Boards and Commissions Appointments Copyrighted June 19, 2017 City of Dubuque Boards/Commissions # 1. ITEM TITLE: Boards and Commission Appointments SUMMARY: Appointments to the following commissions to be made at this meeting. Cable Television Commission Three, 3-year terms through July 1, 2020 (Expiring terms of Hoverman, Maloney and Tigges) Applicants: Carol Hoverman, 1555 White St. Thomas Major, 1725 Lori St. Pauline Maloney, 506 George St. Ronald Tigges, 4927 Wild Flower Dr. Electrical Code Board One, 3-year term through May 21, 2020 (Expired term of Wilson, At-Large) Applicant: David Wilson, 2918 Washington St. (Qualifies as At-Large) Historic Preservation Commission One, 3-year term through July 1, 2020 (Expiring term of Monk, Architect At-Large) Applicant: Christina Monk, 2005 N. Main St. (Qualifies as Architect At- Large) This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 9 Commissioners total;currently 6 males/2 females "Applications from male representatives will be held for 90 days in adherence with Iowa Code 69.16A Gender Balance. Investment Oversight Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through July 1, 2020 (Expiring term of Lassance) Applicant: Paul Lassance. 4846 Embassy Ct. Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Three, 3-year terms through July 1, 2020 (Expiring terms of Collins, Dolson and Vincent) Applicants: Ronald Collins, 243 Cardiff St. Mark Dolson, 54 Alpine St. Thomas Major, 1725 Lori St. Alan Vincent, 565 Woodland Ridge Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Three, 3-year terms through June 30, 2020 (Expiring Terms of Hoffmann, Kennicker and Klinge) Applicants: Paul Hoffmann, 174 Bradley St. Robin Kennicker, 2929 Elm St. Kenneth Klinge, 2267 Carter Rd. Rebecca Kuhle, 2566 Pearl St. Luke Roth, 904 Barbaralee Dr. Zoning Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through June 30, 2020 (Expiring Term of Christ) Applicant: Martha Christ, 88 Princeton PI. This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 7 Commissioners total;currently 5 males/1 female "Applications from male representatives will be held for 90 days in adherence with Iowa Code 69.16A Gender Balance. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 6-19-17 Boards Overview Sheet Supporting Documentation Cable Television Commission Applicants Supporting Documentation Electrical Code Board Applicants Supporting Documentation Historic Preservation Commission Applicant Supporting Documentation Investment Oversight Commission Applicant Supporting Documentation Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Applicants Supporting Documentation Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Applicants Supporting Documentation Zoning Advisory Commission Applicant Supporting Documentation Gender Balance Law Supporting Documentation Gender Balance Q&A Sheet Supporting Documentation 6-19-17 Latest Listings Supporting Documentation 6-19-17 Vacancies Supporting Documentation VACANCIES AND APPLICATIONS FOR CITY OF DUBUQUE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS For Council Meeting, of Monday, June 19, 2017 6:00 p.m., Historic Federal Building, 360 W. 6th Street APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSIONS TO BE MADE AT THIS MEETING. Cable Television Commission Three, 3-year terms through July 1 , 2020 (Expiring terms of Hoverman, Maloney and Tigges) Applicants: Carol Hoverman, 1555 White St. Thomas Major, 1725 Lori St. Pauline Maloney, 506 George St. Ronald Tigges, 4927 Wild Flower Dr. Electrical Code Board One, 3-year term through May 21 , 2020 (Expired term of Wilson, At-Large) Applicant: David Wilson, 2918 Washington St. (Qualifies as At-Large) Historic Preservation Commission One, 3-year term through July 1 , 2020 (Expiring term of Monk, Architect At-Large) Applicant: Christina Monk, 2005 N. Main St. (Qualifies as Architect At-Large) This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 9 Commissioners total; currently 6 males/2 females *Applications from male representatives will be held for 90 days in adherence with Iowa Code 69.16A Gender Balance. Investment Oversight Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through July 1 , 2020 (Expiring term of Lassance) Applicant: Paul Lassance. 4846 Embassy Ct. Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Three, 3-year terms through July 1 , 2020 (Expiring terms of Collins, Dolson and Vincent) Applicants: Ronald Collins, 243 Cardiff St. Mark Dolson, 54 Alpine St. Thomas Major, 1725 Lori St. Alan Vincent, 565 Woodland Ridge Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Three, 3-year terms through June 30, 2020 (Expiring Terms of Hoffmann, Kennicker and Klinge) Applicants: Paul Hoffmann, 174 Bradley St. Robin Kennicker, 2929 Elm St. Kenneth Klinge, 2267 Carter Rd. Rebecca Kuhle, 2566 Pearl St. Luke Roth, 904 Barbaralee Dr. Zoning Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through June 30, 2020 (Expiring Term of Christ) Applicant: Martha Christ, 88 Princeton PI. This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 7 Commissioners total; currently 5 males/1 female *Applications from male representatives will be held for 90 days in adherence with Iowa Code 69.16A Gender Balance. Title 2 Chapter 11 CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION Amended 8-3-15 2-11-1: Commission Created: There is hereby created the Cable Television Commission. 2-11-2: Purpose: The purpose of the commission is: A. To develop, in respect to community programming and cable regulation, policies that will govern: 1. The use and protection of equipment and facilities; 2. All training programs; { II 3. The priorities and scheduling for use of channel time; 4. The daily regulation and administration of the cable franchise; 5. The resolution of subscriber complaints which could not be resolved satisfactorily by the cable manager; and, 6. Other matters pertaining to community programming or cable services in Dubuque which may arise. i B. To develop policies and procedures regarding the public community programming channels that will promote its nondiscriminatory, first come, first served and equitable use in conformity with all applicable regulations and requirements and limit such use to residents of Dubuque and their own productions. �i C. To encourage interest in and development of decidedly local community programming. j D. To encourage cooperation and cordial relations between community programmers, q cable subscribers, and the local cable manager and the local cable manager's staff. E. To identify and support organizations interested in the channels reserved for public, education, and government programming. F. To advise the following: 1. The city manager or the city manager's designee (collectively "the city manager") on matters relating to community programming and the regulation of the cable system; 2. The city council on expenditure of any funds designated by a franchise for PEG equipment and facilities; and 3. The city council on any matter relating to the cable franchise or system. G. To promulgate and administer through the city manager all policies, rules, and procedures relating to community programming. H. To keep abreast of developments in cable technologies, services, and programming and to become competent in cable regulation, finances, and standards of operation. I. To act through the city manager as the local regulatory agent of the cable franchise and to monitor the operation of the cable system. a a J. To consult with the local cable manager on the best updating of the cable system, services, and programming and to advise the city council on expending the updating funds. K. To evaluate its own proceedings and actions and all community programming and cable related activities. a L. To provide any cable user in the city of Dubuque the opportunity to voice a complaint regarding the user's cable service. 2-11-3: Internal Organization and Rules: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa j Code. i 2-11-4: Procedures for Operation: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. 2-11-5: Membership: II A. The commission comprises seven (7) residents of the city, appointed by the city council. 9 B. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. 3 1 C. Special Qualifications. In its appointments, the city council will endeavor to achieve a broad representation of the community and public interests which can take advantage of dedicated channels to benefit the residents of the City of Dubuque and to develop a commission versed and competent in telecommunication administration, finances, and regulation. The city council will attempt to give preference to applicants who are actively interested in promoting community cable programming who possess, or are willing to acquire, video production background, and who will relate to the spectrum of informational and cultural needs of cable viewers of the City of Dubuque and applicants who possess professional or experiential backgrounds in law, finances, administration, public relations, or telecommunication technologies. 2-11-6: Oath: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. i 2-11-7: Terms: The term of office for commissioners is three (3) years or until such commissioner's successor is appointed and qualified. 2-11-8: Vacancies: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. 2®11-9: Officers/Organization: � The commissioners must choose annually a chairperson and vice-chairperson, each to serve l a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. The commissioners must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. 2-11-10: MEETINGS: A. Regular-Meetings. The commission must meet not less than once each quarter. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. C. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa a Open Meetings Law. D. Attendance. 1. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence will be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position i be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. 2. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. E. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. F. Quorum. Four (4) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. 2-11-11: Compensation: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. 2-11-12: Removal: Except as provided in 2-11-10(D)(1), the city council may remove any commissioner for good cause. P 2-11-13: Powers: The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: A. To assure that cable channels, equipment, and resources dedicated and reserved for community programming are used effectively, efficiently, and economically to afford the community and individuals of the City of Dubuque the opportunity to express opinions and provide information to cable users, and that such programming is characterized by appropriateness, quality, and continuity; and l B. To assure full compliance with any franchises authorizing cable or video service in the City of Dubuque, that the franchises be interpreted and applied to the benefit of the City and its residents, that quality and updated services be delivered throughout the City, and h that the public interest be protected in all matters related to the cable services delivery systems. t i i y it t e { Dubuque THE CITY OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA UUBi�TE BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION . Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007•2072•2073 Individuals serving on Boards and Commissions play an important role in advising the City Council on matters of interest i to our community and its future. The City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 50 West 13th Street, Dubuque, IA accepts applications for any Board and/or ' Commission at any time, and the application stays active for one year from the date of receipt in the Clerk's Office. At the appropriate regularly scheduled meeting, applications will be submitted to the City Council for their review and applicants are encouraged to address the Council stating their reasons for wanting to serve on this particular Board or Commission. Applicants will be advised when the application is being presented. Appointment to the Board or Commission will be made at a later meeting. Applicants will then be notified as to the outcome of the Council's action _cc / DATE: n - b ely ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: _ � V SOME BOARDS/COMMISSIONS HAVE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (i.e. economic represen tion, years of experience, residency, education or additional board/commission representation) I MEET SUCH REQUIREMENTS: ES NO PLEASE LIST SUCH REQUIRMENTS: i ,r I NAME: y. r o BUSINESS NAME-- Lar' ADDRESS: f s�'��` ; P ,� BUSINESS ADDRESS: a (City of Dubuque Residency Required) CITY, STATE and ZIP: CITY, STATE and ZIP: f�t� t,[ u. .. , civ f BUSINESS PHONE: HOME PHONE: ' �� - / �,Cy OCCUPATION: POSITION WITH COMPANY: iJ E-MAIL ADDRESS(ES):ADDRESS(ES): Yi®1/�.Y'o?a� � f"�"i Gr'o S1 '� C c> 'i 11/� z--, j Some City Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirement in Iowa Code Section 69.16A: GENDER: A= I EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION WHICH QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS BOARD/COMMISSION: �11r�-�--� WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS CAN YOU MAKE OR STATE REA N FOR APPLYING: 1 LIST TWO REFERENCES: NAME: ^Al .l,- G-a c2��a vii ADDRESS: NAME: 1 Y'a ADDRESS: ✓D to s CO1 -7163 ��¢kV . llf 9,,- say®7 Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest. For further clarification, if a situation arises, contact the appropriate staff person or the City's legal staff. Are you currently serving on a City Board or Commission: E NO If yes,Which? Have you served on a City Board or Commission before: NO If yes,Which? S" 7 Have you participated in the City Life Program: YES 0 If so when: Have you participated in the Intercultural Competency Program: YESN If so When: SIGNATURE: WL ,/� � `✓�'y�-Croj If questions, contact the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 50 W. 13"'St., Dubuque, IA 52001. Phone 563-589-4120, www.citvofdubuque.ora. All names will be drooped from the list after a one-year period. gB I Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 12:42 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Craig Nowack Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Cable Television Commission Commission,or Committee i applying for: Gender(Some City Male Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Thomas Major�N,^.�_.. .,�.._�,,._:..� .._�.. Home Address (include Zip 1725 Lori St; Dubuque, IA 52001 Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-213-6361 Business Name and Heartland Financial USA- 1301 Central Ave, Dubuque, IA Address: 52001 Business Phone Number: 563-589-2168 Occupation: Systems Administration/IT Position with Company PCS Systems Administrator Email Address: tmajor@htlf.com 1 � Experience or education I have a vary diverse educational background including an AAS which qualifies you for this degree in Computer Networking, a BS in religious studies, and board or commission: continuing education in Accounting and Business Administration. I have held an accounting position with Dubuque Bank and Trust, and now manage the vendor software systems in the Private Client Services department of Heartland Financial. What contributions can you I bring my experience from Dubuque Bank and Trust and make or state reason for Heartland Financial, where I have held an Accounting position, applying? and now manage the vendor software systems for the Private Client Services department. I bring a healthy understanding of both technology and finance. List two reference with Ben Kerns - 3631 Keymeer Dr., Dubuque, IA, 52002 -- Ben names and addresses: Brown -2266 Woodlawn St, Dubuque, IA 52001 Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? I� If yes, which? _,_,_� Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board,Commission, or Committee before? If yes,which? I have been on Dubuque Bank and Trust's "Trust Committee" y for their Trust department, as well as their Administrative N Review Committee. Have you participated in No the City Life program? ri If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Thomas Major here as electronic verfication): Date: 5/10/17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. i 2 y N 5/26/2017 0a Thomas Major Heartland Financial USA,Inc. 1398 Central Avenue Dubuque,IA 52001 Dubuque City Council Historic Federal Building 350 West 6th Street Dubuque,IA 52001 Dear City Council Member: Recently I had submitted an application for a seat on the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission,as well as the Cable TV Commission.I wanted to introduce myself to the City Council via email,as I will be unable to introduce myself in person during the scheduled meeting on Monday,June 5th,2017(I will be out of town with my family,on vacation). I have lived in Dubuque,IA since I came here from Baltimore,MD in 2006.My wife,four kids,and I live in a home relatively close to Veterans Memorial park off of Kane street,and we have loved being a part of the Dubuque community.I applied to these commissions because I am eager to become more involved a in this community,and enjoy learning new things. One of the things I believe that I bring to the table is a very diverse educational background. I have education ranging from Information Technology,to Accounting and Business Administration,to Biblical Studies.I will likely have a perspective that is unique,due to my background.I can look at an issue from a technology perspective,a detailed financial perspective,as well as be able to factor in any ethical requirements. I obtained an AAS degree in Network Technology from the Community College of Baltimore County, and then transferred to Emmaus Bible College where I obtained my BS in Bible Exposition and Theology. I then did continuing education at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville where I studied Accounting and Business Administration. I would be excited to be a part of one or more of these Commissions and be able to advise the City Council on these and other important matters.Thank you for considering my application! Sincerely, Thomas Major PCS Systems Administrator Heartland Financial USA,Inc. T1 Ir 0T OF �1�' - Dubuque CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AH-Amer;caclty BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION Mastef-piece on the/Mississippi ueo .xazx xcr,.t Individuals serving on Boards and Commissions play an important role in advising the City Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. The City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 50 West 13th Street, Dubuque, IA accepts applications for any Board and/or Commission at any time, and the application stays active for one year from the date of receipt in the Clerk's Office. At the appropriate regularly scheduled meeting, applications will be submitted to the City Council for their review and applicants are encouraged to address the Council stating their reasons for wanting to serve on this particular Board or Commission. Applicants will be advised when the application is being presented. Appointment to the Board or Commission will be made at a later meeting. Applicants will then be notified as to the outcome of the Council's action DATE: MaG q � , A 0 17 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: 0 at IQ I e 'rU SOME BOARDS/COMMISSIONS HAVE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (i.e. economic representation, years of experience, residency, education or additional board/commission representation) I MEET SUCH REQUIREMENTS: )(YES NO PLEASE LIST SUCH REQUIRMENTS: F�oa rd �e vh e1 i v o y i PdAVl1 l�t�t l BUSINESS NAME: Gi L J I 1A Q t 0,� ADDRESS: Sb �.� a, S� BUSINESS ADDRESS: ((;ity of Dubuque Residency Required) CITY, STATE and ZIP: h CITY, STATE and ZIP: , LA,, a,0o3 BUSINESS PHONE: HOME PHONE: ,j(�3_ ,5'S"" —9)4.1) OCCUPATION: r POSITION WITH COMPANY: I� E-MAIL ADDRESS(ES): d2• kv oLl eA-&+ svicz n, Some City Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirement in Iowa Code Section 69.16A: GENDER: F',�p,,,,tgt , I EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION WHICH QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS BOARD/COMMISSION: a ..c IBJ- f✓ "1 t0 vo ra4,.� (" a 4,e ra sAs ho h- ro 4 11 Ab � +� eD S WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS CAN YOU MAKE OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING: ry '4_1"LL C re c OL-}1,),, .0Ir, a o a a tAJ Pk-e- ir, - ung u� aS i�i D '-4-,D lea c i i Ohm crS a cQ p1-, ct s't f C d re� LIST TWO REFERENCES: NAME: fir-- e) at ADDRESS: P)I-e NAME: Jr. ADDRESS: Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest. For further clarification, if a situation arises, contact the appropriate staff person or the City's legal staff. Are you currently serving on a City Board or Commission: ES NO If yes, Which? V .�a��_T Have you served on a City Board or Commission before: Z10 If yes,Which? Oab 14 -TU Have you participated in the City Life Program: YES 01> If so when: Have you participated in the Intercultural Competency Program: (E NO If so When: Sc- ,P,a,/ a. SIGNATURE: If questions, contact the City Clerk's Office, City all, 50 W. 13"St., Dubuque, IA 52001. Phone 563-589-4120, www.Git g dubugue.org. All names will be dropped from the list after a one-year period. Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1:44 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Craig Nowack Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form i Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the A Dubuque city limits) ti Personal Information i Select the Board, Cable Television Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: P Gender(Some City Male Boards/Commissions are I, subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Ronald Tigges I Home Address (include Zip 4927 Wild Flower Drive Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5635837128 Business Name and Digital Dubuque Address: Business Phone Number: 5635837128 Occupation: Owner Position with Company Owner Email Address: webmaster@websavvy.com 1 Experience or education Served 24 years on this commission. which qualifies you for this board or commission: What contributions can you Knowledge of background of the state and previous City of make or state reason for Dubuque cable franchise. Experience in purchase of video and applying? audio production services both on and off of the commission. Certified community access producer. List two reference with Craig Nowak Merrill Crawford 2010 Jonathan Lane names and addresses: Are you currently serving on No Y other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission, or I Committee before? If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No P the City Life program? P : If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? Field not completed. N i Signature (type your name Ron Tigges here as electronic verfication): Date: 05/16/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 s I c 14-1D-3: ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD Amendment Adopted 1-5-15 Amendment Adopted 5-18-15 u A. Board Created: There is hereby created the Electrical Code Board. B. Purpose: The purpose of the board is to determine the suitability of alternative materials and methods of installation, to provide for reasonable interpretations of the International Electrical Code, to serve as an appeal body for the decisions of the building official, and to advise the city council on all electrical regulations and procedures. C. Internal Organization and Rules: The board may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. I D. Procedures For Operation: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the board in all its operations. v E. Membership: 1 . The board comprises seven (7) residents of the city, appointed by the city council. 2. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. 3. Special Qualifications. a. Six (6) members must have a background or experience in electrical engineering, electrical contracting, electrical installation, or electrical maintenance. { b. One (1) member must be appointed from the public at-large. F. Oath: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the board, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the board following the appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the board. G. Terms: The term of office for members of the board is three (3) years or until such member's successor is appointed and qualified. H: Vacancies: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. I. Officers/Organization: The board must choose annually a chairperson and vice- chairperson, each to serve a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the board. The board must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. i I J. Meetings: 1 . Regular Meetings. The board must meet bi-monthly. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written I request of a majority of the members. 3. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. 4. Attendance. a. In the event a member of the board has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the board, without being excused by the chairperson, such a absence will be grounds for the board to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. b. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. 5. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the board must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. B. Quorum. Four (4) members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. K. Compensation: Members serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official board business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. L. Removal: Except as provided in J(4)(a), the city council may remove any member for good cause. M. Powers: The board has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: 1. Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the building official on any requirements resulting from the enforcement of this Code of Ordinances may appeal from such decision to the board and the board will serve as an appeal board. In case the aggrieved party is a member of the board, that member is disqualified as a member of the board acting as an appeal board until the appeal has been heard and a decision rendered. The appeal must be made by the person aggrieved giving written notice of such appeal to the building official within seven (7) days of receipt of the decision from which the appeal is taken. The board, sitting as an appeal board, must meet within ten (10) business days after receiving such notice and render a decision within five (5) business days after the hearing. The decision of the board is final unless appealed to the district court as provided by law. C The board, after hearing an appeal, has the authority to: a. Uphold the decision of the building official. b. Reverse or modify the decision of the building official but only on finding that the building official incorrectly interpreted the provision of this Code . ; I c. Limitations of Authority. The board has no authority to interpret the administrative provisions of this Code of Ordinances nor is the board empowered to waive any requirements of this Code of Ordinances. In modifying or reversing a decision of the building official, the board may authorize an alternative material or method of construction, provided the Board finds the proposed material or method of construction is satisfactory for the use intended and complies with the provisions of this Code of Ordinances and that the material or method is, for the purpose h intended, at least equivalent to that prescribed by this Code of Ordinances in suitability, strength, effectiveness, durability, and safety. i All appeals must be conducted in accordance with the procedures specified in this Code of Ordinances. I II i i V S 0 I I THE CUB-&FE F Dubuque UU CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ;-am dcaCRY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION I Illm Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007•2012•2013 Individuals serving on Boards and Commissions play an important role in advising the City Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. The City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 50 West 13th Street, Dubuque, IA accepts applications for any Board and/or Commission at any time, and the application stays active for one year from the date of receipt in the Clerk's Office. At the appropriate regularly scheduled meeting, applications will be submitted to the City Council for their review and applicants are encouraged to address the Council stating their reasons for wanting to serve on this particular Board or Commission. Applicants will be advised when the application is being presented. Appointment to the Board or Commission will be made at a later meeting.Applicants will then be notified as to the outcome of the Council's action DATE: ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: �� �'✓tel SOME BOARDS/COMMISSIONS HAVE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (i.e. economic repres ation, years of experience, residency, education or additional board/commission representation) I MEET SUCH REQUIREMENTS: YES NO PLEASE LIST SUCH REQUIRMENTS: NAME: I�S 4-11, BUSINESS NAME: ADDRESS: o;2 91,,q 6,e--5'r4 S e(--,'5BUSINESS ADDRESS: (City of Dubuque Residency Required) CITY, STATE and ZIP: I CITY, STATE and ZIP: °'�. � ,/�- �� . � BUSINESS PHONE: HOME PHONE: o ��-�g— �S*' � OCCUPATION: � �� u POSITION WITH COMPANY: E-MAIL ADDRESS(ES): Some City Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirement in Iowa Code Section 69.16A: GENDER: ,rte -� EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION WHICH QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS BOARD/COMMISSION: WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS CAN YOU MAKE OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING: LIST TWO REFERENCES: NAME: ,R - 6zJ /'Ifv—,E7 ADDRESS:_ �-7 11Z A;7,Q /E NAME: '/ 0 ry-, 'f4"q ;,� )g2 ADDRESS: /.(Is, /�'�u /) ? Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest. For further clarification, if a situation arises, contact the appropriate staff person or the City's legal staff. Are you currently serving on a City Board or Commission: SIf yes,Which? Have you served on a City Board or Commission befor YE N If yes, Which? Have you participated in the City Life Program: YES CN If so when: Have you participated iP- e Intercultural C,o/m�petency� rogram: YE NO If so When: SIGNATURE: If questions, contact the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 50 W. 13' St., Dubuque, IA 52001. Phone 563-5894120, www.citvofdubuaue.org. All names will be dropped from the list after a one-year period. 16-10-1: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Amended 6-1-15 A. Commission Created: There is hereby created the Historic Preservation Commission. B. Purpose: The purpose of the commission is to: 1. Promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the public through the protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of districts, individually designated historic properties, landmarks, and landmark sites of prehistoric, historic, architectural, archeological, and cultural significance; 2. Safeguard the city's prehistoric, historic, aesthetic, architectural, archeological and cultural heritage by preserving historic properties, districts, landmarks, and III landmark sites of historical, architectural, and cultural significance; 3. Stabilize and improve property values; 4. Foster civil pride in the legacy of beauty and achievements of the past; tl 5. Protect and enhance the city's attractions to tourists and visitors and the support and stimulus to business thereby provided; 6. Strengthen the economy of the city; and 7. Promote the use of properties, districts, landmarks, and landmark sites of prehistoric, historic, architectural, archeological, and cultural significance as sites for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the people of the city. C. Internal Organization and Rules: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. k D. Procedures for Operation: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. E. Membership: 1. The Commission comprises nine (9) residents of the city, appointed by the city council. 2. Age Requirement. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. 3. Special Qualifications. a. One (1) resident from each designated historic preservation district, including historic districts hereinafter established. b. Four (4) at-large members. i c. Each member must possess qualifications evidencing expertise or interest in architecture, history, archeology, law, construction, building rehabilitation, city planning, or conservation in general. d. One (1) member must be a licensed architect. 4. Membership on the commission must comply with the provisions of Iowa Code §69.16A, relating to gender balance, and Iowa Code §303.34, subsection 3, relating to establishment of a commission to deal with matters involving areas of j historical significance. F. Oath: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the i appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. G. Terms: The term of office for a commissioner is three (3) years or until such commissioner's successor is appointed and qualified. H. Vacancies: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. In the event that a vacancy occurs in a seat which requires that the appointee be a resident of a historic preservation district and for which there is no application from a qualified resident, the city council must appoint a tenth commissioner, which I� appointment is temporary, and upon appointment of a qualified resident to the vacancy, the temporary appointment terminates. I. Officers/Organization: The commissioners must elect from its membership a chairperson and vice chairperson, whose terms of office are fixed by bylaws adopted by the commission. The chairperson resides over the meetings of the commission and p p 9 , has the right to vote. The vice chairperson, in cases of absence or disability of the chairperson, may perform the duties of the chairperson. The city manager must designate a city employee to serve as secretary to the commission. The secretary must keep a record of all resolutions, proceedings, and actions of the commission. J. Meetings: 1. Regular Meetings. The commission must meet at least three 3 times in a 9 9 ( ) I calendar year to maintain Certified Local Government status. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. 3. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. y w 1 4. Attendance. a. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence will be grounds for the commission to G recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. b. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. 5. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever u is later. Q 6. Quorum. Five (5) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of z business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. r K. Compensation: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. n L. Removal: The city council may remove any commissioner for cause upon written charges and after a public hearing. M. Powers: The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: P 1 . To promote and conduct educational and interpretive programs on historic properties within its jurisdiction. 2. To develop and adopt specific standards for review and design guidelines, in addition to those set forth in section 16-10-7 of this chapter, for the alteration of landmarks, landmark sites, individually designated historic properties and 4 property and structures within historic districts. 3. To adopt its own bylaws. 4. To identify, evaluate, register, manage and protect significant prehistoric and historic archeological sites. 5. To conduct an ongoing survey to identify historically, archaeologically and !!! architecturally significant properties, structures and areas that exemplify the cultural, social, economic, political, archeological or architectural history of the nation, state or city. i 6. To research and recommend to the city council the adoption of ordinances designating areas as having historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value or significance as historic districts. j 7. To research and recommend to the city council the adoption of ordinances designating properties or structures having historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value or significance as landmarks or landmark sites. fi p 8. To research and recommend to the city council the adoption of ordinances designating properties as having historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value or significance as individually designated historic properties. 9. To research and recommend to the city council the adoption of ordinances designating areas as having historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value as "conservation districts". 10. To research and recommend to the city council the adoption of ordinances ni designating areas as having historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value as "conservation planning areas". 11. To maintain a register of all properties and structures which have been designated as landmarks, landmark sites or historic districts, including all information required for each designation. 12. To assist and encourage the nomination of landmarks, landmark sites and historic districts to the national register of historic places, and review and comment at a public hearing on any national register nomination submitted to the commission upon the request of the mayor, city council or the state historic preservation office. 13. To confer recognition upon the owners of landmarks, individually designated historic properties or of property or structures within historic districts. 14. To review in progress or completed work to determine compliance with specific certificates of appropriateness or certificates of economic nonviability. 15. To serve as an advisory design review body to the city council for review of public works projects which have historic preservation implications in historic districts, individually designated historic properties, or for alteration of landmarks, landmark sites or structures, that would result in a material change in appearance or be visible from the public way. 16. To serve as an advisory review body to the city council for the review of public planning, design, construction, and maintenance needs in conservation planning areas upon request from the city council. 1 'i Trish Gleason From: no reply@civicplus.com Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 8:08 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl; Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; David Johnson; Melinda Rettenberger Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form m Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Historic Preservation Commission Commission,or Committee I� applying for: 7 Please select which vacancy Architect At-Large you are applying for on the Historic Preservation Commission. Gender(Some City Female Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Christina Monk Home Address(include Zip 2005 North Main Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563.580.1115 Business Name and FEH DESIGN 951 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Address: Business Phone Number: 563.583.4900 Occupation: Architect Position with Company Architect and Associate Principal Email Address: christym@fehdesign.com Experience or education I have a degree in architecture and have worked on historic which qualifies you for this projects. I am familiar with the City of Dubuque Architectural board or commission: Guidelines and their implementation process due to my time on the Historic Preservation Commission. What contributions can you I am reapplying for this commission since I have enjoyed my make or state reason for time as a member of the HPC and am looking to continue my applying? contribution to the community. I am interested in furthering the goal of the commission regarding educating the public about historic properties and preservation. List two reference with Kevin Eipperle-2150 Jaeger Drive, Dubuque, Iowa 52003 names and addresses: Paula Connors-818 South Grandview Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa I 52003 Are you currently serving on Yes other Boards,Commissions, or Committees? l If yes, which? The Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees y Have you served on a Yesv�����^ �� µ.._....�.__._.�._.�..�..._.�...__�.__ Board,Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? The Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees and the City of Dubuque Historic Preservation Commission Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Christina Monk here as electronic verfication): Date: 17 May 2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 I Chapter 3 INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADVISORY COMMISSION Amendment Adopted 8-4-14 Amendment Adopted 5-18-15 2-3-1: COMMISSION CREATED: There is hereby created the Investment Oversight Advisory Commission. 2-3-2: PURPOSE: The purpose of the commission is to review the actions and decisions of the city's i investments and all money managers for compliance with the city's investment policy and to report any noncompliance to the city council; to recommend, as needed, changes in the investment policy to the city council; and to review the investment performance of the city's investments and money managers and to report to the city council concerning such investment performance at least quarterly. 2-3-3: INTERNAL ORGANIZATION AND RULES: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. 2-3-4: PROCEDURES FOR OPERATION: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. I 2-3-5: MEMBERSHIP: The commission comprises five (5) residents of the city, appointed by the city council, who have knowledge about investments and finance but with no affiliation with a firm or corporation which does now or during the term of a commissioner provides investment or financial advice or services to the city. 2-3-6: OATH: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. i 2-3-7: TERMS: The term of office for commissioners is three (3) years or until such commissioners successor is appointed and qualified. i 2-3-8: VACANCIES: ' i 1 3 Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. i 2-3-9: OFFICERS/ORGANIZATION: The commissioners must choose annually a chairperson and vice-chairperson, each to serve a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. The commissioners must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. 2-3-10: MEETINGS: j A. Regular Meetings.The commission must meet quarterly. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. I C. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. h D. Attendance. 1. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more I�h consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence will be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. 2. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. E. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission 41 must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. h F. Quorum. Three (3) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ' The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. 2-3-11: COMPENSATION: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. 2-3-12: REMOVAL: Except as provided in 2-3-10(D)(1), the city council may remove any commissioner for good cause. i I I 2-3-13: POWERS: The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: i A. To review the actions and decisions of the finance director and the city's money managers for compliance with the city's investment policy and report any noncompliance to the city council; 1 B. To recommend, as needed, changes in the city's investment policy to the city manager and the city council; and I C. To review the investment performance of the city and the city's money managers and report to the city council concerning same at least quarterly. 2-3-14: REPORTS PROVIDED: �I The finance director must provide the commission with monthly, quarterly, and annual reports prepared by the finance director and the city's financial advisors. a I i w a J s 4 i r I I i I I I Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:18 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Ella Lahey Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form II Board/Commission Application Form a Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Investment Oversight Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City _. Male Boards/Commissions are J subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa j Code Section 69.16A) a Name: Paul Lassance Home Address(include Zip 4846 Embassy CT Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of y Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5635900487 Business Name and Field not completed. Address: Business Phone Number: 5635900487 Occupation: Soccer Referee and Semi-retired Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: paullassance@mchsi.com i 9 i � Experience or education MBA in Finance Worked on Capital structure during Rate which qualifies you for this Cases for Interstate Power Company Many years of service on board or commission: this Commission. I go back to its early days after the Iowa Trust scandal, and frequently have to answer questions on why we have things set up the way they are for City of Dubuque investmemnts. What contributions can you By having the continuity of service that is much longer than that make or state reason for of other IOC members and city staff, I can answer question. applying? When a investment manager recently was taking an approach that predecessors at that institution had done, I reminded them j of the unfavorable result and risks of them repeating it again. They have changed to a better balanced ladder investment. List two reference with Ken TeKippe, 9852 Janelle CT, DBQ 52003 John Gonner, names and addresses: 9949 Clarke Dr., DBQ 52001 Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? j If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board,Commission,or Committee before? If yes, which? Investment Oversight Advisory Commission Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Paul Lassance here as electronic verfication): Date: 5/4/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. s i Click here to report this email as spam. 2 3 X Title 15 Chapter 2 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Amended 9-21-15 15-2-1: COMMISSION CREATED: There is hereby created the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission. 15-2-2: PURPOSE: 9 The purpose of the commission is to foster the community planning process, develop policies, goals, plans, and management tools based on a consensus of community values, and help guide the community's future development, public policies, and decision-making. I 15-2-3: INTERNAL ORGANIZATION AND RULES: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. 15-2-4: PROCEDURES FOR OPERATION: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. { 15-2-5: MEMBERSHIP: A. The commission comprises seven (7) residents of the city, appointed by the city council. ii B. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. C. Qualifications. 1. All members must be qualified by their knowledge, experience, and ability to l contribute to the city's long range planning and development efforts. 15-2-6: OATH: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. 15-2-7: TERMS: The term of office for commissioners is three (3) years or until such commissioner's successor is appointed and qualified. 15-2-8: VACANCIES: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. 15-2-9: OFFICERS/ORGANIZATION: The commissioners must choose annually a chairperson and vice-chairperson, each to serve a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. The commissioners must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. 15-2-10: MEETINGS: A. Regular Meetings. The commission must meet monthly. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. C. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. D. Attendance. 1. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence y' will be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. 2. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings E. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. i F. Quorum. Four (4) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. 15-2-11: COMPENSATION: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies budget. 15-2-12: REMOVAL: Except as provided in 15-2-10(D)(1), the city council may remove any commissioner for good cause. �I I 15-2-13: POWERS: y The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: i A. To provide a leadership role in the planning, coordinating, and sponsoring of a periodic community planning process; B. To coordinate and supervise the preparation and maintenance of the comprehensive plan; C. To provide input to the city manager in the preparation of the city manager's recommended multi-year capital improvement program; D. To make comprehensive studies of the present condition and the future growth of the city to provide input into the community planning process and to guide and accomplish a coordinated, consistent, and harmonious development in accordance with the present and future needs thereof to the end that the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare may be promoted; E. To make or cause to be made such surveys, studies, maps, plans, or charts of the City with due regard to its relation to neighboring territory as may be determined as necessary to carry out the purposes of the commission; F. To recommend amendments to all or parts of the comprehensive plan in response to the community planning process, upon its own initiative or upon recommendation presented by the Zoning Advisory Commission, but only after a public hearing; G. To review proposed urban renewal plans, urban renewal plan amendments, urban revitalization plans, and urban revitalization plan amendments for consistency with the I comprehensive plan; G u H. To undertake public information efforts to enhance public understanding of the community planning process generally and the comprehensive plan specifically; and I. To undertake from time to time other specific long range planning projects which may be referred to the commission by the city council. u Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:13 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Melinda Rettenberger; David Johnson Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form 0 Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the a Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Male Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) I Name: Ronald J Collins Home Address(include Zip 243 Cardiff St. Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-584-0157 Business Name and Collins Services Address: Business Phone Number: 563-564-2969 Occupation: Independent Contractor Position with Company Owner Email Address: ronaldjcollins@yahoo.com 1 i i : p Experience or education Served for 8 months on this commission. Bachelor of Science which qualifies you for this in Business Administration MBA board or commission: What contributions can you I will continue to attend commission meetings and act in a make or state reason for responsible manner protecting the interests of my fellow applying? citizens. List two reference with Ricardo Cunningham Business &Accounting Department Head names and addresses: University of Dubuque 2000 University Avenue Dubuque, IA 52001 563.589.3728 rcunning@dbq.edu Mary Lynn Neuhaus Attorney Mediator Neuhaus Law MaryLynn.Neuhaus@gmail.com 563.581.0615 Are you currently serving on Yes other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? I If yes, which? Diversity Committee of the Tri-State Human Resource Association Board of Directors Operation: New View Community Action Agency(ONV) Operation: New View's j Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Directors Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission,or Committee before? If yes, which? Project Concern: Board of Directors (Personnel Committee)Tri- State Human Resource Association (College Relations, Legislative, Programming and Diversity Committees) Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Ronald J Collins here as electronic verfication): Date: May 22, 2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. I 2 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:02 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl; Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Melinda Rettenberger; David Johnson Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Male Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) u Name: Mark Dolson Home Address (include Zip 54 Alpine Street Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-542-1232 Business Name and Field not completed. Address: Business Phone Number: 563-564-7425 Occupation: Project Manager Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: Field not completed. i 1 Experience or education I have been a commissioner on the LRPAC for the past 2 years which qualifies you for this and am happy to serve my community for another term. board or commission: What contributions can you Would like to remain on the commission make or state reason for applying? List two reference with Tim Dolson - Dubuque Mandi Mohr- Dubuque names and addresses: Are you currently serving on Yes ; other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes,which? Cable Commission ' Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? LRPAC&Cable Commissions Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Mark Dolson here as electronic verfication): Date: 5/18/17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 12:35 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Melinda Rettenberger; David Johnson Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: ,I Gender(Some City Male Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance,requirment in Iowa I Code Section 69.16A) Name: Thomas Major Home Address(include Zip 1725 Lori St; Dubuque, IA 52001 Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to 0 apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-213-6361 Business Name and Heartland Financial USA 1301 Central Ave, Dubuque, IA Address: 52001 Business Phone Number: 563-589-2168 Occupation: Systems Administration/IT Position with Company PCS Systems Administrator Email Address: tmajor@htlf.com 1 Experience or education I have a vary diverse educational background including an AAS which qualifies you for this degree in Computer Networking, a BS in religious studies, and board or commission: continuing education in Accounting and Business Administration. I have held an accounting position with Dubuque Bank and Trust, and now manage the vendor software systems in the Private Client Services department of Heartland Financial. What contributions can you I bring my experience from Dubuque Bank and Trust and make or state reason for Heartland Financial, where I participated in a number of applying? strategic planning initiatives for the company. I enjoy thinking of all the factors involved in planning long-term, and consider myself to be detail oriented in that regard. List two reference with Ben Kerns- 3631 Keymeer Dr., Dubuque, IA, 52002 Ben names and addresses: Brown - 2266 Woodlawn St, Dubuque, IA 52001 Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission,or f• Committee before? If yes, which? I have been on Dubuque Bank and Trust's "Trust Committee" for their Trust department, as well as their Administrative Review Committee. Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Thomas Major here as electronic verfication): Date: 5/10/17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. 2 5/26/2017 Thomas Major Heartland Financial USA,Inc. 1398 Central Avenue Dubuque, IA 52001 Dubuque City Council Historic Federal Building 350 West 6th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 Dear City Council Member: Recently I had submitted an application for a seat on the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission,as well as the Cable TV Commission.I wanted to introduce myself to the City Council via email,as I will be unable to introduce myself in person during the scheduled meeting on Monday,June 5th,2017(I will be out of town with my family,on vacation). a I have lived in Dubuque,IA since I came here from Baltimore,MD in 2006.My wife,four kids,and I live in a home relatively close to Veteran's Memorial park off of Kane street,and we have loved being a part of the Dubuque community.I applied to these commissions because I am eager to become more involved in this community,and enjoy learning new things. One of the things I believe that I bring to the table is a very diverse educational background.I have education ranging from Information Technology,to Accounting and Business Administration,to Biblical Studies.I will likely have a perspective that is unique,due to my background.I can look at an issue from a technology perspective,a detailed financial perspective,as well as be able to factor in any ethical requirements. I obtained an AAS degree in Network Technology from the Community College of Baltimore County, and then transferred to Emmaus Bible College where I obtained my BS in Bible Exposition and Theology. I then did continuing education at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville where I studied Accounting and Business Administration. I would be excited to be a part of one or more of these Commissions and be able to advise the City Council on these and other important matters.Thank you for considering my application! Sincerely, Thomas Major PCS Systems Administrator Heartland Financial USA,Inc. 1 I Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:21 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl; Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Melinda Rettenberger; David Johnson Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Field not completed. Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: �Alan C Vincent Home Address (include Zip 565 Woodland Ridge Dubuque, IA 52003 Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-557-8847 Business Name and Field not completed. Address: Business Phone Number: 563-581-0839 Occupation: Retired Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: Acvincent58@gmail.com i Experience or education Board member for past 4 years which qualifies you for this board or commission: What contributions can you Experience make or state reason for applying? List two reference with Tom Barton Barton Wealth Mgmt Keven Lynch city council names and addresses: Are you currently serving on Yes other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Long range planing Have you served on a Yes Board,Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. i Have you participated in Yes the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? 2016 Signature (type your name Alan C Vincent here as electronic verfication): Date: May 17, 2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 Park and Recreation Advisory Commission u 10-5A-2: A. Commission Created: There is hereby created a park and recreation advisory commission to have such powers and responsibilities as hereinafter provided. B. Purpose: The purpose of the commission is to: 1 . Contribute to the general beautification of the city and assist in providing facilities for active and passive recreation through landscaping and maintaining park land and facilities; and 2. Provide year round opportunities for organized recreation activities for residents of all ages and social groups. tl C. Powers: The responsibilities of the commission are to advise the city council on: 1. Use of Grounds and Facilities: The establishment of rules and regulations governing the use of all grounds and facilities that have been or may be set aside as public parks, playgrounds and other such park and recreation facilities. Such rules and regulations shall include, but are not limited to: a. Opening and closing hours for the use of all park and recreation facilities by the general public. b. Establishment of fees, including the issuance of permits for public use of all park and recreation facilities. 2. Recreational Programs: The establishment of rules and regulations for all recreational programs provided by the city, including the establishment of fees for participation by the public in such activities. D. Cooperation with Other Agencies: In the conduct and operation of recreation grounds and recreation programs, the commission shall cooperate with the Dubuque Community School District, Holy Family school system and all other groups interested in the promotion and implementation of recreational activities which are in the best interest of the city. E. Solicitation and Acceptance of Donations: The commission may solicit donations and gifts of money, personal and real property and personal services. All such donations and gifts shall become the property of the city for the general support of park. and recreation programs of the city unless such items have been designated by the donors for specific purposes. i i V, f and recreation programs of the city unless such items have been designated by the donors for specific purposes. F. Membership, Appointment: 1. Membership; Quorum: The commission shall comprise seven (7) persons who shall be appointed by the city council for terms of three (3) years. Four (4) members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2. Terms: The expiration date for all terms of office shall be June 30 of the appropriate year. G. Attendance: 1. Attendance Entered Upon Minutes: The attendance of all commission members shall be entered upon the minutes of all meetings by the secretary. 2. Failure To Attend; Declaration Of Vacancy: If a member does not attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within a twelve (12) month period, it shall be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. { H. Compensation: Members of the commission shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of necessary expenses. I. Organization: 1. Officers: The officers of the commission shall be a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary. All officers shall be members of the commission. GI 2. Election; Term: At the first meeting in July of each year, the commission shall u elect officers to serve one year terms of office. All officers shall be eligible to serve successive terms of office. J. Meetings: 1. Regular Meetings: The commission shall meet not less than bimonthly, after four thirty o'clock (4:30) P.M. on a regularly scheduled day. 2. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of three (3) members. 3. Minutes Filed With City Clerk: A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission shall be filed with the city clerk within ten (10) working days after each such meeting. (Ord. 54-06, 7-5-2006) Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 12:49 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Eileen Trimble; Marie Ware Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City male Boards/Commissions are p subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Paul E Hoffmann Home Address (include Zip 174 Bradley Dubuque, IA 52003 Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5635567022 Business Name and Paul E Hoffmann DDS PC 988 W Third Address: Business Phone Number: 5635827319 Occupation: Dentist Position with Company owner Email Address: actionhay@aol.com 1 Experience or education Board member for 29 years. Use the parks and recreational which qualifies you for this services on a regular basis. Read the scientific and trade board or commission: articles pertaining to results for areas as applications, desired results, popular programs to attract participation. What contributions can you to try and provide services and attractions that will appeal to all make or state reason for citizens applying? j List two reference with Jeff Morton Architect 206 Bluff Dubuque Mark Molo 123 names and addresses: Southern Ave Dubuque Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, f' or Committees? If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes �._._. _. ....� �.._�.. Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Plumbing board, Park and Recreation Have you participated in Yes the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in _.. No the Intercultural pp Competency Program? N d If so,when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Paul E. Hoffmann here as electronic verfication): Date: May 20,2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. Y 2 i a Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:15 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Eileen Trimble; Marie Ware Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Commission,or Committee applying for: I! Gender(Some City Female Boards/Commissions are Ij subject to the gender u balance requirment in Iowa j Code Section 69.16A) 5 Name: Robin M. Kennicker Home Address (include Zip 2929 Elm Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-581-3500 Business Name and None Address: Business Phone Number: 563-581-3500 Occupation: Unemployed at the moment Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: rkennicker@mchsi.com 1 Experience or education I have many years experience with Park and Rec Commission which qualifies you for this as a commissioner. I am Secretary for Point Neighborhood I board or commission: was in the City Life Program. I attend meetings throughout Dubuque to keep informed. I also send out communication emails to all Next Door and Point Members. I am also a commissioner for resilient commission.) have an MBA from University of Dubuque What contributions can you The Park and Recreation team is so involved with many 1 make or state reason for avenues of items; it is a wonder that any of them get any sleep. applying? They are a very busy team. I wish to thank the Park and j Recreation team for their service, integrity, hard work and determination to make Dubuque a better and beautiful place to live. I hope to continue with the Park and Recreation as a commissioner. i List two reference with Joyce Connors City Council woman in Dubuque Iowa Roy Buol names and addresses: Mayor of Dubuque Iowa i Are you currently serving on Yes other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes,which? Resilient and Park and Rec. Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes,which? Park and rec and resilient Have you participated in Yes the City Life program? If so,when? 3 years ago Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Robin M. Kennicker here as electronic verfication): Date: 05/04/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. 2 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 7:49 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl; Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Eileen Trimble; Marie Ware Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below(please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Field not completed. Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A)p I Name: Kenneth E Klinge Home Address(include Zip 2267 Carter Road 52001 Code)PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5635578872 Business Name and KTK Distirbuting Address: Business Phone Number: 5635578872 Occupation: self employed Position with Company owner Email Address: kklinge483@msn.com 1 p Experience or education have served on this commission for 6 years which qualifies you for this board or commission: What contributions can you I want to continue to serve on this commission to help better make or state reason for the city of Dubuque. applying? List two reference with Pat Tobin 1040 Arrowhead Drive, Dubuque, IA Lawrrence i names and addresses: Schaul 12576 John F. Kennedy Road, Dubuque, IA , Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission, or a Committee before? If yes,which? park and recreation commission Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in Yes { the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? 2015 Signature (type your name Kenneth E. Klinge here as electronic verfication): Date: 05/04/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. n 2 R Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday,June 01, 201711:28 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Eileen Trimble; Marie Ware Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: I Gender (Some City Female Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa u Code Section 69.16A) Name: Rebecca Kuhle Home Address (include Zip 2566 Pearl Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 Code) PLEASE NOTE:you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-495-2522 Business Name and Flexsteel Industries, Inc. 385 Bell Street Dubuque, IA 52001 Address: Business Phone Number: 563-585-8375 Occupation: Compliance Accountant Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: r_kuhle@outlook.com 1 Experience or education I have worked in the City of Dubuque Park & Recreation which qualifies you for this department for nine years as a seasonal employee in various board or commission: positions. I was a Pool Manager at both Sutton Pool in the summer and Hempstead High School's pool in the winter. I was also a Recreation Instructor for the mentally and physically challenged members of the community through the Park and Recreation department. In the past I have worked part-time at Five Flags Civic Center and completed internships at both the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce and St. Mark Youth Enrichment. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Marketing and English from the University of Dubuque in May 2014. In February 2016, 1 earned my Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) certification through the National Recreation and Park Association after applying for and passing the exam. What contributions can you I would like to stay involved in the City of Dubuque's Park and make or state reason for Recreation department and bring a younger voice to ideas and y applying? conversations surrounding the department. I am very motivated and believe I would be a perfect fit for the commission. I also believe in Dubuque. I graduated from the University of Dubuque in 2014 and chose to stay in Dubuque after graduation. Last year I bought a HUD house in Dubuque that I fixed up and now reside in. I became a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) in February of 2016 as a way ;I to stay active in the ongoing issues and conversations surrounding park and recreation departments and would like to become more involved locally. { List two reference with Anne Miles -6486 Massey Station Road, Dubuque, IA 52003 names and addresses: Alex Bahl -2820 Davenport Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 y Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you participated in Yes the City Life program? If so,when? May 2014 2 � Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Rebecca Kuhle here as electronic verfication): Date: 06/01/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in Vour browser. I� Click here to report this email as spam. If �1 3 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday,April 06, 2017 12:18 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Eileen Trimble; Marie Ware Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender (Some City Male E Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Luke Roth Home Address (include 904 Barbaralee Dr. 52003 Zip Code) PLEASE P NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-564-0740 Business Name and US Cellular 806 Wacker Plaza, 52002 Address: Business Phone Number: 563-590-8900 Occupation: Corporate Retail Wireless Consultant Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: Ijroth@dbq.edu 1 Experience or education Working within the Leisure Service Department for the last five which qualifies you for years, I have acquired plenty of insight and experience, that I this board or commission: feel would be very beneficial for our city going forward. Having managed Sutton Pool, life-guarding, &working at the Ice Harbor Marina I have different experiences within the department that would be very beneficial to creating a Greater Dubuque. What contributions can Having previous experience working for the Leisure Service you make or state reason Department, I have created great connections with many for applying? employees within that department, I feel that if given the opportunity I will be a great mediator between City Council & the needs of the department. Having been raised in Dubuque, I feel very passionate about bettering this community, and making it the greatest community around! If given the opportunity we will work on making our budgets more efficient & enhancing our parks & activities throughout the City! h List two reference with James Barclay: 4134 Bluebird Dr. Dubuque, 52001 Rebecca names and addresses: Kuhle: 2566 Pearl St. Dubuque, 52001 Are you currently serving No on other Boards, i Commissions, or { Committees? i If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so,when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? Field not completed. Signature (type your Luke Jon Roth name here as electronic verfication): Date: 4/6/17 z y Title 16 Chapter 9 ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION Amended 7-6-15 A. Commission Created: There is hereby created the Zoning Advisory Commission. B. Purpose: The purpose of the commission is to make recommendations to the city council on applications for rezoning, subdivision plat approval, and text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; to y receive input from applicants, neighboring property owners, citizens, and city staff; to review applications in terms of their impact on the neighborhood, community, environment, and the city's utilities and transportation systems; and to forward to the city council the commission's recommendations with the assistance of Planning Services staff. C. Internal Organization and Rules: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as j may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. u D. Procedures for Operation: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. !i E. Membership: 1. The commission comprises seven (7) residents of the city, appointed by the city council. 2. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. p 3. Qualifications. 4 a. Members must be qualified by knowledge, experience, and ability to act in matters pertaining to short-range planning and zoning, none of whom hold an elective position in the city. b. Two (2) members of the Zoning Advisory Commission must be appointed to serve on the Airport Zoning Advisory Commission, with city council approval. 4. Membership on the commission must comply with the provisions of Iowa Code §69.16A, relating to gender balance. No person can be appointed or reappointed to the commission if that appointment or reappointment would cause the number of members of one gender to be greater than one-half ('/2) of the membership of the commission plus one (1). If the city has made a good faith effort to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy on the commission for a period of three (3) months but has been unable to make a compliant appointment, the city must utilize a fair and unbiased method of selecting the best qualified applicants. F. Oath: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the appointment or reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. i G. Terms: The term of office for commissioners is three (3) years or until such commissioner's successor is appointed and qualified. The terms of the cross- representative appointees to the Airport Zoning Advisory Commission must coincide with their terms on the Airport Zoning Advisory Commission. b H. Vacancies: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. , I. Officers/Organization: The commissioners must choose annually a chairperson and vice-chairperson, each to serve a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. The commissioners must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. j J. Meetings: 1. Regular Meetings. The commission must meet monthly. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. G 3. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open u Meetings Law. 4. Attendance. a. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence will be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. b. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. 5. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. 6. Quorum. Four(4) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary except at least four affirmative votes shall be required in the case of (a) text amendment to the zoning ordinance; (b) a substantial zoning reclassification; (c) approval, denial, or amendment of a planned district application; (d) adoption of any plan or report; or (e) amendment of a comprehensive plan. i K. Compensation: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies budget. r L. Removal: Except as provided in J(4)(a), the city council may remove any commissioner for good cause. M. Powers: The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: 1. To prepare and recommend a zoning ordinance to exercise the powers conferred by state law. Such zoning ordinance must include the boundaries of the various zoning districts; the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures in each district; the percentage of ground that may be occupied; setback requirements; the size of yards, courts, and other open space; the density of population; the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, commercial, residential, or other purposes; and such regulations and restrictions necessary to enforce such zoning provisions. To this end the commission must prepare a preliminary zoning ordinance and hold public hearings thereon and after such hearings have been held, and submit a final zoning ordinance and its recommendations to the city council; e 2. To recommend to the city council, from time to time, as conditions require, amendments, s supplements, changes, or modifications to the zoning ordinance but only after a public hearing; 3. To make such surveys, studies, maps, plans, or plats of the whole or any portion of the city and of any land outside thereof, which in the opinion of the commission are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and are necessary to carry out the purposes of the commission; 4. To make recommendations to the city council upon plans, plats, or re-plats of subdivisions or re-subdivisions within the city which show streets, alleys, or other portions of the same intended to be dedicated for public use; 5. To make recommendations to the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission on the preparation and maintenance of the Comprehensive Plan; p 6. To fulfill those duties and responsibilities assigned to a city planning commission in state law; and d 7. To undertake from time to time other specific short-range planning projects which may be referred to it by the city council. N. Waiver From Site Design Standards: The commission has the power to grant such waivers from the site design standards of this code, as may be reasonable and within the general purpose and intent of the site plan review and approval provisions of this code if the literal enforcement of one or more provisions of this code is impracticable or will exact an undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question. The affirmative vote of at least four (4) commissioners shall be necessary to grant a waiver. The waiver may be granted subject to such conditions as the commission may establish to ensure the general purpose and intent of the provisions of this code are followed. At the commission meeting, the applicant and all other interested parties must be presented a reasonable opportunity to present their views. Decisions of the commission may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in the same manner as appeals from a decision of an administrative officer. 1 1 I i Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Friday, May OS, 2017 8:44 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Melinda Rettenberger; Kyle Kritz; Laura Carstens Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form i Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Zoning Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Please select which vacancy At-Large j you are applying for on the y Zoning Advisory I Commission. I Gender (Some City � w Female Boards/Commissions are I subject to the gender '1 balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Martha E. Christ Home Address (include Zip 88 Princeton Place Dubuque, IA 52001-5651 Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-588-9677-Home 563-599-9677-Cell Business Name and DuTrac Community Credit Union--3465 Asbury Rd/PO Box Address: 3250--Dubuque, IA 52004-3250 Business Phone Number: 563-585-8536 Occupation: Financial Services Consultant/Lead Teller 1 Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: mchrist@dutrac.org Experience or education I have been serving on the Zoning Advisory Commission since which qualifies you for this 1996. 1 have a very good attendance record and am willing to board or commission: listen with an open mind to the applicants and their requests. What contributions can you I enjoy serving on the Zoning Advisory Commission and I feel make or state reason for bring a open mind to the applications we are reviewing. I am applying? proud to be a part of our city's planning for growth and to see the out come of our efforts. List two reference with Nancy Oberbroeckling-3465 Asbury Rd-Dubuque, IA 52002 j names and addresses Michelle Hochrein-1945 Prescott St-Dubuque, IA 52001 Are you currently serving on No other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes,which? Field not completed. Have you served on a Yes Board,Commission,or Committee before? 'b If yes,which? Current member Zoning Advisory Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your name Martha E. Christ here as electronic verfication): Date: 5/5/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 69.16A Gender balance. 1. All appointive boards, commissions, committees, and councils of the state established by the Code, if not otherwise provided by law, shall be gender balanced. No person shall be appointed or reappointed to any board, commission, committee, or council established by the Code if that appointment or reappointment would cause the number of members of the board, commission, committee, or council of one gender to be greater than one—half the membership of the board, commission, committee, or council plus one if the board, commission, committee, or council is composed of an odd number of members. If the board, commission, committee, or council is composed of an even number of members, not more than one—half of the membership shall be of one gender. If there are multiple appointing authorities for a board, commission, committee, or council, they shall consult each other to avoid a violation of this section. 2. All appointive boards, commissions, committees, and councils of a political subdivision of the state that are established by the Code, if not otherwise provided by law, shall be gender balanced as provided by subsection 1 unless the political subdivision has made a good faith effort to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy on a board, commission, committee, or council in compliance with subsection 1 for a period of three months but has been unable to make a compliant appointment. In complying with the requirements of this subsection, political subdivisions shall utilize a fair and unbiased method of selecting the best qualified applicants. This subsection shall not prohibit an individual whose term expires prior to January 1, 2012, from being reappointed even though the reappointment continues an inequity in gender balance. 86 Acts, ch 1245, §2041; 87 Acts, ch 218, §8; 88 Acts, ch 1150, §1; 2009 Acts, ch 162, §1, 2 i N,New ' r I r ( 1 f C- I I f I requirements 1 Iowa has required gender •. boards and cornmissions forunder tovva Code section 69.16A.Last session,the General Assembly passed legislation that applies this requirement to the localQ&A explainsbackground olegislation,the new requirements • the legislation • • • Q:What are the new requirements for gender balance on city Q:Is there any option if my city simply cannot find a person to boards and commissions? serve on the board or commission of the needed gender? A:During the 2009 legislative session,legislation(HF243)was A:Yes.Under the new code section,cities that make a good faith passed that extends to cities and counties gender balance require- effort to find a qualified person of the necessary gender to fill the ment for all appointive boards,commissions,committees and position for a period of three months and are unable to do so may councils created by the Iowa code.In other words,bodies cities appoint a person to the position regardless of the gender balance are required to have under Iowa code when they provide certain requirement. functions or services,such as the planning and zoning commission, library boards and the board of adjustment,with appointed(not Q:What constitutes a"good faith effort"? elected)members,must be gender balanced. A:There is no hard and fast definition,but cities should be able to demonstrate a legitimate effort during the three month time Q:What does`gender balanced'mean? period to recruit qualified members of the necessary gender,before A:Gender balance means if the body has an even number of ap- appointing a member that creates gender imbalance.In addition, pointees,it must be evenly made up of men and women.For exam- the legislation requires that cities must always"utilize a fair and ple,three women and three men must serve on a six member board. unbiased method of selecting the best qualified applicants,"regard- If the body has an odd number of appointees,it must be"one half less of gender. plus one"of either gender.For instance,if there are five members, three could be men and the other two women,or vice versa. Q:Is there a reporting requirement? A:No.The legislation did not include a reporting requirement; Q:When do the changes go into effect? however,many cities keep information on their boards and A:Cities must have gender balanced boards,commissions,com- commissions—including current members-posted online,to better mittees and councils by January 1,2012.This does not prohibit an inform citizens of the makeup of local governing bodies. individual whose term expires prior to January 1,2012,from being reappointed even though the reappointment continues an inequity Q: How can I recruit more women or men to volunteer for in gender balance;however,cities should start planning upcoming these positions? appointments now,to ensure gender balance is reached by that date. A: The Commission on the Status of Women has prepared a guide Making a chart of existing boards and upcoming vacancies,and/ to help cities learn how to recruit gender balanced boards and com- or keeping track of current appointments and necessary recruit- missions.This resource can be found at www.women.iowa.gov/ ing periods would be a good start to ensuring your city is tracking whats_new/index.html.The Commission also prepared a guide gender balance,and is prepared for the January 1,2012 implementa- called the"Five Step Guide to City and County Boards and How to tion date. Get Appointed"to be used as a tool by interested women to learn more about how to get involved in city boards and commissions. By Jessica Hyland Harder,League Government Affairs Counsel Celebrating / environmental victory. . FOX Engineering has received a 2008 Governor's Iowa Environmental Excellence Award in the Water Quality category. •- • for -city of • Liberty, project inv• •membrane bioreactor method of treating wastewater and provides a significantly higher effluent water quality compared to conventional wastewater treatment processes.Used on a limited basis in the U.S. it is the first of its kind in Iowa.The city has certainly"gone the extra mile"to improve the water q ality in their receiving stream;they are to be commended for their foresight and respect for the environment.FOX would also like to T� - contributions of the city's consulting engineer,Shive-Hattery Engineering and Architecture. "Your efforts truly exhibit the leadership and innovation important for furthering environmental sustainabilityinIowa." Governor booth, Call us to find out more about this and otherintereging projects at FOX. Visit our • at fail LeagueofCities conference in Davenportl 1601 Golden •' Drive, 13 1 Ames, Iowa 50010, 1111 1 800.433.3469 1 www.foxeng.com September 2009 Cityscape 22 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA - BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS As prepared for the Council Meeting 6-19-17 AIRPORT COMMISSION -4 Yr.Term CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Meets 4th Monday 4 p.m.-Airport 4 Yr. Term Meets on Call Douglas Brotherton 09/14/17 Mary Lynn Neuhaus 04/06/18 Chris Even 09/14/17 Christings Stillings 04/06/20 Steven Accinelli 09/14/18 Daniel White 04/06/21 Robert Blocker 09/14/18 Sue Clemenson 09/14/20 CIVIC CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr. Term -Meets 3:30 p.m. Meets bi-Monthly starting Jan. at Five Flags AIRPORT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Tyler Daugherty 06/29/18 5 Yr. Term, Meets on Call Mc Kenzie Hill 06/29/19 Vacant Vacant County Representative 02/15/21 Nicholas Huff 06/29/19 Jeff Cremer CityZBA Rep. 02/15/18 Bryce Parks 06/29/18 Ron Koppes(At Will) County Representative 02/15/21 Rod Bakke 06/29/19 Vacant Vacant CityZBA Rep. 02/15/19 Vacant Vacant Appointed by4memb.(chair) unknown COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr. Term, Meets 3rd Tue., 5:30 p.m.at Federal Bldg./Housing AIRPORT ZONING COMMISSION Rick Baumhover Housing Commission Rep 08/17/17 6 Yr.Term-Apptd. 1996, Meets on Call Sara Burley LowNod Income Area 02/15/20 Vacant Vacant Appointed by4 members(chair) 12/31/20 Rev. Lindsay James LOW// odIncomeArea 02/15/20 Linda Lucy(At Will) County Representative 12/31/20 Vacant Vacant At-Large 02/15/20 Marianne Krause(At Will 2011) County Representative 12/31/20 Julie Woodyard LOW// odIncome Area 02115118 Michael Belmont City ZAC Representative 12/31/22 Thomas Wainwright At-Large 02/15/18 Thomas Henschel City ZAC Representative 12131122 Theresa Caldwell LOW// odIncome Area 02115119 Michelle Hinke At-Large 02/15/19 ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS ADVISORY COMMISSION Dean Bolles At-Large 02/15/19 3 Yr. Term, Meets 4th Tues., Library Board Room Matthew Gregory Business Professional-In 06/30/18 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY-POLICE RELATIONS COMMITTEE Gina Siegert Business Professional-Out 06/30/18 1 2 Yr.Term, Meets Quarterly and as Needed Ellen Henkels At-Large 06/30/18 Allen Anthony 05/31/18 Nicholas Bratcher Arts Rep 06/30/19 Giunta JoAnn 05/31/18 David Schmitz Arts Rep 06/30/19 Caneiro-Livingston Graciela 10/31/18 Susan Riedel Arts Rep 06/30/19 Mary Thomas-Armstrong Arts Rep 06/30/19ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD 3 Yr. Term, Meets Bi-Monthly BUILDING CODE AND ADVISORY APPEALS BOARD James Dixon Electrical Background 05/21/20 3 Yr. Term, Meets on Call Kevin Pfohl Electrical Background 05/21/17 Mark Gudenkauf Residential Contractor 08/01/18 Andy Palmer Electrical Background 05/21/20 Benjamin Harper Beard ArchitectiEngineer 08/01/19 Zach Dowell Electrical Background 05/21/17 Vacant Vacant Journeyman Carpenter 08/01/19 David Wilson At-Large 05/21/17 Vacant Vacant ADA Representative 08/01/17 Dave Nebel Jr. Electrical Background 05/21/18 Thomas Swift Commercial Contactor 08/01/17 Paul Uhlrlch Electrical Background 05/21/18 Katrine Wilberding ADA Representative 08/01/18 Richard Luchsinger At-Large 08/01/18 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Yr.Term,Meets 3rd Thur.,5:30 p.m., Federal Bldg. BOARD OF REVIEW(City and County) Juan Nieto Wllth District 07/01/19 6 Yr. Term, Meets May 1-30 David Klavitter Langworthy District 07/01/17 Laure Lewis 01/01/19 Christina Monk Architect At-Large 07/01/17 Jean Hoeger 01/01/19 Joseph Rapp OldMainDistrict-Interim 07/01/18 Angie Mozena 01/01/22 Emily Hilgendorf At-Large 07/01/18 Greg Hutchinson 01/01/23 John McAndrews Cathedral District 07/01/17 Robert Schaub 01/01/23 Robert Mc Donell At-Large 07/01/18 Leslie Terry At-Large 07/01/18 CABLE TV COMMISSION Alfred Kopczyk Jackson Park District 07/01/19 3 Yr. Term, Meets TBD Pauline Maloney 07/01/17 HOUSING TRUST FUND ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sr. Carol Hoverman 07/01/17 3 Yr. Term, Meets 6 times per Year Ronald Tigges 07/01/17 Dorothy Schwendinger Housing Commission Rep 08/17/19 Mark Colson 07/01/18 John Walsh At-Large 08/17/19 Kathleen McMullen 07/01/18 Amy Eudaley Housing Commission Rep 08/17/17 Jennifer Tigges 07/01/18 Jim Holz At-Large 08/17/18 Alan Vincent 07/01/18 Doris Hingtgen At-Large 08/17/18 CATFISH CREEK WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD 2 Yr.term,Meets Quarterly 3 Yr.Term,3rd Tues.4:00 p.m. Fed Bldg. Steven Drahozal 07/16/20 Ronald White Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/19 Neal Patten 07/16/20 David Young Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/20 Mary Gotz Tenant/Landlord Issues 01/11/18 Gil Spence Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/19 Robert Schaub Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/18 HOUSING COMMISSION PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr. Term,4th Tues.4:00 p.m., Fed. Bldg. 3 Yr. Term, Meets 2nd Tues.,4:30 p.m. Bunker Hill Coralita Schumaker Section 8 Recipient 08/17/18 Robin Kennicker 06/30/17 David Wall At-Large 08/17/19 Kenneth Klinge 06/30/17 Dorothy Schwendinger Trust Fund Rep 08/17/19 Paul Hoffmann 06/30/17 Wesley Heimke At4.rge 08/17/19 Jennifer Tigges 06/30/18 Rick Baumhover CDAC Rep 08/17/17 Katherine Larson 06/30/19 Amy Eudaley Trust Fund Rep 08/17/17 Karen Lyness 06/30/19 Anna Fernandes At-Large 08/17/18 Richard Kirkendall 06/30/19 Brett Shaw At-Large 08/17/18 Jill Kedley At-Large 08/17/18 RESILIENT COMM UNITY ADVISORY COMMISSION Robert Mc Donell At-Large 08/17/18 3 Yr.Term, Meets 1st Thur. Steven Drahozal Commission Rep. 07/16/20 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Robin Kennicker Commission Rep. 06/30/17 3 Yr. Term, Meets 2nd Mon.City Hall Annex Laura ROUssell Commission Rep. 07/01/18 Adrienne Scott 01/01/19 Sara Booth 07/01/18 Jay Schiesl 01/01/20 Benjamin Darr 07/01/18 Jessica Perry 01/01/20 Carrie Lohmann 07/01/19 Miquel Jackson 01/01/20 Leah Specht 07/01/19 Anthony Allen 01/01/18 Dean Boles 07/01/20 Frederick Davis Jr. 01/01/18 Stephanie Grutz 07/01/20 Sarah Fisher 01/01/19 Shirley Templeton Vaughn 01/01/18SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION Kate Parks 01/01/19 3 Yr.Term, Meets Quarterly Sheila Castaneda 02/01/20 INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADVISORY COMMISSION Robert Felderman 02/01/20 3 Yr. Term, Meets Qrtly;4th Wed. 3 p.m.City Hall "A" Vacant Vacant 02/01/17 Paul Lassance 07/01/17 Dick Landis 02/01/20 Franz Becker 07/01/18 Annalee Ward 02/01/20 Rachael Ferraro 07/01/18 Jeffrey Jochum 02/01/18 Stephen Reisdorf 07/01/19 Phyllis Lee 02/01/18 Gary Ruden 07/01/19 Patrick Mc Namara 02/01/18 Thomas Major 02/01/19 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rachel Mc Derm Ott 02/01/19 4 Yr. Term, Meets 4th Thur.4 p.m. Library Louise Thurn 02/01/19 Patricia Poggemiller 07/01/18 Jon D. Trotter 07/01/18 TRANSIT ADVISORY BOARD Pat Maddux 07/01/19 3 Yr.Term,Meets monthly, 2nd Thur. Intermodal Transit Station Jenny Weiss 07/01/19 Carrie Lohrmann 07/30/19 Robert Armstrong 07/01/20 George Enderson 07/30/17 Christina Monk 07/01/20 Dora Serna 07/30/17 Vacant Vacant 07/01/17 R.R.S. Stewart 07/30/17 Mathew Esser 07/30/18 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMM. 3 Yr.Term,Meets upon request, City HallZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION Mark DOIsOn 07/01/17 3 Yr.Term, Meets upon request, 6:30 Fed. Bldg.. Ronald Collins 07/01/17 Michael Belmont 07/01/19 Alan Vincent 07/01/17 Martha Christ 07/01/17 Chad Darter 07/01/18 Thomas Henschel 07/01/17 John Pregler 07/01/18 Steve Baumhover Airport ZAC Rep. 07/01/17 Michael Wright 07/01/19 Richard Russell 07/01/18 Dr. Charles Winterwood 07/01/19 Laura Roussell Airport ZAC Rep. 07/01/18 Patrick Norton 07/01/19 MEDIACOM CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 1 Yr. Term, On Call, CC Appt'd Reps. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Gail Chavenelle 12/31/17 5 Yr. Term, upon request,4 p.m. Fed. Bldg.. Connie Twining 12/31/17 Joyce Pope Airport ZBA Rep. 03/25/19 Keith Ahlvin 03/25/20 MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CODE BOARD Jonathan Mc Coy 03/25/21 3 Yr. Term, Upon request,City Hall Bethany Golombeski 03/25/22 Dan Hillary 03/16/19 Jeff Cremer Airport ZBA Rep. 03/25/18 Tom Giese 03/16/20 Dieter Muhlack 03/16/20 David Grothe 03/16/18 Corey Valaskey 03/16/18 Ronald Billmeyer 03/16/19 Paul Papin 03/16/19 MISSISSIPPI RIVER PARTNERSHIP 3 Yr. Term, Council Appt'd Rep Vacant Vacant 12/31/19 Indicates State-mandated boardicommission subject to the 2012 Gender Balance Law. City of Dubuque, Iowa Boards and Commissions Current and Upcoming Vacancies Through June 2017 Updated June 13, 2017 Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment Airport Zoning Commission "' Building Board Code of Appeals • ADA Representative • Commercial Contractor • Journeyman Carpenter Community Development Advisory Commission • Low to Moderate Income Area Library Board of Trustees"' Historic Preservation Commission"' • Langworthy District • Cathedral District Mississippi River Partnership Council Sister City Relationship Advisory Commission Transit Advisory Board Zoning Advisory Commission"' Indicates Subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law Applications can be printed or submitted on-line from wwvv.citvofdubugue.org or through the City Clerk's Office. Applications can be submitted at any time for all boards and commissions and are activated as positions become available. Applications remain on file for one year from the date they are submitted. Some positions may require specific applicant qualifications or compliance with the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law For a complete list of boards and commissions, descriptions, terms and meeting information, please visit the City Clerk's web page at wvvw.cityofdubuque.org. Citv Clerk's Office • 50 W. 13th Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 • 563.589.4100