClowa, LLC, Cable Franchise Renewal. (4/18) 157,158 Medical Laboratory Week Proclamation.(4/18) 152 Medical Officer position, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 286 Medicare and Medicaid Services, Certificate of Appreciation for City (11/21) 410 Medicare and You Days, Proclamation. (10/17) 380 Meehan, Susan, 2465 Samantha Dr., drainage problems in that area. (9/6) 341 Meeting Dates, Ordinance setting out regular Council Meeting Dates. (12/5) 424 Meetings, Open, Law, letter to legislators ® changes. (3/7) 57 Membership of Airport Commission, Ordinance changing. (12/5) 423,424 55 r INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT M PAGE Memo of Understanding, Vince & Luella McFadden rezoning of property to industrial. (2/21) 40 Memorandum of Agreement - University of Dubuque & City, clinical site usage for UD's nursing program. (7/18) 282 Memorial Day Proclamation- Public Safety — Police. (9/6) 325 Memorial, Chaplain Schmitt, request relocation by Walter Pregler. (6/20) 261 Mental Health Month Proclamation. (5/2) 167 Metcalf, Liz, Cedar Cross Amoco, 1200 Cedar Cross Rd., Cigarette Per. & Beer Per. (7/5) 270 Meters — Time & Fee Schedule — Parking Lots. (3/8) 80 Meters, Parking, portions of Main St, Ninth St. & 12th St. (8/1) 310 Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, Dbq., request rezoning Hwy 20 W, AG to LI.(5/16)215 Mettel-Link Addn., conveyance of Lot B of Block 8, - Tyler Road property warranty deed clarification, City & School. (2/7) 24 Meyers, Carol, A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Liq. LIc.; Cig. Per.; Refund of Cig. Per. (4/18)(6/6)(10/17) 157,238,385 Meyers, Dave, re: sidewalk notice & permit fees. (9/19) 351 Michael's Bar X, refund of liquor License. (6/20) 252 Michalski, Ann, complimented Police; commended Faces & Voices activities. (1/3)(1/17).. 10,19 Michalski, Ann, appointed to Four Mounds Board. (1/3) 10 Michalski, Ann, gave Invocation. (1/17) 11 Michalski, Ann, named Alternate voting delegate to National League of Cities. (9/6) 345 Michalski, Ann, received Dbq Main Street Month Proclamation. (6/6) 231 Michalski, Ann, request summary of Arts Grant Agreements. (6/20) 252 Michalski, Ann, received the Best Development Award for America's River. (6/6) 247 Michalski, Ann, sharing that Nicholson is at National League of Cities and she & Connors will go tomorrow. (12/5) 425 Michel, Rebekkah, claim, settlement. (11/7) 396 Michel, Rebekkah, claim, denial. (12/19) 427 Mickelson, Kim, of Lane Kendig, Inc. zoning & Subdivision Ord. Update info. (6/13)(8/1)248,313 Middle School, new Eleanor Roosevelt, request for overpass on NW Arterial. (2/7) 23 Middle School, Roosevelt School, Eleanor, ROW purchase for turn lane. (6/6) 234 Midway Hotel, Best Western, Claim; referred to Insurance. (12/5) 417 Midway Hotel/Hoffman House, 3100 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/6)(12/19) 238,434 Mihalakis, Clyde P., liquor license refund for The Dip Tap. (2/21) 412 Mihalakis, Michelle and Gronen Properties, Zoning change requested for 2080 Elm St., 20 room SRO; City support to IDED application. (8/15)(9/6)(11/21) 321,341,415 Military — U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Twenty -Five Command Coin, presented to Council by Navy Seabee BU1 Brant Schueller. (12/5) 417 Military Service, Veteran Museum & Recognition Ctr, Tri-State, request by S. Dazey. (10/3)376 Military support — City named Employer of the Year. (5/16) 229 Miller & Van Eaton law firm to file a Reply on City's behalf. (3/21) 107 Miller Enterprises — Lease Agreement with Busted Lift. (6/6) 232 Miller Riverview Park Electrical Service Project, Phase II; Improvement Contracts.. (10/17)(11/21) 389,390,411 Miller Riverview Park Management Agreement with Pat Felderman. (2/21) 41 Miller, Beverly, 2745 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Miller, Claire, applicant for Youth Position on Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm — appointed. (10/3) 370 Miller, Robyn, claim referred to Ins. (12/19) 427 Millstone Dr. & Millstone Ct., final plat of Harvest View Estates, Sixth Addn. (9/6) 342 56 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE M Mines of Spain, Friends of them, request letter of support from Council for their expansion & future grant application. (12/19) 433 Mines of Spain, Friends of, EB Lyons Interpretive Center expansion, connection to City Water and Sewer. (11/21) 408 Minibus services, Capacity constraint issues, through productivity improvements. (3/21)107 Mining Co., Dubuque, The Apartment Ltd., 555 JFK Rd., Liq. Llc.; Cig. Per. (2/7)(6/6) 30,238 Mississippi Mug, Mary Loney Bichell, 373 Bluff St., Liquor Lic.(4/18) 157 Mississippi Mug, Valerie Sue Hogan, 373 Bluff, Liquor Lic. (9/6) 336 Mississippi River Bridge, new, U.S. 20, purchase of ROW by IDOT. (3/7) 61 Mississippi River Museum (National), Dbq County Historical Society, Liquor Lic. (9/6) 336 Mississippi River Museum, EDI Special Purpose grant — HUD. (10/3) 366 Mississippi Riverwalk Electrical Service, add'I 100 amp electrical service.(1/3) 4 Mississippi Valley Promise Board, Jane Steele letter. (3/7) 57 Mississippi Valley Promise, Leisure Services offering limited assistance to help the organization get off the ground. (4/18) 155 Mississippi, Greenwood, Sister City clarifying their post -Katrina needs. (9/6) 345 Mississippi River Museum, National, Letter of Support of LEED certification.(9/6) 333 Missman Stanley & Associates, update GIS Information System maps — Water Dist. (2/7) 26 Mobile Home Park area rezoning requested, 2635/2641 University. (6/20) 256 Moldenhauer, Kerin, Claim, referred to Ins. (12/19) 427 Molly's Pub, Dempsey's, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Molo Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 9"' & Central, Beer Per. (12/19) 434 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Car Wash, 1875 JFK, Beer Per. (11/21) 411 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK, Beer Per. (2/21) 41 Molo Oil Co., Puff n Snuff, 1101 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (10/3) 37 Moment of Silence for Tsunami victims. (1/3) 1 Monitoring Burglar & Fire Alarms, no longer monitored by Emergency Comm. Ctr.(7/18) 293 Moo Java, Inc., Loretta Thompson, expresso drive-thru behind Dbq Discount Gas, by Wal-Mart; objections — request for Traffic Study; approved. (10/3)(10/17) 376,390 Moore, Sandra, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; appointed. (8/15)(9/6) 319,337 Moose Lodge #355, check to City for Hurricane Katrina relief — Dbq's Sister City. (11/7) 396 Moose Lodge, permanent transfer of liquor license 2635 Windsor; Liquor Lic. (3/7)(4/18) 60,157 Moracco, The, 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (12/5) 422 Morrison, Patricia, claim. (1/3) 1 Mosiman, Steve, objecting to condos on Kelly's Bluff — wants a park. (12/19) 437 Motor City - Plaza Drive No. 3 Lot 2, rezoning extension of Plaza Drive, Motor City. (3/21) 99,100 Motor Trucks over 10,000 lbs. prohibited from Ice Harbor Rd. to Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 70 Movies — filming, approval Superfine/ Inc. Jackson Films to film documentary. (7/5) 270 Moxon, Ron, Lighthouse Baptist Church, 1690 Elm. rezoning of 1798 Washington. (5/16) 214 Mozena, Angela, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Mozena, Dr. Darryl, positive @ A.J. Spiegel and his condo project at 600 Mazzuchelli. (12/19)436 Mozena, Terry, objecting to Kelly's Bluff condo project of A.J. Spiegel. (12/19) 437 MSA Professional Services, engineering & design services W. 32nd St. Detention Basin. (2/7)34 Mueller, Grace, oppose Granger Creek connection fee. (8/1) 304 Mueller, Ray, Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Extension Connection Fee. (8/1) 304 Mulgrew Oil Co., 16`" St. Auto Truck, 1215 E. 16th St., Beer Permit. (4/4) 142 Mulgrew Oil Co., AMOCO Food Shop, 1450 Loras Blvd., Beer Per. (7/18) 287 Mulgrew, Michael J., agreement for alley near 1144 Rosedale. (9/6) 326 57 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE M Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction, Asbury Rd to Hillcrest; accept project. Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction, Asbury Rd to Hillcrest; accept project. (4/18)(5/16)(12/5) 161,162,223,224,417 Multi -cultural Center, Dbq County Extension, cp2 funds. (6/6) 232 Multicultural Center, Dubuque County Extension Cp2 Grant. (11/7) 399 Municipal Communication Utility Feasibility Study — contract with Vernon Research Group; results; meeting clarifying questions/answers. (5/16)(9/6)(9/12) 227,335,349 Municipal Communications Utility placed on Ballot for General Election; requesting support of City for ballot question; outcome — Abstract of Votes. (8/15)(9/6)(12/5) 323,340,419 Municipal Communications Utility, letter to legislators © taxation of same. (3/21) 86 Municipal Communications Utility, approve issuance of RFP's. (3/21) 107 Municipal Fire and Emergency Services Response & Deployment Study. (11/21) 410 Municipal Housing Agency — Governing Board minutes, Proof. (4/4) 109 Municipal Parking Garage Restoration Project. (10/17) 386 Municipalities - Maintenance of primary roads in cities, IDOT Supplemental Agree. (11/7)396 Murph's Southend Tap, Pam Murphy, 55 Locust St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Murphy Family Enterprises, accept deed for ROW for roadway near US 20 Bridge. (12/5) 419 Murphy Park, Agreement for holiday light display with Hillcrest. (9/6) 330 Murphy, Pam, Murph's Southend Tap, 55 Locust, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Murphy, Robert, Atty, objecting to condo development on Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 437 Muscatine Street & National Street intersection, no change. (6/20) 263 Muscatine Street & Putnam Street Stop Signs. (2/7) 34 Museum — Mississippi River & Aquarium, Highway Destination Signs Pro. (2/21) 40 Museum - Mississippi River Museum (National), Dbq County Historical Soc. Liquor Lic. (9/6)336 Museum - Mississippi River Museum, EDI Special Purpose grant — HUD. (10/3) 366 Museum - Mississsippi River Museum, National, Letter of Support of Nat'l Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium LEED certification.(9/6) 333 Museum Event — McDonald Family Tribute. (7/5) 278 Museum of Art, Dbq., requested funding by Arts Comm.; grant approval. (5/16)(10/17) ..227,390 Music lessons for children, Uptown Recreation Program, NE Iowa School of Music. (6/6)233 Music n More Promotions — Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permit. (4/18) 157 Music n More Promotions, 3rd St. Ice Harbor, Beer Permit. (7/18) 287 Music, NE Iowa School, Grant agreement, lessons for children, Uptown Rec. Program. (6/6)233 Musical Cabaret Project, Fly By Night Productions, thanking Arts Comm. for funding.(7/18) 282 Mussehl, Kelly, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Mutual Aid Compact, (Iowa), IMAC, agreement for resources during disasters. (1/3) 2 Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement, 28E, with County etc. (11/21) 410 58 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE N N. Cascade Rd., 11775, John Steger's — to IA DNR, re: fill activities nearby. (2/21) 38 N. Cascade Rd., final plat of Woodland Estates No. 3. (4/18) 152 N. Cascade Rd., final plat, Key City Properties No. 2. (10/17) 383 N. Grandview Ave. Delhi & University area, vacate & purchase by Finley & Hartigs. (7/5) 27 N. Grandview Ave. South of University Vacate a portion, Grandview University LLC and Finley Hospital. (10/3)(10/3) 271, 370,371,372,373 N. Grandview Estates - Development Agreement — R. Henkel & S. Williams. (4/4) 110 N. Grandview Estates, Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Project.(9/6)(10/3) 336,337,376 NAACP - Humanitarian Award — Kelly Larson, Human Rights Director, rec'd Ruby Sutton Humanitarian Award. (11/21) 411 Nadeau, Evelyn, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; appointed. (6/20)(7/5) 255,275,276 Nadermann, Jim &Connie in support of Spiegel, A.J. & Stout, River Pointe project — condos on top of bluff — 600 Mazzuchelli. (10/17)(11/21) 387,409 Nagle, Jeff, 255 Kelly's Bluff, oppose Kelly's Bluff Condos project. (12/19) 437 Name change of Water Works Park to A.Y. McDonald Park. (9/6) 341 Naming opportunities at Grand River Center & other City property. (9/6) 343 Nash Finch Co., Econo Foods #471, 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per. ; Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/7)(6/6) 29,30,238 National and Burlington Streets intersection, Stop Signs. (6/20) 263 National and Muscatine Streets intersection, no changes (stop sign). (6/20) 263 National Electrical Code, 2005, adopted. (12/5) 423 National League of Cities, Council Member Nicholson & altemate Michalski appointed. (9/6)345 National League of Cities, Council Members attending. (12/5) 425 National League of Cities, report by Council Member Michalski. (12/19) 446 National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, Highway Destination Signs. (2/21) 40 National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, 350 E. Third, 1 Day Liq. Lic. (7/18)(9/6) 288,336 National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, Letter of Support LEED certification.(9/6).333 National Park Service — Grant for Shot Tower. (9/6) 331 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit Process — ESAC role. (4/18) 156 National Register of Historic Places Nomination — Dbq Casket Co. 1798 Washington.(10/3)368 National Register of Historic Places, nomination of Upper Main St. (2/7)(3/7) 25,58 National Trust Advisor nomination of Planning Services Mgr Laura Carstens for National Trust for Historic Preservation. (3/21) 107 National Trust for Historic Preservation Award to Council by L. Carstens. (3/7) 56 National Trust for Historic Preservation's Trustees' Award, Organizational Excellence. (2/21)39 Natural Resources Water Compliance Report—Airport. (3/21) 85 Nauman, Chuck & Maxine Roussel, rezoning of 4616 Asbury Rd. (2/21)(3/7)(6/20)... 47,67,68,261 Nauman, Chuck, re: ARC Design — Sam's Club rezoning. (12/19) 439 Naval - Military — U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Twenty -Five Command Coin, presented to Council by Navy Seabee BU1 Brant Schueller. (12/5) 417 NCR Developers — Martin McNamer, rezoning of property on Manson Rd. (10/17) 387 Negotiations for Renewal Proposal — Mediacom Cable TV Franchise.(1/17) 18 Neighbor's Tap, 1899 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Neighborhood Resource Center in new Prescott School, 28E Agree. (11/21) 409 Nelson, Tara, in support of Janice Craddieth for ZBA Bd. (3/7) 63 Nelson, Tara & Matt Cornwall received CommUnity Award at Diversity Conf. (6/20) 264 Nesson, Rev. Dr. Craig, of Wartburg, Gave Invocation. (10/3) 365 Network Analyst— lead Applications, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Neustadt, Harry, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Neuwoehner, Scott, Bricktown Sidewalk Cafe request. (6/6) 246 59 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE N Newman, James, add'I funds for his property — University Ave. Ext Project. (3/21) 87 Neyens, Steve & Leslie, claim; settlement. (10/3)(10/17) 365,380 NICC — Northeast Iowa Community College, contract EMS Training Ride -Along. (7/5) 268 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, Council rep Iowa League of Cities Conference in Dubuque in 2009. (1/17) 19 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, praised Hempstead's Godspell production. (3/21) 108 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, re: sidewalk financial aid clarification. (7/18) 295 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, nominated President Elect of Iowa League of Cities.(8/1)312 Nicholson, Council Member, resigned from Airport Commission. (8/1) 299,300 Nicholson, Council Member, voting delegate to IA League of Cities. (9/6) 345 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, praised by Council Member Markham for bringing to City's attention the plight of Greenwood, MS — Hurricane Katrina damage etc. (10/3) 378 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, presented plaque for his time on City Council. (12/19) 427 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, received 5,063 votes — lost his At Large Seat of City Council to Ric Jones. (12/5) 419 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, at National League of Cities Meeting. (12/5) 425 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, thanked by Bud Isenhart for City Council work. (12/19) 446 Nicholson, Council Member, request Brewery Neighbor. Cons. Dis. To be on Agenda. (12/19)444 Nielson, Tom, re: Grandstand under the Stars. (4/18) 152 NNW, Inc. as consultant for White Water Creek Bridge relocation — bike/hike trail in Bergfeld Recreation Area. (11/7) 399 No Parking in alley behind Courthouse, 700 block between Central & White. (2/21) 50 NOAA Weather Radio Grant, distribution plan.(1/3) 3 Non -motorized Vehicle Ordinance for use in downtown Dubuque. (4/4) 148,149 Noonan's Tap, Mary Lou Kamp, 1618 Garfield, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 North Cascade Road, Marty McNamer, Timber-Hyrst Estates, street size & parking. (12/19).. 444 North Westbrook Drive, prohibition of parking- Westbrook Subd., Callahan's. (1/3) 6 Northeast Iowa School of Music, grant agreement, lessons — Uptown Rec Program. (6/6).... 233 Northend Wrecking zoning enforcement issues update & Atty Bitter letter; Richard Koob letter. (6/6)(6/20) 246,250 Norton, Pat, Durrant Group, Inc. Cedar Lake Plaza Site Plan Review — Vision Health Center. (11/21) 414 Notice to property owners, revised, for Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Extension. (10/3) 369 November 2004 Proof of Claims & Revenues. (1/3) 1 November 2004, Printed Council Proceedings, approved.(1/17) 11 November 2005, Election of Council Members & Mayor — resignation of 2nd Ward Buol. (7/18)295 Nowata St Reconstruction Project; performance bonds. (7/5)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)272,273,306,317,336 Nurses Week Proclamation. (5/2) 167 Nursing program - University of Dubuque & City, Memo of Agreement—clinical site usage for UD's nursing program. (7/18) 282 Nussle, Congressman Jim, urged funding for CSBG Fund. (3/21)(6/6) 85,231 Nussle, Congressman Jim, re: Health Care Funding needs. (11/7) 400 NW Arterial — IA 32, Application funds IDOT, Heritage Trail Ext. Hike/Bike Trail Proj. (10/3) 365 NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., Sam's Club Development, rezoning. (12/5)(12/19) 423,439 NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Construction Pro. (12/19) 428 NW Arterial, Asbury Road Widening Proj., finalize project; amended project. (6/6)(7/5) .234,269 NW Arterial, overpass discussion, walkway for students to new middle school. (2/7) 23 NW Arterial, traffic signalization, discussion at budget hearing. (2/22) 52 Nye, Ken, request investigation of his SS funds. (5/16) 229 Nye, Ken, requesting Veteran's name from the Packing Co. for Hormel Museum. (2/21) 51 60 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE O O'Hara, J & P, Happy Joe's Ice Cream & Pizza Parlor, 855 Century, Beer Per. (10/17) 385 O'Kelly's, Carlos, Miller Riverview Park, Beer Per.; 1355 Associates, Liq. Lic. (9/6)(10/3)336,370 O'Malley, Sean, applicant for Mechanical Code Bd. (5/16) 214 O'Toole, Joan, Zoning — 4755/4855 Old Highway Rd. — from R3 to C3 — J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Madeline & Albert Kotz. (12/19) 435 O'Toole, Mary Clare, reappointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm. (10/3) 370 October 2005 Claims & Revenues, Proof. (12/19) 427 Oky Doky #8, Hill St. Plaza, Inc., 535 Hill St., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2/7)(6/6) 29,238 Oky Doky #1, 250 W. 1"' St., TFM Co., Beer Permit; Wine Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/18)(6/6)157,238 Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 32nd St., TFM Co. Beer Permit, Wine Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/18)(6/6).. 157,238 Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kerper Blvd., TFM Co., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa, TFM Co., Cigarette Per.; Wine Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(8/15) 238,318 Oky Doky #14, K -Chap Foods, Inc., 1050 University, Cigarette Per. & Beer Per. (7/5) 270 Old Highway Rd., 4755/4855 , R3 to C3 J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Madeline & Albert Kotz. (12/19) 435 Old Main Historic District - Dubuque Main St. Ltd. Historic Pres. Comm. fund sidewalk assessments in Old Main Historic Dis. (3/7) 69 Olive Garden Rest., 3350 :Dodge, GMRI Inc., Liquor Lic. (4/4) 142 Oliver, David, applicant for Community Development Comm.; reappointed. (2/7)(2/21) 31,47 Olson, Chris & Tim, 1090 Grove Terrace, for adding sexual orientation to Human Rights. (1/3) 1 Olson, Chris, Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn. — request historic funds to install historic lighting and bury utility lines along Grove Terrace & Lower Grove Terrace. (3/7) 69 Olympic Heights area development, comments by Robin Kennicker. (7/5) 267 Olympic Heights Road, objection by Paul Uhlrich as to its narrowness. (6/20) 258 One Flight Up, 44-48 Main St, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (10/3)(11/7) 370,400 Ooh La La, Creative Touch Gallery, 3460 Hillcrest, Wine Permit. (6/6) 239 Open Meetings Law, letter to legislator Pam Jochum encourage No vote. (3/7)(3/21) 57,86 Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program, FY 2006. (2/7) 30,31 Operating Engineer's Union, Petition for amendment re: Account Clerk I. (5/2) 168 Operating Engineer's Union, Petition, amend barg. unit exclude certain classifications. (4/4)110 Operating Engineers Union, Petition for amendment to include position of Lab Tech 1. (6/6)234 Operating Engineers Union, Agreement with City; amendment. (6/20)(9/6) 251,330 Operation: New View appointments of Council Member Cline and Connors and City Manager's rep Janet Walker. (1/3) 10 Operation: New View, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 236 Operation: New View, update on their various programs and need for funding. (3/2) 55 Operations and Maintenance former Garage at 925 Kerper, Redevelopment, RFP's. (11/7). 403 Opportunity Dubuque request Res. of Support for communications utility option. (8/15) 322 Ordinances — Zoning & Subdivision Update, Lane Kendig as consultant; Work Sessions, Updates. (2/21)(5/16)(6/20)(7/5) 41,229,264,278 Oriental Food and Gift, Lien Oriental American, 115 W. 11th St., Beer Per. (4/18) 157 Oswald, Lou, objecting to 243 Valley rezoning. (11/21) 412 Oswald, Lou, received 1,630 votes for 2nd Ward Council, did not win. (12/5) 419 Oswald, Lou, resigned from Human Rights Comm.; appointed to Long Range Planning Comm. (10/17)(11/21) 385,412 Overpass over NW Arterial, request by Denlinger's — near new school. (2/7) 23 Overpass, Decorative Railing, Third Street Overpass; awarded to Tricon. (8/1)(9/6) 302,339 61 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 1-05 Amend Code Section 32-262(d) prohibit Parking portions of North Westbrook Drive, South Westbrook Drive, Trails Edge Drive and Pebble Creek Drive. (1/3) 6 2-05 Amend Code: repeal Chapter 19 Fire Prevention & Protection & adopting new. (1/3) 6,7 3-05 Amend Code modify Subs (b) of Sec 32-214 Stop Signs Muscatine & Putnam St. (2/7)34 4-05 Amend Code Zoning, Add Drug Stores, Permitted Use ID Institutional District. (2/21) 48 5-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning, amend Ord. 35-93 & 59-00, Amend Conceptual Develop. Plan, Finley Hospital, SE Corner University & Grandview & SW Corner of 5th & College Streets, R2 to ID. (2/21) 49,50 6-05 Amend Code Section 32-262(d) Prohibit Parking, adding Alley, Central to White St, Seventh St. to Eighth St. (2/21) 50,51 7-05 Amend Code, add new Subsection 32-231(d) Adopt Scheduled Fines in IA Code for Speeding Violations. (3/7) 68 8-05 Amend Code modify Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 — change in Street name designations, Stop Signs at Fourth St (Now Ice Harbor Dr) and Sixth St (Now Fifth St) and Adams St & Fourth St. (Now Ice Harbor Drive). (3/7) 69 9-05 Amend Section 32-163.1 Prohibit Motor Trucks for Gross Weight Limit Exceeding 10,000 lbs, traveling on Ice Harbor Road to Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 70 10-05 Amend Section 32-262(d) of Code, parking, deleting portions of Bell St. & Fifth St. (3/7)70 11-05 Amend Section 32-262(d) of Code prohibiting parking on streets to acknowledge change in Street Name Designation, Fourth St. to Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 70,71 12-05 Amend Code Section 44-20(a) Fixing Water Rates for Residential, Commercial, Industrial & all other uses. (3/8) 75,76 13-05 Amend Code Section 44-202 Fixing Water Rates for Fire Sprinkler Service. (3/8) 76 14-05 Amend Code Section 44-83(a)(2) and 44-83(*a)(3)g Establishing Basic Sewer Rates for Residential and Commercial Users by Increasing the Rates. (3/8) 76,77 15-05 Amend Code Section 40-34 Placement for Containers for Collection by Adding a new Paragraph (`e) providing for Fee Schedule for the removal of Solid Waste. (3/8) 77 16-05 Amend Code Section 40-37 Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) Establish Charges Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste Materials. (3/8) 78,79 17-05 Amend Code Section 40-39 Paragraph (d) Establish Charges for Collection & Disposal of Yard Waste Materials. (3/8) 79,80 18-05 Amend Section 32-314 City Code, Meters, Time & Fee Schedule for Specific Lots. (3/8)80 19-05 Amend Code Sec 44-274(d) Rate, Charges; Utility Revenues Storm Water Utility. (3/8).. 81 20-05 Amend Code Section 2-21 Compensation of Mayor & Council Members. (3/8) 81,82 21-05 Amend Appendix A, Zoning, reclassify 440 Loras, R4 to OR, Angela Koppes. (3/21)91,92 22-05 Amend Appendix A, Zoning, reclassify E. 16th St. — old Dbq Packing Co. , HI to PUD for Wayne Briggs/Platinum Development. (3/21) 92,93 23-05 Amend Appendix A, Zoning, University of Dubuque — UD, amend Conceptual Development Plan to allow construction of New Myers Academic and Administration Building. (3/21)96,97 24-05 Amend Appendix A, Zoning, approve amended Conceptual Development Plan allow addition to Goldthorp Science Hall UD ID Institutional District. (3/21) 98,99 25-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ord. rezone land by Future Extension of Plaza Dr. , AG to PUD with PC & Adopt Amended Conceptual Develop Plan & Conditions Motor City. (3/21)100-103 26-05 Amend Code, Ch. 46, Vehicles for Hire & Public Transportation, New Article I, Public Transportation by non -motorized vehicles, licensing & operation of non -motorized vehicles (Pedicabs etc.) (4/4) 148,149,150 27-05 Amend Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for addition of a Stop Sign on Geraldine Drive at Valentine Dr. (4/18) 165 62 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 28-05 Approve Cable Franchise Agreement, City & MCC Iowa LLC Granting NonExclusive Franchise to MCC Iowa, LLC to construct, operate, maintain, update and reconstruct a Cable Television System. (5/2) 176 29-05 Amend Code Adopt New Ordinance to Regulate the Conditions required and manner of use of the Public Rights -of -Way. (5/2) 176-200 30-05 Amend Appendix A—Zoning —amend Ord. No. 8-98 re: regulations for property south of 1087 Cedar Cross Road as a PUD Development with a PC Planned Commercial District Designation and Adopting a Revised Conceptual Development Plan, with conditions. (5/2) 204-206 31-05 Amend Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 provide for Stop Signs on Sunnyslope Drive at Camelot Drive & Hummingbird Drive. (5/2) 206,207 32-05 Amend Appendix A — Zoning reclassify 1798 Washington , LI to OR. (5116) 215 33-05 Amend Appendix A—Zoning reclassify 2155 Rockdale Road , C-1 Neighborhood Comm. Dis. & OS Officer Service Dis. To R3 Moderate Density Multi -Family Residential Dis. (5/16)216 34-05 Amend Appendix A — Zoning reclassify property N & S of Chavenelle Road , AG to PUD with PI and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan, with Conditions. (5/16) 216-223 35-05 Amend Appendix A — Zoning reclassify property located at 2025 Radford Rd , R1 Single Family to OC Officer Commercial Dis. (5/16) 223 36-05 Repeal City Code Ordinances Section 11-83 (Ord. No. 84-04) Exterior Storage Containers Prohibited. (5/16) 227 37-05 Amend Section 32-262(d) Code prohibiting Parking, add part of Cedar Cross Rd. (5/16)228 38-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning, rezone 601 Garfield , R3 - OR Scott Potter- Davis Pl. (6/20)256 39-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify property at 1501 W. 32nd St. , AG to R1. (6/20) 258 40-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify 4310 Asbury Rd., AG to C3— Conlons. (6/20) 258 41-05 Amend Appendix A, Zoning reclassify 2011 & 2015 Radford Rd., R1 to OC. (6/20) 259 42-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify 4616 Asbury Rd. , AG to C3. (6/20) 261 43-05 Amend Ch. 41 Streets, Sidewalks & Other Places of City Code. (6/20) 263 44-05 Amend Code Subs (b) of Sec 32-214 Stop Sign, National & Burlington St.(6/20).. 263,264 45-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify property 300 Block of Wartburg Place , R1 to PUD, PR Designation & amend Ord. 23-96 adopt Conceptual Develop. Plan with Conditions, Links Glen Residential Development. (7/18) 290,291 46-05 Establish Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees to Granger Creek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer Extension. (8/1) 304,305 47-05 Amend Code Sec. 45-52 Weed Ordinance Notice to Owner to Remove & Sec. 45-54 Collection of Cost & Removal by City. (8/1) 310 48-05 Amend Section 32-262(d) of Code Prohibiting Parking by deleting portions of Ninth Street & Twelfth Street. (8/1) 311 49-05 Amend Section 32-262(f) of Code prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets Thereof by deleting a Portion of Main Street. (8/1) 311 50-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify NE Corner of US Hwy 20 & Wacker Dr. to amend Ord. No. 40-89, PUD District, Wacker Plaza & Amend Section E. — Sign regulations.(8/15)320 51-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify NW Corner of Asbury Rd. & NW Arterial to Amend. Ord. No. 44-99. PUD, Asbury PI., amend Building Heights Restriction for Out Lots.(8/15)321 52-05 Amend Code by modifying Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 providing for addition of Drop Off Parking on Sixth St., SouthSide, , Locust St. to alley west of Main St.(9/6) 344 53-05 Amend Code by modifying subsection (b) of Section 32-214, addition of Stop Signs on Marywood Dr., South Intersection and Crissy Dr.(9/6) 344,345 54-05 Amend Code by modifying subsection (b) of Section 32-216 re: Deletion of Yield Signs at Intersection of Marywood Dr. & Crissy Dr. (9/6) 345 55-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning, reclassify 2080 Elm, R2A to OR — Single Residency Occupancy usage building — Michelle Mihalakis. (9/19) 360 63 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 56-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning rezoning West of Manson Road , AG to R1. (10/17) 388 57-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning rezone 55 W. 32nd St. , R1 to HI. (10/17) 389 58-05 Amend Code Ch. 32, Article VIII, Division 7 Residential Parking Permit Program Adding New Section 389.5 — Special Parking Permit for Home Health Care Providers. (10/17) 391 59-05 Amend Code, Chapter 1, Article II, Civil Penalty, Add new Section 1-18 Allow City to issue Notice of Violation for Municipal Infractions.(10/17) 391,392 60-05 Amend Code Two Hour Parking portions of Roosevelt Street Extension. (10/17) 392 61-05 Amend Code Section 33-21 Parade, Assembly Permit Required. (11/7) 404 62-05 Amend Chapter 42 (Subdivision Regs) of Code re: Section 42-24(a) Improvement Guarantees, requiring the Subdivision Owner to Provide Performance and Maintenance Guarantees for Public Improvements. (11/21) 413 63-05 Amend Code Chapter 11 (Building Regulations): Section 11-3 Permit Issuance Prohibited & Amend Section 11-4(a), Brewery Neighborhood Conservation Dis. (11/21) 414,415 64-05 Amend Code Section 18-1 Electrical Code — Permits & Fees. (12/5) 423 65-05 Amend Code Section 4-46 Airport Commission Members. (12/5) 424 66=05 Amend Code Section 2-22 Meetings, City Council — Date Establishing. (12/5) 424 67-05 Amend Code Sec 2-86 Emergency Succession Mayor & Council Members. (12/5) 424,425 68-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassify 4755 & 4855 Old Highway Road & Parcel #10-29- 451-008, R3 to C3 (J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Albert & Madeline Kotz). (12/19)435,436 69-05 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassify NE corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., C-3 to PUD with PC, adopt Conceptual Develop. Plan with Conditions for Sam's Club. — ARC Design — QHQ Properties (Dr. Quagliano). (12/19) 439-443 70-05 Amend Code delete portion of Iowa St., Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 for designation of Through Streets. (12/19) 444 71-05 Amend Code Modify Subsection (b) Section 32-214 adoption of Stop Signs, Iowa Street at West Fifteenth Street. (12/19) 445 72-05 Amend Code of Ordinances Subsection 36-54 Prohibiting Dogs in City Parks, authorize City Manager to allow Dogs on Mississippi Riverwalk for Special Events. (12/19) 445 64 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT P PAGE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(2/21)(4/4)(6/6)(7/18)(8/1)(10/3)(1117)(12/19) 22,38,109,231,280,297,365/,396,427 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(2/7) 1,22 P.S. I Love You, 730 Main, Class WBN Wine Lic. (10/17) 385 Pacholke, Rev. David, Chaplain of The Finley Hospital, Gave Invocation. (9/6) 325 Packing Co. Dubuque, workers who were veterans requested for listing at Hormel Museum. (2/21) 51 Packing Co., Old, 701 E. 16th St.. rezoning of property for Wayne Briggs & Platinum.(3/21)92 PACR, Ltd., Dubuque Family Restaurant, 2600 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (12/5) 422 Panchero's Mexican Grill, Central Coast Hospitality, Inc. 4840 Asbury, Beer Per. (8/1) 300 Papin, Mr., rezoning request for mobile home area of 2635/2641 University. (6/20) 256 Parade and Assembly Permits not needed for small groups. (11/7) 403,404 Park - Washington Court - Dubuque Casket Factory, funding & park update. (6/6) 235 Park and Recreation Comm., applicants: Tom Blocklinger, Evelyn Nadeau, Matthew Lundh, Richard Vorwald; reappointments of Tom Blocklinger & Kim Daykin & appointment of Evelyn Nadeau. (6/20)(7/5) 255,275,276 Park Development Project, Harvest View. (8/15) 315 Park Division FY 06 departmental budget hearing. (2/24) 53 Park Maintenance Roof Project acceptance. (8/15) 314 Park name change: Water Works Park to A.Y. McDonald Park; name changed. (8/1)(9/6)309,341 Park, A.Y. McDonald, Agreement with IDOT for Federal Grant for Trailhead facility. (10/17)384 Park, Comiskey, Skate Park, Perf. Bonds approved; project acceptance. (8/15)(11/21)...318,408 Park, Marshall, Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (9/6) 326 Parking & Dock Facilities Lease Agree., Peninsula Gaming Co., Second Amendment. (616)239 Parking at Water Works Park for Boats & Trailers, IA DNR Grant application. (2/7) 25 Parking Division — departmental budget hearing. (2/28) 54 Parking Division, request to put tickets in plastic wraps at Airport. (2/28) 54 Parking Facilities Financial Statements — CAFR Report.(1/17) 18 Parking Garage — Ramps, Locust & Iowa Street, Restoration Project. (10/17) 386,387 Parking Lot E of Diamond Jo & S of Grand Harbor, Port of Dubuque, cleanup site for Brownfields Redevelopment Project. (6/20) 252 Parking Lots - Meters — Time & Fee Schedule— FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 80 Parking Meters at 1170 Roosevelt St. — ARC, 2 Hour zone. (5/2) 167 Parking Meters downtown, Main, Ninth & 12th, adding parking there. (8/1) 310,311 Parking problems 2080 Elm Rezoning for Mihalakis, SRO. (8/15) 322 Parking Prohibited on Ice Harbor Drive. (3/7) 70 Parking prohibited on narrow part of Cedar Cross Rd.(5/16) 228 Parking prohibited on Ninth St., Main. St. (8/1) 311 Parking prohibition petition from businesses on Flinthill Dr. — no semi's. (9/6)( 334 Parking prohibition requested W side of Nevada St. for Lincoln School. (8/15) 316 Parking Ramp Restoration Project, award of contract to Brent Anderson. (12/19) 438 Parking Ramps, RFP's, Engrg Services Locust & Iowa St Parking Ramps; contract to Desman Asso. (6/6)(8/1) 236,298 Parking Restrictions for Westbrook Subd. - prohibition of parking. (1/3) 6 Parking Use Agreement Dbq Casino Hotel, Hilton Garden Inn, first amend. (5/2)(8/1) 167,299 Parking, Drop Off, on Sixth Street, - Ecumenical Towers area. (9/6) 344 Parking, No, alley behind Courthouse, between Central & White, 7 St. (2/21) 50 65 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE P Paro Food Mart, Sahajanand Entr., 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.; Tobacco Penalty settlement. (414)(6/6)(6/20) 142,238,252 Patton, David, ask Council for letter of support for schools to use drug dogs. (4/18) 164,165 Paul's Tavern, Tom Koch, Inc. 176 Locust, Liquor Lic.(6/6) 239 Pauline Co., Inc., Guardrail Replacement Program Pro. (12/19) 427 Pavement replacement costs for Excavations, permit fees changed. (3/8) 74 Paving, Drainage & Utilities project — Dbq Industrial Center West, Third Addn.(6/20) 260 Payment & Maintenance Bonds etc. approved for various projects. (8/15) 318 PCB's, equipment with PCB's to processing facility in Bickford, WI — pay $1000 for remediation costs. (11/7) 403 Pebble Creek Drive, of Westbrook Subd., parking restrictions. (1/3) 61 Peckosh, Deacon Paul, St. Raphael's Cathedral, gave Invocation. (8/15) 314 Pedestrian Safety Issue — Rockdale Road, R. Hansen of Table Mound comments. (3/21) 83 Pedicab — non motorized vehicles in downtown Dubuque, Ordinance regulating. (4/4) 148 Penalties for sale of tobacco products to minors — various businesses. (5/16)(8/15) 226,318 Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC, Extension of Sublease Agreement with DRA. (6/20) 251 Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC, intent to dispose of property by Lease Agreement- Ice Harbor, including future interest in Lot 2 of Adams Co. 2n' addition. (6/6)(6/20) 240,257 Peninsula Gaming Co., Lease Agreement, City, Second Amendment to Amended & Restated Lease — DRA. (6/20) 257 Pennsylvania Ave. — Radford Road Sidewalk Installation Pro.; Award to Skyline Construction; Acceptance; Final Assessments. (4/18)(5/16)(9/6)(10/3) 159,225,327,366 Pentamation computer system, upgrade. (4/4) 142 People's Nat Gas Superfund Site, US Environmental Protection Agency — update; second five year review completed. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 Peosta Channel Bridge over Kerper & 16`", bridge washing notice by IDOT. (1/3) 1 Pepper Sprouts, 378 Main St., Liquor Lic. (11/21) 412 Perf. & Mainten. Guarantees, Ord. New. Section 42-24(a) Subd Owner to provide. (11/21) 413 Performance Bond for MCC Iowa LLC - TV Cable Franchise Agreement. (8/1) 300 Performance Bonds approved for various projects. (8/15) 318 Performance Report, 2004-2005, discussion by Council, goal setting Work Session. (9/7)347 Performance, Payment & Maint., Bonds, Nowata & Rosedale Reconstruction Proj. (9/6) 336 Performance, Payment and Maintenance Bonds, Miller Riverview Electrical Service, Phase II & Great River Road Interpretive Signage Proj. (11/21) 411 Permit Fee & Pavement replacement costs for Excavations and Excavation Work. (3/8) 74 Permit fees & sidewalk notice, Dave Meyers letter. (9/19) 351 Permits not needed for small groups for parades and assemblies. (11/7) 403 Perry Construction, awarded contract for 2005 Curb Ramp Installation.(3/21) 104 Petition for Bargaining Unit Amendment — Account Clerk I inclusion. (5/2) 168 Petition for Bargaining Unit Amendment — include position of Lab Technician 1. (6/6) 234 Petition from businesses on Flinthill Dr. requesting no semi -parking. (9/6) 334 Petition objecting to Exterior Storage Container Ordinance. (5/16) 227 Petition response, Public Ice Skating at Five Flags times. (2/21) 41 Petition, Vacating Sanitary Sewer, request of Nathan Boyes, Emerald Acres No. 2. (6/20) 254 Pharmacies — Drug Stores, Zoning text amendment to allow in ID Institutional District. (2/21)48 Phase III, U.S. Highway 20 Improvements Project, University Ave. Extension. (4/18) 154 Phase V Architectural / Historical Survey / Evaluation — final report. (7/5) 268 Philadelphia Conference, Federal Reserve Bank, City Manager to speak.(11/21) 411 Philanthropy Day Proclamation. (11/7) 396 Pickel, Roger & Ann, purchase 966 Liberty SL, Clark's Sub 2. (2/21)(3/7) 42,63 66 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE P Pins, David, objecting to portion of Southern Ave being sold to Rowells. (11/7) 402 Planner, Assistant, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (9/6) 334 Planner, Associate, Long Range Planning in favor of. (3/8) 74 Planning Sessions, City Council Strategic, FY 07. (6/6) 246 Plant Operator, Water Pollution Control, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/18) 284 Plastic Center, Inc. Fischer Lanes, 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Plat of Survey, Yiannias Place No. 3, Lot 1 of 2 & Lot 2 of 2, on JFK Rd. (2/21) 38,39 Plat of Survey, Stierman Gardens in Dbq County. (6/20) 251 Plat of Survey, Ridgeway Park in County. (7/18) 282,283 Plat, final, Da!sing Place No. 3. in County. (3/21) 85 Plat, final, Lots 1-12, inclusive, Eleanor Ridge Subd. In Dbq. County. (5/16) 228 Plat, final, Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addn. (7/5) 268 Plat, final, Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, Asbury Plaza No. 14. (8/15) 316 Plat, final, Dbq Industrial Center West Fourth Addn. (8/15) 316 Plat, final, Key City Properties No. 2 — N. Cascade Rd. (10/17) 383,384 Plat, final, Seippel Road Commercial Park. (10/3) 376 Plat, final, Woodland Estates No. 3 — N. Cascade Rd.(4/18) 152 Plat, preliminary, approval, Furuseth's Sixth Subdivision in Dbq County — David Schneider & Les & Pat Furuseth; final plat approval.(4/18)(6/20) 164,262 Plat, Preliminary, Hillside Estates in County, for Dean Hoffman — River City Devel. (3/21) 107 Platinum Holdings, LLC, Grand Harbor Resort & Water Park. Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Platinum Services, Wayne Briggs, Hwy 151/61 Development, rezoning, 701 E. l6th. St. (3/21).91 Player's Sports Bar police report explanation. (8/15) 318 Playground on public property, legislation opposition re: inspections by State. (3/21) 86 Plaza 20 Amoco, A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; tobacco penalty settlement. (4/4)(6/6)(8/15) 142,238,318 Plaza 20 Amoco, R Future, Inc. 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Beer Permit. (11/21) 411 Plaza Drive No. 3 — Lot 2, rezoning along extension of Plaza Drive for Motor City. (3/21). 99, 100 Plunkett, Peggy, claim; referred to Ins. (12/19) 427 Point Restaurant, 2370 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Pole sign — amend Wacker Plaza PUD Sign Regulations for I.D. Associates — Aaron's. (8/15)320 Police calls: Bricktown, Cooper Mgmt Co. (8/1) 311,312 Police Department commended for wellness check of elderly. (1/3) 10 Police Department, in car video systems, Governor's Traffic Safety Grant. (2/7) 26 Police Department budget hearing, questioning of using canine unit (Dogs). (2/16) 37 Police Department — Remodeling Project accept: Stumpf Construction & All -Systems. (4/4) 109 Police Department — Collective Barg. Agreement- DPPA. (6/6) 236 Police Department — Community Oriented Police, 2004 Safe Schools Grant. (6/20) 251 Police Department — DARE contract with Schools. (10/3) 366 Police Department. — Records Supervisor individuals certified Civil Service Comm. (11/21)407 Police report @ Player's Sports Bar. (8/15) 318 Police, School Resource Officer for Schools; Agreement with Schools. (1/3)(1013) 1,2,366 Policy Guidelines, FY 2007, approved. (11/21) 416 Policy Guidelines, Historic District Public Improve. Prog. local landmark, Four Mounds. (2/7)34 Poling, Sarah & Roger, concerns: road near Born Ave.; Mgr. response.(4/4)(4/18) ...141,142,154 Pollard, Nicole, claim; referred to Ins. (1/3)(1/17) 1,11 Ponds, Wet, Two, - W. 32nd St. Detention Basin Design. (10/3) 378 Pools & spas Inspections, Interagency Agree. County Health Bd. (7/18) 282 Port of Dubuque - Parking Lot E of Diamond Jo & S of Grand Harbor Resort, review cleanup activities — Brownfields Redevelopment Proj.(6/20) 252 67 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT P PAGE Port of Dubuque — Ice Harbor Marina Project— Boating Infrastructure Grant. (10/3) 366 Port of Dubuque — Pyatigorsk Park Artwork. (11/21) 416 Port of Dubuque — Request for Proposals for Transient Boat Docks Feasibility Study. (1/17). 19 Port of Dubuque Alliant Energy Electrical Easement. (8/15)(9/6) 315,338 Port of Dubuque property — Stealth Race Cars, fair market value, Terrance & Linda Weidemann; Offer by City to purchase. (1/3)(3/21) 3,87 Port of Dubuque Recognition Wall Proj. Contracts/Bonds.(8/1)(9/6)(10/3) 303,304,340,369 Port of Dubuque, Adams Co. building, Economic Develop Amend. #2, demolish, reuse. (6/6)235 Port of Dubuque, Courthouse Dome, visibility center with Convention Center. (4/18) 156 Port of Dubuque, Deed of Sinclair Oil Property. (6/20) 250 Port of Dubuque, feasibility study Transient Boat Docks; Abonmarche Group. (1/17)(3/7).. 19,59 Port of Dubuque, hanging flower baskets approved for Riverwalk. (2/22) (3/8) 52,74 Port of Dubuque, land acquisition & cleanup, HUD, ECI Certificate of Completion.(7/18) 282 Port of Dubuque, Vision Iowa Grant Award Agreement — extension of time for projects. (3/7) 58 Port of Dubuque — change in street names for stop signs at Fourth St. — now Ice Harbor Dr. & Sixth St.- now Fifth St. and Adams St. & Fourth St. (now Ice Harbor Dr.). (3/7) 69 Portzen Construction awarded contract for Water Works Park Development, Ph. 1. (6/6) 242 Portzen Construction paid, plus incentive, Asbury Road Widening Project. (7/5) 269 Portzen Construction awarded contract for Rosedale Ave Reconstruction Pro. (8/15) 317 Portzen Construction, final of Arboretum Entrance Road Construction. (9/6) 329,330 Portzen, Michael E., not reapplying for Long Range Planning Comm. (7/5) 267 Post Office Building, 350 W. 6`", sale; Purchase App to GSA. (2/7)(3/7)(9/6) 35,68,343 Potatoe & Produce House, Iowa, Tobacco World, 2341 Hillcrest, Beer Per. Cig. Per.; Class C Beer Permit. (1/3)(3/21) 4,88 Potter, Lee, Sr., Lee's 76/West Locust Mart, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig Per. (2/21)(6/20)41,253 Potter, Scott, Davis Place, rezoning 601 Garfield; HOME Prog Funds, SRO. (6/20)(11/21)256,415 Power & Light, Interstate, City Dispose of Interest Electrical Easement in Port of Dbq. (8/15)319 Pratt, Michael W., reappointed to TV Cable Regulatory Comm. (2/7) 31 Precincts combined for school & City elections.(8/1) 309 Pregler, Walter A. relocation of Chaplain Schmitt memorial. (6/20)(7/5) 261,278 Pregler, Walter A., resign from Community Development Advisory Comm. (2/7) 22 Premier Bank, Loan Agreement , $200,000 G.O. Capital Loan Note — Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund. (2/7) 31 Prescott Elementary School, new, operation of Neighborhood Resource Center. (11/21) 409 Prescott School, new Downtown, nearby historic structures, options. (6/6) 246 Preservation Easement, Draft Preservation, for Dubuque Shot Tower. (6/20) 250 Prevatt, Victor & Loretta, of Maquoketa Dr., objecting to Granger Creek Sewer Conn. (8/1) 304 Prince St., 2311, purchase of Bee Branch Creek Restoration Pro. (9/6) 331 Printed Council Proceedings approved: (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(715)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11 /7)(11 /21)(12/5) 11,22,56,83,109,152,167,231,249,267,280,297,314,325,365,396,407,417 Printing and Mailing of Utility Bills by City, change in process. (4/4) 142 Priorities for 2005-2007, set out by Council. (9/8) 348 Priorities, Revised Federal —amended City. (1/3) 4 Procedure — Contract Change Order approval for public improvement contracts. (8/15) 323 Proceedings of Council Meetings, Printed, approved: (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2)(616)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11 /7)(11 /21)(12/5) 11, 22, 56, 83,109,152,167, 231, 249, 267, 280, 297, 314, 325, 365, 396, 407,417 Professional Services Floodplain Mapping, IIW Engineers; Dbq Ind. Center West. (11/7) 399 Prohibition of Parking on Cedar Cross Rd.(5/16) 228 68 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT P PAGE Project Concern, Inc. — Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Service Agree. (6/6) 236 Project Concern, Inc., Purchase of Service Agreement — Information & Referral & Child Care Referral. (6/6) 236 Project Engineer position, question by Council as to placement. (2/22) 52 Promise Board, Mississippi Valley, Jane Steele welcoming City Mgr. Van Milligen; Leisure Services assistance; Proclamation. (3/7)(4/18)(7/18) 57,155,280 Proof of Minutes of Governing Board of Municipal Housing Agency Proceedings. (4/4) 109 Proofs of publication of City Council Minutes. (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(512)(616)(6/20)(715)(7/18)(811)(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(11/21)(12/5) 11,22,56,83,109,152,167,231,249,267,280,297,314,325,365,396,407,417 Proofs of publication of Claims and Revenues: For November 04; December 04; January 05; February 05.; March 05; April 05; May 05; June, July 05; August 05; September and October, 05; (1/3)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(11/21)(12/19)1,38,56,83,231,249,407,280,407,427 Proofs of publication on Budget Estimate for FY 06 etc. (3/8) 73 Property purchase of 715 W. 32nd Street — for Detention Basin. (1/17) 13 Property acquisition Consultant RFP for Bee Branch Creek Restoration Pro.; consultant for Commercial Property acquisition. (8/15)(10/3) 315,367 Property Purchase at 685 W. 32ntl Street for Detention Basin. (4/4) 112 Property purchase of 503 Rhomberg from McStac for Bee Branch Creek Pro. (7/18) 286 Property purchase of 514 Lincoln Ave. for Bee Branch Creek Restoration Proj. (5/2) 168 Property purchase of 645 Gillespie St. for Detention Basin. (4/18) 153 Property purchase of 775 West 32ntl, Detention Basin acquisition.(8/1) 297 Property purchase request from Richard Hartig for Stewart St. (4/4) 142 Property Purchase, 2311 Prince, Bee Branch Property Acquisition. (9/6) 331 Property ROW purchased for US 20 Bridge by IDOT; (3/21) 104 Property ROW purchased, north portion of Glen Oak, for street improvements. (11/21) .409,410 Public improvement projects, City Manager authorized to execute ROW agreements etc. for those less than 510,000. (12/19) 433 Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, claims referred to them. (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(10/3)(11/7)(11 /21)(12/5) 1,11,22,56,83,152,167,231,297, 314,325,350,365,396„407,417 Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, settlement of Julie Heiderscheit, claimant. (12/5) 417 Public Health Week Proclamation. (4/4) 109 Public Improvement Contracts and Bonds, City Manager to approve. (8/1) 312 Public Improvement Contracts — Change Order Approval. (8/15) 323 Public Improvements — Perf. & Mainten. Guarantees, Ord. New. Section 42-24(a) — Owner of Subdivision to provide. (11/21) 413 Public Rights of Way, Special Events, new Policy. (8/15) 323 Public Safety Memorial Day (Police) Proclamation rec'd by Rev. Pacholke. (9/6) 325 Public Service Recognition Week Proclamation. (5/2) 167 Public transportation — pedicabs, ordinance authorizing. (4/4) 148 Public Works Dept — Operations & Maintenance, FY 06 Departmental Budget Hearing. (2/22) 52 Puccio, Tara, Claim; referred to Ins. (5/2) 167 Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil, 1101 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (10/3) 370 Pump Station Rehab — Cedar Street & Dog Track Wastewater. (8/15) 315 Pumping facilities, City's floodwall, Consultant for Design of Floodwall Improvement. (3/7)... 56 Purchase Agreement & Quit Claim Deed to IDOT for ROW for new bridge.(3/7)(3/21). 61,104,105 Purchase of property at 685 W. 32nd St. for Detention Basin. (4/4) 112 Purchase of property at 503 Rhomberg from McStac for Bee Branch. (7/18) 286 Purchase of property, purchase of 775 West 32"d, Detention Basin acquisition.(8/1) 297,298 69 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE P Purchase of Property, 2311 Prince, Bee Branch Property Acquisition. (9/6) 331 Purchase of property at 715 W. 32nd St. — for Detention Basin. (11/21) 13 Purchase of Services discussed for various organizations, City Budget. (3/2) 55 Purchase of Services - America's River Corp. (6/6) 237 Purchase of Services — Dubuque Main Street. (6/6) 237 Purchase of Services — Greater Dubuque Development Corp., GDDC. (6/6) 237 Purchase of Services — Helping Services of Northeast Iowa, Inc. (6/6) 237 Purchase of Services — Operation: New View. (6/6) 236 Purchase of Services — Project Concern, Foster Grandparents Prog. (6/6) 236 Purchase of Services — Project Concern, Information & Referral & Child Care Referral. (6/6) 236 Purchase of Services — RSVP — Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. (6/6) 236 Purchase of Services — St. Stephen's Food Bank, Deer Mgmt. (6/6) 236 Purchase of Services with Dubuque Area Lifetime Center. (6/6) 237 Purchase of Services with Helping Hands of NE Iowa. (6/6) 237 Pusateri's. 2400 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Putnam Street & Muscatine Street Stop Signs. (2/7) 34 Pyatigorsk Park Development Project; artwork. (6/6)(11/21) 243,416 70 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE Q QHQ Properties — Holliday Addn., accept improvements.. (2/7) 24 QHQ Properties, Arc Design Resources, 4310 Asbury, rezoning. (11/21)(12/5) 412,413,423 QHQ Properties, Embassy West No. 3- Samantha Dr. stormwater runoff problems(9/6) 341 QHQ Properties, Quagliano, Mr., sidewalk installation extension of time. (7/18) 293 Quagliano — QHQ Properties — Holliday Addn., accept improvements. (2/7) 24 Quagliano, Mr., rezoning 4616 Asbury, Roussel / Nauman property. (2/21)(3/7) 47,48,67,68 Quagliano, Mr., QHQ Properties, sidewalk installation extension of time. (7/18) 293 Quagliano, QHQ Properties, Arc Design Resources, 4310 Asbury, rezoning for Sam's Club (11/21)(12/19) 412,413,439 Quigley Gallery — Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic. (8/15) 318 71 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE R R Future, Inc., Plaza 20 BP/Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.(11/21) 411 Race Car property, Stealth, owned by Weidemann's in Port of Dubuque, market value.(1/3).... 3 Radford Rd., acceptance of Warranty Deed for ROW for right -turn movements. (6/6) 234 Radford Road — Pennsylvania Ave. Sidewalk Installation Pro.; award to Skyline Construction; acceptance; final assessments. (4/18)(5/16)(9/6)(10/3) 159,160,225,327,366,367 Radford Road, 2011/2015, rezoning for Patricia Scott. (6/20) 259 Radford Road, 2025, rezoning from R1 to OC — Don & Tanya Bycroft. (5/16) 223 Radio Dubuque congratulated on Fireworks Display.(7/5) 278 Radio Grant, NOAA Weather, certification letter with distribution plan. (1/3) 3 Rafters, 2728 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (3/7) 60 Railing, Decorative, Third Street Overpass Project; awarded to Tricon. (8/1)(9/6) 302,339 Railroad Real Estate Property Acquisition Agree. Chicago, Central & Pacific RR — Bell St. Extension. (12/19) 445 Rainbo Oil Co. Kwik Stop, 2360 Central, Beer Permits. (10/3) 370 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop C Store, 2335 University, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/18)(6/20)157,253 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 1401 Central, Cigarette Per & Beer Per.(6/20) 253 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2150 Twin Valley, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(8/15) 253,318 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per. (12/19) 434 Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W. 4'" St., Liquor Lic. (10/17) 385 Rainbow Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2390 Central Ave., Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 Rainbow Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(12/19) .253,434 Ramps, parking, departmental budget hearing & questions. (2/28) 54 Ramps, RFP Engrg Services, Locust & Iowa St.; contract award. (6/6)(811)(10/17).... 236,298,386 Rates for Basic Sanitary Sewer increased for residential & commercial. (3/8) 76 Rates for Collection & Disposal of Solid Waste Materials Increased. (3/8) 78 Rates for Stormwater Utility changed. (3/8) 81 Raysan corp., Bridge Restaurant, 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 RDG Planning & Design & Dick Kautz, IDOT, design of new bridge over Mississippi. (11/7) 395 Ready Mix Concrete, Flynn, conditional support for rezoning of 701 E. 16St. (3/21) 92 REAP Award Grant — IA 32 Bike/Hike Trail — Phase I. (11/7) 400 REAP Committee, FY 2006 County, Phase 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (8/1) 309 REAP Committee, Joyce Connors at Council Rep. (8/1) 309 REAP Grant Agreement for Ph. 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (12/5) 421 Recognition Center & Tri -States Veteran's Museum, Susan Dazey requesting.(10/3) 376 Recognition Wall Project, Port of Dubuque. (8/1)(9/6) 303,340 Records Supervisors- Police Dept., Civil Service certification of individuals. (11/21) 407 Recreation Division budget for FY 06, departmental hearing. (2/24) 53 Recycling Association, Iowa, named Paul Schultz as the "Recycler of the Year." 398 Redstone Inn & Suites, Settlement of Tax Assessment Appeal, Lazore's. (1/3) 4 Referendum — precincts combined for City & School elections. (8/1) 309 Referendum: establish Municipal Communications Utility for ballot of 11/8/05. (8/15)(9/6)323,340 Refuse - Garbage, Fee Schedule for removal — collection & disposal of Solid Waste. (3/8) 77,78 Refuse - Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts, Delinquent, to County Treasurer. (12/19)432 Rehabilitation Assistance to Washington Homeownership CIP use City for loans. (11/21)410 Rehabilitation of Shot Tower & Stabilization Project. contract. (6/6) 231 Rehabilitations, Cedar Street & Dog Track Wastewater Pump Station. (8/15) 315 Reimbursement, Iowa Individual Health Benefit, Assessment.(8/1) 298 Reiss, Elaine, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20) 242,256 Rejecting Bids for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Project & Re -Ordering bids.(8/15) 322 72 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE R Release of Funds & Environ. Notice — Washington Court Project — Dbq Casket Co. (3/7) 57 Release of Funds FY 2006 CDBG Program. (4/18) 155 Religious Center (Dbq), 923 Main, Wine Lic. (1/3) 5 Relocation of White Water Creek Bridge, RFPs for design services. (9/6) 331 Remediation costs paid by City — Bickford Transformer Processing Facility. (11/7) 403 Renewal of Mediacom Cable Television Franchise. (1/17) 18 Renovations, Exterior, Carnegie Stout Library. (2/21) 45 Rental Dwelling License Fees increased at Budget time. (3/8) 73 Report—Annual Human Rights Commission Report. (12/5) 420 Report—Annual Vision Iowa Report. (11/7) 399 Report—Comprehensive Annual Financial Report — CAFR. (1/17) 18 Report - HUD — Consolidated End of Year Review Program Year 2004 satisfactory. (12/19) .. 433 Report— Mediacom Annual. (4/4) 141 Report — Review - United States Environmental Protection Agency, update on Peoples Natural Gas Superfund Site; second five year review. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 Report — Substance Abuse Services Center Qtrly. (2/7) 22 Report - Tax Increment Financing Report, 2005. (12/19) 433 Report, 2004 Certified Local Government Annual Report— CLG. (8/15) 315 Report, City of Dubuque Annual. (7/18) 287 Report, FY 2006 Unified Work Prog & June 30, 2005 Comp Strategy Annual Report. (8/15)316 Report, Investment Oversight Advisory submitting Quarterly report.(8/15)(11/7) 314,39 Report, Investment, Quarterly. (12/31/04). (2/7)(8/1) 29,299 Request for Proposals, RFP's, Mediacom Franchise, Cable TV, MCCIOWA LLC. (1/17) 18 Request for Proposals, RFP's, Transient Boat Docks Feasibility Study. (1/17) 18,19 Request for Proposals, RFP's, consultant, feasibility City communications utility. (3/21) 107 Request for Proposals, RFP's, Engineering Services Locust & Iowa Ramps. (6/6) 236 Request for Proposals Engrg Services, Locust & Iowa Ramps; contract. (6/6)(8/1) 236,298 Request for Proposals, Property Acquisition Consultant Bee Branch Project. (8/15) 315 Request for Proposals, RFP's for Diversity Training for City Employees. (9/19) 351 Request for Proposals Fire & Emergency Services Response & Deployment. (11/21) 410 Request for Proposals, RFP's, Transit (Bus) Keyline Management. (12/5) 420 Request for Proposals, RFP's, Operations & Maint. Garage, 925 Kerper, redevelop. (11/7) 403 Residential properties, financial assistance for funding.(8/1) 310 Resignation of 2nd Ward Council Member Roy D. Buol on 7/18/06 to run for Mayor.(7/18) 295 Resource Officer, School, Agreement. (1/3) 1,2 Response & Deployment Study — Municipal Fire & Emergency Services. (11/21) 410 Responsible Gaming Education Week. (8/1) 297 Rest Room Project Marshall Park; Kluck Cons. accept. (2/21)(4/4)(12/5)(12/19)46,47,146,420,430 Rest Room, Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Project, accept. (6/20) 252 Restoration Project, Municipal Parking Garage Project. (10/17) 386,387 Retaining Wall, Heeb Street, Dean Konrardy letter. (6/20) 250 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 236 Revenues - Proofs of publication of Claims and Revenues: For November 04; December 04; January 05; February 05.; March 05; April 05; May 05; June, July 05; August 05; (1/3)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/15)(11/21) 1,38,56,83,231,249,407,280,314,407 Revised Federal Legislative Priorities, amended City. (1/3) 4 Revitalization Strategy — Washington Street Neighborhood. (1/17) 18 Rhomberg, 503, purchase from McStac Properties, for Bee Branch acquisition. (7/18) 288 Ribbon Cuttings, proposed dates. (11/7)(11/21) 404,416 73 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE R Ricke, Darryl T., claim; referred to Ins. (2/21) 38 Ride Along Training, Contract with NICC for Fire Dept. — EMS's training programs. (7/5) 268 Ridgeway Park, approval of plat of survey. (7/18) 282 Right of Way, Cable, Ordinance approving. (4/18) 168 RISE Agreement— Bergfeld Farm/Chavenelle Road Extension Project— IDOT.(1/3) 3 RISE Application amendment— updated, for IA 32 — SW Arterial. (10/3) 369 River (Great) Road Interpretive Signage Project. (7/18)(8/15) 288,322 River City Development Group, Hillside Estates — Prel. Plat. (3/21) 107 River City Paving, accept City's 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. (12/19) 429,430 River Museum, Dbq. Historical Soc. 350 E. Third, Liquor Lic. (7/18) 288 River Pointe Project — condos at 600 Mazzuchelli Place, rezoning for A.J. Spiegel etc.; Long Range stating not with Comp. Plan; Lengthy discussion of rezoning. (10/17)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 387,409,422,436 River View Plaza, 701 E. 16t" St., (old Dbq Pack), rezoning for W. Briggs & Platinum.(3/21) 92 Riverfest Special Event, Beer Per.; Special Event Insurance Grant. (8/15)(9/6) 318,333 Riverview — Miller, Park, Management Agreement with Pat Felderman. (2/21) 41 Riverwalk, Mississippi, hanging Flower baskets approved. (2/22)(3/8) 52,74 Riverwalk, Mississippi, Add'I electrical service. (1/3) 4 Riverwalk, request by Humane Soc. to waive No Dogs rule for "Strut Your Mutt." 445 RKM LLC, Ron's Discount Smokes, 1701 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Roads, Primary, maintenance, IDOT Supplement agreement. (11/7) 396 Roadway Maintenance Agreement, Winter, with City of Asbury. (12/5) 421 Robbins, Jeffrey W., claim; denial. (6/20)(7/5) 249,267 Robinson, Elmer J. (2/7) 22 Rockdale Rd. & Twin Valley Dr., Lease for Key City Moving. (11/7) 397 Rockdale Road, 2155, rezoning Triple J Land Co. & Marshallese House of Praise.(5/16) 215,216 Rockdale Road, re: Table Mound School & pedestrian safety concerns. (3/21) 83 Rokusek, Karen, Cousins Rd., object Hwy 20 rezoning Dbq. Met. Solid Waste Agency. (5/16)215 Roling-Danner, Mary Jo, Claim, settlement. (2/7) 22 Romagna, Jim, requesting he not install sidewalks at 988 June Dr. (9/6) 334 Romaine, Jon, of Area Residential Care, street parking at 1170 Roosevelt St. Ext. (5/2) 167 Ron's Discount Smokes, tobacco penalties; Cigarette Per. (5/16)(6/6) 226,238 Roof project, Park Maintenance, acceptance. (8/15) 314 Roosevelt School, Eleanor, ROW purchase for turn lane. (6/6) 234 Roosevelt Street Ext. 1170, Area Residential Care request street parking change. (5/2) 167 Rosedale Addition — northerly Glen Oak St, Warranty deeds to City for ROW. (11/21) 409 Rosedale Avenue Reconstruct Proj. bonds & contracts approved. (7/5)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6) 271,272,305,306,317,336 Rosedale Avenue, near 1144 Rosedale, Alley improvements, Agreement - M. Mulgrew (9/6) 326 Rotary Club of Dubuque, Hawthorne St. Park, Beer Per.; Alliant Amphitheater. (6/6)(6/20)239,253 Roush, Ben, resign from Zoning Adv. Comm. (8/15) 315 Roussel, Maxine & Chuck Nauman, rezoning of 4616 Asbury Rd. (2/21)(3/7)(6/20)47,48,67,68,261 Rousselot, sewer use agreement mentioned. (2/7) 27 ROW — rights of way, Resolution for City Mgr. to enter into agreements for acquisition, easements & agreements. (12/19) 433 ROW at Clarke College, approval of banners. (11/7) 400 ROW from Murphy Family Enterprises, for US 20 Bridge. (12/5) 419 ROW purchase, Rosedale Addn northerly Glen Oak St., deeds to City for ROW. (11/21) 409 Rowell, Allan L. & Constance J., Southern Ave. property to them. (10/17)(11/7) 386,402 Royal Oaks Develop, 600 Mazzuchelli rezoning bluffland for condos for A.J. Spiegel, (10/17)387 74 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE R RR - Railroad Real Estate Property Acquisition Agree with Chicago, Central & Pacific RR — Bell St. Extension. (12/19) 445 RSVP - Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 236 Rubinstein, Marco, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (8/1)(8/15) 304,319 Rubloff Development Group, Inc. — Asbury Plaza Phase I — accept improvements. (10/17).... 382 Ruden, Michael A., applicant for Zoning Bd of Adjustment; reappointed. (3/7)(3/21) 63,91 Ruden, Patricia A., claim. (7/5) 267 Ruff, Rose, claim; referred to Ins. (2/7)(2/21) 22,38 Rusk, David, resigning from Long Range Planning Comm. (6/6) 231 Rustic Hills Carriage Tours, Lease Agreement for former Dock Board building. (4/18) 154 Rutz, Bruce, Claim. (3/7) 56 Ryan House, Dbq Historical Society, 1375 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (1/3) 5 Ryan House, Isabella's at the Ryan House, Liquor Lic. (10/17) 385 75 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-05 Accept Improvement Fengler St. Bridge. (1/3) 2 2-05 Final Estimate Fengler St. Bridge (1/3) 2 3-05 Adopt Iowa Mutual Aid Compact. (1/3) 2,3 4-05 Establish FMV Stealth Race Car Property in Port of Dbq —K. Weidemann. (1/3) 3 5-05 Approve Agreement RISE Project Funds, IDOT, Connection Chavenelle Rd. through Dbq Ind. Center West 3r" Addn. (1/3) 3 6-05 Issuance of New Cigarette Permits — Indian Weavings, FOE — Eagles.(1/3) 4 7-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/3) 4.5 8-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses (1/3) 5 9-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs, Five Flags Center HVAC Pro. (1/3) 5 10-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. , Five Flags Center HVAC Pro. (1/3) 5 11-05 Order bids Five Flags Center HVAC Pro.(1/3) 5 12-05 Approve Agreement, City & Teamsters Local Union No. 421. (1/17) 12 13-05 Accept Improvement Samuel St. Concrete Section Repair & Overlay Pro. (1/17) 12 14-05 Final Estimate for the Samuel St. Concrete Section Repair & Overlay Pro. ('1/17) 12 15-05 Authorize Grant App. Historic Resource Develop, Shot Tower Archeological S. (1/17)13 16-05 Approve Acquisition of 715 W. 32"" St. — W. 32" St. Detention Basin Pro. (1/17) 13 17-05 Issuance of Cigarette Papers. (1/17) 14 18-05 Issuance Of Beer Permits. (1/17) 14 19-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (1/17) 14 20-05 Direct Republication Notice, Hearing Issuance $200,000 G.O.Capital Loan Note. (1/17)15 21-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Harvest View Park Devel. Pro. (1/17) 16 22-05 Award Contract Harvest View Park Pro. (1/17) 16 23-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro. (1/17) 16 24-05 Award contract 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro. (1/17) 16,17 25-05 With Respect to Adoption of Resolution of Necessity US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj. (1/17) 17 26-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext, Pro.(1/17) 17 27-05 Award contract for the US Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (1/17) 17 28-05 "" Need to find this one... & put in... 29-05 Approve Amended & Restated FY 05 (Prog. Year 2004) Annual Plan — Amendment 2 for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. (2/7) 23 30-05 Accept Improvement for the Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project.(2/7) 23 31-05 Final Estimate for the Chestnut St. Reconstruction Proj.(2/7) 24 32-05 Approve Prel. Schedule Final Assessments, Chestnut St. Reconstruction Prog. 2/7)24 33-05 Accept Improvements in Holliday Addn. (2/7) 24 34-05 Accept Conveyance of Lot B of Blk 8 in Mettel-Link Addn in Dubuque. (2/7) 24 35-05 Approve Consultant Agree. Earth Tech, Design Services IA Hwy 32 (SW Arterial). (2/7) 25 36-05 Authorize App. Water Rec. Access Grant, Boat Ramp & Park. Water Works Park. (2/7).25 37-05 Accept Improvement Eagle Point Water Plant Elevator & Doorways. (2/7) 26 38-05 Final Estimate Eagle Point Water Plant Elevator Project. (2/7) 26 39-05 Accept lmprovement for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Project. (2/7) 26,27 40-05 Final Estimate for Heron Pond Fishing Pier Proj. (2/7) 27 41-05 Adopt Final Assessments Madison Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (2/7) 27 42-05 Adopt Final Assessments 2004 Sidewalk Assessment Proj. Bd #3 & Bid #4. (2/7) 28,29 43-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/7) 29 44-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/7) 29,30 45-05 Set Public Hearing on Program Year 2005 (FY 2006) CDBG Annual Action Plan. (2/7) ...30 46-05 Set Date for Public Hearing on FY 2006 Budget for City. (2/7) 30 76 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 47-05 Set Date Public Hearing Five Year Capital Improve. Program FY 2006-2010. (2/7) 31 48-05 Ratify Prior Proceedings add'I action Loan Agree $200,000 Capital Loan Notes. (2/7)31,32 49-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Five Flags HVAC Pro. (2/7) 32 50-05 Award Contract Five Flags HVAC Pro. (2/7) 32 51-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (2/7) 32,33 52-05 Award contract Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (2/7) 33 53-05 Approve Plat of Survey, Lot 1 of 2 & Lot 2 of 2 of Yiannias Place No. 3. (2/21) 39 54-05 Approve Plat of Survey, Lot 1 & Lot A of Yuan Place in City. (2/21) 39 55-05 Approve Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications Urban Revite Areas.(2/21)40 56-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/21) 41 57-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/21) 41 58-05 Of Intent to Dispose City Interest Lot 1 Clark's Sub 2 in the City - 966 Liberty St. (2/21) 42 59-05 Fix Date for meeting, issuance $7,265,000 Bonds, Bergfeld property improve. (2/21)42,43 60-05 Fix Date for meeting $1,150,000 G.O. Bonds, redevelopment of Star Brewery. (2/21)43,44 61-05 Fix Date for meeting $1,750,000 G.O. Bonds, stormwater project FY 05 CIP. (2/21)... 44,45 62-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. CS Public Library Exterior Renovations. (2/21) 45,46 63-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Exterior Renovations to CS Public Library. (2/21)... 46 64-05 Order bids for Exterior Renovation to Carnegie Stout Public Library. (2/21) 46 65-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Marshall Park Rest Room Project. (2/21) 46 66-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Marshall Park Rest Room Construction Pro. (2/21) 46 67-05 Order bids for Marshall Park Rest Room Construction Pro. (2/21) 47 68-05 Application, IDOT, IA Clean Air Attainment (ICAAP) Funds Priority 1 (US 20 Devon to Menards) Traffic Signal ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) Improve. (3/7) 56,57 69-05 Authorize Publication combined Notice: Environment & Funds, Washington Court(3/7)57 70-05 Execute 2nd Amend Lease Agree. Historical Star Redevelop. Star Brewery Bldg.(3/7) .. 58 71-05 Approve amendment: Grant Award Agree. Vision Iowa, City & Cty Historical Soc.(3/7) . 59 72-05 Approve Abonmarche Group, Transient Boat Dock Feasibility Study, Port of Dbq. (3/7) 59 73-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/7) 60 74-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the University Ave. Reconstruction. (3/7) 60 75-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs for University Avenue Reconstruction — US 20 to University Ave. — Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Extension Proj. (3/7) 60 76-05 Prel. Approve Plans/Specs 2005 Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Project No. 1. (3/7)61 77-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Project No. 1. (3/7)61 78-05 Order bids for 2005 Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Project No. 1. (3/7) 61 79-05 Intent Dispose of Interest Land in Government Lot 3, Sec 30, T89N R3E 5th P.M. (3/7)61,62 80-05 Prel. App. Plans & Specs. Dbq Ind. Center W 3rd Addn. Contract A Mass Grading.(3/7) . 62 81-05 Date of Hearing Plans Dbq Ind. Center West 3rd Addn./Contract A Mass Grading. (3/7) .62 82-05 Order bids Dbq Industrial Center West 3rd Addn. Contract A Mass Grading Pro. (3/7)63 83-05 Dispose City Interest in Lot 1 Clark's Sub 2, 966 Liberty St. (3/7) 63 84-05 Instituting Proceedings to take Add'I Action for Issuance of Not to Exceed $7,265,000 G.O.Bonds —improvements to Bergfeld Farm area. (3/7) 64 85-05 Institute Proceedings 1,750,000 G.O.Bonds for Stormwater Projects. (3/7) 64,65 86-05 Direct Advertisement Sale of G.O. Bonds, Series 2005A & 2005B & 2005C, in aggregate principal amount of $9,015,000 and approving Electronic Bidding procedures. (3/7) 65,66 87-05 Proceedings Add'I action Issuance $1,150,000 Bonds Dbq Star Brewery Building(3/7)67 88-05 Adopt FY Year 2006 Operating Budget Assisted Housing Programs.(3/8) 72 89-05 Adopt City Fiscal Year 2006 Annual Budget. (3/8) 73 90-05 Approve Increase in Rental Dwelling License Fees. (3/8) 73 91-05 Establish Excavation Permit Fee & Pavement Replacement Costs. (3/8) 74 92-05 Adopt City of Dubuque Five Year Capital Improvement Program. (3/8) 74 77 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 93-05 Adopt Fiscal Year 2006 (Program Year 2005) CDBG Annual Plan. (318) 75 94-05 Adopt Five Year Street Construction Program FY Years 2006-2010. (3/8) 75 95-05 Adopt Final Assessments Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project. (3/21) 83-85 96-05 Approve Final Plat Lots 1-3 Dalsing Place No. 3 in County. (3121) 85,86 97-05 Accept Deed to Property in County from Elm Real Estate — Iowa Glass. (3/21) 87-88 98-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (3/21) 88 99-05 Issuance of Beer Permits (3/21) 88 100-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/21) 88,89 101-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs., Fiber Optic Conduit System Project Phase I. (3/21).89 102-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs., Fiber Optic Conduit System Proj. Ph. 1. (3/21) 89 103-05 Order bids for Fiber Optic Conduit System Pro, Ph. 1. (3/21) 89 104-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. — Five Flags Bleacher Replacement Pro. (3/21) 90 105-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Five Flags Bleacher Replacement Pro. (3/21) 90 106-05 Order bids for Five Flags Bleacher Replacement Pro. (3/21) 90 107-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Center Renovation.(3/21) 90,91 108-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Five Flags Center Renovation.(3121) 91 109-05 Order bids for Five Flags Ctr. Renovation Pro. (3/21) 91 110-05 Adopt Plans and Specs. Carnegie Stout Public Library Pro. (3/21) 103 111-05 Award Contract Carnegie Stout Public Library Pro. (3/21) 103,104 112-05 Adopt Plans & specs. for 2005 Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Proj. No. 1. (3/21) 104 113-05 Award Contract for 2005 Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Proj. No. 1. (3/21) 104 114-05 Dispose of Interest in Government Lot 3 Sec 30, T89N, R3E of 5t" P.M. (3/21) 104,105 115-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. University Ave Reconstruction (US 20 to University) Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Culvert Extension Pro. (3/21) 105 116-05 Award contract !DOT, University Ave Reconstruction Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Extension Pro. (3121) 105 117-05 Direct Sale $1,750,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A.(3/21) 106 118-05 Direct Sale $4,270,000 G.O.Bonds, Series 2005B. (3/21) 106 119-05 Direct Sale $2,995,000 G.O. Urban Renewal Bonds, Taxable Series 2005C.(3/21) 106,107 120-05 Accept Improve. Police Patrol Remodeling Project. (4/4) 109 121-05 Final Est. Police Patrol Remodeling Project. (4/4) 110 122-05 Re -approving Application Voluntary Annexation Territory of Callahan Cons, Inc. (4/4)110 123-05 Accept Improvements Grand River Center Bid Pig 3. (4/4) 111 124-05 Final Estimate, Grand River Center (Education & Conf. Ctr.) Bid Pkg. 3. (4/4) 112 125-05 Not Assigned 126-05 Approve Acquisition of real estate at 685 W. 32nd St. (4/4) 112 127-05 Appoint Wells Fargo Bank, Des Moines paying Agent etc. Bonds, Series 2005. (4/4) 112 128-05 Authorize issuance $1,750,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2005A & levy tax to pay.(4/4) 113-120 129-05 Appoint Wells Fargo Bank, as Paying Agent, Bond Registrar & Transfer Agent, G.O.Urban Renew. Bonds, 2005B.Dbq. Industrial Ctr. West. (4/4) 121 130-05 Authorize & Issuance $4,270,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2005B & levy tax.(4/4)122-132 131-05 Appoint Wells Fargo Bank as Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, Transfer Agent, and approve Paying Agent & Bond Registrar & Transfer Agent Agreement. (4/4) 132 132-05 Authorize & Provide issuance $4,270,000 Bonds, Series 2005B & Levy Tax. (4/4)132-141 133-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/4) 142 134-05 Issuance of Beer & Liquor Licenses. (4/4) 142 135-05 Accept Deed to Real Estate in County from Terrance & Linda Weidemann.(4/4) 143 136-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for 2005 Asphalt Paving Project. (4/4) 143 137-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for 2005 Asphalt Paving Pro. (4/4) 143 138-05 Ordering bids for 2005 Asphalt Paving Project. (4/4) 143,144 78 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 139-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. FY 2006 Guardrail Replacement Program. (4/4) 144 140-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Guardrail Replacement Prog. (4/4) 144 141-05 Order bids for Guardrail Replacement Prog. (4/4) 144 142-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. for 6th & 7th Reconstruction & Washington Park. (4/4) 145 143-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Sixth & Seventh & Washington Park. (4/4) 145 144-05 Order bids for Sixth & Seventh St. Reconstruction & Washington Park. (4/4) 145 145-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. City Hall Third Floor Structural Repair Pro. (4/4) .145,146' 146-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs., City Hall Third Floor Structural Pro. (4/4) 146 147-05 Order bids: City Hall, Third floor Structural Repair Pro. (4/4) 146 148-05 Adopt Plans & Specs.: for Marshall Park Rest Room Proj. (4/5) 146,147 149-05 Award Contract for Marshall Park Rest Room Pro. (4/5) 147 150-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Dbq. Ind. Center West Third Addn Mass Grading Pro. (4/4) 147 151-05 Award Contract for Dbq Industrial Center West 3rd Addn. Mass Grading Pro. (4/4) 147 152-05 Approving Final Plat Woodland Estates No. 3 in Dbq County. (4/18) 152 153-05 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1, 2, & 3 Knob Hill Grove No. 4 in City. (4/18) 153 154-05 Approving Acquisition of 645 Gillespie St. - W. 32"d Detention Basin. (4/18) 153 155-05 City Mgr. request Funding re: Dbq Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS) re: US Highway 20 Improvements Proj., Phase III, University Ave. Extension. (4/18) 154 156-05 Approve Supplemental Agree No. 3, with Howard R. Green Co. for University Ave. Extension Pro. (STP -U-2100(623) — 70-31. (4/18) 155 157-05 Authorize Publication of Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds, CDBG Grant Projects for FY 2006 (Program Year 2005). (4/18) 155 158-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/18) 157 159-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (4/18) 157 160-05 Set Hearing Cable Television System Franchise Agreement with MCC Iowa to construct, operate, maintain, update and reconstruct a Cable Television System. (4/8) 157,158 161-05 Intent to Dispose of Property Owned by City by Lease City & MCC Iowa, LLC. (4/18) 158 162-05 Set Date public hearing on Amendment No. 2 to Fiscal Year 2005 Budget. (4/18) 159 163-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Pennsylvania, Radford Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro. (4/18)159 164-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs Pennsylvania - Radford Rd. Sidewalk Proj. (4/18)159 165-05 Resolution of Necessity Pennsylvania Ave. Radford Rd. Sidewalk Pro. (4/18) 159,160 166-05 Fix Date of Hearing, Necessity, Pennsylvania & Radford Rd. Sidewalk Install. (4/18) .160 167-05 Approve Prel. Assessments, Pennsylvania Radford Rd Sidewalk Pro. (4/18) 160 168-05 Order bids for Pennsylvania Ave. Radford Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro. (4/18) 160,161 169-05 Prel. Approval Plans/Specs Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro(4/18)161 170-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project, from High Bluff to Lincoln. (4/18) 161 171-05 Order bids for Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project. (4/18) 161 172-05 Prel. approval Plans & Specs. Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction. (4/18)162 173-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. Mullen Rd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(4/18)162 174-05 Order bids for Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project. (4/18) 162 175-05 Adopt Plans and Specs. Fiber Optic Conduit Ph. 1 Pro. (4/18) 163 176-05 Award Contract Fiber Optic Conduit Ph. 1 Pro. (4/18) 163 177-05 Adopt Consolidated Plan for Housing & Comm. Devel. FY 2006-2010 etc. (4/18) 164 178-05 Approve Acquisition of 514 Lincoln Ave. for Bee Branch Creek Pro. (5/2) 168 179-05 Approve Railroad Sale Contract: City & Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. to complete Public Roadway Improvements. (5/2) 169 180-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/2) 170 181-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/2) 170,171 182-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Lindberg & Eagle St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (5/2)... 171 79 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 183-05 Fix Date of Hearing, Lindberg Terrace & Eagle St. San. Sewer Ext. Pro. (5/2) 171 184-05 Order bids Lindberg Terrace & Eagle St. San. Sewer Ext. Pro. (5/2) 171 185-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. for Asbury Road Sidewalk Install. Pro. (5/2) 171,172 186-05 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. for Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro. (5/2) 172 187-05 Res. of Necessity for Asbury Rd Sidewalk Install. Pro. (5/2) 172 188-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro. (5/2) 172 189-05 Approve Prel. Schedule of Assessments for Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Install Pro. (5/2)173 190-05 Order bids Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro. (5/2) 173 191-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Water Works Park Devel. Phase I. (5/2) 173 192-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. Waterworks Park Develop. Pro. Ph. I. (5/2) 173,174 193-05 Order bids for Water Works Park Devel. Phase I Pro. (5/2) 174 194-05 Prel. Approval of Gateway Landscaping Project — Fifth & Locust Sts. (5/2) 174' 195-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Gateway Landscaping Pro. (5/2) 174 196-05 Order bids Gateway Landscaping Project. (5/2) 174,175 197-05 Pref. Approval Plans & Specs. Pyatigorsk Park Devel. Pro. (5/2) 175 198-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs for Pyatigorsk Park Devel. Pro.(5/2) 175 199-05 Order bids for Pyatigorsk Park Devel. Pro. ((5/2) 175 200-05 Dispose property Lease, City & MCC Iowa, LLC Mediacom — Finley Home Addn.(5/2) 200 201-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Five Flags Center Renovation Pro. (5/2) 201 202-05 Award Contract Five Flags Civic Center Renovation Pro. (5/2) 201 203-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Five Flags Civic Ctr. Bleacher Replacement Pro. (5/2) 201 204-05 Award Contract Five Flags Bleacher Replacement Pro. (5/2) 201,202 205-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. 2005 Asphalt Paving Project. (5/2) 202 206-05 Award Contract 2005 Asphalt Paving Pro. (5/2) 202 207-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. 2005 Asphalt Plans & Specs. (5/2) 202 208-05 Award Contract for Guardrail Replacement Prog. To Pauline Company, Inc. (5/2) 203 209-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Sixth & Seventh St. Reconstruction & Washington Park Renovation Pro. (5/2) 203 210-05 Award Contract 6t & 7th Street Reconstruction & Washington Pk Renovation, (5/2)203 211-05 Amend Current Budget for FY ending 6/30/05. (5/2) 204 212-05 Approve Submittal Application, Federal Recreational Trail Funding to IDOT for Dbq Heritage Trail Extension: Iowa 32 — NW Arterial Bike/Hike Trail Project. (5/2) 169,170 213-05 Approve F. Plat Butler's Hill, 2nd Ad., County, David Schneider & Dean Butler. (5/16)208 214-05 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 Landfill North Subdivision in County. (5/16) 209 215-05 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 Landfill W. Subdivision in County. (5/16) 209 216-05 Approve Final Plat Henschell-McNamer Place Plat No. 2 in County. (5/16) 209,210 217-05 Approve Wage & Benefit Package Non -Bargaining Unit Employees FY 2006. (5/16).. 210 218-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/16) 212 219-05 lssuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/16) 212 220-05 Prel. Approval of Bergfeld Recreation Area Development Pro. (5/16) 212 221-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs., Bergfeld Recreation Area Develop. Pro. (5/16)213 222-05 Order bids for Bergfeld Rec. Area Develop. Proj. (5/16) 213 223-05 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addn., Contract B, Paving, Drainage and Utilties Project. (5/16) 213 224-05 Fix Hearing Plans/Specs. Dbq. Ind. Center West 3rd Addn., Contract B. (5/16) 213 225-05 Order bids Dbq Ind. Ctr. West 3rd Addn., Cont B — Paving, Drainage, Utilities. (5/16)214 226-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Mullen Rd San. Sewer Reconstruct., Asbury - Hillcrest. (5/16) 224 227-05 Contract Mullen Rd Sanitary Sewer Pro. to Drew Cook & Sons Excavating. (5/16) 224 228-05 Adopt Plans & Specs., Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (5/16) 224 229-05 Award Contract Stafford St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruct, Fondell Exc.. (5/16) 224,225 80 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 230-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Pennsylvania/Radford Rd. Sidewalk Install Proj. (5/16) 225 231-05 Award Contract for Pennsylvania Ave. Radford Rd. Sidewalk Install. Pro.(5/16) 225 232-05 With Respect to Adoption of Resolution of Necessity Pennsylvania Ave — Radford Road Sidewalk Installation Pro. (5/16) 225,226 233-05 Adopt Plans & specs. City Hall Third Floor Structural Repairs Pro. (5/16) 226 234-05 Award Contract, City Hall Third Floor Structural Repairs, Tricon Construction (5/16) 226 235-05 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-12, of Eleanor Ridge Subdivision in County. (5/16) 228 236-05 Award of Community Partnership Program (Cp20 Funds for FY 2006. (6/6) 232 237-05 Approve Acquisition of 755 W. 32nd St. for W. 32nd St. Basin. (6/6) 232,233 238-05 Approve Acquisition of 745 Gillespie St. (616) 233 239-05 Accept Widening of Asbury Rd at NW Arterial Pro. (616) 234 240-05 Final Estimate for Widening Asbury Rd. at NW Arterial. (6/6) 234 241-05 Accept Deed to ROW property into new Middle School on Radford Rd. (6/6) 234 242-05 Authorize Execution Proj. Amend. #2 to Contract with Economic Devel. Admin. (6/6) 235 243-05 Approve Agreement City & Teamsters Local Union No. 421. (6/6) 235,236 244-05 Approve Agreement City & Dbq Police Protective Assn. (6/6) 236 245-05 Issuance of New Cigarette Permit. (6/6) 237 245A-05 Issuance of 52 Renewals of Cigarette Permits. (6/6) 238,239 246-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/6) 239 247-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/6) 239 248-05 Intent to Dispose property by amendment to Lease with Dbq Racing Assn. (6/6) 239,240 249-05 Intent Dispose of Property by Lease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming Co. (6/6) 240 250-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Theater Tuckpointing Proj. (6/6) 240 251-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. Tuckpointing Five Flags Theater Pro. (616)241 252-05 Order bids for Five Flags Theater Pro. (6/6) 241 253-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Grandview Ave. Section Repair Pro. (6/6) 241 254-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Grandview Ave. Section Repair Pro.(6/6)241 255-05 Order bids for Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair Pro. (6/6) 242 256-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Water Works Park Devel. Project. Ph. 1. (6/6) 242 257-05 Award Contract for Water Works Park Devel. Ph. 1. (6/6) 242,243 258-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Gateway Landscaping Pro. (6/6) 243 259-05 Award Contract for Gateway Landscaping Pro. to Portzen. (6/6) 243 260-05 Adopt Plans and Specs. for Pyatisgorsk Project. (6/6) 243,244 261-05 Award Contract for Pyatigorsk Park to Tricon. (616) 244 262-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Lindberg Terrace & Eagle St. Sanitary Sewer Pro. (6/6) 244 263-05 Contract: Lindberg Terr. & Eagle Street Sanitary Sewer, McDermott Exc. (6/6).... 244,245 264-05 Adopt Plans and specs. Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Installation Pro. (6/6) 245 265-05 Award Contract Asbury Rd. Sidewalk, JFK - IA 32 to Winger Construction.. (6/6) 245 266-05 With Respect to Adoption of Res of Necessity Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Pro. (616) 245 267-05 Issuance Liquor License renewal Bricktown — Cooper Management — Stonewall. (6/6)246 268-05 Authorize Publication Combined Notice: Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Eagle Valley Site Acquisition Proj, (6/20) 249,250 269-05 Accept Deed of Sinclair Oil Property in Port of Dubuque. (6/20) 250 270-05 Approve Plat of Survey of Stierman Gardens in Dbq. County, IA. (6/20) 251 271-05 Approve Agreement City & International Union of Operating Engrs, Local #758 and Authorize Mayor to Sign Agreement. (7/20) 251 272-05 Accept Improvement for Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Project. (6/20) 252 273-05 Final Estimate for Indian Room Rest Room Renovation Pro. (6/20) 252 274-05 Issuance of 1 new Cigarette Permit — to Bartinis. (6/20) 253 275-05 Issuance of 16 Cigarette Permit Renewals. (6/20) 253 81 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 276-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/20) 253 277-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/20) 253,254 278-05 Intent to Dispose of interest & vacate Sanitary Sewer Easement, Part of Lot 29 Emerald Acres No. 2.(6/20) 254 279-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Comiskey Park Tennis Court/Skate Park Pro.(6/20) 254 280-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs.: Comiskey Park Tennis Court/Skate Park. (6/20).254 281-05 Order bids for Comiskey Park Tennis Court /Skate Park Pro. (6/20) 255 282-05 Of Intent to Dispose of property in Dbq Industrial Center West to Heller Family Realty Co., Development Agreement. (6/20) 255 283-05 Dispose of interest in property by amendment to Lease with Dbq Racing Assn. (6/20)257 284-05 Dispose of an Interest in Real property by Lease Agree. With Dbq Gaming Co.(6/20) 257 285-05 Adopt Plans and Specs. Bergfeld Recreation Area Develop. (6/20) 259,260 286-05 Award contract for Bergfeld Recreation Area. Devel. To Drew Cook & Sons. (6/20) ... 260 287-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Dbq Industrial Center West 3rdAddn – Contract B – Paving, Drainage & Utilities. (6/20) 260 288-05 Award Contract Bergfeld Recreation Develop. Proj. to Drew Cook & Sons. (6/20) 260 289-05 Approving Final Plat Furuseth's Sixth Subd. In Dbq. County, IA. (6/20) 262 290-05 Establish Fair Market Value of 409 Burch St. owned by John White. (6/20) 262 291-05 Authorize Execution of a CD Block Grant Agree with HUD. (7/5) 268 292-05 Approve F. Plat Lots 1-4, Lots A, B, & C of Dbq. Ind. Center West 3r° Addn. (7/5) 268,269 293-05 Amend Res. 239-05 accept Widening of Asbury Rd at NW Arterial Rd Project. (7/5)269 294-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (7/5) 270 295-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/5) 270 296-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/5) 270 297-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Rosedale Ave. Reconstruction. (7/5) 271 298-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. for Rosedale Ave. (7/5) 271 299-05 Resolution of Necessity for Rosedale Ave Reconstruction. (7/5) 271,272 300-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for Rosedale Ave. Recon. (7/5) 272 301-05 Approve Prel. Schedule of Assessments for Rosedale Reconstruction. (7/5) 272 302-05 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for Nowata St. Reconstruction. (7/5) 272 303-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. For the Nowata Street Reconstruction. (7/5) 273 304-05 Of Necessity for Nowata St. Reconstruction Pro. (7/5) 273 305-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. for Nowata St. Reconstruction.(7/5) 273 306-05 Approve Prel. Schedule of Assessments for Nowata St. Reconstruction. (7/5) 274 307-05 Prel. Approve of Plans/Specs. Synergy Ct. DICW – Street & Utilities Construct. (7/5)274 308-05 Fix Date of Hearing for Synergy Ct. DICW – Street & Utilities Construction. (7/5) 274 309-05 Order bids for Synergy Ct. DICW – Street & Utilities Construction. (7/5) 274 310-05 Provide Notice of Public Hearing on Ord.: Connection Fee Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer Extension. (7/5) 275 311-05 Dispose & vacate a Sanitary Sewer Easement, Lot 29 Emerald Acres No. 2 to Nathan Boyes. (7/5) 276' 312-05 Approve Develop. Agreement Sale & Development of Lot 3 of Dbq Ind. Center West 3r° Addn. to Heller Family Realty Co. LLC. (7/5) 276 313-05 Rescind Res. No. 250-05 Give Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Five Flags Theater Tuckpointing Pro. (7/5) 277 314-05 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair Pro. (7/5)277 315-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair. (7/5)277,278 316-05 Order bids for Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair Pro. (7/5) 278 317-05 Accept Bill St Construction Proj. IDOT Project No. STP -U-2100 (622)-70-31. (7/18) 280 318-05 Final Estimate for Bell St. Construction Pro. (7/18) 281 82 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 319-05 Accept Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (7/18) 281 320-05 Final Est. for Fremont Ave Reconstruction Pro. (7/18) 281 321-05 Approve Prel. Schedule of Final Assessments - Fremont Ave. Reconstruction. (7/18)281 322-05 Authorize Submission Cert. of Completion & Grant Close -Out Agree., HUD. (7/18)282 323-05 Approve Plat of Survey Lot 1-9 & Lot 2-9 of Ridgeway Park in County. (7/18) 282,283 324-05 Authorize City Manager to sign Contract with County Health Bd & VNA. (7/18) 283 325-05 Accept Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Project. (7/18) 286 326-05 Final Estimate — Ice Harbor Road & Trail Project. (7/18) 286 327-05 Approve Acquisition of 503 Rhomberg Ave. (7/18) 286,287 328-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit. (7/18) 287 329-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/18) 287 330-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/18) 288 331-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for University Ave. Paving Pro. (7/18) 288 332-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. University Ave. Ext. — US 20 to University.(7/18)288 333-05 Prel. Approval of PlanslSpecs. for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro. (7/18) 288 334-05 Fix Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro.(7/18)289 335-05 Order bids for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro.(7/18) 289 336-05 Of Necessity Finding that amendment to Urban Renewal Plan for Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Devel. District is necessary to residents of Dbq. (7/18) 289 337-05 Adopting Plans & Specs for Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair. (7/18) 292 338-05 Award Construction Contract for Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair Pro. (7/18)292 338A-05 Approving Construction Contract with Drew Cook & Sons Excavating, Inc. for Grandview Ave. Concrete Section Repair Project.(7/18) 292 339-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Comiskey Park Tennis Court/Skate Pro. (7/18) 293 340-05 Award Contract Comiskey Park Tennis Court / Skate Park Project. (7/18) 293 341-05 Approve Final Plat of Indiana Subd. In City of Dubuque. (7/18) 294 342-05 Approve Acquisition of Real Estate at 775 W. 32nd St. from Cory Hess. (8/1) 298 343-05 Accept 2005 Curb Ramp Installation — CDBG Pro. #1. (8/1) 298 344-05 Final Estimate — 2005 Curb Ramp Install. (8/1) 298,299 345-05 Accept 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro. (8/1) 299 346-05 Final Est. for 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro.(8/1) 299 347-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/1) 300 348-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/1) 300 349-05 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. for Flora Park Water System Pro. (8/1) 300,301 350-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs for Flora Park Water System Pro. (8/1) 301 351-05 Order bids for Flora Park Water System Pro. (8/1) 301 352-05 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs Five Flags Civic Center HVAC Phase II Pro. (8/1) 301 353-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. Five Flags Civic Ctr HVAC Ph II Pro. (8/1)...301,302 354-05 Order bids Five Flags Civic Center HVAC Pro. Ph. II Pro. (8/1) 302 355-05 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. Nowata Sewer Reconstruction. (8/1) 302 356-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. Nowata St. Reconstruction Pro. (8/1) 302 357-05 Order bids Nowata St. Reconstruction Pro. (8/1) 303 358-05 Prel. Approval of Port of Dbq Recognition Wall Pro. (8/1) 303 359-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Port of Dbq Recognition Wall Pro. (8/1) 303 360-05 Order bids for Port of Dbq Recognition Wall Pro.(8/1) 303 361-05 Adopt Plans and Specifications for Rosedale Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (8/1) 305 362-05 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Rosedale Avenue Reconstruction Project. (8/1) 305,306 363-05 Order bids for Rosedale Ave Reconstruction Pro. (8/1) 306 364-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Rosedale Ave Reconstruction Pro. (8/1) 306 83 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 365-05 With Respect to adoption of Res. of Necessity Nowata Street Recon. Pr. (8/1) 306 366-05 Order bids for Nowata Street Reconstruction Pro.(8/1) 307 367-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Synergy Court DICW — Street & Utilities Con. Pro. (8/1) 307 368-05 Award Construction Contract for Synergy Court DICW — Street & Utilities. (8/1) 307 369-05 Approve Construction Contract, Top Grade Excavating, Synergy Court DICW — Street & Utilities Construction Pro. (8/1) 308' 370-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. University Ave. Extension, Phase ll, PCC Pavement Pro. (8/1) 308 371-05 Award Contract University Ave. Extension Pro. Phase 11 PCC Pavement Pro. IA DOT Proj. No. STP -U-3200 (635) 70 31. (8/1) 308 372-05 Approve Construction Contract with Horsfield Construction, Inc. University Ave. Extension, Phase II — PCC Pavement Project. (8/1) 308 373-05 Authorize a REAP Grant Application IA Dept. of Natural Resources Ph 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (8/1) 309 374-05 Authorize City Manager to approve public improvement contracts & bonds. (8/1) 312 375-05 Accept Improvement for Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (8/15) 314 376-05 Final Estimate Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (8/15) 315,316 377-05 Accepting Improvement Harvest View Park Development Pro. (8/15) 315 378-05 Final Est. Harvest View Park Devel. Pro. (8/15) 315 379-05 Approve Final Plat of Asbury Plaza No. 14. (8/15) 316 380-05 Approve Final Plat Lot 1-4, Lots A, B, & C Dbq Industrial Center West 4th Addn. (8/15)316 381-05 Award construction contract for Rosedale Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (8/15) 317 382-05 Award Construction Contract for Nowata Street Reconstruction Pro. (8/15) 317 383-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/15) 318 384-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/15) 318 385-05 Intent to Dispose of Real Property by Easement to Interstate Power & Light. (8/15)319 386-05 Adopt Plans& Specs. for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro. (8/15) 322 387-05 Reject bids Great River Rd Interpretive Signage Pro. & Re -Ordering bids. (8/15) 322 388-05 Request Dbq County Comm. of Elections to place the question of the authorization of the City to Establish a Municipal Communications Utility on Ballot for 11/8/05. (8/15) 323 389-05 Authorize City Manager to approve Change Orders re: Improvement Contracts. (8/15)323 390-05 Accept a Conveyance of property of Lot 2 Whites Place. (9/6) 325,326 391-05 Accept Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (9/6) 326 392-05 Final Estimate Marshall Park Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (9/6) 326 393-05 Accept Improvements in Hy -Vee Subdivision. (9/6) 326 394-05 Accept Pennsylvania Ave. Radford Road Sidewalk Install Project. (9/6) 327 395-05 Final Estimate for the Pennsylvania Ave Radford Rd Sidewalk Pro. (9/6) 327 396-05 Approve Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments. (9/6) 327 397-05 Accept Improvement for Villa Street Retaining Wall.(9/6) 327 398-05 Final Estimate for the Villa Street Retaining Wall — 2004 Reconstruction Pro. (9/6)328 399-05 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule for Fremont Ave. Reconstruction Pro. (9/6)... 328,329 400-05 Accept Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro. (9/6) 329,330 401-05 Final Estimate for the Arboretum Entrance Road Construction Pro, (9/6) 330 402-05 Approving Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agreement, City & County. (9/6) 330 403-05 Approve Acquisition of 2311 Prince St. — Bee Branch Sewer project. (9/6) 331 404-05 Authorize Grant Agree. Historic Resource Prog Shot Tower Arch Survey. (9/6) 331 405-05 Approve Housing Enterprise Zone Program Agreement — IDED & Comm. Housing Initiatives Washington Court Pro. (9/6) 332 406-05 Approve Wage & Benefit Package, Full time & PT Bus Operators, FY 2006. (9/6).332,333 407-05 Accept Agreement Between City & Dbq Prof. Firefighters Assn.(9/6) 333 408-05 Adopt Supplement No. 63 to the City Code of Ordinances. (9/6) 334 84 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 409-05 Authorize Third Amendment to Lease Agree with Historical Star Redevelopment LLC for Star Brewery Building. (9/6) 335 410-05 Authorize Emergency Repair Stoneman Rd — JF Kennedy Rd Storm Sewer. (9/6) 335 411-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (9/6) 336 412-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/6) 336 413-05 Prel. Plans & Specs. N. Grandview Estates San. Sewer & Water Main Pro. (9/6).336,337 414-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs for N. Grandview Estates — Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Proj. (9/6) 337 415-05 Order bids for the N. Grandview Estates — Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Pro. (9/6)337 416-05 Rescinding Res. No. 336-05 of Necessity Finding that Amendment to Urban Renewal Plan for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Develop Dis. Is Necessary. (9/6) 338 417-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Flora Park Water System Replacement Pro. (9/6) 338 418-05 Award Contract for Flora Park Water System Replacement Pro. To Willenborg. (9/6) 338 419-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Center HVAC Ph. II Pro. (9/6) 339 420-05 Award contract for Five Flags Center HVAC, Ph. II Pro. To Geisler Bros. (9/6) 339 421-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Third St. Overpass Decorative Railing Pro. (9/6) 339 422-05 Award Construct Contract Third St. Overpass Decorative Railing to Tricon.(9/6) 339,340 423-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. for the Third St. Overpass Decorative Railing Pro. (9/6) 340 424-05 Award Construction Contract Port of Dbq Recognition Wall Project to Tricon.(9/6)340 425-05 Of Support for Ballot Question on Authority of City of Dbq to establish a Communications Utility. (9/6) 341 426-05 Approve Final Plat of Harvest View Estates Sixth Addn. — Tom Kelzer. (9/6) 342 427-05 Authorize application to General Services Adm. For Historic Monument Conveyance of Federal Building — Post Office Building, 350 W. 6th St., to City. (9/6) 343 428-05 Accept Improvement for Westbrook Subdivision Water Main Ext. & Sewer Line Lateral Pro. as completed by Callahan Construction.(9/19) 350 429-05 Final Est. Westbrook Subd. Water Main & Service Line Lateral Improve Pro. (9/19)350 430-05 Authorize Submission of Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the Period Commencing July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.(9/19) 351 431-05 Approve City Fiscal Year Street Finance Report. (9/19) 352 432-05 Accept Deed to Real Estate in Dbq County, from QHQ Properties on Asbury Rd.(9/19)352 433-05 Accept Deed to Real Estate in Dbq County from QHQ Properties. (9/19) 352 434-05 Amend Res. No. 293-03 approve Final Plats of Eagle Valley Subdivision. (9/19) 353 435-05 Award Construction Contract for Great River Road Interpretive Signage Pro. (9/19)353 436-05 Approve Lange Sign Group, Great River Rd Interpretive Signage Pro. (9/19) 353,354 437-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permits.(9/19) 354' 438-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (9/19) 354 439-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/19) 355 440-05 Approve Plat Vacated Portion of N. Grandview Ave. South of University Ave. (9/19)355 441-05 Approve Plat Proposed Vacated Portion of N. Grandview Ave. N of Delhi St.(9/19)355,356 442-05 Approve Plat Remaining Unvacated 12' Alley E North Grandview between Delhi St & University Ave.(9/19) 356 443-05 Approve Plat Proposed Vacated Portion of Stewart Street & Adjacent Alleys South of University Avenue.(9/19) 356 444-05 Of Intent to Vacate and Dispose of City Interest in Lot 2 of Grandview University Pl, Lot 2 of 1 of Rigi Subd. No. 2, and Lot A & Lot B of Loetscher & Truebs Subd. (9/19) 357 445-05 Of Intent Vacate & Dispose of Lots C & D of Loetscher & Truebs Subd . (9/19) 357 446-05 Set the Date for Public Hearing on Amendment No. 1 to the FY 2006 Budget. (9/19)358 447-05 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Miller -Riverview Park Electrical Services, Ph II. (9/19)358 448-05 Fix Date Hearing Plans/Specs Miller -Riverview Park Elec. Services, Ph. II.(9/19). 358,359 85 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 449-05 Order bids for Miller Riverview Park Electrical Services, Phase!! Project. (9/19) 359 450-05 Approve F. Plat: Lots 13-18, inclusive Blk 7, Lots 3-15, inclusive, Blk 8, Lots 2-12, inclusive, Blk 9, Lots 1-10, inclusive, BIk 10, Lots P, Q, R & S, Arbor Estates. (9/19) 360,361 451-05 Approve Prel. Plat Ehrlich Farm Subd. (9/19) 361,362 452-05 Approve Application Statewide Transportation Enhancements Funding, IDOT, Heritage Trail Extension: Ph 2 IA 32 — Northwest Arterial — Bike/Hike Trail Project. (10/3) 365 453-05 Provide for Closeout of Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Grant No. B-02SP-IA-0178 America's River Museum for Dbq County Historical Society. (10/3) 366 454-05 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule for Radford Road Sidewalk Installation. (10/3) 367 455-05 Authorize Filing of App., IDOT, Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Funding of Traffic Signal Improvements Priority 2, 3 and 4 (US 20 — Devon Drive to Menards). (10/3) 368 456-05 Authorize Filing of Application IDOT, Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Funding City of Dubuque US Highway 151/61 & Maquoketa Drive Intersection. (10/3)368,369 457-05 Authorize Amendment RISE Application, IDOT, Iowa Highway 32 (SW Arterial). (10/3)369 458-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Walgreens, 55 JFK Rd. (10/3) 369 459-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/3) 369,370 460-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/3) 370 461-05 Vacate a portion of North Grandview Ave. North of Delhi St. (10/3) 370,371 462-05 Vacate a Portion of North Grandview Avenue South of University Ave. (10/3) 371 463-05 Vacate Remaining Unvacated 12' Alley East of N. Grandview between Delhi St. & University Ave. (10/3) 371,372 464-05 Vacate a portion of Stewart Street and adjacent Alleys South of University Ave(10/3)372 465-05 Dispose of City interest in Lot 2 of Grandview University PI., Lot 2 of 1 of Rigi Subd. No. 2 & Lot A & Lot B of Loetscher & Truebs Subd. in the City. (10/3) 372 466-05 Dispose of Lots C & D of Loetscher & Truebs Subd. —The Finley Hospital. (10/3) 373 467-05 Amend Budget for FY ending June 30, 2006 (10/3) 374 468-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. North Grandview Estates Sanitary Sewer & Water Main. (10/3)375 469-05 Award Contract for Watermain Portion of the North Grandview Estates — Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Project. (10/3) 375 470-05 Approve Contract with Connolly Construction for Watermain Portion of North Grandview Estates - Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Pro. (10/3) 375 471-05 Award Construction Contract for the Sanitary Sewer Portion of North Grandview Estates — Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Project. (10/3) 375,376 472-05 Approve Construction Contract, Connolly Construction, Sanitary Sewer Portion, North Grandview Estates — Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Pro. (10/3) 376 473-05 Approve the Final Plat Seippel Road Commercial Park in the City. (10/3) 376,377 474-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/3) 378 475-05 Accept U.S. Highway 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (10/17) 381 476-05 Final Estimate for U.S. Hwy. 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (10/17) 381 477-05 Adopt Final Assessments U.S. Hwy 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (10/117).... 381,382 478-05 Accept Improvements in Asbury Plaza — Phase I. (10/17) 382,383 479-05 Approve Final Plat of Key City Properties Plat No. 2 in Dbq County, IA. (10/17)383,384 480-05 Authorize application Water Recreation Access Grant for Boat Ramp & Parking at Water Works Park. (10/17) 384 481-05 Authorize Grant Agreement IA DOT Federal Recreational Trail Funds for Water Works Park Trailhead. (10/17) 384 482-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Shannon's Bar. (10/17) 385 483-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/17) 385 484-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/17) 385 86 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 485-05 Intent to Dispose of (Southern Ave. property) Lot 29, 30 & 31 Mineral Lot 39, the Ely 30' of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of John Breakey's Dubuque, to Allan and Constance Rowell.(10/17)386 486-05 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Municipal Parking Garage Restoration.(10/17)386 487-05 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Municipal Parking Garage Restoration. (10/17) 386,387 488-05 Order bids Municipal Parking Garage Restoration Project — Locust St. & Iowa Street Parking Garages. (10/17) 387 489-05 Adopt Plans/Specs Miller -Riverview Park Electrical Service Project, Phase II. (10/17)389 490-05 Contract, Miller -Riverview Park Electrical S., Phase II to Biechler Electric. (10/17) 389 491-05 Approve Contract Biechler Electric Miller -Riverview Park Elec. S., Ph. II.(10/17) 390 492-05 Accept Improvement for Five Flags HVAC Phase I Pro. (11/7) 397 493-05 Final Est. for the Five Flags HVAC Phase I Pro. (11/7) 397 494-05 Adopt Final Assessments 2005 Sidewalk Assessment Pro., Bid #1. (11/7) 397,398 495-05 Approve an Amended and Restated Fiscal Year 2006 (Program Year 2005) Annual Plan — Amendment 2, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. (11/7) 399 497-05 Approve Proposal Professional Services IIW Engineers & Surveyors for Flood Plain Mapping in Dubuque Industrial Center West. (11/7) 399,400 498-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to A & B Tap. (11/7) 400 499-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to One Flight Up. (11/7) 400 500-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/7) 400 501-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses (11/7) 401 502-05 Approval of Plans & Specs. United Rental Building Demo & Site Clearance. (11/7)401 503-05 Date of Hearing Plans/Specs. United Rental Bldg Demolition & Site Clearance. (11/7)401 504-05 Order bids for the Former United Rental Building, Demolition & Site Clearance. (11/7)402 505-05 Vacate & Dispose of Lot 29, 30 & 31 Mineral Lot 39, Easterly 30' and Westerly 56' of Lot 1 of John Breakey's, Dbq., and Lot 2 to Allen & Constance Rowell. (11/7) 402,403 506-05 Accepting Improvement for the Comiskey Park Tennis Court/Skate Park Pro. (11/21)408 507-05 Final Estimate for the Comiskey Park Tennis Court/Skate Park Project.(11/21) 408 508-05 Accept Lot C of Rosedale Addn. No. 2 & N 16' Lot 2 on Glen Oak St. (11/21) 409 509-05 Accept Conveyance of Lot A of Rosedale Addn. No. 2 on Glen Oak St. (11/21) 409 510-05 Accept a Conveyance of Lot B of Rosedale Addn. No. 2on Glen Oak St. (11/21) 410 511-05 Approve 28E Agree Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agree. Dbq County etc. (11/21) 410 512-05 Authorize Execution Project Amendment #3 to a Contract with the EDA. (11/21) 411 513-05 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Plaza 20 Amoco. (11/21)' 411 514-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/21) 411 515-05 lssuance of Liquor Licenses. (11/21) 412 516-05 Supporting an Application from Michelle Mihalakis to IA Dept. of Economic Development for Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Funds. (11/21) 415 517-05 Supporting an Application from Scott Potter to the IA Dept. of Economic Development for Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Funds. (11/21) 415,416 518-05 Accept Mullen Rd Sanitary Sewer Reconst. Proj. Asbury to Hillcrest Rd.(12/5)417,418 519-05 Final Estimate for Mullen Road Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction. (12/5) 418 520-05 Accept Grandview Avenue Concrete Section Repair Pro. (12/5) 418 521-05 Final Estimate for the Grandview Avenue Concrete Section Repair Pro.(12/5) 418 522-05 Accept Deed Murphy Family Enterprises property near new US 20 Bridge. (12/5) 419,420 523-05 Authorize Mayor Execute App. Iowa Home Investment Partnership Program. (12/5)420 524-05 Approving Winter Roadway Maintenance Agreement with Asbury.(12/5) 421 525-05 Authorize REAP Grant Agreement IA DNR for Phase 1 of IA 32 Bike Hike Trail. (12/5)421 526-05 Accept Improvement — City Hall Third Floor Structural Repair Pro. (12/5) 422 527-05 Final Estimate for City Hall, 3rtl Floor Structural Repairs Project. (12/5) 422 528-05 Issuance of Beer & Liquor Lic. (12/5) 422 87 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 529-05 Accept Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Guardrail Replacement Program. (12/19) 427 530-05 Final Estimate for FY 2005/2006 Guardrail Replacement Program. (12/19) 428 531-05 Accept Northwest Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Project. (12/19) 428 532-05 Final Estimate for the NW Arterial Fiber Optics Conduit Pro. (12/19) 428 533-05 Accept Asbury Rd. Sidewalk Install. JF Kennedy Rd. to IA 32 — NW Arterial.(12/19) 428 534-05 Final Estimate for the Asbury Rd Sidewalk Installation Pro. — JFK to IA 32. (12/19)429 535-05 Approve Final Assessments for the Asbury Rd Sidewalk Installation Proj. (12/19) 429 536-05 Accept 2004 Asphalt Paving Project, FY 2005. (12/19) 429,430 537-05 Final Estimate for the 2004 Asphalt Paving Pro. FY 2005.(12/19) 430 538-05 Accept Carnegie Stout Public Library Exterior Maintenance Pro. (12/19) 430 539-05 Final Estimate for the Carnegie Stout Public Library Exterior Maintenance Pr. (12/19)430 540-05 Accept Improvement for Marshall Park Rest Room Project. (12/19) 430 541-05 Final Est. for Marshall Park Rest Room Pro. (12/19) 431 542-05 Authorize Collection Delinquent Stormwater Management Accounts as a lien. (12/19)431 543-05 Authorize Collection of Delinquent Sewer Acct's as a lien. (12/19) 432 544-05 Authorize Collection of Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Accounts as a lien. (12/19) 432 545-05 City Manager authorized to enter Agreements for ROW & execute Easements. (12/19)433 546-05 Issuance of Beer Permits. (12/19) 434 547-05 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/19) 434 548-05 Set Public Hearing, amend Ord. 7-04 Garfield Place Urban Revit. area. (12/19)....434,435 549-05 Adopt Plans & Specs for United Rental Demolition & Site Clearance Pro. (12/19) 437 550-05 Award contract Former United Rental Building Demo & Site Clearance Pro. (12/19)438 551-05 Award contract former United Rental Building Demo& Site Clearance Proj. (12/19)438 552-05 Adopt Plans & Specs. Municipal Parking Garage Restoration Pro. — (Locust St. Parking Ramp & Iowa St. Parking Ramp). (12/19) 438 553-05 Contract Municipal Parking Garage Restoration Pro. to Brent Anderson Asso.(12/19)439 554-05 Approve Addendum RR Real Estate Property Acquisition Agree., City & Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. acquiring property for roadway improvements. (12/19) 445,446 88 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS: (217)(2115)(2/16)(2122)(2124)(2/28)(312)(3/8)(6113)(6/27)(8/15)(917)(9/8)(11 /7)(11/17) 21,36,37,52,53,54,55,73,248,265,313,347,348,395,406 Safe Schools Grant, 2004, Community Oriented Policing Services, Justice Dept. (6120) 251 Safety for walking to school — near NW Arterial, letter of Bill Denlinger's. (2/7) 23 Safety Grant, Governor's Traffic, application Police OT funds & in -car video systems. (2/7)26 Safety Issue - Sixth Street & Locust, Ecumenical Towers, concerns with traffic; drop off parking; dangerous intersection for elderly — Sr. Pat Conlon. (6/20)(9/6)(10/117). 264,344,392 Safety National, Insurance — Workers Comp Excess, renewal rate approved. (916) 332 Sageville Annexations of nearby property notice; objections by City of Dubuque.. (5/2)(6/6)(7/5)(8/1) 168,231,269,300 Sahajanand Ent. Paro Food Mart, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (414)(616) 142,238 Salaries increased for Mayor and Council. (3/8) 74,81,82 Sale of property, 966 Liberty Street, Roger & Ann Pickel. (2/21) 42 Sale of Southern Ave. property to Alan & Constance Rowell. (11/7) 402 Sales Tax Exemption and sales tax rebate, legislative correspondence. (4/4) 111 Salsa's Mexican Restaurant, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Sam's Club, rezoning 4310 Asbury Rd. W of Resurrection C. (11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 413,423,439 Samantha Drive Neighborhood Assn., drainage & culvert issues. (9/6)(10/3)(10/17)(11/7) 341,376,385,403 Sampson, Robert L., resigning from Housing Code Appeals Bd. (3/7) 56 Samuel Street Concrete Section Repair & Overlay Project. (1/17) 12 Sand, Michael, applicant for Transit Board of Trustees; reappointed. (10/17)(11/7) 387,402 Sandstrom, Steward, Pres. Of Chamber of Commerce, request for America's River Corp. funding; presentation of past year's activities; spoke: America's River Purchase of Services; object to Storage Container Ordinance. (113)(217)(312)(5/16)(7/5)... 10,21,55,227,278 Sanford, Kim, Cousins Rd., objection to rezoning of H. 20 property for Landfill. (5/16) 215 Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Project, N. Grandview Estates.(9/6)(10/3) 336,375, 376 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project- Madison Street, final accept. (2/7) 27,28 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project — Lindberg Terrace & Eagle Street. (6/6) 244,245 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Marshall Park.((/6) 326 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, U.S. 20, award Top Grade Exc; accept. (1/17)(10/17)... 17,381 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project, 2004; acceptance. (1/17)(8/1) 16,299 Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Mullen Rd.; award: Drew Cook; accept. (4/18)(5/16)(1215) 161,162,223,224,417 Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction — Stafford Street; award contract.. (4/18)(5/16) 161,224,225 Sanitary Sewer Replacement Agreement, 1195 Thomas Place. (5/2) 168 Santillo, Michael A., applicant for Airport Comm.; appointed. (8/15)(916) 319,337 Scenic Byways Grant Application from County Historical Society. (1/3) 4 Schadler, Roger, Claim; settlement. (9/6)(9/19) 325,350 Schiltz, Delores M., oppose rezoning of 2080 Elm for SRO. (8/15) 321,322 Schiltz, Richard J., applicant Zoning Adv. Comm.; reappointed.(6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Schmitt, Chaplain, memorial, relocation request from Walter Pregler. (6/20)(7/5) 261,278 Schneider, David & Les & Pat Furuseth, prel plat approval of Furuseth's Sixth Addn. (4/18).164 School Board Elections & City Elections, combining various precincts. (8/1) 309 School Board, State Legislators, County Supervisors; City Council & Holy Family Bd.(11/17)406 School District, Dbq Community, condemnation of rights for land for new school.(1/17) 14 School District, 28E Agreement, Neighborhood Resource Ctr— new Prescott school. (11/21)409 School District, request No Parking on W side of Nevada St.(8/15) 316 89 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE School District, Warranty Deed clarification for Tyler Road property. (2/7) 24 School Parking — Downtown for new Prescott School, Historic Comm. letter. (10/17) 390 School Resource Officer Agreement with Schools.(1/3)(10/3) 1,2,366 School, Dbq Community, condemnation of land for new school. (1/17) 14 School, Downtown, Demolition of historic structures. (6/6) 246 Schools — DARE Contracts. (10/3) 366 Schools — Dave Patton requesting Drug dogs be allowed & City support. (4/18) 164 Schools, 2004 Safe Schools Grant, submittal of worksheet to COP — Police. (6/20) 251 Schools, Dbq Community, Lease Kephart Building, Engrg. Staff, City Hall renovated. (7/5) 268 Schueller, Brant, Water Dept. Employee, presented US Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Twenty -Five Command Coin — appreciation of City's support to military. (12/5) 417 Schultz, Paul, awarded "Recycler of the Year" from IA Recycling Assn. (11/7) 398 Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, 574 E. 16th St., Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Science Hall - University of Dubuque, amend Institutional District zoning, allow construction of new addition to Goldthorpe Science Hall at SE corner of University & Algona Sts. (3/21).. 98 Scott, Patricia, 2015 Radford, buying property for investment — rezoning. (6/20) 259 Scremin, Kathy, objecting to Nowata Street Reconstruction Pro.(8/1) 306 Seagrave Tiller Fire Truck, restoration, disposal of fire engine to Antique Fire Club. (4/4) 148 Seagrave Tiller Truck, 1948, Antique Fire Truck fundraising, restoration.(9/6) 333 Second Ward Council Member Roy D. Buol, resigned from Second Ward Seat to run for Mayor; vote on fill in til election — again Roy D. Buol..(7118)(8/1) 295,297 Section 8 Program Funding changes, rental assistance programs, HUD. (2/7) 34 Section 8 Program families, funding for services — Iowa State — HUD. (5/2) 168 Section Repair Project — Grandview Avenue Concrete.(6/6)(12/5) 241,418 Seippel Court, final plat of Seippel Road Commercial Park. (10/3) 376,377 Seippel Road & Asbury Road intersection change to four-way stop. (4/4) 111 Seippel Road Commercial Park — final plat. (1013) 376,377 Seippel Road, withdraw rezoning request Tri-State Development— Brian Lammers.(10/17).. 380 Selchert, Steve — Steve's Ace Hardware, storage container ordinance. (5/16) 227 Self -Fueling System for the Airport, Capital Improvement Project. (8/15) 317 Self -Sufficiency (Family) and Homeownership Program Coordinators, application to HUD for funding & contract with Iowa State Extension for services.(5/2) 168 Semi Parking Prohibited on Flinthill Drive, request. (9/6) 334 September 2005 Claims & Revenues, Proof. (12/19) 427 September 30, 2005 Quarterly Investment Report. (11/7) 400 Settlement Agreement — Tax Assessment - Edwards Concrete Contractors, Inc. (9/6) 334 Settlement Agreement between Peninsula Gaming Co. & City. (6/6) 239 Settlement Agreement for Clark Retail — tobacco penalty. (10/17) 390 Settlement Agreement for Paro Food Mart— Tobacco Civil Penalty. (6/20) 252 Settlement of Tax Assess Appeal, Kress Industrial Facility, Hughes Court in Cedar Ridge Industrial Subd. (2/21) 38 Seventh Street, alley behind Courthouse, No Parking. (2/21) 50 Sewage bypasses — notification of failure by IA DNR. (5/2) 168 Sewer & Watermain completed — Hy -Vee Subdivision, acceptance.(9/6) 326 Sewer (& Water) connection wanted for E.B. Lyons by Friends of the Mines of Spain. (11/21)408 Sewer Accounts, Delinquent, to Dbq County Treasurer. (12/19) 431,432 Sewer and Water service connection to E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center. (11/21) 408 Sewer Connection Fee, Granger Creek Interceptor; objection by C. Klein; Public Hearing — objections; Revised Notice to Property Owners. (7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(10/3) 275,276.304,369 Sewer Easement vacated & disposed of, Emerald Acres, Nathan Boyes. (6/20)(7/5) 254,276 90 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE Sewer Lift Station Easement, property, FMV, Gartner, John & Pamela, County residents, FMV for lift station property, discussion. (12/19) 433 Sewer main, break in lateral, question of liability, response. (2/22) 52 Sewer overflows — notice by IA DNR that City failed to notify them. (5/2) 168 Sewer Pipe lateral break, City's policy questioned by Council Member Markham. (2/22) 52 Sewer Rates increased for all uses — FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 76 Sewer Use Agreement, Industrial, with Interstate Power & Light — Dbq Power Station. (2/7)27 Sex Offenders, request from Council Member Cline to look at City ordinances. (10/17) 392 Sexual orientation discussion, objections adding to City Code; amendments to Code & discussion. (1/3)(1/17)(2/7) 1,11,33 Seymour, Jill R., claim; denial. (6/20)(715) 248,267 Shannon, Kenneth & Shirley, claim. (12/19) 427 Shannon's Bar & Grill, 521 E. 22nd, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (8/1)(10/17) 300,385 Shaw, David, applicant for Community Development Adv. Comm.; reappointed.(2/7)(2/21) 31,47 Shiras Avenue used for speeding, complaint by Dale Wilming. (8/1) 312 Shot Tower Archeological Survey, Grant Application to Historic Resource Development Program; Agree. State Historical Society HRDP Grant. (1/17)(6/6)(6/20)(916)(11/7). 13,331,399 Shot Tower Drive, RR property acquired for Bell St. Extension. (12/19) 445 Shot Tower Inn, DBQ Inc., 390 Locust, Liquor Lic.(4/18) 157 Shot Tower stabilization, Grant, ECIA, stabilize and rehabilitate. (1/17)(6/6)(6120) 13,231,250 Shreeji Services, Inc., Clark, 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(8/15) 238,318 Shubatt, Michael, applicant for Library Bd.; term extended. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5) 242,256,275 Sid's Beverage, Beverly Miller, 2745 Dodge, Cig, Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (6/20)(8/15). 253,318 Sidewalk Installation, Knob Hill Subdivision.(8/1) 309 Sidewalk Assessment Bid Packages #3 & #4 of 2004 Project. (2/7) 28 Sidewalk Assessment Project — Bid #1, acceptance.(11/7) 397,398 Sidewalk assessments in Old Main Historic District, funds to offset. (3/7) 69 Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance revision re: 4' unobstructed sidewalk. (6/6)(6/20) 246,263 Sidewalk Inspection Program revised because of citizen concerns. (11/7) 403 Sidewalk Installation Pennsylvania - Radford Rd; contract Skyline Trucking; accept. (4/18)(5/16)(9/6) 159,225,327 Sidewalk installation for new sidewalks, financial assistance funding. (8/1) 310 Sidewalk installation on Asbury Rd. — Tim Quagliano, QHQ Properties. (7/18) 293 Sidewalk installation on W side of Arboretum Dr., J. Frick communication. (9/6) 334 Sidewalk Installation Project, Asbury Road; final accept. (6/6)(12/19) 245,428,429 Sidewalk installation, financial aid clarification by Nicholson. (7/18) 295 Sidewalk near Culvers, question of responsibility.(8/15) 324 Sidewalk notice and permit fees, Dave Meyers letter. (9/19) 351 Sidewalks on June Drive, J. Romagna request no installation.(9/6) 334 Sidewalks, brick, Historic, requested for various places on Locust & Bluff St. (3/7) 69 Siegert Farms No. 2, Radford Road Right of Way purchase. (6/6) 234 Sign Regulations amended Wacker Plaza for Aaron's — corner of US 20 & Wacker Dr. (8/15) 320 Sign request, honorary, for Auleen Eberhardt. (9/6) 334 Signage, directional, Four Mounds, Historic Dis. Public Improve. Prog.; Kiosk. (3/7)(12/5)68,421 Signage, Great River Road Interpretive Project; Improvement Contracts / Bonds. (7/18)(8/15)(11/21) 288,322,411 Signalization on NW Arterial discussed at departmental budget hearing. (2/22) 52 Signs, Destination, National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. (2/21) 40 Silence, Moment of, for Tsunami Victims. (1/3) 1 Sinclair Oil Property in Port of Dubuque, Deed. (6/20) 250 91 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT 5 PAGE Single Room Occupancy for Women — SRO - Gronen Properties and Michelle Mihalakis, Zoning change requested for 2080 Elm St., 20 room SRO. (8/15)(11/21) 321,415 Sinsky, Christine A., Dubuque on the Move presentation. (7/18) 293 Sister City relationship with Greenwood, Mississippi — Dubuque help with effects of Hurricane Katrina; Thank you from Mayor of Greenwood, MS. (9/6)(10/3) 345,378 Sisters of the Presentation, claim.(12/19) 427 Site Acquisition Project, Eagle Valley, double notice — funds & environmental. (6/20) 249 Site Clearance - United Rental Building Demolition. (11/7)(12/19) 401,437,438 Site Usage, clinical, University of Dubuque, Nursing Program — Memo of Agree. (7/18) 282 Sixteenth St. Auto Truck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil Co. 1215 E. 16th, Beer Per. (4/4) 142 Sixteenth Street, South of, Bee Branch Creek Restoration Pro. Graham land consultant for commercial property acquisition. (10/3) 367,368 Sixth & Seventh Street Reconstruction & Washington Park Renovation. (4/4) 144,145 Sixth St. — now Fifth St., street name designations for stop Signs changed. (3/7) 69 Sixth St., W. 350, Post Office Building, available for sale to City. (2/7)(3/7) 35,68 Sixth Street & Locust, Ecumenical Towers, concerns with traffic; drop off parking; dangerous intersection for elderly — Sr. Pat Conlon. (6/20)(9/6)(10/117) 264,344,392 Sixth Street, Drop Off Parking from Locust to alley west of Main St. (9/6) 344 Sixth Street, Ecumenical Towers, concerns with traffic on Locust etc. (7/5) 270 Skate Park Project — Comiskey Park Tennis Court; accept. (6/20)(7/18)(8/15)(11/21) 254, 255,292,293,318,408 Skates, Ice, Five Flags Equipment Purchase. (11/7) 398 Skyline Construction, Sidewalk Install, Pennsylvania — Radford Rd. (4/18)(5/16)(9/6)159,225,327 Sleets, Linda, claim, referred to Ins. (6/6) 231 Small groups exempt from Parade & Assembly Permits. (11/7) 403 Small, Donald, Claim; referred to Insurance. (1/3) 1 SMG Food & Beverage, Five Flags Center, 405 Main, Liquor Lic. (6/20) 253 SMG Interim Mgr. Les Crooks, Five Flags Civic Center activities at budget hearing. (2/24) 53 SMG Submitting FY 06 Budget submission for Five Flags Civic Center. (4/4) 148 SMG withdrawing Agenda item — All American Prof. Basketball League Contract. (2/21) 50 Smith, Brad, Cambridge TEMPositions, oppose sexual orientation to nondiscrimination. (1/3) 1 Smith, Harry, Mayor. Greenwood, MS thanking Dubuque for Hurricane help. (10/3)(10/17)378,380 Smith, Kristin, applicant for Library Board; term extended. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5) 242,256,275 Smith, Ron, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Snow Removal — Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agreement with County. (9/6) 330 Snyder, Ron, 1830 Scenic View, positive © Kelly's Bluff condo project. (12/19) 437 Solid Waste Agency, FY 06 Budget & fee schedule.(1/17) 11 Solid Waste Agency - Dubuque Metropolitan, rezoning of Hwy 20. (5/16)(6/6) 215,246 Solid Waste, Fee Schedule changed for removal of, FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 77,78 South Port Connector, Recognition from Dbq Main St. Ltd. to City Council. (10/17) 380 South Westbrook Drive, Parking Restrictions. (1/3) 6 Southend Tap, Murph's, Pamela Murphy, 55 Locust St., Cigarette Per. Liquor Lic. (7/5) 270 Southern Ave., nearby property, David Leifker questioning usage. (10/3) 366 Southern Avenue Property Sale to Allan and Constance Rowell. (10/17)(11/7) 386,402 Spahn — Luksetich Development - & Paul & Bernice Ehrlich, 1501 W. 32nd, rezoning. (6/20).. 258 Spas & Swimming pools Inspections, Interagency Agreement with County Health Bd. (7/18)282 Specht, Mary Ann, Sec. of Solid Waste Agency, FY 2006 Budget & fee schedule. (1/17) 11 Special Events in Public Rights of Way, policy established. (8/15) 323 Special Events Insurance Grant to Riverfest. (9/6) 333 Specific and Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance Renewal —Allianz. (9/6) 330 92 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE Speeding problem on Shiras Ave., complaint of Dale Wilming. (8/1) 312 Speeding violations, Scheduled Fines, new Ord. (3/7) 68 Spiegel, A.J. & River Pointe project — condos on top of bluff — 600 Mazzuchelli; Lengthy discussion @ development. (10/17)(11/21)(12/5)(12/19) 387,409,422,436 Spiegelhalter, Melvin, The Club House, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Spielman, Charles, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20) 242,256 Splinter, Dan, in favor of Kelly's Bluff Condo Project — A.J. Spiegel. (12/19) 437 Splinter, Penny, claim; referred to Ins. (11/7) 396 Sports Bar, DM, Bartinis on Main St, 253 Main., Cigarette Per.(6/20) 253 Sports Bar, DM, Jumpers Sports Bar, 2600 Dodge, Liq. Lic. 1 day outdoor; Liq. Lic. (9/6)(11/21) 336,412 Sprinkler Service, Fire, Water Rates changed. (3/8) 76 SRO - Single Room Occupancy for Men, Scott Potter, HOME Program Funds, 12 room SRO (8/15)(11/21) 321,415 SRO - Single Room Occupancy for Women — SRO - Gronen Properties and Michelle Mihalakis, Zoning change requested for 2080 Elm St, 20 room SRO. (8/15)(11/21) 321,415 St. George, Reverend Victor of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (7/18) 280 St. Mark's Community Center — Apples for Students Proclamation. (7/18) 280 St. Peter, Steven, request Ord. adoption PUD amendment for Asbury Plaza — building height restrictions on outlots. (8/15) 321 St. Stephen's Food Bank, Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/6) 236 Stabilization of Shot Tower, Grant, ECIA, stabilize and rehabilitate. (1/17)(6/6) 13,231 Stafford Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction from High Bluff to Lincoln; award contract. (4/18)(5/16) 161,224 Stamping Co., Dubuque, re: nearby conservation district, Dbq Brewery & Malting. (11/21)..414 Star Brewery Building, G.O. Bond Issue, $1,150,000. (2/21)(3/7) 43,44,67 Star Brewery Lease Ext., Historical Star Redevelopment LLC.; amendment. (3/7)(9/6).... 58,335 State Bar Assn., Attorney Barry Lindahl to speak. (6/6) 247 State Enterprise Zone Tax Credits for housing development, letters to Legislators. (3/21) 86 State Historical Society of Iowa, Upper Main St. Dis. Nominate National Register of Historic Places. (3/7) 58 State Legislators, report of worthwhile meeting with Council. (2/7) 35 State Legislators — letters ® various issues. (3/21)(11/7) 86,399 State Vision Iowa report. (11/7) 399 Statewide referendum requirements, letters to state legislators. (3/21) 86 Stealth Race Car Property, Terrance & Linda Weidemann, fair market value of their property; Offer to Purchase; Historic. Pres. Approving demolition.. (1/3)(3/21)(6/6) 3,87,232 Steamboat Restoration Project, Wm. M. Black, funds to County Historical Society. (9/6) 336 Stecher, Randall & Carol, claim; referred to Ins. (12/5) 417 Steele, Jane, Mississippi Valley Promise Board, letter to Council. (3/7) 57 Steffen, Charles, Tony's Place, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/7)(6/6) 30,238 Steffen, Lloyd, & Elaine White re: Bergfeld Farm rezoning.(6/20) 261,262 Steger, John & Karla, to IDNR, grading & fill activities near 11775 N. Cascade Rd. (2/21) 38 Steger, Kathy Jo, claim, referred to Ins. (6/6) 231 Stein, Mark, objecting to rezoning of 2080 Elm St. (8/15) 322 Step by Step housing project on Bluff St., Sarah Davidson in appreciation. (12/19) 433 Step by Step Program, HOME, IDED Application, IDED. (12/5) 420 Step by Step, Dbq Main St. Challenge Grant funds housing accessibility for disabled. (11/7)400 Stephenson, George, G.M.S. Inc., Management Agree. Bunker Hill Golf Course.(2/21) 40,41 Steve's Ace Hardware, storage container ordinance. (5/16) 227 93 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE Stewart Street, purchase property R.J. Hartig and Finley. (4/4)(10/3) 142,370,371 Stewart, W.C., awarded contract for Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addn. (4/4) 147 Stewart, W.C., Chestnut St. Reconstruction, final. (2/7) 23 Stewart, W.C., Villa Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project; accept project.(9/6) ..327,328 Stierman Gardens Survey Plat, County. (6/20) 251 Stierman, Heidi, vs City Housing. (2/21) 38 Stierman, Tom, re: Granger Creek Sewer Ext. Connection Fee. (8/1) 304 Stipulation of Bargaining Unit to include Account Clerk I, Operating Engineer's Union.(5/2) 168 Stone, Mark, Claim; settlement. (8/1) 297 Stoneman Rd. & J.F. Kennedy Rd. Emergency Repair—Storm Sewer.(9/6) 335 Stonewall Lounge, Bricktown, Cooper Management, Liquor Lic.; Outdoor Service application discussed—tabled. (6/6)(9/6) 246,332 Stonskas, Dianna, claim; referred to Ins; appeal denial. (3/7)(4/4) 56,148 Stop Loss Insurance Renewal —Allianz. (9/6) 330 Stop Mart, AWN, Waseem Choudhry„ 1998 Jackson. (6/20) 253 Stop Sign, Valentine Drive for Southbound vehicles on Geraldine Dr. (4/18) 164,165 Stop Signs on lowa Street at W. Fifteenth St. (12/19) 444 Stop Signs, changes, street name designations: Fourth St. — now Ice Harbor Dr., Sixth Street — now Fifth St. and Adams St. & Fourth St. — now Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 69 Stop Signs, intersection of Marywood Dr & Crissy Dr. (9/6) 344 Stop Signs, Muscatine Street at Putnam Street. (2/7) 3 Stop Signs, National and Burlington Streets. (6/20) 263 Storage Container Ord. repealed; appreciation of B. Hendricks. (5/16)(6/20)(7/5) 227,250,278 Storm Sewer - Emergency Repair of Stoneman Road — J.F. Kennedy Rd. Storm Sewer.(9/6) 335 Stormwater Management Accounts, Delinquent, to Dbq County Treasurer. (12/19) 431 Stormwater management problems — Samantha Drive Neighborhood Assn.; Culvert issues. (9/6)(10/3)(10/17)(11/7) 341,376,385,403 Stormwater Projects, Bond Issue, FY 2005 CIP Budget. (2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)..44,64,106,112-121 Stormwater Utility Revenues increased for FY 06. (3/8) 81 Storybook Zoo lease renewal, 10 acres, former Roosevelt Park. (6/6) 233 Stovall, Tom, Operation: New View, re: Purchase of Services funding needs. (3/2) 55 STP Funding, Highway 20 Landscaping Project, Phase II, IDOT. (12/5) 420 Strategic Planning, FY 07, dates for meetings. (6/6) 246 Street — Curb Ramp Installation Pro. 2005. (3/7) 61 Street— new road between 1615 Born and 1595 Born. (4/4) 141,142 Street & Utilities Construction Proj., Synergy Court Dbq Ind. Center West. (7/5)(8/1) 274,275,307 Street & Utilities Construction Project, Synergy Court DICW. (7/5) 274 Street Construction Program, Five Year, FY 2006-2010. (3/8) 75 Street Lights, historic, requested for various Historic streets in City. (3/7) 69 Street program, discussion on choosing streets. (2/22) 52 Street sign requested in memory of Auleen Eberhardt. (9/6) 334 Street Signs, destination signs, for Miss. River Museum & Aquarium. (2/21) 40 Streets — Ordinance amending Streets, Sidewalks re: sidewalk cafe. (6/20) 263 Streets chosen for street program questioned at departmental budget hearing. (2/22) 52 Streff, Chad, Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/4)(6/6) 142,238 Streinz, Jeffrey A., Dbq Discount Gas #2, 2175 Central Ave., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Strom, Mary, not applying for Library Bd. recommend B. Kolz; in support of Dennis Healy, applicant for Library Bd. (6/6)(8/15) 236, 319 Structural Repair, City Hall, Third Floor. (4/4) 145,146 Stuart, Dave, 1470 Locust, in favor of Brewery Neighborhood Conservation Dis. (12/19) 444 94 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT s PAGE Stuart, Dave, Chair of Historic Pres., Ken Kringle Historic Pres. Award to City.(6/20) 249 Stuart, Dave, Brick sidewalks on Locust & Bluff Sts. request from Historic Pres. (3/7) 69 Stumpf Construction & All -Systems, final for Police Dept. Remodeling Pro. (4/4) 109,110 Stumpf Construction completion of Park Maintenance Roof Pro. (8/15) 314 Subdivision & Zoning Ordinance Update - Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Update, Worksession scheduled; Update & schedule Work Session; (2/21)(4/4)(5/16)(6/13)(6/20)(7/5)(8/1)(11/7) 41,109,229,248,264,278,313,403,413 Subdivisions Owners Performance & Maintenance Guarantees Public Improve. (11/21) 413 Sublease Agreement between DRA & Peninsula Gaming, Extension of Sublease. (6/20) 251 Sublime, R. Masartis, 3203 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 Substance Abuse Policy approved by City. (7/5) 267 Substance Abuse Services Agency, D. Thomas, requesting financial support. (11/21) 409 Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 Substance Abuse Services Center, Quarterly Reports. (2/7)(7/18)(11/7) 22,280,396 Succession, Emergency, Mayor & City Council Members, set out. (12/5) 424 Sullivan, Lea, in favor of rezoning of1798 Washington, Gronen- Boyes. (5/16) 214 Sullivan, Leo J., rezoning denial 4000 block of Peru Rd. from R1 to R2. (10/17) 388 Sullivan, Patrick, claim, referred to Ins. (11/7) 396 Sullivan, R.J., applicant for Community Development Adv. Comm. (2/21)(3/7) 47,63 Sumek, Lyle, led Council goal -setting session. (9/7)(9/8)(12/17) 347,348,426 Sumek, Lyle, requested for new Council team building session. (9/8) 348 Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Restaurant, 926 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Sungard Pentamation computer system upgrade. (4/4) 142 Superfine, Inc. Jackson Films, Inc. — documentary filmed on City property. (7/5) 270 Superfund Site Peoples Natural Gas, Tri-State Develop. withdraw zoning Seippel Rd. (10/17)380 Supervisors, Dbq County, Cascade Cycling Club, letter of support County Rd ¥13. (4/18) 154 Supervisors, Dubuque County, request No Parking in alley behind Courthouse. (2/21) 50,51 Supplement No. 63 to the City Code of Ordinances. (9/6) 334 Supplemental Agreement No. 3 Howard R. Green for University Ave. Extension Pro. (4/18)155 Survey Plat, Ridgeway Park in County. (7/18) 282 Survey Plat, Stierman Gardens in the County. (6/20) 251 Sutton, Ruby, Humanitarian Award to Human Rights Director Kelly Larson. (11/21) 411 Sutton, S.A., 1700 N Algona, object to sale of portion of Southern Ave. property. (11/7) 402 Sutton, S.A., 1875 Custer, object to condo rezoning — 600 Mazzuchelli, Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 436 SW Arterial, IA Highway 32, agreement for Engineering Design with County. (1/3) 4 SW Arterial funding, letter to Legislators; Mayor's letter to IDOT. (3/21)(10/17) 86,87,380 SW Arterial, IA 32, Consultant Professional Services to Earth Tech, engineering design. (2/7)25, SW Arterial, IA 32, RISE Application Amendment. (10/3) 369 Swimming pools & spas inspection, Interagency Agreement with County Health Bd. (7/18) 282 Swiss Valley Farms, Industrial sewer use long term agreement. (2/7) 27 Symphony Orchestra, Dbq., Grant Agreement — Arts & Culture Comm. (6/20) 252 Synergy Court Dubuque Industrial Center W Street & Utilities Project. (7/5)(8/1) 274,275,307 Synergy Court Project, Construction contract with Buesing. (9/6) 332 Synergy Court, Dubuque Ind. Center West, 4th Addn., final plat. (8/15)( 316 System Upgrade, computers — Sungard Pentamation. (4/4) 142 95 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(4/4)(6/6) 22,109,231 T & M Inc., Mario's Italian Rest., 1298 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/21) 412 Table Mound Elementary School Principal Roy Hanson, Rockdale Rd pedestrian safety. (3/21)83 Tanzanite Drive, rezoning requested by R. Tschiggfrie — T -Corp. (4/18) 162,163 Target Store #0086, 3500 Dodge, Beer Per.; Class "B" Wine; Class "E" Liquor. (11/7) 401 Tax Assessment Appeal Settlement, Kress Industrial Facility, Hughes Ct Cedar Ridge Industrial Subd.. (2/21) 38 Tax Assessment Appeal — Settlement, Michael & Rita Klein.(1117) 396 Tax Assessment Appeal — Settlement, Edwards Concrete Contractors. (9/6) 334 Tax Assessment Appeal Settlement — Gerald & Kelly Lazore. (113) 4 Tax Exemptions, 2004 Urban Revitalization Program Application's (2/21) 39,40 Tax Increment Financing Report, 2005. (12/19) 433 Taxation of facilities — City Cable communication system, letter to legislators. (3/21) 86 T -Corp, R. Tschiggfrie, rezoning of Tanzanite Dr. (4/18) 162,163 Team effectiveness.... Leadership/governance session with Lyle Sumek. (12/17) 426 Teamsters - Bargaining Agreement Teamsters Local Union No. 421; amendment; agreement approved. (1/17)(4/18)(6/6) 12,152,235 Temporary Easements, Acquisition Agreements, City Mgr. given authority to do. (12/19) 433 Ten Pin Tap, Dolores Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Tennis Court, Comiskey Park, Skate Park Project; final. (6/20)(7/18)(11/21). 254,255,292,293,408 Text Amendment, re: Subdivision Regs, bonding of public improvements. (11/21) 413 TFM Co. Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 32nd St. , Beer Per.; Wine Per. (4/18) 157 TFM Co., Oky Doky #1, 250 W.18' St., Beer Per.; Wine Per. (4/18) 157 TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa, Beer Per.; Wine Per. (8/15) 318 Theater Tuckpointing Project, Five Flags Civic Center. (6/6)(7/5) 240,277 Theisen, Jim, objecting to Storage Container Ordinance. (5/16) 227 Theisen's store, US Highway 20 Improvements Project, Ph. III University Ave. Ext. (4/18)154 Thielen, Ron, for condos on Kelly's Bluff, A.J. Spiegel Devel. (12/19) 437 Third Floor City Hall Structural Repair Pro.; award to Tricon; accept. (4/4)(5/16)(6/5)145,226,422 Third Street Overpass Decorative Railing Installation Pro.; awarded to Tricon. (8/1)(9/6) 302 Thirtieth & Jackson Streets, Dbq Brewing & Malting Co . property, Conservation Dis. (11/21)414 Thirty Second St., West, 685, purchase of property for Detention Basin (4/4)(4/18) 112,153 Thirty Second St., West, 755, purchase of property for detention basin expansion.(6/6) 232 Thirty -Second St. Detention Basin, 745 Gillespie Street purchase. (6/6) 233 Thirty -Second St. Detention Basin, 775 W. 32nd purchase. (8/1) 298 Thirty -Second St., West, 1501, rezoning request by Luksetich Spahn Development / Paul & Bernice Ehrlich & ZAC. (6/20) 258 Thirty -Second St, West, 715, purchase of property for Detention Basin. (1/17) 13 Thoman, Father Dwayne, Spiritual Director of Wahlert High, Gave Invocation. (3/21) 83 Thomas Place, 1195, Sanitary Sewer Replacement Agreement. (5/2) 168 Thomas, Diane K., Substance Abuse Services Agency, requesting funding. (11/21) 409 Thompson, Loretta, Expresso Coffee Shop - Moo Java, Loretta Thompson, expresso drive-thru behind Dbq Discount Gas by Wal-Mart; objections, etc. approved. (10/3)(10/17) 376,390 Thornton, Dr. Dan, Interim Pastor, Third Presbyterian Church, Gave Invocation. (11/21) 407 Thunderbirds, Dubuque, hockey contract for usage of Five Flags.(9/6) 330 TIF - Tax Increment Financing Report, 2005. (12/19) 433 Tigges, Ronald, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Tiller (Seagrave) Fire Truck, funding for restoration. (4/4) 148 Tilton, Sandra Elizabeth, Claim; Referred to Insurance. (4/18) 152 96 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE T Timber-Hyrst Estates, plat approval — parking on one side. (12/19) 444 Time and Fee Schedule for specific parking lots — Meters changed. (3/8) 80,81 Tobacco Compliance — civil penalties for various businesses. (5/16)(7/18)(8/15) 226,283,318 Tobacco Compliance, Civil Penalties Settlement for Paro Food Mart etc.(6/20) 252 Tobacco Outlet #504, Kwik Trip Inc. 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.(4/18)(6/6) 157,238 Tobacco World, Iowa Potatoe & Produce House, 3341 Hillcrest, Cigarette Per.; Class C Beer Permit; Cigarette Per. (3/21)(6/6) 88,238 Tobin, Pat & Liz, Zoning change, 1087 Cedar Cross Rd. allow used car sales. (4/18) 163,165 Tony's Place, Charles Steffen, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/7)(6/6) 30,238 Tool Library, Washington Neighborhood, Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 Top Grade Excavating awarded contract for Synergy Court— Dubuque Industrial Center West Street & Utilities Project. (8/1) 307 Top Grade Excavating, Inc., awarded U.S. 20 Sanitary Sewer Extension Project; Project acceptance. (1/17)(10/17) 17,381 Toreros, Pennsylvania Ave., Liquor Lic. (6/20) 254 Tour de Dubuque Day Proclamation. (8/15) 314 Town Clock Inn, 799 Town Clock, Liquor Lic. (2/7) 30 Townsend, Harry, re: Grandstand Under the Stars. (4/18) 152 Traffic — IDOT Clean Air Attainment Program — funding of Intelligent Transportation System Improvements on Dodge (US 20) from Devon Dr. to Menards.(3/7) 56 Traffic — stop signs at intersection of Crissy Dr. & Marywood. (9/6) 344 Traffic change — Stop Signs at Iowa & W. 15th St., Four Way Stop. (12/19) 444 Traffic changes, US Highway 20 Improvements — University Avenue. (4/18) 154 Traffic code, street name designations changed Fourth St. — now Ice Harbor Dr., Sixth Street — now Fifth Street, and Adams St. & Fourth St. — now Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 6 Traffic concerns & pedestrian crossing corridor at Clarke College. (7/5) 267 Traffic concerns for new coffee shop behind Dbq Discount Gas — Moo Java's. (10/3) 376 Traffic concerns for Sixth & Locust St., Ecumenical Towers; Drop Off Parking on Sixth Street from Locust to alley west of Main.(6/20)(715) (9/6) 264,270, 344 Traffic problems on Kerper Ct. when Eagle Window & Door shifts change.(1117) 404 Traffic problems NW Arterial to new middle school, Overpass? Carol & Bill Denlinger. (2/7). 23 Traffic Safety Grant, Police, fund OT hours and in -car video systems. (2/7) 26 Traffic Signal Technician II individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (4/4) 111 Traffic signalization, NW Arterial, discussion at budget hearing. (2/22) 52 Traffic signals — lights, request for historic ones on Loras Blvd. (3/7) 69 Traffic signals at 15th & Jackson Streets removed — replaced with stop signs. (9/19) 351 Traffic Violations — speeding, scheduled fines, added to Code. (3/7) 68 Trail construction - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Construction Project, acceptance. (7/18) .286 Trail construction, Bike/Hike - Iowa DNR — REAP Grant application for Phase 1 of Iowa 32 Bike/Hike Trail. (8/1) 309 Trail construction, Bike/Hike, SAFE -TEA Grant application for Phase 2 of IA 32 — NW Arterial trail. (10/3) 365 Trailer parking & Boat Ramp, IA DNR Grant for those at Water Works Pk. (2/7) 25 Trailhead facility at Water Works Park — A.Y. McDonald Park, agreement with IDOT. (10/17).384 Trails Edge Drive, prohibition of parking — Westbrook Subd., Callahan's. (1/3) 6 Training — Diversity, for City Employees, RFP's. (9/19) 351 Training — Ride Along, Contract for with colleges — EMS Training programs. (7/5) 268 Transient Boat Docks Feasibility Study, Request for Proposals; approve Abonmarche Group for Feasibility Study. (1/17)(3/7) 18,19,59 97 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT T PAGE Transit Board of Trustees — capacity constraint issues on minibus service through productivity improvements. (3/21) 107 Transit Board of Trustees applicants George O. Enderson & Michael W. Sand; and Joel Lightcap.; Reappointment of all. (10/17)(11/7) 387,402 Transit Division, departmental budget hearing & question @ trolley ridership. (2/28) 54 Transit, FY 2006 Compensation Package for Bus Operators. (9/6) 332,333 Transit, Keyline, Bus Shelters — Brasco Int'I. (8/1) 300 Transit, Keyline, Request for Proposals for Management of Bus operation. (12/5) 420 Travis, Paula, claim referred to Insurance. (1/17) 11 Trick or Treat Proclamation — Halloween. (10/3) 365 Tricon Construction awarded contract for City Hall Third Floor Structural Repairs; awarded Pyatigorsk Park Development Pro. (5/16)(6/6) 226, 243 Tricon Construction awarded contract for Port of Dubuque Recognition Wall Project.(9/6) .. 340 Tricon Construction awarded contract for Third Street Overpass Decorative Railing. (9/6)... 339 Triple J Land Co. & Marshallese House of Praise, rezoning of 2155 Rockdale. (5/16) 215,216 Tri-State Development Co., awarded contract for United Rental Building Demolition & Site Clearance Pro. (12/19) 437 Tri-State Development Company, withdraw zoning application Seippel Rd. property. (10/17)380 Tri-State Golf Center, 1095 Cedar Cross Rd., Liquor Lic. (8/1) 300 Tri-State Industries, dispose Lot 3 Dbq Ind. Center West 3`" Add., to Heller Family Realty Co. for building. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Tri-State Veteran Museum & Recognition Center, preliminary request by S. Dazey. (10/3) 376 Trolley ridership increase questioned. (2/28) 54/ Truck, Antique Fire, 1948, restoration, fundraising. (9/6) 333 Trucks, Motor, over 10,000 lbs. prohibited from Ice Harbor Rd. to Ice Harbor Dr. (3/7) 70 Tschiggfrie Excavating Co. project by IDOT for University Avenue Reconstruction Pro. (3/7)58 Tschiggfrie Excavating, claim of Mark Blocklinger referred to them. (11/7) 396 Tschiggfrie Excavating, claim of Kasey McMahon referred to them. (11/21) 407 Tschiggfrie, Rod, rezoning of Tanzanite Dr. (4/18) 162,163 Tsunami victims, Moment of Silence by Council. (1/3) 1 Tuckpointing of CS Library, Exterior Renovations; award Fred Jackson Tuckpointing. (3/21)103 Tuckpointing of Five Flags Civic Center Theater. (6/6)(7/5) 240,277 Tully, Gene, 448 Summit, comments re: 4310 Asbury, Sam's Club. (11/21) 413 Tully, Gene, request realistic scale for A.J. Spiegel's condo project on Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 437 Turner, Michael, owner of 745 Gillespie St., City purchase for Detention Basin.(6/6) 233 TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Commission applicants: George P. Herrig & "Sr. Carol Hoverman; appointed.(7/18)(8/1) 290, 304 TV Cable Regulatory Comm. applicant Charlie Ellis; reappointments C. Ellis, Mike Pratt. (1/17)(2/7) 15,31 TV Cable Regulatory Comm, applicants Ronald Tigges, Walter Webster, reappointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Pauline Maloney; appointment. (6/20)(7/5)255,276 Twelfth St., Main St., Ninth St., portions of streets for Parking Meters.(8/1) 310,311 Twenty -Eight E Agreement with Dbq County for Hazards Materials Response. (1/3) 4 Twenty -First Street, 382, was Washington Neighborhood Ctr, now Gateways to Home. (4/4) 111 Twin Valley Dr. and Rockdale Rd., Lease for Key City Moving. (11/7) 397 Tyler Road — Correction of Warranty Deed, legal description error — City & School. (2/7) ... 24,25 98 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT u PAGE U.S. 20 — Dodge St., Devon Dr. to Menards, IDOT application for Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation System; ICAAP Funding — Priority 2,3, & 4. (3/7)(10/3) 56,368 U.S. 20 Bridge ROW Deeds to IDOT new Bridge over Mississippi. (3/7)(3/21)(12/5)61,104,105,419 U.S. 20 Fiber Optics Interconnect Project, ICAAP Agree. Howard R. Green Co. (11/21) 410 U.S. 20 Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj, award to Top Grade; accept project. (1/17)(10/17) 17,18,381 U.S. Cellular Service Agreement for City cell telephone service. (9/6) 334 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, update on Peoples Natural Gas Superfund Site; second five year review. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 U.S. Highway 20 Improvements, University Ave. DMATS funding Phase III completion. (4/18)154 UAW Local 94, 3450 Central, Beer Per. (1/17) 14 UFCW 431 , Claim referred to Insurance. (9/19) 350 Uhlrich, Paul, 489 Olympic Heights, objecting to narrow Olympic Heights Rd.(6/20) 258 Unified Development Code re: Zoning & Subdivision Ord. Update Work Session.(8/1) 313 Union — Dbq Professional Firefighters, Agreement with City. (9/6) 333 Union — Operating Engineer's Bargaining Unit Amendment — include Account Clerk I. (5/2)168 Union — Operating Engineer's Union Petition, amend exclude certain classifications. (4/4). 110 Union - Operating Engineers, Intl Union, Agreement with City; amendment. (6/20)(9/6). 251,330 United Clinical Lab Proclamation. (4/18) 152 United Parcel Service requesting to buy portion of Kerper Blvd. (8/15) 317,318 United Rental Building Demolition & Site Clearance Project. (11/7)(12/19) 401,437,438 United States Environmental Protection Agency, update on Peoples Natural Gas Superfund Site; second five year review. (1/17)(10/17) 14,380 United Way Campaign Time Proclamation. (7/5) 267 University — Grandview area, The Finley Hospital, rezoning of property. (2/21) 48,49 University Ave Reconstruction, supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Howard R Green; Agreement No. 4 with Howard Green. (4/18)(12/5) 155,418 University Ave., 2635/2641, rezoning request for Mr. Papin — mobile home area..(6/20) 256 University Avenue Extension Project— Phase II. (8/1) 308 University Avenue Extension Project- funds, Dbq Metropolitan Area Transportation. (4/18) 154 University Avenue Extension Project, Paving, Phase II. (7/18)(8/15) 288,318 University Avenue Extension Project, property, Elm Real Estate — Iowa Glass. (2/21)(3/21) 40,87 University Avenue Extension Project, property purchase of James Newman property. (3/21).87 University Avenue Reconstruction Pro. Concrete Box Culvert Ext Pro. (3/7)(3/21) 60,105 University Avenue Reconstruction Project, contract to Tschiggfrie by IDOT. (3/7) 58 University of Dubuque, Memo of Agreement, clinical site usage UD's nursing prog. (7/18)... 282 University of Dubuque commendation proclamation. (4/4) 109 University of Dubuque, amend Institutional District zoning, allow construction of new academic & administration building. (3/21) 96 University of Dubuque, amend Institutional District zoning, construction of new addition to Goldthorpe Science Hall at SE corner of University & Algona Sts. (3/21) 98 University of Iowa Healthcare — Fire Dept. — EMS Training Programs contracts. (7/18) 282 Update on Zoning & Subdivision Ordinances. (7/5) 278 Upper Main Street Historic District nomination, Nat'l Register of Historic Places. (2/7)(3/7)25,58 UPS - United Parcel Service requesting to buy portion of Kerper Blvd. (8/15) 317,318 Uptown Recreation Program, County Extension, grant agreement. (6/6) 233 Uptown Recreation Program, Four Mounds Foundation to provide Day Camp Program.(7/5) 267 Urbain, Rick M., re: Granger Creek Sewer Connection Fees. (8/1) 304 Urban Renewal Bonds, G.O. — (4/4) 132 Urban Renewal Plan Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Devel. Dis., amendment. (9/6)338 Urban Revitalization Program Applications for Tax Exemptions. (2/21) 39 99 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT U PAGE Urban Revitalizations Area Plan for Garfield Place, Urban Revitalization area. (12/19) 434 USA Drug Stores- Hartigs, vacation & purchase of City property — N. Grandview, Delhi, University Area. (7/5) 271 Utilities & Street Construction Proj., Synergy Court Dbq Industrial Center West. (7/5).... 274,275 Utilities Project for Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addn., Contract B., awarded to Horsfield Construction. (6/20) 260 Utility — Municipal, Request for proposals for consultant for feasibility; results of study; request letter of support; meeting clarifying; Approved — Abstract of Votes. (3/21)(8/15)(9/6)(9/12)(12/5) 107,322,335,340,341,349,419 Utility Billing Coordinator individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (10/17) 383 Utility bills of City, now printed & mailed from City. (4/4) 142 Utility companies be involved in GIS process of City. (2/15) 36 Utility Franchise Fees discussion with Legislators. (2/7) 35 Utility lines buried along Grove Terrace & lower Grove Terrace, Historic Bluffs Neighborhood request for Historic funds. (3/7) 69 Utility revenues for Storm Water Utility increased, FY 06. (3/8) 81 100 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT V PAGE Vacate and Sale of Southern Ave. property to Alan & Constance Rowell. (11/7) 402 Vacate portion of Stewart St., portion of N. Grandview, University, & alleys between Delhi & University for Dick Hartig & John Knox — The Finley Hospital. (10/3) 370 Vacating petition of Nathan Boyes over Lot 29 Emerald Acres No. 2. (6/20)(7/5) 254,276 Vacating request for alleys — Grandview & Delhi etc. — Finley Hospital & Hartigs. (7/5) 271 Valentine Dr., stop sign recommended for southbound vehicles on Geraldine. (4/18) 164 Valley, 243, rezoning requested by Greg & Nancy Adams. (11/21) 412 Van Cleve, Vernon, claim. (6/6) 231 Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr. on DRA Board. (1/3) 10 Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr., on Operation: New View Board, his rep is Janet Walker from Housing Services.(1/3) 10 Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr., praised by Michael Gartner. (3/7) 71 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, Evaluation by Council. (6/27) 265 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, 14th Amendment to Employment Agree. (7/5) 269 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager, speak at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia — "Reinventing America's Older Communities." (11/21) 411 Van Milligen, Michael, Certificate from International City/County Management Assn.(12/5)422 Vanden Heuvel, Vincent, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; reappointed. (12/5)(12/19)423,434 Vaughn, Ron, in favor of condo project on Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 437 Vehicle accidents increased downtown, cell phone usage. (616) 247 Vehicles — non motorized, Ordinance regulating (pedicab). (4/4) 148 Vernon Research Group contract Municipal Communication Utility Feasibility Study; study results. (5/16)(9/12) 227,349 Veteran Museum and Recognition Center, Tri-State, request by S. Dazey. (10/3) 376 Veterans names for Hormel Museum, those who worked at Dubuque Packing Co. (2/21) 51 Video systems, Police, in car, Traffic Safety Grant. (2/7) 26 Villa Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project; accept project.(9/6) 327,328 Virchow Krause & Co., business models for Municipal Communications Utility. (9/12) 349 Visibility Corridor for Grand River Center to Courthouse gold dome. (4/18) 158 Vision Health Center in Cedar Lake Plaza for Durrant, Inc., Zoning Comm. (11/21) 414 Vision Iowa Grant Award Agree. Amend, extend time for completion in Port of Dbq. (3/7) . 58,59 Vision Iowa Report (annual). (11/7) 399 Vision Iowa Update — extension for completion of one component of the Agreement. (4/18) 156 Visiting Nurse Assn. — Contract with Health Bd. for funding of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. (7/18) 28 Visiting Nurse Assn. — request 4 way stop intersection at Iowa & Fifteenth Streets. (12/19).444 Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal Co., award contract 2004 Sanitary Sewer Lining Pro.(1/17) 16,17 VNA — Visiting Nurse Assn. — Contract with Health Bd. for funding of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. (7/18) 283 VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn. request 4 way stop at Iowa & Fifteenth Streets. (12/19) 444 Volkens, Inc. of Dyersville, awarded Fiber Optic Conduit System — Phase I Project; accept project. (4/18)(12/19) 163,428 Volleyball teams lease of Bowling & Beyond, Attorney Art Gilloon. (4/18) 165 Vorwald, Dick, in favor of a downsized condo project on Kelly's Bluff. (12/19) 437 Vorwald, Richard, applicant for Park& Recreation Comm. (6/20)(7/5) 255,275,276 Vote in the election urged tomorrow by Mayor Duggan. (11/7) 404 Votes, Abstract of Votes for City Council Election and Municipal Utility question. (12/5) 418,419 Voucher, Housing Choice, FY 2004 Self Suff. Program, funding. (2/7) 29 101 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE w W. 32ntl St., 715, purchase of property, Detention Basin. (1/17) 13 W. 32ntl St. Detention Basin, MSA Professional Services consultant selection. (2/7) 34 W. 32s St. Detention Basin, purchase of 745 Gillespie St. (6/6) 233 W. 32' St. ,775, purchase for detention basin. (8/1) 297,298 W. 32" St., 685, purchase of real estate for Detention Basin area. (4/4)(4/18) 112,153 W. 32" St. Detention Basin Design.(10/3) 378 W. 32"tl St. 755, purchase for detention basin area. (6/6) 232 W. Eleventh St. Elevator area, landscaping, Hist. Dist. Public Improve. Program funds. (3/7) 68 W. Fifth St., SW & SE corner, University & Grandview, rezoning Finley Hospital. (2/21) 48,49 W. Sixth St., 350, Post Office building, City interest in acquiring. (2/7)(3/7) 35,68 W. Thirty -Second St., 715, purchase of property, Detention Basin. (1/17) 13 W. Thirty -Second St. Detention Basin, MSA Professional Services consultant selection. (2/7)34 W. Thirty -Second St., 685, purchase of real estate for Detention Basin area. (4/4)(4/18)..112,153 W. Thirty -Second Street, 755, purchase for detention basin area. (6/6) 232 W. Thirty Second Street Detention Basin purchase of 745 Gillespie St. (6/6) 233 W. Thirty Second Street,775, purchase for detention basin. (8/1) 297,298 W. Thirty -Second Street Detention Basin Design.(10/3) 378 W.C. Stewart Co., contract Dbq Industrial Center West Third Addn Mass Grading Pro. (4/4)147 Wacker Plaza, Wacker Dr., zoning change sign regulations I.D. Associates — Aaron's. (8/15)320 Wadding, Kim, Police Chief, final estimate of Police Dept. remodeling. (4/4) 110 Wadding, Kim, Police Chief, comments, drug dogs in schools. (4/18) 164 Wadding, Rev. Judy, United Methodist Minister, Gave Invocation. (4/4) 109 Wage Plan, FY 2006 Compensation Package for Bus Operators — Keyline. (9/6) 332,334 Wagner, Sister Lynn, Food Pantry Director, gave invocation. (1/3) 1 Wagner's Copper Kettle, 2987 Jackson St., Liquor Lic. (4/4) 142 Wahlert Atrium, Clarke College, Liquor Lic. (8/15) 318 Walbrun, Joseph, Zoning 4755/4855 Old Highway Rd. R3 to C3 J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Madeline & Albert Kotz. (12/19) 435 Walgreen's #06154, 2260 JF Kennedy Rd. Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Walgreens #0377, 555 JFK Road, Cigarette Per.; Tobacco Penalty Settlement. (6/6)(7/18)238,283 Walgreens #09708, Walgreen Co., 55 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (10/3) 369 Walker, Anita, IA Cultural Affairs, support historical projects eligible for tax credits.(7/5) 269 Walker, Janet, of Housing & Comm. Develop. Operation: New View Bd. for City Mgr. (1/3) 10 Wall, Port of Dubuque Recognition Wall Project. (8/1)(9/6) 303,340 Wall, Retaining, at Heeb Street, Dean Konrardy letter. (6/20) 250 Wall, Villa Street Retaining Reconstruction Pro.(9/6) 327,328 Wal-Mart Supercenter #2004, Wal-Mart Stores, 4200 Dodge. (6/6) 238 Wal-Mart Supercenter Hwy 20 Coffee Shop, Moo Java Expresso, requested. (10/3) 376 Wal-Mart, Sam's Club Rezoning, Asbury & NW Arterial. (12/19) 437-443 Walnut Tap, Craig J. Weiner, 709 University, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/6)(7/5) 238,270 Wand, Christopher, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; reappointed. (6/6)(6/20) 242,256 Ward, John M., object Kelly's Bluff condo project; request help for Gannon Ctr. (12/19) 437,446 WARN Notification — APAC Customer Services, Inc. discontinue operations & employees terminated on 9/28/05. (8/15) 315 Wartburg Place, 300 block, rezoning of Links Glen for Tim Conlon.(7/18) 290 Washington Court - Dubuque Casket Factory, funding & park update. (6/6) 235 Washington Court Project, Housing Enterprise Zone Program Agreement IDED. (9/6) 332 Washington Mutual Bank, Claim. (4/4) 109 Washington Neighborhood Center — former at 382 E. St., purchase by Gateways to Home — local Housing Development Org. (4/4) 111 102 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT W PAGE Washington Neighborhood Revitalization area - Healthy Homes Grant App., HUD, Area. (6/6)234 Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Purchase of Services Agreement. (6/6) 237 Washington Neighborhood, Homeownership CIP for rehab assistance. (11/21) 410 Washington Park Renovation Project — Sixth & Seventh Street Reconstruction. (4/4) 144,145 Washington Street Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy approval.(1/17) 181 Washington Street Neighborhood Initiative, Housing Trust Fund Grant App. (3/21) 87 Washington Street, 1798, rezoning request from LI to OR — Gronen. (5/16) 215 Washington Street, 1798, nominate Dbq Casket Co. Nat'l Register of Historic Places. (10/3) 368 Washington Court Project, 1798 Washington, Notice environment & funds. (3/7) 57 Waste Agency, Dbq Area Solid Waste, rezoning of portion of Hwy 20 West property. (6/6).... 246 Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitations, Cedar Street and Dog Track. (8/15) 315 Water and sewer connection wanted for E.B. Lyons by Friends of the Mines of Spain. (11/21)408 Water bills — printing & mailing of utility bills, now down by City. (4/4) 142 Water Compliance Inspection Report for Dbq Regional Airport. (3/21) 85 Water Department — departmental budget hearing for FY 06, question @ liability etc. (2/22)52 Water Department —Employee — Navy Seabee BU1 Brant Schueller, presented 25 Command Coin for City's support of military. (12/5) 427 Water Distribution Geographical Information System (GIS) Update — contract with Missman Stanley & Assoc., update maps. (2/7) 26 Water Main break claim of Lois Bublitz & Dianna Stonskas — appeal denial of claim. (4/4).... 148 Water Main Extension Project — Westbrook Subd., acceptance. (9/19) 350 Water Main & Sanitary Sewer, North Grandview Estates; award Connolly. (9/6)(10/3)336,337,375 Water Plant Elevator (Eagle Pt.) Renovation Project, accept. (2/7) 25,26 Water Pollution Control Plant Operator, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm.(7/18) ..284 Water Pollution Control Plant, departmental budget hearing for FY 06. (2/22) 52 Water Rates changed for all uses — FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 75 Water Recreation Access Grant for Boat Ramp & Parking at Water Works Park, IA DNR. (2/7) 25 Water Works Park, Grant App IA DNR Water Recreation Access, Boat Ramp, trailer park. (2/7)25 Water Works Park Project awarded to Portzen Con. (6/6) 242 Water System Project, Flora Park. (8/1)(9/6) 301,338 Water Works Park, McDonalds request change A.Y. McDonald Park; approved. (8/1)(9/6)309,341 Water Works Park — A.Y. McDonald Park — IDOT Fed. Rec. Grant Trailhead Facility. (10/17).. 384 Water Works Park, A.Y. McDonald Pk, Grant IA DNR, Boat Ramp & Trailer Parking. (10/17).. 384 Watermain & Sewer — Hy -Vee Subdivision public improvements. (9/6) 326 Waterway, Samantha Drive Culvert. (10/3) 376 WCB Hotels, Inc. Hoffman House, 3100 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Weather Radio Grant, NOAA, certification letter for distribution. (1/3) 3 Weber, Dolores, Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (12/19) 434 Webster, Walter, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed. (7/18)(8/1) 290,304 Weed Ordinance Revision, mail notification by certified mail required. (8/1) 310 Weidemann, Terrance & Linda, Stealth Car Property Port of Dbq., FMV; purchase. (1/3)(3/21)(4/4) 3,87,142,143 Weidemann, Tom & Bonnie, 162 Cardiff, objecting to Kelly's Bluffs condos. (12/19) 437 Weidenbacher, Mary, Claim; settlement. (8/1)(8/15) 297,314 Weiner, Craig J., Walnut Tap, 709 University, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/6)(7/5) 238,270 Weinhold, Reverend Robert, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (12/5).417 Wells Fargo Bank, claim. (3/7) 56 Wells Fargo Bank, Paying Agent & Bond Registrar. (4/4) 112,132 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota vs City. (12/5) 417 Welsh, David, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm. (10/17) 387 103 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT w PAGE Welu, David J., claim; Denial. (7/18)(9/6) 280,325 West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (4/18) 157 West Locust Mart, Lee Potter Sr. 408 W. Locust, Cigarette Per. (6/20) 253 West Thirty-second Street, 715, purchase of property for Detention Basin. (1/17) 13 Westbrook Subdivision, Parking Restrictions — agreement with Callahan Construction. (113).. 6 Westbrook Subd. Water Main Ext. Project & Service Line Lateral Project, final accept.(9/19) 350 Whiskey River, 1064 University, Chad Streff, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/4)(6/6) 142,238 White Cane Safety Day Proclamation. (10/3) 365 White House Tavern, D. Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cigarette Per. (7/18) 287 White St. & Central, alley behind Courthouse, No Parking. (2/21) 50 White St., 1960, request to rezone — withdrawn. (2/21) 47 White Water Creek Bridge relocation, RFP's. (9/6) 331 White Water Creek Bridge relocation, NNW, consultant, bike trail Bergfeld Rec. area . (11/7)399 White, Darren, applicant for ZAC. (10/3)(10/17) 370,387 White, John, property at 409 Burch St., declared nuisance & City purchase process. (6/20)(7/18)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7) 262,263,283,352,368,398 Whites Place, Lot 2, purchase of property for Carter Road Detention Basin. (9/6) 325 Whites, Steven P & Michelle R., Lot 2 Whites PI to City Carter Rd Detention Basin. (9/6) 325 WHKS & Co. design engineer Cedar St & Dog Track Wastewater Pump Station Rehab. (8/15)315 Widening Asbury Road Widening Project, final project; amended project. (6/6)(7/5) 234,269 Will — Make a Will Month Proclamation. (10/3) 365 Willenborg Plumbing, awarded contract for Flora Park Water System Project.(9/6) 338 Willging, Sr. Margaret Ann, condos Mazzuchelli, Spiegel's, River Pointe. (10/17)(12/19).387,436 William M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project, reimburse of funds to Historical Soc.(9/6) 336 Williams, Beth, 2645 University, objecting to rezoning of 2635/2641 University.(6/20) 256 Williams, Sandra, & Richard Henkel, Develop. Agreement for N. Grandview Estates. (4/4)110 Willis, Mike, 205 Valley, objecting to rezoning of 243 Valley St. (11/21) 412 Willmes, John L & Marion L., deed part Glen Oak St, ROW part Rosedale Addn. (11/21) 409 Wilming, Dale, 2650 Shiras, re: traffic problems on Shiras. (8/1) 312 Wilson, Eric, claim; denial. (1/3)(2/7) 1,22 Winger Construction award contract Asbury Rd Sidewalk Installation; final.(6/6)(12/19) 245,428 Winger, Tara, request to speak © housing, disabled persons etc. (10/3) 376 Winter Maintenance Agreement, Cooperative, with City & County — Road Upkeep. ((/6) 330 Winter Roadway Maintenance Agreement with City of Asbury. (12/5) 421 Winterwood, Dr. Charles, Long Range Planning, object Kelly's Bluff condo project. (12/19)437 Wireless high-speed internet service, recommendation for Communications Utility. (9/12) 349 Wolf, Matthew, 1409 Loras, questioned Kelly's Bluff condo project. (12/19) 437 Wolfe, Paula Jo, of Dbq Arts Council, appreciative of funds. (12/19) 433 Women, SRO, Gronen & Michelle Mihalakis, Zoning for 2080 Elm St., 20 room SRO. (8/15) 321 Woodin, John, apply Mediacom Cultural Affairs Charitable Foundation Bd. (8/1)(8/15)... 304,319 Woodland Estates No. 3 Final Plat. (4/18) 152 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, 1103 Iowa St., Cigarette Per. (6/6) 238 Woodward, Bob, Vernon Research Group, Municipal Communications Utility. (9/12) 349 Work Session for Municipal Utility Feasibility Study.(9/6) 335 Work Session scheduled for Eagle Point Bluff Stabilization Study. (11/21) 415 Work Session scheduled for Hwy 20 Bridge project design. (8/15) 324 Work Session scheduled Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance update.(5/16)(6/20). 229,264,278,284 Worker's Compensation, Admin. Services Fee. Alternative Services Concepts. (11/21) 409 Worker's Compensation Excess Insurance, renewal rate approved by Safety National.(9/6)332 104 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT PAGE X 105 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT Y PAGE Y13, County Road, request for shoulders on side, request Council letter of support. (4/18).. 154 Yacht Basin Lease with Catfish Charlie's; new lease. (2/21)(7/5) 41,269 Yard Waste Materials, charges changed for FY 06 Budget. (3/8) 79,80 Yardarm Restaurant/Bar, 1201 Shiras, Liquor Lic. (3/21) 89 Yarnell, Audrey, 2653 University, objecting to rezoning of 2635/2641 University. (6/20) 256 Yen Ching Restaurant, Sun's Corp., 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (11/7) 401 Yiannis Place No. 3, Plat of Survey, on JFK Rd. (2/21) 38,39 Yield Signs replaced by Stop Signs, intersection of Crissy & Marywood Dr. (9/6) 345 Young, Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Westminster Presbyterian, Gave Invocation. (2/21) 38 Yuan Place, Plat of Survey, on JFK Road. (2/21) 39 106 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT Z PAGE ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(8/1)(8/15)(9/19)(10/17)(11 /21)(12/19) 38,83,152,249,297,314,350,380,407,427 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(8/15)(9/19)(10/3)(11/21)(12/19) 11,38,83,83,152,248,314,350,365,407.427 Zelinskas, Tony, of WHKS, traffic study impact re: A.JSpiegel's 600 Mazzuchelli St rezoning. (12/19) 436 Zoning — 4755/4855 Old Highway Rd. R3 to C3 — J. Walbrun, J. O'Toole, J. Hauber, Madeline & Albert Kota. (12/19) 435 Zoning - Alter Scrap Processing, request to rezone 190 North Crescent Court. (12/19) 436 Zoning — approval of site plan of Birch Heating & Cooling on Cedar Cross Rd. (3/21) 107 Zoning — Asbury Plaza No. 3 — future extension of Plaza Drive for Motor City. (3/21) 99,100 Zoning — Cedar Lake Plaza, approval of Site Plan for Vision Health Center. (11/21) 414 Zoning — QHQ Properties, Arc Design Resources, 4310 Asbury, Sam's Club, rezoning. (12/5)423 Zoning & Subd. Ordinance Update, Consultant, Lane Kendig, Inc.; Worksession; Revised schedule. (2/21)(4/4)(6/13)(6/20)(11/7) 41,109, 248,264,403 Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Update, Work Session. (8/1) 313 Zoning Advisory Commission applicant Ken Bichell; appointed. (10/3)(10/17) 378,387 Zoning Advisory Commission applicant Matthew Lundh. (9/6) 337 Zoning Advisory Commission applicants Martha E. Christ, Richard J. Schiltz, Ron Smith; reappointments of Christ, Schiltz & Smith. (6/20)(7/5) 255,276 Zoning Advisory Commission resignation of Ben Roush. (8/15) 315 Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Update, Worksession scheduled; Update & schedule Work Session. (2/21)(4/4)(5/16)(6/13)(6/20)(7/5)(8/1) 41,109,229,248,264,278,313 Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant William J. Gibbs; appointed(2/21)(3/7) 47,63 Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant Michael A. Ruden; reappointed. (3/7)(3/21) 63,91 Zoning change — Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, NW Asbury Rd. & NW Arterial — re: building height issue. (8/15) 321 Zoning change - Radford Road, 2025, rezoning from R1 to OC — Don & Tanya Bycroft. (5/16)223 Zoning change - Tanzanite Drive, rezoning requested by R. Tschiggfrie — T -Corp. (4/18)162,163 Zoning change amendment for Wacker Plaza PUD — freestanding sign pole & Aaron's. (8/15)320 Zoning change 1501 W. 32nd St., - Luksetich Spahn Develop/ & Paul & Bemice Ehrlich. (6/20)258 Zoning change 1798 Washington from LI to OR — Gronen, Boyes request. (5/16) 214,215 Zoning Change 243 Valley St. for Greg & Nancy Adams. (11/21) 412 Zoning change 300 block of Wartburg Place, Links Glen Resid. Devel., Tim Conlon. (7/18) 290 Zoning change 601 Garfield Ave., - Scott Potter, Davis Place. (6/20) 256 Zoning change 2155 Rockdale, Triple J Land Co. & Marshallese House of Praise. (5/16) 215,216 Zoning change property of Vincent & Luella McFadden — W of Dbq Ind. Center & N & S of Chavenelle Road Extension. (5/16) 216-223 Zoning change request Hwy 20 property for Dbq. Metro. Solid Waste Agency. (5/16)(6/6)215,246 Zoning change 2080 Elm St, Michelle Mihalakis & Gronen Properties, SRO. (8/15)(9/6) 321,341 Zoning change requested for River Pointe Condo Project —A.J. Spiegel, Mazzuchelli. Spiegel, A.J. & 600 Mazzuchelli. (10/17)(11/21)(12/5) 387,409,422 Zoning change 1087 Cedar Cross Rd. Pat & Liz Tobin, allow used car sales. (4/18) 163 Zoning change, amend Institutional District — to allow construction of new academic & administration building at NW Corner of Bennett & Algona Sts. (3/21) 96,97 107 INDEX - BOOK 135 2005 SUBJECT Z PAGE Zoning change, amended Conceptual Development Plan University of Dubuque to allow construction of addition to Goldthorpe Science Hall.(3/21) 98,99 Zoning change, Radford Rd. 2011/2015, for Patricia Scott. (6/20) 259 Zoning of 1960 White St. for Jaeger — withdrawn. (2/21) 47 Zoning of 4616 Asbury Rd. — C. Nauman & M. Roussel. (2/21)(3/7)(6/20) 47,48,67,68,261 Zoning of McFadden property — Memo of Understanding. (2/21) 40 Zoning of SE Corner of University Ave & Grandview Ave & SW corner of W. 5th & College Streets. R2 to ID for The Finley Hospital. (2/21) 48,49 Zoning Text amendment to allow pharmacies & drug stores in ID Institutional District. (2/21)48' Zoning Text amendment, re: Subdivision Regs, bonding of public improvements. (11/21)....413 Zoning, 2635/2641 University, Mr. Papin rezoning request of mobile home park area. (6/20).256 Zoning, 440 Loras, request by Angela Koppes, from R4 to OR. (3/21) 91 Zoning, 701 E. 16th St. (old Dbq. Pack), rezoning for Wayne Briggs & Platinum. (3/21) 92 Zoo boosters, Children's, lease renewal for portion of Roosevelt Park. (6/6) 233 108