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Maple Street 1502
Site Inventory Form State Inventory No. ® New ❑ Supplemental State Historical Society of Iowa ❑ Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.) (November2005) Relationship: ❑ Contributing ❑ Noncontributing ❑ Contributes to a potential district with yet unknown boundaries National Register Status:(any that apply) ❑ Listed ❑ De-listed ❑ NHL ❑ DOE 9-Digit SHPO Review &Compliance (R&C) Number ❑ Non-Extant (enter year) 1. Name of Property historic name other names/site number Milton E. Schwartz Duplex 2. Location street&number 1502 Maple Street city or town Dubuque ❑ vicinity, county Dubuque Legal Description:(If Rural)Township Name Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter If Urban) Subdivision EAST DUBUQUE ADD NO 2 Block(s) Lots) LOT 320 3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section] 4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section] 5. Classification Category of Property(check only one box) Number of Resources within Property ▪ building(s) If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of. ❑ district Enter number of: Contributing Noncontributing ❑ site 2 buildings _ _ buildings ❑ structure _ sites _ _ sites ❑ object _ structures _ _ structures objects _ _ objects Total _ _ Total Name of related project report or multiple property study(Enter"N/A"if the property is not part of a multiple property examination). Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number N/A 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) 02E11 Grocery 01B01 Duplex 02G04 Tavern 01B01 Duplex 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) Materials (Enter categories from instructions) 09A01 Front Gable Vernacular House/Store foundation 04C Limestone walls (visible material) 09 Asbestos/02F Board and Batten/15B Vinyl roof 08A Asphalt Shingle other Narrative Description (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria(Mark"x"representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria) ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history. County Dubuque Address 1502 Maple Street Site Number City Dubuque District Number Criteria Considerations ❑ A Owned by a religious institution or used ❑ E A reconstructed building, object, or structure. for religious purposes. ❑ F A commemorative property. ❑ B Removed from its original location. ❑ G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past ❑ C A birthplace or grave. 50 years. ❑ D A cemetery Areas of Significance(Enter categories from instructions) Significant Dates Construction date 1898 ® check if circa or estimated date Other dates, including renovation Significant Person Architect/Builder (Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above) Architect Builder Narrative Statement of Significance (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography ® See continuation sheet for citations of the books,articles,and other sources used in preparing this form 10. Geographic Data UTM References(OPTIONAL) Zone Easting Northing Zone Eastrng Northing 1 _ 2 3 4 ❑ See continuation sheet for additional UTM references or comments 11. Form Prepared By name/title Wally Wernimont, Assistant Planner organization City of Dubuque Planning Services Department date January 22, 2014 street& number City Hall - 50 W. 13"' Street telephone 563-589-4210 city or town Dubuque state Iowa zip code 52001 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form) FOR ALL PROPERTIES 1. Map:showing the property's location in a town/city or township. 2. Site plan:showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s). 3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site: Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken ❑ See continuation sheet or attached photo&slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries. ❑ Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file. FOR CERTAIN KINDS OF PROPERTIES, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS WELL 1. Farmstead&District:(List of structures and buildings,known or estimated year built,and contributing or noncontributing status) 2. Barn: a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn. b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side. c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn's exterior dimensions in feet. State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO) Use Only Below This Line Concur with above survey opinion on National Register eligibility: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ More Research Recommended ❑ This is a locally designated property or part of a locally designated district. Comments: Evaluated by(name/title): Date: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number _ Continuation Sheet Page 1 Milton E. Schwartz Duplex Dubuque Name of Property County 1502 M aple Street Dubuque Address City 7. Narrative Description: Style/Year: 2 '1-Story, Front-Gable House/Store built in c.1898. The front facade of the building has a vent placed in the gable,two windows lined up symmetrically on the second floor, and on the first floor an entry is located on the right side. The first floor of the structure is covered with board and batten siding. A larger opening on the front of the building has been enclosed with vinyl siding and two windows. The gable ends and second floor are covered with asbestos slate siding. A one-story shed roof addition has been added to the rear of the building. Awood deck and stair are located on the north side of the building. Physical Description: 25'W x 28' L (700 sq ft) 2 '/2 story, front gable-roof,framed core 4' W x 14' L (56 sq ft) two-story, shed roof,framed side addition 12'W x 14' L (168 sq ft) one-story, shed roof, framed rear addition 4' W x 14' L (56 sq ft) two-story, wood deck/stair 5' Wx8' L (40sg ft) wood deck landing 121S B FR [ • 168] 14 4 25 W 14 14 W[DK il 5[984 —I 8 2SBFR 28 _ ill 5 4 4 [756] Y Isle, •: J 29 Assessor Sketch West (Front) Facade • li \ , i l il 13 M iii. . South Façade South & East Facade Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number — Continuation Sheet Page 2 Milton E. Schwartz Duplex Dubuque. Name of Property County 1502 Maple Street Dubuque Address City Alterations: Installation of vinyl windows, steel insulated doors, asbestos/vinyl/board & batten siding, aluminum soffit/fascia/casings, rear addition and porch modifications. Building Permits: 1937 (April 2nd) Reroof Dwelling (Owner- Mrs. Belle Leidinger) 1938 (June 10th) Reroof Brick Apartments 1939 (October 17th) Repairs to Frame Dwelling 1941 (July 21st) Residing Business Building (Asbestos Siding) 1980 (April 16th) Reroof Frame Commercial Building (Owner- Milton Schwartz) 1980 (May 1st) Partial Reside/Soffits Frame Commercial Building (Owner- Phil Mihalakis) 1999 (July 8th) Install 24'x24' Concrete Slab for Future Detached Garage (Owner- Pete Schwartz) 1999 (July 9th) Erect 24'x30' Detached Fr, Garage on Existing Slab SFamily (Owner- Pete Schwartz) Outbuildings: 24' x 30' detached frame garage built in 1999. Landscaping Notes: The subject property is a corner lot that is 51 ft wide by 100 ft deep (5,100 sq ft in area). The lot is level and has frontage on Maple and 15th Street. There are public walks along Maple and 15th Streets at this location. 8. Narrative Statement of Significance: This property and the surrounding neighborhood were evaluated as part of an In-depth Architectural and Historic Survey conducted by Jim Jacobsen of History Pays! in 2003. The property at that time was not identified as National Register Eligible. Although 11 years have passed since the in-depth survey, the property is still not National Register Eligible. The structure has asbestos/vinyl/board & batten siding, window opening have been modified and replaced vinyl, the gable windows have been replaced with vents, soffit/fascia/casing have been wrapped with aluminum and original doors have been removed or replaced with steel. The property retains little architectural integrity. City Directory Notes: In the 1898 city directory, the building is addressed as 1007 15th Street and was used a saloon and a residence. In the 1913 city directory, the first appearance of the 1502 Maple is documented. The building was addressed as 1502 Maple Street & 1007 15th Street. Between 1918 and 1927, the property dropped the 1007 15th Street address and was readdressed to 1502 & 1502 '/ Maple Street. City Directory data notes that the building was used as a saloon (this corresponds with the 1909 Sanborn), a grocery store and primarily as a duplex from 1927 to present. Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number — Continuation Sheet Page 3 Milton E. Schwartz Duplex .Dubuque. Name of Property County 1502 Maple Street .Dubuque Address City 1502 Maple Street 1502 1/2 Maple Street Year I Resident Occupation Resident Occupation 2012-14 Patricia Rogaskie Amber Behr 2011 Ste ph any Schwartz Patricia Rogaskie 2007-10 Ste ph any Schwartz Amber Behr 2006 No Current Listing 2005 Karen McNamer 2004 Kevin Radetzki No Current Listing 2003 No Current Listing Kenneth King 2002 Robert Dunphy Sue Miller 2000-01 Regina Allen Sue Miller Christopher Allen 2000 Regin a A Allen (Kevin Radetzki 1998-99 Regin a A Allen Roy Bussan 1996 Regin a A Allen 1995 Regin a A Allen Vacant 1994 Regin a A Allen (Not Verified 1993 Regin a A Allen Shawn ASchu macher 1992 Regin a A Allen 1991 Regian A Allen Shawn ASchu macher 1990 Vacant Vacant 1989 WettaM Puccio Sam l Puccio,Jr. Jody Puccio 1988 LuettaM Puccio Jody Puccio 1987 LuettaM Puccio Allan Carr Dawn A Carr 1986 WettaM Puccio Virdsall A Carr 1985 Jack.)Eichorn C.Wachendorf 1984 Jack.)Eichorn Vacant 1981 Vacant Vacant 1979 Jennie's Grocery Vacant Geneviere C O'Mara Jennie's Grocery 1971-78 Jennie's Grocery Burton A Fern Guard-Pinkerton Genevie re C O'Mara Jennie's Grocery ViolaM Fern 1966-72 Jennie's Grocery Burton A Fern Viola M Fern 1965 Jennie's Grocery Vacant 1939-64 Leidinger Grocery Mrs Belle A Leidinger Wid(William) 1934-37 Mrs Bell e A Leidinger � Joseph l O'Mara Driver-Martin-Strel au Helen O'Mara 1927-29 Mrs Belle A Leidinger Grocer Earl Fuller Carrie Fuller 1007 15th Street 1915-18 Max Hertzman Notions Esther Hertzman Thomas B McLaughlin Sales Mayne McLaughlin 1502 Maple 1007 15th Street 1913 Max Hertzman Notions Thomas B Mclaughl in Esther Hertzman Marie Mclaughlin 1007 15th Street 1911 Mrs.Anna Schroeder I Wid(Henry) Susie Pi nsch I Wi d(Michael) 1909 William I_ Emma Lehman Felix GBecker 1908 Fred Fischer Molder AY McD& Mnfg Co. Bertah Fischer Albert C Fu hrman n Saloon 1906 Frank.)Lambert Saloon&Residence Bertha Lambert Nora Lambert Wid(John) 1904-1905 Nora Lambert Saloon&Residence Wid(John) 1901-03 John l Lambert Saloon&Residence Nora Lambert 1899-1900 John l Lambert Saloon&Residence Nora Lambert Henry Walsh lab 1898 John J Lambert Saloon&Residence Nora Lambert Wm Bennett lab Nicholas Schroeder Lab-Martin-Strel au Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 4 Milton E. Schwartz Duplex Dubuque Name of Property County 1502 Maple Street Dubuque Address City Historical Notes: 1907 (Sept. 16th) Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co owned the building when water service was installed. 1978 (May 19th)Assessor Card notes building is in poor condition. 1980 (October 3rd) Assessor Card notes interior remodeled and partial exterior siding. 1981 (November 3rd)Assessor Card notes interior and exterior of lower unit remodeled. 1999 (October 29th) Assessor Card notes construction of a detached frame garage and a deck to building. Historical Image Notes: The 1872 Birdseye View of the City of Dubuque Iowa prepared by August Koch shows a one-story building and the 1889 Perspective Map of the City of Dubuque, IA prepared by H. Wellge shows a two- story building. The 1909 Sanborn Map notes that the property as a two-story building that was used as a saloon. Subsequent Sanborn Maps show additions to the building and multiple accessory structures. 'lfy=- uI 1` .1 1N i-a,ik o . 1 � 61i/ V ^. , r: / A •-.''.,...47 , i 41 . (4..,,di' ''.e , ,I 4j11114,..1011, ••••,' I,Pr4 4 qt;4 0 '..# CIS �` - , . ��/I.., . I Iii:jt. 8 '' ' ✓- _ .OD r. 1872 Birdseye View of the City of 1889 Perspective Map of the City Dubuque Iowa-Augustus Koch of Dubuque,IA-H.Wellge ,_____Ftim. 0 ill C11 �� 1 tof to .ra ��• i+rl�i . w T� o ,',r liim i - "��f� �u� i © ul ) ) A ,) ' -,.zX?rr.. .6.Y90c , gi -- N, ._, 1 1; 1p tflY m....,r.,�r — J 'S ,. 0,2---, rr ro, w 2K 1 ., l;i ., , m I'I I >, I a,ff V' - 1 .� L .ar a 1909 Sanborn 1909-50 Sanborn Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of lowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 5 Milton E. Schwartz Duplex Dubuque Name of Property County 1502 Maple Street Dubuque Address City ., --- a Li]j E• r7 4 E ( r ��,, j iZ F--ii 1ILt�Iq� !'7 m�'I + E �-z� 4 I' II ,ry O.L� �,l_s� r ,,„ ui_1 I 1 Sot m irdimurbi-4,-;:i ������J �( O j D =F r *I R r s a ''"� z„f or.<.rr. A ..,.AM= I sw 1 Ei! a d•-3 +..ur,..., m, .. .�. 6:: :g.:^.. .axexc. O p k piIut .q ^lam �.. . :. :MIA ',..—r— - q , i . 4 1964 Sanborn 1970 Sanbom 9. Major Bibliographical References: 2003 Phase III Historical and Architectural Survey Report— James E. Jacobsen "Birds Eye View of the City of Dubuque Iowa, 1872." Augustus Koch Engraver City of Dubuque Building Permit Records City of Dubuque Water Tap Records Dubuque City Assessor's Data Dubuque City Directories Perspective Map of the City of Dubuque. Milwaukee: American Publishing Company, 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 1909, 1909/50, 1964, 1970 10. Additional Documentation: None