Minutes Park & Rec 5 14 02PRESENT: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, May 14, 2002 4:30 p.m., in the Greenhouse, 2241 Lincoln Avenue Tom Blocklinger, Klm Daykin, Chuck Duggan, Gary Harjehausen, Paul Hoffmann, Karen Lyness, and Tom Schrobilgen Staff present: Gil Spence, John Hail, Pat Prevenas and Eileen Trimble MINUTES APPROVED; VOTE It was moved by Harjehausen, seconded by Daykin, to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2002, meeting. The motion passed unanimously. HILLCREST AGREEMENT FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AT MURPHY PARK; VOTE: Hillcrest Family Services has again requested use of Murphy Park for their Festival of Lights from November 1, 2002 through January 12, 2003. Since this event began in 1995 more than 426,200 people have visited the event and the total raised for Hillcrest programs stands at $558,500. Leisure Services Manager Gil Spence said the agreement is the same as in past years. It was moved by Schrobilgen, seconded by Hariehausen, to approve the A,qreement between the City of Dubuque and Hillcrest Family Services for use of Murphy Park for the 2002 Reflections in the Park. The motion passed unanimously. UPDATE ON C.I.P. PROJECTS: Leisure Services Manager Gil Spence updated commissioners on C.I.P. projects: , ribbon cutting for the Comiskey Center is June 1st at 2:30 p.m.; construction is going well; contractors are doing some of the outside work now. · Flat Iron Park is completed except the lettering on the wall; ribbon cutting is scheduled for June 1st. · new light standards are up for the ice rinks at Comiskey, Allison-Henderson and Flora parks. · Optimist Club donated $1,800 for signage for the disc golf course and also paid for the new sign at the entrance to the park. · water playgrounds - will be testing on Friday, and training staff; Iowa inspector coming Monday; should be open for business Saturday, May 25th. DESIGNATE AREAS AS NO SKATE- BOARDING AREAS; VOTE: Manager Spence told commissioners that the City Council changed the park ordinance to allow the Park and Recreation Commission to designate "no skateboarding" areas. Staff is recommending those areas to be: 100 feet from any building or pavilion, or on top of any bench, wall, railing, table or bike rack. It was moved by Daykin, seconded by Hariehausen, to desiqnate any area 100 feet from any park buildinq or pavilion, and the top of any bench, walIT railing, table or bike rack as "no skateboardinq" areas. The motion passed unanimously. continued May 14, 2002, meeting page two PARK DIVISION REPORT: Park Division Manager John Hail informed commissioners · Tri-state Vietnam Veterans have three small pavilions up at Miller- Riverview Park; hope to get started rewiring campsites and security lights in the next week or so, but the ground is still soft. · at Murphy Park, excavating and seeding is done; large piece of play equipment and large swing set are being installed by the Bennett Pavilion for the older children; all old equipment has been removed. · grass crew is working ten-hour days. · we are working on the spray fountain at Eagle Point Park. · bad weather is slowing down revenue. RECREATION DIVISION REPORT: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURN; VOTE: Recreation Division Manager Pat Prevenas informed commissioners · 163 softball teams registered this year compared to 148 last year - 14 are from mixed league at Dubuque Sports Complex that was dropped. · volleyball is down one team from 2001 and is scheduled on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. · new concessionaire at McAleece is having difficulty getting organized -- they opened one and one-half weeks after the softball season started and they are having problems getting a beer permit. · we will start filling Flora Pool tomorrow. · April golf rounds are down eight percent from last year, but pass sales so far this year are ahead of the total for all of last fiscal year. · open gym for adult volleyball and basketball were dropped due to lack of attendance, but the teen open gym had good attendance. · weekend open gym numbers were down - mild winter and people were not forced to be inside · commissioner Hoffmann said he received calls from two neighbors of Valentine Park asking if we could put a gate on the fence that could be locked every night, and there is a problem with skateboarders jumping off the wall and knocking over the fence; Mr. Spence said locking the gate would not be a problem, unlocking it would be the problem - the only two parks we lock are Eagle Point and Murphy · Commissioner Harjehausen asked if we have a standard agreement for someone using an entire park - can we do something like that with Irish Fest? Mr. Spence said we do not have a formal written agreement with Irish Fest but we are working closely with that group. It was moved by Daykin, seconded by Harjehausen, that the meeting be adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Attest