Supplement No. 17 - Code of Ordinances - January 2015D STERLING CODIFIERS 5;.r AM ll 2 3906 Schreiber Way Coeur d'A1ene, ID 83815 (208) 665-7193 Citi Clerk's Office Dubuque, IA INSTRUCTION SHEET: DUBUQUE, Iowa Supplement No. 17/January, 2015 Includes Ordinances: 55-14, 56-14, 57-14, 59-14, 60-14, 64-14, 65-14 and 66-14 REMOVE PAGE HEADED INSERT NEW PAGE HEADED VOLUME I Preface TITLE 2: 2-6-1, Chapter 6, Environmental Stewardship and following page 2-8-1, Chapter 8, Arts And Cultural Affairs and following two pages TITLE 5: 5-1-10, 2. Attendance must be entered upon TITLE 9: 9-1-321.1, from overhead trolley wires but not 9-1-321.1, C. Any integral part of a truck 9-7-321.285, Fifteen (15) miles per hour and following two pages 9-14-321.625, or placed such motor vehicle at and following page TITLE 10: 10-1-2, ment or redevelopment" means any and following two pages Preface 2-6-1, Chapter 6, Environmental Stewardship and following page 2-8-1, Chapter 8, Arts And Cultural Affairs and following two pages 5-1-10, 2. Attendance must be entered upon 9-1-321.1, from overhead trolley wires but not 9-1-321.1, C. Any integral part of a truck -9-7-321.285,; Fifteen (15) miles per hour and following two pages 9-14-321.625, or placed such motor vehicle at and following page VOLUME Il :TITLE.16: 16-5-2, dwellings and related recreational 16-5-3, 16-5-3: R-2 Two -Family Residential INDEX: -A-, Alarm System Permits (cont.) - C-, Central Market (cont.) - E-, Environmental Stewardship Advisory -L-, Liquor Control (cont.) 10-1-2, ment or redevelopment" means any and following two pages 16-5-2, dwellings and related recreational 16-5-3, 16-5-3: R-2 Two -Family -:Residential - A-, Alarm System Permits (cont.) - C-, Central Market (cont.) -E-, Environmental Stewardship Advisory - L-, Liquor Control (cont.) PREFACE This city code of the city of Dubuque, as supple- mented, contains ordinances up to and including ordinance 52-14, passed August 4, 2014. Ordi- nances of the city adopted after said ordinance supersede the provisions of this city code to the extent that they are in conflict or inconsistent therewith. Consult the city office in order to ascertain whether any particular provision of the code has been amended, superseded or repealed. Sterling Codifiers Coeur d'Alene, Idaho November 2014 City of Dubuque 2-6-1 2-6-2 CHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION SECTION: 2-6-1: Commission Created; Composition 2-6-2: Application And Appointment Process 2-6-3: Term; Filling Of Vacancies; Compensation 2-6-4: Duties 2-6-5: Organization 2-6-6: Procedures For Operations 2-6-1: COMMISSION CREATED; COMPOSITION: There is hereby created an environmental stewardship advisory commission, which shall consist of seven (7) members, who shall all be residents of the city, and shall include representation from diverse segments of the city's population. It is desirable to select some members who may have helpful backgrounds with environmental/biological science, healthcare, business/ industry, and environmental/civic groups. In addition, the council must make a good faith effort to recruit and appoint members who will inherit the environment and are under the age of thirty (30) at the time of appointment. (Ord. 4-13, 2-18-2013) 2-6-2: APPLICATION AND APPOINTMENT PROCESS: The appointment process to the commission by the city council shall include at least the following: A. An application form requesting basic information on the education, training, experience, expectations and other qualifications of the applicant; B. Notice to and an opportunity for the general public to comment in writing on the qualifications of each applicant; and April 2013 City of Dubuque 2-6-2 2-6-4 C. A formal interview by the city council to determine the applicant's qualifications and ability to effectively serve on the commission. (2007 Code § 18.5-22) 2-6-3: TERM; FILLING OF VACANCIES; COMPENSATION: A. Term: The term of office for a member of the commission shall be three (3) years or until a successor is duly appointed. (Ord. 4-13, 2-18-2013) B. Removal Of Members: A commission member may be removed at any time with or without cause by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the city council. C. Filling Of Vacancies: A vacancy on the commission caused by resig- nation or otherwise shall be filled by appointment by the city council for the remainder of the unexpired term. D. Compensation: Members of the commission shall serve without com- pensation except for actual expenses, which shall be subject to approval by the city council. E. Expiration Of Term: The term of office of a member shall expire October 1. (2007 Code § 18.5-23) 2-6-4: DUTIES: The duties of the commission shall be as follows: A. To develop, articulate and propose goals, objectives and policies for the stewardship of the city's environment and its ecological systems for present and future generations. An initial report to the city council should be completed within a year and thenceforth periodically. It shall also include sections on the current condition of the city's natural environments and on the progress being made in achieving the city's environmental quality goals. B. To advise and inform the city council on environmental stewardship issues, including the implementation of and compliance with, legisla- tion, regulations and policies. C. To hold public forums on specific issues at the direction of the city council. April 2013 City of Dubuque 2-6-4 2-6-6 D. To provide, upon request, to other boards, commissions and city departments information for environmental educational programs, educational materials, and environmental volunteer opportunities. E. To provide input to the long range planning advisory commission regarding environmental stewardship issues in the comprehensive plan. (2007 Code § 18.5-24) 2-6-5: ORGANIZATION: A. Officers; Rules And Regulations: The commission shall choose annually, at its first meeting of the fiscal year, one of its members at act as chairperson, and another of its members to act as vice chairperson, to perform all of the duties of the chairperson during the chairperson's absence or disability. The commission shall adopt such rules and regulations governing its organization and procedures as it may deem necessary. B. Meetings: The commission shall meet as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the commission was created. C. Attendance Of Members: Members of the commission shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within any twelve (12) month period. If any member fails to attend such prescribed number of meetings, such failure shall constitute grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that said member be replaced. D. Compliance With Open Meetings Law: Attendance of all members shall be entered on the minutes. All meetings of the commission shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Iowa open meetings law. E. Minutes Filed With City Clerk: The commission shall file with the city clerk a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the commission within ten (10) working days after such meeting. (2007 Code § 18.5-25) 2-6-6: PROCEDURES FOR OPERATIONS: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary and procurement policies of the city shall govern the commission in all its operations. (2007 Code § 18.5-26) City of Dubuque 2-8-1 2-8-3 CHAPTER 8 ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS ADVISORY COMMISSION SECTION: 2-8- 1: 2-8- 2: 2-8- 3: 2-8- 4: 2-8- 5: 2-8- 6: 2-8- 7: 2-8- 8: 2-8- 9: 2-8-10: 2-8-11: 2-8-12: 2-8-13: 2-8-14: Commission Created Mission Goals Purpose Powers Cooperation With Other Agencies Solicitation And Acceptance Of Donations Membership; Appointment Attendance Compensation Organization Meetings Rules And Regulations Administrative And Other City Policies 2-8-1: COMMISSION CREATED: There is hereby created the arts and cultural affairs advisory commission to have such powers and responsibilities as hereinafter provided. (2007 Code § 8-11) 2-8-2: MISSION: The mission of the commission is to build the community of Dubuque through arts and cultural programs by developing visibility, funding, audiences, information and partnerships. (2007 Code § 8-12) 2-8-3: GOALS: The goals of the commission shall be as follows: A. To promote, educate and create awareness for arts and cultural activities in the Dubuque community; City of Dubuque 2-8-3 2-8-5 B. To develop and increase the market for arts and cultural activities in the Dubuque community; C. To facilitate and convene partnerships for arts and cultural activities in the Dubuque community; and D. To develop funding options and allocate budgeted funding for arts and cultural activities in the Dubuque community. (2007 Code § 8-13) 2-8-4: PURPOSE: The purpose of the arts and cultural affairs advisory commission shall be to plan, promote and encourage programs to further public awareness of, accessibility to, participation in and support for the artistic and cultural development of the city and to make recommendations to the city council regarding the establishment of arts and cultural policies and programs, the expenditure of budgeted city funds on arts and cultural activities and the implementation of programs for arts and culture. (2007 Code § 8-14) 2-8-5: POWERS: The commission shall have the following powers: A. To act in an advisory capacity to the city council in all matters pertaining to the arts and cultural environment of the city; B. To hold regular public meetings and maintain a written record of its proceedings; C. To make recommendations to the city council on the allocation of budgeted city funding for arts programs and services; D. To recommend to the city council applications and solicitations for grants, gifts and donations from individuals, groups, organizations and agencies, both private and public, for any purpose consistent with the purposes of the commission; E. To make recommendations to the city council regarding city sponsorship of public programs to further the development of public awareness of and accessibility to arts and culture programs and activities; F. At the request of the city council, to work with area organizations on broad community issues in which a cultural perspective is relevant and desirable; and City of Dubuque 2-8-5 2-8-8 G. To engage in comprehensive planning for the cultural development of the city. (2007 Code § 8-15) 2-8-6: COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES: The commission shall cooperate with the Dubuque Cultural Alliance and other groups interested in the promotion and implementation of arts and cultural activities which are in the best interest of the city. (2007 Code § 8-16) 2-8-7: SOLICITATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS: The commission may solicit and otherwise accept donations and gifts of money, personal and real property and personal services on behalf of the city. All such donations and gifts received shall become the property of the city for the general use or support of arts and cultural programs of the city as determined by the city council unless such items have been designated by the donor for specific purposes. (2007 Code § 8-17) 2-8-8: MEMBERSHIP; APPOINTMENT: A. Membership; Terms: The commission shall comprise seven (7) members. The initial term of four (4) of the members shall be for three (3) years and the initial term of three (3) of the members shall be two (2) years. Thereafter, all terms shall be three (3) years. The expiration date for all terms of office shall be June 30 of the appropriate year. B. Qualifications: Four (4) members of the commission shall have significant knowledge and demonstrated interest in one or more areas of the arts including music, dance, literature, visual arts, theater, folk arts, media arts, design, arts education or be a member of the Dubuque Cultural Alliance. Two (2) members shall be from the business and professional community, one of whom lives or works in the cultural and entertainment district. One member shall be at Targe who lives or works outside the cultural and entertainment district. C. Vacancies: Vacancies caused by death, resignation or otherwise shall be promptly filled by the city council for the unexpired term of office. (2007 Code § 8-18) City of Dubuque 2-8-9 2-8-12 2-8-9: ATTENDANCE: A. Attendance Requirement: Members of the commission shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled and held meetings within any consecutive twelve (12) month period. If any member fails to attend such prescribed number of meetings, it shall be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. B. Attendance Entered On Minutes: The attendance of all commission members shall be entered upon the minutes of all meetings by the secretary. (2007 Code § 8-19) 2-8-10: COMPENSATION: Members of the commission shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of necessary expenses. (2007 Code § 8-20) 2-8-11: ORGANIZATION: At the initial meeting of the commission and at the first meeting in July of each year, the commission shall elect a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary to serve one year terms of office. All officers shall be eligible to serve successive terms of office. (2007 Code § 8-21) 2-8-12: MEETINGS: A. Regular Meetings: The commission shall hold a minimum of six (6) meetings a year. Meetings shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at four thirty o'clock (4:30) P.M. B. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of three (3) members. C. Open Meetings: All meetings shall be called and held in conformance with the Iowa open meetings law. D. Minutes Filed With City Council: A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission shall be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each such meeting. E. Quorum: Four (4) members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of at City of Dubuque 2-8-12 2-8-14 least four (4) members shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution. (2007 Code § 8-22) 2-8-13: RULES AND REGULATIONS: The commission shall adopt such rules and regulations to govern its internal organization and procedure as it may deem necessary and which are not in conflict with this chapter or this code. Copies of such rules and regulations upon their adoption shall immediately be provided to the city council. (2007 Code § 8-23) 2-8-14: ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER CITY POLICIES: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary and procure- ment policies of the city shall govern the commission in all of its operations. (2007 Code § 8-24) City of Dubuque 5-1-10 5-1-14 2. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. E. Minutes: A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the board must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. F. Quorum: Three (3) members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. (Ord. 50-14, 7-21-2014) 5-1-11: COMPENSATION: Members serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official board business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. (Ord. 50-14, 7-21-2014) 5-1-12: REMOVAL: The city council may remove any member for cause upon written charges and after a public hearing. (Ord. 50-14, 7-21-2014) 5-1-13: POWERS: The board has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: A. Advise the city council on executing agreements and grants relating to the transit system operation and the purchase of new equipment. B. Advise the city council on rates, fares, or charges for the transporta- tion of passengers and any incidental services and the rates or charges to be made for advertising in buses or any other facility. (Ord. 50-14, 7-21-2014) 5-1-14: FARE INCREASE OR REDUCTION IN SERVICE, PROCE- DURE: A. Public Hearing: Prior to the adoption of any fare increase or a sub- stantial reduction in service by the city council, the city council must set a time and place for public hearing on such proposed fare increase or reduction in service, and must cause a notice of the time November 2014 City of Dubuque 5-1-14 5-1-14 and place of such hearing to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days prior to such hearing. All notices must comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. B. Contents Of Notice: The notice must state the time and place of hearing, include a summary of the proposed fare increase or reduc- tion in service level, indicate who the increase or reduction will affect, indicate the date the increase or reduction will take effect, and request that interested persons comment, in writing filed with the city clerk prior to the time of the public hearing or in person at the public hearing, on the proposed increase or reduction. The notice must also state that any comments submitted will be considered by the city council, and that following the public hearing, the city council will act to adopt, modify or reject the proposed fare increase or reduction in service. All notices must comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. (Ord. 50-14, 7-21-2014) November 2014 City of Dubuque 9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1 MOTORCYCLE: MOTORIZED BICYCLE OR MOTOR BICYCLE: OFFICIAL PARKING SIGNS: OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL: OPERATOR: OWNER: from overhead trolley wires but not operated upon rails. The terms "car", "new car", "used car", or "automobile" shall be synonymous with the term "motor vehicle". Every motor vehicle having a saddle or seat for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground including a motor scooter but excluding a tractor and a motorized bicycle. A motor vehicle having a saddle or a seat for the use of a rider and designed to travel on not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground, and not capable of operating at a speed in excess of thirty (30) miles per hour on level ground unassisted by human power. Any such signs as have been erected by author- ity of a public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating parking. All signs, signals, markings, and devices not inconsistent with this title placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. Any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed. Every person, other than a chauffeur, who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway. A person who holds the legal title of a vehicle, or in the event a vehicle is the subject of a security agreement with an immediate right of possession vested in the debtor, then such debtor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of this title. City of Dubuque June 2010 9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1 PARK: PARKING LOT: PARKING METER: PEACE OFFICER: PEDESTRIAN: PNEUMATIC TIRE: PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY: RAILROAD SIGN OR SIGNAL: RAILROAD TRAIN: RESIDENCE DISTRICT: June 2010 The stopping or standing of a motor vehicle either attended or unattended by a driver or occupant. A lot in the city where motor vehicles are parked for a fee. Any mechanical device located upon a public street or sidewalk in a place regularly designated as a parking zone. This device shall record a certain number of minutes by the use of a clock mechanism determining the number of minutes for which parking privileges may be extended to any person depositing the coin or coins required. Every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations, in addition to its meaning in section 801.4, code of Iowa. Any person afoot. Every tire in which compressed air is designed to support the Toad. Every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner but not by other persons. Any sign, signal, or device erected by authority of a public body or official or by a railroad and intended to give notice of the presence of railroad tracks or of the approach of a railroad train. An engine or locomotive, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails. The territory within a city or town contiguous to and including a highway, not comprising a busi- ness, suburban, or school district, where forty percent (40%) or more of the frontage on such City of Dubuque 9-1-321.1 9-1-321.2 C. Any integral part of a truck tractor or road tractor which is mounted on the frame of the truck tractor or road tractor immediately behind the cab and which may be used to transport persons and property but which cannot be drawn upon the highway by the truck tractor or another motor vehicle. D. Any steering axle, dolly, auxiliary axle, or other integral part of another vehicle which in and of itself is incapable of commercially trans- porting any person or property but is used pri- marily to support another vehicle. (Ord. 43-08, 6-16-2008; amd. Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008; Ord. 39-09, 8-3-2009; Ord. 53-09, 11-2-2009; Ord. 33-10, 6-21-2010, eff. 7-1-2010; Ord. 65-10, 12-20-2010; Ord. 51-12, 9-17-2012) 9-1-321.2: APPLICABILITY OF TITLE: A. The provisions of this title applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon the streets shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or operated by the United States, this state, or any county, city, town, district, or any other political subdivision of the state, subject to specific exceptions as are set forth in the laws of Iowa and the ordi- nances of the city with reference to authorized emergency vehicles. B. This title, except section 9-7-321.277, does not apply to persons and motor vehicles and other equipment while actually engaged in work upon the surface of a highway officially closed to traffic but does apply to such persons and vehicles when traveling to or from such work. The provisions of section 9-7-321.294 and subsection 9-7-321.297B of this title do not apply to road workers operating maintenance equipment owned by or under lease to any state or local authority while engaged in road maintenance, road blading, snow and ice control and removal, and granular resurfacing work on a highway, whether or not the highway is closed to traffic. A chauffeur's license shall not be required for a person to operate road construction and maintenance equipment while engaged in road con- struction and maintenance work, including the movement of the road construction and maintenance equipment to and from the work site under its own power. November 2012 City of Dubuque 9-1-321.2 9-1-321.2 C. Every person riding a bicycle or animal, or driving any animal drawing a vehicle upon a street, shall be subject to the provisions of this title applicable to the driver of a vehicle except those provisions which by their nature can have no application. D. The provisions of this title relating to the operation of vehicles refers exclusively to the operation of vehicles upon streets and highways except: 1. Where a different place is specifically referred to in a given section. 2. The provisions of chapter 3 and section 9-7-321.277 of this title shall apply upon the streets and highways and elsewhere throughout the city. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) November 2012 City of Dubuque 9-7-321.285 9-7-321.285 Fifteen (15) miles per hour: Streets and roadways in all city parks. Twenty five (25) miles per hour: Admiral Sheehy Drive, U.S. Highway 61/151 to its terminus. Airport Road, from a point two thousand three hundred feet (2,300') west of U.S. Highway 61 to its westerly terminus. i Bryant Street, from Grandview Avenue to the centerline of U.S. Highway 20. Carter Road, from John F. Kennedy Road to Kane Street. Central Avenue, 32nd Street to its southerly terminus. Fremont Avenue, from Simpson Street to U.S. Highway 20. Greyhound Park Drive, U.S. Highway 61/151 to its terminus. Hill Street, from 9th Street to the centerline of U.S. Highway 20. Pennsylvania Avenue, from University Avenue to Hickson Street. Ramp connector, eastbound from Fremont Avenue to Grandview Avenue. Ramp connector, westbound from Grandview Avenue to Lombard Street. White Street, 4th Street to 12th Street. Thirty (30) miles per hour: Asbury Road, University Avenue to a point five hundred feet (500') west of St. John Drive. Cedar Cross Road, U.S. Highway 20 to a point eight hundred feet (800') east of Ace Avenue. Central Avenue, 32nd Street to Ruby Street. City of Dubuque 9-7-321.285 9-7-321.285 Chavenelle Road, from Associates Drive to its westerly terminus. Fremont Avenue, from North Cascade Road to Simpson Street. John F. Kennedy Road, Sunset Park Circle to city limits. Kaufman Avenue, John F. Kennedy Road to Central Avenue. Locust Street, West, Clarke Drive to 16th Street. Loras Boulevard, Bluff Street to University Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue, from Hickson Street to John F. Kennedy Road. Peru Road, from a point seven hundred feet (700') east of Jackson to Sheridan Road. Rhomberg Avenue, Elm Street to its northeasterly terminus. Shiras Avenue, Rhomberg Avenue to its northerly terminus. University Avenue, 9th Street to Prysi Street. Windsor Avenue, East 24th Street to its northerly terminus. 9th Street, Bluff Street to University Avenue. 32nd Street, West, Highland Park to John F. Kennedy Road. Thirty five (35) miles per hour: Airport Road, from U.S. Highway 61 to a point two thousand three hundred feet (2,300') west of U.S. Highway 61. Asbury Road, from a point five hundred feet (500') west of St. John's Drive to city limits. Carter Road, from Kane Street to West 32nd Street. Cedar Cross Road, Fremont Street to a point eight hundred feet (800') east of Ace Avenue. City of Dubuque 9-7-321.285 9-7-321.285 Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), from Locust Street to a point one thousand five hundred thirty feet (1,530') east of Locust Street. Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), Locust Street to a point one thousand one hundred feet (1,100') west of Locust Street. Grandview Avenue, Balboa Street to 32nd Street. Grandview Avenue, from a point approximately four hundred feet (400') north of Ungs Street to Kaufman Avenue. John F. Kennedy Road, Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20) to Sunset Park Circle. Kerper Boulevard, Pine Street to Hawthorne Street. Pennsylvania Avenue, John F. Kennedy Road to westerly city limits. Peru Road, Sheridan Road to Roosevelt Road (Valley Road). Radford Road, from Chavenelle Road to the northerly city limits. Roosevelt Road (Valley Road and Pebman Road), Peru Road to a point five hundred feet (500') north of Amelia Drive. Seippel Road, Old Highway Road to the northerly city limits. University Avenue, Prysi Street to John F. Kennedy Road. Wacker Drive, Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20) to John F. Kennedy Road. 16th Street, East, Kerper Boulevard to Sycamore Street. 32nd Street, West, Grandview Avenue to Highland Park. Forty (40) miles per hour: Central Avenue, Ruby Street to Olympic Heights Road. City of Dubuque 9-7-321.285 9-7-321.285 Forty five (45) miles per hour: Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), from a point one thousand five hundred thirty feet (1,530') east of Locust Street to the easterly city limits on the Julien Dubuque Bridge. Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), from a point one thousand one hundred feet (1,100') west of Locust Street to a point five hundred feet (500') east of Crescent Ridge Road. Locust Street ramps to U.S. 52/61/151, from Locust Street to U.S. 52/61/151. Northwest Arterial (IA 32), U.S. Highway 20 to U.S. Highway 52. Peru Road, Roosevelt Road (Valley Road) to northerly city limits. Seippel Road, U.S. Highway 20 to Old Highway Road. U.S. 61/151/52, from a point one hundred fifty feet (150') north of 5th Street to a point one thousand one hundred feet (1,100') south of the Julien Dubuque Bridge. Fifty (50) miles per hour: Central Avenue, Olympic Heights Road to northerly city limits. Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), from a point five hundred feet (500') east of Crescent Ridge Road to the westerly city limits. Northwest Arterial (IA 32), from Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20) to the northerly city limits. Fifty five (55) miles per hour: Dodge Street (U.S. Highway 20), from a point one thousand sixty feet (1,060') west of Old Highway Road to the westerly city limits. U.S. 61/151/52, from a point one hundred fifty feet (150') north of 5th Street to the northerly city limits on the Dubuque/Wisconsin bridge, and from a point one thousand City of Dubuque 9-7-321.285 9-7-321.288 one hundred feet (1,100') south of the Julien Dubuque bridge to the southerly city limits. D. Scheduled fines are established pursuant to Iowa Code section 805.6(6). Excessive speed in zones 55 miles per hour or less: 1 through 5 miles per hour over 6 through 10 miles per hour over 11 through 15 miles per hour over 16 through 20 miles per hour over Over 20 miles per hour over (plus $2.00 for each mile in excess of 20 miles per hour over limit) Excessive speed in zones greater than 55 miles per hour: 1 through 5 miles per hour over 6 through 10 miles per hour over 11 through 15 miles per hour over 16 through 20 miles per hour over Over 20 miles per hour over (plus $5.00 for each mile in excess of 20 miles per hour over limit) (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008; amd. Ord. 45-08, 6-21-2008; Ord. 59-09, 12-7-2009) 9-7-321.286 - 9-7-321.287: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) 9-7-321.288: CONTROL OF VEHICLE: A. A person operating a motor vehicle shall have the same vehicle under control at all times. November 2012 City of Dubuque 9-7-321.288 9-7-321.293 B. A person operating a motor vehicle shall reduce the speed to a reasonable and proper rate: 1. When approaching and passing a person walking in the traveled portion of the public street. 2. When approaching and passing an animal which is being led, ridden, or driven upon a public street. 3. When approaching and traversing a crossing or intersection of public streets, or a sharp turn, curve, or steep descent in a public street. 4. When approaching and passing a fusee, flares, red reflector electric lanterns, red reflectors, or red flags, or an emergency vehicle displaying a revolving or flashing light. 5. When approaching and passing a slow moving vehicle displaying a reflective device as provided by section 321.383, code of Iowa. 6. When approaching and passing through a road work zone. (Ord. 47-12, 8-20-2012) 9-7-321.289: SIGNS TO BE ERECTED: On a street on which the rate of speed changes, other than primary roads and extensions of primary roads, there shall be erected by the city suitable standard signs showing the points at which the rate of speed changes on such street and the maximum rate of speed in the district which the vehicle is entering. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) 9-7-321.290: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) 9-7-321.291: SPEEDING VIOLATION FORM: In every charge of violation of section 9-7-321.285 of this chapter the information and the notice to appear shall specify the speed at which the defendant is alleged to have driven and also the speed limit applicable within the district or at the location. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) 9-7-321.292 - 9-7-321.293: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) November 2012 City of Dubuque 9-14-321.625 9-14-321.626 or placed such motor vehicle at the point where such violation occurred. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) 9-14-321.626: RESERVED FIRE DEPARTMENT PARKING: A. When appropriate signs have been posted, that area located on the north side of 9th Street between Central Avenue and the driveway to fire headquarters is set aside for the parking of fire department vehicles. B. When appropriate signs have been posted, that area located on the west side of Central Avenue between 9th Street and the entrance to the parking ramp at 975 Central Avenue is set aside for the parking of fire department vehicles at all times. July 2014 City of Dubuque 9-14-321.626 9-14-321.627 C. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand, or park within such area unless such vehicle is clearly identified and marked as a vehicle assigned to the fire department. (Ord. 21-11, 3-7-3011) 9-14-321.627: ALTERNATE SIDE STREET PARKING: A. This section is enacted as an enforcement procedure for the protection of public safety and welfare and shall be used to facilitate street sweeping and the removal of snow and ice accumulations on certain public streets. B. There is hereby established an alternate side street parking district, unless signs are erected giving notice otherwise, comprised of streets and/or portions thereof as follows: Bluff Street, both sides, from 14th Street to Dodge Street. Central Avenue, both sides, from 22nd Street to 4th Street. Clarke Drive, north side, from the east property line of 1687 Clarke Drive to Clarke Crest Drive. Clarke Drive, south side, from West Locust Street to a point approximately one hundred feet (100') east of Clarke Crest Drive. Iowa Street, both sides, from 14th Street to 4th Street. Jones Street, both sides, from Main Street to Harrison Street. Locust Street, both sides, from 14th Street to 1st Street. Main Street, both sides, from 14th Street to Railroad Avenue. Railroad Avenue, both sides, from Main Street to Harrison Street. White Street, both sides, from 21st Street to 5th Street. 1st Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to the 1st to 2nd Street connector, also known as the alley east of Main Street. 2nd Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Iowa Street. May 2011 City of Dubuque 9-14-321.627 9-14-321.627 3rd Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Main Street. 4th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Central Avenue. 5th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 6th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 7th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 8th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 9th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Pine Street. 10th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 11th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Pine Street. 12th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 13th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street. 16th Street, both sides, from Central Avenue to the alley entrance immediately east of Central Avenue. C. The city manager is hereby authorized to establish time restrictions within the alternate side street parking district and to post appropriate signs therefor. D. Upon petition to the city manager by any person for parking time restrictions within the alternate side street parking district, the city manager shall review such requests and make such changes as are deemed necessary by the city manager. E. When any vehicle parked in violation of this section constitutes a hindrance and a hazard to the prompt removal of snow and ice accumulations, the police department may cause the immediate removal of the vehicle. When conditions permit, the police depart- ment shall make a reasonable effort to contact the last registered owner of the vehicle before summarily removing the vehicle. F. The towing and storage of vehicles parking in violation of this section shall be in accordance with sections 9-15-321.770, 9-15-321.771, and 9-15-321.772 of this title. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008) May 2011 City of Dubuque 10-1-2 10-1-2 ment or redevelopment" means any improvement that creates a new parking lot, new principal structure, garage, carport, covered deck, or covered patio on the lot or parcel or changes the footprint of the parking lot, principal structure, garage, carport, covered deck, or covered patio on the lot or parcel. 2. Upon application and for good cause shown, the city manager may grant a full or partial exception to the above requirement. (Ord. 44-09, 9-8-2009) B. Duty Of Owner To Maintain: The owner of any lot or parcel thereof abutting upon any sidewalk on the city streets in the city shall maintain said sidewalk free from cracks, holes and unevenness so that the sidewalk does not constitute a safety hazard, and such conditions are hereby declared a public nuisance. For the purposes of this section, "sidewalk" includes the area from the back of the curb to the right of way line abutting the property. (2007 Code § 41-101) C. Notice To Replace, Repair Or Reconstruct: 1. Whenever the city manager shall determine that the conditions of any sidewalk as described in subsection B of this section exist, the city manager shall serve notice by certified mail on the abutting property owner, as shown by the records of the county auditor, requiring the abutting property owner to replace, repair or reconstruct the sidewalk. 2. If the city manager determines that the replacement, repair or reconstruction of the sidewalk is not practicable because of circumstances beyond the control of the abutting property owner, the city manager may allow or require a temporary repair of the sidewalk until such circumstances no longer exist. (2007 Code § 41-102) D. Collection Of Costs Of Replacement, Reconstruction Or Temporary Repair By City: If the abutting property owner who has been notified pursuant to subsection C of this section to repair, replace, reconstruct, or temporarily repair the sidewalk shall fail to repair, replace, reconstruct, or temporarily repair such sidewalk within thirty (30) days after the mailing of such notice, the city manager may cause the required action to be performed and assess the costs against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax. (2007 Code § 41-103) October 2009 City of Dubuque 10-1-2 10-1-3 E. Installments: If any amount assessed against property under subsection D of this section exceeds one hundred dollars ($100.00), the assessment may be paid in ten (10) annual installments, in the same manner and with the same interest rates as provided for assessments against benefited property under the code of Iowa. (2007 Code § 41-104) F. Procedures For Levy: The procedures for making and levying a special assessment pursuant to subsection D of this section and for an appeal of the assessment are the same procedures as provided under the code of Iowa. (2007 Code § 41-105) G. Sidewalk Inspection Policy: The city manager shall develop, with the approval of the city council, a written sidewalk inspection policy which shall govern the repair, replacement, reconstruction or temporary repair of sidewalks. (2007 Code § 41-106) 10-1-3: SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL: A. Placement In Streets: 1. Deposits From Private Premises: No person, without the express permission of the city manager, shall remove, or cause to be removed, any snow, ice or accumulations thereof from any private premises and deposit the same, or cause the same to be deposited, upon any public street, alley or sidewalk within the city. 2. Deposits Restricting Safety, Access Of Traffic: No person, without the express permission of the city manager, shall move or displace, or cause to be moved or displaced, any snow, ice or accumulations thereof from any section or part of a public street, alley or sidewalk to any other part of a public street, alley or sidewalk when such movement or displacement restricts the safety or free access of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic. 3. Deposits Upon Areas Cleared For Use Of Traffic: When the traveled portion of a street or alley has been cleared for the use of motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic, no person, without the express permission of the city manager, shall place, or cause to be placed, any snow, ice or accumulations thereof upon the cleared areas of said streets or alleys. (2007 Code § 41-76) B. Placement On Private Property: No person shall remove, or cause to be removed, any snow, ice or accumulations thereof from any private October 2009 City of Dubuque 10-1-3 10-1-4 premises, public street, alley or sidewalk and deposit the same, or cause the same to be deposited, upon other private property without the express consent of the owner of said property. (2007 Code § 41-77) C. Removal From Sidewalks: 1. Duty Of Abutting Owner: The owner of any lot or parcel thereof abutting upon any sidewalk on the city streets shall promptly remove, or cause to be removed, accumulations of snow, ice or slush from such sidewalks. (2007 Code § 41-86) 2. Removal By City; Assessment And Collection Of Costs: a. Removal By City: In the event accumulations of snow, ice or slush are permitted to remain on sidewalks for more than a reason- able length of time, the city manager, when the city manager deems it necessary in the interests of public safety, shall cause the same to be removed. (2007 Code § 41-87) b. Collection Of Costs: When the city manager has caused accumulations of snow, ice or slush to be removed from any side- walk, the city manager shall promptly ascertain the actual cost thereof, including the cost of supervision, inspection and accounting, and shall certify such actual cost to the city clerk who, in turn, shall promptly certify such cost to the county treasurer and it shall then be collected with and in the same manner as general property taxes in accordance with the provisions of law. (2007 Code § 41-88) 10-1-4: OBSTRUCTING PUBLIC WAYS: No person shall commit any of the following acts: A. Causing Obstruction Without Permission: In any way obstruct or cause to be obstructed, any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place by placing therein or thereon any stone, lumber, brick, wood or other thing or by making or causing to be made any excavation therein or thereon without having first secured written permission from the city manager to do so. B. Fuel Or Merchandise: Place or cause to be placed on any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places, any cord, wood, lumber, brick, stone or any other species of property or thing, and suffer the same to remain thereon or therein for more than ten (10) hours after having been notified by the city manager to remove the October 2009 City of Dubuque 10-1-4 10-1-7 same; provided, that this subsection shall not be construed to apply in cases of removal or importation of goods, wares and merchandise belonging to merchants where the same do not remain as an obstruction for more than ten (10) hours and do not occupy more than one-third (1/3) of the width of the sidewalk from the building to the curb line. C. Cart Or Vehicle: Obstruct any sidewalk by drawing, leading or driving any cart or vehicle upon the same, or leave any cart, vehicle or animal upon the same. D. Cellar Door Or Grating Left Open: Keep or leave open any cellar door or grating, or covering of any vault, on any street or sidewalk, or allow any such cellar door, grating or covering belonging to the premises occupied by such person, to be in an insecure condition and thereby dangerous to the public safety. (2007 Code § 41-2) 10-1-5: EXPECTORATION: No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, expectorate upon a public sidewalk, or public place or upon the floor of any public conveyance. (2007 Code § 41-3) 10-1-6: HAULING OF DIRT, OTHER MATERIALS THROUGH STREETS: No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, haul, carry or convey any dirt, manure, shavings, cinders, stone, sand, wood, hay, garbage, straw, ashes or other substance on, over or across any paved street or alley in any wagon or other vehicle which is so constructed as to allow any portion thereof to fall or be deposited upon such street or alley. (2007 Code § 41-4) 10-1-7: UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS: A. Papers, Cards, Advertisements: No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, throw and deposit or cause to be thrown and deposited, any paper, cards, advertisements, or the like, into any street, alley, or other public place within the city. B. Bottles, Glass, Nails, Cans: No person shall throw or deposit upon any street any bottle, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans, or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal, or vehicle upon such street, alley or other public place. October 2009 City of Dubuque 10-1-7 10-1-10 C. Destructive Or Injurious Materials: Any person who drops or permits to be dropped or thrown, upon any street, alley or other public place any destructive or injurious material shall immediately remove the same or cause it to be removed. (2007 Code § 41-5) 10-1-8: REMOVAL OF BARRICADES OR WARNING DEVICES: No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, tear down, remove or carry away, any fence, railing or other barricade or warning device placed about any excavation or pile of dirt, rock, or other material, or remove or carry away or extinguish any light which has been set as a warning at any excavation or pile of material. (2007 Code § 41-7) 10-1-9: DRIVING ON SIDEWALK: No person shall drive a vehicle within or upon any sidewalk area except at a permanent or temporary driveway. (2007 Code § 41-9) 10-1-10: PLAYING IN STREETS: A. Baseball Or Other Recreational Sports: No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, play baseball, football, or any other recreational sport or game on any street, alley or other public place. (2007 Code § 41-6) B. Sleigh Riding Or Skiing: No person shall use any public streets of the city for sleighing, sleigh riding, coasting, tobogganing, bobsledding or skiing. (2007 Code § 41-11) October 2009 City of Dubuque 16-5-2 16-5-2-2 dwellings and related recreational, religious and educational facilities. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 16-5-2-1: PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES: The following uses are per- mitted in the R-1 district: Cemetery, mausoleum, or columbarium. Golf course. Parks, public or private, and similar natural recreation areas. Place of religious exercise or assembly. Public, private or parochial school approved by the state of Iowa (K - 12). Railroad or public or quasi -public utility, including substation. Single-family detached dwelling. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 17-13, 3-18-2013) 16-5-2-2: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be permitted in the R-1 district, subject to the provisions of section 16-8-5 of this title: Accessory dwelling unit. Bed and breakfast home. Keeping of hens. Keeping of horses or ponies. Licensed adult day services. Licensed childcare center. Mortuary, funeral home, or crematorium. Off street parking. Tour home. November 2014 City of Dubuque 16-5-2-2 16-5-2-4 Tourist home. Wind energy conversion system. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 16-5-2-3: ACCESSORY USES: The following uses are permitted as accessory uses as provided in section 16-3-7 of this title: Detached garage. Fence. Garage sale, provided that not more than three (3) such sales shall be allowed per premises per calendar year and not more than three (3) consecutive days per sale. Home based business. Keeping of hens for egg production. Noncommercial garden, greenhouse or nursery. Off street parking and storage of vehicles. Satellite receiving dish. Solar collector. Sport, recreation, or outdoor cooking equipment. Storage building. Tennis court, swimming pool or similar permanent facility. Wind turbine (building mounted). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 47-14, 7-21-2014) 16-5-2-4: TEMPORARY USES: Temporary uses shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of section 16-3-19 of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) November 2014 City of Dubuque 16-5-3 16-5-3-2 16-5-3: R-2 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL: The R-2 district is intended to provide residential areas characterized by single- family and two-family dwellings. Increased densities and the introduction of two-family housing types are intended to provide greater housing options while maintaining the basic qualities of a low density residential neighbor- hood. The principal use of land in this district is for low density single- and two-family dwellings and related recreational, religious and educational facilities. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 16-5-3-1: PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES: The following uses are permitted in the R-2 district: Cemetery, mausoleum, or columbarium. Golf course. Parks, public or private, and similar natural recreation areas. Place of religious exercise or assembly. Public, private, or parochial school, approved by the state of Iowa (K - 12). Railroad or public or quasi -public utility, including substation. Single-family detached dwelling. Townhouse (maximum 2 dwelling units). Two-family dwelling (duplex). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 17-13, 3-18-2013) 16-5-3-2: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be permitted in the R-2 district, subject to the provisions of section 16-8-5 of this title: Bed and breakfast home. Hospice. Keeping of hens. Licensed adult day services. November 2014 City of Dubuque 16-5-3-2 16-5-3-3 Licensed childcare center. Mortuary, funeral home, or crematorium. Off street parking. Tour home. Tourist home. Wind energy conversion system. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 16-5-3-3: ACCESSORY USES: The following uses are permitted as accessory uses as provided in section 16-3-7 of this title: Detached garage. Fence. Garage sale, provided that not more than three (3) such sales shall be allowed per premises per calendar year and not more than three (3) consecutive days per sale. Home based business. Keeping of hens for egg production. Noncommercial garden, greenhouse or nursery. Off street parking and storage of vehicles. Satellite receiving dish. Solar collector. Sport, recreation, or outdoor cooking equipment. Storage building. Tennis court, swimming pool or similar permanent facility. Wind turbine (building mounted). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 47-14, 7-21-2014) November 2014 City of Dubuque -A- -A- ALARM SYSTEM PERMITS (cont.) Prohibited Acts 7-4-9 Revocation Of Permit 7-4-5 Service Charges 7-4-6 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (See Also LIQUOR CONTROL) 4-2A AMBULANCES Ambulance Service Rates 6-3-1 Service Area 6-3-2 AMENDMENTS Building Codes 14-1A-2 City Code 1-1-2 Electrical Code 14-1D-2 Energy Conservation Code 14-1C-2 Fire Code 14-1E-2 Mechanical Code 14-1F-2 Plumbing Code 14-1H-2 Residential Code 14-1B-2 Zoning 16-14-6 ANIMAL CONTROL Animals In Parks 10-5B-3, 10-5B-4, 10-5B-7 Dangerous Animals Definitions 7-6D-1 Dogs, Cats Exempted 7-6D-2 Exceptions To Keeping And Licensing Restrictions 7-6D-4 General Prohibition And Duty 7-6D-6 Keeping Of Dangerous Animals Restricted 7-6D-3 Regulations For Keeping 7-6D-5 Seizure, Impoundment And Disposition Of Dangerous Animals 7-6D-7 Dogs And Cats Definitions 7-6B-1 Directing Dog With Malicious Intent 7-6B-8 Female Dogs In Season 7-6B-6 Harboring Vicious Dog Or Cat 7-6B-4 Impoundment, Redemption And Disposition Of Unclaimed Animals 7-6B-10 Keeping Cats Or Dogs On Unoccupied Residential Property Prohibited 7-6B-3 Licensing; Tags And Fees 7-6B-2 Nuisance 7-6B-5 Running At Large 7-6B-7 Use Of Dog In Illegal Activity Prohibited 7-6B-9 Miscellaneous Provisions Restrictions On Maintaining Livestock 7-6A-2 Sale Of Baby Chickens And Ducklings 7-6A-1 Storage Of Animal Food 7-6A-3 July 2014 City of Dubuque -A- -B- ANIMAL CONTROL (cont.) Nuisance Conditions 6-4-3 Potentially Vicious Dogs Definition 7-6E-1 Disposition Of Potentially Vicious Dog 7-6E-5 Exceptions To Classification 7-6E-4 Notification Of Status Of Potentially Vicious Dog 7-6E-3 Procedure For Declaration Of Potentially Vicious Dog 7-6E-2 Rabies Control Confinement Authorized 7-6C-2 Notification To Police Or City Manager Of Dead Animals 7-6C-4 Prohibited Actions After Mayor's Proclamation Of Emergency 7-6C-6 Punishment For Harboring Known Rabid Dog, Cat Or Other Domestic Animal 7-6C-5 Reporting Rabies; Notice To City Manager 7-6C-3 Vaccination Required 7-6C-1 APPEALS (See Also HEARINGS AND APPEALS) 2-1 ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS ADVISORY COMMISSION Administrative And Other City Policies 2-8-14 Attendance 2-8-9 Commission Created 2-8-1 Compensation 2-8-10 Cooperation With Other Agencies 2-8-6 Goals 2-8-3 Meetings 2-8-12 Membership; Appointment 2-8-8 Mission 2-8-2 Organization 2-8-11 Powers 2-8-5 Purpose 2-8-4 Rules And Regulations 2-8-13 Solicitation And Acceptance Of Donations 2-8-7 ASSEMBLIES (See Also PARADES, ASSEMBLIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS) 10-4 ATTORNEY, CITY 1-7-6 B BEER (See Also LIQUOR CONTROL) 4-2B BICYCLES Abandoned, Unlicensed, And Unattended Bicycles 7-7-19 Altering, Counterfeiting Of Registration Sticker Or Decal Prohibited 7-7-35 July 2014 City of Dubuque CENTRAL MARKET (cont.) Revocation Of Permit 4-4-6 Traffic Regulations 4-4-8 Weights And Measures 4-4-10 CHARTER Citation As Charter 1-5-2 Form Of Government 1-5-3 Powers And Duties 1-5-4 Purpose 1-5-1 CITY ATTORNEY 1-7-6 CITY CLERK AND ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1-7-5 CITY CODE (See Also DUBUQUE CITY CODE) 1-1 CITY COUNCIL (See Also MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL) 1-6 CITY MANAGER 1-7-4 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See Also OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, CITY) 1-7 CIVIC CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION Administrative And Other Policies; Applicability 2-4-16 Attendance At Meetings 2-4-8 Commission Created 2-4-1 Compensation 2-4-9 Duties And Responsibilities 2-4-4 Duties Of Officers 2-4-11 Internal Rules And Regulations 2-4-15 Meetings 2-4-12 Membership; Appointment 2-4-6 Minutes Filed With City Clerk 2-4-14 Organization; Election Of Officers 2-4-10 Programs, Projects And Services 2-4-5 Purposes, Objectives Generally 2-4-2 Quorum And Voting 2-4-13 Specific Purposes 2-4-3 Vacancies In Membership 2-4-7 CIVIL RIGHTS, ENFORCEMENT OF (See Also HUMAN RIGHTS) 8-4 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Applicability; Compliance With Statutes 2-2-1 Appointment; Term 2-2-4 Chairperson; Clerk 2-2-6 Commission Created 2-2-2 Compensation 2-2-5 Conduct Of Examinations; Certification Of Qualified Persons 2-2-10 Council To Furnish Meeting Room, Equipment, Recorder 2-2-7 Examination Of Applicants 2-2-9 Procedure For Conduct Of Hearing Appeals 2-2-11 Qualifications Generally 2-2-3 Record Of Meetings And Personnel 2-2-8 November 2014 City of Dubuque -C- -C- CLERK, CITY 1-7-5 CODES, STATE STATUTES ADOPTED Building Codes 14-1A-1 Cable Customer Service Obligations, State Statute 11-3E-1 Electrical Code 14-1D-1 Energy Conservation Code 14-10-1 Federal Aviation Regulations 12-2-2 Food And Consumer Safety, State Administrative Code 6-2-1 Food Establishments And Food Processing Plants, State Statute 6-2-1 Fuel Gas Code 14-1G-1 Home Food Establishments, State Statute 6-2-1 Hotel Sanitation Code, State Statute 6-2-1 Mechanical Code 14-1F-1 Plumbing Code 14-1H-1 Residential Code 14-1B-1 Swimming Pools And Spas, State Statute 14-9-6 Tattooing 6-1-1 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS 16-5-10 — 16-5-17 COMMISSIONS (See Also BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS) Title 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION (See Also HOUSING AGENCY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) 2-5C COMPENSATION AND SALARIES Airport Commission 12-4-11 Airport Zoning Board Of Adjustment 12-6-11 Airport Zoning Commission 12-5-11 Arts And Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission 2-8-10 Board Of Library Trustees 2-7-3 City Council 1-6-2 Civic Center Advisory Commission 2-4-9 Civil Service Commissioners 2-2-5 Community Development Advisory Commission 2 -5C -2D Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 2-6-3D Historic Preservation Commission 16-10-3G Housing Commission 2-5B-5 Mayor 1-6-2 Park And Recreation Advisory Commission 10 -5A -2H Transit Advisory Board 5-1-11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (See Also PLANNING AND ZONING) 15-1 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS AND TRANSFERS TO MULTIPLE HOUSING COOPERATIVE Condominium Conversions 14-7-1 Building Code Requirements 14-7-1-1 Filing Declaration With City Clerk 14-7-1-2 Inspection; Certificate Of Compliance 14-7-1-3 November 2014 City of Dubuque -E- -E- ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION Application And Appointment Process 2-6-2 Commission Created; Composition 2-6-1 Duties 2-6-4 Organization 2-6-5 Procedures For Operations 2-6-6 Term; Filling Of Vacancies; Compensation 2-6-3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Appeal Of Notice Of Violation 14-12-10 Applicability; Title 14-12-2 Cost Of Abatement Of Violation 14-12-12 Definitions 14-12-1 Duty To Comply With State NPDES General Permit No. 2 14-12-7 Enforcement Measures 14-12-11 Erosion And Sediment Control (ESC) Permit 14-12-6 Injunctive Relief 14-12-13 Permit Monitoring Procedures 14-12-8 Remedies Not Exclusive 14-12-15 Responsibility For Administration 14-12-3 Severability Clause 14-12-4 Ultimate Responsibility 14-12-5 Violation 14-12-9 Violations Deemed Public Nuisance 14-12-14 EVIDENTIARY HEARINGS BY CITY COUNCIL Conduct Of Hearing 1-9-5 Form Of Notice Of Hearing 1-9-3 General Provisions 1-9-2 Method And Form Of Decision 1-9-6 Purpose And Intent 1-9-1 Subpoenas 1-9-4 EXCAVATIONS Exemptions 10-2-7 Guards Or Protection Required 10-2-3 Interference With Traffic 10-2-4 Manner Of Performing Work 10-2-6 Permit Requirements 10-2-1 Restoration Of Surface Generally 10-2-2 Time Period For Commencement Of Work 10-2-5 EXCURSION BOAT ADMISSION FEES Collection Of Admission Fees; Exceptions 4-3-1 EXTERIOR STORAGE CONTAINERS AND STORAGE TRAILERS Application For Permit; Site Plan 14-8-5 Consideration Of Application 14-8-6 Definitions 14-8-1 Fees 14-8-7 City of Dubuque -E- -F- EXTERIOR STORAGE CONTAINERS AND STORAGE TRAILERS (cont.) Permit Required 14-8-4 Required Conditions 14-8-3 Revocation Or Suspension Of Permit 14-8-8 Storage Containers Or Storage Trailers Permitted; Exemptions 14-8-2 Variance 14-8-9 F FAIR HOUSING (See Also HUMAN RIGHTS) 8-5 FINANCE DIRECTOR -CITY TREASURER 1-7-7 FIRE CODE AND REGULATIONS Emergencies 14-1 E-4 International Fire Code Adopted 14-1E-1 International Fire Code Amendments 14-1E-2 International Fire Code Enforcement 14-1E-3 Special Conditions 14-1E-5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Service Charges 7-2-2 Service Outside City Restricted 7-2-1 Standby Service 7-2-3 FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Blasting, Fireworks And Open Burning; Permits And Fees 6-9-3 Bulk Storage Tank Licenses 6-9-5 Burning Restrictions 6-9-2 Fires In Parks Restricted 10-5B-17 Service Stations 6-9-4 Smoke Detection 6-9-6 Smoking, Carrying Lighted Objects In Specified Places Restricted 6-9-1 FIREARMS (See WEAPONS) FIREWORKS 6-9-3, 7-5A-10 FISCAL YEAR 1-10-1 FLAG, CITY 1-10-5 FLOOD AREAS Designation; Posting 14-11-1 Entry, Permits 14-11-3 Entry Restricted 14-11-2 Vacation Of Dwellings 14-11-4 FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND HOTEL SANITATION Provisions Adopted 6-2-1 City of Dubuque -L - LIQUOR CONTROL (cont.) Effect Of Revocation 4-2B-18 Fees And Surcharges 4-2B-8 Hearing 4-2B-17 Investigation Of Applicant And Premises 4-2B-5 License Or Permit Required 4-2B-1 Nature And Scope Of License Or Permit 4-2B-10 Persons Eligible 4-2B-4 Proof Of Financial Responsibility 4-2B-7 Requirement For Premises 4-2B-6 Separate Permits Required For Separate Locations 4-2B-2 Surrender Of Permit Or License; Refund Of Fee 4-2B-12 Suspension And Revocation Generally; Grounds 4-2B-15 Suspension And Revocation; Notification; Specific Terms 4-2B-16 Term Of License Or Permit; Seasonal Licenses And Permits 4-2B-13 Transferability As To Location 4-2B-11 Open Containers In Motor Vehicles 9-7-321.284 Open Containers In Motor Vehicles; Passengers 9-7-321.284A LITTERING 7-5A-5 LIVESTOCK (See Also ANIMAL CONTROL) 7-6 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION 15-2 M MAILBOXES General 10-3F-1 Nuisance 10-3F-4 Permit 10-3F-2 Placement And Design 10-3F-3 MANAGER, CITY 1-7-4 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Compensation 1-6-2 Composition; Terms 1-6-1 Emergency Succession For Mayor And Council Members 1-6-4 Evidentiary Hearings By City Council 1-9 Mayor Pro Tem 1-6-3 Rules And Procedure Amendments To Motions 1-6A-8 Attendance Of Media At Council Meetings 1-6A-5 Chart Of Preference Of Motions 1-6A-9 Committees, Boards And Commissions Established 1-6A-13 General Rules 1-6A-2 November 2014 City of Dubuque MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL (cont.) Motions 1-6A-7 Motions For Special Purposes 1-6A-10 Order Of Business And Agenda 1-6A-11 Ordinances, Resolutions And Motions 1-6A-12 Presiding Officer 1-6A-6 Purpose 1-6A-1 Records 1-6A-4 Rights Of Public 1-6A-14 Suspension Of Rules 1-6A-15 Types Of Meetings 1-6A-3 MECHANICAL CODE Fees 14-1 F-3 International Mechanical Code Adopted 14-1 F-1 International Mechanical Code Amendments 14-1 F-2 MEETINGS Airport Commission 12-4-10 Airport Zoning Board Of Adjustment 12-6-10 Airport Zoning Commission 12-5-10 Arts And Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission 2-8-12 Cable Television Commission 2-11-10 City Council 1-6A-3 Civil Service Commission 2-4-12 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 2-6-5B Historic Preservation Commission 16-10-4 Housing Commission 2-5B-4 Investment Oversight Advisory Commission 2-3-10 Long Range Planning Advisory Commission 15-2-4B Park And Recreation Advisory Commission 10-5A-2 Transit Advisory Board 5-1-10 Zoning Advisory Commission 16-9-3B MINORS Adult Entertainment Establishments, Minors Prohibited In 4-8-16F Alcoholic Beverages, Regulations Regarding 4-2A-7 Child Restraints In Vehicles 9-12-321.446 Junk Dealers And Auto Salvage Dealers, Purchases From Minors Restricted 4 -6B -11A Parental Responsibility For 7-5D Pawnbrokers And Secondhand Dealers, Purchases From Minors Restricted 4-6A-12 Social Host Responsibility 7-5E Tobacco Products To Underage Persons 7-5A-15 Underage Persons Entering Gambling Facilities 7-5A-14 MISDEMEANOR (See Also GENERAL PENALTY, CITY CODE) 1-4 November 2014 City of Dubuque