12 1 14 City Council Proceedings Official_Special and RegularCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 5:00 p.m. on December 1, 2014 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Pro Tem Braig, Council Members Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Sutton; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Lindahl Absent: Mayor Buol Mayor Pro Tem Braig read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting a work session on the Quarterly Sustaina- ble Dubuque Project QUARTERLY SUSTAINABLE DUBUQUE PROJECT WORK SESSION Sustainability Coordinator Cori Burbach, Vice President of Programs for the Commu- nity Foundation of Greater Dubuque Eric Dregne, Public Health Specialist Mary Rose Corrigan and Transit Manager Candace Eudaley presented information on the following topics: • Plastic Bag Community Outreach o Voluntary request for data from retailers o Goals and Targets • PM Advance: Clean Air Attainment Strategy o New EPA Program: Voluntary participation o PM Advance Process o Path Forward • Jule Public Transit Progress o New routes and time savings o Ridership increase o SMITH System Training o Accident reduction The City Council had discussion with the representatives following the presentation. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 6:21 p.m. /s/Trish L. Gleason, CMC City Clerk 1 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. on December 1, 2014 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol (by phone); Mayor Pro Tem Braig, Council Members Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Sutton; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Lindahl Mayor Pro Tem Braig read the call and stated this is a regular session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting such business that may properly come be- fore the City Council. CONSENT ITEMS Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, and dis- pose of as indicated. Council Member Jones requested #6 (2015 State Legislative Prior- ities) be held for separate discussion. Seconded by Resnick. Motion carried 7-0. 1. Minutes and Reports Submitted: City Council Proceedings of 11/17; Civil Service Commission of 11/12; Proof of Publication for City Council Proceedings of 11/3. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 2. Notice of Claims and Suits: Jordan Stackis for vehicle damage, University of Dubuque (Craig Kloft) for property damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and referred to the City Attorney. 3. City Focus - Fall 2014: City Manager transmitting the Fall 2014 City Focus. Upon motion the document was received and filed. 4. Civil Service Commission: Civil Service Commission submitted the certified list for the position of Parking System Technician. Upon motion the document was received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 5. Code of Ordinances - Adoption of Supplement No. 16: City Clerk recommending adoption of Supplement No. 16 to the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, which codi- fies Ordinance No. 38-14 through 43-14, 46-14 through 52-14 and code change as adopted by the City Council and enacted through August 4, 2014. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 378-14 Adopting Supplement No. 16 to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 378-14 ADOPTING SUPPLEMENT NO. 16 TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA 2 Whereas, under date of August 17, 2009, the City Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 43-09, readopted the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa in its entire- ty; and Whereas, since August 17, 2009 the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa has adopted certain ordinances amending the Code of Ordinances and said amendments have been printed as supplements to the Code of Ordinances; and Whereas, Section 380.8 of the Code of Iowa provides that supplements, by resolu- tion, become part of the Code of Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Supplement No. 16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa, covering Ordinances 38-14 through 43-14, 46-14 through 52-14, and code change passed by Council and enacted through August 4, 2014, prepared by the Ster- ling Codifiers, Inc., and filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby adopted and becomes part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 6. 2015 State Legislative Priorities: City Manager submitting the 2015 State of Iowa Legislative Priorities for adoption and presentation to legislators at the annual Legisla- tive Dinner. The proposed Regents' Policy for Performance Based Funding and the ad- verse effect it may have was discussed. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7-0. 7. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen Participation Plan — Amendment: City Manager recommending approval of the City's Community Develop- ment Block Grant (CDBG) Program Citizen Participation Plan that was approved by the Community Development Advisory Commission on November 19, 2014. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 364-14 Amending the Citi- zen Participation Plan by repealing the existing plan and adopting a new Citizen Partici- pation Plan in lieu thereof for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Pro- gram was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 364-14 AMENDING THE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN BY REPEALING THE EXISTING PLAN AND ADOPTING A NEW CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN IN LIEU THEREOF FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa adopted a Citizen Participa- tion Plan (the "Plan") which set forth a process for citizen involvement in the develop- ment of the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program on Septem- ber 8, 1992; and Whereas, the City Council has amended the Plan from time to time; and 3 Whereas, the Community Development Advisory Commission has proposed and recommended approval to the City Council an amendment to the Plan as described in Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Citizen Participation Plan is hereby repealed and a new Citizen Participation Plan as shown in Exhibit A is hereby adopted in lieu thereof; Section 2. That said Amendment shall become effective immediately. Section 3. That the Plan as amended shall be filed in the Housing and Community Development Department as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 8. Continuum of Care Grant Closeout for Fiscal Year 2014: City Manager recom- mending authorization for the Mayor to sign the close-out documents for the Fiscal Year 2014 Continuum of Care Grant submittal to HUD. Upon motion the documents were re- ceived, filed and approved. 9. Vacated Alley Conveyance - Property Adjacent to 440 Klingenberg Terrace: City Manager recommending rescinding Resolution No. 187-14 which approved the deed and approve the corrected deed. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 365-14 Rescinding Resolution No. 187-14 incorrectly authorizing the conveyance of the East 10 Feet of the vacated alley lying between Lot 1 of Lot 4 and Lot 1 of Lot 5 and Lots 8 And 9 In C.A. Voelker's Addition, in the City Of Dubuque, Iowa, to "Nathan J. Morfold and Sarah J. Morfold", and authorizing such conveyance to Sarah J. Morford was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 365-14 RESOLUTION NO. 187-14 INCORRECTLY AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF THE EAST 10 FEET OF THE VACATED ALLEY LYING BETWEEN LOT 1 OF LOT 4 AND LOT 1 OF LOT 5 AND LOTS 8 AND 9 IN C.A. VOELKER'S ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, TO "NATHAN J. MORFOLD AND SARAH J. MOR - FOLD", AND AUTHORIZING SUCH CONVEYANCE TO SARAH J. MORFORD Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, by Ordinance adopted November 30, 1931, vacated the alley lying first west of Paul Street, parallel to Paul Street and Rosaline Street, and lying between Lowell Street and Klingenberg Terrace; and Whereas, the Ordinance also provided that the alley was granted to the owners of the lots abutting the alley on the east and west side; and Whereas, a conveyance of the property was reaffirmed by Resolution No. 21-50, but a Deed to the property was never conveyed to the owners of the abutting property; and Whereas, Sarah J. Morford is now the owner of the property abutting on the east side of the alley and has requested a Quit Claim Deed to the east ten feet (10') of the vacat- ed alley; and 4 Whereas, by Resolution No. 187-14 the City Council incorrectly authorized the con- veyance of the property to Nathan and Sarah Morfold when the property should only have been conveyed to Sarah and her correct name is "Morford"; and Whereas, the Quit Claim Deed has been recorded as Instrument No. 2014-7697; and Whereas, Resolution No. 187-14 should be rescinded, and the conveyance of the property to Sarah J. Morford should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Resolution No. 187-14 is hereby rescinded and the Quit Claim Deed rec- orded as Instrument No. 2014-7697 is declared null and void. Section 2. That the conveyance of the East 10 feet of the vacated alley lying between Lot 1 of Lot 4 and Lot 1 of Lot 5 and Lots 8 and 9 In C.A. Voelker's Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Sarah J. Morford pursuant to the Quit Claim Deed attached hereto is hereby approved. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the Quit Claim Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of this Resolution in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder and to deliver the Quit Claim Deed to Sarah J. Morford. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 10. Service Agreement - TRICOR Safety Consulting: City Manager recommending approval of an agreement with TRICOR Safety Consulting to review policies, prepare manuals, conduct assessments and authorization for the City Manager to execute the Service Agreement. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 11. Delinquent Garbage, Junk, Weeds Collection Accounts: City Manager recom- mending the levy of Special Assessments for the Weed /Junk /Garbage Enforcement Programs. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 366-14 Adopting the Schedule of Assessments for 2014 and directing the City Clerk to certify the Schedule of Assessments to the County Treasurer and to publish notice thereof was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 366-14 ADOPTING THE SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR 2014 AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY THE SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS TO THE COUN- TY TREASURER AND TO PUBLISH NOTICE THEREOF NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That after full consideration of the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto for weed/grass cutting and junk/garbage removal tax assessments which Schedule of As- sessments was filed in the office of the City Clerk on the, the said Schedule of As- sessments be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. That there be, and is hereby assessed and levied as a lien upon the real property, the respective sums indicated. 5 That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to certify said schedule to the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, and to publish notice of said certifica- tion once each week for two consecutive weeks in the manner provided in Iowa Code §362.3, the first publication of which shall be not more than fifteen days from the date of filing of the final schedule. On or before the date of the second publication of the notice, the City Clerk shall also mail a copy of said notice to property owners whose property is subject to assessment, as provided and directed in Iowa Code § 384.60. The assessments may be paid in full or in part without interest at the Utility Billing Office, City Hall, 50 W. 13th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at any time within 30 days after the date of the first publication of the notice of the filing of the Schedule of As- sessments with the County Treasurer. After 30 days, unpaid assessments are payable at the County Treasurer's Office, Dubuque County Courthouse, 720 Central Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, and charges shall be collected in the same manner as general property taxes against the respective parcels of the property set opposite the name of the property owner. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish Gleason Assistant City Clerk SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS WEED/JUNK/GARBAGE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS Property Address, Owner, Parcel, Legal Description, Date, Expense, Admin. Fee Walker, 849, David & Jill Hawkins, 849 Walker, Dubuque IA 52001, 1 01 21 84005, Lots 513 & 514 North Dubuque Add, 07/15/2014, $45.00, $25.00 Rhomberg Ave, 700, Hiba Petroleum, Inc., 1785 Ruzich Dr., Bartlett, II 60103, 1013485018, Ne 36'& Sw 16.43' of Lot 20 Cooks Add & Lot 21 Cooks Add, 07/29/2014, $90.00, $25.00 Angella St, 595, Michael J. Dennison, 14674 N Cascade Rd, Lot 415, Dubuque, IA 52003, 1024306001, Lot 21 Quigleys Sub of 709, 07/29/2014, $75.00, $25.00 W 11th St, 726, Brian M. Cluff, 726 W 11th St, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1024384003, Sub of City Lot 738 W E 73' Lot 2, 08/05/2014, $50.00, $25.00 Lori St, 1775, Mike & Susan Demaio, 1775 Lori St, Dubuque, IA. 52001, 1015481021, Lot 8 BIk 4 Scenic View Heights #3, 08/05/2014, $45.00, $25.00 Southern Ave, 519, Bank of America, 31303 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, CA. 91361, 1036252012, Lot 4 South Ave Add, 08/05/2014, $60.00, $25.00 N Grandview Ave, 2877, North Grandview Estates. LLC, 13912 Whistlewind Ln, Dubuque, IA 52002, 1014155035, 1014155034, 1014155033, 1014155030, 1 01 41 55028, 1 01 41 55026, Lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, & 12 North Grandview Estates No.2, 07/18/2014, $195.00, $25.00 Amelia Dr., 1947, Brandy M. Welter, 1947 Amelia Dr., Dubuque, IA 52001, 1012427015, Lot 8 BIk 4 Prairie Heights, 09/08/2014, $60.00, $25.00 Jackson St, 2477, Heather Tussey, 2477 Jackson St, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1013379016, Lot 3 Olingers Sub, 09/17/2014, $80.00, $25.00 6 Rhomberg Ave, 700, Hiba Petroleum, Inc., 1785 Ruzich Dr., Bartlett, II 60103, 1013485018, Ne 36'& SW 16.43' of Lot 20 Cooks Add & Lot 21 Cooks Add, 09/29/2014, $30.00, $25.00 Air Hill, 850, Louis Mihalakis, 1212 Miller Rd, Dubuque, IA 52003, 1025130011, N 40'-5 1/2 -Lot 12, S 35'-5 1/2 Lot 12 & S 60' -Lot 13 All In Kelly's Sub., 09/26/2014, $80.00, $25.00 Olde Country Ln, 2901, Craig D & Gretchen C Nordenson, 2901 Olde Country Ln, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1015302002, Lot 2 BIk 3 Highland, 10/09/2014, $45.00, $25.00 EIm St, 2721, Travis Kaiser & Kendra Chapman, 2721 EIm St, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1013182023, S 1/2 of Lot 191 Glendale Add, 10/07/2014, $70.00, $25.00 Jackson St, 1228, Maurice Kirchberg, 1228 Jackson St, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1024435011, S 26.2' Lot 60 East Dubuque Add, 10/16/2014, $75.00, $25.00 12. Acceptance Wilbur Street Reconstruction Project: City Manager recommending acceptance of the construction contract for the Wilbur Street Reconstruction Project, as completed by Key City Excavating, Inc. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 367-14 Accepting the Wilbur Street Reconstruction Project and authorizing the payment to the contractor was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 367-14 ACCEPTING THE WILBUR STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND AUTHOR- IZING THE PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR Whereas, the public improvement contract for the Wilbur Street Reconstruction Pro- ject (the Project) has been completed by the Contractor, Key City Excavating, Inc. (Contractor), and the City Engineer has examined the work and filed a certificate stating that the Project has been completed according to the terms of the Public Improvement Contract and that the City Engineer recommends that the Project be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The recommendation of the City Engineer is approved and the Project is hereby accepted. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby directed to pay to the Contractor from the Stone Retaining Walls appropriations for the contract amount of $7,850.78, less any retained percentage provided for therein as provided in Iowa Code chapter 573, and to pay such retainage only in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 573. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, City Clerk 13. Acceptance of Storm Sewer Project - Sunnyview Drive: City Manager recom- mending acceptance of the storm sewer improvements in a portion of the Southerly 99 feet of Lot 92 in Finley's Addition to the City of Dubuque, which the owners, James and Kristine Noonan, have recently completed. Upon motion the documents were received 7 and filed and Resolution No. 368-14 Accepting Storm Sewer Improvements in a Portion of the Southerly 99 Feet of Lot 92 in Finley's Addition to the City of Dubuque was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 368-14 ACCEPTING STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHER- LY 99 FEET OF LOT 92 IN FINLEY'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE Whereas, pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement dated July 3, 2014, certain pub- lic improvements including a storm sewer relocation were installed by James E. and Kristine E. Noonan, Owners of the Southerly 99 feet of Lot 92 in Finley's Addition to the City of Dubuque; and Whereas, the storm sewer relocation has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and has filed a certificate stating that the same has been completed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council and in conformance with City specifications, and has recommended that the storm sewer extension be ac- cepted by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said storm sewer relocation in a portion of the Southerly 99 feet of Lot 92 in Finley's Addi- tion to the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby accepted. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 14. Acceptance of Water Main Improvements - Truck Country: City Manager recom- mending acceptance of the public improvements that the owners, Truck Country, have recently completed adjacent to the north side of their property at 10785 Route 61 in Dubuque. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 369- 14 Accepting water main improvements in the Chestnut St. & US Highway 151/61 Right of Ways in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 369-14 ACCEPTING WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CHESTNUT ST. & US HIGH- WAY 151/61 RIGHT OF WAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, per an agreement between the City of Dubuque and Truck Country, certain public improvements including approximately fifty five lineal feet of water main and appurtenances were installed by Truck Country in the Chestnut Street and US Highway 151/61 right of ways in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, the improvements have been completed and the City Manager has exam- ined the work and has filed a certificate stating that the same has been completed in accordance with the plans on the attached Exhibit A and in conformance with City speci- fications, and has recommended that the improvements be accepted by the City Coun- cil. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: 8 Section 1. That the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said public improvements in the Chestnut Street and US Highway 151/61 right of ways be and the same is hereby accepted. Section 2. That maintenance of said public improvements shall be the responsibility of the owners, Truck Country, for a period of two (2) years from the date of this resolu- tion. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 15. Acceptance of Water Main Improvements - Holliday Drive: City Manager recom- mending acceptance of the water main easement from Warrior Enterprises for an exist- ing water main across Lot 1 Holliday 6th Addition in the City of Dubuque. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 370-14 Accepting a Grant of Easement for water main through, over and across Lot 1 Holliday 6th Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 370-14 ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR WATER MAIN THROUGH, OVER AND ACROSS LOT 1 HOLLIDAY 6TH ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, Warrior Enterprises LLC and the City of Dubuque wish to set forth terms for the construction, maintenance, and replacement of site improvements over an exist- ing water main utility located in Lot 1 Holliday 6th Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas, Warrior Enterprises LLC have executed an Easement for Water Main through, over and across Lot 1 Holliday 6th Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby approves of, ac- cepts and consents to the Grant of Easement for Water Main through, over and across Lot 1 Holliday 6th Addition, in the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa from Warrior Enterprises LLC, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge on behalf of the City of Dubuque any instruments in connection herewith. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 16. Sewershed 5 Corrective Action Plan: City Manager recommending authorization to certify and submit the City of Dubuque's Corrective Action Plan for Sewershed 5 to the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 9 17. Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Report: City Manager transmitting the Annual Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Report that has been filed with Dubuque County Auditor Denise Dolan. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 18. Fiscal Year 2014 State Urban Renewal Report: City Manager recommending ap- proval of the Fiscal Year 2014 State Urban Renewal Annual Report. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 371-14 Approving the Fiscal Year 2014 Urban Renewal Report for the City of Dubuque was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 371-14 APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 URBAN RENEWAL REPORT FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE Whereas, the Iowa Legislature approved HF 2460 in the 2012 Legislative Session, amending the current law pertaining to urban renewal districts; and Whereas, HF 2460, otherwise known as the Urban Renewal Reporting Act of 2012, aims to increase transparency in the utilization of tax increment financing; and Whereas, HF 2460 requires an annual urban renewal report be approved by the ma- jority of a local governing body that had an active urban renewal plan anytime during the most recently ended fiscal year; and Whereas, City staff have fulfilled the requirements outlined in the Act through a web - based reporting tool hosted by the Iowa Department of Management. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 2014 Urban Renewal Report for the City of Dubuque, be approved. Section 2. That the Budget Director of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Report, with a record of this approval, to the Iowa Depart- ment of Management. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 19. Alcohol Compliance Civil Penalty for Alcohol License Holder — 1st & Main: City Manager recommending approval of the Acknowledgment/Settlement Agreement for an alcohol compliance violation for 1st & Main, 101 Main Street. Upon motion the docu- ments were received, filed and approved. 20. Alcohol and Tobacco License Applications: City Manager recommending approv- al of annual liquor, beer, wine and tobacco licenses applications as submitted. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 372-14 Approving applications for beer, liquor, and/or wine permits, as required by City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 4 Business and License Regulations, Chapter 2 Liquor Control, Arti- cle B Liquor, Beer and Wine Licenses and Permits and Resolution No. 373-14 Approv- ing applications for retail cigarette/tobacco sales permits, as required by Iowa Code 453A.47A were adopted. 10 RESOLUTION NO. 372-14 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR BEER, LIQUOR, AND/OR WINE PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 4 BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR CONTROL, ARTICLE B LIQ- UOR, BEER AND WINE LICENSES AND PERMITS Whereas, applications for Beer, Liquor, and or Wine Permits have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and ap- proved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and bonds and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the noted permit types to the following applicants pending submission of the locally required documentation: Renewals Cue Masters Billiards 900 Central Ave. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Hy -Vee #2 2395 NW Arterial Class E Liquor (Sunday) Hy -Vee C -Store #1 3270 Dodge St. Class C Beer, Class B Wine (Sunday) Instant Replay 1602 Central Ave. Class C Liquor (Living Qrts.) (Sunday) Kwik Stop Food Mart 4039 Pennsylvania Ave. Class C Beer, Class B Native Wine (Sunday) Pepper Sprout, Inc. 378 Main St. Class C Liquor Sam's Club #4973 4400 Asbury Rd. Class E Liquor (Sunday) Steve's Ace Home & Garden 3350 JF Kennedy Rd. Class B Native Wine (Sunday) The Moracco 1413 Rockdale Rd. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 373-14 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR RETAIL CIGARETTE/TOBACCO SALES PER- MITS, AS REQUIRED BY IOWA CODE 453A.47A Whereas, applications for Cigarette/Tobacco Sales have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the following named applicants and locations for cigarette/tobacco sales permit. Sam's Club #4973, 4400 Asbury Rd. 11 Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk BOARDS/COMMISSIONS Applicants were invited to address the City Council regarding their appointment to the following Boards/Commissions: 1. Mediacom Charitable Foundation One, 1 year term through December 31, 2015 (Expired term of Chavenelle). Applicant: Gail Chavenelle, 1155 Kelly Lane. PUBLIC HEARINGS Upon motion the rules were suspended allowing anyone present to address the City Council. 1. North Cascade Road Area - Housing Urban Renewal Plan: Proof of Publication on notice of public hearing to consider North Cascade Road Urban Renewal Plan and Joint Agreement with Dubuque County and the City Manager recommending approval. Mo- tion by Connors to receive and file the documents and adopt the Resolutions No. 374- 14 Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for the North Cascade Road Housing Urban Re- newal Area. Seconded by Resnick. Leisure Services Manager Marie Ware updated council regarding enhanced park wording in documents. Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTION NO. 374-14 APPROVING THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE NORTH CASCADE ROAD HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL AREA Whereas, by Resolution 331-14 approved on October 20, 2014, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa authorized the preparation of an Urban Renewal Plan for the North Cascade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area (the "District"); and Whereas, the proposed Urban Renewal Plan for the District has been prepared and placed on file for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque's primary objective for the North Cascade Road Hous- ing Urban Renewal Area is to stimulate, through public involvement and commitment, private investment in new housing and residential development as defined by Iowa Code Section 403.17(12), as described in the Urban Renewal Plan; and Whereas, the City Council finds that the District meets the definition of an economic development area as found in Chapter 403 of the Iowa Code, and is appropriate for the provision of public improvements related to housing and residential development; and Whereas, the City Council, in accordance with Chapter 403 of the Code of Iowa, has held a public hearing on the proposed Urban Renewal Plan after public notice thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Urban Renewal Plan for the North Cascade Road Housing Ur- ban Renewal Area is hereby approved. 12 Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution and the Urban Renewal Plan in the of- fice of the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk Upon motion the rules were reinstated limiting discussion to the City Council. ACTION ITEMS 1. Greater Dubuque Development Corporation - Quarterly Update: President and CEO Rick Dickinson to present the quarterly update on the activities of the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation. Request by Jones to move this item to the end of the Action Items. 2. Five Flags Center Annual Report Presentation: Five Flags Center General Manag- er Joyce White of SMG to make a presentation on the current fiscal year activities and future plans for the Five Flags Center. Motion by Connors to receive and file the docu- ments and listen to the presentation. Seconded by Jones. Five Flags Center General Manager Joyce White made a verbal presentation. Motion carried 7-0. 3. Request for Proposal - Arts and Culture Master Plan: City Manager recommending City approval to distribute a Request for Proposal for the Arts and Cultural Master Plan Consultant and authorization for the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with the recommended consultant for presentation to the City Council. Motion by Connors to re- ceive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. 4. Revenue Purpose Statement for Franchise Fees: City Manager recommending approval of the Revenue Purpose Statement. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 363-14 Adopting Revenue Purpose Statement re- garding use of revenues from proposed gas and electric franchise fees pursuant to Iowa Code § 364.2(4)(f). Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTION NO. 363 -14 ADOPTING REVENUE PURPOSE STATEMENT REGARDING USE OF REVE- NUES FROM PROPOSED GAS AND ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEES PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE § 364.2(4)(f) Whereas, the City of Dubuque is considering an amendment to its current gas fran- chise with Black Hills Energy Corporation, and current electric franchises with Maquo- keta Valley Rural Electric Cooperative and Interstate Power and Light Company (under which a franchise fee will be assessed); and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque will hold a public hearing re- garding any amendment to its gas and electric franchises prior to adoption of any amended franchises; and 13 Whereas, Iowa Code §364.2(4)(f) requires adoption of a "Revenue Purpose Statement" by a city council prior to the adoption of any franchise containing a franchise fee or any ordinance imposing a franchise fee specifying the purpose or purposes for which any revenue generated by a franchise fee will be used; and Whereas, as required by Iowa Code §364.2(4)(f) a copy of the proposed "Revenue Purpose Statement" has been published in the manner provided by Iowa Code §362.3. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1: The following "Revenue Purpose Statement" is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, to wit: REVENUE PURPOSE STATEMENT REGARDING USE OF REVENUE FROM GAS AND ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEES Pursuant to Iowa Code §364.2(4)(f) the City of Dubuque states that all revenue gen- erated from franchise fees assessed on the sales of gas or electricity within the city shall be deposited in the franchise fee account in the general fund and shall be used to reimburse the City for all costs associated with inspecting, supervising or otherwise reg- ulating its franchises. Moneys in the franchise fee account in the general fund in ex- cess of the amounts necessary for costs associated with inspecting, supervising or otherwise regulating its franchises shall be expended for any of the following: Property tax relief. The City will use 100% of the revenue collected from the in- crease in the gas and electric franchise fee for property tax relief in the form of a deposit to the City's general fund or debt service fund, and using such fees to pay obligations that would otherwise be paid that year with a property tax levy. Section 2. The Assistant City Clerk shall cause this "Revenue Purpose Statement Regarding Use of Revenue from Gas and Electric Franchise Fees" as adopted to be published in the manner required by Iowa Code §362.3. Adopted the 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 5. Code of Ordinance Amendment - Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District North Cas- cade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area: City Manager recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Tax Increment Financing District for the North Cascade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and that the requirement that a proposed ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be passed be suspended. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7-0. Motion by Lynch for final consideration and passage of Ordinance No. 67-14 Provid- ing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the North Cascade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area, in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Dubuque Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said City in connection with said Urban Renewal Redevelopment Project. Seconded by Con- nors. Motion carried 7-0. 14 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 67-14 PROVIDING THAT GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED AND COLLECTED EACH YEAR ON ALL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTH CASCADE ROAD HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL AREA, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, COUN- TY OF DUBUQUE, STATE OF IOWA, BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE STATE OF IOWA, CITY OF DUBUQUE, COUNTY OF DUBUQUE, DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND OTHER TAXING DISTRICTS, BE PAID TO A SPECIAL FUND FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON LOANS, MONIES ADVANCED TO AND INDEBTEDNESS, INCLUDING BONDS ISSUED OR TO BE ISSUED, INCURRED BY SAID CITY IN CONNECTION WITH SAID URBAN RE- NEWAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, after public notice and hear- ing as prescribed by law and pursuant to Resolution No. 363 -14 passed and ap- proved on the 1st day of December, 2014, adopted an Urban Renewal Plan (the "Ur- ban Renewal Plan") for an urban renewal area known as the North Cascade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area (the "Urban Renewal Project Area"); and Whereas, expenditures and indebtedness are anticipated to be incurred by the City of Dubuque, Iowa in the future to finance urban renewal project activities carried out in furtherance of the objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan and the future needs for re- development within the Urban Renewal Project Area are such as to require the applica- tion of the incremental tax resources of the Urban Renewal Project Area; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa desires to provide for the di- vision of revenue from taxation in the Urban Renewal Project Area, as above described, in accordance with the provisions of Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, and the Urban Renewal Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. For purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms have the following meanings: (a) UrbanRenewalProjectArea shall include that area described as follows: LOTS 1 THRU 12 INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 15 THRU 30 INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS B, C, AND E, IN TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES, AND; LOT 2 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #2, AND; ALL ADJOINING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. AND LOTS 2 THRU 25 INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 45 THRU 50 INCLUSIVE, IN TIM- BER- HYRST ESTATES NO. 2, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #2, AND; LOT 1 TENTINGER PLACE, AND; LOT 2 TENTINGER PLACE, AND; LOT 2 NINE H HIDDEN ACRES, AND; LOT 41 TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 2 DOUBLE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT 2, AND; LOT 2 OF NINE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT 2, AND; 15 LOT 2 NINE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT 6, AND; LOT 2 NINE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT 5, AND; LOT 2 NINE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT 4, AND; LOT 35 TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 34 TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 33 TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 2 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE, AND; LOT 29 TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 2 NINE H HIDDEN ACRES PLAT #3, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #3, AND; LOT C TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES #2, AND; LOT 1 OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4, SECTION 2, T88N, R2E, AND; LOT 3 OF KNEPPER ADDITION, AND; ALL ADJOINING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. AND LOTS 1 THRU 24 INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 32 THRU 34 INCLUSIVE, IN TIMBER- HYRST ESTATES NO. 3, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #6, AND; LOT 2 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #6, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #4, AND; LOT 1 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #5, AND; LOT 2 TIMBER-HYRST PLACE #5, AND; ALL ADJOINING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. AND ALL OF TIMBER-HYRST ESTATES NO. 4 SUBDIVISION, AND; ALL ADJOINING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. AND PARTS OF SECTIONS 3 AND 4 IN TOWNSHIP 88 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE 5TH P.M., DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA, BEING A STRIP OF LAND 300 FEET IN WIDTH LYING 150' ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTER - LINE: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 88 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE 5TH P.M. AND THE CENTERLINE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF NORTH CASCADE ROAD, THENCE WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY CEN- TERLINE APPROXIMATELY 7,190 LINEAL FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2-1 OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 88 NORTH RANGE 2 EAST OF THE 5TH P.M. AND ITS WESTERLY EXTENSION AND THE POINT OF TERMINATION. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION LYING WITHIN TIMBER-HYRST ES- TATES NO. 4 SUBDIVISION AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16 3 AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2-1 AND ITS WESTERLY EXTENSION. (b) UrbanRenewalPlan shall mean the Urban Renewal Plan for the North Cas- cade Road Housing Urban Renewal Area, approved by Resolution No. 363-14 on December 1, 2014, as the same may be amended from time to time. Section2. That the taxes levied on the taxable property in the Urban Renewal Pro- ject Area, legally described in Section 1 hereof, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Dubuque Community School District, and all other taxing districts from and after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be di- vided as hereinafter in this Ordinance provided. Section3. That portion of the taxes which would be produced by the rate at which the tax is levied each year by or for each of the taxing districts upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable property in the Urban Renewal Project Area, as shown on the assessment roll as of January 1, 2013, being January 1 of the calendar year pre- ceding the first calendar year in which the City of Dubuque is expected to certify to the County Auditor the amount of loans, advances, indebtedness, or bonds payable from the division of property tax revenue described herein, shall be allocated to and when collected be paid into the fund for the respective taxing district as taxes by or for the tax- ing district into which all other property taxes are paid. The taxes so determined shall be referred to herein as the "base period taxes" for such Urban Renewal Project Area. Section 4. That portion of the taxes each year in excess of the base period taxes de- termined for the Urban Renewal Project Area as provided in Section 3 of this Ordinance shall be allocated to and when collected be paid into a special tax increment fund of the City of Dubuque, Iowa hereby established, to pay the principal of and interest on loans, monies advanced to, indebtedness, whether funded, refunded, assumed or otherwise, including bonds or obligations issued under the authority of Section 403.9 or 403.12 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, incurred by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to fi- nance or refinance, in whole or in part, urban renewal projects undertaken within the Urban Renewal Project Area pursuant to the Urban Renewal Plan, except that (i) taxes for the regular and voter-approved physical plant and equipment levy of a school district imposed pursuant to Iowa Code Section 298.2 and taxes for the instructional support program of a school district imposed pursuant to Iowa Code Section 257.19 (but in each case only to the extent required under Iowa Code Section 403.19(2)); (ii) taxes for the payment of bonds and interest of each taxing district; (iii) taxes imposed under Iowa Code Section 346.27(22) related to joint county-city buildings; and (iv) any other exceptions described in Section 403.19 shall be collected against all taxa- ble property within the Urban Renewal Project Area without any limitation as here- inabove provided. Section 5. Unless or until the total assessed valuation of the taxable property in the Urban Renewal Project Area exceeds the total assessed value of the taxable property in the Urban Renewal Project Area as shown by the assessment rolls referred to in Section 3 of this Ordinance, all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable prop- erty in the Urban Renewal Project Area shall be paid into the funds for the respective taxing districts as taxes by or for said taxing districts in the same manner as all other property taxes. 17 Section 6. At such time as the loans, advances, indebtedness, bonds and interest thereon of the City of Dubuque, Iowa referred to in Section 4 hereof have been paid, all monies thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable property in the Urban Renewal Project Area shall be paid into the funds for the respective taxing districts in the same manner as taxes on all other property. Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. The provisions of this Ordinance are intended and shall be construed so as to fully implement the division of taxes from taxable property in the Urban Renewal Project Area under the provisions of Section 403.19 of the Code of Io- wa. In the event that any provision of this Ordinance shall be determined to be contrary to law it shall not affect other provisions or application of this Ordinance which shall at all times be construed to fully invoke the provisions of Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa with reference to the Urban Renewal Project Area and the territory contained therein. Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. /s/Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: /s/ Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper on the 5th day of December, 2014. /s/Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 6. General Obligation Capital Loan Notes Complete Action - Series 2014B and 2014C: City Manager recommending approval of the suggested proceedings to com- plete the action required on the recent Series 2014B and Series 2014C General Obliga- tion Capital Loan Notes. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 375-14 Appointing Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneap- olis, Minnesota, to serve as Paying Agent, Note Registrar, and Transfer Agent, approv- ing the Paying Agent and Note Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and authoriz- ing the execution of the agreement and Resolution 375-14A Approving and authorizing a form of Loan Agreement and authorizing and providing for the issuance of $18,835,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B, and levying a tax to pay the notes and Resolution No. 376-14 Appointing Wells Fargo Bank, National Asso- ciation of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to serve as Paying Agent, Note Registrar, and Trans- fer Agent, approving the Paying Agent and Note Registrar and Transfer Agent Agree- ment and authorizing the execution of the agreement and Resolution No. 376-14A Ap- proving and authorizing a form of Loan Agreement and authorizing and providing for the issuance of $7,615,000 Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014C, and levying a tax to pay the notes. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTION NO. 375-14 APPOINTING WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MINNEAP- OLIS, MINNESOTA, TO SERVE AS PAYING AGENT, NOTE REGISTRAR, AND TRANSFER AGENT, APPROVING THE PAYING AGENT AND NOTE REGISTRAR 18 AND TRANSFER AGENT AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT Whereas, $18,835,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B, dated December 8, 2014, have been sold and action should now be taken to provide for the maintenance of records, registration of certificates and payment of principal and interest in connection with the issuance of the notes; and Whereas, this Council has deemed that the services offered by Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota, are necessary for compliance with rules, regulations, and requirements governing the registration, transfer and payment of registered notes; and Whereas, a Paying Agent, Note Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement (hereafter "Agreement") has been prepared to be entered into between the City and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. That Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is hereby appointed to serve as Paying Agent, Note Registrar and Transfer Agent in con- nection with the issuance of $18,835,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B, dated December 8, 2014. Section 2. That the Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Min- neapolis, Minnesota, is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. Passed and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 375-14A APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHOR- IZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $18,835,000 GENERAL OBLIGA- TION CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, SERIES 2014B, AND LEVYING A TAX TO PAY THE NOTES Whereas, the Issuer is duly incorporated, organized and exists under and by virtue of the laws and Constitution of the State of Iowa; and Whereas, the Issuer is in need of funds to pay costs of acquisition of ambulances and ambulance improvements, improvements to existing parks of the type normally found in parks; equipping the Police Department; equipping the Street Department; im- provements to the existing Municipal Airport; opening, widening, extending, grading, and draining of the right-of-way of streets, highways, avenues, alleys and public grounds; the construction, reconstruction, and repairing of any street improvements; the acquisition, installation, and repair of sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water service lines and traffic control devices, and the acquisition of any real estate needed for any of the foregoing purposes; acquisition, construction, improvement, and installation of street lighting fixtures, connections, and facilities, construction, reconstruction, and repair of sidewalks and pedestrian underpasses and overpasses, and the acquisition of real es- tate needed for such purposes; acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extension, im- provement, and equipping of works and facilities useful for the collection, treatment, and 19 disposal of sewage and industrial waste in a sanitary manner, and for the collection and disposal of surface waters and streams; acquisition, construction, reconstruction, en- largement, improvement, and repair of bridges, culverts, retaining walls, viaducts, un- derpasses, grade crossing separations, and approaches thereto, essential corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $18,335,000 be issued for said purposes; and Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Section 384.25 of said Code, this Council has held a public meeting and hearing upon the proposal to institute pro- ceedings for the issuance of said Notes, and the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes; and Whereas, the Issuer is also in need of funds to pay costs of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, and equipping of waterworks, water mains, and ex- tensions, and real and personal property, useful for providing potable water to residents of a city, acquisition, improvement and equipping of recreation grounds, including the Bunker Hill Golf Course and the concrete skate park, and improvements to City Hall, transit bus stops, Fire Station #2 and Ham House, general corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $575,000 be authorized for said purposes; and Whereas, the Issuer has a population of more than 5,000 but not more than 75,000, and the Notes for these purposes do not exceed $700,000; and Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Section 384.26 (5) of said Code, the Council of the City has held public meeting and hearing upon the proposal to institute proceedings for the issuance of Notes for general corporate purposes in the amounts as above set forth, and, no petition for referendum having been received, the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes thereof; and Whereas, the Issuer is in need of funds to pay costs of acquisition, construction, maintenance, improvement and equipping of parking ramps, parking lots, and street parking, general corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $500,000 be au- thorized for said purposes; and Whereas, the Issuer has a population of more than 5,000 but not more than 75,000, and the Notes for these purposes do not exceed $700,000; and Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Section 384.26 (5) of said Code, the Council of the City has held public meeting and hearing upon the proposal to institute proceedings for the issuance of Notes for general corporate purposes in the amounts as above set forth, and, no petition for referendum having been received, the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes thereof; and Whereas, the Issuer is also in need of funds to pay costs of aiding in the planning, undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects, including Transit Building roof repairs, Central Avenue Master Plan and bus storage and maintenance facility im- provements, essential corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $8,265,000 be authorized for said purposes; and 20 Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Sections 384.24 (3)(q) and 384.25 of said Code, this Council has held a public meeting and hearing upon the pro- posal to institute proceedings for the issuance of said Notes, and no petitions for refer- endum having been received, the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes; and Whereas, pursuant to Sections 384.24, 384.24A and 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa, it is hereby found and determined that the various general obligation notes authorized as hereinabove described shall be combined for the purpose of issuance in a single issue of $18,835,000 Corporate Purpose General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings in this Resolution unless the text expressly or by necessary implication requires otherwise: thereof. "Authorized Denominations" shall mean $5,000 or any integral multiple "Beneficial Owner" shall mean the person in whose name such Note is recorded as the beneficial owner of a Note by a Participant on the records of such Participant or such person's subrogee. "Cede & Co." shall mean Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC, and any successor nom- inee of DTC with respect to the Notes. "Continuing Disclosure Certificate" shall mean that certain Continuing Disclosure Cer- tificate executed by the Issuer and dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Notes, as originally executed and as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. "Depository Notes" shall mean the Notes as issued in the form of one global certifi- cate for each maturity, registered in the Registration Books maintained by the Registrar in the name of DTC or its nominee. "DTC" shall mean The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, a limited purpose trust company, or any successor book -entry securities depository appointed for the Notes. "Issuer" and "City" shall mean the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa. "Loan Agreement" shall mean a Loan Agreement between the Issuer and a lender or lenders in substantially the form attached to and approved by this Resolution. "Note Fund" shall mean the fund created in Section 4 of this Resolution. "Notes" shall mean $18,835,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B, authorized to be issued by this Resolution. "Participants" shall mean those broker-dealers, banks and other financial institutions for which DTC holds Notes as securities depository. "Paying Agent" shall mean Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, or such succes- sor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who shall carry out the duties prescribed herein as Issuer's agent to provide for the payment of principal of and inter- est on the Notes as the same shall become due. "Project" shall mean the costs of: a) acquisition of ambulances and ambulance improvements, improvements to exist- ing parks of the type normally found in parks; equipping the Police Department; equip - 21 ping the Street Department; improvements to the existing Municipal Airport; opening, widening, extending, grading, and draining of the right-of-way of streets, highways, ave- nues, alleys and public grounds; the construction, reconstruction, and repairing of any street improvements; the acquisition, installation, and repair of sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water service lines and traffic control devices, and the acquisition of any real estate needed for any of the foregoing purposes; acquisition, construction, im- provement, and installation of street lighting fixtures, connections, and facilities, con- struction, reconstruction, and repair of sidewalks and pedestrian underpasses and overpasses, and the acquisition of real estate needed for such purposes; acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, and equipping of works and facili- ties useful for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage and industrial waste in a sanitary manner, and for the collection and disposal of surface waters and streams; ac- quisition, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, improvement, and repair of bridges, culverts, retaining walls, viaducts, underpasses, grade crossing separations, and ap- proaches thereto; b) acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, and equipping of waterworks, water mains, and extensions, and real and personal property, useful for providing potable water to residents of a city, acquisition, improvement and equipping of recreation grounds, including the Bunker Hill Golf Course and the concrete skate park, and improvements to City Hall, transit bus stops, Fire Station #2 and Ham House; c) aiding in the planning, undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects, in- cluding Transit Building roof repairs, Central Avenue Master Plan and bus storage and maintenance facility improvements; and d) acquisition, construction, maintenance, improvement and equipping of parking ramps, parking lots, and street parking. "Project Fund" shall mean the fund required to be established by this Resolution for the deposit of the proceeds of the Notes. "Rebate Fund" shall mean the fund so defined in and established pursuant to the Tax Exemption Certificate. "Registrar" shall mean Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Min- nesota, or such successor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who shall carry out the duties prescribed herein with respect to maintaining a register of the owners of the Notes. Unless otherwise specified, the Registrar shall also act as Transfer Agent for the Notes. "Representation Letter" shall mean the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations exe- cuted and delivered by the Issuer to DTC on file with DTC. "Resolution" shall mean this resolution authorizing the Notes. "Tax Exemption Certificate" shall mean the Tax Exemption Certificate executed by the Finance Director and delivered at the time of issuance and delivery of the Notes. "Treasurer" shall mean the Finance Director or such other officer as shall succeed to the same duties and responsibilities with respect to the recording and payment of the Notes issued hereunder. Section 2. The form of Loan Agreement in substantially the form attached to this Resolution is hereby approved and is authorized to be executed and issued on behalf of the Issuer by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. Section 3. Levy and Certification of Annual Tax; Other Funds to be Used. 22 (a) Levy of Annual Tax. That for the purpose of providing funds to pay the principal and interest of the Notes hereinafter authorized to be issued, there is hereby levied for each future year the following direct annual tax on all of the taxable property in the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, to -wit: AMOUNT YEAR OF COLLECTION FISCAL YEAR (JULY 1 TO JUNE 30) $288,633.68* 2014/2015 $830,625 2015/2016 $828,726 2016/2017 $1,101,675 2017/2018 $1,571,226 2018/2019 $1,551,225 2019/2020 $1,535,926 2020/2021 $1,535,175 2021/2022 $1,483,526 2022/2023 $1,472,475 2023/2024 $1,475,826 2024/2025 $1,393,125 2025/2026 $1,386,926 2026/2027 $1,394,975 2027/2028 $1,400,444 2028/2029 $1,398,231 2029/2030 $1,378,407 2030/2031 $1,376,406 2031/2032 $1,378,007 2032/2033 $1,373,031 2033/2034 *No levy needed. Payable from capitalized interest and cash on hand/accrued inter- est. (NOTE: For example the levy to be made and certified against the taxable valuations of January 1, 2015, will be collected during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2016). (b) Resolution to be Filed With County Auditor. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the Auditor of Dubuque County, Iowa and the Auditor is hereby in- structed in and for each of the years as provided, to levy and assess the tax hereby au- thorized in Section 3 of this Resolution, in like manner as other taxes are levied and as- sessed, and such taxes so levied in and for each of the years aforesaid be collected in like manner as other taxes of the City are collected, and when collected be used for the purpose of paying principal and interest on said Notes issued in anticipation of the tax, and for no other purpose whatsoever. (c) Additional City Funds Available. Principal and interest coming due at anytime when the proceeds of said tax on hand shall be insufficient to pay the same shall be promptly paid when due from current funds of the City available for that purpose and reimbursement shall be made from such special fund in the amounts thus advanced. Section 4. Note Fund. Said tax shall be assessed and collected each year at the same time and in the same manner as, and in addition to, all other taxes in and for the City, and when collected they shall be converted into a special fund within the Debt Ser - 23 vice Fund to be known as the "GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTE FUND NO. 2" (the "Note Fund"), which is hereby pledged for and shall be used only for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes hereinafter authorized to be is- sued; and also there shall be apportioned to said fund its proportion of taxes received by the City from property that is centrally assessed by the State of Iowa. Section 5. Application of Note Proceeds. Proceeds of the Notes other than accrued interest except as may be provided below shall be credited to the Project Fund and ex- pended therefrom for the purposes of the Project. Any amounts on hand in the Project Fund shall be available for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Notes at any time that other funds shall be insufficient to the purpose, in which event such funds shall be repaid to the Project Fund at the earliest opportunity. Any balance on hand in the Project Fund and not immediately required for its purposes may be invested not in- consistent with limitations provided by law or this Resolution. Accrued interest, if any, shall be deposited in the Note Fund. Section 6. Capitalized Interest Fund. There is hereby created a special capitalized in- terest fund known as the "CAPITALIZED INTEREST FUND — 2014B" into which fund there shall be deposited $288,633.68 of Note proceeds, which fund is hereby pledged to pay interest payments on the 2014B Notes coming due on December 1, 2014, and June 1, 2015. Lender shall be authorized to draw upon said Capitalized Interest Fund for the purpose of making payment of the amounts of interest falling due on the 2014B Notes. Section 7. Investments of Note Fund Proceeds. All moneys held in the Note Fund and the Project Fund, shall be invested in investments permitted by Chapter 12B, Code of Iowa, 2013, as amended, or deposited in financial institutions which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the deposits in which are insured there- by and all such deposits exceeding the maximum amount insured from time to time by FDIC or its equivalent successor in any one financial institution shall be continuously secured in compliance with Chapter 12C of the Code of Iowa, 2013, as amended, or otherwise by a valid pledge of direct obligations of the United States Government hav- ing an equivalent market value. All such interim investments shall mature before the date on which the moneys are required for payment of principal of or interest on the Notes as herein provided. Section 8. Note Details, Execution and Redemption. (a) Note Details. General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B, of the City in the total amount of $18,835,000, shall be issued to evidence the obligations of the Issu- er under the Loan Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Sections 384.24, 384.24A, and 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa, as amended, for the aforesaid purpose. The Notes shall be issued in one or more series and shall be on a parity and secured equally and ratably from the sources provided in Section 3 of this Resolution. The Notes shall be designated "GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, SERIES 2014B", be dated December 8, 2014, and bear interest from the date thereof, until payment thereof, at the office of the Paying Agent, said interest payable on June 1, 2015, and semiannu- ally thereafter on the 1st day of June and December in each year until maturity at the rates hereinafter provided. The Notes shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and impressed or printed with the seal of the City and shall be fully registered as to both principal and interest as 24 provided in this Resolution; principal, interest and premium, if any, shall be payable at the office of the Paying Agent by mailing of a check to the registered owner of the Note. The Notes shall be in the denomination of $5,000 or multiples thereof and shall mature and bear interest as follows: Principal Amount Interest Rate Maturity June 1st $230,000 3.000% 2016 $235,000 3.000% 2017 $515,000 3.000% 2018 $1,000,000 3.000% 2019 $1,010,000 3.000% 2020 $1,025,000 3.000% 2021 $1,055,000 3.000% 2022 $1,035,000 3.000% 2023 $1,055,000 3.000% 2024 $1,090,000 3.000% 2025 $1,040,000 3.000% 2026 $1,065,000 3.000% 2027 $1,105,000 3.125% 2028 $1,145,000 3.250% 2029 $1,180,000 3.375% 2030 $1,200,000 3.500% 2031 $1,240,000 3.500% 2032 $1,285,000 3.500% 2033 $1,325,000 3.625% 2034 (b) Redemption. Notes maturing after June 1, 2021, may be called for redemption by the Issuer and paid before maturity on said date or any date thereafter, from any funds regardless of source, in whole or from time to time in part, in any order of maturity and within an annual maturity by lot. The terms of redemption shall be par, plus accrued in- terest to date of call. Thirty days' written notice of redemption shall be given to the registered owner of the Note. Failure to give such notice by mail to any registered owner of the Notes or any de- fect therein shall not affect the validity of any proceedings for the redemption of the Notes. All Notes or portions thereof called for redemption will cease to bear interest af- ter the specified redemption date, provided funds for their redemption are on deposit at the place of payment. If selection by lot within a maturity is required, the Registrar shall designate the Notes to be redeemed by random selection of the names of the registered owners of the entire annual maturity until the total amount of Notes to be called has been reached. Section 9. Issuance of Notes in Book -Entry Form; Replacement Notes. (a) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Resolution regarding registration, ownership, transfer, payment and exchange of the Notes, unless the Issuer determines to permit the exchange of Depository Notes for Notes in the Authorized Denominations, the Notes shall be issued as Depository Notes in denominations of the entire principal amount of each maturity of Notes (or, if a portion of said principal amount is prepaid, said principal amount less the prepaid amount); and such Depository Notes shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. Payment of semi-annual in - 25 terest for any Depository Note shall be made by wire transfer or New York Clearing House or equivalent next day funds to the account of Cede & Co. on the interest pay- ment date for the Notes at the address indicated in or pursuant to the Representation Letter. (b) With respect to Depository Notes, neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall have any responsibility or obligation to any Participant or to any Beneficial Owner. With- out limiting the immediately preceding sentence, neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC or its nominee or of any Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Notes, (ii) the delivery to any Participant, any Beneficial Owner or any other person, other than DTC or its nominee, of any notice with respect to the Notes, (iii) the payment to any Participant, any Beneficial Owner or any other person, other than DTC or its nominee, of any amount with respect to the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Notes, or (iv) the failure of DTC to provide any information or notification on behalf of any Participant or Beneficial Owner. The Issuer and the Paying Agent may treat DTC or its nominee as, and deem DTC or its nominee to be, the absolute owner of each Note for the purpose of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on such Note, for the purpose of all other mat- ters with respect to such Note, for the purpose of registering transfers with respect to such Notes, and for all other purposes whatsoever (except for the giving of certain Noteholder consents, in accordance with the practices and procedures of DTC as may be applicable thereto). The Paying Agent shall pay all principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes only to or upon the order of the Noteholders as shown on the Reg- istration Books, and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satisfy and discharge the Issuer's obligations with respect to the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes to the extent so paid. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Reso- lution to the contrary (including without limitation those provisions relating to the surren- der of Notes, registration thereof, and issuance in Authorized Denominations), as long as the Notes are Depository Notes, full effect shall be given to the Representation Letter and the procedures and practices of DTC thereunder, and the Paying Agent shall com- ply therewith. (c) Upon (i) a determination by the Issuer that DTC is no longer able to carry out its functions or is otherwise determined unsatisfactory, or (ii) a determination by DTC that the Notes are no longer eligible for its depository services or (iii) a determination by the Paying Agent that DTC has resigned or discontinued its services for the Notes, if such substitution is authorized by law, the Issuer shall (A) designate a satisfactory substitute depository as set forth below or, if a satisfactory substitute is not found, (B) provide for the exchange of Depository Notes for replacement Notes in Authorized Denominations. (d) To the extent authorized by law, if the Issuer determines to provide for the ex- change of Depository Notes for Notes in Authorized Denominations, the Issuer shall so notify the Paying Agent and shall provide the Registrar with a supply of executed unau- thenticated Notes to be so exchanged. The Registrar shall thereupon notify the owners of the Notes and provide for such exchange, and to the extent that the Beneficial Own- ers are designated as the transferee by the owners, the Notes will be delivered in ap- propriate form, content and Authorized Denominations to the Beneficial Owners, as their interests appear. 26 (e) Any substitute depository shall be designated in writing by the Issuer to the Pay- ing Agent. Any such substitute depository shall be a qualified and registered "clearing agency" as provided in Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amend- ed. The substitute depository shall provide for (i) immobilization of the Depository Notes, (ii) registration and transfer of interests in Depository Notes by book entries made on records of the depository or its nominee and (iii) payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes in accordance with and as such interests may appear with respect to such book entries. Section 10. Registration of Notes; Appointment of Registrar; Transfer; Ownership; Delivery; and Cancellation. (a) Registration. The ownership of Notes may be transferred only by the making of an entry upon the books kept for the registration and transfer of ownership of the Notes, and in no other way. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association is hereby appointed as Registrar under the terms of this Resolution and under the provisions of a separate agreement with the Issuer filed herewith which is made a part hereof by this reference. Registrar shall maintain the books of the Issuer for the registration of ownership of the Notes for the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes as provided in this Reso- lution. All Notes shall be negotiable as provided in Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained in the Notes and in this Resolution. (b) Transfer. The ownership of any Note may be transferred only upon the Registra- tion Books kept for the registration and transfer of Notes and only upon surrender thereof at the office of the Registrar together with an assignment duly executed by the holder or his duly authorized attorney in fact in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Registrar, along with the address and social security number or federal employer identi- fication number of such transferee (or, if registration is to be made in the name of multi- ple individuals, of all such transferees). In the event that the address of the registered owner of a Note (other than a registered owner which is the nominee of the broker or dealer in question) is that of a broker or dealer, there must be disclosed on the Registra- tion Books the information pertaining to the registered owner required above. Upon the transfer of any such Note, a new fully registered Note, of any denomination or denomi- nations permitted by this Resolution in aggregate principal amount equal to the unma- tured and unredeemed principal amount of such transferred fully registered Note, and bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date or dates shall be de- livered by the Registrar. (c) Registration of Transferred Notes. In all cases of the transfer of the Notes, the Registrar shall register, at the earliest practicable time, on the Registration Books, the Notes, in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. (d) Ownership. As to any Note, the person in whose name the ownership of the same shall be registered on the Registration Books of the Registrar shall be deemed and re- garded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and payment of or on account of the principal of any such Notes and the premium, if any, and interest thereon shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof or his legal representa- tive. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note, including the interest thereon, to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. 27 (e) Cancellation. All Notes which have been redeemed shall not be reissued but shall be cancelled by the Registrar. All Notes which are cancelled by the Registrar shall be destroyed and a certificate of the destruction thereof shall be furnished promptly to the Issuer; provided that if the Issuer shall so direct, the Registrar shall forward the can- celled Notes to the Issuer. (f) Non -Presentment of Notes. In the event any payment check representing payment of principal of or interest on the Notes is returned to the Paying Agent or if any Note is not presented for payment of principal at the maturity or redemption date, if funds suffi- cient to pay such principal of or interest on Notes shall have been made available to the Paying Agent for the benefit of the owner thereof, all liability of the Issuer to the owner thereof for such interest or payment of such Notes shall forthwith cease, terminate and be completely discharged, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Paying Agent to hold such funds, without liability for interest thereon, for the benefit of the owner of such Notes who shall thereafter be restricted exclusively to such funds for any claim of what- ever nature on his part under this Resolution or on, or with respect to, such interest or Notes. The Paying Agent's obligation to hold such funds shall continue for a period equal to two years and six months following the date on which such interest or principal became due, whether at maturity, or at the date fixed for redemption thereof, or other- wise, at which time the Paying Agent, shall surrender any remaining funds so held to the Issuer, whereupon any claim under this Resolution by the Owners of such interest or Notes of whatever nature shall be made upon the Issuer. (g) Registration and Transfer Fees. The Registrar may furnish to each owner, at the Issuer's expense, one Note for each annual maturity. The Registrar shall furnish addi- tional Notes in lesser denominations (but not less than the minimum denomination) to an owner who so requests. Section 11. Reissuance of Mutilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost Notes. In case any outstanding Note shall become mutilated or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Issuer shall at the request of Registrar authenticate and deliver a new Note of like tenor and amount as the Note so mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Note to Registrar, upon surrender of such mutilated Note, or in lieu of and substitution for the Note destroyed, stolen or lost, upon filing with the Registrar evi- dence satisfactory to the Registrar and Issuer that such Note has been destroyed, sto- len or lost and proof of ownership thereof, and upon furnishing the Registrar and Issuer with satisfactory indemnity and complying with such other reasonable regulations as the Issuer or its agent may prescribe and paying such expenses as the Issuer may incur in connection therewith. Section 12. Record Date. Payments of principal and interest, otherwise than upon full redemption, made in respect of any Note, shall be made to the registered holder thereof or to their designated Agent as the same appear on the books of the Registrar on the 15th day of the month preceding the payment date. All such payments shall fully dis- charge the obligations of the Issuer in respect of such Notes to the extent of the pay- ments so made. Payment of principal shall only be made upon surrender of the Note to the Paying Agent. Section 13. Execution, Authentication and Delivery of the Notes. The Mayor and Clerk shall execute and deliver the Notes to the Registrar, who shall authenticate the Notes and deliver the same to or upon order of the Purchaser. No Note shall be valid or 28 obligatory for any purpose or shall be entitled to any right or benefit hereunder unless the Registrar shall duly endorse and execute on such Note a Certificate of Authentica- tion substantially in the form of the Certificate herein set forth. Such Certificate upon any Note executed on behalf of the Issuer shall be conclusive evidence that the Note so au- thenticated has been duly issued under this Resolution and that the holder thereof is entitled to the benefits of this Resolution. No Notes shall be authenticated and delivered by the Registrar unless and until there shall have been provided the following: 1. A certified copy of the resolution of Issuer approving the execution of a Loan Agreement and a copy of the Loan Agreement; 2. A written order of Issuer signed by the Finance Director directing the authenti- cation and delivery of the Notes to or upon the order of the Purchaser upon pay- ment of the purchase price as set forth therein; 3. The approving opinion of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Bond Counsel, concerning the validity and legality of all the Notes proposed to be issued. Section 14. Right to Name Substitute Paying Agent or Registrar. Issuer reserves the right to name a substitute, successor Registrar or Paying Agent upon giving prompt writ- ten notice to each registered noteholder. Section 15. Form of Note. Notes shall be printed in substantial compliance with standards proposed by the American Standards Institute substantially in the form as [provided]: Section 15. Contract Between Issuer and Purchaser. This Resolution shall constitute a contract between said City and the purchaser of the Notes. Section 16. Non -Arbitrage Covenants. The Issuer reasonably expects and covenants that no use will be made of the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Notes is- sued hereunder which will cause any of the Notes to be classified as arbitrage notes within the meaning of Sections 148(a) and (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of the Unit- ed States, as amended, and that throughout the term of the Notes it will comply with the requirements of statutes and regulations issued thereunder. To the best knowledge and belief of the Issuer, there are no facts or circumstances that would materially change the foregoing statements or the conclusion that it is not expected that the proceeds of the Notes will be used in a manner that would cause the Notes to be arbitrage notes. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Issuer hereby agrees to comply with the provisions of the Tax Exemption Certificate and the provisions of the Tax Exemption Certificate are hereby incorporated by reference as part of this Resolution. The Treasurer is hereby directed to make and insert all calcula- tions and determinations necessary to complete the Tax Exemption Certificate in all re- spects and to execute and deliver the Tax Exemption Certificate at issuance of the Notes to certify as to the reasonable expectations and covenants of the Issuer at that date. Section 17. Severability Clause. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining provi- sions hereof, and this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. Section 18. Continuing Disclosure. The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certifi- 29 cate, and the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate are hereby incorpo- rated by reference as part of this Resolution and made a part hereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution, failure of the Issuer to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate shall not be considered an event of default under this Resolution; however, any holder of the Notes or Beneficial Owner may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking specific performance by court order, to cause the Issuer to comply with its obligations under the Continuing Disclosure Certifi- cate. For purposes of this Section, "Beneficial Owner" means any person which (a) has the power, directly or indirectly, to vote or consent with respect to, or to dispose of own- ership of, any Notes (including persons holding Notes through nominees, depositories or other intermediaries), or (b) is treated as the owner of any Notes for federal income tax purposes. Section 19. Additional Covenants, Representations and Warranties of the Issuer. The Issuer certifies and covenants with the purchasers and holders of the Notes from time to time outstanding that the Issuer through its officers, (a) will make such further specific covenants, representations and assurances as may be necessary or advisable; (b) comply with all representations, covenants and assurances contained in the Tax Ex- emption Certificate, which Tax Exemption Certificate shall constitute a part of the con- tract between the Issuer and the owners of the Notes; (c) consult with bond counsel (as defined in the Tax Exemption Certificate); (d) pay to the United States, as necessary, such sums of money representing required rebates of excess arbitrage profits relating to the Notes; (e) file such forms, statements and supporting documents as may be re- quired and in a timely manner; and (f) if deemed necessary or advisable by its officers, to employ and pay fiscal agents, financial advisors, attorneys and other persons to as- sist the Issuer in such compliance. Section 20. Amendment of Resolution to Maintain Tax Exemption. This Resolution may be amended without the consent of any owner of the Notes if, in the opinion of bond counsel, such amendment is necessary to maintain tax exemption with respect to the Notes under applicable Federal law or regulations. Section 21. Repeal of Conflicting Resolutions or Ordinances. All ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Passed and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk RESOLUTION 376-14 APPOINTING WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MINNEAP- OLIS, MINNESOTA, TO SERVE AS PAYING AGENT, NOTE REGISTRAR, AND TRANSFER AGENT, APPROVING THE PAYING AGENT AND NOTE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENT AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT Whereas, $7,615,000 Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014C, dated December 8, 2014, have been sold and action should now be taken to provide for the maintenance of records, registration of certificates and payment of principal and in- terest in connection with the issuance of the notes; and 30 Whereas, this Council has deemed that the services offered by Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota, are necessary for compliance with rules, regulations, and requirements governing the registration, transfer and payment of registered notes; and Whereas, a Paying Agent, Note Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement (hereafter "Agreement") has been prepared to be entered into between the City and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. That Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is hereby appointed to serve as Paying Agent, Note Registrar and Transfer Agent in con- nection with the issuance of $7,615,000 Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014C, dated December 8, 2014. Section 2. That the Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Min- neapolis, Minnesota, is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. Passed and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk RESOLUTION 376-14A APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHOR- IZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $7,615,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, SERIES 2014C, AND LEVYING A TAX TO PAY THE NOTES Whereas, the Issuer is duly incorporated, organized and exists under and by virtue of the laws and Constitution of the State of Iowa; and Whereas, the Issuer is in need of funds to pay costs of aiding in the planning, under- taking and carrying out of urban renewal projects, including, intermodal facility im- provements, Millwork District parking improvements, homeownership purchase, rehabili- tation and resale program costs, land acquisition and improvements in the Dubuque In- dustrial Center West Urban Renewal Project, essential corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $8,265,000 be authorized for said purposes; and Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Sections 384.24 (3)(q) and 384.25 of said Code, this Council has held a public meeting and hearing upon the pro- posal to institute proceedings for the issuance of said Notes, and no petitions for refer- endum having been received, the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes; and Whereas, the City is in need of funds to pay costs of acquisition, construction, maintenance, improvement and equipping of parking ramps, parking lots, and street parking, general corporate purposes, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes to the amount of not to exceed $500,000 be authorized for said purpose(s); and Whereas, the Issuer has a population of more than 5,000 but not more than 75,000, and the Notes for these purposes do not exceed $700,000; and 31 Whereas, pursuant to notice published as required by Section 384.26 (5) of said Code, the Council of the City has held public meeting and hearing upon the proposal to institute proceedings for the issuance of Notes for general corporate purpose(s) in the amounts as above set forth, and, no petition for referendum having been received, the Council is therefore now authorized to proceed with the issuance of said Notes for such purposes thereof; and Whereas, pursuant to Sections 384.24, 384.24A and 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa, it is hereby found and determined that the various taxable general obligation notes au- thorized as hereinabove described shall be combined for the purpose of issuance in a single issue of $7,615,000 Corporate Purpose Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings in this Resolution unless the text expressly or by necessary implication requires otherwise: thereof. "Authorized Denominations" shall mean $5,000 or any integral multiple "Beneficial Owner" shall mean the person in whose name such Note is recorded as the beneficial owner of a Note by a Participant on the records of such Participant or such person's subrogee. "Cede & Co." shall mean Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC, and any successor nom- inee of DTC with respect to the Notes. "Continuing Disclosure Certificate" shall mean that certain Continuing Disclosure Cer- tificate executed by the Issuer and dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Notes, as originally executed and as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. "Depository Notes" shall mean the Notes as issued in the form of one global certifi- cate for each maturity, registered in the Registration Books maintained by the Registrar in the name of DTC or its nominee. "DTC" shall mean The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, a limited purpose trust company, or any successor book-entry securities depository appointed for the Notes. "Issuer" and "City" shall mean the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa. "Loan Agreement" shall mean a Loan Agreement between the Issuer and a lender or lenders in substantially the form attached to and approved by this Resolution. "Note Fund" shall mean the fund created in Section 4 of this Resolution. "Notes" shall mean $7,615,000 Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014C, au- thorized to be issued by this Resolution. "Participants" shall mean those broker-dealers, banks and other financial institutions for which DTC holds Notes as securities depository. "Paying Agent" shall mean Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, or such succes- sor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who shall carry out the duties prescribed herein as Issuer's agent to provide for the payment of principal of and inter - est on the Notes as the same shall become due. "Project" shall mean the costs of: 32 a) aiding in the planning, undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects, in- cluding, intermodal facility improvements, Millwork District parking improvements, homeownership purchase, rehabilitation and resale program costs, land acquisition and improvements in the Dubuque Industrial Center West Urban Renewal Project; and b) acquisition, construction, maintenance, improvement and equipping of parking ramps, parking lots, and street parking. "Project Fund" shall mean the fund required to be established by this Resolution for the deposit of the proceeds of the Notes. "Registrar" shall mean Wells Fargo Bank, National Association of Minneapolis, Min- nesota, or such successor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who shall carry out the duties prescribed herein with respect to maintaining a register of the owners of the Notes. Unless otherwise specified, the Registrar shall also act as Transfer Agent for the Notes. "Representation Letter" shall mean the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations exe- cuted and delivered by the Issuer to DTC on file with DTC. "Resolution" shall mean this resolution authorizing the Notes. "Treasurer" shall mean the Finance Director or such other officer as shall succeed to the same duties and responsibilities with respect to the recording and payment of the Notes issued hereunder. Section 2. The form of Loan Agreement in substantially the form attached to this Resolution is hereby approved and is authorized to be executed and issued on behalf of the Issuer by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. Section 3. Levy and Certification of Annual Tax; Other Funds to be Used. (a) Levy of Annual Tax. That for the purpose of providing funds to pay the principal and interest of the Notes hereinafter authorized to be issued, there is hereby levied for each future year the following direct annual tax on all of the taxable property in the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, to -wit: Amount FISCAL YEAR (JULY 1 TO JUNE 30) YEAR OF COLLECTION $131,946* 2014/2015 $374,568 2015/2016 $371,569 2016/2017 $373,568 2017/2018 $395,419 2018/2019 $396,518 2019/2020 $417,469 2020/2021 $677,668 2021/2022 $679,919 2022/2023 $676,718 2023/2024 $683,219 2024/2025 $678,178 2025/2026 $682,099 2026/2027 $684,598 2027/2028 $685,619 2028/2029 $689,018 2029/2030 $691,419 2030/2031 33 $687,818 2031/2032 $688,419 2032/2033 $687,225 2033/2034 *No levy needed. Payable from capitalized interest and cash on hand/accrued inter- est. (NOTE: For example the levy to be made and certified against the taxable valuations of January 1, 2015, will be collected during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2016). (b) Resolution to be Filed With County Auditor. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the Auditor of Dubuque County, Iowa and the Auditor is hereby in- structed in and for each of the years as provided, to levy and assess the tax hereby au- thorized in Section 3 of this Resolution, in like manner as other taxes are levied and as- sessed, and such taxes so levied in and for each of the years aforesaid be collected in like manner as other taxes of the City are collected, and when collected be used for the purpose of paying principal and interest on said Notes issued in anticipation of the tax, and for no other purpose whatsoever. (c) Additional City Funds Available. Principal and interest coming due at anytime when the proceeds of said tax on hand shall be insufficient to pay the same shall be promptly paid when due from current funds of the City available for that purpose and reimbursement shall be made from such special fund in the amounts thus advanced. Section 4. Note Fund. Said tax shall be assessed and collected each year at the same time and in the same manner as, and in addition to, all other taxes in and for the City, and when collected they shall be converted into a special fund within the Debt Ser- vice Fund to be known as the "GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTE FUND NO. 3" (the "Note Fund"), which is hereby pledged for and shall be used only for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes hereinafter authorized to be is- sued; and also there shall be apportioned to said fund its proportion of taxes received by the City from property that is centrally assessed by the State of Iowa. Section 5. Application of Note Proceeds. Proceeds of the Notes other than accrued interest except as may be provided below shall be credited to the Project Fund and ex- pended therefrom for the purposes of the Project. Any amounts on hand in the Project Fund shall be available for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Notes at any time that other funds shall be insufficient to the purpose, in which event such funds shall be repaid to the Project Fund at the earliest opportunity. Any balance on hand in the Project Fund and not immediately required for its purposes may be invested not in- consistent with limitations provided by law or this Resolution. Accrued interest, if any, shall be deposited in the Note Fund. Section 6. Capitalized Interest Fund. There is hereby created a special capitalized in- terest fund known as the "CAPITALIZED INTEREST FUND — 2014C" into which fund there shall be deposited $104,541.86 of Note proceeds, which fund is hereby pledged to pay interest payments on the 2014C Notes coming due on December 1, 2014, and June 1, 2015. Lender shall be authorized to draw upon said Capitalized Interest Fund for the purpose of making payment of the amounts of interest falling due on the 2014C Notes. Section 7. Investments of Note Fund Proceeds. All moneys held in the Note Fund and the Project Fund, shall be invested in investments permitted by Chapter 12B, Code of Iowa, 2013, as amended, or deposited in financial institutions which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the deposits in which are insured there - 34 by and all such deposits exceeding the maximum amount insured from time to time by FDIC or its equivalent successor in any one financial institution shall be continuously secured in compliance with Chapter 12C of the Code of Iowa, 2013, as amended, or otherwise by a valid pledge of direct obligations of the United States Government hav- ing an equivalent market value. All such interim investments shall mature before the date on which the moneys are required for payment of principal of or interest on the Notes as herein provided. Section 8. Note Details, Execution and Redemption. (a) Note Details. Taxable General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014C, of the City in the total amount of $7,615,000, shall be issued to evidence the obligations of the Issuer under the Loan Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Sections 384.24, 384.24A, and 384.28 of the City Code of Iowa, as amended, for the aforesaid purpose. The Notes shall be issued in one or more series and shall be on a parity and secured equally and ratably from the sources provided in Section 3 of this Resolution. The Notes shall be designated "TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, SE- RIES 2014C", be dated December 8, 2014, and bear interest from the date thereof, until payment thereof, at the office of the Paying Agent, said interest payable on June 1, 2015, and semiannually thereafter on the 1st day of June and December in each year until maturity at the rates hereinafter provided. The Notes shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and impressed or printed with the seal of the City and shall be fully registered as to both principal and interest as provided in this Resolution; principal, interest and premium, if any, shall be payable at the office of the Paying Agent by mailing of a check to the registered owner of the Note. The Notes shall be in the denomination of $5,000 or multiples thereof and shall mature and bear interest as follows: Principal Amount Interest Rate Maturity June 1st $100,000 3.000% 2016 $100,000 3.000% 2017 $105,000 3.000% 2018 $130,000 3.000% 2019 $135,000 3.000% 2020 $160,000 3.000% 2021 $425,000 3.000% 2022 $440,000 3.000% 2023 $450,000 3.000% 2024 $470,000 3.200% 2025 $480,000 3.350% 2026 $500,000 3.500% 2027 $520,000 3.650% 2028 $540,000 4.000% 2029 $565,000 4.000% 2030 $590,000 4.000% 2031 $610,000 4.000% 2032 $635,000 4.125% 2033 $660,000 4.125% 2034 35 (b) Redemption. Notes maturing after June 1, 2021, may be called for redemption by the Issuer and paid before maturity on said date or any date thereafter, from any funds regardless of source, in whole or from time to time in part, in any order of maturity and within an annual maturity by lot. The terms of redemption shall be par, plus accrued in- terest to date of call. Thirty days' written notice of redemption shall be given to the regis- tered owner of the Note. Failure to give such notice by mail to any registered owner of the Notes or any defect therein shall not affect the validity of any proceedings for the redemption of the Notes. All Notes or portions thereof called for redemption will cease to bear interest after the specified redemption date, provided funds for their redemption are on deposit at the place of payment. If selection by lot within a maturity is required, the Registrar shall designate the Notes to be redeemed by random selection of the names of the registered owners of the entire annual maturity until the total amount of Notes to be called has been reached. Section 9. Issuance of Notes in Book-Entry Form; Replacement Notes. (a) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Resolution regarding registration, ownership, transfer, payment and exchange of the Notes, unless the Issuer determines to permit the exchange of Depository Notes for Notes in the Authorized Denominations, the Notes shall be issued as Depository Notes in denominations of the entire principal amount of each maturity of Notes (or, if a portion of said principal amount is prepaid, said principal amount less the prepaid amount); and such Depository Notes shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. Payment of semi-annual in- terest for any Depository Note shall be made by wire transfer or New York Clearing House or equivalent next day funds to the account of Cede & Co. on the interest pay- ment date for the Notes at the address indicated in or pursuant to the Representation Letter. (b) With respect to Depository Notes, neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall have any responsibility or obligation to any Participant or to any Beneficial Owner. With- out limiting the immediately preceding sentence, neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC or its nominee or of any Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Notes, (ii) the delivery to any Participant, any Beneficial Owner or any other person, other than DTC or its nominee, of any notice with respect to the Notes, (iii) the payment to any Participant, any Beneficial Owner or any other person, other than DTC or its nominee, of any amount with respect to the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Notes, or (iv) the failure of DTC to provide any information or notification on behalf of any Participant or Beneficial Owner. The Issuer and the Paying Agent may treat DTC or its nominee as, and deem DTC or its nominee to be, the absolute owner of each Note for the purpose of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on such Note, for the purpose of all other mat- ters with respect to such Note, for the purpose of registering transfers with respect to such Notes, and for all other purposes whatsoever (except for the giving of certain Noteholder consents, in accordance with the practices and procedures of DTC as may be applicable thereto). The Paying Agent shall pay all principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes only to or upon the order of the Noteholders as shown on the Reg- istration Books, and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satisfy and discharge the Issuer's obligations with respect to the principal of, premium, if any, and 36 interest on the Notes to the extent so paid. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Reso- lution to the contrary (including without limitation those provisions relating to the surren- der of Notes, registration thereof, and issuance in Authorized Denominations), as long as the Notes are Depository Notes, full effect shall be given to the Representation Letter and the procedures and practices of DTC thereunder, and the Paying Agent shall com- ply therewith. (c) Upon (i) a determination by the Issuer that DTC is no longer able to carry out its functions or is otherwise determined unsatisfactory, or (ii) a determination by DTC that the Notes are no longer eligible for its depository services or (iii) a determination by the Paying Agent that DTC has resigned or discontinued its services for the Notes, if such substitution is authorized by law, the Issuer shall (A) designate a satisfactory substitute depository as set forth below or, if a satisfactory substitute is not found, (B) provide for the exchange of Depository Notes for replacement Notes in Authorized Denominations. (d) To the extent authorized by law, if the Issuer determines to provide for the ex- change of Depository Notes for Notes in Authorized Denominations, the Issuer shall so notify the Paying Agent and shall provide the Registrar with a supply of executed unau- thenticated Notes to be so exchanged. The Registrar shall thereupon notify the owners of the Notes and provide for such exchange, and to the extent that the Beneficial Own- ers are designated as the transferee by the owners, the Notes will be delivered in ap- propriate form, content and Authorized Denominations to the Beneficial Owners, as their interests appear. (e) Any substitute depository shall be designated in writing by the Issuer to the Pay- ing Agent. Any such substitute depository shall be a qualified and registered "clearing agency" as provided in Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amend- ed. The substitute depository shall provide for (i) immobilization of the Depository Notes, (ii) registration and transfer of interests in Depository Notes by book entries made on records of the depository or its nominee and (iii) payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes in accordance with and as such interests may appear with respect to such book entries. Section 10. Registration of Notes; Appointment of Registrar; Transfer; Ownership; Delivery; and Cancellation. (a) Registration. The ownership of Notes may be transferred only by the making of an entry upon the books kept for the registration and transfer of ownership of the Notes, and in no other way. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association is hereby appointed as Registrar under the terms of this Resolution and under the provisions of a separate agreement with the Issuer filed herewith which is made a part hereof by this reference. Registrar shall maintain the books of the Issuer for the registration of ownership of the Notes for the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes as provided in this Reso- lution. All Notes shall be negotiable as provided in Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained in the Notes and in this Resolution. (b) Transfer. The ownership of any Note may be transferred only upon the Registra- tion Books kept for the registration and transfer of Notes and only upon surrender thereof at the office of the Registrar together with an assignment duly executed by the holder or his duly authorized attorney in fact in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Registrar, along with the address and social security number or federal employer identi- 37 fication number of such transferee (or, if registration is to be made in the name of multi- ple individuals, of all such transferees). In the event that the address of the registered owner of a Note (other than a registered owner which is the nominee of the broker or dealer in question) is that of a broker or dealer, there must be disclosed on the Registra- tion Books the information pertaining to the registered owner required above. Upon the transfer of any such Note, a new fully registered Note, of any denomination or denomi- nations permitted by this Resolution in aggregate principal amount equal to the unma- tured and unredeemed principal amount of such transferred fully registered Note, and bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date or dates shall be de- livered by the Registrar. (c) Registration of Transferred Notes. In all cases of the transfer of the Notes, the Registrar shall register, at the earliest practicable time, on the Registration Books, the Notes, in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. (d) Ownership. As to any Note, the person in whose name the ownership of the same shall be registered on the Registration Books of the Registrar shall be deemed and re- garded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and payment of or on account of the principal of any such Notes and the premium, if any, and interest thereon shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof or his legal representa- tive. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note, including the interest thereon, to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (e) Cancellation. All Notes which have been redeemed shall not be reissued but shall be cancelled by the Registrar. All Notes which are cancelled by the Registrar shall be destroyed and a certificate of the destruction thereof shall be furnished promptly to the Issuer; provided that if the Issuer shall so direct, the Registrar shall forward the can- celled Notes to the Issuer. (f) Non -Presentment of Notes. In the event any payment check representing payment of principal of or interest on the Notes is returned to the Paying Agent or if any Note is not presented for payment of principal at the maturity or redemption date, if funds suffi- cient to pay such principal of or interest on Notes shall have been made available to the Paying Agent for the benefit of the owner thereof, all liability of the Issuer to the owner thereof for such interest or payment of such Notes shall forthwith cease, terminate and be completely discharged, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Paying Agent to hold such funds, without liability for interest thereon, for the benefit of the owner of such Notes who shall thereafter be restricted exclusively to such funds for any claim of what- ever nature on his part under this Resolution or on, or with respect to, such interest or Notes. The Paying Agent's obligation to hold such funds shall continue for a period equal to two years and six months following the date on which such interest or principal became due, whether at maturity, or at the date fixed for redemption thereof, or other- wise, at which time the Paying Agent, shall surrender any remaining funds so held to the Issuer, whereupon any claim under this Resolution by the Owners of such interest or Notes of whatever nature shall be made upon the Issuer. (g) Registration and Transfer Fees. The Registrar may furnish to each owner, at the Issuer's expense, one Note for each annual maturity. The Registrar shall furnish addi- tional Notes in lesser denominations (but not less than the minimum denomination) to an owner who so requests. 38 Section 11. Reissuance of Mutilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost Notes. In case any outstanding Note shall become mutilated or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Issuer shall at the request of Registrar authenticate and deliver a new Note of like tenor and amount as the Note so mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Note to Registrar, upon surrender of such mutilated Note, or in lieu of and substitution for the Note destroyed, stolen or lost, upon filing with the Registrar evi- dence satisfactory to the Registrar and Issuer that such Note has been destroyed, sto- len or lost and proof of ownership thereof, and upon furnishing the Registrar and Issuer with satisfactory indemnity and complying with such other reasonable regulations as the Issuer or its agent may prescribe and paying such expenses as the Issuer may incur in connection therewith. Section 12. Record Date. Payments of principal and interest, otherwise than upon full redemption, made in respect of any Note, shall be made to the registered holder thereof or to their designated Agent as the same appear on the books of the Registrar on the 15th day of the month preceding the payment date. All such payments shall fully dis- charge the obligations of the Issuer in respect of such Notes to the extent of the pay- ments so made. Payment of principal shall only be made upon surrender of the Note to the Paying Agent. Section 13. Execution, Authentication and Delivery of the Notes. The Mayor and Clerk shall execute and deliver the Notes to the Registrar, who shall authenticate the Notes and deliver the same to or upon order of the Purchaser. No Note shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose or shall be entitled to any right or benefit hereunder unless the Registrar shall duly endorse and execute on such Note a Certificate of Authentica- tion substantially in the form of the Certificate herein set forth. Such Certificate upon any Note executed on behalf of the Issuer shall be conclusive evidence that the Note so au- thenticated has been duly issued under this Resolution and that the holder thereof is entitled to the benefits of this Resolution. No Notes shall be authenticated and delivered by the Registrar unless and until there shall have been provided the following: 1. A certified copy of the resolution of Issuer approving the execution of a Loan Agreement and a copy of the Loan Agreement; 2. A written order of Issuer signed by the Finance Director directing the authentication and delivery of the Notes to or upon the order of the Purchaser upon payment of the purchase price as set forth therein; 3. The approving opinion of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Bond Counsel, concerning the validity and legality of all the Notes proposed to be issued. Section 14. Right to Name Substitute Paying Agent or Registrar. Issuer reserves the right to name a substitute, successor Registrar or Paying Agent upon giving prompt writ- ten notice to each registered noteholder. Section 15. Form of Note. Notes shall be printed in substantial compliance with standards proposed by the American Standards Institute substantially in the form as [provided]: Section 15. Contract Between Issuer and Purchaser. This Resolution shall constitute a contract between said City and the purchaser of the Notes. Section 16. Severability Clause. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining provi- 39 sions hereof, and this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. Section 17. Continuing Disclosure. The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certifi- cate, and the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate are hereby incorpo- rated by reference as part of this Resolution and made a part hereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution, failure of the Issuer to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate shall not be considered an event of default under this Resolution; however, any holder of the Notes or Beneficial Owner may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking specific performance by court order, to cause the Issuer to comply with its obligations under the Continuing Disclosure Certifi- cate. For purposes of this Section, "Beneficial Owner" means any person which (a) has the power, directly or indirectly, to vote or consent with respect to, or to dispose of own- ership of, any Notes (including persons holding Notes through nominees, depositories or other intermediaries), or (b) is treated as the owner of any Notes for federal income tax purposes. Section 18. Repeal of Conflicting Resolutions or Ordinances. All ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Passed and approved this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 7. Catfish Creek Watershed Partnership - 28E Agreement: City Manager recom- mending City Council authorization to amend the existing 28E agreement with Dubuque County and the Dubuque Soil and Water Conservation District for the continued joint support of the Catfish Creek Watershed Authority Board and the Urban Conservationist Position for the Catfish Creek Watershed. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the doc- uments and adopt Resolution No. 377-14 Authorizing the Amending of a 28E Agree- ment with Dubuque County and the Dubuque Soil and Water Conservation District Re- garding the implementation of a Waterhsed Management Plan for the Catfish Creek Watershed Basin. Seconded by Connors. Dubuque Soil and Water Conservation Dis- trict Urban Conservationist Eric Schmechel addressed Council questions. Motion car- ried 7-0. RESOLUTION NO. 377-14 AUTHORIZING THE AMENDING OF A 28E AGREEMENT WITH DUBUQUE COUN- TY AND THE DUBUQUE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGARD- ING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A WATERHSED MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE CATFISH CREEK WATERSHED BASIN Whereas, the City of Dubuque's MS4 permit requires the preparation and implemen- tation of a watershed management plan for the Catfish Creek Watershed; and Whereas, the Catfish Creek Watershed Basin extends beyond the City limits and the health of the watershed is impacted by what occurs both inside and outside the City lim- its; and 40 Whereas, a partnership with Dubuque County and the Dubuque Soil and Water Con- servation District allows all parties access to data for a better understanding of the health of the streams within the Catfish Creek Watershed Basin; and Whereas, in 2011 the City of Dubuque entered into a 28E Agreement with Dubuque County and the Dubuque Soil and Water Conservation District for the purpose of creat- ing an urban conservationist position to perform urban conservation and watershed re- lated activities pertinent to Dubuque County, the City of Dubuque, and the Dubuque Soil & Water Conservation District; and Whereas, the 28E Agreement is to remain in effect for five years unless renewed; and Whereas, it is in the best interest of the City of Dubuque to amend and renew the agreement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the 28E Agreement in the form attached here- to for the purpose of maintaining the services of an urban conservationist position to per- form urban conservation and watershed related activities pertinent to Dubuque County, the City of Dubuque, and the Dubuque Soil & Water Conservation District. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. Karla A. Braig, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Trish L. Gleason, Assistant City Clerk 8. EPA 2.5 PM Advance Program- Path Forward Air Quality Plan: City Manager rec- ommending submittal of the EPA PM Advance Program, Path Forward Plan Draft to the EPA for their comment and consideration. Motion by Jones to receive and file the doc- uments and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Resnick. Motion carried 7-0. 9. Request to Reschedule Inclusive Dubuque Work Session: City Manager recom- mending rescheduling the February 2, 2015 quarterly work session on Inclusive Dubu- que to Monday, February 16, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. 10. Greater Dubuque Development Corporation - Quarterly Update: President and CEO Rick Dickinson to present the quarterly update on the activities of the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation. Motion by Connors to receive and file the docu- ments and listen to the presentation. Seconded by Jones. Rick Dickinson made a verbal presentation. Motion carried 7-0. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS Council member Sutton reported that the Mayor and she attended the National League of Cities Conference. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 8:03 p.m. /s/Trish L. Gleason, CMC Assistant City Clerk 41