1950 Index of City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1950 r~ n~ CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1950 COUNCILMEN CLARENCE P. WELU, Mayor RUBEN V. AUSTIN RICHARD L. WYNES-AUG. 1950 RAY F. KOLB LEO N. SCHUELLER~SEPT. 1950 ROMOLO N. RUSSO City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER--SEPT. 1950 THOMAS H. NELSON-SEPT. 1950 City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg City Treasurer- EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI City Auditor- A. L. HOLSCHER Chief of Fire Department- THOMAS C. HICKSON Chief of Police- JOSEPH H. STRUB Police Judge- JOHN J. HEFFERNAN Superintendent of Water Works- J, J. HAIL Building Commissioner- DONALD J. BANDY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOVER Plumbing Inspector- D, J. O'LEARY Electrical Inspector- LUVERN C, NORTON Health Director- DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer- ALLAN J. KLEIN Milk Inspector- V. F. CHAPMAN Food and Restaurant Inspector- CARL WILLIAMS Director of Recreation- NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock. -----•---~'rii M~ o INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 25-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold its Annual Poppy drive on May 26th and May 27th, 1950 .................................... 26 " 25-Anthoine Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................ 31 Mar. 6-Ansel, Hugo G., Notice of Claim .. .. 53, 167 " 6-Asbury Road, (North Side), improvement of ... 65, 66, 108, 109, .. ... .................... 110, 111, 199, 221, 497, 498 " 6-Asbury Road, (South )Side), improvement of .. 66, 67, 68, 111, ............ 112, 113, 199, 200, 221, 448, 449, 468, 469, 470, ...................................... 471, 472, 473, 565 " 6-Adair Street from the north property line of Loras Blvd. to the south property.line of Rosedale Avenue, im- provement of ....... .. 76, 77, 146, 147, 148, 198, ...... ............ .199, 220, 516, 546, 547 548, 549, 550 Mar. 17-Approval of State Comptroller R. N. Johnson of resolu• tion and application for transfer of Emergency Fund to Consolidated Fund .................... 87 " 17-Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year April 1, 1950 to March 31, 1951. . , . 103 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 April 3-Austin, Ruben V., sworn in as Councilman for the term commencing the first Monday in Apri1,1950...... 163 " 3-Appointment of officers by the City Council ........ 163, 164 " 3-Appointment of officers and employees by the City Manager ............... ...................... 164 " 3-Assistant City Solicitor, resolution providing for the ap- pointment and setting salary to be paid ......... 164 " 3-American Trust and Savings Bank, designated as a depository for public funds .................... 165 " 3-Appointment of the official newspaper ............. 165 " 3-Appointment of depositories of public funds ........ 165 April 17-Annual report of Librarian ........................ 186 " 17-Annual report of Board of Trustees of Public Library.. 186 April 24-Annual report of City Auditor ..................... 195 " 24-Annual report of City Treasurer ............ ....... 195 " 24-Adams, Waldo, Park Commissioner, approval of bond.. 196 May i-Ambulance, Fire Chief Hickson recommending that bids be secured for furnishing a new ambulance .. 211, 279, 305 " 1-Annual report of The Key City Gas Company ........ 211 " 1-Annexation to the City of Dubuque of Black 1 and Black 2 in Powers Heights Addition and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot A of Hillcrest Park ........ 220, 257 May 15-Avalon Road, (West Side) Performance Bond for the improvement of ..... .................... 235 " 15-Avery, Earl T., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 252, 253 May 22-Amvets Post Na. 3, requesting permission to locate two ticket booths on Main Street between 7th and 9th Streets for the purpose of selling tickets for an excursion .................................... 256, 257 June 5-Airport Commission to be established ...... 285, 301, 302, 464 June 29-Allen, Louis et al, requesting the rezoning of City Lot 586 to Light Industrial District ............. 319, 345, 382 " 29-Anthoine, Louis, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 335 " 29-Apel, Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 335 " 29-American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 336 " 29-Arvanitis, George P., granted Cigarette Permit ..... 337 " 29-American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette Permit ....................................... 337 " 29-Alba, Cruso A., granted Cirgarette Permit ........... 337 " 29-Austin, Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permitt .... 338 " 29-Apel, Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 338 " 29-Avery, Earl T., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 339 u~ INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page A " 29-Algona Street from Bennett Street to Grace Street, Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department in- structed to cause an investigation to be made on traffic and parking conditions and submit report and recommendation back to City Council .. 341, 342, 397 July 3-Approval of R. N. Johnson, State Comptroller, to levy an emergency tax .............. .. .. 349 " 27-Annual report of Interstate Power Company for the year ending December 31, 1949 .. ..... ..... 386 " 27-Arduser, G. H., requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Atlantic and Delaware Streets ....................................... 386, 447 " 27-Amvets Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold a "White Clover" tag day ............ ........... 388 " 27-Abing, Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ... ...... 405 " 27-Abing, Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 406 Aug. 7 American Legion, requesting permission to use the waterfront at Eagle Point for the holding of a motor boat regatta ............................ 434 Aug, 15-Amendments to Grant Agreement, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Dubuque Municipal Airport Pro• ject number 9.13-020-902 ............. 461, 462, 463, 464 Sept. 5-Adams, Leo 0., objecting to any assessment being made against his property for improving Robin Street . 494 Sept. 14-Airport Commission, appointed ............... .. 504 " 14-Auxiliary of The D,A.V., requesting permission to hold a Forget-me•nots tag day ...................... 506 Oct. 19-Auxiliary of the D.A.V., requesting permission to hold a tag day .................................... 555 Oct. 2-Apel, Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 540 " 19-Austin, Councilman entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 10:20 P.M ..................... 566 Nov. 6-American Veterans of World War II, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............. 590, 591 Nov. 22-Attorney General of Iowa with reference to removing racketeering and commercial gambling and with reference to illegal operation of taverns and other retail beer outlets ............................ 602, 603 Dec. 4-Alba, Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 648 Dec. 15-Alber, Edward, Notice of Claim ....... .... 671 " 15-Actuated lights to be installed at Main Street and Loras Boulevard 675 " 15-Alley between Balke and Brunswick Streets from Lowther Street to Groveland Place, grade profile and ordinance for same ........................ 677 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 3-Bennett, Ormal E. and others, objections to the pro• posed improvements of Shiras Street, Garfield Avenue and Stanton Street ................. 14, 15 " 3-Beardsley, Wm. S., Governor of State of Iowa, request- ing the Mayor to organize fuel dealers and arrange for a method of distribution in order to spread the fuel supply so that drastic fuel shortages can be avoided .... ... ........................... 17 " 3-Breithaupt, D. E, and other taxpaying citizens of Pear Street and adjacent territory, requesting that the proper authorities remove the present occupants of the building known as West Hill Chapter at 255 Pear Street and. that condemnation committee be appointed to examine the property for the pur• pose of condemnation proceedings ........... 18, 30 " 3-Brunswick Street, request of City Engineer that the name of Malden Street be changed to Brunswick Street ................................ 19, 20, 27, 28,44 Jan. 25-Bournias, Rhea, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 31 Feb. 9-Beck, Cletus J. and Bernice L., requesting that the City execute and deliver to them a quit claim deed conveying the vacated Alley in C. A. Voelker's Addition, now described as Lot l0A .......... 43, 60, 61 Feb. 9-Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting lease be- tween City of Dubuque Board of Dock Commis- sioners and Dairyland Clipper Company .......... 46 Mar. 6-Buechel, Louis, approval of Excavation Bond ....... 58 " 6-Bridge to construct over Catfish Creek at Fremont Avenue .............. 82, 83, 155, 156, 207, 208, 226, 585 Mar. 17-Blaser, Frank J., written objections to the proposed assessment to be levied against Lots 66 and 65 Finley Add, and the West 40 feet of the East 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 of Ungs Sub............ 85 , 86, 134 " 17-Blaser, Alois J., written objections to the proposed special assessment to be levied against the East 40 feet of the East 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 of Ungs Sub . .................................. 86, 134 Mar. 17-"B" Branch Storm Sewer at Fifteenth and Sycamore Street construction of cover over same .......... 91 Mar, 28-Breitbach, Walter J„ Notice of Claim .............. 121, 301 " 28-Buhler, Mrs. Nettie, Notice of Claim ................ 121 " 28-Brunswick Block Interests, with reference to repealing the insurance clause in the Fire Protection Or- dinance ...................................... 122, 128 " 28-Buechle, Emma A., with reference to the removal of a tree in front of 1790 Custer Street ............ 122 " 28-Becker, F. H., County Attorney, advising Council that the Rex Club, holder of a Class "B" Beer Permit plead guilty to charges of illegal possession of gambling devices and alcohol beverages ...... 122 " 28-Building Code Committee, submitting report upon pro• gress being made in preparing a new Building Code 129 April 3-Becker, A. J., Noticc of Claim .......... ..... 165, 175 " 3-Bogue, Ben, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Mineral and O'Hagen Streets ... .................................. 166, 176 " 10-Brady, John A., Clerk of Police Court, approval of bond 175 " 10-Bandy, Donald J., Building Commissioner, approval of bond ....................................... 175 " 10-Busch, Marjorie, Clerk, Water Dept., approval of bond 175 " l0~Bredehop, James A., approval of Taxi-Cab Policy,... 175, 176 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page B April 17-Board of Trustees of Public Library, annual report .. 186 April 24-Becker, Paul J., meterologist U. S, Weather Bureau with reference to moving the local weather office to the Municipal Airport ............... .. ... 192, 263 " 24-Brant, Carl N, and Bernard Arensdorf, granted Ciga- rette Permit .............................. ... 197 " 24-Brant, Carl N. and Bernard Arensdorf, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ........ .. .......... ..... 197, 198 " 24-Bowen, Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 197, 198 May 1-Bids for a new ambulance ..................... .. 211 " 1-Balme, Dr. H. H., with reference to taking care of the storm water drainage over his land at 837 Disney Street ................ ............... 212, 237 " 1-Burkart, Lloyd, requesting extension of the present water main westward along Highway 20 a distance of 600 feet to the City Limits ............ .. 212, 237 " 1-Breitbach, John J., requesting that Quit Claim Deeds be authorized conveying to him the added pieces of land abutting Lots 86, 87 and 88 in Woods Addition ...................................... 213 " 1-Bahme, Dr, H. H, and others, requesting the improve- ment of the eastern strip of Tressa Street and that signs be erected designating that there is a dead-end at the end of Tressa Street ... .... 213, 237 May 15-Burroughs, Jerome, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors on Lots 16, 17 and 18 of South Avenue Addition ......................... 231, 259, 260 " 15-Badger, Harold J. and others, requesting the closing of alley between Lot 28 in Mineral Lot 147 of Stewarts Sub. and Lot 2 of 2 of Sub. Lots 19, 20, 21 in Mineral Lot 147 of Stewarts Sub. extending from York Street to the rear of the named Lots and con- veying same to abutting property owners ....... 233, 318 " 15-Beaves, Geo. I., approval of Excavation Bond 237 " 15-Black and White, Yellow and Checker Cab Co., approval of Taxi-Cab Policy ............ ....... 237 " 15-Brown, William A. and Hilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 252, 253 June 5-Brandt, Mary Frances, requesting suspension of 1949 taxes on Lot 162 East Dubuque Add... 275, 300 " 5-Becker, Charles T., requesting that a deed be issued to him conveying Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lat 16 B in McClain's Sub. .. ... 275, 276, 406, 407 " 5-Board of Review proceedings for the year 1950 277 " 5-Burke, Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 284, 285 June 15- Byrus, Robert C., Fire Protection Engineer, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, advising of the holding of two short courses to be held covering fire pro- tection ........................................ . 289 June 29-Beadle, Clifford and others, requesting the improve- ment of Napier Street from Foye Street westerly to Hempstead Street ...... ....... 312 " 29-Bowling, Ernest and others, requesting the improving of Marion Street from Fremont Avenue to Concord Street ............... ...................... 313, 401 " 29-Board of Fire Pension and Retirement System, certifi- cate of tax levy for fire pension purposes ..... 313 " 29-Board of Fire Pension and Retirement System, certifi- cate of tax levy for fire retirement purposes .... 313 " 29-Board of Police Pension and Retirement System, cer- tificate of tax levy for police pension ......... 313 " 29-Board of Police Pension and Retirement System, cer- tificate of tax levy for police retirement ........ 314 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page B " 29-Board of Trustees of Public Library, certificate of tax levy for library purposes .................. 314 " 29-Bergener, Charles A., granted Cigarette Permit .... 335 " 29-Berntgen, Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 335 " 29-Blum, Isadore and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit 335 " 29-Baumgartner, Jahn J. and Jahn M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................................:... 335 " 29-Bonz, Leo R. and Rebecca, granted Cigarette Permit 335 " 29-Brown, William A. and Hilda, granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29-Burke, Ann and Mrs. Thelma F. Trapp, granted Cigarette Permit ......... .................... 336 " 29---Brammer, Roy and Rex, granted Cigarette Permit ... 336 " 29-B.P.O.E., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 337 " 29-Beecher, John J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 29-Becker, William L., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 337 " 29-Burke, Mrs, Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit .... 337 " 29-Buelow, Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Bradberry, Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 337 " 29-Bertsch, Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Blaser, Frank A~ Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Brant, Carl N, and Bernard Arensdorf, granted Cigarette Permit ...... .... ....... ......... 338 " 29-Barnett, Albert 0., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29-Bogas, George, granted Cigarette Permit .... .... 338 " ,29-Bolender, LeRoy B. and Frances A., granted Ciga- rette Permitt ........... ...................... 338 " 29-Bowen, Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29-Bournias, Louis, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 338 " 29-Berntgen, Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... ............. 339, 340 " 29-Blum, Dorothy and Isadore, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 339, 341 " 29-Buelow, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... ............ 340, 341 " 29-B.P.O.E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ......................................... 340, 341 July 3-Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting Dock budget estimate for fiscal year ........................ 344 July 21-Budget Estimate for the year beginning April 1, 1951 ....350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, .... 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426 " 27-Burrows, Mrs. Violet, Notice of Claim ............. 384 " 27-Bowling, Jahn, advising Council that he is in favor of having St. Joseph Street between Fremont Avenue and Stetmore Street curbed and guttered ....... 385 " 27-Becker, Paul J., Official in Charge of the Weather Bureau, with reference to establishing a weather station at the Airport ....... .................. 385, 386 " 27-Bartch, D. B. and others, requesting additional street lights to be installed midway between West Locust Street and the intersection of Clark and West 17th Streets and between the intersection of Clark and West 17th Streets and Catherine Street .......... 387, 447 " 27-Blackhawk Drive, acceptance of the improvement ... 402 " 27-Bonz, Leo R. and Rebecca, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 405, 406 " 27-Board of Health, Special Session .................. 410 " 27-Bleile, Alfred and Lucille, notice to connect their property with the sanitary sewer .......... 410, 502, 503 Aug, 7-Bournias, Louis, requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit ....................................... 435 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page B " 7-Berwanger, 0. G., with reference to the dangerous and impassable condition of King Street between Gree- ley and Broadway Extension .................. 436 " 7-Bock, Earl J. and others, requesting the grading and surfacing of a "Turn•around" at the end of Heeb Street ........................................ 436 Sept. 5-Burroughs, J. P., objecting to any assessment being made against his property for improving Robin Street .. ... ........... .................... 494 " 5-Board of Health, Special Session .................. 502 Sept. 14-Bohler, Mrs. Nettie, Plaintiff, Original Notice of Suit 504 Oct. 2-Business and Professional Women's Club, endorsing the Rodent Control Ordinance ................. 529 " 2-Badger, William P., member of Fire Dept., requesting a leave of absence as he has been called for duty in the U.S. Marine Corps ... ........... .. 531 " 2-Bros, Donald F., member of Fire Dept., requesting a leave of absence as he has been called for duty in the U.S. Navy ........ .................. ... 531 " 2-Blaser, Frank A, Jr., requesting a refund on his Ciga- rette Permit ... ...... ... ......... 532 " 2-Baumgartner, John M. and John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ........................ 540 " 2-Bus fares to be established .. .......... 543 " 2-Ball Park favored as site for stadium .543, 544, 558, 565, 582 Oct. 19-Bieberman, Mrs. Fred J., with reference to the owner- ship of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 33 and Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 33 .............. ............... 555 " 19-Boyer, Jos. and others, requesting that Kane Street be graded and repaired ..... .. .... 556 19-Bethany Home for the Aged, requesting that a street light be installed on High Bluff Street near Beth- any Home .... ........... ................... 556 " 19-Brammer, Roy and Dora, requesting Council to investi- gate the condition in which their garage entrance was left on Lot 96 of Woodlawn Park Add. after completion of the Fillmore Street curb and gutter job ........................................... 556 Nov. 6-Begley, Al, protesting to establishing of a parking lot on the east side of Iowa Street in the 900 block . 578 " 6-Butt, Homer V. Jr. and others, requesting Council to withdraw their decision concerning the erection of one street light to be located on Wilson Avenue 581 " 6-Boyer, Robert J. and others, requesting the extension of the Light Industrial area on the southeasterly side of Southern Avenue ................. 582, 642, 679 " 6-Beecher, John and Gerald Avernarius, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................. 590, 591 Dec, 4-Bids for furnishing a Quintuplet Fire Engine 634, 635, 677, 678 " 4-Bartels and McMahan Engineers, advising that they are desirous of obtaining the work of preparing plans and specifications and supervision for the new stadium project ..... ... ............... 638 " 4-Boland, Robert E., member of Fire Dept, asking for leave of absence as he has been called for duty in the U. S. Navy ........... ............ 638 " 4-Bogas, George, application for Class "B" Beer Permit 648, 649 " 4-Board of Dock Commissioners, action deferred on the appointment of a member ...................... 649 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page B Dec. 15-Brockert, C. A., Principal Franklin School and Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. V. Casey, Pastor of St. Raphael's Church, requesting the installation of two sets of flasher type traffic lights, one at St, Raphael's School and one at Franklin Elementary School ............ 672, 673 " 15-Building Code, amendment to be made to same re- quiring certain types of new business to provide parking space for tenants or customers to a degree to be determined by sound engineering practices and recommendations .......................... 675 " 15-Bogas, Christ, granter Cigarette Permit . ......... 680 " 15-Bogas, Christ, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 680 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 2-City Council, Regular Session ..................... 1 Jan. 3-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .......... 2 " 3-Cherry-Green Street Sewer District, construction of sanitary sewer, lift station and cast iron force main .. ............ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 " 3-County Auditor, Advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer of $25.00 made by John J. Murray on Lot 22 of Union Addition . 17 " 3-Claims for month of November, 1949, proof of publi- cation ................ ....... ..... 19 " 3-City Engineer Gallagher, requesting that the Council take necessary steps to change the name of Malden Street to Brunswick Street ................ 19, 20, 27, Jan. 25-City Council, Special Session ................. 22 " 25-City Waterworks, water softening plant improvement ............:............... 22, 23, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 " 25-City Council, Special Session ..... ..... " 2 f f D b f f bl' 24 5-Claims or month o ecem er, 1949, proo o pu i- cation ..................... ............... " 25-Council Proceedings for the months of August and September, 1949, approved as printed .... ..... " 25-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for month of De- cember, 1949, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of December, 1949 ...... ......... .............. " 25--Condemnation Committee appointed for the purpose of inspecting the building located at 255 Pear Street known as the West Hill Chapel .......... 30, 45 Feb. 8-City Council, Regular Session ..................... Fob. 9-City Council, Adjourned Special Session ............ ' 9-City Water Works Distribution System, investigation and report sumbitted by Consoer, Townsend & Associates on the matter of needed improve- ments ................ ................. 34, 35, 36, " 9-Consoer, Townsend & Associates, report on the matter of needed improvements in the water main distri- bution system ......... ... ............ 34,35, 36, " 9-Cahill, Michael and others, objecting to the installa- tion of a water softening, plant .......... . " 9-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ....... " 9-Cox, Cletus T., asking for permission to tap onto the water main located in Carter Road .. ...... 43, " 9-City Water Works, 500,000'gallon elevated water tank to be constructed in Eagle Point Park .......... Feb. 28-City Council, Special Session ...................... Mar. 6-City Council, Regular Session ............. ...... " 6~County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Supervisors have. accepted offer of $200.00 made by Emil Grassell for the purchase of Lot 22 of Union Addition 54, 132, " fi-Callahan, Hugh, Desk Sergeant on Police Department, asking Council to establish an Identification Di• vision in the Police Department and increase his rank and salary ............................... " 6-City Employees Local 228, requesting an increase in salary ........................................ " 6-Claims for the month of January, 1950, proof of publi- cation ........................................ " f-Council Proceedings for the months of October, Novem- ber and December, 1949, approved as printed ... . 26 27 28 46 33 34 37 37 40 42 131 50 51 53 133 54 54 57 58 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C .." 6-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of Jan- uary, 1950, also list of claims and list of payrolls for the month of January, 1950 ... ...... ..... 58 " (i-Consolidated Fund, the sum of $29,040,83 transferred into said Fund from the Liquor Sales Fund ..... 62 " f~Consolidated Fund, the sum of $38,660.00 transferred into said Fund from the Emergency Fund . .. 63, 87 " 6-Cannon Street, from west property line of South Locust Street to the east property line of Laurel Street improvement of ..... ... 71, 72, 119, 120, 121, 201, ....................... 222, 333, 334, 430, 431, 432, 433 " 6-Catfish Creek at Fremont Avenue construction of bridge ................ 82, 83, 155, 156, 207, 208, 226, 585 " 6---City Solicitor instructed to submit a report on the matter of a Snow Removal Ordinance ...... 84, 518, 519 Mar. 17--City Council, Special Session ............ .. .. 85 " 17-City Treasurer, submitting report on sale of im- provement bands for various street and sewer im- provements ..... ... .. ......... 88, 89, 90 " 17-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, report for month of February, 1950, also list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants for month of February, 1950 ..... ..... 93 " 17-Candidates for Councilmen and Park Commissioner, for General Municipal Election to be held March 27, 1950, canvass of petitions ................... 104, 105 " 17-City Manager instructed to investigate as to the status of police jurisdiction on the Julien Bubuque Bridge 105 Mar. 28-City Council, Special Session ........... .... 106 " 28-County Attorney F. H. Becker advising Council that the Rex Club, holder of a Class "B" Beer Permit plead guilty on charges of illegal possession of gambling devices and alcoholic beverages .... 122 " 28-Claims for month of February, 1950, proof of publi- cation ................. ..................... 123 " 28-Crowley, P. J. and others, asking for investigation of existing lights on Auburn Street between Loras Boulevard and Rosedale Avenue ................ 132 April 3-City Council, Regular Session .. .. ...... 163 " 3-City Clerk, J. J, Shea, swore in Messrs Ruben V. Austin, Raymond F. Kolb and Richard L. Wynes to serve as Councilmen far the terms commencing the first Monday in April, 1950 .. .... 163 " 3-City Clerk, J. J. Shea, swore in Councilman Welu to serve as Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year 163 " 3--City Manager A. A. Rhomberg, advising Council of his appointment of officers and employees whom be has the power to appoint .... ........... .... 164 " 3-Continental Casualty Company, submitting Certificate of compliance far transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the State of Iowa .................. 165 April 10-City Council, Special Session ... 169 " 10-Czizek, Robert M., making application for appointment to the position of Assistant City Solicitor 170, 183 " 10-Chapman, Virgil F., Milk Inspector, approval of bond 175 " 10-City Manager instructed to notify Railroad Companies to construct permanent railroad crossings ........ 181 " 10-City Manager instructed to extend an invitation to Mr. Richard Holcomb to attend a conference with the Council to discuss the overall traffic prob- lems of the City of Dubuque .................... 181 ___- ~. n.,~lL.. INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C April 17-City Council, Special Session ...................... 182 " 17-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of March, 1950 .................. 187 April 24-City Council, Special Session ...................... 190 " 24-City Auditor, annual report ........................ 195 " 24-City Treasurer, annual report ................... .. 195 " 24-Czizek, Robert M., Assistant City Solicitor, approval of bond ...................................... 196 " 24-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C., report of Ralph L. Wiser, Examiner on Parks Investigation Case, Docket 3965 et al ........................ 208, 253 May 1-City Council, Regular Session ............ ......... 209 " 1-Claims for the month of March, 1950, proof of publi- cation ........................................ 214 " 1-Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1950, approved as printed .............. ....... 214 " 1-City Manager and City Solicitor instructed to advise the City Council as to the necessary steps to be taken for the construction of a Municipal Stadium ...... 228 May 15--City Council, Special Session ...................... 229 " 15-County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer made by Jerome Burroughs on Lots 16, 17 and 18 of South Avenue Addition ...................... ... 231, 259, 260 " 15-City Employees Local requesting an increase in their salaries ....................................... 233 " 15--City Manager instructed to prepare and submit in advance, to each member of the City Council an outline of the proposed budget .... ....... 234 " 15-Central Avenue Business District Council, requesting the installation of "Walk" lights at the intersection of Loras Boulevard and Central Avenue .... 234 " 15-Civil Service Commission, report submitted on en- trance examination for positions on Police De• partment .. ............ ........... ... 235 " 15-City Engineer submitting report on petition of Andrew Fondell and others with reference to width of Prescott Street .... .. 236 " 15-Commissioner of Registration, submitting list of Registration Clerks to serve at June Primary Elec- tion ..... ....... 240 " 15---City Manager and City Clerk, recommendation that Council take steps to undertake a comprehensive study of proper voting precincts and to provide for the employment of a duly authorized Clerk of Registration .. .................. ..... 240, 241, 291 " lfi-Collings, John W., Examiner-Inspector Office of The Housing Expediter, communication with reference to rent control . , , 253 " 15-City Solicitor instructed to attend and represent the City of Dubuque at the hearing before the Civil Aeronautics Board to be held in Washington, D.C. in the matter of the recommendations made by the C.A,B. Examiner that a certificate be issued to Mid-Continent Airlines to replace the certificate previously awarded to Parks Airlines ............ 253 May 22-City Council, Special Session . .. , .... ... 254 " 22-Central Avenue Business District Council with refer- ence to amount of dust and dirt left on streets after the flusher and sweeper are used during the INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C night cleaning due to the parking of automobiles and that an ordinance be adopted relative to park- ing of automobiles during sweeping and flushing of streets .................... ............ 256, 279 " 22-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for month of April, also list of claims and list of payrolls for the month of April, 1950 259 " 22-City Manager instructed to take necessary steps to stop the further dumping of refuse and debris at the East Fourth Street Extension dump .. 261 " 22-City Manager instructed to submit recommendation and report to the Council on the matter of acquir- ing an area to provide sanitary fill for dumping of refuse and debris during the periods of high water ......................................... 261 " 22-City Manager instructed to arrange a conference with the Park Board and City Council for the purpose of acquiring a site and the erection of a Municipal Stadium ............................... ...... 263 " 22--City Manager instructed to communicate with Paul J. Becker, Meterologist of the U.S. Weather Bureau advising that a space of not to exceed 600 square feet will be allocated at the Municipal Airport Administration Building in order to transfer the Weather Bureau to the Municipal Airport ........ 263 June 5-City Council, Regular Session .......... ......... 265 " 5-Cannon, Jerry, National Director Rehabilitation and Service M.C.L., requesting to show the Hermau Goering exhibit on the streets of Dubuque 275 " 5-Claims for the month of April, 1950, proof of publi- cation .................................... 277 " 5-Carnivals and Circuses, license ordinance to be amend- ed fixing fees .. .. .. ..... ... 285, 290, 315, 316 " 5-City Manager and City Solicitor instructed to draw up plans and steps to establish an Airport Commis- sion .................... 285, 301, 302 " 5-City Manager instructed to submit plans as to necessary steps to be taken for the extension of City Island and also as to the opening of Lake Peosta and allied problems .. ....... .285, 286, 399 " 5-City Island, expansion of same by the acquisition of the Mihalakis property for industrial purposes ................................. 285, 286, 303, 304, 400 June 15-City Council, Special Session ...................... 287 " 15--Civil Service .Commission, submitting report upon entrance examination for the Fire Department .. 291 " 1rCounty Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Supervisors have tentatively agreed to pay out of County funds, one-half of the salary of Clerk of Registration .................................. 291 June 29-City Council, Special Session ...................... 307 " 29-Certificate of tax levy for fire pension ...... ....... 313 " 29-Certificate of tax levy for fire retirement ......... 313 " 29-Certificate of tax levy for police pension ........... 313 " 29-Certificate of tax levy far police retirement ........ 314 " 29-Certificate of tax levy for library purposes ......... 314 " 29-Claims for the month of May, 1950, proof of publi- cation .. ........ .......... ........ 316 " 29-Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1950, approved as printed ........................... 316 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C " 29- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works reports, also list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of May, 1950 317 " 29- Corbett, Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit .. ....... 335 " 29- Cosley, Harold A, and Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit .. .......... ......................... 335 " 29- Corken, Jahn D., granted Cigarette Permit .... .. 336 " 29~ Calvert, Clifford and Bertha, granted Cirgarette Permit 337 " 29- Casey, Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ....... , 337 " 29- Crahan, W. C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 337 " 29- Canfield Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 337 " 29- Conklin, Ralph H., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 29- Cremer, Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29- Cooper, Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Cigarette Permit ............ ..... ..................... 338 " 29- Cosley, Harold A. and Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ..... ........... ..... 339, 340 " 29- Casey, Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 340, 341 " 29- Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department to cause an investigation to be made of traffic and parking conditions on West 11th Street from Highland Place to west end of street and also on Algona Street from Bennett Street to Grace Street and submit their report and recommendations back to the City Council .......................... 341, 342, 397 July 3 -City Council, Regular Session .................... 343 " 3- Certificate of tax levy for Park Board purposes ...... 344 July 21 -City Council, Special Session ... .. ...... ...... 349 " 21- Certificate of tax levy for Playground and Swimming Pool purposes ........... .................. 349 " 21- Certificate of tax levy for Playground Improvement purposes ..................................... 349 July 27 -City Council, Special Session . ... ............... 366 " 27- Childers, Reuben H., Notice of Claim ...... .. 384, 499 " 27- Claims for the month of June, 1950, proof of publi- cation .... ....... ........ ............ .... 395 " 27- Civil Service Commission submitting report of en- trance examinations for position as Clerk of Regi- stration ...................................... 398 " 27- Civil Service Commission submitting report of en- trance examination far position of Garage Mechanic 398 " 27- Civil Sen~ice Commission, certifying the name of Gerald J. Blaser to the eligible list for appointment on the Fire Department .. ..................... 399 " 27~ City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for the month of June, 1950, also list of claims and list of payrolls for the month of June, 1950 .................... 399 " 27- Curtis Street extended, dedication as a street .. ... 407, 408 " 27- Cheif of rolice instructed to make a study of parking conditions on Robinson Street .................. 409, 456 " 27- Chief of Police instructed to make a study of traffic conditions at the intersection of Grandview Ave- nue, Delhi and Grace Streets ... .............. 409, 456 " 27- Chief of Police instructed to make a study of parking conditions at the intersection of Seventh and Locust Streets ...... ........................ 409, 456 " 27- Chief of Police instructed to make a study of traffic conditions at the intersection of 20th Street, Rhom- berg Avenue, Garfield Avenue and Elm Street ... 409, 456 INDEX- Book SO 1950 SUBJECT Page C " 27-City Manager instructed to negotiate for the purchase of additional property on the east side of Iowa Street between 9th and 10th Streets far parking lot purposes ... .... ... ....... 409 " 27-Chambers, Etta and Allison,' notice to connect their property with the sanitary saver ...... 410, 411, 502, 503 Aug. 7-City Council, Regular Session .. .................. 413 " 7--Civil Service Commission, submitting report on en- trance examinations for appointment on Police Department .................................. 446 Aug. 15-City Council, Special Session .... .. .......... 453 15-County Auditor advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer of $100.00 on Lot 3 of 5 of Stafford's Sub. made by George Pleimling 454, 509 " 15-Childers, F. W., requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit ... .. ............. .. .. ......... 455 " 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of July, 1950, also list of claims and payrolls for the month of July, 1950 .. ... .... .. 459 " 15-Civil Aeronautics Administration, Amendment to Grant Agreement, Dubuque Municipal Airport, Project Number 9-13.020.902 .............. . ... 461, 462, 463, 464 Sept. 4-City Council, Regular Session .. ................... 467 Sept. 5-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session 468 " 5-Council Proceedings for the month of March, 1950 approved as printed .. .. 495 " 5-Claims for month of July, 1950, proof of publication 495 Sept. 14-City Council, Special Session . ....... .... 504 " 14-Clemens, William Jr., appointed as member of Airport Commission ........................ ....... 504, 533 " 14-Conlon, Lawrence J., appointed as member of Airport Commission .................. ............... 504, 533 " 14-,Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- pany and the Chicago Great Western Railway Com- pany, asking Council to sanction the attached plan to modernize the railroad crossing at 8th Strret and to change the street crossing protection at 7th, 8th and 11th Streets from manual to automatic pro- tection ....... ..... ...... .... 505, 528, 565, 566, 645 " 14-Catholic Mothers Study Clubs, asking immediate and effective steps on rat control ...... ... 506 " 14-Conklin, Ralph H., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit ..... ........... .... .... 506 " 14-Council Proceedings for month of April, 1950, ap- proved as printed ........... .. ... 508 " 14-City Auditor and City Treasurer reports for month of August, 1950 also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for month of August, 1950 .................................. 509 Oct. 2-City Council, Rgular Session .................. 521 " 2-Champaign Chamber of Commerce and others, petition of intervention in the matter of Parks Investiga- tion Case ... ..... ..................... 528 " 2-Champaign Chamber of Commerce and others petition for reconsideration in the matter of Parks Investi- gation Case ... ........ ...... ........ 528 " 2-City Employees Local 228, requesting a 20 percent increase in wages 532 " 2-Claims for month of August, 1950, proof of publication 533 " 2-City Solicitor recommending denial of the petition of Mrs. Lillian Kassmeyer ........................ 533 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C " 2-City Engineer submitting report with reference to the petition of Mrs. Lilliam Kassmeyer ............. 533, 534 " 2-City Health Department and City Water Works, re• ports for month of August, 1950 ............... 534 2-Curtis-Straub Company, excavation bond .......... 534 " 2-City Manager, recommendation that proceedings be initiated for acquiring property on Iowa Street between 9th and 10th Streets for parking purposes 535 " 2-Crahan, W. C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 540 Oct. 5-City Council, Special Session ...................... 544 Oct. 19-City Council, Special Session ...................... 546 " 19-Commissioner of Registration submitting for approval clerks who will have charge of election register for General Election of November 7th, 1950...... 558, 559 " 19~City Solicitor submitting report of investigation as to the authority of the City Council to exceed its present budget for the purpose of increasing the compensation of City employees .......... 561, 562 " 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of Sep- tember, 1950, also list of claims and list of payrolls for month of September, 1950......... ... 563 " 19-Cooper, Fred H. and Harold J, Love, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 572 Nov. 6-City Council, Regular Session .................... 573 " 6-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C., notice of prehearing in the matter of the North Central Route Investigation Case Docket No. 4603 ........ 580 " 6-Crescent Realty Corporation requesting permission to install an 8 inch sanitary sewer from their pro- perty across and under South Main Street southerly to connect with the combination sanitary and storm sewer in Railroad Avenue ............... 582, 640 " 6-Claims for month of September, 1950, proof of publi- cation ........................................ 582 6-Consolidated Fund, transfer of $3,600.00 from Fire Equipment Fund to said Fund 593, 594, 597, 598 " 6-Capital Improvements, transfer of $7,500.00 from said Fund to the several salary and wage accounts of the Consolidated Fund Grouping ......... 595, 599, 600 " 6-Chief of Police instructed to submit a report and recommendations on the advisability of establish- ing atruck route in the lower end of the City and also on the proper method of enforcing the regu- lations prohibiting truck travel off the State High- way ......................................... 596 Nov, 22-City Council, Special Session ...................... 597 Dec. 4-City Council, Regular Session ... .......... ...... 605 " 4-Conlon, Robert, submitting proposals to make Jackson and White Streets one way streets ... .. 640 " 4-Claims far month of October, proof of publication .. 640 " 4-Council proceedings for month of May, 1950, ap- proved as printed .... .. ...... ... 640 " 4-Chief of Police recommending the placing of parking meters on Central Avenue between 10th and 12th Streets, also a one hour parking limit on 11th Street between Iowa and White Streets, also placing of parking meters on Central Avenue between 4th and 6th Streets, also that no special truck route be established in the lower end of the City, also that an ordinance be passed requiring truck to remain on marked highways, also that an ordinance be passed requiring new buildings, such as large INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page C stores, theatres, hotels, rooming houses, etc,, to provide off-street parking space, also to designate Main Street as a through street, also designating 29th street as a through street, also to install a Stop light at Loras Blvd. and Main Street, also to prohibit parking on West 5th Street on the steep winding stretch west of Bluff Street, also to estab- lish right turn lanes on both the West side and East side on Main at 4th Street ..... .......... " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of October, 1950, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for month of October, 1950 .. ...... ....... ... " 4-Calvert, Clifford and Bertha, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. .......... ......................... Dec. 15-City Council, Special Session ....... ............ " 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of No- vember, 1950, also list of claims and list of pay rolls for which warrants were issued for the month of November, 1950 .......... ... " 15-City Lots 615, 616, 616A, the southerly 8 feet of City Lot 617 and the northerly 64 feet of City Lot 617 and Lot 1 of City Lot 690 be acquired as municip- ally owned parking lots for off-street parking facilities ... ... .............................. Dec. 15-City Manager submitting data on the question of when an open deck off-street parking garage becomes more economical for car space than the acquisition of additional surface parking lots .............. 640, 641 645 648 650 677 678 681 INDEX-Book 80 INDEX-Book 80 1850 SUBJECT Page 1950 SUBJECT Page D D Jan. 3-Des Moines Register, asking permission to install vend- '' a refund on his Class "B" Mar. 17-Duncan, Dale, requesting ............... ...... Beer Permit 86 ing machines on the City Streets for the sale of 17 ............ 17-Duncan, Dale, requesting a refund on his Cigarette newspapers ................................... " 3-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting per• Permit .... .. ....... ... 17-Dubuque Homes Asbury Road Subdivision in Dubuque 86 mission to use City Lots on Fourth Street Ex- tension for the sponsoring of a carnival during the Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, approval of same i 159 93 second or third week of June, 1950 ............. 18 ssion ...... .. by Planning and Zoning Comm 17-Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures for the , Jan. 25--Dubuque Safety Council thanking Council for prompt fiscal year beginning April 1, 1950 and ending action taken in constructing a sidewalk on the March 31, 1951 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103 east side of South Locust Street in the Rafferty 17-Duscher, George E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit . 104 Field area ................................ " 25-Dubuque County Chapter of the National Foundation ~ April 3-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, designated as a depository for public funds .................... '165 for Infantile Paralysis, requesting permission to sponsor the National Kids' Council Polio Drive on April 10-Dubuque County Rabbit Breeders Co-op, requesting permission to hold a rabbit show on Apri123 at the January 14, 1950. ... .. , . " 2£r-Dubuque County Chapter of the National Foundation 25 Amvets Hall ................. .............. 10-Dubuque Boat Club, asking for permission to control 171 for Infantile Paralysis, requesting permission to 25 the Eagle Point River Front Areas for the holding sponsor a tag day on January 28, 1950 ..... " 25-Dubuque District Dental Society, requesting that a of professional boat races on July 2, 1950 ...... 10-Dubuque Business and Professional Women's Club re- 172 Proclamation be issued declaring February 6th, 1950 as "National Children's Dental Health Day" 25 questing permission to hold tag days ..... 10-Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Mary 172 " 25-Dubuque County Society for Crippled Children and requesting permission to hold a Lily Tag Adults Agard Tent, asking permission to hold tag day sale 172 , day on March 31st and April 1st, 1950 .......... 26 10-Department of Health, Des Moines, Iowa, perrnit issued for the installation of Simpson-Coates Street Dis- Feb. 9-Dubuque Master Plumber's Association, submittting trict sanitary sewers and lift station subject to objections to the installation of a water softening certain conditions and requirements . , 174 plant ........ .... ......... .. ..... .... 40 17-Dubuque County Chapter of the American Cancer " 9-Dubuque Safety Council, requesting the installation Society requesting permission to hold tag day.... 184, 193 of additional lighting in front of Loras College April 24-Dubuque Conservation Society, asking that Lake Gym and Senior High School and other places Peosta be cleared and opened in order that running where large public gatherings are held .... 43 water may be allowed to flow .......... .. .... 191 " 9-Dairyland Clipper Company, lease with City of Du- " 24-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress asking that Rent buque, Board of Dock Commissioners 46 Control be extended in Dubuque for at least an. " 9-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., approval of Exca- other year 192 vation Policy " 9-Driscoll, Orland C, and Kermit Meyers, granted Class 48 " 24--Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................. 197, 198 "B" Beer Permit .............................. 49 , 50 May 15-Dubuque Real Estate Board, stating they are in favor Mar. 6-Digman, Eldon B., Notice of Claim .... .... 53 of the new intermediate water system to provide " 6-Dubuque Fire Fighters Association, requesting an in- adequate pressure and volume for the development crease in wages ..... ........ ............. 54 of the northeasterly part of the city . 229 " 6-Dubuque Policeman's Protective Association, request- ' 15-Daniel, Mrs. A. C., with reference to dogs being ing an increase in salary ... ..... ........ 54 allowed to run at large and asking that an or- " 6-Dubuque Business and Professional Women's Club, re- dinance be adopted and enforced covering the questing permission to hold tag day .. 55 same .......... ........... ..••• ••.. .•• 232, 280 John J. and Bernadette, requesting that Council " 6-Dolan " 15-Disabled American Veterans, National Headquarters, , adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of a requesting permission to show a mobile exhibit 232 Quit Claim Deed conveying Lot 10 in High Bluff " 1rDubuque Fire Fighters Association, requesting an in- Subdivision to them ... 55, 56 crease in their salaries .. ...... ...... 233 " 6-Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" " 15-Dubuque Policemens Protective Association, request- Beer Permit for Private Club .. ... 61 , 62 ing a pay increase .........:... .. Z33 " 6--Dillon Street, from the east property line of South 15-Davis Street from the east property line of Sheridan Grandview Avenue to the end of Dillon Street, Street to the west property line of Windsor Ave- improvement of ...... 68, 69, 114, 115, 116, 203, 223, 403 nue, improvement of ............... 241, 242, 265, 304, ............... ................ .... 473, 474, 475, 476 .345,383,384, ~ 460, 535 " 6-Dexter Street, from the west property line of Audubon Trades Council, granted Class "B" Beer 15-Dubuque Metal Street to the east property line of North Algona Permit far Private Club .. ..... . 252, 253 Street, improvement of . .......... 74, 75, 143, 144, 145 15-Dubuque Real Estate Board, communication with refer- . . . ..... ....... 202, 223, 403, 404, 477, 478, 479, 480 ence to rent control . ....................... 253 " 6-Decorah Street, from the west property line of Audu- bon Street to the east property line of Auburn Ma 22-Donahue, Mrs. John, submitting offer for the purchase y of the back portion of Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Randall's Street, improvement of .. .... 79, 80, 151, 152, 153, 201 . . . . . . ... . ....... . . . . . . . . . ........... Sub 256, 317 ... ................. 202, 222, 498, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524 ...... INDEX-Book 80 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page 1950 SUBJECT Page D p " 22-Dubuque Packing Company, expressing appreciation Sept. 5-Dubuque Safety Council, requesting that Police Judge for covering the Bee Branch Sewer at East 15th, John Heffernan be authorized to attend the confer- and Sycamore Streets and requesting Council to ence for traffic court judges to be held in Evans- proceed with the completion of its improvement Rlinois ... ...... ....... ...... ton 494 " of Sycamore Street .... .... 22-Dubuque Recreation Commission, with reference to 256 Oct. , 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress thanking Council for helping to make Labor Day Parade a success 529 planning a program to improve the conditions which now exist at the Municipal Athletic Field on " 2-Dolan, Mrs. Milt, asking to have something done with located at or near 1909 Elizabeth the drivewa East 4th Street and also that the Recreation Com- y Place • 530 mission have one on record as su ortin the g pp g move for a new st di 2--Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association asking for a um ...................... 260, 261 an immediate increase in salary ..... .... 531 June 29-Daykin, Allan T., name submitted to act on a coin- 2-Dubuque Firefighters Association, requesting an in- mittee to re-district City of Dubuque voting pre• crease in salary immediately 532 " cincts .. ....... 29 D b 311 2-Dubuque's Labor League far Political Education, re• t 23 d b b k f O t h - u uque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit 335 e se er r e wee c o questing that t o " 29-Donovan, Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ..... 336 aside as "Official Registration Week" 532 " 29-Diamonds Grill, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 336 2-Disabled American Veterans Club, Inc., granted Class " 29-Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette "B" Beer Permit for Private Club 540 Permit • • • • ... 335 Oct. 19-Dubuque Amusement Corporation, requesting fire pro- „ 29-Driscoll, Orland C. and William O'Neill, granted Ciga- tection for Melody Mill ' 556 rette Permit .................................. 337 s 19-Dubuque Chapter of International Association of Y " 29-Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Cigarette Permit .... 337 Men, requesting a free permit to sell Christmas " 29-Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Cigarette Trees ... ..... .... .... ... ... 556 Permit .. 334 Dec. 4-Dubuque Fire Fighters Association thanking Council " 29-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigarette for granting a salary increase .... ... .. 636 Permit ......... 334 4-Dubuque Visiting ursNe Association, requesting Coun- " " 29-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 33g cil to finance the Rodent Control Ordinance 638 29~Dubuque Golf Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 338 4-Dubuque County Tuberculosis and Health Association " " 29-Dugan, Charles S., granted Cigarette Permit 339 requesting permission to hold "Bangle Day tag sale 638 " 29-Dugan, Charles S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 340 341 29-Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit , for Private Club ... ... .............. ..... 29-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 340, 341 340, 341 July 3-Dominican Sisters, St. Dominic Villa, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of " Mazzuchelli Road and Cardiff Street ............ 343, 400 3-Datisman, Wilfred, excavation bond ............ ... 344 " 3-Dubuque Sports Bowl Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit 348, 398, 465 July 27-Dorsett, J. Dewey, General Manager, Association of Casualty and Surety Companies, with reference to law enforcement regulating speed of travel and prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants ...... 385 " 27-Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association, request- ing an increase in wages at the present time and also a re-adjustment of the wage scale for first , second and third year of service .............. 389 Aug. 7-Deming, J. K., submitting his resignation as a mem- ber of the Police and Fire Pension Boards 433 " 7-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting per- mission for the holding of their Labor Day Parade 435 " 7-Dubuque Fire Fighter Association, asking that the Fire " Chief be granted an increase in salary .......... 435 7-Dempsey, John, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 450 " 7-Dempsey, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 451 Aug. 15-Dubuque Sports Bowl Corporation, requesting a permit for the display of fireworks .................... 454 " 15-Dubuque Municipal Airport, Amendment to Grant Agreement, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Pro- ject Number 9-13.020.902 ............. 461, 462, 463, 464 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Ender, Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... , 21 Mar. 6-Entringer, Dr. Albert J., Health Director, requesting an increase in salary for employees of the Health Department ... ............................... 54 " 6-Emergency Fund, the sum of $38,660.09 transferred " into the Consolidated Fund ................ .. 6-Election, General Municipal of March 27th, 1950 ap- 63 87 ' pofntment of Judges and Clerks ................ g3 Mar. 17-Eraser, Mrs. Lena, requesting that the proposed im- provement of Reeder Street be extended to include " Lot 15 of Reeder Langworthy Sub. .... 86 133 17-Election, General Municipal, March 27 1950 canvass of , , petitions for Councilmen and Park Commissioner 104 Mar. 28-Ellwanger, M. H, and others, requesting the grading and surfacing of the west end of the alley between West Third and Bennett Streets 123 " 28-Election, General Municipal, March 27, 1950, canvass May of votes cast .. ...... .............. 15-Edith Street from the west property line of Sheridan 160, 161 Street to the west property line of Burden Avenue, improvement of ..... 243, 244, 265, 266, 267, 319 May .. 320, 363, 567, 568, 631, 632, 22-East Fourth Street Extension, City Manager instructed 633, 634 to take necessary steps to stop further dumping of refuse and debris on the East Fourth Street Extension ...... .. 261 June " .. 5-Eichman, Arthur, Notice of Claim .. ~ ~ 274, 301 5-English Lane, from the south property line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north property line of South- ern Avenue, improvement of 283, 284, 308, 309, June • • • • • • ... ...... 310, 383, 449, 495, 570, 15-Election for Airport Commissioner .......... 571, 614 302, 464 June 29-Ender, A. J., granted two Cigarette Permits ...... 336 " 29-Eichman, Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Eichman, Arthur H., granted Cigarette Pernut ...... 339 July 3-Electrical Code, a new code to be drawn up for pre- " sentation and discussion .. .. .. 343, 344 3-Emergency Tax, resolution and application for ap- proval to levy same ........ 346, 349 Aug. 7-Ellwanger, Mrs. E. P. and others submitting complaint of sawdust nuisance at the Mueller Box Factory 434 " 7-Eldridge, Harry, requesting that the Boulevard "Stop" sign located at the edge of the driveway at his filling station be moved ... 435 459 ~ Oct. 2-Eichman, Arthur H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 540 Dec. 15-East 29th Street, intersections at Washington and Elm Streets made stop intersections ................ 675 INDEX-Book 80 May 22 -Falk, Earl L., requesting a permit to convert into a duplex the house located at 2905 Burden Avenue 257 " 22- Flag pole to be erected at the corner of the City Hall 263 June 29 -Finch, Alford, granted Cigarette Permit ...... ... 335 " 29- Faigan, Sara and Jahn Scully, granted Cigarette Permit 335 " 29- Flick, Morris B., granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29- Fraternal Order of Oiroles, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29- Fink, Milton, granted Cigarette Permit ........... 337 " 29- Fortman, Anton, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29 =Falkenhainer, Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Fortman, Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 340, 341 1950 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 3-Foell, Lester, requesting refund on unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit ........................ 19 Jan. 25-Farley &Loetscher Manufacturing Company, granted permission to construct, operate and maintain a loading dock with canopy on East Sixth Street adjoining the East Sixth Street side of the build- ing located at the corner of East Sixth Street and Jackson Street . .. ... ...... 28, 29, 30 Feb. 9-Ford, Jahn H. Sr., submitting written objections with reference to the installation of a water soften- ing plant ..... .. _ ........................ 37, 3 8, 39 Feb. 28-Fuel Coordinator Paul Nauman, report on the coal situation in the City of Dubuque ... 51 Mar. 6-Feipel, Mrs. Clarence, calling attention to the nuisance created by mud and water on St. Mary's and Em- mett Streets ................................ 53 " 6-Fire Maintenance Fund, the sum of $26,401.00 trans- ferred into said Fund from the Liquor Sales Fund 62 " 6-Fillmore Street, from the west property line of Audu- bon Street to the east property line of Auburn Street, improvement of 77, 78, 148, 149, 150, 203, 204, 224, 499, 524, 525, 526, 527 " 6-Fremont Avenue at Catfish Creek, relocation of 80, 81, 153 ...................................... 154, 155, 204, 224 April 3-First National Bank, designated as a depository for public funds 165 " 3-Fenton, M. D. and others, requesting the installation of a street light at the corner of Lombard Street and Meadow Lane - .. .. .. .. 166 April 10-Fitzpatrick, Thomas P., Clerk, Water Dept., approval of bond ..................................... 175 April 24-Fluckiger, Albert, requesting that sewer and water facilities be placed in Huff Street .. 193, 238, 239, 529 " 24-Fagan, Sara and John Scully, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. ...... ...... .. ........ ...... 197 , 198 " 24-Fagan, Sara and John Scully, granted Cigarette Permit 197 May 1-Fischer Investment Company, written objections to the improvement of Iowa Street .... 209 " 1-Fire Chief Hickson, recommending that bids be se- cured for a new Ambulance 211, 279, 305 " 1-Fitzsimmons, John R., Extension Landscape Architect, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, with reference to the Fifth Annual Town and Community Planning Conference ........ ...... .. .... .. ..... 211 " 1-Fondell, Andrew and others asking Council action to keep Prescott Street at the present width of 50 feet .. ..... ... ........................ ... 213 , 236 " 1-Financial report for the fiscal year from April 1, 1949 to March 31, 1950, proof of publication .... 214 May 15--Farley and Loetscher Mfg. Co., complaint about saw- dust nuisance from their factory ...... .. ..... 232 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page F July >> Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nav pec. 29-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ........ ............. 340, 341 29-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit far Private Club ...................... 340, 341 27-Feulner, Mary, Notice of Claim .. .............. 384, 500 27-Frankfurt, W. R., requesting permission to build curbing at his expense in front of his property on . Alta Place 386, 27-Fire Chief Hickson, recommending that 3rd floor on the Fire Headquarters Building be close for future public gatherings ........................ 27-Fox Drive, acceptance of the improvement 7-Feipel, Mrs. Clarence and others, requesting that action be immediately taken to stop the mud and debris and overflow of water onto St. Mary and Emmett Streets ............................ .. 15-Faber, Mrs. Harry and others, requesting the installa- tion of a street light at the foot of Poplar Street and Finley Street ... ... ......... 454, 15-Fischer, Harald G., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 1&-Fischer, Harold G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 460, 14-Flick, A. R. and others, requesting the rezoning of the property at the Southeast corner of 30th Street and Central Avenue ......... .............. .. 507, 14-Fondell, Andrew, asking permission to extend the sanitary sewer in Prescott Street to serve his prop- erty in Ham's Addition .. ....... 518, 537, 19-Fire Chief recommending the purchasing of Quin- tuplet combination Fire Engine 559, 560, 634, 635, 677, 19-Fire Chief submitting for Council consideration a reso- lutionendorsed by the Iowa Fire Chiefs Association 19-Frary, Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 19-Frary, Fred, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ......... 6-Friedlein, Mrs., with reference to selling her property on the east side of Iowa Street between 9th and 10th Streets for parking purposes ..... ....... 6-Fire Equipment Fund, transfer of $3,600.00 from said Fund to Consolidated Fund 593, 594, 597, 6-Fire Equipment Fund, transfer of $11,858.00 from said 387 397 402 434 497 460 461 533 538 678 560 571 572 578 598 Fund to Fire Department Maintenance Fund ... 594, 595, ........................................... . 15-Flynn, Thos. Coal Co., requesting a permit to blast and submitting a blasting bond ........ 15-Fire Chief Hickson, recommending that hereafter all gatherings held in the Council Chambers be limited to seating capacity only, that exit lights be pro- vided at the fire escape window and also at en- trance to Council Chambers, also at head of stairs on 2nd floor and at door on 1st floor leading to 13th Street ................... ................. 598, 599 672 675 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 3-Garfield Avenue from the west property line of Shiras Street to the east property line of Stanton . .... Street, improvement of . 14, 15, 16, 157, 206, 321 .................... 364, 535, 536, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578 Jan. 25-Gruber; Mrs. Mary, requesting the installation of a street light on English Lane between the bend and Sullivan Street ............................... 26 Feb. 9-General Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary No. 1, requesting per- mission to hold "Carnation Day" sale .......... 42. " 9-Grandview Avenue Extension or any alternate routes between Audubon Street at Dexter Street, re- commendation of Planning and Zoning Commission to have survey made and cost studies prepared 46, 47, 303 Mar. 6-Grassell, Emil, submitting offer of $200.00 to Board of Supervisors for Lot 22 of Union Addition ..54, 132, 133 " 6-Grates and openings in sidewalks, referred to Sidewalk Inspector for investigation and report .......... 60 " ' 6-Grab, Ervin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................... .......... 62, 61 " 6-General Municipal Election of March 27th, 1950 ap- pointment of Judges and Clerks ................ 83 Mar. 17-General Municipal Election of March 27th, 1950, canvass of petitions for Councilmen and Park Commissioner ................................. 104, 105 Mar. 28-General Municipal Election, canvass of votes cast ... 160, 161 April 10-Graf, B. M., requesting that St. Ambrose Street be open for travel from the alley first north of Hazel Street to the alley second north as this is the only access to his property West of St. Ambrose Street adjoining Bunker Hill .................. 171, 188 " 10-Gallagher, R. J., City Engineer, approval of bond .... 175 May 15-Gantert, Harry N. and Lucile, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 252, 253 June 5-Gordon, James M., granted Class `B" Beer Permit .... 285 June 29 -Groff, Otto L., requesting that the alley in the rear of 775 South Grandview Avenue be widened to 20 feet .................................... 312, 446, 509' " 29- Grace, Loras P. and others, requesting that Buena Vista Street be improved ..... ......... ...... 312, 401 " 29-Graham, Gene and others, requesting the oiling of Garfield Avenue from 1900 block to Roosevelt Street ... ................................... 313 " 29- Gilliam Street from the south property line of Uni- versity Avenue to the north property line of West ? Street, improvement of 326, 327, 370, 371, 372, .. .489, 490, 513, 568, 569, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622 623 " 29- Green Street from the west property line of Asbury Street to the east property line of the alley at the Corporation line, improvement of .. 327, 328 373, 374, ....... .. ... 375, 492, 515, 586, 660, 661, 662, 663 " 29- Gloeckner, Mrs. Wilma, granted Cigarette Permit ... 336' " 29- Grutz, John and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit .... 336' " 29- Gordon, James M., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 336 " 29-Glynn, John and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ... 338 " 29- Galliart, Raymond M. and Evelyn M., granted Ciga- rette Permit .......... _ ...................... 338 " 29- Gantert, Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338' " 29- Glynn, Mrs. Eleanor, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 338' " 29- Giunta, Jae, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 338 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page G July 27-Grode, Myrtlo A, and others, requesting a change in zoning of the area bounded on the north by the south side of East 22nd Street, on the east by the west side of Kniest Street, on the south by the north side of Rhomberg Avenue and 20th Street and on the west by the east side of Washington Street to "Local Business District" Classification ......................... 387,388, 496, 517, 554, 582, 583 " 27-Graham, Gene and others, requesting the oiling of Garfield Avenue in the 1800-1900 block ........ 388 " 27-Glenview Subdivision, completion of construction of a storm sewerage system ...................... 402 Aug. 7-Gabriel, Mrs. John R., with reference to the construc• tion of a new storm sewer for the north end of the City ...................................... 434 Sept. 5-Garvin, Samuel Jr., objecting to any assessment being made against his property for improving Robin Street ................. ................... 494 " 5-Grant of Easement of Jerry R. Potter ........... 495 " 5-Grant of Easement of Eldon F. and Ellen M. Newt . 495, 496 " 5-Gloeckner, Mrs. Wilma, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 500, 501 Sept. 14-Gordon, James M., requesting a refund on his Ciga- rette Permit .... .. ...... .. ... .. 506 " 14-Gordon, James M,; requesting a refund on his Class `B" Beer Permit .. ............................ 506 Oct. 2-Groveland Place from Sheridan Street to Burden Avenue, plat and schedule ordered prepared for curb and gutter ............ ........... 528 " 2-Gruber, Mr. and Mrs, Francis, requesting payment of damage to their property caused by improving English Lane ... .. ... ..... . 528, 570 " 2-Galliart, Raymond M. and Evelyn M., requesting a re- fund on their Cigarette Permit ....... 532 " 2-Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 539, 540 Oct. 19-Greenfield Street, acceptance of the dedication of as a public street ......... ... .... ....... 563, 564 Nov. 6-Goodman, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. and others, home owners on the west side of Iowa Street from 9th to 10th Streets protesting to the establishing of a parking lot on the east side of Iowa Street in the 900 block 578, fill, 612 " 6-Glynn, Mrs. Eleanor, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 590 " 6-Glynn, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 590, 591 Dec. 4-Graham, Eugene G. and others, requesting that curb- ing be constructed on the west side of Garfield Avenue in the 1900 block .. 639 " 4-Grutz, John, requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit ... ..... ... 639 " 4-Grutz, John, requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit .. .. .. ... .... 640 Dec. 15-Grade and ordinance for the alley between Balke and Brunswick Streets from Lowther Street to Grove- land Place .................................... B77 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page H • Jan. 3-Hartman, Leo L. Jr., submitting statement of cost of constructing sanitary sewer authorized by Reso- ' lution Na. 171.47 .......... .................. 18 • Jan. 25-Harbough, William H., granted Cigarette Permit .... 31 " 25-Heiderscheit John J, granted Cigarette Permit 31 " 25-Harbough, William H., granted Class "B" Ber Permit 31 Feb. 9-Hyde Clark Woman's Relief Corps, requesting permis- .............. sion to hold tag day ............ 42 " 9-Hillard, Joseph and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 49, 50 Mar. 6-Hoffman, Vincent N. and Leo J. Teeling, requesting the installation of water main and widening and grad- ing with crushed rock surface on Glen Oak Street between Park and Vernon Streets .. .. ... 56, 131 " 6-Heiar, Mrs, Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 61, 62 Mar. 17-Hoffmann, H. J., Trustee, Bunker Hill Galf Course, written objections to sewer assessment proposed to be levied against Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 265 for the construction of the Uags, Hoyt, Hazel Street sewer ........................................ 85, 134 " 17-Hill, Thomas J., reappointment as a member of the Police and Fire Pension Retirement Boards .. 88 " 17-Hanson, Robert L,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 104 Mar, 28-Harker, C. S., reappointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission ........................... 161 April 3-Heffernan, John J., submitting application for ap- pointment to the position of Judge of the Police Court ......................................... 163 " 3-Heffernan, John J., appointed Police Judge ......... 164 ' " 3-Heffernan, John J., sworn in as Police Judge .. ... 164 " 3-Henkel, John and Alma, requesting a refund on their Cigarette Permit .............................. 166 April 10-Haberkorn, George, Notice of Claim .... ......... 169, 195 " 10-Hauser, Leona, submitting complaint as to the nusance caused by the Concrete Products Company at 29th and Pinard Streets ..... .................. 170 " 10-Holscher, Albert L., City Auditor, approval of bond 175 " 10-Heffernan, John J., Police Judge, approval of bond . 175 " 10-Hail, John Joseph, Supt. and Cashier, Water Dept, approval of bond 175 " 10-Holcomb, Richard, Department of Police Affairs, State University of Iowa, invited to attend confer- ence with the City Council to discuss the overall traffic problems of the City of Dubuque ... 181, 208, 274 April 17-Hier, Mrs. Mary, asking suspension of 1949 tax on north one-half of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition .. 184, 195 May 1-Hillcrest Road extension, acceptance of the dedication of same as a public street and providing for the improvements on said street .......... 218, 219, 220, 235 May 15-Hail, J. J., Water Superintendent, recommending an increase in water rates . • . • • • • • 231 " 15-Haught, Mrs. Carl B., submitting bid for the purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Quigleys Sub 712... 231, 260' " 15-Holz, Louis M., with reference to the proposed installa- tion of curbs and gutters on Laurel Street 232, 402 Louis A. and others, requesting the construction " 15-Heine , of curbs and gutters on Mullin Road 233 " lr-Heuchlin, Mrs. Bessie, communication with reference to rent control ............................... 253 May 22-Hardie Advertising, Inc., requesting permission to erect a canopy for the Personal Finance Co...256, 282, 283 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page H " 22-aHartman, Leo L. and others, requesting that curbs and gutters be constructed on Balke Street be- tween Link Street and Lowther Avenue ........ 256 " 22-Hird, Herbert and others, requesting that a two hour parking limit be placed on Second Street between Locust and Bluff Streets .................. 257, 316, 317 June 15-Henschel, Richard C, and others, requesting that a two hour parking restriction be placed on east Fourth Street, west of Bluff Street .................... 289, 316 June 29-Hohnecker, G. J., with reference to leasing their property at the corner of Main Street and Railroad Avenue as a parking lot ... .................. 311 " 29-Hubert, H. Theresa, requesting the installation of a street light at the dead end of Greeley Street .. " 312, 400 29-Hale Street from the west property line of North Algona Stret to end of Hale Street, improvement of . • • ..........323, 324, 366, 367, 490, 491, 514, 566, 567, 623, ,~ ......... ..... ........................ 624, 6 29-Hazel Street from the east property line of St, Am- 25, 626, brose Street to the west property line of Avoca Street extended, improvement of .. .. 324, 325, 368, 369, .. 370, 490, 513, 588, 654, " 655, 656 29-Hunt, George R. and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cigarette Permit ... ................. .. 336 : " 29-Hollywood Grill, granted Cigarette Permit ~ ........ 336 " 29-Hanson, Robert L,, granted Cigarette Permit ...,.... 336 " 29-Heiderscheit, John J., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 336 " 29-Hessel, Irvin G., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 336' " 29-Harris, Joe, granted Cigarette Permit .... .. 337 " 29-Hedley, Alfred and Lillian, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit .... 337 " 29-Hochberger, William, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Hawkeye Lodge, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 337 " 29-Hiawatha Club, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Herber, Arthur F, and Theresa, granted Cigarette Permit .................... ....,....... 337 " 29-Haley, John J., granted Cigarette Permit .... 33T " 29-,Hillard, Joseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Hogan, Vincent J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29-Helling, Tony, granted Cigarette Permit .. ...... 338 " 29-Hickey, Jahn J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 338 " 29-Haley, Amy, granted Cigarette Permit ... 338 " 29-Herber, Fred and Annabella, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29--Heiar, Mrs, Anna, granted Cigarette Permit 339 " 29-Harbaugh, William H., granted Cigarette Permit " 339 29-Haley, John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 340 341 29-Herber, Fred and Annabella, granted Class "B" Beer , Permit .. , . ...... " 29-Hessel, Irvin G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit . " 340, 341 340 341 29-Hogan, Vincent Jr., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. , 340, 341 July 3-Hird, Mrs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit .. 347 July 27-Heying, H. L. and others, requesting the construction of sewer and water facilities and the paving of Mount Vernon Court .......................... 388, 447 Aug. 15-Holl Designing Company & Associates, with reference to the contemplated construction of a railroad grade separation project in the vicinity of East 14th Street and Elm Street .................... 455 Sept, 5-Neer, Joseph M., Notice of Claim . ..... , , , , .. 492 676 5-Heins, Milton J., granted Cigarette Permit .... ~ ~ ~ " , 500 5-Hochberger, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 500 501 5--Hein, Milton J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ,... , 500, 501 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page H Sept. 14-Harmey, Lester M,, appointed as member of Airport Commission .............................:..... 504, 533 " 14~I3anley, Wm. J., appointed as member of Airport Com- mission .. ...... ........................... 504, 637 Oct, 2-Hellman, Paul F. and others, requesting the rezoning of Schuler's Sub. on Asbury Street 530, 585, 642 " 2-Hansel, Clarence D., et al, requesting that the alley in the rear of their homes be graded ...... .... 530 " 2-Harris, Joe, requesting a refund on his .Cigarette Permit ... .... ...... .... 532 " 2-Hevey, Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ..... 539 granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... " 2-Hickey John J. 540 , , Nov. 6-Henschel, Dick with reference to selling his property on the east side of Iowa Street between 9th and 10th Streets for parking lot purposes 578 " 6-Hird, Mrs. Rosemary, requesting a refund on her Cigarette Permit ..... ... 581 " 6-Hellman, Paul F, and others, Planning and Zoning Commisssion recomending denial of their petition for rezoning of Schuler's Sub. in the 1600 Block on Asbury Street ........... 585, 642 " 6-Herber, Arthur F, and Theresa, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... .... 590, 591 " 6-Hedley, Alfred E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 590, 591 Dec. 4-Hanley, Wm. J., bond as member of Airport Commis- sioner ........................................ 637 " 4-Hasse, Clement L, Jr. and others,asking to have Cale- donia Street made parking on west side only .... 638, 675 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Iowa State Highway Commission, approval of placing of stop and go signals at the intersection of Fourth and Locust Streets and of Fourth Street and Central Avenue and also approval of moving the signal at Fourth and Main Streets .......... 18 Jan. 25-Irwin, R. C., expressing his views in favor of proposed water softening plant ..... ............. 22 Mar. 17-Improvement Bontls, report of City Treasurer on sale of said bonds ........ ....... . 88, 89, 90 April 10-Iowa Street from the south property line of West 3rd Street to the north property line of West 2nd Street, improvement of ... .. 179, 180, 209, 210, 211, 320 . ..... ... 321, 363, 447, 448, 481, 482, 483 June 15-Iowa State Highway Commission, maintenance con- tractfor Primary Road Extension in the City .... 290 " 15-Iowa State Highway Commission, with reference. to the paving of Dodge Street from the City Limits to Julien Dubuque Bridge with a concrete pave- ment and also the elimination of the present park- way on Dodge Street between Bryant Street and Grandview Avenue ................... .. .... 290, 400 July 3-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 704 with reference to the employment of another man in the Electrical Inspector's De- partment .... ................. ..... 343, 401 " 3-Ideal Plumbing and Heating Co., excavation band .... 344 July 27-Interstate Power Company, annual report for the year ending December 31, 1949 ... ... 386 July 27-Iowa State Commission for the Blind granted Ciga- rette Permit .... ............ 405 Sept. 5-Independent School District of Dubuque, requesting the vacation and conveyance of title by quit claim deed of streets and alleys within the boundaries of the Senior High School property ............... 494 Sept. 14-Interstate Power Company, asking for an increase in bus fares ................... .. 505, 543, 544, 558 Oct. 19-Iowa School for Traffic Engineers to be held at Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa . .... ............. 555 Dec. 4-Iowa State Nurses' Association, asking that immediate steps be taken to adjust nurses salaries . ...... 637 Dec. 15-Ideal Plumbing and Heating Company, requesting re- lease of their excavation bond ................. 672 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page J Feb. 9-Janes, Ray and Catherine, requesting a refund on their Cigarette Permit .. .................. .. .. 43 " 9~Tones, Ray and Catherine, requesting a refund on their Class "B" Beer Permit ............ ... 43 Mar. 6~Tester, Roy T., requesting that the present local busi- ness district on Rhomberg Avenue and Sumner Street be extended to include Lots 312 and 313 Ham's Addition ... .... .. ... 56, 92, 158 " 6-Judges and Clerks, appointment of same for General Municipal Election of March 27th, 1950 83, 161 " 17-Johnson, R. N., State Comptroller, approval of transfer of Emergency Fund to Consolidated Fund 87 " 17-Julien Dubuque Bridge, City Manager instructed to investigate as to the status of police jurisdiction on the Bridge ........ ..... .... .......... 105 April lO~Tenni, Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, ap- proval of bond . ....... .... .. .. 175 June 5-Jecklin, Gea., submitting written objections to the proposed assessments to be levied against part of Lot 1 of 2 of Jecklin's Farm for the construction of sewer lift, force main and sanitary sewer in the Simpson-Coates Street Sewer District 272, 273, 292, 293 June 29-Johanningmeier, Justin L., granted Cigarette Permit 338 July 3-Johnson, R. N., State Comptroller, approval to levy an emergency tax 349 July 21-Judges and Clerks appointed to serve at the Special Election of August 14, 1959 362, 363 July 27-Johanningmeier, Justin L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....... ... ... 405, 406 Aug. 7~Tungk, Walter J, and others, requesting that a grade be established and curb and gutter constructed on the southerly side of Marion Street from Concord Street westerly to the end of Street ............ 436 Aug. 15~Tungblut, Joseph Louis, Notice of Claim .. 454, 510 Nov. 22-~Tohnson, R. N., State Comptroller, approval of transfer of $3,600.00 from Fire Equipment Fund to Con- solidated Fund ... 597, 598 " 22~Tohnson, R. N., State Comptroller, approval of transfer of $11,858.00 from Fire Equipment Fund to Fire Dept. Maintenance Fund 598, 599 " 22-Johnson, R. N., State Comptroller, approval of transfer of $7,500.00 from Capital Improvements to Consoli- dated Fund Grouping ............ 599, 600 Dec. 4-Jogerst, Mrs. Elizabeth, Notice of Claim ........... 636, 676 INDEX-Book 80 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT page a 1950 SUBJECT Page K K Jan. 25-Kohl, Marie, Notice of Claim ......... ............ 24 ~ 29-Kassmeyer, Lillian M., requesting the enactment of " 25--Kerekes Frank, Assistant Dean, Iowa State College, the required ordinance repealing Ordinance No. Ames, Iowa, advising that a meeting is called of all 12-47, an ordinance vacating the alley first north- building officials of Iowa to be held at Ames, Iowa, erly of Robin Street from the easterly line of Lot for the purpose of making plans far approaching 37 to the westerly line of Lot 41 of Rose Hill the 54th Genera] Assembly in behalf of uniform Addition ... ...... ... .. ....... .... 311 State Building Code for Iowa ... .... 25 29-Kassmeyer, Lillian M., requesting that Robin Street Feb. 9-Kopp, Nicholas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 49, 50 1st north of Southern Avenue starting at English Mar. 17-Kipper, Clarence, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 104 Lane with directions westward toward Grandview April 3-Kolb, Raymond F., sworn in as Councilman for the Avenue be graded and surfaced .. ..... 311, 401, 409 term commencing the first Monday in April, 1950 163 29-Kintzle, Eldon F. and others, requesting the installa- " 3-Kintzinger, John J., appointed City Solicitor ........ 163 lion of a street light in the 1500 Block on West 3rd " 3-Kintzinger, John J., sworn in as City Solicitor ...... 164 Street between College Street and Parkway ...... 313, 400 " 3-Kenneally, Mary, Notice of Claim ..... ... ....... 165 29-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit 335 " 3-Kluck, R. H., requesting permission to install sewer 29-Kane, James N., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 335 and water connections to the mains in Rosedale 29-Kopp, N. J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 336 Avenue and Avoca Street . 166, 290, 314, 315 29-Kramer, Joseph A. and Louis P. O'Connor, granted " 3-Kringle,John E., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Cigarette Permit ................................ 336 Permit ... . , 166 29-Kress, Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 336 April 10-Kringle, Mrs. Delos, Notice of Claim ~ 169, 279, 280 ~~ 29-Kipper, Clarence, granted Cigarette Pernut ......... 336 " 10-Kintzinger, John J., City Solicitor, approval of bond 175 29-Kacheras, James P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 10-Kane, Allen C., Accountant, Water Dept, approval of 29-Klauer, Peter, granted Cigarette Permit .. ......... 337 bond .. ....... ................... 175 29-Kanavas, George, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 April 24-Kurt, Merlyn B., Notice of Claim ..... .. ~ 191, 218 ~~ 29-Kruse, Geo. C., granted Cigarette Permit .... ...... 337 " 24-Kassmeyer, Mrs. John C., with reference to the vaca- 29-Karrigan, Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permits .... 337 lion of the alley in Rose Hill Addition and request- 29-Klein, Frank and Anna, granted Cigarette Permit .... ~~ 338 ing that the matter of the vacation of said alley 29-Kopple, Harry, granted Cigarette Permit .. ....... 338 be again referred to the Planning and Zoning Com- 29-Kamentz, Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 338 mission for review and a rescinding of Lots A and 29-Kraus, Leo M., granted Cigarette Permit 338 B and that fence lines be restored ..... .. 193, 235 259 29-Kelly, Frank M, and Francis E., granted Cigarette " 24-Key City Plumbing and Heating Co., approval of Ex- , Permit ....................................... 339 cavation Policy .... ....... , 196 29-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class B Beer May 1-Kass, M., asking that provision be made to take care Permit ...... ....... 339, 340 of the storm water drainage in the area of Disney 29-Kachevas, James P, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 341 Street ................. ............. 212 237 29-Karrigan, Andrew D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 340, 341 " 1-Kean, E. J., resignation as a member of the Civil , 29-Kanavas, George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 340, 341 Service Commission .. .... ...... 212 29-Klein, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer permit 340, 341 " 1-Kunnert, Walter A. and others, requesting the installa- July 3-Kronfeldt, H., submitting complaint with reference to lion of a street light on Alta Vista Street between out house located at 2524 Elm Street ........... 343 Kirkwood Street at the existing light near Science Hall of Loras College ..... 213 238 July 27-Kennedy, George, submitting offer in the amount of " 1-Krier, Mrs, C., asking that something be done about , $800.00 for the purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 the street leading to her home at 1909 Elizabeth in Quigley's Sub .. ... ............. 385, 450 Place ................ ...... 214 240 27-Kassmeyer, Lillian M., with reference to grading and " 1-Kitchen, Monroe, A. and others, requesting the vaca- , surfacing of Robin Street ........ 386 lion of the alley between West Third Street and 27-Kirchen, Ralpr L, and others, requesting that the Hale Street extending West from Algona Street to owners of the property between Alpine and Nevada the University of Dubuque property ........ 214 318 Streets extending from Reeder Street to Solon May 15-Kenneally, Mary, Original Notice of Suit 231, , 562, 584 Street be made to clean up said property ....... 387 " 15-Kellard, Howard J., requesting the rezoning of Lots Aug 7-Kintzinger, John J., City Solicitor submitting resigna- 4 and 5 of Mettel's Sub. to Loca] Business District lion to be effective September 1, 1950 433 Classification 233, 258, " 281, 307 7-Kirchberg, George and others, requesting that action 15--Kingsley, Mary and others, requesting the rezoning be taken with reference to the condition of the of the property on the east side of Bryant Street railing at the top of Hodgdon stairway ......... 435 known as Grassel's quarry 234, 258, 280, 307, 308 . 7-Klauer, Peter, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 451 June 5-Kassmeyer, Mrs. John C., requesting Council to repeal Ordinance No. 12.47 an Ordinance vacating part Aug. 15~Kassmeyer, Mrs. Lillian, advising Council that no , of the alley first northerly of Robin Street and to dedication of her property has ever been made for the widening of English Lane ........ 465 expunge from the records the incorrect plat of .......... Lot A and B ... .... 275 Sept. 5-Kassmeyer, Mrs. Lillian, requesting payment of $1,- June 29-Kassmeyer, Lillian M., submitting written objections 500.00 as settlement for property used for street to the proposed plat for the improvement of Eng- purposes in improving English Lane ........ 495, " 533, 534 fish Lane . .:.....: . . . . . . . . ................... 308 5-Kane, James M., granted Class "C Beer Permit ...... 500, 501 INDEX-Book 80 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page 1950 SUBJECT Page K L Sept. 14-Klauer Manufacturing Company, requesting the re- Jan. 3-Lange, Dr. H. E., settlement of claim .............. 20 zoning of Lots 247 to 258 in Glendale Addition No. Jan. 25-League of Women Voters, expressing their approval 3 and also to vacate the Alley between 26th and k of Council action with regard to rat extermination 27th Streets and between Washington and Elm ~ and also as to use land-fill method in treating the Streets and convey the same to Klauer Manufactur- tit dum s ... ........................... y p 24 ing Company ...... 505 561, 580 600, " 14-Kearlon, T. H., Si nal En ineer, askin Council to g g g 601 602 ~ 25-Lewis, Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 25--Lewis, Frank, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 31 31 sanction the plan to modernize the protection at Dr. A. M., opposing the installation of a water 9-Loes Feb the 8th Street crossing and also to change the ~ , , softening plant . ......... .. ...... ....... 34 street crossing protection at 7th, 8th and 11th 9-League of Women Voters with reference to compu- 529 59 2 58 Streets railroad crossings of the Chicago, Mil- , , , lotion of the City Ordinances .............. 4 Waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail road Company 9-Lepsch, Robert and others, residents and property and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company owners on Kaufmann Avenue, asking for bus ••••••••••..• ..........505, 528,565, 566, 645 service on Kaufmann Avenue .............. 44 " 14-Klaas, Charles E., asking that a curb be constructed in 6-Lundbeck, Kate, requesting suspension of 1949 tax Mar front of his property at 2393 Abbot Street . 506 . on Lot 11 of Cox's Addition 55, 90 Oct, 2-Klein, Allan J., submitting offer to purchase Lot 6 and " 6-Li uor Sales Fund, the sum of $26,401.00 transferred q 7 Quigley's Sub, 712........... 530 into the Fire Maintenance Fund and the sum of " 2-Kramer, Joseph A. and Louis P. O'Connor, granted - of $29,040.83 transferred into Consolidated Fund 62 Class "B" Beer Permit . ... 540 " 6-Lois Street from the south property line of Solon Oct. 19-Kilby, Jack, employee of Engineering Department, re- Street to the north property line of Reeder Street, questing leave of absence as he has been called to improvement of ............... ... 63, 64, 106, 107, 108, duty in the U. S. Marine Corp.. .. 556 207, 226, 587, 650, 651, 652, 653 " 19-Kane Street widening, acceptance of the dedication of " 6-Laurel Street, from the north property line of South same as a public street ........ Nov. 6-King, Thelma, with reference to selling her property 563, 564 Grandview Avenue to the north end of Laurel Street, improvement of ' 0 9 3 on the east side of Iowa Street between 9th and :: 334, 426, 427, 4 8, 225, 232 4 2 10 Streets for parking lot purposes 578 Ernest, requesting a refund on his Cigarette 17-Latham Mar " 6-Kleih, Mrs. Art and others, requesting the installation , . Permit ... .. ... .... .. • . . 86 of street lights on Strauss, Balke and Brunswick 28-Lauterborn, Floyd J, and Walter G. Thorpe, granted Mar Streets Dec. 4-Kassmeyer, Mrs. Lillian, objecting to the levy of 586, 677 . Cigarette Permit • • Aril 10-L ons, E. B., re resenting St. John's Episcopal Church, p y 140 special assessment on her real property for the addressed the Council with reference to the ordin- improvement of English Lane ............ 614 ante for vacation of the Alley between Main and " 4-Kamentz, Fred, granted Cigarette Permit 647 Iowa Streets from 14th Street to 15th Street .... 170 Dec. 15-Klauer Manufacturing Company, submitting Quit April 17-Librarian of Public Library, annual report ... .. ... 186 Claim Deed conveying Lot 2 of the Sub of Lot 258 April 24-Lake Peosta, request by Dubuque Conservation Society of Glendale Addition No, 3 to the City of Dubuque " 673 that it be cleared and opened ...... 191 15-Kerper, John A,, re-appointed as a member of the Board of Dock Commissioners .. ..... ........ 6g2 +~ 24-League of Iowa Municipalities, extending invitation to attend Fifth Annual Town and Community Plan- ping Conference to be held at Iowa State College 191 " 24-Lange, Frank and Marie, requesting vacation of De- corah Street from the easterly line of Adair 193, Street to the dead end 235 " 24-Lorenzi, Louis E. granted Cigarette Permit .. 197 May 1-Lagen, Louis J., appointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission " 1-Lochner, Lester M, and Charles H. Davis, requesting 212 a refund on their Class "B" Beer Permit .. 213 " 1-Lochner, Lester M. and Larry B. Kemp, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . .. 227 May 15-Cubs, August, requesting the extension of Romona Street and stating that he will donate a strip of land forty feet across his property to accomplish the said extension 234, 258, 319, 407, 408, 454 " 15-League of Iowa Municipalities extending invitation to attend a disaster meeting by the American Red Cross to be held at Des Moines, Iowa 234 June 5-Luedtke, Joseph V., submitting written objections to the proposed assessment to be levied against Sub. 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 Babcock's Sub. Part of 1 for the construction of the Simpson-Coates Street Sewer District .................................. 271, 292, 293 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT page L " 5-Link, Leo F, and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . " 5-License ordinance to be amended covering fees for 285, 285 carnivals and circuses ................ " 5-Lake Peosta and allied problems, City Manager in- 285 structed to submit plan for the opening of the same ............................ 285, 286, 303, June 15-Lynn, C. E., M.D. and others, requesting the rezoning 304, 399 of Lots 225 and 226 of Finley Addition and an y other area that the Council might deem suitabl e to Two Family Residence Classification .. 290, 318, 319, " 29-Larson, Robert L. Attorney General of I ~ n g 507, 508 , owa, ex e din invitation to attend the Annual Peace Officer's Short Course to be held at Iowa City ...... " 311 ...... 29-Leik, Wm. C., granted Cigarette Permit .... . " 335 . , , . , 29-Leonard, Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ " 29-Lynn, Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit 335 ....... .. " 29-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ........ " 29-Lauterborn, Floyd J. and Walter G. Thorpe granted 336 336 , Cigarette Permit " 29-Ludwig, M. J., granted Cigarette Permit . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 336 336 29-Ludescher, John J., granted Cigarette Permit ..... ~ .. " 29-Lorenzi, Louis E., granted Cigarette Permit " 337 ..... .. 29-Landolt, Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit " 337 337 ........ 29-Lewis, Frank, granted Cigarette Permit .......... " 29-Lanser George and Hel 338 , en granted Cigarette Permit " 29-Lochner, Lester M. and Larry B. Kemp granted 338 , Cigarette Permit ..... " 29-Laury, Edward R., granted Cigarette Permit ........ " 29-Link, Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit " 338 338 29-Loyal Order of Moose granted Cigarette Permit .. ~ ~ " 29-Lange, Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit " 338 339 29-Leonard, Paul A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~ ~ ~ " 29-Lanser, George and Helen granted Cla "B" 339 339, 340 , ss Beer Permit . ~ ........... .. July 3-Luedtke, Joseph V. and Meta M., ,asking that the 340, 341 portion of Marion Street from the intersection with Concord Street westerly to th d e en of the street " g l d d d t r 3-Lehner, Ju ia An asking Councgl to accept the sum of $582.87 as payment in full of the special ass 343, 401 ess- ment levied against the N. W. 100 feet of Lot 224 of Finley Addition for the construction of the CherryGreen Street Sewer ... _ 3-,Lange, Harvey M. and others, requesting the construc- tion of curb and gutter o St 343 n . Joseph Street from Fremont Avenue to Stetmore Street " ........ , .. 3-Leiser, John E., granted Cigarette Permit " 3-Leiser, John E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 344 347 ...... July 27-Lorenzi, L. E., Manager, Union Bus Depot, requesting the installation of additional street li hts i th 347 g n e area adjacent to bus area 388, 447 " 27-Lange, Frank and Marie, requesting the vacation of Decorah Street from Adair Street to the dead end 388 435 " 27-Lange, Mrs. Bertha and others, requesting the installa- tion of a street light at the inter ti , sec on of Lincoln Avenue and Humboldt Street ' .................. 3 " 27-Linehan & Molo, excavation bond .................. 88, 447 399 Aug. 7-Longview Ski Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .. ............................ 451 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page L Aug. 15-Cubs, August and Alex Schmitt, requesting the in- t St 496 454 .. . ree stallation of a water main in Ramona , Sept. 5-Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .. .. 500, 501 Sept. 14-Lawrence, J. W., M.D., Notice of Claim ........ 528 l i 504 642 641 , m ..... ... a Oct. 2-Lynch, Mary Jane, Notice of C , " 2-Lammer, Marc, submitting offer to purchase Lot 51 located on Wood Street near Rosedale 530, 563 Oct. 19-Larson, Mrs., requesting the installation of a street light at the corner of Atlantic and Fillmore Streets 555 " 19-Livermore, Robert C., member of Fire Department, requesting a leave of absence as he has been called to duty in the U.S. Marine Corp. ... 556 " 19- Lu Grain, Carl, employee of Water Department, re- questing aleave of absence as he lias been called to duty in the U.S. Army .......... 557 " 19-Luber, John and Anna R., acceptance of Resolution No. 323-50 for construction and completion of the improvements on Springreen Court and on portions of Kane Street and Greenfield Street 563, 564 Nov. 22-Larson, Robert L., Attorney General of Iowa, with reference to removing racketeering and commerc- ial gambling and with reference to illegal operation of taverns and other retail beer outlets ........ 602, 603 Dec. 4-Luber, John and Anna, performance bond :... , . 637 " 4-Lehnertz, Donald J., member of Police Dept. asking far a leave of absence as he has been called for duty in the U.S. Marine Corps .. 638 " 4-Lyons, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd W., submitting bid in the amount of $25.00 on the purchase of the alley running between Lot, 16 of Randall Add. and Lot 1 of Levi Add.... .. .. .......... 639 " 4-Lange, Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 648 Dec. 15--Loras Boulevard and Main Street, actuated light to be installed .................................. 675 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Mc Feb. 9-McDonough, Melvin B. and Anita, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. ......... 49 50 Mar. 6-McCarthy, Peter H., with reference to the title of Washington Park ... ................... 54 Mar. 28-McGovern, Michael J., Notice of Claim ........ 121, 300, 301 " 28-McCarthy, Peter H, with reference in the matter of securing new defense plants and the relocation of present plants in case of removal inland ...... 122, 191 " 28-McMahon, Harold, request for a light on Rosedale Avenue in front of St. Anthony's School ........ 132 " 28-McLaughlin, Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit 140 " 28-McLaughlin, Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 140, 141 April 10-McDonald, A. Y., reappointment as a member of Board of Dock Commissioners ....... ' .... .......... 170 May 15-McCarron, Harold L., requesting curb and gutter con- structed on York Street ..... ............... 232, 259 June 29-McDonald, George and Dorothy and others, property owners on English Lane, requesting the repeal of Ordinance No. 12.47 and expunge from the records the Plat of Lot A and Lot B in Rose Hill Addition to its original state as platted . ..... .... .. 310, 311 " 29-McDermott, Edward, name submitted to act on a com- mittee to redistrict City of Dubuque voting pre- cincts 311 " 29-McGrath, Elaine, requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Lombard and Gandolfo Street .. 312, 400 " 29-McLaughlin, Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .... 335 " 29-McNamara, Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit " 335 29-McDonough, Melvin B., granted Cigarette Permit .. 335 " 29-McDonald, Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ........ " 336 29-McCauley, Francis, granted Cigarette Permit .. , 336 " 29-McDonough, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit _ .... 336 " 29-McFarlane, Robert, granted Cigarette Pernrit ........ 338 " 29-McArdle, Glen, granted Cigarette Permit .. ......... 338 " 29-McCann, Eugene P., granted Cigarette Permit .. 338 " 29-McDonald, Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. .. 339, 341 Aug. 15~McArdle, Glen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. ~ 460, 461 Sept. 5-McDonough, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ ... .. .... ,. Oct. 2-McCann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.. 500, 501 540 Oct. 19-McFadden, James H., Notice of Claim ...... ..... 555, 641 Nov. 6-McCarthy, Peter H., submitting objections to the pro- posed site for construction of the new city stadium at the present site of the ball park on 4th Street Extension .. 582 Dec. 4-McEvoy, John J., with reference to rent control 636, 679, 671 Dec. 15-McCarten, H, B., submitting written objections to the special assessment for street improvement against Lot 5 Lois Addition .......................... 650 INDEX-Book 80 1: 1950 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 3-Meyer, Emil J., objections to the proposed assessment to be levied against Lot 221 for the construction `s~!' of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in the 'a:: Cherry-Green Street District .... .... .. 3 " 3-Murray, John J., offer submitted to Board of Super- visors in the amount of $25.00 on Lot 22 of Union Addition . 17 " 3-Miller, Mrs. Florence, requesting refund on unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit 19 " 3-Miller, Mrs. Florence, requesting refund on unexpired portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit 19 3-Malden Street, request of City Engineer that the name of said street be changed to Brunswick Street ...................................... 19, 20, 27, 28, 44 Jan. 25-Municipal Waterworks, water softening plant improve- ' went 22, 23, 34, 37 38, 39, 40, 41 " 25-Michel, Joseph, Notice of Claim 24 Feb. 9-Murphy, Orville P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 49, 50 Mar. 6-Michel, Joseph, Original Notice of Suit ...... 53 " 6--Maloney, Daniel C., granted Cigarette Permit . 61 ` 6~Maloney, Daniel C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 61, 62 Mar. 28-Mihalis, Ellas, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 140, 141 April 3-Mettel Realty and Investment Co., asking that the city water mains be extended on Asbury Road, about ' three blocks west of Carter Road ... .......... 167 April 10-Moore, Mae A., Clerk, Health Dept., approval of bond 175 April 24-Mihalakis, Phillip and Ellas, requesting that some action be taken by the City of Dubuque to either compensate them for damages or to restore to them the unrestricted use and enjoyments of their prop- erty known as Mineral Lots 294, 295, 296 and 297 192 " 24-Mathis, Wilfred H, and others, property owners on Hale Street, West of Algona, protesting against the proposed curbing and guttering on Hale Street .. 193 May 1-Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 227 " 1-Mayor authorized to issue proclamation relative to the observance of National Defense Week 227 " 1-Municipal Stadium, City Manager and City Solicitor instructed to advise the City Council as to the necessary steps to be taken for the construction of same .. .......... .. 228 May 15-Memorial Day Committee, requesting permission for holding a Memorial Day Parade and also suggesting that Council contribute the sum of $150.00 to help defray expenses .. 232 " 15-Mayor instructed to confer with the Chairman of both the Democratic and Republican parties for the pur- pose of submitting names of persons to serve as members of a committee to undertake a compre- hensivestudy ofequitable lines for voting precincts 241 " 15-Meadow Lane, sanitary sewer to construct 244, 245, 267, 268, 269, 270, 322, 364, 515, 550, 551, 552, 553 " 15-Meis, Stanley J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 252, 253 May 22-Municipal Stadium, Dubuque Recreation Commission advising that they have gone on record as being in favor of the movement for a new stadium 260, 261 " 22-Municipal Stadium, report of Assistant City Solicitor Czizek with reference to the construction of same ....................... ................ 261, 262, 263 INDEX- Book 80 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT page 1950 SUBJECT Page ;' M M 22 -Mayor instructed to notify the Iowa Representatives Oct. 2-Miller Kate A., requesting suspension of 1949 taxes 530, 641 in Congress that the City Council favor granting the franchise to the Mid C ti Z-Meissen, Elmer V., member of Fire Dept. asking for ` - on nent Air Lines as s leave of absence as he has been called for duty recommended by the C.A.B, Examiner in order that ~~' in the U.S. Navy ... ........ ..... 531 commercial air line service can be furnished to the Phillip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... `' 2-Mihalakis 540 June 5 City of Dubuque ... .... ...... , .. , -Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc., with reference to the 263 , Oct, 19-Military Order of the Cootie, requesting permission to hold a parade .... ... . . ...... ...... .. 556 argument presented before the C.A.B. by City Solicitor in the Parks Investi atio C Nov. 6-1llillin, Mrs. L. P., objecting to the acquiring of her t th " 5 g n ase -Mulgrew, Mrs. Leo and others, requesting that a light 274 ~ reet in e property on the east side of Iowa S 900 block for parking lot purposes ..... , . 578, 611, 61.2 be placed at the first upper landing of the steps ~ 6-Meyer, Herbert and Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer connecting Fenelon Place with West Third Street 275 317 Permit ........ .................. ... ...... 590 June 29 -Mineral Street from the east property of Gilliam , ~ Dec. 4-Manufacturers and Wholesale Bureau of the Chamber Street to the north property line of McCormick of Commerce, with reference to car parking prob- Street, improvement of ... 330, 331, 377, 378, 379, 488, ? lem and establishment of off-street parking „ 29 512, 566, 615, 616, -Mullin Road from the south property line of Asbury 617, 618 facilities ............ .......... • . • • • • • ~ . • ~ ~ 4-Meuller, Mrs. Loretta, with reference to rent control 613 Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road ~ •••••• ••• •• •••••••~•.•••••• ••• •• 636, 670, 671 , improvement of ... , . 332, 333, 380, 381, 382, 491, ~ 4-Mississippi Valley Association extending invitation to „ " 29 ..492, 514, 587, 588, 657, 658, -Mengis, Walter, granted Cigarette Permit 659, 660 r 335 attend annual meeting to be held in St. Louis Dec. 15-Nola Sand & Gravel Company, notice of hearing on 637 " 29 -Murphy, Orville, P., granted Cigarette Permit .. 335 their request for extension of permit for dredging 672 " 29- .... -Miller, Ione and Glen, granted Cigarette Permit .. 335 15-Main Street to be made a through street from the " 29 .... -Mardauss, Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit ... . 336 south line of Jones Street to the north line of West " 29 ..... -Martin, Angela E., granted Cigarette Permit .... gag Seventeenth Street ............................ 675 " 29 29 .., -Manternach, Gus L., granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29 -Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit -Noes Donald C 336 " " 29 , ., granted Cigarette Permit -Mihalakis, Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 336 336 ~~;e " 29 . -Muntz, Harold C., granted Cigarette Permit 336 29 -Meyers, Kermit and Thomas Lilly, granted Cigarette " " 29- Permit Maloney, Daniel C„ granted Cigarette Permit .... 336 337 " 29- ... Miller, George, granted Cigarette Permit .... 337 " 29- ... Meisenburg, Kenneth L. granted Cigarette Permit . 337 " 29- .. Mein, Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit ........... 337 " . 29-Mihalas, Elias, granted Cigarette Permit ..... .. . 337 " .. . 29-Manahl, Leo P., granted Cigarette Permit .. 338 " 29- .. MacDonald, Earl E, granted Cigarette Permit .. 338 " 29- . ... Meisenburg, John, granted Cigarette Permit 338' " 29- 29 Murphy, Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit M 338 " " - 29- anders, Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit 339 339 29- Meyer, Albert M, and Alma M., granted Class "B" " 29- Beer Permit Mengis, Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" 339, 340 " " Beer Permit 29--.Miller, Glen and Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 340 339 341 29- Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer , " " 29- Permit . Noes, Donald C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 341 339 341 " 29- 29 Meisenburg, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . , 340, 341 - MacDonald, Earl E, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 340 341 July ' 3- Maas, Melvin H., granted Cigarette Permit , 347 3- Maas, Melvin H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 347 July 27- Murphy, Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 405 406 Sept. 5-Miller, Mrs. Florence M., granted Class "B" Beer , " 5- Permit . Muntz, Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 500, 501 500 501 Sept. 14- Manahl, Leo P., requesting a refund on his Cigarette , Permit ... ....,...... ....... ... 506 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page N Jan, 3-Nauman, Paul, appointed as Coal Administrator .. " 17, 51 3-Neumeister, Fred W. and John G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................................. 21 Mar. 17-Nacos, Thomas E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... 104 Mar. 28-Northland Greyhound Lines, Inc,, advising the discon- tinuance of Run No. 512 and Run No. 513 between Rockford and Dubuque ................ 122 April 10-Norton, Luvern C., Electrical Inspector, approval of bond ......................................... 175 April 24-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............. 197, 198 May 1-Neyens, Edward J., appeal from the decision of the Building Commissioner and Board of Adjustment in declining to issue a building permit to him to erect a residence in the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 304 ..... ... 213 " 1-National Defense Week, Mayor authorized to issue a Proclamation relative to the observance of same 227 May 22-Naval Reserve Armory, renewal of Government Lease 257 June 15-National Safety Council, requesting that the Mayor issue a proclamation with reference to Annual Fourth of July safety campaign ................ 289 June 29-North End Choral Club, granted Cigarette Permit..... 335 ' 29-Noel, Carl L., granted Cigarette Permit ...... ..... " 335 29-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit .... 335 " 29-Noel, Jahn E., granted Cigarette Permit ..... ...... 336 ~~ 29-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit 336 29-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Ciga- rette Permit ........... ...................... 336 " 29-Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit .... .. ..... 336 " 29-Neumeister, John C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Nicks, Ray N,, granted Cigarette Permit . ......... 338 " 29-Nacos, Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit .... 339 July 3-Newburgh, Dorothy and Joe, asking that no action be taken on the improvement of Marion Street from Fremont Avenue to Concord Street ........ 343 July 27~Newburgh, Dorothy and Joe, and others, with refer- ence to the opening and improving of Marion Street ........................................ 389 Aug. 7-Nilles, Mary E., asking that ground cut from their proporety during the improvement of York Street be pushed into the low corner of their property 434 " 7-Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ........... ........... 451 Aug. 15-Nelson, Thomas H., submitting application for ap- pointment to the position of City Solicitor ... 454 Sept, 5-North Iowa Asphalt Co., with regard to dust-proofing the City streets ..... 493 " 5-National Institute of Municipal Clerks inviting the City of Dubuque to become a member of NIMC 493 " 5-Navy Mothers Club asking permission to hold a tag day on October 21, 1950 ........ ...... 493 " 5-Newt, Eldon F. and Ellen M., grant of easement .... 495, 496 " 5-Noel, Uarl L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 500, 501 " 5-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit " 500, 501 5-Nelson, Thomas H., appointed City Solicitor .... ... 501 Sept. 14-Navy Club, Dubuque Ship No, 67, requesting permis- sion to hold Anchor Day Sale .................. 505 " 14-Nelson, Thomas H., bond .......................... 508 4 ~r ~., re ~,r r'~. r~. k; k `._ i u .r. .k 1 1, INDEX- Book $0 1950 SUBJECT Page N ting that steps be taken to Oct. 2-Noonan, Raymond, requ open up the street or alley adjoining his property at 1100 Riverview to Eagle Street ....... .. ... 532 " 2-Noel, John E. and June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. ...... 539, 540 Oct. 19-Noel, Wilfred and others, requesting that an investi- gation be made of the street lighting condition in the vicinity of Union and Quince Streets .. 555, 589 Nov. 6-North Central Route Investigation Case No. 4603, notice of prehearing to be held before the Civil Aeronautic's Board in Washington, D.C. 580 " 6-National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, Washing- ton, D.C., extending invitation to City Solicitor to attend Annual Conference ... ......... 580 " 6-Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ....... 590, 591 " 6-North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ...... .. .. 590, 591 Dec, 15-Neyens, Paul T., member of Police Dept., asking for a leave of absence as he has been called to military service ..................................... 673 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Jan, 3-Ordinance No. 1.50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Classification" to "Two Family Classification" ...... ......................... 17, Jan. 25-Ordinance No. 2.50. An Ordinance amending an Or- dinance entitled "Ordinance No. 99, an Ordinance changing the names of streets and avenues within the City of Dubuque;' by changing the name of "Malden Street" to "Brunswick Street" .. 27, 28, Feb. 9-Ordinance No. 3-50. An Ordinance providing terms and conditions upon which the fire fighting equipment and firemen of the City of Dubuque may respond to calls for fire fighting outside of the City corporate limits ..... 45, 57, Mar. 6-Ordinance No. 4-50. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley extending from the southerly line of Theisen Street to the extended northerly line of St. Joseph Street .. .... 57, 87, Mar. 17-Ordinance No. 5.50. An Ordinance making appropria- tions for the expenditures of City government of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1950 and ending March 31, 1951 103, 123, 124, 125, 126, Mar. 28-Ordinance No. 6-50. An Ordinance vacating part of the alley between Main and Iowa Streets extending from 14th to 15th Streets and providing that Quit Claim Deeds be issued to abutting property owners ................................:........ 128, 170, " 28-Ordinance No. 7-50. An Ordinance providing for park- ing restrictions on the west side of Jackson Street between 10th and 12th Streets, providing a penalty for violation of the terms hereof 128, " 28-Ordinance No. 8-50. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3.50, being an Ordinance in reference to fire protection outside the City Limits of the City of Dubuque by striking out certain parts of said Ordinance No. 3-50 ... 128, April 3-Oberhausen„ John C., submitting application for ap- pointment to the position of Judge of Police Court April 10-Ordinance No. 9-50. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 5-50, being an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Making Appropriations for the Ex- penditures of City Government of the City of Du- buque, Ipwa for the Fiscal Year beginning April 1, 1950, and ending March 31, 1951" adjusting ap- propriations made under Group 1 of "Expendit- ures," "Group 1-General Administration," "Group LY-Municipal Improvements," and by amending the detailed distribution adopted by the City Coun- cil on March 17th, 1950 and made a part of Or- dinance No. 5-50 by reference .... ... 169, 182, 183, " 10-O'Brien, Robert J., Patrolman, requesting suitable re- pair or replacement of his jacket damaged while 27 44 58 88 127 171 172 173 163 194 on duty ............... ..................... 170, 187 " 10-Ordinance No. 10.50. An Ordinance creating and establishing "Simpson-Coates Street Sewer District" 174, 184, 185, 186, 194 " 10-O'Leary, Daniel J., Plumbling Inspector, approval of bond .. ............. .. 175 " 10-Oster, Lucille, Clerk, Water Dept,, approval of bond 175 -,~: ~'. ~-. P 1 ~ti„ " ~ ' ~ I ~. INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Q April 24-Ordinance No. 11-50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Fanuly Residence District" to "Mul- tiple Residence District" .. ..... 190, 214 " 24-Ordinance No. 12-50. Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No, 3.34, designated "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Classification" to "Local Business District Classification" ....... 191, 215 " 24-Ordinance No. 13-50. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley extending from the southerly line of Theisen Street to the extended northerly line of St. Joseph Street ... ............... 194, 215, 216 June 5-Ordinance No. 14.50. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 6-46, being an Ordinance amending No. 159 by adding additional territory to the Sixth Precinct ... ... ..... ........ .. 276, 287 " 5-Ordinance No. 15.50. An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of water 276, 277, 287, 288 " 5-Ordinance No. 16-50. An Ordinance regulating the parking and location of automobile trailers and regulating the licensing, location, erection, main- tenance and conduct of automobile trailer camps and tourist camps ............................ 278, 288 June 15-Ordinance No. 17.50. An Ordinance granting R. H. Kluck the right to construct a sanitary sewer in and along Rosedale Avenue from the existing sanitary sewer located in Rosedale Avenue and running therefrom, and describing the conditions of the grant and regulating the use of said sewer and future connections therewith ........... 290, 314, 315 " 15-Ordinance No. 18-50. An Ordinance amending "Or- dinance No. 4.1933, being an Ordinance providing that certain businesses and vocations conducted in the City of Dubuque shall be licensed, fixing the fee therefor, etc" by changing the amount to be charged for carnival and circus licenses .... 290, 315, 3~.6 June 29-Ordinance No. 19.50. An Ordinance amending and ehanging the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District Classifica- tion" to "Local Business District Classification" .307 396 " 29-Ordinance No. 20-50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District Classifica- tion" to "Local Business District Classification" .......................................... 308, 361, 362 " 29-Oberhoffer, Joseph F., submitting cast of construction of sanitary sewer in Benson Street from present sewer in Hill Street to McClain Street .......... 311, 312 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page O " 29 requesting that proceedings -Oakley, Wm. and others be initiated far iinproving Edith Street from Burden Avenue west, that a sewer be extended to Brunswick Street and also the feasibility of an outlet street from O'Neill Street or Edith Street down to the lower level at East 30th or Pinai~d Street .......... ....... ...... .......... 313, 4D1 " 29- U'Meara, Louis, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 336 " 29- O'Brien, J. Ray, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 336 " 29 -Oasis Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...... ...... 337 " 29- Ott, Joseph J., granted Cigarette Permit .... ....... 337 " 29 -O'Toole, Francis and Arlene Pauly, granted Cigarette Permit ....................................... 338 July 27 -Ordinance ATo. 21-50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning; Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to extend the present Light Industrial District on the northeast corner of Bluff and Dodge Streets northward on Bluff Street to include City Lot 586 ....... ..... .......... 382, 436, 437 " 27 -Ordinance No. 22.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Garfield Avenue (North Curb) from the west property line of Shiras Street to the east prop- erty line of Stanton Street ............. ...... 390, 437 " 27- Ordinance No. 23.50. An Ordinance establishing on English Lane from the south property line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north property line of South- ern Avenue ......... .391, 437, 438 " 27-Ordinance No. 24.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Stanton Street from the north property line of Garfield Avenue to the south property line of Rhomberg Avenue ......................... 391, 438 " 27- Ordinance No. 25.50. An Ordinance repealing an Or- dinance adopted November 6, 1915 establishing a grade on Dexter Street from Algona Avenue to Auburn Avenue and establishing in lieu thereof a grade on Dexter Street from the west property line of Audubon Street to the east property line of North Algona Street ..... .. 391, 438, 439 " 27- Ordinance No. 26.50. An Ordinance repealing an Or- dinance adopted November 7, 1907 establishing a grade on Solon Street from Alpine Street to about 180 feet east and establishing in lieu thereof a grade on Solon Street from the east property line of Alpine Street to the west property line of Hill Street .............. ....................... 392, 439 " 27- Ordinance No, 27.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Reeder Street from the east property line of Alpine Street to a point 180 feet east of Alpine Street .... .. 392, 440 " 27- Ordinance No. 28-50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Lois Street from the south property line of Solon Street to the north property line of Reeder Street ......... .. 392, 440 " 27- Ordinance Na. 29-50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Laurel Street from the north property line of Cannon Street to the north end of Laurel Street .. ......... 392, 441 " 27- Ordinance No. 30-50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Finley Street from the south property line of University Avenue to the north property line of West Street ............................ 393, 441 ' ~` INDEX- Book 80 ~~> 1950 SUBJECT Page '~ o +~ 27- Ordinance No, 31.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on 5hiras Street from the south property ',: line of Rhomberg Avenue to north property line of Garfield Avenue .... .......... ... 393, 442 " 27- Ordinance No. 32.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Adair Street from north property line of _ r. Loras Boulevard to south property line of Rose- `~` dale Avenue .. .... .......................... 393, 442 " 27 -Ordinance No. 33-50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on York Street from. the north property line of Curtis Street to west property line of South Hill Street ..... 394, 442, 443 " 27 -Ordinance No. 3450. An Ordinance establishing a k grade on Mineral Street from the east property line of Gilliam'Street to the north property line of McCormick Street ............................ 394, 443 " 27 -Ordinance No. 35.50. An Ordinance establishing a z ~ grade on Gilliam Street from the south property line of University Avenue to the north property line of West Street ... 394, 443, 444 " 27 -Ordinance No. 36-50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Hale Street from the west property line line of North Algona Street to end of Hale Street 395, 444 " 27 -Ordinance No, 37.50. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Hazel Street from the east property line of the alley at the Corporation Limits to the west property line of Avoca Street 395, 444, 445 - 27- Ordinance No. 38-50 An Ordinance establishing park- . ing regulations on certain parts of West Fourth Street (west of Bluff Street) and providing a penalty therefor . .. ..... 395, 445 " 27 -O'Meara, Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 405, 406 Sept. 5 -Ordinance No, 39-50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District Classifica- tion" to "Two Family Residence District Classifica- tion" . ... .. 484, 507, 508 " 5-Ordinance No. 40.50. An Ordinance restricting parking on both sides of Thomas Place ....... ...... .497, 508 Sept. 14--Ordinance No. 41.50. An Ordinance establishing park- ing regulations on certain parts of White Street, Fourth Street, Central Avenue, Rhomberg Ave- - nue, Grandview Avenue, Robinson Street, Nevada Street and Delhi Street .... _ ..... .507, 557 Oct. 5-Ordinance No. 42-50. Ordinance establishing and fixing rates to be charged for the furnishing of bus transportation to passengers on busses .. , ... 544, 558 Oct, 19 -Ordinance No. 43-50. An Ordinance Amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to Local Business District Classification the area bounded in general by 20th Street, Rhom- berg Avenue, Kniest Street, 22nd Street and Wash- ington Street ... .544, 582, 583 Nov. 6 -Ordinance No. 44-50. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34 designated "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Q change certain property hereinafter described from "Multiple Residence Classification" to "Light In- dustrial Classification" ........................ 580, 600 " 6-Ordinance No. 45-50. An Ordinance prohibiting park- ing of vehicles on streets upon which snow re- moval equipment is operating; authorizing the City Street Commissioner to designate such streets and to remove vehicles parked in violation hereof, declaring such vehicles a nusiance; and provid- ing apenalty thereof ...... ... ....... 584, 600, 601 " 6-Ordinance No. 46.50. An Ordinance for the vacation of the alley lying between Washington and Elm Streets from 26th Street to 27th Street and providing for conveyance thereof to Klauer Manufacturing Com- pany ..................... ............... 584, 601, 602 Nov. 22-Ordinance No. 47-50. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance 33-49 being "An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions hereof as 'The Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque,' repeal- ing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in con- flict herewith, and providing a penalty for viola- tion thereof" by repealing Section 16.6 thereof and enacting a substitute therefor and by adding a new section thereto defining public holidays 602, 613, 614 Dec. 4-.Ordinance No. 48.50. An Ordinance declaring that public convenience and necessity will be served by the establishment of off-street parking facilities on certain described property in the City of Du- buque; directing the acquisition of the same by condemnation or otherwise and the erection of off- street parking facilities thereon; all as provided in Chapter 390 of the 1950 Code of Iowa . .. 612, 673, 674 " 4-Olansky, M. B., submitting offer in the amount of $200.00 for purchase of northerly 62.5 feet of South part of Lot 2 of 3 of Sub. Mineral Lot 158 637 " 4-Ordinance No. 49-50. An Ordinance granting to Cres- cent Realty Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct a sanitary sewer in South Main Street from said corporation's property line to connect with the combination sewer located in Railroad Avenue - .. 640, 674 " 4-O'Brien, J. Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 648 " 4-O'Rourke, Frank T„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit 648 Dec. 15-Owens, J. R., Power of Attorney .. 672 " 15-Off-street parking facilities, City Manager submitting data on the question of when an open-deck street parking garage becomes more economical for car space than the acquisition of additional surface parking lots .................................. 681 x sc; k 9+ .~: .~ 4 ` !~ ~~~, ~~ ICI i~~. INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 4-Pappas, Mrs. Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 21 Feb. 9-Perfection Oil Company, requesting the installation of a street light at a point designated on the attached drawing ...... ............. 43, 132 " 9-Powers, Philip A,, asking that Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot "A" of Hillcrest Park, an area immediately west of Avolon Road and South of Asbury Road, be brought into the City Limits of Dubuque . 44, 132, 220 " 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that provisions be made for the preparations of de- tailed survey and cost studies covering the proposed extension of Grandview Avenue and any alternate routes between Audubon Street at Dex- ter Street .. ... .. .. ..................... 46, 47 " 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of the petition of St. Joseph's Church for vacation of alley which extends from the extended southerly line of Theisen Street to the extended northerly line of St. Joseph Street .. 47 " 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, approval of Plat of Springgreen Subdivision .................... 47, 133 Mar. 6-Pickel, Fred, Notice of Claim ..... 53, 129, 130 " 6-Pfalzgraf, Ernest W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 61, 62 Mar. 17-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of the area extending southerly along the west side of Highway 61 from the south line of the Local Business District at the southwest corner of U.S. 61 and Granview Avenue to the City Limits and back from U.S. Highway 61 for a depth of 200 feet to Multiple Residence District Classification 92 " 17-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning to Local Business District classification of the block between Farragut and Hawthorne Streets extending from Rhomberg Avenue easterly to the alley . ... ...... ............... ..... 92 " 17-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending va- cation of parts of the alley between Main and Iowa Streets extending from 14th to 15th Streets 92 " 17-Planning and Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Dubuque Homes Asbury Road Subdivision in Du- buque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ....... 93 " 17-Pfeiffer, Clarence J. and Robert Houps, granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 103 " 17-Pfeiffer, Clarence J. and Robert Houps, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 104 Mar. 28-Pochter, Charles, requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit ....................................... 122 " 28-Pochter, Charles, requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit .... .... ................. 123 " 28-Parker, James M., requesting that some definite action be taken to eliminate the existing condition of the storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue .......... 123 April 3-Paquette, Millard and Clifford G. Harker, requesting a refund on their Cigarette Permit ............ 166 " 3-Pankratz, Ralph W., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit .............................. 166 " 3-Powers, Phillip, agreeing to install curb and gutter and necessary rock surfacing, storm sewer drain- age along Avalon Road, Valleyview Road and Hill- crest Road in front of all lots in Block 1 and Block 2 in Powers Heights and requesting permission to post a bond covering the same .... 167, 218, 219, 220 235 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page P April 10-Peed, John P., Notice of Claim 169, 186, 187 " 10-Pitz, Art (City Cab Co.l approval of Taxi-Cab Policy .. 175 April 24-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting the petition of J. C. Scully, by Wm. T. Connery, his Attorney, requesting the vacation of certain plats in Scully's Subdivision 196 " 24-Parks Investigation Case, Docket 3965 Et Al, report of Ralph L. Wiser, Examiner, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C ................... 208, 253, 528 May 1-Planning and Zoning Commission, advising Council that the final plat of J. C. Scully Subdivision No. 2 has been approved by,said Planning and Zoning Commission and recommending its approval by the City Council . .. .... .. ........ 21.7' " 1-Plat of J. C. Scully's Subdivision No. 2 approval of said plat and acceptance of the dedication of Scully Street and a seven foot width ........... 21.7 " 1-Powers Heights Subdivision, approval of plat and acceptance of the dedication of Valleyview Road extension and of Hillcrest Road extension as public streets, and providing for the necessary improve- ments on said streets . ............... 218, 219, 220, 235 May 15-Park Hill District, petition of property owners for bus service ...................... .... ... 231 " 15-Parr, Frank J., requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit ....... ..................... .. 233 " 15-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Mrs: John G. Kassmeyer with reference to the vacation of the alley in Rose Hill Addition . .... ....... . ...... 235, 259 " 15-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Frank and Marie Lange requesting vacation of Decorah Street easterly of the east line of Adair Street - .. .... 235 " 15-Prescott Street, report of City Engineer with reference to the width of said street ... ... ......... 236 May 22-Personal Finance Co., request of Frank Hardie, Ad- vertising, Inc., to erect a canopy ........... 256, 282, 283 " 22-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting the petition of Mary Kingsley et al far the extension of the present Local Business District southerly on the east side of Bryant Street at Dodge Street .. ... 258, 280, 307 " 22-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning to Local Business the half block bounded by Windsor Avenue on the east; the alley between Windsor Avenue and Queen Street on the west; Clinton Street on the south; and Queen Street Extension an the north 258, 281, 307 " 22-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petition of August Lubs for the extension of Romona Street 258 June 5~Parking and Intro-City Traffic Committee of the Cham- ber of Commerce with reference to the construc- tion of an underpass under the railroad tracks on East Fourteenth Street ... ...... .274, 304, 305 June 15-Parks Air Lines, Inc., with reference to landing agreement at Municipal Airport and also sub- mitting alist of airport charges .. ... ... 289 " 15-Parks Air Lines, Inc., submitting a list of equipment which must be available at the Airport .. 289 " 15--Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the approval of Plaza Court Subdivision ............ 292 ~?e F~; ~' k, ;;. ~"' ~~` ~f ;r, ~- i ICI a~' 5 it ~~ r4' "~ INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page P " 15-Plaza Court Subdivision, recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission on its approval . ,. 292, 406, 407 " 29-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Harold Badger et al . .. 318 " 29-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Monroe A. Kitchen et al 318 " 29-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval of petition of C. E. Lynn, M.D, et al and adding additional territory to be re-zoned 318, 319 " 29- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval of petition of Louis Allen et al for ex- tension of Light Industrial District to include City Lot 586 on the east side of Bluff Street ..... 319 " 29- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval of the plat of August Lubs Place ...... 319 " 29- Plat of August Lub's Place, Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation on approval ...... 319 " 29- Pauly, Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 335 " 29- Porter, Alfred G., granted Cigarette Permit . .... 335 " 29 -Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit .... 335 " 29 -Peryon, Albert G., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 336 " 29 -Yfalzgraf, Ernest W., granted Cigarette Permit ..... 336 " 29 -Pfeiffer, Clarence J. and Robert Haups, granted Cigarette Permit ... ....... .. 336 " 29 -Potterveld, Fred C. and Winifred, granted Ciga- rette Permit .... .......................... 337 " 29 -Peed, Mrs. Kathryn and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... ...... 337 " 29 -Paradiso, Joseph A., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29 -Pins, Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit . 337 " 29 -Pusateri, Michael A. and Gus, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29 -Pusateri, Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 339 " 29 -Petrakis, John, granted Cigarette Permitt .......... 339 " 29 -Pauly, Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 339, 341 " 29 -Peed, Kathryn and Raymond Wunder, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 339, 341 " 29 -Pins, Arthur W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 340, 341 July 3-Park Board, certificate determining and fixing the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year .......................................... 344 July 27 -Page, K. J. and others, property owners and tenants, requesting Council to enact an ordinance changing the fallowing named streets from Unrestricted Parking Areas to Restricted Parking Areas, or Two Hour Parking: Fourth Street from Central Avenue to White Street, Central Avenue from Fourth Street to Third Street, White Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street 387, 456, 457, 458, 459 " 27- Podnar, Mrs. Anna, notice to connect her property with the sanitary sewer ................... 412, 502, 503 Aug. 7 -Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D., requesting the in- stallation of a street light at the end of Lawndale Street ......... .. ..... .. ... ....... ... 434 " 7- Pins, Arthur W., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 435 Aug. 15-Plemling, George, submitting offer to Board of Super- visors for the purchase of Lot 3 of 5 of Stafford's Sub ................................... ........ 454, 509 Sept. 5-Potter, Jerry, grant of easement .............. .. 495 " 5-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting the petition of Myrtle Grode and others 496 Sept. 14-Pusateri, Gus, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 517 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page P Oct. 2-Plein, Edmund M, and Dorothy L., submitting cost for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street ........................................ 528, 529 " 2-Pregler, John P., member of Fire Dept., asking for leave of absence as he has been called for duty in the U.S. Marine Corp . .... .... .......... 531 " 2-Planning and Zoning Commission advising that the petition of A. R. Flick and others has been with- drawn ....................... ......... 533 " 2-Parking Lots, City Manager recommending that pro- ceedings be instituted for acquiring same on Iowa Street between 9th and 10th Street ....535, 544, 578, .............................................. 579, 611 Oct. 19-Pilcher, C. B., with reference to the problem of ice and snow control on City Streets .......... .... 555 " 19-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petition of Klauer Manufacturing Company ........................ .... .... .. 561 Nov. 6-Parker, Loriel L. and others, requesting that Catherine Street from 17th Street to West 16th Street be surfaced and that West 16th Street from Catherine Street to top of hill, running west, be widened to its 60 feet width, moved to its proper location and graded and surfaced ...................... . 582 " 6-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of the petition of Paul F. Hellman and others, requesting the rezoning of Schuler's Sub. in the 1600 block pn Asbury Street ... 585, 642, 643, 644 " 6-Pusateri, Frank J., granted Class "C" Peer Permit 590, 591 Dec, 4-Parking and intro City Traffic Committee of the Chamber of Commerce with reference to the car parking problem and the establishment of Off- Street parking facilities ................... 612, 613 " 4-Parking Lot Sites, Council to view .... ........... 613 " 4-Performance Bond of John and Anna Luber .. 637 " 4-Plannning and Zoning Commission recomending granting the petition of Robert J, Boyer et al ... 642 " 4-Pinski, George F., excavation bond ... ........ 644 " 4-Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 648 Dec. 15-Parking Lots, City Manager recommending that City Lots 615, 616, 616 A, the southerly 8 feet of City Lot 617 and the northerly 64 feet of City Lot 617 and Lot 1 of City Lot 690 be acquired by condem- nation or otherwise for said purposes ... ...... 678 t ,,, ,~s *~f E;.-., a t '~~ Y a~', ;, t ~- #: ,~~ e ~ ~i 4 ~~ k ,az 't?, °~ ~I ,~ I 1 '., , INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page Q Mar. 6-Quit Claim Deed to Cletus J. and Bernice L. Beck conveying part of vacated alley lying west of Paul Street, parallel to Paul Street and Rosaline Street and lying between Lowell Street and Klingenberg Terrace ...................................... 60, 61, Mar, 28-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn J., granted Cigarette Permit ......................................... 140 " 28-Quinlan, Robert J, and Evelyn J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. .. .. ....... ..... 140, 141 June 29-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................................ 338 Aug. 7-Quinn, Francis P., M.D., submitting objections to levy of special assessment against his property for the improvement of Cannon Street .. ... .. 430 Dec. 15-Quit Claim Deed from Klauer Manufacturing Com- pany conveying Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 258 of Glendale Add. No. 3 to the City of Dubuque ...... 673 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 3-Roggensack, Raymond and others, property owners adjacent to Sheridan Street, requesting that curb and gutter be installed on said street ... 19 " 3-Receipts for month of November, 1949, proof of publi- cation .. ......................... ......... 19 " 3-Rink, Richard G., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 20 " 3-Reiter, Eldon, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 'l0 tan. 25-Receipts for month of December, 1949, proof of publi- cation ......................................... 26 Feb. 9--.Reynolds, Mrs. Donald, Notice of Claim .. ... .. 42, 59 " 9-Ruegnitz, Mrs. Ida, requesting that a proclamation be issued declaring February 24th as "World Day of Prayer" ... ................................ 42 " 9-Richardson, John W. and others, requesting that the area commencing at 1015 Rockdale Road and con- tinuing south approximately 700 feet on the west side of Highway 61 and 151 be rezoned to "Two Family Residence District" Classification ......44, 92,157, .............................................. 158, 190 Mar. 6-Receipts far month of January, 1950, proof of publi- cation ..:................................... 57 " 6-Reiselman, Henry J., settlement of claim .. ....... 59, 60 " 6-Roach, Levi J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 61, 62 " 6-Reeder Street from the east property line of Alpine Street to a point 180 feet east, improvement of 63, 64, . ....................... 86, 106, 107, 108, 133, 207, 226, .................................. 587, 650, 651, 652, 653 Mar. 28-Receipts for month of February, 1950, proof of publi- cation ................ ... 123 " 28-Russo, Councilman, entered Council Chamber and took his seat at 9:50 P.M... 141 April 3-Rhomberg, A. A., appointed City Manager .......... 163 " 3-Rhomberg, A. A., sworn in as City Manager .......... 164 April 10-Read, Lelan, E. and others, asking the City Council to establish and open an extension of Laurel Street so that the same will extend over and across the westerly boundary of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 38 ......................... .... 172, 188 " 10-Rhomberg, A. A., City Manager, approval of bond 175 " 10-Railroad Companies, City Manager to notify the offic- ials to construct permanent railroad crossings .... 181 April 24-Rent Control, request of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress that it be extended in Dubuque for at least another year.......... ..... 19'L " 24-Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit .. ... .. ... ......... .. .... .. 197 " 24-Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ............. ..... 197, 198 " 24-Rod and Gun Club of Dubuque, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................. 197, 198 May 1-Roberts Mr, Manager of Armour Co., Creameries, ad- dressed the Council with reference to improvement of Iowa Street . ... _ ...... .............. 209 " 1-Receipts for the month of March, 1950, proof of publi- cation ...... ......................... ... 214 " 1-Report of State Examiners covering Audit for the period extending from April 1, 1948 through March 31, 1949 ................ ..................... 216, 217 May 15--Registration Clerks, appointed for the June Primary Election of June 5th, 1950 ..................... 240 ~- ~~ 'a:, ift: ~; ,~' j~yt ~:. `. r. „. ~,_` c, ~I4• ~~ ~ III f ~I INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page R " 15-Rent Control, Mayor instructed to communicate with the Iowa Representatives in Congress advising that the City Council are in favor of the orderly decontrol of rents and that such orderly decontrol of rents be effected by January 1st, 1951 ....... 253 May 22- Renewal of Government Lease covering 0.85 of an acre in Ham's addition for a Naval Reserve Armory ...................................... 257 June 5-Receipts for month of April, 1950, proof of publication 277 June 29- Roth, Mr, and Mrs. John, with reference to the parking of cars in front of their residence at 1267 Thomas Place ......... _ ......... 311, 396 " 29- Receipts for month of May, 1950, proof of publication 316 " 29- Roach, Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit .. 335 " 29= Rawson, Harry A, and Grace, granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29- Ragatz, George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 336 " 29- Ring, Louis, A., granted Cigarette Permit .. ....... 337 " 29- Rogan, Al, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 337 " 29- Ruegnitz, B. A., granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29- Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Reisch, Louis L., granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Reiter, Eldon, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit .. .... ...... 338 " 29- Rod and Gun Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 339 " 29- Rink, Richard G., granted Cigarette Permit 339 " 29- Rawson, Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....... .. .... 339, 341 " 29- Reisch, Louis L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 340, 341 " 29- Roshek Brothers Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 340, 341 July 27- ~Riedi, Martin and others, requesting that the sanitary sewer be extended on Kane Street ... 387 " 27- Receipts for month of June, 1950, proof of publication 395 " 27- Ramona Street extended, dedication as a street ... 407, 408 Aug. 7- Reuter, Peter, with reference to the construction of a sanitary sewer in the 1400 block on Thomas Place 451, 496 Sept. 5 -Read, Leland E. and others, requesting favorable action in opening the extension of Laurel Street 494 " 5- Receipts for the month of July, 1950, proof of publi- cation ......... .............................. 495 Sept. 14 -Ready, Robert and others, requesting that oil proofing be placed on Delaware Street between Avoca Street and Algona Street ...................... 505 Oct. 2- Roshek Brothers Company, requesting permission to install a neon sign beneath the marquee on the west side of the building .. 530, 581, 646, 647 " 2- Receipts for month of August, 1950, proof of publi- cation .......... .. 533 " 2- Roshek Brothers Company, granted Class "B"Beer Permit ..... ... ....... 539, 540 " 2- Rogan, Al, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... .... 540 " 2- Roscamp, Joseph J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 540 Nov. 6- Receipts for month of September, 1950, proof of publi- cation _.. ....... ......... ... .. 582 " 6- Reiter, Eldon and Harold Harvey, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. ................ 590, 591 INDEX- Book 80 1950 INDEX-Book 80 - SUBJECT Page 1950 SUBJECT Page R Dec. 4-Retail Merchants Bureau, with reference to the car parking problem and the establishment of off- street parking facilities ..................... 612, 613 " 4-Rent Control ............. ............. .636, 670, 671 " 4-Roesner, Mona, revocation of her Power of Attorney 636 " 4-Road Car Safety Association, Des Moines, Iowa, sub• mitting challenge for a Safety Driving Contest 637 " 4-Receipts for month of October, 1950, proof of publi- cation ....... 640 Dec. 15-Russo, Councilman, entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 7:35 P.M . ..................... 650 S Jan, 3-Sanitary sewer, lift station and cast iron force main for the Cherry-Green Street Sewer District, con- struction of ... 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 " 3-Southern Avenue (east side) from end of existing curb located 50 feet south of centerline of Dunleith Street to a point 600 feet south, improvement of ... .. 11, 12, 13, 14 " 3--,Shiras Street from the south property line of Rhom- berg Avenue to the north property line of Garfield Avenue, improvement of . 14, 15, 16, 157, 206,321, 364, 535, 536, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578 " 3-Stanton Street from the north property line of Gar- field Avenue to the south property line of Rhom- berg Avenue, improvement of . 14, 15, i6, 157, 206 321, 364, 535, 536, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578 Jan. 25~chissel, Mathilda, notice of claim ...... 24, 47 " 25-St. Joseph's Parish Trustees, requesting Council to cause sidewalks to be built alongside U.S. High- way No. 20 from Lombard Street and Fremont Avenue Avenue westerly to South Algona Street and Cherokee Drive ....... .... ......... 26, 134 " 25-St. Joseph's Church of Dubuque, requesting vacation of the alley which extends from the extended northerly line of St. Joseph Street separating Lots 29, 28, 27 and 26 from Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25 in Sister's Addition and that deeds of vacation be issued conveying said vacated alley to the abutting aroperty owners ... .. 26, 47, 57, 87, 88 " 25-Schwartz, Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 31 Feb. 9-Seubert, Irvin, opposing the installation of a water softening plant .. ................ .. 34 " 9-Strang, Mrs. Max, stating that she is in favor of the installation of a water softening plant . ..... 34 " 9-Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, County, Iowa, sub- mitting objections to the proposed plan for the erection, installation and operation of a soft water plant .................................. 39, 40 " 9-Springgreen Subdivision Plat, approval by Planning and Zoning Commission .... 47, 133 " 9-Seubert & Fesler, approval of Excavation Policy ... .. 48 " 9-Sanitary sewer constructed in Ungs, Hoyt and Hazel Streets ............ .... .. ... 48, 85, 86 " 9-Stangl, Mrs. Jean, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 49, 50 Mar, 6-St. Patrick's Church, by Gilloon, Nelson and Gilloon, Attorneys for petitioners, requesting permission to construct an 8' x 8' pedestrian and heating tunnel below the surface of the alley between their properties known as City Lot 462 and the north- erly 3/5 of City Lot 463 ............. .... . 55, 130 131 " 6-St. Patrick's Church, by Gilloon, Nelson and Gilloon, Attorneys for petitioners, requesting vacation of the westerly five feet in width of the alley lying on the northerly 3/5ths of City Lot 463, also for the vacation of the easterly five feet in width of the alley lying on City Lot 462 ..... .... 55, 92, 128, 170, 171 " 6--Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, requesting that an im- mediate investigation be made of the parking condition in front of their place of business on Jackson Street from 10th Street to 12th Street . ................................... 55, 90, 128, 172 " 6-Sidewalk grates and openings, matter of condition of same referred to Sidewalk Inspector for investi- gation and report ............................. 60 `~ I ,iii INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page S " 6-Schneller, Mathias, A., granted Cigarette Permit..... Ul " 6-Schneller, Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 61 , 6'l " 6-Solon Street from the east property line of Alpine Street to the west property line of the alley first east of Lois Street, improvement of .. 63. 64, 106, 107, .. . ................. 108, 207, 225, 587, 650, 631, 652, 653 " 6-Sheridan Street, from the south property line of Davis Street to the north property line of Grove- land Place, improvement of .. 70, 71, 116, 117, 118, 205, 206, 225, 569, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630 " 6-Snow Removal Ordinance, City Solicitor instructed to submit report on same ...... 84, 518, 519, 584, 600, 601 Mar. 17~tate Comptroller R. N. Johnson, approval of transfer of Emergency Fund to Consolidated Fund ...... 87 " 17-Sale of improvement bonds, report of City Treasurer on same .................................... 88, 89 , 90 " 17~torm Sewer at Fifteenth and Sycamore Streets, cover slab of "B" Branch ........................... 31 Mar. 28-Specht, Mrs. Lyda, submitting offer in the amount of $100.00 for purchase of balance of Lot 3 of Ran- dall's Sub . ................................... 1'12 " 28-Stecher, Phil, submitting offer in the amount of $1,000.00 for a tract of ground owned by the City of Dubuque which lies between Algona and Audu• bon Streets, facing Rosedale Avenue ............ 123, 187 April 3-Shea, J. J., appointed City Clerk .................. 163 " 3-Shea, J. J., sworn in as City Clerk .... . ........... . . 164 " 3-Specht, H. 0., agreeing to construct curb and gutter on the west side of Avalon Road along east line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot A of Hillcrest Park and advising that this work will be completed at the same time the work is done for Blocks 1 and 2 in Powers Heights 167, 218, 219, 220, 235 " 3-Sisters of St. Francis, requesting the widening of the concrete portion of Davis Avenue as it lies be- tween Windsor Avenue and Sheridan Street 167, 176 " 3-Schroeder, Aloysius and others, requesting the con- struction of curb and gutter on Mineral Street from McCormick Street to Gilliam Street ....... 167, 176 April 10-Simpson-Coates Street District sanitary sewers and lift station, permit for the construction of same issued by Department of Health, Des Moines, Iowa, sub- ject to certain conditions and requirements .. 174 " 10-Simpson•Coates Street Sewer District, Ordinance estab- lishing said district ...... .174, 184, 185, 186 " 10-Shea, J. J., City Clerk, approval of bond 175 " 10-Sutton, N. J,, Recreation Director, approval of bond 175 " 10-Savory, Raymond A., Parking Meter Collector, ap- proval of bond .............. ...... 175 " l0~torage tank, 500,000 gallon to be built as an addition to Water Works .......................... 177, 178, 179 April 17~uiter, Harrison M., Notice of Claim ...... 183 " 17-Sodawasser, Albert and others, protesting against the use of a lot located on Elm Street, between 21st and 22nd Streets as a parking lot for wrecked and dismantled automobiles and trucks 184, 194 " 17-Sippel, Harold and others, requesting that sewer facilities be constructed to serve Meadow Lane 184 " 17 Scully, J. C., by William T. Connery, his Attorney, asking approval of Deed of Vacation of plats in Scully's Subdivision .......................... 184, 196 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page S April 24-Sisters of Charity, Clarge College, requesting per- mission to erect a new fence along their property approximately ten feet in from the curb of both Seminary Street and.West Locust Street .. 193, 238, 278 May 1-Stack, J. L, and others, requesting the installation of street lights on Southern Avenue from Grandview Avenue to the City Limits ................ 212, 238 " 1-Schrup, George N. and others, requesting the installa- lation of an additional street light in the vicinity of 705 Wilson Street .. ..... .. .. ...... 213, 238 1-State Examiners Report for the period from April 1, 1948 through March 31, 1949 216, 217 " -Scully Street, acceptance of the dedication of said street and a seven foot width ... ... 217, 218 " 1-Scully's, J. C. Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat .. 217, 218 " 1-Specht, Harold 0. and Leona K. Specht, acceptance of Resolution No. 141.50 with reference to the im- provements of Hillcrest Road extension and Valley- view Road extension in Powers Heights 218, 21.9, 220, 235 May 15-Stoetzel Detective Agency and Merchants Patrol Sys- tem, asking Council approval with reference to the services rendered to the merchants of Dubuque 232 " lfr-Schmidt, C. A. and others, requesting that the City Council demand that steps be taken to eliminate the sawdust nusiance created by Farley & Loet- scher Mfg, Co ..... ..... .... ....... .... 232 " 15-Sawdust nuisance, complaint with reference to nuis- ance created from Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. 232 " 15-Sonnenberg, Charles F. and others, requesting the con- struction of curbs and gutters on Green Street from Asbury Road to west city limits .... 234 " 15~top and Go lights, installation of same at Loras Blvd. and Main Street 234 " 15-Stop and Go lights at Fourth and Main Streets to be placed in operation to replace the present flicker lights .................. ..... .... 234 " 15-Sanitary sewer, to construct in Meadow Lane 244, 245, 267, 268, 269, 270, 322, 364, 515 " 15-Simpson-Coates Street Sewer District, construction of lift station, cast iron force main and overflow line ......... 246, 247, 248, 270, 271272, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 484, 485, 510, 511 " 15-Simpson-Coates Street Sewer District, construction of vitrified the sanitary sewer laterals 249, 250, 251, 272, 273, 292, 293, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 486, 487, 511, 512 May 22-Stangl, Mrs, Jean, requesting refund on her Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 257 " 22-Synhorst, M. D., Secretary of State, Des Moines, Iowa, acknowledging receipt of proceedings of City Council annexing certain territory to the City of Dubuque .............................. ... .. 257 June 5-Sisters of St. Francis, submitting written objections against the improvement of Davis Street 265, 304, 345 " 5-Specht, Mrs, Frank, submitting offer of $100.00 for purchase of city named property located on Valley Street ...... ........................... ..... 274, 318 " 5-Schlegel, H. G. and others, requesting Council to pass an Ordinance requiring pharmacists to register all sales of strychnine or other poisons that can be used for poisoning of dogs ., 275 " 5-Schaller, Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 284, 285 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page s " 5-Shetler, Lester and Sylvester, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 284 285 June 15-Schiltz, Harry, re-appointed as a member of the Board of Adjustment .:......... .............. 302 " 15~torm Sewer on Twenty-Fourth at Washington and Elm Streets, City Manager instructed to submit plans for construction of same ................. 306 June 29-Stoffel, Mrs. R. E., asking that the street leading to her home at 3211 Roosevelt Street be covered with a permanent surface ...................... 312, 401 " 29~chuster, Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 335 " 29-~chaetzle, John, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 335 " 29-Schaller, Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Cigarette Pernut ..... 335 " 29-Savory, William and Viola, granted Cigarette Permit " 335 29-Schwartz, Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 335 " 29-Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit " 335 29-Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Cigarette Permit 335 " 29-Steffen, Clifford and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit " 335 29-Scherrer, Charles C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 335 " 29-Syke, Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ...... " 336 29-Siege, Joseph J. Jr, and Ferinand W. Kenniker granted ~ Cigarette Permit .... ... .. ...... ........ 336 " 29-Scherer, James H., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 336 " 29-Solomon, Jack, granted Cigarette Permit .. ......... 336 " 29-Seeley, Gaylon, C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Snnth, Harry J. Sr., granted Cigarette Permit ....... " 337 29-Schollmeyer, Paul, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29~chmit, Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ... 337 " 29~and, Frank and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit .... " 337 29-Schneider, Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29~tampfer, J. F. Company, granted Cigarette Permit 337 " 29-Scherr, James J., granted Cigarette Permit .. , ...... " 338 29-Sullivan, Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29-Schroeder, Melvin J, and Kenneth Trowbridge, granted Cigarette Permit ................ .... _ ., 338 " 29~hetler, Lester and Sylvester, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29~nyder, Charles T. and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit " 338 29-Schueller, Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29-Specht, Harold 0., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29-Schneider, Arnold, granted Cigarette Permit 339 " 29-Savory, William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 339, 340 " 29-Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Class "B"Beer Permit 339, 340 " 29-Steffen, Clifford, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 340 " 29-Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 341. " 29-Schroeder, Melvin J. and Kenneth Trowbridge, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 340, 341 " 29-Schueller, Richard, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 340, 341 July 3-Sisters of St. Francis, submitting offer in the matter of the improvement of Davis Avenue between Wind- sor Avenue and Sheridan Street .......... ..... 345 July 27-Shiloh Circle No, 37, Ladies of The Grand Army of The Republic, asking permission to hold a tag day 386 " 27-Schemmel, E. J. and others requesting that the alley , from 16th Street to 17th Street between Iowa Street and Central Avenue be marked "No Parking At Any Time" . 386, 456 " 27-Streets to be oiled where dust conditions exists .. ~ ... 388 " 27~chollmeyer, Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 405, 406 " 27-Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 406 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page S Aug. 7-St. Joseph's Church, requesting the installation of a flashing time clock-controlled signal far the con- trol of traffic approaching from both directions 436 Aug 15-Schroeder, John, Notice of Clam .... .. 454, 510 " 15-Spielman, J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ .... 460, 461 " 15-Specht, Harold 0., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... 460, 461 Sept. 5-Stallsmith, Floyd L., insisting that Hodgdon Street be repaired for safe walking and driving .. 494 " 5-Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret and others, requesting the extension of water main and sanitary sewer to serve their properties in the 600 block on West 16th Street ............ .... .... 494, 536, 537 " 5~cherer, James H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 500, 501 " 5-Seeley, Gaylord, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 500, 501 Sept, 14-Schueller, Leo N., appointed Councilman to fill the vacancy caused by death of Councilman Richard L. Wynes ................................. ... 504 Oct. 2-Siege, Josepr J. Jr., and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... ... 540 " 2-Stadium site favored as Ball Park and City Manager instructed to confer with Park Board for their concurence as to the selection of this site .543, 565, 582 Oct. 19-Springreen Subdivision, approval of plat by Council 563, 564 " 19-Springreen Court, acceptance of the dedication of same as a public street .... ................ 563, 564 Nov. 6-Specht, Frank, submitting a bid of $100.00 for a piece of city owned property on the left side of Valley Street, starting at the end of the National Guard lot 581 " 6-Steger, Fay Thomas, requesting Council approval of the attached plat covering Block 1, Steger Heights in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa.... 581 " 6-Steinhoff, Harold L., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 590 " 6-Scherrer, Gerald C., granted Cigarette Permit ....... .....590 " 6--Steinhoff, Harold L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 590 " 6~cherrer, Gerald C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 590, 591 " 6-Salaries and Wages increased to become effective November 1, 1950, subject to approval of State Comptroller of Resolution No. 349.50, 350-50 and 351-50 ...................................... 596 Dec. 4-Sites to be viewed by Council in the downtown district with a view in mind to acquiring the same for parking lots .... .... ... ...... 613 " 4-Smith, Leonard, F. and Francis E., objections to pro- posed special assessments against Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sub. 14 Rosehill Add for the improving of English Lane ...... ... ... .............. 619 " 4-Seubert and Fessler, excavation band . ............ 649 " 4-Sullivan, Genevieve, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 647 " 4-Snyder, Charles T. and Elsie R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... .................... 648 Dec. 15-Setticasi, Michael, Notice of Claim ................ 671, 672 " 15-Sahuder, R. M., Power of Attorney ...... 672 " 15-Saffron, George, requesting a permit for blasting and submitting a blasting bond .................. 672 " 15-Sauser, Norbert H., granted Cigarette Permit .. 680 " 15-Sauser, Norbert H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 680 INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page T Feb. 9-The Key City Gas Company, submitting audited copy of fuel calculations as of December 31, 1949 44 Mar. 6-The Key City Gas Company, approval of Excavation Bond ...... ... .................... ..... 58 Mar. 28-Thomas E. Marshall, Attorney, representing the in- terests in the Brunswick Block, asking repeal of the insurance clause in the Fire Protection Or- dinance for outside of City Limits 122, 128 April 3-Telegraph-Herald, designated and appointed the official newspaper .. .. ............ .. 165 April 10-The Military Order of the Purple Heart, requesting permission to display their touring exhibits during the ensuing year ..... .......... " 10-Tschirgi, Edward M., City Treasurer, approval of bond 172 175 April 17-Turner, James W, and E. S. Terry, requesting that curbs and gutters be constructed on Hale Street, west of Algona Street .. .... ....... .183, 184, 240 April 24-The Key City Gas Company, submitting audited copy of fuel calculations ... .. .. .. 192 " 24-The Key City Gas Company advising Council that they have made arrangements to obtain an easement for a gas line across the property of St. Joseph's Church form corner of Theisen and Jenni Streets to State Highway No. 20, therefore eliminating the reservation for such utility easement in the alley vacation ordinance ............................ 194 May 1-The Key City Gas Company, annual report .......... 211 1-The Dubuque Humane Society, requesting permission to have their service car appear on the streets during various times during "Be Kind to Animals Week" .................................... .. 212 May 22-The Volunteers of America, requesting permission to hold a tag day ............................... 256 June 5-Trailer Camp Ordinance, various departments of the city asking the adoption of said Ordinance .. 277, 27S " 5-The Travelers Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ......... .... ........... 285 " 5-The Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 285 June 15-Trailer and trailer camp owners, addressed the Coun- cil protesting against the adoption of trailer camp Ordinance .................................... 288, 289 June 29-The Kroger Company, granted Cigarete Permit .... 335 " 29-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit .... ................................... 335 " 29-Trapp, Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit .... .................................. 336 " 29-Trumm, Albert A., granted Cigarette Permit .. .. 336 " 29-Tench, John F. and Vincent W. Mescher, granted Ciga- rette Permit .. .... .... ................ 336 " 29-Thompson, Frank W. and John F., granted Cigarette Permit ... .......... _ ........... ............ . 336 " 29-Torrey, Henry C., granted Cigarette Permit 336 " 29-Thompson, John M. and Clarence E., granted Cigarette Permit .... ... .... ... ..... ... 336 " 29-Tranel, Zeno A„ granted Cigarette Permit .......... 336 " 29-Tsacudkis, Nick, granted Cigarette Permit ...... .. 336 " 29-Teeling, Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 29-The Rex Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 337 " 29-Triangle Cafe, granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29-Thompson, John M. and Clarence E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 339, 341 r,,~ ~',I INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page T " 29-The American Legion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................. 340, 341 " 29-The Rex Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............. ................... 340, 341 " 29-Thompson, Frank W. and John F. Thompson, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... ....... ... 340, 341 July 27-The Key City Gas Company, submitting audited copy of fuel calculations based on materials as of June 30, 1950 ...................................... 385 " 27-Telegraph-Herald, requesting permission to install a lift or hoist with a load platform in Robinson Street adjacent to the north wall of their building 389, 390 Aug. 7-Tax levies for the year 1950 to be collected in the year 1951 and used for municipal purposes of the City of Dubuque ..... .... .... .......... 415 " 7-Tsacudakis, Nick, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 451 Sept. 5-The International City Manager's Association, extend- tending invitation to attend Annual Conference 493 " S--The Oasis Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ... ................ ...: 500, 501 " 5-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... ........ ..... ..... 500, 501 Sept. 14-The Dubuque Woman's Club, requesting a more rigid control of rat extermination .. 505 Oct. 2-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ ....... .... ....... 540 Oct. 19-The Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 571 Nov. 6-The Key City Gas Co., submitting audited copy of fuel calculations as of September 30, 1950. 580 " 6-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., requesting that parking on 11th Street between Iowa and White Streets be limited to one hour and also that park- ingmeters be installed on Central Avenue between 10th and 12th Streets .. .... ... .............. 581 " 6-Theodore, George, requesti5~g that he be granted access to his property from Booth Street 582 " 6-The Victory Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............ .................. 590, 591 " 6-The Hiawatha Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .. .. .. .. .... ........ 590, 591 Dec. 4-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, transfer of Address of Cigarette Permit .... 647 " 4-Teeling, Vincent, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 648 " 4-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... ... .. ............. 648 Dec. 15-Trucks over five ton capacity and all trucks carrying livestock or trucks used for this purpose to remain on the marked highways except that they may leave such marked highways in the blacks in which they are required to make deliveries or make pick- ups, Ordinance to be drafted covering the same 675 " 15-Treivieler, Elmer L,, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 680 INDEX- Book 80 INDEX- Book 80 1950 'SUBJECT Page 1950 SUBJECT Page V V Jan. 25-United States Conference of Mayors, extending invita- ~ Jan. 25-Vrotsos, Mrs. Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit .. .. 31 tion to attend the Annual Conference to be held Mar, 6-Veterans of Foreign Wars. Leo A. Schwind Post No. in New York City on May 11.13, 1950............ 25 508, requesting permission to hold Buddy Poppy " 25-Union League Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 31 sale on May 19th and 20th, 1950. .. ....... 55 Feb. 9-Ungs, Hoyt and Hazel Streets, construction of sanitary Mar. 17-Van Duelman, Councilman, entered the Council sewer ... ... .. 48, 85, 86, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 Chamber and took his seat .... ..... .... ... . 85 Mar, 17-Uthe, Henry F,, granted Cigarette Permit .. ....... 103 Mar, 28-Valentine, Leonard, asking that Solon Street be " 17-Uthe, Henry F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. ... 104 curbed and guttered the full length of the street 106 June 5-Uppinghouse, A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class April 3-Vance, Mr., addressed the Council requesting that the "B" Beer Permit ... .. .. ......... ........ 284, 285 law be enforced with reference to proper lighting " 29-Uppinghouse, A. R, and Philomenia, granted Cigarette in taverns .................:.................. 166 Permit ........ . ....... .... ................. 335 May 1-Valleyview Road extension, acceptance of the deli- " 29-~Uthe, F., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 336 cation of same as a public street and providing July 27-Udell, James and others, property owners, requesting - for the improvements on said street 218, 219, 220, 235 permission to construct an extension to sanitary 1-Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 227 sewer located in Solon Street .............. 387, 538, 539 May 15-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Washington, D.C., request- Oct. 2-Utzig, Carl W. and others, requesting that Dexter mg perrmssion to display a mobile war exhibit 232 Street be oiled ....... , ........ 530 15-Voting Precincts, study to be made of equitable " 2-Union League Club, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 539 lines for precincts ............................ 241 Nov, 6-Union League Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ;` June 29-Vrotsos, Mrs. Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 335 for Private Club .............................. 590, 591 29-Van Duelman, Carl, granted Cigarette Permit :... 335 Dec. 4-United States Conference of Mayors inviting the City 29-Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted Cigarette q ember in the o Du u ue to ecome an active m ~ Permit ...... ...... 335 Conference _..... 637 29-Van der Meulen, Wm, and Sophie McMann, granted " bmitting copy 15-United States Conference of Mayors su Cigarette Permit .. ....... ...... ........ 337 of the complete text of the Presidents Executive 29-Vincent, Myron C., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 338 Orders setting up a Federal Civil Defense Admini- 29-Victory Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 338 stration ............. . ...... .. 672 29-Van der Meulen, Wm, and Sophie McMann, granted " 15-U. S. Army Engineers, Rock Island, Illinois, notice of Class "B" Beer Permit . .......... 340, 341 hearing for extension of dredging pernut of " ~ 29-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" Molo Sand & Gravel Company .................. 672 Beer Permit for Private Club ......,......... 340, 341 July ! 27-Vrotsos, George T: and Spiros D, Coven, granted * Cigarette Permit ... ... ..................... 405 ` Aug. ' 15-Veterans Radio Cab Co., taxi-cab bond .... .. .... 460 , Dec. 15-Vehicles travelling east and west on East 29th Street ' ii must stop before entering the intersection of East 29th Street and Washington Street and must also stop before. entering the intersection of East 29th Street and Elm Street ............ ..... 675 " 15-Viaduct and its approaches to construct upon and along {. East 14th Street and over the tracks of the Chicago Great Western Railway Co. and the Chicago, Mil- z Waukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co......... 681, 682 k w ~. ~" T y~y M,' INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page W Jan. 25-Weitz, Robert and others, requesting the installation of a street light on or near the intersection of Mineral and O'Hagen Streets .. 26, 132 " 25-West Hill Chapel property at 255 Pear Street, con- demnation committee appointed for the purpose of inspecting the building and report their findings back to the Council .......................... 30, 45, 46 Feb. 9-Wieser, John A., opposing the installation of a water softening plant . ... .. .... .. ..... 34 " 9-Waterworks Distribution System, investigation and report submitted by Consuer, Townsend & Assoc- iates by Arthur V. Consuer, on the matter of needed improvements ...... .................... 34, 3 5, 36, 37 " 9-Williams, F. E., Notice of Claim . ....... ......... 42, 60 " 9-Woerdehoff, John, granted Cigarette Permit ... .... 49 " 9-Woerdehoff, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 49, 50 " 9-Waterworks, 500,000 gallon elevated water tank to be constructed in Eagle Point Park ............ 50 Mar. 6-Wiedner, Helen, Notice of Suit ......... ......... 53, 90, 91 " 6-Washington Park, communication of Peter H. McCarthy with reference to title .......... .. 54, 217 " 6-Water Department Employees, requesting that they granted a salary increase ........... .. ... .. 54 Mar. 17-Wright, Roy A., requesting refund on his Cigarette Permit .. ... .. ...... 86 " 17-Welp, Jack B., requesting that he be allowed to pur- chase anumber of small pieces of City property which abuts his property on Southern Avenue 86, 139 " 17-Weiner, Sylvester and Dolores, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ..... ..... 109 " 17-Wright, Paul C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 104 Mar. 28-White, William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 140, 141 " 28-Wertz, Don E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 140, 141 April 3-Wynes, Richard L., sworn in Councilman for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1950 163 " 3-Welu, Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year ...... ... ... .... ...... .. 163 " 3-Welu, Mayor, sworn in as Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year ...... ............. .. ...... .... 163 " 3-Welu, Mayor, swore in the newly appointed officers: City Manager A, A, Rhomberg, City Solicitor John J. Kintzinger, City Clerk J. J. Shea, Police Judge John J. Heffernan .. 169 " 3-Walsh, Mrs. Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 168 April 10-Water Works, 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank to be built ............. 177, 178, 179, 229, 230, 259 April 24-Witter, Herb and others, asking that exhaust stacks be placed on the Diesel buses operating on the streets of the City of Dubuque .. ...... .. 192, 237 " 24-Welu, Mrs. Ray and others, requesting the installa- tion of a street light at the corner of Arlington and Highland Streets . ..... .... 192, 238 " 24-Walter, Mrs. Joseph and others, requesting that the alley leading to Carroll Street be repaired and the "turn-around" be kept in repair .. 193, 238 " 24-Weber, Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 197, 198 May 1-Whitham, Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit 226 " 1-Whitham, Clarence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 227 " 1-Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 227 May 15-Water rates, communication of Water Superintendent Hail recommending increase ...... 231, 255, 276, 287, 288 Y' ,;,. ?~i ~;: ~i~:> ~, INDEX- Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page W " 15- Williams, Mrs. Marie and others, requesting the grading of Avoca Street from the north street line of Seminary Street to the south street line of Hoyt Street and also Hazel Street from west line of Avoca Street to east line of St. Ambrose Street and that sewer and water mains be installed on said streets ............. .. Frank T., granted Cigarette Permit ... ~ .... " 15-Walker 234, 260 252 " 15-- , Walker, Frank T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253 " 15- Winders, R. Darnel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 252, 253 May 22-Water Superintendent Hail, submitting data concern- ing the financing of the Water Department and submitting three proposals for increasing water 255 rates ......................................... June 29-~Wirzbach, Herman and Karl, requesting the grading of the alley from Burden Avenue to Windsor Ave• nue ...................................... 312, 313, 401 " 29- Weiner, Joseph J, and Evelyn, granted Cigarette " 29- Permit ....................................... Westercamp, George, granted Cigarette Permit . ... 335 335 " 29- Wingert, Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Cigarette " 29- Permit .. Edward J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ Winter 336 336 " 29- , Wieland, Frank C., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 336 " 29- White, William, granted Cigarette Permit .. ....... 336 336 " 29- Wodrich, William E„ granted Cigarette Permit ...... " 29- Ruben J., granted Cigarette Pernut .......... Weber 336 " 29- , Weber, Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 29- Walsh, Mrs. Adele, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 337 " 29- Whitham, Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 337 " 29-Wright, Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 337 " 29- Winkler, Louis J., granted Cigarete Permit ........ 338 " 29- Wertz, Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29-Wagner, Wm., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 338 " 29- Weiner, Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .... ....... 338 " 29- Winders, R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 338 " 29- Walker, H. T., granted Cigarette Permit 338 " 29- Weiner, Sylvester A. and Dolores V., granted Cigarette Permit .. 338 " 29- Walker, Frank T., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 338 " 29 -Wright, Spencer P., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 339 " 29~Woerderhoff, John, granted Cigarette Permit .. 339 " 29 -Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit .. 339 " 29 -Wingert, Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................. 339, 341 " 29 -Westercamp, George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 341 " 29 -Wodrich, William E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 339, 341 " 29 -West 11th Street from Highland Place to west end of street, Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Depart- ment to cause an investigation to be made as to traffic and parking and submit report and re- commendation back to City Council ........ 341, 342, 397 July 3 -Water Superintendent Hail, advising that the 24 inch pipe line to Eagle Point Park has been completed and recommending that Council take action for issuing $150,000.00 worth of water revenue bonds 344 July 27 " 27 -Ward, Eleanor, granted Cigarette Permit .......... -Ward, Eleanor, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 405 405, 406 " 27 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. 405, 406 " 27 -Wimmer, Ella B., notice to connect her property with ' the sanitary sewer ... .................... 411, 502, 503 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page W Aug. 15-Wynes, Richard L., Councilman, resolution and Sept. tribute upon his death .. .. .. 5-Whitfield, James D. and Margaret M., objecting to 453, 459 special assessment to be levied against their prop- " erty for the improvement of Asbury Road .... 468 5-White, W. J., requesting action on completion of As- bury Road project and demanding damages caused " in lowering the established grade .............. 493 5-Wynes-Dubuque Co. and others, requesting that the name of the Dubuque Municipal Airport be chang- ed to "Wynes Field" .. ...... ... . .. ...... 493, 509 Sept. 5-Walker, Herbert T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 14-Woodward, F. Robert, appointed as member of Air- 500, 501 Oct. port Commission .......... ..:..... 2-Wilkins, Tom, granted Cigarette Permit ... ~ ...... 504, 533 539 ~~ . 2-Wilkins, Tom, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 539 '540 2-Water Department, construction of new garage , Oct, " ........... ••••••••••••••........ 541, 542, 573, 19-Welter, Stella, Notice of Claim . ........ ......... 574, 597 554 19~Wilbricht, Lester E. and Gertrude, refund on error made on his assessment for improving Asbury Road 565 Nov. 6-Water Revenue Bonds in the amount of $100,000.00 to issue ..... ... 591, 592, 593, 605, 606, 607, 608, Dec. " ... 609, 610, 611, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 4-White, William, Notice of Claim ... , . 669, 670 636 676 " 4-Winters, Delton E., Original Notice of Suit , 636 6-Washington School Representatives, suggesting that disposal containers be placed in front of Potter- veld's Drug Store and in front of Washington " High School .............. 638 4-Whitney, Melvin, Chairman of Safety Committee of Audubon School, requesting the placing of School Crossing Lights at the intersection of Rhomberg Avenue and Johnson Street, also in 22nd Street with one light at Johnson and the opposite at Queen " Street .................... 4-Walker, Frank T., requesting a refund on his Class 638, 639 " "B" Beer Permit ... .. 639 4-Walker, Frank T., requesting a refund an his Cigarette " Permit ... 4-Weber, Ruben J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 639 648 INDEX-Book 80 1950 SUBJECT Page X June 29-Xavier Hospital, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 337 w Y May 15-Young, Mrs. Elizabeth and others, property owners in the Park Hill District, requesting bus service . 231 June 29-York Street from the south property line of Curtis Street to the west property line of South Hill Street, improvement of ............329, 330, 375, 376, 377, ........ .......... .......... 434, 488, 489, 513, 645 Oct. 19-Yourell, Gerald, with reference to dogs running at large and also as to juvenile deliquency ......... 535 Z Jan. 3-Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance amended by re- zoning from "Single Family Classification" to "Two Family Classification" the area bounded on the north by Vernon Street, on the south by Loras Boulevard, on the east by the alley first west of Alta Vista Street, and on the west by the west line of Levin's Addition ... ................ 1 6, 17, 27 May 15-Zenner, Joseph G., Notice of Claim ................ 231, 510 June 15_-Ziepprecht, William N., requesting that equitable proposal be made by the City for the use of Lot 7 of Block 10 of Grandview Park Addition in con- nection with the installation of the Bradley Street sewer .. June 29-Zahina, Frank, requesting the installation of a drain- 289 age pipe m the alley behind his lot located at 731 O'Neill Street ...... ••.• ••••••••• 312, 401 " 29-Zillig, George J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 336 " 29-Zelens, Bert, granted Cigarette Permit ....... .... 338 " 29-Zillig, George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permits .... 340, 341 Sept. 14-Zuker, Dr. W. B., appointed as a member of the Police and Fire Pension and Retirement Boards 504 Nov. 6^Zahina, Mrs. Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 590, 591