1946 March Council ProceedingsRegular Session, March 4th, 1946 23 -~~l I®~P ~,~n ~,.'7 ~~,~11~'l~'~ i (Official) Regular Session, March 4th, 1910', Council met at 7; 00 P. M, Present-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton, City Manager Rhonr• berg. Mayor Thompson stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the follotiving vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Grace Shireman in the amount of $75.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on the icy steps ou Burns Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga• tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- .. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt,112urphq, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Annie Steffan iu the amount of $5,000.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on au icy sidewalk on the south side of 14th Street between White Street and Central Avenue a~t a point about 15-20 feet west of the south- west corner of the intersection of 14th and White Streets, presented and read, Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Murphy. Carried by the follow- ing vote; Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Mm'phy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Wm. H. Ber- geron, Assistant Director for De- velopment and Reutilization, Fed- eral Public Housing Authority, Chi- cago, Illinois, submitting informa- tion concerning housing for Vet- erans and advising that their pres- ent quota of temporary shelter for Veterans is practically exhausted and unless additional facilities are made available that they will be un- able to make further allotments, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the comrunication be received and filed. Seconded by Cowrcilman Mof• fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None.• Comnuunication,of L, W. Roper, Chairman, Iowa Chapter Inter- national Association Electrical In- spectors, extending invitation to Electrical Inspector Norton to at- tend the meeting of Electrical In- spectors to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on -Iarch 30, 1946, presented and read. Councilmaiu Wharton moved that Electrical Inspector Norton be auth- orized to attend the meeting if he can arrange to do so, Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, CounciI- menMoffatt, -iurphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of County Audit- or Daykin advisiug~ that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an of- fer of $25.00 made by Edgar A. Schmitz an the South 17 feet 5 in- ches of Lot 5 and the North 8 feet of Lot 6 of Levi's Addition, pre- sented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds: Seconded by Councilman 1Vloffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of County Audit- or Daykin advising that the Board of Supervisors have placed a valua- tion of $31,893.00 ou the Airport 24 Regular Session, March 4th, 1946 land in Table Mound Township and ' submitting a statement in the amount of $358.16 as the tax due for the Table Mound School District, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and a warrant in the amount of $358.16 ordered drawn in favor of Table Mound School District to cover the amount of school tax due against the Airport laird in Table Mound Township. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the follo',ving vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Clarence A. Strub submitting offer in the amount of $126.00 for the purchase of Lot 2 and Lot 2 of 1 of the Sub- , division of Lots 24 and 25 of Bon- ~i son & Stewart's Sub., presented and i read. ' Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred I to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. ~~ Carried by the following vote: ~ Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- , men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehuan, Wharton. i Nays-None. Conununication of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Martin submitting' offer in ~ the amount of $450.00 for the pur- ~~ chase of the property otivned by the City of Dubuque at the corner of Bryant and Curtis Streets, pre- sented and read. ~ Councilman Wharton maven that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Cotmcilman Van Duel- ' man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehuan, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Wm. P. and ', Bertha R. Andresen submitting claim in the amount of $50.30 which i amount represents the sctual cost ~I of putting his sewer connection iu conditiotr for use as said sewer cmi• nection leading from his residence became clogged as a result of the cave-in of the main city sewer at 170 Kaufmann Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Mut°phy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the Mary Agard Tent Np. 36 requesting permission for the holding of a flag tag day on Satur- day, June S, 1946, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--4ayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of E. R. Lawry request- ing permission to remodel the up- stairs of his home at 1615 Atlantic Street making same into a modern 3-room apartment, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zotring~ Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Petition of John J. McEvoy re- questing that West Fifth Street from Hill Street to Pauline Street be rezoned into a multiple district, and also that College Street from Allison Place to West Fiftl Street. be rezoned into a multiple district, presented and read, Councilman Murphy moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Gommtission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Wolf Berk requesting permission to convert the space in the rear of the apartment ~builduig at 1458 Locust Street into a desir- able first floor apartment, presented and read. Regular Session, March 4th, 1946 25 Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by he following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thmnpson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petittion of Mrs. Catherine Lynch requesting the rezoning oP the area at Primrose and Burlhrgton Streets to a local business district, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Conunisaimt for their reconunendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mur- phy. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Mw'phy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Petition of Fred A. Henlzer et al., living in the 1200 block on Alta Vista Street, requesting that the property located on Lot 9 and the South 28 feet of Lot 10 in Leven's Addition be rezoned into a multiple residence zone, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the_petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the residents of Grand• view Avenue, Fremont Street, St. Joseph Street, Lombard Street, Dodge Street and other adjohing residential areas, and other resi- dents of the City at large request- ing the City Council to take action against the erection of a Fire Sta- tiotr at the corner of Grandview Avenue, Fremont Street antl Dodge Street, presented and read. Mr. George Masters, Mrs. Gail B. Slich- ter, Mr, William Markey, l~Ir. Sam- uel Crawford and Mrs. Auleen Eber- hardt addressed the Council asking the City Councll that their petition be granted and that the City Coun- cil acquire some other location for the erection of the new Fire Sta- tion. After a lengthy discussion of this matter Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council for their considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Carl J. Danglemeyer, by E. H. Willgiug', his attorney, re- questing' that the Mayor and City Clerk be directed to execute, ac• knowledge and deliver a deed to` Cori J. Danglemeyer covering the affected portions of the alley owned by him, namely Lot 42A and North- erly half of vacated alley in the rear of Lot 41 (now platted and known as Lot 41A) in Julia L. Lang~- worthy's Addition, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mur- phy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Iowa Improvement Company (Subsidiary of Deere & Co.), by L. A. Rowland, asking Cfty Council for advice and assistance to make the property which they are considering purchasing, which cmisists of about 150 acres of land located on or near the Roosevelt Road, available for home building' sites in order to provide houses for some of tlleir employees, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition he referred to the Council for their consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-Noce. Petition of Mrs. Melba Riniker, referred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1945 tax on Lot 1 of 1 of Miu. Lot 11, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re• 1 26 Regular Session,. March 4th, 1946 port. Seconded by Councihuan Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Petition of William A. Brown re- questing arefund in the amount of $100.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 105, and also requesting a refund in the amount of $25.00 on his Cigarette Permit No. 112, as he has discontinued business on March 4, 1946, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of William A. Brown to cover the amount of refund g'rauted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No, 105 and also that the City Auditor he in- structed to draw a warrant in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Wil- liam A. Brawn to cover the amount of refund granted on the anexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 112. Seconded by Councilman Mof• Yatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None., Petition of James M. Parker et al, property owners on Rosedale Avenue, requesting improvement of the storm sewer extending South fi'om Rosedale Avenue along the Easterly side of Lot 1 and Lot 10 of Rosedale Additimr No. 2, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition he refetTed to the Cotm- cil to. view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-ll7ayor Thompson, Conncil- iuen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Frank Russo, by ICen• line, Roedell, Hoffmann & Reynolds, his attorneys, .requesting the City Council to authorize the issuance of a quit claim deed to Frank Russo itt order that any adverse question as to the ownership by Mr. Russo of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 10 in I{niest, >i ,. ,~ ~ ~ • ;a_. w .. '--. Guthrie and Brown's Subdivision can be properly overcame, pre- sented and read, Councilman Murphy moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of E. G. Wean et al., property owners in the G00 block an West 11th Street and Highland Place, requesting the rezoning of the above block for multiple dwell- ings, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- wing' and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehuan, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the Dubuque Wom- an's Club requesting that there be a more rigid enforcement of the regulations governing the safety of pedestrians, also that pedestrians be urged to observe the rules of safety and to pay mm•e attention to "Stop and Go" lights and to avoid crossing streets except at corners, also that the police force be aug- mented so as to permit city officials to cope with the rising' tide of law- lessness now evident in the City, presented and read. Councihuau Moffatt moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Petition of Oden E. Brown et at., requesting ~ the installation of a sewerage system to service their property in the vicltity of Cherry Street, Finley Street, Green Street, Poplar Street, Seminary Street, St. Ambrose Street and Hazel Street, presented and read, Regular Session, March 4th, 1946 27 Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. ~ Car- ried by the followiugvote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, VanDuelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Initial Report of City of Dubuque Parking' Committee recommending' that the City Council make aone- half mill levy in the City of Du- buque in 1946 for the purpose of providing sufficient parking facili- ties, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Initial Report be referred to the Council for their consideration at the time that the tax levies are be- ing considered in the month of Au- gust. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, V an Dueiman, Wharton. Nays-None, Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn dur- ingthe month of January, 1946, pre• seated and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 2-~vAu Ordi- nonce amending au Ordinance en- titled "Ordinance No. 13-35, pro- viding for inspection and testing of all milk intended for public sale and distribution, exacting a charge from producers, etc." by striking out Par. 547, Sectioli 5, and enacting a sub- stitute in lieu thereof, said Ordi- nance having been passed upon first reading on February 11, 1946, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for pubic inspection for at Least one week before its final adop- tion, was presented and read on final adoption. ORDINANCE N0, 2-46. An Ordinance amending Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. 13-35„ provid- ing for inspection and testing of all milk intended for public sale and dls- trihution, enacting' a charge from pro- dueera, etc." by striking ou+ Par. 547, Section 5, and enacting a substitute in lieu thereof, i\Tow, Therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BU~IITE: Sec. 1. That "Par. 547, Section 5" be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that there is hereby enacted in lieu thereof the fallowing: "Par. 54i, Sectimt 5. Every person, firm or corporation engaged as a- distributor of milk within the City of Dubuque shall deduct at each de- livery period one cent per hundred- weight from payments to he made to producecs for all mills delivered by such producer to the distributors, all of which amounts shall be paid by said distributors to the City of Dubuque, and in addition thereto every person, firm or corporation engaged as a distributor of milk in said City shall pay to said City one Dent per hundredweight for all milk received by such producer." Sea 2. This Ordinance being deemed urgent and for the protection and preservatimt of Public Health, peace and safety, shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and publication, as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 11th day of February, 1946. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 4th day of March, ls4s. F, tiV, THOMPSON Mayor. FRAM{ VAN DUELMAN' ALBERT WHAR'PON GEO. R, MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: S, J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published oPYicially in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 6th day of Starch, 1996. 7. J .SHEA, 3-G-lt City Clerlc. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following' vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. February 23, 1946. Iu re: Claim of Mrs. Lillian Hayes. Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Lillian Hayes claims that on the 19th day of December, 1945, while crossing the allay on the crosswalk ou the southerly side of Eleventh Street between Central ?- I 28 Regular Session, March 4th, 1946 , and White Streets she slipped on rough, ridged and uneven snow and ice on said crosswalk which was in a dangerous condition for some time. That she received a bad frac• tune on her arm near the wrist re- quiring her to secure medical as- sistance; that she has suffered great physical pain and mental an- guish all to her damage in the sum of $1,000.00. I find that in addition to her doctor bill she has been un- able to do anything since that time. That her actual doctor bill is ~100.OQ and she has agreed to set- tle this claim far $100.00. I recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of Walter Koerner, Attorney for Lillian Hayes, in the sum of $100.00 and the same be de- liyered upon delivery to the City of a Release properly executed by claimant. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Solicit- or Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Walter Koerner, Attorney for Lillian Hayes, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said war- rant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Seconded ~i~y councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, ti an Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, February 16, 1946. Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: In re: PETITION OF MRS. MARY HIER for suspen- sion of taxes on: Davis Farm Addi- tion, N. 24 ft, of E. 170 ft. of Lot 374, asking that the 1945 tax be sus• pended because of age. I recommend that said Petition be approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and that notifica• tiou of such approval be given to the Board of Supervisors of Du- buque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Couneilnran Wharton moved thaC the reconmrendation of City Soli- citor Kintzinger he approved and the Board of Supervisors to be no- tified of Council action. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car• vied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, CounciI- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. February 16, 1946. Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In re: Petitimr of Cecilia Howe for suspension of tax- es on Yates Sub, Lot 17, asl=ing that the 1945 tax be suspended be• cause of infirmity. 1 recommend that said Petition be approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and that notifica- tion of such approval be gitren to the Board o£ Supervisors of Du- buque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to le notified of Council action. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the fallowing vote: Peas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. February 10, 1946 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, and City Health Department, also a list of claims and list of payrolls for which war- rants were drawn during the month of January, 1946, Respectfully submitted, A, A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Moffatt moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wlarton. Nays-None. Kegular Session, March 4, 1946 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The term of Paul F. Smith as a member of the Board of Zoning Ad- justment expires March 5, 1946. It is necessary that the council make an appointment for a five year term to expire March 5, 1951. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager, Councilman Van Duehuan moved that Mr. Paul F. Smith be re-ap• pointed as member of the Board of Adjustment for a term of five years, said tetw expiring March 5, 1961. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Mofratt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. March 4, 1946. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following policy and de- sire to have your approval on same for filing: Excavation Name Address Seubert and Fessler. 1603 Central Avenue. Policy No. 317369, Em• ployers Mutual Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce, Resolution No. 10-46. Whereas, The City of Dubuque, pursuant to au advertisement for bids on furnishing street name signs, did ou the 11th day of'Feb• ruary, 1946, at ten o'clock a.m., at the City Clerk's office in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa receive bids for street name signs, which bids were taken under advisement by the City Council; and Whereas, The proposals have been compared and examined and March 4th, 1946 29 this Council has determined that the most favorable proposal receiv ed was submitted by Lyle Signs, Inc. of Mimreapolis, Minnesota; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the contract for the furnishing of 254 two-way sign units of porce- lain enamel and 643 four-way sign units of baked enamel in the amount of $6,290.00 be awarded to Lyle Signs, Inc, and the City Man- ager is hereby authorized and di- rected to execute a contract to that effect mi behalf of the City of Du• buque, Iowa; and Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef• fective from and after its final pas- sage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for one week an February 11, 1946. Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of March, 1946. F, W. THOMPSON, Maym~ FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEC. R, MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATfi, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk Couucihnan Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 14-46. Whereas, a plat of the Subdivi- sion of Lots 5Q 51, 62 and 53 in Simpson's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to be hereafter known as "Rolling Green," a Suldi• vision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa , has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa for approval; and Whereas, Said plat has been ap- proved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of said City; and Whereas, Said plat has been ex- amined by this Council and found to conform to all requirements re- garding the subdivision of lauds ~. ~~ 30 ~ Regular Session, March 4th, 1946 F ~l .>~_ and iu all respects it is deemed ad- visable to approve the said plat; Notiv, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the attached plat of "Rolling Green," City of Dubuque, Iowa be and the same is hereby approved; and Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be certified to by the Mayor and Clerk and af- fixed to said plat. Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY. W. W. MOFFATT. Couucihnen Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car• Tied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No, 15-46 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette paper s within said Gity and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Paul Dillon and Joseph Dillon, 2417 Rhomberg Avenue Merle Farber, 551 Main Street Hazel Bradberry, 2026 Central Avenue Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1690 Elm Street, (Transfer of address from 1698 Maple StJ Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON. Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON. GEO. R. MURPHY. W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thopson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehuan, Wharton. Nays-None, Councilman Murphy moved that the following named persons be appointed to serve as Judges and Clerks at the General Municipal Election to be held Mmiday, March 25th, 1946. Seconded by'Cottncilman Moffatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cihuen Moffatt, Mm•phy, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. First Precinct-D e m o c r a t i c Judges, Maw•ice Byrne and Mrs, Thos. E. Byrne, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Vera Ham; Republican Judge, Edward Beach, Republfcan Clerk, Mrs. Lillian Jones. Second Precinct-Democratic Judge, Thos J. Hill, Detnocratic Clerk, Mrs. Margaret Kinsella; Re• publican Judges, Mrs. Nellie Loet• seher and Mrs, A. C. Elvers, Repub- lican Clerk, Mrs. Geo. R, Fox. Third Precinct-D e m o c ra t i c Judges, Mrs. Frank Kingsley and Mrs. Mabel Riemann, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Vera McAllister; Re- publican. Judge,. Mrs. Bess Bogue, Republican Clerk, Mrs. Pearl Hoer- ner. Fourth Precinct-Democratic Judge, Mrs. Mary Hughes, Demo- cratic Clerk, Mrs, Loretta Powers; Republican Judges, Mrs. Mae Hed- ley and Mrs. Charles Kunz, Repub• lican Clerk, Mrs. Martha Hunt. Fifth Precinct-Democratic Judges, Mrs. Margaret Lavery and Walter Madden, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Laura Hohmann; Republican Judge, Mrs. Ruby Steuck, Republi- can Clerk, Mrs. F. W. Trader. Sixth Precinct - Democratic Judge, Mrs. Helen Schadle, Demo- cratic Clerk, Mrs. Lillian Fleege; Republican Judges, Mrs. Myrtle Westaby and Mrs, Gladys Feller, Republican Clerk, Mrs, Hazel Yo- knm. Seventh Precinct -Democratic Judges, Al. Bitzberger and Mrs. Hel- en Kehoe, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Cecelia Weber; Republican Judge, Mrs. Joanna Roland, Republican Clerk, Mrs. Cora Wolfe. Regttlar Session, March nth, 1946 31 Eighth Precinct-D e m o c r a t i c Judge, Louis Lagen, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Anna Webet; Republi- can Judges, Dors. Jane Fuhrman and Mrs, Maude Rideout, Republican Glerk, Jas. W. Millin. Ninth Precinct-D e m o c r a t i c Judges, Mrs, Mayme Casutt and John Merkes, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Bell Leidinger; Republican Judge, Miss Pauline I{leih, Republi- can Clerk, Mrs. Emma Hinz, Tenth Precinct-D e m o c r a t i c Judge, Mrs. Stella Ball, Democratic Clerk, Catherine O'Connor; Repub- lican Judges, Mrs. Pearl Zernecke and Loretta Kammueller, Republi- can Clerk, Mrs. Hattie Donatsch. Eleventh Precinct-Detnocratic Judges, Etta Schroeder and Flor- ence Rohrbach, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Ida Murray; Republican Judge, Mrs. Vera Loischuer, Republican Clerk, Carrie Saunders. Twelfth Precinct-Democratic Judge, Phil O'Dowd, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Kate Beringer; Republi- can Judges, William Zumhof and Sam Muir, Republican Clerk Mrs. Vernon Bottge. Thirteenth Precinct-Democratic Judges, Geo. Gruber and Mrs. Rose Gulick, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Fre• da Foell; Repnblican Judge, Chas. Haudenshield, Republican Clerk, Mrs. Marguerite Liddle. Fourteenth Precinct-Democratic Judge, Marjoirie Bogue, Democratic Clerk, Veronica Agard; Republican Judges, John Muir and Edward Kupferschmidt, Republican Clerk, Mrs. Dorothy Bauer. Fifteenth Precinct-Democratic Judges, Geo. Roepseh and Mrs. Gertrude O'Leary, Democratic Clerk, Mrs. Mathilda Manahl; Re• publican Judge, Frank Glab, Repub- lican Clerk, Mrs, Helen Hohuecker. Councilman Moffatt moved that the following places be selected and designated as the polling places for the General Municipal Election to be held Monday, March 25th, 1946. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. First Precinct-Bryant School; Second Precinct-Washington Jun- for High School; Third Precinct- Franklin School; Fourth Precinct -County Court House; Fifth Pre- cinet-Lincalu School; Sixth Pre- cinct-Irving School; Seventh Pre- cinct-City Hall; Eighth Precimct- Chamber of Commerce Building; Ninth Precinct-Eighteenth Street Fire Engine House; Tenth Precinct -Central High School Building; Eleventh Precinct-Kohlvan Build- ing, 15 East Twenty-first Street; Twelfth Precinct-Fulton School; Thirteenth Precinct-Holy Ghost School Building; Fourteenth Pre- cinct-Audubon School; Fifteenth Precinct-Marshall School. There being no further business Councilman Murphy moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Vau Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. J, J, SHEA, City Clerk, Approved ................................ 1946. Adopted ................................... 1946. ~ttes t : ................................................ City Clerk. t _I i "~~ 32 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 i ®_ ~, ®n t I~ ~~'~I ~~" ~' ~ (Official.) Special Session, March 16th, 1946. Council met at 2:00 P. M. Present-Mayor Thompson, Coun- i cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- . man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Councilmen Van Duelman and Wharton. Mayor Thompson read the call and stated that service thereof had '~ been duly made and that this meet- ', ing is called for the purpose of canvassing the petitions for nomina- tfon for Councilmen and Park Com- ~~ missioner to be voted on at the j General Municipal Election to be held March 25th, 1946 and acting on '~i any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council, Resolution No. 16-46. Whereas, petitions iu legal form have been filed with the City Clerlc of the City of Dubuque nominating candidates for. the offices of Coun• cilmen and Park Commissioner, to be elected at the General Municipal Election which will be held on March 25, 1946, and said petitions have been canvassed by the City Council and found to contain the number of signatures provided by law to entitle such persons for whom such petitions. have been filed to be a candidate for the offices of Councilmen ahd Park Commission- er and have their names printed on the official ballot to be voted on at said election. Norv, Therefm•e, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to place the names of the following named per- sons upon the official ballots for the election referred to and for the respective terms and offices to be filled at said election, to-wit: For Councilmen-Term commenc• ing the first Monday of April, 1946; Ewald F. Gerken, W. W. Moffatt, Geo. R. Murphy, Frank R, Zemanek. For Councilmen-Term conunenc- the first Monday in April, 1947; Johnny Meyers, Jahn F. Noonan, Peter Reuter, F, W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Albert Whar- ton. For Park Commissioner-Regular term; Arthur M, Bennett. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN. ALBERT WHARTON. GEO. R, MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Xeas-Mayor Thompson, Couu• cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Communication of John F. Noon- an, Secretary of American War Dads, requesting the City Council to appoint a Committee to represent the City of Dubuque to attend the city wide meeting for the purpose of aiding in the program far providing homes for ex-servicemen and for solving- the general housing prob- lem of the City, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed and the Mayor authorized to appoint representatives to attend the meeting. Seconded by Council- man Murphy, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Mayor Thompson appointed Coun- cilmen Moffatt and Van Duelman as a committee to represent the City of Dubuque at this meeting, Communication of Geo. A4. Schroe- der making application for fire pro- tection on his residence located ou Route No.1 opposite Shooting Park presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communi- cation be referred to the City Man- ager fm• investigation. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Alfred Rehfeldt et al requesting that a sanitary sewer he put in St. Ambrose Street, present- ed and read. Special Session, March 16th, 1946 33 Councilman Murphy moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds, Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Peas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• man, Wharton, Nays-None. Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Oberman et al requesting that the block in which the house known at 1435 Alta Vista Street and located on Lot 27 of Leviu's Addition be re- zoned from a single family district to a two family district, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Conuumission far their recommendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mur• phy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor. Thompson, Council- men Moffatt; Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. March 7, 1946. Iu re: Claim of Veda Kersch Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I have investigated the above claim and find that on or about January 13, 1946 Veda Kersch fell while crossing at the intersection of Julien Avenue with West Eighth Street, at which place the crossing was in a dangerous condition, being covered with a layer of rough, rounded ice and snow, at which time sho broke her left ankle and other- wise injured her nervous system, causing her to lose time and to in- cur expenses and obligations for medical, nursing, surgical and hos- pital treatment, for which she claims damages in the sum of $1000.00. After investigation of this matter, I have had several conferences with her Attorney, Mr, R. P. Roedell, and I am of the opinion that there is a .jury question in this case. They have now agreed to accept $100.00 in fii11 payment of their claim. I reconunend that a warrant be issued payable to Mr, R. P. Roedell, Attorney for Veda Kersch in the sum of $100.00 and that the same he delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a Release properly ex- ecuted by Veda Kersch, Yours truly JOHN J, KINTZINGER, City Solicitor, Councilman Murphy moved that the recoimendation of Gity Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Mr, R. P. Roedell, Attorney fm• Veda Kersch, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said war- rant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lawing' vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, In re: Claim of Francis Ryder Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Francis Ryder submitted to me some time ago. I find that on Janu- ary 4,1946, claimant, while crossing Dodge Street at Grandview slipped and fell on some rough, rounded ice which was in a dangerous condition, resulting in a fracture to her right wrist causing her to employ a phy- sician. That the doctor described the fracture as "Fracture, commin- uted, radius (rt) impacted and ex- tending~ into joint." After talking the matter over with claimant, she has agreed to accept $86.00 in full payment of her claim. I ain of the opinion that this' claim should be settled and there- fore, recommend that a warrant be drawn payable to her order for said amount of $85.00 and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a properly executed release, Yours truly, JOHN J. I{INTZINGER, City Solicitor, Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- torKintzinger be approved and the City Auditm• instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $86.00 It favor of Francis Ryder, as settle- ment in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon re• ceipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release, Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- i : _: I 34 Special Session, 11larch 16th, 1946 i men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. March 13, 1946. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa ~ Gentlemen: With reference to petition en- ~~ titled "Petition for Suspension oi° Ftemissiou of Taxes ou Account of Age or Infirmity" of Mrs. Melba I Riniker, referred to the City Coun- cil by the Board of Supervisors for antion and report, I wish to report: This application gives as the reas• on for such' suspension, "Widow ' with four children.° Sec. G950 of the Code provides: "Whenever a person ', by reason of age or infirmity is un- able to contribute to public revenue" That an applicant is a "widow ~ with four children" is not made a ~ ground for suspension of taxes un- I der the law. Sec. 6950 further provides: "such person may file a Petition duly sworn to with the Board of Super- visors stating such fact and giving a statement of property, real or per- ~ sonal, owned or possessed by such applicant" I The Petition herein fails to com- e, ply with the above requirements. In the Petition there is stated "Per- i sonal Property" and lines to be I used for the insertion of such infor- motion, but I find nothing therein. The Petition herein cannot be ap- proved for the reasons above stated, i The Petition with a copy of this Re- port should be returned to the Board of Supervisors. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. ~ Comrcihnan Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors be notified of Council action. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- . lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• ~; men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. I Nays-None. March 7, 1946 In re: Application of Frank Russo Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the application of Frank Russo referred to me for investigation and report, I find that on May 31, 1881, Eugene E. Frith and his wife conveyed to the City of Dubuque by Warranty Deed: Lat 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 1Q in Kniest, Guthrie & Brown's Subdivisioi in Dubuque and we believe ordiuari• ly referred to as Kniest's Subdi- vision aril that on July 2,1892 said Eugene E. Frith and his wife conveyed the same property to Prank Russo; that Frank Russo, after the conveyance to hinr, built a house on said preen- ises and has been using and occu- pying the same under color of title ever since said time; that the City of Dubuque did not take possession of said real estate, but it appears that the City of Dubuque did take possession of Lot 2 of 1 of 10 which is next adjoining the above de- scribed premises to the south and used said premises to build Lincoln Avenue. That a Quit Claim Deed should be made and executed by the City to the applicant in order to clear any cloud on the title be- cause of the two deeds hereinbe• fore referred to. I recommend that the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Dubuque be authorized to execute and deliver said quit claim deed to Frank Rus- so. Yours truly JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. March 9,194G Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the Application of Carl J. Danglemeyer submitted to me for examination and report, I find that on May 7, 1914, an Or• dfnauce was adapted vacating the alley extending from Nevada Street easterly, south of Langworthy Ave- nue, and granting the permanent use thereof to the abutting proper- Special Session, March 16th, 1946 35 ty owners; that Carl J, Danglemey- er is now the owner of lot 41 and lot 42; that one-half of the alley nest adjoining said lots on the south be- longs to said property; that a quit claim deed was not executed in Afay, 1914 conveying the alley to the respective owners, That plats are now on file showing the respect- ive parts of the alley in the rear of Lot 41 as Lot 41A and that in the rear of Lot 42 as 42A, The owners of this property have had the use thereof since 1914. Now they are making- a sale and the purchaser is insisting that a Deed be given by the City of Dubuque conveying Lot 4IA and Lot 42A to the owner of said lots. I recommend that a Resolution be adopted granting the Application, that a Quit Claim Deed be executed by the City as requested by appli- cant. Yours truly JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor Councilman Van. Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Mm~phy, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution No. 17-46. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Oouncil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that: WHEREAS, an Ordinance was adopted May 7, 1914, vacating and annulling the certain alley extend- ing from Nevada Street Easterly to North and South alley and being between Langworthy Avenue and Solon Street in Julia L, Langwor- thy's Addition in the City oP Du- buque, Iowa, and granting the per- manent use of the respective por- tions thereof adjoining the various lots abutting thereon to the owners and proprietors of said lots, and, WHEREAS, it appears that in re- liance upon the said Ordinance various transfers were made of the Property affected as contained in said abandoned alley, including Lot 42A and the Northerly half of vacated alley in the rear of Lot 41 (now platted and kuowu as Lot 41A) all in Julia L. Langworthy's Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and, WHEREAS, through inadvert- ence and oversight the City of Du- buque, Iowa, neglected to execute a deed to the said adjoining owners, the Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Clerk thereof, are hereby directed to execute and de- liver quit claim deed from said City running to Carl J. Danglemeyer con- veying the above described proper- ty to the latter and the Clerk of said City is directed to attach to said deed, the seal of the City and said officers are further authorized and directed to execute the proper acknpwledgements covering the ex- ecution of said deed. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of March, 194G. F, W. THOMPSON. Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON. GEO. R. MURPHY. W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk, Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, March 16,1946 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith submitted is a detailed distribution of proposed expendi- tures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1946, and ending March 31, 1947, I recommend this distribution to the Council for adoption as the basis for making appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year. Resliectfully submitted, A. A, RHOMBERG. City Manager. Councilman Whartmi moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Se-c onned by Councilman Murphy. Gar- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. 36 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF EXPEND ITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1946.47. SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1946-47 FISCAL OPERATION A.-From Taxes Levy in Fund Mills Tax Consolidated' ...............~.._..........:...............,........... 9.802 $350,337 Fire laintenance ... ............................................3.987 142,501 Fire Equipment .,.....,._ ....................................... 0.349 12,474 Library ..................................................................... 1.11; 39,780 Park .........................._.,....:...,.....,.....................__, 0.623 22,267 Playground and Swi~ning Pool ..............:. 0.499 17,835 Police Pensimr ....................................................... 0.453 16,191 Fire Pension .... ..._ ....................._..............:.... 0.631 22,553 Ponce Retirement ..................._......,.,......,,......... 0.107 5,611 Fire .Retirement ................................................ 0.244 8,721 General Bonds ......................._...........,......,,.......... 1.605 07,365 Doclc Bonds ._......._ ........................_.............~....., O.SOS 28,879 Dock ......................................................................... 0.499 17,535 Airport .................................................................. 1.495 53,433 Total ........................._....._~~.....,......._.......,........22.265 $795,752 Moneys and Credits Tax (Consolidated Fund)_.,.. .... 14,791 Road Tax on Agricu4hu•al Lands (Cmisolidated Fund) _.. .... 109 ds (Library n Agricultural Lan as Libr ry ............... o ~ ~ and 97 GRAND TOTAL RECEIPTS FR'Oa14 TAIYE~S AS LEVIED AUGiDST, 1945 .......................... ....$510,779 The above estimate is based on a revised taxable value of $35,741,396 which is the assessed value for 1946- 47 operation upon which the 22.265 mill levy and the adjusbment of ~uoneys and credits tax equal to $14,791 and the taxes on ag~ricultur~ai lands equal to $ 206 totals $S1Q779 as obtained from the County Auditor. The nsillag'e Por 1945-4'6 operafion was 20 :584 mills or a taxable v~alnatiou of $35,621,271 which with the ad- justment of moneys and credits tax of $2'2;339 plus taxes on agricultural lands of $100 tohalled $732,466. B.-From Miscellaneous Sources General Misc. Revenues Excavation Permits ...................................................... $ 50.00 Police Court Returns .................................................... . 9,500.00 Electrical Permits .......................................................... . 1,000.00 Plumbing Permits .......................................................... . 1,000.00 Building Permits ........................................................... 1,250.00 Franchise Tax .,.._ ............................................................ . 600,00 Scale Fees ........................................................................ . 350.00 State Highway .Maintenance ...................................... . 2,295.00 Sale of Real Property ......................._.,....................... . 5,000.00 Dieting Prisoners ........._ ............... ................................ . 250.00 Health Dept. Receipts .................................................... . 500.00 Ambulance Fees .............................................................. 2,000.011 Dog' Licenses .................................................................. . 550.00 Business Licenses ............................._....,........._..,.... . 3,500.00 Miscellaneous Rentals ........... .................._..,......,......... . 900.00 Cigarette Permits ........................ _.,.....,........................ . 17.500.06 Beer Permits ............................................................... .27,500.00 Miscellaneous Sales .................................................... . 155,00 Ivlilk Inspection Fees ...................... ............................ . 2,000.00 Street Dept. Receipts ........................................._,....., . 750.00 Bicycle Registration ...................................................... . 600.00 $77,250.00 AIRPORT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946 .............................. ...._........,...........,.......,......$ 'L5,000.00 Airport Returns ........._ .................................................. 2,000.00 Total ..... ...................................................................... $ 27,000.00 CONSOLIDATED FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946 ............................................................................$100, 000.00 FIRE MAINTENANCE FUND Outside Fire Projection ............................................$ 650.00 Estimated Uneiucumbored Balance A,pnii 1, 1946 .................._...::............,.....,........................,..._........ $ 13,000.00 $ 13,650.00 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 37 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 194fi .,.. _ ...................... ...................._......,......,,....... ......$ 55,000.UO LIBRARY FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946 ..................................................................,.... ,.....$ 1,'111.00 Books Rentals and Fines ................................... ...... 2,500.00 Total ...................................................................... ....._$ 3,711.00 PARK FUND Estimated Unenewnbered Balance April 1, 194s ........_ ............................................................. ......$ a,6oo.60 Concessions ........................................._.........,....._ ...... 300.00 Miscellaneous Collections .................................. ....... 400.00 'rotal .................................................................... ......$ 2,700.00 PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POO L FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946 ..... ............................................................. ......$ 2,000,00 Board of Education ............... .........................._..: ....... 6,000.00 Swimming Pool Receipts ....~ ........................._,... ...,,. 2,500.00 Skating Receipts ......... ......_...., .,.....,........,............. ....... 200.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ......... .........._...........,........ ....... 75.00 Total ...............................,........_..,_................, ....._$ 10,775.00 POLICE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduction from -Iembers ..~_.,........$ 450.00 FIRE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduction from Members ......................$ 660.00 IMPROVEMENT BOND SINKING FUND Maturing Investment Bands .......................................$ 15,000.00 DOCK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946...._ ..............:.........................................................$ 4,90090 Oil Terminal Fees ...................................................... 1,800.00 Harbor and Island Leases .............................................. 903.00 Wharfage Fees ............................................................... 3,000.00 Dock House Rental .....,. __..._ .................................... 1,890.00 Total ........................................................................._$ 11,59390 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1940 ................................................................................$ 22,000.00 Receipts from Gas Tax ............................................... 44,000.60 Total ............................................................................$ 66,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED MISC. REVENUES AND AND UN~EINCUtUIIB~ERED BALANCES .,....$ 383,779.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FROM TAXES .....,_ .................................._...............,............$ SQ0,779.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY REVENUES..,...$1,194,553.00 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Seli'•Supporting) Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1946 .........................................................................$ 250000.00 Estimated Water Revenue .....................................$ 163,200.00 Tota1 .............................................................................$ 413,200.00 ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL CITY AND WATER WORKS D~IVIlSION RE~T' iNUES:,$1,607,758.00 DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1946-47 GROUP 1-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (Consolidated Fund) Item 101-City Council 1945-40 1996-47 Appi~opriutiona Appcopi`iations A. `Salaries ............................. .. . $ 1.500.00 $ 1.500.00 B. Travel ............................................ 175.00 175.00 J. Miscellaneous ...._ ...............:........ 25.00 25,00 Total ........................._ ........,.......,,.,..$ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 ~, ~~, ~^~~^ 38 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 Item 102-City Manager's Office A. Salary City 1,Tanager .............. *$ ~5,81i2.OD ~ $ 6,393.00 A. Salary Secretary ...................... .. 2;452.00 2,697.00 A. Salary Stenographer ............._ .. 1,740.OD 1,924.00 B. Travei ...................._.................... .. 100A0 100.00 C. Office .........................._....,..,....... . 125.00 125,00 D. Printing ...,......_ ...................... .. 15.00 15.00 F, Maintenance ................................ .. 200.OD 200.00 G. Material and Supplies ...._.,.... .. 325.00 325.D0 Total ....,.,,...._ __ ................................. ..$ 10,769.00 $ 11,769.00 Ite m 103-City {Clerk's lOffice A. Salary Cih~ Clerk ....:.............- ..$ 2,990.00 $ 3,289.OD A. Salary Extra Help ................... .. 150.00 150A0 G. Material and Supplies .............. .. 7b.00 75.00 To6at ....,_ .............._.............................. ...$ 3,2P5.00 $ 3;544.00 Item 104-City Auditor's Office A. :Salary City Auditor ............... .*$ 2,200.00 T$ 2,420.00 F. Maintenance ............................... .. 50.00 50,00 G. Material and Supplies ............ .. 100,00 100.00 Tota1 .........._ .................-.................... ...$ 2,350.00 $ 2;570.00 Item 105-City Treasurer's Office A. Salary City Treasurer ........... .*$ 2,100.00 *$ 2,376.00 D. Printing and Advertising .... .. 26.00 25.00 F. Maintenance .............................. .. 25.00 25,00 G. Material and Supplies ........... .. 150.OP 150,00 I. SttretY Bond .............................. .. 50,00 50.00 Total .........................................-......... ...$ 2,4'10.00 $ 2,fi26.00 (Note; 25% of salaries of City Manager, Audi tor and Tre asurer are paid by Water Depart ment.) Item 105-City Solicitor's Office A, Salary City Solicitor (part time ................................................. ...$ 4;520.00 $ 4972.00 B. Travel ........................................ ... 40.00 40.00 C. Office ...................::.............:.:..... ... 40.00 40.00 G. Material and Supplies ............. ... 85.00 85.00 _ Total ...................................................... ...$ 4,085.00 ~ 5,137.00 Item 108-City Assessor's Office A, 'Salary City Assessor ...........:. :..$ 1;660.06 $ 1,716.00 A. Salaries Deputies (3) ......... .., 2,520.00 2,772.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... ... 25,00 26.00 J. Board of Review ................... ... 1,200.00 , 1;200.00 Total ...............„...........,....................... ...,$ ~6,~3D5.60 $ 5,713.00 Item 109-Civil Engineer's Office A. Salaty Engineer ...................... ....$ 3,300.00 $ 3,fi30,00 A. ~Sa]arY A~ssis~tant .................... .... 2,400.00' 2,772.00 A. Salaries Rod-mean .................... .... 3,600.00 3.9GO.W C. Office ......................................... ... 100.00 100.00 E. Equipment .............................. ... 200.00 200.00 F. Maintenance ...... _ ................. ... 5D0.00 500,00 G. Material and Supplies .......... ... 600.00 500.00 Tonal ................................................ ....$ 10;600.00 $ 11,662.00 Item 113-City Elections A. Salaries Clerks, Etc ............... ...$ 500.00 $ 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ............ ... 400.00 400.00 J. Rents .........., .. ............................ ... 50.00 50,00 Total .............................................. ...$ 954.00 $ 950.00 Ite m 114-City Buildings A. Salaries Janitors .................... ....$ 2;540.00 $ 2,800.00 E. Equipment ....................._.......... ..,. 1,000.00 1,000AO F. Maintenance and Repairs .. .... 2,552.00 2,652.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... ... 1,300.00 1,300.00 H. Heat and Light ..................... .... 1,800.00 1,800.00 Totai ........................................_....,.... .,.,$ 9,192.00 $ 9,4'52.00 Ite m 115-Police Court A. ~Sal~ary Police Judge ........_.., -.-$ 1,770.00 $ 1,947,06 G, Material and Supplies ............ .... 15.00 15.00 Total .,.._ ......................................... .....$ 1,'r8!5.00 $ 1,962.00 Ite m 11fYCivil Service Commission G. Material and Supplies .......... ....$ 100.00 $ 100.00 7, liiscellaneous .... .................. .... 100.{)0 100.00 Total ................................ ............. ....$ 200.00 $ 200.40 SII BTOTALS GROUP(-GENERAL ADNTINI~STRATLON .....:........... .....$' S3;11~1A0 $ 57,25.5.00 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERfiY Item 118-Police Department (Consolidated Fu nd) 1945-4G 1946-47 Approprlatione Appropriatior>a A. Salary Chief of Police ............. ....$ 3,222.D0 $ 3,544.00 A. Salary Senior Captain ........... .... 2,616.00 2,877.00 A. Salaries Captains (2) .' ............ .... 4,824.D0 5,304.00 A. (Salaries Desk Sergeants (3) . ...,. 7,137.00 7,548.00 A. Salaries Detectives (4) .......... .... 9,354.00 10,320.00 A, ~SaParies Motorcyclists (2) .... :... 4,560.00 5,01O.OD A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 yrs.) (22) ...................................:.. ...:30,996.00 53,592.00 A. 'S'al'aries Patrolmen (before 3 years) (2) ....._ .............................. .... 4476.00 4;596AD A. Salaries Patrolmen (during first year) (1) .............................. .... 17,010.OD 2,079.00 A, Sa~lar~ies l0atrons (2) ................. _... 3,215'2.00 4,158,00 A. S'alarias~ Special Officers ..,.... _... 100.00 100.00 B. 'Psavel ............................................... .... 50.OD 50.00 C. Office ................................................ .... 275.00 275.00 D. Printing' ........................................ ..... 1150.00 150.00 E. Equipment ..............._.................. .... 2,000.OQ 2,OOD.PO F. Maintenance ................................ .... 2,800.00 2,800.00 G. 1aterial and Supplies ............. _., 2,000.00 2,OOD.00 J-1. Feeding Prisoners ..................... .... 1,500.00 1,500.00 J-2. \Oisceliaueous (Injuries) ........ .... 300.00 300.00 Total ................................................... ....$93,'100,00 $108,509.00 Item 119A-Fire Department {Maintenance 4FU nd 1946-48 194647 Appropriations Appropriations A. Salary Fire Chief ...................... ..$ 3,2'22.DO $ 3,644.00 A, nSalaries Senior Captains (2) .. .5,088.00 ~5,~598:00 A. Salaries Captalns (5) .............. .. 1'2,0160.D0 13,260.00 A, Salaries Lieutenants (7) .......: .. 15,960,00 17,556.00 A. Salaries Engineers (4) .......... .. 9,120.D0 1Op32.00 A, {Salaries Firemen (alter 3 yrs.) (30) .............._-....,................ .. 46,494.00 73,080.00 A. Salaries Firemen (during 3 yrs.) (7) ....................................... . 16,704.00 16,086.00 A. Salaries Fh•emen (during firs t Yr.) (1) ............................................ .. 17,010.00 2,079.00 E. Travel ..........................__................. .. 50.00 50.OD C. Office .............................................. .. 650.00 650.00 D. Pa•intiug ........................................ .. 35.00 35A0 F-1. Maintenance .........................-........ .. 3,750.00 3,750.00 P-2. ,Repairs to Buildings ................ .. 4,800.00 3,000.00 G. Material and S~typp6ies ............ .. 2,700.00 2,700.OD H, Heat and Light .......................... .. 3,000.00 3,000.OD I, Insurance ...................................... .. 400.00 4060D J-1. -Iiscellaneous (Injuries) ._....: .. 900.06 900.00 J-2. Interest on ~Parrants ............... .. 60.00 60.OD J-3. 'Reserve for Emergency .......... .. 422.00 341.04 Total ............................................... ..$142,i2G'6.OD $4~6D,151.00 (Fire Maintenance Tas--$14 '2,601.00; Balance and Sli~sc. Revenue $13;6'50.00,) Item 119B-Fire Equipment Fund E. Equipment .................................... ..$ 12,492.00 $ 67,474.06 ( Flre Equipment Tas-$12,474,00; IInencum hered Bal- ance- $55, 000.00. ) 194 5-40 I946-47 Item Appropriations Appropriations 120-Fire and Police Alarm (Consolidated Fund) A. :Salaty City Electrician ....,... ..$ 2,220.OD $ 2,49'2.00 A. Salary Extra Help .......... .... . 100.00 100.D0 C. Office ............................................... . 100.00 lOD.DO E, Equipment .......... ....................... . 150.00 15D.00 F. Maintenance .,.._ ....................... . 150.00 150,00 G. Material and Supplies .........,. . 200.D0 200,00 H. Heat, Light and Power ...,..... . lOD.00 1D0.00 Total .............................._....,.....,.......,... ..$ 3,020,00 $ 3,242.00 Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office (Consolidated F und) A. iualary Building Cam~m'issioner. .$ 3,300,00 $ 3,630.00 C Office ..........,._ ........................ . 25.00 25.00 F. Maintenance ............................. . 150.60 160.00 G. Materia] and Supplies ............ . 160.00 100,OD T ota1 ......_ ......................................._... ,$ 3;575.00 $ 3,905.00 tem 1 22-Plumbing Inspector's Offic e (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Plum4aing~ Inspector ... .$ 2,816.00 ~$ 2,880.00 C. Office .,.._ ................... _.......,.,.... , 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ................ _..................,.. . 15.00 15,00 G. Material and Supplies ............ . 50.00 50.00 J. Plmnbing' Board ...................... . 180.00 , 180.00 T otal ..................................................... :$ 2,856.00 $ 3,150.06 39 40 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 Item 123-Electrical Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Dle'~etrical 'Inspector .... ..$ 2,6'16.00 $ ~,8~80,00 C. Office .............._...._......,............. . 25.00 25.00 ......... D. Printing ........._ .............._.... 15.00 . 15.00 F. Maintenance ............................... . 175,00 175.00 G. Material and Supplias ............... . 100.00 100.00 Total .........:.......................................... ..$ 2,931.00. $ 3,195.OD Item 124-Dag Pound (Consolidated Fund) J. Enforcement Dog Ordinance. .$ 150.00 $ 150.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP II, PROTEC- TION OF LIFT AND PROP- ERTP .................................................. . $260,420.OP $345,776.D0 GROUP III-HEALTH AND SANITATION Item 125-Health Department (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Director (part time).... .~$ 2,100.00 $ 2,310;00 A, iSadary Sanitary Inspector ........ .. 1;836.00 2,009.00 A. wttlary Clerk and Registrar _ .,. 1;692.00' 1,860.00 A. ~SaLatq Restaurant Inspector, _. 1,428.00 1,572,00 A. 'Salaries ~Nucs~es (3) ...............-. .. 6,264.00 6,9D6.00 A. Extra Help ................................. ... 1,200.00, 1,320.00 B. Travel ...._ .................................... .. 50.00 50.00 C. Office _ ......................................... .. 150.00 150.00 D. Printing ...., . 50.00 50.00 .~....~ ....................... E. Equipment 50.00 50.00 F Itifaintenance ............. ............... .. 600.00 600.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... .. 300.00 300.00 J-1, Laboratory Expense ..._....... .. 400.00 400.00 Total .................._......,.........,......._........ ...$ 1'fi,119,00 $ 17,537.00 Item 126-Control of Contagious Di seases J. Control of Contagious Diseases ................................. ..$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Item 127-Sewer Maintenance A. Wa~ges _.........,_.......-..._,....._,...... ...$ 12,588.00 '$ 14,400.00 E. Equipment ............................... .. 760.00 700.00 F. Maintenance ..._ .......................... .. 700.00 1,200.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... ... 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps ..,. ... 800.00 . 800.00 Total ................................ ................._. .. $ 15,388.00 $ 17,700.00 Item 128-Garbage Disposal J. Contract for Garbage Colle c- lection and Disposal .......... ...$ 16,800.00 $ 16,800.00 Item 129-Milk inspection A. Salaty Mildc Inspector ............ ....$ 2;520'.00 $ '2,772.00 A. Salary Assistant ...................... .... 2,400.00 E. Equipment ............................... ... 160.00 .160.00 G. Material and Supplies .... ...... ... 190.00 100.00 Total ..............._.,..............,.....,........ .,..$ 2,780.00 $ 5,432.00 SUBTOTALS GROUPIIl-HEALTH AND SANITATIOiN ..................... ....$ 52,&8A.00 $ '53,719.00 GROUP IV-HIGHWAYS AND STRL° ETS Item 131-Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Timekeeper .................. ....$ 2,616.00' $ 2,880.00 A. Maintenance ... .........._...._._..._.. ..... 100.00 100.00 ,. Material and Supplies .__.___ __ 150.00 150.00 Total ................................................... ....$ 2,806.00 $ 3,130.00 Item 132-Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated Fund) A. ZZ'ages'Laborers ....................... ....$ 23,250.00 $ 2G,OOO.OQ E. Equipment ............................_.............. ....... 6,000.00 6,000.00 F. Maintenance ........._._......_ ............... ._._ 5,;)00.00 6,000.00 G. Material and Supplies .._.._,... ...... 5,500.00 10,600.00 J. Gradin€' .....__ ..................................._.... ....... 5,000.00 10,000.00 Total ................................................... ....$44,750.00 $ 67,000.0'0 Item '1'35-Street Construction Fu nd J. Street Construction .._ .............. .... $ 66,000.00 Item 133-City Garage (Consolidated Fund) A, Sailaries Mechanics ................. .....$ 8,'P59.Q0 $ 9,760.00 C. Office _ ............................................... ....._ 75.00 15.00 L;. Equipment ............................................ ...... 500.00 500.00 F. ;4Taintenance ....._..........,._......_ ...... ....... 400.00 400.00 G. yaterial and Supplies .... .. ..._ 325.00 325.00 H. Heat, Light and Power .... ._..~ 2,000.00 2,000.00 I. Insurance ....,......._....._........._.._...._ ..~... 50.00 50.OP Total ......:.......................................... .....$ ll2;100.00 ~$ 13,100:00 Special Session; March 16th, 1946 41 Item 134--Ash and Can Collections (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 1$509.00 $ 14;099,00 F. Maintenance ... ........__...__ .............._ 1,400.00 1,400.00 G. Material and Supplies ...,_...._..... 500.00 500A0 Total ...................................................._.$ 14,400.00 $ 15,900.09 Item 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consolidated Fund) H. Street Lighting and `rrafffc ~Sig'nals ........................... ................ $ 3'6,500.00 $ 40,500.00 Item 140-Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laiborers $ 42;500.00' $ 13,T50.00 E. Equipment ....................................... x00.00 500.00 F. Maintenance ... _...__....___._..__ _... 3,500.00 3,500.00 G. Material and Supplies ............._.... 800.00 800.00 Total ...:.....................................................$'17,300.00 $ 18,550,00 Item 141-Snow Removal (Consolidated Fund) A. Labor _......_....__....._. ................_.....___.._.$ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 F:. Equipment ._.....__ .................................. 500.00 800.06 F. Aaintenance _.........._..,...._.........._..... 1,600.00 1,009.00 G. ?tdaterial and Supplies ....,....._.. 550.00 560.00 Total ......................................._................_....._..$ 5;950.00 $ 3,950.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IV, HIGH- WAYS AND STREETS .........,,,-$137,166.D0 $223,130.00 GROUP V-LIBRARY Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue A. Salary Librarian .......................$ 2,760.00 $ 3,000,D0 A. Salary Reference Librarian .... 2,100.00 2,340.09 A. Salary Cataloguer ........................ 1,902.00 2,142.00 A. Salary Juvenile Librarian ....... 1;770.OP 2,010.00' A. Salary Cfneulatiou Head (past time) .................................................. 1;G26.OOi 1,137.00 A. ~Sal~ary School Librarian ..._....... 1,.62'6.00 1,86$,00 A. Salaay Asst, of Circulation Head ........................_.......................: 1;626.00 1,866.00 A. ~Sabaries 'Genet~l Asst. (3)...,.. 6,'700.0'0 4,860,OP A. Salary 'Caretaker ........................ 1,890.00 2,130.00 A. Salary Extra Help ..............._. 1;600.00 3,649.00 B. Travel Expense ................................_... 100.00 100.00 C. Office Expense ........._._ ...................._ 100.00 150.OD D. Printing ......._...._........_......._ ................ 50.00 50.00 E. Books and periodicals ......:...... 7,200.00 6,780.OtM P'. Binding ............................................. 4,fi00.00 1,900.00 F-1. Bailding Rapairs ............................................ 5;OOOA0 G. Material and Supplies ........,. 1,750.00 1,700.00 H. Heat, Light and Water ..,,,...._, 2,300.00 2,500.00 I. lYisurauce .......................................... 400.00 " 408.00 -- --- Total ..........................._..,..................._.$ 39,009.00 $ 43,588.00 QLiba•ary Trax-$39,750.00; Lfrbr~ary Tax A gricultttral Lan d $97.OP; 'Mds. Library 'Revenue~$2;500.00 ; Balance on Hand-$1,211.OOj GROUP VI-PARK FUND Ite m 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superintendent .............$ $400.00 $ 2,5RD.00 B. Travel ....._..__....._ ............._............__..... 50.00 50.00 C. Office ............._..,..........._............_, ._ 100.00 100.00 D. Printing and Advertlsing ...._.. 60.00 60.00 J. 94iscellaneous ___...._....,.._......__._....... 15.00 15.00 Total ...._.._. ...................._..,.....,..._................._.. $ 2,625.00 $ 2,805.00 Item 1446-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Laborers ......_...._._.._.$ 16,OOOAD $ 15,30D.00 C. Forestry .........__........_,.........._......,.... 500.00 400.00 E, Equipment .........._ ............................_...._ 600.00 600.00 F. P~faintenanoe ......................................... 1,600.00 1,400A0 G. Material and Stpplies ...__,....__... 2,000.00 1,800.00 H. Heat, Light, 1Fater and Telephone ..........:..._..................._........ 1,800.00 1,800.00 I. Insurance ....._,........._......_.._ ...........:....._.... 700.00 700.00 J-1 , Renovations and Replace- ments ......................................_....._...,._..._ 100.x0 lao.oo J-2. Interest, Reserves and As- sessments ...........................:.....__..,.. 55A0 62,00 Tota'~l .._,......._ ......:...............................-.$ 23J355.OOi $ 22,162,00 SliBTO'1'SI,S GROUP VT-PARK FUND ..................................................$ 25,980.00 $ 24,967.09 (Park Tax--+$22,267; Misc. Park Revenues- ti$2,7U0,) r" 42 ~ Special Session, March 16th, 1946 GROUP VII-PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Item 145A-Recreation Administration A Salary Director .........................$ 2,400.00 $ 2,640,00 . A iSalarY Office He~A ~~••~~~•••••••~~~•°- 3 U 10 . B Trxsel ....................._...._.,............_..,,......... 50 0 50.00 . C Office .........._ .................._......._.......,_._-.._. 120.00 120.00 . F Maintenance oP C~~ar .................. 240.00 300.00 . G. Material and Supplies ................. 250.00 -- 250.00 - Tota1 ............................................._.........$ 4~020.Ob $ 4,476A0 Ite m 1458-Outdoor Recreation A. Salaries Supervisors, Directors, $ : 6 250.00 $ 6,250.00 A .......................................................... Etc . ........... Wages of Laborers .................... , 750.00 750.00 •. . E. Egnipnnent .........:...~....................;... 1;500.00 1,100.00 F Slaintenanre .......................___............ 700.04 100.00 . G Material and Supplies ~-------- . H. Light ........-..,_ ......................-....................... 600.00 600.00 I. Insurance ............................_...._,..........-. ;,00.00 500.00 T'otal ..................................................... ~ u,oxo.oo $ losoD.oD Ite m 145D-Indoor Recreation A. Wages ........................................................$ 900.00 $ 900.00 C Office ............._.-........._................................. 25.00 25.00 . F.. Equpiment ..-....,_ ....................._......._._ 800.00 300.OD F. Maintenance ..................._......__..,-.... 500.00 500.06 G. Material and Supplies .:............... 400.00 400.00 H. Beat and Light -.............. 400.00 400.00 Total ...._- ..................-...................................._.....,$ 2,525.00 $ 2,625.00 Item 145E-Swimming Pool A Salary Superintendent ....... ..........$ ,950.00 $ 450.00 . A Salaries Guards (4) ....._....,._ .._...... 900.00 000.00 . A Salaries Attendants _........ _......., 1,300.00 1,300.00 , F. Maintenance ................................_.., -,....... 450.00 450.40 G. Material and Supplies -...-. .---. 950.00 H. Light and Power .......,..-_--... ...-... .,00.00 300,00 I. Instu~ance .._ .............................. ~....... 299.00 259.00 Total ....................................................$ 4,049.00 $ 4,009.00 Item 146-Improvement and Care of Grounds F. Maintenance ---------- -------------$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 J. Lnprovement of Grounds ..... 4,000.00 6,000.00 Tota1 ................-..-........,....................-....~.............$ 5,000.00 $ 7,000.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VII-PIay- gnomids and Swinming Poal....$ 2$'594.00 $ 28,610.00 (Playgrounds and Swimming Pool Tax-$17,83.5.00, Board of Education-$6,000.00; Swimming Pool Receipts -52,500.00; Skatin, Receipts-$200.00; Misc. Receipts- $75.00; Balance on Hand-$2,000.00.) GROUP VIII-MISCELLANEOUS Item 147-Planning and Zoning (Cons olidated Fund) J. 1tllscellaneous ......,..... - ....................$ 25.00 25,OD $ Item 148E-Ambulance A Salaries Drivers (2) ........_.,.._$ 4,305.00 $ 4,S72.OD . F Maintenance ..._.,.......__._._............ 280.00 280.OD . G :Material and Supplies .......-..-.... 360AO 350.OD . I. lusurance 225.00 225.00 Totat .....................................................$ 5,163.00 $ 5,727.00 Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous J-1, Iov-a League of Municipalf- : $ 80.00 $ 80.00 J-2. ._ ties .-._ ...............,.......-....,.......................-..... Damages .........................................._ __-.~ 3,300.00 3,800.00 J-3 Printing Council Proceedings 2,100.00 2,700.00 . J-5 State Examiners ....................._........ 2,000.00 2,000.00 . J-6. Repairs to Town Clock .........-... 500.00 500.00 J-7. A1isc. Unclassified ..........,_.___.. 3,100.00 3,100.00 J-8. Wcrkmeu's Compensation hr snrance .................................................._.._... 1,500.00 1,500,00 J-9. Interest on Warrants ...,.__..._. 125.00 126.00 Tota] .............._._..,........................_........._._.-.......$ 13,305.00 $ 13,•",05.00 1S- SUBTOTALS GROUP VIU-~I 0 O~p 1 057 9 $ roar„r.~,~rE'OUS 18,493.0 ~ . $ , Special Session, iVlarch 16th, 1946 GROUP IX-MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES (Consolidated Fund) Item 152-Market Master A, Salary Market -laster ..............$ 1,780.00 $ 1,959.00 F. Maintenance ..........._ ................................ 20.OD 20.44 G. Material and Supplies ................... 65.00 65,00 J. Miscellauemts ...................................... 20.00 20.00 Total .....................~......,.,.............,,.....,~ l,sa5.oo ~ 2,D~s4,DD SUBTOTALS GROUP IX-MARK- ETS AND PUBLIC SCALES ....$ 1,885.00 $ 2,OG4,PD GROUP X-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Consolidated Fund) _ 1945-46 1916-47 Appropriations Ap propriations Itern 1GD--Post•War Improvements J. Post-War Projects ....................$ 10,000.00 $ 62,000,00 Item ifi1-Bridge Construction J. Catfish Creelt Bridge .................. $ 26,716.00 Item 162-Assessments and Sewers J-1, City's Shale of Special As- sessments .............._................._.................$ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 J-2, Main Sewers and Inlets ........ 3,500.00 20,284.0,0 Total ....~,... ....................................._.............._.$ 8,500.00 $ 26,284.00 SUBTOTAL GROUP Y-MUNICI- PAL IMPR~OVENIENTS ..............$ 18;500.00 $115,000.00 GROUP XI-PENSION FUNDS Item 154-Police Pensions J-'1. Police Pensions ...........................$ 1b,86S.00 $ 16,641.00 J-2, Police Retirement System .... fi,613.0~0 5,Gll.00 -.- Total ....................................,....,,.,...,.,$ 22,451.00 . $ 22,252.00 (Police Pension Tax-$16,191,00; Balance on dian'd and Pay Dedttctlons .from Members-$450.00 ;) (Police Retirement Tax-$5,611.00.) Item 155-Fire Pensions J-1. Fire Pensions ......................_.....,$ 25,827.00 $ 23,2x3.00 J-'2. Fire Retirement ~~Systetn .........,9;155.00 8,721.00 Tota-1 .,.~ ...................................................$ 3b,U12.0O ~$ 31,924.00 (Fire Pension Tax-$22,553,00; Bala-nce ou Hand and Pay Deductions Prom 119embers-$650.00;) (Fi re Retire- ment Tas-$S,T21;00.) SUBTOTALS GROUP XI-PEN- ~SIONS ....................................................$ 57,493.00 $ 54,176,00 GROUP XII-DEBT SERVICE item 161J-1-City Bonds and Interest A-1. interest on Bonds ...._._.........-.........$ 18,931.00 $ 8,008.00 A-,;. Seaver Bond Redemption -__..-.. 40,00200 35,000.00 A-4. Improvement Bonds Redemp- tion ...._ ............................_............................ 35,OOO.C6 40,000.00 A-5. Funding Bond Redemption ...... 57,000.00 10,000A0 A-6. Reserve ............................................ 1,877:00 5,357.00 Tota9 .......................................................$147,811.00 $ 98,365:00 (General Bond Fund-$'57,36'6.00; Improve ment Bond Sinking Fund~15,000.00; Consolidated Fund- $11,000.00; Water W'orke Funds-$15,OOOAQ.) Item 161J-2,-Dock Bonds and Interest A-1. Interest on Dock Bonds ......-......$ 2,062.10 $ 895.00 A-2. Doclc Bond Redemption ...........- 2fi,000.00 27,OOO.OD A-3. Reserve ........................................... 4'fi4;50 984.00 Total ..,-............~ ..............................:........$ 28,'527.x0 $ 28;879.OD (Dock Bond and Interest Fund-$28,579.00.) Item 103J-2,-Airport Bonds and Interest A-1. lnterest on Airport Bands .....-..$ 840.00 $ 705.00 A-2. Airport Bond Redemption ... 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 __ Total ........................................................-.,..............$ 18,840.00 $ 18,705.00 (Airport Fund-$18,70b.00.) SUBTOTALS GROUP XII-DEBT SERVICE ..~.......~ .................................$195,173,00 $14b,949.OD 43 44 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 I { EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Rese rve in General 124sc. Revenues $ 18'4.00 $ 111.00 GROUP XIII-DOCKS 1945-46 1946-47 Appropriations Appro priations I Item 153A-Dock Operation A. Salaries Engineers ..................__.....-$ #20.00 $ 420.00 B. Travel ...,__ ............................_...................... 150.00 200.OD ~~ F. Maintenance ............................. 100,00 100.00 G. A4aterlal and Supplies ......__....._ 75.00 76.00- I. Insurance ...............-....................:.............- 900.00 °00.00 J-1. Traffic Association Service .... 300.00 500,00 J-2, I [mprovemerts ._.......__....._ ................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 , J-3. 1liscellaneous ......................._..... 700.00 700,00 Total .................................__.............__....,...-.....$ 3,645.00 $ 3,695.00 Item i536-Dredge Operation A. Salaries Enginoers -.,-.-_...,.....__$ 180.00 $ 180GD A. Salaries Operators ................................ 7,000.00 7,000.00 A. Wages Laborers ...................... 3,600.00 4,500.D0 F. Nlaintenarce and P.epairs _.._ 2,000.00 2,400A0 G. NTaterial and Supplies ....._,-..-.. 1,5D0.00 1,500.04 H. Electric Po`ver ..............._._..-.._......... 5,000.00 5,000.00 I. Marine Insurance ...................... 728.75 729.00 1. Workman's Compensation ln- snrance ..........................._...___............. 400.00 600.00 J. Npisce]baneous ..... ......................... 3'65.25 324.00 Total ..........,._..... _ ................_.,....._$ 20,664.00 $ 21,533.00 Item 153C-River wont Improvement A. \Vages ............._. $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 E. Trncking ................_......,.._.................... 1,000.00 500.00 E. Equipmant ...................._......................... 1,000.GO 1,000.00 E. Tools .....,....._ .................................._.._.......... 200.00 200.00 G. Material and Supplies ......_,....... 2,000.00 1,700.00 Total ...._ ................................_..,.....-............_.-....$ 5,200.00 $ 3,900.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP RIII- D,OC!KIS ...............................................:$ 29;509.00 $ 29,428.00 (Dock Tax-$17,835.00; 'Misc. Dock Reve nues-$11,- 593.00. ) GROUP XIV-AIRPORT Item 157-Airport Rund F. Maintenance ........_ ..................._...-......$ `1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 I. Lisurance .............._....,....._......-.....-..._ 500.00 500.00 J. Airport Develoq~m'ent ........._....... 21,836.04 58,728.00 _ ,_ Total .......................................................$ 24,836.00 $ 61,728.00' (Airport Tax-$34,725.00; Airport Balance and Rev- enu es-$27,000.00. ) GROUP XV-WATER WORKS (Self•Supporting) Receipts Estimated Balance ou Hand April 1, 1946 ...............................................$ 20,000.00 $250,000.00 Estimated Meter Sales .._ ..................-...... 145,000.00 165,000.00 Estimated Flat Rate Sales ............... 250.00 250.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,.50.00 ",25G.00 Estimated Nm1-Operation Serv#ce 2,500.00 2,600A0 Estimated Sales Tax Collections ._. 3,000.00 3,200.00 Total ..................._..,...........................$173,000.00 $413,200.00 } DISBURSEMENTS Item 149A-Administration A. 97alary Superintendent and and Cashier ....................................$ 4,000.00 $ 4,400.00 A. Salary Accountant .................._.. 2,6'22.00 2,886.00 A. Salary Stenographer and .Clerk .............................:.............~....,.. 2,082.00! 2,292.00 4 k 1,086.00 1,854.00 A. Man!a~ger ( 25%a).... Salary CLty 1,938.00 2,132.00 A. Salary 'Gity Attditor (25%)~~~• 735.00 808.00 A. Salary City Treasurer (25%) 720.00 792,00 ,0 _-er- :_ ~, Special Session, March 16th, 1146 B. Travel ....-........._................_...,..........- .............. 125.00 125.00 C. flffiee Expense and Postage 1,200.00 1,200.00 D, Printing and Advertising ...- 400.00 400.00 E. Equipment ......................................_......... 1,150.00 1,150.00 F. n4a.intenance ........................................... 300A0 300.00 G. BTateria] and Supplies ..._....... 800.00 800.00 L .Insurance ........_.......,-......_,....-. _.._. 75.00 75.00 J-1. Post-War Projects .................... 10,000:04 245,000,00 J-2. Miscellaneous ...............-_...................... 340A0 34000 J-3. State Sales Tax ...,..-._ ............... 3,000.00 3,204.00 Total ......................................................$ 31,173.00 $2,67,754.00 Item 149E-Water Operation A. Salary Field Engineer .,......_.. ..$ 3,006,00 $ 3,306.00 A. Sa~Pary Plant ~Cfhief Engineer .. 2;T4'2.00 3,0!18.00 A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6) .. 14,076.OD 15,480.00 A. Wages EBtra :Station Laboc. .. '3,000.00 3,000,00 A. Salary Tapper and Hydran t .1Tan ...._. ............................................ .. 2,214.00 2,650:00 A. ~Salar3' Meter Service Man ....,. .. 2,082.00 2,29'2.00 A. Salary Meter !Reliair Man .... .. 2,4'12.00 2;052.00 A. Salary Meter Reader ............ .. 2,0'82.00 2,292.00 A, !Salary Asst. 1Teter Repairer .. 2,148.00 2,3G4.00 A. -Salary General Forenu~n _... .. 2,84L00 3,126,00 A. S'alaay Asst. Foreman ...~...... .. 2,2!14.00 2,436.00 A. Svages Laborers _..-_.._.__.._.,... -. 11,280.OD 11,280.00 E. Iquipment ................................-,_-.. .. 10,000.00 1Q000.00 F. 11laictenance .. ._........._........___... . 12,000.00 12,000AO G. Material and Supplies ........-....._ . 2,000.00 2,000.00 H. Heat, Light and ]'over _... - 25,000.00 25,000.00 1. lnsurance .._ ............._.......,...,......_..... _ 1,000.00 1,500.00 J-1. Water 54a1n Material _._._..,.. .. 10,000.00 10,000.00 J-2, Obher Betterments .................. .. 1Q,405.00 ll,295.00 J-3. Store Reserve ._....._........_.........._- , 3,000.00 3,000.00 J-4. ilTiscellaneous _ ....................._..._....... _" 1,000AO 1,000,00 Total ................................................... ---- .$12G,D02.00 $129,621.00 GFAND TOTAL, WATER WOILT~S APPROPRIATIONS ....._........._._... ..$157,175.00 $397,375.00 NON-API'ROYRIATIONS F.E- SERVE ....-..-_- ........................:.........__...-.... .......$ 825.00 $ 825.00 TRANSFER TO CITY INDEBTED - NESS ....._ ..................................................... ..$ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 Total ................................................... ..$173,000.00 $413,200.00 RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPR IATIONS AND RESERV ES (a) Oity Operation, Group I to IZ, Inclusive ................................$ 014,986.06 $ 803,160.P0 (b) ATtmicipal Improvements, Group X ......~ ............................. 18,600.00 115,000.00 (c) Reserve in Gen Misc. Revenues ..................................... 184.00 17.1.00 (d) Pensions, Group XI .......... '67,493.00 54,176A0 (e) (Debt Service Group XIL..... 195,173.00 145,949.00 (f) Doclcs, Group YPI4 .............. 29,509.00 29,423.00 (g) Airport, Group YIV .........,.. 24,536.00 61,728.00 (h) Water Works, Group Nom.,.. 1517;176.00 397,3755A0 (i) Water Works Reserve ... 82'5.00 325.00 Total ..............................................$1 ,098,656.00 $1,607,758.00 Taa Revenues .......................~.:$ T32,4G6.00 $ 810,779.00 Misc. Revenues and esti- mated Balance April ], 1946 ..............................................$ 193,220.00 $ 383,779.00 Water YVorlts Revenue and Balance on Hand April 1, 1946 .......................................................$ 173,686A0 $ 413,200.00 Total .,.......~ .....................................$1 ,098,686.00 $1,607,758.00 45 46 Special Session, March 16th, 1946 Resolution No. 18-46. Whereas, a detailed distribution of proposed expenditures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beg'inning' April 1, 1946, and ending March 31, 1947 has been duly pre- pared by the City Manager and submitted to this Council for ap- proval; and Whereas, this Council has exam- ined the detailed distribution of pro- posed expenditures, wherein esti- mates of the expenses of the de- parttr~ents and purposes are shown, including the estimates for which the consolidated tax levy and all other levies heretofore made, re- ceipts from moneys and credits and miscellaneous sources are to be used, and said distribution shows all of the proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year; Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said detailed distribution of proposed ex- penditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1946 and ending March 31, 1947, as heretofore pre- pared, be and the same is hereby adopted and approved. Passed, adapted and approved this 16th day of March, 1946, F. W. THOMPSON. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. ALBERT WHARTON. GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councihnan Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Ordinance No. 3.46. An Ordinance making appropriations for the ex- penditures of city government of the City oY Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1946 and ending March 31, 1947, pre- sented and read, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended require- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing Vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance he placed on file with the City Clerk for public in• spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehnah, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Ceuncil- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Adopted .................................... 1946. Approved ................................ 1946. Councilmen: { ..................................... Atteet : ................................................ City Clerk. Special Session, March 21st, 1946 47 ^ ~ 1 (Official) Special Session, March 21st, 194G. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present - Niayor Thompson, ' Councilmen Moffat, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Couu- cilmen Murphy and Van Duelman. Mayor Thompson read the call and stated that service thereof lad been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of cmisidering various petitions requesting a•ezoning' of tlei~~ property and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Notice of Claim of Victor Hand- ley in the amount of $100.00 far injuries sustained in a fall on a defectve sidewalk in the soutl- east entrance to Washington Park, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the Notice of Clainr be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol• lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thotnpsou, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of County Audi- tor Dayltin advising that the Board of Supervisors have ac- cepted an offer of $100.00 on Lot 7 O'Taylors Sub, and X50.00 on Lots 3 and 9 O'Taylors Sub. made by Mary L++'. Lattner, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be re- ceived and tiled. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Catn•ied by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Communication of A. P. Maclay suggesting that the site for the new fire station be located at Delhi Street and Grandview Avenue instead of the site now beisyg considered at Ctirandview Avenue and Dodge Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the com- munication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duehnah. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Cmnmunication of Nlrs. Joseph Jacobson, Chairman Plublic Re- lations Committee of the Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association, ask- ing that a proclamation be issued prociaimingr April 713 as "Know Yottr Pttblic Health Nurse Week", presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the connmunf• cation be received and complied with and that the Mayor be auth- orized to issue a proclamation as requested. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cihnen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Norte. Petition of Hyde Claa~k Wotnens Relief Corps requesting permis- sion to hold a tag day on Saturday, April 6th, 1946, presen,~ted and read. Councilmah Van Duehnah moved that the request be granted. Seconded by CouncIlman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the Dubuque Unit of the American Cancer Society re- quest'ing permission far the hold- ing of a tag day on Saturday, April 20th, 1946, presented and read. Councilman Van Dueluran moved that the request be granted Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Tlompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Mm•phy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Original Notice of Suit of Dave O'Connell, Plaintiff vs City of Dubuque, Defendant, in the amount of $2,500.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on icy crossing on the northerly side of West Fifth Street between Main and hocust Streets, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Original Notice of Suit be referred to the City Solicitor. 48 Special Session, March 21st, 1946 Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Caried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Petition of Joseph Busch et al, property owners of 3108, 3110, 3114, 3118, 3120 Jackson Streot and 215 Liebe Street, requesting the installation of a sanitary sewer to serve their property, presented and read. Coutxcihnan Wharton moved that the request be granted and a plat and schedule ordered prepared showing the proposed assessment to be levied against each lot for the construc- tion of said sewer. Seconded by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the following Grote; Yeas---Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, VanDuel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. March 18, 19.16 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the reports of the City Auditos•, City Treasurer City Waterworks, and City Health Department, also a list of claims and list of payrolls for which war- rants were drawn during the month of February, 1946. Respectively submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councfl- xnen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. March 21, 1946. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following policy and desire to have your approval on same far filing: Taxi-Cab Joseph C. Ryle (City Cab Co.), 1735 Alta Vista Street, Policy No. 14 P 10190fi, American Casualty Ca. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG City Manager, Councilman Murphy moved that the Bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Gonncihuan Wharton. Carried by the following~ vote: Yeas-- Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. 114arch 20, 1946. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Because of the pronounced in- crease in population of this muni- cipality and the consequent lack of housing, the Planing and Zon• ing Conunission with the know- ledge and approval of the City Council has been studying the problem of easing this shortage by means of rezoning certain areas now classified as two family dis- tricts into multiple family dis- tricts. The Commission feels that cer• taro districts now lend themselves to this rezoning even when the efect of such rezoning is consid- ered over a long period of time. The Commission respectfully calls the Council's attention to the fact that wholesale rezoning of large areas in this period of crisis ap- peax°s very desirable, but it will actually work to the detriment of the majority of the land owners a very few years from now, and that this hardship may not be relieved for possibly another century. The Commission will, however, cottr time its study of rezoning and recommend changes as rapidly as dependable studies can be made. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission respectfully recommends to the City Council the rezoning from Two-Family Classification to Multiple Patnily Clasification all that area included in the Two- Family Zoue bounded on the southerly side by 22nd Street, otx the easterly side by the Chiaag~o, Great Western tracks, on the northerly side by the City limits, and the westerly side by a line 100 feet west of the westerly aide of Central Avenue. Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLAN- NING AND ZONING COMMISSION By R. V. McI~AY, Secretary. Special Session, Nlarch 21st, 1946 49 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion be approved and the City Soli- citor requested to prepare the prop- er proceedings, Seconded by Coun• cihnan Murphy. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Mm•phy, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. March 21, 1946. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentienren; The Planning and Zoning Cont- missiou respectfully recommends to the City Council the rezoning of all that area bounded by the fol• lotiving~ line from Single Family of Two Family Classification to Multiple Family Classification: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Higlil~and Place and West Eleventh Street proceed- ing in a northerly direction on the center line of Highland Plaee'to the extension of the northerly property line of lot number 827 of Sub, of 824, McDaniel's Sub., thence westerly along the northerly property line of the said lot number 827 to the centerline of the alley first west of Highland Place, thence southerly along the cen- terline to the extension of the north property line of Lot 8 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824, thence westerly along- the northerly property line of Lots 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824, thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot number 4 of Sub of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824 to the centerline of West Eleventh Street, bhence westerly along the centerline of West Eleventh to the centerline of the alley first east of Center Street, thence northerly on the centerline of the alley first east of Center Street to the centerline of Rose Street, thence westerly on the centerline oY Rose Street to the centerline of the alley first east of Belmont Street, thence northerly on the centerline of the alley first east of Behnaut Street to the extension of the southerly property line of Lot number 16 of Sub of Lot 3 of M. L. 90, thence easterly along the southerly property line o~ said lot to the centerline of Cum- minx Street, thence northerly along the centerline of Cummins Street to the centerline of Loras Blvd., thence westerly along the centerline of Loras Blvd. to the centerline of the alley first west of Alta Vista, thence south along the centerline of the alley first west of Alta Vista to the centerline of Martha Street, thence westerly along the centerline of Martha Street to the centerline of Nevada Street, thence southerly along the centerline of Nevada Street to a line 100 feet north of the north- erly side of University Avenue, thence easterly and south easterly along this line 100 feet north of the northerly side of University Avenue to the line 100 feet north of the northerly side of Robinson Street, thence easterly along the line 100 feet north of the northerly side of Robinson Street to the extension of the centerline of the alley first west of Bluff Street between 10th and 11th Streets, thence northerly along the ex- tension of the centerline of the said alley and along the centerline of said alley to the centerline of West Eleventh Street, thence westerly along the centerline of West Eleventh Street to the cen- terline of Highland Place, the point of beginning. Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION By R. V. McI{AY Secretary Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be approved and the City Solicitor requested to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Council- man Murphy, Carried by the follow- ing vote; Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Van. Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolu4ion No. 19-46 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following, having cmn- plied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be grattted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed '4 1 50 Special Session, March 21st, 1946 I I 1 ,~.,.,, ~: ~to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Sylvester Weiner and Dolores Weiner (Effective 4.1-4G). 201 East 22nd Street, Leo Wanger (Effectivo 4.1-46), b63 Eighth Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of 114arch, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, `V, W, MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerlc. Councilman Van Duehnan. moved the. adoption of the resohr tion. Secmided by Connciinen Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun• cilmeu Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 20-46 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,RESOLVED by the Coun• cil of the City of Dubuque that the following applicatimis be granted and the Ifcenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Paul P. Kehoe and Kathryn Kehoe, 1120 University Avenue. Charles Clancy and Mari e Clancy, 236 West First Street. Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab, 1575 Central Avenue. Mrs. Anna Heiar, 1?00 Wash- ington Street. Roy A. Wright and Esther Wright, 2600 Jackson Street. Henry Jansen aucl Lucille Jan• sen, 55 East 7th Street. Paul Dillon and Joseph Dillon, 2117 Rhoniherg Avenue. Sylvester Weiner and Dolores Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street. Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine Nicks, 103 East 22nd Street, (Transfer of address Prom 201 East 22nd Street,) Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1590 Ehu Street (Transfer of address h'om 1698 Maple Street) Class "C" Permit George E. Duscher, 2831 Central Avenue Passed, adopted and approved- this 21st day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Couhcihnan Van Duehnan moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• Tied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt; Murphy, Van Duel, man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 21.46 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval. of this Council, and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com• ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby direct- ed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. Class "B" Permit Name Address Paul P. Kehoe and Kathryn I{eiioe, 1120 University Avenue Charles Clancy and Marie Clancy, _. 236 West First Street Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab, 1675 Central Avenue Mrs. Anna Heiar, 1900 Washing- ton Street Roy A. Wright and Esther Wright, 2600 Jackson Street Henry Jansen and Lucille Jan- sen, 55 East 7th Street Paul Dillon and Joseph billion, 2417 Rhomberg Avenue Sylvester Wester and Dolores Weiner, 201 East 22nd Sheet Merchants Hotel (Roger M. Bertsch), 310 Main Street Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine Nicks, 103 East 22nd Street (Transfer of address from 201 East 22nd Street) .,~~ ~...as...._.~~..~ .... _ WuwuuuWUe~._~,~ ,... .. - - Special Session, March 21st, 1946 S1 ' Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1590 Ehn Street (Transfer of address from 1698 Maple Street) Class "C" Permit George E. Duscher, 2831 Central Avenue Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Gouncih men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehnan, Wharton, Nays-None. Petition of Melvin D. Harms and Arthur Weiler, owners of Lots 28 and 29 of O'Neil Riverview Addi- tion and Lots 111 and 112 of Bel- mont Addition, requesting the vaca• tfon of the alley between their properties, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Maym~ Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. , Petition of E. F. Hornung et al requesting the vacation of the al• ley lying between Brunswick Street and Burden Avenue froth Grove• laud Place to O'Neil Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the plan- ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded lty Counehlntau Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duehnan, Wharton. Nays-None. Commmiication of Philip Oeth submitting offer in the amount of $75.00 for the purchase of the Mid• dle one-third of Lot No. 2 of the Sub, of Lot No. 73 in Glendale ad• dition, presented and read. Councilman Van Duehnan moved that the offer be accepted and the City Solicitor requested to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Oden E. Brown et al requesting the installation of a sewerage system to serve their property on Cherry Street, Finley Street, Green Street, Popular Street, Seminary Street, St. Am- brose street and Hazel Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that a survey he trade and a plat and schedule ordered prepared showing the cost to be assessed against each lot for the construction of said sewer as requested. Seconded by Comncilman Moffatt. Carried by the fo]lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• then Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Alfred Rehfeldt et al asking that a sanitary sewer he put in St. Ambrose Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that a survey be made and a plat and schedule ordered prepared showing the costto be assessed against each lot for the construction of said sewer as requested. Seconded by Couhcihnan Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Due1- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Clifford W. Patch et al asking that necessary steps be taken to have a sanitary sewer in- stalled on Villa Street and Flor-~ ence Street, presented and read. Couttcihuan Murphy moved that a survey be made and a plat and schecluie ordered prepared showing the cost to be assessed against each lot for the construction of said sewer as requested. Seconded by Councilman Van Duehnan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- 52 Special Session, March 21st, 1946 men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- . man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of James M. Parker et al requesting improvement of the storm sewer extending South from Rosedale Avenue along the Easterly side of Lot 1 and Lot 10 of Rosedale Addition No. 2, pre- sented and read. Councihuan Murphy moved that a survey be made and the City Manager requested to submit a re• port back to the City Council. Sec- o~ded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of County Audi- for Daykin advising that the Board of Supervism•s have accepted an offer of $25.00 made by Edgar A. Schmitz on the South 17 feet 5 inches of Lot 5 and North 8 feet of Lot 6 of Levi's Addition, pre• seated and read, Councilman Whar- ton moved that the Gity Solicitor be requested to prepare the proper resolution approving the sale of said property to Edgar A. Schmitz. Seconded by Councihuan Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-&Iayor Thompson, Council- man Moffatt, Mm'Phy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business Councihuan Van Duelman moved to adjourn, Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- . man, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerli. Approved ......................_.....,....1946. Adopted ....................................1946. P.ttest : ................................................ City Clerk. Special Session, 112arch 26th, 1946 53 11'Iayor Thompson read the call °, ®~ ®p ~ ~' ] ' ' ! ~~ , r "1 ~ ~ i ~,~ ~~'I ~ L~ ~ and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ~- ing is called for the purpose of cau- (Officia!) vassing the vote cast at the Gen- eral Municipal Election held March Special Session, March 26th, 1946 26th, 1946 and acting on any other Council met at 7:30 p.m• business as may properly come be• Present -Mayor Thompson, fore a regular meeting of the City Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Council. Duelman, Wharton, City Manager The vote of the General Munici- Rhomberg~. pal Election held March 26th, 1946, Meeting called by order of Coun• was then canvassed and showed cilmen Murphy and Moffatt. the following results; Term Commenein; Term Com mencing Park Totul the firilt ~Imiday the first Monday Commissioner Nmnber of in April, 1946, in Apri l, 1947. Regular );lectors Teem, 1Pho ~ ~, ,~ h ~ y ~ rntPa. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ y ~ h1 ~ `C "-i ~ H ~ H v C C z G N y y ~ ~ ~ 7 m ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ First 140 267 283 121 151 12S 109 Second 96 299 286 122 168 104 S6 338 282 X283 264 999 315 279 309 280 435 Thiel 153 198 230 171 165 154 X137 284 224 830 310 42'1 Fourth lOG 199 221 110 127 105 h5 229 206 203 199 396 Fifth 129 307 307 118 174 119 97 305 279 326 260 461 Sisth 102 393 339 136 150 148 114 `ecenth 95 138 150 116 110 99 83 334 all 364 322 G13 152 153 153 144 279 Lighth 106 192 197 109 96 102 93 ninth 193 152 163 127 122 102 9B 209 193 206 169 324 180 221 170 151 S38 1'e~rtti 174 298 295 165 183 189 150 287 281 287 265 494 Eleventh 1S6 105 129 131 143 1?3 132 114 140 125 135 283 Tirelfth 2D1 139 150 177 174 153 172 16G 173 170 174 362 13th 266 150 141 2I2 223 206 219 14th 197 183 319 193 181 178 206 138 170 169 21S 418 218 197 209 20D 426 15th 209 183 168 223 176 189 242 1S1 203 184 206 413 1'0711L 2253 3137 3278 2226 2183 2094 2087 3450 3892 x382 3177 5966 Resolution No. 22-46 For Park Conunissioner for the Whereas, the Council of the City Regular Term-Arthur M. Bennett: of Dubuque has met ou this day for the purpose of canvassing the Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved votes east at the general municipal by the City Council of the City of election held on the 25th day of Dubuque that said W. W. Moffatt March, 1946; and and Geo. R. Murphy be and they are hereby declared elected to the Whereas, said Council has ean• office of Councilmen of the City vassed said votes, and the result of Dubuque for the term commenc- determined therefi•om has been iug~ on the first Monday of Apt~l, found to be that the following 1946; and named persons have received the greatest ntunber of votes cast for Be It Further Resolved, that F. the offices of Comlcilmeu and Park W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman Commissioner, to-wit: and Albert Wharton be and they are hereby declared elected to the For Councilmen for the term office of Councilmen of the City commencing' the first Monday of of Dubuque for the term commenc- April, 1946-W. W. Moffatt and ing the first Monday of April, 1947; Geo. R. R4urphy: and For Councilmen for the term Be It Further Resolved that Ar• commencing the first Monday of , April, 1947-F. W. Thompson, thtu• M. Bennett be and he is here- Frank Van Duelman amd Albert by declared to be elected to the Wharton: office of Park Commissioner for a:r- _ ~~ 1 j `( `` ~I 54 Special Session, 1~4arch 26th, 1940 the Regular Term commencing the first of April, 194G, Passed, adopted andapproved this 26th day of March, 1946. ,F. W. THOMPSON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duehnan moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Toompson, Couucil- meu Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Communication of Cyril H. Maiers advising Council that he would like to have the steps lead- ing from Madison Street to Dorgan Place closed as they are in very had condition and dangerous, pre- sented°ond read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds, Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- man Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Conununication of T. J. Hill sub• witting' application for appoint- ment as a Member of the Board of Review far the 1946 term, present- ed and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the commmication be referred to the Council for consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel- mau. Carried by the following vote: Yes-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Cotmmmication of Charles J. Horan, Regional Housing ~' xpedit- er, advising Council that Mr. Wil- son W. Wyatt, National Housing Expediter, has announced a borne building program designed to meet the most urgent need for lousing for the returning veterans and lax asked the Mayors of the cities to appoint a Veterans' Emergency Committee to help with this tre- mendous program, said committee to he composed of representatives from local government, veterans gt•oups, labor, builders, materials producers, financing institutions, and other interested groups, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that. the communication be referred to the Council for consideration at their next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the Continen- tal Casualty Company enclosing Certificate of Compliance showing that they have qualified for the transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the State of Iowa for the year ending March 31, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and the Certificate of Compliance plac- ed on file. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the Board of Dock Comanissfoners stating that they would be pleased to have the City sell the buildings an City Is- land known as the Wunderlich Cot- tage, also the fI°ame farm buildings on what was known as the Papin property, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman'nroved that the communication be referred to the City Manager to advertise for bids and for the sale of the buildings as requested. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• Ivan, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Carr, Adams & Collier Company requesting permission to use approximately one foot (not to exceed lr/a feet) in width of Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street, extending for approximately 100 feet east from Cedar Street as tley are plamting' to erect a lumber shed, also requesting permission to cross Cedar Street with light and Special Session, March 26th, 1946 55 sprinkler alarm wires for this new Notice. of Claim of C. M, Weepie proposed shed, presented and read. in the amount of $11.21 to cover the Councilman Murphy moved that cast of replacing a tine which was the petition be referred to the damaged due to the condition of Council to view the grounds. Sec- the pavement on Eighth Avenue be- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- tween Locust and Bluff Streets, ried by the following vote: presented and read. Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- Councilman Van Duehman moved men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- that the Notice of Claim be re- man, Wharton, ferred to the City Solicitor far in- Nays-None, vestigation and report. Seconded Petition of Charles Howes re• by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by questing a refund in the amount the following vote: of $100.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit as he has discontinued busi- yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- ttess mI March 26, 1946, presented uten Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duet- and t°ead. Iran, Wharton. Councilman Wharton moved that Nays-Noce. the request be grouted and the City Ordinance No. 3-46, An Ordinance Auditor instructed a warrant in the making appropriations far the ex- amount of $100.00 in favor of penditures of city government of Charles Howes to cover the ameunt the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the of refund granted on the unexpired fiscal year beginning April 1, 1946 portion of his Class "B" Beer Per- and ending March 31, 1947, said od• mit No. 132. Seconded by Council- diance having been passed upon mean Murphy. Carried by the follow- first reading ou March 10th, 1946, ing vote: and ordered placed on file with the Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Cotmcil- City Clerk for public inspection for men iVloffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- at least one week before its final man, Wharton. adoption, was presented and read Nays-None. on final adoption. ORDINANCE N0. 3-46 Au Ordinance malting appropi~atio ns for the expenditures of cite gov- ernment of the City oP Dubuque, Iowa ~ , for the Pisral year beginning April 1, t446 and ending March 3L, 1;144. Be It Ordained by the City Counci l of the City oY Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriatedfcom the revenue and funds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, f or payment of the necessary expen- ditures of the city government in the following amounts and for the pur- pose set forth iu the ordinanceto-wit: RECEI PTS Unenetun- From Other bend Prom Fund Taxes P,eceipts Balances Transfers Total Consolidated .................... ...._,,,,-$36o,v37 $ 77,250 X115,000 X15,000 ~ 572,457 Fire 14laiutenance .,.....,...,-.....,.142,501 Pire Egaipmeut ......._ ............. ...:..~ 12 474 050 13,000 156,151 55,009 67 474 Library .............................._......,.... 39,577 Park , 2,500 1,211 43,558 ............................._...,.........,..., 22,267 Ilaygi~ound and Swimming 700 2,000 24,867 Pool ...................... ............... 1(,835 8 775 2,000 2S 610 Police Pension .............. ...._...... 16,191 450 16,641 Fire Pension ................................. 22,553 65; 23,203 Police Retb~emeut ....,....._...,,..... 5,6ll 5,611 Fire Retirement ... _ ........ ........_ 5,721 421 5 General Bonds ...,...._ _ ..... .... ..... 51,365 , 57 365 Dock Bonds .,.._ ........................... 2a,879 28.578 Doclc .,... ___ ......... ...._.,.......,............ 17,835 Airport ..,,,....,_._ ............... ............ 53,43,, 7,683 4,000 29,428 2,000 25,000 80 433 Street Construction .................... , 66,POD 6G,000 Water Works ... ............................ 163,200 250,000 413,200- gs16,77s ~32s,7sa g4s4 211 $15,aon ~1,s22,75s EXPENDITURES GROUP 1. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 101 - Clty L"ouncil ..................~............ .......,...._......,,..,,........,._..,.,......$ 1,700.00 102 -Office of City Manager .,...,,_ ..... ......................................................... 11 769.00 103 -Office of City Clerle ................... , ................. _... .............. .....,.... 3 514 00 104 -Office of City Auditor ........... , . ............. ................... ................ 2 570 00 105 -Office of City Treasurer ............ ... . , ............ ............-......,._...,....... 2 62G.00 106 -Office oY City Solicitor .......... ... , .............. .,.. 5137.00 8 -City Assessor's Office ...... .......... ... ................ 5 713.00 09 -Office of Civil Engineer ........... 113 -Elections , ............... .11,662.00 ............................._.. 114 -City Hall ................ ...... 450.00 ................ ...,..,.._.,.. 4,452.00 '~ 56 Special Session, March 26th, 1946 115 -Police Cou*t ................... ............................... ......................... ......... 1,962.00 ,. 116 - Civil Service Commission ........................................................... .. 200.00 TOTAL GENERAL AllItHNISTRATION ................................_.,.. .$57,255.00 T hese appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fu nd. GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 11S - Police Department ........._ ..............................._.............,...........,,. 5103,509.00 ~ This appropriation shall be paid from the Consolidated Fmt d. Fund. ~, 119A -Fire Department Maintenance ... .............................................. 156,151.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Mainte- Hance Fund. 119B -Fire Equipment ............._.............., ..... ,..._.............._...._ .........,... 07,474.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Equipment Fund. ~ 120 - Fire and Police Alarm System .............................................. 3,242,00 !, 121 - Office of Building Cmnmissioner ,..,_ ............................................ 3,905,00 ~~! 122 - Office of Plumbing Inspector ..................................... .... .... .. 3,150.00 j 123 - Office of Electrical Inspector ..._ ........... ...... ............................ 8,195.00 124 - Dog Pottnd ............................_,..........,.............,..............., ._. 150.00. These appropriations shall be paid fi•om the Consolidated ' Fund, TOTAL PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY,,.....,,... $345,776.00' GROUP III- HEALTH AND SANITATION 1~ 125 - Health Deparhnent .................................................._....,,....,.... $ 17,557.00 126 - Control of Contagious Diseases ... ... ..... ................................ 1,200.00 127 - Sewer Maintenance ............................. ......... .........._......,.....,..... 17,700.00 ' 123 - Garbage Disposal ........................................... ............_..,,.......,... 10,500.00 j 129 - ti[illc Inspection ........................................................................... 5,432.00 ~ TOTAL HEALTH AND SANITATION ............................... $ 55,719.00 These appropriaticns shah be paid from the Consolidated Fund, GROUP IV-HIGHWAYS AND STREETS 131 - Highway Administration ........_ ...................... ............ ...._....... $ 3,130.(10 132 - Street Repairing and Grading ....,_ .......... ................................... 57,000AO These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund, 135 - Street Construction ................... .............................................. 66,000.OD ~~ This appropriation sha1L he paid frmn Street Construction I Fund, 133 - ......,....... City Garage ..... ........................... ... ..., 13,100,00 134 - ,......~..~... : .... ~....... Ash and Can Collections ....,,...... .............. 16,900.00 13S - Street and Traffic Signal f,ighting ................................._,.,. 4D,500.00 I 140 - Street Cleaning ........................................_.,,............................... 15,550.011 ' 141 - Snow Removal _ ................ __,..............._........ _.,.............._ 5,950,00 These appropriations shall be pall from the Consolidated Fund. ' I TOTAL HIGHWAYS AND STREETS .... ...................._..,...... $223,130A0 GROUP V-LIBRARY I - 143 - Library Operations .............................................. ....._,......... $ 43 SSS,UO This appropriation shall be paid Prom the Library Fund. -i _ GROUP VI-PARKS 149A -Pant Administration ....._ ........................................................_.... $ 2,SOS.OU 149B -Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. ..._..„ ................._..........,,..,...........,. 22,102.011 'DOTAL PAR]{S ........................_...._.....,._..,.,,...................._...... $ 24,907.00 These appropriations shall be paid fropti the Park Ftmd. GROUP VII-RECREATION ~ 145A -Recreation Administration $ 4,476.OG 145B -Outdoor Recreation ............................... .........._....-....,,..,......,.....,. 10,0110.00 145D -Indoor Recreation ......................_..,._..,,....,_........... 2,525.On 3.45E . -Swlmuund Pool ,.. ........_ .......................... 4,OD9.00 19G - . Grounds .......,,.._,..,._......,~..._....., Lnprovement andCare of 7,000,00 TOTAL RECREATION ............_.... ,...._ ....._.... ........_..... $ 25,610.00 These approprations shall be paid from the Playground and Swimming Pool I+1md. • ' GROUP VIII-MISCELe_ANEOUS ' 147 - Planning and Zoning .........................................:.....__........... $ 25.00 7.45E -Ambulance .................................._.................,........,...,,...... ,.....,......... 5,727.00 I 14SC -Other Miscellaneous ....................... .. ... ........:............................... 13,305.00 TOTAL DIISCELLANEOUS ..................................... .... .........._... $ 19,057.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Pund. GROUP IX-MARKETS AND SCALES 152 - Office of NTarket Dlaster ......................................._.....,.......... $ 2,064.00 This appropriation shall be paid frmn the Consolidated , ' Fund, I :-'.. ~ ~ ~ ~~ Special Session, March 26th, 1946 57 GROUP X-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS 160J-Post-~Vae Projects .......................... ..........................................$ 02,000,00 161 -Bridge Coustruction ............._,............................................., .... 26,718.00 16271-City's Share of Special Assessments .................._.......,,.......... 6,000.DO 16272-Storm Sewers and Inlets ........................................... ....... ......... 211,284.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS _..... $115,000.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. GROUP XI-PENSIONS 15471-Police Yensions ...................................._,.............,.............. $ 16,(;41.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Police Pension Pund, 15472-Police Retirement System ............................ ...._........._.,.._..., 5,611.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Police Retire- ment Fmtd. 15571-Fire Pensions ....................... ................... ..................... ...._,..._.. 23,203.011 This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Pension Fund. 15572-Fire Retirement System ............ ........... ............................. 5,721.00 This appropriation sl'aIl be paid f^nm the Fire Retirement Fund, TOTAL PENSIONS ..........................................................................$ 54.176.00 GROUP XII--DEBT SERVICE 16171-Retirement of Bonds and Paymen~ oP hrterest ...._.,,...,....,_$ 95,365,00 This appropriation shall be paid frmn the following funds General Bond Fund, $57,365.00; Improvement Bond Sinlting Fund, $15,000,00; Consolidated Fund, $11000.00; Water jVarks Fund, $15,000.00. 16172-Dock Bonds and Interest ................_...........,........,...., __.......,,_ 25,879.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Dock Bond Fund. 16372-Airport Bonds and Tnte,°est .... .... .... .... ......... ..........._,....,, 13,705.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Airport Fund, TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ......................................................,,$145,949.00 EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in Consolidated Fund .. .. ..................... .... .... ......... .$ 111.00 GROUP XIII-DOCKS 153A-Dock Operation ............................ .....~.,.....'...........,............,.....$ 3,695A0 153B -Dredge OPeration . ................................... ............................ 21,533.00 153C -River Front Improvements ...,. ,.,. ,.. 3,900.00 TOTAL DOCKS ........ ......................,.....................,.,._,.... $ 29,425.00 These appropriations shall be paid Prom the Dock Fund. GROUP XIV-AIRPORT 157 ~- Airport ..... ........ .......... ... .................. ....._..... ,.....,............. $ 61,723.00 This appropriation shall he paid from the Airport Fund. GROUP XV-WATER WORKS 149A -Administration .......... .......................................................................$267,754.00 149B -Operatimi ............. ...... ................................ ............... . ............ ...._ 12D,G21.00 Reserve ...,,....._ ........ ................................................ . ... ................. 525.00 Transfer to Debt Serv[ce ................... .._. .,....,,...... ,... _ ,.,..... 15AOg.00 TOTAL WATER WORhS .................. .................................$413,200.00 This department is operated from its receipts and is not sttpported by the tax levy, hence no appropriations Prom tales is made, These appro- priations shall be paid from the Water Works Fund, Section 2. General Miscellaneous Revenues. General miscellaneous revenues which are collected during the fiscal year shall be allocated to the funds and purposes as provider) for herein and shall be used 4or the payment of the expenses of such Puuns and purposes is the sums herein shown, Section 3. Surplus. Any surp~us not specifically allocated fora def- inite purpose in the budget and which may exist. in either the Consolidated Fund or the miscellaneous revenues account shall be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart to be applied as contingencies arise m• may be used for such properpurpoees as the. Council may determine upon, Any surplus nut specifically rhst°ihuted in the budget and remaining in Punds created by the levy of special tales shall he and the sauce is hereby ap- propriated for any proper purpose incident to such funds. Any surplus remaining iu any fund at the close of the fiscal year ].945-96 (except loxes which have been levied for special purposes) shall be transferrer) into and become of part of the Consolidated Fund. Nothing herein contained sha1L authorize the transfe° of funds t°ealized Prnm special to%es to a fund m• purpose for which any special toy levy has been made, except only with the approval of the State Comptroller, Section 4. Emergency Fnnd. Transfers of money may be made from the Emergency Fund to any other fnnd far the purpose of meeting defi- ciencies in any such fund arising from any cause; provided, however, that no such transfer shall be made except anon written approval of the State Comptroller and then only when such approval is unanimously requested by the City Council. Section S.Delinpuant Tax Collections. Delinquent prior years' la% collections shall be allocated to the respective Funds entitled to the same when and as the same are received by the City Treasurer. 58 Special Session, March 26th, 1946 Section 6, Distribution. That the gist,,^ibution and division of the within appropriations shall he made in accordance with the detailed dis- tribution adopted by the C;tY Council on March 16, 1946, which detailed distrlbntion is made a part of this ordinance by reference theceto and shall be so considered in connection with the expenditures of said appro- priations. ` 6ection 7. Emergency Clause. 'this ordinance in the iuteresf of the preservation of public peace, heath, safety and the general welfare of the City of Dubuque and the inha,~itants thereof being deemed ttrgent and of inuuediate necessit3~ shall he in force and effect from and ^fter its final Passage, adoption and apuroval by the City Council and publicatior. as provided by laiv, and the appropriations herein provided shall be avail- able when transferred to their respective funds. Passed upon first reading this 1Gth day of March. i916. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 28th clay oY Tfarch, 1916, F. W, THOS54PSON, Maym• FRANK VAN DUELi14AN. ALBER9' vVHARTON, GEO. R. -4URPHY, tiS', CV. :lIOFFATT, Councilmen. Aftest: d. J. SHEA City Clerlc Published officially iu The 'peteg'rapirHerald newspaper this 2Sth day of ;March, 191G. 5-29-1t, Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Due1- ma~n, Wharton, Nays-None. Rosolution No. 23.46 Whereas, the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission has recom• mended to the City Council that the "Two Family Residence District" bound an the southerly side by 22nd Street, on the easterly side by the Chicago, Great Western Rail- road tracks, on the northerly side by the City lituits, and the west- erly side by a line 100 feet west of the westerly side of Central Avenue be rezoned from "Two Family Residence District" classi- fication to "Maltiple Family Resi- dence" classification; and Whereas, before the Zoning Map and the Zoning Ordinance of the City may be changed it is necessary that a public hearing be held, anti; Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to hold such public hearing, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That there should be a public hearing on the question of chang~- ing from "Two Family Residence District'' classification to "Multiple Family Residence" classification all that area bounded on the south• erly side by 22nd Street, on the easterly side by the Chicago, Great Western Railroad tracks, ou the J, S. SHEA, City Clerlc. northerly side by the City liinits and the westerly side by a line 100 feet west of the westerly side of Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque; that the time and place far the said public hearing be and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p.m., the 15th day of April, 1046, in the City Council Chamber City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa; that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby di- rected to cause to be published in the Telegraph-Herald in the City of Dubuque, notice of such hearing the same to be so published so as to leave at least 16 days between the clay of such publication and the day fixed for said heat~ng~, said no- tice shall contain, among others, the provision that any and all par- ties in interest and any and all citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of March, 1946. F. ~V. THOMPSON, Mayor FRAM{ VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest :J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelmau moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Maym Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Special Session, larch 26th, 1946 59 Resolution No. 24.46 Whereas, the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission has recom- mended to the City Council that the following property, being in "Single Family" or "Two Family" classification, be changed to "Mul- tiple Family" classification: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Highland place and West Eleventh Street pro- ceeding in a northerly direction on the center line of Highland Place to the extension of the northerly property lice of lot number 827 of Suh. of 824 Mc- Daniel's Sub., thence westerly along the Northerly property line of the said lot number 827 to the center line of the alley first west of Highland Place, thence somth- erly along the center line to the extension of the north property Line of Lot 8 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824, thence west- erly along the northerly property line of Lots 8, 7, 6, 6 and 4 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824, thence southerly along the west- erly line of Lot number 4 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824 to the center line of West Eleventh Street, thence westerly along the center line of West Eleventh to the center line of the alley first east of Center Street, thence northerly on the centerline of the alley first east of Center Street to the center line of Rose Street, thence west- erly an the center line ofRose Street to the centerline of the alley first east of Belmont Street, thence northerly on the center line of the alley first east of Bel- mont Street to the extension of the southerly property line of Lot tiumber 1G of Sub. of Lot 3 of M. L. 90, thence easterly along the southerlyproperty line of said lot to the centerline of Cunr rains Street, thence northerly. along the center line of Cummins Street to the center line of Loras Blvd., thence westerly along the centerline oP Loras Blvtl. to the center line of the alley first west of Alta Vista, thence south along the center line of the alley first west of Alta Vista to the center ]ice of Martha Street thence westerly along the centerline of Martha Street to the centerline of Nevada Street, thence souther- ly along the center line of Nevada Street to a line 100 feet north of the northerly side of University Avenue, thence easterly and south easterly along this line 100 feet north of the northerly side of University Avenue to the line 100 feet north of the northerly side of Robinson Street, thence easterly along the line 100 feet north of the nm~therly side of Robinson Street to the extension of the center line of the alley first west of Bluff Street between 10th and 11th Streets, thence northerly along- the extetsion of the centerline of the said alley and along the center line of said alley to the center line of West Eleventh,Street, thence westerly along the center lice of West Eleventh Street to the centerline of Highland Place, the point of beginning. And, Whereas, before the Zoning Map and the Zoning Ordinance of the City may be changed it is nec- essary that a public hearing be held, and; Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to hold such public hearing. Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That there, should be a public hearing on the question of chang- ing from "Sing~le Family" or "Two Family" classification to "Multiple Family" classification all that area: Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Highland Place and Wgst Eleventh Stz'eet proceeding in a northerly direc- tion of the center line of High- land Place to the extension of the northerly property line of lot number S27 of Sub, of 824 Mc- Daniel's Sub., thence westerly along the northerly property line of the said lot number 827 tc the center line of the alley first west . of Highland Place, thence south-' erly along the center line to the extension of the north property line of Lot 8 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824 thence west- erly along the northerly property line of Lots 8, 7, 6, 6, and 4 of Sub. of Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824, thence southerly along the westerly lice of Zot number 4 of Sub, of Lot 823 and Part of Lot -•~ ' ~.~~ 60 Special Session, March 26th, 1946 824 to the center line of West Eleventh Street, thence westerly along the center line of West Eleventh to the center line of the alley first east of Center Street, thence northerly on the center line of the alley first east of Cen- ter Street to the center line of Rose Street thence westerly on the center line of Rase Street to the center lice of the alley first east of Belmont Street, thence northerly on the center line of the alley first east of Belmont Street to the extension of the southerly iproperty line of Lot number 16 of Sub. of Lot 3 of M. L. 9Q thence easterly along the southerly property line of said lot to the center line of Cummins Street, thence norther- ly along the center line of Cum- mins Street to the center line of Loras Blvd., thence westerly along the center line of Loras Blvd. to the center line of the alley first west of Alta Vista, thence south along the center line of the alley first west of Alta Vista to the center line of Martha Street, thence westerly along the center line of Martha Street to the center line of Nevada Street, thence southerly along the center line of Nevada Street to a line 100 feet north oP the northerly side of Univer- sity Avenue, thence easterly and south easterly along this line 100 feet north of the northerly side of University Avenue to the line 100 feet nm~th of the northerly side of Robinson Street, thence easterly along the line 100 feet north of the northerly side of Robinson Street to the extension of the center line of the alley first west of Bluff Street between 10th and 11th Streets, thence northerly along the extension of the center line of the said alley and along' the center line of said alley to the center line of West Eleventh Street, thence westerly along the center line of West Eleventh Street to the cen- ter line of Highland Place, the point of beginning in the Cfty of Dubuque That the time and place for the said public hearing be and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p.nt., the 15th day of April, 1946, in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa; that the_ City Clerk be, and he is hereby direct- ed to cause to he published in the Telegraph-Herald in the City of Dubuque, notice of such hearing, the same to be so published so as to leave at least 15 days between the clay of such publication and the day fixed far said hearing, said no- tice shall contain, among others, the provision that any and all por- ties in interest and any and all citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, B4ayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerle Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 25.46 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Yollowing, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers withhr said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Richard J. Alderson (effective 4-1-46), 399 East 20th St1•eet Paul C. Wright (effective 4-1-46) 2987 Jackson Street Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Couucihnen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk 3 - 5; ~ .... Special Session, N Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays--None. Resolution No. 25.45 Whereas, application for Class "C" Eeer Permit has been submit- ted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by `the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the colnpliattce with the terms of the ordinance of this City. Class "C" Permit Name Aclclress Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson St. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON GEC. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councihnau Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No, 27.46 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "C" Beer Pertnit was filed by the within named applicant and it las received the approval of this Council; and tiVhereas, the premises to be oc- copied by such applicant have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and he has filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager he and he is hereby directed to issue to the following Warned applicant a Beer Permit. Class "C" Permit Name Address Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson St. Be It Further Resolved that the Iarch 26th, 1946 61 bond filed by such applicant he and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of March, 1946. F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEC. R. MURPHY, W. W. 1140FFATT, COU11Cllmen Attest; J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman -4rphy moved- the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the Judges and Clerks who served at the General Municipal Election held on March 25th, 1946, be paid the amount of $7.50„each for ser- vices rendered as Judges and Clerks of said election. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the fallowhtg vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Couneil- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business Councihnat Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councihnau Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Tholnpsou, Council• men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays-None. J, J, SHEA, City Clerk, Approved ................_.....,..........1946• Adopted ......................................1946, Councilmen : ............................... fittest : .............................................. Clty Clerk.