2 11 08 City Council Proceedings Official
City Council, Special Session, February 11, 2008
Council met in Special Session at 6:30 P.M. in the Historic Federal Building
Present: Mayor Roy Buol; Council Members Karla Braig, Joyce Connors, Ric Jones, Kevin
Lynch, David Resnick, Dirk Voetberg, City Manager Michael Van Milligen
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the
purpose of discussing various City departmental budgets.
The budgets for the following departments were discussed: Human Rights Department;
Finance Department; Legal Department, City Manager’s Office; City Council; City Clerk’s
Office; Health Services; and Cable TV Division.
Human Rights Department: Human Rights Director Kelly Larson reviewed the Fiscal Year
2009 proposed budget. Braig questioned Improvement Package #1 of 7 not being
recommended for funding if the brochures/posters currently being used are not accurate.
Consensus was reached to have this item held for separate discussion at the public hearing on
the budget. Vincent J. Vanden Heuvel, Human Rights Commission Member and Chair of the
National Origin Subcommittee, spoke in support of funding Improvement Package #3 of 7,
which would provide funding for creation of a local video with local residents describing the
diversity in Dubuque. Consensus was not reached to hold this item for separate discussion.
Finance Department: Finance Director Ken TeKippe presented the proposed Fiscal Year
2009 budget and changes from the past year. Resnick questioned the $25,000 upgrade to the
Community Plus Program and the $18,000 for the Purchase Cards and what benefits the
upgrades would provide.
Legal Department: City Attorney Lindahl and Assistant City Attorney Crenna Brumwell
reviewed the prior year’s accomplishments and future initiatives.
City Manager’s Office: Budget Director Jenny Larson, Management Intern Cori Burbach and
Assistant City Manager Cindy Steinhauser discussed the proposed budget. Buol stated that he
felt Management Improvement Package #1 of 7 was necessary and would pay for itself through
savings. He also commented that funds should be available through Energy Block Grant
Program. Consensus was reached to bring this item back for separate discussion at the public
hearing. Resnick and Voetberg questioned the cost of the proposed Arts and Cultural Affairs
Coordinator position. There was not consensus to hold this improvement package for separate
City Council: City Manager Van Milligen explained the one decision package recommended
for funding in the City Council budget provided for reactivation of the Sister City initiatives.
City Clerk’s Office: City Clerk Jeanne Schneider, Assistant City Clerk Kevin Firnstahl and
Permit Clerk Sue Winter reviewed prior-year accomplishments and future initiatives of the City
Clerk’s Office.
Health Services Department: Public Health Specialist Mary Rose Corrigan reviewed the
progress of the Crescent Community Health Center over the past year. She also provided an
overview of the Health Services Department prior year’s accomplishments and future initiatives,
including the possibility of outsourcing the animal licensing activity and renegotiation of the
City’s contract agreement with the Humane Society.
Cable TV Division: Cable TV Coordinator Craig Nowack reviewed the renovation of the
Historic Federal Building over the past year. Lynch questioned the need to Improvement
Decision Package #4 of 5 relating to an audit of Mediacom’s records.
There being no further business, upon motion meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
/s/ Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC
City Clerk
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