1955 January Council ProceedingsINDEX -- BOOK 85 1955 S JB J>;CT --, r Page X June 27-Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit",,,,,,, 297 Y Jan. 3-young John S,, requesting a refund on Cigarette P No 228 s . ,~ ..,.,.,.., ermit curb an """"""""' 3-York Street ...,.,"..'.....'",.,.,"'. d gutter from ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,," „• . the F.P. "'..°'. Hill Stre L~ of S t t h 9 e out o the W.P.I,, of ,,,",,,,, . State Street.,..,.,,"33, 3 April 4-Youn •,.,...,..,•." ................. , ....•... "„ M 35 49 g rs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ~•,".,"~~ May Z-Young Mrs, Iimma 68' 69 71 ,,," , requesting that astreet- light be in- ~talled at the corner of Primrose and Muscatin Streets 1~ e June 27 Yours Mrs, Flo~ence, granted Ci..... ".'.'.'"".°"".."."°.,....°. Dee, 5-York. Street ~m v 232, 246 , ro ement with asphalticemacadam ~~ :facing from the West: Pro er f sur- p ty Lin 293 e o to the Rast Property Line of Hill State Street once of ,,,,,,,...",.,.,..,,.,.",.,,, Street, accept_ ",,,",,,. .515 Z June 6-Zahina Robert T. (Diamond Cab Company), taxicab band 27-Zillig George J r , g ,.. anted Cigarette Permit ,.,,,,,",,,, 27-Zimmerman $ugene K `~ •,•• • 273 ., granted Cigarette Permit ..,,,,;,,„ 27-Zahina Mrs. A nes •••••~~ 27-Zillig Geor e g ' g'"anted Cigarette Permit ,... "'" g J r 295 296 ., g anted Class B' Beer Permit.„,,,,,,,,,,',,, 298 Aug, 1-Zimmerman $ugene K., requestin 299 g a refund on Class "B" „ Beer Permit No, 122 1 , -Zimmer .............................:..• . man 1;ugene K., requesting a refund~•on~~~hs"""-'" arette Permit No ig 1&7 335 . ..,.",,., .,..,.",„" ................ . .... „ , , C Sept, 6-Zuker William B., reappointed to .,. „ .,,..",,,.. Library Board expiring Jul ter 1 19 335 , y , m 61 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oct, 3-Zimmer Richard I ~~.'"""~~ °~.°..°,"~".•~.• l Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,tang the installation of ~~~"• m Tressa a sewer Nov. 7-Zillig George s•~••~•~•~~~•~~~~""""'~"" 384 , requestin No. 153 g a refund on Cigarette P ,~ i 2 erm t 7 Zilli ,..• ............. g George J re i , quest ng a refund on Class °B+' '~""` „ Permit No, 69 Beer 44S ,,,,,,, g , granted,.,.,i... , .,• ......................."...,,.,.,.,,. 7-Zahina Mrs. A nes ••~•"' ' ' "',~"';; C ass C Beer Per i 448 m t.,,„,,,~,,,,, 45d, 451 Regular Session, January 3rd,,,1955 1 ~`e (j~f i= f~~ Passed, adopted and approved i tt f,• this 3rd day of January, 1955. (OFFICIAL) ----~~ , .".,~"`.u~", Mayor Rogular Session, January 3rd, CLARENCE P, WELU, RUBEN V AUSTIN 1955, Council met at 7;30 p M , ,. LEO N, SCHUELLER, , , Councilmen Present-Mayor Schueller, Coun• Attest; J, J. SHEA, cilmen Austin, Kintzinger, Welu, City Clerk City Manager Schiltz. Councilman Welu moved the Absent-Councilman Kolb adoption of the resolution, Second- , Mayor Schueller stated that this ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- ried by the following vote; is the regular monthly meeting of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger Coun- the City Council, also the first meeting of the fiscal year, for the , cilmen.. Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, purpose of acting upon such busi- Absent-Councilman Kolb ness as may properly come before , Mayor Kintzinger swore in the the meeting, newly appointed officers: City Man- Councilman Welu moved that ager L, J. Schiltz, City Clerk J. J. Councilman Charles A. Kintzinger Shea, City Solicitor T, H. Nelson, be elected Mayor for the ensuing Assistant.. City Solicitor R, M, fiscal .year, Seconded by Council- Czizelc, Police Judge R; N. Russo, man Austin. Carried by the follow- December 22, 1954 ing vote; To `the Honorable Mayor Yeas-Mayor Schueller, Council• .and City Council Dubuque Iowa men Austin, Welu. , Gentlement As City Manager of Nays-None, the City of Dubuque, T wish toad- Absent-Councilman Kolb ' .vise your Honorable Body that all' . Councilman Kintzinger not vot- i officers and employees whom 'I 'have thepower to appoint and are ng, now serving and acting in their City Clerk Shea then swore in ,respective capacities and assisting the new Mayor whereon Mayor in the orderly administration of the Kintzinger took the Mayor's chair, .City and of the various depart- RESOLUTION N0, i--55 merits thereof, said officers and :employees being under my super- A resolution providing for the appointment of a City Manager vision, direction and control' and their appointment i , City Clerk, City Solicitor, Assistant , s cont nuing at the pleasure of the Manager shall City Solicitor and Police Judge of , be paid salaries not to exceed those the City of Dubuque; prescribing their salaries and fixing their in accordance with the budget ap- proved by the City'Council bonds. . Respectfully submitted, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- L, J. SCHILTZ, cil of the City of Dubuque that the City Manager following officers be appointed sub• Councilman Austin moved that ject, however, to the right of the the communication of City Man- Council to declare such offices va- ager Schiltz be received and made cant or remove the officers there- a matter of record. Seconded by from at the pleasure of the Council :Councilman Welu. Carried by the with or without cause, and to be . fallowing vote; paid the compensation provided for Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- in the budget and that they each men Austin, Schueller, Welu. provide the following bond at their Nays-None, expense; City Manager, L. J, L J S Absent-Councilman Kolb. , . chiltz, bond $5,000.00; City Clerk, J, J. Shea, bond $1 000 00; RESOLUTION N0. 2-55 A , , City Solicitor, T, H, Nelson, bond resolution designating the of- ficial $1,000.00; Assistant City Solicitor, newspaper of the City of Dubuque . R. M, Czizek, bond $1,000,00; Police Judge R. N. Russo bond $1 000 00 .. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- , , . , cil of the .City of Dubuque that the 2--- _ R~gttlar Session; Janunty Std, 1955 Tolegraph•Horald, adaily stows- gESOLUTION N0. 4-5~ paper of genoral circulation in the Whereas, a detailed distribution -City of bubuque, be and it inhere- f o proposed expenditures of the by designated and appointed the City of Dubuque for the fiscal official newspaper of said Cit e y ar y, beginning January 1,1955 and end- Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1955 gng December 31, 1955 has been , duly prepared by the City Manager CHARLES A, KINTZINGER, and submitted to this Council f Ma yor CLARENCE P. WELU or approval; and , RUBEN V. AUSTIN, LEO IV. SCHUELLER Whereas, this Council has ex• amined the detailed distribution of Councilmen Attest: J, J. SHEA, the proposed expenditures; wherein estimates of the expense City Clerk Councilman Welu moved th s of the departments and purposes are e shown, including the estimates for adoption of the resolution, Second- .which all levies. heretofore made , ed by Councilman Austin. Carried receipts from moneys and credits and i m by the following vote: scellaneous sources are to Yeas-~-mayor Kintzinger, Council- be used, and said distribution shows men Austin, Sehueller, Welu, 1Vays-yNone, all of the proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year; Absent-Councilman Kolb. Now Therefore, Be It Resolved RESOLUTION N0. 3-55 A resolution desi natin th d by the City Council of the City of'' Dubuque that said detailed distri- e e- positories for public funds of the butiori of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginnin City of Dubu ue Ja - q , Be It Resolved by the City Coun• ° cfl of the City of Dubu ue th t h g nu cry 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1955 as heretofore prepared be q a t o following banks be appointed de• positories of the public f d , and the same is hereby .adopted and approved. . un s and the City Treasurer is hereby author• Passed, adopted 'and approved ized to distribute such funds itt :this 3rd day of January, 1955, such banks in amounts not to ex- teed the following; First N ti CHARLES A, KINTZINGER, a onal Bank, $375,000.60; American Trust Mayor CLARENCE P, WF3LU and Savings Hank, $350,000.00; Du- ~ RUBEN V, AUSTIN buque Bank and Trust Company, $825 060 00 , LEO N. SCHUELLER, , . , Re It Further Resolved that th Councilmen Attest: J; J SHEA e City Treasurer be and he is here• by directed to file with th , , City Clerk C e Coun• ty Treasurer of Du-buque County, ouncilman Austin moved' the adoption of the resoluti ' Iowa a list of such depositories and. to keep such a list on fil on. Second- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried' e with such County Treasurer at all times, by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger Couneil- Passed, adopted and approved this. 3rd day of January, 1955, , men Austin, Sehueller, Welu, Nays--None, CHARLES A, KINTZINGER, Absent~Councilman Kolb Mayor CLARENCE ]?. WELU,...... , Decomber 22, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor RUBEN V. AiIST1N, and City Council LEO N. SCIiC1ELLER, , Dubuque, Iowa. Councilmen Attest: J; J. SHEA, Gentlemen: An ordinance has been prepared allocating and ' City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resol ti S mak- ing appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue for the u on, econd- ed by Councilman Sehueller. Car- expenditures of the City Govern- rigid by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzin ment of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January ger; Couheil• men Austin, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None 1, 1955 and ending December 31, 1955, and authorizing certain trans , Absent--Councilman Kolb: - fers of funds. This ordinance'is in accord with (' Regular Session, January 3rd,. 1955 the detailed distribution adopted by the City Council. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the communication of City Manager Schiltz be received and made a mattex of record, Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote; Yeas.-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. ORDINANCE N0, t-55 An Ordinance allocating and malting appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue to the expenditures for City Govern- ment in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1.955 and ending December 31, 1955 and authorizing certain trans- - fers of funds, presented and read. Councilman Austin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance, Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council. men Austin, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Councilman Austin moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Welit. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb: 3 `4 Regular Session; January 3rd; 1955 ORDINANCE N0. 1.55 An Ordinance allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and othsr sources oP revenue to the expenditures for City Government in the t~ity of Dubuque, for the fisoal year beginning January 1, 1955 and ending December 31, 1956 and authorizing certain transfers of funds. Be It Ordained By The City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby allocated and appropriated from the estimated revenues from all tax levies. in the City of Dubuque, together with the estimated receipts from sources other than taxation and un- encumbered balances from the fiscal year of 1354, all as hereinafter set forth, to the payment of the necessary expenditures of the city' govern- ment in the following amounts and for the purposes set forth in this ordinance and to that end the transfers of funds as hereinafter set forth are hereby authori,;ed, to-wit: Receipts FUND Taxes Revenue UneBa~ nbersed Total General .......................$ 127,613.00 $ 79,604.60 $ 30,000.00 $ 237,217.60 Street ....„ .... 183,260.00 9,351.00 5,000.UO 197,611.00 Public Safety ...... .. .. 542,76200 68,485.00 30,000.00 631,255.00 Sanitation .................... 233,086.00 276,984.00 b10,07Q00 Municipal Enterprise 151,842.00 47,808,00 .17,446.00 216,896.00 Utilities ....................... 64,OD3.00 337,417.00 50,000.00 441,420.00 Debt Service ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;"' 16b,820.00 26,622.50 10,000.00 192,442.b0 93,203,00 93,203.00 parking Meter ........ 60,000.00 62,541.50 122,b41,50 i City Aeaess. Expense 22,488.00 22,488.00 Trust and Agency .. 144,679.00 6,32LOD 18,000.00 169.000,00 Street (P,d. Use Tax) 175,000,OU 175,000.00 Liquor Profit ..., ...._., 47,000.00 47.000.00 •7treet (Agri. Land) 1b0.00 1bD.0U Totals ............. $1,708,711.00 $1,124,696.10 $ 232,987,50 $3,058,294.60 I Agrict;ltural Land Tax rPVenue appropriated to Street Fund, Liquor Profit Revenue appropriated as follows: $14,044.40 to` Pubifo Safety Fund, $16,600.00 to Sanitation Fund and $16,600.00 to Recreation Fund. $3,6DO.U0 of Parlting Meter Revenue, appropriated to Public Safety Fund for Traffic Control. Expenditures GENERAL FUND Item 101 City Council ,.... ,;. . $ 4,015,09 102 Office of City Manager ,....... .... 24,976.00 lU3 Office of City Clerk .....................:....... 8,610,00 104 Office of City Auditor ..:.4 :.:......:.......:... 8,587.00 106 OPfice of City Treasurer.:..:.., ,,....~., 7,622,00 ~I 106 Office of City Solicitor ..................... 12,040,00 109 Office of Civil Engineer 39,18L00 ' 113 Elections ........... 2,200,00 114 City Buildings .,. ,...... 14,206.00 116 Civil Service 300,00" ~ 121 Office of Building Commissioner ...~. 6,b36,00 ]22 Office of Plumbing Inspector .. 10,859.60 I 123 Office of Electrical Inspector 5,865.00 147 Planning and Zoning . :, ....,.. 10,400.00 148C Miscellaneous ..........: .............. 38,020.00 16DJ Capital Improvements .:...........:.::. 40,000,00 Beer Permit Refunds Cigarette License Refunds ,~., .: ... 1,200.40 'T'otal General Fund ........ $ 237,217.60 These appropriations shall be paid froms Faxes .......................... ,,:. $127,613,00 Iliisc. Revenue .... ............ : 79,604.60 Unencumbered Balance ...... ...... 30,000.00 ", 237,217.60 Totak 237,217.60 -- STREET FUND- Item 130 Tree Trimming .............:. ., .. .,$ 1D,b00,00 131 Highway Administration ~ ~~~~ ~ 10,026.00 t35 Street Construction .....:....................... 108,900,00 141 Snow Removal ..........:.......................... 3G,D00.00 142 Traffic Signs and Markings ........ 7,336.00 161 Bridge and Viaduot Construction .., 10;000.94 182 City Share of Special Street Tax .... 16,000.00 Total Street Fund ........... ............ . ....$ 197,761.00 These appropriations shall be paid from: Taxes ..... ...........................$183,260.40 Misc. Revenue .................... 9,361.00 dnencumbered Balance ............... 5,440.00 ~ Agri, Land Tax Revenue ..... ......... 150.00 ~ Total- -$ 197,761.40 $ 197,761.00 STREET (TiOAll USE TAX) FUND Item t32 Street Repairing and Grading ......... $ 118,900.00 135,1 Street Construction ......... .. 56,100A0 Total Street (Road Use Tax) Fund ,,.... $ 175,000.00 These appropriations shall be paid from: Milo. Revenue - Stato Gasoline (Road Use Tax) ......... .... ........$175AU0.00 PLTBIJC SAFETY PUND- item lib Police Court ...... $ 4,200.80 118 Police Department ..., ... 265,954.40 119 Fire Department ..... ... _. .,_..._..._....., 324,fi11,00 119E Fire Equipment .............................. 15,000,00 120 Fire and Police Alarm System ...,... 12,340.80 Regular Session; January 3rd; 1955 124 Dog Pound .... ............:...........::............... 3,000,OD 148E Ambulance . :.....:..................:.........:.. ,,.,.. 9,748.OD 150 Civii Defense ........................................:.. 10,500.OD Total Public Safety Fund ...............:............. $ 645,26b.OD These appropriations shall be paid from:. Taxes ...............................................:...........$542;i67A0 Miscellaneous Revenue :..................... 49,888.00 Unencumbered Balance .......................: 30,000.00 ' Liquor Sales Profit :.............................. 14;000.00 Parking Meter Revenue .................... 5,600.00 Total 645,255.00 SANITATION FUND- Item 117 Levee Maintenance ..........................:.$ 2,000.00 125 Health Department ............................ 30,142.00 126 Control of Contagious Diseases .... 9,708.00 127 Sewer Maintenance ...:.., 33,780.00 129 8filk Inspection ...................:........ 5,240,00 134 Rubbish, Garbage Ash and Can Coilections ........................ ....... 93,000,OU 139 Sewage Dispoeal .. .............:...... 275',950.OD 140 Street Cleaning .,.,:. ..:......................... 37,760.OD ewer Tax e 4,000.OD li let a i~ 35, 000.00 . $ ........................ Total Sani.at on Ftind 626,b70,OD These appropriations shall be 1 >aid from: .............:.............................. ""'$233,086.00 i ~ , M scellaneous Revenue ................ 276,984,00 Liquor Sales Profit .........., 16,500A0 -$ 526,570.00 Total---$ b26,570.00 MUNICIPAL L+'NTERPRISE FUND- Item 143 Library Operation .................... ........$ 86,996.40 y t o 200,00 163A Doclt Operation ~ " D e 3,920A0 153B Dock redge Op ration ..,, 35,680.00 ]53C Dock River Front Improvement 12,b00.00 ]53DDoch Terminal Operation ....... 24,400.00 . .. 157 Air ort 0 eration p p 53,600.00 Tote] Municipal Enterprise Fund . $ 216,896.00 These appropriations shall be peed from: Taxes for Cemetery ......... ....$ 200.00 Paces for Dochs ... ............ ........ ........... 38,800:00 Taxes for Library .................................. 72,592,00 Taxes for Airport ...... ....... .... . 40,050,00 Misc. Dock Revenue 37,300.00- Misc. Library Revenue :....................... 2,508,00 B,OOD,OD R Unencuntbered Airport Fund Bal ante .... ... ....... 5,550.00 Unencumbered Library Fund Ba]- ante .... .... ..:. 11,896.00 218,896,00 Total --$ 21.6,896.00 RECP.EATION FUND- - Item 144A Park Administration ..., .,$ 8,211.00 144B Parlt Areas, Buildings Eto b6,939,00 144C Park Improvement ..... 44,500.00 145A Reoreation Administration 8,946.00 ]45B Outdoor Recreation .... 18,726.00 1450 Indoor. Recreation .:..... ........:... 9,854.00 145E Swimming Pool . ................. 13,072.00 146 Playground Improvement-... 18,694.50 171 Municipal Golf Course Operation ... 30,000.00 Total Recreation Fund .....................:.... $ '208;942.50 These appropriations shall be paid from: Taxes for Park Operation .................$64,984,50 Taxes for Yark Improvement ..:...:. 44,600,00 Tales for Recreation ............:........:.38,141.00 Taxes for. Playground Improvement S,fi94.50 Misc. Parlt Revenue 665 5D Misc. Recreation-Revenue ;..,.........12,457.40 (lolf Course Fees .. ....._. ......._ __ 13,500.00 Liquor. Sales Profit for Golf: Course Operation... ,....:,,16,b00A0 Unencumbered Playground Improve- ment Balance ... 10,000 OD -$ 208,942.bU Total -$ 208;942.64 UTILITIES FUND- Item t38 Street snit Traffic Lighting ..... ..:::.... $ b4,003.00 149 14tater Works Administration .,......., 97,063:20 Lk9 IVater lirorks Operation ' :..................... 288,326.00 149 Water ' Works-Non Appropriat' ion Reserve ~ 2,027.50 Total Utilities Fund ., ... _., .. ~$ 441,420.00 These appropriations skull be paid from; ' Taxes fm• Street and Traffic Light ing .,. $ 54,003.00 ' Water Department Revenue . ._ 337,417 00 Ilrater De~tartment -Unencumbered Balance -_ .....................:....................... 50,400.00 $ 941,420.00 Total 441,4yD.00 5 O Rpgulat Sr{ssipp, Jauugry 3r~t ~9~5 DEPT SERVICE FUND- Ttem 167J1 Retirement of Bonds and Payment of Interest ....,....,$ 03,203.00 This appropriation shall be paid froth; Taxes $93,203 00 P4RRING MDTER FUND Item 1"r0A Parking Meters ....... 1708 #'arktn~ Lots ~~$ 8,941.50 Tran4fer to Public Safety Fund #or 106,090.40 Total FarhingCMeter Fund ~~ 8,600.00 Thane appropriations shall be paid from:- $ 122,541,54 Parking Motet Revenue $60,OOD.00 Fpencumbered Balance ., .., 32,541.50 ~'Qtai ~$ 12$,591,50 Q1TY ASSESSMENT N i Sp' FU $ ]$C,591.b0 1`eln 708 City Assessing E R~ ' ND- This appropriation shall tie paid from. ~ $ ??483,00 Taxes ...., ... ... .$22,4$8.00 TRUST 9'\D AGENCY 1''[7NIi- FIRE PENSICN FUND- jtem 155J1 Fire Pensiopa _',.,, $ 55,DODAO Thla appropriation shall be paid from Taxes ............... .. $44,640.00 Misc. Revenue ,,, ,,, "' Unencumbered Balance .. 400.00 .:..: lD,ooD.oo i Total $ b5;D00,D0 $ 55,000.00 F11jE RPTIRETyI~NT FUND- Item 15oJ2Fire f{etu'el[teAG System Th;s appropriation shall be paid from ""$ 17,bUD.00 ... Taxes .....$1&,170.00 i Mtac. Revenue ... .. ... 3,82LOD ..•' Tatal----,_` 17,500.00 POLICE PENSION .FUND- $ 17,5OOAD Item1"a4JlPolice Pensions $ 40,000,00 Tbls appropuatigp s)iall be paid from: ~ Taxes .......... $31,550:00 Misc Revenue ~ 450.Q4 j Unencumbered Balance •..... 8,000,00 Total-~ -$ 40,000.40 POLICE 14ETIREMENT FUND- -$ 40,000,00 Itent159J2 Police Retirement System .,........$ 13;500.00 This appropriation shall be paid from~ Faxes 1Tsc. Revenu~ ......................:..................,,,.$14,350.04 • e ... ... 2,150.00 T.ota' $ 16,500.oD ----$ 14,500.00 ST_A1'E Eti1PLCYEI'S RETTREMFNT FUND- Item 154J1 Employee's Retirement This appropriation shall be paid from; '$ 20,000.00 Taxes ............. ......$25,000.00 FFDER.AL OLD AGE s'F?QD SUR- VIVORS INSURANO» SXSTEII- Item 153J2 City Share Federal Social Security $ 1b,000.OD tits a ro riation shall be Taxes PP P paid from: .................. $15,ODO,GO Total of all appropriations. for the expendi- t~~es of city government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa for the'iaeal year begin- ing~ January 1 1355 ai#d eudipg 1)ecembcr Section52. General Miscellaneous Revenue $'056'294,60 miscellaneous revenues which are collected during lilac fiscal year shall be allocated to the funds and purposes as provided for herein and shall be used for the payment of the expenses of such funds and pur~roses in the sums herein shown. Section 3, Surplus. Any surplus not specifically al- located for a definite ltufiPose in the qudget shag be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart to be applied as contingencies arise or may be used for such proper purposes as the Council may determine upon.' Any surplus not specifically distributed in the budget and remaining in funds created by the levy of special tl[xes shall be and the spine is hereby appropriated for alit' proper purpose inoldapt to such funds. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the transfer of funds roalized frpm .special taxos tp a fund or purpose for mhich any special tax levy has been ;pa.de, except only tVith the approval of the State Comptroller. Section 4, Delinquent Tax Collections: Delinquent prim- years' tax cojlectiona shall be allocated to the respective footle Atost logically including the purpose for which the tax was levied when and as the same arc received by the City T[•aasurer, Section 5. Distribution, Tbat the distribution and divlslop of the within appropriations shall be made in aocordanoe with the detailed distribution adopted by the RegLlar Sessidii, January Std, 1955 ') City Cdunbil oh January 3rd, 1055, Nhieh detailed ills= tribtttion is made a part of this ordinance by reference ttieret6 slid shall be so considered in donnectloti with the expenditures of said appropriations, Section C, This ordinance shall be in farce and ef- fsbt fi'bm slid after it's final passage adoption and ap- ptoVd] by the City Ccunoi by ]au', and the appropria aVaaable idhefi tr nsfer ? l and pubhoatiofi ae ~i'ovided tions hei`ein provided si~all be a red to their respective ftihds. Passed upon first read iug Jafiitary 3rd, 1955, Passed; at}oppted and this 3Pd day of January, 19 approved. upon filial goading 55, CHARLES A. ]{INTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P, M'3•iLIJ 1tUBEN V. L>50 N. S Attest, J, J: Shea, City C AUSTIN CHIIELLL"R, Councilmen lerlt published officially in The Telegraph-Herald news- paper fhis 7th day of January, 1956, 1t. 1-7 J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the ordinance, Seebnd• concerti I am irideed 'very much so as I am tho head of a famil ed by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote y of five minor children, I am in pos• ; session of Mineral Lot 344 or Fitz- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, geraid Place as it Has been sub• divided into four lilts plus drive= Nays-None, Absent Councilman Kolli way , Proofs of publication, Certified t6 Recently I have received assess- rnents far curb and gutter which by the publishers', of notice of levy was installed the full length of my of special assessment and inten• ti'on of tine 'City Council to issue plane which was O.K; However I also received bonds to pay for improvement of same for approxi= merely 200 feet bf dead end space Kane Street With asphaltic macs- dam surfacing from the west prop- .between two sewers which ar- roused my suspicion in the matter arty lino of Primrose Street to the , New I am Confronted with this no• west property line of Lot 1 of Lot lice for paving which is untimely 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 344, pre- to say the least as tlio west end of sented and read, the sewer line was 3nst~ompleted Councilman Schueller moved that or incompleted I might say as to the proofs of publication be re• my benefit for making service con• calved and filed. Seconded by nectians to the center lots would be Councilman Austin, Carried by the at a prohibited cost and perhaps following vote; the upper second lot Wbuld not be Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- practical at all to coflheCt, Now men Austin, Schueller, Welu, this over anxiety to pave this strip Nays-None, confirms lny suspicion. Absent-Councilman Kolb, We need not go back to Abraham Councilman Austin moved that Lincoln but We all have constitu~ the rules be suspended for the tional rights to uphold and these purpose of allowing any one pres• rights must be execatbd in City ant in tho Council Chamber, who Government as well as National wishes to db sb, tb address the . Sincerely, Countlil. Seconded by Councilman Lawrence & Mary Fitzgerald Schueller. Carried by the following , 841 Kaufmann Avenue vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Mr. La'wrenco hitzgerald ad• dressed the Council in support of men Austin, Schueller, Wolu; Nays-None: his objections against-the special Absent-Councilman Kolb, assessments levied against Mineral Lot 344 for the construction of Dubuque, Towa sanitary sewer Constructed in Kano January 1, 195b Mr, J, J; Shea, City Clerk Street and aga'inst' the proposed special assessment to be levied Dear Sir; I regret with full un- against Mineral Lot 344 for the derstanding of your service to this . improvement of Kane Street with community and the Clty of >7u• asphaltic macadam surfacing: buque that this letter shtluld be forwarded to you, However as to Councilman A~lstin moved that the petition of Lawrence & Mar tho official notice to whom it may y Fitzgerald be reforred to the City g Regular Session, January 3rd,. 1955 Council to view the grounds and that the objections be overruled i and that the City make an investi- gation of _ the proposed assessment to be levied against Mineral Lot 344 owned by Lawrence and Mary Fitzgerald. Seconded.. by Council- man Sohueller, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Sohueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, CITY OP DUBUQUE, IOWA Schedule of Assessments ' RESOLUTION N0: 5.55 Resolved Eby the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to pay for the improvement of Kane'' Street with asphaltic mace dam surfacing from the west prop- erty line of Primrose Street to the west property line of Lot l of Lot i of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 344; by ' City of Dubuque, Iowa, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same; a special'tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots, and parts of ~ lots, and parcels of real estate all as named; situated and owned, and for he several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as set forth in the schedule, Joseph & Carmelite Young,.. Lot 2 of 1; E Youngs Place ..::.....:....................... 322.84 ~ Vera & Leo Stecklein, Lot 2 of 1, .Mineral Lot 347 130.09 Ivan B, & Marjorie Peacock ~ Lot 1, Block 1 Sunny View Hills Sub .. ........... 146,94 Homer M. & Florence Buck• ey, Lot 2,-Block 1 Sunny .View Hi11s Sub,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, 147,44 George A, Jr, & Lorraine M, Jenkins, Lot 3, Block 1 'Sunny View-Hills Suh. ;,;. 147.44 ' Wilmer M: & Betty Gotz, Lot 4, Block 1 Sunny View Sub... ..:..:......... 147,44 Harold F, & Imogene Styer, Lot 5,: Block 1 Sunny View Hills: Sub. ' ......:..:.... 156,11 Joseph... R: & Blanche M. Lenger; Lot 6, Block 1 Skinny View Hills Sub.,,.. 156,11 Claude J. & .Frances D, Mc- Donald, Lot 7; Block 1 Sunny. View Hills Sub..;.: 156.11 Eugene M, & Evelyn Good- man, ,Lot 8, Block 1 Sun- ny View. Hills. Sub, ..:.,.,,:,.156.11 James J. & C, Lynette Cum- mo, Lot 9, Block 1 Sunny View Hills 5ub ................. 156,11 Robert W, & Winifred Thomas, Lot 10, Block 1, Skinny View Hills Sub:,... 158.11 William A; & Geneva R. Wright, Lot 11, Block 1, Sunny View Hills Sub...., 162,61 Frederick J: & Bernice M, Breitfilder, Lot 12, Block 1, Sunny View Hills 'Sub, 195.87 Charles F. & Rosemary Menders Adams; Lot 17, Block 2, Sunny .View Hills Sub,:. ,.....,. :.,..:,.. 7.89: Giles ' & Hazel Kmkwood, Lot 1, Mineral Lot 350 ,:;: 56,11' Sam: K. & Eliz. Young, Lot 1 of 1.1.2,' Mineral Lot 345 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',:;,:.:,.. 605,32 Geo. & Eleanor Kutch, Lot 1 'of 2.1, Mineral Lot 344 302.55 Jester J. & Elizabeth Hart- ley, Lot 2 of,l~l, Mineral .Lot .344 ,,,,..,. ,.., ,... 224.22 Andrew Richard, Lot 1 of 5-1.1-1 Kemps Place :..:..: 213,16 George & Elizabeth Dein- fnger, Lot 1 of 1-1-1-1 Kemps Place ,~. ,.:,;:,. 213.16! James S. Schroeder & Bar• barn L. Wenzel, Lot 1 of 2-1-1 Kemps Place ,.,..,,.:. 159,12 Leo & Jessie Kueper Lat 1 of 2.1.2-1, Kemps Place ;, 159,12: Charles E. & Alice M, Riedi, !Lot 1 of 1121, Kemps Place ., , ,:r..:. ,:,. ,',. 159.12° John J. & Dorothy M. Gross, Lot 1 of 2 2 i, Kemps ' Place , „ .,:., .,,,,:.. 159.12 L, W, & Mary: J. Fitzgerald, Lot 1 of 1.1-2 Mineral. Lot 344 ..............:... ,.,;,,..:. 816.38 Henry- Renke, Lot 2 of 2.2, Mineral Lot 349- ...,.,:.., 20,82 5,433,42 1,759 Tons 1" 'Surfacing stone Ca '2.00 per ton :::::3,518.00 45.65 Tons 3/s" Surfacing Stone C 2.00 per. ton .... 91.30 11,D30 Gallons MSC No. 3 Asphalt @ 0.15 per gal- lon .,,,,,., .,.,,,,:1,854.50 ;:5,263.80 2.6%ExtraExpense ,,,,, 131:60 5% Interest for 52 days .,. 38.02 5,433.42 j Regular Session,.. January 3rd, 1955 ~ 9 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred, Passed, adopted and ap- proved. this 3rd day of January, 1955. CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P, WELD RUBEN V, AUSTIN LEO N, SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: J, J, SHEA, .City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Sohueller. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Sohueller, Welu, Nays-None, A:bserit Councilman KoPb. `Proofs of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of the intention of the City Council to issue street improvement bonds to provide for payment of the as- sessed cost of the improvement of Kane Street with asphaltic macadam surfacing from the west property line of Primrose Street to the west property line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 344, presented and read. Councilman Sohueller moved that the proofs of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by'the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• oilmen Austin, Sohueller, Welu: Nays-None. ' Absent-Councilman Kotb. RESOLUTION N0. 655 Resolution providing for the is- suance of Street Improvement bonds for the purpose of providing for the. payment of the assessed cost of Kane Street Asphaltic Mac• edam Surfacing, Whereas the. contract heretofore entered into by the City of Du• buque, Iowa, for the improvemen'. hereinafter described has been completed and the City Manager has certified the completion there- of to the City Council and the City Council has ascertained the cost thereof;.and has determined that $5,433,42 Dollars of thee. cost there- of shall'- be assessed against .the property subject, to assessment therefor; and :Whereas public notice, as provid• ed by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council to issue bonds for the purpose of providing .for the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held, pursuant to. such notice and. all. objections made thereto. have been considered and determined; Now Therefore .Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du; buque: 1. That to provide for the: pay- ment of the assessed cost of the improvement of Kane Street from the west property line of Primrose Street to the west property line of Lat 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Min- eral Lot 344 with asphaltic maca- dam surfacing. there shall be is• sued Street Improvement bonds in the amount of .$5,433.42 Dollars in anticipation of the deferred pay ment of assessments levied for such improvement, 2. Such bonds shall be called Street Improvement bonds; ,and shall bear the date of February 2, 1955; and shall be numbered. con• secutively; and they shall be num• bered, divided into series, and be in such denominations and -for such maturity dates as are shown in the following table: 1. 9665, 9666, 9667, 9668, 9669,, 9670-$300,00 each, April 1, 1956. 2. 9671, 9672, 9673, 9674, 9675, 9676-$300,00 each-Apri11, 1957. 3: ; 9677, 9678, 9679, 9680, 9681, 9682-$300,00, each, April 1, 1958, 3. 9683-$33.42, April 1, 1958. 3, Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate, of 5 per. cent ..per an- num, payable semi-annually in ac• cordance with coupons thereto at- tached; 4. Said ~bond~s shall not make the City of Dubuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds, 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any. time prior to the maturity date: stated therein at the option of the City of, Dubuque and shall be in sub- stantially the following form. No . ............................................ ,., ,,,, Series No ..............................:..,. CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the 10 Regular Session, Januarq 3rd, 1955 State bf Iowa promises to pay as hereinafter mentioned to the bearer hereof, on the first day of .;,.,,: ...:............. or at any time be• fore that date, at the option of the City of Dubuque, the sum of Three Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the presentation and surrender of rho interost coupons hereto at• tacked, Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the of- fice of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, This 'bond is issued by the City of Dubuque under and by vir- tue of Chapter 396 of the 1950 Code of Towa, as amended, and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 3rd day of January, 1955, being Resolution No, 6-55, This Bond is one bf a series of 19 bonds, 18 for $500,00 numbered from 9665 to 9082 inclusive, and one for $33,42 numbered 9683, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of improving Kane Street with asphaltic macadam sur- facing as described in said Resolu- tion; in said City, which cost is payaible by the abutting and ad- jacent property along said im- provements and is made by law a lien on all of said property, It is payable only out bf the Special As- sessment Fund No. 1170 erected 'Oy the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and things required tb be done, prece- dent to and in issuing this series of bonds,` have been done, happened, and performed, in regular and due form, as required by law and said Resolution, and far the assessment, collection and payment hereon of said 'special tax, the full faith and diligence 'of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevbca'bly pledged. In Testimony Whereof the City of Dubuque by its Council has caused this bond to be signed Eby its,Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City tb be'thereto of€ixed, this 2nd day of February, 1955: (SEAL). Mayor:. City Clerlt (Form of Coupon) On the,.,..,....,.„day of .........:........::, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promise es to pay to bearer, as provided in said bond, the surn of .......................: Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being.,,.,„,.;,,,,,,months' interest due that date on its,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Bond No. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dated .,..,,,,.,,,,..,.,,,, .,...,.,,.,„,...,,, „Mayor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ..................... "City..Clerk ,,.,,..,,,,,. 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said. bond in a book kept for that purpose and to then deliv- er them t0 the City Treasurer, 7. That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in -the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No, 1170 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said contract, 8. That the interest coupons at• tacked to the bonds be signed with the facsimile. signature of the May- or and countersigned with the`fac- simile signature of the City Clerk; 9, That as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and re~ .tired in the same order as num- bered, Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1955; CHARLES A: KINTZRVGER -Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RUBEN V. AUSTIN' LEO N,SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest; J, J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Socond• ed by Councilman Austin. Carried by the fallowing vote: ' Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- oilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, ' Nays--•None, Absent-'Councilman Kolb, Statement of Claude J, McDon- old, subscribed and sworn to, stet- ing that he posted copies of the notice of levy of special assessment Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 11 and intention of the City Council to issue bonds along the line of the improvement of Kane Street with asphaltic macadam surfacing front fhe west property line of Primrose Street to the west prop• erty line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 344, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that the statement be re- ceived and filed, Seconded by .Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. ' Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Proofs of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of levy of special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to is- sue bonds to pay for the installa- tion of boulevard lights on Grand- view Avenue from the north prop• erty line of Southern Avenue to a point 35 feet north of the. south property line of Lot 1 of Lot 8 of la. Ryan Subdivision, presented and read, No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time set for said public hearing, Coun- cihnan Schueller moved that the proofs of publication be received and filed. Seconded'by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Schedule of Assessments R@SOLUTION N0, 7.55 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to pay for the installation of, Boule- vard Lights on Grandview Avenue from the north property line of Southern Avenue to a paint 35 feet north of the. south property line of Lot 1 of Lot 8 of E. Ryans Sub- d'ivision; by Dirksen Electric Com- pany, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be cad is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts .of lots, and parcels o£ real estate all as named, situated and Awned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as set forth in the schedule, Don T. Patrick & Helen Steele, Lot 55, Grandview Heights Add, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44.52 Bertha A. Zimmer & Mona Arbogast, Lot 56, Grand view Heights Add, ,..,,,.,,, 89.04 A, A, Burgmeier, Lot 57, Grandview Heights Add, 89,04 A. A. Burgmeier, Lot 58, Grandview Heights Add, 97,95 A, A, Burgmeier, Lot 1 of ; 59 of Grandview Heights Add . .................................... 50.14 0. M, Conlon, Lot 2 of 59 of Grandview Heights Add, „ , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17.81 0. M. Conlon, Lot 2 of i of Lee's Subdivision .............. 89.04 Louis F. Fautsch, Lot 2, Lee's Subdivision ......,..... 94,62 Lucille Oeth, L'ot 3, Lee's Subdivision ........................ 94,62 Florence A. & Dorothy Gin- dm'f, Lot 4, Lee's Subdi- vision .................................. 94.62 John & Verna F, Christen- sen, Lot b, Lee's Subdivi sion ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 89,04 F. J. Est, & Catherine Flynn. .. Lot 1 of 1-1.1.4 of Mineral Lot 28 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9716 Lafe J. & Janet M, Fritz, , Lot 2 of 1-1-i-4 of Mineral: ,,, , Lot 28 ,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 97,16 Margaretta Kenna et al, Lot. 2 of 1.1.4 of Mineral Lot_ 28 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 97.16 Margaret M, & Elizabeth Reu, Lot 2 bf 1.4 of Min- . eral Lot 28 ..,...,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 97.16 Violet Rhomberg, Lot 2 of 4 of Mineral Lot 28 ,.,,..,,. 194,33 Myrtle I. Dockal & Gladys.:: . R, Schepler, .Lot 1 of Faldonf Place ...... ......... 265.35 Emma M, & Harold Nacht- man, Lot 2 of 1.1 of Rob• insons Sub,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, 89.04 Emma M, & Harold Nacht- man, Lot 2 of 1-1-1 NW; 15' of Robinsons Sub, :.,.:: 26.71 Harold & Emma Nachtman, Lot 2 o f 1.1.1E 10' o f Robinsons Sub, ,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,, ,17.81 Harald & Ema Nachtman, Lot 1 oft- 1 of Robinsons Sub,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 97,95 Rosemary L. Kintzinger, Lot 2 of_1.2 SEi/z of P~abin• sons Sub . ............................ 1159G Joseph V. & Mary Keppler, Lot 1 of Keppler Place .,.. 178.09 ,, ;. • 12 Regular Session, January 3rd,' 1955 Ilda Bavendiek, Lot 1 of ~ Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 13 Anna & John Appel, Lot 4, 1-1.1-A of Mineral Lot 24 133,57 Broadview Add, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , Councilman , Welu moved the tions made thereto have been con• E, J, & Pearl Connelly, Lot 89,04 2 of i•1-B-1-1-1 of Mineral William J, & Mildred D, z Y d; adoption of the resolution. Second- s~dered and determine Lot 24 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Arndt, Lot 3, Broadview ed b Councilman Austin. Carried Now Therefore Be Tt Resolved Joseph & Marg't Sullivan, """"""""""°•° °°•••••• 88.04 ~••~ ~•..,...,•,. 257,23 Add. Yeas-Ma or gKintzin er; Coun- Dn the Crty Councrl of the City of Lot 1 of 3 of Mineral Lot William J, & Mildred D, blmen AustlnnSchueller Welu, b buque: 24 Arndt, Lot 2, Broadview That to provide far the' pay- .,.....,.,,• ...............•:.,.., 122,17 Add. S 25' . Frederrck R, Appel, Lot 2 °•°••°•••••~ 44,52 Nays-None ' went of the assessed cost of'the of 3 of Mineral Lot 24.,.,,, 119.32 L view Ada nNL2b,2, Broad- Absent-Councilman Kolb. installation of Boulevard Lights Norman T. & Ann Bain• °•• •~~•~•~~• 44,52 Proofs of publication, certified on Grandview" Avenue from the bridge, Lot 19, Broadview Louis Rotman, Lot 1, Broad- to by the publishers, of notice of north property line of Southern Add, view Add, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, gg 04 the intention of the City Council Avenue to a point 35 feet north of "°°••••°•••~••~••••~••~•~.,,,.. 57.77 John J. Ryan, Lot 1 of 1 of Norman T. & Ann Bain- Mineral Lot 32 ,,,,,, , , • to issue bonds to provide for pay- the south property line of Lot 1 of bridge, Lot 1 of 18 of Christ & Katherine Bogas, 106.85 merit of the assessed cost of the Lot 8 of E. Ryans Subdivision Broadview Add. . 67.67 Lot 1, E, installation of Boulevard Lights on Lich shapll be issued Boulevard ............. Ryans Sub. ,.,.,,,, Norman T. & Ann Bain- Earl A, & Ma 89,04 Grandview Avenue from the north g f Im rovement bonds m 'the bridge, Lot 2 of 18 of r'Y Hendricks, property hne of Southern Avenue amount of $5,455.85 Dollars m an- Broadview Add. ,,, Lot 2, E, Ryans Sub..,...,,, 89,04 to a point 35 feet -north of the ticipation of the deferred payment .,, 21,37 Earl A, & Mary Hendricks, Norman T. & Ann Bain- south 'property line of Lot 1 of of assessments levied for such im- bridge, Lot 2 of 1-17 of Lot 3, Si/z E, Ryans Sub. 44.52 Lob 8 ' of E. Ryans Subdivision, Provement, Broadview Add,,,,,,,,,,,;,,, Kenneth A. & Helen Hartig, presented and read, No written ob- 2, Such bonds shall be called Roscoe C, & Myrtle Foster, 17.61 Lot'3; N'/z E, Ryans Sub. 44,52 jections filed and no objectors Boulevard Light Improvement Lot 2 of 1.1.2 NWr/z of` Kenneth A. & Helen Hartig, present in the Council Chamber at bonds; and shall 'bear the date of Robinsons Sub. ,,.,,,,,,, 'Lot 1 of 4 of E. Ryans the time set for said public hear- February 2, 1955; and shall be ,..,., 115.76 Sub . ................:. .•.,•..,..,....., 89.04 Carl D, & Pearl Hoerner; ing• Councilman Austin- moved numbered consecutively; and they Lot 1 of 1.17 of Broad- Mary Ryan, Lot 5, E. Ryans that the proofs of publication be shall be numbered, divided into view' Add, „ , . Sub, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 89.04 Counc man Welued. Seconded by series; and be in such dehomina- " ""°°°°°°• •~ ary Ryan, Lot 6, E Ryans Carl D & Pearl Hoerner 51,65 M'Sub, ~ Carried by the tions and for such maturity dates .,. •,. Lot 2 of 17 of Broadview """" • ~ • ~ ~ 89.04 following vote: as are shown is the following J; Carl Painter; Lot 1 of 7 of Yeas-Mayor I~intzinger, Coun- Add .:.......:.........:........ ... 19,59 E. Ryans Sub..,.•,,.,, table: Carl D & Pearl Hoerner, •°••~••~~• 89,04 cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. 1. 9684-$500.00; April 1, 1956, Lot i of 16 of Broadview E• J. Mulgrew,'Lot 1 of 8 of Nays=None, 2. 9685-$500,00, April 1; 1957. Add, E, Ryans Sub. ,,.,,,,,,•,,,, ,,,,• 62,33 Absent-Councilman Kolb, "°•••~° ~•~~~~•~~.•,.., 71.23 3. 9686-$500,00, April 1, 1958. Clarence A & Joan Darrow, 4, 9687-$500.00, April 1, 1959. Lot 2 of 16 of Broadview $5,455.85 RESOLUTION! N0. 855 5, 9688-$500.00, April 1, 1960. 12 No.'of Installation of Resolution providing for the is• 6, 9689-$500.00, April 1, 196E Add ,.,,,,:; -- Light Standards @ 67,27 807.24 Clarence A, & Joan Darrow, 17 81 nuance- of Boulevard Light Im- Lot 15 of Broadvrew Add. gg,04 6880 Lin. Ft. No, 8 Copper 7, 9690-$500,00, April 1, 1962, Cable in lace provement bonds for the purpose g, 9691-$500,00, A ni 1 1963. Richard N. & Cath, Para- p @ 0.535,.,,3,680.80 of providing for the payment of g, 9592-$500,00, April 1, 1964. diso, Lot 14 of Broadview 430 Lin. Ft, No, 8 Copper the assessed cost of the installa• 10. 9693-$500,00, April 1, 1965. Cable in pole @ 0,938.,., 403,34 tion of boulevard lights on Grand- Add .,,.:,.. ,,:,,.:..... 89,04 1 Sq, Yd: Street Replace= 10: 9694--$455.85, April 1, 1965. Richard N & Cath Para- view Avenue, diso, Lot 13 of Broadview merit @ 11.D0 , ,,,,.,,,, 11.00 Whereas the contract heretofore 3. Said bonds shall bear interest Extra Work Order No, 1, ' entered into by bhe City of Du. at the rate of 5 per cent per an- Add ;,, ,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,•, 89,04 2, aria 3 ,•,..,,,,,,,, num, payable semi-annually in ac• James J & Madonna Kou- •~~•~••• 258.17 buque, Iowa; for the improvement cordance with coupons thereto at- tre, Lot 12 of Broadview p has been hereinafter described tached; Add 89,04 5% E $5,160.55 cam leted and the Crty Manager .James J. & ~ Madonna Kou- xti•a Expense ,,,, , 258,03 has certified the 'completion there- 4• Said bonds shall not make the Y 37,2 tre, Lot 11 of Broadview 5% Interest for 52 Da s 5 7 of to the City Council and the City City of Dubuque liable in any way, Add Council has ascertained the cost except far the application of said °•••••~••~•••~. •..,.. 89.04. Total Assessed Cost ' special assessment funds. Max B & Ohve Bell; Lot $ 455;85 thereof and has determined that - 5, Said bonds shall provide that 10 of Broadvrew Add. ,,,,,, All of which is assessed in pro- $3,455.85 Dollars of the cost there- Max B, & Olive Bell, Lot 89.04 portion to the special benefits con- they may be payable at any time #erred. Passed adopted and ap. of shall be- assessed against the prior to the maturity date' stated 9 of Broadview Add.:,,,,,,, gg,76 proved this 3rd day of January, 'property subject to assessment. therein at the option of the City Frank A. & Linda Uhlrich; therefor; and of Dubuque and shall be in sub- Lot 8 of Broadview Add, 89.04 1955, Frank A. & Linda Uhlrich, CHARLES A, KINTZRJGER b W Y Y otice, as pro- stantially the following form vided b law, has b ~ Lot 7 of Broadview Add, 89.04 Mayor hereon ublic peen published No, CLARENCE P, WELD' Y he Cit Clerk stating the inten•' Series No. •~~~~ I! Walter & Laura L. Cary, tron of'the Crty Council to issue ~~ •"•"' ""' Lot 6 of Broadview Add; 89,04 RUBEN V, AUSTIN ' " CITY OF DUBUQUE Frederick Jr. & Marion S, LEO N, SCH'UELLER bonds far the purpose of providing 6oalcvard Light Improvem't Bond Fuerste, Lot 5, Broad- Councilmen' for the payment of the assessed The City of Dubuque in the State view Add, Attest: J, J. SHEA, cost of said improvement and a of Iowa promises to pay as herein~ °•••••~• •~••~~~~~,.,:, 89,04 • public hearing has been held, pur- after mentioned to the bearer City Clerk ' suant to such notice and all objet- hereof, on the First day of ld Regular Session, January 3rd, 155 or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Dubuque, the sum of Five Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable smei-annually, pn the presentation and surrender of the interest cou- ppns heretp attached. $pth prin- cipal end interest of this bond are payable. at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by tho City of Dubuque under and by virtue of Chapter 396 pf the 1950 :Cade of Iowa, as amended„ and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 3rd day of January, 1055, being Resq- lution No. 8-55. This Bond is one of a series of h bonds, 10 for $500.00 num- bend from 9684 to 9693 inclusive, and one for $455,85 numbered 9694, all of like tonor and date, and issued for .the purpose of in- stallation pf Boulevard Tights on Grandview Avenue as described in said Reaolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abut- ting and adjacent property along said improvements and is made by law a lien on all of said property. It is payable' only out of the Spe- cial Assessment Fund No, 1171 ', created by the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recit- ed that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, prece- dent to and in issuing this series of bends, have been done, happened, and performed, in regular and due fprm, as required by law and said. Resolution, and far the assessment, collection and payment hereon of said special ta?l, the full faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby jrrevpcably pledged, In Testimony Whereof the City.. pf Dubuque by its Council has. caused this bond to be signed by .its Mayor and countersigned by its+ City Clerk and the Seal of said. City to be thereto. affixed, this 2nd day of February, 1955, (SCAT) ....................... „Mayor.,, ,.,,.,,,.,..,.., City Cleric (dorm of Coupon) On the..,,.,,..,day of _~ ,,,,, , .,, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom• ises to pay to bearer, as provided in said bond, the sum of ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being ...... .................months' interest due that date on its,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bond 'No ..............dated....,, ,..,,,..,..,.,,, Mayor City Clerk b. That tho Mayor and City Cleric be and they are hereby instructed tp cause said bonds to Abe prepared and When so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed tp register said bond in a book kept for that purpose and to then deliv- ex them to the City Treasurer. ?. That the City Treasurer is hereby inshucted to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds. of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No, 1171 and paid out ~by him to pay the cost of said contract. 8, That the interest coupons at- tached to the bonds be signed with the facsimile signature of the May- or and countersigned with the fac- simile signature of the City Clerk. 9, That as fast as funds allow, boginning with the second year after tho payment. pf interest due, .these bands shall be Balled and retired in tho same order as num- bpred. Adopted this 3rd day of January, tp45. CHARLES A. KTNTZINCrER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELD RUDEN V. AUSTIN.. LEO N, SCHUELLER Councilmen ,fittest; J, J. SIIEA, City .Clerk Councilman Welu moved. the adoption of the resolution, Seeond- ed by Councilman Austin,Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor I{intzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Statement of Claude J, McDgn• ~,d, subscribed and sworn to, stat- ing that he posted espies of the notice of levy of special assess- ment and intention of the City Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 15 ~ Council to issue bonds along the line of the improvement for the installation 6f Boulevard Lights from the north property line of Southern Avenue to a point 35 feet north of the south property line of Lot 1 of Lot 8 of E; Ryans Sub- division, presented and read, Coun• oilman Austin moved that the statement be received and .filed, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-°Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• oilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays--None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Clairn of Raymond ~'schiggfrie in the amount of $14,54 for damages to his car caused in striking a hole in the street be• tween the 1300 and 1400 black on Wood Street, presented and read.. Councilman Austin moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for recommenda- tion and report, Seconded by Coun• Gilman Welu. Carried by the fol• lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- oilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Claim of Linda Meta, by Melvin Matz her Father, in the amount of $124.50 far injuries re- ceived in a fall on an uneven rock sidewalk at the corner of Arling• - ton Street and Grove Terrace, pre- rented and read. Councilman Aus- tin moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Schuel- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• oilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Notice of. Claim of Mrs. Berna• dine Smith, as Mather and Natural Guardian of her son James D, Smith, for expenses and perms- nent personal injuries sustained by her son, James D. Smith, in a fall on a packed, rough and urn even ice and snow sidewalk on the north sidewalk on Loras Boule• vard between Cox. Street and the driveway leading to St, Francis. Hall of Loras College, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the Notice of Claim be re- ferred to the City Solicitor for recommendation and report, Sed- onded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Wela Nays--None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Claim of William Kor- man in the amount of $17,38 for damages and loss of a tiro on his car caused in striking a hole in the street at 16th Street and Cen- tral Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Austin, Carried by the follow• ins vote: Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• oilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Communication of The United States Conference of Mayors advis- ing that the 1955 Annual Confer- ence of The United States Confer- ence of Mayor will be held in New York City on May 19, 20 and 21, 1955, presented and read. Council- man Welu moved that the com- munication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent--Councilman Kolb, Communication of American Surety Company, by M. P, Hogan Authorized Representative, submit- ting for filing a Certificate of In- surance for .Schueller and Campa- ny covering the period of time from January 1, 1955 to January 1, 1956, presented and read. Coun- cilman Welu moved that the com- munication_be received and filed and the Certificate of Insurance placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu: Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Communication of County Audi- `tor Meloy advising the City Coum oil that Ralph E. Wright has made a bonafide offer to purchase from Dubuque County Lot 2.1.2 West ~ of Lot 41 Kelly's Sub, and asking City Council approval before grant• 16 Regular. Session; January 3rd;.1955 ing a quit claim deed, present and read, Councilman We1u mov that. the communication be r ferred to the City Council to vie the .grounds. Seconded by May Kintzinger, Carried by the folly ing vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Cou cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. ,,Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 14, 195 To the: Honorable Mayor and City. Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Re: 8" Sanitary Sewer in Mc Clain Street, Pursuant to the provisions o Resolution No. 12.54, I hereby cer tify that the cost of the 8" sanitar sewer Extension in McClain Stree from the intersection of Bonson `& McClain Streets extending north- erly was $1,761.95, made up as fol- lows; Pipe-300 Lin. Ft, @ 80c.,,, 240.00 Fittings-6 Pieces 8" @ $320 ..................:...........:....: 19.20 Compound & heat for joints 24.75 Excavation & back fill .:,..., 424,50 Sompressor & stone ex.:... 117,00 Crane Setting-Manhole .:.. 20,00 Two Standard Manhole "Ring & .Covers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 114.00 3 Reinforced Concrete Man- holes, 8 Cu, Yards ..,,....., 340.00 1 Precast Concrete Manhole 131,61 Labor placing pipe and. Rock. Ex .:................:...... 330.89 $11,761.95 Total Assessable Frontage 442,7 Lm Ft @ $3.98 Lin: Ft ......... ........$1,761.95 Respectfully submitted; Thos. E. Byrne Signed before me this 14th day of December, 1954, (SEAL) M. E. PENDER Notary Public for Dubuque County My Commission Expires July 4, 1957 Councilman Austin moved that the communication be received and made a matter of recordr Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; - Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. ed AFFIDAVIT . ed State of Iowa j e- Dubuque_County j SS w Comes now Arthur Digman on °T oath, having first been duly sworn; w- states and deposes that he is one and the same party that entered n• into' an agreement with the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to contract with a private contractor and. pay for one sewer, known as: 8 inch vitri~ 4 tied tale pipe sanitary sewer along the alley between Lincoln and Rhomberg Avenues from:Lot 391 of Ham's Addition to Farragut Street, thence along the centerline - of Farragut Street to Rhomberg Avenue, thence along Rhomberg f Avenue to within 48 feet of Haw- - thorne Street, thence crossing y Rhomberg Avenue to the alley be- t tween Rhomberg Avenue and Gar- field Avenue, totally 980 feet; all according.. to Ordinance of .the City of Dubuque No, 48.54:.. Said sewer. has been completed; inspected by the City, accepted as completed by. the City, and is ac• tually 931,4 feet in length. Ifur- ther ,state and .depose that all the expenses incurred in the building of said. sewer have been paid in full. by myself, and I certify there- to. The expenses were as follows: Andrew Fondell & Sons,. 'Contractors ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$3 g95;30 Inspection by City Engi• veering Department ..,; 364,43 Dubuque Lumber & Coal Company, for Sand .,.,..., ,77 Legal' Expenses, Kintzing- er &Kintzinger, Attor- neys at Law .:...:.......::.... 45.00 Total expenses ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,$4,305,50 I further certify that a contract was entered into whereby Zeno Dalsing;' Erv Hafeman, Ronald Pat- terson, and Emil-Ploessl, all of the City of Dubuque, entered into a contract with himself... to pay their full share. and acceptance by the city;: at the same rate as if the city has ordered: construction of the above mentioned. sewer and as- sessed each of -the above men- tinned persons. far his individual expense of constructing said sew- er, Signed this 14th day of Decem- ber,.1954. Arthur Digman Subscribed and sworn to before. _ Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 17 me this 14th day of December, 1954. (SEAL) Chas, A. Kintzinger Notary Public of Iowa, in and for Dubuque County, Councilman Welu, moved that the Affidavit Abe received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Copy of communication of Klau- er-Julien Hotel Company which was sent to The Key City Gas Com- pany objecting to the proposed laying of a gas main on the north• erly side of West Second Street between Iowa Street and the first alley west thereof and immediate- ly adjacent to the. property of the Klauer•Julien Hotel Company and that it appears that ,this main is to be laid in .the narrow space be• tween the new concrete sidewalk and the lot line and stating that before proceeding with the plac- ing. of this gas line that they give careful consideration to the abjec• tions of the Klauer•Julien Hotel Company, since the Klauer-Julien Hotel Company propose to seek re- dress in the future for any incon- venience, expense or damage oc- casioned by the unusual and un- reasonable location now proposed, presented and read. Councilman Austin moved that the copy of the communication be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for investigation, Seconded 'by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb: Communication of A; M, Conlon stating that: the valuations against Lots 571 and 606 in Lenox Addi- tion for different improvements are inconsistent... and making in- quiry as to what is the 100% valua- tion of the above mentioned lots in regard to final levy for improve- ments and that in his opinion the valuations of $1,250.00 and $650.00 on Lot 606 Lenox Addition and val• nations of $700,00 and $300.00 on Lot 571 of Lenox Addition are in• consistent and further stating that the larger figures are high, pre- sented and read, Councilman Aus- tin moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-'Councilman Kolb. Petition of Harold R. Duggan and William T, Connery requesting that Lorimer Street be curbed and guttered from the intersection of Lorimer Street and Levi Street to the south to the alley on the south- ern end of Lorimer Street, a dis- tance of approximately 400 feet during the year 1955, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that the petition be re- ferred to the City Council to view the grounds and the City Engineer- ing Department instructed to pre• pare an estimate of the cost of the improvement as requested for Council consideration and study. Seconded by Councilman Schuel- ler, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent--JCouncilman Kolb, Petition of M. B, Olansky re• questing vacation of the forty foot strip of land in front of Lots 22, 23 and 24 in Morgans Subdivision located at the south side of 17th Street and Clark Street, presented 'and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- port, Seconded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote;. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays--•None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of Henry Ott. and others requesting the City Council to name the alley as a street running between Locust and Bluff Streets from Dodge Street north and also that house numbers be given to the homes on said street and. pro- posing that the new street be named Bissell Drive, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that the portion of the petition re• questing the establishment of a 18 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 street be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of John Meisenburg re- questing a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 63, as he has discontinued business on December 14, 1954, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor in- stru~ted to draw a warrant in the amount of $100,00 in favor of John Meisenburg to cover the amount of refund granted on the j unexpired portion of his Class "B"Beer Permit No. 63, Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-,Councilman Kolb. Petition of John Meisenburg re- questing arefund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No, 169, as he has discontinued business on De- c~mber 14, 1954; presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of John Meisenburg to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cig- arette Permit No, 169. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- '. cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays--None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Rudolph J. Hafeman requesting a refund in the amount of $100,00 on the .unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit, as he has discontinued business as of December 4, 1954, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Rudolph. J. Hafeman to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of phis Class "B" Beer Per- mit. Seconded 'by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the follow ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, We1u, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Rudolph J. Hafeman requesting a refund in the amour of $50.00 an the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit, as he has discontinued business as of Decem- ber 4, 1954, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50,00 in favor of Rudolph' J, Hafeman to cover the amount of refund grant- ed on the unexpired portion of his' Cigarette Permit. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of Mrs. Mildred Garner requesting a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired per- tion of her Cigarette Permit No. 302, as she has discontinued busi• ness on December 31, 1954, pro- sented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Mrs, Mildred' Garner to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 302. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the follow- ing vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent--Councilman Kolb. Petition of Mrs. Mildred Garner requesting a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired por- tion of her Class "B" Beer Permit No, 95, as she has discontinued busi- ness on December 31,1954, present- ed and read. Councilman Schueller moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Mrs. Mildred Garner to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired portion o£ her Class "B" Beer Per mit No, 95, Seconded by Council• Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 19 man Welu, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of Ray V, Murphy re- questing arefund in the amount of $50.OD on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 230, as he has discontinued business on November 17, 1954, presented and read Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Ray V. Murphy to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cig- arette Permit No. 230.5econded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the follotivpg vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petitions of John S, Young re• questing a 'refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his .Cigarette Permit No, 228, as he has discontinued business on December 28, 1954, due to fire, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor in- structed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50,00 in favor of John S, Young to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No, 228, Seconded by Councilman Aus- tin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays^None. AbsentJCouncilman Kolb: Petition of Mrs. Dorothy Blum requesting a refund in the amount of $50,00 on the unexpired por- tion of her Cigarette Permit No. 111'as she has discontinued busi- ness on December 31, 1954, pre- sented and read. Councilman Welu moved that. the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in 'the amount of $50.00 in favor of Mrs, Dorothy Blum to cover the amount of re• fund granted an the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 111, Seeouded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays---None, Aibsont-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Mrs, Rosella Childers requesting a refund in the amount of $50.00 an the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 305, as she has discontinued business on December 31, 1954, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the request '~be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50,00 in favor of Mrs. Rosella Childers to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of herCigarette Permit No, 305. Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Xeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Mrs. Rosella Childers requesting a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired por- tion of 'her Class "$" Beer Permit No, 94, as she bas discontinued business on December 31, 1954, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor In- structed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Mrs, Rosella Childers to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit Ne. 94, Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-,Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Proof of publicatiou, certified to by thy publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants wore drawn during the month of .November, 1954, presented acid read, Council- man Welu moved that the proof of publication ''be received and filed, Seconded 'by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote;. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman liolb. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of adoption and levy of special as- 20 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 sessments to pay for the construc- tion of a cast iron water main in Alpha Avenue, Born Avenue, Carl- ton Avenue, Indiana Avenue, Len- ox Avenue, McPoland Avenue, Ne- braska Avenue, Green 'Street and Woodlawn Street, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the .proof of publication be re- ceived and filed: Seconded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, ,Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Resolution and Application For Transfer of Emergency Fund RESOLUTION N0, 352.54 ` Whereas, there now is in the hands of the treasurer of City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, the'sum of $831,89, credited to the Emergency Fund thereof; and Whereas, an emergency has aris• en' which requires the expendi- ture of $831.89, said emergency being of the following character: To pay for a portion of City share of Street Improvement costs of 1954; and Whereas, the revenue in the Street Fund is insufficient. to meet its estimated actual and necessary expenses for the current fiscal ..year. and the emergency referred to; ,therefore, be it Resolved 'by the City Council. of 'Lhe City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, that $831.89 of the funds in the Emergency Fund be transferred permanently to the Street Fund of said municipality; subject to .the approval of the State .Comptroller when such ap• proval is requested by a two-thirds vote of the governing body of said 'municipality, to 'be expended in accordance with the provisions of 'Section 24.8, Code of Iowa. The 'City `Clerk of said munici- pality, upon receipt of approval by the State Comptroller, is directed to correct 'his books accordingly and to notify the treasurer of the transfer, accompanying the notifi- cation. with a copy of this resolu- tion and the record of its adoption, Presiding Officer, Leo N, Schuel- ler, Mayor. Secretarial Officer, J. J, Shea, City Clerk, The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of The City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, at a special meeting of the same on the 9th day of No- vember, 1954. The vote thereon was as fol- lows: Ayes-Mayor Leo N, Schueller, Councilmen Clarence P, Welu, Ray F, Korb, Charles A, Kintzinger. Nays-None, APPROVAL The above application and reso- lution having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re• quested is approved December 8th, 1954, Glenn D, Sarsfield State Comptroller Councilman Austin moved that the approval of State Comptroller Glenn D, Sarsfield 'be received and 'made a matter of record, Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb: Resolution and Application' For Approval of the Permanent Transfer of Funds RESOLUTION N0. 353.54 Whereas, .there is now in 'the hands of the treasurer the sum of $75,619,06, credited to the General fund, and Whereas, there is now in the hands of the treasurer the sum of $ None, credited to the Street fund, and Whereas, it is desired to transfer $31,000.00 from the General Fund, for the following reasons: To avoid the necessity of issuing General Obligation bonds other- wise necessary to defray a portion of the costs for permanent im• provements of streets .during 1954, Money anticipated as available in the Street Fund will 'be insuffi- cient to meet current expenses and the cities share of permanent street improvements, and ' Whereas, said transfer is to be permanent in accordance with sec- tion 24,22, code of 1950, and Whereas, there is sufficient mon- ey in the General fund to meet all demands thereon, and Whereas, all laws relating to mn- Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 nicipalities have .been complied with, Now Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque of Dubuque County, Iowa, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller, that said sum of $31,000,00'be, and the same. is hereby transferred from the General fund to the Street fund, and the City Clerk (Secretarial Officer) is directed to correct his books accordingly and to notify the treasurer bf this transfer, ac- companying the notification with a copy of this resolution and the record of its adoption. The vote thereon was as follows; Ayes-Mayor Leo N, Schueller, Councilmen Clarence P. Welu, Ray P. Kolb; Charles A. Kintzinger. Leo N, Schueller, Mayor, Presid- ing Officer, J. J. Shea, City Clerk, Secretarial Officer. I hereby certify the above to Abe a true and correct copy of resolu• lion passod by the City Council on the 9th day of November, A.D. 1954, J. J, Shea, Secretarial Officer. APPROVAL The above application and reso• lution having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re- quested is approved, December 8th, 1954. Glenn D. Sarsfield, State Comp- troller, Councilman Austin moved that the approval of State Comptroller Glenn D, Sarsfield be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded Eby Councilman Welu, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Resolution and Application For Approval of the Permanent Transfer of Funds RESOLUTION N0. 354.54 Whereas, there is now in the hands of the treasurer the sum of $78,87415, credited to the Public Safety fund, and Whereas, there is now in the hands of the treasurer the sutn of $ None, credited to the Street fund, and Whereas; it is desired'to transfer 21 $30,700.00 from the Public Safety Fund, for the following reasons: To avoid the necessity of issuing General Obligation bonds otherwise necessary to defray a portion of the Costs for permanent improvement of streets during 1954, Money an• ticfpated"as available in the Street Fund will be insufficient to meet current expenses. and the cities share of permanent street improve- ments. and Whereas, said transfer is to' be permanent in accordance with Sec• lion 24.22, cede of 1950, and Whereas, there is sufficient mon- ey in the Public Safety £und to meet all demands thereon, and Whereas, all laws relating to mu- nicipalities have been' complied with, Now Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du• buque of Dubuque County, Iowa, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller; that said sum of $30,70bA0 be, and the same is here- by transferred from' the Public Safety fund to the Street fund; and the City Clerk (Secretarial Officer) is directed to correct his books accordingly and to notify the treas- urer of this transfer, accompanying the notification with a copy of this resolution and the record of its adoption. The vote thereon was as follows: Ayes-Mayor Leo N, Schueller, Councilmen Clarence P, Welu, hay F. Kolb, Charles A, Kintzinger: Nays-None, Leo N, Schueller, Mayor (Presid• ing Officer). J. J. Shea, City Clerk (Secretarial Officer), I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of resolu- tion passed by the City Council on the 9th day of November, A,D.1954. J, J, Shea (Secretarial Officer,) APPROVAL The above application and reso• lution having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re• quested is approved, December $th, 1954, Glenn D, 'Sarsfield, State- Comp• troller. Councilman Austin coved' tkat the approval of State Comptroller Glenn D, Sarsfield be received and made a matter of record;'Seconded 22 Regular Seasiatt, January 3rd, 195 by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following voto: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. NaYsT-None, Absent-Councilman Kalb. ORDINANCE N0, 2.55 An Ordinance Amending Ordi• nonce No. 741 by repealing Section 7~1r thereof and enacting a substi- tute therefor, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance, Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Xeas-Jl~ayor Kintzingor, Council moo Austin, Schueller, Wolu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Councilman Austin moved that the rules be suspended 1•equiring an ordinance to be read on three separato days, Seconded by Council- man Schueller, Carried by the fol- lowing vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzingor, Council• men Austin; Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, ORDINANCE N0. 2.5y ~An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1Vo. 7-41 by repealing Section 7Qr tlieroof apd enacting a substitute therefor, Be It Ordained p5' The City Coun- cil Of The city Of Dubuque: Section 1.....That Section 7-lr of grdinance Nn. 7-41 be and tho same is hereby repealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof: "7-lr Cows-Health-All milk for pas- teurization shall he from herds Which are located in a modified accredited tuberculosis-Prep area, as determined by the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agri- culture, and which leas been tested for htherculosis not more than 6 years prior to tpe adoption pf this ordinance and at least every 6 years alter such test: Provided, that herds located in an area that fails to maintain such accredited status, or that has an in- cidence of bovine tuberculosis in ex- cess oP 0.2 per soot, shall have been accredited by said Bureau of Animal Tndustry as tuberculosis-free, or shall ]lave passed an an~tual tuberpulin teat. ~Il additions to such heeds .shall be free Prom tuberculosis. Said tests and retests shall be made, and any reactors disposed of, in accor- dance with tho latest requirements approved by •the Bureau oP Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, for hiherculasis-free, accredited herds, in effect at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. A certificate identifying each animal, signed by the veterinarian or attested to by the health officer, and filed as directed by the health oPPicer, shall he evidence of the ahovo test. Upon the adoption of this ordinance, all mills and milk products for pas- teurization shall be from herds certi> Pied by the State Livesteclr Sanitary Authority as following Plan A as ap- proved by the BAI for the eradiea- tion of brttpehosis. Evidenco of this certification shall be filed as directed by the Health officer. All additions to the herd shall be brucellosis -free. Tests and retests shall be made, and any reactors disposed of, in accar- dagoa ndth the latesk requirements approved b9 tkis BAl, USDA, iu ef- Peot at the time of the adoption of this ordinanco. A certificate inden- tifyin~ each animal, signed by the voter narian and the director of the laboratpry making the test, and filed as directed by the health officer, shall be evidence of the above test. Cows which show a complete in- dgratipn pf one quarter or extensive induration in one or mm•e quarters Pf the udder upon physical esaUrina- tion, whether secreting abnormal milk or not, shall be permanently ex- ohtded (rout the gtnlcjng herd: Pro- gjded, that t1tiS shall not apply in the ease oP a quarter that is completely dry. Caws ^iping bloody, stringy, or otherivlge ahnoriual mills, but with- out entire or extensive induration of the udder, shall bq excluded from the herd until re-examination shows that th? mint has bepome normal. For other diseases, such tpsts or examinations as the health officer may require after consultation with State livestock sanitary officials shall be made at intervals and by methods prescribed by him, and any diseased animals or reactors shall be disposed of as he may require, Section 2. This ordinance shall he in frill force and effect from and after its fins] passage, adoption and publi- nation &s 1iy law provided. Tntfpdueed the 3rd day of January, 1955. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 3rd day of January, 1856, Passed, adoptod and approved this 3rd day of January, 1966. CHARLES, A, I~INTZINGEft 112ayor CLAgE\'CE P, WELU Ruben V. AUSTIN IaEO N. SCHUF~LLER Councilmen Attest; J. J. Shea City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald nowspaper this 7th day of January, 1956. J, J. SHAA, It San,7 City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the ordinance, Secgnd- ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- ried by the following vote: Xeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Colilicih men Austin, Schueller, Wehi, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Depelnber 8, 1959 To the Honorable MaYOr and Members of the City Council, City pf Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1QG4, rile Civil Service Commission conducted en- trance oxamination~on Depember 8, 1954 for those seeking the ppsitiou of Public Health Nurse. One appli- cant. took this examination and Regular Session, January Std, 1955 23 passed the same. Margaret E, Sauer Sowle-Average of 78%, Respectfully submitted, Allan T, Daykin Chairman E; B. Lyons Members, Civil Service Commission Attest: J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary 1?nblic, this 15th day of December, 1954, (SEAL) Geraldine L, Jenni Notary Public Councilman Austin moved that the report of the Civil Service Com• mission be received and made a matter of record, Seconded by Coun• Gilman Welu. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 8, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubugue, .Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provi- sions of the Code of Iowa, 1954, the Civil Service Commission conduct- ed entrance examinations for those seeking the position of Restaurant Inspector.. This examination was held December 8th, 1954 and the following are the names of those who passefl the examination with an average of 70% or better. Respectfully submitted, Allan T, Daykin Chairman E, B, Lyons Members, Civil Service Commission Attest; J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this 15th day of December, 1954. Geraldine L, Jenni Notary Public Councilman Welu moved that the report of the Civil Service Commis- sion be received and made a matter of record: Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu. NagsW-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 2T, 1954 Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen, I have investigated the claim of Mrs, Mahal Essman far damages to her car resulting from striking a hole in 29th Street September 26th; I find the hole existed as claimed and that the impact caused the bat tery lid to fly off and become en- gaged with the fuel pump bending the shaft of the pump, The cost of repairing the pump was $20,84 and T recommend that her claim be allowed in said amount, Irespectfully, T. II, NELSON Councilman Schueller moved that the recommendation of City Solici• tar Nelson be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war• rant in the amount of $2U.84 in favor of Mrs. Mabel Essman, as settlement in full of her claim, and that warrant be delivered upon re- ceipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- nl.en Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 24,1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I wish to express my apprecia- tion for the privilege granted to ate tend the International City Manag- ers Association Annual Conference at St, Petersburg, Florida: This meeting was an outstanding one, bath as to the subjects dis- cussed and the number in attend• once. I feel as though my attendance at this meeting is a great help in the development of a better pro• gram in the administration for the City of Dubuque. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the communication of City Manager Schiltz be received and made a mat- ter of record, Seconded by Council• 24 Regu]ar Session, January 3rd, 1955.. man Welu, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 28,1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The demonstrated' loyalty 'of all city employees and the excellent cooperation between departments during 1954 is evidenced by another year of many achievements within the city. This cooperative. spirit among all of us is, I feel; due mainly to the spirit of cooperation among the" Council in your decisions for the welfare of the city, Every city employee I am sure, is proud of the accomplishments in 1954 because each one had a part in"making them possible, whether they are repairing a water leak or a department "head directing the work, It has been a pleasure to work as City Manager in Dubuque during 1954, and I wish to express my ap- preciation to the City Council fm~ your confidence in me. I hope I may continue.. to receive your support in carrying out the policies and de• cisiohs' you are to make during 1955. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the conununication of City Manag• er Schiltz be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman'Welu. Carried by the following votet Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,' Council- men Austin, Schueller,'Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman I{olb; December 16,..1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque; Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit re- ports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of November, as well as list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of November, 1954, Respectfully submitted, L. J; SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the reports be received and placed on file, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 22, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of John R; Lippert and others requesting: that a street light be placed on Kaufman. Avenue Extension was referred to the City Manager and .Electrical Inspector for recommen- dation and report. The area that this light will ser- vice is rapidly being built up with' new homes and also Kaufman Av- enue Extension is a dead end street, I recommend that a street light be installed hree spans from the last light installed on .Kaufmann Aw emie Extension, Respectfull submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the. recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the. following vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 22, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque; Iowa. Gentlemen, The petition of Rus- 'sell R. Kerth requesting that a street lighf be erected beyond the vicinity of 215 Saunders Street was referred to the City Manager and 'Electrical Inspector for recom-! mendation and report. Upon investigation it was `deter- mined that Saunders Street within the area requested is traveled only' by threo people living in this area, There are certainly none of the conditions warranting the installa- tion of a street light present at this Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 25 location; therefore, I recommend that the petition be denied. Respectfully submitted, L. J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote; .Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 22, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The petition of Miss Evelyn Pfeffer and others request- i~~ng the installation of a street light at the .intersection of Semin- ary and Shelby Streets was referred to the City Manager and Electrical Inspector for recommendation and report. Upon investigation of the condi- tions existing at the location in the petition which points to this inter- section being a dangerous one at all times, it is recommended that a street light be installed as re- quested, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 22, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: I am attaching a let• ter received from the State Depart• ment of Health, Sr. Milk Sanitarian regarding the Dubuque milk sup- p1Y This letter indicates that the con- dition of our milk in the city has shown great improvement which has been due to the wonderful co- operation received from the pro• ducers and dairies servicing the City of Dubuquo and Mr, Art Roth, City Milk Sanitarian, Mr. Roth is to be congratulated on this fine job and it will take con- siderable effort on his part and also that of the producers and dairies to maintain this high rating, Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Schueller moved that the communication of City Manager Schiltz be received and made a mat• ter of record. Seconded by Council- man Austin. Carried by the follow- ing vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent- Councilman Kolb. December 22; 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of the Interstate Power Company request- ing permission to construct an en- closed overhead bridge to span the area between Main and Iowa Streets to service the present office build- ing at 10th and Main and the pro• ';posed new office building to be con- strutted at 10th and Iowa Streets, '; and also permission to place a 7,000 gallon oil tank under the sidewalk on 10th Street between Iowa south to the alley, was referred to the City Manager and Building Com• missioner for study and report. I have had the request regarding the overhead bridge investigated by 'the Building Commissioner and Fire Chief and it is my recom- mendation that their request be granted provided the fire escape is removed from the rear of the build- ing at 10th and Main and placed on the 10th Street side. I also recommend that the per- mission be granted to install the oil tank under the sidewalk provided that all existing ordinances having to do with excavation in streets are complied with. Respectfully submitted, L. J, Schiltz, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendations of City Manager Schiltz be approved and proper proceedings prepared. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. 26 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, llubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Mrs, Doy Baker, President of Irving School P.T.A„ requesting that the City Council proceed immediately to have completed as soon as pos- sible sidewalks in and around Irv- ing School was referred to the City Manager for report. The main reason that sidewalks were not ordered constructed on one of the areas close to Irving, School, namely Pennsylvania Av- enue from the old City Limits to University Avenue, was that there is a discrepancy in the several prop- erty surveys and the street is shown in variable widths. In order that the street can be widened in this area to correspond to the width of Pennsylvania as it has been approved and at the same time get the sidewalk constructed, I recommend that a plat and sched- ule be ordered prepared for the widening of the pavement of Penn- sylvania Avenue and for the con- struction of sidewalks. I believe that this project will take care of the majority of the children using sidewalks to go to and from school, and we can also proceed to have sidewalks con• strutted on other streets in this area as the need exists, Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; The petition of Mr, and Mrs, Berger Dahlby requesting the installation of a street light an the post on West 5th Street where the twin steps come to the street was referred to the City Manager and Elecrical Inspector for investi- gation and report. Upon investigation, it was found that the spacing of street lights be- tween the intersection of Burch and Summit Streets along West 5th is not too great, also that the installation of the street light at the location requested would mostly serve as a light for the private steps, as there are two residences constructed on an extremely high terrace that use these steps to West 5th Street, It is recommended that the peti- tion be denied. Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Eddie and Dorothy Plein requesting the City Council to take such proceed- ings as are necessary to pay to them the sum of $2,034,65 in full consideration of the transfer of them to the City of Dubuque of all their right, title, and interest to the sanitary sewer constructed by them and in further consideration of the connection of the sewer in the alley first west of Queen Street. pursuant to the proceedings initiat- ed by Resolution No. 211--54, was referred to the City Council for further study and that the City Manager and City Solicitor submit a report to the City Council as to the legality of the petition. As to the legality of the petition, I yield to the City Solicitor and at- tached is his opinion. As to the proceedings followed by Mr. & Mrs. Plein, they are in line with all other privately con- structed sewers that are turned over to the City to be maintained as public sewers after they are completed. There are many cases that we extended a private sewer beyond that serviced by the privately con- structed sewer, and also we con- nectlaterally toprivate constructed sewers to serve adjacent areas but not abutting a sewer, Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 27 By the city constructing a sewer by special assessment in the alley first west of Queen Street and con• neeting to the privately constructed Plein sewer, we have in no way deprived the Plein's right to re- cover the cost of the sewer that they have constructed, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the report of City Manager Schiltz be accepted and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 17, 1954 Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen; Mr. Eddie Plein has made claim to your body for com- pensation which he claims to be due him because of the extension of the sewer main in Clinton Street, By Resolution No, 12-49 he was granted permission to construct. a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street and connect the same with the sewer in the alley between Queen and Windsor. This Resolution was silent as to who should be the owner of the sewer upon its com- pletion. It did provide that all per• sons living along and adjacent to the sewer should have the right to connect to the sewer upon applica- tion to the Council and the pay went to Plein of their proportion- ate part of the cost of constructing the sewer, based on lineal frontage abutting the street, but not more than the amount that could have been levied under special assess- ment proceedings, Plein constructed the sewer and ter#ified the cost in 1950 as $2675.78, This summer the City extended the sewer in question by special assessment proceedings from Clinton Street to 27th Street, Because of this Mr, Plein is claim- ing the total cost of the sewer with interest at 5'/z%, but less $565,50 connection charge paid by a Mr. Sitterlee in 1951, You have asked my opinion on the legal aspects of'the claim, Most cases hold that any sewer placed in a public street and in- tegrated with the public sewer sys• tem becomes a public sewer unless there is special provision to the contrary. Cornwall vs, Garrison Qdaho), 81 p. (2) 1094; A. and D, S. Realty Corp. vs. Kass (N.Y.) 119 Misc, 735; City of Shawnee vs. Thompson (Okla.) 275 P, (2) 323, In the last case cited, which was decided by the Supreme Court of Oklahoma in October, 1954, the claimant obtained permission to construct a sewer main in the street from his property and connect it to the City sewage system at his own expense. This he did at a cost to him of over $16,000. Thereafter the city authorized abutters to connect to this main without charge and claimant brought the action claim- ing his property had been taken without compensation. The Court iseld that the sewer main belonged to the city and denied the claim, saying, "If private citizens were allowed to assert ownership piece- meal of various parts of the city seevage system an intolerable situa- tion would soon exist." Consequent- ly, the sewer main constructed by Mr. Plein is a public sewer and city property. This rule does not work any in- equity or injustice to Mr, Plein, It is not an independent sewer with its outfall a~t the river or a private disposal plant, It connects with a portion of the municipal system. If any abutters connect they will reimburse him, just as Mr. Sitterlee did, This is how a great portion of the city sewer system has .been built, Those who want the service pay for the cast of extending the plant to Them, buE are not required to pay a proportionate share of the whole plant, For that reason claimant has been dealt with equit- ably. Nor has the claimant been dam- aged by the extension of the main, It is an 8" main obviously construct- ed with the intention that it serve more than one dwelling. The use to which the main is being put is that for which it was designed. There is no claim nor is it the fact that the additional use in any way interferes with Mr. Plein's use, nor is it ever likely to do so, There seems to be some thought in the claim that the provision for 3 28 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 a connection charge is applicabl to the extension of the main, b it is obvious from a reading of t Resolution that the intent was th the connection charge apply on to service laterals connected b abutters, It refers to those "livin along and adjacent to the sewer and the charge is based on line frontage. It is therefore my opinion tha the sewer is a public sewer belon ing to the City, that claimant ha not been deprived of any rights o damaged in any way and that, un less undisclosed facts exist, th claim: is not well founded eithe in law or equity, Respectfully, T. H, NELSON Councilman Austin moved tha the opinion of City Solicitor Nelso be accepted and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advise that a vacancy exists on the Board of Dock' Commissioners as of Novem- ber 24th, 1954, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that Mr, Fred E, Neyens be reappointed as a member of the Dock Board for a term of three years, said term ex- piring November 24th, 1957, Sec- ondad by Mayor Kintzinger, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- tnen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 31, 1954 To the. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; I recommend that a street light be installed at the in- tersection of Grandview Avenue Ex- tension and University Avenue, This new intersection has no street light and because of the e heavy traffic, a light should be in- ut stalled. he Respectfully submitted, at L, J. SCHILTZ, ly City Manager y Councilman Schueller moved that g the recommendation of City Man- al ager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; t Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• g- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, s Nays-None, r Absent-Councilman Kolb. e January 3,1955 r To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advfse that t I have approved the following bond n and policies and desire to have your approval on same for filing, subject to the approval of the City Solicitor: HEATING CONTRACTOR Joseph J. Eisbach, United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. EXCAVATION H, B, McCarten, 473 Eighth Av enue, Policy No, 48242 Indemnity Ins, Co, of North America, TAXICAB William Weber, (Veterans Radio Cab Company), 973 Main Street, Policy No. N I 34425, National In- demnity Company. CLOCK AND CURB TELLER First National Bank, 5th & Main Streets, Policy. No. OT 737959, The Fidelity and Casualty Co, of N,Y, COMMUNITY TE<.EVISION ANTENNA SYSTEM Dubuque-Jerrold Television Cable Corporation, 1043 Main Street, Pol• icy No, XP 184828, The Fidelity and Casualty Co, of N,Y, Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the Band and Policies be placed on file subject to the approval of the City Solicitor. Seconded by Council- man Welu, Carried by the fallow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Cpuncil- then Austin, Schueller,. Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, l'' 3 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 ~9 January 3, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen; I am attaching here• with for your consideration a li"st of proposed street improvements to be included in the 1955 Street Con- struction program, .There may be additional projects you desire to include in the pro• gram or some that you may wish. to delete. I recommend that the plats and schedules be prepared on those projects you approve, Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Weln, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. 1955 Proposed Curb & Gutter" Projects 1. Lindberg Terrace, from Eagle to west end. 2. Grandview Avenue, from Del- lii to Loras,' 3. Green Street, 'from Bunker Hill to Pennsylvania. 4. Bunker Hill Road, from Fin- ley to Green (No, prop,) 5. Hickson Avenue, from Penn• sylvania to Lenox Avenue. 6, Marmora Avenue, from Penn• sylvania to Fairfax Avenue, 7, Drexel Avenue, from Penn• sylvania to Lenox Street. 8. Garfield Avenue, from Stan- ton to Marshall Street. 9, Leibe Street, from Jackson to railroad tracks, 10, Woodlawn Street, from Kar- en to north end; 11, Alta Place, from Delaware to Green Street. 12. Widen Pennsylvania, from University to old city limits. 1955 Proposed Bituminous Concrete (S,C: 6) Surfacing Projects L Marshall Street, from Lincoln to Rhomberg Avenue, 2."Garfield Avenue, from Mar- sliall to Stanton Street, 3, Hennepin Street, from Staf• ford to Windsor Avenue, 4. Pleasant Street, from St^fford to Viola Street. 5. Eagle Street, from Viola to Thomas Street, 6. Lindberg Terrace, from Eagle to west end. 7. East 30th Street, from Jack- son Street to RR tracks.. 8. Elm Street, from 22nd to 26th (Curb only parts) 9, Auburn Street, from Grace to University Avenue. 10. Pearl Street; from O'Iiagan to west end, 11. O'Hagen Street, from Min- eral to University Avenue, . 12. Decatur Street, from Rhom- berg to Lincoln Avenue, 1455 Proposed Hot•Mixed Hot•Laid Asphaitic Concrete Surfacing Projects 1. Leibe Street, from Jackson to RR tracks. 2, Jones Street, from Main to Locust Street. 3, Shields Street, from Jones to Dodge Street, 4. University Avenue, from Alta Vista to Delhi Street, 5, University Avenue, from Del- hi to Asbury Street, 6, Grandview Avenue, from Del- hi to Loras Boulevard. 1955 Proposed Seaman Mix Projects 1. Avoca Street, from Seminary to Ungs Street. 2: Ashton .Place, from Delaware Street to west end. 3, Burlington Street,' from Na- tional. to alley first west of Na- tional 4. Glen Oak Street, from Vernon to Edina Street. , December 23; 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, :Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; I am attaching here- with aletter from the Federal Com- munications Commission regarding the regulation of interference by eleotrical appliances and: motors with .the reception of radio and television, We are awaiting a report of the Nation Institute of Municipal Law Officers an this subject before re- ceiving any recommended action. Respectfull submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ; City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the communication of Citj Manager Schiltz be received and made a mat- ter of record and that a'copy of the communication be forwarded to 30 Regular Sessions January 3rd, 1955 Mr, Peter Stonskas, Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. (Copy) FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D. C. November 22, 1954 Mr, L, J. Schiltz ', City Manager ', City of Dubuque, Iowa, Dear Mr. Schiltz; This is in reply to your letter of October 5, 1954 in which you state that the City of Dubuque, Iowa is considering the adoption of an ordinance "regulat- ing interference caused by electri- cal appliances and motors with re- '' ' ception of radio and TV." You re- quest in that letter information relative to this type of regulation. Our staff at present is studying the complex problem connected with the question as to wether and to what extent municipal ord nances designated to protect tele- vision and other communications by radio from interference caused by electrical appliances can validly be enacted, Pending conclusion of this study and in the absence of additional information, we are-not in a .position to advise you as to the legality of any municipal or- dinances adapted to deal with such problems, We may, however, call your attention to the fact that the ', National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, 726 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington 6, D.C. is at the present time also concerned with the prob- lem raised in your letter of Octo- ber 5, 1954, In case the City of Du- buque is amember of that Institute you may contact it by writing to its General Counsel, Charles S. Rhyne, under the above mentioned address, Very truly yours, MARY JANE MORRIS Secretary Councilman Austin moved that the communication of the Federal Communications commission be re- ceived and made a matter of record and that a copy of the communica- tion be forwarded to Mr. Peter Stonskas. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The communication of Edward J, Richeson presented to the attention of the City Council his problem of trying to secure a building permit to erect a dwelling on property which lies just east of 1004 Davis Avenue was referred to the City Manager, City Solicitor and Building Commissioner to confer with Mr. Richeson. I aimanged a conference between Mr. Richeson, the Building Com- missioner and myself to discuss the problem of obtaining a building permit for the location requested,. Mr, Richeson can obtain a build- ing permit providing certain condi- tions are met to comply with exist- ing city ordinances, and I am sure that he now understands these con- ditions and can proceed according to his own wishes. Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the communication of City Man- ager Schlltz be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following. vote: Yeas-Mayor I{intzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. December 23, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The petition of Sac- red Heart Church petitioning for the lease of Lot 5 of Lot 63 and Lot 6 of Lot 63 of Sanford's Sub and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 313, was referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. I have discussed this lease with the City Solicitor and have his opin- ion that the property can be leased for a period of years, but that if the lease is in excess of three years there must be a public hearing held thereon, It is my recommendation that a proper lease be prepared covering _s..... Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 31 the above described property and bhat it extend for a period of 10 years with the privilege of renewal for an additional period of 10 years. Consideration far the lease be that the property be maintained as a playground and a new sidewalk be installed on the Queen Street side of the property; that the side- walk be maintained in good condi- tion and be kept free from snow and ice; that the property be kept free of all weeds and be maintained in a presentable manner, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Schueller moved that the recommendation of City Man• ager Schiltz be approved and prop- er proceedings prepared, Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kalb. December 20, 1954 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the improvement of an 8" Sanitary Sewer in Rhomberg Av- enue, pursuant to Ordinance No. 48-54 by Arthur Digman, under construction by the Fondell Con• struction Company. has been com- pleted in accordance with the plans and specifications. I, therefore, recommend the ac- ceptance of this work. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Councilman' Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None: Absent-Councilman Kolb. RESOLUTION N0, 9-55 Resolution accepting an 8" Sani- tary Sewer constructed along alley between Lincoln and Rhomberg Av- enues, from Lot 391 of Ham's Ad- di~tion to Farragut Street, thence along the center line of Farragut Street to Rhomberg Avenue, thence along west property line of Rhom- berg Avenue to within 48' of Haw- thorne Street, thence crossing Rhomberg Avenue to the alley be- tween Rhomberg Avenue and Gar- field Avenue pursuant to Ordinance No. 48-54 by Arthur Digman, Whereas the City Engineer has inspected the same and the City Manager has recommended its ac- ceptance; and Whereas the permittee under said Ordinance has filed with the City Council a certified statement showing that all amounts paid out by them ih connecffon with the construction of said sewer amount to $4305.50; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That said sewer is hereby accepted by the City of Dubuque, and that the same be hereafter a public sewer under the exclusive charge and control of the City of Dubuque; Section 2, That the acceptance of said sewer by the City of Dubuque and the establishment of the same as a public sewer shall not be coh- strued to relieve Arthur Digman from their obligation to keep said sewer in good repair for a period of not less than two years from the date of this Resolution, as pro- vided in Ordinance No, 48-54. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELtI, RUBEN V, AUSTIN, LEO N, SCHUELLER, Councilmen Attest; J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb; January 3, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The improvement of Pennsylvania Avenue with concrete curb and gutter from the Old Cor- poration Limits to the East Prop• erty Line of Chaney Road has been completed in accordance to plans and specifications. 32 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 I hereby recommend that the improvement be accepted. Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Wclu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Final Estimate City of Dubuque, Iowa RESOLUTION N0. 10-55 Whereas, the contract for the im- provement of Pennsylvania Avenue with concrete curb and gutter from the old. Corporation Limits to the East Property Line of Chaney Road has been completed and bhe City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices, inspection, and preparipg the assessment and plat, now there- fore, ; Be It Resolved, by the City Coum cl of .the City of Dubuque, That the cost of .said improve• ment is hereby determined to be $18,877.8L That $12,434.66 of the cost there- of shall. be assessable upon private property and $6,443.15 shall be paid from the Street Construction Fund of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January 1955, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU, RUBEN V. AUSTIN, LEO N, .SCHUELLER, Councilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Cierk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin; Schu211er; Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. (A Resolution Accepting Improve• went and' Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) City of Dubuque, Iowa RESOLUTION N0. 11-55 Whereas, the contract for the im- provement of Pennsylvania Avenue with concrete curb and gutter from the old Corporation Limits to the East Property Line of Chaney Road has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that: the. same has been completed ac- cording o the terms of the con- tract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Mana- ger be approved and that said im- provement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to. prepare a plat and schedule. showing bhe lots or parcels of real. estate subject to assessment for: said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk sub- ject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's intention to levy special assessments therefor, as re- quired by law. Be It Further Resolved, that the. City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of improvement bonds is- sued upon the above described im- provement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any re- tained percentage provided for therein, Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZIlVGER, Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU, - RUBEN V. AUSTIN, LEO N. SCHUELLER; Councilmen. Attestr J. J, SHEA, City Cierk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, January 3, 1955' To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Tho improvement of the. following streets with Com erete Curb and Gutter have been' Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 33 completed in accordance to plans and seecifications: Brunswick Street from the South Property Line of Groveland Street to the South Property Line of O'Neill Street. Carter Road from the North Property Line of Asbury Street to the South Property Line of Kauf- man Avenue. Edina Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 250 feet East to existing Curb. Fairfax Avenue from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue. Goethe Street from the West Property Line of Burden Avenue to the Alley West of Balke Street. Henry Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Queen Street to the West Property Line. of Windsor Avenue. Indian Ridge from the South Property Line of Grandview Av enue to the End of Indian Ridge. Karen Street from the West Property Line of Carter Road to a point 14D feet West of the West Property Line of Kevindale Street. Kevindale Street from the North Property Line of Karen Street to the South Property Line of Lindale Street. Levi Street from the East Prop- erty Line of English Lane to the West Property Line of Lorimer Street. McPoland Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn-' Sylvania Avenue, Mineral Street from the West Property Line of Gilliam Street to a point 375 feet West, Nebraska Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the East Property Line of McPoland Avenue. .Park Street from the West Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 108 feet West to existing Curb. Popular Street from the South- west Property Line of Asbury Street to the Northeast Property .Line of Finley Street, Prescott Street from the North Property Line of Hamilton Street to the North Property Line of Lot 550 of Hams Addition (East side only), Southern Avenue From existing curb 100' South of the South Prop- erty Line of Dunleith Street to a Point 400 feet South, (West side only). Spruce Street from the North Property Line of Jefferson Street to the Soubh Property Line of West Eleventh Street. St. Joseph Street from the West Property Line of South Algona Street to the East Property Line of Gandolfo Street, West Thirty-Second Street from the West Property Line of Lemon Street to the East Property Line of Fink Street, Vernon Street from the East Property Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 280 feet East, York Street from the East Prop- erty Line of South Hill Street to the West Property Line of State Street. I hereby recommend that the City of Dubuque 1954 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1 be ac- cepted, Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Final Estimate City of Dubuque, Iowa RESOLUTION N0. 12-55 Whereas, the contract for the construction of concrete curb and gutter on the following portions of the following named streets, to•wit: Bruswick Street from the South Property Line of Groveland Street to the Soubh Property Line of O'Neill Street, Carter Road from the North Prop- erty Line of Asbury Street to the South Property Line of Kaufmann Avenue. Edina Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 250 feet East to existing curb. Fairfax Avenue from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn- sylvania Avenue. Goethe Street from the West 34 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 Property Line of Burden Avenue to the Alley West of Balke Street. Henry Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Queen Street to the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue. Indian Ridge from the South Property Line of Grandview Av- enue to the End of Indian Ridge, Karen Street from the West Prop- erty Line of Carter Road to a point 140 feet West of the West Prop- erty Line of Kevindale Street, Kevindale Street from the North Property Line of Karen Street to the South Property Line of Lindale Street. Levi Street from the East Prop• erty Line of English Lane to the West Property Line of Lorimer Street, McPoland Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn- sylvania Avenue. Mineral Street from the West Property Line of Gilliam Street to a point 375 feet West, Nebraska Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the East Property Line of McPoland Avenue, Park Street from the West Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 108 feet West to existing Curb. Popular Street from the South• west Property Line of Asbury Street to the Northeast Property Line of Finley Street. Prescott Street from the North Property Line of Hamilton Street to the North Property Line of Lot 550 of Hams Addition.. (East side only): Southern Avenue from existing 100' South of the South Property Line of Dunleith Street to a Point 400 feet south, (West side only). Spruce Street from the North Property Line of Jefferson Street to the South Property Line of West Eleventh Street, St, Joseph Street from the West Property Line of South Algona Street to the East Property Line of Gandolfo Street. West Thirty-second Street from the West Property Line of Lemon Street to the East Property Line of Fink Street, Vernon Street from the East Property Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 280 feet East, York Street from the East Prop- erty Line of South Hill Street to the West Property Line of State Street, has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection, and preparing the assessment and plat, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the cost of said fmprove• ment is hereby determined to be 70,514.64, That $ti3,515,83 of the cost there- of shall be assessable upon private property and $12,998,81 shall be paid from the Street Construction Fund of the City of Dubuque, Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January 1955. CHARLES A, KINTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU, RUBEN V. AUSTIN, LEO N, SCHUELLER, Councilmen' Attest; J, J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-;None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. (A Resolution Accepting Improve~ wtent and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice,) City of Dubuque, Iowa PcESOLUTION N0. 13-55 Whereas, the contract for the construction of concrete curb and Batter on the following portions of the following named streets, to-wit; Brunswick Street from the South Property Line of Groveland Street to the South Property Line of O'Neill Street. Carter Road from the North Prop- erty Line of Asbury Street to the South Property Line of Kaufmann Avenue, Edina Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a paint 250 feet East to existing curb. Fairfax Avenue from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn- sylvania Avenue, Goethe Street from the West Property Line of Burden Avenue Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 35 to the Alley West of Ballte Street. Henry Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Queen Street to the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue, Indian Ridge from the South Property Line of Grandview Av- enue to the End of Indian Ridge. Karen Street from the West Property Line of Carter Road to a point 140 feet West of the West Property Line of Kevindale Street. Kevindale Street from the North Property Line of Karen Street to the South Property Line of Lindale Street. Levi Street from the East Prop- erty Line of English Lane to the West Property Line of Lorimer Street, McPoland Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn- sylvania Avenue, Mineral Street from the West Property Line of Gilliam Street to a point 375 feet West. Nebraska Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the East Property Line of McPoland Avenue; Park Street from the West Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 108 Feet West to existing Curb,. Popular Street from the South- west Property Line of Asbury Street to the Northeast Property Line of Finley Street, Prescott Street from the North Property Line of Hamilton Street to the North Property Line of Lot 550 of Hams Addition. (East side only). Southern Avenue from existing curb 100' South of the South Prop- erty Line of Dunleith Street to a point 400 feet South, (West side only), Spruce Street from the North Property Line of Jefferson Street to the South Property Line of West Eleventh Street. St, Joseph Street from the West Property Line of South Algona Street to the East Property Line of Gandolfo Street, West ThireySecond Street from the West Property Line of Lemon Street to the East Property Line of Finlt Street. Vernon Street from the East Property Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 280 feet East. York Street from the East Prop- erty Line of South Hill Street to the Nest Property Line of State Street, has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has been completed ac- cording to -the terms of the con- tract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Man• alter be approved and that said im- provement be and the same is here- by accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and schedule show- ing the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said im- provement and file the same in the office of the Cfty Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's intention to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law. Be It Further Resolved, bhat the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of improvement bonds is- sued upon the above described im- provement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any re- tained percentage provided for therein, Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1955. CHARLES A, I{INTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU,.. RUBEN V, AUSTIN, LEO N. SCHUELLER, Councilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by the fallowing vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. RESOLUTION N0. 14-55 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes with the City of 36 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 Dubuque, be granted a permit to John F. Walker 2412 Centr l A l i , a v- se l c garettes and cigarette papers enue , within said City and the Manager Eugene Dull 553 Eighth Ave i di s rected to issue such permit o behalf of said City , nue, n Eldo Block, 53 West 12th Street. , Mrs: Lorraine Gordon, 469 Main Name Address Street , John F, Walker, 2412 Central Mrs. Delores Clary, 1643 Central Avenue , Avenue, Eugene Dull, 553 Eighth Avenue. Mrs, Ruby Mihalakis; 574 East Edward Allen 1046 Central A , v - 16th Street, enue, Russell Evans, 29 Eighth Avenue CLASS B PERMIT FOR , Be It Further Resolved that the PRIVATE CLUB bonds filed with the applications Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo be approved. A. Schwind Post No, 508, 1031'/z Passed; adopted and approved Main Street, this 3rd day of January 1955 CLASS "C" PERMIT , . CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Mayor , Name Address. John C, Neumeister, 729 Lincoln CLARENCE P, WELU Avenue, , RUBEN V. AUSTIN Laverne G. Felderman, 1889 , LEO N, SCHUELLER Jackson Street. , Councilmen Alois J, Ender, 534 Rhomberg Attest: J, J, SHEA, Avenue. City Clerk Donald E. Wertz, 1545 So, Grand- Councilman Welu moved the vrew Avenue, adoption of the resolution. Secend~ ed by Councilman Schuell Passed, ~dopted and approved this 3rd da of January 1945 er, Car- ried by the following vote; , , CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Mayor men Austin, Schueller, Walu CLARENCE P, WELU , Nays-None. RUBEN V. AUSTIN, Absent-Councilman Kolb, LEO N. SCHUELLER, RESOLUTION N0, 15-55 Councilmen Attest, J J SHEA Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to . . , Councilman Welu moved the this Council for approval and the adoption of the resolution, Second- same have been examined; Now ed by Councilman S chueller; Car- , Therefore, g rigid by the followin vote: Be It Resolved by the Council Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council. of the City of Dubuque that the men Austin, Schueller, Welu, following applications be granted Nays-None, and the licenses are to be issued Absent-Councilman Kolb, upon the compliance with the terms RESOLUTION N0. 16-55 of the ordinances of this City. Whereas, heretofore applications CLASS "B" PERMIT for Beer Permits were filed by the Name Address within named applicants and they Fred Herber, 399 East 20th have received the approval of thi Street, s Council; and Francis P, Ackerman, 342 Eighth .Whereas, the premises to be oc- Avenue, Edward Allen, 1046 Central Av. cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to c enue, J. Ray O'Brien, 2093 Washington om- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed Street, proper bonds: Now, Therefore Charles T. Snyder and Elsie R, , Be It Resolved by the Council of Snyder, 543 Eighth Avenue, the City of Dubuque that the Man- Mrs, Beatrice C, Winkler, 998 ager be and he is directed to issue Central Avenue. to the following named applicants Mrs. June Bull, 779 Iowa Street. a Beer Permit Mrs. Elizabeth M, Raines, 678 Central Avenue , CLASS "B" PERMIT , Spencer P. Wright, 1862 Central Avenue, Name Fred Herber, 399 Eastd 20th Street Regular Session, January 3rd, 1955 37 °ancis P, Ackerman, 342 Eighth nue. ..award Allen, 1046 Central Av- enue, J, Ray O'Brien, 2093 Washington Street. Charles T. Snyder and Elsie R. Snyder, 543 Eighth Avenue. Mrs. Beatrice C, Winkler, 998 Central Avenue, Mrs, June Bull, ?79 Iowa Street, Mrs, Elizabeth M, Raines, 678 Central Avenue, Spencer P. Wright, 1862 Central Avenue. John F, Walker, 2412 Central Av- enue. Eugene Dull, 553 Eighth Avenue, Eldo Block, 53 West 12th Street. Mrs. Lorraine Gordon, 469 Main Street, Mrs, Delores Clary, 1643 Central Avenue, Mrs, Ruby Mihalakis, 574 East 16th Street,.. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A, Schwind Post No. 508, 1031i/z Main Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT John C, Neumeister, 729 Lincoln Avenue, Laverne G. Felderman, 1889 Jackson Street, Alois J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg Avonue, Donald E. Wertz, 1545 So, Grand- view Avenue, Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved, Passed, adopted and approved bhis 3rd day of January, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU, RUBEN V. AUSTIN, LEO N. SCHUELLER, Councilmen Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, There being no further business Councilman Schueller moved to ad- journ, Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Approved .................................1955 Adopted ....................................1955 Councilmen : .................................... Attest : ................................................. City Clerk 38 Special Session, January 24th, 1955 ~F `~ ~~ ~~~~;~ (~~~ (OFFICIAL? Special Session, January 24th, 1955, Council m?t at 4;30 P.M, Present -Mayor Kintzinger. Counci]menAustin,Schueller, Welu. City Manager Schiltz, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Meeting called by order of Mayor Kintzinger, Mayor Kintzinger read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet~ ing is called for the purpose of considering the report and recom- mendation of City Manager Schiltz relative to the proposed off-street parking. and street traffic survey, and acting on any other business as may properly come before a r, regular meeting of the City Council, January 19, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Ac _ cordin g to your in structions various firms of consult- ants were contacted relative to the proposed off-street parking and street traffic survey, I am submitting the proposal of the Associated Consultants of Evanston, Illinois, who have pen formed this type of work in many cities throughout the United States and who I believe are well quali- fied to perform this worlc in Du- buque. Their proposal is in two parts, one far a parking plan for down- '. toGVn Dubuque and another for a study of the downtown traffic move- ment. Under their proposal they 3 twill make recommcndations on the following matters, 1, The use of existing curb park- ing. We shall study and make recommendations on the loca- tion and quality of existing park- ingmeters, determining whether additional meters are needed and if so where such meters should be located, Parking meter rates now being charged will be re- 4. viewed and recommendations made for changing these rates if it appears desirable, We shall study time limits both in the metered and the non-metered areas and recommend changes in these time meters if such changes are warranted, The de- gree of enforcement of curb parking regulations and the schedule of fines imposed for violations will be investigated to determine if they are achiev- ing the desired results. The pur- pose of all these studies of the existing curb parking space is to obtain information to permit us to advise you on the meas- ures needed to obtain the best possible use from this space, 2. We shall study the demand for parking space that now exists in relationhsip to the supply, In this study we will inventory the existing- parking space, study the occupany of this space, and in- vestigate trends which will per- mit us to project today's de- mands into the future, We shall relate the demand to the area in such a way as to determine which of the downtown area most need additional parking space. After we have determined the need for additional space for parking and the general lo• cation of this need, we will recommend specific sites for present and future develop- ment. We will suggest the de- sirable development of these sites and make estimates of the costs of development and opera- tion, together with the estimat- edincome, The purpose of these investigations is to permit us to give you a comprehensive plan fa~ the development of off- street parking facilities which will provide both fm' immediate and for future needs insofar as these needs may be predicted, We will review existing street traffic movement in the down- town area suffigiently to insure that parking facilities are prop- erly located in relation to the street traffic system. This in- vestigation of traffic in the downtown area is not for the purpose of preparing major recommendations on downtown traffic movement, This proposal includes the study of parking as outlined plus a study of downtown traffic move- ment for the purpose of recom- mending acomprehensive down- town traffic and parking plan. This study of downtown traffic Special Session, January 24th, 1955 39 will include a review of present traffic systems, the need for ad- ditional oneway streets or other devices to increase capacity for traffic movement, the need for additional traffic signals and traffic signal coordination, a study of those routes providing access to the downtown area, and a review of such related matters as trucking operations, bus loading zones, and the con- trol of pedestrians at intersec- tions, The study to be made under this will provide the city with a downtown traffic and parking plan which is designed to make the business area truly convient -and attractive for patrons re- gardless of whether the mode of travel is 'by private automo- bile or public transportation, The fee for performing items 1, 2 and 3 would be $4300.00 and if item 4 is included, the fee would be $6700.00, After confering with the Chief of Police and investigating the useful- ness of these reports, I recommend that parking and traffic surveys be conducted and that the Associated Consultants be authorized to pro- ceedwith the survey, Also I recom- mend that the City Manager be authorized to approve the contract for this survey, Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the recommendation of City Man- '. alter Schiltz be adopted, Seconded by Councilman Wehi, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Claim of Jane Thomp- son for damages to her car caused in striking a hole in the street on Simpson Street a few feet west of the driveway into the Wahlert resi- Bence, presented and read. Councilman Austin moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report, Seconded by Council- . man Schueller. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Edward Kruser in the amount of $5,000.00 for expenses and permanent per- sonal injuries and damages incur- red as the result of a fall at the northeast corner of the intersection of University Avenue and Center Place caused by the defective, un- even condition of the sidewalk to- gether with an accumulation of rough and uneven ice and snow, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Schueller. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Notice of Claim of Edward A. Link in the amount of $20,000,00 far injuries received in a fall caused by a defective concrete step, which step was also covered with a rough jagged uneven patch of ice at the building located at 2995 Cen- tral Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Austin moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report, Seconded by Council- man Schueller. Carried by the fol- lowing vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Communication of Roy A. Preg- ler submitting bid iri the amount of $101,00 for the vacated street Mineral Lot 33'7, presented and read. Councilman Schueller moved that the communication be referred to the City Council to view the grounds, Seconded by Councilman Austin. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Communication of Cottingham & Butler Insurance Service, Inc, sub- mitting request for release of the sidewalk bond of Richard K. Mag~ nali, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and a proper release forwarded to Cottingham & Butler Insurance Service, Inc. Sec- 40 Special Session, January 24th, 1955 onded by Councilman Austin. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-rNone. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Communication of County Audi- tor Meloy submitting for Council approval the petition of Elmer Bowen requesting suspension of the last half of the 1953 taxes and also for the 1954 taxes on the South 16 feet of City Lat 327, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager for investigation and re- port, Seconded by Councilman Aus- tin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None,. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Communication of Allan T. Day kin tendering his resignation as a member of the .Civil Service Com- mission, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the resignation be accepted with regret and that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Allan T. Daykin for services rendered as a member of the Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Emil J. Biasi request- . ing that the north side of Vernon Street between Glen Oak Street and Mt. Pleasant Street be changed from a single family residence zone to a two family residence zone, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of the American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to sell poppies on the city streets on the evening of May 27 and all day May 28, 1955, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted providing .them are no conflicting dates. Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of General Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary No. 1, Department of Iowa, United Spanish War Veterans, requesting permission to sell carna- tions on the streets of Dubuque on I'riday evening Apri129 and Sat- urday April 30, 1955, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted providing there are no conflicting dates, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, Petition of Richard C. Henschel and others requesting the installa- tion of a street light somewhere on Sullivan Street between Levi and Southern Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Elecrical Inspector for investigation and report, Sec- onded by Councilman Austin. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of Clarence N. Ganse- mer and others requesting that a sewer be constructed in Bunker Hill Road from Finley Street to Green Street during the spring of 1955, along with the curb and gut- ter improvement which has already been approved by the City Council, presented and read, Councilman Austin moved that a plat and schedule be prepared cov Bring the request. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman. Kolb. Petition of John J. Glynn. re• questing a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired portion pf his Class "B" Beer. Permit No. 74, as he has discontinued business on December 31, 1954, presented and read, Special Session, January 24th, 1955 41 Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $100,00 in favor of John J. Glynn to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No, 74, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. Petition of John J, Glynn request- ing arefund in the amount of $50.00. on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 293, as he has discontinued business on December 31, 1954, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50,00 in favor of John J. Glynn to cover the amount. of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 293. Seconded by Coun• Gilman, Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Council Proceedings for the month of June, 1954 presented for approval. Councilman Austin moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of June, 1954 be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Welu; Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of December, 1954. Councilman Austin moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men, Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. January 7, 1955. To Honorable City Manager, Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen; We are"'submitting herewith for your records a copy of a new lease for 1955, 1956 and 1957 we have just negotiated with the Dubuque Storage and Transfer Co, for use of the warehouse at the Municipal River-Rail Terminal. The same has all been re-written and approved by the City Attorney. Yours very truly, Board of Dock Commissioners By: Fred Neyens, Secretary Councilman Welu moved that the communication of the Board of Dock Commissioners be received and the Lease and Agreement plac• ed on file. Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. January 18, 1955 Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I have investigated the claim of Melvin Matz as father of Linda Matz for injuries sastain• ed when she brake her arm in a fall on a stone 'crosswalk Novem• ber 11th, 1954 and find the injury as claimed was sustained. I have discussed the matter with Mr. Matz and he has agreed to ac- cept $124.50 in full settlement. I recommend that the settlement be approved and the Auditor be instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $124,50 payable to. Mel= vin Matz and Loretta Matz as Guard• fans of Linda Matz and to deliver the same upon receipt of a proper- ly executed release, Respectfully, T, H, NELSON Councilman Austin moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Nelson be approved and the Cfty Auditor instructed to draw a. warrant in the amount of $124.50 in favor of Melvin Matz and Loretta Matz as Guardians of Linda Matz, as settlement in full of the claim; upon receipt by the City of Du- buque, Iowa, of a properly executed and that said warrant be delivered release, Seconded by Mayor Kintz• 42 Special Session, January 24th, 1955 finger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- man Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. January 19, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City - Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of December, as well as list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the rnanth of December, 1954, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the reports be received and placed on file, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. January 14, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved bhe following bonds and desire to have your ap- proval on same for filing, subject to the approval of the City Solici• tor: PERSONAL Laverne J. Schiltz; City Manager, Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. Thos. H, Nelson, City Solicitor, Western Surety Company, Robert M. Czizek, Assistant City Solicitor, Western Surety Company. J. J. Shea, City Clerk, Massachu- setts Bonding & Ins, Co. Albert L. Holscher, City Auditor, Western Surety Company, Edward H. Tschirgi, City Treas- urer, Continental Casualty Com- pony, Geraldine L, Jenni, Secretary to City Manager, Continental Casualty Company, Kenneth J. Cullen, City Engineer, Hawkeye•Security Insurance Co. Donald J. Bandy, Building Com- missioner, Continental Casualty Company, Luvern C, Norton, Electrical In- spector, Fireman's Fund Indemnity Co, Daniel J. O'Leary, Plumbing In• spector; Fireman's Fund Indemnity Co, Henry Blacker, Meter Repairman and Collector, Western Surety Com• pony, James. J. Kaesbauer, Superinten- dent of Parks, Massachusetts Bond- ing & Ins, Co, John. Joseph Hail, Supt, and Cashier-City Water Dept., Massa- chusetts Bonding & Ins. Co. Allen C. Kane, Accountant-City Water Dept., Western Surety Com- pany. Thomas P. Fitzpatrick, Clerk-- City Water Dept., Western Surety Company, Lucille Oster, Clerk-City Water Dept., Massachusetts Bonding & Ins; Co. Helen Nelson, Clerk-City Water Dept„ Western Surety Company, Romolo Russo, Police Judge, American Surety Company, John A, Brady, Clerk of Police Court, Central Surety and Ins. Corp, Nicholas J. Sutton, Recreational Director, Indemnity Ins, Co, of North America. Leonard H, Crane, Manager of Bunker Hill Golf Course, National Surety Corporation, Betty L, Crane, Assistant Man- ager of Bunker Hill Golf Course, National Surety Corporation, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Schueller moved that the bonds be placed on file subject to the approval of the City Solicitor; Seconded by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Nlayor Kintzinger, Council= men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, January 19, 1955 , To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen; According to the Code of Iowa the financial records of all: cities must be audited by the State Audi- tar's Office or a firm of certified public accountants, If the city.. de- sires the audit to be made by a firm of accountants, it is necessary that the State Auditor's Office'be Special Session, January 24th, 1955 43 so notified within 60 days after the end of the year. The City of Dubuque has for the last several years requested this au- dit to be made by a local firm of certified public accountants, In the past, this audit has been made by the firm of Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks, and I recommend that they be retained to make the audit for 1954, Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Wehi. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. January 19, 1955 To the .Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen The communication of the Klau- er-Julien Hotel Company sent to the. Key City Gas Company relati- tive to the construction of a gas main in West 2nd Street from Iowa to the first alley west was referred to the City Manager and City Solici- tor for investigation, Upon investigation the Key City Gas Company moved the location of the mains so that the objections of the Klauer-Julien Company have been removed. Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the communication of City Manager Schiltz be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Austin. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kalb. Councilman Welu moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, tiVho wishes to do so, to address the Council. Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by the following vote, Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb; January 19, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen; The petition of Harold R. Duggan and William T. Connery requesting that Lorimer Street be curbed and guttered from the intersection of Lorimer and Levi Streets to the south end of Lorimer Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds, An estimate was made by the City Engineering Department and the grading and curbing of this street would amount to $4216.80 of which the city. share would be $2224.00, If the street was surfaced with crushed stone an additional expense of $1086.36 would be ac- quired of the city. The decision of the Council after viewing the grounds and discussing the expenses connected with this improvement was that the petition be denied until such a time as more buildings are constructed on this street and the improvement be re- quested by a larger percentage of the property owners. I recommend the decision of the Council be confirmed. Very truly yours, L, J. Schiltz, City Manager Messrs. William Connery and Richard Henschel ,addressed the Council submitting a new petition signed by additional property own- ers and requested Council to pro teed with the improvement as re• quested. Councilman Austin moved that the recommendation be reexam- ined in view of the new petition being filed and that a plat and schedule be prepared covering the request, the improvement °to be included in the 1955 street iin~prove- ment project and also that a study be made as to the availability of constructing a sanitary sewer in this area. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kalb, 44 Special Session, January 24th, 1955 January 19, 1955 Councilman Welu moved that the To the Honorable Mayor recommendation of City Manager and City Council, Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Austin, Carried by the Gentlemen: following vote: The petition of Lawrence and Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin Schueller W l Mary Fitzgerald relative to special , , e u, Nays-None assessment levied and proposed to be levied against their property , Absent--Councilman Kolb. known as Fitzgerald Place as it has RESOLUTION N0, 1755 been subdivided for curb and gut- Whereas pursuant to Resolution ter and sewer and asphaltic maca- No. 54.54, Edwin J. Koerperick, and dam surfacing on Kane Street was Lorrayne A. Koerperick gave bond referred to the City Council to view to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, with the grounds. The Aetna Casualty and Surety The .decision of the City Council Co, Bond No. 20 S 13562 undertak- upon viewing the grounds was that ing to surface the street Diane the City assume $120.00 of the as- Court in Koerperick's Subdivision sessment in view of the fact it to accordance with plans approved would be necessary to construct ap• d Manager and City En• g p p •oximately 60 lineal feet of sewer eer: an lateral now that the property has Whereas said improvement have been subdivided different than been constructed in accordance tiyhen the improvement was put on With such plans and have been ap• the street. Also that when Mr, Fitz- proved by the City Manager and geraId connects sewer and water to City Engineer; the lot line, the replacement of the Now Therefore Be It Resolved 'by street surface be completed by the the City Council of the City of Du- City at no cost to Mr, Fitzgerald. buque: I recommend that the decision of the_ Council be confirmed Section 1, That the streets in Koerperick's Subdivision are here- . Respectfully submitted by accepted, the bond of Edwin J. , L, J. SCHILTZ Koerperick and Lorrayne A. Koer- City Manager perick therefore be discharged Councilman Schueller moved that the recommendatf and their surety, The Aetna Cas, ualty and Surety Co, Bond No 20 on of Cit Man- Y ager Schiltz be approved, Seconded . S 13562 released. by Councilman Welu. Carried by Adopted this 24th day of January the following vote, 1955. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- CHARLES A, KINTZINGER men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Mayor Nays-None. CLARENCE P, WELU Absent-Councilman Kolb RUBEN V. AUSTIN . LEO N. SC'HUELLER January 13, 1955 Councilmen To the Honorable Mayor Attest: J. J. SHEA and City Council, , City Clerk Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Schueller moved the Gentlemen: adoption of the resolution. Second• This is to advise you that the ed by Councilman Austin. Carried Bituminous Concrete Surfacing on by the following vote; Diane Court in Koerperick's Subdi- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• vision has been corpleted accord- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. ing to Resolution No. 54.54 in ac• Nays-None, cordance with the plans and speei- Absent-Councilman Kolb. fications. I therefore recommend the ac- January 24, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor ceptance of the work and that the and City Council bond as surety of the work be re• , Dubuque, Iowa leased, Gentlemen; Respectfully submitted, This is to advise that I have~ap- L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager proved the following bonds and de~ i s re to have your. approval on same Special Session, January 24th, 1955 45 for filing, subject to the approval of the City Solicitor: HEATING CONTRACTOR Moore Eingineering Company, Inc., 1801 Falls Avenue, Waterloo, Ia, United States Fidelity & Guaran- ty Company 6t.ASTING BOND George Saffron; American Surety Company of New York Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Austin moved that fine bonds be placed on file subject to the approval of the City Solici• tor. Seconded my Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None; Absent-Councilman Kolb, January 21, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor, City Manager & City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We, the Dock Board of the City of .Dubuque, Iowa, hereby recom• mend to your: Honorable Body that City Island from 8th Street Extend• ed to Peosta Street and Eagle Point and from the edge of the private property on the easterly side of the City to the Mississippi River be developed in accordance with the attached long range plan We have studied and worked and revised this plan for a long time and we feel we have. arrived at the correct solution and we would ap- preciate receiving your general ap• proval' of same, Yours very sincerely, The Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa By: Fred Neyens A. Y. McDonald F. L. Wagner Attached plan dated 1.20.55, Councilman Austin moved that the City Council views favorably the proposed plan and that the Board of Dock Commissioners be asked to submit estimates for the different sections and to state pri- ority as to the various sections and also that the City Council wishes to have this financing done by a bond issue approved by time voters of the City of Dubuque, Seconded by Coun- Gilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb. RESOLUTION N0. 18.55 ' Whereas Interstate Power Com- pany has filed an application with the City Council requesting permis- sion to construct an enclosed over- head bridge spanning the alley be- tween Lot 273 and Lot 334 in the original town of Dubuque; and Whereas detailed plans of said bridge have heretofore been sub- mitted to the City Council and been examined by the City Manager and the Council is of the opinion said request should be granted; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE; Section 1. That Interstate Power Company, its successors, or assigns, be and it is'hereby granted permis- sion to construct and maintain an enclosed overhead bridge spanning the alley between Lot 273 and Lot 334 in the origfnal townsite of Du• buque, upon the following terms and conditions; (a) That said'structure will be constructed in accordance with the plans now on file and under the supervision and inspection of the Building Commissioner; (b) That said permission shall be subject to the continuous con- trol of the City Council and the City Council reserves` the right to impose restrictions and conditions upon the enjoyment thereof as it may deem necessary in the public interest, including the right to re• voke and rescind such permission. (c) Should such permission be re• scinded or revoked Interstate Pow- er Company shall, within one year after receipt from the City of writ- ten notice so to do, at its' own ex- pense, remove said structure; and in the evenf of its failure so to do, permittee authorizes the City of Dubuque to remove said structure at permittee's expense, assess the cost thereof against the premises, destroy the materials, and neither permittee, nor its successors or as- signs shall have any claim against said City or any of its agents for any damages resulting from the re- moval of said structure; 4G Special Session, .January 24th, 1955 Section 2. As a further consid- eration of the privileges granted herein Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns, assume any and all liability for damages to persons and property which may result from the construction or maintenance of said proposed over- head bridge, The permittee, its successors or assigns, at its own expense, agrees to pay on behalf of the City of Dubuque, all sums which the City of Dubuque may become obligated to pay by reason of any claim arising out of the construc- tion or maintenance of said over• (read bridge or in settlement of any such claim. Permittee further agrees to investigate and defend any such claim at its own expense, and on behalf of the City, Section 3, This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its. final adoption and the ac- ceptance of the terms and condi- tions hereof by the permittee, Section 4, That upon the adoption of this Resolution and the accept- ance thereof by permittee, the City Clerk be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to record a cer- tified copy hereof with the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of January, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU RUBEN V. AUSTIN LEO N,SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION N0. 18.55 Interstate Power Company, haw ing read the foregoing Resolution No. 18.55, and being familiar with the terms and conditions thereof, does hereby for itself, its succes• sors or assigns, accept and agree to all of the terms and conditions of said Resolution. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 28 day of January, 1955, .INTERSTATE POWER COMPANY By M, L. Kapp President C, W, Edmonds Asst. Secretary RESOLUTION N0. 14.55 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City, John J, Hansen, 236 West 1st Street Eugene Stierman, 1602 Central Ave- nue Joseph J: Imhof, 435 Central Ave• nue Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of Jahuary,1955. CHARLES A. KRVTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU ' RUBEN V. AUSTIN LEO N, SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest; J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Schueller moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, RESOLUTION N0, 20.55 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By the Council of the City of Dubugue that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City.. CLASS "B" PERMIT Louis Anthoine, 119 West 6th Street John J, Hansen, 236 West 1st Street Merlin P, Michel, 330 Main Streot William O'Neill, 244 West 1st Street Eugene Stierman, 1602 Central Ave, Henry C, Torrey, 400 Iowa Street Joseph J, Imhof, 425 Central Ave. Special Session, January 24th, 1955 47 CLASS "C" PERMIT Nicholas J. Kopp, 253 East 21st St, Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of January, 1955. CHARLESS A, KIIVTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU RUBEN V. AUSTIN LEO N, SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: J, J, SHEA City Clerk Councilman Austin moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schueller, Car• ried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Schuel- ler, Welu, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb, RESOLUTION N0. 21.55 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man• ager be and he is directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B"PERMIT Louis Anthoine,119 West 6th Street John J, Hansen, 236 West 1st Street Merlin P. Michel, 330 Main Street William O'Neill, 244 West 1st Street Eugene Stierman, 1602 Central Ave. Henry C, Torrey, 400 Iowa Street Joseph J, Imhof, 435 Central Ave, CLASS "C" PERMIT Nicholas J, Kopp, 253 East 21st St. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved, Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of January, 1955, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RUBEN V. AUSTIN LEO N.SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Schueller moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb, RESOLUTION N0.22.55 Whereas it appears to the City Council that because of other en• gagements, a majority of the City Council will be unable to attend the regular meeting of the City Council February 7, 1955; and Whereas it appears to the City Council that certain matters have been set down for hearing at said regular meeting, Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Mayor be and he is here- by requested to call a special meet- ing of the City Council for 7:30 o'clock P,M, on the 14th day of February, 1955, at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to consider any matters presented to said Reg- ular Meeting and such other and further business as might properly came before a regular meeting of the City Council; and That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the Regular Meeting of the City Council set for Monday, Feb- ruary 7th, 1955 and there and then publicly announce that all matters presented to said meeting wIll be considered by the City Council at said special meeting, Passed, adopted, approved this 24th day of January, 1955, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RUBEN V, AUSTIN LEO N, SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk - Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Austin, Carried by fhe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kolb. There being no further business Councilman Welu moved to ad- journ, Seconded by Councilman 48 Special Session, January 24th, 1955 Austin. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Kalb; J, J. SHEA, City Clerk Approved ..................:.................1955, Adopted .......:...............................1955. Councilmen: Attest:...... ............. City Clerk Special Session, ~' ~<~i ~ `7 - ~ ~~, u ~ ~ OFFICIAL Special Session, February 14th, 1955. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Austin, Schueller, Welu. City Manager Schiltz. Absent-Councilman Kolb. Meeting called by order of Mayor Kintzinger, Mayor Kintzinger read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering any matters presented to the. Regular Meeting and such other business as aught properly come be- fore aregular meeting of the City Council, Proofs of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of levy of special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay for the cost of the construction of concrete curb and gutters on the following named streets: Brunswick Street from the South Property Line of Groveland Street to the South Property Line of O'Neill Street. Carter Road from the North Property Line of Asbury Street to the South Property Line of Kauf• moan Avenue. Edina Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 250 feet East to existing Curb. Fairfax Avenue from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Penn- sylvania Avenue, Goethe Street from the West Property Line of Burden Avenue to the Alley West of Balke Street, Henry Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Queen Street to the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue. Indian Ridge from the South Property Line of Grandview Avenue to the End of Indian Ridge, Karen Street from the West Prop- erty Line of Carter Road to a point 140 feet West of the West Prop- erty Line of Kevindale Street. Kevindale Street from the North Property Line of Karen Street to the South Property Line of Lindale Street. ebruary 14th,19~5 49 Levi Street from the East Prop- erty Line of English Lane to the West Property Line of Lorimer Street, McPoland Street from the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the South Property Line of Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Mineral Street from the West Property Line of Gilliam Street to a point 375 feet West, Nebraska Street from the Norfh Property Line of Lenox Avenue to the East Property Line of McPoland Avenue, Park Street from the West Prop• erty Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 108 feet West to existing Curb. Poplar Street from the Southwest Property Line of Asbury Street to the Northeast Property Line of Fin- ley Street. Prescott Street from the North Property Line of Hamilton Street the North Property Line of Lot 550 of Hams Addition. (East side only.) Southern Avenue from existing curb 100' South of the South Prop• erty Line of Dunleith Street to a Point 400 feet South. (West side only) Spruce Street from the North Property Line of Jefferson Street to the South Property Line of West Eleventh Street, St. Joseph Street from the West Property Line of South Algona Street to the East Property Line of Gandolfo Street. West Thirty-Second Street from the West Property Line of Leman Street to the East Property Line of Fink Street. Vernon Street from the East Property Line of Glen Oak Street to a point 280 feet East. York Street from the East Prop• erty Line of South Hill Street to the West Property Line of State Street, presented and read. No writ• ten objections filed and no objec• tors present in the Council Cham• ber at the time set for said public hearing. Councilman Welu moved that fhe proofs of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kolb.