2 4 15 City Council Proceedings Official_BudgetCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA
Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on February 4, 2015 in the Historic Fed-
eral Building.
Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Sut-
ton; City Manager Michael Van Milligen
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called
for the purpose of discussing various City departmental Fiscal Year 2016 budgets.
Fiscal Year 2016 City departmental budgets were presented by staff from the follow-
ing departments:
• Information Services: Information Services Manager Chris Kohlmann
• City Attorney's Office (Legal): City Attorney Barry Lindahl
• City Managers' Office: Assistant City Manager Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City
Manager Teri Goodmann, Sustainable Community Coordinator Cori Burbach,
Neighborhood Development Specialist Jerelyn O'Connor, Personnel Manager
Randy Peck, Budget Officer Jenny Larson, Public Information Officer Randy
• City Council: City Manager Michael Van Milligen
• City Clerk's Office: City Clerk Kevin Firnstahl
• Cable TV Division: Cable TV Coordinator Craig Nowack
Following the City Manager's Office presentation: Paul Schultz, 1008 Victoria St., ad-
dressed the City Council about his concerns ensuring continuation of the Sustainable
Dubuque brand, the management of enterprise fund departments, and what he believes
is a misperception that Dubuque as already achieved sustainability. Mr. Schultz encour-
aged the support of Green Dubuque.
Eric Coffman, 3395 Ashley Lane, requested that the City Council use a percentage of
the forthcoming franchise fees toward energy efficiency efforts.
Raki Giannakouros, 1640 Lawndale, requested that the City Council fund the Ameri-
corps position, concurred with Mr. Coffman's comments, and stated that a delay in ac-
tion regarding a climate action plan will have no effect on reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by the 2030 deadline.
Chad Oberdoerster, 420 Summit, questioned the copying and reproduction increase
in the City Manager's Office budget and supported the decision package to join the IC -
MA and Statistical Analysis Systems program.
There being no further action, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
/s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC
City Clerk