1965 May Council Proceedings
flood workers have gained the re.
spect and gratitude of thousands
of Dubuquers. No city government
staff anywhere in the United
States could better exemplify the
determination, dedication and
ability than John and all of his
flood staff and particular Clete and
Don Bandy. A very special thanka
on behalf of the citizenry to all
of you.
We are gratified to the county,
the state, the coast guard, the
Corps of Engineers and some of
our neighboring cities and towns
for the valued assistance which
they extended at a time when we
needed it most. To Ben O'Leary,
the service and social organiza.
tions, the schools and COllege ad-
ministrations for cOming thru with
special assistance. To the Nation-
al Guard and the radio and press
for their outstanding coverage. To
citizens like Frank Hanley, Scotty
Thompson, Hank Kieffer, John
Waltz and Louis Schaller who gave
so much of themselves when the
city needed the most. To the
earth moving contractors and the
around the clock truck drivers who
had a major part in saving what
we did of our city, and to the
police and fire department for the
invaluable contribution in contain.
ing the devastation of the flood
waters, also Art. Miller health
sanitarian and Doctor Hazlet, City
Health officer.
Again I know that I speak for
the entire council when I express
heartfelt gratitude for our Ameri.
can Youth of 1965. From many
states, youths ran to our assistance
and without them the battle would
have been lost. Their spirit was
as high in three in the morning
as it was at ten the next morning.
They outfiIIed the automatic sand
loading machine, making it obso-
lete. Their output of work was
matched only by their appetites.
Thanks to the news, the Red Cross,
Lt. Gooch of the Salvation Army
and the American Legion this im.
portant aspect was more than ade-
quately handled.
Session, May 3, 1965
Reguler Session May 3, 1965.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.)
Present Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas. City
Manager Gilbart D. Chavenelle.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Mayor Horgan read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this is the
Regular Monthly meeting called
for the purpose of acting upon
such business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Statement by Councilman
Peter J. Takos.
This body would be remiss if we
did not acknowledge the outstand-
ing leadership and capabilities ex-
hibited during our current flood
Our regular form of City govern-
ment ceased with the Mayor's
emergency proclamation. The shift
was made so easily that few would
realize it's happening. Credit and
our profound thanks should go to
the Mayor for his dynamic per-
formance. Few councilmen in the
history of our City have been
called upon as was Mayor Bob, to
meet singlehandedIy a disaster
without parallel. His dedication,
decision making ability and lead-
ership have developed respect and
praise far from the borders of
our City. I know that I speak
for the entire council when I say
"Thanks, for a jOb well done."
To our City Manager we also
owe a special vote of thanks.
Though he remained behind the
scenes his presence was all over
the City. The real success in con-
taining the disaster was the deci-
sions that laid out the boundaries,
calling the timing and anticipating
the multitude of needs. This is
the time when a city gravely needs
top administrative talent and we
certainly had it-thanks to you
Like so many citizens I also
feel something should be done to
commemorate the effort and the
meeting of the challenge by our
youth. We are presently building
a multi-million parking ramp
Percentage wise, few Dubuquers
knew of Our engineers prior to
the flood except at street assess-
ment time or for routine aid or
complaints. Not so-any more.
John White and his entire staff of
April 7, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
As per your agreement that up-
on court approval of the annexa-
tion, the City of DUbuque would
immediately order the installation
of street lights in this area, I re-
spectfully request your approval
of the following street light in-
stallations which the Interstate
Power Company has been author-
ized to erect:
1. John F. Kennedy Road _ As-
bury to next intersection north
and west of Rosewood.
lostaIl 5 new 175 watt mereury
vapor lights and replace 4 pres-
ently installed lights with 175
watt mercury vapor lights.
Y cas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean. Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl
Asbury Road - Bonson Road
to proposed city limits.
Install ten new 175 watt mer-
cury vapor lights.
Pennsylvania Avenue-between
Earl Drive and Key Way.
Install three new 4000 lumen
incandescent lights.
RespectfUlly submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Horgan moved that the
recommendation of the City Man~
ager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Kean. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent - Councilman Pfohl.
Printed Council proceedings for
the months of November and De-
cember 1964, presented for ap-
proval. Mayor Horgan moved that
the Council proceedings for No-
vember and December 1964 be ap_
proved as printed. Seconded by
Councilman Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent - Councilman Pfohl.
To the Honorable Ilsyor
and City Council
Regular Session, May 8, 1965
I herewith submit reports of
the City Auditor, City Treasurer,
City Health Department and City
Water Works for the month of
March, 1965, as well as a list of
claims and payrolls for which war-
rants were issued for the month
of March, 1965.
Gilbert D. ChaveneIIe
City Manager
Councilman Takas moved that
the reports be received and filed.
seconded by Councilman Kean.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisher, of Statement
of Receipts and a list of claims
for which warrants were issued
during the month of March 1965,
presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Takas. Carried by the folIow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
April 20, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
To the Honorahle
and City Council
A petition for street lights in
Mettel Link Subdivision has been
received from C. E. Mettel.
Upon investigation by the Elec.
_ trieal Inspector, it is recommended
that ten (10) lights be instalIed.
These lights to be 175 Watt Mer-
cury Vapor PMA-115 on 20 foot
pedestals. The electrical connec-
tions will be installed under-
The lights wilI be locsted as per
attached plat.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Horgan moved that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved. Seconded by
CounciIman Lodwig. Carried by
the following vote:
May 8, 1965
mittee composed of Mel C. Mat and
Gus Fuhrman as Co-Chairmen,
Frank Hickey, Lyle Kopp and Mar-
garet S. Casey, presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
communication be received and
filed and a copy sent to Mr. Phil
Kelly of the Dubuque AdVisory
Committee. Seconded by Council-
man Takas. Carried by the follow.
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean. Ludwig, Takas.
Absent----Councilman Pfohl.
Communication of Avian Travel-
cade Club, by Ed. Turnquist, stat-
ing that the Mayor's letter of wel-
come and invitation to visit Du-
buque was read to the group en-
camped at Eustis, Florida, present-
ed and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that thc
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Takas. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Communication of A mer i can
Trust & Savings Bank returning
the use of parking meters on 9th
Street as of May 1, 1965, which
were hooded for depositor's use,
presented and read
Mayor Horgan moved that the
communication be referred to the
City Solicitor. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kean. Carried by the fol.
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kea~ Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Communication of Ronald Kann
of 1049 Rush St., signifying his
interest in the possible purchase
of City owned Lot 171 in Union
Addn., presented and read.
Councilman Ludwig moved that
the communications be referred to
the Planning & Zoning Comm\SBion
for investigation and report. See-
onded by ConnciIman Takas. Car.
ried by the fallowing vote:
Y cas-Mayor Horgan. Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Ahsent-Conncilman PfobI.
Regular Session,
Again we should commend the
mayor and the staff for deciding
to go all out to help the victims
in the clean.up. We should leave
no stone unturned to obtain fed-
eral . and state aid for these citi-
zens. We must attempt to push
ahead of schedule the proposed sea
wall. . Whoever will be mayor next
year should dedicate his term to
this end. When the engineering
staff returns to normal operations
again, I am hopeful they will de-
velop interim flood plans to al-
leviate similar damage in the fu-
ture until the sea wall is COD-
The public must know that we
have worked hard to get the pro-
teetion of a sea wall, that we are
working now and will continue to
work until our city is totally ringed
with ample protection.
which will shortty he dedicated.
This ramp like our youth exem-
plifies promise of the future. Why
then, should we not name the
structure in honor of our Youth
'65 who saved our city from :iJl..
calculable damage? If this sugges-
tion does not meet the council's
approval I am amenable to sugges-
tions which would accomplish the
same purpose. Again I am certain
we all have the same basic feeling
in this regard.
As the Mayor aptly stated in his
news release we are sympathetic-
with .. those businesses and homes
who are suffering severe losses.
Again, to you mayor, city man-
ager, and John White, you have
done a job which makes us proud
to be Sitting here representing the
citizenry of Dubuque.
Councilman Ludwig moved that
the foregoing. statement as submit-
ted and read by Councilman Peter
J. Takos, be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Kean. Carried by the
following vote:
Yea~Mayor Horgan, Council~
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Communication of Dub u que
Board of Realtors accepting Mayor
Horgan's invitation to take an ac-
tive interest in the Urban Renewal
Program and submitting a rom-
i ;' i ~
,:~ .
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Notice of claim of Glen M.
Johnson, in the amount of $150,
for property damage and clean-up
expense incurred as the result of
a back-up storm sewer at 2116
Shiras Ave. on April 10, 1965,
presented and read. Councilman
Takas moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Mayor Horgan.
Carried by the foIlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Notice of claim of Isabel Un-
dauer of East Dubuque, nl., in the
amount of $24.10, for car damage
incurred as the result of striking
a hole in the street at 13th &
Central A venue on April 2, 1965,
presented and read. Councilman
Takas moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So.
licitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Mayor Horgan.
Carried by the foIlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, LUdwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
16, 1965
I am enclosing a letter from Mr.
Walter Grubb explaining expendi-
tures for the Community Services
The letter requests an additional
amount of $484.07.
I have paid the United Fond
$5,000.00 according to the present
Will you please consider this re-
quest for additional payment?
RespectfuIly submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Ludwig moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Takas. Carried by
the foIlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, LUdwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Regular Session, May 3, 1965
a faIl on a publiC street at a point
abutting 1980 St. Joseph Street
in the City of Dubuque, claiming a
defect thereat by reason of the
construction thereof, which caused
her faIl and injuries.
I have made an investigation of
this matter and conferred with
the attorneys for the plaintiff who
have made an offer of settlement
in the amount of $700.00 and it
is the recommendation of the City
Attorney that said offer of settle-
ment be accepted and that the
City Auditor he instructed to
draw a warrant payable to Mrs.
Sarah Tittle in the amount of
$700.00 and transmit the same to
the City Attorney for delivery to
claimant and her attorneys upon
receipt of a dUly executed release.
Original claim is hereto at-
Respectfully submitted,
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Councilman Takos moved that
the recommendation of the City
Attorney be approved and the Au-
ditor instructed to issue proPer
warrant. Seconded by Councilman
Ludwig. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Notice of claim of Michael D.
Rice, in the amount of $550, for
car damage as the result of colli-
sion with a police car at 14th &
Locust Street on March 11, 1965,
presented and read. Councilman
Takas moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Mayor Horgan.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Notice of claim of Harold W.
Petsch, in the amount of $537.10,
for property damage and clean-up
expense incurred as the result of
a back-up storm sewer at 2108
Shiras Ave. on April 10, 1965,
presented and read. Councilman
Takos moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Mayor Horgan.
Carried by the following vote:
Regular Session, May 3, 1965
Mayor Horgan moved that the
bonds and poliCY be filed SUbject
to the approval of the City Solici.
tor. Seconded by Councilman Ta-
kas. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
April 15,
To The Honorable Mayor
And City Council
At a regular meeting of the Du-
buque Planning and Zoning Com-
mission held on April 8, 1965, the
following action was taken:
That the Commission recom-
mend to the City Council that Lot
2 of 46 and Lot 2 of 45 in Farley's
Subdivision be rezoned from Mul-
tiple Family to Local Business "A"
These two lots are located on
the north side of University Ave-
nue and Between Rock and Spruce
Streets where the two old homes
are being demolished.
Respectfully submitted,
Frank J. Glab
Councilman Takos moved that
the recommendation of the Com-
mission be approved and referred
to the City Solicitor for proper
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Kean. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, 'Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Notice of Suit of Sarah Tittle,
in the amount of $5000 for per-
sonal injuries received in a fall
at 1890 St. Joseph Street on April
18, 1963, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Takos moved that the no-
tice of suit be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Ludwig.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
On June 12, 1963, Mrs. Sarah
Tittle filed claim against the City
of Dubuque for injuries sustained
on April 18, 1963 by reason of
April 15,
Hon. Mayor & City Council
Re: Mrs. Sarah
May 3, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
This is to advise that I have
approved the following bonds and
desire to have your approval on'
Clemens-Smith Construction, Inc.,
Bituminous Casualty Corpora-
tion, Polley No. CL 879948
Edwards Construction CompanYI
Merchants Mutual Bonding Com-
Heitzman Construction Company,
United Pacific Insurance Com.
Willy Construction Company, Unit-
ed Pacific Insurance Company
Dick Loetscher, Inc., Continental
Casualty Company of Chicago,
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Hawkeye-
Security Insurance Company
Clarence (Barney) Grotz, Hawkeye-
Security Insurance Company
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
UAutomations Impact on Cities"
'~e Police Function in Urban
"Developing Human Relation
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Kean moved that the
request submitted by the City Man.
ager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
I request permission to attend
the 51st Annual Conference of
the International City Managers'
Association to be held in Montreal
on September 19th to the 22nd.
The Conference offers an oppor-
tunity for your Manager to find
out the latest developments in the
areas affecting urban government.
Nationally known experts will pre-
sent new ideas on problems facing
local government.
Some of the sessions
May 3, 1965
by the Publisher, of notice of pend~
eney of Resolution of Necessity for
public improvements and hearing
upon proposed plans and specifica-
tions, form of contract and cost
of improvements for the construc-
tion of an eighteen inch (18") sani.
tary sewer from manhole No. 44
of the Catfish Creek Sanitary Sew-
er thence westerly in Lot 2 of
Mineral Lot 211 a distance of 287
feet, presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Takas. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
(Necessity for lmprovement
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract have
been duly prepared and approved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, and are now on file in
the office of the City Clerk show-
ing among other things the fol-
1. The street to be improved.
2. The plan of such improve-
3. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement.
For the construction of an
eighteen inch (18") Sanitary Sewer
from manhole No. 44 of the Cat-
fish Creek Sanitary Sewer, thence
westerly in Lot 2 of Mineral Lot
211 287 feet.
that the City Council on its own
motion or upon petition of proper-
ty owners, deems it advisable and
necessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed res-
olution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the cost of improvement, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
strueted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Regular Session,
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Petition of Federal Insurance
Company requesting canceUation
of liability of sidewalk construc-
tion bond No. 8007.29-25 issued to
Thos. Flynn Coal Company, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Takas moved that
the petition be granted. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Petition of Federal Insurance
Company requesting cancellation
of liability of sidewalk construc-
tion bond No. 1756845 issued to
Conlon Construction Company, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Takas moved that
the petition be granted. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Coun,.ilm~n Pfohl.
Petition of Gerald W. Conrad
and Charles D. Davis, requesting
permission to excavate at 475 and
471 Kaufmann Avenue, presented
and read.
Councilman Takos moved that
the petition be granted subject to
the approval of the City Manager.
Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men -Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Petition of Arthur Konzen re-
questing a refund of $100 on the
unexpired portion of Class B beer
license No. 16, as he has discon-
tinued business on 5-1-65, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Ludwig moved that
the petition be granted and the
Auditor instructed to issue proper
warrant. Seconded by Councilman
Takas. Carried by the foUowing
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Proof of Publication, certified to
May 3,
an Ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Takas. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councl1man pfohl.
Councilman Kean moved that a
public hearing be held on the Or.
dinance on June 7, 1965, at 7:30
P. M. (D.s.T.) in the Council Cham
ber at the City Hall and the City
Clerk be instructed to publish n0-
tice of the hearing in the manner
required by law. Seeonded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, CoUDclI-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Petition of Donald H. and Joan
E. Pfohl, making application for
vacation of plat and delivery of
deed covering an alley described
as the Wly 10' of Lot 3 in Grigg's
Subdivision, presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
petition be referred to the Plan.
ning and Zoning Commission for
investigation and report. Second-
ed by Councilman Takas. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Petition of George Kennedy et
al requesting the installatinn of a
street light at the corner of Roek
Street and University Avenue, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman LUdwig moved that
the petition he referred to the City
Manager and Electrical Inspector
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Takas. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Petition of V. F. W. requesting
permission to hold a ''Buddy Pop.
py Sale" on May 21st and 22nd,
1965, presented and read.
Councilman Takas moved that
the petition be referred to the
Mayor and City Manager. Second-
ed by Councilm8.11 Ludwig. Cu-
ried by the foIlowinll vote:
Regular Session,
An Ordinance Amending the
Budget as approved by Resolu-
tion No. 171-64 and Ordinance
No. 1-65 and Ordinance No. 3-65
and Ordinance No. 4-65,
presented and read.
Councilman Kean moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Takas.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Gouncilman Kean moved that
the rule be suspended requiring an
Ordinance to be read on three sep.
arate days. Seconded by Council-
man Takas. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Councilman Kean moved that a
public hearing be held on the
Ordinance on June 7, 1965, at 7:30
P.M. (D.s.T.) in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall and the
Clerk be instructed to publish no-
tice of hearing in the manner re-
quired by law. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Takas. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
An Ordinance Amending and
Changing Ordinance No. 3-34,
known as the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, so liS to dlange Lots
199, 200, 201, 202 and 203 In
Ham's Addition from "Two Fam-
ily Residence District" to uMul_
tiple Residence District" Clani-
presented and read.
Councilman Kean moved that
the reading just had be consid-
ered the first reading of the Or-
dinance. Seconded by Councilman
Takas. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Councilman Kean moved that
the rules he suspended requiring
i ~I~;'
; , Jit~
: 'r~
, 'It
~.I ,llIo.
~, .'
ii. "1
To maintain all improve-
ments for a period of four
(4) years from the date of
their acceptance by the City
of Dubuque, Iowa;
To provide the foregoing con-
struction and maintenance' at
the sole expense of the Sub-
divider, The Hartmann Con.
struction Company, as owner;
To construct said improve-
ments, except sidewalks, pri-
or to May 3, 1967, and to
construct the sidewalks prior
to May 3, 1969;
Section 2. That the plat of
Blocks 3 and 4 in "Broadway
Heights" in the City of Dubuque and further provided that said
Iowa, be and the same is hereby Hartman Construction Company,
approved and the Mayor and City as owner of said Subdivision, Be-
Council arc hereby authorized and cure the performance of the fore-
directed to endorse the approval goi':lg ~onditions by providing Be-.
of the. City of Dubuque, Iowa, Curlt~ m such form and with such
upon saId plat, provided the own. suretIes as may be acceptable to
ers of said property herein named the City Manager.
execute their written. acceptanc~ Section 3. That in the event the
hereto attached agreeemg: Hartmann Construction Company
shall fail to execute the acceptance
and furnish the security provided
for in Section 2 hereof within 45
days after the date of this Resolu-
tion, the provisions hereof shall
be null and void and the accept-
ance of the dedication and . ap.-
proval of the plat shall not be ef-
PROVED by unanimous recorded
roll call this 3rd day of May,
A.D., 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
To Leo F. Frommelt, City, Clerk:
This is to certify that the security
required by the foregoing ResO-
lution No. 97-65 has been provided
by the owner.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
The Hartllllllln Construction
Company, by its president, Carl
Hartmann, and its secretary, Kath-
leen Hartmann, and on behalf of
said corporation and by authority
of its Board of Directors, having
read the terms and conditions of
Regular Session, May 3, 1965
grades have not been established,
the streets 'brought to grade, or
paving, sewer or water installed:
Section 1. That the dedications
of Pleasant View Drive and Veow
tura Drive together with the ease-
ments for public utilities as the
same appear upon said plat, be
and the same are hereby accepted;
a. To reduce all streets to grade
and to construct concrete
curb and gutter and to hard
surface Pleasant View Drive
and Ventura Drive with bi~
tuminous concrete, or with
61f4 If concrete paving with
integral curb, all in accord-
ance with City of Dubuque
standard specifications;
b. To install sanitary sewer
mains and sewer service lat.
erals in accordance with
plans submitted with the
c. To install water mains and
water service laterals in ac-
cordance with plans submit-
ted with the plat;
d. To install storm sewers and
catchbasins in accordance
with plans submitted with
the plat;
e. To install concrete sidewalks
as required by City Ordi-
nances, and where directed
by the City Engineer and the
City Manager;
f. To construct the foregoing
improvements in accordance
with plans and specifications
approved by the City Man-
ager, under the inspection of
the City Engineer, and in a
manner approved by the City
Regular Session, May 3, 1965
Councilman Takos moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
April 15,
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
At a regular meeting of the
Dubuque Planning and Zoning
Commission held on April 8, 1965,
the following action was taken:
That the final plot of Block 3
and Block 4 in "Broadway Heights"
be approved and that approval of
the City Council is hereby recom-
Respectfully submitted,
Frank J. Glab
Councilman Kean moved that
the recommendation of the Com-
mission be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Councilw
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Resolution Approving the PI.t
of Blocks 3 and 4 in "Broadway
Heights" in the City of Dubuque,
WHEREAS, there has been filed
with the City Clerk a plat of the
Subdivision to be known as Blocks
3 and 4 in "Broadway Heights" in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by the
Hartmann Construction Company;
WHERAS, upon said plat appear
streets to be known as Pleasant
View Drive and Ventura Drive to-
gether with certain public utility
easements which the Owners by
said plat have dedicated to the
public forever; and
WHEREAS, said plat has been
examined by the City Planning
and Zoning Commission and had
its approval endorsed thereon; and
WHEREAS, said plat has been
examined by the City Council and
they find that the same conforms
to statutes and ordinances relat.
ing thereto, except that street
To the Honorable
and City Council
Gentlemen: The Catfish Creek
Sanitary Sewer Extension - 1965
contract was originally intended
to be presented to your honorablc
body for consideration at the May
3, 1965 City Council meeting.
Due to the conditions extended
by the flood, your staff hereby re-
quests permission to postpone the
awarding of the contract for this
improvement until May 10, 1965.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Horgan moved the fina.
adoption of the resolution. Sec.
onded by Councilman Takas. Car.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of proposals
for the construction of Catfish
Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension
1965 Middle Fork, presented and
Councilman Takos moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Kean. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement will
be paid from the Sanitation-Sew-
age Rental Fund.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 5th day of April, 1965.
Record of Final Adoption
The foregoing resolution was fi-
nally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this 3rd
day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
May 3,
,1 n
Marco Giunta, 2022 Central Av-
Mrs. Denise O'Neill, 55 Locust
Donald C. Sharpe, Dubuque Yacht
Raymond Ney, 2186 Central Avenue
Charles R. Cushing, 1091 Main
Street (Effective May 10, 1965)
Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust
Dubuque Golf and Country Club,
1800 Randall Place
Dubuque Metal Trades Council
Club, 111 West 6th Street
Melvin C. Lynn, 424 West Locust
Ernest E. Latham, 1205 Cleveland
Carl Van Duelman, 590 Clarke
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
Karl Henry Oleson, 1701 A.bury
Harriet Bush, 700 East 16th Street
MerIyn L. Weber, 1902 Central
John B. Burgmaier, 2401 Windsor
Vernon L. Meyer, 530 East 22nd
Harry N. Gantert, 1301 lthomberg
Paul W. Schollmeyer, 176 Locust
Marco Giunta, 2022 Central Avenue
Mrs. Denise O'Neill, 55 Locust
Donald C. Sharpe, Dubuque Yacht
Raymond Ney, 2186 Central Av-
Charles R. Cushing, 1091 Main
Street, (Effective May 10, 1965)
Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust
DUbuque Golf '" Country Club, 1800
RandaU Place
Dubuque Metal Trades Council
Club, 111 West 6th Street
Melvin C. Lynn, 424 West Locust
Ernest E. Latham, 1205 Cleveland
Carl Van Duelman, 590 Clarke
that the bonds flIed by such appli.
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. TakOll
James J. Xean
May 3, 1965
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Horgan moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
fOllOWing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, CoullClJ.
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
Absent-Councllman Pfohl.
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
Uor Permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
cil; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds:
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be and he Is hereby di-
rected to issue to the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
Herbert F. Bisping, 1401 Elm Street
Kathleen Wedig, 399 East 20th
Session, May 3,
Iowa, he granted a permit to sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Names Address
Earl G. COrbett....408 W. Locust St.
Kathleen Wedig........399 E. 20th St.
Don. Plumley........5th '" Locust St.
Don Jungblut............401 Locust St.
Charles R. '" Carole M. Cu.hing....
..................................1l191 Main St.
(Effective May 10, 1965)
that the bonds filed with the ap-
plication be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horian
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
tile foregning Resolution NO. 97-65
aDCl being familiar with the con.
tents thereof, hereby accept the
lame snd agree on hehaIf of the
Hartmann Construction Company
to perform the conditions required
Carl Hartmann
Kathleen Hartmann
Dated: May 4, 1965.
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Takas. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Connell-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman pfohl.
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Ludwig moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Takas. Carried.
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-CounciIman Pfohl.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined: NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following applica-
tions be granted and licenses be
issued upon the compliance with
the t.erms of the ordinances of the
Herbert F. Bisping, 1401 Elm Street
Kathleen Wedig, 399 East 20th
Karl Henry Oleson, 1701 Asbury
Harriet Bush, 700 East 16th Street
MerIyn L. Weber, 1902 Central
John B. Burgmaier, 2401 Windsor
Vernon L. Meyer, 530 East 22nd
Harry N. Gantert, 1301 lthomberg
Paul W. Schollmeyer, 176 Locust
WHEREAS, by act of the 6Ist
General Assembly of Iowa Daylight
Saving Time shall be observed in
the State of Iowa during the period
established by the 61st General
Assembly in Iowa.
Section 1. That Daylight Saving
Time shall be observed in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa during the
period commencing at 2:00 o'clock
A.M. on May 29, 1965 to 2:00
o'cloet A.M. September 7, 1965.
Passed, adopted and approved
thl. 3rd days of May, A.D., 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Takas moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
c:omplied with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Cigar-
ettes within the City of Duhuque,
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Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Telegram of Ralston Purina Co.
supporting the proposed paving of
East Twelfth Street and Ninth
Street Extension, presented and
read. Councilman Takas moved
that the telegram be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Ludwig. Carried by the foIlowing
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas.
Petition of Verdus L. Patzner et
al objecting to the proposed bitum-
inous surfaCing of Born A venue as
being unnecessary at this time,
presented and read. Mayor Horgan
moved that the petition be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Takas. Carried by the follOwing
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Petition of LoutiIda Bartels et al
objecting to the proposed bitumin-
ous paving of the alley between N.
Algona and Auburn from Fillmore
street to Decorah street as same
is suitable for their needs, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Horgan
moved that the petition be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Takas, Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas.
Petition of John M. Henkel et al
objecting to the proposed paving
of Nebraska street, presented and
read. Mayor Horgan moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Takas.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Petition of Helen O'Mara et 01
objecting to the proposed curb &
gutter and paving of East 15th
Street from Sycamore to Pine
street because of the low value
and income of the property to be
assessed, presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Takos.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Nays - None.
Special Session, May 10,
Special Session, May 10, 1965.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.)
Present-Mayor Horganl Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
City Manager Gilbert D. Chaven.
Mayor Horgan read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of con-
ducting a public hearing on the
resolutions of Necessity on City
of Dubuque 1965 Concrete Curb
& Gutter Project No. 1:-City of
DUbuque 1965 Bituminous Concrete
PaVing Project No. 1;-City of Du-
buque 1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid
Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project
No. 1;-City of Dubuque 1965 Con-
crete Paving with integral curb
Project No. I, and acting on any
other business as may properly
come before a Regular meeting of
the City Council.
Statement of City Clerk certify-
ing that notices of public hearing
on the resolutions of necessity
were mailed by certified mail to
owners of property on April 19,
1965, according to the records of
ownership at the office of the
County Auditor that would be
benefited as the result of con-
struction of City of Dubuque 1965
Concrete Curb & Gutter Project
No. 1;-City of Dubuque 1965 Bit-
uminous Concrete Paving Project
No. 1;-City of Dubuque 1965 Hot
Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete
Paving Project No. 1;-City of
Dubuque 1965 Concrete Paving
with Integral Curb Project No.1,
presented and read. Councilman
Takos moved that the statement
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Telegram of Diamond Crystal
Salt Co. supporting the proposed
pavement of East Twelfth Street,
presented and read. Councilman
Takos moved that the telegram be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the
following vote:
May 3, 1965
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
rules be suspended in order to let
anyone. present address the Council
if they so desire. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Takos.
Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
Mr. Chas. Scherrer and Pete
Attest: Sfikas inquired as to the status of
Leo F. Frommelt, the parking meter time ordinance
City Clerk and what has been done as to re-
Councilman Kean moved adop- considering same. The City Man-
tion of. the resolution. Seconded ager was unable to report at this
by Councilman Takos. Carried by time due to the flood emergency
the following vote: but stated that he would sit down
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- 'with the gentlemen and talk it
men Kean, Ludwig, Takas. over as soon as possible.
Nays-None. There being no further business
Absent-Councilman Pfohl. Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn.
RESOLUTION NO. 103-65 Seconded by Councilman Kean.
W)IEREAS, applications for Liq- Carried by the following vote:
uor . Permits were filed by the Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
within named applicants and they men Kean, Ludwig, Takas.
have received the approval of this Nays-None.
Council, and Absent-Councilman Pfohl.
WHEREAS, the premises to be Leo F. Frommelt
occupied by such applicants were City Clerk
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be issued
to the following named applicants
a Liquor Permit.
Raymond Ney, 2186 Central Avenue
Charles R. Cushing, 1091 Main
Street (Effective May 10, 1965)
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
SOLVED, by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the foIlowing applications be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
CHAPTER 12~s amended by the
60th General Assembly, 1963.
Raymond Ney, 2186 Central Avenue
Charles R. Cushing, 1091 Main
Street (Effective May 10, 1965)
Passed, adopted and approved
thi,..3rd day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
James J. Kean
,.,..'. .~
~ ,,'
10, 143
fact that he does Dot front on the 5. Fremont Avenue from the
street and the lots being assessed S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the
have an unrealistic value on them present City Limits.
and also the persons receiving the 6. John F. Kennedy Road from
most benefit from the street are the S.P.L. of Asbury Street to the
escaping the major cost of con- N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue.
structing the street, presented and 7. Pennsylvania Avenue from the
read. Mayor Horgan moved that Section Corner of Sections 21 22
the petition be received and filed. 27 and 28 to the W.P.L. of 'Key
Seconded by Councilman Takas. Knolls Subdivision.
Carried by the following vote: 8. East Ninth Street from the
Yeas - Mayor ~organ, Council- W.P.L. of Pine Street to a point
men Kean, LudwIg, Pfohl, Takas. 220' west of the W.P.L. of Pine
Nays - None. Street.
Petition of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph presented and read. Mayor Horgan
Haupert of 500 Kaufmann Ave. ob- moved that the proof of publica-
jecting to the proposed concrete tion be received and filed. Second-
paving of Montcrest Street because ed by Counci~man Ludwig. Carried
DO benefit will be derived and by the followmg vote:
they still are paying assessments Yeas - Mayor ~organ, Council-
for the improvement of other men Kean, LudwIg, Pfohl, Takos.
streets in the area, presented and Nays - None.
read. Mayor Horgan moved that Mayor Horgan moved that the
the petition be received and filed. rules be suspended in order to let
Seconded by Councilman Takas. anyone present address the Coun-
Carried by the following vote: cil if they so desire. Seconded by
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. following vote:
Nays-None. Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
Petition of Leo F. Bly Company men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
objecting to the proposed assess- Nays-None.
ment for the surfacing of East Mr. George Steuer of 1468 Maple
9th Street, presented and read. St., Helen O'Mara of 1600 W. 32nd
Mayor Horgan moved that the Street, who owns property. on East
petition be received and filed. 15th Street, ~d Lester BItz~erger
Seconded by Councilman Takas. of 1355 Washm?ton all objected
Carried by the fallowing vote: to the proposed Improvement WIth
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- curb and gutter of East 15th Street.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Mr. Ronnie Schmid objected to
Nays-None. the paving of Fillmore street by
Proof of Publication, certified to stating that it is not necessary.
by the Publisher, of Notice of Mr. Bernard Holm of 385 Wart-
Pendency of Resolution of Neces- burg and Clark W. Stevens of 420
sity .for pUblic improvements and Moore Heights, Charles Kleiner of
hearing upon proposed plans and 2035 Coates and Jim Kleiner of 385
specifications, form of contract Fremont all objected to the pro-
and cost of improvements for the ?osed curb and gutter and surfac-
construction of City of Dubuque mg of Fremont.
1965 Concrete Curb & Gutter Pro- Mr. Earl Haferbecker of 480 Fre-
ject No. 1 on the following named mont and Richard Henschel of 710
streets: Fremont spoke in favor of the
1. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L. improvement of Fremont Avenue.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P.L. of Councilman Ludwig moved that
Van Buren Street. East Ninth Street from the W.P.L.
2. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L. of Pine Street to a point 220' west
of illinois Avenue to the S.P.L. of of the W.P.L. of Pine street be
Pennsylvania Avenue. deleted from the CIty of Dubuque
3 E t F'ft th Str t f 1965 Concrete Curb & Gutter Pro-
; as 1 een ee rom ject No. 1. Seconded by CounciI-
450 East of Sycamore to the E.P.L. man Takas. Carried by the folIow-
of }Iaple Street. vote:
4. Fillmor~ Street from the Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, CounciI-
E.P.L. of Ad.aIr Street to the Alley men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
east of AdaIr Street. Nays-None.
Session, May 10, 1965
assessments for the resurfacing of
West Locust Street with Hot Mix.
Hot Laid material due to the
arbitary increase of values of lots
in A. P. Woods Addition which
makes the valuation of them
grossly excessive and the proposed
special assessments are in excess
of 25% of the actual value of said
lots, presented and read. Mayor
Horgan moved that the petition
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Nays - None.
Petition of Caradco Inc. object-
ing to the proposed construction
of East 12th street from Elm to
Central Avenue with Hot Mix-Hot
Laid surfacing, also to the pro-
posed construction of E. 12th
Street from Elm to Kerper Blvd.
with concrete for the reason that
it is impractical and no reason-
able necessity for same in that
the best interests of the city would
be served by having the major
arterial connection on 9th street
rather than twelfth, also at the
present time East 12th is used
only for limited local traffic and
further to make East 12th an
arterial throughway would he
dangerous to the public, also that
the cost of said project is exces-
sive, presented and read. Mayor
Horgan moved that the petition be
recevied and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Takos. Carried by the
following vote,
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council..
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Nays - None.
Petition of Rainbo Oil Co. et al
objecting to the proposed sur-
facing of South Main Street due
to the recent flood and that same
should be repaired with Federal
Disaster funds and further praying
for a delay of one year because of
the tremendous flood costs in-
volved, presented and read. Mayor
Horgan moved that the petition
be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, COUBeil~
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Nays - None.
Petition of David M. Neyens ob-
jecting to the proposed surfacing
of Montcrest Street due to the
Petition of Klauer Mfg. Co. ob-
jecting to the proposed special
assessments against their property
for the improvement of Ninth and
Tenth streets under the City of
Dubuque 1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid
Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project
No.1, due to excessive assessment,
substantial production loss and
expense incurred in taking pre.
cautionary steps to protect against
flood waters, possible settling of
the street, and the improvement
proposed is completely unneces-
sary, presented and read. Mayor
Horgan moved that the petition
be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Petition of William Klauer ob-
jecting to the proposed special
Petition of Rainbo Oil Company
objecting to the proposed paving
of South Main Street due to the
possible undermining of the street
as the result of the flood and if
it is so undermined to have the
cost of replacing the street be
included as a recoverable item
from the Federal government, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Horgan
moved that the petition be reo
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
meJ.1 Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Petition of W. Gustafson et al
objecting to the proposed curb &
gutter and Hot Mix-Hot Laid sur-
facing of Fremont Street because
there is no sewer in the street
at the present time, also that the
street s.erves primarily an urban
rather than a residential popula-
tion, also the street constitutes a
highway and should be construc-
ted from highway funds and in
almost all cases the amount of
proposed assessment is far in
excess of the legally assessable
amount, presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the
petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Takos.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas
cording to area and in proportion 6. John F. Kennedy Road from the
to the special benefits conferred S.P.L. of Asbury Street to the
thereby, and any deficiency shall N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue.
be paid out of the street fund. 7. Pennsylvania Avenue from the
Bonds shall be issued and sold in Section Corner of Sections 21,
anticipation of deferred payments 22, 27 and 28 to the W.P.L. of
of assessments when a contract has Key Knolls Subdivision.
been performed and accepted and have been approved by the City
the proceeds thereof used to pay Council of the City of DUbuque
the contractor. The railway P?rti~m and public notice given as pro.
of any street or assessment dIstnct vided by Chapter 23 of the Code
shall ~e assessed to and paid by of Iowa, 1962, pertaining to pub-
the raIlway company. lie contracts and bonds and the
The above resolution was intro- time ad place fixed for' the hear-
duced, aPI?rove~ and. ordered ing of all Objections to said plans,
placed on ille WIth the CIty Clerk specifications or contract for or
this 5th day of April, 1965. cost of such improvements, said
RECORD OF .FINAL ADOPTION time being this 10th day of May,
The foregomg resolutIOn was 1965' and
finaIly passed an~ adopted, as wlmREAS, the City Council met
amended, by the CIty Councll thIS in special session this 10th day of
10th day of May, 1965. May 1965 at 7'30 o'clock P.M
Robert J Horgan ". .
May C.S.T. at the Council Chambers in
Richard LUd~g the ~ity Hall for the purj>ose of
Peter J. Takas hear~ng .all mterested pa~es .and
Eldon A Pfohl consIderIng any and all objectIons
James J: Kean which have been .f~led. to the pro-
Councilmen posed plans, specifIcations. or con-
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt tract for o~ cost o~ the Improve-
City Clerk ment herem des~rIbed and pro-
Councilman Ludwig moved the posed to be made, and
adoption of the resolution. Second- WHEREAS, all interested parties
ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by have been given an opportunity to
the following vote: be heard and all objections which
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- h.ave been duly weighed and con-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. sIdered; now therefore
Nays-None. BE IT RESOLVED by the City
DECISION OF COUNCIL UPON Council of the City of Dubuque,
OBJECTIONS TO PLANS SPEC. that all objections which have
IFICATIONS, FORM OF CON. been made and filed to the plans,
TRACT AND COST OF 1M- specifications, contract for or cost
PROVEMENTS of said Improvement herein de-
RESOLUTION NO. 105-65 scribed and proposed to be made,
WHEREAS, proposed plans and be and the same hereby overruled
specifications and form of contract and such plans, specifications and
for the construction of City of form of contract heretofore ap-
Dubuque 1965 Concrete Curb & proved are hereby adopted.
Gutter Project No. 1 on the fol- BE IT FURTHER Resolved that
lowing named streets: this resolution containing the de-
l. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L. cision of this Council upon all ob-
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P.L. jections which have been filed to
of Van Buren Street. the plans, specifications and form
2. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L. of cost said improvement be made
of nlinois Avenue to the S.P.L. a matter of permanent record in
of Pennsylvania Avenue. connection with said improvement.
3. East Fifteenth Street from 450' Passed, adopted and approved
East of Sycamore to the E.P.L. this 10th day of May, 1965.
of Maple Street. Robert J. Horgan
4. Fillmore Street from the E.P.L. Mayor
of Adair Street to the AIley Richard Ludwig
east of Adair Street. Peter J. Takos
5. Fremont A venue from the I Eldon A. Pfohl
S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the James J. Kesn
present City Limits. Councilmen
Session, May 10,
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
construction of City of Dubuque
1965 Concrete Curb & Gutter Pro-
ject No.1 on the foIlowing named
1. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.PL.
of Van Buren Street.
2. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L.
of illinois Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Avenue.
3. East Fifteenth Street from
450' East of Sycamore to the
E.P.L. of Maple Street.
4. Fillmore Street from the
E.P .L. of Adair Street to the Alley
east of Adair Street.
5. Fremont Avenue from the
S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the
present City Limits.
6. John F. Kennedy Road from
the S.P.L. of Asbury Street to the
N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue.
7. Pennsylvania Avenue from
the Section Corner of Sections 21,
22, 27 and 28 to the W.P .L. of
Key Knolls Subdivision.
that the City Council on its own
motion or upon petition of prop-
erty owners, deems it advisable
and necessary for the pUblic wel-
fare to make the herein mentioned
improvement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed re-
solution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived
all objections thereto.
Said improvements shall be
constructed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
fore by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on the file
with the City Clerk. That the cost
and expense of making said im-
provement will be assessed upon
and against all privately owned
property lying within assessable
distance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac.
Session, May 10,
Councilman Takas moved that all
other objections against the City
of Dubuque 1965 Concrete Curb
& Gutter Project No. 1 be over-
ruled. Seconded by Councilman
Ludwig. Carried by the foIlowing
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
LUTION NO. 71-65
Section 1. That Resolution No.
71-65 being the Resolution of
Necessity for the CITY OF DUBU,
JECT NO.1, be and the same is
hereby amended by deleting the
following portions of the following
named streets therefrom:
East Ninth Street from the W.P.
L. of Pine Street to a point 220'
west of the W.P .L. of Pine Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Councilman Takos moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
(Necessity for Improvement)
WHEREAS, proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract,
plat and schedule have been duly
prepared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the foIlowing:
1. The assessment limits of each
street to be improved.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
4. Each lot proposed to be
assessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
May 10, 1965
FaIk of 3060 Pennsylvania, Ralph
Digman of 1655 Born AVIO~ Don
Palmer of 1595 BolD, lIlIn>ld
Kersch of 3030 PenDSylvania. Carl
Metz of 1635 Born, Donald D<ldds
of 3032 Pennsylvania Ave. all ob-
jected to the proposed surfacing
of Born Avenue. Ronnie Schmid
of 1955 Marion again objected to
the proposed improvement of Yill-
more street. Don Schroeder,. AI
Pye, Wm. Sutter and Lnvem
Stockel all raised the question
of paving Gilliam street at
this time due to a certain drainage
defect. Mr. Earl Gadlent is not 0p-
posed to the paving of Lincoln
A venne but hoped something
would be done about the high
erown in the street jn froat of
his place. Mr. John HenIrel, Rob-
ert Schultz and Wm. T. Cox all
objected to the propOHd paviJrg
of Nebraska street. lIlr. George
Steuer and Max Blwn oiJ,iected to
the proposed improvement of East
15th Street.
Councilman Tak.. moved that
the alley between N. AIgona and
Auburn Street from Fillmore to
Decorah Street lie deleted from
the City of Dubuque 1965 Bitu-
minous Concrete- Paving Project
No_ 1. Seconded by Councilman
Pfohl. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, LUdwig, pfohl, Takas.
Councllman Kean lJlMed that
Born Avenue from the S.P.L. of
Van Buren Street (0 the S.P.L. of
Ridgeway AVe. and Nebraska Ave.
from the N.P.L. of Van Buren
Street tl> the E.P.L. of McPoland
Ave. be deleted from the City of
Dubuque 1965 Bllumlnou.s Con-
crete Paving Project No. 1. Sec-
onded by Councilman pfohl. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Kean, Lud-
wig, pfohl.
Nays-Mayor Horgan, Council-
man Takas.
Councilman Ludwig moved that
all other objections to the City of
Dubuque 1965 Bituminous Con-
crete Paving Project NO.1 be over.
ruled. Seconded by Councilman
TaIros. Carried by the foll6wing
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, eo.nci1-
men Kean, Lndwig, pfab!, Takas.
Special Session,
2. Alley between Central Avenne
and White street from 17th to
18th streets.
3. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Illinois Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
4. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P.L.
of VanBuren Street.
5. Atlantic Street from the N.P.L.
of Dexter St. to the S.P L. of
No. Grandvie-w Ave.
6. Born Avenue from the S.P L. of
Van Buren St. to the S.P.L. of
Ridgeway Avenue.
7. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Illinois Avenue to the S.P L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
8. Fillmore Street from the E.P.L.
of Adair St. to the Alley east of
Adair St.
9. Gilliam Street from the S.P.L.
of University Ave. to the N.P L.
of West St.
10. Lincoln Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Hamilton St. to the W.P L.
of Rhomberg Ave.
11. Nebraska AVe. from the N.P.L.
of Van Buren St. to the E.P L.
of McPoland Ave.
12. Wood St. from the S.P.L. of
Loras Blvd. to the N.P.L. of
University AVe.
13. Devon Drive from the N.P.L.
of Dodge St. to the S.P.L. of
Mineral St.
14. South Locust St. from the
N.P.L. of Railroad Ave. to the
S.P.L. of Dodge St.
15. East Fifteenth St. from the
E.P L. of Sycamore St. to a
point 450" east of the E.P L. of
Sycamore St.
presented and read. Mayor Horgan
moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and rUed. Second-
ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Mr. Arthur Hammerand of 1565
Auburn objected to the proposed
surfacing of the alley between N.
AlgODa and Auburn Streets he-
cause apprOximately seventy per
eent of the abutters are not in
favor of the impr0vement. Carl
Witter objected to the proposed
paving of Atlantic Street. Joseph
Oberhnffer and Robert Huber ob-
jected to the proposed paving of
Born Avenue because the present
street is in good condition. Earl
Session, May 10, 1965
AUest: to the special benefits conferred,
Leo F. Frommelt and any deficiency will be paid
City Clerk out of the street funds of the etty.
Oouneilman Kean moved adop. Payment will be made to the con-
tion of the reaoIution. Seconded tractor out of funds realized from
by Councilman Ludwig. Carried the sale of street Improvement
by the foIIowing vote: bonds to be issued in antieipatinn
Yeas _ lrlayor Horgan, Council. of deferred payments of assess-
men KeaB, Ludwig, Pfohl, Tabs. ments as provided by law afwr the
Nays-None. work has been completed and. .ae-
(.ordering Construction) cepted by the City Council.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City that the City Clerk be and he is
COU!lciI of the City of D~buque hereby ordered and directed to
that purslIant to a resolution of advertise for proposals for the
necessity N8;' 7l..65 which was duly construction of the various im-
passed by this Council, for the provements herein provided for
construction of City of Dubuqu7 in the manner provided by law,
1965 Concrete Curb & Gutter proJ- the said improvements shall be
ect No. 1 <Ill the following named completed on or before 60 caJs>.
streetJ:: dar days after notice to proceed
1. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L. has been issued.
of Indlana Avenue to the S.P.L. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED
Qf Van Buret! Street. h thi lot' b' d d
. t at s reso Ion emg eeme
2. Enid .A,:enue from the N.P.L. urgent aud of immediate necessity
of IllinoIS A v~nue to the S'P'L. shall be in force and effect from
of Pennsylvama Avenue. and after its passage and adoption
3. East Fifteenth Street from 450' by the City Council.
East of Sycamore to the E.P.L. Passed, adopted and approved
of Maple Street. this 10th day of May, 1965.
4. Fillmore Street from the E.P L. Robert J. Horgan
of Adair street to the Alley Mayor
east of Adair Street. Richard Ludwig
5. Fremont Avenue from the Peter J. Takas
S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the Eldon A. pfohl
present City Limits. James J. Kean.
6. John F. Kennedy Road from Councilmen
the S.P L. of Asbury Street to Attest:
the N.PL. of Pennsylvania Leo. F. Frommelt
Avenue. City Clerk
7. PeDtiYlv.ania A"enue from the Councilman Kean moved. adop-
Section Corner of Sections 21, tion of the resolution. Seconded
2%, 27 and 28 to the W.P.L. by Councihnan Takns. Carried by
of Key Knolls Subdivision. the following vote:
be and the same are hereby or- Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
dered and eonstructed by this men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas.
Council upon its own motion and Nays-None.
with or without the petition of ..' .
property owners. All the work proof of ~.cation, c",:Iified
shan be constructed in accordance to by the publisher,. of Notice of
with the plans and specificatinns Pendency of !le~olution of Neces.
heretofore adopted and now on Slty ~nd public Improvements and
file in the office of the City Clerk. Hearl~ ,:,pon proposed plans and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED spec,flcal1ons.. form of contract
that tile cost and expense of the and cost . of lmproyements for the
said improvements he paid for by constru~tlO~ of C.ty of Dubu~e
levying .special assessments against 196~ Bltummous Concrete pav~g
the privately owned property lying Project No. 1 on the followmg
within the assessable distance from named alleys and streets:
the improvements, whether such 1. Alley between No. Algona
property abut upon the same or Street and Auburn Street, from
are adjacent thereto, according to Fillmore Street to Decorah
the area thereof and in proportion Street.
Paving Project No. 1 on the fol.
lowing named streets and alleys:
1. Alley between Central Avenue
and White Street from 17th to
18th Streets.
2. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of nIinois A venue to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
3. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Van Buren St.
4. Atlantic Street from the N.P.L.
of Dexter Street to the S.P.L.
of No. Grandview Ave.
5. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L.
of nIinois Ave. to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
6. Fillmore Street from the E.P.L.
of Adair Street to the alley
east of Adair St.
7. Gilliam Street from the S.PL.
of University Avenue to the
N.P.L. of West St.
8. Lincoln Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Hamilton Street to the
W.P.L. of Ithomberg Ave.
9. Wood Street from the S.P.L.
of Loras Blvd. to the N.P.L.
of University Avenue.
10. Devon Drive from the N.P.L.if
Dodge Street to the S.P.L. of
Mineral Street.
11. South Locust Street from the
N.P.L. of Railroad Avenue to
the S.P.L. of DOdge Street.
12. East Fifteenth Street from the
E.P .L. of Sycamore Street to a
point 450' east of the E.P L. of
Sycamore Street.
have been approved by the City
Council of the City of DUbuque
and public notice given as pro-
vided by Chapter 23 of the Code
of Iowa, 1962, pertaining to public
contracts and bonds, and the time
and place fixed for the hearing
of all objections to said plans.
specifications or contract for or
cost of such improvements, said
time being this 10th day of May,
1965; and
WHEREAS, the City Council
met in special session this 10th
day of May, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock
P.M. at the Council Chambers in
the City Hall for the purpose of
hearing all interested parties and
considering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
May 10,
Said improvements shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there.
fore by the City Engineer which
hsve been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned proper.
ty lying within assessable distance
provided by law and in an amount
not to exceed the amount provided
by law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spe-
cial benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Bonds
shall be issued and sold in antici.
pation of deferred payments of as-
sessments when a contract has been
performed and accepted and the
proceeds thereof used to pay the
contractor. The railway portion of
any street or assessment district
shaU be assessed to and paid by
the railway company.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 5th day of April, 1965.
Record of Final Adoption
The foregoing resolution was
finaUy passed and adopted, as
amended, by the City Council this
10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Takos. Carried by
the foUowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Decision of Council upon objec-
tions to plans,. specifications,
form of contract and cost of im..
WHEREAS, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the construction of City of Du-
buque 1965 Bituminous Concrete
Session, May 10, 1965
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different
type of construction and kind
of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, fOf
the construction of City of Du-
buque 1965 Bituminous Con.
crete Paving Project No. 1 on
the following named streets
an alleys:
1. Alley between Central Avenue
aud White Street from 17th to
18th Streets.
2. Alpha A venue from the N.P .L.
of illinois Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
3. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P L.
of Van Buren St.
4. Atlantic Street from the N.P.L.
of Dexter Street to the S.P L.
of No. Grandview AVe.
5. Enid Avenue from the N.P.L.
of UIinois Ave. to the S.P .L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
6. Fillmore Street from the E.P .L.
of Adair Street to the alley
east of Adair St.
7. Gilliam Street from the S.PL.
of University Avenue to the
N.P .L. of West St.
Attest: 8. Lincoln A venue from the N.P .L.
Leo F. Frommelt of Hamilton Street to the
City. Clerk W.P.L. of Rhomberg Ave.
. CouncIlman Ke~n moved adop- 9. Wood Street from the S.PL.
tion of the resolutIon. Seconded by of Loras Blvd. to the N.P L.
Ma~or Horgan. Carned by the fol- of University Avenue.
lOWIng vote: . 10. Devon Drive from the N.P.L. of
Yeas - Mayor !lorgan, CounCIl. Dodge Street to the S.P L. of
men Kean, LudWIg, Pfohl, Takos. Mineral Street.
(Necessity for Improvement) 11. South Locust. Street from the
N.P.L. of RaIlroad Avenue to
RESOLUTION NO. 75-65 the S.P.L. of Dodge Street.
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe. 12. East Fifteenth Street from the
cifications, form of contract, plat E.P.L. of Sycamore Street to a
and schedule have been duly pre. point 450' east of the E.P.L. of
pared and approved by the City Sycamore Street.
Council of the City of Dubuque BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED
and are now on file in the office that the City Council on its own
of the City Clerk showing among motion or upon petition of proper-
other things the following: ty owners, deems it advisable and
1. The assessment limits of each necessary for th~ publiC Y"elfare. to
street to be improved. make the hereIn mentIoned Im-
. provement, and unless property
2. The streets to be Improved. owners at the time of the final con-
3. The width of . such improve- sideration of this proposed resolu-
ment, and the sIze and kmd of tion have on file with the City
sewers. Clerk objections to the amount of
4. Each lot proposed to be as- the proposed assessments, they
sessed together with a valua- shall be deemed to have waived all
tion fixed by the council. objections thereto.
Resolution Amending Resolution
No. 75-65.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Section 1. That Resolution No.
75-65, being the Resolution of Ne.
cessity for the City of Dubuque
1965 Bituminous Concrete Paving
Project No.1, be and the same is
hereby amended by deleting the
following portions of the following
named streets therefrom:
1. Alley between No. Algona
Mtreet and Auburn street from
Fillmore Street to Decorah
2. Born Avenue from the S.P.L.
of Van Buren st. to S.P.L. of
Ridgeway Ave.
3. Nebraska Ave. from the N.P.L.
of Van Buren St. to the E.P .L.
of McPoland Ave.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Special Session, May 10, 1965 151
sruction of the various improve-18. East Twelfth Street from the
ments herein provided for in the E.P.L. of Elm Street to the
manner provided by law, the said E.P.L. of Central Ave.
improvements shall be completed 9. West Twelfth Street from the
"" or before 60 calendar days after W.P.L. of Main Street to the
nmice to proceed is issued. E.P.L. of Bluff Street.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 10. Ninth Street from the E.P L
that this resol!"lion being deemed of Central AVe. to the E.PL:
urgent ~ of ImmedIate necessity of Pine St.
shall be m. force and effect from 11. East 10th Street from the
"."d after ItS. passage ~nd adop- E.P .L. of Pine St.
tion by the City Council. Presented and read.
~assed, adopted and approved Councilman Takas moved that
this loth day of May, 1965. the proof of publication be re-
Robert J. Horgan ceived and filed S ded b
May r . econ 7
Rich d L do. Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the
ar UWlg fllo'
P t J Tak 0 wmg vote:
rJd er A Pf ';:'1 Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
Ja;~ J: Ke~ men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
C ciIm. Nays-None.
oun en
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Mark and Bertha Connolly of 948
City Clerk Bluff St., Etizabeth A. O'Hearn,
Mayor Horgan moved adoption Mrs. Mary McInerney of 968 Bluff
of the <<!solution. Seconded by all objected to the proposed paving
Councilman Takas. Carried by the of the alley between Locust Street
following vote: and Bluff Street from 9th to 10th
Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council- Street.
men Kean, LUdWig, Pfohl, Takas Mr. Lester Bitzberger, Helen 0-
Nays-None. Mara and George Steuer again ob-
Proof of Publication, certified to jected to any proposed improve-
by the Publisher, of Notice of ment of East 15th Street.
Pendency of Resolution of Neces- Attorney Charles Kintzinger rep-
sity for public improvements and resenting a group of citizens from
hearing upon proposed plans and Fremont objected to the Proposed
specifications, form of contract and improvement of Fremont on the
cost of improvements for the COD. grounds that the sewer has not
struct.ion of City of Dubuque 1965 been installed and the amounts
Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Con- proposed to he assessed are far
crete Paving Project No. 1 on the in excess of the legal limit. Mr.
fDlIowing named streets and alley: Bern Holm of 365 Wartburg Place
1. Alley bctween Locust Street r~d a question as to the basis of
and Bluff Street from 9th St. his proposed assessment. Dr. Clan
to loth St. Stevens of Moore Heights, M.
2. East Fifteenth Street from the Lange of Simpson Street and
W.P.L. of Sycamore Street to Charles Kleiner all raised objec-
the E.P.L. of Pine Street. tion to the proposed improvement
3. Fremont Avenue from the of Fremont because of no benefit.
S.P L. of Simpson Street to the Mr.. Dick ?enschel spoke in favor
present City Limits. of Improvmg Fremont Dnve.
4. John F. Kennedy Road from the Mr. C1if Godsey objected to the
S.P.L. of Asbury Street to the proposed improvement of W. 1.0-
N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue. cost Street. Mr. Ralph Plumley
5. West Locust Street from the spoke in favor of the project. Mr.
E.P.L. of Clarke Drive to the Ralph Eberhardt of 925 W_ Locust
W.P.L. of Hodgdon Street. St. asked that some consideration
6. South Main Street from the be given in cutting out a sharp
N.P .L. of Railroad A venue to turn in the street across from his
the S.P.L. of Jones st. home.
7. PellDsylvania Avenue from the Mr. Bernie Fahey, Irwin Behr
Section Corner of Section 21, and J. J. Behr objected to the
22, Tl and 28 to the W.P L. of proposed surfacing of South Main
Key Knolls Subdivision. due to possible flood damage
May 10,
4. Atlantic Street from the N.P .L.
of Dexter Street to the S.P L.
of No. Grandview Ave.
5. Enid Avenue from the N.P L.
of illinois Ave. to the S.P L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
6. Fillmore Street from the E.P L.
of Adair Street to the alley
east of Adair St.
7. Gilliam Street from the S.P.L.
of University Avenue to the
N.P.L. of West St.
B. Lincoln Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Hamilton street to the
W.P.L. of Rhomberg Ave.
9. Wood Street from the S.P.L. of
Loras Blvd to the N.P.L. of
Universiy Avenue.
10. Devon Drive from the N.P.L.
of Dodge Street to the S.P.L.
of Mineral Street.
lL South Locust Street from the
N.P.L. of Railroad Avenue to
the S.P.L. of Dodge Street.
12. East Fifteenth Street from the
E.P .L. of Sycamore Street to a
point 450' east of the E.P L.
of Sycamore Street.
be and the same are ilereby or-
dered and constructed by this
Council upon its own. motion ad
with or without the petllioD of
property owners. All the work
shall he constructed ;. aeeordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on file
in the office of the City Clerk.
that the City Clerk he ami he is
hereby ordered and directed to
advertise for proposals for the con-
that the cost and expense of the
said improvements be paid for by
levying special assessments against
the privatelY owned property lying
within the assessable distance from
the improvements, whether such
property abut upon the same or
are adjacent thereto, according to
the area thereof and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred,
and any deficiency will be paid
out of the fnnds of the city. Pay-
ment will be made to the contrac-
tor out of funds realized from the
sale of Street Improvement Bonds
to be issued in anticipation of de-
lerred payments of assessments as
provided by law after the work
has beeen completed and accepted
by the City Council.
Special Session,
WHEREAS, all interested par.
ties have been given an opportun.
ity 30 be heard and all objections
which have been duly weighed and
considered; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, speci-
fications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
that this resolution containing the
decision of this Council upon all
objections which have been filed
to the plans, specifications and
form of cost said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec-
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Lndwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. pfohl
James J. Kean
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Horgan moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Kean. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
(Ordering Construction)
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that pursuant to a resolution of
.ecessity No. 7f>.65 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the con-
struction of City of Dubuque 1965
Bitumino\1S Concrete Paving Proj-
ect No. 1 on the following named
streets and alleys:
1. Alley between Central Avenue
and White Street from 17th to
18th Streets.
2. Alpha Avenue from the N.PL.
of Illinois Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Pennsylvania Ave.
3. Alpha Avenue from the N.P.L.
of Indiana Avenue to the S.P.L.
of VanBuren St.
according to area and in propor-
tion to the special benefits COll-
ferred thereby, and any deficiency
shall be paid out of the street
fund. Bonds shall be issued and
sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor. The
railway portion of any street or
assessment district shall be as-
sessed to and paid by the railway
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 5th day of April, 1965.
Record of Final Adoption
The foregoing resolution was
~inally passed and adopted, as
amended, by the City Council this
10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the
construction of City of Dubuque
1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphal-
tic Concrete Paving Project No.
1 on the following named
streets and alleys:
1. Alley between Locust Street
and Bluff Street from 9th Street
to 10th Street.
2. East Fifteenth Street from the
W.P.L. of Sycamore Street to
the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
3. Fremont Avenue from the
S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the
present City Limits.
4. John F. Kennedy Road from the
S.P.L. of Asbury Street to the
N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue.
5. West Locust Street from the
E.P.L. of Clarke Drive to the
W.P.L. of Hodgdon Street.
6. Pennsylvania Avenue from the
Section Corner of Sections 21,
22, 27 and 28 to the W.P.L. of
Key Knolls Subdivision.
7. East Twelfth Street from the
E.P.L. of Elm Street to the
E.P.L. of Central Avenue.
8. West Twelfth Street from the
W.P.L. of Main Street to the
E.P.L. of Bluff Street.
that the City Council on its own
motion or upon petition of proper-
ty owners, deems it advisable and
necessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final con-
sideration of this proposed resolu-
tion have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessments, they RESOLUTION NO, 111-65
shall ~e ~eemed to have waived WHEREAS, proposed plans and
all objectIons thereto. specifications and form of contract
Said improvements shall be con- for the construction of City of
structed and done in accordance Dubuque 1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid
with the plans and specifications AsphaltiC Concrete Paving Proj-
which have been prepared there- ect NO.1.
fore by the City Engineer which 1. Alley between Locust Street
have been approved by the City and Bluff Street from 9th
Council and are now on file with Street to 10th Street.
the City Clerk. That the cost and 2. East Fifteenth Street from the
expense of making said improve- W.P.L. of Sycamore Street to
ment will be assessed upon and the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
against all privately owned proper- 3. Fremont Avenue from the
ty lying within assessable distance S.P.L. of Simpson Street to the
provided by law and in an amount present City Limits.
not to exceed the amount provid- 4. John F. Kennedy Road from
ed by law, property will be as- the S.P.L. of Asbury Street to
sessed whether the same abuts the N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Ave-
thereon or is adjacent thereto nue.
Session, May 10, 1965
Session, May 10, 1965
Council of the City of
Section 1. That Resolution No.
79-65, being the Resolution of Ne-
cessity for the City of Dubuque
1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic
Concrete Paving Project No.1, be
and the same is hereby amended
by deleting the following portions
of the following named streets
1. South Main Street from the
N.P.L. of Railroad Avenue to
the S.P.L. of Jones St.
2. Ninth Street from the E.P.L. of
Central Ave. to the E.P.L. of
Pine St.
3. East Tenth Street from the
E.P .L. of Central Avenue to the
E.P .L. of Pine St.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Attest: Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop.
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Ludwig. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
(Necessity for
The assessment limits of each
street to be improved.
The streets to be improved.
The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
Each lot proposed to be assess-
ed together with valuation fixed
by the Council.
An estimte of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stat.
ing the same for each different
type of construction and kind
of material to be used.
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe.
cifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following
which should be explored before
any improvement is made. The
manager of the International Har-
vester Co. was not against the
improvement but asked for a de-
Mr. Lyle Kopp stated that they
needed the improvement on Penn-
sylvania Avenue but was request-
ing consideration of the excessive
assessment encountered due to the
construction of limited access
roads in his Subdivision. Mr.
Charles Mettel spoke of a similar
problem as Mr. Kopp in their sub-
division east of Kennedy Road.
Mr. Wayne Norman of Caradco
objected to the proposed concrete
paving of East Twelfth Street. Mr.
Walker of A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.
Objected to the improvement of
both 9th and 12th Streets.
Councilman Ludwig moved that
South Main Street from the N.P.L.
of Railroad Avenue to the S.P.L.
of Jones Street be deleted from
the City of Dubuque 1965 Hot Mix-
Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pav-
ing Project No. 1. Seconded by
Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takas.
Councilman Kean moved that
Ninth Street from the E.P.L. of
Central Ave. to the E.P .L. of Pine
Street and East lOth Street from
the E.P.L. of Central Avenue to
the E.P L. of Pine St. be deleted
from the City of Dubuque 1965
Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Con-
crete Paving Project No.1. Sec-
onded by Councilman Ludwig. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Mayor Horgan moved that all
other objections against City of
Dubuque 1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid
Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project
No. 1 be overruled. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Horgan,
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl,
Resolution Amending Resolution
No. 79-65
1965 Concrete Paving with Inte-
gral Curb Project No. 1 on the
following named streets:
1. East Ninth Street from the
S.P.L. of East Twelfth Street
to the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
2. Montcrest Street from the
W.P.L. of Lot 37 of Pleasant
View Add. to the W.P.L. of Hemp-
stead Street.
3. East Twelfth Street from the
E.P.L. of Elm Street to the
E.P.L. of Kerper Blvd.
presented and read. Councilman
Kean moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Takas.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Renk and
Ray Gliesner spoke in favor of the
Montcrest street improvement. In
the wintertime it is almost impos-
sible to get down from Montcrest
street and rubbish pickup is de-
layed for two weeks at a time. Ber-
nell Bush was in favor of the
Montcrest improvement but was
not very keep about the idea of
having two different types of
pavement in front of his resi-
Mr. Carl Burback stated that in
his opinion 9th street improve-
ment should be tied in with
Twelfth street improvements. Mr.
Wayne Norman of Caradco seemed
to favor the 9th street improve-
ment and stated that 12th street
should wait. Attorney Francis
O'Connor requested information
as to the arterial route in and out
of the Industrial area at 12th and
9th onto Kerper Blvd.
Mayor Horgan moved that East
Twelfth Street from the E.P.L. of
Elm Street to the E.P.L. of Kerper
Blvd. be deleted from the City of
DUbuque 1965 Concrete Paving
with Integral Curb Project No. 1.
Seconded by Councilman Kean.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Pfohl.
Nays - Councilmen Ludwig,
Mayor Horgan moved that all
other objections to the City of
Dubuque 1965 Concrete Paving
with Integral Curb Project No.1,
be overruled. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Ludwig. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Session, May 10,
that the cost and expense of the
said improvements be paid for by
levying special assessments against
the privately owned property ly-
ing within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the area thereof and in propor.
tion to the special benefits con-
ferred, and any deficiency will be
paid out of the street funds of the
city. Payment will be made to the
contractor out of funds realized
from the sale of Street Improve-
ment bonds to be issued in an-
ticipation of deferred payments of
assessments as provided by law
after the work has been completed
and accepted by the City Council.
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby ordered and directed to ad-
vertise for proposals for the con-
struction of the various improve-
ments herein provided for in the
manner provided by law, the said
improvements shall be completed
on or before 60 calendar days af-
ter notice to proceed is issued.
that this resolution being deemed
urgent and of immediate necessity
shall be in force and effect from
and after its passage and adoption
by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Ludwig moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisher, of Notice of
Pendency of resolution of neces-
sity for public improvements and
hearing upon proposed plans and
specifications, form of contract
and cost of improvements for the
construction of City of Dubuque
Special Session, May 10, 1965
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Ludwig. Carried
by the foHowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
(Ordering Construction)
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that pursuant to a resolution of
necessity No. 79-65 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the
construction of City of Dubuque
1965 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic
Concrete Paving Project No. 1.
1. Alley between Locust Street
and Bluff Street from 9th
Street to 10th Street.
2. East Fifteenth Street from the
W.P .L. of Sycamore Street to
the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
3. Fremont Avenue from the S.P.
L. of Simpson Street to the
present City Limits.
4. John F. Kennedy Road from
the S.P.L. of Asbury Street to
the N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Av.
5. West Locust Street from the
E.P.L. of Clarke Drive to the
W.P.L. of Hodgdon Street.
6. Pennsylvania Avenue from the
Section Corner of Sections 21,
22, 27 and 28 to the W.P.L. of
Key Knolls Subdivision.
7. East Twelfth Street from the
E.P .L. of Elm Street to the
E.P.L. of Central Avenue.
8. west Tewlfth Street from the
W.P.L. of Main Street to the
E.P .L. of Bluff Street.
be and the same are hereby or-
dered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
with or without the petition of
property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
have been approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and publiC notice given as pro-
vided by Chapter 23 of the Code
of Iowa, 1962, pertaining to pub-
lic contracts and bonds, and the
time and place fixed for the hear-
ing of all Objections to said plans,
specifications or contract for or
cost of such improvements, said
time being this 10th day of May,
1965, and
WHEREAS, the City Council
met in special session this 10th
day of May, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock
P.M. at the Council Chambers in
the City HaIl for the purpose of
hearing all interested parties and
considering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
WHEREAS, all interested par-
ties have been given an opportun-
ity to be heard and all objections
which have been duly weighed
and considered; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that all objections which have
been made and filed to the plans,
specifications, contract for or cost
of said improvement herein de-
scribed and proposed to be made,
be and the same here by over-
ruled and such plans, specifica-
tions and form of contract here.
tofore approved are hereby
West Locust Street from the
E.P.L. of Clarke Drive to the
W.P.L. of Hodgdon Street.
Pennsylvania Avenue from'
Section Corner of Sections
22, 27 and 28 to the W.P.L.
Key Knolls Subdivision.
East Twelfth Street from
E.P.L. of Elm Street to
E.P.L. of Central Avenue.
West Twelfth Street from
W.P.L. of Main Street to
E.P .L. of Bluff Street.
that this resolution containing the
decision of this Council upon all
objections which have been filed
to the plans, specifications and
form of cost said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec.
ord in connection with said im.
t1 i~
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing aU interested parties and COD-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro..
posed to be made; and
WHEREAS, all interested par-
ties have been given an opportun-
ity to be heard and all objections
which have been duly weighed
and considered; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that all objections which have
been made and filed to the plans,
specifications, contract for or cost
of said improvement herein de-
scribed and proposed to be made,
be and the same hereby overruled
and such plans, specifications and
form of contract heretofore ap-
proved are hereby adopted.
that this resolution containing the
decision of this Council upon all
objections which have been filed
to the plans, specifications and
form of cost said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec-
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
10, 1965
The foregoing resolution was fi-
nally passed and adopted, as
amended, by the City Council this
10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard LUdWig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Horgan moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Mayor Horgan moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Councn
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takas
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Takos moved adop.
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan,
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of DUbuque
that pursuant to a resolution of
necessity No. 83-65 which was dUly
passed by this Council, for the con-
struction of City of Dubuque 1965
Concrete Paving with Integral
Curb Project No.1 on the follow-
ing named streets:
WHEREAS, proposed plans and
specifications and form of con-
tract for the construction of City
of Dubuque 1965 Concrete Paving
with Integral Curb Project No. 1
on the following named streets:
1. East Ninth Street from the
S.P.L. of East Twelfth Street
to. the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
2. Montcrest Street from the
W.P.L. of Lot 37 of Pleasant
View Add. to the W.P.L. of
Hempstead Street.
have been approved by the City
Council of the City of DUbuque
and public notice given as pro-
vided by Chapter 23 of the Code
of Iowa, 1962, pertaining to pub-
lic contracts and bonds, and the
time and place fixed for the hear-
ing of all objections to said plans,
specifications or contract for or
cost of such improvements, said
time being this 10th day of May,
1965; and
WHEREAS, the City Council met
in special session this 10th day
of May, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
East Ninth Street from the
S.P.L. of East Twelfth Street
to the E.P.L. of Pine Street.
Montcrest street from the
W.P .L. of Lot 37 of Pleasant
View Add. to the W.P.L. of
Hempstead Street.
that the City Council on its own
motion or upon petition of prop-
erty owners, deems it advisable
and necessary for the public wel-
fare to make the herein mentioned
improvement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed res-
olution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived
all objections thereto.
In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the
construction of the City of Du-
buque 1965 Concrete Paving
with Integral Curb Project No.
1 on the following named
Session, May 10,
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas
Resolution Amending Resolu-
tion No. 83-65.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Section 1. That Resolution No.
83-65, being the Resolution of Ne-
cessity for the City of Dubuque
1965 Concrete Paving with Inte-
gral Curb Project No.1, be and
the same is hereby amended by
deleting the following portions of
the following named streets there-
East Twelfth Street from the
E.P.L. of Elm Street to the E.P.L.
of Kerper Blvd.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takos
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Said improvements shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
\-vith the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
fore by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis-
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac.
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract
has been performed and accepted
and the proceeds thereof used to
pay the contractor. The railway
portion of any street or assess-
ment district shall be assessed to
and paid by the railway company.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 5th day of April, 1965.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Horgan moved adoption
of the Resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan,
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl,
(Necessity for
WHEREAS, proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract,
plat and schedule have been duly
prepared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The assessment limits of each
street to be improved.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valua-
tion fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different
type of construction and kind
of material to be used.
Passed, adopfed and approved
thl. loth day of May 1986.
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
the foIlowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
An Ordinance amending and
changing Ordinance No. 3.34,
known as the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque, so as to change Lot
2 of 46 and Lot 2 of 45 from
"Multiple Family Residence Dis.
trict" classification to IILocal
Business "A" classification,
presented and read.
Councilman Kean moved that
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Pfohl.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, PIohl, Takas.
Councilman Kean moved that
the rule be suspended requiring
an Ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan. Council-
men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl, Takas.
N ays--N one.
Councilman Kean moved that a
hearing be held on the Ordinance
on June 7, 1965 at 7:30 P.M.
(D.S.T.) in the Council Chamber
at the City HaIl and that the Clerk
be instructed to publish notice of
the hearing in the manner re-
quired by law. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Petition of Arthur J. Patzer re-
questing the establishment of a
grade on the aIley adjacent to 651
English Lane. presented and read.
Mayor Horgan moved that the pe-
City Clerk
Published offlclalI7 In the Tele-
graph-Herald Newspaper thi. 11th
_ of May,,,,
City Clerk
Special Session, May 10,
property Une of Lot i of' MineraI
Lot 469, thence 956.88 feet aJong
the ~uth property line of Lot I
of Minerai Lot 459 to the west
secUon line of Section 16. T. 89
N., R. I m. of 5 P.M., thencej
south along the west section line'
of Section I', a distance of 2840
feet to the southwest corner of
Seetlon 18 T. 89 N., R. 2 lIJ.
of 6 P.1r!. thenee lOuth a distance
of 5.180 leet along the west sec-
tion line of Seetlon 11 to the
Ilouthwe.et corner of Section J'1
T. 89 N., R. a E., thence 2640
teet east &long the Bouth section
line of Section 11 to the north-
weat corner of the northeaat 1A.
of Section 18 thence 1320 feet
BOUth along the eaat property
line of the N. E. 1A. of the N. W.
1A. of Section 28 to the .outh-
ealJt corner of the N. E. %. of
the N. W, J& of Section 28,
thence east 111:4. feet along the
80uth line of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of N. W. :IA. oIN. E. " of Section
28, to the West property line
of C. J. Big Subdlvlalon In See-
tlOll D. T. 89 N. R. J Eo of
<<5 P.M.. thence south 129.58 feet
to the 1I0uthwest comer of C.
J. Bleil SUbdlvlaloD, thence east
608.14 feet to the east Une of
the S. W. ~ of the N. II. '* of
Section 28. thenee IlOUth aronl'
the west property Une of Lot
1 ot Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Hawkeye
Stock Farm 1696." feet to a
point '0 feet north of the center
IIn. of the North lane of Higb~
W&T 10, thence eaaterly 60 feet
north of, and parallel to the
center line of the north Jane of
Highway 20. 1830 feet to the
west ..otlon Jlne of Section 21.
thence north 324.84 feet to the
BOUth property Jlne of Lot 1 of
Lot Ii of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
Hawk.,.e Stock Farm, thence
698.08 feet euterly along the
South property line of Lot 1. of
Lot Ii of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
Hawke,.e Stock Farm, thence
491.8 feet easterly along the south
propEJrt,. line of Lot 2 of Lot a
of Lot t of Lot 1 of Hawkeye
Stock Farm to Its intersection
with the extension of the west
property Une of Lot 1 of Lot t
of Lot t of Lot 1 of Lot t Lot
J of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 2'.. In
Section 31 T. 89 N., R. ! E.,
of 5th P.M. thence .outherly
&lODl' the weat property line of
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of Lot I, Lot a of Lot t of Mln~
eral Lot 244 In Section 27 T.
'9 N., R. a Eo. of 6th P.M. a
dllltanCe of 3f4.84 feet to a point
to feet north of the center line
of the North lane of Highway
ao, thence .2912:.' feet easterlY
along a line 60 feet north of
and parallel to the center line
of the north lane of Highway
20 to eXisting westerly City
Limite of Dubuque. Iowa.. all the
above deacribed territory adjoln_
In<<' the corporate limits of the
City of DUbUqUe\, Dubuque County,
towa. and to . Included with
the above area are Lot J of
MIneral Lot 888 In Section 16,
T. 8i N., R. I E., of the 5th P.l\(.
and Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
Lot t of Lot 4 of Mineral Lot
81f In Section 8, T. 89 N., R.
S E., of the 6th P.M., be and the
..me Ial hereby designated 8.11
DISTBICT CJaoaIfl...tJ....
May 10, 1965
Section 1. That the territOry
recently annexed to the City of
Dubuque, the perimeter of which
is described .. follows, to wit:
CommencIng at the ExlaUnc
City Limits on the northw8IItj
comer of Lot l' of Mineral Lot
.888 In Section 16, T. 89 N., R.
.2E., of 6 P.M. thence weat &lone
the north section line of SecUon
15 & distance of 8Di8.S6 feet to
the northw8IIt corner of section
15 T. 89 N., R. .2 E. of 5 P.M.,
thence west a distance of I'.
feet along the north section I1ne
of Section 16, thence Ilouth &lonl'
the east property of Helen IL
and Mary lL Stewart Subdlvi~
slon for a distance of 1161 feet
to the BOUth property Un. of
Old Timers Road. thence north-
weeterly along the south propertY
line of the Old Timers Road, a
dIstance of 1131.22 feet to the
east property line of Lot 21 of
MIneral Lot .60, thence tIH.80
feet southwesterly aIon&' the east
property Une of Lot I of Minerai
Lot 460, thence a distance of
663.30 feet northwesterlJ' alOD&'i
the BOuth property Line of Lot'
2 of MineraI Lot .80 to the
southeasterly line of Lot I of
MineraI Lot .69, thence 1610.',,,-1
feet 8OU~W8llUp''!1 _ tQ ijle_ __"nth
1. East Ninth Street from the Attest:
S.P.L. of East Twelfth Street Leo F. Frommelt
to the E.P.L. of Pine Street. City Clerk
2. Montcrest Street from the .W. . Councilman Takos moved adop-
P.L. of Lot 37 of Pleasant VlCW tlOn of the resolution. Seconded
Add. to the W.P.L. of Hemp- by Councilman Kean. Carried by
stead Street. the following vote:
be and the same are hereby or- Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
dered and constructed by this men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Council upon its own motion and N ays-N one.
with or without the petition of ORDINANCE NO. 13-65
property owners. All the work An Ordinance classifying certain
shall be constructed in accordance territory newly annexed to the
with the plans and specifications City of Dubuque as a Single
heretofore adopted and now on Family Residence District Cla.-
file in the office of the City Clerk. sification,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED presented and read.
that the cost and expense of the Counc~lma!l Kean moved. that
said improvements be paid for by the r~adlDg J~st had be conSidered
levying special assessments against the fust readmg of the Ordinance.
the privately owned property Iy- Seco!,ded by Council!"an Ludwig.
ing within the assessable distance Carned by the followmg vote:
from the improvements whether Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
such property abut upon' the same men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
or are adjacent thereto, according Nays--:-None.
to the area thereof and in propor- Councllman Kean moved that
tion to the special benefits con. the ~e be suspended requiring
ferred, and any deficiency will be an Ordmance to be read on three
paid out of the street funds of s~parate day~. Seconded by Coun-
the city. Payment will be made to cllman LudWIg. Carned by the fol-
the contractor out of funds real- lowmg vote:
ized from the sale of Street Im- Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council.
provement Bonds to be issued in men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas.
anticipation of deferred payments Nays-None.
of assessments as provided by law
after the work has been com-
pleted and accepted by the City
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby ordered and directed to
advertise for proposals for the
construction of the various im-
provements herein provided for
in the manner provided by law,
the said improvements shall be
completed on or before 90 days
after the notice to proceed has
been issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 10th day of May, 1965.
(Notarial Seal)
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public
Mayor Horgan moved that the
communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Ludwig. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas
(Ordering Construction)
APril 8, 1965, for those members or better. AIl promotions on the
<If. tbe PQLI(;E DEPARTMENT in- Fire Department should be made
tfM'ested in promotions to the posi- from this list.
OR DETECTIVE. Weiss, Eldon C. ....................91.33%
The following is a list of persons Fuller, Merlin J. ....................84%
who passed the exams with an av. Lynch, Wm. J. ......................78.67%
erage Of seventy per cent or bet- Badger, William P. ..............74%
ter. All Promotions on the Police Melssen, Elmer V. ................74%
D~partment should be made from EQUIPMENT OPERATORS
this list: N Jrv' M 809M
CAPTAINS euses, In . .................... . YO
B te Willi' L 7189M Blaser, Gerald J. ..................76.36%
~ . U, .am. .............. . -/0 B ttcher Thomas W 70M
H f b ck Earl F 70 27M oe, . ........ 10
$.er.. e er, . .......... . ,0 LIEUTENANTS
Jenamalj, Charles J. ............70% J 8667M
SlmGEANTS OR DETECTIVES And~esen, ames. P. ............ . 10
Fl\I\gman, John L. ................81% lli!mmgton, Maunce W. ......80%
VonAh, William J. ................79% S~mon, Thomas A. ................80%
~och Merle P 735% Link, Lyle R. ..........................77.5%
, .' ...... ...................... . (1 Lynch, Elmer L. ..................77.5%
S\ltloll, i'aul R. ....................71.5% Ch . W'll' E 75 83M
V~det1t:leulen, Carl W. ......71.5% erner, 1 lam . .......... . ,0
Horch, N~vall T. ..................71% Deckert, John ......................75.83%
Lehman, Eugene J. ..............70.5% Pregler, John P. ..................75.83%
Massey, Robert R. ................70.5% Bandy, Merle H. ....................75%
:Respectfully submitted, Weber, Edward J. ................73.33%
A. G. Wright Pottebaum, Marcellus J. ....72.5%
Chairman Schuster, Paul N. ................70.83%
Gerard B. Noonan RespectfuIl~ submitted,
Louis J. Lagen A. G. WClght
Members Civil Service ChaIrman
Commission Gerar~ B. Noonan
Loms J. Lagen
Members Civil
Service Commission
Session, May 10, 1965
Leo F. Frommelt
Subscribed and sworn to before
me thiJ 10th day of May, 1965.
<Notarial Seal)
~ene J. Berens
Notary Public
Mayor Horgan moved that the
communicaUon be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by COllncilman Ludwig. Carried by
the following vote:
Yea,s - Mayor Horgan, Council-
mell Kean, Lurwig, Pfohl, Takas.
April 20, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that pursuant to a Resolution of
Necessity No. 89-65 which was duly
passed by this Council for the
construction of an eighteen inch
(la") Sanitary Sewer from Man-
hole No. 44 of the Catfish Creek
Sanitary Sewer thence westerly in
Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 211, 287 feet.
Be and the same are hereby Of-
dered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the Code
of Iowa, 1962, the Civil Service
Commission conducted PROMO-
8, 1965, for those members of the
in promotions to the positions of
The following is a list of per-
SOBS who passed the exams with
an average of seventy per cent
Special Session, May 10, 1965
May 10, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the code
of Iowa, 1962, the Civil Service
Commission conducted Entrance
examinations on April 1, 1965, for
those seeking positions on the Po.
lice and Fire Departments.
The following named persons
passed both the written and physi-
cal examinations and their names
are hereby certified for appoint-
police Department-None.
Fire Department - Gerald J.
Steil, 80.8%; David M. Syke, 70%.
Respectfully submitted,
A. G. Wright
Gerard B. Noonan
Louis J. Lagen
Civil Service
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public
Councilman Takas moved that
the communication be received
and made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Ludwig. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takos.
April 20, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the Code
of Iowa, 1962, the Civil Service
Commission conducted PROMO-
titian be referred to the Engineer-
ing Department. Seconded by
Councilman Takas. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Petition of Robert J. Jacquinot,
requesting permission to excavate
at 993 West 3rd Street, presented
and read. councilman Takas
moved that the petition be grant-
ed. Seconded by Councilman Lud-
wig. carried by the following
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
communication of W a hIe r t
Home-Scbool Council expressing
thanka for the installation of
street lights along Chaney Road
between Kaufmann Avenue and
Asbury and also expressing ad-
miration of the City staff in the
battle against the recent flood,
presented and read. Mayor Horgan
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
tbe following vote:
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Communication of Savanna ArmY
Depot extending an invitation to
visit the Savanna Army Depot on
Sunday May 16, 1965, in observ.
ance of Armed Forces Day, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Ta-
kas moved that the communication
be received and filed. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas _ :Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
Communication of City Planner
Clyde E. Cook recommending the
appointment of a member of the
City Council and a member of
the planning & Zoning Commis-
sion to the Dubuque County Met-
ropolitan Area Planning Commis-
sion as the result of receipt of an
organizational meeting from the
Secretary of Dubuque County
Planning Commission, presented
and read. Mayor Horgan moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Ludwig. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
sworn to before
of May 1965.
Mayor Horgan further moved
that Owen Riley be appointed as
a member from the Planning &
Zoning commission and Council.
man Richard Ludwig as a member
from the City Council to the Du-
buque County Metropolitan Area
Planning Commission. Seconded by
Councilman Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council.
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takas.
Leo F. Frommelt
Subscribed and
me this 10th day
(Notarial Seal)
Eagle Food Centers, Inc. (store
#130), 1800 Elm Street
Eagle Food Centers, Inc. (Store
#144), 3033 Asbury Street
that the bonds filed by such ap_
plicants be and the same are here-
by approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman L u d wig moved
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Mayor Horgan. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
There being no further business
Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Kean.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, LudWig, Pfohl, Takas.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc.,
16th Street Ext.
Ralph Warren, 1700 Central
May 10,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of DUbuque,
IOWA, that the following applica.
tions be granted and licenses be
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of the
Beverty Glynn, 655 Central Avenue
Fred Ansel, 1100 Lincoln Avenue
Pete S. Sfikas & Gust Karigan,
401-405 Central Avenue
Cloetta L. Ricke, 55 East 7th Street
DUbuque Sports Rowl, Inc., East
16th Street Ext.
Ralph Warren, 1700 Central Ave-
Eagle Food Centers, Inc. (Store
#130), 1800 Elm Street
Eagle Food Centers, Inc. (Store
#144, 3033 Asbury Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Ludwig moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council~
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas.
WHEREAS, applications for
Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of
this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the Manager be and he is hereby
directed to issue to the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
Beverly Glynn, 655 Central Avenue
Fred Ansel, 1100 Lincoln Avenue
Pete S. Sfikas & Gust Karigan.
401-405 Central Avenue
Cloetta L. Ricke, 55 East 7th
City Clerk
Special Session, May 10, 1965
have been submitted by contrac-
tors for the Construction of an
eighteen inch (18") sanitary sewer
from manhole No. 44 of the Cat-
fish Creek Sanitary Sewer, thence
westerly in Lot 2 of Mineral Lot
211, 287 feet.
Pursuant to Resolution No. 90-65
and notice to bidders pUblished in
a newspaper published in said
City on April 9, 1965 and April
16, 1965; and
WHEREAS, said sealed propos-
als were opened and read on May
10, 1965, and it has been deter-
mined that the bid of Smitty's Ex-
cavating Service of Dubuque, Iowa
in the amount of $4,886.00 was the
lowest bid for the furnishing of all
labor and materials and perform-
ing the work as provided for in
the plans and specifications; now
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the contract for the above
mentioned improvement be award-
ed to Smitty's Excavating Service,
Dubuque, Iowa and the Manager
be and he is hereby directed to
execute a contract on behalf of the
City of Dubuque for the complete
performance of said work.
that upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the con-
tractors bond the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to re-
turn the bid deposits of the un-
successful bidders.
Passed and adopted this 10th
day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Kean moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined: NOW
with or without the petition of the
property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
that the cost and expense of the
said improvement be paid from
the Sanitation-Sewage Rental Fund.
that this resolution being deemed
urgent and of immediate neces-
sity shall be in force and effect
from and after its passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Pas~d, adopted and approved
this 10th day of May, 1965.
Robert J. Horgan
Richard Ludwig
Peter J. Takas
Eldon A. Pfohl
James J. Kean
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Takos moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman pfohl. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos.
May 10, 1965
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Sealed bids were received until
10:00 A.M. Monday, May 10, 1965
for the Catfish Creek Sanitary
Sewer Extension-1965. The low-
est bid submitted was entered by
Smitty's Excavating Service of Du-
buque, Iowa. The bid was 5.09%
over the estimate. A tabulation of
bids received is attached.
I recommend that the contract
for the improvement be awarded
to Smitty's Excavating Service.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. ChaveneIIe
City Manager
Councilman Kean moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council-
men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takos.
(Awarding Contract)
WHEREAS, sealed