1960 January Council ProceedingsRegular Session, Tanuary 4, 1980 1
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Regular Session, January 4, 1960.
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present - Mayor Kintzinger,
Councilmen Freund, Schueller, Ta-
kos, Welu. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Kintzinger read the call
and stated that this is the regular
monthly meeting of the City Coun-
cil, being the first meeting of the
fiscal year, for the transaction of
such business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Mayor Kintzinger and Council-
man Welu made their demise from
the City Council after extending
their thanks and praise to the
people that they have been privi-
leged to have worked with and
satisfaction in knowing they gave
their best to the citizens of the
City during eight and twelve years
respectively of public service.
City Clerk Frommelt swore in
Messrs. Louis Schaller and John
P. Schreiber, as Councilmen, for
the regular term commencing the
second secular day in January
Councilman Schueller moved
that Councilman Peter J. Takos
be elected Mayor for the ensuing
fiscal year. Seconded by Council-
man Schaller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Freund,
Schaller, Schreiber, Schueller.
Councilman Takos not voting.
City Clerk Frommelt swore in
the new mayor whereupon Mayor
Takos took the Mayor's chair.
There was some preliminary dis-
cussion among the Council mem-
bers relative to the pending
investigation such as conducting a
simple investigation; wha might
be involved; and if the investiga-
tion will be open to the generaP
public that courtroom order be
Mayor Takos read the following
report relative to the pending in-
The most important issue before
the Council is the pending investi-
gation of the City Manager and
certain city personnel. The co~n-
ci2 has agreed up to this point
on the following proposition.
"Whether or not improper in-
fluence has been exercised by
the City Manager and other city
officials to obtain results for per-
sonal interest adverse or in conflict
with the public's interests, in paz-
ticular in regard to the Schilta's
interest in Scenic View Heights
and area, commencing with the
Schiltz's real interest in that area
to date".
It must be remembered by
everyone that no formal chazges
have been filed. The Council
deemed an investigation necessary
after reviewing the Ken Court con-
flict, contradictory remarks by
former mayor Chazles Kintzinger
and city personnel, certain read
affidavits of individuals and the
Manager's admission of activity in
a land development company. The
Council felt because of these facts
that it had no recourse other than
to investigate the issue in fairness
to all parties, including the in-
terest of the general public.
Conflict of interest seriously
jeopardizes the best interest of
the public. We continually read
of this problem in all areas of
our government. Charles Wilson
was forced to dispose of his Gen-
eral Motor's stock at a great loss
in order to qualify himself on the
President's Cabinet. Sherman
Adams, a presidential assistant,
was forced to resign because of
the suspicion of conflict of in-
terest. There is no room in any
government, be it local or na-
tional for an official who has
interests in conflict with his gov-
ernmental duties. This is the issue
this Council is faced with.
We have delayed action because
of a lack of familiarity of proced-
ure, aconcern for a possible large
expenditure of tax and the avail-
ability of an attorney from the
outside area.
I believe we can resolve these
issues fairly, speedily and ade-
quately by the following recom-
A. Since this is basically a
family matter, so to speak, between
employer and employees and in
essence a matter of confidence
in these people, I feel the Council
itself should investigate the prob-
lem-thereby eliminating the need
for costly legal services. We mast.
2 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
bear in mind this is NOT a trial.
The issues to be aired may be
simply answered thereby elimin-
ating inferences and reasons for
a lack of confidence in these em-
ployees. Certainly upon testimony
given, this Council can determine
a just Conclusion and a proper
B. There is no need fora com-
plicated or intricate type of inves-
tigatien procedure to be used. This
investigation can be conducted
under a simple set of rules as
outlined herewith:
1. That stenographic records be
made by a certified shorthand re-
porter and a tape recording should
be made of the proceedings as
2. That witnesses be sworn to
oath, allowed the right of legal
counsel in an advisory capacity
and have the right to make an
initial statement, oral or written,
provided that same is made under
3. The order of questioning with
each witness commencing with the
Mayor, then proceeding alphabeti-
cally with the Council members
and thusly rotating until the ques-
tioning is completed. First to be
called, city personnel, then if any,
third parties.
4. Any spectator, witness or at-
torney violating the orderly pro-
cedure of the session can be
expelled by a majority vote of the
5. If a city employee refuses
to testify, or refuses to answer any
question which the Council by
majority vote deems pertinent that
employee shall be discharged.
6. Because of the simple style
as prescribed in this type of in-
vestigation, and because this is
not a trial, there is no need for
lengthy rebuttals, cross and re-
cross examinations which would
only serve to drag out the investi-
gation and add to the cost. If the
Council determines with the evi-
dence before them court action
would be indicated, then the evi-
dence could be turned aver to
the proper authorities for further
7. That said investigation com-
mence on Monday, January 25,
1960 at 4:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M.
following an hour adjournment
from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Sub-
sequent sessions if necessary to be
determined by a majority vote of
the Council.
8. That the Council conduct a
special meeting on Wednesday,
January 13, 1960 for the purpose
of passing a resolution which would
contain the pertinent details con-
cerning the investigation.
Gentlemen: I believe these rec-
ommendations would keep the
coming investigation low in cost,
and that they would serve the
purpose as intended-that is, the
question of improper influence or
a conflict of interest on the part
of certain employees of the city.
This body would be operating with-
in its prerogative as it does in
many areas, investigating and
evaluating the facts of an issue,
then pronouncing a finding. Our
effort must be fair and impartial
to the affected personnel, and the
public's best interest must be the
basis for our action.
Councilman Schreiber moved
that the procedure as presented
by Mayor Takos be adopted with
qualification that the Council' may
amend the procedure and that
proper proceedings be drawn and
that the report be made a matter
of record. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mayor Takos suggested that a
special meeting be held on Janu-
ary 13, 1960 to draw up resolution
of procedure in proper form and
have the investigation on January
25, 1960.
OF JANUARY 4, 1960
This so called investigation and
accusations concerning my activi-
ties and whether or not I have
used my influence as a public of-
ficial are serious to me and to
my knowledge, aze absolutely
false and have no basis backed
by facts. I have never knowingly
used my office for private benefit
of myself or anyone else.
The publicity and street comer
discussions have blown this all out
Regulaz Session, January 4, 1960 3
of proportion to the alleged ac-
cusations made by Councilman
Peter Takos. All my actions have
been under the direction and
scrutiny of the City Council since
1951, during a period of great
development within the City. Two
of these years Mr. Takos has been
on this Council and never once
indicated to the Council he felt
anything was not properly done
except for the development of In-
dustrial Island which the people
voted for.
Intelligent people know the city
records, including the city finances,
are minutely gone over by a firm
of public accountants to determine
if the Council wishes have been
carried out and that proper ex-
penditures were made. There have
been suggestions as to the distribu-
tion of funds but never the
slightest reprimand for misappro-
priation of funds or improper
spending of public funds.
Public contracts are publicly let
by the City Councit and to my
knowledge there has never been
a contract let to anyone but the
lowest bidder. All construction
projects are inspected by the City
to insure complete compliance
with specifications before accept-
ance by the City Council.
As City Manager I have strived
to train all public employees in
order that they might better per-
form their jobs and I am sure
these employees and the public
alike, can say we have moved
ahead great strides in more ef-
ficient city administration
I have acted as liason between
the various Boards and Commis-
sions so that the City Council and
the Boazds .could be better in-
formed of each ethers thinking.
This has I am sure helped to bring
these bodies closer together and
resulted in closer cooperation.
All actions taken by any Board
ar Commission aze their own and
in no way influenced by me. I
have never asked for or received
any special treatment in my behalf
or that of others.
All my official actions have been
based on full Council approval and
knowledge and the policies as de-
termined by the Council as a body
have been always followed.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the report submitted by the
City Manager be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Schaller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Two Telegrams received from
City Employees Local 228 congrat-
ulating the two new Councilmen
and thanking the Manager and
Council for the fine cooperation
received, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved
~'~ that the telegrams be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
'. Freund. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
A Resolution Providing for
the Appointment of a City
Manager, City Clerk, City So-
licitor and Police Judge of
the City of Dubuque; Prescrib-
ing Their Salazies and Fixing
Their Bonds.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following officers be ap-
pointed subject, however, to the
right of the Council to declare
such offices vacant or remove the
officers therefrom at the pleasure
of the Council with or without
cause, and to be paid the compen-
sation provided for in the detailed
distribution of proposed expendi-
tures for 1960, and that the City
Manager provide a $5,000.00 bond
and City Solicitor bond at $1,000.00
at their expense: City Manager-
L. J. Schiltz, City Clerk-Leo F.
Frommelt, City Solicitor-T. H.
Nelson, and Police Judge-R. N.
Russo. The City Clerk and Police
Judge are covered under the City
blanket band.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
4 Regular Session, January 4, 1960
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Freund. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
As City Manager, I wish to ad-
vise your Honorable Body that all
officers and employees who I have
power to appoint and are under
my supervision, direction and con-
trol, and whose appointments con-
tinue at the pleasure of the Man-
ager and who are now serving in
their respective 'capacities shall
be paid salaries in accordance with
the detailed distribution of pro-
posed expenditures for 1980 ap-
proved by the City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
A Resolution Designating the
Official Newspaper Of The
City Of Dubuque.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the Telegraph-Herald, a
daily newspaper of general circu-
lation, be appointed the official
newspaper of said City.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schaller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
A Resolution Designating the
Depositories for Public Funds
of the City of Dubuque.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following banks be ap-
pointed depositories of the public
funds and the City Treasurer is
hereby authorized to distribute
such funds in such banks in
amounts not to exceed the follow-
American Trust & Savings Bank,
$1,300,000.00; First National Bank,
$1,275,000.00; and Dubuque Bank
& Trust Company, $1,225,000.00.
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby directed to file with the
County Treasurer of Dubuque
County, Iowa, a list of such deposit-
ories and to keep such list on file
with such County Treasurer at all
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The attached Resolution has been
prepared showing the detailed dis-
tribution of proposed expenditures
wherein estimates of expenses of
the departments and purposes are
shown, including the estimates for
which all levies heretofore made,
receipts from monies and credits
Session, January 4; 1960
and miscellaneous sources aze to
be used, and said distribution
shows all the proposed expendi-
tures for the ensuing year.
This Resolution has been pre-
pared in accord with the budget
previously approved by the City
(. Council.
' Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Takos. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, a detailed distribu-
tion of proposed expenditures of
the City of Dubuque for the fiscal
year beginning January 1, 1960
and ending December 31, 1980,
.I has been dul
y prepared by the City
Manager and submitted to this
Council for approval; and
WHEREAS, this Council has ex-
amined the detailed distribution
of the proposed expenditures,
wherein estimates of the expenses
of the departments and purposes
are shown, including the estimates
'' for which all levies heretofore
made, receipts from monies and
credits and miscellaneous sources
are to be used, and said distribu-
' lion shows all of the proposed ex-
penditures for the ensuing fiscal
1 year;
solved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque that said detailed
distribution of proposed expendi-
tures for the fiscal year beginning
January 1, 1960, and ending De-
cember 31, 1960, as heretofore pre-
pazed, be and the same is hereby
I adopted and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
1 City Councilmen I
City Clerk
Councilman Schaller moved that
the Manager be instructed to make
no commitments based on the ap-
propriation Resolution other than
routine City business. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Schaller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Schreiber moved
that the adjustment of Council
salaries be deferred for approxi-
mately ninety days. Seconded by
Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Friday, January 8, 1960 at 1:30
P.M. was the date agreed upon
by the Council to interview the
various Boards and Commissions
relative to disttibution of funds as
outlined in the 1960 budget.
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
In order that a local Certified
Public Accountant may audit and
examine the city records, the State
Auditor must be notified within
90 days after trie close of the year.
During the past our records have
tieen examined by the firm of
O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt &
Brooks, who are well experienced
in making public audits and re-
ports to the state auditors.
I recommend that this firm be
retained to make the city audit
for 1959.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller- Carried by
the following vote:
6 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
A request has been made for
the installation of a street light on
Kurt Court north of Kaufmann
Avenue. There is an existing pole
between Lots 5 and 6 in Kurt
Court that would be satisfactory
for the location of a street light.
It is recommended that a street
light be installed at this location.
contacted by postcard and of the
20 cards returned, 15 requested no
change in the parking time limit
and 5 requested a change to 1
From this report, it indicates
that the merchants in this azea
are not concerned about the lack
of turnover from 14th to 16th
Streets on Central Avenue or they
would want the reduced time on
the parking meter.
Because of the feeling of the
business people in this area and
the two opposing petitions, it is
recommended that the petition for
restricting parking on 15th Street
between Iowa and White Streets be
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition of F. L. Humke and
others requesting the restriction
of pazking on East 15th Street
from Iowa to White Street was
referred to the City Manager and
Traffic Department for investiga-
tion and report.
At the meeting of December
7th, another petition was submit-
ted including most of the names
that were on the original petition
requesting that no change be made
in the parking limits on East 15th
Street from Iowa to White Streets.
I have had an investigation
made by the Police Department
and the survey showed that some
type of a control should be estab-
lished on 15th Street. However,
the survey was to determine
whether or not the merchants in
this affected area on Central Ave-
nue would be interested in reduc-
ing the meter time to less than
2 hours which is now in use. Mer-
chants between 14th and 16th
Street on Central Avenue were
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 15, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
At the council meeting Decem-
ber 7th, I was asked three ques-
tions by Councilman Takos and
the answers as have appeared in
the newspaper and that taken by
City Clerk Leo Frommelt differ.
For the record and in order to
clearly state my reply, the follow-
ing is correct:
QUESTION NO. 1-Who aze the
officials of the Schiltz Construc-
tion Company?
ANSWER~There are no offi-
cials. The sole owner is John G.
QUESTION N0. 2-Is there a
company called the Schiltz De-
velopment or Land Development
Company and are you interested
in it?
ANSWER~Yes. This company
was set up by my family and I
have an interest in it.
QUESTION NO. 3-Have you
ever acted in behalf of one or
the other or both of these com-
panies in negotiating property
Regular Session, January 4, 1960 7
easements or in any capacity
other than in your normal pur-
suit of the duties of the City
ANSWER-My answer was that
I did not act in behalf of these
companies while acting in my
normal duties as City Manager
but only as a private citizen.
There was never any conflict
of interests in the dealings with
anyone either as City Manager
in getting sewer easements for
the City or as an individual ne-
gotiating for purchase of land
for Schiltz Development Com-
pany in one instance with Wm.
Becker, Sr.
What I wish to clear up is the
inference by the question that
I represented myself as City
Manager and acted for the
Schiltz Development Compagv
or Schiltz Construction Com-
pany. This I have never done.
Another poinf I would like to
bring up is that on December 10th
I requested photostate copies of
the original statements read by
Councilman Takos and he indicat-
ed Iwould get them after he gets
advice from others. He said every-
one saw the statements which is
not true because no one was shown
the sworn statements. These
should be in the official records
of the Clerk's office to be avail-
able to anyone and I ask that they
be given to me without delay.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Mayor Takos moved that the
communication be deferred to
time of meeting setting up the
investigation. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schreiber. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 28, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition of John Eisenegger
and others requesting a street
light on May Place was referred to
the City Manager for investigation
and report.
May Place extends approximate-
ly 150 feet from Cornell Street and
then for a distance of approxi-
mately 500 feet is a private drive
and not a public street. Because
of this fact, it would be impos-
sible to install a street light on
this private driveway.
I recommend however, that a
light be installed on May Place
approximately 100 feet from the
intersection of May and Cornell
Streets on an existing pole.
Very truly yours,
City Manager
Councilman Schreiber moved
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Freund. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 28, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition of C. C. May re-
questing the installation of a street
light on Rockdale Road was re-
ferred to the City Manager for in-
vestigation and report.
During the past year there have
been new homes constructed on
this section of Rockdale Road
which extends south of Fox Drive
to the city limits. I recommend
that a street light be installed on
Pole No. 207-996 at approximately
the city limits.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 18, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
I am submitting here with the
monthly reports of the City Audi-
tor, City Treasurer, City Health
8 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
Department and City Water Works
for the month of November as
well as list of claims for which
warrants were issued for the
month of November, 1959.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the reports be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Statement of
Receipts and a list of claims for
which warrants were drawn dur-
ing the month of November 1959,
presented and read.
Mayor Takos moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 29, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The parking lot south of the
City Hall on Central Avenue is
ready for temporary use through-
out the winter. The asphalt sur-
face will be placed as soon as
practical this spring.
In order to control those using
this lot for all day parking, I rec-
ommend that the Council approve
some time limits for parking and
we will then try to install park-
ing meters.
The time limits on the street is
two hours and because of the turn-
over of parkers in this area, it is
felt that this same limit should be
placed on parking in this lot.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and that
proper proceedings be prepared.
Seconded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
I am-herewith submitting a sug-
gested list of streets for the 1960
Street Construction Program. These
streets have been reviewed by the
City Engineer and Street Commis-
sioner and are recommended by
me for approval of the Council.
On this list is Woodlawn, Lin-
dale, Karen and Kevindale, streets
that were deleted from the 1959
Program for one yeaz by the City
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
After some of the streets were
stricken from the list Councilman
Freund moved that plat and sched-
ules be prepared on the limited
program as checked. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Section I
1. State Street from the south
property line of Curtis Street
to the north property line of
Grandview Avenue.
2. McClain Street from the south
property line of Wooten Street
to the south property line of
Bansoa Street.
3. Woodlawn Street from the
north property line of Asbury
Road to the north end of
4. Lindale Street from the west
property line of Carter Road
to the east property line of
Lot 1 Block 5 Clover Hills
5. Karen Road from the west
property line of Carter Road
to the east property line of
Evergreen Drive.
Regular Sessioh, January 4, 1960 9
8. Kevindale Street from the
north property line of Kazen
Road to the south property
line of Lindale Street.
7. Burlington Street from the
south property line of Prim-
~.,!-. rose Street to the west prop-
erty line of Muscatine Street.
f 8. Saunders Street from the east
property line of Green Acres
Subdivision to the south prop-
erty line of West 32nd Street.
9. Filmore Street from the west
property line of Adair to the
east property line of Grand-
view Avenue.
30. Green Street from the west
property line of Bunker Hill
Road to the north property
line of Pennsylvania Avenue.
11. Pennsylvania Avenue from the
end of existing concrete pave-
ment west to the west proper-
ty of Bristol Lane.
12. Lincoln Avenue from the west
property line of Hamilton
Street to the west property
line of Rhomberg Avenue.
13. Illinois Avenue from the west
~~ property line of Drexel Street
to the north property line of
Pennsylvania Avenue.
14. Alpha Avenue from the south
property line of Illinois Ave-
nue to the North Property
Line of Van Buren Avenue.
15. Ohio Avenue from the south
property line of Pennsylvania
Avenue to the north property
line of Dlinois Avenue.
16. Austin Street from the north
property line of University
Avenue to the end of street
and turnaround.
17. Keokuk Street from the north
property line of Primrose
Street to the end of street.
18. Dunleith Court from the north
property line of Southern Ave-
nue to the end of the street.
19. West 7th Street from the east
property line of Hill Street to
the end of street and turn-
20. Cooper Place -remove island
and pave cromplete street from
the West Property Line of Ray-
mond Place to the East Prop-
erty Line of Gilmore Street.
21. St. Anne Drive from the East
Property Line of Chaney Road
to Flora Park.
Section I.
1. McClain Street from the South
Property Line of Wooten
Street to the South Property
Line of Bonson Street.
2. Carlton Avenue from the
South Property Line of Brown
Street to the end of Street.
3. Saunders Street from the
South Property Line of West
32nd Street to the existing
curb and gutter and widening
of existing street.
4. Filmore Street from the West
Property Line of Adair Street
to the East Property Line of
Grandview Avenue.
5. Austin Street from the North
Property Line of University
Avenue to the end and con-
struct turnazound and widen-
ing of the existing street.
6. Lindale Street from the West
Property Line of Carter Road
to the existing curb and guG
ter and property purchase to
extend street.
7. West 7th Street-all that does
not have curb and gutter and
8. Burlington Street from the
South Property Line of Prim-
rose Street to the West Prop-
erty Line of Muscatine Street.
Section I
1. Grandview Avenue from the
North Property Line of Ungs
Street to the South Property
Line of Kane Street.
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise that I have
approved the following bonds and
desire to have your approval on
same for filing, subject to the ap-
proval of the City Solicitor:
Laverne J. Schiltz, City Manager,
American Surety Company
Thomas H. Nelson, City Solicitor,
American Surety Company
Edward M. Tschirgi, City Treasur-
er, American Surety Company
10 Regular Session, January 4, 1960
Ellis Household Service, U.S. Fi-
delity and Guaranty Co.
Moore Engineering Company, Lac.,
U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co.
Gilbert Roling, Columbia Casualty
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
filing be approved subject to the
approval of the City Solicitor. Sec-
onded by Mayor Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Freund moved that
the rules be suspended in order
to let anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, CouneBmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mr. Merle Bandy addressed the
Council as a representative of
Firefighters Local No. 353, by re-
questing ameeting with the Coun-
cil to discuss wages and working
conditions for the firemen. Ar-
rahgements were made to meet
with Mr. Bandy at 1:00 P. M. Fri-
day, January 8, 1960, prior to the
meeting scheduled to review ex-
penditures as outlined in the 1960
budget with the various Boards
and Commissions.
Mr. Charles Spielman of Ben-
nett street addressed the Council
relative to the alley behind his
Miss Madelin Tobin addressed
the Council in a rather belligerent
tone as to complying with build-
ing regulations at her rest haven
as set out by the Building Com-
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
Attached is a plan submitted by
Dubuque County for city approval
for a section of road on the west
city limits.
I recommend that this plan be
submitted to the Planning & Zon-
ing Commission for their recom-
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Mayor Takos moved that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Schaller. Carved by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of Operating En-
gineers Local No. 234, addressed
to Midwest Dredging Co, advising
them that on resuming dredging
operations at Dubuque in the
Spring that sufficient and quali-
fied engineers to man their equip-
ment will be available therefore
it will not be necessary to transfer
out of State operators in here to
finish the project, presented and
read. Councilman Schueller moved
that the comunication be referred
to the Dock Commission. Seconded
by Councilman Freund. Cazried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of American
Surety Company advising of the
cancellation of Workmen's com-
pensation and comprehensive lia-
bility policies issued to Charles
Beversdorf presented and read.
Councilman Schreiber moved that
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Schaller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen objecting to
the foul odor emanating from the
sewage disposal plant near the
railroad tracks south of Dubuque,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the cohununi-
Regulaz Session,
cation be referred to the City
Manager and Engineer for a re-
port to the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 15, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Herewith I hand you the claim
of Miss Margaret Schromen with
recommendation that it be denied
since it appears upon the face of
the claim that it is barred by the
Statute of Limitations.
Councilman Schreiber moved
that the recommendation of the
City Solicitor be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
' Nays-None.
December 17, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
", City of Dubuque, Iowa
I have investigated the claim of
Mrs. Nellie Ohnesorge, 11S9~fz
Bluff Street, Dubuque, for injuries
i sustained when she fell on the
steps in the City Hall.
It is my understanding of the
law of Iowa that the operation and
maintenance of City Hall is a gov-
ernmental function and that no
.l liability arises from defects there-
in; so, I therefore recommend
that the claim be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Takos moved that the rec-
ommendation of the City Solicitor
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1960 11
December 17, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
I have investigated the claim
of Camillus R. Hein, 2801 Balke
Street, Dubuque, for damages
claimed to have been sustained
when the finish on his car was
scratched by flying chips of ce-
It appears from an investigation
that the claimant's car was pazked
along-side of a parking meter on
the south side of West Ninth
Street, just west of Bluff Street
on November 30th, at which time
City employees in the pursuance
of their duties were removing the
parking meter post.
In removing the post it was nec-
essary to break the cement with
a jack-hammer and, although the
street crew tried to use as much
care as they could some of the
chips of cement unfortunately
flew against claimant's car, injur-
ing the finish.
I recommend that the claim be
allowed in the amount of $31.12
and that the Auditor be instructed
to issue a warrant payable to Ca-
millus R. Hein in the amount of
$31.12 and deliver the same upon
receipt of a properly executed re-
Mayor Takos moved that the
recommendation of the City Solic-
itor be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 21, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
I have discussed the claim of
Miss Margaret Flammang, 605
Bluff Street, Dubuque, with the
claimant and she has agreed to
accept payment of her doctor bill
in the amount of fifteen dollars,
in full satisfaction of her claim.
I recommend that this settle-
ment be approved and the Auditor
12 Regular Session, January 4, 1960
instructed to issue a warrant pay-
able to Miss Margaret Flammang,
in the amount of fifteen dollars
and deliver the same to her upon
receipt of a properly executed re-
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Takos moved that the rec-
ommendation of the City Solicitor
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1959
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
I have investigated the claim of
Jane Kuse for injuries sustained
when she fell in a defect in a cross-
walk near Dubuque Senior High
School, September 26, 1959 and
find that the defect existed as
claimed and that claimant sus-
tained afracture of the right an-
kle, produced by the fall.
As a result of her injuries she
was out of work for eight weeks
and sustained medical expense.
I have discussed the claim with
Mr. H. F. Reynolds, attorney for
claimant and he has agreed on
her behalf to accept the sum of
$825 in full settlement.
I recommend that this settle-
ment be approved and the Auditor
instructed to issue a warrant pay-
able to Jane Kuse and H. F. Reyn-
olds, her attorney, in the amount
of $625 and deliver the same upon
receipt of a properly executed re-
Mayor Takos moved that the rec-
ommendation of the City Solicitor
be approved. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Nays- None.
Notice of suit by Dorothy Curler,
as next friend and mother of
Karen Curler, a minor, in the
amount of $8400 for personal in-
juries received as the result of a
fall by said minor on a defective
sidewalk at 1175 Washington
Street, on September 16, 1959, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Schueller moved that the notice
be referred to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Seo-
onded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Notice of claim of Chas. T. Cor-
rell in the amount of $28.35 for
car damage as the result of slip-
pery pavement and striking a wing
wall on Sullivan Street on Decem-
ber 23, 1959, presented and read.
Councilman Schreiber moved that
the claim be referred to the City
Solicitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of notice of pub-
lic hearing on Ordinance No. 70-
59, an Ordinance Amending sad
Changing the Zoning Map and Zon-
ing Ordinance of the City of Du-
buque so as to change Lot 8, Lot
1 of Lot 7, Lot 1 of Lot 6, South
one hundred feet of Lot 9 Reeder
Langworthy Sub. and Lot 1 and
Lot SA of Murphy's Sub. from Two
Family Residence District Classifi-
cation to Multiple Family Resi-
dence District Classification, pre-
sented and read.
No written objections were filed
and no objectors were present in
the Council Chamber at the time
set for the public hearing.
Councilman Freund moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schaller. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Regulaz Session,
~ An Ordinance Amending and
j Changing the Zoning Map and Zon-
- ing Ordinance of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, as provided by Ordi-
nance No. 3-34, designated the
Zoning Ordinance, so as to change
the herein described area from
~... Two Family Residence District
Classification to Multiple Family
,! Residence District Classification,
said Ordinance having been intro-
duced and read on December 7,
1959, presented for Final Adop-
An Ordinance Amending a n d
Changing the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, ae provided by
Ordinance No. ~-64, designated
the Zoning Ordinance, so ae to
change theherein described area
from Two Family Residence
District Classtfication to Mult1-
ple Family Residence District
- Classification.
Be It Resolved by the C(ty Coun-
ei] of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning
' Map o[ the City of Dubuque, se
provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated the Zoning Ordinance,
be and the same is hereby Amend-
ed and Changed by Changing from
tts present Two Family Residence
District Clasaifleation to Multiple
Family Residence District Clasal-
tlcafion the property described
as follows:
Lot 6, Lot 1 of Lot 7, Lot 1 of
Lot B, South one hundred feet of
Lot 9 Reeder Langworthys Sub.
and Lot 1 and Lot 1 A of Mur-
phys Sub.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall
be in full force and effect from ~I
and after its final passage, adop-
I ~ tion and publication as by law pro-
Introduced this 7th day of De-
cember 1959.
Rule requ[ring reading on three
separate days suspended by una-
nimous vote the 7th day of De-
r cember 1959.
Passed, adopted and approved
th(s 4th day of January 1960.
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald Newspaper this 8th
day of Sanuary 1960.
lt. I-8 City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1980 18
Proof of Publication, certified to
by - the Publisher, of Notice of
public hearing on Ordinance No.
71-59 an Ordinance amending the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque by repealing Sub-Section
"j" of Section 1 of Article 4 of the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque and enacting substitutes
therefore to authorize additional
uses in the Multiple residence dis-
trict, presented and read.
No written objections were filed
and no objectors were present in
the Council Chamber at the time
set For the public hearing.
Mayor Takos moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Schaller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
An Ordinance Amending the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque by Repealing Sub-Section
"j" of Section 1 of Article 4 of
the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque and Enacting Substi-
tutes therefore to authorize Addi-
tional uses in the Multiple Resi-
dence District, said Ordinance hav-
ing been introduced and read on
December 7, 1959, presented for
Final Adoption.
M Ordinance Amending [he Zon-
ing Ordinance of the Ctty of Du-
buque by Repealing Sub-section
' j" of Section 1 of Article 4 0[
the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque and Enacting Subatf-
tutes Therefore to Authorize Ad-
ditional Ueee in the Multiple Res-
idence District.
Be It Ordained by The City
Council o[ the City o[ Dubuque:
Section 1. That Sub-aectlon 1"
of Section 1 or Article 4 01 Ordi-
nance No. 3-34, designated ' Zon-
ing Ordinance o[ the City of Du-
buque be and the same re hereby
Section 2. That Section 1 0(
Article 4 of Ordinance No. 3-34 ie
hereby amended by adding a new
Sub-aectlon "1" thereto as fol-
i"-Profeeeional office or studio
on the
14 Regular Session, .Tanuary 4, 1980
line of Wea[ Eleventh Street to [he
center line of the alley between
Locust and Main Streets, thence
north on [he center line of the alley
between Main and Locust Streets
to the north line of [he Middle
1/5 of City Lot 473, thence west
Bluff Street to the center line of
Loral Boulevard; thence west
along the center line of Loral
Boulevard to a point one hundred
feet west of the west line of Bluff
Street, thence south along a line
one hundred feet west of and
parallel to the west line of BIUfP
Street to the north line of Weat
Ninth Street, thence east along a
line one hundred feet north of the
north line of West Ninth Street to
a point on the east line of Bluff
Street one hundred feet north of
the north line of Weet Ninth
Street, which ie the point of be-
ginning, and the area further de-
Beginning at the point of the in-
tersection of the center lines oY
Loral Boulevard and Walnut
Street, thence east on the center
linty. nP T.nraa Rnulevazd to a point
thence soutn on a ^ne one n
and twenty feet east of t]
line of Prairie Street to the
line of the alley first ec
Lorne Boulevard, thence we[
the center line of the silt
to the center line
yard, which is the
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald Newspaper this 8th
day of Tanuary 1960.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
lt. 1/B
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
An Ordinance Amending Ordi-
nance No. 33119, known as the
Traffic Code of the City of Du-
buque, by Adding a new SeMion 87
to Schedule VI Thereof, presented
and read. Councilman Freund
moved that the reading just had
be considered the first reading of
the Ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Freund moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an Ordinance to be read on three
sepazate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
1 Of Lot a, JOnth One
of Lot 9 Reeder Lang
Lot 1 and Lot 1 A b
provided that no goo<
ty displayed on the I
that no sign or a~
8rC shown OtnCr ttlan InE name
and profession of the person using
the office or studio, and such sign
or nameplate shall not exceed nve
(6) square feet in area
Section 3. This Ordinance shalt
be in full force and effect from and
after tta 4ina1 passage, adoption,
and publication as by law provided.
Introduced the 7th day of De-
cember 1959.
Rule requiring reading on three
separate days suspended by unani-
mous vote the 1th day of Decem-
ber 1959.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of Tanuary 1960.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 33-49, Known as the Traffic
Code of the City oY Dubuque, by
adding a new Section 87 to
Schedule VI thereof.
Section 1. That Ordinance No,
33-99, known as the TraYYic Code
of the City of Dubuque be and the
same is hereby amended by adding
a new Section SR to Schedule VI
thereof, ae Yollowe:
"87-the north aide o[ Grace
Street from North Grandview Ave-
nue to McCormick Street"
Section 2. This Ordinance shall
be in full Porce and effect from and
after its final passage, adoption and
publication ae by law provided.
Introduced the 4th day o[ Jan-
uary, 1960.
Rule requiring reading on three
separate days suspended by unani-
mous vote the 4th day of January,
Regulaz Session, Tanuary 4, 1960 15
Passed by recorded roll can vote,
adopted and approved this 9th day
of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Published officially in the Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 8th
day oY Sanuary 1960.
City Clerk
u. 1-s
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schauer, Schreiber,
December 21, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
On OMober 18, 1954, the City
of Dubuque acquired title to Lot
10 of Strub's Subdivision for the
widening of Woodlawn Street. This
section of the street has never
been formally established as a pub-
i1C Street.
I am attaching an ordinance es-
tablishing that section of Wood-
lawn Street to include Lot 10 of
Strub's Subdivision in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Very truly yours,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Mayor
Takos. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
An Ordinance widening Wood-
lawn Street to include Lot 10 of
Strubs Subdivision, presented and
Councilman Freund moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Freund moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an Ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Mayor
Takos. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
An Ordinance Widening Wood-
lawn Street To Include Lot 10 OY
Strube Subdivision.
Whereas the City oY Dubuque
has heretofore on October 18, 1954
acqured title to Lot 30 of 6truba
Subdivision in the City oY Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa for the pur-
pose of widening Woadlawn 6treet;
said lot has never
estabnahed ae a ppb-
fore, be it Ordained
'ouncil of the City of
Chat Woo dlawn
. the same fa hereby
Include Lot 10 of
~iaion in the City of
Duque County, Iowa,
:erti[ied copy
the office of
oY Dubuque
linance shall
'act Yrom and
Published officially in The Te]e-
graph-Heratd newspaper this 8th
day of January 1960.
Leo F. Frommelt
lt. 1-8 City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Mayor Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos,. Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Oscar Solberg, indi-
vidually, objecting to changing the
name of Randall Place to Country
Club Drive, presented and read.
Councilman Freund moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber.
16 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
Petition of Oscar Solberg et al
objecting to changing the name
of Randall Place to Country Club
Drive, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Freund moved that the pe-
tition be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Mayor Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
An Ordinance providing for the
vacation of Primrose Street from
the east line of Davenport Street,
easterly to the west line of Lot 2
of Lot 9 of G. R. West's Dubuque
and for the conveyance of the
City's interest therein, presented
and read.
Councilman Schueller moved
that [be reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the
Ordinance. Seconded by Council-
man Schaller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the rules be suspended re-
quiring an Ordinance to be read
on three separate days. Seconded
by Councilman Schaller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Schueller moved
that a public hearing be held on
the Ordinance on February 1, 1960,
at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall and that the
City Clerk be instructed to publish
notice of the hearing in the man-
ner required by law.
Petition of Dubuque Plumbing
& Heating Co. requesting permis-
sion to excavate in the City Streets,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the petition be
granted providing proper insur-
ance policy is furnished. Seconded
by Mayor Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Caradco Inc. request-
ing permission to surface part of
the alley which divides part of
their parking area on the north-
east corner of Jackson Street and
East 11th Street in conjunction
with their present plans to surface
said located parking area, present-
ed and read. Councilman Schreiber
moved that the petition be granted
providing it is done under proper
supervision. Seconded by Council-
man Schaller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Leo Adams et al re-
questing the opening of Robin
Street and further requesting curb,
gutter and water for the street,
approximately 285 feet long west-
erly from English Lane, presented
and read. Councilman Freund
moved that the petition be re-
ferred to the Engineering Depart-
ment to be added to the 1960
street program. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Lloyd Dalsing re-
questing permission to construct a
sanitary sewer from the present
terminus of the sanitary sewer sys-
tem of the City to several Lots in
Linehan Park Addition north of
the City Limits, to service a mod-
ern motel, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the petition be referred to the
City Manager and Engineering De-
partment for further investigation
and if found proper to have prop-
er proceedings prepared. Seconded
by Councilman Schaller. Carved
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Maurice J. Smith re-
questing a $100 refund on the un-
expired portion of Class B beer
permit No. 6B as he has discon-
tinued business January 2, 1980,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the refund be
Regular Session, January 4, 1980 17
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue a warrant payable to Mau-
rice J. Smith in the amount of
$100 to cover the amount due on
the unused portion of class B beer
permit No. 66. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schaller. Carried by the
i~;. following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Maurice J. Smith re-
questing a $25 refund on the un-
expired portion of cigarette license
No. 283, as be has discontinued
business on January 2, 1960, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue a warrant payable to Mau-
rice J. Smith in the amount of $25
to cover the amount due on the
unexpired portion of cigarette li-
cense No. 283. Seconded by Coua-
oilman Schaller. Carried by the
{ following vote:
Yees-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Paul A. Legler re-
questing a $50. refund on the un-
expired portion of cigarette license
No. 278, as he has discontinued
business on December 31, 1959,
presented and read. Councilman
! Freund moved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue a warrant payable to Paul
A. Legler in the amount of $50. to
cover the amount due o1 the un-
expired portion of cigarette license
No. 278. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
'~ Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition by Jack Solomon re-
questing a $50 refund on the unex-
" pired portion of cigarette license
No. 184, as he has discontinued
business on December 12, 1959,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue a warrant payable to Jack
Solomon in the amount of $50. to
rover thA amount due on the unex-
pired portion of cigarette license
No. 184. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proofs of Publication, certified
to by the Publishers of Notice of
Levy of Special Assessment and
Intention of the City Council to
issue bonds to pay for the ifnprove-
ment of City of Dubuque 1959
Concrete Curb & Gutter Project
No. 1 EXCEPT McClain Street from
north property line of Dodge
Street to a point 170.5 feet north
and that portion of North Grand-
view Avenue from the north prop-
erty line of Ungs Street to the
South property line of Kaufmann
Avenue on the following portions
of the following named streets:
1. Chaney Road from North Property
Line of Asbury Road to South Prop-
erty Line of Kaufmann Avenue.
1. That portion of North Grandview
Avenue from North Property Line
of Kaufmann Avenue to South Prop-
erty Line of Kene Street.
Communication of Ben A. Ernst
objecting to the assessment of curb
and gutter for Alpha Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schreiber
Carried by the following vote:
18 Regular Session
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of Alfred J. Mey-
er objecting to the assessment of
curb & gutter and surfacing of
Kane Street, presented and read,
Councilman Freund moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schreiber. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mr. Alfred J. Meyer addressed
the Council relative to his curb
& gutter and surfacing assessments
on Kane Street.
Mr. James Becker addressed the
Council relative to the purchase
of ground across Kane street from
his property, but the City failed
to pay him for the ground they
took from his property to put in
the street.
The Council recessed aT 10:40
P.M, and reconvened at 10:55 P.M.,
Communication of Robert & Ida
McCabe et al objecting to the con-
dition of the present surfacing of
Kane Street, presented and read.
Councilman Schaller moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schreiber. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of Marguerite
Baule objecting to the assessment
of curb and gutter and surfacing
of Marquette Place, as the assess-
ments are far in excess of any
special benefits conferred upon the
property by the improvements in
question, presented and read. At-
torney Hal Reynolds addressed the
Council on behalf of his client
Marguerite Baule. Mayor Takos
moved that one half of the curb &
gutter and surfacing assessed
against Marguerite Baule be paid
out of the Street construction fund.
Seconded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1960
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for CPfY OF DUBUQUE 1959
cept McClain Street) AND SEC-
III, by Schueller Blacktop Co., cron-
tractor in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate all as named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as set forth in the fol-
lowing schedule.
Alpha Avenue from South prop
erty Line of Illinois Avenue To
North Property Line of Van Buren
Street, with concrete curb & gutter.
Hillcrest Builders, Inc. Lot
10, Rolling Ridge No. $
Block 2 ............................$ 187.29
Hillcrest Builders, Inc. Lot
9, Rolling Ridge, No. 2,
Block 2 ............................ 48.48
Hillcrest Builders, Inc. Lot
8, Rolling Ridge, No. 2,
-Block 2 ............................ 19.33
Hillcrest Builders, Inc. Lot
7, Rolling Midge No. 2,
Block 2 ............................ 9.44
Hillcrest Builders, Inc. Lot
6, Rolling Ridge No. 2,
Block 2 ............................ 6.47
Thomas A. & Louise C.
Church, Lot 10, Rolling
Ridge Sub. Block 1........ 158.67
Richard L. & Arline E.
Duty, Lot 9, Rolling
Ridge Sub, Block 1.......... 47.02
Ned H. & Ruth E. Ratekin,
Lot 8, Rolling Ridge Sub.
Block 1 ............................ 21.04
Harold W. & Ruby Ann
Houner, Lot 7, Rolling
Ridge Sub. Block 1.......... 9.59
Jerry E. & Mildred Barn-
ard, Lot 6, Rolling Ridge
Sub. Block 1 .................. 5.38
Frank Bresee, Lot 302,
Lennox Add. Sub. Block
1 ........................................ 137.88
Frank Bresee, Lot 303,
Lennox Add. Sub. Block
1 ........................................ 52.30
Regulaz Session,
Frank Bresee, Lot 304
Lennox Add. Sub. Block
1 ........................................ 28.52 '.
Frank Bresee, Lot 305
Lennox Add. Sub. Block
1 ........................................ 13.32
Ben A. & Marie T. Ernst,
Lot 306, Lennox Add. 7.70
Ben A. & Marie A. Ernst,
Lot 307, Lennox Add. 6.08
Thomas J. & Jean N.
Evans, Lot 1, Rolling
Ridge No. 2 Block 3...... 168.10
William L. & Norina G.
Phillips, Lot 2, Rolling
Ridge No. 2 Block 3........ 53.06
Joseph F. & Melita E.
Buenker, Lot 3, Roling
Ridge No. 2 Block 3........ 24.93
John R. & Phyllis L. Dru-
ry, Lot 4, Rolling Ridge
No. 2 Block 3 .................... 11.11
Geo. & Lois Dean, Lot 5,
Rolling Ridge No. 2
Block 3 ............................ 7.44
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
6, Rolling Ridge No. 2
Block 3 .............................. 1.84
*60 cu. yds excavation @
$0.60 ................................$ 38.00
6 sq. yds. driveways con-
crete @ $6.00 ................ 38.00
*60 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter removal @
$0.50 .................................. 30.00
432.7 lin, ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "A" @
$2.00 .................................. 865.40
Total Amount ..............$ 967.40
Less City Share .............. 66.00
Assessable Amount ........$ 901.40
15% Extra Expense ........ 117.18
5% Interest 52 days ...... 8.51
Total Assessable Amt.....$1,025.09
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to special benefits conferred.
AITa Place from North Property
Line of Delaware street M South
Property Line of Green Street
with Concrete Curb & Gutter.
Emil F. & Thelma K. Alt-
haus, Lot 2-2-27, Mills
West Dubuque ............:.....$ 88.85
City of Dubuque, Lot 1-27,
-.Mills West Dubuque ........ 104.84
January 4, 1960 19
Paul E. &Lavonne Eisbach,
Lot 26, Mills West Du-
buque .................................. 185.73
Paul E. &Lavonne Eisbach,
Lot 25 E. SO', Mills West
Dubuque .............................. 44.32
Emil F. & Thelma K. Alt-
haus, Lot 1-269, Wood-
lawn Park Add ................. 48.55
Emil F. Althaus, Lot 268,
Woodlawn Park Add....... 153.13
Joseph D. & Martina A.
Vogt, Lot 267, Woodlawn
Park Add ........................... 153.13
Joseph D. & Martina A.
Vogt, Lot 266, Woodlawn
Park Add . .......................... 153.13
Henry E. & Virginia J. Zim-
merman, Lot 270, Wood-
lawn Park Add ................. 187.00
Henry E. & Virginia J. Zim-
merman, Lot 271 N~Fe,
Woodlawn Park Add....... 76.57
Henry & Josephine Frost,
Lot 271 S'Fz, Woodlawn
Park Add . .......................... 76.57
Henry & Josephine Frost,
Lot 272, Woodlawn Park
Add . .................................... 153.13
Henry & Josephine Frost,
Lot 273, Woodlawn Park
Add . .................................... 153.13
Henry & Josephine Frost,
Lot 274, Woodlawn Park
Add ....................................... 153.13
Alfred H. & Celeste D. Rich-
ard, Lot 285, Woodlawn
'~ Park Add ........................... 173.80
Elmer Meloy, Lot 25 1-W
40', Mills West Dubuque..
~ 39.32
~ George N. Klauer, Lot 25
2-W 40', Mills West Du-
buque .................................. 59.98
Eimer Meloy, Lot 1-24, Mills
West Dubuque .................. 31.40
George N. Klauer, Lot 2-24,
Mills West Dubuque ... .. 41.59
Elmer Meloy, Lot 1-23, Mills
West Dubuque .................. 22.21
George N. Klauer, Lot 2-25,
Mills West Dubuque ........ 14.88
Irma M. May, Lot 1-264,
Woodlawn Park Add....... 42.11
Irma M. May, Lot 1-283,
Woodlawn Park Add....... 42.11
Raymond J. & Laverle R.
Herting, Lot 2-284, Wood-
lawn Park Add ................. 131.48
Raymond J. & Laverle R.
Herting, Lot 2-263, Wood-
lawn Pazk Add ................. 111.03
20 Regular Session,
G. L. & Bessie Kulander,
Lot 28, Mills West Du-
buque .................................. 4.99
Wm. Connery, Lot 301,
Woodlawn Park ................ 15.03
*397.08 cu. yds. excavation
@ $0.60 ............................$ 238.25
'36.8 sq. ft. sidewalk con-
crete @ $0.45 .................. 16.56
9 sq. yds. driveways con-
crete @ 6.00 .................. 54.00
*68 lin. ft. concrete curb
and gutter removal @
0.50 .................................. 34.00
6603 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "A" @
2.00 .................................... 1320.60
38 lin. ft. 24" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 8.00 ........ 304.00
92.6 lin. ft, concrete curb
& gutter radius type
"B" @ 2.00 .................... 185.20
2 no. of single catch basin
@ 150.00 ........................ 300.00
'Extra work ...................... 13.43
Total Amount ............$2,466.04
Less City Share ................ 302.24
Assessable Amount ..........$2,163.80
13% Extra Expense .......... 281.29
5% Interest 52 days .......... 15.63
Total Assessable Amount..$2,460.72
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Born Avenue from South Property
Line of Indiana Avenue To North
Property Line of Ridgeway Ave•
nue, with Concrete Curb & Gut-
Wm. S Molo, Lot 251, Len-
ox Add ...............................$ 92.13
Frank & Margazet Hamel,
Lot 252, Lenox Addition.. 106.09
Frank & Margaret Hamel,
Lot 253, N.15'-N.~/z, Len-
ox Addition ........................ 32.42
James R. & Marguerite M.
Robinson, Lot 253, 5.10'-
N.~fz, Lenox Addition ...... 21.62
James R. & Marguerite M.
Robinson, Lot 253, S.'fi,
Lenox Addition ................ 74.51
James R. & Marguerite M.
Robinson, Lot 254, N.'fz,
Lenox Addition ................ 54.04
Laverne & Carole Otting,
Lot 254, S.'/z, Lenox Ad-
dition .................................. 54.04
4, 1980
Laverne & Carole Offing,
Lot 255, Lenox Addition 128.68
Arthur S. & Helen S. Han-
sel, Lot 256, Lenox Ad-
dition .................................. 108.09
Arthur S. & Helen S. Han-
sel, Lot 257, Lenox Addi-
tion ...................................... 108.09
Bernard B. & Sylvia F. Win-
ter, Lot 258, Lenox Addi-
tion ...................................... 82.75
Bernard $. & Sylvia F. Win-
ter, Lot 259, Lenox Ad-
dition .................................. 18.15
Edw. J. & Lorraine Stolz,
Lot 260, Lenox Addition 4.85
Edw. J. & Lorraine Stolz,
Lot 261, Lenox Addition.. 1.11
Louis C. & Leona E. Hcef-
flin, Lot 230, Lenox Ad-
dition .................................. 1.94
Maurice & Charlene Read,
Lot 231, Lenox Addition.. 9.44
Maurice & Charlene Read,
Lot 232, Lenox Addition.. 11.SB
Myrtle Koenig, Lot 233,
Lennox Addition .............. 34.38
Wayne A. & Beverly R
Pins, Lot 234, Lenox Ad-
dition .................................. 30.88
Wayne A. & Beverly R.
Pins, Lot 235, Lenox
Addition ............................ 23.85
Earl & Ruth Falk, Lot 1-1-1-
1-4, Mineral Lot 257 ........ 128.01
Earl & Ruth Falk, Lot 1,
Breezy Point Block 1 ...... 139.01
Robert J. & Mary Huber,
Lot 2, Breezy Point
Block 1 .............................. 305.36
John P. & Caroline Bradley,
Lot 3, Breezy Point
Block 1 ................................ 22(1.12
Earl & Ruth Falk, Lot 4,
Breezy Point Block 1 ...... 203.88
438 cu. yds. Excavation @
0.80 ..................................$ 282.80
1 No. of Concrete headwall
@ 50.00 .......................... 50.00
12 sq. yds. concrete drive-
way @ 8.00 .................... 72.00
35 lin. ft. concrete curb
removal @ 0.50 ............ 17.50
722.4 lin. ft. curb & gut-
ter type "A" @ 2.00 .... 1 ,444.80
'178 lin. ft. 15" RCP
2000D pipe @ 5.60 ........ 978.00
35.2 lin. ft. Radius curb &
gutter type "B" @ 2.00 70.40
1 No. of Single catch baa-
in @ 150.00 .................... 150.00
*1 No. of Tree removal
6"-9" @ 15.00 ................
*1 No. of Tree removal
16"-18" @ 90.00 ............
*x•~r«~ w,.«tr
Session, January A, 1960 21
Paul B. & Mary Schmid and
15.00 Samuel & Lois Pusateri,
Lot 60, O'Neills Sub.
90.00 No. 3 .................................. 118.02
nt oe
Total Amount ............$3,232.74
'Less City Share .............. 1,495.54
13% Extra Expense ........ 225.84
5% Interest 52 days ........ 12.55
Total Assessable Amount..$1,975.59
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Collins Street from South Property
Line of Lombard Street to Sou/h
Property Lim of St. Jeseph
Street with Concrete Curb &
University of Dubuque,
Steffens Place ..................$521.87
University of Dubuque, Lot
1-2, Mineral Lot 156 ........1,862.77
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 48,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 81.19
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 47,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 4S,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 115.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 49,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 50,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 51,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 52,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 53,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 54,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 55,
O'Neills Sub. No. 3 .......... 118.02
Charles J. k Jean A. Hamb-
lin, Lot 56, O'Neills Sub.
No. 3 .................................. 118.02
Charles J. & Jean A. Hamb-
lin, Lot 57, O'Neills Sub.
No. 3 .................................. 118.02
Paul B. & Mary Schmid and
Samuel & Lois Pusateri,
Lot 58, O'Neills Sub.
No. 3 .................................... 118.02
Paul B. & Mary Schmid and
Samuel & Lois Pusateri,
Lot 59, O'Neills Sub.
No. 3 .................................... 118.02
*673 cu. yds. Excavation
@ $0.60 ..........................$ 403.80
1431.4 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter type "A"
@ 2.00 .............................. 2,862.80
33 lin. ft. 24" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 8.00 ........ 264.00
97.2 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter radius type
<~B„ @ 2.00 .................... 194.40
2 no. of single catch basin
@ 150.00 ........................ 300.00
*12 No. of Tree removal
6"-9" @ 15.00 ................ 180.00
*2 No. of Tree removal
10"-12" @ 30.00 ............ 60.00
*1 No. of Tree removal
13"-15" @50.00 ............ 50.00
*5 No. of Tree removal
18"•24" @ 90.00 ............ 450.00
*3 No. of Tree removal
25"-30" @80.00 ............ 270.00
'Extra work ...................... 3,205.67
Total Amount ............$8,240.67
Less City Share ................ 4,619.47
Assessable Amount ..........$3,021.20
13% Extra Expense .......... 470.76
b% Interest 52 days ........ 28.1b
Total Assessable Amount..$4,118.11
Ali of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Evergreen Street from North Prop-
erty Line of Lot 1 Block 5 Clover
Hills Sub. Po South Property
Line of Kaufmann Avenue with
ConcreTe Curb $ GuTfer.
Douglas & Ann Brotherton,
Lot 1, Katherine J. Seip-
pel Sub ...............................$368.89
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2,
Katherine T. Seippel Sub. 348.42
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 5,
Katherine J. Seippei Sub. 319.91
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 8,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 331.80
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 6,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 344.91
Herbert Dilworth, Lot T,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 292.57
Carl J. & Kathleen E. Win-
ter, Lot,2.1-
2-1 Highland Farm .......... 92.95
22 Regulaz Session,
James J. & Janice L. Stier-
man, Lot 1-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-
1-2-1 except S. 70' High-
land Farm .......................... 148.25
John P. & Eliz. Lippert, Lot
2-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 H i g b-
land Farm .......................... 13.03
John P. & Eliz. Lippert, Lot
1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 High-
land Farm .......................... 33.15
Stanley B. & Catherine M.
Veach, Lot 2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-
2-2-1-2-1 Highland Farm.... 24.31
*149 cu. yds. Excavatiat
@ $0.60 ..........................$ 89.40
17.92 sq. yds. Concrete
driveways @ 6.00 .......... 107.52
526.2 lin. ft. Concrete
Curb & Gutter Type
°A» @ 2.00 ...................... 1052.40
24.5 lin. ft. 36" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 15.00 ...... 387.50
17.7 lin. ft. 18" concrete
pipe 2000 D @ 6.50...... 115.05
48 lin. Ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "B" @
2.00 .................................. 96.00
2 no. of Single Catch bas-
in @ 150.00 .................... 300.00
Total Amount ............$2,127.87
Less City Share .................. 89.40
Assessable Amount ..........$2,038.47
13% Extra Expense ........ 265.00
5% Interest 52 days .......... 14.72
Total Assessable Amount..$2,318.19
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Harrison Street from South Prop-
erty Line of Jones To North
Property Line of Dodge Street
wiPh Concrete Curb & Gutter.
Emily P. Stampfer, 'Fz Int.,
Lot 559, City Lots ............$109.00
Meridith Stampfer Hardie,
'h Int., Lot 559, City Lots 109.00
Thomas M. Stampfer, Lot
558, N.1S'-N.ziS City Lots.. 36.64
Leonard & Frances O'Meara,
Lot 558, E.70'-S.ifa City
Lots ...................................... 111.94
Midland Laboratories, Lot
557, N.40' except W.18'
City Lots ............................ 119.44
Emily Stampfer, Lot 557,
5.35' except W.18' City
Lots .................................... 75.16
January 4, 1960
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
556, N.35 except W.18'
City Lots ............................ 54.31
Tri State Oil Co., Lot 556,
W.a/a-S.'h except W.18'
City Lots ............................ 16.07
Charles J. Murphy, Lot 556,
E.~/a S.'h City Lots .......... 75.38
Tri State Oil Co., Lot 1-555
except W.18' City Lots...... 122.08
Tri State Oil Co., Lot &555
City Lots ............................ 118.98
Thomas M. Stampfer, Lot
558, 15.52'-N.ya except
W. 18' City Lots ................ 14.53
Leonard & Frances O'Meara,
Lot 558, 2-5.32'-N.~fs City
Lots ...................................... 51.08
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyard,
Trustees, Lot 1-541 City
Lots .................................... 1119.94
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyazd,
Trustees, Lot 2-541 City
Lots .................................... 84.55
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyazd,
Trustees, Lot 542 City
Lots .................................... 155.54
First National Bank Trus-
tee, Lot 1-543 City Lots .... 158.22
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyard,
Trustees, Lot 1-2-543 City
Lots .................................... 5.04
Y~Courtland ~F.~ Hillyazd,
Trustees, Lot 2-2-543 City
Lots .................................... 0.77
First National Bank, Trus-
tee, Lot 1-1-544 City Lot.. 124.54
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyazd,
Trustees, Lot 2-1-544 City
Lots .................................... 1.02
Sabyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyard,
Trustees, Lot 2-544 City
Lots .................................... 55.14
Hurd Most Sash & Door Co.,
Inc., Lot 545 City Lots...... 150.06
Hurd Most Sash & Door Co.,
Inc., Lot 546 City Lots...... 187.33
Hurd Most Sash & Door Co.,
Inc., Lot 547 City Lots...... 183.64
Hurd Most Sash & Door Co.,
Inc., Lot 548 City Lot...... 144.00
Tri State Oil Co., Lot 555,
E. 101'11 City Lots ............ 26.12
Regular Session, January 4, 1960 23
Tri State Oil Co., Lot 554,
E.102'-N.'fs City Lots ........ 183.62
Tri State Oil Co., Lot 556,
N.'/s City Lots .................... 93.20
•1272.3 cu. yds. Excava-
t ' lion @ 0.60 ....................$ 763.38
f '399 sq. yds. Concrete
Pavement removal @
0.50 .................................. 199.50
*141.7 sq. ft. Concrete
~ sidewalk 4" thick @
:' 0.45 .................................. 63.77
79.7 sq. yd. Driveways con-
' Crete @ 6.00 .................. 478.20
*31 lin. ft. Concrete curb
~ & gutter removal @
~. 0.50 .................................. 15.50
538.5 lin. ft. Concrete curb
& Gutter type °A" @
2.00 .................................... 1,077.00
6 lin. ft. 24" concrete pipe
2000D @ 8.00 .................. 48.00
42.3 lin. ft. Concrete curb
& gutter radius type
~ „B» @ 2.00 .................... 84.60
44 lin. ft. 12" Concrete
pipe 2000D @ 4.90 ........ 215.60
3 No. of Single catch bas-
in concrete @ 150.00.... 450.00
'Extra work ........................ 162.54
Total Amouat ............$3,558.09
Less City Share ................ 1,204.69
ll Assessable Amount ..........$2,353.40
! 13% Extra Expense .......... 305.94
5% Interest 52 days .......... 17.00
Total Assessable Amt.......$2,676.34
All of which is assessed in pro
_ portion to special benefits con-
Illinois Avenue from West Prop-
. erTy Line of Drexel fo the South
~:. Property Line of Pennsylvania
Avenue with Concrete Curb &
- American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 2, Molo &
Schrup Place No. 3 ..........$275.26
~ Irwin A. & Luella Muchow,
Lot 1, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 2 .......................... 190.03
Robt. F. & Bernadine Shook,
Lot 2, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 2 .......................... 168.96
Richard C. & Margaret C.
Pike, Lot 3, Rolling Ridge
No. 2, Block 2 .................. 168.96
Meredith E. & E. Jane
Malchaw, Lot 4, Rolling
Ridge No. 2, Block 2 ........ 168.96
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 5,
Rolling Ridge No. 2,
Block 2 ................................ 168.96
Robert Earl & Janet Ann
Welu, Lot 6, Rolling
Ridge No. 2, Block 2 ........ 168.96
Prentice J. & LaVonne Bur-
dick, Lot 7, Rolling Ridge
No. 2, Block 2 .................. 168.96
Lieghton & June Noonan,
Lot 8, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 2 .......................... 168.96
William D. & Elaine Callag-
han, Lot 9, Rolling Ridge
No. 2, Block 2 .................. 168.96
Joseph C. & Eliz. C. Breit-
bach, Lot 10, Rolling
Ridge No. 2, Block 2 ........ 162.40
Matilda Spies, Lot 320, Len-
nox Add ............................. 150.73
Matilda Spies, Lot 319, Len-
nox Add ............................. 130.26
Matilda Spies, Lot 318, Len-
nox Add ............................. 130.26
Lester & Dorothy Plumley,
Lot 317, Lennox Add....... 156.25
Herbert E. & Irene Gourley,
Lot 398, Lennox Add....... 100.14
Herbert E. & Irene Gourley,
Lot 399, Lennox Add....... 121.26
Frank & Eliz. Hansen, Lot
357, Lennox Add ............. 129.28
Frank & Eliz. Hansen, Lot
358, Lennox Add ............... 141.40
Charles J. & Ethleen O.
Schrup, Lot 349, Lennox
Add . .................................... 137.17
Charles J. & Ethleen 0.
Schrup, Lot 378, Lennox
Add . .................................... 96.46
Charles J. & Ethleen 0.
Schrup, Lot 345, Lennox
Add . .................................... 128.03
Charles J. & Ethleen O.
Schrup, Lot 344, Lennox
Add . .................................... 124.09
Lester & Dorothy Plumley,
Lot 316, Lennox Add....... 72.54
Charles J. & Ethleen
Schrup, Lot 347, Lennox
Add . .................................... 72.25
Charles J. & Ethleen
Schrup, Lot 346, Lennox
Add . .................................... 32.74
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 1-1, Molo &
Schrup Place No. 2 .......... 78.40
Hillcrest Builders, Lot I,
Molo & Schrup place
No. 1 .................................... 804.91
24 Regular Session,
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 2, Molo &
Schrup Place No. 1 .......... 115.60
Herbert E. & Irene Gourley,
Lot 400, Lennox Add....... 71.71
Ethel Wendlandt, Lot 401,
Lennox Add ....................... 38.10
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot 403, Leanox Add....... 11.00
Mettel Realty & Inv., Lot
404, 5.42', Lennox Add..... 8.06
Frank & Eliz. Hanson, Lot
359, Lennox Add . ............ 59.72
Frank & Eliz. Hanson, Lot
380, Lennox Add ............. 27.83
Mettel Realty & Inv., Lot
1-402, Lennox Add........... 12.81
Ethel Wendlandt, Lot 2-402,
Lennox Add ....................... 5.33
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lat
8, Rolling Ridge Sub. No.
2, Block 5 .......................... 13.85
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
7, Rolling Ridge Sub. No.
2, Block 5 .......................... 26.55
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
8, Rolling Ridge Sub. No.
2, Block 5 .......................... 64.80
Hillcrest Builders, Inc, Lot
9, Rolling Ridge Sub. No.
2, Block 5 .......................... 257.41
Thomas J. & Jean M. Evans,
Lot 1, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 3 .......................... 148.90
William L. & Norma Phil-
lips, Lot 2, Rolling Ridge
No. 2, Block 3 .................... 189.34
Joseph F. & Melita E. Buen-
ker, Lot 3, Rolling Ridge
No. 2, Block 3 .................... 169.34
John R. & Phylli-s Drury,
Lot 4, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 9 .......................... 169.34
Geo. W. & Lois J. Dean,
Lot 5, Rolling Ridge No.
2, Block 3 .......................... 169.34
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
6, Rolling Ridge No. 2,
Block 3 .............................. 189.34
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
7, Rolling Ridge No. 2,
Block 3 .............................. 189.34
Hillcrest Builders, Inc., Lot
2-1, Molo & Schrup Place
No. 2 .................................. 312.82
•1022.9 cu. yds. Excava-
tion @$0.60 ..................$ 613.74
48 sq. yds. concrete drive-
way @ 6.00 .................. 28$.00
January 4, 1960
*27 lin. ft. cronerete curb
& gutter removal @
0.50 .................................. 13.50
2150.7 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter type "A"
@ 2.00 .............................. 4,301.40
38 lin. ft. 24" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 8.00 ........ 304.00
2195 lin. ft, concrete curb
& gutter radius type
aB„ @ 2.00 ...................... 439.00
2 No. of double catch bas-
in @225.00 .................... 450.00
Total Amount ............$8,400.64
Less City Share ................ 627.24
Assessable Amount ..........$5,782.40
13% Extra Expense .......... 751.71
5% Interest 52 days .......... 41.75
Total Assessable Amount..$6,575.87
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Kane Street from North Property
Line of Kaufmann Avenue to
East Property Line of Primrose
Street, with Concrete Curb 8
Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Lot 1-1-2159, L. H. Lang-
worthys Add . ....................$412.56
Ralph J. & Marie Cremer,
Lot 1-2-Sub: 1-159 & 2-2-
159, L. H. Langworthys
Add . .................................... 218.90
Joseph Vogt, Lot 1-1, Vogt
Place .................................. 837.77
Joseph Vogt, Lot 2-1, Vogt
Place .................................. 103.08
Eldon A. & Ethel Vogt, Lot
2, Vogt Place .................... 22.28
Louise M, Schmid, Lot 161,
L. H. Langwarthys Add..... 132.85
Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Lot 1-163, L. H. Langwor-
thYS Add ...........................1,018.42
Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Lot 1-2-163, L. H. Lang-
worthys Add .....................1,078.88
~ James G. & Eliz. Becker,
Lot 2-1-1-158, L. H. Lang-
', worthys Add ..................... 218.41
'~, Floyd D. & Dorothy Knuppe,
Lot 1-1-1-156, L. H. Lang-
I worthYS Add . .................... 218.25
' Martin & Bertha Riedi, Lot
2-1-158, L. H. Langwor-
thys Add ............................. 317.40
Regular Sessiun,
Alfred J. ~ Mary Catherine
Meyer, Lot 157, L. H.
Langworttiys Add .......:..... 361.28
~ t`eb. 7. k Agnes Theis, Lot
" 9, W. Rebman's Sub......... 9.55
Geo. J. & Agnes Theis, Lot
10, W. Rebman's Sub....... 14.51
Geo. J. be Agnes Theis, Lot
, il, W. Rebman's Sub....... 23.48
Geo. J. & Agnes Theis, Lot 'i
j 12, W. Rebman's Sub....... 64.16 '.
Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
Lot 13, W. Rebman's Sub. 64.16
Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
Lot 14, W. Rebman's Sub. 23.48
Leo S. & Marie B. Hiekie,
Lot 16, W. Rebman's Sub. 14.51
Led S. & Marie B. Hickie,
Lot 16, W. Rebman's Sub. 9.55
i Mettel Realty & InV. Ca.,
tat ldd-1 Young Prim-
' rose Place .....................:.:.. 99.04
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
C Lot 1-1-2-2 Young Prim•
k. rose Place .......................... 314.11
Rolland b. & Lucille Jones,
Lot 2-1.22 Young Prim-
- rose Place .......................... 290.74
Ronald L. & Eileen Newton,
Let 2-2-2 Young Primrose
Place .................................... 279.11
Earl G. ~ Stella Engler,
isot &1,2 Young Primrose
Place .................................... 271.18
kiehard & Mae Noel, Lot
,. 1-2-1-1 Young Primrose
Place .................................... 0.71
Clarence J. & RutH From-
melt, Lot 1-1-1-2 Young
Primrose Place ................ 315.49
" Thurman 0. & Ann Priess
Anderson, Lot 21-1-2
Young Primrose Place .... 67.21
Orland C. & Verle D. Dris-
coil, Lot 1-21 Young
t -- Primrose Place .................. 41.50
' Richard & Mae Noel, Let
2-2-1 Young Primrose
Place .................................. 4.51
Richard & Mae Noel, Lot
i-2-1-2 E. Youngs Place.... 14.80
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 1-1-1 Mineral Lot 347 14.90
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 2-1-1-2 E. Youngs
Place .................................... 1.83
City of Dubuque, Lot 13,
Grommersch Place ............ 896.66
Melinda A, Gauer, Lot 1-2-
1~ Mineral Lot 34b .......... 761.17
January 4, 1960 2,5
Wm. & Lucina Connery, Lot
2-1-1.1-1-2 Mineral Lot 345 151.81
Anna J. Bollinger, Lot 2-1
Mineral Lat 345 ................ 856.30
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 2.2-1-2, E. Youngs
Place .................................... 1.43
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 2-2-1-1 Young Prim-
rose Place .......................... 0.13
*1,784.0 cu. yds. Excava-
tion @ $t1.60 ....................$1,070.40
*44.5 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "A" @
2.00 .................................. 89.00
*42.9 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "B» ra-
dius @ 2.00 .................... 85.80
*50 sq, ft. concrete side-
walk 4" thick @ 0.45.... 22.50
37.01 sq. yd. concrete
driveways @ 6.00 .......... 222.08
*l40 lin, ft. concrete curb
removal @ 0.50 ............ 70.00
2412.9 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter type "A"
@ 2.00 ............................ 4,825.80
252.0 lin. ft. 24" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 8.00 ........ 2,016.00
49.8 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter radius type
,~B„ Cry 2.00 .................... 99.60
72.0 lin. ft. 12" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 4.90 ........ 352.8(1
350 lin. ft. property pur-
chase @ 2.00 ................ 700.00
*3 No. of tree removal 6"-
8" @ 15.00 ...................... 45.00
*2 No. of tree removal
10"-12" @ 30.00 ............ 80.00
*3 No. of tree removal
16"-18" @ 90.00 ............ 270.00
*1 No. of tree removal
31"-36" @ 90.00 ............ 90.00
*Extra work ........................ 1,278.82
Total Amount ..........$11,295.58
Less City Share .................. 3,079.32
Assessable Amount ..........$8,216.2fi
13% Extra Expense .......... 1,068.1]
5% Interest 52 days .......... 59.39
Total Assessable Amount..$9,343.71
All of which is assessed in pro
portion to special benefits con
26 Regular Session,
Kaufmann Avenue from EasT Prop-
erty Line of Evergreen }o Easf
Property Line of Theda Drive
with Concrete Curb & Gutter.
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2-1-1-
2-1-2-2-1-2-1 E. 70.30' High-
land Farm ..........................$291.49
Richard A. & Barbara A.
Freund, Lot 1-1-1-1-2-1-2-
2-1-2-1 Highland Fzrm...... 274.22
City of Dubuque, Lot 2-1-
1-1-2-1-2-2-1-2-1 Highland
Farm .................................... 207.81 ,
Douglas & Ann Brotheron,
Lot 1, Katherine J. Seip-
pel Sub ............................... 93.86
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 302.74
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 5,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 64.82
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 8,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 24.10
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 6,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 6.54
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2-1-1-
&1-2-2-1-&1 W. 80' High-
land Farm .......................... 351.25
573 cu. yds. Excavation @
$0.60 ................................$ 343.80
5.92 sq. yds. Concrete
driveways @ 6.00 .......... 35.52
5.94 sq. yds. Concrete Al-
ley drive section @
6.00 .................................. 35.64
5 lin. ft. Concrete curb &
gutter removal @ 0.50.. 2.50
355.5 lin. ft. Concrete curb
& gutter type "A" @
2.00 .................................. 711.00
*24.5 lin. ft. 36" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 15.00 ...... 367.50
17.6 lin. ft. 18" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 6.50 ........ 114.40
1 no. of double catch bas-
in @ 225.00 .................... 225.00
2 no. of single catch bas-
in @ 150.00 .................. 300.00
*Extra work ...................... 278.94
Total Amount ....................$2,414.30
Less City Share ................ 992.74
Assessable Amount ..........$1,421.56
13% Extra Expense ........ 184.80
5% Interest 52 days ........ 10.27
Total Assessable Amount..$1,616.63
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
January 4, 1960
Lindale Street from East Prop
erty Line of Woodlawn STreef to
WesT Property Line of Lot 1.1-
1.1.1-2.31 of Highland Park Ad•
difion with Concrete Curb &
John G. & Mary R. Cullen,
Lot 2-130 Highland Park
Add . ....................................$150.31
Woodrow W. & Mary K.
Bockhaus, Lot 2-1-29,
Highland Park Add......... 150.31
Edgar & Mary Theisen, Lot
1-1-30 Highland Pazk Add. 24.47
Edgar & Mary Theisen, Lot
1-1-29, Highland Park
Add . .................................... 25.88
Sadie E. Bush, Lot 1-2-30,
Highland Pazk Add......... 177.79
Norbert J. & Leona M. C.
Nauman, Lot 1-2-29, High-
land Park Add ................... 174.85
Robert L. & Hazel C. Stroh-
meyer, Lot 1, Fullerton
Place .................................. 8.85
Robert C. & Lorraine M.
Stone, Lot 2, Fullerton
Place .................................. 3.13
Russell S. & Monica Ful-
lerton, Lot 2-2-2-1-1-1-2-2-
1-2-1 Highland Farm ........ 7.87
*186 cu. yds. Excavation
@ $0.60 ............................$ 112.80
12 sq. yds. driveway con-
crete @ 6.00 .................. 72.00
*11 lin, ft. concrete curb
& gutter removal @
0.50 .................................. 5.50
270.2 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter type "A" @
2.00 .................................. 540.40
11.7 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter radius type
„B„ @ 2.00 ...................... 23.40
*Extra work ...................... 55.12
Total Amount ....................$ 809.22
Less City Share ................ 173.42
Assessable Amount ..........$ B35.80
13% Extra Work ................ 82.65
5% Interest 52 days ........ 4.59
$ 723.04
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Marquette Street Turn around
from existing concrete curb To
the South Property Line of 2.23
of Audubon Addition fo the Easf
Regulaz Session,
~' Property Line of Lot 308 Glen-
dale Addition No. 3 with Con-
crete Curb 6 Gutter.
t Arnold & Virginia Buechele,
Lot 4, Audubon Addition..$110.06
Arnold & Virginia Buechele,
x Lot 2-2-3, Audubon Addi-
tion ...................................... 74.40
John H. & Rosa Zurcher,
! Lot 1-2-3, Audubon Addi-
lion ...................................... 74.36
John H. & Rosa Zurcher,
Lot 1-2, Audubon Addi-
lion ......................................
~ 33.62
John H. & Rosa Zurcher,
Lot 1-3, Audubon Addi-
lion ...................................... 2.18
John H. & Rosa Zurcher,
Lot 2-2, Audubon Addi-
lion ...................................... 150.03
John E. & Nancy Zurcher,
Lot 1, Audubon Addition.. 203.87
John A. & Patricia A. I
Schlueter, Lot 24, Audu-
'. bon Addition .................... "85.11
'. Marguerite Baule, Lot 309,
', Glendale Addition ............ 88.83
Marguerite Baule, Lot 308,
Glendale Addition ............ 107.83
Alfred J. & Esther M.
: Schiltz, Lot 20, Mettels
Sub ....................................... 2.90
Total Amount ....................... .$913.19
74.54 sq. ft. sidewalk 4"
thick @$0.45 ................$ 33.54
G, 5.8 sq. yds. alley drive sec-
tions @ $6.00 .................. 34.80
"130.9 cu, yds. Excavation
@ $0.60 .......................... 78.54
9 sq. yds. Concrete drive-
waYS @ 8.00 .................. 54.00
i 194.4 lin. ft. Concrete
Curb & Gutter type "A"
@ 2.00 ............................ 388.80
162.7 lin. ft. Concrete
Curb & Gutter radius
type "B" @ 2.00 ............ 325.40
"+ *Extra work ........................ 1,345.76
Total Amount ....................$2,260.84
Less City Share ................ 1,457.84
Assessable Amount .......... 803.00
13% Extra Expense .......... 104.39
5% Interest 52 days .......... 5.80
Total Assessable Amount..$ 913.19
A]1 of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
"Assessment to be paid by City
of Dubuque.
January 4, 1960 27
Ohio Avenue from SouiF. Prop-
erty Line of Pe nnsyl vania to
North Property Line of Illinois
Avenue with Concrete C urb &
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 1,
Molo & Schrup Place
No. 1 ...................... .......... ..1 ,155.26
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 1,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2
Block 5 ................. .......... ... 152.82
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 2,
Rolling Ridge Sub. No. 2,
Block 5 ................... ......... .... 138.75
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 3,
Rolling Ridge Sub. No. 2,
Black 5 ................. ......... .... 138.75
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 4,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................. ......... .... 159.22
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 5,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................. ......... .... 159.22
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 8,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................. ......... .... 159.22
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 7,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................. ......... .... 159.22
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 8,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................ .......... .... 159.22
Hillcrest Builders, Lot 9,
Rolling Ridge Sub . No. 2,
Block 5 ................ .......... .... 181.14
*249.7 cu. yds. Excavation
@ $0.60 ..........................$ 149.82
15 sq. yds. concrete drive-
ways @ 6.00 .................. 90.00
1034.6 lin. ft, concrete
curb & gutter type "A"
@ 2.00 .............................. 2069.20
47.1 lin. ft. concrete curb
& gutter radius type
„B„ @ 2.00 .................... 94.20
Total Amount ....................$2,403.22
Less City Share ................ 149.82
Assessable Amount ..........$2,253.40
13% Extra Expense .......... 292.94
5% Interest 52 days ........ 16.28
Total Assessable Amount..$2,562.82
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
28 Regular Session, January 4, 1990
1959 Cityof Dubuque Goncrele ConereTe Curb A Gvtter for Grend-
Curb 8: Gutter Project No. 1 view from The NerTh PreRertY
SECTION 1 Line of Kaufmann To South prop-
erf„ Line of Kane SfreeT.
Total Cost ..........................$!8,185.61
City Share ........................ 14,257.72
Assessable Amount ........$31,927.89
13% Extra Expense ........ 4,150.81
5% Interest-52 days .... 230.60
Total Assessable Amount $36,309.10
Chaney Road from North Property
Line of Asbury Road To South
Property Line of Kaufmann Ave-
nue with Concrete Cvrb & GuT-
Dominican College of St.
Rose of Lima, Lot 1,
St. Rose Place ..............$2,030.23+
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 1-2, St, Rose Place 1,324.83'
Mt. St. Mernard, Lot 1-1-
sub-1-1-2, High 1 a n d
Farm .............................. 3,937.77'
Mt. St. Bernard, Lot 1.1-
2-1-sub-1-1-2, Highland
Farm .............................. 2,835.94'
Dominican College of St.
Rose of Lima, Lot 2-1-
2-1-1-1-2, H i g h l a n d
Farm .............................. 1,014.53'
'City of Dubuque to Pay 'h Assess-
4.95 sq. yd. concrete
driveways @ $6.00 ......$ 29.70
'122 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter removal
@ 0.50 .......................... 81.00
4597 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter type
"A" @ 1.95 .................. 8,964.15
36 lin. ft. 18" concrete
pipe 2000D @ 8.50 ...... 234.00
158,9 lin. ft. concrete
curb & gutter radius
type "B" @ 1.95 .......... 270.85
2 No. of Single catch bas-
ins @ 150.00 ................ 300.00
Extra work ...................... 317.40
Total Amount ..................$10,177.10
Less City Share .............. 378.40
Total Assessable Amount $9,796.70
13%* Extra Expenses ...... 1,273.83
5% Interest-52 days .... 70.77
Total Assessable Amount $11,143.30
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Dale, Weigand, Lot 1-1.230
Burton's Addition ..........$ 25.04'
Johnson, Geo. M. & Cora,
Lot Miner-
al Lot 342 ........................ 501.17
Weigand, Aale, Lot 1-1-1-
1-1-1-1-1-1 Mineral Lot
342 .................................... 994.38'
Weigand, Dale R. & Hilda,
Lot 1-1-1 Mineral Lot
337 .................................... 883.66'
Saffron, George, Lot 1-1-1-
1-1-2 Willy Place ............1,360.07
Spechtenhauser, John G•,
Lot 1-1-1-2-1-1-1 Mineral
Lot 342 ............................ 171.98
Matous, Jottn A. & 13ar-
riety, Lot 1.2-1-2.1-1-1
Mineral Lot 342 .............. 18.61
Gao. Saffron, Lot 2, Mary
crest Sub- Hlock 5 ........,. 263.38
Gees. Saffron, Lot 1, Mary-
crest Sub. Block 6 .......... 49.04
Geo. Saffron, Lot 3, Mary-
crest Sub. Block 5 .......... 200.04
Gao. Saffron, Lot 4, Mary-
crest Sub. Block 5 .......... 194.28
Geo. Saffron, Lot 5, Mary-
crest Sub. Block 5 .......... 18$.83
Geo. Saffron, Lot 8, Mary-
crest Sub. Blcek 5 ........,, 487.77
May, C. J. & Carolina, Lot
14, Marycrest Sub.
Hloek 4 ............................ 222.34
May, C. 7. & Caroline, Lot
13, Marycrest Sub.
Block 4 ............................ 28.34
May, C. J. & Caroline, Lot
12, Marycrest Sub.
Block 4 ............................ 17.88
May, C. J. & Caroline, Lqt
11, Marycrest Sub.
Block 4 .............................. 10.14
May, 0.J. & Caroline, Lot
10, Marycrest Sub.
Block 4 ............................ 00.75
City of Dubuque share of
special assessments ....,. 300.52
*Assessmeat to be paid by City of
Dubuque as per agreement,
'16.4 sq. yds. Concrete
drivawaYS @ S sa• yds.
@ 6.00 .............................. 88.40
Session, January q, 196(1 99
18,2 sq. yds. Concrete
driveways @ 3 sq. yds.
@ 6.04 .,......,.. ................... 97.20
t 528.5 ]in. ft. Curb Remov-
al @ 0.50 ........................ 264.25
2360.3 lin. ft. Curb & Gut-
ter type "A" @ 1.90 ...... 4,484.57
!.:.- '557.1 tin. ft. Curb & Gut-
ter type "A" @ 1.94 ....., 878.49
187.5 lin. ft. Curb & 4ut-
t ter type "B" @ 1.90 ...... 356.25 ~
48.4 lin, ft. Curb & Gut-
I ter type "B" @ 1.90 ...... 91.96
i *Extra Work (Lump) ........ 812.94
Total cost ............................$8,884.06
*CitY Share ........................ 1,681.79
13% Extra Expense .......... 678,30
5% Interest-52 days ... 37.97
I $5,916.14
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
i ferred.
Passed, adopted and approved
A this 4th day of January 1980,
k City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolutloa. Second-
ed by Councilman Freund. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Xeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
~ Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Statement of City Clerk cerUfy-
ing that assessment notices of levy
" were mailed by regular mail on
December 17, 1959 to owners of
' property along the line of improve-
ment of City of Dubuque 1959
Concrete Curb & Gutter Project
~ Na. 1, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Freund moved that the
statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Car-
ried by the following votes
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
-,i Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Statement of James A. Schute
certifying that copies of notices
of levy of Special Assessment and
Intentign of the City Council to
issue bonds were posted along the
Ilne of improvement of completed
portions of City of Dubuque 1959
Concrete Curb & Gutter Project
No. 1, presented and read, Ceun-
eilman Freund moved that the
statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-MaYOr Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proofs of Publication, certified
to by the Publishers, of notice of
prgposal tq authorize the issuance
of street improvement bonds for
the Burpose of paying the cost of
the completed portions of City of
Dubuque 1959 Concrete Curb &
Gutter project No. 1, presented
and read, Councilman Freund
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Mayor Takos. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Resolutipp providing fqr the issu-
apce of Street Imprgvement Bonds
for the purpose of providing for
the payment of the assessed cost
of City of Aubuque 1959 Concrete
Curb and Gutter Project No. 1.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered iato by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter deserihed has been com-
pleted and the City Manager has
certified the completion thereof to
the City Council, and the City
Cqupcil has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$53,368,54 pf the cyst thereof shall
be assessed against the property
subject tv assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the Inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment 4f the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing 'bas been hold, pur-
30 Regulaz Session, .Tanuary 4, 1960
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of City
of Dubuque 1959 Concrete Curb
and Gutter Project No. 1 except
McClain Street from North Prop-
erty Line of Dodge Street to a point
170.5 feet North and that portion
of North Grandview Avenue from
the North Property Line of Ungs
Street to the South Property Line
of Kaufmann Avenue.
1. Illinois Avenue from West Prop
erty Line of Drexel to the North
Property Line of Pennsylvania
2. Ohio Avenue from South Prop-
erty Line of Pennsylvania Ave-
nue to North Property Line of
Illinois Avenue.
3. Alpha Avenue from South
Property Line of Illinois Ave-
nue to North Property Line of
VanBuren Street.
4. Evergreen Street from North
Property Line of Lindale Street
to South Property Line of Kauf-
mann Avenue.
5. Kaufmann Avenue from East
Property Line of Evergreen to
East Property Line of Theda
6. Kane Street from North Prop-
erty Line of Kaufmann Avenue
to East Property Line of Prim-
rose Street.
7. Collins Street from South Prop-
erty Line of Lombard Street to
South Property Line of St.
seph Street.
8. Marquette Street turn azound
at end of street.
9. Harrison Street from South
Property Line of Jones to
North Property Line of Dodge
10. Lindale Street from East Prop-
erty Line of WoodlaRin Street
to West Property Line of Lot
1-1-1-1-12-31 of Highland Park
11. Alta Place from North Property
Line of Delaware Street to
South Property Line of Green
12. Born Avenue from South Prop-
erty Line of Indiana Avenue to
North Property Line of Ridge-
way Avenue.
1. Chaney Road from North Prop
erty Line of Asbury Road to
South Property Line of Kauf-
mann Avenue.
1. That portion of North Grand-
view Avenue from North Prop-
erty Line of Kaufmann Avenue
to South Property Line of Kane
there shall be issued Street Im-
provement Bonds in the amount of
$53,368.54 in anticipation of the de-
ferred payment of assessment lev-
ied for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement Bonds; and
shall bear the date of February 3,
1900; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in
the following table:
Series No. Bond Na.
Denomination. Maturity.
1. 2737 to 2747, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1961.
2. 2748 to 2758, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1962.
3. 2759 to 2709, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1963.
4. 2770 to 2780, both inclusive;
$ 500.00 each; April 1, 1964.
5. 2781 to 2791, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1965.
6. 2792 to 2502, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April• 1, 1966.
7. 2803 to 2813, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1987.
8. 2814 to 2823, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1968.
9. 2824 to 2833, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1989.
10. 2834 to 2842, both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1970.
10. 2843; $368.54; April 1, 1970.
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in anyway,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
Regulaz Session, January 4, 1960 31
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date therein
1 at the option of the City of Du-
buque and shall be in substantially
the following form:
No .................
~' Series No .................
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
I of, on the first day of .......................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Five Hundred Dollars
I with interest thereon at the rate
f of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both prin-
. cipal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
. ~ issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 398
of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as
amended, and the Resolution of
said duly passed on the 4th day of
January, 1900, being Resolution No.
6-60, the provisions of which are
incorporated by reference into this
This Bond is one of a series of
107 bonds, 106 for $500.00 num-
bered from 2737 to 2842, both in-
clusive, and one for $368.54 num-
bered 2543, all of like tenor and
date, and issued for the purpose of
paying for City of Dubuque 1959
Concrete Curb and Gutter Project
No. 1, as described in said Resolu-
tion, in said City, which cost is
payable by the abutting and adja-
cent property along said improve-
'< ments and is made by law a lien
on all of said property. It is pay-
able out of the Special Assessment
Fund No. 1223 created by the col-
lection of said special tax, and said
» fund can be used for no other
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
y dent to and in issuing this series of
a bonds, have been done, happened,
and performed, in regular and due
form, as required by law and said
Resolution, and for the assessment,
collection and payment hereon of
said special tax, the full faith and
diligence of said City of Dubuque
are hereby irrevocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said City
to be affixed, this 3rd day of Feb-
ruary, 1960.
City Clerk.
(Form of Coupon)
On the..........day of .........................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to the bearer, as pro-
vided in said bonds, the sum of
..........................Dollars, in the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, being .............. months' in-
terest due that date on its ..............
Bond No .............dated....
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City Clerk
be and they are hereby instructed
to cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book kept
for that purpose and to then de-
liver them to the City Treasurer.
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to
be placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1220 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the May-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signature of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
the City Treasurer is directed to
call these bonds in the same order
as numbered.
3$ Regular Session, January 4, 1+.)60
10. Notfee of election to call 0. Kane Street from the North
the"se bonds shall be given by reg• Property Line of Kaufmann Av-
ular United States Mail addressed enue to the East Property Line
to the last known address of the of Primrose Street.
purchaser. 7. Adeline Street from Ramona to
Adopted this 4th day of Janu- end of street.
art', 1980. Section II.
PETER J. TAKOS 1. Chaney Road from the North
Mayor Property Line of Asbury t0 the
GEORGE A. FR.EUND South Property Line of Kauf-
LEO N. $CI""'r r ru mann Avenue, City Share only.
LOUIS SCHALLER Councilman Schueller moved that
JOHN P. SCHREII3ER the proofs of publication be re-
Councilmen ceived and filed, Seconded by Coun-
Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT oilman Schreiber. Carried by the
City Clerk following vote:
Gounc5lmen Freund moved the Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
adoption of the resolution. Second- Freund, Schaller, Schreiber, Schuei-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car- ler.
ried by the following vote: Nays-None.
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 7--d0
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber, Schedule Of Assessments for CiTy
Schueller. of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous
Nays-None. Concrete paring ProjeeT Ne. 1,
proofs of Publication, certified 5ectiorrs 1 & II.
to By the Publishers, of Notice of Resolved by the City Council of
Levy bf Special Assessment and In- the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
tention of the City Council to is- pay for City of Dubuque 15159 Bi-
sue Ronds to pay for the improve- tuminous Concrete Paving Project
ment of City of Dubuque 1959
paving Pro-
C No. i, Section I (except McClain
EXCEPT McClain street
N Street), Section H (except that por-
om the north property line of
f tion of Chaney Road that would be
Dodge Street to a point 170.5 feet levied on Special Assessment) Ry
north and that portion of Chaney or
Schueller Blacktop Co., contrac
in front of and adjoining the same,
Road from north property line of a special tax be and is hereby
Asbury Road to south property line and parts
levied on the several lots
of Kaufmann Avenue that would ,
and parcels of real estate
of lots
be levied on Special Assessment, ,
situated and owned,
ail as named
on the following portions of the
llowing named streets, presented
f ,
and for tRe several amounts set
o real
opposite each lot or parcel o
end read; estate, as set forth in the following
Section 1. schedule:
1. Kaufmann Avenue from the
' Adeline Street from Ramona to end
West Property Line of Carter of Street with Bituminous Con-
Road to the East Property ore#e.
Line of Theda Drive. Ralph P. & Venita E. Rohr-
2. Evergreen Street from the back, Lot 2-1-1, Thomas
North Property Line of Lindale Hickey place ......................$ 1.18
Street to the South Property Paul B. & Margaret 0. Sul-
Line of Kaufmann Avenue. livan, Lot 1-i-1, Thomas
3. Carter Road from the North Hickey Place ...................... 11.19
Property Line of Kaufmann Russell E. k Gloria Spens-
Avenue to the North Property ley, Lot 1-16, M. Walters
Line of Kane Street. Sub ....................................... 15.66
4. Kane Street from the East Prop- Roselena 0. Smith, Lot 2-16,
erty Line of Lot 2-1 Willy Place M. Walters Sub ................. 10.47
to the East Property Line of Paul & Patricia A. Varvel,
Lot 1-1-1 of Olds Place. Lot 2-15, M. Walters Sub. 18.b9
5. Kane Street from the East Prop- Roselena C. Smith, Lot 1-15,
ertq Line of Carter Road to the M. Walters Sub ................. 49.07
East Property Line of Lot 2, Ray & Marcella Clemens,
Block 4. Scenic View Heights. Lot 1-14, M, Wafters Sub. 118:46
Regular Session,
Paul E. & Patricia A. Vazvel,
Lot 2-14, M. Walters Sub. 5.45
Ray & Marcella Clemens,
~ Lot 1-13, M. Walters Sub. 118.46
Paul E. & Patricia A. Varvel,
~ Lot 2.13, M. Walters Sub. 5.45
Roselena C. Smith, Lot 12,
M. Walters Sub .................
i 123.91
Roselena C. Smith, Lot 11,
M. Walters Sub ................. 123.91
Roselena C. Smith, Lot 10,
M. Walters Sub ................. 123.91
I Roselena C. Smith, Lot 9
M. Walters Sub . ................ 179.67
Arthur H. & Mary J. Oeth,
Lot 1-8, M. Walters Sub... 67.76
Clement L. Haase, Lot 2-8,
M. Walters Sub ............... 30.98
Clement L. Haase, Lot 1-7,
~; M. Walters Sub ................. 92.93
1 Clement L. Haase, Lot 2-7,
I M. Walters Sub . ................ 30.98
Georgene Kuhn, Lot B, M.
Walters Sub ....................... 123.91
Arthur & Mazy Oeth, Lot
i-7, Mineral Lot 45 .......... 97.85
sg Presentation Nuns, Lot 1
`~ Mineral Lot 45 .... 28.15
t Elizabeth Fury, Lot 6, E~fe,
'l ~ Mineral Lot 45 .................... 8.86
Marcella E. Clemens, Lot 2,
Adeline Place .................. 165.22
. Frank Alexander Jr. & Mary
Lou Schmidt, Lot 1-1, Ade-
line Place .......................... 288.48
M. B. & Lillian MacNeille,
Lot 2-2, August Lubs Place 31.62
Robert A. & Violet M. Mil-
+ lius, Lot 2, Lubs Ramona
St, Place .............................. 20.32
Marcella E. Clemens, Lot
2-1, Adeline Place ............ 185.87
108.5 cu. yds excavation
(unclassified) ~ $1.00..$ 108.50
192.5 tons bituminous con-
crete @ $7.85 ................ 1 ,511.13
297 gals. tack coat @ 0.17.. 50.49
`~ 1248 sq. yds seal coat @
0.17 .................................. 212.16
2 no, of manholes raised
@ 25.00 .......................... 50.00
> Total Cost ......................$1,932.28
5.8% extra expense .... 112.07
5% interest 52 days ...... 13.96
Total assessable amt.....$2,058.31
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
January 4, 1960 33
Carter Road from The North Prot'
erTy Line of Kaufmann Avenue
M the North Properly Line of
Kane Street with Bituminous
St. Mary's Home, Lot 3 St.
Mary's Place ..................$1,824.20
Walter & Marie Lewis, Lot
1 Lewis Heights Add.
Blk. 1 .............................. 229.10
Robert C. & Audrey Ney-
ens, Lot 2, Lewis Heights
Add. Blk. 1 ...................... 45.08
Richard A. & Evelyn Cald-
well, Lot 3, Lewis
Heights Add. Blk. 1 ...... 20.57
Walter & Marie Lewis, Lot
1-1-1-2-1-2-1 Hi g h l a n d
Farm Add ....................... 1,512.60
Walter & Marie Lewis, Lot
1-2-1-1-2-1-2-1 Highland
Farm Add ....................... 514.77
'Excavation (unclassified)
(lump) ..............................$ 95.45
325 cu. yds. excavation
(unclassified) @ $1.00.. 325.00
321.7 tons rolled stone
base @ 2.40 .................... 772.08
405.3 tons bituminous con-
crete @ 7.85 .................... 3,181.60
937 gals. tack coat @ 0.17.. 159.29
2683 sq. yds. seal coat @
0.17 .................................... 456.11
'' Total cost ........................$4,989.53
*Less City share ............ 1,097.08
5.8% extra exp ............... 225.76
5% interest 52 days ...... 28.11
Total assessable amt.....$4,146.32
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Evergreen STreeT from the North
Property Line of Lindale Street
to the North Property Line of LoT
1 Bloek 5 Clover Hills Sub. Lin-
dale Street to the South Property
Line of Kaufmann Avenue with
Bituminous Concrete,
Douglas & Ann Brotherton,
Lot 1, Katherine J. Seippel
Sub .......................................$285.38
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 268.61
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 5,
Katherine J, Seippel Sub. 245.26
34 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 6, Louise M. Schmid, Lot 161,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 265.73 L. H. Langworthy Add..... 169.38
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 7, Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 223.31 Lot 1-163, L. H. Lang-
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 8, worthy Add . ....................1,300.44
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 254.99 Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Carl J. & Kathleen E. Win- Lot 1-2-163, L. H. Lang-
ter, Lot 2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1- worthy Add . ....................1,377.86
2-1 Highland Farm .......... 76.13 Clarence N. & Mary Lesch,
James J. & Janice Stierman, Lot 1, Springreen Sub..... 247.90
Lot 1-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 Carl J. & Eileen Noel, Lot
except S 70' Highland 2, Springreen Sub. .......... 243.83
Farm .................................... 121.42 Zada & Lita Gronau, Lot 3,
John P. & Eliz. Lippert, Lot Springreen Sub ................. 239.04
2-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 High- Nellie E. Hansel, Lot 4,
land Farm ........................ 10.68 Springreen Sub................. 26.70
John P. Eliz. Lippert, Robert J. & Ida McCabe, Lot
Lot 1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 10, Springreen Sub........... 29.26
Highland Farm ................ 27.15
Lot 12,
Mary P. Schmitt
Stanley B. & Catherine M. ,
Springreen Sub ................. 34.14
Veach, Lot 2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-
2-1-2-1 Highland Farm ...... 19.91 James G. & Eliz. Becker,
Lot 2-1-1-156, L. H. Lang-
$1,798.57 worthy Add ...............••••~~-- 253.48
*674.9 tons stabilized base Floyd D. & Dorothy Knuppe,
stone @ $2.40 ................$1,619.76 Lot 1-1-1-156, L. H. Lang-
238 tons stabilized base worthy Add ....................... 250.70
stone @ 2.40 ................... 571.20 Martin & Bertna Riede, Lot
119.5 tons bituminous con- 2-1-156, L. H. Langworthy
Crete @ 7.85 .................. 938.07 Add....................................... 471.78
220 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 37.40 Alfred J. & Mary C. Meyer,
834 sq. yds. seal coat @
141 Lot 157, L. H. Langworthy
0.17 .................................. Add . .................................... 422.64
Total amount ..................$3,308.21 George E. & Agnes Theis,
Less city share ................ 1,619.76 Lot 9, W. Rebmans Sub. 12.19
George E. & Agnes Theis,
$1,688.45 Lot 10, W. Rebmans Sub. 18.53
5.8% extra expense ...... 97.93 George E. & Agnes Theis,
5% interest 52 days ...... 12.19 Lot 11, W. Rebmans Sub. 29.99
Total assessable amt.....$1,798.57 George E. & Agnes Theis,
Lot 12, W. Rebmans Sub.
All of which is assessed in pro- Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
portion to the special benefits con- Lot 13, W. Rebmans Sub. 81.93
ferred. Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
Kane Street from the North Prop- Lot 14, W. Rebmans Sub. 29.99
erty Line of Kaufmann Avenue Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
To The East Property Line of Lot 15, W. Rebmans Sub. 18.53
Primrose Street with Bitumin- Leo S. & Marie B. Hickie,
ous Concrete. Lot 16, W. Rebmans Sub. 12.19
Gerald & Bernice Havens, Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot 1-1-2-159 L. H. Lang- Lot 1-1-1-1, Young Prim-
worthY's Add .....................$500.67 rose Place .......................... 126.47
Ralph Jr. & Marie Cremer, Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
1-2-sub-1-159 & 2-2-159, L. Lot 1-1-2-2, Young Prim-
H. Langworthy's Add. .... 253.38 rose Place .......................... 401.11
Joseph Vogt, Lot 1-1-1, Vogt Roland D. & Lucille Jones,
Place 1,069.78
................................. Lot 2-2-2-2, Young Prim-
Joseph Vogt, Lot 2-1, Vogt rose Place ............................ 340.68
Place .................................... 131.63 Ronald L. & Eileen Newton,
F1don A. & Ethel Vogt, Lot Lot 2-2-2, Young Primrose
2, Vogt Place ...................... 28.45 Place .................................... 324.42
Regular Session,
Earl G. & Stella Engler, Lot
2-1-2, Young Primrose
Place .................................... 321.45
Richard & Mae Noel, Lot 1-2-
1-1, Young Primrose Place .89
Clarence J. & Ruth From-
melt, Lot 1-1-1-2, Young
Primrose Place .................. 402.85
Thurman C. & Ann Prieis
Anderson, Lot 2-1-1-2,
Young Primrose Place ...... 85.85
Orland C. & Verle D. Dris-
coll, Lot 1-2-1, Young
Primrose Place ................ 52.99
Richard & Mae Noel, Lot 2-
2-1, Young Primrose Place 5.77
Richard & Mae Noel, Lot
1-2-1-2, E. Youngs Place 18.90
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 1-1-1, Mineral Lot 347 19.02
Clarence & Mary Splinter,
Lot 2-1-1-2, E. Youngs
Place .................................... 2.07
Walter C. & Marian Nugent,
Sungvview Hills Sub Blk.
5 ............................................ 368.72
William J. & Ruth Ann
Sauser, Lot 2, Sunnyview
Hills Sub. Block 5 ............ 306.50
Vincent H. & Irene M.
Schrunk, Lot 3, Sunnyview
Hills Sub. Block 5 ............ 288.90
Herman L. & Mary L. IQim-
eck, Lot 4, Sunnyview
Hills Sub. Block 5 .......... 300.93
Herbert M. & Eliz. K. Peter-
son, Lot 5, Sunnyview
Hills Sub. Block 5 ............ 284.88
Royce A. & Rosemary N.
Ohde, Lot 6, Sunnyview
Hills Sub. Block 5 ............ 346.85
Leo J. & Luella Rose Seitz,
Lot 2, Sunnyview Hills
Sub. No. 2 .......................... 11.87
Homer Butt, Lot 1, Sunny-
view Sub. No. 2 ................ 71.12
Clarence & Mazy Splinter,
Lot 2-2-1-1 Youngs ]?rim-
rose Place ............................ .16
Clarence & Mazy Splinter,
Lot 2-2-1-2, E. Youngs
Place .................................... 1.83
City of Dubuque, Lot 3,
Grommersch Place .......... 889.58
Malinds Gaver, Lot 1-2-1-2,
Mineral Lot 345 ................ 945.46
Wm. & L. Connery, Lot 2-1-
1-1-1-2, Mineral Lot 345.... 193.85
Anna J. Bolsinger, Lot 2-1,
Mineral Lot 345 ..............1 ,066.16
January 4, 1980 85
*227.7 cu. yds. Excavation
(unclassified) @ $1.00.... 227.70
*20 tons bituminous con-
crete @ 7.85 .................. 157.00
*707.6 tons base stone @
2.40 .................................... 1, 698.24
2066.5 tons base stone @
2.40 .................................... 4,959.60
918.5 tons bituminous con-
crete @ 7.85 .................. 7,210.23
1619 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 275.23
6068 sq. yds. seal coat @
0.17 .................................... 1,031.56
6 No. of manholes raised
@ 25.00 ............................ 150.00
Total cost ......................$15,709.56
*Less City share ............ 2,082.94
5.8% extra expense ...... 790.35
5% interest 52 days ...... 98.41
Total assessable amt...$14,515.38
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to benefits conferred.
Kane Street from the Easf Property
Line LoT 2-1 Willy Place to the
East Property Line of LoT 1-I.1 of
Olds Place with Bituminous Con-
crete Surfacing.
Frieda Boyer, Lot 2, Frieda
Place ....................................$124.46
John A. & Harriett C. Ma-
tous, Lot 1-2-2-2-1-2-1, Min-
eral Lot 349 ...................... 206.52
Francis J. & Edith M. Old-
nam, Lot 1-2-2-2-2-1-2-1,
Mineral Lot 349 ................ 206.52
Andrew J. Richard & Marie
Richard, Lot 1, Richards
Sub ....................................... 61.82
Alois M. Didesch, Lot 2,
Richards Sub ..................... 165.20
Martin T. & Marie Marie C.
Straub, Lot 3, Richards
Sub ....................................... 165.20
Walter J. & Ann K. Schoen-
er, Lot 4, Richards Sub..... 165.20
James H. & Darlene Richard,
Lot 5 W 65', Richards Sub. 178.98
LeRoy John & Betty Jane
Steines, Lot 6, Richards
Sub . .................................... 39.62
Donald D. & Rose G. Meyer,
Lot 7, Richazds Sub......... 21.08
Gerald M. & Dorothy M. Lid-
dle, Lot 29, Richards Sub. 20.56
Andrew Richard, Lot 30,
Richards Sub ..................... 106.87
38 Regulaz Session, January 4, 1980
Frank W. & Elaine A. Bech- Herbert & Clara Ellis, Lot
ler, Lot 1-2-2-1-2-1, Mineral 2-1-1, Mineral Lot 343 .... 9.72
Lot 349 ................................ 208.52 Rupert S. & Mary N. Morey,
John J. & Charlotte Shana- Lot 1-1-1, Olds Place .......... 434.79
han, Lot 1-2-1-2-1, Mineral Eugene & Mary Lehman, Lot
Lot 349 ................................ 206.52 2-1-1, Mineral Lot 342 .... 59.80
James L. & Mary J. McGirk, George Loewen, Lot 1-2-2-2-
Lot 2-2-2-2-1, Mineral Lot 1-1-1, Mineral Lot 342 .... 288.69
349 ........................................ 206.52 Allan J. & Mary Boleyn, Lot
Richard A. & Beverly E. 1-1-2-2-1-1-1, Mineral Lot
Check, Lot 1-2-2-2-1, Min- 342 ........................................ 322.08
eral Lot 349 ...................... 208.52 John & Harriette Matous,
John F. & Theresa Hall, Lot Lot 1-2-1-2-1-1-1, Mineral
2-1-2-2-1, Mineral Lot 349.. 206.52 Lot 342 .............................. 322.06
Reynold J. & Elizabeth John G. Spechtenhauser, Lot
Stecklin, Lot 1-1-1-2-2-1, 1-1-1-2-1-1-1, Mineral Lot
Mineral Lot 349 ................ 197.99 ......
Andrew W. Richard, Lot 2-1-
Reynold J. & Elizabeth 1-1, Mineral Lot 342 .......... 8.47
Stecklin, Lot 2-1-1-2-2-1, Jos. H. & Helen A. Bellman,
Mineral Lot 349 .............. 43.13 Lot 1.1-1-1-2, Mineral Lot
George Loewen, Lot 1-2-2-1- 342 ........................................ 241.08
1-1-2, Mineral Lot 349 .... 80.13 Andrew W. Richard, Lot 2-1-
Eugene & Mildred Lehman, 1-1-2, Mineral Lot 351........ 831.94
Lot 1-1-2-1-1-i-2, Mineral Elmer R. & Ruth C, Hedrick,
Lot 349 ................................ 281.36 Lot 1-2-2, Mineral Lot 351 287.86
Donald S. & Ruth Scott, Lot Jos. H. & Helen A. Bellman,
1-1, Scott Place ................ 333.32 Lot 1-1-1-1, Mineral Lot
John Owen & Viola Riley, 351 ...................................... 325.18
Lot 1-2-1, Scott Place ........ 257.65 James C. & Alma Healg Lot
Lambert R. & Margaret M. 2-2-1, Mineral Lot 351 ...... 367.19
Finzel, Lot 2-2-1, Scott Wafter J. & Ann K. Schoen-
Place .................................... 241.55 er, Lot b E 5', Richards
Richard & Genevieve Hoos- Sub ....................................... 13.75
er, Lot 2, Scott Place ........ 257.65 Geo. Saffran, Loi 1, Mary-
Richard & Eileen Bresee, crest Sub. Block 5 ............ 182.02
Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-2, Mineral Geo. Saffran, Lot 2, Mary-
Lot 349 ................................ 78.09 crest Sub. Block 5 ............ 243.20
Richard & Eileen Bresee, Geo. Saffran, Lot 3, Mary-
Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-2, Mineral crest Sub. Block 5 ............ 46.90
Lot 349 ................................ 234.25 Geo. Saffran, Lot 4, Mary-
Richard & Eileen Bresee, crest Sub. Block 5 .............. 18.74
Lot 2-1-i-2-1-1-1-1, Mineral Geo. Saffran, Lot 5, Mary-
Lot 343 ................................ 2.42 crest Sub. Block 5 ............ 1,3b
Richard & Eileen Bresee,
Lot 2-1-2-1-1-1-1, Mineral $9,522.04
Lot 343 ................................ 7.30 118 cu. yds. excavation (un-
Dean & Marjorie Treanor, classified) @ $1.00 ........$ 118.00
Lot 2-1-1-1-1-2, Mineral Lot Excavation (unclassified)
349 ........................................ 187.41 @ lump ............................ 55.20
Dean & Marjorie Treanor, •1623.5 cu. yds. Excavation
Lot 2-2-1-1-1-1, Mineral Lot (unclassified) @ 1.00 .... 1 ,623.50
343 ........................................ 5.83
'1549.2 tons base stone @
Eugene M. & Winifred N. 2.40 .................................... 3,718.08
Loysen, Lot 2-1-1-2, Min-
eral Lot 349 ................. .. 312.34 329 tons base stone @240 789.80
Eugene M. & Winifred M. 537.1 tons bituminous con-
LoYSen, Lot 2-1-1-1, Min- crete @ 7.85 .................... 6,571.24
eral Lot 343 ........................ 9.72 1595 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 271.68
Herbert & Clara Ellis, Lot 5796 sq. yds. seal coat @
2-1-2, Mineral Lot 349 .... 312.34 0.17 .................................... 985.32
Regular Session, ]anuary 4, 1960 37
6 No. of Manholes raised George J. & Nina J. Jurisic,
@ 25.00 ............................ 150.00 Lot 1, Block 7 Scenic View
Total Cost ........................$14,280.60
i *Less City share .......... 5,341.58
?K 5.8% extra expense ........ 518.48
5% interest 52 days ...... 64.58
Total assessable amt.....$9,522.04
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Kane Street from the East Property
Line of Carter Road to the East
Property Line Lot 2, Block 4,
Scenic View Heights with Bitum•
inous Concrete.
Walter & Marie Lewis, Lot
1-2-1-1-2-1-2-1, Highl a n d
Farm ....................................$263.25
Walter & Marie Lewis, Lot
~ 1-1-1-2-1-2-1, H i g h l a n d
^;;. Farm .................................... 422.81
i Dubuque Central Catholic
~ -
~ High School, Lot 1, St.
.'~ Mary's Place ......................4084.82
St. Mary's Home, Lot 2, St.
- Mary's Place ......................2080.81
St. Mary's Home, Lot 3, St.
Mary's Place ........................3948.29
Walter H. & Edna L. Pearce,
Lot 5, Block 2 Scenic View
Heights ................................ 207.70
v' H, Ervin & Marie M. Meyer,
Lot 4, Block 2 Scenic View
Heights ................................ 46.39
Noel J. & Joan Ryan, Lot 3,
Block 2 Scenic View
Heights ................................ 7.80
Donald E. & Lillian E. Huff,
Lot 6, Block 2 Scenic View
Heights ................................ 215.27
Wm. J. Jr. & Evelyn M. Hoh-
Hecker, Lot 4, Block 6
Scenic View Heights ...... 80.63
~i:! Richard H. & Joyce J. Held,
Lot 3, Block 6 Scenic
f View Heights .................... 6.58
John D. & Cazole A. O'Brien,
Lot 1, Block 3 Scenic View
j Heights ................................ 181.21
A Robert J. & Patricia A. Hor-
gan, Lot 2 Block 4 Scenic
View Heights .................... 188.68
William J. & Gertrude A.
Ryder, Lot 3, Block 3
i Scenic View Heights ........ 194.64
^ Richard J. & Leanetter
Kramer, Lot 4, Block 3
u Scenic View Heights ........ 265,08
Heights ................................ 80.31
Charles O. & Annette Fort-
ner, Lot 2, Block 7 Scenic
View Heights .................... 13.69
Eldon & Winifred A. Hayes,
Lot 1, Block 10 Scenic
View Heights .................... 78.80
Sylvester J, & Arlene Shel-
ler, Lot 2, Block 10 Scenic
View Heights ...................... 25.04
Allan E. & Louise M. Miller,
Lot 1, Block 4 Scenic View
Heights .............................. 178.37
Thomas 0. & Joan Felder-
man, Lot 2, Block 4 Scenic
View Heights ...................... 163.80
Everett C. & Erma Kuhn,
Lot 1, Block 11 Scenic
View Heights .................... 55.71
Raymond John & Betty M.
Lehman, Lot 2, Block 11
Scenic View Heights ........ 19.50
Marvin O. & Carol Becker,
Lot 3, Block 11 Scenic
View Heights ...................... 7.29
Excavation (unclassified)
(lump) ..............................$ 289.80
1262.4 tons bituminous
concrete @ $7.85 ............ 9,909.84
1697 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 288.49
8504 sq. yds. seal coat @
0.17 .................................... 1,445.68
3 No. of manholes raised
@ 25.00 ............................ 75.00
Total cost ......................$12,008.81
5.8% extra expense ...... 698.51
5% interest 52 days ........ 88.73
Total assessable amt.....$12,792.05
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Kaufmann Avenue from the WesT
Property Line of Carter Road To
The East Property Line of Theda
Drive for Bituminous Concrete.
Paul J. & Jeanette R. Fried-
man, Lot 2-2-2-2-1-2-1,
Highland Fazm ..................$385.69
Ernest J. & Aita M. Mettel
Kretz, Lot 1.2-2-Z-1-2.1,
Highland Farm ................ 249.97
Russell S. & Monica Fuller
ton, Lot &2-2-1-1-1-2-2-1-
2-1 Highland Farm .......... 538.36
_.,. _._
38 Regular Session, January 4, 1960 Regular Session, January 4, 1960 39
Robert L. & Hazel C. Stroh-
meyer, Lot 1, Fullerton
Place .................................... 259.17
Robert C. & Lorraine M.
Stone, Lot 2, Fullerton
Place .................................... 257.75
Edw. E. & Ruth Hein, Lot 2,
Sylvester Kluck Place .... 12.04
Merlin P. & Armelia Kluck,
Lot 2-1, Sylvester Kluck
Place .................................... 11.74
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
1, Vandermeulen Place.... 250.87
John A. & Eleanor A. Van-
dermeulen, Lot 2, Vander-
meulen Place .................... 251.90
Ronald E. & Opal R. Loney,
Lot 2-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1
Highland Farm .................. 180.73
Stanley B, & Catherine M.
Veach Lot 2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-
2-1-2-1, Highland Farm .... 179.48
John P. & Eliz. Lippert, Lot
Highland Farm .................. 135.14
John P. & Eliz. Lippert, Lot
2-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 High-
land Farm .......................... 42.83
James F. & Janice Stierman,
Lot 1-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1
except S 70' Highland
Farm .................................... 178.15
Carl J. & Kathleen E. Win-
ter, Lot 2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-
2-1, Highland Farm .......... 178.60
Arnold M. & Joanne H. Kil-
burg, Lot 1-2-1-2-1-2-2-1-2-1,
Highland Farm ................ 179.23
Raymond H, & Phyllis M.
Koerperich, Lot 2-2-1-2-1-
2-2-1-2-1, Highland Farm .. 179.43
Alfred A. & Mary E. Tigges,
Lot 1-1-1, Kopp Place ...... 179.73
Martin F. & Lois G. Petrick,
Lot 2-1-1, Kopp Place ...... 161.50
Martin F. & Lois G. Petrick,
Lot 2-1-1, Kopp Place ...... 18.83
John & Mary Richards, Lot
2-2, Kopp Place ................ 165.16
Eugene L. & Madonna M.
Kopp, Lot 1-2, Kopp Place 162.10
Eugene & Madonna Kopp,
Lot 1-2-1, Kopp Place ........ 36.14
Ralph P. & Martha Weitz,
Lot 7, Lewis Heights
Block 1 ................................ 245.13
Maynard D. & Marjoris Stan-
ton, Lot 6, Lewis Heights
Black 1 .............................. 245.13
Salvador P. & Collette
Giunta, Lot 5, Lewis
Heights Block 1 ................ 245.13
Warren D. & Eleanor J.
Rundle, Lot 4, Lewis
Heights Block 1 ................ 245.13
Richard A. & Evelyn E.
Caldwell, Lot 3, Lewis
Heights Block 1 ................ 245.13
Roberty C. & Audrey Ney-
ens, Lot 2, Lewis Heights
Block I ................................ 245.13
Walter C. & Marie Lewis,
Lot 1, Lewis Heights Block
1 ............................................ 308.95
Walter C. & Mazie Lewis,
Lot 1-1-1-2-1-2-1, Highland
Farm .................................... 216.52
Richard A. & Barbara A.
Fruend, Lot 1-1-1-1-2-1-2-2-
1-2-1, Highland Farm ........ 298.20
City of Dubuque, Lot 2-1-1-
1-2-1-2-2-1-2-1, Highl a n d
Farm .................................. 148.83
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2-1-1-
2-1-2-&1-2-1, E. 70.3' High-
land Farm .......................... 208.97
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2-1.1-
2-1-2-2-1-2-1, W. 80' High-
land Farm .......................... 237.13
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 3,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 202.88
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 2,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 202.75
Douglas & Ann Brotherton,
Lot 1, Katherine J. Seippel
Sub . .................................... 250.75
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 4,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 46.54
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 5,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 46.47
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 6,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 37.16
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 9,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 17.51
Herbert Dilworth, Lot 8,
Katherine J. Seippel Sub. 17.28
Charles H. & Rose M. Frost,
Lot 6, Clover Hills Sub.
Block 6 ................................ 3.84
Schroeder Construction Co.,
Lot 6, Clover Hills Sub.
Block 4 ................................ 4.39
246 cu. yds. excavation
(unclassified) @ $1.00 ....$246.00
579.1 tons base stone @
2.40 .................................... 1,389.84
613.9 tons bituminous con-
crete @ 7.85 .................... 4,819.11
1055 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 179.35
3927 sq. yds. seal coat @
0.17 .................................... 667.59
5 No. of manholes raised
@ 25.00 ............................ 125.00
Totai cost ........................$7,426.89
5.8% extra expense ...... 430.76
5% interest 52 days ........ 53.64
Total assessable amt.....$7,911.29
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Total cost ..........................$59,655.88
City share .......................... 10,141.38
Assessable amount ..........$49,514.52
5.8% extra expense ...... 2,871.84
5% interest--52 days ...... 357.60
Total assessable amount ..$52,743.96
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk.
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Statement of City Clerk From-
melt certifying that assessment no-
tices of levy were mailed by regu-
lar mail on December 21, 1959, to
the owners of property along the
tine of improvement known as the
City of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous
Concrete Paving Project No. 1,
except McClain Street and portion
of Chaney Road, presented and
Councilman Freund moved that
the statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carved
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Statement of James A. Schute
certifying that notices of lery of
Special Assessment and Intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
were posted on December 28, 1859,
along the line of improvement
known as the City of Dubuque 1959
Bituminous Concrete Paving Proj-
est No. 1, except McClain Street
and portion of Chaney Road, pre-
sented and read.
Councit[nan Freund moved that
the statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proofs of Publication, certified to
by the Publishers, of notice of pro-
posal to authorize the issuance of
street improvement bonds for the
purpose of paying the cost of City
of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous Con-
crete Paving Project No. 1, except
McClain Street and portion of Cha-
ney Road, presented and read.
Councilman Freund moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Resolution providing for the issu-
ance of Street Improvement Bonds
far the purpose of providing for
the payment of the assessed cost of
City of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous
Concrete Paving Project No. 1.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council, and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$52,743.96 of the cost thereof shall
be assessed against the property
subject to assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
90 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of
ECT NO 1 except McClain Street
from the North Property Line of
Dodge Street to a point 170.5 feet
North and that portion of Chaney
Road from North Property Line of
Asbury Road to South Property
Line of Kaufmann Avenue that
would be levied on Special Assess-
1. Kaufmann Avenue from the
West Property Line of Carter
Road to the East Property Line
of Theda Drive.
2. Evergreen Street from the
North Property Line of Lindale
Street to the South Property
Line of Kaufmann Avenue.
3. Carter Road from the North
Property Line of Kaufmann
Avenue to the North Property
Line of Kane Street.
4. Kane Street from the East Prop-
erty Line of Lot 2-1 Willy Place
to the East Property Line of Lot
1-1-1 of Olds Place.
5. Kane Street from the East Prop-
erty Line of Carter Road to the
East Property Line of Lot 2,
Block 4, Scenic View Heights.
6. Kane Street from the North
Property Line of Kaufmann
Avenue to the East Property
Line of Primrose Street.
7. Adeline Street from Ramona to
end of street.
1. Chaney Road from the North
Property Line of Asbury to the
South Property Line of Kauf-
mann Avenue, City Share Only.
there shall be issued Street Im-
provement Bonds in the amount of
$52,743.98 in anticipation of the
deferred payment of assessments
levied far such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of February 3,
1980; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in the
following table:
Series No. Bond No.
Denomination Maturity
1. 2844 to 2854, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1961.
2. 2855 to 2865, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1962.
3. 2866 to 2876, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1963.
4. 2877 to 2887, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1964.
5. 2888 to 2898, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1965.
6. 2899 to 2909, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1966.
7. 2910 to 2919, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1967.
8. 2920 to 2929, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1968.
9. 2930 to 2939, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1969.
S0. 2940 to 2948, both inclusive;
$500.00 each, April 1, 1970.
10. 2949; $243.96, April 1, 1970.
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually in accord-
ance with coupons thereto. at-
4. Said bonds shall' not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
Series No.
Street Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the
bearer hereof, on the first day of
................................. or at any time
before that date, at the option
of the City of Dubuque, the sum
of Five Hundred dollars with in-
terest thereon at the rate of 5
per cent per annum, payable semi-
annually, on the presentation and
surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached. Both principal and
interest of this bond are payable
at the office of the City Treasurer
Regulaz Session,
in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque under and
by virtue of Chapter 396 of the li
1954 Code of Iowa, as amended,
and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 4th day of
January, 1960, being Resolution
No. 8-80 the provisions of which
are incorporated by reference into
this Bond.
This Bond is one of a series of
108 bonds, 105 for $500.00 num-
bered from 2844 to 2948 both in-
clusive, and one for $243.96 num-
bered 2949, all of like tenor and
date, and issued for the purpose
of City of Dubuque 1959 Bitumin-
ous Concrete Paving Project no. 1
as described fn said Resolution,
in said City, which cost is payable
by the abutting and adjacent prop-
erty along said improvements and
is made by law a lien on all of
said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1221 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City
of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubugve by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by
its City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of February, 1960.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the ................day of....................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to the Beazer, as pro-
vided in said bond, the sum of
Dollars, in the office
January 4, 1960 41
of the City Treasurer in the City
of Dubuque, being ..............................
months' interest due that date on
its ........................Bond No...................
dated .............................................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City Clerk
be and they are hereby instructed
to cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds and that the City Clerk
be and be is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book kept
for that purpose and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer.
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1221
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
the City Treasurer is directed to
call these bonds in the same order
as numbered.
10. Notice of election to call
these bonds shall be given by regu-
lar United States Mail addressed
to the last known address of the
Adopted this 4th day of January,
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber, Schuel-
42 Regular Session, January 4, 1960 Regulaz Session, Tanuazy 4, 1980 43
Proofs of Publication, certified
to by the Publishers, of Notice of
levy of Special Assessment and
Intention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds for the improvement of
Marquette Place with Bituminous
Concrete Paving from end of ex-
isting concrete paving at the south
property line of Lot 2 of 2 of 3
of Audubon Addition to the east
property line of Lot 308 of Glen-
dale Addition No. 3, presented and
read. Mayor Takos moved that the
proofs of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Freund. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schedule of Assessments for City
of Dubuque 1959 Marquette Place
Bituminous Paving Project
Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for City of Dubuque 1959
Marquette Place Bituminous Pav-
ing from existing concrete paving
to south property line of Lot 2-2-3
of Audubon Addition to the east
property line of Lot 308 of Glen-
dale Addition No. 3, by SCIIIJEL-
LER BLACKTOP CO., contractor in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate as
named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as set forth in the follow-
ing schedule.
Marquette Place from the Existing
Concrete Paving fo the South
Property Line of Lot 2-2-3 of Au-
dubon Add. To the EasT Property
Line of Lot 308 of Glendale Add.
No. 3 with Bituminous Concrete.
Arnold & Virginia Buechele,
Lot 4, Audubon Add.......$196.11
Arnold & Virginia Buechele,
Lot 2-2-3, Audubon Add... 158.83
John H. & Rosa Zurcher, Lot
1-2-3, Audubon Add......... 158.75
John H. & Rosa Zurcher, Lot
1-2, Audubon Add........... 71.76
John H. & Rosa Zurcher, Lot
1-3, Audubon Add........... 4.67
John H. & Rosa Zurcher, Lot
2-2, Audubon Add ............. 276.62
John E. & Nancy Zurcher,
Lot 1, Audubon Add....... 391.57
*John A. & Patricia A.
Schlueter, Lot 24, Audu-
bon Add ............................... 139.01
Marguerite Baule, Lot 309,
Glendale Add. No. 3 ........ 189.68
Mazguerite Baule, Lot 308,
Glendale Add No. 3 .......... 230.22
Alfred J. & Esther M.
Schiltz, Lot 20, Mettels
Sub ....................................... 6.18
*Assessment to be paid by City of
107.8 tons bituminous Con-
crete @ $7.85 ................$ 846.23
284.2 tons base stone @
2.40 .................................... 706.08
198 gals. tack coat @ 0.17 33.66
740 sq• Yds. seal coat @
0.17 .................................... 125.80
5.8% extra expense ...... 99.28
5% interest 52 days ...... 12.36
Total assessable amt.....$1,823.41
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved as
amended this 4th day of January,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller move d
adoption of the resolution as
amended. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber, Schuel-
Statement of City Clerk certify-
ing that assessment notices of levy
were mailed by regular mail oa
December il, 1959, to the owners
of property along the line of im-
provement of Marquette Place with
bituminous concrete paving, pre-
sented and read.
Concilman Freund moved that
the statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following votes:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen '.
Freund, Schaller, S c h r e i b^ r, ~..
Statement of James A. Schute,
certifying that copies of notices of '.
Levy of Special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds along the Line of improve-
ment were posted on December 28,
1959, along the line of improve-
ment of Marquette Place with bi~
tuminous concrete, presented and
Councilman Freund moved that
the statement be received and tiled.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Proofs of Publication, certified to
by the Publishers, of notice of hear-
ing of proposal to authorize the is
suance of street improvement
bonds for the purpose of paying for
the paving of Marquette Place with
bituminous concrete, presented and
Councilman Freund moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Mayor Takos. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Resolution Providing far the Is-
suance of Street Improvement
Bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of improving Marquette Place.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council, and the
City Council has ascertained the
cost thereof and has determined
that $1,823.41 of the cost thereof
shall be assessed against the prop-
erty subject to assessment therefor;
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving Marquette Place with Bi-
tuminous concrete paving from the
existing concrete paving to the
South Property Line of Lot 3-2-3 of
Audubon Addition to the East
Property Line of Lot 308, Glendale
Addition No. 3 there shall be is-
sued Street Improvement Bonds in
the amount of $1,823.41 in antici-
pation of the deferred payment of
assessment levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of February 3,
1960; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for
such maturity dates as are shown
in the following table:
Series No. Bond No.
Denomination Maturity
1. 2508; $100.00, April 1, 1961.
2. 2509; $100.00, April 1, 1962.
3. 2510 and 2511; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1963.
4. 2512 and 2513; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1964.
5. 2514 and 2515; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1965.
6. 2516 and 2517; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1986.
7. 2518 and 2519; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1967.
8. 2520 and 2521; $100.00 each,
April 1, 1988.
9. 2522 and 2523; $100.00 each;
April 1, 1969.
10. 2524; $100.00, April 1, 1970.
10. 2525; $123.41; April 1, 1970.
3. Said bonds shal'1 bear interest
rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually in accordance
with coupon thereto attached:
44 Regulaz Session, January 4, 1980
4. Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shad provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
Series No .........................
Street Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to t h e
bearer hereof, on the first day of
......................................... or at any
time before that date, at the option
of the City of Dubuque, the sum
of One Hundred dollars with in-
terest thereon at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, on the presentation and
surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached. Both principal and
interest of this bond are payable
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque under and
by virtue of Chapter 396 of the
1954 Code of Iowa, as amended,
and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 4th day of Jan-
uary, 1960, being Resolution No. 10-
60 the provisions of which aze
incorporated by reference into this
This Bond is one of a series of
18 bonds, 17 for $100.00 numbered
from 2508 to 2524 both inclusive,
and one for $123.41 numbered 2525
all of like tenor and date, and
issued for the purpose of improv-
ing Marquette Place with Bitumi-
nous Concrete Paving as described
in said Resolution, in said City,
which cost is payable by the abut-
ting and adjacent property along
said improvements and is made by
law a lien on all of said property.
It is payable only out of the Special
Assessment Fund No. 1218 created
by the collection of said special
tax, and said fund can be used
for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that alt the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened, and performed, in regu-
lar and due form, as required by
law and said Resolutions, and for
the assessment, collection and
payment hereon of said special tax,
the full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby irre-
vocably pledged.
City of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and counter-signed by
its City Clerk and the Seal of
said City to be thereto affixed,
this 3rd day of February, 1980.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the ................day of....................
..................... the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the
bearer, as provided in said bond,
the sum of ....................Dollars, in
the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, being
....................months' interest due
that date on its ....................................
Bond No .....................dated................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City Clerk
be and they are hereby instructed
to cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book kept
for that purpose and to then de-
liver them to the City Treasurer.
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known
as Special Assessment Fund No.
1218 and paid out by him to pay
the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
fascimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
Regulaz Session, January 4, 1980 45
after the payment of interest due,
the City Treasurer is directed to
call these bonds in the same order
as numbered.
10. Notice of election to call
these bonds shall be given by regu-
lar United States Mail addressed
to the last known address of the
§ purchaser.
T'. Adopted this 4th day of Janu-
ary, 1960.
I Councilmen
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
j $C11UeBer.
Proofs of Publication, certified
to by the Publishers, of Notice of
- Levy of Special Assessment and
! Intention of the City Council to
issue bonds to pay for the City of
Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting
Project No. 1, Bid Sections 1, 3,
4, 7 & 8 on the following portions
,;~ of the following named streets:
Main Street from 4th Street to
12th Street.
Main Street from 12th Street to
f °° 13th Street.
Iowa Street from 4th Street to
Loras Boulevard.
Eighth Street from Bluff Street
~ to Central Avenue.
Ninth Street from Bluff Street
to Central Avenue.
t" Councilman Freund moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
., Nays-None.
Communication of Sisters of
Charity B. V. M. objecting to the
final levy of assessment for Main
Street Boulevard Lights relative
to their vacated property between
12th and 13th Street on Main, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Takos
moved that the objection be over-
ruled and the Manager instructed
to write a letter of information.
Seconded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Schedule of Assessments for City
of Dubuque 1959 Boulevard
Lighting Project No. 1.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for City of Dubuque 1959 Boul-
evard Lighting Project No. 1-BID
SECTION 1-Plan A-Main Street
from 4th Street to 12th Street; BID
SECTION 3-Plan A-Main Street
from 12th to 13th Street; BID SE4
TION 4-Plan B-Iowa Street
from 4th Street to Loras Boule-
vard; BID SECTION 7-Plan A-
Eighth Street from Bluff Street to
Central Avenue; BID SECTION 8-
Plan A-Ninth Street from Bluff
to Central Avenue, by SCHUEL-
LER & CO. INC., contractor in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate all
as named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as set forth in the following
vard Lights Main Street from
4th St. To 12th Street.
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 58, 5.28.7' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 257.29
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 58, N.23' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 206.19
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 57, Original Town of
Dubuque ........................_.. 459.00
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 56, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 459.00
Alina R. Dovi, Lot 17, 5.21'
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 188.26
46 Regular Session, January 4, 1960
Knickerbocker Chappaqua
Corp., Lot 17, N.43.5'
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 389.97
Alice Brown Maus, Lot 18,
5.34' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 304.80
Alice Brown Maus, Lot 18,
M.20' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 179.29
Irvin C. Renier, Lot 18, N.
10.5' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 94.13
Irvin C. Renier, Lot 19,
S.11.5' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 103.10
Francis L. Gibbs Est., Lot
19, 5.20'-M.40' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 179.29
Edward L. Chalmers, Lot
19, N.20'-M.40' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 179.29
Harry Phillips, Lot 19 N.13'
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 118.54
Harry Phillips, Lot 20 S.
26.5' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 237.57
Josephine K. Kretz, Lot 20,
N.37.5' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 338.18
Margaret Nagle, Lot 21, S.
44', Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 394.45
Dorothy R. Bray, Lot 21,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 179.29
Gertrude E. Cross & Anna
North, Lot 22 S.'Fi Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 287.23
Gertrude Ryan Cross, Lot
2 of 22 N.'/z Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 95.03
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 1 of
22 N.'fz Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 192.74
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 23
5.21.65' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 194.09
Mary B. Chalmer & Eliz. B.
Lewis, Lot 23 N.42.67'
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 382.53
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 24, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 574.64
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 25,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 573.75
Louis B. Bray, Trustee,
Lot 26 S. 37.5' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 336.18
M. E. Richard Est., Lot 28,
N.26' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 233.08
M. E. Richard Est., Lot 27A
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 71.72
Adams Realty Corp., Lot
27, S. 23' Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 208.19
Geo. R. Burden & Richazd
Bernard Wathen, Trustees
Lot 27, N.33' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 295.84
Geo. R. Burden & Richard
Bernard Wathen, Trustees
Lot 28A S.7' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 62.75
Wesley Reynolds, Lot 28A
N.21' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 188.28
Geo. R. Burden & Richard
Bernard Wathen, Trustee
Lot 2S, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 322.73
Sarah Mann, s/a Int., Sam-
uel P. & Etta Halpern
etal, '/a Int., Dubuque
Post No. 3 Amvets Und.
'Fz, Lot 68, 5.63.7' Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 569.98
Dubuque Post No. 3 Amvets
Lot 68 N.11" Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 8.25
Dubuque Post No. 3 Amvets
Lot 1 of 67 S.iS Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 195.88
Adams Realty Corp., Lot 2,
of 67 5.35 Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 189.61
Mamie E. Cox Perkins etal.
Lot 87 N.~fa Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 192.74
Catherine C. O'Rourke, Lot
66, S.is Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 385.49
James M. & Lorraine Gor-
don, Lot 66, N.'h Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 192.74
Arthur L. Goldberg, Lot
65A 5.20.5' Original Town
of Dubuque .........:.............. 183.78
Arthur L. Goldberg, Lot
65A N.7' Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 62.75
Arthur L. Goldberg, Lot
65, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 331.70
First National Bank, Lot
64, E.94'-S.'/s Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 192.74
Regulaz Session, Januazy 4, 1960 47
First National Bank, Lot
64, E.94'-M.'/s Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 192.74
Alice Brown Maus, Lot 64,
N.'fs Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 192.74
Irwin C. Renier, Philip R.
Renier etal, Alina M.
"' Dovi, Lot 63, S.~/a Und. '/s
>`'. Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 192.74
J. B. Sullivan etal, Lot 63,
M.~/s Original Town of
Dubuque . 192.74
Arthur Herrmann, Lot 63,
N. 'fs Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 192.74
Jack Solomon & Ann Solo-
mon, Lot 62, 5.14.33'
~. Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 128.47
Jack Solomon & Ann Solo-
mon, Lot 62, S.M.19.1'
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 171.23
Clarence J. Enzler, Lot 62,
N.M. 20' Original Town
'- of Dubuque ........................ 179.30
Evelyn Goff Pearson, 25%,
_ Lot 62, N.11' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 98.61
Etta R. Williams, 60%, Fred
W. Goff, 15%, Lot 61, S.
12.75' Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 114.30
David Kintzinger, Lot 61,
S.M.19.5' Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 174.81
- Marion Ryder, Lot 61, N.~fz
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 289.11
Mary B. Chalmers & Elie.
B. Lewis, Lot 748, N.'h
~ Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 191.85
i William B. & Edgaz B. Wit-
mer, Lot 748, S.riS Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 382.80
William B. & Edgar B. Wit-
~ ~ mer, Lot 751, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 574.64
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
'~ Lot 60, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 459.00
t Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 59, S.31.7' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 284.18
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 59, N.19.3' Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 173.02
'" James B. Sullivan etal, Lot
749, S.'h Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 191.85
Elizabeth M. & Mary E.
Linehan, Lot 749, M.~fa
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 191.85
Grand Opera House Corp.,
Lot 749, N.~h Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 191.85
Jolm A. Nagle, Lot 13,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 579.13
Spiro & Demetra Bogas, Lot
14, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 579.13
Allen E. Sigman, Lot 15,
S.'h Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 193.01
Mich. M. & Frances Faber,
Lot 15, M.'/a Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 193.01
Alice Brown Maus, Lot 15,
N.~/a Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 193.01
Margaret Nagle, Lot 16,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 579.13
Grand Opera Co., Lot 466,
N. 1/5, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 459.00
Grand Opera Co., Lot 466,
N.2'6"-N.~fi-N.M.1/5, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 22.41
Grand Opera Co., Lot 750,
N.~/a-S.'fz, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 95.74
Kath. W. Bradley etal., Lot
750, S.?i's-S.'h, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 191.49
William B. & Edgar B. Wit-
mer, Lot 750, N.iS-N.'Fi,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 191.49
Grand Opera Co., Und. ~/z,
Grand Opera Co., Und. '/a
Grand Opera Co., Und. '/a
Lot 750, S.'h-N.~fz, Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 95.74
First National Bank Trus-
tee, Lot 29, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 573.75
First National Bank Trus-
tee, Lot 30, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 573.75
First National Bank Trus-
tee, Lot 31, S.'h, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 191.22
George R. Burden & Rich-
ard Bernazd Wathen,
Trustee, Lot 31, N.~/a,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 191.22
Ella B. Rueter & H. B.
Lusch,LOt 31, N.'h, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 191.22
48 Regular Session, January 4, 1960 ~ Regulaz Session, Januazy 4, 19(30 49
Willard M. Flynn, Lot 32, Northwest Mutual Life Ins.
5.30', Original Town of Co., Lot 53, S.'Fz, Original
Dubuque ............................ 268.94 Town of Dubuque ............ 229.50
Adams Realty Corp., Lot 32, Northwest Mutual Life Ins.
N.34', Original Town of Co., Lot 53, N.'fz, Original
Dubuque ................. .......... 304.80 Town of Dubuque ............ 229.50
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot Northwest Mutual Life Ins.
33, 5.20', Original Town Co., Lot 52, S.16'5.49',
of Dubuque ........................ 179.30 Original Town of Du-
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot buque .................................. 143.44
33, N.~/z S.40', Original
Town of Dubuque ............
179.30 Northwest Mutual Life Ins.
Co., Lot 52, N.33'5.49',
Oscar & Walter A. Wessel- Original Town of Du-
koyt, Lot 34, N.41.6', buque .................................. 295.84
Original Town of Du-
............................... .. 372.94 American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 52, N.2
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 34, Original Town of Du-
5.9.7', Original Town of
buque .. 19.45
Dubuque .... 86.96 American Trust & Savings
Leo J. Giegerich, Lot 35, S. Bank, Lot 51, Original
'/z, Original Town of Du- Town of Dubuque ............ 459.00
""""""""""""""" " 229.50 Bank & Insurance Corp,
C. F. Cody, Lot 35, N.'fi, Lot 50, Original Town of
Original Town of Du- Dubuque ... ..
....................... 459.00
buque ..
'~""""""""""""""" 229.50 Bank & Insurance Corp.,
Marie Rider Burch, Und. Lot 49, Original Town of
'h, George R. Burden & Dubuque ....
~~~~~'"'~"~-~"~'~~~~~ 459.00
Richard Walthen, Trus-
T Bradley etal.
tees, Und.
iS, Lot 36 &
' ,
36A, N.42
, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 376.52 ,
Town of Dubuque ............ 100.41
Marie Rider Burch, Und. Adams Realty Corp., Lot
Geo. R. Burden &
'/s 48, S.~,'z, Original Town
Richard Walthen, Trus- of Dubuque ........................ 229.50
tees, Und. zi5, Lot 36 & Esther B. Witmer, Lot 48,
36A, 5.60', Original Town N.lfi, Original Town of
of Dubuque ........................ 537.89 Dubuque ............................ 229.50
Marie Rider Burch, Und. C. A. Noyes, Lot 47, S.'fz,
35, Richard Bernazd Wa- Original Town of Du-
then, Trustees, Und. 'fs, buque .................................. 229.50
Lot 37, Original Town of Elizabeth F. Miller, Lot 47,
Dubuque ............................ 459.00 N.'/z, Original Town of
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot Dubuque ............................ 229.50
38, Original Town of Du- James B. Sullivan etal, Lot
buque .................................. 459.00 46, Original Town of Du-
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot buque .................................. 459.00
39, Original Town of Du- Stewart Y. McMullen, Lot
buque .................................. 459.00 45, Original Town of Du-
Mary B. Chalmers & Eliz. buque .................................. 459.00
B. Lewis, Lot 40, Origi- Stewart Y. McMullen, Lot
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 459.00 4.1, S.9', Original Town of
Barrett S. Lacy, Lot 40A, Dubuque
~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 60.68
Original Town of Du- Lot 44, N.42.2',
C. Mai
buque ................
Fred H
Und. '/a 459.00 ,
Original Town of Du-
Frank ft. Weigel, Und. buque ...
...... ........................ 378.31
'1a, Adele T. Clewell, L. C. & Jessie Hruska, Lot
Und. 'Fi, Lot 55, Original S.'/z 113, Original Town
Town of Dubuque ............ 459.00 of Dubuque ........................ 229.50
Anne Spensley Gallogly, L. C. Hruska, Lot N.3~z-43,
Lot 54, Original Town of Original Town of Du-
Dubuque ............................ 459.00 buque .................................. 229.50
! Harriet Larkin, Lot 42,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 342.45
Harriet Larkin, Lot 42A,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 116.54
~• Harriet Larkin, Lot 5.8.2'111
Original Town of Du-
r ':. buque .................................. 73.51
Adams Realty Corp., Lot N.
43.2'-41, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 387.25
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot 5.21'2"-5.90'-487, Orig-
final Town of Dubuque .... 189.78
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot 5.25'6°-N.68'-5.90'-487,
,: Original Town of Du-
.' buque .................................. 228.60
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot N.42'8"-N.88'5.90'467,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 381.00
~; St. Luken Methodist Episco-
i pal Church, Lot N.80'-N.
1 M.100'467, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 537.89 ~'.
i St. Lukes Methodist Episeo-
pal Church, Lot S.40'-N.
t M.100'-467, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 358.59
St. Lukes Methodist Episco-
pal Church, Lot N.68'1167,
- Original Town of Du-
~, buque .................................. 591.88
1. Jas M. Yiannias, Lot S.1/5-
466, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 459.00
Jas. M. Yiannias, Lot 5.35'
2" - S.M.1/5 - 466, Original
r Town of Dubuque .. ... 315.29
~ Nicholas J. Yiannias, Lot
N.I6'-S.M.1/5 - 466, Origi-
nal Town of Du~,rque ...... 143.44
Nicholas J. Yiannias, Lot
~~ S.riz-M.1/5-466, Original
., Town of Dubuque ............ 229.50
1 Emily ft. Nesler, Lot N.r/z-
' M.1/5-468, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 229.50
f~ Emily R. Nesler, Lot S.'Fz
N.M.1/5 - 466, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 229.50
Laura A. & Helen T.
Kretschner, Lot 5.23'6"-
S N.'~i-N.M.1/5 - 468, Origi-
III nal Town of Dubuque .... 210.87
• _ $36,792.08
32 no. of grounding units
@ $8.85 ..........................$ 278.80
2295 lin. ft. sawing con-
crete @ $.30 .................. 888.50
6481 sq. ft. sidewalk re-
placement @ 0.54 .......... 3,499.74
25 sq. yds. street replace-
ment @ 10.64 ...... ...... 288.00
49 no. of removal poles
& bases @ 34.50 .......... 1,690.50
32 no. of luminaries @
400.00 ..............................1 2,800.00
32 no. of light standards
@ 187.50 ........................ 6,000.00
28 no. of concrete bases
@ 59.85 .......................... 1,675.80
4714 lin. ft. underground
cable @ 1.10 ................ 5,188.70
782 lin. ft. lriz" rigid con-
duit @ 1.28 .................... 1,000.96
899 lin. ft. 1'/a" rigid con-
duit @ 1.00 .................... 699.00
358 lin. ft. under single
conductor cable @ 0.80 286.40
16 no. of service entra~e
@ 2.53 .............................. 90.48
15 no. of 3 pole-30 amp.
fused safety switch @
1638 ................................ 245.70
4 no. of special bases @
100.00 .............................. 400.00
10 no. of welded nubbs
for traffic lights @ 4.00 40.00
Less 2% .............................. 695.97
Extra work ........................ 46.25
Traffic lights & conver-
sion .................................. 784.02
4.6% extra expense .......... 1,806.91
5% interest 52 days .......... 252.29
Total assessable amount..$38,792.08
Ali of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits ean-
yard Lights Main Street Boule-
vard Ligh}ing from 12th Street
io 13Th S}reef.
Paul C. & Alma Mathis, Lot
S 50'-488A, Orig. Dubuque 437.17
Sisters of Charity, Lot N.
65'-468A, Orig. Dubuque.. 568.32
St. Josephs Convent &
School, Lot 488, Orig. Du-
buque ..................................1,232.82
50 Regulaz Session,
Medical Assoc. Realty Co.,
Lot S 2/5-S 62'4"-W 65'8"-
465, Orig. Dubuque ........ 545.60
Medical Assoc. Realty Co.
Lot N 40'-S 2/5465, Orig.
Dubuque ............................ 349.75
Sidney & Margaret Hauden-
shield, Lot M 1/5-465,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 447.66
Mary B. Chalmers & Eliz.
Lewis, Lot NM 1/5.465,
Orig. Dubuque .................... 447.66
Joseph W. & Madeline
Rhomberg, Lot N 1/51165,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 447.66
4 No. Of Ground Units @
$8.65 ................................$ 34.60
128 Lin. Ft. Concrete Saw-
ings @ 0.30 .................... 38.40
381 Sq. Ft. Sidewalk Re-
placement @ 0.54 ........ 205.74
12 Sq. Yds. Street Replace-
ment @ 10.64 ................ 127.68
6 No. Of Remove Poles &
Bases, @ 34.50 ................ 207.00
4 No. Of Luminaires @
400.00 ................................ 1,600.00
4 No. Of Standards @
187.50 ................................ 750.00
4 No. Of Bases, regular @
59.85 ................................ 239.40
809 Lin. Ft. Underground
Cable @ 1.10 .................... 889.90
51 Lin. Ft. Rigid conduit
l~fz" @ 1.28 .................... 65.28
20 Lin. Ft. Rigid conduit
114" @ 1.00 .................... 20.00
28 Lin. Ft. Single Conduct-
or @ 0.80 ........................ 22.40
2 No. Of Service Entrance
Caps @ 2.53 ................ 5.06
2 No. Of 3 Pole 30 Amp.
fused Safety Switch @
16.38 ................................ 32.76
Less 2% 84.76
Traffic Lights & Conver-
sion .................................. 96.96
Assessable Amount ............$4,250.42
4.6% Extra Expense ........ 195.52
5% Interest for 52 days.... 30.70
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
January 4, 1980
vard Lights Iowa Street from
Fourth Street to Loras Boulevsrd
Sophia Hanson, Lot S. 1/5-
457, Original Town of Du-
buque ..................................$363.14
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot S. ~Fe-S.M. 1/5-457,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 181.57
Gus Guinta, etal, Lot N.'fz-
S.M. 1/5-457, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 181.57
Gus & Salvatore Guinta, Lot
M. 1/5-457, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 363.14
City Hall, Lot N. 2/5-457,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 728.28
Medical Associates Realty
Co, Lot E. 80'-N. 1/5460,
Original Town of Dubuque 363.14
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot N.M. 1/546Q, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.... 383.14
Medical Associates Realty
Co, Lot M. 1/5460, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 363.14
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot S.M., 1/5460, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque 363.14
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot S. 1/460, Origin-
al Town of Dubuque ........ 363.14
Elizabeth & Aloysius Klaver,
Lot M. 1/5459, Original
Town of Dubuque .............. 363.14
Chas. C. & May Justmann,
Lot S. 'Fz S.M. 1/5459, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.... 181.57
Chas. C. & May Justmann,
Lot N. '/z S.M. 1/59459,
Original Town of Dubuque 181.57
Sophia Hanson, Lot S. 1/5-
459, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 363.14
Y.W.C.A, Lot 161, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 383.14
Y.W.C.A., Lot 162, Original
Town of Dubuque .............. 363.14
Clement J. & Louis Smith,
Lot N. 'Fz-163, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 181.57
Clement J. & Louis Smith,
Lot S. '/z-163, Original
Town of Dubuque .............. 181.57
Mrs. Irma Morgan, Lot N.
'fz-164, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 181.57
Regular Session,
Mildred LaBarge, Lois A. &
Louis G. Wertin, Lot S.
~/z-164, Original Town of
Dubuque .............................. 181.57
Banker's Life Co., Lot N. ~fz-
164A, Original Town of
Dubuque ......................NO Benefit
Banker's Life Co., Lot S. ~fz-
164A, Original Town of
Dubuque ......................No Benefit
Jos. W. Rhomberg, Lot 2 A.
S. 'Fz 456, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 354.63
Jos. W. Rhomberg, Lot 2-3A.
S. 'fz-456, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 283.70
Casper J. Hahn, Lot 1-3A S.
'Fzh56, Original Town of
Dubuque .............................. 70.93
Casper J. Hahn, Lot 4-S. 'Fe-
456, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 198.59
Agnes R. Wolf, Lot N. 25',
M. 1/5456, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 177.31
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.,
Lot N.M. 1/5456, Original
Town of Dubuque .............. 363.14
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.,
Lot S. ~fi-N. 1/5456, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.. 181.57
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.,
Lot W. 55.49'-N. 'fz-N. 1/5-
456, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 181.57
Florence F. Deutsch & Cleo
E. Smith Deutsch, Lot 1-
1-2-1 N. 2/5.461, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 143.27
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
233, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 366.69
H. B. Glover Co., Lot W.
26'7"-232, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 188.52
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
S. 25'-232, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 177.31
H. B. Glover Co., Lot 231,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
H. B. Glover Co., Lot 230,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
H. B. Glover Co., Lot 229,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
H. B. Glover Co., Lot 228,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
January 4, 1960 51
H. B. Glover Co., Lot 227,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
Bird Chevrolet Co., Lot 226,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot N.
21'3"-225, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 150.72
Bird Chevrolet Co, Lot S.
30'4"-225, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 215.12
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 224,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 366.69
Joseph W. Rhomberg, Lot
223, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 363.85
Leo Addabo, Lot N. 41'3"-
N. 1/5.458, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 292.57
First National Bank, Du-
buque, Trustee, Lot 177,
Original Town of Dubuque 453.93
First National Bank Dubu-
que, Trustee, Lot 178 N.
27'6", Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 195.05
Virginia B. Even, Lot S.
36'6"-178, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 258.88
Joseph Jungwirth, Execu-
tors, Lot N. 53'-179, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque.... 375.91
Union Labor Building, Du-
buque, Lot 1 Weigel Sub. 510.67
Merchants Supply, Lot N.
43'-181, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 304.98
Ray N. Clemens, Lot S. 21:
53'-181, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 152.70
Ray N. Clemens, Lot 182,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 222.00
Aay N. Clemens, Lot 182A,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 271.65
Ray N. Cleemns, Lot 183,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 458.18
Ray N. Clemens, Lot N. 19'
E. 37'-184, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 134.76
Ray N. Clemens, Lot S. 45'
6"-184, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 322.71
George L. McDonald, Lot E.
43'-185, Original Town of
Dubuque .............................. 458.18
52 Regular Session, January 4, 1980
Ridge Motor & Machine Co., Robert & Eugenie Farrell,
Lot 186, Original Town of ~/z & Robert F. & Eugenia
Dubuque ............................ 458.18 G. Loetscher, ',4 Lot N.
Clayton J. Kramer & Joan 41'-185, Original Town of
C. Ridge, Lot 187, Original Dubuque ............................ 290.80
Town of Dubuque ............ 458.18 Edward J. Goodman, Lot S.
John Nagle, Lot 188, Orig- 10'2"-165, Original Town
final Town of Dubuque .... 458.18 of Dubuque ........................ 72.13
Henry Kies & John R. Hen- Edward J. Goodman, Lot N.
schel, Lot W. 40'-218, Or- 'h-160, Original Town of
iginal Town of Dubuque 363.14 Dubuque ............................ 181.57
Chas. H. Rhomberg, Lot 217, Clara Bauer, Lot S. ~fe-166,
Original Town of Dubu- Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 363.14
ue ......................................
Milton J. & Esther E. Kluch, Clara E. Begley, Lot N. b4-
Lot N. ~fz-216, Original 187, Original Town of Du-
Town of Dubuque ............ 181.57 buque .................................. 181.57
Chas. H. Rhomberg, Lot S. Y.M.C.A. Capitol Funda
~/z-216, Original Town of Trust-First Nat'l. Bank,
Dubuque 181.57 Trustees. Lot S. ~fs•187,
Belsky Motor Co., Lot 215, Original Town of Dubu-
Original Town of Dubu- 4ue ...................................... .
que ........... .........
............... . . 221.29 Y.M.C.A., Lot 168, Original
Belsky Motor Co., Lot 215A, Town of Dubuque ............ 383.14
Original Town of Dubu- Joseph W. Rhomberg, Lot 1-
que ...................................... 141.85 222, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 353.99
Belsky Motor Co., Lot 214, Lot 2-222
Marie I
Original Town of Dubu- ,
Original Town of Dubu-
... ....
que ............................. 363.14 .......
que """"""""'""""""~' 11.34
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 213,
Original Town of Dubu- Marie I. Ryan, Lot 221, Or-
que ...................................... 363.14 iginal Town of Dubuque.. 363.49
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 212, Collings Sommerfield, Lot
Original Town of Dubu- N. 'fz-220, Original Town
que ...................................
of Dubuque ........................
Charles H. Rhomberg, Lot William S. Sheppley, Lot S.
211, Original Town of Du- 'fz-220, Original Town of
............................. .
buque .. 363.14 Dubuque ............................ 181.92
Charles H. Rhomberg, Lot Anthony Rhomberg, Lot N.
210, Original Town of Du- 38'6"-219, Original Town
............................. .
buque ... 363.14 of Dubuque ........................ 273.08
Dubuque Boys Club House, Collings Sommerfield, Lot S.
Lot 209, Original Town of 12'9"-219, Original Town
Dubuque .....
....................... 363.14 of Dubuque ........................ 90.43
William R. & Kathryn M.
City of Dubuque, Lot 208, Haber, Lot N. 18.07-N. 88:
Original Town of Dubu- 66-N. 2/5459, Original
que ...................................... 363.14 Town of Dubuque ............ 128.16
City of Dubuque, Lot 207, William R. & Kathryn M.
Original Town of Dubu- Haber, Lot S. 16.07'-N.
que ...................................... 383.14 2/5459, Original Town of
City of Dubuque, Lot 206, Dubuque ............................ 113.98
Original Town of Dubu- George & Emma Scherer,
que ...................................... 363.14 Lot S. 16.07'-N. 50.33-N.
City of Dubuque, Lot 205, 2/5459~Original Town of
Original Town of Dubu- Dubuque ............................ 118.55
que ...................................... 363.14 William R. & Kathryn
City of Dubuque, Lot 204, Haber, Lot S. 18.07'-N. 86:
Original Town of Dubu- 73-N. 2/5459, Original
que ...................................... 363.14 Town of Dubuque ............ 126.16
Session, January 4, 1980 53
David Kintzinger, Lot E.
41.75'-N. 34.52-N. 2/ 5-459,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 244.84
Fire Headquarters, Lot 169,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 455.93
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
1-1 Sub. of 170 & E. 43'-
171, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 117.81
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
1-2 N. 2'-E. 43-172, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 113.27
Grand Opera House, Lot 3-
E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 113.48
Grand Opera House, Lot 4-
E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 106.39
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
5-E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ...................... 141.85 ~,
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
6-E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 106.39
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
7-E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 113.48
Stampfer Buitding Co., Lot
8-E. 43-172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 141.85
Dubuque Building & Loan
Assn. Lot S. 62'-E. 43
C.L:172, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 439.74
Grand Opera House, Lot E.
73'-173, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 340.44
Crescent Realty Corp. Dubu-
que, Lot 5:251'-174, Orig•
final Town of Dubuque .... 177.31
William B. & Edgaz B. Witt-
mer, Lot N. 47'6"-174, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.. 336.90
Crescent Realty Corp. Dubu-
que, Lot N. ~/z-175, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 255.33
Charles H. Bradley, etal, Lot
S. ~/z-175, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 255.33
Wm. B. & Edgar B. Wittmer,
Lot 176A, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 226.96
Andrew D. & Violet Kazi-
gan, Lot 176, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 228.96
Christina Brede, Lot 205,
Original Town of Dubu-
que ...................................... 363.14
John A. Nagle, Lot N. 11'2"-
202, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 79.22
Madeline Tobin, Lot S. 40'-
202, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 283.70
John A. Nagle, Lot 201, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.. 383.14
B & G Automotive Parts,
Inc., Lot 1-200, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 86.53
B & G Automotive Parts,
Inc., Lot 2-200, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 134.76
B & G Automotive Parts,
Lot 3-200, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 141.85
B & G Automotive Parts,
Inc., Lot 199, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 363.14
Szbyl H. Kretschmer &
Courtland F. Hillyard
(Trustees), Lot S. 55'8. 8T
6" S. 2/5.458, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 390.08
Arthur Trausch, Lot N. 32'
6"-S. 87'6"-S. 2/5458, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.. 230.51
Angelina Pazadiso, Lot N.
15'-S. 2/5.458, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 106.39
Angelina Pazadiso, Lot S.
25'-M. 1/5458, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 177.31
Kath. W. Bradley, LotN.26'-
M. 1/5.458, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 184.41
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot S. 41-
N.M. 1/5458, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 290.80
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.
(Apel) Lot N. 10'-N.M. 1/5-
458, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 70.93
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot S. 9'9"-N. 1/5458, Or-
iginal Town of Dubuque.. 69.51
Y.M.C.A., Lot 168A, Ortg-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 363.14
Florence F. Deutsch & Cleo
Smith Deutsch, Lot 2-1-2-1
N. 2/5461, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 145.40
Jack H. & Mildred Carl, Lot
1-2-2-1 N. 2/5-461, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 148.82
Arthur A. Artus & Gertrude
Westensee, Lot 2-2-2-1 N.
2/5461, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 147.53
54 Regulaz Session,
O. M. Schmid, est. (O'Mara)
Lot 2-N. 2/5-461, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 147.53
Bird Chevrolet Co., Lot M.
1/5-461, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 363.14
Geo. R. Burden & Richazd
Bernazd Wathen (Trustee)
Lot E. 51-5. 2/5-461, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 726.27
$36,070.81 ~~
39 No. of Lighting Stand-
ards @ $187.50 ..............$7,312.50
39 N. of Grounding Units
@ 8.65 .............................. 337.35
2499 Lin. Ft. Concrete Saw-
ing @ 0.30 ........................ 749.70
5885 Sq. Ft. Sidewalk Re-
placement @ 0.54............ 3,177.90
105 Sq. Yds. Street Re-
placement @ $10.64........ 1,117.20
58 No. of Removal Poles
& Bases @ 34.50 .............. 2,001.00
39 No. of Luminaires @
200.00 .............................. 7,800.00
59 No. of Concrete Bases
@ 59.85 ............................ 2,334.15
5983 Lin. Ft. Underground
Cable @ 1.10 .................. 6,581.30
1286.5 Lin. Ft. 1'Fz" Rigid
Conduit @ 1.28 .............. 1,646.72
114 Lin. Ft. 1'/a" Rigid
conduit @ 1.00 ............ 114.00
414 Lin. Ft. Single con-
ductor cable @ 0.80........ 331.20
22 No. of Service Entrance
coPS @ 2.53 .................... 55.66
20 No. of 3 Pole-30 Amp.
fused safety switch @
16.38 .................................. 327.60
7 No. of Welded nubs for
Traffic Lights @ 4.00.... 28.00
Total Amount ................$33,914.28
Less 2% ........................ 678.29
Extra Work .................. 56.28
Traffic Lights & Con-
version ........................ 955.78
4.8% Extra Expense .... 1,575.41
5% 52 days .................... 247.35
January 4, 1960
yard Lights for 8th StreeT from
Central Avenue fo Bluff Street.
Violet Butt Wells, Lot E~Fi-
254, Orig. Dubuque ........$396.60
Jos. W. Rhomberg, Lot W'Fi-
254, Orig. Dubuque .......... 398.00
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 213,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 793.20
Dubuque Savings & Loan,
Lot S. 62'-E. 43'-172, Orig.
Dubuque ............................ 341.08
Grand Opera House, Lot W.
70'-171, Orig. Dubuque.... 555.24
First National Bank, Trus-~
tees, Lot 29, Orig. Dubu-
que ...................................... 896.32
Fred H. Weigel, Lot Und.
~1a-55, Orig. Dubuque ........ 226.06
Franklin R. Weigel, Lot
Und. '/a-55, Orig. Dubu-
que ...................................... 228.06
Adele T. Clewell, Lot Und.
~/z-55, Orig. Dubuque ........ 452.12
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 56, Orig. Dubuque...... 904.25
Geo. R. Burden & Richard
B. Wathen, Trustee Lot
28, Orig. Dubuque ............ 896.32
Grand Opera House, Lot W.
40'-173, Orig. Dubuque .... 317.28
Grand Opera House, Lot E.
73'-173, Orig. Dubuque.... 579.04
Belsky Motor Company, Lot
214, Orig. Dubuque ........ 793.19
Belsky Motor Company, Lot
253, Orig. Dubuque .......... 793.19
Barrett S. Lacy, Lot Und.
Ufa-146, Orig. Dubuque .... 602.83
William B. & Edgar B. Wit-
mer, Lot Und. ',4-148,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 301.42
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 828,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 904.25
Telegraph Herald, Lot 647,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 844.76
Telegraph Herald, Lot 1
Sub. of 648 & N. 31.40'-
649, Orig. Dubuque ........ 326.40
H. G. Young, Estate, Lot
1-2 Sub of 648 & N. 31.40'-
649, Orig. Dubuque ........ 253.82
Leo N. Theisen, Lot 2.2 Sub
of 648 & N. 31.40'-849,
Orig. Dubuque .................. 285.55
Standazd Oil Co., Lot 627,
Sub of 648 & N. 31.40'-
649, Orig. Dubuque .......... 904.25
Roshek Realty Company,
Lot 145, Orig. Dubuque.... 904.25
$36,070.81 ~ $13,894.08
i ,
Regulaz Session,
18 No. of Grounding units
@ 8.65 .............................. 138.40
316 Lin. Ft. Concrete Saw-
ing @ 0.30 ...................... 94.80
750 Sq. Ft. Sidewalk Re-
placement @ 0.54 ........ 405.00
21 Sq. Yds. Street Re-
placement @ 10.64 ...... 223.44
7 No. of Remove Poles &
Bases @ 34.50 ................ 241.50
16 No. of Luminaires @
400.00 .............................. 6,400.00
16 No. of Standazds @
187.50 .............................. 3,000.00
14 No. of Standard Bases
@ 59.85 ............................ 837.90
704.5 Lin. Ft. Under-
ground Cable @ 1.10 .... 774.95
259 Lin. Ft. Rigid Con-
duit 1~/z" @ 1.28 .......... 331.52
70 Lin. Ft. Rigid Conduit
1'/n" @ 1.00 .................... .. 70.00 ~.
115 Lin. Ft. Single Con- ~'
doctor Cable @ 0.80 ...... 92.00
10 No. of Service En-
trance Caps @ 2.53 ...... 25.30
9 No. of 3 Pole 30 Amp
Switch-Safety @ 16.38.... 147.42
2 No. of Special Bases @
100.00 .............................. 200.00
7 No. of Welded Hubs for
Traffic Signals @ 4.00.... 28.00
Less 2% .............................. 260.20
Extra Work ....................... 51.33
Traffic Signal & Conver-
sion .................................. 390.62
4.6% Extra Expense .......... 606.82
5% Interest for 52 days .... 95.28
Total Assessable Amount..13,894.08
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
from Central Avenue fo Bluff
Frank A. Fuhrman etal, Lot
259, Original Town of Du-
buque ..................................$855.29
Marie I. Ryan, Lot 258, Orig-
inal Town of Dubuque .... 855.29
City of Dubuque, Lot 208,
Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 855.29
January 4, 1960 55
Dubuque Boys Club, Inc.,
Lot 209, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 855.29
YMCA, Lot 168A, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 966.48
City of Dubuque Fire Head-
quarters, Lot 169, Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 966.48
Ruth Bradley, Lot 840'-N.'fz-
33, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 966.48
Adams Realty Corp., Lot N.
34'-32, Original Town of
Dubuque ............................ 966.48
Bank & Insurance Corp.,
Lot 50, Origir-al Town of
Dubuque ............................ 975.03
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 51, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 975.03
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 150, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 975.03
Northwestern Bell Tele-
phone Co., Lot 151, Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 975.03
Dubuque Chamber of Com-
merce, Lot 632, Original
Town of Dubuque ............ 824.67
Julien Lodge No. 12, Lot
633, Original Town of Du-
buque .................................. 803.97
First Church of Christ
Scientist, Lot 642, Origi-
nal Town of Dubuque ...... 803.97
City of Dubuque, Lot E.
33'6"-643, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 282.92
City of Dubuque, Lot 1-1-W.
63.5'-643, Original Town
of Dubuque ........................ 542.41
16 grounding units @
8.65 .................................. $138.40
297 lin. ft. conc. sawing
@ 0.30 ............................ 89.10
639 sq. ft. sidewalk re-
placement @ 0.54 .......... 345.06
21 sq. yds. street replace-
ment @ 10.64 ................ 223.44
6 no. of remove poles &
bases @ 34.50 ................ 207.00
16 luminaires @ 400.00 .... 6,400.00
16 no. of standards @
187.50 .............................. 3,000.00
14 no. of regular bases @
59.85 ................................ 837.90
1035 lin. ft. underground
cable @ 1.10 .................. 1,138.50
353 lin. ft. l~h" rigid con-
duit @ 1.28 .................... 451.84
58 Regular Session,
64 tin. ft. 1'/a" rigid con-
duit @ 1.00 .................... 64.00
258 tin, ft. cable single
conductor @ 0.80 .......... 206.40
11 no, of service entrance
caps @ 2.53 .................... 27.83
14 no. of 3 pole-30 amp.
fused safety switch @
16.38 ................................ 229.32
2 no. of special bases @
100.00 .............................. 200.00
6 no. of welded traffic
hubs @ 4.00 .................. 24.00
Less 2% .............................. 271.66
Extra work ........................ 13.44
Traffic lights & conver-
sion .................................. 390.62
Total assessable amount..$13,715.19
4.6°•o extra expense .......... 630.90
5% interest 52 days .......... 99.05
Total assessable amount..$14,445.14
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Statement of City Clerk certify-
ing that assessment notices of levy
were mailed by regular mail on
December 15, 1959, to the owners
of the property along the line of
improvement known as the City of
Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting
Project No. 1, presented and read.
Conncilman Freund moved that
the statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vale:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Statement of James A. Schute
certifying that copies of notices of
Levy of Special Assessment and
Intendion of the Crty Council to
issue bonds were posted on Decem-
January 4, 1960
ber 28, 1959, along the line of im-
provement known as the City of
Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting
Project No. 1, presented and read.
Councilman Freund moved that
the statement be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Proofs of Publication, centified
to by the Publishers, of official
notice of public hearing of pro-
'' posal to authorize the issuance of
~ Street Improvement bonds for the
purpose of paying the cost of City
of Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Light-
ing ProjeM No. 1, presented and
Councilman Schueller moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Oouncilman Schrieber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for rthe purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of improving portions of Main
Street, Iowa Street, Eighth Street
and Ninth Street with Boulevard
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for ,the improvement
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted and the City Manager has
certified the completion thereof ko
the City Council and the City Coun-
cil has ascertained the cost rthere-
of and has determined that $105,-
678.75 of the cost •thereof shall be
assessed against the .properly sub-
ject to assessment therefore; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by dhe City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ing for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant ~to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Regular Session,
Now •therefore be id resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. T'~hart rto provide for !the .pay-
ment of :the assessed cost of City of
Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting
Project No. 1, Bid Section 1-Plan
A-Main Street from 4th Street to
12th Street; Bid Section 3-Plan A
-Main Street from 12th Street to
13th Street; Btd Section 4-Plan B
-Iowa Street from 4th Street to
Lotas Boulevard; Bid Section 7-
Plan A-Eighth Street from Bluff
Street rto Central Avenue; Bid Sec-
tion 8-Plan A-Ninth Street from
Bluff Street ~ta Central Avenue;
there shall ~be issued StreetImprove-
meM bonds in the amount of $105,- ~~,
678.75 fn anticipation of the defer-
red payment of assessments levied
for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called ~~
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of February 3,
1980; a~ shall be numbered con-
secutively and :they shall be num-
bered, dwided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in the
following table:
Series No. Bond No.
Denomination Maturity
1. 2526 rto 2547 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1981.
2. 2548 to 2589 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1982.
3. 2570 to 2591 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1963.
4. 2592 to 2813 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1964.
5. 2814 do 2635 both fnclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1985.
8. 2838 ~to 2657 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1966.
7. 2858 ~to 2678 both inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1987.
8. 2879 rto 2899 bath inclusive.;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1988.
9. 2700 rto 2720 bath inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1989.
10. 2721 ~to 2736 ~6ath inclusive;
$500.00 each; April 1, 1970.
10. 2738; $678.75; April 1, 1970.
3. Said bonds bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually in accord-
ance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said soedal assessment funds.
January 4, 1980 57
5. Said bonds shall provide Chad
they may be payable a't any time
prior to dhe maturity date mated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be In sub-
standially rthe. following form:
Series No
The Cidy of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, an rthe first d~aY of ................. or
at any time before that date, M
the option of the City Hof Dubuque
the sum of ....................d~ollara with
interest dhereon ~at the rate of 5
per cent per annum, payable semi-
annually, on the presenta~tian and
surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached. Both principal and
interest of this boml are payable
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa. This bond is issued by
the City of Dubuque under and by
virtue of Chapter 398 of the 1954
Code of Iowa, as amended, and the
Resolution of said Cidy duly passed
on the 4th day of January, 1960,
being Resolution No. 12-80 dhe
provisions of which are incorpo-
rated into this Bond.
This Bond is one of a series of
211 bonds, 210 for $500.00 num-
bered from 2526 20 2735 both fn-
elusive, and one for $678.75 num-
bered 2738, all of like tenor and
date, and issued for ;the purpose of
the improvement of City of Du-
buque 1959 Boulevard Lighting
Project No. 1 as described in said
~~ Resolution, in said City, which cost
is payable by the abutting adjacent
property along said improvements
and is made by law a lien on all of
said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1219 crearted by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
dhings required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and Resolution, and for •the assess-
ment, colleotian and payment here-
5S Regular Session, January 4, 1980
on of said special tax, the full faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably
City of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
fts Mayor and countersigned by its
Cfty Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of February, 1980.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the..........day of ...........................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to the bearer, as pro-
vided in said bond, the sum of
......................................Dollars, in the
office ~of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque, being ..................
months' interest due that date on
its ..........................................Bond No.
................dated .....................................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when s:, prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
Cfty Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bonds in a
book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed ~to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1219
and put out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. Thah the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed
with the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year af-
~ter Rhe payment ~of interest due,
the City Treasurer is directed ~to
call these bonds in the same order
as numbered.
10. Notice of election ~to call
these bonds shall be given by regu-
lar United States Mail addressed Ro
th last known address of the pur-
Adopted this 4th day of January,
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
December 29, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
On December 12, 1959 at 12:30
A.M., Willard G. Whitsel, 570'Fz
West Locust Street, was charged
with permitting intoxicating liquor
on the premises of a Class "B" Beer
Permit in violation of Section 26,
Ordinance 9-35. On December 18,
1959, Willard G. Whitsel was fined
$50.00 and costs for violation of
t},is ordinance.
I therefore recommend that the
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 27, in
the name ~of Mrs. Bessie E. Whit-
sel, be revoked.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, this Council on the
13th day of May, 1959, caused to
be issued a Class "B" Beer Permit
bearing the Number 27 to Mrs.
Bessie E. Whitsel of Dubuque,
Iowa, operating at 177 Main Street
in the City of Dubuque;
Session, January 4, 1960 59
WHEREAS, ft has come to the
a~ttenhfon of this Council that the
owner of said permit has been
found guilty of violating the Beer
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque
passed pursuant to Chapter 124 of
the Code of Iowa;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that Class
"B" Beer Permit No. 27 issued to
Mrs. Bessie E. Whitsel of Dubuque,
Iowa, be and the same is hereby
revoked and the Chief of Police
is directed to take up such permit
forthwith and return the same for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Se~ond-
ed by Councilman Schaller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
WHEREAS, the contract for the
Collins, Hale & West Third Street
Sanitary Sewer has been complet-
ed and the City Engineer has sub-
mitted his final estimate showing
the cost thereof including the cost
of estimates, notices, inspection,
and preparing the assessment and
plat, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $11,690.51 of the cost
thereof shall be assessable upon
private property and $9,799.50
shall be paid from the Sanitation-
Sewage Rental Fund of the City
of Dubuque.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
(A Resolution AccepTin9 ImProve•
ment and Directing The Clerk fo
Publish Notice.)
WHEREAS, the contract for the
Collins, Hale and West Third
Street Sanitary Sewer has been
completed and the City Manager
has examined the work and filed
his certificate stating that the
same has been completed accord-
ing to the terms of the contract,
plans and specifications and ree-
ommends its acceptance, now
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
', Council of the City of Dubuque,
~'.. that the recommendation of the
ii City Manager be approved and
+`~ January 4 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
City of Dubuque,
k Dubuque, Iowa
} The Collins, Hale, and West
Third Street sanitary sewer has
been completed by the Saffron
Construction Company of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance with
plans and specifications.
. , I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of the improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded
i by Councilman Schreiber. Carried
1 by the following vote:
^ ~ Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber ,
-_-~ Schueller.
s. Nays-None.
80 Regulaz Session, January 4, 1980 ~ Regulaz Session, January 4, 1960 81
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and is hereby
directed to prepare a ptat and
schedule showing the lots or par-
cels of real estate subject to assess-
ment for said improvement and
file the same in the office of the
City Clerk subject to public in-
spection and said Clerk shall upon
receipt of such plat and schedule
publish the notice of the Council's
intention to levy special assess-
ments therefor, as required by
that the City Treasurer be and
he is hereby directed to pay to
the contractor from the funds to
be realized from the sale of sewer
bonds issued upon the above de-
scribed improvement in amount
equal to the amount of his con-
tract, less any retained percentage
provided therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
City Clerk
Mayor Takos moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, S c'h r e i b e q
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seco~ed
by Councilman Schreiber. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, the contract for the
construction of an eight inch (8")
sanitary sewer in Thomas Place
from the existing manhole in
Thomas Place opposite Lot No. 1
of 48 of Dreibilbies Addition
northeasterly in Thomas Place to
the East 109-55 feet of Lot 1 of
1 of Mineral Lot 470, has been
completed and the City Engineer
has submitted his final estimate
showing the cost thereof including
the cost of estimates, notices, In-
spection, and preparing the assess-
ment and plat, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $5,345.41 of the cost there-
of shall be assessable upon pri-
vate property and $0.0 shall be
paid from the (None) Fund of the
City of Dubuque.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
LOUIS SCFL>i•i•-a?+
(A Resolution Accepting
Improvement and DirscTing fhs
Clerk To Publish NoTice.)
WHEREAS, the contract for the
construction of an eight inch (8'9
sanitary sewer in Thomas Place
from the existing manhole in
Thomas Place opposite Lot No. 1
of 48 of Dreibilbies Addition
northeasterly in Thomas Place to
the East 10955 feet of Lot 1 of 1
of Mineral Lot 470 has been com-
pleted and the City Manager has
examined the work and filed his
certificate stating that the same
has been completed according to
the terms of the contract, plans
and specifications and recommends
its acceptance, now therefore,
BE TT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the la~ts or par-
cels of real estate subject to assess-
ment for said improvement and
file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Mayor Takos moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
City of Dubuque,
Dubuque, Iowa
The Southern Avenue Sanitary
Sewer Bid Section No. 1 has been
completed by the McDonnell Ex•
counting Service of Dubuque, Iowa,
in accordance with plans and spec-
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of the improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, S c h a 11 a r, Schreiber,
Resolution No. 1860
WHEREAS, the contract for the
Southern Avenue Sanitary Sewer-
Bid Section No. 1 has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has
submitted his final estimate show-
ing the cost thereof including the
cost of estimates, notices, inspec-
tion and preparing the assessment
and plat, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $18,947.47 of the cost there-
of shall be assessable upon private
property and $5,326.26 shall be
' paid from the Sanitation~ewage
Rental Fund of the City of Du-
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
City of Dubuque,
Dubuque, Iowa
The Thomas Place Sanitary sew-
er has been completed by the Saf-
fron Construction Company of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance with
plans and specifications.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of the improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sernad•
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
~~ that the City Treasurer be and
he is hereby directed to pay to
the contractor from the funds to
be realized from the sale of sewer
bonds issued upon the above de-
scribed improvement in amount
- equal to the amount of his con-
.. tract, less any retained percentage
provided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
City Clerk
62 _ Regular Session, January 4, 1960
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Takos. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk To
Publish Notice.)
WHEREAS, the contract for the
Southern Avenue Sanitary Sewer-
Bid Section No. 1 has been com-
pleted and the City Manager has
examined the work and filed his
certificate stating that the same
has been completed according to
the terms of the contract, plans
and specifications and recom-
mends its acceptance, now there-
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Mant~ger be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and tte
City Engineer be and is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or par-
cels of real estate subject to as-
sessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspeet5on and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of
the Council's intention to levy epo-
cial assessments therefor, as re-
quired by law.
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby directed to pay to the
contractor from the funds to be
realized from the sale of sewer
bonds issued upon the above de-
scribed improvement in amount
equal to the amount of his con-
tract, less any retained percentage
provided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Freund. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Couneil-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Resolution Opposing the Enact•
ment of 5.2653 of the Eightyaixth
First Session, Calendar No. 950.
Whereas, the City Solicitor has
presented to the City Council for
consideration 5.2653, Calendar No.
950 before the Eighty-sixth Con-
gress, entitled, "A Bill to amend
the Communications Act of 1934
to establish jurisdiction in the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion over community antenna
Systems", together with his analy-
sis of the provisions of the bill
and recommendation that its en-
actment be opposed; and
Whereas the City Council has
considered the bill and the City
Solicitcr's recommendations there-
on and is of the opinion that
the enactment of such legislation
is not in the best interest of the
people of the City of Dubuque,
but would create, among other
things, an unneeded and unwanted
conflict of jurisdiction;
Section 1. That it go on record
as opposing the enactment of such
legislation and that a copy of
this Resolution, together with the
City Attorney's analysis and rec-
ommendations thereon, be for-
warded to Senators Hickenlooper
and Martin and Representative
Regular Session, January 4, 1960 83
Passed, adopted and approved NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE-
this 4th day of January, A. D. SOLVED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL
City Clerk
Councilman Schaller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
According to our agreement
with the St. Regis Paper Company
at the time the Council approved
the sale of the property, they were
to complete a building of 50,000
square feet by January 1, 1960.
This is to advise you that a
building of 90,964 square feet has
been constructed on the property
sold to the St. Regis Paper Com-
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
the communication be received
and made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Whereas, 'the City Manager has
reported to the City Council that
he has investigated the building
on Block 7 in River Front Subdi-
vision No. 3 and found that prior
to January 1, 1960, St. Regis Pa•
per Company of New York has con-
structed afactory building on said
site of more than 80,000 square
feed of ground floor area built in
accordance with applicable Statutes
and Municipal Ordinances;
Section 1. That the City Coun-
cil finds that the terms and cron-
ditians of the conveyance of Block
7 in River Front Subdivision No.
3 in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa, including the rever-
sionary clause contained in the City
Deed conveying said property, have
been complied with;
Settion 2. That the Mayor and
City Clerk be and they are here-
by authorized and directed to exe-
cute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed
conveying all right, title and in-
terest of the City of Dubuque in
and to
"Block 7 in River Front Subdi-
vision Na. 3 in the City of Du-
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa,
subject to easements for storm
sewers and access to maintain
the rip rap slope ~as the same
appear upon the plat of said
to Sf. Regis Paper Company of New
York for the purpose of terminat-
ing any interest of the City under
the reversionary clause in the pri-
or conveyance of said property;
Section 3. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to record a certified copy
of this Resolution in the office of
the County Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, A.D. 1960.
City Clerk.
Councffman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
84 Regular Session,
January 4, 1980
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
On December 24, 1959, at 11:30
p.m. Merlin P. Michel, 1389 Locust
Street, was charged with Permit-
ting intoxicating liquor on the pre-
mises of a Class "B" Beer Permit
in violation of Section 28 of Ordi-
nance 9-35. On December 26, 1959,
Merlin was fined $100.00 and costs
for violation of this ordinance.
I therefore recommend that the
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 136 in
the name of Merlin P. Michel be
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Mayor Takos moved the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be
approved. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, this Counefl on dhe
9th day of February, 1959, caused
to be issued ~a Class "B" Beer
Permit bearing the Number 138 to
Merlin P. Michel of Dubuque, Iowa,
operating at 1389 Locust street in
the Ctty of Dubuque;
WHEREAS, it has come to the
attention of this Council that the
owner of said permit has been
found guilty of violating the Beer
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque
passed pursuant to Chapter 124 of
the Code of Iowa;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that Clese
"B" Bees Permit No. 138 hererto- ~
fore issued ~to Merlin P. Michel
of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same
is hereby revoked and rthe Chief
of Police is directed 4o take up
such permit forthwith and return
the same for cancellation.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1980.
January 4, 1960
City Clerk.
Councilman Schreiber moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schaller. Car-
ried by the following vale:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following, having complied
with the provisions of law relat-
ing to the sale of cigarettes within
the City of Dubuque, be granted
a permit to sell cigarettes and
cigarette papers within said City.
Name Address
George T. Vrotsos, 805 Main
Dubuque Boat Club, Eagle Point
River Front.
Mrs. Loraine Diener, 35 Locust
Mrs. Bernice Platt, 3165 Central
Robert J. Sr. and Isabelle Black,
1048 Maia Street.
Thomas Lilly, 555 Main Street.
(Transfer of address from 714
Ruth Robinson, 530 Main Street.
that dhe bonds filed with the ap-
plications be approved.
Passed, adogted and approved
this 4th day ~of January, 1960.
City Clerk.
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Regulaz Session,
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council Por approval sand the
same have been examined: NOW,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following applications be
granted -and licenses be issued up-
on the compliance with the terms
of the ordinances of this City.
Name Address
Jahn F. Weidemann, 1046 Cen-
tral Avenue.
Mrs. June M. Noel, 2400 Central
William H. Olson, 1097 Jackson
Carl P. Schumacher, 1638 Cen-
tral Avenue.
Mrs. Bernice Platt, 3165 Central
Verna D. Michel, 330 Main Street.
La Verne G. Felderman, 1889
Jackson Street.
Jahn C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln
Donald E. Wentz, 1545 So. Grand-
view Avenue.
Alois J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg
Passed, adaprted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption ~of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schreiber. Car-
ried by the following vale:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tions for Beer Permits were filed
by the within named applicants
and they have received the ap-
proval of this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
January 4, 1980 85
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the Manager be and he is di-
rected to issue to the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
John F. Weidemann, 1046 Central
Mrs. June M. Ncel, 2400 Central
William H. Olsen, 1097 Jackson
Carl P. Schumacher, 1638 Central
Mrs. Bernice Platt, 3165 Central
Verna D. Michel, 330 Main Street
Laverne G. Felderman, 1889 Jack-
son Street
John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln
Donald E. Wertz, 1545 So. Grand-
view Avenue
Alois J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg
that the bonds filed by such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schreiber.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
There being no further business
Councilman Freund moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
BB Regulaz Session, January 4, 1980
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
City Clerk
Approved ..............................1960.
Adopted ..................................1960.
City Clerk
f '.
Special Session, January 8, 1960 Ei7
Special Session, January 8, 1960
Council met at 1:00 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller, City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
interviewing the various City de-
partments, 'Boards and Commis-
sions, representatives of City em-
ployees as to wages and working
conditions, relative to distribution
of funds as outlined in the 1960
budget and acting on any other
business as may properly come be-
fore the meeting.
Councilman Freund moved that
the rules be suspended to allow
anyone present to address the
Council if they so desire. Seconded
by Councilman Schaller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Spokesman for the Fire Depart-
ment, Police Department, Garage
employees Local, Engineering De-
partment and Water Department
addressed the Council and all were
of the opinion that a half-step
raise according to the pay plan as
proposed is inadequate. Some other
items or fringe benefits asked to
be considered were payment of
Employees portion of Blue Cross
and Blue Shield, additional vacation
time after ten years of service,
twenty six pay days per year (to be
paid on every other Friday). Mayor
Takos was of the opinion that we
are in a precarious position to
grant a full step raise at this time.
Councilman Schueller was of the
opinion that we should consider it
a cost of living increase.
Representatives of all the Boards
and Commissions were called upon
for review of expenditures in the
1960 budget.
Councilman Freund moved that
the Recreation Commission be
authorized to expend some of the
$27,000 item in their budget for
engineering and architectural fees
to start the preliminary plans for
a new ball park in a recreation
area. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
After a considerable lengthy
discussion of overall finances Coun-
cilman Schreiber moved that all
City employees be given a flat
$15.00 per month raise. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Freund moved that
we institute a review of the entire
pay plan by employing the same
company that inaugurated the pay
plan and authorize the City Man-
ager to enter into a contract and
submit to the Council for approval.
Seconded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Councilman Freund moved that
the resolution of detailed distri-
bution of expenditures for the year
1960 be adopted as amended. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
December 22, 1959
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
An Ordinance has been pre-
pared allocating and making ap-
propriations of tax levies and oth-
er sources of revenue for the ex-
penditures of the City Govern-
ment of the City of Dubuque for
the fiscal year beginning January
1, 1960 and ending December 31,
1960, and authorizing certain
transfers of funds.
68 Special Session, January 8, 1960
This ordinance is in accord with 1960 and ending December 31, 1980
the detailed distribution adopted and authorizing certain transfers
by the City Council, of funds, presented and read.
Respectfully submitted, Councilman Freund moved thak
L. J. SCHII.TZ, the reading just had be considered
City Manager the first reading of the Ordinance.
Councilman Schueller moved that Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
the communication be received and Carried by the following vote:
made a matter of record. Seconded Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
by Councilman Schaller. Carried by Freund, Schaller, S e h r e i b e r,
the following vote: Schueller.
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen Nays-None.
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber, Councilman Freund moved that
Schueller. the rules be suspended requiring
Nays-None. an Ordinance to be read on three
ORDINANCE NO. 460 separate days. Seconded by Council-
An Ordinance allocating and man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
making appropriations of tax levies lowing vote:
and other sources of revenue to the ~ Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
expenditures for City Government Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
in the City of Dubuque, for the Schueller.
fiscal year beginning January 1, Nays-None,
An Ordinance allocating and making appropriations o4 tae levies
and other eourcee of revenue to the expenditures for City Government
in the City of Dubuque, for the 4iacal year beginning January I, 1960
and ending December 31, 1960 and authorizing certain transfer oY
Be It Ordained By the City Council oP the Clty of Dubuque
Section 1. That there is hereby allocated and appropriated from
the estimated revenues Yrom all tax levies in the City o4 Dubuque, to-
gether with the estimated receipts from eourcee other than taxation
and unencumbered balances from the 4iacal year of 1959, al] as herein-
after set forth, to the payment of the necessary expenditures of the city
government in the following amounts and for the purposes eat forth
in this ordinance and to that end the transfers of funds as hereinafter
set forth are Dereby authorized, to-wit:
RECEIPTS ........
FUND From Misc. Unencumbered Total
Taxes Revenue Balances
General .. .....$ 123,138.00 $ 94,999.00E s0, 000.00 $ 277,637. 00
Street _... 230,193.00 12,172.00 242,366. 00
Public Safety __ .............._ 677,381.00 109,387.00 25,000.00 811,788. 00
Sanitation ....... 299,265.00 246,211.00 646,476. 00
Municipal F.n[erprise ._. 162,011.00 65,207.00 18,357.00 246,675. 00
Utilities _... __.. _. _._.. _._ 91,982.00 578,238.00 90,000.00 710,220. 00
Recreation __._....___.. 200,171.00 40,711.00 17,888.00 268,770. 00
Debt Service ... _. _._... 253,718.00 7,765.00 6,000.00 261,473. 00
Parking Meter _. _. _. ___. 150,000.00 82,000.00 232,000. 00
Trust and Agency _..... 198,940.00 11,136.00 30,000.00 240,076. 00
6treet (Road Use Tax) 269,366.00 269,366. 00
Liquor Profit _.. ...._ 54,000.00 54,000. 00
Street (Agri. Land) .. 126.00 126. 00
$2,236,924.00 $1,632,670.00 5279,245.00 $4,146,839.00
Agricultural Land Tax revenue appropriated to Street Fund.
Liquor Profit Revenue appropriated as follows: $18,500.00 to Public
Safety Fund, $19,292.00 to Sanitation Fund and $16,208.00 to Recreation
$18,000.00 of Parking Meter Revenue appropriated to Public Safety
Fund for TraPYlc Control.
Special Session, January 8, 1960
! 3eneral Fund
Item 101 City Council .. ._ ___.. _...._..._........ 7,520.00
102 Office oY City Manager .. 37,560.00
. 103 Office of City Clerk .... 10,390.00
~, 104 Office of City Auditor 12,320.00
105 Office of City Treasurer 11,363.00
106 Office of Clty Soticttor _ 13,300.00
109 Office of City Engineer .. 60,294.00
, _. 113 Elections _ .............._._...............__.._ 2,300.00
u4 cuy Bmtainga _._..... _ _.-._.......... ls.zoo.oo
116 Civil Service ....._...... _. 375.00
121 Office of Building Commissioner 7,935.00
122 Office of Plumbing Inspector ._ 13,430.00
123 Office of Electrical Inspector _. 7,521.00
147 Planning and Zoning .......____...... 15,000.00
14RC Miscellaneous _....__ .........._....... 38,379.00
160J Capital Improvements ..___. _. _._.. 20,000.00
Beer Permit Refunds _. ........... 2,000.00
Cigarette License Refunds _... 1,750.00
Total General Fund .........$277,637.00
~ These appropriations shall be paid from:
Taxes $123, 138.Of
{ Misc. Revenue _ 99,499.00
Unencumbered balance .___._.. ..... 60,000.00
Tote] $277,637.00
Street Fund
Item 130 Tree Trimming .. .... .. .. ...__._..$ 26,450.00
131 Highway Administration __........ 13,190.00
135 Street Construction ...._ . ............ 114,800.00
141 Snow Removal ......._...._ ...............__.. 61,400.00
142 Traffic Signs and Markings .... ..... 17,650.00
161 Bridge and Viaduct Construction 10,000.00
162 City Share oY Special Street Tax 10,000.00
Total Street Fund $242,490.00
i These appropriations shall be paid Yrom:
Taxes _........_....__.. _ .. ................$230.193.00
<:. Misc. Revenue _._..... _. _. .... 12,172.00
Agri. Land Tae Revenue ......... .. 125.00
Total $242,490.00
Street (Road Uae Tax) Funtl
Item 132 Street Repasring and Grading. _.$1
1357 Street Construction ..........__.......... 110,000.00
Total Street (Road Uae Taz) Fund $269,355.00
These appropriations shall De paid from:
Misc. Revenue-State Gasoline (Road Use
Taa) ...............__.....................__.............__....$269.355.00
Total $269,355.00
~i Public Safety Funtl
Item 115 Police Court _._ ........ ....._......$ 15,078.00
118 Police Department ..._. _.... .. .. .353,730.00
119 Flre Department ....... .._.... _...__. 408,649.00
119E Ftre Equipment ....................._........ 11,700.00
120 Fire & Police Alarm System ...._ 15,116.00
124 Dog Pound ___ .............................__. _.. 6.000.00
~ 148E Ambulance ...__ ....... . ......... _............... 18,475.00
150 Civ11 Defense _ ...... ......... .........__.. 1,520.00
Tote] Public Safety Fund $830,268.00
These appropriations shell be paid Yrom:
Taxes ... ........__ ...................................$677,381.00
Miacellaneoue Revenue ............... 91,387.00
Unencumbered Balance ..... .. _. 26,000.00
Liquor Sales Profit ..__...._. _. 18,500.00
- Parking Meter Revenue _... _.. _.. 18,000.00
• Total $830,268.00
Sanitation Funtl
Stem 117 Levee Maintenance _.........__....._.$ 3,500.00
125 Health Department _.. ___.. _.... 41,185.00
126 Control of Contagious Diseases 6,580.00
127 Sewer Maintenance ......_.. _ ...... ....... 50,056.00
129 Mills Inspection _.... ... .. _... 9,500.00
139 Rubbish, Garbage, Aeh & Can
Collections ..__.__...__.... ..-._ 125,500.00
139 Sewage D~aposa] .... .._.... 233,097.00
140 Street Cleaning .._ .. -._.. 48,350.00
162 City Share oY Special Sewer Tax 7,000.00
162 Mafn Sewers and Inlets _....... _... 40,000.00
Totai Sanitation Fund $564,768.00
' These appropriations shell be paid from:
.. Taxes .......$299,265.00
e; Miacellaneoue Revenue .... .... 246,211.00
i Liquor gales Profit ........ ... 19,292.00
i .
,. ; Total $564,768.00
Special Session, _Tanuary 8, 1980
~~ Special Session, January 8, 1960 71
Municipal Enterprise Fund Trust and Agency Fu ntla
Item 143 Library Operation .._.. ....................E301,276.00 Fire Pension Fund
E 67,000.00
152 Cemetery Decoration ............... _.... 300.00 ahall be paid from:
153A Dock Operation ..__ ....... .._.... _...... 20.450.00 Tazes .................._.... _.......... ......._........$ 46,700.00
153E Dock-Dredge Operation ...... _.... ..... 7,376.00 Miecellaneous Revenue ......_.......... 300.00
153C Dock-Rlverfront Improvement.... 59,174.00 ~ Unencumbered Balance ...... ........... 10,000.00
157 Airport Operation .............................. 62,000.00 ~.
Total Municipal Enterprise Fund E245,675.00 Total $ 57,000.00
These appropriations shall be paid from: ~ Fire Retirement Fund
Taxes for Cemetery ..__...._..........$ 300.00 Item 15572 Fire Retirement system .......__$ 40,287.60
Taxes for Docks ..... _. _ ..... ............... 35,802.00 Thia appropriation shall be pafd from:
Taxes Yor Library ........__...._. _....... 87,909.00 Tsaee .................................._.................; 34.000.00
Taxes for Airport ..................... .. 38,000.00 Miecellaneous Revenue .......___...... 8,287.60
Misc. Dock Revenue .......__....... ..... 41,197.00
Misc. Library Revenue ... .............. 3,010.00 Total $ 40,287.50
Dlisc. Airport Revenue ........ E3,000.00
Unencumbered Library Fund Ism 15471 Pollce
Pensions ........... ... ..........$ 68,400.00
Balance .. -. ....... 10,357.00
appropriation shall be paid from:
Unencumbered Airport Fund T~e
~~ .. ... ......_.$ 48,240.00
Balance ._. _.. 3,000.00 Miecellaneous Revenue
... 160.00
Unencumbered Dock Fund _
Unencumbered Balance ...... 10,000.00
Balance ._ .............. 5,000.00
Total $246,675.00 Total $ 66,900.00
Police Retirement Fund
Recreation Fund Item 1547-2 Police Retirement System .._$ 36,387.50
item 144A Park Administration ... ...............E 10,825.00 Thls aBPropriation ahatl be pafd from:
144B Park Areas, Buildings, Etc ......._ 82,000.00 Taxes ...................................................; 32,000.00
144C Park Improvement ........................._ 43,000.00 Miecellaneous Revenue _. _............. 9,387.60
145A Recreation Administration ........... 12,410.00
145B Outdoor Recreation ......................... 26,527.00 - Total E 36,387.50
195D Indoor Recreation ................... _...._... 10,025.00 State Employee's Retirement Fund
145E Swimming Pool .... ....... _ - .............. 18,120.00 Item 15871 Employee's Retirement ..............; 28,000.00
146 Playground Improvement .......... ..... 27,850.00 This appropriation shall be paid from:
171 Municipal GoIY Course Operation 42,221.00 Tazea ........$ 16,000.00
Total Recreation Fund ;274.978.00 Unencumbered Balance __........ 10,000.00
These appropriations shall be paid from:
Taxes for Park Operation .........$125,139.00 Total $ 28,000.00
Taxes for Recreation .... ...... ....._. 47,882.00 Fetleral Old Aga antl Survivors
Taxes for Playground Improve- i Insurance System
ment ....__._-. _..._.......... 27,150.00 Item 15672 City Share Federal Social
Misr. Park Revenue ...... ... ... 686.00 Security ...._ ... ..._ ......$ 20,000.00
Miser Recreation Revenue .. 20,950.00
azes appropriation shall be paid
Golf Course Feea ... 19,076.00 T
20 000.00
Liquor Sales Profit for Golf Total $ 20,000.00
Course Operation ..... __ ...... ....... 16,208.00 Total oY all a
PProprtations for the ea-
Unencumbered Balance -Play- l
ground Improvement ...._...... 700.00 City
tie al
Unencumbered Balance - G o 1 f -
year beginning January 1, 1960, and
Course ..._ .. .. ..........._ ............. 6,939.00 ending December 31, 1960 ........................$4,148,839.00
Unencumbered Balance-Recrea-
lion General .. .... ........ ........... 250.00 6ectlon 2. General Miecellaneous Revenues. General miscellaneous
Unencumbered Balance -Park revenues which are collected during the fiscal year shall be allocated
General .........__ ................................. 10,000.00 to the funds and purpoees as provided for herein and shall be used Yor
Total ;274,978.00 the payment of the expenses of such funds and purpoees in the some
hereto shown.
Uti lilies Fund 8ection 3. Surplus
Any surplus not specifically allocated for a
item 138 Street and Traffic Lighting .. 77,500.00 ~ ,
definite purpose in the budget shall be and the came Ia hereby appro-
149 Water Works Adminiatrat on .._ 258,705.00 priated and set apart to be applied as contingencies arise or may be
149 Water Works Operation ...._... .... 371,586.20 need for such proper purpoees as the Council may determine upon.
149 Water Works-Non Appropria AnY surplus not specifically distributed in the budget and remain[ng
tion Reserve ___ .................................. 2,428.80 in funds created by the levy of special taxes shall be and the same is
Total Utilities Fund ..... ..._ ..................._; 710,220.00 hereby appropriated for any proper purpose incident to such funds.
These appropriations shall be paid from Nothing herein contained shall authorize the transfer of funds rea]-
Taxes for Water Department 16,000.00 ized from special taxee to a fund or purpose Yor which any special
Revenue Street & Traffic
Misc ~ tae levy here been made, except only with the approval of the State
Lighting ....... _.. ..... 618.00 Comptroller.
Taxes for Street & Traffic Light- ~ Section 4. Delinquent Tas Collections. Delinquent prior years'
ing .. 76,982.00 tax collections shall be allocated to the respective funds most logically
4l'ater Department Revenue ... 577,720.00
t Un
t Including the yurpoae for which the tax was levied when and as the
the Cit
d b
tiered Balance _ .......... ......_...... 40,000.00 y
same are rece
Section 5. Distrlbut(on. That the dtatrtbutfon and divis[on of the
Total $710,220.00 within appropriations shat] be made in accordance with the detailed
distribution adopted by the City Council on January 4, 1960 which de-
Debt Service Fund 1 tailed distribution ie made a part of this Ordinance by reference there-
Item 16171 Retirement of Bonds and Pay- [o and shall be so considered in connection with the expenditures of
ment for Interest .._ .... .............$261,473.00 said appropriations.
This appropriation shalt be paid from: Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and eYPect from and
Taxes _. ... ..... .......$253,718.00 after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and
Miscellaneous Reveune __. .. .... 1,755.00 publlcatton as provided by law, and the appropriations hereto provided
Unencumbered Balance ........ ....... 6,000.00 shall be available when transferred to their respective funds.
Total $281,473.00 Passed upon first reading this 8th day of January 1960.
Paeaed, adopted and approved upon Yinal reading this Sth day of
Parking Meter Fund January 1960.
Item 170A Parking Meters ..............................E 34,000.00 PETER J. TAKOS
170B Parking Lote ................................. 150,000.00 GEORGE A
Transfer to Public SaYety Fund
Yor Traffic Control ................... 18,000.00 .
Transfer to Parking Lot Rev- LOUIS SCHALLER
sous Bond Sinking Fund........ 30,000.00 Attest: Leo F Frommelt JOHN P. 9CHREIBER
k C
Total Parking Meter Fund ... E232,000.00 d y
Published officially in The Telegraph-Herald newspaper this 25th
These appropriations shalt be paid Yrom: dey of January 1960.
Parking Meter Revenue __.._-._...•;160,000.OU LEO F. FROMMELT
Unencumbered Balance .............._... 82,000.00 1/26 City Clerk
Total $232,000.00 .
72 Special Session, January 8, 1960
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 8, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
In accordance with the provisions
of the Code of Iowa, 1954, the Civil
Service Commission conducted an
entrance examination on November
24, 1959, for those seeking posi-
tions on the Police Department.
The following is the name of
one who passed both the written
and physical examination and his
name is hereby certified for ap-
pointment to the Police Depart-
Gerald F. Herburger 81~/a%
Respectfully submitted,
Members, Civil
Service C o m-
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 8th day of January 1960.
Notarial Sea] JOHN DAMS,
Notary Public
Councilman Schaller moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of rernrd. Seconded
by Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Council proceedings for the
month of September 1959, pre-
sented for approval.
Councilman Freund moved that
the Council proceedings for the
month of September 1959 be ap-
proved as printed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Art Frommelt et a]
requesting the erection of a street
light at the corner of Fink & Gilles-
pie street, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and Electrical Inspector
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Katherine W. Bradley
of 1275 Clarke Urive suggesting that
some sort of traffic sign be placed
at the curve in front of her proper-
ty to help avoid future accidents,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the petition be
referred to the City Manager. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of United Spanish War
Veterans Auxiliary requesting per-
mission to hold carnation days on
April 29, April 30 and May 2nd,
1960, presented and read. Council-
man Schueller moved that the peti-
tion be granted providing there
are no conflicting dates. Seconded
by Councilman Schaller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following, having complied
with the provisions of law relating
to the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a per-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City,
Name Address
Earl C. Miller 543 Eight Avenue
that the bond Filed with the ap-
plication be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 8th day of January, 1960.
Special Session, Tanuary 8, 1960 73
} " Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT,
(,~k. City Clerk
,:g, Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
~ Nays-None.
WHEREAS, applications f o r
Class "B" Beer Permits have been
submitted to this Council for ap-
proval and the same have been
examined: Now, Therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following applications be
granted and licenses be issued upon
p ': the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Name Address
William Oliver 177 Main Street
Earl C. Miller 543 Eight Avenue
' Passed, adopted and approved
this 8th day of January, 1960.
,. ~ LEO N. SCfIiTF'T.r.F:B
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried b7r the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
~ ~ Schueller.
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tions for Class "B" Beer Permits
have been filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
¢ cil, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and
they have filed proper bonds:
SOLVED by the City Council for
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is directed to issue
to the following named applicants
a Beer Permit.
Name Address
William Oliver 177 Main Street
Earl C. Miller 543 Eighth Avenue
that the bond filed by such appli-
cants be and the same is hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 8th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Freund moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
There being no further business
Mayor Takos moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Freund.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
City Clerk.
Approved ....................................1960
Adopted ........................................1960
Councilmen 3 ................................... ..
Attest : ............................................
City Clerk
74 Special Session, January 13, 1960
Special Session, January 13, 1960.
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller, City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
adopting a resolution providing for
an investigation and establishing
rules of procedure and acting on
any other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Councilman Schueller move d
that the rules be suspended in
order to let anyone present address
the Council if they so desire. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mr. Donald K. O'Meaza of 1520
McPoland St. addressed the Coun-
cil praying for relief of a water
problem at and near his home.
Quite a volume of water comes
from the Irving School property
when it rains and spreads over five
lots on McPoland and one lot on
Nebraska Street. The City Manager
stated he and the Engineering De-
pat'tment have looked into the
situation and the approximate cost
for Labor and Material to build
a culvert to divert the water else-
where would be $19011. Councilman
Freund moved that the Council
view the grounds along with Mr.
Clark or some other representative
of the School Board. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mr. Harold Becker of 2685 Kauf-
mann Avenue addressed the Coun-
cil requesting a ;special permit
which would allow him to haul
stone over Grandview Avenue to
exceed the five ton gross weight
which is the maximum set by Ord-
Mr. Joe and Jim Fondell and Ron
McDonnell also addressed the
Council objecting to the weight
restrictions on Grandview Avenue.
Mayor Takos moved that the
matter be referred to the City
Manager and City Council to check
with three or four cities to see if
we compare with their gross ton-
nage, and further see if anything
is done in the line of permits.
Seconded by Councilman Freund.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Communication of City Manager
Schiltz dated December 15, 1959,
clearing up inferences as to repre-
senting himself as City Manager
and acting for the Schiltz .Develop-
ment Co. and requesting that photo-
static copies of affidavits read by
Councilman Takos be made a pazt
of the official city records, action
on said communication deferred
at the meeting of January 4, 1960
to time of meeting setting up the
investigation, presented and read.
Mayor Takos moved that the com-
munication be received and filed
to be considered at the time of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schreiber. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
The following resolution was pre-
sented for consideration as drawn
up by City Solicitor Nelson.
Resolution Providing for an
Invesfigafion and Establishing
Rules of Procedure.
Whereas, there has heretofore
been presented to the City Council
complaints, in affidavit form and
otherwise, by certain citizens, that
the City Manager and other City
officials have exercised improper
influence to obtain results for
personal interests adverse to and
in conflict with the public's inter-
ests, and in particular with regard
to City Manager L. J. Schiltz's inter-
est in Scenic View Heights and the
surrounding area; and
Session, January 13, 1960 75
Whereas, the City Council has
determined that in fairness to all
parties it is only right and just
that an investigation be held under
such manner and circumstances as
to afford to all parties an oppor-
tunity to present such facts as may
bear on such a question and further
to enable the City Council to deter-
mine whether said allegations are
well grounded;
Secfion 1. That a public investi-
gation be held at a special City
Council meeting in the City Coun-
cil Chambers in the City Hall in
the City of Dubuque, at 4 o'clock
P.M. on January 25, 1960 for the
purpose of investigating the fore-
going complaints;
Secfion 2. That said investigation
shall be conducted under the fol-
lowing rules of order:
a. That the City Clerk be and be
is hereby authorized and directed
to notify, on behalf of the City
Council, persons executing the
affidavits heretofore submitted
to the City Council containing
the complaints against the City
Manager and other City officials,
together with such other indi-
viduals as the Mayor or any
} member of the City Council may
'' ~ direct, to be present at said in-
vestigation, to testify, under
oath, concerning any matters
pertinent to this inquiry;
b. That, for the purposes of this
investigation, all questions of
evidence shall be considered
points of order and shall be
determined under Rule 6 of the
Rules of the City Council here-
. tofore established by Resolution
~ No. 250-51;
c. Each witness giving evidence on
a matter under inquiry shall be
first sworn on oath by the Mayor
and shall have the right to legal
counsel present in an advisory
' capacity, together with the fur-
ther right to make an initial
statement, either oral or written,
providing said initial statement
is made under oath;
t d. In the questioning of witnesses,
the order of questioning shall
t commence with the Mayor and
"~- then proceed alphabetically with
each council member until the
questioning is completed, but no
other City officer or employee,
witness or other interested party
shall be permitted to examine
any witness;
e. The Mayor, subject to appeal to
the City Council, shall determine
the order of appearance of the
witnesses, but the first witness
to be called shall be any officers
or employees of the City who ap-
pear on the list notified by the
City Clerk and thereafter any
other witnesses shall be called;
f. A complete stenographic record
shall be made of the proceedings
by a certified shorthand reporter
at City expense, together with
a tape recording under the super-
vision of a certified shorthand
reporter, also at City expense.
Any witness shall be entitled to
a copy of all or any portion of
the record upon payment of the
shorthand reporter's c h a r g e
therefor. The question of whether
a transcript of the proceedings
shall be ordered by the City
Council, and if so whether copies
thereof are to be furnished to
the Mayor and each member of
the City Council, shall be de-
termined by the vote of the City
Council at the conclusion of the
g. In addition to the provisions of
Rules 6 and 23 established by
Resolution No. 250-51, the Mayor
shall require that there shall be
no public demonstrations or ap-
plause, favorable or unfavorable
to any individual, and in order
to enforce such rule he is author-
ized to clear the Chamber of all
persons whose presence is not
required when repeated viola-
tions of this rule indicate such
procedure necessary or when di-
rected by a majority vote of
the City Council. Further, he
may direct the removal of any
spectator, witness, or attorney
violating the orderly procedure
of the investigation;
h. The rules of order of the City
Council as established by Resolu-
tion No. 250-51, shall apply ex-
cept as hereinbefore provided
and, further excepting that Rule
5 is hereby modified to provide
that the only order of business
76 Special Session, January 13, 1960
before the City Council is the
conduct of this investigation and
the Council's determination, if
any, thereon;
i. Any person desiring to present
additional witnesses who have
not been invited or summoned
by the City Council may submit
a request to the City Council, in
writing, at any time prior to the
final adjournment of the hearing,
setting forth the name and ad-
dress of the witness, together
with a short statement of the
nature of the witness' testimony.
The Council shall thereupon, at
its discretion, determine whether
it will permit the testimony of
the witness and so shall direct
the Clerk to invite his attend-
j. The investigation may be ad-
journed from time to time until
it is finally terminated by a
majority vote of the City Coun-
k. In the event any City officer or
employee shall refuse to answer
any questions not privileged,
when directed to do so by the
Mayor or any member of the
City Council, he shall be deemed
to have failed in the proper per-
formance of his duties and shall
be subject to dismissal or sus-
Passed, adopted and approved
this ........................day of .....
A. D. 1960.
City Clerk
The following resolution was
submitted by Mayor Takos for
Resolution on Providing for an
Investigation and Establishing
Rules of procedure.
Whereas, there has heretofore
been presented to the City Coun-
ci'_ complaints in affidavit form
and otherwise, by certain citizens,
that certain city officials have ex-
ercised improper influence to ob-
tain results for personal interests
adverse to and in conflict with
the public's interest, and or have
conflicts of interests and in par-
ticular with regard to interests in
Scenic View Heights and the sur-
rounding area; and
Whereas, the City Council has
determined that in fairness to all
parties it is only right and just
that an investigation be held un-
der such manner and circum-
stances as to afford to all parties
an opportunity to present such
facts as may bear on such a ques-
tion and further enable the City
Council to determine whether said
allegations are well grounded;
solved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a public investi-
gation be held at a special City
Council meeting in the City Coun-
cil Chambers in the City Hall in
the City of Dubuque, at 4 o'clock
P. M. on January 25, 1980 for the
purpose of investigating the fore-
going complaints;
Section 2. That said investiga-
tion shall be conducted under the
following rules of order:
a. That the City Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized and
directed to notify on behalf of
the City Council, any and all
persons as the City Council by
majority vote may direM, to
be present at said investiga-
tion, to testify, under oath,
concerning any matters per-
tinent to this inquiry;
b. Technical rules of evidence
shall not apply to this investi-
gation. All points of order
shall be determined under
Rule 6 of the Rules of the
City Council heretofore estab
lished by Resolution No. 250-
c. Each witness giving evidence
on a matter under inquiry
shall be first sworn oa oath
by the Mayor and shall have
the right to legal counsel
present in an advisory capacity,
together with the further right
to make an initial statement,
either oral or written, provid-
ing said initial statement is
made under oath;
Special Session, January 13, 1960 77
d. In the questioning of witness-
es, the order of questioning
shall commence with the Ma-
yor and then proceed alpha-
betically with each council
member until the questioning
is completed;
e. The Mayor, subject to appeal
to the City Council, shall de-
termine the order of appear-
ance of the witnesses, but the
first witnesses to be called
shall be any officers or em-
ployees of the City who ap-
pear on the list notified by
the City Clerk and thereafter
any other witnesses shall be
f. A complete stenographic rec-
ord shall be made of the pro-
ceedings by a certified short-
hand reporter, at City ex-
pense, together with a tape
recording under the super-
vision of a certified shorthand
reporter, also at City expense.
Any witness shall be entitled
to a copy of all or any portion
of the record upon payment
of the shorthand reporter's
charge therefor. The question
of whether a transcript of the
proceedings shall be ordered
by the City Council, and if
so whether copies thereof are
to be furnished to the Mayor
and each member of the City
Council, shall be determined
by the vote of the City Coun-
cil at the conclusion of the
g. In addition to the provisions
of Rules 8 and 23 established
by Resolution No. 250-51, the
Mayor shall require that there
shall be no public demonstra-
tions or applause, favorable or
unfavorable to any individual,
and in order to enforce such
rule he is authorized to clear
the Chamber of all persons
whose presence is not re-
quired when repeated viola-
tions of this rule indicate such
procedure necessary or when
directed by a majority vote
of the City Council. Further,
he may direct the removal of
any spectator, witness, or at-
torney violating the orderly
procedure of the investiga-
h. The rules of order of the City
Council as established by Res-
olution No. 250-51, shall ap-
ply except as herein-before
provided and, further except-
ing that Rule 5 is hereby modi-
fied to provide that the only
order of business before the
City Council is the conduct of
this investigation and the
Council's determination, if
any, thereon;
i. The investigation may be ad-
journed from time to time
until it is finally terminated
by a majority vote of the City
j. In the event any City Officer
or employee shall refuse to
answer any questions not priv-
ileged, when directed to do
so by the Mayor or any mem-
ber of the City Council, he
shall be deemed to have failed
in the proper performance of
his duties and shall be subject
to dismissal or suspension.
Passed, adopted and approved
this ............ daY of ............................
A.D. 1960.
City Clerk
Remarks by Attorney Louis
Fautsch directed against certain
sections of the proposed resolution
providing for an investigation and
establishing rules of procedure, as
presented at the City Council
meeting under date of January 13,
Section 2-a (reads in part) At said
investigation, to testify, under
oath, concerning any matters
pertinent to this inquiry;
Under this proposed resolution
the only persons that may ap-
pear would be only those so
73 Special Session, January 13, 1980
directed. The accused are giv-
en no opportunity to bring in
their witnesses. H this hear-
ing is going to be fair according
to rules of evidence, disregard-
ing fundamentals of the law, the
accused should be permitted to
bring in witnesses. This section
of the proposed resolution
should be so amended.
How much is a man's reputa-
tion worth? Basically under
American jurisprudence every
man is entitled to presumption
of innocence, beyond all rea-
sonable doubt.
Section 2~6-refers to Rule 6 of
Rules of City Council estab-
lished by resolution No. 250-51.
This august body should respect
all citizens. What kind of a heaz-
ing is this going to be if accused
is not given an opportunity to
Section 2-c-refers to under oath-
Why should a witness be pro-
eluded from making more than
an initial statement? After the
initial statement in that case
both the witness and attorney
cannot say anything further.
Section 2-d-refers to order of
A man's very life and reputation
is at stake here. Mayor would
proceed as be willed. Those ac-
cused can come in here with
everything at stake and would
be obliged to depend on your
decision. The Marquis of Queens-
berry rules would be more suit-
Section 2-f-refers to copies of
record etc.
Accused has nothing to go on.
Accused goes to make his rec-
ords and is forced to rely on
hearsay evidence. This section
should be amended to give copy
of stenographic evidence to the
accused. This would be nothing
more than fair play.
Section 2-i-states that any per-
son desiring to present addition-
al witnesses who have sot been
invited or summoned by the
Council may submit a request to
the Council in writing at any
time prior to final adjournment.
The old adage is still true nev-
er to advise your adversary.
There again the Council is the
only deciding group as to who
may or may not testffy. This is
not fair to the accused.
Section 2-k-states in the event
any City officer or employee
shall refuse to answer any ques-
tions etc. he shall be subject to
Council would be sitting as an
investigatory body. You cannot
overrule the 5th Amendment.
Any man is entitled to that priv-
We want a fair hearing-not a
witch hunt. This is not done for
the purpose of dilatory action.
We want a hearing but it must
be a fair hearing and the reso-
lution must so read.
Mayor Takos stated that as a result
of the investigation depending
on the result and determination
of the Council we may turn it
over to a Civil Court, Grand
Jury or District Court.
Fautsch asked-Ultimate authority
would be who?
Mayor Takos asked Attorney Nel-
son. Answer-Preamble of Con-
stitution states that alllegations
must be well grounded. After
the investigation you could de-
termine and propose an action,
it would then be more logical
to direct a course of action.
FAUTSCH - Section 2a-I say
again should be amended to al-
low aperson to bring witnesses.
You could limit character wit-
nesses to one or two.
TAKOS. Stated that affidavits as
such are not admitted as evi-
dence. It would be considered
improper influence.
FAUTSCH. H my client is in the
position of not bringing in wit-
nesses before your body to re-
fute the accusations I will leave.
TAKOS. H there were any doubt
there could have been a motion
on the table when be (the Man-
ager) showed an interest he
could have been dismissed.
SCfllncr.r.FR. On what grounds?
FAUTSCH. Are we allowed to ap-
pear with witnesses or not?
TAKOS. No answer.
a 5
Special Session, January 13, 1960 79
ed attorney Fautsch to give his
objections to We proposed reso-
lotion as presented by Mayor
Takos. Attorney Fautsch replied
as follows:
Section 2a-H hearing is to be fair
it should be so amended to give
the accused a chance to bring
in witnesses and should not be
bound by discretion of the Coun-
Section 2b-Witnesses should be
heard and testimony given in
its entirety and not gag him or
his attorney. Cross examination
should be given.
Section 2c-Counsel should give
all his talents to his client. Why
should a man be bound by his
initial statement?
Sectio¢ 2d-Questioning witnesses
-Not entitled to ask another
question. This should be spelled
Section 2e-Objects to calling wit-
nesses within the discretion of
the Council.
Section 2f--Complete stenographic
record should be had.
Section 2g -Rule B -Resolution
No. 25451. OK, no objections.
Section 2h-No objections.
Section 2i-No objections.
Section 2j~tated in original ob-
jection to 5th Amendment priv-
Added all former objections as
pertinent to the original resolu-
TAKOS-Can Council conduct in-
vestigation as correMed?
NELSON-Yes. Witness should be
entitled to tell the Council that
he would refer to someone to
give proper answers.
FAUTSCH-Do you honestly feel
that the amended resolution as
proposed will give the accused a
fair and impartial trial?
NEISON-He feels that I (in the
original resolution) will be fair.
Ray Bergquist suggested to the
Council that witness to be called '~
should be told before hand of the '~..
general azea at least, questions ',
that will be asked of them.
Councilman Freund moved that '~.
we delay consideration of a reso- ',
lotion covering the rules of the ''
proposed investigation until such
time as a substitute resolution is
ready for consideration by the
Council at an informal discussion
meeting set down for Saturday,
January 16, 1960 at 3:30 P. M. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
January 4, 1980
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
In order to carry out the desire
of the City Council in increasing
the amount of salary increases and
appropriating the money from the
liquor sales fund, it will be nec-
essary to start proceedings to
amend the budget.
Within the funds appropriated
there is sufficient revenue to take
care of these increases until such
a time the Council wishes to
amend the budget. However, in
order to spend the liquor sales
funds that c~ere not appropriated,
the total budget will be increased
and will require a new ordinance
and public budget hearing.
There is also the additional
funds for filling Area "A" that
were paid to the City as prepaid
rentals and to be used for filling
the area they have leased. Also
for the Dock Commission there is
the contribution for restoring the
shot tower that is not in the bud-
get and will have to be appropriat-
ed before December 31, 1960.
Whatever action the Council
deems appropriate can be initiated
upon your direction.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Mayor Takos moved that amend-
ment of the budget be delayed
subject to six month's review. Se~-
onded by Councilman Freund. Caz-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
80 Special Session, January 13, 1980
January 13, 1980
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa ~ i
I am attaching a contract be-
tween the City and Lloyd A. Dals-
ing for the installation of a sewer
to serve his new motel outside the
city limits. This was tentatively
approved by the City Council pro-
vided adequate capacity was avail-
able in the existing sanitary sew-
According to an investigation by
the City Engineer there ie ade-
quate capacity to take this addi-
tional load provided no industrial
lead is authorized to connect to
the new sewer.
I recommend that the Council
aPProve this Agreement.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of the
City Rlanager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
This Agreement entered into
between the CITY OF DUBUQUE,
IOWA as first party and LLOYD
A. DALSING, 3750 Central Ave-
nue, Dubuque, Iowa as second par-
Whereas first party operates a
municipal sewer system; and
Whereas second party is the
owner of Lots 8Q 87, 89, 94, 95,
96 and 97, all in Linehan Park
Addition in Dubuque Township,
Dubuque County, Iowa,
which is located outside of the
corporate limits of the City of
Dubuque and which shall hereaf-
ter be referred to as "the premises
served"; and
Whereas, second party desires
to have an eight inch (8") sanitary
sewer extended from the present
terminus of the municipal sewer
system in the area to the premises
served and to pay a sewer service
charge to the City; and
Whereas first party is agreeable
to provide said service under the
following terms and conditions:
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed
between the parties hereto as fol-
1. Second party agrees to obtain
the necessary consents of all Gov-
ernmental bodies and all neces-
sary easements for the laying of
said sewer;
2. Upon such consents and ease-
ments having been obtained, sec-
ond party agrees to construct said
eight inch (8") sanitary sewer
along the line shown on the plat
submitted with second party's ap-
plication to the City of Dubuque
for such service and in accordance
with plans approved by the City
Manager and under the supervi-
sion of the City Manager; second
party agrees to pay the entire cost
of such construction, including all
necessary engineering and inspec-
tion charges, permit fees, street
excavation and restoration charges
and all other expenses necessary
or incidental to such construction;
3. Upon the completion of such
construction said eight inch (8")
sanitary sewer shall become the
property of first party;
4. Upon completion of such con-
struction first party agrees to pro-
vide sanitary sewer service to the
premises served through said
eight inch (8") sanitary sewer un-
der the regulations established by
Ordinances No. 35-57 and No. 39-
57, or any subsequent amendments
thereto and at the price of 150%
of the charge set in Ordinance 35-
57, or any amendments thereto,
for persons, firms or corporations
outside the City of Dubuque;
5. Second party covenants and
agrees to use his best efforts to
have the premises served by said
sewer annexed to the City of Du-
buque and in the event second
party shall directly or indirectly
resist such annexation, first party
may, at its option, terminate this
agreement. In the event termina-
tion is effected by first party un-
der the rights established in this
paragraph, first party shall have
the further rights, at its option to
take up and remove the said eight
inch (8") sanitary sewer and re-
tain the same as its own property.
Any waiver by first party for any
breach of this paragraph shall
not constitute a waiver of any
subsequent breach hereof;
Session, January 13, 1960 81
6. In the event the premises
_ served are annexed to the City of
Dubuque this Agreement shall be
terminated and second party shall
thereafter be served under the
same conditions and at the same
rates and charges as other users
located within the City of Du-
buque, but the said eight inch
' (8") sanitary sewer shall remain
~'~: the property of the first party.
~:;" 7. Tn the event property abut-
' ~'' ting said eight inch (8") sanitary
sewer is granted permission by
first party to connect thereto, first
i. party agrees to exact and collect
~- a connection charge for the bene-
fit of second party. Said connec-
tion charge shall be determined by
) Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque upon certifi-
cation by second party to that
- Body of the total cost of construc-
tion of said eight inch (8") rani-
! tart' sewer. The right to said con-
~ nection charge shall inure to sec-
S~ and party, his heirs and assigns,
personally, and shall not run with
the land and shall continue even
in the event the first above de-
scribed real estate is annexed to
" the City of Dubuque.
' 8. This Agreement shall be bind-
ing upon the parties hereto, their
heirs, successors and assigns.
Signed the 13th day of January,
City of Dubuque, Iowa (First
~~ Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT
City Clerk
Signed the 14th day of January,
(Lloyd A. Dalsing) (Second Paz-
'' ,F tY)
Communication of Iowa State
Highway Commission, addressed
to the City Manager, extending
an invitation to~ attend the annual
meeting of the Mississippi Valley
Conference of State Highway De-
partments to be held in Chicago
March 17th to 19th, presented and
read. Councilman Freund moved
that the City Manager be author-
ized to attend. Seconded by Coun-
3:~,.'" Gilman Schaller. Carried by the
g following vote.
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Notice of claim of Mrs. Phyllis
Adams et al in the amount of
$10.00 plus a reasonable amount
for labor for cleaning up, for dam-
age done to their basement be-
cause the flood gates at 32nd
street were not opened soon
enough to let the water escape
on January 12, 1960, presented
and read. Councilman Schueller
moved that the claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investi-
gation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Freund. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councihnen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Andrew J. Kisting
requesting the construction of a
storm sewer on the westerly end
of Wilbrecht Lane to prevent wa-
ter entering his lot, and also re-
questing construction of a culvert
and drain on the northwest corner
of St. Anne Drive, presented and
read. Councilman Schaller moved
that the petition be referred to
the Park Board for action. Sec-
onded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Richazd E. Haschke,
submitted by the County Auditor,
for suspension of taxes on account
of old age on Lot 2 of Hoppmann
Place, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Freund moved that the
petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Petition of Leo R. Bonz request-
ing a $50. refund on the unexpired
portion of cigarette license No.
142, as he has discounted busi-
ness, presented and read. Council-
man Schueller moved that the
refund be granted and the Auditor
instructed to issue a warrant pay-
82 Special Session, January 13, 1980
able to Leo R. Bonz, in the amount
of $50., to cover the amount due
on the unexpired portion of cigar-
ette license No. 142. Seconded by
Councilman Schreiber. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has been sub-
mitted to this Council for approval
and the same has been examined:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following application be
granted and license be issued upon
the compliance with the terms
of the ordinances of this City.
Mrs. Emily Scholtes, 600 Cen-
tral Avenue.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 13th day of January, 1960.
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved
the adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Mayor Takos. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tion for Class "B" Beer Permit was
filed by the within named appli-
cant and it has received the ap-
proval of this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicant were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and she has filed a proper band:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the Manager be and be is di-
rected to issue to the following
named applicant a Beer Permit.
Mrs. Emily Scholtes, 000 Central
that the bond filed by such appli-
cant be and the same is hereby ap-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 13th day of January, 1900.
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Mayor Takos. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - P:ayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mr. Rodney Cross of 200 W.
32nd Street addressed the Coun-
cil by stating that considerable
more water drains on to his prop-
erty after heavy rains since Green
Acres Subdivision has been start-
There being no further business
Mayor Takos moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Schrei-
ber. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
City Clerk
APProved ..............................1980.
Councilmen 1 ......................... .......
City Clerk
r ,.
df '
Special Session, January 19, 1960 83
Special Session, January 19,
Council met at 12:35 P. M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this
meeting is called for the purpose
of adopting a resolution providing
for an investigation and establish-
ing rules of procedure.
Councilman Freund made an
initial statement by saying that
Radio station KDTH would be able
to handle the tape recording of
the proceedings of the investiga-
tion by using full hour tapes at
After perusal of the proposed
resolution providing for an inves-
tigation and establishing rules of
procedure Councilman Freund
made an objection to Section 2e
and still was of the opinion that
the investigation should start with
those people who signed the affi-
davits. Councilman Schueller also
was of the opinion that the inves-
tigation should start with the sign-
ers of the affidavits.
After considerable discussion of
the resolution it was agreed to
make two amendments to the reso-
lution considering submitting of
affidavits to be added to section
2d and the subpoena power to be
contained in a new section 2-m.
Attorney Fautsch asked that the
records show that he was refused
permission to address the Council.
Whereas, there have heretofore
been presented to the City Coun-
cil complaints in affidavit form
and otherwise, by certain citizens
that the City Manager and other
City officials and employees have
exercised improper influence to
obtain results favorable to their
personal interests and adverse to,
or in conflict with, the public in-
terest, or have conflicts of inter-
ests, which complaints particularly
regard interests in Scenic View
Heights and the surrounding azea;
Whereas, it is within the duty
and authority of the City Council
to investigate complaints of this
nature; and
Whereas, the City Council has
determined that it is only right
and just that an investigation be
held in such a manner and under
such circumstances as to afford
to all parties an opportunity to
present such facts as may bear on
such a question and further to
enable the City Council to deter-
mine whether said allegations are
well grounded;
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a public inves-
tigation be held at a special City
Council meeting in the City Coun-
cil Chambers in the City Hall in
the City of Dubuque, at 4 o'clock
P.M. on January 25, 1900 for the
purpose of investigating the fore-
going complaints;
Section 2. That said investiga-
tion shall be conducted under the
following rules of order:
a. That the City Clerk be and he
is hereby authorized and direct-
ed to notify, on behalf of the
City Council, the persons exe-
cuting the affidavits referred to
in the preamble hereof and any
other persons that the City
Council may, by majority vote,
direct to be present at said in-
vestigation, to testify under oath
concerning any matters pertain-
ing to this inquiry;
b. Technical rules of evidence shall
not apply to this investigation.
All points of order shall be de-
termined Rule 6 of the Rules of
the City Council heretofore es-
tablished by Resolution No.
c. Each witness giving evidence on
a matter under inquiry shall
first be sworn on oath by the
Mayor and shall have the right
to legal counsel present in an
advisory capacity, together with
the further right to make an
initial statement, either oral or
written, providing said initial
statement is made under oath.
Upon completion of the exami-
nation of all witnesses called by
the Council any witness shall
have the right to return and
make an additional statement if
he so requests.
84 Special Session, January 19, 1980
d. The order of presenting ques-
tions to each witness shall be as
The Mayor shall open the ques-
tioning and shall continue to
question the witness until he sig-
nifies that he has finished.
Then, each Councilman in turn,
alphabetically, shall examine the
No Councilman shall present
any questions until the Council-
man immediately preceding him
shall signify that he has finished
with the witness.
When each Councilman has ex-
amined the witness once the
questioning shall proceed by the
Mayor and Council, in the same
order, until all Councilmen have
signified that they have no fur-
ther questions to ask of the wit-
Thereupon, any witness, or per-
son who has been referred to
in the testimony, may submit
additional questions to any
Council member, which ques-
tions shall be put to the witness,
unless the Council shall, by a
majority vote determine that
the question is improper.
e. The Mayor, subject to appeal to
the City Council, shall deter-
mine the order of appearance of
the witnesses, but the first wit-
nesses to be called shall be any
officer ar employee of the City
who appear on the list notified
by the City Clerk and thereafter
any other witnesses shall be
f. A complete stenographic record
shall be made of the proceed-
ings by a certified shorthand re-
porter, at City expense. If pos-
sible, a daily transcript of the
previous day's proceedings shall
be delivered to the Mayor for
Council use on each day the
investigation is in progress. Any
witness shall be entitled to a
copy of all or any portion of
the record upon the payment of
the shorthand reporter's charge
therefor. Upon completion of
the hearing a complete tran-
script of the proceedings shall
be filed with the Council as
soon as possible.
g. In addition to the stenographic
record a tape recording, made
under the supervision of a cer-
tified shorthand reporter, or
such other person as the Coun-
cil may by majority vote desig-
nate, shall be made of the en•
fire proceedings, at City ex-
h. In addition to the provisions of
Rules 6 and 23 established by
Resolution No. 250-51, the Mayor
shall require that there shall
be no public demonstrations or
applause, favorable or unfavor-
able, to any individual, and in
order to enforce such rule he is
authorized to clear the Chamber
of all persons whose presence is
not required when repeated vio-
lations of this rule indicate such
procedure necessary or when di-
rected by a majority vote of the
City Council. Further, he may
direct the removal of any spec-
tator, witness, or attorney vio-
lating the orderly procedure of
the investigation;
i. The rules of order of the City
Council as established by Reso-
lution No. 25(1-51, shall apply
except as hereinbefore provided,
and further excepting that Rule
5 is hereby modified to provide
that the only order of business
before the City Council is the
conduct of this investigation and
the Council's determination, if
any, thereon;
j. Any person called as a witness
or referred to in the testimony,
desiring to present additional
witnesses who have not been in-
vited or summoned by the City
Council may submit a request
to the City Council, in writing,
at any time prior to the final
adjournment of the hearing, set-
ting forth the name and address
of the witness, together with
a short statement of the nature
of the witness' testimony. The
Council shall thereupon, at its
discretion, determine whether
it will permit the testimony of
the witness and if so shall di-
rect the Clerk to invite his at-
k. The investigation may be ro-
cessed from time to time until
it is finally terminated by a ma-
jority vote of the City Council;
1. The cost of this investigation
shall be chazgeable to and paid
out of any available funds in
the General Fund of the City.
Special Session, January 19, 1980 85
Passed, adopted and approved as
amended this 19th day of January,
City Clerk
Amendments to resolution at-
tached as adopted January 19,
Add to (d)
Affidavits may be substituted i
by any witness and may be afford-
ed such value as the Council
deems they merit subject to the
right of the Council to invite the
affiant in for further questioning.
(m) In the event persons invited
or duetted to appear as witnesses
shall fail to appear or refuse to
testify, the clerk shall thereupon
issue a subpoena requiring the at-
tendance of such person together
with such pertinent books and rec-
ords as shall be specified in the
direction to the Clerk.
Mayor Takos moved the adop-
tion of We resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schaller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Takos, Councilmen
Schaller, Schreiber.
Nays - Councilmen Freund,
Councilman Freund stated that
he is in favor of the investigation
but is not in favor of the resolu-
tion as drawn up.
Councilman Schueller made the
following statement and asked
that it be written into the record.
Gentlemen-I am the only Coun-
cilman left of the original five
men who chose Mr. Schiltz as City
Manager in 1951. The Council at
that time was Judge Russo, Mr.
Kolb, God rest his soul, Ruben
Austin and C. P. Welu. Mr. Schiltz
took office in April of that year
and we were all happy to have a
local man work with us on all
problems that were facing the City
at that time. We felt that after
many hours of time examining
twenty-two applications for the
position of City Manager that we
had a local man who could work
out the problems that he also
knew. I to this day have never
been sorry that we chose Mr.
Schiltz for our Manager. We of
the Council and the Manager dif-
fered agood many times on vari-
ous issues, but let me tell you
that when a decision was made
we all worked for the best inter-
ests of the Public and our good
Dubuque people. I and all the
Councilmen voted for the recom-
mendations made by our City
Manager and also the Planning &
Zoning Commission who I think
have done a great job through
the years. After careful considera-
tion of this whole matter I can
only say that I should vote against
this resolution. My vote is No. I
feel that I cannot vote any other
way because we reappointed Mr.
Schiltz every year because we felt
he was serving the City well.
Councilman Freund moved that
the list of witnesses to be called, as
submitted by the City Manager be
referred to the City Clerk. Second-
ed by Councilman Schaller. Caz-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
There being no further business
Councilman Freund moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
City Clerk
Approved ..............................1960.
Attest ................................................
City Clerk
86 Special Session, January 25, 1960
Special Session, January 25,
Council met at 4:00 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of con-
ducting an investigation of City
officials and employees as the re-
sult of complaints showing a con-
flict of interests submitted to the
City Council by certain citizens to
determine whether said allegations
are well grounded.
Mayor Takos made the opening
statement relative to the rules of
procedure adopted January 19,
1980, Resolution No. 31-60. (Refer
to Transcript-Conflict of Interest
Investigation -Volume 1 - After-
noon Session, 1-25-80, Page 3).
Councilman Freund addressed
the Council showing deep concern
with regard to libel and slander
in the course of the proceedings.
(Refer to Transcript-Conflict of In-
terest Investigation-Volume 1-
Afternoon Session, 1-25-60, Page 5).
Councilman Freund moved that
the City Solicitor give us a brief-
ing on libel and slander. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Nays-None. ~.
City Solicitor Nelson requested
that he be afforded an opportunity
to research the matter during the
evening recess.
Attorney Louis Fautsch made a
brief statement for the purpose of
the record stating that he is ready
able and willing to represent J.
Harry Schiltz and Laverne Schiltz
in this matter before the Council,
realizing that he is not allowed to
examine or cross examine any wit-
ness and for this and many other
pertinent parts of the resolution
of procedure adopted by the Coun-
cil, he strongly objected to the
method of procedure. (Refer to
Transcript~onflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume 1-Afternoon
Session, 1-2560, Page 10).
Councilman Freund referred
back to the statement of possible
libel and slander explanation by
the City Solicitor and moved that
the City Solicitor give the Council
a more detailed briefing on the
subject after the recess. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mayor Takos presented the affi-
davit of William Becker, marked
Exhibit No. 1; affidavit of Oswald
W. Holz, marked Exhibit No. 2;
affidavit of Harlan Petsche,
marked Exhibit No. 3; (Refer to
transcript--Conflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume 1-Afternoon
Session, 1-2560, Page 10).
City Manager Schiltz made his
original statement which was en-
tered into the record as Exhibit
No. 4. (Refer to Transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume 1-Afternoon Session, 1-
25-60, Page 19).
City Manager Schiltz also pre-
sented a map that he used in ex-
plaining his original statement
which was marked Exhibit No. 5.
(Refer to transcript-Conflict of
Interest Investigation-Volume 1
-Afternoon Session, 1-2560, Page
Session Recess 5:00 P.M. Ses-
sion Reconvened 5:10 P.M.
City Manager Schiltz presented
an affidavit by Everett Hauber,
Licensed real estate broker and
asked that same be placed in the
record, which it was and mazked
Exhibit No. 8. (Refer to transcript
-Conflict of Interest Investiga-
tion-Volume 1-Afternoon Ses-
sion, 1-2560, page 33).
City Manager Schiltz presented
an affidavit by Carl E. Kuehnle,
and asked that same be placed in
the record, which it was and
marked Exhibit No. 7. (Refer to
transcript-Conflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume 1-Afternoon
Session, 1-2560, page 35).
Special Session, January 25, 1980 87
City Manager Schiltz presented
affidavit by Kenneth Schromea,
contractor, and asked that same be
placed in the record, which it was
and marked Exhibit No. 8. (Refer
to transcript-Conflict of Interest
Investigation-Volume 1-After-
noon Session, 1-25-60, Page 36).
City Manager Schiltz presented
a second affidavit by Kenneth
Schromen, contractor, and asked
that same be placed in the record,
which it was and marked Exhibit
No. 9. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-Vol-
ume 1-Afternoon Session, 1-25-80,
page 37).
City Manager Schiltz presented
an affidavit by John C. Duffey,
real estate agent, and asked that
same be placed in the record,
which it was and mazked Exhibit
No. 10. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume 1-Afternoon Session, 1-
25-60, Page 38).
Afternoon Session recessed at
5:45 P.M.
Reconvened Session, January 25,
Council met at 7:00 P. M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos called oa the City
Solicitor to give a more detailed
legal opinion of the rights of the
Council in this hearing. (Refer to
transcript-Conflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume II-Evening
Session, 1-25-60, page 1).
During the further questioning
of City Manager Schiltz Mayor Ta-
kos presented a statement from
the City of Dubuque to Mr. Wil-
liam Becker, relative to the cost
of a sewer from Kaufmann Ave-
nue to the manhole at the Schiltz
Subdivision and asked that same
be entered into the record as an
Exhibit. The statement was en-
tered as Exhibit No. 11. (Refer to
transcript-Conflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume II-Evening
Session, 1-25.80, page 11).
City Manager Schiltz presented
appraisal made by Edwin C. &
Carl Kuehnle of the William Beck-
er property which was admitted as
Exhibit No. 12. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation-Volume II-Evening Ses-
sion, 1-2560, page 25).
Mr. J. Harry Schiltz was called
upon to testify and submitted an
opening statement which was en-
tered into the record and marked
Exhibit No. 13. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation-Volume II-Evening Ses-
sion, I-2560, page 29).
Session recessed at 8:08 P.M.
Session Reconvened at 8:15 P.M.
Mr. Thomas H. Nelson, City So-
licitor, was the next witness called
upon to testify. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation - Volume II -Evening
Session, 1-25-60, page 45).
The session was recessed until
4:00 P. M. January 20, 1960.
Reconvened Special Session,
Januay 26, 1960.
Council met at 4:00 P. M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mr. Irvin Oeth, a member of the
Planning & Zoning Commission
was the first witness called upon
to testify. (Refer to transcript-
Conflict of Interest Investigation
-Volume III-Afternoon Session,
1-28-80, page 3).
Mr. Donald Bandy, Building
Commissioner, was eslled upon to
testify. (Refer to transcrip~Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume III-Afternoon Session, 1-
26-60, page 16).
Session Recessed at 5:15 P. M.-
Session Reconvened at 5:20 P.M.
Mr. Donald Bandy's testimony
was continued at the conclusion of
which Mr. Irvin Oe}h was recalled
as a witness. (Refer to transcript-
Conflict of Interest Investigation-
Volume III-Afternoon Session 1-
26-80, page 57).
Mr. Raymond Bergquic} was the
next witness. (Refer to transcript-
Conflict of Interest Investigation-
Volume III-Afternoon Session 1-
2660, page 60).
Afternoon Session recessed at
6:20 P.M.
Reconvened Special Session,
January 28, 1960.
Council met at 7:20 P. M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
88 Special Session, January 25, 1980
Mr. Harlan Petsche was the first
witness to appear and give hia
testimony. (Refer to transcript-
Volume N-Evening Session 1-26-
60, page 1).
Mr. William J. Reilly was the
next witness called and submitted
a statement which is entered in
the record as Exhibit No. 14. (Re-
fer to transcript-Conflict of In-
terest Investigation-Volume N-
Evening Session 1-26-80, page 13).
Session Recessed at 8:25 P.M.-
Session Reconvened at 8:30 PM.
Mr. Evereff Hauber, Dubuque
Real Estate Broker, was the next
witness called and gave his testi-
mony. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume N-Evening Session 1-2&
60, page 57).
Mr. John C. Duffey, Insurance
and Real Estate Broker was the
next witness called and gave his
testimony after the City Clerk was
instructed to read Mr. Duffey's af-
fidavit formerly entered into the
record as Exhibit No. 10. (Refer
to transcript-Conflict of Interest
Investigation-Volume N-Eve-
ning Session 1-26-60, page 74).
Evening Session recessed at
9:00 P.M.to reconvene January 27,
1960 at 4:00 P.M.
Reconvened Special Session,
January 27, 1960.
Council met at 4:00 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos opened the session
by requesting the City Cletk to
read a pertinent document, pre-
sented to the Clerk prior to this
session by Mr. William Reilly. (Re-
fer to transcript-Conflict of In-
terest Investigation-Volume V-
Afternoon Session, 1-27-60, page
3). Document marked Exhibit Na.
Former Mayor Charles A. Kint-
zinger was called upon to give
testimony. (Refer to Transcript-
Conflict of Interest Investigation
-Volume V-Afternoon Session 1-
2760, Page 7).
Session Recessed 5:25 P.M.-Ses-
sion Reconvened 5:30 P.M.
The following telegrams were
received from the following named
persons and marked as Exhibit
No. 16; (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume V-Afternoon Session, 1-
27-60, page 43); James E. Graham,
Harry C. Brown, Tom Graham, R.
A. Schueller, Mrs. Louis Kessler,
C. P. Frommelt, A. F. Hoffman,
Joseph G. Graham, Irene M. Slade,
H. E. & Kay Dilworth, Dr. and
Mrs. F. T. Piass, William Kessler,
Mrs. Roger Slade, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Powell, Mrs. Laverne Rlin-
Mr. Carl Bartels, a member of
the Engineering firm of Bartels
& McMahan was the next witness
called. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume V-Afternoon Session, 1-
27-80, page 43). Mr. Carl Bartels
presented a memo dated July 2,
1957, relative to the making of a
contour map for J. H. Schiltz on
25 acres up near the new high
school. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume V-Afternoon Session, 1-
27-60, page 54). Said memo desig-
nated as Exhibit No. 17.
Session recessed at 6:20 P.M.
Reconvened Special Session,
January 27, 1980.
Council met at 7:25 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mr. Richard LeMay, a member
of the Engineering firm of Bar-
tels & McMahan, was called upon
to testify. (Refer to transcript-
Confhct of Interest Investigation-
Volume VI-Evening Session, 1-27-
80, Page 1).
Mr. Ken Schromen, a local build-
ing contractor, was called upon to
testify. He made an opening state-
ment, marked Exhibit No. 18. (Re-
fer to transcript-Conflict of In-
terest Investigation-Volume VI-
Evening Session 1-27-60, page 24).
Mr. Ken Schromen offered as evi-
dence an offer to buy from J. H.
Schiltz eight lots in Block 5 Scenic
View Hts. No. 2, said offer marked
Exhibit No. 19. (Refer to transcript
-Conflict of Interest Investigation
-Volume VI-Evening Session, 1-
27-60, Page 34).
Mr. Chris Willy, owner of Wil-
ly's Place was the next witness
called to testify. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation -Volume VI -Evening
Session 1-27-80, page 34).
Special Session, January 25, 1960 89
{ ~ Session Recessed at 8:25 P.M.-
Session Reconvened 8:30 P. M.
~~~~ Questioning and testimony of
r- ` Mr. Chris Willy continued.
Mr. Carl Kuehnle, realtor and
appraiser, was the next witness
called to testify. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
f`::' ligation -Volume VI -Evening
r~ Session, 1-27-60, page 47).
Mr. Donald Bandy, Building
~~:* Commissioner, was recalled for
statement. (Refer to transcript-
'; Conflict of Interest Investigation-
' Volume VI-Evening Session 1-27-
60, page 52).
Two telegrams were received,
one from Mrs. R. D. West and one
from L. J. Neyens, marked Ex•
~ hibiT No. 20.
Evening Session recessed at 9:00
P.M. to reconvene January 28,
1960 at 4:00 P.M.
Reconvened Special Session Jan-
~ uary 28, 1960.
` Council met at 4:00 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
- Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
The Council agreed that a peti-
lion by Mr. William Reilly be read
into the record. (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
ligation-Volume VII-Afternoon
Session 1-28-60, page 3).
The first witness called was Mr.
Russell Schueller. Mr. Schueller
read his statement (Refer to tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation-Volume VII-Afternoon
Session 1-28-60, page 4). Statement
given Exhibit No. 22~See Page 10
° Volume VII.
~ Mr. Kenneth J. Cullen, City En-
i gineer, was then called upon to
testify. Mr. Cullen made an open-
. ing Statement (Refer to transcript
r -Conflict of Interest Investigation
-Volume VII-Afternoon Session,
1-28-60, Page 21.) Statement given
Exhibi} No. 23, See Page 21-Vo1-
r ume VIII. Plat of Lewis Heights
~ Subdivision presented and marked
~~ Exhibit No. 24~ee Page 34-Vo1-
ume VII. Grant and Easement
' Dockal & Schepler Indian Hill
~ Subdivision, marked Exhibit No.
25, See Page 34-Volume VII.
Session Recessed 5:15 P.M.-Re-
-_ convened 5:22 P. M.
Continued questioning of City
Engineer Cullen.
Mr. Georoe Saffron, Contractor,
was the next witness to give tes-
timony. (Refer to transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-
Volume-Afternoon Session, 1.28-
80, Page 52.)
Mr. William C. Fuersie, a local
attorney, was the next witness
called upon to testify. Refer to
transcript-Conflict of Interest In-
vestigation-Volume VII-After-
noon Session, 1-28-60, page 64).
Receipt of Wal} Chapman Tele-
gram acknowledged marked Ex-
hibit No. 26-Volume VII-Page
Afternoon Session Recessed 6:01
P.M. to Reconvene January 29,
1960 at 4:00 P.M.
Reconvened Special Session Jan-
uary 29, 1960.
CouneB met at 4:00 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, CouncB-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos stated that the
Council visited at the home of Mr.
William Becker at 2645 Kaufmann
Avenue prior to coming to the
Council Chamber. (Refer to Tran-
script-Conflict of Interest Inves-
tigation-Volume VIII-Afternoon
Session, 1-29-60, page 3). Recon-
vened at the City Hall at 4:15
Councilman Freund moved for
a review of the Becker tape. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Mayor Takos acknowledged re-
ceipt of a telegram from Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. McCabe, marked
Exhibit No. 27, a letter from Mr.
Wilfred T. Herrig marked Exhibit
No. 23 and a letter from J. H.
Gottel, marked Exhibit No. 29.
Volume VIII-Page 20.
Mr. J. B. Baker, general Super-
intendent of Schroeder Co. was
called to the stand to testify. (Re-
fer to Transcript-Conflict of in-
terest Investigation-Volume VIII
-Afternoon Session 1-29-60, page
22). Mr. Baker read his testimony
which was marked Exhibit No. 30.
90 Special Session, January 25, 1960
Cify Manager SahiNz was asked
to make a statement, which he
did, same being marked Exhibit
No. 31. (Refer to Transcript-Con-
flict of Interest Investigation-Vol-
ume VIII-Afternoon Session 1-29-
60, page 31).
Mayor Takos stated that the
chair has not been informed by
any other witness that it was their
wish to make a final statement,
so it concludes that Were is no
further witness to appear before
this body. The Council will ad-
journ this inquiry until it has a
chance to review the testimony,
exhibits, affidavits, and other mat-
ters included in the record. The
CouncII will indicate its intention
on this matter as soon as practi-
cable. The chair wishes to Wank
all parties at this hearing and
their cooperation in keeping the
tempo orderly, and in particulaz
the two court reporters for their
patience during the last five days.
Councilman Freund moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Schaller. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
City Clerk
Approved ..............................1960.
Adopted ..................................1960.
Councilmen { ....................................
Attest ..................................
City Clerk
h, ``
Regular Session, February 1, 1960 91
Regular Session February 1,
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Schueller. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Takos read the call and
stated Wat this is a regular monW-
ly meeting of the City Council for
the purpose of acting upon such
business as may properly come be-
fore the meeting.
January 25, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
I am submitting herewith the
monWly reports of the City Audi-
tor, City Treasurer, City Health
Department and City Water Works
for the monW of December as
well as list of claims for which
warrants were issued far We
monW of December, 1959.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Freund moved that
We reports be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by We following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
Proof of Publication certified to
by the Publisher, of Statement of
Receipts and a list of claims for
which warrants were issued dur-
ing the monW of December 1959,
presented and read. Councilman
Freund moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
February 1, 1960
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition for suspension of
taxes of Richard ~E. Haschke for
Lot 2 of Hoppman Place on ac-
count of old age was referred to
the City Manager.
This suspension of taxes request-
ed does not relieve the property
for the payment of these taxes
but they are suspended until the
property is sold. I know Mr.
Haschke and to my knowledge, he
has no means of support or in-
come. Irecommend that the pe-
tition be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Mayor Takos moved that We rec-
ommendation of We City Manager
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Freund. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,
February 1, 1980
To We Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise Wat I have ap-
proved the following bond and pol-
icies and desire to have your ap-
proval on same for filing, subject
to the approval of the City Solici-
Dubuque Plumbing and Heating
Co., American Casualty Co.
Dubuque Plumbing and Heating
Co., Policy No. CL 848932, Bi-
tuminous Casualty Corp.
G. L. McCarten, d/b/a McCarten
Plumbing & Heating, Policy No.
CGL 112-45378, American Surety
Everett Emerson, d/b/a Emerson
Excavating Co., Policy No. ML
185750, U.S. Fidelity and Guar-
anty Co.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the filing of the bonds and
policies be approved subject to
the approval of the City Solicitor.
Seconded by Councilman Schaller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Takos, Council-
men Freund, Schaller, Schreiber,