1955 November Council Proceedings Regular Session, November 7;:1955 437 (OFFICIAL) Regular Session, November 7, 1955, Council met at 7:30 p.m, Present -Mayor Kintzinger, Councilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. City Manager Schiltz. Mayor Kintzinger stated that this is a regular meeting of the City Council for the purpose of act- ing onsuch business as lnay proper- ly come before the meeting. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Official Notice to consider proposal to va- cate portion of Harrison Street and convey the same to Carr Adams & Collier Co., Jobbing Division, pre- sented and read, Councilman Kolb moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-M~ayar Kimltzi~nger, Goun- oilnlen Dove, Kolb, Sohu®ller, Welu. Nays-None. ORDINANCE N0. 60-55 An ordinance vacating a portion of Harrison Street, approving plat of said vacated area and conveying the same, presented and read. ORDINANCE N0, 60.55 An ordinance vacating a portion of Harrison street, approving plat of said vacated area and conveying the same. Whereas, Carr, Adams u Collier L'o. Sobbing Division as owner of all abutting property has petitioned the City Council requesting the vacation of the following described portion of Harrison' street; and, Whereas, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of said vacation; and, Whereas petitioner has presented a plat showing the portion of Harrison street proposed to be vacated and as- signing a ]ot number thereto; and, Whereas a pubic hearing has been held on the proposal to dispose of said real estate pursuant to published no- tice as required by late; Now Therefore Be 1t Ordained By The City Council Of The City of Du- buntte, Iowa: Section 1. That the portion of Har- rison street in the City of Dubuque described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of City Lot 549 A 208' south oY the south line of Dodge street, thence along the west line of City Lot 549A and Lot 1 of City Lot 549 a distance of 97.92'; thence along the north ]ine cY Lot 1A oP City hot 649 and Lot 1 of Lot 10 of City Lot 662 a distance of 66.70'; thence northeasterly 704.65' to the point of beginning, Be and the same is hereby vacated and conveyed to Carr, Adams R Col- lier Co. lobbing Division. Section. 2, That the plat of the vacated portion of Harrison street he and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of llubugne thereon. Section 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby auth- orized and directed to execute and deliver a quit claim deed conveying the interest of the City of Dubuque in said vacated portion to the peti- tioner. Section 4. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and di: rected to record a certified copy of this ordinance in the office of the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in fall force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and pub- lication as by law provided. Introduced the 3rd day of October, 19115. Rule requiring reading on three sep- arate days suspended by unanimous vote the 3rd day of October, 1956. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November. 1965. CHARLES A. I{INTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RAY F, I{OLB LEO N. SCIIUELLER CHARLES E. DOVE, Councilmen Attest; Leo F. Frammelt, City Clerk. Published officially in the Tele- graph-Herold Newspaper this 17th day of November, 1955; LEO F. FROMMELT, 1t. 11/11 City Clerk Councilman Kalb moved the adoption. of the ordinance, Second- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of official notice to consider proposal to dispose of Lot 74 in Mechanics Addition, to Arthur J. Miller, for $100.00 and costs of pu'blication,, presented and read, Councilman Kolb movedthat the Proof of Publication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove. Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, RESOLUTION N0, 214--55 Whereas, Arthur J. Miller has of- fered the sum of $100 for the pur- chase of Lot 74 in Mechanics Addi- tion; and, Whereas, the City Council has viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that the offer is the best price obtainable and that the prop- erty is not needed for any public ' use and should be disposed of; and, 438 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 Whereas, the City Solicitor has submitted a farm of quit claim deed conveying the above property; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; Section 1. That the offer of Ar- thur J. Miller for the purchase of said property be and same is here- by accepted. Section 2. That the .form of quit claim deed be and the same is here- by approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said quit claim deed conveying said property to the said Arthur J. Mil- ler and to deliver the same upon receipt of the sum of $100 and the costs of publication of notice of hearing on this resolution, Passed adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1955, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU, RAY F, KOLB, LEO N. SCHUELLER, CHARLES E, DOVE, Councilmen Attest: Leo F, Frommelt, City Clerk .Councilman Kolb moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men, Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, October 31, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The petition. of L. J. Danglemeyer and others requesting additional street lights on Central Avenue between 22nd Street and 24th Street was referred to the City Manager and Electrical Inspector for recommendation and report, Due to the local business district '7 this area, and the length of the blocks along with heavy highway traffic, I recommend that five new 6000 Lumen lights be installed be- tween 22nd and 24th Streets on poles designated by the Electrical Inspector and approximately equal distance apart, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men, Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, October 27, .1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Anew subdivision has developed along Clara Street and there are now houses on prac- tically all of the lots in this sub• division. At the present time there is no light on Clara Street and I recom- mend that: a street light be in- stalled at the intersection of Clara and McClain and also on the north side of Clara Street approximately 50 feet west of the turn around. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; The petition of Marie M. Lang requesting that the city open the alley behind Lots 7, 8, and 9 in Herbst Sub, in the event that a sewer is constructed in this alley was referred to the City Council to view the grounds, It was the decision upon viewing the grounds that if a sewer is con- structed in this alley that a grade be established and that the alley be surfaced. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed, Respectfully submitted, L. J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Sdhilta be 'approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Walu. Naps-None, j ,` Regular Session, November 7, 1955 439 October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Ja seph Tauke requesting a grade be established and that North Glen Oak Street be opened from Edina Street to Lot 58 of Voelker High- lands was referred to the City Council to view the grounds. It was the decision of the Coun• cil, after viewing the grounds, that the city should open this street for travel at the lbcation petitioned for so that Mr, Tauke could' get to his property with building ma- teri~als; also ithvt ~a grade '~be ~es- tablished if additional property is deeded to the city for the widening of North Glen Oak Street at this location. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council• men Dove. Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Ray- mond T. Trumm requesting that a grade be established and the alley graded and surfaced between Clin- ton Street and 27th Street running north £rom Clinton Street was re- ferred to the City Council to view the grounds. Upon viewing the grounds, it was the decision of the Council because of the fact that several residences are to be constructed in this area, it would be more practical to grade 27th Street from Brunswick to the alley and also the alley to Clinton Street. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed, Respectfully submitted, L. J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Lu- cille Smith and others requesting the restriction of parking on the north side of West 8th Street from V`dilson to Roberts Street was re• ferred to the City Manager and Police Traffic ,Department' for in- vestigation and report. Upon investigation of this re• quest it was noted that the entire neighbarhdod is requesting this restriction and it is a bad street to travel through the winter months. It is recommended that parking be restricted on the north side of West 8th Avenue from Wilson to Roberts and that Schedule VI of Ordinance 33.49 be amended as cordingly, Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager .Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Sohlltz be ~appr~oved ~a~nd ~bhe Cnty Solaci~tom have proper proceedn`ngs prepared, Seeond~ed by Councilman We1u. Oarriod by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; The communication of Oscar E. Bruggeman c/o Lena Margaret Ward regarding an assess- ment against Lot 3 of Leibe Sub. No. 2 was referred to the° City Council to view the grounds. Upon viewing the grounds, it was the decision of the Council that this property did rat benefit to the extent of the assessment and that the surfacing assessment for Leibe Street in the amount of $494.30 be deleted from the assessment and paid for out of the Street Construe- tier Fund. i ' j~! ~! e~ ~:? -~, 4 440 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed, Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHH,TZ, City Manager Councilman Schueller moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Schiltz be approved, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote. 'Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, October 27, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque; dowa. Gentlemen: The petition of the Dubuque County Board of Super- visors .asking approval of the City Council for the sale of property for an amount less than the delinquent taxes levied against such property was: referred to the City .Council to view the grounds, Upon viewing the grounds, it was the decision of the Council that they concurr in the decision of the Board of Supervisors in selling the property listed below in an amount less than the taxes levied against this property in order that the property may be placed on the tax roll. Lot 2 oaf Lot B, Cooper's A~d~d'ition, Lot 235 Union Addition, Lot 234 Union Addition. Lot 14 Quigley's Sub, of Lot 710. Lot 16 Quigley's Sub. of Lot 710. Lot 6 McGrath's Sub. Sr/z of Lot 5 of Lot 98A A. P, Woods Addition, I recommend that the decision of the City Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ; City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the ' recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Dave. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-~Nune. Communication of Oscar & Lil- lian Burgmeyer, objecting to the proposed construction of a sewer on Tressa Street, presented and read.. Councilman Welu moved that the communication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Dove, Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Communication of B. B, & Clavre W. Bahme, objecting to the pro• posed construction of a sewer on Tressa Street, presented and read, .Councilman Welu moved that the communication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Dove, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Communication of Delbert N. Smith, stating his support to a petition formerly submitted, for the construction of a sewer in the Esther-Tressa Street area, present- ed and read. Councilman Welu moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded 'by Councilman Dove. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Communication of Mrs: Stella C. Smith, stating her support tb a petition formerly submitted, for the construction of a sewer in the Esther-Tressa Street area; present- ed and read, Councilman Welu moved that the communication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Dove. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Ko~l'b, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. November 2, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The petition of Wil- liam A, Paar and others requesting the installation of a sanitary sewer on Tressa and Esther Streets was referred to the City Manager, City Engineer and Health Department for study before a plat and schedule are ordered prepared, I am attaching a letter addressed to the City Council from the Health Director and Sanitary Inspector in- dicating the desirability and neces- sity of constructing a sewer in Esther and Tressa Streets. ~` Regular Session, November 7, 1955 441 The City Engineering Depart- ment has determined that the con- struction of a sanitary sewer on these two streets is practical and the cost not exorbitant, In view of the fact that there will periodical- ly be trouble with septic tanks on these streets and a continuing health problem, I recommend that the City Council order a plat and schedule prepared for this project, Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved and that plat and schedule be prepared and a public hearing be held the first meeting in January. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kalb, Schueller, W'olu, Nays-None, October 31, 1955 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Health Depart- ment of the City of Dubuque wishes to attest to the necessity of install- ing asanitary sewer to service the property abutting Esther and Tres- sa Streets, Many of the existing private sew- age disposal systems on these prop- erties have failed, or are giving unsatisfactory service ..due to sev- eral reasons includinglimited size of lots, unsuitable soil type and rough or sloping ground surfaces, The continued dependence upon the present type of sewage disposal in this area will definitely create a health hazard and nuisance. Respectfully, ALBERT J. ENTRIlVGER Director of Health ARTHUR J. MILLER Sanitary Inspector Mayor Kintzinger moved that the rules be suspended to allow anyone present in the council chamber ad- dress the council if they so desire, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. F, R. Shaffer stated that he did not object to the construction of the sewer as much as to the route it would take through his driveway. Mr. Kelly made inquiry as to legal procedure as to the construction of the sewer. November 2, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The final assessed cost of improving Shields Street with "Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete" has been found in error, The city's share of the improve- ment had been integrated into the cost of the assessment. This amount should have been deducted from the assessable cost of the project. I recommend that the following portions of the private property assessments be mimbursed from the Street Cronstrurotion Fund: Clara L. Hillyard, City Lot 1 of 541 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,$82.96 Clara L, Hillyard, City Lot 542 ..:..........:........ ................... 76.72 Clara L. Hillyard, City Lot 1 of 2 of 543 ......:............. 2.07 Emily Stampfer, City Lot 1 of 543 ...................................75.88 Emily Stampfer, City Lot 1 of 1 of 544 ............. ..:..... 79.80 Hurd Most Sash & Door Co., City Lot 545 ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 81.43 Hurd Most Sash & Door Co,, City Lot 546 .......................... 82,95 Hurd Most Sash & Door Co., City Lot 547 ..........:...............84.92 Hurd Most Sash & Door Co., City Lot 548 .........................113,98 Lillian A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub, Harbor Co, Add, 1 & Vac, Street ........................:........... 22.82 Lillian A, Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Black II Dub. Harbor Co. Add, 1 of 2 & Vac, Street .................... 48.93 Lillian A, Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub. Harbor Co, Add 2 of 3 & Vac, Street .......................... 14,71 Lillian A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub,' Harbor Co, Add 2 of 2 of 1 of 3 & Vac, Street .....,,...,. 38.02 Lillian A, Trausch & Martha M, Clemens, Block II Dub. Harbor Co. Add i of 2 of 1 ' of 3 & Vac, Streef ...............: 73.02 Lillian A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub.. Harbor Co. Add, 2 Hof 1 of 1 of 3 &Vac. Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,, 8,8? ,. 442 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 Lill'tan.A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub. Harbor Co. Add 1 of 1 of 1 of 3 & Vac. Street ................ 49.79 Lillian A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block H Dub. Harbor Co, Add 4 & Vac. Street .......................:............127.88 Lillian A. Trausch & Martha M. Clemens, Block II Dub. Harbor Co,' Add 1 of 5 & Vac. Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137.15 William B. & Celia C. Foin- sett, Block II Dub, Harbor Co, Add, 6 & Vac. Street ..,.145.11 $1,346.97 .Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be .approved. Seconded by Councilman Dave, Carried by the following vote; YeasJMayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. party of the first part, and Leonard (Jack) Crane, party of the second part. WITNESSETH; 1, Panty of the first part leases and demises to party of the second part, the following rooms and fa- cilities located in the club house of the municipal golf course operated by the City of Dubuque, to•wti: The kitchen, dining rooms, kitch- en storerooms, upstairs dining rooms, and three room apartment. second floor. 2, Party of the second' part agrees to operate a business in said premises consisting of the sale to thepublic of meals; soft drinks, ~asLd to ~d~o ~a11 ~o~tlher ~bh~ings ne~ceseary and incidental to the proper and satisfactory operation of a restaur• ant. 3, Party. of "the second part agrees to pay as rental of said premises, ONE HUNDRED DOL• LARS ($109.00) per month, Said rental shall be due and payable on r~,o f;,.~.F a.,., ..c .......... .....«4w tvvvcumci u, 1ODU To'the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen, Attached hereto is an agreement for the leasing of Bunk- er Hill dinning rooms, kitchen, storerooms and apartment to Jack Crane for a period of three years. The terms of the agreement have been changed from a percentage of profits. to a momthly rental plus operation' and maintenance Costs on leased areas, I feel that the agreement is in the best interest of the City and recommend it be made a matter of record, Very truly yours, L. J, SCHILTZ, ' City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved and that the agreement be made a matter of record, Seconded. by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-rNone. AGREEMENT This Agreement entered into by and between City of Dubuque, a municipal corporation of Iowa, 4, Party of the second part agrees that all operational, main- tenance and repair costs in con- junction with leased areas will be assumed by the party of the sec and part. 5. At the expiration of this agreement parties of the second part agree to quit and surrender the premises in as good state and condition as reasonable wear and tear will permit, damage by fire and elements excepted, 6, Party of the second part agrees that he will not lease, nor let or underlet the whole or any part of, the premises, nor make any alteration therein without the writ- ten consent of the City Manager: that he will not occupy or use or permit to be occupied or used, the said premises for any occupation deemed extra hazardous on account of fire or otherwise; and that he will comply with all Federal and State Laws and City Ordinances of the City of Dubuque in the opera- tion of said premises. 7. It is agreed that the term of this lease shall be from January 1, 1956 to December 31, 1958, It is further agreed that this agreement shall continue in force from year to year thereafter; provided that either party shall have the right to ~~ Regular Session, November 7, .1955 443 terminate the same at the end of 'the termabove mentioned nor any term thereafter by giving at least sixty days (60) notice in writing, Executed in duplicate this 3 day of November, 1955, CITY OF DUBUQUE, Party of the First Part By L, J. SCHILTZ, ' City Manager LEONARD (JACK) CRANE, Party of the Second Part October 18, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Regarding the at- tached petition of John Alden et al the Planning & Zoning Com- mission finds the space in which Mr. Alden proposes to build a Radio and Television Building is very small and crowded in the back of two residences, certainly not a ' desirable, adequate location and feels that area will be better con- tinued as Residential, therefore the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends to your Honorable Body denial of the petition. Yours truly, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V: McKay, Secretary Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission be approved, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Counc- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. October 18, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: On October 15, 1955, ' the Planning & Zoning Commission granted "Final Approval" of the Building proposed to house the'. City Water Department Hardness Reduction project, and wishes to inform your Honorable Body of such. action. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V, McKay, Secretary Councilman Kolb moved that the commun~catign Abe received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. October 18,1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Planning & Zon- ing Commission found on visiting the site of petition of Camillus R. Hein et, al, that the alley requested to be vacated extending parallel to and between Brunswick and Balke Sts. from Lowther to Strauss Sts. had already been fenced into ad- joining property thus blocking any passage, This alley in accordance with general platting policy in the area is clear,. with the exception noted, for the length of Balke St. and to vacate the block in ques• ~ti~on would prevonh same from being continuous for it's full length. With Brunswick St, not an actual right-of-way to the west, it would seem necessary that alley be accessible between the adjoining properties. The Planning & Zoning Commis• Sion recommends to your Honor- able Body denial of the petition in the Public Interest. Yours truly, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V. McKay, Secretary Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission be held. in abeyance and the council view the grounds. Seconded by councilman Schueller: Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Mayor Kintzinger moved that the rules be suspended in order that anyone present may address the council if they so desire, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller,.. Welu. Nays-None. G. Saunders asked the council to leave the alley as it is at the present time. C. J. Mai stated that if the alley was vacated it would prove to be a detriment to his property, rather than a benefit. e.. P'' 444 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 October 18, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to at- tached petition of Len Healy re- questing rezoning of his property extending from North westerly cor• ner of 32nd St. and Central Ave, northerly for a depth from Central Ave. of Approx, 100' to his present Oil Station from Residential to Local Business "B" Classification, the Planning & Zoning Commission finds ~tfiat all surrounding area Chas an equal or lower classification and thus recommends ho your Honor- able Body the granting of the peti- tion, Respectfully submitted, The Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard, V. McKay, Secretary Councilman Sehueller moved that the recommendation of the Plan• ping and Zoning Commission be ap- provedand that proper proceedings be prepared, Seconded by Council- man Dove. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Wohz, Nays-None, October 18, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Referring to attached petition of Edward W. Maahs et. al, requesting vacation of St. George St. southerly from Mt. Loretta St., this. street while at present rough and precipitous is the only means of access to a large flat area in valley below. Too, Tressa St, may be extended westerly and tie in to St. George. Thus, the Planning & Zoning Commission thinks it not in the public interest to vacate St. George St, and recommends to your Honorable Body denial of the petition. Yours very truly, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V. McKay, Secretary Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission be approved, Seconded by Councilman Sehueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque Baseball Inc,, by John Petrakis, President, requesting consideration for im- provements to be made at the City baseball park, presented and. read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition of Dubuque Baseball, Inc,, be referred to a joint meeting of the Park Board and Recreation Commission, and the results of that meeting be referred back to the city council, to supply ways and means of financing ,the pro- posed improvements, Mayor ~Kint- zinger moved to suspend the rules in order that anyone present may address the council if they so de• sire. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. Nays--None. John Petrakis spoke about'previ• ous promises made to him in 1950 relative to the building of a new stadium. The present committee is interested in a partial roof over the present bleachers, black top for the wallcs and also for the area around the bleachers in 'the park and better rest•room facilities, George Helling addressed the coun- cil making inquiry as to what could be expected fiam the council in the line of financing ,the con- templated improvements. Paul Mc- Mahan presented an estimate of the cost of the immediate needs, which would approximate $30,000. John Schadle, business manager of Dubuque Baseball Inc., stated that the people of Dubuque are in favor of baseball, as evidenced by the wonderful attendance at the ball games during the past season. Communication of Earl J. Back, suggesting the elimination of sew eral 'bad spots in the present engi- neers plan in the recent traffic survey, which -calls for Central Avenue one-way 4th to 21st street, one way 21st to 4th 'and White, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the communica- tion be received and filed with the report of the traffic survey. Second- ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, &olb, Sehueller, Wehi. Nays-None. ~` Regular Session, November 7, 1955 445 Communication of Raymond B, Hoskins, objecting to assessment of Eag12 street, against his prop- erty, presented and read. Council- man Welu moved that the commu- nication be held in abeyance until the hearing. Seconded by Council- man Sehueller, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Wolu. Nays-None. Communication of Inland Mo- lasses Co., suggesting that the use of First street easterly from Wa- ter street to Terminal street and Terminal street from Jones street northerly to First street, be re- stricted to passenger cars only.. be- cause the use of it by large trucks creates serious hazards, presented and road. Councilman Welu moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and Traffic de- partment far investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Dove. Canned by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None. Communication of Merlin Wag- ner, requesting extension of alley from 2752 Broadway through to the end of the street, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the council view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Sehueller, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None. Notice of claim of Melvin J. Schmitt, for damage Co -his car in- curred in striking a manhole cov- er in the alley in the rear of 1865 University Ave, presented and read, Councilman Welu moved the no- tice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Sehueller. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None, Petition of Herbert Meyer et ah, requesting the installation of a street light at the most southerly end of Mountain Lane and the most westerly end of Florence street, presented and .read, Councilman Weiu moved ibha~t ~Ohe peiGi~tion be ~• ferred ~6a ithe City Manager ~amd the Cd~ty Electrical lnspeotar~ for tmves- tig~a~tion sand repaTt, Seconded by Councilman Dove. Carried 'by the following vabe: Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Dove, I{olb, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None, Petition of R. F. Sefzik et al, ob- jecting to the renaming of Clarke street, presented and read. Council- man Welu moved that the name of the street remain the same, with the exception that .the letter "e" be deleted from the name of Clarke and that proper proceedings be prepared. Seconded by Councilman Sehueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None, Proof of Publication, certified ~to by the Publisher, showing state- ment of receipts and a lint of claims for which warrants were drawn during the mohth of Sep- tember '1955, by the City Auditor, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved. that the proof of pub- lication be received and filed. Sec• ended by Councilman Kolb. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen 'Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. Nays-None, November 7, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the "City of Dubuque 1955 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1" un- der construction by the Thomas Fiynn Coal Company has been com- pleted in accordance wibh the plans and specifications, I therefor recommehd -the ac- ceptanco of .the improvement, Respectfully submitted, ; 'L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager LJSao Councilman Dove moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, Nays-None. :. ;ll, - ~,t.. ,F 446 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 FINAL ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IAWA RESOLUTION N0. 231.55 Whereas, the contract for the Construction of concrete curb and gutter on the following portions of the following streets; Avoca Street from the North Property Line of Seminary Street to the South iProperty Line of Ungs Street, Bunker Hill Road from the North Property Line of Green Street to tho South Property Line of Finley Street, Burlington Street .from the West Property Line of National Street to the alley first west of National Street. Drexel Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue... Co the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue, Ehn Street from the North Prop- erty Line of Lot 12 O,S, Langwor- thy's Sub. to the South Property Line of Lot 6 O;S. Langworthy's Sub, Garfield Avenue from the North Property Line of Whittier Street :to the South Property Line of Stan- ton Street, Glen Oak Street from the North Property Line of Vernon Street to the 'South Property Line of Edina Street. Grandview. Avenue from the North Property Line of Delhi Street to the South Property'Line of Loras Boulevard. Green Street from the West Pmaperty Line of Bunker Hill Road to the North Property Line of Penn sylvania Avenue, Marmora Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- nue to the North Property Line of Fairfax Avenue, Hickson Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- nue to the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue. Leibe Street from the East Prop- erty Line of Jackson Street to fhe end of Leibe Street. Lindale Street. from the West Property Line of Woodlawn to the end of Lindale Street. .Lindberg Terrace from -the East Property 'Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace. Lorimer Street from the South Property Line of Levi Street to the South end of Lorimer Street. Washington Street from the North Property Line of Leibe Street to the end of Washington Street, has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted 'his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection, and preparing the assessment and plat, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the cost of said improve- merit is hereby determined to be $54,608,62, That $46,201.23 of the' cost there- of shall be ~assessa~ble upon private property and $8,407.39 shall be paid from the Street Constructioh Fund of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1955. CHARLES A. KIlQTZINGER Mayor GLARENCE P. WELU RAY F, KOLB LEO N.SCHUELLER CHARLES E. DOVE Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, , City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Dave, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coon- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. (A Resolution Accepting Improve merit and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA RESOLUTION N0. 232.55 Whereas, the contract for the Construction of concrete curb and gutter on the following portions of the following streets: Avoca Street from the North Property Line of Seminary Street to 'the South Property Line of Ungs Street.. Bunker Hill Road from the North Property Line of Green Street to the South Property Line of Finley Street. Burlington Street from the West Property Line of National Street to the alley first west of Nationale Street. I Regular Session, November 7; 1955 447 Drexel Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- nue to the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue. Elm Street from 'the North Prop• erty Line of Lot 12 O.S. Langwor- thy's Sub. to the South Property Line of Lot 6 O.S, Langworthy's Sub. Garfield Avenue from the North Property Line of Whittier Street to the South Property Line of Stanton Street. Glen Oak Street from the North Property Line of Vernon Street to the South Property Line of Edina Street. Grandview Avenue from the Norbh Property Line of Delhi Street to the South Property Line of Loras Boulevard. Green Street from the West Property Line of Bunker Hill Road to the North Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue. Marmora Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- nue to the North Property Line of Fairfax Avenue. Hickson Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- nue to the North Property Line of Lenox Avenue, Leibe Streot from the East Prop- - erty Line of Jackson Street ~to the end of Leibe Street. Lindale Street from -the West Property Line of Wcodlawn to the end of Lindale Street, Lindberg Terrace -from the East Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace. Lorimer Street from the South Property Line of Levi Street to the South end of Lorimer Street. Washington Street from the North Property Line of Leibe Street to the end of Washington Street, 'has been completed 'and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stat- ing -that the same has been com- pleted according to the terms of the contract, plans and specifica- tions and recommends its ~accept- ance, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Man- . ager be approved and that said im- provement be and the same is here- ' by accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat and schedule showing the lots or parcels. of real estate subject to assessment for said im- provement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plate and schedule publish the notice of the Council's intention to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law, Be It Further Resolved, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of improvement bonds is• sued upon the above described im- provement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any re- tained percentage provided for therein. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1955. Approved; CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RAY F. KOLB LEO N.SCHUELLER CHARLES E. DOVE, Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FRO1tilMELT, City G`lerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays=None. October 25, 1955 Han. Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I have investigated the claim of Melvin A, Reynolds for damages resulting from abacked-up sewer and find that the claim is well- founded and should be allowed, I therefore recommend that the. Auditor be instructed to issue a warrant payable to Melvin A. Reyn olds in the amount of $50 and de- liver the same to him upon receipt of a properly executed release. Sincerely, T. H. NELSON Councilman Dove moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Nelson be approved and the City Auditor instructed ~to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50,00, in 448 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 favor , of Melvin A. Reynolds, as settlement in full of his claim, and that said warrant be delivered up- on receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec- onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Petition of George J. Zillig, re- questing arefund of $50.00 on his unexpired cigarette permit No. 153, as he :has discontinued business as of October 31, 1955, presented and read, Councilman Kolb moved that the petition be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of George J. Zillig, to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cig- arette Permit No, 153, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor I{intzinger, Coun• cilmen Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Petition of George J. Zillig re- questing arefund of $100.00 on his unexpired Class "B" Beer Permit No. 69, as he has discontinued busi- ness as of October 31, 1955, pre• seated and read. Councilman Kolb moved that the petition be grant- ed and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00, in favor of George J. Zillig, to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired por- tion of his class "B" permit No. 69, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, RESOLUTION N0. 233.55 ~Be It Resolved by 'the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a per- mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Merle Mathis, 1415 Rhomberg Ave- nue Benedict F, Erschen, 2820 Universi- ty Avenue Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P, WELD RAY F. KOLB LEO N, SCHUELLER CHARLES E, DOVE Councilmen Attest; LEO F. FROMMELT, City Clerk Councilman Kolb moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by bhe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, November 7, 1955 To bhe Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Many complaints are received re- garding the parking of vehicles in private property without the con- sent of the owners. Under our present city ordinance parking in private lots is not reg- ulated. I recommend that the attached ordinance to regulate parking an private property without the own- ers consent, be approved. Respectfully submitted, L, J. SCHILTZ, City Manager LJS;Io Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. ORDINANCE N0. 61.55 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33.49, by adding a new section prohibiting Parking Vehi- cles on Private Property without permission of the owner presented and read, Councilman Welu moved bhat the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Kolb. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. ~= i Regular Session, November 7, 1955 '449 Councilman Welu moved that the rules be suspended requiring pan ordinance to be read on three sep- arate days. Seconded by Council- man Kolb, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. -:Nays-None. ORDINANCE N0. 61.55 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49, by Adding a New Sec- tion Prohibiting Parking Vehicles on Private Property Without Per- mission of the Owner. Re it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, as Yollowe; "Section 1fi.33 - No person shall drive, stop, stand or park a vehicle onto or upon privately owned prop- erty, or an area developed as a pri- vato off-street parking facility, with- out the consent of the owner, lessee or person in charge of such privately owned property or facility," Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its Yinal passage, adoption and publication as by law provided. Introduced the 7th day of Novem- ber, 1955. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 7th day of November, 1955. Passed, adapted and approved this 7th day of November, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER `" Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RAY F. KOLB LEO N. SCHUELLER CHARLES E, DOVE Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 11th day of NovLE0rF1FROMMELT, 1t 11-i1 City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Kolb. Oarried by ~blle following vote: Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Goun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, November 7, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen; Under Ordinance 21.55, regulat- ing plumbing in the City, it is ob- scure as to the inclusion of house sewers, That is the sewer from the house to the main in the street. In the State ~Plwnbing Code ~bhe plumbing system includes house sewer " as part of the system". In order to clarify what' is' 're- quired as to permits and installa- tion under 'Ordinance 21-55, I rec- ommend that regulations contained in Sections 16,'16 and 20 shall ap- ply to a house sewer. Respectfully submitted, L, J, SCHILTZ, City Manager LJS:Io Councilman Kolb moved that the recommendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. ORDINANCE N0. 64.55 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 21.55 to clarify Sections 15, '1S ..and 20 thereof, presented and read. Councilman We1u moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Kolb. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Councilman Welu moved that'the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three sepa- rate days, Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, ORDINANCE N0, 64.55 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 21-55 to Clarify Sections 16, 16 and 20 thereof. Whereas, on April 4, 1965. the Clty Council adopted Ordinance No. 21-b5 regulating plumbing in the City of Dubuque; and Whereas, it has been made to ap- pear to the City Council that Sec- tions 15, 16 and 20 are obscure as to whether they include the installa- tion of the "horse sewer"; and Whereas, it was the intention of the City Council that the restric- tions and regulations set `forth in said section should apply to the in- stallation of the "house sewer"; Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa; Section 1. That Ordinance No, 21.56 of the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby amended by add- ing anew Section 33A thereto as fol- lows: "Section 33A-The restrictions and regulations contained in Sections 15, 16 and 20 hereof shall apply to thq installation of a house sewer;" ~' ~.: x y R 450 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 Regular Session, November 7, 1955 451 Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and CLASS "B" PERMIT Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street Ycas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Couu- after its Einar passage, adoption ana FOR PRIVATE CLUB Harold L. Steinhoff, 241 Main oilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. publication as by iaw proviaea. Veterans of Farei n Wars, Gerald g Street Nays-'None, Introduced the 7th day of Novem- ber; iss5. F, Winters, Post No, 9663, 2203 Benedict F. Erschen, 2620 Universi- LEO F. FROMMELT Rule requiring reading on three Carter Road ty Avenue City Clerk separate days suspended by unam- moos vote. the 7th day of November, American Veterans of World War Alfred E, Hedle 509 Ei hth Ave- Yr g' Approved 1956, ^ °°°°•° •° ° • °°°° is55, II, Post No. 3, 429 Main Street nue Adopted .................................1956, Passed, adopted ana approved this 7th day of November 1955. CLASS "C" PERMIT Herbert Meyer and Mildred Meyer, """"""""""""""""""" , CHARLES A. KINTZINMayor Floyd 'Barnhart 1646 Central Ave• , 735. Central Avenue „ " ...................................... CLARENCE P. WELU riUe B CLASS PERMIT RAY ;i. xoLB Liro N. scxuELLER Mrs. Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor FOR PRIVATE CLUB Councilmen ••••~•••~••~•••••••••~•••••~•••••••••• cxAxLES E, DovE Avenue Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald Councilmen Attest; Leo F, Frommelt Passed, adopted sand approved F. Winters Post No. 9663 2203 •'°'^""°^ •'•••'••'••" City clerk th is 7th day of November 1955.: Carter Road """""""' """' Publishes officiauy in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 11th CHARLES A, KINTZINGER American Veterans of World War H Post No. 3 429 Main 'Street - ` Attest : ....................... day of November, 1955. LEO E. FROM>uIELT, Ma or CLARENCE P WELU , , CLASS "C" PERMIT City Clerk it 11-11 City Clerk , RAY F, KOLB Floyd Barnhart, 1646 Central Ave- , Councilman Welu moved the LEO N. SCHUI'}LLER nue adoption of the Ordinance. Second- CHARLES E. DOVE Mrs•' Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Caunamon Avenue the following vote: Attest: LEO F• FROMMELT Be It Further Resolved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- City Clerk ~ bonds filed by such applicants be oilman Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu, Councilman Kalb moved the and the same are hereby approved, Nays-None. adoption of the resolution, Second- Passed, adopted and approved RESOLUTION N0. 234.55 ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- this 7th day of November, 1955. ried by the following vote: CHARLES A. KINTZINGER lications for Beer Whereas, app Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Mayor Permits have been submikted to oilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. CLARENCE P, WELU this Councll for approval and the Nays-None, RAY F, KOLB same have been examined: Now, LEO N. SCHUELLER Therefore, RESOLUTION N0. 235.55 CHARLES E. DOVE "Be It Resolved b the Cit Coun- Y Y Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the Councilmen oil of the 'City of Dubuque that within named applicants and they Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, the following applications be grant- have received the approval of this City Clerk;.:: ed and the licenses are to be is• Council; and Councilman Schueller moved the sued upon the compliance with the Whereas, the premises to be ac• 4 adoption of the resolution. Second- terms of the ordinance of this City. copied by such applicants have ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by CLASS "B" PERMIT been inspected and found tb com- the following vote: Coun• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger John F. Glynn 659 Central Avenue ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed ro er , : oilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Vincent reeling, 115 'East 22nd p p bonds; Now, Therefore, Nays-None, Street Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Petition of the Interstate Power Russell Evans, 29 Eighth Avenue oil of the City of Dubuque that Co, requesting permission to desig- John H. Eggerichs, 75 East 4th the Manager be and he is directed note certain days from Friday, No- Street to issue to the following named ap• vember 25, 1955 to December 14th, 1703 Asbury Clarence P. Haupert plicants ~a 'Beer 'Permit, 1955 to put an a special sale an bus , Street '~ tokens, to further stimulate the GLASS B PERMIT use of transit service in the city, John Beecher, 2399 White Street.. John F, Glynn, 659 Centrat Ave- presented and read, Councilman Mrs, Louise Pitz, 2995 Central Ave- nue Welu moved that the petition 'be nue Vincent reeling," 115 East 22nd granted. Seconded by Councilman Frank Smith, 310 East 30th Street Street Kolb. Carried by the fallowing Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street Russell Evans, 29 Eighth Avenue vote: Harold L. Steinhoff, 241 Main John H, Eggerichs, 75 East 4th Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Street .Street oilmen Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. Benedict F• Erschen, 2620 Universi• Clarence P, Haupert, 1703 Asbury Nays-None. ty Avenue Street There being no further business Alfred E• Hedley,' 509 Eighth Ave• John Beecher, 2399 White Street Councilman Kolb moved to ad- nue Mms, Lnunse Pi~tz, 2995 Central journ, Seconded by Councilman Herbert Meyer and Mildred Meyer, Avenue Schueller, Carried by the follow- 735 Central Avenue Frank Smith, 310 East 30th Street '~ ing vote; I ~' 452 Special Session, November 9, 1955 Special Session, November 9, 1955 453 ~ ~ ~ "''~ ~ ~ r ~ ?I ~° t , 1 ~~~~} J`~ ~ properly come before a regular. meeting of the City Council. is hereby .declared elected ~to the f C i i .HEATING Reuter (Joe Reuter Sheet Jae J ~ Proof of Publication, certified ar ss oner omm office, of Fark the regular term commencing 'April . Metal Work), American Surety (OFFICIAL) to by the Publisher, of the General 1, 1956 to March 31, 1962. Company of N.Y, Special Session, November 9, Municipal Election Ballot, of the Passed, adopted and approved Jahn M, Schwendinger, United 1955. election held November 8, 1955, this 9th day of November, 1956. States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Council met at 7:30 P.M. presented and read. Councilman CHARLES A, KIlVTZINGER SIDEWALK Present -Mayor Kintzinger, Kolb moved 'that the proof of pub• Mayor American Surety Com• Julius Abitz Councilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, lication be received 'and filed. Sec- CLARENCE P. WELU , pony of New York Welu. City Manager Schiltz. Mayor onded by Councilman Welu. Car- RAY F. KOLB Hawkeye-Security Ins, Staheli E. K Kintzinger read the call and stated vied '~by the following vote; LEO N, SCHUELLER , . Co that service thereof had been duly Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- CHARLES E. DOVE Francis E, Vosberg (F. E, Vosberg made and that this meeting is cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu; Councilmen Western Sure- Construction Co.) called for the purpose of canvass- Nays-None, Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT , ty Company ing and declaring the results of the The vote of the General Munici- City Clerk Respectfully submitted, General Municipal Election held pal Election held November 8, Councilman Schueller moved the L, J, SCHILTZ Tuesday, November 8, 1955 and act- 1955, was then canvassed and adoption of the resolution, Second- , City Manager ing on any other business as may showed the following results: ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by LJS/J PRECINCT COUNCILMEN COUNCILMAN' PA1tK COM'R Total the following vote: Councilman Kolb moved the R.EG. TERM UNEXP. TERM REG. TERM Votes Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- bands and policies be placed on Charles A, Clarence P Charles E Frank P cast cilmen Dove, Kelb, Schueller, Welu, file subject to the approval of the , r. Kintzinger Welu . , Dove Delany Nays-None. Councilman Welu moved that the City Solicitor, Seconded by Coun- Gilman Welu Carried by the fol- 1st 49 46 49 49 52 Judges and Clerks who served at , lowing vote; 1 write in vote Ed. Ley the General Municipal Election, yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- 2nd 57 60 59 63 65 held November 8, 1955, be paid the cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 3rd 26 30 27 30 31 amount of $10.00 each for services Nays-None. 4th 20 19 19 20 22 rendered as such Judges and There being no further business 5th 43 42 45 42 46 Clerks. Seconded by Counailman Councilnan Kalb mrtved Ito ~adjoumn. 6th 43 43 41 44 46 ~ Kalb. Carried by the following Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- . 7th 21 19 1'7 19 22 vote: Tied by the following .vote: 8th 26 27 27 29 32 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- 1 write in vote Melvin McDermott cilmen Dove, 'Kolb, Schueller, Welu. cilmen Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu, 9th 17 i6 17 18 19 Nays-None, Nays-None. 10th 31 31 3L 32 37 Communication of Lorenz & LEO F, FROMMELT 11th 29 29 28 31 31 Elaine Haying stating that they City Clerk 12th 28 31 27 30 ~ 31 would be willing to donate land pp 1956. A roved s, 2 write ~in votes Harold Roeth & Dorothy Blum from their Lot No, 176, on Edina Adapted ..... .... :1956, 13th 27 31 27 29 31 street, for the purpose of street ~~•~•~~~~~~"~~~ •~~~~~~~~~ 14th 43 44 44 45 49 width to Joseph Tauke's property, 15th 35 33 34 34 35 presented and read, Councilman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,;,,,,,,, 16th 19 17 19 ' 19 2p Welu moved the communication be ~ Totals 514 518 511 534 569 received and filed. Seconded by Councilmen ~ ...................................... Councilman Kolb, Carried by the ' RESOLUTION N0. 236.55 Write In votes: following vote: °°'°`'°'°'°'°"'°""°"""' Whereas the City Council of the Ed. Ley-1 vote Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- - City of Dubuque has today met and Harold Roeth=l vote cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Attest: ......~~ ~~.~ ~~ ~~~~~~ canvassed the votes cast at the Dorothy Blum-1 vote Nays-None. City Clerk General Municipal election on the Melvin McDermott-1 vote November 9, 1955 8th day of November, 1955, and de- Section 1,-that Clarence P, To the Honorable Mayor termined therefrom that the fal- Welu and Charles A. Kintzinger and City Council, lowing named persons have re- . are 'hereby declared elected to the Dubuque, Iowa ceived the greatest number of votes office. of Councilman of the City of Gentlemen: - cast far the offices of Councilmen Dubuque for the terms commene~ This is to advise that I have ap- k Commissioner: For Coun- n Par a d in th econ e s d secular da g of Jan= Y proved the following bonds and cilmen far the term commencing uary, 1956, policy and desire to have your ap- the second secular day of January Section 2.-that Charles E. Dove proval on same for filing, subject of 1956. is hereby declared elected to the to the approval of the City Solici- CLARENCE P. WELU-518 vales office of Councilman of the city of tor: CHARLES A. KINTZINGER-514 Dubuque to fill the unexpired term TAXICAB voters of former councllman Ruben V. William Weber (Veterans Radio CHARLES E, DOVE-511 votes Austin, to January 1, 1958. Cab Company), Policy No, NI- (unexpired term) Section 3.-that Frank P, Delany 55157, National Indemnity Com- ~, pony _"§'... - ~ 454 Special Session, November 9, 1955 , ~ - : (OFFICIAL) Special Session, November 9, 1955. Board met at 7:50 P.M. Present; Chairman Charles A. Kintzinger, ,Messrs, Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City Manager Schiltz. Absent; Dr, A. J. Entringer. Noe 1 1 v tuber st 955 To the Honorable Mayor, and Members of -the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The City Health.'Department rec- ommends the extension of the pub- lie sanitary sewer to service the three dwellings in the 210D block of University Avenue, which are now "` ti disposing of ~bheir sewage into a _. 5, mine shaft. '- The City Engineering Depart- meht has more detailed informa- L tion on this matter. ~ Respectfully, ALBERT J. ENTRINGER, M.D. '-- Director of Health, Health Department, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa Mr. Clarence P. Welu moved that ` the communication be referred to the City Engineering department. and that proper plat and schedule be prepared. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Chairman Charles A. Kintzinger, Messrs. Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. There being no further business Mr, Clarence P, Welu moved bhat - the Board of Health meeting ~ad- journ, Seconded by Mr, Ray F. _. Korb. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Chairman Charles A. King zinger, Messrs. Dove, Kolb, Schuel- ler, Welu. F ~ Nays=None. ::_ LEO F, FROMMELT, ' Clerk, Board of Health _ :, Approved ........................1956. ' ' Adopted ..................... .......1956. Members of ............................... ..... Bd. of Health .................................... Attest : ........................................ i Clerk, Board of Health L~ Special Session, November 14, 1955 455 ` I_ k 10. Marshall Street from the West Property Line of Rhomberg { Avenue to the East Property Line (OFFICIAL) of Lincoln Avenue. Special Session, November 14, 11, O'Hagen Street from the 1955. South ~Praperty Line of University Council met at 7;30 P.M. Avenue to the North Property Line Present - Mayor Kintzinger, of Mineral Street, Councilmen.Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 12. Pearl Street from the North City Manager Schiltz, Property Line of O'Hagen Street to Absent-Councilman Dove, the end of Pearl Street. Mayor Kintzinger read the call 13, Pleasant Street from the and stated that service thereof had West Property Line of Viola Street been duly made and that this meet- to the East Property Line of Staf- fing is galled for the purpose of ford Street. levying special assessments for Councilman Kolb moved -that the various street improvements and proofs 'of publication be received acting on any other business as and filed. Seconded by Councilman may proprely come before a regu- Schueller. Carried by the following lar meeting of the City Council, vote:. Proofs of Publication, certified yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- to by the Publishers, of Notfce of cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Levy of Special Assessment and Nays-None. Intention of the City Council to Absent-Councilman Dove. issue bonds for the improvements Communication of Raymond B, on the following portions of the of 40 Lindberg Terrace Hoskins following streets by installing a , , objecting to the assessment of Ea- Bftuminous Concrete surface course pre• gle street against his property bhereon presented and read, , sented and read. Councilman Welu 1. Auburn Street from the North moved that the objection be over- East Property Line of Grace Street ruled. Seconded by Councilman to the South West Property Line of golb. Carried ,by the following University Avenue. vote: 2, Clinton Street from the West yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Praperty Line of Windsor Avenue cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. to the East Property Line of Queen Nays-None, Street. Absent-Councilman -Dave 3. Eagle Street from the North Property Line of Thomas Place to CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA the South Property Line of Viola Schedule of Assessments Street, RESOLUTIOPI N0. 237.55 4. Elm Street from the North Resolved by bhe-City Council of Property Line of 22nd Street .to the the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to South Property Line of 24th Street. pay for the improvement of the 5, Elm Street from the North following streets with Bituminous Property Line of 24th Street to Concrete Surfacing; bhe South Property Line of 26th 1. Auburn Street from the North Street. East Property Line of Grace Street 6, Garfield Avenue from the to the South West Property Line of North Property Line of Marshall University Avenue. Street to the South Property Line 2, Clinton Street from the West of Stanton Street, Hennepin Street from the 7 property Line of Windsor Avenue . West Property Line of Stafford to the East Property Line of Queen Street to 'the East Property Line of Street. Windsor Avenue, 3. Eagle Street from the North 8. Ida Street from the South Property Line of Thomas Place to Property Line of Delhi Street to the South Property Line of Viola the North Property Line of Grace Street. Street, 4, Elm Street from the North 9. Lindberg Terrace from the Property Line of 22nd Street to East Property Line of Eagle Street the South Property Line of 24th to the end of Lindberg Terrace. Street. ;~?__ ~~: 456 Special Session, November 14, 1955 5. Elm Street from the North Property Line of 24th Street to the South Property Line of 26th Street, 6. Garfield Avenue from the North Property Line of Marshall Street ~to the South Property Line of Stanton Street. 7. Hennepin Street From the West Property Line. of Stafford Street to the East "Property Line of Wind• sor Avenue. 8, Ida Street from .the South Property Line of Delhi Street to the North Property Line of Grace Street. 9. Linberg Terrace from the East Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace. 10; Marshall Street from the West Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue to the East Property Line of Lincoln Avenue. 11, O'Hagen Street from the South Property Line of University Avenue Co the North Property Line of Mineral Street. 12. Pearl Street from the North Property Line of O'Hagen Street to the end of 'Pearl Street, 13. Pleasant Street from the West Property Line of Viola Street to the East Property Line of Staf• ford Street, by Iowa Road Building Co, Contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax b~e and ~is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate all as named, situated and owned; and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as set forth in the schedule, Auburn Street (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) University of Dubuque, Lot 4, Reches Sub . ................. 68.89 University of Dubuque, Lot 5, Reches Sub . .................. 126.29 University of Dubuque, Lot 6, Reches Sub ................... 332.95 Laura M. Craig, Lot 7, Reches Sub ......................... 332,95 Laura Mae Craig, Lot 8, Reches Sub . ....................... 126.29 Laura Mae Craig, Lot 9, StReches Sub . ..:..................... 68,89 ephen Bennett, Lot 25, Reches Sub . ................. 59,70 ephen Bennett, Lat 26, StReches Sub . ........................ 126,29 ephen Bennett, Lot 27, Reches Sub . ........ ..... 332,95 University of Dubuque, Lat 28, Reches Sub. .. ....... 332.95 University of Dubuque, Lot 29, Reches Sub . ... ......... 126.29 University of Dubuque, Lat 30, Reches Sub .. ... ......... 68,89 University of Dubuque, Lat 31, Reches Sub . .... ........ 19,01 University of Dubuque, Lot 39, Reches Sub . .... ........ 172.99 University of Dubuque, Lot 40 Reches Sub.... ....:.. 204.13 Arthur M. Bennett, Lot 41, Reches Sub ............... .......:. 123.42 2,622;88 104;2 Cu. Yds. Excavation Old Macadam & Gravel @ 1.60 ....................... 166.72 292.5 Gals. Tack Coat @ :20 .......................................... 58.50 195,43 Tons Bituminous Surfacing @ 10.20 .......1,993;39 1,394.19 Sq. Yds. Seal Goat @ ,20 .................................... 278,84 2,497.45 4.3% Extra Expense .......... 107.40 5% Interest for 52 days ~.... 1$;03 2,622.88 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred, Clinton Street (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) Cecelia Schmitt, Lot 6, Mettels Sub ......................: 294,53 Hazel & 'Howard Kellard, Lot 7, Mettels Sub, ........ 111,72 Harry E, & 'Elaine A. Rus~ sow, Lot 8, 'Mettels Sub. 48,95 John & Eleanor Hingtgen, Lot 1 of 24, Mettels Sub . ...................................... 23.77 Alfred & Alice Schueller, Lot 2 of 24, Mettels Sub, 23;56 Clarence F, Lange, Lot 3 of 24, Mettels Sub......... 35,82 John & Verna Christen- sen, Lot 4 of 24, Mettels Sub . ...................................... 409.05 Roy & Esther Vandervate, Lot 25, Mettels Sub..:.... 420A2 Walter Mecklenberg, Lot 66, Staffords Add........... .22.17 Anthony H. & June E. Lange, Lot 12, N. 37.4' Staffords Add.........;. 7.89 Leonora Zimmerman, Lot 3 of Lot 1 of 5 of Sub, 11, 12, 13 NEr/4 Sec. 13, Twp, 80 N. R 2 E .. ,,..,. 39.10 Special Session, November 14, 1955 457 Val. & Leona E. Tigges, Lot 4 of Lot 1 of 5 of Sub. 11, 12, 13 NE~/4, Sec. 13, Twp. 89 N, R2E 106.98 Geo. & Ludwina Beaver, Lot 5 of 1 of 5 of Sub. 11, 12, 13 NE'/a, Sec. 13, Twp, 89 N, ~R2E ........ 216,66 1,760.22 57.0 Cu. Yds. Excavation Old Maoadem & Gravel @ 1.60 ..................... .. 91.20 13,1 Tons Stabilized Base Stone @ 3;80 .................... 49.78 1 No, of klanholes Raised or lowered @ 30,00 ...... 30,00 172;5 Gals Tack Coat @ .20 .................. ...::............ 34,50 130;1 Tons Bituminous Concrete Surfacing @ 10.20 ... ...................... 1,327,02 717.75 Sq. Xds. Seal Coat 20 ........:............................... 143.55 1,676.05 4.3% Extra Expense .......... 72.07 5% Interest for 52 days .... 12.10 1,76022 All of which is assessed in ~ro• portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Eagle Street (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) Mettel Realty & Inv, Co., , Lot 1 of 2:43, Althauser Sub . ...................................... 118,68 Modesto E. Bainbridge, Lot 1 ~of 43, Althauser Sub. 71.75 Anna L, Keck, Lot 2 of 2• 43, Althauser Sub, ,......,:. 4.68 Anna L, Keck, Lot 44, Alt• hawser Sub . ...................... 70.02 Ben L. Ernst Est., Lot 45, Althauser Sub. ........._...,. 26,82 Ben L. Ernst Est., Lot 46, Althauser Sub . ................ 6,47 Carl & Eleanor Kaiser, Lot 2 of 37, Althauser Sub. 155.19 Charles Gassman, Lot 1 of 1-37, Althauser Sub, ...... 76.88 Andrew and Arena W~elu, Lot 2 of 1-37, Althauser Sub . ...................................... 6.5f Andrew ~amd Anna Welu, Lot 38, Althauser Sub. 45.29 John P, Welter, Lot 36, Althauser Sub . ................. 149,91 John P. Welter, Lot 85, Althauser Sub ................. 135.5 John P. Welter, Lot 2 of 34, Althauser Sub, .,....., 35.49 John P, Welter, Lot 1 of 34, Althauser Sub........... 155.67 City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 33, Althauser Sub......... 10,90 City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1-33, Althauser Sub..,,..... 3.78 Richard F. & Anita M. Fox, Lat 1 of 2.33, Alt- hauser Sub .........:....,.....,..: 97.74 Richard 'F. & Anita M, Fox, Lot 2 of 32, Alt• hawser Sub . ...................... 104.72 Clarence U, & S. K. Splin- ter, Lot 1 pf 11'33, Alt- hawser Sub . . ............. 33;38 Clarence U. & S. K. Splin• ter, Lot 1 of '1-32, Alt• hawser Sub, ........, ............. 39A7 City pf Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1.1.33, Althauser Sub.....,, .67 City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1.32, Althauser Sub...,... ,56 Jahn J. Welter Jr., Lot 31, Althauser Sub . ...:............ 36.58 Helen E. Nutt, Lot 30, Alt- hauser Sub . ...................... 17.35 Geo. F, Schwinn Est., Lot 29, Althauser Sub......... 1,91 Independent School Dist., Lot 1, Althauser Sub..... 213,86 Independent School Dist., Lot 2, Althauser Sub...., 70.10 Independent School Aist„ Lot 3, Althauser Sub..... 40.56 Indopendent School Dist,, Lot 4, Althauser Sub..... 20.43 Independent School Dist,, Lat 5, Althauser Sub...., 8.89 Independent School Dist,, Lot 2, Mineral Lot 472 74524 Independent School Dist., Lot 33, Taylor•Cooleys Sub . ..................................... 222;83 Independent School Dist., Lot 32, Taylor-Cooleys Sub . ...................................... 68,67 Independent School Dist., Lot 31, Taylor-Cooleys Sub . ..................................:... .35.86 Independent School Dist,, Vacated Pleasant St, ...... 1724 Independent School Dist., Lat 43, Taylor &Cooleys Sub . .....................................: 5.41 Independent School Dist., Lot 2 of 42, Taylor & Cooleys Sub . .................... 3,59 14lettel Realty & Inv, Co., Lot 34, Taylor &Cooleys Sub. ......,. ........ ...:.. 14D.15 3.' ~. ~'. ;, _ ~' t: s, 45Rr Special Session, November 14, 1955 Roger & Dorothy M. Hoh- necker, Lot 35, Taylor & Cooleys Sub ....................... 14015 Jerome F, & Marion Luedtke, Lot 36; Taylor & Cooleys Sub ....:............ 140,15 Merlin K. & Catherine E. Lewis, Lot 37, Taylor & Cooleys Sub . .................... 140:15 Merlin K, & Catherine E. Lewis Lot 38 Ta for ~ & Cooleys Sub.' :.... Y........ 145,75 Emma Mackert, Lot 39, Taylor &Cooleys Sub, .... 156.26 Merlin K & Catherine E. Lewis, Lot 1, Mineral Lot 472 ................................ 224.37 Edw, L. & Leonora Kruse, Lot 1 of 1.1-1 Edw, L, Kruse Place ...................... 567.62 Jos. A, & M, L. Ratterman, Lot 2 ~of 1, Edw, L. Kruse Place .........:.....::... 14:02 Jos. A, & 'M, L, Ratterman; Lot 1 of 1.2, Edw. L, Kruse Place ... ............. 140.15 Jos, A, & M, L, Ratterman, Lot 2 of 1-2, Edw, L, Kruse Place ................. 140,15 William F, & Kathleen Wesenberg, Lot 2 of 2, Edw. L, Kruse Place ..:.., 145.75 Linwood Cemetery, Lot 10 N,E,r/4 Sec, 13, Twp. 89 N. R2E .:.:::..............Nb Benefit Linwood Cemetery, Lot 8, N.E.r/4 Sec. 13, Twp, 89 N, R2E ............:..........No Benefit Linwood Cemetery, Lat 16 N,E.r/4 Sec. 13, Twp. 89 N, R2E ......................No Benefit Morris Max Blum, Lot 2 of 1, Beutins Sub ........ ....... 25128 Raymond B, & Dorathy Hoskins, Lot 1 of 1, Beu- tins Sub . .............................. 346,12 hn F, Luedtke, Lot 1, Jo Emslys Sub ....................... 122.68 John F. Luedtke, Lot 2 Emslys Sub . ................:..... 46.72 Billie D. & Jennie Holder- mann, Lot 3, Emslys Sub, 10.04 Independent School Dis- trict, Vacated Alley Or- dinance V-64 ..... 52,85 Edw. L, & Leonora Kruse, Lot 2 of 2~1-1 Edw. L. ',Kruse Place ...................... 51,63 Edw. L, & Leonora Kruse, Lot 1 of 2.1.1 Edw. L, Kruse Place ........................ 24,05 5,860,16. 186,4 Cu. Yds, Excavation Old Macadam & Gravel @ 1,60 ........................:....... 298.24 3 No, of Manholes Raised or Lowered @ 30.00 ...... 90,00 541.3 Gals, Tack Caa~t @ .20 ......................................... 108,26 447.1 Tans Bituminous Concrete Paving @ 1020 4,560,42 2,615.0 Sq. Yds, Seal Coat @ 20 .................................... 523,00 5,579.92 4.3% Extra Expense ......... 239:94 5% Interest for 52 days .... 40,30 5,860,16 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con ferred, Elm St. from 22nd St, to 44th St. (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) Wm. F. Hei zmann, Lot 1, Heitzmann Place ............. 122.89 Wm, F. Heitzmann, Lot 2, Heitzmann Place ........:.. 68,58 John A, Ulrich, Lot 1 of 1-2.107, L, H. Langwor- thy's Add ............................. 35,65 Erma M. Biver, Lot 2 of 1-107, L, H, Langwor- thy's Add .................... ... 210,60 William F, Heitzmann, Lot 1 of 2-106, L, H, Langworthy's Add..,..,,.: 161,51 Wiliam F, Heitzmann, Lat 2 of 2.1-106, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add, .,.....:.. 152,47 Theresa & John.. Steckel, Lot 1 of 2-1106, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ,,...... 156,11 Wilfred L, & Irene Lep- pert, Lot 2 of 1-1.106, L, H. Langworthy's Add. 15284 John & Carmello Reichel, Lot i of 105 N.50'-N.80' L. H. Langworthy's Add, 176.07 Cecil Moser, Lot i of 105 5.30'-N,80' L, H, Lang- worthy's Add ..................... 106,00 A. G, & Gertrude Butlett, Lot 1 of 105 E, 99,6'- 5,55' L, H. Langworthy's Add . ......... ..... ..... 194.02 John &i Frances Behnke, Lot 1 of 104 N.30' L, H. Langworthy's Add, ........ 106,00 Special Session, November 14, 1955 459 Clara E. Kentlehner, Lot 1 of 104 N.fiO' L. H, Lang- worthy's Add . .:................ 212,01 Jos. A. & V, M, Beecher, Lot 1 of 104 5.45' L, H, Langworthy's Add, .....:.. 159,01 Elmer H. & Mary C. Boal, Lat 1-1 of 103 N.50' L, H, Langworthy's Add, .,...... 176.67 Carl Kirmse, Lot 1-1 of 103 527.5' L, H. Lang- worthy's Add . .................. 96.71 H, F. & F. L. McCauley, Lot 1~1-1.3 of 103 L. H, Langworthy's Add. ........ 83.50 H, F, & F. L, McCauley, Lot 1 of 4103 L, H. Langworthy's Add. ........ 3.67.. Eliz. F. Schilling, Lot 2 of 103, H, L, Langworthy's Add . ::.................................:..... . 18,41 Marvin & Donna Manders, Lot 2~1-1.3.103, H. L, Langworthy's Add, ........ 63.85 Marvin & Donna Manders, Lot 1 of 5.103, H, L, Langwarthy's Add. ........ 69.43 Marvin & Donna Manders, Lot 2 of 4-103, H. L. Langworthy's Add. ........ 22,72 Donna Richman, Lot 1 of 1.2-2-102, H, L, Langwor- thy's Add ........................... 120.53 .Donna Richman, Lot 1 of 102 E20' H. L, Langwor- thy's Add ............:..:....... 15,09 John W. Evans, Lot 1 of 102 W.120', L. H Lang- worthy's Add. ......., 9,75 Andrew M. Klein, Lat 1 of 1.1.2-102 N,'/z L H, Langworthy's Add. ....:.: 72,47 Janet Koerperich, Lot 1 of 1-1.2.102 S,1/a L. H, Lang- worthy's Add . ............... 73.96 Lena Schuster; Lot 1 of 3- 102 N,~/z L. H, Langwor- ~ ~ y 150,49 y 2 Kluck Lot 1 ~of 3.10 Mar S.r/z L. H, Langworthy's Add . ...................................... 153.17 John &Carmella .Reichel, Lot 2 of 3103, L, H. Langworthy's Add, ......No Benefit Jahn &Carmella Reichel, Lot 2 of 1.1.2=102 N.r/z L. H. Langworthy's Add. ......:..... ..:..... No Benefit John &Carmella Reichel, Lot 2 of 1.1-2.102 S.~/z L. H, Langworthys Add. .........................................No Benefit John &Carmella Reichel, ; Lot 2_of 1.2.2-102, L, H, Langworthy's Add, .....Na Benefit Mary C, Kemps, Lot 2, Kemps Sub . ...................... 2710 nna Kutsch, Lot 3, A Kernps Sub . ...................... 290;03 Carl G. & Geo, T, Hille, Lot 4, Kemps Sub ............. 19.89 Mary C. Kemps, Lot 5, Kemps Sub .........................:. $3,46 Anna Kutsch, Lot 6, Kemps Sub .................:....... 166:85 Leo J, & Gert Tully, Lot 1 of 2.101 L. H, Langwor- thy's Add . .....:................No Benefit Albert Fluckiger, Lot 2 of 2,101, L. H. Langwor• thy's Add ......................'No Benefit Albe~ Fluckiger, Lot 1 of 2.1, Sanfords Sub, ........No Benefit Leo J. & Gert Tully, Lot 2 of 2.1, Sanfords Sub. No,Benefit Hatbie Bendel, Lot 1 of 2, Sanfords Sub......_.......No Benefit Frank & Virginia M. Pear-` - son Lot 3 S,W.~/z, San- fords Sub, ~ ..... ........::.. No Benefit Wm, C. & Marie Van De Weil, Lot 2 'of 49, San- fords Sub .:.......::......... No Benefit Wm. C. & Marie Van De Weil, Lat 3 of 49, San- fords Sub . ...............No Benefit Wm, C. & Marie Van De Weil, Lot 2 of 50, San- fords Sub . ...:...............No Benefit John & Anna Schiessel, ; Lot 1 of 50, Sanfords Sub . :...........................:.No Benefit August Hammel, Lot 51 N.'/z Sanfords Sub.:...No Benefit .John & Anna Schiessel, Lot 51 S?/z Sanfards Sub ...........::.:.....................No Benefit August Hammel, Lot 52, Sanfords Sub ................~No Benefit Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,, Lot 53, Sanfords Sub...No-Benefit Mrs. Marcella Weland, Lot 54, S.r/z Sanfords Sub...No Benefit Lillian & Margt Schandrel, Lot 54, N,~/z Sanfords Sub ...................................No Benefit Carl A, & Lena Kopp, Lot 55, S.~/z Sanfards Sub...No Benefit Mettel Realty ~& Inv. Co,, Lot 55, N,~/z .Sanfords Sub ....................................:No 'Benefit S .. ~ _:. s i _~' ; 460 Special Session; November. l4, 1955 Lena Straub, Lot 56, San- Joanna Ruth Hayes, Lot fords Sub ..:.... ............ No Benefit 83, E, Langworthy's Sub, .18424 Alice M, Pauley, Lot 57, Joanna Ruth Hayes, Lot S,~Z Sanfords Sub, ......No Benefit 82, E, Langworthy's Sub, 184.41 R, W. & Eliz. Reavell, Lot Fred & Cath Brunkow, Lot 57, N.~Z Sanfords Sub. No Benefit 81, E, Langworthy's Sub, 185.01 Mettel Realty & Inv, Co,, Ella B. Wimmer, Lot 80, Lot 58, Sanfords Sub.....No Benefit E. Langworthy's Sub...., 185.54 C. J. & Frances Sternberg, Joe & Margt, Brimeyer, Lot 1 of 1-59, Sanfords Lot 79, E. Langworthy's Sub........... No Benefit Sub . ................................ 1$6,14 Chicago Great Western R, Geo. Hohman, Lat 78, E, R. Co,, Lot 2 of 59, San- Langworthy's Sub........ 186.74 fords Sub ...................No Benefit John F. & Charlotte Grant Chicago Great Western R, Lot 77, E. Langworthy's R. Co,; Right of Way Sub . ............... ........ 187,24 through Lots 107, 106, Joe W, & L. E. Abitz, Lot 105, 104, 103, 102 and 76, E, Langwarthy'sSub. 187;81 101 All in L. H. Lang- Geo., Kath & Anna Spnoss- worthy's Add ................. 2;049.63 man, Lot 2 of 2 of Sub, - of N, 22 of Lots 52, 53, 5,767,40 54 E, Langworthy's Sub• 288,53 199,4 Cu, Yds. Excavation Arthur B, & Hilda Tuegel, Old Maeadam & Gravel Lot 1 of 2 Sub, of N, 22 160 .,....... ..._........., 319,04 of Lots 52, 53, 54 E. 16.0 Sq. Ft, Concrete Re• Langworthy's Sub ......... 108.$9 murval (4'x4') Slab @ Joe H. & Lelia Krrer, Lot 1,50 ..:.................................... 24.00 1 of 2 Sub, of N.22 of 450,0 Lin, htt. Stone Cuttor Lots 52, 53, 54 E. Lang- Removal @ .60 .....,...... 270.00 worthy's Sub . ... ......... 44.71 6 No, of Manholes Raised Phil Kleinschrodt, Lot 54, and Lowered @ 30.00 .... 180,00 S. 28' E, Langworthy's 5492 Gals. Tack Coat @ Sub . .............................. 102,36 .20 .......................................... 109,84 Phll Kleinschrodt, Lot 55, 34527 fions Bituminous N22' E. Langworthy's Concrete Paving @ 1020 3,521,75 Sub . ......:.........................:.... $3.65 2,341.11 Sq. Yds. 8ea1 Coat Vonley & Ferne Hanvelt, @ 20 ...................:.............. 46822.. Lot 55, S28' E, Langwor- 18.45 Tons A;C, 85 to 100 thy's 'Sub . .......................... 10122 far Asphalt Curb @ Vonley & Ferno Hanvelt, 15,50 :......:.. ...............:............ 276,75 Lot 56, E. Langwarthy's 920 Lin. Ft: Labor& Equip- Sub . .......................:............. 179.47 meat for Asphalt Curb A, B. & Hilda M. Tuegel, @ .35 :.....::............................ 322.00 Lot 57, N.41' E, Lang- - worthy's Sub ..................... 145,67 F 4.3% Extra Expense ........,. 236.14 r 'I F ~ 5% Interest for 52 days .... 39,66 - (` ~• 5,767.40 ~,' All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Elm Street-24th to 26th Street i. (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) I Myrtle Steffen, Lot $7, E. . ~ ~ - La rt rtgwo by s Sub........... 222,98 Helen R. Steffen, Lot 86, E. Langworthy's Sub..... 18191 Helen R, Steffen, Lot 85, E, Langworthy's Sub..... 182,44 Helen R. Steffen, Lot 84, ~'li III E, Langworthy's Sub, .... 183.14 9' E, Langworthy's Sub. 31,74 Anna Ricketts, Lot 58, N. 33' E. Langworthy's Sub, 115.26 Paul J. Strati etal, Lat 58, S.1T E. Langworthy'n Sub . ............ 58,65 Paul J. Strotz etal, Lot 59, N,r/z E, Langworthy's Sub . .. ..........:. 85.42 Henry E, Fries, Lot 59, S, '/z E. Langworthy's Sub 84:39 Henry E, Fries, Lot 60, E Langworfhy's Sub .....:... 167.81 Alfred J. & Eleanor M, Ga- tena, Lot 61, E. Lang- worthy's Sub, 167,51 Henry E. Fries, Lot 62 E. Langworthy's Sub ........ 167.44 Special Session, November 14, 1955 46f Geo, & Margt~ Utzig, Lot Henry Freiberger, Lot 5, 63, E, Langworthy'n Sub, 167.34 Sub: of Lat 196 & 197 ,lohn A, Osterhaus, Lot 2 L, H, Langworthy's Add. 187.58 of 75, E, Langworthy's Leroy R. & Dorobliy Beet-- Suh . ..................................... 142.70 em, Lot 1 of 1.6 Sub. of John A. Osterhaus, Lot ~ ' Lot 196 & 197 L. H, ::. Langworthy's Add 24.07 s of 74, E, Langworthy ....... . Sub . ...................................... 14290 Marie Rose Wagner, Lot Alfred & Lucille Bleile, Lot 1 of 2.6 Sub. of Lot 196 1 of 75, E, Langworbhy's & 197 L. H Langwor• ~bhy's Add 92:22 Suli. 45.78 .... .....,...... Alfred & Lucille Ble~le, Anna D, Zimmer, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of 74 E Langwor- 2-6 Sub. of Lot 196 & 197 thy's Sub . .............. 46.18 L, H. Langworthy's Add. 56.51 Harold C. l~ronfeldt, Lot Anna D, Zirniner, Lot 2 of E. Langworthy's Sub. 73 189:31 7 Sub. of Lot 196 & 197 ' , L, H. LangWOnthy s Add: 35.71 Gladys C. Wunderlick, Lot E, LangWorthy's Sub, 72 189,81 Leonard & Mary Brode, , Julius & Margt, Abitz, Lot Lot 2 of 1•ti Sub of Lot 196 & 197 L H Lang- 7i, E. Langworbhy's Sub, 19b.41 worthy's Add . ......... ..: 14,77 Julius & 14largt, Abitz, Lat Leonard & Mary Brode, 76, ';;. Langworthy's Sub, 190.88 Lot 1 of 7, Sub, of Lot Geo. Schmitt, Lot 64, E. 196 & 197 L HLang Langworthy's Sub.::.... .: 167.24 worthy`n Add _...... 9,34 Chas. & Anna Kronfeldt, Leroy G. & Clara Richman, 65, E Langworthy's o 9fi & S B Sub, .:::... ,. 167:17 hy's L. I. Langw 97 L N & Rase Kieffer, Lot Add ....., .. 18'x.58 66, E, LangWorthy's Sub, 167.07 Mettel Realty & lnvest- Andrew & Marie Steffen, ment Co., Lot 9, Sub, of E. Langworthy's Lat 67 Lot 196 & 197 L. H, , Sub . .......:...........:.................. 166,97 Langworthy's Add, ...:.... 187.b8 Andrew & Marie Steffen, Wm, J: & Kate Marsch, Lot Lot 68, E. Langwarthy's 10 & 11 E. 63'-7" Lot 196 Sub . ....................:..:............. 166.87 & 197 L. H. Langwor- Andrew & Marie Steffen, thy's Add . .......................... 56.41 Lot 69, E. Langworthy's John D: & ~Pa~tricia Glab, Sub . ..:..:.:...:....:............:........ 166,77 Lot 10 & 11 W, 90' Lot Melvin & Bermilda Link, 496 & 197 L. H. Lang- Lot 2 of 1 Sub. ~of Lot ~'dr~thy's Axid......._.'.._.... 315.74 196 & 197 L: H. Lang• Floyd & Clara McGeough, worthy's Add . ..:......:.........: 38.01 Lot 2 of 1, Saunders Sub, 168.47 Melvin & BermIlda Link, Wm. & Francis Fennawalt, Lot 2 of 2 Sub. of Lot Lat 1 of 1, Saunders Sub, . 83,39 196 & 197 L. H, Lang- Louisa Schaller, Lot 2 of worthy's Add ............ ..:... 39.48- 2, Saunders Sub............... 54.15 Henry Spiegelhalter, Lot Richard B: & Mabel Haf- 1 of 1 Sub. of Lot 196 & ner; Lot 1 of 2, Saunders 197 L. H Langworthy's ~ 40,54 Add, ..:.:.., .......... 151,97 George H, & Dorot h3' Henry Spiegelhalter, Lot 1 Klinkhammer, Lot 1 of of 2 Sub of Lot 196 8~ 3, Saunders Sub . .............. 34,26 197 L H Langworthy's Harry & Evelyn Grant Add 149;40 s Lat 2 of 3 Sounder Charles Ruff Lot 3. Sub. Sub 5.59 of Lot 196 & 197 L, H. Morrison Bros., Lot 1, 0, Langworthy's Add........ 190.04 S. Langworthy's Sub. ... 18'8,04 Milton & Rosemary Sever= Morrison Bros:, Lot Z, 0, son, Lot 4, Sub, of Lot S. Langworthy's Sub, .... 166,70 196 & 197 L H, Lang- Morrison Bras,, Lot 3; 0. worthy's Add . ..::.::...:... 187,58 . S, Langworthy's Sub, .:.. 166:70 462 Special Session, November 14, 1955 ~: ._ ~' .. ~:. a<; ~: t 3i n. Morrison Bros,, Lot 4, 0, 2,898 Lin, Ft. Labor & S. Langworthy's Sub, .... 166.70 'Equipment for Asphalt Morrison ~B~ros,, Lat 5, 0, Curb @ 0.35 ~ ..................... 1,014.30 S. Langwarthy's Sub, .... 166.70 Morrison Bros., Lat 6, 0: 1,961,10 S, Langworthy's Sub, .... 166,70 4:3% Extra Expense ........ 84,32 Harrison Bros., Lot 7, 0. 5% Interest for 52 days ... 14,17 S. Langworthy's Sub, .... 166.70 $ 2,059.59 Morrison Bros., Lot 8, 0. - All of which is 'to be paid by the S. Langworthy's Snb, .,.. 166.70 Chicago Great Western Railroad Morrison Bros., Lot 9, 0, Company, S, Langworthy's Sub, .... 166,70 Garfield Avenue (Bitumi nous MotTison Bros. Lot 10, 0. Concrete Surfacing) S. Langworthy's Sub, .,.. 16690 Frank A. &Magd Buol, Morrison Bros,, Lot il, 0. Lot 34, McCraneys 1st S, Langworthy's Sub, .... 166,70 Add . ................................. 268,90 Morrison Bros., Lot 12, 0. Frank A, &Magd Buol, S, Langworthy's Sub. ,.,. -166.70 Lot 35, McCraneys 1st Morrison Bros,, Lot 10 of Add . ..............::.:..................:. 22.37 Sub, 52, 53, 54 Bellevue Delmar & Lois Astgen, Add ................................No Benefit Lat 255, Hams Add......... 211',40 Morrison Bros,, I,at 1 of Frank Frommelt, Lot 254, Sub. 52, 53, 54 Bellevue Hams Add ..:.. ................. 265.94 Add .............. ...........No Benefit Stanley & Janet W, Dusch• Morrison .Bros., Lat 51, er, Lot 253, Hams Add... 265.94 Bellevue Add . ..............No Benefit Walter E, & Adele L. Hafe• Morrison .Bros,, Lot 50, man, Lot 252, Hams Add, 265.94 Bellevue Add . .............No Benefit Robert C. & Sarah Liver- Morrison Bros., Lot 49, more, Lat 251, Hams. Bellevue Add . ............ No Benefit Add, ................,.................., 265.94 Morrison Bros., Lot 48, Wm. R, & Amelia M, Tully; Bellevue Add ...............No Benefrh Lat 250; Hams Add......... 265,94 Morrison Bros., Lot 47, John & Clara McLaughlin, Bellevue Add ...............No Benefit Lot 249, Hams Add........: 265.94 Morrison Bros,, Lot 46, George & Rosa Reiss, Lat Bellevue Add ........:......No Benefit 248, Hams Add, ................ 265.94 Joe & Vivian Kowalick, 10;832.45 Lot 247, Hams Add: ,.,..... 265,94 414,6 Cu. Yds. Excavahion Joe F. & Rosemary Old Macadam & Gravel Streauslin, Lot 246, @ 1,60 ........................... 663,36 Hams Add.......:................. 265.94 319.26 Tons Stabilized John J, & Mary Fransen, Base Stone @ 3.80 ........ 1,213,19 Lot 245, Hams Add.....,... 265,94 1 No, of Manholes Raised John B, & Francis Burg- or Lowered @ 30.00 .,...... 30,00 maier, Lot 244, Hams 1,086.1 Gals, Tack Coat @ Add. ......:.._ ........... ......... 2fi5,94 0.20 ....................................... 21722 John B. & Kath Mayr, 701:87 Tons Bituminous Lot 243, SW'/z Hams Concrete Paving @ 1020 7,159,07 Add . .............. ........ 132,97 5;158,0 Sq. Yd. Seal Coat Paul A, & Loretta K. Pitz, @ 20 ......................:. 1,031,60 Lot 243, NEB Hams Add ...... ;... 132 97 10,314,44 ,.; ., 4.3% Extra Expense ....... 443.52 ' 5% Interest for 52 days .... 74.49 10,832.45 All of which is assessed in pro- p~o-rtion to the special benefits eon- ferred. 63.12 Ton A.C. 85.100 for ' Asphalt Curb @ 15.00.... 946,80 :`+ I Francis C, & Evelyn Mas- sey, Lot 242, SWt/a Hams Add ........................... 132,97 Albert & Lucllle Reisch, Lat 242, NE~Z Hams Add. ,........ 132,97 Holy Trinity Church, Iat 241, Hams Add ....... .......: 265,94 Holy Trinity Church, Lot 240, Hams Add . .............. 265.94 Special Session, November 14, 1955 463 Holy Trinity Church, Lot Theresa Witter, Lot 212, 239, Hams Add ................. 265.94 Hams Add, ....................,..::: 262,16 Holy Trinity Church, Lat Carl C. & Esther Witter, 238, Hams Add ................. 265,94 Lot 211, Hams Add, ...... 262,16 Holy Trinity Church, Lot Carl C, & Esther Witter, 237, Hams Add, .......... 265,94 Lot 210, Hams Add....... 262,16 Holy Trinity Church, Lot Carl C. & Esther Witter, 236, Hams Add . ............ 265.94 Lot 209, SW,12' Hams Holy Trinity Church, Lot Add . ................................ 62,90 235, 'Hams Add ................. 265,94 Theresa Witter, Lat 209, Holy Trinity Church, Lot NE,38' .Hams Add......... 199,21 234, Hams Add ............ ... 265.94 Wm. D. & Pauline Gross, Gertrude O'Leary, Lot 233, Lot 1 of 1 McCraneys 1st Add 64 210 .Hams Add............ _....... 265,94 . ......... .. ............ Henry W, Jr. & Irene L, . John J. & Irene B, Fran• Elliott, Lot 116, Hams sen, Lot 232, Hams Add. 265.94 Add . .............................. 1,48 Jas. & Maria Guinta, Lot Henry W. Jr, & Irene L, 231, Hams Add. .......... 265.94 Elliott; Lot 117, Hams Robert B. & Marion K, Add, ...., ..........:.... 250,26 Tegeler, Lot 230, Hams John J, & Rosemary Win- Add . ....... ...:..... .......... 265.94 ner, Lot 118, Hams Add. 250.26 Donald J. Anthony, Lot Raymond H. Kratz, Lot 229, Hams Add......... 265.94 119, Horns Add ................ 25026 Elmer W. & Anna M. Les• Joe & Josephine Flaszew- lein, Lot 228, Hams Add. 265,94. ski, Lot 120, Hams Add, 25026 Raymond F. & Virginia Joe & Josephine Flaszew- Fessler, Lat 227, Hams ski, Lot 121, S,t/z Hams Add. ........................ 265,94 Add. ...........,........,.. ;....:... 125.13 Jay & Dorothy .Price, Lot Mettel Realty & Invest- 226, Hams Add .............. 265.94 ment Co., Lot 121, N,~Z Leora M. & Norbert Nau- Hams Add . ..............:........: .125.13 man, Lot 225, Hams Add. 265.94 Mettel Realty & Invest• August H. Smith, Lot 224, ment Co., Lot 122, Hams Hams Add . .......................... 265,94 Add. ...................................,.. 250.26 Milo & Gladys Kettmann, Morrison Bras., Lot 323, Lot 223, Hams Add......... 265.94 Hams Add ........................... 250.26 Francis M, & Hilda Thor, Morrison Bros., Lat 124, Lat 222, Hams Add......... 265.94 Hams Add ........................... 250.26 Francis M. & HIlda Thor, Morrison Bros., Lot 125, Lot 221 S2' Hams Add. 10.64 Hams Add . ................ 25026 Vincent G: & Frances Morrison Bros., Lot 126, Weber, Lot 221, N.48' Hams Add ..................... 250:26 Hams Add ................. 25528 Morrison Bros,, Lot 127, Mettel Realty &'Inv. Cc., Hams Add. ...._............ 250.26 Lot 220, Hams Add, ........ 265,94 Morrison Bros,, Lot. 128, Joseph & Myrtle Deckert, Hams Add ..... ................ 25026 Lat 219, Hams Add......... 265.94 Frank J. 'Kennedy, Lot 129, Laverne & Marton Car- Hams Add .....:............. 25026 pentier, Lot 218, Hams Frank J, Kennedy, Lot 130, Add . ....................... .. 265,94 Hams Add.. ............... 250,26 Wesley G. & Betty J. Florence McLaughlin, Lot Baumhover, Lot 217, 131, Hams Add . ......:........ ~ 25026 Hams Add .................. 105,44 Walter J, & Jenevieve Due- Wesley G, & Betty J. cini, Lot 132, Hams Add, 25026 Baumhover, Lot 216, Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Hams Add . ..................... 26216 Lot 133, Hams Add, ........ 25026 Wm, J. & Bernida Frye, Donald H. Streauslin, Lot Lot 215, Hams Add...._... 262,18 134, Hams Add . ............... 250.26 Wm. T. & Florine A. Tully, Marvin & Edna E, Nielsen, Lat 214, Hams Add, ...... 262,16 Lot 135, Hams Add, ...... 25026 Jahn R. & Placedia Blon- Lydia Ernster, Lot 136, din, Lot 213, Hams Add. 262:16 , Hams Add ........ .:. ......... 250,26 ~,, ,.. 464 Special Session, November 14, 1955 Mettel Realty & Inv. Co„ George & Pearl Doerr, Lot Lot 137, Hams Add........, 25026 162 W:'/z Hams Atld....... 122:94 Edward Gustave Becker, Anton Leitner etal, Lot Lot 138, Hams Add........ 250.26 Paul F. & Matilda Antho• ny, Lot 139, Hams Add. 250.26 Paul F, & Matilda Antho- ny, Lot 140, Hams Add. 250.26 Paul F, & Matilda Antho- ny, Lot 141, Hams Add. 250.26 Paul F, & Matilda Antho- ny, Lot 142, Hams Add. 250.26 PaUI F. & Matilda Antho- ny, Lot 143, Hams Add.. 250.26 Paul F: & Matilda Antha qy, Lot 144, S.~/z Hams Add . ...................................... 125.13 Wm, H, Jr, & I)orpthy A, 'Klsting, Lot 144, N.~Z Hams Add. ................ 125,13 Wm. H. Jr. & Dorothy A. Kisting, Lot 145, Hams Add . ...................................... 250.26 Robert Anthony Neyens, Lot 146, Hams Add,......... 250.26 Joseph & Marie Ventrellp, Lot 147, Hams Add:........ 250.26 Joseph & Marie Ventrell4, Lot 148, Dams Add......... 250.26 Joseph ~C Marie Ventrello, Lot 149, Hams Add......... 25026 Joseph & -Marie Ventrellp, Lot 150, Hams Add.......,. 250.26 Joseph & Marie Ventrellp, Lot 151, -Hams Add.......,. 250.26 Jospeh & Marie Ventrellp, Lot 152, Hams Add, ......., 250.26 Joseph & Marie Ventrellp, Lot 15$, Ha?ps Add....,..., 25026 Joseph & Marie Ventrellp, Lot 154, Hams Add, ........ 250.26 John & Margaret Stumpf, Lot 155, Hams Add:........ 141.38 John & Margaret Stumpf, Lpt 2 of 156, Hams Add. 54:10 Prod & LuettaDuccini, I.ot 1 of 156, Hams Add......... 191.76 Roy & Louise Lumley, Lot 157, Hams Add ............... 245.86 Harry K. Hager, Lot 158, Hams Add ........................... 245.86 Harry K Hager, Lot 1 of 159, Hams Add ............... 122.93 Harold N. & Marion Hen- ng, Lot 2 of 159, Hams Add ::, ................... 122:93 Harold N. & Marion Hen- nig, Lot 160, Hams Add. 245.86 George & Poarl Doerr, Lat 161, Hams Add . .............. 245:86 162, E.I/z Hams Add....... 122,94 24,129.52 485.8 Cu, Yds, Excavat)pg Old Macadam & Gravel @ 1.60 _.........._ .... _ ........., 772.28 976.0 Tans Base Stone @ 3.80 ....................................... 3,70$,80 $ Np, of Manholes Raised or Lpwered @ 30.00 ...... 120.00 2,717.3 Gals. Tack Coat 20 .......................................... 543.46 1,534,63 Tons Bituminous Concrete Paving @ 1020 ....................................1 5,653.23 1Q864.28 Sq. Yd~s, Seal Coat @ 20 ................. 2,172.86 2 2,875.63 4.3% Extra Expense ........... 887,95 5%a Interest for 52 days .... 165.94 2 4,129:52 All of wb~ieh is assessed i~ era portion to the special bene#its con- ferred. Hennepin Street (bitumi nous Concrete Surfacing) Arnold J: & Bernice Kue- per, Lot 1 of 1.1, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub:...... 214.00 Joseph A. & Ida H. Hein, Lot 2 of 1.1, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub. .......... 10427 Michael L. & Marjorie G. Wozniak, Lot 2 of 1, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub . ................_.................... 87.00_ Mary D, Terfruchte, Lot 2, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub . ...................................... 88.24 Bernard Osterhoff, hot 3, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub . .......... ................. 90,60 Carl 0: Bircher, Lot 4, W. 10'-W.70' Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub.......... 28.50 Harald & Virginia Bran- del, Lot 4, E23'-N,70' Kleine &Klingenbergs Sub . ...................................... 54.06 Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 4, 5,36' Kleine Klingenbergs Sub............ 15.29 Mettel Realty & Inv. Gb„ Lot 5, E,15"-5.36' Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub....... 6,95 Carl 0: Bircher, Lot 5, E. 15'-N.70' Kleine & Kling- enbergs Sub.. ..... ,. 35.25 Special Session, November 14, 1955 465 Eugene F, & Betty A. Scol- lon, Lot 6, Kleine & I{langenbergs Sub........... 309,21 Clara Scholz, Lot 7, Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub....... 189,32 Ernest & Margaret Grobe, Lot 8, Kleine & I~ingen- bergs Sub . .......................... 155:25 Ernest & Margaret Grobe, Lot 9, Kleine & Klingen- bergs Sub ........................... 124:47 Ralph & Veronica Warren, Lat 10, Kleine & Kling- enberg~s Sub ....................... 106:05 Ralph & Veronica Warren, Lot 11, W.10' Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub........... 25:89 Louis E. Kupferschmidt, Lot 11 E:30' Kleine & Klingenbergs Sub........... 77,75 Louis E. Kupferschmidt, .Lot 12, Kleine & Kling- enbergs Sub .................. . 118,35 W. J. & Edna Kupfer- ~sehmadt, Lot 3, Brechts Sub : ...................................... 106,74 John Foley, Lot 4, Brechts Sub. .............. 153.60 Mettel Realty & Inv, Co., Lot 1 of 2-5, Brechts Sub. 89,44 Edgar T. & Virginia G. Massey, Lot 2 of 2-5, Brechts Sub ....................... 116:70 Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 1 of 1.6, BreChts Sub . ...................................... 39.12 Edgar I. & Virginia G. Massey, Lo't 2 of 1-6, Brechts Sub ....................... .16 Linwood Cemetery, Lot 10 N,E.'/a Sec. 13, T.89N: R2E ...................................... 66827 2,989,48 115.6 Cu. Yds. Excavation Old Macadam & Gravel @ 1.60 ......... ............... 18496 2 No, of Manholes Raised or Lowered @ 30:00 ...... 60.00 306.7 Gals. Tack Coat @ .20 ................ .......... fii.34 220.23 Tons Bituminous Concrete Paving @ 10.20 2,246.35 1,469:37 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat @ .20 .................................... 293.87 2,846.52 4.3% Extra 'Expense ......... 122.40 5% Interest for 52 days .:.. 20,56 2,989.48 All of which ~is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits cpn• (erred: Ida Street (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) University of Dubuque, Lot 10, Reches Sub . ............... 4222 Lois A. Rhomberg, Lot 11, Reches Sub ......................... 77.40 Nellie Clark, Lot 12, Rech- es Sub : ................................ 204.04 Wm. & Agnes Crahan, Lot 13, Reches Sub . .............. 204,04 Frank & Rose Miller, Lot 14, Reches Sub ................. 77.40 Irene 0: Harlan, Lot 15, Reches Sub ........:............:... 4222 Miss Francis Pederson, Lot 16, Reches Sub ............... 1990 Melvina M. Fawcett, Lot 17, Reches Sub :................ 5:33 Agnes Koenig, Lot 1 Hof 21, Reches Sub . .................:. 89.20 Agens Koenig, Lot 2 of 21, Reches Sub . ................... 34.24 Donald S. & Dorothy B. Kline, Lot 1 of 22, Rech- es Sub .....:....................... 141.73 Frederick M. & Loretta B, Vaels, Lot 23, Reches Sub . .............................. .. 7327 Gustave A, Vath, Lot 1 of 24, Reches Sub . ................ 26,61 Pearl R. Stipp, Lot 2 of 24, Reches Sub ................. 13:07 Stephen Bennett, Lot 25, Reches Sub ......................... 4.81 1,055.28 64,4 Cu. Yds. Excava~tdon Old Macadam & Gravel @ 1.60 ......................._...... 103.04 3.3 Tons Stabilized Base Stone @ 3,80 .................. 12,54 841 Gals. Tack Coat @ .20 16.82 75.0 Tans Bituminous Con- crete Paving t?a 1020 ..:. 765.00 537.11 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat @ 020 .............................. .107.42 1,004.82 4.3% Extra Expense ............ 43.20 5% Interest for 52 days .... ' 726 1,055.2s All of which is assessed ~in pro• portion to the special benefits con- ferred: Lindberg Terrace (Bituminous Concrete Surfacing) Morris Max Blum, Lot 2 of 1 Beutin's Sub........... 291,37 Raymond B, & Dorothy M. Hoskins, Lat 1 of 1, Beu- tin's Sub . .................. ...... 258,76 1 ~' ~- II 466 Special Session, November 14, 1955 Wesley L. & Eleanor Frie- bel, Lat 2 Beutin's Sub, 258.76 Henry J. & 'Eileen Nau- man, Lot 3 Beutin's Sub. 258.76 Robert W, & Cath Palm, Lot 4, Beutin's Sub......... 258.76 Robert W & Cath, Palm, Lot 2 of 5 Beutin's Sub. 129.35 Harold & Lorraine Hodges, Lot 1 of 5 Beutins 'Sub. 129.35 Harold & Lorraine Hodges, Lot 6 Beutin's Sub......... 258.76 Harry Minor, -Lot 7 Beu- tin's Sub• ....................... 263.98 M~arris Max Blum, Lot 8, Beutin's Sub ............ ..... 263.98 Morris Max Blum, Lot 9, Beutin's Sub .:............... 263.98 Morris Max Blum, Lot 10, Beutin's Sub ......:...... ... 263.98 hn P, Welter, Lot 11, J Beutin's Sub .................... 263,98 Morris 'Max Blum,. Lot 12, Beutin's Sub . .. ................. 263.97 John P. Welter, Lot 13, Beutin's Sub . ............... 263.97 Ambrose J & Irene M. Luedtke, Lot 14, Beutin's Sub• : ........................ 263.97 Morris Max Blum, Lot 15, Beutin's Sub ................... 263.97 Jahn P• Welter, Lot 16, Beutin's Sub . .......:...........: 232.93 Bertha A. & Ed, 'D, Mark- ward, Lat 17, Beutin's Sub . ..................................... 237.05 Bertha A• & Ed, D• Mark- ward, Lot 18, Beutin's Sub. ........................ 241,75 Bertha A. & Ed• D• Mark- ward, Lot 19, Beutin's Sub . ............. ...... 33520 Bertha A. & Ed D Mark- ward, Lot 20, Beutin's Sub . .:...................... ..... 225;68 John W, & Anna Law, Lot 24, Beutin's Sub.......... 233,03 Bertha A, & Ed D, Mark- tivard, Lot 23, Beutin's Sub . .............................. 238.72 Edward J, & Phyllis Mark- ward, .Lot 22, Beutin's Sub . :................ ............ 244.67 Edward J• & Phyllis Mark- ward, Lot 21, Beutin's Sub . ............................. . ........ 322, 57 Edw. L, & Leonora Kruse, Lot 1 of 1.1-1 Edw. Kruse Place ..................:...... 116.78 Edw. L, & Leonora Kruse, Lot 1 of 2-1-1 Edw. Kruse Place ....................... 97,42 Edw. L, & Leonora Kruse, Lot 2 of 2-1-1 Edw. Kruse Place .................... 58.02 6,803.47 887.55 Tons of Stabili?ed Base Stone @ 3.80 per ton .............................. 3;372.69 1 No. of Manholes to be raised or lowered @ 30,00 each ......................... 30.00 4643 Gals. of Tack Coat @ .20 gal .................. 92,86 251,95 Tons of Bituminous Concrete Surfacing @ 10.20 per ton .................. 2,569.89 2,063.42 Sq. Yds. of Seal Coat @ .20 per sq. Yd, 412,68 6,47812 43% Extra Expense ...:...... 278,56 5% Interest for 52 days ,... 46,79 6;803,47 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Marshall Street (Bitumi nous Concrete Surfacing) Mary C. & Bert McCor- nick, Lot 66, 5.29' Mc- Craneys 1st Add........... 2,64 Joe A• & Cecelia Fry, Lot 66, N.21' McCraneys 1st Add . ........:....:..:..................... 15.47 Joc A. & Cecelia Fry, Lot 67, S.W,9' McCraneys. lst Add . ............ .... ......... fi•8fi Emma & Otto P, Brahm, Lot 67, N•E•41' McCran- eys 1st Add ................... 58.73 Emma & Otto P. Brahm, Lot 68, S,W,4' McCran- eys 1st Add• ..................:.. 7.43 Ralph H• L. Mocker, Lot 68, N,E,46' McCraneys 1st Add ........... ....:.:.. 11262 Anna M. Roussel, Lot 69, McCraneys 1st Add....... 317,02 Wm, S. Wagner, Lt 70, McCraneys 1st Add• ...... 312.13 Bertha Feller, Lot 1 of 71, McCraneys 1st Add..,.... 78.87 Peter J. & Dorothy Herber, Lot 1 of 73, McCran- eys 1st Add• ...............:..... 92.75 Bernice & Melvin Potry, Lot 2 of 73, McCraneys 1st Add . ..................... 21.73 Bernice & Melvin Peary, Lot 74, S.E,54' McCran- eys 1st Add ................ 124,35 Special Session, November 14, 1955 467 Mary A. Kraus, Lot 74, N.W 83,67' McCraneys 1st Add .......................... 187.78 Edward J. Braun (Cass- ville, Wisc.), Lot 75, Mc- Craneys 1st Add............ 317.02 John J. Ward, Lot 76, Mc- Craneys lst Add• ... , ..... 12025 Arthur & Hilda Digman, Lot 77, McCraneys ls~t Add . ...................................... 65,59 Leroy L. & Carol 'D. Witt- man, Lot 78, McCraneys 1st Add• ........................ 18.10 Elsie Meyer, Lot 72, Mc- Craneys lst Add......... 9.34 John H. Kieler, Lot 446, Hams Add . ............ ........ 17.69 Wm• J. & Wilma J• Wat- ters, Lot 1 of 447, Hams Add• ...:............... ........ 35.86 Wm. J. & Wilma J. Wat- ~ters, Lot 1 of 2 ~of 447 Ham's Add. & 2-71 Mc- Craneys 1st Add ....... ... ... 25.19 Bertha Feller, Lot 2 of 2 of 447 Ham's Add, & 2- 71 McCraneys 1st Add,..'. 28.55 Elsie Meyer, hat 448, Ham's Add . .........:.....:. 5126 Leonard J• & Estella Busch, Lot 449, Ham's Add . ...... ............•.... 10.25 2,043.68 61,6 Cu. Yds. Excavation Earth @ 1.60 per cu, yd• 98.56 1 No, of 'Manholes to ~be raised or lowered @ 30.00 each ..............: 30.00 197.8 Gals. Tack Coat @ 20 per gal ......................... 39.56 155.59 Tons Bituminous Concrete Paving @ 1020 per ton ................ 1,587.02 954.06 Sq. Yds, Seal Coat @ .20 sq. yd ..................... 190,81 1,945.95 Extra Expense @ 4.3% .... 83.68 5% Interest for 52 days .... 14.05 2,043.68 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred• A'Hagen Street (Bitumi nous Concrete Surfacing) Bertha Hird, Lot 9, N.~'z Finley, Waples & Bur- tons Add . ................... 163,62 Le e M, & .Martha Papin, Loh 9, S,'/z Finley; Wa- ples &Burtons Add....... 170.17 Ernest J. Buehet, Lot 10, Finley, Waples & B~um- tons Add . .. ....................... 112,84 John M, & E. D. Ward, Lat 11, Finley, Waples &Burtons Add . .............:.. 44,55 Mary F• Lynch, hot 12, Finley, Waples & Bur- tons Add ............................. 22,35 John E. & Evelyn Kringle, Lat 13, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add ................ 10.73 John E. & Evelyn Kringle, Lot 14, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add ..................... 2;99 Belle McDonough, Lat 24, Finley, Waples & Bur tons Add .......................... 23,73 Belle McDonough, Lot 25, Finley, Waples & Bur• bons Add• ..................::.. 41,07 Ruth & Harry Simon, Lot 26, N.r/z Finley, Waples & Burtons Add ............... 5026 Ruth & Harry Simon; Lot 27, N,~Z Finley, Waples & Burtons Add .............. 142,70 Allan T, Daykin, Lot 26, S,'/z Finley, Waplos & Burtons Add .!::::..... 50.26 A11an T, Daykm, Lot 27, S•~/z Finley, Waples & Burtons Add . ...............:.:.. 142.70 Fred & Emily Frary, Lot 8, Finley, Waples & Bur- tons Add ..................... 360.17 Jenni McGivern, Lat 7, W 50' Finley, Waples & Burtons Add .........:... .115.71 Margaret McGivern, hot 7, E,10' Finley, Waples & Burtons Add, ......,....~.._:.. 16.61 Margaret McGivern; Lot 6, Finley, Waples & Bur- hons Add . ......:......:............ 59.91 Margaret McGivern, Lot 5 W,10' Finley, Waples & Burtons Add• .................. 5.96 Robert McGivern Est., Lot 5 E. 50' Finley, Waples & Burtons Add ...:......:.... 19.48 Robert McGivern Est., Lot 31, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add• ...........:.....::: 1434 Ralph & Juanita Tritsah, Lot 30, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add• ......:..:......... `44,11 John L, & Eileen Cahill, Lot 28 & 29 N.49' Fin- ley, Waples &Burtons Add . ......:.. ......:.......:. 13024 r 468 Speaal Session, November 14, 1955 Wesley C, Burgas & Joan, Wilmer & Dolores Roden, Lot 28 & 29, 5,48'-96' Lat 42, Finley, Waples ~ Finley, Waples & Bur- Burbons Add, ..~.........._..... 79,19 tons Add ............................. 127,57 Wm. & Mamie Lammer, Wm. & Dorathy Blum, Lost 43, Finley, ~V!aple~s 8c Lot 28 & 29 N,48'-5.96' Burtons Ad . ..::......:..:.:...... 41.44 Finley, Waples & Bur- Wm. & Mamie Lammer, tons Add . ............................ 127.57 Lat 44, E.42', Finley, Roy A, & Esther Wright, Waples & Bumbans Add, 21,44 Lot 1 of 1.40, Finley, Robert John & Janet B: Waples & Bonbons Add. 128,74 Weitz, Lot 49, Finley, Herbert J. & Irene T. Waples & Bunhoa~ A~d~d, 93.06 Schriener, Lot 2 of 1.40, Robert John & Janet B. Ftnley, Waples & Bur- Weitz, Lot 50, Finley; tons Add ............................. 128,74 Waples & Bumtmns Add. 194:95 Donald D. & Helen Roth, Lot 2 ~of 40, Finley, Wa- $3;541,54 pies &Burtons Add, ...... 27,52 186.8 Cu. Yds. of Excava- Donald D. & Helen. Roth, Lion Old Macadam & Lot 2 of 2.39, Finley, Gravel @ 1,60 per cu.yd. 298,88 Waples & Bonbons Add. 9,69 5 No, of Manholes to ~bo Herbert J, & Irene " T. raised or lowered Schriener, Lot 2 of 1-Z- 30.00 each .......................... 150.00 39, Finley, Waples & 370,6' Gals, of Tack Coat Burtons Add . ............ 26,08 @ 20 per gal.................. 74,12 Ray A. & Esbher Wright, Lot 1 of 1-2x39, Ftnley, 243.85 Tons of Bituminous Waples & Bonbons Add. 20.08 Concrete Paving @ rtha Schnitt}er, Lot 1 Be 1020 per hon ... 2,487;27 Hof 39, Finley, Waples & 1,809.56 Sq. Yds, of Seal Burtons Add... L ............... 38.54 ', Coat @ .20 per sq, yd,.... 361,91 Bertha Schnittjer, Lot 38, Finley, Waples & Bum- 3 372.18 , ......... ............ tons Add. 37.98 4.3% Extra Expense ..... I I ~t 145.00 Casper N. & Bertha n st far 52 days :.., ~, 5% 24.30 Schueller, Lot 1 of 53, Finley, Waplos & Bre- 3,541.54 tons Add . .................... 18.00 All of which is assessed in pro- Donald D: & Helen Roth, portion to the special benefits con- Lot 2 of 2.52, Finley, furred, Waples & Buntbns Add. 27.00 Pearl Street (Eituminous David L. & Luella Brauhn, Concrete Surfacing) Lo't 1 Hof 2.52, Finley, Wa- Lea M. & Martha Pepin; Ales & Btu'bons Add, .... 36,69 Lot 9, S.'/z Finley, Wa- Wendell W. & Rilla F, Car- pies &Burtons Add.....No Benefit ter, Lot 1 of 52, Finley, Ernest J, Buchet, Lot 10, Waples & Bonbons Add. 36,69 Ftnley, Waples & Bur- Donald D; & Helen Rath, tans Add . .......................No Benefit Lot 2 of 2.51, Finley, John M, & E. D. Ward, Waples & Burtan~s Add. 76,67 Lot 11, Finley, Waples Bti - David L, & Luella Brauhn, Burtons Add, .......... No Benefit Lot 1 of 2.51, Finley, Mary F, Lynch, Lot 12, Waples & Bumtans Add. 104:19 Finley, Waples & Bnr~ Wendell W. & Rilla F. .tons Add ................._.....Na Benefit Carter, Lot 1 of 51, Fin- Wm. E. & Beatrice L ley; Waples & Burtons Stnoupe, Lot 20, Finley, Add. ........... ........... 104.19' Waples &Burtons Add. 194,55 Minnie G. Grigg,. Lot 41, Philip A, i~ Mary Geitz; 5.72'6", Finley, Waples Lat 21, Finley, Waples & & Burtons Add ........... 142.51 Burtons Add.. ...:..: 194.55 Wilmer & Dolores Roden, Joseph E, & Mae Bushman, Lot 41, N.72'6", Finley, Lot 22, Finley, Waples & Waples &Burbons Ad~~d. 142.51 Burtons Add:. ,.:..... 194,55 Special Session, November 14, 1955 469 Joseph E. & Mae Bushman, Alvinia Adams; Lot 2 of Lot 23, Finley, Waples 98, Finley, Waples ~ Burbons Add ............... 194,55 Burtons Add....:..:......::..::: 4620 Belle McDonough, Lot 24, Lillian J. Stoltz, Lot 1 of Finley, Waples & 'Bur- 99, Finley, Waples & tons Add .........................::.: 230,46 Burtons Add....................... 148.35 Belle McDonough, Lot 25, Alvinia Adams, Lot 2 Hof Finley, Waples & Bur- 99, Finley, Waples & tons Add ............................. 173.48 Burtona Add.....,.......,.....,. ' 4620 Ruth & Harry Simon, Lot Mebtel Realty & Inv, Co., 26, N,'/i Finley, Waples Lot 100, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add . ................ 46.20 &Burtons Add...............:. 194.55 Allan T. Daykin, Lot 26, A, G. & Charlotte Dooley, S,'/z Finley, Waples & Lot 101, W.50', Finley, Burtons Add .............:....... 148,35 Waples &Burtons Add. 162;11 Ruth & Harry Simon, Lot A. G. Rc Charlotte Dooley; 27, N.~Z Finley, Waples Lot 101, E.10', Finley, & Burtons Add . ................ 4620 Waples &Burtons Add, ' 32,41 Allan T. Daykin; Lot 27, S.'/a Finley, Waples & A, G, & Charlotte Dooley, Burtons Add, 148,35 Lot 102, W.40', Finley, Wilmer & Delores Ruder, Waples &Burtons Add. 129.70 Lot 41, N.72'6", Finley, Ed C. Young, Lot 102, E. Waples &Burbons Add, 148,35 20', Finley, Waples & Minnie G, Grigg, Lot 41, S. Burtons Add. ....... 64:85 72'6" Finley; Waples & Ed C, Young, Lot. 103, W. Burtons Add ................. 41.93 80', Finley, Waples & Wilmer & Delores Roden, Burtons Add .......::.:.:......:.:: 97.26 Lot 42, Finley, Waples Donald P. Heim, Lot 103, & Burtons Add ...:.:........ 141,87 E,30', Finley, Waples- & Mamie Lammer, Lot 43, Burtons Add .:.::.:..... . 9726 Finley,"Waples & Bur- ... ... tons Add ' 202.85 Donald P, Heim, Lot 104, . .... ... .. Mamie Lammer, Lot 44, E, Finley, Waples & Bur- tons Add . ........................ 194.55 42', Finley, Waples & Burtons Add ...............: 136,18 Donald P, Heim, Lot 105, Mamie Lammer, Lot 44, W, Finley, Waples & Bur- 18', Finley, Waples & tons Add ....:::................. 194.55 Burtons Add ............... ... 58:37 Melvin C. &Dorathy Brad- Mamie Lanuner, Lot 45, ley, Lot 106, Finley, Wa- Finley, Waples & Bur- pies &Burtons Add, ...... .194,55 tons Add ... ...................... 194,55 Melvin C. & Dorathy Brad- Grace E. Potter, Lot 46, S, ley, Lot 107, N,40', Fin- ~Z, Finley, Waples & ley, Waples &Burtons Burtons Add .................: 194,55 Add ................................. 109,18 Harry C, & Cath, Thielen, Lillian Eustice, Lot 107, Lot 94, Finley, Waples 5,105', Finley; Waples & & Burtons Add .......:.:..... 155,63 Burtons Add ., 85,38 Harry C. & Cath. Thielen, Grace V. Jaeger, Lot 108, Lot 95, Finley, Waples N.20', Finley, Waples & &•Burtons Add.... ........ 194,55 Burtons Add . ............. No Benefit Charles A, & Joanette A. Grace V. Jaeger,. Lot 109, Schneider, Lot 96, Fin- . N20', Finley, Waples & ley, Waples &Burtons Burtons Add . ............No Benefit Add . ...................................... 194.55 Melvin F. & Ruth M, Arthur C. Wickman, Lot Hocking, Lot 108, 5.125', 96A, Finley, Waples & Finley, Waples & Bur- Burtons Add . ....... ......... 194.55' $ons Add.................. _..... 186.03 Arthur C. Wickman, Lot Wm, A, Rita J, Reiser, Lot 97, Finley, Waples & 109, 5.125', Finley, Wa- Burtons Add .................. 194.55 pies &Burtons Add..,..::. 186.43 Lillian J. Stoltz, Lot 1 of George Spensley, Lot. 110; 98, Finley, Waples & Finley, Waples & Bur- . Burtons Add .................. 148,35 tons Add, ,,.......... ........ 194,55 X70 Special Session, November l4, 1955 Francis J, & Bertill Hines, 4.3% Extra Expense ...,,..... 346,62 Lot 111, Finley, Waples 5% Interest for 52 days..,, 58.22 & Burtons Add . ................ 194,55 John J. & Frances Witt• 8,465.82 stock, 'Lot 112, hipley, All of which is assessed in ~pro- Waples &Burtons Add, 194,55 portion Ea the special benefits con- Lavern E. & Rita M, ferred. Ploessl, Lot 113, Finley, Pleasant Street (Bituminous Waples & Burtons Add. 194,55 Concrete Surfacing) Albert & Elise Pye, Lot Wm. J. & Cath, Hohneck- Waples & n err Lt 25, Taylor & .' ... Burtons Add, 194.55 Cooleys Sub, . 146.30 Lavern & Ihlene Stockel, Donald R. & Nathalie M. Lot 115, Finley, Waples Bauer, Lot 26, Taylor & Burtons Add . .............. 19455 Cooleys Sub, . 55.49 Lester p, & Dorothy B. Robert L, & Gene G, Wagner, Lat 116, Finley, Grimmer Lot 27, Taylor Waples &.Burtons Add. 194.55 &Cooleys Sub ........, 30,27 Lester p, & Dorothy B, Robert L. & Ge~te G, Wagner, Lot 117, Finley, Grimmer Lot 28, Taylor Waples &Burtons Add. 194.55 &Cooleys Sub ................... 14.13 Lester D. & Dorothy B. Anthony Zwack, Lot 29, Wagner, Lot 118, Finley, Taylor &Cooleys Sub..... 8,17 Waples &Burtons Add. 194.55 Max & Anna Buechler, Lot Anthony Zwack, Lot 30, Taylor &Cooleys Sub,.... 6,46 119, Finley, Waples & Burtons Add . .......:.......... 194.55 Joseph lI, & Clara R. Max & Anna Buechler, Lot Boge, Lot 40, Taylor & Cooleys Sub. ,,...... .97,00 120, Finley, Waples & Joseph H, & Clara R. Burtons Add .......... 194.55 Boge, Lot 2 of 41, Taylor Joseph G. Zenner, Lot 121, ~ Cooleys Sub, 70,67 Finley, Waples & Bur- Joseph Ii, & Clara 'R, tons Add... ........ 194.55 Boge, Lot 2 of 8, Raymond F. & Olivia -Kun- Gmehles Sub, ....... 23,51 kel, Lot 121A, Finley, Joseph H. & Clara R. Waples &Burtons A,dd. 1.89.99 Boge, Lot 7, Gmehles - Sib, ......... ...... 36,77 8,465.82 Voelker Realty Co, Lot 6, 1192.8 Cu. Yds. Excavation Gmehles Sub.. .., ... 32,51 Old Macadam & Gravel Voelker Realty Co , Lot 5, @ 160 ........ .......... 1;908.48 u .r/z Gmehles Sub 15.07 1,176.9 Tons Base Stone @ gene R, & Gloria M. E Lot 5 Stierman W,'/z 3,80 .. .., ... .......... 4,4n2,22 , , Gmehles Sub. .....,. 15.07 3 No, of iVlanholes Raised Eugene R.. & Gloria M. qr Lowered @ 30,00 ...... 90,00 S h e r m a n, Gmehles 867.8 Gals, Tack Coat @ Sub . ...................................... 26.11 .20 ........... ,..:...... 173,56 John T. & Fannie Sitterly, 528,25 Tons Bituminous Lot 3, Gmehles ;;pb....... 21.83 Concrete Paving @ Dorothy Lanners, Lot 2, 10,20 .....:................................ 5,388:15 Gmehles Sr~b, ................... 18.26 3,700.11 Sg. Yds. Seal Coat Dorothy Lanners, Lot 1, @ 20 ......................... 740.02 Gmehles Sub, .................... 27.95 Extra Work Order .......... 42.50 Frederick & Madeline Stas• kal, Lot 1, 0, Taylors 1 2,814.93 Sub . ...................................... 106,69 Frederick & Madeline Stas- Less: Deficiency to be paid kal, Lot 2, 0. Taylors by City in excess :of 10% Sufi . ..................................... 102,71 over Estimate ................:. 4,753.95 Richard J. & Olive M, Bogue, Lot 3, 0, Taylors 8,060,98. .Sub, ' ...................................... 98,86 Special Session, November 14, 195 471 John F. & Fannie Sittorly, 153.22 Tons Bituminous Lot 4; 0, Taylors Sub..... 94.62 Concrete Paving @ 102D 1,582.84 Eugene R. & Gloria M, 1,232,33 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat Stierman, Lot 5, 0. Tay- @ .20 .........................._.._.... 246.47 Tors Sub 133:18 - Voelker Realty Co ,Lot 6, 2,013,49 0,• Taylors Sub..... ..... 128,38 4.3% Extra Expense ...:..... 86,0$ George T. & Isabelle M. 5% Interest for 52 days .... 14.54 Davis, trot 1 of 7, 0, Tay logs Sub ............................... 73.15 2,114.G1 George A. & C. Ih Feller, All of which is assessed in pro- Lot 2 of 7, 0. Taylors portion to the special benefits con- Su~b. ......_ .............................. 73.15 ferred. George T, & Isabelle M. Passed, adopted and ~appPOVed Davis, Lot 1 of $, 0, 'Pay- this 14th day of November,1g55. lors Sub. ........_........._....... 27.75 CHARLES A. KINTZINGER George A. & C, M, Feller, Mayor fors Lot 2 of 8; 0, Tay CLARENCE P. WELU Sub. 27,75 RAY F. KOLB Anton Zwack Inc,, Lot 9, LEO N, SCHIIELLER 0; Taylors Sub ................. 30,27 Councilfnen Anton Zwack Inc., Lot 10, Attest: .... ...... ................. 0. Taylors Sub ............. 14.13 L)0 F FROMMELT, Anton Zwack Inc., Lot 11, City Clerk 0, Taylors Sub .:............. 8.17 Conncihnen Schueller moved the Lot 12, Anton Zwack Inc. adoption of the resolution, Second- , 0. Taylors Sub ............. 6.46 ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Lot'13, Anton Zwack Inc the following vote; , 0, Taylors Su'b ............. 6,46 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Anton & Susan Zwack, Lot Nays-None, 14, 0. Taylors Sub......... g,17 Absent-Councilman Dove. Anton & Susan Zwack, Lot ,proofs of Publication, certified 15, 0, Taylors Sub...... .. 14.13 to by the Publishers, of notice to Anton Zwack, Lot 16, 0. authorize the Issuance of bonds, Taylors Sub . ........:..... 30.27 to ~bhe ~amauivt of $77,986,51, fmr Anton Zwack, Lot 17, 0, the purpose of paying for the cost Taylors Sub .......... ........ 55,49 of Bituminous Concrete Surfacing A, J. & Oa~bheri~ne Nbihm, oii the following streets: Lot 18, 0, Taylors Sub,.... 146.30 Auburn Street from the North Margaret Engler; Lot 19, East Property Line of Grace Street 0. Taylors Sub, .......... 161,07 to the South West Property Line Anton Zwack, Lot 20; 0. of University Avenue, Taylors Sub: .. , ...... 60,09 Clinton Street from the Vilest Anton Zwack, Lot 21, 0. Property Line of Windsor Avenue Taylors .Sub . ............ 32.21 to the East Property Line of Queen Anton & Susan M: Zwack, Street, Lot 22, 0, Taylors Sub, 14.77 Eagle Street from the North Anton & Susan M..Zwack; property Line of Thomas Place to Lot 23, 0. Taylors Sub. 8.34 the South Property Line of Viola Anton & Susan M. Zwack, Street, Lot 24, 0, Taylors Sub. 6,47 Elm Street from the North Prop• 114.61 2 erty Line of 22nd Street to the 8b.4 Cu, Yds. Excavation , South Property Line of 24th Street. Old Macadam. & Gravel Elm Street from the North Prop- @ 1.60 :............. 136,64 erty Line of 24th Street 'to the 1 No. of Manholes to be South Property Line of 26th Street, raised or lowered @ Garfield Avenue from Che North 30.00 ................:..::............... 30,00 Property Line of Marshall Street 187,7 Gals. Tack Coat @ to the South Property Line of ~ .0,20 . ,....,..: 37;54 ,Stanton Street r' 472 Special Session, November 14, 1955 Hennepin Street from the West Property Line of Stafford Street to the East Property Line of Windsor Avenue. Ida Street from the South Prop- erty. Line of Delhi Street to the Norbh Property .Line of Grace Street, Lindberg Terrace from the East Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace, Marshall. Street from the West Property Line of Rhomberg Ave- nue to the East Property Line of Lincoln Avenue. ' O'Hagen Street from the South Property Line of University Avenue tc the North Property Line of Min- eral Street. Pearl Street' from the Norbh Property Line Hof O'Hagen Street to the end of Pearl Street. Pleasant Street from the West Property Line of Viola Street to the East Property Line of Stafford Street, presented and read. Coun- cilman Kolb moved the proofs of Publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schuel- ler, Carried Eby the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cihnen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. RESOLUTION N0. 238.55 Resolution providing for bhe is- suance of Street Bonds for the,pur- pose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of the City of Dubuque 1955 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1. Whereas the contract heretofore entered into by bhe City of Du- buque, Iowa, for the improvement 'hereinafter described has been completed and bhe City Manager has certified the completion there- of :to the City Council and the City Council has ascertained bhe cost thereof and has determined that $77,986.51 Dollars of the cost there- of shall be assessed against the property subject to assessment therefor;' and Whereas public notice, as provid- ed by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council ~bo issue bonds for the purpose of providing far the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been Held, pursuant to such notice and all objections mada thereto 'have been considerod sand determined; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1, That to provide for the pay- ment ~of the assessed cost of .the. improvement of the following streets by surfacing the same with Bituminous Concrete surfacing, to• wit: 1. Auburn Street from the North East Property Line of Grace Street to the South West Property Line of University Avenue. 2. Clinton Street from the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue to the East Property Line of Queen Street, 3, Eagle Street from bhe North Property Line of Thomas Place to the South Property Line of .Viola Street. 4, Elm Street from the North Property Line of 22nd Street to the South Property Line of 24th Street, 5, Elm Street from the North Property Line of 24th Street to •the South Property Line of 26th Street. 6. Garfield Avenue from the North Property Line of Marshall Street to the South Property Line of Stanton Street, 7. Hennepin Street Pram-the West Property Line of Stafford Street to 'the East Property Line of Wind- sor Avenue. 8, Ida Street from the South Property Line of Delhi Street to the North Property Line of Grace Street. 9, Lindberg Terrace from the East Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace. 10, Marshall Street from bhe West Property Line Hof Rhomberg Avenue to 'the East Property Lino of Lincoln Avenue, 11. O'Hagen Street from the South Property Line of University Avenue to the Norbh Property Line of Mineral Street. 12, Pearl Street from the Norbh Property Line of O'Hagen Street to the end of Pearl Street. 13. Pleasant Street from bhe West Property Line of Viola Street to the East Property Line of Stafford Street, there shall be issued Street bonds in bh'eamount Hof $77,986.51 Dollars in anticipation of the de- Special Session, November 14, 1955 473 ferred payment of assessments lev ied for such improvement, 2, Such bonds shall be called Streot bonds; and shall bear the date of December 14, 1955; and shall be numbered consecutively; and they shall be numbered, divid- ed into series, and be in such ~de- nominations and far such maturity dates as are shown in the following table: 1. 200 to 214 inclusive-$500.00 each, April 1, 1956. 2. 215 to 229 inclusive-$500.00 each, April 1, 1957. 3, 230 to 244 inclusive, $500.00 each, April 1, 1958. 4. 245 to 259 inclusive-$500.00 each, April 1, 1959. 5. 260 'to 275 inclusive_$500.00 each, April 1, 1960. 6. 276 to 291 inclusive-$500.00 each, April 1, 1961. 7. 292 to 307 inclusive-$500.00 each, April 1, 1962, 8, 308 to 323 inclusive-$500,00 each, April 1, 1963. 9, 324 to 339 inclusive^$500,00 each, April 1, 1964. 10. 340 to 354 inclusive-$500.OD each, April 1, 1965. 10, 355--$486.51, April 1, 1965. 3. Said 'bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an• Hum, payable semi-annually in ~ac- cordance with coupons thereto at- tached: 4. Said bands shall not make bhe City of Dubuque liable in any way, except far bhe application of said special assessment funds. 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated therein at bhe option of the City of Dubuque and shall be in sub- stantially the following form: No . .......................................................... Series No ............................................. CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Bond The City Hof Dubuque ~in bhe Sba:te of Iowa promises 'to pay ~as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on bhe first day of ...................., or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Dubuque, the sum of Five Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the presentation and surrender of the interest cou- pons hereto attached. Both princi- pal and interest of this bond 'are payable at 'the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque un- der and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amended, and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1955, being Resolution No. 238- 55, This Bond is one of a serles of 156 bonds, 155 for $500,00 num- bered from 200 to 354 inclusive, and one for $486.51 numbered 355,. all' of like tenor and date, and is- sued for the purpose of paying the cast of the City of Dubuque 1955 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1 as described in said Resolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abutting and ad- jacent property along said -im- pirovernenits sand is mrado by law is lien ion ~a11 Hof said property. Ib is payable only gout of the Special As- sessment Eund No. 1177 created by the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and rec)ted that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, prece- dent to and in issuing ~thi~~ series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened, and performed, in regular and due form,~as required' by law and said Resolution, and for bhe ~as- sessment, collection and payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and dIligence of 'said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In Testimony Whereof the: City of Dubuque by its Council has paused bhfis bond bo be ~sign~od by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City to be thereto affixed, this 14th day of December, 1955. (SEAL) Mayor ..................... City Clerk (Form of Coupon) On the ............ day of ...........:.....:..... the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom- ises to pay to the bearer, as pro• vided in said bond, the sum af..:....,.. Dollars, in the office of the Cit7 ~I 6 ' `~ .': s 'i 474 Special Session, November 14, 1955 Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being :.......... months' interest due that date on its ................. Bond No ..::.:............: dated ..:......................,..... Mayor City Clerk 6. Tfi~at the Mayor and City Clerk be anti they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when Aso prepared to execute said bonds and 'than the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then deliv- er them to the City Treasurer, 7. That the City Tre~a~surer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known 'as Special Assessment Fund No. 11T1 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said contract. 8. That the interest coupons at- tached to the bonds be signed with the facsimile signature of the May- or and countersigned with bhe fac- simdle signature Hof the Ciity Clerk, 9, That as fast as funds allow, beginning with 'the second year after the Payment of interest due, these bonds shall ibe called and re- tired in the same order ~as num- bered. Adopted this 14th day of Novem- ber, 1955. CHARLES A, KINTZPNGER Mayor CLARENCE 'P. WELD RAY F, KOLB LEO N. SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest; LEO F; FROMMELT, City Clerk Councilman Kalb moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove, State of Iowa { SS County of Dubuque l I, John L. White hereby certify that I posted copies of the notice of levy of special assessment and intention 'of the City Council Ito issue bonds along the line of im- provement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing for the following portions of the following streets: 1. Auburn Street from the North- East Property Line 'of Grace Street. to the South West Property Line of University Avenue, 2, Clinton Street from the West Property Line of Windsor Avenue to the East Property Line 'of Queem Street. 3, Eagle Street from the North Property Line of Thomas Place 'to bhe South Property Line of Viola Street, 4, Elm Street from the North Property Line of 22nd Street to the South Property Line of 24th Street. 5. Elm Street from the North Property Line of 24th Street to the South Property Line of 26th Street. 6. Garfield Avenue from the Norbh Property Line of Marshall Street to the South 'Property Line of Stanton Street, 7. Hennepin Street from'the West Property Line of Stafford Street to the East Property Line of Windsor Avenue. 8. Ida Street from the South Property Line of Delhi Street to the North Property Line of Grace Street. 9. Lindberg Terrace from the East Property Line of Eagle Street to the end of Lindberg Terrace. 10. Marshall Street from the West Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue to .the East Property Line of Lincoln Avenue. 11. O'Hagen Street from the South Property Line of University Avenue to the North Property Line of Mineral Street, 12. Pearl Street from bhe North Property Line of O'Hagen Street to the end of Pearl Street, 13. Pleasant Street from the West Property Line of Viola Street to the East Property Line of Stafford Street. JOHN L. WHITE Subscribed and sworn to 'before me, ~a Notary Public this 26th day of October; 1955. (Notarial Seal) LEO F. FROMNiELT, Notary Public Councilman Kolb moved ~bhat the notice be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove. Special Session, November 1~, 1955 ~5 Proofs of Publication, certified 425 Lin. Ft, Stone .Curb. to by the Publishers, of Ngtice Hof Removal @ 025 per Levy of Special Assessment and Lin, Ft. ... ........ 106,25 Intention of the City Council to 404,3 Lin, Ft. Combina• issue bonds for the purpose to pay tion Curb & Gutter ~a for the cost of concrete curb and 2,00 per Lin. Ft., Type gutter of Garfield Avenue (west "a" ................................ 808.fi0 si_~o only) from ,bhe North Property 34.0 Lin. Ft, Radius Curb, Line of Whittier street to the South Type "b" @ 2 Op per Property Line of Emerson street, Lin Ft . ................... 68.00 presented and read. Councilman Kolb moved the proofs of publica- 982.85 lion be recceived and filed, Second' 14,5% Extra Expense ........ 142,52 ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- 5% Interest for 52 days .... 711 rigid by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kin#zinger, Coun- $1,132.48 cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. All of which is assessed in pro- Nays-None, portion to the special benefits con- Absent-Councilman Dave.. (erred. Passed, adopted and ,ap- No written objections filed and proved this 14th day of November, no objectors present in the Coun- 1955. cil Chamber at the time set for said CHARLES A. KINTZINGDR public hearing. Mayor CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CLARENCE P. WELU Schedule of Assessments RAY F. KOLB RESOLUTION N0. 239.55 LEO N, SCHUELLER Resolved by the City Council of Councilmen the City of Dubuque, Iowa; That to Attest. LEO F, FROMMELT, pay for the improvement of Gar• City Clerk field Avenue (West Side Only) with Councilman Kolb moved the Concrete Curb and Gubter from adoption of the resolution Second- , the 'North Property Line of Whit• ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- tier street to the South Property Tied by the following vote; Line of l+;merson street, by Thos. yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Flynn Goal Co,, contractor in front cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, of and adjoining the same, a spe- Nays=None. vial tax be and is hereby levied on Absent-Councilman Dove. 'the several lots, and parts of lots,' certified to proof of Publication and parcels of real estate all as situated and owned, and named , by the Publisher, of notice to au- , for the several amounts set oppo- 'thorize the issuance of street im- in theamount provement bonds site each lot or parcel of real es• , for bhe purpose of pay- 132 48 of $1 fate, as set forth in the schedule, ' , , , ing the cost of the improvement of Leary, Lot 233, Gertrude O 56 $141 Addition Garfield avenue (west side only) , ............ Hams & Irene B. Fran- John L with concrete curb and gutter from . Hams Addi- Lot 232 son the North Property Line of Whi$- , , tion 141,56 '" tier street to the South Property """""" "" Jos. & Maria Giunta, Lot line of Emerson street, presented Councilman Kolb moved and read 231, Hams Addition ....... 141.56 rion K & M . .that the Proof of Publication, be , a Robert B. Hams Lot 230 Tegler received and filed, Seconded by , , .... ,.. ... 141.56 Addition Councilman Welu. Carried by bhe .. Donald J. Anthony, Lot following vote: Coun- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger 229, Haws Addrtion ........ 141.56 , Welu. Schueller cilmen Kolb Elmer W. & Ann M. Les- , , Nays-None. Lein, Lat 228, Hams Ad• Absent-Councilman Dove, ditron 141.56 Raymond F. & Virginia RESOLUTION N0. 240.55 FesSler Lot 227 Hams Resolution providing for bhe is- Addrtlon ...... ,. 141,56 suance of Street bonds for the Jay & Dorothy Prrce, Lot purpose of providing for the pay- 226, Hams Addrtion ...~.... 141.56 menb of the assessed oust Hof ¢he improvement of Garfield Avenue $1,132,48 (West Side only), ~, t~ .:~= ~V ~: ;:_, '~ .. f` r'~_, ;,= ,: 476 Special Session, November 14, 1955 Whereas the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Du- buque, Iowa, far the improvement hereinafter described has been com- pleted and the City Manager has certified the completion thereof to the City Council and the City Council has ascertained the cost thereof and has determined that $1,132.48 Dollars of the cost there- of shall be assessed against the property subject to assessment therefor; and Whereas public notice, as pro- vided by law, has 'been published by the City Clerk stating the inten- tion of the City Council ~ba issue bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held, pur- suant ~to such notice and all ob- jections made thereto have been considered and determined; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the .City Council of the City of Dubuque; 1. That •to provide for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of the improvement of Garfield Avenue (West Side only) from the North Property Line of Whittier Street to the.. South: Property Line of Emerson- Street with Concrete Curb & Gutter there shall be issued Street_ bonds in the amount. of $1,132.48 Dollars in anticipation of the deferred payment of assess• menu. levied far such improvement. 2. Such bonds shall be called Street bonds; and shall bear the date of December 14, 1955; and shall Abe numbered consecutively; and they .'shall be numbered, divid- ed into series, and be in such de• nominations and for such maturity dates as are shown in the follow- ing table; 1. 356-$100.00, April 1, 1956. 2. 357-$100.00, April 1, 1957. 3. 358-$100.00, April 1, 1958. 4. 359-$1D0.00, April 1, 1959. 5. 360-$100.00, AprIl 1, 1960. 6. 361-$100.00, April 1, 1961. 7. 362-$100.00, April 1, 1962. 8, 363-$100.00, April 1, 1963, 9, 364100,00, April 1, 1964. 10. 365 and 366-$100.00 each, April 1, 1965. 10. 367-$32.48, April 1, 1965, 3. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an- num, payable serni~annually in ac- cordance with coupons thereto at- tached: 4, Said bonds shall not make the City of 'Dubuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds. 5, Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated bherein at the option Hof the City of Dubuque and shall '~be in sub- stantially the following farm: No. . _ ................................ _.... _......... Series No.._ .....................................:.... CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on the first day of ....:.........:....:... or at any time before bhat date, ~at the option of the City of Du- buque, the sum of One Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay- able semi-annually, on the. presen- tation and 'surrender of the inter- est coupons hereto attached. Both principal and interest of bhis bond are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque un- der and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amerid- ed, and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 14th day of Nb- vember, 1955, ibeing Resolution No. 240.55• This Bond ~is one of a series of 12 bonds, 11 for $100.00 numbered from 256 to 366 inclusive, and one for $32,48 numbered 367, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of the improvement of Garffeld Avenue (West Side only) from the 'North Property Line of Whittier Street to the South Property Line of Emerson Streot wibh concrete curb & gut- ter as described in said Resolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abutting and adjacent prop- erty along said improvements and is made by law a lien on all of said property. It is payable only out of the Special Assessment Fund No. 1178 created by the collection of said special hex, sand said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and Special Session, November 14, 1955 477 things required to be done, prece- dent to and in issuing this series of bond~~s, 'have been drone, hap- pened, and performed, in regular and due form, as required by law and said Resolution, and for the assessment, collection sand payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and dlligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged, In Testimony Whereof the City of Dubuque by its Council 'has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City to be thereto affixed, this 14th day of December, 1955. (SEAL) Mayor ............................................... City Clerk (Form of Coupon) On the .............. day of ................ , the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom; ises to pay to the bearer, as provid- ed in said bond, the sum of ................ Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being .............. months' interest due ibha~t date ion its ........................ Bond No.......... dated .................................. Mayor City Clerk these bonds shall be called and re- tired in the same order as num- bered• Adopted this 14th day of Novem- ber, 1955. CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RAY F. KOLB LEO N.SCHUELLER Councllmen Attest; LEO F, FROMMELT, City Clerk Councilman Kolb moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Welu, Carried 'by the following vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu• Nays-None, Absent-Councilman 1}ove. State of Iowa ~ SS County of Dubuque I, John L, White, hereby certify that I posted copies Hof the native of levy of special assessment and intention of the City Council to issue bonds along the line of im- provement of Garfield Avenue (West Side Only) with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the North Property Line of Whittier Street to the South Property Line of Emerson street, John L. White Subscribed and sworn to before 6, That the Mayor and City Clerk me, a Notary Public •this 26th day be and they are hereby instructed of October, 1955. to cause said bonds to be prepared (Notarial Seal) and when so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk LEO F. FROMMELT be and he is hereby instructed to Notary Public register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then de- Councilman Kolb moved that the liver them to the City Treasurer. I notice be received and filed. Sec- That the City Treasurer is 7 onded by Councilman Schueller• • hereby instructed to sell said bonds Carried Eby the following vote: in the manner provided by law, the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Welu, Schueller cilmen Kolb proceeds of said sale to be placed , , - Nays-None. in a special fund to be known. as Absent-Councilman Dove. Special Assessment Fund No. 1178 and paid out by him to pay the Communication of Schlueter In- cos't of said contract, surance Agency, requesting can- 8. That the interest coupons at- cellation of the Excavation Bond tached to the bonds be signed with No, 13-643-52, 'of Jahn Luber, Con• •the facsimile signature of the May- tractor, of the United States Fi• or and countersigned with the fac- delity and Guaranty Co., renewed simile signature of the City Clerk. April 12, 1955, presented and read, 9. That as fast as funds allow, Councilman Welu moved the can• beginning with the second year af- cellation of the bond, providing ter the payment of interest due, there are no outstanding claims I ,I 478' Special' Session, November 14; 1955 Seconded by Councilman Kolb: Car- ried by he following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Conn- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove. November 11, 1955 To 'the Honorable Mayor. and City Council, Dubuque,. Iowa Gentleman; The construction of the "City of Dubuque 1955• Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 2" has been completed- in accordance with the plans and~• specifications by the Thomas Flynn Coal Company: I hereby recommend the accept once of this improvement. Respectfully' submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, Cit'y' Manager LJSao Councilman Ko113 moved th'e re'c• ammendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kalb; Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. FINAL ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA RESOLUTION N0. 241.55 Whereas, the contract for the City of Dubuque 1955 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 2 far the construction of concrete curb and gutter on the following portions of the following named streets, to wit: Kaufmann Avenue -from the West Property Line of Carter Road to the' East Property Line of Lot 2ofloflof2of1of2of2'ofl of 2 of 1 of Highland Fanm, Ruan Drive - from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the North Property Line of Ideal Lane. Ideal Lane-from the City Cor- poration Limits to the East Prop- erty Line' of Earl Drive: Earl Drive-from the North Property Line' of Ideal Lane to the South Property' Line of Pennsyl- vania Avenue. Southern Avenue-from the ex- isting curb` and gutter on Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 9 to ~a point 301 feet south on Southern Avenue, has been' completed and the City Engineer- has submitted'' his final estimate showing the cost thereof' including the cost= of esti- mates, notices; inspection; and pre- paring the assessment and plat; now therefore, Be It Resolved; by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque; That bhe cost of said improve- ment is hereby determined to be $16,'729:91. That $15,724.31 of the cost there- of shall be assessable upon private property and $1,005.60 shall be paid from the Street Construction Fund of the City of Dubuque.. Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1955. CHARLES A, KINTZRV'GER Mayor CLARENCE P, WELD RAY F; KOLB LEO N. SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest; L~0 F. FROMMELT,' City Clerk Councilman Kolb moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Schueller.. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. (A Resolution Accepting Imprave• ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) CITY OF DUBUQUE, 1O'1JA RESOLUTION N0. 242.55 Whereas, .bhe contract for the City of Dubuque 1965 Connote Curb and Gutter Project No. 2 for construction of concrete, curb and gutter on the following portions of the following named streets, to wit: Kaufmann Avenue-from the West Property Line of Carter Road. to the East Property Line of Lot 2 ofloflof2of1of2of2ofl of 2 of 1 of Highland Farm. Ruan Drive=from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania. Avenue to the north Property Line of. Ideal Lane. Ideal Lane-from the City Cor- potation Limits to tho East Prop erty Line of Earl 'Drive, Earl Drive-from the 'North Property Line of Ideal Lane to the South Property Line of Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Special Session; November 14; 1955 479 Southern Avenue-from the ex• fisting curb and gutter 'on Lat 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 Hof Mineral Lot 9 to a point 301 feet south on Southern Avenue, has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stat- ing that the same has been com- pleted according to the terms of the contract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and that said im- provement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Engi- neer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and schedule showing the lots or parcels 'of real estate subject toassessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of 'the City Clerk swb• ject to public inspection sand said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat °and schedule publish the no- tice of the Council's intention to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law, Be It Further Resolved, that the City Treasurer be and 'he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of Improvement bonds is- sued upon the above described im- provement in amount equal to the amount of his- contract, less any retained percentage provided for therein. Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1955. Approved: CHARLES A, KINTZINGER Mayor CLARENCE P. WELU RAY F, KOLB LEO N.SCHUELLER Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, City Clerk Councilman Kolb moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove, November 14, 1955 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The petition of Hubert Meyers and others requesting the erec- tion of a street light at Florence Street and' Mountain Lane was re• ferred' to the city manager and electrical inspector for investiga- tion and report, Upon. investigation it was de- termined that. it would be prat- tical` to install a street light at this location. I therefor recommend that a street light be insballed on pole number 207.902G on the soutH- west corner of the intersection. of Florence Street and 'Mountain Lane, Respectfully submitted, L. J. SCHILTZ, City Manager LJSao Councilman Welu moved the rec• ammendation of City Manager Schiltz be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Carried' by the following. vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- . cilmen Kolb; Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dave. Petition of Roger. Boleyn, re- questing arefund of $50A0 on his unexpired portion of cigarette li- tense No. 258,, as. he has discon- timed business as of November 11, '.1955, presented and read, CbunciT- 'man Kolb moved that the petition ', be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in 4 theamount of $50,OQ in favor of j Roger Boleyn, to cover the amount of'refund granted on the unexpired 'portion fo his .cigarette Permit No, 258, Seconded by Councilman Schul• ' let, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Goun- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove, j' Petition of Floyd Barnhart, re- questing arefund of $50A0 on his unexpired. portion of cigarette Li- cense No. 192, as he has discon- tinued business as of November 14, 1955, presented and read, Council- man Kolb moved that the peti- tion be granted and the City Audi- tor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50,00, in favor of Floyd Barnhart, to cover 'the Regular Session, December 5, 1955 481 480 Special Session, November 14, 1955 amount of refund granted on the "~~ fl°+°1'v ~, ~~ ~'~' ~" t ~ ~ ~ j (I ~ ~ ~ l nue to the Norbh Property Line of Fairfax A en e tt f hi i i i d ~ ~ J ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ' i ~ ~ . v u gare e s c on o unexp re port ~ , =.i ~L Hickson Avenue from the South Permit No, 192, Seconded by Coun• (OFFICIAL) Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- cilman Schueller, Carried by the Regular Session, December 5, nue to the North Property Line of following vote: 1955. Lenox Avenue, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Council met at 7:30 P.M. Leibe Street from the East Prop- cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Present - Mayor Kintzinger, erty Line of Jackson Street to the Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove. Councilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, end of Leibe Street. Lindale Street from the West Welu Crty Manager Schiltz. Councilman Schueller moved that Mayor Kintzinger ~statod •that this Property Line of Woodlawn to the A. Y. McDonald Jr. Abe reappointed is a regular meeting of the City end of Lindale Street. to the Dock Board for 'a term of Council for the purpose of acting Lindberg Terrace from the East ?, three years, from November 26, on such business as may properly property Line of Eagle Street to 1955 to November 26, 1958. Second• come before the meeting Proofs the end of Lindberg Terrace, ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by . of Publication certified to by the Lpr yer Street from the South the following vote: ~ Publishers of notice of levy of Pro ert Line of Levi Street to the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• , special assessments and intention South end of Lorimer Street. cilmen Kolb,... Schueller, Welu. of the City Council to pay for the Washington Street from the Nays-None. cost of the improvements of the North Property Line of Leibe Street Absent-Counccilman Dove, followingstreets with concrete to bhe end of Washington Street, „ Mayor Kintzinger moved that curb and gutter on the following amount of assessment 4 $ 6,20123, the rules be suspended in order to portions of the following named presented and read, No written ob- allow anyone present to address the streets to•wit. jectons filed and no objectors pres- council if they so desire. Seconded , ent in the council ahamlrer at the by Councilman Welu, Carried by Avoca Street from the North time set for said public hearing. the following vote: Property Line of Seminary Street Councilman Kolb moved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- to the Soubh Property Line of Ungs Proofs of Publication, be received cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Street, and filed. Seconded by Councilman Nays-None. Bunker Hill Road from the North Schueller. Carried by the follow- Absent-Councilman Dove. Property Line of Green Street fio ing vote: No one present responded ~to the the South Property Line of Finley Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- motion, Street, cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. There being no further business Burlington Street from the West Nays-None. Councilman Kolb moved to ad- Property Line of National Street to CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA journ. Seconded by Councilman the alley first west of National Schedule of Assessments Welu. Carried by fihe following Street, RESOLUTION N0. 243.55 vote: Drexel Avenue from the South Resolved by the City Council of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave• the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That Ito cilmen Kolb Schueller Welu. Pr ert Line of n th North o ue to e p y - he im rovement of the pay foi t p Nays-None. Lenox Avenue, following streets with Concrete Absent-Councihnan Dove, I Elm Street from the North Prop- Curb and Gutter:, LEO F. FROMMELT, erty Line of Lat 12 0. S. Lang- Avoca Street from the North City Clerk worthy's Sub. to the South Proper' Froperty Line of Seminary Street Approved ...........................1956. ty Line of Lot 6 0, S. Langworthy's .to the South Property Line of Ungs Adopted .............................1956. Sub. Street. Garfield Avenue from the Norbh Bunker Hill Road from the North I' Property Line of Whittier Street to Property Line of Green Street to i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the South Property Line of Stanton the South Property Line of Finley Street. Street, Councilmen , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Glen Oak Street from the North Burlington Street from the West Property Line ~of Vernon Street to Property Line of National Street "°°°'°°°°'°'°°°°°°°°' the South Pro ert Line of Edina p y to the alley first west ~of National i' Street, Street. Grandview Avenue from the Drexel Avenue from the South Attest; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, North Property Line of Delhi Street Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- City Clerk to the South Property Line of nue to the North Property Line of Loras Boulevard. Lenox Avenue, Green Street from the West Prop• Elm Street from the North Prop- erty Line of Bunker Hill Road to erty Line of Lat 12 0, S, Langwor- the North Property Line of Penn- thy's Sub. to the Soutih Property Sylvania Avenue, Line of Lot 6 0, S. Langworthy's Marmora Avenue from the South Sub, Property Lime of Pennsylvania Ave• Garfield Avenue from the North