Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project Award Copyrighted June 5, 2017 City of Dubuque Action Items # 4. ITEM TITLE: Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project Award SUMMARY: City Manager recommending award of the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project construction contract to the low bidder Tschiggfrie Excavating. RESOLUTION Awarding the public improvement contract for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Adopt Resolution(s) ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension-MVM City Manager Memo Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo Resolution Resolutions THE CITY OF Dubuque fta B E I 11p y Masterpiece 012 the Mississippi 2007.2012«2013 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project—Award (CIP 7402704) DATE: May 24, 2017 Sealed bids were received for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project. City Engineer Gus Psihoyos recommends award of the construction contract to the low bidder, Tschiggfrie Excavating, in the amount of$883,323.74, which is 0.86% over the revised estimate of probable cost. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. r Mic ael C. Van Milligen MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer THE CITY OF UUP DUB E �, h�c 11111-1 Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007•2012.2013 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, City EngineQr� , Denise Ihrig, Water Department Manage��� DATE: May 31, 2017 SUBJECT: Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project - Award (CIP 7402704) INTRODUCTION The enclosed resolution authorizes the award of the construction contract for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project. DISCUSSION This project will provide for the installation of 6800 LF of 12" DR-14 Water Main along JFK Road to serve the area along JFK Road and the Derby Grange Road Housing Urban Renewal Area. The installation will occur along the east side of JFK Road from near Grandview United Methodist Church up to the proposed Timber Ridge Estates sub- division across from Forest Glen Court. This project also includes extending 12" DR-14 water main along Derby Grange Road along the north side from JFK Road to near the entrance to the Derby Grange Golf facility. The construction of the improvements will include: — Installation of approximately 6800 feet of DR-14 water main by directional boring — Excavation of the subgrade to allow the placement of bedding stone and proper backfill for the water main at valves and hydrants. — Removal of asphalt pavement and replacement as required at street crossings and along Derby Grange Road and JFK Road. — Installation of 11 fire hydrants. The Dubuque County Board of Supervisors concurred on the approval of the utility permit at their May 8, 2017 work session with the County Engineer Anthony Bardgett. BID RESULTS The City of Dubuque received the following bids for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project, on May 18, 2017: Contractor Bid Results Tschiggfrie Excavating $ 883,323.74 Summer's Enterprises $ 905,490.70 Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque, Iowa, submitted the low bid in the amount of $883,323.74. This amount is 0.86% over the revised estimate of probable cost. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the contract for the for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project be awarded to Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque, Iowa in the amount of$883,323.74. BUDGETIMPACT The summary of cost for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project is as follows: Estimate Award Construction Contract $ 875,831.75 $ 883,323.74 Contingency 82,200.00 82,200.00 Construction Engineering & Inspection 20,000.00 20,000.00 Total Project Cost $ 978,031.75 $ 985,523.74 The project funding summary is as follows: CIP No. Fund Description Fund Amount 7402704 Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water $ 608,475.00 7401405 Water Main Replacements $ 377,048.74 Total Project Funding $985,52 The original budget for Timber Ridge was lower than the final estimate. However, $377,048.74 of additional funds from CIP #7401405 have been identified as available for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension project. ACTION TO BE TAKEN I recommend that the City Council adopt the attached resolution awarding for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating in the amount of $883,323.74, and authorize the transfer of available funds from CIP 7401405 to support the project. cc: Jenny Larson, Budget Director John Klostermann, Public Works Director Deron Muehring, Civil Engineer II Denise Ihrig, Water Department Manager Brant Schueller, Water Distribution Jean Nachtman, Finance Director 2 RESOLUTION NO. 209-17 AWARDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE TIMBER RIDGE/RUSTIC POINT WATER MAIN EXTENSION 2017 PROJECT Whereas, sealed proposals have been submitted by contractors for the Timber Ridge/Rustic Point Water Main Extension 2017 Project (the Project) pursuant to Resolution No. 157-17 and Notice to Bidders published on the City of Dubuque Website and posted to the Construction Update Network www.mbionline.com on the 5th day of May, 2017. Whereas, said sealed proposals were opened and read on the 18th day of May, 2017, and it has been determined that Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque, Iowa, with a bid in the amount of $883,323.74, is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That a Public Improvement Contract for the Project is hereby awarded to Tschiggfrie Excavating and the City Manager is hereby directed to execute a Public Improvement Contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the Project. Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of June, 2017. Attest: KeviryS: irnstahl, CMC, City Clerk Roy D. Buol, Mayor