1951 January Council ProceedingsRegular Session, January 2nd, 1951 1
28-Xavier Hospital, granted Cigarette Permit ...-......... ........................
Jan. Z-York Street from south property line of Curtis Street to the
west property line of South Hill Street, improvement
of ......._....._....._.-._-.._.....-...._._-.-......._........._.....-...._..................1, 2, 3,
June 4-Young Mrs. Elizabeth, with reference to having the sewer
put through on Primrose and Kane Streets....................
Mar. S-Zahina Frank, relative to grading the alley behind his
property located at 731 O'Neil Street .......__............._._.....
June 28-Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........-.-.....
" 28-Zillig George J, granted Cigarette Permit ....,._.................._...
" 28-Zelens Bert., granted Cigarette Permit ..............._................-_...._..
Aug. 6-Zuker W. B,, appointed as member of Board of Library
Trustees for term expiring July 1, 19SS ..._ .......................-
" 20-Zehentner Jce M., Notice of Claim ......._.-............__...._....................
Oct. 1-Zahina Mrs. Agnes, granted Cigarette Permit ............................
Nov. 5-Zahina Mrs. Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .....-_..
365, 367
485, S62
City Council
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Council met at 7:30 p. m.
Present- Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller. City Man-
ager Rhomberg. Absent - Council-
man Russo.
Mayor Welu stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
Citq Council for the purpose of
acting upon such business as may
properly come before the meeting.
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds for the improvement of
York street from the south pro-
perty line of Curtis Street to the
west propety line of South H i 11
Street, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the
proofs of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for the improvement of
York Street from the south prop-
erty line of Curtis Street to the
west property line of South Hill
Street, K-M Construction Company,
contractor, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Wm. J. Weber & M, Nilles,
Lot 22, Sub M. L, 149...... $394.46
Wm, J. Weber & M. Nilles,
Lot 21, Sub M. L. 149...... 321.28
Harold J. & Ruth E. Bad-
ger, Lot 34, Stewart Sub 231,40
Harold J. & Ruth E, Bad-
ger, Lot 1 Sub 33, Stew-
art Sub .............. 146.12
Slyvan P. & Janaan D. Han-
ton, Lot 2, Sub. 33,
Stewart Sub ....................... 36.37
Slyvan P. & Janaan D. Han-
ton, Lot 32, Stewart Sub... 183.36
Robert J. & Lucille A. Holz
Lot 31, Stewart Sub.... 184,11
Donald & Jeanne Heitz-
man, Lot 30, Stewart Sub 181,64
Sam & Betty Jean Tassia,
Lot 29, Stewart Sub .... 182.41
Harold J. & Ruth E. Bad-
ger, Lot 28, Stewart Sub 167.67
Charlotte Shambough, Lot
2, Sub 2 of Lots 19, 20,
21, Stewart Sub ....... 56.44
J. N. Blades, Lot 1, Sub 2
of Lots 19, 20, 21, Stew-
art Sub .............. 167.25
Linda S. Baird, E. 57', Lot
2, Sub 1 of Lots 19, 20,
21, Stewart Sub ....... 153.86
Elmer & Juanita R. Hakan•
son, Lot 1, Sub 1 of
Lots 19, 20, 21, Stewart
Sub .................. 9.48
Raymond J. & Bonnie Loh-
berg, Lot 2, Sub 1 of
Lots 22, 23, Stewart Sub 211.55
Mabel G. Miller et, al., Lot
1, Sub 1 of Lots 22, 23,
Stewart Sub .......... 14.61
Elmer & Juanita R. Hakan-
son, Und. ya, W, 8', Lot
2 Sub 1 Lots 19, 20,
21, Stewarts Sub ............... 5,63
Linda S. Baird, Und. '/a,
W. 8', Lot 2, Sub -, Lots
1, Lots 19, 20, 21, Stew-
arts Sub .............. 5.63
J. N. Blades, Und. ~Z, W.
8', Lot 2, Sub 1, Lots 19,
20, 21, Stewart Sub.... 11.30
Dale M, & Buelah M.
Comer, Lot 1, Sub 2-23,
Sub M. L. 149 ......... 239.41
Alfred J. & Marie Dupont,
Lot 1, Sub 1.23, Sub M. L.
149 .................. 81.01
H, L. & Helen McCarron,
Lot 2, Sub 2-23, Sub M.
L, 149 ................ 147.12
H. L. & Helen McCarron,
Lot 2, Sub 1.23, Sub M.
L. 149 ................ 66.56
Howard E. & Ethel McCar-
ron, Lot 2, Sub 35, Stew-
art Sub .............. 320.40
Phillip J. & Anna M. Fitz-
gibbons, Lot 1, Sub 1-
24, Sub M. L. 149 ... , 52.29
„, .. ~ n .,. _.r.... ~,,~m.+~r~~~~wr~r
2 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Bernice B. Winkelhaus,
Lot 2, Sub 1.24, Sub M.
L. 149 ............. .. 130.44
Laverne F. & Dorothy H.
Benz, Lot 1, Sub 35,
Stewart Sub ..• 346.02
Laverne F. & Dorothy H.
Benz, Lot lA, Sub 35,
Stewart Sub 30.05
Irwin J. & Cath. L. Behr,
Lot 2, Caroline May
Place ...... ........ 13.31
Harold & Rose Knoer-
schield, Lot 1, Sub 1,
Caroline May Place ... 8.69
Caroline May, Lot 2, Sub
1, Caroline May Place . 4.11
Laverne F. & Dorothy H.
Benz, Lot 2, Sub 1-26,
Stewart Sub .......... 6.24
Mary Schiltz, Lot 2, Sub
24 & 25, Stewart Sub 370.11
Alfred M. & Alice A.
Arensdorf, Lot 1, Sub 1-
2425, Stewart Sub ... 81.44
Jas. G. & Harriet Graham,
Lot 2, Sub 1-24.25, Stew-
art Sub .............. 304.83
1,375.4 Lin. Ft. Combina-
tion Curb & Gutter @
$2.45 ........ .. $3,369.73
58.1 Lin. Ft. Radius Curb
& Gutter @ 2.50. 145.25
38.0 Sq. Yd. Driveway Con-
crete @ 6.00 ......... 228.00
1 Manhole (Brick) @ 2A0:
00 ... ........_ 200.00
2 Std. Reinf. (Less Lids)
Catch Basins @ 190.00 380.00
102 Lin. Ft, 12" Reinf.
Concrete Pipe @ 4.00. 408.00
2% Extra Exp. .... 94.62
6% Interest for 52 days . 41.00
(All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
conferred.) Passed, adopted and ap-
proved this 2nd day of January,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb Schuelter.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
Proofs of publication certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to is-
sue public improvement bonds in
the amount of $4,866.60 to provide
for the cost of improving York
Street from the south property line
of Curtis Street to the west pro-
perty line of South Hill Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Aus-
tin moved that the proofs of pub-
lication be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman 5chueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schuell2r.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
(Resolutin Providing for the Is-
suance of Public Improvement
WHEREAS, the contract hereto-
fore entered into by the City of
Dubuque for the improvement of
York Street hereinafter described,
has been completed and said im-
Frovement has been accepted by
the City Council of said City and
the City Engineer has computed
the Cost and expense therof to be
And Whereas, public notice as
provided by law, has been pub-
lished by the City Clerk stat-
ing the intention of the City
Council to issue bonds to pay
the cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been held
pursuant thereto, and all objec-
tions filed thereto have been con-
sidered and determined:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that to pro-
vide for the cost of the improve-
ment of York Street from the
south property line of Curtis street
to the west property line of South
Hill street there be issued Improve-
meet bonds to the amount of $4,-
_ 866.60
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 3
Said bonds shall be issued under
the provisions of Chapter 396 of
the Code of Iowa, 1950; shall bear
the date of the 1st day of Febru-
ary, 1951, shall be in denomina-
tions of $300.00, except that there
shall be one bond to the amount
of $66.60. They shall be numbered
from 4686 to 4702 inclusive and
shall be divided into ten series, of
which the bond numbered 4686
shall constitute the first series and
shall be payable the first day of
April, A. D, 1952, the bond num-
bered 4687 shall constitute the
second series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A. D. 1953,
the bond numbered 4688 shall con-
stitute the third series and shall
be payable the first day of April,
A. D. 1954, the band numbered
4689 shall constitute the fourth
series and shall be payable the
first day of April, A. D. 1955, the
bonds numbered 4690 and 4691
shall constitute the fifth series and
shall be payable the first day of.
April, A. D. 1956, the bonds num.
bored 4692 and 4693 shall consti-
tute the sixth series and shall be
payable the first day of April, A.
D, 1957, the bonds numbered 4694
and 4695 shall constitute the sev-
enth series and shall by payable
the first day of April, A. D. 1958,
the bonds numbered 4696 and 4697
shall constitute the eighth series
and shall be payable the first day
of April, A. D. 1959, the bonds
numbered 4698 and 4699 shall con-
stitute the ninth series and shall
be payable the first day of April,
A. D. 1960, the bonds numbered
4700, 4701 and 4702 shall consti-
tute the tenth series and shall be
payable the first day of April, A.
D. 1961.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent, per an-
num which interest shall be paya-
ble semi-annually, in accordance
with the terms of the coupons
tlrerto attached; and said bonds
shall be payable out of the pro-
ceeds of the special assessment
levied for said improvement.
Both principal and interest shall
be payable at the office of the
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, Said bonds shall be substan-
tially in the following form:
No .....................................................
Series No .........................................
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as here-
inafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of April
A. D. 1951; or any time before
that date at the option of the City,
the sum of ...............HUN-
DRED DOLLARS, with interest
thereon at the rate of five per
cent, per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached,
both interest and principal are pay-
able at the office of the City Trea-
surer in the City of Dubuque in
the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque pur-
suant to and by virtue of Chapter
396 the code of Iowa, 1950 and in
accordance with a resolution of the
City council of said city, duly
passed on the 2nd day of Janu-
ary 1951. This bond is one of a
sries of 17 bonds, 16 far $300.00
numbered from 4686 to 4701 in-
clusive, and one for 66.60 number-
ed 4702 all of like tenor and date,
and issued for the purpose of the
improvement of York Street from
the south property line of Curtis
Street to the west property line of
South Hill Street and described in
said resolution; which cost is as-
sessable to and levied along said
improvement, and is made by law
a lien on all abutting or adjacent
property, and payable in ten an•
rual installments with interest on
all deferred payments at the rate
of five per cent, per annum, and
this bond is payable only out
of the money derived from the
collection of said special tax, and
said money can be used for no
other purpose. And it is hereby
certified and recited that all the
acts and conditions and things re-
quired to be done precedent to and
in the issuing of this series of
bands, have been done, happened
and performed in regular and due
form as required by .said law and
resolution; and for the assess-
ments, collections and payment
hereon of said special tax, the
faith and diligence of said city of
Dubuque are hereby irrevovably
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Dubuque by its City Council has
4 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk, with the seal of said
City affixed this 1st day of Feb-
uary, 1951, and has authorized the
use of their fac-simile signature
to the interest coupons hereto at-
City Clerk
Countersigned (Seal)
On the day of
A.D. 195-, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa promises, to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the bond, the sum
of Dollars, at the
office of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque, being
months interest du that day on its
Bond No. ,dated
_ 1951-.
City Clerk
that the Mayor and City Clerk be
and they are hereby instructed to
cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds, and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose, and
to then deliver them to the City
Treasurer who will also register
them in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose.
Be It Further R e s o l v e d
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to be
kept in a special fund to be known
as Improvement Fund.
that the interest coupons attached
to the bonds be signed with the
fac-simile signature of the Mayor
and countersigned with the fac-
simile signature of the City Clerk.
that as fast as funds allow, be-
ginning with the second year after
the payment of interest due, these
bonds shall be called and retired
in the same order as numbered,
Adapted this 2nd day of Janu-
ary, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
yeas- Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
State of Iowa
County of Dubuque
I, Richard H. Le May, do here-
by certify that on December 9,
1950, I posted copies of the at-
tached Notice of Levy of Special
Assessment and Intention of the
City Council to Issue bonds along
the line of Improvement for the
improving of York Street from the
south property line of Curtis street
to the west property line of South
Hill Street.
Signed: Richard H. Le
Subscribed and sworn to by
Richard H. Le May this 9th day
of December, 1950.
(Seal) John J. Shea,
Notary Public in and
for Dubuque County, Iowa.
Mayor Welu moved that the
statement of Richard H. Le May
be received and made a matter of
record. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Notice of Claim of Rose Roussel
in an unstated amount for injuries
received in a fall at Sixth and
Main Streets due to a hole in the
sidewalk, presented and read.
Mayor Welu moved that the Notice
of Claim be referred to the City
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 5
Solicitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Notice of Claim of A. N. Beckius
in the amount of $5,000.00 for in-
juries ieceived in a fall an an icy
sidewalk on the Nevada Street side
of the Peter Klauer residence, 1075
University Avenue, presented and
read. Mayor Welu moved that the
Notice of Claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
report. Seconded by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo
Communication of D u b u q u e
Community Chest asking the May-
or to appoint two members of the
City Council to represent the City
of Dubuque on the Board of Di-
rectors of the Dubuque Commun-
ity Chest, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that the
communication be referred to the
Mayor for action. Seconded b y
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Mayor Welu appointed Council-
men Ruben V. Austin and Leo N.
Schueller as the two members of
the City Council to represent the
City of Dubuque on the Board of
Directors of the Dubuque Commun•
ity Chest,
Communication of the Dubuque
Kiwanis Club submitting a resolu-
tion adopted by the Club at a
meeting held December 18, 1950
in which the Kiwanis Club urges
the City Council and the City
Manager to take prompt action to
acquire either through lease or
purchase off-street downtown park-
ing areas in addition to the small
area at Ninth and Iowa Streets
and also urges that if there is any
question concerning the applica-
tion of the present law that the
City Council immediately com-
mence the necessary action before
the Courts to determine the valid-
ity of limitations that may ex-
ist and suggesting that reasonable
tolerance be continued toward
parking violations until some re-
lief in the parking problem is a-
chieved, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo,
Communication of the Dubuque
Junior Chamber of Commerce sub•
mitting far Council consideration
a plan and recommendation that
south bound traffic be limited to
one-way travel from a point start-
ing at the corner of Central Ave-
nue and 12th Street, thence Weston
12th street turning the corner of
12th and Locust Streets and con-
tinuing on Locust Street to a point
where two-way traffic would again
be permitted at 4th and Locust
streets, likewise, north bound traf-
fic would be divided into one-way
travel at the corner of 4th and
Locust streets and be compelled
to travel east on 4th Street to
Central Avenue and, at that point,
to travel straight on Central Ave-
nue to the corner of 12th and
Central where two-way traffic
would be continued and that all
other streets and avenues within
or entering into this rectangle
would not be changed, in other
words, two-way traffic would be
permitted, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that an
invitation be extended to the Du-
buque Junior Chamber of C o m-
merce, the Parking and Traffic
Committee of the' Chamber of
Commerce, the Dubuque Safety
Council, the Police Chief, the Fire
Chief, and all other interested or•
ganizations and parties to attend
the next meeting of the City Coun-
cil to be held January 10th, 1951
at ?:30 p. m, for the purpose of
discussing the plan and recommen-
dation as submitted by the Du-
buque Junior Chamber of Com-
merce. Seconded by Councilman
6 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: i
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo. f
Communication of Peter H. Mc•
Carthy advising Council that he
is highly pleased with the fine
progress being made in the steps
being taken to definitely settle any
question that the sole 100 percent
title to the ground known as Wash-
ingon Park, Dubuque, Iowa, is in
the name of the City of Dubuque,
subject to any vested rights the
abutters around the park may have
on account of the property being
used as a park for all these years
and furthermore that the County
of Dubuque has absolutely no title
of any kind in Washington Park
and trusting that this matter will
be turned aver to the City Mana-
ger and City Solicitor with instruc-
tions to keep after it until defi-
nite steps are finally taken to clear
this title up in the name of the
City of Dubuque and the abutters
fronting on same, presented and
read. Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be rCounclman
filed. Seconded by
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of J. Z. and Louise M.
Aponyok requesting the rezoning
from "Single Family Residence
Classification" to "Multiple Resi-
dence Classification" the East 52
feet of lot 1 of Lot 17 and the
South 18 feet of the West 100 feet
of Lot 1 of 17 in part of Summer
Hill Addition, and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of
Mineral Lot 13 and lot 2 of Lot 4
of part of Subdivision of Mineral
Lot 20 in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, presented and read, Council-
man Austin moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the Planning
and Zoning Commission for their
recommendation and report, Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of the Dubuque Safety
Council requesting that "No Park-
ng Signs" be placed at all curbs
where parking is prohibited, such
as Hotels, Theatres, and w h e r e
streets are laved for two lane traf-
fic, presented and read. Council-
man Austin moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the City Mana-
ger for recommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of the Dubuque Safety
Council requesting Council to have
a study made of traffic conditions
on South Algona Street from High-
way No. 20 north to University
Avenue as this street has become
hazardous due to traffic going to
and from the highway and using
it as a short cut to West Dubuque
instead of using the highway all
the way to Grandview Avenue,pre-
sented and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that the petition be referr-
ed to the Chief of Police for re-
commendation and report, Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
man Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Sara Faigen and John
Scully requesting a refund in the
amount of $50.00 on the unexpired
portion of their Class "B" Beer
Permit No. 5, as they have dissoly-
ed partnership on December 30,
1950, presented and read. Council-
man Kolb moved that the request
be granted and the City Auditor
instructed to draw a warrant in the
amount of $50.00 in favor of Sara
Faigen and John Scully to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of their
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 5. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Petition of Sara Faigen and John
Scully requesting a refund in the
amount of $50.00 on the unexpired
portion of their Cigarette Permit
No. 51, as they have dissolved part-
nership on December 30, 1950, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that the request be granted
and the City Auditor instructed
to draw a warrant in the amount
of $50.00 in favor of Sara Faigen
and John Scully to cover the a-
mount of refund granted on the un•
expired portion of their Cigarette
Permit No. 51. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Henry Uthe requesting
a refund in the amount of $50.00
on the unexpired portion of his
Cigarette Permit No, 94, as he has
discontinued business on December
30, 1950, presented and read: Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the re-
quest be granted and the C i t y
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Henry Uthe to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
unexpired portion of his Cigarette
Permit No. 94, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None, ,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Henry Uthe request-
i~rg a refund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion
of his Class "B" Beer Permit No.
2, as he has discontinued business
on December 30, 1950, presented
and read. Councilman Kolb mov-
ed that the request be granted and
the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$50.00 in favor of Henry Uthe to
cover the amount of refund grant-
ed on the unexpired porton of his
Class "B" Permit 2. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
tl-,e following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb. Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Robert E. Hevey re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No. 291, as
he has discontinued business on
December 30, 1950, presented and
read, Councilman Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Robert E. Hevey to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of his Cigar-
ette Permit No. 291. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Stanley Meis re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion of
lris Cigarette Permit No, 188, as
he has discontinued business on
Becember 30, 1950, presented and
read. Councilman Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Stanley Meis to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
unexpired portion of his cigarette
permit No. 188. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb. Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of North End Choral
Club requesting a refund in the
amount of $50.00 on the unexpired
portion of their Cigarette Permit
No. 5 as they have discontinued
business on December 30, 1950,
presented and read. Councilman
Kolb moved that the request be
granted and the City Auditor in-
structed to draw a warrant in the
amount of $50.00 in favor of the
North End Choral Club to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of their
Cigarette Permit No. 5. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
~-'pm~fi ~M+$~~ ry.~e.,. -rrrt ~. -x.-e.~.tiy-r.rr ro7G'~'L'*~'~'b!;P'~'"~'4[Lrb?Y~, ,,ia,x~.y .....
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Petition of North End Choral
Club requesting a refund in the
amount of $150.00 on the unex-
pired portion of -their Class "B"
Beer Permit No. 110, as they have
discontinued business on Decem-
ber 30, 1950, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the request be granted and
the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$150.00 in favor of the North End
Choral Club to cover the amount
of refund granted on the unexpired
portion of their Class "B" Beer
Permit No. 110. Seconded,by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Leo M. Kraus re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 an the unexpired portion
oi' his Cigarette Permit No. 220,
as he has discontinued business on
December 30, 1950, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Leo M. Kraus to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
unexpired portion of his Cigarette
Permit 220. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Ceuncil•
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Harold A, Kamentz
requesting a refund in the amount
of $50.00 on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No. 214,
as he has discontinued business on
December 30, 1950, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50,00 in
favor of Harold A, Kamentz to
cover the amount of refund
granted on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No.214. Se-
conded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Petition of Thos. Flynn Coal
Company requesting an extension
of 90 days time far completion of
contract of the Simpson-Coates
Street Sanitary Sewer District,
Lift Station, Force Main and Trunk
Line Sewer, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted providing the
consent of the Bonding Company is
secured. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo
Ordinance No. 1.51.
An Ordinance amending Ordi-
nance No. 13-49 being an Ordi-
nance known as "The Traffic Code
of the City of Dubuque" by re-
pealing Schedules II and III there-
of and enacting substitutes there-
for and providing a penalty for a
violation thereof, presented and
Councilman Kalb moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance. Se-
conded by Mayor Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
rules be suspended requiring an
ordinance to be read on three sep-
arate days. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays - -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 9
by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Proof of publication certified to
by the publishers, of a statement
of receipts and also a list of
claims far which warrants were
drawn during the month of Nov-
ember, 1950( presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council•
man Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
December 28th, 1950
To the honorable Mayor and
City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
I have examined the Abstract of
in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County Iowa, as prepared by
Abeln Asbstract Co., abstracters'
certificate dated December 15,
1950 at 9 A. M. and find, in my
opinion, the title thereto as shown
by the abstract to be in DUBUQUE
COUNTY, IOWA, subject to the
perpetual right in the public to
use the same for any public pur-
pose and subject to the following
1. The governing body of the
City of Dubuque, as trustee for the
public, has the right and duty to
prescribe rules and regulations for
the exercise of this' use and has
the duty to defend this right in
the public against any infringe-
ments.The duty to prescribe rules
and regulations carries with it
the right to define the purpose
for which the property shall be
used so long as the purpose is a
public purpose.
The right to use this property
perpetually For a public purpose
is not invested in the citizens of
Dubuque or of any particular lo-
cality but in the public in general.
By "public purpose" is meant any
purpose which would support an
action in eminent domain. At pre-
sent the governing body has by
ordinance established regulations
restricting the use of this property
to that of a park. In my opinion
the City Council may, by ordi-
nance, change this use to any othei
use which will serve a public pur-
2. This right in the public was
created by the Act of Congress
~ehich laid out the original tawn-
site of Dubuque, showed this pro-
perty as a "Public Square" and
provided the same should remain
in the public forever. This had the
effect of giving the public an ease-
ment in the property while reserv-
ing the title to the United States.
The easement could not be re-
voked by law since it was con-
tractual. Consequently, in 1876
when Congress relinquished to Du-
buque County whatever right the
United States might have in the
property it could give no more
than it had and the title taken by
the County was still subject to the
rights of the public as herein-be-
fore set out. Consequently the
County may not devote this pro-
perty to any purpose unless the
consent of the governing body of
the City is first obtained,
Respectfully submitted,
T. H: NELSON, City Solicitor.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
opinion of City Solicitor Nelson
be approved and made a matter
of record. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
December 28, 1950.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of Melvin Whitney
requesting the installation o f
school crossing signals on Rhom•
berg Avenue at Johnson Street
and on East 22nd Street with one
light at Johnson Street and the
other at Queen Street together
with the petition of Rt. Rev,
Msgr. J, V. Casey and C. A. Broc-
kert requesting school crossing
signals for St. Raphael's School
10 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
and the Franklin School were
referred to the City Manager and
Chief of Police for investigation
and report.
Having examined the proposed
locations and the pedestrian pat-
tern, we recommend that school
crossing signals be installed on
Rhomberg Avenue at Johnson
Street, on Bluff Street at the
entrances of St. Raphael's School
and of Franklin School. The sug-
gested installation on East 22nd
Street at Johnson Street a n d
(tueen Street is not recommended
because the traffic on East 22nd
Street does not warrant crossing
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg
City Manager.
Jos. H. Strub
Chief of Police.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Mana-
ger Rhomberg and Chief of Pol-
ice Strub be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
December 30, 1950.
To the Honorable Mayor
I ~', ,and City Council,
', Dubuque, Iowa.
Herewith submitted are offers
to sell three parcels of real estate
on Iowa Street between 9th and
10th Streets needed for parking
lot purposes. These offers are as
~ Nicholas F. Friedlein &
wife, the Northerly 18 feet-
, 4 inches of Lot 204 for
the sum of ..... $17,000.00
Richard C. Henschel & wife,
1 17 feet
the Norther y
inches of the Southerly 32
feet•10 inches of Lot 204 for
the sum of ...... $15,300.00
The 1 m a Mae King, the
Southerly 15 feet of Lot 204
and the Northerly 2
feet-11 inches of Lot 205 for
the sum of....... $15,300.00
i I recommend that the Council
accept the offers and direct the
purchases by payment from the
Parking Meter Fund.
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg,
'City Manager.
Mayor Welu moved that the re-
commendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
December 30, 1950.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
In preparing the final assess-
ment for the improvement o f
Edith Street, an error was made
in recording the amount of the
assessment against lots 92 and 93
of O'Neill's Riverview Addition.
The amount recorded against
these lots was $108.60 each and
should have been $90.57 each, a
difference of $18.03 each or a
total of $36.06.
I recommend that the owner of
the property be permitted to satis-
fy the assessment against the two
lots upon the payment of $181.14
and that the City, from its im-
provement fund, pay the deficien-
cy equal to $36.06.
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Mayor Welu moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved and the
City Treasurer be instructed ac-
cordingly. Seconded by Council-
nu+n Austin. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
January 21, 1951.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The objections of Leonard F.
and Frances E. Smith to the
assessments against Lots 1 to 6
inclusive of Rosehill Addition for
the improvement of English Lane
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 11
were referred to the Council to
view the grounds in company
with J. J. Kintzinger, attorney for
the objectors.
At the conference it was de-
cided by the council that the
assessments be reduced to 1.4 of
the valuation of the property as
Rase• Re•
hill Valua• vised Defici•
Add. Lion Ass'm. ency
Lot 1 $50.00 $12.50 $52.97
Lot 2 60.00 15.00 82.24
Lot 3 70.00 17.50 64.40
Lot 4 75.00 18.75 63.77
Lot 5 75.00 18.75 84.49
Lot 6 75.00 18.75 102.20
$405.00....$101.25 $450.07
I recommend that the decision
of the Council be confirmed, that
the levy of the assessment for
the improvement of English Lane
be made with the above revision
znd that a warrant be ordered
drawn on the Consolidated Fund
in the amount of $450.07 to pro-
vide for the deficiency.
The objectors further call the
attention of the Council to the
drainage affecting the above lots.
After examining the lots it was
decided to have a survey made
of the drainage problem with sug-
gestions for its solution. I recom-
mend that such survey be made.
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg.
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Mana-
ger Rhomberg be adopted and
the City Treasurer instructed ac-
cordingly :.nd the written objec-
tions of Leonard F, and Frances
E. Smith be overruled in light of
the revisions made on their assess-
ments. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for the improvement of
English Lane from the south prop-
erty line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to
the north property line of Southern
Avenue, Thos. Flynn Coal Co., con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uated and owned, and for the
several amonts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Madonna P. Holmes, Lot 6,
Mineral Lot 42 .... .
Edith W. & Robert L. Bar-
ton, Lat 1 of Lot 5 of
Mineral Lot 42 ........
Herbert J. & Janece E.
Appel, Lot 1 of Lot 2 of
4, Mineral Lot 42 . .
Kenneth E. & Helen Mer-
cer, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of 4,
Mineral Lot 42 ....
Kenneth E. & Helen Mer-
cer, Lot 1 of Lot 2, Min-
eral Lot 42 ...........
Willis R. & Lila M. Gru-
well, Lot 2 of I.ot 1 of 1
of 4, Mineral Lot 42
Floyd G. & Dorothy Run-
dle, Lot 2 of Lot of 1 of
1 of 1 of 4, Mineral Lot
42 ............ .
Floyd G. & Dorothy Run-
dle, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of 1
of 1 of 1 of 4 of Mineral
Lot 42 . .
Eldon T. Herrig, Lot 2 of
of 4 of Mineral Lot 42 . .
Walter & Margaret Adams,
Lot 1 of Lot 2 of 1 of 1
of 1 of 1 of 4 of Mineral
Lot 42 ................
Walter & Margaret Adams,
of 1 of 1 of 4 of Mineral
Lot 42 ..............
Hermen C. & Gertrude
Brockman, Lot 1, Brock-
man`s Sub ............
Kenneth J. Palm, Lot 2,
Brockman's Sub
Greg W. & Marie Junk, Lat
3, Brockman's Sub ...
James W. & Lillian Otto,
Lot 4, Brockman's Sub
James M. & Wilma S. O'-
Rourke, Lot 5, Brock-
man's Sub ............
. , u .., w.. w n . _ n . ., . - . , . . ;x W~iM'~'~~Po-""~'A {'1"3"ic'#"k'F+`1a'q!ff+'~, 9A,u... .
12 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Nicholas J. & Grace R. Er- Samuel & Sarah A. Garvin,
voline, Lot 6, Brock- Lot 2 of Lot 38, Rose
man's Sub ............ 169.35 Hill Add ......... .. .
David & Dorothy Kuper- Jerome & Alice Bur-
Lot 1 of Lot 37,
schmidt, Lot 7, Brock-
' 14
54 ,
1 02.54
s Sub . • • • • • • • ~ •
David & Dorothy Kuper- . Samuel & Sarah A. Garvin,
schmidt, Lot 8, Brock- Lat 2 of Lot 37, Rose 86
man's Sub .. • • • • 58.90 Hill Add ... • • ,
Herman C. & Gertrude Joseph N. & Dora B. Jung-
Rose Hill Add
Lot A
Brockman, Lot 9, Brock-
man's Sub ............ 51.27 ,
Jerome & Alice Bur-
Herman C. & Gertrude roughs, Lot B, Rose Hill 15
Lot 10, Brock-
Brockman .
man's Sub 72.75 Joseph N. & Dora B. Jung-
Herman C. & Gertrude ers, Lot 3, Mineral Lot
Lot 11, Brock-
Brockman .
34 ...................
man's Sub . • • • • • ~ ~ 6'~ m33er, Lot 1
X21 M 44
Herman C. & Gertrude .
& Ella R. Judge,
Harold E
Brockman, Lot 12, Brock• 64
13 .
Lot 1 of Lot 8, English
man's Sub ............ . Lane Sub ............. 141.32
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 29, 31
59 Harold E. & Ella R. Judge,
Rose Hill Add ........ . Lot 2 of Lat 8, English
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 30, Lane Sub ............. 28.23
Rose Hill Add ........ 90.79 Harold E. & Ella R. Judge,
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 31, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of 7,
Rose Hill Add ........ 93.26 English Lane Sub .... 42.34
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 32, Harold E. Williams & Eliza-
Rose Hill Add ........ 95.59 beth P. Hanselmann,
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 33, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of 7, Eng-
Rose Hill Add ...... 93.18 lish Lane Sub .... •
Harold E. Williams & Eliza-
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 34,
87 beth P. Hanselmann,
Rase Hill Add . • • • • . • . . Lot 2 of Lot 7, English
Millie F. Klaur, Lot 35, Lane Sub .......... .. 35.27
Rose Hill Add ........ 86.37 Harold E. Williams & Eliza-
Millie F. Klauer, Lot 36, beth P. Hanselmann,
Rose Hill Add ........ 118.95 Lot 1 of Lot 6, English
Francis X. & Mary F. Gru- Lane Sub ............. 105.84
ber, Lot 28, Rose Hill Guy R. & Elizabeth Hem-
Add ......... • • • • • • • ~ 139.98 enway, Lot 2 of Lot 6,
Francis X. & Mary F. Gru- English Lane Sub ...... 35.27
ber, Lot 27, Rose Hill Guy R. & Elizabeth Hem-
Add .................. 92.00 enway, Lot 1 of Lot 5,
Francis X. & Mary F. Gru- English Lane Sub ........ 105.84
ber, Lot 26, Rose Hill John A. & Mary Matous,
Add .......... • • • • • • • ~ 50.72 Lot 2 of Lot 5, English
Jerome & Alice Burroughs, Lane Sub ............ • 35.27
Lot 41 Rose Hill Add .. 6.71 John A, & Mary Matous,
Jerome & Alice Burroughs, Lot 1 of Lot 4, English
Lot 40, Rose Hill Add 8.76 Lane Sub ......... • • • . 111.11
Jerome & Alice Burroughs, Oswin & Grace Tigges,
Lot 1 of Lot 39, Rase Lot 2 of Lot 4, English
Hill Add ............. 18.25 Lane Sub ............. 35.27
Samuel & Sarah A. Garvin, Oswin & Grace Tigges,
Lot 2 of Lot 39, Rose Lot 1 of Lot 3, English
Hill Add
19.05 Lane Sub . ... • 115.25
Jerome & Alice Bur• Robert L. & Frances Sliv
Lot 1 of Lot 38,
roughs ken, Lat 2 of Lot 3, Eng-
Rose Hill Add . 33.99 lish Lane Sub .. .. 7.22
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 13
Robert L. & Frances Sliv. Victor J. & Mary E. Rieke,
ken, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of 2, Lot 5, Rose Hill Add ... 103,24
English Lane Sub ..... 165.94 Victor J. & Mary E. Ricke,
Geo. L. & Dorothy Mc Don- Lot 6, Rose Hill Add ... 120.95
old, Lot 1 of Lot 1, Eng- William F. & Charlene
lish Lane Sub ......... 460.49 Barris, Lot 7, Rose Hill
Harold E. & Ella R. Judge, Add ... ............ 125.28
Lot 9, English Lane Sub 103.35 William F. & Charlene
Geo. L. & Dorothy Mc Don- Barris, Lot 8, Rose Hill
old, Lot 1 of Lot 5,
Add ................. 146.63
Mineral Lot 45 ........ 3.42 William F. & Charlene
Presentation Nuns, Lot 1 Barris, Lot 9, Rose Hill
of Lot 2 of 5, Mineral Add .. ................ 98.18
Lot 45 ............... 154.60 William F. & Charlene
Vincent J. & Kath Ferman, Barris, Lot 10, Rose Hill
Lot 2 of Lat 2 of 5, Min- Add .................. 41.48
eral Lot 45 ........... .84 Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Harold E, & Ella R. Judge, Lat 2 of Lot 5 of Min-
Lot 1 of Lot 7, Mineral eral Lot 34 .... .. ... 442.71
Lot 45 ................ 3.58 Thom. P. & Mildred Hein,
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- Lot 49, Rose Hill Add 50.12
ber, Lot 25, Rose Hill Thas. P. & Mildred Hein,
Add .................. 27.37 Lat 48, Rcse Hill Add .. 3.73
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lat
ber, Lot 24, Rose Hill 47, Rose Hill Add ..... 182.42
Add .................. 9.79 Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lot
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- 46, Rose Hill Add ..... 73.71
ber, Lot 15, Rose Hill Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lot
Add ...... ........... 6.73 45, Rose Hill Add ..... 40.57
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lot
ber, Lot 14, Rose Hill 44, Rose Hill Add ..... 18.86
Add .................. 21.51 Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lot
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- 43, Rose Hill Add ..... 10.85
ber, Lot 13, Rose Hill Leo A. & Ruth Adams, Lot
Add ... ............... 42.56 42, Rose Hill Add ..... 6.33
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- Rob't L. & Frances Slivken,
ber, Lot 12, Rose Hill Lot ~~ of Lot 1 of Eng-
Add .................. 73.02 lish Lane Sub ......... 4.34
Frances X. & Mary F. Gru- Geo. L. & Dorothy McDon-
ber, Lot 11, Rase Hill old, I,ot 2 of Lot 1 of 2,
Add ............... 153.60 English Lane Sub . 13.01
August & Elizabeth Schu- Oswin & Grace Tigges, Lot
Bert, Lot 1 of Lot 14, 2 of Lot 2, English Lane
South Ave. Add .... .. 170.37 Sub .................. .80
James C, & Mary D. Bo- John A. & Mary Matous,
land, Lot 13, South Ave. Lot 2 of Lot 5, English
Add .................. 49.26 Lane Sub ............. 48.18
Robert C, Dewey, Lot 16, $1 0,140.75
South Ave. Add ....... 16.86 3,549 Lin. Ft. Combination
Robert C. Dewey, Lot 17, Concrete Curb & Gutter
South Ave Add , ..... 12.54 TYPe A @ $2.50 ..... 8,872.50
Robert C. Dewey, Lot 18, 19.85 Sq. Yds. Concrete
South Ave. Add ....... 6.31 Driveways @ 5.00 .... 99.25
Victor J. & Mary E. Ricke, 261, Lin. Ft. Concrete
Lot 1, Rose Hill Add 65.47 Radius Curb Type B @
Victor J. & Mary E. Ricke, 2.50 • . • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • 652.50
Lot 2, Rose Hill Add ... 97.24 9,62425
Victor J. & Mary E. Ricke, Extra Expense 4~Z % ... 433.09
Lot 3, Rose Hill Add .. 81.90 6% Interest for 52 days . 83.41
Victor J. & Mary E. Ricke,
Lot 4, Rase Hill Add ... 82.52 $10,140.75
14 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adapted and approved
this 2nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent-Councilman Russo,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $10,140.75 to provide for
the cost of the improvement of
English Lane from the south pro•
perty line of Mt. Loretta Avenue
to the north property line of
Southern Avenue, presented and
read. Mayor Welu moved that the
proofs of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
to issue bonds to pay the cost of
said improvement and a public
hearing has been held pursuant
thereto, and all objections filed
thereto have been considered and
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that to pro-
vide fer the cost of the improve-
ment of English Lane from the
south property line of Mt. Loretta
Avenue to the north property line
of Southern Avenue, there be is-
sued Improvement bonds to the
amount of $10,140.75.
Said bonds shall be issued under
the provisions of Chapter 396 of
the Code of Iowa, 1950; shall bear
the date of the 1st day of Febru-
ary, 1951, shall be in denomina-
tions of $500.00, except that there
shall be one bond to the amount
of $140,75. They shall be number
ed from 4564 to 4584 inclusive
and shall be divided into ten ser-
ies, of which the bonds numbered
4564 and 4565 shall constitute the
first series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A. D. 1952,
the bonds numbered 4566 and 4567
shall constitute the second series
and shall be payable the first day
of April, A. D. 1953, the bonds
numbered 4568 and 4569 shall con-
stitute the third series and shall
be payable the first day of April,
A. D. 1954, the bonds numbered
4570 and 4571 shall constitute the
fourth series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A. D. 1955,
the bonds numbered 4572 and 4573
shall constitute the fifth series
and shall be payable the first day
of April, A. D. 1956, the bonds
numbered 4574 and 4575 shall
constitute the sixth series and
shall be payable the first day
of April, A. D. 1957, the bonds
numbered 4576 and 4577 shall
constitute the seventh s e r i e s
and shall be payable the first day
of April, A. D. 1958, the bonds
numbered 4578 and 4579 shall con-
stitute the eighth series and shall
be payable the first day of April,
A. D. 1959, the bonds numbered
4580 and 4581 shall constitute the
ninth series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A.D., 1960,
the bonds numbered 4582, 4583
and 4584 shall constitute the tenth
Nays -None,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
(Resolution Providing for the is-
suance of Public improvement
WHEREAS, the contract hereto-
fore entered into by the City of
Dubuque for the improvement of
English Lane hereinafter describ-
ed,has been completed and said im-
provement has been accepted by
the City Council of said City and
the City Engineer has computed
the cost and expense thereof to be
AND WHEREAS, public notice
as provided by law, has been pub-
lished by the City Clerk stating
the intention of the City Council
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 15
series and shall be payable the
first day of April, A. D. 1961.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent. per an-
num which interest shall be pay-
able semi-annually, in accordance
with the terms of the coupons
thereto attached; and said bonds
shall be payable out of the pro-
ceeds of the special assessment
levied far said improvement.
Both principal and interest shall
be payable at the office of the
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No ................
Series No ................
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as here-
inafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of April,
A. D. 1951; or any time before
that date at the option of the City,
the sum of .........HUNDRED
DOLLARS, with interest thereon
at the rate of five per cent, per
annum, payable on the presenta-
tion and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached, both in-
terest and principal are payable at
the office of the City Treasurer in
the City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa. This bond is issued by
the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the
Code of Iowa, 1950 and in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City
Council of said City, duly passed
on the 2nd day of January, 1951,
This bond is one of a series of
21 bonds, 20 for $500.00 numbered
from 4564 to 4583 inclusive and
one for $140.75 numbered 4584,
all of like tenor and date, and
issued for the purpose of the im-
provement of English Lane from
the south property line of Mt. Lor-
etta Avenue to the north property
line of Southern Avenue and de-
scribed in said resolution; which
cost is assessable to and levied a-
long said improvement, and is
made by law a lien on all abutt-
ing or adjacent property, and pay-
able in ten annual installments,
with interest on all deferred pay-
ments at the rate of five per cent
per annum, and this bond is pay-
able only out of the money de-
rived from the collection of said
special tax, and said money can
be used for no other purpose. And
it is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts and conditons and
things required to be done prece-
dent to and m the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened and performed in regu-
lar and due form as required by
said law and resolution; and for
the assessments, collections and
payment hereon of said special tax,
the faith and diligence of said City
of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Witness Whereof, the City
of Dubuque by its City Council
has caused this bond to be signed
by its Mayor and countersigned by
its City Clerk, with the seal of
said City affixed this 1st day Feb-
ruary, 1951, and has authorized the
use of their fac-simile signature to
the interest coupons hereto attach-
Countersigned (Seal)
On the .....day of ........ A.
D. 195 ,the City of Dubuque, Iowa
promises to pay to the bearer, as
provided in the bond, the sum of
.. Dollars, at the office of the
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, being .... months interest
due that day on its ....... Bond
No.- dated 1950.
................ .........
that the Mayor and City Clerk be
and they are hereby instructed to
cause said bonds to be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds, and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
register said bonds in a book to
be kept by him for that purpose,
and to then deliver them to the
City Treasurer who will also re-
gister them in a book to be kept
by him for that purpose.
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to
. . , x. . , . '~ e,q - r ~. ~A .tt o 3 :'-grr: ~~-,.. ~6 k C'M.'kTM#-&.?F #'4f`.d'~,~~!.. a, n
16 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
be kept in a special fund to be
known as Improvement Fund.
that 'the interest coupons attach-
ed to the bonds be signed with
the fac-simile signature of the May-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signature of the City Clerk.
that as fast as funds allow, be-
ginning with the second year after
the payment of interest due, these
bonds shall be called and retired in
the same order as numbered.
Adopted this 2nd day of January
Attest: J. J. SHEA
', City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
', ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
' by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
' men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
State of Iowa
County of Dubuque
I, John L. White, do hereby
certify that on the 2nd day of
November, 1950, 1 posted copies
~I of the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention of
the City Council to issue bonds
along the line of improvement for
the improvement of English Lane
from the south property line of
Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north
I property line of Southern Avenue.
Signed John L, White
Subscribed and sworn to before
i me this 3rd day of November,
John J. Shea.
Notary Public.
Councilman Austin moved that
the statement of John L. White
be received and made a matter of
record. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays - None,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
January 2, 1950.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The plans and specifications for
the proposed storm sewers are at
the stage were they can be readily
put in farm for a letting. On the
question of financing it appears
that the levy for the retirement of
sewer bonds is an additional levy
not presently made by the city.
For the purpose of expediting
the matter, I recommend that the
Council select a tentative date,
such as March 5th, for a letting on
both the sewer construction work
and the sale of bonds. It is my be-
lief that such a date as a target
can be realized,
Very truly yours,
A. A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved and that
proper proceedings be ordered
prepared, Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Councilman Austin moved that
the City Solicitor be authorized to
have the bond proceedings for the
construction of proposed storm
sewers prepared by Chapman &
Cutler, Attorneys, of Chicago, Illi-
nois, Seconded by Councilman.
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays - None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Councilman Austin moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who
wishes to do so, to address the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men. Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Mr. Frank Specht addressed the
Council with reference to the pur•
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 17
chase of city owned property at
the junction of Valley Street and
Southern Avenue and located in
back of the National Guard Ar-
Mr. Frank Whittington, repre-
senting the Kemler Estate, ad-
dressed the Council and submitted
for sale to the City of Dubuque,
for off-street parking facilities, the
Kemler property located on the
east side of Bluff Street between
8th and 9th Streets far the sum of
$37,500.00. Mayor Welu moved that
the City Manager be instructed to
exercise an option on behalf of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the
acquiring of the Kemler property
located on the east side of Bluff
Street between 8th and 9th streets
as a parking lot or off-street park-
ing facilities for the sum of $37,-
500.00 and that a warrant in the
amount of $3,750,00 be ordered
drawn against the Parking Meter
Fund to cover the amount of the
option. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilman Russo.
December 30, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
With reference to the petition of
the Independent School District of
Dubuque dated August 30, 1950
requesting the vacation of certain
streets and alleys on the Senior
High school campus, the Planning
& Zoning Commission respectful-
ly recommends to your Honorable
Body the vacation of the following
described streets and alleys and
conveyance of the ground to the
abutting property owners;
(1) Alumni Place from the
southerly property line of West
Locust Street to the northerly line
of South View Terrace.
(2) Southview Terrace from the
westerly property line of Alumni
Place to the Westerly property
line of Vincent street.
(3) Francisco Street from the
easterly property line of Alumni
Place to the westerly property line
of Vincent street.
(4) The Alley between West Lo-
cust Street and Francisco Street
from the easterly property line of
Alumni Place to the westerly pro-
perty line of Vincent Street.
(5) The Alley between Francisco
Street and Southview Terrace from
the easterly property line of Alum-
ni place to the westerly property
line of Vincent Street.
(6) The Alley first northerly of
Rosedale Avenue and abutting lots
one to fifteen inclusive of Rose-
dale addition.
(7) The unnamed Street from the
northerly property line of Rosedale
Avenue to the southerly line of
the Alley first northerly of Rose-
dale Avenue and between Lot s
thirteen and fourteen of Rosedale
These streets and alleys have
never been opened up and there
is very little likelihood of their
ever being needed for street pur-
poses, therefore the Planning &
Zoning Commission sees no objec-
tion to the request of the School
Respectfully submitted,
The Dubuque Planning
& Zoning Commission
By R. V. McKay Secretary
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of the Plann-
ing and Zoning Commission be ap-
proved and that proper pro-
ceedings be prepared, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo,
December 30, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The Dubuque Planning & Zon-
ing Commissin wishes to advise
the honorable City Council that
plans for Grandview Ave exten-
sion have developed to the point
where the property required for
same from the Independent school
District of Dubuque is definitely
determined and surveyed, there-
fore the Planning & Zoning Com-
mission respectfully recommends
that City Council take appropriate
lg Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
action leading to the early acquisi-
tion of the necessary property.
Yours truly,
The Dubuque Planning
& Zoning Commission
By R. V. McKay Secretary
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of the Plann-
ing and Zoning Commission be ap-
proved and that a communication
be addressed to the Independent
School District requesting that the
needed right-of-way for the Grand-
view Avenue extension be convey-
ed to the City of Dubuque and
also that an easement be granted
covering the water mains now in
place on the school board pro-
perty. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None,
Absent -Councilman Russo.
December 27, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
In the five year improvement
program of the Water Works Sys-
tem there is included a proposal
for a new high lift dual driven
pumping unit at Eagle Point Sta-
tion. This unit is to be capable of
supplying the intermediate system
now being constructed as well as
the existing law pressure service.
Further study indicates that such
a pump should hve a capacity of
approximately 3'~ million gallons
per day which is 2400 gallons per
minute. Since this proposal is a
necessary part of the project pre-
sently under way, consideration
should be given to it at this time.
Attached are plans, specifica-
tions and proceedings for the ad-
vertising for bids. We recommend
that the Council adopt the proce-
dure for the acquisition of the
pumping unit outlined herein.
.Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg.
City Manager
J. J. Hail
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg and Water Superinten-
dent Hail be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Resolution No. 5-51. Preliminary
approval of plans, specifications,
form of contract and all other
documents for to construct and de-
liver agasoline engine and elec-
tric driven high lift pumping unit
in the Eagle Point Pumping Sta-
tion, estimated cost $25,000.00, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Welu mov-
ed that he resolution be adopted.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
RESOLUTION providing for a
notice of hearing on proposed
plans, specifications and farm of
contract for constructing improve-
ments and extensions to the muni•
cipal water works in and for the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and provid-
ing for taking bids in connection
WHEREAS it is necessary and
desirable that the municipal water
works of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be improved and extended
and proposed plans, specifications
and form of contract far construct-
ing said improvements and exten-
sions are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk; and
WffEREAS it is necessary to fix
a time and place of hearing on said
proposed plans, specifications and
form of contract, to provide for -
taking bids in connection there-
with and to give notice thereof;
Section 1. That the 5th day of
February 1951, at 7:30 o'clock p.
m. at the Council Chamber in the
City Hall, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, is hereby fixed as the time
and place of hearing on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract for constructing
improvements and extensions to
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 19
the municipal water works in and
for the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and also as the time and place
for taking bids in connection
Section 2, That the Mayor and
City Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to give notice of
said hearing on said proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and of taking said bids
for the construction of said im-
provements and extensions by
publication of such notice once
each week for two consecutive
weeks in the Telegraph-Herald, a
newspaper published and for gen-
eral circulation in said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and in like manner
in the Register and Tribune, a
newspaper published in Des Moines
Iowa, and of general circulation
in the State of Iowa, the first of
which publications in each news-
paper shall be at least thirty days
prior to the time of said hearing,
all in conformity with the provi-
sions of Section 397.16 of the Code
of Iowa, 1950. Said notice shall be
in substantially the following
Notice of Public Hearing on Pro-
Proposed Form of Contract for the
Construction of Improvements and
Extensions to the Municipal Water
Works of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and of the Taking of Bids
Notice is hereby given that the
City Council of the City of Dubu-
que, Dubuque County, State of
Iowa, will meet at the Council
Chamber in the City Hall, Dubuque,
Iowa on the 5th day of February,
1951, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., a t
whch time and place the Council
proposes to adopt plans and speci-
fications and form of contract and
to receive bids for the construc-
tion of improvements and exten-
sions to the municipal water works
of said City and to enter into a
contract or contracts for the con-
struction thereof. The construction
of the proposed improvements and
extensions consists in general of
the following:
A gasoline engine and electric
motor driven high lift pumping
unit in its Eagle Paint Pumping
All in accordance with the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract now on
file in the office of the City Clerk
of Dubuque, Iowa, which plans and
specifications and form of contract
are hereby made a part hereof the
same as if set out in full and are
referred to far a more detailed de-
scription of the work to be done
and the materials to be furnished
and the terms and conditons there-
Copies of the plans and specifi-
cations, form of contract and pro-
posal forms are now on file and
available for inspection at the of-
fice of the City Clerk in the City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa. Copies of
documents may be obtained for
bidding purposes by depositing
$10.00 with the City Clerk for each
set of documents. The full amount
of the deposit for one set of docu-
ments will be refunded to e a c h
actual bidder who returns the
plans in goad condition to the City
within ten (10) days after opening
of proposals. One-half ('~) of all
other deposits will be refunded for
each set of complete documents,
including plans returned to the
All proposals must be submitted
on bid farms furnished by the City
Clerk as a part of the specifica-
tions. No bid may be withdrawn
after the opening of proposals with-
out the consent of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for a period of thirty
(30) days after the scheduled time
of closing bids.
At said hearing, the City Council
cations and the proposed form of
will consider the plans and specifi-
contract, the same now being on
file in the office of the City Clerk,
reference to which is made for a
more detailed and. complete de-
scription of the proposed improve-
ments, and will receive and con-
sider any objection of said plans
and specifications and form of con-
tract made by any interested party.
The cost of constructing said im-
provements and extensions will be
paid in cash out of the proceeds
of the sale of Water Revenue
Bonds issued by the City. These
bonds are not general obliga-
tions nor payable in any man-
ner out of taxation, but are
payable solely and only out of the
future net revenues of the Munici-
2p Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
pal Water Works. Payment will be
made to the contractor or contrac-
tors as the work progresses upon
monthly estimates as described in
the specifications.
The successful bidder will be re-
quired to furnish a performance
band in an amount of 100 percent
of the contract price.
Construction shall be started up-
on receipt of notice to proceed af•
ter the award of contract, and
shall be completed within 150 days
thereafter, all subject to unavoida-
ble delays,
All proposals shall be accompani•
ed by a certified check ar bank
draft drawn on a solvent bank in
the State of Iowa or a satisfactory
bid bond, in an amount not less
than five per cent (5 percent) of
the amount of the bid, which se-
curity shall be forfeited if the
bidder fails or refuses to enter in-
to contract or to furnish bond af-
ter hs proposal has been accepted
by the City Council.
The City Council hereby reserves
the right to reject any or all bids,
to waive informalities and to en-
ter into such contract or contracts
as it shall deem to be to the best
interest of the City.
Neither the contract or contracts
for said improvements and exten-
sions nor Water Revenue Bonds
issued shall constitute general ob-
ligations of the City nor secured
by or payable in any manner by
taxation, but shall be payable sole-
ly from future net revenues of the
municipal water works system and
secured by a pledge of said net
By vitue of statutory authority,
preference will be given to labor,
products and provisions grown and
produced within the State of
extent same may be in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
Passed and approved January
2nd 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
1, That a public hearing be had
to determine whether or not pub-
lic convenience and necessity will
be served by the establishment
of municipally owned parking lots
or off street parking facilities on:
City Lots 644, 645 and the North
2 feet of 646 in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, according to the ori-
ginal plat of the town (now city)
of Dubuque, Dubuque County
Iowa and by the acquisition by
condemnation or otherwise, of all
of such property and by the im-
provement of said property to
maintain and operate such facili-
II. That such hearing be held at
the City Council Chambers in the
City Hall in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, at 7:30 P.M., or the 8th day
of February, 1951.
III. That the City Clerk be and he
is hereby authorized and directed
Clarence P. Welu
Attest: J. J, Shea
Section 3. That all provisions set
out in said form of notice are here-
by recognized and prescribed by
the Council and that all resolutions
or orders or parts thereof to the
I', II
to cause to be published in the
Telegraph-Herald a newspaper of
general circulation in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa. Notice of such
hearing the same to be published
so as to leave at least two
weeks between the day of such
publication and the day fixed
for said hearing. Said notice
shall contain, among other the
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 21
provision that any persons affected
by the establishment of said park-
ing lot or off-street parking facili-
ties and all citizens shall have an
opportunity to be heard. Passed,
adopted and approved this 2nd day
of January, 1951.
Attest; J. J. SHEA
Councilman Austin moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller, Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following, having compli-
ed with the provisions of law re•
lating to the sale of cigarettes
within the City of Dubuque, be
granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said
City and the Manager is directed
to issue such permit on behalf of
said City.
Louis T. Bournias, 2117 Univer-
sity Avenue
Sara Faigen, 399 East 20th
John B. Burgmaier, 2600 Jackson
that the bonds filed with the appli-
cations be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
WHEREAS, applications f o r
Beer permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
the fallowing applications be
granted and the licenses ar to be
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of this
John B. Burgmaier, 2600 Jackson
Sara Faigen, 299 East 20th Street
Spencer P. Wright, 1862 Central
Mrs. Ruby Pappas, 177 Main
William H. Harbaugh, 62 Locust
Frank E. Lewis, 2403 Central
A. J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg Ave-
John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tions for Beer Permits were filed
by the within named applicants
and they have received the appro-
val of this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com•
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed a proper
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
..~_,~.. ..,.~b;~a~e. ,.~~ .,, .,_.,,~. ~ ~s~~~~ra~a.a~~~sm- ~,
22 Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951
Manager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named appli-
cants aBeer Permit.
John B. Buurgmaier, 2600 Jack-
son Street
Sara Faigen, 399 East 20th Street
Spencer P. Wright, 1862 Cen-
tral Avenue
Mrs. Ruby Pappas, 177- Main
William H. Harbaugh, 62 Locust
Frank E. Lewis, 2403 Central
A. J. Ender 534 Rhomberg
John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln
that the bonds filed by such appli•
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of January, 1951.
Attest; J. J. SHEA
Councilman Austin moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Absent -Councilman Russo.
Councilman Russo entered the
Council Chamber and took his seat
at 9:35 p.m
January 2, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
On December 23, 1950 Josepr
J. Roscamp made application for
Class "B" Beer Permit at a loca-
tion stated as 1405 Dodge Street,
The building at this address is oc-
cupied as a grocery store and in a
zoning classificatin as a non~on-
forming use, being occupied as a
grocery store at the time the zon-
ing ordinance was passed in 1934.
The present zoning is two-family
residence district and the opera-
tion of a Class "B" Permit in this
building would be in violation of
the zoning ordinance and a certifi-
cate for this type of operation
could not be granted.
Paragraph 505 of Ordinance No.
9-35, an ordinance pertaining to
the issuance of Beer Licenses, de-
finitely requires the location of a
Class "B" Beer Permit be in a busi-
ness zone,
Therefore, in view of the above,
I recommend that a permit for
Class "B" Beer Permit at the above
address be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald J. Bandy,
Building Commissioner.
Councilman Austin moved that
the rcommendation of B u i l d i n g
Commissioner Bandy be accepted.
Seconded by Councilman Russo.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays - None.
January 2, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque; Iowa.
This is to advise that I am not
a candidate for re-appointment as
City Manager for the fiscal year
beginning April 1, 1951. It is pro-
per that such intention be made
known at this time.
By way of appreciation of the
many favors and courtesies receiv-
ed during my tenure of office,
I know of no better manner of ex-
pression than to expedite the un-
finished business at hand and to
implement those projects now in
their inception. This I am doing
and will during the remaining time
continue to the best interest of the
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Councilman Russo moved that
the communication of City Mana-
ger Rhomberg be referred to the
City Council for consideration. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Regular Session, January 2nd, 1951 23
December 28th, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa
I have examined the Abstract of
Title to Washington Square irr the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County,
Iowa, as prepared by Ablen Ab-
stract Co., abstractors' certificate
dated December 15, 1950 at 9 a. m.
and find, in my opinion the title
thereto as shown by the abstract
to be in Dubuque County, Iowa,
subject to the perpetual right in
the public to use the same for any
public purpose and subject to the
following observations:
1. The governing body of the
City of Dubuque, as trustee for the
public, has the right and duty to
prescribe rules and regulations for
the exercise of this use an has the
duty to defend this right in
the public against any infringe-
ments, the duty to prescribe rules
and regulations carries with it
the right to define the purpose for
which the property shall be used
so long as the purpose is a public
The right to use this property
perpetually for a public purpose is
not vested in the citizens of Du-
buque or of any particular locality
but in the public in general. By
"public purpose" is meant any pur-
pose which would support an ac-
tion in eminent domain. At pre-
sent the governing body has by
ordinance established regulations
restricting the use of this property
to that of a park. In my opinion
the City Council may, by ordinance,
change this use to any other use
which will serve a public purpose.
2. This right in the public was
created by the Act of Congress
which laid out the original town-
site of Dubuque, showed this pro-
perty as a "Public Square" and
provided the same should remain
in the public forever. This had the
effect of giving the public an ease-
ment in the property while reserv-
ing the title to the United States.
The easement could not be re-
voked by law since it was con-
tractual. Consequently, in 1876
when Congress relinquinshed to
Dubuque County whatever right
the United States might have in
the property it could give no more
than it had and the title taken
by the County was still subject to
the rights of the public as herein-
before set out. Consequently the
County may not devote this pro-
perty to any purpose unless the
consent of the governing body of
the City is first obtained.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. H. Nelson,
City Solicitor,
Councilman Russo moved that
the opinion of City Solicitor Nel-
son be referred to the Park Board
with the desire of the Council ex-
pressed for to utilize Washington
Park for a parking lot and that
the Park Board be requested to
communicate with the City Coun-
cil, at their convenience as to their
disposition in this matter. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
There being no further business
Councilman Schueller moved to ad-
journ Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
City Clerk.
Approved ............... 1951
Adopted ................. 1951
l ....................................
^ouncilmen: j ....................................
Attest : ...............
City Clerk.
~. , .
_-..,, .. ~,.µ ~... .. ,.. ,. ., -r mwemtt A4~3^'s~~'er~.ar+. R;~i~?vm~»1~+w C'r9-'9~~..
Special Session, January 10th, 1951
24 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
City Council
Special Session, January 10th, 1951 t
Council met at 7:30 p. m. g•
Present -Mayor Welu, Council- e
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller. C
City Manager Rhomberg. F
Meeting called by order of Coun- T
cilmen Russo and Kolb.
Mayor Welu read the call and
stated that service thereof had t
been duly made and that this me of s
ing is called for the purPo
conducting a public hearing on the
question to determne whether or
not public convenience and necess-
ity will be served by the estab ark-
ment of municipally owned p
ing lots or off-street parking facili-
ties on City Lots 615, 616, 616A,
the southerly 8 feet of City Lot .
617 and the northerly ~ include
City Lot 617 (meaning
all of City Lot 617) and Lot 1 of
City Lot 690 all in the city of
Dubuque, Iowa, and acting o uaer-
other business as may P P
ly come before a regular meeting
of the City Council.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pub-
lic heanng on the question to de-
termine whether or not public con-
venience and necessity will be serv-
ed by the establishment of munici-
pally owned parking lots or off-
street parking facilities on C i t y
Lots 615, 616, 616A, the sauther-
nor8therly 54 feet oft City Lot 617
(meaning to include aLot 6906 all
and Lot 1 of ofy Dubuque, Du-
in the City
buque County, Iowa, and by the
acquisition by condemnation or
otherwise of all such property and
by the improvement of said proper-
ty to maintain and operate such
facilities all in accordance with
Chapter 390 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa, presented and read. Council-
man Kolb moved that the proof
of publication be received and fil-
ed. Seconded by Councilman Aus-
tin. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schnell
Nays -None.
Petition and amendment to peti-
m of Mrs. J. M. Walker and
hers, citizens, taxpayers and own-
s of property in the neighbor-
ood of Fifth and Bluff Iowa~re-
he City of Dubuque,
istering their objectrationtof the
stablishment and ope
ity Parking Lot at the corner of
fifth and Bluff Streeresented and
f Dubuque, Iowa, p
Councilman Russo moved that
he rules be suspended for the
purpose of allowing any one pre-
ent in the Council Chamber, who
wishes to do so, to address the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
Nays -None.
Attorney J. J. Kintzingeo~ta f
dressed the Council in supp
the petition of Mrs. J. M. Walker
and others. Councilman Russo mov-
ed that the petition of Mrs. J. M.
Walker and others be referred to
the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion for their report and also to
the City Solicitor for his opinion,
said report and opinion to be
submitted to the Council at their
meeting to be held January 22nd,
1951 and also that Attorney J. J.
Kintzinger be notified as to the
time of the meeting of the Plann-
ing and Zoning Commission. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
Proof of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
public hearing upon the question
of the change in zoning classifica-
tion of the area bounded in gen-
eral by Southern Avenue, Lot 1 of
Lot 2 of Lot 3 of part of Mineral
Lot 37, the Dubuque Cascade Road,
and Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 4 in
O'Connor's Subdivision from "Local
_ Business District" classification to
_ "Light Industrial District" classifi-
cation, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the proof
of publication be received and fil•
ed. Seconded by Mayor Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yes -Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo; Schueller.
Nays -None.
Ordinance No. 2.51. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No.
3.34, designated "Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Dubuque," so as to
change the zoning classification of
the following described area from
its present classification to "Light
Industrial District" classification,
to-wit: On the southerly side of
Southern Avenue, to in the follow-
that area bounded byoint on the
ing; beginning at a p
northwesterly cornerof ~~ Three
(1) of Lot Two (2)
(3) of part of Mineral Lot Thirty-
seven (37), thence southerly along
One (1) of Lot Two (2) of Lot Three
(3) of part of Mineral Lot Thirty-
seven (37) to the northerly line of
the Dubuque Cascade Road; thence
southwesterly along the northerly
line of the Dubuque Cascade Road
to the southwesterly line of Lot
One (1) of Lot Two (2) of Lot Four
(4) in O'Connor's Subdivision;
thence northerly along the westerly
line of Lot One (1) of Lot Two (2)
of I,ot Four (4) in O'Connor's subdi.
vision to its intersection with the
southerly line of Southern Avenue
thence northeasterly along the
southerlyline of Southern Avenue
to the paint of beginning, present-
ed and read. Councilman K o 1 b
moved that the reading just ha
bee considered the first readin
of the Ordinance. Seconded b
Mayor Welu. Carried by the fol
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel
Councilman Kolb moved that
the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
d yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
g men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
y er.
Nays -None.
Council recessed at 9:40 p. m•
and reconvened at 9:50 p. m.
Notice of Claim of J. A. Welu
in the amount of $13.60 for dam-
ages that occurred to his automo-
bile caused in striking a stop sign
which was lying on the ground on
Lincoln Avenue at Ann Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Russo
moved that the Notice of Claim be
referred to the City Solicitor for
recommendation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kalb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Nays - Nane.
Notice of Claim of Glen H. Hicks
in the amount of $62.21 for in-
juries received by his Wife and al-
so for damages io his automobile
caused in striking a loose manhole
cover at the inters^ction of Alpine
Street and Univei:;ity Avenue, pre-
sented and reaca. ~'ouncilman Russo
moved that the notice of Claim be
referred to the City Solicitor for
recommendation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Russo. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Nays -None.
Nays -None.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the rules be suspended requir•
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Russo. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schnell
Nays -None.
Original Notice of Suit of fore-
closure of mortgage of Dubuque
Bank and Trust Company, Plaintiff,
vs. Donald W. Kress, Bernice E.
Kress, Philip C. Stecher, City of
Dubuque and Treasurer of Dubu-
que County on the following de-
scribed real estate, the south 33
feet of Lot 77 in L. H. Lang-
worthy's Addition, together with
all improvements thereon, present-
ed and read. Councilman Russ o
moved that the Original Notice
of Suit be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
w a~eW!~awno-ty~ ;,E: ~~ ,,~ cuk~s ..n ~ s. y .n q+r se,~(q„~<# ~~`~ksiu~?pr~'w~o-^~"!`?~P"-3~'wu i*~nSNA r i'
Special Session, January 10th, 1951 27
26 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
Kolb. Carried by the following int rest soley a d only f oam the
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council- future net earnings of the munici-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell- Pal water works plant and system
of said City.
er. Chapman and Cutler.
Nays -None.
Notice of Paul Lynch that the
City of Dubuque have failed to
maintain safe and proper streets
in the City Limits of the City of
Dubuque, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
Notice be received and filed. Sec•
onded by Councilman Russo. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
Nays -None.
Law Offices of
Chapman and Cutler
Chicago, 3, Illinois
January 4, 1951
We hereby certify that we have
examined certified copy of the pro-
ceedings of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, in Dubuque
County, Iowa, passed preliminary
to the issue by said City of its
One and seven-eights per cent Wat-
er Revenue Bonds to the amount
of $100,000 dated December 1,
1950, denomination $1000, num•
bered from 1 to 100, inclusive, due
in numerical order $30,000 on De-
cember 1, 1952, and $35,000 on
December 1 of each of the years
1953 and 1954, but bonds number-
ed 31 to 100, inclusive, are option-
al for redemption prior to matur-
ity on December 1, 1952, or on any
interest payment date thereafter,
and we are of the opinion that
such poceedings show lawful au-
thority for said issue under the
laws of the State of Iowa now in
We further certify that we
have examined executed bond num-
ber one and find the same in due
form of law and in our opinion
said issue,to the amount named, is
valid and legally binding upon said
City of Dubuque according to the
import thereof, and said bands,
together with such additional
bonds as may be issued and out-
standing from time to time on a
parity therewith under the condi-
tions prescribed in said proceed-
ings, are and will continue to be
Councilman Russo moved that
the opinion of Chapman and Cutler
be received and made a matter of
record. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
Nays -None.
Office of the
Housing Expediter
Washington 25, D. C.
January 5, 1951
Mr. J. J. Shea
City Clerk
City of Dubuque
Dear Mr. Shea:
This will acknowledge receipt
of your recent letter notifying me
of the declaration made by the
thatralshortagelof rental hour ng
accomodations exists which re-
quiresthe continuation of rent con•
We have examined the material
submitted and find that this de-
claration is in accordance with the
provisions of Section 204 (f) (1) of
the Housing and Rent Act of 1947,
as amended. An amendment to the
Rent Regulations has, therefore,
been issued incorporating your
community in the list of localities
affected by declarations for con-
tinuation of rent control a f t e r
March 31, 1951.
Sincerely yours,
Tighe W. Woods
Housing Expediter
Mayor Welu moved that the
communication be received and
made a matter of record. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
Nays -None.
Des Moines, Iowa
January 8, 1951
Crossing protection at 7th, Bch
and 11th Streets in Dubuque, Iowa,
C. G. W. - C. M. St. P. & P. Doc•
ket No. A•5219
Mr. T. H. Nelson, City Solicitor
City of Dubuque
Dubuque, Iowa
Bear Sir:
We are in receipt of your letter
cf December 20, 1950, relating to
the above entitled subject. It has
been considered and has been held
that the provisions of Section 389.•
41, Code of Iowa, 1950, are applica-
ble to all crossings within the li•
mits of cities and towns. You un-
derstand, of course, that t h e s e
matters only come before this
Commission after there is a con•
troversy between parties.
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
January 9, 1951
Mr. J. J. Shea
City Clerk
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Mr. Shea:
At the next meeting of the Du-
buque City Council will you please
inform the members that I will no
longer be ble to serve as a mem-
ber of the Playground and Recrea-
tion Commission as I am leaving
the city in February.
I have appreciated the honor of
this appointment by the City Coun-
cil and have enjoyed serving on
the commission. It is my sincere
hope that the work of the com•
mission will continue to progress
Grace Schneider
This Commission does approve Mrs. F. J. Schneider
the plans and specifications for
protection of all street and high
way crossings regardless of where
located, It is in this manner that
this matter comes before this Com•
mission at this time. The two rail-
road companies have filed royal
with this Commission for app
of a change in the control of the
operation of the crossing signals
at 7th, 8th and 11th Streets in
Dubuque and have requested ap-
proval of the project,
In view of the fact that there
is a disagreement between parties
without apparent hope of arriving
at an amicable agreement, the
Commission has named Tuesday,
February 13, 1951, at 9:30 o'clock
A. M. at the Dubuque County
Court House, Dubuque, Iowa, as
time and place for hearing.
We are advising all interested
parties of the time and place for
Very truly yours
Geo. L. McCaughan, Secretary.
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record and the
City Manager and City Solicitor
instructed to attend the hearing as
representatives of the City of Du-
buque, Seconded by Councilman
Councilman Austin moved that
the resignation be accepted and
made a matter of record and that
a letter of appreciation be sent to
Mrs. Grace Schneider in recog•
nition of services rendered as a
member of the Playground and
Recreation Commission. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None:
Communication of Tighe E.
Woods, Housing Expediter, sub-
mitting for Council attention some
of the important changes in the
new federal rent control extension
law, presented and read. Council-
man Russo moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None.
Communication of Peter H. Mc-
Carthy with reference to the City
Council calling a public meeting
to discuss the matter of Washing-
ton Park, also with reference to
having the property along Fourth
~M..e.~:~a~b^+r~.,a,~.,.. ~, ., xw-...-y ., ~» ,-rm 4~?,•v4n'¢'+6 ~"rA+M"~:., ~...F=
Zg Special Session, January 10th, 1951
Street Extension filled up at U.
S. Government expense, and also
with reference resented oandoread.
City Manager, p
Councilman Russo moved that the
City Manager and City Solicitor
be instructed to confer with the
Board of Supervisors fourth C aim
pose of securing a Q
Deed to Washington Park, with-
out cost to the City of Dubuque.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 10, 1951
The Honorable Mayor and
City Council
City Hall
Dubuque, Iowa.
At the meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Independent
School District of Duburesolu on
last night the following
was adopted:
WHEREAS, the City o
Dubuque, Iowa, is desirous o
procuring an easement over par
of the High School grounds fo
the extension of Grandview Av
nue over Rosedale Avenue an
Avoca Street, and a specific eas
ment over part of the High Scho
grounds for the purpose of layi
water mains, and
Street from the westerly line
of Vincent Street to its westerly
terminus; the alley between Fran-
cisco Street and Southview Ter-
race from Alumni Street to Vin-
cent Street; the alley first north
of Rosedale Avenue abutting Lots
1 to 15 inclusive of Rosedabetween
tion and the street lying
Lots 13 and 14 of Rosedale Addi-
tion and any other streets or alleys
not enumerated and contained
within the High School grounds,
bounded on the north by West
Locust and V n ntrSt eet,eon the
the east by
south by Rosedale Avenue, and on
the west by Avoca Street, Now
BE IT RESOLVED that the In-
dependent Schoiantandiconvey,
Dubuque, Iowa, g
unto the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
an easement for street purposes
in perpetuity Lot 1 of Part of
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot
179, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Part of
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot
179 and Lot 2 of Part of Lot v
of Mineral Lot 179A in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, and
T that the Independent School Dis-
L trict of Dubuque, Iowa grant and
- convey, unto the City of Dubuque,
F Iowa, a specific easement in lieu
of a general easement over part
f of the High School grounds, for
f its water mains, and
e- that the President and Secretary
d of the Independent School District
e' of Dubuque, Iowa, be and they
of are hereby empowered and di-
rected to sign the necessary docu-
ments and papers, granting the
WHEREAS, the Independent
School District of Dubu Lot Ilwof
is desirous of having which lot
Rosedale Subdivisionof Dubuque,
belongs to the City
Iowa, and is also desirous of hav-
ing the following streets and al•
leys vacated: Alumni Street from
West Locust Street to Southview
Terrace; Southview Terrace from
Alumni Street to Vincent Street;
Francisco Street from Alumni
Street to Vincent Street; the
alley first south of West Locust
City of Dubuque, Iowa, said ease-
ments, when the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, conveys title to the Inde-
pendent School District o f
Dubuque, Iowa, of Lot 1 of Rose-
dale Addition and vacates the
streets and alleys enumerated in
the preamble hereof.
Seconded and after due de-
liberation the President put the
question on the motion and the
Special Session, January 10th, 1951
roll being called, the following strutted to draw a warrant in
voted: the amount of $50,00 in favor of
Ayes: Messrs. Adams, Flucki- George Bogas to cover the amount
ger, Gregory, Hardie, Higley, of refund granted on the unex-
Landschulz, and Nachtman. pired portion of his Cigarette Per-
mit No. 226. Seconded die follow-
Nays: None. man Kolb. Carried by
It was duly ordered that the i~ vote:
resolution be adopted. ours, Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Very truly Y Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Alois A. Kaufmann Nays-None.
Councilman Kolb moved that Petition of John Dempsey re-
the communication be received questing a refund in the amount
and made a matter of recredated. tionlof~ his Class uBexBeer Per-
proper proceedings be P P
Seconded by Councilman Austin. melon°becsuspe ded onotlie ,peti-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen. tion pending determination of the
charges being presented before the
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller. Grand Jury. Seconded by Mayor
Nays-None. Welu. Carried by the following
Petition of Walter A. Kunnert voYeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
and others, residents~oatAltashleet Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller,
Street, requesting
light be installed on Alta Vista Nay~None.
Street between the existing petition of John Dempsey re•
street light at Kirkwood and Alta uesting a refund in the amount of
Vista Streets and the existing q
street light nearesent d andaread. h2s Cigarette Permit No.p2861as he
Loras College, p has discontinued business on Jan-
Councilman Kolb moved that the uary 8 1951, presented and read.
petition be referred to the City Mayor Welu moved that the req-
Manager and Electrical Inspector uest be granted and the City Aud-
for recommendation and report. for instructed to draw a warrant
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote: in the amount of $25.00 in favor
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen of John Dempsey to cover the
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller. amount of refund granted on the
unexpired portion of his Cigarette
Nays-None. permit No. 286. Seconded by Coun-
Petition of the Dubuque County Gilman Schueller. Carried by the
Society for Crippled Shildren and following vote:
Adults requesting permission to yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
hold aLily Tag Day on Friday men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
evening, March 16 and Saturday ler.
March 17, 1951, presented and Nays -None.
read. C°uncilman Russo moved petition of Dubuque County
that the request be granted, PTO' Chapter of the National Founda-
viding there are n MayorflWelu. tion for Infantile Paralysis request-
dates, Seconded by
Carried by tike following vote: ing permission to sponsor a street
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen collection on Saturday, January 29
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller. 1951, in connection with the Dubu-
que County Polio Drive, presented
Petition of George Bogas re- and read. Councilman Kolb moved
questing a refund in the amount that the request be granted pro-
of $50.00 on the unexpired por- viding there are no conflicting
tion of his Cigarette Permit No. dates. Seconded by Mayor Welu.
226, as he has discontinued busi- Carried by the following vote:
ness on December 6, 1950, pre- Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
sented and read. Councilman men Austin, Kolb Russo, Schuel-
Russo moved that the request be ler. None.
granted and the City Auditor in- Nays -
tl~°'~~`MF'Y"dPPoY! w •~ y ,f v*-~A+r r ~. a~ n t X x ~,• ~s a ^~tiPdWk'~ fi'4^a7^~v'F r r- pa ~ ~.
30 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
Petition of Tom J. Cody and
others in the interest of Ray
Savory, who was recently discharg-
ed as Parking Meter Maintenance
Man, and asking that he be re-
stored to his job, presented and
read. Councilman Austin moved
that the petition be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Communications and petitions of
Ivyl M. Adams, Anna B. Lowther,
Lucille L. Cooley, Janet V. Hauptli,
Dubuque Woman's Club, Dubuque
Council of Parent-Teacher Associa-
tion, Chapter 1K of P. E. 0. Wo-
mens' Society of Christian Service
of St. Lukes Church, Dubuque
County Conservation Society pro-
testing to the use of Washington
Park as a parking lot, presented
and read. Councilman Schueller
moved that action be deferred on
the communications and petitions
until a report is received from the
Park Board. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Ordinance No, 1.51. An Ordi-
nance amending Ordinance No.
33.49. being an Ordinance known
as "The Traffic Code of the City
of Dubuque" by repealing Sche-
dules II and III thereof and en-
acting substitutes therefor and
providing a penalty fora viola-
tion thereof, said ordinance having
passed upon first reading on Janu-
ary 2nd, 1951 and ordered placed
on fIle with the City Clerk for
public inspection for a least one
week before its final adoption,
was presented for final adoption.
An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 33-49 being an Ordinance known
as "The Traffic Code of the City
of Dubuque" by repealing Schedules
II and III thereof and enacting sub-
stitutes therefor and providing a
penalty for a violation thereof.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49
be and the same is hereby amended
by striking out Schedule II thereof
and substituting therefor the follow-
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 12.3 and when signs are
erected giving notice thereof, drivers
of vehicles shall stop at every inter-
section before entering any aP the
following streets which are desig-
nated as through streets:
A. Jackson Street from the north
line of East 12th Street to the north
line of East 32nd Street;
B. Central Avenue Prom the north
line of 4th Street to the Northerly
terminus of said Avenue;
C. Rockdale Road from its south-
erly terminus at the city limits north
to its Junction with South Locust
Street, South Locust Street north to
Locust Street north to thesnorth one
of West 17th Street.
D. Elm Street from the south line
of East 12th Street to the south line
of East 20th Street;
E. East 20th Street from [he east
property line of Central Avenues to
the east line of Elm Street; thence
on Rhomberg Avenue to the west
approach oY the Dubuque-Wisconsin
F. East 14th Street from the west
line of Elm Street to the east line
of Central Avenue;
G. Loral Boulevard from the west
Tine of Central Avenue to the north
property line oY University Avenue;
H. East 12th Street from the east
east line orf CentrallAvenueet to the
1.-West 12th Street from the west
line of Central Avenue to the east
line of Locust Street; thence Prom
the west line of Locust Street to the
west property line of Grove Terrace;
thence north on Grove Terrace to the
north line of Arlington Street; thence
west on Arlington Street to the west
line of Highland Place;
J. Eighth Avenue from the west
line of Central Avenue to the ex-
tension of the west line o4 Hill Street;
K. University Avenue from the
rorth Property Line of 8th Avenue to
its westerly terminus at the City
L. Hill Street from the extgnsian
of the south line of 8th Avenue to
the north property line of West 3rd
M. West 5th Street from the east
property line of Wilson Avenue to
the west Ime of College Street;
N. West 3rd Street from the west
property line of Hill Street to the
east line of North Graandview Ave-
0. Dodge Street from the west Ilne
of Locust Street to its westerly ter-
minus at the City limits;
P. 4th Street from the east line
of Centro] Avenue to the east line
of Locust Street;
Q. North and South Grandview
Avenue from the south property line
of Delhi Street to the north and
west line of the Rockdale Road;
thence from the south and east fns
of the Rockdale Road to its easterly
R. Windsor Avenue from the north
thepsouthhproperyhline of Davis Ave
S. Main Street from the south line
of Jones Street to the north line of
West Seventeenth Street.
Section 2. That Ordinance No. 33-49
be and the same is hereby amended
by striking out Schedule III thereof
and substituting in its place the fol-
. lowing:
Special Session, January 10th, 1951 31
In accordance with Section ]2.9 the
tersectnona and whena signssaretoerect-
ed giving notice thereof, drivers of
vehicles shall stop before entering
said intersections from directions in-
A. Eastbound and westbound ve-
hicles must atop before entering:
Iowa Street at West Seventh Street;
Iowa Street at West Ninth Street;
Washington Street at East 70th
Elm Street at East 29th Street.
B. Northbound and southbound ve-
hicles must stop before entering:
Rosedale Avenue at Avoca Street;
East 21st Street at Washington
East 21st Street at Elm Street;
Fourth Street at White Street.
C. Westbound vehicles must stop
before entering:
Bluff Street at West Third Street.
Section 3. That all Ordinances or
with are hereby repealedonflict here-
Section 9. That this Ordinance
shall become effective ten (10) days
after its final passage, adoption and
publication as provided by Law.
Passed upon first reading this 2nd
day of January, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 10th day of Janu-
ary, 1951.
Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 15th day
of January, 1951.
It Jan. 15 City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Secon~
ded by Councilman Russo. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
An Ordinance for the vacation
of parts of Alumni Place, 5outh-
view Terrace, Francisco Street, a
certain Unnamed Street, the alley
lying between West Locust Street
and Francisco Street and South-
~ view Terrace, the alley first north-
erly of Rosadale Avenue, all in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
providing for the conveyance there-
' of to the abutting property own-
ers, presented and read. Council-
man Kolb moved that the reading
just had be considered the first
reading of the ordinance. Seeon-
ded by Mayor Welu. Carried by
the following vote: ,
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilme
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
rules be suspended requiring an
ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week
before its final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Council Proceedings for the
month of June, 1950 presented for
approval. Mayor Welu moved that
the Council Proceedings for the
month of June, 1950 be approved
as printed. Secoonded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
January 5, 1951.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
At a meeting of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
held on December 5, 1950 the
following resolution was adopted:
That the communication of the
Road Safety Car Association, Des
Moines, Iowa, through its Presi-
dent John Hetherington challeng-
ing steam of eight young men
between the ages of 17 and 25
to a safe driving contest be re-
ferred to the Chief of Police for
proper action
I have referred the matter to
the Dubuque Safety Council who
will sponser the contest in co-
operation with a local service or-
Respectfully yours,
Jos. H. Strub,
Chief of Police.
n Councilman Austin moved that
the communication of Chief of
Police Strub be received and made
e +^.. , ~ ,r[ n I' v law`9f„i`MeY'~'fi~1~`~°~/~,^,~„~i
32 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
a matter of record, Seconded by
Councilman Kolb, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Russo, Schueller,
January 5, 1951.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
At a session of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, held
January 2, 1951 the following mo-
~ tion was adopted:
That the petition of the Dubuque
Safety Council asking the Council
to cause an investigation and study
made of traffic conditions o n
South Algona Street from High-
way 20 north to University Ave-
nue, as this street has become
hazardous due to traffic going to
and from the highway and using
it as a short cut to West Dubuque,
~ be referred to the Chief of Po-
~ lice for recommendation and re-
~ This street and its conditions
are very familiar to the under-
' signed. Algona street is carrying
a much larger load of vehicular
traffic than the side streets, and
particularily so since the develop•
ment in and around St. Josephs
Street. Visibility is very poor at
all the intersecting streets.
It is my recommendation that
'~ Algona Street be made a through
street from the intersection of
University Avenue to St. Joseph
Respectfully yours,
Jos. H. Strub,
Chief of Police.
~ 'i Mayor Welu moved that the re-
' commendation of Chief of Police
Strub be accepted and proper
proceedings ordered prepared. Se-
conded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
January 4, 1951
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Al Rogan
Holder of Class B Beer Permi
No. 101
Expiring October 10, 1951
Please be advised that on this
4th dKy of January, 1951 the above
named Class B Beer Permit holder
was ~:onvicted in the Police Court
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
on charges of violating City Beer
Gi~dinances, 1435 section B6 and
9.35 section 24 Par. 512, namely
seising beer to juveniles and hav-
ing liquor on the premises of
greater alcoholic content than 4.2
Because of the above violations
and convictions thereof it is re-
commended that the Class "B"
Beer Permit No. 101 issued to Al
Rogan be revoked forthwith,
Respectfully yours,
Jos. H. Strub,
Chief of Police.
Councilman Russo moved that
the recommendation of Chief of
Police Strub be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Austin Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Whereas, this Council on the
2nd day of October, 1950, caused
to be issued a Class "B" Beer
Permit bearing the Number 101
to Al. Rogan, operating a tavern
at 400 Iowa Street in the City
of Dubuque: and
Whereas, it has come to the
attention of this Council that the
owner and holder of said permit
has conducted his place of business
in a disorderly manner and other-
wise in violation of law:
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque that Class "B" Beer
Permit No. 101 heretofore issued
to A1. Rogan, be and the same
is hereby revoked and the Chief
of Police is directed to take up
such permit forthwith and return
the same for cancellation.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 10th day of January, 1951,
t Councilmen
Attest: J, J. Shea
City Clerk
Special Session, January 10th, 1951 33
Councilman Russo moved the
adoption of the resolution. Secon-
ded by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Jan. 8, 1951
Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Dubuque
The claim of Michael Setticasi
has been referred to this office
for investigation and report. On
the evening of December 7, 1950
Mr. Setticasi was driving west on
Univeristy when one wheel of his
car dropped into an open manhole
in the street near Alpine. Con-
siderable damage was done to the
axle and wheel and he has agreed
to accept $42.24 in full settlement
of his damages.
Upon investigation it appears
that the cover on this manhole
has been the source of considerable
difficulty to the Street Department
as it is easily knocked off when
snow or other foreign matter lod-
ges under the rim. It has since
been replaced with a more secure
Mr. Setticasi's father Barney
Setticasi is the owner of the car
and I recommend that this claim
be allowed in the amount of
$42.24 and that a warrant be
issued payable to Michael Setti-
Iasi and Barney Setticase in that
amount and delivered upon receipt
of their properly executed release.
T. H. Nelson
City Solicitor
Councilman Russo moved that
the recommendation of City Soli-
citor Nelson be approved and the
City Auditor instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $42.24
in favor of Michael Setticasi and
Barney Setticasi, as settlement in
full of the claim, and that said
warrant be delivered upon receipt
by the City of Dubuque of a prop-
. erly executed release. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
January 10, 1951
Honorable Mayor and
City Council of the
City of Dubuque.
The communication of the League
of Women Voters dated Septem-
ber 9th, 1950 and requesting com•
nilation of the City Ordinances has
been referred to this office for
recommendation and report.
After investigation of the matter
and discussing the same with re-
presentatives of the City Adminis-
trative offices, the Dubuque Coun-
ty Bar Association and the League
of. Women Voters I feel that a
compilation of all the current Or-
dinances into one volume is de•
sirable. In their present form any
of the Ordinances is really avail-
able but since they are in dif
ferent volumes it is some times
difficult to corelate the various
While this office does not seek
additional work, the experience of
ether municipalities indicates that
the compilation of the Ordinances
should be done under the super-
vision of the City Solicitor. Since
a great part of the work is clerical
it will be necessary for me to
employ stenographic assistance to
do this work. It is therfore re-
commended that the budget and
appropriations for the fiscal year
1951-2 include an item of three
thousand dollars for the City Soli-
citor's office to defray the cost of
clerical assistance, and equipment
and supplies necessary to the com-
pilation of the City Ordinances.
It has also become apparent that
when this compilation is completed
it will reveal a necessity for a
revision of many of the current Or-
dinances to conform them to mod-
ern conditions. At the proper time
it is recommended that the Council
resolve itself into a committee on
the whole to study such specific
recommendations for revision as
may be made by this office as
the work progresss.
The above estimate of three
thousand dollars does not include
the cost of printing. No estimate
of the printing costs can be had
Special Session, January 10th, 1951 35
34 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
until the size of the work is more
definitely established.
T. H. Nelson
City Solicitor.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Soli-
citor Nelson be approved and pro
per provisions be • made in the
budget appropriation as recom-
mended. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller Carried by the fallowing
yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
January 10, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
At the meeting of the Play-
ground and Recreation Commis•
stun held Thursday January 4,
].951, a discussion was had on the
subject of better ways and means
of providing for the leisure time
of our citizens. At the conclusion
of this discussion the following
motion was unanimously adopted:
"That a letter be sent to the
City Council suggesting that the
Playground and Recreation Com-
mission and the Park Board be
consolidated in order to more ef-
fectively carry out the Park and
Recreation programs to the end
that the public needs and desires
be better served."
It is realized that certain legal
aspects of this proposal will re-
quire study and other practical
and budgetary considerations must
be taken into account. your
Honorable Body is respectfully pe-
titioned to give this matter your
attention since it is the feeling
of the Recreation Commission that
it will be in the best interests
cf the city and be for the better-
ment of the citizenry.
Respectfully submitted, by order of
Playground and Recreation Com-
By N. J. Sutton
Councilman Austin moved thai
the- .communication be received
and made a matter of record and
referred to a meeting of the City
Council and Park Board and that
City Solicitor Nelson and Recrea-
tional Director Sutton be invited
to be present. Seconded by Coun•
cuman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo,. Schueller.
January 10, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
Herewith submitted is a letter
to the effect that the Salvation
Army will sell the North'h of City
Lot 206 for $12,000.00. The formal
offer is now in the process of
T recommend that the Council
authorize the purchase for parking
lot purposes and direct the expen-
diture of the purchase price
of $12,000.00 upon presentation to
the city of an abstract of title
showing title in the Salvation
Army and a warranty deed convey-
ing such title to the City of Du-
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
January 10, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
To complete the acquisition of
land for off-street parking in the
half block fronting on Iowa Street
between 9th and 10th streets, it is
necessary to obtain the South 48
feet 3 inches of City Lot 205, own-
ed by Magdalena P. Millin. The
offer of the city to buy the pre-
mises on the same basis as the
other properties has been refused
by the owner.
Since negotiations have failed, I
recommened that Condemnation
proceedings be instituted to ac-
quire the property.
Respectfully submitted,
A, A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Councilman Russo moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec•
onded by Mayor Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
January 10, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Pursuant to your instructions, a
survey of the property in the vici-
nity of the Fourth Street Ball Park
has been made and an estimate
computed of the cost of land ac-
quisition, the cost of filling the
area to the level of Fourth Street
Extension and of the cost of
gravel surfacing.
man Russo, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell•
Nays - None.
Dubuque Chamber of
Dubuque, Iowa
December 20, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Sirs:
The following Recommendation
is submitted for your consideration
by the Dubuque Junior Chamber
of Commerce who are vitally in-
terested in seeing that the general
traffic problems of our town are
held to a minimum. Therefore, in
the interests of a well regulated
traffic pattern and in the interest
of modernizing our town's traffic
scheme, we hereby submit a plan
that we believe to be highly ac-
ceptable and could be considered
for immediate installation.
This recommendation is as fol-
Attached is the report of the lows:
city engineer on the subject with
a plat of the survey of the area.
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg
City Engineer
Councilman Kolb moved that
the report be accepted by the City
Council and be considered along
with other sites for a proposed
stadium and that the portion of
the report with reference to the
filling of low areas be referred to
the Council for consideration by
way of abatement of existing nuis-
ances. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays.- None.
Application of Kenneth J. Demp-
sey for a Class "B" Beer Permit
to be located at 469 Main Street,
presented and read. Mayor Welu
moved that action be deferred on
the application pending further in-
vestigation. Seconded by Council•
a) This plan, as shown in the
attached sketch, could be a rec-
tangular pattern bounded by 4th
street on the south, 12th street on
the north, Locust Street on the
west, and Central Avenue on the
east, on which one-way traffic only
is permitted.
b) With this rectangular pattern
the south bound traffic would be
limited to one-way travel from a
point starting at the corner of
Central and 12th Street. This
south bound traffic would move
west on 12th, turning the corner
at 12th and Locust and continuing
on Locust to a point where two-
way traffic would again be permit-
ted at 4th and Locust. Likewise,
north bound traffic would be divid-
ed into one-way travel at the cor-
ner of 4th grid Locust and be com-
pelled to travel east on 4th to
Central Avenue and, at that point,
to travel straight north on Central
to the corner of 12th and Central
where twaway traffic would be
c) All other streets and avenues
within or entering into this rec-
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36 Special Session, January 10th, 1951
tangle would not be changed. In
other words, two-way traffic would
be permitted.
d) Equipment required would be
limited to a stop light at the cor-
ner of 12th and Locust as the other
three corners of this retangle have
already been furnished with same.
Signs indicating one-way travel
would have to be provided for all
intersections coming into or going
out of the rectangle as prescribed.
v;e will be glad to comply. Also,
should this plan be adopted it is
the opinion of the Junior Chamber
of Commerce that we would help
publicize and administer this plan
should you require our assistance.
Respectively submitted and hop-
ing for an early reply, I remain
Sincerely yours
Dubuque Junior Chamber of
R. L. Hasselquist
a) Would permit a speedy en-
trance or exit for all local travel
taming into or going out of the
Fusiness district.
b) Would provide excellent tra-.
vel for transient or tourist cars go_
ing north or south on routes 151,
52, or 61.
c) Would relieve traffic during
congested hours because with one-
way travel three lines of moving
cars is possible.
d) The parking space as now pro-
vided will not be interrupted far
parking on both sides of the street
is still in order, However, both
lines of parked cars would be fac-
ing the same direction.
e) The waiting tme for cars try-
ing to enter or cross Locust Street
or Central Avenue would be elr~
urinated with one-way travel.
One only waits for the traffic from
his right to pass before crossing
these main streets or can enter
travel on either of these main
streets by merely making a left
turn and proceeding with the line
of cars already in motion.
This one-way scheme, as we all
know, is not new for it is used
in our surrounding towns such as
Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, M o l i n e,
Rockford, and larger towns which
adopted it first.
Geographically, Dubuque needs
this type travel more than any city
for being bounded on the east
by industry, and on the west by a
bluff, the through traffic is limited
to a few streets, The Dubuque
Junior Chamber of Commerce aslc
that you discuss this situation thor
oughly and should you need infor-
mation regarding any part of it
Councilman Austin moved that
the communicatin be received and
made a matter of record and the
plan placed on file and that the
various suggestions presented in
the communication be forwarded
to the Dubuque Safety Council for
their consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller
Nays -None.
Mr. Leonard Roussell addressed
the Council and submitted a plan
with reference to traffic problems
and parking problems and suggest-
ed that one-way travel be permit-
ted on alternate streets between
Bluff Street and Central Avenue
from 4th Street to 12th Street,
also suggesting that the sidewalk
space on said streets be narrowed
33'z feet on both sides in order to
permit both diagonal and parallel
parking of cars. Councilman Austin
moved that the plan be placed on
file that the various suggestions
presented by Mr, Leonard Roussell
be forwarded to the Dubuque
Safety Council for their considera-
tion Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
Nays -None.
There being no further business
Councilman Russo moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Special Session, January 10th, 1951
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuell-
J. J. Shea
City Clerk.
Approved ...........•••.... 1951
Adopted ....••••~ ~••••••• 1951
38 Special Session, January 22, 1951
City Council
Special Session, January 22nd,1951
Council met at 7,30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
ler. City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Russo and Kolb.
Mayor Welu read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this
meeting is called for the purpose
of considering for final adoption
Ordinance No. 2.51, an ordinance
changing the zoning classification
of an area on the southerly side of
Southern Avenue to "Light Indus-
trial District" classification, also
for considering for final adoption
Ordinance No. 3.51, an ordinance
vacating certain streets and parts
of streets and alleys abutting the
Senior High School property and
acting on any other business as
may properly come before a re-
gular meeting of the City Council.
Notice of Claim of Rose Rous-
sell in the amount of $5,000.00 for
injuries received in a fall on a de-
fective sidewalk at or near the
Northwest corner of the intersec-
tion of Sixth and Main Streets in
front of the establishment known
as "The Coney resenteduand"read.
Main Street, p
Councilman Russo moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investi-
gation and report. Seconded by
Mayor Welu. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, 5chuel-
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Alice
B. Fenton in the amount of $25.00
for injuries received in a fall on
a defective sidewalk on Fifteenth
Street near the alley back of the
Central School due to a raised
place in the walk caused by tree
roots, presented and read.
Councilman Russo moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investi~
gation and report. Seconded by
Mayor Welu, Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Original Notice of Suit of Mrs.
Anna Link, Plaintiff, VS.rn itythe
Dubuque, Defendant,
amount of $10,000,00 and costs of
this action for injuries received in
a fall on an icy sidewalk on the
west side of Central Avenue in
front of the premises known as
2997 Central Avenue, presented
and read.
Mayor Welu moved that the
Original Notice of Suit be referred
to the City Solicitor. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
January 11, 1951
City of Dubuque
Dubuque, Iowa
U. S. G. Co. Bon Coal Company
lg - Thos, Flynn
in favor of City of Dubuque, Du-
buque, Iowa - $37,903.00 Con-
tract Bond for construction of a
reinforced concrete lift station, vit-
rified the trunk line sewer, cast
iron force main and vitrified the
overflow line to serve the Simp-
son-Coates Street sewer district
- Contract Price $49,204.00.
The United States Guarantee
Company, as Surety, executed ef-
fective September 15, 1950 on be-
half of Thos. Flynn Coal Company,
in favor of City of Dubuque, Du-
buque, Iowa, the contract bond de•
scribed above.
We have now been informed
that the City of Dubuque, Dubu-
que, Iowa has granted the Thos.
Flynn Coal Company a ninetyday
extension of the completion date
of work covered by the abrovaland
subject, of course, to app
acceptance by the bonding Com-
This letter will serve as the
consent of the United States
Guarantee Company to a ninety
day extension of the completion
.. Vii:
Special Session, January 22, 1951 39
date of work covered by the above
Yours very truly,
United States Guarantee Company
By Trevor G. Roberts,
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication be received
and made a matter of record. Se-
conded by Councilman 5chueller.
Carried by the following vote:
yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Communication of The United
States Conference of Mayors ask-
ing Council to advise if they wish
the Conference to continue for-
warding bulletins which deal not
only with civil defense but with
the important matter of securing
priorities for cities and asking the
City of Dubuque to become af-
filiated with the Conference, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the City of Dubuque be author-
ized to subscribC uncilm1anSeKolb.
Seconded by vote:
Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Communication of The United
States Conference of Mayors sub-
mitting acopy of Federal High-
way and Street Program Regula-
tions, presented and read.
Councilman Russo moved tha
the communication be receive
and filed. Seconded by Councilma
Kolb. Carried by the followin
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel
Nays -None.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The Dubuque Safety Council ap-
preciates the trust you have put in
it. We have tried to fulfill this
trust to the best of our ability.
The Executive Board of the
Safety Council, 19 members, met
at noon on January 11th, 1951 and
gave full consideration to the pro-
posals put before the City Coun-
cil and referred to us. All mem-
bers agreed unanimously that the
City Council is beng put in a bad
position by the citizens of Dubuque
who have proposals to present.
Many times these proposals are
controversial in nature and it is
impossible to properly weigh and
consider these matters in council
assembled. The members of the
Safety Council also felt that mush
valuable time of the City Council
is being spent listening to these
proposals. We feel that the inter-
ests of Dubuque as a whole would
be best served by the appointment
of a traffic commission to hold
hearings, bring forth recommenda-
tions to ways and means of im-
proving traffic conditions and the
administration of an enforcement
of traffic regulations. The Execu-
tive Board of the Dubuque Safety
Council also felt that it would be
for the best interests of the city
if your honorable body established,
by ordinance a traffic division
t within the police department and
d also determined definitely the traf-
n fic engineering responsibilities for
g the city.
Therefore we wish to place the
- following recommendations before
you for your consideration:
1. That the City Council adopt
ended Administrative
Communication of The United
States Conference of Mayors sub-
mitting acopy of Federal Control
Order an Construction, presented
and read.
Councilman Russo moved that
the communication be received
and filed, Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
the recomm
section of the Model Traffic Ordi-
nance as recommended by all
groups interested in traffic and
traffic safety. We recommend that
this section be adapted as much
as possible.
2. The Executive Board of the
Dubuque Safety Council also rec-
ommend to your honorable body
that no angle parking be allowed
on any of the streets of this city
which are under fifty (50)' feet in
width from curb to curb. We feel
Special Session, January 22, 1951 41
~~ ' ~~
'~ I
9I ~I
I: °'
40 Special Session, January 22, 1951 -
this is necessary because of the s
hazards involved when vehicles
leave their parking places and that r
congestion of traffic would result t
by the parking of vehicles or vehi-
cles leaving their parking places.
3, The Executive Board of the
Dubuque Safety Council also feel
that the recommendation made in
a recent survey be followed. That,
at the present time, there is no
particular need for one way streets
in Dubuque. We believe that we
would be imposing on the Iowa
Highway Commission if we re-
quested another change in our
highways through the city so soon
after a previous request had been
granted. The City's standing with
this Commission is now excellent
and we would not like to see this
relationship jeopardized.
4. The Executive Board of the
Duuque Safety Council also feels
that much of our problem in re-
gard to congestion in the business
district would be relieved if suffi-
cient off street parking would be
made available. We believe .that
much of our congeston in our
downtown areas is due to drivers
looking for parking places, and we
wish to commend the City Coun-
cil for the efforts they are making
to relieve this situation and we
hope they will continue with their
efforts. Hoping that this meets
with your approval,
I remain,
Yours in Safety,
H. C. Holloway,
President, Dubuque
Safety Council.
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of MrA."Lucile Peschong,
by Mrs. Charles Holmes, with ref-
erence to the building located at
the corner of North Algona Street
and Hale Street, which building,
according to a recent improve-
ment survey, extends several feet
onto city property and requesting
that consideration be given to ex-
tending the private property line
o that the present structure is
within the lot limits, presented and
ead. Councilman Russo moved
hat the petition be referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Nays -None.
Petition of Leonard L. Robinson
and others, residents of Wartburg
Place, requesting that a street light
be placed approximately half-way
between the one directly in front
of Wartburg Seminary and the oth-
er near 491 Wartburg Place, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Welu mov-
ed that the petition be referred to
the City Manager and Electrical In-
spector for recommendation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of the American Legion
Auxiliary requesting permission to
sponsor their Annual Poppy Drive
on Friday evening May 25th and
all day Saturday, May 26th, 1951,
presented and read. Councilman
Kolb moved tht the request be
granted providing there there
are no conflicting dates.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of John J. Weber re-
questing the Council to rezone Lot
1 of Lot 1 of City Lot 694 and
East 226' 5" of City Lot 697 from
"Local Business Classification" to
"Business Classification", present-
ed and read. Mayor Welu moved
that the petition be referred to the
Planning and Zoning Commission
for recommendation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 17, 1951
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
The undersigned, Robert J.
O'Brien, a member of the Police
Department, City of Dubuque, do
hereby request an indefinite leave
of absence from 6 ai1951.p On that
as of February
date I will be called to active duty
with the United States Marine
Corps. I have enclosed one copy
of my orders. Respectfully,
Robert J. O'Brien.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and made a
matter of record. Seconded by
Mayor Welu. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of Gregory W. Corken
and others, residents and prospec-
tive residents of Glenview Subdi-
vision, requesting the installation
of street lights at the ends of Fox
Drive and Blackhawk Drive, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Welu mov-
ed that the petition be referred
to the City Manager and Electrical
Inspector for recommendation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None.
Petition of George Saffron re-
questing aninety day extension of
time for the completion of his con
tract for the Simpson-Coate
Streets sanitary sewer project, pre
rented and read. Councilman Russ
moved that the request be grante
providing the consent of the bond
ing company is secured. Seconde
by Councilman Kolb. Carried b
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Welu, Counci
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schue
Nays -None.
Petition of Dubuque Fire Figh
err Association requesting a wag
increase of $25.00 per month f
each member of the department in
eluding the Fire Chief, presented
and read. Councilman Kolb moved
that the petition be referred to
the Council for consideration at
the time the budget is being pre-
pared. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of City Employees Lo-
ca1228 requesting a wage increase
of $25.00 per month to be effec-
tive April 1st, 1951, presented and
read, Councilman Kolb moved that
the petition be referred to the
Council for consideration at the
time the budget is being prepared,
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of Charles J. Murphy,
submitting offer in the amount of
$75.00 as purchase price for that
part of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 37
and that part of Lot 2 of Mineral
Lot 37 lying west of the Dubuque
Cascade highway, presented a n d
read, Mayor Welu moved that the
petition be referred to the Council
to view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman Russo. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None,
Ordinance No, 2.51. An Or-
dinance amending and changing
the Zoning Map of the City of Du-
- buque as provided by Ordinance
s No. 3.34, designated "Zoning Ordi-
• nonce of the City of Dubuque", so
o as to change the zoning ciassifica-
d lion of the following described
- area from its present classification
d to "Light Industrial District"
Y classification, to wit: On the south-
erly side of Southern Avenue, to
1- include all of that area bounded
1- by the following: Beginning at a
point on the northwesterly corner
of Lot one (1) of Lot Two (2) of
t- Lot Three (3) of part of Mineral
e Lot Thirty-Seven (37), t h e n c e
or lottlline of Lot Onee(1) of LottTwo
~,. ,.. .. .n,. .«..~~~~~,
42 Special Session, January 22, 1951
(2) of Lot Three (3) of part of
Mineral Lot Thirty-Seven (37) to
the northerly line of the Dubuque
Cascade Road; thence southwester-
ly along the northerly line of the
Dubuque Cascade Road to the
southwesterly line of Lot One (1)
of Lot Two (2) of Lot Four (4) in
O'Connor's Subdivision; Thence
northerly along the westerly line
of Lot ~ One (1) of Lat Twa (2) of
Lot Four (4) in O'Connor's Subdivi-
sion to its intersections with the
southerly line of Southern Avenue;
thence northeasterly along the
southerly line of Southern Avenue
to the point of beginning, s a i d
ordinance having been passed upon
first reading on January 10th, 1951
and ordered placed on file with
the City Clerk for public inspec-
tion for at least one week before
its final adoption, was presented
for final adoption.
An Ordinance amending and changing
the zoning map cf the City aY Du-
buque as provided by Ordinance
No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordi-
nance o>< the City of Dubuque," so
as to change the zoning classifica-
tion of the following described area
from its present classification to
"Light Industrial District" classi-
fication, to wit:
On the southerly side of Southern
Avenue, to include all of that area
bounded by the following: beginning
at a Doint nn the northwesterly cor-
ner of Lot One (1) of Lat 'Cwo ,2)
of Lot Three (3) of part of Mineral
Lot Thirty-seven (37), thence south-
erly along the northeasterly lot line
of Lot One (1) of Lot Two (2) of
Lot Three (3) of part of Mineral Lot
Thirty-seven (37) to the northerly line
of the Dubuque Cascade Road; thence
southwesterly along the northerly
line of the Dubuque Cascade Road
to the southwesterly line of Lot One
(1) oP Lot Two (2) of Lot Four (4)
in O'Connor's Subdivision; thence
northerly along the westerly line of
Lot One (1) of Lot Two (2) of Lot
Four (4) in O'Connor's Subdivision to
its intersections with the southerly
line of Southern Avenue; thenre
northeasterly along the southerly line
of Southern Avenue to the point of
Whereas it is deemed advisable hY
the City Council to amend the Zoning
map oP the City aP Dubuque so as to
change the present zoning classifica-
tion of the above described territory
in the City of Dubuque; and
Whereas notice of such proposed
change has been published as provided
by law and an opportunity afforded
to any and an interested parties and
citizens to object thereto at a pub-
lic meeting held at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
on the 10th day of January, 1951, ;n
the Council Chambers in the City
Hall; and
Whereas no objections have been
filed ar made to the proposed change;
Now therefore, Be It Ordained by
the City Council of the Clty of Du-
Section I. That the Zoning Map
and Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque be and the same 1a hereby
amended and changed as follows:
The area described as follows: On
the southerly aide of Southern Ave-
nue, to include all of that area
bounded by the following: beginning
at a paint on the northwesterly cor-
ner of Lot One (1) of Lot Two 12)
of Lot Three (3) o[ part of Mineral
Lot Thirty-seven (37), thence south-
oPlyLotoOne h(1)n of hLott Tlwoio(2)]~ot
Lot Three (3) of part of Miners] Lot
Thirty-seven (37) to the northerly line
oP the Dubuque Cascade Road; thence
southwesterly along the northerly line
of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the
southwesterly line oP Lot One (1) of
Lot Two (2) of Lot. Four (4) in
O'Connor's Subdivision; thence north-
erly along the westerly line of Lot
One (1) of Lot Two (2) of Lot Four
(4) in O'Connor's Subdivision tc its
intersections with the southerly ,ine
oP Southern Avenue; thence north-
easterly along the southerly line of
Southern Avenue to the point of be-
ginning, is hereby changed from its
present "Local Business District"
classification to "Light Industrial
District' classification.
Section II. This Ordinance shall be
in force and effect ten (10) days from
and after its final passage, adoption
and publication as provided by law.
Passed upon first reading this 10th
day oP January, 1951,
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 22nd day of Janu-
ary, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 25th day
of January, 1951.
It Jan 25 City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Mayor Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None.
Ordinance No. 3-51. An Ordi•
Hance for the vacation of parts of
Alumni Place, Southview Terrace,
Francisco Street, a certain Unnam-
ed Street, the Alley lying between
West Locust Street and Francisco
Street and Southview Terrace, the
alley first northerly of Rosedale
Avenue, all in the City of Dubuque
Iowa, and providing for the convey-
ance thereof to the abutting pro
perty owners, said ordinance hav-
ing been passed upon first read•
ing on January 10th, 1951 and or-
dered placed on file with the City
Clerk for public inspection for at
Special Session, January 22, 1951 43
least one week before its final adop-
tion, was presented for final a-
An Ordinance for the vacation of
parts of Alumni Place, Southview
Terrace, Francisco Street, a certain
Unnamed Street the alley lying
between West l',ocust Street and
Francisco Street and Seuthview Ter-
race, the alley first northerly of
Rosedale Avenue, all in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing
Yor the conveyance thereof to the
abutting property owners.
Whereas a petition has been filed
by the Independent School District
of Dubuque requesting the vacation
of certain streets and parts of streets
and alleys abutting its property; and
Whereas the Planning and Zoning
Commission has filed its report with
the City Council finding that said
streets and alleys have never been
opened and that there is little like-
lihood aY their ever being needed for
street purposes and recommending
the approval of said request;
Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1. That the following de-
scribed streets and alleys and parts
of streets and alleys be and the same
are hereby vacated as follows:
(1) Alumni Place Prom the south-
erly property line of West Locust
Stteet to the northerly line of South-
view Terrace;
(2) Southview Terrace from the
westerly property line of Alumni
Place to the westerly property pine
of Vincent Street;
(3) Francisco Street from the east-
erly property line of Alumni Place to
the westerly property line of Vincent
(4) The alley between Weat Locust
Street and Francisco Street from the
easterly Property line of Alumni
Place to the westerly property line of
Vincent Street;
(5) The alley between Francisco
Street and Southview Terrace Prom
the easterly property line oP Alumni
Place to the westerly property line
o[ Vincent Street;
(6) The alley first northerly of
Rosedale Avenue and abutting Lots
one to Fifteen inclusive of Rosedale
(7) The unnamed Street from the
northerly property line of Rosedale
Avenue to the southerly line of the
alley first northerly of Rosedale Ave-
nue and between Lots thirteen and
fourteen of Rosedale Addition;
Section 2. That the said vacated
areas be and the same are hereby
granted to the owners of the property
lying abutting thereto on bath sides
Section 3. That the Independent
School District oP Dubuque cause a
plat to be made of said vacated areas
showing the same and the abutting
property, which plat shall give dis-
tinctive lot descriptions to said va-
cated areas and upon approval of
said Plat by the City Manager and
City Solicitor and tiling oP said plat
with the County Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa, then the Mayor and
Clerk of the City of Dubuque are
hereby authorized to eaerute a Quit
Claim Deed for said vacated areas
to the owners of all the property
abutting thereto;
Section 4. That the Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to file in the
office of the Recorder of Dubuque
County, fawa, a certified copy of
this Ordinance;
Section 6. That this Ordinance
shall be in force and effect ten (10)
days from and after its final passage,
adoption and publ(cation as provided
by Law and when the costs thereof
have been paid by the applicant.
Passed upon first reading this 10th
day of January, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved this
22nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: 1. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Harald newspaper this 25th day
of Janue ry, 1951.
It Jan 25 City Clerk
Councilman Russo moved the a-
doption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Ordinance No. 4.51. An Ordin-
once amending Ordinance No. 33
49 as amended being an Ordinance
known as "The Traffic Code" of
the City of Dubuque by repealing
Schedule II .thereof as amended
and enacting a substitute therefor
and providing a penalty for a via
lotion thereof, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordnance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the ordinance be placed on
file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week
before its final adoption. Second-
44 Special Session, January 22, 1951 Special Session, January 22, 1951 45
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 15, 1951
Dubuque, Iowa,
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
In accordance with the provi-
sions of the Code of Iowa, 1950,
the Civil Service Commission con-
ducted an entrance examination on
January 5th, 1951, for those seek-
ing the position of Head Garage
The following list shows the
names of those who passed the
written examinations with an aver-
age of 70 percent or better. Said
list being certified in accordance
with the provisions of the Code of
Iowa, 1950.
Donald S. Scott, 87 percent
Lester W. Walker 79.67 percent
Louis J. Schloz, 77 percent
Wilfred J. White, 76 percent
Cletus J. Beck, 75.34 percent
Paul Bodish, 75.34 percent
Herman J. Burdt, 75 percent
Robert L. Frost, 74.66 percent
George E. Duscher, 72 percent
Earl A. Gadient, 70 percent
Respectfully submitted,
Louis J. Lagen
C. S. Harker
E. B. Lyons
Members, Civil
Service Commission.
Attest: J. J. Shea
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, Geraldine L. Jenni, a Notary
Public this 15th of January, 1951.
Geraldine L. Jenni
Notary Public.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
report be received and made
a matter of record, Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
January 11,1951
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
At a meeting of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa held
January 10th 1951 the foDowing
resolution was adopted:
That Class "B" permit No. 101
heretofore issued to Al Rogan, be
and the same is hereby revoked
and the Chief of Police is direct-
ed to take up such permit forth-
with and return the same for can-
Please be informed that on this
11th day of January, 1951 said
permit was taken up by me and is
herewith returned for cancellation.
Respectfully yours,
Joseph H: Strub,
Chief of Police.
Mayor Welu moved that the
communication of Chief of Police
Strub be received and made a mat-
ter of record and that the Class
"B" Beer Permit of Al Rogan be
ordered cancelled. Seconded by
Councilman Russo, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Councilman Russo moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wish-
es to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 20, 1951
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: George Bogas, holder of
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 132;
expiring December 12, 1950.
John Dempsey, holder of Class
"B" Permit No. 80, expiring Aug•
ust 4, 1951
Please be advised that on Janu•
ary 19, 1951 the above named
Class "B" Beer Permit holders
were convicted in the District
que, Iowa, on charges of having
liquor on the premises of a Class
"B" Beer Permit holder of greater
alcoholic content than 4% by
weight; and on gambling charges.
They were fined $300.00 on the
liquor charge and $100.00 on the
gambling charge and the costs of
the action.
Because of the above violations
of law and the conviction thereof it
is herewith recommended that in
' the case of George Bogas the pro-
visions of Section 124.30 of the
1950 Code of Iowa be imposed in
that he never be issued again a li-
tense and that he be prohibited
from being employed on the
premises of a Class "B" Beer Per-
mit holder in any manner whatso•
ever. Mr: Bogas had surrendered
his license to the City of Dubuque
prior to his conviction and expired
before his conviction.
Because of the above violations
of law and the conviction thereof
it is hereby recommended that the
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 80 is-
sued to John Dempsey, expiring
August 4, 1951, be revoked forth-
` with and that all the provisions of
chapter 124.30 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa be imposed against Mr.
Dempsey. Mr. Dempsey has also
surrendered his license.
Respectfully Yours,
Joseph H. Strub,
Chief of Police
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication of Chief of Po•
lice Strub be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Petition of John Dempsey re-
questing arefund in the amount
of $100.00 on the unexpired por-
tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit
No. 80 as he has discontinued busi-
ness on January 8, 1951, presented
and read. City Solicitor Nelson
recommending to Council that po-
licy be not to grant the refund as
requested. Mayor Welu moved that
the request be denied. Seconded
by Councilman Russo. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 18, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
For the past several years the
Water Department has accumulated
and studied all the available infor-
mation on the subject of introduc•
ing fluoride in the public w a t e r
supply. It is our belief that this
matter should now be brought to
the attention of the City Council
because of experiments and ex-
periences that have been devel-
oped in other places.
It is well established that na-
tural fluoride in drinking water in
amounts of 1.0 to 1.2 ppm. pre-
serves the enamel of the teeth and
helps prevent tooth decay. A flux
rive content over 2.0 ppm. w i 11
cause mottled enamel of the teeth
if regularly used by children be-
low the age of eight years.
Newburgh, N. Y., Grand Rapids,
Mich. and Evanston, Rl. for the
purpose of determining scienti•
fically the facts concerning the ar•
tificial fluoridation of the public
water supply in 1945, decided to
feed artificial fluroine into their
water systems. Preliminary dental
findings indicates in general a con-
sistent downward trend in the de-
cayed, missing and filled rates.
However, as indicated in recent Di-
vision of Public Health reports of
the State Department of H e a l t h
of Iowa, final conclusions will not
be available until the study is com-
pleted in about 1955. It is to be
noted that a number of states have
approved and recommended such
treatment. Lz Wisconsin alone, over
30 communities use it.
The following general policy was
adopted however, by our State De-
partment of Health as of July 10,
1950. "After careful consideration
of the practicability of adding Flu-
orine to a public water supply, and
if there is sufficient local demand
as evidenced by approval of the
local health authorities, the local
dental and medical professions
46 Special Session, January 22, 1951
and the local water works officials,
the State Department of Health
will assist in setting up the neces-
sary control measures to assure
that the concentration of fluoride
ions in the finished water is with-
in the recommended limits at all
The State Hygienic Laboratory
with the assistance of their District
Health engineers have taken sam-
ples throughout the state to deter-
mine fluoride content in public
water supplies. Dubuque has an
average of about .3 ppm: or about
L5 or 30 per cent of the desired
amount which is 1,0 to 1.2 ppm,
It must be recognized that no
two fluoridation problems are
alike. Facts and figures must be
compiled to determine which of
the several ways is most suitable
for your needs. The experience of
the past five years in the practical
uppliction in other communities
must be studied to determine what
can and cannot be accomplished.
The added chemical will not cure
all tooth decay but it is only re-
commended and hoped fora 60
percent decrease in tooth decay,
75 percent lower lass of the first
permanent molars and a 90 per-
cent reduction ir- tooth surface
caries in the upper anterior teeth.
It is our recommendation that
the attention of the Council be di-
rected to the benefits resulting
from the introduction of fluoride
in our public water supply and
that to assist in arriving at a de-
termination of the matter, that the
advice, counsel and recommenda-
tion of the Dubuque Dental and
Medical Societies and the Depart-
ment of Health be solicited.
This department has made pre•
liminary studies as to the type of
treatment, the initial cost of equip-
ment, the construction of suitable
chemical storage room, operating
room for the feeding equipment
and the amount of annual operat-
ing and maintenance cost. The add-
ing of fluoride to water has been
one of the most discussed topics at
all water works association meet-
ings in recent years, It is the de-
sire of this department to cooper-
ate fully with all interested in this
new endeavor and opportunity has
been here taken to inform the
Council of a potential benefit to
the community.
Respectfully submitted,
J. J. Hail,
City of Dubuque
Water Department
Councilman Russo moved that
the communication of Water Su-
perintendent Hail be received and
filed and that copies of this letter
be sent to the Dubuque County
Dental Society, the Dubuque Coun-
ty Medical Society, the Director of
Health and to the State Depart-
ment of Health for their recom-
mendation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None.
January 22, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor and
of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Attached are Grants of Ease-
ments through private property to
extend a 16" cast iron water main
from Prescott Street and Lincoln
Avenue to Davis Avenue.
With weather permitting, we
will complete this Intermediate
Distribution System about August
1, 1951,
Respectfully submitted,
J. J. Hail
City of Dubuque
Water Department.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
communication of Water Superin-
tendent Hail be received and made
a matter of record and that the
Grants of Easment be made a mat-
ter of record and recorded with
the County Recorder. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Know all men by these presents:
That in consideration of $1.00 in
Special Session, January 22, 1951 47
hand paid by the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, a municipal corporation or
its assigns, the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, the under-
signed Louis C. Kolfenbach and
Carrie T. Kolfenbach, his wife, be-
ing the owners of Lot 1 of 1 of 1
of 1 of 1 in Mineral Lot 304 and
Lot i and Lot 2of Sub. of 2of 1
of 1 of 1 in Mineral Lot 304, herae-
by grants and conveys to the said
City of Dubuque, Iowa, a perpetual
right of easement in said lots as
hereinafter described for the pur-
pose of installing, at the City's ex-
pense awater service main, with
the right to go upon said premises
at all reasonable times for the pur•
pose of repairing the same where
installed; provided, however, that
said City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall
replace whatever earth, sod or
shrubbery that may be distributed
in the installation or repair of said'
water service main to as good con-
dition as it was in before the same
was disturbed.
Said easement is ten feet in
width and lying five feet on each
side of the following center line:
Beginning at a point on the north-
westerly line of Lot 602 in Ham's
Addition 5 feet northeasterly from
the northwesterly corner of said
lot; thence North 57 degrees West
166 feet; thence South 33 degrees
West 426 feet; thence south 50~Z
degrees West 290 feet; thence
South 58 degrees West 255 feet;
thence North 65~Z degrees West
220 feet; thence South 75~Z de-
grees West 90 feet; thence North
83~Z degrees West 190 feet; thence
North 61 degrees West 48 feet;
thence North 38'~ degrees West
48 feet; thence North 16 degrees
West 48 feet; thence North 335
feet to a point 15 feet South of the
South line of the West ~i of Lot
2 of Mineral Lat 304 and 134
feet East of the West line of Min-
eral Lot 304; thence West 134 feet
to a paint on the West line of Min-
eral Lot 304 fifteen feet South of
the southwesterly corner of the
West '~ of Lot 2of Mineral Lot
304; all as shown on the attached
The Grant of Easement shall be
binding upon the undersigned, his
heirs, executors, administrators,
purchasers and assigns forever.
Louis C. Kolfenbach
Carrie T. Kolfenbach
State of Iowa l SS.
Dubuque County J
On this 20th day of January A.
D. 1951 before me Eleanor E. Kol-
fenbach personally appeared Louis
C. Kolfenbach and Carrie T. Kol-
fenbach to me known to be the
person, named in and who execut-
ed the foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged that they executed
the same as their voluntary act and
Eleanor E. Kolfenbach
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County Iowa
Know all men by these presents:
That in consideration of $1.00 in
hand paid by the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, a municipal corporation or
its assigns, the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, the under-
signed Mt, Calvary Cemetery Asso-
ciation, acharitable corporation,
being the owner of Lot 1 of 1 of
2 of N. E. 1-4, Section 13, Town-
ship 89 N., Range 2 East, and Lot
2of 2of 1 of 2of N. E. 1.4 of
Section 13, Township 89 N., Range
2 East, hereby grants and conveys
to the said City of Dubuque, Iowa,
a perpetual right of easement in
said lots as hereinafter described
for the purpose of installing at the
City's expense, awater service
main, with the right to go upon
said premises at all reasonable
times for the purpose of repairing
the same where installed; provided,
however, that said City of Du•
buque, Iowa, shall replace whatever
earth, sod ar shrubbery that may
be disturbed in the installation or
repair of said water service main
to as good condition as it was in
before the same was disturbed.
Said easement is ten feet in
width and lying five feet on each
side of the following center line:
Beginning at a point on the South
line of Lot 1 of 1 of 2of the N,
E. 1-4 Section 13, Township 89 N.,
R. 2 E, and 29 feet West of the
southeast corner of said lot; thence
in a northwesterly direction for a
distance of approximately 168 feet
to a point 22 feet due North of
48 Special Session, January 22, 1951
the South line of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of
2 of the N. E. 14 of Section 13,
Township 89 N., R. 2 E., thence in a
northerly direction for approxi-
mately 178 feet to a point 137 feet
East of the northwest corner of
said last described lot; all as
shown on the attached drawing.
The Grant of Easement shall be
binding upon the undersigned, his
heirs, executors, administrators,
purchasers and assigns forever.
Mount Calvary Cemetery Assn.,
Msgr. J. J. Klott Vice President
Louis C. Kolfenbach Secretary
State of Iowa l SS
County of Dubuque J
On this 19th day of January, 1951,
before me Eleanor E. Kolfenbach,
a Notary Public in and for the
County of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
personally appeared Msgr. J. J.
Klott, vice-President and Louis C.
Kolfenbach, Secretary, of Mt. Cal•
vary Cemetery Association, t h e
Corporation which executed the a-
bove and foregoing instrument,
who being to be known as the iden-
tical persons who signed the fore-
going instrument, and by me duly
sworn, each for himself did say
that they are respectively the Vice-
President and Secretary of said
Corporation; no seal has been pro-
cured by said Corporation and that
said instrument was by them sign-
ed on behalf of the said Corpora-
tion by authority of its board of
directors and each of them acknowl-
edged the execution of said instru-
ment to be the voluntary act and
deed of said corporation by it and
each of them voluntarily executed
as such respective officer.
hereunto signed my name and af-
fixed my Notarial Seal the day and
year last above written.
Eleanor E. Kolfenbach
Notary Public in and
for Dubuque County, Iowa
January 15, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I herewith submit reports of the
City Auditor, City Treasurer, City
Health Department and City Water
Works for the month of December
1950; also list of claims and list
of payrolls for which warrants were
issued for the month of December
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhomberg,
City Manager.
Councilman Russo moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 22,1951
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
On January 4, 1951, a claim was
filed with the City Clerk by Ju-
lius A. Welu, of 595 O'Neil Street,
said claim being duly referred to
the City Council which body referr-
ed the same to this office for in-
vestigation and report.
After due investigation we find
that the claim of Julius A. Welu
is justifiable and our recommenda-
tion is that the same be paid, and
the City Treasurer be instructed to
draw a warrant in favor of the
claimant for the sum of $13,50 to
be delivered to him upon the exe-
cution by him of a proper release.
Respectfully submitted,
By R. M. Czizek
Assistant City Attorney,
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of Assistant City
Solicitor Czizek be approved and
the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$13.50 in favor of Julius A. Welu,
as settlement in full of his claim,
and that said warrant be delivered
upon receipt by the City of Du-
buque of a properly executed re-
lease. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Sehuel-
Nays -None,
January 12th, 1951
Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa
The claim of Edward Alber for
damages resulting from a sewer
Special Session, January 22, 1951 49
backing up into his basement has
been referred to this office for
investigation and report,
I have investigated this claim
and can find no negligence on the
part of the City nor liability for
the same.
I therefore recommend that the
claim be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
T. H. Nelson
City Solicitor
Councilman Russo moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Nelson be approved, Seconded
by Mayor Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, 5chuel•
Nays -None.
January 22,1951
Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
The objections of Mrs, J. M.
Walker and others to the establish-
ment of a parking lot on the north-
west corner of Fifth and B l u f f
Streets was referred to this office
for recommendation and r e p o r t.
These objections are based in part
of the proposition that such action
would be in violation of the Zoning
Ordinance and would constitute a
I have examined the Zoning Or-
dinance and the Statues govern-
ing the same and it is my opinion
that municipally owned lands and
structures may be devoted to any
proper municipal purpose which
the public convenience and neces•
sity require without conflicting
with the provisions of the Zoning
It is further my opinion that since
off~treet parking facilities are au-
thorized by Statute they cannot
constitute a nuisance per se though
they may become a nuisance if im-
properly operated.
Respectfully submitted,
T. H. Nelson,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Austin moved that
the written opinion of City Solici-
tor Nelson be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Mayor Welu. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, ,Russo, Schuel-
January 17,1951
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa
When you referred the petition
of Mrs. J. M. Walker and others
to the Planning & Zoning Commis-
sion on January 10, 1951, said
Planning & Zoning Commission as-
sumes that you are seeking the for-
mal report and recommendation of
the Commission as provided in Sec-
tion 373.10-1950 Code of Iowa,
which states:
"Recommendations as to
No statuary, memorial or work
of art in a public place, and
no public building, bridge, via-
duct, street fixture, public struc-
ture or appurtenance, shall be lo-
cated or erected or site thereof
obtained, nor shall any permit be
issued by any department of the
municipal government for the erec-
tion or location thereof, until and
unless the design and proposed
location of any such improvements
shall have been submitted to the
city plan commission and its rec-
ommendation thereon obtained."
From this it is apparent that the
matter at hand is strictly in the
field of planning whether the pub-
lic interest will be properly serv-
ed by a parking lot as located.
It is the unanimous judgement
of the Plan Commission that a
parking lot on the north west cor-
ner of Fifth and Bluff Streets will
not serve the public interest and is
not a proper site for such purpose
at this time.
The Planning & Zoning Com-
mission respectfully recommends
to your Honorable Body that a
parking lot shall not be installed
as proposed, at this time.
Yours truly
The Dubuque Planning &
Zoning Commission
By R. V. McKay
Attorney M. H. Czizek, represegt-
ing the owners of the property on
,..... , , , ~a a ~-w-v~.. „n~k-c~r~av7~^^.A~!#^~f-r~t~ ~A~'~. 1 ~~~4'
50 Special Session, January 22, 1951
the northwest corner of Fifth and
Bluff Streets, addressed the Coun-
cil in support of the establishing of
a parking lot on said property. At-
torney John J. Kintzinger, repre-
senting the petitioners who are ob-
jecting to the establishment of a
parking lot on the property located
at the northwest corner of Fifth
and Bluff Streets, addressed the
Council in support of the petition
of the objectors. Councilman Russo
moved that action be deferred on
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Commission and also
on the objections of Mrs. J. M.
Walker and others pending a meet-
ing to be held with the Planning
and Zoning Commission later in
the Council meeting, at which
meeting the Master Plan will be
discussed and studied. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
January 17, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
In regard to the request of the
A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing
Company referred to the Planning
& Zoning Commission by the City
Council for recommendation on the
vacation of certain Streets and
Alleys the Planning & Zoning
Commission wishes to recommend
1. E. 13th Street
from the easterly property line
of Maple Street westerly to the
westerly property line of Pin e
2. E. 13th Street
from the easterly property line
of Cedar Street to eighteen feet
westerly of the westerly line of
Ash Street.
3. E. 13th Street
from eighteen feet easterly of
the easterly line of Ash Street to
the southeasterly corner of Lot
577, East Dubuque Addition, on
the northerly side of East 13th
Street and to the north easterly
corner of Lot 574, East Dubuque
Addition, on the southerly side of
East 13th Street.
4. Maple Street
from the northerly line of East
13th Street northerly to the south-
erly line of Lots 281 and 326, East
Dubuque Addition.
5. Sycamore Street
from the northerly line of East
13th Street northerly to the south-
erly line of Lots 407 and 449, East
Dubuque Addition.
6. Lynn Street
from the northerly line of East
13th Street, northerly to the south-
erly line of Lots 468 and 509, East
Dubuque Addition.
7. The alley
between Maple Street and Pine
Street from the northerly line of
East 13th Street to the southerly
line of Lots 262 and 281 East Du-
buque Addition.
8. The alley
between Lynn Street and Syca-
more Street from the northerly
line of East 13th Street to the
southerly lineof Lots 449 and 468
East Dubuque Addition.
9. The alley
between Ash Street and Lyn n
Street from the northerly line of
East 13th Street to the southerly
line of Lots 509 and 528 East Du-
buque Addition.
10. The alley
between Marsh Street and Ash
Street from the northerly line
of East 13th Street to the souther-
ly line of Lots 569 and 581 East
Dubuque Addition.
11. Sycamore Street
from the northerly line of East
12th Street northerly to the south-
erly line of East 13th Street.
12. Lynn Street
from the northerly line of East
12th Street northerly to the south-
erly line of East 13th Street.
Special Session, January 22, 1951 51
13. The alley
between Lynn Street and Syca-
more Street from the northerly
line. of East 12th Street to the
southerly line of East 13th Street.
14. The alley
between Ash Street and Lyn n
Street from the northerly 1 i n e of
East 12th Street to the southerly
line of East 13th Street.
15. The alley
between Sycamore Street and
Cedar Street from the northerly
line of East 13th Street to the
southerly line of Lats 388 and 407
East Dubuque Addition.
1. Lots 388, 407, 449, 468, 509,
528, 569 and 581; all in East Du-
buque Addition No. 2.
This is to accomplish the widen-
ing of E. 14th Street so as to pro-
vide amain artery to connect with
Ash Street and Channel Street.
2. Deed to the City
The easterly .eighteen feet of
Lots 524, 525, 526 and 527, East
Dubuque Addition No. 2 and ~e
westerly eighteen feet of Lots 570,
571, 572, and 573 East Dubuque
Addition No. 2.
3. Deed to the City
the easterly eighteen feet of Lots
519, 520, 521, 522 and 523 East Du-
buque Addition No. 2 and the west-
erly eighteen feet of Lots 574, 575
and 576 East Dubuque Addition.
4. To clear any misunderstanding
as to the ownership of property,
shall deed to City rights and in-
terest in Ash Street from the
northerly line of East 12th Street
to the Southerly line of East 13th
Street -this street now enclos-
ed in what is purported to be Lot
1 of Sub. of part of M. L. 96, 97,
98 and 99 and parts of East Du-
buque Add.
This exchange of property will
consolidate McDonald's Property
and give the City w i d e n e d
thoroughfares as indicated on the
plat that accompanys this letter.
Respectfully submitted,
The Dubuque Planning
& Zoning Commission
R. V. McKay
Mayor Welu moved that the re-
commendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission be approved
and proper proceedings prepared.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
January 17, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
Your City Plan Commission has
studied the matter of acquiring off
street parking .facilities on City
Lots 204, 205, 206, 207 and 208 on
the east side of Iowa St. between
Ninth and Tenth Streets and con-
siders that the proposed site will
serve the public interest and is in
conformity with its ideas of good
Therefore, the Planning & Zon-
ing Commission respectfully rec-
ommends to your Honorable Body
acquisition of the property as pro•
Yours very tuly,
The Dubuque Planning
& Zoning Commission
By R. V. McKay
Mayor Welu moved that the
recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission be approv-
ed. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None,
WHEREAS, application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has been submit-
ter to this Council for approval and
the same has been examined: NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following application be granted
and the license is to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
52 Special Session, January 22, 1951
Lorraine Gordon, 469 Main
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J, SHEA
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas- Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kalb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tion far Class "B" Beer Permit was
filed by the within named appli-
cant and it has received the ap-
proval of this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicant have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and she has filed a proper
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
Manager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named appli-
cant aBeer Permit.
Lorraine Gordon, 469 Mai n
that the bond filed by such appli-
cant be and the same is hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
BE 1T RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following, having complied
with the provisions of law relating
to the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a per-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Nlanager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Lorraine Gordon, 469 Main
that the bond filed with the appli-
cation beapproved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded b y
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yegs -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has been submit-
ted to this Council for approval and
the same has been examined: NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
fallowing application be granted
and the license is to be issued up-
on the compliance with the terms
of the ordinances of this City.
Henry C, Torrey, 400 I o w a
Special Session, January 22, 1951 53
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
WHEREAS, heretofore applica-
tion for Class `B" Beer Permit was
filed by the within named appli•
cant and it has received the ap-
proval of this Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicant have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this City
and he has filed a proper bond:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
Manager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named appli-
cant aBeer Permit.
Henry C. Torrey, 400 Iowa
that the bond filed by such appli-
cant be and the same is hereby ap-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved t h e
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Mayor Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
.Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
WHEREAS the City of Dubuque,
Iowa as the county seat has join-
ed with Dubuque County, Iowa in
planning for a combination Court-
house-City-HallJail building, and
WHEREAS an agreement was
entered into on the 19th day of
December in the year 1947 by and
between the City of Dubuque, Iowa
and the County of Dubuque, Iowa
as Owner and Daugher, Rich and
Woodburn, Architects and Engi-
neers, Des Moines, Iowa, for the
furnishing of architectural services
and plans and specifications for the
above named building, and
WHEREAS, an application for ad-
vance for plan preparation of the
above project was made to the
Federal Works Agency, which ap-
plication is known as Ia. 13-P•215
dated June 21, 1947 and approved
June 26, 1947,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
citl of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the completed drawings and
specifications furnished by the
Dougher, Rich and Woodburn arch-
itects be officially approved and
that the City Manager'be directed
to make the proper representations
to the Federal Works Agency of
such plan completion and accep-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved t h e
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
RESOLUTION to fix a date of
meeting at which it is proposed to
54 Special Session, January 22, 1951
take action for authorizing the is-
suance of $2,000,000 Sewer Bonds.
WHEREAS the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, acting by and through the
City Council, has heretofore deter-
mined it to be immediately neces•
nary to provide for constructing
sewers in and for said city, the cost
whereof is to be paid by said city
as a whole; and
WHEREAS it is deemed for the
best interest of said City that Sew-
er Bonds of said city be authorized
to be issued to the amount of $2,-
000,000, as permitted and provded
for by Section 396.22 of the Code
of Iowa, for the purpose of paying
the cost of constructing said sew-
ers, but it is first necessary to give
notice and a hearing as required
by Section 23.12 of the Code of
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, as follows:
Section 1. That this City Council
meet at the Council Chambers in
the City Hall within said city on
the 5th day of February, 1951, at
7:30 o'clock p. m. at whfch time
and place proceedings will be in•
stituted and action taken for au-
thorizing the issuance of Two Mil-
lion Dollars ($2,000,000) S e w e r
Bonds for the purpose of defraying
the cost of constructing sewers in
and for said city. Section 2, The
City Clerk is hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed action
for the issuance of said bonds, set-
ting forth the amount and purpose
thereof, the time when and place
where said meeting wifl be held,
by° publication at least once for
at least ten days before said meet-
ing, in The Telegraph-Herald, an
official newspaper printed, publish-
ed and having a general circula-
tion within said city. Said notice
shall be in substantially the follow-
The City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, will meet on the
5th day of February, 1951, at the
Council Chambers in the City Hail,
Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 o'clock p,
m., for the purpose of instituting
proceedings and taking action for
the issuance of Sewer Bonds of
said City to the amount of Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000) for
the purpose of paying the cost of
constructing sewers in and far said
At any time before the date of
said meeting five or more taxpay-
ers may file a petition in the office
of the City Clerk, setting forth
their objections thereto.
By order of the City Council
January 22,1951.
Section 3. That all resolutions
or parts thereof in conflict here-
with be and the same are hereby
repealed, and this reolution shall
be effective forthwith upon its
passage and approval. Passed and
approved January 22, 1951.
Attest; J. J. SHEA
Recorded January 22, 1951.
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resoluton. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Mr, Byrne O'Brien, President of
the Dubuque Policemen's Protec-
tive Association addressed t b e
Council asking that the members
of the Police Department be grant-
ed an increase in salary to become
effective April 1,1951, Councilman
Russo moved that the request of
the Dubuque Policemen's Protec-
tive Association for an increase in
salary to become effective April
1, 1951 be referred to the Council
for consideration at the time that
the budget is being prepared. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - Nane.
Special Session, January 22, 1951 55
Council recessed at 9,35 p. m
and reconvened at 9:45 p. m.
Upon reconvening of the Coun-
cil meeting a joint meeting was
held between the City Council and
the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion at which meeting the Master
Plan was discussed and studied.
January 17, 1951
1'o the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
When you referred the petition
of Mrs. J. M. Walker and others to
the Planning & Zoning Commis-
sion on January 10, 1951, said
Planning & Zoning Commission as-
sumes that you are seeking the
formal report and recommenda-
tion of the Commission as provided
in Section 373.10-1950 Code of Iowa,
which states:
"Recommendations as to
No statuary, memorial or work
of art in a public place,
and no public building, bridge, via-
duct, street fixture, public struc-
ture or appurtenance, shall be 1o-
Gated or erected or site thereof ob•
tained, nor shall any permit be is-
sued by any department of the
municipal government for the erec•
tion or location thereof, until and
unless the design and proposed lo-
cation of any such improvements
shall have been submitted to the
city plan commission and its rec-
ommendations thereon obtained."
From this it is apparent that the
matter at hand is strictly in the
field of planning, -whether the
public interest will be properly
served by a parking lot so located.
It is the unanimous judgement
of the Plan Commission that a
parking lot on the north west cor•
ner of Fifth and Bluff Sts. will not
serve the public interest and is not
a proper site for such purpose at
this time.
The Planning & Zoning Com-
mission respectfully recommends
to your Honorable Body that a
parking lot shall not be installed
as proposed, at this time.
Yours truly
The Dubuque Planning
& Zoning Commission
R. V. McKay,
Mayor Welu moved that the re-
commendation of the Planning and
%oning Commission be accepted
for the present. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller.
Nays -None.
There being no further business
Councilman Russo moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Approved ................ 1951
Adopted ... ............... 1951
Councilmen ......................................
Attest :..................... .
City Clerk.
... , x~~~~a~~~~~~w~a~t~t"~r~a~r~~,
56 Special Session, January 31, 1951
City Council
Special Session, January 31st, 1951.
Council met at 9:30 p. m,
Present -Mayor Welu, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schueller,
City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Russo and Kolb,
Mayor Welu read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
considering plans and specifica-
tions for the construction of storm
relief sewers.
Resolution No. 19-51. Prelimin-
ary approval of proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and
all other documents for the con-
struction of Storm Relief Sewer,
Section A -Dodge Street Storm
Relief Sewer. Said proposed sewer
to be located as follows: Beginning
at the intersection of First Street
at the Dubuque Ice Harbor; thence
westerly an First Street to the
alley between Locust and Bluff
Streets; thence southerly in said
alley to the southerly Pine of Dodge
Street, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Russo. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuei•
Nays -None.
(Necessity for Improvement).
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1- The size and kind of sewers.
2• An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different type
of construction and kind of mater-
ial to be used for the construction
of Storm Relief Sewer, Section A-
Dodge Street Storm Relief Sewer.
Said proposed sewer to be located
as follows: Beginning at the inter-
section of First Street at the Du-
buque Ice Harbor; thence westerly
on First Street to the alley be-
tween Locust and Bluff Streets;
thence southerly in said alley to
the southerly line of Dodge Street.
that the City Council on its own
motion deems it advisable and ne-
cessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed re-
solution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed improvement they
shall be deemed to have waived all
objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
fore which have been approved by
the City Council and are now on
file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be paid out of
the sewer funds. Bonds shall be
issued and sold and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City clerk this
31st day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved that the re•
solution be approved and placed
on file for final action. Seconded
by CouncIlman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
(Fixing date of hearing)
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 19-51 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
Special Session, January 31, 1951 57
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the construc-
tion of Storm Relief Sewer, Sec-
tion A • Dodge Street Storm Re-
lief Sewer. Said proposed sewer
to be located as follows: Beginning
at the intersection of First Street
at the Dubuque Ice Harbor; thence
westerly on First Street to the
alley between Locust and Bluff
Streets; thence southerly in s a i d
alley to the southerly line of
Dodge Street and,
WHEREAS, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ments has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
that on the 23rd day of February
1951 a public hearing will be held
at 7:30 o'clock p, m. in the Council
Chamber in the City of Dubuque
at which time the owners of pro-
perty may appear and make ob-
jection to the proposed plans and
specifications and proposed form of
contract and at the same time to
the cost of the improvement, and
to the passage of the proposed Re-
solution of Necessity and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper publish-
ed in the City of Dubuque, the
last of which shall be not less than
two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless pro-
perty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions they shall have been deemed
to have waived all objections there-
to, at whc6 hearing the council
will hear such objections and en-
ter on record its final decision
Passed, adopted and approved
this 31st day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved the adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Russo, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Resolution No. 22.51. Preliminary
approval of proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract and all
other documents for the construc-
tign of Storm Relief Sewer. Sec-
tion B -Eighth Street Storm Re-
lief Sewer. Said proposed sewer to
be located as follows: Beginning at
the intersection of Lake Peosta
slough and of the prolongation of
E. Eighth Street Extended; thence
Westerly along the prolongation of
East Eighth Street Extended and
of East Eighth Street to the east
proporty line of White Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Rus-
so moved the adoption of the reso-
lution, Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
(Necessity for Improvement).
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The size and kind of sewers.
2. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used for the construction of
Storm Relief Sewer. Section B -
Eighth Street Storm Relief Sewer.
'Said proposed sewer to be located
as follows: Begrnning at the inter-
section of Lake Peosta Slough and
of the prolongation of East Eighth
Street Extended; thence westerly
along the .prolongation of East
Eighth Street Extended and of East
Eighth Street to the east property
line of Whie Street.
58 Special Session, January 31, 1951
that the City Council on its own
motion deems it advisable and ne-
cessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im•
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final con•
sideration of this proposed resolu•
tion have on file with the C i t y
Clerk objectors to the amount of
the proposed improvement they
shall be deemed to have waived all
objectins tereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done n accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
which have been approved by the
City Council and are now on file
with the City Clerk. That the cost
and expense of making said im•
provement will be paid out of the
sewer funds Bands shall be issued
and sold and the proceeds thereof
used to pay thecontractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 31st day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution be approved and
placed on file for final action. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
(Fixing Date of Hearing).
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 22.51 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the construc-
tion of Storm Relief Sewer. Sec-
tion B -Eighth Street Storm Re-
lief Sewet, Said proposed sewer
to be located as follows: Beginning
at the intersection of Lake Peosta
Slough and of the prolongation of
East Eighth Street Extended;
thence westerly along the prolong-
ation of East Eighth Street Ex•
tended and of East Eighth Street
to the east property line of White
Street and,
WHEREAS, the proposed Reso•
lution of Necessity for said im•
provement has been introduced
and is now on file in the City
Clerk's office for public inspection,
that on the 23rd day of February
1951, a public hearing will be held
at 7:30 o'clock p. m in the Council
Chamber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
may appear and make objection to
the proposed plans and specifica•
tions and proposed form of con-
tract and at the same time to the
cost of the improvement, and to
the passage of the proposed Resa
lution of Necessity and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper publish-
ed in the City of Dubuque, the
last of which shall be not less than
two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless pro
perty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions they shall have been deemed
to have waived all objections there
to, at which hearing the Council
will hear such objections and en-
ter on record its final decision
Passed, adopted and approved
this 31st day of January 1951.
Attest; J. J. SHEA
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Special Session, January 31, 1951 59
Resoluton No. 25.51. Preliminary
approval of proposed plans, specifi-
cations, form of contract and all
other documents for the construc-
tion of Storm Relief Sewer. 5ec-
tion C -Southern Avenue Storm
Relief Sewer. Said proposed sewer
to be located as follows: Commenc-
ing at the intersection of Railroad
Avenue and Southern Avenue;
thence easterly on Railroad Street
a distance of approximately 150
feet; thence southerly and at right
angles to said Railroad Street a dis•
torte of approximately 450 feet to
the point of beginning which is the
terminus of the existing f0" storm
sewer; thence southerly and south-
easterly adistance of approximate-
ly 1,940 feet to the terminus and
junction with the existing railroad
culvert beneath the tracks of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul &
Pacific Railroad Company and of
the Illinois Central Railroad com-
pony tracks at what is known as
South Junction, which existing cul•
vert discharges into the westerly
side of the Mississippi River, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Welu mov-
ed the adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman K o 1 b,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
(Necessity for Improvement)
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe•
cifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre•
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The size and kind of sewers.
2. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different type
of construction and kind of mater-
ial to be used for the Construction
of Storm Relief Sewer. Section C
-Southern Avenue Storm Relief
Said proposed sewer to be locat•
ed as follows: Commencing at the
intersection of Railroad Street and
Southern Avenue; thence easterly
on Railroad Street a distance of ap-
proximately 150 feet; thence south-
erly and at right angles to said
Railroad Street a distance of ap
proximately 450 feet to the point of
beginning which is the terminus of
the existing 60" storm sewer;
thence southerly and southeasterly
a distance of approximately 1,940
feet to the terminus and junction
with the existing railroad culvert
beneath the tracks of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad Company and of the Illi-
nois Central Railroad Company
tracks at what is known as South
Junction, which existing culvert
discharges into the westerly side
of the Mississippi River.
that the City Council an its own
motion deems it advisable and ne•
cessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed re-
solution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed improvement they
shall be deemed to have waised all
objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
which have been approved by the
City Council and are now on file
with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be paid out of
the sewer fund Bonds shall be issu-
ed and sold and the proceeds there-
of used to pay the contractor,
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 31st day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved that the reso•
lution be approved and placed on
file for final action. Seconded by
60 Special Session, January 31, 1951
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays - None.
(Fixing date of hearing)
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resoluton No, 25-51 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, far the construc-
tion of Storm Relief Sewer. Sec-
tion C -Southern Avenue Storm
Relief Sewer. Said proposed sewer
to be located as follows: Commenc-
ing at the intersection of Railroad
Street and Southern Avenue;
thence easterly on Railroad Street
a distance of approximately 150
feet; thence southerly and at right
angles to said Railroad Street a dis-
tance of approximately 450 feet to
the point of beginning which is the
terminus of the existing 60" storm
sewer; thence southerly and south-
easterly adistance of approximate-
ly 1,940 feet to the terminus and
juncton with the existing railroad
culvert beneath the tracks of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company and of
the Rlinais Central Railroad com-
pany tracks at what is known as
South Junction, which existing cul-
vert discharges into the westerly
side of the Mississippi River. and,
to cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper publish-
ed in the City of Dubuque, the last
of which shall be not less than two
(2) nor more than four (4) weeks
prior to the day fixed for its con-
sideration and unless property
owners at the time of final consi-
deration of said resolution have on
file with the Clerk objections they
shall have been deemed to have
waived all objections thereto, at
which hearing the Council will
hear such objections and enter on
record its final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 31st day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved the a-
doption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Russo. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
Resoluton No. 28-51. Preliminary
approval of proposed plans, specifi-
cations, form of contract and all
other documents for the construc-
tion of Storm .Relief Sewer. Sec-
tion D -Bee Branch Storm Relief
WHEREAS, the proposed resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of•
fice for public inspection,
that on the 23rd day of February
1951 a .public hearing will be held
at 7:30 o'clock p. m, in the Council
Chamber in the City of Dubuque
at which time the owners of pro-
perty may appear and make ob-
jection to the proposed plans and
specifications and proposed form of
contract and at the same time to
the cost of the improvement, and
to the passage of the proposed Re-
solution of Necessity and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
. _.t,,, ,. ,.~~ ,,..,~,.~,.
Sewer. Said proposed sewer to be
located as follows: Beginning at
the intersection of East 15th Street
with Sycamore Street; thence west-
erly on East 15th Street to Maple
Street; thence northerly on Maple
Street to East Seventeenth Street;
thence westerly on East Seven-
teenth to Central Avenue; thence
continuing westerly on West Sev-
enteenth Street to the east proper-
ty line of Main Street; thence be-
ginning again at the intersection
of East Seventeenth Street with
Jackson Street; thence northerly on
Jackson Street to East Twenty-
Eighth Street; thence westerly on
East Twenty-Eighth Street to Cen-
tral Avenue; thence northerly on
Central Avenue to its terminus at
the intersection with the existing
Special Session, January 31, 1951 61
Bee Branch Storm Sewer located
in Central Avenue at approximate-
ly the middle point between Thir-
tieth and Thirty-Second Streets,
presented and read. Councilman
Russo moved the adoption of the
resolution. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kalb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
(Necessity for Improvement)
WHEREAS proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract, .plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
The size and kind of sewers. An
estimate of the cost of the propos-
ed improvement, stating the same
for each different type of construc-
tion and kind of material to be
used for the construction of Storm
Relief Sewer. Section D -Bee
Branch Storm Relief Sewer. Said
proposed sewer to be located as
follows: Beginning at the intersec-
tion of East 15th Street with Syca-
more Street; thence westerly on
East 15th Street to Maple Street;
thence northerly on Maple Street
to East Seventeenth Street; thence
westerly on East Seventeenth
Street to Central Avenue; thence
continuing westerly on West Sev-
enteenth Street to the east pro-
perty line of Main Street; thence
beginning again at the intersection
of East Seventeenth Street with
Jackson Street; thence northerly
on Jackson Street to East Twenty-
_ Eigth Street; thence Westerly
on East Twenty-Eighth Street to
Central Avenue; thence northerly
` on Central Avenue to its terminus
at the intersection with the exist-
.. ing Bee Branch Storm Sewer locat-
- ed in Central Avenue at approxi•
mately the middle point between
Thirtieth and Thirty-second Streets
that the City Council on its own
motion deems it advisable and ne•
cessary for the public welfare to
make the herein mentioned im-
<< provement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed re-
solution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed improvement they
shall be deemed to have waived all
objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
which have been approved by the
City Council and are now on file
with the City Clerk. That the cost
and expense of making said im•
provement will be paid out of the
sewer fund Bands shall be issued
and sold and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the .contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
31st day of January, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA
Mayor Welu moved that the reso-
lution be approved and placed on
file for final action. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel-
Nays -None.
(Fixing Date of Hearing].
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 28.51 given its pre•
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the construc•
tion of Storm Relief Sewer. Sec-
tion D -Bee Branch Storm Relief
Sewer, Said proposed sewer to be
located as follows: Beginning at
the intersection of East 15th
Street with Sycamore Street;
thence Westerly on East 15th
Street to Maple Street; t h e n c e
northerly on Maple Street to East
62 Special Session, January 31, 1951
Seventeenth Street; thence wester-
ly on East Seventeenth Street to
Central Avenue; thence continuing
Westerly on West Seventeenth
Street to the east property line of
Main Street; thence beginning a-
gain at the intersection of East
Seventeenth Street with Jackson
Street; thence northerly on Jack•
son Street to East Twenty-Eighth
Street; thence westerly on East
Twenty-Eighth Street to Central
Avenue; thence northerly on Cen-
tral Avenue to its terminus at the
intersection with the existing Bee
Branch Storm Sewer located in
Central Avenue at approximately
the middle point between Thirtieth
and ThirtySecond Streets and,
WHEREAS, the proposed Resb
lution of Necessity for said im-
provement has been introduced
and is now on file in the C i t y
Clerk's office far public inspec-
that on the 23rd day of February
1951, a public hearing will be held
at 9:30 o'clock p. m, in the Coun•
cil Chamber in the City of Dubu-
que at which time the owners of
property may appear and make
objection to the proposed plans
and specifications and proposed
form of contract and at the same
time to the cost of the improve-
ment, and to the passage of the
proposed Resolution of Necessity
and the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to cause a notice
of the time and place of such hear-
ing to be published in some news-
paper published in the City of Du•
buque, the last of which shall be
not less than two (2) nor more
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the time
of final consideration of said re•
solution have on file with the Clerk
objections they shall have been
deemed to have waived all objec-
tions thereto, at which hearing the
Council will hear such objections
and enter on record its final deci-
sion thereon.
,.. 1 .:mgwu,e ~^Y Mb,a rtYl @"'0 ^~°M Wi?9N+¢?iiti"A!!kY
Passed, adopted and approved
this 31st day of January 1951.
Attest: J. J, SHEA
Councilman Kolb moved t h e
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel
Nays -None..
There being no further business
Councilman Russo moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Welu, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Russo, Schuel•
Nays -None.
Approved ................. 1951
Adopted .................. 1951
Councilmen ......................................
Attest:.......... ......................................
Clt7 Clerk.