1962 Index Council Proceedings . OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1962 ~ 1962 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR SCHREIBER TAKOS LEO F. FROMMELT CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHA VENELLE Building Commissioner DONALD BANDY Plumbing Inspector RICHARD J. FEYEN Electrical Inspector LUVERN J. NORTON Health Director DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer ARTHUR J. MILLER Milk Sanitarian A. J. ROTH Food and Restaurant Inspector MILDRED KENNEDY Director of Recreation NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ~ ~ III I RUSSO HUGHES N. R. ALFRED E. J. PETER COUNCILMEN LOUIS SCHALLER, Mayor J. HORGAN JOHN P. KEAN ROBERT JAMES J. Clerk. Solicitor. Judge. City City Police City Treasurer EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI HANOVER Chief of Fire Department THOMAS C. HICKSON Chief of Police PERCY LUCAS Works City Auditor A. L. HOLSCHER Street Department CLETUS ALLEN City Engineer JOHN WHITE City Assessor HARRY J. Sup't of Water J. J. HAIL t INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page A of public funds .......................................................... 6 " 2-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................................................................. 17 " 22-Anthoine, Mrs. Agnella L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 33 Feb. 5-Annexation, petition by Plaza 20 Inc. and George & Addie Jecklin of an area approximately 50 acres in size located south of Hi-Way 20 opposite Devon Drive ................................................................ 43 " 19-Ace Plumbing & Heating Company, heating bond .... 54 " 19-Adams Rosemary, Notice of Suit ................................ 56 Mar. 5-Arensdorf Helen, Notice of Claim .............................. 74 " 5-Althaus Herbert E. and Emil F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................ 77 " 19-Addyman Homer W., appointed Building Code Sub- committee .................................................................... 79 " 19-Alpha Avenue, improvement with connrete curb and gutter from the s.p.l. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the n.p.l. of Illinois Avenue ................................87, 126, 473 " 19-Alta Place, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Delaware Street to the s.p.l. of Green Street ................90, 92, 130, 329, 397 " 19-Adair Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from n.p.l. of Loras Boulevard to the s.p.l. of Rosedale Avenue ................91, 92, 130, 329, 398 April 2-Anthony Richard, sidewalk bond .................................. 111 " 2-Aird Clem et. al., objecting to improvement of Min- eral Street .................................................................. 122 " 16-Anderson Alvin et. al., objecting to improvement of Beverly Street ........................................................ 122 May 7-Auderer Ervin, Notice of Claim .................................. 154, 190 " 7-Agreement between the Iowa State Highway Com- mission and City of Dubuque for the improve- ment of Dodge Street from Grandview Avenue to Bluff Street ............................................................ 174, 194 " 7-Agreement between the Illinois Central Railroad and City of Dubuque Water Department, for construc- tion of water main at Fremont Avenue and rail- road tracks .................................................................. 175, 392 " 7-Apel Kenneth P., Notice of Claim .............................. 185, 315 June 4-Annexation, petition of Robert Roussel, Rita Roussel and John Link, owners of property adjoining the westerly city limits near Pennsylvania Avenue .... 211 " 25-Anderson Alvin, heating bond .................................... 217 " 25-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 224 " 25-Anthoine Agnella L., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 225 " 25-Althaus Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 225 " 25-Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 " 25-Alba Cruso, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 226 " 25-Abing Merlin K, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 226 " 25-Ansel Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 225 " 25-American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6., granted Cigarette Permit .................................................... 226 " 25-Anfinson Jean, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-American Legion Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class ..B„ Beer Permit ........................................................ 228 " 25-Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 228 July 2-American Legion, requesting permission to sell balloons ........................................................................ 231 Jan. 2-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed depository INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT A " 2-Allen's Trenching Service, requesting permission to excavate in streets and alleys ............................ " 2-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette Permit ..... " 9-American Municipal Association, invitation to at- tend 29th Annual Congress .................................... " 23-Anthony Lenore A., requesting annexation of Lot 4 of 1 of 4 of M.L. 312; Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 3 of M.L. 312, and Lot 1 of 3 of 2 of M.L. 312 ............ " 23-Annexation, petition of Charles P. & Lucille Pfeiffer Jr. and Lenore A. Anthony, owners of property adjoining the city limts near Shiras Avenue ...... Aug. 6-Agricultural and Horticultural Land, applications ...................... . for tax exemption ~ ~~•~-~~~•••~~~~~~~°°~~°°~ " 6-Agreement between the Iowa State Highway Com- mission and the City of Dubuque concerning a drainage problem on U. S. Highway No. 20 ........ " 6-Amvets Club, granted Cigarette Permit ..... ............ " 6-Ansel Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ " 20-Abernathy Construction Co., sidewalk bond ............ 20-Althaus, Emil & Thelma, Notice of Claim ................ Sept. 4-Anfinson Jean, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 223 .......................................... ..................... . " 4-Ansel Fred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 105 ........................................ ................. . " 4-Ansel Fred, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 50 ............................................................................ " 4-Annexation, petition of David R. Slender, owner of Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 312 in Township 89 North, Range 3 East of the 5th P.M. Dubuque County, Iowa ................................................. " 10-Annexation, petition of Merlin O. Kruser, Mary Seipp, Emil Otting and Mettel Realty & In- vestment Co. requesting annexation of 0.53 acres immediately adjoining the northerly city limits .............................................................................. Oct. 1-Allen Howard, excavation policy .............................. " 1-Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ " 8-American Association for the United Nations, re- questing permission to conduct a trick or treat Hite and to distribute leaflets for UNICEF ........ Nov. 5-American Veterans of World War H, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ........................................................ Dec. 3-Amendment of Allocation of Funds within the Gen- eral Fund, Street Fund, Sanitation Fund, Munic- ipal Enterprise Fund, Recreation Fund and Trust and Agency Fund ...................................................... " 3-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................................................ " 3-Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ Page 232 242 244 254 254 259 266 277 278 281 284, 432 302 302 302 305 315, 316 338 355 360 430 454 478 478 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT page B Jan. 22-Bush and Samuel Street Sanitary Sewer cost sub- mitted by Eldon T. Herrig ...................................... 19 " 22-Buechel Louis, heating bond ........................................ 21 " 22-Buechel Louis, excavation policy ....................... .. 21 " 22-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co., taxi cab Policy .................................................................... 21 '~ 22-Barry Thomas, Settlement of claim ............................ 23 ' 22-Brewer, Mrs. Bena, Notice of Claim ............................ 29 " 22-Beyer, Mrs. Bess E., Notice of Claim ........................ 29 " 22-Barnett William M., Notice of Claim ........................ 24 Feb. 5-Bennett Ormal E., Notice of Claim ............................ 39 5-Budget Amended .............................................................. 40 " 5-Bournias Louis T., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 136 .......................................................... 42 " 5-Braconier Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting ex- cavation Permit .......................................................... 44 " 19-Braconier Plumbing & Heating, heating bond ........ 54 " 19-Busch Bernell, Settlement of Suit ................... 55 " 19-Broman Marilyn, Notice of Claim .............................. 56, 145 Mar. 5-Bergman Emma, Notice of Claim ................................ 74 " 5-Bogas Antonia, Settlement of Suit .............................. 74 " 19-Beaves llichazd G., appointed to Building Code Sub-Committee ..................................................... .. 79 " 19-Brashaw Clarence J., appointed to Building Code Sub-Committee ............................................................ 79 '~ 19-Becker & Sons Stone Co., blasting policy ................ 79 ' 19-Banks Paul R., requesting rezoning of Lots 305 and 306 Davis Farm Add. from Class "A" to Class "B" District Classification .......................... 85, 143 " 19-Brown Avenue, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacingg from the w.p.l. of University Ave- nue to the s.p.l. of Van Buren Street ........91, 92, ..............................................................................130, 329, 407 " 19-Beverly Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the s.p.l. of Van Buren Street to the west end of the street ........91, 92, ..................................................................................130, 329, 408 " 19-Balke Street improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Link Street to the s.p.l. of Groevland Place ....91, 92, 128, ..................................................................................130, 329, 417 " 19-Brillhart Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 100 April 2-Board of Health, Regular Session ................................ 103 " 2-Beadle Loras, heating bond .......................................... 111 " 2-Block Charles A., Notice of Claim .............................. 113, 146 " 2-Breitbach Frank, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 93 ...................... ............ 116 " 2-Birkett, Mrs. Maryel M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 119 " 2-Burke, Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 119 " 16-Byrne John W., sidewalk bond ...................................... 143 " 16-Bonfield Stella, Notice of Claim .................................... 144 " 16-Brown Dorothy C., Notice of Suit ............................ 144 " 16-Beadle Loras, requesting permission to excavate in streets and a11eYS ...................................................... 147 " 18-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 149 " 18-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 149 1962 May June July Aug INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT B 16-Baum William J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 149, 7-Burns Catherine, Notice of Claim ................................ 7-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 4-Berger Robert L., sidewalk bond ................................ 4-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond .......................................... 4-Best John D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 5-B. & G. Automotive Parts, Inc., requesting excavation permit ............................................................................ 25-Beadle Loras, excavation bond .................................... 25-Berwanger Boiler Shop, cancellation of heating bond ............................................................................. 25-Berntgen Marian C., granted Cigarette Permit ... .... 25-Beecher Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permits .... 25-Brant Carl N., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 25-Birkett Maryel M, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Becker Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Buse David R., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Bublitz William, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 25-Bisping Herbert F., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Bertsch Roger M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Best John, granted Cigarette Perrrut .......................... 25-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Bridge Marian, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 25-Biedermann Dean O., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Beidler Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Bell Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 25-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Brammer's Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Bublitz William, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Berntgen Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 25-Becker Robert L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 2-Brillhart Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 2-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 2-Baxter James W., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 2-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit ... ............ 2-Baum William J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 9-Burke William J., Notice of Claim ............................ 9-Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1963 and ending December 31, 1963 ........................................................246, 259, 23-Barony Woods, approval of plat of Lot 11 of Block 1; Lots 7, 8 and 9 of Block 2; Lots 6 to 14 of Block 3; Lots 1 to 5 or Block 4; and Lots 1 to 6 and Lots 14, 15 and 16 of Block 5 of Barony Woods in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ................................ gg .............................................. fi-Bmcondition of buildings uatm940 AlthauseroStreet and 1398 Maple Street .............................................. 6-Blum William, Assignment of Merl Goerdt for Deborah Drive Storm Sewer .................................... 6-Bush Street, name changed to Tressa Street ............ 6-Bechen, Mrs. Eugene, Notice of Claim .................... 6-Budget Amended by increasing expenditures in the ...... Recreation-Munictpal Golf Course Fund .. 8-Blasen Joseph, requesting vacation of portion of Oak Street ......................................271, 359, 437, 20-Buechel Louis, excavation policy ................................ Page 485 154 179 189 189 212 215 217 221 224 225 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 227 227 227 227 227 227 228 224 225 226 228 228 242 242 242 242 242 245 260, 262 254 283, 284 267 267, 285 269 269 445, 451 281 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT B " 20-Beebe Genoa M., requesting delivery of deed to Lot IA and Lot 2A High Street Addition, in order to clear title of property ....................285, Sept. 4-Brammers Inc., requesting an extension of their option to extend beyond 1970 to secure optimum financial terms for proposed improvements . " 10-Brookside Dairy et. al., relative to a drainage prob- lem on Southern Avenue ........................................ " 17-Bowen Robert J, granted Class "B" Eecr Permit .... " 17-Becker Francis Mrs., appointed to the Cultural Commission .................................................................. " 24-Bonds In The Amount of $400,000 to pay for the cost of construction of improvements and ex- tensions to the Municipal Waterworks Plant and for two steel standpipes and pumping station at Asbury and Park Hill sites ........................331, Oct. 1-Bock Michael J., sidewalk bond ......................... " 1-Best John, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 185 .......................................................................... " 1-Best John, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 342 .......................................................... " 1-Bowen Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 1-Bublitz William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... Nov. S--Board of Health, Regular Session ............................ " 5-Beecher John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... Dec. 3-Basten Leroy J., applying for position of bailiff .... " 3-Buelow Howard, applying for position of bailiff .... " 3-Brandenburg Wilbur & Dorothy, requesting an investigation of the damages to their property on Carlton Avenue resulting from curb and guttering and the construction of a 10' rock wall ............................................... .... ... .. . 3-Budget, Amended by Amending Allocation of Funds in the General, Street, Public Safety, Sanitation, Municipal Enterprise, Recreation and Trust and Agency Funds .................................... ... ...................... " 3-Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " 3-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks No. 297, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ " 19-Buechel Louis, requesting permission to excavate in Delhi Street .......................................................... " 19-Best John D., granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 19-Best John D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... Page 328, 427 302 315, 337 324 324 373, 374 337 342 342 354 354 389 430 449 449 452 454, 482 478 478 485 486 487 INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page 1962 SUBJECT page ~ C 5--City of Dubuque, lease with the Illinois Central Jan. 1-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 2 Railroad ....................................................... . 50 2-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................ 5 " . ........... 9-Cit Council, S ecial Session Y P .~~ .................... 53 " ++ 2-Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager ........ advising Council of his appointment er M „ ................. 9~ity of Dubuque, Iowa 1961 Street Finance Re- , anag 2-City of officers and city employees ................................ 6 Port ................................................................................ 19-City Council Special Session 53 54 " 2-City Manager, submitting resolution showing the d distnbution of expenditures for the en- l t , .................... ................. 19-Carnegie Stout Free Public Library Annual Re- ai e de suing fiscal year ............................... ~~~~~~•~~~~~~~•~~~~~~~•~ ~ City Treasurer, City Health Depart- Auditor 2-Cit 7 Port .............................................................................. 19-City Manager, submitting agreement between the Ci f D 54 , y ment and City Water Works, reports for the list of ll ty o ubuque and Victor Gruen Associates fora Community Improvement (Workable Pro- as a month of November, 1961, as we s for which warrants were issued ................ l i 12 ~ gram) ........................................... ......................54, 9 108, 296 " a m c 2-Claims for the month of November 1961, proof 1 -Claims for the month of January 1962, proof of publication " ....................... of publication ~ ~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•••~°~~~~°~ ~ 2-City of Dubuque, releasing all interest in Lot 2 12 .................................................................... 19-Conlon Orlin J. and Merrill Vanderloo, Notice of Suit 54 of Lot 1 of M. L. 385 to Frank and Hattie . . " ................................................................................ 19-Close Cletus P., Notice of Claim ....................... .. 56, 112 56 146 " . ozena ....................................................................... 2-Chalder Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 17 19 19-Conlon Wilson, requesting the opening of alley running north and south between Delaware , ...................................... 22-City Council, Special Session the month of September f i " and Green Streets .....................................63, 81, 177, 178 ' or ngs 22-Council proceed approved as printed ........................................ 1961 20 19-Cemetery-Municipal Enterprise Fund, transfer of f d " , 22-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- 20 ' un s to the General Fund ~~~~~~••~~~~•~~~~~~~~•~•~~~~~~...... 19--City Assessment Expense Fund transfer of fund 65 " amination for positions as Garage Mechanic .... the month of December 1961, proof of fo i -Cl , s to the General Fund ............ .................................... 19 Ci i 66 ms r a 22 ...... .. 20 - v l Defense Advisory Board appointed by Mayor " .......................................................... publication 22-City Manager, recommending that the Urban Re- Mar. Schaller ........................................................................ S--City Council Regular Session 69, 238 newal Consultant Selection Committee be con- body to the Manager advisor " , .................................... 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- 71 y tinued as an and City Council ........................................................ 21 went and City Water Works, reports for the " 22-Chavenelle Gilbert D., bond ........................................ 21 21 month of January 1962, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued " 22-Curtis-Straub Company, excavation policy ............... recommending the installation of " ............ 5-City Manager, submitting recommendation relative 72 " 22-City Manager, street lights on Sharon Drive, Keymont Drive, to purchase of city owned property at the north- Key Corners and Keyway ..:..... Vizaleea Drive 21 west corner of Delhi Street and Grandview Ave- , 22-City Manager, recommending that the Building veral model housing i " nue ........................................ S-City Council, Special Session 42 79 ew se Code Committee rev codes and draft a housing ordinance .................... 22 19-Cit Auditor, Cit Treasurer, Cit •p~~-~~~ Y Y y Health De art- Feb. 5---City Council, Regular Session ...................................... S5 ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of February 1962 as well s li t f " 5-City Manager, recommending that an Advisory City consist- ittee be appointed C , a a s o claims for which warrants were issued ............ 7g , omm Insurance ing of Theodore R. Ellsworth, J. Allen Wallis, 19-Claims for the month of February 1962, proof of Jr. and Cyril Friedman ............................................ 5-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- 35 „ Publication .................................................................. 19---Conrad Vincent A., Notice of Claim ~~~~~~ 19-Co l M l i L 80 80 amination for positions on the Police Depart- 36 y e e v n ., Notice of Claim 19-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 GRADING PROJECT 81 " ment .............................................................................. 5-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- NO. 1, NORTH GRANDVIEW AVENUE EX- amination for positions on the Fire Depart- TENSION from the north property line of ......................................................................36, ment 71, 72 Kane Street to the south property line of 32nd " .... 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- reports for the Water Works Cit Street ......................................85, 121, 122, 181, 19-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 CONCRETE CURB AND 198, 472 , y ment and month of December 1961, as well as list of GUTTER PROJECT NO. 1 .... 87, 88, 121, claims for which warrants were issued .............. 37 ~~~~••••~•~~~-~~~••••~•~~~••~~~~~~~~~~~~..........124, 125, 128, 181, 472, 473 " 5-Civil Defense Advisory Committee, request from 19-Cottage Place, improvement with concrete curb the Director that a five man committee be and gutter from e.p.l. of Abbott Street to the east " appointed ...............................................................37, 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Health De- 69, 238 end of street ..............................................87. 124, 19-Cummins Street, improvement with concrete curb 126, 473 partment, Annual Reports For The Fiscal Year and gutter from s.p.l. of Loras Boulevard to the Beginning January 1, 1961 and ending December n. 1 of Block 2 of Hamblin's Sub . ................87, r 126, 473 1961 ...................................................................... . 31 37 19-Carte Road, improvement with concrete curb and " , Mrs. Doris, claim denied ................................ 5-Conry 39 gutter from the n.p.l of Kane Street to the " , 5-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to s.~.l. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Highland Farm Sub hold a Soap Box Derby ............................................ 43 . ............................................88, 126, 473 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page C " 19-CTTY OF DUBUQUE 1962 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT N0. 2, being an unnamed street between Lots 2 of 36 and 37 and 39 of Grandview Heights from the w.p.l. of Victoria Street to the e.p.l of Lot 1 of 1 of Faldorf 9U ........................................................... Place ~°~~°" """ " 19-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 BTTUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO. 1 ......90, 92, 121, 3 330 9 394 93 , , ................................128, 130, 182, 32 , ..... " 19-Caledonia Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the w.p.l. of Hill Street to the s.p.l. of West Eighth Street ..90, 92, 130, 329, 395 " 19-Cummins Street, improvement with bituminous con- 92 90 130, 474 , , crete surfacing .............................................. " 19-Cottage Place, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the e.p.l. of Abbott Street to the east end of the street ..91, 92, 128, 130, 329, 403 " 19-Cornell Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the s.p.l. of West 16th Street to the s.p.l, of May Place :...91, 92, 130, 329, 413 " 19-CathoncreteSsurfa~cing from~thets.p It of bWest~l7th Street to the n.p.l, of West 16th Street ....91, 92, . ... ......................................130, 329, 414 " 19-Cannon Street, improvement with bituminous con- mel C ar crete surfacing from the w.p.l. of Mt. E I a o 329, 418 CONCRET BTTUMINOUS OF DUBUQUE 1962 CiTY " 19- SURFACLNG PROJECT NO 2, ON AN UNNAMED street between Lots 2 of 36 and 37 and 39, of treet t 1 r l r Place Faldorf of 1 f Lot l the e.p.l of fo 94 " 19-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 HOT MIX-HOT LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO. 1, SECTIONS I and H ................94, 96, 121, .............................132, 183, 184, 222, 290, 343 .,.....--• .. .... " 19-Carter Road, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Kane Street northerly to the south property f 1 of Highland 2 o line of Lot 1 of 1 of 96, 132, ..95 .. 291, 347 , ................................................ Farm V CI " A P E 9 UQ 19- 98, 97, l NO PROJECT CURB INTEGRAL 386, 385 184 134 121 455, 456 , , • ................... .................. , , 104 April 2-City Council, Regular Session ...................................... " 2-Councilman Takos, submitting report and a plan for Industrial Development ............................ ....... 104 " 2-Chamber of Commerce, relative to the employing 106 of a full time Industrial Consultant .................... " 2-COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM, approval of .....107 206, 364 , application ............................... ....................... . " 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Grandview Avenue between Fairway and Cerro Drives, and on Kerper Boulevard from Fengler to East 16th Street .................................... 111 " 2-Curtis Straub Company, excavation policy ~~••~~~~~~~~~~~: 111, 115 185 113 " 2-Cummer Anna M., Notice of Claim ........................... , " 2-Council proceedings for the months of October, November and December, 1961, approved as 119 printed .......................................................................... " 2-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 119 " 2--Cox Dorance E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 119 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page C " 16-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 121 " I6-City Manager, submitting report in regard to the erection of a water stand pipe at the intersection of Gay and Muscatine Streets ................... .... • 142 " 16-"Carter Ridge Addition", approval of plat of Blocks 3 & 4 ............................................................................ 148, 450 May 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 151 " 7-Clemens-Smith Construction, Inc., excavation policy .. 152 " 7-Curtis Straub Company, heating bond ........................ 152 " 7-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights at intersection of 29th and Lowther Streets and intersection of Balke and Lowther Streets .......................................................................... 152 " 7--City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light at Burlington and Putnam Streets ...... 152 " 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of March as well as a list of claims for warrants were issued for the month of March, 1962 ............................................................. .......... 153 " 7-Claims for the month of March 1962, proof of publication .................................................................... 153 " 7-Chalder Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 179 " 14-City Council, Special Session ...................................... 181 " 14-Collins Thomas .7, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 186 :: June 4-City Council, Regular Session ................................ 189 " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of April 1962 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ............................ 189 " 4-Claims for the month of April 1962, proof of publication .................................................................. 189 " 4-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights at corner of Tower and Commercial Streets, on 16th Street near the bridge and around the boat harbor ............................................ 189 " 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for positions on the Police Depart- ment .............................................................................. 191 " 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for positions on the Fire Depart- ment .............................................................................. 191 " 4-Caradco Inc., requesting approval of erection of support poles for piping to connect the Farley & Loetscher power plant to the Caradco power plant ............................... ... ..............................193, 219, 282 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 HOT MIX-HOT LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE RESURFACING PROJ- ECT NO 2, Dodge Street from Grandview Ave- nue to Bluff Street ................................196, 428, 463, 464 " 5-City Council Special Session ........................................ ' 214 , Special Session ........................................ " 25-City Council 216 " 25-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of May 1962 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ............................. 216 " 25-Claims for the month of May 1962, proof of publication .................................................................. 216 " 25-City Manager, certifying list of property owners who failed to connect to sewer, water and gas connections .......................................................... 216 " 25-Chapman Milton E., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 INDEX -BOOK 92 1862 SUBJECT Page C " 25-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 " 25---Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit ........ " " 25-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ granted Cigazette Permit ........ 25-Clemens Michael H. 225 " " , 25---Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Callahan Charles W~, granted Ctgarette Permit .... 226 226 25-Callahan Edmund H., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " " 25-Curry Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25--Crane Leonard, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 '• 25-Cox Dorrance E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 227 " 25-Casey Hazold A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 " 25-Costa Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 25-Creslanes Bowling, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 225 " 25-Cremer Aalph W., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 " " 25-Collins T. J., granted Ctgarette Permtt ...................... 25-Crane Leonard H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 " 25-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 228 " " 25--Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 25-Callahan Edmund H., granted Class "C" Beer Per- July mit .................................................................................. 2-City Council, Regular Session ............................. ........ to i i 228 231 ss on 2-Clauer, Mrs. Clyde H., requesting perm 265 ........... connect to Garnet Street sanitary sewer " 2-CIVIL urrr r.,. SE AGENCY established for Dubuque, 238 Iowa .............................................. ................................ 2--Clarke Oil & Refining Co., granted Cigarette Per- 242 " mit .................................................................................. 2-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 242 244 " " 9-City Council, Special Sesston ........................................ 9-City Manager, recommending installation of street ltghts to Key Knolls Sub . ................................244, 360, 382 " 9-City Manager, recommending installation of street 244 lights on Adair Street .............................................. " 23-Cultural Commission, submitting a list of aims, 431 248 needs and purposes of the Commtsston ................ , " 23-City Manager, recommending installation of street 248 " lights on Brtstol Drive ............................................ 23-City Audttor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of June as well as a list of claims for 248 which warrants were issued .................................... " 23-Claims for the month of June, 1962, proof of 249 " publication ................................................................. 23-Chaney Road Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and " specifications for the constructton of an 18 252 351 288 " . storm sewer .......................................................... 23-Creslanes Bowling, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... , 257 " 23-Chapman Milton E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- .... 393 257 Aug. ' mtt .............................................................................. 6-City Council, Regular Session ...................... .............. 6-City Manager, submitting a list of applications for , 259 Agricultural or Horttcultural tax exemption .. 259 " 6-Chamber of Commerce, submitting report of study 259 of the 1963 City of Dubuque budget .................... " 6-City Manager, requesttng permtssion to attend City Manager's Conference .............................................. 263 " 6-City Manager, giving notice to Joe Wolfe to dis- mantle building located at 940 Althauser Street .. 263, 304 !' 6-City Manager, giving notice to Jim Hajinocleas to dismantle budding located at 1398 Maple Street .. 264, 30L " 6-Council proceedings for the month of January 1962, aPProved as printed ........................................ 268 1862 Sept. Oct. INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page C B-Chamber of Commerce, submitting resolution re- questing Board of Supervisors to acquire the right of ways needed for a connecting road to Center Grove intersection to relieve the traffic on Devon Drive ............................................ 26E B-Clemens-Smith Construction Co, requesting permis- sion to excavate ........................................................... 271 6-Cox Roger B., requesting permission to excavate in Green Street .......................................................... 271 6-Costa Joseph F, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 278 20-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 280 20-City Manager, recommending the transfer from the General Special Assessment Fund to various Special Assessment Funds which have a Debit balance, and the transfer of credit balances in Special Assessment Funds to the General Special Assessment Fund ........................................ ...... 280 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of July 1962, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ................ ... ........ 281 20--Claims for the month of July 1962, proof of publi- cation ............................................................................ 281 20-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Stetmore Street ................................ 281 20-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Lindberg Terrace ........................ 282 20-Council proceedings for the month of February 1962, approved as printed ........................................ 283 3-City Council, Regular Session ...................................... 295 4-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................ 296 4-City Manager, submitting Victor Gruen Associates "Downtown Parking Report" .................................. 296, 367 10-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 312 10-City Manager, recommending installation of street light between 24th and 25th on Elm Street, also at the intersection of St. George and Tressa Streets .......................................................................... 312, 313 10-City Manager, recommending installation of street ltghts on Kerper Boulevard .................... ............... 313 10-City of Dubuque versus Seippel Lumber Co. et al., to prohibit the proceeding with construction of a building which will be located on Harrison Street, vacated ............................................................ 317 17-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 318 17-City Manager, recommending installation of street hght on Westmore Drive ........................................ 320 24-City Council, Special Session ....................... ......... 326 24-Clifford John, submitting resignation from Cultural Commission .................................................................. 326 24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of August as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued .................................... 326 24-Claims for the month of August, 1962, proof of publication .................................................................... 326 1-City Council, Regular Session ...................................... 337 1-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light at intersection of Maplewood Court and Saunders Street .................................................. 337 1-City Manager, submitting report on drainage prob- lem on Southern Avenue .......................................... 337 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page C " 1-Clemens William M. Jr., bond 337 337 " 1-Corell Chas. T., sidewalk bond .................................... " 1-Chapman Dean Dr., appointed Protestant Chaplain of Police and Fire Departments ............................ 338 " 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report o£ f Police- i i on o t examination held for the Pos ...... 340 woman .................................................................... " 1-Clemens Michael H., requesting refund on Cigarette 341 Permit No. 105 ........................................................... " 1-Cunningham Gordon, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 34 ............................................................ 341 357 " 8-City Council, Special Session ........................................ recommending installation of street " 8-City Manager, ltghts at Avalon and Jeffrey Drtve ........................ 359 " 8-Council proceedings for the months of March and April 1962, approved as printed ........................ 380 364 22-City Council, Special Session ........................................ " 22-Claims for the month of September 1962, proof of publication ........................................... " 22-Council proceedings for the month of May 1962, 366 366 approved as printed .................................................... 22-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a list of rsons to serve as Clerks of Election for each pe precinct, who shall have charge of the election register for the General Election to be held on November 6, 1962 ...................................................... " 22-Chamber of Commerce, offer to sell the Chamber 366 of Commerce Building to the City with the that the land is to be used for the i i t on cond development of a parking ramp .. .................... 368 " 29-City Council, Adjourned Special Session .................. 373 " 29-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- th f e or ment and City Water Works, reports month of September 1962 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued .. ............. 382 " 29-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on the west fork of Grandview Avenue 383 south of Kaufmann Avenue ................................... for relief of i ng " 29-Coates Insurance Agency, pray liability in heating bonds of Alex Eodish & Son, Geisler Brothers, Sears Roebuck & Co.... ........ 384 " 29-Comer John et. al., requesting reaoning of west side of Rhomberg Avcnue from 1211 to 1227 to Local Business Distract "A" .................................... 384, 435 390 Nov. 5-City Council, Regular Session ...................................... " 5-City Manager, recommending that Peabody Street not be surfaced to provide parktng facilities for residents of Dodge Street ...................................... 390 " 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street fights on the corner of Prysi and New Haven 390 Streets ......................... ................................................ . " 5-Chapman Milton E., requesting refund on Class 393 '`B" Beer Permit No. 101 ................................... .... " 5-Chapman Milton E., requesting refund on Cigarette Permtt No. 22 ............................................................ 431 " 19-City Council, Special Session ............................. .......... " 19-Counctl proceedings for the months of June and JuIY, approved as Prtnted ...................................... " 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works and 431 City Health Department, report for the month of October 1962, as well as a list of claims 431 for which warrants were issued ............................ 1962 Dec. INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page C 19-Claims for the month of October, 1982, proof of publication .................................................................... 431 19-City Manager, recommending that the City enter into a contract with Quail & Company to ne- gotiate the purchase of outstanding Off-Street Parking Revenue Bonds ....................................431, 445, 486 19-Chemical Subdivision, Lot 1 and Lot 2, approval of Plat .......................................................................... 436 26-City Council, Special Session ................................ .. 439 26-Conlon Construction Co., cancellation of blasting bond .............................................................................. 444 3-City Council, Regular Session .................................. ... 449 3-Callahan Hugh B., applying for position in the new Municipal Court ........................................................ 449 3-Chilton Wilbur J., applying for position of bailiff .... 449 3-Council proceedings for the month of August 1962, approved as Printed .................................................. 450 3-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Pierce Street ................................ 451 3-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights in Sunset Park Add ......................... 451 3-City of Dubuque 1963 Finance Report ........................ 477 19-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 480 19-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light at West 5th & Gilmore Sts ............. 480 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of November, 1962 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ............ 481 ~i INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 2-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed de- 6 pository of Public funds ........................................ " 2-Dutch Elm Disease, defining trees infected, pro- viding for the abatement of such nuisance; providing for enforcement and collection of 25 costs for abatement and removal ........................ 11, 12 " 2-Dix Cecilia, Notice of Claim ........................................ " ....................................... 2-Dolphin Mavis, Claim denied 12 Feb 5-Dubuque Association of Independent Insurance . Agents, submitting their positron relative to 36 35 writing the insurance business for the City ........ , " 5-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting the name of Bert Vogel as a member to serve on the 36 Dubuque Cultural Committee ............................... " 5-Du e l m b g of the ber me a John C Parker to serve as of Civil Service Commission ........................................ 36 " 5-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, heating 38 " bond ................................................. ............................. 5-Duscher, Mrs. George E., Notice of Claim ................ 39 " 5-Dubuque Civic Theatre, requesting permission to 42 distribute handbills ................................................... " 5-Dubuque County Society for Crippled Children & Adults Inc., requesttng permission to hold a 42 tag sale ....................................................................... " 5-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting ex- 43 cavation permit .......................................................... " 5-Dubuque. Boat Club Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 51 " Permit .......................................................................... 19-Dubuque Sheet Metal Company, heating bond ........ 54 " 19-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, heating bond .......................... 54 Mrs. Myrtle I., relative to Lot 38 in Grand- 19-DOCkaI , view Heights ............................................. ................ 56, 112 19-Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, request- ing permission to hold a tag day ........................ 63 " 19-Daylight Saving Time to be observed from June 3, 1962 until September 2, 1962 ................................ 67 Mar 5-Dubmeyer Clara B., Notice of Claim ............................ 74 . " 5-Doerr Merlin L, Notice of Claim ................................ 75, 145 " 5-Dock Board Ordinance No. 1-62. An Ordinance Amending Dock Board Ordinance No. 1-57 by adding a new Section 5 thereto ............................ 75 " 19-Davenport Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from w.p.l. of National Street existing rock curb 95 feet south of s.p.l. of t o Primrose Street ....................................................87, 126, 473 19-Davenport Stree[, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the n.p.l of West 28th Street to the s.p.l of National Street ......91, 92, ....................................................................130. 329, 402 " ............ 19-Douglas Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the e.p.l. of Walsh Street to the w.p.l. of College Street ........91, 92, 130, 329, 412 April 2-Davis Charles and Doris, offer to purchase Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 163 and Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 163 L. H. Langworthy's Addition ..........................109, 144, 169, 200 " 2-Dillard Palmer J., Notice of Claim ............................ 113, 245 " 2-Dillard Lulu M., Notice of Claim ................................ 113, 245 " 2-Diamond's Grill, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 2 ................................................................ 116 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT page D " 2-Donath, Mrs. Patricia Ann, Class "B" Beer Permit No. 107 revoked ........................................................ 117, 118 " 2-DeMoss Stuart F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 119 " 2-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 119 ' 16-Douglas Eugene L., objecting to the improvement of Lowell Street ........................................................ 121 " 16-Duscher Ann C., Notice of Suit ................................ 145 MaY 7-Dog Ordinance Amended ................................................ 167 7-Disabled American Veterans requesting permissio n to have a tag day ...................................................... 167 " 7-Dock Board Commission, requesting a joint meeting of the Council, Conservation Society, Dock Com- mission and other interested persons for the development of Moore's mill site ................. .. 167 " 7-Dodge Street, improvement from Grandview Avenue to Bluff Street with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing ......................174, 187, 194, ............................................................196, 233, 234, 272, 428 " 7-Dubuque Sports Bowl Corporation, granted Class „B" Beer Permit ...................................................... 179 " 7-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class .,B„ Beer Permit ........................................................ 179 June 4-Dock Board Commission, requesting vacation of Warren Street from Jones to Dodge Street in Dubuque Harbor Addition ...................................... 193, 220 " 4-Deborah Drive Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications ............................................202, 235, 236, 476 " 4-Donath Fred A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 212 " 4-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting permission to hold a fireworks disPlay .................................................... 215 " 4-Dubuque Boat & Boiler Co., requesting clarification of title of their Property ........................................ 216 " 25-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting permis- sion to have fireworks display ................................ 221 " 25-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 225 " 25-Dubuque Packing Co., granted Cigarette Permit .... 225 " 25-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... " 225 25-Driscoll Willard J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 226 " 25-Dunbar Linnie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 226 " 25-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 22g 25-Dubuque Boat Club, Inc., granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. " 226 25-Diamond Grill, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 " 25-Dupont Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 " 25-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ ~~ 227 25-Diener Laraine, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 25-Donath Fred A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 227 25-Driscoll Willard J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ " 25-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "B" 22S Beer Permit ................................................................ " 22S 25-Dunbar Otto J, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 22g July 2-DeMoss Stuart, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 34 .......................................... " 231 2-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ... " 242 2-Disabled American Veterans Club Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ........................................................ " 242 23-Dubuque Water Ski Club, requesting permission to hold a water ski show ............................................ 251 f r r INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page D " 23-Dubuque Packing Co., requesting the Mayor to pro- " 251 .................... claim a "BOOST DUBUQUE DAYS Aug. 6-Dubuque Blacktop Co., requesting purchase of land 271 299 at end of Huff Street ........................................... 4-Donath Fred A., requesting refund on Class "B„ Sept. " Beer Permit No. 64 .............................................. 4-Donath Fred A., requesting refund on Cigarette 302 Permit No. 217 ............................................................ 302 " 17-Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co., requesting per- 322 mission to erect a mazquee .................................... appointed to the Clultural Com- Elsie " , 17-Datisman ......................... 324 " nussron ............................... 24-Dubuque Lions Club, requesting that week of Octo- ber 8 be designated as Eye Bank Week ................ 327 " Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting refund on Class 24 " - "B" Beer Permit No. 54 ........................................ Dubuque Baseball Inc., requesting refund on Class 24 328 - "B" Beer Permit No. 49 ........................................ Disabled American Veterans, granted Class "B" 1 328 Oct. " - Beer Permit ........................................... 1-Denlinger Irvin, relative to a claim filed against 355 ............................. the City of Dubuque .......•-....-...~~ 355, 391 " 1-Dubuque County Bar Association, recommending Mumc~pal Court be housed in the h e new that t 359 " Fischer Building ............................ 8-Doerr George, requesting permission to excavate .... 367 360 " in Garfield Avenue ................................................ 8-Dubuque County Young Republicans, requesting per- , mission to hold a parade ........................................ 360 22-Du lna ti ra o s member on onsidera fo Alen RQ K ngsley " of Dock Commission .................................................. Mrs. P. C., Notice of Claim ........................... 22-Deibel 366 369 " , 22-Donath Otto R. et. al., requesting removal of a storm sewer between lots 543 and 544 and re- questing lowering of street in front of lots 543, 544, 545, 546-550 all in Lenox Addition .... 370 Nov. 5-Davenport Street Storm Sewer, preliminary plans 361 wer t " 425 362 , ........ orm se s and specifications for a 24 , " 26-Davidsaver Christian, applying for position of 445 Bailiff or Deputy Bailiff ........................................ 3-Dubuque County Bar Association, recommending to Dec. the City Council that a separate and distinct Municipal Court Clerk and Bailiff be hired, rather than using personnel already employed 449 " by the City of Dubuque .:...................................... 3-Deutmeyer Melvin, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 477 " 19-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 486 " 19-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 487 mit .................................................................................. INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page E Jan. 2-Ender Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 17 " 22-Ellis Household Service, heating bond .................... 21 " 22-Ellsworth Theodora R., Notice of Claim .................... 24 Feb. 5-Egelhof R. J., requesting the grading of Stoltz Street ............................................................................ 42 Mar. 5-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 77 April 2-Eilers, Mrs. A. H., requesting the widening of the alley between Groveland and Lawther; erection of a street sign on Brunswick Street; surface said alley, erect street lights and clean up the hill .................................................................................. 115, 152 May 7-Engel Marie, requesting vacation of alley in Broadway Addition ......................................................168, 267, 284, 445 " 7-Election On Proposition To Establish A Municipal Court to be held June 4, 1962 ........................170, 172, 214 June 4-Eagle-Dubuque, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 212 " 25-Eagle-Dubuque, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit .... 225 " 25-Eichhorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 226 " 25-Ender A. J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 " 25-Engling Raymond & Bernadette Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ........................................................ 227 " 25-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 227 " 25-Erschen Alice R., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 " 25-Ellis Victorina, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 227 " 25-Evans Joseph R., granted Cigarette Permit .... 228 Sept. 17-Egelhof Funeral Home, offering property of Baptist Church at 11th & Bluff Streets for parking lot purposes ...................................................................... 322 " 17-Eberhardt Anthony Mrs., appointed to the Cultural Commission .................................................................. 324 " 24-Evarts Gene, requesting installation of traffic lights at Dodge and Bryant Streets ................................ 327 Oct. 22-Evans, J. Russell, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 371 ' 29-Esslinger Hazel Stoltz, et. al., requesting rezoning of the Ely. 70' of the Wly 80' of Lot 376 and the Ely. 80' of Wly. 90' of Lot 375 in Davis Farm Add. to Local Business district "A" classifica- tion ................................................................................ 385 I I INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 2-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk .................... 5 " 2-First National Bank, appointed depository of public funds .................................................. 6 " 2-Felderman Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....................................................................... .. 17 22-Fire Department Radio System, awarding of con- tract for the purchase of Radio System ................ 33 Feb. 5-Feye Henry, owner of building occupied by Eldon A. Morett, requesting that Beer Permit Issued to Eldon A. Morett be cancelled ........................43, 63, 64 Mar. 5-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 77 " 19-Fischer John & Leonard Witt, sidewalk bond ........ 79 " 19-Francois Mary, Notice of Claim ................................ 81 " 19-Fifth Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from e.p.l. of Hill Street to the w.p.l. of Gilmore Street ................................90, 92, 130, 329, 396 " 19-Fourteenth Street, Loras Boulevazd, improvement with concrete paving and integral curb from w.p.L of White Street to w.p.l. of Locust Street ..................................................98, 135, 184, 385, 456 " 19-Fourth Street, improvement with concrete paving and integral curb from w.p.l. of White Street to e.p.l. of Bluff Street ........................98, 135, 184, 385, 458 19-Fecker Anthony F., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 100 April 2-Fire Pension and Retirement Board, submitting report of physcial examinations of Frederick Nagel, applicant for the Fire Department ........ 110 " 2-Feller Bertha, Notice of Claim .................................... 113, 190 " 2-Flick Ludwina G., Notice of Claim ............................ 114 2-Foell Lester, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 71 ............................................................ 117 " 2-Fitzpatrick Frank J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 119 " 16-Fondell & Sons Inc., excavation policy .................... 143 May 7-Flynn Coal Company, sidewalk bond .......................... 152, 168 " 7-Fraternal Order of Eagles, requesting permission to hold a Parade ...................................................... 168 June 4-Falkenheiner Drug Co., requesting permission to erect a canopy in front of their building on University Avenue ...................................................... 193, 217 " 4-Friedman Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................... 212 " 25-Farley &Loetscher Mfg. Co., requesting conveyance of alley between Washington and Jackson from 7th to 8th Streets ..........................222, 239, 240, 245, 272 " 25-Fecker Anthony L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 " 25-Fenelon William G., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 " 25-Felderman Laverne, granted Cigarette Permit .... 225 " 25-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Ctgarette Per- mit ................................................................................ 225 " 25-Fenelon Ken, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 225 " 25-Freund Robert A., granted Ctgarette Permit ............ 226 " 25-Finch Alford, granted Cigarette Permtt ................_.. 226 " 25-Finley Hospital, Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette Permtt .......................................................................... 226 25-Fettgather Ramona Mrs., granted Cigarette Per- mit ................................................................... .. 226 " 25-Fraternal Order of Orioles Nest #1, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 226 " 25-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 1962 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page F 25-Fink Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 25-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Cigarette Per- mit ................................................................................ 25-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Per- 227 mit ................................................................................ 227 25-Fleckenstein Ray, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 25-Falkenhainer Clazence P., granted Cigarette Per- - ................................................................... 25-Friedman Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 228 25-Ferring Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 25-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................... 228 25-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 568, granted Class „B" Beer Permit ......................................... 228 2-Farley &Loetscher Mfg. Co., re uestin t m Deed to the east half of aley between Whit e & Jackson Streets and 6th and 7th Streets ........ 232 2-Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., requesting that the City vacate its interest in an alley located be- tween in-lots 354 to 35S and 369 to 373 ........232, 306 353 2-Flynn Thomas M., appointed to the Planning & , Zoning Commission .................... ... 43 2-First National Bank, revocation of parking ordinance for parking on 5th Street adjacent to old bank building ........................................................................ 244 23-Fessler Victor, Notice of Claim .............................. ..... 250 314 23-Fengler Street Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans , and specifications for the construction of a 15" sanitary sewer ..................................................251, 23-Fettgather Ramona, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 286, 435 mtt ................................................................................ 20-Fritsch Werner, sidewalk bond .................................... 257 281 4-Fischer Realty Co., encouraging the erection of a parking ramp between 8th and 9th on Locust Street ............................................................................ 296 4-Frudden Edward et. al., petition for rezoning of Dodge Street area denied ........................................ 297 4-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mtt .................................................................................. 1-Freisinger Paul, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 354 1-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Class B"" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 354 22-Farley Jack, Notice of Claim ........................................ 369 433 22-Flury, Mrs. Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ............ , 371 22-Flury, Mrs. Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 371 29-Fischer Realty Co., lease entered into by the City of Dubuque and Fischer Realty Co. for the loca- tion of the new Municipal Court .................. ......... 385 5-Friedlein, Mrs. Christine, objecting to the assess- ment for the improvement of Brown and Van Buren Streets .................................. ............................ 393 19-Flood Control, City Council urging the Federal Budget Bureau to include City of Dubuque in its funds for flood control ...................... .. .. 485 486 19-Felderman Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer , Permit ........................................ .. 487 19-Fink Elmer L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 487 e 1 ~ . ~., INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page G Feb. 5-Gruen Victor & Associates, Agreement with the 296, 108 54 38 320, 365 M r , , , City of Dubuque ...:................ 19-Giese William A., appointed to Building Code Sub- a . " Committee .................................................................. 19-Glass Theodore H., appointed to Building Code 79 Sub-Committee ........................................................... 79 85 79 " 19-Goerdt Merlin, excavation policy ................................ , " 19-Grandview Avenue, North, improvement with grad- ing from the north property line of Kane Street to the south property line of 32nd 122, 181, 121 86 85 198, 472 , , , Street .................. ... 19-Grandview Avenue, North, improvement with con- crete curb and gutter from the s.p.l. of Kauf- mann Avenue southerly 800 feet to the exiting curb and gutter ....................................................87, 126, 473 " 19-Grandview Avenue, improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the west fork from the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue to a point 800 feet south ............95, 96, ..... ............................................132, 291, 348 " ............... 19-Grandview Avenue improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the east fork from the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue to a point 480 feet south ............95, 96, 132, 222 April 2--Gartner Arnold, requesting refund on Cigarette 116 " Permit No. 165 .......................................................... 16-Gribben Joseph D. et. al., approval of paving of McClain Street and requesting lowering of Grade at corner of Wooten and McClain Streets .. ... 121 " 16-Greteman N. J., reappointed to Police & Fire Re- tirement Board ............................................................ 150 May 7-Gantert Harry N. and Lucille, granted Class "B„ 179 June Beer Permit .......................................... .................. .. 4-Geisler Brothers, heating bond .................................... " " 189 212 " Beer Permit ........ B 4-Glynn Gloria, granted Class 224 " 25-Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ...... ... i 224 " t .... 25-Gordon Lorrmne Mrs., granted Cigarette Perm " 25-~-Guinta Marco, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 " 25-Giunta Joe, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 242 July 2-Glynn Gloria, granted Cigarette Pennit ..... ........... " 23-Gronau Walter F. and William H. Lammer, heating 249 " bond ....................................... ....................................... 23-Goerdt Merl, excavation bond ............................... .... 249 Aug. 6-Goerdt Merl, Assignment to William Blum on con- 267 struction of Deborah Drive Storm Sewer ............ " 6-Gatton Ellwood J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 282 " 20-Goerdt Merl, sidewalk bond ................................... .. " 20-Grimm Ralph Dr. et. al., requesting extension of Local Business "B" to all lots 13, 14 and 15 in Finley Waples Burtons Addition ............................ 286, 359 Oct 1-Gatton Elwood, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 354 . " 8.-Gonser Frank A., Notice of Claim ............................ 361 " 8-George Francis and Donald Wainer, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 363 Nov. 5-Gearheart, Paul & Lorraine, objecting to amount 393 of assessment for Sabula Street ............................ " 5-Gruetzmacher John L., objecting to amount of- 399 assessment for Caledonia Street .......................... 26-Goffinet Raymond G., applying for position of ~ Dec Bailiff ............................................................................ 19-Gearheart Paul, Notice of Claim ................................ y 489 . 19-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 487 1962 Jan. Feb. Mar April INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page H 2-Hor an Robert g J , sworn in as Councilman ................ 3 2-Hughes Alfred E., appointed Police Judge ............ E 2-Hansen Leonard et. al., objecting to condition of property on 8th Avenue which is owned by M. O. Olansky .................................................................... 14, 22 2-Hammer David, attorney for Standard Oil Co., re- questing a quit claim deed releasing the right of reverter to C. M. ST. P. R. R. covering City Lot 747 ............................................................14, 19, 57, 58 22-Herrig Eldon T., certifying cost of sanitary sewer in Bush & Samuel Streets ..................................19, 66, 71 22-Hartig Drug Co, offer to purchase property located at the corner of Grandview Avenue and Delhi Street ..........................................20, 55, 72, 153, 199, 238 22-Heating and Ventilating Code completed and pre- sented for adoPtion ....................................22, 30, 57, 58 22-Hagge Clarence J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 33 5-Hillard Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................ .. 51 5-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ......................................................... ................. 51 19-Home Builders Association, requesting that one of their members be appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................. ....... .... 62 19-Henkels Francis, appointed to the Civil Defense Advisory Board ................. ....................................... 69 19-Hickson Thomas C., appointed to the Civil Defense Advisory Board ................................. .. ....................... 69 19-Hutchinson, Rev. Donald R., appointed to the Civil Defense Advisory Board ........................................ 69 19-Horgan Robert J., appointed to the Civil Defense Advisory Board ............................................ ... 69 5-Huseman, Richazd and Louis, sidewalk bond ............ 72 5-Howes, Mrs. Robert, Notice of Claim ........................ 74 5-Hamblin Subdivision, Block 2, acceptance of terms and conditions by Charles L. Hamblin ................ 76 5-Henschel Dick, appointed to the Building Code Committee .................................................................... 78 19-Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, requesting permis- sion to extend the public sewer from University Avenue east ................................................................ 85 2-Hawkeye Trailer Court, approval of license to op- erate a mobile home park .................... 103 2-Hauth W. L. et. al., submitting a petition contain- ing 5400 signatures requesting that the council act to reduce gas rates for the City of Dubuque .... 108 2-Horgan Councilman, objecting to the Urban Renewal Program ........................................................................ 107 2-Hansel R. V., request that City pay for snowplowing of Key Knolls Subdivision denied ................... .... 110 2-Hanten Cyril, sidewalk bond ........................................ 111 2-Hamblin Construction Co., requesting permission to excavate in Cox Street ..................................... 115 2-Hantelmann, Thos. H., Richard J. and Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ........................................ 119 2-Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 119 2-Holiday Inn Restaurant, granted Class "B" Beer ~ermit .......................................................................... 119 2-Hall John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 119 2-Henkel, Mrs. Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 119 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page H " 16-Haight Davis & Haight Inc., Consulting Actuaries, submitting actuarial and financial analysis of f the Police & Fire Retirement Systems as o 142 " December 31, 1961 ................................................... 16-Home Builders Assn. of Dubuque, advising Council of a candidate for the Planning & Zoning Com- 142 sion vacancy ................................................................ 16-Hillcrest Builders, Inc., sidewalk bond ...................... 143 151 May " 7-Hogan M. P., power of attorney revoked .................... 7-Hanselmann Brothers & Company, heating bond .... 152 " 7-Hyatt Guy C. and Evelyn B., requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of 2 in Hyatt Place to Multiple Residence 188 June ................................................... . Classification ~ • •°~°° 9-Henschel Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., heating bond .... 189 4-Hillcrest Eagle Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- ' 212 ........................................................ nut ........................ 4-Hafeman Leonard A., granted Class "C" Beer Per- 212 " . mit .......................................................................... 25-Heiders~heit John J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 25-Hillcrest Eagle Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 " " 25-Haines Dorrance, granted Cigarette Permit ........ granted Cigarette Permits .... an Com 225 " y, p 25-Hartig Drug granted Cigazette Permit ... .... 25-Herburger Carl M. 225 " , 25-Hinman Lynn & Gladys, granted Cigarette Permit .... 225 226 " 25-Hagge Clarence J. Jr., granted. Cigarette Permit .... 226 " 25-Hafeman Helen M, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 2S-Holiday Inn, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 227 " " 25-Hafeman Erwin, granted Cigarette Permit .... .. 25-Haberkorn Edward A., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " 25-Haupert Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 226 " 25-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice, granted Cigarette 226 " ......................................................................... Permit 25-Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 228 " Jul 25-Henkel Alma, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 2-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting street lights in 82 y KeY Knolls Sub . ......................................231, 244, 360, 3 " 2-Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, requesting permis- 231 sion to excavate in Delhi St ..................................... 242 " 2--Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 242 " 2-Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 242 " 2-Harbaugh William, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 242 " 2--Harle Loins H., granted Cigarette Permit ................ i " " 242 " t .... Beer Perm B 2-Hemmer John P., granted Class " 2-Hinman Lynn & Gladys, requesting refund on 246 Cigarette Permit No. 102 ........................................ 249 " 23-Hartman Arthur A., sidewalk bond ............................ 257 " 23-Hosch Charles, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " " 257 Beer Permit ........ B 23-Hosch Charles, granted Class Aug. 6-Hajincoleas Jim, ordered to dismantle building lo- 303 264 cated at 1398 Maple Street .................................... , 284 269 " " 6-Hanson Norman, Notice of Claim ................................ 6-Hartman Joseph, Notice of Claim ................................ , 269, 283 " 6-Hartman Construction Co., requesting rezoning of Lots 3, 4 and 6 of Block 1 Broadway Heights to Multiple Family District .................................... 270, 300 " 6-Hahn Stanley, requesting permission to sell potatoes in the City of Dubuque without cost of per- 298 271 Sept mit ................................................................................ 4-Humke Maurice, petition to purchase a portion of , , Moore's Mill land denied ........................................ 299 " 4-Herrig Eldon T., requesting street lights for St. George &Tressa and Samuel &Tressa Streets .... 302, 313 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page N " 17-Hafeman Kenneth J. et. al, objecting to rezoning of area between 27th and 28th on Central Avenue .......................................................................... 322 " 17-Holy Ghost Church, requesting permission to erect a banner across Central Avenue ............................ " 323 17-Hubbard Walnut Co. Inc., requesting permission to connect to city water ............................................ " 323, 338 17-Harney Lester, reappointed to the Airport Com- miss~on .......................................................................... Oct. 1-Harney Lester, bond ....................................... 324 337 1-Holz, Clara, requesting the installation of a storm sewer at 2307 Kaufmann Avenue to repair damage caused by drainage problem .................... " 340 1-Hafeman E. J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 199 .......................................................... " 341 1-Herburger Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .............................. .................... ............. „ 1-Haines Dorrance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ~~ 354 354 1-Hough Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 355 8-Hunter S. D. et. al., requesting street light on Prysi and New Haven Streets " 360 390 29-Hough Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit ... ~...... .. , 3gg ov. 5-H & B Communications Corp., television cable bond ............................ ................ " 390 5-Holz Louis M., relative to damage of curb on Laurel Street .................................. .. 5-Hickey David L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ' 393 430 5-Haupert Clarence P., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. '~ 28-Hantelman Edna, Notice of Suit ................................ ' 430 445 26-Hiilcrest Builders Inc., et. al., requesting surfacing and curb and gutter on Old Timers Road from Asbury to Pennsylvania Avenue ...................... 446 452 ..... Dec. 3-Haberkorn Edward A., granted Class "B" Beer , Permit .......................... 478 3-Heiden Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 478 ~.__._ _. c INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page Feb. I 5-Illinois Central R. R. lease with the City of Du- 50 buque ............................................................................ Mar. 19-Irving Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the s.p.l. of Decorah Street to the n.p.l, of University Avenue ......91, 130, 329, 400 April 16-Iowa Natural Resources Council, report and com- ments on Flood Control from Hampton, Illinois to Cassville, Wisconsin ............................................ 141 May 7-Iowa Municipal Finance Officers Association, extend- ing invitation to attend meeting ........................ 152 " 7-Iowa State Highway Commission, Agreement with ent of h i mprovem e The City of Dubuque for t Dodge Street from Grandview Avenue to Bluff Street ............................................................................ 174, 194 " 7-Illinois Central Railroad, Agreement with City of Dubuque Water Department for construction of water main at Fremont Avenue and railroad tracks ........................................................................... 175, 392 " 7-Industrial Expansion Committee, endorsed by the City Council ................................................................ 180, 444 June 4-Interstate Power Company, submitting report for 191 " the Year 1961 ....................................................... 25-Iowa Commission For The Blind, granted Cigarette Permit ......................................................................... 225 Aug. 6-Iowa State Highway Commission, Agreement with City of Dubuque concerning a drainage prob- lem on U. S. Highway No. 20 ................................ 266 6-Interstate Power Company, release of easement to City of Dubuque ................................................ 267 Sept. 10-Ingles Agnes and Earl, settlement of suit ............. .. 313 Dec. 3-Interstate Power Company, reporting on soot prob- lem in the City of Dubuque .................................... 453 " 19-Iowa Transit Association, submitting a resolution for Council's adoption, approving the continua- tion of exempting owners of bus transit systems from motor vehicle fuel tax .................................... 48t INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page J Feb. 5-Jecklin George and Addie, petition for annexation of property south of Hi-way 20 south of Devon Drive ........................................................................43, 60, 137 " 19-Johansen Subdivision, approval of plat .................... 67 Mar. 19-Jones John, excavation policy ...................................... 79, 85 " 19-James Street, improvement with concrete paving and integral curb from s.p.l. of Third Street to the n.p.l. of Wooten Street ..... ..........98, 135, 184, 385, 460 April Z~Jestice Vincent P. et. al., objecting to the improve- ment of McPoland Street ........................................ 122 June 4~Tohansen Subdivision No. 1., approval of plat of Blocks 1, 2 and 3 ........................................................ 209 " 25~Tulien Dubuque Gulf Service, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 227 " 25~Tungblut Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 Sept. 4~Tulien Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 310 4-Julien Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 310 " 17-Jordan W. J, release of heating bond ........................ 322 " 17-Jones James C. et. al., requesting rezoning of west side of Central Avenue to include Lot 259 in Davis Farm Addition ................................................ 322 Oct. 8~Tohns John H., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 363 Dec. 19~lohanningmeier Elmer D., appointed Bailiff of the Municipal Court ........................................................ 484 h `. ,: E INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page K Jan. 2-Kean James J., sworn in as Councilman .................... of i 3 " ce 2-Kintzinger David N. & Charlotte M., not f t or s appeal for relief from special assessmen Bush Street and St. George Street improvements of surfacing and curb and gutter ........................ 12 " 2-Kruse Richard J., requesting refund on Cigarette 14 " Permit No. 305 .......................................................... Mr. & Mrs. Eldon, Notice of Claim .... 22-Kleinschrodt 23, 73 " , 22-Kuehn Archie, requesting renewal of restricted 31 " Plumber's license ...................................................... 22-Kelly Francis E. & William J. Byrne, requesting rezoning of Lots 1 & 2 Kelly Place from Local Business "A" to local Business District "B" ......32 59, 82 Feb , ................................................ classification .... Mrs. Roy (Nellie), Settlement of Claim ........ 5-Kaiser 39 . " , 19-Karigan Andrew D., requesting refund on Cigar- 62 Mar ette Permit No. 163 ................................................ 5-Kass Phyllis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 77 . " 19-Kopp Donald J., appointed to Building Code Sub- 79 " .................................................................. committee 19-Kluesneq Mrs. David, Notice of Claim .................... 81 283 82 " " 19-Kauzlick Mary, Notice of Claim .................................. 19-Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with hot mix-hot , laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the west ' s property line of Lot 154 of L. H. Langworthy Addition to a point 13 feet east of the west property line of Weidenbacher Sub.......95, 96, ........................................132. 290, 343 " ................. 19-Ka l ot ~ v u west the from surfacing concrete laid asphaltic property line of Central Avenue to the west property line of Lot 154 of L. H. Langworthy's Addition ...............95, 96, ........................................... 132, 222 99 " 19-Kunz William M., granted Cigarette Permit .......... " " 100 " Beer Ptrmit .... B 19-Kunz William M., granted Class April 2-Klock Merlin P., sidewalk bond .................................... 111 ' " 2-Kollar Alex, heating bond ............................................ requesting vacation of dead end 2-Kueper Fred C. , alley located in Mechames Addition ............111, 391, 454 " 2-Krepfle Philip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ " 119 120 " Beer Permit .... 2-Kratz Raymond H., granted Class "C lat f l " o p 16-Kopp Nicholas J. and Esther F., approva of Blocks 3 & 4 of Carter Ridge Add ................. May •' 7-Kringle Oliver, sidewalk bond .................................... Notice of Claim ........................ 7-Kormann Norman J. 152 154, 314 " , 7-Kaufman Earl Mrs., Notice of Claim ........................ 154 " 7-Kenneally Fuel & Heating Sheet Metal, release 168 of heating bond ... .................................... ................. 189 June 4-KoPP Lyle, sidewalk bond ................................................ 4-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Per- " mit ................................................................................ 25-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit .... 212 224 " 25-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 224 " 25-Knoll Walter W., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 225 " 25-Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 25-Kunz William M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 225 " 25-Kissel Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit .............. i 225 225 t ........ 25-Kress Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Perm " 25-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit .... 228 " 25-Kanavas Theodore, granted Cigarette Permit ........ i 226 226 t ........ 25-Koeller DeForrest, granted Cigarette Perm 227 " 25-Krepfle Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 1962 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT page K 25-Kelly Francis, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 25-Karigan Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 25-Kratz, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 227 25-Karigan .Gust & Pete Sfikas, granted Cigarette Perm~t .......................................................................... 227 25-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 25-Kanavas Theodore C., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 25-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 228 mtt ......................................... ........................... 228 25-KlauerJulien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................ 228 2-Kehl Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 242 2-Kamentz Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 242 485 2-Kass John G., granted Cigarette Permit .................... , 242 23-K & K Heating Contractors, heating bond ................ 249 23-Kress, Mrs. Joe, Notice of Claim ................................ 250, 299 6-Kress Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 277 6-Konzen Eldon J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 277 6-Koeller DeForrest P., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ......................................................... ............... 4-Klauer Julien Hotel Co., requesting refund on 278 Cigarette Permit No. 10 ............................ 303 4-Klauer Julien Hotel Co., requesting refund on Class `B" Beer Permit No. 78 .......................................... 303 4-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 310 17-Kraus John H. requesting permission to connect to city water ........................................................322, 335 383 17-Kohnon Harold J. et al., objecting to brush and , undergrowth of property at Linwood Cemetery .... 322 8-Kies Emmett, Suit against the City dismissed ...... 361 22-Kingsley Allen R., name submitted as a candidate for the Dock Commission .................................. 366 22~Kopple Harry, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 371 22-Knockel Rita F, for John Randy Knockel, Notice of Claim ...................................................................... 383 19-Kirk Laura H., Notice of Claim ........................ 433 26-Kiefer Earl, requesting the opening of alley con- Heeling to the rear of his property to Mer- chants Lane ................................................................ 445 3-Kopp, Nicholas J. and Esther F., requesting that the assessment levied against Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 Highland Farm be re- apportioned as said Lot has been subdivided into Carter Ridge Sub . ............................................ 450 3-Kress Bernice E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 478 I INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page 1962 SUBJECT ~ L Feb 5-Lime Rock Springs Co., granted Cigarette Per- 25-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigazette Permit ............ . mils for Holiday Inn Motel, Dodge House Motel, 25-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ............... Polfers Milk House and Karigans Holiday Grtll .... 50 July 2-Love Rita B., granted Cigarette Permit .................... " release of sidewalk bond .................... 19-Lyons William 62 2-Lambert Frank granted Cigarette Permit o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " , 19-Lime Rock Springs Co., granted Cigarette Per- and for Elaine T ' 23-Linehan & Mol heating bond pug. 6--Loibl Harlan F.~et. al, requesting street lights on avern s mils for Thompson 68 Fremont Avenue ....... . " - Portwine ...................................................................... granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 19-Love Kenneth J. 68 . ............................................... Sept. 17-League of Women Voters, requesting extension of " , 19-Laube, Dr. Paul, appointed to the Ctvil De ense 69 registration for November election ................ ........ Oct 1-Locher Willia T ti Advisory Board .......................................................... 79 . m ., reques ng refund on Cigarette Permit No 115 „ " 19-Luber John, sidewalk bond ............................................ Kenneth, Notice of Claim .............. Mrs 19-Lehnhardt Sl . ...................................................... i-Lanser Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ~ .................... " " . , 19-Lange's Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation -Cap d to M i b d 1-Love Rita B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ " 1-Lanser Helen granted Class "B" Beer P it y ssue on s of cigarette license for The Beverage House, Dubuque Vendors Inc , erm ........ Nov. 5-Lasche John, sidewalk bond ................ .. . The Wheel, Kay's Bakery & Cafe, Beid- Marina 19-League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting summary , Lorrie's Tap, Al's Tap and ler's Mobilgas Station of a bill to rovide for a State Public Utility o , ThomPSOn Tavern ................................................... S5 Commission t regulate utilit rates and service y 19-Lindale Street, improvement with concrete curb t in Iowa ........................................................................ 19-Logan Richard et al re ue ti - and gutter from the w.p.l. of Carter Road wes 4 . ., q s ng extension of Rtker Street " erly to the existing curb and gutter .................... improvement with bituminous con- 19-Lowell Street 87, 12 .......................... Dec. 3-Lan as ...................................... ,~ g Phillip T., granted Cigarette Permit ............ , Crete surfacing from the e.p.l. of Harold Street 19-Lewis James L., Notice of Claim ......................... ~~~'"~ to the w.p.l, of Abbott Street ............................91, 92, 129 19-Laurel Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Grandview Avenue to the north end of the street ....91, 92 ...............................................................................130, 329, 419 " ... 19-Lindale Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the w.p.l. of Carter Road westerly to the existing curb and gutter at the east property line of Lot 1 of 2 of 30 Highland Park Road ..............................................................91, 92, 129 " 19-Love Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 100 April 2-League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting a list of items in the budgeting of the Street Fund in order to protect future interests in the State Highway Program ...................................................... 109 2-Lime Rock Spnngs Co. Inc., granted Cigarette Permit for Francis J. Kelly .................................... 119 " 2-Lepsch R. J. and James Woods, relative to extension of Lindale Street ........................................................ 122 " 16-LOnergan Richard D., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 149 " 16-Lynn William J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 149 May 7-Lange Wilbert H., requesting vacation of alley in Broadway Add . ........................................165, 267, 284, 445 " 7-Latham Ernest E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 179 June 4-Leslein Genevieve, Nonce of Claim ............................ 190 218 " 25-Lester Walter, Notice of Claim .................................... " 25-Lilly Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 224 " 25-Laury Anne K. & Joseph R. Lenger, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 224 " 25-Lonergan Richard D., granted Cigarette Permit .... 225 25-LUdescher John J., granted Ctgarette Permit .......... 225 " 25-Love Donald M., granted Ctgarette Permit ............ 225 25-Lynn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 225 " 25-Latham Ernest, granted Ctgarette Permit .... ......... 225 25-Locher William T., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 226 " 25-Luchsinger Ray and Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 226 I Page 227 225 242 242 249 270, 326 323 341 354 354 355 390 431 435 477 484 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page Mc Jan. 22-McCaughey Samuel S., Claim denied ........................ 23 Mar. 5-McMahon Margaret et. al., requesting rezoning of area between Dodge and Jones and Bluff and Bissell Lane to Business District ......................76, 114, 155 " 5-McLaughlin Raymond B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 77 " 19-McMahan Paul F» appointed to Building Code Sub-Committee ............................................................ 79 " 19-McInerney Charlotte M., offer to purchase Lot 9 of Quigley's Sub. of O. L. 711, located on Pierce Street ............................................................80, 144, 168, 201 " 19-McDonald Viola, Notice of Claim ................................ 81 " 19-McClain Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the s.p.l. of Wooten to the n.p.l. of Bonson Street ............................87, 124, 126, 473 " 19-McPoland Avenue, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Van Buren Street to the s.p.l. of Pennsylvania Avenue .................................................... ...........91, 92, 130, 329, 409 " 19-McClain Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the s.p.l. of Wooten Street to the n.p.l. of Bonson Street ........91, 92, 130, 329, 421 April Z-McDermott Patrick D., Notice of Claim .................... 113, 146 " 2-McCarty Marcella, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 98 ................................................ 117 " 16-McMahan Paul F., approval of paving of Laurel Street ............................................................................ 121 " 16-McNamara Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 149 May 17-McCaughey Samuel Scott, Notice of Claim ....... .... 185 14-McMahon Michael, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 186, 213 June 4-McNamer Noah, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 212 " 25-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, heating bond .......... 217 " 25-McCarthy John R., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 228, 453 " 25-McCauley Howard, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-McGeough Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .... 228 " 25-McMahon Cecil, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-McNamer Noah, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-McMahon Cecil J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 July 2-McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 242 Aug. 6-McKay, Richard V. & Betty R., requesting vacation of easements of utility companies in Indian Hills .................................................. .............271, 307, 352 " 6-McGeough Joseph R., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................... 278 Nov. 5-McCarty Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 429 " 5-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "B" Beer Per- nvt ................................................................................ 429 " 26-McDonnell Excavating Service, cancellation of blast- ing bond ...................................................................... 444 Dec. 3-McLaughlin Thomas W., objecting to the amount of assessment for the improvement of West Fourth Street .............................................................. 455 " 19-McKeon Doris, Notice of Claim .................................... 489 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page M Jan. " 2-Milligan, Mrs. Glen, Claim denied ...................... .. .... 2-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- 13 ettt Permit No. 287 (Lorraine Hentges) .. 2-Mozena Frank and Hattie, City of Dubuque releas- 14 " ing all interest in Lot 2 of Lot 1 of M L . ............. 2-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit for Chas. Nesteby ................. 385 ~~ . 2-Miller Earl C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 22-Moore Engineering Compan I h 17 17, 205 y, nc., eating bond .... 22-March of Dimes, requesting permission to hold a 21 street drive ............ ............ 22-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit Leo Heiden ........ 32 » ............................ 22-Mueller Don, rea ~ ~ ~ ~"""""""""""" ppointed to the Dock Commis i 33 Feb. s on .. 5-Moldt Harold L. Jr., requesting the vacation of Lewis Street . 34 .................. .. ............42, 5-Morett Eldon A., Class "B" Beer Permit No 96 112, 140 . revoked ...... " ............... ..43, ........... . 5-Mettel Brooks Addition, a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pproval of plat of Blocks 63. 64 4, 5, 6 and 7 ............ „ ....................... 5-MY-Cap Vendors, Inc., ..... ....................... granted Cigarette Permit for 47, 48 » Wm. J. Tindell Jr . ....... .......... S-MY-CaP Vendors, Inc., ................................ .. for Ray Fleckenstein granted Cigarette Permit 50 ............................. 5-Mellon Maurice H., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ granted Class "B" Beer Per- 50 Mar. mit ........................................................ 5-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- 51 " ette Permit No. 307 (Dorothy Heinen) ................ 5-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- 75, 153 ette Permit No. 214 (Al's Tap) .... .............. 5-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit N 22 46 , o. 0 (Clarence E. Thompson) ., 5-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 76 for Phyllis Kass ........ „ ............. ..... 5-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., ............................ granted Cigarette Permit for Dale Ritter ............ 7 " ............... 5-Miller Arthur, a ~ ~ ~~~~~~"~~""""'~~"""' Committee ppointed to the BuBding Code 77 ' 19-Mineral Street, improvement with bituminous con- 78 Crete surfacing from the w.p.l. of McCormick Street to the w p l of Lot 1 f " . . . o Block 12 Steger Heights ..................................91, 92, 130, 19-Miller Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 329, 410 April ............ 2-Mayor Schaller, submitting report and a plan for 100 Industrial Development ... . " .. ................. 2-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- 104 " ette Permit No. 286 (Marcella McCarty) ............ 2-Maury Earl J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per - 116 mit No. 30 .................. " .................................... 2-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit for 117 Quick Clean Self Service Laundry .............. 16-Martin William R. et. al., objecting to improvement 119 of Nebraska Street .... " .................. 16-Municipal Court, petition requesting that ~~~ lion to establish a municipal cou t b b t 122 r e su mi ted at a general, municipal or special election May ..................................................147, 170, 214, 385, 483, 484 7-Manahl Clark E» sidewalk bond ................ .... 7-Military Order of The Purple Heart, requesting per- 152 " mission to hold an exhibit .... ......... 7-Municipal Court Election to be held June 4 168 . 1962 ........................................................................170, 214, 385 r- -- _.-- 0 ~_ N A a, ~i INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page M " 7-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit for Stuart DeMoss ............................................................ 178 " 7-My-Cap Vendors, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit .......................................... for Erwin J. Hafeman .. 178 " 7-Meisenburg Kenneth L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 179. 435 7-Meyer Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 179 June 25-Mescher Vincent W. & John F. Tench, granted Cigarette Permit ........................................................ 224 " 25-Manternach Gus L.; granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 " 25-Meyer Cletus J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 225 " 25-Millet Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ... ............ 226 " 25-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 226 " 25-Meitl Cy, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 226 " 25-Manternach Richard, granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " 25-Meisenburg Kenneth L., granted Cigarette Per- mit ................................................................................ 227 " 25-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-Mellon Maurice H., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-Miller Ione, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 228 " 25-Meyer, Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 225 " 25-Manternach Gus L., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 228 July 2-Miller, Fay, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 147 .......................................................... 231 " 2-Miller Addition, approval of plat ................................ 240 " 23-Martin James C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 249 Aug. 6-Meyer Cletus J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 278 " 20-1Viulgrew Blacktop Inc., Assignment to American Trust & Savings Bank for the City of Dubuque 1962 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1 ...................................................................................... 282 Sept. 4-Mt. St. Bernard Seminary, granted Cigarette Per- nut ................................................................................ 310 " 4-Meitl Cyril N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 310 " 17-Mooney Thomas Mrs., appointed to Cultural Develop- ment Commission ...................................................... 324 " 24-Melssen Elmer, Notice of Claim .................................. 326, 339 " 24-Muscular Dystrophy Association requesting permis- sion to hold a fund raising drive ... .................... 327 Oct. 1-Mohr John E., granted Cigazette Permit .................... 354 " 1-Mobley Coleman T., appointed to the Cultural Commission .................................................................. 355 " 29-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., requesting extension of time for construction of sidewalks in Mettel Brooks Addition ........................................................ 384 Nov. 26-Miller Delbert, requesting street light in area at 1909 Pierce Street .................................................... 446, 451 Dec. 3-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 477 " 3-Myers Russell E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 478 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page N Jan. 2-Noel, Mrs. June M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " mit ....................... ................. ...... • ............................. 2-Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Per- 17 mit ........................................................... ................... 17 Feb. 5-Nagelmaker Carl E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " " mit ........................................................... 5-National Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 51 51 19-North End Wrecking Co., request for purchase of city owned property denied ............ ...................... . 55 Mar. 5-Nagel Frederick, relative to physical examination " for Fire Department ........... .71 72 110 , 19-Northview Drive, improvement with concrete curb , and gutter from the n.p.l. of Kane Street to the s.p.l. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of " Highland Farm Sub . ........................ .... ....88 126 473 , 19-Nebraska Avenue, improvement with bituminous , concrete from the e.p.l. of McPoland Avenue to " the n.p.l. of Van Buren Street ........................91, 92 128 19-Northview, improvement with hot mix-hot laid , asphaltic concrete surfacing from the north property line of Kane Street to the north prop- erty line of Lot 1 of Lot 9 in Scenic View " Heights ................................................95, 96, 132, 19-Noonan Gerard, appointed to the Civil Service 291, 347 Com[mssion .................................................................. 100 April I6-National Tea Company, requesting vacation of a portion of Heeb Street ..........................147, 323, 383 434 May 7-National Multiple Sclerosis Society, requesting per- , mission to have a house to house canvass for funds ............................................................................ 167 June 4-Nachtman Irvin 0., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 212 4-Nachtman Irvin 0., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " mit ................................................ ....................... 25-Ney Milton, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer 212 " Permit No. 130 .......................................................... 221 " 25-Ney Albert H., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 224 ~~ 25-Nicks Josephine, granted Cigazette Permit ............ 224 25-Neumeister John C, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 25-National Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 224 '~ 25-Nagelmaker Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 ' 25-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 226 " 25-Nachtman Irvin 0., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-Noel John E., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 " 25-Ney Clarence granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 25-Na Club of Dubu ue, Shi No. 67, ~'Y 4 p granted Cigar- '~ ette Permit ................. 225 25-Norton James L., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 226 ' 25-Ney Raymond A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 22g 25-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................. ............. 228 Aug. 6-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to excavate in alley between Main and Locust between First and Second and Third and ~~ Fourth Streets ........................................................ 271 6-Ney Albert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 27g 6-Nicks Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 27g Sept. 4-Nick Mike, ordered to dismantle building at 1398 " Maple Street .............................................................. 264 303 10-Navy Mothers Club, requesting permission to hold . Oct. a tag day ...................................................................... 8-Nesteby Richard, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 315 363 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT N " 22-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit .... 22-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......................................................................... Dec. 3-Neumeister John et. al., requesting that something be done about the soot problem, particularly in the north end of the City .................................... " 19-Noel June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 19-Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ INDEX -BOOK 92 Page 1962 SUBJECT page 0 371 Jan. 2-Ordinance No. 1-62. An Ordinance Allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and other 371 sources of revenue to the expenditures for City Government in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1962 and 453 ending December 31, 1962, and authorizing cer- 487 tain transfer of funds ................ ................. 7, 8 " 2-Ordinance No. 63-61. An Ordinance defining trees 487 infected with Dutch Elm Disease as a nuisance - , providing for the abatement of such nuisance; providing methods of enforcement and for col- lection of costs for abatement and removal of infected trees done by the City on private property; and providing for the licensing and regulating of tree trimmers in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................................................ " 11 25 2-Olsen William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... , 17 " 22-Ohnesorge Andrew, Notice of Claim ............................ 24 249 " 22-Ordinance No. 2-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- , dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new subsection 5 to Section B of Schedule X thereof ................................ ... " 22-Ordinance No. 3-62. An Ordinance Amending No. 26 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new subsection 6 to Section A of Schedule X thereaf ........:............................................................. " 27 22-Ordinance No. 4-62. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33119 of the City of Dubuque by repealing Section Q and Section U of Schedule II thereof and by enacting a new section and anew Section U of Schedule II in lieu thereof .... " 27 22-Ordinance No. 5-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33h9 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new section 99 to Schedule VI thereof .................................................................... 28 " 22-Ordinance No. 6-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new subsection 20 to Section B of Schedule III thereof ................................ 2S " 22-Ordinance No. 7-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 7.5 thereof and by enacting a new Section 7.5 in lieu thereof ...... 29 " 22-Ordinance No. 8-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new section dd and a new section ee to Schedule II thereof ........................ 30 " 22-Ordinance No. 9-62. An Ordinance establishing a Code for the installing, servicing, maintaining and using of all heat producing appliances; Heating, Ventilating, air Conditioning, Refrig- eration, Blower and Exhaust units or systems; Natural and Liquified Petroleum Gas Appliances and piping; Liquid Petroleum Gas Storage Tanks or Bottles for Utilization; Fuel Oil Storage Tanks and Oil Burning Equipment; Stokers and other solid, Liquid or Gaseous Fuel Burning Equipment etc ............................................................. 30, 58 " 22-Ordinance No. 1062. An Ordinance Repealing Or- dinance vacating alley described as Lot 7A and Lot SA of O'Neill's Subdivision No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ...................................................... 31 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT O " 22-Ordinance No. 11-62. An Ordinance amending Budget as approved by Resolution No. 192-61 and Ordnance No. 1-62 ............................................ 31, Feb. 5-Ohnesorge Andrew, claim denied ................................ " 5-O'Brien, Mrs. George (Mary), Notice of Claim ........ ^ 5-O'Neill William E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. " 19-Ordinance No. 12-62. An Ordinance accepting con- veyance of certain parcels of real estate and establishing and naming a public street thereon .. " 19-Ordinance No. 13-62. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated the Zoning Ordinance so as to change Lots 1 & 2 of Kelly-Byrne Place in the City of Dubuque from Local Business District "A" to Local Business District "B" Classification '• 19-Ordinance No. 14-62. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 so as to change Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of Burkart's Subdivision from Single Family Residence Dis- trict Classification to Local Business District .,B„ Classification ...................................................... " 19-Ordinance No. 15-62. An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 sa as to change lots 1 & 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of George Jecklin Fazm and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of George Jecklin Farm in the County and partly in the City of Dubuque from Single Fazeuly District Classification to Local Business Dis- trict "B" classification ............................................ " 19-Ordinance No. 16-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 339 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Schedule IV thereof and by enacting a new schedule iV in lieu thereof .................................................................. Mar 5-O'Copnnrtor,o B the s~Ahie Departm nt for theltyear 1961 ................................................................................ April 2-Owens, Mrs. Sammie G., Notice of Claim .................... " 2-Ordinance No. 17-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by changing the Zoning Classification of City Lots 587, 588, 589, 590 from Multiple Family Residence District Classification to Business District Class- ification .................................................................... " 2-Ordinance No. 18-62. An Ordinance Accepting the conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and establishing same as a public street .... " 16-Ordinance No. 19-62. An Ordinance Accepting the Conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and establishing the same as a public street .................................... Page 40 39 40 51 59 82 59, 60, 83 61, 84 61 72 113 114, 155 114 136 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page O " 18-Ordinance No. 20-62. An Ordinance Establishing the Voting Precinct for Certain Annexed Ter- ritory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, (Plaza 20) .... 137 " 16-Ordinance No. 21-62. An Ordinance Establishing the Voting Precinct for Certain Annexed Ter- ritory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, (West- chester) ........................................................................ 138 " 16-Ordinance No. 222. An Ordinance Establishing the Voting Precinct for Certain Annexed Ter- ritory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, (B071son Farm Sub.) .................................................................. 138 " 16-Ordinance No. 23-62. An Ordinance Establishing the Voting Precinct for Certain Annexed Ter- ritory in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .................... " 139 16-Ordinance No. 24-62. An Ordinance Vacating Por- tion of Lewis Street .................................................. 140 May 7-Ordinance No. 25-62. An Ordinance Granting Hoty Trinity Lutheran Church the Right to Construct a Sanitary Sewer in the alley north of Delhi Street from Grandview Avenue to University Ave- nue and providing the terms and conditions thereof .......................................................................... " 155, 156 7-Ordinance No. 28-62. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance No. 3-34 by Changing Lot 2 of 1 of Prysi Farm; Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of the Correction Plat of Prysi farm and Mineral Lot 166; Lotlof2oflof lof lofloflofl of I of 1 of the Correction Plat of Prysi Farm and Mineral Lot 166 to Local Business District "A" classification and Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 1 of 1 of West Gate to Local Business District "A" classification except that pazt of said Lot 2 of Lot 1 of 1 of West Gate adjacent to Dodge street and presently zoned as Business Dis- trict ................................................................................ " 7-Ordinance No. 27-62. An Ordinance establishing 157, 192 a grade on Alpha Avenue from Blinois Avenue to the south property line of Pennsylvania Avenue .......................................................................... " 157 7-Ordinance No. 28-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Carter Road from the worth property line of Kane Street to a point 600 feet north .... 158 " 7-Ordinance No. 29-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Cottage Place from the east property line of Abbott Street to the east property line of Lot 77 of Pleasant View Addition .................... 156 " 7-Ordinance No. 30-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade ou Cummins Street from the south prop- erty line of Loras Boulevard to a point 187 feet south .................................................................... " 159 7-Ordinance No. 31-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Davenport Street from National Street to existing curb 95 feet south of the west prop- erty line of Primrose Street .................................. " 180 7-Ordinance No. 3262. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Grandview Extension from the north property line of Kane Street to the south prop- erty line of West 32nd Street ................................ 180 " 7-Ordinance No. 33-62. An Ordinance estabishing a grade on McClain Street from the south prop- -- ~d I Ali _- _= II INDEX -BOOK 92 1965 SUBJECT O erty line of Wooten Street to a point 400 feet southerly ...................................................................... " 7-Ordinance No. 34-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Northview Drive from the north prop- erty line of Kane Street to a point 500 feet northerly ...................................................................... " 7-Ordinance No. 35-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Primrose Street from the north prop- erty line of Muscatine Street to the south prop- erty line of Davenport Street ................................ " 7-Ordinance No. 36-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Prysi Street from the north property line of New Haven Street to the south property line of University Avenue ...................................... " 7-Ordinance No. 37-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Rockdale Road from the corporation line to the south property line of Grandview Avenue .......................................................................... " 7-Ordinance No. 38-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Sabula Street from the north property line of Muscatine Street to the south property line of Davenport Street .......................................... " 7-Ordinance No. 39-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Samuel Street from the south ,....r:..;~ line of St. George Subdivision to the north prop- erty line of Southern Avenue ................................ " 7-Ordinance No. 40-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Shiras Avenue from the end of the existing curb to Eagle Point Park Entrance ........ " 7-Ordinance No. 41-62. An Ordinance establishing a grade on St. Joseph Street from the west prop- erty line of Gandolfo Street to the east property line of Collins Street ................................................ " 7-Ordinance No. 42-62. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 10-53 of City of Dubuque by re- pealing Subsection (c) of Section 5 thereof per- taining to provision thereof that no person shall be convicted thereunder except upon complaint of two or more persons of different house- holds .............................................................................. " 14-Ordinance No. 43-62. An Ordinance Regulating Driveways and Entrances to Primary Road No. 20 within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, described as follows: On present route of U. S. Highway No. 20 from Grandview Avenue to the westerly City Limits of Dubuque, Iowa, more specifically described as from Station 2404100 to Station June 4-O'Neill William, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit Na. 14 .................................................. " 4-O'Neill Denise M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " 25-O'Brien Mary, Settlement of Claim ............................ " 25-Ordinance No. 4462. An Ordinance granting to Caradco, Incorporated, a corportion doing business in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to erect and Maintain two overhead pipe lines over and across 9th Street between Jackson and White street at a point approximately above the easterly line of the alley which is parallel to Jackson and White Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the right to overhang said pipes above the easterly Page 161 162 162 183 183 184 165 165 166 167 186 194 212 218 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page O side of said alley projected approximately two feet from buildings adjacent t o the east side of said alley and extending northerly from said 9th Street a distance of approximately 200 feet .... 25-Ordinance No. 45-62. An Ordinance vacating War- 21g ren Street commencing where same intersects with Jones Street southwesterly to Dodge Street o l ; 25-grdinance No. 4f i -62bAn Ordinance Amending Bud- 220 get as approved by Resolution No. 192-61 and Ordinance No. 1-62 in amount of $8 573 00 R " , . , e- creation Municipal Golf Course Fund .................... 221, 25-Olsen William H t 269 " " ., gran ed Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Oeschger Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-O'Neill Deni M 225 225 ~~ se ., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-O'Mara Helen Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit 225 ........ 25-Oberhoffer Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit .... 25-Oberhoffer Joseph F t " " ZZg ., gran ed Class B Beer Per- mit ..... u Y " ....... ............................. 2-O'Meara Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 9-Ordinanc N 228 242 e o. 47-62. An Ordinance vacating [he alley between Jackson and White Streets from Seventh (7th) Street to Eighth (8th) Street in ' t u o a .................... 23-0 Connor~ Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, audit report f t 245 Aug or he year 1961 ......................... .......................... 23-Ohnesorge Marcella, Notice of Claim 6 248 . " -Orchard Hills Subdivision, ""~"'""""""~ Section I. certification sewer o n 250 ........................ 8-Ordinance No a 48 2. -6 An Ordinance Amending 208' the Zoning Ma a d Z 446 p n oning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by changing the Z i on ng Class- ification of Lots 3, 4 and 6 Block 1, Broadway Height t ' s o Multiple Family Residence District Classification .......... ................. 270, 20-Ordinance No. 49-62 An Ordinan 300 . ce vacating the east- erly 150 feet of the a1PeY lying between Lots 17 18 19 , , , 20, 21 and 22 in Broadway Addition and Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Walter Place .................... 20-Ordinance No 50 62 284 " . - . An Ordinance changing the name of Bush Street to Tressa Street ............... 20-Ordinance No. 51-&2. An Ordinance 're ~ gulatigg Animals and Fowl r i 285 unn n at lar e, for an impounding and for sale or dspos#tion f o impounded animals and providing penalties l n Sept. 285, 4-Ord'nance No, 52-62e An (OrdinancefAmending Or- di 340 nance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new subsection 6 t o Section B. of Schedule X thereof requiring south bound ve- hicles to yield the right of way before entering the intersection of North Grandview from th e 4-Ordinan eo No ~53-02.1 An OrdinancevAmending O 300 r- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by adding a ne w section 100 to Schedule VI thereof prohibiting parking on the north sid e of Dodge Street from Locust Street westerly to the City Limits, and by adding a new section 101 to Schedule VI thereof prohibiting parking on the south side of East 20th Street from Central Avenu t e o Elm Street and by adding __.._. 1962 Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page O new section 102 to Schedule VI thereof pro- a hibiting parking on the north side of East 20th Street from Central Avenue to Jacksoa Street 301 and from Washington Street to Elm Street ........ 4-Oeth A. H. and Mary J., approval of "A. H. Oeth " 308 ......................... ..... .. ............... Subdivision No. 2 4-Oeschger Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 310 17-Otto M. A. et. al., requesting street light at inter- i 359 322 ve ... section of Avalon and Jeffrey Dr , 1-O'Toole Lenore M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 354 22-Ordinance No. 54-62. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 Section A of Schedule HI by adding a new subsection 13 thereto and an ordinance Amending Section B of Schedule III by adding new subsecttons thereto, numbers 21 to 25 inclusive providing and designation same as "Stop Intersections" ............................................ 369 29-Ordinance No. 5562. An Ordinance vacating a por- tion of alley in Mechanic's Addition hereafter to be known and designated as Lot 180 in Mech- anic's Addition ............................................................ 5--0rdinance No. 56-62. An Ordinance vacating that 383 ortion of Heeb Street abutting the property of p the National Tea Co, subject to perpetual storm sewer easement .................................. ...................... . 3-Oberhoffer George J., applying for position of 392, 434 bailiff ................................ ........................................... . 449 3-Ordinance No. 57-62. An Ordinance vacating that portion of Oak Street described as Lot 236A 451 ................................................ Umon Addition ....... ... 3-Ordinance No. 58-62. An Ordinance Amending Bud- get as approved by Resolution No. 192-61 and Ordinance No. 1-62 .................................................... 3-O'Mara Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 452, 482 478 19-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, Certified ' s Public Accountants, retained to audit the City books for the Year 1962 ............................................ 480 19-Ordinance No. 59-62. An Ordinance establishing Location of Municipal Court; Providing for Appointment of Officers of said Court; and pro- viding operation of said Municipal Court ............ 483 19-Olsen William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 487 '~~'"" 1962 :~'~i.. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page P 2-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Rosedale Avenue lq 22-Poquette, Mrs. Millard, Notice of Claim .................... 24 283 22-Public Safety Fund, transfer of $5,074 to Public Safety Civil Defense Fund for the purchase of radio equipment .................................................... 32 5-Parker John C., name submitted as a candidate for the Civil Service Commission ................................ 36 5-Public Employees Blanket Position Bond ................ 38 5-Plaza 20 Inc., petition for annexation of property south of Hi-way 20 opposite of Devon Drrve ....43, ....................................................................................... 84, 137 5-Plaza 20 Inc., requesting that area "A" be rezoned to Local Business "B" ........................................44, 60, 84 5-Plaza 20 Inc., requesting that area "B" be rezoned to Local Business District "B" ............................44, B1, 84 19-Pearls Subdivision, approval of plat ........................ 65 5-Pye J. A., settlement of claim .................................... 73 19-Primrose Street improvement with concrete curb t ` and gu ter > rom s.p.l. of Davenport Street to n.p.l. of Muscatine Street ....................................87, 126, 473 19-Prysi Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from s.p.l. of University Avenue to n.p.l. of New Haven Street ............................................87, 126, 473 19-Primrose Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete surfacing from the s.p.l. of Davenport Street to the n.p.l. of Muscatine Street ....91, 92, ..................................................................................130, 329, 401 19-Prysi Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the s.p.l. of University Avenue to the s.p.l. of New Haven Street ............91, 92, ..................................................................................130, 329, 414 2-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending that a Dubuque Development Program stud be made 106 y .... I6-Parker Lorie et. al., objecting to the improvement of Catherine Street .................................................... 121 16-Prutch Hank, et. al., objecting to the improvement of Rockdale Road ........................................................ 121 16-Police & Fire Retirement Systems, actuarial an- alysis submitted by Haight Davis & Haight Inc. for the year 1961 ........................................................ 142 i6-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Cox Street ................................................ 147 16-Pregler Walter A., requesting consideration con- cerning speeding on Shiras Avenue ...................... 147, 265 7-Property Owners required to make connections from the sewer, water and gas mains to the curb line in streets included in the City of Dubuque 1962 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Sur- facing Project No. 1 and the City of Dubuque 1982 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, prior to May 27, 1962 ........................169, 170, 216, 481 4-Peoples Natural Gas, submitting operating report for the year 1961, also submitting their report on retail rates between Dubuque and other cities .............................................................................. 190 25-Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 25-POlfer Joseph S., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 225 25-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigazette Permit ................ 225 25-Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 25-Page Hotels of Iowa, Inc., granted Cigarette Per- mit ................................................................................ 226 INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page ;'~ 198E SUBJECT Page ,~.,, P ~ " 25-Poquette Millard, granted Cigarette Permit ....... .. 227 _ .,~ : Nov. 19-Quail & Company, to enter into a contract with 25-Pfab Sally and Janice Gleichner, granted Cigarette 226 ~;;,... the Cit of Dubu ue to negotiate the urchase t O Permit ........................................................................ 226 of ou standing ff-Street Parking Revenue =~: " 25-Platt Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit ................... " " 228 Bonds _..,, ....................................................................431, 445, 486 " Beer Permit .... B 25-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class it P " " 228 - ~ .... erm Beer B 25-Poquette Millard, granted Class . July 2-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- t cavate in Audubon Street and alley between 231 , Locust and Main from 8th to 9th Streets ............ " 9-Palm John J., et. al., requesting stop signs at 246 Hillcrest and all intersecting streets .................... " 9-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Bissell Lane .............................................. 246, 249 . " 23-Pfeiffer Charles P. & Lucille, requesting annexation of Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of M.L. 312 and Lot 1 of 2 of M.L. 312 .................................................................. 254 Aug. 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that 285 Bush Street be changed to Tressa Street ............ 267, " 6-Parker Loriel et. al., requesting repair and resur- 282 271 " facing of 16th Street .................................................. 20-Petty Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ................ , 292 " 20-Petty Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 292 Sept. 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of Edward Frudden, Paul Birkett et. al. for the rezoning of Dodge Street .......... 297 " area ...................................................... ................ 4-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- • 310 ...................... mit .......................................................... 10-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat 316 of Wtegands Subdivision ....................................... ' " 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, accepting the Parking Study by Victor Gruen and Assomates and recommending that the Council develop the area between 8th & 9th and Locust and Bluff Streets as a Multi Story Parking Struc- 32p " ...... ................................... ure .............. 17-Parking Ramp Report submitted by Victor Gruen 296 367 320 , .............................................................. Associates , Oct 1-Peterson Fred C., sidewalk bond ................................ 337 . " 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending vacation of Oak Street as petitioned by Joseph Blasen ......................................................... ................... 359, 437 " 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of Dr. Ralph Grimm for rezoning of Finley Waples Burtons Addition .... 359 " 22-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Delhi Street .......................................... 371 " 29-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of a portion of Heeb Street, but retaining easement for existing stormer sewer .... 383, 434 Nov 5-Peabody Street, recommendation of the City Man- . ager that the street not be used as a parking lot for residents of Dodge Street .......................... 390 " 19-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in University Avenue .................................. 439 Dec. 3-Pusateri Sam, requesting permission to excavate 485 452 in Green Street .......................................................... , " 19-Parking Lot Revenue Bonds of The City of Dubuque, " Iowa redeemed ............................................................ 19-Platt Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 486 487 INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 SUBJECT Page 1982 SUBJECT Page 1962 R R Sept. 4-Riverside Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 310 Jan 2-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor ............................ 5 17-Roshek Frank J., statin his g position in relation _ . Feb Joseph and Jeanne, settlement of suit .... 5-Roepsch 38 to the proposed City Parking Ramp between 8th & 9th Streets . " , 5-Aeed Maurice requesting vacation of dead end ...................... t st ~ 42 ~ ......................... ....... ..................... 24-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- . 320 .................................. ree of Henion 5-River Front Sub. No. 2, approval of plat of Blocks ! 47 mit ................................................................................ Oct. 1-Richman N., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 335 " .. 4 and 8 ...................................................................... 19-Roth Arthur, appointed to the Civil Defense Ad- 89 mit No. 232 .................................................................. 1-Rommel Elmer, granted Cigarette Permit ... 342 354 visory Board .............................................................. ~ ............. 8-Robey Clarence J, granted Cigarette Permit 383 Mar. .............................. ... 5-Russo R. N., bond ........................ idewalk i 72 ............ „ 22-Retail Merchants' Bureau, congratulating the Coun- " ce, s 19-Rettenberger Tree & Landscape Serv 79 cil for engaging Victor Gruen Associates to bond ............................................................................ conduct a complete traffic and parking survey " 19-Rockdale Road, improvement with concrete curb , and urging the Council to construct a parking and gutter from the s.p.l. of Grandview Avenue ramp without delay ............................ .......... 369 to the south corporation line .................................. 87, 124 .... " 22-Roshek Brothers, requesting permission to hold a ^ 19-Rush Street, improvement with bituminous concrete parade on November 10, 1962 .. ......................... . 370 surfacing from the e.p.l. of Bryant Street to Nov. 5-Rath Samuel J., objecting to amount of assessment the w.p.l. of Villa Street ....................................91, 92, 129 for Shelby Street ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"" """""""""""""""~~ 394 " 19-Rile Oweni appointed to the Planning & Zoning 100 " 5-Auden Lawrence et. al., objecting to amount of Commission and the Board of Adjustment ........ assessment for Mineral Street ................................ 394 April 2-Roussel Robert, requesting sewer, water etc. on i " 19-Riker Street, petitions for and against the extension of street on Pennsylvania Avenue, agreeing to annexat ... 115 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~••~~_~ ............................................ Dec. 3-Randle Fred N., applyin for g position of bailiff 435 44g " as soon as possible ................................................. Mildred H., requesting refund on Cigar- Mrs an 2 R .... 3-Radloff Otto L. and Minnie M., granted Cigazette P i " . , - y ............................ ette Permit No. 149 ~~•"""°""°•°° relative to a drainage problem .... Reelfs William 16 125 erm t ........................................... ........................... • 3-Roeder Marcella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " 3 R l 477 478 ' ' , - 16-Roshek's Department Store, requesting Permission - ad off Otto L. and Minnie M., Beer Permit granted Class "C" g to erect banners across Locust Street and Ei hth .,..•. •• - • • , 478 Avenue •...--•••....••~~~~~•--~~••~~~ ............................. 147 19-Rettenmaier Marie, requesting rezoning of Lot 12 May ............... 7-Richard Construction Co., sidewalk bond ................ " " 152 179 to Jungks Sub ............................................................. 485 " Beer Permit .... B 7-Rieke Coletta S., granted Class June .. ........... 4-Rafoth Russell L., heating bond ....................... 4-Remakel Michael et. al., objecting to odor 189 incinerator operated by National Tea Store ........ " 193, 265 ' 4-Richman Leroy G., requesting refund on Class "l; 194 Beer Permit No. 121 ................................................ " Robert & Rita and John Link, petitioning 4-Roussel , for annexation of property owned by them ad- joining the westerly city lnruts ............................ 211 " 25-Reisen Ralph, sidewalk bond ........................................ 217 " 25-Reilly Realty Co., requesting permission to have 221 fireworks display ........................ .............................. granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Riverside Bowl 224 " , 25-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 224 225 " 25-Rieke Cloetta L., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 25-Randle Fred N. & Vada G., granted Cigarette Per- ........... 226, 485 " ...................................................... mit ................ 25-Rawson Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 2~ " 25-Richman Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 226 " 25-Ruegnitz B. A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-Rink Rtchard, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 " 25-Raeder Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 ^ 25-Richman Neil, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 225 " 25-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit .................... " " 228 " Beer Permit .... B 25-Rawson Thomas J., granted Class July " 2-Riekena Doris, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 2-Roshek Brothers Co., granted Cigarette Permit .... 242 242 " " 2-Ragatz George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .. ... 23-Rettenberger Tree & Landscape Service, cancella- 242 tion of sidewalk bond .............................................. 250 INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT page ~ ~~"~~-' 1962 SUBJECT page 5 p S Jan. 2-Schuelter Councilman, statement thanking city em- ~ 19~St. Joseph Street, improvement with concrete and ~ ployees, department heads, members of boards gutter from the e.p.l. of Collins Street to the " etc for cooperation during his eleven years as , , w.p.l. of Gondolfo Street ...............................8 zs 1 473 councilman ............... ............ ........ ............. 2 19-Samuel Street, improvement with concrete curb and " 2-Schreiber Mayor, statement reviewing accomplish gutter from the s.p.l. of St. George Sub. to the ments of his administration during the past ~ , n.p.l. of Southern Avenue ..................................87 ' 126 473 year ...... .................... 2 , .._:. 19-Sabula Street, improvement with bituminous con- , " 2-Schaller Louis, elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal Crete surfacin from the s.p.l, of Daven ort Street to the n l of M p year ................................................ "°° ••' ~~"•°""" 3 .p. . uscatine Street ....91, 92, 130, ~ 19-Shelby Street im rove t i 329, 404 " 2-Schaller Mayor, thanking people for their past , p men w th bituminous con- Crete surfacing from the n.p.l. of Clarke Drive support and asking for support and cooperation 4 to the north end of the street ....91 92 130 329 415 during 1962 .................................. ................................ 3, , , , 19-St. Joseph Street, improvement with bituminous , " 2~t. Joseph's Church, expressing appreciation for concrete surfacing from the e.p.l. of Collins the construction of a pedestrian overpass across Street to the west property line of South Algona Highway No. 20 .......................................................... 12 Street 91, 92, 128, 130, 19-Shiras Avenue i 329, 416 " 2-Standard Oil Co., relative to erecting a new service , mprovement with bituminous con- station on East 4th Street adjacent to the C. M. Crete surfacing from the south property line St. P. & P. R. ft. depot ............................................ 14, 19 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Cota Subdivision to the " 2-Shiras Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, " City Limits .......91, 92, 130, 19~amuel Street improveme t it 329, 420 ) specificiations for the construction of a (42 , n w h bituminous con- Crete surfacing from th l ferty-two inch reinforced concrete pipe storm sewer from the existing storm sewer opposite e s.p. . of St. George Sub. to the north property line of Southern Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Cota Subdivision Wort wester y Avenue .... ..... ........ .....91, 92, 19-Second Street i 130, 474 to the existing thirty-six (36") storm sewer 311 15 16 44 I f M f 1 46 223 , m rovement with hot mix-hot laid P asphaltic concrete surfacing from the west o .... , , .. , o . opposite Lot 1 o " " , pr p- erty line of Iowa Street to th t " B Beer Per- 2-Scholtes, Mrs. Emily, granted Class e eas property f „ mit .................................................................................. 22--Schiltz J. H., submitting resignation as a member 17 95 132 Robertt sidewalk...bond ..._..... 96, April Z-Shireman " 2-Bitterl W lt 2 , 91 347 1 of Planning & Zoning Commission ........................ 19 y a er, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No 23 " 22-Samuel and Bush Street Sanitary Sewer cost sub- 19 i H ld T 71 66 . ......................... „ 2-Sitterl Walter, re ~ ~ "~~"""'""""""""<<"' Y questing refund on Clas B" 117 " g ................................ , err on . milted by E 22-Saffran Construction Co., excavation policy ............ , 21 s Beer Permit No. 144 ................... 2~ch ll L "~ 177 " 22-Schaller Councilman, appointed member; of the a er ouis J. and Heinz Failmez er, Cigarette Permit g granted " Board of Plumbing Examiners .............................. . 27 Barris, Mrs. Patricia, granted Cigarette Permmt ........ " " 22 33 ............. 2-Schroeder Donald D., ~~~~~~~•~~~ ~~~~~~~'~ ~ ~~ granted Class C" Beer Permit 119 " Beer Per- B 22--Barris, Mrs. Patricia, granted Class il 33 .......................................................................... l8~hultz Robert H. et. al., objecting to the improve- 720 Feb. ..................................................... ......................... m 5-Schiltz Development Co., requesting that Northview 2 ment of Van Buren Street .............. , ....................... 16-Stampfer Building Co. et. al., objecting to improve- 122 Drive be placed on the 1962 street program .... 4 ment of 4th Street " 5-Steger, Fay Thomas & Calista Ann, requesting re- .................................................... May 7-Sand Eugene K. Notice of Claim 122 zoning of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of West Gate from Single Family residence to commercial district , ............... 7-Sewer, Water and Gas Connections, ro ~y~~~~~~~~'~~"' P Pert owners r t 155, 314 classification 42, 116, 144 ~~~~~-~•~°~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~ 157, 192 equired o make connections from the mains to curb line in streets includ d i " 5-Storm Water Pumping Unit on City of Dubuque 2 t t d e n the 1962 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project 169 ree an th S Flood Control Levee between 1 .... , 16th Street completed and accepted ...................... 49, 50 ""'-""""°""""""""""° ° 170, " 7-Storm Sewer, relimina~ ~••~~~~~~~•~~~•~~~~•~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~••~~ P ry plans and specificatio 216, 481 " 9-Street Finance Report for the year 1961 .................... 53 ns for the Tressa-Dinsney Street Storm Sewer 175 " 19-Steger, Mrs. Marian, Notice of Claim ........................ 58 .... „ " lg-Smith Stella M., Notice of Claim ................................ release of sidewalk bond .... Schiltz Construction Co. 19 56 62 ..................................................................................203, 7-Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "B" Beer Per- i 204, 387 " , - 19-Schneller Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- m t .................................................................................. ~~ 7~haffer Fay S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 179 mit ................................................................................ 89 .... June 4-Schromen Kenneth, sidewalk bond 17g Mar. 5-Straub Raphael H., sidewalk bond ............................ 72 4~teichen G. R., re uestin •~~~~~~•~~~~~~'"""""""" ~~' 4 g permission to install 189 " 5-Specht, Margaret and John, settlement of suit ........ 73 curb and gutter in Steichen's Sub " 5--Schuster Albert P., Notice of Claim ........................ 75 ................ ........ 4-Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications 193 19-Schiltz Construction Co., sidewalk bond ................ 79 for the Deborah Drive Storm Sewer °°'°•°° " 19-Schlueter William A., Notice of Claim ........................ 80 ..................................................................................235 ~~ 236 476 " 19-Shiras Avenue, improvement with concrete curb 4-Sunset Park Subdivision, approval of plat ..... , 2p7 and gutter from the s.p.l. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of ....... 4-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 212 Cola Sub. to the City Iairuts ............................87, 126, 473 .... 25-Steger Construction Co., excavation bond ................ 217 INDEX-BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page " 25---Schute A. E., requesting permission to excavate in University Avenue .............................................. 222 " 25--Schueller Richard, granted Cigarette Permit .. ... 224 " 25-Savory John & Viola, granted Cigarette Permit .... 224 " 25-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 224 " 25~mith Mark R., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 225 " 25-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigarette Per- mit ................................................................................ 225 " 25--Barris Patricia, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 225 " 25-Barris Jenny, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 " 25---Shannon Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 225 " 25--Shaffer Fay S., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 225 " 25--Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 225 " 25--Scherrer Emma, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 225 " 25--Sand Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 225 " 25--Schuster Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 226 " 25--Stecklein Richard N., granted Cigarette Permit .... 226 " 25-Smith Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 226 " 25-Sullivan Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 228 " Cigazette Permit ............ 25-Sear Frederick J., granted 228 " , 25--Schwartz Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 " 25-Schaller Louis and Heinz Fazlmegger, granted Cigarette Permit ........................................................ 226, 453 " 25-Seholtes Emily, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-Scherr James J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-Story Kathleen, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 " 25-Smith Sally L., granted Cigazette Permit ................ 227 " 25-Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 " 25-Shepherd Gladys M., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " 25--Schneller Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " 25-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 " 25-Schroeder Don, granted Cigarette Permit .. ........... 227 " 25-Schmit Helen E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 227 " 25-Sand Donald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 228 " 25---Shannon Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228, 453 " 25--Smith Sally L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 228 " 25-Story Kathleen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 " 25--Shepherd Gladys M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 228 " 25--Sand Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 228 " 25-Schueller Richard, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 228 July 2-Banner John C. et. al., requesting a survey to deter- mine the cost to construct a sanitary sewer on the north side of Edith Street ............................ 231 " 2--Specht Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 242 " 23-Schuster Clarence L., Notice of Claim ........................ 250 " 23--Sears Roebuck & Co., requesting permission to make test borings on two acres of land located west of Huff Street and 600 feet south of Rail- road Avenue ................................................................ 250, 357 " 23--Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a 15" sanitary sewer in Fengler Street ......................................................251, 286, 435 " 23-Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of an 18" storm sewer in Chaney Road ........................................................252, 288, 351 Aug. 6--Sanitary Sewers Orchard Hills Subdivision, Section I, certification of cost ............................................ 268, 446 " 6-Scheller Ambrose Jr., Notice of Claim .................... 269, 432 INDEX -BOOK 92 L982 SUBJECT Page " 6~chmerbach, Mrs. Ray et. al., requesting rezoning of Lots 213, 214 and 215 Davis Farm Addition .... " 6-Savory, John and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer 27p Permit ......................... .. ................. .. ............. " 6-Sear Frederick J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " 278 278 B~pecht Harold 0., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,,., " 27g 20~enior High School, requesting permission to use pyrotechnics at home football games .................... 2g5 Sept. 4-Schroeder Jim, general liability policy .................. " 2gg .. 4-Sefzik R. F., objecting to ordinance regulating animals and fowl also objecting to the fee for a license under the new refrigeration and heating code ............. ...................... .. ............................. 4-Stender David R., petitioning for annexation of 299 property owned by him in vicinity of Eagle Point Pazk ....................................................................... " 4~cherer Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ " 305 310 10-Seippel Lumber Co. et. al., named defendants by the City of Dubuque to prohibit the proceedin g further with construction of a building which will be located on Harrison Street, vacated " 17-Senior High School r ti '317 , eques ng permission to hold a homecoming parade ........................................ " 326 . 24-Smith Mark R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 335 Oct. 1-Saffron George, excavation policy ................ " ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 338 1-Sandberg Doris, order and a li for personal injury PP cation for relief .......... ........................................ " 1-Shepherd Gladys M., requesting refund on Class " " 338 B Beer Permit No. 88 .......................... .......... " 341 l~hepherd Gladys M., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 212 ..................................... ° 1-Schmidt Re Ana, ....................... „ g~ granted Class "B" Beer Permit 341 .... 8-Sears, Roebuck and Co., purchase of two and one- 355 half acres of land for a warehouse site, referred to as "Huff Street Warehouse Site" .................... " 357 S~chill Clara, Notice of Suit .................... " 8~torm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications 360 for 24" storm sewer in Davenport Street ....361, ..... ............................................ 362, " 22-Smith Larry, & Company, Contract with the City 425 of Dubuque for the Community Renewai Pro- gram .............................................................................. " 22-Smith Larry, & Company, Contract with the City of Dubuque for the purposes of a public facilities 365 study ............................... ......................... ..... 22~chiltz Construction Co., requesting street lights 365 in Sunset Park Subdivision ............ ..... ............. 370 45I , Nov. 5~mitty's Excavating Service, excavation policy ........ " 390 5~uman Clarence, requesting permission to sharpen knives and scissors .................... .... 5~trandberg Walter et. al., requesting construction 392 of a sanitary sewer to service Thomas Place between Ann and Ascension Streets " .................... 5-Schlosser, Mrs. George, objecting to amount of 393 assessment for Cornell Street .............................. " 393 5-Sand Eugene, objecting to amount of assessment for Beverly Street ........... ......... .. " 19-Spielman, Charles F. & Mary M., Settlement of 394 Suit ...................... ........................ ................... 19-Sears-Roebuck & Co. Subdivisions No. 1 & No. 2 433 , approval of Plat ........................................................ 437 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page S Dec. 3~chreiber Archie G., applying for position of bailiff ............................................................................ 449 " 3-Street Finance Report For The Year 1963 ................ 477 " 3-Schaffert Lincoln G., granted Cigarette Permit .... 4'r7 " 3-Schwartz Peter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 478 " 3-Schaffert Lincoln G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 178 " 19-Stieber Joseph A., appointed Clerk of the Municipal Court ............................................................................ 484 " 19-Sarris Giannoula, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 487 " 19-Sarris Patricia, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 487 ~.~~. 3 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT _ __ Page T Jan. 2-Takos Peter J., sworn in as Councilman .................... 3 " 2-The Telegraph Herald Newspaper, appointed official newspaper for the City of Dubuque .................... 8 " 2-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc., granted Cigazette Permit ........................................................ 17 Feb. 5-Tschirgi Edward M., bond ........................................ 37 " .... 5-Thomas Carl H. Notice of Claim " , ................................ 5-Thoman Laveta, Notice of Claim ................................ 40, ]45 40 217 " 5-Tindell William J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer , Permit .......................................................................... 51 Mar. 5-Theis George et. al., objecting to the erection of a water tower at Gay and Muscatine Streets 76 142 " 5-Tindell Marionette, granted Class "B" Beer Per- , " mit ...................... ........................................ 5-Tenenboms Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" 77 " Beer Permit ................................................................ 77 " 19-Tri-State Paving Co., general liability policy ............ 7g " 19-Tri-State Paving Co., exacavtion bond cancelled ... 80 19-Tabak Sot, appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................................................... ~~~~........ 100, 109 April 2-Takos, Councilman, submitting report and plan " for Industrial Development .................................... 104 2-Tuthill Rosemary, Settlement of Suit ........................ 112 May 7-Tressa-Dinsney Street Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications ........................175, 203, 204, 387 June 25-Thorpe Walter & Jeannette Rauch, granted Cigar- ette Permit ............................................................. .... 224 " 25-Thompsons Food Market, granted Cigarette Per- " " imts ................................... ......................... .. ..... 25-Treivieler Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ ' 224, 227 224 25-Tenenbom s Super Market Inc., granted Cigarette " Permit ............................................................................ 225 " 25-Trapp Marita, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 225 25-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted two Cigarette Permits .............................................. 225 " " 25-Tranel Zeno, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 " 25-Thomppon Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-Tindell William J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .... 227 " 25-Tindell Marionette, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 " 25-Tigges Norbert G., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 224 25-Thompson Clarence E., granted Class "B" Beer " Permit ............................................................... 228 25-Thompson Food Markets Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................................................................ 228 Aug. 6-Takos Councilman, submitting statement concerning the budget for 1963 .................................... 261 " 6-Trausch Baking Company, Cigarette Permit ............ 277 20-Trumm Raymond T., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 281 Sept. 4-Turner Elmer E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 310 " 4-Turner Elmer E. granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ~ 310 " 4-Tigges Bernard C., granted Class "C" Beer Per- m~t ................................................................................ 310 Oct. 1-Thompson Elmer, granted Cigazette Permit ............ 354 " " 22-Timpe Vincent A. Jr., Notice of Claim ........................ 369 22-Tigges Norbert G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 371 Nov. " 5-Treon Patrick J., Notice of Claim ................................ 392 5-Tanner Merlin et. al., objecting to amount of assessment for Douglas Street ................................ 394 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page T " 5-Thompson Food Mazkets, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................................................ ............... 430 " 26-Takos Councilman, presentation of statement in support of John J. Waltz for reappointment to the Dock Commission .............................................. 439 Dec. 19-Tippe Frederick, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 487 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT page U Jan. 2-Uppinghouse A. R., requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit No. 170 ..................................... ... 14 22-Urban Renewal Consultant Selection Committee, recommending that the firm of Victor Gruen Associates be selected to prepare a development program for the City ................................................ 20, 21 " 22-United Spanish Waz Veterans, requesting permis- sion to hold a tag day ............................................ 32 Mar. 19-United States Of America, renewal of lease of 0.85 acre site, Ham's Addition for a U. S. Naval Reserve Training Center .......................................... 80 April 2-URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAlti4, Approval of prepa- ration and filing of an application ................107, 206, 384 " 2-U. S. Conference of Mayors, invitation to attend annual conference ...................................................... 109 June 25-Utzig LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 Aug. fi-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to hold a homecoming parade ............................ 271 Oct. 1-Unsen Arnold et. al., requesting stop sign at " Green and Avoca Streets ........................................ 341 22-United States of America, approval of contract with the City of Dubuque, Iowa for Community Renewal Program Grant .......................................... 304 Nov. 5-United States Army Engineer, submitting as agree- ment between the City and the U. S. Government to post fallout shelter signs .................................... 392 INDEX -BOOK 92 1982 SUBJECT Page V Jan. 2-Vyverberg Ray, purchase of Lot A-Vacated Saunders Street, (W. Saunders St.) ........................................ 15 Feb. 5-Vogel Bert, name submitted as a member of the Dubuque Cultural Committee .................................. 36, 78 " 5-Vyverberg, Marie, Notice of Suit ................................ 40, 57 " 19-Vanderloo Merrill and Orlin J. Conlon, Notice of Suit ................................................................................ 56 " 19-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to hold a tag day ...................................................... 62 " 19-Veterans Daughters of the Civil War, requesting permission to hold a tag day ................................ 63 Mar. 5-Vogel Bert, appointed to the Dubuque Cultural Commission ...................................................... ... 78 " 5-VOelker Joseph, appointed to the Building Code Committee .................................................................... 78 " 19-Vonk Richard, Notice of Claim .................................... 82, 140 " 19-Van Buren Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the w.p.l. of University to the w.p.l. of Drexel Avenue ......91, 92, 130, 329, 404 April 16-Voting Precincts Established for Certain Annexed Territories in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............ 137, 138 May 7-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 179 June 4-Vogt Joseph D. Jr., purchase of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 163 L. H. Langworthy's Addition ........................ 200 " 25-Valentine Richard H., Notice of Claim .................... 219 " 25-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .... ... 224 " 25-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post 508, granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 225 " 25-Vrotsos George T., granted Cigarette Permit Per- mit ................................................................................ 229 " 25-Vosberg Cecilia, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 227 " 25-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald F. Winders Post 9663, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 226 " 25-Vrotsos Elste, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 226 July 23-V & E Construction Company, sidewalk bond ........ 249 Aug. 6-Vosberg Celia M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 278 Sept. 24-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post # 508, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ F 33„ Nov. 5-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald F. Winters Post No. 9663, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 43C }.. INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page W Jan " . 2-Welter John J., Settlement of Claim ............... .. 2-Weidemann John F., granted Class "B" Beer Per 13 Feb " - mit ....................................................... ........................ . 5-Walser, Mrs. Herald, Notice of Claim 5-Wuelling, Louise A. & Dallas A 17 39, 218 ., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 135 ................ 5-Wright, Mrs. Eunice, """""""'°~° granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................ 43 „ ................................. 19-Westchester Inc., withdrawing their petition for r 51 „ e- zoning to Local Business 'B" ............... 19-White John L a oi t 54 , pp n ed to the Civil Defense Advisory Board Mar. ................... 5-Water Department Audit for the year 1961 by O'Con n 69 " - or, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks ...................... 5-Weiner Sylvester A 72 ., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " Apri 19-Wolter Furnace Work, heating bond ......................... l 2-Wallis J All 77 80 , . en and Marijane S., accepting terms d 1 ~ t e „ of Lot l of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot S of Lot llof Faldorf's Place .......................... 2-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B"~~~~~~~~~~~ ~' Beer Per- mit ........... 118 „ ..................................................................... 2--White William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 16-Wright Mr and M 120 , . rs. Ralph Jr., objecting to the s e 1 16-Wood James and RCJ. LepschPrelative to extension of Lindale Street 121 May ................................ 16-Ward J. J., cancellation of sidewalk bond ... ~~~~~~~~~ 7-Wersinger Gertrude ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 122 147 „ , power of attorney for Amer- ican Surety Compan " ~ y ..................... 7-Welter John P. & Sons, sidewalk bond ................. .. 7-Willy Construction Compan id 151 152 ; y, s ewalk bond ............ 7-Whyte Mary L., Notice of Claim 152 ;; .................................. 7-Whelchel Larry, Notice of Claim .................. 7-Warr R 15 .............. en alph, granted Class "B" Beer permit 7-Winders R D 4, 314 1 ... . aniel, granted Class "C" Beer Per- 79 " 7-Westminster Presbyterian Church 179 , requesting traffic survey at the corner of Loras Blvd. and Univer- sity Avenue June .......................................... 4-Ward Howard K. et. .al., objecting to erection of two famil o l 185 „ y r mu tiple dwellings on Penn- sylvania Avenue , ............. 25-Wright R. E., Notice of Claim 193 , ' ........................................ 25-Wagner Monica, Notice of Claim 25-Wareco System f ~~~~~~~~~~"'~"""~""" -° 219 219 o Iowa, granted Cigarette per. mit ............ „ ................................................................. 25-Ward John M., granted Cigarette Permit ~~...... 25--Weber Merlyn L grant d 224 225 „ " ., e Cigarette Permit ............ 25-Wright Eunice L., granted Cigarette Permit ... 25-Waul Dolo 225 " ......... res, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 25-Wong Paul & Chuck 225 225 ;; , granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit 2 225 ;; ................ 5-Welu Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 25-Wong Ming t 225 2 ... , gran ed Cigarette Permit .................... 25-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit 25-Weiner Helen M 26 226 „ rs., granted Cigarette Permit .. 25-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Cigarette P 25 226 226 ermit ... -Winkler Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 25-Wortley Willia R 226 , ... m . granted Cigarette Permit ........ 25-Weidemann John F~, granted Cigarette Per i 226 227 m t ........ 227 INDEX -BOOK 92 INDEX -BOOK 92 1962 SUBJECT Page 1982 SUBJECT Page W ~ X " Cigarette Permit ............ granted 25--Wertz Donald E. 227 _ June 2~Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Per- „ , . 25-Warren Ralph, Granted Cigarette Permit ................ 227 s mit ................................................................................ ' 226 " 25-Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 227 . ' " 25-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 227 ~' ~ " 25-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 226 -. °~_,,: " 25-Weiner Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 '. " 25-Wander Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 228 _ '. " 25-Waal Dolores, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 228 " 25--Ward John M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 228 - Y Aug. 6-Wolfe Joe, ordered to dismantle the building at § 940 Althauser Street ............. ............... ...... ..... ..... 263, 304 - ~ Jan. 2-Yiannias James N, Settlement of Claim .................... 13 " 6-Wallis, J. Allen & Marijane, requesting vacation - ~ of easements from utility companies located a ; in Indian Hills ...............................................271, 307, 352 ; a,! " " 6-Water Department Improvements, preliminary plans, specifications, form of contract and all other documents for the construction of improvements and extensions to the Municipal Waterworks i Z ng Plant and for two steel standpipes and pump station at Asbury and Park Hill sites ....273, 274, ................................296, 312, 318, 331 June 25-Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 226 " ., „ ,,.,,,, „ . .......... . .. ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 6-Wilhelm Walter, excavation policy .............................. 281 Aug. 20-Zimmer Anna, re g g questin street li ht at 24th & Elm Streets Sept. 4-Wiehl C. J., Notice of Claim ...........................:............ granted Cigarette Permit ........ 4-Williams Florence 299, 339 310 .................................................................. Oct. 1-Zillig George, Notice of Claim .................................... 288, 312 340 ' , granted Class "B" Beer Per- 4-Williams Florence 1-Zillig George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 354 , mit ................................................................................ 310 Nov. 19-Zentner Naomi, Notice of Claim ................................ 434 " 10-Wiegands Subdivision, approval of plat by the Fianning & Zoning Commission ....................316, 361, 391 ~ " 17-Walsh John H. et. al., consenting to vacation of ' a Portion of Heeb Street ........................................ 323 " 17-Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 323 ~ " 17-Wainwright Lorraine, settlement of claim ................ 326 " 24-Water Revenue Bonds on the amount of $400,000 to pay for the cost of construction of improve- ments and extensions to the Municipal Water- works Plant and for two steel standpipes and pumping station at Asbury and Park Hill sites ........................................................................331, 373, 374 Oct. 1-Walker Marcella, settlement of suit ........................ 339 Nov. 26-Waltz John J., reappointed to the Dock Commis- sion ................................................................................ 439, 440 Dec. 19-Weidemann John F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................ 487 " 19-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 487