1948 February Council Proceedings,i ~ - ~ ~ _ t',, . w. 1 ks f:t .7 ~,~. \ ~i'. ~' 6~, ~9 <.-4 1 4k Y~. - ~, ~. ~, . ,~ ;w ~ F. ,' ~ ~ .. ~-b ~~ h..~ , .~ 7i°: I. Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 15 ~~. " UNITED STATES GUARANTEE ' ' ~ } l C COMPANY ' ' ~ ounci ` Y Fidelity and Surety Bonds- s ~' (Otficiaq Casualty Insurance p ` ~ 90 John Street New Yark 7, N.Y. ,r~ Regular Session, February 2nd, January 28, 1948. ,r ~ 1948, City Council, , W ~` Council met at 7:30 p. m.' City of Dubuque, ? Present-Mayor Murphy, Coun• Dubuque, Iowa. r5 ~~ ' cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Re: Mancini, Ventreila & Sons !< Duelman Wharton, City Manager -City of Dubuque-Bond No. ' , Rhomberg 1533085-Bond Amount 5119,- y ~. . Mayor Murphy stated that this 934:75-Contract Amount ;159,- is the regular monthly meeting of 913,000 for construction of the ". the City Council for the purpose Kaufmann Avenue sanitary ~> of acting upon such business as trunk sewer. ~~ t may properly come before the Gentlemen: We, the United meeting. States Guarantee Company as ~ Councilman Wharton moved that Surety; under the above described ~, ~ 1r the rules be suspended fpr the pur bond, hereby consent to the ezten- pose. of allowing any one present lion of time for the completion of ,. in the Council Chamber, who wish- the contract thereunder until April 4 ~~~ es to do sp, to address the Coun- 30, 1948, , cll. Seconded by Councilman Van Yours very truly, ~'~ t Duelman. Carried by the fallowing Stuart J. Vor Broker, vote: Attorney-in-fact. ' ` Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councii• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Councilman Thompson moved. ~,J Wharton. man that the communication be received. , Nags-None and made a matter of record. Sec- '~ . onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ~ Notice of claim of Miss Lydia ried by the following vote: '«,' Kelsey in the amount of $318.75 for ~ ," injuries received in a fall on the yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ,~ ~~' icq sidewalk in front of Beecher's men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Tavern on 24th Street, presented man, Wharton. ~, and read. Nays-None. Councilman Moffatt moved that Petition of the Virginia•Carolina ~ the notice of claim be referred to Corporation requesting a permit to ;~ the City Solicitor for investigation use charges of dynamite far the ~ ,~ and report. Seconded by Council- purpose of loosening piles of hard • man Thompson. Carried by the fertilizer to facilitate handling pre- following voter , sented and read • ~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy Counci]• . „ men Moffatt; Thompson, Van Duel• Councilman Thompson moved th t h , man, Wharton, a t e request be granted Tro- Nays-None viding that a Blasting Bond in the ' , amount of $5,000.00 is furnished for Communication of Governor Ro• Council approval. Seconded by bert D. Blue asking that a survey Councilman Van Duelman. Carried' k< of the feel oil situation in Dubuque b d n . by the following vote: 1 ~ e ma e a d .that consideration should be given to the use of coal yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ' to supplement or replace oil heat men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due1• of necessity, presented e man, Wharton. r and T ad Nays-None, ` ~ Councilman Wharton moved that Petition of Fane F, Fawter & the request be received and com- Company requesting a permit to plied with. Seconded by Council- carry on necessary blasting oper- ''~ man Van Duelman. Carried by the ations in connection with the con- ~F ~. ' following vote: siruction work that they are en- ~' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- gaged upon for the Northwestern , men Moffatt Thompson, Van Duel- Bell Telephone Company at Ninth "' ~` man, Wharton. and Locust Streets, Dubuque, Iowa, '~ Nays-None. presented and read. r~ r ~~, ~~ ~ai; . 6~` F ; ~ ,,;3 5,! ., 1 1' i.. w' '' ~: x: g',. ~ l.` p k,. y~_. 1 1. - i ?<6 Regular Session, February 2nd, ><948 'Councilman Wharton moved that Petition of Kate S. Lundbeck, the request b8 granted providing a referred to the'Cfty Council `by the Blasting Bond in the amount of Board of Supervisors, requesting $50,000.00 is famished for Council suspension of the 1947 tas on Lot approval and that the work be done ' 11 of Cox's Addition and Lot 242 under the supervision of the City ' of Woodlawn Park, presented and Manager and his Aasistants~ Sec- read, onded by Councilman.Moffatt. Can Councilman Thompson moved ried by the following vote: that the petition be referred to Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- the City Solicitor for investigation men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ; and report. Seconded by Coun- man, Wharton. cilman Van Duelman. Carried by Nays-None. the following vote: Petition of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Auxiliary of the United Spanish men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• War Veterans requesting permis• man, Wharton. sion to hold a Tag Day on Satur- Nays-None. day, April 24th, 1948, presented and petition of Dubuque Homes, read, Inc., requesting that the City Councilman Van Duelman moved Council draw up the necessary that the request be granted. Sec• resolution concerning the passing onded by Councilman MoPPatt. Car- of the proposed plat of Glenview ried by the following vote: Subdivision and that this resolu- Yeas--Mayer Murphy, Council- tion embody the necessary street meh Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- improvements, presented and read. man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to•the Petition of Hyde Clark Woman's City Manager and City Solicitor to Relief Corps, requesting permis- prepare the proper proceedings. sion to hold a Tag Day on Satur- Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. day, April 3rd, 1948, presented and Carried by the following vote: read. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• Councilman Moffatt moved that men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- the request be granted. Second- man, Wharton. ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- Nays-None. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Telegram from G. Howland men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Shaw, Chairman of the National man, Wharton. Conference on Prevention and Nays-None. Control of Juvenile Delinquency, asking the City Council to cooper- Petition of the Stampfer Build- ate in a national drive, headed by ing Company requesting a permit Attorney General Tom Clark, to to drill a well in the middle of combat juvenile crime and sug- the sidewalk in front of Lot 1 of Besting the development of con• Lot 1 of the Sub, of City Lot 170 ferences on the problem in which and the East 43 feet of City Lot all interested groups in the com• 171 and the Northerly two feet munity would participate, present~ of the East. 43 feet of City Lot ed and read. 172, this being the property im• mediately South of the Ninth Councilman Thompson moved Street Engine House, presented that the City Clerk be instructed . and read. to notify Mr. G. Howland Shaw Councilman.Van Duelman moved that the City of Dubuque will co• that the petition be referred to operate and support the program. the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Whar- Seconded by Councilman Wharton, ton- Carried by the following Carried bq'the following vote: vote: .Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- .men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. man, Wharton. Navs-None. Nays-None. r, ~ L.•'T i ^ - ~~,. , , ,_ ,ran.,;r~5~~u F3~"Y,"~'py~?f}~",y.r-~,. '~-~y.p?~,v"~.` Nn y^;~.,y q '~".51.'S~,,~,1~'i~Y~~~,ry ;~ ~ ~ ~~~~ j':r ~~ ~' Regular Session, Fe bruary znd, 1848 17 .,i~ Communication of Miss Edith 'M. of receipts and also a list of'claims i3r+9ff, supplementing her notice of ' for which warrants were drawn - ~e,im which was presented at the during the month of December, - Council meeting of November 24, 1947, presented and read. ' . 1D47, and asking the sum of $1,200 ' Councilman Thompson moved Y 3n payment oP said claim, present- ' that the proof of publication be ;y 'read. ed aed r,~~ received and filed. Seconded by •z Councilman Wharton moved that Councilman Moffatt, Carried by ' m. the communication be referred to the following vote; ~' 'the City Solicitor, Seconded by Yeas-Mayor Murphy Council- Councilman Thompson, Carried , '~y tha following vote: men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man, Wharton. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Nays-None, 5, 'man, Wharton. ~ January 30, 1948. Nays-None, Honorable Mayor and Members of ~~ the City Council, Ordinance No. 2-48 Dubuque, Iowa. An Ordinance providing for sick Gentlemen: With reference to R leave for those officers and em- the claim of Willard J. Driscoll for ~: ployees of the. City of Dubuque damages in the amount of $25.94 to whom the Workmen's Compen• received on or about January 16, cation Law is applicalile; defining 1948, while backing out of the al- ~' "Sick Leave"; the eatent thereof; ley entrance iacated on 6th Street a a filing, approval and allowance of on the north aide between Main ' K ,' claims therefor, presented and and Locust, it appears that he r~d~ backed into an open manhole. Up• ~i i~ Councilman Van Duelman moved on further investigation it seems as that the reading just had be con- that this manhole cover was re• M sidered the first reading of the moved by City scraper that same " ' ' ordinance- Seconded by Council- morning. Driscoll backed hie '~ man Thompson. Carried by the milk truck into the manhole and following vote: received the damages that he '~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- claims. The total amount of the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• damages is $26.94. man, Wharton. I recommend that this claim be ,', a Nags-None, paid and a warrant be issued to ~ Councilman Van Duelman moved him for that amount upon delivery that the rules be suspended re• to the City of a release properly quiring an ordinance to be read executed by him. on three. separate days. Second- Yours truly, ; ed by Councilman Moffatt. Car- JOHN J. KINTZINGER, y ried by the following vote: City Solicitor. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Councilman Thompson moved ~, man, Wharton, that the recommendation of City 4} Nays-None. Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor be instructed ',' Councilman Van Duelman moved ~ draw a warrant in the amount that the ordinance be placed on of $25.94 in favor of Willard J. file with the City Clerk for public Driscoll, as settlement in full of inspection for at least one week the claim, and that said warrant before its final adoption. Seconded be delivered upon receipt by the a by Councilman Wharton. Carried City of Dubuque of a properly ex• by the following vote: eeuted release. Seconded by Coun- ~±, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- cilman Van Duelman, Carried by ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]• the following vote: ' man, Wharton. Nays-None Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Wh t Proof of publication, certified to man, ar on, -,, ?` by the publishers, of a statement - Naps-None. u5., ,,.. r; ~` • ;~ I ~1~1 ~.?q r^'~I , '~ir,~~"y` ~ii~~~~'fll"~i 18 Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 January 30, 1948. or about December 29, 1947, when Honorable Mayor and Members of the automobIIe that he was driv- the City Council, ing ran into a trench or hole in Dubuque, Iowa. the pavement on Kaufmann Ave- Gentlemep; With reference to nue. I am of the opinion that the the claim of Mrs. Paul Cate for street was in a dangerous condi- $13.75 on account of damages done lion and that there is a liability, to her automobile on or about No- I recommend that this claim be. vember 28, 1947, upon investigation allowed by paying the actual dam• I find that a trench was dug for ages in the amount of $92.76 and a water main in front of her home that a warrant be issued payable at Coates Street and upon filling to said William Schaefer. III for the trench there was a large ac- said amount and delivered to him cumulation of dirt left in the street upon delivery to the City of a re- in front of her driveway at ,2340 lease properly executed. Coates Street. That complaint It appears that the trench or was made with reference to the hole complained of was caused by same to the City and before any- the Contractor building a sewer thing was done to cure the situa- on Kaufmann Avenue, This job lion damages herein complained of has not been completed and I rec• were sustained. I am of the opin• ommend that the amount of this ion that the City was negligent in claim be withheld from the bal- failing to place this street in this ante due the contractor. location in a reasonably safe con- Yours truly, dition, after the digging and filling JOHN J. KINTZINGER, of the trench and therefore, there City Solicitor. is a liability. Councilman Moffatt moved that I recommend that her claim be the recommendation of City Solici- allowed in the amount of $13.75 for Kintzinger be approved and and that a warrant be issued Aay the City Auditor be instructed to able to her for $13,75 and delivered draw a warrant in the amount of to her upon delivery to the City oP $92.75 in favor of William Schaefer a release. III, as settlement in full of his Yours truly, claim, and that said warrant be JOHN J. KINTZINGER, delivered upon receipt by the City City Solicitor. of Dubuque of a properly executed release, and that the amount of Councilman Wharton moved that this claim be withheld from the the recommendation of City So- balance due the Contractor, name- licitor Kintzinger be approved and ly, Mancini, Ventrella & Sons. Sec• the City Auditor instructed to draw onded by Councilman Wharton. a warrant in the amount of $13.75 Carried by the following vote; in favor of Mrs. Paul Gate, as set- yeas-Mayor Murphy, Counci]- tlement in full of her claim, and men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due1- that said warrant be delivered up• man, Wharton. on receipt by the City of Dubuque Nays-None. of a properly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, January 30, 1948, Carried by the following vote: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Yeas--Mayor Murphy, Council- Dubuque, Iowa. men Moffatt, Tliompaon, Van Duel- Gentlemen: In reference to the man, Wharton. claim of Covell J. Hart for dam• Nays-None.- ~ ages in the .sum of $130.92, the coat to his automobile, from my January 30, 1948, investigation it appears that on Honorable Mayor and Members. of the date in question he was travel- the City Council, ing to town on University Avenue Dubuque, Iowa. and when he turned to the right at Gentlemen: With reference to Delhi Street his ~ car came upon the claim of William Schaefer III ice where it skidded and crashed for damages in the amount of into a tree. He states this ac- $92.76 to automobile received on cident happened about 1:30 in the 4 ° , f~~y ~ ~ 7 - r > ~ r> mot:. ~ ., 1 n t 1R1 ~ fie . e ~ ~ .. , ., ~ i ~., F~ ~ ~ Regular Session, February 2nd, lgg8 ` ~ lq ' ~ . .: . ~'~~~ ~ s ~ ' day time, that his car was travel- Section 2. The City Clerk is ing about 16 miles per hour. I am hereby directed to give notice of `" of the opinion that the street was the proposed action for the iesu- ., in areasonably safe condition for ante of said bonds, setting forth k vehicular traffic and that there is the amount and purpose thereof, no liability on the City of Dubuque, the time when and place where ? I recommend that this claim be said meeting will be held, by pub- '` denied. lication at least once for at least • Yours truly, ten days before said meeting, in ' JOHN J. KINTZINGER, The Telegraph-Herald, an official City Solicitor. newspaper printed, published and having a general circulation within ~ Councilman Van Duelman moved said city. Said notice shall be ', ' that the recommendation of City in substantially the fallowing ~M' Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. form: ' Seconded by Councilman Thomp• ° son: Carried by the following NOTICE OF MEETING FOR vote: ISSUANCE OF SEWER BONDS. , '~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- The Cit y Council of the City of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Dubuque, Iowa, will meet on the man, Wharton. 23rd day of February, 1948, at the Naps-None. Council Chambers in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, at 7;30 o'clock P. Resolution No. 918 M., for the purpose of instituting t ~. Resolution to fix a date of meet- proceedings and taking action for ing at which it is proposed to take the issuance of Sewer Bonds of ~, action for authorizing the issu- said City to the amount of Sixty ~ ante of $60,000 Sewer Bonds Thousand Dollars ($60,000) for the , purpose of paying the cost of con- WHEREAS the City of Dubuque, strutting sewers in and for said ,,? Iowa, acting by and through its City. ' City Council, has heretofore deter- At any time before the date of , mined it to be immediately neces- said meeting five or more tax- ' ` sary to provide for constructing payers may file a petition in the ~ sewers in and for said city, the office of the City Clerk, setting ~ cost thereof is to be paid by said Cit a a whole and forth their objections thereto. ;a y ; s By order of the City Council, WHEREAS it is deemed for yre February 2nd, 1948. best interests of said City that J. J. SHEA, ~ Sewer Bonds of said city be au' City Clerk thorized to be issued and sold to ~ n the amount of $60,000, as permit- Section 3, That all resolutions , ~ . tad and provided for by Section or parts thereof in conflict here- .+ ~ 396.22 of the Code of Iowa, for with be and the same are hereby ~ ,,; the purpose of paying the cost of repealed, and this resolution shall ' ~t constructing said sewers, but it be effective forthwith upon its is first necessary to give notice Passage and approval. and a hearing as required by Sec- { lion 23.12 of the Code of Iowa; passed and approved February NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- 2nd, 1948. '~ ;1 solved 6y the City Council of the GEO, R. MURPHY, City of Dubuque, as follows: Mayor. Section 1. That this City Coun- FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ` ~; cil meet at the Council Chambers F. W. THOMPSON, in the City Hall within said city ALBERT WHARTON, ~ ;; on the 23rd day of February, 1948, W. W. MOFFATT, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. at which Councilmen, time and place proceedings will Attest: J, J. SHEA `,` be instituted and action taken for , City Clerk. authorizing the issuance of Sixty Recorded February 2nd 1948. , Thousand Dollars ($60,000) Sewer , J. J. SHEA , ^. Bonds for the puropse of defraying , City Clerk. the cast of constructing sewers in Councilman Van Duelman moved r and for said city. the adoption of the resolution. Sec• ~, a ;. ;' W R r I .- _ _ ,vYr~J~.u'..i.~~"',~~_..lyir"YLL ~ ~ _ ! ~~fy~.yr .su:-~...L,f~.w..:u~r:,.~kL. S. ~~iLS`LY ~~ I, I . e .'!'R'A'M i n ' ~I~ ~ .y i Pi:~ ¢q }4 ,~A ~. T k ~ t-~'-v,~. p ~' - N u~:. W 0. "Y Fl P Fn~4 ,f ?l' 3 } ,~, . 'Kt G,Y ~ ?L, ~ ~ ~1_ . ao Regular Session, February 2nd; 1948, onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- Recorded Febraary 2, 1948, ried by the following vote: J. J. SHEA, ~' City Clerk, ~J•,; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- GEO. R. MURPHY, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Mayor. "~' man, Wharton. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ~~ F. W. THOMPSON, Nays-None, ALBERT WHARTON, ~~~ - W. W. MOFFATT, r a ~` ~. Y ' .. ~` e A'iF5i~ . ..v.r ; . Resolution No. 10--~i6 RESOLUTION providing for the advertisement for bids for the. purchase of $60,000 Sewer Bonds. Whereas, this Gity Council has heretofore determined it to be necessary that certain sewers be constructed in and for said city, and it is deemed advisable and for the best interests of said city that Sewer Bands in the amount of $60,000 be now advertised for sale at competitive bidding as required by Chapter 75 of the Code oY Iowa; Now, Therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved and ordered by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That advertisement be made for bids for the, purchase of Sewer Bonds of the City of Du• buque, Iowa, iv the principal amount of $60,000, to be dated Feb- ruary, 1948, of the denomination of $1,000, maturing serially $10,000 on November 1, 1949, and $25,000 on November 1 of each of the years 1950 and 1951, and that such adver- tisement state that all such bids will be acted upon by the City Council at its meeting to be held at 7:30 o'cock p. m., on February 23, 1948. •The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of such advertisement in the form customarily employed for that purpose, once each week for at least two consecutive weeks, in The Telegraph-Herald, an official news• paper of general circulation printed and published in said City of Du- buque and of general circulation in Dubuque County, Iowa. Sec. 2. That all resolutions ar orders insofar as same may be iu conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed and that this resolution be effective immediately upon its passage and approval, Passed and approved February 2, 1948. Attest: J. d. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilmen. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None, Resolution No. 11--~18 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City, and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Charles G. Barrett and Ethel Barrett, 2204 Central Avenue. Leo A. Booth and Alice E. Booth, 660 Nevada Street. ,Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption oY the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 1238 Whereas, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to ~ ~ ~ F ~.. ~ . 'r .~ ,T ~ r.: Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 al ~ .',4 • ~ ; ;. ' this Council for approval and the ager be and he is hereby directed ~ - came have .been examined: Now, to issue to the following named ap• , r;: Therefore, plicante a Beer Permit: ~. Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the ial• CLASS "B" PERMIT. lowing applications be granted and Name Address ri the licenses are to be issued upon Melvin McDonough, 305 Eighth ;a~ ' ~ 'the compliance with the terms of Avenue. ' the ordinances of this City. Fred H. Cooper and Leo V, Cun• .?;,. ningham, 250 West 0th Street. ,~,~ CLASS "B" PERMIT, Orville P. Murphy, 435 Central Name Address Avenue. -`; I Levi J. Roach; 332 Main Street, Lawrence Schwartz, 600 Rhom• Melvin McDonough, 306 Eighth berg Avenue. ,~, Jlvenue. Louis Anthoine and Agnella An• . Fred H. Cooper and Leo V. Cun- thoine, 119 West 0th Street. '+ ' ningham, 250 West 6th Street. Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hill- ';~; Orville P. Murphy, 436 Central ard, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. ,a ~, Avenue. Lawrence Schwartz, 600 Rhom• 'CLASS "C" PERMIT, s berg Avenue. ~ Rhea Bournias, 2284 University ;, ~ Louis Anthoine and Agnella An• Avenue. ~ thoine, 119 West 6th Street. Charles C. Barrett and Ethel Bar- ~ " Joseph Hil]ard and Bernice Hill- rett, 2204 Central Avenae. ~`~ ard, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. Be It Further Resolved, that the . bonds filed by such applicants be `` CLASS "C" PERMIT. and the same are hereby approved. ~ `~." Rhea Bournias, 2264 University passed, adopted and approved ` '~„ Avenue. this 2nd day of February, 1948. ~' Charles G. and Ethel Barrett, GEO. R. MURPHY, wi. 2204 Central Avenue, Mayor. ` Passed, adopted and approved FRANK VAN DUELMAN, '' °~1 r this 2nd day of February, 1948. F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R. MURPHY, ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. W. W. MOFFATT, ~~ n FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Councilmen. F. W. THOMPSON, Attest: J. J, SHEA, ,Y, 'r ALBERT ~PHARTON, City Clerk. ;h: W. VP. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Councilman Van Duelman moved ,, Attest: J. J. SHEA, the adoption of the resolution. Sec- , City Clerk, onded by Councilman Wharton. Councilman Moffatt moved the Carried by the following vote: h i ' .adoption of .the resolution. Sec- Yeas-Mayor Murp y, Counc l- , -"~ ~ onded by Councilman Thompson, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- x Carried by the following vote: man, Wharton. ` Nays-None. ~ Yoas-Mayor Murphy, Council• February 2 1948. =., men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- , To the Honorable Mayor and T#A, man, Wharton. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. ~ ""' Nays-None. Gentlemen: At the session of the ~, Council held December 19, 1947, the Resolution No. 13--08 communication of Anton Zwack, ' Whereas, Heretofore applications Inc., offering to deed flue feet in !`` h,; for Beer Permits were filed by the width of property to the City in within named applicants and they order to make the alley first east have received the approval of this of Althauser Street mare accessible ~ ;'~ Conch; and from Eagle Street was referred to Whereas, the premises to be oc- the Council to view the grounds. cupied by such applicants have The Council having viewed the ' been inspected and found to com• premises decided to accept the of- ~' ' ply with the ordinances of this City fer. f recommend that the decision ~ and they have filed a proper bond; of the Council be confirmed. Now, Therefore, Respectfully submitted, •~ ` Be It Resolved by the Council of A. A. RHOMBERG, the City of Dubuque that the Man• City Manager. `;f, 1 1", a ~~ ~: sj M1 •'~ ~ f:: ~I y ~ .1 .cA M . ,dt'`~1 ," ~,~' ~~ '~ 911 I Y t ,~nl 'll I. M ~ ,i' F i ~~,. ti: ,t t, t~ ~' a ~~~ ~i y ~; ~~, ~': -,' ~~. r, f t, 1. Q:. I fir; r ;' r l~ ~ i 2z Regular Session, February 211(1, 1448 Councilman Van Duelman moved !, The Council having viewed the that the recommendation of City offs decided to grant the request Manager Rhomberg be approved. oh condition that the City's inteteat Seconded by Councilman Wharton. be properly safeguarded. I recom• Carried by the following vote: mend that the proper proceedings Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• be prepared providing far an agree• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• ment wherein the City's interests man, Wharton, are outlined and provided Por. Nays-None. Respectfully submitted, February 2, 1948. A. A. RHOMBERG, To the Honorable Mayor and City Manager. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Councilman Thompson move d Gentlemen: At the meeting of that the recommendation of City January 5, 1948, the letter of the Manager Rhomberg be approved. Planning and Zoning Commission Seconded by Counciiman Van Duel- recommending the, vacation of the man. Carried by the following alley between Lot 1 of 36 of vote: Stewart's Sub;. to the west and Lot Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24 and 25 and men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- , Lots 26 and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to man, Wharton. the east and extending from York Nays-None. Street northerly to the south bound- February 2, 1948. ary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 To the Honorable Mayor and was referred to the Council to view ,City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. the grounds. At the meeting of Gentlemen: The matter of pro• January 22, 1948, the written objet- viding a sanitary sewer for York tion of Joseph G. Graham based Street has progressed through a upon trade of property conditions public hearing after which it was was referred to the Council for fur- decided to obtain waivers from the ther consideration, owners of property subject to as- I recommend that the proper pro- seasment. To date waivers have ceedings be prepared for the vaoa- been obtained from all but two own- tion of the alley and that the in- ers. In the case of one of them, terested parties be notified when the one-fourth valuation is more the Council will consider the mat- than enough to sustain the asaess- ter. Tn this manner the Council can ment. reach a decision after a proper pre- I recommend that a resolution be sentatio^ by those affected. adopted setting a date far the ra Respectfully submitted, ceipt of bids for the above project. A. A. RHOMBERG, Respectfully submitted, City Manager. A. A. RHOMBERG, Counciman Van Duelman moved City Manager. that the recommendation of City Councilman Thompson ~ o v e d Manager Rhomberg be approved, that the recommendation of City Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Manager Rhomberg be approved. Carried by the following vote: Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• Carried by the fallowing vote: men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man, Wharton. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Nays-None. man, Wharton. Nays-Ngne, February 2, 1948. (Decision of Council upon obje~- To the Honorable Mayor and tions to plans, specifications, form City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, of contract and cost of improve- Gentlemen; At the meeting of No- mental vember 17,1947, the petition of St. Mary's Orphan Home asking per- Resolution No. 14--48 mission to extend a sanitary sewer Whereas, proposed plans and line on Asbury Road and Carter specifications and form of contract Road 'and permission to connect the for the construction of an eight (8) new line with the city sewer sys- inch vitrified file sanitary sewer in tem was referred to the Council to York Street from the intersection view the grounds. Since then the of York and Curtis Streets to a blueprint of the proposed sewer has palm 100 feet west of ;the west been revised, property line of South Hill Street . r' ~, r ;~ ~~~~~{i J . ~ .-'r, . ,. ~ ... y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - y.4= Regular Session, Fe bruary and, 1948 23 ' -~, have been approved by the City. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Council of the City of Dubuque and Carried by the following vote: ' public notice given as provided by Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• i. f the Code of Iowa, 1946, pertaining men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• M to public contracts and bonds, and man, Wharton. the time and place Sxed Par the Nays-None. hearing of all objections to said ; pleas, specifications or contract for F' or cost of such improvements, said (Necessity for Improvement.) `~ ~ time being this 22nd day of Septem• Resolution No. 129-47 ' ber 1947; and Whereas, proposed plans, specifi• Whereas, the City Council met in cations, form of contract, plat and Regular session this 2nd day of schedule have been duly prepared February, 1948, at 7:30 o'clock p. and approved by the City Council m., at the Council Chambers in the of the City of Dubuque and are now City Hall for the purpose of hear- on file in the office of the City Clerk ing all interested parties and con- showing among other things the sidering any and all objections following: which. have been filed to the pro- 1. The boundaries of the district, 'w, posed plans, specifications or con- if any. tract for or coat of the improve• 2 The width of such improve- ment herein described and Pro- went, and the size and kind of posed to be made; and sewers. r Whereas, all interested parties 3. Each lot proposed to be as- '~~ _ have been given an opportunity to sessed together with a valuation _ `) ~ be heard and all objections which fixed by the Council. ~ ~ have been Sled have been duly ~ An estimate of the cost of the 4 rb; weighed and considered; now, . proposed improvement, stating the therefore same for each different type of con- Be It Resolved by the City Coun• struction and kind of material to be ?', cil of the City of Dubuque, that all used. objections which have been made 5. In each case the amount there- ' and filed to the plans, specifics- of which is estimated to be as- tions, contract for or cost of said sessed against each lot for the con- improvement herein described and struction of an eight (8) inch vitri• ~~ proposed to be made, be and the fied file sanitary sewer in York St. same are hereby overruled and from the intersection of York and such plans, specifications and form Curtis Streets to a point 100' feet of contract heretofore approved are west of the west propety line of ~+ hereby adopted. South Hill Street. ~`' Be It Further Resolved that this Be It Therefore Resolved that the n~` resolution containing the decision City Council on its own motion or \ of this Council upon all objections upon petition of property owners, ~ which have been filed to the plans, deems it advisable and necessary specifications and form of contract for the public welfare to make the r for or cost of said improvement be herein mentioned improvement, and r made a matter of permanent record unless property owners at the time ' in connectio^ with said improve- of the final consideration of this meat. proposed resolution have on file f;~ , with the City Clerk objections to • ~ ~`. Passed, adopted and approved the amount of the proposed assess- . this 2nd day of February, 1948. ments, they shall. bYe deemed to GEC. R. MURPHY, have waived all objections thereto, FRANK VAN DUELMAN Said improvements shad be con• , F. W. THOMPSON strutted and done in accordance , ALBERT WHARTON with the plans and specifications , ~ W. W. MOFFATT, which have been prepared therefor Councilmen by the City Engineer which have p~ . Attest: J. J, SHEA been approved by the City Council , City Clerk and are now on file with the City . Clerk. That the cost and expense Councilman Van Duelman moved of making said improvement will be the adoption of the resolution, assessed upon and against all pri• -~Y ,_ ~;~ ~i ~~~,qi I ~' ~ ~~ I.. t, ,,. ~ i .,'1. ' ~ " . - t ~. ' 2Q Regular Sessiotl, February 2tli~f 1(~ vately owned property lying wltbde by thin Council upon its own ma assessable distance provided by tion and with qr w#thout the. peti• law and in an amount not to exceed tion of property gwpgra. All the the amount provided by law, prop. work shall &e constructed in ac• arty will be assessed whether the gordance with the plains and apeci• same abuts thereon or is adjacent floationa heretofore adopted and thereto according to area and in sow on 1310 in the office of the City ~', proportion to the special benefits Clark. ;, conferred ther®by, and say defic• Be It Further Resolved that the iency abalk be paid out oY the gee- oust and expepse of the said iut• oral fund, improvement funds or proyementa be paid for by levying sewer fends, or partly out of each special asaesments against the pri- of such funds. Bonds shall be 3s• vately owned property lying within ~ sued and sold in apticipation of de- the assessable distance from the I (erred Payments of assessments improvements, whether such prop. `~ when a contract has been per- arty abut upon the same or are formed sad accepted and the pro- adjacent thereto, according to the coeds thereof used to pay the con. area thereof and in proportion to tractor. The railway portion of any special benefits conferred, and any street ar assessment district shall deficiency wfli be paid out of the be assessed to and paid by the rail- general, improvement, or sewer ~ way company, funds of the city, or partly from Tne above resolution was intro. each of such funds. Payment will be doted, approved and ordered placed made to the contractor out of funds on file with the City Clerk this 2nd realized from th0 sale of bonds to °~ day of September, 1947, be issued in anticipation of deferred The foregoing resolution was fin- Payments of assessments as pro '" ' ally passed and adopted, as pro vided by law after the work has posed by the City Council this 2nd been completed and accepted by day of February, 1948, the City Cotrncil. Approved: Be It Further Resolved that the GEO. R. MURPHY, City Clerk be and he is hereby or- Mayor. dared and directed to advertise for. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Proposals for the construction of F, W. THOMPSON, the various improvements herein ~:~- ALBERT WHARTON, Provided for in the manner pro. W. W, MGFFATT, vided by law, the said improve- Councilmen. meets. shall be completed on or be• .Attest: J. J. SHEA, fore the 1st day of April, 1948. City Clerk. Be It Further Resolved that this resoiut3a^ being deemed urgent and Councilman Wharton moved the of immediate necessity shall be in adopton of the resolution. Seconded force sad effect from and after its , `~ by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by passage and adoption by the City the following vote: Council. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Passed, adopted and approved 4„ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- this 2nd day of February, 1948.. man, Wharton. CEO, R. MURPHY, ' ~' Nays-None. Mayor. ,~~ 'FRANK VAN DUF,LMAN, '`~ (Ordering Construction), F. W. THOMPSON, 15-118 Resolution No ALBERT WHARTON, . W, W, MOFFATT, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Councilmen. ci] of the City of Dubuque that pur• Attest: J. J. SHEA, ` suant to a resolution of pecessity City Olerk. No. 129-47, which was duly passed by this Council, for the construe. Councilman Moffatt moved the ku, flan of au eight (8) inch vitrified adoption of the resolution. Second. file sanitary sewer in York Street ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- from the intersection of York and rieil by the following vote: Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council. ~`, west of the west property line of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- South Hill Street be and the same man, Wharton. are hereby ordered and constructed , Naps-None. 1 ~ ~K. N:.. „ ,~..... a a, a ~,~~ , aY -1~, ~ , ,~~~.~ ~~ ~~!;a ~' r A ~ l ~a . . `, Regular Sessiall, February and,. X94$ a~ February A, 194$• Resolution Nq. 16-4$• Paeliln,ia• To the Honorable Mayor and ary apreva~l of plans, sgecigcatigns, City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Yorm pf gpntraet, plat. amd schedule Gentlemen: Herewith is snb• and all other documents Yox the ea• `~ muted profile No. 1331 showing the tenalgn of Platt Street to the fast ~, proposed grade of Platt Street from prgperty line of Cardiff Street and 5 the Beat property line of James the improvement of Platt Street Street to the west property line of Yrgnt the )doer property 11ne of Cardiff Street. Jaings Street to the East property ~" I recommend the Proposed grade line of Cardiff Street, estimated he approved as shows ~n tbs pro. cost 6~° concrete slab-$1G,246.47, file and established by ordinance. extirpated coat 1>~" cheer asphalt '`'9 Respectfully submitted, on 6'f Foatcrete-$19,930.92, pro- R. J. GALLAGHE$, sented and read. City Engineer. Cquneilman Van l?uelman moved Councilman Wharton moved that the adgptign eY the resolution. Sec- ~' the recommendation oY City Engi• onded by Councilman Thgrnpsga. Weer Gallagher be approved. Sec- Carried by the following vote: 1 onded by Councilman Van Duel- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , man. Carried by the following men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• vote: man, Wharton. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Nays-None. 7 t~ ` ~ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei• • man, Wharton. (Necessity for Improvement) Nays-None. Resolution No. 118. Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- ' Ordinance No. 3-48. An Ordi- cations, form of contract, plat and Hance establishing a grade on Platt schedule have been duly prepared Street from the east property line and approved by the City Council of James Street to the went prop- of the City of Dubuque and are • arty line of Cardiff Street, pre. now on file in the once of the City ~ aerated and read. Clerk showing among other things I Councilman Van Duelman moved the following: t that the reading just had be consid- 1. The boundaries of the district Bred the first reading of the ardi- , ; Hance. Seconded by Councilman if any. Thompsop. Carried by the follow- 2. The streets to be improved. M ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council. 3. The width of such improve. went. `~ ` men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• 4. Each lot proposed to be. as- ; y 4nan, Wharton. aessed toget~er with a valuation ` Nays-None, fixed by the Council. - ~; Councilman Van Duelman moved 5. An estimate of the coat of the , ';~ that the rules be suspended requ3r- proposed improvement, stating the ing an ordinance to be read on same for each different type of con. three separate days. Seconded by atruction and kind of material to '~ Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the be used. following vote: ~ 6, lp each case the amount there- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- of which is estimated to be as- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- .aessed against each lqt for the Ex- ~~ man, Wharton. tension of Flan Street to the East g Nays-None. property line of Cardiff Street and ' i Councilman Van Duelman moved the improvement of Platt Street that the ordinance be placed on file from the East property line of with the.City Clerk for public in• James Street to the East property spect3on for at least one week be- line of Cardiff Street. lore its final adoption. Seconded by Be It Therefore Resolved that '~ Cpuncilman Thpmpson. Carried by the City Council on its own motion `~ the following vote; or upon petition of property own. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council. ors, deems 3t advisable and necex- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- sary for the public welfare to make ~' anon, Wharton, the herein mentioned improvement, ~ j ~. Nays-None. and unless property pwnera at the ~'r; ;r • q.. .* ~ - - _ , ~.ry YI i.^.}~ Is.. ~ ti ~l~#~ i~ ~r~ _ ~ rr ' 26 Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 time of the final consideration of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• ' this "proposed resolution have on .man, Wharton. ~ file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- Nays-None. ' sessments, they shall be deemed to ~ have waived all objections thereto. (FI%ING DATE OF HEARING). Said improvement shall be con- . strutted and done in accordance Resolution No. 18-48 with the plans and specifications WHEREAS the City Council of which have been prepared therefor the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by by the City Engineer which have Resolution No. 16-48 given its pre- been approved by the City Council liminary approval on the proposed and are now on file with the City plans, specifications and farm of Clerk. That the cost and eapenae contract and placed same on file of making said improvement will in the office of the City Clerk for be assessed upon and 8,gainat all public inspection, far the Exten- s} privately owned property lying sion of Platt Street to the East within assessable distance provided property line of Cardiff Street and by law and in an amount not to ea- the improvement of Platt Street ~`, teed the amount provided by law, from the East property line of ;~ property will be assessed whether James Street to the East property the same abuts thereon or is adja- line of Cardiff Street and, cent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special bens- .WHEREAS, the .proposed Reso• fits conferred thereby, and any de- lution of Necessity for said improve~ ficiency shall be paid out of the ment has been introduced and is general fund, improvement funds, now on file in the City Clerk's of• or partly out of each of such funds. fits for public inspection, • Bonds shall be issued and sold in x anticipation of deferred payments B E I T THEREFORE RE• of assessments when a contract SOLVED that on the 23rd day of ~: has been performed and accepted February 1948, a public hearing 1 and the proceeds thereof used to will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in s: pay the contractor. The railway i f the Council Chamber in the City on o any street or assessment port of Dubuque at which time the ~s district shall be assessed to and owners of property subject to as- ~' ~ paid by the railway company, sesement for the proposed improve- ~` The above resolution was .intro went may appear and make ob- ` d u c e d, approved and ordered jection to the proposed plans and placed on file with the City Clerk specifications and proposed form ~ r' this 2nd day of February, 1948, of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed dis•" Approved and placed on file for trict, to the cost of the improve- ~ - final action, meat, to the amount proposed to (~ be assessed against any lot and to Approved: the passage of the proposed Reso- GEO. R. MURPHY lution of Necessity and the City Mayor. Clerk be and be is hereby directed FRANK VAN DUELMAN to cause a notice of the time and F, W. THOMPSON place of such hearing.to be publish- ;` .ALBERT WHARTON ed in some newspaper in the City i~ W. W. MOFFATT of Dubuque, the last of which shall Ceuncilmen, be not less than two (2) nor more Attest: J. J. SHEA than four (4) weeks prior to the City Clerk. day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time Councilman Thompson moved of final consideration of said reso- that the resolution be approved and lution have on file with the Clerk placed on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the for final action. Seconded by proposed assessment, they shall Councilman Van Duelman. Carried have been deemed to have waived by the following vote: all objections thereto, at which Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- hearing the Council will hear such 1.., ~ ,^ml, R ~ 9x,~A ~y a Fr. , _"„",~i~ a.~'",, v"~ir ~{~ a saiS' ,~ ~ u.M . ~' _ Regular Session, February and, 1948 a~ - objections and enter on record its 1' final decision thereon. ~`' 'Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY ~ - Y, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT `' Councilmen. '~' Attest: J. J. SHEA ~'' City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution, ~~ Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, f' ' Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. ~ -Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Mafiatt. Carried by the fol- ' y.~~ , lowing vote: Yeas-Maayor Murphy, Council- ,. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ' man, Wharton, Nays-None. ' J. J, SHEA, ~ 'City Clerk. Approved ..................................1948. Adopted ....................................1948. r ( ..................:............. ` {' J Councilmen: j ............................ s Attest : .. ............... .............. City Clerk. ', ~I '.h`? c Y• i,i i~ ,a ~l. ~, r ~~I }~ ~` ~ ;~. ';M ~, h ; * p ~gg i - lii I ~. ' `. ° M '~•~' ~ ~,* _~ I. , t ,gyp f ~' ~~~ ~l ."_I M,F t~ ~ ' ~ 21a Sjaec~al Sgssipn; , February. 23rd, 1948 _ ,." Special Session, February ~~rd, 1;948 , aq y < Resolution Mo. 19--08 ,Councilman Thompson moved ' n I C ~ C RESOLIITION providing for the °;`" ~hst the. resolution be approved Y OO 11 C I I ~ sale. and award of $60,000 Suer '' and- placed on file wlth the City ' approving and auth- Bonds and ~ " Clerk for pnbiic inspection, Sec• t ' ~r (Offlchl.) ~ , orizing the agreement of such onded by Councilman Wharton. ;i; Special Session, February 23rd, sale. and award. Carried, by the following vote: 1948 ~" Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councih ' Council met at 2:00 P.M, WHEREAS notice of sale of Six- ty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) men Moffatt, Thompson, Wharton, ~ Present-Mayor Murphy, Coun• Sewer Sands of the City of Du- Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Van Duel- ~ ~ cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Whar- buque, Iowa, has heretofore been m `, '~ ton. City Manager Rhomberg. Ab- given in strict compliance with There being no further business ~" ~. ~ ; sent-Councilman Van Duelman. the provisigns of Chapter 76 oP the ~, Councilman Wharton moved that `~, ,~ Meeting called by order of Coun• Code of Iowa, by publication of , Council adjourn to reconvene at '~' E, cilmen Thompson and Wharton. notice for two or more successive 7:30 p. m. February 23rd, 1948. 1 Mayor Murphy read the call and weeks in a newspaper published Seconded by Councilman Thomp• _ , stated that service thereof had and of general circulation in Du- ~ son, Carried by the following vote: been duly made and that this meet, buque County, Iowa; and x Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- '3 °r ing is called for the purpose of WHEREAS all sealed bids have men Moffatt, Thompson, Wharton ;r„ ~ considering proposals for the pur- been received and placed on file, ~ Nays-None, ~ chase of $80,000.00 Sewer Bonds i h i after which open bids were called Absent-Councilman Van Duel- • ~ and act ng on any ot ness er bus for and received as fgllowa: Paine, , ~ i ',, , '~, as may properly come before a Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Chi• man. J. SHEA J ~, ; regular meeting of the City Coun- cago, Illinois, Par plus accrued in- , . City Clerk. cil. tereat 1~/a% interest coupons, and . , J'' ,; Proof o1; publication, certified to a premium of $2.00; and thereafter Approved .............................1948. , by the publishers, of notice of sale ouch sealed bids were opened; the ,; of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds, pre- substance of the best sealed bid s e n t e d and read, Councilman .being as Yollows: Halsey, Stuart Adopted .................................1948. ` : , ~ Thompson moved that the proof of & Co., Inc. Chicago, Illinois. Par ' .; ` publication be received and filed. plus accrued interest 1~/4% interest ~'i Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. coupons and a premium oY $45.60. ! e~ "°• °• `•••°•••°•°°°•°••• "s" ' Carried by the following vote: A, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , NOW, THEREFORE,. Be It Re- •• • ••••• ~~• •••• ` ~;• men Moffatt; Thompson, Wharton. solved by the City Council oY the f ll I ~ f D b `' Councilmen: ..... .. ................. , ;~ ,. Nays-None. ows: owa, as o u uque, City o ;~. :, ~ Section 1. That upon being ad- Absent-Councilman Van Duel- viaed in the premises it is hereby • •• • ••• ••• ••••'••`••'••••"'•` ~: ' man determined that the bid of Halsey, ' , s 3 Open bids for the purchase oY Stuart & Co; Inc. for the purchase ., { ~- ' $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds: of $60,000 Sewer Banda, as adver- ~• Attest: ,. i Bid of Beyer, Ruffel Co., Daven- tised, bearing interest at the rate . City Clerk. ` port, Iowa; Par, accrued interest, of one and one-quarter per cent ` 1~% interest coupons, premium of (1~%) per annum; is the highest ~ ~,_ $405.00. and beat bid received and -that ~ ~' Bid of White Phillips Co. and said bonds be and .the same are Iowa Des Moines Bank and Trust hereby awarded to said Halsey, ,~ 1' Company; Par, accrued interest, Stuart & Co. Inc. fit. 1~% interest coupons, premium oY - $397.00. Section 2. That the form of Bid of Paine Webber, Jackson agreement of sale of said bonds to : r , & Curtis, Chicago, Illinois; Par ac- .Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc, be and ~ ~` v, trued interest, 1~% interest cou- the same is hereby approved, and i pons, premium of $410.000. the Mayor, City Clerk and City !' Bid of ]?sine, Webber, Jackson Treasurer are hereby authorized to t t' & Curtis, Illinois; Par, accrued in• execute said agreement for and on - ~ tereat, 1~/g% interest coupous, pre- behalf of said city, and to affix the i>: mium of $2.00, corporate seal of said city thereto. - ~ Sealed bid for the purchase of Section 3 That all resolutions ' ~ ' ~ $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds: . or parts of resolution in conflict F Bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc, herewith be and the same are ' Chicago, Illinois; Par, accrued in- hereby repealed, ~ ~; y; . tereat 1~4% interest coupons, pre, mium of $45.60. Introduced February 23, 1948. ``' ,+ ~;;: rw~ „~, -ti" f ~ =;. k 6f . ~~ ~~ ~ ..u~.~~..,j.~s~ASrx~.e! ~~.._.~ .,. ..,.e: .• ~. ~t 'x_e h,.. _ _,_h.. _..~ ... ,. F_.. .._~ ~ •• ' d: . ~ '~..,.• _h,,, y.!.,r,a:4b1t ^ ~. - r.~.~, ~~.e ,E,~~~ ~i,~~; ~4 A'~'~ i:' yY 1• ~~ t I G " ` - ~- r ;, :i r~.:, t ~~ . rk i. ~:_ ~. I_ I- i .. .. ~ ... ... ~~' k 3o Adjourned Special Ses; City Council (Official) Adjourned Special Session, Feb• ruary 23rd, 1948. Council met at 7:30 p• m. Present-Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Vas Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg, Mayor Murphy stated that this meeting is an Adjourned Meeting of the Special Meeting held Feb• ruary 23rd, 1948, at 2:00 p. m., for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come be• fore a Regular Meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of hearing for the purpose of inst3tat• ing proceedings and taking action for the issuance of $60,000.00 Sew- er Bonds, presented and read. No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Coun- cil Chamber at the time set for said hearing, Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publica- tion be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson; Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No, 4-48 An Ordinance authorizing the is• suance of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council• man Moffatt. Carried by the fol• lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Gouncil• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re• ;ion, February 23rd; 1948 quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection .for at least one week before its final adoption. Second• ed by Councilman Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice to con- tractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of an eight inch vitrified the sanitary sewer in York Street from the Intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the' proof of publication bb received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Bid of M. L. Gabor Construction Co, for the construction of an - eight inch sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets tc a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street: 567 lin. ft. 8 inch the pipe at $3.60 per lin, ft.-$2,041,20; 15-8 in. by 6 in. Y Branches at $4.00 each- $60.00; 3 brick manholes at $160.00 each-$480.00; remove and replace asphalt pavement on 8 in. rein- forced concrete base 16 sq. yds at $3.00 per sq. yd,-$48.00; total, $2,629.20. February 23, 1948 To the Honorab]e Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen; Pursuant to your instructions sealed bids were re• ceived until 10:00 a, m. February l ~ t ;,1 ,e,". - t'. ,axr tldjoumx~led Special Sessicr~, Fehruarg a3rd, lga8 31 . ;k, ~, 1818,. for the eanstro¢tion o4 Councilman Van Duelman moved Y ~' ~n 8 k-, sanitarF sewer in York that the rQSOlution ba approved and ;? t street from Cu=tis Street towards placed an ills for one week. Sec- `f~th Hill Street. onded by ,Councilman ~ Wl>arton. One bid was received, that of Carried by the following vote: the K. D Gaber. Constructron Co. Yeas~Mayor Murphy, Councll- of (laena, Illinids, which is here- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- a "With submitted for .your consider- man, Wharton. ~ition. The .price bid ezceeds the NaysrNone. '~: >dngTneer's estimate by 11.9%. ~ `° 1 recommend that the contract Notice of claim of Mra. Frank '+'' for the York Street sanitary sew- Buoi in the amount of $50.00 for er be awarded to the M. L. Gabor injuries received in a fall on icy Construction Co. crossing at Marshall Street and Respectfully submitted, Rhomberg Avenue, presented and ~' A. A. RHOMBERG, read, Councihna,n Thompson moved , "~ CitY Manager, that the claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and ` Councilman Wharton moved that report. Seconded by Councilman, C the recommendation of City Man• Moffatt. Carried by the following '! alter Rhomberg be approved. Sec• vote: ` onded by Councilman Thompson. ;~ ~ Carried by the following vote: yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- men Moffatt Thompson, Van Duel- °mn, Wharton. , man, Wharton, Nays-None. ~{ Nays-None. ; Notice of claim of Mrs. F. J. ` Fellor in the amount of $100.00 for , o- t (AWARDING CONTRACT) inpuries received in a fall on icy :~, Resolution No. 2018 sidewalk in front of 820 Soutii Whereas, proposals have sub- Grandview Avenue, presented and witted by contractors for the con- read, Councilman Moffatt moved ! atruction of an eight (8) inch vitri- that the claim be referred to the `~ fled the sanitary sewer in York City Solicitor far investigation and <~~' ti Street from the intersection of report. Seconded. by Councilman ~ j York and Curtis Streets to a point Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- „ ~.„ „ ~ .100 feet west of the west property lowing vote: €~~ ++° ~; line of South Hill Street pursuaut Council- yeas-Mayor Murphy ~~ ~ ' to Resolution No, 16-46 and M, L. , Van Duel- men Moffatt, Thompson ~ Gaber Construction Co., of Galena, , , Illinois, contractor, has submitted man, Wharton. N the lowest bid for the furnishing Nays-None: _; of gall labor and material and per- Notice of claim of John Roussel t forming the work as provided for ~ in the plans and specifications; ]n an unstated amount far injuries i' now therefore received in a fall while crossing the , street at the intersection of Sec- ' Be It Resolved by the City Coun- and and Main Streets, presented ~ cil of the. City of Dubuque that the Councilman Wharton and read j contract for the above mentioned . moved that the claim be referred - ''~' improvement be awarded to M. L. to the City Solicitor for investiga• Gaber Construction Co. and file tion and report. Seconded by Manager be and be is hereby di• Councilman Thompson. Carried `` rested to execute a cantnact on be- by the following vote: '~ half of the City of Dubuque for the yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- completeperformance of said work, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duet- Be It Further Resolved that this man, Wharton. '~'-~ resolution being deemed urgent .Nays-None ,t. and of immediate necessity be• . come effective from and after its Notice of claim of John C. Duffey passage and adoption by the Cily in the amount of $10.74 for dam- ~ Council. ages to his car caused by striking l Approved and placed on file far an unprotected and unlighted hole one week on February 23rd, 1948. in the street opposite 691 Kauf- ~' ,:~j~ , ~I ~ `~~~~~ ~ Ili ~+li .ir~E t? hi ' 32 Adjourned Special Sess February 23rd, 1948 ion 1 ~ Adjourned Special: Session February 23rd 1948 33 ' ~A , r, , , , • } , morn Avenue, presented and read, 2834 Balke Street is a source of r - Petition of the Dubuque Trades ing a Sanitary Sewer and war • Councilman Thompson moved that serious trouble and inconvenience ` aad Labor Congress requesting main with the right to go upon ~' the claim be referred to the City as no provision has been made for ~ permission to use the City lots on said premises at all reasonable Solicitor for investigation and re• the drainage of aborm water and Fourth Street Extension Por the times for the purpose of inapecth~g , , t' port. Seconded by Councilman Van asking the City to provide adequate sponsoring of a carnival during and repairing the same when in• Duelman. Carried by t>Le Following drainage facilities, presented and the first or third week in June, stalled; provided, however, that s, vote: read. Councilman Thompson 194$, presented and read. Council- said Gity of Dubuque shall replace Council- Murphy M moved that the communication be man Van Duelman moved that the whatever earth, sod or shrubbery ` , ayor Yeas- Van Duel- referred to the Council to view the request be granted. Seconded by that may be disturbed in the in- ~ ~ men Moffatt, Thompson, grounds. Seconded by Councilman ' Councilman Wheaton, Carried by stallation or repair of said Sani• ~ man, Wharton. Van. Duelman. Carried by the fol• the following vote: tzry Sewer and water main ~ as Nays-None, lowing vote, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- good condition at it was in before 'a Councilman Thompson moved Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- the same was disturbed. This that the rules be suspended for the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Grant and Easement shall be bind- ~ purpose of allowing any one pres• man, Wharton.. Nays-None, ing upon the undersigned, their , eat in the Council Chamber, who Nays-None. heirs, executors, administrators, wishes to do so, to address the ,Petition of Jennie Haggerty, re- purchasers and alai ns forever. g ' Council. Seconded by Councilman Communisation of Fane F. Vaw- (erred to the City Council by the This Grant and Easement is in ' Moffatt. Carried by the following ter & Company submitting blast- Board of Supervisors, requesting substitwti~on of one certain Grant ~' ` vote: ing bond in the amount of $50,000: suspension of the 1847 taxes on and Easement signed by C. F. ;, 00 for Council approval, presented Lot 254 Davis Farm Addition, pre- Lillie Est., by Sidney Hauden- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, , Caunril- ,and read. Councilman Van Due]• seated and read. Councilman shield, filed of record January 10th V men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man moved that the oommunica• Thompson moved that the petition 1941 in Book 110 TL on page 386 man, Wharton, lion be received and filed and the be referred to the City Solicitor of the Dubuque County, Iowa, re• Nays-None. Blasting Bond approved. Seconded for investigation and report. Sec- cords. ` ' hiltz addressed the J S by Councilman Thompson, Carried onded by Councilman Van Duei• Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 8th '~' z c . Mr, A, et t by the following vote: man Carried by the following vote: ~y of November, A. D, 1947. re Council requesting that a s light be installed at the north end yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , ANNA HEIN "` ±~ - of Queen Street. Councilman Whar- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- FRED REIN ;q tan moved that the verbal request man, Wharton. man, Wharton. EMMA BLUECHER y of Mr. A. J. Schiltz be referred to Nays-None. Nuys-None. CHARLES BLUECHER tii, ~ the Council to view the grounds. Communication of the Virginia- Communication of Mettel Realty CHARLES ANDRESEN THE STATE OF IOWA: ` E N Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carolina Chemical Corporation sub• & Investment Company submitting COUNTY OF DUBUQUE: „ ' ~~ ;~ - Carried by the following vote: milting blasting bond in the enclosed `Grant and Easement' ss - Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- amount of $5,000.00 far Council ap• executed by Anwa Hein et al in On this 8th day of November ~ ~' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- proval, presented and need. Conn- substitution of a farmer `Grant and , A, D., 1947, before me A. J. Mihm, '_,~ man, Wharton. Gilman Thompson moved that the Easement' which is ineffective, pre- , a Notary Public of Iowa, in and for ~'~+.' Nays-None. communication be received and seated and read. Councilman Van Dubuque County personally 'ap• ~ ' filed and the Blasting Bond ap- Duelman moved that the comuni- , p eared Anna Hein and Fred Hein ~ Mr. Paul Becker, meteorologist proved. Seconded by Councilman cation be received and filed. Sec- . , her husband Charles Andresen a ; ~ : , in charge of the Dubuque weather Moffatt. Carried by the following - onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• , , bacheolar and L+imma Bluecher and N 1 station, addressed the Council re- vote: p ried by the-following vote: , Charles Bleucher her husband to 1 questing that the Weather Bureau i yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , , me known to be the identical per- ' ~ ~ - be alloted space in the New Muu l Airport Administration Build- i men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• t Wh `' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- sons named in and who executed ~~ ~.~ c pa ar on. man, man, Wharton, the fOreg6ing instrument and ack• ~; ,r ' ing to be constructed at the New Nays-Nona. Nays-None nawledged that they executed the '' , k ' Municipal Airport. Councilman Wharton moved that the request of Communication of Fire Chief . same as their voluntary act and , Paul Becker, meteoroligist in Mr Hickson, in behalf of the Members GRANT AND EASEMENT deed. ~ . charge of the Dubuque weather of the Fire Department and .him- Tho undersigned Anna Hein and A. J, MIHM, i~~ station, be referred to the City self, thanking Council for their , Fred Hein, her husband, Charles Notary Public in and for Du• ~ Manager to contact the C. A. A. recent decision in regard to the Andresen, a bachelor, and Emma buque County. My Commission ex- a ' ` and to submit a report hack to "Sick Leave" pertaining to the Bluecher sand Charles Bluecher, her pires July 4th, 1948. ~ S . ~' the Council. Seconded by Council- Fire Department, presented and husband, being the sole and only Councilman Van Duelman moved ~ , man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- read. Councilman Wharton moved heirs at law of C. F. Lillie, of Du- thaw the Grant and Easement be lowing vote: thwt the communication be re- -buque County, Iowa, deceased, for approved and reaordered wfth the , , Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cenncil• ceived sand filed, Seconded by and in consideration of the sum of County Recorder. Seconded by =~ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the $1.00 and other good consideration, Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the man, Wharton. following vote: hereby grant and convey to the following vote: yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- City of Dubuque, a perpetual right Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• , Nays-None. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- of • easement, in, over and across men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• 7, Communication of Ivan Feltes man, Wharton. said Lota 41 'and 42 Bellevue Ad- man, Wharton. 1'~ stating that the street in front of Nays-None. dition for the purpose of construct- Nays-None. ,, r r `:~~ ~, ti.,, ~ .c'-' - 'a ~,, '1 34 .4djoura~ed ~eeial Session; February Zed, 194$. Petition of fie Holy T~nrty Co~ermuuieation, of G. 3. MacIn- Church requesting the ebraing of erney submiktisg offer in the the upger end of~the alley running amount of 550.®0 far the purchase North to South between Rhomberg of all of Lots 1 sod 2 of ]not 37 and Garfield Avenues, and request trying between the Dubuque C+as- ing the vacation of sold alley in cede Road" and Southern Avenue, favor of Haly Trinity Church, Inc. preaerrted and read. Councilman far playground purposes and also Thompson ruoved that the com~ asking permission to construct a mnncation be referred to the Cann- . curbing about Holy Trinity cil to view the grounds. Seconded Church's property, presented and by Councilman Wharton. Carried read. Councilman Wharton moved by the following vote: that the petition be referred to y~ -Mayor Murphy; Council- the Counci] to view .the grounds. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Secanded by Councilman Thomp- man, Wharton, son. Oarried by the following vote: Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- February 6, 1948. {' _ man, Wharton. To the flanorable Mayor _ and City Council , Nays-None. Dubuque, lpwa Petition of Audrey L, Yarnell re• Gentlemen: questing a refund in the amount On November 1, 1947, the Plan• of $25.00 on the unexpired portion ring & Zoning Commission ad- I of Cigarette Permit No. 193, as she dressed a communication to your has discontinued business on Febr- Honorable Body making certain nary 14, 1948, presented and read. recommendations regarding the Councilman Moffatt moved that the. petition of Fischer Investment request be granted and the City Company, and now wishes to a- p ;, Auditor instructed to draw awar- mend paragraph (2) of said oom- rent in the amount of $25.00 in munication to read as (allows: favor of Audrey L. Yarnell to cover (2) Exchange by your hanora- the amount of refund granted on ble body of parcel marked "E" on i~ ,- the unexpired portion of her Ciga• mid plat for a quit claim deed to rette Permit No. 193. Seconded by be furnished by Fischer Invest- ~, Councilman Thompson. Carried by went Company for Wall 5t. ex- ~, the following vote: tended through the Levee to the. ~, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Mississippi River including ripar- y' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duet- ran rights. man, Wharton. Respectfully submitted, Nays-None. Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission Petition of Audrey I:, Yarnell re- BY R. V. McKAY, Sec'y, questing a refund in the amount of Councilman Wharton moved that $50.00 on the unexpired'partion of the communication be referred to Class 'B" Beer Permit No. 6`6 as , the Council to view the grounds. she has discontinued business oa Seconded by Councilman Thomp- Feburary 14, 1948, presented and son. Carried by the following vote: read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• City Auditor instructed to draw men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- . a warrant in the amount of $50.00 man, Wharton, in favor of Audrey L. Yarnell to Nays-None. cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of her February 5, 1948 Class "B" Beer Permit No. 66. To the Honorable Mayor Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. and City Council F', , Carried by the following vote: Dubuque, Iowa Gentleman: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Referring to attached petition of ~ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- p, W, Melloy requesting rezoning man, Wharton. of his two lots in the 900 block of y Nays-None. Seminary St. to Twe Family Clas- A, f ~3[ _ ~~ Adjourned Special Session, February z3rd, ig48 35 sitioatian, the Planning & Zoning Gbuncilman Wharton-moved that „' Gbmmiaaion respectfully- recom• the recommendation of the P1an• ti mends denial of the petition, ning and Zoning Oommiesion be ; This is now strictly a Single approved. Seconded by Councilman 1` , Family area with some fine sin- Moffatt, Carried by the followin g ~~ gle homes, and the Commission vote: thinks this situation should be yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ~" preserved men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- .~ . man, Wharton. Respectfully submitted, Nays-Npne. '~ Dubuque Planning & Zoning `~ Cammias]n~II By R. V. McKAY Sec'y, Ordinance No. 5-48 r , An Ordinance vacating the west• ~ Councilman Thompson moved erly 19 feet of Syaamome Street } that the recemmendatio~n of the from the north line of East 16th Planning and Zoning Cimmiasion Street to the south line of East be approved. Seconded by Council- 19th Street, and providing for the' h man Wharton, Carried by the fol- granting and conveying of the lowing vote: title thereto to Dubuque Packing Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Oompany, and declaring an emer- men Moffatt Thompson Van Duel- gency, presented and real. Coun• ~~ , , man, Wharton. Gilman Van Duelman moved that s Nays-None the reading just had be considered ,~. . the first reading of the ordinance. ' Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. ~ .t February 6, 1948 Carried by the following vote: To the Honorable Mayor Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- and City Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Dubuque, Iowa man, Wh~arto~n. ~r Gentleman: Nays-None. Referring fio attached petition of Councilman Van Duelman moved The Dubuque Packing Company that the rules be suspended re- asking vacation of the westerly quiring an ordinance to be road on '. part of Sycamore St.; the Planning three separate days. Seconded by ' ~ & Zoning Commission examined Councilman Wharton. Carried by and discussed with representatives the following vote: of said Dubuque Packing Company yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- the space required for certain plant men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• ;,~ improvements and all agreed that man, Wharton. the vacation of the westerly 19'-0" Nays-None. of Sycamore St. instead of 24'-10" will be sufficient for their immedi= Councilman Van Duelman moved ate needs, that the ordinance be placed on , file with the City Clerk for public ' Therefore, the Planning & Zon- inspection for at least. one week ing Commission respectfully re- before its final adoption. Seconded commends denial of that part of by Councilman Thompson, Carried the petition requesting vacation of by the following vote: ~ ~' , westerly 24'-10" of Sycamore St. yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• and recommends to your honorable men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• body that the westerly 19'-0" of man, Wlearton. Sycamore St. from the north line Nays-None ~~ of oast 16th St. to the south line . of East 19th St. be t~aeated and ~ ?r~~ conveyed to the Dubuque Packing Ordinance No. 2-48 ~a Company for a consideration de- An Ordinance providing. for sick tarmined by City Council and sub- leave for those officers and em- `"~ , ject to existing easements far pub- ployees of the City of Dubuque to ' lic utilities and railroad tracks. whom the Workmen's Compensa- `*~ tio~n Law is applicable defining ' ra Years truly, "Sick Leave"; the extent thereof; ' J"r Dubuque Plannin & Zonin g g filing, approval and allowance of fi ' Commission claims therefor, said ordinance r By R. V. McKAY, Sec'y, having been passed upon first read- .. •., ~ ,~ ~~ is r~ ~d'`-' 12^i~,r 1 ~ ,, , - ~„ , ~ , b Ad turned S ecial Session Fe6rua 2 rd, i 3 j p . rp 3 ~ ;,.° ` lotlrned S cial Session, Februar a rd, > Ad' pe Y 3 94g ; 37 ~ y , lslg oA FebTUAry 2nd, 1948, And OT• Under 1 year-l day par month. ~' south curb elevation 624,46; thence ing aA ordinance t0 be read OA '? ti~ dared placed on file with the City ai9kc•leaveAwlth pay ewhontreoeivea ~ ; • to,atahon 3}OD north and south curb elevation 821.96; thence to station three BBparAtB days. - Seconded by Clerk for public inapectian for At compensation under the Workmen's ;ti ' 3:{.60 north and south curb eleva- Conncilman Thompson. CAS+s'ied by - ltsaat One Week before its final Compensation Law shall receive only ri.~' lion 820.76; thence to station 4}00 ` the following Vote: adoption, Was pPe98nted for f1nAl that portion of his regular salary . which together with the benefits re- , North and south curb elevation 820.83 thence to station 6}50 north and Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ad0'pti0n, ~ ceived under the Workmen's Compen- pputit curb elevation 822.99; thence men Moffatt Thompson, Van Duel. M satfon Law equal his regular salary. '` ; ~ to station d}00 north and south curb tion t 824 th t 0 ' , Wharton man '' ` ` ' ORDINANCE N0. 2.48 Sec. 10. This Ordinance shall be m force and effect ten days Yrom and ~..+ o s a .1 ence ; elevation ~}5D north and south curb elevation . , Nays-None, g y ~ An Ordinance providing for sick leave Por those officers and employees after its final passage, adoption and 828.01; thence to station 7}96 the 'Wort property line of Cardiff Street '- ~~ of the City of Dubuque to whom the approval by the City Council and Publication as provided by law - 4torth and south curb elevation 832.77. Conncilman Van Duelman moved ; + Workmen's Compensation law is ap- th i k L " " . Passed upon first reading February ~ Section 2, This Ordinance shall be that the ordinance be placed On ; eave e S c ; placable; defining approval and t thereof; filing xt 2nd, 1998. '~ la force qnd effect 10 days from and file With the City Clerk for public , en e a]lowanace oP claims therefor. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 23rd day of Febru- ' after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and its publica- inape0ti0A for at least One WEek Sea 1. Sick leave is hereby provid- any, 1998. [ton in the official newspapers. before its final adoption. Seconded ed for those officers and employees ~ CEO MURPHY R Passed first reading February 2nd, by Councilman Wharton. tarried • ~ l , of the City oP Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compensation Law is ap- . . Mayor. ' 1848. adopted and approved upon Passed by the following vote: ~ ; ~ *t placable. FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ~ , final reading this 23rd day oP Febru- Yea3-Mayor Mllrphy, COnnCil- , ~~ ; Sec. 2. "Sick Leave" is hereby de- ALBERT WHARTON pry, 1948. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van DUeI• ' • ' fined to mean the absence from duty f th Cit P h ffi l pp, `V, ryIOFFATT ' GEO. R, MURPHY, Ma or man Wharton M x > ~ y oyee o e o cer or emp o suc of Dubuque because of personal ill• Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA , y . FRANK VAN DUELMAN, , , Nays-None. ' @ ' ness, physical incapacity, enforced , City Clerk F. W. THOMP50N, `a ~ quarantine of an officer or employee . Published officially in The Tele- ALBERT WHARTON, MOFFATT W W February 6, 1948 in accordance with the health regula- [ions, or sickness in the immediate graph-Herald newspaper this 26th day of February 1998 r ' , . . Attest; Councilmen. Honorable Mayor and ii- , ~; family of an officer or employee re• , . J. J. SHEA, J. J, 5 ea, ~ City ]ark Members of the City Council ~, ? - quiring the attendance of such officer 1 ti.-2-26 City Clerk. . Dubuque Iowa or employee. Sec. 3. Sick Leave with pay shall CnllnCllman Van Duelman moved ' `' Published officially In The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 26th day , Gentlemen: , accrue at the rate of one working the 'adoption oY the ordinance. SeC- ~ ` of February, 1948. In re: PETITION OF KATE S, ~. leave day for each full calendar month of service, and, any such leave onded b Y Councilman Moffatt. Car• J. J. SHEA, It2,28 City Clerk. LUNDBECK Por suspension of ~(;• accrued, but unused in any year shall tied by the fallowing vote: " Th m il d h C taxes On: Lot 11 Cox Add. and Lot be cumulative to a maximum of not to exceed eD working days. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• . k,« ounc man pson move o t e adoption of the ordinance. Sec• 242 Woedlawn Park. ," ~ Sec. 9. Absence for a fraction of a h ck men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei- c" Onded by C~auricilman Wharton g on, I recom• From my investi ati ~? part of a day c argeable to si lease man Wharton . mend the petition be approved and e shall be charged proportionately in an , . Carried by the following vats; amount not less than one-half day. Nays-Nang ~ v • that notification of the approval sec. 5. No Person shall be entitled ith hil t i k l b t . ~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- by the City Council be given to the '- pay w o s c eave w e a sen Pram duty on account of any of the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Board of Supervisors of Dubuque ti; following causes: Ordinance No. 3.48 >4 ~ man, Wharton. ~ Gounty, Iowa. ~ '~ I ~ a. Disability arising from any An ordinance establishing a Nays-None. Yours truly r sickness or injury self inflicted, or caused by any willful misconduct. grade on Platt Street from the east , JOHN J. KINTZINGER .;. ' b. Sickness or disability sustain- property line of James Street to ~' 6-48 Ordinance No Cit Solicitor. Y ~ ed while on leave of absence, other the west property line of Cardiff '~ . t`' ~;; than on regular vacation. Sec. s. Any employee on Sick Street, said ordinance having been ;,~ "' An Ordinance granting t0 St. ' (,'punCilman Thompson moved ~ Leave shalt as soon as possible nnti- passed upon first reading on Fehr• t ' s Orphan Home, its susses- Mary that the recommendation Of City , fy the head of his Department of nary 2nd 1948 and ordered placed ` ' sots and assigns, the right to oon- Solicitor Kintzinger be approved ~~ such fact and the failure so to do within reasonable time shall be suf- , On file With the City Clerk for pllb• stl'uCt .and maintain 'a sanitary and the Board of Supervisors to I . ~ ficlent cause for genial of sick leave 1' le t ns action fns' a 1 p t east on'~e~ week sewer in Asbury Road from the be n tified of the action taken b o y '~' _ i . . ` ' with pay Por the period oe such ab sense before its final adoption was pre- end of the present sewer at the the City Council, Seconded by -- I ~ , . sec. 1. All claims for compensation , sented far fins} adoption, intersection of Chaney Road and Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the J under this Ordinance shall be made. Asbury Road thence' westerly to fO110w1ng vote: ~r,, in writing under oath by claimant, and upon approval by the Person is ORDINANCE N0 3.48 .'the City Limits, prescribing the yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• charge of the Department in which . Be it Ordained by the City Council OOnditioris Of this grant and regu- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ~'' the officer or employee is employed and Use L'ity Manager, the same, shall of the City of Dubuque: ". gating the Use Of said sewer and man, WhartOA. f be paid. Section 1. That an ordinance estab- future Connections #herewith, pre- Nays-None. Sec. 8. Any officer or employee in lashing a grade on Platt Street, from CoUricilman Van sented and read ' i the service of the City at the ef- the east property line of James Street to the went property line of Cardiff . DUelnvari moved that the reading February 10, 1948 w; l festive date of this Ordinance shall be entitled to an accumulation of the Street, be and the same hereby eatab- r` just had be Considered the first Honorable Mayor and ` number of calendar days shown on lashed and adopted as shown by the pro131e prepared by the City Engi- ; y., reading of the ordinance. Seconded Members of the City Council ~; ; the following table: 80 yrs. of service or over-SD calm- Weer, being profile No, 1331, Bench mark is cross In curb return at the b Councilman Moffatt. Carried b y Y Dubu lle, Iowa q dar days allowed. N.W, corner of Langworthy and the following vote: Gentlemen: l Over i5 but less than 20-50 calm- James, elevation 848.29 feet above ~ • With reference CO the claim Of ~ i dar days allowed.. Over 10 but less than 15-40 calm- mean sea level Said grade begins at station 0-{-00 4 ' YeaB-Mayor Murphy, Council- C. W. Patch for $7500:00 for dam- y ~ oar days allowed. , ,seat property line of James Street men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• ages, from my irivestigatifrn it ap• ~# ' Over 5 but less than 10-3D calm- north -curb elevation 895.90, south man, Wharton, pears that On Or about MaCCh 6 i~ ~ ~'. dayr days allowed. Over 2 but less than 5-20 calm- curb elevation 843.90; thence to eta- lion D}50 north and south curb eleva- Nays-None. , Claimant sli Aped On the side- 1947 i k , dar da s allowed. Y lion 841.48; thence to station 2-00 Councilman Van Duelman moved , walk .and fell therefrom onto the ~ i over 1 but less than z-12 calm- north and south curb elevation 828.23; t v dar days allowed. thence to station 2}50 north and that the Toles be suspended requir• pavement at a point in front Of'the " ,y` ~` ~ ~ ~i~ ~° rv>~ ~Y ~~ it ~~~ ~~ l , ~ < Eaul . :. ~~~~~ ' '~ -...... i"~_ r u.,2..,..•.,,m.~~_.. .~..... ~.,.•..._~:,.n.!~ ~..'~..,,,~~.....,,i~s.,.~r.:,.f:.. ~.~.,..`.F..d~, _.~ "~ :~is..Y. ', x ~ ~~i~i~' i~ F . . ~.~ dr~"yriB~d~ d y ?fin i ~t ^,i~~ ~Y; 1~, , s, t:~. - r; ~ . ~~. k ~~ (i i"~ ~~' ,1~ ~' !»,: i;~`' ,. r,, ~~ , a~,.,. t~` -. 1=„ Fi ~'. ~' ,; ~: , >. ::, ,. f.; 4 , i. . N(~~~i'.I`~~ $.,.. ~ . fl. i ~, 38 Adjourned Special Ses~~ Morrison Bros. Co. office on 29th Street approximately 20 feet east of the Northwest coroner of the alley between Washington and Elm Streets; that dt is claimed said sidewalk was unsafe and dangerous at the said time in that the earth sloped from the cement walk to the curbing and was slippery and covered with an accumulation of ice which caused him to slip and fall; that said condition existed for some considerable time; that as a result of said fall the said Patch received serious injuries, fractured the knee cap of his left knee which necessitated an open operation to reset and replace the fractured bones; that he w.as con- fined to the hospital for twenty- twa days under the doctor's care and is still suffering from- the in- jury; that he sustained actual damages in the amount of at least $1000.00, including dochor and hos- pital bills and loss of time. That I Have had several conferences with his Attorneys. They have agreed to accept $500.00 in full payment of this claim. I am of the opinion that the claim should be settled. I therefore; recommend that a warrant be issued payable to Gil• loan, Nelson &Gilloon, Attorneys for C. W. Patch, in the amount of $500.00 '.and that the same be de- livered upon delivery to the City of a release property executed by said C. W. Fetch. ' Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $500.00 in favor of Gilloon, Nelson &Gilloon, Abtorneys for C. W. Patch, as set- tlement in full of the claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du• buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. r `„ ~ ., ;, >ion,February 23rd, 948 February 23, 1948 Honorable Mayor cad ~ '~, Meinbers of the City Gouncil ihtbtique, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim o! Lydia Kelsey referred to me for investigation and report, claimant fell an a sidewalk that was in a 'dangerous condition because of foe ~, and snow on November 28, 1947, at which time she broke her arm in ', two places, .requiring medical and surgical care, causing her severe pain. She further, claims she has been laid off ,from work for seven ~ weeks and will be unable to ga to work for about two months more. That she has submitted an item• ized claim for $318.76, which does not include any amount for the injury and pain and suffering. She has agreed to accept $200.00 in full payment far her claim against the ii Clty. _I recommend the allowance of her claim in the amount of $200.00, and that she same be paid to her upon delivery to the City of a re- lease properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson mowed that the recommendation of -City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor tnstructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Lydia Kelsey, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du• buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-Nave. January 12, 1948 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The agreement made some years ago between the City of Dubuque and the Interstate Power Company provides that if and when there ~Y ~~ ~ >*a'y ~: tro ~~~, ~ <y'~n n~ n ;~ ~~ ~ n, :~,~ ar ~ If~,a;'~ n m ^ ix '~ '~Y"v~3t ~ ~yH~°,~.yr" ..~ti, ~ a t ''~ Adjourned Special Session, February a3rd, 1948 3g i were developments on City Island terstate Power Company now holds gad/or the property in the vincin- and affecting the property involved, ity of the Shot Tower which made shall be cancelled in .proper and the relocation of the raw existing legal manner by the City of Du- power line (known as the Clinton• buque. Dyersville Line) necessary, the ~ Respectfully, Dock Commiasian would secure Board of Dock Commissioners proper easements for the new lo- City of Dubuque, Iowa cation of the line. By, J. A. Kerper, President. When the Virginia -Carolina Councilman Thompson moved Chemical Corporation leased the that the communication be referred area immediately west and north to the Council to view the grounds. of the Shot Tower, and made plans Seconded by Councilman Wharton for the oenstruction of its new Carried- by the fallowing vote: plant, it developed that this high y~ -Mayor Murphy, Council- line Aassed directly over their men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- building and that because the sup• man, Wharton. porting towers are too law,, cre- Nays-None. ated an undesirable situation, February 21, 1948 Inasmuch as the heightening of To the Honorable Mayor the towers would involve a com- and City Council, plate rebuilding of them, it is Dubuque, Iowa. obvious that the practical oourae to Gentlemen: pursue is the relocating of the This is to advise that I have ap- right-of-way and erecting new and higher towers at proper locations, proved the following bonds and thus avoiding the crossing of the desire to have your approval on harbor, and eliminating the pos- same for filing: sibility that the high line would EXCAVATION interfere with future developments The Key City Gas Company,. of the City Island. 669 Main Street-Bond No. 735073. The easement requested for the The Fidelity & Casulty Co. of N.Y. Interstate Power Company extends Dubuque Plumbing & Heating from a Steel Tower at Pine and ~, 1395 Washington Street- U.S. Bell Streets (which tower is to be Fidelity & Guaranty Ca replaced by a heavier and higher Louis Buechel, 2230 Central tower) to Interstate property Avenue-Bond No. 20374. Fidelity where their coal pile is now la- and Deposit Co. Gated and is shown by the purple Respectfully submitted, lines an the plat attached to the A. A. RHOMBERG, easement. City Manager. City owned property aver which Councilman Wharton moved that the easement is requested, is out- the bonds be approved and placed, lined in red on said plat. The ease- on file. Seconded by Councilman meat provides far a homizontal V,an Duelman. Carried by the fol- clearance of 7b' an ors side and lowing vote: 50' on the opposite side of the Gen- yeas--Mayor Murphy, Gouncil- ter line of the wires. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Upon execution of the a~ tta red man, Wharton. easement and the securing of a Nuys-None. new easement from the Rhomberg 1948 February 23 Realty Company (or its successors) , sand the Illinois Central Railroad, To the Honorable Mayor the way will be clear for the In- 'and City Council, terstate to move its line to the new Dubuque. Iowa. location, if and when it is found Gentlemen: At the meeting held February 2, necessary. 1948 the petition of Stampfer Build- It is understood, of course, that ing Company requesting a permit when said line is moved to the to drill a well in the sidewalk new location, the easement the In- immediately south of the Ninth r, a x 1 ,: .~I~ f 'Y' ~` 31~~h~ ~~ ~r 1 i` t £~` 4o Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd; 1948 ~'_- _ _ Street Engine House was referred east line of Cardiff Street was to the Council to view the grounds. scheduled far February 23, ~ 1948 the The Council having view at 7:3D P.M. Notice wax published ° . site on February 22nd, decided to in the newspaper on February 6th, grant the request providing the but through error tt was not again city be safeguarded against all published osz February 6th. liability in connection with the. Since the faubty publication of construction and operation of the the notice for the hearing does not well. I recommend that the deci• meet the statutory requirements, I sign of the Council be confirmed recommend that the previous aC• and the proper proceedings be pre- tion taken be rescinded and the pared, matter of improving Platt be in- Reapectfully submitted, troduced anew. A. A. RHOMBERG, Respectfully submitted, City Manager. A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved ~:; - s ~i ;.' .. t ~'~ P _ _: ', ~i x ~~; ~- r~ :. ~l1TJiA: .. ~ e that 'the recommendation of City Councilman Wharton moved that Manager Rhamberg be approved the reoammendation of City Man- and the City Solicitor directed to agar Rhomberg be approved, Sec• prepare the proper proceedings. prided by Councilman Moffatt. Car- Secanded by Councilman Van. Duel- ried by the following vote: man. Carried by the following vote: yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cauncil- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Whanbon, man, Wharton. Nays-None. Nays-Nave. February 17, 1948 Resolution No. 218 Preliminary approval of proposed To the Honorable Mayor plans, specifications, farm of con• and City Council, frost, plat and schedule and all Dubuque, Iowa. other documents far the extension Gentlemen: of Platt Street to the East property I herewith submit reports of the line of Cardiff Street and Ca im- Gity Auditor, City Treasurer, City prove Platt Street from the East Health Department and City Water property line of James Street to Works far the month of January, the East Property line of Cardiff 1948, also list of claims and list of Street, estimated cost 6" concrete payrolls for which warrants were slab-$16,275.47. 1?;" sheet asphalt issued for the month of January, on 6" concrete base-$19,930.93, 1948. presented and read. Councilman Respectfully submitted, Moffatt moved the adoption of the A. A. RHOMBERG, resolution. Seconded by Council- City Manager. man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: . Councilman Thompson waved thiat the reports be received and yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councit• placed on file. Seconded by Coun- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- cihnan Van Duelman. Carried by m'an, Wharton, the following vote: Nays-None, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- (Necessity for Improvement) man, Wharton. Resolution No.22--08 Nays-None. Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, farm of contract, plat and February 23, 1948 schedule have been duly prepared To the Honorable Mayor and approved by the City Council and City Council, of the City of Dubuque and are Dubuque, Iowa. new on file in the office of the City Gentlemen: Clork showing among other things A hearing on the resolution of the following: ne'Ceasity for the extension sand 1.. The boundaries of the dis• improvement of Platt Street from trict, if any, the east line of James Street to the 2. The streets to be improved. . Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 41 ~~~; } ~ 3. The width of such improve- portion of any street or assessment z - m~nt~, district shall be assessed to and '~ z,' paid by the railway company. o 4. Each lot proposed to be as- The above resolution was intro- ;~ sassed together with a valuation duped, approved and ordered ' ~ fixed by the Council. placed on file with the City Clerk 9 this 23rd day of February, 1948, ' 6. An estimate of the cost of the ' proposed improvement, stating the Approved and placed on file for same for each different type of final action. construction and kind of material Approved: to be used. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. 6. In each case the amount there- FRANK VAN DUELMAN, of which is estimated against each F. W. THOMPSON, lot, for the Extension of Platt ALBERT WHARTON, • " :Street ~to the East Property line of W. W. MOFFATT, Cardiff Street and the improve- Councilmen, went of Platt Street from the East Attest: J. J. SHEA, property line of James Street to City Clerk. the East property line of Cardiff Street. Councilman Van Duelman moved 'i~ that the resolution be approved e Be It Therefore Resolved that .and placed on file far final action. the City Council on its own motion Seconded by Councilman Wharton- `~ or upon petition of property own- Carried by the following vote: ~' ~~-~ ' era, deems i•t advisable sand ueces- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- sary for the public welfare to make men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- :; .the herein mentioned improvement man Wharton. , "; t and unless property owners at the , ~ time of final consideration of this Nays-None. : ,;~ proposed resolution have on file '' +. with the City Clerk objections to (Fixing date of hearing) K the amount of the proposed assess- Resolution No. 23-48 ~ '~' merits, they shall be deemed to Whereas, the City Council of the ~.~'e -have waived all objections thereto. City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by ;: Resolution No. 21-48 given its ` ~ Said improvement shall be pan- preliminary approval on the pro- , stru~ted and done in accordance Posed plans, specifications and `~ "with the plans and specifications form of contract and placed same t which have been prepared therefor 'on file in the office of 'the City ,,~ , by the City Engineer which have Clerk for public inspection, for the ' S beet< approved by the City Council Extension of Platt Street to the ~~ and are now on file with the City East Property line of Cardiff Street ;' Clerk. That the cost and expense ,mod the improvement of Platt ~ '~~, of making said improvement will Street from the East property line be -assessed upon .and against all of James Street to the East prop- °~~ privately owned property lying -arty line of Cardiff Street and, '' within assessable distance by law ' and in an amount not to exceed Whereas, the proposed Resolu- `°y the 'amount provided by law, prop- tion of Necessity for said improve- ~' arty will be assessed whether the went has been introduced and is ~, °same abuts thereon or is adjacent now on file in the City Clerk's , thereto according to area and in office far public inspection, "proportion to the special benefits Be It Therefore Resolved that on conferred thereby, and any defi- the 19th day of March 1948, a pub- ency shall be paid out of the gen- lit hearing will be held at 7:30 anal fund, improvement funds, or o'clock P.M, in ,the Council Cham• partly out of each of such funds. bar in the City of Dubuque at which Bands shall be issued and sold in time the owners of property sub- anticipation of deferred payments ject to assessment for the proposed of ~assesaments when a contract improvement may appear and make :has been performed and accepted abjecCion to the proposed plans and the proceeds thereof used to and specifications and proposed pay the oentnactar. The railway , form of contract and at the same _ a 1C 1 ' Icy ..: s r.~ - k' ?. 3 b; t 1, ~ ,~ '~^ 4` i , w a `' ~.,+ ~. }~ ' qiz Adjourned Special Sessiott, ~e~ry 3rd, f4~$ rme p be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolu- tion have an file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Counci] will hoar such objections and enter on record its final decisiog thereon. Passed, adopted and approved Lhis 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, , ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ttme to th+a boandaries of .the pro- ' onded by fiouwcilman Van Duel- goeed district, to the cost of the ,man. Carried by the follo~ciaas impr,•; ~ :.Went, to the amount pro- 'vote: posed to be assessed against any yeas-Mayor Murphy, CouncB- tot and to the passage of the pro• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- posed Resolution of Necessity and rnau Wharton. the City Clerk be and he is hereby Nays-None. directed to cause a notice of the t' and lane of such hearing to Councilman Van Duelman moved the adaptfan of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 24-1I8 Preliminary approval of pro- posed plans, specifications, foam of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the improvement of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Joseph Street to the South curb line of Lombard Street with con- crete curb and gutter, estimated cost...$4,924.54, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution, Sec• (Necessity fan Improvement) Resolution No. 25-48 Whereas, proposed plans, speci• fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre• pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the Cbty Clerk showing among other things the following: 1, The boundaries of the dis- trict, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such impr~ve- went, and the size and kind of sewers, 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sassed against each lot, far the improvement of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Joseph Street to the South curb line of Lombard Street with con- crate curb and gutter. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Gbuncil on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and r~ces~ sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as• sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived al] objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately awned property lying r ~~ M+:. ~~;Fri'~ F~~?} 1:~~'7 ~ ~-0 fo j+;'~/1 ~`, ~{Y, ta~3"!9' vne 1 ~• y~Y~FY',~^~"~ 4 ~ ~ y ~„ ti , 4-.r ~.x~ ~. .' _ ~.. ~ ~ ~ Adjotmied ~peciai Session, Febraary a3rd,;1948 ~3 <` ~':: >rithin asafeesable dfatamce provided .Whereas, the r.. r ~.;ed Resolu- ~'z, b1 law and in an amount not to tion of Necessity for said improvo- ' ` ateeed the amount p%vided by mart has Veen introduced and is ktr; property will be assessed now on file in the City Cierk's whether the same' abate th~4.~~ office fbr public inspection, er is adjacent thereto awarding to area and in proportion Ca the spec• Be It Therefore Resolved that s?.. ial benefits conferred thereby, and ~ the 19th day of March, 1948, a any deficiency shall be paid out of Public hearing will be held at 7:30 _ :the general fund, improvement o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- „, toads or sewer funds, or partly bar in the City of Dubuque at s out of each of such funds. Bonds which time the owners of property "! ~' shall be Issued and` sold in an- subject to assessment for the pro- ~ ticipation of deferred payments of lmeed improvement may appear , assessments when a contract has sand make objection, to the Fro- been performed and accepted and Posed plains and specifications and y" the Proceeds thereof used to pay Proposed farm of whtnact and at r~J~ the contractor. The railway por- the name ,time to the boundaries A aion of any street or assessment of the proposed district, to the distfiet shall be assessed to and cost of the improvement, to the '' t• paid by the railway company. amount proposed Uo be assessed against any lot and to the passage The above resolution was intro- of the proposed Resolution of ~'' doted, approved and order placed Necessity and the City Clerk be ,r, ~ A- on Eile with the City Clerk this and he is hereby directed to cause 3~ s " Z$rd day of February, 1948. a notice of the time and place of ' Approved and placed an file for .such hearing to be published in final action. some newspaper published iu the ~ ' ~` y Approved: Cit of Dubuque, the last of which • GEO. R. MURPHY, shall be not less than two (2) nor ;`"~ `:: Mayor, mare than four (4) weeks prior to ,~ FRANK VAN DUELMAN, the day fixed for its consideration ~' F. W. THOMPSON, and unless property owners at the 't ALBERT WHARTON, time of final consideration of said r ' W. W. MOFFATT, resolution have on file with the Councilmen. Clerk objections to the amount of 1'f• " Attest: J. J. SHEA, the proposed assessment, they r~ ~ ~ City Clark, shall have been deemed to have Y~ aj t . Councilman Van Duelman moved waived all objections thereto, at . that the resolution be approved ivh~ch hearing the Couheil will ~'` and placed on file far final action, hear such objections and enter on r ` ~ . Seconded by Councilman Wharton. record its final decision thereon. • ;;-") `~ Carried by the following vote: Passed,. adopted and approved • '~ ~` ;} Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- this 23rd day of February, 1948. , ` men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- GEO. ft. MURPHY, ;~ man, Wharton. Mayor. ~, Naps-None. c, FRANK VAN DUELMAN. Fi i f h d i t F. W. THOMP50N, ( x ng ear a ng) e o ALBERT WHARTON, ~~. Resolution No. 26-48 W, W, MOFFATT, "~~ Whereas, the City Council of the Councilmen. ~' ' City of Aubuque, Iowa, has by Attest: J. J. SHEA, ,f~ Resolution No. 24-48 given its City Clerk. ` °~ preliminary approval on the Fro- ~ ~ posed plans, specifications and Councilman Moffatt moved the ,~ form of contract and placed same adoption of the resolution. Sec- _ an file in the office of the City onded by Councilman Thompson. . Clerk for public inspection, for Carried, by the following vote: - , t the Improvement of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ' Joseph Street to the South curb men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• line of Lombard Street with con- man. Wharton, ~ crate curb and gutter and, Nays-None. ,;:~; ~ ti` r >, '4 '~u ~ i ". '+ g' ~d~ e. M'~ i i t ~ ~ ~ ~ i f4 '~~ r ~ r r ~a ~~~ °- ~ - ,Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, ig48 q ~ . Adjourned Speeial Session, February 23rd, ag4S , 4S ~ ,. ~.:~ 4 _. ~y Prelimthary approval of plans, or pas+tly out of each of such funds. and he is hereby directed to cause pared and approved by the City ~ ~ specifications, farm of c,,..a~ct, The above resolution was intrp• a notice of the time and place of Council of the City of Dubuque _ ,~~ 7 plat and all other documents for duped, approved acrd ordered such hearing to he published in and are now an file in the office of .t-` the widening of James Street 10' placed on file with. the City Clerk some newspaper published ilr the the City Clerk showing among on West aide Pram South curb lme this 23rd day of February, 1948. City of Dubuque, the Vast of which other things the f611owing: I of West Third Street to a point Approved and placed on file for ~ ~ shall be not less thou. two (2) nor 1. The boundaries of the dis• i I "~; 450 feet south, ea,Umated cost- final option. +; more than four (4) weeks prior to tract if any. ,~, i ~.. presented and read. Coun- 841.40 $7 Approved: - the day fixed for its eonsideration , ~• ~ ~: , , Gilman Thompson moved the adop- GEO. R, MURPHY, and unless property owners at the 2. The streets to be improved. ~ tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor time of final conaidenation of said ~• Councilman Wharton. Carried by FRANK VAN DUELMAN, resolution have on file with. the 3. The width of such improve- "~ the following vote: F, W. THOMPSON Clerk objections to the amount of merit. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ALBERT WHARTON, TT the proposed improvement, they m have h b d d t h l 4. Each lot proposed to be as• ~ Van Duel• Thompson men Moffatt , W. W. MOFFA een ee e o a ave s l sassed together with a valuation ?f , 't „ , , WhamWn. man Councilmen waived all abjectiwra thereto; at fixed by the Council. ;:e' ~~ ' , Attest: J. J. SHEA, which hearing the Council will hear ; , -' . Nays-None. City Clerk such objections and enter on re- 5. An estimate of the cost of the -. s cord its final decision thereon, proposed improvement. (Necessity for Improvement) Councilman Van Duelman moved Pa ed, adopted and. approved 6: I h th t t I • Resolution No. 28-48 that the resolution be approved this 23rd day of February 1948. n eac case e amoun here- ' ~ ~r Whereas, proposed plans, speci• and placed on file for final aatiom. , GEO. R. MURPHY, of which is estimated rtA be as- sassed against each lot for the im• ' ~ ~, fica'tions, form of cantr+act, plat Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Mayor . provement of Forest Lane from the ~.~ and schedule have been dul pre- y Carried by the following vote: FRANK VAN DUELMAN, West curb line of Nevada Street •~ '~ , ~ pared and approved by the City Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Duel• V Th ff tt F. W, THOMP50N, to the East curb line of Delhi ^' Clouncil of the City of Dubuque ompson, an , men Mo a ALBERT WHARTON, Street Y ~ ; are now on file in the office o4 and man, Wharton. W. W. MOFFATT, . ` ~.- ~r - the City Clerk showing among Nays -None. t Councilmen Be It Therefore Resolved that ~s'' other things the following: Attest: J. J. SHEA; the City Council on its own motion j`` The streets to be improved. 1 (Fixing date of hearing) City Clerk ar upon. potation of property own- ' ' ~i' ~ ~ . The width of such improve- 2 Resolution No. 29-48 Councilman Wharton moved that ere, deems it advisable and races- sary for the public welfare to make ° " ' ~ ' . meat Whereas, the City Council of the the adoption of the resolution. Sec- the herein mentioned improvement ~; ', ~~ . 3. An estimate of the cost of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution 'No. 27-48 given its prided by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: , and unless property owners at proposed improvement, for the preliminary approval on the pro- yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- the time of the final considera- lion of this proposed solution widening of James Street 10 feet an West side from South curb line eased plans, specifications and ,; form of contract and placed Mme ,,, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• have on file with the City Clerk k` „~ - of Weat Third Street to a point 450 on fate in the office of the City } man, Wharton. objections bo the amount of the ~~. x feet south. Clerk for public inspection, for the Nays-None, proposed asseasmen~ts, they shall ~, ~,. Be It Therefore Resolved that widening of James Street 10 feet be deemed to have waived all ob• ^? ' ' the City Council on its own motion on West side Prom South curb line Resolution No. 30--48 jections thereto. „^~ , or upon petition of property own- of West Third Street to a point Preliminary approval of proposed Said 'improvement shall be con- - ' - - ~ F'' - ere, deems it advisable and races- 450 feet south and, ~ plans, specifications, form of con- strutted and done in a~coardance ' `' ~ sary for the public welfare to make the proposed Reaolu- Whereas ~ tract, plat and schedule and all with the plans and specifications ~ ~~ ~ the herein mentioned improvement, , lion of Necessity for said improve- other documents far the improve- which have been prepared therefor , ~; and unless property owners at the merit has been introduced and is merit of Forest Lane from the West by the City Engineer which have ~ { ~; time of the final oonaider~ation of now on file in the City Clerk's curb line of Nevada Street to the been approved by the City Council r~' this proposed resolution have on office for public inapectiou, East curb line of Delhi Street, seta- and are now on file with the City ~, . file with the City Clerk objections Be It Therefore Resolved that on mated cost-$10,554.10, presented. Clerk. That the cost and expense ~ ~ i' ' to the amount of the proposed the 19th day of March 1948, apub- and read. Councilman Thompson of making said improvement will ''j,. t ' improvement, they shall be deemed lac hearing will be. held at 7:30 moved the adoption of the resolu• be assessed upon and against all ~~~~ all b'ecti~ons there- to have waived o l 'clock P.M. m the Council Cham- c n b Councilman Van lion. Se o dad Y rivately owned property lying ' ., ~'~ to. bar in the City of Dubuque at which Duelman, darried by the following within assessable distance pro- ~ f t ~ ~ Said improvement. shall be con- time the owners of property sub- vote: Council- yeas-Mayor Murphy vided by law and in an amount not ~ ~ r ,~F. st5ucted and done in acoordance ject to assessment for the proposed , Thompson Van Duel- non Moffatt to exceed the amount provided by ~ ;~, witlr the plans and specifications improvement may appear and , , man, Wharton. law, property will be assessed wh th b t th th , ~~, which have been prepared therefor make objection Ga the proposed Nays-None er e same a u s ereon e r by the City Engineer which have plans and specifications and pro- ,; ~„ . or is adjacent thereto according Ito > , ;~ been approved by the City Council posed form of contract and at the area and in proportion to the spec- ' , . sand -are now on file with the City same time to the boundaries of the (Necessity for Improvement) ial benefits conferred thereby, and ~i 'r Clerk. That the cost and expense proposed district, to th8 cost of ~ Resolution No. 3118 any deficiency shall be paid out of ~; of making said improvement shall the, improvement, and to the pas- ,1 Whereas, proposed plans, speci• the general fund, improvement ~ ~ ~ be paid gout of the general fund, sage of the proposed Resolution of c4 ficatiana, form of contract, plat funds ar sewer funds, or partly out I ~ improvement funds or sewer funds, Necessity and the City Clerk be and schedule have been duly pre- of each of such funds. Bonds shall ,~ ~' ~Y' (::'. 1 ~'. ~ ~ _ ~ ~Y 1 °. 1 _ 1 1 - ~, '~ ~ ~. ' i I ~ ry ~ a ~ I ~~ ~ ~ 4.,a~11tw .Y. '-i,o- ~. , ~ ' I .: , a•.e .Y ^ y 4 1 7 ... , . !~~ . • r,.., v z, ., , .. ~ * ~~ P't l~ . .. a o...,~' -Y ......i&.k,.~_ei~.J"~~ll ~ ~~~~~~~ II ~ ~ III I~ ~ i ^i' I'i ' ~ I .~f•" y y,M`.~,~y ~ J. M1•i..'. `"' ~1~`,; 7 t Y:-,. ~ ~ ~1 .u q., nti h-4~+.a~ 'r~~y,'~'i~~n~~~~1 a'''~ !> °2~~/r4;.; ,1.' ". +~~ ,. ~ , - 4b Adjrourned Special Session, -February a3rd, rgg8 ~e issued and sold fin ariticipertion plans and apeeificstiana a'nd pro i of deferred papmenta of assess- posed form of aontraet and at the merits when a contractt. has 'been same time to the boundaries of the .<<. i,° ~` (.' ,Y ,~ „ ~~' ~~; l F, . ~,; ~~,; ~'v f~ ~" ~ ~. . ~,. _ ~~~ ~'~ ,~, , :,~i' ~~ rr.~ performed and accepted and .the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or asaessm~ent district shall be assessed eta and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was inhro- duced and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd dray of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, liiayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMI'SON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman. Moffatt moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec• onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by .the hollowing,{vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Counci- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due- man., Wharton.. Nays-None.. (Fixing date of hearing) Resoution No. 3218 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 30-48 given its pre- liminary approval on the proposed plena, specifications and form of oont~ct asd placed on file in the o(lice of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the improvement of Forest Lane from the Weat curb line of Nevada Street to the East curb line of Delhi Street and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessfty for said improve- ment has been introduced and is raw as file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 19th day of March 1948, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the pro- posed improvement many appear and make objection to the proposed proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the ~propoeed Resolution of Necessity and the Citq Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such h~r• ing to be published in some news- paper published in the City of Du• buque, ,the last of which shall be not leas than 'two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed 8or its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said reso- lution Gave on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assesments, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter ou record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W, THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton waved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Vam Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None, Resolution No. 33-48 Preliminary approval of pro- posed plans, specifications, form of aantract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the improve- ment of Diamond Street from the East curb line of Central Avenue to the West curb line of Jacksoal Street with concrete curb and gutter, estimated cost-X2,244.67, presented and read, Councilman d,Yilfl~eY~C~~!'-. _t! f~ ... ... ,y1). ., - .~~ ~. ., r _. u.,, i~-~. E.1~.. ,v rT qtr ~'I e~ ~ ' ~",~ `F~ ~ `' %.w ~'P ~p~`fi ~~,4` v ~'~ a ~~ t' iH ; ,,, . r I-~l~ ~ KI ~ .~lr ,r , ,i: . 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ '~I 1 ~ ~}~~ t ~ ; ~ebruxry 23rd l~j$ Ad 'otsrned S saal Scallion ' ~ #'. ~r ,. g p ~ , , . , ~ a 4A ' ,'~~ - artu muoYed the adoption of ~ wig aeeee~b ~ ~disOanoe pro- `.the reaolatlon. $eeonded by Conn• vided by law and In art amount nr~t ,1 ailegan Van Duelman. Carried by to exceed the amount provided by the fallowing vote: law, property will be assessed -. Yeas=Mayor Murphy, Oounci]• whether the same abuts therebn or .men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- is adjacent thereto according to man, Wharton. area and in proportion to the spec- °: fn Nays-None. ial benefits conferred, and any fle• ficiency shall be paid out of the gen- oral fund, improvement funds or (Necessity far Improvement) sewer funds, or partly out of each ~~ Resolution No. 34--48 of such funds. Bonds shall be is- ~`! "a r Whereas, proposed plans, sped- sued and sold in anticipation of 3 ffcations, farm of contract, plat deferred payments of assessments and schedule have bean duly pre- when a contract has been per- '~ pared and approved by the City formed and accepted and the pro- t '~ Council of the City of Dubuque and ceeds thereof used to pay the con- ' ~ are now on file in the office of the tractor. The railway portion of any + G~,., City Clark showing among other street or assessment district shall 1 `.~ ,, ~~ things the fallowing: be assessed to and paid by the rail- ~ ;,g 1, The boundaries of the dis• way company. triet, if any. The above resolution was intro- sr 2. The streets to be improved. duced, approved and ordered ~ ~, 3. The width of such improve- placed on file with the City Clerk meat, this 23rd day of February, 1948. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- Approved and placed on file far f ~`' sensed together with a valuation final action ~' fixed by the Council. . °~,' 5. An estimate of the coat of the Approved: ; proposed improvement, GEO. R. MURPHY, ,,~' ' ~ 6. In each case the amount there- Mayor of .which is estimated to be as• W, W. MOFFATT, sassed against each lot, for the FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ,i; improvement of Diamond Street F. W. THOMPSON, from the East curb line of Central ALBERT WHARTON, ~' ' ~' Avenue to the West curb line of Councilmen `~'. - }' Jackson Street. Attest; J. J. SHEA, ;~ ,~ i,' Be It Therefore Resolved that City Clerk ~;c the City Council on its own motion , ~;-s or upon petition of property own- Councilman Moffatt moved that u era, deems it advisible and neces- the resolution be approved and nary for the public welfare to make Placed on file for final action. Sec- the herein mentioned improve- onded by Councilman Thompson, r~~, ~' went, and unless property owners Carried by the following vote: ~m at the time of the final considers- y~-Mayor Murphy, Council- ty tian'of this proposed resolution have on file with the Cit Cl k men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ,. y er man, Wharton. objections to the amount of the ' A proposed assesaments, they shall Nays-None. ~ be deemed to have waived all ob- jections thereto. (Fixing date of hearing) Said improvement shall be con- Resolution No. 3518 '`" i etructed and done in accordance Whereas, the City Council of the with the plans and specifications City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by which have been prepared therefor Resolution No. 33-48 given its by the City Engineer which have preliminary approval on the pro- been approved by the City Council posed plans, specifications and '~ and are now on file with the City form of contract and placed same 1; Clerk. That the cost and expense on file in the office of the City 4 of making said improvement will Clerk for public inspection, far the Y , 4 be assessed upon acrd against al] improvement of Diamond Street \ ~ivately owned property lying from the East curb line of Contra] a.< ~W i V ' ~ ;I z s ~i`^~r " i, (i~ .llSO~' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ i~ ~ f ' ~ P ?~r.s~er~rrgMF . ti• a • +, r .~ s~ s.. ~, ~«' ~;:• ~; 1' ,' ~- F.u ,r ,`';. ~~~' q. r , 4',°`- Attest: J. J. SHEA: Gity Clerk ,~ ~ Adjburne~ Special 5e'a Avenue #o the Neat curb line of Jackson Street with concrete curb. and gutters and, Whereas, the proposed Resoln• tfon of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced-and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therofore Resolved that an the 19th day of March, 1948, a public hearing will be held at 7:34 o clock P.M• in the Council Cham• bar in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property spb• ject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and pro- posed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any ]ot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution 0f Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hear- ing to be published in some news- paper published in the City of Du- buque, the last of which shall be not Ie85 than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless-property owners at the time of final consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of'"the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all obj'ecti~ons thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its .final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F, W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Councilman Thompson moved the .adoption of the resolution. Sec• ~.. r I,.... .. Y~ ,. _ .. .. ... lion, February 23rd, >gq8 anded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• rigid by .the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Conncil- men Moffatt, Thompson,. Van Duel- maa, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 36-48 Preliminary approval of pro- posed plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and $11 other documents for the improve- ment of Mount Loretta Avenue from the East property line of Bryant Street to- 181 feet East of the East property line of McLenan, esti- mated cost sheet asphalt-$49,121.• 67, reinforced concrete-$47,72797, presented and roam. Councilman. Van Duelinan moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul• man, Wharton. Nays-None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 37-48 Whereas, FroPosed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council 0f the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other , things the Hollowing: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of, such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. ' 6. An estimate of the cost of the propesed improvement, stating the same for each different type of c0n- structien and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as• sesaed against each 104, Her the improvement of Mount Loretta Avenue from the East property line of Bryant Street to 181 feet East of the East property line 0f Mc- Lenan Street with reinforced con• crate or sheet asphalt. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion 3311 AJ i - Adjo~eiied Special Session, ~ebtuary ~3t~i, lggd$ q9 `' %~ :qi' upon petition of ~~,.,,~,~.:y'own• tCouncilman Moffatt ...,.,:,d that ;rite; deems it advisible and recce- the resolution be approved and ' ilAry Por the public welHare to make approved and placed on file for ~ R ' Abe herein mentioned improvement, final action. Seconded by CouncU- 1 ~ and unless property owners at-the man Wharton. Carried by the fal- ~, ' dine of the. final consideration of lowing vote: ` this proposed resolution have on Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy `~ tale with the City Clerk objections , Van Duel- Thompson men Moffatt ~ to the amount of the proposed as• , , , seasments, they shall be deemed to man, Wharton. ,} ~,, (:Lave waived all objections thereto. Nays-None. ' Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance (Fixing date of hearing) with the plans and specifications Resolution No. 38-•48 :` which have been prepared by the Whereas, the City Council of the C1ty Engineer which have been City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by approved by the City Council and Resolution Na. 36-48 given its are now on file with the City Clerk. preliminary approval on the pro- `That the cost and expense of rook- posed plans, specifications and - ing said improvement will be as- form 0f contract and placed same ~ screed upon and against all pri- on file in the office of the City vately owned property lying within Clerk for public inspection, far the `'~ .:assessable distance provided by improvement of Mount Loretta ' ,law and in an amount sot to exceed Avenue from the East property line the amount provided by law, prop- of Bryant Street to 181 feet East - arty will be assessed whether the of the East property line of Mc- ~ s, same abuts thereon or is adjacent Lenan Street with reinforced con- w;` #hereto according to arm and in crate or sheet asphalt and, •,<~ proportion to the special benefits the proposed Resolu• Whereas a o~fenred thereby, and any de- , tion of Necessity for said improve- ; ~~ Ytciency shall be paid out of the merit has been introduced and is 7 ; .general fund, improvement funds, now on file in the City Clerk's ', - or sewer funds, or partly ont of office for public inspection. , each bf such funds. BOnda shall be issued and sold in anticipation of ge It Therefore Resolved that on .~ deferred payments of assessments 'the 19th day of March, 1948, a pub- when acontract has been perform- lic hearing will be held at 7:30 .ed and accepted and the proceeds o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ~ thereof used to pay the contractor. bar i~n the City of Dubuque at which ~` { The railway portion of any street time the owners of property sub- .or assessment district shall be as- jest t0 assessment for the pro- ' sassed to and paid by the railway posed improvement may appear and ::\ coujpany. make objection to the proposed The above resolution was intro- Plans and specifications and pro- ); h ~ approved and ordered placed ~duced posed farm of contract and at the , ~n file with the Ctty Clerk this same time to the boundaries of the f ( 23rd day of February, 1948, ,he cost o Proposed district, to the improvement, to the amount Approved and Placed on file for proposed to be assessed against .,final adoption, any lot and Go, the passage of the proposed Resolution oP Necessity a APproved`• and the City Clerk. be and he is GEO. R. MURPHY, hereby directed to cause a notice I'~layor of the time and place of such hoar- ing to be published in some news- FRANK VAN DIIELMAN, paper published in the City of Du- , F. W. THOMPSON, bogus, the last 0f which shall be ALBERT WHARTON, not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the W, W. MOFFATT day fixed for its consideration and Councilmen unless property owners at the time 0.ttest: J. J. SHEAh of final consideration of said res0• 'a City Clerk lotion'have ~o•n hie with the Clerk ~';; ',d; Y ; ,$til; ~ 4rM a . ~~~ ~ ~ ~ j ~~'Y~rIS ~ ' i ~~il, ~ ~ I~~ ~I .,. 2. lk,. ~~., ,iWxh'1;3;c~..1 ..i , ' ~ X i ~ i III 3;-,....44 diJ,L~,e.t.i.._+f .:mA;~.~IGI~ ' I ~ :~;;~~+yl~"Nrr i~, ~-_~„ t~a, ~~, ',f'~~ .~lF is ~~.F.'. .y` I ~ ~ ,; °~: e: j, s, f- ~~ ~ti+ ' T~ 5" j,; ., :. W ~t ~`~';' ~-: ,~ Resolution No. 39--48 Whereas, a plat has been filed by Earl L. Falk, Genevieve Z. Falk and Dubuque Homes, Lnc., in which Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 3, Lat 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 4 and Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 5 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa are platted as Glenview, a subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said plat has been duly examined, investigated and ap- proved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Du- buque; and Whereas, upon said plat are streets designated as "`Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive"; and Wheroas, the owners have upon said plat dedicated said streets to the public; and Whereas, the City Council has examined said plat and has been fully advised in the matter, finds that said plat conforms to the City Ordinances relating thereto; and Whereas, the City Council fur- ther finds that the dedication of 'Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive" should be accepted and con- firmed and that said plat should be accepted; and Whereas, Blackhawk Drive and Fox Drive are new- streets unim- 4~:, "' ., '`. sn~ ' ,. ..~. . 1, ~ ``~ ~~'7 l" ?~; ' S6 ~~a'N '~ }7 xl~y y ~qyF q~~~ d,~"t~~y.~~A ~,~' - . y, t~ ~~ 4 k I. a F X e 1l 2 i r~"'•. L r f Y ` - d ~.. ~o \ at~yQtl~ ~ ~i~, F~rt>arg a3~d, lt~q,8 obiectioaa to the 9.4iAtitFt pi the prpved and this Cauueil id of the pfppoded 4adesameAt, they sbiall oplnion that said streets ahoald be have bees deemed to have waived improved by grading, by placlmg all objections thereto, at which 24" x 6" combination curb end hearing the Couudl wIU hear such gutters 26' apart, by surfacing objections and enter an record its with a 0" macadam base with as- final decision thereon, phalt wearing surface and by con- Passed, adopted and approved struction of alarm water sewers, this 23rd day of February, 1948, manholes and catch basins; .and ~ GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Gouncilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Deulman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Whereas, the Engineer's estimate of the cost for said improvements are as follows: Excavation.......600 c.y. at $0.75 ........... .. ............. $ 460.00 Curved Curb and Gutte-L 1,502 l.f. at $2.50............ 3,755.00 Straight Curb and Gutter -694 l.f. •at 2,00............ 1,188.00 Crushed Stone-486 c.y. at $3.00 .... ............. 1,458.OU Asphalt Primer and Seal -2,800 gal, at 16c........ 420,00 Stone Chips-60 c.y. at $3,00 ................................. 160.00 12" R.C.P. Storm Sewer- -307 l.f, at $4.00...... 1,468.00 12" R.C. P. Storm Sewer- 317 l.f, at $3.50 ............... 1,109.50 Brick Manholes-three at ;100.00 .......... ............. 300.00 Rein, Canc. Catch Basins -two at $250.00 .... .... 500.00 Estimated Total Cost, ....$10,798,60 and; Whereas, it is the opinion of this Council that said improve- ments should be made on or before November 1, 1948; that the plat filed herein be approved upon Du- buque Homes, Inc. filing with the City Clerk a Surety Bond to the sum of $11,000.00 acceptable to the City Council, said bond to insure the completion of bhe improve merits on Blackhawk and Fox Drives on or before November 1, 1948, and said bond to provide for oompiiance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 23-46, the Subdi- visian Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, and especially Sec, IV thereof. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the Gity of Dubuque: Sec. 1, That the dedication of "Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive" upon the plat of "Glenview" be and the same are hereby ac- cepted far the•purpose for which they are thus dedicated. ~,, a ,~.. - . ~~.. -.,_ Yi }t ~ ' ~ ~ ~ IS ' 2.k"t~~4! . .. y's y F ~ ~~ V - • '~ ,~:' ,. , :' ~tdjodrtted S~c~b1 ~e~siott, ~'ebr>tat ~t}~$ ~,t ~ '~' dAc. ~. ~'hBt the plat of Lo+t 404 Whereas, ~hd ~reVeaue Sh t>te a ~: ~Itibttiti Lot 3, Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Ccetd+aiidated, P`dnd ib inen(Acient ,; Lbt 4 and Lot 2 of Mineral Iat 6 to meet #~ edttmateA ectual and k ht the City of Dnbttgne, Iowa which necessary eiEpettses krt' the current ;~ will be hereafter known as "Ellen- fiscal year and the emergency rep ; ~ gl~fi" ciRantaining Lot 1 to 21 in• ferred to; ~'heretare, ~ , • . ctusive, "BEackhawk Drive" and Re Tt Resolved, bq the City Coan• .: A-, !~Nba Drive," be, and the same is ciI of the City of Dnbaque, Dtl- .a hereby approved and the Mayor buque County, lows, that $23,644: and Clerk are hereby directed to 02 of the funds in the Emergency ~, endorse the approval of the City of Fund be transferred permanently Dubuque upon said plat, provided': to the Consolidated Fund of the ,; That Dubuque Homes, Inc. sign municipality; subject to the ap- ' We written acceptance and agree- proval of the State Comptroller, " <' mgt hereto attached agreeing to when such approval is unanimously comply with all the terms and can- requested by bhe governing body " ditions contained in this Resolu- ~ said municipality to be expended lion including the filing of a per- in accordance with the provistons formance bond in bhe amount of of Section 373 of the Cbde. ~,_. $1I,00Q,00 acceptable to the City The City Auditor of said munici• ,, Council insuring the completion of pall y, upon receipt of approval the improvements hereinbefare set by the State Comptroller, is di- ottt, all to be done with the ap- rested to correct his books ac- proval of the City Manager. cordingly and to notify the tre~s- " Passed, ~ adopted and approved urer of the transfer, accompanying ' this 23rd day of February 1948 the notification with a eopq of Chia gg k., , , resolution and the record of its ' ,~w ~ GEO. R. MURPHY, edoption. " ~ Mayor ~ (Presiding Ofticer)- ~~ "', FRANK VAN DUELMAN, GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor r~ F. W. THOMPSON, (Secretarial Officer)- ALBERT WHARTON, J. J, SHEA, City Clerk "~ W. W, MOFFATT ` ' , Councilmen The foregoing resolution was >;, M" Attest: J. J. SHEA, adopted by the City Council of the ~ •~i - City Clerk City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, ~ ~ Iowa at a special meeting of the a' Councilman Van Duelman moved same on the 23rd day of February the adoption o•f the resolution. Sec- A.D. 1948. arses by Councilman Wharton. The vote thereon was as follows: Carried by the following vote: A es: y `~ ~`' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- FRANK VAN DUELMAN '~'' ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- F. W. THOMPSON ' ;'~ ~~ man, Wharton. ALBERT WMARTON ,S Nays-None. W. W. MOFFATT ~ ~ GEO. R. MURPHY ~' Nays:-None. Resolution No. 408 ' ~ l3ESOLUTION AND APPLICA- Gouncilman Moffatt moved the TI~ON FOR TRANSFER OF EMER- adoption of the resolution. Sec- . zt GENCY FUNDS. onded by Councilman Thompson. Whereas, There now is in the Carried by the fallowing vote: b h" hands of the Treasurer of City of Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ~ Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- th~e sum of $23,044.02, credited to man, Wharton. the Emergency Fund thereof; and ~, Nays-None. Whereas, An emergency has arisen which requires the expendi- ture of $23,644.02, said emergency ' being of the following character: The increased cost of necessary „, floods and services that must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund t ._ ±,; ~,~ '_ Resolution No. 41-48 Whereas, on October 2Q 1941 the City Council of the City of Dubuque, adopted Resolution No. 133-41 authorizing the sale of and execution of a quit claim deed to .t.•. "~ r ~,"~ _ , ; F irj~c kv~i , ~, A,li ^.' ~.., Y ati' ~5 h' k; I ~, ~~'• ,. r C~. ~;r a n,' , f t ~~ y .~ 1, ~` 4 ~ ~ 4`, k ,fit ,xrx ~~y~.N"p:.. ~( r 4 ~ ~ ~~1 K ~ i' ~ .l ~ mr 4 w `~ '~ f V n ~ .. . , 1 ' , t } . ' ~ ~ k4~ . 52 Adjourned Special Session, IaGbruary 23rd, 1988 •~~' Adjourned Special Session, February-23rd, 1(#$ 53 Lots 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7 of Industrial the Manager 1s directed to issue Councilman Van I)uehnan moved Resolution No. 46--8 Sub. No. 2 in the City of Dubuque such permit on behalf of said city. `4 ~' dhe adoption of the resolv;tian, seG Whereas, it is necessary to plan to the Varner Well Drilling Co., Name Address onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car• a terminal building far the new Inc, for Three Thousand ($3,000,• Ernijst Latham and Myrtle Lat• rled by the fallowing vats: Municipal Airport and 00) Dollars, Fifteen Hundred ($1,• ham, 892 Cleveland Avenue. r yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Whereas, the Civil Aeronautics 500.00) Dollars cash, the balance of Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leon- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Administration concurs in the se• Fifteen. Hundred ($1,600.00) Dol• ard, 239 West Gbh Street. mien, Wharton. ]action of Wm. N. Nielsen as ar- tars to be paid by note and mor- Be It Further Resolved that the Nays-None. chitect for such building; Now, gage for Fifteen Hundred (;1,500,- bonds filed with the applications Therefore 00) Dollars, said note to be paid in be approved. Be It Resolved by the City three installments of Five Hun• Passed, adapted and approved Resolution No. 44}8 Council of the City of Dubuque dred ($600.00) Dollars each, on this 23rd day of February, 194$, heretofore applications Whereas , that the Mayor and Clerk Iowa November 1, 1942, November 1, GEO. R. MURPHY, , ,, for Beer Permits were filed by the , be, and they are hereby authorized 1943, and November 1, 1944; and Mayor ~. within named applicants and they to enter into a contract with Wm. N. Whereas, all of the above mat- FRANK VAN DUELMAN, have received the approval of this Nielsen far the preparation of tars have been accomplished, but F. W. THOMPSON, Council and Plans for a terminal administration the mort@age dated October 27, ALBERT WHARTON, MOFFATT W R' Whereas, -the premises ~ta be oc- building at the new Municipal Abr• 1941 and filed far record on Octo- , • Councilmen copied by such applicants have Port in accordance with the terms bar 30, 1941 in Book 155 page 443 Attest: J SHEA J been inspected and found •to com- of the contract attached hereto in 'the office of the County Reoor- . , . City Clerk- ply with the ordinances of this and made a part hereof. der of Dubuque County, Iowa has Therefore not~been released; Now Councilman Moffatt moved the City and they have filed a proper Approved and placed on file far , adoption of the resolution. Sec• bond: Now, Therefore, public inspection far at least one Be It Resolved by the City Coun- onded by Councilman Wharton. Be It Resolved by the Council of week this 23rd day of February, cil of the City of Dubuque that the Carried by the following vote: Che City of Dubuque that the Maaa• 1948. Mayor and Clerk of the City of yeas-Mayor Murphy; Council- gar be and he is hereby directed Councilman Thompson moved Dubuque be and they are hereby men Moffatt Thompson Van Duel- to issue to the following named the resolution be approved and authorized to relase on behalf of , , m'aa, Wharton. ~' applicants a Beer Permit, placed on file for public inspec- the City of Dubuque the certain Nays-None. " " tlan for at least one week, Sec• mortage on Lots 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 of ` PERMIT CLASS B onded by Councilman Van Duel- Industrial Sub. No. 2 in the City of Resolution Na. 4348 z ' Name Address man. Carried by the following' Dubuque recorded in Book 155 Whereas, applications for Beer " Ray Hutchins and Paul A, Leon- vote: page 443. Permits have been submitted to + ard, 239 West 6th Street adopted and approved Passed this Couneil for approval and the George T, Vrotsos and Spiros D• Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , this 23rd day of February, 1948, same have been examined: Now, ~ 005 Main Street. (Transfer Coven men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- GEO. R. MURPHY Therefore, , of address from 239 West 6th man, Wharton. , Mayor Be It Resolved by ,the Council of Street). Nays-None. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, the City of Dubuque that the fol• CLASS "C" PERMIT There being no further business F, W. THOMPSON, lowing applications be granted and Ernest Latham and Myrtle Lat- Councilman Thompson moved to ' ALBERT WHARTON, the licenses are to be issued upon tam, 892 Cleveland Avenue, adjourn. Seconded by Councilman W. W. MOF.FATT, the compliance with the terms of ~ Be It Further Resolved -that the Van Duelman, Carried by the fol- • Councilmen the ordinances of this. City. bands filed by such applicants be ]owing vote: ' Attest: J. J. SHEA CLASS "B" PERMIT h, and the same are hereby approved. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , City Clerk N Le adopted and approved Passed men Moffat#, Thompson, Van Duel- Ray Hutchins and Paut A. on- ' ; , 1948. this 23rd day o1; February man, Wharton. Oouncilman Wharton moved the th Street. ard, 239 West 6 ' , MURPHY GEO R Nays-None. adoption of the resolution. Sec- George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. r; , . . onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• Coven, 605 Main Street. (Transfer Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN J. J. SHEA, ried by the following vote: of address from 239 Weat 6th , F. W. THOMPSON City Clerk. , Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Street). , ALBERT WHARTON, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- CLASS "C" PERMIT 1 ~. W W MOFFATT Approved ............. ..............1948 man, Wharton. Ernest Latham and Myrtle Lat- , , , Councilmen Nays-None. ham, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Attest: J. J. SHEA, Adopted ........... ..............1948 Gassed, adopted and approved ~ City Clerk this 23rd d,ay of February, 1948. l ,........••..'..•.......'.....~•.~.••~ Resolution No. 42-48 GEO. R. MURPHY, Y Councilman Van Duelman moved I Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Mayor ~ the adoption of the resolution, Sec- •°°°°°°°'°°°°°°°"""° cil of the City of Dubuque that fhe FRANK VAN DUELMAN, `' •onded by Councilman Thompson. Councilmen : ...................................... following, having complied with F. W. THOl1PSON, Carried by the following vote: the provisions of law relating to ALBERT WHARTON, ~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- . the sale of cigarettes within the W, W. MOFFATT, ~ Thompson, Van Duel• men Moffatt I City of Dubuque, be granted a Councilmen , ,., ... •. ,•.,•,•,..,•.•.• .. permit to sell cigarettes and ciga• Attest: J. J. SHEA, man, Wharton. Attest rette papers within acid City and City Clerk Nays-None, City Clerk. ~, ~~ .~i~~ ..~, r. ,. .. .,. ...,. l . i 'Yi. .. Y C ~~ k l.: y „i' ~'i r . ,~, ); ;`a 1 ,.•. t rS ~- .' u¢ IU