1947 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1947 ~~v ~ ~ COUNCILMEN GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON F. W. THO-4PSON FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN City Clerk, J, J. SHEA City So1icitm•, JOHN J. I~INTZINGER City Manager, A, A, ~homberg City Treasurer- . OTTO F. PULS EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI City Audiitar- R, P. MARSHALL Chief of Fire Department- PERRY KIRCH THOMAS C. HICKSON Police Judge- JOHN C. OBERHAUSEN Bu~i~lding~ Inspector- DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector- LUVERN C. NORTON Plumbing Inspector- , D. J. O'LEARY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOVER Superintendent of Water Worl~s- J. J. HAIL Chief of Police- JOSEPH H.STRUB Health Director- DR. A, J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer- JOSEPH T, SCHARRY Mille Inspectar- V, F. CHAPMAN Food and Restaurant Inspectors- H. J. WYMER MRS. SYLVIA JEWELL 141arket Master- C. J. McCARTHY Director of Recreation- HYLDA N. LUKE Regular rneet4ngs of the City Council are held the first Monday of each mouth at 7:30 o'clock, -~} INDEX-~ool< 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan, 6- Abitz, Barbara (Charles), requesting suspension of taxes 4 " 6- Alba, Cruso A. Granted Class "C" beer permit ................ 7 " 15- Aviation Consultants unvited to meet with the City Coun- cil with a view to having a Master Plan on Airport facilities prepared 6ogether with their recmmuenda- timis for the future operation and maintenance of the Municipal Airport ........................................................ 15 Feb, 3- Auxuliary of the United Spanish War Veterans request- ing permission for the holding of a tag day on Apiu1 26, 1947 ...................................... ...............................:.............. 18 " 3 -Area bounded by West Third Street, Burch Street and Hill Street, rezoning the entire area into Multiple Residence District Ci]ossification........~ ...........................21- 24.32.33 " 3- Anthoine, Loins and Angella, granted Class "B" beer peanut ..................................................................................... 22.23 " 24- Automatic Airmail Inc., Docket No, 415, in the matter of applications before the Civil Aeronautics Board...... 27 " 24 -Ape1, Wm. H., granted Class "C" beer permit .................... 29 Mar. 3- American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................................ 37 " 14 -Assignment and Agreement between Grey's Motor Ser- vice and Charles J. Wilson Company of the contract for the Clearing, grubbing and grading of. Wooten Street Gontract ..............................._................................... 41.80 " 14 -Aviation Services Company of Minneapolis, propsal and form of contract for furnishing consultant services for the development, operation and maintenance of the Municipal Airport ....................................................47•fi 4.91.124 " 21 -Approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of resolu- tion and application for the permanent ti•amsfer of $15,000.00 from the Water Works General Fund to the Consolidated Fund which comprises the Improve- went Fund ............................................................................ 51 " 21 -Alderson, Richard J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 66 " 28 -Audubon Street, petitiQU of Eldon J, Fleege et al., request- ing that sand street be paved with concrete ................ 70-98 9pri1 7- Appointment of officers of the City of Dubuque and pre- scnib~ing bheir salaries and fixing their bonds~.~._........ 77 " 7 -Appointment of officers and employees by the City Man- ager, whom he has the power to appoint ........................ 77 " 7 -Appointment of The Telegraph-Herald newspaper as t+he official newspaper ................................................................ 78 ` 7 -Appointment of the First Nationa3 Bank, American Trust and Savings Bank and the Dubuque Bank and Trust Company as the depositories for public funds of the City of Dubuque .................................................................... 78.107 " 7 -Appointment of the Board of Review ...................................... 78 " 7 -American Trust and Savings Bank appointed as a deposa- tory of public funds of the City of Dubuque ................ 78-107 May 5 -Ackerer, Anna, Notice of Claim of ............................................ 90-118 " 5 -Annual report of the Librarian of the Public Library.... 99 " 5 -Annual report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library .........................................................................._........ 99 " 5 -Annual report oY the Board of Dock Commissioners........ 99 " 9 -Approval of Treasurer of State, J. M. Grimes, of Reso- lution No. 36-47 designating the depositories for public funds of the City of Dubuque ............................ 107 " 16 -Avery, Earl T, granted Class "C" beer permit .................. 119 " 26 -Annual report of~ The Ivey City Gas Company far the calendar year 1946 ............................................................. 123 June 2 -Alderson, James, authorizing anti directimg the Mayor and Clerlc to execute for and on behalf of the Gity INDEX-Book 77 -_. -_. 1947 SUBJECT Page of Dubuque a twit Claim Deed of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 20A of Orford Heights to James Alderson............ 130.131 ' 3D -Approval report of the location of bhe Municipal Airport by the Department of Commerce Civil Aeronautics Administration, the Public Roads Administration, the Iowa Highway Commission, the State Aero- nautics Commission ................................................................ 150.151 " 30 -American Veterans of World War II, (Amvets), granted cigarette permit ................................................................... 159 " 30 -Apel, Arthur, granted cigarette permit .....................~.......... 159 " 30 -American Legion granted cigarette permit ..~ ....................... 169 " 30 -Apel, Merld~n, granted cigarette permit .................................. 160 " 30 -Anthoine, Louis, granted cigarette permit ............................ 16D " 30 -Arvauitis, George P., granted cigarette permit .................... 160 " 30 -Apel, Peter J., granted cigarette permit ................................ 160 " 30 -Avery, Earl, granted Cigarette pernvit ................................... 160 " 30 -Alderson, Richard J, granted cigarette permit .................. 161 " 30 -Alba, Cruso A., granted cigarette permit ............................ 161 July 7 Arlington Street, recommendation of Chief ~of Police that parking be prohibited on the south side of the street from Grove Terrace bo Prairie Street ........................... 173.201 7 -Algona Street, recommendation of Chief of Pollee bhat parking be prohibited oh the west side of the street from University Avenue to Bennett Street .................. 173-201 " 17 -Apel, W~iliiam H„ granted cigarette permit..~ ....................~.. 178 Aug. 4- Approval of State Comptroller, R. E, Johnson, of Resolu- tion No. 90-47, a resolution and application for ap- proval to levy au emergency tax ................................... 207 " 4 -Appel, Anna, Frame building 4u the rear of 626 Central Avenue and located on the south oneihalf of City Lot 245, recommendation of the Budding Inspector, Fire Chief and Health Du•ector that a condemnation comurittee be appodnted to inspect bhe above men- tioned properties and submit their recommendation and report according to lativ ................213-214-275-276.313.314-330 " 11 -Amvets Auxibiary, Post No, 3, requesting permissfl~on to hold their white clover sale on either August 15th or 16th, 1947 ............................................................................ 23G " 11 -Audubon Street from bhe norblr property line of Loras Boulevard Go the north property line of Dexter Street, widening and paving ~of said street .................. .... 239.240-262-253-254-269-282-283-292.297-308-309-347.355 " 25 -Appel, Wm. F, and Belle L., stating objections too the resolution of necessity, proposed plans and specifica- bions, form of contract and cost of construction of the Bradley Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force ma;in ............................................................................. 241 Sept, 2J -Abersold, Mary, granted cigarette permit ............................ 286 Oct. 6- Apel, Merlin, granted Class "C" beer permit ........................ 292.293 " 13 -Ag~•eement tivith the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road Company to provide a railroad siding into Lots 9, 10 and 11 of Industrial Sub. No. 2 to serve the warehouse and storage yard of the Water Depart- ment .................................................................:....................... 302 Nov. 3 -Algonquin Chemical Company requesbing that Lot 1 of Rock Cut Subdivision be zoned as a heavy industrial area .......................................................................................... 306.353 " 3 -Alderson, Richard J., requesting refunds on !his cigarette permit and also on his Class "B" beer permit........... 308 " 3 -American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post N~o. 3, granted Class "B" beerperm~it for Private Glub........ 319 " 3 -Apel, Peter J,, granted Class "C" beer permit .................... 319 Dec. 1 -Alba, Cruso A., granted Class "C" beer permit................... 361 INDEX-Book 77 1947 SUBJECT a ~ Page " 19-American Legion, W, E. Schaefer, Adjutant, submittdng copy of a resolution adopted by the American Legion asking that the City Council submit to the voters the question: "Shall the City of Dubuque place bhe management and control of its Airport yin an Airport Commission?~~ ........................................................................ 355 " 19-Abitz, Barbara, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax on Lots 50 and 51, Grandview Avenue Addibion ................ 356 " 19-Amvets, Dubuque Post No. 3, Rent Control Committee, appeabh.g to the City Council for action to alleviate the 'housing crisis do Dubuque, particularly as it per- tains to evictions ............................................................... 357 " 19-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and County of Dubuque, called the Owner, and Dougher, Rich & Woodburn, Architects and Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa, in regard to the erection of a new combined County Court House, City Ha11-Javl Building ..............361-362-363 INDEX-hook 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT a ~ Page Feb. 3-Boyer, Charles J, and Julius J., requesting the rezoning of their property in O'Coimor's Sub, that fironts on Southern Avenue in the 300 block........18-42.43.51- " 3 -B1y, Leo F., requesting fhe rezmling of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineraa Lot 63 ...................................... 19.43 " 3 -Burroughs, J., requesting the vacation of the alley ad- join~ing Lots 37 to 41 of Rose Hill Addition, report of the Planning and Zoning Coumnission .................20-85.93.112 " 3 -Building Inspector advising that an order has been placed for the erection of a fire escape on the building owned by Mrs. Margaret C. Hussmann, located at 1046 Central Avenue ....~...:_....~ .....................................:...... 21 " 3 -Building Inspector advising Ghat an m•der has been placed for the erection of a fire escape on the building owned by Frank Pusateri located at 1296 Central Avenue ...................................................................................... 21 " 3- -Bournias, Rhea, granted Class "C" beer permit .................. 22-23 Mar. 3 -Bottoms, Willard C., submitting letter in regard to the problem of getting additional revenues for munici- palities without increasing property taxes .................. 31 " 3 -Buol, Frank and Magdalena, submitting offer yin the amount of $100.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of Mc- Craney's 1st Addition .......................................................... 31.45 " 3 -Bus Stop Signs be augmented to read "No Parking To Cm•ner" ....................................................~......................._...... 32 " 3 -Board of Dock Commissioners explaining in detail the request fm' easement yin favor of the Interstate Power Company over properties owned by the Municipality 32 " 3 -Buechel, Louis, Excavation Boud ............................................ 34 " 3 -Build~~ing Inspector Bandy, submitting report on Ghe ap• plication of Anthony W. and Donald C. Moes, John and Helen Glynn, John E, and June Noel, Harry A. and Grace Rawson and Mrs, Florence Helmer for Class <<B~, beer permits ...................................................... 35 " 14 -Bardiclt, Paul, Notice of Claim......_ ...................................... 40-84 " 14 -Bus Route Ordinance to be amended to change the route of the East Dubuque Bus ................................................. 42.53 " 14 -Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1947, and euddaig March 31, 1948, notice of hearing upon Ghe proposal to amend said Budget Estimate of Expenditures ........................~......... 46.66 " 21 -Bnechele, Jahn, for his wife Clementine Buechele, Notice of Clainr .............................:................................................... 50.96 " 21 -Bradley Street sanitary sewer, To construct ........................ 50 " 28 -Bus routes, request that same be established on Park Hill District and Kaufmann Avenue ............................. 70 " 28 -Balsiuger, Anua, in regard to Ghe proposed bus routes on the Park Hill District and also on Kaufmann Avenue, also in regard to the proposed extension of Gay Stret to connect the Park Hi11 District with Kaufmann Avenue by way of Kane Street, also that a water main be constructed in Kane Street............ 70-99 " 28 -Barrington, Wm. F, and Aun, granted cigarette permit 73 " 28 -Barrington, Wm. F. and Amr, granted Class "B" beer permit .................................................................................... 73 " 28 -Board of Health, Special Session ........................................ 76 April 7- Banks appointed as depositories of public funds ................ 78 " 7 -Board of Review appointments ........................................... 78 " 7 -Blades, Hem°~ietta, Notice of Cla;inr ........................................ 81.96 " 7 -Barrington, Wm. F., and Clifford Calvert, requesting a refund on their cigarette permit ...................................... 82 " 7 -Barrington, Wm, F, granted cigarette permit .................. 86 " 7 -Barrington, Wm. F, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 86 INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT _ Page May 5- Behnke, Anna, Notice of Claim ............: ...................................90.117.118 " 6- Beutin, William; asking that sewer and water mays be run to his lot on the corner of Strauss and Balke Streets as he is going to build on Lot 54 in Belmont Add . ......................................................................................... 92.130 " 5- Barrington, Wm. F. and Ann, requesting a refund 'on their Class ~~B~~ beer permit ........................................................ 93 " 5- Brandt, Mary F., requesting suspension of the 1946 tax on the South '/2 of Lot 162 of East Dubuque Add..... 93.108 ` 5- Board of Trustees of the Public Library, annual report 94 " 6- Board of Dock Commiss~~ioners, annual report .................... 94 " 5- Brady, John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond................... 97 ` 6- Black and White, Yellow, and Checker Cab Co., Taxi- cab Bond ................................................................................ 97 " 6- Beresford, Walter H, and Al Neumeister, granted cigar- ette permit .............................................................................. 102 " 5- Bowen, Robert J., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 103 " 6- Building Inspector advising Council that Bradley & Ma- clay, owners of the building located at 605 Main Street, have not complied with an order to erect a fire escape on said bui~Iding and advising Council that the Building Department will be unable to sign the application of George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven for a beer permit ueitil the order to erect a fire escape has been complied with ............................... 103.104 " 9- -Bradley & Maclay, by Johu H, Maclay, advising that an order has been placed to iustalil an outside metal stairway on the building located at the northwest corner of 6th and Maiu Streets,.,... .................:.............107-126.127 " 9- Board of Adjustment, relative to the application received from the Huff Lumber Co, for permission to estab- ]ish aStone Quarry on property otivned by them fronting 32nd Street just west of Central Avenue.110.137-138 " 16 -Blasting Bond of Linwood Cemetery Association, Ap- proval of ................................................................................ 116 " 26- Building Inspector authorized to issue permits for the erection of General Timber Panel Houses in the City of Dubuque ........................................................................... 124 " 26 -Bowlby, V. E., submitting application for a permit to erect a General Timber Service Co. panel Theme on Lot 9 of Datisman's Sub. on Hade Street .................... 124 June 2- Buckley, Helen T„ conveying to the City of Dubuque by Quit Claim Deed .Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Yale Court.......... 130.131 " 2 -Board of Review, report for the year 1947 ............................ 133 " 2 -Building Inspector advising Council that the Ryder Realty Company, owners of the building located at 238.240 West 6th Street, ;have ordered a fire escape to be constructed on said building ................................ 136.137 " 5 -Bureau of Community Facilitiea of the Federal Works Agency, authorizing and directing the Cdty Manager to eater .into an agreement for the advance of funds for the advance planning of a combination Court House-City Hall•Jaiil Building ..................:....................... 139-147 " 20 -Beaves, Geo. L, excavation bond ............................................ 144 20 -Barrington, Wm. F„ transfer of address of Class "B" beer permit .....................:.:................................................... 146-147 " 20 -Burke, Mrs. Joseph-ire, granted Class "B" beea° permit.... ~ 146-147 " 20 -Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency, authorizing and directing Ghe City Manager to enter au agreement for the advance of funds for the advance planning of a complete system of storm relief sewers .........:..........~....~.,..~°..,.~,..,~.,,..~„~~,.,,....~...~.......: 14$•X49 -r -a ~ T_. INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT a Page " 30-Berntgen, Frank H„ granted cigarette permit .................... " 30-Baumgartner, John J, and John M„ granted cigarette permit ...................................................................................... " 30-Brammer, Roy and Rex, granted cigarette permit..........,, " 30-Bowen, Clarence J., and Robert L. Hanson granted cigar- ette permit ............................................................................ " 30-Beck, Jo'1rn C„ granted cigarette permit .................................. " 30-B.P.O.E, Club granted cigarette permit ................................ 30-Bertsch, Leonard P., granted cigarette permit .................... " 30-Buelow, Clarence C, granted cigarette permit .................... ` 30-Beresford, Walter H,, and AI Neumeister granted cigar- ette permit .............................................................................. " 30-Bournias, Louis and Rhea, granted cigarette permit...,.... " 30-Braun, Henry C., granted cigarette permit ........................ " 30-Barrington, Wm, F. and Leon C., granted cigarette permit " 30-Bowen, Robert J., granted cigarette permit ........................ " 30-Burke, Mrs. Josephine, granted cigarette permit ................ " 30-Berntgen, Frank H, and Marion, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... " 30-Buelow, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... " 30-Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks granted Class "B" beer permit for pidvate club ...........................:........ " 30-Bnild~ing Inspector Bandy advising Council that J. D. Jenkins and F. J. Fitzpatrick 'have ordered bhe erec- tion of a fire escape ou their building located at 576 Central Avenue ..................................................................... " 30-Building Inspector Bandy advising Council that J. J. Nagle, owner of the builddng located at 127 West Gbh Street, have ordered the construction and installa• Lion of a new inside stairway to serve the second and Uhfrd floors of this building and the removal of the present stairway and cellar entrance that now occupies part of the city street ........................................ " 30-Building Inspector Bandy advising Coanefl that the Build- ing Department wild be unable to sign the appdica• tion of Harry A, and Grace Rawson for a Class "B" beer permit to be located a.t 342 Main Street until such time as the fire safety provisions on bhis build ing is complied with ........................................................... " 30-Building Inspectm• Bandy advising Council that the Building Department wi)il be unable to sign the ap• plication of Anthony W, and Donald C. Moes for a Class "B" beer permit to be located at 698 Central Avenue until such time as the owner of the build- ing, Dr. A, M. Loes, complies with the fire safety provisions an t"his building ..................................~........,:.. July 7-Board -of Dock Commissioners submitting dock budget estimate fm• the fiscall year 1948-1949 ........................... " 7-Booth Street, parking to be prohibited on the east side of the street from West Fifth Street to University Avenue ................................................................................... " 7-Building Inspector Bandy advising Council bhat Harry A. Rawson, owner of the building located at 342 Mann Street, has ordered the construction andvnstallation of a fire escape on this building ...................................... " 17-Bradberry, Hazel, granted cigarette permit .......................... " 17-Building Inspector Bandy advising that Dr, A, M, Loea, owner of the building located at 698 Central Avenue, has ordered a fire escape bo be constructed and in- stailled on this building .................................................... " 21-Blum, Dorothy, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 168 158 159 169 169 160 lso 160 lso 161 161 161 161 161 162.163 162.164 163.164 164 166 1ss 166 lss 173.201 174 178 179 186.205 INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 25-Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year be• ginning April 1, 1948, and ending March 31, 1949, " 25-Building Inspector Bandy 'instructed to issue one build- ing permit for bhe erection of a Butler Mfg. Co. Boulevard Home of aluminum constructien ................ 202 " 25-Blum, Dorothy, granted cigarette permit ............................ 204 Aug. 4-Building Inspector, Fire Chief and Health Director recom- mending bhat a condemnation committee be ap• podnted to inspect the frame barn and a series of sheds and garages in the rear of 15 Bluff Street, located on Lots 3 and 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 and 3 of City Lot 698 and Lot 4; being owned by Nellie Clancy, and Lot 3, being owned by Marie and Nellie Clancy; also frame buildings in the rear of 625 Central Avenue, located on the south one-half of City Lot 245 and owned by Anna Appel, and to submit their report and recommendation as provided by law ..........................................................................213-214.275-276 " 4-Bradley Street from Dunning Street to North End, recom- mendation of Cdty Manager Rhomberg bhat said street be paved .................................................................. 214 " 4-Booth Street from University Avenue to Loras Blvd., recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that said street be paved ........................................................... 214 " 4-Bradley Street Sewer District, construction of an 8-inch sanitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift station, amd a 6•inc'h cast iron force main ................................216.217-218.241.242 Sept. 2-Board of Dock Commissioners notifying the Council that they have leased the front footage on Peosfa Street, from East 16th Street to the Stone Arch Bridge on Hawthorne .Street, and bhe west short line of. the Mississippi River from the northerly line of Mineral Lots 296 and 297 nm•bherly to Kimball Street, exclu- sive of private property in that area to M. P. Lauer 256 " 2-Building Inspector, Fire Chief and Health Director recom• mending that a condemnation committee be ap• podnted to 4nspect the 2-story name shed directly l~n the rear of 534 Rhomberg Avenue and located on Lots 23 and 24 of High Street 5ub., owned by An• toinette M. Seharle and to submit their report and recommendation as provided by law ....................257.258-275-27G " 2-Building Inspector, Fire Chief and Health Director recommending that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect a 2-story building located on the N. 141/2 feet of bhe South 2.5 of City Lot 444 and owned by Rose Hoeffiin et al, and Lena Kleih and to subnvit their report a.nd recommendation as provided by law ...................................................................................258.275-276 " 2-Burke, Richard J„ excavation bond .................................... 260 2-Barrington, Mrs, Margaret, granted Class "B" beer per• init ........................................................................................... 262.263 " 22-Bolte, Mrs. Arthur, notice of claim ........................~............... 270-298 " 22-Bowen, Clarence J„ notice of claim ........................................ 270 " 22--Blue, Robert D., Governor of Iowa, in regard to the re- turn of the bodies of bhe soldier dead by the War Department ............................................................................ 270 " 22-Barrington, Wm. F„ requesting a refund on his Class "C" beer permft ............................ ..............:........................... 272 " 22-Bids for the purchase of a new fire pumper, recommenda- tion of City Manager Rhomberg that the Council so• licit bids for the purchase of~ same ............... ','~e;~ - INDEX-book 77 INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page 1947 SUBJECT Page " 22 -Building Inspector authorized to issue peiniits upon ap- plication for the erection of Butler Boulevard Houses Jan. 6- City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 1 oY aluminum construction ......~ ....................:...................... 274 6- Claitus for bhe month ~of November, 1946, proof of pub'• " 29 -Barrington, Wm. F, and Leon C., requesting a refund ou lication .................................................................................... 4 en• cigarette permit ................................. ~ 283 15- City Council, Special Session .....................................~............ 9 29 " -Built ling Inspector advis~igg Council that Joha r E. Noel, 15- Council Proceedings for the month of August 1946 ap- otvuer of the buildin located at 2400 Central Ave- , , ............. proved as prmted .... . . .. . . . . 11 nue, has ordered a fire escape to be constructed . .. . .. ... ... ......................... . . om said building_......:.~ .......................................................... 283.284 15- City Treasurer, City Auditor, City Health Department, " 29 -Farrington, Mrs. Margaret, granted cigarette permit........ 285 City Water Department, reports for the month of Oct. 6 -Baumgartner, John 1VI. and John J., granted Class "B" December, 1946, also a list of claims for the month beer permit ........................................................................... 292-293 of December, 1947 ................................................................ 13 " G -Bowen, Clarence J., and Robert L. Hanson granted Class 15- Club University, application for a Class "B" beer permit ~~B,~ beer permit ...:...........................................:................... 292-293 for private club .......................................,....,....................... 14.15 Nov. 3- Brady, Jahn A,, et al requesting that ov1'be sprayed on Feb. 3- Czizek & Czizelc, by M. H. Czizek, requesting that there oth Laurel and Cannon Streets for th of a be no further delay with the construction of the .............. tI tr t ~ 307 sewer in front of the Albert Dolan property located " 3 -B. & N. Market by Al. Neunreistet~ requesting a ref and at 2924 Shiras Street ......................................:................... .18.19.142 " 3 on their cigarette permit ............~ .......................:............ -Blasting Boud of Mancini and Ventrella and Son 308 309 3- Claims for the month of December, 1946, proof oY publi• " 3 .............. -Budget for the office of City Assessor for bhe yeas` 1948, cation ........................................................................................ 19 approval of same ...................................... ~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~•~~~ • ~ 312-313 3- Council Proceedings for the months of September and " 3 -Building Inspector Bandy advising that Leo Diener, own• Octob'er, 1946, approved as printed ................................ 19 er of the baildiug located at 659 Central Avenue, 3- Cooper, Fred H., and Leo V, Cunningham granted cigar- has ordered the construction of a fire escape ion ette Permit .................................~.......,..................................... . 22 said building .....:.................................................................... 317 3- Chatfield, Harald, granted Class "B" beer permit....,.......... . 23 ~, eeo er, oseph and Eldon, granted Class B' eer b ~` - ooper and Lea umung am grante d Class Fred . 10 .. .. ............... .......... ~~~ -Bluff Street residents between bth Street and 8th Ave- n r 319 , , << .. .. erP rt B i 22.23 in re ~ar t h 1 cin •lt. ue g d o t e p a g of par mg meters on << 3- rit.......... Collins lliau ,ranted Class "B" beer ern , W P 22.23 Bluff Street ............................................................................ 323 3- City Manager instructed to confer with the Aviation " 17 -Baxter, F. V., Realtor, m regard to the cancallafiou of Committee of the Chamber of Commerce to the end t4ie 1930-1931-1932 tales on the undivided one-half of that bhe City of Dubuque be provided tivith bhrcugh Lot 8 in McGrath's Subdivision ...................................... 332 Transcontinental Air Service and that the proper Dec. 19 -Butt, Homer V., Sr, et al. requesting that the proposed officials of the Civil Aeronautics Board be contacted parking- rest~'ictive ordinance be amended before in furthering the project ........:......~.................................. 23 final adoption by elimi-Watling the restriction as dt re- 24- City Council, Special Session .....:..............................~................ . 24 fern to the alleyway between Main and Iowa Streets 24- Cadden, Mrs. Emery, et al., requesting the installation and extending from West 12th Street to Loral oY a street light on the corner of West 5th and Rob• Boudevard ............................................................................... 353 erts Street ..................::......................................................... 25.98 " 19 -Bowan, Clarence and Bessie, original notice of stun....:.... 354 24- Cooper, Fred H., and Chris Martin, requesting refnnds on " 19 -Bertsch, Roger M., requesting- a refund on his Class "B" both their cigarette permit and beer permit ................ 25.2fi beer Permit ............................................................................ 357 24- Civil Aeronautics Board in the Matter of the Applica• " 19 -Barrington, Wm. F., and Walter J. Duccitu granted cig- bons of Automatic Airmail, lilt., Docket No. 416, for °~ v t l ~ 36D permanent certificates of public convenience and 19 " tgton, -Bart Wu F„ and Walter J. Duceini grant d Class e necessity under Section 401 of the Civil Aeronautics ~~B~~ beer permit ..........................:....................... .....,,....... 360.361 Act of 1938 ......................................,....................................... 27 " 24- City of Dubuque and Chamber of Commerce for leave to intervene in support of the proposal of Mid-Cautinent Airlines, Inc., in the rehearing, reargument, nor re- consideration of the Board's findings in North Cen• - tra~l Case, pursuant to Rule 4 (b) of Section 286.1, Rules of Practice, under Title IV of the Civil Aero- nautics Act ............................................................................ 27 " 24- Claims for the month of January, 1947, proof of publf- cation ...................................................................................... 27 " 24- Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1946, ap• proved as printed .............................................................. 28 " 24- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depattment and City Water Department reports for the month of January, 1947, also a list of claims for which war• rants were issued for the mouth of January, 1947.... 28 Mar. 3 -City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 31 INDEX®~ook 77 INDEX-book 77 1947 SUBJECT Page 1947 SUBJECT Page " 3- County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Super- ~~ 5- trance Civil Service Commrssion su irut m repor o en visors have accepted an offer of $250.00 made by ire De- examination conducted for positions an, the F Arnodd J, Leytem Forthe purchase of the South 43 partment ................ .......... ~4-95 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 5, the North 7 feet the South 38 feet of of the West 100 feet of Lot 5 5- Civil Service Commission submitting report of promo- , the West 100 feet of Lot 6, the North 17 feet of the tional examination conducted for position on the 95 West 100 feet of Lot 6, all fn Jaeger's Subdivision.... 31.45 Police Department ................................................................ " 3- Citizens' Advisory Parking Committee submitting Parking ~ 5- Civil Service Commission subnvitt~ing repm•t of promo- Surve Repor far Council consideration .......... ......... y 32 e positions on t r tional exanunation conducted of , " 3 g -Ccuncil Proceedin s for the month of Decembei° 1946, . ........... ... Fire Department .................. . 96-96 approved as printed ............................................................ 34 5- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department " 3 -Chapman, Myrtle A., granted Class "B" beer permit..,..... 37 and City Water Department reports for the month " 3 -Clancy, Charles and Marie, granted Class "B" beer of March, 1947, also a Mist of claims for which war- permit ...................................................................................... 37 rants were issued for the month of March, 1947,....... 97 " 14- City Council, Special Session ............................................ .......... 39 ,~ 5- F, Milk Inspector, bond ............................... Chapman, V 97 ' 14 -Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1947, ap- 5- , submitting for Council consid- Carole Court Subdivision << 14 proved as prlnted ...................:............................................ -Chief of Police ecommending that a "No Turn" pi o- 42 , the Plam- ch has be approved by tion and whr era g , vlsion at Er o en g 99.100.171 g and Zomn Comm~ssron ode and Ordinance of the City of Dubuque theTraffte C 42 5- lncitor branted permission to employ John K. Gity So ' 14 -Consohdated Fund which embraces @he Improvement Chalmers as addrtronal leb 1 counsel in the prose- Fund resolution and application for permission to cution of the action of the City ~of Dubuque vs. Leo pending in the District County Treasurer Meuser J make a permanent transfer of $16,000.00 from the , . , the ques- °nvo n Iowa Court of Dubuque County Water Works General Fund to said Consolidated , , ................. ................... tion of the new high badge......... 1D1 <~ 14 Fund ........................................................................................ -Contract with the Avi ation Services Company of Mi Re 46-51 y ......... r l 105 • apolis for consul tant services for the developm ent ~~ lfi- City Council S ecial Session ~ P 112 a , operation and m fntenance of the Municipal Airport 47.64 ~~ 16- Chief of Police Strub, recommends-ng that p asking be " 14 - City Engineer instructed to prepare profiles showing pro- 5th Street inhibited on the snutherl side of West p y posed grades on Tressa Street and Esther Street 47 from the west line of Bluff Street to a point oppo- ' " 21- ..,. City Council, Special Session ....:.............................................. 48 s Dubuque, and site the west line of Lot 12 of Corell " 21 . -City Auditor, City Treasurer City Health Department that parking be prohibited on the northerly side of , and City Water Department reports for the month of West 5th Street beginning at a point 196 feet west February 1947 also list of claims for which war- of the west line of Bluff Street and extendurg thence ' , , rants were issued during the month of February s Du- westerly to the west line of Lot 12 of Corell , 947 .............. ..... 51 buque, and further recommending that a 2-hour park- 21 C .. ...... ... ity Cab Company taxicab policy 52 ing limitation between 9 a, m, to 6 p. m., Sundays " 21- << , ................................................ Conner, Iona and Ray E., granted Class "B" beer permit 66 Holidays excepted, be adopted for the northerly side of `ppest 5th Street from the west line of Bluff 28 ' -City Council, Special Session ............................... ................... 66 .................................... Street westerly 196 feet ............... 117 28 -Claims for the month of February, 1947, proof of publi- 16 City Health Department City Treasurer -City Auditor Aprrl cation ................ .. ..... ............... ............................................. l 71 77 , , e month and City Water Depar memt repor s or . h ~= ' Cont en ~ cote of Compliance on ~~t h Iso a hst of clauns for w ~ich war- ~ p ~ ~ . . . ~he transaction of F del t a y nd Surety business g al, 1947.... esued d8rm the month of Ap ant were i 117 m the State of Iowa for the year ending March 31, 19 26 al Se s on ......... -City Council, Spec Special Session .................................................... -City Council 121 123 7 1948 ........................................................................................ - ha u an, Myr l e A granted c~ p garette pernv it .. 80 86 26 , -Clark, May M„ Librarian, informing Council that the ` ay ~ .................. ................ - iar Session . .. .. . y 89 terms of Mrs, ,A. A, Hoffmann, Mr. M. H. Czizek 5 ~ ~ . ...~ . ..............,... -Cit Manager aughorized to confer with the Board of Su- y and Mr. William Markey as members of the Board e l 1 v so s ative to planning fora combination of Library Trustees, expire Jwly 1, 1947.......... 123 Couit House-Cdty Hall-Jail building• and to file with 26 ilders, Reuben H., Chapman of Dubuque Count -Ch y Gwid- F.W.A, for planning funds in order to prepare the once Association, et al, asking permission to create " " necessary plans and specifications as a preliminary fishing area and migratory bird pole and line a to the holding of. an election for authority to erect refuge in all the sloughs and waters in and about " a combination Court House-City Hall•Jail building . 91 26 City Island ............................................................................. proof of publication -Claims for the month of April 1947 125 12b 6 -Cable, George J., submitting offer in the amount of $b0.00 . 26 , , -Civrl Service Commission subnvitting report on entrance -each for the purchase of Lots 4 and 6 of Rowan's examination 'held for the position of Assistant Milk " Addition .................................................................................. 92 r Ihspectar .......,..........................................................,............. 126 b " -Claims for the month of March, 1947, proof of publication 94 28 -Civil Service Commission submitting report on entrance 5 -Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examinations held for the position of Public Health examination conducted far positions on the Police Nurse ....................................................................................... 126 Department ............................................................................ 94 June 2 -City Council, Regular Session .................................................... 129 _ _ .- 1 • :, ~~ ,~ INDEX-book 77 INDEX-hook 77 i 1947 SUBJECT Page _ 1947 SUBJECT ~ _ Page t " 2- Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul & Pacific Railroad Com- 30 -Crahan, W. C,, granted cigarette permit ............................_ 160 pang and the Dubuque Packing Company requesting 30 -Casey, Harald A„ granted cigarette permit ....................:... 160 the City to adopt the ordinance granting to the Chi- 30 -Chapman, Myrtle A„ granted cigarette permit .................... 160 cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Paoific Railroad Gom• 30 -Cooper, Fred H, and Leo V. Cunuinglram granted oigar- pony the right to construct and maintahi and operate ette permit ..._ ......................................................................... 161 a'n industry track over a portion of L nn Street to 30 -Cole, Steve, ranted ci arette ermit .... 161 serve the Dubu ue Packivg Company as shown on q 30 ~~ B -CosQe ,Harold A, and William W., granted Class " g p ~ ~ ~ ~ ......................129-141-297 rt atta ch e 1 beer permit ........... ............. ....~.. .,........ ......... .... ........ 162-163 ~ 2- M b H Czizek, requestin the City Czizek Czizelh & g 30 B>> -Capretz, Mrs. Kate, and Wm. Lembke granted Class " ~~ protnding Council to adopt the attached resodution 7 beer permit ......... -Cit Council Re ular Se ion 162-163 169 far the issuance of a Quit Claim Deed on Lots 1 and y , ....... .. ...... ....... g ss 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights by July 7 -Colilins, William P., requests ng a refund on his Class "B" -' the City to James Alderson as embodied in an Ordi- beer permit ..... ~ 170.171 -. Hance adopted March 23, 1925, which provided for the 7 -Chatfield, Harold, requesting a refund on his Class "B" vacating of a portion of Oxford Street and the con• beer permit . ..... ..... ... ...... ........... 171 veyance ~of same .... ..... ....... 130.131 7 -CoumciS recessed at 8:10 p. m, and reccnvened at 9:16 2- City Island Development Committee of the Chamber of 7 p. m ......... .. .... ...... .. ... ... ........ -City Manager Rhomberg salary set at $12 000.00 per 175 Commerce requesting that initial steps be taken by , , annum starting Judy 16 1947. ... ..... ........... 175.176 ' the City Administration for the development of In- 17 , . -City Council Special Session .......:................... . . ........ .. . .... 177 dustrial sites and that City Island and adjacent lands ili h i i 131 17 , . . . .. . . . -Council Proceedings fm• the mouths of February and es ... ...... ............ offer t e greatest poss b t Marc'~h, 1947, approved as printed .............~.................... 17S = 2- Conlon, Frank, requesting the rezoning of Lot 7 ~of the 17 -Corbett, John G„ granted cigarette permit ...... ........ 178 Sub. of Outlot 733, by John Fortune, to a local buss- 21 -City Council, Special Session .., . .. ... 181 - Hess classification .. ....... ...... .. ........... 131.145 21 -County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Super- a. " 2- Chapman, Robert E, and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer visors have accepted an offer of $100.00 on Lot 7 of ,; _ ' ....... permrt ...................................................................... 136 South Ave. Addition made by Andrew J. Daughette 182 -- 2- Cole, Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit...... .. .... 136 21 -City Employees Local 228 requesting that civil service ~~ 5- City Council, Spacial Session .... .... .... ... ........ 139 examinations be held to fiwl the two vacancies for " 5- Court House-City Ha)Il-Jail Building, authorizing cad d~i- foremen now existing in the Street Department...... 183 recting the City Manager to enter into am agreement F iliti f th F it d 21 -Clemens, Leo J., et al., property owners abuttvng Mount y ac es o e e - wibh the Bureau of Conunun Loretta Avenue, requesting that Mount Loretta Ave- ;. ~ eral Works Agency providing for an advance of i ti ildi i 147 139 rue be paved this season....... .... „ . ... ........., 183 ~1 5- na on bu ng d comb funds for the advance of sa blasting bond ................................ Conlon Construction Co. . 140 21 -Czizek, M. H, reappointed as a member of the Board of , p 141 a term of six years, said term t e ~`~ " 20- MI Con pony, advising that they special- Clem nsharv J. 21 - exping July l 1953 City Sohcitoi mstiucted to piepaie an oidmance regu- 186 - aze iu fhe revaluatron of real estate and. personal property of cities and counties flor local tax equals- latiug the speed of freight and passenger trains nation purposes ..... .. .... .. ............... ...... 142 within the limits of the City of Dubuque of not to " 20- requesting that the storm water flow Callahan, Don A. . exceed 15 miles per hour for freight trains and not , on Cunnnins Street be directed to Loras Boulevard 142 to exceed 20 miles per hour for passenger trains........ 186 20- Claims for the month of May, 1947, proof of publication 144 " 25 -City Council, Special Session ........ .. ...... _ 188 " 30- City Council, Special Session ......... ...........:... .... ....... . 149 2b -Cunuiugham Henry, addressed the Council and discussed " 3D- Croft, Floyd, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer the matter of salary increases for all City employees 202 permit ........................................... .......... 152 25 -Claims for the month of June, 1947, proof of publication 202 " 30- Civil Service Commission subnrittiug report of entrance 25 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department ~< examination held for position of Polucewoman.......... 153 and City Water Department reports fm• the month of 30- Civil Service Coi~rission submitting report of examina. June, 1947 also a list of claims for which warrants ~~"_ Dion held for the creation of an eligible list for the were issued for bhe month of June, 1947 ...................... 202-203 position of Chief of the Fire Depa.rtnreut .................... 153 Aug. 4- City Council, Regular Session ................................................., 207 30- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and 4- Cameron, John A. et al„ property owners residing on City Water Department reports for the month of ~ Lowther Street between Windsor Avenue and Bur- May, 1947, also a d~ist of claims for wh~ieh warrants den Avenue, requesting Council to examine the ma- were issued for the month of May, 1947 ............. 153 colon paving on Lowther Street and have said street ;~ 3D~ Chapman, Robert E, and Tillie, granted cigarette permit 158 repaired ... ............... .. .. .... .. ............. .... 208 " 30- Capretz, Mrs. Kate, and W. Lembke granted cigarette 4 -Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1947, ap- ' permit .. ......,... ....... .. ........ .............. 158 proved as printed .... .. .. ........ ... .. .. .. ....... 211 l; - 30- Cosley, Harold and William W., granted cigarette permit 158 '" 9 -Clancy, Nellie M, and Marie, frame barn and series of ` }: 30- Clancy, Mrs. Agnes, granted cigarette permit .................... 158 sheds and garages in the rear of 15 BlufF Street and " 30- Cahdll, John L, and Robert E., granted cigarette permit 159 located om Lots 3 and 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 4 30- Clancy, Charles and Marie, granted cigarette permit.....,.. 159 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598, recommendation of Bnild~ " 30- Connor, Iona and Ray, granted cigarette permit ............. 169 ~ing Iaispector, Fire Chief grail Health Qfi~icor that & ~, i i T :--'^". 1ND~~~---~oolc 77 1947 SUBJECT Page condemnation committee be appointed to inspect the above properties and submit their recommendation and report according to law..213-214-275-276-314-316-327.328-349 " 4- City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the Council follow the recommendations and suggestions out- lined ill the attached report of a survey conducted b~y the Police Department to determine bhe use. ~of parking space both in bhe meter area and in the re- stricted but unmetered locations .................................... 214 " 4- City Manager authorized to purchase additional parking meters fi•~om M. H. Rhodes, Inc., and conversion parts for existing parking meters inn order to carry out the recommendation of the Police Department.......... 214 " 4- Cleveland Avenue, recmnmendation of City Manager Rhomberg that curbs and gutters be constructed osi said street from Bryant Street to State Street..,....... 214 " 4- Cross Street from Simpson Street to Coates Street, rec- onmtendation of City 1VIanager Rhomberg that curbs and gutters be constructed an said street .................... 214 " 4- Cannon Street from Latu•el Street to Mt. Carmel, recom- mendation ~of City Manager Rhomberg bhat said street be paved ............._.............,........................................ 215 " 4- -Cunningham, Henry J., advising Council that the proce- dure followed iu the recent action of the City Coun- cil of utcreasing~ the salary of the City Manager by way of motion was an illegal procedure,.........._.221-245 -246-270 " 11- city Council Special Session .................................................. 222 " 11- Clancy, Dorrance, notice of claim .......................................... 235-244 " 11- Civil Aeronautics Administration, Department ~of Com- merce, by Leonard W. Jurden, Regional Adminis- trator advising that~in response to the City of Du- bttque request for Federal Aid for the Dubuque Mu- nicipal Au'port, the Administrator of Civil Aero• nautics has tentatively allocated $25,OD0.00 from avadd- able appropriated fttinds as the United States share of the allowable costs of the project ............................. 235 " 25 -City Connell, Special Session .................................................. 241 " 25 -Collinsou, Geo. B,, stating that bhe suggested sewer as- sessments to be levied against Lots 17 to 24 inclu- sive, Block 2, Grandview Park Addition, seem to be excessive and that said assessments be revised for the proposed Bradley Street Sewer District ................ 241 " 25 -Corwin, K. R., requesting permission to erect a~ Home- 0•Lahouse ott his dot located on Valley Street near Mt. Lm'etta Avenue ...~ .......................................................... 243-273 " 25 -City Auditor City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Dept. reports far the month of~ July, 1947; also a list of claims for which warrants were ,issued during the month of July, 1947 ........................ 244 ` 25 -Cherry-Green Streets Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main ............................................................246.247-248.267-268 Sept. 1- Cityy Council, Regular Session .......,.._ ...................................... 251 " 2- City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ............................ 252 " 2 -Callahan Don, addressed bhe Counei~i in regard to the construction of cm°bing and guttering on Cummins Street in order to eliminate the overflow of storm water from said street onto his property ..............~..... 254 " 2 -Civil Aeronautics Administration, Del~~artment ~of Com- merce, completion of project, the Dubuque Municipal Airport ................................................................................... 255 IND~~--6001< 7~ 1947 SUBJECT Page 2- Csisek & Czizek, Attorneys for Harry Lewis, requesting that a permanent grade be established upon Globe Street from the westerly line of Harold Street west- erly to the end of Lot 30 in J. P. Sclu°oeder's Add. 256 " 2- Chapman Robert E. and Tillie, regtesting refunds on both their Cigarette and Class "B" beer permits...... 25G " 2- Claims for the month ~of July, 1947, proof of publication 257 2- Cherokee Drive, acceptance of the dedication of same as a public street ......................................................................259 -260-273 2- Curtis-Straub Company, excavation bond ............................ 260 " 2- City Manager Rhmnberg~ recommending that the City Cotmci•1 grant the Sisters ~of St. Francis the right to connect the new hospital with the city sanitary sewer system with the provision that should the system be thus overloaded that they b~e required to construct a separate sewer bo handle the sewage.,...... 261 " 2- City Manager Rhomberg submitting report on the opera- tion of the old island airport and sugg~esting~ that other operators be permitted to engagevn business off the field and to terminate the present arrange- ment with the Cedar Flying Service .............................. 261-262 " 2- Calvert, Clifford and Bertha granted Class "B" beer .................................. permit 262-3 ~ " 2- Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, submitting " 22- city Council, Special Session ...............:............................... 267 copy of resolution adopted with reference to park- ing dots ......................................... ............._...,..........,.........265-266-275 " 22- -Clancy, Mrs. Agnes requesting a refimd o~u~her`cigarette permit ..................................................................................... 272 " 22- Claims for the mouth of August, 1947, proof of publica- tion ........................................................................................... 273 " 22- City Manager Rhomberg recommending that Council adopt an ordinance regulating sick leave for all City emplayees ............................._..,...,.....,.........,...__....,....,. 273 " 22- City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the Council s~odicit bids for the purchase of a new fire pumper..274-296.297 22 -City Manager Rhomberg recommendiing~ that the Build- iug Inspector be authorised to issue permits on ap- plication for the erection ~of Butler Boulevard Houses of aluminum construction ......~ ............................~.............. 2'74 " 22- City Manager Rhomberg recommending' that the City Council investigate the probable cost of wfdening~ Robinson Avenue and that a study be made of the possibility of obtaining several conveniently located off-street parking lots in the down town area__.... 275 " 22 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health DePartme~nt and City Water Department reports and also a list of claims for the month of August 1947__...._ .............. 276 " 22 -City Water Department, stand-by equipment to install at Eag9e Point Pumping Station .....,.._...280-251.295296-31 9-320-325 " 29 -City Council, Special Sessim? ............................._.....,..........,.. 282 " 29 -Council Proceedings for the month of May, June and July 1947, approved as printed .................................... 2S3 Oct. 6 -City Council, Regular Session ......._ ....................................... 237 " 6 -Chambers, Harry, addressed the Council stating' that he did not believe there were adequate facilities for competitive flying operations at the lslansi Airport_ 287 " 6 -Cahill, john L, and Robert E., requesting a refund on their cigarette Permit ,..._ ........... ...................................... 2S9 " 13 -City Council Special Session .... .................................. ...._....,. 294 INDEX-Book 7~ INDEX-Book ~7 1947 SUBJECT Page 1947 SUBJECT Page " 13- submitting consent by Robert Clewell C1ewe11 ~ Cooney 17- Civil Service Commission submitturg~ report of entrance , , and waiver of the Dubuque Packing Company and examination held for the position of Clerk-Sten- 335 also Sheriff's Receipt ~in the matter of the assess- maintenance and nrent of damages for construction 17- ographer Civil Service Commission submitting report ~~~~ of entrance 1 , operation of a raih•aad track in a portion of Lynur examination held for the position of Assistant Engi• Street between 18th and 19th Streets by the Chicago, veer, Waken Department ................................................. 335 St. ~ aul & Pacific Railroad Company.... PJi_v, arl;ee 297 17- Chief of Police Strub recommending that parking be re- , stricted except for the purpose of loading- or unload- " 13- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department ing im the following alleys: West of Main from and City eater Department reports; also list of Jomes to Loris; East of Main from First to Loras; claims for which warrants were drawn for the month West of Central from Fourth to Loras; East of Cen- ........ cf September, 1947 ...................._................................. 300 tral from Fourth to Loras and that semi-trailer " 13- Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company; Agree- trucks be prohibited from uuloaddng in these areas meat to provide a rai~h•oad siding to serve Lots 9, between f~he ~~hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p, m.........._....... 335-336 10 and 11 of Industrial Sub, No. 2, which property 17- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department is being used by the City Water Department foi° a and City Water Department reports for the month garage waroh~ouse and storage yard .............................. . 302 of October, 1947, also a -list of claims for which war- " 13- Collins, Joseph A„ granted cigarette permit ........................ 302 rants were issued far the month of October, 1947...... 3,36 " 13- granted Class "B" beer permit.......... Joseph A Collins 302-303 17 -city Manager R~homberg subm~itting~ a report on the Nov. 3- , , City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 305 " 17 conditioar of the Consolidated Fund ............................... -City Employeees under the direct control of the City 336 3- Coleman J. K., notice of claim .................................................. 305 Council, who are not now receiving u excess of " 3- Coffey, H. E., requesting permission to build a Harnisch- $5,000,00 per year, be granted an increase in pay of feger preassembled home on property on South AI• 1, 1947, to April or e perio nom ecem er g~ona Street ~~~~- ~ ~~~ 307-342 .... nc ~ 337 << 3- the month of August, 1947, ap• Ceuncvl Proceedings for << 24- Sessiou ,., l, Special city Cou ~ ° ~°~~~~~~ °~° 339 proved as pimted .............._.....................,............................ 309 " 24 p 'hat a City f ue De artment Hickson re uestiu t - hief o F C << 3- 47, proof of e month of Septem er, Claims for th a g rk~ing of a Ordinance be adopted prohibitiu the ......................... ................................. publication ...,... _.. 309 vehicle of~ any kind undernleath fire escapes in the << 3- City Assessor, appointment of Harry Hanover as City alleys of the City of Dubuque ........................................ 342 1 1 Assessor for a to m of four years beg'nning January 24 -Chief of Fire Department Hickson requesting that an 1, 1948 ...................................................................................... 312 ordinance be adopted giving bhe Chief of the Eire << 3- ear 1948, approved City Assessor's Office Budge t for the y Department, or a member of the Department who r 312-313 may. be assigned by the Chief the power to compel 3- ate with t he Iowa communic City Manager instructed to the removal of fire hazards from buildings .................. 342 g their attention to Highway Comm~issron calhn State 24 -City Assessor Hanover subm~itting~ the names of ap- e and al• the increased traffic at the New HYgh Bridg pointees for the positions of Deputy City Assessor.. 342 so on Locust Street ............................................................ 321 24 -Civil Service Commission submitting report certifying 10- Special Session ................................................... City Council 322 the names of those who passed their examinations " 17 , -City Council, Special Sess~i~on .......................................~............ 327 for position on the Police Department.......................... 343 17 -City Solicitor directed to review the present traffic ordi- Dec. 1 -City Council, Regular Session ............................................34 7.349-350 Hance and to suggest to the City Council for their 1 -Claims for the month of October, 1947, proof of publica- consideration any changes that he deems advisable 333 tion ............................................................................................ 348 " 17 -Civil Aeronautics Board in the matter of the petition of 1 -Civil Service Commission submitting report certifing the Parks Air Transport, Inc., for issuance of Temporary names of those who passed their examinations for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity .................... 333 positions on the Fire Department .,................................ 350 " 17 -Civil Aeronautics Board hr the matter of the application 1 -Calvert, C1iYford a+nd Bertha, granted cigarette permit...... 350 of Parks Air Transport, Inc., for a Temporary Ex- 19 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 353 emption from the provisions of. Section 401 (a) of the 19 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Heatlh Department and Civil Aeronautics Actof 1938 as amended .................. 333 City Water Department reports also a Isit of claims " 17 -City Assessor Deputies, result of examination held by the for the month of November, 1947 .................................... 358 Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board for to fill 19 -Combination County Court House-City Ha!11-Jail Building, said positions ........... ... - 333.334 Agreement between the City of Dubuque, County of 17 -Civil Service Commission submitting repm•t of promo- Dubuque, and Dougher, Rich & Woodburn, Architects tional exaruination held for the position of Chief Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa .......................... ........36 1.362.363 Engineer, Water Department .,....,..~ ................................ 334 17 -Civil Service Commission submitting report of prom~o• tiomal examination held for' the position of Account- ant in the Water Department_ .......................................... 334 " 17 -Civil Service Commission submitting report of promo- tional examination 'held for the positions of Fore- man and Assistant Foreman on the Sewer and Street Departments ....:..................................................................... 334.355 a INDEX.- hook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan. Feh Mar April 6- Dubuque Packing Company requesting the City to con. struct as soon as possible a concrete cover over the B Branch Sewer at the intersection of East 15t1r Street and Sycamore Street, also that the use of Sycamore Street from 15th Street to 16th Streets as a dumping ground be discontinued, also that addi- tional street lights be installed on East 16th Street Strom EIm Street to Sycamore Street and that the il- luminating power of the present lights be i~nereased 2 6 -Dubuque Women's Club commending Chief of Police for his work in eliminating gambling devices from taverns and also commending the Police Department for their work in enforcing the law which pra~hibits the selling of liquor to minors ................................................ 3 6 -Dougherty, Frank J. (Mary), requesting suspensimi of taxes ....................................................................................... 4 3 -Dubuque Chamber of Commerce advising that they are in favor of the movement for a new City-County Court House and offices ....................................~,..........,..... 17-18 24 -Digman, Eldon B., notice of claim ....................:..._.................. 24-42 24 -Dykeman, Edgar, requesting permission to lease Lot 319 of Ham's Add~itiou which is owned by the City of Dubuque and located at the corner of Hawthorne Street and Rhomberg~ Avenue .............:.............................. 28.40-52 24 -Daylight Savings Time, uo action to regulate the same will be taken by the City Council until authority is is g~ivan by an Act of the State Legislature ................ 29-31 3 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress advising that iu the event the City Council is called upon to snake a deci- sion ou the question of Daylight Savings Time that it be left in the hands of the public to be decided at an election called for that purpose...........~ ...................... 31 3 -Davis, Jimmie H., Governor of Louisiana, requesting the attendance of Mayor Wharton at the hearing an the proposed Tidewater Seaway to be held in New Or• leans on March 5, 1947 .................................................... 31 3 -Dubuque Packing Company asking for the vacation of certain streets and alleys ~in the East Industrial Area, report and recommendation of the Planning and Zon- ing Commissiou .................................................................... 34.35 3 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club .......................:~......,...~....~............ 37 21 -Dubuque Boys Club asking that the Mayor sign the at- tached proclamation designating the week of April 14 as Boys' Club Week ........................................................ 50 21 -Dillon, Joseph and Faul J„ requesting a refund on their cigarette permit ................................................................. 5D 21 -Detailed distribution of Expe2ulitures for City of Du- ubque, Iowa, for the Fiscal Year 1947-1948 .................. 54.55-56-57-58-59-60.61 -62.63-64 21 -Duscher, George E., granted Glass "C" beer permit....,,.... 65 28 -Daylight Saving Time, Petitions asking that a Special Election be held an the question of .............................. 70 7 -Dubuque Bank and Trust Company appointed as a de- pository of public funds of the City of Dubuque.,,..... 78-107 7 -Dubuque Packing Company in regard to the vacation of streetsand alleys in the vicinity of 16th Street and outli~uing certain terms and eouditi~ons yin the ex• change of property ................................................._......... 82-99 7 -Dubuque Homes Subdivision Na. 1 submitted for Council consideration and which has been approved by the Pdanning~ and Zoning Commission ..............................85-86-101-102 INDEX- Eook 77 1947 _ SUBJECT Page May b-Deere, John, Dubuque Tractor Company, requesting the extension of the jurisdiction of the Dubuque Fire Department to thou property im~ accordance with the provisions of Section 368.30 of the 1946 Code of Iowa 93 " 5-Davis Bros. Inc,, Excavation Boud ........................................ 97 " 5-Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Co., Excavation Bond.... 97 " 5-Dubuque Metail Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ...................... ................... 103 " 5-Dubuque Golf Club granted Class "B" beer permit far Private Club .......................................................................... 103 " 9-Dubuque Packing Company granted the conveying of the title of certain vacated streets, parts of streets and alleys 1yl~ng and situated in East Dubuque Addition No. 2 and Railroad Addition in the City of Du- buque ..............................................................................105-112-113-114 " 16-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress endorsing Mr. Wil- liam Markey for re-appointment as a member of Library Board ........................................................................ 116 " 19-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting pertuis• sion to use the City Mats on Faurbh Street Extension for the holding of a carnival from July 28 through August 2, 1947 .................................................................... 121 ,Tune 30-Department of Commerce, Civil Aermrautics Admvnistra- tion, submitting copy of approval report on the loca- tion of the Dubuque Municipal Aiport by the Public Roads Administration, the Iowa Highway Conmiis- sion, the State Aeronautics Commission and the De- partment of Commerce Civil Aeronautics Admiuis• tration .................................................................................... 150.151 " 30-Diamond's Grill, Inc., granted cigarette permit .................. 158 " 30-Dubuque Cycle Club granrted cigarette permit .................... 158 f` 30-Dr Pepper Bow-ling Lanes Club granted cigarette permit 159 " 30-Dubuque Packing Company granted cigarette permit........ 169 " 30-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club granted cigarette permit ....................~..................._ ......................~...~................. 160 " 30-Dunbar, Otto J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 160 " 30-Duncan, Dale, granted cigarette permit ...................... 6 " 30-Duncan, Dale, and LeRoy Bolender granted cigarette permit .................................................................................... 161 " 30-Duncan, Dale, and Louis Rvug granted cigarette permit 161 " 30-Duncan, Dale, and T~enneth and Louis Ring granted cigar- ette permit ...........~ ....................................................~............. 161 " 30-Dugan, Ciharles S., granted cigarette permit ........................ 161 " 30-Dugan, Charles S. and Mary E., gi°anted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................... ,,:,...............,............ 162-164 " 30-Dubuque Cycle Club granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ............................................................................ 163.164 " 30-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C" beer permit ................ 163-164 July 7-Diamond Street, request to have crab and gutter can• strutted on said street ...................................................... 169 " 21-Daughette, Andrew J., submitting offer ~in the amount of p100.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lot 7 of South Avenue Addition ................................................................182-260-261 " 21-Democratic Central Committee of the City of Dubuque submitting attached resolution urging that the appli- cation of the public officers far adjustments of their salaries be given due consideration on its merits and that the matter be discussed and decided at an open meeting' of the City Council .................................... 182-205 " 21-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress submitting for Comrcil consideraton a resolution endorsing ctrl sup- porting the request oP the Dubuque Firemen and Policemen fora 40% increase in salaries .................... 184 INDE>C®Book 77 INDEX-Boole 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT a a Page 1947 ~ SUBJECT Page " 25- Inc., granted Class "B" beer per• D.A.V. Club of Dubuque 17- Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board submitting re- , mit for private club ............................................................ 205-293 suit of the examination ~~held for the positions of Aug. 11- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress extending invitation 24- Deputy City Assessors ........................................................ Dubuque Retail Merchants requesting permission to con- 333.334 to the City Council to participate ,in the Annual 236 nett the electric lightimg needed for the Christmas Labor Day Parade ................................................................ suet decorations with the City street lighting system 341.342 " 25- Dubuque Safety Council asking the City Council to send Dec. 19 E. Frith Company, -Dubuque Packing Company and E City Police Judge Jolm Oberhausen to attend the , Inc., requesting prompt action to the covering of the Judges and Prosecutors' Conference to be held at B Branch Sewer at East 15th and Sycamore Streets, Northwestern University on October 13.17 .................... 243 also the removal of the junk stored ~on Sycamore Sept. 2- Departmentt of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administra- Street from East lbth Street to East 16th Street, al- tion, contpfeto~n of project of the Dubuque Mu• so to the fire hazard existing on the property on the nicipal Airport .................................................................... 255 south side of East 16th Street from Cedar Street to " 2- Dubuque Hornes Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat........ 259 Sycamore Street, also to the inadequate street light- " 2- Dubuque Homes, Inc., acceptance of Resolution No, 123- ing on East 16th Street, also that proceedings be instituted for the construction of a viaduct on East 47 agreeing to the placing of a Suret Company Per- y 14th Street over the raih'oad tr•acks .............._............. 365-356 formance Bond in the' amount of $6,000.00 insuring 19 requesting suspension of the 1947 -Dougherty Frank J. the construction and completion of the improve• 1948 ments on Cherokee Drive on or before July 1 269.260 , , taxes on Lots 172 and 173, Umaon Addition .................. X56 , 19 -Dougher, Rich & Woodburn, Architects and Engineers, " 22- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, thanking Council Des Moines, Iowa, Agreement with the Gity of Du- for their participation in the Labor Day parade........ 270 buque County of Dubuque, for services on the pro• 22- Dubuque Kiwanis Club endorsing the proposed plan of prosed erection of a cmnbinatiou County Court the Chamber of Commerce for to widen and improve House-City Hall-Jail Building ........................................361.362-363 Robinson Street and to utilize the area made avail ph- he Te egra l t r Avenue Universtty butlding to He akl 270 " 22 -Dubuque Homes, Inc., submitting performance bond in the amount of $6,D00.00 insuring the construction and completion of the improvements on Cherokee Drive on or before September 1, 1948 ........................... 273 22 -Deyoe, George, granted cigarette permit .............................. 277 Oct. 13- Dubuque Packing Company, Consent amd Wailer, in the matter of the assessment of damages for the con- struction, maintenance and operation of a railroad track in Lynn Street between 18th and 19th Streets by the Chicago, -4ilwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rail- road Company ........................................................................ .. 297 " 13 -D.A.V, Club of Dubuque, Inc., granted cigarette pet'mit 302 Nov. 3 -Dubuque Chamber of Conunerce, Special Committee, rela- tive to rendering assistance to the City Administra- tion in solving the Car Parking Problem and the im- provement of Robinson Street ........................................ 306 " 3 -Dubuque County Tuberculosis Association requesting per• mission to hold its annual "Bangle Day" on Decem- ber 13, 1947 ........................................................................... 307 " 3 -Dubuque Policeman's Protective Association requestimg that an ordinance be drawn defining working condi- tions and soliciting the City Council for a raise in pay ............................................................................................ 308 " 3 -Dubuque Homes, Inc., completion of the improvements of Jem1i Street and also of Theisen Street and accept- ance of satne ........................................................................ 311-312 " 3 -Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board submitting re• ' n of City t h d a e p c h r 312 3 buil ding located hi 'uct ou stt o to escape e -Die7iAs Leo Ifi at 659 Central Avenue ........................................................ 317 " 3 -Deyoe, George, granted cigarette permit .............................. 318 " 3 -Deyoe, George, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 319 " 17 -Donahue, J. C., submitting offer for the pttrc'hase of the piece of ground jolt east of Lots 4 and 5vn Randall's Sub. No, 2 ...... ..................::.......:...:..... ....::::....................... 331. I I~JaE~--•~ook 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT Page Jan. 6-Ender, Alois J., granted Class "C" beer permit .................... 7 Feb. 24-Ellis, Cecelia, et al, requesting therezoning of the half block o~n the easterly side of Finley Street between Cherry Street and University Avenue .................... 25-43 " 24-Easement between the City of Dubuque and the Interstate '; Power Company for transmission dine over real es• state owned by the City of Dubuque ... ...... .. ... 27.32-53 Mar. 4-East industrial Area development report ........................ .. 34-100 =~ 14-East Dubuque Bus Route, change in route .. ... .. 42.53 " 14-Esther Street, City Engineer instructed to prepare a pro• file showing the proposed grade ......... 47 ~, ~ ` 28-Eisbach, Joe, et al., property owners in the Eagle Point ; Park District, requesting that city water be made available to their property 71 R. J, et al., requesting that a street light be~iustalled Juno 2-E11is , on the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Ann Street .132-163-154 " 30-Ender, A, J., granted two cigarette permits . ...... ........ 160 30-Eicluuan, Arthur H., granted cigarette permit .................... 161 _ July 21-Eagle Point water front, the matter of jurisdiction re• ferred to the City Manager, City Solicitor avid Water Department for eanferenee with the Board of Dock Commissioners aril to snbrnit their report baelc to the City Council . .., ...... ..... ...... ..... 185-203 ;' 25-Emergency Tax, resolution and application for approval ~ ~~"° t ~ 188-207 ~~ rd V. F, JYM.D., Director of Health, at Albeat 25-Entrmge~, Chapman, Milk Inspection Division Health Depart• ment, submitting for Council consideration proposed amendments to Original Millc Ordinance No. 7-41 relative to the definitions of Cereal Milk and Whip- ping Cream and also a clariftcation regarding single- ; service containers ....., . .... .. .. ....... 202 Aug. 4-Even, Joseph P. and Ida B, quit claim deed conveying to them Lots 6 "A" and 16 "A" of Paulina Lang- . worthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73...... 209.210 4-East 13bh Street from Washington Street to the Raihroad Rh b <_ erg om Tracks, recommendation of City Manager that said street be paved .... ...,, . _. .. ...... 215 `' "` 4-East 16th Street fa'om Washington Street to Sycamore -_ . Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that said street be paved ...............................~...........,...... 215 " 4-Eas't 30th Street from Central Avenue tc Elm Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that said street be paved ........................................................... 215 Sept. 22-Eagle Point Pumping Station, stand-by generating equip- ment to install ._ .....................................280-281-295-296-31 9320.326 " 19-Eastern Air Lines advising bhat the Givil Aeronautics Board has issued an order consolidating Eastern Air Lines application for authority to extend their present system northward to Dubuque together with other airlines' applications for a hearing before a Civil Aeronautics Board Examiner on February 16, 1943 .......................................................................................... 354 19-Eastern Air Lines submitting copy of bheir letter to Mr. John A..I~erper concerning Eastern's proposed exten- ~ sfon to Dubuque and asking for data on the commer• ~ cial and industrial activities in the City of Du• bnque .........................._............,............................................... 354.355 INDEX-hook 7~ 1947 .~ SUBJECT Page Jana. 15 -Frith, E. T., submitting offer iu the amount of $150.00 for the purchase of Lots 11G, 117, 118 and 119 in Ham's Addition ........................ ...................................................... 9-44 Feb. 3 -Fraternal Order of Orioles granted cigarette permit ....... 22 " 3 -Ferguson, Dick, g~rauted C~Iass "B" beer permit.....,._..,...... 22-23 11Iar. 28 -Fleege, Eldon J., et al., requesti~~ng~ that Audubon Street be paved. with concrete this spring . ...... ..,...,. 70-98 April 7 -First National Bank appointed as a depository of public funds of the City of Dubuque .... .. .. ...... . ,. 78-107 " 7 -Fondell, DoJrald J. and Aderle B,, granted Class `B" beer permit ........................................................................................ SG May 5- Forest Lane, petition of E, F, Lewis et a1, requesting the paving of said street. ... .. ...... 39-134 -• 5- Frith, E. E. Company, advising that they have no objec- tion to the vacation of streets and a~ileys in the vicin- ity of East 16th Streei and the conveying of said vacated areas to the Dubuque Packing Cmnpany.... 89 " 5 -Forrestal, James, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C., in regard to a program far making available opportunities and advantages to young Americans iu the New Civilian Naval Reserve and submitting a folder with suggestioais for organizing the program locally ........ ....... .. 91 " 5 -Fitzpatrick, Thomas, Clerk, City Water Department..,...,. 97 " 9 -Fondell, Donald J., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................... 10'7 " 2G -Fhraucial report for the fiscal year ending March 31 1947, proof of publication ......, . ...... 125-139 June 5 -Federal Works Agency, Bureau oP Community Facilities, authorizing and directing the City Manager to eater into an agreement for the advance of funds for the advance planning of a combination Court House- City Hali-Jail Building .. 139.147 " 20 -Federal Works Agency, Bureau of Community Facilities, authorizing and directing the City Manager to eater into an agreement for the advance of funds for the advance planning of a complete system of stm~m re• lief sewers ....................... . ~~ ~~~~ 148-149 °` 30 '~ -Finclr, Alford, granted cigarette permit .............~..., ............. 15S " 30 uo es grante crgare e perms ... Fraternal Order of O~ 158 30 -Flick, Morris B,, granted cigarette pernut .................... 159 " 30 ~ ables eia ~Fraternal Order of E e~te p ted c g ~ 169 30 n ermit. i ~ar rt A on mean a ted c e to Fo man, ut Co 1 y, g b p 160 " 30 -Fink, Milton, granted cigarette permit ......................... 160 " 30 -Falkenhainer, Charles, granted cigarette permtt ..............~. 161 " 30 -Fortman, Anton, Company, granted Class "B" beer permit 162-164 " 30 -Fraternal Order of Orioles granted Class "B" beer per- nit for private chib ........................................................... 163.164 " 30 -Fraternal Order of~ Eagles granted Class "B" beer per- mit for private club ........................................................... 163-164 July 7 -Fire Department members asking for an increase in sal- aries comparable to the request submitted by the members of the Police Department ............................... 169 7 -Fire Pension Levy Certificate ................................................ 169 " 7 -Fire Retirement Levy Certificate .........._ ................................ 169 " 7 -Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company application for certain rights and privileges involving the public stt'eets which are necessary in the development of their proposed power plant on the northwest corner of 8th and Jackson Streets ............ • ................. .... 172 '~ T __. _ ,--_ INDEX--~oolc 77 1947 SUBJECT Page slug ~~ i i Sept. Nov Dec. 4-Finley Street, from McCormick Street to Cherry Street, reconmiendation of City Manager Rhomberg that curbs asd gutters be constructed on said street........ 214 11-i~ autsch, Louis F., et al., residents and taxpayers living in the vicinity of the Grandview Avenue Tourist Park, requesting that the tennis courts located there- on be repaired and maintained ...................................... 236-274 2-Fischer Investment Company, by O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, Francis J. O'Connm~, Its Attorneys, re= questing the vacation ~of 6th Street commencing at the west line of Tower. Street and extending easter- ly tc the Levee, also 5th Streot from bhe east line of Bell Street easterly to the west Hine of vacated Tower Street, also all the alley intersecting Block J oP Booth's Addition, also Chat portion of Tower Street lying south of the south dine extended of the alley separating Block I of Booth's Additimi and Block 32 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition and extending southerly to a paint 40 feet south oP the north line extended of Lot 5 in Block 0 in Booth's Addition, also Lot 6,and North 18 feet of Lot 4 of Bloch 0 in Booth's Addition, and to cause to be executed to them deeds of vacation........ 255.310 2-Frommedt, Syl, Chairman "Julien Dubuque Days," re• questing permission for the holding of a street par- ole mt Friday, September 5, 1947 .................................. 266-256 22-Ferguson, Dick, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer Permit .,......._ ................................................................. 272 22-Fire Pumper, recommendation of City Manager R~~hom- berg that Council solicit bids for the purchase of same ............................................................274-296.297.320-321 .325.326 22-Fester, Audrey J., granted cigarette permit .......................~.... 277 22-Fester, Audrey J, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 277 3-Pichter, Fred, a warrant ~in the amownt of $20.00 ordered drawn for services rendered as a member of the Condenmation Committee ...~,........~ .................................... 321 1-Flynn, Thos, Coal Co., requesting an extension of time ` for bhe completion of the contract for the paving of Audubon Street ................................................................. 347.355 19-Fransen, Jach and Irene, granted cigarette permit,..:........ 360 19-Fransen, Sack and v°ene, granted Class "B" beer permit 360.361 INDEX-~oolc 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan. 15-Glenn, M~idton J., Judge of the District Court, submitting a copy of the report of the Dubuque County Grand Jury for the January 1947 Term of Court in which they recommend the building of a combination City Hall-Court House and Jaid ................................................ 10.11 Feb. 3 -Grontmersch, Nick, stating that he is in favor of having the bus service extended ou Park Hill District and requesed that a street be established connecting Park Hill District with Kaufmann Avenue .................. 17 " 3 -Grommersch, Nick, requesting the vacation of the alley first west of Muscatine Street from Putnam Street northerly to its end at the northeast corner of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 346 and stating that in return for the conveyance of his proper share of the vacated part of the alley he will deel a strip of land 15 feet in width for the extension of Sabina Street to Bur• lingtan Street ...................................................................... 13-43 " ~4 -Gallo, Hubert, and Arnold J, Spalrn reugesting a refund on their cigarette permit ................................................. 26 " 24 -Grey's Motor Service, by Vincent Kobida, requesting an extension of time until March 16, 1947, for the com- pletion of the contract for the clearing, grubbing and grading of Wooten Street from McClain Street to the west lice of James Street ................................................ 26-32 Mar: 3- Glynn, John and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit.. 36.36 " 3 -Grab, Erwin M, and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit 37 " 14- Grant, Robert, and Edgar Dykeman requesting permission to lease from the Gity of Dubuque the property lo- cated at the corner of Hawthorne Street and Rhom- berg Avenue .................................................:....................... 40.52 " 21 -Gorman, Joseph, et al., advising that they do not object to the rezoning of the 100 and 200 blocks on South- . ern Avenue ............................................................................ 51 " 28- Golden, Homer, addressed the Geuncvl in regard to bus service on the Park Hill District and suggesting that Gay Street b~e cut down to meet Kane Street in order that I{aufmaun Avenue be also served with bus route 70 28- Gay Street, offer ~of Anna Bodsfnger to donate property for to extend Gay Street to cotmeet with the Park Hill District ........................................................................... 70-99 " 28- Gavin, Mark, addressed the Council in regard to the use of Eagle Point Park for the holding of free band concerts during the summer months .............................. 75 M'ay 5- Gallagher, R. J., City Engineer, Band of .............................. 97 " 5- Gautert, Harry N, and Lucile, granted Class "B" beer Perntit .................................................................................... 103 16- Gavin, Mark W., tendering his resignation as a member of the Dubuque Dock Board ............................................ 116 June 20 -Grassel, Emil, and Albert Burgmeier requesting the re- z~oning~ oP~ a strip of land approximately 400 feet in length along• U. S. Highway 151 in what is known as Lot 1 of J. C. Scully's Sub...,... _.145.146-157-158.181. 211-212 " 20- G9enview Subdivision submitted for Council consideration and same has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Conmiission .............................................................. 146 " 30- Glynn, John and Helen, grouted cigarette permit .............. 158 " 30- Grutz, John and Clara, granted cigarette permit ................ 158 " 30- Grove, Harry anal Viola, granted cigarette permit .............. 159 " 30- Gautert, Harry N., granted cigarette permit.......... ............. 160 " 30- Grove Terrace, City Solicitor instructed to prepare an ordinance to permit parking on only one side of the street ..............................................................._,..............,..... 166 INDEX-~ool< 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT Page July 7- Grove Terrace, recommendation of Chief of Police that parking be prohibited on the east side of the street from West 12th Street to West 11th Street .................. 173.201 Aug. 4 -Greteman, Theodore J, and Helen M., quit claim deed conveying to them Lot 16 "B" of Paulina Lang- worthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73..,... 209-210 " 4 -Gilliam Street from University Avenue to West Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that curbs and gutters b~e constructed on said street........ 214 " 4 -Gandolfo Street from Lombard Avenue to U, S. Highway No. 20, recommendation of City Manager Rhotuberg that curbs and gutters be constructed on said street 214 " 4 -Green Street from Asbury Street to West End, recom• tnendation of City Manager Rhomberg that curbs and gutters be constructed on said street ...................:..._... 214 Sept. 2- Gauer, M, P., notice from Board of Dock Commissioners of lease between M. P. Gauer and Board of Dock Commissioners of front footage on Peosta Street and west shore line of the Mississippi River ........................ 256 " 2 -Grode, Harry V. and Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit 262-263 " 22 -Gloeckner, Mrs. Wilma, granted Class "C" beer permit 277 " 29 -Gloeckner, Mrs. Wilma, granted cigarette permit .............. 286 " 6 -Gratz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 292.293 " 13 -Grimme, Elizabeth, Administratrix of the Estate of Wil- liam F. Hanson, requesting refunds ou both the cib arette and Class "B" beer permit of William F. Hanson .................................................................................... 298 Nov. 3 -Glynn, Jahn and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 318 " 17 -Ga~lliart, Raymond M. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit .................................................................................. 337 " 24 -Groff, Miss Edith, notice of claim ............................................ 341 " 24 -Gilmer, Opal and Rollin E. Murray, granted Class "B" beer permit 344-361 Dec. 1 -Gronumersoh, Niek,fn regard to bus service ou the Park Hiil District .......................................................................... 347 " 1 --Gilmer, Opal, and Rollin E. Murray, granted cigarette permit ..................~................................~.........................,._..~,.. 351 .INDEX-~oolc 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT Pago Jan. 6-Roll & .Evenly, iti regard to the erection of a class "B" fire escape on the South side of the building Nuur ben 705 White Street and asking' permission to land a bottom stair stringer on sidewalk level nearest building .................................................................................. 3.14 " 16 -Huber, Joseph C., sabmitting offer in the amount of $500.OD for the purchase of Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Cush• ing Addition ......................................................................... 10.44 15 -Hesselman, Joseph J., granted Class "C" beer permit....,.. . 14 Feb. 3 -Haferbecker, Ernest, notice of e]aim ....................................... . 17 " 3 -Hussmann, Mrs. Margaret C., erection of a fire escape on her building located at 1046 Central Avenue........... . 21 " 3 -Hillard, Joseph and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer perniit ..................................................................................... 22-23 111ar. 3 -Hyde Clark Women's Relief Carps, requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on April 5, 1947 ................ 32 " 3 -Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" beer permit„ 35-36 " 3 -Heiar, Mrs. Anna granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 37 " 28 -Hier, Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension of the 1946 taxes on the Nm~th r/a of Lot 374 of Davis Fann Addition 71.84 " 28 -Hughes Oil Company, operator of the River Terminal Plant in Dubuque, asking for a building permit to erect two additional 16,000 gallon tanks, south of their large tank, for the purpose of storing gasoline and fuel oil .......................................................................... 75.79 April 7- Hanover, Harry J., appointed City Assessor and fixing his bond ......................................................................................... 77 7 -Hill, Thos., submitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review ...................................... 7S " 7 -Hfll, Thos., appointed as a member of~ the Board of Review .................................................................................... . 7S 7 -Helling, George, and Harry Hutt addressed the Council in regard to acquiring City owned property on South Locust Street for the pm'pose of erecting a building for amusement purposes .................................................... 79 " 7- Hogan, M, P., Power of Attorney .............................................. . 80 " 7- Hetzman, Adolph Notice of Claim .......................... ................. 80.96 " 7- Hotter George, Notice of Claim ................................................ SO-108 " 7- Holz, Catherine, Notice of Claiui ............................................... .80-81-311 " 7- Houy, Harold J., Mather and next friend of minor and in• dividually for June Anna Houy, Notice of Claim of 81-144.145 " 7 -Hoskitrs Arthur G., requesting the Council to authorize the establishment of a grade in the alley in the rear of his property located at 2421 Roosevelt Street,.,..... 81 " 7- Hedrick, Jacob, requesting a' refund on his cigarette permit ........................................................................................ 81 May 5 -Helling, George W. submitting offer in amount of 23 teats per square foot for the purchase of City prop• erty on South Locust Street with a frontage of 90 feet and directly south of the Armstrong property.... 92-lib " _ 6- Hoymau, Frank F., objecting to the erection of a sign board ou the lot located at 1795 Central Avenue,..... 93 " 5- Hanover, Harry J., City Assessor, bond._ ............................ 97 " 5 -Haft, John Joseph, Superintendent and Cashier, City Water Department bond ................................................... 97 " 5- Henkel, John and Alma, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 103 " 9- Huff Lumber Co., application ftled with the Board of Ad- justment far permission to establish a Stone Quarry on property owned by them fronting Thirty-second Street just west of Central Avenue .............................11 0-137-138 INDEX®Book 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 16- Hirsch, Raymond et al., requesting the installation of water mains on Kane Street from F~aufmann Ave- nue to end of Bane Street ................ ..........................._.. 116-138 June 20 -Howes, Charles, et al., requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of West and Gilliam Streets ...................................................................................143.153.154 " 30- Havens, Howard, et a1., owners of real estate abutting on Gandolfo Street, requesting that guttera be con- structed on both sides of the street and also that gas mains be installed in said street .............................. 149 " 30- Haley, John J, and Fay H., granted cigarette permit........ 158 " 30- Hedley, Alfred and Lillian, granted cigarette permit........ 159 " 30- Hogan, Vincent J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 159 " 3D- Herber, Arthur F, and Theresa, granted cigarette permit 159 " 30- Henkel, John and Alma, granted cigarette pernrit....._....... 159 " 30- Hawleeye Lodge of City of Dubuque granted cigarette permit ..,....,..._ .................................................................... 159 " 30- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, ;ranted cigarette permit ......................... 159 " 30- Hochberger, William, granted cigarette permit .................. 160 " 3D- Hughes, R. D, and Anna, granted cigarette permit.......... 160 " 30- Horne, Wm., granted cigarette permit ..................::.............. 160 " 30- Hi4lard, Joseph and Bernice, granted cigarette permit..... 160 " 30- Haley, Amy, granted cigarette permit .... ................................ 160 " 30- Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted cigarette permit .............. 160 " 30- Hartig Drug Co., Inc., granted three cigarette permits.... 161 " 30- Herber, Fred and Annabelle, granted cigarette permit_.. 161 " 30- Hind, Mrs. Rosemary, granted cigarette permit .................. 161 " 30- Hessel, Irvin G, and William Potter, granted cigarette permit ..............................................................:.................... 161 " 30- Hollywood Gri11 granted cigarette permit ............................... . 161 " 30- Harris, Joe, granted cigarette permit .................................. 161 " 30- Hamilton, Anna, granted cigarette permit .....:...................... 162 " 30- Haley, John J. and Fay H., granted Class "B" beer permit 162.163 " 30- Horne, William and Mary, granted Class "B" beer permit 162.163 " 30- Hughes, R. D, and Anna M„ granted Glass "B" beer permit ..................................................................................... 162.163 " 30- Herber, Fred and Annabelle, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... 162.164 " 30- Hogan, Vincent J., granted Class "C" beer permit............ 163-164 July 7- Hill, Maurice, excavation bond .................................................. 172 " 7- Hamilton, Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 174 " 21- Hansel, Richard V., requesting permission to erect a But- ler Mfg. Co. Boulevard Home of aluminum construc- tion ........................................................_..........,...................... 181 " 21- Hail, J. J., Superintendent of Water Department, stating that he wants to be placed on record as objecting to the infringement on Water Works property at Eagle Point, such as to the building or construction of frame b~uldings and gasoline tanks on the Water Works property and also to~the leasing by the Dock Board of some of the Eagle Point water flront to Mr. Matt Gauer .........................................................................18 4.185-203 " 21- Hickey, Tom J. and Jahn J., granted Class "B" beer permit ............................................................._..................... 186.319 " 21- Hoffmann, Mrs, Mable R., re-appointed as a member oP the Board of Library Trustees for a term of six years, said term expiring July 1, 1953 ............................ 186 Aug. 25 -Holscher, G. H., addressed the Council in support of the petition for the construction of the Bradley Street Sewer District ..................................................................... 241 " 25- Hail, J, J., Superintendent of Water Works, submititng petition for the extensimi of a water main outside the city limits in the vicinity of Carter Road............ 244 INDEX®~ook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 25 -Hiawatha Club granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club' .......................................................................................... 250.319 Sopt, 2- Hoeffiin, Rose, et al, and Lena I~leih, two-story building at 1324 Central Avonue and located on the N. 14r/~ feet of the South 2/6 of City Lot 444, recommenda- tion of the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and Health Director that a condemnation committee be ap- pointed to inspect the above mentioned property and submit their reconunendation and report according to law ..................................................258.275-276-315.316-32 8.329-349 " 2 -Hochberger, William, granted Class "B" beer permit....,... 262-263 " 22 -Hansen, William F., granted cigarette permit .................... 277 " 22 -Hansen, William F, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 277 Oct. 6 -Hillcrest Subdivision,. cost of construction of sewage lift station and force mains by Sumner S, Sollitt & Company ................................................................................ 288 " 6 -Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" beer permit. 292.293 " 6 -Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ...................................................... 292-293 " 13 -Hamsmith, Peter, et al., addressed the Council objecting' to the cast of the construction of the Vernon and Edina Streets sanitary sewer .......................................... 294 Nov. 3 -Hagerty, Gussie M., submitting b~i~ll in the amount of $17.64 for damages to the furnace at 491 Glen Oak Street caused by flood water .......................................... 30G•336 " 3 -Heier, Mrs. N., et al., requesting that the order estab- lishing and installing parking meters ~on West side of Bluff Sti°eet from Fifth Street to 8th Avenue he rescinded ............................................................................... 306 " 3 -Hanover, Harry, appointed City Assessor for a term of four years beginning January 1, 1948 .............._...,...... 312.324 " 3 -Hickey, Tam J. and John J., granted cigarette permit.... 318 " 3 -third, 11frs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" beer permit....,, 319 " 3 -Herber, Arthur F, and Theresa, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................._...........,...............,.............................. 319 " 3 -Hedley, Alfred E, and Lillian, granted Glass "B" beer permit ..................................................................................... 319 " 17 -Hartmann, Leo L, Jr., asking permission to run a sanitary sewer from his residence at 2816 Balke Street to a manhole at the corner of Balke Street and Lowther Street ..._ :................................................................................331-343.344 Dec 1 -Horne, Wm., requesting refunds on both his cigarette permit and his Class "B" beer permit.~ ........................ 347 INDEX--hook 77 ~_~ 1947 SUBJECT Page Feb. 24 -Interstate Power Company, transmission line easement -~ over real estate owned by the City of Dubuque........ 27.32-53 Mar. 14 -Interstate Power Company in regard to a change in the routing of the East Dubuque Bus .................................... 42-53 " 28 -Interstate Power Company in regard to the petitions sub- ~, muted for bus service -on both the Park Hill District and Kaufmann Avenue District and suggesting that 'i a survey be made to determine if it wowid be feas- ihle to improve a street from the westerly end of Primrose Street to intersect Kane Street and thence I to Kaufmann Avenue ........................:................................_ 71 May 5- Iowa Aeronautics Commission submitting copies of infor- matiou explaining the need of concurrence in airport i d~oeation by highway officials and outlining the pro• cedure to follow .:............................................................... 91 " 9 --Interstate Power Company requesting that quit claim deeds be executed and delivered to them convey- ing vacated Seventh and Commercial Streets north and abutting Lot 15 in Block 13 and Market Street dying north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque ~ Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, and a~1so ~ conveying vacated Cedar Street lying between Eighth Street and the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, now described as Lots 1GC iu Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's ~ ~ Addition and Lot 1C in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor ~ Improvement Company's Addition .............~,................... 105-1OG ~' June 20 -Interstate Power Company requesting that Council amend Schedule No, G Ordinance No. 8--41 by adding the following clause: "Premium Rate for High Load Pao- for-When Customer's billing exceeds 1,000 KW all energq used in excess of 366 hours use of the billhrg demand will be billed at $.OOfi per KW hour"........144.152-171 " 20 -Interstate Power Company requesting permission to make alterations and additimis to the rear of their office building at 1000 Main Street as per blue prints attached ...............................................................................144-155-156 %.,~ 30 -Irwin, Ray, and Paul Megonigile granted cigarette permit 168 July 7 -Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Associtaion extend- i~ng invitation to the City of Dubuque to attend the `" ~ school of instruction to be held iu Des Moines, Io`va, on July 16 and 17, 1947 ....................................................... 170 " 17 -]3rternational City Managers' Association extending invi- tation to have the City of Dubuque represented at the annual conference to beheld in Coronado, Calif., Oct. ~ 5.9 .............................................................................................. 177 21 -Iowa State Highway Commission submitting attached Primary Road Extension Cmltract in duplicate for the City of Dubuque ..... _.,, . ... ... ..... 182-183 Aug. 4 -Interstate Power Company submitting report far the year i ending December 31, 1946 .......................................... .... 209 " 25 ~ -Iowa Aeronautics Commission, Harvey R, Sexauer, Air- ~ port Engineer, in regard to the importance of ade- quate zoning regulations to prp$ect the City's initial investment and to insure safety and utility in the operation of the New Municipal Airport and advis- ing that in order to participate in the Federa4 Aid ~ ~ Airport Program assurances must be given that ade- ~ quate measures have been taken to maintain the ap- ~ ~` ~ proaches to the airport ........................................................ 243-244 INDEX-Eook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Sept. 2 -Island Airport, report of City Manager Rhomberg on the 261.262-287 opera ion of same ............................... ......... Oct. 6- r receiv ed Iowa Improvement Company enclosm~ lette ' ~ , ..~., from Sumner Sollitt Company .,. 287 " 13- Iowa State Commerce Commission order in the matter of an ordinance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque, Iotiva_...,........299-359.366 Nov. 3- Iowa Sewage Works Association suggesting Chat the City of Dubuque take out a membership in the association 306 " 3- Illinois Central Railroad Company requesting that Lot 1 of Rock Cut Subdivision be zoned as a heavy indus- trial area ... ..........................._.._ ..,,...,,...,................,....,.... 306-353 " 3 -Iowa State Highway Commission, City Manager in- structed to eommu~nicate with the Commission call- iug their attention to the increased traffic at the New High Bridge and also on Locust Street..,.... ................ 321 " 17 -Idoa] Plumbing and Heating Co., excavation band..........,. 337 -~ INDEX-~©®k 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan. G-Jenni Street from the South property lice of Lombard Street to the north property line of Theisen Street, grade established .........................._..................,..........,........ .5•fi12.13 Feb. 3-Jansen, Henry, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit ............................................_ ., ... .....,.._...............,...... 18 lllar. 23--Junior Chamber of Commerca in regard to Daylight Sav- ing Time ................................................................................ 70.79 April 7-Jochum, Charles 0., requesting permission to erect a General Timber Service, Inc., prefabricated house in the 1800 block on Garfield Avenue ................~................... 81 May 5-Jenni, Geraldine L, Secretary to City Manager, bond.... 97 " ~~,-Jechum, Frank, Parking Meter Service Man, band............ 97 Jnne 2-Jacoh'son Steel and Supply Company, release and waiver for the construction of a 'spur track by the Chicago Great Western Railway Company across Twelfth Street ...... ..........................................................._.................. 132 " 30-Johamlingmeios~, Wi-11iam L., granted cigarette permit.... 160 " 30-Jenkins, Julius D., and Franli J. Fitzpatrick granted cig- aretie Permit ._ ..,.._ .................. .........:................................ 161 " 30-Jenkins, J. D., and F. J, Fitzpatrick granted Class "B" beer permit .. 165 " 30-Jefferson Street, City Solicitor instructed to prepare an ordinance to permit parking on only one side of the street ................................................................................... 166-201 July 7-Jordaa, W. J„ excavation bond .......................................... 172 " 7-Jefferson Street. recommendation of Chief of Police that parking be prohibited on the south side of the street from Walnut Sta•eet to Olive Stt°eet......~ ....................... 173 Aug. 4-Johanningmeier, William Leo, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ ............................................................................. 215 " 25-Jaeger-Kunnert Co., requesting permission to extend their present Iealing deck and new canopy on the Jack- son Street side of their building .............,..............243-275-300.301 Nov. 3-Jenni Street, acceptance of the improvement of same,... 311.312 Dec. 1-Jenkins, Julius D., and Frank J. Fitzpatrick requesting a refund on their Class "B" beer permit ........................ 347 INDEX-Eook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan. 6- Kramer, John (Deed) (Theresa), requesting suspension of taxes ...................................................._:............................ 4 " 6 -Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................................... 7 13 -Kauffmann, Arthur C., denial of his offer in the amount of $125.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of McCraney's 1st Addition and parts of Lots 116, 117, 118 and 119 of Ham's Addition ................................................................ 13-14 FeU. 3 -Knapp, Clara L„ notice .of c]aim .............................................. 17 " 3 -Kauffmann, Arthur C., submitting offer in the amount of $200.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of McCraney's 1st Addition and Lots 116, 117, 118 and 119 of Part of Ham's Addition .................................................................... 19 " 3 -Kolbe, Herman, requesting the vacation of City property at the southwest corner of 32nd Street and Central Avenue, report •of the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion ............................................................................................ 20 " 3 -Keefe, William, granted Class "C" beer permit ..................... . 22-23 " 3 -I{one, Mrs. Midly, granted Class "C" beer permit .............. 22-23 " 24 -Klein, Frank and Anna, granted cigarette permit .............. 28 " 24 -Kissling~, Russell, granted cigarette permit .......................... 28 Mar. 3- Key City Gas Company, Excavation Bond ...............~............ 34 " 14 -Kramer, Mae A., Notice of Claim ............................................ 40-237 " 28 -I{aufinann Avenue District in regard to bus service........ 70.71 April 7- Kintzing~er, John J., appointed City Solicitor and fixing his bond ................................................................................. 77 " 7 -Kenyon, William, et a1, requesting that a street light b~e instatled at the intersection of Marquette Place, Henry and Queen Streets .................................................. 82.98 May 5 -Krueger, Mrs. Pearl, Notice of Claim .................'.................. 90.134 6 -Kane, Allen C., Clerk, City Water Department, bond,....... 97 " 6 -Kintzinger, John C., City Solicitor, bond...,._...._ ................. 97 " 6 -Kelly, Frank M, and Francis E., granted cigarette permit 1D2 June 2 -Kraus, Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 136 " 30 -I{one, James M., granted cigarette permit ............................ 158 30 -Koleopulos, Steve, and Christ Kalens granted cigarette permit ........................................_....,.................................... 158 " 30 I~Lranter, Nick and Marie J., granted cigarette permit......,, 158 " 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Company granted cigarette permit,... 159 " 30 -Keefe, William F., granted cigarette permit ........................ 159 " 30 -Karigan, Andrew D., granted cigarette permit .................... 169 " 30 -Klein, Frank and Anna, granted cigarette permit............. 159 " 34 -Kramer, Joseph A., and Louis P. O'Connor granted cig- arette permit .._ ......................~...... _..........~........................... 169 " 30 -Kopp, N. J., granted cigarette permit ..................................~... 169 " 3C -Kanavas, George and John G., granted cigarette permit.. 160 " 30 -Kraus, Leo M., granted cigarette permit .............................. 160 " 30 -Kissling~, Russel4 G., granted cigarette permit .................... 161 " 30 -Kruse, Gen, C., granted cigarette permit ............................... 161 " 30 -Kies, Theodore T, granted cigarette permit ............._.....~... 161 " 30 -Kane, John M., granted cigarette permit ............................. 1G1 " 30 -Kaiser, Eileen H„ granted cigarette permit .......................... 161 " 30 -Kopple, Harry, granted cigarette permit ................................ 161 " 30 -Kraus, Frank, granted cigarette permit .............................. lfil " 30 -Kelly, Frank M, and Francis E., granted cigar°ette permit 161 " 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Co. g7°anted Class "B" beer permit,... 162.1fi3 " 30 -Klein, Frank and Clara, granted Class "B" beer permit.. 162-1G3 " 30 -Ifoleopulos, Steve, and Christ Koleas g7•anted Class "B" beer permit ............................................................................ 162.163 30 -Kanavas, George and John G., granted Glass "B" beer permit .................................................................................... 162-163 " 30 -Karigan, Andrew D., granted Class "B" beer permit,....... 162-163 i -+."'~" INDEX-book 77 INDEX-~ool<77 1947 SUBJECT _® Page 1947 SUBJECT Page " 30- Kane, John M., granted Class "B" beer permit.....,....._......, that em'b and gutter be con- stin d 162.164 Jan. 15 -Lnncibeck, Catherine S., requesting suspensron of t he , July 7- g , reque Koenig, Leonar 169 „ 1946 tax on Lot 11 of Cox's Addition....,,,, 11.19 " 21- strutted on Diamond Street .. .." Mrs. Stella, et al, property owners on Mu11iu Road, Klein Mar. 3 -Leytem, Arnold J„ submitting offer to the Board of Su- , Hillcrest Addition, requesting that Mullin Road be pervisors in the amount of $260.OD for the purchase street cnrbiug, gut- mlproved by the installation of of the South 43 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 5, _ termg and sidewalks ............... 182 the North 7 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 5, the 4- Aug both his cigarette Frank, requesting refrmds mr ISraus South 33 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 6, the North ' . , permit and his Glass "B" beer permit :........................... 208 17 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 6, all in Jaeger s 11- Wi4liam F., requesting a refimd on his cigarette Keefe Subdivision ............................................................................ 31-45 , permit ......................................._.............,...,__,.........,......... 236 3- Lease between the City of Dubuque and the United States 11- Koppes, Mrs. Anna, et a'1., requesting- the installation of a of America for the purpose of Naval Reserve Armory street light on Southern Avenue (the old Rockdale to be located on Lots 340, 341, 342, 343 and the Road ....................................................................................... 23G-244 abutting alley, all in Ham's Addition consisting of " 11- Klauer, Peter, granted cigarette permit ...:............................ 238 0.85 of an acre ......................,...,....................................,...... 32.38 " 11- Klauer, Peter, granted Class "C" beer permit ....................... 23S 14- League of Iowa Municipalities asking the City Council to " 26- Klauer, Mrs. B. F., addressed the Council stating that she osed assessments as shown to be ro th t t b contact the representatives of Dubuque County for th i t f H 5 J R E li A i p e p ejc o s o levied against her five vacant lots on Perry Street e r suppor o . , , and nab ng ct prov d- ~ iug~for the appointment of a state building code for the construction of the Perry Street sanitary 242 council to prepare a modern and urrifm~m huildiug sewer, lift station and force main .~...~.........~.....~............ code for Iowa ........................ 41 " 26- Klauer, W. E., President of Klauer 1VIanufacturing Gom- addressed the Council to register a complaint 14- Lindeke, A. W, requesting permission to erect a 6-iroom pany, in regard to the operation of the Island Airport and General Timber Service, flit., Fabricated Panel H stating that the firm's place was not being adequate- ~~ ouse to be located on Bradley Street ........................ 41 ly maintained ................._...............,,.......,......,......,............ ewis, E. F„ et al, property ow ners, requesting that F 1 0 " 25 -Kramer, Alois E., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 249 ~ ~ est Lane be paved ...,...........................,,.............,,............ 89-134 Sept. 22 -Kohdmann, Geo., et al., requesting Council to abate the 5 ibrarran of the Public Libra y annual report.,.......... „ 94 nuisance in their neighbm~hood caused by the dis- 5- Luke, Hy1da N, Recreational Director, bond ...................... 97 charge of water from the Haudenshield Funeral 271 " 1G- Linwood Cemetery Association requesting permission to ~, 22 Home into the open gutter ..................... rg and Zoning approval by the P~lannir Louis -Kolfenbach e entrance nr the c eme- 1 t s , , Commission of his prolimmary plat of Vernon 273 16- e1 y ................................................................................. Linwood Cemetery Assoeration lasting bond ....... b' 11G .116 6 Oct Heights Subdivision ...................... ,............ -Kramer, Joseph and, Louis P, O'Connor granted Class "B" June 2- , P.. Lilik, Leo F. and Beri,rce, ranted Class "B" beer er mit g 136 . beer permit ............................................... .... 292-293 '° 30- Library Tax Levi Certificate ..................................:................. 151 " 13 -Kopchansky, Clara, advising that they wish t~ take the salvage abutting their property on the nu movement '( 30 Link, Leo F., granted cbgar ette permit ..........:................. 158 of Audubon Street ..., . -.. 297 = 30- . Loyal Order of Moose ranted cr arette permit .. ... 158 Nov. 3 -Kopchansky, Mr. and Mrs. Mrke et al., requesting the , 30 Lerk, Wm. C., granted cigarette permit ......... .. ... .. 159 instablatio~n of a street light on the corner of Loras 30- Lanser, Geo, and Helen, granted cigarette permit .............. 160 Boulevard and Audubon Street ..~ ..................................... 307 318 30- Landon, Frederick, granted cigarette hermit .................... 160 3 « 10 -Kress, Hem'y L., granted cigarette permit ............................ Glerk Pro Tem of the onite -Ifint 30- Ludwig, M. J., g~rauted cigarette permit.....,....,..........,.......... 160 a~ _._....._......._.. ~ouncil meetilig~ 322 30- Lynn, Melvin C., granted cigarette permit ............................ 160 " 30- Loras College granted cigarette permit ................................ 160 " 30- Lnaemburg~ Club of Dubuque g~rarrted cigarette permit..... 161 ', 30- Lauser, George and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit 162-163 July 7- Linehan & Molo, excavation bond ........................................... 172 " 21- Laudolt, Fred, operatm~ and manager, and Harold S. Wag- ner, property owner, together with the petition of Harold S, Wagner et ah requesting the re-zoning of the property located at the southeast corner of West Locust and Kirkwood Streets from its present nrul- tiple family district classification to local business district classification .................................................183-20&237-238 " 21- Loclrhart Rlumbing~ and Heating Company, excavation band ........................................................................................ 18G Aug. 4- Luthe, Herman F., et al., residents and property owners ~Iiving in the vicinity of the 2400 block on Central Avemre, objecting to the granting of a building per- mit to Loibie's Body Service to erect a new building to be located at 2454 Central Avenue ..,.. .. ........ 207-208 INDE>C--hook 77 1947 ~ SUBJECT Page " 4- Lubck, Mrs, Christina, et al., protesting against the ra• zoning of Kirkwood and West Locust Streets from a multiple to a business .district and again calling at- tention to the fact that a Trailer Camp is located at present on this property and is a menace to the resi- dents of this district ..,........_ ...........................................208. 237.238 4- Lombard Avenue from Meadow Lane to Gondolfo Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that 214 cm'bs and gutters be constructed on said street........ " 4- Laurel Street from Grandview Avenue to Cannon Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that 215 " 4- said street be Paved .......................................................... Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club`..~ ........................................... 216 Sept. 2- Lowis, Harry, by Czizek &Czizek, Attorneys, requesting that a permanent grade be established upon Globe Street from the westerly line of Harold Street west• erly to the end of Lot 30 in J. P, Schroeder's Add. 266 " 2- Del, making formal application to operate at the Lynn , Island Airport under the same terms as the present operator, H. N. McAndrews, is operating.... ................. 262.287 " 2- Loyal Order of Moose granted Class "B" beer Permit for Oet. 13- private club ......................................................................... Luckman, Charles, Chairman, President's Citizen Food 262.263 Committee, requesting the appointment and organiz- ing of a Local Citizens Food Committee for the dura- tion of the emergency and that a proclamation be issued iu support of the Citizens Food Committee . 297 10 Nov program ................................................ ............................... -Laramore & Douglas, Inc., submitting two copies of their . report covering the schedule of rates proposed by The Key City Gas Company .................. ........................... 323 ` 10 -Laramore & Douglas, Inc., submitting copies of a state- ment showing the probable revenue which the rates osed by The Key City Gas Company on August ro p p 4 and modified on November 4 should brang ................ 324 " 17 -Laramm°e & Douglas, Inc., submitting three copies of a draft of the proposed ordinance fixing the gas rates for The Key City Gas Company ........................................ 330.339 17 -Lange, Robert A., and John D, Paine granted Class "B» 337 " 19 beer permit ............................................................................ -Lyons, Anna May, Notice of claim of ...................................... 354 19 -Levan, Archie, (Modern Plumbing and Heating Co.), ex- 357 cavation bond ..................................................................... . INDEX-~oolc ~~ 1947 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 6-McCarthy, Peter H., in regard to the ownership of Wash- ington Park and that efforts be made in perfecting the title Hof Washington Parkin the name of the City of Dubuque ............................................................................. 2 illar. 3 -McDonough, Melvin, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 37 May 5 -McGraw, J. E., objecting to the erection of a sign board on the plot located at 1795 Central Avenue .................... 93 " 5 -McCarthy, C. J., Market and Harbor Master, bond...,........ 97 June 2- McDoua4d, A, Y„ Jr, appointed as a member -of Board of Dock Commissioners fora 3-year term expiring No• vember 26, 1949 .................................................................. 138 " 20 -McMahon, .George, et al., requesting the rezoning of the property known as the McMahon property located on the Rockdale Road and South Grandview Avenue..143-185-186 " 30 -McDmrald, Daillel, granted cigarette permit ........................ 158 " 30 -McNamara, Earl J, granted cigarette permit ...................... 158 " 30 -McDonoogh, Thomas F, and Ruth, granted cigarette permit ...................................................................................... 158 " 30 -McDonough, Melvin B., granted cigarette Permit ................ 159 " 30 -McLaughlin, Prank, granted cigarette permit ...................... 160 " 30 -McFarlane, Robert, granted cigarette permit ................... 160 " 30 -McCauley, Francis, granted cigarette permit ........................ 161 30 -McCann, Eugene, granted cigarette permit .......................... 161 " 30 -McDonald, Daniel and Lm°etta, granted Class "B" Neer permit ...................................................._ ................................ 162 " 30 -McLaughlin, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ..........................................._......................................... 162-164 Sept. 2- McDonough, Thmmas F. and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................................................... 262-263 Oct. 6- McGann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" beer peimit.......... 292-293 Nov. 3 -McFarlane, W, J, authorizurg the Mayor and Clerk to execute a corrected quit claim deed conveying Lot 1 of 19 and Lot 1 of 20 of Mill's West Dubuque and Lot 1 of 225 of Woodlawn Park Addition .................... 320 ;. '.... ]NDEX~--hook 77 1847 ~ ~ SUBJECT Jau, 6-Mihm, Agatha, sidewalk to construct abutting the West side of the West 170 feet of Lot 284, Davis Farm Addition ............................................................................... " 15-Marine Corps League Welfaro Fouudatian requesting per- mission to exhibit enemy war material on the streets of the City of Dubuque ........................................................ 15-Mississippi Valley Association extending invitation to the Council to attend the annual meeting to be hold in St, Louis oz: January 20-21 ........_ ...................................... " 15-Municipal Airport, City Manager, instructed to invite A~iatiorr Consultants to meet with the City Council with a view to having a Master Plan of Airport facilities prepared together with their recommenda- tions for Che future operation and maintenance of the Airport ............................................._.....,...................... Peb. 3-Murray, Ida B, et al„ residents and property owners in vicinity of Kaufmann Avenue requesting the exten- sion of bus service to this vicinity,....~.........._ .................. " 3-PiIurphy, Orville P., granted cigarette permit ........................ " 3-IvIurphy, Orville P., granted Glass "B" beer permit.......... " 24-Moffatt, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the meeting ................................................................................... " 24-Mm~row, Marjorie G., and Hazel A, Schwartz requesting a refund on their cigarette permit .................................. " 24-Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc., in the rehearing, reargu- rnent, or recmrsidoration of the Civil Aeronautics Board's findings in the North Central Case, pursuant fA Rule 4 (b) of Sectiort 285.1, Rules of Practice under Title IV of the Civil Aeronautics Act ................ Mar. 3-Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, by Joseph Ventrelda, request- ing permission to use explosives in the excavation of trench work on the construction of the Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer ........................................ " 3-Master Plan, recommendation of the Planning and Zon- ing Commission that the report of Mr. Hartzog, Planning Consultant, be accepted as an amendment to the Master Plan as the basis far the future de- velopment of the East Hidnstrial Area .......................... " 8-Noes, Anthony M, and Donald C., granted Glass "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... 3-IVlerchants Hotel granted Class "B" beer permit ................ " 14-Magana, Minnie, Origina4 Notice of Suit .............................. " 14-Municipal Airport, Proposal and form of corrtract of the Ai~iation Services Company of Minneapolis for con- sultant services fm' the development, operation and maintenance of said airport ............. ........... " 28-Mille Inspector Chapman instructed to notify City Man- ager Rhonrberg when butterfat and quality of milk show a decrease approaching the rnininmm requh•ed by Ordinance the City Manager in turn to arrange a meeting of the Board of Health to cope with the problem ..................................._............................................... April 7-Murphy, Councilman Geo, R., elected Mayor for the en- suing fiscal Year ................................................................... ~~ 1 • for the en- 7-Mur thy, Mayor Geo R., sworn in as Mayor suing fiscal year " 7-Mary Agard Terit, D.U.V., requesting permisston to hold a Flag Day au Saturday, Juue 14, 1947 ........ ..... 7-Mihalis, Ellas and P~uby, granted Class "B" beer permit INDEX-hook 77 - 1947 SUBJECT Page Page ' May 5- Murray, G. D., Vice. Admiral U, S, Navy, Commandant, Ninth Naval District, advising that the Congress of the United States has decided that Quonset but type 1 Naval Reserve Training Centers will be erected where sites have been provided for such installation 91 5- Murray, G. D., Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy, Commandant, 9 Ninth Naval District, in regard to a program to in- crease membership in the Naval Reserve and to es- tablish aReserve Organization and asking the Mayor° 9 to act as Honorary Chairman of a local Civilian Committee to assist in the program during the week of May 18 to 25 and culminating on Naval Reserve Day, May 25th ....................................._.......,... .......,.,. ..... 92 " 5- Murphy, Mayor, appointment of a Civilian Committee to assist in the Naval Reserve Program and the estab- 15 lishment of a Reserve Organization .............................. 92 ` 5- Mulligan, James L„ submitting offer iu the amount of $60.00 for the purchase of Lot 210 iu Union Addition 92-135 19 ' 5- Moore, Mae Agnes, Clerk, Health Department, bond .._ 97 22 ~ 5- Marshall, Robert P, City Auditor, bond ......................... 97 22-23 9- rnon, granted Class "B" bear Meyer, Martin and ~e ............................................................ ... permtt ... 109 ` lfi- Murray, G. D., Viee Admiral, U. S. Navy, Commandant, 24 Ninth Naval District, advising that the contract for the construction of one Divisional Naval Reserve 27 Training Center in Dubuque, Iowa, has been awarded to the Gene Hurley Construction Ccmpany, West St, Paul, Minn ...................................................................._._... 115-116 June 20- Miner, D. W., et al., requesting the installation of a stt•eet lig7rt at the eornei• of Farley Street and' Lincoln 27 Avenue ..........................................._ ..,... ...,_......,.....,,143-153-154 " 30 -Municipal Airpm°t location, approval by the Depai°trnent of Commerce Civil Aeronautics Administratimi, the Public Roads Administration, the Iowan State High- 31.32 way Commission, the State Aeronautics Commission 150-151 ` 30 -Moffatt, Thomas W., et a'1., residents in the vicinity of Lonrb"ard and Gandolfo Streets, requesting that a street light be installed at the intersection of Lonr- bard and Gandolfo Streets ..............._...,.,......,,...,.....,,.... 152 ` 30 -Martin, Angela E., granted cigarette permit_ ...................... 158 34-100 30 -Mengis, Walter, granted cigarette pet~nit ._.___ .. .......... ..... 15S " 30 -Meyer, Paul J., granted cigarette permit ................................ 159 35-36 ', 30 -Manternach, Gus L„ granted cigarette permit...__ ............. 159 3q 30 -Miller, George, granted cigarette permit __ .....:........._.,,.._.. 159 39.358 30 -Meisenburg, John, and Carl E, Blosch granted cigarette permit .............................................. ...._.__......,..._.,....... 159 " 30 -Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit .,.._ ............._ .. 160 " 30 -Meyers, Kermit, and Thomas Lilly granted cigarette permit ......... . ..... ........._„ .., ...,....,. _.. 160 47-64 " 30 -Manders, John P., granted cigarette permit ... .........._ 160 " 30 -Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted cigarette permit_.,..... 160 " 30 -Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted cigarette permit... 160 " 30 -Meis, Stanley, granted cigarette permit . ................... .. _ 160 30 -Murphy, Orville P., granted cigarette pernut _........._.....,_, 160 " 30 -May, Leander W., granted cigarette permit .......................... 160 76 30 -Maas, Melvin H., granted cigarete permit._......_ ............... 1GI " 30 -Mihalis, E11as, granted cigarette permit .. ...,.,....___........._. iG1 77 30 -Murphy, Harry and Dorothy, granted cigarette permit .... .161 " 30 -Manders, Edmund N., granted cigarette pertnit_ .................. 161 77 30 -Noes, Anthony M, and Donald C., granted cteatette permit ........ _... 161 81 " 30 -Meyer, Albert M., granted Class "B" beer permtt .........,, 162-163 86 INDEX-~oolc 77 1947 SUBJ)JCT _ __ _ Page " 30- Mengis, Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" beer pernlit ...................................................................................... 102-163 " 30- Meisenburg, Sohn, and Carl E. Blosh g~rallted Class "B" permit .................................._.,.....,.........,.....................,......._ 162-163 " Maa s, William and Elisabeth, granted Class "B" beer permit 162.163 " 30- Maas, Melvin H„ granted Class `B" beer permit,,........... 162-164 July 7- Muncipal Airport, public hearing to be held on the sub- ject of operating and leasing procedures upon the new field ......................... ......_,....,,...,,...,,.....,..,....,...........,..173 -210-211 " 7- Mayor Murphy stated that on behalf of the City Council that he wishes to thank Admiral Murray of the Great Lakes Naval Station for the pictures showing the New Naval Reserve Armory and that the pictures were being turned over to the Naval Reserve Unit.. 175 " 7- Moffatt, Councilman, entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 9:15 p. m .............................._..,.............. . l75 " 17- Noes, Anthony M. and Donald C.,_ granted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................... ................................ 179 " 21- Mulgrew, Thomas J, Co., by Thomas J. Mulgrew, request- ing• the vacation and conveyance of Camp Street, frmu the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street .............................................:........182-203-212-259 21- Markey, William, re-appointed as a member of the Board of Library Trustees for a term of six years, said term expiring July 1, 1953 ................................................ 18G Aug'. 4- Murphy, Harry J, and Dorothy, granted Class "B" beer permit . .............................................................................. 215 4- Miller, Mrs. Florence M., granted Class "B" beer permit 215 " 26- Murphy, Mayor Geo, R., appointed as a member of the examiaiing board to determine the qualifications of eSSlllellt ssor as regmred by the new ass Clty Asse ......_ ........................... law 250 Sept. 2 1 l 1 ct, notice from -Munlci la1 Ail p m et 11 nautics Admin- Aeto Civil e ce ent of Com Dt ation 255 " 22 -Mulgrew, Thos, J. Co., by Thomas J. Mulgrew sttiting Terminal Street is badly in need of repairs 271 29 -Mancini, Ventreila & Sore, requesting an extension of time until December 31, 1947, for the completion of Kaufmann then' contract for the construction of tle Avenue sanltar trunk sewer °~~ 283-287 « 29 yon South- -MacInerney, C, J., requesting that the propert ern Avenue from the Blookslde Dairy to the former grocery store be rezoned to semi-business or light industrial classification ......................283.291-301.302-30 5-322-323 6 Oct -Murphy, Mr., a member of the Tri-State Flying Glub, . addressed the Council stating that he did not think it practical to have more than one flying operator at the Island Airport ................. 287 " 6 -Miller, Fay, submitting offer for the purchase of the South 20 feet of the North 54.5 feet of Lots 1 and 3 of Block D in Industrial Subdivision ............................ 288 " 6 -Miller, Katie A., requesting suspension of the 1946 taxes on Lots 9 and 10 of Johnston's Subdivision ................ 289-298 G -Mihalalris, Philip, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 292-293 13 -Me11oy, P. W., requesting that his two lots located in the 900 block on Seminary Street be rezoned as~he de- sires to erect a 2-family dwelling_ .................................. 29S Nov. 3 -Marietta, Eddon J., stating that he desires to take the sal- vage in front of his property at 1670 Audubon Street 30E INDEX-~oolc 77 1947 SUBJECT ~ ~ Page " 3- Mancini and Ventrella and Sou, blasting bnnd.........~.......... 309 " 17- Meyer, Herbert and Walter, granted Class "B" beer permit ............................_...._...,.....,...............,....,................... 337-338 Dec. 1- Manahl, Leo, granted Class "C" beer permit ...................... 351 " 1- Mayor, Murphy, authorized to issue a proclamation re- questing that flags be placed at half mast ou Thurs- day, December 4, 1947, in recognition of the be- ginning of the Pedera~l Program for the return of the remains of the war dead to their respective com- .... ........................................................ l e 352 19- Missis sippi Valle Associat y ion advising that the Missis- sippi Valley Association Convention hill be held in St, Louis on January. 2fi-27, 1948 .....~......._ .............. 355 " 19- May, Caroline M., requesting• the vacation of the alley between Lot 1 of 35 of Stewart's Sub, and Lot 2 of Sub. Lots 24 and 25 in Stewart's Sub ...................._....... 356 INDEX--Book 77 1947 SUBJECT e Page 3-Naval Reserve Armory, Lease between the City of Du- Mar . buque and the United States of America for the pur- pose of locating said Armory on Lots 340, 341, 342, 343 and the abutting a~11ey, all ~in Ham's Addition........ 32.38 3-Noel, John E, and June, granted Glass "B" beer permit.. 35-3G 14-National Conference on Fire Prevention, Mayor invited to attend the conference to be held in Washington, D. C., on May G, 7 and 8 of this year . .............................. 40 " 14-"No Turn," Recommendation of Chief of Police that a "No Turn" provision at Eighth and Main Streets be embodied in the Traffic Code and Ordinance of the City of Du ague ................................. 42 cation for a 23-Navy Club of Dubuque, Shop No. G7, appi~ 74 -84.102 Class "B" beer permit far .private club .......................... April 7-National Sunday Scholl Week asking the City of Du- in in the observance of said week...,........ j t 80 o o buque 7-New York Casualty Company submitting for filiug• the Power of Attorney when signed by C. H. Saucer or M. P. Hogan ...................................:...................................... 80 eek May 5-Natio a n t n ~ e B1 e a 91 of Week. Ca e te Wh la ed ~ay 15 d to 21 b " 5-National Flag Week, request that a proclamation be is- sued designating the interval between June 8 to 15 as National Flag Week ..................................................... 91 " 6-Naval Reserve Training Centers, erection of Quonset but 91 typ e bmldmgs ...................... " 5-Naval Reserve program, in regard to a program making available opportunities and advantages to young Americans in the New Civilian Naval Reserve and the establishing of a Reserve Organization and re- questing the Mayor to aet as Honorary Chairman of a local Civilian Committee, to be appointed by him, to assist in the program ...................... .............. 91.92 97 Lavern Carl, Electrical Inspector, bond .....•...~•~~~~~ " 6-Norton , 5-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted cigarette 102 Permit ...................................................................................... 5-National Tea Company, granted cigarette permit...,......... 102 " 9-Naval Reserve Armory, renewal of lease for naval reserve ' 107 s Addition armory on Waterworks Property in Ham June 2-Neyens, Fred E., appointed as a member of the Board of Dock Commissioners to fill the unexpired term of id term expiring November 26, 1948.. i 138 n, sa Mark Gav 2D-National Safety Couuci4 in regard to a safety campaign to make the Fourth of July a day of safe celebration 142 20-Navy Club of the United States of America requesting permission for the placing of an exhibit of one of their Mobile War Exhibits in Dubuque ....................... 143 " 30-National Institute of Municipal Law Officers asking Council to authorize the attendance of City Solicitor Kintzinger at the Annual Conference to beheld at Los Angeles on September 29 and 30 and October 1, ....................... ted cigarette perm .................. _ it ................ g 149 15 _ rted cigarette permit .............. ~0 a 1 N 168 ~0 N y p No. 67, granted cigarette Shi Dabuque, O1uh of - av 159 permit ................................................................................... " 30-National Tea Company granted cigarette permit ...........~,. 169 " 30-Nicks, Ray N., granted cigarette permit .............................. 169 159 " 30-Nardin, George A., granted cigarette permit ........................ 160 ` 30-North End Choral Club granted cigarette permit .............. " 3D-Nicks, Gilbert and Josephine, granted cigarette permit..,, 160 INDEX-Book 77 1947 SUBJECT ~ Page " 30- Nacos, Thomas E., granted cigarette permit ....................... 161 July 17- Noel, Joseph D., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... 177 Aug. 4- Nicks, Gilbert J, and Josephine, granted Class "B" beer permit .................................................................................... 215 Sept. 2 -Nardin, George A. and Bessie, granted Class "B" beer ~~~~~~~~~°~ r 262.263 2- " Natim~al Tea Company granted Class "C" beer permit.... 262-263 " 22 -Navy Club, Ship No. 67, requesting permission for the holding of an Anchor Day Sales ... .. • ..................... 271 " 22 -Navy Mother's Club Battleship Iowa, No. 44, requesting permission to hold a tag day ........................................ 271 " 29- Noel, Jahn E. and June, granted Glass "B" beer permit.. 283-284 Nov. 3- Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B" beer permit............~ ............. 319 3 -North End Choral Club granted Class "B" beer permit for private alub~ .....................~......_..................._.......,.........,. 319 " 10 -Nacos, Thomas E„ requesting a refund ou his cigarette permit .................................................................................... 323 Dec. 1 -National Safety Council in regard to the annual cam- paign to reduce accidents during the year-end holi- day ......................................................................................... 347 I ~ ,,~ INDEX®6oolc 77 1847 SUBJECT ®Page Jan. 6-Ordinance No. 46-46. An ordhtance amending the "Build- ing Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by permit- ting different type chimneys for g'as-burning heating units .................................... 3 " 6-Ordinance No. 1-47, An ordinance amending Ordinance . No. 29-46, "Being an Ordinance granting permission to the Iowa Improvement Company to constauct a sanitary sewer connecting with the city sewer at Htllcrest and Asbury Streets," by striking certain partsthereof requiring a sewer to be erected at de- . 3, ................. . fined p aces .................... . 11, 12 << _ linance establishnig a grade Ordinance No. 2-47. An Orc on Stetmore Stz'eet from the south property dine of Lombard Street to the south Property line of Theisen Street ..................................................................................... 6.12 " 6-Ordinance No. 3-47. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Jennf Street frmn the south property line of Lom- bard Street to the north property line of Theisen Street ............................._,....,,...,,...,,.............. _,.....,,....,............ 6.12-13 6-Ordinance No. 4-47. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Theisen Street from the east property line of Jen• ni Street to the west property line of Stetmm~e Street 6-13 3-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by F. A. O'Connor, ask- Peh . ing that the City Council take favorable action at the earliest possible date on the petition of St, Clara CoPlege requesting the opening of Platt Street near Mercy Hospital ..............._.........,....,..,................................... 17 24-Ordinance No. 5-47. Au Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to classify the entire area bounded by West Tlziril Street, Burch Street and Hill Street into Multiple Residence Dis- trio Glassification .............................................................. 24-32.33 " 24-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, advising that they represent J. Edward Walbrun and are filing a notice of claim in the amount of $5,000.00 26 " 24-Ordinance No. 6-47. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of part of Booth Street north of Martha Street next adjoining Lot 1 of 1, Lot 1 of 1 of 2 and Lot 1 of 2 of Trenk's Sub., and for the conveyance • e abutting of parts of sand street to the respectty ...." 28.33-34 . .....i to . ............. owners ordinance relating traffic and 14-Ordinance No. 7-47. An Mar . , . regulating the use of public streets n the City of Dubuque, Iowa; prescribing regulations relative to the parking of vehicles upon such streets; providing far purchase, rental, installation, operation, mainten- ance supervision, regulation and contra) of the use of parking meters; defining and providing for the establishment of parking meter zmies upon the pub- Iie streets and for au enforcement thereof and Pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof .................... • 21-Ordinance No. 8-47. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 12-38, Ordinance No. 10-43 and Ordinance No. "Authorizing Interstate Power Company, its 8-44 , successors and assigns to substitute motor bus trans• portation, for street railway transportation; desig- nating motor bus routes, etc., by changing certain defined bus routee, providing for certain bus stops, and by repealing m~dinances in conflict herewith......5 3-54-71.72 INDEX---Eook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 21- Ordinance No. 9-47. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37, being an ordinance designated as "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque" being in relation to turning of vehicles at intersections ................................ 54-72 " 21- Ordinance Dlo. 10-47. An Ordinance making appropria• lions for the expenditures of city government for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947, and ending March 31, 1948 ...................................._._.....................................64-GG 67-68-69 " 28- Ordinance No. 11-47. An Ordinance amending Ordi• Hance No. 1-39, being "Atr Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the st;'eets of the City of~ Dttbnque; designating the provtsions het°eof as the "Traffic Code" of sail City; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith," by re- pealmg (d) "Rule 108" Paragraph 736, Seetron ,and enactiug~ a substitute therefor ............................~.......... 72.82-83 " 28- Ordniance No, 37-46, An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 12-38, Ordinance No, 1G-42 and Ordinance No. 10-43, being Ordinance and amendments thereto "Authorizing Interstate Power Company, its success- ors and assigns to substitute motor bus transporta- lion for street railway transportation; designating motor bus routes by changing certain defined bus routes and by repeaing any and all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith ................~.......,........... 74-75 April 7- Oberhausen, Jahn C, appointed Police Judge and fixing his bond ......................... ......... _ .......,......... 71 ,~ 7- Olday, Madelyn, granted cigarette permit ._...~..., 86 May 5- O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting that quit claim deeds be executed and de- livered to the Interstate Power Company conveying vacated Seventh and Commercial Streets north and abutting Lot 15 in Eiock 13 and Market Street lying north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and also convey- ing vacated Cedar Street lying between Eighth Street and the alloy between Seventh and Eighth in in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, now described as Lots 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and Lot 1C in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition .............................................................. 89 " 5 -O'Brien, Mrs. Tom, Notice of Claim ...................................... 90-245 " 5- Our Lady of Lourdes Home objecting to the erection of a sign board ou the lot located at 1795 CentralAve- nue ...................................................................................._..._. 93 " 5 -Ordinance No, 12-47. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley first northerly of Robin Street from the Easterly line of Lot 37 to the Westerly line of Lot 41 of Rose Hill Addition and conveying said alley to the prospective abutting owners .................... 93-112 " 5- Oberhausen, John C, Police Judge, bond ...................._........ 97 " 5- O'Leary, Daniel J, Plumbing Inspector, bond ...................... 97 " 5 -Oster, Lucille, Clerk, City Water Department, bond........ 97 " 9 -Ordinance No. 13-47. An Ordinance vacating certain streets, Parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Addition No, 2 and Railroad Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque and providing for the granting and conveying of the title thereto to the Dubuque Packin Company and declartn a ency 10511 2.113-114 INDEX---Book 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 9- O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting that quit claim deeds he executed and de• livered to the Interstate Power Company conveying vacated Seventh and Commercial Streets north and abutting Lot 16 in Bloclc 13 and Market Street lying north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, and also convey- ing vacated Cedar Street lying between Eighth Street and the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City oP Dubuque, Iowa, now described as Lots 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, Du- buque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, and Lot 1C iu Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improve- . meat Company's Addition .................................................. 105-106 " 9- Ordinance No. 14-47. An Ordinance repea-ling "Ordi- nance No. 17-45, designating certain parcels of ground awned by the City for playground and recrea• tion purposes," and designating certain parcels of grotntil owned by the City of Dubuque for playgrond and recreation Purposes .................:.................................. 108-115 " 9- Ordinance No. 15-47. Au Ordinance Regulating the Parking and Location of Automobile Trailers and Regulating the Licensing, Location, Erection, Main- tenance and Conduct of Automobile Trailer Camps and Tourist Camps and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof ............................................... ................ 110 " 19- Ordinance No. 16-47. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 11-47 being "An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 1-39, an Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of sakl City, by establishing parking regula- tions on West Fifth Street west of Bluff Street,....... 121.125 " 26- -Ordinance No. 17-47. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Local Business District" classification certain defined territory now being delimited as "Two-Fam• ily Residence District" classification ........................... 123-133 Jule 2- Ordinance No. 18-1947. Au Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Mihvaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns,- the right to construct, maintain and operate an Industry Track over, along and upmt a portion of Lynn Street.......... 129-141 " 30- Ordinance No. 19-47. An Ordinance amending Ordi• nonce No. 8-41 being "An Ordinance fixing and es- tablishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity fm~ residentia.~l, commercial, street light- lllg, power' and Ot118T nses,° by alllellding the sched- ule rates for Large Industrial Power Service Users 152.171 " 30 -Oasis Club granted cigarette permit .................._...........,,... 158 .Tiny 7- O'Hearn, Roy, requesting that curb and gutter be con- structed on Diamond Street .............................................. 169 " 17- Ordinance No. 20-47. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No, 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Gode" of said City, by establishing parking regulations upon certain streets hereinafter designated ............................177.178-200-201 INDEX-Book 77 1947 SUBJECT Page ` 17-Ordinance No. 21-47. An Ordinance to provide for the selection of a City Assessor and for the assessment of property under Ghapter 405, Code of 1946, as pro- vided by Ghapter 240 of the Laws of the 621id Gen- eral Assembly ......................................... .............. ............. 178-201 " 21-Ordinance No. 22-47. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No, 3-34 designated "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Residence District" classifica- tion certain defined territory note being delimited as "Single Family Residence District" classification_.181-211-212 " 25-Ordinance No. 23-47. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of that part of Camp Street extending from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street and granting and conveying said part of said street to Thos. J. Mulgrew Co ................. 203.212 " 2b-Ordinance No. 24-47. Au Ordinance providing for the vacation of~ that part of Peabody Street extending from the East line of James Street to the West line of former Augusta Street and granting and convey- ing said part of said street to St. Joseph Mercy $os- pita~l of Dubuque ..........................................................204-212.213 Ang. 4-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting that quit claim deeds be executed by the City of Dubuque to Dr. and Nlrs. Thos. Greteman and to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph P. Even in accordance with the provisions of an Ordinance adopted in 1915 va- cating- an alley in Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision between West Fourth and Fifth Streets and Alpine and Paulina Street in favor of abutting owners and that no deeds were ever executed by the City of Dubuque to the abutting owners ................................... 209.2111 " 4-Ordinance No 25-47. An Ordinance amending- Ordi- nance No. 7-41 being an Ordinance defining "milk" and certain "milk products," etc., by defining "Cereal Milk," "Whipping Cream" and providing far appro- va4 of "Single-service Containers" ..................~,...~.....,211-23G-237 " 4-O'Hag~an Street froth Finley Street to Present"Cttrb, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that curbs and gutters be constructed on said street.....,.. 214 " 11-Osborn, Lynn C., Notice of claim of ...................................... 235-258 " 25-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connm•, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting permission and authorization for the I11i- nois Central Railroad Company to construct and maintain a side track mi Salina Street to serve Marmis & Solomon .........................~....~..............,243-276-289-290-291 25-Ordinance No. 26-47. An Ordinance Amendiug~ Ordi- uance No. 10-47, being an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Malting Appropriations far the Expetrdi- tures of the City Government of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, for the Fiscal Year April 1, 1947, and Ending- March 31, 1948," by ad~usting~ appropriations made under Group I-General Administation, Group VIII-Miscellaneous, anil Group XVI-Water Worlcs 246-257 Sept. 2-Oasis Club graitted Class "B" beer pertnit'for private club . ........................................................._........_.......,,............ 262-263 " 22-Ordinance No. 27-47. An Ordinance g~ranting~ to the Illi- ois Central Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, right to construct and maintain a sidetrack i , - ~~ INDEX-~oolc 7~ 1947 Oct. Nov Nov 5UL'JECT PagE from its tracks in Salina Street north of Charter Street, thence in a northeasterly direction in Salina Street and into the premises described as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 13, all in Block 13, in Du- buque I3arbor Company's Addition in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, and providing the terms and conditions thereof ..........................................................................27G-290-291 22-Ott, Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ................................ 277 13-Order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission iu the matter of an ordinance regulating the speed of trains • ty of Dubuque, at grade crass Iowa ergs within..the...Ci 299-359-3G0 13-Ordhrance No. 28-47. An Ordinance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Du• buque, repealing all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances iu conflict herewith and providhig a penalty for violation hereof ............................................................ 300-309 3-Ordinance No. 29-47. An Ordinance amending and chang• iug the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to extend the present Light Industrial District at the north- west corner of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub, No. 2, thence southerly along the easterly line of Southern Ave- nue to the intersection of the easterly line of South- ern Avenue and the southwesterly lfne of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37; thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37 to the point of intersection with the line northwesterly of Dubuque-Cascade Roacl; thence northeasterly almig the northwesterly line of the Dubuque-Cascade Road to the present Light Industrial District in Lot 1 of 2 of Randall's Sub. No. 2 ........................................305-322.323 3-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by Francis J. O'Connor, attorneys for the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the Algonquin Chemical Company, requesting' that Lot 1 of Rock Cnt Subdivision be zoned as a heavy industrial area ...........:............................................. 30G-353 3-O'Meara, Louis, granted cigarette permit ............................ 318 10-Ordinance No. 30-47. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 7-47, being an Ordinance relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets, pre- scribing regulations relative to the parking of ve- hicles, providing for the purchase, rental, super- vision and control of the use of parking meters, etc." by extending the parking meter zones and provid- ing regulations for the use thereof .................,.....,...,.322.332-333 17-Ordinance No, 31-47. Au Ordinance fixing and estab- lishiug rates to be charged far th'e furnishing of gas for residential, commercial, indrustrial and other uses and Purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; ftx- iug and regulating the method of service thereof, prescribing a penalty for violation thereof; repeaP- iug all ordinances and resolutions in conflict here• • .331-339-340-341 with, and declaring an emergency ...................... 24-O'Brien, Robert J., in regard to the restoring of his name on the eligible list fm' appointment to the position of 341 Po iceman ....,....._........ 24-Ordinance No, 32-47. Au .0.....,_ ... .......... rdhranee creating the office of Bmldiug Commissioner, providing the qualifica- tions for said office and the appointment of a build- ing Commissicner ............................................................... 343-348 INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page Dec. 1-Ordinance No. 33-47. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nonce No. 10-37, entitled "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Or- dinance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9-44, by striking out certain provisions thereof and inserting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulating the use of vehicles neon the streets and highways of the City of Dubuque and by repeanig all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith ....................................348-353 Waldorf granted- -0 Rourke, Fran T., and Mrs. ara Class "B" beer permit ........ 19-Ordinance No, 34-47. An Ordinance 351 " providing• for sick leave for officers and employees of the City of Du• buque, defining "Sick Leave," extent thereof, filing, approval and allowance of claims therefor .................. 357 INDEX-~ool< 77 1947 SUBJECT _ Page 1947 INDEX-~oolc 17 ® SUBJECT n Page Jan. 6- Prommenschenkei, Jos. (Deed), Louise, requesting sus- 14-Planning audZoning~ Commission recotnmeuding denial pension of taxes ......................~.....~....,.............,.................... 4 of the petition of Charles J, and Julius J. Boyer for 6- Planning artd Zoning Commission recommendug denial of the rezoning of property ou Southern Avenue.,.......... 42.43.51 the petition of Lloyd Burkart for the rezoning of his 14-Planning and Zoning Commission returning the petition = property on the southwest side of Highway No. 20, 0 f Leo F. B1y recommending that l~Ir. Leo F. B1y be near the west city limits .... ... ... . .. ............. 4-6 o flowed to withdraw his petition without prejudice.. 43 6- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial ' ning the rezo ~ a r ` 14-Planning and Zoning Commission recommetuling denial 1 St eetr G~eet i of lls property a2215 5 oY the petition of Mrs, Celia Ellis et a~~l ....................... 43 " G- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial 14-Planning and Zoning Commission recotnmeuding' denial of the petition of Edmund L, Didesch et al. £or the of the petitimt of Nicholas Grommersch fora 16-foot rezoning of his property at 923 West Third Street.... 5 wide extension of Sabula, Street as suggested would - 6- Pla~nnnig and Zoning Comtission recommending that the be insufficient to prevent a serious traffic hazard.... 43 entire area b'ottuded by West Third Street, Burch 14-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending grant- ~_ Street and Hill Street riot already zoned as Multi- ing of the petitimi of Earle J. Sow1e requesting vaca- - pre Residence be rezoned to tl4ultiple Residence tiou of a part of Natimtal Street west of the Nest Classification ........................................................................ 5 line of I{eokule Street ......,...,,............,..........,................_. 44-99 " 6- Pregler, Clarence G., granted Class "B" bear permit.... 7 21 Porter, C, P+r©d, State Comptroller, approval of resolu- " 15- Payrolls fm~ the mouth of December, 1946 ........................... 13 tion and application for the permanent transfer of Feb. 3- Plamring and Zoning Commission recommending the $15,000,00 from the Water Works General Fund to the Consolidated Fund which embraces the Improve• granting of the petition of St. Clara College for the lllellt Fllnd .. . „ . ... 51 extenston of Platt Street easterly to Cardiff Sheet.,.. 20 ~ ` ~ 21-Payrclls far the month of February 1947. 51 - " 3- Planning• and Zoning Connnission recommending the de- vial ~of the petition of Carl Riley for the vacation of . , " 28-Park Hi~11 District iu regard to btts service ........................ 70-71 apart of Platt Street adjoining his property at the 28-Pelzer, Clement B,, and Clarence J. Pfeiffer granted cig- corner of James and Platt Streets,... .............. 20 arette permit ..,...,,. 73 " 3 -Planning and Zoning Commission reconnnending the 28-Pelzer, C1eme7rt B., and Clarence J, Pfeiffer granted class granting of the petition of J. Burroughs for the vaca• "B" beer permit .., 73 r time of the a°11ey adjoiniug~ Lots 37 to 41 of Rose Hill Apri17-Pohl, George, appointed as a meinber of the Board of Addition ....._ ............................................................_....,....... 0 Review ...,.............,......_............,..........................................., 73 " 3 -Planning and Zoning Commssion recommending the de- 7-Parker, H. W., et al., residents and property owners on ~~ nial of the petition of Herman Kolbe for the vaca- West 16th Street, requesting that sewer and water lion of City property at the southwest corner of 32nd mains be constructed m West 1Gth Street to serve ~ Street and Central Avenue . 20 their properties ...,. 79-98 y 3 Pusateri, Frame J., erecttion of a fire escape on his 21 << 7-Perfection Oil Company in regard to the appheation of building located at 1296 Central Avenua.,. " " the Hughes Oi~~l Company to erect additional storage " 3 beet petmrt,,, C Pusateri, Frank J., g1'anted Class 22-23 .tanks at the River Terminal _..,,.. „ 79 ~- 24 -Poole, Horace L„ requesting that grades be established ................... on Esther and Tressa Streets .,.... ~ 25 .. ............. 7-Plarmiug and Zoning Commission adi~sutg Council that 24 Payrolls for the month of January, 1947...,....,._ .................... 28 they are in receipt of the petition of property own- '~3~ ~ Mai°. 3 -Parking Survey Report submitted by the Citizens Advis- era consentiug~ to the vacation oY the alley ad~oiuing , m~y Parking Committee for Council consideration...... 32 Lots 37 to 41 of Rase Hill Addition as requested by 3 -Planning and Zoning Commission recommending that the J. Burroughs ...._.., ,..., ..., 85 report of Mr. Hartzog, Plaunuig Consultant, be ac- 7-Plamiiug~ and Zm~ing Commission recmunrending~ granting cepted as an amendment to the Master Plan of the of the revised petition of Charles J. Boyer et al, for y City as the basis for the ftitture development of the the rezo~ting of all the property iu the 200 and 300 `_ East Industrial Area ............................................................ 34-lOD numbered blecir on Southern Avenue to a Local Busi- _ `'~ 3 -Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the vaca- Hess District on the southerly side of Southern Ave. 8 5-100-101 tion of certain streets and alleys itt the East Indus- 7-Planning and Zoning Commission submitting for Couu- ~ trial Area and fm~ther recommending that the va- cil consideration a proposed Dubuque Homes ' Bated portion of the streets and alleys as shoNtt on Subdivision No. 1 which has been approved by the the attached plat be conveyed to the Dubuque Pack- Planning and Zoning Commission ................................ 85-$6 ing~ Company upon the cmiveyance to the City of Du- May 5-Patch, C, W. Notice of clai?n of.., . 90 ~~ buque of a strip of land 36 feet in width adjacent to 5-Payrolls for the month of March 1947 97 and abutting on the west side of Ash Street from the , .................................. ~ north lice of East 15th Street to the south lhte of 5-Pals, Otto P. Cit Treasurer, bmtd ........................................ ~~ Y 97 East 19th Street "' ' 34-35-100 5 Planning acid Zoning Commission submitting for Coun- " 14 tell revietiving the -Parks, Mr, Fred, addressed the Cout cil consideration a proposed Carole Conrt Subdivis- plans of the Parks Air Service for operation of air- ion which has been approved by the Planning and ~~~ ~~: plane service a~t the NeN Municipal Airport .............. 39 Zoniug~ Cotnmission ........................................,.......,......,...... 99.100 INDE~C®~oolc 77 1947 T SUBJECT Page " 9- Playground and Recreation Commission requesting that in order to develop Rafferty Field that the proceeds resulting from the sale of a 90•foot wide strip off the northerly end of Rafferty play area be made available to the Playground and Recreation Com- 108 " 9- mission ................................................................................... Planning and Zoning Commission asking that definite ac- tion be taken on the "Tourist and Trailer Gamp " 109.11D ............................................................................ Ordinance " 16- Payrolls for the month of April, 1947 ............................~....... 117 " 19- Playground and Recreation Commission to work out satisfactory arrangements for the playing of both hardball and softball games at the Athletic Field until such tithe as facilities for softbal~~1 games are ready at Comiskey Field .................................................... 121 Jane 2- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of the petition of B, A. Schueller et al., requesting rezmling of his property at Central Avenue and 30th Street to Local Business classification_ ..............129.130-141-142 " 20- Petersen, Carl W., calling attention of the City Council to the condition of the bank south of St. Joseph Street at Algona Street, which bank has caved u1, and ad- vising that the City of Dubuque will be liable for any damages that may occur to his property through neg- lect of this condition .......................................................... 142 20- Plamling and Zoning' Commission recommending denial of the petition of Frank Conlon for the rezoning of his property at 793 West Third Street .......................... 145 " 20- Planning and Zoning Commission in regard to the com- munication presented to them by Emil Grassed and Albert BLU'g~ueier requesting the rezoning of a strip ' of land approximately 400 feet in length along U: S. Highway 151 in what is known as Lot 1 of J. C. Scully's Sub. and recommending the rezoning of part of J. C, Scully's Sub„ being an area 200 feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Dubuque- Cascade Road from the present Local Business Dis- • cute Classi- trlct 400 feet southerly to Multiple Resld ... ................. ................... ... :. ,........145-14 .. fication 6-157-158 " 20 . . . : 1 11 . -Plauning and Zoning Cominlsslon submitting for Coun- ' cil cousidelatzon Glenview Subdivts o which has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Com- 146 30 mision ......... -Payrolls for the month of May, 1947 :..............._.......... ~~~~~ 153 30 ermit granted cigarette p Joseph A, and Frank, -Paradiso 158 " 30 , , -Page Hotel Company granted cigarette permit .................... 168 " 30 -Poquette, Millard, and Clifford G. Harker granted cigar- 159 30 ette permit ............................................................................ e granted cigarette -Poquette, Millard, and Raymond Syk ` 30 permit ................. -Peryotl, Albert G., granted cigarette Permit. .. .... 159 169 " 30 Glement B,, and Clarence J. Pfeiffer granted cigar- -Pelzer " 30 , ette permit ............:.............................................:............... . Fred C. and Winifred, granted cigarette -Potterveld 159 < 30 , permit _ g , cigarette permit... .............. -Pfa1x raf, Ernest W., granted 159 160 " 30 -Pusateri, Frank J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 160 160 " 30 Charles and Rttth, granted cigarette permit,....... Pochter " 30 , Paar, Frank J., granted cigarette permit ............................ i 160 " 30 t,.........~..~ -Pins, Val J. and Helen, granted cigarette perm 161 " 30 -Pins, Arthur W., granted cigarette permit ............................ I~~aEX®~ook 77 1947 SUBJECT . ~ Page " 30- Peed, Thos. R., and Raymond G. Wunder granted cigar- ette permit ............................................................................ 161 " 30- Pregler, Clarence, granted cigarette permit ........................ 161 " 30 -Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette pernut ...,....,...~ ............... 161 " 30- Pochtel', Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer permit 162-164 " 30- Peed, Thomas R., and Raymond G. Wunder granted "B" beer permit ............................................................................ 162-164 " 30 -Pins, Arthur W„ granted Class "C" beer permit ................ 163-164 July 7- Policemen's Protective Association asking fora 40 per cent wage increase and time and a halt Eor overtime and a 40~hom' week ......................................................... 169 " 7- Police Pension Levy Certificate .............................................. 170 " 7- Police Retirement Levy Certificate ............._.,...,................... 170 " 7 -Playground and Swimming Pool Levy Certificate fixing the budget requirenrellts for the ensuing year for playground and swimming pool purposes .................... 170 " 21 -Primary Road Extension Maintenance contract .................. 182.183 " 21- Planning and Zoning' Conmiission recommending denial of the petition of George McMahon et al ...................... 185.186 " 25 -Payrolls for the month of June, 1947 ...................................... 20u 25 -Planning and Zoning Commission reconunending' the granting of the petition of Thomas J. Mulgrew Co. for the vacation of Camp Street from the east lhle of Water Street to the west dine of Terminal Street 203 26 -Planning and Zoning' Commission recommending the granting' of the petition of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for the vacation of Peabody Street fi'om the west line of former Augusta Street to the east line of James Street ..,......._ .........................................................;.....,.......... 204 Aug'. 4- Parking Meters, City Manager authorized to purchase ad- ditional parking meters from M H, Rhodes, Inc,, and ', conversion parts for existing parking meters in or- der to carry out the recommendation of the Police Department ..................................................................:......... 214 " 4- Pearl Street from Finley Street to West End, and from ', McCormick Street to O'Hagau Street, recommenda- tion of City Manager Rhomberg that cm'bs and gut- tern be constructed on said street .................................. 214 " 4- Perry Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force main 215-219-220-221-242 " 11- Planning and Zoning Commission advisuig Council that the representative of St. Patrick's Church was grant- .. ed the privilege to withdraw without prejudice their petition requesting the vacatiml of the Alley between Main and Iowa Streets between 14th and 15th Streets 237 " 11 -Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial oP the petition of Fred Landolt and Harold S. Wa,g'- her, requesting rezoning' of certain property south- east of the intersection of West Locust and I~irk- wood Streets and retttrning the opposii ig petition of 114rs. Christina Lubck et al .................. 237-238 " 25 -Property owners residing on West Third Street between Grandview Avenue and Algona Street addressed the Council requesting that in the event that there is not enough ground at the West end of the street near Algona Street to bring this street to its proposed width that the necessary property be taken equally from the property on both sides of the street,.,......... 242 " 25 -Payrolls for the mouth of July, 1947.........,._ ...................... 244 Sept. 2 -Plalllllllg allCl LOlllllg' Conlilllssion, apln'oval Of DUbLlglle omes ub ivlslon No. 2 and submltttl g same fot Council consideration . ..... ....... ... 259 INDEX-Book 77 INDEX-Book 77 1947 SUBJECT Page 1947 SUBJECT Page - Jan. 6 -Receipts for the month of November, 1946, Proof of puh- 2- Farking Lots, resolution submitted bg Board of Direct- ors of the Chamber of Commerce with reference to lication ._.......... ... ... ......... ... ..... 4 acquiring property for the use of parlring lots ....... 265-266 g -Rose nthal, Mimiie (Decal, Peter, requesting suspension " 22- Planning and Zoning Commission, approval of the pre• of taxes ..~ ..... ...... .. ....... .. .. .... ........ 4 liminary Plat of Vernon Heights Subdivision being 15 -Report of the Grand Jury for the January 1947 Term developed by Louis I~olfenbach . ....... ..... 273 reconnnendutg the building of a combination City " 22- Payrolls far the month of August, 1947 ...... ..... 276 Hall-Court House and Jail . .., ~... ..... ..... 10-11 Oct. 6- Poole, Horace L, et al„ requesttng that Esther Street, Feb. 3 -Rhodes, C. E„ et al., addressed the Council and discussed Tressa Street and McLennan Street be brrought to the parking problem, the installation of parknig me- established grade aiid that curbs be installed and tens and the use to he made of the money derived that said streets be covered with an oi4 dust-free from the parking meters, the providing of free park- surfacing ..... .. ............ 288 ing lots and the addition of more then on the police '~ 6- Planning and Zoning Co~nissi~on recommending the ex• department ......... .. ....... .. ... 17 . tensicn of resent Light Industrial Drstnict on the P ~ ~ 3 -Receipts for the month of December, 1946, Proo f of pub- •' easterly side of Southern Avenue southerly to in• lication of . 19 dude the following area: From the present Light ' 3 -Riley, Carl, requesting vacation of a part of F1att Street Industrial District in Lot 3, Randall s Sub. No. 2, to adjoining his property at the corner of James and the present Local Business District in Lot 1 of 4 of Platt Streets, report of the Planning and Zoning Dllinerad Lot 37, and between Southern Avenue and Commission ......,.. ~ 20 the Dubuque-Cascade Road ~ ~ 291-301 .302-305 ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ " 6- Puccio, Jasper Leo, a71d Catherine Lynch, granted Class 24 -Receipts for the month of January, 1947, proof of publi- r: <<C~, beer permit .................._..................,.........................,... 292-293 cation ........ ..,.. ..: ....,..... 27 ~~ 13- Payrolls for the month of September, 1947. ....... 300 Mar. 3 -Rawson, Harry A, and Grace, granted Class "B" beer °~ Nov. 3- Pogemau, Mrs. Laura, notice of claim_.... 306 permit .. .. 36-3G " 3- Ploog, Elizabeth J., et a1., protesting to the placing of 14 -Roshek, Thomas B, Notice of Claim . 40-84 parking meters on the west side of Bluff Street in 28 -Riedel, Otto W., in regard to giving a Guest Tag to "Out- ~ the 900 block ._. ... ................_ 307 of-Town Guests" instead of an over-parking tag,....... 70 , " 3- Flattning and Zoning Commission recommending denial ' " 28 -Receipts Por the month oP February, 1947, proof oP publi- of the petition of Fischer Investment Cmnpany as cation ........ 71 presented and submitting recommendation instead.... 310 April 7 -Rhomberg, A, A, appointed City Manager and fixing his " 17- Parks Air Transport, Znc., notice before the Civil Aero• bond .... .. 77 nautics Board in the matter for issuance of Tem- ~ 7 -Rainb~o Oil Company in regard to the application of the ,~, porary Certificate of Convenience and Necessity....... 333 Hughes Old Company to erect additional tanks at the ~. " 17- Parlcs Air Transport, Inc., notice before the Civil Aero• River Terminal ......... ~ 7g nautics Board in the matter for a Temporary Exemp- 7 -Reinker, Herman, requesting a refund on his cigarette flan frmn the Provisions of Section 401 (a) of the permit ...... ........ .. .... ...... .. ....,.. Sl ,~ Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 as Amended ................... 333 May 5 -Receipts for the month of March, 1947, proof of publican ~~~ 17- Payrolls for the month of October, 1947 ................................ 336 ~ flan 94 ~' 17- Pinski, George F~„ excavation baud ...... .. , . 337 ~~ 5 -Rhomberg, A. A., City Manager, band ....... 97 " 17- Pusateri, Frank J., granted Class "C" beer permit.. 337-338 5 -Reis, Fraiilc and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer permit 103 " 17- Pins, Val J. and Heleh, granted Class "C" beer permit.. 337-338 ' 9 -Rod and Gun Club granted Class "B" beer permit for pri- Dec. 1 -Paar, Frank J., granted Class "B" beer perntit ............:.._. 351 vate club ... _... .. ., . 109 `~ s 19- Payrolls for the mouth of November, 1947 ........... ..~.... 358 26 -Receipts for the month of April, 1947, proof of publica- , flan ........ ... .. 125 June 2 -Release and Waiver oP Jacobson Steel and Supply Conr pany Por the construction of a spur track by the Chi- ' cago Great Western Railroad Company across 12th T " Street .......... ... ...,.._ ... ...... ..... 131 2- Ryder Realty Company, order placed for the construction oP a fire escape on their building located at 238-240 ,' June 2 -Quit Claim Deed of Helen T, Buckley conveying to the West Sixth Street ....... 13G-137 ~i City of Dubuque Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Yale Court.........,.. 130-131 20 -Receipts for the month of May, 1947, proof of publication 144 " 2 -Quit Claim Doed of City of Dubuque conveying to James ' 30 -Rod and Gan Club granted cigarette permit..,, 158 Alderson Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights 130-131 30 -Roach, Levi J., granted cigarette permtt ..,.....,, 158 " 30 -Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit 160 30 -Roshek Brothers Company granted cigarette permit.,...,.. 159 o0 -Quinlan, Robert J, and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer ~ 30 -Ragatz, George, Jr„ granted cigarette permit ...,...._........,. 159 permit.. _..... 162-164 30 -Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted cigarette permit 161 Aug. 4 -Quit claim deed to Theodore J. and Helen M. Greteman ~ 30 -Ruegnitz, B, A., granted cigarette Permit 161 conveying Lot 16 `B" of Paulina Langworthy's Sub- 30 -Reis, Frank, granted cigarette permit .. ... 161 i division of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 ....... .. .... 209-210 30 -Rawson, Hat°ry A., granted cigarette permit .,.. 161 " 4 -Quit claim deed to Joseph P. and Ida B. Even conveying ~ 30 -Ralston, George, granted Class "B" beer permtt. ~..,.. 162-163 ~ Lots G "A" and 16 "A" of Paulina Langworthy's Sub- 30 -Roshele Brothers Cmnpany granted Class "C" beer permit 163-164 ~ i I division of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 .................................. 209-210 I 1 IN®E~---Eoo{c 77 1947 SUBJECT _ Page ~~,_ July 7- Race Street, recommendation of Ghief of Police that parking be prohibited on the west side of the street from Nest 11th Street to Rose Sti'eet .......................... 172-201 7- Ra~wso~n, Harry A, and Grace, granted Class "B" beer pe1'llllt ....... ... ...._...........,....... ,,..........,.......................,......... 175 " 7- Rhomberg City Manager, annual salary set at $12,000.00 starting July 16, 1947 ....:..................................................... 175-176 " 21 -Railroad trains, City Solicitor instructed to pt'epare an ordinance regulating the speed of freight trains with- in the limits of the City of Dubuque to 15 miles per hour and the speed of passenger trains to 20 miles per hour within the limits of the City of Dttbuque 186.299.300-309-359-360 21 -Receipts for the mmith of June, 1947, proof of publication 202 Ang. 4 -Rosedale Avenue froth St. Ambrose Street to Asbury Street, reconwiendatimi of City Manager Rhomberg that said street be paved ...r ............. ..........._.,,...,,.. 215 " 4- Rettenmaier, Jolm and Marie, granted Class "B" beer 1 ..,........._ .......... .......... . _ ~.~ 1 125 ~< Z5 ......,242-253-259 J. F., Notice of Claim...,,.... -RoscanP, " 25 -Roberts, Paul V., C.A.A. Dist1'ict Airport Engineer, and Lester G, Orcutt, Director Iowa Aeronautics Cmn- mission, advising of Notice of Hearing-National Airport Plan to he held at Oelwein, Iowa, on August 26, 1947 .................................................................................... 243 wept. 2 ~ Class "B' fund on his -Ralston, Georee, requestm are beer permtt 256 ~~ 2 948, proof of publication -Receipts for the month of July 1 257 22 -Receipts for the mouth of August, 1947, proof of publica- tion ..,....._......_ ......................................................................... 273 Oct. 13 -Rogers, Victor A, and Clara, stating they wish to take their salvage in front of Lot 99 of Woodlawn Park Addition on the improvement of Audubon Street..._... 297 3 Nov -Roshon, J. E, requesting permission to erect and main . taro within the curb line in front of his property at 1398 Pine Street two markers to guide drivers of motor vehicles off the sidewalk in frotrt of his resi- dence as well as on the 14th Street side ....................:. 307 " 3 -Roach, Levi J., requestnlg a refund on his cigarette ~ 303 3 ~ 1947, proof of -Receipts for tha mouth of September publication 309 " 24 -Russo, R. N., Attm~ney, representing' the Amvets, in re- gard to restoring the name of Robert J. O'Brien on eligible list far the position of Policeman .................... 341 Dec. 1 bli- er, 1947, proof o pu -Receipts for the month of Oct g cation _, ._ ~~~ ~" 343 1 arette Dermtt ,,..,,,..,, -Richman, Leroy G., g anted ci 350 1 -Richman, Leroy G., granted Class "B" beer permit .............. 351. " 19 -Rosenthal, Minnie, requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes ou the East 56 feet of North 25 Feet of City Lot 561 ...................................................................... .................... 356 INDEX--~oolc 77 1947 SUBJECT Page __ S Jan. 6-Sidewalk to construct, abutting the West side of the West 170 feet of Lot 284, Davis Farm Addition, Agatha Mfhm, owner ...................................................._.................. 1 " 6-Sitterly, Jos., (Deed), Lena, requesting suspension of taxes ..................................................................................... 4 " 6-Strub, Lucas, (Deed), Emma, reguesting suspension of taxes ....................................................................................... 4 6-Stetmore Street from the south property line of Lombard Stret to the south Property line of Theisen Street, grade established .................................................................. 5-G12 " G-Seherr, Henry J, and James J., granted cigarette permit 7 " 6-Snyder, Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit .................................................................................... 7 Feb. 3-St, Glara College requesting the opening and extension of Platt Street easterly to meet Cardiff Street............ 17.20 " 3-Sonotone Corporation requesting that the City Solicitor be instructed to enter into an agreement whereby they will b~e allowed to open offices in the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 4--33,........... 18 3-S " ehwartz, Lawrence, granted cigarette permit .................... 22 " 3-Schwartz, Lawrence, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 22.23 " 24-Scheufele, Mr. and Mrs. Carl, requestiug~ that grades be established on Esther and Tressa Streets .................... 26 24-Sowde, Earle J„ requesting• the vacation of that part of National Street which extends 120 Peet into McDan- om heokuli Street.. l p d i 27.44-99 Mar. 14-Smith~ Ba aek Noti e of Clain 4 s 0-368-359 ....,,,, 14-Smith, Mrs. Anna, Notice of Claim .....,4 0.310-111 " 21-Sanitary sewer to construct in Bradley Street from Ran- dall Place to last house on Bradley Strut beyond Whelan Street .............:........................................................ 50 " 21-State Comptroller, C. bred Porter, approval of resolution and application for the permanent transfer of $15,000.00 from the Water Works General Fund to the Consolidated Fund which embraces the Improve- ment Fund ............................................................................... 51 " 21~eubert & Fesler, excavation policy .............._...... 52 April 7-Shea, J. J., appointed Cit Clerk and fixin his bond........ 77 ` 7-Sanner, C. H, power of attorney ........ .....g................,......... 80 May 6-Sandry, Clarence R, for his wife, Mrs, Catherine Sandry , notice of claim ......................................................................9 0.324-325 " 5-Shaw, Mrs. Annis, notice of claim ............................................ 90-202 " 6-Saint Columbkiile's Parish Holy Name Society request- ing the installation of a street light on Rush Street between Bryant and Holly Streets .. ............................ 93-134 " 5-Schuelder, B, A., et a'1, owners of property within 200 feet of property hereinafter referred to, requesting the establishment of a local business district on the Southeast and Southwest corner of 30th Street and Central Av nue ............... 93-129-13 0-141-142 ~ ~~ 5-Shea, J. J., Cit Clerk, hood :............................................... 97 " 16-Stoffregen; Louis C, re-appointed as a ~ member ~af the Board of Adjustment Pm' the term ending March 5, 1952 ............................................_...............,.....,............,....,.... 118 " 16-Stoffregen, Louis C., re-appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term eud- iug May 24, 1952 .................................................................... 118 " 16-~Schiltz, J. H„ re-appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term ending May 24, 1952 .......................................................................................... 119 June 2-Schaller, Mildred M, and Clara R., granted cigarette permit ............................~...................~..................................... 135 INDEX-~ool< 77 _ INDEX-hook 77 1947 SUBJECT Page -~ - ~° 1947 SUBJECT Page " 2- Schaller, Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Class "B" beer permit 136 7-Stampfer, J. F. Company, granted cigarette permit...,.....,.. 173 " 20- ShaSfer, Francis R„ et al, requesting the installation of 17-Sanders, Mr, and Mrs., et al., requesting the removal of a street light and the construction of a turn around a cottonwood tree at 2309 Roosevelt Street as the at the end of Mt. Loretta Street....._ :........................... 143 same is a nuisance gird very dangerous.,..........._......... 177 °` 20- Smith, _Charles J., et al., requesting the rezoning of the 21-St. Joseph lYZercy Hospital of Dubuque, by I~enline, Roe- Southerly r/z of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of dell, Hoffmarw & Reynolds, its attorneys, asking the Lot 1 of Lot 2 ~of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot G7 vacation and conveyance of Peabody Street from to a Local Business District .......................................... 143 the west lice of former Augusta. Street to the east " 2Q- Storm Relief Sewer System, authorizing and directing line of James Street 133.20 4.212-213 the City Manager to enter into an agreement with 25-St Patrick's Church, by F. P. Mu1lig~an Pastor asking the Bw•eau oP Community Facilities of the Federal , , , that an ordinance be adopted vacating all of the alley Works Agency for advance funds for advance plan- ~e ween t r treet and Loras Boule vard from ning of a complete system of storm relief sewers.... 145-149 the south line of 15th Stz•eet to the no rth Line of " 30- Schumacher, Geo., et al., requesting the installation o~ a Lm~as Boulevard 200-237 street light on the corner of Roland and West Third Third Street ..................................... 152-172 Aug. 4-State Comptroller R. E, Johnson, approval of Resolution " 30- Solon Street, opening and widening said street from Hill No. 90--47, a resolution and application for approval to lev au emer t 20 Street to Booth Street and authorizing the purchase y gency as ................................................ 7 of the northerly 25 feet of Lot 10 of Murphy's Sub- 4-Shiloh Circle, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, .. n which will provide Por the widening of Solon 1 ~ permrssron for the holdin of a tag day et g .. .. ... ......................~..........._ Street 156-157 o Augiist 3Q, 1947 ~...~............................. ....... 208 " 30- Sand, Mike and Marie, granted cigarette permit ..........,. 158 4-Southern Avenue from Grarrdview Avenue to the City " 30- Schwartz Vincent B„ granted cigarette permit ................. 158 Limits and from Sullivan 6treet to Granelview Ave- " 30- Sclrerr, Henry J. and James J., granted cigarette permit 158 mie, reconmlendation of City Manager Rhmnberg that " 30 -Schwartz, Lawrence, granted crgarette permit,,...,,............ 168 cm°bs and gutters be co>structed on said street"..... 214 " 30- Schaetzle, John, granted cigarette permit ..................~......... 158 4-Seminary Street from St. Ambrose Street to Asbury " 30 -Sadler, Leo M, and Dorothy, granted cigarette permit.. 159 Street, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg 30 -Sullivan, Thomas P., granted cigarette permit ..................:. 159 that curls and gutters b~e constructed on said street 214 " 30- Savory, William and Viola, granted cigarette permit........ 159 4-Simpson Street on the East side from Fremont Avenue to " 30 -Siege, Joseph J. Jr., and Ferdinand W. K~enniker granted ~ Cross ~ Street, recommendation of City Ma~nag~er cigarette permit . ..... .... , ..., 159 rom rer~~ a cur sand g b utters be constructed on << 30 -Scherer, George J. granted crgarette pernnt ..... 169 ,_ .., °;, d t 214 " 30 " 30 -Schmit, Anthony, granted cigarette permrt granted cigarette permit.... Cliffor°d and Helen -Steffen 160 ' 160 I ; ~~ ley 4-Sanitar serve hft station and force mom for Brad " 30 , , ~olomon, Jack, granted cigarette permit ................................ 160 Street Sewer Drstrmt ........,.._......,..............,.......216.217-21 &241-242 " 30 and Elsie, g'rauted cigarette permit.,.. -Snyder, Charles T 160 4-Sanitary sewer, ~Iift station and force main for Perry " 30 , -Schaller, Mildred M. and Clara, granted cigarette permit 161 Street sewer district ............................................213-219-220-221-242 " 30 -Schneider, Joseph C, granted cigarette permrt....,....._...... 161 25-St. Patrick's Chm~ch requesting permission to erect a " 30 -Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted cigarette permit ............ 161 ~ temporary barricade at the South line of the alley " 30 -Siebert, Daniel Webster, granted cigarette permit...,....... 161 at 15th Sheet and the Noi•th line of the alley at " 30 -Smith, Harry J., Sr., granted cigarette permit .................... 161 Loras Boulevard and between Main and Iowa Street 30 -Savory, William and Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit 162-163 for the period of the school term..._........._ .................... 243 " 30 -Sadler, Leo M, and Borothy, granted Class "B" beer 25-Sesauer, Harvey R., Airport Engineer, Iowa Aeronautics permit ..................................................................................... 162.163 Commission, in regard to the importance of ode- " 30 -Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit .... 162-163 quote zoning regulations to protect the City's initial " 30 -Scherer, George J, and Emma, granted Class "B" beer investment and to insure the greatest safety and permit ....................................................................:....._.._.... 162-163 utility in the operations of the New Municipal Air- " 30 -Steffen, Glifford and Helen, granted Class "B" beer Port and advising that in order to participate in the ' pernut ......................................................................._........ 162-163 Federal Aid Airport Program assurances must be " 30 -Spielman, Harvey L., granted Glass "B" beer permit...... 162-164 given that adequate measures have been taken to " 30 Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit . -Sand 162.164 maintain the approaches to the airpm~t ........................ 243-244 Jury 7 , -Strub, Joseph H., Chief of Police, requesting that he be 25-Sanitary server, lift station and force main for Cherry- authorized to attend tha International Association of Green Street district ............................... .......246-247-248-267-263 Chiefs of Police Conference to be held during the wept. ~, upence, Guy, et al., property owners in Hillerest Addition, week of September 21 at Duluth, Minn ..................... 170 ! inquiring as to the cost of connecting with the saui• 7 -Summitt Street, recommendation of Chief ~of Police that tary sewer installed in said addition by the Iowa Im- parking be prohibited on the east side of the street provement Company, also protesting to the damage from West Fifth Street to West Third Street......... 173-201 done to their properties while the g'rading' was being " 7 -Sumner Street, recommendation of Chief oP Police that ~ dmr~e and while the sewer was being constructed, a~l- parking be prohibited on the east side of the street so calling the attention of the City Counci4 to the from Lincoln Avenue to Rhomberg Avenue ................ 173.201 Present condition of the streets as the same are in very bad condition ............................. ....................._......... 255 IN®EX®~ook 77 1 J47 ~ _ SUBJECT Yage " 2- Schilling, Geo, H., et al., requesting Council to take some action to do a}vay with tho unhealthy .condition due Protu dust and dirt caused by the traffic on upper Gar- t ld 256 2- ed di- iuette M., a 2-story frame shed locat Amto Schafie rectly to the rear of 534 Rhomberg Avenue and lo• located on Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub., recom- mendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chisf and Health Director that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect the above mentioned property and submit their recommendation and report accord- . ing to law ............................._..257-268-275.276-316-317.329-330-349 " 2- Sisters of St, Francis, recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg that. the City Council grant them the right to connect their new hospital with the sanitary sewer system with the provision that should the sys- tem be than overloaded that they be required to con- struct aseparate sewer to handle the sewage............ 261 " 2- Spielman, J. Louis and Susan, granted cigarette permit.. 262 << d Susan, granted Class "B" beer 262.263 ~~ 2- p r rated Class "C" beer permit,.........., Schn artz,t Vincent gra ~ ~ 262-263 2- Sanitary sewer to construct in York Street from the in• tersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hil~~l Street ...................263-264.265.268 22- Schmitt, Anton, et al„ requesting that action be taken to bring about a stop to the nuisance created at the residence located on the Southwest corner of 13th and Washington Streets .................................................... 271 " 22 -Senior High School requesting permission to hang a ban- ner across Main Street between the Dubuque Build- ing and the Graham Clothiers ........................................ 271 " 22 -Scautlebury, William E, et al., requesting that cement curbstones be constructed ou the part of West Third Street running from Grandview Avenue West to the bottom of the hill or the distance of about a block.... 272 22 -Sick leave far all employees, recommendation of City Manager that Council adopt an ordinance. regulating " 22 the same ................................................................................ -sanitary sewer to construct in Vernon and Edina 273 Streets .275-27 9.294-296 Oct. 6 -Solitt, Sumner S. & Company submitting information re- mains gardin cost of sewage lift station and once Hill t ~l 288 „ 6 anitat'y extensiml of the s the request ng -Schubert G sewer to serve his property ........................ 289 " G Joseph J., Jr., and Ferdinand W. I~enniker granted -Siege , Class ..C„ beer permit ........................................................ 292.293 " 13 -Sheriffs Receipts in the matter of the assessment of dam- ages for the construction, maintenance and operation of a railroad 'track in Lynn Street between 18th and 19th Streets by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul & Pacific Railroad Company ................................................ 297 " 13 -Stotz, Adolph S., et a4, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of West 16th and 298 Henion Streets .,,.._ ............................................................... 3 Nov -Schmalz, Dan W. and Arthur, requesting that a survey . be made to determine the cost of installation for the extension of sewer and water to service the prop- erty located South of Davis Avenue and East of Windsor Avenue ............................................................... 307 iN~EX--Eoo~ 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 3-Schrobilgen, Charles A., stating that he desires to take his salvage in front of his property at 1564 Audubon ................................................................ 309 " 3-Schroeder, Fred W., a warrant in the amount of 0 $2 00 ordered dra wn for services rendered as a member of the Condemnation Committee .................... 321 " 3-Saul, James A, a warrant in the amount of $20.00 or- dered drawn far services rendered as a member of the Condemnation Committee .......................................... 321 " 10-Spielman, Harvey L„ requesting a refund on his Class B" beer ternut ._ ............... ~ 323 " al of 10-State Tax Commissioner in the matter of the approv the selection of a City Assessor for the City of Du- buque, Dubuque County, Iowa .......................................... 324 " 17-Sisters of Charity, B.V.M., et al., requesting that a street light be installed at the corner of Emmett and Rluff Streets ................................................___..................._......... 331 " 17-St. Mary's Orphan Home requestig that permission be grauted to St. Mary's Orphan Home, now under con- strnction ou Carter Road, to extend a sanitary sewer line on Asbury Road to connect the new line with the sanitary sewer on Asbury Road ....,....~ .................. 331-332 " 17-Salary increase of 10% grauted to -all City employees under the direct contlal of the City Council and who are not now receiving~in excess of X5,000.00 per year compensation for the period from December 1, 1947, to April 1, 1948 ..............................._..._.........,.......,,....,........ 337 " 24-St. Clara College, Siusinawa, Wisconsin, by O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, its attorneys, requesting Coun- cil to give the matter of Platt Street Extension pre- ferred attention as they are now Toady to proceed with the construction of their hospital and convales- cent home and desires to have accepted its offer for the permanent improvement of Platt Street as ex- tended ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _._... ... 341-353 Dec. 1-Snyder, Charles T, and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... 351 " 19-Schmitz, Anton, notice of claim .............................................. 353 " 19-Sitterly, Joseph, requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes on Lot 44 of Stafford's Addition ...................................... 356 ,^ INU~X--a~oolc 77 1947 ~ ~ SUBJECT Page Jan. 6-Thiering, Prank, (Deed), Gasoline, retlnesting suspension 4 of taxes .......................................................................:........... " 6-Theisen Street from the East property line of Jeuni Street to the West Aroperty hue of Stetmote Street 5-6-13 .grade established ~ -~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 19 Feb. 3-Telephone Cab 'Company, taxicab bond ... ~ ~~ Mar. 14-Traffic Code and Ordinance, recommendation of tho Chief Turn" provision at Eighth and "N h t o a a of Police t Main Streets be embodied in said ordinance .............. 42 " 14-Tressa Street, City Engineer instructed to prepare a pt'o• 47 file showing the proposed grade _......:...~ ........................ April 7-Thompson, F. W., sworn in as Councilman for the term cmnmenciug the first Monday in April, 1947.._............ ~$ " 7-Telegraph-Herald appointed official newspaper erniission T~Iay 5-The Amvets, Dubuque Post No, 3, requesting p nival on the local 4th Street Ex- f a car for holding o tension from Jttne 16 to 21, inclusive.. °""°' 89 part- << ; _ ,, Tschirgr, Ddtvard M., Accountant, City Water Do 7 went, bond ........................ .................................................... 9--Treasurea~ of State, J. M. Grimes, approval of Resolutioii No. 36-47 designating the depositories for public 107 ftmds of the City of Dubuque ~~ ~ ~~ ~ °~ 9-Tourist and Trailer Camp Ordinances, Planning and Zon- ing Commission asking that definite action be taken 109-110 on said ordinance " 26-The Ivey City Gas Company submitting annual report for 123 the calendar year 1946 .................................................... Arthur C., submitting application for a permit to " 26-Tigges , erect a 5-room General Timber Panel house on Lot 4 124 of Rebman's ,pub, on Gay tree ............._ .. ~ .. beer William F. and Jean, granted Class "B" 2-Trimpler , June permit .,. ...... ..... " 2-The Travelers Club granted Class `B" beer permit for 136 136 private clu ........................ .............................................. G. W., notice of clams ~ Travis 139-145 , ermission to con- 20-~Turnqurst, Ed, Company, roquesting~ p a concrete loading dock on the i t ain n st?'uet and ma westerly side of the alley between 'Central Avenue and White Street in the rear of 1255 Central Ave- .. ......144.154155 nue E., et al, residents and property owners on Cen- 30-Tigges , tral Avenue irons Liebe Street to 30th Street, in regard to the overflow of stm'm water and mud con- ditimt on Central Avenue and requesting Council to take immediate actiml to remedy this condition........ 149 " 30-The Creat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. granted cigarette permit ...................... .............................................................. 30-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., g'rauted cigarette permit 158 158 30-Thompson, John 112. and Clarence T., granted cigarette 158 pernut ................................................................................ " 30-Trimpler, William P, and Jean, granted cigarette permit 158 169 " 30-Trapp, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ......~ ................. " 30-Triangle Cafe granted cigarette permit .~~•~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ 160 30-Torrey, Henry, granted cigarette permit ................................ ranted cigarette permit ............................ A " 160 ., g 30-Tranel, Zeno " 30-The Dubuque Club' granted cigarette permit ........................ 161 " 30-The Rex Club granted cigarette permit ................................ 161 161 " 30-Tschig~g'frie, Floyd G., granted cigarette permit ...~ .............. and Clarence E., granted Class "B" John M son Thom 30 . , p - beer permit .. .................................. " 30-The Dubuque Club granted Class "B" beer permit for 162.163 ................. private club ...................................................... 163-164 INDEX-~ool< 77 1947 SUBJECT Page " 30- The American Legion granted Class "B" beer permit far private club ....................................................................... 163.164 " 30- The Rex Club granted Class "B" beer permit for private .................................................................................. club 16a ~ Jul y arette o ., granted crg n F ' ........... permit ...... ..... F 173 7- Thompson, Frank W. and Jol n anted Class C" beer beer 174 " 7- Tschiggfrie, Floyd, granted Class "&" beer pernnt,...., 174 " 17- Tench, John F., and Vincent Mescher granted cigarette permit ..................................................................................... 178 " 21- Thompson, Councilman, entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 8:50 p. m ............................................... 134 Ang, 4- Tully, Gene, et al., property owners on Mullin Road, re- quosting the installation of a street light on the corner of Mullin Road and Asbury Road, another light on the corner of Mullin Road and Hillcrest Roait and if possible an additional light midway between ou Mullin Road ...................................................................... 208 " 4- The Key City Gas Company submitting for Council fries a new schedule of gas rates to become effective on sales beginning September 1, 1947 ................._...,...,...., 209 " 11- Tax Levies for the year 1947 established .............................. 224 " 25- The Victory Club, transfer of address of Class "B" beer permit for private club ...... 249-250-338 Sept. 2- Tschirgi, Edward M., City Treasurer bond . 260 " 2- Tenenbom Super Market, Inc., granted Class C' beer permit ...............................................................................:...... 262.263 " 22- Timpe, Miss Loretta, submitting offer fm' the purchase of Lots 18 and 19 of Wm. Blake's Addition .................... 271-284 " 22- Tschig~gfrie, Floyd, requesting refunds on both his Class "B" beer permit and his cigarette permit ............._..,.. 272. Oct. 6- Taylor, A. W., requesting permission to erect and nrain• tain a tent on the empty ~1ot located on the east side of Central Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets for the purpose of storing and selling Christmas trees.... 288 6 ted Glass "C" -The Great Atlantic R Pacific Tea Co, gr ~~ beer permit ...,...T ........................................ ...................... 292-293 Nov, 3- The Ivey City Gas Company requestine a. i iroval of their application to the State Highway Department for a routine permit to cross under Highway No. 20 near the City Limits for the purpose of supplying gas to the new Dubuque Honres Sub. No. 2 ...,,.......~ ............... 306 " 3 -Theisen Street, acceptance of the improvement of same.. 311-312 " 3 -Tyrrell, Sidney and Eugenia P., granted cigarette permit 318 " 10 -The Key City Gas Company submitting for Council ap- be- d gas rates, schedules to os l Il effective o eter reading's beg~mnmg~ Decem- come . ~ ...,,..,.... ber 1, 1947 .,,,,, .............._...., X24 " 17 -The Key Gity Gas Company, ordinance establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of gas-..,...,__...:331-33 9-340.341 " 24 -The Victory Club granted Class "B" beer permit for pri- vate club ..........................................................._......,.,........,,. 344-345 ', Dec. 1 -The Page Hotel granted Class "B" beer permit..,..............,.. 351 " 19 -Thiering, Frank, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax on Lots 7 and 8 of Rodger's Sub .... ............................. .. 356-357 II`~~~X-~3oolc ~7 1947 SUBJECT Page 1947 INDEX---hook 77 SUBJECT Page 114ay 9 -United States Navy, renevral of lease of waterworks prop- Jan, 15- Venn, Mrs, Jennie, requesting suspension of the 1946 tax y erty in Ham's Addition for a Naval Reserve Armory 107 on Lot 346 of East Dubuque Addition ................._......... 11 June 2 -ti~~pping~house, A. R. and Philomena, granted Class "B" April 7- Van Duelman, Frank, sworn in as Councilman for the term beer permit ........................................................................... 137 commencing the first Monday in Aprii, 1947..._.....,...,. 77 30 ` -Uppinghouse, A, i „ granted cigarette permit .................... 158 May b- Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C" beer permit............ 103 30 -United Cig'ti Whedau Stores Cmporati~on granted cigar- ette permit .._... ., .. ... .... 159 5 -Vrotsos, George T., and Spiros D. Coven application far a ` 30 -Union League Glub granted cigarette permit 160' Class "B" beer permit . .., .....:..103.104-107.126.127 Oct. 6 -United State Guarantee Company consenting to an ex- 26- Vogel, George J., et al., requesting the installation of an tension of time on the bond of Mancini and Ventrella additional street light at the corner of Windsor Ave- for the construction of the Kaufmann Avenue Trunlr nue and Regent Street ..... 124-135 '~ Sewer ........................................................................................ 287 June 2- Valentine, Leonars, excavation bond ..,....,.........,........._....... 134 " 6 -Union League Club granted Class "B" beer permit for 20- Volunteers of America requesting permission for the priva e c ii ._ ................... 92.293 lden of their annual to da on Frida Jun e 27, g g y y~ Dec. 19 -United State, Guarantee Com parry consenting to an ex- .................._.......,........................ 1947 143 tension of time on the bond ~oY Thos. F]ynn Coal 20- Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission for the Company far the widening and paving of Audubon ~ holding of their V.F.W, Poppy Day on September-27 Street .......... . .......... ........ ..... .... ........ 355 , 1947.......... ......... ..... .................... 143 " 30- Veterans of Fm•eign Wars Club granted cigarette permit 159 " 30 -Van der Meulen, Wm, and Sophia McCann granted cig- arette permit .....................................~..............~..........,........ 159 " 30- Vrotsos, George T., and Spiros D. Coven canted ccga , ette permit g 159 " 30- Victory Club granted cigarette permit ... ..... ... 159.337 " 30 -Veaco, Sidney K„ granted cigarette permit .... .. ... 160 ~~ 30- Vincent, Myron C., granted cigarette permit ........................ 160 " 30 -Van der Meulen, Wm., and Sophia McMann granted Class `B" beer permit .................................................................... 162.163 " 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" beer _.; ~ permit for private club ...................................................... 163-164 Aug. 4- Valenta, Louis E., et al., requesting that their names be withdrawn as signers oY a petition for the rezoiilng oP that portion of the south side of West Locust Street lying between the intersection of Kirkwood Street I and Pierce Street ..............................._ ................................ 208 " 11 -Vrotsos, George T., and Spiros D. Coven granted cigarette "' permit ..................................................................................... 238 '~ " 11 -Vrotsos, George T., and Spiros D, Coven granted Glass <<B„ beer permit ......:............................................................ 238 '~ Sept. 2- Vets Radio Gab Company, taxi-cab bond ................~.........~..... 260 " 2 -Vrotsos, George T, and Spiros D. Coven transfer of ad- dress of Class "B" beer permit . ..., 262-263 ~~ 22 -Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission for the holding of their annual Poppy sale ................................ 272 " 22 -Vernon Heights Subdivision, approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission............ 273 s " 22 -Vernon and Edina Streets, sanitary sewer to eonstrnct ''` in said streets ..............................................................278.279-294.295 Cct. 13- Vorwald, Mr., addressed the Council asking that a part ' - of the cast of construction of the sanitary server in Edina Street be borne by the City of Dubuque,.,.... 294 Dec. 19 -Vawter, Faue F. & Company, by Fane F, Vawter, request- ~ ~ ing permission to use 5 feet of each of Ninth Street and of Locust Street for the purpose of maintaining a covered walkway for pedestrian traffic in eennec- ' '~ tion with the construction of the proposed new build- ~ ~ ing for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, also requesting that they be given the private use of North and South Aliey extending from Ninth to Tenth Streets ...... ........... .......:. 355 iN®EX-Eooic ~7 1947 SUBJECT Page Jan. 6-Wooten Street from McClain Street to the West line of James Street and Peabody Street, clearing, grttb~hiug and grading of said street .......... .................1-2-9-2G-32-41-80.92-119 " G- Washington Park, in regard to having' the title of said Washington Park perfected iu the name of the City of Dubuque ............................................................................ 2 Feb. 3- Wanger, Leo, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 2223 " 24- Walbrnn, J. Edward, notice of claim ........................................ 25 " 24- Waller, Richard, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit ...................................................................................... 2G " 24- Wharton, Mayor, entered the Council Chamber and took the Mayor's chair at 8:30 P. m ........................................ 29 Mar. 3- Wright, Roy A. acid Esther, granted Class "B" beer 37 permit ...................................................._..,........,................... 37 " 3- Weiner, Sylvester and Delores, granted Class "B" beer permit ................................................................._........,.......... 37 " 14- Wilson, Charles J. Company, assignment and agreement with Grey's Motor Service of the Wooten Street con- tract and extending the time for completion of said contract ................................................................................. 41-SO " 14- Water Works General Fund, resolution and application for permission to make a permanent transfer of $16,000.00 from said Water Works General Fund to the Consolidated Fund which embraces the Improve- ment Fund ............................ ..... ............................................ 4G-51 " 21- Walsh, Joseph F. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................................... G5 21- Wright, Paul C., granted Class "C" beer permit .................. 65 Apri] 7- Wharton, A]bert, sworn in as Councilman for the term commeneing~ the first Monday in April, 194'1,...,......__. 77 May 5- Wilson, Charles J. Go., requesting that the completion date on the Wooten Street contract be extended to May 16, 1947 ............:..............:........................................._... 92 " 5- Wild, J. A., rejection of offer in the amount of $100.00 for the purchase of Lots 18 and 19 of W. Blake's Addi- t10ll ._ ......................................................................................... 99 " 5- Weber, Merlyn L., granted cigarette permit ....,...~ ............... 102 " 5- Weber, Merlyn L., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 103 " 9- Wat7°en, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" beer permit 109 " 19- Wymer, Harold J., Restaurant Inspector, discharged by City Manager Rhomberg• ........................_........,,............... 122 June 20 -We1p, John B, submitting offer in the amount of $25.00 for the parts of Lots 21 and 22 of Randall's Sub. No. 2 142 " 20- Wallace Bros. Shows granted cigarette permit .................... 146 °` 20- Waller, R. D., re-appointed as a member of the Plannilig and Zoning Commission for a term of five years ex- piring May 24, 1951 ........................................................... 148 " 30 -Williams, Rev. S. V:, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, suggesting that Grandview Avenue be called a boulevard ..........._,..~... 152 " 3D -Weber, Merlyn L., granted cigarette permit........_ .............. 158 " 30 -Wodrich, Wm. E., granted cigarette permit ..............._..... 159 " 30 -Weiner, Joseph J, and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit.. 159 " 30 -Walgreen Company granted cigarette permit .................... 159 " 30 -Weiner, Sylvester and Dolores, granted cigarette permit 159 " 30 -Wagner, Wm., granted cigarette permit ................................ 159 " 30 -Weber, Mrs. Tillie, granted cigarette permit......_ ................ 159 30 -Westercamp, Geo3g~e, .granted cig~areite permit ............... 1G0 " 30 -Warren, De11 and Ralph, granted cigarette permit............ 1G0 " 30 -Wright, Roy A., granted cigarette permit .............................. 1G0 " 30 -CNinkler, Louis J„ granted cigarette permit..._ ....................... 1GD " 30 -Walsh, Joseph„ granted cigarette permit ..._ ....................... 160 " 30 -Wright, Paul C., granted cigarette Pormit._ ...................._... 1G1 i N~C~-~ Pooic ~~ 1947 c SUBJECT ~ __ _. Page " 30- Ward, John J., granted cigarette permit....,....~.~ .................... 1G1 " 30- Wingert, Joseph L., granted cigarette permit.........,........... 161 " "30- Wodrich, William E, and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit .................................................................................. 1G2-1G3 " 3D- Weber, Nirs. Tillie, granted Class "B" beer permit.....,...,,. 162-1G3 " 30- Westercamp, George, granted Class "B" beer permit.....,.. 1G2-163 July 7- Wort 11th Street, recommendation of Chief of Police that Parking' be prohibited on the south side of the street from Prairie Street to Rose Street ................................ 172-201 " 7- West 12th Street, recommendation of Chief of Police that parking' be prohibited on the south and west side of street from Bluff Street to Grove Terrace ..._ ............. 172-201 " 7 -Wa~iuut Street, recommendation of Chief of Ptlice that parlring be prohibited on the east side of the street from University Avenue to Loras Blvd..... ................... 173-201 " 7- West Third Street, parking to be prohibited on the south side of the street from Bluff Street to Burch Street 173-201 " 17 -Water Department Operating Engineers requesting' an increase in salary comparable to the amomtt agreed on in Washington by Management and Labor........._. 177 " 17 -Wanger, Leo, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit ................._.....,........,.....,....,....,....,....,....,.................... 177 " 21- Wagner, Harold S, et al., requesting the re'zoning' of~ the property located at the southeast corner of West Lo- cost and Kirkwood Streets from its present multiple family district classification to local business district classification ..............................................................183-208-237-238 " 25 -West Fifth Street, parking prohibited on the southerly side of said street from the west line of B1ufY Street to apoiut opposite the west line of Lot 12 of Core11's Dubuque and ou the nm~therly side of said street be- g'inning~ at a point 196 feet west of the west line of~ Blllff Stl'eet alld extelldlllg thellce westerly to weAt line of Lat 12 of Corell's Dubuque.._,,........__ _.,.._..... ~ 201 Attg~. 4 -Weiner, Joseph J, and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................... ............._.....,..,....,....,..........,...,,...,.... 215 " 25 -West Third Street property owners between Grandview Avenue and Alg~oua Street, addressed the Council relative to the proposed widening of said West Third Street between Grandview Avenue and Algona Street ..................................................................................... 242 " 22 -Wieland, Frank C., granted cigarette permit ........................ 277 Oct. 6- Wingert, Joseph L., granted Class "B" beer permit........,. 292-293 " 13 -Wyburn, AIh•ed J., submitting offer fm° the purchase of part of Lot 2 of Lot 1G of Raudall's Subdivision......., 297 Den. 19 -War Department United States Engineer Office, Rock Is- land, Illinois, notice of public hearing to consider the advisability of providing harbm~s along the D4ississippi River for the purpose of acconnnodating commercial tows, barges, small craft and other vessels ..................................................................................... 354 " 19 -War Department United Statos Engineer~0lfice, Rock Is• laud, Illinois, notice of requests for extension of per• mite to Molo Saud and Gravel Company, Dubuque Board of Doek Commissioners, Dubuque Boat and Eoiler Company for the dredging of sand and gravel in the Alississippi River for commercial purposes.... 369 Regular Sessiun, January tith, 1947 1 i i IND~i~-~®ok 77 1947 SUBJECT Page. May 16- Y.M.C.A. Industrial League requesting permission to use the Athletic Field on Fourth Street Extension for the holding of their softball games ................ ......................... 117-121 June 30- Yarnall, Audrey L., granted cigarette permit ...................... 161 " 30 -Yarnall, Audrey L, granted Glass "B" beer permit.,....,. 162-164 Sept, 2- York Street, construction of a sanitary sewer from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point lOD feet west of the west property 1im~e of South Hill Street ..........................._................. ...,....,...,......,263264.265.268 " 22 -Yung, Mrs. Elizabeth, in regard to bus service to the Park Hill and Kaufman Ave. areas and submitting offer to give enough of her property for to permit a street to be rttn through to connect Park Hi14 District with I~aufinann Avenue District ...~.........~..........~ ....................... 269 Feh. 24-Zwack, Anton, Inc., by Anton Zwack, president, submit- ting offer in the amount of $20D.OD fot• the purchase of Lot 34 in Taylor & Cooley's Subdivision ................ Mar. 3-Zillig, George J., granted Class "B" beer permit ............... " 21-Ziepprecht, W. N, et al., requesting the installation of a sanitary sewer to run parallel to Bradley Street fiom Randall Place to the last house on Bradley Street beyond Whelan Street ........................................................ April 7-Ziepprecht, Carl, appointed as a member of the Board of Review ............................................................................... Julie 30-Zillig, George J., granted cigarette permit ........................ " 30-Zelems, Bert, granted cigarette permit .................................. 30-Zillig, George J., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ Nov. 24-Zahina, Agnes, granted Class "C" beer permit .................... Dec. 19-Zwack, Anton, Inc., by Anton Zrvack, in regard to deed- ing to the City of Dubuque a strip of ground five feet in width in order to make the alley more accessible to the property located on Althauser and Eagae Streets .................................. ................................................ 25.52 37 50.241 78 159 161 162-164 344-345 356 ~l ' ~'~~~ I ' G1 it i~ ~ittili i ;rl' ~ ~ I'i (official) Regular Session,January 6th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present-hfayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, City Manager Rhom- berg. Mayor Wharton stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly cmue before the meeting. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publishers, of notice of levy of special assessment and inten- tion of the City Council to issue bonds for the construction of a con- crete sidewalk abutting and adjoin- ing the West side of the West 170 feet of Lot 284 of Davis Farnr Addition. Amount of special assess~ went $118.02. D. C. May Construc- tion Company, contractors, present- ed and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed, Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Vi~harton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays-Noce, Return of Service, subscribed and sworn to by Edward G. Becker, that he posted along the line of im- provement acopy of the notice of levy of special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to is- sue bonds for the construction of a concretesidewalk abttting and ad- jaining the West side of the West 170 feet of Lot 284 of Davis Fartn Addition, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that tha Return of Service be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fo1- iowiug' vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays-None. SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS Resolution No. 1.47 Be it resolved by the Gity Council of fhe City of Dubuque; that to pay for the construction of a concrete sidewalk along the Northeast side of Central Avenue abetting Lot 284 of Davis Farm Addition, by D. C. 11ay Construction Company, con- tractor, aspecial tav be and is here- by levied on subject lot and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the amount set opposite the lot and par- cel of real estate, a~s follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th, 1947. Ag'atha~ Mihm, 1534 Woodland Avenue, Apartment 6, Des Moines, Iowa-Lot 284 Davis Farm Addi- tion. $113.02. 300 sq. ft. concrete sidewalk 4" thick (clearing out tree roots) ta.39 $117.00 Interest 6% for 52 days, $1,02 Total $118.02. All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits cotr- ferred. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of January, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R.~ MURPHY, W. tiV. MCFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution, Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--114ayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice to grading contractors of the receipt of proposals for the elearzng', grub- bing'and grading of Wooten Street from McClain Street to West line of James Street and Peabody Street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded ly Councilman Murphy: Carried by the following vote: Yeas--'Iayor Wharton, Council- men J~toffatt, Murphy, Thompsmt, Van Duelman. Nays-None.