1955 July Council Proceedings ! Regular Session, July 5, 1955 303 [ - ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Petition of Mrs. Lorraine Gordon ~1 ~ f ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ k~~ requesting a refund of $100,00 on i ~ ~ ~ Il ` ~ her unexpired Class "B" Beer Per- (OFFICIAL) mil No. 141, presented and read, Regular Session-July 5th, 1955. Councilman Kolb moved that the j Council met at'1;30 P.M, petition be granted and the City Present -Mayor Kintzinger, Auditor instructed to draw a war- Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel• rant in the amount of $100,00 in ~ ler, Welu, City Manager Schiltz, favor of Mrs. Lorraine Gordon to Mayor Kintzinger stated that this cover the refund on the unexpired is the regular monthly meeting of portion of her Class "B" Beer Per- the City Council for the purpose of mil No, 141, ~ acting upon such business as may Seconded by Councilman Welu. properly come before the meeting. Carried by the fallowing vote; Certificates of Board of Airport Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Canvnissioners, Dubuque Parlc cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Board, Board of Dock Commission- Welu, ers, Board of Police Pension Sys• Nays-None, tem, Board of Police Retirement petition of Robert J, Quinlan re- System, Board of Fire Pension SYs- i tem, Board of Fire Retirement Sys• questing a refund of $150.00 on his tem determining and fixing the unexpired Class "B" Beer Permit budget requirements and tax levies No. 165, presented and read. Cnun• for the ensuing year, presented and cilman Kolb moved' that the peti• read, Councilman Welu moved that ' lion be granted and the City Audi• i the Certificates be referred to the for instructed to draw a warrant in City Council for their consideration the amount of $150,00 in favor of at the time the budget is being con- Mr. Robert J. Quinlan to cover the refund on the unexpired portion sidered by the City Council, Sec• of his Class "B" Beer Permit No, onded by Councilman Schueller.. 165. Seconded by Councilman Carried by the following vote; Schueller, Carried by the follow- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• g cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, rnyeaselMayor Kintzinger, Coun• Welu, cilmen Austin, Koib, Schueller, Nays-None. Welu. Petition of Mrs, Mary Husemann Nays-None. requesting a refund of $150.00 on .her unexpired Class "B" Beer Per• Petition of Francis Ackerman re- mil No. 8, presented and read.' questing a refund of $100,00 on his Councilman Kolb, moved that the unexpired Class "B" Beer Permit petition be granted sand the City No. 135, presented and read. Coun• Auditor instructed to draw a war• cilman Kolb moved that the peti- rant in the amount of $150,00 in lion be granted, and the City Audi- i favor of Mrs. Mary Husemann to for instructed to draw a warrant cover the refund on the unexpired in the amount of $100,00 in favor portion of her Class "B" Beer Per• of Francis Ackerman to cover the mil No, 8. Seconded by Councilman refund on the unexpired portion of ;~a Welu, Carried by the following his Class "B" Beer Permit No, 135. vote: Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Carried by the following vote: cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Welu, cilmen Austin, Kolb,. Schueller, ' Nays-None. Welu. i Petition of Edward Allen re- Nays-None, questing a refund of $100.00 on his July 5, 1955 unexpired Class "B" Beer Permit ~ No. 134, presented and read, Coun- To the Honorable Mayor i and City Council, cilman Kolb moved that no action l Dubu ue, Iowa be taken at this time, Seconded by q Councilman Welu, Carried by the Gentlemen: following vote: Upon request of the City Council Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Coun- an investigation was made to do• cilmen Austin, Kolb; Schueller, termine whether a street light was Welu; needed at the intersection of Low- Nays-None, ell and Hempstead Streets, 304 Regular Session, July S; 1955 Regular Session, July 5, 1955 305 Because of the increase of pe- Iowa and the City of East Dubuque, in reference to the maintenance Councilman Schueller moved that destrian and vehicular traffic at Illinois with regard to the proper and operation of lighting on the Owen Riley be appointed to the this intersection and due to the lighting of the Julien Dubuque Julien Dubuque Bridge after July 1. Planning and Zoning Commission fact that there is not a light at this Bridge. I will be glad to be of help I am bringing this matter to the and to the Board of Adjustment. intersection, I recommend that a in any way I can, attention of the Bureau of Public Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car• street light be installed. With best wishes and best re- Roads and am requesting a full re• ried by the following vote; Respectfully submitted, Bards, I am ~i' port from that Bureau. I will write Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councll- L. J, SCHILTZ, Sincerely, yours, you as soon as a report is received- men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. City Manager Thos, E. Martin Yours sincerely, Nays-None, LJSao TEM:DA B. B, Hickenlooper Communication of the Interstate Councilman Welu moved that the t ' Councilman Kolb moved that the { BBH:dd Power Company submitting a pro• recommendation of the City Man- communication be received and (4 ager be approved. Seconded by filed and that a letter of thanks be Councilman Kalb moved that the posed street lighting layout for the Councilman Kolb. Carried by .the forwarded to Senator Martin. Sec- communication be received and new Interstate Power .Office Build- following voter onded b Councilman Welu. Carried filed and that a letter of thanks be ing on the corner of 10th and Iowa Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• b the followin vote: forwarded to Senator Hickenloop- Streets, and asking approval and cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Y g er, Seconded by Councilman Welu. permission to make installation, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Carried by the following vote; presented and read. Councilman Welu. cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Welu moved that permission be Nays-None. Welu. July 5, 1955 Na s-None, men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. granted and that the City Manager Y Nays-None. make necessary arrangements, Sec• To the Honorable Mayor Congress of the United States Communication of Arthur J• Mil• onded by Councilman Kolb• Carried and City Council, House of Representatives ler submitting an offer of $100.00 by the following vote: Dubuque, Iowa Washington,. D,C• to purchase city owned property Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Gentlemen; June 3Q 1955 listed as Lot 74, Mechanics Addi• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu• The petition of Robert L. Oeth Mr. Charles A, Kintzinger ) lion located on Hempstead Street, Nays-None. and others requesting the installa- Mayor, City of Dubuque ( presented and read. Councilman Communication of J. Edward lion of a street light on Needham Dubuque, Iowa ~ Welu moved that the City Council Whelan submitting a medical bill Place between West 5th and West Dear Charles: i view the grounds. Seconded by for Mrs. Frank Huber to substan• 7th Streets was referred to the This will acknowledge receipt' of ~ Councilman Kolb, Garried by the tiate her claim already on file fox City Manager and Electrical In- a copy of the joint resolution following vote: injury she received some time ago. Spector for recommendation and passed by the authority of the City ` Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Cpuncil• Total cost for time lost being report, of Dubuque on June 28,' which ar- ~ mrn Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. $105.30, presented and read. Coun- Nays-None, cilman Welu moved that the com- Upon investigating conditions ex• rived in my office today, munication be referred to the City fisting at the location of the re- The problem appears to be of a Dubuque Trades and Solicitor for investigation and re• quested light, it is recommended local nature, but I stand ready to ( Labor Congress port. Seconded by Councilman that a light be installed at the al- cooperate in the event that there ' Dubuque, Iowa Schueller. Carried by the following ley between West 5th and West 7th might be something I could do to ~ July 1, 1955 vote: on Needham Place. find a satisfactory solution. To the Honorable Mayor Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Respectfully submitted, With good wishes, I am ~ and City Council men Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu, L. J. SCHILTZ, Sincerely, City of Dubuque, Iowa Nays-None- City Manager Henry 0, Tolle, M. C, Gentlemen: July 5, 1955 LJSao TALLE:jes f By the resignation of Louis Stoff- To the Honorable Mayor Councilman Welu moved that the Councilman Kolb moved that the j regen from the Dubuque Planning and City Council, recommendation of the City Mari• communication be received and + and Zoning Commission, a vacancy Dubuque, Iowa ager be approved. Seconded by filed and that a letter of thanks be is created in a position which has Gentlemen; Councilman Kolb, Carried by the forwarded to Representative Tolle. ~ been held by a representative of This is to advise that I have ap• following vote: Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- labor. Both the Dubuque Building proved the following bands and de• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- ried by the following voter Y, and Construction Trades Council sire to have your approval on same cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- and the Dubuque Trades and Labor for filing, subject to the approval Welu, .men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ Congress respectfully ask your hon- of the City Solicitor;. Nays-None, Nays-None, orable body to consider Owen Riley, 51DEWALI< 2418 White Street fora ointment pp United States Senate United States Senate to this position. John Frerburger, Merchants Mutual I Washington, D.C. June 30, 1955 Bonding Company ~ July 2, 1955 Mr. Charles A. Kintzinger Eloy HuGroshornitted, Mr. William J• O'Brien Norbert Freiburger, Western Surety City Clerk Pro Tem Mayor of Dubuque Company Secretary Schueller & Com an Western Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa p y, Dear Mr. Mayor; Councilman Welu moved that the Surety Company Dear Mr. O'Brien: communication be received and I have received the joint resolu- filed. Seconded by Councilman NEATlNG Thanks for your thoughtful re• lion signed by the Mayor of Du- Kolb. Carried by the following vote: Alex Bodfsh & San, Standard Acci- membrance in sending me copy of buque, Iowa, and the Mayor of East .Yeas-Mayor I{intzinger, Council- dent Insurance Company the joint Resolution adopted on Dubuque, Illinois, under authority men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Burkart Fuel Com atr American p Y. June 28, by the City of Dubuque, of the respective City Councils and Nays-None, Surety Company of New York 306 Regular Session, July 5, 1955 ~ Regular Session, July 5, 1955 3p'~ McCarter Plumbing & Heating, In- provements, however, is dependent ~ It is impossible in this petition Under the proposed plan oP de- demnity Insurance Company of upon the cooperation of the City to develop all of the phases of this velopment, East 18th Street from North America (Continuation Council, the Planning and Zoning project and the far reaching ef- Sycamore to Lynn will assume con• Certificate) Commission and the Board of Ad• fect it will have upon the City of siderable importance and should be Respectfully submitted, justment of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque when completed. We re• of greater width than sixtyfour L, J. SCHILTZ, presently there are eight irdus• quest the privilege of presenting (ti4} feet. Dubuque Packing Compa- City Manager the matter more in detail at the ny is the owner of Lots 9, 10, 11 Councilman Welu moved that the try tracks located upon lands owned Council meeting. and 12 in Bloc$ 5 in Railroad Addi- by Dubuque Packing Company, ex- lion. These lots abut u bonds. be approved and filed. Sec- tending from East 19th Street to Specifically, however, Dubuque pon and are onned by Councilman Kolb. Carried East 16th Street and lying between Packing Company requests the va- adjacent to the north side of East by the following vote: Lynn and Ash Streets. These tracks cation of the following streets and 18th Street, Dubuque Packing Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council• will be abandoned and a new set of alleys: Company proposes to convey these nien Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. tracks will be constructed, partly 1. East 19th Street from the west lots to the City of Dubuque by prop- Nays-None. line of Sycamore Street to the east er Quit Claim Deed for street upon lands owned by the Chicago, line of L nn purposes. RESOLUTION N0. 166.55 Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific 2. So th onte-half of East 17th We are advised that the plan of Railroad Company and partly upon Be It Resolved by the City Coun- lands of Dubuque Packing Corn- Street from east line of Sycamore the City is to make a highway out Gil of the City of Dubuque that the pang, ~ Street to the vest line of Lynn of the presort dike from East 16th following, having complied with the Street. Street northerly to Fengler Street. provisions of law relating to the Presently the stockyards are lo• 3. Ash Street from the south The Packing Company will coop• sale of cigarettes within the City of Gated upon lands lying west of Syca• line of East 1$th Street to the crate with any such plan of the Dubuque, be granted a permit to more Street and it is proposed to north line of East 14th Street. City in order to obtain access to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers relocate the stockyards upon lands. 4, 17ast 18th Street from east said dilte from Eastl4th Street and within said City and the Manager presently occupied by the railroad line of Lot C, Block 13, to west will assist in any manner as will is directed to issue such permit on tracks, Extensive 'building improve- line of Lot B, Block 16, in Railroad be mutually satisfactory to the City behalf of said City, menu wlll be constructed upon the. Addition, and the Company. land presently used for the stock- ) Donald Kies, 2620 University Ave• , 5. East 17th Street from the east rue yards. line of Lot X to west line of Lot In view of the fact that the Syca• James A, An elos 2117 Universit In order to properly serve the Yin East Dubuque Addition No. 2, more Street Industry Track, con• Avenue g Y stockyards at the new location, rail- 6. The alley from south line of strutted pursuant to a special ordi• road facilities will be required on ~ East 15th Street to the north line nonce adopted in October, 1934; is Charles T. and Elsie Snyder, 543 Ash Street, which will necessitate ~ of East 14th Street, lying between entirely owned by the Packing Com- Eighth Avenue the vacation of Ash Street and a ~ Ash and Marsh Streets. Pant', as well as four (4) lots over Be It Further Resolved that the conveyance to the Company by the 7. The alley from the south line which a portion of such track bonds filed with the applications be City of Dubuque of the easterly of East 15th Street to the north line passes. Seotion One thereof should appooved. Passed, adopted and ap- eighteen feet (18) of all lots abrt• of East 14th Street, lying between be amended and an ordinance proved this 5th day of July, 1955. ling upon the west side of Ash Lynn and Ash Streets. adopted in November, 1934, amend- CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Street from the south line of East 8. The west thirty-two (32) feet of rng said ordinance should be re- Mayor 19th Street to the north line of Lynn Street from the north line of pealed, We have prepared, for your CLAREN'CE P. WELD East 15th Street and the westerly East 16th Street to a point thirty convenience, an amending and re• RAY F. KOLB eighteen (18) feet of all lots abut- two (32) feet south of the north pealing ordinance, RUBEN V. AUSTIN ling upon the east side of Ash line of East 17th Street, Dubuque Packing G~ompany will LEO N. SCHUELLER Street from the southline of East Title to all vacated areas to be aPPreciate your Favorable action Councilmen 19th Street to the north line of c e u on its e ' ' ' onv ed to Dubu ue P P p trtron. Y q ackrng Com- Attest: William J. O'Brien East 15th Street, such parts of pony after plats thereof have been Respectfully submitted, ' City Clerk, Pro~tem lots having been heretofore con- made and lot numbers assigned to Dubuque Packing Company Councilman Welu moved the veyed to the City by the Company each, vacated street or alley, or By Czizek &Czizek ' adoption of the resolution. Seeond• for street purposes, parts thereof. Its Attorne s ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Y Under agreements between the therubuque Packing Company fur- the following vote: d Councilman Welu moved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Company and the Railroad, the petitions your Honorable Body .communication be received and re• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Company assumes all liability for to reconvey to it the easterly eight• ferred to the Planning and Zoning Nays-None, damages resulting to persons or een (18) feet of all lots abutting Commission for their recommenda- Dubuque, Iowa property occurring upon lands upoq the west silo of Ash Street lion and report and to instruct the leased from the Railroad, It is al- from the south line of East 19th • July 5, 1955 most impossible to prevent per- Streot to the north line of East 15th Crty Solicitor to prepare proceed- Honorable Mayor and Councll sons from going upon these leased Street and the westerly eighteen mgs for the vacation of said streets of the City of Dubuque, Iowa premises by way of Sycamore Street (18) feet of all lots abutting upon and alleys, Seconded by Councilman Gentlemen: to East 19th Street, It is, therefore, the east side of Ash Street from the Austin. Carried by the fallowing Extensive plans are being made requested that East 19th Street south line of East 19th Street to vote: by Dubuque Packing Company for from the west line of Sycamore to the north line of East 15th Street, Yeas-Mayor I{intzinger, Coun- these ar Gilmer Austin Kolb lin f L nn t eel be - p is of lots Navin , e Schueller im ravements in its the east e o S r va ben substantial p Y g plant, stockyard and railroad facili~ Gated and title conveyed to the heretofore conveyed by the Compa- Welu. ties. The construction of these im• Company. ny to the City For street purposes, . Nays-None. b t 308 Regular Session, July 5, 1955 ` Regt>lar Session, July 5, 1955 309 Mr, M. M, Czizek addressed the Addition to the City of Dubuque, Attest: William J. O'Brien for the public :utilities appearing City Council explaining the expan- Dubuque County Iowa, is platted City Clerk Pro Tem. upon the Plat of Moore Heights a sion program of -the Dubuque Pack• as "Cherokee Place" in the City of Published in the Telegraph Her- Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, ing Company. Dubuque, Iowa; and old July 8, 1955. Iowa, be and the same are accepted A Resolution approving the plat, Whereas said plat has been gig- William J, O'Brien for the purpose for which they are releasing and conveying to Lucille amined by the City Plan Commis- City Clerlt Prq Tem thus dedicpted. Hildebrand Lot 12A in Yates Sub• sion and has had its approval en- t` Couneilman Welu moved the Sec. 2, That the Platof Lat 2 of division, presented and read. Coun• dorsed thereon; and adoption of the ordinance, Second• Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 59, and Lot 2 oilman Welu moved that the resq• Whereas upon said plat there ap• ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2.of Lot lotion be placed on file with the pears a street shown as Marion tied by the following vote: 60, and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 59, City Clerk and remain on file for Street abutting the property sub- Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council• and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lat men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Weh~, 2 of Lot 60, each inSimpson's Addi- public inspection for at least one divided; and week before final adoption and the Whereas upon said plat appears. Nays-None, tion to Dubuque in the City of Du- City Clerk be instructed to publish an easement for public utilities RESbLt1TI0N N0, 167.55 buque, Iowa; and Lot 1 of Lot 1 and a notice of hearing to be held on Lot 2 of Lot 1 each in Clarkson's which the proprietors have dedi- Whereas there has been filed Place in the Cit of Dubu ue, Iowa, August 1,1955 at 7:30 P.M. Second- cited to the public; and Y q ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• with the City Clerk a Plat in which according to the recorded Plats .rigid by the following vote: Whereas said plat has been ex- Lot 2 -of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 59, thereof, which will hereafter be Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun~ amined by the City Council and and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot known as Moore Heights, a Subdi- cilmen Austin, Kolb, .Schueller, they find.tite same conforms to the 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 60, each in Simp- vision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Welu, statutes and ordinances relating son's Addition to Dubuque in the be and the same is hereby ap• thereto; Ci of Dubu Nays-None. tY que, Iowa; and Lot 1 Aroved, and the Mayor and Clerk Now Therefore, Bo It Ordained by of Lot 1 and Lat 2 of Lot 1 each in are hereby authorized and directed Ordinance Na, 45--55 the City Council of the City of Du• Clarkson's Place in the City of Du- to endorse the approval of the City An Ordinance Vacating a Portion buque: ~ buque, Iowa, according to the re• upon said Plat provided that the , of Wost 29th Street, Approving the Section 1. That the dedication o£ ( corded plats thereof to be khown owners of said property, Vernon 0. Plat of the Vacated area and au• the easements far public utilities as and named "Moore Heights" a Moore and Stella J, Moore, execute thorizing the Conveyance of said appearing on said plat be and .the ~ Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, the written acceptance abtached Vacated Portion, presented and same are hereby accepted for the Iowa; and hereto, agreeing: road, Councilman Welu moved that purposes for which they are dedi Whereas' said Plat has been ex• 1. To install concrete curbs and the reading just had be considered cited; € amined by the Planning and Zon- gutters on the dedicated street; the first reading of the Ordinance, Section 3, That Marion Street as r Seconded by Councilman Schueller, ing Commission and had .its ap- 2. To surface said street with six the same appears on said plat is ~ proval endorsed thereon; and (6) inch rolled stone base and two Oar-rigid by the following vote: hereby established as a public street Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Council• in the City of Dubuque. Whereas, upon said Plat appears and a half (2?/z) inch asphaltic con- mqn Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. a street designated as "Moore Crete wearing surface, and tack coat Nays-None. Section 3, That the plat of th'e Heights" and certain easements for and seal coat; Councilman Welu moved that the Subdivision of the Northerly one- public utilities which the owners p p rules requiring reading qn three half of Lat 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of have dedicated to the public for- 3, To install ro er storm and Lot 2 in Babcock's Addition to the I ever a sanitary sewers and appurtenances, separate days be suspended, Sec City of Dubuque, which will here- ~ nd all in accordance with plans and onded by Councilman Schueller. after be known as "Cherokee Place" ? Whereas, said Plat has been ex• specifications approved by the City Carried by the following vote: in the City of Dubuque Dubugrte ~ amined by the City Council, and Manager; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• County, Iqwa, be and the same is they find that the same conforms cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, .hereby approved and the Mayor and to the statutes and ordinances re- .And also, that the owners of said Welu. City Clerlt are hereby authorized lating thereto exce t that the property deposit with the Cfty Clerk p Surety Bonds in such amounts and Nays-None, street has not been surfaced and in such forms as the City Manager and directed to endorse the ap- Councilman Welu moved that the proval of the City of Dubuque upon curb and gutter and sewer installed; may require, guaranteeing the per- Ordinance be placed on file with said plat. and formance of the above work and the City Clerk for public inspec• Section 4. That the City Clerk be Whereas, the City Council is of the maintenance of said improve- tion for at least one week and the Y! menu for a City Clerk instructed to publish a and he is hereby authorized and the opinion that the street should period of two (2) years. directed to record a certified copy be surfaced with six (6) inch rolled from the date of thou acceptance. notice of hearing to be held on of this Ordinanco in the office of stone base and two and a half Passed, adopted, and approved August 1,1955 at 7:30 P.M, Second• the County Recorder of Dubuque (2r/z) inch asphaltic concrete cur- this 5th da of Jul A,D,, 1955, ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- Y Y, Tied by the following vote: County, Iowa. € face; concrete curbs and gutters CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Passed, adopted and approved and proper storm and sanitary sew- - Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Mayor men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, this 5th day of July, 1955. ers installed on or before Nov. 1, CLARENCE P. WELU Nays-None. CHARLES A. KINTZING'E}t 1956, Mayor Now Therefore Be It Resolved b RAY F, KOLB 4RAINANCE NQ. 42.55 CLARENCE P, WELD the City Council of the City of Du- RUBEN V, AUSTNN Whereas there has been flied RAY F; KOLB buque, Iowa; LEO N. SCHUELLER Councilmen with the City Clerk a plat in which RUBEN V, AUSTIN Sec. 1. That the dedication of Attest: William J. O'Brien, the Northerly one-half of Lot 2 of LEO N. SC'HUELLER Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 in Babcock's Councilmen Moore Heights and the easements City Clerk Pro Tem, 310 Regular Session, July 5, 1955 ~ Special Session, 7uly 18, 1955 ~ 311 Acceptance al Resolution Plo. lb7.55 Councilman Welu moved the -1 l 1~ J>VY 18, 1965 Vernon 0, Moore and Stella J. suspension of rules to permit Mr. E,/ ~ To the Honorable Mayor Moore, his wife, with full knowledge Ed, Said to address the City Coun• ~ ` ~ ~ _t and Ciity Council, - and understanding of all the terms Gil regarding the driving of his (OFFICIAL) Dubuque, Iowa and conditions of Resolution Na. semi•trailer on unmarked highways Special Session-July 18th, 1955. Gentlemen: 167.55, hereby accept the same ~as in the City of Dubuque. Council• Council met at 7:30 P.M, The City budget as I have sub, adopted, and agree to abide by, coin- man Welu moved that the matter Present -Mayor Kintzinger, miffed it to the Council for ap• ply with, and carry out all the be referred to the City Manager and Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ~proval necessitates an increase in terms and conditions thereof, the Manager to advise. Mr. Said and Welu. City Manager Schiltz, Mayor milleage of 3.66 mills. Executed this 6th day of July, inform the City Council of the dis- Mayor Kintzinger read the' call Three mills of this increase is A.D., 1955. position of the matter, Seconded and stated that service thereof had due to the Two Million Dollar Bond Vernon 0. Moore by Councilman Schueller. Carried been duly made and that this meet- issue approved by the voters to Stella J, Moore by the fallowing vote;. ing is called for the purpose of ap• Finance the waterfront Industrial Owners Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• proving the budget estimate of ex- Development. The other ,67 mills Councilman Welu moved the men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu: penditures for the fiscal year be• increase is to partly finance a gen• adoption of the resolution, Second- Nays-None, ginning January 1, 1956, and end- eral salary increase of city em• ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- Mr, Carl Nank, 1667 Drexel Ave- ing December 31, 1956, and direct- ployees, ing the City Clerk to publish no• Tied by the following vote: rue, stating that he is losing a per- lice of the date of public hearing In order that the city continue to Yeas-Mayor Kinnzinger, Coun• lion of his property due to the upon the same and acting on any keep in step with industry the pay Gilmer Austin, Kolb, Schueller,' grade on said street. Councilman other business as may properly scale should be adjusted upward in Welu. Welu moved that the City Council come before a regular meeting of an amount commensurate with in• Nays-None, view the grounds. Seconded by the City Council, dustry and other cities. The mil- Petition of Carl Herburger re- Councilman Schueller, Carried by Certificate of Playground and leage increase plus 'the normal in• the following vote; ~ Recreation Commission determin• crease fn taxes due to valuation in• questing permission to operate a yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• portable Roller Skating Rink on the ~ ing and fixing the budget require- crease will make available sufficient northeast corner of Diamond Street, men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. menu,and tax levy for the ensuing funds for the Council to consider a presented and read. Councilman Nays-None, ~ year for playground, swimming pool four to five per cent increase, This Welu moved that the petition be There being no further business and playground improvement pur• .increase would become effective poses, presented and read. Council• January 1, 1956• referred to the City Manager for Councilman Schueller moved to ad• further action. Seconded by Coun• journ. Seconded by Councilman man Kolb moved that the Certifi• The budget has been prepared Gilman Schueller• Carried by the Welu, Carried by the following vote: Gate be received and made a matter with the thought of keeping the tax of record. Seconded by Oouncilman revenue in line with 1955 and ex- following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Welu. Carried by the following cept for the above increases the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. vote: departmental budgets are in line. Gilmer Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Respectfully submitted, Welu,' William J, O'Brien men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, L• J. SCHILTZ, Nays-None. City Clerk Pro Tein Na s-None, Cit Mana er Y Y g Communication of 0"Connor, Approved •..........1955.' _ ~Certffica~te of Board of Library Councilman Kolb moved that the Thomas, McDermott & Wright, by Adopted ............................1955. Trustees determining and fixing the communication be received and Francis J, O'Connor, desiring to bud et req ' g Y Y p obtain a quit claim deed from the for the ensuin ear for librar ur f on mal oses re ui~ements and tax levy Y dCoun after of record, Seconded City to the portion o 'g p , p sen ed and read. Council- b Gilman Austin. Carried by Eighth Street that lies between man Kolb moved that the Certifi• thy~asl-~Mag vote: Lot 5 and 6, as originally platted Councilmen Gate be received and made a matter Yor Kintzinger, Council• and the present north street line of record, Seconded by Councilman men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of Eighth Street, presented. and Welu. Carried by the following Nays-None. read. Councllman Welu moved that „ „ vote: July 14, 1955 l' To the Honorable Mayor the communication be referred to Attest Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- and City Council, the City Solicitor and City Manag• City Clerk, men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Dubuque, Iowa er, Seconded by Councilman Schuel• Nays-None. ler, Carried by the following vote:. Communication of City Assessor Gentlemen: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- submitting a copy of the Budget of In accordance with theprovisions men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. the City Assessor's Office for the of the law, I have prepared an j year 1956, presented and read. annual budget for the fiscal year Nays=None. Councilman Kolb moved that the beginning January 1, 1956, and end, communication and copy of budget ing December 31, 1956 based upon be received and made a matter of the estimated income and expense record, Seconded by Councilman of 'the various departments in the Welu. Carried by the following City of Dubuque. vote: Respectfully submitted, Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Council• L, J: SCHILTZ, men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City Manager Nays-None. LJS;Io i 312 Special Session, July 18, 1955 ~ Special Session, July 18, 1955 313 Councilman Kolb moved that the ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- This is to advise, that the under- communication be received and the following vote: men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. signed, serves Notice, hereby, that filed, Seconded by Councilman Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None. the signature of H, H• Henderson, Welu. Carried by the following vote: men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Councilman Welu moved that is cancelled and to be removed. or Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None, William J, O'Brien be appointed made null & void, and trust proper _ men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. .ORDINANCE N0. 43.55 ` Deputy City Clerk. Seconded by action will be made, as it is our un• Nays-None. } Councilman Austin. Carried by the derstanding that said Petition is Ap Ordinance Providing far the. 1 following vote: now on file at the City Hall, for RESOLUTION N0, 175'•55 Appointment of a Deputy City Clerk Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger,. Council- Council action, etc. Whereas, the City Manager has and prescribing his powers, present- ~ men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Thankin ed and read.. Councilman Welu i Nays-None. g you far prompt atten- submitted a budget estimate as ~ tion to the matter, we are moved that the reading just had be € provided in Chapter 24 of the 1950 July 13, 1955 Respectfully yours, Code of Iowa and the City Council considered the first reading of the ~ To the Honorable Mayor Harry H. Henderson ordinance. Seconded by Councilman had duly, considered and caused to and City Council, H.H,H.-fjm. Kolb. Carried by the following vote: Councilman Welu moved that Ghe b0 prepared the budget estimate of Dubuque, Iowa Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- expenditures for the fiscal year be- Gentlemen: communication be received and men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ginning January 1, 1956 and ending Engine House No. 5 located at Nays-None. ~ filed with the proceedings on Mead• December 31, 1956, as a basis for Grandview Avenue and Bryant ow Lane. Seconded b Councilman the tax levy for the year 1955 the Councilman Welu moved that the Street is in need of repairs. The Y ' same t0 be collected in the year rule requiring an ordinance Ito be cost of these repairs have been in- Kolb. Carried by the following read On three separate days be sus- vote: 1956 and said budget having been pended. Seconded by Councilman eluded in the budget for this year. yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• duly approved by it; Specifications have been prepared men Austin, Kolh, Schueller, Welu• Kolb, Carried by the following vote: for the work that is recommended Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-Nano. by the. City Council of the City of to be done which includes install~ Dubuque -that said budget ostimate men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. e ing a new xoof, reconstruct the July 21, 1955 Nays-None, kk bath roam and replace present fix- Hon, Mayor and Members be and the same is hereby ordered ORDINANCE No. awes I tares, rewire part of second floor, of the City Council, . filed in the office of the City Clerk as ordinance Providing for the Ap- ` City of Dubuque, Iowa of the City of 'Dubuque and the pointment oP a Deputy Clty eierk ~ cover floors with Vinyl asphalt file date of public hoaring thereon is ana proscribing his Powers, and paint exterior woodwork and Gentlemen: ~ Be it oraainea By The city coon- i bathroom tivalls• I have examined the claim of hereby fixed as the 1st day of Aug- cn of The City oP Dubuque: ust, 1955 at 7:30 P.M, in the Coun- section r: That it is hereby ae- The specifications have been ap• Wayne Hostetter, as filed June 21; termmed to be necessary for tae ~ proved by the Building Department 1955 and, finding nothing set forth cil Chamber in the City Halh proper and etfiuient conduct of the aPfams oP the city that the office of [ and Fire Chief Hickson, in the claim to justify an award of Be It Further Resolved, that said Deputy city clerk be estabnshea. I recommend that the City Coun• compensation, recommend the same v Clerk be and he is hereby directed Clerktl shalt beatappointnea utiy Cttie cil authorize the repairs and altera- 'be denied. to cause said budget estimate of council ana span have fun power and tions as specified and that the City Sincerely, expenditures to be published in the ana functions off the city Clerk,avhen Manager take bids and award the T. H. NFiL~ON official newspaper of the City of so directed by him, m• in his absence, contract to the lowest res onsible Dubuque and an official notice to °r inability to act, p Councilman Austin moved that Section 3, xe shan serve at the bidder. the recommendation be approved. be given of the time and place, pleasure of the council and may be Res ectfull y when and where said budget esti- discharged with or without cause i p y submitted Seconded b Councihnan Welu. Car- and shall receive such salary as the I L. J. SCHILTZ, ried by the following vote; mate wlll be considered by said Council may from time to time direct. Cl Mana er Section 4. This Ordinance shall be tY g Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, COIInCIl• Council for final adoption, at which in fun force and effect from and after LJS:Io men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. time and place taxpayers will be its final passage, adoption ana pub- Councilman Kolb moved that the Na s-None. ]!cation as by law provided. Y heard for and against said estimate, Introduced the istn aay of July, recommendation be approved. Sec• Hon. Mayor and Members said publication to be not less than 1sRute requiring reading on three ~ onded by Councilman Welu. Carried of the Cihy Council teri (10) days before said date of separate days suspended by anent- by the following Vote: Dubu hearing, moos vote the fsth aay of July, > 5s que, Iowa Passed, adopted and approved this ~ Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Gentlemen: Passed, adopted and approved isth aay of July, > as. men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. cxAR>,ES A. xxvTZlxcEx, I have examined ~ the claim of this 18th day of July, 1955• Mayor Nays-None. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER cLARENCE P. wDLU Dubuque, Iowa Kathleen M. Grant, 1691 Fairfax RAY r, xoLB Avenue as flied June 21 1955 and Mayor ausEN v. AusTtN June 30, 1955 ' ' LEO N. scxuELLEx, Dubuque City Council find the same is based on a claimed CLAREENCE P. WELU C,ouncitmen. defect in Washington Park. ~ RAY F. KOLB ,~tt c ty cie k, byo Wiliam J, o~$rlen City Hall Building, 13th & Central you are advised that there is no RUBEN V. AUSTIN neputy city clerk. Dubuque, Iowa Pubushed otficiany in the mete- Dear Sirs: liability on the City for defects in LEO N, SCHUELLER graph-xerala newspaper this 2tst aay Some months ago, a Petition, to Public parks, I therefore recommend Councilmen of July, ise5, p p that the claim be denied- . J. J. sxEA, city clerk by attem t to secure some Black To Attest: J• J, SHEA, Dep Ly~~ ty. CO ax>Err, paving on Meadow Lane, Dubuque, Respectfully, City Clerk ]t. z-zi Iowa, was circulated, and due to T• H, NELSON by William J. O'Brien Councilman Welu moved the some apparent misrepresentation, Councilman Austin moved that Deputy City Clerk adoption of the ordinance, Second- or even misunderstanding, the said the, recommendation be approved. Councilman Schueller moved the ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Petition was signed by Mr. H• H, Seconded by Councilman WOIu. Car- adoption of the resolution. Second- the following vote: Henderson. ri0d by the following vote: 314 Special Session, July 18, 1955 j Special Session, July 18, 1955 315 • Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- possibly more a matter of policing l orainanco Na. 3•aa, aesignatea the ing lot, presented and read. Coun• 'Coning Ordinance, be and the same men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, than zoning, is Hereby amonaea and changed ny cilman Welu moved that the peti- Na None. Then, a considerable misunder- onanging from tcs present single lion be referred to the City Coun- Ys-J Family Residence District Classifies- Cil. SeCOnded b ~OUIICllnlan Petition of Kay Neyens, Mrs. Vir• standing of the restrictive features lion to Loca] Eusiness District A, Y ginia Jennings et al join in the of the new Local Business "A" (Ord. ~ ana loll wson tno property ae cribed Schueller. Carried by. the following petition requesting the rezoning of 25.55) regulations as applied in this l Lot 2 of 2 of I of I of Is; Lot I • e vote: Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16; Lot 1 of 2 of the first case, were evident, of I of I of Is; and the easterly 76 yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- f e e t o f L o t 2 o f 2 o f T o f l fi a l l i n 1 of 1 of 10, and the Easterly 75 Therefore the Planning & Zoning ` ntmznt Pleasant Aaaition. men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. feet of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16• all in Commission finds no new features soetion 2. This orainanco shoo bo Nays-None. full force and effect from and after Mournt Pleasant Addition as a local involved and wishes to reaffirm it's its Einar passage, aaoppon ana puh- Petition of Leo A, Schwind Post business district, Class A., present- Previous recommendations to Your llcatfon as by taw prov,aed• No, 508, Veteran of Foreign Wars introduced this 27th say of June ed and read. Councilman Austin Honorable Body with reference to iss5. requesting a refund of $100,00 on moved that the petition be received Mr, Al Schmidts petition, Rute requiring reaaing on throe; the unexpired portion of Class "B" P g Res ectfull recommended soparate says suspenaea by una„i• and filed with the roceedin s on P Y moos vote the 18th day of Suly, Isss Beer Permit No, 142, presented and the rezoning of said area. Seconded Dubuque Planning & Zoning ~ Passes, adopted ana • pprovoa this road. Councilman Kolb moved that by Councilman Welu. Carried by Commission tarn aa~~ of July, TsSS. .the petition be ranted and the CHARLES A. IfINTZINGER, g the following vote: By Richard V: McKay, f Mayor City Auditor instructed to draw a CLARENCE P. WELU Yeas-Mayor Kintzin er Council- Secretary ; warrant in the amount of 100,00 in g RAY F. xoLR $ men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Councilman Austin moved that RuEEN v. AusmlN favor of Leo A. Schwind Post No. LEO N. SCHUELLER Nays=None, the recommendation be approved. G Connoumon b08, Veteran of Foreign Wars to Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- attest: a. a, shea cover the refund on the unexpired Communication of William T. ried by the following vote: ( s5 yrvii a n s. o'Erien portion of Class "B" Beer Permit Connery stating that he is in favor yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Deputy city clerk No. 142. Seconded by Councilman of the application of Al Schmidt to men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Pnbiisired officiauy to mne Tele• Schueller, Carried by the following rezone the desired property abut- i ~~rapn-xerata Newspaper this 21st say ling Loras Blvd, and Glen Oak Nays-None, vote: of July, 1855. d J SHEA Street to local business because the ORDINANCE N0. 44.55 ~ ctty clerk Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- premises are adaptable to local bus- ~ Ordinance Alending and Ey wsuiam a. o'Ert~n men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. iness property uses, presented and Changing the Zoning Map and Zon- ~ neputy city clerk Nays 'None, ing Ordinance of the Cit of Du- It. 7•at Communication of .bubo ue read, Councilman Austin moved Y Councilman Welu moved the q that the communication be received buque, Iowa; as provided by Ordi- ` adoption of the ordinance. Second- Stamping and Manufacturing Com• and filed with the proceedings on Hance No. 3.34 designated the Zon- pony by R. J. Breitwieser re ~~st~ in Ordinance s g ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- ~ q the rezoning of said area, Seconded g o as to thane sled by the following vote: ing a Restricted Plumber's license by .Councilman Welu. Carried .by the herein described area from Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- to be issued to Harald Sherman, the following vote: Single Family Residence District men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Presented and read. Councilman Classification to Local Business Welu moved that the communica- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None, lion be referred to the City Manag- men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. District A. Classification, presented Communication of Clarence C, er for investigation. Seconded by Nays-None, and read, Councilman Welu moved Baal Jr., Fire Chief of the Town of Jul 7 1955 that fhe reading just had be con- Councilman Schueller. Carried by To the Honorable Mayor, Y ~ sidered the first reading of the or. [ Sherrill, Iowa, requesting permis- the following vote; City Manager and City Council,. dinance. Seconded by Councilman sion to operate hand lines from Du- yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• buque fire hydrants, which would men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Dubuque, Iowa Schueller. Carried by the following include the last hydrants on Cen- Nays-None, Gentlemen: vote: ' The petition of Mr. Al Schmidt, Y g ,Council- tral Jackson East 32nd Millville Notice of Claim of Geor e L Hut• Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er g requesting rezoning to Local Busi• , •Schueller, Welu. Road Sheridan Road and. Wabash ter In the amount of 15 00 for er- men Austin Kolb ~ P Avenue, presented and read, Coun• sepal injiuy due to a defectroe side~ Hess "A" Classification of Lot 2 Nays-None, of 2 of 1 of 1 of 16• Lot 1 of 2 of 1 Councilman Welu moved that the cilman Austin moved that the come walk, presented and read. Council ' rule requirin the readin munication be referred to the City man Austin moved that the claim of 1 of Lot 16; and the easterly 75 g g of an Manager, City Solicitor, Water De• be referred to the Cit Solicitor Y ordinance on three so arat e da s be , P feet of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16 Mt, Y partment and the Fire Chief, Sec- for Invesbtgatton and report. Sec• Pleasant Add, was thoroughly slue suspended. Seconded by Council- onded by Councilman Schueller, onded by Councilman Schueller. died b the Planning & Zoning man Schueller. Carried by the fol- Carried b the followin vote; Y Y g Carried by bhe following vote: , P Yeas-Mayor Kintzin er Council- Commission at a ublic hearing in lowing vote: g Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- . Council Chambers July 6, 1955. Ap- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. rnen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, proximately 18 property owners ape men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays--None. Nays~None, Nays-None, geared in opposition, some 15 in Petition containing 377 names of Communication of American Sur• favor, oR~iNarvcE No. aa•5s registered voters of the City of Du• sty Company enclosing Revocation An Ordinance Amending and Chang- The attached chart shows that ;ng the zoning Wrap ana zoning buque, reyuesting the City Council of Power of Attorney No. 2967fi the majority in favor of the change IOorva aasepeovided byyordman en Ne: to consider purchasing Lots 481, covering John C, Duffey or Leo F. as living within 200° radius; the ape s-sa designates the zoning orainanco, 483, 485, 485~Z ~,ocust Street, which McDonough, presented and read, position not living near as closely, so as to mange the .~orein aesoribea is now being offered for sale, (con- Councilman Schueller moved that area from Single Family Residence therefore less seriously affected, District classiflcat,on to Local Rust- ststing of a three story brick the communication be received and Traffic haiards on adjoining Lor• Hess District A claasifieation. apartment building) and the single made a matter of record, Seconded Re It Resolved by the City Ceunoil as Blvd. was mentioned by opposl• of. the .Wiry of Dubuque, Iowa; dwelling brick house located at 493 by Councilman Austin. Carried by' lion-this involves r err ri his soot'nn I, mbar the Zoning map ut Locust Street, for a metered ark- the followin vote: P ~ Y g r the City of Dubuque, as provided by P g i; f 316 Special Session, July 18, 1955 ~ Special Session, July 18, 1955 317 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• do so with regret, in recollection petition dated July 5, 1955 and re- Dubuque the westerly eight (8) men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of past association with the many (erred to this body under date of feet of that portion of Lynn Street Nays-None, fine members of the Commission; July 6, 1955: previously vacated and conveyed Communication of the County but a long period of illness has left 1, East 19th Street from the west to the Dubuque Packing Company Audvtor asking the City Council me unable to resume normal activi- line of Sycamore Street to the east from the north line of Lot A, Block for approval for the suspension of ty or to meet the responsibIlities of line of Lynn Street, to a point tihh•ty two (32) feet south taxes on personal property of Har- membership and requires this ae• ' 2, South one•half of East 17th of the north line of East 17th vey Oswald, presented and read, lion. ~ Street from the east line of Syea- Street. (Regarding item 8 above) Councilman Welu moved that the Respectfully, more Street to the west line of 3. upon the Dubuque Packing communication be referred to the JOHN F. CARROLL Lynn Street. Company agreeing to convey far City Manager. Seconded by Council- Councilman Welu moved that the f 3. Ash Street from the south line highway pw~poses to the City of ' man Austin. Carried by the follow resignation be accepted with re- E of East 18th Stroet to the north Dubuque, if requested by the City, ing vote: Bret and a letter to be forwarded ~ line of East 14bh Street; The east- a strip of land not exceeding fifty Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- to Mr. Carroll in appreciation for ~ orly eighteen (18) feet of all lots feet in width immediately- south men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. past services rendered. Seconded by ? abutting upon the west side of Ash westerly of the Flood Control Dike Councilman Kolb. Carried b the Stroet from the south line of East from the north side of East 16th Nays-None. Y 19th Street to the north line of Street to the junction of the prop• Communication of Herald Walser ; following vote: ' East 15th Street, and the westerly erty of the Dubuque Packing Com- and Max Blum, by John C. Ober- yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- eighteen (18) feet of all lots abut• pony and the Milwaukee Railroad. hausen, their attorney, protesting men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ling upon the east side of Ash C, In view of the recommended va- and objecting to the proposed va- Nays-None, cation of certain streets in the vi- Communication of the First Na- Street from the south line of East cation of Ash Street and conse- cinity of their property as contained tional Bank submitting for Coun- 19th Street to the north line of East quently of the proposed viaduct to 15th Street, ,these parts of lots connect Ash Street to Windsor in the petition of the Dubuque cil approval an Assignment by Rus- having been heretofore conveyed Street as shown on the Master Plan, Packing Company, presented and sell A: Schueller, doing business read, Counci]man Austin moved as Schueller and Coinpany, Du- by the Dubuque Packing Company 1951, the Planning and Zoning Com- e that the communication be referred buque, Iowa, to the. First National ~ to the City of Dubuque for street mission proposes that a grade sopa• i purposes. ration with the Chicago; Milwaukee, to the City Council for further con• Bank of Dubuque, all moneys due ~ 4. East 18th Street from east line St, Paul and Pacific Railroad be sideration, Seconded by Council- him from the City of Dubuque on , man Schueller. Carried by the fol- Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury of Lot C, Block 13 to the west line included on the Master Plan at lowing vote: Road Sanitary Sewer Job, and Bun- of Lot B, Block 16, in Railroad Ad• Fengler Street. I Yeas-Ma or I{intzinger Council• ker Hill Street Sanitary Sewer Job, dition, Richard V. McKay, Secretary Y ~ 5. East 17th Street from the east Planning & Zoning Commission ~ men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. and requesting that the City Coan- line of Lot X to the West line of Councilman Welu moved that the Nays-None, cil authorize acknowledgment and Lot Y in East Dubuque Addition recommendation of the Planning July 16, 1955 arrange for all checks for partial No, 2, and Zoning Commission be ap- To_the Honorable Mayor or full payment to be made payable 6, The alley from the south line roved. Seconded b Councilman ~ to The First National Bank of Du- p ~ Y and City Council, of East 15th Street to the north Schueller. Carried by the following buque, Iowa, and Schueller and Dubuque, Iowa line of East 14th Street, lying be• vote: Company, presented and read. Gentlemen: ~ tween Ash and Marsh Streets. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Councilman Welu moved that the 7. The alley from the south line men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, I herewith submit reports of the Assignment be approved. Seconded City Audit-0r, City Treasurer, City j of East 15th Street to the north Nays-None. Healbh Department and City Water by Councilman Kdlb, Carried by the following vote; ~ line of East 14th Street, lying be- July 18, 1955 Works for the month of June as yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Coun• tween Lynn and Ash Streets. To the Honorable Mayor well as list of claims and list of pay- cilmen Austin Kolb Schueller 8, The west thirty two (32) feet and City Council, rolls for which warrants were is- Welu. ~ ~ ~ of Lynn Street from the north line Dubuque, Iowa sued for the month, of June, 1955. of East 16th Street to a point thir- Gentlemen: Nays-None. Respectfully submitted, ~ ty two (32) feet. south of the north I am attaching herewith the com• L; J. SCI3ILTZ, Juty 16, 1955 line of East 17th Street, plete report. of the Police Depart- City Manager To the Honm•able Mayor B, All of the vacations recommend- merit relative to a complaint of LJSiIo and City Councll, ed above are contingent Mr, Edward Said who appeared Councilman Welu moved that the Dubuque,-Iowa 1, upon the Dubuque Packing before the City Council regarding reports be received and filed. Sec- Gentlemen: Company conveying to the Chicago, a traffic summons. ' onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried The Planning and Zoning Com- Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific According to the repast Mr.'Said by the following vote: mission upon the motion of Mr. Railroad Company a right of way was treated the same as any other Yoas-lYIayor Kintzinger, Council• Waller, seconded by Mr. Schiltz, of sufficient width for a railroad traffic violator and he was not unanimousl ado led the followin tr ek c men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Y p g a a ross their property, crossing discriminated against in. an wa . Y Y Nays-None. Resolutron: (Mr. Oeth, Chatrman, a point in East 14th Street to be Mr. Said was warned several ,July 11, 1955 appointed Mr. Bissell to preside and designated by the City of Dubuque, times that he was violating a city Dubuque City Council refrained from voting.) The purpose of this track is to .ordinance but he disregarded these City Hall A. The Planning acrd Zoning Com• make available access to other in• warnings and as a result was is• Dubuque, Iowa mission. recommends to the City dustries and to City Island at all sued with a summons. I wish to submit my resignation Council the vacation of the follow- times. I have asked the Police Depart- as a member of the Planning and ing streets as roquested by the Du- 2, upon the Dubuque Packing merit to make a study to see if Zoning Commission at this time, I buque Packing Company in their Company reconveying to the City of their is a way to route trucks in a 1 - 318 Special Session, July 18, 1955 Special Session, Juiy .1&, 193'5 -319 - ~ - different way and still eliminate Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• sire to :have your approval on same Selvage :Disposal Plant Site and the complaints we receive from fhe men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. x for filing, subject to -the approval Directing City Solicitor to Institute residents in this area. Nays-None. of the City Solicitor: Proceedings. Respectfully submitted, July 18, 1955 # &IDEWALK Whereas it appears to the City L. 1. SCHILTZ, To the Honorable Mayor ! Melvin Schmitt, Western Surety Council of the City of Dubuque, City Manager and City Council, Company Iowa that it is in the best interests LJS:1a Dubuque, Iowa Ben J. Kolfenbach, Western Surety of the public Ghat Councilman Welu moved that the Gentlemen: ` Company Lot 3 of fractional Government report be received and filed. Sec- I have a request from the Police ~ Clarence (Barney) Grutz, Hawkeye Lot 1 of Section 6, Township 88, onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried Chief to attend the International Security Insurance ~Co. North; Range 3, East of the 5th by the following vote: Association of Police Chiefs Con• ~ Clifford Steffen, Western Surety p M,, m Dubuque County, Iowa, be Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ference in Philadelphia from Octo• Company acquired Eby condemnation, or ath• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, bar 2nd through the 6th and also Mark Strub Western Surety Com• ~ ~ erwise, for the site of a sewage 'Nays-None, a request of the Fire Chief to at• party disposal .plant for the City of Du• July 18, 1955 tend their International Conference ~ Respectfully submitted, buque; and To the Honorable Mayor in Omaha from September 18th i L, J, SCHILTZ, Whereas the City Manager has re- and City Council, through the 22nd.. City Manager ported to the City Council that he Dubuque, Towa ~ LJS;J I recommend that both bhese re- has negotiated with the owners of Gentlemen: ( Councihnan Welu moved that the The petition of Dou las Hencker quests be granted, said real estate and has been unable g Respectfully submitted, j bonds be approved. Seconded ~by to arrive at a mutuall satfsfactor, and others requesting the installa- L. J, SCHILTZ Councilman Kolb. Carried by the Y Y tion of a traffic light at the inter- City Manager following vote: price; section of Dodge and Concord LJSaa ~ Leas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Now Dherefore, Be It Resolved by Streets was referred to the City ~ men Austin, 'Kolb, Schueller, Welu. the City Council of 'the City of Du• Councilman Welu moved that the bu ue I Manager and Polica Department for Nays-None. q owa; recommendation be approved. Sec• investigation and report. f Communication of Linehan & Section 1, That it is hereby de• _ Before a traffic light is placed on onded by Councilman Austin. Car- ( Molo petitioning the City Council termined that bhe public interest a public highway under the control ried by the following vote: ~ to revue 'the present fee of $2.00 and necessity require the acquisi- of the State Highway Commission, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- for inspection of water softner in- tion of the above described real it is necessary that permission is men Austin, Kolb; Schueller, Welu. ; stallations as the fee for the inspec- estate by the City of 'Dubuque, Nays-None, given by the State Body, tion of similar equipment is $1:00 Iowa, for a site far a sewage ~dis• I am attaching herewith a letter Communication of Harry O'Con• and they feel thatthe fee for water posal plant, to be erected under the from W. 0; Price, Safety and Traffic Hell and Erdwig Schenck asking ! softners should be the same, pre- authority contained in Chapter 394 Engineer of the Iowa Highway permission to keep a television' senfed and read. Councilman of the 1954 Code of Iowa; Commission, stating that they can- tower on city property inside rock Schueller moved that tike petition wall in rear of house at 226 South Section'2. That floe City 'Solicitor not recommend approval of the in• be referred to 'the City Manager be and he is hereby instructed "and stallation at this location, The rea- Locust Street, presented and read. for investigation and repbnt, Sec- dire6ted to institute condemnation son that their approval is not given Councilman Schueller moved that onded by Councilman'Welu. Carried proceedings under the provisions of is that traffic conditions do not fu1- the Councll view the grounds. Sec- by -the following vote: Chapter 472 of the 1954 Code of fill the ordinary warrants fora onded by Councilman Austin. Car- ~ yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Iowa in the name of the City of ried b the followin vote: signal, Y g # meri Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. Dubuque to acquire the above do• The report of the Police Depart- yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Nays-None, scribed real estate for the 'City of ment with corresponding traffic men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. July 18, 1955 Dubuque 'and determine the dam• ~ counts clearl indicates that traffic Nays-None. ~ m from such acquisition. Y Hon. Mayor and Members age result' g lights are no't justified at this lo- Petition of Ruth Ratterman et al of the City Council, Passed, adapfed and approved cation, requesting the City Council to fn- City of bubuque, Towa 'this 18th day 'of July, 1955. It is recommended that the Po- stall a Stop sign at bhe corner of ~ Gentlemen: CHARLES A. KINTZINGER lice Department cooperate wibh the Merz and Stafford, allowing thru Pursuant to your instructions, I Mayor school authorities to more effective- traffic on Merz Streot, presented herewith submit 'a proposed Reso- CLARF~NCE P. WELU ly educate the school patrol at this and read. Councilman Welu moved lutio'n for the instttwtion of .pro- .RAY F. KO'LB intersection, that the petition be referred to the 4 ceedings leading to the acquisition RUBEN V. AUSTIN Respectfully submitted, City Manager far investigation, of the sewage disposal plant site. LEO N, SCHUELtiLR L, J, SCHIhTZ, Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car- Sincerely, Councilmen City Manager ried by the following vote,, T. H. NELSON Attest: J, J, Shea, - LJSiIa Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Councilman Welu moved that the City Clerk Councilman Austin moved that men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, communica'ti'on be received and by William J. 'O'Brien the recommendation be xeceived Nays-None, filed. `Seconded by Councilman Deputy City Clerk and filed and.. that the Police De• July 18, 1955 .'Kolb. Carried by fhe following vote: Councilman Welu moved .the partment cooperate with school au• To the Honorable Mayor ~ Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- adoption of the Resolution. Second• thoritbes to more effective educate and City Council, man Austin, I{alb, Schueller, Welu. ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- the school patrol at this intersec• Dubuque, Iowa Nays-None. ried by, the following vote: flan. Seconded by Councilinan Gentlemen; RESOLUTION N0, 168.55 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Counoi'1• Schueller. Carried by the follow- This is to advise that I have ap• Resolution Determining the Ne- Haan Ausbin, Kolb, Sohueller, W~e~u, ing voto: proved the following bonds and de• cessvty for Acquisition of Land for Nays-None, 320 Special Session, July 18, 1955 ~ S ecial Session, Jul 18, 1955 321 C p Y July 18, 1955 was abandoned and title does not of Dubuque, Iowa, to Charles J. Councilman Welu moved the Hon. Mayor and Members remain in the City. ~ Healey, as owner of the follow- adoption of the resolution. Second- of the City Council The petitioners have requested ~ ing described property, releasing ed by Councilman Austin. Carried City of Dubuque, Iowa that the attached Resolution be i any interest in the following de• by the following vote: Gentlemen: adapted to clear up any vestigal ~ scribed property:. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Pursuant to your instructions, I easement and I see no o'bjecjion Lot 6 of the subdivision of Out cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, herewith submit for your consid- thereto, Lot 688 and of part of Out Lots Welu. eration a proposed Ordinance far Respectfully, 654 and 655 in the City of Nays-None. the vacation of streets and alleys, T, H, NELSON k Dubuque, Iowa, according to RESOLUTION N0, 170.55 Councilman Welu moved that the the recorded lot thereof in- requested by Dubuque Packing Com- ~ p' hang report be approved. Seconded by tending to include by said de• Resolution to fix a date of meeting Councilman Austin. Carried by the scription the area lying be• at which it is proposed to take In drafting this ordinance I have following vote: j tween the south hne of said action for the issuance of not undertaken to pass upon the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Out Lot 688 as originally plat- $2,000,000 Dock Bonds. rights of property owners or ether cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ~ led, (being the original north Whereas pursuant to a petition objections that might be urged as Welu. line of 8th Street) and the re- filed with this City Council by the I assume any such matters will de- Nays-None. ~ velop at the public hearing. ~ located existing north line of Dock Board of the City of Dubuque, RESOLUTION NA~~Ia•55 j 8th Street; and Iowa, a special election was called I recommend that the Ordinance ( (b) To execute and deliver quit .and held in and for the City of Du• be set down for public hearing Whereas, the City of Dubuque, in ~ claim deed in behalf of the City buque, Iowa, on April 6, 1955, at without action by your body at this the year 1853, in the improvement ~ of Dubuque, Iowa to H, H. Ver- which there was submitted to and time other than Ito instruct the of 8th Street in said City, changed Clerk to give proper notice of hear- the location of said Street west of ~ bugt and Gertrude M. Verbugt, approved by the voters of said Bluff Street and in connection husband and wife, as joint .ten- City the proposition of issuing ing, ants, and not as tenants in com- Dock Bonds of said City in the ag• Respectfully, therewith did vacate a portion of ~ mon, with the right of survivor- gi'egate principal amount of T, H. NELSON said street as originally platted; ship, as owners of the following $2,000,000 for the purpose of con- Councilman Welu moved that the and j described property, releasing any ~structing works and improvements communication Abe received and Whereas, the City of Dubuque ~ interest in the following de- as authorized by Chapter 384 of did in fact abandon its right of way scribed ro the Code of Iowa, 1954, including filed. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, p perty: easement over all that portion of ~ the grading and filling of lands un- Carried by the following vote: Lot 5 of the subdivision of Out the original 8th Street lying north der the control of the Dock Board; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- of the relocated north line of 8th Lot 688 and of part of Out men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Street- and ~ Lots 654 and 655 in the City of and Nays-None, Dubuque, Iowa, according to Whereas it is necessary and ad- ' Whereas, the City of Dubuque the recorded plat thereof, in- visable that said bonds be issued Councilman Welu moved that the now desires to clear certain title tending to include by said de- for the purpose aforesaid and it public hearing on theproposed ordi• objections to the area of ground scription the area lying be• is considered desirable that notice nonce be held on August 10,1955 at lying between the original. north tween the south line of said of the proposal to issue said bonds 7:30 P,M, in the Council Chamber line of 8th Street and the relocated Out Lot 688 and originally be published; of the City Hall, and the City Clerk north line of 8th Street, which area platted (being the original Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved be instructed to publish a notice of ground in part is now incor- ~ north line of 8th Street) and by the City Council of the City of of hearing in the mahner prescribed porated in Lots 5 to 11 both inclu- the relocated existing north Dubuque, Iowa, as follows; by law. Seconded by Councilman sive of the Subdivision of Out Lot line of 8th Street, all as shown Section 1. That this CouncIl meet Schueller, Carried by the fo']lowing 686 and part of Out Lots 654 and in book of Piats 7 page 341, at the Council Chambers in the vote: 655 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque County, Iowa Rec• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- as shown in plat. recorded in Book City Hall in said City on the 10th men Austln, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. No. 22 of Town Lots on .page 90 of F9 ords, day of August, 1955, at 7:30 o'clock Nays-None, the Records of Deeds for Dubuque (3) That the City Clerk is hereby P,M„ at which time and place pro• July 16, 1955 County, Iowa; ~ authorized and ordered to record ceedings will be instituted and. ae• a certified copy of this Resolu- lion taken for the issuance of Hon. Mayor and Members Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved lion in the office of the County $2,000,000 Dock Bonds for the pur- of the City Council by the City Council of the City of Recorder of Dubuque County, pose of constructing works and im- City of Dubuque, Iowa .Dubuque; Iowa, provements as authorized by Chap- Gentlemen: (1) That the City of Dubuque, Passed, adopted and approved ter 384 of the Code of Iowa,. 1954, The communication of F. J. Iowa does hereby formally ac- this 18th day of July, 1955, including the grading and °filling O'Connor regarding the vacation of knowledge and declare that it aban- i CHARLES A. KINTZINGER of lands under the control of the a portion of the original Eighth Boned its right of way easement- in Dock Board as referred to in the Avenue in 1853 was referred to this 1853 over that portion of the Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU preamble hereof. office, original 8th Street lying north of RAY F. KOLB Section 2, The Deputy City Clerk You are advised that the portion the relocated north line of 8th RUBEN V. AUSTIN is hereby directed to give notice of of Eighth Avenue under considera• Street; LEO N. SCHUELLER lion was in the original townsite of (2) That the Mayor and City Clerk Councilmen said osbondstio settinge forth c the Dubuque, and that therefore the are hereby authorized and directed Attest: T. J. SHEA, ° amount and purpose thereof, the City held only an easement. and as follows: City Clerlc maximum rate of interest which not title to the street. On the relo• (a) To execute and deliver quit by William J. O'Brien said bonds are to bear, and the cation of the street the easement claim deed in behalf of the City Deputy City Clerk .time when and place where said 322 Special Session; ,Fitly I~8,, 1955 Special Session, July IB,; 1955 323 R meeting will be field, by publica- RESOLUTION N0. 171.55 Passed and approved July 18, ab the intersection of Finley and tfon at least once not less than fif- ReselUtion dsrec#fng the advertise- 1955; Green. Streets. teen days before- said meeting; in ment a°nd sale of $2A00,000 Doak OHARLES= A. KINTZINGER Due to the increase in traffic by the "Telegraph Herald'', a news- Ocndsi Mayor extending Green Street to Penn• paper' published and of general cir- CLARENCE P. WELU sylvania and the development of Whereas, it is necessary and for eulation within said City. Said no• RAY F. KOLB Flora Park,. the hazard has been the best interests of the City of tice shall be in substantially the Dubuque, Iowa, that $2,000,000 RUBEN V. AUSTIN increased considerably at this in- following form: LEO N. SCHUELLER bersection, Dock Bonds approved for issuance Councilmen Nofiee of Meeting for fssuence at the special election held in said Attest: J, J. SHEA, I recommend therefor, that. a of Dock Bonds Ct on A ril 6 1955 be offered st far sale alp ~ y -City Clerk leop sign Abe placed on the South' The Crt Council of the Cit of this time: I east and Northwest corner of Fin• Y Y b William J. 0 Brien y and Green Streets. to stop traf• ' Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, Now Therefore, Be It Resolved Deputy City Clerk will meet on the 10th day of Aug• by the City Council of the City of Recorded July 22, 1955, fie traveling on Finley Street cross- ust, 1955, at the Council Chambers Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: J. J. SHEA, ing Green Street. in the City Hall,. Dubuque, Iowa, Section 1, That bonds hereinafter City Clerk Respectfully submitted, at 7:30 P:M„ for the ur ose of in• L, J. SCHH,TZ, p p describedy of the City of Dubuque, by William J, O'Brien LJSao strtuti"n'g proceedings and taking ac• lowa, be offered for sale pursuant Deputy City Clerk Lion for the issaance of $2,000,000 to published advertisement; name- Councilman Schueller moved Couneflrnan Welu moved the Dock Bonds of said City bearing ly; that the recommendation be ap• adoption of the resolution. Seeond- rntere5t at orate' not exceeding five proved. Seconded by Councilman per cent (5%) per annum, for the $2,000,000 Dock Bonds,. dated ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Austin, Carried by the following p'urpos'e of d`efray'ing the cost, to August 1, 1955, bearing interest the feTlawtng vote: payable June 1, 1956, and semian• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• vote: the amount, of constructing works nually thereafter, and maturing cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- and improvements as authorized by $90,000 on December 1 of each of Welu, cilmen Aastin, Kalb, Schueller, Chapter 384 of the Code of Iowa, We1u, 1054, inclGding the' grading and fill- ;the years 1956 to 1961, inclusive, days-None, Nays-rNone. $104,000 on December 1 of each of ing of lands under the control of July il, 1955 the Dock Board of said Cit as ap• .the years 1962 to 1971, inclusive, Hon, Mayor and Members RESOLUTION N0.112.55 proved liy the' voters at the special ' $105,000 on December 10£ each of of the City Council Be It Resolvedby the: City Coun- ofectioil' held in said City on April and $105,0007ontJune7l 1975 Sbut ~ City of Dubuque, Iowa cif of the City of Dubuque that the 6, f055, ' ~ Gentlemen: fallowing; having .complied with By order of the Cit Council, .with the bonds maturing in the Y The claim of Mrs. Frank Huber the provisions of law relating to years 1967 to 1975, inclusive, re• for damages sustained April 30, ' July 18;1955; the sale of cigarettes within the J; J. SIIEA, deemable at the option of the City 1955, was referred to this office. City of Dubuque, be granted a pidor to maturity in inverse nu- City Clerk permit to sell cigarettes and ciga• merical order on any interest pay- I have investigated the claim and By William J. 0 Brien, find that Mrs. Huber fell as alleged rette papers within said City and went date on or after December 1, Deputy City Clerk I on a defective walk and sustained the Manager is directed to issue 1986 on terms of pay and accrued Section 3. That all resolutions or ~ interest, damages in the amount of $91.90. such permit on behalf of said City. parts' thereof in conflict herewith I Millard Poquette and Raymond Section 2. That the Deputy City P I recommend that the claim be S ke, 1029 Main Street be and the same are hereby re• Y Clerk be and he is hereby author- allowed and that the Auditor be ,1ohn P. Hemmer, 698 Central Ave• pealed, and this resolution'- shall ~ . be effective forthwith upon its zed and directed to publish notice instracted to issue a warrant pay- nee passage and approval of the sale of said bonds for two able to Mrs, Mary Huber and 3. Linnie Dunbar, 1500 Central Ave• or more successive weeks in the Edward Whelan, her attorney, in nee Passed and approved JaIy 18, «Telegraph-Herald", a newspaper the amount of $91.90, and deliver 1955. Bo It Further Resolved that the CHARLES A. KINTZINGER of general circulation in Dubuque the same upon receipt of a properly bonds filed with the applications County, printed ,and published in executed release. Mayor be approved, CLARENCE P. WELU the City of Dubuque, Iowa; such no- Respectfully' Passed, adopted and approved lice to be in the customar form T. H. NELSON I ~ RAY F. KOLB Y this 18th day of JulyY 1955. and to, state that bids will be re- Councilman Welu moved that RUBEN V. AUSTflV CHARLES A. KINTZINGER ceived and acted upon by this the recommendation be a roved. LEO N. SCHUELLER pp Mayor Councilmen Council at a meeting to be held at Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Car- CLARENCE B WELU 7;30 o'clock P.M, on August 10, ried b the followfn vote; Attest: J, J. SHEA; Y g RAY F. KOLB 1955. Yoas-~Ma or Kintzinger Coun• RUBEN V. AUSTIN City Clerk Y , By William J. O'Brien Section 3, That the Deputy City cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, LEO N, SCHUELLER Deputy City Clerk Clerk is further authorized to pre- Welu. Councilmen CouneIma`n Welu moved the pare and release such further in• Nays-None. Attest; J. J. SHEA, , adoption of the resolution. Second- formation as ho may deem advis• Jaly 18, 1955 City Cierk ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by able in order to afford due publici• To the Honorable Mayor By William J. O'Brien the foitawing vote; ty to the sale of said bands, and City Council, Deputy City Clerk Yeas~Mayor- Kintzinger, Coam Section 4; That all resolutions or Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Kolb moved .the cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schaeffer, parts of resolutions in conflict Gentlemen: adoption of the resolution. Second• Welu, herewith be and the same are here- The Police Department has in• ed by Councilman Austin. Carried Nay~None: by repealed, vestigated the need for a stop sign by the following vote: d 324 Special Session, July l8, 1955 Special Session, July 18, 1955 325 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Councilman Wela moved that the cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, cil of the City of Dubuque that the communication be received and Welu• Manager be and he is directed to made a matter of record. Seconded Nays--None, issue to the following named ap• by Councilman Kalb. Carried by RESOLUTION N,O. 173.55 plicants a Beer Permit. the following vote: Whereas, applications for Beer CLASS "B" PERMIT Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Permits have been submitted to Millard Poquette .and Raymond cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, this Council for approval and the Syke, 1029 Main Street Welu. same have been examined, Now, George Lanser and Helen Lanser, ( Nays-None, Therefore, 2108 Central Avenue There being no further business Be It Resolved by the City Coun• Joseph J, Weiner and Evelyn Wei- Councilman Welu moved to ad- cil of the City of Dubuque that the. ner, 709 University Avenue journ, Seconded by Councilman following applications be granted John P. Hemmer, fi98 Central Ave- Austin. Carried by the following and the licenses are to be issued nue vote: upon the com Hance with the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- . P Larry B, Kemp, 1200 Iowa Street cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller terms of the ordinances of this Mrs. Rosemary Hird, River Front- Welu, City. Eagle Point CLASS "B" PERMIT Nays-None, Millard Poquette and Raymond CLASS "C° PERMIT E Attest: J. J. SHEA, Syke, 1029 Main Street .Louis U'Meara, 1655 Delhi Street City Clerk George Lanser and Helen Lanser, Be It Further Resolved that the By William J. O'Brien 2106 Central Avenue bands filed by such applicants bo Deputy City Clerk. Jose h J. Weiner and Evel n Wei- and the same are hereby approved. A ro p Y pP ved ..............•..::••.••..;...•.1955. ner; 709 University Avenue Passed, adopted and approved. John P• Hemmer, 698 Central Ave• this 18th day of July, 1955. Adopted .................................1955. CHARLES A, KINTZINGER nde Larry B. Kemp, 1200 Iowa Street Mayor ` Mrs. Rosemary Hird, River Front- CLARENCE P. WELU .Eagle Point RAY F. KOLB Councilmen ~ ..CLASS "C" PERMIT RUBEN V. AUSTIN Louis O'Meara, 1655. Delhi Street 'LEO N, SCHUELLE}i, Passed, adopted and approved Councilmen this 18t Attest: J. J. SHEA, ' h day of July, 1955. Cit Clerk Attest; LEO F, FROMMELT INTZINGER Y CHARLES A. K Mayor BY William J• O'Brien City Clerk CLARENCE P. WELD Deputy City Clerk RAY F. KOLB Councilman Welu moved the RUBEN V. AUSTIN adoption of the resolution. Second- LEO N. SCHUELLER ed by Councilman I{olb. Carried by Councilmen the following vote: Attest.: J, J. SHEA, .Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- i City Clerk cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, By William J. O'Brien 1~elu, Deputy City Clerk Nays-None, Oouneilman Schueller moved the State of Iowa adoption of the resolution. Second- State Tax Commission ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by Des Moines the following `vote: July 14, 1955 Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Honorable Charles Kintzinger cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Mayor of Dubuque Welu. Dubuque; Towa - Nays-None. Dear Mayor Kintzinger: RESOLUTION N0. 174.55 Enclosed is copy of an order of Whereas, heretofore applications the State Tax Commission, dated for Beer Permits were filed by the this date, approving. the reappoint- within named applicants and they meat of Harry J. Hanover to the of- have received the approval of this fice of City Assessor of the City of Council; and Dubuque, Iowa; for the four year Whereas, the premises to be oc- term of office commencing January, cupied by such applicants have 1, 1956 and terminating December been inspected and found to com• 31, 1959. ply with the ordinances of this Very truly yours, City and they have filed proper Luis H, Cook, Director bonds; Now, Therefore, ~ Property Tax Division , e C Regular Session, August 1, 1955 327 ~~,6 Spacial Session, Julq 21-, 195'5 ~ , ~l ' 7 the. verified proof of publication •a~, ~ ® ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i~ ~ andthe notice of hearingUpon said L ~ Budget Estimate. E (OFFICIAL) Be It Further Resolved, that, the OFFICIAL Regular Session-August 1, 1955, taxes required to be collected in Special Session-July 21st, 1955. t Council met at 7:30 P.M. the year be and the same are here• Council met at 7:30 P.M, by levied in the various funds in Present - Ma or Kintzin er, Present -Mayor Kintzinger, the amounts in said Budget Esti- Y g z Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel• mate. Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel• ~ ler, Welu. City Manager Schiltz, Passed, adopted and approved ' ler, Welu. City Manager Schiltz, _ Mayor Kintzinger stated that this this 1st day of August, 1956, ' Mayor Kintzinger read the call ~ is theregular monthly meeting of CHARLES A, KINTZINGER and stated that service thereof had the City.: Council for the purpose Mayor been duly made and that this meet- of acting upon such business as CLARENCE P. WELU ing was .called far the purpose of may properly come before the RAY F. KOI.B appointing a Deputy City Clerk and ~ ~ acting on any other business as meeting, RUBEN V, AUSTIN may properly come before a regu- Proof of'publication, certified to LEO N, SCHUELLER lar meeting of the City Council, by the publishers of notice of pub• .Attest: J, J: SHEAncilmen Councilman Welu moved that lfc hearing on the Budget Dstimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year City Clerk William J, O'Brien be appointed beginning .January 1st, 1956 and By William J, O'Brien Deputy City Clerk, Seconded by ending December 31st, 1956, pre• Deputy City Clerk Councilman Kalb. Carried by the E sented and read. Councilman Kolb Councilman Schueller moved the following vote: ~ moved that the proof of publica• adoption of the resolution. Second- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- tion be received and filed, Second• ed by Councilman Welu, Carried cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ed by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote: 4t'elu. by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Nays-None, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, There being no further business cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Councilman Welu moved to ad• Welu. Nays-None, journ. Seconded by Councilman ~ Nays-None, RESOLUTIAN N0. 177.55 Kolb, Carried by the .following RESOLUTNON N0.176.55 A Resolution establishing the tax vote, Whereas, the Council of the levies for the year 1955 the taxes Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Caun- City of Dubuque, caused to be pre• to be collected in the year 1956 and cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. pared and published, as provided used for municipal purposes of by law, the Budget Estimate of the City of Dubuque, Nays-None, Expenditures for the fiscal year Be IlResolved by the City Coun- J. J, SHEA, beginning January 1, 1956 and end• cil of the City of Dubuque that City Clerk ing December 31, 1956, and the there be and there is hereby levied by William J, O'Brien ~ hearing upon said Budget Estimate the taxes for municipal purposes Deputy City Clerk was fixed for the 1st day of August, for the ensuing year 1955 of the Approved ................................1955, ` 1955 at 7:30 P,M, at the Council following number of mills on the Adopted ................................1955, Chamber in the City Hall; and dollar of all taxable propertywith- Whereas, this being the time and in corporate limits of said City. place for said hearing, said Budget 22139 mills for General Fund. Estimate was taken up for. final 11.0507 mills for Public Safety Councilmen ~ consideration by the Council and Fund, all parties in interest have been 4.6579 mills for Sanitation Fund. given the opportunity to be heard 3.5395 mills for Street Fund, i for or against .said' Budget Esti- 2,9771 mills for Municipal Enter- mate. - prise Fund, Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, It Is Therefore Resolved by the 2.9372 mills for Recreation Fund, City Clork City Council. for the City of Du• 1A842 mills far Utilities Fund, buque, Iowa; .4182 mills far. City Assessment, That the Budget Estimate of Ex• 4.6304 mills for Debt- Service penditures for the fiscal year be- Fund, ginning January. 1, 1956 and ending .8476 mills for Fire Pension December 13, 1956, heretofore pre• Fund. pared and published be and the ,3972 mills for Fire Retirement same is hereby finally approved Fund. and adopted and the Mayor and .5996 mills `for Police Pension Clerk. are directed. to certify the Fund, same to the County Auditor of Du• ,3107 mills for Police Retirement buque County, Iowa, together with Fund,