22nd Street East 0321- 0323Site Inventory Form State Inventory No. 31-03383
State Historical Society of Iowa Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.)
New Supplemental
(November 2005) Relationship: Contributing Noncontributing
Contributes to a potential district with yet unknown boundaries
National Register Status:(any that apply) Listed De-listed NHL DOE
9-Digit SHPO Review & Compliance (R&C) Number
Non-Extant (enter year)
1. Name of Property
historic name
other names/site number
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex
2. Location/
street & number
city or town
321-323 East 22nd Street
Dubuque vicinity, county Dubuque
Legal Description: (If Rural) Township Name Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter
(If Urban) Subdivision
Kemps Sub Block(s) Lot(s)
3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section]
LOT 2-3
4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section]
5. Classification
Category of Property (Check only one box)
building(s) If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of:
Number of Resources within Property
Enter number of: Contributing Noncontributing
buildings 1 0 buildings
Total 1 0 Total
Name of related project report or multiple property study (Enter “N/A” if the property is not part of a multiple property examination).
Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number
6. Function or Use
Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions)
01 - Domestic
01B01 Duplex
01B – Multiple Dwelling
01B01 Duplex
7. Description
Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) Materials (Enter categories from instructions)
09A01 Two-Story Side-gable Brick Duplex foundation
04C Limestone
walls (visible material)
03 Brick
09 Asbestos Shingle
8. Statement of Significance
Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark “x” representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria)
Yes No More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events.
Yes No More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons.
Yes No More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics.
Yes No More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history.
County Dubuque Address 321-323 E. 22nd Street
Site Number
District Number
Criteria Considerations
A Owned by a religious institution or used E A reconstructed building, object, or structure.
for religious purposes. F A commemorative property.
B Removed from its original location. G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past
C A birthplace or grave. 50 years.
D A cemetery
Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions) Significant Dates
Construction date
Other dates, including renovation
check if circa or estimated date
Significant Person Architect/Builder
(Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above) Architect
Builder N/A
9. Major Bibliographical References
Bibliography See continuation sheet for citations of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form
10. Geographic Data
UTM References (OPTIONAL)
Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing
1 2
See continuation sheet for additional UTM references or comments
11. Form Prepared By
Wally Wernimont, Assistant Planner
City of Dubuque Planning Services Department date
street & number
March 23, 2015
City Hall - 50 W. 13th Street telephone 563-589-4210
city or town
Dubuque state Iowa zip code 52001
ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form)
1. Map: showing the property’s location in a town/city or township.
2. Site plan: showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s).
3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be
curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following
needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site:
Roll/slide sheet # Frame/slot # Date Taken
Roll/slide sheet #
Frame/slot # Date Taken
Roll/slide sheet #
Frame/slot # Date Taken
See continuation sheet or attached photo & slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries.
Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file.
1. Farmstead & District: (List of structures and buildings, known or estimated year built, and contributing or noncontributing status)
2. Barn:
a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn.
b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side.
c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn’s exterior dimensions in feet.
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Use Only Below This Line
Concur with above survey opinion on National Register eligibility: Yes No More Research Recommended
This is a locally designated property or part of a locally designated district.
Evaluated by (name/title): Date:
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 1
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
7. Narrative Description:
Style/Year: Two-story, side-gable, brick duplex with symmetrical fenestration built c. 1891. Façade
stone window lintels combine rectangular spring stones and semi-elliptical forms while those on the
side walls are composed of soldier brick rubbed semi-elliptical simple arches (which have been painted
white). Entries are paired and centered and features transoms. The porch size is original but the
square columns are of later date as are the concrete deck and steps. The brickwork appears to lack
rowlock courses, indicating a double-wall construction method or a veneer. Matching end chimneys are
in-wall and there is a flat-roofed, two-story, rear wing. Double porches in the rear have been enclosed
with aluminum siding.
Physical Description:
32’ W x 44’ L (1408 sq ft) two-story, side-gable roof, brick core
5’ W x 17’ L (85 sq ft) one-story, hipped-roof, framed, open front porch with concrete deck and steps
7’ W x 32’ L (224 sq ft) two-story, flat-roof, framed, enclosed rear porch
2013 City Assessor Sketch 2013 Aerial Photo
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 2
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
Building Permits:
1935 (October 5th) Construct metal clad garage (Owner & Contractor – V.W. Kutsch)
1937 (April 20th) Reroof two-story brick dwelling (Contractor – Kutsch Bros.)
2008 (March 12th) Replace furnace for duplex (Owner-Gary & Susan Bay / Contractor–Patterson, Inc.)
2011 (August 3rd) Replace water heater (Owner – Gary & Susan Bay / Contractor – Unknown)
Outbuildings: None
Landscaping Notes:
The subject property a 48’ W x 94’L - .11 Acre (4,512 sq ft) sized lot. The building fronts south onto E.
22nd Street and occupies the northwest corner of E. 22nd and Elm Streets. The lot is irregular because
of the intersection of E. 22nd Street and Elm Street. E. 22nd Street at the intersection changes direction.
The property is flat with an unplatted alley access at the rear of the property.
8. Narrative Statement of Significance:
The 1891 Sanborn Map labels this house as “being built.” The probable builder was the Kemp family
which platted the entire block frontage. It would appear that the Kutsch family is related and came into
the ownership of the property. The historic address is 177-79 or 181-185 Eagle Point Avenue. The
delay in building the house appears to be related to controlling the route of Couler Creek which cut
directly westward across the lot as of 1885.
Subject Property – 321-323 E. 22nd
E. 22nd Street
Elm Street
Kneist Street
Elm Street E. 22nd Street
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 3
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
City Directory Information:
Year Resident Occupation Resident Occupation
1892-93 E W Eden Conductor @ CM & St P John F. Williams Mach @ Dbq Specialty Machine Co.
1894-95 George Farmer Eng @ Svendsen & Ott
1896-99 Michael Friedgen Molder John F. Williams C.M. & St. P
1899-1900 Wm H. Foster Emp @ Carr, Ryder & Adams J F Williams C.M. & St. P
Catherine Foster Frannie Williams
1901 Wm H. Foster Emp @ Carr, Ryder & Adams Johnathan Foster C.G.W. Flagman
Catherine Foster Clarissa Foster
1902-03 Johnathan Foster C.G.W. Watchman Wm H. Rhomberg Buyer @ Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.
Clarissa Foster Ida Rhomberg
1904-05 Victor W. Kutsch Cornice Maker @ klauer Mfg Co.Mrs. Gertrude Waters Widow of Harry Waters
Annette Kutsch
1906 Victor W. Kutsch Cornice Maker @ klauer Mfg Co.Wm. Schaetzle Eng @ C.M.& St. P
Annette Kutsch Laura Schaetzle
1908-18 Victor W. Kutsch Cornice Maker @ klauer Mfg Co.Mrs. Sophia Ruehl Widow of John Ruehl
Arnett Kutsch
1921-29 Victor W. Kutsch Supt @ Klauer Mnfg Co.Peter Weitz Weitz Bros. Grocery
Annette Kutsch Barabara Weitz
1934-48 Victor W. Kutsch Supt @ Klauer Mnfg Co.Miss Anna Shauers
Annette Kutsch
1952 Annette Kutsch Widow of Victor Edward Kutsch Dept Mgr @ RBCo
Mildred Kutsch
1959 Vacant James Hill Swtchmn CMStP&P
Dorothy Hill
1960-61 Chas J Cole Bus Opr IPCo James Hill Swtchmn CMStP&P
Jean C Cole Dorothy M Hill
1962-66 Richard C Zillig Whse Wkr Leon J Braun Whse Forman Wm C Brown Co Publ.
Jean Zillig Geraldine A Braun
1967-68 Jean A Zillig Widow of Richard Leon J Braun Whse Forman Wm C Brown Co Publ.
Geraldine A Braun
1969 Joseph L Baule Surveyor County Leon J Braun Whse Forman Wm C Brown Co Publ.
Ione C Baule Geraldine A Braun
1970-71 Glenn R Canfield Mldr @ Deeres Geraldine Braun Widow of Leon
Carol A Canfield
1972-77 Robert P Henshes Do DropIn Tavern Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Dorothy R Hentges Marcia C Hammel
1978 No Return Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Marcia C Hammel
1979-80 Thomas A Ries Stocker @ Eagles Supermarket Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Ellen R Reis Marcia C Hammel
Address Change to 321-323 E. 22nd Street
321 E. 22nd 323 E. 22nd
321-323 E. 22nd Street
Address Change to 181-185 Eagle Point Avenue
Address Change to 181-185 E. 22nd Street
181 E. 22nd 185 E. 22nd
181 Eagle Point Avenue 185 Eagle Point Avenue
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 4
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
1981 Vacant Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Marcia C Hammel
1983 Marcella Schmaltz Librarian Clarke College Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Marcia C Hammel
1984 Neil Hofer FDL Foods Inc Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Carolyn Hofer Marcia C Hammel
1985-86 Donald J Daugherty Emp @ FDL Foods Inc Ronald L Hammel Die Maker @ St. Regis Paper
Kaylen A Daugherty Trans DBQ Community Sch Dist Marcia C Hammel Tel Sec DBQ Tel Answering Service
1987-88 June Herzberg Frommelt's Industries Ronald L Hammel Fcty Wkr @ Georgia Pacific Corp
Marcia C Hammel Tel Sec DBQ Tel Answering Service
1989 Vacant Ray Tater Painter
Kathy Tater
1990-91 No Return Ray Tater Painter
Kathy Tater
1992 Vacant Ray Tater
Kathy Tater
1993 Michael Barth Ray Tater
Angie Barth Kathy Tater
1994 Not Verified Ray Tater
Kathy Tater
1995-96 Ken Hines Ray Tater
Donna Hines
1998 Ken Hines Wesley C Genz
Donna Hines
1999 Ken Hines No Listing
Donna Hines
2000 Ken Hines Not Verified
Donna Hines
2001 Ken Hines Joseph Weydert
Donna Hines Kathleen Weydert
2002 Donna Hines Not Verified
2003 Donna Hines Joseph Weydert
Kathleen Weydert
2004 Donna Hines Cindy Fitzgerald
2005 C Carol Cindy Fitzgerald
2006 Chiquitta Webster No Current Listing
2007 Charmain Coleman No Current Listing
2009 No Current Listing No Current Listing
2010 K Boyd No Current Listing
2011-12 Walter Boyd Joseph Dukes
2013 Walter Boyd Kieth Miller
John Saunders
2014 Walter Boyd No Current Listing
2015 Walter Boyd Kieth Miller
Historical Notes:
V. Kutsch owned the property (addressed as 175-181 Eagle Point Avenue) when water service was
provided on July 1st, 1913. Ronald Hammel owned the property (addressed as 321-323 E. 22nd Street)
when water service was replaced on February 8, 1977.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 5
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
Historical Image & City Directory Notes:
The 1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map notes that building was in the process of being built. It was
addressed as 171-179 Eagle Point Avenue. In 1892, the property was addressed as 181 – 185 Eagle
Point Avenue. In 1908, the property was addressed as 181-185 E. 22nd Street. In 1921, the property
was addressed as 321-323 E. 22nd Street.
Birds Eye View of the City of Dubuque, Iowa 1872 Perspective Map of City of Dubuque, IA 1889
August Koch H. Wellge
1891 Sanborn Map 1909 Sanborn Map
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number
Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number U U
Continuation Sheet
Page 6
Gary & Susan Bay Duplex UDubuqueU
Name of Property County
321-323 E. 22nd Street UDubuque
Address City
1936 Sanborn Map 1950 Sanborn Map
1946 Sanborn Map 1970 Sanborn Map
9. Major Bibliographical References:
Aerial Image from Pictrometry Online
Bird’s Eye View of Dubuque Iowa, 1872 Augustus Koch
City of Dubuque Building Permit Records
City of Dubuque Geographic Information System Data
City of Dubuque Water Tap Records
Dubuque City Assessor’s Data
Dubuque City Directories
Iowa Site Inventory Form (January 20, 2009) prepared by Jim Jacobsen of History Pays!
Perspective Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, 1889 H.Wellge
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 1891, 1909, 1936, 1950, 1964, 1970
10. Additional Documentation: None