Prince Street 2273-2301 Site Inventory Form State Inventory No. _ ® New ❑ Supplemental State Historical Society of Iowa ❑ Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.)_ (December 1, 1999) Relationship: ❑ Contributing ❑ Noncontributing ❑ Contributes to a potential district with et unknown boundaries National Register Status:(any that apply) Listed ❑ De-listed ❑ NHL ❑ DOE 9-Digit SHPO Review& Compliance Number_ ❑ Non-Extant (enter year) 1. Name of Property historic name other names/site number _ 2. Location street& number 2273-2301 Prince city or town Dubuque ❑ vicinity, county Dubuque Legal Description:(If Rural)Township Name Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter (If Urban) Subdivision Block(s) _ Lot(s) see below 3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section] 4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section] 5. Classification Category of Property (check only one box) Number of Resources within Property building(s) If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of.: ❑ district Enter number of: Contributing Noncontributing ❑ site 0 buildings 1 0 buildings ❑ structure _ sites _ _ sites ❑ object _ structures _ _ structures objects objects 0 Total 1 0 Total Name of related project report or multiple property study(Enter"N/A"if the property is not part of a multiple property examination). Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number 6. Function or Use Historic Functions(Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) 01-Domestic-01B-Multiple Dwelling-01B01 Duplex 01-Domestic-01B-Multiple Dwelling-01B01 Duplex 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) Materials (Enter categories from instructions) 09-Other-09A01-House-two-story gable front frame duplex foundation Stone walls vinly/? roof Asphalt other Narrative Description (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria(Mark"x"representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria) ❑ Yes ❑ No ® More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons. ❑Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics. ❑Yes ❑ No 0 More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history. County Dubuque Address 2273-2301 Prince Site Number — City Dubuque District Number Criteria Considerations ❑A Owned by a religious institution or used ❑ E A reconstructed building, object, or structure. for religious purposes. ❑ F A commemorative property. ❑ B Removed from its original location. ❑ G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past ❑ C A birthplace or grave. 50 years. ❑ D A cemetery Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions) Significant Dates Construction date _ ® check if circa or estimated date Other dates Significant Person Architect/Builder (Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above) Architect N/A N/A Builder Unknown Narrative Statement of Significance (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography ®See continuation sheet for citations of the books,articles,and other sources used in preparing this form 10. Geographic Data UTM References(OPTIONAL) Zone Fasting Northing Zone 1 Fasting Northing 1 _ 2 3 4 ❑See continuation sheet for additional UTM references or comments 11. Form Prepared By name/title James E. Jacobsen organization History Pays! Historic Preservation Consulting Firm date Dec. 11, 2008 street& number 4411 Ingersoll Avenue telephone 515-274-3625 city or town Des Moines state IA zip code 50312 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form) FOR ALL PROPERTIES 1. Map:showing the property's location in a town/city or township. 2. Site plan:showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s). 3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site: Roll/slide sheet# _ Frame/slot# _ Date Taken _ Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# _ Date Taken _ Roll/slide sheet# _ Frame/slot# _ Date Taken _ ❑See continuation sheet or attached photo&slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries. ❑ Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file. FOR CERTAIN KINDS OF PROPERTIES, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS WELL 1. Farmstead&District(List of structures and buildings,known or estimated year built,and contributing or non-contributing status) 2. Barn: a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn. b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side. c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn's exterior dimensions in feet. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Use Only Below This Line Concur with above survey opinion on National Register eligibility: ❑ Yes❑ No ❑ More Research Recommended ❑ This is a locally designated property or part of a locally designated district. Comments: Evaluated by(name/title): Date: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number _ Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number _ Continuation Sheet Page 1 Dubuque Name of Property County 2273-2301 Prince Dubuque Address City 7. Narrative Description: This frame two-story gable front duplex has apparently converted to single family use and a single address for some time. The core plan measures 28 feet in width and the same in depth, so it is a true square. The front porch is 26 feet long and six feet deep. A single-story rear centered wing has a gable roof and measures 20 feet in width and 12 feet in depth. Matching side porches (same length, four feet wide) flank the wing. Assessor records note a 10 feet by 16 feet shed. The house has been resided and appears to have lost all but its upper front corner windows. There is a centered attic front light. The former duplex entrances are on the outside of the plan which is of interest and there is one remaining window on the south half of the façade. Side wall fenestration is either minimal or has been covered over. There is at least one downstairs window on the north wall, and one on each floor on the south wall. Building Permit/Alteration Record Date Owner Contractor Description/value May 20, 1937 Mrs. Frank Jaeger Hilbert & Straub Re-roof, $200 May 20, 1954 Herman Straub Joc Reuter Re-side, $1,500 October 1, 1982 Harold Straub Dan Mayer Remodel open porch, $625 May 28, 1992 David Witter Alter frame garage, $5,254 April 7, 1993 David Witter Drywall second story addition, $20,000 June 22, 1993 David Witter . Re-side, $3,000 September 28, 1993 David Witter 22 feet by 25 feet detached fr. Garage, $5,473 October 25, 1995 David Witter Change walls, dry wall, $6,000 8. Narrative Statement of Significance: The house pre-dates 1891. The original address is 99-101 Prince Street. Building Ownership/Occupancy History-2273 Prince Street Date Occupant Occupation Ownership Notes 1885 Christ and Sarah Miller As 101, he is 40, born in Germany, she is 43, Schepple seven children at home, separately listed is blacksmith Charles Heinz (aged 20), and Charles and Melissa Yerger (boiler maker), and Eliza Litz, aged 53 and dau. Cordelia 1899 Theodore Pullens Knapp, Stout Michael is laborer, Standard Lumber, Miss. Mary Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number — Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 2 Dubuque Name of Property County 2273-2301 Prince Dubuque Address City 1900 Theodore Pullens Day laborer He is aged 54, born Germany, to US 1866, naturalized, widowed, rents, six children at home 1904 W. F. Trainor As 99 Prince 1909 1910 Theodore and Vena Fireman, Rents, surname as Pulliam, he is aged 46, she Pullens steam RR is 44, one son Herndon, aged 23, wks. Sash & door factory, married 24 years??? See 1900 1913 1916 1918 1921 1925 Mrs. Otille Scheibe 1929 Mrs. Otille Scheibe 1937 Mrs. Otille Scheibe 1941 Mrs. Otille Scheibe 1945 Mrs. Otille Scheibe Lena K. Staub as long term owner, early 1950s to 1970s-Assessor 1952 Cletus H. Appel 1955 Calvin J. Duke 1960 Ralph R. Cavanaugh Building Ownership/Occupancy History-2301 Prince Street Date Occupant Occupation Ownership Notes 1900 1904 John H. Gilliam As 100 Prince 1909 1911 1913 1916 1918 1921 Joseph F. Haas 1925 Mrs. Hanna Sause 1929 011ie Leik 1937 Mrs. Pearl R. Wanger 1941 Mrs. Pearl R. Wanger 1945 George R. Thiel 1952 Gerald R. Thiel 1955 Gerald R. Thiel Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number _ Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 3 Dubuque Name of Property County 2273-2301 Prince Dubuque Address City 1960 Gerald R. Thiel Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number _ Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 4 Dubuque Name of Property County 2273-2301 Prince Dubuque Address City 9. Major Bibliographical References: Atlas of Dubuque County,Iowa. Clinton: Harrison and Warner, 1874 Atlas of Dubuque County,Iowa. Davenport: Iowa Publishing Company, 1906 Atlas of Dubuque Iowa. Peoria:Austin Engineering Company,n.d. Atlas of Dubuque County, Iowa. Rockford: W.W.Hixson,n.d. Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study:Project No. 20959-39471. Dubuque: CDS in association with WHKS& Company,October 2004 "Birds Eye View of the City of Dubuque Iowa, 1872." Augustus Koch Engraver Dubuque City Council Minutes,Volumes 29(1899)to 36(1906) Jacobsen,James E. Dubuque-The Key City: The Architectural And Historical Resources of Dubuque, Iowa, 1837-1955: Phase IV Edition. Des Moines: History Pays Historic Preservation Consulting Firm,November 24,2003 . Dubuque-The Key City: The Architectural And Historical Resources of Dubuque, Iowa, 1837-1955:Phase 1 Historical and Architectural Survey Report. Des Moines:History Pays Historic Preservation Consulting Firm,January 15, 2002 . Dubuque-The Key City: The Architectural And Historical Resources of Dubuque, Iowa, 1837-1955:Phase II Historical and Architectural Survey Report. Des Moines: History Pays Historic Preservation Consulting Firm,January 15, 2002 . Iowa Historic Site Inventory Form: Rhomberg Avenue and Kniest Street Historic District. , Des Moines: History Pays Historic Preservation Consulting Firm,January 15,2002 . Iowa Historic Site Inventory Form: East 22"d Street and Washington Street Historic District. ,Des Moines:History Pays Historic Preservation Consulting Firm,July 22,2000 Map of the City of Dubuque. Davenport: Iowa Publishing Company, 1906 Newspapers(as cited in the text) Perspective Map of the City of Dubuque. Milwaukee:American Publishing Company, 1889 Plan of Dubuque,Dubuque County. Chicago: Charles Skober and Company, 1875 Plat Book of Dubuque County,Iowa. Davenport:Northwest Publishing Company, 1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Dubuque,Iowa: 1884, 1891, 1901, 1909, 1909/24, 1909/50, 1909/56, 1909/62 Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number _ Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 5 Dubuque Name of Property County 2273-2301 Prince Dubuque Address City 11 Additional Documentation: Legal Description: Lot 56, Sanford's Subdivision Map: Photographs: