Minutes_Sister City Relationships Advisory Commission 5 17 17 Copyrighted June 5, 2017 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 1. ITEM TITLE: Minutes and Reports Submitted SUMMARY: City Council Proceedings of 5/15, 5/22; Five Flags Civic Center Advisory Commission of 5/22; Housing Commission of 3/28; Historic Preservation Commission of 5/18; Library Board of Trustees of 4/27; Long Range Planning Advisory Commission of 5/17; Sister City Relationship Advisory Commission of 5/17; Transit Advisory Board of 5/11 ; Proof of Publication for City Council Proceedings of 5/8; Proof of Publication for List of Claims and Summary of Revenues for Month Ending 4/30. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File ATTACHMENTS: Description Type City Council Proceedings of 5/15/17 Supporting Documentation City Council Proceedings of 5/22/17 Supporting Documentation Five Flags Civic Center Advisory Commission Minutes Supporting Documentation of 5/22/17 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes of 5/18/17 Supporting Documentation Housing Commission Minutes of 3/28/17 Supporting Documentation Library Board of Trustees Minutes of 4/27/17 Supporting Documentation Long Range Planning Advisory Commission of 5/17/17 Supporting Documentation Sister City Commision Minutes of 5/17/17 Supporting Documentation Transit Advisory Board Minutes of 5/11/17 Supporting Documentation Proof of Publication for City Council Proceedings of Supporting Documentation 5/8/17 Proof of Publication for List of Claims/Summary of Supporting Documentation Revenues ME 4/30/17 Sister City Relationships Advisory Commission DATE: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 TIME: 4:00 PM PLACE: City Hall — Conference Room A, 50 W. 13th Street Minutes Present: Sheila Castaneda, Joyce Connors, Jeff Jochum, Phyllis Lee, Kevin Lynch, Rachel McDermott (joined at 4:04), Pat McNamara, Louise Thum, Annalee Ward Excused: Bob Felderman, Dick Landis 1 . Approval of Minutes from March 22, 2017: Motion by Castaneda to approve as submitted. Seconded by Thum. Motion carried 8-0. 2. Financial Report — Firnstahl reported a total of$5,143.56 following payments for the Handan scrolls translation ($220.48) and the May 3 ICMA Fellows dinner ($117.71) and unpaid expenses for Sister City International dues ($756) and estimated cost for tourism signage ($1 ,500) for a working total of$2,878.56. 3. Sister City Commission Restructuring Status — Firnstahl reported on discussions with the City Attorney about approaching the CVB Board to amend their bylaws to include a Sister City Committee. Commission discussion included questions about having a CVB board member on the Sister City Committee; if volunteers needed to be CVB members; would a separate contract be needed for dedicating city funding; and who approves the final arrangements. Firnstahl will follow up with the City Attorney, CVB and/or the City Manager. 4. Handan, China a. Handan Scrolls Translation- Firnstahl reported that the translation page has been framed and installed in the City Hall stairwell. The Commission will consider taking a photo and sending a thank you to our contacts in Handan, China. Firnstahl added that outgoing Assistant City Manager Cindy Steinhauser provided a framed print from her office gifted to the City from Pyatigorsk, Russia several years ago. Discussion was given to a suitable location to display it. b. Potential 2017 Delegation Status — The Commission discussed its expectation that information was to come from Dr. Wee of NICC and that perhaps Commissioner Landis could follow up for the next meeting. 5. Sister City Street Signage Status — Firnstahl reported that Associate Planner Wally Wernimont is working on 3 design renderings and will provide information on the construction and installation for the preferred sites (Riverwalk and Pyatigorsk Park). Firnstahl will follow up on vendor information for encumbering funds to carry over to complete the project should it not be completed this fiscal year. 6. Open World Delegation Visit Recap: Jochum, Lee, McDermott and Connors reported on the dinner with the Chamber of Commerce's Open World delegation from Tajikistan noting that they were outgoing, conversational and curious about how Dubuque attracts and retains young people. Jochum will follow up with organizer Scott Lovett with the thank-you. 7. ICMA Fellows Visit Recap: Jochum, Lee and Firnstahl reported on the visit with the ICMA Fellows from Indonesia and Vietnam noting that they were interested in information on climate change and organic farming. Lee noted that the Fellows are here through May and will take a river cruise on May 24 if anyone would like to join. 8. Iowa Sister States Update — Firnstahl provided copies of the ISS newsletter as submitted by Commissioner Felderman. Jochum reported that he has had correspondence with Kim Heideman of ISS about meeting with the Kosovo core group, but timing and distance are inconvenient at this time for the Sister States group. Consensus of the commission was to pull back at this time from attempting to initiate a meeting, and wait for Iowa Sister States to make the next overture. 9. Commissioner Reports: Lee reported on purchasing two books from the Telegraph Herald as a going-away gift for Assistant City Manager Cindy Steinhauser. They will be presented to her at a reception planned for May 31 at 5:30 p.m. in the Grand River Center River Room. All are welcome to attend. 10.Staff Reports: Firnstahl reported on the Bee Branch Creek Ribbon Cutting July 19 at 4:00 p.m. in the Bee Branch Amphitheater. All are welcome to attend. Firnstahl also noted that an application has been received for membership and will appear on the June 5 Council agenda. 11 . Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for July 12, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room A, City Hall Firnstahl will confirm with the membership. 12.Adjournment: Motion by Thum to adjourn at 4:46 p.m. Seconded by Ward. Motion carried 9-0. Submitted by Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk