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1955 Index of Council Proceedings
OFFICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1955 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1955 COUNCILMEN CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, MAYOR RUBEN V. AUSTIN - SPET. 1955 RAY F. KOLB CHARLES E. DOVE - SEPT. 1955 LEO N. SCHUELLER CLARENCE P. WELU City Clerk-J, J, SHEA SEPT. 1955 LEO F, FROMMELT SEPT, 1955 City Solicitor-THOMAS H. NELSON Assistant City Solicitor- ROBERT M. CZIZEK Police Judge-ROMOLO N. RUSSO CITY MANAGER-~-L. J. SCHILTZ City Treasurer- Building Commissioner- EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI DONALD BANDY City Auditor- Plumbing Inspector- A, L. HOLSCHER D, J. O'LEARY RICHARD J, FEYEN City Engineer- Electrical Inspector- KENNETH J, CULLEN LUVERN J. NORTON City Assessor- Health Director- HARRY J, HANOVER DR, A, J, ENTRINGER Chief of Fire Dept.- Sanitary Officer- THOMAS C. HICKSON ARTHUR J. MILLER Chief of Police- Milk Sanitarian- HUGH B. CALLAHAN A. J. BOTH Supt, of Water Works- Focd and Restaurant J. J. HAIL Inspector- MRS. MILDRED KENNEDY Street Superintendent- Director of Recreation- CLETUS ALLEN NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular+ meetings of the City C ouncil are held the first Monday of each month at 7;30 o'clock P, M. ~_ INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJIaCT Page Jan, 3-American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed a depository of public funds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,..,...,..,,..,,,..,.,,,,..~,.,,,,. 1 " 3-American Surety Company, Certificate of Insurance for Schueller & Co, from January 1, 19SS to January 1, 1956 ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,.,.,,,.,,. ,,.,,,..,.,,,,,,,.,.,~,,,,..,.,.,,,,, 15 " 3-Allen Itdward, granted Cigarette Permit .,.......,.,.,.,,.,.,..,., ,,,,,,, .,.,., 36 " 3-Ackerman Francis P,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,,,,,,,, 36, 37 " 3-Allen 1•dward, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,..,,........,..,,..,.,, 36, 37 " 24-Associated Consultants, traffic survey ...................,~,......,38, 39, 384, 424 " 24-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to sell PoPPies on city streets .........................................................................„,.,,. 40 " 24-Anthoine Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,,.,,...,,,...,.„,. 46, 47 Feb, 14-Alpha Avenue, Water Main $xtension Bonds..,.,..,,.„..76, 110, 111, 112 " 14-Auburn Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from the North );ast Property Line of Grace Street to the South West Property Line of Grace Street....,92, 93, 94, 106, 107 108, 109, 110,172, 173, 174, 201, 431, 432, 4SS, 456, 471, 472, 475 Mar. 7-Ayers Roy, stating that he is interested in starting a soft drink stand on corner of Green Street and Pennsyl- vania Avenue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115, 154, 155 " 7-Ashton Place, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Delaware Street to the North $nd of Ashtan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,,.,..,,,„.,,,,,,,,..,.,,...130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161 " 7-Avoca Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Seminary Street to the South Property Line of Ungs Street.....„,....,..:130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161 ,,,.,,,,...„ ......................162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 481, 482, 495, 496 " 7-Ashton Place, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- facing from the North Property Line of Delaware Street to the North )fud of Ashton Place.......,.133, 134, 135, 165 " 7-Avoca Street, improvement with ;asphaltic macadam sur- facing from the North Property Line of Seminary Street to the South Property Line of"Ungs Street..,,,,,. 135, 136 ...,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,.....,.,,...,,.,,.,.~.,.,..,.,.,.,.,....,.,,,.,.,.,,.....,..,,,.,,...165, 166, 167, 507, 508 " 7-Althaus Herbert $., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,,,,.,,,. 140 " 23-Agreement between Jacobson Realty Company and City of Dubuque regarding use of Harrison Street ..............M„..,,..,, 156 April 4-Ace Plumbing and Heating Co,, heating bond .............„,.,..„,„,..,.,.,.. 179 7-Auburn Street, excavations prohibited ..............................................„., 201 " 2S-Assignment of Mulgrew Blacktop, Inc, to Dubuque Bank & Trust Company ..............................................................,.,....,..,,,,....,,.,,,,,,.,,.,, 211 May 2-Assignment of Iowa Road Building Company to Carlton D. Beh Co.. ........................................................,,,,,....,.,,,,.,.,,,.,....,...,,,,.,...,.,...,. 231 " 2-Atkinson Burt, et al., requesting the installation of 2 street light at the end of the 2900 block on Muscatine Street 232, 247 " 23-Ansel Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ..,.....,...,,,,.., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,...,.. 249 " 23--Ansel Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 244, 250 " 23-Avery $arl T., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..,,„ ................„ 2S0 June 6-Austin Ruben V., submitting his resignation as Councilman 256, 359 27-Amos Kenneth, addressed City Council concerning curb and gutter on Montana Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 289 " 27-Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,,,. 293 " 27-Anthoine Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 293 " 27-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit ..,..,..,,, ....................,....„,,,,,.,. .293 " 27-American Legion Post No. 6, granted Cigarette Permit..,. 294 " 27-Arvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit .,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,, 294 " 27-Althaus Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,„ 295 " 27-Alba Cruso A,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 295' " 27-Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ........................„, .,,, ,.., 295 " 27-American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette „ .....................................,...,..,.,..,..,....,,.,.,,.,,,,., P t 295 grantcd Cigare 27-Ansel Fred Jr., " tte Permit .,....,.,,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 " 27-Avery la•arl T., 'g'ranted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 297 °~ i INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJF,CT Page A " 27- American Legion Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .....................................................................,,......,,,,.,,,...,...,.,.,..,..,,„ 298, 299 " 27 -Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 298, 299 July 5 -Allen $dward, requesting refund on his Class "B" Beea• Permit No. 134 ..,.,,,.... .................................................................................„,,,.. 303 " S -Ackerman Francis, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit Na. 13S . .............................,..,..,...,....,,.,......,.............,,,,,....,,......,..,,.,..,.,. 303 " S- Angelos James A„ granted Cigarette Permit ....,.,,.,.,.,...,...,.,.,,....,, 306 " 18 -American Surety Company, submitting revocation of Pow- er of Attorney No, 29676 covering John C, Duffy or Leo F. McDonough ..............................................................................,..,...,,~ 31S " 18 -Assignment, Schueller and Company to the First National Bank .,.,. ..................................,..,,....,..,..,,,...,.,.,,,.,...,....,.,.,..,,,....,,.........,„...,...,,..,,., 316 Aug. 1- Applications for tax exemption on agricultural land of ten acres or more .........................,..............,.,...,,...,,.,.,..,.,.....,.,....,........,,.....,,....,... 334 " 1- Anderson Alvin, heating bond .....................................,..,,,.....,.,.....,....,..,,.,.,. 335 " 10 -Auxiliary of Amvet Post No, 3 requesting permission to conduct a tag day ,.....,.,.,....,..,....,.... ................................,..,..,..,,.,..,,.....,,,. 350 Sept, fr-Alden John, et al., requesting that the present Local Busi- ness District on Windsor Avenue be extended .................... 383, 443 6 n Public Works -Allen Cletus, authorized to attend America Assn, Conference 383 Oct. 3- Algona Street, parking .restricted on both sides from Caznpus bane to Bennett Street and west side from Campus bane to University Avenue ...... ................................,.,. 415 " 3 -American Municipal Association extending an invitation to the Council to attend the 32nd annual American Municipal Congress in Miami, Florida ...................:.......„,..,,,.,,.,. 421 " 3 -Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............................. 422 Nov. 7-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Leonard (Jack) Crane .,... .............................................,.....,....,...,,,.,...,...,,....,,.,..,.,,,,. 442, 443 " 7 -American Veterans of World War II, Post No, 3, granted Class ~~B„ Beer Permit .........................................,,.....,,,.,,.,...,.,.,..,,.....,,, 4SQ, 451 « 9 -Abitz Julius, sidewalk bond ........................................~..,,.,...,.,...,....,.,...,.,....,.,.. 4S3 Dec, S -Amendment to the budget for the year January 1, 1955 and ending December 31, 1955,,.,.,.,..,,.. .......................503, 504, 534, 535 S -Amending Allocation of Funds ......................................................................... 517, 518 " S -Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 518, 519 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJ$CT Page B Jav. 3-Byrne Thos, la., certifying cost of 8" sanitary sewer exten- sion in McClain Street .....................................,....,,...,..,.......,,.....,..,,,,,. 16 " 3-Blum Mrs, Dorothy,. requesting refund on unexpired por- tion of Cigarette Permit No. 111 .............................. " 3-Brunswick Street, curb and gutter from the South Prop- ' erty Line of Groveland Street to the South Property Line of O'Neill Street..,.,...........33, 34', 49, 50~, 67, 68, 69, 70y 71 " 3-Bull Mrs. June, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36, 37 " 3-Block Ialdoy granted Class °B" Beer Permit ....,.,.,,........,.,.,.,,,,,,... 36, 37 " 24-Boesen $]mer, petitioning Board of Supervisors for suspen- sion of taxes ......................................................................,.,.....,,.,..,.,~.,..40, 85, 86 " 24-Biasi 1•mil J., requesting rezoning of the north side of Vernon Street between Gleu Oak and Mt, Pleasant Street from single family to two family residence zone ........................................................................................................................... 40 " 24-Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting copy of lease of Dubuque Storage and Transfer Co, for 1955, 1956 and 1957 ..........................................................................,,,......,..,...,.,.,,,,,.,,,.,,.,. 41 " 24-Bandy Donald J., Building Commissioner, hond ........................... 42 " 24-Bloclcer Henry, Meter Repairman,,bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ...,..._ 42 " 24-Brady Jahn A., Clerk of Police Caurt, band ..,,.,,.,,.........,.„,...„,,,, 42 " 24-Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks, retained to audit city books far last fiscal year . ..........................,.,.,.....,.,.,.,,,,.,,,..,:.,,.,,.~,,.,,,.,.,,...,.,,,,. 42, 43 " 24-Board of Dock Commissioners, recommending that City Island be developed iu accordance with the attached long range plan . ......................................................,,.,,....,.,,,,,,,,...,.,..,...,,.,,,,. 4S, 99 Feb. 14-Born Avenue, Water Main li•stension Bonds...,.,,:,.,,,..76, 110, 111, 112 " 14-Brechler Anna Mae, Notice of Claim ..................,..,.,..,...,.,.,...,...,.77, 12'4, 125 " 14-Buechel Louis, cancellation of excavation bond ,,,,..,.........,,.....,, 78 " 14-Buechel Louis, heating bond ................................... ............................. _.,. 86 " 14-Bonds in the amount of $1,500,000 for improvements and extension to the municipal waterworks of said city,..,, 96, 97 .,.,,.,.,....,.,..,..,,.....,,.,....,,...,,...._ ..............................................,...,,,,,,.,.,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,..,,,.112, 113, 114 14-Board of Health, Special Session ..,,,.,..,.,..,...,. ,,., ......................,.........,,.,. 101 Mar. 7-Bauer Mrs, Mabel, Notice of Claim ................................„.,.,„,,,,.,,.,.,.,, 114, 152 " 7-Brusky George, Notice of Claim ..........................,.,,.,.,.,...,......,,,.,,114, 115, 152 " 7-Bradley Wallpaper and Paint Store, et a1, requesting that early consideration be given to the acquisition of prop- . erty for an establishment of off-street parking facili- ties to serve the needs of those business establishments north of Tenth Street ....M ....................................,........„,,,,,..,,,,..,...,,...,. 116 " 7-Burkart David $'., requesting that the alley betweeq Dodge Street and Curtis Street from York to South Booth be widened and a grade established ,..,,.,...,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 116 " 7-Braconier Plumbing and Heating, Zaxcavation Policy ................. 128 " 7-Bunker Hill Road, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Green Street to the South Property Line of Finley Street.....,,......130, 131, 132, 133 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 481, 483, 495, 496 " 7-Burlington Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the West Property Line of National Street to the al- ley first west of National Street...,....,..13Q 131, 132, 133, 160, 161 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 481, 484, 495, 496 " 7-Burlington Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfacing from the West Property Line of National Street td the alley first west of National Street,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 136, 137 ..... .........:..........,,.,,.,....,.,....,.,.....,..,....,..,..,.,..,.,,,.,,,,,.,,.......138, 167, 168, 169, ..508, 509 " 7-Barth Mrs, Veronica C., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 139, 140 " 7-Bands in the amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of con- structing works and improvements, dredging a new bake Peosta Channel and filling in the area between new channel and shore line and grading, paving and severing thq same .............................................141, 142, 143, 144, 188, 189 .,,,„,,,.,..,..190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 321, 322', 342, 343, 353 ""~ _ I INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJ$CT Page 1955 B " 23-Buchet ~, J,, submitting objections to the proposed im- ,~ provement of University Avenue .,.._„.„....„,.,„„,.....,„..,„.„,„„,,..„, 148 " 23-Brandt George H. and Mary L., requesting suspension of << taxes „.„.„,.,,,..,„.„..,„,..,,„.„„.,....„,..„,„,„,..„...„„„„,..„,.....„,„...„,„...„,„.„,,.,,,„„....„,.,„...~ 148, 220 « " 23-Bowman Mrs, Agnes, Settlement of Claim .,.,,.„,,...,„,,.,.,......,„......., 152 Aril p y g t of sanitary sewer in 4-BeitzS ~ os the A] July g ...„....„„.....„......„,.....,,„..,175, „,„, t Ambrose Stre t 179, 180 q 4--Beaucham William L. re uestin refund n Cigarette Per- mit No. 263 .„„„,...„,„,....,„..,„,.„„,,..;.„....„..„,..„...„..,„,.,„,....„,.,,,....„..,....„„,.„,. 177 " 4-Bisping Herbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....„,,,,,,„........ 186, 187 " 7-Bunker Hi11 Street sanitary sewer beginning at the exist- ing manhole in Green Street to the South Property Line of Finley Street ,„.,,,.„„„,„,...„„„„,„„,,.,„,„,..„.„„„„..„.......,„,„,..„,. 202, 203 „.,,,.„..„„„.„..,„,.„..„..„...204 211 22S 226 227 239 368 411 413 ~ 414 " 7-Board of Health, Special Session „,„.~..,;.....„~„„..„,,..,„. , ,~ „...,....~, 207 " 2S-Beringer Jack, owner of hots 176 and 177 Woodlawn Park Sub. requesting that the alley adjacent to his property Aug be graded ,,,, ,,,, 212 . " 2S-Bly Co., Leo F., requesting City Council to vacate to them a portion of Pine Street as shown on attached plat.212, 417, 418 << " 2S-Busch Margaret C., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer I ,~ Permit No. 78 ...........- .......................................................„.„,..,............„,...„,..„.. 214 ,~ 2S-Berwanger Frank, heating bond ,„...„....„..,„...„„....,..„,..„,,.,„,..„,„„....„..,,.,,,, 219 " 2S-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit „..,....„...,,„.„......„,.,.„„,..„„ 221 ,~ " 2S-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,.,„„.,...,.,„,„..„,. 221, 222 << May " 2-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~...,„,„„,.„.,...,„„ " " 235, 236 Sept. 2-Bowen Robert j., granted Class B Beer Permit.,..„ ................ 235, 236 " 2-Breithaupt Mrs., addressed the Council concerning unsightly << condition of West Hill Chapel „,,,.,....,„...„..,....,..„,„,,.,.„,.,,..„,.,,..„„ 236 " 2-Board of Health, Special Session ,„,..,.,„..,.,,„,..„.„.„...„,....,„,„,..„,„......„....„.,., 231 << 23-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co., taxicab policy 246 ~~ " 23-Bell John )~., granted Cigarette Permit ...,,.„.„„,„,..„.,,„,,.„.....,„...,..,,,, 249 ~~ " 23-Bell John B;., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...„„„,....„.„,„.„,....,. 249, 250 << June 6-Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...„„.„„,,.,.„,., 269, 270 Oct " 6-Byrne Thos. )~., sidewalk bond ,„,.,...„„„„„.„,„...„„..„.,.„„ .,,,. 273 , ~~ 6-Bush Dallas M., sidewalk band ,....„..„,...,„...,.„„,.„„,.„.„„„„,„„..,...„,„..„.„,,, 273 " 6-Brawnier Plumbing and Heating Company, heating bond,.. 273 " 27-Board of Dock Commissioners, recommending the approval of, the sale of the Wharf Barge .,,.,,,,,.„.„,„„,„„....„„,,....,„......„,„.„,,,, 289 « " 27-Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks, audit of the City from << January 1, 1954 to December 31, 1954 .,,„,....,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, 289, 290 27-Bloscly Carl, sidewalk bond „„„,„,„„.„,.„,„.„.„,„,„„,.„„...„.„. ,,,„. ,..., 290 „ 27-Brennan J. M., heating bond ,,,,„,.,„„..„,„.„,....,,,„,„„„,„,...„..,,„„.„„..,,.„„„„,..„„ 290 " 27-Brant Carl N, and Bernard Arensdorf, granted Cigarette « " Permrt .............................................„................,.............,....„,„,„„,„,„..,„,„„.„„„„...,.,„ 27-Berntgen Frank H., grazited Cigarette Permit .„„,,...„.„,,,„.„.„,..„,. 293 293 Nov, " 27-B. P. 0. ~. Lodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit ..,„,,.,....., 294 << " 27-Bull Mrs. June, granted Cigarette Permit ..„.„,„.„,..,.,.,.„„,„,„,..,..„,. 294 " 27-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ,,..„,„..,.,,„...,„..„,. 294 ~~ " 27-Beecher Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit .„,,,..,.,..„,,..„,..,, 294 " 27-Bradley Clyde I,,, grazited Cigarette Permit .,„,.„...„„.„„.„,.,..,..,,,, 294 ~~ " 27-Baumhover John and Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit 294 ~~ " 27-Biver radon A., 'granted Cigarette Permit „,„,..„,...,..„.„.~„,...,,,,,,,„„ 294 << " 27-Block $ldo, granted Cigarette Permit .,.,,...„,...„„.„ .................................. 295 ~~ " 27-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit ...„....,„...„,..,,,,,,, 295 " 27-Beatty W. P, and F. G. O'Toole, granted Cigarette Permit 295 " 27-Bowen Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit .............................„........... 295 Dec " 27-Baxter James W,, granted Cigarette Permit „„...,.,„,„„,....,,..„„...,,. 295 , " 27-Barnhart Floyd, granted Cigarette Permit „..„.......„„.,„„.„..„,..,,.„.,.,,. 296 « " 27-Bell John 1a, granted Cigarette Permit .............„..,..,.„,..„...,.,.....,,..,..„„ 296 " 27-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit „,.,..,.,„,.,.....,„,„.„„„,...„,,....,..„ 296 << " 27-Brammer Roy and Rex, gratrted Cigarette Permit ...,„„...„,.....,,,,. 296 << " 27-Bertsch Roger W., granted Cigarette Permit ,.„,„„.„ ...................„.. 296 ~~ " 27-Boleyn Roger, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,„,„,„,,,„,„,,.„,~, „,.,„,„„„„.,„„ 297 INDEX -BOOK 85 SUBJ;;CT Page B 27- Bartle. Mrs. Veronica, granted Cigarette Permit „.„,„„...„...„,„„,„. 297 27- Bisping Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit .„,„,.,.„„.„,..,,..,,.,„.„,„...... 296 27- Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ....„„„.„.„„„,. 297 27- Berntgen Frank H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,„„...„,.„„ 297, 298 27- Baumhover John M. and Rosemary, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .....„,„,„...„..,.„.„„„.„.„..,„.„.„„,„,.,,,...„.„.„.„„..„.„„,..„,„„.,.„,...,..„,„„ 298, 299 5- Bodish Alex & Son, heating bond .„.,.„,„,..„,..„..,„.„„,„,,..„„.„..„„.,.,,,.,,„,„, 305 S- Burkart Fuel Company, heating bond .................„,...,.................................. 305 18- Budget $stimate of expenditures for the fiscal year be- er 31, mnm anuar 1 1956 an ecemb g g J Y .. „.„,......,.,„,„,.,..„...„... . „ .. S„, ., , ..„.., 1956 „.,„.,...„..„...„,... ,.,..en.,n, „..,..„, .,,..„.311, 312, 327 18- Baal Clarence C. Jr,, Fire Chief of the town of Sherrill, Iowa, requestting permission to operate hand lines from Dubuque fire hydrants ...,„...„,„,..„,„.....,„„.,,..„,„,„,.,„„,„,„„.„„,„„..„,,,„.. 315 18- Blum Max and Herald Walser, protesting against the va- e Petition of of certain treet as ontained in tb catio a q p •,,,, Dubu ue Packing Com an 316, 344 1- Bluff Sh•zet, City Manager recommending the installation ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,„.,.,, of new 6000 lumen light fixtures ,,..„,.. .„.,,.„„,,,, 332 ,' , .„ r a 335 1- .„,„.„..„,,,„„,...„„,.,„,.„„,....„,~...,~„.„„„„ Board af Healt SP cal Session 341 10- Bell Jahn, requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit No. 201 349 10'- Bell John, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit Na, 30 ..........................„..,„.,„,,,.„.,.„,.„,,.„,.,...„,„.„„„,„,„,.,..,„,...„,..„,.,„,„.„,„.„,..„„ 349 17- Blume Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit ....„...„,„,„.,.„.,,„.„,„.„...„.„,.,, 356 17 -Blume Andrew, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,.„„,.„.„..,,..,~ 357 6 -Buechel Louis, applying for renewal of excavation permit„, 365 6 -Blaser Frank J. Sr, et ah, Settlement of Claim ...„.,,„,.„,„,..„.. 365 6 -Bradley Mrs. as,, protesting the cha b~nb of Seminary ,'..,".,,"",",.'...'.,....'.-....„,..,. Street to Clarke Drive ,,,.,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n 366 6 -Beaves Geo I, heating bond .„.....„.....,„,„.„...„...„,..„,„,..,„,.„,„.„„„„„„„..,„„ 369 6 -Brewer Thomas $., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..„,„,„..,„„, 381 6 -Brewer Thomas ~., granted Cigarette Permit „„„,..,„..,..„.„,,..„,„,,.„ 382 21 -Becke Chris., Notice of Claim ,,..,.,„,„,„,„...„,...,,.,„.,,.,.,„...„...„„.,„,„..,„,„.. 390, 540 3- Buechel Louis, excavation policy „,.„,,..„„,.„„..,..„.....„,...„,„........,,,,,...„,„... 417 3 -Burke Richard J., heating bond ..„...„...„,„..„„„...„.„„,.„,..,„.,.„.,,„,„.,,......„,.. 417 3 -Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting a report of wn- tracts entered into for the development of Area "B" on City Island ,„,„,.,..,.,„..„„.......„,..„,,.,„...„.„,„,„..,..„,„...,.„,„„,.,,„„,,.„„,„„„,„„ 419 3 -Bennett Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit ...,.....,„..,..„„.„„„„...„.,. 422 17 -Bruggeman Oscar ~,, objecting to assessment of Leibe treet and Washin ton treet „...„,,,,..,„„,„,,. ~~~~~„~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 428, 439 17 -Bethany Home for the Aged, requesting consid eration for a ..„....„...„„„.„„..,„.....„.„,.,„...„,..,„..,„..., no parking area . „ „..„„ 428 17 -Breitbach Arnold J., requesting exemption of peddlers fee 436., 7 -Burgmeyer Oscar and Lillian, objecting to the proposed construction of a sewer ou Tressa Street ............„,„,„.,..„ 440 7 -Bahme B. B. and Claire, objecting to the proposed con- struction of a sewer on Tressa Street ...,,,„,,.,„,,.„..„.,,.„,„,..„„ 440 7 -Bock $arl J, requesting the elimination of several bad spots in the engineer's plan in the recent traffic survey 444 7 -Beecher John, granted Class "B" Bcer Permit ..„..„..„„„,„.„,.,„,..„ 450 7 -Barnhart Floyd, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,,..„„....,„,„,„,. 450, 451 9 -Board of Health, Special Session ..„,„,...,...„..,.....„..,,,,,....,„„..„„„,,.„,„...,. 4S4 14 -Boleyn Roger, granted refund on Cigarette License No. 258 479 14 -Barnhart Floyd, granted refund on Cigarette License No, 192 „.,,,,..,„...,,..,.,..„...„..„..,.,...„......,..„,........,.,..,„...„.„.„..,,.,,.„...„.,...,„..,..„.,.....„,„...„., 479 S -Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks, retained to audit City books .. .....„........,,„..,..„,„:.,....„.„.....,;: for 19SS ,„...„........„.„„..,„. ...„,„.... „.,.,..,, ..„,,,,„...„.„ 504, S05 5 -Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,..,..„,„.„,„...„. 518, 519 S -Burgmaier John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......,....„........„. 518, 519 12 -Byrne Thos B`. Subdivision, acceptance of ...„,..,,,..„.„.,,.,„,.„„.....,„. 532 19 -Bull Mrs. June, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....„..„„,„.„.„„.,. 540, 541 19 -Benevolent and Protective Order of $lks No, 297, granted Class «B„ Beer Permit ..„..„,,,.„.„..„„.„„,,..,„,.„,„„„,.,,„„.,„,.„,,,„„„,„„. 540, 541 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 3- City Council, Regular Session „.,,»„„»,.»„,„.....„,.,„..,,..,„,„,„...„„.,,„,,,„,» 1 " 3- Czizek R, M,, appointed Assistant City Solicitor ..,„.,..„,,.,„„„ 1 " 3- City Manager advising Council of his appointing of all of- ficers and employees under his jurisdiction ..„....„„.,„..„„... 1 " 3- County Auditor, advising the City Council that Ralph $, Wright has made abona-fide offer to purchase from Dubuque County Lot 2-1-2 West % of Lot 41 Kelly's Sub. and asking City Council approval .......,;,„.,..,,.,,„,.,.~,,,.. 15, 16 " 3 -Conlon A. M., protesting the valuations against hots S71 and 606 in Lenox Addition .~„,......,„.„,„..„,...„.,.„.,„„..„,..„..........„~..» 17, 18 " 3- Connery William T., requesting curb and gutter on Lor- imer Street ,.,,»....,....„„.,.,.......,„„,....,„.....„....„...„....„,..„.„...„,,.,„.....„,„..,,„... 17, 43 " 3 -Childers Mrs. Rosella, requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit No. 305 .....,,„,„..,„...„„..,„.„.,...,„„„„...„,..„,..„„.,„.„..„,„.„....,..„„,„.„. 19 " 3 -Childers Mrs, Rosella, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No, 94...... ........................................,......„,„...„....„,..„.......,„,...„. 19 " 3 -Claims for the month of November, 1954, proof of pub- lication ,.,„,„.,„,...,..„„,...,».,„.„.„..,.,.,,„.„.......,„.„.„..,„,..,...„,...,,..„...„...,,,.„,..,,„.„. 19 " 3 -Civil Service Commission submitting report of examina- tion for Public Health Nurse ..„.,,.:„,....,..,„„,.„ ..........................„...» 22, 23 " 3- Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examina- tion for Restaurant Inspector ..,..,„....,...,,.„...„,.,......,.„,...,,,,,.„.,„,..,.. 23 " 3 -City Manager expressing appreciation to the City Council for the privilege of attending the International City Managers Association annual conference at St, Pe- tersburg, Florida .,„...„,„,„.......„,..,.„,„..,...,,...„„.....,„,„„»,.,.„,„.„...,.„,.„.,..„..., 23 " 3 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of Navem- ber, 1954, also a list of claims for the month of No- vember, 1954 ,.,,,..,.,„...„,..,.,..„...,„,,..„........„,....,,...„...„,..........„.„...„,..„,...„„,» 24 3 -City Manager, recommending that a street light be installed at the intersection of Seminary and Shelby Streets„..» 25 " 3 -City Manager congratulating Art Roth, City Milk Sani- tarian on his fine job on the improvement of the milk condition ..,„..„...,.....„..,...,,„„.....,„..,„.„.....,„...„„.„...m.„..,.,,.....„,„..,.,„.., 25 " 3 -City Manager recommending that a plat and schedule be prepared for the widening of the pavement of Penn- sylvania Avenue and for the construction of sidewalks 26 " 3 -City Manager recommending that a street tight be installed at the intersection of Grandview Avenue Extension and Univeesity Avenue „.„,„...,.....„„.„.„„,..,,„..„„„„..„„„„.,.,„»,„,...„„„., 28 " 3 -City Manager submitting a list of street improvements to be included in 19SS street construction program ,...,„.,.„..,,,. 29 " 3 -Carter Road, curb and 'gutter from the North Property Line of Asbury Street to the South Property Line of Kaufman Avenue,,.,..33, 34, 49, S0, 51, 52, 67, 68, 69; 70, 71 " 3 -Clary Delores Mrs,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,„,.„.„...., 36, 37 ~~ 24 -City Council, Special Session „.,,,...,„,.„.,..„..,„..„.„..„..„„......„.„...„......„,„...,... 38 " 24 -City Manager recommending that parking and traffic sur- veys be constructed and that the Associated Con- sultants be authorized to proceed with the survey, also that the City Manager be authorized to approve the contract for this survey „...,.,,,„......,„.„...,...„,.,...,.„.,„.....38, 39, 383, 424 24 -Gottingham & Butler Insurance Service, Inc., submitting a request for release of the sidewalk bond of Richard K. Magnall ................................................................,....„,.....,..„,...„.„„,...„,..,.„» 39, 40 " 24 -County Auditor, submitting for Council approval the petition of Elmer Boesen requesting suspension of taxes.........4Q 8S, 86 24 -Council Proceedings for the month of June 1954 approved as printed ..........-........,...,.......................................... ., ..,,,..,„.... .... ...,,.„,.,. 41 " 24 -Claims for the month of December, 1954, proof of publi- cation ,,...„...........„.„...„„,„.,,..,„.............„.,,„„...,..„.„..,„..,„...,„,.,.„„„„.,.„.„,.„..„„„. 41 " 24 -City, Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, report for the month of Decem- INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page ber, 1954, also a list of claims and payrolls for the month of December, 1954 ...„,...„,....„,.,,.„„..,„,..„..„,„..,..„..,,...„„.„,..,.,, 42 " 24-Czizek Robert M., Assistant City Solicitor, bond ...„,„,„.,,„,„.,, 42 " 24-Cullen Kenneth J., City Engineer, bond ...,....„,.,„,.„..„.„,.„„, .„., 42 " 24-Crane Leonard H., Manager of Bunker Hi11 Golf Course, bond .....,„.„.......,...„,„.„....„.„..„„„,.,„,..„,„..,„,„.......„..,„„...„,„..,.„...,„,....,.„.,..„.„...„ 42 " 24-Crane Betty L, Assistant Manager of Bunker Hill Golf Course, bond ...„.,,,.„.....,.„,..„„,.„...,.„„„ .................„„,,..„„„„,„„„.„,.„,,.....„,„„ 42 " 24-City Clerk, authorized and directed to attend Regular Meeting of the City Council set for Monday, Febru- ary 7, 19SS .... .................................„...:.»....,.........»...„„,„,„,.„...,„».„„...,.„„„..„ 47 Feb, o p S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 49 Avenue 14-Carlton Wat Main Extension ` Bonds ,„.,,„...76, 110, 111, 112 " 14-City Employees Local 228, thanking Council for the raise granted to them ..„„.....„..,„...,...„,..„..„,.,.......,...„.„,..„.,,„.......„».„..„„„,,, 78 " 14-Claims for the month of anuar , 19SS, proof of publica- J tion ,„.„....„,.„..,...„...,,,,...„,.„.. „„„,.,„,.„Y„..„„„„„»,„,...,....,„„„,,.„„,..„..„,...„,„.,„»,. $0 " 14-City Solicitor, submitting summarized report of NIMLO regarding Radio and TV interference ,...„,.....,.»,.,.........,„... 81, 82 " 14-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, annual reports for period beginning January 1, 1954 and ending December 31, 1954 .„.„„,„..,....„.„.„,.......„..,....,.,.„,,..,,,, 85 " 14-City Manager recommending that a street light be in- stalled on Seminary Street between St. Ambrose and Avoca Streets „ .............„„.,....,.„......,„,.,.,„...„„„,...,„„„„„.„,„„,„„..._„„,„,,...„. 85 " 14-Clinton Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue to the East Property Line of Queen Street......92, 93, 94, 106, 107, 108 .........109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 201, 431, 432, 455, 456, 471, 472, 474 " 14-City Manager recommending that a water rate increase be Put into effect ...,..,..,„........„....„„.,.„,,...„„„,.„..„...„„,„,„„..„...„...„.,,„.„„,.„.„,~ 97 " 14-Cite Council requesting that Legislature of the State of Iowa to enact such legislation as to cha~tge curtain ex- isting laws affecting mmiicipalities within the State..... 99, 100 14-Carew Joseph A., appointed member of the Civil Service Commission for term expiring March 31, 1956.„„„,„.„......» 100 Mar. 7-City Council, Regular Session ,,..,,.„»,...„,.....„.,.„ .....................„„„....„,„.,... 103 " 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Worlcs, reports for the month of Jan- uary, as~ well as list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of Jan- uary, 1955 „..„,„,,,,„...,„,..„,„.„.„„,„„,.,..,„,....„,„„,.„..,»„,.,,.,„.....,».,..,„,„„„.„,. 126 " 7-City Manager, reporting on accident rate at intersection of I5th and Iowa Streets and recommending that Schedule U of Schedule II of Ordinance 33-49 be amended to make Iowa Street a through street.,„:.,„.„,„,» 127 " 7-City Manager, submitting report on traffic conditions on Jackson Street between 8th and 11th streets, and recommending that chedule VI o a f Ordinance 33-49 be amended ,..„,,.„ .............„„„,„,.,.,„..„....,„.„.„,.„..„......,.,„,..,„,..„...,.,,.,.~...,„„„ 127 " 7-City Manager, recommending that the following portions of the assessments against these lots be paid from the street construction fund: Lot 1-1-1-2, Mineral Lot 399A $94.01. Lot 2 of Sub. of 5.80' Lot 8 and Sub. of Lot 3-1-9, Mt. Pleasant Addition $84.87, Lot Z-9, Mt; Pleasant Addition $133,15. I,ot 2-16y. Mt. Pleasant Addition S20.12. S. 80'-2, Beckers Place $26.71. I,ot 7 Heim Sub. $16.54, Lot 3, Heim Sub. $98.01, Also recommending that I,ot 1-1-1-1-1-1-B-1-1-1 of Mineral Lot 24 be corrected and that David S, and Evelyn Jacobson be refunded $13.99 from the street con- struction fund „„„,.,..,„„„„...„...„,..„.,„,,,.,,,„„„„..„„„,,,„,.,„„,„,„,,,„,„,.„.,„„,„,„ 128 ,.,~ _ , INDEX -BOOK 85 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJIaCT Page 1955 SUBJIaCT Page C C " 7-City Manager, recommendi that the assessment against Koa C, and Dorothy Gatrel, Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-1 of Prysi Farm Sub. should be corrected to read, Fey T. 2S- City, Solicitor returning petition and other documents con- Steger, Lot 2-2-1-1-1-1-1 of Prysi Farm Sub,„,..,..„,„,..„...._ 128 129 cerning the vacation of the alley between Grandview "` 7-City Ivfanager, submitting for Council consideration a reso- , Avenue and Victoria Street .,„,„„,,.„,„,„,„....,„...„,„,,.,..,..„..,,„..„.....,„,„ 215 lotion approving Pending Legislation Iaxempting Bus 2S- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and '1"ransit Systems Operating in Cities, from State Mo- City Water Works, reports for the month of March for Vehicle Fuel Taxes ,...„...„,,.,.,.„„,„„. „.....„„,„..,„....„„.„„„„,„. ~~~~~" 129 13D as well as a list of claims for the month of March, « 7-City Council, approving and disapproving certain bi11s ..m the Senate and House Fi1es ,,..,„............„...„„,,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„......„. ~,.., , 145 146 S- .„.„„....„„„„.„,..„,..„..,„.,....„.,„„..„..„..„„„,.,.„..„,..,.. ~.,.„.„,„.„,„...„...„.„..„,...„,.„,. 19SS Cunningham Gordon, personal bond .„...„,........„„.„„.„,„„,......_.........„,.. 219 219 7-Clerks and Judges appointed to serve at the special Dack ~ May 2- City Council, Regular Session „„„,...„,„„,„.„„.....,„.m„.„„„„,,.,,..,.„„„...„.„.„,„ ' 225 Board election „„...„,„„,....„.„...„,„„~„.„..„..,..„.„..,„,,,„,.,„....„,„„,.....,.,.„„„„..„„ 144 145 2'- Chapin r. John i sue a res 11., ed plume i an M B. s d t `~t b r s 1 - 23-City Council, Special Session ,,.„„.....,...„„„,,.,..M,....„„..„...„,„,.,„,...,„„„„„,„.... , 147 I s ~ ~ 233 " 23-County Auditor, submitting for Council approval the peti- „ 2- ,,,,,,,,,.., restricted plumber's license., Cadmaly W. F., issued a ' 233 tion of George H. and Mary G. Brandt requesting 2- City Treasurer authorized to distribute funds in the banks th out • of s s 5 t m amounts not to exceed the following: First Na- ~ S ~ ition ..„„,...„...„„.„.,..„...„.„. „., .., " ~" 148, 220 tional 875,OOO.DO ~ American Trust a nd Savings ~ S ~ « _ 23-Claims for the moirth of Februar oof of u b p p Trust Com- Bank $ S0,004.00; and Dubuque Bank and .,,,..,... „..„„ ication .,„.„„ ~ ......~~..~...~.~~.~.~"~~.....~..,~~~~.„„~„..".„„„~"..~.„„..~.. n 50 ..„„..„„,„.,„„,„.. $8 ;.,...„...„...,„...„....„„.„,..„,„...,....„........„, n 25 oDO.oo P'a 35 , 233 : re o 23-Civil ervice Commis o " S p rt on entrance examination ~~ 2- y ecommending Condemnation Proceedings, Cit Manager r 'for position of Sewer Foreman „...„........„,„.„,,..,,„,.,,.,...„,.,„„,,.,„,,.,. 151 that the City Council authorize the condemnation of 23-Civil Service Commission, report on entrance examination property owned by Herman and Marcella Lott...,.„..„,...„. 234, 235 for position of plumbing Inspector .„.,,...„.........„„„,„.„..,„...„.. 151 „.„„„„„.„.,„„..„.,..,„„„,„„„„„..„,..„...„,„„......„,,,..,„,„...,„....„,..„,„.„,„.„..,„.....,„.....„..„.„, 319, 392 " 23-City Auditor; City Treasurer, City Health Department and ~~ 23- City Council, Special Session ..„.„,„..,„.„„...„....,...,..„..,„.„„,„.,„...,„.....„,„„. 239 City Water Works, reports for the month of Febru- - 23 Conlon Construction Co, requesting an extension of time ary as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which for completion of their contract for the construction warrants were issued for the month of February; 19SS ..............................,.................................................„........„„...„.....„,,,,.,,..,„„,..„,,.,,. 155 23 of the new swimming pool ...,,.,„ ..............„..,„.„.„,„.„.............„,„„„„„„ -Claims for the month of April, 19SS, proof of publication 243 243 A ril 4-Cit Council Re ular Session . ............................. ....,„,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, P Y g •, 159 23 -Council proceedings for the month of October, 1954, ap- y g . 4-Clar Delores T. Ori final Notice of Suit „,.....„......„...,,.,„..„„.,., 174, 214 proved as printed ........................................„.,.................,...,.......„.,................. 244 " 4-County Auditor, submitting for approval the petition of 23 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and Barbara Rahloff requesting suspension of taxes for City Water Works, reports for the month of April as 1954 on Fast / of I,ot 352 liaast Dubuque Addition-,,., 175 well as a list of claims for the month of April, 1955 245 " 4-County Auditor, submitting for approval the petition of 23 -City Manager, recommending the installation of a street Mary P. Hier requesring suspension of the 1954 taxes light on Marion Street between Concord and Chero- on the North 24 feet of the Fast 170 feet of Lot ,,, . ,,....„.. ,., ,. .., , . „ e r ~ 374 Davis Farm Addition ,.„...„...„„.,„...,,...„..„„...„,„...„.„..„,„,..„.„.,... 22D 175 23 -City Manager, recommending that a street light be installed D ,~ 4-Christ Flmer F., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit..., , 176 i ~ ~~ n „....„....„..,.,„.„„„„„.„. at the mteisection of 10th & Jackson ,.., e ' 247 " 4-Council Proceedings for the months of July, August and 2 3 - i M n r fi man ty a gc , co e d ng t at an ord ce be prepared C September, 1954, approved as printed ..,„,..„,„.„.„,„ .............„.. requiring those conducting a business of wrecking 4-City Manager, recommending that the assessments against cars or conducting a junk yard be required to enclose Lot 8 of Stubs Sub. $52 57 Lot 2-1-12 of Hi hland their yard with a metal fence of at least eight feet , . , g 9O 7 be n p dd r id Ye in height ,.„...„....„,„...,„..,„.,..„..„...„.....„,..,„.„„,.„„.„,.„.„„„„,...„„..,.„,„.„„„,..„,..., 248 .. ............ .. ..... .... f 179 23 -City Employees Local 228, requesting a meeting with the d n y g g p p r_ 4-Cit Mana er recomm the re aration of an 0 Cit Council for the purpose of discussing workiug~ Y dinance requiring the inspection of meat that is sold conditions ,„,„..,„,„........„ ~ 250 ]ocall Y -~••~•••~~•~~~.~.~..~...-...„~~~~~~....~.....~~.„,•~...~,,..~...,,~..~.~ ...............„...„...„,„....,....„„ 80, 181 one 6 J -CitCouncil Regular Ses , Sion ....,„,„„,. ,„„„„.,„,„,.„..„.,.„„.,..„„..„,. .,. ..,. Y 253 " 4-Cox llorance K., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,...„.,.„,.,.„„.... 186, 187 6 -City Manager, recommending the installation of a street " 7-City Council, Special Session ,..,,„...„,..„,...„,.,„.....„..„„,,,„,..„,„,„,.,,,,,,,.,,.„,,.,„. 186 light halfway between Jackson Street and West 32nd " 7-Cambridge Court, dedication and acceptance ....,,...,,....„...,.,.,„.,... 198 199 Street and the viaduct on 32nd Street ...„„..„,„„„.„„..„,.........„,. 256 " 7-City Manager directed not to issue excavation permits for , 6 -City Manager, advising that the terms of J. H. Schiltz, a period of ten years from the date of completion of Board of Zoning Adjustment, George Murphy, Air- constructian of certain streets unless in case of em- part Zoning Commission and Louis Stoffregen, Plan- • g y p y so authorized by the City ning and Zoning Commission, have expired .,..,..„.„..„.„„,. 257 s M 201 202 6 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance and " 7-Clerk p d s d t D c1 a o~i examination for positions on the Police Department..,,:, 257 o Spec al Flection he ]d A ri] 6 19S5 allo b p ~ e wed 3 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance $10.00 each for services rendered ......,,.„„..„„,.,.„,,.„...,„ , „, ""' """" 206 examination for positions on the Fire Department„,„,„~ 257, ..258 " ZS-City Covncil, Special Session .....- ..................................„_..,,..,.,„,.,...„,.,..,,.,,,,,,. 208 6 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report an promotional " ZS-Christopherson Clifford, Notice of Claim ,„,.,.,.,... .................„..„,„,„. 211 261 " examination for positions on the Police Department.... 258 " 2S-Corbett Marcella ~., Notice of Claim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,....„,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,. , 211, 261 6 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on promotional " 2S-Claims far the month of March, 19SS, proof of publica- examination for positions on the Fire Department„,.,.., ZSB, 259 tion ..,.,„,...,.,„.„„,..„.,„.„..~„„,„„„„„„„„.,, „„„,„,„.„„,„„,„,„„„„,,,„,..„.„..,..„,„,„,.,.„„,„. 214 6 -Cochran ShiYgy, unable to be present for appointment to the Pla round and Recreation Commission ..,„.,„„.....,.,.„ 259, 26U INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUB J>~CT Page C " 6-City Manager, recommending that Schedule IV of Ordi- nance 33-49 be amended to provide two hour parking on $ast 7th Street ..,.„...„,. .........................„.,..,.,„..,„..,,..,.„........,,.,......„.,„.....,.,„..,...„..,... 260 6-Curtis Vern, granted the right to construct a sanitary sewer iu Marion Street ....„........,„..,.,,,.,„.,„.„ ................,,„......,..„268, 269, 416 6-City Treasurer, authorized to purchase United States Gov- . ernment Securities: $500,000.00 due December, 19SS and $500,000.00 due April, 1956 .............„...,..„,.....,,....,„.„...,..„..„„.... 272 6-Carr, Adams & Collier Co. Jobbing Division, requesting the vacation of a portion of property, now Harrison Street ...„..,.,..:„ .............„.„....,.,.,„...„...„.„.,„...,.,.„„..,.,..,„...,,,..,„...„,..,„273, 334, 419, 437 " 6-City Manager to investigate the parking of trucks on streets in residential areas ...„ ...............„,...,..„.„„„..„....„...,„.,„...„,,..,., 274 ~~ 27-City Council, Special Session .,,„,..,„..„ .................„.....,.„.,..,.,,.,...,.„.......,.,„.„.,... 275 " 27-Claims for the month of May, 19SS, proof of publication 278 " 27-City Manager, concurring in recommendation of Police Department that the green right turn be removed from the intersection of 4th and Central ..„,..„,.„„...:.,„,..,....,.,„ .............. 284 " 27-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of May as well! as list of claims for the month of May, 1955 286, 287 " 27-City Manager, recommending that one police officer ap- proved by the Traffic Institute, be authorized to at- tend this school ,...„ .....................................„..,.„.,......„.,.....,,„.„..,,,......,.„.,,.... 290 " 27-Curtis-Straub Company, heating bond „..„...,.,....„,,,.,..„.„ ..........................,. 290 " 27-"Cherokee Place" Subdivision, final approval granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission „.....„,.,...„,..„„ ................. 292 " 27-Cahill Helen M., 'granted Cigarette Permit,...„............„..„.....,....„...,. 293 " 27-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit .,.,„...„,.,.„..„.......,...„ 293 " 27-Corbett Karl G, granted Cigarette Permit .,..„,.,.„.,„,..,.,„...,.,.... 294 " 27-Callahan Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 294 " 27-Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ...„..,.,„,....,,.,....,....,,,.„.. 295 " 27-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,.,..,..,„„.„,.„..„,„,..,.,„...., 295 " 27-Crane Leonard, granted Cigarette Permit ..,....,„.„..,„ ......................... 295 " 27-Cox Dorance E., grurted Cigarette Permit ..,.,.„....,.,.„„..„.,„,.....„.,.,. 296 " 27-Callahan 1•dmund H., granted Cigarette Permit .„,„.,....,.,„ ............. 296 " 27-Canfield Hotel Corporation, granted Cigarette Permit....,.,..,. 297 " 27-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,..,...,,...„„.... 297, 298 " 27-Callahan 1•dmund H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,...,..,.,. 298, 299 " 27-Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Bcer Permit .„.„„,„,....,..., 298, 299 July S-City Council, Regular Session ....,.,.,„....„........„.,„ ..............~.„.„,.,..,„..„.,„,.,..,. 303 " 5-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Airport Commissioners 303 " S-Certificate of tax levy for Dubuque Park Board.„...„.„..,„.,..„.,.„, 303 " 5-Certificate ofl tax levy for Board of Dock Commissioners.. 303 " S-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Police Pension System 303 " S-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Police Retirement SYstem ............................................................................................,.,...,...,..,.,„.....„....,.... 303 " S-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Fire Pension System 303 " 5-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Fire -,Retirement SYstem ,....„...,„ ..........................................„...„,..,..„.,,,..,,...„.„.„..,..,„„.,.,.....,..,.,.,..,.,,„.„. 303 " S-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light at the intersection of Lowell and Hempstead Streets ,,.....,.„,,,....,...„ ..............................................„:.„..„„...,.,.......,„„.„„.„,„...,.,„...„,.. 303 « 18-City Council, Special Session ....................„„.„„...„..,,..,.,.,...,.,.,.....,,„......,..,..., 311 " 18-Certificate of tax levy for Playground and Recreation Com- mission „.,.~,..,„,.....,,,„........,..„,,,.....,„.„„„...„...,.,.„.,.„„...,....„ .........................„.„,...,..... 311 " 18-Certificate of tax levy for Board of Library Trustees,...„„.... 311 " 18-City Assessor, submitting a copy of the Budget of the City Assessor's Office for the year 1956 ........,..„..,„ ................. 311 " 18-Cannery William T., stating that he is in favor of appli- cation of Al Schmidt for rezoning of property in Mount Pleasant Addition ..............„...„..„„..„....,.„..„,„...„,.„..„,.,.„„,„..,,„.. 314 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJI•CT Page C 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Worlcs reports for the month of June as well as a list of claims for the month of June, 1955 316 " 18-Carroll John F., submitting resignation as a member of Planning and Zoning Commission ..............„,..................,.,...... 316 " 18-Chief of Police Department authorized to attend Inter- national Association of Police Chiefs Conference...,., 318 " 18-Chief of Fire Department authorised to attend International Conference ..........,_........,..„,.„...„ ..........................„..,„......,.„.................„...... 318 " 18-Condemnation proceedings, City Solicitor instructed and directed to institute proceedings to acquire property for Sewage Disposal Plant Site .„.,,..„...„..„.,„...„......„....,.....319, 392, 393 " 18-City Solicitor, submitting a proposed ordinance for the ' requested by Du- vacat~on of streets and alleys as Pacl 4 g P y .,..,.....„.....„... n ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~„ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~„~~~~~ ~~~~~ 320 " 3 g g op sign be placed 18-Cit = Mana recommendin that a st on the Southeast and Northwest corner of Finley and Green Streets ...„,..,,.„ .......................„..........,.,„.„.,,..„.„.„......,.,.„......... 323 « „,.............,.„.....„....,...„......„..., 21-City Council Special Session ..„........,„ ............. 326 } Aug. 1-Cit = Council I~egulai• Session .,..„,.,...„..„..„....,.„ ...................„.....„,..,..,......., 327 1-Claims for the month of June, 19SS, proof of publication..... 331 " 1-Council proceedings for the month of November, Decembee of 1954 and January, 19SS, approved as printed....„,.„...., 331 " 1-Citq Manager, recommending the installation of new 6,000 lumen fixtures on 6 foot brackets on present light poles on Bluff Street .,..,...„ ..............„.„,....,......,.,...,...,,,..„........,..,........,„... 332 " 1-City Manager, recommending the instalaltion of a street light at the end of West 3rd Street, west of Algona„.... 332 " 10-City Council, Special Session ..,.,.„„...,.,....„..,....,..,...,„.,.,„...„,.....„,„...,„..„.. 342 " 10-City Solicitor, submitting an amended ordinance concern- ing the vacation of streets and alleys as requested by the Dubuque Packing Company „...,..„..........„„......,.......„... ............. 343 " 10-City Manager, recommending the installation of a stop sign on Brinker Hill at the intersection of Green Street„.... 34$ " 1D-Clarke College, requesting the City Council to change the name of Seminary Street to Clarke Drive „ ...................„,,...„,.,.,„.,.,. 352, 366 " 17-City Council, Special Session .,..„,...„ ............................._............,..........,.....,. 353 " 17-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination neer at the Water for t position of Assistant ngi he •, ,, ,, , ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, p g Pum in Station „„„,........,..„.„.,.„, , 357, 358 Sept. 6-City Council, Regular Session .,..„.„.„„..„..„.„ ....................„.,..„............„...„.,... 359 " 6-Claims for the month of July, 1955, proof of pullication.,.... 359 " 6-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of July as well as a list of claims for the month of. July, 19SS..... 362 " 6-City Manager, recommending the installation of four street lights on Mt. Carmel Road .,„..,„......„,.....,...,.,„.„...,.„...„...,„.....,.,,..,.. 362 " 6-Callahan Margaret A, and John Giellis, requesting the opening of the alley between Buena Vista Street and Hedley Court .„ .................„..........„..,„„.......,.,........„..„......,.,...,,....,......,......,,.... 363 " 6-City Manager, recommending that Ordinance Na. 4-33 should be re-written as it is outmoded and conflicts with later ordinances .,..„....,,....„......„,„...„,.....„....,.,.„„...„ ...............„..„,.... 371 " 6-Consoer, Townsend & Associates, authorized to apply for a permit to construct a 30 inch steel drain line into" tha Mississippi River .....,,..„ ......................,..„.....„,.,„,....,„....,...:,„„.......:.... 38D " 6-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- pony, requesting that the City of Dubuque refrain from vacating or granting any rights in any portion of Pine Street .,....,„.„...,,„ ..................„,..,.,,,..„.,.,.„..„„...,,.„.,....„....,...,.383, 417, 529 " 6-Cullen Kenneth, authorized to attend American Public Works Assn. Conference ...„...„ .......................„.„.,...,....,.....,,..,............, 383 ;~ ` ' -1 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJ)+,CT Page 1 ~ C " 6 -City Manager, recommending that a street light be installed between '30th and L~eibe Streets on Jackson Street„..,. 383 r i 6 -Council Proceedings for the months on February, March, ~ April and May, 1955, approved as printed ...,,„„,.„,„,.„„....„ 384 ~~ 21 -City Council, Special Session .,,„..„...„,.,,,.„.......,..„„.,..,„...„,..„,,....„...„,„..,..;.. 385 " 21 -Clarke College, communication expressing appreciation to Council on the changing of Seminary Street to Clarke Drive .„...„,..,,..„..,.....„.„ ...............„..,„..„.,..„,„,„...„...,..„...„,„,..„„.„,.,„.....„..„...„.. 387 " 21 -City of Ames, extending invitation to Mayor and Council ' to attend the League of Iowa. Municipalities Can- vention ..„,„.. 388 " 21 -Chicago, Mihvaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- i pony, with Dubuque Pacleing Company, petitioning for the vacation of streets, parts of streets and alleys,„388, 389, 418 I Oct. 3- City Council, Adjourned Special Session ,.„„.„.„„.,„„„.,.„„.,„.,.„.„,„... 395 ' 3 -City Council, Regular Session ..... ......................„. ..................................„....... 397 " 3 -Claims for the month of August, 1955, proof of publication 414 " 3 -City Manager, recommending that parking be restricted ~ on both sides of Algona Street from Campus bane to Bennett Street and the West side from Campus y bane to University Avenue .. .....................,.,..,.,........... 415 ', 3 -City Treasurer, report for the month of August, 1955......„... 416 ' 3 -City Auditor, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports far the month of August as well as a list of claims for the month of August, 1955„..... 417 ~ ~ " 3 -City Treasurer, authorized to distribute funds in banks in ~ amounts not to exceed the following: First National Bank, $'1,275,000; American Trust & Savings Banlc, ' $1,2SQ000; and Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, , „~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 423 " 3 ge i~, submitting recommendation that the fal- -City Ma a lowing steps be taken to improve our traffic and park- ing conditions ..„...„........„„,,.,,,„.„...„,...,„.„,..„,„.„„..„,...„,„„..„„....„„..„.,„.„,.,„ 424, 42S " 17 -City Council, Special Session .„,..„,.„„...„..„...........„.„„..„„....„..„„....,„.....„,,,... 427 " 17 -Columbia Casualty Company, appointing M, P. Hogan as agent and granting Power of Attorney to M. P. Hogan and Gertrude Wersinger .........................„,„..„.,..,.,..,..,.,„,,.„... 428 " 17 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of Sep- tember as, well as a list of claims far the month of September 1955 ......,...„..„...,..„,„...„..,„,„...„,„....,.„,....,„,.,.,„...„.,„„...„.„,„.. 434 " 17 -Clerks and judges appointed to serve at Municipal General Tialection, November 8, 1955 „ ............................„.......„. 435, 453 ~ Nov. 7 -City Council, Regular Session .„,„„..„„.,,„ ..............„.,,..„,„,,....,~„..„...m.„.. 437 " I 7 -City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Clara and McClain Streets „.,,.........., ........... 438 ~~~ 7 -Crane Leonard (Jack), Agreement with City of Dubuque... 442, 443 " . 7 the month of Se tember, 1955 roof of u bli- -Claims ~ ; ,", ...„.„ ...................„..,..„,....,,.~..„ .,,„...„,,,....„.„„P.„,.„„„„,..„.„p.. ti on 445 9 -City Council, Special Session „„...„.....,.„.„„„„.„...„„.„. „„. 462 « ! 14 -City Council, Special Session ..............„........................„......_„.................„,. 455 Dec. S -City Council, Regular Session .„,...,„„„.„...„,„.„„„.„.„,,,....,.„„..,.„,...„,„,„..,,. 481 . " 5 -Claims for the month of October, 1955, proof of publica- i tion .„ ................................................................,,.,..,„,.,„,.„„„„..,.„.,„„. 498 'i S -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and s ~ City Water Worlcs, reports for the month of October as well as a list of claims far the month of October, 1955 . .....................................................„....,,,.................................„,..„„,„„„„...,..„.„„,„...,. 499 " 5 -City Manager, recommending that $1,000.00 be transferred from the Liquor Sales Fund to the Recreation-Mu- nicipal Golf Course Fuud ...............................„.„„,„..„.,„,,.„,„,„.„„„„,,,„. 502 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJI•CT Page C " S-Cox Cletus, North % Lot 46, 1?inley, Waples & Burton .Addition, correction of assessment for the improve- ment of Pearl Street with bituminous concrete sur- facing „.„,..,........„.,.. ..............„.,...,..„....,......,......,.,...,...,...........,,.... 504 " 5-Counci] proceedings for the months of June, Julp, August, 19SS, approved as printed ..................................,.............,...„,..... 516 " 5-City Manager, recommending that the City Council ap- prove the reallocation of funds in the General Fund, Street Fund, Street Road Use Tax Fund, Public Safety Fund, Sanitation Fund, Municipal $nterprise- Dock Fund and Recreation Park General Fund.....„..., 517, 518 IZ-City Council, Special Session ....................................„...,....... ,...,.,.,.... 520 « con.- rt - y g p nual o s r o vention of Nation 1 Institute of Munici al Iraw Of- ,,,,,,„, 530, ...,,.., . ... ... :......... . ..P,.. , .„ fices ., ................,...,....... ,., ,., .... ,., ... ,....,...... . 531 " 12-Clara Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter, acadam surfacing, sewer and water, ac h ance of ...,...,......,..,... „„ ..................,..,..,.,,.,....,.........,..,.,. cept 532 « 19-City Council, Special Session ....,. .................,.........,.....,...„..,...,....... 534 " 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of November as well as a list of claims for the month of November, 1955 ..„ .......................,..„,„....,.,,...,..,..........,.„„..,,,..,. 536 19-City Manager, submitting a list of streets for the 1956 street construction program ....„ ..........................,.,.,..,..,, 537, 538 " 19-City Manager, expressing appreciation to the City Council for confidence placed in him during the past year,..... S38 " 19-City Manager, authorized to sign contract agreement on behalf of the City relative to the relocation and con- struction of highway U. S. 161, 51, S2 and 67........„,..,„,..,. 538 ~l _:. :I INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page D Jan. 3-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, appointed as a de- l pository of public fttnds ................................................................~......,.,.. 1 " 3-Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955, and ending December 31, 1955 . ........................................... 2 " 3-Digman Arthur, certifying the cost of 8" Sanitary Sewer along the alley between Lincoln and Rhomberg Ave- nues from Lot 391 of Ham's Addition to Farragut Street to Rhomberg Avenue, thence along Rhomberg to within 4S feet of Hawthorne Street, thence cross- ', ing Rhomberg Ave, to the alley between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue ............................................................. 16, 31 " 3-Duggan Harold R., requesting curb and gutter on Lorimer Street ............................................................................................................. 17, 43 " 3-Dahlby Mr. & Mrs. Berger, request for a street light on West Sth Street denied ............................,.,....,...,...,..,.,,,..,,,.,, ,......., ..,.,, 26 3--Dubuque-Jerrold Television Cable Corporation, Community Antenna System Policy .............~ .....................,,,..,.,....,.,.,,,.,.,.,,,,......,..,.., 28 " 3-Dull Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„,,.,.,.,,.,,.,...,,.,,,,, 36 I, 3-Dull Eugene, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................... 36, 37 ~ ~ I ~ 24-Daykin Allan T., submitting resignation as a member of the Civil Service Commission ....,.,...,..,.,....,....,.,......,.,_ ................ ~ 40 ° 24-Dubuque Storage and Transfer Co., lease for 1955, 1956 and 1957 for use at Municipal River-Rail Terminal.,.,., 41 " 24-Diane Court, bituminous concrete surfacing, acceptance of... 44 Feb. 14-Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Company, cancellation of excavation bond .,.., ........................................;,....,.,,,.,..,.,.,...,.,.....,..,,,..,... 78 " 14-Dubuque Sports Bowl Corp., requesting an extension of I rts lease .,. ,.... ,,,. ........................... ... ............... 79 ill 14-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, requesting that con- i sideration be given to extending the metered parking i l id t d h h f E 14 h S ~ nc e sout i zone o u e t s e o ast treet t ~ between Central Avenue and White Street ...............79; 126, 1S0 t ~' 14-Dubuque County) Society for Crippled Children and Adults ~~ ~ ~, requesting permission to hold a Lily Tag Day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SO I " 14-Dubuque Airport Commission, submitting a resume of ac- II tivities and accomplishments during the year 1954 ........... I " 14 i b 80 , -Du uque Plumb ng and Heating Company, heating bond....,. 86 " 14-Dubu u h e M o in ~'~~", 4 e S e t eta) C ., heat g band ,...,....,...,........,. ..................... 86 14-Dubuque Excavating Company, excavation policy ,...,,,....,......,,.,, ~ 86 ~ ~~ Mar, 7-Duster Ed., et ah, requesting improvement of Montana Street and Mills Street with curb and gutter and '' I , I placing of a temporary surface ,...-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,,.,.,..,.,,,,. ~ 115 I ~ ~ 7-Drexel Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to thq North Property Line of Leuox Avenue...,.130, 131, 132, 133 j ~ 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 484, 495, 496 " 7-Dock Bonds, in the amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of I II constructiu'g works and improvements, dredging of a new Lake Peosta Channel and filling in area be- tween new channel and shore line and grading, pav- ing and sewering the same....,...,..141, 142', 143, 144, 145, 188, 189 .................190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 321, 322, 342, 343, 3S3 " 23-Digman Arthur, et al., requesting the regrading of the alley adjoining their property in the 2220 block be- tween Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenue, also grade and gravel the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave- nues in the 2300 black ..................................,.,,.,,.....,,....,.,,...,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,. 148 " 23-Deutsch, Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 156, 157 April 4-Dull Eugene, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 314 177 ', 4-Dull 1~ugene, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit ', No. 138 ....................................................................»,,,,,,,.....~.,..,,,.,,,..,,,.,,,~,.,. 177 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page D " 4-Dubuque Excavating Company, blasting bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,, 179 4-Durkin Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit .....,..... ..................... 186 4-Durkin Robert L,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,..,..~..,,, 186; 187 7-Dooley Alan, Notice of Claim ..................,,.......,.,.,.....,,,..,...,...,,,,.....,.,,.,.. 197, 261 " 2S-Daylight Saving Time, petitions requesting City Council to take action to put City of Dubuque on Daylight Saving Time far summer of 1955 .............................212, 236, 248, 249 25~-Dubuque Junior Chamber of Commerce, Miss America Committee, requesting permission to string a banner across Grandview Ave. in front of Washington Jr. High School, also to hold a parade and requesting the Mayor to issue a proclamation ................„..,.,,.....,..,.,.,,,,.........,., 214 " 25-Dubuque Baseball, Inc,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,..,, 221, 222 May Z-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce Fire Prevention Commit- tee and Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting the City Council to consider and adopt an ordinance prohibiting smoking in retail stores and other buildings.,,.~..,.232; 273, 283 " 23-Daaclc, Merlin and Ruth, et al., requesting that St, Mary Street be paved from West 3rd to Emmett Street...... 242 23-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, requesting that the restriction be lifted on the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa Street between 13th & 14th Street ........................................................................,,.,.,..,.,.,....,.,....,...242, 286, 335, 336 " 23-Dirksen Electric Company, asking for a thirty day exten- s ion of time far completion of their contract at the s wimming pool ............................................................,...,,,.....,....,.....,...,.,...,,,,. 242 " 23-Da1sm'g Lloyd A., granted a Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 249, 2S0 " 23-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .....................~...,,...,.,,.,...,.,.,.,......,.,.,....,..,,.,,..,...,..,,,...,.,.,.,,.,.,....,., 249; 250 June 6-Disabled American Veterans, Fighting Back Chapter No, 6, requesting permission to have their annual Far-Get- Me-Not sale ,.... ......................................................................... 256 " 6-Dubuque Junior Chamber of Commerce, stating that a corrective measure should be enacted regarding the ab- sence of a Councilman for a period of months,.,.....,,,..... 256 " 6-Drake Mr. Earl, issued a restricted plumbers license,.,..,,,,,, 260 " 6-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, requesting permission to have fireworks display ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,.,,,. ..,....,.........,,.,,,,..... .. 269 , ' 27-Dubu Plu ein " q g ncellation of CompanY c ting Y No ", 11a a,.,,„....'.,..n'........,,, Polic MPL69944 288 " 27-Dubuque Boat Club petitioning for the use of the Eagle Point area and Water Works grounds west of Front Street, for the purpose of parking cars ,.,.,,.,,,,. .................~ 292 " 27-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 'granted Cigarette Permrt .................................................................................~-............a.,...........-.,...,, 293 " 27-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigarette Permit ...................................... 293 " 27-Diamond's Grill, granted Cigarette Permit ................~,..,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,.. 293 " 27-Dunbar Mrs. Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 293 " 27-Dubuque Packing Co. (Retail Store), granted Cigarette ...,.,....., ,.,. mit .. ...................................... . ..................,...,,,..,,,...,......,.,., e 294 27-Donovan ranted Ci atrette Melville L., g g Permit .........................., a 294 27-Dunb ran Otto J. g ted Cigarette Permit ........................................... 295. 27-Disabled " American Veterans Club, granted Cigarette Per- mit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,....,.,..,,.,....,...,,.,,,...,,,,.,...,......,,,,.,.,,,..,,,,..,,..,,.. - 296 " 27-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit 296 " 27-bolter Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,.. ................................. 296 " 27-Dalsing Lloyd A., granted Cigarette Permit ................................,.,,, 296 " 27-Durkin Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit ................................. 297 " 27-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...........................................................~,,,...,..,,,,,.,..,..,..,.,..,,,......,,,.,..,..,,...,..,,.. 298, 299 " 27-Dunbar Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,..,~ .................... Z98, 299 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page D July S-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the vacation of certain streets and alleys necessary far improve- ments in its plant, stockyards and railroad facilities 306, 307 ,.,.,.„,.,,,....„ ...................:.......„...„,......,.,.,,.......,...,.,...,.,..,..,...,...„.....,.,308, 316, 343, 344, 345 " 18-Dunbar Linnie, grouted Cigarette Permit ............................................... 323 Aug. 1-Dow Ivan S., Notice of Claim ......................................................................... 331 " 1-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permis- or lion to use certain streets for t eir annua y ,. Da Parade ....................................................,...,.......,...,......,.,...,...,.,..,.„,,.„ 331 " 10-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending an invita- lion to the Mayor_ and City Councii to participate in ~i!~ the annual Labor Day Parade ....................:..............,... 350 Sept 6-Dave C, ~,, appointed Councilman ..... ..........................,..........,.. 359 " ~-Dubuque-Jerrold Television Cable Corp., bond ..................... 369 ', 6-Dalzell Mrs. Wilbur, reappointed to the Playground and i Recreation Commission, term expiring July S, 1958 " 21-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No, 26 ................................................,.....,,.,...„,.„.,.,.„„,,.„..„„,,. 39D Oct, 3-Diener Leo J, (Diener Appliances), heating bond .......................... 417 " 3-Dubuque County Bnard of Supervisors, requesting approval on the sale of lots for less than taxes on Lot 2 of Lot B Coopers Addition, hots 234 and 23S Union Ad- dition, Lots 14 and 16 Quigleys Sub. of I,ot 7~10~, Lot 6 ' McGrath's Sub. S.T/z of I,ot S of Lot 98'A, A. P. ~ I Woods Addition ,.,...„.........,...„ ........... .. 419, 44D " 3-Danglemeyer L• J•, et al., requesting additional street lights installed on Central Ave, from 22nd to 24th ....................... 421, 436 3-Dunbar Linnie, requesting a refund on Cigarette License I No. 298 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,„,„.....,..,....„..,.....,.„,.„.,.,,,...,..„.„,,,,„.,.........,..,.~,...,...... 422 " 3-Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................„..,,,.,,,..,..,..,,...,...,...,,.„,..,,.„...,~....,...„.,,,,„,„, ~ 422 study of the area °~~~ 17-Dubuque Safety Council, rcquesting a on Alpine Street between West Sth Street and Uni- versity Avenue, requesting parking on one side only..„,. 426 ' 7-Dodge Leo, sidewalk bond .....,..,..„ .................. .,,,,.„„ 428 Nov. 7-Dubuque. Baseball, )'nc., requesting consideration for im- provements to be made at the City baseball parlc.......... 444, 500 Dee, S-Dubuque Airport Commission, requesting the City Council to amend the 1955 Municipal Airport budget.,....,„...,,,,,„.,.,. 503 " S-Duffy Damian J,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....................„„ 518, 519 " 19-Dubuque Park Board, approving the plan of the new high- ~ way bordering Grandview Park, and approving the dedication of the property regmred for street pur- poses .,..,,„„„„.„,,..,,..,..„ ...............„„.,..........,,.„,..,.„,.,..„...„.,.„..,..„,,.... 536 " 14-Downtown Business Association, requesting the City Coun- cil authorize immediate acquisition of property located ~ between Fourth and Fifth Streets and Bluff' and Lo- cost Streets to be used as a municipal parking lot„„,. S42 1 - INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page E Jan. 3-Emergency Fund, transfer of $831.89 from said fund to Street Fund .,..,......„,,.„ .................„..,„...,........„,,,„,..,,.,,,,,„,.,,„,,,.„.,,,..,.,.„,,,,.,,.,. 20 " 3-Essman Mabel, Settlement of Claim ,,,„„,„,,...,..,...,,, ,,,.,.,.,„,.„.,,,„...,,„„„. 23 3-Eisbach Joseph J., heating bond „.„„,,,„.,.,.„,.,....,,..„,„,,.,„, .,,.,„,,.„ . 28 " 3-Edina Street, curb and gutter from the East Property Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 250 feet East to existing curb „,..„.,.,,.,..,..„..,„,„,.,..„.... ...............33, 34, 49, S0, 52, S3, 67, 68, 70, 71 " 3-Evans Russell, granted Cigarette Permit ,.„..,...,,.„„..,.„„,,,,,.,,„ ..„. 36 " 3-bander Alois J,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit „...,,„,„,„„„.,„„,,,. 36, 37 Feb. 14-East 30th Street, improvement with hot mix,. hot laid as- phaltic concrete from the East Property Line of Cen- tral Avenue to 65' east of the Bast Property Line of eet ,,,„„....,..........„..,...„,...,.,,,,,„.„...,......„,,,,,,,,.89, 90, 91, Elm Str 103, 104 ...................... ......-.......105,.106, 171, 172, 202, 367, 397, 402, 411 " 14-Eagle Street, from the North Property Line of Thomas Place to the South Property Line of Viola Street, improvement with bituminous concrete.„.,92, 93, 94, 1D6, 107, 108 109, 110, 172, 173,174, 201, 431, 432, 455, 457, 458, 471, 472, 474 " 14-Palm Street, improvement with bituminous concrete, from the North Property Line of 22nd Street to the South Property Line of 24th Street.,..„,.,„.....,,,,,..92, 93, 94, 1D6, 107, 108 ,„.,.„.,~...,..„,....„..,..109, 11D, 172, 173, 174, 201, 431, 432, 4SS, 458, 459 14-I;lm Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from the North Property Line of 24th Street to the South Property Line of 26th Street.,..„„..........92, 93, 94,106, 107, 108, 109 110, 172, 173, 174, 201, 431, 432, 4SS, 456, 4G0~, 461, 471, 472, 474 Niar, 7-Elm Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Lot 12-D. S. Langworthy's F Sub. ,...,„„,„....„130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209 j ....„,....,...,.,„,,.„,..,.,.„,..„...„445, 446, 447, 471, 472, 474, 481, 485, 495, 496 " 7-Election Special, $2,000,000 Dock Band Proposition...,„,„„.....,, 142, 143 1 „ ...............,.,.„,..,,,„.,,,144, 145, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 19'4, 195, 196 April 7-Excavations prohibited. City Manager restricted from is- suing permits for excavations in certain streets. for a period of ten years ,,.,.,...,,„..,.,,.,„,,,„,,,,.,.,„,„ .......................„„,..,„.,„„,,,„„,.,, ZOl, 202 June 6-Earl Drive, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Ideal Lane to the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue..,,„„„,263, 264, 265, 278 '~ ...,,„...,.„,.„,..„„,„,.„,,.,..........179, 208, 281, 330, 478, 479, 520, 522, 524, 525 " 27-Eggerichs John H, granted Cigarette Permit „,,,„,.„,,,„,„,,,,„„„„,,,. 293 " 27-Eichman Arthur H, granted Cigarette Permit .,,,,,.„,,,,.,.,„.,,.,„,.,..„ 294 " 27-Evans Russell, granted Cigarette Permit „„„.„,.,.,..,..„,,...,., s ,„,,,„„,,.„ 294 ? 27-Ender A. J., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,.„,,..,.„,~„.....,,„,.,,„.,„„.„ 295 " 27-Engling John J. and Bernadette, granted Cigarette Permit -295 z 27-Ellis Mrs. Victoria, granted Cigarette Permit ....,,„.„..,,„,,,,„.„.~„„ 295 " 27-Eichhorn Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit,,,.,„„,„,,, 297 Aug, 1-Eisbach Albert N., heating bond „,,,,,,,,„,„„„,„,_,„,,,„,...„,,,.,.,,„,,,,,„,,,~,„„ 335 Sept. 21-Eichman Arthur H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit,,,..,,,,. 390 Oct 3-Eichman Arthur H,, sidewalk bond „,,,„„,„.,,„„,,,.,,.„..,,,,,„.,,„,„.,,,.,,,,,. 417 ` 3-Ettenson Jake, granted Cigarette Permit .,,„.,,.,,„,.,,,..„„„,.„,„„„„..„,„, 422 " 3-Ettenson Jake, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,._.,„.„.,..,.,.,.„,., 422 " 17-Election, Genera] Municipal, canvass of petitions for office ` of Councilman and Park Commissioner ..,,,,,.:,.„...,,,,..„„,:„„„. 434 Nov. 7-Erschen Benedict F,, granted Cigarette Permit ,„„,„.,,„.,,,,,„,„„„„ 448 " 7-Evans Russell, granted Class "'B" Beer Permit „,„,..,..„.,,„„,.„,,,,. 450 " 7-Eggeriehs John H, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,„„,„..,,,,. 450 " 7-Erschen Benedict F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit„,,,.,..,, 450, 451 ` 7-Election, General Municipal, held November 8, 1955„„„,..„„,„„ 452, 4S3 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJI~CT Page E Dec, S-1;lliott Henry W. Jr, & Irene L., correction of assessment against Lot 117, Hams Addition .,...,,....,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,„,.,,.,. SOl " 12-Fsther, Tressa, River Ridge, Disney Street, construction of an (8) inch vitrified the sanitary sewer beginning in the, center of $sther Street at Lot 2-1-1 of Oak Grove Addition; thence southerly on J~sther Street to the intersection of $sther and Tressa Streets; thence easterly on Tressa~ Street to the intersection of Tressa Street and River Ridge; thence northerly an River Ridge to the intersection of River Ridge and Disney Street; thence easterly on Disney Street 206'; thence northerly through Lot 9 of the Subdivision of Min- eral Lot 39 to the existing sanitary sewer in Mt. aretta » ..................................... ,,,,.,.,.,.,, a p J~~ n g 12-);llw&~BiuffaSt eet siteoforta parking"lote,••p ,.p...,,,.,'"526, 527, S28 ro,osed 5th 529 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJIaCT Page F Jan, 3-First National Bank, appointed a depository of public funds 1 " 3-Fitzgerald Lawrence and Mary, protesting against the special assessments levied against Mineral Lot 344 for the construction of a sanitary sewer and asphaltic macadam surfacing of Kane Srret ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,,,.,,»,..,,,,,,,,, 7, 44 3•-First National Bank, Clock and Curb Teller Policy„»,..»~.,.,. 28 " 3-Federal Communications Commission, with reference to regulation of interference by electrical appliances and motors with the reception of radio and television.,,,,,,,»,. 29, 30 " 3-Fairfax Avenue, curly and gutter from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue ..............3$ 34, 49, SQ 53, S4, 67, 68, 71 " 3-Felderman La Verne G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit»... 36, 37 " 24-Fitzpatrick Thomas P,, Clerk City Water Dept,, bond.,.,.,,,. 42 Feb, 14-Fidelity and Deposit Company, cancellation of excavation bond of Louis Buechel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»..,.;.,...,.,,,.»,...,..,,,,,» 78 " 14-Farmers Supply Company, requesting a one hour parking limit be placed on White Street between Tenth and Ninth Streets and changing the time limit for parking an Tenth Street ..........................»,,,,,,....,,,,.,,,.,...,»,,,,,.»,.,.,.,,,»,.,,,».»,,.,.,,,» 79, 126 " 14-Frost Robert L., et al., submitting objections against the installing of curb and gutter on Alta Streef ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,,,. 79 14-Financial Report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the year 1954, proof of publicatio~y ,.,,,,,,,,»,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,..,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,».,,,» 80 " 14-Fire Pension and Retirement System, submitting a re- capitulation of the receipts and disbursements of the Fire Pension and Retirement System for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954 and ending December 31, 1954 ................................................,»......,....,..,.......,...,...»,.,.,.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,»,,,,. 81 Mar. 7-Falk 1•arl L. et a1, requesting curb and gutter on Earl Drive, Ruan Drive and Ideal Lane and also request- ing two street lights midway between Pennsylvania Avenue and Ideal Lane ,...» .............................»,,,..,,,,.,...,,,.,...,.,,,,,,,,,.,,» 115; 155 " 7-Flynn Coal Company, excavation policy ,,.,.»,,.,,.....,,,„,,,,»,,,,,,,,,,..,,, 128 7-Freund Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,,..,,,»,,.,,.,..»...,.,,,,. 139, 140 " 7-Fischer Bowling Lanes, Club, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .,.,.,...»» ..............»...,..,.,.»,,,,»,.,..,,»».....,»»,»,»».,,...,,.,»„»,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,...,.,,,,»„»,.,,,. 140 " 7-Felderman Merle J,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,,,,„.,,,,,» 140 April 4-Fleutsch Rose, Settlement of Suit ,,,.,.,.,»,»,...,,,»...,.,.,,,,,,.,....,,„»,..»,,.,.,,, 178, 179 " 4-Foell Lester A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,.,.,.»„»..,,,,»„» 186, 187 " 25-Flora Park, Trustees of Wahlert Foundation offer a gift of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for purpose of acquiring real estate for expansion of recreapional fa- cilities of Flora Park ,.....»»,,,....,,„,...,.,.,„,,,..,,».,,,,,.,»,,,,.,.,,,209, 210, 211, 286 " 25-Frommelt Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,» 221, 222 May 2-Feller John P., requesting action in regards to cleamng up of premises in 1800 block on Wood Street belonging to Mt. Pleasant Home ,,..,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,..,,.,,..,».,,,,,,,,,,,»„»,,,,,»,,..»,„,»,. 232, 272 " 2-Fondelf` Andrew, blasting bond .,,.,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,»...,,,,,,,, ,,,»,,,»,,.,.,...,,»,»,,,,, ~,»,. 23 4 " 2-Fitzpatrick Frank J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 235 236 " 2--Fuchs, Mrs Mary M,, Communication of Division of Pub- lic Health Engineering, concerning renewal of license 238 " Z-Fleckenstein Mr, Ray, Communication, of Division of Pub- lic Health Engineering, concerning renewal of license 238 " 23-Fondell A, and Sans, excavation policy and bond ,..,,.,,;,,,..,,,,.,»; 246 June 27-Farrell Frank, sidewalk bond .,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,.,..,....»,,,,,».,,.....,,,,»„»,,,w 290 " 27-Felderman La Verne, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,».,,,,.,,. 293 ~~ 27-Fischer Bowling banes Club, granted Cigarette Permit.-... 293 " 27-Frommelt Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,., .,, 294 ' " 27-Feiderman Merle J, granted Cigarette Permit .,,»,,,..,»»,„,»,„,,.,.,,,., 294 ~~ 27-Fett Carlyle R. and Doris A., granted Cigarette Permit.... 294 27-Freund Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,,,,,»,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,. 294 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page F " 27-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No, 568, granted Cigar- ette Permit .„,„......„..„,,.„,....,..,„..„...„..„„,....,..„....„..„•„,„•.,..„„..„,..•.„,..„..,„,•..„• 295 2 - oe11 Lester A. ranted Ci arette Permit •.,„.•.„,„•••„•„,.~••~~••~„•°"" " , g 295 ~ ••• ermrt . , , l r 295 11 , X„1 " 27-Fea ry Fredngraned Cigarette Perrrut •.,,. ................." 29S " 27-Finclt Alford F, granted Cigarette Permit ....,.„,„....,„..„„„......„,„.., 296 " 27-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Cigarette Permit.„....„,,,,,••, 296 " 27-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, 297 " 27-Fortmann Anton Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 298, 299 " 27-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No, 568, granted Class `<B" Beer Permit ....,..„„•.„.....,,•.„,....••,,.„....„....„.„.:.„...,„,..„,..„,,,.„..„•.„..„„ 298, 299 " 27-Fraternal Order of Orioles, Dubuque Nest No, 11, granted Class <<B» Beer Permit .„.„„...,,..„„•..„,....,..„„•.„.„,•„..•„„...„~.••„•„,„„••.,•.••, 298, 299 July S-Freiburger Jahn, sidewalk bond ..„..,,...„,.....•,,.,..„,.,..,,.,,,„,„.,,..,.,,.,„,,,,,,„,,,,, 305 " 5-Freiburger Norbert, sidewalk bond ..„.,.„...„„..,..,„,„..„.„, 305 " 18--Fire engine House No. S, alteration and repairs„••„..,,,,,,..~,„, 313, 370 ••...„•„„„„„...„...„..„„••,„„,„„,..„•„...„...„,„,..„,„•..„,•„„.,.„..„,...„...„,.,.„„•„,,...„.....,.,„.386, 387, 427 Aug. 1-Fitzpatrick F. J., requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 20 .„„.• ..........................,...•.....,..,„,.,„„,.•„„,....„,..„..,„„, 335 " 1-Eondell A, & Sons,. excavation policy .....,„,„,..„,„,,.„„,•„...„,,,,,,,..„.„..„... 335 Sept. 6-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk 359 " 6-Freund Anton A., Notice of Claim .....•.••„„,...,„„,..„,„.•.„„.,„...,,..,..„.„.., 365, 429 « 6-Peyen Richard, bond .„,„„.....,„.,,.•,.....„,•.„,,..„......... ......................„......„................... 369 " 6-Fluckiger Frank, reappointed to the Playground and Recre- 958...„„......„...„., s t J I S 1 384 Oct. 3-Frommelt Lea F.~ C'ty ClerkXbong . u Y... ~... ....................„..„... 417 << 3-Finton M. D., Chairman of Parkin and Intra City Traffic Committee, commending the Council m regards to the traffic and parking survey .................„. ..„,„,..„a,,...„••.....,. „„•. 420 •'.„". " 3-F'rary Fred, granted' Class "B" Beer Permit ,.,„......,,,„ ..............„ 422 " 17-Fischer A• J., excavation bond .„.„„,..•..„,„..,„...„...„,.,..,....„.•.„•„..„„„,..,•„,•, 428 Dec. 5-Fondell Andrew and Mary, correction of assessment against Lots 141, 142 Julien Additian ,..„ .......................„.,„,...,,.....„,„,„...„...„,. SD2 " S-Fuller Gladys, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,„•.,„,...,„,...,,,.,.., S1S 519 ~ " S-Fuller Gladys, granted Cigarette Pcrmit .„.„....,„.„..,.,,,...,..,„,.,..,.,..,, 519 " 19-Faber Frank, recommending that the advice of the traffic engineers hired by the City be reconsidered .„,„,.,,....„,„..,• 541 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 3-Grandview Avenue, installation of boulevard lights from North Property Line of Southern Avenue to a point 35 feet north of the South Property Line of Lot 1 of Lot 8 of E• Ryans Subdivision..„„,...„,„.„,....„.,,.„,.,.•11, 12, 13, 14, 15 " 3-Garner Mildred Mrs., requesting a refund on unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No, 302,,,..,.,„..„.,,„.,...,„„„••, 18 " 3-General Fund, transfer of $31,000.00 franr said fund to the treet Fund ~ 20, 21 " 3-Cost O g perty a uu~b t t to pr t tt e B ol B Avenue to the alley West o • alke Street •..„,•.„...„..,„.„„..•..,„,,,••.„..,„,„,„ .............33, 34, 3S, 49, S0, S4, 67, 68, 71 " 3-Gordon Lorraine Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit„„„,.• 36, 37 " 24-General Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary No. 1, requesting permis- sion to sell carnations on city streets •,.,••„•,,,,•.•„..,„„„,,,,,,,,,••~. 40 " 24-Gansemer Clarence N., et al,, requesting that a sewer be stru c ed Hi l „,„~~~~„~~ e 40 J J p d on Beer Permit N request ng 24-G1 nn ohn o: 74 r y 40 24--Glynn John J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. .•. „.„ .„,,,.„,„,~.•.. „,..•..„.,„..,„........„..•,,..•.,„„..„••, „• „,••..,„,• 41 ~ . ' ' ;±eb, 14-Green Street, Water fain Extension Bands,.,.,„„,.,..,.,.76 110 111, 112 g ,granted Ct arette Permit •..,, .... 87 ~, g , g ,~ „ 14~Goetzin er Kenneth ranted Class B Beer Permit.„„.•„..~„... 87, 88 " 14-Grandview Avenue Extension, improvement with hot mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete from the North Property Line of Delhi to the South Property Line of Loras Boulevard .;„...„„,„,.„„..,„ ................„..,,,..,..„,„.•,„,..„„..•.,.,„„,„,••,•...„.•.„„.,„.,„... 89, 90 .,,,...„.•.„„•,„...„..,„....91, 103, 104, lOS, 106, 171, 172, 202, 367, 397, 411 " 14-Garfield Avenue, improvement with bituminous concrete from the North Property Line of Marshall Street to the South Property Lina of Stanton Street............92, 93, 94, 106 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 201, 431, 432, 455, 456, 462 .,...••.,..„„,,..,„..,.„„„......„,„....„.,..„..•...,„„...•,••.•,.....„,.„......,„..„,,,..,„„..,.,,•,„...„..„,.471, 472, 474 Mar. 7-Gatrel, IZoa C, & Dorothy )~~., assessment against Lot Z-1-1-1-1-1-1 of Prysi Farm Sub. corrected..„„..,••,„.„,„,„,,,, 128, 129 " 7-Garfield Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Whittier Street to the South Property Line of Stanton Street.„,,.130, 131, 132, 133, 160 ....,„..,.161, 162, 163, 164, ZOB, 20~9~, 445, 446, 447, 481, 486. 495, 496 " 7-Glen Oalc Stret, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Vernon Street to the South Property Line of Edina Street,.130, 131,132,133, 160, 161 162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446*, 447, 481, 482, 486, 495, 496 " 7-Grandview Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of Delhi Street to the South Property Line of Loras Boulevard,•„,.130y 131, 132, 133 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209; 445, 446, 447, 48d, 482, 487 •~•~~~~~•"""'488, • • 495, 496 7-Green Street, improvement with curb aud gutte " r from the West Property Line of Bunker Hill Road to the North Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue.„..13Q 131, 132 .,..„••,„.133, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481 •...•..•.„•„•.•.,„„.„..,„„„...„,„•..•,„„„...•..,„„.•..,.,,.,.••..„.„.•.„•..,.„„....„..„„„.....„,.482, 489, 495, 496 " 7-Glen Oalc Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- facing from the North Property Line of Vernon Street to the South Property Line of Edina Street...... 138; 139 ,..„„..•„.„„....„•.„,..„•.„,.„.„•,„.„...,,.......„,„„.,„..,„..,..,„..„„„..•••..„,•••„169, 174, 171, . .509, 510 April 4-Grant Agreement, between City of Dubuque and the United States of America for the purpose of obtaining fed- eral aid for the development of the Dubuque Municipal M 185, 186 4-Ceske rs. Adele, granted Class "B"Beer Permit.,,„,,,,,•,,,,,, 186, 187 Ma 23-Gardner Edith, comma y mcation relative to lama e to chim- ,"•„ ney and sidewalk 241, 370 -~, s;l INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page " 23-Gasper William M., et al., requesting construction of a sanitary sewer in $sther, Tressa and River Ridge Streets .,........-........,,..,_ ....................................,............................,..............-...,..... 242 " 23-Guns Mrs. Alice, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 119 „,„,,,.... ...................,,„.„..,.,.,,..„„„,.,.„,...,..,..„..,„,„,„,„„,.,...,,„. 243 " 23-Grab 1~rwin M. and G. L. Kulander, requesting that the alley between 1740 and 1750 Avoca Street be opened foti at least 1S0 feet ,„,,.„ ............................„.,.,,„,..„..,....,.,.,....,.,.,,....,..„,.„. 243 " 23-Gantert, Harry N, and Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,„,...,„..,..„„.,....,....„,..,,„.,„,,,.....,.„..,...„,,,,,.,„...,..„.,,,„,..,,„,,,.,,,.,,„.~,,.,,„,,. 249, 250 June 6-Garfield Avenue (West Side Only), improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the North Property Twine of Whittier Street to the South Property Line of 1•merson Street..„.,,„.,..,... ..............„..,.,.,.,,.,.,..,„„„„.,.,.,..,„..,„.,.,.,..,...„,„„ 259, 262 ...............„..„„.....„.,..„.....,.,........,.,........„,.,263, 275, 276, 277, 433, 475, 476, 477 " 6-Geisler Brothers, heating bond ,„,,,.,...,„,,,„..„.. „ ,. , 273 " 27-Grant Mrs. Kathleen M., Notice of Claim ~,,,„....,.„.,,„„ ..............„.... 288, 313 " 27-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit „„.„.,,„.,.„.....,, .,.,. 293 27-Ceske Mrs. Adele, granted Cigarette Permit .,.....,,.,„...,„.,~.,.,,,,,„, 293 " 27-Goetzinger Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit ,........,,„...,,,„„„.„. 294 " 27-Giunta Jae and Nlarro, granted Cigarette Pernvt.,.....,.,.„,.,,.„,,. 295 " 27-Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit „„.,....„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 296 " 27-Glaser I,eo J,, granted Cigarette Permit ,..,„ ................. ,,,,.„ .............. 296 July S-Gordan Mrs. Lorraine, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 141 .„.,.„„„„...,„...,,.„ ..............„„.,.,..„,,.„,„.,„.„,.,,„,,,.,,.,,., 303 " 18-Gruta Clarence, sidewalk bond ............................ 319 Aug, 1-Giese Sheet Metal Company, heating bond ,..,,.,.„„„„„ .............„, 335 Sept, 6-trice Victor J., reappointed to the Airport Commission, term expiring September 14, 1961 ,.,,,.„.....„.„,..,„...„,,,,,,,.„.„...,,,.., Oct. 3-trice Victor J., Airport Commissioner, bond ..,..,...„,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,. 417 " 3-caber Kenneth, awarded contract for Hawtwhorne Storm sewer ....................„..,...,...,..,.,,....,,,.„„.,,.,.,„,,,,.,,,...,...,..,,,„,,..„,,,„.„.„,„.,,,.„.,„...,,..... 419 " 3-Glob Frank, appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion,. term expiring May 24, 1959 ,.,.,„,„.„,..,...,..„,.,..,,.„„..,,.,..„.„.,. Nov, 7-Glynn John F,, granted .Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,„.,,„,„..,„,.„..,. 450 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 3-Hafeman Rudolph, requesting a refund on unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit,,,.„„ .............„,.,„...,..,,...,„„ 18 " 3-Hafeman Rudolph, requesting a refund on unexpired por- tion of his Cigarette Permit ,....„ ................,„,,.„.,„,,,„„„„,.„....,„,,,. 18 3-Henry Street, curb and; gutter from the Fast Property Line of Queen Street to the West Property Line of Wind- sor Avenue ...............................„,,..,.,..„,.,...33, 34, 3S, 49, S4, SS, 67, 68, 71 " 3-Herber Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.....,,.....,,,„„..„,„.,„,,. 36, 37 " 24-Henschel Richard, et ah, requesting street light on Sullivan „. ., Street .........,...,.. ..............„,,.....„,.„„..,.....,.„.-,....,,,.,,..4U, 83, 84 „ City 24-Holscher A L., Audi tor, bond ........,.„.,,,„,..„„„„,„„......,,„,„,„,.,,,.„. 42 " a~ o n Josep , upt. and ashier City Water Dept,, band .....,,,,„,„.,,.,,„,.„.„,,,„,....,.,„,,,........„,,........,,,,.,..„.„.„,,.„„,,.„.,„ ......::...................„,.„. 42 24-Hansen John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,.„„„„„„,,,.,,.,, 46, 47 " 24-Hansen John J., granted Cigarette Permit ..................„,,.,,,,„,,,,,,,,„,,, 46 Feb. 14-Hillard Joseph P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...„,...,.;.„„, 87 88 " 14-Hennepin Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from the West Property Line of Stafford Street to the $ast Property Line of Windsor Avenue„..,„.,..„...,,. 92, 93 94, 106, 107, 108, 104, 110, 172, 173, 174, 202, 431, 432, 4SS, 456 ,,....„,„.,.„,..„„,„.,,„„. ..............„,.„„,„,„.„.,,.,...,,,.,..,..„,„,..,„„,..,„..,.„„„„„„„,464, 471, 472, 474 Mar. 7-Hickson Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue...,.,130, 131, 132, 133 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 482, 490 ..,.,.,,.,„„.,..,„,...,,.,„„„ ...........:...................,...„...,.,.,„„........,„....,„,..,.,,...„.„„„,,,, 495, 496, 497 April 4-Hittenmiller Carl F., Notice of Claim .....................-....,..,...................,. 175, 261 4-Hier Mary P,, requesting suspenston of 1954 taxes on the North 24 feet of the Fast 170 feet of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition ......................................,........................,..,..........,....,.,....,..,..... 175, ZZU " 4-Heitzman Construction Company, sidewalk bond ,,.,,„,..„...,,..,,,. 179 " 4-Hafeman Erwin J, granted Cigarette Permit ..,„...„,.,„„„...„„... 186 " 4-Httsemann, Mrs. Mary, granted Cigarette Permit .,.,„,„,„,,,,„.,.,. 186 " 4-Husemann Mrs. Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,.,,.,,. 186, 187 " 4-Herburger Gerald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.., 186, 187 April 2S-Haas George M., withdrawing name from petition for the improvement of Mills Street .,.,.,„,.,~,,.„ ................„,,,„„,,,,„,„..,„.„,,,, 211 " 2S-Hincker C. Douglas, et al., requesting appropriate auto- matic traffic control srgnals be erected at intersec- tions of Dodge Street, Concord Street and St. Ja- seph Street ...,„,.,,.,„.,..„..„..„,„,,.„,..„„,„„„,..„,.„,,..„,,,.„„„.,,,„,.„.,,„,,..,.„„,,.„„ 213 318 ~ " 2S-Herber Fred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit 213 " 2S-Hanselmann F. W., heating bond .,...„.„,„...,„.„,,,,„,,, . .,....,..,„„,,,,„,.„,.,.,.,, 219 " 25-Hanten Cyril, sidewalk bond .............................„,„. 219 " 2S-Heller Gerald L., issued a restricted plumbers license.,„„„.,., 219 " 2S-Hevey Robert F,, granted Cigarette Permit „,,,,.......„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 221 " 2S-Herber Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ..,,„.,„,....,,,,,„,„, ,„. 221 May 2-Heitz Leo A,, requesting permission to erect a retaining wall on Levi Street .,,,„.,,.,.,...„,,..„......,,„„„,.„ .....:...........,...,„..~.,,.,„,,,.,,,,, 232, 247 2-Haas Henry, requesting permission to erect a retaining wall on Levi Street ,....,......„„.,„„,,..,,.„.,„,,,.,„„„,,.....,.,,„....,,„,.,..,..,,„.,,,. 232, 247 23-Huber Mar Notice of Claim ,,,.,,,,„,,,..,...,,„,„... """240, 241, n~ 305, 323 " 23-Hansen oh re uestin refund on Class ' J J~, q g 'B" Beer Per- mit ....„ ...................„.,.„.„....,...,.,..„..,..,.,.„„„,„,....,„.„..„.,„,„.,„,,.,...,..,..,„,,.,„,„,.,„,.., 243 " 23-Helling Mr, & Mrs,, requesting curb and gutter and some type of surfacing on Avoca Street between Rosedale and Seminary on the South side ...„,.„.,.,....,,,,,„,,..,,,„,.,..„„.„..,,. 243 " 23-Holy Ghost Church, Inc., requesting the vacation of West ' ""'""""""243, 292, 308, ~ 329, 330 23-Heitzm an Construction Co., req • " uesring permission to ex- cavate in streets and alleys ,,.„,.,.,.,.„,,,..,,.,.„.„,,.....,...,,,„„.,,,,,.,,,„,„.. 243 " 23-Hartshorn Wardie, granted Cigarette Permit ...............„,.,,..„..,..., 249 " 23-Hartshorn Wardie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit„.„,„„,.,.„ 249, 250 ~-._a INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJ)•CT Page H June 6-Holscher A. L,, appointed City Clerk Pro Tem.,.,..„.„,„,.,,,,,„„„ 253 " 6-Henschel Alfred, heating bond ,„......„~....„,.,„,„..,.. .,...,.„..,„.,.,,„,...,..,„,.,,„..„,. 273 " 27-Hildebrand Lucille, hots 12 and 13 in Yate Sub., City Man- ager recommending sale of property to her,„„,..,„,,,„.286, 308, 329 " 27-Hardness Reduction Plant, City Manager recommending t e construction un er a sm e contr actor,„„,........,„,„,.,,....,„,. 289, 347 ...„„,.,,,....,....„„„„ ............. . ..g....,.,....„,..,„, .~.„,..~.~.,...~..,....~.,„,°"385, ~.~. ,395, 443 « 27-Howe Delbert J., heating bond ......................... ................ 291 " 27-Heitzman Construction Company, excavation bond .„..,,...,,.,, 291 " 27-Hollywod Grille, granted Cigarette Permit „„,,.„„„,„..„ ..................... .293 " 27-Hunt George R. and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cigar- ette Permit ..,..,,„,„..,.„,.,.,„,..,.,..,„ ..............„.„,„,„.„„,.,,,,„......„.,„..„,„„„,.„...„,.,.. 293 " 27-Hafeman 1•'dwin J., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,.,..,.,„.,,„,„„,.,,.,,,..,, 293 " 27-Hochausen Albert H., granted Cigarette Permit ..,„,.,...,.,...„...„ 294 " 27-Hickey John J., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,.,.,,.,.„„.„,.,.,,„, ..,..„,.,... 294 " 27-Heidersccheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit ..„„„„.„,.,„,... 294 " 27-Hafeman Heten M., grouted Cigarette Permit....,..„....,,.,„.,,,.,..„„... 295 " 27-Huseman Mrs. Rose, granted Cigarette Permit .„ ...............„,.., 295 " 27-Hogan Vincent J., 'granted Cigarette Permit ...„,,.,.,...„,,.„,„...,,,..,„ 295 ph P. and Bernice, g~rauted Cigarette Permit t d A 295 " edle lfr 27-H y ed, granted Cigarette Permit ~..~.~~„„"~~~.,"~..~.,„,~..~~...» 295 ~~ e , P , g a ermit ..„,.,..,.,„,,.„„„,„.„ nl r d t t r 295 27-Haberkor );dwar A., gna arett ed Ca g Permit ...................„. 296 ~ f ~ h 27-Herberger Gerald Francis, granted Cigarette Permit„„„„„„.„,„ 296 i 27-Hird Mrs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit ,....,,...,„.„„„.„o.,.. 296 ` ~ 27-Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit .,„,„.„,.,,,,,. 296 ' ' 27-Hevey Robert Ta,, granted Cigarette Permit .............................~.,,. 296 " 27-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits....„..„.r,~,.... 297 " 27-Herber Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .....„..,,,...„,.,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 " 27-Hartshorn Wardie, granted Cigarette Permit...,.,.,.......,„.,,,.,,„,.,.,. 297 " 27-Huseman Mrs. Rose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,.,,..,..., 298, 299 ~ 27-Hatrerlcorn $dward A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„,., 298, 299 ~I 27-Hagan Vincent, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,.,..,„,...„„,,.„.,. 298, 299 i 27-Hessel Irvin G., granted Class "C' Beer Permit„...~ ..................... 298, 299 July S-Husemann Mrs Mary, requesting refund on her Class "B" Beer Permit No. 8 .................„...„„,,....„„.„......,,„,..„.,..„„.„„„„.,,.„,,.„,„.... 303 " S-Hickenlooper Bi. B,, acknowledging receipt of joint reso- lution concerning the lighting of the Julien Dubuque Bridge .„..,„„,„..,... ..............,„„„,,.,„...,..„..,„„..„,„,..„„„„„....,„,,.,..,,.,.,,..,,„.„,,..,.„ 304 5-Herberger Carl, requesting permission to operate a port- able roller skating rink .„,.,.....„„..,,..„..,„....,,.„.,..„,.„„„,„.....,..„,.,..,.,„,.,.. 310 " 18-Henderson Harry H,, requesting removal of signature from a petition asking for black-top paving on 114ea- dow Lane .„..,.,„ ..................................,„...,„„„„...„,„..,„,„,.,„,.,....,„,,...,„,..„,„,„,„.,,. 313 " 18-Hostetter Wayne, claim denied ...............................„„,.„„,..„,,......,„,„,....,..,.,.,.„ 313 18-Hatter George L., Notice of Claim ................:...............................„,,,,„ 315 " ~ 18-Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit .„,.,....,,.,„~.„,....,.,,„..... 323 ~ ' 18-Hemmer John P, granted Class "B" Beer Permit„,....,„.,„....,„,,. 324 " 18-Hird Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,..,...,„. 324 " 18-Hanover Harry J., State Tax Commisssion approving his eeappointment to the Office of City Assessor....„,..,.,,,...,... 324 Aug. 1-Hickson Thomas L., et al., requesting that Chancy Road be curbed and guttered ,,..„.„ ...................................~..,..,„.„,.....„.„„,„,..,.,....,,. 331 1-Home Heating Company, heating bond ,....,.,,.„..„......„.,..„ ..............„..,,,,. 335 " 10-Hoffman Gerald, et al,, requesting that Chaney Road be curbed and guttered from St. Anne's to Pennsylvania Avenue ..................................„,„..,„,,..„,..„...,.,,..,...,,.,„,.,.,,,.,..,....,...,..„„.„,..„...„.:......, 351 Sept. 6-Holland Furnace Company, heating contractors bond „.,....,.. 361 " 6--Hartzman Morris, requesting permission to connect to the City Water Main .,..,,,,„.,„..,...„.,.,,.„..,....„.....,.,„..,„..,....„...,...„„..,.„...,,„. 364 " 6-Hartshorn Wardie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„,,,.,,,„,„.„ 381 " I I 6-Hartshorn Wardie, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,„„„.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 382 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJIaCT Page I~ 21- Hein Thomas, W. L~. Burris, et a., requesting the con- struction of a sanitary sewer behind their homes ad- joining $nglish Lane ,„.,~„ ......................,......,...,~..„,„,„....,..,,.,.„„.......,„ 389 " 21- Hein Camillus R., et al., requesting the vacation of an' alley between I,awther and Strauss Streets, running parallel with Brunswick and Balke Streets .....,.,...,..,.,.....,., ...................... 389, 443 " 21- Henkel Robert W, requesting stop signa at the corner of a , 389, 424 2 n R PP e ~~ ~~~ 1 o l e 390, 429 Oct. 3- N J I,icense o Cigarette Hafe an requesting r efund a No, 48 ~ 421 3- License Heveyl Robert );., requesting a refund on Cigarette No. 244 ..,.,....,.. ................ „~"..-~....~..,~"..~.~.~...~..~. .~. ~". .~.. .~.. 421 3- C~ga rette License Herber Fred, requesting a refund on No. 28S ,,...,..,..,„..,.,.,.,..,.,,.,......,,....,.,..,„,.,.,..,.... .............„„,.,..,..,.,.,.,..,,.,.......,.„..,. 421 " 3- Hickey John J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,...,,„,„ .............. 422 " 3- Houser James A., asking the Cotmcil to consider the 4th Street area for a parking lot ................„...,.,..,.,,„...„........,..,.....,.,,..... 425 " 17- Hogan M. P., Power of Attorney ..............„,„.,„..,,,.,....,.,....,..,„...„,„...,.„ 428 " 17- -Holland Mr, cC Mrs. Clyde, objecting to the installation of a sewer on Tressa Street . ................................,.,....„,....„..,.,.„..,.,.,..,.. 430 17- Hardie Mrs, Frank Sr. ohjectii to the installation of a .,,. .................... ' s s • o d s 430 Nov. 7- y , p g property granted,.,.,. Heal on fo rezonin of his Len eh 444 " 7- Hoskins Raymond B., objecting to assessment against his property for the improvement of J;agle Street .............„.., 445 " 7- Haupert Clarence P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,..,.,,.,... 450 " 7- Hedley Alfred $., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,,.,„,„„,,...,.,. 450, 451 Nov. 9- Heying Lorenz & 1flaine, relative to donating land on )adina Street for street purposes to aid Joseph Tauke's property ...............„...,.,,.,..,..,.,,..,,..,,..,.,......,...,...,..,,.,,.,„„,~......,.,.,.,..,....„...,,,.,..,.,.,,.... 453 Dec. 5 -Hartley W. S., requesting the installation of a street light on $uclid Street „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,..,...........,,.......,..,,.,„„.....,„,.,.,.,...„,.,..,. 506 " S -Haberlcorn )~dward A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,„.. 518, 519 " 19 -Hager Harry K., Lot 158, I,ot 1-159, Lot 160 Hams Ad- dition, correction of assessment for the improvement of Garfield Avenue with concrete curb and gutter...,„....,, 536 19 -Hennig, Harold N. & Marion, Lot 160 Hams Addition, correction of assessment for the improvement of Gar- field Avenue with concrete curb and gutter..,.,,..„„„..~..,~...,, 536 " 19 -Heuser Mr. James, addressed the Council regarding park- ing lot site in the lower part of Main Street,.....,.„..,...„,„,. 541, 542 . INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT ' Page I Jan. 3-Interstate Power Co., request for enclosed overhead bridge between Main and Iowa Streets, and permission to place a 7,000 gallon oil tank on 10th Street ,~ granted ,„.„..,„,..„.,„.„„„.„.„..,„„,„...„..„ .............. ..25, 4S, 46, 88, 89 3-Indian Ridge, curb and gutter from the South Property Line of Grandview Avenue to the end of Indian „ Ridge ...,„,.„.„...„....„ ..„, .33, 34, 35, 49; SOy 5S, 56, 67, 68, 71 24-Imhof ase h ..~.,~.~..,. „. "" J P J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..„"",.,.,,",,,„„ 46, 47 Feb, 14-Indiana Avenue, water main extension bonds ..,.....„.......76, 110, 111, 112 " 14-Ida Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from Pro ert P Y Lme o Sough Pr~inetof Gracef Delhi Street to the North .110, 172, 173, 174, 202;5431,t432;~455,3456,~ 465,E 4717, 472, 4~ Agri] 4-Imhof Joseph J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit...,„... Permit..„,. 199 May 2--IowafRoadpBu ld'nguCompany,uadss gnmentst BCarlton D. 177 Beh Co .............."..............,...„,„..,....,,..„.„...„,„,,., ,........„.„.„...„...„."„..,....,„... 231 une ,,... ...,. 6-Ideal bane, improvement with curb and gutter from the rt Cor oration Limns to th Earl Drwe .„.."„",,,,, , ,. Y „ , P . „.„ ......................,,..e East Property Line of .......„,..,„.„„,.„.„...,..„,„...,..„..„„,..,,.„...„..,.....„263, 264, 265, 278, 279, 280, 281 " 27-International City Managers' AssocOiario n, ex~e ding 5 an 524, 525 invitation to City of Dubuque to be represented by the Cit Mana er at the 41st,Annual Conference of " 27-Interstate Pow rgeCompany, ~~~commumcatio ~~~~~ ~ ~~~„~~~~~~~~•~"'°""""'" 287, 288 discontinuance of bridge hghtmg as of June 30,E 1955he 27-Iowa State Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette 289 ermit July 5-Interliahti Po layoutofor~ he snem~ buildin ,,,,,,.~' ,.... „ „~~ ~~ ~ 293 g of 10 B proposed street Nov, 7-Inland th and Iowa Streets ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"g °n ,the corner Aug. 10-Iron Removal and Hardness Reduction Plant......347, 348; 385, 395, 443 Molasses Co., su;gesting that First Street easterly from Water yy' ,Street; 7 treet to Terminal Terminal stricted to assert ~ cars onl et, be re- treet from ones north gl CouncFi~lrapprov ~~~"'~"""""""""" 445, 500 7-Interstate Powe P Co, B ueshn special token sales ................. al to hold Dec. 5-Iowa Study Committee on Water Rights and Drainage 451 „ Laws, advising of date of meeting .„.„„,..,„...,,,.„ ....................."... 19-Iowa State Highway Commission, planning relocation and 516 construction of highway U, S. 161, 51, S2 and 67„..,,,,,,,, 538 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJECT Page J Jan. 24-Jenni Geraldine L,, Secretary to City Manager, bony, ..,",.,.,,,,,,,, Feb. 14-Jun blut F d C 42 g re ., Notice of Claim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14-Jones Street, ingrrovemeut with hot mix, hot laid asphaltic 77, 154 concrete from the West Property Line of Main Street to the East Property Line of Locust Stre t c ..,,„.... .•~•~~•....,,.„...„,..91, 103, 104, IOS, 106, 171, 172, 202, 367, 397, Mar. 7-Jacobson Realty, Inc., requesting permission to pave par- 89, 90 399, 411 f Harrison Street and use this space for parking s „ ace " 7-Jacobson David S. and~Evelyn, refunde """""""""'""'"""" d l 111, iSb correction on lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-B-1-1-1 of MineralI,ot24 7-Judges and Clerks appointed t 128 , o serve at Special Dock Bond election ....„,„.„..„„.„...„..„...„..,........„...... , „ ,. „ Mar, 23-Jordan Rohert ~"""""°"""""""'""""""' „°"" J., et al., requesting that a sewer be in- 144, 145 April 7-Judges and Clerksr~who served at the ~Doclc.Bond Proposi- 149, 288 tion S ec~al Election held A n1 6 1955 he all awed for e P on ~ c nd J g , g „ June 6- ohns „ Ro er C rant d Class B Beer Per ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ "" « init.....,"..,..„.„,„„ 27-Johannmgmeier Justin I 206 269, 270 ,., granted Cigarette Permit ...",...„.„,... 2 J o e e 296 Aug. 1- ohanningm eier Justin I,t gran~d Classe'B" Beer Permit.,. Sept. 6-Jordan W. J., heating bond 336 .,„...„,„..,..„,...,......„,„....,..„,..„,,....,....„.,„„..„„,...,. 6-Johnson Walter R,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit„.....,...,,.„..,., 6-Johnson Walte R 369 381 r ., granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,..,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-Johnson Roger C., requesting a refund on Cigarette License 382 No, 291 .... „,„...„,.....„.„..........„„„ ...................„...........„,....,........„„.............._,„.,„... acobson ose h, re ues - J P q tmg permission to widen the dis- 382 tances between cu rbs on .East 18th Street and East 19th Street „ ......." ..............................,,,..,...,.,„.....,....,...„..„,...„...„„„„..„„ Oct. 17- Jacobs Lewis L, oblectmg to the installation of a sewer on Tressa Street 393, 423 ,........„ ................„,........., ~~ ...., .." ........."..„~„..,..., 17-Judges and Clerks, appointed to serve at the Municipal General Ele ti 430 c on, November 8, 19SS...„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 435, 453 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJKCT Page Jan. 3-Kintzinger Charles A., Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensuing year ...:.:..........:...:..:....:... 3-Kane Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- 1 facing from the j}Test Property Line of Primrose Street to the West Property Line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 344 ,.:,. ...::........:....•.:.,.„.......•..,-7, 8 9 10 11 3-Korman Wiliiam Notice of Claim ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , 3-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, objecting to the I{ey C ty 153, 154 Gas, Company's prorosed laying of a gas main on the „ northerly side of West Second Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 43 3--Korth Russell R:, requast for street light on Saunders Street denied ....:.:....:..:.„..:.:.........::,,:,..,...::.,.,....._....:..............,..,,,.,..,:.:..,:„..., 3-Karen Street, curb and gutter from the West Property 24 Line of Carter Roard to a point 140 feet West of the West Property hire of Kevindale Street:...:33, 34, 35, 49, 50 3-Kevindale Street, curb and gutter from the•North Property Line of Karen Street to the South Property Line of „ I,indale Street .:,.~........,, :....:.:..:.........:,:..",:..,33, 34, 3S, 49, S7, 67, 68, 71 24-Kruser Mrs. Ldward, Notice of Claim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24-I{aesbauer amen ~••~~~••~~~~••~••~..39, 244, 245 « J J., Superintendent of Parks, bond,,,,;;,,,,,,,,,,. 42 24-Kane Allen C. accountant, bond ,..,, ... ,,., PA JicholaN ticeroftClavnass `C":Beer..,Permit ...:::..:.::..,,,... 47 Feb. 14-Ku ferschmidt Emma, Notice of Claim ,. 14-Kramer Irvin N., Nnhce of Claim ....,,,,.. ,. ......:.:.:.:...:...„,..:,:.,.:..,• 77, 153 14-Kaufmann Avenue, dedication of Lot Two (2) of 77 125, 126 (1) of Lot One (1) of Lot Two 2 of L°t One (2) of Lot One (1) of Lat Two (2)(of Lot Oone (1) of Highland Farm iu the City of Dubuque, Iowa for street purposes :........:....:..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mar, 23-Kelly Helen 1•, Notice of Claim ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~~•~••~~••"~~•~•"•"""•'•"""""''.86, 87, 117 " 23=K; Mss uctionotbondCompany, cancellation••of„ sidewalk •con-~ 147, 260 " 23 Kipper Clarence J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..:....:.:.:..... 156, 157 Apri] 4-Kulander G. L, et al., protesting curb and gutter and re- surfacing of Ashton Place .,.,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ , ,,,,,, ,~ -Krueger Charles W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.:..:... 186, 187 7-Kaufman Avenue, Sanitary Sewer and lift station with force main which consists of 8", 10", and 12" sanitary towservedl tsliabuttinign KaufmanasAvenueff ommthe West sidepoft Carter Roadrfrom LottS toOLot 1 IOe 11 of Highland Park Add, and from Lot 2 of John J. Rohners Place to Lot 1-2-2-2-1-2-1 of Highland Farm; Lindale Street; Kevindale Street; Karen Karen~Street dtoaSouthrProperty Li Pro{eI~md Ie;eAsf bury Road from ~~Test Property hire of Carter Road to the West Corporation Limits of the City of Du- buque .:...204, 205, 205, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 239, 240, 241, 50b 5-Kollar Alex, heating baud ,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,, May 2-K-M Construction Company, sidewalk bond ,:.::~...:.:.,.,„:~"~•~~~~•~••~~~~~•~ 219 2-Kies Don, granted Cigarette Permit ..:.:..:........„:.,:.,,,,.:,..,.:..,..:,.:.,.:..., 234 " 2 Kies Don, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....„;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,, 235 23-Kaufman Geor e C., a ointed to the brar Board for term exPirging Jul ppl, 1959 :.,.,„.:.,..„"I.,~.,.y..:."y„:.:„.,,,„,.,,,,,„.,., 235, 236 23-Kulander G. 1,~, and P)rwin M. Grab, requesting that ffie al- 242 p fortat lea t71S0afeet17S0 •Avoca Street be u y ,,,.,.„..,.,,,.„,.:,..."opened 23-I{enned William K., sidewalk bond ~ 243 ,~ 23-Kritr, Charles $. ranted i ...:.:...,:. „,„„..,„,.,,,,.„..„..:„,,:., 246 , g C garotte Permit ,,,,,• 249 .,.. INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUB J)•CT Page 23-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,,„:..,,. 249, 250 June 6-Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the West Property Line of Carter Road to the fast Property Line of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 2 of Z of 1 of 2 of 1 of Highland Farm,,..263, 264, 265, 278, 279 ,:.,,,...,,,•,:....•.:,,"~~~„~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'280, 7.81, 330, 478, 479 ,520, 521, 524, 525 6--Kisting " Andrew, Marie, et al., objecting to the rezoning ofLot2of2of1of16;Lot1of2of1of1of16; and the easterl}q 7S feet of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16 all in Mount Pleasant Addition ............:.:...:..::....................,,.,,,,„,,,..,, 282 " 27-Kuehn Archie, requesting restricted plumbers license.....,.".:,,.„ 287 " 27-Kisting Andrew J., requesting consideration on the appoint- ment to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Councilman Austin .:...:...:.:....:..:.....:.:::..:.:.....„„,,.:.,..:..,.:,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,::.:.., 287 " 27-Knoernschild Louis (Idea] Plbg. & Htg.), heating bond,„„,:..,. 290 27-Kenneaily Howard J., heating bond ......................~...,,.,,,..:.:..,....,,„.,, 290 27-Karigan Andrew D. and Gust, granted Cigarette Pertnit..... 293 " 27-Kelly Mrs. Ntargaret, granted Cigarette Permit ...::......:.:.....„.„., 293 " 27-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit .,,...,,..,,„.....,:,.,, 293 W,, granted igarette Permit „.„..,,,„,,,;,,, ,,,,, ,,,,;, 1 243 g 7 Kell Francis , y , J 294 ~ ~ ~ " ranted Ci arette Permit . .......:.:.....::...:......::....:."..,.,,., g g 2 - o ~ ~ . 294 7 Kr ess Hnbett , granted Cigarette Permit .."..," ..:.:.....:. ....:. ...,".., " 27-~Kissell Grocery granted Cigarette Permit „:..,...:.,..,",.,..,,...:....,,.,, 295 " 27-Kachevas James P, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.. ,,,:..:„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. .,..: 295 " 27-I{amentz Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ...:.,.....,.,.,,,„„„„.,,„•,,,,,~,,,,, 295 " 27-Karigan Frank A., granted Cigarette Permit ..,..:.:,:..:. ........:......... " 295 27-Kanavas Theodore G, granted Cigaretet Permit ..:.:..:........,..:.:.:, 295 " 27-Kramer Joseph A, and Louis P, O'Connor, granted Cgar- ette Permit ..,:,,,:„..:..:,,:,:,,.:., .....::...:::...:.:..........::....:....„,.,,•„,,,...,,,..:.,,,..,,,,.:.:.:, 296 " 27-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co,, granted Cigarette Permit ....,,,,..., 296 " 27-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ...:..............."„,„,,.„,,, " 296 27-Kritz Charles 1a., granted Cigarette Permit .......,„,,,,,,,,,....„,.,,,,. 296 " 27-Kruse George C,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,..,..,,, ....::.:...:.....:.....„, 296 27--Kipper Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit ...,•,,,„ .......:.:.....„. 296 arr , rante t arette ermrt :...,, .: , .:., .,,, • ,„,,,.,,.,, 297 " 27-Krueger Char es W., granted Cigarette Permit ...,,.:.,.,,...„,.,,.:,,„ m 297 ~~ g ~ g ,~ „ 27-Ka Frank A. ranted Class B Beer an Permit.....:..,....:... " 298 299 ' 27-Klauer- uhen Hotel om " J C pang, granted Class Br' Beer Permit ,„,..,..,...,„ .....:........,....:..:...:...„.,,,,,....„.„..,...,...,,,..,....,,....:.:..:.:..:....:..:..:. 298, 299 " 27-I{achevas James P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..:.....„..:„,„ " 298, 299 27-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,..,,„„ 298, 299 July 5-Kies Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ......,, .......................i,....:....., 306 18-Kolfenbach Ben J., sidewalk bond ,..:..., ...:.:......::.„,.,,...:•:...:.,,.,...:,„..:.,..., " 318 18-I{emp harry B, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .....:.......„,..... 324 Aug, 10-Kirkwood Giles G., communication concerning an error on his assessment for sewer, curb and gutter on Kane Street ..,„,..,,.,,,:.,.:,,,,:.....,..,,.:,....:.,,„,....:,..,..,,.:,...,.,,,,., ..............„:,.,„...,.:,,:,. 350 Sept. 6-Kriehs Rt. Rev. J. Fred, acknowledging- receipt of message of congratulations of Mayor and Council ......:.....:.:..::..:.:..:.. 364 " 6-Kohn Grange J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,... :.:.:....:..:.„,,., 381 6-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .,.„,,:.,..:...:„ 381 " 6-Kane James M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,,,,,:„.,,.,,,:. 381 " 6-Kohn Grange J,, granted Cigarette Permit „,.,...,., ........:..:............. 382 O'Connor, granted Class 2 s J "B" Beer Permit ...:.:. ,,..,...:,:.:.:.,.:.,,,,.,.,;„„ a h 390 bo Oct. 3-Kre man Mela n L. he t ng .....:,:,....::..,,.., d ........:.:....:.:.::..,„.,..„.,... 417 " 3-Kerper Angelo J,, requesting the vacation of St. Anne bdivision ,,, " t 418, 429 3-Klinkhammer Herbert, objecting to the installation of a s s n .,......"'.,...111",.,.,.,,.'.,",..^.,.. ewer on T re a Street 420 " 17-Kass John objecting to the installation of a sewer on • , " Tressa Street ,,,: 430 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT I{ " 17-Koeff Mr, & Mrs. Peter, objecting to the vacation of the alley between Clinton Street and 27th Street ........................ " 17-Kritz Charles ~., requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit N o. 222 .... .............................,.,.,.,......,...,..,.,.,.,,...,,,,......,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,...,..,.,.,.,.,..,,...,,.... Dec, 12-Kuhle Mr. Harvey, objecting to his assessment for the improvement of Elm Street with bikuminous concrete surfacing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Page 431 431 533 19SS Jan, Feb,. ~~ „ „ Mar, ,~ ~, ~, ~~ April ~~ ~~ ~~ May t~ June INDEX - BOQK 85 SUBJECT Page L 3-Levi Street, curb and gutter from the East Property Line o$ English bane to the West Property Linc of Lor- imer Street .......................................„,,,,;33, 34, 35, 49, S7, 58, 67, 24-Link Edward A claim 69, 71 ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,, 14-I,~enox Avenue, Water Main )yxtension Bonds:..,,.,,,,,76, 110 111 112 , 14-Library Board of Trustees and Librarian annual report far , , fiscal year ending 1954 .,„ ......................:.. , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.....,,,,,,,,,.. 85 o,,,... 14-Lave erome r J J , g anted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................„, 87 88 14-Lolwing Arano H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....:............ , 87 88 14-Leibe Street, improvement with hot mix hot laid asphaltic concrete from the East Property Line of Jackson Street to the end of Leibe Street.,.,..,...;.,89, 90, 91, 103, 104, 105 ....~~.,.•,,,,,~.~,,....,.~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106, 171, 172, 202, 367, 397, 14-Lindberg Terrace, improvement with bituminous concrete 404, 411 from the Bast Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace „,.,.....,92, 93, 94, 106, 107, 108, 109 110 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1.,,72, 173, 174, 202, 431, 432, 455, 456, 465, 471, 7-Longman Harold et al re ue ti , 472 474 , . ., q s ng a street light on Booth Street between Forest Lane and West Fifth Street ........................................................,.,.,...,,....,,.,,,,.,..,,....,...,,,,..,., .....,.... 7-Leibe Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the 116, 1SS Bast Property Line of Jackson Street to the end of Leibe Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164 7-Lindale Stree ~~~~•~~.'208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 482, 491, 495, t, improvement with curb and gutter from 496, 497 the West Property Line of Woodlawn to the end of Lindale Street ..,,„....,,.,...,130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164 •••~•~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„208, 209, 445 446, 447, 481, 482, 492, 495, 7-Lindberg Terrace, improvement with curb and gutter from 496, 497 the East Property Line of Eagie Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace .,,...,.,..130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164 ~~~•~~•~„•-~•~•~~~~~•~~•~•~•~~•~••~•.,•..,.,....,,..,208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 492, 7-Lorimer Street, improvement with curb and gutter from 495, 497 the South Property Line of Levi Street to the South end of Lorimer Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 161 162 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,163, 164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 493, 495, 23-Lange Ins Agenc re e ti l , 496, 497 , y, qu s ng cance lation of sidewalk construction bond of K-M Construction Compan 148 y....,,...., 4-Lippert Jahn P,, et al., requesting curb and gutter on Kauf- man Avenue Extension providing sewer and gas lines 4-LuGrain Car1~~M r q t n a ., e ues mg refund on Cigarette Perrr~it,.,., 4-Love Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,„... 176 186 187 ,,. 7-LuGrain Carl M, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer , Permit ..........................................................,,,,..,...,,.,.,.,,,,,.,,.,,,. ,..,,,, 25-Link John B., withdrawing name from petition for im- 199 provement of Mi11s Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2S-Lebben Fred W., heating bond ~•~~„~„~~~~~~•~„~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~• 211 „,,.,...,..........,,.,,.,,....,..,.. ..........................., 2-Lippert John P., et al., property owners on Kaufmann Avenue Extension objecting to proposed assessment o 219 n property for a sewer pressure system .....................„,,,,,,,,, 227 ,,,,,,,,,, 2-Lott Herman and Marcella, City Manager recommending that City Council authorize the condemnation of property as that necessary for the construction of a Sewage Treatment Plant, Lift Station, access right of way and sewer easements; al] on property awned n ~ ~ I ga nt 2-Latham. Er emt "Ct Beer ~ Permit , 234,,,, 235, 235 236 ed Class 23-Linehan & Molo, requesting extension of time for com- pletion of their contract at the swimming pool 242 ..,..,.,,,, 23-Liuk Leo F., granted Class "B„ Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,...,,,.,,0 249, 250 23-Lang Eugene, submitting report on gas rate schedules,,.,.,.,,.. 250 270 , , 6--Lukens Joe, sidewalk bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~.. ...,,,, 273 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJI1aCT Page L ~~ 6-Loudon Jimmie W., heating bond .................»»,,...,,,,,.,,.,,,,..,,,....,,.,,,..» 273 << eer 27-Lolwing Arano, requesting refund on ass B ~ ' ,»„,,,, ,..., Permit Ao. 1S6 .......................».,............................,..,.,,..,,,» 287 27-Lynch Garland et al,, re uestinR that alle between Buul ~~ 9 b Y cer Hill Road and Finley Street be opened.....,» .......................... 287, 363 " 27-Lioris Club, requesting a license to hold food raising exhibit ....................................».,.,,...,....,,,....,.,.»...».....,,.,,...».,,,..,,.,,...,..,,,.,,... 288 « 27-Lewisl Harry $., heating bond ........................................................».,,».,,...» 290 .,,..,.,».,». " 27-Linehan & Moto, Inc., heating bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„..........,»,...,,,. 2 1 " 27-Love Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ...,».,,...,........,.,.,.»».,»..... 293 " 27-Latham )~rnest, granted Cigarette Permit ......................................,... 293 " 27-~Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ..,..»,......,»,...,...»,».» 293 " 27-Leonard Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit ..,»,.,»,...,,..,,»,,....,...» 294 27-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................... 29'4 ...,»,.,,».,». " 27-Lilly Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit .»,,,....,,,»,»...... 29 ranted Cigarette Permit ...,,,.,»,. " 27-Lanser George and Helen, g 294 r " 27-Lynn Melvin C., granted Ci, arctte Permit .».,,,»».»,»»»,,,,.,,,.,,.,. 295 ~~ 27-Love Jerome J., granted Cigarette Permit .,....,.,,.».,.»,,......,,»,»»». 295 27-Love Harold J., granted Cigarette Permit .,,.»».,....,.»..»,.,.,.,.,,,. 295 " 27-Luchsinger Roy aad Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit .,.» 295 ».....,.»,,,.,..... " 27-Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit ...»»»,»,»,,,.,. 2 " 27-Loucks Joseph W., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,...,»,.»,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 296 " 27-I,anganis Anastacios 1., granted Cigarette Permit .....»,,,»» 297 27-Lawry Drugs, granted Cigarette Permit »..,;..,.»»»,.,».... 297 " 27-Leonard Paul A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit....»......,..,».,, 298, 299 July 18-Linehan & Moto, petitioning the City Council to revue the present fee of $2.00 for water softners......»,..,,»,.,..,,».,.,»,» 319, 333 " 18-Lanser George and Helen, granted Class "B" B~~eer Permit». 324 Aug. 1-Lyons ladward J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,..,,,.»,»...,..,,.. 336 ..,,»..,, " 1-Lyons Ldward J., granted Cigarette Permit ,»»»»,......»»», 33 " 10-Link Dr. John A., et al, requesting that a; street light be installed oh the corner of Wilbricht Lane and Mon- »,» ................»»»»,.»......,.,.».,..,,»,,,,...,.,,,»»»„»»,...»,...,,,»»,,.»,.. tana Street 3a0 36 " , Sept. 21-Lorenzi Louis h~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,».,»....».,...,.,. 390 ..»,.. " 21-Lorenzi Louis $., granted Cigarette Permit .,,...»»,.,.,.,.,... .»»» 391 Oct. 3-Ludwig Henry J, denied a restricted plumbers license.,,».»,» 416 " 3-La Crosse Dredging Co., awarded contract for dredging of Area ,~B,~ on City Island ».,.»,.,».,..,........,,.,,,»,».,..,,..,,.».,...,..,... 419 " 3-Lang Marie M., requesting Council to view alley behind Lots 7, 8 and 9 Herbst Sub. regarding opening of the alley ...., ~ ~~~~~ ~ 419, 438 ~~ ion to the installat 3-Lubbers Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence, objecting ' of a sewer on Tressa Street .......,...».,,..,,».,,,.,...»»,»....,,.,», ..». 420 " 3-Lynch Garland, protesting the proceedings to vacate the al- ley behind Lot 187 in Finley's Addition, also request- ' fished and hard surfacing of the establ m a rade ...........» ...................»,..»»....»,,,,,».»,»..,.,,.».. . Y I 420 g g g p ermission to have a fireworks e re uestin oll C 3-Loras ' y p dis la ........................... .................................................._......,.......,....... .. ... 422 " 3-Love Harold J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ».»».»,»»,.».~ 422 " 17-Linssen Miss Bettp, requesting relief of payment for, ped- lers license ,......,...,... ...............................................:.,...,......,.....,,......,..... 427 ....~,...,»,..,.».,..»,,.»»»» " 17-Loucks Joseph W., heating bond ...,,».»,».,,....,. 4 Nov. 14-Luber John, cancellation of excavation bond ....,,.»,.,.,,,»,»»,,.,.»» 477 Dec, S-Liquor Sales Fund, transfer of $1,000,00 to the Recreation- Municipal Golf Course Fund »,»..,,....»,.,»„»»»»,»,,..».M.,».»,,..»» 5D2 " S-Lucas $lmer, et al., requesting the installation of a street light on Austin Place ,.,...,,..,...,,....,...,,,,,,.,,»,,,.»,,.»»„»»»,»..;.,»....»» 507, 537 " S-Lepsch Mrs. John (Talsie), Notice of Claim ,.,,,»»,.,.,...,»»..»..»»,,. S07 19-Langis George, et al., requesting the City Council to re- consider aitd not establish a parking lot on property owned by Anthony Rhomberg on the corner of $ighth and Iowa Streets .,..»...»...»,,..».,,,»,..,»..,»».,».,,,».,»,;....,..,....,»,»,»,»„»» S41 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJI•CT Page Mc Jan. 3-McClain Street sanitary sewer, the cost certified by Thos. $. Byrne ..,»..,,»»»,.,.,.,,».,,.:,»»,.».,..,,».,,.,.,»»,.,»,..»»..,..,»»,,,,...,.,.»..»».. 16 3-McCarten H. B., excavation policy .,,.,,.,»».,»,»»».»,,,..».,.., .,......,.,».,»,..» 28 3-McPoland Street, curb and gutter from the N.RL, of Lenox Avenue to the S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue 33, 34 ...,,»»».,....,...»».......,.»..,......,,..»»»».».,,.,....».» .....................35, 49, 59, 67, 69, 71 Feb. 14-McPoland Avenue, Water Main Lxtension Bonds.,,...76, 110, 111, 112 14-McDermott Howard 1a•., Notice of Claim ,,,,,..,,.,,.,,„„.,,»,,.....»»». 77, 125 Mar. 7-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.»»,,. 140 " 7-McArdle Mrs. Glen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....»..».» 140 23-McDermott Melvin J., submitting an offer of $7.00 per oot or pur ase of southerly 12 feet of Lot 5 of Hoskins Subdivision »,.»»,.»,.».,,,...,,,».»»»»...,,....,.,...,,»„»,,,.,,.» 148 A ril p ' 74, t f l 175, 245 McArdle Mrse Glen, granted a tte Permit ~,..,,.....,,,~...1 Cig ,,....... 186 " 7-McNamara $arl J,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...,».,,„»... 201 May 23-McCarten George, appointed to Board of Plumbing $xam- iners for a term of three years ...............,,........,.....,....,.....,....,.,.... 248 " 23-McNamer Noah, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,.. 249, 250 June 6-McMahon Harald, et al,, requesting the installation of a street light on Rosedale Avenue ......,,.,..,,»..,.,...,,,.,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 273, 284 27-McCauley Francis P., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»„ 293 27-McNamara Larl J., granted Cigarette Permit ...............»..,.,».»,,. 293 " 27-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .».,.,,..,».,.»,... 294 " 27-McNamer Noah, granted Cigarette Permit »,,.,,„»»»»»».,, ,»..,,. 294 " 27-McDonough Thomas F, and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit 294 " 27-McArdle Mrs, Glen, granted Cigarette Permit .,..,»..»».»,»,.,»».» 295 " 27-McArdle Mrs. Glen, granted Class "'B" Beer Permit»,,,,,.,» 298 299 ~ July S-McCarten Plumbing and Heating, heating bond ».,,,..,.»,,.,,,,,„,,..,., 306 Aug, 17-McDonough Thomas F,, granted Class "B" Beer Perutit.»,» 357 Sept. 6--McDowell C. L., heating bond ,».,..,,...»»..»,..»,»».,...,.,..».,.,.,.».»,.»,».,.,. 369 " 6-McClean Vincent A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit»,,,.», 381 " 6-McAleece Gerald W., reappointed to the Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July S, 1958.,,,, 384 " 21-McNamara Lary J, and Al. A. Giegerich, requesting water service for three lots created by the extension of r dvt ew 389 L ~ Oct. 17-McN l ob ect ng to the installation of a sanit sewer on Tressa Street ..,.,...,.»,.»,»»..»»».,»..,,,..»„»,,,,».,»..»..arY 430 Nov. 14-McDonald A. Y., reappointed to Dock Board, term ex- piring November 26, 1958 .,..».».,,»...».,..,..,,,.,,,»,».,.,..».»...,...»..,,.»»» 480 Dec. S-McAndrews Herbert, granted Class "B~" Beer Permit.,,,.,.,» 518, 519 9- cArdle Mrs. len, requesting a refund on Cigar ette ,,11111 License No. 127 .»» ................... , ~ ' ~ S36 C 19-McArdle Mrs. Glen, re uestin a refund on q g lass `B" Beer Permit No. 73 ......» ..................»»»»»,.,.»».,.»,,.,.,.,., .,».»».,,„»». S36 INDEX.. -BOOK 85 .1955 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 3---Matz Irinda, Votice of Claim ........ .......",,,,,., uestin a ref and on Class `B' Beer PermrtJNon ~re g " , • g """"'"""'°°° 3-Meisenburg John re nestin q , a refund on Ci arette Permit 18 ~ No. 169 ............................................ ... . 3-Murphy Ray V., requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit 18 " No. 230 .............................»......... „.... , 3-Mineral Street, curb and gutter from the W,P.L of Gil- 19 , Liam Street to a point 37S feet West.,,...„.,,33, 34, 35, 49, 54 " " 3-Mihalalcis Mrs. Rub ~~"°'"""°°""°""""""""'. ,•60 67 y, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„»~ 3-Magnall Ri h d K 69 71 36, 37 " " c ar ,, release of sidewalk bond .,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,, 24-Moore Engineering Company, Inc. heating bond 39, 40 , ..._, 24-Michel Merlin P., granted Class `B" Beer Permit,.„., 24-Mayor Kintzin er d 45 46, 47 g , requeste to call a special meeting of the City Council on February 14 1955 Peb. ~ , .............„,,,,,,,,,,"„,. 14-Mertes Henry, Settlement of Claim 49 ' " ..,„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,, ",,, 14-Mihalovich Anthony C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit",,. 14-Mihalakis Kathleen rant d Cl "B" Bl 87 88 " , g e ass Beer Permit,....„.,,.,,,,,,, 14-Marshall Street, improvement with bituminous concrete 87, 88 from the West Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue to the East Property Line of Lincoln Avenue,.,.......... , 92 93 94, 106, 107, 108, 110, 172, 173, 174, 202, 431, 432, , 455, 456 Mar. „,.... „.»..,..,.»„ .:..............„,,..,.,..,»,,....„.,"...„,„... 466, 471, 7-Murphy Orville P., requesting a refund on Ci 472, 474 garette Per" mit No, 30 .... . . ................».,.......................... ,.,..„,.,.,.».„.».,» 7-Marmora Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from 115 the S.P,L, of Pennsyh~ania Avenue to the N,P,L, of liairfax Avenue....."......130, 131, 132, 133 160 161 162 163 ~~ " , , , ......... .........164, 208, 209, 445, 446, 447, 481, 482', 494, 495, 7-Maloney Daniel C,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit , 446 497 ~ „..,.,..,.,.,,„ 23-Mary Agard Tent No. 3S, Daughters of Union Veterans 140 ' of the Civil War, asking. permission to hold tag day 23-Mastin Geo K et al r i lqg , e , ., ., equest ng that a water main be con- structed in Missouri Street ; " " ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 23-Metcalf Albert, granted Cigarette Permit » 23-Metcalf Albert rant d Cl " " 149 156 " , g e ass B Beer Permit ,.,,. ,,,y 23-Miller Mrs. Lone, granted Class B' Beer Permit..,,.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 156, 1S7 156 157 April 4-MacDonald Mrs. Earl E., requesting refund on Cigarette , Permit No. 267 .» ..... „ ..................„, .,...,.,,,._...„,.,,..„ ............. .... . .,.. ,.. -Miller Mrs. Jilorence M., requesting a refund on Cigarette 176 Permit No. 9S .. " ,»»..,.....»„,...,„...,...,»,. ,.,. 4-Miller Mrs. Florence M., requesting a refund on Class "B" 176 Beer Permit No. 83 " " " »..,.....,. ...........................................».. 4-Mt, St, Bernard Seminary, granted Cigarette Permit ...,,,.,,", 4-Maas Mrs. Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 176 186 " .................•.... 186, 187 7-Meyer Elmer E., granted Class B' Beer Permit ..............„,.,,.,.,„ 201 25-Mulgrew Blacktop Inc., Assignment to Dubu B que ank and Trust Company ,.» ........................ " " 25-Mme ».. ., , ,. 25-Mai Joseph V and Mar u•et ~ "~• "•~~~~~~~"~~•~ r t a d „• 211 219 W % . of assessme nt on , correcttonw nds Sub of I,o S8 of Tc hi~g & Sch Ma Y . , 2-Miller Glen '""""""'" ,granted Cigarette Permit 221 " ........................... 235 2-Meyer Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......„...„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 235, 236 2-Miller Glen, granted Class "B~' Bee P i " r erm t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,„,,,,,, 2 23-Meyer A, A., communication regarding damages to the 35, 236 Brede property .. . , 23-Mettel C. E., Power of Attorne ......................................».,.."...,.,,.,,.,.. . ,».. 241 23-Mihm A. J., Powe. of Attorne , »~.„.......~.~~.,.,..."....,.'.,.'~..,„,.,„,.,. 241 23-Marion Street, City Manager recommending the installa- 241 tion of a street light .,",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, .,,„,„.„,.»„,..,„,».,.,,,»„„„„»»»»» 241 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUB J;~CT Page j M " 23-Markey Mrs. William, a letter of condolence forwarded to her on the death of her husband 3_ June ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„„,,,,,„ 6-Maar Mel and Horace Selle, requesting permission to shoot night fireworks , 250 " ,,,,,„„..,...,,,... „ ,,,,,,», 6-Montana Street, improvement with curb~and gutter from the South Property Line of Wilbri ht b 262 " g ane to the North Property Line of Merfeld bane,„.263, 264, 265, 278, 279 6-Manahi I o P " ,e . 269, 270 27-Mettel Realty &gInvesttnen ssCo ~ re tin r . ques g the City to establish grading on Earl Drive, Ruan Drive and , Ideal bane, and that curb and gutter be installed,.„.,,,. 27-Meyer D. L, objecting to the im rov m t f 27g p e en o Montana tr r 27-Mars h Earl Gh objecring to the improvement„of Montana 278, 279 r Street with curb and gutter ° ,,.,„„,.,,,,,,,,,, ,; 27-"Moore's Heights" Subdivision, final approval granted by Planning and Zoning Commission 279 ~~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„",,,,.,,,,292, 309 27-Michel Merlin P., granted Cigarette Permit ,,.„.,„, 27-Mihalovich Anthon C "°""' r t d Ci , 310 293 " ' , g y ,g an e arette Permit,„ ...............,,,° 27-Manternach Gus L., granted Cigarette Permit 293 } .„ ......................„,„ 27-Miller Glen, granted Cigarette Permit Z93 ~ " .,,..,,,.„,,,,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, 27-Me er Vernon 27-Meloy Augustin L t r e 294 294 ; q , grant d Ciga tte Permit .„.,»,„,„,„„,,.,„.,„"„, 27-Mengis Walter and Joseph F, Shannon ,granted Cigarette 294 Permit ` ` 27-Mettel H'rancis A., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27-Murphy Harry and Dorothy granted Ci 295 " , garette Permit,„.,,.,,,,, 27-Meyer $lmer E, g ,granted Ci arette Permit .„„„„,,,,,,,",,,,,„,,,,,,,,,„,,,, , 27-Manahl Leo P 295 296 , ., granted Cigarette Permit .,,,,..,.,,„„„ 27-Martin. Angella E., granted Cigarette Permit 296 Q ,,,.", , , „,,,,, „,,,, 27-Miller Carl Et, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,,„,.,,,,,„,,,„,„„„,„, 27-Maas Mrs, Marie g •~•••~••••~••• ed Ci arett Permit 296 296 ` '' g .,,.,..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, 27-Monte Carlo Restaurant 27-Portman Anton Com an granted Ci arette Permit,,.,,,,.,,,,,,...„, d 2g6 296 " F X grante Cigarette Permit „,,,„.,,» 27-Metcalf Albert, granted Cigarette Permit 296 = " , ,,...„...,„,,,.,,,,»„ „", 27-Meyer Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,.,,,,,.,,„, 27-Marty Merlin J,, granted Cigarette Permit 2g6 2g7 " ,,,„,.,,,, , „..»„ 27-Miller Mrs. Ione, granted Cigarette Permit 297 " .,.,,,,,,,,",,,,,„,,,»,„,,,,,,,,,,,,» 27-Meisenburg Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,... 27-Mengis W lt ' '"""'"" 2g7 2g7 a er and ose h h , J P Shannon, granted Class <,B„ Beer Permit : ,< " ..,.., „.»„,,,..„,.."„„„,»,... 27-Maas Mrs. Marie ,».„,„,..„,„ ..............»,„.„.,,„.,„,,,,.,, 297, 27-Me er ouis ~ granted Class B" Beer Permit,,...,.,.,,„,,,. 29g, granted Class B Beer Permit n u 299 299 „ ,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, 298, 27-Ma ter ach G s ,granted Class "C~~ Beer Permit . ,.„ 298, 27-Mettel Francis A ' 299 299 July ,, granted Class C Beer Permit , ,,,, 29g, S-Martin Thos. $,, acknowledging receipt of joint l 299 " reso ution concerning the lighting of Julien Dubuque Bridge...,.„, S-Miller Arthur J., submitting an offer of $100 00 f 304 Aug. . or the purchase of Lot 74, Mechanics Addition.,.305, 362, 391, 437, 1-Mulgrew Company Thomas J h i 438 ., eat ng bond ,,.„,„„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,„,„,,,, 10-Mercantile Trust Company, St. Louis, Missouri awarded 335 " , sale of $2,000,000 Dock Bonds " ,,,,„.,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„, „ , „„ ,,,,• „° 10-Murphyt George R,, requesting a restricted glumbers license 3SQ, 17-Murphy Harry J, and Dorothy requestin f 343 363 Sept. , g a re und on Cigarette Permit No. 1S0 ,„.,,,,...",,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-Maahs Edward and Katherine B David Ki i 357 ,, ntz nger and Charlotte Kintzinger, requesting the vacation of St, George Street . ,~ ,,,,,„",,,,,,,,,,, 364, 6--Modern Heatin .................»..».,...„..»,.,,...,............................,...».» g Company, heating bond 444 .„..,,,,..,.,„.„.,.,,..,.„.„,.,,.,.„,,.,. 6-Me ei! Carl E, Y ,granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-Meyer Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit 369 3g1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, 6-Meyer $]mer E, requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit No, 191 „,.„„,. 3g2 „».,..,,,,„,..„„,„..»„„,....„..„..", ..,„,„..„. 3 INDEX -BOOK 85 INDEX -BOOK 85 .1955 SUBJT;CT Page ~ 19SS SUBJ]aCT Page M N " 6-Meyer I<lmer ~., requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer '; `~ Jan 3--Nelson, T. H,, appointed City Solicitor ,,,,„..,.„„„„,.„,,.„..,,„„„,„„„„„.. 3-Neyens Fred )•J. re-appointed as a member of -the Dock 1 Permit No. 1 .......,„,,,..._„,„,....„,„,„..,„..„... 6--Mur h George R., reappointed to Airp •~~~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~"~~~~~~~~„~~~"~~~~„~ " p y ort Zoning Commis- 382 " , Board, term expiring Nov, 24, 1957 ,„.,.„,.,.„„.,,,,,",,,„„,,.„„„,„,„, 3-Nebraska Street curb and gutter from the N.P.I, of 2S sion, term expnmg May 14, 1961 ..„,,.„...„.„,„.".„..,„....,...,.„....„,. " 21-Mt St. Bernard Seminary Inc granted Cigarette Permit 384 w: 391 , , Lenox Avenue to the )~,.P.I,, of McPoland Avenue„,„. 33, 34 , ,, . Oct. 3-Marion Street, sanitary sewer from the existing sewer in € „3S, 49 60, 61, 67, """""'"""""""'""'""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""' 3-Neumetster Jolm C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit„„..„,„. 69, 36 71 37 Marion Street to Cherokee Drive, acceptance of....„...,,. „ 416 'e -Nelson T. H ty Solicito bond „„„„.„„„,„„„,„„„,„.„,„„,,.„,„,„.„„.„,„ C , 42 3-Miner Harry (Key City Plumbing & Heating), heating ~ d , r C _ 24 Norton huvern $lectriea Inspector bond ,„,„.,.,,,,,..,„„„„„,.,,,„. 42 bond ....,.......„.......~....,.....„ .........................,,.....,.„....,...........,,...„,...„.....~..... „ ' " ' ' " 3-Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc., heating bond ................„....... 417 417 Feb. , , 24-Nelson Helen, Clerk, City Water Dept., bohd...„..,...,,.,„,„...,,„. 14-Nebraska Avenue, Water Main J•xtension Bonds „...76 110 111 42 112 3-Maas Tad., opposed to Central Avenue as a one-way street " 425 " , , 14-North Central Public Service Co. advising that they will , 3-Maclay Mrs. John H., a letter of sympathy extended to her „ 426 _ , accept the Franchise and Rate Ordinance formerly 17-Mettille Carl, heating bond .„,„ ...........................„,..,...,....,,.„,„...,,,...„„...,,.„.„...„, 7-Meyer Herbert et al Nov requesting the installation of a 428 issued to Key City Gas Company and be bound by ., , , street lig$t at the south end of Mountain bane and s Mar. its terms and requirements ......,..,.„,..,,.,,,.,.,„,,.,,,„„,.....„....,„.m.„,,,„„ 7-North Central Public Service Co. excavation bond.,,,...,.„.,,. 78 128 the west end of Florence Street ,„...„.„..,...,.„ ..................... " 7-Mathis Merle granted Cigarette Permit 445 479 ~ 448 , 23-Nolte Maude M., widow and unmarried, and F'.dythe R, , ..„ .......................„.,.....„.. " 7-Meyer Herbert and Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer °: Nolte, single, conveying to the City of Dubuque hot 2 of I,ot 5 of Mineral T,ot 37 in the City of Dubuque Permit „„.„„.„,...„„„..„...„...„„,...„.....„...„.....„,„,„..„.,„.,....„.„,„,„,.„......„.„...,„„..„,. Dec. 5-Mineral Street improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- 450, 451 , to ether with a 15 foot right-of-wa over the south g y , facing from the West Property Line of Gilliam a end of T,ot 1 of the Subdivision of I,ot S of Mineral hot 37 ...,.„.........µ ........ .... ...„.. . . .... 1S0 Street to 375' West, acceptance of "°°•°'°°°°""•°°•°°'°'•'•°°°•°°•° 510, Sll .,., .. „ . „..,.„, ,„.........„„,„,„,.,.„„.,„,„.„,„,„„.,„,"„„ 23-North Central Public Service Co., requesting the City Council to consider the adoption and approval of rates for Schedule 2 increasing them by 10 cents per M C F, the rate increase to be effective on the bills placed in the mail from May 2, 1955, and there- after ,„„„,...„.„,„......„...„„.....„...,„„,..,..„...„„,„.,„,..„,,.,„,„„..„157, 184, 185, 212 April 4--Nestaby Mrs. Rose, Original Notice of Suit ..„.,..„..„„,.„,„„,„.„„ 174 " 25-Nicks T;lla and Mrs. Peter, requesting rezoning of the area in vicinity of 176 Algine Street to Multiple Fam- ily District ......„„,.„,„...„....„„..,„„..,„„„„„„,..,„.,„2I3, 244, 257, 282, 283, 284 May 23-Norton J. W., issued a restricted plumbers license.........."......,.. 246 June 6-North 1•nd Wrecking Company, objecting to a proposed ordinance for the establishing of a fence around their property .......„ .........................„...,...„„....,..„,„...„,„.,..„„.,.„...,„„„,„,,. 269, 291 " 27-Nank Carl, addressed City Council concerning the grade an Drexel Avenue .,„„.„„.„.„.„.„„„.„.„.„.„,.„„.„„,„„,.„„.....,..„„„„„„„,„„„„,„,. 289 " 27-Nicks Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit .,„„„.„„„„„„,„ 294 " 27-Neumeister John C, granted Cigarette Permit .....„,„,.„„„.„„,.,.,. 29'4 " 27-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.„..„„.„„„~.,. 294 " 27-Nacos Thomas ;~., granted Cigarette Permit .„.,,„,„,..„„...„,.„„„„,.,„ 296 ' 27-Noel Jahn ]a., granted Cigarette Permit .„,„.„„,„...,,.„„,.„.„,,,„,. ,,,,„, „ 296 '- " ' 27-Noel Carl I,,, granted Cigarette Permit ...............„,,.,,,...,, „„.„„.,..., „. 296 " 27-Ney Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ..,„„,,..,,..._,,,„,,, ,,,,,,,,,, „„.,..„. 296 " 27-Nicks Ray J,, granted Cigarette Permit .„„,.„,„,......„,.,„,„,.,,,,..„.„...,. 296 " 27-Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette Permit .„.„,„„.....,,....„„„..,..,.„.„,„,,..„,„„.„.,„.„...,,„„„.,.,..„,.,...„,..„„,„,,,„„„„,„...„ 297 " 27-Navy Ctub of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit „,„..,.„,...„...„.„,„.„„,„„.„,„,„„,„,„,„„,„„..„,..,.„,„..„,„„.„,„,„„„„„„„ 298 ~ 299 July S-Nark Mr. Carl, protesting the grade on Drexel Aevnue..,,.„, 310 18-Neyens Kay, et al., requesting the rezoning of hot Z of 2 of 1 of 16; hot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 16, and the 1?,ast- erly 7S feet of hot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16; all in Mt, Pleasant Addition, as a local business district, Class A 314 Aug. 1-Nicks Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„,..,. 336 Sept. 6-Navy Mothers Cluh No. 44, requesting permission to hold Tag Day .„ „,„. 364 " 6-Nelson 1'alizabeth Aun by Joe G. Nelson, Notice of Claim.„.,, 365 " 6-Noe1 Carl T,., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.....,,.,„„,„,„,.,.,,,, 3S1 " 6-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..„„„. 381 " 21-Noel John 1+•, and June M„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit 390 Oct. 3-Nacos Thomas ]±„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„,,...,.,„,„,,,„, 422 INDEX -BOOK 85 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJI•CT Page 19SS SUBJ$CT Page 0_ N 7-Ordinance No. 9-SS. An Ordinance establishing a ;grade on Burlington Street from the West Property Line of " 3-Neyens Kay, appointed to Playground and Recreation Com- . National Street to the alley first West of National mission, term expiring July S, 1958.,,„,..,„.„.,,,.„.. „,.,„..,,..,„,. 426 `; Street „,,.,,, ,,,.,„. „,.,. „,„,,.„....,..„.„.„..,,„„,„.„..„,.,.... 119, 120 " 17-North Lnd Wrecking Co, et al., requesting the rezoning " 7-Ordinance No. 10 55. An Ordinance establishing a grade of the area on the west side of Central Avenue from on Drexel. Avenue from the South Property Line of West 32nd Street to the City Limits ...„.„,,,.,„,„,..,,.,„,,....„.,,„,. 435 Pennsylvania Avenue to the North Property Line of Nov, 7-Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit„„„,„,,.„,.,"„.,..„„„„„ 450, 451 Lenox Avenue „„...„ ................„..,.,,..,,.,.,,„,,,....„...„,....,„,,.,..,,.,,,,„,,,,.,.„, 120 " 7-Ordinance No, 11-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Glen Oak Street from the North Property Line of Vernon Street. to the South Property Line of 1•di»a Street ..,.,,,.„.„.„,,,, „,„.,..„„,„.„„,.,,..„.,„.„..........„.„„,„,„.„,,.„„.„. 120, 121 " 7-Ordinance No. 12-55. An Ordinance establishing_a grade on Hickson Avenue from the South Property Line of ® Pennsylvania Avenue to the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue „„,.„„.„„,„„„„„,„„,„.„.„„..,.....,„„„...:,.,.„„„,„,...„:.„„„„„.".,„,. 121 Jan 3-Ordinance No. 1-55, An Ordinance allocating and mak- " 7-Ordinance No. 13-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade _ ing appropriations of tax levies and other sources on Lindberg Terrace from the >~ast Pro ert Dine e ce of revenue to the expenditures of City Government for of $agte Street to the end of Lindberg T rra ,„„,.,,... 7-Ordinance No, 1q-55. An Ordinance establishing a 'grade 121, 122 the fiscal year beginning January 1, 19SS and ending December 31 1955 and authorizing certain transfer on Lindale Street from the West Property Line of , of funds ................":........,..,..,...................,...,..:,,......_..,2 3 4 S 6 7 ~ Woodlawn Street to a point 122 feet west of Kevin- , , , "` 3-0tt Henry, et al., requesting the City Council to name the alley between Locust and Bluff Streets from Dodge , dale Street ,,,,,,, „ . "" "" '"' "'°"'°""'""""""' 7=Ordinance No, 1S-SS. An Ordinance establishing a grade 122 north as a street, also assign house numbers and pro- ' ~ on Lorimer Street from the South Property Line of Levi Street to the South land of Lorimer Street 123 posing that the new street be named Bissell Drive.,...„„. " 3-Ordinance No. 2-SS. An Ordinance amending Ordinance 17, 117 . „„,-.„. 7-Ordinance No. 16-55, An Ordinance establishing a grade No. 7-41 by repeating Section 7-lr thereof and enact- on Marmora Avenue from the South Property Line ing a substitute therefor „.,„,.„„„ ..„.......„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,.,., , 22 of Pennsylvania Avenue to the $ast Property Line ,„,, ,,,,„. , 3-O'Brien J. RaY, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....„,.,„..,.„.„.„.. 2 O'Leary Darnel ctor Plumbing Inspe bond ,,.,,„,,,,.,...,„,., , 36, 37 42 of Fairfax Avenue „„„ ..............„.„.„,,,...„,...,...,,.....,.„,.,,,,„...,,..,,, " 7-Ordinance No. 17-SS, An Ordinance establishing a grade 123, 124 , ,,„ 24-Oster Lucille, Clerk Cit Water Dept. bond „.,...„w,.,....„„.,.,.. " g 42 on Woodlawn Street from the North Property Line 24-0 Neill William, ranted Class B Beer Permit ..,...„,,,.„„„, 4b, 47 of Karen Road to the North land of Woodlawn St e t ag p th bitumiuous concrete Feb. 14-0 H fr mStheetSo thr Pro ert ~ p y ine of University Ave- r e .„„ ,„...... ,„.,..., ..„ ..........:.... ............ „..,...-......................- _...,..-...... 23-Ordinance 18-SS. An Ordinance changing he names of .124 nue to the North Property Line of Mineral Street.„.,,,,,. 92 93 ;;ar( Drive and 1•arl Drive $ast within the City of 9 106 10 108 109 11 „' ,,„,. 0, 172, 173, 174, 242, 43'1, 432, .,:,,.,.•,. •" •..•...,•.•....,,,..„",•.„„•••„..•„„,..„ ...................„„„„,,,,,,,.,467, 471 , 455, 456 472 474 Dubuque ....... 23-Ordinance No. 19-55. An Ordinance amending the Traffic 149, 150 , 14-Ordinance No, 3-55. An Ordinance fixing and establishing , Code by enacting a substitute for Schedule. II U thereof; adding a new Section to Schedule V thereof; rates to be charged for the furnishing of water for residential, commercial industrial and other uses and and adding a new Section to Schedule VI thereof,„...". 150 , purposes' within and without the City of Dubuque April 4-Ordinance No. 20-SS. An Ordinance vacating the ease- , prescribing a penalty for violation hereof and re- ment for public utilities between Lots 13 and 14 in , pealing Ordinance No. 15-SO „,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,„w„„,.,,..,,,,„,,,,,„„„,,,,.98 99 116 Mississippi Heights Subdivision No, 2 ,,,..,,.,,"...,„...,,..,.. 178 Mar. 7-O'Connell Jae, Notice of Claim ,„„..,...„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„„,....,..,..„,,,,,;.,..,,.,,,.114, 152, 153 4-Ordinance No. 21-55. An Ordinance prescribing regula- " 7-O'Neill Mrs, Lena; Notice of Claim „„,„.,.,,.,...„..,....,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„„ 115 365 tions for the installing in buildings of pipes fix- 7-Ordinance Na. 4-55, An Ordinance extending Kaufmann , tures and other apparatus for bringing in the. water Avenue by including the herein described real estate supply. and removing liquid and water carried wastes, and directing the filing of a certified copy wrt h the in the City of Dubuque, and the issuance of permits Count Recorder ,,,.,.„„,;„..„„,,,..,..,,,,,,,„,„,.„,„,..,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,," Y ~ ~ .,.,„,. 117 therefor; to provide for the inspection of such plumb- « 7-Ordinance No. S-SS. An Ordinance designating the al- ing and house drainage systems and for the enforce- ley lying between Locust Street and Bluff Street nteut of such rules and regulations, and to prescribe from Dodge Street to Jones Street as "Bissell Lane" 117 penalties for the violation thereof; to create a board " 7-Ordinance No. 6-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade of examiners of plumbers, providing for examination and licensing of glumbers fixing a fee for licenses on Ashton Place from the North Property Line of Delaware Street to tha north end of Ashton Place.,,,. 117 118 , and prescribing a penalty for doing plumbing work or 7-Ordinance No. 7-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade , engaging in the plumbing business without a license; on Avoca Street from the North Property Line of and to repeal Ordinance No. 107, Ordinance 8-33 Seminary Street to the South Property Line of and Ordinance No, 4-33 Plumbers Seckions 1, 2, 3 Ungs Street .....................:...."......-..-,:.,...........,.,............................... " 7-Ordinance No, 8-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade 118, 119 and 4 ...,,..,„., ...".,... .................„„.",.,,,,„,.,,,,.......,..,.:..........,.,181, 182, 7-Ordinance No. 22-55, An Ordinance establishing a grade T$3, 184 on Bunker Hrll Street from'the North Property Line on Princeton Place from the Iaast Property Line of of Green Street to the South Property Line of Finley Devon Drive to the ends of the. existing curb returns Street „„, ,,;. .„,„,,,„.,„,„„,,,„.„,„„,„,„„,,,„„,..„.„„„,„„,„,,,„„„. 119 at the east side of Mineral Street ,,, 199, 200 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page 0 " 7-Ordinance No, 23-SS. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Cambridge Court from the West Property Line of Devon Drive opposite Lot i of Block 6 of Steger Heights. to the West Property Line of Devon Drive opposite Lot 1 of Block 4 of Steger Heights.,,,,„,,,„...,,,.,.„. Z00, 201 2S-Ordinance No: 24-55, An Ordinance vacating the alley lying between Lots 12 and 13 in Yates Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ,„,,...,,,„.,,,„,...,;,,,,,,,„,,,..„.„,,._„.,„„„. 215, 216 " 2S-Ordinance No-, 2S-SS. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zcning Ordinance by repeal- ing Article V thereof and enacting new Articles VA and VB; and amending Article X thereof by adding definitions of "Drive-In" and "Drive-In Restau- rants" „.„.„,...,.,,.„„,.„„„„,.„..,,...„,„,.„,„„,.,„„,„„„,.„,,.,,.„„„...„,.„,.„,..217, 218, 253, 2S4 " 2S-Ordinance No. 26-55. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9-35 by repealing Section 17A thereof and en- acting asubstitute therefor .,„,„,..,,,.,,„,,.,..,,,,.„..,.,,,„...„....:,,..„,„..„„. 218 " 2S-Ordinance No. 27-SS. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map anal Zoning Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 3.34 by chaging the Zoning Classification of all area now zoned as Local Business Districts„,,,,,.„,„,218, 254, 255 May 2-Oswald Harvey, granted junking license tivithout fee,,.._.... 242 June 6-Ordinance No. 28-SS. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Ideal Lane from the Corp. Limits to the E.P.L. of Earl Drive .........n ...................._...,.....,„,.............„..,„,„„„.„,.,„...,„.„..,,. 265 " 6-Ordinance No. 29-SS. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Ruan Drive from the S,P.L, of Pennsylvania Avenue to the N.P.L. of Ideal Lane „,„„,„,„..„„„„,„...„,,,,„..,.»,,,„ 266 " 6-Ordinance No. 30-SS. An Ordinance establshing a grade on Kaufmann Avenue from the W.P.L. of Carter oa tote .of otlofloflofl of 2 of 3 .,„,.,„,..„,„„,,,..., ,,... of 1 of Hi bland k'arm • „•„•"~„•„„"' 1 266, 267 " 6-Ordinance No. 3 SS. An Ordinance establishin g a grade on Earl Drive from the N,P.L, of Ideal Laue to the S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue ,,,,„;...,,.„,,,,„,„.,,„„,„,„,„.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,» 267 " 6-Ordinance No. 32-SS. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Montana Street from the S.P.L, of WilbrigTit bane to the North Properky Line of Merfeld Lane,.„„... 267, 268 " 6-Ordinance No. 33-55. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Marion Street from the east edge of the existing concrete pavement on Cherokee Drive to the exist- ing curb and gutter 273 feet east on Marion Street„„„ 268 " 6-Ordinance No, 34-55, An Ordinance granting Vern Car- ris the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Marion Street; and providing the terms and conditions t ereof .,,„, ~•••~•~~„~~•„,,..,.~„,..'•'"°'268, Z69, 416 6-Ordinance Na, 3S-5S. An Ordinanc " e fixing and establish- ing rates to be charged for the furnishing of gas for restdential, commercial and firm industrial purposes within the City of Dubuque, Towa; fixing and regu- lating the method of service thereof ; repealing Or- dinance No. Sl-S4, and all Ordinances and Resolu- tions in conflict herewith ....,...:...,.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,..„.„„,,,„„„„,,,.„,270, 271, 272 " 6-Ordinance 1Vo. 36-55. An Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking and Carrying of Lighted Objects in Specified Places in the City; Requiring Enforcement by Persons hav- ing control of the premises ; authorizing the Fire Chief to prohibit smoking where necessary to public safety; and prescribing penalties for violation here- •~~~-.._.,....,.273, 283, 284 " 27-O'Brrien William a orated Cit Clerk Pra Tem„.,.,,.....„,,,. S 275 27-Ordinance No, 37 S: An Ordinan g " Amending and Chang- ing the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque; Iowa, as provided by Ordinance INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJECT Page 0 No. 3-34 designated the Zoning Ordinance, so as to change the herein described area, Lots 4, S, 6, 7 and 8 Julia Langworthy's Sub. from its present Two Family Residence District Classification to Multiple Family District Classification „,,.„..,.,,,„,,,..m,,,,•,.•.„,„,„,„,,..,,,,,,..-. 283, 328 " 27-Ordinance No. 38-55. An Ordinance Regulating the Con- - struction of Septic Tanks and other Private Sewage Disposal Systems, and providing a Penalty; for Viola- tion thereof .,;..,„„„.,„„,.„....,.....~:.,..,....„.„.,„„...„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,..„,..„,„„,„,,.,.„ „,„„„ 285 " 27-Oeth Robert L•, et al., requesting -the installation of a street light at Needham and Sixth Street ,.,.,.,..,,.„,„,„.,,,..„.„„...288, 289, 304 " 27-Oeschger Thomas A, granted Cigarette Permit .„,„.,,,.,„,,,,,,..„.. 294 " 27-Oberhoffer Joseph F, granted Cigarette Permit „„,..,„.„..,,,.„„ 295 " 27-O'Neill William, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,.„,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,„,„.,„.„„ 29S " 27-O'Toole Francis, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,„„„,,,....m,,.„,,.„,.,„,,,,„ 295 " 27-O'Meara Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ,„„,,,,,,.....„.„„.,„.,„„,,,,„ 297 " 27-O'Brien J. Ray, granted Cigarette Permit „„.„,„,.„....„..„.,„.„,..„„ 297 " 27-Oberhoffer Joseph J, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,....„, 298, 299 " 27-Ordinance No. 39-SS. Ar. Ordinance Amending Ordinance No, 33-49 by repealing Subsection "p" of Section Z of Schedule IV thereof and enacting a substitute there- for „„,„„„„,....„.„,„..,..„,„......„,„.,..,„..,.,„,..„...„...,..,...,„,,..,,,.,„,„,.,..„„,„,...,,„,„,.,„„,„. 299 " 27-Ordinance No. 40-SS. An Ordinance granting Henry Haas and Viola Haas permission to construct a retaining wall in Levi Street ,.,,„.......,„,.,„.,.,.,„,„,.,„,„,„..,,„„..„„..,„,.,„,„.,,,„„„„.,.„„„„ 300 " 27-Ordinance No, 41-SS. An Ordinance granting I,eo A, Heitz and Maxine Heitz Iermission to construct a retaining wall in Levi Street ..„„„,,,„,,.,,,..,,,„,„.„„.„.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„.,. 301 July S-Ordinance No. 42-55. An Ordinance approving ; `Chero- kee Place" „ .................„...,.,,„.,,...„.,..,,.,„.,..,„........,....,„,..„.,.,...„.„,„„..„„„,„„„„. 308 " S-O'Connor, Thomas, McDermott & Wright, by Francis J. O'Connor, desiring a quit claim deed from the City to the portion of original Efghth Street between Lots 5 and 6 ...,.„ ...................................„...„.„...,,,...,..,,..,..„,„,„,„„„..,„„.„„„,„,„,„: 310, 320 " 18-Ordinance No, 43-55. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of a Deputy City Clerk and prescrib- ing his powers ,„.„.,„„,„.,„,.,„..,..,.,.,.„,,..„„.,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,...„„,,.,....,,,,.„,„„,„. 312, 329 1&-O'Brien William J., appointed Deputy City Clerk ................ 313, 326 " 18-Ordinance No, 44-SS. An Ordinance Amending and Charging the Zoning Map of and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordi- nance No, 3-34 designated the Zoning Ordinance, so as to change the herein described area from Single Family Residence District Classification to Local Bus- iness District A Classification ,.,..„,,.,„..,„,..„,„,„,,,,,,„.,:,„,.,„..„„„ 314 18-Oswald Harvey, Suspension of taxes .....,..,.,.„......,„„„...,„„„„,,.,.,„„ 316, 333 " 18-O'Connell Harry, requesting permission to keeg a TV tower on City Property ,.,.,..,..„..„„„„„ ..................„,.„,,..„..,„„„.,,....,„.„,. 318, 363 " 18-O'Meara Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,....,.,..,„,.„......,. 324 Aug, 1-Ordinance No, 45-55. An Ordinance vacating a portion of West 29th Street, approving the plat of the vacated area and authorizing the conveyance of said vacated ort~on ,.„„„„„,„,„..,„, • „~•~•~~~•••~~••„•„„•-~~~•~•••„„•••~ • 329 " mending Ordinance An Ordinance A 1-Ordinance Nc. 4655. No, 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by repealing Section lA of Schedule I thereof and enacting a substitute therefor; and by repealing Section B, of Schedule III thereof and enacting a substitute therefor ...„,„ ...............„.,.,,..,.....,...,,.,,,,.;..„,..,,,.. 335, 336 " 10-Ordinance - No. 47-SS. An Ordinance vacating certain streets, parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Addition No. 2 and Railroad Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and providing for INDEX.- BOOK'B5 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJIaCT Page ~ 1955 SUBJECT Page o ~ the granting and conveying of title to said vacated 17-Ordinance No. 62-SS. An Ordinance vacating St, Anne areas, as also the Baste"rIy eighteen (1$) feet of all Drive, approving the plat. of said vacated area and lots abutting upon the Wcst side of Ash Street from authorising the conveyance thereof .....„.,,.„,,,..,.„,.........„„. 429, 499 the south line of bast 19th Street to the north line of 17-Ordinance No, 63-55. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Bast 15th Street and 'the westerly eighteen, (18) feet No, 33-49, known as the Traffic Cade, by adding new of all lots abutting upon the east side of Ash Street ~ Sections 60 and 61 to Schedule VI thereni....- .................. 429 from the south line of $ast 19th Street to the north Nov. 7-Ordinance No. 61-SS. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance line of 1•ast 15th Street to Dubuque Packing Com- No. 33-49, by Adding a New Section Prohibiting pany „ .........................................„ ,,„.,..,..„„„„.,:,,,„.,....,..,,...„,....„,344, 346 345 Parking Vehicles on Private Property without Per- " , 10-Ordinance No, 48-55. An Ordinance amending Ordinance , mission of the Owner ,„....,.,„.,„........,....,„,„.„„,„„....„.„,„.,,,„..„,. 448, 449 No. 33-49 by adding new Sections 2e and if to Sched- 7-Ordinance Na, 64-55, Atr Ordinance Amending Ordinance ule I thereof, and Section 59 to Schedule VI thereof No. 21-55 to Clarify Sections 1S, 16 and 2D thereof..... 449 to provide one way traffic mi portions of Talm Street„,„~ 349 348 Dec, S-Ordinance No. 6S-5S. An Ordinance Amending Budget as 10--Ordinance No. 49-55. An Ordinance mending Section , Approved by Resolution No.262-54 and Ordinance 1-55 503 24 of Ordinance No. 21-55 by repealing the same and 5-Osterhaus Matt J., et al., requesting the grading and wid- enacting a .substitute therefor reducing the fee for ening of the alley running from Loras Blvd, to F,dina water softener permits from $2.00 to $1.00„„„„„„..,,„,„„„,.,.. 351 =fi Street, between Alta Vista and Glen Oak ..,..„„,.„„„„„.„„, 507 Sept, 6-Ordinance No. 50-55, An Ordinance changing the name 5-Ordinance No. 66-SS. Au Qrdinance Amending Ordinance of Seminary Street to Clarke Drive .„,,.,„,.,.,..,.,,„,.,„, .,,,,. 366 `' No. 33-49, by adding a new Section to Schedule VI " 6-Ordinance No, Sl-S5. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning thereof, Restricting Parking on the north side of 516 Map and 'Coning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque Pighth Avenue from Wilson Street to Roberts Street to Change Lot 1 of Bloclc 1 of St. Anne's Subdivision S-Ordinance No. 67-SS. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning and hots 386, 387, 388, 408, 409 and 410 of Lenox Ad- Map and Zonging Ordinance of the City of Dubuque dition to Local Business A District Classification.......,. 366 414 by changing the herein described property from Multi- " 6-Ordinance No. 52-55. An Ordinance Providing License ~ ple Residence District Classification to Local Business Fees for Certain Business and Vocations Conducted District "B" Classification ,...„.....,..,.„,„..,...,.„,,,„„„,.„,.„„„„„„ 516 in the City'of Dubuque; Requiring the Securing of a 5-O'Mara Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,„.,„,„„„„,„„,.,„,. 518, 519 License therefor; Defining the Terms; Repealing Or- S-O'Mara Helen, granted Cigarette Permit .....„.„,..„„,„,„.„„.„,„,„.:,„. 519 dinance No, 4-33; and Prescribing the Penalty for 19-Ordinance No, 68-55, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Violation heerof „.....,...,.. ............................................„,„,.,„,..,..„...„,:. ,,..,,.„.. 372 No, 34-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of ~~ , 6-Ordinance 53.55, An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing ..„.......,...,.....,..„,,,„.„„,„„„,.,„,,..„,....„,„,»,„„„„„, .,,g Dubu ue d„„Cl "B" P it ' B B i R 539 S41 540 Auctions and Auctioneers; Fixing License Fees; a ay, . eer erm ,.,,„,,,„„„...„,,,, rante ss r en J. 19-0 , and Providing a Penalty for Violation „,„,.„„;...„,„,„.....,..„..„, 373 19-O'Rourke William $., suggesting various laces fora ar p k p " 6-Ordinance No, S4-S5. An Ordinance Regulating and Li- 'w .„„„.„,„„„.,„„„, mg lot „...„.,..,...,„.„„„,„..„„,..„..,„.„„...,...,„,,.„,„.„,... 541 censing Peddlers and Transient Merchants, Prescrib- ing the License Fees, and Providing a Penalty for violation hereof „..„ ....................„„.„„.„,„,.,....,„,.„.,,„,.,..„,,.,.,..,.„„„,„,,....,... 374 " . 6-Ordinance No. SS-SS. An Ordinance Regulating and Li- . ceasing Junk Dealers, Junk Collectors, Auto Salvage Dealers and Pawnbrokers; and providing a Penalty for the violation hereof and repealing Ordinances 3-38 and 12-39 ...,..„..„..,...,...„ .....................„.„.....,..,..............„,...„„,„.,„..„„„„„.„,.,„.„„„.„ 376 " 6-Ordinance No, S6-SS. An Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of Taxicabs, Requiring a License There- for, Prescribing the License Fee and Providing a Pen- . alty for Violation Thereof and Repealing Ordi- nance 44-46 ..............„..,,..„......„..,.......,....,........,.„..........„.„„,....,.„„,„,„„„„„,.,.,„„; 377, 378 " 6-Ordinance No, 57-55. Au Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and Regulating of Fortune Tellers, Clair- voyants, and the like, Lstablishing a License Fee and Providing a Penalty for Violation Hereof„„.„..,,„„.„....,.,,,„, 379 " 6-Ordinance No, S8-SS. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 27-49 by repealing Section 2 thereof and enacting a Substitute Therefor Providing far a License and License Fee .,,....„ ....................„.,,„,.,....,...,,..,..,.,„„.„.„„„„„„.,„.,...,„....„.„,,..„„,,. 380 6-Ordinance No. S9-SS. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. Z1-42 by Requiring Licenses for the Operation of Roller Skating Rinks and Providing a Fee therefor 380 " 21-Oeschger Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit „„,„,„,,,,„„ 390 Oct, 3-O'Neill Fuel and Heating Company, heating bond „,.,,„,.,......„„„ 417 " 3-Ordinance No. 60-55. Vacating a portion of Harrison Street and conveying same to Carr, Adams & Col- liee. Co,, Jobbing Division ,,.„,.„,.,„.,...,„.„„,„„;„.„„,„„.„:,.,„„;„..,„„„„, 419, 437 INDEX -BOOK 85 INDEX -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJ>~CT Page 5 1955 ~ SUBJl;CT __ Page _ P P " 2S-Pregler Roy A,, submitting an offer in the amount . of Jan, 3-Public Safety Fund, transfer of $30,700.00 from said f $101.00 for the vacated" street in Mineral hot 337..,:,,„„„ 220 fund to the Street Fund ........-...„........„....„„.....,....,.,.................-..„..,.. 21 r May 2-Porter Alfred G. (Racing Inc.), granted Class "B" Beer 3-P1ein $ddie and Dorothy, requesting the City Council to Permit .,..,,.„.„.,.,,„.„,,,„,...„„.,,„...„,„..„,..„„,.,,„,,.,„„,,,...,.„....„,,,„„,,,,.„„„.,..„.,„„,,..„ 235, 236 pay them the sum of $2,034.65 for the transfer of ~ 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending rezon- all their right, title and interest to the sanitary sewer J ing from its present Single Family District Classi- constructed by them, report of City Manager and opin- fication to Local Business District A Classification, ion of the City Solicitor .„.„ .................,..„..,....,26, 27, 28, 115, 2I6, 217 ~ Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 16 • Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 16; " 3-Pennsylvania Avenue, concrete curb and gutter from the and the easterly seventy-five feet of hot Z of 2 of 1 of Old Corporation Limits to the fast Property Line of 16; alt in Mt. Pleasant Addition ....,.,.,„ .............244, 255, 282, 314 Chaney Road .„ ........................„.....„,„...,.31, 32, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 June 27-Planning and Zoning Commission, granting final ap~- Par treet curb and utter from the W P L, of Glen J provaQ of "Meore's Heights" Subdivision and "Chero- Oak Street to a point 108 feet Wes t to existing curly 33, 34 ~ ]cee Place" Subdivision ......................................„,.,,,....„.292, 309, 310 , ".35; 49, 61, 68, 69, 71 27-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the re- 3-Poplar Street, curb and gutter from the Southwest Prop- zoning of hot 1 of Block 1 of St. Anne's Sub. and erty Line of Asbury Street to the Northeast Property hats 386, 387, 388, 408, 409, 410 Lenox Add, to a Line of Finley Street ...............33, 34,35, 49, 61, 62, 68, 69, 71 depth southerly of 1S0' from Pennsylvania Avenue " 3-Prescott Street, curb and gutter from the W.P.L.. of Ham- to Local Business "A" Classification ,,............M,,.,.„.,,.„,,, 29Z ilton Street to the N.P,L. of Lot S50 of Hams Addi- 27-Pusateri Michael A, and Gus, granted Cigarette Permit,„,. 294 tion O~asf side only) ....................................33, 34, 35, 49, 62, 68, 69, 71 27-Polfer Joseph S., granted Cigarette Permit ..,..,...,,,..........,„„.„ 294 24-Pregler Roy A., submitting hid of $101,00 for the vacated 27-Potterveld Fred C, and Winifred S., granted Cigarette street Mineral hot 337 .„...,„ .................„,.,,..„„,..„,..„,„„„„,..,,.,.,....,.„,,.,, 39 Permit ,„,„,..,,~.,.,,.„,„.,.,.,„..„..„..,„,„ „ „,„ 294 Feb. 14-Police Pension and Retirement System, submitting a re- 27-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit .,.„ ..,,..,„„,„.„,„„,...„.....„ 294 capitulation of the receipts and disbursements of the 27-Pfalzgraf J:rnest W., and Anthony L. Fecekr, granted Police Pension and Retirement System for the fiscal s Cigarette Permit ...,..„..,„ ....................„.,„„.„,.,,., ,.,,„.,,,,,.,,,.....,„..,„.,..,,.;,„..„ 295 year beginning January 1, 1954, .and ending December y 27-Pitt Mrs. Louise, granted Cigarette Permit ........................„ 295 31, 1954 ..,..„.....„..,..,.,...„,,...„ ...................„...,,.,,..„,,,„,.„..„..,.,.,,.,..,,,, 81 27-Pusateri Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,,.,„.......,.....,., 296 " 14-Planning and Zoning Commission, .recommending that the 27-Petrakis Jahn, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,„,...,.,,,..„,„,....„..,,„.„.„,„., 296 petition of Mr. Phil C, Stecher requesting vacation of 27-Petrakis William and Mary, granted Cigarette Permit,..„„„,~ 297 the 10 foot alley lying between Lot 1 of 1 of 27 of 27-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,..,„„.,,.,...,..„„„„„ 298 299 Mills Sub, and that part of "A" of Mineral Lot No, July 18--Parking Lot, petition of 377 names requesting the City to 197 be granted ,„..„.,,,„ .................„,..„, 82 purchase property at 481, 483, 485, 48S/ and 493 14-Planni Co " recommending that the n o s~ Locust Street for a metered parking lot ,...,„....,„..„„...,„.,„„„„ 31S etitio of Fmg Biasi be d p J. emed .......„.......,„,,...„,.,...„,..,„...,. 83 18-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the vaca- " 14-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the tion of streets as requested by Dubuque Packing attached petition of Mathew. B. Olansky of Dec, 10, Company ....„..,.,„....,.,....„,„..,.,,„...„.„„,.,...,„...„..,„,„,„...„.„.„...,.„,...,.„316, 343 344 345 1954 be granted ...,..,„.„„,.,,,......,..„.„„„,. ..............„.„,...,.,,„,..„,„,„,..„.,..„„..,,,,,,„ 83 18-Poquette Millard and Raymond Syke, granted Cigarette " 14-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of Permit „,....,,....„„„.„,...„,„.,„,..,.„,.,„,„ ....... ..... ....................„...„...„...., 323 the petition of Mr, Henry Ott, et ah, and recommend- 18-Poquette Millard and Raymond Sylce, granted Class "B" in that the lower block of said a11e be iven a y Beer Permit .„.„...„,„..,„.,....„.,,,,,,,. ~ 324 minor Lane designation ,.,.„....„.,„„ ............... . .............. -. 83 Aug, 1-Plannin and Zonin Commission, a rovm the proposed , 14-Pear] Street, improvement with bituminous concrete from " Dredging, Filling and Storm Sewer dg awings of the the North Property Line of 0 Hagen Street to the ' " """"""'„""""""-^""""" n 334 ~ t 109 110 " 1-Powers p g e O a b 335 .172, 173, 174, 202, 431, 432, 4SS, 456, 468, 471, t~ v o 472, 474 Sept. 6-Pottebaum Mar llus Not~ce of Claim „.,.,.,.., ~n~ 365 " 14-Pleasant Stre ~mp o ement wnh brtummous c cre te from fi-palm Cletus, srdewalk bond ,„..,.............„„,.,...„.„.„...,.,„,„ ................„,,,, 369 the West Property hme of Viola Street to the Fast 6-Pmslct George, heating bond ,,.„„,,,„„.,,„.„„,„..„,..,..,,„.„..,,,.,.„,.,,.,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,, 369 Property Line of Stafford Street...„.....,.92, 93, 94, 106, 107, 108 6-Pusateri Gus, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..„,„.„,„,.,..„.,„,...„„.„, 381 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 202, 431, 432, 4SS, 456, 470, 471, 472, 474 6-Petrakis John, reappointed to the Playground and Recre- Mar, 7-Pfalzgraf $rnest W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,,.„..... 140 ation Commission, term expiring July 5, 1958 „.......,„,...,.. 384 " 7-Property owners required to make connections from the 21-Pusateri Franlc J., requesting a refund on Cigarette hi- Sewer, Water, Gas mains to the curb line of said cense No. 19S „ .................................„..„.„...„......,,.,,„,......,..„....,„,„„...„,,,..„..,,.,., 390 property prior to April 16, 1955 ,,,,.,„,.,,„,,,.,,,,„„., , ,. ,.,.,, 141 Oct. 3-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval " 23-Planning and 'Loning Commission, recommending that the of Angelo Kerper's petition for the vacation of St. attached petition of Arthur Trausch Sr, be granted, Anne's Drive ..„,.,.,,.,,......„.,,„,.,„,„,....„.,,,,..,„ ..............„,,..,,...„.„.„,.,.,,....,,...„,,,,,, 418 subject to approval of City 1•ngineer and Supt. of " 3-Pusateri Samuel T., protesting proaeedings to vacate the Water Works ......,,„.,...„..,,,,„...,,...„....„...,.„.....,.,„....„..,,,„.„.„.„,,,„,,,,,,„„.,...,„,. 1S4 alley behind Lot 186 in Finleys Addition, also re- April 7-Princeton Place, dedication and acceptance ,,,..„,.......,„.„.,.„„.,,,,,..... 198, 199 questing a grade established and hard surfacing of the 2S-Planning and Zouiug Commission, submitting three ordi- a11ey .„.„ ..............„,.,„...„,„,„.,„,..„...-,.,„,„....„,.„...„.„„,.„...„,.„..,,,,,„,„..„„„,„.,.,,,,,„„„„ 420 nances repealing articles and amending the zoning rnap 17-Poor William, et a1., requesting the construction of a sewer and zoning ordinance by changing the Zoning Classi- on Tressa and $sther Streets „„.„,.....„..,..„,..,..,..,.,.„,,.,.,...,.,.431, 440, 441 fication of all area now zoned as Local Business Dis- 17-Porter Alfred G. (Racing Inc.), requesting a refund on tricts ,..„,,,,,,,.,,„,..„„„,„,..,..„,,,,,„.,,„,„,,,,„,,,.„,„,„.,„,,.,,,,„.„„,„.„,,,,,„„..„„„.,,„,.,„,,.,,. 217 Class ~~8~~ Beer Permit No. 19 ..:..„„ ........:....„...„.„.„„.,.,,,,„.,,,„;,„.. 431 INDEX -BOOK 85 INDF}~ -BOOK 85 1955 SUBJPCT Page 1955-~ SUBJIt•CT ~ Page - _._ - p ~; R Nov. 7-Pitz Mrs, Louise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... .. . 450 . ... ....... Dec, 5-Potter Grace 1;., South % of Lot 46 Finley Waples & Jan, 3-Russo R. N, a ointed Police udge .. p s v 1 Burton Addition, correction of assessment for the tle ember, 1954, proof of pub- 3-1eceipts for mrnrth of No improvement of Pearl Street with bituminous con- ' ` lication ,,..: „ ,.,,. ,..,,,..,,,,... 19 Crete surfacing ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ „ „„ S04 3-Richeson I~dward J, relative to securing a budding permit 30 " 3-Raines F,lizabeth M.; granted a class "B" Beer Permit...,,.... 36, 37 " 24-Receipts for the month of December, 1954, proof of pub- lication c 24-Russo Romolo, Police Judge, bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.M....„,,,, 42 Feb, 14-Ruley Fred, Notice of Claim .................„...,...,.,..,..,..,,...:,.,.,..,......,.,,,,,,.,.,,,, 77, 1S1 " 14-Receipts for the month of January, 19SS, proof of pub- ' x lication ,,,.,. ......................................................................................................,,.,,.,.,.,. 80 °` 14-Ryan Raymond Pipesnan, commended for alertness and action ..............,...,........,..,.....,.,..„,,,,,..".,....."„~.,........,,..,,.,,..,,.,,...,........,. 84, 85 Mar. 7-Randle Fred N, and Valda G, granted Cigarette Permit.... 139, 140 _< " 7-Riedi Jay M,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,.,,,,,.~ ................. 140 Q April 4-Ready Robert P. and Marian, protesting curb and gutter i l 160 161 and resurfac ng of Ashton P ace .......................:...,...,.....,... , Feb, 14-Quade Anna B, Notice of Claim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„ 77 215 "' "" "'""'""'""" " 4-Rennison Hazel, Notice of Claim ..........,..,.,,..,.,.,.........,......,,.,,..,.. 4-Rahloff Barbara, requesting suspension of 1954 taxes..., .„, 175, 17S 221 , Mar, 7- uinlan Robert « ~~ Q 7~, granted Class B Beer Permit,..,,,,,... 140 July S-Quinlan Robert J. requestin a ref nd Cl " » 4-Radetzki Arthur, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 265 ; N 177 , g u on ass B Beer Permit No. 16S ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 303 .,.,..,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,..,,.,..,.,. " ,........,..,,...,....,.,,,,.,..,.,.,,. o: ,,..,. .......................,......,..,.,.,.,,,,....,....,.,,....,.,..... 25-Bolin Gilbert F, sidewalk bond .. g 219 May 2-Rafoth Furnace & Sheet Metal Works, heating bond ,,,.,.....,,..,,. 234 23-Riniker l;lmer W., release of sidewalk band ....,,.,,.,.,.,.....,...,.,... 242 23-Reuter Clara M., 'granted Class "R" Beer Permit ........................ 249, 250 June 6-Ruan Drive, improvement with curb and gutter from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the '- North Property Line of Ideal Lane,..........,....,...263, 264, 265, 278 ......,...,.,....,....,,..................,......,:..279, 280, 281, 478, 479; 520, 522, 524, 525 " 27-Report of Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks on Audit of the City of Dubuque from January 1, 1954 to December 31, 1954 ...,.,. ....................................................................................,,..M,.....,,,.,., 289, 290 " 27-Rawson Harry A., granted Cigarette Permit ...,....,.,.,,.,....,.,...,,...... 293 " 27-Randle, Fred N. & Valda G., granted Cigarette Permit......,.,,. 293 " 27-Roshelc Bros, Company, granted Cigarette Permit,... ................... 294 " 27-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ ... ............."„ 29 27-Rink Richard G. granted ,..... i arette Permit,..,.,......,...,.,,,.,. 29.4 g , 27-Ruegnitz R. S., granted Ci arette Permit ,...,,..,,..... ......:..........„, 295 " 27-Riedi Jay M., granted Cigarette Permit .......................„,.,...,...,..,.., 296 27-Raines Elizabeth Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ................,,, 296 " 27-Reuter Mrs, Clara M., granted Cigarette Permit ,...,.",,,,...,...,.. 296 " 27-Ragatz George J, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,,,.,. .....................,...,. 296 " 27-Rohe Francis R., granted Cigarette Permit ................................. 297 " 27-Rawson Harry A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 297, 299 July S-Riley Owen, appointed to the Planning and Zoning Com- mission and Board of Adjustment ,,,,",....,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,......, 305 " 18-Ratterman Ruth, et al, petitioning for a stop sign at the corner of Merz and Stafford .................,.,,,,,.,.,..,,,..,.,,.,,,,.......,,,,,.,.,. 318, 333 Sept. 6-Ratterman Joseph A,, bond ," ....................,,.......,....,,...,,..,,.,...,.......,.....,.,,,,,,... 369 " 21-Reynolds Melvin A., Notice of Claim ...................:..............„.,.,,...,, 390, 447 " 21-Report of Condemnation Commission on Herman J. Lott and Marcella S, Lott property ..................................,,.,.............,,. 393 Oct. 3-Russo R. N., Police Judge, authorized to attend Traffic Court Judges Conference ....................................,,,,,..,..,,"~......,,,,.,.,.,. 423 Nov. 9-Reuter Joe J., heating bond ....................................................,,,...,,,..,,..,.,,",,..,,,. 453 Dec. 12-Roeder $verett, 'granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,".,..,.,,..,,.,,;,,,,.. 532, S33 INDEX ~. BOOK 85 1955 SUBJ>~CT $ Page --:, Jan. 3_3heatz la. J'' appointed City Manager ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,, „ 3- J• J• a foi aid City Clerk ,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i Smith Mrs, Bern ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, war in •~ me, Guardian of J .~.,"".°,.,"" °".°°."°. 1 ,; Claim ames D, Notice of 3-Sani ...., ..e....,..,. tary Se .......................c..,. „ McClain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.....,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.,.., 3-Sanitar Street ...............,...,.,,,..,.,,.,,.,.,..,,...,.,,,,.,',,. I5, 245 Y Sewer along alley between I,incdn and Rhomberg 16 Avenue from I,ot 391 oI, Ham's Addition to Farragut Street to Rhomberg Avenue thence along Rhomberg Avenue to with 48 feet of I3awthorve Street, thence crossing Rhomberg Avenue to the alle Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue y between 3-State Comptroller approval of transfer of Emer e ,,.,,.,,,..,",",.,. 16 31 3-State ComptrolleFadrovaleofttrans ernof ,"$83189 from ' ,,,..,,,...,,.,...,.,..,..,.... 20 General Fund to the Street Fund ,,,.,,.,,,,,.1,000,00 from 3-Stato Comptroller, approval of transfer of D Public Safety Fund $3 ,700.00 from 20' 21 3-Sacred Heart Church, petit on forSlease o uLot 5 ~of I,ot 63 and I,ot 6 of I,ot 63 of Sanfords Sub, and I,ot 1 of 21 22 I,ot 1 of hot 2 of Mineral I,ot 313 ..,,,,,,,,,, ..,. ...................,,.,..,".. 30 31 3-Southern Avenue, curb' and gutter from existi South of the S.P,I„ of 1)unleith Street~to uabpoUO' 400 feet South (West Side Only).,,,,,,",,,33 34, 35, 49~, 62 63 3-Spruce Street "S•P ......................... curb and ...............,.,..,.,..,,,.,,..,.,.,,.".,....,,,.,,..,.68 Street to the gutter from the A',P.I,, of Jefferson ' •~• of West $leventh 9 71 3-St, o treet.,,.,,,,,33, J Seph Street, curb and ..........................,,,.~,.,,,,,.,,,..49 34, 3S South Algona Street to uthe frp •the ' 63' ~' 69' 71 W.P.I,, of „ Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1~• ~ of Gandolfa ,,... ......................~......,.,,,,.,....33, 34, 35, 49, 64, 68, 69, 71 a 24-5 hltz Charles T. granted Class "B' Bear. Permit.,,,..,,,,,„„ 36, 37 " 24- 1~• J•, City Manager, bond « Shea J•, City Clerk, bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,",,, 24-Sutton „,.,,,..,,..,..„,,,... „ Nicholas .................................. 42 „ an Geor ,,..,,.,,,",,,. 42 24-Saffr J•~ Recreational Director •~"~~~~~~~~~"""' 24-Stier ge, blasting bond ,bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 « man 1~ugene, granted .................."..,,.,,,.,,,,, ,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.,M.,,,..... 45 24-Sherman .Eugene lass "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 46 Feb, 14-Sn ,granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "" 47 yder David )~,, Notice of 1 14-State D C aim """'°°•••~"••• 46 apartment a# Health, advisin,,,..o,.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Plans ands g # the approval of 76' 125 pecifications for the proposed new ground water producing system for the City of Dubuque.....,.,,.,, 14-Stoeckler J H,, requestin yg 32nd Street be carriedt sufficienbiacktopping of West Street to pave the area in front of the we terl 32nd feet of Toot 2 of Gillespies Subdivision ,,,,,,,,,,,, Y 100 14-Stanley Ho 8 w th~carb and ' requesting permanent type 79' surfacin 80 „ from I,eihe Street northwarde150nfWashington Street 14-Stecher Mr. Phil C., request for the va „ granted ,.,..,,,.,,.,..",,.,,,.,, cation of,.,an, 80 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".,... y 14-Schwartz Lawre .°"".,."°.'"~°,","., alle Beer Permit.,,",,,,", 8q 88 " 14-Shields Street, improvement withl hot mBx ~••"~••~~~"~••~~•~~~~~~~~~~•~" 82 concrete from the North p o ,hot laid asphaltic ' Street to the South pro rt r party Lino of Dodge ~~ 4-State Department of~Health 6ne171, 202, 367Joges Street..,... 89, 90 , PProving applicatio ~or4re' 441, 442 newal of I,icettse by Frank C. Wieland to operate Wieland Mobile Home Park ,,,,, 14-State Department of Health, approvin "•~"•~"•"""""'""""""" °° Wawa] of license b g application forge- 101 Mar, 7-SadleryMargaret, Notice •o aY"°Papin to"operate the Hawk- Claim ~ 114 INDEX -- BOOK 85 1955 SUBJ);CT Page " 7-Steger b"ey T., assessment against I,ot2-2-1-1.1-1-1 of Prysi Farm Sub for improvement of Mineral Street with 7-Schneller rMathia s Andgga rted ClasscteB ~ •°Beer Permit 128, ,,...,,,,, ( 23-Scherrer Russell, l+axecutor of estate of Ida Scherrer, Original Notice of Suit 140 ,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„ «B~, 23-Sherman 1~u ene R,, requesting a refund on Cla "~~~"„~„" Beer Permit No. 148 g ss 147, 392 ...........................................„,.,,,,,,,,.., „ ,,,,, ,,,,.,.,,. 23-Sherman J3u ene, requestin g g a refund on Cigarette Permit 148 No, 318 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....,....,..,.,,...," ...................,..,,.,..,,,,..,..., " 23-Sfikas Pete S. """""'"° 23-Schroeder Dona dr D~e B~` P t 149 granted C1as f;" B ar Permit „",.. April 4-Smith, Thomas S. Sr,, objecting to the improvement of 156, 157 curb and guttering of Drexel Avenue ,.,,,,,.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4-Spear Jennie, Notice of Claim 161 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",.,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,, 4-Sommerfeld Maude K,, Notice of Claim „ 4 ,,,,,,,,,",.. ,,,,• 174, 216 174 425 ~, u ~, „ „ „ ~, „ „ May -Sanitar ••"•"•°° •° Y Sewer m St, Ambrose Street, cost certified by Albert H. Beitzel , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 175, 4-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond,,,..,~~"",..~"..".,,,,,,,"„",,,,,,~.,~"„~.",,, 179, 180 ,..",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,...,..,,,.,„,,.,.,,,,.,,,„.,,, 4-Steffen Clifford, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7-Steger Heights Subdivision, blocks 8 9 10 2 d 11 179 186, 187 , , n , ap- proval of said plat ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7-Sanitary Sewer in Bunker Hill Street beginning at the 198, 199 existing manhole in Green Street to the south prop- erty line of Fiiiley Stre t e ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,202, 203, 204, 211, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"...,.,,.,,....,...,...,,,.227, 239, 368, 411, 412, 7-Sanitary Sewer, Kaufmann Avenue d 225, 22b 413, 414 an Asbury Road sanitary sewer and lift station with force main which consists of 8", 10" and 12" sanitary sewer and lift station with 6" cast iron forc m i e a n to serve lots abut- ting; Kaufmann Avenue from West Property Line of r of f 1 ~ ~ t C Road from I;ot S I, t 10 all of Highland Park Addition and from I,ot 2 of John J R h . o ners Place n a rm i S f la d wn a n ~o Kevi dale St eetD Karen S eat from North Property Tine of Karen to So th P u roperty Line of I,indale Street; Asbury Road from the West Property Line of Carter to West C orporation Limits of the City of Dubuque ..",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,204, 205, 206, 227, ,,.,,,,,~ 228, 229 . ................................................",,,,,. , , 230, 231, 239, 240, -State Department of Health, submitting permit for 241, 506 con- struction of sanitary sewer in Bunker Hill Road.,,,,,„,,,. 2S-State Department of H lth 211 ea , submitting permit for con- struction of sanitary sewer in Princeton Place and Cambrid C ge ourt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".,.,,,,.,,",,,,",.~,,,,,,,,,. 2S-Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, requesting permission to h ld 211, 212 o tag day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", 2S-Schmidt Al M,, et a1., requesting the rezoning on the north side of I ora l d 212 , s . from Glen Oak to alley first east v g 12 244, 25S 2S-Stocker land P~ enterin protest with re and t R 283, 314 g o et- tenberger Tree and .Nursery Service and against Frank Smith , ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",..,213, 214, 25-Shireman Robert and $dgebert McNamar sidewalk ho d 2S 332, 364 , o -Sidewalks, plans and specifications far permanent side- walks prepared by City ]fngineer . 219 ,, ,„,,,",,,,,,„", ,,,,,,,, 2-Schmitt Leo J. """""'""""' si w 219, 220 Ce . ..................... 23-Stoffregen Louis s bm tt ng resignation from Plan- 234 mng and Zoning Commission and the BoaKd of Ad- justment ,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 241 INDEX =BOOK 65 1955 SUBJIaCT Page S " 23-State Department of Health;. advising of approvaC of re- wised plans for corzsfriaction'of the upper terniinai ' of the proposed gravel packed wells ,....;:, „„„,,, 241 " 23-State Department 'of Health, submitting permit for As- bury Road and Kaufmann' Avenue sanitary sewer, lift station and force main .,.» ...............................„..;,;..,,,»»;,:,,..;:..,,. 241 " 23--Schweitering and Wallis, requesting release of sidewalk construction bond of >;lmer W. Kiniker....„.,.,:,,.,»„ ................... 242 23-Schiltz Johu G. (Schiltz Const. Co.), sidewalk bond ,,.»».,..,,» 246 23--Swift Adrian, appointed to Board of Plumbing 1•xam- iners for a term of three years .............................................._ 248 " 23-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,,....,...,.»,. 249, 250 " 23-Schwartz Peter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,..,...,,.».„,.„..,,,,. 249, 250 June 6-Southern Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the existing curb and gutter on Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 9 to a point 301 feet south on Southern „,,.„,,,.,.,,,..,.Avenue,,,„263, 264, 265, 278, 279, 280, 281, 330, 478 ,.,,» .................».,..,,,,,,„.,,,.»..,.,,,„.,,,.„.,,,,.,»...,.»,...,,....».,,,,..»»,,,.»».,,,»..,,...»479, 520, 523, 524 " 6-Schmerbach Kenneth, et al., asking that Woodworth Street be repaired and the possibilities of Seward Street opening be investigated ...............,..,,.,.;.,., 273, 291 "` 6-Schlichtman, Mr. & Mrs. Claus, et al., asking that the possibilities of having curb and gutter for Woodworth, from Lowell to Mount Crest ..,...,., ........................„.,,,„...,,....,273, .274, 291 " 27-Sehueller Leo N., appointed member of Board of Plumbing );xaminers ....„ ..............„.,.,.,..,,,..,.....,...,.,,.,,..,,......,........,.,,,,,„,,...,...,.,»,...„.,.,.,».,, 287 27-Sports Promotor's Association, Inc., requesting. permission- . to have a "Fireworks Display„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,...,.,„,,,,»...,,:..»„,,..,,,,, 287 27-Schmalz Dan W., release of sidewalk bond..,..,,,,.,„..,.,,.,....,,,„,...,,,,,, 288 " 27-Stocker Leland, et al,, requesting installation of curb and gutter and surfacing of Meadow Lane ,,..,,,,,.»..». ....................... 288 ~Steger Constructi g , on CompanY), 27-Ste e ~, a „ »,,,, bond » excavation ~ 291 " 27-Sehueller Russell A. (Sehueller & Company), blasting bond ,,,,,„...,„,,,,,.,....,.,,.....„,,.,,.,......,,,„,,.,.„..,„,,,.»»....„ .............»,,,»„.,.,».,.,,„,,, 291 " 27-Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Permit ....................».»»,,,,»,,...,»,,,„„»,.,,,,, 293 27-Spiegelhalter Mrs. $lsie, granted Cigarette Permit.»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 293 " 27-Sfikas Yeter S•, granted Cigarette Permit »..._ ...:..........:. ,.,...„...,.„.,, 293 " 27-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigaretet Permit..,,,„„ 293 " 27-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,..,..,.,,,„,...,..,,,,.,...,..,,,,,.....»,.,„,,.».,»»,..,,.,.,..,,.,,»...,.,»,,,,,,,,».,..,,,.,., 27-Sullivan Robert );., granted Cigarette .Permit ..,..»,.,».,.„.,.„».,...,.,,. 294 " 27-Swan John F1,, granted Cigarette Permit ...,„,..,».,,„,,.., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 294 " 27-Scherr James J,, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,.,...„,,,,.,.,,„,,,,,,,,„,»„„ 294 " 27-Schroeder Dan, granted Cigarette Permit ...,.».,,,,.»,.„..,»,,,,,,,..,,»»...,..» 294 " 27-Sand Mrs, Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,.,,..,..,..»....,....»,,..- 294 " 27-Steffen Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,.,,,,,,»„»,,,„. ,,. .,„».„, 295 27-Soloman Jack,. granted Cigarette Permit ................„,.».,,....„,,,„»,„,.,,.,, 295 " 27-Steinhoff Harold, granted Cigarette Permit ................................„.., 295 " 27-Sehueller Mathias A,, granted Cigarette Permit ,„„„,,,,,,,,,,„.,,,„„ 295 " 27-Sand Frank and I;Isie, granted Cigarette Permit .,».,..,,.,,,,..».,,, 295 27-Smith Frank, granted Cigarette Permit .............................:.....................» 245 " 27-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ 295 " 27-Schuster Donald W, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,„,„,,. 295 " 27-Sehueller Ricfiard,~granted Cigarette Permit ..„,,,.,,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,, 295 " 27-Schulte Joseph J., granted Cigarette Permit „„,,,„,.,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,,, 296 " 27-Specht Harold D., granted Cigarette Permit ......»,,,,„......,»„.,..,,,. 296 " 27-Sauser Norbert K., granted Cigarette Permit ......................„,,,».,. 296 " 27-Savary John L: and Viola,- granted Cigarette Permit ,»,,,.,,,. 296 27-Scherer James H., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,;„,,,.,,,,„,,...,.,.„,.,,,,.,, 296 " 27-Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Pcrmif ..,,:„ .:...::::....:.„,,. 29fi "' " 27-Smith Harry J, granted Cigarette Permit ,..,» .....:..:........„, „»,,,..,., 297 INDEX -BOOK 85 19SS SUBJIaCT Page S " 27-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit ...,.,,.,.„,,,,,.,„,„,,.,» 297 27-Schwartz Peter, granted.Cigarette Permit ..,,.,.,...,„ ........... ....» ,,,..,„ 297 27-Schmit Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit . ................„,.,„..,,,,, 297 " 27-Schwegman Robert P., granted Cigarette Permit ,...,,.,„,..„,..,. 297 27-Swan John la,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,..,.,.,„,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,, 297, 299 27-Sand Mrs. Marie, .granted Class "$" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 298, 299 27-Sand Frank and $]sie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,., 298, 299 27-Sehueller Richard, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,..„., 298, 299 July 5-Sehueller & Company, sidewalk bond .,,,.,,.,„„„,,,.,»„»,,,,»„»»,»,„.,,.,,,,. 305 " S-Snyder Charles T, and $]sie, granted Cigarette Permit,,,,.,,,,„ 306 " S-Said Mr. $d, addressed Council concerning the driving of his semi-trailer on unmarked highways in the City of Dubuque ,,.,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,....,..,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,.,.,.„,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,„,.,,.,,,,,, 310, 317 " 18-Sherman Harold, requesting a restricted plumbers license 315, 334 18-Scliueller and Company, assignment to the First National Bank .,:.,,.,.»,,,.,,,„,,.,.,.,,,.,..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..»,,,,„„,„,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,»,,.,,,,,,.,,,,...,.,,.,,,,. 316 18-Schenck I;rdwig, requesting permission to keep a TV tower on City Property ..,,...,.,,.» ............................_,,..,,,,„„.,,„,,.„,.,,. 318, 363 18-Schmitt Melvin, sidewalk bond .,,.....,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 318 18-Steffen Clifford, sidewalk bond ,,..„.....,,,,,.,„,„.,,„.,,.,,,,,,,„,,,,,..,,,,..,,,,,,,,„, 319 18-Strub Mark, sidewalk bond ,.„,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,..,,,..,.,,,,.,, ..,,,., ,,. 319 Aug, 1-State Department of Health, advising that the applica- tion for renewal of license by Mr, Ray Fleckenstein to operate Healy's Mobile Home Park lias been ap- proved .............,,.,., .,,.,....,„,.,» ,,,.,., ,,,,,,,., .,,„,,,. 341 ' 10-Sglinter Clarence, et al,, requesting a street light at the corner of Primrose Street and Berkley Place ..,,,.„..,...., 349, 364 " 10-Strong Kenneth $., Notice of Claim ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,.,., ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,»,,,,,,,,,,. 350 " 10--Savary John L, and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 350 " 10-Specht Harold D., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............„» 350 Sept. b-Shea J. J., relieved of the office of City Clerk„„,,,,,,.,„,,,,...._,,. 359 " 6-Schoenthal Fred (Wean Heating Sales), heating contrac- tor's bond ,,,.,...,„,..,...,,.,„,,.»,,.,,.,..,„»..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,»,..,,,,„„,,,.,..,.,,,,,„,„.„„ 361 " 6-State Department of Health, granting approval of the plans and specifications for Iron Removal and Hardness Reduction Plant .,,.,,,.,,,„,.,,„„,,.„,,,»,„,„..,_„„„„,,,„..,»,,,.,,..„,.,,,,»„~, 365 " 6-Spielman J, Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,,,,,,».,.„. 381 " 6--Scherer James H., granted Class "B~' Beer Permit„„,,,...,.,,,, 381 " 6-Singrin Mrs, )dna, et, ah, requesting a street light in- stalled on 1~mmett Street ,,,,,,,,,»„,,,.,,»,,,,.,..,..,,,,.,,,„„,„,„,,,,,.,,,„.,,,,„,. 362, 415 " 6-Schroeder Rev, Karl G., reappointed to Library Board, term expiring July 1, 1961 .,.,.„,,,,,,,,„...,.,,,..,,..,.„,,..,..,,,,»„..,„,,,,.,,,,,. 384 " 6-Schiltz J. H., reappointed to the Board of Adjustment, term expiring March S, 1960 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,..,,,,„,,.,,,„h..,,,,,.:..,,,.,,. 384 Oct, 3-Sanitary sewer constructed in Marion Street, completed by Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Company, accept- ance of same .,.„,,,,,.,.,,„.,.,»,,..,,,.„,.,»»,,,,,,,,...,„,,..»,.,,,,,„,.,,..„.,,.,,,.,.,„,,,,..,.„ 416 " 3-Seubert'and Fesler, heating bond .....„..,,,,,»,,,,„,,:. „» 417 " 3-Sefzik R, F,, objecting to the changing of Clarke Street to St, Patrick Street „„,.„,„.,,,,,,..».,,,,,..,,„„,...»,„„„,..,»,,,„.,.,., 421 431 445 ~ " 17-Stampfer J. F. Company, heating bond ,„..,..,,..,.,»,.„,..„.,,,,„„„„,,,„, 428 " 17-Sears Roebuck & Co., heating bond ...,..,..„..,,,,.„„,„_. .,.„,,,,,. 428 " 17-Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. F. R., objecting to the installation of a sewer on Tressa Street ,,.„,,,„,.,,,„,,,,„.„,»,,...,,„,,,,.„,.,.,,..,,.,»,,,,,,,,„. 430 " 17-Smith Lucille, et, ah, requesting that parking be prohibited on the North Side of l;ighth Avenue from Wilson to Roberts Street .....,..,.,...,,,.,,,.„..,„,.,,,,,.,,,,„,.,..„...,,,,„„.»,„,.,„,,,,».,„,,,,» 431, 439 17-Smith Ralph (Smith Oil Company), granted Cigarette Permit „,,..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„....,,...„.........,,...,....»...,.-................,.........,...,......,...,. 434 Nov, 7-Smith Delbert N., stating his support for construction of $sther-Tressa Street sewer ....................,,..,.,.,»,.,,,„.,„,.,.,,...„.,.,,,,,,. 440 " 7-Smith Mrs. Stella C., stating her support for construction of Tasther-Tressa Street sewer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,,,,,,,„,,,,„,„,,,,, 440 ...1955 INDEX' -BOOK 85 SUBJI~CT S Page 7-Schmitt Melvin ~~ 7-Smith Frank f ` r t ,......,,.,, aroldal « ""',,, ., •, • ~~ BeeB Pe a l ` ( 9 445, S40 B ~ „ ..,,„,.,.,,,. ~ ~, gra nted p C1as =Schwendin e ermit, , ~~ g John M. heatin bo d 450 450 451 ,J "„"Y'+ , g n ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, g-Sanitaaq sewer, Health Department recommending the ex- tension of the se , 453 wer to service the three dwellings in Dec. S-- th 2100 block of University Avenue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Schueller & Compan y, requesting a thirty day extension of time to complete Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury Street sanitary se 454 wer and lift station,..„,,.,,„„ , 5-Sullivair Joseph J., requesting the removal of the bus stop in front of his grocer 506 y store ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,..,. or--Stoner Harley, et. al., requesting curb and gutter on Sulli- « van Street : 5~' 537 . ........... -Spruce Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- facing from the No th 507 r Property lame of Jefferson Street to the South Property Line of West $lventh Street, acceptance f ' o ,,,,,„,,,,,,,,, S-Schulte Joseph J,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,.,,,,,,,„„" 12-Sanitary Sewer ~,, , constructi 518 519 , ,, , on of an eight (8) inch vitrified the sanitary sewer beginning in the center of ~+sther Street at I,ot 2-1-1 of Oa1c Grave Addition; thence southerly on 1• th s er Street to the intersection of Esther and Tressa Streets; thence easterly au Tressa Street to the int ersection of Tressa Street and. River Ridge; thence northerly on River Rid e t i g sect o the inter- on of River Ridge and Disney Street; thence easterly on Disney Street 206 f eet; thence northerly through I,ot 9 of the Subdivision of Mineral I,ot 39 to the existing sanita ry sewer iti Mt, I,oretta.........526, 5 T2-Smith Harry J., requesting a refund on Cigarette Per- mit No, 257 „„..,,„.,,„. 27, 528 „,,,,,,,,,.,",.,,,„.,.,.,.,,„,,,„,,,„,,,,,.„ 530 1955 Jan. ~~ ~~ << Mar. ~~ Apri ~~ a a ~~ May June ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ INDEX -BOOK 85 SUBJ1~CT Page T 3-The Telegraph-Herald, appointed official newspaper,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ 3-Tschiggfrie Ra m d N i 1 y on , ot ce of Claim ,,.,,„,......,,,,,„, ,,, 24-Traffic Surve """"""'„"' y 1S, 153 .................................._.,,,....,,. 38, 39, 383, 24-Thompson Jane "" """'""""""""' otice of Clam . ,..,,,..„ ....................„,,,.,.,,,.,„,,,",.,„. 24-Tschi 1~d d M ~ 424, 425 39, 125 " g war ., Crty Treasurer, bond .,.,,,,..,.,„.,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Y C. ranted Class «B Y 24-Torre Henr , g Beer Permit ,,,„„,„.,,,,...„ 7-Theisen Ed ar W b 42 46, 47 g ., o jecting to the proposed curb and gutter nnprovements on Woodlawn Street from Karen Street to the north end „„,..,„,„,,,„,,,,„,,, ...,..,„.,,,„.„,.,,,,„.,,,.,..,,,..,„.„„,,.. 23-The Military Order of the Purpie Heart, Inc., requesting 116 161 ' permission to hold an exhibition on the streets in Dubuque ............... .....„,,,,,,,.., ,., .................„.,..,,.,,,.,....,,..,..,.,,,,.„,,.,„.,.,~,,..,„,,,,..„. 4-Tenenbom's u r Mark P et, Inc., granted Class C' Beer 148, 178 .,„ Permit , ................,.,..,.......,,,"..,,,,„...,...,,,,..,,,,,„„,,.,,,,,„,.,,„,.,,. an„„~, 7-Tapp and Leona D., notified to remove and 186, 187 abandon t s t ~ 2 l F Sub., tha aid praperty be c n e ted with the sasu tary sewer and that sanitary toilet and toilet facilities be installed-and connectio d ` i ns ma e w th said sewer...,,,.. 2S-Trustees of Wahlert Foundation, offering the sum of 207, 237 One Hundred Thousand Dollars to i acqu re property adjoining "Flora Park" area .....................„.,., „.,,,„,,,„209, 210, 2S-Turnquist Tad,, Notice of Claim ~ 211, 286 .„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, ,,,„,,.„„ , 2S-The Kroger Company, requesting 2 10 minute parking 211, 262 meters on Seventh Street on the corner which is e ent n t th o V m ~ .,.,,,..,,,,...,.,....„. 2S-Toepel and Verenat correction of assessment on $ % of ol,t 58 of Tschirgi & Schwiuds Sub 213 .,,,,,"..,,, 23-The Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...,.,. 6-Tegeler Robert, Jay Price et al i 221 25p , ., request ng that a new curb be installed on Garfield Ave, in the 1804 blo k c before the resurfacing process begins ,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27-firierweiler Gerald W,, Notice of Claim "°°„• 27-Tauke Don B., Notice of Claim """""""'""'""""""""""""'°` 2SS, 256 287, 369 27-Treivieler I+almer I, .,,,.,„„„,,,,.,..„,,.„,„„,,.,,,..,,,,,„,,,,„,„.,,,,,,„,,,, 27--The Kro er Cam ~ granted Cigarette Permit ....„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,, g p r t d Ci 289, 369 293 y, g an e arette Permit ,,..,,.,,,„,,,...,,,,, 27-The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company granted Ci - 293 , g arette ermtt 27-Tenenbom s uJer 'S Pe rmits,,,,,... t tte 2'1-Trapp Arthur dt Cig ed, g 293 293 11 r g ante arett Pe mi 27--The Sunshine Ctrcle, granted Cigarette Permit Zg¢ ,,.„,..,,~,,.„,..,,,,„„,,,, 27-Trimpler George J,, granted Cigarette Permit ~,,..,..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27-Tench John F 294 ., and Vincent Iviescher, granted Cigarette Permit ,,..,..,.,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27-Tschiggfrie Mrs. Rose, granted Cigarette Permit 27-Teeling Vincent "~~~~~"~~"'"' 294 294 , granted Cigarette Permit , 27-Thorpe Walter and Taarl Mardauss ~"~~~~~~"'""""""'"""""""` t r 294 g an e igarette Permit „.,,"..," 27-Thompson Franlz.,"~.~..,.".""...~.,..„„"......,,,~., W. and John F. ranted"......."......,~.... Permit ~ g Cigarette , 295 „ ...............„,,,,,,,.,,..„.,.,.,.,,. „ 27-Thom son ohn M, ................,,....,,,,...,........,,,,...,,..,,,,,.„.,,„,,,„,.,,,.. P J and Clarence )~., granted Cigarette Permit , 295 ,, .,,..„,.,.,,",,.,,,„..,,,„,,..,.,,, 27-Torr Henr ,.,.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,,,,.,.,,,„",.,,.,,,,,..,,...,,,,..,,,,.„,„.,,,,,. ~ y C., granted Cigarette P i 295 erm t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„",,, 27-Tranel Zeno A,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,„,;,, 27-Triangle Cafe, granted Cigarette Permit 295 296 ..„:,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,, 27-Tracy Edward J, granted Cigarette Permit „,„,.,.,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„ 27-Tindell Harold )~ 296 '296 ., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,„ 27-Thompson )~imer granted Ci , garette Permit .„,.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,~,,,, 297 27-Tschiggfrie Mrs. Rose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.„,,. 298, 299 27-Thompson Jahn M , and Clarence la'., granted Class "B" Beer Permit „ 1 ,,,„ ..............„,.,.,,. , 27-Tindell Harold .,,.,,,,,,.„,„,„,..„,„,.,,.,,.,„,,.„"„,„,,,,.,.,,,„„„„„,,,.,. 298 299 Ia,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit„„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 298, 29g INDEX `= BOOK 85 ~. 19SS StTBJ~CT Page fi " 27--Thompson Frank W. -and John P.; granted Class "C" .Beer Permit ::~,„„„ ::,,,,„ .....,,,„ „.„:„ 298, 299 July S--Tolle Henry D,, acknowledging receipt'of 7onrt resolution` concerning the lighting of the .Julien Dubuque Bridge 304 ` Aug. 1-Tax levies for the year 1955 established „„„,,..,,,„„,.„,...:.:.:...,„„„ 327 10-Tracy Edward J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..„,,,„.„„.,,, 350 Sept: 6-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc:, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..„: .„„,„ „, „„.„, 381 " 21-Travelers Indemnity Co., submitting Revocation of Power of Attorney of Richard T. Johnson, N. G. Kendall, Arlene McDuff, B'. W. McKillip, Robert D, Mowers, Richard P. Pooler „„ ..............„...,„„„„„„........„„„.„„,.„.„„.:,„...„„„„:.„,„:,, 387 ,` Oct. 3-Trumm Raymond F., requesting grade and proper sur- facing of alley between Clinton Street and 27th Street :.,„„:„,„.:„„:„:„„„:.„.„„.„,,.„,._„„.„„.„:„...„.„. „.,,.„:.,„.,... „„:.„,.„„:„.„.. 420, 439 " 3-Tauke Mr. & Mrs: Joseph, requesting that Glen Oak be . opened from Edina Street and a grade established,:„„„„,. 420, f 439 " 3-Takos Peter J., objecting to Section 2 of the Master Plan 425 ', 17-Thurston Mr, & Mrs, Charles, et ah, objecting to the re- stricted parking on the north side of East 19th Street 429 -Nov. 7--Teeling Vincent, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .„..,,,.,.,„„,,,,. 450 Dec. S-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class «C„ Beer Permit .::,„„.„,„„„,„,.„,„„„„,„„:,:„,„„..„,.,„~„.,..„,,,„„„,.,.,„„„„.. 518, 519 INDEX ,=- BO©K ~ 85 19SS SUBZI~CT Page U Jan. 3-United. States Conference. of Mayors, advtsmg of annual conference in New York in May. .„.„,. ,.,„. 15 Feb. 14-University. Avenue, improvement with. hot mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete from the 1;ast Property Line of Alta Vista to the West Property Line of Lot 2 of 2, of Summit Addition ::,„......89; 90, 91; 103, 104, 105, .106, 171 „„„,„„,.„„.......::„.:.„:,,.„„.„.„...„„...,..„„:.:.„„„.:172, 202, 367, 397, 405, 411 " 14-University Avenue, improvement with hot hix, hot laid asphaltic concrete from the .Fast Property Line of Auburn Street to the West Property Line of Lot 13 in Finley, Waples and Burtons Addition„...29, 90, 91, 103 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,,„,,,..,.,.„..,.,.,,,„104, 105, 106, 171, 172, 202, 367, 397, 404, 411 April 4-United States, of America, Grant Agreement,- acceptance by the City of Dubuque for the purpose of obtaining federal aid for the development of the Dubuque Mu- nicipal Airport ..„.,.....„......„„...,„:.„,„,.„:.„..„,.„„,.„„„„.„„„,.„.„„,„.. 185, 186 May 2-United States Cuban Sugar Council, urging City Council to oppose any bills prejudiced to Cuban sugar ........................ 231 23-United Pacific Insurance Company, consenting to exten- sion of time for completion of contract of Linehan ~ Moto at the swimming pool ,.,„,„,:,,.,...,.....„,..„,,,,..,.,,„„.,,.,„,„,„, 242 23-United States, renewal'of Government lease for Naval Re- serve Training Center .„.....,.,„. „.,......„„,„...„„:„:.,.,.:„:,.:..„:„;„. 243 June 6-Uppinghouse Alan R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,..,.,,. 269, 270 " 27-Uppinghouse Alan R,, granted Cigarette Permit:„„,„„,.,...„,.„.,,.,. 293 " 27-Utaig Le]Zoy, granted. Cigarette Permit „„„ ..............,, ,,,,,,, „ ,,.. 295 Dec. 5-United States of America, renewal and modification of Government Lease for Nava] Reserve Training Center 505, 506 " 19-U. S. Route No. 20, from Chicago to the West Coast of the United States declared, designated, and made a part of the National System of Interstate Highways,..,,„,„,,,...,. 539 INDEX .~- BOOK 85 ... 1955 - SUBJECT .. _ Page V Jan. 3-Veterans Radio Cab Company, Taxi..Cab Policy».,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, 3-Vernon Street, curb and gutter from h 28 „ t e E,P,h, of Glen Oak Street to a point 280 feet East.,»,.,,.,33, 34, 3S 49 6S 66 ' , , ..,.... ...,„.. ».„..„.,..„.....».,,. » „,. »» 68 3-Veterans of Foreign Wars I,eo A. Schwind Post No grant 508 d C " " , 69 71 Feb. . e a lass B Beer .Permit for Private Club",". 14-.Veterans of Foreign Wars heo A. Schwind Post N 36, 37 Mar. o. 508; 7 VeteransUeo finFope gn~sW d a Poppy Sale».:.„...„..»_.,. to ~ 79 Ma , Y ars Ge al h. Winter Post No. 2_., 9663, requesting' permission to sponsor a carnival..".,,,,,,, Van Duelman Carl r " 115 116 ~ June , g anted Class C" Beer Permit...,,,,,,,„,,,„ 23-Valtey Roo$ng Company, sidewalk bond .,,,,,,„,,,,,,,, . „,M 27-Van Duelman C l 235 236 „ ar , granted Cigarette Permit „ . »„„„,,,„»,„,„.. 27-Vrotsos Mrs. Elsie, granted Cigarett ,».„"""„` P "" ~ 246 294 " e ermit 27-Vrotsos Geor e T. ••••~••"•»•• 27-Vander Meulen 'granted Cigarette Permit ~•„ Willi 295 29S r am and. Sophie McCann, g anted arette Permit „ .,,.",,,,,,,,„,,,,,, 27-Veterans of Forei n ..~»"•,„.~.."".°°."' g .Wars, Gerald Ji, •Winters Post~~Na. 9663, granted Cigarette P i 297 erm t „„,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, 27-Vander Meulen William and Sophie McMann „•~~~~~•~~~~~~""~""'""'"" " " 297 Ju1Y B Beer Permit ,granted Class 18-Veterans of Forei ,».,„.„,„..,,.,.,.,„..,,.»,.,»,.,...„.„.„.„ „»..».•».„.» gn VG`ars heo A h S i " 298, 299 , . c w nd Past Na. 508, requesting a refund on Crass "B" Beer P r e mrt No 142 Nov. . „»„.,.,.».»„..». „.., 7 Veterans of Forei n ..,.»,».,».»„...„..„„„,...„»»„..„..»»....,. g Wars Gerald F Wi ~• ~ ~•~~"""" 315 „ `` . nters 9663, granted Class "]3" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,,,„„"post No. 9-Veterans Radio Cab Company Ta i C ~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~•„"' 450, 4S1 , x ab Polic y„,,.».„„..,.,..„„ 9-Vosberg Francis )~,, sidewalk bond 453 »„»„„»,»»,. 453 INDEX =- BOOK 85 '1155. SUBJECT Page ran. 3-Wright Ralph E~ ff st S buy County I,ot 2-1-2 West Ke of hot 41 y ub, .„,,.»„..»....„.,...»„:»:.»„»».».».», ».~.:» 15, 16 3-Water Mam, notice of adoption' and levy ofi special assess- ment td pay for construction in Alpha, Born, Carlton, " henox, McPoland and Nebraska Avenues, Green Street, Woodlawn Street, proof of publication.„,„.,.,.».... 19, 20 " 3-West Thirty Second Street, curb and gutter from the W.P.h, of Lemon Street to the E:P.h, of Link Street 33, 34 ..;„».",»..„.»,».„»,„,».„».„.„..„..»»»„ .....................„,..,..,,„»»,..„.",35, 49, 6S, 68, 69, 71 " 3-Walker John F., granted Cigarette Permit .,».,»„.,»,»»»,,.„„»„».„». 36, 37 " 3-Winkler Mrs, Beatrice C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 36, 37 " 3-Wright Spencer P„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit,„.»»,,.,,,,„ 36, 37 " 3-Walker John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit „»,„,„,.,„.„».» 36, ,37 " 3-Wertz Donald E,; granted Class "C" Beer Permit»„m.„»»„».» 36, 37 Feb. 14-Water Main Extension B'otids for the purpose of provid- ing for payment for construction of a water main in Alpha, Born, Carlton, Indiana, Lenox, McPoland and Nebraska Avenues, Green Street and Woodlawn Street .„...„,.,,„,.,.,».„..,„,„,....,»„,..,...,„.„...„...,.,..."».„,.,»,...,,,..„,„...»,,.»».,.76, 110, 111, 112 " 14~Woodlawq Avenue, Water Main Extension Bonds„...:76, 110, 111, 112 " 14-Walker John F,, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 133 ....................» . „... „.„...„»...,»,,.;,,..„,.:. »,,,„„»,,. 80 " 14-Walker John F., requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit No. 313 ...,.,...,,»„..» .............„..,.„,..,.,.,..:»„.,..„„,».,..„,.„,.,,,„...,.,.,».„..»,»»„„.„,„»». 80 " 14-Washington Street, improvement with hot mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete from the North Property Line of heibe Street to the end of Washington Street..,.,„,,,„»»,. 89, 90 „..„».„ ..................91, 103, 104, 105, 106, 171, 172, 202, 367; 397 408 " 14-Water Department, construction of four (4) (Estimated Cost $132,000.00) or six (6) (Estimated Cost $184,800.00) vertical gravel packed wells...,..95, 96, 147, 196, 197 " 14-Water Revenue Bonds, in the amount of $1,500,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing improve- ments and extension to municipal waterworks of said city „.„,.,.,..„»,„,.,;.„.,...,„,»»,„..,,.,.,.,..„,..,...,...„.,»....,.96, 97, 112, 113, 114, 159, 160 Mar. 7-Washington Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the North Property Line of heibe Street. to the end o ashin ton Street ,„..,.,,„..,..„130, 131, 133, 16(1, 161, 162, 163 446, 447, 481, 495, g en ~ ~~~ 4 ~ 496, 497 7-Woodlawn Street improvem t ith r cu b and gukter from the North Property I,iue of Raren Street to the end of Woodlawn Street ........................................130, 131 '132, 133, 160 161 " 23-Wiehl Mrs.. Margaret M., Notice of Claim .,...,.„.,~.....,,.„,„,,,,,,.,,,„ " 147, 215 23-Warranty Deed, Maude M, Nolte, widow and unmarried, and Edythe R. Nolte, single, conveying to the City of Dubuque Lot 2 of hot S of Mineral hot 37 in 'the City of Dubuque, together with a 1S foot right-of~wag aver the south end of hot 1 of the Subdivision of hot S of Mineral hot 37 .....,..„.........,.„ ................„».„,»»„»„»,„.„,„.„.„„,..»; 150 " 23-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Class "B" Beer Fermit »..,,.,„» 156, 157 April 4-1~estminster Presbyterian Church, requesting that the por• tion of th ll i l b t Al Pl ey e a y ng e ween ta ace and Qsh- tan Place extending southerly from Decorah Street . and between hots 282 to 286 inclusive and hots 288 to 290 in Woodlawn Park Subdivision be vacated and the title a# said vacated portion of said all@y be con- vertcd to the petitioner .».„».,,....,,..„,.,,,,„ ...................„....,„,,, 175, 176, 217 " 4-Willy Construction Company, sidewalk bond ,».„»»».~,»,,.,,.,„,..»»„ " 179 4-Winders Vince, granted Cigarette Permik ..».»,„,»„„»„,„.,,,„., 186. " 4-Walker James V. and Marie, 'granted Cigarette Permit,.., " 186 4-Walker James V. and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .„»,:„„»,.„»..„,„»,.„..„...„.,..,.,.,„.»»,.„.....".„„»,.„»»»„..»»;,»».,»»„»„,„„.,,».; 186, 187 1955"r ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ «, May May ~~ ~~. ~~ June ,~ ,~ ,< '. i< ,~ .r ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ INDEX °-=~ BOOK 85 SUBJ)•GT - Page. W'. 4~-Winders Vince; 'granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,, „„ f86, 187 "4--White William`J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.,,, .. I$6, 187 2S-Wahlert 'Foundation, offering the stim` of One Hundred Thousand Dollars to acquire propertyadjaining "Flora Park" area ,.,.,...»..,.,:.,.,» ...::.......:::....,.;„,,.,,:,w,,,~;,,,,»„»„,„,:,,,.,.,„209, 21Q 211, 286 - 2S-Wieland Frank C., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No, 91 ,.»»..,,,...,,»...» .......................,....,.»..,».,,»„,,...,„»,„,...„..,,„,..,.» 213 2S-Woodhouse George, granted Cigarette Permit ....,...._ ....:.............. 221 25-Weber Merlyn L:, granted Class "B" Beer Permit».,,,,.,,,,,.»,.,„ 221, 222 25-Wain James, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,„;»,:..„...,»:.».,.,,,,... 221, 222 25-Woodhouse George W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 221, 222 2S--Williams Mrs. Frank 1'a., commending the Mayor on the cleanliness of city streets and roads .,.»,...,,,.»,„......».»»„ ............. 222 2-Winter J. M., et al., requesting the City Council to cause the first alley west of Gandolfo Street, from Lom- bard Street to St. Joseph's Street to be opened for use ..„..»,,.„.,.,„„»..,,.....,„,,.,,.,...„,,..,,....,,,...„,..»,...»,,.:,.„.,,,,»„„„.,,..,.,,,.»„:....,,,,.232, 247, 248 2-Warren Del, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....m,..,,,,».,..,.,,,,»„»„ 235, 236 23-Whelan, J, ~,, attorney for Mary Huber, Notice of Claim ::...»,.„,» .:.:....:.....„.,,.:...,... , ., , 240, 241, 305, 323 23-West 29th Street, Holy Ghost Church, Inc., petitioning for the vacation of ......,».» ..................,..,...,,..,,..,,..,.,,.,„,...,...,.243, 292, 308, 329, 334 23-Werncr; )•. H.; issued a restricted plumbers license.,......,,....,.». 246 23-Welu C P, appointed to Board of Plumbing )~xaminers far a term of three years „...» ..................»„„.,».»„,.....,...,...,»,,,,.,„,».,,,.. 248 23-Winders R. Daniel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit„.,,,..;... 250 6-Washington Jr. High School, 8th grade class, letter of appreciation to the City Council ,.....,,,,„.....,..,»,,......,.„..,,.,..,,,,„ 257 27--Welu C, P,, submitting resignation as a member of Board of Plumbing Taxanainers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»......,.........,»,..»,»....,,.»..,,,.»..».,.,,.,..„ 287 27-Weiland Mary, Notice of C1aim „..,,»,,,„..,»,,,,,,.„„,....»,..,»,,.„„„:„..„,,,„,».,,» 288, 370 27-Water Department, Hardness Reduction Plant....,,,.»,...»289, 347, 348 .„.,..,»„„,.„,,:.»...»...,»,,,»...»...„....,.,....»..»».,.,».»„,.,„„..,,,„.,..„„ .............»».....,..,,»...»385, 395, 443 27-Waterbury-Dubuque Company, heating bond ...,.»;.„,...».......»,.»...,... 290 27-Walker Mazie A., Notice of Claim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,.......,.,».»,,,.,».»...,,,...,,...,.. 292, 392 27-Weber Merlyn L,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,...,,.,,.»,»,.,».,,»„,».. 293 27-Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit »,»».,»...»,. 293 27-Ward John M, granted Cigarette Permit ...„„ ......................:.».....,....,„ 293 27-Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,„......,„.... 293 27-Wingert Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit,,....,„ .............. 294 27-Weiner Joseph and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit.»...,..,.,,,. 294 27-Wagner William, granted Cigarette Permit .»,..„..,„».,,.,.»...».,.». 294 27-Winders R, Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit .............»„.»,.,„.,..», .294 27-Walker James V, and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit „„ 294 27-Weber Rvben J., granted Cigarette Permit „„_....,,. ................,...,,.» 294 27-Westercamp Mrs, Margaret J., granted Cigarette Permit 295 27-Wunder Mrs. iileen, granted Cigarette Permit „..,„,.,„,,.,.,,»,;,.. 295 27-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit ,».,,,.,..,»,,,.,,.,.,,.„..„... 295 27-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,......,.... ..................,........„ 295 27-Weiner Sylvester A. and Delores V., granted Cigarette Permit „,,....,»„.,.,...,,,,»,....,„.»..,.» ...............»,,.»„,,,„,...,„»,,,w»,»,„,,.„„,.,..,»,„.„„.,. 295 27-Wain James and Delores, granted Cigarette Permit,,,„,.,..,,......,. 296 27--Welter Arnold J, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,.,»,»..,»,,,,...,.,.,.,..., 296 27-Wertz Donald 1~., granted Cigarette Permit .,..»,.,,.,„.,,„,.,..,,.,,,„„ 296 27-Wright Spencer P., granted Cigarette Permit .,.,.„.,»...»,,.,,,,,,,,,,„ 296 27-Winders Vince, granted Cigarette Permit ,....,„»..„,„.».,,,,,„,.,,.,,,»,,,,, 296 27-Winkler Louis J,, granted Cigarette Permit „ .................»,»,»,,,„„„ 297 27~Winkler Mrs. Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit ,»,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 27-Woodhouse George W., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 2'1-Wingert Mrs. Josephine, granted Class `B" Beer Permit 297, 298 27-Westercamp Mrs. Margaret J,, granted Class "B" $eer Permit .,,,,„„,,,.„»,..»„„„„,.„,»„,.,,„,,,„,,.,.»..,».,.,,„.,,,.».„,...,„„„„.»„„„,.„„,»,»,»„,,,„„ 298, 299 INDEX -- BOOK 85 1955 SUBJ$CT Page W 27-Wunder liileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit »»»» " 289, 299 , " ' 27-Ward" Jahn M,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...,.,,», ,„,,,» .298, 299 July 18-Walser Harold and Max Blum, protesting the vacation of certain streets as contained fn the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company »,,,»..,»»,».,....„..»»,,.».»,,.».,,,:»»»..,..».„ 316, 344 " 18-Weiner Joseph J, and lavetyn, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit „».».._,.,.,..»»,...,.».»»„»»»»»».»»».,.»,,,,,»»»»,»,,.»,....,..».»,»,,.....,»,.,„»»»»»,..,,».,» 324 Aug. 1-Wolbers Mrs. Mary, 'granted Class "B" Beer Permit...»..»,»,.... 336 " 1-Wolbers Mrs. Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ».»,»..,»„.,.,»»,».»». 337 " 1-Water Main Project 1955 No. 1, construction in Alpha Avenue, Bnrn Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, Marmora Avenue, Missouri Avenue, Ridgeway Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue,» .............»,„:.. ,»„337, 338, 339, 359, 360, 361, 385 ....................................».,.,,...,,...,,..-,....,..,...,.....-.......».......,....,.........-.,.,..........386, 529, 530 " 17 Willis ,~,ugene, addressed Council on behalf of Margaret Callahan and John Giellis, requesting that the alley between Hedley Court and Buena Vista Street be opened ,.»»..,,,»»»,..,.,»»...»».»».,.....»..,...»...»,.»».....,,,,,»,»»,».,,»..,»».,,»»...,,.„,»,.,»,.,. 358, 363 Sept. 6-Weimer Rev, Pugene, reappointed to the Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 5, 1958.».,. 384 21-Weiner Syl A., Notice of Claim .,,»,,.,,.,....,,...,»»,»,,,»„»».,,„.»»,,.»,.»..,,.,».,. 390 " 21-Wartburg Seminary Snaclc Bar, granted Cigarette Permit,.. 391 Oct. 3-Welsh Mrs, V. J,, et al., requesting that the name of Clarke Street be changed to St, Patrick Street.»,,,,»»,»,,,»,.,.,»,»,.»,». 421, 445 " 3-Welter Arnold J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,,»»„»».,..»..,. 422 " 17-Wersinger Gertrude, Power of Attorney .....,.».»»„,»,.,».,„, t for improvement of 17-Wat'd John, protesting assessmen Leibe Street .. »,....,»,»»„;.,»,»»„»,,,».,»»,„,».,»»., 436, 439 Nov, 7-Wagner Merlin,-requesting extension of alley from 2752 Broadway througth to end of street »„,,,»„»,,,..,,»»,„,»..,.:„,,. " 44S assessment against Lot Dec. S-Wilbzieht Lester, correction of 1-1-1-2-1-1 of Links Subdivision .».„,»,».,,...»,,,.,,,,,»,,...,»,»,.,,..»,»»,,. 501 " S-West 32nd Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfacing from the West Property Line of Central Avenue to the Fast Property Line of Lemon Street, acceptance of .»,.»»,..,.,.,„...»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,».....,»„.,,,,,,»»»,,.,».»,»,»»...,,.„,»,„,,,~»„». 512, 513 " S-West 32nd Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfacing from the West Property Lme of Lemon Street to the 1~ast Property Line of Link Street, ac- ceptance of ,»,»,.,,.,»,.,.,,.,».,,,.,.,.,..»,,,.,»....»..,»,.».......,,,,,»»,»»»,.»„».,»„»»»,...,.»„». 513, 514 " S-Wolbers Mary, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No.80»,,.,»....,....,».»....» ...............„,„»»..,,,,.».».,,»,»,,,»,»,»,»»»„»»,»,»..,,. S18 " 5-Wolbers Mary, requesting refund on Cigarette' Permit No, 299 ...,.,,»,»» ...................».,,,».,,,,.„„,...,„,».,»»,».„,.».»,,,»»„„»,»„„»».,.»»„».»»,»„ 518 " 5-Weber Ruben J,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,»,»,.,»,,,„,»,. 518, 519 12--Welu Councilman, appointed presiding officer pro tem, »»,.,»» 520 " 19-Winkler Beatrice C.;"granted Class "B" Beer Permit,»»».»,:,» 540, 541 INDEX -- BOOK 85 1955 S JB J;~CT Page X June 27-Xavier Hospital Gift Shop , granted Cigarette Permit,,,, ,,, 297 Y Jan, 3/YounNoo2285., requcsting a refund on Cigarette P i . erm t Street ....... .........".,.,.,.,....,,.,"„ , 3-york ,curb and gutter from~~~~"~~~"~~~~~~~~"'"' the 1~,p.la Hill Street t ~of S h h 9 , o out t e W P.I,, of State Street...,,,,,,,,33, 34, ,.. „" .................. April ~ g ....,. .,".,....~ ...........:..... . Youn M 35 49 , ,. Ma 2_ rs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ,~, ~' ~' y Young Mrs, Emma re e ti 69, 71 1 ; qu s ng that a street fight be in- stalled. at the corner of Primrose and Streets , Muscatin 86 ,,.,;,,""„ e June 27_ Young Mrs, Florence, granted Cigarette Permit Dec, S-york. Street im , 232 246 , provement with asphaltic macadam :facing from the ~~ ~ """'""` sur- West: Property Li t 293 ne of o the East Property Line of Hill State Street once of Street , accept- ,,,,.,.,.,..""„,,,,,,,,,,,;, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, ,",,,..,..,.,,,,. ,,,.:,,,.. .515 Z June 6-Zahina Robert T. (Diamond Cab Company), taxicab band '~ 27-Zillig George J ,., , granted Cigarette Permit .,,,,,,,,,, 27-Zimmerman laugene K,, granted Cigarette P " 27-Zahina M ~" ~~ 273 295 ernut rs. A nes " 27-Zillig Geor e g ,granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,, T ~ g J 296 ,,,,,,,,,,,,," „ ., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......,.,,,",,,, 298 Aug, 1-Zimmerman Eugene K re u i 29 ,, q est ng a refund on Class 'B" Beer Permit No, 122 ,,,,,,,„,,, 1-Zimmerman Eu ,,.. e ....„... ~., °'.'."". "". , 9 g ..,.,,.,.....,.." ne K. re , questing a refund on his arette Permit No. X187 Ctg Se t 6 335 p ..............",„"„"„ ,",,, . ................ „,. ".",.,.. -Zuker William B., reappointed to ex irin Library Board, term • P g July 1 1961 O t 33 5 ~ , . 3_ c .............. Zimmer Richard ,.,,,.,,.",.,..,..,.....,,...,,.., I<., Protestin .............".,.,.....,..., • °~° g the installation of a se in Tressa Stre t 84 e .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wer . .......................,,,.., Nov. 7-Zillig George r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,. e •, questin No. 153 g a refund on Cigarette p ~, ,,,,,,,, ermrt 4 21 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g George ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".,,,,,...,..........., 7 Zilli J, requesting a refund "'""""""""""""""" Permit No 69 on Class "B~' B 44fi . eer 7 Zahina Mrs. ,..,,,,,.",.,,,.,.,,.,.,.., fines, granted Class "C" B ~~.~~~.~~."~..."",.".,°'" 448 e er Permit,..„,,,,,,,,,,,,, 454, 451 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 1 ,~~~ Passed, adopted and approved i this 3rd d f ~ ay o January, 1955. ` (OFFICIAL) CHARLES A, KINTZINGER, Mayor Regular Session, January '3rd 1955 , CLARENCE P, WELU, RUBEN V. AUSTIN , Council met at 7:30 P M , LEO N. SCHUELLER, , , Councilmen Present-Mayor Schueller, Coun- Attest: J, J. SHEA, cilmen Austin, Kintzinger, Welu, City Clerk City Manager Schiltz. Councilman Welu moved the Absent-Councilman Kolb adoption of the resolution, Second- , Mayor Schueller stated that this . ried by the followinghvoteer, Car- is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council, also the first Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen: Austin, Schuellor Welu meeting of the fiscal year, for the , , Nays-None, purpose of acting upon such busi- Absent-Councilman Kolb ness as may properly come before .. Mayor Kintzinger swore in tho the meeting, newly appointed officers; City Man- Couneilman Welu moved that ager L, J, Schiltz, City Clerk J, J Councilman Charles A. Kintzinger , Shea, City Solicitor T, H, Nelson, be elected Mayor for the ensuing Assistant.. City Solicitor R, M. fiscal year, Seconded by Council• Czizek, Police Judge R: N, Russo, man Austin. Carried by the fallow- December 22, 1954 ing vote: To 'the Honorable Mayor Yeas-Mayor Schueller, Council• and City Council Dubuque Iow ' men Austin, Welu. , a Gentlemen: As City Manager of Nays-None, he City of Dubuque, I wish to ad• Absent-Councilman Kolb vise your Honorable Body that' all , Councilman Kintzinger not vot- i .officers and employees whom I have thepower to appoinEand are ng„ now serving and acting in their City Clerk Shea then swore in ..respective capacities and assisting the new Mayor whereon Mayor in the orderly administration of the Kintzinger took the Mayor's chair, City and of the various' depart- RESOLUTION N0. 1-55 meets thereof, said officers and y e A resolution providing for the appointment of a City Manager viston, direction and cont oluand their appointment i , City Clerk, City Solicitor, Assistant . s, cont nuing at .the pleasure of the Manager shall City Solicitor and, Police Judge of , ' be paid salaries not to exceed those the City of Dubuque; prescribing their salaries and fixing their in accordance with the budget ap• proved by the City Councih bonds. Respectfully submitted, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- L. J. SCHILTZ, cil of the City of Dubuque that the City Manager following officers be appointed sub- Councilman Austin moved that iect, however, to the right of the 'the communication of City Man- Council to declare such offices va• ager Schiltz be received and made cant or remove the officers there- a matter of record. Seconded by from at the pleasure of the Council 'Councilman Welu, Carried by the with or without cause, and to be following vote: paid the compensation provided for Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger Council- in the budget and that they each , 'men Austin, Schueller Welu, provide the following bond at their , Nays-None, expense; City Manager, L, J, L. J, Schiltz, bond $5,000.00; City Absent-Councilman Kolb, Clerk, J. J. Shea, bond $1,000.00; City Solicitor, T, H, Nelson bond RESOLUTION NO, 2-55 A resolution designating the of- , $1,000,00; Assistant City Solicitor, ficial newspaper of the City of Dubuque R. M. Ctiizek; bond $1,000,00; Police Jadge R, N, Russo bond $1 000 00 ... Be It Resolved by the City Coun- , , , . cil of the City of Dubuque that the