Supplement No. 04 - Code of Ordinances - May 2011STERLTNG CODIFIERS
3906 Schreiber Way
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
(208) 665-7193
I Mi
PM 3s 4it
City Clerk's tlCE
Dubuou ;IA
•Supplement. No. 4/May, '2011
Includes Ordinances: -58-10, 59-10;'60-10, 63-10, 65-10,.:
1-11, 5-11 through 1211, 15-11 through'25-11, 28-11
Table Of Contents, Title 1, Administration
and following page
Title 2, Boards And Commissions
TITLE 4: ,
4-2B-12, 1. If surrendered during thefirst
and following page
Ditch, Drain Or Stormwater
and following page
6-6-1 Chapter 6, Housing Regulations
6 6 5 6-6 5;: Enforcement Of _Order Of City --
and following two pages
Title 7, Police, Fire And Public Safety
Table Of Contents, Title' 1, Administration
and following page
Title 2, Boards And Commissions ;
2-9-1, Chapter 9, sSisterCity Relationships
and following page
(insert immediately after page headed
2-8-12, least four (4) members shall be)
4-2B-12, 1. If surrendered during the first
and following three pages.
6-4-3, C. Ditch, Drain Or Stormwater
and following two pages
6-6-1, Chapter 6, Housing Regulations
Enforcement Of Order Of City
and following four pages
6-6-11, 6-6-11:, Habitual Violator
and following page
(insert immediately after page headed
6-6-10, L. Site And Neighborhood).
Title 7, Police, Fire And Public Safety
7-5D-1, Chapter 5, Article D. Parental
(insert immediately after, page headed
7-5C-7, any forcible entry and detainer)
9-1-321.1, Chapter 1, General Provisions
9-1-321.1, highway for a distance of three
and following page
9-7-321.256, Division 8. Right Of Way
9-7-321.318, A. Left turn: Hand and arm
and following ten pages
9-14, 9-14-321.669: Exemption Of Persons
and following ten pages
9-14-321.621,said vehicle is parked in
and following page
9-14-321.665, 'that; the motor vehicle
and following page
9-14-321.739, Cornell Street
10-5B-1, Chapter 5, Article B. Use Regulations
and following page
Table Of Contents,Title 1, Administration
and following page
13-1C-1, Chapter 1, Article C. Rates '.
and following page
13-2C-1, Chapter 2, Article C. Rates
and following page
13-4-5, 13-4-5: SFU Rate, Charges
Title 14, Building And Development
and following page
14-1A-4, 3. At its next regular meeting
14-2-3, 4. Every permit for the use of
16-2-3, tional vehicles of the general public
16-2-3, Yard, Required: See definition
16-5-19-1, Printing or publishing
16-9-5, peculiar to the property is claimed
and`foliowing page
9-1-321.1, Chapter 1, General Provisions
9-1-321.1, highway for a distance of three,
and; following page
9-7-321.256, Division 8. Right Of Way
9-7-321.31`8, A. Left turn: Hand and arm
and following" two pages
9-14, 9-14-321.669: Exemption Of h,ersons
and following ten pages
9-14-321.621, said vehicle is parked in
and following page
9-14-321.665, that the motor vehicle
and following two pages
9-14-321.739, Cornell Street
10-5B-1, Chapter 5, Article,B. Use Regulations
and following page
Table Of Contents, Title 1, Administration
and following page
13-1C-1, Chapter 1, Article C. Rates
and following page
13-2C-1, Chapter 2, Article C. Rates.
and following page
13-4.5, 13-4-5: SFU Rate, Charges
Title 14, Building And Development,
and following page
14-1A-4, 3.' At its next regular meeting.
and following page
14-2-3, 4. Every permit for the use of
14-13-1, Chapter 13, Solar Thermal Licenses
and followingtwo pages
(insert immediately after page headed
14-12-11; 14-12-11: Enforcement Measures)
16-2-3, tional vehicles of the general public
16-2-3, Yard, Required: See definition
16-5-19-1; Printing or publishing
16-9-5, peculiar to the property is claimed
and following page
TITLE 16 (cont.)
16-10-11, intersection with Emmett Street
16-11-1, Chapter 11, Land Subdivision
16-13-2, 1. Urban Renewal Districts
and following page
16-13-3-4, 16-13-3-4: Parking Structures
-B-, Bicycles (cont.) `.
and following page
-H-, Hotel And Motel Tax
-L-, Liquor, Control (cont.)
-M-, Motor Vehicles..., Obedience To And
-0-, Offenses (cont.)
and following page
-R-, Rights Of Way (cont.)
16-10-11, intersection with Emmett Street
and following page
16-11-1, Chapter 11, Land Subdivision
and following page
16-13-2, 1. Urban Renewal Districts
and following page,
16-13-3-4, 16-13-3-4: Parking Structures
B , Bicycles (cont.)
and following two pages
-H-, Hotel And Motel Tax
-L-, Liquor Control (cont-.)
-M-, Motor Vehicles..., Obedience To And
-0-, Offenses (cont.)
and following page
-R-,!Rights Of Way (cont:)
and following page
This city code of the city of Dubuque, as supple-
mented, contains ordinances up to and including
ordinance 54-10, passed September 20, 2010.
Ordinances of the city adopted after said ordi-
nance supersede the provisions of this city code
to the extent that they are in conflict or
inconsistent therewith. Consult the city office in
order to ascertain whether any particular provision
of the code has been amended, superseded or
Sterling Codifiers
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
November 2010
City of Dubuque
Dubuque City Code 1
Saving Clause 2
Definitions 3
General Penalty 4
Charter 5
Mayor And City Council 6
Rules And Procedure 6A
City Officers And Employees 7
Elections, Precincts And Wards 8
Evidentiary Hearings By
City Council 9
Miscellaneous Administrative
Provisions 10
Emergency Succession During
Disaster 11
Boards And Commissions
Hearings And Appeals 1
Civil Service Commission 2
Investment Oversight Advisory
Commission 3
Civic Center Advisory
Commission 4
Housing Agency And Community
Development Commissions 5
Municipal Housing Agency And
Governing Board (Rep. by Ord.
26-09, 6-1-2009) 5A
Housing Commission 5B
Community Development
Advisory Commission 5C
Trust Fund Advisory
Committee 5D
Environmental Stewardship
Advisory Commission 6
Board Of Library Trustees 7
Arts And Cultural Affairs
Advisory Commission 8
Revenue And Taxation
Property Tax 1
Revitalization Areas 2
Hotel And Motel Tax 3
Economic Development 4
Industrial Projects 4A
Enterprise Zone Commission 4B
Speculative Shell Buildings
Of Community Development
Organizations And For Profit
Entities 4C
Residential Relocation Assis-
tance Program 4D
Business And License
Business Licenses Generally 1
Liquor Control 2
Alcoholic Beverages 2A
Liquor, Beer And Wine
Licenses And Permits 2B
Excursion Boat Admission Fees .. 3
Central Market 4
Door To Door Sales 5
Junk And Secondhand Dealers
And Pawnbrokers 6
Vehicles For Hire And Public
Transportation 7
Nonmotorized Vehicles 7A
Motorized Vehicles For Hire . . 7B
Adult Entertainment Establish-
ments 8
Peddlers And Transient
Merchants 9
City of Dubuque
Transit System
Transit Advisory Board;
General Provisions
Health, Housing, Sanitation
And Environment
Human Rights
Definitions; General Provisions 1
1 Human Rights Commission 2
Unfair And Discriminatory
Practices 3
Disability Discrimination 3A
Enforcement Of Civil Rights 4
Fair Housing 5
Health And Safety Regulations 1
Food Establishments And Hotel
Sanitation 2
Ambulances 3
Nuisances 4
Noises 5
Housing Regulations 6
Hazardous Waste, Substances
And Conditions 7
Trees And Weeds 8
Fire Prevention Regulations 9
Police, Fire And Public Safety
Police Department 1
Fire Department 2
Emergency Management 3
Alarm System Permits 4
Offenses 5
General Offenses 5A
Drug Paraphernalia 5B
Crime Property 5C
Animal Control 6
Miscellaneous Provisions 6A
Dogs And Cats 6B
Rabies Control 6C
Dangerous Animals 6D
Potentially Vicious Dogs 6E
Bicycles 7
Motor Vehicles And Traffic
General Provisions 1
Registration, Certification Of
Title, And Proof Of Security
Against Financial Liability 2
Special Antitheft Law 3
Drivers' Licenses 4
Obedience To And Effect Of
Traffic Laws 5
Powers Of Local Authorities 6
Operation 7
Pedestrians' Rights And Duties 8
Special Stops Required 9
Miscellaneous Rules 10
School Buses 11
Equipment 12
Size, Weight And Load 13
Parking 14
Impoundment Of Vehicles 15
Miscellaneous City Provisions . 16
Public Ways And Property
Streets, Sidewalks And Other
Public Places
Excavations 2
City of Dubuque
TITLE 10 (cont.)
Encroachments On Public
Places 3
Waste Collection Receptacles 3A
Newsracks 3B
Projecting Signs 3C
Other Encroachments 3D
Sidewalk Cafes 3E
Mailboxes 3F
Parades And Assemblies 4
Parks And Recreation 5
Administration 5A
Use Regulations 5B
Specific Parks 5C
Railroads 6
Boats, Boating And Waterfront
Rights Of Way
Administration And Enforcement 1
General Regulations 2
Airport Zoning Regulations 3
Public Utilities
Water Use And Service 1
Connections 1A
Water Meters 1B
Rates 1C
7 Cross Connection Control 1D
Sewers And Sewage Disposal .. 2
Discharge Regulations 2A
Private Disposal Systems;
Private Haulers 2B
Rates 2C
Industrial Pretreatment
Program 2D
Gas Main Connections 3
Stormwater Management 4
Illicit Connections And
Discharges To Storm Sewer
System 5
Solid Waste 6
City Or Private Collection
Service 6A
Nonfranchised Communications
Systems 1
Cable Right Of Way Regulations 2
Cable Communications 2A
Open Video Systems 2B
Cable Television 3
Cable Franchise Agreement 3A
Community Tele -Programming
Commission 3B
Cable Regulatory Commission
Rates And General
Regulations 3D
Cable Services Customer
Service Standards
Gas Franchise
Electric Franchises
Interstate Power Company
Maquoketa Valley Electric
Building And Development
3E Building Codes 1
4 Building Code And Regulations . 1A
5 Residential Code 1B
5A Energy Conservation Code 1C
Electrical Code 1D
5B Fire Code And Regulations 1E
City of Dubuque
TITLE 14 (cont.)
Mechanical Code 1F
Fuel Gas Code 1G
Plumbing Code 1H
Accessibility Code For Readily
Achievable Changes 11
Building Construction, Demoli-
tion And Moving 2
Dangerous Buildings 3
Licensing Of Vacant And/Or
Abandoned Buildings 4
Historic Buildings 5
Historic Preservation (Rep. by
Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 6
Condominium Conversions And
Transfers To Multiple
Housing Cooperative 7
Exterior Storage Containers
And Storage Trailers 8
Swimming Pools 9
Signs (Rep. by Ord. 52-09,
10-19-2009) 10
Flood Areas 11
Erosion And Sediment Control . . 12
Planning And Zoning
Comprehensive Plan 1
Long Range Planning Advisory
Commission 2
Unified Development Code
Title, Purpose And General
Provisions 1
Definitions 2
Land Use General Provisions . 3
Nonconformities 4
Zoning Districts 5
Overlay Districts 6
Supplemental Use Regulations 7
Zoning Board Of Adjustment
Applications And Procedures . . 8
Zoning Advisory Commission
Applications And Procedures . . 9
Historic Preservation Commission
Applications And Procedures ... 10
Land Subdivision 11
Site Plans 12
Site Design Standards 13
Parking 14
Signs 15
City of Dubuque
Subject Chapter
Hearings And Appeals 1
Civil Service Commission 2
Investment Oversight Advisory Commission 3
Civic Center Advisory Commission 4
Housing Agency And Community
Development Commissions 5
Municipal Housing Agency And Governing
Board (Rep. by Ord. 26-09, 6-1-2009) 5A
Housing Commission 5B
Community Development Advisory
Commission 5C
Trust Fund Advisory Committee 5D
Environmental Stewardship Advisory
Commission 6
Board Of Library Trustees 7
Arts And Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission 8
October 2009
City of Dubuque
4-2B-12 4-2B-14
1. If surrendered during the first three (3) months of the period for
which the license or permit was issued, the refund shall be three-
fourths (3/4) of the amount of the fee; if surrendered more than three
(3) months, but not more than six (6) months after issuance, the
refund shall be one-half (1/2) of the amount of the fee; if surrendered
more than six (6) months, but not more than nine (9) months after
issuance, the refund shall be one-fourth (1/4) of the amount of the
2. No refund shall be made, however, for a liquor control license or
beer permit surrendered more than nine (9) months after issuance.
3. No refund shall be made to any licensee or permittee upon the
surrender of his license or permit, if there is at the time of the
surrender a complaint filed with the department or the city charging
him with a violation of this chapter or any provision of the Iowa
alcoholic beverage control act.
4. If upon hearing any such complaint, the license or permit is not
revoked or suspended, then the licensee or permittee shall be
eligible, upon surrender of the licensee's or permittee's license or
permit, to receive a refund as provided in this section; but if the
licensee's or permittee's license or permit is revoked or suspended
upon the hearing, he shall not be eligible for the refund of any
portion of the licensee's or permittee's license or permit fee.
5. No refund shall be made for seasonal licenses or permits. (Ord.
10-09, 2-16-2009)
AND PERMITS: All liquor control licenses, wine permits, and
beer permits, unless sooner suspended or revoked, shall expire one year
from the date of issuance. Six (6) or eight (8) month seasonal licenses,
wine permits, or beer permits may be issued for a proportionate part of the
license or permit fee. No seasonal license or permit shall be renewed
except after a period of two (2) months. Seasonal licensing shall be only as
permitted by the code of Iowa. (Ord. 10-09, 2-16-2009)
4-2B-14: APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL: Upon receipt of an
application for the renewal of a liquor license, wine permit or
beer permit, it shall be forwarded to the chief of police who shall conduct an
investigation and shall submit a written report on the applicant as to the
City of Dubuque
4-2B-14 4-2B-15
truth of the facts answered in the application and a recommendation to the
city council as to the approval of the license or permit. (Ord. 10-09,
A. Council Authority; Notice; Hearing: In addition to the penalties of this
article, the city council may suspend a license or permit issued
pursuant to this chapter for a period not to exceed one year, revoke
the license or permit, or impose a civil penalty not to exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per violation. Before suspension,
revocation, or imposition of a civil penalty, the license or permit
holder shall be given written notice and an opportunity for a hearing.
B. Causes For Suspension Or Revocation: A license or permit issued
under this chapter may be suspended or revoked or a civil penalty
may be imposed on the license or permit holder for any of the
following causes:
1. Misrepresentation of any material fact in the application for the
license or permit.
2. Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
3. Any change in the ownership or interest in the business operated
under a class A, class B, or class C liquor control license, or any
wine or beer permit, which change was not previously reported to
and approved by the local authority and the division.
4. An event which would have resulted in disqualification from
receiving the license or permit when originally issued.
5. Any sale, hypothecation, or transfer of the license or permit.
6. The failure or refusal on the part of the licensee or permittee to
render any report or remit any taxes to the division under this
chapter when due.
C. Criminal Conviction: A criminal conviction is not a prerequisite to
suspension, revocation, or imposition of a civil penalty pursuant to
this section.
City of Dubuque
4-2B-15 4-2B-16
D. Suspension For Violation: The city council may suspend any retail
wine or beer permit or liquor control license for a violation of this
chapter or any of the provisions of the code of Iowa.
E. Penalty: If the cause for suspension is a first offense violation of the
code of Iowa, the city council shall impose a penalty in the amount of
three hundred dollars ($300.00) in lieu of suspension of the license
or permit. (Ord. 10-09, 2-16-2009)
A. Grounds For Suspension Or Revocation: The conviction of any liquor
control licensee, wine permittee, or beer permittee for a violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter shall be grounds for the
suspension or revocation of the license or permit by the division or
the city. However, if any liquor control licensee is convicted of any
violation of the code of Iowa or any beer permittee convicted of a
violation of the code of Iowa, the liquor control license, wine or beer
permit shall be revoked and shall immediately be surrendered by the
holder and the bond of the license or permit holder shall be forfeited
to the division.
B. Penalties Imposed: If any licensee, wine permittee, beer permittee,
or employee of such licensee or permittee shall be convicted of a
violation of the code of Iowa or a retail beer permittee shall be
convicted of a violation of this chapter, the city shall, in addition to
the other penalties fixed for such violations by this section, assess a
penalty as follows:
1. Upon a first conviction, the violator shall be assessed a civil
penalty in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00). Failure to
pay the civil penalty will result in automatic suspension of the license
or permit for a period of fourteen (14) days, in addition to the civil
penalty of three hundred dollars ($300.00).
2. Upon a second conviction within a period of two (2) years, the
violator's liquor control license, wine, or beer permit shall be
suspended for a period of thirty (30) days.
3. Upon a third conviction within a period of three (3) years, the
violator's liquor control license, wine or beer permit shall be
suspended for a period of sixty (60) days.
City of Dubuque
4-2B-16 4-2B-18
4. Upon a fourth conviction within a period of three (3) years, the
violator's liquor control license, wine or beer permit shall be revoked.
(Ord. 10-09, 2-16-2009)
4-2B-17: APPEAL AND HEARING: The right of appeal to the alcoholic
beverage division hearing board shall be afforded a liquor
control licensee, wine permittee, or beer permittee whose license or permit
has been suspended, revoked, or denied. (Ord. 10-09, 2-16-2009)
4-2B-18: EFFECT OF REVOCATION: Any liquor control licensee or
beer or wine permittee whose license or permit is revoked
under the code of Iowa shall not thereafter be permitted to hold a liquor
control license or a beer or wine permit in the state for a period of two (2)
years from the date of the revocation. The spouse and business associates
holding ten percent (10%) or more of the capital stock or ownership interest
in the business of a person whose license or permit has been revoked shall
not be issued a liquor control license or beer or wine permit, and no liquor
control license or beer or wine permit shall be issued which covers any
business in which such person has a financial interest for a period of two
(2) years from the date of such revocation. In the event a license or permit
is revoked, the premises which had been covered by the license or permit
shall not be relicensed for one year. (Ord. 10-09, 2-16-2009)
City of Dubuque
6-4-3 6-4-3
C. Ditch, Drain Or Stormwater Detention Basins: Any stormwater
detention basin not properly maintained as determined by the city
D. Stagnant Water: Stagnant water standing on any property, including
any container or material kept in such a condition that water can
accumulate and stagnate.
E. Vermin And Pests:
1. Conditions which are conducive to the harborage or breeding of
vermin and pests; or
2. Infestations of vermin and pests, such as rats, mice, skunks,
snakes, bats, starlings, pigeons, and insects (except tended
F. Private Sewer Facilities:
1. Facilities for the storage or processing of sewage, such as privies,
outhouses, port -a -potties, vaults, sewers, private drains, septic
tanks, cesspools, drain fields or similar facilities, which have failed or
do not function properly or which are overflowing, leaking or
emanating odors.
2. Septic tanks, cisterns and cesspools which are abandoned or no
longer in use unless properly emptied and filled with clean fill.
3. Any vault, cesspool or septic tank which does not comply with
applicable health regulations.
G. Unoccupied, Dangerous Buildings:
1. Unoccupied buildings or unoccupied portions of buildings which
are unsecured;
2. Abandoned buildings; or
3. Dangerous buildings or structures.
H. Hazardous Conditions:
1. Generally: Any hazardous thing or condition on property which
may contribute to the injury of any person present on the property,
including, but not limited to, open holes, open foundations,
City of Dubuque
6-4-3 6-4-3
excavations, open wells, dangerous trees or tree limbs, abandoned
refrigerators and trapping devices.
2. Fire Hazard: Any thing or condition on property creating a fire
hazard, as determined by the fire marshal.
3. Health Hazard: Any thing or condition on property creating an
imminent threat to human health or in violation of any health or
sanitation law.
Obstructing Public Ways And Property:
1. The obstructing or encumbering by fences, buildings, structures,
signs or otherwise of public streets, alleys, sidewalks and commons,
except as permitted by agreement, easement, or this code.
2. Any gathering of persons or vehicles upon a public street or
sidewalk or any use of property abutting a public street or sidewalk
which obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic or other lawful use of
streets or sidewalks, except as permitted by this code.
J. Depositing Mud, Dirt And Debris On Public Ways: The depositing or
allowing the depositing of mud, dirt, gravel or other debris on public
K. Unsanitary Accumulations: Failing to keep a building, dwelling,
structure, or business and parts thereof clean and free of any
unsanitary accumulations of dirt, filth, rubbish, garbage, including the
yards, courts, passages, areas, or alleys connected with or
belonging to the same.
L. Unwholesome Food Or Drink: Whatever renders food or drink
unwholesome or detrimental as determined by the health officer.
M. Communicable Disease: The exposure of any person to any
communicable disease by unlawful act or practice.
N. Animals: Harboring or maintaining such number of dogs or cats or
other animals, or combination thereof, as to create unhealthy or
unsanitary conditions for the humans or animals occupying the
premises. (2007 Code § 23-42)
City of Dubuque
6-4-4 6-4-6
A. Nuisances Prohibited: The creation, maintenance, or continuation of
a public nuisance is hereby declared unlawful and is prohibited.
B. Declaration Of Nuisance; Hearing; Abatement: Upon application of
the city manager for a declaration of a nuisance, the city council,
after notice to the property owner of the grounds therefor, shall hold
a hearing on the application as provided in title 1, chapter 9 of this
code. Upon declaration of a nuisance, the city council may direct the
city manager to abate or cause to be abated public nuisances in any
manner authorized by law. (Ord. 36-07, 6-18-2007)
A. Abatement Described: Abatement includes, but is not limited to,
repair, removal, cleaning, exterminating, cutting, mowing, grading,
sewer repairs, draining, securing, repairing a building or structure,
boarding unoccupied buildings, barricading or fencing, removing
dangerous portions of buildings or structures and demolition of
dangerous structures or abandoned buildings.
B. Abatement Costs: The costs of abatement may be assessed against
the property as provided by law. Abatement costs are all of the cost
of removing or eliminating the public nuisance, including the cost of
investigation, including title searches, inspection and testing, the
cost of notification, court costs and administrative costs. (2007 Code
§ 23-44)
manager determines that a public nuisance exists and that
such public nuisance constitutes an imminent and compelling danger to the
health, safety or welfare of persons or property, the city manager is
authorized to abate or cause to be abated the public nuisance without prior
notice to the owner. The costs of such action may be assessed against the
property after notice to the property owner and hearing as required by law.
(2007 Code § 23-45)
City of Dubuque
6-6-1 6-6-1
6-6- 1:
6-6- 2:
6-6- 3:
6-6- 4:
6-6- 5:
6-6- 6:
6-6- 7:
6-6- 8:
6-6- 9:
Title; Legislative Findings; Purposes; Scope
Notices And Orders
Enforcement Of Order Of City Manager
Performance Of Work To Repair Or Demolish; Other Costs
Licenses And Inspections
Housing Code Appeals Board
Procedure For Hearing Appeal
Housing Standards
A. Short Title: This chapter shall be known as the CITY OF DUBUQUE
RESIDENTIAL HOUSING CODE, or the housing code; may be cited
as such, and will be referred to herein as "the housing code".
B. Legislative Findings And Purposes: It is hereby found that there
exists and may in the future exist in the city, real or personal
property used or intended to be used for residential purposes or
parts thereof which by reason of their structure, building service
equipment, sanitation facilities, maintenance, use or occupancy
affect or are likely to adversely affect human health, safety and
general welfare. To correct and prevent the existence of such
adverse conditions, and to achieve and maintain acceptable levels of
residential environmental quality and to protect and promote public
health, safety and general welfare, it is further found that the
establishment and enforcement of minimum residential housing
standards are required.
C. Scope And Application: The provisions of this housing code shall
apply to all real or personal property or portions thereof designated,
City of Dubuque
6-6-1 6-6-2
used, or intended to be used, for human habitation. Real or personal
property in existence at the time of passage of this housing code
may have its construction, design, arrangement, use, and occupancy
continued if such was constructed in accordance with the code
applicable to the city at that time, provided they are not presently
likely to endanger the life, limb, health, or safety of the occupants or
owners, or the public in general.
D. Facilities Exempted From Housing Code Provisions: Residential
facilities periodically inspected by a duly authorized state
government agency shall be exempt from provisions of the housing
code. These facilities include hotels, motels, bed and breakfast inns,
hospitals, nursing homes and state licensed group residential
facilities. (2007 Code § 26-1)
A. Unit Definitions:
A structure containing two (2) dwelling units.
DWELLING Any group of rooms used or intended for use for
UNIT: human habitation and having full facilities for
private, human habitation, including living,
sleeping, cooking and private sanitation
A dwelling unit having no fewer than two (2)
rooms with living, sleeping and cooking facili-
ties, and with one room providing private sanita-
tion facilities.
A structure containing any combination of three
(3) or more dwelling or rooming units.
A dwelling unit that requires a payment, in
money or services, to be made to the owner for
the possession and use thereof.
City of Dubuque
6-6-5 6-6-6
A. General: After any order of the city manager made pursuant to this
housing code shall have become final, no person to whom any such
order is directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey any such order.
B. City Manager Options: If any noted violations have not been
corrected by the time allowed for said corrections, the city manager
may initiate one or more of the following actions to ensure
compliance, including, but not limited to:
1. Initiate legal proceedings for the immediate correction of the
alleged violations; and/or
2. Revoke any operating license and/or order the dwelling, dwelling
unit or rooming unit or other real or personal property used or
intended to be used for residential purposes, vacated within a
specified period of time; and/or
3. Cause the building to be repaired and the cost thereof recovered
in the manner hereinafter provided by this housing code or by other
applicable laws, ordinances or statutes utilized; and/or (2007 Code
§ 26-5)
4. (Rep. by Ord. 24-10, 4-19-2010)
5. Institute proceedings to seek demolition of the structure with the
assistance of the city manager; and/or
6. Require the dwelling or portion thereof to be immediately vacated
and not reoccupied until the required repairs and improvements are
completed, inspected and approved by the city manager. (2007 Code
§ 26-5)
A. General: When any repair or demolition of a property or relocation of
tenants is deemed necessary by the city manager pursuant to
section 6-6-5 of this chapter, the city manager may attempt to
procure repair or demolition of the property or relocation of tenants
at city expense.
June 2010
City of Dubuque
6-6-6 6-6-7
B. Recovery Of Costs: Whenever a cost to repair, abate or demolish a
property which violates this housing code is incurred by the city, or
whenever a cost to relocate tenants from a property in violation of
this housing code is incurred by the city, the city manager shall
prepare and certify the actual cost to the city clerk who, in turn, shall
certify such cost to the county treasurer, and it shall then constitute
a lien against said property and be collected with and in the same
manner as general taxes on said property. Such costs shall not be
certified if they were the result of the tenant's misconduct. (2007
Code § 26-6)
A. Rental Dwelling Operating License:
1. License Required: No person shall operate a "rental dwelling unit",
as defined by this housing code, in the city unless such person holds
a current unrevoked rental dwelling operating license issued by the
city manager in the name of the owner/operator for the specific
named dwelling.
The annual fee for operating rental dwelling units shall be as
specified by resolution of the city council.
2. Terms Of Operating Licenses: Every operating license issued
shall remain effective for a period of up to one calendar year from
the date of its issuance, and upon application may be renewed and
remain effective for successive periods of one calendar year unless
sooner revoked at any time by the city manager for noncompliance
with any applicable provisions of this housing code. Rental dwelling
operating licenses may be transferred from one person to another
person, provided notice of transfer is given in writing within five (5)
working days of the transfer, to the city manager. Rental dwelling
operating licenses shall not be transferable from one dwelling to
another dwelling. Every person holding an operating license shall
give notice in writing to the city manager within five (5) working days
after having transferred or otherwise disposed of the legal control of
the licensed dwelling. Such notice shall include the name and
address of the person or persons succeeding to the ownership or
control of such licensed dwelling.
June 2010
City of Dubuque
6-6-7 6-6-7
3. Suspension/Revocation:
a. The city manager may, for good cause, suspend or revoke
any license issued under this chapter, or in the case of a multi -family
dwelling, suspend the license as to one or more units for a period
not to exceed one year for any of the following:
(1) Conviction or judgment of the licensee for violation of any
provision of this housing code;
(2) Misrepresentation by the licensee of any material fact in
the application for a license;
(3) Refusal by the licensee to permit inspection by authorized
personnel of the premises licensed;
(4) Nonpayment of the fee for renewal of the dwelling
operating license.
b. Prior to any suspension or revocation under this subsection,
the city manager shall give notice in writing to the landowner and/or
c. During the period of revocation or suspension, the unit or
units for which the license was suspended or revoked shall not be
d. The city manager shall cause to be issued to the licensee a
notice that the license is suspended or revoked, setting forth the
reason(s) therefor. The notice shall be sent by certified United States
mail to the licensee at the address on file with the city manager.
e. Appeal by the licensee to the housing code appeals board
from a decision of the city manager may be taken by delivering
within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the notice of
suspension or revocation, a written notice of appeal to the city
manager. The city manager shall notify the licensee in writing of the
time and place for hearing the appeal. At any hearing, the burden of
proof shall be on the city manager to sustain the suspension or
revocation. The licensee may present evidence at the hearing as to
why the license should not be suspended or revoked. The appeals
board may reverse, modify or affirm the decision of the city manager.
f. The city manager shall give written notice of the suspension or
revocation of the license to each tenant, requiring the tenant to
City of Dubuque
6-6-7 6-6-7
vacate the premises within such period as the city manager shall
determine. Any tenant who fails to vacate the premises after such
time shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
4. Licenses: The city manager is hereby authorized to issue and
renew rental dwelling operating licenses for specific dwellings, in the
names of the applicant owners, operators or managers, provided the
following criteria are met:
a. The dwelling for which a rental dwelling operating license is
sought is warranted by the owner or operator to substantially comply
with applicable provisions of this housing code.
b. The owner or operator legally authorized and responsible for
maintenance of the dwelling for which a rental dwelling operating
license is sought shall first make application therefor on an
application provided by the city manager.
c. All fees required by this housing code pursuant to the
issuance of a rental dwelling operating license are paid in full to the
d. The applicant shall designate a responsible agent to
represent the owner/operator whenever the applicant is not available
for maintenance of the dwelling for which a license is sought. Said
agent shall have full authority and responsibility, the same as the
owner/operator, for maintaining the dwelling.
5. Renewal, Penalty For Failure To Renew License:
a. Application for renewal of a rental dwelling operating license
may be made within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of an
existing operating license.
b. Application for renewal of rental dwelling operating licenses in
any year shall be due on January 1. Application may be made and
license fees paid until April 1 without penalty. Applications made
after April 1 shall be assessed a penalty amount of ten percent
(10%) of the cost of the annual license for each year or portion of a
year of delinquency.
6. Relationship Of License To Other Codes: The issuance of any
license for any rental dwelling unit shall not in any way signify or
imply that the rental dwelling unit conforms with state law and
ordinances of the city. The issuance of a license shall not relieve the
City of Dubuque
6-6-7 6-6-7
owner or operator of the responsibility for compliance with said
applicable state law and ordinances.
B. Inspections:
1. General: All real or personal property used or intended to be used
for residential purposes shall be subject to inspection by the city
a. Whenever requested and approved by the owner or occupant;
b. Whenever the city manager has reason to believe there is a
violation of this housing code; or
c. Whenever upon inspection a violation of this housing code is
found, notice and order is given, and the dwelling unit shall be
subject to reinspection to determine if corrections have been made;
d. When the dwelling unit is located in any area designated by
the city council for comprehensive block enforcement of the housing
code; or
e. If the property is a licensed rental unit or is subject to
licensing requirements pursuant to subsection A of this section.
(2007 Code § 26-7)
2. Inspection Requirements For All Licensed Dwellings:
a. All rental dwelling units shall be subject to regular housing
code enforcement inspection and followup reinspection as
necessary. There shall be no charge for the initial rental dwelling unit
inspection, for any complaint generated inspection and for two (2)
followup reinspections. For each required additional followup
reinspection, a reinspection fee shall be paid by the owner in an
amount determined by the city manager.
b. Not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to a scheduled
inspection, the housing officer shall mail written notice by regular
mail to the license holder and any known tenants setting out the date
and time of a scheduled inspection. If the license holder or an
authorized representative of the license holder fails to be present at
the time of the scheduled inspection and the inspector is unable to
obtain entry to the unit, a second inspection shall be scheduled and
City of Dubuque
6-6-7 6-6-8
a rescheduling fee shall be paid by the owner in an amount deter-
mined by the city manager.
c. The license holder may cancel a scheduled inspection one
time without payment of the rescheduling fee, provided the housing
officer is notified of the cancellation not less than forty eight (48)
hours prior to the scheduled inspection. (Ord. 32-08, 5-19-2008)
3. Presale And/Or Mortgage Inspection: Whenever a person requests
presale, preloan or other housing inspection, the person making the
application shall pay an inspection fee as specified by resolution of
the city council. (2007 Code § 26-7)
A. Created: There is hereby created a housing code appeals board.
B. Purpose: The housing code appeals board shall conduct hearings
upon application by any person aggrieved by a notice and order of
the city manager issued in connection with a violation of this housing
code or of any applicable rule or regulation issued pursuant to this
housing code.
C. Membership; Terms Of Office; Vacancies:
1. The housing code appeals board shall be comprised of seven (7)
persons who shall be appointed by the city council for terms of three
(3) years. All terms of office shall expire on January 11 in their
respective years.
Reasonable efforts should be made to obtain representation of both
tenant and landlord interests in the appointment process.
2. Upon completion of a term of office, a member shall continue to
serve in the member's full capacity until a successor has been duly
3. Vacancies on the board caused by death, resignation or other
reason shall be promptly filled by the city council for the unexpired
term of office.
4. The board shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from its
members at the first regular meeting of each year.
City of Dubuque
Subject Chapter
Police Department 1
Fire Department 2
Emergency Management 3
Alarm System Permits 4
Offenses 5
General Offenses 5A
Drug Paraphernalia 5B
Crime Property 5C
Animal Control 6
Miscellaneous Provisions 6A
Dogs And Cats 6B
Rabies Control 6C
Dangerous Animals 6D
Potentially Vicious Dogs 6E
Bicycles 7
October 2009
City of Dubuque
9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1
9-1-321.1: Definitions
9-1-321.2: Applicability Of Title
9-1-321.3 — 9-1-321.16: Reserved
9-1-321.1: DEFINITIONS: The following words and phrases, when used
in this title shall, for the purpose of this title, have the
meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
ALL -TERRAIN A motor vehicle designed to travel on three (3)
VEHICLE: or more wheels and designed primarily for off
road use. "All -terrain vehicle" includes off road
utility vehicles as defined in Iowa Code section
3211.1, but does not include farm tractors or
equipment, construction equipment, forestry
vehicles, or lawn and grounds maintenance
vehicles when used for farming, construction,
commercial deliveries, forestry, lawn and
grounds maintenance, or towing for utility as
opposed to recreational uses.
ALLEY: A thoroughfare laid out, established, and platted
as such by constituted authority.
Vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles,
ambulances, and emergency vehicles owned by
the United States, this state, or any subdivision
of this state or any municipality of the state, and
such privately owned ambulances, fire, rescue,
or disaster vehicles as are designated or
authorized by the director.
A. A device having two (2) or more wheels and
having at least one saddle or seat for the use of
a rider which is propelled by human power; or
City of Dubuque
November 2010
9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1
B. A device having two (2) or three (3) wheels
with fully operable pedals and an electric motor
of less than seven hundred fifty (750) watts
(1 horsepower), with a maximum speed on a
paved level surface, when powered solely by
such a motor while ridden, is less than twenty
(20) miles per hour.
BUSINESS DISTRICT: The territory contiguous to and including a
highway when fifty percent (50%) or more of the
frontage thereon for a distance of three hundred
feet (300') or more is occupied by buildings in
use for business.
November 2010
Any person who operates a motor vehicle,
including a school bus, in the transportation of
persons for wages, compensation, or hire, or a
person who operates a truck tractor, road
tractor, or any motor truck which is required to
be registered at a gross weight classification
exceeding five (5) tons, or any such motor
vehicle exempt from registration which would be
within the gross weight classification if not so
exempt. A person is not a chauffeur when the
operation of the motor vehicle, other than a
truck tractor, by the owner or operator is
occasional and merely incidental to the owner's
or operator's principal business. A person is not
a chauffeur when the operation is by a volunteer
firefighter operating fire apparatus, or is by a
volunteer ambulance or rescue squad attendant
operating ambulance or rescue squad
apparatus. If a volunteer firefighter, ambulance,
or rescue squad operator receives nominal
compensation not based upon the value of the
services performed, the firefighter or operator
shall be considered to be receiving no
compensation and classified as a volunteer. A
farmer or the farmer's hired help is not a
chauffeur when operating a truck, other than a
truck tractor, owned by the farmer and used
exclusively in connection with the transportation
of the farmer's own products or property.
City of Dubuque
9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1
highway for a distance of three hundred feet
(300') or more is occupied by dwellings or by
dwellings and buildings in use for residence.
The privilege of the immediate use of the high-
That portion of a highway improved, designed,
or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
The territory contiguous to and including a
highway for a distance of two hundred feet
(200') in either direction from a schoolhouse in
a city.
Every vehicle without motive power designed for
carrying persons or property and for being
drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed
that some part of its weight and that of its load
rests upon or is carried by another vehicle.
Wherever the word "trailer" is used in this title,
the same shall be construed to also include
"semitrailer". A "semitrailer" shall be considered
in this title separately from its power unit.
That portion of street between the curb lines or
the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent
property lines intended for the use of pedes-
Every tire of rubber or other resilient materials
which does not depend upon compressed air for
the support of the load.
The entire width between property lines of every
way or place of whatever nature when any part
thereof is open to the use of the public as a
matter of right for purposes of vehicular traffic.
All other parts of a city or town not included in
the business, school, or residence districts.
Every highway or portion thereof at the
entrances to which vehicular traffic from
City of Dubuque
June 2010
9-1-321.1 9-1-321.1
intersecting highways is required by law to stop
before entering or crossing the same and when
stop signs are erected as provided by law or
such entrances are controlled by a peace officer
or traffic control signal. The term "arterial" shall
be synonymous with "through" or "thru" when
applied to highways of this city.
Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles,
and other conveyances either singly or together
while using any highway for purposes of travel.
Every vehicle without motive power designed for
carrying persons or property and for being
drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed
that no part of its weight rests upon the towing
Every motor vehicle designed and used primar-
ily for drawing other vehicles and not so
constructed as to carry a load other than a part
of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn.
U-TURN: The turning from one side to the other on a
street and proceeding in a reverse direction.
VEHICLE: Every device in, upon, or by which any person
or property is or may be transported or drawn
upon a highway. "Vehicle" does not include:
June 2010
A. Any device moved by human power.
B. Any device used exclusively upon stationary
rails or tracks.
C. Any integral part of a truck tractor or road
tractor which is mounted on the frame of the
truck tractor or road tractor immediately behind
the cab and which may be used to transport
persons and property but which cannot be
drawn upon the highway by the truck tractor or
another motor vehicle.
D. Any steering axle, dolly, auxiliary axle, or
other integral part of another vehicle which in
City of Dubuque
9-1-321.1 9-1-321.2
and of itself is incapable of commercially
transporting any person or property but is used
primarily to support another vehicle. (Ord.
43-08, 6-16-2008; amd. Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008;
Ord. 39-09, 8-3-2009; Ord. 53-09, 11-2-2009;
Ord. 33-10, 6-21-2010, eff. 7-1-2010)
A. The provisions of this title applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon
the streets shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or
operated by the United States, this state, or any county, city, town,
district, or any other political subdivision of the state, subject to
specific exceptions as are set forth in the laws of Iowa and the
ordinances of the city with reference to authorized emergency
B. This title, except section 9-7-321.277, does not apply to persons and
motor vehicles and other equipment while actually engaged in work
upon the surface of a highway officially closed to traffic but does
apply to such persons and vehicles when traveling to or from such
work. The provisions of section 9-7-321.294 and subsection
9-7-321.297B of this title do not apply to road workers operating
maintenance equipment owned by or under lease to any state or
local authority while engaged in road maintenance, road blading,
snow and ice control and removal, and granular resurfacing work on
a highway, whether or not the highway is closed to traffic. A
chauffeur's license shall not be required for a person to operate road
construction and maintenance equipment while engaged in road
construction and maintenance work, including the movement of the
road construction and maintenance equipment to and from the work
site under its own power.
C. Every person riding a bicycle or animal, or driving any animal
drawing a vehicle upon a street, shall be subject to the provisions of
this title applicable to the driver of a vehicle except those provisions
which by their nature can have no application.
D. The provisions of this title relating to the operation of vehicles refers
exclusively to the operation of vehicles upon streets and highways
1. Where a different place is specifically referred to in a given
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-1-321.2 9-1-321.16
2. The provisions of chapter 3 and section 9-7-321.277 of this title
shall apply upon the streets and highways and elsewhere throughout
the city. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-1-321.3 — 9-1-321.16: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.256 9-7-321.257
Division 8. Right Of Way
9-7-321.319: Entering Intersections From Different Highways
9-7-321.320: Left Turns At Intersections
9-7-321.321: Entering Through Streets
9-7-321.322: Stop And Yield Intersections
9-7-321.322A: Stop Signs To Be Erected At Entrances To Through Streets
And Stop Intersections; Stop Required
9-7-321.323: Backing Vehicle On Highway
9-7-321.324: Operation On Approach Of Emergency Vehicles
9-7-321.324A: Funeral Processions
9-7-321.325: Reserved
No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any
official traffic control device placed in accordance with the provisions of this
title unless at the time otherwise directed by a peace officer, subject to the
exceptions granted to the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle. (Ord.
44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. For the purposes of this section, "stop at the official traffic control
signal" means stopping at the first opportunity at either the clearly
marked stop line or before entering the crosswalk or before entering
the intersection.
B. Official traffic control signals consisting of colored lights or colored
lighted arrows shall regulate vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the
following manner:
1. A "steady circular red" light means vehicular traffic shall stop.
Vehicular traffic shall remain standing until a signal to proceed is
shown, or vehicular traffic, unless prohibited by a sign, may
cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn from the right
lane of traffic or a left turn from a one-way street to a one-way street
onto the leftmost lane of traffic on a one-way street. Turns made
under this subsection shall be made in a manner that does not inter -
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.257 9-7-321.257
fere with other vehicular or pedestrian traffic lawfully using the
intersection. Pedestrian traffic facing a steady circular red light shall
not enter the roadway unless the pedestrian can safely cross the
roadway without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
2. A "steady circular yellow" or "steady yellow arrow" light means
vehicular traffic is warned that the related green movement is being
terminated and vehicular traffic shall no longer proceed into the
intersection and shall stop. If the stop cannot be made in safety, a
vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection. Pedestrian
traffic is warned that there is insufficient time to cross the
intersection and any pedestrian starting to cross the roadway shall
yield the right of way to all vehicles.
3. A "steady circular green" light means vehicular traffic may proceed
straight, turn right, or turn left through the intersection unless
otherwise specifically prohibited. Vehicular traffic shall yield the right
of way to other vehicular and pedestrian traffic lawfully within the
4. A "steady green arrow" light shown alone or with another official
traffic control signal means vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the
intersection and proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to other vehicles and
pedestrians lawfully within the intersection.
5. A "flashing circular red" light means vehicular traffic shall stop and
after stopping may proceed cautiously through the intersection
yielding to all vehicles not required to stop or yield which are within
the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute a hazard
but then may proceed.
6. A "flashing yellow" light means vehicular traffic shall proceed
through the intersection or past such signal with caution.
7. A "don't walk" light is a pedestrian signal which means that
pedestrian traffic facing the illuminated pedestrian signal shall not
start to cross the roadway in the direction of the pedestrian signal
and pedestrian traffic in the crossing shall proceed to a safety zone.
8. A "walk" light is a pedestrian signal which means that pedestrian
traffic facing the illuminated pedestrian signal may proceed to cross
the roadway in the direction of the pedestrian signal and shall be
given the right of way by drivers of all vehicles. (Ord. 44-08,
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.318 9-7-321.321
A. Left turn: Hand and arm extended horizontally.
B. Right turn: Hand and arm extended upward.
C. Stop or decrease of speed: Hand and arm extended downward. (Ord.
44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. When two (2) vehicles enter an intersection from different highways
or public streets at approximately the same time, the driver of the
vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the
B. The foregoing rule is modified at through highways and otherwise as
provided in this title and chapter 321 of the Iowa Code. (Ord. 44-08,
9-7-321.320: LEFT TURNS AT INTERSECTIONS: The driver of a vehicle
intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an
alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles
approaching from the opposite direction which are within the intersection or
so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard. Then said driver,
having so yielded and having given a signal when and as required by this
title, may make such left turn. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Except where yield signs or official traffic control signals are erected,
the driver of a vehicle shall stop or yield as required by this title at
the entrance to a through street and shall yield the right of way to
other vehicles which have entered the intersection from such through
street or which are approaching so closely on such through street as
to constitute a hazard, but such driver having so yielded may
proceed cautiously and with due care enter such through street.
(Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.321 9-7-321.321
B. The following streets are designated as through streets:
Algona Street, from the south right of way line of University Avenue
to the north right of way line of St. Joseph Street.
Algona Street, North, from the north right of way line of Loras
Boulevard to the south right of way line of North Grandview Avenue.
Alta Vista Street, from the north right of way line of West 5th Street
to the south right of way line of University Avenue, and from the
north right of way line of University Avenue to the south right of way
line of Loras Boulevard, and from the north right of way line of Loras
Boulevard to its northerly terminus.
Asbury Road, from the north right of way line of University Avenue to
the east right of way line of the Northwest Arterial, and from the west
right of way line of the Northwest Arterial, to its westerly terminus at
the city limits.
Atlantic Street, from the north right of way line of Loras Boulevard to
the south right of way line of North Grandview Avenue.
Auburn Street, from the north right of way line of Loras Boulevard to
the south right of way line of North Grandview Avenue.
Avalon Road, from the north right of way line of Pennsylvania
Avenue to the south right of way line of Hillcrest Road, and from the
north right of way line of Hillcrest Road to the south right of way line
of Asbury Road.
Bluff Street, from West Locust Street to the north right of way line of
Dodge Street.
Bryant Street, from the north right of way line of Grandview Avenue
to the south right of way line of Dodge Street.
Burden Avenue, from the west right of way line of Windsor Avenue to
its northerly terminus.
Carter Road, from the east right of way line of John F. Kennedy
Road to the south right of way line of Hillcrest Road, and from the
north right of way line of Hillcrest Road to the south right of way line
of Kaufmann Avenue and from the north right of way line of
Kaufmann Avenue to the south right of way line of West 32nd Street.
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.322A 9-7-321.324A
entering an intersection, except when directed to proceed by a peace officer
or traffic control signal. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-7-321.323: BACKING VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY: No person shall
operate a vehicle on any street or highway in reverse gear
unless and until such operation can be made with reasonable safety and
shall yield the right of way to any approaching vehicle on the street,
highway, intersecting street, or intersecting highway thereto which is so
close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle
with any lamp or device displaying a red light, authorized emergency
vehicle of a fire department displaying a blue light, or when the
driver is giving audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or bell, the
driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall
immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to
the right hand edge or curb of the highway clear of any intersection
and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized
emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a
police officer. For the purposes of this section, "red light" or "blue
light" means a light or lighting device that, when illuminated, will
exhibit a solid flashing or strobing red or blue light.
B. This section shall not operate to relieve the driver of an authorized
emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the
safety of all persons using the highway. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. A funeral procession shall consist of those vehicles necessary to
transport the deceased, employees of the funeral home, and family
members and friends of the deceased.
B. All vehicles operated in a funeral procession shall have the
headlights on and in a low beam distribution.
C. All vehicles operated in a funeral procession shall display a flag or
other device containing the word "funeral". This device shall be
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.324A 9-7-321.324A
placed on top of the left front fender, roof, or on both sides of the
vehicle in such a manner as to be easily seen by other drivers.
D. The following shall apply to intersections and private roads:
1. A funeral procession which approaches an intersection provided
with a traffic signal which displays a red signal shall stop and remain
stopped until the signal is green. A funeral procession which enters
intersection with a green signal may continue without stopping until
the last vehicle in the procession has cleared the intersection, unless
otherwise directed by a police officer.
2. A funeral procession which approaches an intersection provided
with a stop sign shall stop and yield the right of way to those
vehicles which are approaching so close as to constitute a hazard.
The funeral procession may then enter and proceed through the
intersection without stopping until the last vehicle in the procession
has cleared the intersection, unless otherwise directed by a police
3. A funeral procession which approaches an intersection provided
with a yield sign shall reduce speed and stop if necessary to yield
the right of way to vehicles which are approaching so close to
constitute a hazard. Having so yielded, a funeral procession may
enter the intersection and proceed without stopping until the last
vehicle in the procession has cleared the intersection, unless
otherwise directed by a police officer.
4. A funeral procession which is emerging from a private roadway,
alley, driveway, or building shall stop immediately prior to entering
the sidewalk area and shall proceed into the sidewalk area only
when there exists no danger to pedestrian traffic and shall yield the
right of way to vehicles on the street into which the funeral
procession is entering which are so close as to constitute a hazard.
Having so yielded, a funeral procession may proceed into the street
being entered without stopping until the last vehicle in the procession
has entered the street, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
E. No person operating a vehicle in a funeral procession shall disregard
regulations governing directions of movement or turning in specified
F. No person shall place any device or sign which limits access on any
roadway, or restricts parking in any metered or nonmetered area for
City of Dubuque
9-7-321.324A 9-7-321.325
the purpose of lining up a funeral procession without prior written
authorization from the city manager's office.
G. No person shall drive a vehicle through a parade or procession
unless directed by a police officer.
H. A person who approaches a funeral procession which has lawfully
entered an intersection or street shall reduce speed and stop if
necessary to yield the right of way to the funeral procession until the
last vehicle in the funeral procession has cleared the intersection or
entered the street from a private driveway unless otherwise directed
by a police officer.
No person shall drive any vehicle in a parade or procession which
has not been authorized by the designated person in charge of the
parade or procession. The designated person in charge shall be that
person whose name appears on a parade or procession permit.
(Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-7-321.325: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
City of Dubuque
9-14 9-14
Exemption Of Persons Holding Resident Parking Permits
From Specific Sections
Unlawful To Use Slugs
Defacing, Tampering With Prohibited
Prepaid Parking Meter Hoods/Placards
- 9-14-321.680: Reserved
Division 5. Restrictions During Snow Removal
Parking So As To Interfere With Plowing Or Removal
Snow Route, Restricted Parking
Declaration Of Emergency
Parking Lots
Removal Of Obstructing Vehicles
- 9-14-321.699: Reserved
Division 6. Parking Spaces For The Disabled
Findings Of Fact
Special Parking Places Designated
Designation Of Parking Places Generally; Specifications
For Angular Parking For Disabled Persons
Disability Signs Required
Prohibited Use Of Parking Places Or Identification Devices
Authority To Impound Vehicles Parking In Violation Of
Business District
Temporary Disabled Person Parking Meter Hoods
Reserved Time Designated Disabled Person Parking Stalls
Special Prepaid Parking Permits For Specific Wheelchair
Dependent Disabled Persons
- 9-14-321.719: Reserved
Division 7. Residential Parking Permit Program
Intent And Purpose
Residential Parking Permit Program Established
Posting Of Residential Parking Permit Signs
Notice To Residents Of Designation Of Residential Parking
Permit District
Issuance Of Residential Parking Permit
Renewal Of Residential Parking Permit
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.600 9-14-321.600
Transfer Of Residential Parking Permit
Responsibility Of Permit Holder
Waiver Of Residential Parking Permit Regulations
Withdrawal Of Designation Of Residential Parking Permit
Prohibited Acts
Residential Parking Permit District A
Residential Parking Permit District B
Residential Parking Permit District C
Residential Parking Permit District D
Residential Parking Permit District E
Residential Parking Permit District F
Residential Parking Permit District G
Residential Parking Permit District H
Home Healthcare Providers
— 9-14-321.749: Reserved
9-14-321.600: PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES: No person shall
stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to
avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a
police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
A. On a sidewalk.
B. In front of a public or private driveway.
C. Within an intersection.
D. Within five feet (5') on either side of the point on the curb nearest to
a fire hydrant.
E. Within ten feet (10') upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop
sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of the roadway.
F. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing, except
when parked parallel with such rail and not exhibiting a red light.
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9-14-321.600 9-14-321.601
G. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire station
and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station
within seventy five feet (75') of said entrance when properly
H. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when
such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic.
On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or
curb of street.
J. Opposite the entrance to a garage or driveway in such a manner or
under such conditions as to leave available less than twenty feet
(20') of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular
K. Upon any street or in any alley in any part of the city in such a
manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten
feet (10') of the width of the roadway of such street or alley for the
free movement of vehicular traffic, except when necessary in
obedience to traffic regulations, traffic signs, or signals of a police
L. At any place where official signs or curb markings prohibit stopping,
standing, or parking.
M. Within ten feet (10') of the crosswalk, whether marked or not, at all
intersections within the city.
N. In an alley under any fire escape at any time. (Ord. 44-08,
9-14-321.601: LOADING ZONES:
A. Signs: Loading zones shall be established and marked by signs.
B. Loading Zones Specified: A space not to exceed fifty feet (50') is
hereby reserved at the side of the street in front of any theater,
auditorium, hotel having more than twenty five (25) sleeping rooms,
or other buildings where large assemblages of people are being
held, within which space, when clearly marked as such, no motor
vehicle shall be left standing, parked, or stopped except in taking on
or discharging passengers or freight.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.601 9-14-321.602
C. Passenger Loading: A motor vehicle standing, parked, or stopped for
taking on or discharging passengers shall not remain in the loading
zone in excess of fifteen (15) minutes unless otherwise instructed by
a law enforcement officer.
D. Commercial Loading: A motor vehicle standing, parked, or stopped
for taking on or discharging freight shall not remain in the loading
zone in excess of fifteen (15) minutes unless otherwise instructed by
a law enforcement officer.
1. On two-way streets in commercial districts, commercial vehicles
may stop, stand, or park in a traveled lane while engaging in the
loading or unloading of property, provided ten feet (10') of width of
the roadway is open for the free movement of vehicular traffic.
2. On one-way streets in commercial districts, commercial vehicles
may stop, stand, or park in a traveled lane while engaging in the
loading or unloading of property, provided ten feet (10') of width of
the roadway is open for the free movement of vehicular traffic.
E. Blocking Egress: Motor vehicles shall not block an egress from a
building or facility.
F. Compliance With International Fire Code: In the instance of a conflict
with this section and the international fire code, the provisions of the
international fire code shall govern. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Where Posted; Exception: It shall be unlawful for any person to park
a motor vehicle on those streets or portions thereof designated from
time to time as areas where parking is prohibited, whether at all
times, between certain hours, for longer than specified times
between certain hours, or for longer than specified times, in violation
of such regulations when signs have been posted in such areas
giving notice of such regulations, except for those vehicles
displaying a valid parking sticker permit as defined in section
9-14-321.669 of this chapter parked in a designated two (2) hour
parking time zone.
B. Vehicles Not Moved Deemed Stationary: For the purpose of such
regulations, any vehicle not moved out of the block during specified
and designated parking periods shall be deemed to have remained
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
stationary. Those vehicles displaying a valid parking sticker shall be
exempt from this provision.
C. Time Zones Designated: When signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer
than hereinafter indicated between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00)
A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on any day except Sundays and
public holidays upon the streets or parts of streets as follows:
Two hour time zones:
Bluff Street, west side, from Emmett Street to West 3rd
Central Avenue, east side, from East 19th Street to East 24th
Central Avenue, west side, from East 18th Street to East
22nd Street.
Clarke Drive, south side, from St. Ambrose Street to the west
property line of 2044 Clarke Drive.
Delhi Street, north side, from North Grandview Avenue to a
point two hundred fifty feet (250') east of Stewart Street.
Jackson Street, west side, from one hundred forty feet (140')
north of East 10th Street to East 11th Street; east side, from
Milwaukee Street to Ruby Street; both sides, from East 9th
Street to East 10th Street and from East 11th Street to East
12th Street.
James Street, east side, from Mazzuchelli Heights to West
3rd Street.
Locust Street, west side, from Loras Boulevard to West 15th
Roosevelt Street Extension, north side, from Kerper
Boulevard to Kilgore Street, and south side, from Kerper
Boulevard to a point three hundred seventy five feet (375')
east of Kerper Boulevard.
University Avenue, both sides, from Nevada Street to a point
one hundred feet (100') west of Booth Street.
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
November 2010
University Avenue, north side, from Algona Street to Loras
University Avenue, south side, from Alpine Street to Nevada
White Street, both sides, from East 9th Street to East 11th
White Street, both sides, from East 15th Street to East 16th
White Street, east side, from East 14th Street to East 15th
4th Street, West, from a point fifty feet (50') east of the
westerly terminus to Bluff Street.
5th Street, West, north side, from Prospect Street to a point
one hundred ninety six feet (196') west of Prospect Street.
9th Street, East, north side, from White Street to Jackson
9th Street, East, south side, from Jackson Street to
Washington Street.
10th Street, East, both sides, from Jackson Street to White
12th Street, East, both sides, from White Street to the alley
west of Jackson Street; south side, from Jackson Street to the
alley east of White Street.
13th Street, East, north side, from Elm Street to the alley east
of Washington Street.
16th Street, East, both sides, from Pine Street to Maple
Street; south side, from Cedar Street to Sycamore Street.
18th Street, East, both sides, from Central Avenue to White
Street. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
D. No Parking At Any Time Zones Designated: When signs are erected
giving notice thereof, no person shall, at any time, park a vehicle
upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets:
Alley, both sides, between Central Avenue and White Street
from 7th Street to 8th Street.
Alley, both sides, between West 5th Street and University
Avenue from Nevada Street to Alpine Street.
Adams Street, both sides, from Ice Harbor Drive to 5th Street.
Admiral Sheehy Drive, both sides, from U.S. Highway 61/151
to its terminus.
Air Hill Street, west side, from University Avenue to 8th
Airport Road, from U.S. Highway 61 to its westerly terminus.
Algona Street, both sides, from University Avenue to Bennett
Street; west side, from University Avenue to Loras Boulevard.
Alpine Street, west side, from West 5th Street to University
Althauser Street, west side, from Merz Street to Eagle Street.
Angella Street, west side, from West Locust to a point
abutting 503 Angella Street.
Arlington Street, south side, from Grove Terrace to Prairie
Asbury Road, both sides, from John F. Kennedy Road to the
westerly city limits; north side, from St. Ambrose Street to
Bunker Hill Drive and from Clarke Drive to Woodlawn Street;
south side, from John F. Kennedy Road to a point one
hundred ten feet (110') east of Crissy Drive.
Avon Street, south side.
Bell Street, both sides, from 5th Street to its southerly
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Bell Street, both sides, from its southerly terminus to a point
two hundred fifty feet (250') north thereof.
Bennett Street, south side, from Grandview Avenue to
McCormick Street.
Bluff Street, east side, from Dodge Street to a point one
hundred thirty feet (130') north of Dodge Street, and from
West 7th Street to a point one hundred eighty feet (180')
south of 8th Street; west side, 5th Street to a point eighty feet
(80') south of 6th Street.
Booth Street, east side, from University Avenue to West 5th
Broadway Street, north side, from Diagonal Street to Putnam
Burch Street, west side, from Hill Street to West 3rd Street.
Caledonia Street, east side from Hill Street to 8th Avenue.
Catherine Street, west side, from West 16th Street to West
17th Street.
Cedar Cross Road, both sides, from U.S. Highway 20 to a
point one hundred feet (100') west of Cedar Cross Court and
from North Cascade Road to a point two hundred seventy five
feet (275') north of North Cascade Road.
Central Avenue, west side, from 11th Street to 10th Street.
Charter Street, both sides, from South Locust Street to
Harrison Street.
Chavenelle Road, both sides, from Associates Drive to its
westerly terminus, and from Seippel Road to its easterly
Clarke Drive, north side, from Heeb Street to Harold Street,
and from St. Ambrose Street to Asbury Road; south side, from
North Grandview Avenue to West Locust Street.
College Street, east side, from West 3rd Street to West 5th
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Cornell Street, both sides, from the north line of Loras
Boulevard northerly for a distance of one hundred seventy
feet (170').
Cox Street, west side, from Kirkwood Street to Loras
Boulevard; east side from Loras Boulevard to Chestnut Street.
Davis Street, both sides, from a point six hundred thirty feet
(630') east of Windsor Avenue to the entrance of Mount
Calvary Cemetery.
Daykin Road, both sides, from John F. Kennedy Road to its
westerly terminus.
Delhi Street, south side, from a point one hundred sixty five
feet (165') west of West 5th Street to Grandview Avenue.
Dell Street, east side, from Arlington Street to a point fifty feet
(50') south of Loras Boulevard.
Dodge Street, both sides, from Locust Street to the westerly
Dorgan Place, south and west sides, from Ellis Street to 17th
Street; east side, from 17th Street to a point approximately
two hundred ten feet (210') north of 17th Street.
Edina Street, south side, from Alta Vista Street to the alley
immediately west thereof.
Edison Street, south side, from Stafford Avenue to Althauser
Elm Street, east side, from East 19th Street to East 20th
Street; east side, from East 20th Street to East 26th Street;
west side, from East 24th Street to East 26th Street.
Elm Street connector, both sides, from 11th Street to 12th
Emmett Street, north side, from Bluff Street to St. Mary's
Farley Street, west side, from Rhomberg Avenue to High Bluff
Street; east side from Rhomberg Avenue to Garfield Avenue.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Foothill Road, south side, from John F. Kennedy Road to
Pasadena Drive.
Forest Lane, north side, from Nevada Street to Delhi Street.
Foye Street, east side, from West Locust Street to Napier
Fremont Avenue, both sides, from North Cascade Road to a
point four hundred fifty feet (450') east of North Cascade
Road and from a point five hundred seventy five feet (575')
north of the Fremont Avenue Bridge to a point five hundred
fifty feet (550') south of the Fremont Avenue Bridge.
Frontage Road, south side of Highway 20, both sides, from
Wacker Drive to Cedar Cross Road.
Grace Street, north side, from McCormick Street to North
Grandview Avenue.
Grandview Avenue, North, north side, from Audubon Street to
Rosedale Street and from a point approximately three
hundred feet (300') west of Algona Street to Clarke Drive;
both sides, from Kaufmann Avenue to a point approximately
eight hundred feet (800') south of Kaufmann Avenue.
Greyhound Park Drive, both sides, from U.S. Highway 61/151
to its terminus.
Grove Terrace, east side, from West 11th Street to Arlington
Hamilton Street extension, both sides, from Kilgore Street to
Kerper Boulevard.
Harrison Street, west side, from Railroad Avenue to its
northerly terminus.
Henion Street, west side, from Loras Boulevard to Pickett
Highland Place, east side, from West 11th Street to Arlington
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Highway 61, both sides, from Kerper Boulevard to the easterly
corporate limits.
Hill Street, both sides, from Dodge Street to Wooten Street
and east side, from Wooten Street to West 3rd Street.
Hill Street, South, west side and north side, from South
Grandview Avenue to Curtis Street.
Hillcrest Road, south side, from Asbury Road to St. John
Drive; north side, from John F. Kennedy Road to a point nine
hundred fifty feet (950') west.
Hillcrest Road, North, both sides, from John F. Kennedy Road
to Pasadena Drive.
Ice Harbor Drive, both sides, from 1st Street to 5th Street.
Ida Street, east side, from Grace Street to Delhi Street.
Irving Street, west side, from University Avenue to Decorah
Jackson Street, both sides, from East 6th Street to East 9th
Street and from East 10th Street to a point one hundred forty
feet (140') south of East 11th Street; east side, from Ruby
Street to Aquin Street.
Jefferson Street, south side, from Walnut Street to Olive
John F. Kennedy Road, both sides, from University Avenue to
a point two hundred thirty feet (230') north of Spring Valley
Road and from a point three hundred sixty feet (360') south of
the Northwest Arterial to its northerly terminus.
Jones Street, north side, from Water Street to the Illinois
Central Railroad right of way.
Kane Street, north side, from Ken Court to Carter Road; south
side, from a point one hundred forty feet (140') east of Katrina
Circle to a point one hundred forty feet (140') west of Katrina
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Kaufman Avenue, both sides, from Central Avenue to Francis
Street; north side, from Francis Street to Valeria Street.
Kelly Lane, south side, from Fremont Avenue to Old Mill
Kerper Boulevard, both sides, from Pine Street to Hawthorne
Key Way Drive, north side, from John F. Kennedy Road to
Woodland Drive.
Key West Drive, both sides, from Maquoketa Drive to the
southerly city limits.
Kilgore Street, east side, from Roosevelt Street extension to
Hamilton Street extension.
Lawndale Street, east side, from Park Street to the northerly
terminus of Lawndale Street.
Lincoln Avenue, south side, from Elm Street to Kniest Street.
Locust Street, west side, from West 2nd Street to West 3rd
Locust Street, east side, from Dodge Street to Jones Street.
Loras Boulevard, both sides, from Central Avenue to Bluff
Street; north side, from Henion Street to the alley west of Alta
Vista Street, and from Adair Street to North Grandview
Avenue; south side, from Prairie Street to Walnut Street.
Madison Hill, east side, from West 17th Street to Clarke
Main Street, west side, from West 4th Street to a point one
hundred twenty feet (120') south of West 5th Street.
McCormick Street, west side, from Bennett Street to
University Avenue.
Merz Street, south side, from Windsor Avenue to Althauser
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Montrose Terrace, both sides, from Loras Boulevard to a point
one hundred seventy feet (170') north of Loras Boulevard.
Mount Loretta Street, north side, from Valley Street to Bryant
Nevada Street, east side, from University Avenue to Martha
Nightingale Lane, both sides, from Cedar Cross Road south
and southwesterly to a point approximately one hundred fifty
feet (150') east of its westerly terminus; north side, one
hundred fifty feet (150') east from its westerly terminus.
North Westbrook Drive, south and west sides, from Seippel
Road to Trails Edge Drive.
Northwest Arterial, both sides, from U.S. Highway 20 to the
northerly corporate limits.
O'Hagen Street, east side, from Mineral Street to University
Old Mill Road, south side, from Kelly Lane to Catfish Creek
Bridge; both sides from Catfish Creek Bridge to Rockdale
Overview Court, south side, from South Grandview Avenue to
its westerly terminus.
Park Street, both sides, from Mt. Pleasant to Lawndale Street.
Pebble Creek Drive, east side, from North Westbrook Drive to
South Westbrook Drive.
Pennsylvania Avenue, both sides, from John F. Kennedy
Road to the westerly city limits; north side, from University
Avenue to John F. Kennedy Road.
Peru Road, both sides, from its southerly terminus at 32nd
Street to the northerly city limits.
Pickett Street, south side, from Cornell Street to Henion
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Pinard Street, west side, from East 29th Street to the
northerly terminus of Pinard Street.
Prairie Street, east side, from Loras Boulevard to West 11th
Race Street, west side, from West 11th Street to Rose Street.
Radford Road, both sides, from Chavenelle Road to the
northerly city limits.
Raven Oaks Drive, both sides, from John F. Kennedy Road to
its easterly terminus.
Rhomberg Avenue, southeasterly side, from Elm Street to
Kniest Street and the northwesterly side from Elm Street to a
point two hundred eighty feet (280') northeast of Elm Street.
Rockdale Road, both sides, from South Grandview Avenue to
a point one hundred seventy five feet (175') south of Kehl
Rosedale Avenue, south side, from St. Ambrose Street to the
alley easterly thereof; north side from St. Ambrose to a point
two hundred eighty feet (280') east thereof.
Saint Mary's Street, east side, from Emmett Street to West
3rd Street.
Saunders Street, northwest side, one hundred feet (100')
southwest from Lemon Street.
Shelby Street, east side, from Clarke Drive to its northerly
South Westbrook Drive, north and west sides, from Seippel
Road to Trails Edge Drive.
Southern Avenue, both sides, from Iowa 946 to Valley Street;
south side, from Valley Street to a point one hundred thirty
feet (130') east of Samuel Street; north side, from Valley
Street to a point one hundred fifteen feet (115') west of Valley
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Southpark Court, both sides, from Twin Valley Drive to its
Spring Valley Road, north side, from Olde Country Lane to
Fox Hollow Road.
Summit Street, west side, from West 3rd Street to West 5th
Sumner Street, east side, from Lincoln Avenue to Rhomberg
Sycamore Street, both sides, from 14th Street to 16th Street.
Thiesen Street, south side, from Jenni Street to Stetmore
Thomas Place, both sides, from Stafford Street to Ascension
Trails Edge Drive, south side, from Pebble Creek Drive to
South Westbrook Drive.
U.S. 61/151, northbound off ramp connection, both sides,
from 9th Street to 11th Street.
U.S. 61/151, northbound on ramp connection, both sides,
from 9th Street to 11th Street.
U.S. 61/151, southbound on ramp connection, both sides,
from 11th Street to 9th Street.
Ungs Street, north side, from Clarke Drive to Hoyt Street.
University Avenue, both sides, from Pennsylvania Avenue to
Loras Boulevard; south side, from Gilliam Street to
Pennsylvania Avenue and from Loras Boulevard to a point
one hundred two feet (102') east to Auburn Street.
Valley Street extension, both sides, from Southern Avenue to
Railroad Avenue.
Vernon Street, north side, from Alta Vista Street to the alley
immediately west thereof.
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9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Wacker Drive, both sides, from John F. Kennedy Road to
Center Grove Drive.
Walnut Street, east side, from University Avenue to Loras
Wartburg Place, both sides, from Fremont Avenue to the
entrance to Wartburg Seminary Auditorium, and from 385
Wartburg Place to the entrance to Sunset Ridge; east side,
from the entrance to Wartburg Seminary Auditorium to 385
Wartburg Place.
Washington Street, west side, from East 20th Street to East
25th Street.
White Street, both sides, from East 4th Street to East 5th
Street; west side, from East 7th Street to East 8th Street; east
side, from East 25th Street to East 26th Street.
Wilbur Lane, south side, from Alice Street to Grove Terrace.
Wilson Avenue, west side, from West 8th Street to West 11th
Woodland Drive, east side, from Key Way Drive to a point one
hundred fifty feet (150') south of Key Way Drive and from
Foothill Road to a point two hundred feet (200') north of
Foothill Road.
Wooten Street, south side, from Hill Street to McClain Street;
north side, from McClain Street to a point one hundred sixty
five feet (165') east thereof.
1st Street, West, both sides, from Locust Street to Bluff
1st to 2nd Street connector, east of Main Street, west side,
between 1st Street and 2nd Street.
2nd Street, West, both sides, from Bluff Street to the alley
immediately east thereof.
3rd Street, both sides, from a point one hundred feet (100')
west of Bluff Street to Bluff Street; and from Main Street to
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9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
Bell Street; south side, from Burch Street to a point one
hundred feet (100') west of Bluff Street.
4th Street, East, both sides, from White Street to Central
5th Street, both sides, from White Street to Adams Street;
north side, from Bell Street to and including the cul-de-sac to
the east.
5th Street, both sides, from White Street to Bell Street.
5th Street, south side, from Bluff Street to Hill Street; north
side, from a point one hundred ninety two feet (192') west of
Bluff Street to Prospect Street and from Iowa Street to Main
Street; provided, however, it shall not be unlawful to stop, but
only in the drop off areas provided, for the sole purpose of
and for the time necessary to allow passengers to enter or
exit a vehicle and during which time the vehicle shall not be
6th Street, south side, from Locust Street to the alley west of
Main Street; provided, however, it shall not be unlawful to
stop, but only in the drop off areas provided, for the sole
purpose of and for the time necessary to allow passengers to
enter or exit a vehicle and during which time the vehicle shall
not be unattended.
7th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to the alley east of
Locust Street.
7th Street, East, both sides, from Washington Street to a
point two hundred fifty feet (250') east of Washington Street.
7th Street, East, north side, from White Street to Jackson
8th Street, West, both sides, from a point one hundred forty
six feet (146') west of the west property line of University
Avenue to a point two hundred six feet (206') west of the west
property line of University Avenue; from Locust Street to the
alley west of Iowa Street, provided, however, it shall not be
unlawful to stop, but only in the drop off areas provided, for
the sole purpose of and for the time necessary to allow
passengers to enter or exit a vehicle and during which time
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
November 2010
the vehicle shall not be unattended; north side, from Wilson
Avenue to Roberts Avenue; south side, from Central Avenue
to the alley immediately west thereof.
8th Street, West, from alley west of Iowa Street to Iowa Street
from five o'clock (5:00) P.M. until eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
Monday through Saturday and twenty four (24) hours on
Sunday (nonmetered times).
9th Street, West, both sides, from University Avenue to Bluff
Street; north side, from Bluff Street to Locust and Iowa Street
to fire headquarters' driveway; south side, from Main Street to
the alley west of Iowa Street and from Iowa Street to Central
10th Street, West, both sides, from Locust Street to Bluff
Street; south side, from Central Avenue to Iowa Street.
11th Street, East, both sides, from Elm Street to Kerper
11th Street, West, south side, from Prairie Street to Race
12th Street, West, north and east sides, from Bluff Street to
Grove Terrace; south side, from Bluff Street to a point
approximately one hundred sixty feet (160') west of Bluff
14th Street, East, both sides, from White Street to Central
Avenue; north side, from White Street to alley west of
Jackson Street.
15th Street, East, both sides, from Sycamore Street to a point
nine hundred fifty feet (950') east of Sycamore Street; south
side, from Iowa to alley east of Main Street.
16th Street, East, both sides, from Sycamore Street to Kerper
Boulevard and from Cedar Street to Maple Street; north side,
from Elm Street to Pine Street and from Maple Street to
Sycamore Street.
16th Street, West, south side, from Montrose to Catherine
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
17th Street, West, north side, from West Locust Street to
Clark Street.
19th Street, East, south side, from Elm Street to Pine Street.
20th Street, East, both sides, from Central Avenue to Elm
21st Street, East, both sides, from Central Avenue to White
Street; south side, from Jackson Street to Elm Street.
22nd Street, East, south side, from Windsor Avenue to
Stafford Street; and Central Avenue to White Street; north
side, from Jackson Street to Central Avenue.
23rd Street, West, north side, from Central Avenue to a point
one hundred ninety feet (190') west of Central Avenue, and
south side, from Central Avenue to Valeria Street.
24th Street, East, south side, from Central Avenue to
Washington Street.
24th Street, West, north side, from Central Avenue to
Broadway Street.
30th Street, East, north side, from Central Avenue to Jackson
32nd Street, East, south side, from Central Avenue to White
Street; both sides, from Jackson Street to a point seven
hundred feet (700') east of Jackson Street.
32nd Street, West, south side, from Central Avenue to a point
one hundred feet (100') west of Lemon Street; north side,
from Central Avenue to Fink Street. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008;
amd. Ord. 37-10, 7-6-2010)
E. Fifteen Minute Parking: When signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer
than fifteen (15) minutes upon the streets or parts of streets as
Rhomberg Avenue, east side, from Kniest Street to a point
one hundred sixty eight feet (168') south of Marshall Street.
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.602
White Street, east side, from East 7th Street to a point forty
feet (40') north of East 7th Street.
5th Street, West, north side, from Bluff Street to a point eighty
five feet (85') east of Bluff Street.
F. No Parking Six O'Clock A.M. To Six O'Clock P.M. Monday Through
Saturday, Except Holidays: When signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours of six
o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M., Monday through
Saturday, except holidays, upon the following streets or parts of
Iowa Street, west side, from 6th Street to 7th Street.
9th Street, south side, Main Street, west to the alley.
G. Two Hour Parking Nine O'Clock A.M. To Six O'Clock P.M., Except
Saturdays, Sundays, And Public Holidays: When signs are erected
giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the
hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on any
day except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays upon the follow-
ing streets or parts of streets as follows:
White Street, east side, from East 13th Street to East 14th
14th Street, East, south side, from Jackson Street to White
Street; north side, from Jackson Street to the alley east of
White Street.
H. No Parking Six O'Clock A.M. To Six O'Clock P.M. Monday Through
Friday: When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall
park a vehicle between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six
o'clock (6:00) P.M., Monday through Friday upon the following
15th Street, West, south side, from Main Street to the alley
west of Iowa Street.
No Parking Five O'Clock A.M. To Five O'Clock P.M. Monday
Through Saturday, Except Public Holidays: When signs are erected
giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the
hours of five o'clock (5:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) P.M., Monday
through Saturday, except public holidays, upon the following streets
or parts of streets as follows:
November 2010
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.602 9-14-321.604
17th Street, south side, from a point thirty feet (30') west of
Central Avenue to the alley east of Iowa Street. (Ord. 44-08,
A. Where spaces have been set aside adjacent to school property by
signs or markings for "bus loading only", it shall be unlawful for the
operator of any vehicle other than a bus engaged in the loading or
unloading of students to stand or park in any such "bus loading only"
B. Where spaces have been set aside adjacent to school property by
signs or markings for "no parking school hours", it shall be unlawful
for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand, or park within the
space area during the hours when the adjacent school is in session.
(Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Except where angle parking is permitted and on one-way streets,
every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there is an
adjacent curb shall be stopped or parked with the right hand wheels
of such vehicle parallel with and within eighteen inches (18") of the
right hand curb.
B. On one-way streets vehicles may also be parked with the left hand
wheels parallel with and within eighteen inches (18") of the left hand
C. Moving vans or trucks or other vehicles handling heavy freight,
merchandise, or materials shall be permitted to back into the curb
and park at an angle, with the traffic, not more than forty five
degrees (45°), to take on or discharge loads, but permission for such
angle parking in areas on through streets, and in the business
district where angle parking is not otherwise permitted, shall be first
obtained from the city manager. In all such cases, the vehicle shall
not remain so parked longer than the actual loading or unloading
D. The city manager is hereby authorized to issue to any owner of a
vehicle used to transport merchandise, freight, or materials, a
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.604 9-14-321.605
special permit, renewable annually, and to state therein the terms
and conditions thereof allowing the operator of such vehicle the
privilege of loading or unloading while such vehicle is backed against
the curb at an angle of forty five degrees (45°) with the traffic, if, in
the opinion of the city manager, such privilege is reasonably
necessary in the conduct of the owner's business and will not
seriously interfere with traffic. Such permit shall either be in the
possession of the operator or on the vehicle at the time such vehicle
is backed against the curb or parked at an angle to take on or
discharge a load and it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator to
violate any of the special terms or conditions of such special permit.
E. Vehicles having a greater length than twenty feet (20') overall shall
not be permitted to park at an angle upon any street.
F. Vehicles shall be parked within spaces indicated and with a front
wheel of the vehicle against the curb, upon the following streets
designated from time to time as streets where front in angle parking
is permitted:
1st Street, from the 1st to 2nd Streets connector to Main
2nd Street, from the 1st to 2nd Streets connector to Locust
4th Street, north side, from Iowa Street to Main Street. (Ord.
44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-14-321.605: BUS STOPS OR PASSENGER ZONES: Where spaces
have been set apart by signs or markings for bus stops or
passenger zones, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, other
than a bus, to stand or park in any officially designated bus stop except that
the operator of any passenger vehicle may temporarily stop in any such bus
space or stop for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading
or unloading of passengers.
Between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) P.M. to six o'clock (6:00) A.M.,
Monday through Saturday, all day Sunday, and on those "holidays" defined
in section 9-1-321.1 of this title, it shall be lawful for the operator of any
motor vehicle to stand or park in the following downtown bus stops or
passenger zones:
Main Street, west side, 9th Street to 10th Street.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.621 9-14-321.622
said vehicle is parked in such manner, in such a place or for such a
time as to violate the provisions of this chapter relating to the
parking of vehicles, shall pay to the city treasurer as a penalty for
such violation the following sum:
1. Except as provided in subsection A2, A3, A4, or A5 of this section,
any violation of this chapter, an initial fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00)
if paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the violation. If
payment is not made within such thirty (30) calendar days, said fine
shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).
2. Disabled parking violations, a fine of one hundred dollars
3. Expired parking meter violations, an initial fine of seven dollars
($7.00) if paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the
violation. If payment is not made within such thirty (30) calendar
days, said fine shall be twelve dollars ($12.00).
4. Parking in violation of any designated fire lane, a fine of fifty
dollars ($50.00). (Ord. 74-08, 11-3-2008)
5. Parking in violation of snow route restrictions, a fine of thirty
dollars ($30.00) if paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of
the violation. If payment is not made within such thirty (30) calendar
days, said fine shall be thirty five dollars ($35.00). The first snow
route restriction violation of each winter season for a vehicle shall be
voided if the owner of the vehicle registers their contact information
with the police department. (Ord. 52-08, 7-21-2008; amd. Ord. 74-08,
B. Payment of the above fine by mail to the city treasurer shall be
deemed paid as of the date of the postmark on the envelope thereof.
C. For purposes of this section, a ticket shall become delinquent if not
paid within seven (7) calendar days from the date of issuance. (Ord.
74-08, 11-3-2008)
9-14-321.622: PARKING VIOLATIONS; POSTING BOND: All persons
receiving such notice of violation and deeming themselves
not guilty of such offense, or desiring to appear and defend against the
same, shall within seven (7) calendar days appear at the police department
and promise to appear in the district court of Dubuque County, Iowa for
trial. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.623 9-14-321.626
SECTIONS: The provisions of sections 9-14-321.621 and
9-14-321.622 of this chapter shall not in any manner affect the penalty
provisions of any other ordinance, or part of ordinance, relating to the
parking of vehicles upon the streets, avenues, alleys, or public places within
the city, but shall be cumulative of all other ordinances on the subject and
for the purpose of providing a more convenient and economical method of
handling such violations. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Whenever a vehicle is found stopped or parked in violation of any
state law or city ordinance, or in such manner as to cause a
dangerous condition to exist, or whenever the owner or operator of a
vehicle has failed to report or heed a notice to appear before the
proper magistrate, any police officer may remove such vehicle from
a street or alley to a place of safekeeping.
B. If such vehicle must be serviced or towed, the fee, together with any
other necessary expense incurred in such removal, shall be
assessed against the vehicle and shall be paid before it is released.
(Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
REGISTRATION PLATES: In any proceedings for
violation of the parking provisions of this title, the registration plates
displayed on such motor vehicle involved in such violation shall constitute
prima facie evidence that the owner of such motor vehicle was the person
who parked or placed such motor vehicle at the point where such violation
occurred. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. When appropriate signs have been posted, that area located on the
north side of 9th Street between Central Avenue and the driveway to
fire headquarters is set aside for the parking of fire department
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.626 9-14-321.627
B. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand, or
park within such area unless such vehicle is clearly identified and
marked as a vehicle assigned to the fire department. (Ord. 44-08,
A. This section is enacted as an enforcement procedure for the
protection of public safety and welfare and shall be used to facilitate
street sweeping and the removal of snow and ice accumulations on
certain public streets.
B. There is hereby established an alternate side street parking district,
unless signs are erected giving notice otherwise, comprised of
streets and/or portions thereof as follows:
Bluff Street, both sides, from 14th Street to Dodge Street.
Central Avenue, both sides, from 22nd Street to 4th Street.
Clarke Drive, north side, from the east property line of 1687
Clarke Drive to Clarke Crest Drive.
Clarke Drive, south side, from West Locust Street to a point
approximately one hundred feet (100') east of Clarke Crest
Iowa Street, both sides, from 14th Street to 4th Street.
Jones Street, both sides, from Main Street to Harrison Street.
Locust Street, both sides, from 14th Street to 1st Street.
Main Street, both sides, from 14th Street to Railroad Avenue.
Railroad Avenue, both sides, from Main Street to Harrison
White Street, both sides, from 21st Street to 5th Street.
1st Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to the 1st to 2nd
Street connector, also known as the alley east of Main Street.
2nd Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Iowa Street.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.627 9-14-321.627
3rd Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Main Street.
4th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Central Avenue.
5th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
6th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
7th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
8th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
9th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Pine Street.
10th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
11th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to Pine Street.
12th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
13th Street, both sides, from Bluff Street to White Street.
16th Street, both sides, from Central Avenue to the alley
entrance immediately east of Central Avenue.
C. The city manager is hereby authorized to establish time restrictions
within the alternate side street parking district and to post
appropriate signs therefor.
D. Upon petition to the city manager by any person for parking time
restrictions within the alternate side street parking district, the city
manager shall review such requests and make such changes as are
deemed necessary by the city manager.
E. When any vehicle parked in violation of this section constitutes a
hindrance and a hazard to the prompt removal of snow and ice
accumulations, the police department may cause the immediate
removal of the vehicle. When conditions permit, the police
department shall make a reasonable effort to contact the last
registered owner of the vehicle before summarily removing the
F. The towing and storage of vehicles parking in violation of this section
shall be in accordance with sections 9-15-321.770, 9-15-321.771,
and 9-15-321.772 of this title. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.665 9-14-321.666
that the motor vehicle occupying such parking space has been
parked beyond the period prescribed for such parking spaces.
B. Such parking meter shall be operated to show legal parking in such
parking meter zones between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
and five o'clock (5:00) P.M., Monday through Saturday of each week.
C. The provisions of this division shall not apply on "holidays", as
defined in section 9-1-321.1 of this title. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
LISHED: There is hereby established a municipal parking
meter district to be comprised of streets and/or portions thereof as follows:
East -west streets:
1st Street, both sides, between Locust Street and extending to the
connector east of Main Street.
2nd Street, both sides, between the connector east of Main Street
and Locust Street.
3rd Street, both sides, between Locust Street and Bluff Street.
4th Street, both sides, from Central Avenue to Locust Street.
4th Street, north side, between Locust Street and Bluff Street.
4th Street, south side, between Locust Street and Bluff Street,
months of December through March only.
5th Street, both sides, between White Street and Bluff Street.
5th Street, north side, from Bluff Street to a point one hundred ninety
six feet (196') west of Bluff Street.
6th Street, both sides, between White Street and Central Avenue.
6th Street, both sides, from Locust Street to Bluff Street.
7th Street, both sides, between Locust Street and Bluff Street.
7th Street, both sides, between White Street and Iowa Street.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.666 9-14-321.666
8th Street, both sides, between Locust Street and Hill Street.
8th Street, both sides, between White Street and Central Avenue.
9th Street, both sides, between White Street and Central Avenue.
9th Street, north side, from Iowa Street to Locust Street.
9th Street, south side, between Iowa Street and the alley west of
Iowa Street.
9th Street, south side, between Locust Street and Bluff Street.
9th Street, south side, between Locust Street and Main Street.
10th Street north side, between White Street and Locust Street.
10th Street, south side, between White Street and Central Avenue.
10th Street, south side, between Iowa Street and Locust Street.
11th Street, both sides, between White Street and Bluff Street.
11th Street, south side, between White Street and Washington
12th Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and Bluff Street.
12th Street, both sides, between Main Street and Bluff Street.
13th Street, both sides, between White Street and Locust Street.
15th Street, both sides, between White Street and the alley east of
Iowa Street.
15th Street, south side, between Iowa Street and the alley west of
Central Avenue.
16th Street, both sides, between the alley east of Central Avenue
and the alley west of Central Avenue.
17th Street, south side, between the alley east of Central Avenue
and the alley west of Central Avenue.
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.666 9-14-321.667
18th Street, south side, between Central Avenue and the alley east
of Central Avenue.
North -south streets:
Bluff Street, both sides, between 3rd Street and 8th Street.
Bluff Street, both sides, between 10th Street and 12th Street.
Bluff Street, west side, between 8th Street and 9th Street.
Central Avenue, both sides, between 4th Street and 19th Street.
Iowa Street, both sides, between 4th Street and Loras Boulevard.
Iowa Street, west side of median, between 5th Street and 9th Street.
Locust Street, both sides, between 1st Street and Loras Boulevard.
Main Street, both sides, between 1st Street and 5th Street.
Main Street, both sides, between 9th Street and Loras Boulevard.
Main Street, both sides, from 5th Street to 8th Street.
Main Street, east side, between 8th Street and 10th Street.
Main Street, both sides, from 1st Street to a point two hundred
twenty feet (220') south of 1st Street.
White Street, west side, between 11th Street and 13th Street.
White Street, west side, between 13th Street and 14th Street.
White Street, west side, between East 14th Street and East 15th
1st to 2nd Street connector, east of Main Street, east side, between
1st and 2nd. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008; amd. Ord. 73-08, 11-3-2008)
9-14-321.667: FEE SCHEDULE: Subject to the limitations provided in
this division, parking meters, when installed and properly
operated, shall show legal parking upon and after deposit of United States
coins in accordance with the following schedule:
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.667 9-14-321.669
A. One hour parking meters shall show legal parking for fifty cents
($0.50) per hour, but not more than a total of sixty (60) minutes at
any one time.
B. Two (2) hour parking meters shall show legal parking for fifty cents
($0.50) per hour, but not more than a total of one hundred twenty
(120) minutes at any one time.
C. Four (4) hour parking meters shall show legal parking for fifty cents
($0.50) per hour, but not more than a total of four (4) hours at any
one time.
D. Ten (10) hour parking meters shall show legal parking for twenty five
cents ($0.25) per hour, but not more than a total of ten (10) hours at
any one time.
E. Twenty (20) minute parking meters shall show legal parking for
seventy five cents ($0.75) per hour, but not more than a total of
twenty (20) minutes at any one time.
F. Forty (40) minute parking meters shall show legal parking for
seventy five cents ($0.75) per hour, but not more than a total of forty
(40) minutes at any one time. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-14-321.668: MAXIMUM PARKING TIMES: Between the hours and on
the days stated in section 9-14-321.665 of this chapter, no
person shall allow a vehicle to be parked in a parking meter space for a
period of time greater than the maximum time limit indicated for such meter.
(Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Resident Parking Sticker Defined; Display Required: A "resident
parking sticker" is a permit to park a motor vehicle upon the streets
of the city in the parking meter district. When a valid parking sticker
is displayed upon a vehicle, that vehicle shall be exempt from the
provisions of sections 9-14-321.667 and 9-14-321.668 of this chapter
in the parking meter district.
B. Sticker Issuance: A resident parking sticker shall only be issued to
an individual who is occupying a housing unit as that person's
principal abode. The housing unit must be located within the parking
City of Dubuque
9-14-321.739 9-14-321.749
Cornell Street.
Pickett Street.
West 15th Street from Cornell Street to Fairview Street.
West 16th Street from Catherine Street to Fairview Place.
B. No vehicles shall park curbside in residential parking permit district
G during the hours of six o'clock (6:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock
(12:00) midnight, except Sundays and holidays, without displaying a
valid parking permit issued by the city. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. The following described area constitutes a residential parking permit
district designated as residential parking permit H:
Hansel Drive, between Keystone Drive and Keymont Drive.
Keymont Drive from Key Way Drive to its westerly terminus.
Phyllrich Drive, between Keystone Drive and Keymont Drive.
Vizaleea Drive from Pennsylvania Avenue to Keystone Drive.
B. No vehicles shall park curbside in residential parking permit district
H during the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to three o'clock
(3:00) P.M., except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, without
displaying a valid parking permit issued by the city. (Ord. 44-08,
9-14-321.741: HOME HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: The city manager
may issue, without charge, to a business providing home
healthcare a special parking permit that allows an employee of such
business to park in a residential parking permit district. Such permit shall
only be valid while a home healthcare employee is at a residence within the
district and is actually engaged in providing care to a resident of the district.
The permit shall not be available to a self-employed home healthcare
provider. The permit may be revoked by the city manager for failure to
comply with the requirements of this section. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
9-14-321742 — 9-14-321.749: RESERVED: (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
City of Dubuque
10-5B-1 10-5B-1
10-5B- 1:
10-5B- 2:
10-5B- 3:
10-5B- 4:
10-5B- 5:
10-5B- 6:
10-5B- 7:
10-5B- 8:
10-5B- 9:
Intoxicating Beverages
Horsedrawn Vehicles, Riding Of Animals Restricted
Dogs, Cats And Other Domestic Animals
Walking On Grass
Throwing Stones Or Other Missiles
Interfering With Animals
Unlawful Deposits
Posting Bills, Notices Or Signs
Sales Restricted
Possession Of Firearms, Weapons And Fireworks
Climbing On Fences, Roofs
Moving Benches And Tables
Use Of Spotlights, Searchlights
Meetings And Gatherings
Loosening Stones From Bluffs Prohibited
Washing Vehicles
Compliance With Motor Vehicle Laws, Ordinances
Removal Of Unattended Vehicles Left After Closing Hours
Open Season And Hours Generally
DEFINITIONS: As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:
COMMISSION OR The park and recreation advisory commission of
City of Dubuque
10-5B-1 10-5B-2
PARKS OR Parks, parkways, buildings, park roads or drive -
PARKWAYS: ways, and all public service facilities or grounds,
buildings and structures in and adjacent to the
city, which are under the responsibility of the
commission. (Ord. 54-06, 7-5-2006)
A. Consumption Or Use Prohibited; Exceptions: The consumption or
use of "alcoholic liquors" or "wine" as defined by chapter 123 of the
code of Iowa or any type of wine product is prohibited in any public
park or park and recreation facility including park roadways and
parking lots. This subsection shall not apply, however, to the
consumption or use of alcoholic liquors or wine in Four Mounds park
at an event sponsored or expressly approved by the Four Mounds
Foundation, or at public events sponsored by nonprofit organizations
held at the American Trust River's Edge Plaza or the Mississippi
Riverwalk and for which a special events permit has been issued, or
at an event at the Alliant Energy Amphitheater for which a special
events permit has been issued.
B. Beer Consumption Restricted: The consumption of beer on any park
roadway or parking lot or in cars is prohibited at all times.
C. Keg Beer: Where the use or consumption of beer is permitted, no
beer in containers commonly referred to as "keg beer" shall be
permitted at any time except by a licensed holder of a beer permit
who has obtained a permit from the city manager authorizing the use
of such container.
D. Beer Prohibited In Certain Parks:
1. The consumption or use of beer is prohibited in the following
named parks:
Alliant Energy Amphitheater
Allison -Henderson park
American Trust River's Edge Plaza
Avon park
Burden park
Caledonia park
Cancer Survivor park
Cleveland park
City of Dubuque
Dubuque City Code 1
Saving Clause 2
Definitions 3
General Penalty 4
Charter 5
Mayor And City Council 6
Rules And Procedure 6A
City Officers And Employees 7
Elections, Precincts And Wards 8
Evidentiary Hearings By
City Council 9
Miscellaneous Administrative
Provisions 10
Emergency Succession During
Disaster 11
Boards And Commissions
Hearings And Appeals 1
Civil Service Commission 2
Investment Oversight Advisory
Commission 3
Civic Center Advisory
Commission 4
Housing Agency And Community
Development Commissions 5
Municipal Housing Agency And
Governing Board (Rep. by Ord.
26-09, 6-1-2009) 5A
Housing Commission 5B
Community Development
Advisory Commission 5C
Trust Fund Advisory
Committee 5D
Environmental Stewardship
Advisory Commission 6
Board Of Library Trustees 7
Arts And Cultural Affairs
Advisory Commission 8
Revenue And Taxation
Property Tax 1
Revitalization Areas 2
Hotel And Motel Tax 3
Economic Development 4
Industrial Projects 4A
Enterprise Zone Commission 4B
Speculative Shell Buildings
Of Community Development
Organizations And For Profit
Entities 4C
Residential Relocation Assis-
tance Program 4D
Business And License
Business Licenses Generally 1
Liquor Control 2
Alcoholic Beverages 2A
Liquor, Beer And Wine
Licenses And Permits 2B
Excursion Boat Admission Fees 3
Central Market 4
Door To Door Sales 5
Junk And Secondhand Dealers
And Pawnbrokers 6
Vehicles For Hire And Public
Transportation 7
Nonmotorized Vehicles 7A
Motorized Vehicles For Hire . 7B
Adult Entertainment Establish-
ments 8
Peddlers And Transient
Merchants 9
City of Dubuque
Transit System
Transit Advisory Board;
General Provisions
Health, Housing, Sanitation
And Environment
Human Rights
Definitions; General Provisions 1
1 Human Rights Commission 2
Unfair And Discriminatory
Practices 3
Disability Discrimination 3A
Enforcement Of Civil Rights 4
Fair Housing 5
Health And Safety Regulations 1
Food Establishments And Hotel
Sanitation 2
Ambulances 3
Nuisances 4
Noises 5
Housing Regulations 6
Hazardous Waste, Substances
And Conditions 7
Trees And Weeds 8
Fire Prevention Regulations 9
Police, Fire And Public Safety
Police Department 1
Fire Department 2
Emergency Management 3
Alarm System Permits 4
Offenses 5
General Offenses 5A
Drug Paraphernalia 5B
Crime Property 5C
Animal Control 6
Miscellaneous Provisions 6A
Dogs And Cats 6B
Rabies Control 6C
Dangerous Animals 6D
Potentially Vicious Dogs 6E
Bicycles 7
Motor Vehicles And Traffic
General Provisions 1
Registration, Certification Of
Title, And Proof Of Security
Against Financial Liability 2
Special Antitheft Law 3
Drivers' Licenses 4
Obedience To And Effect Of
Traffic Laws 5
Powers Of Local Authorities 6
Operation 7
Pedestrians' Rights And Duties 8
Special Stops Required 9
Miscellaneous Rules 10
School Buses 11
Equipment 12
Size, Weight And Load 13
Parking 14
Impoundment Of Vehicles 15
Miscellaneous City Provisions . 16
Public Ways And Property
Streets, Sidewalks And Other
Public Places
Excavations 2
City of Dubuque
TITLE 10 (cont.)
Encroachments On Public
Places 3
Waste Collection Receptacles 3A
Newsracks 3B
Projecting Signs 3C
Other Encroachments 3D
Sidewalk Cafes 3E
Mailboxes 3F
Parades And Assemblies 4
Parks And Recreation 5
Administration 5A
Use Regulations 5B
Specific Parks 5C
Railroads 6
Boats, Boating And Waterfront
Rights Of Way
Nonfranchised Communications
Cable Right Of Way Regulations
Cable Communications
Open Video Systems
Cable Television
Cable Franchise Agreement
Community Tele -Programming
Commission 3B
Cable Regulatory Commission 3C
Rates And General
Regulations 3D
Cable Services Customer
Service Standards
Gas Franchise
Electric Franchises
Interstate Power Company
Maquoketa Valley Electric
Administration And Enforcement 1
General Regulations 2
Airport Zoning Regulations 3
Public Utilities
Water Use And Service 1
Connections 1A
Water Meters 1B
Rates 1C
7 Cross Connection Control 1D
Sewers And Sewage Disposal 2
Discharge Regulations 2A
Private Disposal Systems;
Private Haulers 2B
Rates 2C
Industrial Pretreatment
Program 2D
Gas Main Connections 3
Stormwater Management 4
1 Illicit Connections And
. 2 Discharges To Storm Sewer
2A System 5
2B Solid Waste 6
3 City Or Private Collection
3A Service 6A
Building And Development
3E Building Codes 1
4 Building Code And Regulations . 1A
5 Residential Code 1B
5A Energy Conservation Code 1C
Electrical Code 1D
5B Fire Code And Regulations 1E
City of Dubuque
TITLE 14 (cont.)
Mechanical Code 1F
Fuel Gas Code 1G
Plumbing Code 1H
Accessibility Code For Readily
Achievable Changes 11
Building Construction, Demoli-
tion And Moving 2
Dangerous Buildings 3
Licensing Of Vacant And/Or
Abandoned Buildings 4
Historic Buildings 5
Historic Preservation (Rep. by
Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 6
Condominium Conversions And
Transfers To Multiple
Housing Cooperative 7
Exterior Storage Containers
And Storage Trailers 8
Swimming Pools 9
Signs (Rep. by Ord. 52-09,
10-19-2009) 10
Flood Areas 11
Erosion And Sediment Control 12
Planning And Zoning
Comprehensive Plan 1
Long Range Planning Advisory
Commission 2
Unified Development Code
Title, Purpose And General
Provisions 1
Definitions 2
Land Use General Provisions 3
Nonconformities 4
Zoning Districts 5
Overlay Districts 6
Supplemental Use Regulations 7
Zoning Board Of Adjustment
Applications And Procedures . 8
Zoning Advisory Commission
Applications And Procedures 9
Historic Preservation Commission
Applications And Procedures ... 10
Land Subdivision 11
Site Plans 12
Site Design Standards 13
Parking 14
Signs 15
City of Dubuque
13-1C-1 13-1C-1
Residential, Commercial, Industrial And All Other Uses
Fire Sprinkler Service
Construction Use
Payment Of Bills
A. Rates Established: The rates to be charged for water for residential,
commercial, industrial and all other uses and purposes by any
person, firm or corporation within the city shall be based on units of
one hundred (100) cubic feet (748 gallons) or per gallon as follows:
Monthly Consumption
(In Hundreds Of Cubic Feet)
Charge Per Hundred
Cubic Feet
First 30
Next 120
Next 350
Next 500
Next 1,000
Monthly Consumption
(In Gallons)
Charge Per Gallon
First 22,440
Next 89,760
Next 261,800
Next 374,000
Next 748,000
June 2010
City of Dubuque
Rates shall be subject to the following minimum monthly charge
according to the size of the meter:
Meter Size
(In Hundreds Of
Cubic Feet)
(In Gallons)
$ 4.40
A property owner shall pay a thirty dollar ($30.00) disconnect fee for
water service that is disconnected by the city for a meter not in
service. When a tenant account is subject to disconnection due to
delinquency, the tenant shall pay the thirty dollar ($30.00) disconnect
A five dollar ($5.00) minimum monthly charge shall be assessed for
meters not in service. (Ord. 13-10, 3-9-2010, eff. 7-1-2010)
B. Rates Outside City Limits: The rates to be charged for water
supplied by the city to residential, commercial, industrial and other
uses and purposes by any person outside the corporation limits of
the city, shall be at one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the rates set
forth in subsection A of this section.
C. Estimated Billings: For all meters in service, bills will be issued
monthly. When a meter is not read monthly for any reason, bills will
be issued on estimated consumption. For estimated billings, either
on alternate months or when readings are not obtainable for any
reason, consumption will be predicated on the monthly average of
past usage for the meter. For estimated bills issued for an account in
which historical data is not available, billing will be predicated on the
June 2010
City of Dubuque
minimum charge and related consumption identified for the size of
the meter in service for the particular account.
D. Adjustments From Estimated Readings: Adjustments from estimated
readings will be made when an actual meter reading is obtained. The
adjustment will be reflected on the user's next regular bill. (2007
Code § 44-201)
13-1C-2: FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE: Customers who have fire
sprinkler service shall be billed for this service on a monthly
basis. The monthly charge shall be as follows:
Number Of Heads Current
Monthly Charges
Up to 200 (minimum monthly charge)
200 — 300
300 — 400
400 — 600
600 — 800
800 — 1,000
1,000 — 1,200
1,200 — 1,400
1,400 — 1,600
1,600 — 1,800
1,800 — 2,000
2,000 — 2,200
2,200 — 2,400
2,400 — 2,600
2,600 — 2,800
2,800 — 3,000
3,000 — 3,500
Over 3,500 (for each additional 500
heads or fraction thereof)
(Ord. 14-10, 3-9-2010, eff. 7-1-2010)
June 2010
City of Dubuque
A. Application For Temporary Water Service; Deposit: When a
temporary water service is desired for construction work, application
shall be made to the city manager. A deposit equal to the actual cost
of the meter and fittings shall be paid in advance. The applicant shall
guarantee payment of such water service charges and return said
meter in good condition.
B. Installation Of Meter: The applicant shall thereupon install a suitable
meter, furnished by the city, and shall pay for all water furnished in
accordance with the then prevailing water rates including minimum
monthly charges.
C. Payment Of Charge When Installation Of Meter Impractical: If it is
the opinion of the city manager that placement of a meter is
impractical, then the deposit for meter and fittings shall not be
required, but a charge, as determined by the city manager, after
official publication, shall be made, but under no circumstances shall
water be used for sprinkling lawns, wetting down yards or
compacting of soil unless a meter has been installed on the service,
or arrangements have been made for such usage.
D. Water Rate For Various Other Purposes: The rate for water charged
for other purposes not mentioned herein, such as for circuses,
carnivals, fairs, skating rinks, swimming pools, tank wagons and
filling cisterns will be made by the city manager when application is
made for the same at the water office. (2007 Code § 44-203)
A. Locations For Payment Of Bills: Payment of bills may be made at
locations that have been designated by the city manager, after
official publication.
B. Due When Rendered: All utility bills are due when rendered.
C. Late Payments; Procedure Upon Delinquency:
1. If a bill remains unpaid twenty five (25) days following the billing
date, there shall be added to the bill a penalty of five percent (5%) of
the total utility bill for late payment.
June 2010
City of Dubuque
13-2C-1 13-2C-2
Rates Established
Areas Not Served By Public System
Lien For Failure To Pay
Cost Of Collection
13-2C-1: PURPOSE: It is hereby determined and declared to be
necessary and conducive to the protection of the public
health, safety, welfare and convenience of the city to levy and collect just
and equitable charges, rates or rentals upon all Tots, parcels of real estate
and buildings that are connected directly or indirectly with the sanitary
sewage system of the city, the proceeds of such charges or rentals so
derived to be used for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining
and repairing such sewage treatment plant. (2007 Code § 44-82)
DEFINITIONS: The following words and terms, as used in
this article, shall be deemed to mean and be construed as
Any person responsible for the production of
domestic, commercial or industrial waste which
is directly or indirectly discharged into the city's
sanitary sewer system.
Any and all rates, charges, fees or rentals
levied against and payable by the contributors,
including special contracts or agreements which
have been or may be negotiated by and
between the city, commercial establishments,
City of Dubuque
November 2010
13-2C-2 13-2C-3
industries, manufacturing plants or corporations
for the purpose of collecting rates, charges,
fees or rentals.
Any and all units of the municipal sewage
treatment system owned and operated by the
city, including the interceptor sewer system, the
pumping stations delivering sewage to the plant
and the outfall sewer system.
WATER The city water department. (2007 Code § 44-81)
13-2C-3: RATES ESTABLISHED: Contributors whose property lies
within the corporate limits of the city, except as otherwise
provided in this article, shall pay to the city at the same time payment for
water services is made, a sewer service charge computed on water
consumption on the following rates:
A. Basic Charges: The sewer rates and charges shall be based on the
quantity of water used on or in the property or premises. For all
customers utilizing sewer service, bills will be issued on estimated
consumption. For estimated billings, either on alternate months, or
when a reading on a water meter is not obtainable for any reason,
consumption will be predicated on the monthly average of the past
usage for the metered account. For estimated bills issued for an
account in which historical data is not available, billing will be
predicated on the minimum charge and related consumption
identified in subsection C7 of this section for the size of the water
meter in service for the particular account. (2007 Code § 44-83)
B. Schedule Of Rates:
1. Rate per each one hundred (100) cubic feet shall be two dollars
sixty three cents ($2.63).
2. Rate per each gallon shall be $0.00352. (Ord. 32-10, 6-21-2010,
eff. 7-1-2010)
C. Service Charge:
1. When a parcel of real estate, property or building discharging
sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other approved waste,
November 2010
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13-2C-3 13-2C-3
either directly or indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is
not a user of water supplied by the city water division and the water
used thereon or therein is not acceptable to the city, the amount of
water used shall be determined by the city in such a manner as the
city manager may elect to establish the rate of charge as provided in
this article, or the owner or other interested parties at their expense,
may install and maintain a meter acceptable to the city for said
2. When a parcel of real estate, property or building discharging
sanitary sewerage, industrial wastes, water or other approved waste,
either directly or indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is a
user of water supplied by the city water division and in addition uses
water from another source which is not measured by a water meter
or is measured by a water meter not acceptable to the city, the
amount of water used shall be determined by the city in such a
manner as the city manager may elect in order to establish the rate
of charge as provided in this article, or the owner or other interested
parties at their expense may install and maintain a meter acceptable
to the city for said purposes.
3. When a parcel of real estate, property or building discharging
sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other approved waste,
either directly or indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is
not a user of water supplied by the city water division, the amount of
sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other approved waste
discharged into the sanitary sewer system shall be determined by
the city in such a manner as the city manager may elect in order to
establish the rate of charge as provided in this article, or the owner
or other interested parties at their expense, may install and maintain
a sewage meter acceptable to the city for said purposes.
4. The city council may, in its discretion, when applicable, permit
connection to the city sanitary sewer system of properties located
outside the corporate limits upon such terms and conditions as it
may establish; provided, however, that such terms shall not be more
favorable to such property than rates herein established for city
5. In order that the rates and charges may be modestly and
equitably adjusted to the service rendered, the city shall have the
right to base its charges not only on volume, but also on the strength
and content of the sewage and wastes of the user. The city shall
have the right to measure and determine the strength and content of
all sewage and wastes discharged either directly or indirectly into the
November 2010
City of Dubuque
13-2C-3 13-2C-4
city's sanitary sewer system, in such manner and by such methods
as it may deem practicable in the Tight of the conditions and
circumstances of the case in order to determine the proper charge.
Extra charges will be applicable and negotiated with users on an
individual account basis when concentration of the sewage exceeds
three hundred milligrams per liter (300 mg/I) of biochemical oxygen
demand, three hundred fifty milligrams per liter (350 mg/I) of
suspended solids or two percent (2%) or more of the flow rate into
the sewage treatment plant.
6. The rates and charges may be billed the tenant and tenants
occupying the properties served, unless otherwise requested in
writing by the owners, but such billings shall in no way relieve the
owner from liability in the event payment is not made as required in
this article. (2007 Code § 44-83)
7. Where the quantity of water consumed is such that the minimum
of service is charged, the minimum sewer service charge, according
to the size of the meter, shall be as follows:
Meter Size
(Cubic Feet)
$ 5.26
1 or larger
(Ord. 32-10, 6-21-2010, eff. 7-1-2010)
service charges, rentals or fees as provided in this article
shall become effective at the time sewage from the contributors is first
directed to the sanitary sewer system. At the time sanitary sewers are
constructed in areas not now served by a sanitary sewer system, contribu-
tors shall be granted a reasonable time to make connection to the sewer.
The effective date of the sewage service charge and the reasonable time to
connect to the sanitary sewer system will be determined by the city
manager. (2007 Code § 44-84)
November 2010
City of Dubuque
13-4-5 13-4-5
A. Square Feet Equivalency: For purposes of this chapter, an SFU shall
be equivalent to two thousand nine hundred seventeen (2,917)
square feet of impervious property.
B. Monthly Service Charge: Except as provided in this chapter, every
contributor owning or occupying a single-family residential property,
multi -family residential property, or a nonresidential property, other
than exempt property, shall pay to the city, at the same time
payment is made for water service, sanitary sewer or refuse, a
stormwater management charge to be determined and billed as
provided in this chapter. In the event the owner and the occupant of
a particular property are not the same, the liability for payment of the
stormwater management charge attributable to that property shall be
joint and several as to the owner and occupant. The stormwater
management charge shall be a monthly service charge and shall be
determined by this chapter and the SFU rate which is established in
this chapter and from time to time adjusted as provided in this
C. Application And Computation: The stormwater management charges
provided in sections 13-4-6 through 13-4-8 of this chapter shall be
applied and computed for each contributor during the customary
billing periods as to all bills mailed by the finance director -city
treasurer, and such charges shall thereafter be paid and collected as
provided in this chapter. (2007 Code § 44-274)
D. Rates Established: The SFU rate to be applied to residential and
nonresidential properties shall be as follows:
Time Period Rate Per SFU
July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010
July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2033
(Ord. 16-09, 3-9-2009)
E. Authority To Adjust Rate: If at any time the director determines that
the SFU rate and/or the budget for the stormwater management
City of Dubuque
13-4-5 13-4-6
utility system requires adjustment, the director shall report such
determination to the city manager and city council. The city council
may at any time adjust the SFU rate by adoption of an ordinance
amending this section, and may at any time adjust the budget for the
stormwater management utility system by adoption of an appropriate
F. Policy On Expenditure Of Revenues: The city council hereby
establishes a formal policy regarding the expenditure of stormwater
management utility revenues as follows:
1. The city manager shall develop and implement a cost accounting
system, capable of accurately recording and segregating charges to
the system by all departments of the city, to include the cost of
personnel, machinery, contract equipment and construction,
supplies, depreciation, and any and all miscellaneous expenses and
2. No revenues generated by the stormwater utility user fee shall be
used for any purpose other than stormwater expenses. (2007 Code
§ 44-274)
A. Percentage Of SFU Rate: The stormwater management charge for a
single-family residential property shall be the following percentage of
the SFU rate:
Impervious Area Of Property
(Square Feet)
SFU Rate
1,471 or less
50 percent
1,472 to 4,374
100 percent
4,375 or more
150 percent
B. Commencement Of Charge: As to a new single-family residence, the
stormwater management charge attributable to that residence shall
commence upon the earlier of the following:
1. The issuance of a permanent water meter.
City of Dubuque
Subject Chapter
Building Codes 1
Building Code And Regulations 1A
Residential Code 1B
Energy Conservation Code 1C
Electrical Code 1D
Fire Code And Regulations 1E
Mechanical Code 1F
Fuel Gas Code 1G
Plumbing Code 1H
Accessibility Code For Readily Achievable
Changes 11
Building Construction, Demolition And Moving 2
Dangerous Buildings 3
Licensing Of Vacant And/Or Abandoned Buildings 4
Historic Buildings 5
Historic Preservation (Rep. by Ord. 52-09,
10-19-2009) 6
Condominium Conversions And Transfers To
Multiple Housing Cooperative 7
Exterior Storage Containers And Storage Trailers 8
Swimming Pools 9
Signs (Rep. by Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) 10
Flood Areas 11
Erosion And Sediment Control 12
June 2010
City of Dubuque
14-1A-1 14-1A-2
14-1 A-3:
International Building Code Adopted
International Building Code Amendments
Permit Issuance Prohibited During Consideration Of Zoning
Reclassification Or Zoning Or Subdivision Text Amendments
Demolition Permits In Conservation Districts
hereinafter added to, deleted, modified, or amended, there is
hereby adopted by reference as the building code of the city that certain
building code known as the international building code, 2009 edition, and as
published by the International Code Council, Inc., and the provisions of
such building code shall be controlling in the construction of buildings and
other structures and in all matters covered by such building code within the
corporate limits of the city and shall be known as the "Dubuque building
code". A copy of the international building code, 2009 edition, as adopted,
shall be on file in the office of the city clerk for public inspection. (Ord.
41-10, 7-19-2010)
following additions, deletions, modifications, or amendments
of the international building code, 2009 edition, adopted in section 14-1A-1
of this article read as follows:
Sec. 101.2. Scope.
The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration,
moving, demolition, repair, maintenance and use of any building or
structure within this jurisdiction, except work located primarily in a
public way, public utility towers and poles, mechanical equipment not
November 2010
City of Dubuque
14-1A-2 14-1A-2
specifically regulated in this code, and hydraulic flood control
For additions, alterations, moving and maintenance of buildings and
structures, see chapter 34 of the international building code. For
temporary buildings and structures, see section 3103 of the
international building code.
Historic Buildings. Repairs, alterations and additions necessary for
the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, continued use or change
of use of a historic building may be made in compliance with the
provisions of the 1997 edition of the uniform code for building
conservation (UCBC) or title 14, chapter 5 of the city of Dubuque
code of ordinances.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify
different materials, methods of construction or other requirements,
the most restrictive shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a
general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific
requirement shall be applicable.
Wherever in this code reference is made to the appendix, the provi-
sions in the appendix shall not apply unless specifically adopted.
Sec. 101.4.4. Property Maintenance.
The provisions of the international property maintenance code,
excluding appendix A, shall apply to existing structures and
premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating,
sanitation, life, and fire safety hazards; responsibilities of owners,
operators, and occupants; and occupancy of existing premises and
Sec. 105.5. Expiration.
Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site
authorized by such permit is completed within one year after its
issuance, unless the building is part of a project which, because of
its complexity or proportions, will require more time, in which
instance the building official may grant permits for the project in
phases. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing and for
justifiable cause, a renewal of a permit for two (2) successive
periods of ninety (90) days, for a period not to exceed one -hundred
eighty (180) days; provided, that a fee is paid for each renewal as
set by the city manager.
November 2010
City of Dubuque
14-1A-4 14-1A-4
3. At its next regular meeting following receipt of the recommenda-
tion of the commission by the city clerk, the city council shall
approve or deny the request. (2007 Code § 11-4)
H. Demolition By Neglect Prohibited: The owner of a building or struc-
ture in any conservation district shall preserve and keep in good
repair all of the exterior portions of such buildings and structures and
all interior portions thereof whose maintenance is necessary to
prevent deterioration and decay of any exterior portion. This shall be
in addition to all other provisions of law requiring property and
improvements to be kept in good repair. The owner shall repair the
building or structure to correct any of the following defects as
determined by the city's building official:
1. Parts which are improperly or inadequately attached so that they
may fall and injure persons or property;
2. A deteriorated or inadequate foundation;
3. Defective or deteriorated floor supports or floor supports that are
insufficient to carry the loads imposed;
4. Walls, partitions, or other vertical supports that split, lean, list, or
buckle due to defect or deterioration or are insufficient to carry the
load imposed;
5. Ceilings, roofs, ceiling or roof supports, or other horizontal
members which sag, split, or buckle, due to defect or deterioration or
are insufficient to support the load imposed;
6. Fireplaces and chimneys which list, bulge, or settle due to defect
or deterioration or are of insufficient size or strength to carry the
loads imposed;
7. Deteriorated, crumbling, or loose exterior stucco or mortar;
8. Deteriorated or ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roofs,
foundations, or floors, including broken windows and doors;
9. Defective or lack of weather protection for exterior wall coverings,
foundations, or floors, including broken windows and doors;
10. Any default, defect, or condition in the structure which renders it
structurally unsafe or not properly watertight;
October 2009
City of Dubuque
14-1A-4 14-1A-4
11. Deterioration of any exterior feature so as to create a hazardous
condition which could make demolition necessary for the public
12. Deterioration or removal after the effective date hereof of any
unique architectural feature which would detract from the original
architectural style;
13. Deterioration of exterior stairs, porches, handrails, window and
door frames, cornices, wall facings, and architectural details that
cause instability, loss of shape and form, or crumbling;
14. Rotting, holes, and other forms of decay; or
15. Leaving a building or structure open or vulnerable to vandalism,
decay by the elements, or animal and/or insect infestation. (Ord.
37-09, 8-3-2009)
October 2009
City of Dubuque
14-2-3 14-2-4
4. Every permit for the use of streets or public property shall expire
on the last day for which the permit was issued, as described on
said permit, and shall be renewed upon the payment of an additional
fee to the building department, as established by the city manager.
Failure to renew the permit for the use of streets or public property
shall be considered as due cause for the city manager to order all
barricades or fences removed and the public property returned to
public availability and use.
D. Suspension Or Revocation: The city manager may, in writing,
suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this
chapter whenever the permit is issued in error, on the basis of
incorrect information supplied, failure to comply with permit
conditions, or in violation of any ordinance. (Ord. 21-10, 3-15-2010)
A. Iowa 32 (Southwest Arterial) Corridor: The city manager shall not
issue any permit for any new construction or substantial enlarge-
ment, alteration, repair or remodeling of any structure, building, or
sign in the Iowa 32 (southwest arterial) corridor but not to include
demolition, as delineated on drawings on file in the city clerk's office,
from the effective date hereof to July 1, 2010, except where a vested
right to the issuance of such permit accrued prior to the effective
date hereof.
B. Bee Branch Creek Restoration Alignment Study Area: The city
manager shall not issue any permit for any commercial construction
or for any new residential construction, including a new house or
new garage, but not including demolition and emergency repairs,
without the approval of the city council in the Bee Branch Creek
restoration alignment area as shown on the map on file in the office
of the city clerk, 50 W. 13th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, during the period
from the effective date of ordinance 85-04 through July 1, 2010,
except where a vested right to the issuance of such permit accrued
prior to December 19, 2003.
C. Ethanol Plants, Ethanol Processing Facilities, Biodiesel Plants And
Biodiesel Processing Facilities:
1. The city manager shall not issue a permit for any new construction
or substantial enlargement, alteration, repair or remodeling of any
structure or building for the production of ethanol or biodiesel fuel or
June 2010
City of Dubuque
14-2-4 14-2-6
for the processing of ethanol or biodiesel fuel within the city from the
effective date hereof to May 1, 2007, except where a vested right to
the issuance of such permit accrued prior to the effective date
2. Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved or adversely affected by
the city manager's refusal to issue a permit pursuant to this
moratorium shall appeal therefrom to the city council. The city
council may direct the city manager to issue a permit where the city
council finds that the refusal to issue a permit would deprive the
owner of the property of a vested right. (Ord. 21-10, 3-15-2010)
14-2-5: FEES:
A. Generally: A fee for each moving permit, demolition permit, or permit
for the use of streets or public property shall be paid to the city
manager, as established by the city manager.
B. Starting Work Prior To Obtaining Permit: Where the moving of a
building, the demolition of a building or the use of public property for
which a permit is required by this chapter is started prior to obtaining
said permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled, but the
payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully
complying with the requirements of this chapter and the building
code in the execution of the work nor from other fees or penalties.
(Ord. 21-10, 3-15-2010)
A. Transfer Of Permits Prohibited: Each moving permit, demolition
permit or permit for use of public property shall not be transferable
from one building or building site to another building or building site
nor from one person to another.
B. Moving Buildings:
1. A building being moved shall follow the route prescribed on the
permit by the city manager. The mover shall coordinate the route
with the utility companies.
2. A police escort shall be required for all buildings moved from one
location to another within the jurisdictional limits of the city, or moved
out of or into the jurisdictional limits of the city, utilizing public streets
June 2010
City of Dubuque
16-2-3 16-2-3
tional vehicles of the general public as tempo-
rary living quarters for recreation or vacation
purposes by campers, vacationers, or travelers.
REDEVELOPMENT: The act of rehabilitation or demolition of existing
buildings and/or land area irrespective of
whether a change occurs in land use.
A building used, designed, or intended to be
used as a home or dwelling place for one or
more families.
Indoor and outdoor facilities for obtaining useful
materials or energy from solid waste or recycled
materials. Materials can be reused for their
original purpose, packaged and shipped else-
where, reprocessed for a different purpose or
converted into energy, not to include a biofuels
plant or a salvage yard.
RESTAURANT, Any business establishment or portion thereof
DRIVE-IN/CARRYOUT: where food is prepared for sale for consumption
off the premises and/or served in disposable
containers or wrappers, including all fast food
restaurants equipped with a drive-through
service and/or having a carryout service, and
not serving beer, wine or alcoholic beverages.
Any business establishment or portion thereof
where food is prepared for sale for consumption
on the premises, including all sit down
restaurants, where food and beverage are
served in nondisposable containers and which
may involve carryout service and the serving of
beer, wine and alcoholic beverages on the
premises of a limited nature as an accessory
use to the restaurant, as defined in this section.
RETAIL COMMERCIAL: A stand alone building with a large parking lot
or a part of a larger commercial center, with a
gross floor area of sixty thousand (60,000)
square feet or more, including, but not limited
to, department store, supermarket, wholesale
club operation, discount store, general
merchandise retailer, specialized product store
City of Dubuque
16-2-3 16-2-3
(i.e., electronics, building materials or pet
supplies), outlet store, general merchandise
wholesaler open to the public, warehouse club,
and similar uses.
Establishments less than sixty thousand
(60,000) square feet engaged in selling or
renting goods or merchandise to the general
public for personal or household consumption
and/or services in conjunction or separate to the
sale of such goods. Retail sales/service estab-
lishments shall not include eating and drinking
places, uses defined as adult entertainment,
vehicle sales or service, or wholesale, process-
ing or manufacturing operations with an acces-
sory retail outlet on the premises.
RETENTION BASIN: A facility for the temporary storage of storm -
water with a permanent water surface.
REZONING: An amendment to or change in the official
zoning map.
An area or strip of land, either public or private,
on which an irrevocable rite of passage has
been dedicated, recorded, or otherwise legally
established for the use of vehicles, utilities
and/or pedestrians.
City of Dubuque
16-2-3 16-2-3
YARD, REQUIRED: See definition of Setback.
The area between a principal building and an
interior property, and extending between the
front yard and rear yard. In the case of double
frontage lots, side yards shall extend between
the front yards. In the case of corner lots, yards
remaining after front yards have been
established shall be considered side yards.
A required yard other than the required front
yard so oriented that neither the terms "side
yard" nor "rear yard" clearly apply. In such
cases the city planner shall determine, based
on topography, location, orientation and pattern
of adjacent structures and development which
yard requirement is more appropriate.
ZONING DISTRICT: A section of the city in which zoning regulations
and standards are uniform.
ZONING MAP, Map delineating the boundaries of zoning
OFFICIAL: districts which, along with the zoning text, is
officially adopted by the Dubuque city council
and on file in the office of the planning services
department. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord.
48-10, 8-16-2010)
City of Dubuque
16-5-19-1 16-5-19-2
Printing or publishing.
Railroad or public or quasi -public utility, including substation.
Resource recovery/recycling center (outdoor/indoor).
Restaurant, drive-in or carryout.
Sanitary landfill.
Service station.
Sewage treatment plant.
Slaughterhouse or stockyard.
Tool, die, or pattern making.
Upholstery shop.
Vehicle body shop.
Vehicle sales or rental.
Vehicle service and repair.
Vending or game machine sales or service.
Warehousing, packaging, distribution or storage facility.
Welding services.
Wholesale sales or distributor. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-19-2: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be
permitted in the HI district, subject to the provisions of section
16-8-5 of this title:
Licensed adult day services.
Licensed childcare center.
Residential use.
City of Dubuque
16-5-19-2 16-5-19-6
Retail sales and service.
Wind energy conversion system. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-19-3: ACCESSORY USES: The following uses are permitted as
accessory uses as provided in section 16-3-7 of this title:
Any use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use it
Drive -up automated bank teller.
Wind turbine (building mounted). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-19-4: TEMPORARY USES: The following uses may be permitted as
temporary uses in the HI district in conformance with the
provisions of section 16-3-19 of this title:
Any use listed as a permitted use within the district. (Ord. 52-09,
16-5-19-5: PARKING: Minimum parking requirements shall be regulated
in conformance with the provisions of chapter 14 of this title.
(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-19-6: SIGNS: Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the
provisions of chapter 15 of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
(see following page)
City of Dubuque
16-9-5 16-9-5-2
peculiar to the property is claimed, which is more properly the
subject of a variance request; or 2) it is alleged that the provisions
themselves as applied to similar properties are unreasonable, which
is more properly the subject of a text amendment proposal. In all
cases, the burden shall be upon the person(s) seeking
reclassification to demonstrate that the requested reclassification is
more appropriate than the present classification, in light of the
characteristics of the property and the public welfare.
C. Furthermore, it is contemplated under this title that the long range
planning advisory commission is, in the first instance, the body
responsible for the formulation and continuing review of the
comprehensive plan, as expressed herein, and this commission shall
be charged with the duty of periodically reviewing the policies and
provisions of this title in light of its purposes and changing
conditions, and proposing on its own initiative such district
reclassifications or code amendments as may be deemed appro-
priate to secure the public welfare. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Any person may request a reclassification of property to another
district, regardless of such person's interest in the property, by
submitting a completed zoning reclassification application together
with the required fee, to the planning services department.
B. The applicant may submit a written request to withdraw the reclassi-
fication application at any time prior to final action by the city council.
(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. The zoning advisory commission shall consider a reclassification
request at a public hearing. Following the public hearing, the zoning
advisory commission shall act to recommend approval or denial of
the request or table the request.
B. The affirmative vote of at least four (4) commission members shall
be required to constitute a recommendation of approval of a zoning
reclassification request, and any lesser number of affirmative votes
shall constitute a recommendation of denial of the request. The
recommendation of the commission shall forthwith be transmitted to
the city clerk. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
City of Dubuque
A. Following receipt of any recommendation of the commission, the city
clerk shall cause a notice to be published of the date, time and place
for the city council to hold a public hearing on the requested
B. Following the public hearing, the council shall act to adopt, table or
reject the reclassification request. In cases where the commission
has recommended disapproval of the reclassification, the vote of at
least three-fourths (3/4) of the council shall be required to enact the
C. Furthermore, in case of a written protest against the reclassification
request which is filed with the city clerk and signed by the owners of
twenty percent (20%) or more of the area of the lots included in the
request, or by the owners of twenty percent (20%) or more of the
property which is located within two hundred feet (200') of the
exterior boundaries of the property being considered for reclassifi-
cation, such request shall not be enacted except by the favorable
vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the council. Property owned by
the city or located in the public right of way shall not be considered
in the above calculation of twenty percent (20%) area of property
ownership. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-9-6-1: TEXT AMENDMENT: Text amendments are intended for
wholesale changes to the zoning regulations, as a means for
the city to respond to changing conditions and emerging trends in the
community. Text amendments are not property specific. (Ord. 52-09,
A. Any person may propose amendments to the provisions of this title
by delivering a copy of the proposed amendment to the planning
services department. The applicant may submit a written request to
withdraw the text amendment application at any time prior to final
action by the city council.
City of Dubuque
16-10-11 16-10-11
intersection with Emmett Street; thence easterly along Emmett Street
to its intersection with Bluff Street; thence southerly along Bluff
Street to its intersection with 1st Street; thence easterly along 1st
Street to its intersection with the alley between Bluff and Locust
Streets; thence northerly along the alley between Bluff and Locust
Streets to its intersection with West 5th Street; thence easterly along
West 5th Street to its intersection with Locust Street; thence
northerly along Locust Street to its intersection with 7th Street;
thence westerly along 7th Street to its intersection with Bluff Street
which is the point of beginning.
2. Fenelon Place Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning at
the intersection of West 5th and Burch Streets, thence southerly
along Burch Street to its intersection with West 3rd Street; thence
easterly along West 3rd Street to its intersection with the southerly
extension of Raymond Street; thence northerly along Raymond
Street and its southerly and northerly extensions to its intersection
with West 5th Street; thence westerly along West 5th Street to its
intersection with Burch Street which is the point of beginning.
3. 3rd Street Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning at the
intersection of West 3rd and Hill Streets thence southwesterly along
Hill Street to its intersection with Langworthy Street; thence
northwesterly along Langworthy Street to its intersection with Alpine
Street; thence northeasterly along Alpine Street to its intersection
with West 3rd Street; thence northwesterly along West 3rd Street to
its intersection with Nevada Street; thence northeasterly along
Nevada Street to its intersection with West 5th Street; thence
southeasterly along West 5th Street to its intersection with Alpine
Street; thence southerly along Alpine Street to its intersection with
Melrose Terrace; thence southeasterly along Melrose Terrace and its
southeasterly extension to its intersection with Winona Street; thence
southwesterly along Winona Street to its intersection with West 3rd
Street; thence southeasterly along West 3rd Street to its intersection
with Hill Street which is the point of beginning.
4. Washington Street Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning
at the intersection of 16th and Washington Streets thence westerly
along 16th Street to its intersection with Jackson Street; thence
northerly along. Jackson Street to its intersection with 18th Street;
thence westerly along 18th Street to its intersection with Central
Avenue; thence southerly along Central Avenue to its intersection
with 14th Street; thence easterly along 14th Street to its intersection
with Washington Street; thence northerly along Washington Street to
its intersection with 16th Street which is the point of beginning.
City of Dubuque
16-10-11 16-10-11
5. Jackson Park Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning at
the intersection of 14th Street and Central Avenue thence westerly
along 14th Street to its intersection with Iowa Street; thence
southerly along Iowa Street to its intersection with 10th Street;
thence westerly along 10th Street to its intersection with Bluff Street;
thence northerly along Bluff Street to its intersection with Locust
Street; thence northwesterly along Locust Street to its intersection
with Ellis Street; thence northerly along Ellis Street and its northerly
extension to its intersection with Clarke Drive; thence northwesterly
along Clarke Drive to its intersection with Paul Street; thence
northeasterly along Paul Street to its intersection with Lowell Street;
thence southeasterly along Lowell Street to its intersection with
North Main Street; thence southerly along North Main Street to its
intersection with Clarke Drive; thence southeasterly along Clarke
Drive and its southeasterly extension to its intersection with Central
Avenue; thence southerly along Central Avenue to its intersection
with 14th Street which is the point of beginning.
6. West 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning
at the intersection of 9th and Bluff Streets thence westerly along 9th
Street to its intersection with University Avenue; thence westerly
along University Avenue to its intersection with Spruce Street;
thence northerly along Spruce Street to its intersection with West
11th Street; thence westerly along West 11th Street to its
intersection with Walnut Street; thence northerly along Walnut Street
to its intersection with Loras Boulevard; thence westerly along Loras
Boulevard to its intersection with Cox Street; thence northerly along
Cox Street to its intersection with the westerly extension of West
16th Street; thence easterly along West 16th Street and its westerly
extension to its intersection with Montrose Terrace; thence northerly
along the northeasterly extension of Montrose Terrace to its
intersection with West Locust Street; thence southeasterly along
West Locust Street to its intersection with Bluff Street; thence
southerly along Bluff Street to its intersection with 9th Street which is
the point of beginning.
7. Broadway Street Neighborhood Conservation District: Beginning at
the intersection of West 23rd Street and Central Avenue thence
westerly along West 23rd Street to its intersection with Lewis Street;
thence northwesterly along Lewis Street to its intersection with
Fulton Street; thence northerly along Fulton Street to its intersection
with King Street; thence easterly along King Street and its easterly
extension to its intersection with Central Avenue; thence southerly
along Central Avenue to its intersection with West 23rd Street which
is the point of beginning.
City of Dubuque
16-11-1 16-11-1
16-11- 1: Purpose And Intent
16-11- 2: Applicability
16-11- 3: Recording Of Subdivision Plats
16-11- 4: Exception Of Specific Subdivision Requirements
16-11- 5: Application Fee For Subdivision Plat Review Required
16-11- 6: Subdivisions Classified
16-11- 7: Application Requirements And Review Process
16-11- 8: Subdivision Design Standards
16-11- 9: Recreational Open Space
16-11- 9-1: Computation Of Recreational Open Space Required
16-11- 9-2: Responsibility For Site Preparation
16-11- 9-3: Ownership And Management
16-11-10: Sustainable Subdivision Development Tools
16-11-11: Conservation Subdivision
16-11-11-1: Conservation Subdivision Design Criteria
16-11-11-2: Conservation Subdivision Development Bonus
16-11-12: Solar Subdivision
16-11-13: Cottage Design Subdivision
16-11-14: Blocks And Lots
16-11-15: Streets
16-11-16: Sidewalks
16-11-17: Bikeways
16-11-18: Utility Location
16-11-19: Street Trees
16-11-20: Water Supply
16-11-21: Sanitary Sewer
16-11-22: Stormwater, Grading And Erosion Control
16-11-23: Obligation To Install Improvements
16-11-24: Improvement Guarantees
A. The purpose of these regulations is to protect the public health,
safety and general welfare. These regulations are intended to
City of Dubuque
16-11-1 16-11-2
facilitate and to coordinate the subdivision of land within the city; to
establish a consistent policy for plats submitted to the zoning
advisory commission and the city council; and to enable the commis-
sion and city council to ascertain whether such plats conform to the
applicable statutes and ordinances.
B. The intent of these regulations is as follows:
1. To guide the future growth and development of the community
consistent with the city of Dubuque's adopted comprehensive plan.
2. To help identify those areas appropriate for development and
those areas appropriate for conservation.
3. To preserve open space and environmentally sensitive areas such
as wildlife habitat, riparian/wetland areas, by concentrating
development, where feasible.
4. To provide open space areas for passive and/or active recrea-
tional use.
5. To provide for a diversity of lot sizes, housing choices and build-
ing densities.
6. To provide buffering between residential development and non-
residential uses.
7. To protect environmentally sensitive areas and biological diversity,
preserve existing trees, and maintain environmental corridors.
8. To preserve significant archaeological sites, historic buildings and
their settings. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. These regulations shall apply to all land to be divided which is within
the limits of the city or within two (2) miles of the limits of the city as
allowed by state law.
B. These regulations shall not apply to plats vacating public right of way
or disposal of excess right of way per Iowa Code section 306.23.
(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
City of Dubuque
16-13-2 16-13-2
1. Urban Renewal Districts: These districts have planning and other
criteria that may take precedence over the site design standards set
forth herein.
2. Port Of Dubuque Design Standards: This area has design
standards that may take precedence over the site design standards
set forth herein.
3. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts: These districts may
have site development and performance standards that may take
precedence over the site design standards set forth herein.
4. Historic Districts: Historic districts, as regulated by chapter 10 of
this title, have design guidelines that may take precedence over the
site design standards set forth herein.
5. Old Town Neighborhood Overlay District: This overlay district has
design guidelines that may take precedence over the site design
standards set forth herein.
6. Downtown Design Guidelines: These guidelines apply to the
designated downtown area in accordance with city policy, and may
take precedence over the site design standards set forth herein.
D. Waiver From Site Design Standards: The zoning advisory
commission shall have the power to grant such waivers from the site
design standards of this chapter, as may be reasonable and within
the general purpose and intent of the site plan review and approval
provisions of this chapter if the literal enforcement of one or more
provisions of this chapter is impracticable or will exact an undue
hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in
question. The affirmative vote of at least four (4) commissioners
shall be necessary to grant a waiver. The waiver may be granted
subject to such conditions as the commission may establish to
ensure the general purpose and intent of the provisions of this
chapter are followed. At the commission meeting, the applicant and
all other interested parties shall be presented a reasonable
opportunity to present their views. Decisions of the zoning advisory
commission may be appealed to the zoning board of adjustment in
the same manner as appeals from a decision of an administrative
officer. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
City of Dubuque
16-13-3-1: SITE LIGHTING:
A. The following site features shall be illuminated by an exterior light
1. Driveways and loading facilities; and
2. Pedestrian walkway surfaces and entrances to buildings.
B. The location and design of site lighting shall conform to the
1. All exterior lighting shall be designed, installed and maintained so
as not to cause glare or to shine in adjacent lots and streets;
2. No light sources shall provide illumination onto adjacent lots,
buildings or streets in excess of one foot-candle;
3. All exterior lighting luminaries shall be designed and installed to
shield light from the luminaire at angles above seventy two degrees
(72°) from vertical;
4. Fixtures mounted on a building shall not be positioned higher than
the roofline of the building;
5. Wooden utility type poles are acceptable only for temporary use
during construction; and
6. All electrical service lines to posts and fixtures shall be installed
underground and concealed inside the posts. (Ord. 52-09,
16-13-3-2: UTILITY LOCATIONS: Service lines and mechanical
equipment for utilities shall be located in accordance with the
following requirements:
A. Service Lines: All electrical, telephone, cable, and other similar utility
lines serving the building and other site features shall be located
City of Dubuque
16-13-3-2 16-13-3-3
B. Mechanical Equipment: All roof mounted and ground mounted
electrical transformers, switching gears, relay boxes, meters, air
conditioning units, heat pumps and other similar mechanical
equipment shall be screened from view to the height of the
equipment. Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened
in such a manner that it will appear to be an integral part of the
building's overall architectural design. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-13-3-3: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Stormwater management
systems shall be designed in accordance with the require-
ments of title 14, chapter 12 of this code, as amended. The site, including
parking lots, shall be developed using two (2) or more of the following low
impact development tools or other best management practices approved by
the city engineer:
A. Reduced Lot Grading: Ground slope reduction outside the immediate
perimeter of a building (where foundation drainage is not a concern)
to promote stormwater infiltration or filtration.
B. Check Dams: Where narrow areas and/or excessive grades force the
construction of less than ideal steep swales, rock check dams can
be added to slow flows, minimize erosion, and improve infiltration or
C. French Drains And Soak Away Pits: Rock filled trenches that
promote rapid infiltration or filtration.
D. Green Roofs: Vegetated roofs that reduce runoff, improve energy
efficiency, and create a green amenity.
E. Microbasins: Small depressions to create longer flow paths or
localized depressions to encourage longer standing water periods
and infiltration or filtration.
F. Permeable Pavements: Open graded, permeable asphalt pavement;
open cell unit pavers; and porous concrete — typically used in
parking lots and low traffic areas — to provide storage space and
another infiltration or filtration route for stormwater.
G. Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Cisterns and rain barrels that harvest
water from roof drains and downspouts for landscape watering and
nonpotable uses.
City of Dubuque
16-13-3-3 16-13-3-3
H. Sidewalks And Drives Sloped Toward Open Space: A tool to provide
water for site vegetation, which slows surface water flow, improving
infiltration. This technique eliminates the need for curbs, gutters, and
catch basins, and the open space slows the transport of untreated
water and associated pollutants while reducing construction costs.
Bioswales: Vegetated swales with amended soil backfill and under -
drains to improve infiltration or filtration.
J. Native Plantings: Use of native plants to reduce the need for
irrigation and reduce runoff. Native plants also slow runoff and
improve infiltration or filtration with their deep, fibrous root systems.
K. Open Water Features: To reduce runoff through evapotranspiration,
improve habitats, and create attractive community amenities.
L. Rain Gardens: Landscape depressions filled with amended,
permeable soil and native, deep rooted, moisture tolerant plants to
promote infiltration or filtration.
M. Swales: Serpentine, vegetated drainageways that convey water
slowly and improve infiltration or filtration.
N. Trees And Other Plantings: Landscaping to intercept rainfall, reduce
erosion, improve infiltration or filtration, slow runoff, and reduce peak
O. Tree Filters: Systems that divert a portion of parking lot stormwater
from gutters into tree planters, where water infiltrates amended soils
and surrounds plant roots.
P. Vegetative Buffers: Bands of native plantings that intercept runoff
from developed areas before it reaches detention basins or natural
watercourses (for pretreatment).
City of Dubuque
16-13-3-4 16-13-3-5
16-13-3-4: PARKING STRUCTURES: Parking decks and ramps shall be
designed in compliance with these design standards in order
to appear compatible with and similar to other nonresidential buildings:
A. The ground floor facade abutting any public street or sidewalk shall
be designed and architecturally detailed to resemble a commercial or
office building.
B. Where possible, the ground floor abutting a public street or sidewalk
should include commercial or office uses.
C. The design of upper floors shall ensure that sloped floors do not
dominate the appearance of the facade.
D. Windows or openings shall be provided that mimic those of nearby
buildings. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. All parking lots and driveways shall be hard surfaced. Parking on
gravel, dirt or unreinforced turf is prohibited.
B. Parking lot edges and planting islands may be defined by concrete
curb and gutter and/or incorporate approved biofiltration methods.
Parking spaces shall be defined with painted striping or other
approved methods.
C. Off street parking shall be located to the rear and/or side of
buildings, when practical. When parking or parking access must be
located in the front yard, a landscaped buffer shall be provided.
D. Parking bays in excess of eleven (11) spaces in length shall provide
landscaping at the ends of each aisle in accordance with subsection
16-13-4-6C of this chapter. Parking bays in excess of twenty (20)
spaces in length shall be divided by intermediate landscaped
islands, and provide landscaping at the ends of each aisle.
E. Where perpendicular parking spaces are used, the space adjacent to
the closed end of an aisle shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide.
F An adequate driveway throat length shall be provided to minimize
traffic conflicts; the driveway throat length shall be the distance
between the street and the parking lot served by a driveway. Parking
spaces shall not be permitted within the driveway throat. Driveway
May 2011
City of Dubuque
16-13-3-5 16-13-3-5-2
throat lengths for commercial and industrial uses shall be determined
by the city engineer.
G. Parking spaces shall be provided and located as required by the
ADA standards for accessibility.
H. Parking lots which will be developed in phases require a phasing
plan to identify all current and future parking lot requirements.
Parking areas should be constructed incrementally to match land use
build out schedules. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Bicycle parking shall be required in accordance with section 16-14-9
of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
B. Bicycle parking spaces shall be at least as close as the closest
automobile space, except for accessible parking spaces, or as near
a regularly used building entrance as possible without interfering
with pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 60-10, 11-15-2010)
C. Bicycle parking areas shall provide a minimum clearance between
parked bicycles and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, and
pedestrian walkways of at least three feet (3'), and a minimum
clearance between parked bicycles and vehicle parking spaces and
drive aisles of at least five feet (5'). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-13-3-5-2: PARKING LOT LIGHTING: The location and design of
parking lot lighting shall conform to the following:
A. All surface parking lot lighting shall be designed, installed and
maintained so that no light sources shall provide illumination onto
adjacent lots, buildings or streets in excess of one foot-candle;
B. All exterior lighting luminaries shall be designed and installed to
shield Tight from the luminaire at angles above seventy two degrees
(72°) from vertical;
C. Fixtures mounted on a building shall not be positioned higher than
the roofline of the building;
D. Wooden utility type poles are acceptable only for temporary use
during construction; and
May 2011
City of Dubuque
-B- -B-
BICYCLES (cont.)
Bicycle Dealers And Repair Shops 7-7-37
Bicycle In Crosswalk 7-7-18
Bicycle Not To Pass In Or Between Lanes 7-7-16
Bicycle Parking 7-7-10
Bicycle Records 7-7-32
Bicycle To Be Driven To The Right 7-7-11
Bicycle Turn Signals 7-7-12
Bicycles; Motor Vehicles And Traffic 9-1-321.2C
Clinging To Vehicles 7-7-8
Definitions 7-7-5
Equipment 7-7-6
Following Fire Apparatus 7-7-9
Intent And Purpose 7-7-1
Left Turns By Bicycles 7-7-13
Passing On Right 7-7-14
Passing Within Lane Prohibited 7-7-15
Reckless Operator Of A Bicycle 7-7-20
Registration Fees 7-7-31
Registration Required 7-7-30
Registration Sticker Or Decal 7-7-33
Rental Agencies 7-7-36
Replacement Of Registration Sticker Or Decal 7-7-34
Required Method Of Riding A Bicycle 7-7-7
Riding Abreast 7-7-17
Violation 7-7-38
Annual Reports 2-7-7
Charge Of Building, Donations 2-7-6
Compensation 2-7-3
Composition 2-7-1
Eligibility For Membership 2-7-2
Powers And Duties Generally 2-7-5
Terms Of Members; Filling Of Vacancies 2-7-4
Airport Commission 12-1
Airport Zoning Board Of Adjustment 12-3-3
Airport Zoning Commission 12-1-3
Arts And Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission 2-8
Board Of Library Trustees 2-7
Cable Regulatory Commission 11-3C
Civic Center Advisory Commission 2-4
Civil Service Commission 2-2
Community Tele -Programming Commission 11-3B
Enterprise Zone Commission 3-4B
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 2-6
City of Dubuque
-B- -B-
Hearings And Appeals 2-1
Historic Preservation Commission 16-10
Housing Agency And Community Development
Commissions 2-5
Community Development Advisory Commission 2-5C
Housing Commission 2-5B
Trust Fund Advisory Committee 2-5D
Housing Code Appeals Board 6-6-8
Human Rights Commission 8-2
Investment Oversight Advisory Commission 2-3
Long Range Planning Advisory Commission 15-2
Park And Recreation Advisory Commission 10-5A-2
Transit Advisory Board 5-1
Zoning Advisory Commission 16-9
Zoning Board Of Adjustment 16-8
Activities Prohibited 10-7-13
Boat Landing Areas 10-7-4
Conducting Trade Or Business In Pleasure Craft Spaces 10-7-7
Definitions 10-7-2
Driving Over Ice 10-7-14
Floats, Boathouses Maintained In Orderly Condition 10-7-6
Intent 10-7-1
Launching, Removing Boat From Water At Public Launching
Ramps 10-7-8
Mooring Of Boathouses And Floats Along Waterfront 10-7-5
No Parking Areas 10-7-12
Removal Of Sunken, Derelict Or Abandoned Craft 10-7-11
Repairs To Boats At Public Launching Ramps 10-7-9
Unlawful Deposits 10-7-3
Water Operation Rules 10-7-10
Building Codes 14-1
Accessibility Code For Readily Achievable Changes 14-11
Building Code And Regulations 14-1A
Electrical Code 14-1D
Energy Conservation Code 14-1C
Fire Code And Regulations 14-1 E
Fuel Gas Code 14-1G
Mechanical Code 14-1 F
Plumbing Code 14-1H
Residential Code 14-1B
Building Construction, Demolition And Moving 14-2
Condominium Conversions And Transfers To Multiple
Housing Cooperative 14-7
City of Dubuque
-B- -B-
Dangerous Buildings 14-3
Erosion And Sediment Control 14-12
Exterior Storage Containers And Storage Trailers 14-8
Flood Areas 14-11
Historic Buildings 14-5
Historic Preservation 16-10
Licensing Of Vacant And/Or Abandoned Buildings
Definitions 14-4-1
Fees 14-4-4
Inspections 14-4-6
Registration 14-4-3
Relationship Of License To Other Codes 14-4-10
Renewal Licenses 14-4-7
Renewal, Penalty For Failure To Renew License 14-4-8
Revocation, Reinstatement Measures 14-4-9
Terms Of Licenses 14-4-5
Vacant And/Or Abandoned Building License 14-4-2
Signs 16-15
Swimming Pools 14-9
Demolition Permits In Conservation Districts 14-1A-4
International Building Code Adopted 14-1A-1
International Building Code Amendments 14-1A-2
Permit Issuance Prohibited During Consideration Of Zoning
Reclassification Or Zoning Or Subdivision Text
Amendments 14-1A-3
Application For Permit 14-2-2
Fees 14-2-5
Insurance Requirements 14-2-7
Moratorium For Construction Or Other Work On Certain
Streets, Areas Or Facilities 14-2-4
Permit Issuance; Generally 14-2-3
Permit Required 14-2-1
Special Provisions 14-2-6
Special Requirements 14-2-8
Adult Entertainment Establishments 4-8
Business Licenses Generally 4-1
Central Market 4-4
Door To Door Sales 4-5
Excursion Boat Admission Fees 4-3
Junk And Secondhand Dealers And Pawnbrokers 4-6
City of Dubuque
-B- -C-
Liquor Control 4-2
Alcoholic Beverages 4-2A
Liquor, Beer And Wine Licenses And Permits 4-2B
Peddlers And Transient Merchants 4-9
Vehicles For Hire And Public Transportation 4-7
Motorized Vehicles For Hire 4-7B
Nonmotorized Vehicles 4-7A
Application For License 4-1-2
Effect Of Chapter 4-1-9
Issuance Of License 4-1-3
License Required 4-1-1
License Suspension Or Revocation 4-1-8
Proration Of License Fee 4-1-5
Record Of Licenses 4-1-4
Refund Of Fee Prohibited; Exception 4-1-6
Transferability; Changes In Location 4-1-7
Administration 11-2-16
Audits 11-2-17
Authority 11-2-6
Authorization Required 11-2-8
Bond Or Letter Of Credit 11-2-19
Business License 11-2-14
Cable Communications
Construction Standards 11-2A-8
Consumer Protection 11-2A-11
Definitions 11-2A-6
Delegation Of Powers 11-2A-5
Franchise Fee 11-2A-13
Further Findings And Purpose 11-2A-2
Goals 11-2A-3
Grant Of Franchise 11-2A-7
Insurance 11-2A-15
Intent 11-2A-4
Interference With Public Projects 11-2A-10
Performance Guarantees And Penalties 11-2A-17
Rate Regulation 11-2A-12
Recourse Against City Limited 11-2A-20
Reports And Records; Cable 11-2A-16
City of Dubuque
-H- -H-
Definitions 3-3-1
Levy 3-3-2
Payment 3-3-3
Community Development Advisory Commission
Commission Created; Composition 2-5C-1
General Duties And Responsibilities 2-5C-4
Grievance Procedure; Review Standards; Appeal
Process 2-5C-5
Organization 2-5C-3
Procedures For Operations 2-5C-6
Term; Filling Of Vacancies; Compensation 2-5C-2
Housing Commission
Commission Created 2-5B-1
Compensation 2-5B-5
Internal Organization And Rules 2-5B-6
Meetings 2-5B-4
Membership; Vacancies; Qualifications 2-5B-3
Procedures For Operations 2-5B-7
Purpose; Approval Of Proposals 2-5B-2
Trust Fund Advisory Committee
Committee Established; Membership; Functions 2-5D-6
Financial Management 2-5D-3
Funding 2-5D-5
Iowa Finance Authority State Housing Trust Fund
Program 2-5D-7
Purpose 2-5D-2
Trust Fund Administration 2-5D-4
Trust Fund Established 2-5D-1
Definitions 6-6-2
Enforcement 6-6-3
Enforcement Of Order Of City Manager 6-6-5
Housing Code Appeals Board 6-6-8
Housing Standards 6-6-10
Licenses And Inspections 6-6-7
Notices And Orders 6-6-4
Performance Of Work To Repair Or Demolish; Other Costs 6-6-6
Procedure For Hearing Appeal 6-6-9
Title; Legislative Findings; Purposes; Scope 6-6-1
Definitions; General Provisions
Definitions 8-1-1
City of Dubuque
-H- -H-
Enforcement Of Civil Rights
Amendments Of Complaints 8-4-2
Commission Orders 8-4-6
Commission Proceedings Upon Failure To Reach
Settlement By Conciliation 8-4-5
Commission Staff Proceedings On Complaints 8-4-4
Filing Complaints 8-4-1
Judicial Review; Enforcement Actions 8-4-9
Provisional Remedies 8-4-8
Release From Administrative Process; Alternative
Judicial Proceedings Upon Complaints 8-4-7
Rule Of Construction 8-4-10
Time Limitation For Filing Complaint 8-4-3
Fair Housing
Administrative Enforcement; Preliminary Matters 8-5-6
Cooperation With State And Federal Agencies 8-5-14
Definitions 8-5-1
Disclaimer Of Preemptive Effect 8-5-17
Discrimination In Provision Of Brokerage Services 8-5-5
Discrimination In Residential Real Estate Related
Transactions 8-5-4
Enforcement By City Attorney's Office 8-5-13
Enforcement By Commission 8-5-9
Enforcement By Private Persons 8-5-12
Exemptions 8-5-3
Interference, Coercion Or Intimidation; Enforcement By
Civil Action 8-5-15
Judicial Review 8-5-11
Probable Cause Determination And Effect 8-5-7
Prohibitions 8-5-2
Review By Commission; Service Of Final Order 8-5-10
Subpoenas; Giving Of Evidence 8-5-8
Violations; Bodily Injury; Death; Penalties 8-5-16
Human Rights Commission
Appointment; Terms; Filling Of Vacancies 8-2-3
City Policies Applicable To Commission Operations 8-2-13
Compensation 8-2-5
Composition 8-2-2
Confidentiality Of Complaints 8-2-11
Created 8-2-1
Meetings 8-2-8
Officers 8-2-4
Powers And Duties 8-2-12
Quorum 8-2-9
Records To Be Public; Exceptions 8-2-10
City of Dubuque
-L -
Investigation Of Applicant And Premises 4-2B-5
License Or Permit Required 4-2B-1
Nature And Scope Of License Or Permit 4-2B-10
Persons Eligible 4-2B-4
Proof Of Financial Responsibility 4-2B-7
Requirement For Premises 4-2B-6
Separate Permits Required For Separate Locations 4-2B-2
Surrender Of Permit Or License; Refund Of Fee 4-2B-12
Suspension And Revocation Generally; Grounds 4-2B-15
Suspension And Revocation; Specific Terms 4-2B-16
Term Of License Or Permit; Seasonal Licenses And
Permits 4-2B-13
Transferability As To Location 4-2B-11
Open Containers In Motor Vehicles 9-7-321.284
Open Containers In Motor Vehicles; Passengers 9-7-321.284A
General 10-3F-1
Nuisance 10-3F-4
Permit 10-3F-2
Placement And Design 10-3F-3
Compensation 1-6-2
Composition; Terms 1-6-1
Emergency Succession For Mayor And Council Members 1-6-4
Evidentiary Hearings By City Council 1-9
Mayor Pro Term 1-6-3
Rules And Procedure
Amendments To Motions 1-6A-8
Attendance Of Media At Council Meetings 1-6A-5
Chart Of Preference Of Motions 1-6A-9
Committees, Boards And Commissions Established 1-6A-13
General Rules 1-6A-2
Motions 1-6A-7
Motions For Special Purposes 1-6A-10
Order Of Business And Agenda 1-6A-11
Ordinances, Resolutions And Motions 1-6A-12
Presiding Officer 1-6A-6
City of Dubuque
-M- -M-
Purpose 1-6A-1
Records 1-6A-4
Rights Of Public 1-6A-14
Suspension Of Rules 1-6A-15
Types Of Meetings 1-6A-3
Fees 14-1 F-3
International Mechanical Code Adopted 14-1 F-1
International Mechanical Code Amendments 14-1 F-2
Arts And Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission 2-8-12
Cable Regulatory Commission 11-3C-4
City Council 1-6A-3
Civil Service Commission 2-4-12
Community Tele -Programming Commission 11-3B-4
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 2-6-5B
Historic Preservation Commission 16-10-4
Housing Commission 2-5B-4
Investment Oversight Advisory Commission 2-3-6
Long Range Planning Advisory Commission 15-2-4B
Park And Recreation Advisory Commission 10-5A-2
Transit Advisory Board 5-1-4
Zoning Advisory Commission 16-9-3B
Adult Entertainment Establishments, Minors Prohibited In 4-8-16F
Alcoholic Beverages, Regulations Regarding 4-2A-7
Child Restraints In Vehicles 9-12-321.446
Junk And Secondhand Dealers And Pawnbrokers,
Purchases From Minors Restricted 4-6-6
Tobacco Products To Underage Persons 7-5A-15
Underage Persons Entering Gambling Facilities 7-5A-14
Drivers' Licenses
Operation Of Motor Vehicle With Expired License
Operation Without Registration
Operator's License; Operation Of Commercial
Motor Vehicles 9-4-321.174
Restricted Licenses 9-4-321.193
Licensees And Nonoperators Identification Cards;
Employing Unlicensed Chauffeur 9-4-321.221
Inspection Of License Prior To Renting 9-4-321.223
Permitting Unauthorized Minor To Drive 9-4-321.219
City of Dubuque
-M- -M-
Permitting Unauthorized Person To Drive 9-4-321.220
Records Of Rentals 9-4-321.224
Renting Motor Vehicle To Unlicensed Persons 9-4-321.222
Unlawful Use Of License 9-4-321.216
Brakes, Hitches, And Sway Control
Brake Requirements 9-12-321.430
Performance Ability Of Brakes 9-12-321.431
Lighting Equipment
Clearance And Identification Lights On Trucks,
Trailers, And Semitrailers 9-12-321.392
Headlamps On Motor Vehicles 9-12-321.385
Headlamps On Motorcycles And Motorized
Bicycles 9-12-321.386
Illuminating Plates 9-12-321.388
Lamp Or Flag On Projecting Load 9-12-321.394
Lamps On Other Vehicles And Equipment 9-12-321.398
Lamps On Parked Vehicles 9-12-321.395
Mandatory Lighting Equipment 9-12-321.409
Rear Lamps 9-12-321.387
Red Light In Front 9-12-321.422
Required Usage Of Lighting Devices 9-12-321.415
Signal Lamps And Devices 9-12-321.404
Spot Lamps 9-12-321.402
When Lighted Lamps Required 9-12-321.384
Miscellaneous Equipment
Child Restraint Devices 9-12-321.446
Horns And Warning Devices 9-12-321.432
Metal Tires Prohibited 9-12-321.441
Mirrors 9-12-321.437
Mufflers, Prevention Of Noise 9-12-321.436
Projections On Wheels 9-12-321.442
Restrictions As To Tire Equipment 9-12-321.440
Safety Belts And Safety Harnesses 9-12-321.445
Sirens And Bells Prohibited 9-12-321.433
Windshield Wipers 9-12-321.439
Windshields And Windows 9-12-321.438
Safety Standards
Movement Of Unsafe Or Improperly Equipped
Vehicles 9-12-321.381
Sale Of Unsafe Vehicles 9-12-321.381A
Upgrade Pulls; Minimum Speed 9-12-321.382
General Provisions
Applicability Of Title 9-1-321.2
Definitions 9-1-321.1
City of Dubuque
-M- -M-
Impoundment Of Vehicles
Intent And Purpose 9-15-321.750
Owner Responsibility 9-15-321.752
Removal And Impoundment 9-15-321.751
Street Storage
Definition 9-15-321.761
Exclusion 9-15-321.763
Intent And Purpose 9-15-321.760
Unattended Vehicles 9-15-321.762
Towing And Storage
Auction Of Vehicles 9-15-321.772
Notice To Owner 9-15-321.770
Unauthorized Removal Of Vehicle 9-15-321.771
Miscellaneous City Provisions
Arrest, Notice To Appear 9-16-321.1000
Authority Of Peace Officers To Stop Vehicles 9-16-321.1002
Records Of Violations 9-16-321.1001
Vehicular Noise 9-16-321.800
Prohibited Activities
Moving Vehicle Into Prohibited Area 9-16-321.2000
Operation Of Advertising Vehicles 9-16-321.2002
Repairs 9-16-321.2001
Trucks And/Or Machinery
Engine Brakes And Compression Brakes 9-16-321.805
Heavy Vehicles Prohibited On Certain Bridges . . 9-16-321.903
Motor Truck Routes 9-16-321.901
Motor Truck Routes Prohibited On Designated
Streets 9-16-321.902
Vehicles With Caterpillar Wheels Or Heavy Lugs
Restricted 9-16-321.900
Miscellaneous Rules
Cleaning Up Wrecks 9-10-321.371
Coasting 9-10-321.365
Crossing Fire Hose 9-10-321.368
Duty Of Driver Approaching Crest Of Hills, Blind
Curves 9-10-321.363A
Following Fire Apparatus 9-10-321.367
Obstruction To Driver's View 9-10-321.363
Responsibility When Leaving Motor Vehicle
Unattended 9-10-321.362
City of Dubuque
OFFENSES (cont.)
Procedure For Enforcement 7-5C-4
Service Of Notice 7-5C-6
Specified Crime Property Prohibited 7-5C-2
Drug Paraphernalia
Drug Paraphernalia Defined 7-5B-1
Prohibited Acts 7-5B-2
Sniffing Glue Or Other Chemical Substances 7-5B-4
Under The Influence Of Controlled Substance 7-5B-3
General Offenses
Advertising Materials; Billposting; Littering 7-5A-5
Aggressive Panhandling Prohibited 7-5A-17
Criminal Mischief 7-5A-12
Defacing Notices 7-5A-6
Disorderly Conduct 7-5A-1
False And Fraudulent Reports 7-5A-3
False Representation Of Records Or Processes 7-5A-4
Hunting And Target Practice Permitted 7-5A-16
Loitering For Illegal Purposes 7-5A-7
Offenses Relating To Officers And Employees 7-5A-2
Professional Boxing Elimination Tournaments 7-5A-13
Public Urination Or Defecation 7-5A-9
Ringing Of Bells Or Gongs 7-5A-8
Tobacco Products To Underage Persons 7-5A-15
Unauthorized Computer Access 7-5A-11
Underage Persons Entering Gambling Facilities 7-5A-14
Weapons, Firearms And Fireworks 7-5A-10
OFFICE ZONING DISTRICTS 16-5-7, 16-5-8, 16-5-9
Bonds Of Officers And Employees 1-7-1
City Attorney 1-7-6
City Clerk And Assistant City Clerk 1-7-5
City Manager 1-7-4
Deposits Of City Funds 1-7-2
Finance Director -City Treasurer 1-7-7
Offenses Relating To Officers And Employees 7-5A-2
Transfer Of Records And Property To Successor 1-7-3
Effect Of Repeal Of Ordinance 1-6A-2
Ordinances, Resolutions And Motions 1-6A-12
City of Dubuque
-P- -P-
Events On Private Property; Permit Requirements 10-4-3
Parade, Assembly, Valet Drop Off Parking, Permit
Requirements 10-4-1
Unlawful Assembly 10-4-2
PARKING REGULATIONS 9-14-321.600 — 9-14-321.744
Park And Recreation Advisory Commission 10-5A-2
Park Rangers 10-5A-1
Specific Parks
Specific Park Areas Described 10-5C-1
Use Regulations
Climbing On Fences, Roofs 10-5B-13
Compliance With Motor Vehicle Laws, Ordinances 10-5B-20
Definitions 10-5B-1
Dogs, Cats And Other Domestic Animals 10-5B-4
Fires 10-5B-17
Horsedrawn Vehicles, Riding Of Animals Restricted 10-5B-3
Interfering With Animals 10-5B-7
Intoxicating Beverages 10-5B-2
Loosening Stones From Bluffs Prohibited 10-5B-18
Meetings And Gatherings 10-5B-16
Moving Benches And Tables 10-5B-14
Obstructions 10-5B-9
Open Season And Hours Generally 10-5B-22
Possession Of Firearms, Weapons And Fireworks 10-5B-12
Posting Bills, Notices Or Signs 10-5B-10
Removal Of Unattended Vehicles Left After Closing
Hours 10-5B-21
Sales Restricted 10-5B-11
Throwing Stones Or Other Missiles 10-5B-6
Unlawful Deposits 10-5B-8
Use Of Spotlights, Searchlights 10-5B-15
Walking On Grass 10-5B-5
Washing Vehicles 10-5B-19
Application; Investigation Fee 4-9-3
Bond Required 4-9-4
Central Market 4-9-11
Definitions 4-9-1
Fees 4-9-6
City of Dubuque
-P- -P-
Issuance Of License 4-9-5
License Required 4-9-2
Misrepresentation 4-9-7
Peddling From Temporary Stands Or Vehicles Restricted 4-9-12
Personal Nature; Transferability 4-9-9
Report To City Clerk Upon Loss Required 4-9-10
Revocation 4-9-8
PEDESTRIANS' RIGHTS AND DUTY 9-8-321.326 — 9-8-321.333
CODE) 1-4
Comprehensive Plan
Community Planning Defined 15-1-3
Comprehensive Plan Defined 15-1-1
Elements Of Comprehensive Plan 15-1-2
Long Range Planning Advisory Commission
Commission Created; Composition 15-2-1
Organization; Meetings 15-2-4
Powers 15-2-3
Procedures For Operations 15-2-5
Term Of Office 15-2-2
Unified Development Code Title 16
Backflow Prevention Requirements For
Existing Water Services 14-1H-5
New Residential Construction 14-1H-4
Inspection Fees 14-1H-6
International Plumbing Code Adopted 14-1H-1
International Plumbing Code Amendments 14-1H-2
Licensure And Certification 14-1H-3
Fees For Police Department Services 7-1-1
Alarm System Permits 7-4
Animal Control 7-6
Dangerous Animals 7-6D
Dogs And Cats 7-6B
Miscellaneous Provisions 7-6A
Potentially Vicious Dogs 7-6E
Rabies Control 7-6C
Bicycles 7-7
Emergency Management 7-3
Fire Department 7-2
City of Dubuque
-P- -P-
Offenses 7-5
Crime Property 7-5C
Drug Paraphernalia 7-5B
General Offenses 7-5A
Police Department 7-1
Partial Exemption From Property Taxation 3-1-1
Gas Main Connections
City Authority To Make Connection 13-3-3
City Authority To Require 13-3-1
Notice To Owners 13-3-2
Time Limit For Completion 13-3-4
Illicit Connections And Discharges To Storm Sewer System
Appeal Of Notice Of Violation 13-5-14
Applicability 13-5-2
Cost Of Abatement Of Violation 13-5-16
Definitions 13-5-1
Discharge Prohibitions 13-5-6
Enforcement 13-5-13
Enforcement Measures After Appeal 13-5-15
Industrial Or Construction Activity Discharges 13-5-8
Injunctive Relief 13-5-17
Monitoring Of Discharges 13-5-9
Notification Of Spills 13-5-12
Prevent, Control And Reduce Pollutants By Use Of
BM Ps 13-5-10
Remedies Not Exclusive 13-5-19
Responsibility For Administration 13-5-3
Severability 13-5-4
Suspension Of MS4 Access 13-5-7
Ultimate Responsibility 13-5-5
Violations Deemed Public Nuisance 13-5-18
Watercourse Protection 13-5-11
Sewers And Sewage Disposal 13-2
Discharge Regulations 13-2A
Industrial Pretreatment Program 13-2D
Private Disposal Systems; Private Haulers 13-2B
Rates 13-2C
Solid Waste 13-6
City Or Private Collection Service 13-6A
Stormwater Management 13-4
City of Dubuque
-R- -S-
Police Regulations 11-1-17
Regulations 11-1-6
Reimbursement For City Cost Associated With
Construction Activities 11-1-9
Relocation Or Removal When Required By Public
Needs 11-1-7
Transfers And Assignments 11-1-12
Undergrounding 11-1-14
Use Of Poles 11-1-13
Effect Of Repeals 1-2-2
Severability Of Parts Of Code 1-2-1
SEAL, CITY 1-10-4
Certain Disposal Methods Prohibited 13-2-2
Conformance With City Plumbing Rules And Regulations 13-2-5
Connection To Public Sewer 13-2-3
Connections Prior To Improving Streets 13-2-4
Construction, Maintenance And Operation Costs 13-2-6
Definitions 13-2-1
Destruction Of Sewage Works Property 13-2-8
Discharge Regulations
Authority To Enter Easement Property For Sewage
Works Inspection And Repair 13-2A-10
Authority To Enter Properties For Testing Discharges 13-2A-9
Authority To Regulate Discharge Of Harmful
Substances 13-2A-4
Discharge Of Harmful Substances 13-2A-3
Discharge Of Objectionable Items 13-2A-2
Discharge Of Stormwater And Other Unpolluted
Drainage 13-2A-1
Manholes, Meters And Sampling Equipment 13-2A-7
Responsibilities Of Owners Of Treatment Or Flow
Equalizing Facilities 13-2A-6
Special Agreements Authorized 13-2A-5
Testing Standards 13-2A-8
City of Dubuque
-s- -S-
Industrial Pretreatment Program
Abbreviations 13-2D-3
Accidental Discharge/Slug Control Plan 13-2D-8
Administration; Permit Requirements; Regulations 13-2D-11
Definitions 13-2D-2
Enforcement; Violation Notice; Hearing 13-2D-12
Excessive Discharge 13-2D-7
Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards 13-2D-5
Fees And Charges 13-2D-10
General Discharge Prohibitions 13-2D-4
Notice Of Potential Problems Including Slug Loadings 13-2D-9
Penalty; Costs 13-2D-13
Purpose And Policy 13-2D-1
Specific Pollutant Limitations 13-2D-6
Notice Of Violation; Time Limit For Correction 13-2-9
Private Disposal Systems; Private Haulers
Abandonment Of Private Treatment And Disposal
System 13-2B-5
Appeals From Orders Of City Manager 13-2B-7
Connections To Private Treatment And Disposal
Systems 13-2B-3
Issuance Of Permit; Inspection; Completion Of
Installation 13-2B-2
Permit Required; Application, Form And Fee 13-2B-1
Private Disposal Facilities Not Expense To City 13-2B-4
Private Haulers 13-2B-8
Right Of Entry For Inspection And Testing 13-2B-6
Areas Not Served By Public System 13-2C-4
Cost Of Collection 13-2C-6
Definitions 13-2C-2
Lien For Failure To Pay 13-2C-5
Purpose 13-2C-1
Rates Established 13-2C-3
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees 13-2-7
WAYS 10-1-3
City of Dubuque