Ordinance 21-05OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 21-05 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A (THE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY RECLASSIFYING HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 440 LORAS BOULEVARD FROM R-4 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO OR OFFICE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Appendix A (The Zoning Ordnance) of the city of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is herby amended by reclassifying the hereinafter -described property from R-4 Multi -Family Residential District to Or Office Residential District; to wit: Lot 4 A.L. Browns Subdivision, and to the centerline of the adjoining public right- of-way, all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. The foregoing amendment has heretofore been reviewed by the Zoning Advisory Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publication, as provided by law. Passed, approved and adopted this 21 st day of March, 2005. /s/Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest: /s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald Newspaper the 28th day of March, 2005. /s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC City Clerk 1t 3/28