2 22 07 Council Minutes Special Session Official
City Council, Special Session, February 22, 2007
Council met in Special Session at 6:30 P.M. in the Library Auditorium
Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Cline, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Michalski, City Manager
Van Milligen
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the purpose of
discussing various City departmental budgets.
The budgets for the following departments were discussed: Water Department, Water Pollution Control
Plant, Public Works Department, and Engineering Department.
Water Department: Lynch questioned how much capacity was left in the Dubuque system. Water
Department Manager Bob Green responded that the system would not reach capacity for approximately
ten to fifteen years.
Water Pollution Control Plant: Michalski questioned why there were a large number of capital
improvement projects scheduled for Fiscal Year 2008. Water Pollution Control Plant Manager Jonathon
Brown explained that this was due to projects being delayed because of cost and the outcome of the plant
facility study.
Public Works Department: Connors questioned the decision package providing for a public education /
community outreach event and suggested that possibly this could be funded as a one-time event versus
annual. Cline and Michalski also voiced support for this decision package. Cline questioned the life of the
chemicals used on streets prior to a predicted snow/ice storm. Public Works Director Don Vogt replied
that the chemicals were good for two to three days. Mayor Buol commented on the positive feedback he
had received on the hanging baskets in the Port of Dubuque.
Engineering Department: Michalski questioned whether having a dedicated Project Manager position
was more beneficial than having individual project managers. Engineer Gus Psihoyos stated the he felt it
proving to be very worthwhile. Connors commented that she felt the part-time employee to establish the
department’s laserfiche archive would need to be looked at again. Buol requested that the recommended
Request for Proposals for a “Green Community” consultant be issued prior to the beginning of the fiscal
year. Amy Eudaley, 950 Wood Street, asked if anything was being done about installing sidewalks on
John F. Kennedy Road and Wacker Drive and if there were any plans for installing an overpass at Hwy.
20 for walkers. Psihoyos replied that they were looking at the intersection of JFK and Wacker with regard
to improvements and also that if Council directed they could require that sidewalks be installed or to install
them as a part of the assessable sidewalk installation program.
There being no further business, Braig moved to adjourn. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
/s/ Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC
City Clerk
1t 2/28