Greenfield, D. Ltr Busted LiftApril 12, 2002 Mayor Terry Duggan City of Dubuque City Hall Dubuque, IA 52001 Re: Busted Lift 180 Main Street Dubuque, lA Dear Mayor Duggan: It is our understanding that the City of Dubuque is being approached by the owners/operators of The Busted Lift to sell to them the area in the rear of their building that is plotted as a public sidewalk. As owners of property at 190 Main Street, we feel the need to inform you, our City Manager and the City Council of our objections: t) The street ( 13, St. Extension) is more heavily traveled than some might expect, by abandoning this sidewalk you will be placing all pedestrian traffic in the street. As this area continues to develop you will be seeing an increase in pedestrian traffic in this area, Safety of pedestrians should be a main concern of our City. 2) Parking in this area has already been a problem for the neighbors. Customers of the Busted Lift continually use neighboring driveways for parking. They already are short (they have none) of the required off street parking and now want to increase their capacityl 3) The Historical Commission and the City were given grandiose plans of the renovations that were to take place on this property at least 4 years ago. Work has never been completed and what was done was not what was proposed. 4) The Busted Lift advertises and "guarantees" that they will be open every night until 2:00 AM. This brings with it more problems: a. Noise late at night when residents are trying to sheep. b. Trash (beer bottles, etc.) strewn over the area. c. Public urination on the sidewalks. d. Vomit on the sidewalks. 5) The Busted Lift already ignores the laws and codes of the City by utilizing public streets for special parties. When an organization such as Dubuque Main Street sponsors an event (The Main Event), we are required to get special permission from the City to close off any street area. It is also a requirement that fencing be erected to contain those drinking to a confined area and security guards are required to make sure no one leaves the area with alcohol. Businesses inside the event area who operate bars have to get special liquor licenses and special dram shop insurance to sell alcohol on the sidewalk in front of their business for a one day event! The Busted Lift, however, ignores all these requirements and puts a tent in the middle of 1st Street Extension without any permits or City approval! Are our laws only for those who willing obey them? The City of Dubuque and the property owners in Historic Main District have spent years and a tremendous amount of public and private funds to make this area a thriving part of the community of which we can be proud. May I remind you that the "plan" for this area is to combine business with upper level residential. Trusting in the City that this indeed was the plan, we and many others in the area have expended our monies in rehabbing neighboring buildings to first class business properties with high end living above. I know that many people in the City visit the Busted Lift after work and in the early evening hours and view it as a quiet little pub with a unique atmosphere. Late in the evening it turns into a different atmosphere. People who have already had enough to drink, leave the bars that close early and come to the Busted Lift - they know it'll be open until 2:00 AM. These people are loud, crude and vulgar at closing time. It is a sad situation when residents are awaken with loud obnoxious noises during the early morning hours and then faced with cleaning up vomit and trash before they can open their business the next day! How would you like to be awakened in the middle of the night with someone on the roof of your apartment yelling to his buddies in the street? This has happened. People have gotten to the roof of the Busted Lift and walked across 3 building roofs to 198 Main Street. If they fall where is the liability? Will the City allow the neighbors to put razor wire fencing on the roofs to keep out trespassers? If you allow the Busted Lift (or any other bar in the area) to serve alcoholic beverages on what is and should be public property you will be destroying what you and so many people in the City have spent years trying to accomplish. The Busted Lift has continually ignored regulations set by the City--parking requirements, use of public areas, over capacity of building and building rehab requirements. Don't ever believe you will contain their business to this sidewalk area - you will be seeing people drinking, etc in the middle of the street. What next? Give them the street? The operators of the Busted Lift have continually sold the City a "bill of goods" to get what they want. Originally, it was to be an Irish eating establishment with a quiet little pub - operating during hours of most restaurants. They were to lease off street parking. They were to rehab the exterior of the building. They were to compliment an up and coming business/residential neighborhood. None Of these items have been accomplished. I'm sorry, these people will promise you whatever you want to hear and then do as they please with no repercussions from the authorities. I plead with you, do not abandon or sell this sidewalk area. You will be destroying the value of the neighboring properties and cause more problems than you can ever imagine. Sincerely, /s/ Duaine & Jane Greenfield