1964 December Council Proceedings i.!j t. t, It '1 ~ November Mr. John White City Engineer Dear Mr. White: The Dubuque Park Board grants permission to the State Highway Commission to purchase property for a right of way along Highway No. 52 by Oakwood Park. Tbis is according to their plans presented by Mr. W. B. Guthrie on October 6, 1964. This purchase must meet with all city policies with the recom- mendation that the State Highway Commission must slope and pre- pare the land in a good condition suitable for easy maintenance. Yours very truly, Frederick R. Appel, Chairman, Dubuque Park Board Councilman Kean moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman 427 1964 Mayor Horgan read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this is the Regular monthly meeting of the City Council called for the purpose of acting upon such business that may properly come before the meeting. Mayor Horgan introduced the present officers of the Boy's Club and congratulated them on their keen interest in the affairs of City Government. Ludwig. 1964 2, November To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the City of Dubuque bas purchased tbe following property from the North- ern Natural Gas Company, a Dela- ware Corporation, for the purpose of locating a city garage and stor- age sight: Lot 2 of City Lot 507, "except the westerly 100 feet thereof" Lot 2 of 1.1-1.1 of City Lot 507 "except the westerly 100 feet thereof" ' Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of City Lot 504 Lot 2 of 3 of 2 of City Lot 504 City Lot 503 Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Frac. tional Congressional Lot 8, Section 19, T 89 N., R. 3E of the 5th P.M. Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of Frac- tional Congressional Lot 8, Section 19, T.89 N., R. 3E of the 5th P.M. Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Fraction. al Congressional Lot 8, Sec- Mayor Horgan moved that Don Mueller be re-appointed to the Board of Dock Commissioners for a three year term from 11-26- 64 to 11-26.67. Seconded by Council- man Takos. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 3, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and Memhers of the City Council Gentlemen: In accordance with Chapter 48 of the Code of Iowa 1962 I hereby recommend the approval of the persons named on the Democratic and Republican lists attached, to serve as Clerks of the election reg- isters for each precinct for the Special Election for annexation to be held on December 15, 1964. Leo F. Frommelt, Commissioner Registration. 13, Regular Session, December 7, 1964 OFFICIAL Regular Session, December 7, 1964 Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present-Mayor Horgan, Council- .!'.aen Kean, Pfohl, Takas. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. of Councilman Takas moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman CITY COUNCIL Ludwig. "if> '-'Ir 429 tral Fire Station at the above loca- tion. 'I ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 1964 December 4, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: .11 IIIII Respectfully submitted, Gilbcrt D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved approv- al of the request. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Piohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent - Councilman Ludwig. November 7, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am enclosing for your consid- eration a copy of a letter written by Clyde Cook, dated December 4th, which sets out the preliminary plans for organizing a Dubuque County Regional Planning Commis- sion. I believe that effective planning for the entire county area will be of benefit to the City of Dubuque and consequently. I recommend and urge you to appoint one of your members to serve on a com- mittee to prepare the Articles of Agreement for the Regional Plan- ning Commission, and cause a let- ter to be written to the Secretary of the County Zoning Commission indicating that the City will par- ticipate in an equitable arrange- ment for financing regional plans and county zoning. RespectfuUy submitted, Gilbert D. ChaveneUe City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved approv- al of the recommendation and also that the communication be re- ferred to the Council for considera- tion as to the appointment of the Council member. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, pfohll Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 7, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am submitting to you a letter and report of John White dated De- cember 4th, which has to do with the sidewalk program. I have provided 5 additional co- pies so that each councilor may have a copy to review and study. At a regular meeting of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission held on November 27, 1964 the follow. ing action was taken: The Planning and Zoning Com- mission recommends that the block bounded by Ninth, Tenth, Central and Iowa Streets be reserved for the location for the proposed Cen- tral Fire Station. The Victor Gruen Associates Public Facilities Plan proposes "the immediate construction of a new Central Fire Station and Head- quarters on this site in direct reo lationship to the existing vehicular circulation system of the downtown area, the proposed arterial street system, the interchange with the proposed regional expressway, and the proposed industrial area street system. Such a location at the fu- ture entrance to downtown from the regional highways would war- rant special site treatment and de- sign and development of the entire block frontage between Ninth and Tenth Street arterials as a public building space with no other crowding structures or conflicting land uses." RespectfuUy submitted, DUBUQUE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Frank J. Glab, Secretary December 7, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: It is my under$tanding that the City Planning and Zoning Commis- sion has approved of the Fuhrman property and the general area be- tween 9th and 10th and Iowa and Central as the location for the pro- posed Central Fire Station. I request authority to proceed immediately to secure preliminary architectural designs for the Cen- Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the com- mission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Ycas _ Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent - Councilman Ludwig. 1964 ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 present status of the storage of junk cars in the city which you caused to be initiated some weeks ago. A preliminary survey indicated that there were 54 cars stored in an objectionable manner. A letter was sent all persons concerned reo questing that they come to the City Hall and review their individual storage condition with the City Sanitarian. As a result of the sur. vey, letters and interviews, 28 stored cars were voluntarily re- moved, and 11 were found to be licensed and properly stored. On December 4th a ten day no- tice was sent to the owners of the remaining 15 cars. I am attaching a letter from Mr. Arthur Miller dated December 2nd which shows a tabulation of the results of the survey. Respectfully submitted Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-CounciIman Ludwig. December 7, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: A request has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Holz for the installation of street lights on Southern Avenue at Mayfair and Oeth Courts. Upon investigation by the Elec- trical Inspector's office, it is rec. ommended that two 4000 lumen in- candescent lights be installed as follows: 1. Intersection of Mayfair Court and Southern Avenue. 2. Intersection of Oeth Court and Southern AvenUe. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Kean moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. CarrIed by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Connci men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. RespectfuUy submitted, John L. White, City Engineer Councilman Takas moved that the recommendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote; Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, PfoW, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 4, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bond and de- sire to have your approval on same, SUbject to the approval of the City Solicitor tion 19, T 89 N. 3E of the 5th P.M. Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of Fractional Congressional Lot 8, Section 19, T 89 N., R. 3E of the 5th P.M. The part of Vacated Cedar Street which lies south of the south line of East Eleventh Street to the North Line of East Tenth Street. Lot "B" of Vacated East Ten- tb Street in the City of Du- buque, Iowa according to the United States Commissioner's Plat of the town of Dubuque, Iowa and the recorded plats of ....said respective subdivisions. I, therefore, request that your honorable body instruct the City Assessor to remove said property from tax roll as of January 1, 1965. PERFORMANCE BOND H & B Communications, Corpora- tion-TV Cable, United States Fi delity & Guaranty Company Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that the bond be filed subject to the approval of the City Solicitor. Sec- onded by Councilman Takos. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 7, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is a brief report as R. 428 the to ~"'ii'"..tml.! II '8~' ~ 431 Seconded by Council- Carried by the follow- Council. Sec. 1 Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the City of Du~ huque, Iowa Electricians Registra- tion Ordinance and may be so cited. Sec. 2 Purpose and Scope. Tbe purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the examination and registration of electrical contrac- tors, journeyman electricians, and maintenance electricians in order to prated pubUc safety, health and welfare. The provisions of this ordinance shan not apply to any regular em- ployee of a public utility who does electrical work for 'luch public utility only, nor shall they apply to the electrical work of a telephone or telegraph company, nor the per- sons, firms or corporations per- forming electrical work for ::uch a company, where such electrical work is an integral part of the plant used by such telephone or telegraph company in rendering its duly authorized service to the pub- lic, nor to any regular employee of any railroad who does electrical work only as a part of that em~ ployment. The provisions of this ordinance shan not apply to the replacement of integral parts of equipment or appliance by firms or persons in possession of a valid cerUfica te of competency, issued previously to the firm or person, by the Building Department of the City of Du~ buque, Iowa under other pertinent City Ordinances. Sec. 3 Definitions. For use within this ordinance the fonowing are defined: 1. Electrical Contractor'. The term "electrical contractor" means. any person, firm, corporation, associa~ tion, or combination thereof, who undertakes or offers to undertake to plan for, layout, supervise, and do electrical work for a fixed sum, price, fee percentage, or other com- pensation. ::. ....ourneyman Electrician. The t e r m "journeyman electrician" means a person having the neces- sary qualifications, training, eX~ perience and technical knowledge to do electrical work in accordance with the standard rules and regu- lations governing such work. 3. Maintenance Electrician. The term "maintenance electrician" means a person who has the neces- sal')' training, experience and tech~ nical kno\';rledge to undertake the work of installing, servicIng, main~ BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: arate days man Takos ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. ORDINANCE NO. 31.64 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTAB- LISH AN EI..ECTRICAL EX- AMINING BOARD, TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OF ELECTRI- CAL CONTRACTORS, JOURNEY- MAN ELECTRTCIANS AND MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS, AND THE COLLECTION OF FEES AND TO PROVIDE PEN- AL T IE S F OR VIOLATIONS HEREOF Regular Session, December 7, 1964 attached here- Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the City At- torney be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. ORDINANCE NO. 31-64 An ordinance to establish an electrical examining board, to provide for ttle exalT'. 'nation and registration of eledrical contrac. tors, iourneyman electricians, and maintenance electricians, and the collection of fees and to provide penalties for violations hereof, said Ordinance having been pre- viously introduced at the Council meeting of October 5, 1964, pre- sented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the rules be suspended in order to allow anyone present address the Council if they so desire. Sec- onded by Councilman Kean. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Attorney Gene Wright addressed the Council stating that he was in- formed that certain sections of the Electrical Code are not in con- formity with the National Elec- trical Code and requested that ac- tual passage of same be deferred until the next meeting. It was ex- plained to attorney Wright that considerable time and study has been put into the code, over a period of considerable length of time, and it would be useless not to adopt the ordinance at the pres- ent time. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Councilman Kean moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three sep- is claim Original to. l December 7, 1964 filed claim for injuries suffered as a result of a fall on April 16, 1964 at the corner of 7th & Bluff Streets in the City of DUbuque, claiming faulty curbing thereat as a result of which fall she suffered a frac. ture of the left elbow. I have made an investigation of this matter and have conferred with the claimant who has made an offer of settlement in the amount of $200.00, and it is the recommendation of the City Attor- ney that said offer be accepted and that the City Auditor be in- structed to execute a warrant pay. able to Marian G. Stoltz in the amount of $200.00 and transmit same to the City Attorney for de- livery to claimant upon receipt of a duly executed release. Original claim is attached here- to. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the City Attorney be approved and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean. Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 7, 1964 Hon. Mayor & City Council Re: Marianne L. Gavin Gentlemen: On June 16, 1964, Marianne Gav. in filed claim for injuries as a re- sult of a faU on June 12, 1964 at 1585 Delhi Street, Dubuque, Iowa, claiming a defective walk thereat, and that as a result of her fall claimant suffered a fracture of the right patella and incurring doc- tor and hospital bills and loss of wages in the total amount of $1111.21. Claimant has made an offer of settlement in the amount of $1400.00 and it is the recommenda. tion of the City Attorney that said offer he accepted and that the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant payable to Marianne L. Gavin and Mark Gavin, her hus. band, and her attorneys in the amount of $1,400.00 and transmit same to the City Attorney for de- livery to claimant upon receipt of duly executed released. Regular Session, Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takas moved that the report be referred to the Coun- cil for consideration at the sched- uled meeting of December 28, 1964. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Notice of claim of Anna E. Gru- ber, in the amount of $190, for personal injuries received in a fall on a defective sidewalk at the cor- ner of 29th and Jackson Street on September 31, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Pfohl. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Notice of claim of Maurice M. Wieser, in the amount of $148, for expense incurred as the result of a backed-up sewer at 2065 Sl. Am- brose street on November 22, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City So- licitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent - Councilman Ludwig. 1964 December 7, & City Council Re: Marian G. Stoltz Gentlemen: On June 5, 1964, Marian G. stoltz of 2116 Broadlawn, Dubuque, Iowa, 1 suggest and request that you set a date for a discussion of the sidewalk subject with City Engi. neer White and myself. I should like to point out that in Mr. White's covering letter, he states that in 1964 there were 12 lineal miles of sidewalks placed. I should like to add this information, that of these 12 miles, 41h miles were in subdivisions and 7% miles were repair and reconstruction, throughout other sections of the city. .'''';''.;1,. ,- ~ Hon. Mayor 430 ~ 433 required, and a registration shall be issued to him upon payment of the required fee. The Examining Board, upon proper application, shall also be empowered to grant a temporary permit to any e1ec. trieal contractor or journeyman electrician, or maintenance elec- trician who comes into Dubuque from an area not having such similar registering standards upon showing satisfactory to said Board of experience and ability as an electrical contractor or electrical journeyman, or maintenance elec- trician. Said temporary permits shall be revokable by action of the Board of Examiners at its option and shall in any event not be ef- fective for a period longer than thirty (30) days. Sec. 18. Appeal. In the event any person shall feel aggrieved by any action of the Board, he may appeal from such action to the City Coun- cil by filing written notice of his appeal within ten (10) days from the date of the action taken by the Board. The Council shall give five (5) days written notice by certified mail of the date, time, and place of hearing to the appeal- ing party and the Examining Board. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard at such hearing, and the City Council may affirm, modify, or overrule the action of the Board. The Electrical Inspector shall have no vote in the decision of the Appeals Board. Sec. 19. Transfer of Registration. It is prohibited for a person, firm or corporation holding a registra" tion to transfer it or allow the use of it, directly or indirectly, by any other person, firm or corporation. Sec. 20. Prohibition. No person, firm or corporation shall perform any electrical work as an electrical contractor, journeyman electrician, maintenance electrician in the City of Dubuque, Iowa unless registered as heretofore provided. Sec. 21. Penalty. Anyone who violates any of the proVisions of this Ordinance shall, upon convic- tion, be subj,ect to a fine not ex- ceeding $100.00 or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. Sec. 22. Savings Clause. If any Section, provision, or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any Section, provision, or part thereof not adjudged in- valid or unconstitutional. Sec. 23. When effective. This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced the 5th day of Oc- tober, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 7th day of December, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. ROBERT J. HORGAN Mayor PETER J. TAKOS JAMES J. KEAN ELDON A. PFOHL Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk Published officially In the Tele- praph-Herald Newspaper this 14th day of December 1964. LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk. Regular Session, December 7, 1964 12--14 t. 1 be six years, provided, however, that the original appointments to the Board shall be made as follows: one member shall be ap- pointed to serve a period of two years, one member for three years, one member for four years, one member for five years, and one member for six years. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board of Examiners shall elect annually one of its members as chairman who shall preside at all meetings of the Board. Sec. 11 Application and Fee. All applications for examination shall be accompanied with a fee of $5.00 which shall remain the property of the City of Dubuque, whether ap- plicant passes the examination or not. Registration shall be issued without examination or examina- tion fee to all persons, firms or corporations having one year or more satisfactory work perform- ance prior to the effective date of this ordinance as determined by the Board of Electrical Examiners. Sec. 12. Scope of Examination. Applican ts will be examined by the Board of Electrical Examiners to determine their knowledge of the Rules and Regulations governing the installation of electric wiring, devices, appliances and equipment as set forth in the Statutes of the State of Iowa, the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, and in the National Electric Code and to de- termine the general qualifications and fitness of each applicant for executing the class of work cov- ered by the registration applied for. Sec. 13 Failure to Pass Exami. nation. Should an applicant fail to pass an examination by not obtain- ing a rating thereon of 70% or higher, said applicant may be re- examined upon submitting applica- tion in writing accompanied by the $5.00 examination fee after a period of 60 days has elapsed from the date of the applicants last previous examination. Sec. 14. Issuance of Certificate. Examinations shall be in writing and a complete record of each shall be kept on file for a period of one year after date of such exami- nation at the office of the Secre- tary of the Board of Electrical Ex- aminers. The Board of Electrical Examiners shall grant registration and shall issue certificate therefor to those applicants certified by the Board of Electrical Examiners, pro- vided that in every case the regis- tration shall not be granted until the prescribed fee has been paid. Sec. 15. Unregistered Helpers Ex. cepted. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to prohibit the employment of any unregistered helpers or apprentices to assist registered journeymen or mainte- nance electrician. Sec. 16. Accounting for Fees. Ex- amination and registration fee shall be deposited with the City Treas- urer upon receipt of same. Sec. 17 Examination Waived. Any electrical contractor or journeyman electrician, or maintenance elec- trician, coming to Dubuque from another city or town having simi- lar registration standards and who shall produce credentials showing proper accreditation as an electri- cal contractor or journeyman elec- trician or maintenance electrician shall, upon approval of such cre- dentials by the Board, be excused from the examination hereinbefore ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 Certificate of Competency,$20.00. Annual renewal fee, $2.00. Class III. Journeyman Electri- cians Certificate of Competency, $~OO. Annual renewal fee, $1.00. .l!'ach registration shall expire on December 31, following the date of its issue and shall be renewed by the "Electricians E x ami n"1 n g Board" upon applIcation of the holder of the registration and pay- ment of the required fees any time before or on January 1 of each year. Renewal of registration shall not be granted to a holder of a registration while indebted to the City under the terms of this Ordinance. It there is a lapse of over sixty days from the expiration of a reg- istration renewal, the renewal fee shall be the same as on an original application. Sec. 6. All persons, tirme or cor- porations required, upon the ef- fective date of this Section, to pro- cure registrations under the pro- visions hereof shall do so within sixty days of the effective date of this Ordinance. Sec. 7 Display of Certificates. Every holder of a registration; ex- cept journeyman electricians. shall have his, their or its certificate of registration displayed in a con- spicuous place in his, their or its principal place of business. Sec. 8. Revocation of Reg~stra. tion. No registration and certificate issued in accordance with the pro- visions of this Section shall be as- signable or transferable. Any such registration may, atter hearin~ be suspended or revoked by the tiilec- trical Examining Board, if the person, firm or corporation holding such registration willfully, or by reason of incompetence, repeatedly violates any statute of the State of Iowa, or any Ordinance or Rule or Regulation of the City of Du- buque relating to the installation, maintenance, alteration or repair of electric wiring. devices, appli- ances and equipment. Sec. 9. Homeowners. The owner or owners of a single family dwell- ing (or mobile home) including the usual accessory building and quar- ters used exclusively for living pur- poses, may do such electrical work without registration as he demon- strates hIs capability to do, to the Electrical Inspector: provided that the dwelling (or mobiie home) will be occupied by the owner or own- ers and that a permit is issued as provided in the City of Dubuque Electrical Code. Sec. 10. Electrician's Examining Board. There is hereby created a Board of Electrical Examiners. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. All members of the Board shall be residents of the City of Dubuque. One member shall be a representative of the pUblic; one member shall be a registered jour- neyman electrician; one member shall be a registered electrical con- tractor; one member shall be a maintenance electrician; one mem- ber shall be an electrical engineer. The City Council shall appoint the five (-6) members. The Elec- trical Inspector shall serve as secretary to the Board and keep minutes and records of all proceed- ings and shall record the names and addresses of aU persons ex- amined by the Board, the result of the examination, and the kind of registration issued to each, if any. and the date thereof. The term of each member shal taining, altering, and repairing electrical devices, appl1ances and equipment within the stipulated confines of property owned or con- trolled by the firm, business or company by whom he is employed. An electrical maintenance cer- tificate of competency may be issue.d to an individual and will en- title the holder thereof to under- take the work of installing, servic- ing, maintaining, altering and re- pairing electrical devices, appli- ances and equipment only WIthin the confines of the property owned by such individual for use or appli- cation to such property. 4:. Electrical Work. The term "electrical work" means all install- ations, alterations, repairs, re- movals, renewals, replacements, oonnectIons, disconnections and maintenance of all electrical equip- ment. 5. Electrical Equipment... The term '~electrical equipment" means all electrical materials, wiring, conductors, fittings, devices, appli- ances, fixtures, signs and appara- tusor parts thereof. 6. Registered. The term "regis- tered" means registered under this ordinance, except if otherwise specified. 7. Shall. If the word "shall" is used. the meaning is that the act to be performed is mandatory. Sec. 4 Classes of Registration. Three classes of regIstration are hereby established and certificates thereof shall be issued only upon the direction of the Board of Electrical Examiners which shall be designated respectively as: Class I. Electrical Contractors Certificate of Registration Class II. Electrical Maintenance Certificate of Competency Class III. Journeyman Electri- cians Certificate of Competency Class I. Electrical contractors Registration shall entitle the hold- er thereof to engage in the busI- ness of electrical contracting, and to secure permits for the installa- tion, alteration or repair of any electric wiring, device, appliances or equipment. Class II. Electrical Maintenance Certificate of Competency shall en- title the holder thereof to under- take the work of installing, servic- ing, maintaining, altering and re- pairing electrical devices, appli- ances. and equipment within the stipulated confines of property owned or controlled by the firm, business or company employing such registration holder, or withIn the confines of property owned by an individual. Class III. Journeyman Electri- cians Certificate of Competency shall entitle the holder thereof to undertake the work of instaIllng, maintaining, altering and repair- ing eleetrIc wiring, devices, appli- ances and equipment in the employ of an electrical contractor, or the holder of an electrical maintenance certificate. Sec. 5 Fees for Registration. Be- fore a Certificate of Registration is granted to any applicant and be- fore an expiring registration is re- newed, the applicant shall pay to the City of Dubuque a fee in such an amount as is herein specified for the Glass of Registration to be granted or renewed as follows: Class I. Electrical Contractors Certificate of Registration,$25.00. Annual renewal fee. $5.00. Class II. Electrical Maintenance -i_WIi'.'::';]J.":< ..~.. 432 ~ 435 One member shall be appointed to serve for a period of four years. One member shall be appointed to serve for a period of five years. One member shall be appointed to serve for a period of six years. Necessary and actual expenses shall be allowed to members of the Board, but no other compensation >lhall be paid to them. SECTION 6. ADMINISTRATION & ENFORCEMENT. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to administer and enforce the uro- visions of this ordinance. He shall keep complete records of all per~ mits issued, inspeetions and rein~ spections made and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 7. PERMIT FOR ELEC. TRICAL WORK. No electrical work as set out in SECTION 2 of this ordinance shall be done without a permit issued by the Electrical In- spector. A permit shall be issued if the electrical work, as proposeu in the application for a permit, meets all the requirements of this ordinance. If plans and specifica- tions are requested by the Elec- trical Inspector, they :'TIust be in accord with the requirenlents of this ordinance. SECTION 8. PERMIT-TO WHOM ISSU EO. A permit shall be issued only to an electrical contractor registered by the City of Dubuque, or to the holder of maintenance certificate of competency issued to the ower of property on which the work is to be done. However, any permit required by this ordi- nance may be issued to the owner of a single-family dwelling (house boat, or a mobile home) used ex- clusively for living purposes, to do any work regulated by this ordinance in such a dwelling (or house boat or mobile home), in- cluding the usual accessory build- ings and quarters, provided that the dwelling (or house boat or mobile home) ,vill be occupied ly the owner, that the owner appears before the Blectrical Inspector and :;hows himself competent to do the specific volOrk for which he desires a permit, and that the owner per- sonally shall perform all labor in connection with the work. All work done in accordance with this ex- ception must meet all the require ments of this ordinance and shall be inspected as other work. SECTION 9. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT. Application for a per- mit shall be made to the Electrical Inspector, on forms provided prior to beginning the particular work for which they are issued with the exception of emergency work. The apphcation shall include the name and business address of the per~ son, firm, corporation or other as- sociation that is to do the work a description of the property where the work is to be done, the name of the owner of such property, the name of the occupant of "Iuch p"op- erty and a general description of the materials to be used, and shall specify the partiCUlar part or parts of the work which require inspec. tion in conformity with the pro- visions of this ordinance. The ap- plication shall be accompanied by fees in accordance ''lith the sched~ ule of fees set out in SECTIO~S 10 and 11 of this ordinance. SECTION 10. SCHEDULE OF FEES. The following fees shall be applied and collected: December 7, 1964 Session, visions as modified herein. A copy of the National Electrical Code, as a,dopted ,and a certified copy of this ordinance are on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. SECTION 4. ELECTRICAL IN. SPECTOR. There is hereby created the office of Electrical Inspector. The person appointed as Electrical Inspector shall: be of good moral character; be possessed of such ex- ecutive ability as is requisite for the performance of his duties; have a thorough knowledge of the stand- ard materials and methods used in electrical work; be well versed in approved methods of construction for safety to persons and property, the statutes of the State of Iowa relating to electrical work and any orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof, and the Na- tional Electrical Code, as approved by the American Standards Asso- ciation; have had at least five years experience as an electrical inspector or in electrical work, or in lieu of such experience, shall be a graduate in electrical or me- chanical engineering of an ap- proved college or university and shall have two years practical electrical experience. The Electrical Inspector, or As. sistant Electrical Inspector, shall be appointed by the City Manager. The Electrical Inspector, during his tenure in office, may hold membership in the International Association of Electrical Inspec- tors, and may hold membership in the National Fire Protection Asso. dation, and with the consent of the Manager, may serve on any (electrical) committee of these as- sociations to which he may be ap- pointed. Membership dues, a."lsess~ ments and necessary expenses in connection with such activities may be paid by the City. The Electrical Inspector or an:r of his assistants shall not engage in the business of the sale, install- ation or maintenance of electrical equipment, either directly or in- directly, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business in the City of Dubuque, Towa, at any time while holding office. This shall not be construed to in any way prevent the Electricai Inspector or his assistants from performing such services for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as may he required by the Manager or City Council. SECTION 5. ELECTRICAL AP. PEAL BOARD. There is hereby created an Electrical Appeal Board consisting of five (5) members. The memhers shall be appointed by the City Council. All members shall be residents of the City of Dubuque: One member shall be a repre- sentative of the pUblic. One member shall be a regis- tered journeyman electrician. One member shall be a regis- tered electrical contractor. One member shan be a mainte- nance electrician. One member shall represent business. The term of each member shall be six years provided, however, that the original appointments to the board shall be made as follows One member shall be appointed to serve for a period of two years. One member shall be appointed to serve for a period of three years. Regular ~ December 7, 1964 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as the City of Dubuque, Iowa Electrical Ordinance and may be so cited. SECTION 2. PURPOSE &. SCOPE. It is the purpose of this ordinance to adopt a complete electrical code, including provisions for the in- spection and regulation of electri- cal installations, issuance of per- mits and collection of fees, and to provide penalties for violations of this ordinance in order to protect public safety, health and welfare. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to and govern the sup- ply of electricity and all uses, installations, alterationSj repairs, removals, renewals, rep acements, disturbances, connections, discon- nections and maln tenance of all electrical materials, wiring, con- ductors, fittings, devices, appli- ances, fixtUres, signs and appara- tus or parts thereof, hereinafter re- ferred to as electrical equipment that are intended to be, pr are, within, on, under, over or near any building, structure, equipment, or premises with the following ex- ceptions: (A) The installation, alteration or repair of electrical generation, t I' a n s m i s s ion, or distri- bution equipment, but not utili- zation equipment, owned and operated by an electrical publiC utility company or the city. (B) The installation, alteration or repair of electrical signal or communication equipment if such equipment is owned or operated by a pUblic utility company for the city. (C) Any work on, or in boats, railway cars, trackless trolleys, busses, aircraft and motor ve- hicles. (D) Any work in connection with electrical equipment used for radio and television trans- mission but not including sup- ply wire to such equipment. (E) Any work involved in the manufacturing or testing of elec- trical equipment or apparatus, but not including any permanent wiring or equipment. (F) Any work associated with: 1. The repair of plug connect- ed electrical appliances or de- vices; 2. Permanently connected electrical appliances or devices that have been electrically and mechanically disconnected and separated from all sources of electrical supply (by an electri- cal licensee). The opening of switches or the blowing or re- moval of fuses shall not be con- sidered an electrical or me- chanical disconnection or sepa- ration. (G) The installation or replace- ment of approved fuses. (H) The installation or re- placement of pin type lamps, screw base lamps or plug con- nected portable appliances. Re- pairing or replacing push or snap switches, lamp sockets, recep- tacles and tapeing bare wires. SECTION 3. ADOPTION OF ELECTRICAL CODE. The National Electrical Code of 1962, as promul- gated by the American Standards Association, is hereby adopted in full except. for such portions as hereinafter may be deleted, modi- fied or amended. From the effective date of this ordinance, all electri- cai work as set out in SECTION 2 of this ordInance shall be per- formed in accordance with its pro- Regular Session, Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Takos. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman Ludwig. ORDINANCE NO. 32-64 An ordinance to adopt by refer- .nce a complete electrical code regulating the practice, mater- ials and fixtures used in the in- stallation, maintenance, exten- sion and alteration of all wiring, fixtures, appliances and appurte- nances in connection with veri. ous electrical systems, to provide for the appointment of an elec- trical inspector, the issuance of permits for electrical installa- tion and the collection of fees, to establish an electrical appeal board and to provide penalties for violations hereof, said Ordinance introduced at the Council meeting of October 5, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Takos. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Councilman Kean moved that the rule be suspended requiring an or. dinance to be read on three sepa- rate days. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. ORDINANCE NO.32-64 \ AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL CODE REGULAT- ING THE PRACTICE, MATERI- ALS AND FIXTURES USED IN THE INSTALLATION, MAINTE- NANCE, EXTENSION AND AL- TERATION OF ALL WIRING, FIXTURES, APPLIANCES AND APPURTENANCES IN CONNEC- TION WITH VARIOUS ELEC- TRICAL SYSTEMS, TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR E LEe T R I C A L INSTALLA- TION AND THE COLLECTION OF FEES.,.!., TO ESTABLISH AN ELECTR1\..:AL APPEAL BOARD AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIESsFOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW A' lihu ....^'....;...:..}.if- 434 ~ 437 fifteen (15) days after the date of filing notice of appeal. The per- son, firm, corporation or other as- sociation making the appeal shall he notified by certified mail of the time and place of such hear- ing. Hearings on appeal shall be open to the public, and all interest- ed persons shall be given an op portunity to present their posi~ tions. The Electrical Appeal Board by majority vote shall affirm, modify, or reverse any appealed ruling, de- cision, interpretatfon or order of the Electrical Inspector. Any per- son, firm, corporation or other as- sociation not satisfied with the de- cision of the Electrical Appeal Board shall have the right to ap- peal to court as by law provided. SECTION 19. MEETING OF TH E BOARD. The Council shall provIde suitable space in which the Board may hold meetings and con- duct hearings and shall provide the Board with necessary equipment and facilities and pay the expense thereof. The board shall hold its first meeting not more than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Thereafter, the Board shall meet at such times as may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties, but in any case not less than twice a year. A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of its mem- bers. The Board shall elect a chairman and a secretary annually. S E C T ION 20. ELECTRlCAL POWER SUPPLY. Except where work is done under an annual permit, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or other association to make connec- tion from a supply of electricity or to supply electricity to any electrical equipment for the in~ stallation for which a permit is re- quired or which has been discon- nected or ordered to be disconnec- ted by the electrical inspector un- til such connection has' been au- thorized toy the Electrical Inspec~ tor. SECTION 21. CONCEALMENT WITHOUT NOTICE. The Electri- cal Inspector shall have authority to remove or cause the removal of Lath, plaster, boarding or other obstructions which may prevent the proper inspection of electrical apparatus. SECTION 22. DAM AGE TO WIRE. (A) It shall be unlawful for any owner, workman, contrac- tor or other person not authorized by the Electdcal Inspector, in any manner, to cut, damage or other- wise interfere with any wire or apparatus within or upon any building so as to render the same defective in operation, or not in accordance with the rules and pro- vlsi0ns of this ordinance. (B) When curbs are cut for driveways, and a city owned elec- tricai conductor is traversed, los.s of which would necessitate its re- moval of the driveway for repair, the person or firm desiring to mAke such chang-e shall be respon- sible for installing a satisfactory raceway through which conduc~ tors can be removed and replaced without disturbing the driveway. SECTION 23, ELECTRICAL HAZARDS CREATED DURING CONSTRUCTION &. INSTALLA- TIONS. 'Vhen construction or other installations shall cause existing electrical conductors to be distort- ed or concealed in such a manner as to create an electrical hazard Regular Session, December 7, 1964 building, structure or grounds, the person, firm, corporation or other association installing the equip~ ment shall notify the Electrical Inspector. Such equipment shall not be concealed until it has been inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspector or u n t i I twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holi- days, shall have elapsed after re- ceipt of such notification by the Electrical Inspector: provided, that on large installations, where the concealment of equipment proceeds continuously, the person, firm, cor- poration or other association in- stalling the equipment shall give the Electricai Inspector due notice and inspection shall be made periOdicallY during the progress of the work. SECTION 15. RIG H T 0 F ENTRY. The Electrical Inspector shall have the right, during reason- able hours, to enter any building or premises in the discharge of his official duties for the purpose of making any inspection, reinspec- tion, or test of the electrical equip- ment contained therein as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 16. SHUTTING OFF SUPPLY. If any electrical equip- ment or installation is found by the Electrical Inspector to be de- fective or defectively installed in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, the person. firm, cor- poration, or other association re- sponsible for the electrical equip- ment shall be notified in writing of such defects, and shall make necssary changes or repairs. If such work is not completed within fifteen (15) days (or longer period as specified by the Electrical In- spector in such notice), the Elec~ trieal Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of electrical service to said electrical equip- ment. In cases of emergency, if necessary for safety to persons or property, or if electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the fire department, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or cause the discon- nection immediately of any such electrical equipment. If fires have damaged the wiring of any build- Ing or structure, reconnection to electrical supply shall not be made until authorized in writing by the Electrical Inspector. SECTION 17. APPROVAL OF MATERIALS. The Electrical In- spector may approve in advance eiectrical materials inspected and approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and other nla- terials of equal or higher quality. The Electrical Inspector shall keep on file a list of such approved materials, which list shall be ac- cessible for public reference during regular office hours. SECTION 18. APPEAL. Any per- son, firm, corporation or other as- sociation ag-grieved by any ruling, decision, interpretation or order of the Electrical Inspector shall have the right to appeal to the Electri- cal Appeal Board by filing a writ- ten notice of such appeai with the City C~lerk within ten (10) days from the date of the offending- rulin~, decision, interpretation or order. Upon filing of such notice a time and place for hearing' shall be fixed hy the Eiectrical Appeal Board. This time shall be not more than ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 ance with the prOVisions Of this ordinance. (B) In industrial plants where experienced electricians are regu- larly employed and who have charge of the electrical work In such plants, a monthly inspection shall be made by the Electrical Inspector of the installation of electric wiring, fixtures, appli- ances, work and materials used in connection with the operation of work in said plant. A record shall be kept at such plants covering the preceding month. This record shall be filed with the Electrical Inspector each month prior to the time he makes his regular inspec- tion. Any falsity contained In the reports required to be filed with the Electrical Inspector shall sub ~ ject the person, firm or corporation responsible therefor to the penalties provided for in SECTIONS 17 and 40 hereof. "Any industrial plant to whom the provision hereof applies shall pay to the City of Dubuque $5.00 per month, or $60.00 per year. SECTION 12. PLANS & SPECI. FICATIONS. Plans and specifica~ tions showing the proposed work in the necessary detail shall be sub- mitted if requested by the Elec- trical Inspector. If a permit Is denied, the applicant may submit revised plans and speCifications \vithout payment of any additional fee. If, in the course of the work, it is found necessary to make any change from the plans and specifi- cations on which a permit was issued, amended plans and speci- fications shall be submitted. S E C T ION 13. EMERGENCY WORK. In emergency .situations work can be initiated and complet- ed by a registered electrical con- tractor without first obtaining a permit. However, a permit must be obtained within a reasonable time after the passage of the critical period. Reasonable time shall be mterpreted to mean 24 hours ex- clusive of Saturday. Sunday or holiday. Any work completed under this emergency clause or otherwise, shan be done under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 14. INSPECTIONS. Upon the completion of electrical work that has been done under a permit other than an annual permit, the person, firm, corpora- tion, or other association doing the work shall notify the Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspector shall insp'ect the work within twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and holidays, after the receipt of notice, or as soon thereafter as practicable. If the Electrical Inspector finds the work to be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, he may issue to the person, firm, corporation. or other association that has done the work a certifi- cate of approval. This certificate shall authorize the use of the work and connection to the supply of electricityl The Electrical In- spector shall send written notice of such authorization to the agency supplying the electricity. A certificate of approval may be issued authorizing the connection and use of a temporary installation. Such certificate shall be issued to expire at a time to be stated therein and may be revoked by the Electrical Inspector for any viola- tion of this ordinance. If any electrical equtpment is to be hidden from vIew by the per- manent placement of parts of a (A) Outlets for fixtures, lamps, .switches, receptacles, underfloor raceway, dimmer and similar de- vices, each first 10, $0.20 each; next 15. $0.15 each; over 25, $0.10 each. (B) Electric ranges, oven or cooking top, and water heaters, heating cable or other heating device, or outlets therefore, each $1.00. (C) Fixtures, medium base socket, lamp holder, tubular lamps such as fluorescent, cold cathode, lumUine and mercury vapor, per fixture first 10, $0.10 each; over 10, $0.05 each. (D) Plug-in strip, trol-e-duct, and similar systems per foot or fraction hereof, $0.05. (E) Neon sIgns, first trans- former or sing over two sockets, $2.00; each additional transform- er or balIast, $1.00. (F) Motors and apparatus in- cluding control. 0 to %. H,P., $0.75; 1 to 2 H,P., $1.00; 3 to 5 H.P., $2.00; 6 to 10 H.P., $2.50; 11 to 20 H,P., $3.00; 21 to 30 H.P., $3.50; over 30 H.P., $3.50 plus 10c per H.P. addItional. (G) Generators, transformers, reactors, rectifiers, capacitors, heaters, converters and similar devices per kilowatt or kilo-volt ampere or fraction thereof 0 to 1 KW, $1.00; over 1 KW $2.00, (H) Sub-panel, each $1.00. (I) Moving pictures and X-ray machines, high frequency thera- peutic apparatus and similar equipment, each 0 to 1 KW, $2.00; 0 to 2 KW or over $5.00. (J) Permit fees for total ca- pacities of service switches: 0 to 100 amperes, $1.00; 101 to 600 am- peres, $2.00; over 600 amperes, $4.00. (K) Each reinspection made necessary by faulty construction, $1.00. (L) Annual Permit, $60.00; minimum fee for any permit, $0.75. (M) For fallure to report to the inspection department an electrical installation for inspec- tion, for rough-in or compietion, a fee of $5,00 may be asse>ssed against the permit holder. (N) For failure to be able to make inspection because of in- correct addre.ss, $1,00. These fees shall be deposited with the City Treasurer not later than the last working day of the month in which they were re~ ceived. A monthly written report of the amounts and sources of the fees shall be made to the Cit).T Manager. SECTION 11. ANNUAL PERMITS (A) An annual permit in lieu of individual permits shall be issued after application to any person, firm, corporation or other associ- ation regularly employing one or more registered maintenance elec- tricians. for the repair and main- tenance of electrical equipment in or on buildings or premises owned or occupied by the applicant for such permit. An application for an annual permit shall be in writing and shall contain a description of the premises on which the work is to be done under such annual per~ mits. The permittee shall keep a record of all electrical repaIrs and maintenance work done under the permit. This record shall be ac- cessible to the Electrical Inspector at all reasonable times. All work done under such permit and all electrical wiring and installation shall be maintained in conform- "';"""111_1 ~ . -~ 436 I 439 One separate 20 ampere circuit for deep freeze. One separate circuit for the range, or cooking top and oven :,;eparately mounted. One se'parate circuit for an elec- tric dryer. One separate circuit (20 ampere) for workshop. Separate circuits for unusual loads. (D) Water heater service: Serv- ice from meter to entrance switch on an electric heater installed on off-peak meter shall not be less than No.8 service wire. SECTION 28. GROUNDING RE- QUIREMENTS (A) Grounding Methods: Ground- ing, where city water service is available will be by running No.6 or larger copper wire to the street side of the water meter and se- curely connected thereto with an ,1pprovl::d clamp and extended to provide a water meter bond. (B) Conduit used for mechanical protection of underground service conductors on a pole or building sha1l be grounded. A driven ap. proved ground and No. 6 conduc- tor or as herein provided. SECTION 29. SERVICES AND SIZE LIMITATIONS (A) Conduits containing unfusOO service supply conductors shall not contain feeder or branch circuit wires. Used conductors shaH not be emrloyed as service entrance. (B) Se-rvice entrance conductors shall maintain color code as pro- vided by the National Electrical Code or as provided (D) of this section. (C) The neutral service wires shall be grounded on supply side of service entrance switch main- taining a common bond between the seJ-vlce neutral and the serv. ice conduit switch enclosures and all other metallic equipment of the completed installation. (D) Conductors, when not col- ored by manufacturer. shall be identified by colored tape. This wrapping shall be not leS8 than 2" long. Paint shall not be used in lie'll of tape. AU :servrce or elec- trical fittings exposed to weather shall be of a type to afford pro- tection ag-ain!'lt wind, rain or snow. SECTION 30. POWER SERVICES (A) Two wire, 230 volt, single phase service, or three wire, 230 volt, three phase services shall be classed as power services aniJ may be used to supply power appliances and shall comply with all pro- visions of other types of services, but shall not be less than 60 am- pere capacity. All metallic equip- ment used in conjunction with such services shall be effectively grounded. (P) Combination commercial power and lighting service shall not be less than 100 ampere employing service conductors of not less than size No.2 A"TG. eC) All service and meter equip- ment installations shall meet the requirements of the electric utiUty regulations and safety rules where they do not conflict with the Na- tional Electric Code and the Na- tional Safety Code. (D) Feeder conductors supplying two or more motors shall have car~ rylng capacity of not less than 125% of the full load current of the highest rated motor plus the sum of the full load currents of the remaining motors, and shall be over-current protected by a device capable of carrying the starting Regular Session, December 7, 1964 minimum of eight 8) available circuits. (B) Individual homes h a v i n g over 1500 square feet floor space shall have no less than 3 No. 1/0 stranded copper or equal, in Z inch heavy wall pipe on a 200 am. pere entrance switch with a mini- mum of 16 available circuits. (C) The service disconnecting means shall be so arranged that the service and all circuits will be disconnected with one approved power over-current protective de- vice. This shall not exclude the use of separate disconnect means for a combination power and light service or separate time clock control1ed water heating installa- tions, 0 r emergency lighting, or electrical heating, or service sup- plying more than one building for same iirm or person. (D) The distribution cE"lter shall be located readily access;.,le. home shall be determin, l by the outside dimensions ex ( Iud i n g porches, garages and basements. (E) Finished floor sp:1ce in a (F) All services of 100 ampere capacity or more shan be in heavy wall conduit. (G) On other than newly con- structed homes outside the fire district, where increased service capacity is needed, it is permis- sable to use service entrance cable up to and including 60 amp. ca- pacity. (H) Approval of any service al- teration or repair on existing serv- ice wiring shall not be give'll un- less the service adequacy conforms with the requirements herein stipulated for such occupancy. (I) The disconnecting mea n s shan be of a type approved for the service. (J) Service switches shall not be located in bathrooms, clothes clos- ets, over kitchen sinks or laundry tubs, etc., and must at all times be readily accessible. (K) Electrial equipment installed on masonry outside walls exposed to weather or below grade lines shall be placed on back boards so supported as to leave at least l,2" air space. The back board shan be the equal of plywood %" in thick- ness and not less than 2'x 2%' in size. SECTION 27. RANGE FEEDERS AND HOUSE LOADS (A) Range Feeder Size: From entrance switch or distribution point run not less than 3 No. 8 B & S gauge stranded TW copper wires in %, inch conduit or cable for ranges up to 16 KW. (B) For ranges 15 to 20 KW, run not less than 3 No. 6 B & S gauge stranded copper wires In 1 inch conduit, or cable. Two or more ranges shall be computed ac- cording to table 220.5 column A of thQ National Electrical Code. (C) On new work and rewiring, one circuit shan be provided for every 500 square feet of finished floor space or likely to be finished for lighting. In addition, provision for the fonowing appliance clrcuits shall be provided: A minimum of two separate 2"0 ampere circuits for kitchen and breakfast room receptacles. The disposal unit and dishwasher, when installed as an adjacent unit, shall be wired on separate circuits. One separate 20 ampere circuit for laundry outlet. Other circuits, if installed, shall be as follows: One separate circuit fur furnace or heating plant. ~ f I t ! Regular Session, December 7, 1964 it shall be mandatory for the in- staller or permit holder to prop- erly secure the conductors at both ends. It shall be the responsibilIty of the installer or contractor to furnish said fittings. SEC. 25. GENERAL REQUIRE. MENTS. (A) In all wiring instal- lations, special attention shall be given to the mechanical execution of the work. The placement of raceways, cables and conductors, the connecting, splicing, soldering and tapeing of conductors, and the securing and attaching of fittings in a proper, neat and workman- like manner is mandatory. Where ungrounded conductors enter an outlet, swi tch, junction box, cabinet, pull box, etc., through a metallic raceway, the conductor shall be protected by a substan. tlal bushing prOViding a smoothly rounded insulating surface. (B) Provision for the chanelling and pocketing of electric light and power wiring and for telephone, messenger and other signal system wiring shall be made when plans and specifications are drawn. (C) Electrical equipment shall be firmly secured to the surface upon which it Is mounted. Wooden plugs driven into holes in masonry shall not he used for such se- curity. All metallic raceways shall be securely strapped to the building structure and shall be mechanically joined at all junc- tions to insure electric.:il continu- ity for grounding purposes. At all times, the affinity of metals and materials shall be given due con- sideratIon in construction meth- ods. (D) Flexible cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring. Remote control switches, when supplied from a source greater than the control conductor load limit, shall be provided with suitable over-current protection. (E) Radio Interference. Any per- !:ion, firm or corporation installing electrical equipment shall so in- stall such electrical equipment as to be free from interference with radio reception and its associated de'Viees as television. Where such interference is found to exist, the Electrical Inspector may issue notice for the immediate discon- tinuance of the use of the equip- ment in question. Failure to comply with the notice a8 issued bv the Electrical Inspec- tor shall be deemed as sufficient cause for invoking the penalties of this ordinance. (F) All outlets must terminate in approved outlet box. (G) When outdoor lighting is to be installed, the lights shall be so placed and be of a light intensity or direction as to not provide a glaring light to the driver of a motor vehicle in adjacent streets or to pedestrians. (H) Living trees shall not be used for the permanent support of electrical conductors or other elec- trical equipment. SEC. 26, RESIDENTIAL SERV- ICE CAPACITY (A) New construction of homes up to 1500 square feet of finished floor space, or likely to be finish~ ed, shall be served with not less than 3 r-.;.o. 2 B & S gauge strand- ed copper wire, or equal in heavy wall conduit and equipped with a 100 ampere, 2 pole, solid neutral entrance switch or equivalent with within the meaning of the pro- visions of this ordinance, it shall become the responsibility of the person, firm or corporation crea- ting such hazard to properly cor- rect the electrical hazard or cause the same to be cONected all In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. When in the process of instal- ling electrical wiring in a buIld- ing or structure, it becomes neces- sary to pierce a firewall or fire stop, or in other ways open a path through which fire would be af- forded rapid progress, the person, firm or corporation doing such work shall close or cause to be closed said opening in such a man- ner as to reS'tore fire retardent conditions. SEC. 24. OVERHEAD SERVICE &. SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIP. MENT. (A) Light and Power. There shall not be more than one service drop to any building for each type of service except by spe- cial permission. The service drop shall maintain regulation height over streets, alleys, telephone wires, railroad property, private property and all clearances shaH comply with the requirements of the National Electric Code. (B) Overhead Service. Service entrance conductors shall enter the building in heavy wall rigid conduit and shall be equipped on the exposed end with a rain tight fitting and the raceway shall be arranged to drain and shall have at least two (2) feet of all con- ductors left on the outside of the entrance fitting for the connection to the utlllty line. This service conduit shall be run exposed on the outside of the building except in masonry walls where it can be burled if kept at least two inches from both surfaces. The entrance protection equipment shall be in. stalled as close as possible to where the conduit enters the building. All runs over four (4) foot from point of entry shall be spe- cifically approved by the Electri- cal Inspector. Service raceway straps shall be of the two hole type. Service drop conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 36 inches from windows, doors, porches, fire escapes, or. similar locations. The neutral Wire shall be wIthout splice, where possible, from the service drop to the en~ trance switch or current trans- former cabinet. (C) Underground. S e r vie e s, whether in ridged metai conduit, non- metallic conduit, parkway cable, or other approved installa- tion method underground cable, shall not be less man ,-,vo (2) standard wire sizes larger than the smallest standard wire size allow- able for the service disconnecting means. (D) All underground con d u i t shall be provided with an approved method of draining off moisture and the conduit pitched to drain. All low spots shall be provided with additional drains. (E) All conduIt or duct servIces shall be provided with a seal as near as possible to the dew point or if no fitting is at the entry an effective seal shall be provided at the service head. When conductors are run in mul- tiple as permitted in Par. 310-10 of the 1962 National Electric Code, .'"ii-. '--'ilrlifi! - 438 ~ 441 1. 12-14 Councilman Kean movedadop- tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: .Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Piohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Communication of George S. Deininger, Chairman Dub u que Codes Committee, urging the adop- tion of a Dubuque Fire Prevention wired and grounded in an approved manner, the high voltage wire enclosed in glass, or conduit until within vIew. High voltage cable may extend through wood par. titions of ceUings when approved bushings or tubes ot clear g~sB are used, tube to be so designed as to retain proper position In wal\- or ceiling. High voltag~ or tubing shall maintain a minimum distance of one and a half (1 %) inches trom. wood or metal ~art ot building structure or any mflammable ma- terial. Suspended window sign lighting or outline lighting shall have a means of disconnection other than through an appliance cap. Transformers shall have no live terminals normally exposed to contact. All installations shall be so installed and maintained as to be reasonably free from radio and television interference. SECTION 40. PENAL. TY FOR VIOLATION Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to com- ply with any of the provisions hereof shall, upon conviction there- of, be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) together with the cost of prosecution, and in default of pay- ment thereof, by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. SECTION 41. REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance- are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 42. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this ordinance shall be declared invalid, the re- mainder shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 43. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect sixty (60) days from and after its final passage by the City Council and publication as pro- vided by law. Introduced the 5th day of Octo- ber, 1964. Rule requiring reading. of three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 7th day of Decem -ber, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. , ROBERT .T. HORGAN Mayor PETER.T. TAKOS .TAMES .T. KEAN ELDON A. PFOHL Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper thIs 14th day of December, 1964. LEO F. FROMMELT City Cierk. Regular Session, December 7, 1964 properly designated by an electri- cally Uluminated exit sign. All stairways in pubHc buildings, apartments and hotels shall be li'ghted to comply with the Building Code and Housing Standards of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Exits and stair lights shall be on circuits separate from the main lighting of the building, in compliance with the National Electric Code. (D) A permanent light shall be installed in each room of a resi- dential occupancy having a floor area of eight (8) square feet or over. (E) Plug fuses shaH not be used in circuits exceeding 125 volts be~ tween conductors. SECTION 38. FIRE LIMITS. Fire Limits Established. All that part of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, em- braced within the limits as de- scribed in Article 53, Section 5300 of the Building Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, are hereby adopted as fire limits. SECTION 39. SIGNS & OUT_ L IN E LIGHTING. Animating flashers shall be pnmary opening type and similar devices shall be enclosed in metal boxes, if subject to weather, they shall be in weatherproof boxes. Each outline lighting installation and each sign 01' other than the portable type shall be controlled by an external- ly operable switch which will open all ungrounded conductors and shall be capable of being locked in their open position. Such switches shall be of an approved type and shall have twice the current rating of the transformers controlled. Metal parts of signs, wireways, terminal boxes and other metal frames shan be grounded unless they are insulated from the ground and from other conducting sur- faces and inaccessible to un- authorized persons. Isolated and noncurrent carrying parts of out- line lighting shall be bonded by not less than No. 14 conductors and grounded. Circuits supplying sIgns and outline lighting trans- formers shall be so arranged tha t the number of outlets, lamps and transformers connected to them shall in no case piace more than 12 amperes on a branch cireui t. The branch circuIt wiring supply- ing lamps and transformers shall not be less than size No. 14 and of such size that voltage drop will not exceed 2%. All transformers supplying the electrical energy to gas tubing used in outline lighting or signs within any buHding shall, if not wired in a permanent man- ner, be wired without support or excess cord extending from trans~ formers to permanent receptacles. All high voltage cable used in conjunction with gas tube signs and outline lighting shall have a minimum insulation voltage rating' of 15,000 volts. Exposed type of gas tube advertising signs or out- line l1ghting terminals shan be enclpsed in approved receptacles or enclosed in sleeves of vulcanized fi- ber phenol1c composition or other suitable materials which overlap all live parts by at least one-half (%) inch. Doors or covers giving access to uninsulated parts of outdoor signs or outline lighting exceeding 600 volts shall not be accessible to unauthorized persons. All signs shall be marked with the maker's name. Transformers on outline or window sign lighting, if concealed from view, shall be enclosed in a separate metal box permanently . Regular Session, December 7, 1964 these shall not be of the Edison Base type and shall be wired on the appliance circuit with No. 12 wire. This receptacle shall be a 3 pole type designed for ground_ ing. (D) Stairways. All Stairways Ieailing to second floor or above shaH be adequately l1ghted. (E) Closet Lights: Refer to Na- tional Electrical Code 410-8. (F) :e:athroom Control. All fix_ tures in bathrooms shall be key_ less type and shall be operated by a wall swi tch. SECTION 35. CONVERSION OF BUILDINGS (A) Conversion of Residence Buildings from One Class to an- other Class: The conversion of any building from one class to an- other class. that is. from a one to a two, three or more family dwell~ ing unit must meet the require- ments of this ordinance for the class of dwelling into which it is being converted. (B) Conversion of Residence to Store or Office: Conversion of a residence into a store building or the building of a store building in combination with a residence will place the residence in the same class of wiring as the store build- ing. A detail of such installations must be submitted to the inspector for approval prior to installation. SECTION 36. GASOLINE PUMP WIRING (A) A gasol1ne pump with elec- tric motor or control wiring en- closed and/or light wiring there shall be a separate feed through not less than *" conduit to each pump from a junction box or cabi- net located outside of the hazard- ous zone. There shall be a seal-off fittIng on each of these pipes where they enter the hazard zone. and near the base of the pump. This seal-off fitting must be threaded to the conduit entering the pump base. (B) All gasoline pumps must be wired with an explosion proof flexible coupUng between seal.off and junction box in the pump. SECTION 37. HEATING & L.IGHT ING OUTLETS (A) Electrically powered heating units, such as oil burners. stokers, or other electrically controlled heating equIpment shall use an approved number of protective de- vices in the electric supply line to definitely limit the action of the equipment when dangerous tem- peratures or conditions arise. Such equIpment shall be installed on a separate circuit. Each burner and fan or pump shall be switched and separately externally over-current protected. This over-current pro- tection shall be readUy accessible at the equipment and shall not be mounted lower than twenty-four (24) inches as measured trom floor to bottom of the switch and shall not be an integral appliance con- trol switch. (B) 'Vater heaters and clothes dryers installed in such locations as out of sight of the serviCe dis- connecting switch or on a floor of a building other than the serv- ice location shall have a discon- necting means installed on a con- venient location when not an in- tegral part of the equIpment. (C) Exit lights. The exit ways from all buildings, public or pri- vate, used for gathering, whether for worship, lodge activity or en- tertainment, shall have all exits current of the largest motor plUS t~e running currents of the re- maining motors. (E) All the motors, except port- able motors and 1,4 H.P. or less shall be externally running over- currellt protected. SECTION 31. WIRiNG METHODS 1. lIletaUi(: raceways 2. Non-metaliic wiring 3. Method of wiring described In National Electric Code but pro- hibited by this Ordinance. SECTION. 32 METHODS OF WIRING DESCRIBED IN NA- TIONAL. EL.ECTRIC CODE BUT PROHIBll'ED BY THIS ORDI_ NArr,lCE. (A) Service Entrance Cable. The installation of service entrance ca- ble as Provided in Article 338 of the NaUonalElectrlc Code is pro- hibited except as provided in this Ordinance. (:B) The installation of metaIllc armored cable wiring commonly known as BX or metal-clad type Me or AC is prohibited by thIs Ordinance. (C) Non-metaIlic Surface Exten- sions. The installatIon of non- metalUc surface extension Wiring is prohibited by this Ordinance. SECTION 33. REQUIREMENTS (A) All bulldings within the fire limits and aU buildings outside fire Imits occupied by three or more lamlUes, all hotels, motels, schools, convents, churches, hospitals. sani- tariums, institutions for the care of orphan or aged people, club houses, theatres, dance and amuse- ment haUs, all buildings used for public assembUesi aU buildings used for commerc al purposes and all buildings used for industrial pp.rposes shall be wired in ap- proved rigid or flexible metal con- duit or metal raceways. (B) Wiring Methods in Base- ments: All unfinished basements of newly constructed or rewired homes, when wiring is not con- cealed by unfinished walls or ceil- ings, shall be wired in metallic wiring. In new construction con- nections shall not be made between the basemel)t wiring and the wir- ing in the floors above except as provided in thIs section. The race- ways shall start from the panel and be continuous to all outlets. Electric ranges and/or dryers may be fed with non-metamc cable through the floor. (C) On new construction or re- wIre where non-metamc wiring is permitted, the branch circuits shall enter the basement directly over tbe load center and in no case shall be longer than 6' in length. SECTION 34. BASEMENT RE- QUIRED LIGHTS (4.) There ahall be a light pro- vided In the basement for each ma- jor' room. as 'weU a.s in each toilet t09nl,fruit room and furnace room. In larger basement rooms or where there are no partitions in the basement, there shall be pro- vided not less than one light for every 150 square foot of floor spa.ce. (B) Basement Stair Lights: Basement stair shall be equipped with lights at the top and the bot- tom to make it easy to see the en- tire length of the stairs at night and sluJ,ll be controlled near the top of the stairs with a switch. (C) Laundry Receptacles: A resi- dence laundry shall be equipped with a wall or ceiling hanglllg re- ceptacle near the apparent loca. tion of the washing machine and If'~"" I .. .~ ,-.. '.'." 4Ml ~ 443 December 7, 1964 Regular Session, ter will be appreciated. Respectfully suhmilled, COUNTY-CITY OF DUBUQUE AUTHORITY By Hermon Loll, Chairman By W. M. Clemens, Treasurer By Clem Welsh, Secretary Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded hy Councilman Takos. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Mr. R. F. Sefkiz addressed tbe Council by expressing some COD- cern for the small business man. Mr. Joseph Brinkmoeller, Man- ager of the Universal Electric Co., located at 4th and Iowa, asked when he would have to move. May~ or Horgan stated that before the City could undertake tbe project it would he obliged to show that it could relocate business presently established in the proposed area. Mr. Herman Lott, Chairman of the County.City Authority, stated that the Board thought it best to obtain the site through urban reo newal in order to hasten requisi. tion of the site. He further stated that the Board of Supervisors have approved the site. Frank Faber asked where the money would come from and he was informed that under urban renewal pro- cedure the Federal Government would pay two-thirds of the cost and the City one-third. Boh Sulli- van stated that the step to ap- prove the site comes before sur- vey and planning after some dis- cussion arose as to procedure. December 7, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Dubuque City Planning and Zoning Commis- sion held on December 7, 1964 the following action was taken: That the two block area bounded by Fourth, Fifth, Locust and Iowa Streets be approved as the site for the proposed County-City Building. This area enumerated in the Victor Gruen Associates Public Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Dubuque County, Iowa c/o Board of Supervisors County Court House Dubuque, Iowa City of Duhuque c/o City Council City Hall Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: One of the responsibilities of this Authority is to select and desig- nate an area within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as the site to be acquired for the construction of the County-City Building. The professional city planners, Victor Gruen Associates, have made a specific recommendation that the most desirable site for the County-City Building is the follow- ing area: The two square block area hounded hy 4th Street on the south, Iowa Street on the east, 5th Street on the north, and Locust Street on the west. We have reviewed this recom- mendation. In view of the compre- hensive plan of the Gruen firm for the redevelopment of the down- town area and the integral part the County.City Bnilding plays in that plan, we have unanimously approved the recommendation of the Gruen firm and have selected the aforementioned area as the site of the new County-City Build- ing. Under Chapter 239 of tbe 60th General Assembly, the site selec- tion hy this Authority is subject to approval by a majority of the members of Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County and of the Dubuque City Council. According- ly, it is respectfully requested that your respective bodies review this site selection and our recommenda- tion to you and that you advise us in writing at the earliest oppor- tunity of the required approval. This letter will also serve as our letter of intent to you to serve as the redeveloper of the proposed County-City Building site for pur- poses of the "early land acquisi- tion" under the contemplated urb- an renewal program. Your early attention to this Council. mat ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Traffic Department. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of John R. Kane re- questing permission to excavate at 754 W. 5th Street to make emer- gency repairs, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the petition be granted. Seconded hy Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of University of Du- buque requesting full vacation of alleys and an unnamed street without restriction abutting their properties on Grace street pre- sented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the petition be referred to the City Manage:r; and City Solicitor. Seconded by COwi' cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol' lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of Edward J eoni re- questing the erection of a street ligbt in the middle of the block on Fairway Drive between St. Am- brose and Bunker Hill Road, pre- sented and read. Councilman Tak- os moved that the petition be re- ferred to the City Manager and Electrical Inspector for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of Federal Insurance Company requesting cancellation of blasting bond No. 9681262 issued to Conlon Construction Co. in the amount of $5000., as same is no llonger required, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the following vote: Petition of Joseph R. McGeough requesting a refund of $100 on the unexpired portion of Beer License No. 97~ as he has discontinued busi- ness on December 5, 1964, present. ed and read. Councilman Takas moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to is. sue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, CouncilM men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of LeRoy Pape et al requesting that property owners on N. Grandview and St. Ambrose streets, in the vicinity of St. An- thony's School, he directed to put in sidewalks where necessary, pre- sented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the petition be referred to the Council for consideration at the Council meeting scheduled for December 28th. Seconded by Coun- cilman Takos. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of Holy Gbost Scbool requesting permission to use 30th street from Central Ave. west to Lemon Street for playground us- age during the noon lunch hour, Code presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communi- cation be received and filed and the contents referred to the Coun- cil for consideration at the sched- uled meeting of December 28th. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Petition of Joseph R. McGeough requesting a refund of $50 on the unexpired portion of cigarette li- cense No. 154, as he has discon. tinued business on December 5, 1964, presented and read. Council- man Takos moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor in. structed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. 'TI11'_jJl ..- 442 ! 445 this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert P. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takas James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen ; ~ ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 the Sec- Car- Ludwig. RESOLUTION NO. 279.64 RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF $14,000.00 FROM THE LIQU- OR SALES PROFIT FUND, ac- cording to Section 123.50 of the 1962 Code of Iowa. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $14,000.00 of Liquor Sales Profit, referred to in this resolu- tion be credited to the Municipal Enterprise Library Fund as stated in preceeding paragraph of this Resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk WHEREAS, according to the Code of Iowa, referred to above, Liquor Profit allotted the City of Dubuque, Iowa by the State of Iowa, can be used for any legal purpose as determined by the gov- erning body of the municipality: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU. QUE, IOWA, that $14,000.00 be Amending Allocation of Funds. transferred from the Liquor Sales Whereas, the City Council of the Prof~t . Fund, and cr~dited ~o the City of Dubuque, allocated funds ~umcIPal Ent~rprIse LIbrary within the Street Road Use Tax und of the CIty of Dubuque, Fund by Ordinances No. 1-64 and Iowa, for the purpose of creating 2-64 and 36-64, and a cash bal~nce reser~e . necessary . to cover thIS approprIation as ap~ Whereas, Paragraph ~ of Section proved and authorized by the Cit 5 of the Acts of the Fifty Fourth Council y General Assembly provides that . the City Council may amend the allocation of funds within the func- tional funds by resolution, there- fore, Be it resolved that the alloca. tion of funds within the Street Road Use Tax Fund is hereby amended by the following chang. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved adoption of the resolution. onded by Councilman Takos. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, PfoW, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman es STREET ROAD USE TAX FUND Item 132-S1. Repair and Grad. ing From $139,656.00 To $129,656.00 Amount of Decrease $10,000.00. Item 135-8t. Construction From $386,900.00 To $396,900.00 Amount of Increase $10,000.00. Passed, adopted and Council Ludwig. 278.64 approved 2. That the Financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the City of Dubuque to finance the planning and undertak- ing of the proposed project. 3. That the City Manager be authorized and directed to prepare a Survey and Planning Application for submission to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator for the funds necessary to carry out the detailed studies and plans re~ quired to justify an urban renewal project in the Central Business Area. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Peter P. Takos Councilmen Attest Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTION NO. ~ Facilities Report and the Planning and Zoning Commission concurs in their recommendation. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Frank J. Glab, Secretary Councilman Kean moved that the recommendation be received and filed. Seconded by Council. man Takos. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council~ men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig RESOLUTION NO. 276-64 WHEREAS, it has been propos- ed that the site for the County- City Building be the two square hlock area bounded by 4th on the south, Iowa on the east, 5th on the north and Locust on the west, and WHEREAS, Victor Gruen As- sociates, Planning Consultants to the City of Dubuque, have made specific recommendations that the above site is the most desirable location for the County-City Build. ing, and WHEREAS, The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Dubuque has approved of the above site for the location of the County-City Building, and WHEREAS, the County.City of Dubuque Authority, Inc., has ap- proved the recommendation of the Gruen firm and have selected the aforementioned area as the site for the new County-City Building, and WHEREAS, the County.City of Dubuque Authority, IDc., has in- dicated their intent to serve as the redeveloper of the above COWlty- City building site for the purpose of land acquisition under a con. templated urban renewal pro- gram; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the site for the County-City Building, recom- mended by the County.City of Du. buque Authority, IDe., be and is hereby approved. Passed, adopted, approved, Dat- ~ ,",..,., ~ ,,_:~ '"''t~llli~''' "' Regular Session, December 7, 1964 ed this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Takos moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec~ anded by Councilman Kean. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Takos. Nays-Councilman Pfohl. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. RESOLUTION NO. 277-64 WHEREAS, Under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to ex- tend financial assistance to Local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and under- taking of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in tbe public interest that the City of Dubuque make surveys and pre- pare plans in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project in the Central Business Area for the purpose of redevelop- ing the downtown business core area to make it more physically and economically attractive for present and prospective investors and to preserve a large segment of the economic base of the city; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: 1. That the proposed Urban Re. newal Project Area, bounded gen- erally by Fourth Street, Sixth Street, Locust Street and White Street is a blighted and deterior. ated area appropriate for an ur- ban renewal project, and that the redevelopment of this area for predominantly non-residential uses is necessary for the proper devel- opment of the community and that the undertaking by the City of Du- buque of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the char- acter contemplated by Section 1l0(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby ap- proved. 444 t 447 Hillcrest Investment, Inc., being familiar with the terms and condi. lions of the foregoing Resolution No. 280-64 hereby accepts the same and agrees to perform the conditions required of it therein. Dated this 15th day of January, A.D., 1965. IDLLCREST INVESTMENT, INC. By (corporate) ( seal ) Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. SecondM ed by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Keau, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Proofs of Pnblication, certified to by tbe Publishers, of Notice of Levy of Special Assessments and intention of the Council to issue bonds to pay for the construction of CITY OF DUBUQUE 1964 CON- CRETE PAVING WITH INTEG- RAL CURB PROJECT NO.1, on Kerper Boulevard, Terminal Street and Charter Street, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proofs be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Keau, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Statement of City Clerk certify- ing that notices of levy were mail- ed by certified mail on November 14, 1964, to property owners sub- jejct to assessment to pay for the cost of City of Dubuque 1964 Con- crete Paving with integral curb Project No. 1 according to proper- ty owners of record at the office of the County Auditor, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the statement be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 280-64 L. Rafoth Secretary Blanche A. Hansel Vice President Section 3. That in the event Hill- crest Investment, Inc., shall fail to execute the acceptance and pro~ vide the security provided for in Section 2 hereof within 45 days after the date of this Resolution, the provisions hereof shall be null and void and the acceptance of the dedication and approval of the plat shall not be effective. This is to certify that the secur- ity provided by the foregoing Reso- lution No. 280~64 has been provid- ed by the owner. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa this 15th day of January, 1965. Gilbert D. Chaveneile City Manager PASSED, ADOPTED AND AP- PROVED by unanimous recorded roll call this 7th day of December, A.D. 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen CERTIFICATION Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Russel Regular Session, December 7, 1964 Engineer and in the manner approved by the City Manager; To maintain water mains and laterals in Judson Drive and the curb and gutter and hard surfacing of Judson Drive and sidewalk improvements along both sides of Judson Drive for a period of four (4) years from the date of their acceptance by the City of Dubuque, Iowa; (e) To provide the foregoing con- struction and maintenance at the sole expense of the Sub- divider, Hillcrest Investment, Inc., as owner; (f) To construct sail improve- ments, except sidewalks, prior to December 1, 1965, and to construct the sidewalks prior to December 1, 1968; and further provided that said Hill- crest Investment, Inc., as owner of said Subdivision, secure the per- formance of the foregoing condi- tions by providing security in such form and with such sureties as may be acceptable to tbe City Manager. WHEREAS, said plat has receiv. ed final approval by the City of Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, said plat has been examined by the City Council and said Council finds that the same conforms to the statutes and ord~ inances relating thereto, that the grade of Judson Drive has been set but has not been established, that no additional sanitary sewer is required to be constructed in order to serve said Subdivision, and the water mains and laterals on Judson Drive have been install- ed, all in accord with City of Du- buque requirements, and that there remains yet to be done the work of putting Judson Drive to grade as shown by the profile sub- mitted with the plat, the construc- tion of curb and gutter and the hard surfacing of Judson Drive, and the construction of sidewalks on both sides of Judson Drive; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the dedication of Judson Drive, as shown on said plat, together with easements for public utilities as shown thereon, be and the same are hereby ac- cepted. Section 2. That the plat of "Vor- wald Place in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa, be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Council are hereby auth- orized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said plat, provided the owners of said property herein. after named, execute their written acceptance hereto attached, agree. ing: (a) To construct curb and gutter and to hard surface Judson Drive with bituminous eon. crete with combination cement curb and gutter, or with 61A" concrete paving with integral curb, all in accordance with City of Dubuque standard spec. ifications; (b) To construct sidewalks as re- quired by City Ordinances; (c) To construct the foregoing im- provements in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City Manager under inspection of the City Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSON Frank J. Glab, Secretary Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the Commis- sion be approved and referred. to the City Solicitor for proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. 280-64 WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Clerk a plat of the Subdivision to be known as "Vor- wald Place" in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, by Hillcrest Invest- ment, Inc.; and WHEREAS, upon said plat ap- pears a street and certain public utility easements which the Own- ers by said plat have dedicated to the public forever: and RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLAT OF "VORWALD PLACE," IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA RESOLUTION NO. @ Ir.u " ~ (d) Regular Session, December 7, 1964 Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 4, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held on November 27, 1964 the fol- lowing action was taken: That the final plat of "Vorwald Place" in the City of Dubuque he approved and forwarded to the City Council for action. also That the Northerly 300 feet of "Vorwald Place" be rezoned. from Single Family Residential District to a Local Business "A" zoning district. This property is located immediately west of the Eagle Supermarket and fronts on Asbury Road. 446 n \C, 449 Session, December 7, 1964 3,208.84 $ 4,404.56 704.73 31.81 $ 5,141.10 special benefits conferred. and Integral Curb $142,964.62 $ 250.90 59,272.00 624.00 791.00 900.00 35,000.00 45,330.47 796.25 5.75 TOTAL ASSESSABLE All of which is assessed in proportion to the Kerper Blvd. with Concrete Paving City of Dubuque, Slough ... .Excavation, Eartb Unclassified 193 cu. yds. @ $1.30 ... . . . . . .Fill Sand, 37,045 cu. yds. @ 1.60 .15" R.C.C.P. 104 !in. ft. @ 6.00.. .18" R.C.C.P. 113 !in. ft. @ 7.00 .... .Single Catch Basins, 4 No. of @ 225.00 . .Flood Control Culvert, Lump . . . . . .Class "AU Concrete 8", 7,883.56 sq. yds. *Extra Work, Lump Regular Assessable ..... ........ 16% Inspection Engineering 5% Interest 52 days statemut of Edward V. Egan, a member of the Engineering De- partment, certifying that he post- ed DOtice. of levy of special as- .....ment and intention of the Council to Issue honds in the a.- _smut area of City of Dubuque 1964 Concrete Paving with Integral curb Project No. 1 on November 16, 1964, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the statement be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: @ RESOLUTION NO. 281-64 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to pay for the construction of CITY OF DUBUQUE 1964 CON- CRETE PAVING WITH INTEG. RAL CURB PROJECT NO.1, by Thos. Flynn Coal Co. Inc., con- tractor in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate all as named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as set forth In the following schedule. ~ it 1,866.86 1,007.50 86.56 979.15 174.62 1,005.77 1,079.83 439.25 970.41 1,067.45 23,590.38 361.85 295.87 242.82 242.82 242.82 295.87 242.82 310.27 1,574.94 516.97 $186,688.63 152,293.91 $ 30,394.72 5,823.16 282.85 Construction Cost Less City Share Assessable Amount . . . . . . . 16% Inspection and Engineering 5% Interest for 52 days $ 42,480.73 152,293.91 Total Alse.sable Amount City Share TOTAL $142,964.62 Terminal Street with Concrete Paving and Integral Curb. City of Dubuque, Mississippi River............. .........$ Iowa Oil Company, Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 2, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 3, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 4, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 5, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 6, Dubuque Harhor Co's. Add. Block 6 Iowa Oil Company, Lot 7, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s. Add. Block 6 Florence F. Killeen, Lot 8, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 6 Dodds Realty Co., N. 186'.N.-225'.N.-300', Dubuque Harhor Co's. Add Block 7 ............. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Dodds Realty Co., Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 7 Dodds Realty Co., Lot B-2, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 7 State of Iowa, Lot A.2, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 7... . Dubuque Tank Terminal Co., Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Block 16 ....... .... ................ City of Dubuque, Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Block 16A.... Dubuque Tank Terminal Co., Lot 1.2, Dubuque Harhor Co's. Add. Block 16A .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . T. J. Mulgrew, Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 17.... T. J. Mulgrew, Lot 2, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 17.... Sinclair Refining Co., Lot 3, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add. Block 17 .... ............ ............................. Sinclair Refining Co., Lot 4, Dubuque Harhor Co's. Add. Block 17 ..... ......................................... Dodds Realty Co., Lot S. 37'-N. 225'-N. 300', Dubuque Harhor Co.'s. Add. Block 7 ..... ......... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . Dodds Realty Co., Lot S. 75'-N. 300'. Dubuque Harhor Co's. Add. Block 7 744.80 $ 37,339.(' .City Share Regular Session, December 7, 1964 448 Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councllman Ludwig. CITY 01' DUBUQUE 1964 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB - PROJECT NO.1 Council $194,714.84 with Concrete 202.38 224.46 4,752.11 383.99 $ 432.38 27,147.36 159.18 934.80 86.40 1,134.00 546.00 420.00 1,575.00 $1.30. . @ 5.75 ......... lowered 86.70 2,456.09 65.05 1,004.13 202.38 530.92 332.6 cu. yds. Excavation-Unclassified @ 4,721.29 sq. yds. Concrete Class "A" 8" .285.3 sq. yds. Conc. Sidewalks @ 0.60 124.64 sq. yds. Drives Conc. @ 7.50 .16 sq. yds. 6" Cone. @ 5.40 ...... 189 !in. ft. 15" R.C.C.P. @ 6.00 78 !in. ft. 18" R.C.C.P., @ 7.00 ... 12 no of Manholes or grates raised or @ 35.00 .......................... 7 No. of catch basins-single @ 225.00 ~ $ South Main StrlHlt to Salina Paving .nd Integnl Curb. Joseph J. Behr, Lot 4, Block 13-Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. Crescent Realty Corp, Lot 5, Block IS-Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. ............................................ Crescent Realty Corp., Lot 6, Block 13-Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. ......................................... .David Solomon & Meyer Marmis, Lot 7, Block 13-Dubuque Marhor Co. Add. ......................................... .David SOlomon & Meyer Marmis, Lot 8, Block 13-Dubuque Harhor Co. Add. ......................................... .David Solomon & Meyer Marmis, Lot 9, Block 13-Dubuque Harhor Co. Add. ........................................ Crescent Realty Corp., All Block 20--Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. Cresceht Realty Corp., Lot A, Block 2ll--Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. Street Total co.t Charter Street from 5,141.10 87.10 4,151.21 253.35 1,688.00 1,383.74 50.00 $ 7,613.40 $ Marmis 5.75 .Excavation, 67 cu. yds. @ $1.30 Concrete Class "A" 8" 721.95 @ 5.75 Driveways Concrete 33.78 sq. yds. @ 7.50 .Hand Removal & Replacement 8" Cone. 84.4 sq. yds. @ 20.00 .... . . . . *Concrete Class "A" 8" 240.65 sq. yds. @ Extra Work, Lump Total Solomon and Meyer .Deficiency David 1"I~"i .! ,,~. ~ are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Du- buque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Du- buque under and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1962 Code of Iowa, as amended, and the Resolu- tion of said City duly passed on tbe 7th day of December, 1964t being Resolution No. 282-64. This Bond is one of a series of 85 honds, 84 for $500.00 num- bered from 5383 to 5466 inclusive, and one of $480.73 numbered 5467 all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of Con- structing the City of Dubuque 1964 concrete paving with integral curb Project No.1 as described in said Resolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abutting and adjacent property along said im- provements and is made by law a lien on all of said property. It is payable only out of the Special Assessment Fund No. 1250 created by the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, pre- cedent to and in issuing this series of bonds, have bee n don e, happened, and performed, in regular and due form, as required by law and said Resolution, and for the assessment. collection and pay- ment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby ir- revocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the City of Dubuque by its Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City to be thereto affixed, this 7th day of January, 1965. 5391 inclusive, 1, 1966. Series No.2, Bond No. 5392 to 5400 inclusivet $500.00 each, April 1, 1967. Series No.3, Bond No. 5401 to 5409 inclusive, $500.00 each, April I. 1968. Series No.4, Bond No. 5410 to 5418 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1969. Series No.5, Bond No. 5419 to 5427 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1970. Series No.6, Bond No. 5428 to 5435 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1971. Series No.7, Bond No. 5436 to 5443 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1972. Series No.8, Bond No. 5444 to 5451 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1973. Series No.9, Bond No. 5452 to 5459 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1974. Series No. 10, Bond No. 5460 to 5466 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1975. Series No. lOt Bond No. 5467, $480.73, April 1, 1975. 3. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually in accordance with coupons thereto attached: 4. Said bonds shall not make the City of Dubuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds. 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated therein at the option of the City of Dubuque and shall be in sub- statially the following form: 451 Regular Session, December 7, 1964 April each, 500.00 Mayor City Clerk (Form of Coupon) On the ....... day of .., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in said bond, the sum of ................ Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being. .months' interest due that (SEAL) No. CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer hereof, on the first day of............, or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Du- buque, the sum of Five Hundred dollars with interest thereon 'at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay. able semi~annually, on the presenta- tion and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both prinicpal and interest of this bond No. Series Regular Session, December 7, 1964 5,442.49 233.00 $31,990.16 5,118.43 231.04 conferred. Council has ascertained the cost and has determined that $42,480.73 Dollars of the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property sub- ject to assessment therefor; and Whereas public notice, as pro~ vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council to i3sue bonds for the purpose of pro- viding for the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a pUblic hearing has been held, pursuant to such notice and all objections made thereto have been considered and determined; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1. That to provide for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of im- proving the following named streets: 1. Kerper Boulevard from the south property line of 16th street to the south property line of 12th Street. 2. Terminal Street from the north property line of First Street to the north property line of Camp Street. 3. Charter Street from the west property line of Main Street to the east property line of Salina Street. to there shall be issued Street Im- provement bonds in the amount of $42,480.73 Dollars in anticipa- tion of the deferred payment of assessments levied for such im- provement. 2. Such bonds shall be called Street Improvement bonds; and shall bear the date of January 7, 1965; and shall be numbered con- secutively ;and they shall be num- bered, divided into series, and be in such denominations and for such maturity dates as are shown in the following table: Series No.1, Bond No. 5383 Ludwig. RESOLUTlON PROVIDING FOR THE lSSUANCE OF STREET IM- PROVEMENT BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE ASSESS- ED COST OF CITY OF DUBUQUE 1964 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO. I. VVhereas the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dnbu- que, Iowa, for the improvement hereinafter described has been completed and the City Manager has certified the completion there- of to the City Council and the City $38,110.61 6,120.45 5.75 @ concrete 8' Assessable Amount 16% Engineering and Inspection 5% Interest-52 days TOTAL ASSESSABLE . $37,339.63 All of which is assessed in proportion to the special benefits Council- Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Proofs of Publication, certified to by the Publishers, of Notice of public hearing to consider proposal to authorize the issuance of street improvement bonds to pay for the cost of constructing the City of Dubuque 1964 concrete paving with integral curb project No.1, pre- sented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proofs be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 282-64 "A .946.52 sq. yds. Class Extra work lump Total..... City Share 450 , 453 described and owned hy Albert Bauer and Mable Bauer for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and deter- mine the damages resulting to the owners of said real estate from such acquisition. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, A.D., 1964. Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays--None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. RESOLUTION NO. 284-64 BE 1T RESOLVED by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the follow. ing having complied with the pro- visions of law relating to the sale of Cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigar- ette Papers within said City. Name Melvin and Ann Goedert, 1st Street BE IT RESOLVED that the bonds fined with the application be ap- proved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second. ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Council Address 210 West Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. pfobl Councilmen Ludwig. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Regular Session, December 7, 1964 Leo Attest WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the establishment and crea. tion of such neighborhood play- ground would serve the best public interest; and WHEREAS, it appears that Al- bert Bauer and Mable Bauer are the owners of the following de. scribed real estate, to.wit: West 'hof Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the South '6 of Lot 34 and all of Lot 35 in Kelly's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which is necessary to be acquired in order to establish and create said neighborhood playground; and WHEREAS, the said Albert Bauer and Mable Bauer refuse to negotiate with the City of Dubu- que to the acquisition of said property by tbe City of Dubuque in an effort to arrive at a mutually satisfactory price for the purchase by the City of said real estate. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Section 1. It is hereby deter. mined that the City of Dubuque, Iowa acquire the real estate owned by Albert Bauer and Mable Bauer hereinafter described for the establishment and creation of a neighborhood playground in and for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that such acquisition would serve the best interests of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the City Solicitor, R. N. Russo, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to insti- tute condemnation proceedings under and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 472 of the 1962 Code of Iowa in the name of the City of Dubuque to acquire fee title to the property hereinabove establishment of neighborhood playground in and for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and directing the City Solicitor to institute condemnation proceedings. WHEREAS, the Playground and Recreation Commission for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has recom. mended to the City Council that a neighborhood playground is need. ed and it would serve the best public interests in the area located north of Hill Street, 'and south of West Eighth Street, between Caledonia and Wilson Streets: and ~ ~ Regular Session, December 7, 1964 filed a report dated April 14, 1964 regarding the neighborhood play. ground in Kelly Subdivision, to- gether with options to purchase parcels of real estate owned by John H. Gruetzmacher and Rita M. Gruetzmacher, property owned by Clifford J. CalJaghan and Mary G. CalJaghan, and property owned by Robert E. Henkes and Mary L. Henkes, for the establishment of a neighborhood playground in the area known as Kelly Subdivision. This is to advise your Honorable Body that acquisition of all the property concerned, with the exception of one parcel, has been accomplished and finalized with deeds acquired and approving title opinion submitted by this office. Property acquired by City of Dubuque by aSSignment of tax certificate as to property by Flora Harkett at the time of her death have not been finalized but appro- priate notices are being prepared accordingly. The property owned by Albert and Mable Bauer and described as folJows: West 'h of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the South '6 of Lot 34 and alJ of Lot 35 has not been negotiated as the owners thereof have refused to sell, and it is the opinion of the City Attorney that such property can only be acquired by exercise of eminent domain. In the event that you desire to acquire the property owned by Albert and Mable Bauer, an appropriate resolution is attached hereto for your adoption. Original communication of Rec- reation Department dated April 14, 1964 together with executed option and together with the petition of John Breitbach, et aI, is attached hereto. RespectfulJy submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. 283.64 RESOLUTION NO. Resolution determining the necessity for acqUiring certain real estate for the creation and City Clerk 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer. 7. That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No. 1250 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said contract. 8. That the interest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the City Clerk. 9. That the fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, the City Treasurer is directed to call these bonds in the same order as numbered. 10. Notice of election to call these bonds shall be given by regular United States Mail ad- dressed to the last known address of the purchaser. Passed, Adopted and Approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. PfoW Councilmen Bond No. Mayor Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. December 7, 1964 Hon. Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: On April 20, 1964, the Play. ground and Recreation Commission its r~Iih~-~ 452 date on dated 455 ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. There being no further business Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Ludwig. Leo. F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ..1965. Regular Session, December 7, 1964 LIQUOR CONTROL ACT-CHAP- TER 123-as amended by the 60th General Assembly, 1963. ..1965. Adopted CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Na.me Address Dorothy M. Jewell, 574 E. 16th St. John F. Hall, 2616 Windsor Ave. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Takas moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Kean. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTION NO. December 7, 1964 with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants 'a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT CLASS "B" PERMIT PRIVATE CLUB & Protective Order of Benevolent Elks Council Ludwig. 288-64 Councilmen Attest: City Clerk WHEREAS, applications for Li- quor Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council, and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and an City ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed the proper bonds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Liquor Permit. ~ Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, 7th & Locust Street CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Cruso A .Alba, 2601 Jackson Street Otto L. & Minnie M. Radloff, 1395 Brown Street. ImVerne George Felderman, 1889 Jackson Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Counci men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTION NO. CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Name Address Dorothy M. Jewell, 574 E. 16th St. John F. Hall, 2616 Windsor Ave. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takas James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second. Ludwig. 286-64 ~ Ludwig. RESOLUTION NO. 287-64 WHEREAS, applications for Li. quor Pernnts have been subntitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications be granted and licenses issued upon the com- pliance with the terms of the row A WHEREAS, application for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply T..~ . u~ Name Address Marcella Roeder, 678 Central Ave. Melvin R. & Ann Goedert, 210 West 1st Street L. G. Schaffert, 1900 Washington Street Lorraine Gord.on, 2327 Central Ave. Dorothy M. Jewell, 574 E. 16th St. Regular Session, RESOLUTION NO. 285-64 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to This Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the fOllowing applica- tions be granted and licenses be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS Name Address Marcella Roeder, 678 Central Ave. Melvin R. and Ann Goedert, 210 West 1st Street. L. G. Schaffert, 1900 Washington Street. Lorraine Gordon, 2327 Central Ave. Dorothy M. Jewell, 574 E. 16th St. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Cruso A. Alba, 2601 Jackson St. Otto L. & Minnie M. Radloff, 1395 Brown Street La Verne George Felderman, 1889 Jackson Street BE IT RESOLVED that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Peter J. Takos James J. Kean Eldon A. Pfohl Councilman Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman CLASS "B" PERMIT PRIVATE CLUB Council PERMIT BEER 11811 454 457 ORDINANCE NO. 36~ An Ordinance amending the budget as approved by Resolution No. 146-6a and Ordinance No. 1-64. Be it Ordained by the City Counen of the City of Dubuque: That the unexpended cash balances on hand at the close of the preceding fiscal year not estimated or appropriated in the original budget approved by Resolution No. 146-63 and Ordinance No. 1-64 are hereby allocated and appropriated for payment of necessary expenditures of City Government, in the following amounts and for the purpose as hereinafter set forth, and to that end the appropriations and allocations of funds are hereby authorized to-wit: RECEIPTS Total 45.040.00 13.000.00 90,000.00 11.000.00 14.000.00 2,190.00 343.00 6.500.00 182,073.00 Session, December 16, 1964 Excess Jan. 1, 1964 Unencumbered Balance 45.040.00 13,000.00 90,000.00 11,000.00 14,000.00 2,190.00 343.00 6,500.00 182.,073.00 Special General Fund Street Fund .................................. street Road Use Tax Fund . ........... Municipal Enterprise-Airport Fund Municipal Enterprise-Library Fund Recreation-Park General Fund ........... Recreation-Recreation General Fund Utilities-Water Works General Fund Fund 12..&00.00 29.740.00 2.800.00 Total General Fund ................................................................................................ 45,040.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January I, 1964 In the General Fund. street Fund Item No. 133-City Garage Part of City Garage Site & Real Property Costs ................ 13,000.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January 1, 1964 in the Street Fund. Street Road Use Tax Fund Item No. 135----Street Construction Share-Parking Ramp Cost ........................................ ....................... 90,000.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January I, 1964 in the Street Road Use Tax Fund. Municipal Enterp,rlse-Library Fund Item No. 143--Llbrary Building Construction ........................................................ 14.000.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January 1, 1964 in the Municipal Enterprise Library Fund. Municipal Enterprise-Airport Fund Item No. 157 J-Airport Development ........................................................................ 11,000.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January I, 1964 in the Municipal Enterprise Airport Fund. Recreation-Park General Fund Item No. 144 C-Park Improvement .................................................. ............................. 2,190.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance dver and above amount anticipated January I, 1964 in the Recreation-Park Gen. Fund. Recreation-Recreation General Fund Item No. 146---Playground Improvement ..... ...................... ......... ...... .................... 343.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount anticipated January 1, 1964 in the Recreation-Recreation General Fund. Utilities-Water Works General Fund Item No. 149-Plant & Distribution Costs ..................................... ..... ................... 6,500.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the unencumbered cash balance over and above amount antiCipated January 1, 1964 in the Utilities-Water Works General Fund. Total addtional appropriation for the expenditure of City Government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa fOT the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1964 and ending December 31, 1964 ................................................................................................................182,073.00 Passed upon first reading this 23rd day of November, 1964. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 16th day of December. 1964. EXPENDITURES General Fund Item No. UO-City County Building Authority City Share Item No. 160--Capital Improvement, Fuhrman Property Item No. 160--Capital Improvement, Community Renewal PUrchase" Program ROBERT J. HORGAN. Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG PETER J. TAKOS ELDON A. PFOHL Councllmen ~ of Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Roman Realty re- questing consideration in the possible purchase of the unim- proved portion of Whittier street west of Lincoln Ave. lying be- tween Lots 553 and 554 Ham's Newspaper this 21st day LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk. Telegraph-Herald It. 12/21 Councilman Takos moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. The Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in December. 1964. ~ ATTEST: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Notice of claim of Linda Crim- mins, in the amount of $25.00, for personal injuries received in a fall at Jones street on November 4, 1964. Councilman Takos moved that the notice of claim be refer- red to the City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Notice of claim of Clayton M. Everman, in the amount of $200., for personal injuries received in a fall on an icy sidewalk at W. 9th Street between Main & Locust on November 21, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos mov- ed that the notice of claim be re- ferred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisber, of Notice of public hearing and certificate to amend current budget by increas- ing expenditures, said budget ap- proved by Resolution No. 146-63 and Ordinance No. 1-64 presented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in the Council Cham- ber at the time set for the public hearing. Mayor Horgan moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Councll- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Special Session, December 16, 1964 ORDINANCE NO. ~ An Ordinance Amending the Budget as approvad by Re.... lution No. 146-63 and Ordinance No. 1-64, Slid Ordinance having been previously presented and reld It Council meeting of November 23, 1964, presented for final adoption. 456 CITY COUNCIL Special Session, December 16, 11164. Council met at 7:30 P.M. C.S.T. Present-Mayor Horgan, Council- man Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Absent-Councilman Kean. Mayor Horgan read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of conduct- ing a public hearing on an Amend- ment to the Current Budget, adop. ted August 5, 1963, and acting upon such busniess as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of Carl Mittle- stadt et aI, Independence, Iowa, extending congratulations on the "Angel City" Christmas decora- tions, presented and read. Council- man Takos moved that the com- munication be referred to the Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. December 15, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This Is to advise that 1 have approved the following bonds and policies and desire to have your approval on same, subject to the approval of the City Solicitor: PERSONAL Alfred George Heitzman, The Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. BLASTING Thos. Flynn Coal Company, Mary- land Casualty Co. EXCAVATION G. L. McCarten, D/BI A McCarten Plumbing & Heating, Transa- merica Insurance Co. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman Takos moved that filing of the bonds and policies be approved subject to the approval of the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by tbe following vote: OFFICIAL. -'... rm.lJi', ''if' 459 Special Session, December 16, 1964 serrted and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proofs of publica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Takas. Carried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent _ Councilman Kean. Statement of City Clerk certify. ing that notices of levy and assess- ment were mailed on November 19, 1964 to property owners subject to assessment according to the ree. ords at the office of the County Recorder, by certified mail, for City of Dubuqnc 1964 Hot Mix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the statement be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Statement of Edward V. Egan, a member of the Engineering de. partment, certifying that notices of levy and intention of the Council to issue bonds were posted in the City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving project No. 1 assessment area on December 3rd and 4th, 1964. Coun- cilman Takas moved that the state- ment be received and filed. Sec- onded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, council. men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Communication of John W. Mc- Guire objecting to the assessment of property on W. 3rd Street, pre- sented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the objection be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by councilman Ludwig. Carried by the followinn vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Abscnt-Councilman Kean. Communication of Catholic Char- ities of Dubuque objecting to the various amounts of assessment of levy against their property along Carter Road Extension, presented and read. Mayor Horgan movcd that the objection be overruled and referred to the City Solicitor. Sec- to the K Mart in buque, Iowa. WHEREAS--a plan has been pre- pared by the City Engineer in co- operation with the Highway Com- mission of the State of Iowa for the installation of traffic control lights and a traffic turn lane for the above mentioned intersection. WHEREAS - many people, in- cluding a municipal judge, have privately or publicly expressed concern for public safety at this intersection. WHEREAS-private responsibil- ity for payment of the total instal- lation cannot be fairly determined. Therefore-BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Section 1. That the City of Du- buque proceed at once in obtain- ing the necessary traffic cQntrol equipment, as planned by the City Engineer, for the intersection of Devon Drive, Highway 20, and the K Mart, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved, and adopted this _ day of December 1964. Councilman Pfohl moved the adoption of the resolution. The adoption failed due to lack of a second. Mayor Horgan moved that it is the scnse of the Council to make this intersection as safe as possible, as soon as possible, to the best in- terest of all citizens now and in the future. Seconded by Council- man Ludwig. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Takas. Nays-Councilman Pfohl. Absent-Councilman Kean. Proofs of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of levy of Special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to is- sue bonds to pay for the construc- tion of City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1, on Carter Road, Clarke Drive, Sycamore, Uni- versity and West Third streets, pre- ~ ~ Du. Section 2. That the City of Du- buque install the traffic control equipment at the earliest possible date. Section 3. That the City of Du- buque install a proper turn lane as suggested in the Engineer's Plan as soon as possible. city of the RESOLUTION NO. 289-64 A resolution authorizing pro- curement and installation of proper electrical traffic control lights and the installation of a traffic turn lane at the intersection of Devon Drive, Highway 20, and entrance Session, December 16, 1964 moved that the petition be granted subject to the approval of the Building Commissioner. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfobl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Norbert Tigges re- questing a refund of $250. on the unexpired portion of Liquor License No. G-1566, as he has dis- continued business on 10-31-64, pre- sented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Coun- cilman Ludwig. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfahl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. December 16, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: As you requested some days ago, 1 have written the State Highway Commission setting forth the pro- position of placing a flasher on the road hank west of Plaza 20 entrance and reducing the speed limit to 35 M.P.R. easterly to Locust Street. I am enclosing for your informa- tion letters from Van R. Snyder, District Engineer, dated December 7th and December 11th, describing the action taken by the Highway Commission. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Introduced by Councilman Eldon A. Pfohl. Special Addn., presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that tbe petition be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council. men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. petition of Richard J. Schiltz requesting street lights on Chip- pewa Drive, a new subdivision off Woodlawn Street, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Electrical In. spector for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Dubuque County Ab- stract & Title Company requesting permission to excavate in the alley between Iowa and Central and Seventh and Eighth streets, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. 458 Petition of J. AJlen Wallis Jr. et ux requesting consent to vacation of a plat recorded November 12, 1964 as to a 5' wide pnblic utility easement along Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Blk 7 Indian HiJls and further request execution of a deed to an 8' easement along Lot 2 of 3 of Blk 7 Indian Hills, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by councilman Pfohl. Carried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent.-Councilman Kean. Petition of Leo A. Steffen re- questing permission to construct a canopy at 1348 Central Ave., being part of a remodeling project, pre- sented and read. Mayor Horgan "'''''lllh m ' II! 1,<, II' !Ii I 461 3,606.55 3,784.79 ~ :II! II! It $37,200.23 ..$ 8,461.35 8,028.27 618.75 17,425.11 3,258.00 3,091.23 6,709.41 206.25 $34t533.48 2,417.34 249.41 215.48 69.24 236.87 44.78 470.20 135.24 76.02 1.43 30.76 .59 16.53 3.72 184.37 218.02 9.60 44.78 93.39 168.89 25.68 150.93 17.64 75.82 150.62 13.33 119.83 3.90 44.99 111.16 TOTAL ASSESSABLE ..., ...,. ....,.." ....., .... .......... ... .... ... ...$37,200.23 All of which is assessed in proportion to the special benefits conferred. Clarke Drive from the north property line of West Locust Street to the east property line of North Main Street, with Hot Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Richard H. & Audrey Wareham Lee, Lot 1-20, L. H. Lang. worthy's Sub. .. ....,.... ...." ......, .... .... ...".. " ... ......, ...... .... ........., .... ... ......$ Virgil J. & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot 2~20, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. ...,......,...".,...,........,..".,....................................................,..........,. Richard H. & Audrey Wareham Leet Lot 1-21, L. H. Lang- worthy's Sub. .,. ,. ...,...", ...,..., ...... ,... ,. ...., .... ...., ...., ....... ...,.. ,. .... ..... ..' ... Virgil J. & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot 2-21, L. H. Langworthy's Snb. ...,...."".....,........,...".... .................".....,....................................,... Frank & Edith Kuhl. Lot 3-21, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .........,..,... Thomas B. Roshek, Lot 22, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .................... Thomas B. Roshek, Lot 23, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .................... Thomas B. Roshek, Lot N. 46'-25, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. ........ Antbony T. & Frances J. Klein, Lot S. 2'.25, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. ,...,..,.........,...,.........,.".,............,......,......................,..................., Anthony T. & Frances J. Klein, Lot N. 46'-26, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .........,.,...,......,...,.....,..,............,...,...................,.........................,... Richard Herrmann etal, Lot S. 2t.26, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .... Richard Herrmann etal, Lot 27, L. H, Langworthy's Sub. ............ Lawrence J. & Bernice Vize, Lot 28, L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .... J. W. Chappel, Lot 1-1-1, Suh. of Lot I-City Lot 678 & Lot 2.54 of Marsh's Add. .,......,.,..,............,..,...................,.............................. John T. Dolores Farley, Lot 2-1. Sub. of Lot I-City Lot 678 & Lot 2.54 of Marsh's Add. ,....................,........................,...........,..... John T. Dolores Farley, Lot 2, Sub. of Lot I-City Lot 678 & Lot 2-54 of Marsh's Add. .......................................................,... Roger J. & Jeanne M. Zenner, Lot 51, Marsh's Add. ............. Richard H. & Audrey Wareham Lee, Lot 1.53, Marsh's Add. Virgil J. & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot 2-53, Marsb's Add. . Julien Improvement Co., Lot 1-1-1-54, Marsh's Add. ..... Gert Miller & Mary C. Untgen, Lot 2-1-1-54, Marsh's Add. Frank H. & Edith Kuhl, Lot 2-1-54, Marsh's Add. ............... Virgil J. & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot 3-1.54, Marsh's Add. Julien Improvement Co., Lot 1-1-55, Marsh's Add. ......... Gert Miller & Mary C. Lintgen, Lot 2-1.55, Marsh's Add. Frank H. & Edith Kuhl, Lot 2-55, Marsh's Add. ........ Gert Miller & Mary C. Lintgen, Lot 1-56, Marsh's A, Julien Improvement Co., Lot 2-56, Marsh's Add. .. John G. & Sylvia B. Ewert, Lot 57, Marsh's Add, 7% Engineering & Inspection 5% Interest 52 days 119.03 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Carolyn Nauman-Prop. M. '*Lot 2.1-1-2-1 Highland F. CJetus Purch. Agreem. .... 'Lot 1.1 Min. Lot 382, ......$47,798.37 .....$13,264.89 Steines-In County @ 2.90 @ 2.90 & Agnes A. C. Surface Course, 940.15 Tons @ $9.00 A. C. Binder Course, 892.03 Tons @ $9.00 Prime M.C.O. 3,093.75 Gals. @ .20 .,..,. ....., %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 6,008.66 Tons * A.C. Surface Course, 362.00 Tons (ff 9.00 ........ *A.C. Binder Course, 343.47 Tons @ 9.00 ........... *%" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 2,313.59 Tons 'Price M.C.O., 1,031.25 Gals. @ .20 Total *City Herman Share Horgan moved that the objection be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 290-64 Schedule of Assessments Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to pay for the construction of City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1, by Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. contractor in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate all as named, sit- uated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as set forth in the following schedule: Special Session, December 16, 1964 460 onded by Councilman Takos. ried by the following vote: Y cas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Car- Kean. Kean. Communication of Cletus M. Nau- man et ux objecting to the prior and present assessments on lots in Highland Farm due to limited access problems on lots facing Car- ter Road, presented and read. Ma- yor Horgan moved that the objec- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Communication of Chris. J. & Ju- lia Winter objecting to amount of assessments against their property on Clarke Drive due to limited ben- efits, presented and read. Mayor City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1 Construction Cost .....$160,063.98 Less City Share 33,103.05 $126,960.93 8,887.26 916.94 TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT City Share Engineering & Inspection Interest-52 days 7% 5% ...$136,765.13 33,103.05 18.88 67.73 501.84 3,606.55 2,821.27 773.43 4,763.68 1,041.89 9,993.46 186..25 1,066.66 Total Cost .., ...... ....., ........ ........,.. ....... ...... .... ........ .$169,868.18 Carter Road Extension (North) with Hot Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Eliz. K. Felderman, Lot 10, Carter Ridge ,...............................................$ Lot 11, Carter Ridge Sub. LaVerne G. & Block 4 ....................,.....,.................... Gordon C. & Nancy L. Cunningham, Block 4 ..............,................................ Clarence & Dolores Arlen, Lot 2-2-1-1.1-1-1 Clarence Arlen PI *Edmund P. & Lavern E. Maiers, Lot 2-1-1 Highland Farm '*Cletus M. Carolyn E. Nauman, Lot 1-1-1.1-2-1 Highland Farm **Cletus M. & Carolyn E. Nauman, Lot 2-1-1-2-1 Highland Farm ***St. Mary's Orphan Home, Lot 1-1.2 St. Mary's Placl St. Mary's Orphan Home, Lot 2-2 St. Mary's Place Wahlert High School, Lot 1-1-1 Sl. Mary's Place *Herman & Agnes Steines, Lot 1-1 M. L. 382 City of Dubuque, Lot B-2 M. L. 382 ..... City of Dubuque, Lot (All), M. L. 384 ..... City of Dubuqne, Lot 1.1-1-1-2 M. L. 385 Sub. $24,841.64 1,820.30 325.67 2,821.28 Mary Orphan Home-Defi -In Maiers Sl. Edmund P. & LaVern Place, *'*Lot 1-1.2 St ciency ........... *Lot 2-1-1 Higbland Farm, County............................. '*Lot 1-1-1-1-2.1 Highland F. Prop. Purch. Agreem. Mary's ~ M. & Carolyn Nauman- Cletus 1'lilllilr-- 1'1 I' , "~I ii:,i '\11 II '\L 1'1 ".i: 463 101.67 67.76 192.23 64.12 48.02 24.63 4.31 66.77 78.00 1.39 12.46 68.20 1.77 21.89 21.61 27.70 1.25 1.46 17.26 147.21 11.27 164.05 363.07 48.63 27.87 7.97 .77 19.31 34.38 26.10 31.31 158.21 167.22 144.46 21.33 165.09 8.63 221.29 138.30 138.30 138.30 138.30 138.30 138.30 138.30 124.49 13.81 130.54 152.19 152.19 152.19 76.09 76.09 152.19 152.19 152.19 152.19 152.19 152.19 152.19 76.09 76.09 76.09 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Archie T. Kuehn, Lot 1.3, Buettells Sub. ....... Archie T. Kuehn, Lot 2-3, Buettells Sub. ........................................ Archie T. & Mary Knchn, Lot 4, Buettells Sub. .............................. Robert W. & Adele C. McCormick, Lot 5, Buettells Sub. .............. Joseph & Ruth Schuckert, Lot 6, Buettells Sub. ............................ Joseph & Ruth Schuckert, Lot 7, Buettells Sub. .......................... F. W. & Julia Hanselmann, Lot 2-108, Mechanics Add. .............. Fred W. & Julia Hanselmann, Lot 1-1-1.1, J. P. Schroeder Add. Cletus J. & Rita L. Arlen, Lot 2-1, J. P. Schroeder Add. .............. Cletus J. & Rita L. Arlen, Lot 2-1-1A, J. P. Schroeder Add. ........ Fred W. & Julia Hanselmann, Lot 1.1-1A, J. P. Schroeder Add. Cletus J. & Rita L. Arlen, Lot 2.1A, J. P. Schroeder Add. .......... Fred W. & Julia Hanselmann, Lot 2-8, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...... Francis Osthoff, Lot 1-8t J. P. Schroeder Add. .............................. Francis Osthoff, Lot 1.1-1-9, J. P. Schroeder Add. ........................ John J. & Stella M. Bcrtjens, Lot 2-1.1-9, J. P. Scbroeder Add. John J. & Stella M. Bc'-tjens, Lot 2-] 1, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...... Cletus J. & Rita L. Allen, Lot 2-9, J, P. Schroeder Add. ............ CJetus J. & Rita L. Arlen, Lot 2-10, ,T. P. Schroeder Add. ............ John J. & Stella M. Bertjens, Lot 1-10, J. P. Schroeder Add..... John J. & Stella M. Bertjens, Lot 2-11, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...... Cletus J. & Jeanne A. Galinvaux, Lot 1-11, J. P. Schroeder Add. John A. & Darlene M. Kruser, Lot 1, Kissel Place ........................ Eileen R. Klawitter, Lot 2, Kissel Place .......................................... Adeline M. Haberkorn, Lot 15, J. P. Scbroeder Add. .................... Margaret Tscbarner, Lot 16, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...................... John D. Harrington, Lot 22, J. P. Schroeder Add. ........................ Frank A. Fuhrmann, Lot 23, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...................... Frank A. Fuhrmann, Lot 24, J. P. schroeder Add. ...................... Frank A. Fuhrmann, Lot W. If,,-25, J. P. Schroeder Add. ............ Jas. B. McDonongh etal., Lot E. If,,-25, J. P. Schroeder Add. ...... Jas. B. McDonough etal, Lot 26, J. P. Schroeder Add. ................ Frank Fuhrmann, Lot 27, J. P. Schroeder Add. ............................ Harold & Margt. Casey, Lot E. 42'4"-28, J. P. Schroeder Add. .... Duwavne J. & Grace Patzner, Lot W. 6'3"-28, J. P. Schroeder Add. .................................................................................................... Duwayne J. & Grace Patzner, Lot 29, J. P. Schroeder Add. .......... Hilda E. Dieterich, Lot S. 60'-33, J. P. Schroeder Add. ................ Walter W. & Elsie Kott, Lot 2, J. P. Porter's Add. ........................ Mettel Realty & fnv. Co., Lot 3, J. P. porter's Add. ...................... Doris M. Riekena, Lot 4, J. P. Porter's Add. .................................. Jack J. & Nettie E. Wathen, Lot 5, J. P. porter's Add. ................ John C. & Ruth Carnahy, Lot N. 75'-6, J. P. Porter's Add. .......... Lester H. & Dorothy Wiedner, Lot 7, J. P. Porter's Add. ............ Carl & Millard Van Duelman, Lot N. 70'.8, J. P. Porter's Add..... Wm. J. & Cecilia M. McMahon, Lot 9, J. P. porter's Add. .......... Chris J. & Julia Winter, Lot W. 45'-10, J. P. Porter's Add. .......... Edward C. & Irene V. Pfeiler, Lot E. 5'-10, J. P. Porter's Add..... Edward C. & Irene V. Pfeiler, Lot 11, J. P. Porter's Add. .......... Hilda Dieterich, Lot 3, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .....................,.. Hilda Dieterich, Lot 4, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ........................ Irvin C. & Lorene L. Niehaus, Lot 5, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Irvin C. & Lorene L. Niehaus, Lot E. 20'.6, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Leo & Martha Nugent, Lot W.20'-6 ................................................ Leo & Martha Nugent, Lot 7, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .............. Anna Herting, Lot 8, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .......................... Phillip & Bessie Jones, Lot 9, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .......... Cleon E. & Virginia Henkel, Lot 10, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Amelia Hutter, Lot 11, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ........................ Neil T. & Alma Lntes, Lot 12, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ............ Neil T. & Ama Lutcs, Lot 13, Litteton & Sawyer's Add. .............. Neil T. & Alma Lutes, Lot E. If".14, Littleton & Sawyer's Add..... Neil Lutes, Lot W. If,,-14, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ....... Neil Lutes, Lot E. If".15, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ....... 1.50 17.12 7.10 3.65 12.80 33.78 1.08 215.23 150.45 64.40 214.22 213.74 42.66 173.62 212.41 211.79 211.27 210.50 209.91 209.07 208.41 207.26 208.50 206.08 205.98 4.07 8.07 203.19 213.28 22.93 181.34 43.21 36.78 186.70 192.23 95.86 95.86 191.26 191.26 190.77 190.77 190.22 189.73 189.21 189.21 189.21 189.21 189.21 24.08 164.02 187.54 187.01 186.42 185.83 185.21 184.02 183.26 43.87 138.93 88.83 283.53 93.39 18.69 Special Session, December 16, 1964 PhiJlip H. & Dorothy O. Lochner, Lot S. If".58, Marsh's Add. Roger J. & Jeanne M. Zenner, Lot N. %-52, Marsh's Add. ............ Virgil J. & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot W. 85'.S. If,,-52, Marsh's Add. .................................................................................................... Richard H. & Audrey Wareham Lee, Lot E. 65'-S. If,,-52, Marsh's Add. .................................................................................................... Ruby Hemsley, Lot E. 131'-49, Cox's Add. ........................................ R. P. Birdsall & Sally B. McLendon, Lot E. 130'.6".50, Cox's Add. R. P. Birdsall & Sally B. McLendon, Lot E. If".51, Cox's Add. .... Clarence R. & Gladys Mary Badger, Lot W. 'h-51, Cox's Add. .... Arthur F. & Mabel Jungk, Lot 73, Cox's Add. ................................ Patrick J. & Mona K. Hayes, Lot W. 35'-74, Cox's Add. ................ Billy M. & Delores J. Kincadc, Lot E. 15'-74, Cox's Add. .............. Billy M. & Delores J. Kincade, Lot 75, Cox's Add. ........................ Robert F. & Rita M. Honzel, Lot 76, Cox's Add. ............................ Robert F. & Rita M. Honzel, Lot 2-77, Cox's Add. .......................... Paul L. Jr., Glenn & M. Blanche Dunne, Lot 1-77, Cox's Add. .... Bernard H. & Erma Evers, Lot 78, Cox's Add. .............................. Frank B. & Beverly J. Reinert, Lot 79, Cox's Add. ........................ Lavern & Eva Snider, Lot 80, Cox's Add. ........................................ Mary H. Nelson, Lot 81, Cox's Add. ..............................,................... Mary H. Nelson, Lot 82, Cox's Add. .................................................. Mary H. Nelson, Lot 83, Cox's Add. ....................,.........................._.. Arthur & Janann P. Bull, Lot 84, Cox's Add. ................................ Arthur Janann P. Bull, Lot 85, Cox's Add. .................................... Leo J. & Florence Loewen, Lot 86, Cox's Add. .............................. Loraine Kleih, Lot 87, Cox's Add. .,........,.............,........................... David L. & Audrey L. Hammer, Lot 1-88, Cox's Add. .................... Stanley & Helen Meyer & Helen Schroeder, Lot 2-88, Cox's Add. Stanley & Helen Meyer & Helen Schroeder, Lot 2-89, Cox's Add. Leonard A. & Madonna C. Kruse, Lot 1-89, Cox's Add. .............. Paschal J. & Janet Ann Zuccaro, Lot 90, Cox's Add. ................ R. P. Birdsall & Sally B. McLendcn, Lot 1-81, Cox's Add. ......., Felix H. & Susan Uelner, Lot 2-91, Cox's Add. .......................... Felix H. & Susan Uelner, Lot 2-92, Cox's Add. .......................... R. P. Birdsall & Sally B. McLendon, Lot 1-92, Cox's Add. ......., Gertrude Miller & Mary C. Lintgen, Lot 93, Cox's Add. ........., Oscar Hoerrmann & Adele F. Feller, Lot 94, Cox's Add. ........., Muriel Dew-Brittain, Lot E. 'h-95, Cox's Add. ............................ Max & Anna Uelner, Lot W. If,,-95, Cox's Add. ......................... William & Lillian Wandt Lot 96, Cox's Add. ............................. Frank & Dorothy E. Rosenquist, Lot 97, Cox's Add. ............ Winifred & Virginia Wimmer, Lot 98, Cox's Add. ................... Earl W. & Esther G. Hiatt, Lot 99, Cox's Add. ........................., Myles P. & Margaret I. Sweeney, Lot 100, Cox's Add. .............. Frank F. & Delores Stoewer, Lot 101, Cox's Add. ...................' Frank F. & Delores Stoewer, Lot 102, Cox's Add. ..................... Edmund J. & Mary Haas, Lot 103, Cox's Add. .......................... J. P. Triervielert Lot 104, Cox's Add. ........................................... Josephine A. Feyen, Lot 105, Cox's Add. ................................... Elizabeth Hines, Lot 106, Cox's Add. .....,..,..,....,........,................. Arthur Trausch, Lot 2-108, Cox's Add. ..,.......,............................ Leonard P. & Patricia Zelinskas, Lot 1-108, Cox's Add. ......... Leonard P. & Patricia Zelinskas, Lot 109, Cox's Add. ............. Harold John & Elizabeth Fondell, Lot 110, Cox's Add. ........... Donald A. & Sylvia J. Westhoff, Lot Ill, Cox's Add. ............... Elizabeth Corpstein, Lot 112, Cox's Add. ................................... Elizabeth Corpstein, Lot 113, Cox's Add. ................................. Roswell Carney, Lot 114, Cox's Add. ................,.......................... Katherine Berberich, Lot 115t Cox's Add. ................................. Katherine Berberich, Lot E. 12'-116, Cox's Add. ....................... Louis R. & Lorraine A. Hendricks, Lot W. 38'-116, Cox's Add. Louis R. & Lorraine A. Hendricks, Lot 1-117, Cox's Add. Chris J. & Julia Winter, Lot 1, Bnettclls Sub. ....... Christeen Jackson, Lot 2, Buettells Sub. 462 ~ ~ 'Ii;]; t'lf~ Ii Iii .. -- .. ~ i~ ".1". \1 H ~w '1'1 i" ;:11i I~ 140.04 ~ .. I I ~ , I ~* "w )~' II t 465 - 140.04 24.88 17.47 7.76 13.92 172.96 231.83 111.05 113.15 169.69 53.58 181.00 41.79 222.26 221.63 175.44 220.52 219.89 219.30 218.78 218.08 217.39 114.85 227.65 35.80 52.50 210.01 208.69 208.10 206.74 206.05 1,131.93 206.76 204.65 218":1)8 19.97 1,046.86 2.57 46.52 105.35 2,585.74 227.24 183.08 183.08 134.65 4.52 181.62 130.89 219.89 184.61 15.34 159.77 5.98 2.16 18.16 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Thomas A. & Charlotte K. Pfeiffer, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 60 & 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ,.,..............,...................................... Florence Fitzgerald, Lot 3, Sub. Lots 60 & 61, Littleton & Saw- yer's Add. ......... ........, .... ................ ........... .... .... ..................... ..... ..... Florence Fitzgerald, Lot 1-4, Sub. Lots 60 & 61 Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .. .................... .... .... .... .........,. .... ...... .......... ..... .......... Flor,mce Fitzgerald, Lot 2-4, Sub. Lots 60 & 61 Little & Sawyer's Add. ..................,............................................................................... Earl J. & Beatrice J. Jochum, Lot 5, Sub. Lots 60 & 61 Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ... .... ........, ..." ...... ........" ..... .... "..,.., .... ...., ... ....,,...,,... Florence E. Fitzgerald, Lot 62, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ........ Earl V. & Bernice Kiefer, Lot 63, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. *Harold A. & Margt. S. Casey, Lot I, South View Heights ............ *Harold A. & Margt. S. Casey, Lot 2, South ViewHeights........ Harold A. & Margt. S. Casey, Lot 1-3, South View Heights ........ Frank & JoAnn Zmudka, Lot 2.3, South View Heights .....,.......... Frank & JoAnn Zmudka, Lot 2-4, South View Heights ............ Adeline Zmudka, Lot 1.4, South View Heights ........................ T. F. & Henrietta A. Cashman, Lot 1-5, South View Heights ........ T. F. & Henrietta A. Cashman, Lot 1-6, South View Heights ........ *Joseph P. & Cheryl T. Murguia, Lot 1-7, South View Heights .... Joseph P. & Cheryl T. Murguia, Lot 1-8, South View Heights .... Joseph P. & Cheryl T. Murguia, Lot 1-9, South View Heights .... Charles A. & Elizabeth J. Hanson, Lot 1-10, South View Heights Charles A. & Elizabeth J. Hanson, Lot 1.11, South View Heights Patrick W. & Edith C. MeJloy, Lot 1-12, South View Heights Patrick W. & Edith C. Meloy, Lot 13, South View Heights Bernard M. & Alberta Fahey If.., Arch & BeJle Abing 116, Mabel C. Ferguson 116, Donald R. & Joan M. Baughman If.., Lot E. ""-14, South View Heights ................................,....................... Mabel Ferguson, Lot 1, Korman Place ........................................ Mabel Ferguson, Lot 2, Korman Place ............................................ Arch F. & Belle Abing, Lot W. 12'-15, South View Heights ..,. Arch F. & Belle Abing, Lot 16, South View Heights .............,...... Bernard M. & Alberta Fahey, Lot 17, South View Heights .,...... Bernard M. & Alberta Fahey, Lot 18, South View Heights ........ Donald R. & Joan M. Baughman, Lot 19, South View Heights Donald R. & Joan M. Baughman, Lot 20, South View Heights .... Wm. T. & Lois D. Glab, Lot 21, South View Heights ...........,..,. Wm. T. & Lois D. Glab, Lot 22, South View Heights ................ Wm. T. & Lois D. Glab, Lot 23, Sonth View Heights ....,........... George E. & Laverne Stabenow, Lot W. 50'-N. 243'.9"-2-2, Min- eral Lot 193 .......,..................,...,................................................. Joseph R. & Josephine A. Wild, Lot E. 4' 9".N. 243' 9" 2.2, Mineral Lot 193 ................,.........................,...............,................. Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 3-2, Min. Lot 191 ........................................ Michael A. & Frances R. Foran, Lot 2-1-1, Cullen's Sub. ............ Clarence N. Kurt, Lot 1-1-1, CuJlen's Sub. .....,........................,. Lillian Kinnier, Lot 2-2, Min. Lot 197 ........................................ Katb. Bradley, Lot 2, Min. Lot 198 ...,.....,..............,..,.,...................... Henry Bean est., Lot 1, Min. Lot 188 .,...................................,.,........ Claudia A. Albrecht, Lot 2.2, Min. Lot 188 ............................ Glenn O. & Barbara L. Middleton, Lot 2-3, Min. Lot 188 ............ Vincent J. & Bertille C. Neuwohner, Lot 1-1-8, Min. Lot 188 Mary & Marie Riechmann, Lot 2-1-8, Min. Lot 188 .....,.............. lJoyd C. & Eva M. Dewey Lot 1-9, Min. Lot 188 ........................ Francis J. & Kathy Herzog, Lot 1-10, Min. Lot 188 .................... Mary & Marie Riechmann, Lot 1.1, Pfohls Sub. .............,...,........,. Michael & Lorraine Kemp, Lot 2-9, Dngs Sub. ........... Michael & Lorraine Kemp, Lot 2-N. 4.58'-10, Ungs Sub. Arthur P. & Lillian Trausch, Lot S. 52'-10, Ungs Sub. Gordon W. & Dorothy J. Lee, Lot 15, Ungs Sub. ....... Gordon W. & Dorothy J. Lee, Lot 2-16, Ungs Sub. Edna M. Siefker, Lot 1.16, Ungs Sub. .. 76.09 151.77 151.77 151.77 151.77 151.77 151.77 151.77 102.43 49.34 151.77 108.88 65.34 174.04 174.04 173.97 173.97 173.86 173.76 173.76 173.89 173.58 172.16 1.43 173.51 173.41 173.41 173.27 173.27 173.20 102.43 49.34 151.77 172.92 174.73 174.66 174.56 174.86 174.45 174.45 174.25 174.25 153.82 153.82 174.73 75.55 151.77 Session, December 16, 1964 Neil Lutes, Lot W. ""-15, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................... 'Walter L. & Dorothy L. Lester, Lot 16, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Walter L. & Dorothy L. Lester, Lot S. 125'.17, Littleton & Saw. yer's Add. .. .............................................. ............................... ........ ... Walter L. & Dorothy L. Lester, Lot S. 125'-18, Littleton & Saw- yer's Add. ....................................... ................................................... Lincoln Realty Co., Lot S. 125'-19, Littleton & Sawyer's Add....... Allie E. Shult, Lot It Buseman & Eberl's Sub. .............................. Alvina Eberl & Freda E. Goetz & Rev. Wm. F. Goetz, Lot 2, Buseman & Eberl's Sub. .................................................................. Cletus J. & Anna Haupert, Lot 3, Buseman & Eberl's Sub. ....,... Cbris & Clara Leirmoe, Lot 24, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .......... Whitney & Edna Leighty, Lot 25, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ...... Whitney & Edna Leighty, Lot 1-26, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .... Julius P. & Margt. Jungk, Lot 2.26, Littleton & Sawyer's Add..... Julius P. & Marg!. Jungk, Lot 27, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ...... Jos. E. & JoAnne B. Feldmeier, Lot 1-28, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ..............................................................,..................................... Julius P. & Margt. Jungk, Lot 2-28, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .... Jos. E. & JoAnne B. Feldmeier, Lot 29, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .........................................................,.......................................... Gerald A. & Carolyn S. Wiederholt, Lot 1, Sub. Lots 30 & 31, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .............................................................. Theodore C. Jr. & Imogene G. Reiter, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 30 & 31, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .............................................................. Joseph R. & Josephine A. Wild, Lot 32, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Joseph R. & Josepbine A. Wild, Lot 33, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Arthur D. & Marie C. Hoffmann, Lot 34, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Edwin & M. Whitfield, Lot 35, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ............ Fred & Olga Steffen, Lot 37, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .............. Nicholas & Kath. Thilmany, Lot 36, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Fred & Olga steffen. Lot 38, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ............ Raymond S. & Shirley A. Lang, Lot 39, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Theodore L. & Agnes L. Jaeger, Lot 40, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Donald M. & Mildred M. Frommelt, Lot 41, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .................................................................................................... Donald M. & Mildred M. Frommelt, Lot W. 25'-42, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. . ........ ........ ........................ .......................... ....... .... ...... Louise Feller, Lot E. 15'.42, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ................ Louise Feller, Lot 43, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .......................... Louise FcUer, Lot 44, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. .......................... Eleanor E. Kolfenbach etal, Lot 45, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Eleanor E. Kolfenbach eta!., Lot 46, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Leo & Loretta DrouUard, Lot 47, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Leo & Loretta Droullard, Lot 48, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Bertha Landolt, Lot 49, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ..,............,.,.. Bertha Landolt, Lot 50, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ....,...........,... Bertha Landolt, etal, Lot 51, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ..........,. Emma B. Vrotsos, Lot W. 39'-8"-52, Iittleton & Sawyers Add. ,... Mildred Becker, Lot E. 4'-52, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ...,.....,.. Mildred Becker, Lot 53, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ......,.......,...., Geo. D. & Norma Glynn, Lot 54, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ..,..... Harriett Jordan (Trusteelt Lot 55, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Harold J. & Margt. M. Mueller, Lot 56, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Mrs. Mary Otto, Lot 57, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ..............., Ella POlsean, Lot 58, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ...........,.......,..., Thomas A. & Charlotte K. Pfeiffer, Lot 1, Sub. Lots 60 & 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. Special 464 467 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 2t022.23 $ 6,716.03 .$ 1,67'7.78 1,428.57 115.52 2,812.71 200.00 646.02 550.08 1,083.01 44.48 2.90 A.C. Surface Course, 186.42 Tons @ $9.00 A.C. Binder Course, 158.73 tons @ 9.00 .. Prime M.C.O., 577.6 Gal. @ .20 .......... %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 969.9 tons @ Manholes, 4 No. of @ 50.00 ................................. *A.C. Surface Course, 71.78 tons @ 9.00 ....... 'A.C. Binder Course, 61.12 tons @ 9.00 ... *:Y4" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 373.45 ton 'Prime M.C.O., 222.4 Gal. @ .20 .....$ 8,558.17 2,323.59 $ 6,234.58 436.42 45.03 . ........ ... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ..$ 6,716.03 the special benefits conferred. with Hot Laid I ii' !i " ~ Special Session, December 16, 1964 Wm. & Eliz. Ann Maas, Lot 444, East Dubuque Add. No.2 Wm. & Eliz. Ann Maas, Lot 445, East Dubuque Add. No.2 Wm. & Eliz. Ann Maas, Lot 446, East Dubuque Add. No.2 Wm. & Eliz. Ann Maas, Lot 447, East Dnbuque Add. NO.2 Wm. & Eliz. Ann Maas, Lot 448, East Dubuque Add. No.2 Dubuque Packing Co., Dubuque Packing Co. Add Block 2 .......... Share Total *City TOTAL ASSESSABLE ......................... of which is assessed in proportion to 7% Eng. & Inspection 5% Interest 52 days All University Avenue Asphaltic 298.55 185.09 185.09 222.11 185.09 23.51 161.59 185.09 185.09 279.45 89.07 111.13 82.63 169.55 77.44 18.58 89.29 134.53 159.70 178.36 187.17 191.61 8.66 9.25 17.99 31.80 58.19 5.22 177.65 148.07 from Delhi to Oelh Concrete Paving. Elmer R. & EWe M. Bradley, Lot 1-1, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub...$ Loren E. & Nancy Rodas, Lot 2-1, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .... Charles R. & Mary A. Goodrich, Lot 3-1, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .................................................................................................. Ernest & Florence Beyer, Lot 4-1, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub..... Stephen H. & Mildred L. Green, Lot 5-1, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .................................................................................................. George H. & Dorothy lVI. Klinkhammer, Lot 2, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. ... ........... .... .... .... ..... .... .......... ..... .... ........ ........ ...... George H. & Dorothy M. Kinkhammer, Lot 2-3, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .. ..... ... ....... ........... .... .... ..... .... ..' ..... .... ..... .... ............. Alvina Hill, Lot 1-3, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. ............................ Gerald B. & Doris V. Donovan, Lot 4, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. City of Dubuque, Lot 5, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .................... City of Dubuque, Lot 6, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. .................... Leslie O. & Katherine Avery, Lot 1-1, Schwind's Place ............ Arnold J. & Dora Steger, Lot 2.1, Schwind's Place ........................ Edward, Roy & Carl F. Bartels, Lot 2, Schwind's Place Karl J. & Emily Page, Lot 1, Schwind's Homestead .................... Edward, Roy, & Carl F. Bartels, Lot 2, Schwind's Homestead .... Dubuque County, Lot 13, Moreheiser Sub. (of 45 Moreheiser Add.) ................................................................................................ Sophia Schmitt, Lot 14, Moreheiser Sub. ........................................ Sophia Schmitt, Lot 15, Moreheiser Sub. ........................................ Jeannette M. & Carl F. Mills, Lot 16, Moreheiser Sub. ............ Clarence A. Zollicoffer, Lot 17, Moreheiser Sub. ........................ Emil & Bertha Apel, Lot 18, Moreheiser Sub. ................................ John F. & Marguerite V. Sibley, Lot 19, Moreheiser Sub. ........ Holy Trinity Lntheran Church, Lot 2, Sub. 4, 5, 1.1.6 & 2-1-7 James A. & Loretta Crippes, Lot 7, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. .... Edward E. & Margt. F. Shannon, Lot 8, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. James L. & Carole H. Meyer, Lot 9, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. John E. Gasell, Lot 10, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. ................... Cletus N. & Marcille A. Pauly, Lot 1-11, Loetscher & Truebs Sub, C1etus N. & Marcille A. Pauly, Lot 12, Loetscher & Truebs Sub Mix Hot ~ 11.27 6.89 207.06 164.54 .17 4.66 49.58 1.67 4,728.18 8,328.08 Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque, Lot E. 235'.64, Littleton & Saw- yer's Add. ........... ....................... ......... ............................................. Dubuque County of Jehovah Witness, Lot W. 1074'.64, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. ............................................................................ Fred W. & Julia Hanselmann, Lot 1-2.1-1-1, J. P. Schroeder Add. Charles J. & Nancy J. Zillig, Lot 1-2.2.1-1.1-, J. P. Schroeder Add. Cletus J. & Rita L. Arlen, Lot 2-2-2-1-1.1, J. P. Schroeder Add. Edna M. Siefker, Lot 2-17, Ungs Sub. ...................................... Geo. P. & Rosemary A. Schmitt, Lot 1-1-17, Ungs Sub. Glenn O. & Barbara L. Middleton, Lot 2-1.17, Ungs Sub. Clarke College, Lot 1, Clarke College Place .............. Clarke College, Lot 1-1-2), Clarke College Place .. Clarke College, Lot 1.2-1-2), Clarke College Place .. Clarke CoJlege, Lot 2-2-1-2), Clarke College Place Clarke College, Lot 2.2, Clarke College Place Special Session, December 16, 1964 466 1,392.51 $51,470.11 76.64 113.30 110.68 45.67 *Deficiencies to be paid by City of Dubuque: "Walter L. & Dorothy L. Lester, Lot 16, Littleton & Sawyers Add. .. 'Harold A. "Harold A. "Joseph P. .............................................................................................. & Marg!. S. Casey, Lot 1, South View Heights ...... & Margt. S. Casey, Lot 2, South View Heights ........ & Cheryl T. Murguia, Lot 1-7, South View Heights $51,816.40 All. of which is assessed in proportion to the special benefits conferred. Excavation Earth (Unclassified) 5,352 cu. yds. @ 1.10................$ 5,887.20 A.C. Surface Course, 1,781.07 tons @ 9.00 .................................... 16t029.63 A.C. Binder Course, 1,680.59 tons @ 9.00 ................... 15,125.31 Prime M.C.O., 5,699.38 Gal. @ .20 ....................................... 1,139.88 %" Stabilized RoJled Stone Base, 2,773.05 tons @ 2.90 8,041.85 Manholes, 33 no. of @ 50.00 ....................................... 1,650.00 Concrete Removal, 76 sq. yds. @ 3.00 ....................... 228.00 "A.C. Surface Course, 367.38 tons @ 9.00 ............... 3,306.42 "A.C. Binder Course, 346.66 tons @ 9.00 ................... 3,119.94 "%" Stabilized RoJled Stone Base, 572 tons @ 2.90 1,658.80 "Prime M.C.O., 1,175.62 Gal. @ .20 235.12 ~ .......$56,422.15 8,320.28 312.92 156.46 156.46 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 312.92 $48,101.87 3,367.13 347.40 Share 7% Engineering & Inspection 5% Interest 52 days . Syca.. .. tl East 14th Stree. -ff~.. III.~-"";- Total "City '-'F I' II I: I', 469 6.63 3.96 15.92 19.25 4.04 2.92 41.28 12.44 320.88 49.86 128.27 133.45 .37 434.97 199.72 6.07 30.10 5.33 26.36 $11,046.49 .$ 29.70 3,472.83 3,879.45 82.95 19.14 550.00 2.142.00 78.00 1,150.47 1,138.95 5.07 22.05 1,206.00 .$13,776.61 3,522.00 $lOt254.61 717.82 74.06 Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Special Session, December 16, 1964 Virginia Kolfenbach, Lot S. 20'-16, Maple Heights...... John & Irene Layland, Lot N. 50'-16, Maple Heights .. Vincent J. Hogan, Lot S. 26'-17, Maple Heights .......... Virginia Kolfenbach, Lot N. 44'-17, Maple Heights .. Earl W. & Marg't. M. Buddin, Lot W. 75'-S. 5-18, Maple Heights Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot E. 75',S. 5'-18, Maple Heights ........ Vincent J. & LuciJIe Hogan, Lot S. 5O'.N. 74'-18t Maple Heights Vincent J. Hogan, Lot N. 24'.N. 74'-18, Maple Heights ................ Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 19, Maple Heights ........................ Earl W. & Margtt. M. Buddin, Lot 1-29, Maple Heights ............ Ben B. & JoAnn BeJlings, Lot W. 37' 6".2-20, Maple Heights Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot E. 37' 6".2.20, Maple Heights Raymond D. Alderson, Lot 1, Hughes Sub. ................... Roy & Zora Brammer, Lot 1-1, Sub. E. 'k Lot 30 Mt. Add. ....................................................... Julia Nannini, Lot S. 114'.6".2-1, Sub. E. Add. ......................................... Josephine Lynch, Lot N. 10'.2-1, Add. ........................................ Josephine Lynch, Lot S. 40'.1-2, Add. ........................................ Henry A. Bitter, Lot N. 10'-1.2, Add. ............ Henry A. Bitter, Total *City Add. @$1.l0. Mt. Mt. Pleasant Excavation Earth (Unclassified), A.C. Surface Course, 385.87 tons A.C. Binder Course, 431.05 tons Tack R.C.O., 276.5 gal. @ .30 ..... 3/4" stabilized Rolled Stone Base, Manholes 11, No. of @ 50.00 ...... Concrete-Remove & Replace, 119 sq. yd: Concrete Removal, 26 sq. yds. @ 3.00 .... * A.C. Surface Course, 127.83 tons @ 9.00 * A.C. Binder Course, 126.55 tons (tl' 9.00 *0/4" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 1.75 tons 'Tack R.C.O., 73.5 gal. @ .30 ............... *Concrete Remove & Replace, 67 sq. 30 30 'k Lot 'k Lot yds. Mt. E. E. E. 'k Lot Sub. Sub. Sub. Lot 2-2, ..... Share ... ..... ..... ... ..$11,046.49 benefits conferred. Mix Laid 430.67 113.30 137.66 2.04 59.72 60.97 73.89 258.12 865.62 249.80 Hot .$ Hot .... 6, Hos- ........ Lot 7% Eng. & Insp. 5% Int. 52 days All West Third Street fl"Om Grandview to H wtih Asphaltic Concrete Paving. Mary L. Huber, Lot 1-2.2, C. Boxleiter Sub. ......... Finley Hospitalt Lot 2.2-2-2, C. Boxleiter Sub. ........... Arthur H. & Patricia Freihoefer, Lot 1-1, Boxleiter Sub. ........".. Edmund & Elizabeth Ann Siegert, Lot S. 25'-4, Sidonia lIosfords Sub. ......................................................................................... Edmund & Elizabeth Ann Siegert, Lot N. 105'-5, Sidonia fords Sub. .......................................... lna M. Marquart, Lot S. 55'-5, Sidonia Joseph & Frances Henry (Genevieve A. Sidonia Hosfords Sub. Victoria Ohlsen, Lot 7, Sido Finley Hospital, Lot 1-1-1-2-' Eleanor Stoltz, Lot 2-1-2-2, .......................... to the special TOTAL ASSESSABLE ..................... of which is assessed in proportion 172.21 183.50 201.16 41.79 5.96 16.33 7.88 3.66 241.14 221.11 31.69 .96 140.93 154.03 152.92 151.78 149.48 147.15 145.96 145.41 241.88 34.35 1.70 5.29 55.79 1.59 57.97 19.10 1.07 9.59 3.52 57.45 17.88 6.70 12.77 1,491.89 238.18 238.77 205.60 60.53 25.65 12.48 4.11 5.92 3.26 17.58 12.81 18.29 15.66 43.24 7.55 17.40 213.93 243.17 23.51 .78 Christine Meyer, Lot 2.11, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. Theodore M. & Gladys L. Reiter, Lot 13, Loetscher & Trt Sub. .......................................................................................... Ann K. Lanry, Lot 14, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. ................ Wm. J. & Julia McDermott, Lot 15, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. Wm. J. & Jnlia McDermott, Lot 2-16, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. Patrick A. & Alberta M. Stokesberry, Lot 1-16, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. .......... .... ..... ....... .... ............ .... ..... ............ ........... ..... ..... Patrick A. & Alberta M. Stokesberry, Lot 1-17, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. .. ..... ............ ....... ................. .... ...... .......... .... ....... .......... Vincent N. & Adelhaid Schwind Hoffmann, Lot 2-17, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. ................................................................................ Vincent N. & Adelhaid Schwind Hoffmann, Lot 18, Loetscher & Truebs Sub. ................................................................................ Emil & Bertha Apel, Lot 2, Motor Sub. ........................................ Donald C. & Shirley M. Moody, Lot 3, Motor Sub. ........................ Mary E. Wissell, Lot 1-1, Motor Sub. ................................................ George D. & Mary Lou Sorensen, Lot 2-1, Motor Suh. .................... Alverda A. Neuwohner, Lot 1, Miligan's Sub. ............................ Fred & Margaret Messing, Lot 2, Milligan's Sub. ........................ Rudolph A. & Bertha W. Krause, Lot 3, Milligan's Sub. ................ Fred & BedoJa Walter, Lot 4, Milligan's Sub. ................................ Mrs. Edw. Alice Oberfoell, Lot 5, Milligan's Sub. ........................ Mrs. Edw. Alice Oberfoell, Lot 6, Milligan's Snb. ....................... William & Rose Haag, Lot 7, Milligan's Sub. ..............................., Reynold & Agnes Kramer, Lot W. 50'-1, Truebs Sub. ...........".. Olive B. Lytle, Lot E. 132'-1, Truehs Sub. ....................................... John W. & Frances Skahill, Lot 1.2-1-1.3, Min. Lot 172 ........... John W. & Frances Skahill, Lot 1-2-1-1-1-1-3, Min. Lot 172....... Leo N. & Kath. Theisen, Lot 2-2-1-1.3, Min. Lot 172 ................... Frederick & Bedola Walter, Lot 2.1.1-1-3, Min. Lot 172 ........... City of Dubuque, Lot 2-2.1.1-1-13, Min. Lot 172 ....................... City of Dubuque, Lot 2-1-3, Min. Lot 172 ................................... George D. & Mary Lon Sorensen, Lot I-N. 95'-2-3, Min. Lot 172 Mary E. Wissel, Lot 2-N. 95'.2-3, Min. Lot 172 ............................ Mary A. Sten, Lot 4, Min. Lot 172 .................................................... Jane Ann If..; Robert 2/9; Vicki 2/9; & Lori Roser 2/9, Lot 5, Min. Lot 172 ................................................................................ Roy & Zora Brammer, Lot 1-2-1, Min. Lot 159 ............................ Earl E. & Louila C. Opperman, Lot 1.1-1, Min. Lot 159 ................ Earl E. & Louila C. Opperman, Lot 2.2-1-1t Min. Lot 159 ............ William P. & Betty A. Flannery, Lot 1-2-1.1, Min. Lot 159 ........ City of Dubuque, Lot I, Pinehurst Sub. .................................... Veronica A. & Chas. M. Miller, Lot 2, Pinehurst Sub. ............ Carl M. & Florence Herberger, Lot 3, Pinehurst Sub. ............ Frank J. & Frances Tutsch, Lot 4, Pinehurst Sub. .................... Geo. T. & Marie Thran, Lot 5, Pinehurst Sub. ............................ Donald 1. & Norma J. Toom, Lot 6, Pinehurst Sub. ................... E. J. & Irene Kean, Lot 7, Pinehurst Sub. .......".......................... Carl & Ann Thrcke, Lot 8, Pinehurst Snb. ............................... Robert G. & Eunice M. Brooks, Lot N. 46'-11, ldlewilde Heighb Fred H. Schilling, Lot S. 9'.11, Idlewilde Heights ....................... Fred H. Schilling, Lot 12, Idlewilde Heights ............................... Fred H. Schilling, Lot N. 28'-13, 1dlewilde Heights ....................... Duane A. & Cecilia Christofferson, Lot S. 27'-13, Idlewilde Heights . .............. ................ ...... .... ............ ..... ....... .... .... ................... Duane A. & Cecilia Christofferson, Lot N. 19'-14, Idlewilde Heights ... ....... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .......... ............................. Leonard F. & Frances O'Meara, Lot S. 36'-14, Idlewilde Heights Leonard F. & Frances O'Meara, Lot N. 10'.15, Idlewilde Heights Leonard F. & Frances O'Meara, Lot N. 10'-16, Idlewilde Heights Marg't. Hoyne, Lot Bal. 15, Idlewilde Heigbts ....... Louise M. Roussell, Bal. 16, Idlewilde Heights ... Duane R. & Janet Huston, Lot 1, Maple Heights Adeline Hoffman, Lot 2, Maple Heights 6.11 Special Session, December 16, 1964 468 ~ ~ r...~" 471 120.09 58.93 92.44 216.47 23.00 36.81 129.80 363.42 240.78 240.78 49.03 11.39 3.72 31.00 232.37 232.37 232.37 275.78 34.99 6.51 50.66 266.16 241.99 101.08 212.11 15.75 44.85 309.14 309.14 565.31 224.42 72.17 16.54 7.02 438.02 186.14 90.62 29.00 24.49 12.83 22.59 39.04 11.48 50.98 185.34 252.72 95.88 94.06 25.56 404.32 153.36 67.15 19.61 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Wm. H. & Maud E. Collings, Lot 1-8, Min. Lot 159 ........................ Wm. H. & Maud E. Collins, Lot N. 17'6"-N. %-1-2-8, Min. Lot 159 Arthur J. & Mary Ann Blosch, Lot N. 38.1'.s.39.9'-N.%-1.2-8, Min. Lot 159 ...................................................................................... Mary V. Keppler, Lot 2.2-2.8, Min. Lot 159 .................................... Max. D. Gysbertha Blomme, Lot S.%-9, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2........ Ruth Goedert, Lot N.%.9, O'Neills Sub. No.2.............................. Marion E. & Walter A. Walsh, Lot 10, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2.......... Nicholas W. & Sharon L. Richter, Lot 11, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2.... Tillie Weber, Lot 12, O'Neills Sub. No.2........................................ Richard & Sandra S. Saul, Lot 13, O'Neills Sub. No.2................ Wm. E. & Anastacia Gantenbein, Lot 1.14, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2 Clara M. Weber, Lot 2.14, O'Neills Sub. No.2................................ Arthur J. & Mary E. Keppler, Lot N.40'-8, O'Neills Sub. No.2.... Clara M. Weber, Lot 1-15, O'Neills Sub. No.2................................ Geo. A. & Eona Hammelt Lot 16, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2.................... Anton J. & Rose A. StC'~er, Lot 17, ("Neills Sub. No.2.............. Frederick K. & Thelma Koehler, Lot 18, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2........ Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 19, O'Neills Sub. No.2.................. John W. & Elaine E. Cabi1J, Lot 20, O'Neills Sub. No.2............ Midwest Mortgage Co., Lot 21, O'Neills Sub. No.2.................... Lenore M. Schroeder, Lot 22, O'Neills Sub. No.2.......................... Ray & Zora G. Brammer, Lot 23, O'Neills Sub. No.2.................... Ida M. & Maleta C. Manemann, Lot 24, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2........ Wm. E. & June E. Welu, Lot 2.25, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2................ Loyal A. & Bernice Nelson, Lot 2.26, O'Nei1Js Sub. No.2............ Donald Wildman, Lot S.18.5'-10, S. M. Langwortby's Sub. .......... Mettel Realty & lnv. Co., Lot N.36'-10, S. M. Langworthy'S Sub. Clarence Jungwirth & Rnth Hynish Executors, Lot 11, S. M. Langworthy's Sub. ................................................... .................... ..... John F. Murphy, Lot 12, S. M. Langworthy's Sub. ........................ Donald J. & Jane K. Ward, Lot 17, Julia Langworthy's Add....... Donald J. & Jane K. Ward, Lot N.66'.18, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Robert A. & Marian B. Pfaff, Lot S. 6'.18, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Robert A. & Marian P. Pfaff, Lot 19, Julia Langworthy's Add..... Robert R. & Eileen M. Ferris, Lot W.55'.22, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Robert R. & Eileen M. Ferris, Lot W.55'-23, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Gert E. Cross & Anna E. North Lot E.75'-22, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Gert E. Cross & Anna E. North, Lot E.75'-23, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... John P. & Mary B. Meyers, Lot 24, Julia Langworthy's Add....... A. J. & Rita M. Walsh, Lot 25, Julia Langwortby's Add. .............. Fred W. & Sadie H. Trader. Lot 29, Julia Langworthy's Add....... Anna Reiss, Lot 30, Julia Langworthy's Add. ................................ Ethel & E. Donald Rousell eta!., Lot N.36'-31, Julia Langwor- thy's Add. .......................................................................................... James H. & Evelyn Hadley, Lot S.17.4'.3l, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... James H. & Evelyn Hadley Lot N.17.4'.32, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Ernest H. & Luci1Je A. Rohde, Lot S.36'-32, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................... Susan Bissell, Lot 1, T. S. Nairn's Add. .............. .......................... Susan Bissell, Lot 2, T. S. Nairn's Add. ............................................ Susan Bissell, Lot 3, T. S. Nairn's Add. .......................................... Susan Bissell, Lot 4, T. S. Nairn's Add. ............................................ Carl & Alice C. Noel, Lot 5, T. S. Nairn's Add. .............................. Lulu F. & Lavina A. Griffin. Lot 9, T. S. Nairn's Add. ................ Martin & Lucy Hefel, Lot 10, T. S. Nairn's Add. .......................... Francis M. & Hellen Mulligan, Lot 11, T. S. Nairn's Add. ........ 223.82 250.63 210.34 210.34 210.34 210.34 249.80 249.80 249.80 249.80 121.58 128.22 169.86 415.80 99.73 26.16 10.60 16.27 17.94 12.64 4.42 25.93 44.43 29.32 227.40 227.40 266.71 56.88 94.95 281.17 145.46 9'1.97 56.23 34.44 3.35 33.28 351.48 368.72 294.97 344.14 344.14 344.80 344.14 5.34 4.09 6.92 16.22 20.82 12.45 11.88 19.80 42.34 30.81 229.44 229.44 18.73 125.39 36.30 65.48 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Finley Hospital, Lot 1.1, Finley Home Add. City of Dubuque, Lot 21, Finley Home Add. City of Dubuque, Lot 22, Finley Home Add. ............................... City of DUbuque, Lot 23, Finley Home Add. ............................... City of DUbuque, Lot 24, Finley Home Add. ................................ City of Dubuque, Lot 25, Finley Home Add. ............................... Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 26, Finley Home Add. .................... Irene B. & Alvin Jecklin, Lot 27, Finley Home Add. ................ Roger J. & Janet F. Kearns, Lot 28, Finley Home Add. ........ Mark B. & LaRayne Patzner, Lot 29, Finley Home Add. ............ Mark B. & LaRayne Patzner, Lot E. 24'4"-30, Finley Home Add. John A. & Mae L. Haber, Lot W. 25' 8".30, Finley Home Add. .... John A. & Mae L. Haber, Lot 31, Finley Home Add .................... Gerald L. & Patricia A. Dodds, Lot 1-1-2-1-2, Caroline Box- leiters Sub. .. ......... .... ...... ..... ....................."....' ...... ...... .... ..... ....... ... Gerald 1.. & Patricia A. Dodds, Lot 2.2-1-2, Caroline Boxleiters Sub. .................................................................................................. John C. & Helen A. Langel, Lot 2-1-2.1-2, Caroline Boxleiters Sub. .................................................................................................. Raymond J. & Elsie E. Unsen, Lot 1-1.3, Boxleiters Sub. ............ Raymond J. & Elsie E. Unsen, Lot 1.2-1-3, Boxleiters Sub. ........ Wm. E. & Erline Blaser, Lot 2-2-1-3, Boxleiters Sub. ................ Gerald L. & Patricia A. Dodds, Lot N. l3'-N. 18'-2-3, Boxleiters Sub. .................................................................................................. Evelyn Mary Oneyear, Lot S. 5'-N. 18'-2.3, Boxleiters Sub. ........ Evelyn Mary Oneyear, Lot S. 40'-2-3, Boxleiters Sub. .................... Henry J. & Doris M. Schmidt, Lot 2-1-1-4, Boxleiters Sub. ........ C. Robert & Leone N. Daack, Lot 2-1-4, Boxleiters Sub. ............ Raymond J. & Elsie E. Unsen, W. %-1-1, Minks Sub. .................... Wm. E. & Erlene Biaser, Lot E. %-1-1, Minks Sub. ........................ Mina B. Fear, Lot 2-1, Minks Sub. ........h.................h................... Raymond J. & Elsie E. Unsen, Lot 1-2, Minks Sub. ........................ Wm. E. & Erlene Blaser, Lot 2-2, Minks Sub. ............................ Julius & Loretta Sprengelmeyer, Lot 1, Mulgrews Sub. ............ Robert C. & Regina Reilly, Lot 2, Mulgrews Sub. ........................ Richard C. & Judith Ann Tigges, Lot 3, Mulgrews Sub. ................ Floyd V. Efferding, Lot 4, Mulgre\v3 Sub. .................................... Floyd V. Efferding, Lot 5, Mulgrews Sub. .................................... Oscar G. & Marie B. Huebsch, Lot 1, Parkway Place .................... Donald E. Bark, Lot 2, Parkway Place ........................................ Eldon F. & Laura M. Kinzie, Lot 1, CoUege Add. ........................ Edward & Ida Hemmer, Lot 2, CoUege Add. ............................ Edward & Ida Hemmer, Lot 3, CoUege Add. ................................ Richard J. Burke & Sarah H. Banfieldt Lot 4, CoUege Add. ........ Richard J. Burke & Sarah H. Banfield, Lot 6, CoUege Add. ........ Richard J. Burke & Sarah H. Banfield, Lot 7, CoUege Add. ........ Duane H. & Marion Russow, Lot 5, College Add. ............................ Fred B. & E. M. Butters, Lot N. 38'-6, Newberry & Hales Sub. .... Karl & Grace B. Richters, Lot S. 12'-6, Newberry & Hales Sub. .... Karl & Grace B. Richters, Lot N. 26'2"-7, Newberry & Hales Sub. Loraine K. & Opal Laugesen, Lot S. 38'.7, Newberry & Hales Sub. ...................................................................................................... Raymond V. & JoAnn M. Huseman, Lot 8, Newberry & Hales Sub. ...................................................................................................... John & Helena Finzel, Lot 9, Newberry & Hales Sub. h.h............. Jas. S. & Cathy Ashland, Lot 22, Newberry & Hales Sub. ............ Wm. V. & Marie M. Gansen, Lot 23, Newberry & Hales Sub......... Robert F. & Karen H. Craig, Lot 1, S. M. Langworthy Add. ........ Albert L. & Leona Holscher, Lot 2, S. M. Langworthy Add. ........ Edward Hayes, Lot W. %-1, Kuehnle's Sub. .................................. A. J. & Cath. Mthm, Lot E. %-1, Kuenle's Sub. .............................. Loyal A. & Berniece Nelson, Lot 2-1-1.7, Min. Lot 159 ................ Raymond & Esther Thissen, Lot 1-2.2-1-7, Min. Lot 159 .............. Alpbonse G. Acker, Lot 1-2-2.2-1-7, Min. Lot 159 ............................ LueUa A. Holz, Lot 2.2.2-2-1.7, Min. Lot 159 470 , I ,ij; ""'Ii-~,..", 473 18.82 32.53 32.53 18.82 .98 13.90 40.94 83.42 197.28 $29,985.98 Excavation (Unclassified), 3,878 cu. yds. @ 1.10 ............................$ 4,263.80 A.C. Surface Course, 995,79 tons @ 9.00 .......................................... 8,962.11 A.C. Binder Course, 997.88 tons @ 9.00 ............................................ 8,980.92 Prime M.C.O., 2,392.77 gals. @ 0.20 .................................................. 478.55 0/." Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 1,484.90 tons @ 2.90 ................ 4,JlO6.21 Manholes Raised, 16 no. of @ 50.00 .................................................. 800.00 Concrete Removal, 15 sq. yds. @ 3.00 .............................................. 45.00 "A.C. Surface Course, 238.01 tons @ 9.00 ........................................ 2,142.09 "A.C. Binder Course, 251.77 tons @ 9.00 ........................................ 2,265.93 ":y." Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 392.35 tons @ 2.90 ................ 1,137.82 "Prime M.C.o., 632.23 gals. @ 0.20 .................................................. 126.45 Sh~~~......................................................................................$33,508.68 5,672.29 $27,836.39 1,948.55 201.04 7% Engineering & Insp. 5% Interest - 52 days -. TOTAL ASSESSABLE ................................................................$29,985.98 All of which is assessed in proportion to the special benefits con. ferred. 'I )11 ,i::!: to by the Publishers, of N otiee of public hearing to consider propos~ a1 to authorize the issuance of street improvement bonds to pay the cost of City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid AsphaltiC Con- crete Paving Project No.1, pre- sented and read. Councilman Ta. kos moved that the proofs of pub- lication be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Ludwig. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 291-64 Resolution providing for the is- suance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of provid. 22.45 9.34 1.12 7.62 336.00 21.80 8.48 Session, December 16, 1964 Adele H. Coleman, Lot 16, Deming & Horr's Sub. ........... Adele H. Coleman, Lot 17, Deming & Horr's Sub. ........... Maurine Farnan, Lot 18, Deming & Horr's Sub. ............... Kath. A. Reilly, Lot 19, Deming & Horr's Sub. ................. Kath. A. Reilly, Lot S.3'.20, Deming & Horr's Sub. .................. Bernadine M. McGrath, Lot N.47'-20, Deming & Horr's Sub. Gunnar Ant, Lot 25, Deming & Horr's Sub. .................................... David J. & Florence L. Willoughby, Lot 26, Deming & Horn SOO. ...................................................................................................... Lucille M; Ruth; & Rev. John Sims, Lot 24, Min. Lot 73 ............ James W. & Leona E. Grant, Lot 1.6, T. S. Nairn's Add. .............. Cyril N. & lone M. Konrardy, Lot 2-2-6, T. S. Nairn's Add. .......... Raymond & Loretta Steinhoff, Lot S.49'9"-2, Kuehnle's Sub....... Arthur J. & Mary Ann Blosch, Lot E.72'-N.9'Z"-Z, Kuehnle's Sub. Raymond & Loretta Steinhoff, Lot W.28'-N.9'2"-2, Kuehnle's Sub. ...................................................................................................... Ralph J.; Harris; Frances E. Allen, Lot All, Leonard Smith Place .................................................................................................... John C. & Helen A. Langel, Lot 1-1-1-2, Caroline BOxleiler's Sub. ....... Special 83.65 153.36 (04.32 411.53 155.92 65.05 39.68 19.00 3.95 11.34 1.72 17.5Z 39.60 83.65 Z02.67 854.70 634.92 317.48 317.18 316.86 211.08 105.54 Total "City 768.77 259.48 258.49 257.48 68.87 671.31 l!2O.10 456.70 Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Riehard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Takos moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Proofs of Publication, certified 264.06 131.94 440.20 456.70 440.20 280.98 306.54 311.05 49.45 3Z8.66 209.83 174.88 74.96 194.86 54.98 249.80 14.87 December 16, 1964 JoIm A. & Elinor VanderMuelen, Lot 12, T. S. Nairn's Add. ...... Paul J. & Frances E. Hevey, Lot 13, T. S. Nairn's Add. ................ Chas. & Ida Rotman, Lot 14, T. S. Nairn'. Add. ............................ Lucille A. Newman, Lot 15, T. S. Nairn'. Add. .............................. Donald J. & Anna C. Sehwirtz, Lot 16, T. S. Nairn's Add. ............ Donald J. & Anna C. Schwirtz, Lot 17, T. S. Nairn's Add. ............ Daniel D. McMullen, Lot 18, T. S. Nairn's Add. .............................. William H. & Ruth M. Vahl, Lot 5.40'-19, T. S. Nairn's Add......... William R. & Rose E. Hall, Lot N.I0'-19, T. S. Nairn's Add. ........ William R. & Rose E. Hall, Lot S. 30'-ZO, T. S. Nairn's Add. ...... Robert E. & Marlene M. Chapman, Lot N.2O'.2O, T. S. Nairn's Add. .................................................................................................... Carl J. & Gertrude W. Kleinschmidt, Lot 28, T. S. Nairn's Add. Dubuque Women's Club, Lot 29, T. S. Nairn's Add. ...................... Susie A. Bissell, Lot 30, T. S. Nairn's Add. ...................................... Susie A. Bissell, Lot 31, T. S. Nairn's Add. ...................................... Susie A. Bissell, Lot 32, T. S. Nairn's Add. .................................... Belle & Sarah Cousin, Lot S. 150'-1, Pauline Langworthy's Sub. John K. & Dorothy Chalmers, Lot E.'h-S.'h-2, Pauline Lang- worthy's Sub. ................... ................................................................. John K. & Dorothy Chalmers, Lot W.'h-S.'h-2, Pauline Lang- worthy's Sub. ................... .......... ....................................................... James J. & Norma J. Renier, Lot E.60'-S.'h3, Pauline Lang- worthy'. Sub. ... ................................................................................. C. George & Dorothea Hoefflin Biasi, Lot W.50'-W.'h-S.',!-3, Pauline I..angworthy's Sub. ............................................................ C. George & Dorothea HoeffJin Biasi, Lot E.25' -S. 'h -24, Pauline Langworthy's Sub. ............................ ................................................ Frank D. Gilloon Jr., Lot W.40'-S.'h-2.-4, Pauline Langworthy's Sub. ...................................................................................................... Fronk D. Gilloon Jr., Lot S.'h-2.-14, Paullne Langworthy's Sub. Edw. L. & Mary M. Chalmers, Lot 1-1.1-14, Pauline Langwor thy's Snb. ................................ ............................................................ Fred W. & E. Woodward, Lot 1, Sub. Lots 1, Z & 3, Julia Lang- worthy's Add. ..................................... .......................................... ..... Fred W. & E. Woodward, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 1, 2 & 3, Julia Lang. worthy's Add. .................. .................................................................. Fred W. & E. Woodward, Lot 3, Sub. Lots 1, 2 & 3, Julia Lang- worthy's Add. ................. ................................................................... Mable Palmer Trustee of Emma Klein Est., Lot N.75'-4, Sub. Lots 1, 2 & 3, Julla Langworthy's Add. ........................................ Susie V. Altman, Lot W.I22'-5t Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .... John Wolfe McGuire, Lot E.4O'-5, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub. John Wolfe McGuire, Lot W.83'.s, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub. Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot E.60'.s, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Sub. ...... .................... ............... ..... ..... ................................. Donald C. Conzet!, Lot W.83'.7, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub. .... Joseph J. & Virginia Evan, Lot E.80'-7, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub. ...................................................................................................... Philip A. & Patricia A. Amidon, Lot l-N.I60'-8, Mrs. L. H. Lang. worthy's Sub. ... .............. ............. ..... ........... .................... .................. Leon T. & Karen L. Burke, Lot 1-2.N.I80'-8, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Sub. ... .......... ..... ..... .... .... .... ... .... ....... ......... ............... ........ ... Leo J. & Lorraine Diener, Lot 22.-N.I60'-8, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Sub. .. .... .... ....... ........ ......... ....... .......... ........ ................ ......... William J. Sr. & Mary Jane Skeely, Lot S.60'-8, Mrs. L. H. Lang. worthy's Sub. . .... ........ ...... ............ ..... ... .... ........... .... .... ........ ........ ...... George Ketoff, Lot I, McCoy's Sub. .................................................. Clara HulJermannt Lot Z, McCoy's Sub. .......................................... Julien Improvement Co., Lot E.35'.3, McCoy's Sub. ...................... Marvin & Flo Mest, Lot W.15'-4, McCoy's Sub. .............................. Marvin & Flo Mest, Lot E.39'.5, McCoy's Sub. ................................ Mabel Gundcrson, Lot W. 11'-5, McCoy's Sub. ................................ Mabel Gunderson, Lot 6, McCoy's Sub. ............................................ Eleanor A. Whalen, Lot 15, Deming & Horr's Sub. Session, Special 472 II ~ . 'G. """"'''r.,..", f ~l 1 t 475 be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then de. liver them to the City Treasurer. 7. That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No. 1251 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said contract. 8. That the interest coupons at- tached to the bonds be signed with the facsimile signature of the Ma- yor and countersigned with the fac- simile signature of the City Clerk. 9. That as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, the City Treasurer is directed to call these bonds in the same order as numbered. 10. Notice of election to call these bonds shall be given by reg- ular United States Mail addressed to the last known address of the purchaser. Passed, Adopted and Approved this 16th day of December 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Mayor's Proclamation of notice of election on annexation, Dubuque, Iowa, pre- sented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the proof of publica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Special Session, December 16, 1964 Dubuque under and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1962 Code of Iowa as amended, and the Resolu- tion of said City duly passed on tbe 16th day of December, 1964, being Resolution No. 291-64. This Bond is one of a series of 274 bonds, 273 for $500.00 num. bered from 5468 to 5740 inclusive, and one for $265.13 numbered 5741, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of improvement of City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No. 1 as described in said Resolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abutting and adjacent property along said improvements and is made by law a lien on all said prop- erty. It is payable only out of the Special Assessment Fund No. 1251 created by the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, prece- dent to and in issuing this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened and performed, in regular and due fonn, as required by law and said Resolution, and for the assessment, collection and payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the City of Dubuque by its Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City to be thereto affixed, this 16th day of January, 1965. (SEAL) Session, December 16, 1964 Street Improvement bonds; and shall bear the date of January 16, 1965; and shall be numbered con. secutively; and they shaU be num. bered, divided into series, and be in such denominations and for such maturity dates as are shown in the following table: 1. 5468 to 5495 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1966. 2. 5496 to 5523 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1967. 3. 5424 to 5551 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1968. 4. 5552 to 5579 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1969. 5. 5580 to 5606 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1970. 6. 5607 to 5633 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1971. 7. 5634 to 5660 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1972. 8. 5661 to 5687 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1973. 9. 5688 to 5714 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1974. 10. 5715 to 5740 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1975. 10. 5741, $265.13, April 1, 1975. 3. Said bonds shaU bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually in accord- ance with coupons thereto at- tached: 4. Said bonds shall not make the City of Dubuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds. 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated therein at the option of the City of Dubuque and shall be in sub- stantially the following form: No. ........... Series No. Mayor ............ City Clerk (Form of Coupon) On thc .......... day of ...................., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom- ises to pay to the bearer, as pro- vided in said bond, the sum of .......... Donars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Du- buque, being ...... months' interest due that date on its .............. Bond No. .......... dated ..................... .......................................................... Mayor .......................................................... City Clerk 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk . ~ CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer hereof, on the first day of .............., or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Du- buque, the sum of Five-Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the pre- sentation and surrender of the in- terest coupons hereto attached. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of ing for the payment of the as- sessed cost of City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1. Whereas the contract here- tofore entered into by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the improve- ment hereinafter described has been completed and the City Man- ager has certified the completion thereof to the City Council and the City Council has ascertained the cost thereof and has deter- mined that $136,765.13 Dollars of the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property subject to assessment therefor; and Whereas public notice, as pro- vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the inten- tion of the City Council to issue bonds for the purpose of provid- ing for the payment of the as- sessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held, pursuant to such notice and all objections made thereto have been considered and determined; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1. That to provide for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of im. proving the following named streets: 1. Carter Road Extension north from a point 600 feet north of Kane Street to the south prop- erty line of West 32nd Street. 2. Clarke Drive from the north property line of West Locust Street to the east property line of North Main Street. 3. Sycamore Street from the north property line of East 16th Street to the north property line of East 14th Street. 4. University Avenue from the west property line of Mt. Pleas- ant Street to a point 93 feet west of the east property line of Lot 1 of the sub. of Lot 1 of Tschirgi & Schwinds Subdivi- sion. 5. West Third street from the east property line of Hill Street to the east property line of North Grandview Avenue. there shall be issued Street 1m- provement bonds in the amount of $136,765.13 Dollars in anticipa. tion of the deferred payment of assessments levied for such im- provement. 2. Such bonds be Special 474 called shall 'IIIt ~ .'*- 477 City Limits on the northwest cor- ner of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 388 in Section 15, T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M. thence west along the north section line of Section 15 a distance of 3958.35 feet to the northwest corner of Section 15 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence west a distance of 1320 feet along the north section line of Section 16, thence south along the east property of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Subdivision for a distance of 1162 feet to the south property line of Old Timers Road, thence northwesterly along the south property line of the Old Timers Road, a distance of 1133.22 feet to the east property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 460, thence 1326.60 feet southwesterly along the east property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 460, thence a dis. tance of 663.30 feet northwesterly along the south property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 459, thence 1510.74 feet southwesterly to the south property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 459, thence 955.68 feet along the south property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 459 to the west section line of Section 16 T. 89N., R. 2E of 5 P.M., thence south along the west section line of Sec- tion 16 a distance of 2640 feet to the southwest corner of Section 16 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence south a distance of 5280 feet along the west section line of Section 21 to the southwest corner of Section 21 T.89N., R. 2E., thence 2640 feet east along the south section line of Section 21 to the northwest corner of the northeast % of Sec- tion 28, thence 1320 feet south along the east property line of the N.E. '14 of the N.W. '14 of Section 28 to the southeast corner of the N.E. '14 of the N.W. '!4 of Section 28, thence east 711.46 feet along the south line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of N.W. '14 of N.E. 'I. of Seetin 28 to the west property line of C. J. Bies Subdivision in Sec- tion 28, T.89N. R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence south 129.56 feet to the southwest corner of C. J. Bies Subdivision, thence east 608.54 feet to the east line of the S.W. 'I. of the N.E. '14 of Section 28, thence south along the west property line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm 1695.44 feet to a point 60 feet north of the center line of the North Lane of Highway 20, thence easterly 60 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Existing RESOLUTION NO. 292-64 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Dubuque today met and canvassed the votes cast at the SPEClAL ELECTlON held on the 15th day of December 1964, at which election, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 236-64, the following question was sub- mitted to the electors of the City of Dubuque. SHALL THE PROPOSITION TO ANNEX THE TERRIT. YES 0 ORY DESCRIBED AS FOL. NO 0 LOWS: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved that the canvass be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. scribed territory adjoining the cor- porate limits of City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa and to be included with the above area are Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 388 in Sec- tion 15 T.89N., R. 2E of 5 P.M. and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 312 in Section 6, T.89N., R. 3E. 5 P.M. "in Resolution No. 236-64 passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, on the 2nd day of November, 1964, be approved?" And herewith submit the report of the results of said canvass. Precincts Yes No Rejects Total First 342 32 3 377 Second 248 25 2 275 Third 70 18 0 88 Fourth 64 19 0 83 Fifth 134 14 0 146 Sixth 307 36 3 346 Seventh 22 5 0 27 Eighth 59 11 1 71 Ninth 51 10 1 62 Tenth 157 16 1 174 Eleventh 121 29 1 151 Twelfth 44 17 0 61 Thirtecnth 139 25 0 164 Fourteenth 129 25 1 155 Fifteenth 89 28 0 117 Sixteenth 409 29 3 441 TOTALS 2385 339 16 2740 Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Horgan Mayor the at "Commencing Special Session, December 16, 1964 a distance of 2640 feet to the south. west corner of Section 16 T.89N. R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence south ~ distance of 5280 feet along the west section line of Section 21 to the southwest corner of Section 21 T. 89N., R. 2E., thence 2640 feet east along the south section line of Section 21 to the northwest corner of the northeast '!4 of Section 28, thence 1320 feet south along the east property line of the N.E. '14 of the N.W. '!4 of Section 28 to the southeast corner of the N.E. 'I. of the N.W. '14 of Section 28, thence east 711.46 feet along the south line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of N.W. '14 of N.E. 'I. of Section 28 to the west property line of C. J. Bies Subdivision in Section 28, T. 89N. R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence south 129.56 feet to the southwest cor. ner of C. J. Bies Subdivision, thence east 608.54 feet to the east line of the S.W. '14 of the N.E. '!4 of Section 28, thence south along the west property line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm 1895.44 feet to a point 60 feet north of the center line of the North Lane of Highway 20, thence easterly 60 feet north of and parallel to the center line of the North Lane of Highway 20, 1330 feet to the west section line of Section 27, thence north 299.84 feet to the south property line of Vacated Union Street, thence 298.96 feet east to the west prop- erty line of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Hawkeye Stock Farm, thence 299.84 feet south, to a point 60 feet north of the centerline of the north lane of Highway 20, thence 300.20 feet easterly along a line 60 feet north and parallel to the centerline of the north lane of Highway 20, thence northerly a distance 299.84 feet to the south property line of Vacated Union Street, thence 491.3 feet easterly along the south prop- erty line of Vacated Union Street, to the west property line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 244 in Section 27 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence southerly 299.84 feet to a point 60 feet north of the center line of the north lane of Highway 20, thence 2972.3 feet easterly along a line 60 feet north and parallel to the center line of the north lane of Highway 20 to existing westerly City Limits of Dubuque, Iowa, all the above de. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of "Official Ballot" City of DUbuque Annexa. tion propOSition as submitted to the voters at the Special Election December 15, 1964, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proof of pUblication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. December 16, 1964 To the Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We have made a pUblic canvass of the election returns on the fol- lowing question submitted to the electors of the City of Dubuque on December 15, 1964. SHALL THE PROPOSITION TO ANNEX THE TERRITORY DE- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: "Commencing at the Existing City Limits on the northwest cor- ner of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 388 in Section 15, T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M. thence west along the north sec- tion line of Section 15 a distance of 3958.35 feet to the northwest corner of Section 15 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence west a distance of 1320 feet along the north sec. tion line of Section 16, thence south along the east property of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Sub- division for a distance of 1162 feet to the south property line of Old Timers Road, thence northwesterly along the south property line of the Old Timers Road, a distance of 1133.22 feet to tbe east property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 460, thence 1326.60 feet southwesterly along the east property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 460, thence a dis- tance of 663.30 feet northwesterly along the south property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 460 to the southeasterly line of Lot 2 of Min- eral Lot 459, thence 1510.74 feet southwesterly to the south prop- erty line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 459, thence 955.68 feet along the south property line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 459 to the west sec- tion line of Section 16 T.89N., R. 2E of 5 P.M., thence south along the west section line of Section 16 476 I ~ 'l'III!IIII!IIIII!!!II!! ~i'.'~'~.' 1111....---- Iii{ Ih !II" II~~ iil:! I"I'! ,I', '.','; .;' ", :::~ 'I !III! I, j:' " I: 'I ! II II liii: 479 to prepare a plat and schedule showing the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's inten- tion to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of Sewer bonds issued upon the above de- scribed improvement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any retained percentage pro- vided for therein. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Takos moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of public hearing to consider proposal to dispose of real estate for right of way purposes along relocated High- way No. 52 known as Oakwood Park Lot 2 in Section 11 Twp 89 N. R. 2E. to the Iowa State High. way Commission for the sum of $180., presented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in the Council Chamber at the time set for the public hearing. Councilman Pfohl moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Council. man Ludwig. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 295-64 WHEREAS, pursuant to Reso. lution and published notice of time Special Session, December 16, 1964 erty line of Woodworth Street. has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection, and preparing the assessment and plat, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the cost of said improve- ment is hereby determined to be $5,956.77. That $3,826.14 - $917.74 defi. ciencies of the cost thereof shall be assessable upon private prop- erty and $1,212.89 cons!. shall be paid for the Sanitation 162-J.l Fund of the City of DubuqL~. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Takos moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. (A Resolution Accepting Improve- ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) RESOLUTION NO. 294.64 WHEREAS, the contract for the Construction of the Montcrest Street Sanitary Sewer from the existing sanitary sewer in Hemp- stead Street, thence w est e r I y through Lot 74 of Part of Mechan- ic's Addition, thence westerly in Montcrest Street to the east prop- erty line of Woodworth Street. has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has been completed according to the terms of the con- tract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and is hereby directed Special Session, December 16, 1964 tor is hereby instructed to file an action in equity in the District Court of Iowa in and for Dubuque County entitled in the name of the City of Dubuque against the own- ers of the above described prop- erty as shown by the plat books in the office of the County Auditor and praying for the annexation of such territory to the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. December 10, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The Montcrest Sanitary Sewer has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications by Smitty's Excavating Service of Du~ buque, Iowa. I recommend the acceptance of the improvement. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenellc City Manager Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. feet north of and parallel to the center line of the North Lane of Highway 20, 1330 feet to the west section line of Section 27, thence north 299.84 feet to the south property line of Vacated Un~ ion Street, thence 298.96 feet east to the west property line of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Hawkeye Stock Farm, thence 299.84 feet south, to a point 60 feet north of the centerline of the north lane of Highway 20, thence 300.20 feet easterly along a line 60 feet north and parallel to the centerline of the north lane of Highway 20, thence northerly a distance 299.84 feet to the south property line of Vacated Union Street, thence 491.3 feet easterly along the south property line of Vacated Union Street, to the west property line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 244 in Section 27 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M., thence southerly 299.84 feet to a point 60 feet north of the center line of the north lane of Highway 20, thence 2972.3 feet easterly along a line 60 feet north and parallel to the center line of the north lane of Highway 20 to existing westerly City Limits of Dubuque, Iowa, all the above de- scribed territory adjoining the corporate limits of City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa and to be in- cluded with the above area are Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 388 in Section 15 T.89N., R. 2E. of 5 P.M. and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 312 in Section 6, T.89N., R. 3E. 5 P.M. "in Resolution No. 236-64 passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, on the 2nd day of November, 1964, be approved?'" WHEREAS the result of such canvass was found to be as follows' REJECTED 16 NO 339 YES 2385 and 478 FINAL ESTIMATE RESOLUTION NO. 293-64 WHEREAS, the contract for the Construction of the Montcrest Street Sanitary Sewer from the existing sanitary sewer in Hemp- stead Street, thence w est e r I y through Lot 74 of Part of Mechan- ic's Addition, thence westerly in Montcrest Street to the east prop- WHEREAS it appears from such canvass that such proposition was adopted by a majority of those vot- ing thereon; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That such proposition is hereby approved and declared to be adopted. Section 2. That the City Solie 1 t ~ I!II w.~~ .- 481 grade as shown by the profile sub. mitted with the plat; (b) To surface Carter Road, St. Anne Drive, Carter Court, Butter- field Road and Ridge Road, as the same appear upon said plat, for a width of 30 feet from curb face to curb face with 6'14 inches con- crete surfacing and with concrete curb and gutter as shown in the City of Dubuque Standard Curb and Gutter Section: (e) To install water mains in ae. cordance with the plans submitted with the plat; Cd) To install sanitary sewers in accordance with plans submitted with the plat; (e) To install sanitary sewer and water house laterals for each lot from the main to behind the prop- erty line; (f) To install storm sewer in ac- cordance with plans submitted with the plat; (g) To construct the foregoing improvements in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Manager, under the in. spection of the City Engineer and in a manner approved by the City Manager; (h) To maintain the street im. provements for a period of four (4) years from the date of their acceptance and to maintain the sanitary sewer and water mains for a period of four (4) years from the date of its acceptance; (1) To provide the foregoing con. struction and maintenance all at the expense of Mettel Realty & In- vestment Co., as owner; (j) To construct said improve. ments prior to June 15, 1965; (k) To install concrete sidewalks on both sides of Carter Road, St. Anne Drive, Carter Court, Butter- field Road and Ridge Road, in ac- cordance with City of Dubuque Standard Specifications for Perma- nent Sidewalks, at owner's expense, prior to Jnne 15, 1966; and further provided that Mettel Realty & In. vestment Co.. as owner of said sub- division, secure the performance of the foregoing conditions by pro- viding security in such sum and with such sureties as may be ac- ceptable to the City Manager; Section 3: That in the event Met- tel Realty & Investment Co. shall fail to execute the acceptance and provide the security provided for in Section 2 hereof, within forty- Session, December 16, 1964 by Mettel Realty & Investment Co. and Whereas upon said plat appear streets and easements which the owner u.pon said plat has dedicated to the public forever, along with easement for the installation of sanitary sewer located on Lot 1 of lot 1 of lot 1 of the Southcast Quarter (SEV.) of the Southeast Quarter (SEV.), Section 21, Town. ship 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M., Dubuque County, Iowa, recorded in Book of Plats 30, page 87 of the Dubuque County, Iowa, records; and Whereas said plat has been ex- amined by tbe City Planning and Zoning Commission and has been approved by said body; and Whereas said plat has been ex- amined by the CIty Council and they find that the same conforms to the statutes and ordinances re- lating thereto, but that the grades have not been established or the streets graded, or the sidewalks, street surfacing, sewer or water mains installed; Section 1. That the dedication of Carter Road, St. Anne Drive, Car- ter Court, Butterfield Road and Ridge Road, together witb the ease. ments for public utilities, as the same appear upon said plat, be and the same are hereby accepted; SeeliG" 2. That the plat of the subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Northerly 649.2 feet of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 258, Section 22, Town- ship 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M.; Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the SWV. of the SWV. of Section 22, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M.; and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the SEV4 of the SEV4 of Section 21, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M. in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, which shall hereafter be known as Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in "Mettel-Link Addition" in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the ap- proval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat, providing the owner of said property, hereinbefore named, executes its written acceptance hereto attached, agreeing (1) To reduce Carter Road, Sl. Anne Drive, Carter Court, Butter- field Road and Ridge Road to Special i I I I Session, December 16, 1964 ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. December 4, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City C9uncil Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission held on November 27, 1964 the follow- ing action was taken: That the final plat of "Block 1, Block 2, Block 3, Block 4, Block 5 and Block 6 in Mettel-Link Addi. tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa" be approved and forwarded to the City Council for action. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque City Planning and Zoning Commission Frank J. Glab, Secretary Councilman Ludwig moved that the recommendation of the Com- mission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 296-64 Resolution Approving the Plet of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 end 6 in uMettel_Link Additionu in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun- ty, lowe. Whereas there has been filed with the City Clerk a plat in which Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the Northerly 649.2 feet of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 258, Section 22, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M.; Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the Southwest Quarter (SWV.) of tbe Southwest Quarter (SWV.) of Section 22t Townsbip 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M.; and Lot 2 of lot 2 of lot 1 of the Southeast Quarter, (SEV4) of the Soutbeast Quarter (SEV.), Sec- tion 21, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M.; all in the City of Dubuque, Du. buque County, Iowa, is platted as Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in "Mettel.Link Addition" in the Gity of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa. From Station 100+01.88+ P.L. to Station 103+02.61 P.l. a strip fifty (50) feet wide, west side. From Station 103+02.61 P. I. to Station 110 + 27 + CLRD, a strip fifty (50) feet wide west side, all located in Section 11, Town- ship 89 Range 2E, Dubuque County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, there being no oral or written objections to such pro- posal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQuE, IOWA: Section 1. That the disposal of interest of City of Dubuque in and to the above described real estate to the Iowa State Highway Com- mission be and the same is here- by approved as such disposal is in the best public interest. SectiG" 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute Quit Claim Deed of City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to deliver the same upon receipt of the sum of $180.00 plus costs of publication. SecliGn3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the Dubuque County Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved the adoption of the Resolution. Second- Special and place of hearing, City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, met on the 16th day of December at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chamber, in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider the proposal to dispose of interest in certain real estate to IOWA STATE lUGHWAY COM- MISSION at which hearing all in- terested persons were afforded an opportuntty to be heard for or against such proposal and wliich real estate is described as follows: 480 ~ ~ tt' ...... .~"_! ~. ~ 483 Special Session, December 16, 1964 Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Mayor Horgan moved that Mrs. Samuel Scott, Rev. W. Cunning- ham, Mrs. Louise Halburton, Bren- dan Forrest, Sr. Mary James Mar- garet BVM and Rev. Richard Otten be reappointed to the Human Re- lations Commission to serve a three year term. Seconded by Coun- cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Mayor Horgan moved that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare a legal opinion on the ques. tion of conflict of interest in the Urban Renewal Program. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. There being no further business Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council man Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Session, December 16, 1964 Name Address CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Harold B. Welter, 534 Rhomberg Avenue Donald E. Wertz, 1545 S. Grand- view AVe. Passed adopted and approved this 16th day of Decembet( 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl m 0 v e d the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays---None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 298-64 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Coun- cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. 482 five (45) days from the date of this Resolution, the provisions hereof shall be null and void and the ac- ceptance of the dedication and ap- proval of the plat shall not be ef- fective. Passed, adopted and approved by unanimous recorded roll call vote this 16th day of December, A. D. 1964. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk To Leo F. Fronunelt, City Clerk: This is to certify that the secur- ity required by the foregoing Reso- lution No. 296-64 has been provid- ed by the owner. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 30th day of December, 1964. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 296-64 Special Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen ...1965. ..1965. l Attest .................city.ci~~k. Approved Adopted Councilmen Name Address CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Harold B. Welter, 534 Rhomberg Avenue Donald E. Wertz, 1545 S. Grand- view BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed by such appli- cants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mettel Realty & Investment Co.. being familiar with the terms and conditions of the foregoing Reso- lution No. 296-64, hereby accepts the same and agrees to perform the conditions required of it therein. Dated this 22nd day of December, A. D., 1964. Mettel Realty & Investment Co. by Isl C. E. Mettel, President and /s/ A. J. Mihm, Sec.-Treas. Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays---None. Absent-Councilman Kean. 297.64 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applica- tions be granted and licenses be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. NO. #- '1.,1. -~ f- 'I I I ! ~ t,. 'Ii ~ ~~1 I 485 Takos. December 21, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The petition of Edward Jenni re- questing the installation of a street light on Fairway Drive has been re- ferred to the city manager and electrical inspector for investiga- tion and report. It is recommended that since the distance between lights is approxi- mately 636 feet, a 4000 lumen in- candescent light should be in- stalled on the existing pole mid- way between St. Ambrose and Bunker Hill Road on Fairway Drive. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. December 23, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of November, as well as a list of claims and pay. rolls for which warrants were is- sued for the month of November, 1964. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved tha t the reports be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Counci men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. ing Lot 1 of Lot 2 and Lot 2 of Lot 2 St. Mary's Place for City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1, presented and read. Coun- cilman Kean moved that the notice be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman December 28, 1964 changes be dinance. Respectfully submitted, Mayor's Industrial Committee Robert Horgan, Mayor, City of Dubuque Don Mueller, Chairman, Board of Dock Commis- sioners Robert Dorothy, Manager Du- buque Industrial Bureau Mayor Horgan moved that the option be granted and refer the communication to the City Solici- tor for proper proceedings. Sec- onded by Councilman pfohl. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Printed City Council proceedings for the month of September 1964 presented for approval. Council- man Kean moved that the Coun- cil proceedings for the month of September 1964 be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. December 18, 1964 Hon. Mayor & City Council Gentlemen: On November 16, 1964, Edwin J. Koerperick filed communication stating that he fulfilled the obli. gations in connection with the four-year period maintenance bond on Forest View Subdivision and re. questing release of said bond. I have reviewed the proceedings and conferred with the City En- gineer and I approve the release of said bond by Edwin J. Koer- perick. or- Special Session, the revised in made December 28, 1964 CITY COUNCIL Absent 28, Present - Mayor Horgan, Coun- cilmen Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Mayor Horgan read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of con- ducting a public hearing on a pro- posal to dispose of Lot 2 of Chern. ieal Subdivision in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, and acting on any other business which may prop- erly corne before a regular meet. ing of the City Council. August 28, 1964 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: In a recent transaction, the in- terests of the Arbor Tool Corpora- tion of Iowa were purchased by the Vulcan Tool Company, a Dayton, Ohio firm. Part of the negotiations hinged upon the approval of the City Council of Dubuque to extend the option period on one acre of ground, formerly held by Arbor, and contiguous with the two acres purchased by Arbor from the City in 1960. (Resolution 1lJ.-61 "Authori- zation to dispose of real estate." Adopted January 16, 1961.) The option granted on the one acre was for five years, expiring in December of 1965. This option was never exercised. Councilman Takos. December OFFICIAL Session, Council Special 1964. Special Session, Special Session, 28, 1964. Board of Healtb met at 7:25 P. M. Present - Chairman Robert J. Horgan, Messrs, James J. Kean, Richard Ludwig, Eldon A. Pfohl. Absent-Mr. Peter J. Takos, Dr. A. J. Entringer. Communication of Iowa State Department of Health issuing mo- bile home park permit to Donald Knapp at 3195 Jackson Street, pre. sented and read. Mr. James J. Kean moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Mr. Richard Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Chairman Robert J. Hor. gan, Messrs. James J. Kean, Rich- ard Ludwig, Eldon A. Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Mr. Peter J. Takos. There being no further business Mr. Richard Ludwig moved that the Board of Health meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Chairman Robert J. Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Chairman Robert J. Horgan, Messrs. James J. Kean, Richard Ludwig, Eldon A. Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Mr. Peter J. Takos. Leo F. Frommelt Clerk Board of Health Adopted ...1965. 1965. Health OFFICIAL December Board of Approved 484 Respcctfully R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Kean moved that the recommendation of the City Attor- ney be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Notice of appeal of final levy of special assessment against St. Mary's Orphan Horne property be- submitted, After reviewing all facets of the transaction and, based upon the apparent contributions Vulcan Tool will make in increased employment and phYSical expansion, the Com- mittee recommends to the City Council that Vulcan Tool Company be granted an extension of the original option to August 31, 1967, a period of approximately three years from date of exchange of property from Arbor Tool to Vul- can Toot and that a new resolution be passed to this effect. We recommend that l Members of Health Bd. of 'i , ~ other no Attest ................................................ Clerk Board of Health. II"'!~... 1 , i~ 487 and providing Penalties for vio- lation hereof, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Counci1~ men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Councilman Kean moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Ludwig. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-CounciIman Ordinance No. 37.64 An Ordinance adopting a fire prevention code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing reg- ulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, and ea. tablishing a Bureau of Fire Pre- vention in the Fire Department of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing officers therefor and defining their powers and duties and providing penalties for violations hereof. Now therefore be it ordained by the City Council of City of Dubu- que, Iowa. Section 1. Adoption of Fire Pre- vention Code. There is hereby adopted by the City Council for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the National Board of FIre Underwriters, being particularly the 1960 edition thereof and the whole thereof, save and except Appendix D thereof which is here- by deleted therefrom, of which code not less than three (3) caples have been and are now filed in the office of the City Clerk of Dubuque, Jowa, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlHng withIn the llmlte of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. Establlahment and Duties of Bureau of Fire Pre- ven tion. a. The Fire Prevention Code shall be f!nforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention In the Fire Department of the City of Dubu- que, lo,va which is hereby estab- lished and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. b. The Chief of the Fire Depart- ment shall be the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The City Fire Marshal shall be an officer of the Fire Department and shall be Chief Inspector of the Bureau of Fire Pr€'Ventlon and Takos. Special Session, December 28, 1964 Takos. Communication of Dubuque Codes Committee, By George E. Deininger, Chairman, recommend- ing the adoption of a Fire Preven- tion Code for the City, said com- munication having been previously presented at the Council meeting of December 7, 1964, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: ing the tracks and therefore would not be a cost to be borne by the city. The cost of the land that we are selling to the Grain Company would amount to approximately $10,000 per acre. The land is from fifty to sixty foot in width and would not be large enough to accommodate industry of any size. The bureau is therefore request- ing that the City compromise and give an additional fifty feet on the west side of the present pro- posed garage property. Dubuque must fight, as competition is very keen, in the procurement of in- dustrial sites. Notice of claim of Jacob P. Douglas, in the amount of $10.00, for car damage incurred as the result of striking a protruding cover over the curb at 2327 Central AVe. on December 26, 1964, pre- sented and read. Councilman pfohl moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Council- Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman 37-64 An Ordinance adopting a fire Prevention Code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing Regu- lations governing Conditions Haz- ardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion, and Establish- ing a Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and pro- viding Officers therefor and de- fining their powers and duties Takas. NO. ORDINANCE Special Session, December 28, 1964 4. One light at the center of the turn around on N orthridge. RespectfulJy submitted, Gilbert D. ChaveneJle, City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that tbe recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Communication of Dubuque Park Board suggesting that when con- struction starts on Grandview Ave- nue that no trees be removed with- out the consent of the Board and that on the east side of Grandview Avenue parking the curb be moved in twelve inches from the present curb and on the west siqe the curb be moved in six inches to protect the present trees from re- moval, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Communication of Dubuque In. dustrial Bureau recommending the sale of 1.91 acres of land situated on the west shore of the Seventh Street Harbor to Continental Grain Co., presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communica- tion be referred to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Council to be held on January 4, 1965. Sec- onded by Councilman pfohl. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Mayor Horgan moved that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address the Coun- cil if they so desire. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl, Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Mr. Robert Dorothy of the in- dustrial Bureau stated that some mention was made of moving the railroad tracks. The Grain Com- panywould stand the cost of mov- EXCAVATION John Jones, American States insur- ance Company Respectfully submittedt Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Ludwig moved that filing of the poliCY be approved subject to tbe approval of the City Solicitor. Seconded by Mayor Hor- gan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. December 28, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The petition of A. J. Ricbard, Richard Construction Company, re- questing permission to install four boulevard type street lights on Northridge Drive has been referred to the city manager and electrical department for investigation and report. It is recommended that the four 175 watt mercury vapor lights be installed by Richard ConstructIon Company at the following loca- tions: 1. One light on lot line between 2811 and 2825 Northridge or Lot 1 and 2 Sunrise Heights. 2. One light between 2837 and 2845 Northridge or between Lots 4 and 5 Sunrise Heights. 3. One light between 2857 and 2867 N orthridge or Lots 7 and 8 Sunrise Heights. Absent-Councilman Takas. Proof of PublicationJ certified to by the Publisher, of Statement of Receipts and a list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of November 1964, pre- sented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the proof of publica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. December 28, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following policy and de- sire to have your approval on same, subject to the approval of the City Solicitor mliM;j.. ,t- 486 "'~'",."" 489 Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the T&le- graph Herald Newspaper this 31st day of December 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. It. 12-31 Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed hy Councilman pfohl. Carried by the foUowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. ORDINANCE NO. 39-64 An OrdinanCle Prescribing Regu- lations for the use of the City of Dubuque Municip~1 Parlcing Garage, fixing Fees for use thereof, Prescribing Powers of City Mana9ft' in connection therewith, and providing penal. ties for violation thereof, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be consid- ered the first reading of the Ord- t proper, having due regard to the traffic surface and width of the streets and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive any vehicle at a speed BTea- ter than wUl pennit him to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead, such drlver having the right to assume, how- ever, that all persons using such streets will obse-rve the law. The following shall be the law- ful speed except as hereinbefore or hereinafter modified, and any speed in excess thereof shall be unlawful. 1. Twenty miles per hour in any business district except aa provided in Subsections 5, 6 and 8. 2. Twenty-five mlles per hour in any residence on school dis- trict except as provided in Sub- sections 5, 6 and 8. 3. Forty miles per hour for any motor vehicle drawing another ve- hicle in any district or on any street where the lawful speed is in excess of forty miles per hour. 4. Forty-five miles per hour In any suburban district. 5. Thirty-five miles per hour on Locust Street between Southern A venue and Dodge Street. "6. Fifty-five miles per hour for southbound vehicles on Kerrigan Road from Southern A venue to the City Limits and for northbound vehicles on Kerrigan Road from the City Limits to Mt. Carmel Road. 7. Fifteen mnes per hour In Grandview Park, Eagle Point Park and Flora Park. 8. Thirty-five miles per hour on Dodge Street from Bluff Street to the westerly City Limits." Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, A.D" 1964. Special Session, December 28, 1964 Robert J. Horgan Mayor Rich8lrd Ludwig Eldon A Pfohl James j. Kean Councilmen An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 by repealing Sec- tion 8.1 thereof and enacting a New Section 8.1 in lieu thereof fixing speed limit on Dodge Street at Thirty-five miles per hour from Bluff Street to the westerly city limits of City of Dubuque, and Fixing speed lim~ it in other areas of City of Du- buque, Iowa, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the foUowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays---None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 38-64 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33-49 BY RE- PEALING SECTION 8.1 THERE- OF AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 8.1 IN LIEU THEREOF FIXING S PEE D LIMIT ON DODGE STREET AT THIRTY- FIVE MILE PER HOUR FROM BLUFF STREET TO THE WES- TERLY CITY LIMITS OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND FIXING SPEED LIMIT IN OTHER AREAS OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49 be and the same is hereby amended by repealing Section 8.1 thereof and enacting a new section 8.1 In lieu thereof, as follows: "8.1 Any person driving a motor vehicle on any street of this City shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater than or less than is reasonable and Published officially in the Tele- graph Herald Newspaper this 31st day of December, 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 1 t. 12-31 Councilman Kean moved the fin- al adoption of the Ordinance. Sec. onded by Councilman Ludwig. Car. ried by the foUowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays---None. Absent-Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 38-64 ~ 1964 any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no ap_ peal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Councilor by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shan severally for each and every such violation and non- compliance respectively. be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not mor€' than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by imprisonment for not more than Thirty (30) days. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue: and all such persons shall be required to cor- rect or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time: and when not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited con- ditions are maintained shall con- stitute a separate offense. b. The application of the above '(lenalty shall not be held to pre- vent the enforced removal of pro- hibited conditions. Section 8. Repeal of conflicting Ordinances. All former ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordin- ance or of the code hereby adopt- ed are hereby repealed. Section 9. Non-Repeal of Or- dinances. None of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to re- peal any more stringent require- ments of the Building Code of the City of Dubuque or any other Or- dinances of the City or statutes of the State of Iowa. Section 10. Validity. The Ci ty Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby declares that should any section, para- ,raph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance or of the Code hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have passed all other portions of this Ordinance independent of the elim- ination herefrom of any such por- tion as may be declared Invalid. Section 11. Emergencies. Where a situation requires im- mediate decision, that of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be final and conclusive. Section 12. SpecIal Conditions. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have full power to exercise his own judgment in a reasonable and proper manner and rule accordingly on all special cases in regard to any of the matters and things treated In this Ordinance not specifically covered thereby. Section 13. Date of Effect. This Ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its approval as requiretl by law, adoption and publication as re- quired by law. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring read. tng on three separate days su- spended by unanimous vote the 28th day of December, 1964. Passed by recorded roll calI vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen 28, Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Special Session, December shall be appointed by the Chief of the Fire Department. c. The Chief of the Fire Depart. ment shall detaU all Officers and such other Members of the Fire Department as Inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. d. A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the chief ex- ecutive officer of the municIpality: it shall contain all proceedings under this code, with such statis- tics as the Chief of the Fire De- partment may wish to include therein: the Chief of the Fire De- partment shall also recommend an}' amendments to the code which, in his judlrment shall be desirable. Section 3. Definitions. &. "Wberever the word "Munici- paUty" is used in the Fire Pre- vention Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Dubuque, Iowa. b. Where"\'"er the term "Corpora. tion Counsel" is used in the Fire Prevention Code, it shall be held to mean the Attorney for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 4. Modifications. The ChIef of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have power to modify any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code upon ap- plIcation in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code, provided that the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification when granted or aHowed and the decision of the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bu- reau thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Department and a signed copy shalI be furnished the applicant. Section 5. Appeals. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall disapprove an applieation or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may ap- peal from the deCIsion of the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Council within ten (10) days from the date of the decision appeoaled. Such appeal to the City Council shaH be made In writing setting forth the decision appealed from and the grounds or basis for such appeal.. Section e. New Materials. The Building Commissioner, the Chief of the Fire Department, and the Fire Marshal shaH act as a committee to determine and spec- ify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or oc- cupancies, which shall require permits, In addition to those now enumerated in said code. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Pre- vention shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office, and distribute copies thereof to inter- Bsted persons. Section 7. Penalties. a. Any person who shall violate any of the prOVisions of the code hereby adopted or fall to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build In violation of any detailed statement of speclficationl!l or plans submit- ted and approved thereunder, or ~- 111IIIIIIII . I~~.. 'I . ,;~, ',> "'Ilal :, ., . 488 Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 40-64 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TRAFFIC AND REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA, PRESCRIBING REGULA- TIONS RELATIVE TO THE PARKING OF VEHICLES UPON SUCH STREETS: PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE, RENTAL, INSTALLATION. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, SUPERVISION, REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE USE OF PARKING ME- 'I'ERS: DEFINING AND PROVID- ING FOR THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF PARKING METER ZONES UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND FOR AN EN_ FORCEMENT THEREOF AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF: AND FOR THE REPEAL OF OR- DINANCES NUMBER 7-47, NUM- BER 30-47, NUMBER 2-56, NUM- BER 47-57, NUMBER 9-59, NUM- BER 51-59, NUMBER 8-60 AND NUMBER 32-61. WHEREAS, because of traffic conditions that have existed in cer- taIn sections of the City of Du- buque, the free movement of traf- flc in those sections is, and has been, impeded for a long perIod of time; and vVHEREAS, it is necessary to regUlate parking in said areas in order to promote the public safe- ty and welfare. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, that: Section 1. Definitions. 'Vhenever the following terms are used in this Ordinance they shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this section: Street. Every way set apart for public travel, except alley ways, bridle paths and foot paths. Roadway. That portion of a street between the regularly estab- lished curb lines. Sidewalk. That portion of a street between the curb lines and the adjacent property line. Vehicle. Any device by whIch any person or property may be transported upon a public highway, except those operated upon rails and permanent tracks. Parking Meter. A mechanical de- vice located upon a public street or sidewalk in a place regularly de- signed as a parking meter space as hereinafter defined, which de- vice shall indicate a certain num_ ber of minutes by the use of a clock mechanism upon the deposit of required coin or coins in the device, thus determining the peri- od of time for which parking privi- leges are extended to a person de- positing such coin or coins. Person. The word "person" shan mean and include any individual, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation. Parking Meter District. Those streets in the City of Dubuque upon which parking meters are lo- cated and parking meter spaces are marked off. Parking Meter Spaces. A cer- tain designated and marked off section of the public street where a 491 following Counci December 28, 1964 Ludwig. vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman the Carried by Session be in full force and effect from and after its final passage, adop- tion and pUblIcation as required by law. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember. 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. ROBERT J. HORGAN Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG ELDON A. PFOHL JAMES J. KEAN Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk published officially in The Tele- graph_Herald Newspaper this 31st day of December, 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Special ~ I It. 12-31 Councilman Kean moved the fin- al adoption of the Ordinance. - Sec- onded by Councilman Ludwig. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordin- ance. Seconded by Councilman Lud- wig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Councilman Kean moved that the rule reqUiring reading of an Ordin- ance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman 40-64 An Ordinance relating to Traffic and Regulating the Use of Public Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing Regulations relative to the Parking of vehicles upon such streets: Pro~ viding for the purchase, Rental, Installation, Operation, Main~ tenance, Supervision, Regulation and Control of the use of Park- ing meters: Defining and Pro- viding for the Establishment of Parking Meter Zones upon the public streets and for an enforce- ment thereof and providing pen alties for the violation thereof; and for the repeal of Ordinances Number 7-47, Number 3()'47, Number 2.56, Number 47-57, Number 9-59, Number 51-59, Number 8-60 and Number 32-61, ORDINANCE NO. four hours in a single parking pe- riod, except that the City Man- ager may reserve certain parking spaces therein to tenants upon a month to month basis upon pay_ ment in advance of the monthly rental charge. S~c~ion 7. No person, firm, as- SOCIatIOn or corporation shall clean out or wash motor vehicles change tires, -change oil or mak~ repairs to any motor vehicle parked in the Municipal Parking Garage, except such necessary work to start or move a. motor vehIcle from the parking garage may be permitted for such purpose only. Section 8. The City Manager shall designate the hours during which the Parking Garage will be open for transient parking busi_ ness. He shall publish notice of such hours by prominently dis- playing such notice within the Parking Garage. The City Man_ ager shall keep the City Coun- cil informed of the hours of open- ing and closing thereof or any change of such hours. It is in- tended hereby that regular service hours shall be established for the operation of the Parking Garage, but in addition, permit such flex- Ibility in the established hours so that the MunicIpal Parking Ga- rage can be operated according to service demand, special events and holiday shopping requirements. Section 9. The City Manager, with the approval of the City Council, shall fix and establish the fees and charges for parking of motor vehicles in the Municipal Parking Garage. Such fees and charges shall be published by post- Ing thereof prominently within the Municipal Parking Garage. Section 10. When such parking spaces are established and marked and the appropriate devices for the collection of fees and charges and the regulation of motor ve- hicles have been installed and parking rates have been estab- lished and posted, then it shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance for any person, firm, as- socIation or corporation to cause, allow, permit or suffer any mo- tor vehicles registered in the name of such person, firm, association or corporation to be parked in the Municipal Parking Garage without payIng the required fee as estab- lished. On particular occasion, times or days, the Municipal Park_ Ing Garage may be opened to the general public without fee pay- ment, at such times it shall be lawful for any person to allow or permit any vehicles, registered in such person's name to be parked in the Municipal Parking Garage wIthout payment of fee. Section 11. It shall be the duty of the City Manager to appoint some person or persons to operate the Municipal Parking Garage, keep records of its operation, col- lect fees, record and deposit such fees and place them in the Park- ing Meter Fund. Section 12. Any person vIolating any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00, or upon failure to pay such fine, shall be imprisoned for a perIod not ex- ceeding 30 days. Section 13. This Ordinance shaI' December 28, 1964 inance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring reading of an Ord- inance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent - Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 39_64 Special Session, 490 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGE, FIXING FEES FOR USE THERE- OF, PRESCRIBING POWERS OF CITY MANAGER IN CONNEC- TION THEREWITH, AND :i:'RO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLA- TION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Manager shall cause to be installed In the Municipal Parking Garage appro- priate devices to provide for the collection of fees and the regula_ tion, control and inspection of motor vehicles parked therein. Section 2. Each motor vehicle parked in the Municipal Parking Garage shall be parked within such parking spaces as are es- tablished and designated by ap- propriate markings and each mo- tor vehIcle operated or moved therein and therefrom shall be operated or moved within the traffic lanes established and desig- nated by approprIate markings. It shall be prohibited for any person, firm, association or corporation to cause, allow, permit or suffer any motor vehicle registered in the name of such person, firm, associa- tion or corporation to be parked In the Municipal Parking Garage in a position not entirely within such marked parking spaces or in such a manner as will obstruct free movement of motor vehicles in such m8lrked traffic lanes. Section 3. No motor vehicle shall be backed into a parkIng space except in those spaces which are laid off at right angles to the designated traffic lanes. Section 4. No operator of a truck vehicle, other than a pickup truck, shall operate or drive such truck vehicle into or in the Municipal Parking Garage. Section 5. No operator of any motor vehicle having projections therefrom in excess of six feet eleven inches in height or which is in excess of six feet eleven inches (6'11") in height, shall operate or drive into or in the Municipal ParkIng Garage, such motor vehicle. Section 6. Use of the Municipal Parking Garage shall be limited to the parking and storage of mo- tor vehicies for a period not to exceed the maximum of twent- "W'~'tii 1 J I - ~ ~ '1 493 6.5.5. Iowa Street, both sides, between 2nd and Srd Streets. 6.5.6. Central Avenue, both sides, between 3rd and 4th Streets. 6.5.7. Second street, both sides, between Iowa and Main Streets. 6.5.8. 3rd Street, south side, be- tween Iowa and Main Streets. 6.5.9. 4th Street, south side, be- tween Locust and Bluff Streets. 6.5.10 5th Street, both sides, be- tween \Vhite Street and Central Avenue. 6.5.11 5th Street, both sides, between Locust and B I u f f Streets. 6.5.12 6th Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral A ven\1e. 6.5.13 7th Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.5.14 8th Avenue, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.5.15 8th Avenue, south side, from a point 300 feet westerly of Bluff Street to University Avenue. 6.5.16 9th Street, both sides, between White Street to Central Avenue. 6.5.17 9th Street, both sides, from a point 300 feet westerly of Bluff Street to University AV€J!!1e. ms 10th Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.5.19 11th Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.5.20 12th Street, both sides, between Main and Bluff Streets. 6.5.21 13th Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.5.22 13th Street, both sIdes, between M a i n and Locust Streets. 6.6 PARKING METER DISTRICT F: 6.6.1. At scattereo. locations withIn Parking Zones A, B, C, D, E, and F, such as street corners, bank teller windows and locations of heavy short interval errand traffic. Section 7. Subject to the limita- tions provided in this Ordinance parking meters when installed and properly operated, shall show legal parking upon and after the deposit of United States coin In accord- ance with the following schedule: 1. PARKING METER DISTRICT A, such meters shall show legai parking for 6 minutes upon the deposit of each one cent coin, or 30 minutes upon the deposit of one five cent coin, but not more than a to1:a.l of 30 minutes at anyone time; 2. IN PARKING METER DIS- TRICT B, such meters shall show legal parking for 6 minules upon the deposit of each one cent coin, 30 minutes upon the deposit of each five cent coin, or 60 minules upon the deposit of one ten cent coin, but not more than a total of 60 minutes at anyone time. 3. IN PARKING METER DIS- TRICT C, such meters I!lhall show legal parkIng for 12 minutes upon the deposit of each one cent coin, or 60 minutes upon the deposit of one five cent coin, but not more than a total of 60 minutes at anyone time; 4. IN PARKING METER DIS- TRICT D, such meters shaH Special Session, December 28, 1964 Street from West First Street, south for a distance of 210 feet. 6.4.8, The east side of Main Street from West First Street, south for a distance of 360 feet. 6.4.9. Main Street, both sides, between 11th and 13th Streets. 6.4.10 Iowa Street, both sides, between 3rd and 5th Streets. 6.4.11 Iowa Street, both sides, lJetween 9th Street and Loras Boulevard. 6.4.12 Central Avenue, both sides, between 4th and 18th Streets. 6.4.13 First Street, both sides, between Main and Lac u s t Streets. 6.4.14 Second Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets. 6.4.15 Third Street, north side, between Iowa and L 0 c u s t Streets. 6.4.16 Third Street, south side, between M a i n and Locust Streets. 6.4.17 Fourth Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen- tral Avenue. 6.4.18 Fourth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and Locust Street. 6.4.19 Fifth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Locust Street. 6.4.20 Sixth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Iowa Street. 6.4.21 Seventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Iowa Street. 6.4,22 Eighth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Iowa Street. 6.4.23 Eighth Street, north side, between Bluff Street and Uni- versity Avenue. 6.4.24 Eighth Street, south side, from Bluff Street west for a distance of apprOXimately 300 feet. 6.4.25 Ninth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Iowa Street. 6.4.26 Ninth Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to a point 300 feet westerly of Bluff Street. 6.4.27 Tenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Iowa Street. 6.4.28 Tenth Street, south side, between Locust and Bluff Street. 6.4.29 Eleventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Bluff Street. 6.4.30 Twelfth Street, north side, from Central Avenue to Iowa Street. 6.4.31 Twelfth Street, south side, from Iowa Street to Main Street, 6.4.32 Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Main Street. 6.4.33 Fifteenth Street, both sides, one-half block east and west of Central Avenue. 6.4.34 Sixteenth Street, both sides, one-half block east and west of Central Avenue. 6.4.35 Seventeenth Street, south side, one-half block east and west of Cen tral A ven ue. 6.5 PARKING METER DISTRICT E: 6.5.1. Bluff Street, both sides, between 4th and 5th Streets. 6.5.2. Bluff Street, both sides, between 11th and 12th Streets. 6.5.3. Locust Street, both sidee, between 12th Street and Loras Boulevard. 6.5.4. Main Street, both sides, between 13th Street and Loras Boulevard. ~ 11_.- '_1 December 28, 1964 E. Locust Street, east side be- tween 11th and 12th Streets F, All meters north of 12th Street except those located on Central, 15th, 16th, and 17th Streets, Section 6(a)The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply on holidays, and the term "holiday" shall include the following days only: the first day of .January, the 30th day of May, the fourth of .July, the first Monday in Septem- ber, ThanksgIving Day and the twenty-fifth day of December. Section 6. There are hereby es- tablished six Parking Meter Dis- tricts in the City of Dubuque, to be known as Parking Meter Dis_ tricts A, B, C, D, E and F, as follows: 6.1 PARKING METER DISTRICT A: 6.1.1. Both sides of Locust be- tween 7th and 8th Street. 6.1.2. East side of Locust Street between 8th and 9th Street. 6.1.3. Both sides of Main Street between 7th and 10th Street. 6.1.4. Both sides of Seventh Street between Main and Locust Street. 6.1.5. North side of Eighth Ave- nue between Iowa and Locust Streets. 6.1.6. Ninth Street, both sides, between M a i n and Locust Str"i!ets. 6.2 PARKING METER DISTRICT B. 6.2.1. Eighth Avenue, south side between Locust and Biuff Street. 6.2.2. Ninth Street, north side, between L 0 c u stand Bluff Streets. 6.2.3. Locust Street, both sides, between N i nth and Tenth Streets. 6.3 PARKING METER DISTRICT C: Bluff Street, both sides, Seventh and Eighth 6.3.1. between Streets. 6.3.2. Bluff Street, west side, between Eighth and N I nth Streets. 6.3.3. Locust Street, both sIdes, between 6th and 7th Streets. 6.3.4. Main Street, both sides. between 2nd and 7th Streets. 6.3.5. Main Street, both sides, between 10th and 11 th Streets. 6.3.6. Iowa Street, both sides, between 5th and 9th Streets. 6.3.7. Sixth Street, both sIdes, between Iowa and Bluff Streets. 6.3.8. Seventh Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main Streets. 6.3.9. Seventh Street, both sides, between Locust and Bluff Streets. 6.3.10 Ninth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main Streets. 6.3.11 Tenth Street, both sides, between Iowa and L 0 c u s t Streets. 6.4 PARKING METER DISTRICT 0: 6.4.1. Bluff Street, east side, between 5th and 6th Streets. 6.4.2. Bluff Street, both sides, between 6th and 7th Streets. 6.4,3. Bluff Street, west side, between 9th and 11th Streets. 6.4.4. Bluff Street, east side, between 10th and 11th Streets. 6.4.5. Locust Street, both sides, between 3rd and 6th Streets. 6.4.6. Locust Street, both sides, between 10th and 12th Streets. 6.4,7. The west side of Main Special Session vehicle may be temporarily parked and allowed to remain for such time as the parking meter at- tached thereto may indicate. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to install parking meters in all park- ing meter districts hereby estab- lished by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa for the purpose of and in such numbers and at such places as may be nec- essary to the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein including the res- ervations of loading zones for com~ mercial vehicles. Section 3. Parking meters in- stalled in the parking meter dis~ tricts shall be installed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the marked parking meter spaces and each parking meter shall so be constructed and adjusted as to show when properly operated a signal that the space adjacent to which Is installed is or is not legally in use. Each parking meter shall indicate by proper legend the legal parking time established by the City and when operated shall indicate on and by its dial and pointer the duration of the period of legal parking and on the expira- tion of such period shall indicate illegal or overtime parking. Section 4. The City Manager shall have lines or markings paint~ ed or fixed upon the curb or upon the street adjacent to each parking meter designating the parking space for which saId meter is to be used and each vehicle parked adjacent to any parking meter shall park within said lines or markings. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or marking or to park said vehicle in such a position that the same shall not be entirely within the space designated by such lines or markings. Section 5. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this Ordinance for any person to cause, anow, permit or suffer any motor vehicle registered in such person's name or operated or con- trolled by such person to be upon any street within a parking meter space adjacent to a parking meter while said meter is displaying a sIgnal indicating that the motor vehicle occupying such parking space has been parked beyond the period prescribed for such park- ing spaces. Said parking meter shan be operated to show legal parking in said parking meter zones between the hours of 8 :00 o'clock A.M. and 6:00 o'clock P,M. on TueSday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday days of each week and between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M. and 9:000'clock P.M. on Monday and Friday days of each week, except at such spaces hereinfater enumerated, in which the parking meter shall be operated to show legal parking during the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M. and 6:00 o'clock P.M. on M 0 n day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, li'riday and Saturday days of each week, which spaces are as follows, to wit: A. Bluff Street, both sides be- tween 4th and 5th Streets B. Bluff Street, west side be- tween 6th Street and 8th Avenue C. Bluff Street, west side, be- tween 9th Street and the south- erly end of City Parking Lot #, D. Locust Street, west side be- tween 4th and 5 th Streets ,',*, 11'11r1ir- * 492 ~ ~ 495 association or corporation to cause, allow. permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of such person, firm, association, or corporation to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal park- ing time established for any park- ing lot as herein described, or to deposit in any parking meter any coin for the purpose of parking beyond the maximum legal parking time for the particular parking lot. Section 5. That the various muni- cipally owned Parking Lots in the City of Dubuque shall be desig- nated numerically as follows: Lot No. 1. The lot situated between Ninth and Tenth Streets and Iowa Street and Central Avenue. Lot No.2. The lot situated at the northwest corner of Ninth and Bluff Streets and running paral- lel to Ninth Street. Lot No.3 The lot situated at the northwest corner of Fifth and Bluff Streets. Lot No.4. The lot situated at the southwest corner of Fourth and Iowa Streets. Lot No.5. The lot situated on the middle 1/5 of Out Lot 448 in the City of Dubuque. Lot No.6. The lot situated on the southwest corner of Eleventh and Bluff Streets. Section SA. Parking meters on municipally owned parking lots, when InstaIled and properly oper- a ted, shall show legal parking upon and after the deposit of the United States coins, in accordance \vith the following schedule: 1. On Parking Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, i, and 6, such meters shall show legal parking for one hour upon the deposit of each five cent coin, two hours upon the deposit of each ten cent coin, and five hours on the deposit of one twenty-five cent coin, but not more than a total of ten hours at anyone time. The maximum legal parking time limit for anyone vehicle at anyone time shall be ten hours 2. On Parking Lot No. 5 such meters shall show legal parking for twelve minutes upon the deposit of each one cent coin, one hour upon the deposit of each five cent coin, and two hours upon the deposit of one ten cent coin, but not more than a total of two hours at any one time. The maximum legal parking time limit for anyone ve- ~icle at anyone time shall be two hours. Section 6. It shall be unlawful to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slug, device, or any metallic substitute for any United States coin. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to open, or for any person to deface ,Injure, tamper with, or wilfully break, de- stroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed pursu- ant to this Ordinance, or to hitch any animals thereto. Section 8. It shall be the duty of the police, under the direction of the Chief of Police to keep account of all violations of this Ordinance. (a) He shall keep an account of and report the number of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the date and hour of such violation, the make and the State License number of Special Session, December 28, 1964 Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring reading an Ord- inance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: - Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. ORDINANCE NO. 41-64 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIB- ING REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED PARKING LOTS, CHARGING A FEE THERE- FOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TH1; VIOLA~ TION THEREOF, A~D RE- PEALING ORDINA~~CES NO. 26~51; 61-57; 31-61; and 47-63. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to instaU parking meters in all mu- niCipally owned parking lots for the purpose of, and in such num- bers, and at such places as may be necessary to the regulation, con- trol and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein. Section 2. Such parking meters shan be installed immediately ad~ jacent to the individual parking spaces hereinafter described, and each parking meter shall be so con- structed and adjusted as to show when properly operated, a signal that the space adjacent to which it is installed is or is not leg-ally in use. Each parking meter in~ stalled shall indicate on and by its dial the duration of the period of I('gal parking and on the expira- tion of such period shall indicate illegal or overparking. Section 3. The City Manag-er shall establish and designate by suitable markings, parking spaces and traf- fic lanes on said municipally own- ed parking lots and each vehicle parking in such parking lots shall park within such parking spaces. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any municipally owned parking lot in such a position that the same shall not be entirely within such parking space or in such a manner that it shall ob- struct the free movement of ve- hicles over such traffic lanes Section 4. When such parking spaces are so established and marked and parking meters in- stalled adjacent thereto, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of such person, firm, association, or Corporation to be parked within such space for the time during which the meter is showing a sig- nal indicating that such space is illegally in use other than such time as is nec-essary to place such meter in operation on Tuesday, "Vednesday, Thursday and Satur. day between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. and on Monday and Priday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. except Holidays. It shall be unlawful and a vi<?- laUon of the provisions of thiS Ordinance for any person, firm, Special Session, December 28, 1964 It. 1/i) Councilman Kean moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 41-64 Takos. An Ordinance Prescribing Regu- lations for the use of the Munici. pally owned Parking Lots, Charg- ing a fee therefor and Providing a Plenalty for the Violation there- of, Bind Repealing Ordinances No. 26.51; 61-57; 31-61; and 47. 63, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman deposited in saId parking meters and to deliver the money to the City Treasurer, and it shall also be the duty of the City' Treasurer to count the money and place it in a special fund known as the Park. fng Meter Fund. Such person or persons making such collections shall be included in and covered by the City's Honesty Blanket Posi~ tion Bond. Section 14. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or in- valid, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Section 15. Ordinance Number 7- 47, Number 30.47, Number 2-56, Number 47-57, Number 51-59, Number 8-60, Number 32-61 and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances or Resolutions in conflict with the Drovisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 16. This Ordinance shan be in fun force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by law provided. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 28th day of Dec. cember, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. ROBERT J. HORGAN Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG ELDON A. PFOHL JAMES J. KEAN Councilmen Attel:>t: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published Officially in the Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 5th tiay of January 1965. LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk. s how legal parking for 12 minutes upon the deposit of each one cent coin, 60 minutes upon the deposit of each five cent coin or 120 minutes upon the deposit of one ten cen t coin, but not more than a total of 120 minutes at anyone time; 5. IN PARKING METER DIS- TRICT E. such meters shall s how legal parking for 60 minutes upon the deposIt of each five cent coin, 2 hours upon the deposit of each ten cent coin, or 5 hours upon the deposit of each twenty-five cent coin, but not more than a totai of 10 hours at anyone time. 6. IN PARKING METER DIS- TRICT F, such meters shall s how legal parking for 6 minutes upon the deposit of each one cent coin, but not more than a totai of 12 minutes at anyone time. Section 8. Between the hours and on the days stated in Section 5, regardless of whether the parking meter shows legal parking, no ve~ hlcle shall be parked in a parking meter space at anyone time for longer than the following periods of time, within the following Park- ing Meter Districts: Not longer than 30 minutes in Parking Meter District A Not longer than one hour in ParkIng Meter District B Not longer than one hour in Parking Meter District C Not longer than two hours in Parking Meter District D Not longer than ten hours in Parking Meter District E Not longer than twelve minutes in Parking Meter District F Section 9. It shall be unlawful to deposit, or cause to be deposited. in any parking meter any slug-, device or substitute for a United States coin. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to open, or for any person to deface, injure or tamper with, or wilfully break, destroy or impair the use- fulness of any parking meter in- stalled pursuant to this Ordinance, or to hitch any animals thereto. Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Police Department under the direction of the Chief of Po- lice to keep account of all viola- tions of this Ordinance. a) Police shall keep an account of and report the number of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicles occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is or has been parked in vo- lation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the date and hour of such violation, the make and the State License number of such vehicle and any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such vio- lation. b) Police shall attach to such vehicle a summons card stating that it has been parked in viola- tion of this Ordinance. Section 12. Any person violating any proviSions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guU ty of a mis- demeanor ,and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not eceeding $100.00 and upen failure to pay said fine shall be imprisoned for a period not ex. ceedin~ thirty days. Section 13. It shall be the duty of the City Manager to designate some person or persons to make regular collections of the money , -'~ij~~~ 494 I; ~ 497 it. 12-31 Councilman Kean moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. 44-64 An Ordinance Amending Ordin. ance No. 33-49 as amended, known as the "Traffic Code" of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Sec-, fion 16.6 thereof and enacting a new section 16.6 in lieu there- of governing the parking of mot- or vehicles in a partc:ing meter space adjacent to .a parking meter and limiting the time dur- ing which a motor vehicle may be parked therea~ presented and read. Councilman Kean moved thatl the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper tMs 318t day of December 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk force and effect from its final passage, adop- pUblication 8.8 by law be in full and after tion and provided. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1964. Pssed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. ROBERT J. HORGAN Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG ELDON A. PFOHL JAMES J. KEAN Councilmen NO. ORDINANCE December 28, 1964 Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring reading of an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graph Herald Newspaper thIs 31st day of December 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. It. 12-31 Councilman Kean moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman An Ordinance A,mending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the "Traffic Code" by adding a new section 105 to Schedule VI thereof prohibiting parking on the north side of Loras Boule- vard from Henion Street to Alta Vista Street, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring reading of an Ord- inance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Mayor Horg- an. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 43-64 .A..'l ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33-49 OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. KNOWN AS THE "TRAFFIC CODE" BY ADD- ING A NEW SECTION 105 TO SCHEDULE VI THEREOF PROHIBITING PARKING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LORAS BOULEVARD FROM HENION STREET TO ALTA VISTA STREET. NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN- cIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the "Traffic Code" be and the same is hereby amend- ed by adding a new Section HIS to Schedule VI thereof as fol- lows: "Schedule VI. 105 On the north side of Loras Boulevard from Henion Street to Alta Vista Street." Section 2. This Ordinance shall Special Session, Takas. ORDINANCE NO. 43-64 ORDINANCE NO. 42-64 An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the Traffic Code" by adding a new Section hh to Schedule II there- of, DeSignating EleVenth Street as a through Street from the east property line of White Street Eastwardly to the present term. inus of Eleventh Street, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Councilman Kean moved that the rule requiring the reading of an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 42-64 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33-49 OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, KNOWN AS THE "TRAFFIC CODE" BY ADDING A NEW SECTION hh TO SCHEDULE II THEREOF. DE S ION ATING ELEVENTH STREET AS A THROUGH STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERY L I N E OF WHITE STREET EASTWARDLY TO THE PRESENT TERMINUS OF ELEVENTH STREET. NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the ''Traffic Code" be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new SectIon hh to Schedule II thereof as fol- lows: "SCHEDULE II. hh. Eleventh Street from the east property line of White Street easta..rdly to the present easterly terminus of Eleventh Street." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by law provi- ded. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by una- nimous vote the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Passed by recorded ,roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Special Session, December 28, 1964 such vehicle, and any other facts a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such vio- lation. (b) He shall attach to such ve- hicle a Summons card stating that It has been parked in violation of this Ordinance, and instructing the owner or operator to report to the Traffic Violation Bureau in the City Hall City of Dubuque, Iowa, not later than 9:00 o'clock A.M. the fOIlowing. morning in regard to 'iluch violation. Section 9. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $100.00 and upon failure to pay said fine shall be imprisoned for a period not ex- ceeding thirty (30) days. The word "person" herein shall include in- dividual, firm, association, or cor- poration. Section 10. It shall be the duty of the City Manager to designate llome person or persons to make regular collection of money deposit_ ed in said parking meters and de- Uver the money to the City Treas- urer and he shall place such money In a special fund to be known as the Parking Meter Fund. Such per- son or persons making such collec- tions shall be bonded and covered by the City's Honesty Blanket Position Bond. Section 11. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall be beld to '>e unconstitutional or invalid. the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Section 12. That Ordinance No. 26-51; Ordinance No. 61-57; Ordi- nance No. 31-61; and Ordinance No. 47-63 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 13. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (10) days from and after Its final pass- agel adoption and publication as by aw provided. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring readIng on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of Decembes. 1964. ROB~RT J. HORGAN Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG ELDON A. PFOHL JAMES J. KEAN Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published offlcially in the Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 4th day of January 1965. Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk 496 fin- Sec- Car- 11. 1/4 Councilman Kean moved the al adoption of the Ordinance. onded by Councilman Pfohl. ried by the following vote: YeaS-:-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. ~ ~ t .~~ ~ "'-"';'r.:t<. .~- 499 buque, Iowa, to consider the pro- posal to dispose of interest in cer- tain real estate to Helen M. Eng- strom and David E. Engstrom, mother and son, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common, at which hearing all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to be heard for or against such pro- posal and which real estate is de- scribed as follows: WHEREAS, there being no oral 'Jr written objections to such pro- posal, except telegram by Western Union from Jobn J. Hank Waltz disputing said sale which is hereby overruled. Section 1. That the disposal of interest of City of Dubuque in and to the above described real estate to Helen M. Engstrom and David E. Engstrom be and the same is hereby approved as such disposal is in the best public in- terest, and communication of John J. Hank Waltz disputing the sale of said real estate is hereby over- ruled. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execnte Quit Claim Deed of City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to deliver the same upon reo ceipt of the sum of Twl'mty.Five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified COpy of this Resolution in the office of the Dubuque County Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, A.D., 1964. Mayor Horgan moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Ro- the Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Lot 2 of Chemical Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Dubuque County; and NOW THEREFORE Be It solved by tbe City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa: December 28, 1964 - A telegram sent by John J. (Hank) Waltz, was delivered to the City Clerk and read in the Coun- cil Chamber requesting delay of action by the Council until be could appear and explain his rea. sons, relative to the sale of land to the Wheel Corporation. Mayor Horgan moved that the telegram be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. RESOLUTION NO. 299-64 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolu- tion and published notice of time and place of hearing, City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, met on the 28th day of December, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chamber, in the City Hall, Du- proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher of Notice of pub- lic hearing to consider proposal to dispose of Lot 2 of Chemical Subdivision, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, to Mutual Wheel Com- pany of Moline, ID., with desire to acquire title in the names of Helen M. & David E. Engstrom in the amount of $25,000, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Takos. Petition of W. A. Brown reo questing a refund of $50. on the unexpired portion of cigarette license No.6, as he has discon. tinued business on December 19, 1964, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Pfobl. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horga!1, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Ffohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Special Session, Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men, Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman ( Special Session, December 28, 1964 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change car. tain property herinafter de- scribed from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Local Business District A Classification", presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men, Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Councilman Kean moved that the rule reqUiring reading of an Ordin- ance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the folJowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men, Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Councilman Kean moved that a public hearing be held on the Ordinance on January 18, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish notice of the hearing in the manner required by law. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men, Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Petition of Arthnr H. Oeth reo questing the erection of street lights on Oeth court, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the oetition be referred to the City Manager and Electrical In. spector for investigation and report. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men, Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Petition of Federal Insurance Co. requesting termination of liability on a blasting bond #175- 6821 issued to Thos. Flynn Coal Company, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the refund be granted. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: 1 t. 1-4 Councilman Kean moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 45-64 An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 44.64 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33-49 AS AMENDED, KNOW-N AS THE "TRAFFIC CODE OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA" BY REPEAL- ING SECTION 16.6 THEREOF AND ENACTING A NE'V SEC- TION 16.6 IN LIEU THEREOF GOVERNING THE PARKIKG OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN A PARKING MET E R SPACE ADJACENT TO A PARKING METER AND LIMITING THE TIME DURING WHICH A MOTOR VEHICLE MAY BE PARKED THEREAT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49, as amended, kno,vn as "Traf- fic Code" of City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby amended by repealing Section 16 6 thereof and enacting a new Section 16.6 in lieu thereof as follows: "Section 16.6. Between the hours and on the days ordered in Section 5, Ordinance No. 40-64, holidays ex- cepted, no motor vehicle shall be parked in a parking meter space as defined in Ordinance No. 40~64, ad- jacent to which a parking meter has been installed, while such meter is showing a signal indicat- ing that such space is illegally used, for a long"er period than is necessary to actuate the meter. and no motor vehicle shall be park. ed for a longer period of time at anyone time than the period or- dered in Section 8 of Ordinance No. 40-64. Each motor vehicle parked in any parking meter space shall park within the lines or marking designating the same." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by law provided. Introduced the 28th day of De- cember, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unan- imous vote the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horg-an Councilmen Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graph Herald Newspaper this 4th day of .January 1965. Leo F. Frommelt Ci ty Clerk. Richard Ludwig- Eldon A. Pfohl .James J Kean Attest 498 'I , ~ .,,, ('$. "I l~ . ..,"I<. i ~ 501 Specinl Session, December 28, 1964 Mayor Horgan moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. Communication of City Solicitor Russo submitting a written opin- ion covering conflict of interest as applies to the Urban Renewal Law, as requested by the Council at a special meeting held on December 15, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the opinion be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfobl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takas. There being no further business Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Ke"if1. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman Takos. Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Approved ...................., .....1965. Adopted ......................... .....1965. r ............. ... ...... ..., Councilmen: ............. ............. l ..... ... .... Attest: .................... City Clerk 1964 Section 3- Tbat the City of Du- buque install a proper turn lane as suggested in the Engineer's Plan as soon as possible. Passed, approved, and adopted this 28th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the resolution subject to the approval of the City Solicitor. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman RESOLUTIO WHEREAS, Mark R. Kane servo ed on the City Council from 1932 to 1938, during which time he served three consecutive terms as Mayor; and WHEREAS, Mr. Kane put forth his time and effort in an unself. ish manner for the welfare of all citizens; and WHEREAS, Mark R. Kane pass. ed away on the lth day of Novem- ber, 1964, and the City Council wishes to express its sadness at the loss of an exemplary senior citizen: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: That this resolution serve as a token of appreciation of Mr. Kane's service to the community and also as an expression of our sadness at his passing. BE IT FURTHER REsOLVED: That this resolution be Inade a matter of publiC record and that a copy of said Resolution be for. warded to Mr. Kane's widow. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of December, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Special Session, December 28, Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. man Kean, Ludwig. Nays-Councilman Pfohl. Absent-Councilman Takas Communication of Dubuque Fed~ eration of Labor supporting the in- stallation of a stop and go traffic signal at the intersection of High. way #20 and Plaza 20, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Takos. Introduced by Councilman Eldon A. Pfohl RESOLUTION NO. 300-64 A Resolution authorizing pro- curement and installation of pro- per electrical traffic control lights and the installation of a traffic turn lane at the inte.... section of Devon Drive, Highway 20, and the entrance to the K Mart in the City of Dubuque, 'owa. WHEREAS-a plan has been prepared by the City Engineer in cooperation with the Highway Commission of the State of Iowa for the installation of traffic con. trol lights and a traffic turn lane for the above mentioned intersec. tion. WHEREAS - many people, in. cluding both municipal jUdges, have privately or publicly ex- pressed concern for public safety at this intersection. WHEREAS-private responsibil. ity for payment of the total in- staJlation cannot be fairly deter- mined. Therefore - llE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of DUbuque, Iowa. Section I-That the City of Du- buque proceed at once in obtain- ing the necessary traffic control equipment, as planned by the City Engineer, for the intersection of Devon Drive, Highway 20, and the K Mart, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2-Tbat the City of Du- buque install the traffic control equipment at the earliest possible date. ~ 'k ',;'ref_ J · . 500